Current Status: Active PolicyStat ID: 7944415
Origination: 07/2018
Effective: 06/2020
Last Approved: 06/2020
Last Revised: 06/2020
Next Review: 06/2023
Owner: David Behinfar: HCS Exec
Dir Privacy
Policy Area: HIPAA - Privacy
Policy Tag Groups:
Applicability: UNCHCS - All except
Johnston and Pardee
Electronic Patient Information Access and
Auditing of Access
UNC Health Care System / UNC Medical Center* Johnston Health
UNC Physicians Network Lenoir Memorial Hospital
UNC Physicians Network Group Practices / UNC Physicians
Group Practices II
Margaret R. Pardee Memorial
Rex Healthcare / Rex Hospital Nash Healthcare System/Nash
Chatham Hospital Wayne Memorial Hospital
Caldwell Memorial Hospital
UNC Rockingham Health Care / UNC Rockingham Hospital
I. Description
This policy applies to the following entities (collectively referred to as "UNC Health" in this policy):
*UNC Medical Center includes all UNC Hospitals' facilities and the clinical patient care programs of
the School of Medicine of UNC-Chapel Hill (including UNC Faculty Physicians).
It is the responsibility of UNC Health to ensure that UNC Health employees and others who have authorized
access to UNC Health electronic systems containing patient medical information access only the patient
medical information necessary to perform their job functions. UNC Health shall have the right to audit
accesses into any electronic system, application, database, electronic health record system and any other
UNC Health system or application containing patient medical records in electronic format. This policy outlines
appropriate behaviors and expectations for access to electronic patient information contained in any UNC
Health electronic system.
Included within the scope of this policy are the patient care programs of the UNC School of Medicine (UNC
SOM). As a result, this policy shall apply to all UNC SOM personnel, including but not limited to faculty, staff,
students, trainees, interns and volunteers who may be full-time, part-time, paid or unpaid who create, store,
transmit, access or use any patient information in support of clinical purposes for UNC Health or any other
Electronic Patient Information Access and Auditing of Access. Retrieved 12/2021. Official copy at Copyright © 2021 UNC Health Care System
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II. Policy
A. Protecting Electronic Patient Information.
Protecting the privacy of patient information is an important consideration for everyone who utilizes the
UNC Health electronic systems containing patient information. This policy applies to any individual that is
granted electronic access (including remote access) to UNC Health information systems and Electronic
Health Record (EHR). UNC Health has a legal and ethical obligation to ensure the confidentiality and
security of patient information and individuals granted access to patient information are personally
responsible for ensuring that the privacy of our patients is always protected.
B. Individual Responsibilities to Protect Patient Privacy When Accessing Patient Information in
Electronic Systems.
1. The medical record is the property of UNC Health and is maintained for the benefit of the patient, the
Medical Staff, the individual UNC Health Hospital and UNC Health. The information contained within
the record, including all forms of electronic patient information, is the property of the patient and
cannot be released to individuals not otherwise authorized without the written consent of the patient,
a subpoena, court order or pursuant to state or federal law.
2. Only authorized users with a 'Business Need to Know' should access patient records.
3. UNC Health workforce who have been granted access to systems containing UNC Health patient
information shall safeguard and are prohibited from disclosing their personal access code or any
other access credentials that would permit access by unauthorized individuals to confidential patient
information, (e.g., never share personal access codes, passwords or devices with any other person;
or allow anyone else to access or alter confidential patient information under their identity).
4. UNC Health workforce who have been granted access to systems containing UNC Health patient
information shall accept personal responsibility for all activities undertaken using their assigned
access codes / user names and passwords or devices and shall be responsible for any misuse or
unauthorized disclosure of confidential patient information made using their assigned access codes /
user names and passwords and for the failure to safeguard their assigned access codes / user
names and passwords or devices.
C. Right to Perform Access Audits of UNC Health Electronic Systems:
1. UNC Health recognizes that auditing is an essential function of safeguarding confidential patient data
from inappropriate access or use.
2. Through the use of system tools and technical functionality UNC Health has the right, without prior
notice, to conduct audits of any electronic system, including the electronic health record (EHR),
database, file folder or application to ensure that any access of patient information was performed in
accordance with the appropriate Business Need–to-Know.
3. The UNC Health Privacy Office (and individual Facility Privacy Officers at UNC Health Managed
Facilities) shall be responsible for performing access audits of electronic systems containing patient
medical information.
D. Sanctions for Violations.
Individuals who have been determined to have accessed patient information without an appropriate
Business Need to Know shall be subject to discipline in accordance with the UNC Health Sanctions for
Violations of Privacy Policies.
healthcare entity.
Electronic Patient Information Access and Auditing of Access. Retrieved 12/2021. Official copy at Copyright © 2021 UNC Health Care System
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III. Definitions
1. patient care treatment activities required by that individual's job or duties;
2. the performance of health care operational activities, as defined by an individual's assigned job duties or
at the instruction of an authorized supervisor or other official within UNC Health. Health care operational
activities include by way of example, activities in support of compliance, accreditation, licensing,
certification and all other administrative activities;
3. the performance of approved educational activities in support of the education of medical residents,
students or others or such other professional educational activities in support of UNC Health or the UNC
School of Medicine formal educational programs.
IV. References
V. Related Policies/Forms
No Attachments
Approval Signatures
Step Description Approver Date
Jerylyn Williams: Chief Audit & Compliance Ofcr 06/2020
SYSTEM Site Administrator Emilie Hendee: HCS Attorney Sr 06/2020
David Behinfar: HCS Exec Dir Privacy 06/2020
Caldwell Memorial Hospital, Chatham Hospital, Nash UNC Health Care, UNC Health Care System, UNC Lenoir
Health Care, UNC Medical Center, UNC Physicians Network, UNC Rex Healthcare, UNC Rockingham Health
Care, Wayne Memorial Hospital
Electronic Health Record – means an electronic record of health-related information on an individual that is
created, gathered, managed, and consulted by authorized health care clinicians and staff.
Record – any item, collection or grouping of information that includes PHI and is maintained, collected, used
or disseminated by or for UNC Health.
Business Need to Know - Information needed to provide and/or support:
45 C.F.R. §§ 164.514(h)(1)
UNC Health Sanctions for Violations of Privacy Policies
Electronic Patient Information Access and Auditing of Access. Retrieved 12/2021. Official copy at Copyright © 2021 UNC Health Care System
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