April 19, 2023
Chairman Rasor called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The following members
were present:
Joseph Rasor, Chairman
Evelyn Benny, Vice Chairwoman
Hoskie Benally, Jr., Member
R. Shane Chance, Member
Byron Manning, Member
John Thompson, Member
Absent: Valerie Uselman, Secretary
San Juan College administrators and staff in attendance included:
Toni Hopper Pendergrass, Edward DesPlas, Boomer Appleman,
Kerri Langoni Carpenter, Lorenzo Reyes, Karen Acree, Yolanda Benally,
Josh Bishop, Jordan Cepeda, Alicia Corbell, Gayle Dean, Sandy Gilpin,
Judy Hale, Kenny Hibner, Wilbert John, Ruben Johnson, Kris Kraly, Karen Krob,
Roy Lytle, Robert Martinez, Steve Miller, Michael Ottinger, Sherry Paxson,
Elizabeth Phelps, Eddy Rawlinson, Amanda Robles, Chris Rosen,
Rhonda Schaefer, Paulette Stanley, Annie Willmon, and Donna Ellis, Board
Guest(s): Cade Allison, Evelyn Allison, Representative Anthony Allison,
Beliarosa Avalos, Kelly Karkoski
Mr. Manning moved and Ms. Benny seconded to adopt the agenda as presented.
MOTION CARRIED by unanimous voice vote.
1. Monthly Presentation
Dr. Michael Ottinger, Dean of Science, Math, and Engineering gave a
presentation on changes in English and Math placement. In 2019 San Juan
College modified the Math and English placement process from using the
Accuplacer Exam to placement based upon high school GPA and highest
math course taken. He discussed what motivated the change, the process used
to make the change, and how the process affected student placement and
student completion of college level English and Math.
iCare Minute Video
No video.
Association Reports
Professional Staff Association representative, Ms. Megan Kattner, provided
the Board with a report
Support Staff Association representative, Mr. Mike Offutt, provided the Board
with a report.
Student Association representative, Mr. Cade Allison, provided the Board
with a report.
Faculty Association representative, Ms. Kris Kraly, provided the Board with a
Representative Anthony Allison was in attendance at the Board meeting and
expressed how proud he is to represent San Juan College and to hear about student
success. He expressed that San Juan College should become a model for the wise
investments of the 8% increase in funding to this College.
1. March 7, 2023 Work Session Minutes
The March 7, 2023, Work Session Minutes were presented in the Board
Packet for approval.
2. March 7, 2023 Board Meeting Minutes
The March 7, 2023, Board Meeting Minutes were presented in the Board
Packet for approval.
3. Correspondence
4. Financials
Financial reports for the months ended February 28, 2023, were presented in
the Board Packet.
5. Personnel Report
The following employment actions were made since the last Board meeting:
Appointments: Erma Long, Control Room Dispatcher, Public Safety,
effective March 6, 2023; Naomi Ute, Administrative Assistant I, Advising and
Transfer Center, effective March 6, 2023; Xequoyah Joe, Custodian, Physical
Plant, effective March 13, 2023; Kierra Johnson, Associate Teacher, Child
and Family Development Center, effective March 13, 2023; Jose Rivera,
Buyer II, Purchasing, effective March 27, 2023; Jesse Velasco, Academic
Advisor, Advising and Transfer Center, effective March 27, 2023;
Ramsi Bodine, Director of Tutoring, Tutoring Center, effective April 3, 2023;
Shayna Charley, Custodian, Physical Plant, effective April 3, 2023;
Jacob Messenger, Help Desk Coordinator, Information Technology Center,
effective April 3, 2023; Kaitlynn Smith, Senior Administrative Assistant,
Child and Family Development Center, effective April 3, 2023; Stacy Wilson,
Custodian, Physical Plant, effective April 3, 2023; Katelyn Rixon, Event
Services Scheduling Assistant, Auxiliary Services, effective April 5, 2023;
Marsha Peter, Workforce Learning Specialist, Continuing Education, effective
April 10, 2023.
Changes: Alvina Begay, Buyer II, Purchasing to Grant Accountant, Business
Office, effective March 1, 2023; Luann Dunlap, Administrative Assistant II,
Student Achievement Center to Senior Administrative Assistant, Student
Success Center, effective March 1, 2023; Aurelia Etcitty, Senior Accountant,
Business Office to Senior Grants Accountant, Business Office, effective
March 16, 2023; Kerry Lucas, Financial Aid Technician, Financial Aid to
Administrative Assistant II, Financial Aid, effective March 16, 2023;
Benjamin Morales Jr., Computer Lab Technician, Information Technology
Center to Software Engineer I, Information Technology Center, effective
March 27, 2023; Charity Serrano, Administrative Assistant, School of
Business, Information Technology, and Social Studies to Senior
Administrative Assistant, School of Business, Information Technology, and
Social Sciences, effective April 3, 2023; ElizaBeth Utley, Director-School of
Business, Information Technology, and Social Studies to Senior Director of
Teacher Education, School of Business, Information Technology, and Social
Sciences, effective April 3, 2023; Karen Acree, Director, ATLS, Information
Technology Center to Director of Information Technology ERP/SIS
Implementations, Information Technology Center, effective April 6, 2023.
Separations: Leticia Lee, Event Scheduling Assistant, Community Facilities
Scheduling, separation of employment, effective February 24, 2023;
Alexis Esslinger, Director, Assistant Professor-Early Childhood Education,
School of Business, Information Technology, and Social Sciences, separation
of employment, effective March 7, 2023; James Cloen, Technical Services
Librarian, Library, separation of employment, effective March 10, 2023;
Janice Krish, Director of Business Incubation & Acceleration Initiatives,
Enterprise Center, separation of employment, effective March 15, 2023;
Kristi Thomas, Custodian, Physical Plant, separation of employment, effective
March 16, 2023; Tanisha Sam, Director, TRIO Educational Opportunities
Center, separation of employment, effective March 29, 2023; Chole Sandlin,
Program Advisor, TRIO Educational Opportunities Center, separation of
employment, effective March 31, 2023.
6. Deletion of Equipment from Inventory
College administration recommends the disposition of certain assets that are
worn out, unrepairable, cannibalized, obsolete, or otherwise unusable. In
accordance with Chapter 13-6-1 through 4 (Article 6) of the New Mexico
State Statute, the Board is required to affirm the administration’s
recommendation. (The list of the assets recommended for disposition are
included in the Board Packet.)
I recommend the Board of Trustees approve the College administration’s
recommendation and approve the listed items for disposal.
7. Open Meeting Resolution 2023-2024
WHEREAS, the SAN JUAN COLLEGE BOARD met in regular session at
San Juan College on April 19, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. as required by law; and
WHEREAS, Section 10-15-1(B) of the Open Meetings Act (NMSA 1978,
Sections 10-15-1 to -4) states that, except as may be otherwise provided in the
Constitution or the provisions of the Open Meetings Act, all meetings of a
quorum of members of any board, council, commission, administrative
adjudicatory body or other policymaking body of any state or local public
agency held for the purpose of formulating public policy, discussing public
business or for the purpose of taking any action within the authority of or the
delegated authority of such body, are declared to be public meetings open to
the public at all times; and
WHEREAS, any meetings subject to the Open Meetings Act at which the
discussion or adoption of any proposed resolution, rule, regulation or formal
action occurs shall be held only after reasonable notice to the public; and
WHEREAS, Section 10-15-1(D) of the Open Meetings Act requires the San
Juan College Board to determine annually what constitutes reasonable notice
of its public meetings,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the San Juan College Board
1. All meetings shall be held at San Juan College 30th Street Education
Center, 3401 East 30th Street, Farmington, New Mexico, at 6:00 p.m. or
as indicated in the meeting notice. Work Sessions shall be held at San Juan
College 30th Street Education Center, 3401 East 30th Street, Farmington,
New Mexico, at 5:00 p.m. or as indicated in the meeting notice.
2. Unless otherwise specified, regular meetings shall be held each month on
the first Tuesday. Exceptions to this are for the months of: 1) January and
July–second Tuesday for each month; 2) April – second first and fourth
Tuesday; and 3) May – no meeting. The agenda will be available at least
seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting from the Board Recorder,
whose office is located at San Juan College, 4601 College Boulevard,
Farmington, New Mexico and on the San Juan College website at
www.sanjuancollege.edu. Notice of any other regular meetings will be
given ten (10) days in advance of the meeting date. The notice shall
indicate how a copy of the agenda may be obtained.
3. Special meetings may be called by the Chairman or a majority of the
members upon three (3) days notice. The notice shall include a draft
agenda for the meeting or information on how members of the public may
obtain a copy of the agenda. The draft agenda shall be available to the
public at least seventy-two (72) hours before any special meeting with a
final agenda available thirty-six (36) hours before any special meeting.
4. Emergency meetings will be called only under unforeseen circumstances
that demand immediate action to protect the health, safety, and property of
citizens or to protect the public body from substantial financial loss. The
San Juan College Board will avoid emergency meetings whenever
possible. Emergency meetings may be called by the Chairman or a
majority of the members upon twenty-four (24) hours notice, unless threat
of personal injury or property damage requires less notice. The notice for
all emergency meetings shall include an agenda for the meeting or
information on how the public may obtain a copy of the agenda. Within
ten (10) days of taking action on an emergency matter, San Juan College
will notify the Attorney General’s Office of the emergency actions taken
by the Board and the circumstances creating the emergency.
5. For the purposes of regular meetings described in paragraph 2 of this
resolution, notice requirements are met if notice of the date, time, place,
and agenda is placed in newspapers of general circulation in the state and
posted at the Educational Services Building at San Juan College. Copies
of the written notice shall also be mailed to those broadcast stations
licensed by the Federal Communications Commission and newspapers of
general circulation which have made a written request for notice of public
meetings. Copies of the written notice shall also be posted on the San
Juan College website at www.sanjuancollege.edu.
6. For the purposes of special meetings and emergency meetings described in
paragraph 3 and 4 of this resolution, notice requirements are met if notice
of the date, time, place, and agenda is provided by telephone to
newspapers of general circulation in the state and posted at the
Educational Services Building at San Juan College. Telephone notice also
shall be given to those broadcast stations licensed by the Federal
Communications Commission and newspapers of general circulation that
have made a written request for notice of public meetings. Copies of the
written notice shall also be posted on the San Juan College website at
7. In addition to the information specified above, all notices shall include the
following language: If you are an individual with a disability who is in
need of a reader, amplifier, qualified sign language interpreter, or any
other form of auxiliary aid or service to attend or participate in the hearing
or meeting, please contact the President’s Office at (505) 566-3209 at least
one (1) week prior to the meeting or as soon as possible. Public
documents, including the agenda and minutes, can be provided in various
accessible formats.
8. Use of conference telephone, generally available virtual meeting platform
(such as Zoom or MS Teams, etc.), or similar communications equipment
for board members to participate in meetings of the San Juan College
Board of Trustees when it is otherwise difficult or impossible for the board
member to attend in person is permissible, provided that each member
participating by conference telephone can be identified when speaking, all
participants are able to hear each other at the same time, and members of
the public attending the meeting are able to hear any member of the public
body who speaks during the meeting.
The Administration shall assure that any equipment acquired for this
purpose meets the conditions of Section 10-15-1(C) relating to the ability
to identify participants and the ability by members of the board and public
to hear the proceedings.
9. The San Juan College Board may close a meeting to the public only if the
subject matter of such discussion or action is excepted from the open
meeting requirement under Section 10-15-1(H) of the Open Meetings Act.
(a) If any meeting is closed during an open meeting, such closure shall be
approved by a majority vote of a quorum of the San Juan College
Board taken during the open meeting. The authority for the closed
meeting and the subjects to be discussed shall be stated with
reasonable specificity in the motion to close and the vote of each
individual member on the motion to close shall be recorded in the
minutes. Only those subjects specified in the motion may be discussed
in the closed meeting.
(b) If the decision to hold a closed meeting is made when the San Juan
College Board is not in an open meeting, the closed meeting shall not
be held until public notice, appropriate under the circumstances,
stating the specific provision of law authorizing the closed meeting
and the subjects to be discussed with reasonable specificity, is given to
the members and to the general public.
(c) Following completion of any closed meeting, the minutes of the open
meeting that was closed, or the minutes of the next open meeting if the
closed meeting was separately scheduled, shall state whether the
matters discussed in the closed meeting were limited only to those
specified in the motion or notice for closure.
(d) Except as provided in Section 10-15-1(H) of the Open Meetings Act,
any action taken as a result of discussions in a closed meeting shall be
made by vote of the San Juan College Board in an open public
Passed by the San Juan College Board this 19th day of April 2023.
Mr. Joseph Rasor, Chairman
San Juan College Board
Ms. Evelyn Benny, Vice Chairman
San Juan College Board
Mr. Thompson moved and Mr. Chance seconded to take the recommended
actions as presented on the Consent Agenda. MOTION CARRIED by
unanimous voice vote.
Mr. Chance moved and Ms. Benny seconded to rescind the vote on the Consent
Mr. Chance moved and Mr. Manning seconded to modify the Open Meeting
Notice Resolution for the month of April meeting to occur on the first Tuesday,
not the second Tuesday, of April 2024.
Mr. Chance moved and Ms. Benny seconded to approve the Consent Agenda as
amended. MOTION CARRIED by unanimous voice vote.
The New Mexico Higher Education Department (HED) requires that, by
May 1, 2023, each higher education institution submit a budget revision for
the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023. The year-end budget adjustment request,
comprised of numerous adjustments made since Fiscal Year 2023 Budget was
SJC Board-approved on April 19, 2022, reflects revised projections for
revenues and expenditures. The Fiscal Year 2023 Budget was reviewed and
discussed in today’s Work Session.
A major factor that impacts the Fiscal Year 2023 Year-End Revenue Budget
A significant increase in Oil & Gas Production Tax revenue caused by
strong market conditions.
Major increases in budgeted use of funds include:
An adjustment to provide for the cost of a 1.25% pay increase in
February 2023.
An adjustment to provide for approximately one-half year of start-up
operational costs for the Student Health Center.
An adjustment to provide for approximately four months of backfill,
stipends, and contracted services to augment staffing for Workday
Increased transfers to Auxiliary Enterprises, Capital Outlay, and
Renovation and Repairs.
The completed HED-required budget adjustment request forms have been
provided to Trustees prior to this meeting. The New Mexico Higher
Education Department requires that the Board of Trustees approve the year
end budget adjustment request for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023.
Mr. Chance moved and Mr. Benally seconded to approve the Fiscal Year 2023
Year-End Budget Adjustment Request. MOTION CARRIED by unanimous
voice vote.
Assumptions and projections for circumstances that impact Fiscal Year 2024
as well as numerous state appropriations for Fiscal Year 2024 were discussed
with the Trustees in the Work Session that preceded this meeting.
The assumptions and projections that drive the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget
Request include:
A projected 5.0% enrollment increase from Fiscal Year 2023 to Fiscal
Year 2024.
An approved increase in General Fees.
A 6.4% increase in funding from the state formula appropriation,
Research and Public Service Project monies, Tribal Education
Initiatives, Food Hub and Student Health Center.
An appropriation that provides for a 6.0% salary increase for eligible
A 5% decrease in taxable property values, resulting in a 5% decrease
in projected property tax revenue.
A 214% increase from fiscal year 2023’s budget for oil & gas
production tax revenue.
Uses of Fund Balance that are in compliance with Board Policy 806 II.
A. totaling $5,666,417.
The College will also receive state funding for the following projects and
initiatives in Fiscal Year 2023:
Next Phase of South Campus Renovations $1,125,000
Equipment for Cybersecurity Program – WDC $ 475,000
Equipment for Heavy Equipment Program $ 775,000
Continuing Education Software Application $ 200,000
Building Renovation and Repairs $ 513,805
CFDC Roofing $ 610,474
Henderson Fine Arts Center Roofing $1,650,000
The Fiscal Year 2024 Budget request is in compliance with HED instructions.
The completed HED-required budget request forms have been provided to
Trustees prior to this meeting. The New Mexico Higher Education
Department requires that the Board of Trustees approve the Fiscal Year 2024
Budget Request and that the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget be submitted to the
HED by May 1, 2023.
Mr. Manning moved and Mr. Chance seconded to approve the Fiscal Year
2024 Budget Request and direct staff to submit the budget request to the New
Mexico HED as per state guidelines. MOTION CARRIED by unanimous
voice vote.
San Juan College has need for a software application to provide support for
our non-credit continuing education programs. Such software will integrate
with Workday when Workday ERP goes live in December 2023.
On behalf of San Juan College and other colleges within the Collaborative for
Higher Education Shared Services (CHESS), an RFP for Continuing
Education, Workforce Development, and Corporate Training automation
software was issued on November 9, 2022. Two responses were received and
evaluated by staff from CHESS and its member colleges. Modern Campus’
Lumens software has been determined as the best solution overall.
Contract terms were negotiated by CHESS management and San Juan College
staff. CHESS Board of Directors approved this acquisition at its regular
meeting on March 24, 2023.
San Juan College’s portion of license, start-up costs, and annual maintenance
costs from Modern Campus are:
Year One $89,550 including $39,999 start-up services
Year Two $49,551
Year Three $52,030
Three-Year Total $191,131 plus applicable taxes
CHESS will be managing the implementation; there will be a project
management cost, up to $125,000 in the first ten to twelve months of this
For year one, costs from CHESS for licensing, start-up, and implementation of
this software application will not exceed $214,550. Over the initial three-year
period, costs from CHESS will not exceed $316,131.
Internal to San Juan College, staffing backfill costs of up to $75,000 in the
implementation stage could be incurred.
Mr. Thompson moved and Mr. Benally seconded to approve the continuing
education software purchase and implementation through CHESS at a cost not
to exceed $316,131, plus applicable taxes, over the initial three-year period
and acknowledge the potential of up to $75,000 in additional internal costs
within the first year for implementation. MOTION CARRIED by unanimous
voice vote.
The College requires supplemental staffing “backfill” for the Workday
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) project for hard-to-hire positions. These
positions will be project specific for the Human Capital Management (HCM),
Payroll, and Finance (FIN) module implementations.
Under the guidance of the College Purchasing Department, pricing pursuant to
Choice Partners Cooperative Contract #21/031KN-23 was obtained from
Ferrilli for these services and hard-to-hire positions that help with IT and
Business Office resourcing for one year. This package will also include 120
hours for reporting/Business Intelligence support that must be used by
April 30, 2025.
For staffing/support the cost is as follows:
IT Backfill FY23 Cost $26,000 FY24 Cost $130,000 Total Cost $156,000
IT Core System Support FY23 Cost $8,400 FY24 Cost $42,000 Total Cost $50,400
Project Management FY23 Cost $26,000 FY24 Cost $130,000 Total Cost $156,000
Senior Accountant FY23 Cost $26,000 FY24 Cost $130,000 Total Cost $156,000
Business Intelligence $165/hour cost over 2 years: Total Cost $19,800
Grand Total: $538,200
Total for Fiscal Year 2023 is $86,400 plus applicable gross receipts taxes,
travel and expenses. Total for Fiscal Year 2024 is $432,000 plus applicable
gross receipts taxes, travel and expenses. Business intelligence support will
be charged as used, but not to exceed $19,800.
Resources for this supplemental staffing and Business Intelligence support is
budgeted in the Fiscal Year 2023 and 2024 operating fund from use of fund
Mr. Chance moved and Ms. Benny seconded to approve the Ferrilli
agreements at $538,200 plus applicable gross receipts taxes, travel and
expenses, and authorize purchase orders to encumber the necessary funds.
MOTION CARRIED by unanimous voice vote.
At the Work Session that preceded tonight’s Board meeting, the 2023 update
to the College’s Master Plan was reviewed and discussed. This update
includes projects completed since 2016, projects currently in progress,
projects awaiting funding, and projects new to the plan. The update to the
Facilities Master Plan was distributed to Trustees in advance of this meeting.
Mr. Manning moved and Ms. Benny seconded to approve the update to the
San Juan College Facilities Master Plan. MOTION CARRIED by unanimous
voice vote.
Annually, the New Mexico Higher Education Department (NMHED) requires
institutions to submit capital project priorities for consideration by the
Governor’s Office and upcoming legislature. For the upcoming funding
cycle, community colleges were advised by the NMHED to submit two
priorities for funding. The College will be expected to contribute twenty-five
percent (25%) of each total project cost. The request is to be approved by the
San Juan College Board of Trustees and submitted to the Higher Education
Department. The administration proposes the following capital project
priorities for state funding:
1) Boiler and Controls Replacement and EnhancementsPhase 1
2) Controls Replacement and Enhancements – Phase 2
These figures represent estimates of total project costs. Funding for the
College’s total 25% match, $2,454,342, will be sourced from available fund
Mr. Chance moved and Mr. Manning seconded to approve the proposed
capital project priorities for submission to the New Mexico Higher Education
Department. MOTION CARRIED by unanimous voice vote.
In the spring 2023 session of the New Mexico Legislature, an appropriation to
fund, in large part, Fiscal Year 2024 salary increases totaling six percent
(6.0%) for all eligible full-time employees of state higher education
institutions was approved.
All eligible full-time and regular part-time employees who started work on, or
before, August 15, 2022, will receive a 6.0% salary or wage increase for
Fiscal Year 2024. The College President is to be included in this salary
All eligible full-time and regular part-time employees who started work after
August 15, 2022, and before January 10, 2023, will receive a 3.5% salary or
wage increase for Fiscal Year 2024.
Full-time employees who started work after January 9, 2023, and before
April 4, 2023, will receive a 1% across-the-board salary increase for Fiscal
Year 2024.
No Fiscal Year 2024 across-the-board increase will be awarded to employees
who commenced employment on, or after April 4, 2023.
Mr. Chance moved and Mr. Thompson seconded to approve the proposed
salary increases as herein described and for the College President to be
included in the 6% salary increase as well. MOTION CARRIED by
unanimous voice vote.
The date of the next regular meeting will be Tuesday, June 6, 2023, at 6:00 p.m.
in the San Juan College Board Room.
No Closed Session.
Ms. Benny moved and Mr. Chance seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting.
Chairman Rasor adjourned the meeting at 8:10 p.m.
Mr. Joseph Rasor, Chairman
San Juan College Board
________________________________________ Date: June 6, 2023
Ms. Valerie Uselman, Secretary
San Juan College Board