Current Status: Active PolicyStat ID: 7944396
Origination: 07/2018
Effective: 06/2020
Last Approved: 06/2020
Last Revised: 06/2020
Next Review: 06/2023
Owner: David Behinfar: HCS Exec
Dir Privacy
Policy Area: HIPAA - Privacy
Policy Tag Groups:
Applicability: UNCHCS - All except
Copy Requests and Charges for PHI
UNC Health Care System / UNC Medical Center* Johnston Health
UNC Physicians Network Lenoir Memorial Hospital
UNC Physicians Network Group Practices / UNC Physicians
Group Practices II
Margaret R. Pardee Memorial
Rex Healthcare / Rex Hospital Nash Healthcare System/Nash
Chatham Hospital Wayne Memorial Hospital
Caldwell Memorial Hospital
UNC Rockingham Health Care / UNC Rockingham Hospital
I. Description
II. Policy
A. Cost-based Fees for Copies of PHI
This policy applies to the following entities (collectively referred to as "UNC Health" in this policy):
*UNC Medical Center includes all UNC Hospitals' facilities and the clinical patient care programs of
the School of Medicine of UNC-Chapel Hill (including UNC Faculty Physicians).
UNC Health shall uphold the right of patients, or their authorized representatives, to examine and obtain
copies of their medical records, including an electronic copy if the medical record is an electronic health
Included within the scope of this policy are the patient care programs of the UNC School of Medicine (UNC
SOM). As a result, this policy shall apply to all UNC SOM personnel, including but not limited to faculty, staff,
students, trainees, interns and volunteers who may be full-time, part-time, paid or unpaid who create, store,
transmit, access or use any patient information in support of clinical purposes for UNC Health or any other
healthcare entity.
Copy Requests and Charges for PHI. Retrieved 11/2021. Official copy at
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If a patient or authorized representative makes a request for a copy of all or part of the medical record,
UNC Health may charge the patient or authorized representative a reasonable, cost-based fee.
A reasonable, cost-based fee is subject to applicable state law limitations and may include only the costs
of: (1) labor for copying the PHI, whether in paper or electronic form; (2) supplies for creating the paper
copy or electronic media, if the individual requests that the electronic copy be provided on portable media;
(3) postage, when the individual requests that the copy, or the summary or explanation, be mailed; and
(4) preparation of an explanation or summary of the PHI, if agreed to by the individual. This fee may not
include costs associated with verification; documentation; searching for and retrieving the PHI;
maintaining systems; recouping capital for data access, storage, or infrastructure; or other costs not listed
above even if such costs are authorized by state law.
Alternatively, UNC Health may charge a flat fee for such requests of no more than $6.50.
B. Permissible Copy Charges
Sample of permissible UNC Health charges for providing copies of PHI to patients/legal guardians as
Patient and Patient Directive Requests
Electronic to electronic (CD/USB/Portal):
$6.50 flat fee
Hybrid (paper AND electronic) to electronic:
$6.50 flat fee for the portion of the record maintained electronically
Plus $0.07 per page representing average labor cost to create and deliver the portion of the record
maintained in paper for a standard request
Plus sales tax as applicable
Paper to electronic:
$0.07 per page representing average labor cost to create and deliver the portion of the record
maintained in paper
Plus sales tax as applicable
Electronic to paper:
$0.90 representing average labor cost to create and deliver the portion of record maintained
Plus $0.05 per page for supplies (paper and toner)
Plus actual postage if mailed
Plus sales tax as applicable
Hybrid (paper AND electronic) to electronic:
$0.07 per page representing average labor cost to create and deliver the portion of the record
maintained in paper
Plus, if applicable, $0.90 representing average labor cost to create and deliver the portion of record
maintained electronically
Copy Requests and Charges for PHI. Retrieved 11/2021. Official copy at
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Plus $0.05 per page for supplies (paper and toner)
Plus actual postage if mailed
Plus sales tax as applicable
Paper to paper:
$0.07 per page representing average labor cost to create and deliver for a standard request
Plus $0.05 per page for supplies (paper and toner)
Plus actual postage if mailed
Plus sales tax as applicable
C. Fees for Copies of PHI for Workers Compensation
With respect to claims for Worker's Compensation, UNC Health may charge the fees set forth under the
current North Carolina Industrial Commission fee schedule.
D. Fees Associated with a UNC Health Medical Lien
With respect to claims for which UNC Health is seeking a medical lien for payment of services rendered
on any award the patient may receive, a copy of the medical record should be provided to the patient or
the patient's attorney free of charge.
E. Cost Estimate to be Provided to the Patient
UNC Health should inform the patient or authorized representative of the approximate fee that may be
charged for the requested copy at the time that details of the form and format of the requested copy are
being negotiated or arranged, in advance of providing a copy.
F. When Fees for Copying PHI Should be Waived
UNC Health should not charge a fee where doing so would impede the ability of an individual to access or
obtain copies of his/her PHI. A fee will not be imposed for providing the medical record for or to a
medically indigent patient. A patient or authorized representative may be required to provide proof that the
patient is medically indigent. A medically indigent patient, or authorized representative representing a
medically indigent patient, is limited to receiving one (1) set of copies at no charge. Any additional
requests for the same medical record within a six (6) month time frame shall be subject to the fee
III. Definitions
IV. References
Electronic Health Record – means an electronic record of health-related information on an individual that is
created, gathered, managed, and consulted by authorized health care clinicians and staff.
45 C.F.R. § 164.524(c)(4)
OCR Guidance, "Individuals' Right under HIPAA to Access their Health Information"
N.C. Gen. Stat. §§ 90-411, 97-26.
Copy Requests and Charges for PHI. Retrieved 11/2021. Official copy at
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V. Related Policies/Forms
No Attachments
Approval Signatures
Step Description Approver Date
Jerylyn Williams: Chief Audit & Compliance Ofcr 06/2020
SYSTEM Site Administrator Emilie Hendee: HCS Attorney Sr 06/2020
David Behinfar: HCS Exec Dir Privacy 06/2020
Caldwell Memorial Hospital, Chatham Hospital, Johnston Health, Nash UNC Health Care, UNC Health Care
System, UNC Lenoir Health Care, UNC Medical Center, UNC Physicians Network, UNC Rex Healthcare, UNC
Rockingham Health Care, Wayne Memorial Hospital
UNC Health Patient Right to Access to Inspect and Obtain a Copy of PHI Policy
Copy Requests and Charges for PHI. Retrieved 11/2021. Official copy at
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