July 2023
Central Bank of Sri Lanka
Central Bank of Sri Lanka
July 2023
First Edition: July 2023
Published by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka, No 30, Janadhipathi Mawatha, Colombo 1, Sri Lanka.
For inquiries, comments and feedback please contact:
Domestic Operations Department
Central Bank of Sri Lanka
Telephone: 011 2477189
Monetary Policy Implementation in Sri Lanka
Table of Contents
List of Acronyms .................................................................................................................................. 3
Preamble ............................................................................................................................................. 4
Part I: Monetary Policy Formulation .............................................................................................. 7
Central Bank Objectives and Monetary Policy ................................................................. 7
Monetary Policy Framework in Sri Lanka ........................................................................... 8
Monetary Policy Decision Making Process ........................................................................ 9
Part II: Monetary Policy Implementation .........................................................................................11
Understanding Monetary Policy Implementation .............................................................11
Liquidity Management in Monetary Policy Implementation ............................................11
Central Bank Liquidity in Liquidity Management ..................................................12
Key Monetary Policy Instruments ........................................................................................16
Policy Interest Rates and Open Market Operations(OMOs)................................16
Standing Facility ......................................................................................................20
Statutory Reserve Requirement (SRR).....................................................................20
Other Policy Instruments ..................................................................................................... 21
Part III: Transmission Mechanism of Monetary Policy .................................................................... 23
List of Acronyms
AWCMR Average Weighted Call Money Rate
CCPI Colombo Consumer Price Index
DOD Domestic Operations Department
EPF Employees’ Provident Fund
FIT FlexibleInationTargeting
IOD International Operations Department
LCBs Licensed Commercial Banks
LOLR Lender of Last Resort
MLA Monetary Law Act, No. 58 of 1949
MOC Market Operations Committee
MPC Monetary Policy Committee
OMOs Open Market Operations
PIs Participating Institutions
SDF Standing Deposit Facility
SDFR Standing Deposit Facility Rate
SLF Standing Lending Facility
SLFR Standing Lending Facility Rate
SPDs Standalone Primary Dealers
SRC Standing Rate Corridor
SRR Statutory Reserve Requirement
Monetary Policy Implementation in Sri Lanka
The Government and the monetary authority of a country play a vital role in enhancing
economic welfare and the living standards of the people. In doing so, both the Government
and the monetary authority rely on certain macroeconomic policies. The objectives of such
macroeconomic policies are to ensure that the economy achieves non-inationary, stable
and sustainable growth, thereby enhancing the welfare of the society. This is achieved by
implementing macroeconomic policies to minimise uctuations in the macroeconomic
variables, such as the Gross Domestic Product (output), employment, and the general price
levels. Policies employed to achieve these objectives are generally two-fold: scal policy
and monetary policy. Accordingly, both scal and monetary policy are instrumental in
macroeconomic management and in particular, achieving macroeconomic objectives for
Fiscal policy of the Government is mainly related to taxation and government spending and
economic stabilisation and growth. However, in general, it takes time to legislate taxes and
spending changes. Moreover, economic agents may take time to respond and adjust their
quick and effective mean of stabilising the economy, especially price levels.
Monetary policy involves the actions taken by the central bank to inuence the cost and
availability of money in the economy. Monetary policy actions employed by the central bank
aimtoachievepricestability(lowandstableination)andreduce economic uctuations,
commonly known as minimising the intensity business cycles. The central bank uses instruments
adjustment to interest rates and money supply play an important role in an economy as it
affects the behaviour of the borrowers and lenders. These actions affect the general price
levels as well as employment, output of the economy and ultimately the welfare of the people.
Such effects of monetary policy ensure low and stable price levels and thus low ination.
outcomes for the macroeconomy.
providing and regulating payment systems, acting as a lender of last resort, and conducting
as an independent institution, which is responsible for administering various statutes on money,
In implementing monetary policy to achieve the objective of price stability, a central bank
uses a range of policy instruments. In the modern context, the most important monetary policy
instrument is the use of policy interest rates and the open market operations, among several
other instruments. Any changes made to policy interest rates and other policy instruments are
meant to affect interest rates of money and capital markets and, in turn, affect interest rates
that nancial institutions deal with their customers. Accordingly, through such retail interest
overall demand in the economy.
Monetary Policy Implementation in Sri Lanka
In Sri Lanka, the Central Bank of Sri Lanka (referred to as ‘the Central Bank’ hereafter) is
mandated to undertake a vital role as the nation’s monetary authority. Accordingly, the
Central Bank is responsible for formulating and implementing monetary policy in Sri Lanka,
thereby operationalising several monetary policy instruments. As a part of achieving price
stability objective of the economy and thereby implementing monetary policy, the Central
Bank attempts to continuously communicate with market participants and the general public
in order to enhance transparency of monetary policy actions of the Central Bank. Accordingly,
the Central Bank disseminates information on its current and future policy direction, economic
developments and the outlook, and the likely path for future monetary policy decisions. Such
information is crucial for conducting monetary policy effectively and managing expectations
of the general public.
This pamphlet aims at enhancing the awareness and understanding of the general public
about the role of the Central Bank in implementing monetary policy in Sri Lanka. Having a
clear understanding of the tools and policies used in monetary policy implementation would
in line with the monetary policy decisions of the Central Bank and their intended outcomes.
This pamphlet consists of three parts. Part I provides a background discussion on monetary
policy, including monetary policy objectives, frameworks, and decision making processes. Part
II of the pamphlet discusses the implementation of monetary policy, including market liquidity
management and monetary policy instruments in the context of Sri Lanka. Part III discusses the
monetary transmission mechanism.
Monetary Policy Implementation in Sri Lanka
Figure 1: Central Bank Mandate and Monetary Policy Implementation
Price Stability
Low and Stable
Monetary Policy
of Actions to
and Availabiltiy of
The Central Bank conducts monetary policy to achieve the
objective of maintaining economic and price stability (low and
The Central Bank follows a Flexible Ination Targeting (FIT)
framework to maintain headline ination (based on the
Colombo Consumer Price Index-CCPI) between 4-6 per cent
over the medium term.
Monetary policy actions of the Central Bank stimulate or
target by adjusting short term interest rates. The Average
Weighted Call Money Rate (AWCMR) serves as the operating
target of the FIT framework.
The Central Bank reviews and takes decisions on the monetary
policy stance and communicates the monetary policy decisions
to the general public.
AWCMR inuences other short term and long term
interest rates in the economy, including the lending and deposit
of the stakeholders.
A reduction in interest rates stimulates consumer spending
and business investment and supports economic growth.
An increase in interest rates dampens consumer spending
and business investment, thereby resulting in a slowdown in
Figure 2: Monetary Policy Formulation and Implementation in Sri Lanka - A Snapshot
Monetary Policy Implementation in Sri Lanka
The Central Bank attempts to maintain AWCMR within SRC by
managing liquidity in the domestic money market using Open
Market Operations (OMOs).
The Central Bank deploys policy interest rates, namely the
Standing Deposit Facility Rate (SDFR) and the Standing
Lending Facility Rate (SLFR), that form the Standing Rate
Corridor (SRC) to signal the monetary policy stance along
with the other policy instruments.
Standing Deposit Facility Rate (SDFR)
Standing Lending Facility Rate (SLFR)
Standing Rate Corridor and AWCMR
Jun -12 Apr-13 Feb-14 Dec-14 Oct-15 Aug-16 Jun-17 Apr-18
Part I: Monetary Policy Formulation
The Central Bank attempts to achieve two core objectives, namely, maintaining economic and
agents can make rm decisions with certainty on their consumption and investment, thus
price stability is an essential condition
for creating a stable economic and
to economic activity,employment, and
the welfare of the general public.
Financial system stability refers to
the ability of the nancial system
to withstand both internal and
external shocks such as economic
recessions and economic imbalances,
commodity and assets price bubbles,
etc. A stable nancial system supports
mobilising savings and allocating them
to productive investment, managing
risks, and facilitating payments and
settlements even under challenging
economic circumstances. Hence,
participants, which facilitates investment, economic growth and welfare of the people. These
two objectives are interrelated as actions taken to ensure price stability are transmitted to the
The Central Bank conducts monetary policy to achieve price stability in the economy. Monetary
credit in the economy to achieve price stability. By controlling the cost of money (interest rate)
and amount of money (currency and deposits), or the amount of credit (lent by banks and
The Central Bank is responsible for conducting national monetary policy in Sri Lanka as per the
powers vested under governing laws relating to establishment and enforcement of Central
Bank’s operations. Accordingly, the Central Bank adopts monetary policy decisions with the view
of achieving economic and price stability. With the aim of achieving this objective, the Central
within the range of 4-6 per cent over the medium term. Although there could be deviations from
the target temporarily due to various shocks, the Central Bank aims at maintaining price stability
over the medium term through appropriate monetary policy actions.
What is the
role of
a central bank?
To maintain
stability in the general
price level and the overall
economy, including the
stability of the
nancial system
Central Bank Objectives and Monetary Policy
Monetary Policy Implementation in Sri Lanka
Monetary Policy Framework in Sri Lanka
The monetary policy framework of Sri Lanka has evolved signicantly over time. Since the
establishment of the Central Bank in 1950 and until the introduction of economic liberalisation
policies in 1977, Sri Lanka’s monetary policy framework was primarily based on exchange rate
After implementing open economy policies from 1977, the Central Bank gradually adopted
market based monetary policy tools. The introduction of market based monetary policy tools
also aimed at strengthening savings mobilisation and improving the efciency of resource
allocation, which had been suppressed by direct interest rates, exchange rates or credit
controls. A nominal anchor for monetary policy refers to a variable that the central bank uses
to manage actions and pin down expectations of economic agents about the nominal price
level and its path or about what the monetary authority would do with respect to achieving
that desired path. Generally, two types of nominal anchors, namely, quantity based nominal
anchors and price based nominal anchors are used by the Central Bank. The quantity based
nominal anchor targets money, while the price based nominal anchor targets interest rates or
exchange rates.
During the early 1980s, the Central Bank adopted Monetary Targeting (MT) as its monetary
policy framework and under MT, monetary aggregates were used as the key nominal anchor
in the conduct of monetary policy in Sri Lanka. In particular, reserve money (comprised of
currency in circulation bank deposits with the Central Bank) was used as the operational
target, which is under direct control of the Central Bank, and broad money was used as an
Prior to
• Maintaining
rate regime
• No explicit
Targeting (MT)
• Relying
on monetary
• Operating
• Gradually
of monetary
• Operating
Targeting (FIT)
• Increased
on price and
real output
• Operating
Figure 3: Evolution of the Monetary Policy Framework in Sri Lanka
Monetary Policy Implementation in Sri Lanka
Monetary Policy Decision Making Process
At present, the responsibility of decision making on monetary policy is vested with the Monetary
Board of the Central Bank. The Monetary Board usually reviews the monetary policy stance
eight times a year. The dates of these eight meetings are published at the beginning of the
year. At each meeting of the Monetary Board, the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) of the
Central Bank, chaired by the Governor, provides a comprehensive analysis on the outlook
of the economy, along with developments in the domestic and global macroeconomy and
to the Monetary Board based on its technical analyses and the forecasts.
The Monetary Board adopts appropriate monetary policy decisions that best suit the current
and expected economic conditions. For instance, if medium term projections suggest that
the economy is overheating due to fast increasing aggregate demand, the Monetary Board
may increase the policy interest rates and adopt a contractionary monetary policy stance
(monetary tightening) in order to stem aggregate demand pressures and minimise risks
associated with high ination. Generally, the Central Bank adopts a tight monetary policy
absorbing liquidity through sales of government securities under OMOs and/or increasing
the Statutory Reserve Requirement (SRR). On the other hand, when medium term projections
the Monetary Board would follow an expansionary monetary policy (monetary easing) to
stimulate the economy. An expansionary policy is intended to boost consumer spending and
promote investment by lowering policy interest rates and injecting liquidity into the economy
through purchases of government securities under OMOs, and/or lowering the SRR. Such
monetary policy decisions are then communicated to the general public by the Central Bank.
Underthisframework,any changes in moneysupplywerethekey factors inuencingprice
stability. Hence, monetary operations were broadly aligned to control the money supply of
the country. However, due to high volatility and the weakening relationship between money
complicated the Central Bank’s communication strategy, compelling the Bank to upgrade its
monetary policy framework.
the monetary policy framework. Since 2015, the Central Bank has conducted monetary policy
The FIT framework has been instrumental in further improving expectation management,
transparency, and credibility of monetary policy. In the FIT framework, the Central Bank adjusts
economic growth.
The operating target is a variable that a central bank can effectively control in support of the
achievement of monetary policy objectives. Accordingly, at present, AWCMR, which is the
prime indicator of interbank call money market, is used by the Central Bank as its operating
Monetary Policy Implementation in Sri Lanka
Economic Research
Department and Other
analyses on current
economic status
and outlook
Domestic Operations
Department: Conducts
Domestic Money Market
Managing liquidity in
the domestic money
market to steer short
term interest rates
Committee (MOC)
Decides the
actions on
domestic money
market and
domestic foreign
exchange market
operations on a
daily basis
International Operations
Department: Conducts
Foreign Exchange
Market Operations
Managing liquidity
in the domestic
foreign exchange
market to avoid large
uctuations in the
exchange rate, while
maintaining foreign
reserves at an
adequate level
* Under the proposed Central Bank Act, monetary policy decision making power is vested with the Monetary Policy Board.
Decision on
Monetary Policy
Monetary Policy
Committee (MPC)
Reviews and evaluates
factors on monetary
and macro-economic
developments to make
recommendations to
the Monetary Board
Monetary Policy
Monetary Policy
Press releases and press
• Seminars and webinars
• Interviews and
• Social media publicity
Figure 4 : Monetary Policy Decision Making Process
(Stakeholders and Functions)
Monetary Policy Implementation in Sri Lanka
Monetary Board*
Deliberates on
the appropriate
monetary policy
Understanding Monetary Policy Implementation
Monetary policy Implementation is the use of various monetary policy tools to operationalise
the monetary policy decisions taken by the Central Bank. The monetary policy decision is
operationalised by adjusting the quantity (money supply, i.e., the total volume of money
of money (interest rate) through monetary policy instruments, particularly, relevant to the
domestic money market. The Central Bank’s operations in the domestic foreign exchange
market also affect domestic money market conditions.
In the context of Sri Lanka, monetary policy implementation is carried out by respective
departments of the Central Bank in line with the decisions of the Monetary Board. Accordingly,
the Domestic Operations Department (DOD) carries out monetary operations in the domestic
money market, while the domestic foreign exchange market related transactions are carried
out by the International Operations Department (IOD).
The Central Bank uses an array of monetary policy instruments to make an impact on the
domestic market conditions. The policy interest rates, OMOs, and the SRR on deposit liabilities
of the Licensed Commercial Banks (LCBs) remain the key monetary policy instruments used in
monetary policy implementation in Sri Lanka. The objective of monetary policy implementation
using these instruments is to maintain the short term interest rates at a level in line with the
monetary policy stance of the Central Bank so as to achieve the objective of price stability.
The implementation of monetary policy is facilitated by the Participating Institutions (PIs) of the
domestic money market. Participation of such PIs helps to transmit the impact of monetary
policy actions to the money market and then to the overall interest rate structure of the
Part II: Monetary Policy Implementation
Liquidity Management in Monetary Policy Implementation
Liquidity management remains the central element of monetary policy implementation by
procedures that the central bank follows in managing the amount of bank reserves (liquidity)
in order to control their price, i.e., short term interest rates consistent with its ultimate goal
of price stability. Hence, liquidity remains an important variable in facilitating the process of
monetary policy implementation, as market interest rates and credit creation are closely
related to liquidity.
Accordingly, the framework for estimating and forecasting liquidity by a central bank invariably
forms the initial step of monetary policy implementation. It determines the type of monetary
operations that needs to be conducted by the central bank with the market participants on
a daily basis. Proper understanding and close surveillance of liquidity are critically important
as the selection of the tools and strategies of monetary implementation depends largely on
liquidity conditions. In fact, an accurate estimation of liquidity helps effective implementation
of monetary policy decisions taken by the Central Bank, in terms of steering the AWCMR, at a
desirable level and in the desired direction as per the monetary policy stance of the Central
Monetary Policy Implementation in Sri Lanka
In general, banks hold cash in a
central bank account to meet their
day today settlement obligations. In
addition, the central bank requires
all banks requiring them to keep a
certain portion of banks’ deposit
liability with the central bank account
to prevent banks from lending all
deposits to their customers, which
is generally known as the reserve
requirement. Banks keep this reserve
in the same account which is used
to make their daily payments. In
Sri Lanka, all LCBs maintain reserve
balances with the Central Bank
to full the SRR and to meet their
day-to-day settlement obligations
(clearing purposes) as a key
depository institution for money
creation. The reserve balances
maintained by banks at the central bank to full the reserve requirement, remain the key
component of central bank liquidity management.
The concept of ‘central bank liquidity’ is different from the concept of market liquidity, which
is generally seen as a measure of the ability of market participants to undertake securities
transactions without triggering large changes in their prices. In addition, the term ‘liquidity’ is used
with several meanings and connotations, depending on the context within which it is being used.
balances in the current account, settlement account or clearing balances) held with the central
bank on a particular day is considered the liquidity with the central bank for monetary policy
in their reserve accounts with the central bank. For instance, if all LCBs in Sri Lanka hold Rs. 150
billion in aggregate in their respective reserve accounts at the Central Bank on a given day
for the purpose of covering their SRR obligation and to meet their clearing requirements, the
overnight liquidity position of that particular day amounts to Rs. 150 billion.
Individual LCBs (Participating Institutions) can borrow and lend these funds in the interbank market.
However, for the system as a whole, the only source of these funds is the central bank itself.
Accordingly, the liquidity position can only be changed due to the transactions of the central
factors that determine central bank liquidity are broadly categorised into two main subgroups,
i.e., autonomous factors and monetary operations related factors.
the direct control of the central bank. The most important autonomous factors are the net foreign
Monetary Policy Implementation in Sri Lanka
Central Bank Liquidity in Liquidity Management
Why managing
liquidity is
important for the
Central Bank?
liquidity helps to
steer short term
interest rates
in line with the monetary
policy stance
Monetary Policy Implementation in Sri Lanka
Liquidity Reducing Factors
Liquidity Enhancing Factors
Figure 5: Factors Contributing to Changes in Central Bank Liquidity
Sale of foreign exchange in the
domestic market by the central
Sale of foreign exchange by the
central bank to the Government
for repayment of foreign currency
denominated loans of the
Currency withdrawals by banks
from the central bank
Maturing/retiring of government
securities held by the central
Repayment loans and advances
obtained by PIs from the central
Sale of government securities
to the secondary market by the
central bank (repo auctions)
Sale of government securities
held by the central bank on an
outright basis
Issue own securities by the
central bank
Provide standing deposit facility
to PIs by the central bank
Purchase of foreign exchange
from the domestic foreign
exchange market by the
central bank
Purchase of foreign currency
denominated loan receipts of
the Government by the central
Deposit of currency at the
central bank by banks
Purchase of government
securities by the central bank
from the primary market
Release of central bank prots
to the Government
Grant advances to the
Government by the central
Provision of loans and
advances to PIs by the central
Purchase of government
securities from the secondary
market by the central bank
(reverse repo auctions)
Purchase of government
securities by the central bank
on an outright basis
Retire of own securities issued
by the central bank
Provide standing lending
to PIs
by the central
Autonomous Factors
Monetary Operations
Monetary Policy Implementation in Sri Lanka
assets of the central bank, currency in circulation, and the balances of government current
accounts with the central bank. The change in these items provides or withdraws (increases or
institutions held with the central bank. For example, foreign currency transactions such as
purchases of foreign currency in the market by the central bank and foreign currency loan
receipts of the Government sold to the central bank lead to changes in net foreign assets of
the central bank and increase the reserve balances of nancial institutions, and increase in
liquidity. Further in the context of Sri Lanka, the provisional advances to the Government by the
Central Bank cause increase in net credit to the Government by way of depositing money to the
reserve account of a LCB maintained at the Central Bank on behalf of the Government, thereby
causing an increase in liquidity. Thus, any transaction that changes the balance sheet of the
would cause changes to the central bank liquidity position.
A central bank decides the volume and nature of monetary operations required to be
conducted in line with the prevailing monetary policy stance and based on the daily liquidity
forecast prepared on account of the changes in autonomous factors. Accordingly, the second
subgroup of the factors that determines the reserve levels (central bank liquidity) comprises of
the monetary operations, mainly the OMOs of a central bank.
The impact on liquidity due to the conduct of OMOs can be explained using the following
example. Assume that the Central Bank purchases government securities in the secondary
market from LCBs operating in Sri Lanka. Then, the Central Bank needs to pay them by crediting
their reserve accounts at the Central Bank, in effect, causing a rise in the balances of the
respective reserve accounts of LCBs, thereby increasing liquidity level. In the same way, when
the Central Bank sells securities to LCBs, the resultant impact on reserve accounts and liquidity
would be the opposite. Accordingly, a host of factors in combination provides an estimate of
the overall reserve balance of LCBs held with the Central Bank (see Figure 5).
The balance in the reserve account of LCBs can be, on a daily basis, lower or higher than the
reserve requirements imposed by the Central Bank although they need to cover the reserve
position on an average basis over a specied period. For example, assume that LCBs on
aggregate basis should maintain a balance of Rs. 150 billion based on the current level of SRR.
level of reserves on average over a 15 day period, which is termed as the reserve maintenance
period. Accordingly, at the end of the reserve maintenance period, LCBs have to full their
reserve requirements for the reserve period, which is determined based on the deposit level of
individual LCB. This means that the average of the current account balances of the LCB over a
maintenance period must be at least equal to the minimum reserve requirement.
However, in reality, LCBs normally hold some excess reserves as the intraday transactions of banks
are uncertain or there could be some shortage of reserves due to unforeseen or unplanned
transactions. Accordingly, decit or excess liquidity is dened as the difference between the
balance in the reserve accounts held by LCBs and the level of their required reserves on a given
day. The banking system is considered in excess (excess liquidity) on a given day if the deposit
balances of LCBs with the Central Bank are higher than the balance that they would need
to maintain in their reserve account under the SRR requirement. For example, if the required
reserve level on a given day is Rs. 150 billion and the actual balance in the LCBs’ account with
the Central Bank is Rs.165 billion, then the amount over the required liquidity of Rs.15 billion is
on a given day, if the deposit balances of LCBs with the Central Bank are lower than the balance
Monetary Policy Implementation in Sri Lanka
that they would need to maintain on account of the SRR requirment.
LCBs individually manage their excess liquidity/reserves by either lending in the interbank
money market or parking the excess at the Central Bank for different tenures under OMO
auctions or on overnight basis under the Standing Deposit Facility (SDF) as the excess reserves
are unremunerated if it was held idle in the SRR account. On the other hand, when a bank is
in a short position, such short is generally funded through interbank borrowings. Accordingly,
is an overnight or short term market for LCBs to meet their overnight liquidity requirements
by allowing them to borrow and lend money among each other without collateral. These
in the market. However, if any bank could not fully cover its liquidity requirement through the
interbank bank, they will have to borrow from the Central Bank under OMO auctions or through
the overnight Standing Lending Facility (SLF).
framework for monetary operations. This is due to the impact of liquidity movements on the
interest rates of the markets and the economy. For example, when there is excess liquidity with
LCBs, there could be a tendency to induce a downward bias on AWCMR below the desired
level. Hence, in the event of excess liquidity, the Central Bank would conduct monetary
operations to absorb the excess to prevent an undue decline in the short term interest rates.
Similarly, when there is a liquidity shortage, there is a tendency to push AWCMR above the
through its monetary operations to meet market requirements, thereby minimising any undue
pressure on interest rates. Hence, absorptions or injections of liquidity are instrumental for the
Central Bank to steer the interest rates, in particular AWCMR which is the operating target
of monetary policy, in the context of Sri Lanka, thereby affecting the cost and availability of
money and credit in the broader economy.
Liquidity provision is linked with the core tasks within the central bank mandate. It constitutes
an essential pillar for the smooth functioning of the payments system and hence, safeguarding
nancial stability and for transmission of monetary policy. Adequate liquidity supports the
cannot cover the entire needs of the system. However, the central bank can provide liquidity
to cater to the needs of the entire system and play an important role in regulating liquidity
proper management of liquidity through close monitoring and timely actions by the central
bank will ensure healthy levels of liquidity in the market, which is vital in stabilising interest rates
and ensuring the smooth functioning of the payment and settlements systems. Therefore,
liquidity management plays an important role in attaining stability in the interest rates, the
Monetary Policy Implementation in Sri Lanka
Key Monetary Policy Instruments
Figure 6: Policy Instruments of the Central Bank
Policy Interest Rates and Open Market Operations (OMOs)
At present, the Central Bank predominantly implements country’s monetary policy under a
market based system of active OMOs. The primary objective of OMOs is to manage liquidity
and short term interest rates, which ultimately affect other longer term interest rates and assets
prices. The resultant impact on other interest rates, such as the deposit and lending rates, will
in turn inuence saving and spending decisions of the households and businesses, and
ultimately economic activity and the general price level in the economy.
The key element of the OMO framework is the interest rate corridor formed by the policy
interest rates which is referred to as the Standing Rate Corridor (SRC). Policy interest rates are
the benchmark interest rates in the economy, on which all other interest rates are determined.
Banksandother nancialinstitutionsinthe economyarefree tosettheirown interestrates
for lending and deposits, based on guidance provided by the policy interest rates on the
level and the direction of interest rates. Accordingly, policy interest rates play a key role in
thenancial system,thebankingsystem,andtheoveralleconomy,and hence remain the
maininstrumenttoachievethetargetedinationpath.Policy interest rates are also used as a
mechanism to signal the monetary policy stance of the Central Bank and to ensure stability in
interest rates of the economy.
Policy Interest Rates and Open
Market Operations
Statutory Reserve Requirement
Quantitative Restrictions on
Ceiling on Interest Rates
Effective Communication and
Forward Guidance
Moral Suasion
Key Monetary Policy Instruments
Other Policy Instruments
Macroprudential Measures
Foreign Exchange Operations
Renance Facilities
Bank Rate
The Central Bank uses an array of monetary policy instruments to manage liquidity in order to
maintain short term interest rates at the desired level. To that effect, policy interest rates, OMOs
and SRR remain the key monetary policy instruments of the Central Bank.
Policy interest rates which form the SRC of the Central Bank, serve as the upper and lower
bounds for the overnight interest rates in the money market. The Standing Deposit Facility Rate
(SDFR), which is the lower bound of the corridor, and the Standing Lending Facility Rate (SLFR),
which is the upper bound of the corridor, are instrumental in stabilising short term interest rates
in the economy. It is of utmost importance that interest rates, in particular, short term interest
rates, which can be directly impacted by the Central Bank, remain stable to ensure overall
stability in interest rates. Once the Central Bank announces changes to the policy interest
rates, that will have an immediate effect on the interbank call money market. Changes in
interbank call money rate get transmitted to other short term money market rates (such as
Treasury bill rates) within a short period of time. Subsequently, such changes get transmitted to
all medium and long term interest rates in the economy including lending and deposit rates of
The Central Bank conducts OMOs for this
purpose. OMOs refer to buying and selling
of securities to inject or absorb liquidity in
the market by the Central Bank to maintain
AWCMR within the SRC. Hence, OMOs are
the main market based monetary policy
operations conducted by the Central Bank
by using government securities to manage
liquidity in the domestic money market to
inuence longer term interest rates and the
overall economic activity.
The Central Bank conducts OMOs based on
the decisions of the Market Operations Committee
(MOC), which is responsible for translating
monetary policy decisions into daily monetary
operations. MOC decides on the operational
activities in line with the prevailing monetary
policy stance, by taking into consideration
various factors, such as the estimated liquidity
forecast, desired level of the operating target,
liquidity distribution amongst PIs, and the need
for devising appropriate market signals.
For example, if the Central Bank observes an
excess amount of money (liquidity surplus) in
the banking system, it would consider absorbing
such excess as it might lead to a downward
bias in interest rates. In such instances, the
Central Bank attempts to reduce surplus
liquidity by selling government securities under
repurchase agreements, usually called as
repo transactions, thereby absorbing liquidity.
When there is a liquidity shortage (liquidity
Central Bank
conducts Open Market
Operations to inuence
liquidity and maintain
short-term interest
rates at a level in line
with the monetary poli
cy stance
the Central Bank
conducts Open
Monetary Policy Implementation in Sri Lanka
First Leg:
The Central Bank sells government securities and
PIs buy government securities under repo auctions for a
predetermined tenure (excess liquidity is absorbed by the
Central Bank)
Second Leg:
At the maturity of the agreement, PIs return
securities to the Central Bank and receive investment plus interest
Note: The process of a reverse repo transactions is as follows: First Leg – The Central Bank purchases government
securities from PIs for the agreed tenure (liquidity is injected by the Central Bank). Second
Leg – At the maturity, PIs return the borrowed funds with an interest to the Central Bank and receive their
securities back.
Figure 7: Repurchase (Repo) Transactions of the Central Bank
The Central Bank conducts different types of auctions under OMOs to change liquidity in the
transactions are carried outtoadd/drainliquidityonatemporarybasisthroughovernight,short
affect market liquidity (see Figure 8).
Monetary Policy Implementation in Sri Lanka
decit),theCentralBankmaybuygovernmentsecuritiesandrelease money to LCBs using the
reverse repo transactions (liquidity injection). At the maturity of repo or reverse repo transactions,
Figure 8: Synopsis of OMOs and Standing Facility
Liquidity Estimation of the Central Bank
Excess liquidity
Decision on monetary operations Decision on monetary operations
Auctions for liquidity injection
on temporary basis by the
Central Bank
- Overnight Reverse Repo
- Short Term Reverse Repo
- Long Term Reverse Repo
Auctions for liquidity absorption on
temporary basis by the
Central Bank
- Overnight Repo
- Short Term Repo
- Long Term Repo
SDF to deposit residual
excess funds at the Central
Bank at the end of the day
SLF to borrow residual funding
requirement from the Central
Bank at the end of the day
Funds Funds
Securities Securities
Decit liquidity
Auctions for liquidity absorption
on permanent basis by the
Central Bank
- Outright sales
of Treasury bills/ bonds
Auctions for liquidity injection
on permanent basis by the
Central Bank
- Outright purchases
of Treasury bills/ bonds
Steering the short term interest
rates (AWCMR)
Monetary Policy Implementation in Sri Lanka
Standing Facility
Standing facility is a window under OMOs that allows PIs to borrow funds overnight on collateralised basis
or deposit funds on an overnight basis without a collateral. Accordingly, these facilities help LCBs and other
standing facilities on each business day: the Standing Lending Facility (SLF) and the Standing Deposit Facility
from the money market or from the auctions conducted by the Central Bank. SDF allows PIs to deposit excess
funds with the Central Bank on an overnight basis. The interest rate on SLF, i.e., SLFR and the interest rate on
SDF, i.e., SDFRprovideaceilingandaoor,respectively,fortheovernightinterestrateinthemoneymarket.
The main purpose of the standing facility is to minimise volatility of short term money market interest rates as
Sri Lanka, SDF remains uncollateralised (no securities are provided by the Central Bank on such deposits of
LCBs), while SLF is provided as a collateralised facility (LCBs pledge government securities when obtaining
Statutory Reserve Requirement (SRR)
SRR is a policy instrument used to inuence liquidity on a permanent basis and the level of money in the
rupee deposit liabilities of LCBs, which is required to be maintained as reserves at the Central Bank as per the
MLA. At present, rupee deposit liabilities, including demand deposits, time and savings deposits and other
deposits of LCBs, are considered for the calculation of required reserves under SRR. The Central Bank relies on
can use to make loans to their customers.
In the process of maintaining SRR, LCBs are allowed to maintain a certain percentage in the form of currency
notes and coins as a part of their required reserves, which is known as the till cash concession. Such amount
is allowed to be deducted from SRR, as a concession, in deriving the amount of required reserves to be
maintained by LCBs.
For example, if the average total rupee deposit liabilities of LCBs is Rs. 8,000 billion,
SRR is 4%, and the till cash concession is 1% of rupee deposit liability (i.e., Rs. 80 billion), total reserves
required to be maintained by LCBs is Rs.240 billion during a particular reserve maintenance period (see
Table 1).
Table 1: Calculation of SRR
(Rs. Bn.)
1. Average Total Deposit Liabilities (Rupee Deposits) 8,000
1.1 Demand Deposits
1.2 Time & Savings Deposits
1.3 Other Deposits
2. SRR (assuming the SRR as 4% of rupee
deposit liability)
3. Till Cash Concession (assuming 1% of rupee deposit liability)
4. Total Required Reserves for the Reserve Period (2-3) 240
Monetary Policy Implementation in Sri Lanka
Monetary Policy Implementation in Sri Lanka
by LCBs by controlling the money creation ability of LCBs (contraction of the money supply), resulting
an increase in interest rates (cost of funds) in the economy. Conversely, by reducing SRR, the Central
Bank provides additional reserves to LCBs, allowing them to expand their credit (expansion of the money
supply), resulting in a reduction in interest rates. Further, SRR acts as a cushion for LCBs as it facilitates
any unexpected settlement of payment obligations that could occur during the day. Accordingly,
the balances under SRR are also referred to as settlement balances of the current account of LCBs
maintained at the Central Bank.
The impact of changes in SRR on the economy is depicted in Figure 9.
In addition, the Central Bank can use restrictions on credit granted to certain industries or sectors and
ceilings on interest rates that could be charged on lending or offered to customer deposits as a part of
monetary policy actions.
Transparent and credible communication is also used by the Central Bank as another monetary policy
tool as the decisions of economic agents are often based on the expectations on future economic
developments as well. Effective communication and providing forward guidance to the market by the
Central Bank are vital, particularly during the times of high economic uncertainty.
The Central Bank uses moral suasion with a view to guiding PIs to align their activities to support the
attainment of the objectives of the Central Bank. Accordingly, the Central Bank directs PIs towards the
desired path whenever the market behaviour and expectations are misaligned with the intended policy
Other Policy Instruments
Depending on the need and circumstances in the economy, the Central Bank deploys other instruments
to complement monetary policy such as the macroprudential measures, foreign exchange transactions
The Central Bank uses macroprudential instruments, which are generally introduced to address the
systemic risk faced by the nancial system. For example, introducing margin requirements on imports
to curtail imports to minimise the pressure on the external sector and introducing measures such as
countercyclical capital buffers, capital conservation buffers, caps on leverage ratios, caps on debt
The Central Bank also deploys foreign exchange operations in conducting monetary policy. For example,
theCentralBankmay enterintoforeignexchange swap transactionswhereitpurchases/sells foreign
currency with an undertaking of selling/buying back such foreign currency at a future date. These
operations affect money market liquidity.
Bankcanproviderenancefacilitiestotheidentied sectors via nancial institutions or provide loan
Banks can also receive funds from the Central Bank not only through monetary operations, but also
through liquidity assistance facility to address system wide liquidity stress as well as emergency liquidity
assistance in exceptional circumstances faced by a banking institution. The Bank Rate is the rate at
which the Central Bank provides liquidity assistance facility to banking institutions under the current legal
provisions. Usually, the Bank Rate is relatively a higher interest rate.
Monetary Policy Implementation in Sri Lanka
Rs. 10 Bn
Rs. 90 Bn
If the Central Bank reduces
SRR from 4% to 2%
Total Deposits
at ABC Bank
(Rs. 100 Bn)
If the Central Bank increases
SRR from 4% to 5%
SRR 4%
(Rs. 4 Bn)*
ABC Bank maintains Rs. 2 Bn in
the reserve account at the
Central Bank and uses Rs. 98 Bn
for lending to customers
(Permanent Liquidity Injection)
ABC Bank maintains Rs. 5 Bn in
the reserve account at the
Central Bank and uses Rs. 95 Bn
for lending to customers
(Permanent Liquidity Absorption)
• Interest rates decline
• Credit growth accelerates
Interest rates increase
Credit growth decelerates
Impact on economic activity and
the price level
Businesses Households
Figure 9: Monetary Policy Implementation under SRR
Part III:
Transmission Mechanism of Monetary Policy
The transmission mechanism of monetary policy describes how changes in monetary policy
actions of the central bank ow through to economic activity to achieve the objective of
price stability. This is generally a two stage process, involving a large degree of uncertainty in
relationship as well as timing of transmission is unclear, particularly for long term interest rates
and hence transmission is referred to as a black box in the monetary economics literature.
The rst stage of transmission explains how changes to policy interest rates inuence other
interest rates (both short term and long term interest rates), which is widely known as interest
rate pass-through. The second stage of transmission explains how the changes to interest rates
In general, policy rate changes cause a quick adjustment in the interbank call money rate.
Hence, once the central bank announces changes to the policy interest rates, such changes
have an immediate effect on the call money rate. Then such changes get transmitted to short
However, other factors, such as the market competition as well as maturity and risk involved
interest rate adjustment.
In the second stage of transmission mechanism of monetary policy, the central bank decisions
affect the spending and investment decisions of economic agents, thereby affecting the
there is a time lag between the policy decisions and their effects on economic activity and
version of the second stage of monetary transmission is illustrated in Figure 10.
Monetary Policy Implementation in Sri Lanka
Policy rates
My borrowing
cost has increased.
So I need to curtail
Policy rates
It‛s a good
time to deposit
my money in a
fixed deposit
Central Bank
Monetary Policy Implementation in Sri Lanka
Accordingly, for example, when the central bank reduces policy interest rates (known as
monetary easing), individuals will increase consumption rather than savings due to low
interest rates in the banking system. Accordingly, lower interest rates increase overall demand
(aggregate demand) in the economy by stimulating spending. However, producers take
relatively more time to change the supply of goods as they need to hire more workers and
equipment to cater to the increased demand resulting in an excess demand, which creates
On the other hand, when the central bank increases policy interest rates (known as monetary
tightening), borrowings become less attractive due to the high cost of borrowings. Accordingly,
higher interest rates tend to decrease the aggregate demand and lead to a slowdown in
economic activity, ultimately resulting in a deceleration in ination. However, this second
stage of monetary policy transmission is much more complicated than the rst stage. As
depicted in Figure 10, the changes in the policy interest rates and impact of monetary policy
instruments are usually transmitted to the broader economy via different, but interconnected
channels such as market interest rates, credit, asset prices, exchange rates, and expectations.
While the exchange rate channel affects net exports, other channels mainly affect the other
components of GDP, i.e., consumption and investment.
The transmission of monetary policy is also affected by ination expectations. Economic
agents’ expectations about future ination affect their current behaviour. For example, if
employees in the economy expect ination to rise, they may demand wage increases in
line with the expected changes in ination. Higher wage growth would then contribute to
and businesses in terms of making decisions about saving and investment due to reduced
uncertainty. The effectiveness and success of monetary policy are also dependent on the
and Other
Interest Rate
Short term
Interest Rates
Long term
Interest Rates
rates for
Stage 1:
Interest Rates
Stage 2:
Economic Activity and Ination
Ination Expectations
Figure 10: Transmission Mechanism of Monetary Policy