New York City Department of Education
Report on Guidance Counselors
Pursuant to Local Law 56 of 2014
February 15, 2021
Report Pursuant to Reporting Requirements in Local Law 56 of 2014
Chapter 3 to Title 21-A of the Administrative Code of the City of New York (Int. No. 403-A)
enacted in 2014 as Local Law 56 requires annual reporting on guidance counselors no later than
the fifteenth of February.
Data is gathered from various sources, including the Division of Human Capital, the Division of
School Climate & Wellness, the Division of Teaching & Learning, the Division of Specialized
Instruction and Support, and the Research & Policy Support Group.
This year, the data reported includes counseling supports provided by School Response
Clinicians, High Needs Counselors and Social Workers, Single Shepherd, Bridging the Gap Social
Workers, and ATR Guidance Counselors and Social Workers. In addition, there is additional
context about schools’ participation in initiatives and programs such as Learning to Work and
CBO partnerships, which offer additional student support services. However, any counseling
support provided through outside providers did not factor into total counts or ratios.
Int. No 403-A specifies that the report shall include:
i. The number of full and part-time guidance counselors and social workers in each
Guidance Counselor
Social Worker
Note: Totals are inclusive of guidance counselors and social workers in the Absent Teacher
Reserve, Schools Response Clinicians, High Needs SWs, and Bridging the Gap SWs.
Numbers may not sum due to rounding
See Appendix A
ii. The guidance counselor and social worker to student ratio in each school.
Guidance Counselor Ratio
1:325 All schools
1:215 Schools with high school grades
Guidance Counselor and Social Worker Ratio
1:215 All schools
1:157 Schools with high school grades
See Appendix A.
Whether the guidance counselor or social worker is providing counseling assistance
to more
than one school.
Guidance Counselors: 114 schools have a guidance counselor who serves more than
one location. There are 56 guidance counselors who serve more than one location.
Social Workers: 304 schools have a social worker who serves more than one location.
There are 69 social workers who serve more than one location.
See Appendix A
iii. The number of guidance counselors and social workers who provide counseling
services as mandated by an IEP as of December 15th of the current school year.
Servicing Counseling
iv. The number of staff in each school who had received professional development or
training in postsecondary planning as of the prior school year.
4,043 total in 598 schools with a graduating class
See Appendix B
v. The number of licensed and certified bilingual guidance counselors and social
workers in each school.
Bilingual Providers:
316 Guidance Counselors
237 Social Workers
See Appendix A
Additional information to be included:
The number of guidance counselors and social workers in the absent teacher reserve
pool for grades seven through twelve, and information regarding any guidance
memorandums issued by the department regarding college preparedness.
ATR Guidance Counselor (Grade 7-12)
ATR Social Worker (Grade 7-12)
Demographic information for students in each school, including, but not limited to
race, ethnicity, English language learner status, special education status, and the
percentage of students eligible for free and reduced price lunch. Demographic
data is based on SY2019-20 with the exception of schools that opened in July 2020
(enrollment data for new schools is preliminary). Please note that the special
education program data is now reflected as a percentage of the IEP recommended
portion of school day in a general education setting (versus percentage of ICT,
SETTS or Special Class as in previous years). The data is now reported as such to
align with the State reporting requirements as well as the requirements set forth
in Local Law 27.
See Appendix C
Appendix A School-level data on Guidance Counselors and Social Workers
(Note: Ratios calculated using 2019-20 enrollment data
unless the school opened in July 2020.)
Appendix B School-level data on postsecondary planning training
Appendix C School-level demographic snapshot 2019-20