Re: Temporary Submission and Review Originally Issued: March 25, 2020
Policies and Procedures Due to Updated: June 28, 2021
COVID-19 State of Emergency
The New York State Department of Law (โ€œDOLโ€) publishes this memorandum as a guidance document pursuant
to State Administrative Procedure Act ยง 102(14).
Due to the COVID-19 state of emergency, most personnel in the DOLโ€™s Real Estate Finance Bureau (โ€œREFโ€)
currently are telecommuting. A limited number of REFโ€™s administrative personnel remain in the office on
staggered schedules to process incoming physical submissions and other mail. REF operations thus will continue
during the state of emergency and REF remains committed to providing important services to New Yorkers.
However, REFโ€™s processing and review of submissions may be delayed due to its alternative work schedule.
REF recognizes that the COVID-19 state of emergency also has disrupted the business operations of many
submitters to REF and that current REF policies and procedures may create logistical challenges for such
submitters. To that end, REF has enacted a number of temporary submission and review policies and procedures
that will provide limited relief to submitters while simultaneously ensuring the health of REF personnel and
adequately protecting New York purchasers and tenants. These temporary policies and procedures are detailed
herein and are effective as of the date of this guidance document and until further notice.
The time period during which REFโ€™s temporary policies and procedures are effective shall be termed โ€œthe relief
period.โ€ The relief period will continue until REF updates this guidance document to state that the relief period is
no longer in effect.
REF intends to update this guidance document in the near future to provide more details
This guidance document supersedes and replaces all previously issued versions of this guidance document, dated March 25, 2020, May 1,
2020, and September 18, 2020. The only changes made to this guidance document on June 28, 2021 were to indicate that (1) REFโ€™s relief
period is no longer tied to New York Executive Order Number 202 Declaring a Disaster Emergency in the State of New York (โ€œEO 202โ€),
(2) payments no longer may be delayed pursuant to EO 202.18, as further explained herein, (3) REF no longer will accept documents that
were notarized after June 24, 2021 in accordance with the virtual notary parameters set forth in EO 202.7, and (4) REF has set an extended
deadline for the submission of amendments pursuant to EO 202.18 and 202.55, as further described herein.
Previous versions of this guidance document stated that REF intended for the relief period to remain in effect as long as EO 202 remained
in effect. However, REF no longer will tie its relief period to EO 202; instead, the relief period will continue until REF updates this
guidance document to state that the relief period is no longer in effect.๎€ƒ๎€ƒEO 202 is available at the following web address:
https://www.governor.ny.gov/sites/governor ny.gov/files/atoms/files/EO 202.pdf
regarding the end of the relief period. Notwithstanding the foregoing, REF reserves the right to extend or end the
relief period at any time, in its sole discretion, by updating this guidance document or issuing a new guidance
document. REF also reserves the right to modify or rescind the temporary relief policies and procedures detailed
herein at any time, in its sole discretion, by updating this guidance document.
All requirements pursuant to Article 23-A of the General Business Law (โ€œthe Martin Actโ€), REFโ€™s regulations,
REFโ€™s guidance documents, and other relevant laws and regulations remain in full force and effect during the
relief period, unless expressly stated herein or in any pertinent New York Executive Order. In addition, REFโ€™s
relief period policies and procedures do not apply to violations that occurred, or began prior to, the start of the
relief period and have no impact on REFโ€™s or the DOLโ€™s ongoing enforcement activity. Furthermore, nothing
contained in this guidance document shall be construed to be a waiver of, or a limitation on, the Attorney
Generalโ€™s authority to take enforcement action pursuant to the Martin Act and other applicable provisions of law,
except as expressly stated herein. Finally, the relief period policies and procedures detailed in this guidance
document apply only to REF and do not apply to other bureaus or units within the DOL.
(a) Sales After Expiration of the Term of the Offering Plan
The Martin Act requires that before a sponsor
of a cooperative interest in realty may offer or sell units, the
sponsor must submit an offering plan to REF. See GBL ยง 352-e(2). An initial offering plan is valid for twelve
months from the date REF accepts the offering plan for filing. The term of the initial offering plan may be
extended when REF accepts for filing an amendment to the offering plan. See, e.g., 13 NYCRR ยง 20.3(a)(5). All
sponsor sales and/or marketing activity must cease upon expiration of the term of the offering plan unless the term
is extended by amendment. See, e.g., 13 NYCRR ยง 20.5(c). If sponsor continues to sell and/or market units after
the term of the offering plan is expired, REF deems those sales to be โ€œstale salesโ€ and typically pursues
enforcement actions against the sponsor and its principals for violation of the Martin Act.
Until further notice, REF does not intend to pursue enforcement actions against sponsors or principals based
solely upon the marketing or sale of units/apartments/homes pursuant to an expired or โ€œstaleโ€ offering plan.
Specifically, REF does not intend to commence new investigations of sponsors and principals for โ€œstale salesโ€
activity that occurred after the start of the relief period. Additionally, until further notice, REF will not consider a
sponsorโ€™s marketing or sale of units/apartments/homes pursuant to an expired or โ€œstaleโ€ offering plan to be an act
triggering a right of rescission for purchasers.
Therefore, until further notice, sponsors do not need to submit amendments to REF that principally serve to
extend the term of the offering plan (i.e., โ€œfinancial update amendmentsโ€). Notwithstanding the foregoing, REF
strongly encourages sponsors submit such amendments as they would under normal circumstances. In the
near future, REF intends to again pursue enforcement actions against sponsors or principals based upon the
marketing or sale of units/apartments/homes pursuant to an expired or โ€œstaleโ€ offering plan. REF intends to
notify sponsors of its intention to again pursue such enforcement actions by updating this guidance document. At
Please note that any guidance detailed herein concerning EO 202.18 is not in effect for the duration of the relief period. Rather, such
guidance is in effect only for the duration of EO 202.18. Pursuant to EO 210, EO 202.18 was rescinded and deemed expired effective June
25, 2021. Therefore, this guidance document has been updated to reflect that delayed filing fee payments are no longer permitted and
submitters who previously delayed filing fee payments must pay those filing fees by the deadline specified herein. Please note that REF
reserves the right to modify or rescind its interpretation of the relevant provisions of EO 202.18 as detailed herein at any time, in its sole
discretion, by updating this guidance document.
Please note that the DOLโ€™s Investor Protection Bureau has issued its own guidance regarding temporary relief period policies and
โ€œSponsorโ€ means sponsor, successor sponsor, or holder of unsold shares wherever that term is used in this document.
such time, sponsors will need to submit financial update amendments prior to marketing or selling
units/apartments/homes pursuant to an expired or โ€œstaleโ€ offering plan.
However, REF will provide sponsors with a grace period of at least ninety days before pursuing such enforcement
action. In effect, this means that (i) REF does not intend to pursue enforcement actions against sponsors or
principals based solely upon the marketing or sale of units/apartments/homes pursuant to an expired or โ€œstaleโ€
offering plan until at least ninety days after it updates this guidance document to state that it intends to again
pursue enforcement actions against sponsors or principals based solely upon the marketing or sale of
units/apartments/homes pursuant to an expired or โ€œstaleโ€ offering plan, and (ii) sponsors who intend to market or
sell units/apartments/homes pursuant to an expired or โ€œstaleโ€ offering plan will have at least ninety days from the
date REF updates this guidance document to file a financial update amendment with REF.
During the relief period, REF intends to continue to pursue enforcement action against sponsors and principals, as
warranted, for โ€œstale salesโ€ activity that occurred prior to the start of the relief period and intends to continue any
investigations regarding โ€œstale salesโ€ activity that commenced prior to the start of the relief period. REF also
intends to pursue enforcement actions against sponsors and principals, as warranted, for any failure to disclose
material and adverse changes to purchasers during the relief period. REF will consider the failure to disclose a
material and adverse change to a purchaser to be an act triggering a right of rescission for a purchaser.
The following is a non-exhaustive list of changes that REF would deem material and adverse for the purposes of
this guidance document (and thus would necessitate an amendment to the offering plan during the relief period).
1. The sponsor learns that the buildingโ€™s actual cash operating expenses (excluding depreciation and
extraordinary or non-recurring items, but including capital repairs, replacements, and improvements) for a
fiscal year exceed its income by more than 15% percent.
2. Litigation is filed which may adversely affect the sponsorโ€™s capacity to perform all of its obligations.
3. The sponsor learns, or should know, that the condominium, cooperative, homeowners association,
timeshare, or senior residential community is not meeting its current obligations.
4. The sponsor is not meeting its current obligations.
5. The sponsor is subjected to a judgment in any civil or criminal action or proceeding which adversely
affects the offering plan or the sponsorโ€™s fitness as an offeror of real estate securities.
6. The sponsor learns, or should know, of facts or circumstances which may in reasonable likelihood result
in material increases in maintenance charges or common charges because of extraordinary expenses to the
condominium, cooperative, homeowners association, timeshare, or senior residential community,
including, but not limited to, assessments or liabilities, outstanding uncured violations of record,
dangerous and hazardous building conditions, or pending litigation.
7. There is an increase of 25% or more in the budget or projected budget of the property.
8. There is an increase of 25% or more in the propertyโ€™s projected or assessed property taxes.
9. The sponsor makes a change in the size or number of units and/or their respective percentages of common
10. The sponsor materially decreases the size or quality of common elements.
11. There is an architectural, engineering, or other physical change to any common element or any
unit/apartment/home being offered (or any of its components), other than a substitution of โ€œequal or better
qualityโ€ as defined in the offering plan.
12. There is a material decrease in the square footage of any unit/apartment/home being offered.
13. There is a change to the identities of the sponsors or principals of the offering plan.
See, e.g., 13
NYCRR Part 20.3(ab).
It shall be within REFโ€™s sole discretion to determine what constitutes a material decrease in the quality of common elements.
Please note that there is a rebuttable presumption that a decrease in square footage of 5% or less is not material.
REF will not consider a change to sponsorโ€™s address to be a change necessitating an amendment to the offering plan during the relief
Any doubts regarding whether a change is material and adverse should be resolved in favor of submitting an
amendment with the change.
Please note that REF does intend to continue to pursue enforcement actions against sponsors and principals, as
warranted, for failure to submit effectiveness and post-closing amendments during the relief period. Therefore,
sponsors are advised to continue submitting such amendments to REF during the relief period, as appropriate.
Additionally, after the conclusion of the grace period described above in this subsection, REF intends to pursue
enforcement actions against sponsors and principals in connection with the marketing or sale of
units/apartments/homes pursuant to an expired or โ€œstaleโ€ offering plan where โ€œstale salesโ€ activity occurred after
the conclusion of such grace period. REF does not intend to pursue enforcement actions against sponsors and
principals based solely upon the marketing or sale of units/apartments/homes pursuant to an expired or โ€œstaleโ€
offering plan where โ€œstale salesโ€ activity occurred after the start of the relief period and before the end of the
grace period described above in this subsection.
(b) Price Change Only Amendments
REFโ€™s regulations require that the offering prices set forth in an offering planโ€™s Schedule A must be changed by a
duly filed amendment to the offering plan when the change in price is an across-the-board increase or decrease
affecting one or more lines of units or unit models, or is to be advertised, or is a price increase for an individual
purchaser. See, e.g., 13 NYCRR Part 20.3(k). REFโ€™s regulations permit the submission of amendments solely
limited to price changes; such amendments are โ€œprice change only amendmentsโ€ and are deemed accepted for
filing upon their submission to REF. See, e.g., 13 NYCRR Part 20.5(d)(1).
Until further notice, REF does not intend to pursue enforcement actions against sponsors or principals based
solely upon the failure to file price change only amendments with REF prior to offering or selling units/
apartments/homes at prices different than the most recently disclosed and filed offering price. Additionally, until
further notice, REF will not consider a sponsorโ€™s failure to file a price change only amendment prior to offering or
selling units/apartments/homes at prices different than the most recently disclosed and filed offering price to be an
act triggering a right of rescission for purchasers.
Therefore, until further notice, sponsors do not need to submit price change only amendments to REF.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, REF highly recommends that sponsors submit such amendments as they
would under normal circumstances. In the near future, REF intends to again pursue enforcement actions
against sponsors or principals based upon the failure to file price change only amendments with REF prior to
offering or selling units/apartments/homes at prices different than the most recently disclosed and filed offering
price. REF intends to notify sponsors of its intention to again pursue such enforcement actions by updating this
guidance document. At such time, sponsors will need to submit price change only amendments with REF prior to
offering or selling units/apartments/homes at prices different than the most recently disclosed and filed offering
price pursuant to REFโ€™s regulations. In the updated guidance document, REF also intends to provide instructions
regarding how to (i) file any price changes that occurred during the relief period that were not already disclosed
and filed, and (ii) pay filing fees for any price changes that occurred during the relief period that were not already
disclosed and filed, as applicable.
However, REF will provide sponsors with a grace period of at least ninety days before pursuing any such
enforcement actions. In effect, this means that (i) REF does not intend to pursue enforcement actions against
sponsors or principals based solely upon the failure to file price change only amendments with REF prior to
offering or selling units/apartments/homes at prices different than the most recently disclosed and filed offering
However, REF likely would pursue enforcement action, as warranted, against a sponsor increasing the purchase price of a
unit/apartment/home for which a contract of sale already has been executed. REF also likely would consider such a price increase to be an
event triggering a right of rescission for the purchaser.
price until at least ninety days after it updates this guidance document to state that it intends to again pursue
enforcement actions against sponsors or principals based solely upon the failure to file price change only
amendments with REF prior to offering or selling units/apartments/homes at prices different than the most
recently disclosed and filed offering price, (ii) sponsors who intend to market or sell units/apartments/homes at
prices different than the most recently disclosed and filed offering price will have at least ninety days from the
date REF updates this guidance document to file a price change only amendment with REF (although, again, they
are strongly encouraged to do so as soon as possible), and (iii) sponsors will have at least ninety days from the
date REF updates this guidance document to disclose and file any price changes that occurred during the relief
period that were not already disclosed and filed.
Please note, however, that the foregoing guidance applies only to price change only amendments. If sponsor is
required to submit a substantive amendment
to REF during the relief period and such substantive amendment
must include a price change pursuant to REFโ€™s regulations, sponsor must disclose the price change in the
substantive amendment and include the appropriate filing fees in its submission to REF. See, e.g., 13 NYCRR
Part 20.5(d)(2). Any previous price changes that were not filed with REF during the relief period also must be
disclosed in any substantive amendment submission to REF during the relief period, and the appropriate filing
fees for such previous price changes must be included with the substantive amendment submission (in addition to
filing fees for price changes disclosed in the current substantive amendment submission, if any).
After the conclusion of the grace period described above in this subsection, REF intends to again pursue
enforcement actions against sponsors and principals, as warranted, in connection with the failure to file price
change only amendments prior to offering or selling units/apartments/homes at prices different than the most
recently disclosed and filed price where the failure to file the price change amendment occurred after the
conclusion of the grace period described above in this subsection. REF does not intend to pursue enforcement
actions against sponsors and principals based solely upon the failure to file price change only amendments prior to
offering or selling units/apartments/homes at prices different than the most recently disclosed and filed price
where the sales activity occurred after the start of the relief period and before the end of the grace period
described above in this subsection.
(c) Broker-Dealer and Salesperson Registration Statements
Pursuant to GBL ยง 359-e(3), โ€œit shall be unlawful for any dealer, broker or salesman to sell or offer for sale to or
purchase or offer to purchase from the public within or from [New York State], any securities to be offered,
unless and until such dealer, broker or salesman shall have filed with the Department of Law a registration
statement.โ€ Pursuant to GBL ยง 359-e(3)(c), the registration of brokers, dealers, and salespersons shall be for a
period of four years plus an additional ninety days following the end of the four-year period.
Until further notice, REF does not intend to pursue enforcement actions against broker-dealers or salespersons
based solely upon the failure to timely file a broker-dealer or salesperson registration statement or supplemental
broker-dealer or salesperson registration statement with REF. Therefore, registrants are advised not to submit
such documents to REF until further notice.
Please note, however, that a broker-dealer registration statement
still is required with the submission of a new offering plan, no-action letter application, or Cooperative Policy
For the purposes of this guidance document, โ€œsubstantive amendmentโ€ shall refer to all amendments submitted to REF that are not
limited solely to price changes.
The relief period procedures detailed in this section apply only to broker-dealer and salesperson registration statements submitted to the
DOLโ€™s Real Estate Finance Bureau; they do not apply to broker-dealer and salesperson registration statements submitted to other bureaus
or units within the DOL, such as the Investor Protection Bureau.๎€ƒ
Unlike with financial update and price change only amendments to offering plans, broker-dealers and salespersons are not yet
encouraged to submit standalone broker-dealer and salesperson registration statements or supplemental broker-dealer and salesperson
registrations statements to REF as they would under normal circumstances due to the current unavailability of e-submission and e-payment
policies and procedures for such submissions and REFโ€™s limited ability to process paper-based submissions (due to limited in-office
Statement (โ€œCPSโ€) applicationโ€”and may be required with the submission of an amendment, amended and
restated offering plan, amendment to an amended and restated offering plan, amended no-action letter application,
or amendment or extension to a CPS applicationโ€”to REF during the relief period, as appropriate. Additionally, a
new or supplemental broker-dealer registration statement is required with an amendment submission if there is a
change to the sponsor or any of its principals.
REF currently is developing e-submission and e-payment policies and procedures for broker-dealer and
salesperson registration statements and supplemental broker-dealer and salesperson registration statements; REF
expects to enact these policies and procedures in the near future, and REF will update this guidance once such
policies and procedures are in effect. At such time, broker-dealers and salespersons will be required to timely file
broker-dealer or salesperson registration statements and supplemental broker-dealer or salesperson registration
statements with REF pursuant to GBL ยง 359-e. However, REF will provide a grace period of at least ninety days
after the conclusion of the relief period for such broker-dealers and salespersons to come into compliance with
GBL ยง 359-e.
After the conclusion of the grace period described above in this subsection, REF intends to again pursue
enforcement action, as warranted, in connection with the failure to timely file a broker-dealer or salesperson
registration statement or supplemental broker-dealer or salesperson registration statement with REF where the
failure to file the broker-dealer or salesperson registration statement or supplemental broker-dealer or salesperson
registration statement occurred after the conclusion of the grace period described above in this subsection. Thus,
any broker-dealer or salesperson registration statements or supplemental broker-dealer or salesperson registration
statements that were not filed with REF during the relief period should be filed with REF after REF enacts its e-
submission and e-payment policies and procedures for broker-dealer and salesperson registration statements.
REF does not intend to pursue enforcement actions against broker-dealers or salespersons based solely upon the
failure to timely file broker-dealer or salesperson registration statements or supplemental broker-dealer or
salesperson registration statements with REF pursuant to GBL ยง 359-e where the failure to file occurred after the
start of the relief period and before the end of the grace period described above in this subsection.
(d) Receipts for Broker-Dealer and Salesperson Registration Statements
After receiving, processing, and reviewing a broker-dealer or salesperson registration statement or supplemental
broker-dealer or salesperson registration statement, REF typically issues an โ€œofficialโ€ filing receipt to the
submitting attorney in PDF format. As of the effective date of this guidance document, REF will not be issuing
such PDF filing receipts. Rather, REF will send an email to the submitting attorney confirming that the broker-
dealer or salesperson registration statement or supplemental broker-dealer or salesperson registration statement
has been filed with REF. This email will serve as the โ€œofficialโ€ filing receipt from REF. Registrants who
received an email filing receipt during the relief period will not receive a PDF filing receipt for their registration
at any point in the future, including after the conclusion of the relief period.
(e) Amendment Submissions and Broker-Dealer Registration Requirements
Pursuant to its guidance document entitled โ€œAmendment Submissions and Broker-Dealer Registration
Requirements Pursuant to New York General Business Law ยง 359-e,โ€
REF requires all amendment submissions,
excluding price change only amendments, to include an accurate, complete, and current broker-dealer registration
statement, or evidence thereof, submitted on behalf of the entity or person(s) submitting the amendment.
The relief period procedures detailed in this section apply only to broker-dealer and salesperson registration statements submitted to the
DOLโ€™s Real Estate Finance Bureau; they do not apply to broker-dealer and salesperson registration statements submitted to other bureaus
or units within the DOL, such as the Investor Protection Bureau.
REFโ€™s guidance document entitled โ€œAmendment Submissions and Broker-Dealer Registration Requirements Pursuant to New York
General Business Law ยง 359-eโ€ is available at the following web address:
https://ag ny.gov/sites/default/files/amendment submissions and broker-
dealer registration requirements pursuant to new york general business law ss 359-e 12-7-2017.pdf
Until further notice, REF temporarily is suspending its requirement that an accurate, complete, and current
broker-dealer registration statement, or evidence thereof, be included with newly submitted amendments.
However, as previously discussed herein, a new or supplemental broker-dealer registration statement is required
with an amendment submission if there is a change to the sponsor or any of its principals.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, REF highly recommends that sponsors continue to include with amendment
submissions evidence of an accurate, complete, and current broker-dealer registration statement if (1) the sponsor
has already filed an accurate, complete, and current broker-dealer registration statement with REF, and (2) the
sponsor already has evidence of the filing of such broker-dealer registration statement, such as a filing receipt
from REF or a copy of the filed broker-dealer registration statement.
(f) Form 99 Submissions
Form 99 is a notification filing for issuers who are filing, or have filed, with the United States Securities and
Exchange Commission either (1) pursuant to Rule 506 of Regulation D, or (2) pursuant to Regulation A, Tier 2,
or (3) as a โ€œqualified purchaserโ€ defined by Section 18(b)(3) of the Securities Act of 1933. Such issuers must file
a Form 99 with REF prior to any sale or offer for sale of real estate-related securities in or from New York State
deemed within purview of GBL ยง 352-e or ยง 352-g.
Until further notice, REF does not intend to pursue enforcement actions based solely upon the failure to timely
file a Form 99 with REF. Therefore, issuers are advised not to submit such documents to REF until further
REF currently is developing e-submission and e-payment policies and procedures for Form 99
submissions; REF expects to enact these policies and procedures in the near future, and REF will update this
guidance once such policies and procedures are in effect. At such time, issuers will be required to timely file a
Form 99 with REF. However, REF will provide a grace period of at least ninety days after the conclusion of the
relief period for such issuers to come into compliance.
After the conclusion of the grace period described above in this subsection, REF again intends to pursue
enforcement action, as warranted, in connection with the failure to timely file a Form 99 with REF where the
failure to file a Form 99 occurred after the relief period described above in this subsection. Thus, any Forms 99
that were not filed during the relief period should be filed after the conclusion of the grace period described above
in this subsection. REF does not intend to pursue enforcement actions against issuers based solely upon the
failure to timely file a Form 99 with REF where the failure to file occurred after the start of the relief period and
before the end of the grace period described above in this subsection.
(g) Original Signatures and Notarized Documents
In general, REF requires that any signed or notarized documents submitted to REF contain original โ€œwet inkโ€
signatures. That is, REF typically does not accept photocopies or scanned copies of such documents. During the
relief period, REF will deem a photocopy or scanned copy of an original signature to be an original signature and
thus will not require an original โ€œwet inkโ€ signature on any signed or notarized documents. However, REF
reserves the right to request an original โ€œwet inkโ€ signature as it deems necessary.
REF requests that, to the extent possible, sponsors not contact REF to request proof of filing of a broker-dealer or salesperson registration
statement, as REF will have limited capacity to process these requests during the relief period.
The relief period procedures detailed in this section apply only to Forms 99 submitted to the DOLโ€™s Real Estate Finance Bureau; they do
not apply to Forms 99 submitted to other bureaus or units within the DOL, such as the Investor Protection Bureau.
Unlike with financial update and price change only amendments to offering plans, issuers are not yet encouraged to submit Form 99
filings to REF as they would under normal circumstances due to the current unavailability of e-submission and e-payment policies and
procedures for such submissions and REFโ€™s limited ability to process paper-based submissions (due to limited in-office staffing).
Similarly, during the relief period, REF will not require notarization on any documents that it usually would
require to be notarized. Instead, REF will accept documents executed either within or without the United States
of America with the following language included above the signature line:
โ€œI declare [or certify, verify, or state] under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of New York
and the United States of America that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on [date]. [Signature].โ€
REF will no longer accept documents that were notarized after June 24, 2021 in accordance with the virtual
notary parameters set forth in New York Executive Order Number 202.7, as the executive order permitting such
notarizations was rescinded and deemed expired effective June 25, 2021.
(h) Digital Distribution of the Offering Plan and Amendments Thereto
The Martin Act requires that sponsors furnish purchasers with true copies of the offering plan and all
amendments. See GBL ยง 352-e(5). REF typically requires that sponsors provide purchasers with a paper copy of
the offering plan and amendments. REF only permits sponsors to distribute digital copies of the offering plan and
amendments to purchasers if the sponsor submits to REF a complete and accurate application pursuant to
Cooperative Policy Statement #10 (โ€œCPS-10โ€).
During the relief period, REF (1) does not intend to pursue enforcement actions against sponsors or principals
based solely upon furnishing purchasers with digital copies of the offering plan and/or amendments prior to
submitting a CPS-10 application to REF, and (2) will not consider sponsor or principals furnishing purchasers
with digital copies of the offering plan and/or amendments to be an act triggering a right of rescission for
purchasers, provided the following conditions are met:
1. The digital copy of the offering plan and/or amendment(s) is identical to the final version of the offering
plan or amendment(s) accepted for filing by REF;
2. The sponsor provides a paper copy of the offering plan and/or amendment(s) to any purchaser (or offeree
or tenant, as applicable) who requests it;
3. The sponsor provides all purchasers (and offerees and tenants, as applicable) with paper copies of any and
all documents previously distributed digitally within thirty business days after the conclusion of the relief
period; and
4. The sponsor includes a cover letter with the digital copy of the offering plan and/or amendment(s) stating
the following:
โ€œAttached please find a Digital Copy of the [(offering plan and/or amendments __ through ___
thereto) OR (amendment number ___ to the offering plan)] for the [insert name of property],
located at [insert complete address of property], File Number [insert REF file number]. Due to
the COVID-19 State of Emergency, the New York State Department of Law has advised that
purchasers may receive digital copies of offering plans and amendments in lieu of paper copies.
Once the State of Emergency has ended, purchasers will be sent a paper copy of the [offering plan
Although a previously issued version of this guidance document stated that sponsors of certain offering plans
submitted pursuant to 13 NYCRR Parts 18 and 23 could not take advantage of the procedures set forth in this
subsection of this guidance document (i.e., subsection II(h)), such sponsors now may timely distribute digital
copies of the offering plans and amendments to all offerees (as defined in 13 NYCRR ยงยง 18.1(d) and 23.1(d)),
CPS-10 is available at the following web address:
https://ag ny.gov/sites/default/files/cooperative policy statement 10.pdf
tenants, and purchasers during the relief period. In addition, during the relief period, sponsors may distribute
digital copies of all notices and postings required by the Martin Act and 13 NYCRR Part 18 or 23 to all offerees,
tenants, and purchasers. However, in order to digitally distribute such an offering plan, amendment, notice, or
posting, sponsors must adhere to the following additional requirements:
1. The sponsor must comply with all digital distribution requirements previously stated in this subsection of
this guidance document (i.e., subsection II(h)), as applicable;
2. The sponsor must send the digital copy of the offering plan, amendments, notice, and/or posting to all
offerees, tenants, and purchasers (e.g., the sponsor cannot send documents only to purchasers but not
tenants, and the sponsor cannot send documents only to certain tenants);
3. Promptly after distributing a digital copy of any notice or posting, the sponsor must email the digital copy
of such notice or posting to the REF reviewing attorney who reviewed the offering plan or most recent
amendment thereto; and
4. The sponsor must receive an affirmative response from each offeree, tenant, or purchaser in order to
constitute receipt. REF will not consider merely sending an email to an offeree, tenant, or purchaser to
constitute receipt by such offeree, tenant, or purchaser.
Furthermore, if a sponsor intends to submit to REF an offering plan pursuant to 13 NYCRR Part 18 or 23 after the
date of this guidance document, REF recommends that such sponsor contact REF prior to submission of the
offering plan for further information regarding digital distribution of the red herring.
Please note that all other requirements detailed in REFโ€™s regulations concerning service of the offering plan
and/or amendments to purchasers remain in effect during the relief period. Please also note that, at the conclusion
of the relief period, sponsors must return to distributing paper copies of the offering plan and/or amendments to
purchasers unless sponsor submits a complete and accurate CPS-10 application to REF after the conclusion of the
relief period.
(i) Revisions to Submissions
During the relief period, REF temporarily is suspending its right to require sponsors to submit a paper copy of
revisions that are over twenty-five pages.
Accordingly, REF requests that submitters send all revisions via email
in lieu of mailing a paper copy. REF also requests that submitters do not mail to REF a courtesy paper copy of
any revisions during the relief period. REF further requests that submitters who may have mailed paper copies of
revisions or other documents to REF in the two weeks preceding the start of the relief period contact the REF staff
member to whom the revisions or documents were sent to determine if the REF staff member received such
documents. If not, please transmit such documents to REF via email.
(j) Acceptance for Filing of Amendments, Issuance of No-Action Letters and Letters of No Objection
to Termination of Condominium Declaration, and Granting of CPS Treatment
During the relief period, REF is suspending until further notice its requirement for both a paper copy and a digital
copy (on a CD-ROM, DVD, USB flash drive, or external hard drive) of final amendments. Similarly, REF is
suspending until further notice its requirement for a paper copy of final no-action letter applications, amended no-
action letter applications, applications for letters of no objection to termination of condominium declaration, CPS
applications, and amendments or extensions to CPS applications. Therefore, sponsors are advised not to send the
final paper copies of such documents to REF during the relief period.
For further information regarding this requirement, please refer to REFโ€™s guidance document entitled โ€œDigital Submission Requirements
for Cooperative Interests in Realty,โ€ which is available at the following web address:
https://ag ny.gov/sites/default/files/digital submission requirements for cooperative interests in realty 10-15-2019.pdf๎€ƒ
Instead, REF can accept amendments, issue no-action letters and letters of no objection to termination of
condominium declaration, or grant CPS treatment of the aforementioned submissions via email during the relief
The reviewing attorney assigned to a pending submission will provide the submitting attorney with
instructions regarding the procedure for digital submission of final documents to REF. Upon the reviewing
attorneyโ€™s receipt and review of the final documents, the reviewing attorney will email the submitting attorney
indicating whether they have accepted the amendment for filing, issued the no-action letter or letter of no
objection to termination of condominium declaration, or granted CPS treatment to the submission.
For all amendments (including, but not limited to, effectiveness amendments), no-action letter applications,
amended no-action letter applications, applications for letters of no objection to termination of condominium
declaration, CPS applications, and amendments or extensions to CPS applications, the reviewing attorneyโ€™s email
will serve as REFโ€™s โ€œofficialโ€ amendment acceptance letter, no-action letter, letter of no objection to termination
of condominium declaration, or letter granting CPS treatment. For such submissions, REFโ€™s Records
Management Section will not issue an โ€œofficialโ€ letter on REF letterhead in PDF format.
REF recognizes that sponsors sometimes require an โ€œofficialโ€ letter on REF letterhead in PDF format, particularly
if the letter is required in order to file or amend the declaration of a condominium. The New York City
Department of Finance has informed REF that it will accept REFโ€™s email amendment acceptance letters and no-
action letters in lieu of the typical โ€œofficialโ€ letters on REF letterhead in PDF format, including for effectiveness
amendments and no-action letters. Therefore, REF asks that sponsors please refrain from contacting REF for an
โ€œofficialโ€ letter on REF letterhead in PDF format unless absolutely necessary. If an โ€œofficialโ€ acceptance letter on
REF letterhead in PDF format is required for other purposes, please contact REF and REF will make its best
effort to process such acceptance letter as quickly as possible.
(k) Acceptance for Filing of Offering Plans
During the relief period, REF is suspending until further notice its requirement for both a paper copy and a digital
copy (on a CD-ROM, DVD, USB flash drive, or external hard drive) of final offering plans. Instead, REF can
accept an offering plan for filing via email during the relief period.
The reviewing attorney assigned to a
pending submission will provide the submitting attorney with instructions regarding the procedure for digital
submission of final documents to REF. Upon the reviewing attorneyโ€™s receipt and review of the final documents,
the reviewing attorney will email the submitting attorney indicating whether they have accepted the offering plan
for filing. The reviewing attorneyโ€™s email acceptance will be REFโ€™s โ€œofficialโ€ offering plan acceptance letter.
REFโ€™s Records Management Section will not issue an โ€œofficialโ€ offering plan acceptance letter on REF letterhead
in PDF format.
New York Executive Order Number 202.18 (โ€œEO 202.18โ€), which previously permitted delaying payments of the
second half of the offering planโ€™s filing fee, was rescinded and deemed expired effective June 25, 2021.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, REF reserves the right to request a paper and digital copy (on a CD-ROM, DVD, USB flash drive, or
external hard drive) of the final offering plan.
Please note that previously issued versions of this guidance document stated that the reviewing attorneyโ€™s email would not be REFโ€™s
โ€œofficialโ€ effectiveness amendment acceptance letter or no-action letter, and, as such, REFโ€™s Records Management Section still would issue
the โ€œofficialโ€ acceptance letter. However, as of the effective date of this guidance document, REF has changed such policy as detailed
Notwithstanding the foregoing, REF reserves the right to request a paper and digital copy (on a CD-ROM, DVD, USB flash drive, or
external hard drive) of the final offering plan.
Please note that previously issued versions of this guidance document stated that the reviewing attorneyโ€™s email would not be REFโ€™s
โ€œofficialโ€ offering plan acceptance letter, and, as such, REFโ€™s Records Management Section still would issue the โ€œofficialโ€ acceptance
letter. However, as of the effective date of this guidance document, REF has changed such policy as detailed above.
Consequently, submitters no longer may delay payment of any applicable filing fees.
Any submitters who
previously chose to delay payment of their filing fee pursuant to EO 202.18 must pay their filing fee no later than
September 23, 2021. Submitters who previously chose to delay payment of their filing fee pursuant to EO
202.18 should refer to Section III(c) of this guidance document for instructions regarding submitting a delayed
filing fee.
(l) Cooperative Policy Statement Exemptions
Prior versions of this guidance document stated that CPS exemptions were suspended for the duration of the relief
period, and, as such, REF would not accept for submission any applications pursuant to CPS-1, CPS-3, CPS-5,
CPS-6, CPS-7, CPS-10, CPS-11, or CPS-12 until further notice. As of the effective date of this guidance
document, REF has reinstated all of its CPS exemptions and can now accept for submission any applications
pursuant to CPS-1, CPS-3, CPS-5, CPS-6, CPS-7, CPS-10, CPS-11, or CPS-12 and/or amendments or extensions
to such applications, as applicable.
However, as of the effective date of this guidance document, REF has superseded its requirement that all CPS
applications and amendments or extensions to CPS applications be submitted to REF in paper; instead, REF
requires that all CPS applications and amendments or extensions to CPS applications be submitted using REFโ€™s
paperless electronic submission (โ€œe-submissionโ€) policy.
Paper submissions of CPS applications and
amendments or extensions to CPS applications will not be accepted for submission during the relief period and
until further notice. Any submitters following these paperless e-submission procedures should not mail any
physical copies of these documentsโ€”as either paper copies or digital copies on a CD-ROM, DVD, USB flash
drive, or external hard driveโ€”to REF unless explicitly requested by REF staff. Additionally, all filing fees for
CPS applications and amendments or extensions to CPS applications must be remitted using REFโ€™s electronic
payment (โ€œe-paymentโ€) portal
(the submitter no longer may waive filing fees pursuant to EO 202.18, as
described in more detail in Section III(c) of this guidance document). Please refer to Section III of this guidance
document for more specific information regarding REFโ€™s e-submission and e-payment policies and procedures.
REF understands that, during the time CPS exemptions were suspended, some submitters may have developed a
backlog of ready-for-submission CPS applications and amendments or extensions to CPS applications. REF
strongly encourages submitters to exercise discretion and avoid immediately submitting all such backlogged CPS
applications and amendments or extensions to CPS applications (to the extent possible), as REFโ€™s capacity to
process and review such submissions has not increased materially since the beginning of the relief period.
Accordingly, the simultaneous submission of all backlogged CPS applications and amendments or extensions to
CPS applications may delay REFโ€™s processing and review of all CPS submissions.
(m) Policy Statement Exemptions
Until further notice, REF has suspended all of its Policy Statements (โ€œPSโ€) exemptions. Therefore, as of the date
of this guidance document, REF is not accepting for submission any applications pursuant to PS-100, PS-101, PS-
102, PS-103, PS-104, or PS-105. However, all PS exemptions granted prior to the date of this guidance document
remain in full force and effect. In addition, REF will continue to review all PS exemption applications that were
EO 210 rescinded and deemed expired EO 202.18 effective June 25, 2021. Although various successor executive orders to EO 202
previously had been extended through July 5, 2021, EO 210 rescinded Executive Orders 202 through 202.111 effective June 25, 2021,
thereby ending all previous extensions to successor executive orders. Therefore, this guidance document has been updated to reflect that
EO 202.18 is no longer in effect as of June 25, 2021 and, as such, payments no longer may be delayed. If this is an issue, please contact
REFโ€™s e-submission policies and procedures are described in more detail in Section III(a) of this guidance document.
REFโ€™s e-payment portal is described in more detail in Section III(b) of this guidance document.
Although REF has assigned more attorneys to review CPS submissions than it typically would under normal circumstances to account
for an expected initial increase in CPS applications and amendments and extensions to CPS applications, REF has had no increase in
review staffing since the beginning of the relief period.
submitted to REF prior to the date of this guidance document (and will grant PS treatment to such submissions, as
warranted), subject to delays in review. Moreover, until further notice, REF does not intend to pursue
enforcement actions against issuers or promoters based solely upon failure to timely file PS applications prior to
offering, selling, or promoting real estate securities in or from New York State.
REF intends to reinstate all of its PS exemptions in the near future, and currently is developing e-submission and
e-payment policies and procedures for such submissions, and REF will update this guidance once such policies
and procedures are in effect. At such time, issuers and promoters will be required to timely file PS applications
prior to offering, selling, or promoting real estate securities in or from New York State. However, REF will
provide a grace period of at least ninety days after the conclusion of the relief period for such issuers and
promoters to come into compliance.
After the conclusion of the grace period described above in this subsection, REF intends to again pursue
enforcement actions against issuers or promoters, as warranted, in connection with the failure to timely file PS
applications with REF. Thus, any PS applications that were not filed during the relief period should be filed after
the conclusion of the grace period described above in this subsection. REF does not intend to pursue enforcement
actions against issuers based solely upon the failure to timely file a PS application with REF where the failure to
file occurred after the start of the relief period and before the end of the grace period described above in this
(n) โ€œOfficialโ€ Acceptance Letters for Backlogged Amendment, No-Action Letter, and Offering Plan
Prior to beginning telecommuting, REFโ€™s typical practice for issuing most acceptance letters was as follows: (1)
after reviewing a submission, the REF reviewing attorney assigned to such submission would send the submitting
attorney a courtesy acceptance email indicating that such submission had been accepted for filing as of a certain
date, and then (2) REFโ€™s Records Management Section would process the accepted submission and email the
submitting attorney an โ€œofficialโ€ acceptance letter on REF letterhead in PDF format.
Prior to the beginning of the relief period, REF had a backlog of accepted submissions requiring issuance of
โ€œofficialโ€ acceptance letters. That is, there were offering plans and amendments that had already been accepted
for filing by the reviewing attorney (and the submitting attorney had already been informed of such fact by the
reviewing attorney via email), but REFโ€™s Records Management Section had not yet sent the โ€œofficialโ€ offering
plan or amendment acceptance letter to the submitting attorney. Additionally, during the relief period, REF has
generated a backlog of โ€œofficialโ€ effectiveness amendment acceptance letters, no-action letters, and offering plan
acceptance letters (as REF, at the beginning of the relief period, originally had intended to issue โ€œofficialโ€
acceptance letters on REF letterhead in PDF format for such filings).
As of the effective date of this guidance document, REFโ€™s Records Management Section will not be emailing
submitting attorneys โ€œofficialโ€ amendment acceptance letters on REF letterhead in PDF format for any such
โ€œbackloggedโ€ amendments (including, but not limited to, โ€œbackloggedโ€ effectiveness amendments),
letters, or offering plan acceptance letters. Rather, REFโ€™s Records Management Section will send an email to the
submitting attorney confirming that the amendment, no-action letter, or offering plan has been filed with REF as
of a certain date.
This email will serve as the โ€œofficialโ€ amendment acceptance letter, no-action letter, or
offering plan acceptance letter. Sponsors who receive an email โ€œofficialโ€ amendment acceptance letter, no-action
Please note that previously issued versions of this guidance document stated that REFโ€™s Records Management Section would continue to
issue โ€œofficialโ€ amendment acceptance letters on REF letterhead in PDF format for any โ€œbackloggedโ€ effectiveness amendments.
However, as of the effective date of this guidance document, REF has changed such policy as detailed above.
Please note that the amendmentโ€™s or offering planโ€™s date of acceptance will remain the same as indicated in the reviewing attorneyโ€™s
courtesy acceptance email; similarly, the date the no-action letter application was granted will remain the same as indicated in the
reviewing attorneyโ€™s courtesy acceptance email.
letter, or offering plan acceptance letter will not receive a PDF amendment acceptance letter on REF letterhead at
any point in the future, including after the conclusion of the relief period.
(o) Submission of Amendments to REF Pursuant to Executive Orders 202.18 and 202.55
On April 16, 2020, Governor Cuomo issued New York Executive Order Number 202.18 (โ€œEO 202.18โ€), which
was later modified by New York Executive Order Number 202.55 (โ€œEO 202.55โ€) on August 5, 2020 and then
further extended by various successor EOs (collectively, EO 202.18, EO 202.55, and the various successor EOs
extending them are referred to as โ€œthe EOsโ€).
Among other things, the EOs suspended or modified several
provisions of the Martin Act and REFโ€™s regulations. Most relevant for the purposes of this guidance document,
certain statutory and regulatory sponsor obligations and related timeframes and deadlines were โ€œtolled and
extended for a period equal to, in the aggregate, the duration of [the EOs] plus an additional period of 120 daysโ€
(the โ€œTolling Periodโ€). The EOs also required sponsors to provide tenants in occupancy of a rental building
undergoing cooperative or condominium conversion with certain rights and protections for the duration of the
Tolling Period and tolled the expiration date of certain tenancy rights.
Additionally, the EOs required sponsors,
upon the expiration of the EOs, to submit an amendment to REF โ€œwithin 45 days from the expiration of [the EOs]
or within such other longer timeframe as may be specified by the Department of Lawโ€ in order to update any
relevant timeframes and dates that were tolled by the EOs.
The EOs were rescinded and deemed expired effective June 25, 2021 pursuant to EO 210.
pursuant to the EOs, sponsors are now required to submit amendments to REF disclosing any updated timeframes
and dates that were tolled by the EOs. However, REF will not require sponsors to submit such amendments
within 45 days of the rescission and expiration of the EOs. Instead, REF will provide sponsors with an additional
120 daysโ€”165 days in totalโ€”from the rescission and expiration of the EOs to submit such amendments.
Therefore, sponsors must submit amendments disclosing any updated timeframes and dates that were
tolled by the EOs no later than December 7, 2021. Notwithstanding the foregoing, REF highly recommends
that sponsors submit such amendments prior to December 7, 2021.
REF intends to issue a separate guidance document in the near future providing more specific information
regarding submitting amendments pursuant to the EOs, including instructions for calculating the Tolling Period
for various submissions. All amendments submitted pursuant to the EOs should adhere to the parameters that will
be set forth in such guidance document.
As of May 1, 2020, REF accepts and very strongly encourages electronic submission (โ€œe-submissionโ€) of most
initial submissions to REF. In addition, REF accepts and very strongly encourages electronic payment (โ€œe-
paymentโ€) of filing fees for many submissions to REF.
Please see below for additional information regarding
EO 202.18 can be accessed at the following web address:
https://www.governor ny.gov/news/no-20218-continuing-temporary-suspension-and-modification-laws-relating-disaster-
EO 202.55 can be accessed at the following web address:
Please note that EO 202.18 also provides, in relevant part: โ€œSection 352-e(7)(a) of the General Business law [sic], and any order, rule, or
regulation in furtherance of the requirements thereof, to the extent it requires certain filing fees be made at the time of submission and filing
of each offering statement or prospectus, shall be exempted during the duration of this executive order, it being understood that such filing
fees shall be remitted in full to the department of law [sic] within 90 days from the expiration of this executive order.โ€ However, this
provision of EO 202.18 and instructions for compliance are discussed elsewhere in this guidance document.
EO 210 can be accessed at the following web address:
As previously discussed herein, REF requires e-submission and e-payment for CPS submissions as of the effective date of this guidance
these new e-submission and e-payment policies and procedures. Submitters taking advantage of these e-
submission and e-payment policies and procedures do NOT need to physically mail paper copies (or digital
copies, where typically required) of their submissions to REF at any time, unless explicitly requested by
REF staff.
Although REF still will accept most paper-based submissions and payments during the relief period,
REF very
strongly encourages sponsors to take advantage of REFโ€™s e-submission and e-payment policies and procedures to
the greatest extent possible during the relief period. Due to REFโ€™s very limited in-office staffing during the
COVID-19 state of emergency, paper-based submissions and payments may delay a submissionโ€™s processing
during the relief period.
As of the date of this guidance document, REF intends for its e-submission policies to be temporary and thus
intends to revert to its prior submission procedures at the end of the relief period. In contrast, REF intends for e-
payment of its filing fees to be permanent. However, the e-payment guidelines described herein and in REFโ€™s
guidance document entitled โ€œGuidelines for the Submission of Electronic Payments of Filing Fees During
COVID-19 State of Emergencyโ€ are specific to the relief period. REF will provide further information about any
future e-payment requirements either by updating the foregoing guidance document or issuing a separate guidance
document on the topic.
(a) Electronic Submission of Certain Initial Submissions
As of May 1, 2020, REF has temporarily waived some of its existing submission policies and procedures and is
instituting temporary paperless e-submission policies and procedures for the initial submission of offering plans,
amendments, amended and restated offering plans, amendments to amended and restated offering plans, no-action
letter applications, and amended no-action letter applications.
Specifically, REF is waiving until further notice its requirement that both a paper copy and a digital copy (on a
CD-ROM, DVD, USB flash drive, or external hard drive) of initial submissions of offering plans, amendments,
amended and restated offering plans, and amendments to amended and restated offering plans be mailed to REF.
Additionally, REF is waiving until further notice its requirement that a paper copy of initial submissions of no-
action letter applications and amended no-action letter applications be mailed to REF. Simultaneously, REF
temporarily is instituting a paperless e-submission policy that allows submitters of proposed (initial submission)
offering plans, amendments, amended and restated offering plans, amendments to amended and restated offering
plans, no-action letter applications, and amended no-action letter applications to upload a digital copy of all
required documents to the OAG Cloud in lieu of mailing a physical copy of the submission to REF.
As previously discussed herein, as of September 18, 2020, REF also has superseded its requirement that all CPS
applications and amendments or extensions to CPS applications be submitted to REF in paper; instead, REF
requires that all CPS applications and amendments or extensions to CPS applications be submitted using REFโ€™s
paperless electronic submission policy. That is, REF requires that submitters of CPS applications and
amendments or extensions to CPS applications upload a digital copy of all required documents to the OAG Cloud
in lieu of mailing a physical copy of the submission to REF. Paper submissions of CPS applications and
amendments or extensions will not be accepted for submission during the relief period and until further notice.
As detailed below, as of the effective date of this guidance document, REF requires that all initial CPS applications and amendments or
extensions to CPS applications be submitted to REF via e-submission. REF will not accept any paper-based CPS applications or
amendments or extensions to CPS applications until further notice. REF currently will accept paper-based submissions of all other
submissions, except PS exemption applications (which are currently suspended).
All other requirements outlined in the guidance document entitled โ€œDigital Submission Requirements for Cooperative Interests in
Realtyโ€ remain in full force and effect, unless already waived, suspended, or altered by this guidance document.
For additional details regarding REFโ€™s temporary paperless e-submission policies and procedures, please refer to
REFโ€™s guidance document entitled โ€œTemporary Electronic Submission Policies and Procedures for Initial
Submissions During COVID-19 State of Emergency,โ€ which is available at the following web address:
https://ag.ny.gov/sites/default/files/temporary electronic submission policies and procedures for initia
l submissions during covid-19 state of emergency 6-28-2021.pdf
Please note that this guidance document only addresses temporary e-submission policies and procedures for
the initial submission of offering plans, amendments, amended and restated offering plans, amendments to
amended and restated offering plans, no-action letter applications, amended no-action letter applications, CPS
applications, and amendments or extensions to CPS applications; it does not address the final submission of such
filings to REF. Please refer to Section II of this guidance document for further information regarding the final
submission of such documents to REF.
Please also note that submitters cannot take advantage of REFโ€™s e-submission policy if they are paying filing fees
via paper check. Therefore, in order to utilize the temporary paperless e-submission policy, submitters must pay
filing fees using REFโ€™s e-payment portal (as described in more detail in Section III(c) below). Submitters no
longer may delay payment of filing fees pursuant to New York Executive Order Number 202.18, which was
rescinded and deemed expired effective June 25, 2021.
(b) E-Payment of Filing Fees
REF has developed a secure e-payment portal that allows submitters to pay nearly all REF filing fees
electronically in lieu of using paper checks. REFโ€™s e-payment portal calculates the appropriate filing fees based
on the type of submission (and information about the submission inputted by the submitter). Submitters using the
e-payment portal must pay the appropriate filing fee(s) before submitting their proposed filing to REF and
include with their e-submission package โ€œproof of electronic payment of filing fees.โ€ In such instances, the
submission date of the proposed filing will be the date REF receives the complete submission package including
โ€œproof of electronic payment of filing fees,โ€ rather than the date the submitter remitted the e-payment for the
proposed filing.
REFโ€™s e-payment portal can be accessed via REFโ€™s web page or at the following web address:
For details regarding e-payment of filing fees, please refer to REFโ€™s guidance document entitled โ€œGuidelines for
the Submission of Electronic Payments of Filing Fees During COVID-19 State of Emergency,โ€ which is available
at the following web address:
https://ag.ny.gov/sites/default/files/guidelines for the submission of electronic payments of filing fee
s during covid-19 state of emergency 6-28-2021.pdf
Please note that submitters paying filing fees via the e-payment portal during the relief period also must use
REFโ€™s temporary e-submission policy described above. Specifically, REF will not permit e-payments with any
paper-based submissions to REF during the relief period. In effect, this means that submitters currently can make
e-payments only for the following submissions to REF: (1) offering plans, (2) amendments, (3) amended and
restated offering plans, (4) amendments to amended and restated offering plans, (5) no-action letter applications,
(6) amended no-action letter applications, (7) CPS applications, (8) amendments or extensions to CPS
applications, and (9) broker-dealer or salesperson registration statements submitted in tandem with one of the
foregoing submissions (i.e., Forms M-2, M-3, M-4, and M-10). Thus, no filing fee payments to REF other than
the foregoing payments can be made via e-payment at this time. However, until further notice, REF is not
requiring the submission of โ€œstand-aloneโ€ Forms M-2, M-3, M-4, and M-10 or Forms 99, nor is REF accepting
for submission any Policy Statement exemption applications. Essentially, this means that the only filing fees that
cannot be made via e-payment and instead should be paid via paper check are: (1) intrastate securities offerings
pursuant to GBL ยง 359-ff and (2) full filings of syndications registrations.
It is the responsibility of each submitter using the e-payment portal to ensure that the correct filing fees are paid
and all information submitted in connection with an e-payment is truthful and accurate. REF is not responsible
for any overpayment of filing fees, and refunds are not guaranteed.
Thus, REF encourages submitters to
thoroughly familiarize themselves with the e-payment portal prior to submitting any e-payments. If a submitter
encounters any issues with the e-payment portal, they should contact REF by emailing [email protected].
Please note that as of the effective date of this guidance document, REF still is working to improve the e-payment
portalโ€™s user experience. REF thus reserves the right to make changes and enhancements to the e-payment portal
in order to optimize functionality without updating this guidance document.
(c) Delayed Payment of Certain Filing Fees Previously Permitted Pursuant to New York Executive
Order Number 202.18 No Longer Permitted
New York Executive Order Number 202.18 (โ€œEO 202.18โ€) exempted filing fee requirements under GBL ยง 352-
e(7)(a) until ninety days after the expiration of EO 202.18.
Such exempted filing fees include the filing fees for
offering plans, amendments, amended and restated offering plans, amendments to amended and restated offering
plans, no-action letter applications, amended no-action letter applications, CPS applications, and amendments or
extensions to CPS applications.
Therefore, while EO 202.18 was in effect, submitters of such filings could
choose not to pay filing fees until ninety days following the expiration of EO 202.18. However, EO 202.18 was
rescinded and deemed expired effective June 25, 2021. Accordingly, submitters no longer may delay payment of
any filing fees.
Any submitters who previously chose to delay payment of their filing fee pursuant to EO 202.18
must pay their filing fee no later than September 23, 2021. In order to do so, such submitters must complete all
fields of the โ€œForm 202.18 โ€” Submission of Delayed Filing Fee Payment Pursuant to Executive Order 202.18โ€
(โ€œForm 202.18โ€) and return the completed form to REF with their e-payment receipt (highly preferred) or paper
check for the full filing fee amount. A copy of Form 202.18 is attached to this guidance document as Exhibit A.
Submitters must complete a separate Form 202.18 for each filing for which a payment was delayed pursuant to
EO 202.18. The same form can be used to submit the initial and final payments for an offering plan by checking
the applicable box on the form. However, the same form cannot be used for multiple unrelated
plans/projects/filings. REF reserves the right to reject incomplete forms and forms submitted for delayed
payments for multiple unrelated plans/projects/filings.
Furthermore, REF cannot provide credit toward future filings.
Although this subsection is located in the section of this guidance document entitled โ€œInitial Submissions to REF,โ€ the instructions
detailed in this subsection also pertain to the payment of any final offering plan filing fees that were delayed pursuant to EO 202.18.
EO 202.18 can be accessed at the following web address:
Although technically the filing fees for some CPS applications and amendments or extensions to CPS applications were not exempted
under EO 202.18, to avoid confusion during the pendency of EO 202.18, REF treated all CPS application and amendment or extension to
CPS application filing fees as exempted under EO 202.18.
EO 210 rescinded and deemed expired EO 202.18 effective June 25, 2021. Although various successor executive orders to EO 202
previously had been extended through July 5, 2021, EO 210 rescinded Executive Orders 202 through 202.111 effective June 25, 2021,
thereby ending all previous extensions to successor executive orders. Therefore, this guidance document has been updated to reflect that
EO 202.18 is no longer in effect as of June 25, 2021 and, as such, payments no longer may be delayed. If this is an issue, please contact
This form also has been posted to the โ€œFormsโ€ section of the REF website at the following URL:
https://ag ny.gov/sites/default/files/delayed filing fee payment pursuant to executive order 202.18-fillable.pdf
Submitters are advised thatโ€”regardless of how the original filing corresponding to the delayed payment was
madeโ€”submitters may pay their delayed filing fee by either the e-payment portal or paper check. Nevertheless,
REF highly prefers that submitters submit all delayed filing fee payments through the e-payment portal.
If paying delayed filing fees using REFโ€™s e-payment portal, submitters must email a PDF of the completed Form
202.18 and the PDF e-payment receipt for the full filing fee amount to [email protected] with the
subject line โ€œEO 202.18 DELAYED FILING FEE PAYMENT FOR [PLAN ID] [PROPERTY NAME].โ€ If both
the initial and the final offering plan filing fee payments are being submitted simultaneously, only one Form
202.18 is required, but two e-payment receipts must be attached to the submission email. Please note that the e-
payment receipt(s) must be saved and named according to the parameters set forth in Section VI(a) of the DOLโ€™s
guidance document entitled โ€œGuidelines for the Submission of Electronic Payments of Filing Fees During
COVID-19 State of Emergency.โ€
If paying delayed filing fees using a paper check, submitters must staple the paper check for the full filing fee
amount to the completed Form 202.18 and mail them to the following address: Real Estate Finance Bureau, NYS
Department of Law, 28 Liberty Street, 15th Floor, New York, NY 10005. If both the initial and the final offering
plan filing fee payments are being submitted simultaneously, only one Form 202.18 is required, but two separate
paper checks must be attached to the Form 202.18.
REF requests that all correspondence to REF be transmitted via email to the extent possible, as REF will have
limited capacity to process incoming mail during the relief period. Similarly, please do not mail REF courtesy
paper copies of any documents previously transmitted to REF via email.
As previously discussed herein, revisions to submissions and final versions of submissions should be emailed to
the reviewing attorney/architect/engineer/legal assistant during the relief period, as appropriate. As always,
complaints can be submitted on REFโ€™s website at the following web address:
For inquiries regarding the appropriate person(s) to whom documents should be emailed during the relief period,
please call REF at (212) 416-8122.
REF reserves the right to reject submissions that do not comply with the disclosure requirements and submission
policies and procedures described herein. Additionally, the Attorney General has the authority under the Martin
Act to investigate and strictly enforce violations of the statutes and regulations governing disclosure requirements.
Nothing contained in this guidance document shall be construed to be a waiver of, or a limitation on, the Attorney
Generalโ€™s authority to take enforcement action pursuant to the Martin Act and other applicable provisions of law,
except as expressly stated herein.
FORM 202.18
*If both the initial and the final offering plan payments are being submitted, two e-payment receipts must be attached to the email.
Issued 6/2021
New York Executive Order Number 202.18 (โ€œEO 202.18โ€) exempted certain filing fee requirements under GBL ยง 352-e(7)(a)
until ninety days after the expiration of EO 202.18. EO 202.18 was rescinded effective June 25, 2021. Therefore, any
submitters who chose to delay payment of their filing fee pursuant to EO 202.18 must pay their filing fee no later than
September 23, 2021. In order to do so, such submitters must complete all fields of this form and return to the Real Estate
Finance Bureau (โ€œREFโ€) with their e-payment receipt (highly preferred) or paper check for the full filing fee amount.
Submitters must complete a separate form for each filing for which a payment was delayed pursuant to EO 202.18. The same
form can be used to submit the initial and final payments for an offering plan by checking the applicable box below. However,
the same form cannot be used for multiple unrelated plans/projects/filings. REF reserves the right to reject incomplete forms
and forms submitted for delayed payments for multiple unrelated plans/projects/filings.
If paying delayed filing fees using REFโ€™s e-payment portal, please email a PDF of this completed form and the PDF e-payment
receipt for the full filing fee amount* to REFsubmissions@ag.ny.gov with the subject line โ€œEO 202.18 DELAYED FILING
FEE PAYMENT FOR [PLAN ID] [PROPERTY NAME].โ€ Please note that the e-payment receipt must be saved and named
according to the parameters set forth in REFโ€™s guidance document entitled โ€œGuidelines for the Submission of Electronic
Payments of Filing Fees During COVID-19 State of Emergency.โ€
If paying delayed filing fees using a paper check, please staple the check for the full filing fee amount to this completed form
and mail to the following address: Real Estate Finance Bureau, NYS Department of Law, 28 Liberty Street, 15th Floor, New
York, NY 10005.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
File Type (e.g., offering plan, amendment, CPS-1 application): ____________________________________________________
If an offering plan, please specify which of the following applies:
___ Initial Payment ___ Final Payment ___ Both Initial and Final Payments
Plan ID / File ID: _______________________________________________________________________________________
Plan / Project Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Plan / Project Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Amendment Number (if applicable): _________________________________________________________________________
Submission Date of Filing: ________________________________________________________________________________
Payment Date: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Amount of Payment / Filing Fee Amount: ____________________________________________________________________
Sponsor Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________
Submitting Attorney Name: ________________________________________________________________________________
Submitting Attorney Firm: ________________________________________________________________________________
Submitting Attorney Firm Address: _________________________________________________________________________
Submitting Attorney Email: ________________________________________________________________________________
_______________________________________________ ____________________________________
Signature of Submitting Attorney Date