Budgeting Loans
from the Social Fund
Notes sheet
Please turn over for more information
Please read these notes carefully. They explain the circumstances when a budgeting loan can be paid.
Budgeting Loans
You may be able to get a Budgeting Loan if:
you have been getting Income Support, income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance, income-related Employment
and Support Allowance, Pension Credit or payment on account of one of these benefits or entitlements for at
least 26 weeks on the date we process your application
you need help:
to buy furniture or household equipment
to buy clothing and footwear
to pay rent in advance and/or removal expenses to secure fresh accommodation
to pay for home improvements, maintenance or security
with travelling, maternity and funeral expenses
to pay for things to help you look for or start work
to repay hire purchase (HP) or other debts that have been taken out
We cannot help with any other types of items or services.
Budgeting Loans have to be paid back but they are interest free.
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We have many different ways we can communicate with you
If you would like Braille, British Sign Language, a hearing loop, translations, large print, audio or something else
please tell us by phoning 0800 169 0140.
You can have one of three rates of Budgeting Loan. The amount depends
on whether you are single, a couple without children or qualifying young
persons, or a one or two parent family with children or qualifying young
persons. For a single person the maximum rate is £348, for a couple without
children or qualifying young persons the maximum rate is £464, and for one
or two parent families with children the maximum rate is £812. We cannot
pay you more than these amounts.
The amount of Budgeting Loan you can have also depends on whether you
still have any other Budgeting Loans or Crisis Loans you have not paid back
to the Social Fund. We cannot make a payment for a loan if you already owe
£1,500 or more to the Social Fund for any previous Crisis Loans or Budgeting
Loans combined.
If you and your partner are aged under 63, savings of more than £1,000
may affect the amount of money you can get.
If you or your partner are aged 63 or over, savings of more than £2,000
may affect the amount of money you can get.
We cannot make a payment for a loan if you already owe £1,500 or more
to the Social Fund.
We cannot pay a Budgeting Loan for expenses of less than £100.
How we decide what we can pay you
The decision maker will look at the relevant circumstances and decide the
maximum size of Budgeting Loan you can have, if you have no existing Social
Fund debt. Whether or not you can have a loan of up to that amount will
depend on if you already have a budgeting loan debt.
How you pay back a loan
We will look at what you can afford before we decide on the
arrangements for repayments.
If we can pay you a Budgeting Loan, we may make you up to three
different offers. It will be up to you which of these offers you can afford to
pay back. We may not be able to lower the repayment rate if you later feel
These notes give general guidance only and should not be treated as
a complete and authoritative statement of the law.
We use partner to mean:
a person you live with who is your husband, wife or civil partner, or
a person you live with as if you are a married couple
We use child to mean a person aged under 16 who is living with you
and you are getting Child Benefit for.
We use qualifying young person to mean a person aged 16, 17, 18 or
19 who is living with you, who you are getting Child Benefit for.
Tear off this page to keep for your information
you cannot afford the rate you originally agree to.
If we can pay you a Budgeting Loan, we will ask you to agree to repay it
and also to agree the way you will repay it before we make the payment.
We will take the money back in weekly repayments from your benefit. If
you or your partner do not get any benefit, we will arrange for the loan
to be repaid in another way.
If you have problems later on making the repayments as originally
agreed, we may be able to help, for example reducing your payments
by extending the repayment period. Your local jobcentre can give you
Help and advice
If you want more information:
get in touch with Jobcentre Plus, phone 0800 169 0140. You can also get
more information from www.gov.uk
get in touch with an advice centre like Citizens Advice
Surname or family name
All other names, in full
Date of birth
/ /
/ /
Part 1: About you and your partner
You Your partner
Before you complete this form, please read the notes sheet which tells
you about all types of help you can get from the Social Fund.
Use this form to apply for a Budgeting Loan. Sign and date any alterations
you make.
If you are getting Income Support, income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance,
income-related Employment and Support Allowance or Pension Credit, the
person who both claims and gets paid that benefit or entitlement should fill
in this form.
Tell us about yourself and your partner, if you have one. We use partner to
a person you are married to or a person you live with as if you are married
to them, or
a civil partner or a person you live with as if you are civil partners
Fill in the form fully by answering all the questions and requests for
information. Your application may be delayed if we do not have all the
information we need.
Please fill in this form with BLACK INK and in CAPITALS.
Any other surnames or family names you have
been known by
National Insurance (NI) number
Letters Numbers Letter Letters Numbers
You can find the number on a National Insurance (NI) numbercard, letters about benefit, or payslips.
Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms
Daytime phone number
We may need to contact you by phone to ask for
further information, or when we have made a
decision on your application. Please note that the
number may display as an 0800, unknown or
witheld number.
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Part 1: About you and your partner continued
You Your partner
Email address, if you have one
Address where you live now
Please tell us your current address, and your
partner’s current address, if it is different.
Postcode Postcode
Are you or your partner involved in a trade dispute?
We use trade dispute to mean a strike, walk-out,
lock-out or any other dispute about work.
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Mobile phone number, if you have one
Part 2: About your children or qualifying young persons
We use child to mean a person aged under 16 who you are getting Child Benefit for.
We use qualifying young person to mean a person aged 16, 17, 18 or 19 who you are getting Child Benefit for.
How many children or qualifying young
persons are in your household?
Are you getting Child Tax Credit for your
children or qualifying young persons?
How much do you get a week?
Are you getting Child Benefit for your
children or qualifying young persons?
How much do you get a week?
Furniture and household equipment
Part 3: About what you need
Budgeting Loans can only be given for the types of
items or services listed in this part.
Please enter the total amount you need in the Total
amount applied for box.
Please refer to the notes sheets for the maximum
rates of Budgeting Loans depending on your
Total amount applied for
Travelling expenses within the UK
Clothing and footwear
Expenses associated with seeking or
re-entering work
Rent in advance or removal expenses
to secure fresh accommodation
Maternity expenses
Funeral expenses
Improvement, maintenance and
security of the home
Repaying Hire Purchase and other
debts – for any items or expenses
which are associated with the
categories above
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What items are you applying for?
Please tick the box (or boxes) that apply to you.
Part 4: About benefits and entitlements
Are you or your partner currently getting Income Support, income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance, income-related Employment and Support Allowance,
Pension Credit or payment on account of one of these benefits or entitlements?
Tell us which benefits or entitlements you
are getting.
Go to Part 8.
Has a partner or an ex-partner received:
Income Support
income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
income-related Employment and Support
Pension Credit, or
payment on account of one of these benefits or
for you, in the last 26 weeks?
Tell us about this person:
Their name
Their National Insurance (NI) number
Their address
Date of birth
Date of separation
/ /
/ /
Have you made this claim because you have
separated from someone?
Tell us about the person you have separated from:
Their name
Date of birth
/ /
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Income Support
Jobseeker’s Allowance (income-based)
Employment and Support Allowance
(income related)
Pension Credit
Part 5: About money you have to pay out
Who do you pay the money to?
How much are you paying and how often?
How much is owed?
Please tell us about any money that you or your partner have to pay out regularly, but do not include normal living expenses like gas and electric
charges or food bills.
Include things like catalogue money, hire purchase, loan payments and fines.
Please answer all the questions for each regular payment. If you do not give us all the information, we will not be able to decide this claim.
The following responses will only be used to calculate your repayments if the offer of a loan is made.
Payment 1
every week every fortnight every month
Who do you pay the money to?
How much are you paying and how often?
How much is owed?
Payment 2
every week every fortnight every month
Who do you pay the money to?
How much are you paying and how often?
How much is owed?
Payment 3
every week every fortnight every month
Who do you pay the money to?
How much are you paying and how often?
How much is owed?
Payment 4
every week every fortnight every month
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Part 6: About your savings
Do you or your partner have any savings?
If you and your partner are both aged under 63,
we may be able to disregard the first £1,000 of
your savings. If either you or your partner are
over 63, we may be able to disregard the first
£2,000 of your savings.
Savings means any capital you and your partner
have, including:
any money you have at home, in the bank, in
the building society or in a credit union account
premium bonds
investments, such as shares or unit trusts.
the value of any property you or your partner
own that you do not live in. For example,
a house you let out, a holiday home, or
somewhere another member of your
family lives
How much savings do you have?
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If you do not complete this part of the form your application may be delayed
Part 7: How we pay you
If you want to use the account you usually get your benefits paid into,
please go straight to part 8
We normally pay your money directly into the same account as we pay your benefit into.
Many banks and building societies will let you collect your money at the Post Office.
We will tell you when your Social Fund payment will be made and how much it will be for.
Finding out how much we have paid into the account
You can check your payments on account statements. The statements may show your National Insurance (NI) number next
to any payments we have made. If you think a payment is wrong, get in touch with the office that pays you straight away.
If we pay you too much money
If we pay you too much money we have the right to take back any money we pay that you are not entitled to. This may be
because of the way the system works for payments into an account.
For example, you may give us some information which means you are entitled to less money. Sometimes we may not be
able to change the amount we have already paid you. This means we will have paid you money that you are not entitled to.
We will contact you before we take back any money.
What to do now
Go to Part 8, unless you want us to pay your Social Fund payment into a different account to the one we pay your
benefit into.
If you want us to pay your Social Fund payment into a different account, tell us about this on the next page. By giving us
these account details you:
– agree that we will pay you into this account, and
understand what we have told you above in the section If we pay you too much money
If you are going to open an account, please tell us your account details as soon as you get them.
If you do not have an account, and do not intend to open one, please tick this box and we will contact you.
Fill in the rest of this form. You do not have to wait until you have opened an account or contacted us.
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Part 7: How we pay you continued
If you want to use a different account, please tell us about the account you want to use for this payment
You can use an account in your name, or a joint account.
You can use someone else’s account if:
the terms and conditions of their account allow this
they agree to let you use their account, and
you are sure they will use your money in the way you tell them.
You can use a credit union account. You must tell us the credit union’s
account details. Your credit union will be able to help you with this.
If you are an appointee or a legal representative acting on behalf of the
claimant, the account should be in your name only.
Please tell us your account details below.
It is very important you fill in all the boxes correctly, including the
building society roll or reference number, if you have one. If you tell us
the wrong account details your payment may be delayed or you may
lose money.
You can find the account details on your chequebook or bank statements.
If you do not know the account details, ask the bank or building society.
Name of the account holder
Please write the name of the account holder exactly
as it is shown on the chequebook or statement.
Full name of bank or building society
Sort code
Please tell us all 6 numbers, for example: 12-34-56.
Account number
Most account numbers are 8 numbers long. If
your account number has fewer than 10 numbers,
please fill in the numbers from the left.
Building society roll or reference number
If you are using a building society account you may
need to tell us a roll or reference number. This may be
made up of letters and numbers, and may be up to 18
characters long. If you are not sure if the account has
a roll or reference number, ask the building society.
You may get other benefits and entitlements we do
not pay into an account. If you want us to pay them
into the above account, please tick this box.
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Part 8: For people filling and signing this form for someone else
Have you filled this form in for someone else?
Go to Part 9.
Please tell us about yourself.
Please tell us why you are filling in and signing
this form for someone else.
I am sending a letter signed by the claimant
with this form. The letter tells you that they
agree to me making the claim for them.
Now sign this form in Part 9.
I am their appointee.
I have power of attorney.
Your full name
Your address
Your date of birth
Your phone number
What is this number?
Please tick
/ /
Code Number
Home Work Mobile Fax
Now sign this form in Part 9.
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Part 9: Declaration
I have read back to the claimant the entries I made on this form based on the information given by
them. The claimant has agreed they are correct.
Benefit recipient signature or appointee signature
/ /
Look through this form and check you have answered all the questions and given all the information requested. Your application may
be delayed if we do not have all the information we need.
If you have made any alterations, please make sure you initial and date them.
Check you have signed the form at Part 9.
Interviewing officer’s signature
/ /
/ /
Claimant’s signature
Part 10: What to do now
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By submitting this application you agree that the information you have given is complete and correct.
If you give wrong or incomplete information, you may:
be prosecuted
need to pay a financial penalty
have your benefit reduced or stopped
be paid too much benefit and have to pay the money back
If we pay you less than we should, we may pay you the money that we owe you.
I understand that I can only apply for the items and/or expenses listed at Part 3, page 3 of this
application form.
This is my application for a Budgeting loan.
The person who made the claim for Income Support, income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance,
income-related Employment and Support Allowance or Pension Credit and who gets paid that
benefit or entitlement should sign and date this form.
Part 11: Where to send this form
When you have filled in the application form, send it to us in the envelope we have sent you or take it to your nearest jobcentre.
Part 12: What happens next
We will look carefully at your application. The decision maker will look at the relevant circumstances before deciding if we can award a
Budgeting Loan. There is only a limited amount of money available from the Social Fund.
If we decide we can pay you a loan, and you agree the terms for repaying the loan, we will make a payment to the same account your
benefit is paid into, unless you have given us details of a different account in Part 7.
If we cannot pay you a loan, we will tell you.
Part 13: How DWP collects and uses information
Part 14: Our service standards
When we collect information about you we may use it for any of our purposes. These include:
social security benefits and allowances
child maintenance
employment and training
investigating and prosecuting tax credits offences
private pensions policy and
retirement planning
We may get information about you from others for any of our purposes as the law allows to check the information you provide and
improve our services. We may give information about you to other organisations as the law allows, for example to protect against crime.
To find out more about our purposes, how we use personal information for those purposes and your information rights, including how to
request a copy of your information, please search for DWP Personal Information Charter on www.gov.uk
The Department for Work and Pensions aims to provide a high standard of customer service at all times. Details of the standard of service
you can expect from us can be found at www.gov.uk
You can access our website from many libraries.
For more information please contact your local jobcentre.
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