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Air Force Specialty Code 2A6X2
Headquarters, U.S. Air Force
Washington, DC
Part I
9 JULY 2024
CFETP2A6X2 9 JULY 2024
This Page Intentionally Blank
CFETP2A6X2 9 JULY 2024
Table of Contents
PART 1 Page
Preface 5
Abbreviations/Terms Explained 6
Section A - General Information 10
4. Purpose of the Career Field Education and Training Plan (CFETP)
5. Use of the CFETP
6. Coordination and Approval of the CFETP
Section B - Career Progression and Information 11
7. Specialty Description
8. Skill/Career Progression
9. Training Decisions
10. Competencies
11. Community College of the Air Force (CCAF)
12. Career Field Path
Section C - Skill Level Training Requirements 17
13. Purpose
14. Specialty Requirements
Section D - Resource Constraints 18
15. Purpose
16. Apprentice Training
17. Journeyman Training
18. Craftsman Training
Section E - Transitional Training Guide (reserved) 18
19. Section Reserved
Section A – Specialty Training Standard 19
20. Implementation
21. Purpose
22. Objective Measurement
23. Objective Standard
24. Proficiency Level
25. Course Objective Listing
CFETP2A6X2 9 JULY 2024
Section B Course Objective List 20
Section C Support Material (reserved) 20
Section D Training Course Index 20
Section E – MAJCOM-Unique Requirements (reserved) 21
Attachment 1
Airmen’s Foundational Competencies
Attachment 2
Attachment 3
Qualitative Requirements Code Key
Specialty Training Standard- General
Certified by: HQ USAF/A4LM (CMSgt Mary
Ryan) Supersedes: CFETP 2A6X2, 19 July 2019
Pages: 30
CFETP2A6X2 9 JULY 2024
1. This Career Field Education and Training Plan (CFETP) is an education and training document that
identifies life-cycle education/training requirements, training support resources, and minimum core
competency requirements for the 2A6X2, Aerospace Ground Equipment (AGE), career field. The CFETP
provides personnel a clear path to career success and instills rigor in all aspects of career field training. This
CFETP supersedes 2A6X2 CFETP dated 19 July 2019. NOTE: Civilians occupying associated positions (Air
Reserve & Air National Guard Technicians) will use Part 2 to support duty position qualification training.
2. The CFETP consists of two parts. Supervisors will use both parts to plan, manage, and control training.
Using guidance provided in the CFETP ensures that individuals in this specialty receive effective and
efficient training at the appropriate point in their career. This plan enables us to train today’s workforce for
tomorrow’s jobs.
2.1. Part 1 provides information necessary for overall management of the specialty.
Section A explains the purpose and use of the plan.
Section B identifies career field progression information.
Section C associates each skill level with training/specialty requirements (knowledge, education,
training, etc.).
Section D indicates resource constraints to accomplishing this plan, such as funding, manpower,
equipment, and facilities. Section E identifies transitional training guide requirements (reserved).
2.2. Part 2 includes the following:
Section A concerns course objectives.
Section B identifies available support material (reserved).
Section C identifies a training course index that supervisors can use to determine if resources are
available to support training. Included here are both mandatory and optional courses.
Section D identifies MAJCOM-unique training requirements (reserved).
Section E covers the Specialty Training Standard that identifies duties, competencies, and technical
references to support training; Air Education and Training Command (AETC)-conducted training; and
wartime course/core competencies. At the unit level, supervisors and trainers use Part 2 to identify,
plan, and conduct training commensurate with the overall goals of this plan.
3. Using CFETP guidance ensures individuals in this specialty receive effective and efficient training at the
appropriate points in their career. This plan enables us to train today’s work force for tomorrow’s jobs.
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Air Force Career Field Manager (AFCFM)Representative appointed by the respective HQ USAF Deputy
Chief of Staff or Under Secretariat, to ensure assigned AF specialties are trained and utilized to support AF
mission requirements. AF Career Field Manager is the OPR; however, works in concert with MAJCOM
Functional Managers as required.
Air Force Job Qualification Standard (AFJQS) – A comprehensive task/competency list which describes a
particular job type or duty position. Supervisors use the AFJQS to document task/competency qualifications.
The tasks/competencies on AFJQS are common to all personnel serving in the described duty position.
Career Field Education and Training Plan (CFETP) A CFETP is a comprehensive, multipurpose
document covering the entire spectrum of education and training for a career field. It outlines a logical growth
plan that includes training resources and is designed to make career field training identifiable to eliminate
duplication and to ensure training is budget defensible.
Certification - A formal indication of an individual’s ability to perform a competency to required standards.
Certification Official - A person authorized by appropriate commander to determine an individual’s ability
to perform a competency to required standards.
Competencies - Observable, measurable pattern of knowledge, skills, abilities, behaviors, and other
characteristics needed to perform institutional or occupational functions successfully.
Core Competency - A competency that identifies, as a minimum, qualification requirement within an Air
Force Specialty. Only a percentage of critical competency for each system are listed as mandatory core
competency. This gives units the needed flexibility to manage their workforce training.
Course Training Standard (CTS) – Training standard that identifies the training members receive in a
specific course.
Course Objective Listing - A list of the competencies and knowledge requirements and respective objectives
provided to achieve a 3-level in this career field. Supervisors may use the listing to assist in conducting
graduate evaluations in accordance with DAFI 36-2689, Training Program.
Distance Learning – Structured learning that does not require the physical presence of the instructor.
Exportable Training - Additional training via computer assisted, paper text, interactive video, or other
necessary means to supplement training.
Field Training Technical, operator, and other training either a training detachment or field training team
conducts at operational locations on specific systems and associated direct-support equipment for maintenance
and aircrew personnel.
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Home Station Training (HST) Training required to perform in the current duty position to include duty
position competencies, core competencies, Resource Augmentation Duty program competencies, contingency
competencies, and additional duty competencies.
Initial Skills Training - A formal in-resident course that results in award of a 3-level AFSC.
Instructional System Development (ISD) - A deliberate and orderly process for developing, validating, and
reviewing instructional programs that ensures personnel are taught the knowledge and skills essential for
successful job performance.
Maintenance Information System (MIS) - Systems and applications that support and enable maintenance
business processes. Used to document maintenance actions. Provides maintenance supervisors with products
to evaluate organizational effectiveness and to aid in decision-making processes at all levels.
Master Task List (MTL) – A comprehensive list (100%) of all tasks/competencies performed within a work
center which consists of the current CFETP or AF Job Qualification Standard and locally developed DAF
Forms 797 (at a minimum). Should include tasks/competencies required for deployment and/or unit type code
Master Training Plan (MTP) – Employs a strategy for ensuring the completion of all work center job
requirements by using a Master Task Listing and provides milestones for tasks/competencies and Career
Development Course completion, prioritizing deployment/unit type code, home station training
tasks/competencies, upgrade, and qualification competencies.
Occupational Analysis (OA)Collecting and analyzing factual data on the competencies and/or knowledge
performed by AF career fields. This data is used to provide personnel and training decision-makers with
factual and objective job information which enables them to justify and/or change personnel utilization
policies and programs, refine, and maintain occupational structures, and establish, validate, and adjust testing
and training programs.
On-the-Job Training (OJT) Hands-on, “over-the-shoulder” training or evaluation conducted to certify
personnel in both upgrade (skill level award) and job qualification (position certification training).
Proficiency Training Additional training provided to personnel through in-residence, exportable advanced
training courses, or on-the-job training, to increase skills and knowledge beyond the minimum required for
skill level upgrade.
Position Qualification Training Training designed to qualify an Airman in a specific position and is
accomplished after upgrade training.
Qualification Training (QT) Actual hands-on competency performance training designed to qualify an
Airman in a specific duty position. This training occurs both during and after the upgrade training process.
It’s designed to provide the performance skill/knowledge training required to do the job.
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Qualification Training Package (QTP) An instructional package designed for use at the unit to qualify, or
aid qualification in a duty position or program, or on a piece of equipment. It may be printed, computer-based,
or in other audiovisual media.
Resource Constraints Resource deficiencies, such as money, facilities, time, manpower, and equipment
that preclude desired training from being delivered.
Specialty Training Requirements Team (STRT) A forum made up of the Air Force Career Field Manager
(AFCFM), AETC Training Pipeline Manager, career field MAJCOM Functional Managers (MFMs), Subject
Matter Experts (SMEs), and AETC personnel who determine career path training requirements.
Specialty Training Standard (STS) An AF publication that describes an Air Force Specialty (AFS) in
terms of competencies and knowledge an Airman in that specialty may be expected to perform or to know on
the job. Also identifies the training provided to achieve a 3-, 5-, or 7-skill level within an enlisted AF
Specialty. It further serves as a contract between AETC and the functional user to show which of the overall
training requirements for an AFS are taught in formal schools and correspondence courses.
Supplemental Training Formal, standardized training within an Air Force Specialty (AFS) that is in
addition to required initial skills training and skill level upgrade training. It may support new/newly assigned
equipment, methods, and/or technology.
Task/Competency Certifier See Certification Official.
Training Detachment – An AETC detachment that provides technical training, at an operational location, on
specific systems, and their aerospace ground equipment. A training detachment aims to: qualify personnel on
new equipment or in new techniques and procedures, maintain proficiency and to increase skill and
knowledge, acquaint personnel with specific systems, and keep personnel aware of changing concepts and
Upgrade Training (UGT) - A mixture of mandatory courses, competency qualifications, and QTPs that are
required for award of the 5-, 7-, or 9-skill levels.
Utilization and Training WorkshopAir Force Career Field Managers (AFCFM) use the utilization and
training workshop process to develop and review training programs within an Air Force Specialty or civilian
occupational series. The goal of the utilization and training workshop process is to develop the architecture
for effective life-cycle training to be provided at appropriate points throughout a career path and to ensure that
personnel within the specialty or series are properly employed.
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AETC – Air Education and Training Command
AFCFMAir Force Career Field Manager
AF COOL – Air Force Credentialing Opportunities On-Line
AFJQS – Air Force Job Qualification Standard
AFRCAir Force Reserve Command
AFSAir Force Specialty
AFSC – Air Force Specialty Code
ALS – Airman Leadership School
ANGAir National Guard
BMTBasic Military Training
CBRN – Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear
CCAF – Community College of the Air Force
CEMChief Enlisted Manager
CFETP – Career Field Education and Training Plan
COL – Course Objective List
CTS – Course Training Standard
DAFECDDepartment of the Air Force Enlisted Classification Directory
EPMEEnlisted Professional Military Education
FTD- Field Training Detachment
HSTHome Station Training
ICWInteractive Courseware
ISD – Instructional System Development
ITP – Individual Training Plan
JQS – Job Qualification Standard
JSAMTCCJoint Service Aviation Maintenance Technician Certification Council
MDS – Mission Design Series
MFM – MAJCOM Functional Manager
MMCL – MAJCOM Mandatory Course List
MTPMaster Training Plan
NCOA – Noncommissioned Officer Academy
OAROccupational Analysis Report
OJTOn-the-Job Training
QTQualification Training
QTP – Qualification Training Package
SEISpecial Equipment Identifier
SKTSpecialty Knowledge Tests
SMESubject Matter Expert
SNCOA – Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy
STRTSpecialty Training Requirements Team
STSSpecialty Training Standard
TISTime in Service
TIGTime in Grade
WAPS – Weighted Airman Promotion System
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4. Purpose. This CFETP provides information necessary for the AFCFM, MFMs, commanders, training
managers, supervisors, and trainers to plan, develop, manage, and conduct an effective career field training
program. This plan outlines the training that individuals in AFSC 2A6X2 should receive to develop and
progress throughout their career. This CFETP identifies initial skills, upgrade, and qualification training.
Initial skills training is the Air Force Specialty-specific training that an individual receives upon entry into the
Air Force or upon retraining into AFSC 2A6X2 for award of the 3-skill level. Upgrade training identifies the
mandatory courses, competency qualification requirements, and correspondence course completion
requirements for award of the 3, 5, 7, or 9-skill levels. Qualification training is actual hands-on competency
performance training designed to qualify an Airman in a specific duty position; this training program occurs
both during and after the upgrade training process. It’s designed to provide the performance skills/knowledge
required to do the job. Proficiency training is additional training, either in-resident or exportable advanced
training courses, or on-the-job training provided to personnel to increase their skills and knowledge beyond
the minimum required for upgrade. The CFETP has several purposes, some of which are to:
4.1. Serve as a management tool to plan, manage, conduct, and evaluate a career field training program. It’s
also used to help supervisors identify training at the appropriate point in an individual’s career.
4.2. Identify competency and knowledge training requirements for each skill level in the specialty and
recommend education/training throughout each phase of an individual’s career.
4.3. List training courses available in the specialty, identify sources of training, and identify the training
delivery method.
4.4. Identify resource constraints that impact full implementation of the desired career field training process.
5. Usage: The plan will be used by MAJCOM FMs, Base Training Managers (BTMs), Base Functional
Managers (BFMs), and supervisors at all levels to ensure comprehensive and cohesive training programs are
available for each individual in the specialty.
5.1. AETC training personnel will develop or revise formal in-resident, non-resident, FTD, and exportable
training based on requirements established by the users and documented in Part 2 of the CFETP. They will
also work with the AFCFM to develop acquisition strategies for obtaining resources needed to provide the
identified training.
5.2. MAJCOM FMs ensure their training programs complement the CFETP mandatory initial, upgrade, and
proficiency requirements. On-the-job Training, resident training, and contract training or exportable courses
can satisfy identified requirements. Ensure Major Command-developed training to support this Air Force
Specialty Code is identified for inclusion into the plan.
5.3. Each individual will complete the mandatory training requirements specified in this plan. The list of
courses in Part 2 is used as a reference to support training.
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6. Coordination and Approval. The Air Force Career Field Manager (AFCFM) is the approval authority.
Also, the AFCFM will initiate an annual review of this document to ensure currency and accuracy. Major
Command representatives and AETC training personnel will identify and coordinate on the career field
training requirements. The AFCFM can implement out-of-cycle changes whenever necessary to address the
addition of new platforms, systems, changes to test equipment, etc. Career field members can provide inputs
on content or change request to the AFCFM at any time via their MFM. The AFCFM will evaluate the
information and (1) provide feedback on why the suggestion will not be incorporated, (2) initiate an out of
cycle change, or (3) incorporate the suggestion during the next scheduled review, whichever is appropriate.
7. Specialty Description.
7.1. Specialty Summary. Refer to the Department of the Air Force Enlisted Classification Directory
(DAFECD), accessible via myFSS at search for “Department of the Air Force Enlisted
Classification Directory”.
7.2. Specialty Shred. None
7.3. Duties and Responsibilities.
7.3.1. Helper, Apprentice, Journeyman, Craftsman. Refer to “AFSC 2A672, Craftsman / AFSC 2A652,
Journeyman / AFSC 2A632, Apprentice / AFSC 2A612, Helper,” titled “AEROSPACE GROUND
EQUIPMENT” in DAFECD Section II, for specialty summary, duties and responsibilities, and specialty shred
out if applicable.
7.3.2. Chief Enlisted Manager (CEM) and Superintendent. Refer to “CEM Code 2A600/AFSC 2A692,
Superintendent,” titled “AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS,” in DAFECD Section II, for specialty summary, and duties
and responsibilities for 9-skill level and CEM personnel.
8. Skill/Career Progression. Adequate training and timely progression from the apprentice to the
superintendent skill level play an important role in the Air Force’s ability to accomplish its mission. It is
essential that everyone involved in training do their part to plan, manage, and conduct an effective training
program. The guidance provided in this part of the CFETP will ensure each individual receives necessary
training at appropriate points in their career.
8.1. Apprentice (3-skill level)
8.1.1. Individuals are awarded their 3-skill level upon completion of Initial
Skills Training (technical school). At their first duty station, a trainee will work
with a trainer to enhance their knowledge and skills.
8.1.2. Wear of the Basic Maintenance Badge is authorized on award of the 3
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8.2. Journeyman (5-skill level)
8.2.1. Upon arrival at their first duty location, individuals must complete formal 5-level OJT training
requirements as defined in this CFETP, AFI 36-2650, DAFMAN 36-2689, the DAFECD, and MAJCOM or
work-center-identified upgrade competencies. Once upgraded to the 5-skill level, the Journeyman will enter
qualification training to broaden their experience base by increasing their knowledge and skill in
troubleshooting and solving more complex problems. This includes qualification on duty specific competency
identified by the work center supervisor. Available proficiency and/or supplementary training should be
completed as early as duty permits.
8.2.2. Minimum time in upgrade training: None
8.2.3. Maximum time in upgrade training: none. However, promotion to Staff Sergeant requires a member to
achieve and maintain at least a 5-skill level.
8.3. Craftsman (7-skill level)
8.3.1. Once selected for promotion to Staff Sergeant, individuals begin formal 7-
skill level OJT training requirements as defined in this CFETP, AFI 36-2650,
DAFMAN 36-2689, the DAFECD, and MAJCOM or work-center-identified
upgrade competencies. Once upgraded to the 7-skill level, the craftsman will also
train on any qualification or duty specific competencies identified by the work
center supervisor. Available proficiency and/or supplementary training should be
completed as early as duty permits. Members should enroll and complete the 9-
skill level course (when available) soon after being selected for promotion to MSgt.
8.3.2. Minimum time in upgrade training: None
8.3.3. Maximum time in upgrade training: None
8.3.4. Completion of the Supervisor AFJQS is mandatory for upgrade to 7-level. See
8.3.5. Completion of the NCOIC/Section Chief AFJQS is mandatory on promotion to MSgt.
8.3.6. Wear of the Senior Maintenance Badge (star) is authorized on award of the 7-skill level.
8.3.7. MSgt selects should attend the Production Superintendent course.
8.3.8 AGE Production Superintendent: An AGE Production Superintendent is a key position within an AGE
flight. This position is tasked to monitor AGE Flight production, distribution, control, and condition of assets
while simultaneously demonstrating extensive knowledge and strict adherence to AGE Flight safety, training
and CTK programs. Additionally, the AGE Production Superintendent should be able to interpret commanders’
vision, identify negative performance trends, and perform root cause analysis for presentation to various
organizations on or off installation. Positional requirements related to becoming an AGE Production
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Superintendent are annotated in the CFETP Part 2.
8.4. Superintendent (9-skill level)
8.4.1. The 9-skill level is awarded upon promotion to Senior Master Sergeant.
When necessary, unit OJT is used for training. In addition to full 7-skill level
qualifications, an individual must possess advanced skills and knowledge of
concepts and principles in the management of aircraft maintenance. The 9-
skill level needs to be an effective leader; must be able to forecast, budget,
and manage funds and other resources to include manning; must be
knowledgeable of federal and local environmental standards; and must ensure
adherence to the proper handling and disposal of hazardous materials. This
career field merges into the 2A600 career field at the CMSgt/9-skill level. Any aircraft specific qualifications
required are identified by Special Experience Identifier (SEI) codes.
8.4.2. Completion of the AFJQS for Flight Chiefs is mandatory prior to award of the 9-skill level. See
8.4.3. Wear of the Master Maintenance Badge (wreath and star) is authorized on award of the 9-skill level.
9. Training Decisions. The CFETP has undergone a considerable revision towards building a competency-
based training and development platform for the AGE career field. A significant change is shifting the focus
from task-based training to an approach more centered on outcome-based learning. A task is a unit of work
activity or operation which forms a significant part of a duty. These are singular in nature and are usually
accomplished in one continuous action, which also can occur independently of other tasks. Conversely,
outcomes are learning goals that typically consist of a multitude of tasks. These outcomes are actions and
performances that embody and reflect the learner’s competence in using content, information, ideas, and tools
successfully. Focusing on learning outcomes allow organizations, leaders, supervisors, and trainers to
incorporate foundational competencies and underlying characteristics (values, traits, attitudes) into learning,
which is necessary for developing Airmen with the competencies needed for future challenges. The following
decisions resulted from close coordination between HQ AETC, 2AF Technical Training, schoolhouse
instructors and staff, field SMEs, functional managers and the AFCFM. The final training requirements are
then approved by the AFCFM.
9.1. A planning meeting was held from 11-14 July 2022 at Sheppard AFB, TX. Members of the planning
meeting sought to develop the learning outcomes. This was accomplished by reverse engineering the
behaviors found in the AGE occupational competency model and then by asking “What does an Airman need
to know/do in order to master a specific behavior?”. The intent of the learning outcomes is to identify all
factors needed to succeed in attaining the behavior. During the planning meeting, members decided (approved
at STRT/U&TW) to remove the qualitative proficiency code key and use a behavioral statement coding
system for the STS. As a result, each line item will consist of a verb and the coding system for formal training
will only use P (performance), K (knowledge), and pk (performance-knowledge).
9.2. The CFETP uses a building block approach (simple to complex) to encompass the entire spectrum of
training requirements for the AGE career field. The spectrum includes a strategy for when, where, and how to
meet the training requirements. The strategy must be apparent and affordable to reduce duplication of training
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and eliminate a disjointed approach to training. The following decisions were made by a career field STRT
held at Sheppard AFB, TX on 12-16 Sep 2022.
9.3. Core/Cert Tasks/Competencies. Tasks/competencies identified with the corresponding skill level (5/7)
are specialty-wide training requirements. Certification on all shop/flight line core tasks/competencies must be
completed for skill level upgrade.
9.4. Initials Skills Training: Initial skills training is provided by AETC through the AGE Course.
9.5. 5-Level Upgrade Training. Upgrade requirements include completion of core competencies and
identified work center requirements for their assigned weapons system and completion of MAJCOM
Mandatory Course List (MMCL) requirements as necessary based on assignment. Once 5-level CDC
replacements are available, they will be mandatory for upgrade and sustainment of the 5-skill level.
9.6. 7-Level Upgrade Training Requirements. Upgrade requirements include completion of core
competencies and identified work center requirements for their assigned weapons system, and completion of
MAJCOM Mandatory Course List (MMCL) requirements as necessary based on assignment.
10. Competencies.
10.1. The CFETP Part 2 identifies fifteen (15) sub-competencies. Each competency is further broken down
into the following proficiency levels; basic, intermediate, advanced, and expert. The proficiency levels are
not tied to a specific rank or position. Additionally, each occupational competency has supporting
competencies tied to them. The supporting competencies can allow Airmen to intentionally develop those
transferrable underlying characteristics that will translate to mission capabilities, mission readiness, and
mission success for the agile, future thinking Airman. Airmen, supervisors, trainers, mentors, and leaders
should look for opportunities to integrate the supporting competencies into every facet of an Airman’s
development as they seek to gain and increase proficiency within the AGE competencies.
10.2. Airmen’s Foundational Competencies. The foundational competencies are a set of accepted and
valued competencies, which enable success across a wide array of DAF missions, roles, functions, and duties.
These competencies are the core of Airmen development and enable Airmen with tools, pathways, and
capabilities to improve their performance in any job, specialty, or situation. The foundational competencies
are grouped into different categories of Developing Self, Developing Others, Developing Ideas, and
Developing Organization. See Figure 10.1. For further clarification, see Attachment 1.
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Figure 10.1. Foundational Competencies.
10.2. Occupational Competencies. A set of competencies required of all Airmen within a specific workforce
category (a group of functions requiring similar work, i.e., Engineering). They describe technical/functional
skills, knowledge, abilities, behaviors, and other characteristics needed to perform that function’s mission
successfully. The occupational competency modeling process follows a distinct process with continued
involvement from the career field. This process allows Airmen to see how their task lists, OJT, formal
courses, in addition to other training, education, and experiences are aligned with the career field’s strategic
objectives. For further clarification, see Attachment 1.
10.3. Intent. The intent of moving towards a competency-based system is to sharpen our Airmen’s tactical
expertise, operational competence, strategic vision, and joint proficiency to lead and execute the full spectrum
of USAF missions. This occurs not in a classroom but on the job by combining education, training, and
experiences to provide Airmen with a better developmental pathway as they move along their careers. Airmen
are still required to complete specific training courses, core tasks, and other training requirements to attain a
3-, 5-, and 7-skill levels. For further clarification, see Attachment 1.
10.4. The CFETP Part 2 identifies fifteen (15) sub-competencies. Each competency is further broken down
into the following proficiency levels; basic, intermediate, advanced, and expert. The proficiency levels are
not tied to a specific rank or position. Additionally, each occupational competency has supporting
competencies tied to them. The supporting competencies can allow Airmen to intentionally develop those
transferrable underlying characteristics that will translate to mission capabilities, mission readiness, and
mission success for the agile, future thinking Airman. Airmen, supervisors, trainers, mentors, and leaders
should look for opportunities to integrate the supporting competencies into every facet of an Airmen’s
development as they seek to gain and increase proficiency within the AGE competencies.
11. Higher Education and Advanced Certification Opportunities. Advanced certifications and other
additional off-duty education is a personal choice encouraged for the professional development of the entire
enlisted force.
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11.1. Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) Degree Program. Enrollment in CCAF occurs
automatically upon completion of Basic Military Training (BMT). Degree completion; technical education;
leadership, management and military studies; general education; and program elective requirements are
identified in the CCAF Catalog which can be found on the Air University (AU) site
11.2. CCAF Degree Requirements:
Semester Hours
Technical Education
Leadership, Management & Military Studies
General Education (written communication, oral
communication, mathematics, social science, humanities)
Program Elective
11.3. CCAF Academic Programs. In addition to its associate degree program, CCAF offers other
credentialing programs (licensure and certification). Licensure is normally issued by federal, state, or local
governmental agencies and is issued to individuals to practice in a specific occupation. Certification is
normally issued by non-governmental agencies, associations, schools, or industry-supported companies and
are typically an optional credential. Air Force Credentialing Opportunities On-Line (AF COOL) supports
programs like CCAF Instructor Certification; CCAF Instructional Systems Development (ISD) Certification;
and Joint Service Aviation Maintenance Technician Certification Council (JSAMTCC). Information on
current programs is available via the Air Force Portal CCAF site at
11.4. Air Force Credentialing Opportunities On-Line (AF COOL) Program. AF COOL replaced the
CCAF Credentialing and Education Research Tool (CERT). The AF COOL Program can be accessed at The site provides a research tool designed to
increase an Airman's awareness of national professional credentialing and CCAF education opportunities
available for all Air Force occupational specialties. The AF COOL Program also provides information on
specific occupational specialties, civilian occupational equivalencies, CCAF degree programs, and AFSC-
related national professional credentials available to enlisted members through credentialing agencies and
professional organizations. The AF COOL Program contains a variety of information about credentialing and
licensing and can be used to:
11.4.1. Get background information about civilian licensure and certification in general and specific
information on individual credentials including eligibility requirements and resources to prepare for an
examination. Identify licenses and certifications relevant to an AFSC. Learn how to fill gaps between Air Force training and experience and civilian credentialing
CFETP2A6X2 9 JULY 2024
17 Get information on Tuition Assistance and GI Bill eligible funding opportunities to pay for
credentialing examinations and associated fees. Learn about resources available to Airmen that can help them gain civilian job credentials.
12. Career Field Path.
13. Purpose: Skill level training requirements in this specialty are defined in terms of competencies and
knowledge requirements. This section outlines the specialty qualification requirements for each skill level in
broad, general terms and establishes the mandatory requirements for entry, award, and retention of each skill
level. The specific competency and knowledge training requirements are identified in the Specialty Training
Standard of this CFETP.
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14. Specialty Qualification Requirements.
14.1. Knowledge, Education, Training, and Experience. Refer to the Department of the Air Force Enlisted
Classification Directory (DAFECD), accessible via myFSS at,
search for “DAFECD”.
14.2. Helper, Apprentice, Journeyman, Craftsman. Refer to “AFSC 2A672, Craftsman/AFSC 2A652,
Journeyman/AFSC 2A632, Apprentice/AFSC 2A612, Helper,” titledAEROSPACE GROUND
EQUIPMENT,” in DAFECD Section II, for specialty qualification information for 1-, 3-, 5-, and 7-skill level
14.3. CEM and Superintendent. Refer to “CEM Code 2A600/AFSC 2A692, Superintendent,” titled
AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS,” in DAFECD Section II, for specialty qualification information for 9-skill level and
CEM personnel.
14.4. Other. For entry into this specialty, normal color vision as defined in DAFMAN 48-123, Medical
Examination and Standards, is mandatory. Additionally, possession of a valid state driver’s license is
required for entry into this career field.
15. Purpose. This section of the CFETP identifies known resource constraints that preclude optimum and
desired training from being developed or conducted, including information such as cost and manpower.
Narrative explanations of each resource constraint and an impact statement describing what effect each
constraint has on training are included. Also included in this section are actions required, office of primary
responsibility, and target completion dates. As a minimum, resource constraints are reviewed and updated
16. Apprentice Training. No resource constraints identified.
17. Journeyman Training. No resource constraints identified.
18. Craftsman Training. No resource constraints identified.
19. There are no transitional training requirements. This area is reserved.
CFETP2A6X2 9 JULY 2024
20. Implementation. The STS - General (Attachment 2) will be used for initial skills training provided by
AETC for classes beginning 01 October 2024.
20. Purpose. As prescribed in DAFMAN 36-2689 the STS
20.1. Column 1 lists (Competencies, Required Behaviors, Knowledge, and Technical References (TR)) the
most common competency, knowledge, and technical references necessary for Airmen to perform duties in
the 3, 5, and 7 skill levels. The number in parenthesis following the competency description correlates to the
required behavior listed in the competency heading.
20.2 Column 2 (Deployment */SEI +/CBRN ~ Competencies) competencies identified with an (*) are
Aircraft Maintenance Functional MCA competencies. Maintenance technicians should be qualified on all
these competencies (as applicable per airframe) prior to deployment. Competencies identified with a (+) are
required prior to award of the aircraft or system SEI. Currently no competencies are identified with a (+).
Competencies identified with an (~) require annual CBRN (Training Task Qualification) training in the work
center. Per DAFI10-2503, para, CBRN Defense TQT is defined as a hands-on event with a minimum
of two (2) hours in MOPP gear performing regular duties. At a minimum, individuals will be evaluated on
their ability to accomplish AFSC-specific competencies while wearing CBRN defense IPE in MOPP Four (4)
for a minimum of two hours per identified competency. In addition to AFSC-specific competencies,
individuals must be evaluated on their ability to hydrate while wearing CBRN defense IPE in MOPP 4 at the
beginning and completion of each identified competency. Document training on an DAF 797 or local
equivalent until myTraining has capability.
20.2.1. Core tasks/competencies which aren’t applicable to base-assigned aircraft or equipment aren’t
required for upgrade (units are not required to send personnel TDY for core task/competency training).
20.3. Column 3 provides certification for OJT and is used to record completion of tasks/competencies and
knowledge training requirements. Use MIS to document technician qualifications if available.
20.4. Column 4 shows formal training and correspondence course requirements. These are the proficiencies
to be demonstrated on the job by the graduate as result of training on the competency/knowledge and the
career knowledge provided by the correspondence course.
20.5 Qualitative Requirements. Attachment 1 contains the proficiency code key used to indicate the level of
training and knowledge provided by in-resident training.
20.6. Job Qualification Standard. This STS becomes a job qualification standard (JQS) for OJT when
placed in AF Form 623, On-The-Job Training Record, and used IAW DAFI 36-2670. For OJT, the
tasks/competencies in column 1 are trained and qualified to the go/no-go level. ‘Go’ means the individual can
perform the task/competency without assistance and meets local requirements for accuracy, timeliness, and
correct procedures. When used as a JQS, the following requirements apply:
CFETP2A6X2 9 JULY 2024
20.6.1. Documentation. Document and certify completion of training IAW DAFI 36-2670. Use of Part 2 and
attachments one and two in conjunction with attachments 4 through 16 (as applicable to assigned MDS) of
this CFETP are mandatory in individual training records. Identify duty position requirements by entering into
automated training management systems. As a minimum, complete the following columns in Part 2 of the
CFETP: date training started, date training completed, trainee initials, and trainer initials. It is the work center
supervisor’s responsibility to identify work center requirements and build a Master Training Plan (MTP) to
train assigned trainees to the requirements. Individual JQS’ should be tailored to the trainees’ skill level and
duty position.
20.6.2. Transcribing from Old CFETP to New CFETP. All AFJQSs and previous CFETPs are replaced by
this CFETP; therefore, transcribing of all training records to this CFETP STS is mandatory. Use this CFETP
STS (or automated STS) to identify and certify all past and current qualifications. Document and certify all
previous and current training IAW DAFMAN 36-2689 and DAFI 36-2650. .
20.7. STS. These STSs are used as guides for the development of promotion tests used in the WAPS.
Specialty Knowledge Tests (SKTs) are developed at the AETC A2/9 SAS-OA (Airman Advancement
Division) by Senior NCOs with extensive practical experience in the career field. The tests sample knowledge
of STS subject matter areas judged by test development team members to be most appropriate for promotion
to higher grades. Questions are based on study references listed in the Enlisted Promotions References and
Requirements Catalog (EPRRC). Individual responsibilities are in AFI 36-2502, Airman Promotion/Demotion
Programs. WAPS isn’t applicable to the ANG or AFRC.
20.8. Recommendations. Report unsatisfactory performance of individual course graduates to the AETC
Training Manager at 361 TRS/TRR, 501 MISSILE RD, SHEPPARD AFB TX, 76311-2233 (DSN: 736-
7492); reference specific STS paragraphs. For a quick response to problems, call the customer service
information line (DSN: 736-5236) or e-mail at [email protected]l.
SECTION B - COURSE OBJECTIVE LIST - A detailed listing of initial skills course objectives is available
upon request; contact the OPR.
SECTION C - SUPPORT MATERIAL - There are currently no support material requirements. This area is
reserved for future operational utilization as necessary.
21. Purpose. This section identifies training courses available for the 2A6X2 specialty. Refer to the Air Force
Education and Training Course Announcements (ETCA) for information on AETC formal courses listed
below (
CFETP2A6X2 9 JULY 2024
21.1. Air Force In-Resident Course.
J3ABR2A632 046D
Aerospace Ground Equipment
361 TRS
For further information on the AGE Apprentice course, contact the OPR:
SHEPPARD AFB TX 76311-2233
DSN: 736-7492
21.2. Exportable Courses.
Interactive Courseware (ICW) is available from 367 TRS/TRSS at Hill AFB, Utah, and 982 MXS/LGMS at
Sheppard AFB, Texas.
For further information on ICW, contact the OPRs:
6058 ASPEN AVE 620 AVE J STE 1
Hill AFB UT 84056-5805 SHEPPARD AFB TX 76311
DSN: 777-7830/8741 DSN: 736-4992/6224
21.3. Training Detachment Courses. The most up to date courses can be found by searching the Education
& Training Course Announcements (ETCA) website at this link
etca/SitePages/Home.aspx or by searching ETCA in the AF Portal.
For further information on the FTD courses, contact the OPR:
372 TRS
912 I AVE STE 3
SHEPPARD AFB TX 76311-2328
DSN: 736-4801
SECTION EMAJCOM-UNIQUE REQUIREMENTS - There are currently no support material
requirements. This area is reserved.
CFETP2A6X2 9 JULY 2024
Lieutenant General, USAF
DCS/Logistics, Engineering & Force Protection
3 Attachments
1. Airmen’s Foundational Competencies
2. Qualitative Requirements Code Key
3. Specialty Training Standard- General
CFETP2A6X2 9 JULY 2024
Attachment 1
1. Airmen’s Foundational Competencies. The foundational competencies are a set of accepted and valued
competencies, which enable success across a wide array of DAF missions, roles, functions, and duties. These
competencies are the core of Airmen development and enable Airmen with tools, pathways, and capabilities
to improve their performance in any job, specialty, or situation. The foundational competencies are grouped
into different categories of Developing Self, Developing Others, Developing Ideas, and Developing
Organization. Airmen can go to MyVector (accessible via AF Portal) to complete a self-assessment, which
will have them evaluate themselves on the 24 Airmen’s foundational competencies. The assessment tools will
provide Airmen with immediate feedback on personal strengths and areas for improvement. Additionally, a
Personal Improvement Plan with targeted resources (videos, reading content, developmental opportunities)
for continued development. See Figure 1.1.
Figure 1.1. Foundational Competencies.
1.1. Occupational Competencies. A set of competencies required of all Airmen within a specific workforce
category (a group of functions requiring similar work, i.e., Engineering). They describe technical/functional
skills, knowledge, abilities, behaviors, and other characteristics needed to perform that function’s mission
1.2. Occupational Competency Model. A career field’s competencies can be viewed in a competency
model, which is an organized collection of competencies pertinent to the career field. The occupational
competency model provides a framework to effectively assess, maintain, and monitor the competencies
required for mission success for Airmen. The occupational competency modeling process follows a distinct
process with continued involvement from the career field. This process allows Airmen to see how their task
lists, OJT, formal courses, in addition to other training, education, and experiences are aligned with the career
field’s strategic objectives.
1.3. Career fields work with trained competency experts to identify and develop their competency model,
which consists of the competencies, sub-competencies, and definitions. Occupational competency models will
be different for each career field. The model focuses on integrating not just the technical components, but also
leadership, management, combat, joint, all-domain, and social mastery competencies required for Airmen to
CFETP2A6X2 9 JULY 2024
succeed in their career field. Figure 1.2 provides an example of a competency model for the 2A6X2 career
1.4. Occupational Competency Rubric. After a model is developed, a team of subject matter experts begin
building competency rubrics, which consists of the competency, a description of the competency, proficiency
levels, and measurable and observable behaviors. The competency rubrics will help Airmen learn which
behaviors are aligned to the career field’s strategic direction, the professional developmental expectations,
and the criteria for success. Figure 1.3 provides an example of a competency rubric for the 2A6X2 career
Figure 1.2. 2A6X2, AGE, Occupational Competency Model.
Compete ncy Sub-Compete ncy Sub-Compete ncy De s cription
The art and science of leading , mentoring, coaching and directing personnel in the accomplishment of mission
Personnel Management
Develop and retain quality personnel through a deliberate, career-long process including appraisals, feedback,
high performance recognition, career-broadening and enhancing opportunities
Instilling and increasing knowledge, skills, and behaviors to develop performance
Equipment Maintenance
The ability to service, inspect, test, maintain, troubleshoot, document and perform scheduled and unscheduled
maintenance actions to meet mission requirements
Flightline O perations Supporting aircraft mission generation through timely service, pickup and delivery operations
Readiness and Mobility Train, prepare and equip personnel and mobilize resources for full-spectrum military operations
The process of discovering trends, and interpreting data for the purpose of informed decision making
Occupational Safety
The process of maximizing work center efficiency by preventing safety mishaps, through training, equipping and
managerial oversight
Quality Control
Promote a culture that minimizes product deficiencies by adherence to a defined set of quality criteria and
standards that meet mission requirements
Supply Management and Discipline
Identify, acquire, possess, document, and demonstrate competence managing resources required for operations
Equipment Management Process to requisition, receive, control, manage, and document equipment assets
Communication Communication
Clearly and effectively articulate, present, and promote ideas and information utilizing various modes of
interpersonal and electronic communication to reach organizational goals, improve processes, and reduce errors
WRM Management
The management of strategically positioned service-owned equipment and source documents to provide timely
response in support of combatant commander requirements
NCE Management
The program to ensure all procedures, equipment and organizations maintain nuclear surety
Program Management
The successful navigation of applicable guidance to achieve all directed program objectives within a
predetermined timeframe, based on funding and manpower constraints by utilizing time phased milestones and
action items to monitor and control program execution
O rganizatio nal
Mission Support
Mission Generation
Acq uisition and
CFETP2A6X2 9 JULY 2024
Figure 1.3. 2A6X2, AGE, Occupational Competency Rubric for Equipment Maintenance.
1.4.1. To better understand how to read and utilize the competency rubric, a breakdown of each component is
explained below in figure 1.4a-c.
Figure 1.4a. Competency Rubric Section 1.
The competency section states the competency
Mission Generation
The sub-
competency section states the narrower
category that forms part of the competency group.
Some models may only consist of a
competency and not include a sub-competency.
Equipment Maintenance
De s cription
The ability to service, inspect, test,
maintain, troubleshoot, document
and perform scheduled and
unscheduled maintenance actions to
meet mission requirements
Supporting Compe te ncie s
Equipment Maintenance
Sub-Compe te ncy
- Monitors maintenance information systems and documentation as it relates to tracking
equipment inspections, maintenance accountability and serviceability
- Employs technical ability to utilize trouble shooting, theory of operations, methods and
procedure to isolate and repair component failures
- Reinforces proper usage and accountability of digital technical orders, hand tools,
special tools and torqueing devices as it relates to maintenance operations
Compe te ncy
Proficie ncy Leve ls
Obs e rvable Be haviors
Mission Generation
- Analyzes mission demands to posture modernization plans and budget request for
infrastructure and equipment in support of mission generation and mission execution
- Performs fundamentals of maintenance practices as it relates to serviceability,
scheduled and unscheduled inspections and maintenance actions across the equipment
- Utilizes maintenance information systems as it relates to track equipment inspections
and serviceability
sists with the system maintenance operational and function checks to maintain
equipment serviceability
- Enables development of journeymen and craftsman technicians to supporting agile
growth and development of organizational structure
- Coordinates with outside agencies to support repairs and inspections
- Utilizes maintenance information systems to prioritize work flow to meet mission
Impact on…
AF-level practices/within industry
Impact on…
Management decisions
Impact on…
Specific workplace projects
Impact on…
Specific workplace tasks
CFETP2A6X2 9 JULY 2024
The description section provides a statement that
gives details about the sub-
competency, enabling
career field members to better understand how sub-
competency relates to the AFS.
The ability to service,
inspect, test, maintain,
troubleshoot, document
and perform scheduled
and unscheduled
maintenance actions to
meet mission
The supporting competencies section are supported-
level competencies that are linked to the success of
the sub-
competency. These competencies lend
themselves more toward areas like values, traits, and
attitudes. These competencies were included as part
of a la
rger survey that went out to the entire AFS;
respondents were asked to rate the top supporting
competencies they believe will attribute to higher
successful performance within the sub-competency.
Figure 1.4b. Competency Rubric Section 2.
Proficiency Levels
The proficiency levels are broken into four parts: basic,
intermediate, advanced, and expert.
Under each proficiency level are predetermined criteria
selected by a group of SMEs from your career field and
validated by the career field. The criteria were used as
the basis to develop the observable behaviors. These
criteria provide concrete parameters for the behaviors,
which are consistent but progressive in nature as a
Impact on…
AF-level practices/within
Impact on…
Management decisions
CFETP2A6X2 9 JULY 2024
Impact on…
Specific work center
member moves up the scale from basic to expert.
Some of the criteria (e.g. depth of knowledge,
consistency of application/complexity, and thinking
challenge) allows an individual to become an expert
through the experience gained in a particular job and
over a period of time. For example, the person can
quickly move up different proficiency levels while they
are serving as a technician at a flight; they move
quickly because they are exposed to a variety of
While other criteria (e.g. scope, impact, and reach of
influence) requires more of a hierarchical approach to
gain the experience needed to progress through the
competency levels. Moving through the proficiency
levels may be difficult to do in certain jobs
. For
example, if scope at the expert level requires job
integration with the AF-level, then the individual may
have to be in a position where they can gain that
experience (i.e. at HHQ, Wing, or an organization with
far reaching capabilities).
Impact on…
Specific work center
Figure 1.4c. Competency Section 3.
Observable Behaviors
The observable
behaviors are
statements of what
can be observed
from an individual
manifesting the
competency at the
competency level.
They provide
– Analyzes mission demands to posture modernization
plans and budget request for infrastructure and
equipment in support of mission generation and mission
execution requirements
Enables development of journeymen and craftsman
technicians to supporting agile growth and development
of organizational structure
Coordinates with outside agencies to support repairs and
Utilizes maintenance information systems to prioritize
CFETP2A6X2 9 JULY 2024
workflow to meet mission requirements objective evidence
that the individual
possesses the
competency level
and shows what
performance looks
The behaviors are
written to be specific
enough so they can
be observable and
lend themselves
Monitors maintenance information systems and
documentation as it relates to tracking equipment
inspections, maintenance accountability and
Employs technical ability to utilize trouble shooting,
theory of operations, methods, and procedure to isolate
and repair component failures
Reinforces proper usage and accountability of digital
technical orders, hand tools, special tools, and torquing
devices as it relates to maintenance operations
Performs fundamentals of maintenance practices as it
relates to serviceability, scheduled and unscheduled
inspections and maintenance actions across the
equipment portfolio
Utilizes maintenance information systems as it relates to
track equipment inspections and serviceability
Assists with the system maintenance operational and
function checks to maintain equipment serviceability
1.5. Another key component within the rubric is the supporting competencies section at the bottom left-hand
corner. These are the top four supporting competencies that can help members excel and be successful in that
sub-competency. Some of these supporting competencies are tied directly to the Airmen’s Foundational
Competencies, while others may be unique to the career field. Having these supporting competencies
identified and linked to a career field’s competency model can cultivate those underlying characteristics
needed to succeed on the job. Leaders, supervisors, trainers, instructors, or mentors can now set members up
for greater success by building these supporting competencies and placing their Airmen in situations where
they can apply those strategies. All these elements come together to ensure we can develop Airmen who are
better prepared, present, and future mission focused, and ready to succeed in any situation. Additionally, AFH
36-2643, Air Force Mentoring Program, has information on how competencies can be used when an
established mentoring strategy is put into effect to foster and develop Airmen.
1.6. Competency Development. The intent of moving towards a competency-based system is to sharpen our
Airmen’s tactical expertise, operational competence, strategic vision, and joint proficiency to lead and execute
the full spectrum of USAF missions. This occurs not in a classroom but on the job by combining education,
training, and experiences to provide Airmen with a better developmental pathway as they move along their
CFETP2A6X2 9 JULY 2024
careers. Airmen are still required to complete specific training courses, core tasks, and other training
requirements to attain a 3-, 5-, and 7-skill levels. Competency development allows Airmen to move beyond
the minimum career field requirements and begin addressing developmental gaps and strengthening their
capabilities. The information included within the competency model will allow members within the AGE
community to manage their professional growth and development by identifying their strengths and
weaknesses against clear and objective behaviors within the competency model.
CFETP2A6X2 9 JULY 2024
Attachment 2
Behavioral Statement STS Coding System
Subject Knowledge Training – The verb selection identifies the individual’s ability
to identify facts, state principles, analyze, or evaluate the subject.
Performance Training – Identifies that the individual has performed the
to the satisfaction of the course; however, the individual may not be
capable of meeting the field requirements for speed and accuracy.
Performance Knowledge Training – The verb selection identifies the
individual’s ability to relate simple facts, procedures, operating principles, and
operational theory for the task/competency.
This mark is used alone instead of a scale value to show no proficiency training is
provided in the course or CDC.
This mark is used alone in the course columns to show that training is required but
not given due to limitation in resources.
The diamond symbol is used in column 2 to indicate the task/competency must be
completed prior to assuming AGE Pro Super duties
- Behavioral Code Breakdowns are listed in Column 1
. Individual codes for each
task/competency are listed immediately following task narrative.
Example: “ - Compare and contrast total force integration roles (1)”
The “Required Behavior” for Task states the Airman “(1) Displays initiative toward
organizational accomplishment to foster warrior ethos.”
- All learning outcome items shown with a behavioral code are trained during war time.
- Column 2 lists Core tasks, when this includes the numbers 5 or 7, this task/competency is a
requirement for 5-skill level or 7-skill level upgrades, respectively.