Professor of Political Science, Purdue University
100 N. University St., West Lafayette, IN 47907-2098
765-494-4182 (office) 765-430-3651 (mobile), [email protected]
Ph.D. Environmental Science, Policy, & Management, Univ. of Calif. at Berkeley, 2000
M.S. Wildland Resource Science, Univ. of Calif. at Berkeley, 1996
B.A. Philosophy, Summa Cum Laude, Yale University, 1988
Professor of Political Science, Purdue University, 2012-present
Fulbright Canada Research Chair in the Sustainable Economy, University of Ottawa, fall 2018
Co-Director Indiana Chapter, Scholar Strategy Network, 2018 present
Purdue Policy Research Institute Faculty Fellow, 2017-18
University Faculty Scholar 2014-19
Appointment for leading faculty at Purdue offering additional research funds for five years.
Associate Professor of Political Science, Purdue University 2006-12
Assistant Professor of Political Science, Purdue University, 2002-06
Director, Purdue University Discovery Park Center for the Environment, 2012-17
Faculty director of center with ~$350,000 annual budget promoting interdisciplinary research
and education at Purdue focused on grand environmental challenges. 5-year term concluded
July 1, 2017, followed by research sabbatical through December 2017.
Chair, Department of Political Science Strategic Vision Committee, 2016-17
Led year-long departmental process to set future research, teaching, and engagement goals.
Produced 5-year plan to strengthen cross-cutting areas within the department and increase
quality and number of undergraduate and graduate students in major.
PI and Faculty Lead, Purdue Building Sustainable Communities Cluster Hire, 2013-2017
Successfully applied for and oversaw implementation of $1.2 mil, 7 faculty member cluster hire
spanning 4 colleges and 7 departments on the theme of building sustainable communities.
Funding for positions supplied by Provost’s office as well as participating departments, hiring
completed over 3 years from 2013-2015. Served personally on all 7 search committees.
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Associate Director, Purdue Climate Change Research Center, 2005-12
Worked directly for faculty director of this interdisciplinary center promoting research and
education on climate change at Purdue. Special emphasis on engaging social science and
humanities faculty and students in center’s work in this role.
Purdue Political Science Department Undergraduate Program Director, 2010-12
Responsible for day to day management of undergraduate program with approximately 400
Lecturer and Associate Chair, Environmental Studies Program, Univ. of Chicago, 2000-02
Worked directly with Chair of Environmental Studies program on all aspects of this
interdisciplinary undergraduate major, including curriculum requirements, special events, and
relationships with university administrators and a major foundation supporter of program.
President, NICHES Land Trust, Lafayette IN, 2011-13
Led board of directors meetings and supervised executive director of local environmental
organization with $300,000 annual budget and more than $5 mil in land and other assets.
Also led organization through multi-year accreditation process to meet national standards for
ethics and professionalism.
Board of Directors, NICHES Land Trust, Lafayette IN, 2006-2015
Served maximum three terms on board, overseeing transition from a volunteer to a staffed
organization during this time period and chairing committee that created a new 20-year
strategic vision for organization through 2030.
Senior Analyst, East Bay Conservation Corps (EBCC), Oakland CA, 1994-99
Produced $10 mil. annual budget and provided financial and strategic analysis to senior
management and board of the EBCC, a non-profit environmental agency providing youth
development and service. Part-time position while attending graduate school full-time.
Administrative Director, EBCC, 1992-94
Chief financial and administrative officer for environmental agency with 65 full-time staff and
300+ participants. Member of three-person senior management team.
Recycling Program Manager, EBCC, 1990-92
Managed entire $1 mil recycling program for EBCC.
Recycling Intern Supervisor, EBCC, 1988-89
Created and implemented new internship program with local community recycling centers.
Refereed Books
1. Raymond, L. (2016). Reclaiming the Atmospheric Commons: The Regional Greenhouse Gas
Initiative and a New Model of Emissions Trading. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Winner, 2017 Lynton Keith Caldwell Award for Best Book in Environmental Politics,
APSA Science, Technology, and Environmental Politics Section
Leigh S. Raymond, Page 3
2. Fairfax, S.K., L. Gwin, M. King, L. Raymond, & L.A. Watt. (2005). Buying Nature: The Limits of
Land Acquisition as a Conservation Strategy, 1780-2004. Cambridge: MIT Press.
3. Raymond, L. (2003). Private Rights in Public Resources: Equity and Property Allocation in
Market-Based Environmental Policy. Washington, DC: Resources for the Future Press.
Refereed Publications (* = corresponding author)
1. Raymond, L. (2019). Policy perspective: Building political support for carbon pricingLessons
from cap-and-trade policies. Energy Policy, 134. doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2019.110986
2. Raymond, L.*, D. Gotham, W. McClain, S. Mukherjee, R. Nateghi, P.V. Preckel, P. Schubert, S.
Singh, & E. Wachs. (2019). Projected climate change impacts on Indiana’s energy demand and
supply. Climatic Change. doi.org/10.1007/s10584-018-2299-7
3. Davis, T., E.P. Hennes, & L. Raymond*. (2018). Perspective: Cultural evolution of normative
motivations for sustainable behaviour. Nature Sustainability, 1: 218-224.
4. Cann, H.W., & L. Raymond. (2018). Does climate denialism still matter? The prevalence of
alternative frames in opposition to climate policy. Environmental Politics, 27(3): 433-454.
5. Andrews, A.C., R.A. Clawson, B.M. Gramig, & L. Raymond*. 2017. Finding the right value:
Framing effects on domain experts. Political Psychology 38(2): 261-278.
6. Raymond, L., & Delshad, A. (2016). Normative framing and public attitudes toward biofuels
policies. Environmental Communication, 10(4), 508-524. doi:10.1080/17524032.2015.1094104
7. Wiest, S., L. Raymond*, & R.A. Clawson. (2015). Framing, partisan pre-dispositions, and public
opinion on climate change. Global Environmental Change 31(2015): 187-98.
8. Raymond, L. (2015). Cap and Trade Schemes. In Encyclopedia of Public Administration and
Public Policy, 3rd edition, eds. M. Dubnick & D. Bearfield. New York: Taylor and Francis.
9. Raymond, L.*, & L.U. Schneider. (2014). Personal moral norms and attitudes toward endangered
species policies on private land. Conservation and Society 12(1): 1-15.
10. Raymond, L*, S.L. Weldon, D. Kelly, X.B. Arriaga, & A.M. Clark. (2014). Making change:
Norm-based strategies for institutional change to address intractable problems. Political Research
Quarterly 67(1): 197-211.
11. Andrews, A.C., R.A. Clawson, B.M. Gramig, and L. Raymond. (2013). Why do farmers adopt
offset-eligible practices? An experimental investigation of framing effects. Journal of Soil and
Water Conservation 68(6): 501-511.
12. Delshad, A.B., & L. Raymond. (2013). Media framing and public attitudes toward biofuels.
Review of Policy Research 30(2): 190-210.
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13. Olive, A, V. Gunasekara, & L. Raymond*. (2012). Normative beliefs in state policy choice.
Political Research Quarterly 65(3): 644-57
14. Castillo, C.K.G., L. Raymond, & K.R. Gurney. (2012). REDD+ and climate: Thinking beyond
carbon. Carbon Management 3(5): 457-66.
15. Cason, T.N., & L. Raymond. (2011). Framing effects in an emissions trading experiment with
voluntary compliance. In Research in Experimental Economics, ed. R. M. Isaac and D. A. Norton.
Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing.
16. Raymond, L.*, & T.N. Cason. (2011). Can affirmative motivations improve compliance in
emissions trading programs? Policy Studies Journal 39(4): 659-78.
17. Delshad, A.B., L. Raymond, V. Sawicki, & D.T. Wegener. (2010). Public attitudes toward political
and technological options for biofuels. Energy Policy 38: 3414-25.
18. Fairfax, S.K., H. Ingram, & L. Raymond. (2010). Historical perspective and future of natural
resources law and policy. In The Evolution of Natural Resources Law and Policy, ed. L. J.
MacDonnell and S. F. Bates. Chicago: American Bar Association.
19. Olive, A., & L. Raymond. (2010). Reconciling norm conflict in endangered species conservation on
private land. Natural Resources Journal 50(2): 431-54.
20. Pereira Di Salvo, C.J., & L. Raymond*. (2010). Defining the Precautionary Principle: An empirical
analysis of elite discourse. Environmental Politics 19(1): 86-106.
21. Raymond, L. (2010). The emerging revolution in emissions trading policy. In Greenhouse
Governance, ed. B.G. Rabe. Washington, DC: Brookings Press.
22. Raymond, L.*, & A. Olive. (2009). Ideas, discourse, and rhetoric in political choice. Polity 41(2):
23. Gurney, K.R., & L. Raymond. (2008). Targeting deforestation rates in climate change policy: A
preservation pathway approach. Carbon Balance and Management 3(2).
24. Raymond, L. (2008). Allocating the global commons: Theory and practice. In Political Theory and
Global Climate Change, ed. S. Vanderheiden. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
25. Raymond, L.*, & A. Olive. (2008). Landowner beliefs regarding biodiversity protection on private
property: An Indiana case study. Society and Natural Resources 21: 483-97.
26. Diffenbaugh, N.S., F. Giorgi, L. Raymond, & X. Bi. (2007). Indicators of 21st century climatic
exposure. Proceedings National Academy of Science 104(51): 20195-8.
27. Raymond, L. (2006). Cutting the 'Gordian Knot' in climate change policy. Energy Policy 34: 655-8.
28. Raymond, L. (2006). Cooperation without trust: Overcoming collective action barriers to
endangered species protection. Policy Studies Journal 34(1): 37-58.
29. Raymond, L. (2004). Economic growth as environmental policy? Reconsidering the Environmental
Kuznets Curve. Journal of Public Policy 24(3): 327-48.
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30. Watt, L.A., L. Raymond, & M. Eschen. (2004). On preserving cultural and ecological landscapes.
Environmental History 9(4): 620-47.
31. Raymond, L. (2002). Localism in environmental policy: New insights from an old case. Policy
Sciences 35: 179-201.
32. Raymond, L., & S.K. Fairfax. (2002). The 'shift to privatization' in land conservation: A cautionary
essay. Natural Resources Journal 42: 599-639.
33. Macinko, S., & L. Raymond. (2001). Fish on the range: The perils of crossing conceptual
boundaries in natural resource policy. Marine Policy 25(2): 123-31.
34. Baer, P., J. Harte, B. Haya, A. V. Herzog, J. Holdren, N.E. Hultman, D.M. Kammen, R.B.
Norgaard, & L. Raymond. (2000). Equity and greenhouse gas responsibility. Science 289: 2287.
35. Raymond, L., & S.K. Fairfax. (1999). Fragmentation of public domain law and policy: An
alternative to the ‘shift to retention’ thesis. Natural Resources Journal 39: 649-753.
36. Raymond, L. (1997). Viewpoint: Are grazing rights on public lands a form of private property?
Journal of Range Management 50: 431-8.
37. Raymond, L. (1996). The ethics of compensation: Takings, utility, and justice. Ecology Law
Quarterly 23: 577-622.
Book Reviews and Review Essays
1. Raymond, L. (2017). Review of Political Opportunities for Climate Policy: California, New
York, and the Federal Government. Review of Policy Research 34(3): 449-451.
2. Raymond, L. (2014). Review of The Bet: Paul Ehrlich, Julian Simon, and Our Gamble over
Earth’s Future. Governance 27(3): 529-531.
3. Raymond, L. (2011). Frustration and Resignation in Recent Books on Climate Change Policy.
Nature and Culture 6(2): 192-203.
4. Raymond, L. (2006). Review of Environmentality. Comparative Political Studies 39: 261-265.
5. Raymond, Leigh. (2004). Review of Finding Common Ground: Governance and Natural
Resources in the American West. Society and Natural Resources 17: 756-758.
6. Raymond, L. (2003). Sovereignty Without Property: Recent Books in Public Lands Scholarship.
Natural Resources Journal 43(1): 313-330.
Policy Briefs
1. Raymond, L. (2018). Building Political Support for Carbon Pricing. University of Ottawa Smart
Prosperity Institute Policy Brief.
Leigh S. Raymond, Page 6
2. Filley, R., & L. Raymond. (2016). Engaging Local Communities on Environmental Risk. Purdue
University Center for the Environment Issue Brief.
3. Raymond, L., & S.L. Weldon. (2013). Informal Institutions and Strategies for Social Change.
Purdue University Policy Brief.
4. Raymond, L., & S.L. Weldon. (2013). Climate Change Policy and Informal Institutions. Purdue
University Policy Brief.
5. Weldon, S.L., & L. Raymond. (2013). Food Security and Informal Institutions. Purdue University
Policy Brief.
6. Weldon, S.L., & L. Raymond. (2013). Women’s Human Rights and Informal Institutions. Purdue
University Policy Brief.
7. Raymond, L., & R. Filley. (2013). Nutrient Management Challenges and Solutions. Purdue
University Center for the Environment Issue Brief.
8. Raymond, L. (2010). Beyond Additionality in Cap-and-Trade Offset Policy. Brookings Institution
Issues in Governance Studies Number 36, July 2010.
9. Gotham, D.J., F.D. Holland, D.G. Nderitu, P.V. Preckel, L. Raymond, G.E. Shively, & Z. Yu.
(2008). The Projected Impacts of CO2 Emissions Reduction Legislation on Electricity Prices in
Indiana. Purdue Climate Change Research Center.
10. Raymond, L., & G. Shively. (2008). Market-Based Approaches to CO2 Emissions Reduction.
Choices 23(1): 38-40.
11. Raymond, L., & G. Shively. (2007). A Primer on Market-Based Approaches to CO2 Emission
Reductions. Purdue Climate Change Research Center policy brief 0701.
12. Carbon Neutrality at Purdue. (2007). Co-authored report with students and faculty calculating the
university’s total carbon emissions in 2007, and strategies for reducing emissions in future.
Op-eds and Other Media
1. Raymond, L. (2019). Ontario’s Carbon Price Experience is a Cautionary Tale. Policy Options, July
10. policyoptions.irpp.org/magazines/july-2019/ontarios-carbon-price-experience-is-a-cautionary-
2. Raymond, L. (2018). Behind the Paper: So a Philosopher, a Psychologist, and a Political Scientist
Walk into a Bar… Nature Sustainability blog entry, May 24.
3. Raymond, L. (2017). A Carbon Dividend Really Can Slow Fossil Fuel Use Under These
Conditions. Washington Post Monkey Cage blog, March 13.
4. Cason, T., K.R. Gurney, L. Raymond, & H. Rowe. (2009). A Chance to Compete Fairly in the
Marketplace. Indianapolis Star Op-Ed, May 31.
Leigh S. Raymond, Page 7
Research Honors
2018 Fulbright Canada Research Chair in the Sustainable Economy, University of Ottawa
2014-19 University Faculty Scholar, Purdue University
2017 Purdue University College of Liberal Arts, Discovery Excellence Award in Social Sciences.
(Career accomplishments in social science research.)
2017 Lynton Keith Caldwell Prize, American Political Science Association,
(Best book in environmental politics and policy published in last three years.)
2014 Invited co-editor (with S. L. Weldon), Mini-symposium in Political Research Quarterly of
four invited articles on informal institutions and intractable global problems.
External Grants
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. Greening Growth Partnership Grant.
Co-PI. $2.5 mil (Canadian), 2018-2024.
National Science Foundation Smart and Connected Communities Program. Sociotechnical Systems
to Enable Smart and Connected Energy-Aware Residential Communities. Co-PI on community
partnerships and resident energy feedback research. $3,581,912, 2017-21.
U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Economic Research Service. Why Do Farmers Adopt Offset-Eligible
Practices? An Experimental Investigation of Framing Effects. PI. $130,000, 2010-13.
National Science Foundation. Social, Economic, and Political Aspects of U.S. Ethanol Policy. Co-
PI. $749,961, 2007-11.
National Science Foundation. Workshop Grant - New Perspectives on Intractable Problems:
Informal Institutions as Policy Responses to Global Grand Challenges. Co-PI. $28,200. 2012.
National Science Foundation. Investigating the Life Cycle and Policy Aspects of Brominated Flame
Retardants. Co-PI. $400,000, 2005-09.
U.S. Geological Survey / Indiana Water Resources Research Center. Norms, Public Opinion, and
Preservation of “Non-charismatic” Aquatic and Riparian Species. $27,478, 2004-05.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Science to Achieve Results (STAR) Dissertation
Fellowship. ~$100,000, 1998-2000.
Internal Grants
Purdue Discovery Park Big Ideas Challenge. Affordable Net Zero Housing and Transportation
Solutions. PI. $300,000, 2017-2019.
Leigh S. Raymond, Page 8
Purdue Research Foundation, Beyond the Climate Science Wars: Elite Framing and Motivated
Cognition in Climate Change Policy. PI. $17,645, 2017-18.
Mellon Grand Challenge Award. Gender and Social Impacts of Institutional Arrangements for
Improved Seed Technologies. Co-PI. $60,000, 2014-15.
Purdue Policy Research Institute. All (Climate) Politics Are Local? PI. $30,000, 2010-11.
Purdue Policy Research Institute. Informal Institutions as Responses to Global Grand Challenges,
Co-PI. $10,000, 2010-11.
Purdue Research Foundation, Revisiting “Who Influences Whom?” A Study of Agenda Setting and
Issue Framing on Biofuels. PI. $16,795, 2010-11.
Purdue Research Foundation. Legitimacy and Morality: Affirmative Motivations for Compliance
with the Endangered Species Act. PI. $15,216, 2008-09.
Purdue Discovery Park Center for the Environment. Affirmative and Negative Motivations for
Compliance in Emissions Trading, Co-PI. $25,000, 2007.
Clifford Kinley Trust Fund. Protecting Biodiversity on Private Property: The Role of Landowner
Beliefs and Norms. PI. $20,000, 2005-06.
Undergraduate Courses
POL 120 Introduction to Public Policy (Purdue University)
POL 223 Introduction to Environmental Policy (Purdue University)
POL 491 Environmental Federalism (Purdue University)
POL 520 Carbon Neutrality at Purdue (Purdue University)
POL 520/EAPS 598 Models in Climate Change Science and Policy (Purdue University)
ENVS 241 The Environment in U.S. Politics (University of Chicago)
ENVS 244 Is Development Sustainable? (University of Chicago)
ESPM 153 American Land: Interpretation, Use, and Control (U.C. Berkeley)
Graduate Courses
Incoming Graduate Student Writing “Boot Camp”
POL 608 Qualitative Research Methods in Political Science (Purdue University)
POL 623 Research Seminar on Environmental Policy (Purdue University)
POL 620 Proseminar in Public Policy Theory (Purdue University)
POL 523 The Political Economy of the Environment (Purdue University)
PPH 347 Ethics and Public Policy (Harris School of Public Policy, Univ. of Chicago)
Leigh S. Raymond, Page 9
Graduate and Undergraduate Advising
Chair or Co-Chair, 6 completed Ph.D. dissertations in Political Science
Heather Cann, 2018, placed as visiting asst. prof. at Franklin and Marshall College.
Amelia Andrews, 2015, placed in tenure track position at Calif. Polytechnic State Univ.
Ashlie Delshad, 2011, placed in tenure track position at West Chester University
Andrea Olive, 2009, placed in tenure track position at Univ. of Michigan, Dearborn
Laura Schneider, 2008, placed in tenure track position at Grand Valley State Univ.
Julie A. Lester, 2007, placed in tenure track position at Macon State College
Senior B.A. Honors Thesis Advisor, Purdue University and University of Chicago
Teaching Grants and Honors
Purdue College of Liberal Arts Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award. $2,000, 2018-19.
Induction to Purdue University Book of Great Teachers, December 2018.
Purdue College of Liberal Arts INNOVATE grant to develop Certificate in Environmental and
Sustainability Studies. Co-PI. $31,000, 2015-16.
Purdue College of Liberal Arts Educational Excellence Award. $5,000, 2012-13.
Kenneth T. Kofmehl Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award, Purdue College of Liberal
Arts. $5,000, 2011-12.
Purdue College of Liberal Arts Nominee, Charles B. Murphy Outstanding Undergraduate
Teaching Award, 2011-12.
Political Science Dept. Nominee, Provost's Graduate Faculty Mentor Award, 2010 & 2011.
Purdue College of Liberal Arts Departmental Educational Excellence Award, 2008-09.
Purdue Technology Digital Content Development Grant. Integrating Models of Climate Change
for Cross-Disciplinary Learning. Co-PI. $8,750, 2005-06.
Invited Faculty Mentor, NSF Dissertation Initiative for the Advancement of Climate Change
Research, Monterey, CA, April 2006.
NSF LANGURE Grant for Ph.D. Research Ethics Course. Senior Fellow, 2005-08.
Political Science Dept. Undergraduate Teaching Award, Purdue University, 2005-06 & 2008-09.
Political Science Dept. Nominee, Charles B. Murphy Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching
Award, 2005-06.
Professor of the Year, Purdue Pi Sigma Alpha Political Science Honors Society, 2004-05.
Leigh S. Raymond, Page 10
2019 Canadian Political Science Association, Featured Panel, “Climate Change Mitigation: Carbon
Pricing in the Canadian Federation.”
2018 University of Ottawa, Fulbright Research Chair in Sustainable Economy Lecture, “Strategies
for Carbon Pricing Success.”
2018 Syracuse University, K. Douglas Nelson Colloquium Series, “Reclaiming the Atmospheric
Commons: Carbon Pricing in the U.S. and Canada.”
2018 SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Environmental Studies Seminar,
“Engaging the Public in Climate Policy.”
2018 Simon Fraser University, Department of Political Science, “Beyond Carbon Dividends: The
Political Economy of US and Canadian Carbon Pricing Policies.”
2018 University of Ottawa, International Political Economy Network, “Beyond Carbon Dividends:
The Comparative Political Economy of Carbon Pricing.
2018 Carleton University (Ottawa), Sustainable Energy Seminar Series, “Making Polluters Pay?
Political Lessons for Successful Carbon Pricing.
2017 Indiana Energy Conference, “States as Key Climate Policy Actors”
2017 Univ. of Vermont, Florence Davis Dean Lecture Series, “Reclaiming the Atmospheric
Commons: A New Strategy for Climate Policy Success?”
2016 Purdue University, Climate Change Research Center Distinguished Lecture, “Reclaiming the
Atmospheric Commons: A New Strategy for Climate Policy Success?”
2016 University of Michigan Ford School of Public Policy, “Reclaiming the Atmospheric Commons:
A New Strategy for Climate Policy Success?”
2014 Purdue University, Dynamics of Climate Workshop, “All Climate Politics Are Local? Framing
Effects on Attitudes Toward Climate Change
2013 Iowa State Univ., Workshop on Energy, Transportation and Water Infrastructures, “Market-
based Approaches to Address Climate Change: Myths and Reality
2012 Washington Univ. in St. Louis, Weidenbaum Center on Economy, Gov’t, and Public Policy,
Market Mechanisms in Energy PolicyMyths and Realities”
2010 University of Michigan Ford School of Public Policy, STPP Program Colloquium, “The
Emerging “Public” Revolution in Emissions Trading Policy
2009 Univ. of California at Berkeley Natural Resources Policy Workshop, “Reconciling Norm
Conflict in Endangered Species Conservation on Private Land(w/A. Olive)
Leigh S. Raymond, Page 11
2009 Indiana Energy Conference, “CO
Cap and Trade Policy: Precedents and Implications
2009 Indiana Center for Coal Technology Research Advisory Board, Mechanisms for CO
Cap and
Trade Policy
2009 Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington DC, “The Emerging Revolution in Emissions Trading
2008 University of Virginia Miller Center National Conference on Climate Change Governance,
The Emerging Revolution in Emissions Trading Policy
2008 University of Chicago, May 2008, “Is Commodifying Nature Sustainable?
2007 Harvard University Electricity Policy Group Quarterly Seminar, “Allocating Emission
Allowances: Learning from EU & US Experiences
2007 Purdue University Lecture Series in Bioethics, “The Ethics and Politics of Climate Change
2007 University of Colorado Natural Resources Law Center, 25
Anniversary Conference,
Historical Evolution of Natural Resources Law and Policy(w/S. K. Fairfax & H. Ingram)
2006 MIT Center for Energy and Environmental Policy, “Allocating Emissions Rights: Comparing
SO2 and CO2 Cases”
2006 Stanford University, Environmental Law and Policy Workshop, Conserving Biodiversity on
Private Lands: Views from a ‘RedState
2005 Southern Illinois University, Environmental Resources and Policy Symposium, Privatizing
Water: Lessons from Other Market-Based Environmental Policies
2005 Purdue University Department of Ecology, Free Market Environmentalism and the Bush
2001 University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy, Environmental Policy Seminar, “Private
Rights in Public Resources: Equity in Market-Based Environmental Policy
2001 The Ohio State Univ. Env. Policy Initiative, Environmental Policy in an Era of Devolution,
Localism in Environmental Policy: New Insights from an Old Case
International Public Policy Association Annual Conference, Montreal, QC, June 2019. “Economic
Populism and Carbon Pricing: The Case of Ontario.”
International Sustainability Transitions Conference, Ottawa, ON, June, 2019. “The Populist Threat to
Carbon Pricing”
Leigh S. Raymond, Page 12
American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, September 2017.Using
Distributive Norms to Legitimate Market-Based Climate Policies
American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, September 2017.
Roundtable organizer and participant, “What is the Future of Carbon Pricing in Climate Policy?”
International Studies Association Research Conference, Baltimore, MD, February 2017. “Reclaiming
the Atmospheric Commons: Using Norms to Create Equitable Cap-and-Trade Policies
American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, September 2016.
Normative Framing and Climate Policy Innovation(with H. Cann)
Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences, Washington, DC, June 2016. The Clean Power
Plan: Are Reports of the Death of Cap and Trade Greatly Exaggerated?
Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, April 2014. “States Leading the
Way to a New Paradigm for Climate Policy
Western Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, March 2012. “All Climate
Politics Are Local? Framing Effects on Attitudes Toward Policies on Climate Change(with S.
Wiest, R. Clawson)
Assoc. for Public Policy Analysis & Management Research Conference, Washington, DC, Nov. 2011.
Why Do Farmers Adopt Offset-Eligible Practices? An Experimental Investigation of Framing
Effects(with A. Andrews, R. Clawson, B. Gramig).
Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, April 2011. “Reclaiming the
Atmospheric Commons in Emissions Trading
Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, April 2011. “Framing
Environmental Problems(w/A. Delshad)
Assoc. for Public Policy Analysis & Management Research Conference, Boston, MA, Nov. 2010.
Explaining the “RGGI Revolution” in Emissions Trading
American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, September 2009. “Norms
and Public Policy: Toward a Better Theory of the Policy Process
Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, April 2009. “Addressing the
Methodological Challenges of Studying Norms in the Policy Process
Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, April 2009. “Affirmative and
Negative Motivations for Compliance in Emissions Trading(w/T. Cason)
American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, September 2008. Roundtable
Participant: We Think Ideas Matter in Policymaking, But How Do We Know?
Leigh S. Raymond, Page 13
American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, September 2007. “Discourse,
Ideas, and the Regulation of Environmental Risk”
Western Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, March 2007. “Discourse,
Ideas, and the Regulation of Environmental Risk
IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment, San Francisco, CA, May 2006.
Presenter: Workshop on Brominated Flame Retardants Science and Regulatory Policy.
Land Trust Alliance Annual Conference, University of Wisconsin, Madison, October 2005.
Roundtable participant: “Buying Nature: What Works and What Doesn’t
6th Open Meeting of the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Research Community,
University of Bonn, Germany, October 2005. Market-Based Approaches to Climate Policy:
Learning from the EU Allocation ‘Experiments’”
Western Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Oakland, CA, March 2005. Does Fairness
Matter in Congress?”
Assoc. for Public Policy Analysis & Management Research Conference, Atlanta, GA, October 2004.
Normative Conflict and the Endangered Species Act
Land Tenure Center “Who Owns America? IV Conference,” U. of Wisconsin, Madison, May 2004.
Roundtable Participant: “Equity Implications of Private Land Conservation Efforts
Western Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, March 2004. Participant: Panel
on New Books in Environmental Politics.
Western Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, March 2004. Habitat
Conservation Plans: Bigger and Better than Ever?
Social Science History Association Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO, October 2002. Roundtable
Participant: Federalism and Public Lands
Assoc. for Public Policy Analysis & Management Research Conference, Washington, DC, Nov. 2001.
The Environmental Kuznets Curve: Reconsidering the Policy Implications”
American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, August 2001. Equity
Norms in Environmental Politics: Allocating SO
Emission Rights
Land Tenure Center Who Owns America? III Conference, U. of Wisconsin, Madison, June 2001.
Equity in Open Spaces: Land Trusts and Private Conservation(w/S. K. Fairfax)
Int'l Symposium of the Society for Resource Management, Western Wash. U., June 2000. “Fish are
not Cows-Crossing Conceptual Boundaries in Nat. Res. Management(w/S. Macinko)
Leigh S. Raymond, Page 14
Member and Co-Director Indiana Chapter, Scholar Strategy Network, 2018-present
Member Editorial Board, Society and Natural Resources, 2018-present
Member and Chair, APSA Lynton Caldwell Prize Committee for Best Book in Env Policy and
Politics, 2018 and 2019
Member, College of Liberal Arts Strategic Vision Committee, 2018.
Faculty Leadership Committee, Purdue Policy Research Institute, 2016-present
Co-Coordinator, Environmental and Sustainability Studies Certificate, 2017-19
Faculty Lead, Purdue Building Sustainable Communities Cluster Hire, 2012-14
Faculty Advisory, Environmental Policy and Politics Minor, 20College of Liberal Arts Promotion and
Tenure Committee, 2015-17
Member, Faculty Governance Committee, Ecological Sciences and Engineering Graduate Program,
Co-Director, Purdue Public Policy and Political Theory Workshop, 2004-13
Founding Executive Committee, Purdue Climate Change Research Center, 2004-12
Faculty Advisory Board, Purdue Discovery Park Center for the Environment, 2005-09
Sustainability Council Steering Committee, Purdue University, 2009-13
Faculty Representative, Morris K. Udall Scholarship Program, 2005-17
Director of Undergraduate Studies, Purdue Department of Political Science, 2010-12
Search Committee, Founding Director, Purdue Center for the Environment, 2005-06
External Advisory Committee, Butler University Center for Urban Ecology, 2018-19
Board of Directors, NICHES Land Trust, Lafayette IN, 2006-2015
President, NICHES Land Trust, Lafayette IN, 2011-13
External Review Committee, Notre Dame University Environmental Change Initiative
External Tenure and Promotion Reviewer for 5 cases
Leigh S. Raymond, Page 15
Peer Reviewer, American Journal of Political Science, Canadian Journal of Political Science;
Climate Policy, Ecology and Society; The Energy Journal; Environment and Development
Economics; Environmental Communication; Environmental Management; Environment and
Planning C; Ethics and International Affairs; Ethics, Policy, and Environment; Geoforum;
Global Environmental Change; Governance; Human Ecology Review; Journal of East Asian
Studies; Journal of Policy Analysis and Management; Journal of Public Administration Research
and Theory; Land Economics; Landscape Research, MIT University Press, National Science
Foundation; Oxford Economic Papers; Papers in Regional Science; PLOS One; Policy Studies
Journal; Political Research Quarterly; Politics, Groups, and Identities; Professional
Geographer; Public Administration Review; Review of Policy Research, Society and Natural
Resources; State and Local Government Review; Sustainability, Resources for the Future (RFF)
Press; Routledge Press.