NJGS: Vol. 1, No. 2, 2024
Jude I. Onebunne, PhD*
Recently there is this clarion call for proper care of the girl-child with regard to total protection,
general training and otherwise. And no one cares about the proper and functional well-being of the
boy-child. This contemporary propaganda for the good of girl-child against the boy-child is simply
a case of insensitivity with the much lauded gender equality and sex roles often founded on the
extremisms in feminism. Using the method of critical analysis, the researcher hermeneutically
calls for sensitive attention as the society cares for the girl-child properly to the harm and neglect
of the boy-child who will at the end of the day have something serious and often permanent
relation with the girl-child. And the whole careful and cautious edifices built on and in the girl-
child collapses with any encounter with the carelessly and care-freely brought up boy-child, the
neglected boy-child. This paper calls for careful attention of the propagandists that what is good
for the goose is equally good for the gander if not better.
Keywords: Girl-child, boy-child, gender, feminism
One of the most beautiful moments of creation is creating them male and female ( cf. Gen. 1:
26-27). Hence, we maintain that creation is complete with male and female, hence, nature is
beautiful. The Creator was so sensitive in doing this and the biblical scholars (bible writers)
were too careful in presenting such historical marvels as such. In my secondary school days
there is this hymn that reflects this beauty in nature leaving an indelible impression on me and
it runs thus:
All things bright and beautiful
All creatures great and small
All things wise and wonderful
'T was God that made them all
He gave us eyes to see them
And lips that we might tell
How great is the Almighty
Who has made all things well
The recent outcry in the much lauded feminism that nevertheless started with and continues
with an overblown attention to the girl-child seems not to appreciate the lauded beauty in
nature reflected in the above hymn. Such neglect in creation is nevertheless a creative
aberration of a sort. However, the contemporary propaganda of more attention for girl-child
against the utter neglect of the boy-child is one of the extremes of feminism and one of the
cases in gender insensitivity. The extremes of feminism continue to rear its ugly head as it is
championed in many existing forms of male abuse and yet-to-exist male neglects as well as
the contemporary madness as we react in the face of hullabaloo of LGTQ.
Moraa N. E. (2018) is of the opinion that “the consistent campaign for awareness of girl’s
empowerment seems to be working but at the cost of the boy-child. Extensive analysis of data
indicates that boy-child is neglected entirely and has lost his place in the society. In Kenya
today we have more girls in school as compared to boys and the girls do better academically
as compared to boys. Never before had enrolment of girls in any primary school grade
nationally had exceeded that of boys. This impedes the achievement of Universal Primary
Jude I. Onebunne: Contemporary Propaganda for Girl-Child Against the Boy-Child: A Case of Gender
Education, which is Millennium Development Goal; number two, that by 2015 ensure that all
boys and girls alike complete primary schooling”. In our peculiar environment, many boys are
on the street hawking while the other good numbers have left for business. At the close of
market at the end of the day in our major markets in Onitsha main market, Ariaria Market,
Mechanic village Obosi, Nkwo Nnewi and in different marts in Lagos and Abuja as well as
other major cities in Nigeria show throngs of wasted generation of our tomorrow’s boy-child.
And it seems that nobody cares. This is a case of gender insensitivity especially to those
championing the girl-child this or that.
Appreciation of Gender
In the metaphysics of being, the Aristotelian predication and categories, whatever is being is
either substance or accidents. We conceive of being through metaphysical abstraction.
Whatever is, shares in this conception. The concept of being is all applicable to all that is. The
process of this application is called Predication. Through predication being or any of its
aspects is applied to another. The arrangement of concepts according to their contents or the
internal difference between one being and another is brought out by the Aristotelian
categories thus: genus, species, specific difference, property and logical accident. In line with
genius and specific differences, the human species as members of sub-group that constitute a
given genus, is differentiated between male and female. This is Gender. Gender defines
humanity in terms of re-productivity, that is, human sexuality. Gender evokes the ideas of
male sex or the female sex, especially when considered with reference to social and cultural
differences. It is the condition of belonging to or identifying as having a particular gender.
Many languages have classes of nouns with regard to humanity typified in masculine,
feminine, common (neuter). Grammatical gender is only very loosely associated with
distinction of sex.
Gender is from Old French gendre (modern genre ), based on Latin genus ‘birth, family,
nation’. The earliest meanings were ‘kind, sort, genus’ and ‘type or class of noun. WHO
refers to Gender as the characteristics of women, men, girls and boys that are socially
constructed. This includes norms, behaviours and roles associated with being a woman, man,
girl or boy, as well as relationships with each other. As a social construct, gender varies from
society to society and can change over time. Gender, according to Merriam-Websters (n.d.), is
a subclass within a grammatical class (such as noun, pronoun, adjective, or verb) of a
language that is partly arbitrary but also partly based on distinguishable characteristics (such
as shape, social rank, manner of existence, or sex) and that determines agreement with and
selection of other words or grammatical forms.It is, therefore, a kind of membership of a
word or a grammatical form in such a subclass. Merriam-Webster. (n.d.) refers to gender as
something that has “to identify (someone) as being either male or female...to treat (someone)
as either male or female”. It is the behavioural, cultural, or psychological traits typically
associated with one sex, (Merriam-Websters, n.d.). The words sex and gender are related
gradually acquiring new usages with phrases like "the male sex" and "the female gender".
However, gender has gained peculiar meaning referring to the behavioural, cultural, or
psychological traits typically associated with one sex, as in "gender roles." Later in the
century, gender also came to have application in two closely related compound terms: gender
identity and gender expression, (Merriam-Websters, n.d.). In a very specific sense, Oxfam
International writing on Gender Justice and Women’s Rights understands gender justice as the
full equality and equity between women, men, LGBTQIA+, and non-binary people in all
spheres of life, resulting in women jointly, and on an equal basis with men, defining and
shaping the policies, structures and decisions that affect their lives and society as a whole,
(Oxfam, n.d.). Hence, one talks of gender disparity. With all these nuances of gender, one
tries to understand specific differential roles that gender plays in human society. This is the
thrust of gender roles.
Conceptual Appreciation of Girl-child and Boy-child
NJGS: Vol. 1, No. 2, 2024
In this time and moment, it is ad rem and proper to define what we mean and understood by
the words: child, boy as well as girl. There is no presumption with the inherent confusion
and crisis of Transexualisms when many people feel that they are trapped as a man in a
child’s body and others feel that they ought to be male rather than female and vice versa. The
confusion abounds and lingers. We are in an age of crisis and confusion as well as
transvaluation of values as cross-dressers and gays are on the increase with identity crisis.
One must, therefore, clarify terms and actually know what one means with certain definite
terms with regard to application of certain concepts like boy, girl, child , et cetera.
The gender crisis typified in many forms of transgenderism seems to be the greatest madness
of our time. Often transgender claim that they are trapped in one opposite issue or the other.
Against this backdrop, some females claim that they ought to be males. So they feel trapped
in a female body. This madness is vie versa. A man may wake up one day and decides to feel
that he’s a child trapped in a man’s body. The insaneness doubles. Often children claim that
they are adults trapped in in children’s body. Therefore, they need freedom to take to the
other side against the already existing condition. The lunacy simply extends. This situation
often referred to as transgenderism stupefies our generation and leaves this generation more
confused than ever. It leaves our generation on the tunnel of madness. Merriam-Webster (n.d.)
describes transgender as something relating to, or being a person whose gender identity
differs from the sex the person was identified as having at birth. A transgender person is
someone whose gender identity differs from that typically associated with the sex they were
assigned at birth. Some transgender people who desire medical assistance to transition from
one sex to another identify as transsexual, (Wikipedia, n.d.). NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms
defines Transgender as a term that describes persons whose gender identity or gender
disparity is different from the sex they were assigned at birth. Hence, a transgender person
who was assigned female at birth may identify as male, a combination of male and female, or
neither. This is the insanity of our time.
Transgender is an umbrella term term that houses all sexual aberrations and deviations of a
sort which seems normal in our time. Man at this point uninterpretatively returns to the
Protagoras dictum as the measure of things. Hence, Diagnostic Statistical Manual-V against
Diagnostic Statistical Manual-IV by the American Psychiatric Association justifies most of
these transgender dispositions as ways of life than sexual deviances in need of medical and or
psychological interventions. Transgender an borders on the proper appreciation of sex and
gender as were created or evolved. American Psychological Association (2020) shows the
differential relationship between them thus: Sex is assigned at birth, refers to one’s biological
status as either male or female, and is associated primarily with physical attributes such as
chromosomes, hormone prevalence, and external and internal anatomy. Gender refers to the
socially constructed roles, behaviors, activities, and attributes that a given society considers
appropriate for boys and men or girls and women. American Psychological Association (2020)
explains that transgender is an umbrella terms for persons whose gender identity, gender
expression or behaviour does not conform to that typically associated with the sex to which
they were assigned at birth. Hence, American Psychological Association (2020) maintains
that “gender identity refers to a person’s internal sense of being male, female or something
else; gender expression refers to the way a person communicates gender identity to others
through behaviour, clothing, hairstyles, voice or body characteristics. “Trans” is sometimes
used as shorthand for “transgender.” While transgender is generally a good term to use, not
everyone whose appearance or behaviour is gender-nonconforming will identify as a
transgender person. The ways that transgender people are talked about in popular culture,
academia and sciences are constantly changing, particularly as individuals’ awareness,
knowledge and openness about transgender people and their experiences grow (American
Psychological Association, 2020). Under the cover of Transgender or canopy of gender
nonconformity existed and varied in many cultures of the world manifesting in many forms of
gay relationships and levels of LGTQ manifestations. The inherent confusion and crisis of
identity with regard to sexual orientation and transgenderism necessitates a proper
Jude I. Onebunne: Contemporary Propaganda for Girl-Child Against the Boy-Child: A Case of Gender
understanding what we still mean by a child, then a boy or a girl. We tactfully exclude the
mystifying nature of hermaphroditism and the psychological sick-ones with regard to their
gender and the trapped issues. On the other hand, there are benefits in specific training of
children with regard to the gender roles. Ayoola-Amale (2022) maintains that “gender
equality is indispensable for sustainable development in Africa considering the fact that
education decreases poverty in all its forms (SDG no. 1), ends hunger through reaching food
security (SDG no. 2); quality education for girls, reduces fertility rates and therefore slows
down population explosion; lowers infant and maternal mortality rates and improves health
and nutrition and well-being of families (SDG no. 3). Educated mothers ensure better
prospects of education for their children (SDG no. 4)”.
Understanding Notion of a Child
A child is a state of childhood within the stage of human development. Dictionary of Oxford
Languages defines a child as “a young human being below the age of puberty or below the
legal age of majority”. Wikipedia (n.d.) states that “a child is a human being between the
stages of birth and puberty, or between the developmental period of infancy and puberty. It
may also refer to an unborn human being”. Continuing, Merriam-Webster. (n.d.) defines a
child as a “young person especially between infancy and puberty; it’s a person not yet of the
age of majority”. He’s a minor. Being a child is synonymous with being childlike or childish
person. A child definitively is a son or daughter and not otherwise. Equally, Cambridge
Dictionary (n.d.) defines a child as “a boy or girl from the time of birth until he or she is
an adult, or a son or daughter of any age; a person from the time of birth until he or she is
an adult, or a son or daughter of any age”. The idea of a child speaks volume as children are
sure signs that humanity should go on and that God has not lost confidence in humanity with
their birth (cf. St. Pope John Paul 11). In all these, a child has been regarded, in many cultures
and institution, as a blessing to the community and then, humanity. Hence, the protective bills
on child’s right act against different societal abuse of children. And equally, this love and
protection have turned into a kind of undue and necessary attention given to the child as a
girl-child and or boy-child in our time.
Understanding the Boy-child
A boy is a male child who is associated with sex responsibilities and gender response-abilities
as assigned to him at birth, (American Psychological Association, 2020). It is a male
significant stage in human development between conception and adulthood. A boy-child
grows, all things being equal, to be a man. A boy-child now is a man of tomorrow within the
developmental process of living, in between life and death. A boy-child is characteristically
differentiated from a girl-child genetically and biologically, as well as via socio cum trado-
cultural norms. Merriam-Webster. (n.d.) . defines a boy-child as a son and a male child
from birth to adulthood; a person whose gender identity is male”. Equally, Wikipedia (n.d.)
describes a “boy is a young male human. The term is commonly used for a child or an
adolescent. When a male human reaches adulthood, he is usually described as a man.
Physiologically, a baby’s sex is determined by the chromosome it inherited from its father.
The egg from its mother always contains an X (female) chromosome, but the sperm contains
either an X (female) or a Y (male) chromosome. Whichever sperm is the winner will
penetrate and fertilize the egg, creating either an XX (girl) or XY (boy) pair, (Jonson,
2022).A boy-child is genetically and biologically created. Transgenderism is simply a
psychological as well as psychosomatic problem that is more of mental than somatic.
Transgenderism makes humans sits on the fence as regards their sexual identity
Understanding the Girl-child
A girl is a female child or adolescent who is associated with sex responsibilities and gender
response-abilities as assigned to her right from conception and birth, (American
Psychological Association, 2020). It is a female important stage in human development
between conception and adulthood. A girl-child grows, all things being equal, to be a woman.
A girl-child now is a woman of tomorrow within the developmental processes of living, in
NJGS: Vol. 1, No. 2, 2024
between life and death. A girl-child is characteristically differentiated from a boy-child
genetically and biologically as well as via socio cum traditional and cultural norms.
Wikipedia (n.d.) describes a girl as “a young female human, usually a child or an adolescent.
While the term girl has other meanings, including young woman, daughter or girlfriend regardless
of age, the first meaning is the most common one”. Merriam-Webster. (n.d.), however, defines a
girl as a daughter and “a female child from birth to adulthood; a person whose gender
identity is female”. The modern crisis of naturally wishing to be this or that has misled few
feeling that they are trapped in the opposite personality.
Humankind as Creatures Created as Male and Female
Nature has shown us that opposites compliment each other. Physical law has it that negatives
and positives attracts while likely charges dispel each other. In nature, realities were created
in pairs of opposite nature and contrasting forces. The Scriptures was bold in recognizing that
in the story of creation that God made them male and female in His own image and likeness
(Gen. 1: 28f). Humankind beyond scriptural exegesis recognized that the biblical record
shows that humanity is male or female since God created them one species, that is the
humankind, in two sexes. However, a scholar once observes that the manifest unbalance
between the boy-child and the girl-child is being sustained as a result of ignorance and many
sustainable lacks for proper human articulation, (Ayoola-Amale, 2022).
Nature seems to support opposite existence of realities. Everything happens in twos because
to every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction. Physical laws tend to favour
this statement and spiritual equally complement this idea. Hence, there is always the option of
choice, a sure proof of man’s freedom. Existence of opposites seems to show
complementarity in nature: good and bad, extremes, night and day, light and darkness, hot
and cold, positive and negative charges, yin and yang, et cetera. Such concepts of opposites
or dualities very common themes in many philosophical and scientific traditions. For, Quora,
(n.d.), in nature, we often see phenomena that appear to have opposites or counterparts. In
philosophical tradition, the concept of duality or polarity is often discussed in various
contexts. The idea of complementary opposites is prevalent in many belief systems and
philosophies around the world. The notion that everything has an opposite is sometimes
referred to as the principle of polarity or the principle of duality, (Quora, n.d.).
While the idea of opposites or dualities can be a useful framework for understanding certain
aspects of the world, it is important to recognize that not everything neatly fits into this
paradigm. Quora, (n.d.) maintains that nature is diverse and complex, and while some
phenomena may have clear opposites, others may not fit into such a binary framework. In
some Eastern philosophies, such as Taoism, the concept of yin and yang represents the idea of
dualism and the interdependence of opposites. According to this concept, seemingly opposite
forces are actually interconnected and interdependent, creating a harmonious whole. However,
while the concepts of opposites or dualities are a common theme in many philosophical
traditions and scientific discussions, not everything in nature necessarily has a clear opposite,
and the idea of pairs or opposites should be understood within the context of the specific
phenomena being considered, (Quora, n.d.). Creatures of God were created as such. Male and
female, as in an opposites view than a multiple perspective is the enduring significant of
realities as products of God’s creative activities. This unique act of God’s creation defines the
specific sex and gender roles in nature.
Gender and Sex Roles
Wikipedia (n.d.) identifies gender role as sex role. It is, therefore, a set of socially accepted
behaviours and attitudes deemed appropriate or desirable for individuals based on their sex.
Gender roles are usually centred on conceptions of masculinity and femininity, although there
are exceptions and variations. This is the role being played by humankind as regards their
birthright nature enshrined in their sex and gender. A gender role (in a sociocultural
Jude I. Onebunne: Contemporary Propaganda for Girl-Child Against the Boy-Child: A Case of Gender
understanding) or sex role (biological appreciation) is equally a social role embracing a wide
range of behavioural attitudes that are specifically considered acceptable, appropriate, or
desirable for a person based on that person's sex. Gender role is specifically socio cum trado-
culturally bound. On this stance, some cultures distinguish male and female, boys and girls,
while some contemporary societies recognize more than that thereby accommodating
transgenders (who may identify themselves simply as men or women), androgyny, etc.
Gender role or sex role is specifically socio cum trado-culturally bound. Roles are specific
assignments given and expected to be carried out responsibly and response-ably. In our
context, gender or sex roles simply specifies in accordance with our human nature as male or
female in contradistinction to what feminism or masculinism is all about.
The specificity of human nature respects the gender nature of man as man and woman as
woman. And never in consideration of being trapped or not. Wikipedia (n.d.) is so clear that
gender role, also known as a sex role, is a social role encompassing a range of behaviours and
attitudes that are generally considered acceptable, appropriate or desirable for a person based
on that person's sex. In further appreciation of gender role, Planned-Parenthood (n.d.)
maintains that gender roles in the society means how we're expected to act, speak, dress,
groom, and conduct ourselves based upon our assigned sex. For example, girls and women
are generally expected to dress in typically feminine ways and be polite, accommodating, and
nurturing. Men are generally expected to be strong, aggressive, and bold. An Igbo adage
therefore has it that: Amuo nwoke, ya buru nwoke! Amukwana Nwanyi ya buru nwanyi!
Okekenwanyi, Nwokenwanyi ma obu Nwanyinwoke dikwanu nti njo!
However, Ayoola-Amale, A. (2022) observes that “the apparent gap and imbalance between
the boy-child and the girl-child is attributed to patriarchy, lack of quality education, poverty
and gender disparities, and consequently, the differences in access to human, financial, and
social capital”. The idea of gender roles in human society has long been a subject of intense
controversy. Human beings are unique individuals. The challenges of gender in human
enterprise shows the complexities in the society. The idea of gender roles has undergone a
gradual transformation throughout the chequered history of humanity. Gender roles simply
dictate societal expectations and environmental norms. It reshapes individuals' behaviour and
opportunities. The Scriptural creation account of human beings seems to be gender sensitive
as male and female had different creation account. Equally, in ancient societies, such as the
Greeks and Romans, men held the dominant positions in both public and private spheres,
expected to be strong and assertive, while women were confined to the domestic realm,
caregivers and nurturers. Such disparity as gender roles is evidenced in the writings of
Aristotle and other philosophers of the time, who viewed women as inferior to men. In
addition, during the Industrial Revolution in the 17th century, men became associated with
wage labour in factories, while women were expected to maintain the household and care for
children. African trado cum sociocultural disposition has revered protective position for
women alongside marginalizing exploits with an unchanging but hotly challenged view that
we are in a man’s world. In the midst of some of these erroneous views that anything a man
can do a woman can do better some people still believe and act out that a woman’s education
ends in kitchen. Hence, the dread slogan that we are in a man’s world seems unapologetically
true, hence, the pursuit of feminism even to its extremes. These unhealthy ideas uphold a kind
of stereotyped lifestyle within the society as well as within the limits of individuals' personal
and professional development. This leaves us with a form of toxic masculinity and poisonous
femininity. A good equilibrium can be achieved via healthy gender roles distribution. By and
large, the mental health and emotional equipoise are directly and indirectly connected with
gender roles. The dynamics of gender roles portray men and women in specific roles and
behaviours amidst systemic inequalities. Sex or gender role is what humans are able to do
based on their biological nature as male of female. It is genitally based. Much of such roles
are very specific with procreation and all that surrounds it. However, any failure in
appreciating the sex role or gender role within human family leads to many forms of abuses.
NJGS: Vol. 1, No. 2, 2024
Recently male abuse and male figure absence in our schools have been the latest in the face of
elderly abuse
Issues of Male Abuse
The presence of male abuse as we have it today started with the carefree attitude towards and
the neglect of the boy-child as well as the over protective care of the girl-child. These
attitudes of neglect meted out to the boy-child in favour of the girl-child have resulted in
many consequences as well as all forms of male abuse and absence of male in many of our
significant institutions. Male abuse remotely began when conferences and seminars were
continuously organised in promoting the girl-child welfarism without any regard to the boy-
child well-being. It all started when the slogan was Girl-child Education and the sorts. On the
other hand there are benefits in specific training of children with regard to the gender roles.
Ayoola-Amale, (2022) maintains that “gender equality is indispensable for sustainable
development in Africa considering the fact that education decreases poverty in all its forms
(SDG no. 1), ends hunger through reaching food security (SDG no. 2); Quality education for
girls, reduces fertility rates and therefore slows down population explosion; lowers infant and
maternal mortality rates and improves health and nutrition and well-being of families (SDG
no. 3). Educated mothers ensure better prospects of education for their children (SDG no. 4)”.
But unfortunately, after training the girl-child in all that is good and worthy the girl-child ends
being subject to the untrained boy-child. Often this discriminating attitudes towards the boy-
child creates unhealthy competition amidst unbalanced reactions. Girl-child care nevertheless
turned into a movement in Nigeria with these recent slogans on the National Girl-Child Day
Empower Girls for a Brighter Tomorrow.
GIRL Means Gift In Real Life.
Without Her, There Is No Tomorrow.
Daughters are Flowers that are Forever in Bloom.
A Girl Child Brings Joy, She is no Less Than a Boy.
These celebrating slogans, with several government campaigns and programs, spread
awareness about the rights of the girl child . Equally, India Today (n.d.), an online platform,
maintains that there are inspirational quotes that boosts the ego and perception of the girl-
child like:
Girls are the architects of change, and their dreams have the power to transform societies."
A girl with a dream can change the world. Let's support and uplift every girl's aspirations."
The strength of a nation lies in the education and empowerment of its girls.
All these forms of carefree attitude towards the male child or the boy-child manifests later in
many extreme and abhorrent forms of feminist movement and other forms of Women;s
liberation movements. These continues to manifest today especially in many forms of
feminism thereby leading to some other domestic violence against the male. Wikipedia (n.d.)
domestic violence against men is violence or other physical abuse towards men in a domestic
setting, such as in marriage or cohabitation. The whole idea of male abuse began with the
attitude of neglect encumbered in the overblown providential and protective idea towards girl-
child. However, Ayoola-Amale, (2022) observes that “the apparent gap and imbalance
between the boy-child and the girl-child is attributed to patriarchy, lack of quality education,
poverty and gender disparities, and consequently, the differences in access to human,
financial, and social capital”. As with domestic violence against women, violence against men
may constitute a crime, but laws vary between jurisdictions. Intimate partner violence (IPV)
against men is generally less recognized by society than intimate partner violence against
women, which can act as a further block to men reporting their situation. The propaganda in
our proposition is often the rooted in extremes in feminism.
Jude I. Onebunne: Contemporary Propaganda for Girl-Child Against the Boy-Child: A Case of Gender
Feminism has nuances of contestable meanings and usages. At the heart of this women’s
political involvement in our human society is feminism. Feminism remains a trend, system of
thought and movement in the developed world for women’s proper recognition and welfare.
Feminism appreciated as radical feminism (focuses on the patriarchy and dismantling
traditional gender roles) and liberal feminism (seeks equality through reform and changes
within current systems). There has been a clarion call against injustices on women.
Historically the conceptual idea of feminism is linked to women’s activism like women
political movement in the late 19
and 20
centuries as women’s movement, feminist
movement, women’s liberation, female emancipation, women’s right, post-feminism and
womanism. Brunell and Burkett (2023) maintain that feminism is “the belief in social,
economic, and political equality of the sexes”. Although it largely originated in the West,
feminism is a manifold worldwide and is represented by various institutions committed to
activity on behalf of women’s rights and interests”. The idea of Merriam-Webster. (n.d.)
defines feminism as a “belief in and advocacy of the political, economic, and social equality
of the sexes expressed especially through organized activity on behalf of women's rights and
interests”. This is why Wikipedia (n.d.) maintains that “feminism is a range of socio-political
movements and ideologies that aim to define and establish the political, economic, personal,
and social equality of the sexes”.
Feminism is a contemporary gender movement in articulating a balanced, definite and certain
defined rights for women amongst humanity. Equally, it is a cultural and contextual paradigm
shift in the interrelationship between male and female as human beings. Some people see it as
a deserved confrontational opportunity for the women folk who seem intimidated by men’s
folk in their seeming fundamental opportunity in certain decisions as women. Feminism
exploringly exploits some traditional practices that are particularly against women or that are
very inimical to their natural dispositions as human beings. History attests that there were
institutions and biblical records as well as patriarchal cultures where women were integrated
into the human society with great respect, significant rights and equal regards. Contemporary
history while complementing some obnoxious ancient cultures and archaic traditions that
were not favourable to women folk exalts some crude and inhuman primitive ideas of a man’s
world that seems to be segregative of women are being confronted with feminism as a
trending movement as well as school of thought especially in Europe and America. Soken-
Huberty, E. (n.d.) in a paper titled What is Feminism states that “the second wave began in the
1960s. It was aligned with the anti-war and civil rights movements. Reproductive rights and
issues related to sexuality also became more prominent. Feminism became more intellectually
diverse and complex during these years, as well. Capitalism, the role of women, sexuality,
and gender were all discussed as feminist movements around the world became less elitist and
more inclusive than during the first wave”. The challenges of feminism as a movement were,
of course, expressively justified with many types as liberal feminism (mainstream feminism-
focuses on political rights and equality in education and the workplace. That includes issues
like equal access to education, equal pay, safer working conditions, and an end to job
segregation based on sex), radical feminism (more aggressive-dismantling the patriarchy and
traditional gender roles by ensuring reproductive rights, critiquing the nuclear family and
motherhood, and challenging institutional power) and intersectional feminism (examines how
sexism, racism, classism and xenophobia intersect and form systems of oppression. It
counters “white feminism,” which by ignoring racial oppression, can support white
supremacy), (Soken-Huberty, n.d.) . Feminism, however, has come to stay amidst it’s
necessity and challenges. One, therefore, may be tempted to question the place of feminism in
our world today? As ad rem as this question is Soken-Huberty, (n.d.) maintains that “when
we look at women’s rights globally, it’s obvious we do. According to the World Economic
Forum’s 2022 Global Gender Gap Report, it will take 132 years to reach full gender parity”.
Continuing Ayoola-Amale, (2022) opines that “the socio-economic marginalization of girls
and women resulting from gender inequalities, lack of access to education, and if at all, lack
NJGS: Vol. 1, No. 2, 2024
of quality education result in poverty, poor standards of living, diminished career choices,
unequal salaries and economic exclusion. It is very essential for governments and their
leaders to invest in girl-child education for sustainable development in Africa”
There is a case of gender insensitivity with the contemporary propaganda for girl-child
against the boy-child. And it remains the root cause of most of the problems. Moraa, (2018)
maintains that the issue of prioritizing the girl-child over the boy-child remains a theme of
discussion in different times and various contexts. While these efforts alongside its bubbling
propaganda to empower girls have been commendable, some argue unfortunately it has done
at the expense of boys. Due to this propaganda to prioritize the girl-child activities over the
boy-child educational disparities, social preparation, self esteem and balancing empowerment.
However, its crucial to empower our children and as well create a more equitable society for
them. Neither the girl-child nor the boy-child deserve a better society than the order. Indeed,
there has been a growing awareness and focus on girl-child empowerment, but it’s essential to
recognize that this emphasis shouldn’t come at the expense of the boy child. In Kenya, for
instance, research has shown that more girls are enrolled in schools compared to boys, and
girls tend to perform better academically. However, this trend has implications for achieving
Universal Primary Education, a Millennium Development Goal. The boy child has faced
neglect, leading to low self-esteem and loss of confidence. Unfortunately, this has sometimes
resulted in negative behaviours such as crime, drug, abuse and truancy. It’s crucial to strike a
balance and ensure both genders receive adequate support and opportunities for growth,
(Moraa, 2018). Gender equality demonstrates the moral, ethical and real reasons why greater
gender equality is very essential to sustainable development. Continuing Ayoola-Amale,
(2022) opines that “the socio-economic marginalization of girls and women resulting from
gender inequalities, lack of access to education, and if at all, lack of quality education result in
poverty, poor standards of living, diminished career choices, unequal salaries, and economic
exclusion”. It is very essential for the society, governments and parents to invest in girl-child
education as well as boy-child for sustainable development in Africa. Any form of selective
attention and insensitivity affects the society as a whole. A well groomed girl and a badly
brought up boy can never match nor complement each other. Complementarity based on
gender roles and sex roles between boy-child and girl-child is more appreciatively healthy.
The girls do not need more disciplines than the boys, and vice versa.So the propaganda on
girl-child attention more than the boy-child is a mere gender roles insensitivity and must be
corrected quam primo.
Jude I. Onebunne, PhD
Department of Philosophy
Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-89956097
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