v1.0 2021-01-28
by +Oliver Queen
Greetings fellow Star Wars D6 enthusists. This is a project that I
toyed with nearly four years ago, but never got very far into it.
Luckily, my creative fervor has returned and I not only returned to
the project but finished it.
While working on this book, I was surprised how little new
information was presented for the main characters (Rose and Page
Tico). This goes beyond the standard rants against TLJ. If you go
through the available information looking for history, motivation,
personality and so on, there is very little. Honestly though, the book
"The Last Jedi: Cobalt Squadron" does elaborate a little bit on their
history and motivation, but its seriously lacking.
I would like to give a quick nod of the hat to Kiss My Wookiee who
helped with the editing of this book and was uncredited for doing
the same with "Leia, Princess of Alderaan". Sorry buddy, better late
than never.
Okay, so that's that. I hope you enjoy the material and able to use
at least some of it in your own games. Until next time …
May the Force Be With You
Emperor Ollie
Rose and Paige Tico are sisters working on a bomber ship for the
Resistance: Paige mans the gun turret while Rose is a mechanic in
charge of testing out a new stealth technology. The two lost their
homeworld when the First Order destroyed it, and one of the few
tokens they share from their planet is each has one half of a
medallion carved with their planet's symbol.
During their mission to deploy and recover probe droids to the
Atterra System, the Tico sisters spot a ship being chased by the
First Order. Before the Resistance crew can leave the system with
the recovered probes, the First Order’s quarry unexpectedly crashes
into their recovery bay and they blast off into hyperspace while
carrying the smaller vessel. The ship has two people aboard: Casca
Panzoro and her grandson Reeve, refugees from Atterra who are
searching for help. The First Order has been squeezing the system
and its people are dying of thirst. The two Panzoros convince the
crew of their need and are brought back to the Resistance base to
General Leia Organa and Admiral Amilyn Holdo.
Leia hears them out and agrees to offer aide, but says they first
must come up with a plan. Rose, Paige, and Reeve are sent back
to Atterra Bravo on a retrofitted spy ship to gather reconnaissance
and devise a method to deliver aide. They determine the location is
too far from the rebel base on D'Qar to make direct supply runs and
decide on a nearby planet, Refnu, to serve as an intermediate
base. The ship heads to Refnu to prepare accommodations and a
cover story. Speaking to a few locals, they determine that Refnu
Corporation is hiring ice breakers and the bomber ships of the
Cobalt Squadron would be a perfect fit. They devise to have a
portion of the squadron work jobs for Refnu while the remaining
ones can freely use the base in order to deliver supplies to Atterra.
The first supply run does not go off without a hitch; First Order TIE
fighters spot them due to a failing stealth module. The heavy
bombers manage to kill all but one of the First Order fighters and
suffer no casualties themselves. During the second run they are not
nearly so lucky: the First Order prepared an ambush for the
Resistance and manages to take out four bombers before the rest
can get away.
In desperate need of a new plan, Paige realizes that the First Order
is expecting them adhere to regular squadron tactics, but that they
might stand a better chance if they operate in an unexpected way.
Paige suggests that the Resistance use a decoy ship to draw fire
while a slower, burdened bomber makes the supply drop. Once the
drop is finished, that now-empty bomber can then fly decoy for the
next run, and so on. Rose's commander asks that she work on one
of the ships experiencing intermittent stealth issues so that she can
troubleshoot the problem, but she is reluctant to fly without her
sister. Another mechanic offers to take the post, relieving Rose of
needing to deal with the anxiety of being away from Paige.
The new plan works, but in hyperspace on their way back to the
Resistance a great disturbance in the galaxy is felt by everyone in
the squadron. Meeting back up with Holdo, the squad is informed
that the disturbance was in fact a super weapon used by the First
Order to destroy the entire Hosnian star system. An all-out war
between the First Order and the Resistance has begun. Holdo says
she needs a mechanic to work on board her ship, the Ninka, and
asks Rose if she's willing to take the post. Rose accepts because
even though her sister won't be there with her physically, as long as
they are both wearing the medallions of their homeworld then they
are never apart.
Zanyo Arak
Member of Resistance bomber crew who is assigned by Vice
Admiral Amilyn Holdo to pilot a starfighter for the Resistance during
the evacuation of their base on D'Qar.
Hadeen Bissel
A human male who serves as a technician and crew chief for
the Resistance's Starfortress unit.
Nefrian male who suffers from agoraphobia and serves as the
flight engineer of the MG-100 StarFortress SF-17 Cobalt Treasure
during the Atterra campaign. He later takes over the duties as flight
engineer of the Cobalt Wasp after the bomber's previous flight
engineer returns sick after struggling to adjust to the climate on
Refnu. On the second run of Atterra campaign, Cobalt and Crimson
Squadron are attacked by the First Order. Cat is killed when the
Cobalt Wasp is destroyed by TIE fighters.
Orion Chalk
The uncle of Reeve Panzoro and member of the Bravo Rising
resistance movement, which fights against the First Order on the
planet Atterra Bravo. When Reeve brings Rose and Paige Tico of the
Resistance to meet the members of Bravo Rising, Orion introduces
the Tico sisters. He is known to use a solar crossbow.
Finch Dallow
A human male member of the Resistance's Cobalt Squadron.
Dallow serves in the New Republic scout service before joining the
Resistance. He is relentlessly cheerful. Finch pilots the bomber
Cobalt Hammer during the Atterra campaign and the later
evacuation of D'Qar.
Finch Dallow: all stats 2D except for: Dexterity 2D+2, blaster 3D,
dodge 3D+1, survival 2D+2, Mechanical 3D, astrogation 3D+2,
space transports 4D+1, starship gunnery 4D, starship shields 4D,
con 2D+2. Character Points: 6. Move: 10. Equipment: Equipment:
Flight suit and helmet, hands-free comlink, blaster pistol.
Vober Dand
Tarsunt male from Suntilla who serves in the Resistance's
Ground Logistics Division as a controller. He is stationed in the
Resistance's base of operations on the planet D'Qar. Dand is a
stickler for detail and refuses to tolerate anyone operating outside
of protocol. He wears a yellow GLD controller's coat with 'GLD
Landing Officer' printed on it. He also wears a pair of brown pants
and boots as well as a comlink headset. Dand has brown hair, black
eyes and gray skin.
A Nefrian male miner who lives on the planet Refnu. Dario helps
Paige and Rose Tico to find a job with the Refnu Corporation.
Also known as "the Old Lady" by the bomber crews of the
Resistance, Fossil is a female Martigrade lieutenant who is the
commanding officer of the Resistance's StarFortress unit, including
Cobalt and Crimson Squadrons.
Fossil: all stats 2D except for: Knowledge 3D, bureaucracy 4D,
planetary systems 4D, tactics 3D+2, command 4D+2. Equipment:
datapad, comlink.
Tanya Helios
A human female and the chief instructor of the Firestone
Technical Academy on the planet Atterra Bravo. Tanya is a member
of the Bravo Rising resistance movement against the First Order.
When Reeve Panzoro brings Rose and Paige Tico of the Resistance
to meet the members of Bravo Rising, Helios shakes both Tico
sisters' hands and thanks them for their aide. Tanya has dark skin
Amilyn Holdo
A human female Vice Admiral of the Resistance. She hails from
the planet Gatalenta. In her youth, Holdo serves in the Apprentice
Legislature of the Imperial Senate, where she becomes friends with
Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan. During their time together, Leia
confides with her about involvement with the rebellion against the
Galactic Empire. Holdo later becomes a member of the Alliance to
Restore the Republic as well, garnering a reputation as a master
strategist. By 34 ABY, Holdo is a Vice Admiral in Organa's
Resistance and assumes command of the cruiser Ninka.
Nix Jerd
A human male from the Mid Rim world Lantillies who is a
bombardier in the Resistance's Cobalt Squadron. He keeps a firm
grip on the release trigger of the Resistance bomber Cobalt
Hammer, ready to release the bomber’s payload onto First Order
targets. Nix has a good head for numbers and is usually calm and
unaffected when his bomber comes under attack. When things get
too intense, however, he likes to yell at pilot Finch Dallow "a lot,"
according to Paige Tico.
Nix Jerd: all stats 2D except for: blaster 2D+2, dodge 3D, missile
weapons 4D, survival 2D+2, sensors 3D, starship gunnery 3D+2,
search 3D+1, gambling 4D+1. Character Points: 3. Move: 10.
Equipment: Flight suit and helmet, hands-free comlink, blaster
pistol, datapad loaded with various racer magazines.
Tiggs Kaiga
A female Faust flight surgeon for Cobalt Squadron on D'Qar. She
is tall and skinny and known to not have a sense of humor. She is
trained to look for medical reasons, both physical and mental, that
might cause a crew member to fail to perform their duties on a
Leia Organa
The political and military leader of the Resistance. Leia is a
Force-sensitive human female who is a Rebel war hero and a leader
of the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Galactic Civil War,
before serving as a senator in the New Republic. Adopted into the
Alderaanian royal family (also known as House Organa), Leia is a
princess of Alderaan, a planet in the Core Worlds known for its
dedication to pacifism. The princess is raised as the daughter of
Senator Bail Organa and his wife, Queen Breha Organa, making her
the heir to the Alderaanian monarchy. Instilled with the values of
her adopted homeworld, Organa devotes her life to the restoration
of democracy by opposing authoritarian regimes such as the
Galactic Empire and the First Order.
Leia’s biological father is Darth Vader, a Sith Lord and the chief
enforcer of Emperor Sheev Palpatine before his death during the
Battle of Endor.
In the aftermath of the Battle of Endor, Organa marries the
Corellian smuggler Han Solo. She learns the Jedi arts as her twin
brother's apprentice until giving birth to her son, Ben Solo, on the
day of the Empire's capitulation in 5 ABY. Her personal and political
life suffers in the years that follow, with Ben turning to the Dark
Side like his grandfather before him and adopting the persona of
Kylo Ren whilst the Galactic Senate sidelines Organa's career.
Adopting the military rank of General, she leads the Resistance
during the Cold War and seeks to make amends with her son Ben.
Casca Panzoro
A human female district representative of the Firestone Islands
on Atterra Bravo and a commander in the united resistance
movement Bravo Rising at the time of the Atterra campaign. She is
the grandmother of fellow resistance member Reeve Panzoro.
Casca Panzoro: all stats 2D except for: Knowledge 3D, bureaucracy
3D+2, willpower 4D, command 3D+2, persuasion 3D+2. Move:
Reeve Panzoro
A human male member of the united resistance movement
Bravo Rising at the time of the Atterra campaign. He is the
grandson of fellow resistance member Casca Panzoro.
Reeve Panzoro: all stats 2D except for: Dexterity 3D, blaster 3D+1,
dodge 3D+2, running 3D+2, tactics 3D+1, survival 2D+2,
Mechanical 3D+1, space transports 5D+1, starfighter piloting
4D+1, Perception 2D+2, command 3D+1, hide 3D, sneak 3D+1.
Character Points: 5. Move: 10.
Rendal Panzoro
An Atterran human male pilot in the Firestone Islands Guards
security force on the planet Atterra Bravo before the security force
is disbanded by the First Order. He is the father of Reeve Panzoro
and the son of Casca Panzoro. After the First Order blockades the
Atterra system, Rendal's law-enforcement starfighter is attacked by
two First Order TIE fighters. Though Rendal makes it back to the
Firestone Islands, he dies of his injuries.
Darrus Rantarovo
Foreman of the Big Settlement hydro farm on the planet Atterra
Bravo until the planet's hydro farms are taken over by the First
Order. He is also a member of the Bravo Rising resistance
movement against the First Order. When Reeve Panzoro brings Rose
and Paige Tico of the Resistance to meet the members of Bravo
Rising, Rantarovo shakes the Tico sisters' hands, but is too
overcome by emotion to speak. Darrus is an Atterran human male
with a dark skin tone.
Kaiden Scorbo
Member of Resistance bomber crew assigned by Vice Admiral
Amilyn Holdo to pilot a starfighter for the Resistance during the
evacuation of their base on D'Qar.
The tail gunner of the Resistance bomber Cobalt Hammer
during the Atterra campaign and the later evacuation of D’Qar.
Spennie is a human female member of the Resistance’s Cobalt
Spennie: all stats 2D except for: blaster 2D+2, dodge 3D, survival
2D+2, starship gunnery 4D. Move: 10. Equipment: Flight suit and
helmet, hands free comlink, blaster pistol.
Hue Tico
The father of Paige and Rose Tico. He is a human male, and is
married to Thanya Tico.
Paige Tico
A human female Resistance fighter, Resistance bomber tail
gunner, and elder sister of Rose Tico. After witnessing firsthand the
brutality of the First Order on their homeworld in the Otomok
system, both Paige and Rose fled from the Otomok system and
joined the Resistance.
The First Order had come to their world, Hays Minor, to mine its
ores regardless of the effect it had on the people. Seeing how it
devastated the planet, she and Rose sabotaged First Order ships;
frustratingly, their action did little to stop the strip mining. Their
parents told both sisters to join the Resistance, which they did.
Later they would learn in horror that the First Order had blockaded
and torn apart the planet. Vowing vengeance, the Tico sisters had
decided to leave the Resistance and strike against the First Order
themselves, but were persuaded out of the idea by Leia Organa,
who encouraged them that staying with the Resistance would be
more effective than a personal crusade.
As a Resistance soldier Paige has become an exceptional
gunner and pilot. She has now survived several missions, leading
her to become superstitious occasionally she wraps her
medallion around the struts of her cannons for good luck. During
their downtime between bombing runs, the two sisters always
discuss their chance to see the galaxy.
Paige has been extremely close to her younger sister, Rose,
since childhood and feels incomplete when they are separated.
When they joined the Resistance, Paige insists that she and Rose
must be assigned to the same ship. The two sisters frequently sit
together at Paige's gunner station while traveling to and from
missions. Paige thinks that Rose underestimates herself and her
importance in the Resistance and often provides moral support.
Paige has a fascination for fathiers, deciding that they are the
one creature above all else she wants to see in person. On her
suggestion, the crew of the Cobalt Hammer uses imaginary stables
of fathiers as markers in the crew's card games.
While Paige hates the First Order's leadership for the destruction
of her homeworld and their other atrocities, she doesn’t hold the
same vitriol for the First Order soldiers and pilots. She feels that
many of them are people just like her who might have chosen to
serve in the First Order to escape dangerous situations at home.
Paige participates in the Atterra Campaign as the tail gunner of
the bomber Cobalt Hammer. It is her tactical recommendation to
use unladen decoy bombers to protect each bomber in the process
of delivering its payload that directly leads to the success of the
third supply run and overall mission success.
Paige Tico (as of The Atterra Campaign)
Type: Resistance Gunner
Blaster 3D+2, dodge 4D
Space transports 4D+2, starship gunnery 5D+1, starfighter
piloting 4D
Special Abilities:
Arctic Dwellers: +1D bonus to survival in arctic/cold conditions.
Force Points: 1
Character Points: 7
Move: 10
Equipment: Flight suit and helmet, hands-free comlink, blaster
pistol, Haysian ore medallion.
Rose Tico
A human female Resistance fighter, flight engineer, inventor,
and the younger sister of Paige Tico. Like her older sister Paige and
her parents, Hue and Thanya, Rose grew up on Hays Minor, an
impoverished mining colony in the Otomok system. Rose and her
sister trained in their grandmother Etta's Z-95 Headhunter
simulator, though Rose crashed during the simulations. She and her
family would watch holodramas, some of which included fathiers.
The First Order took over Hays Minor's mines and forced Rose's
people to mine their planet's resources to feed their war machine.
Rose and Paige protected their parents and fellow citizens from the
First Order and their mining pollution. Rose was able to blow up
twelve OreDiggers and stop the First Order's mining operations for
three days. After her parents told her that she and Paige had to find
the Resistance and join them in their fight against the First Order,
Rose and Paige were welcomed into the Resistance by Admirals
Gial Ackbar and Amilyn Holdo. The two of them joined the
Resistance's Cobalt Squadron.
Rose eventually received news that the First Order shelled her
people during a weapons test. The two of them were approached by
General Leia Organa, who offered them her condolences for the
First Order's genocide of Hays Minor. Vowing vengeance, Rose and
Paige decided to leave the Resistance and strike against the First
Order on their own, but were convinced not to by Leia, who
encouraged them that they would do more to help those oppressed
by the evil First Order regime as part of the Resistance than they
would alone. Rose and Paige promised themselves that they would
stop the First Order from pillaging and destroying other worlds.
During the Attera Campaign, Rose tests a prototype stealth
technology that she has invented and installed aboard Resistance
bombers. Called Bafflers and nicknamed the “Resistance-Cloak,”
these devices combine engine baffles, emergency shunts, and
modified fuel tanks in order to make a starship’s ion exhaust harder
for another ship’s sensors to detect. After the Atterra Campaign,
Vice Admiral Holdo transferred to her to the engineer team aboard
her ship the Ninka during the preparation to abandon the
Resistance base on D'Qar.
Rose Tico (as of the Atterra Campaign)
Type: Resistance Flight Engineer/Gunner
Blaster 3D+1, dodge 3D+2
Astrogation 3D+2, repulsorlift operation 4D, sensors 3D+2, space
transports 3D+2, starship gunnery 3D+2, starship piloting 3D+2
Droid programming 4D+1, space transport repair 5D
Special Abilities:
Arctic Dwellers: +1D bonus to survival in arctic/cold conditions.
Force Points: 1
Character Points: 7
Move: 10
Equipment: Flight suit and helmet, hands-free comlink, blaster
pistol, Haysian ore medallion.
Thanya Tico
The mother of Paige and Rose Tico. She is a human female and
is married Hue Tico. She flew an OreDigger for Central Ridge Mining
when her daughters were young.
A human female member of Resistance bomber crew who,
during the Atterra campaign, serves as the pilot of the MG-100
StarFortress SF-17 Crimson Cutter. On occasion Vennie flies an A-
wing starfighter as an escort for the bombers. After the campaign,
Vennie is assigned by Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo to pilot a
starfighter for the Resistance during the evacuation of their base on
Sonar Swallow: A hand-sized type of bird with iridescent black
feathers from D'Qar. They travel in pairs or flocks and seem to find
noise irresistible. They are especially fascinated by humans. Many
of the inhabitants of the Resistance base thought them as
nuisances because they had little fear of people.
Fathier: A quadruped species, fathiers are distinguished by their
long legs, brown fur, and large ears, which dissipate body heat.
Fathiers can run at great speeds (up to 75 kilometers per hour)
across various terrains, including beaches, fields, and cliff faces.
Their speed makes them sought after by wealthy residents of the
galaxy, and the creatures are viewed as graceful and majestic. On
average, fathiers stand three meters high at the shoulder; people
seeing one in person for the first time are often shocked by their
size. When cooped up, fathiers require endurance exercises, so
fathier transports are equipped with double-gravity chambers. They
are known for their stinky, spicy smell.
Stinging Midge: Small creatures that fly in swarms and live in the
jungles of D'Qar, near the Resistance base.
Spy Droid
A type of droid used in espionage.
Resistance Spy Droid
Small self-propelled probe droid launched from a starship into a
planets orbit. The probes circle the planet over the course of 18
hours, gathering data, recording comm traffic, making recordings
and observations without drawing attention, then return to the ship.
They have mini spy-shields and an energy "baffle" designed by Rose
Tico, dropping their energy signature to nearly zero, making them
nearly impossible to detect with routine scans. In case the probe
was damaged it has a self-destruct. One thousand of the probes
could fit into the bay of a MG-100 StarFortress SF-17.
Resistance Spy Droid
Type: Reconnaissance spy droid
Scale: Character
Skills: Sensors 4D, starfighter piloting 3D
Cost: 25,000 for 1,000 (estimated)
Availability: 3 or 4, X
Space: 1
Hull: 1D
Passive: 3/1D
Game Notes: Resistance spy droids work in large clusters upwards
of 1,000 units. Each spy droid navigates around a planetary system
scanning, recording and making observations. The units are
designed to be difficult to spot using sensors. If discovered, the
units are able to send a narrow-band encrypted datalog to the droid
starship pickup then autodestruct. The self-destruct can also be
remote triggered from the starship.
Five Sabers: A prestigious piloting championship held on Theron. As
its name suggests, the contest is comprised of five stages: the
atmospheric dash, the orbital sprints, the lunar relays, the sublight
relays, and hyperspace orienteering. While the first two stages are
mainly watched live or in full, the latter three are best watched in
post-race edited footage, due to them lasting hours, days and
weeks respectively.
The Disaster: Also known as the Destruction of Alderaan, this is the
name given to the destruction of the planet Alderaan in the
Coruscant Core at the hands of the Galactic Empire during the
Galactic Civil War. Alderaanians who were off-world at the time took
to calling Alderaan's destruction "the Disaster". Riots broke out in
Alderaanian immigrant areas of the planet Coruscant, and the
Empire killed many rioters and arrested many more immigrants.
Blockade of the Otomok System: During the New Republic Era, the
First Order blockaded the Otomok system in the galaxy's Outer Rim
Territories. The New Republic objected to the blockade, but the
Order told the Republic it was an internal affair, which they
COLD WAR (29 ABY to 34 ABY): The intense five-year galactic
geopolitical tensions between the New Republic, the reigning
interstellar republic, and the First Order, which claims legitimacy as
a successor to the Galactic Empire that emerged from the outer
reaches of the galaxy. The Republic was aided covertly by the
Resistance, a splinter cell of the New Republic Defense Force
during the rising period of tensions.
The informal term "cold war" is used because there was no
direct, large-scale fighting between the two sides. While minor
skirmishes did break out, they did not lead to open war. The
Resistance was formed by former Senator Leia Organa to act as a
check on the First Order due to the New Republic downplaying the
threat of the First Order as a credible threat to galactic peace.
Skirmishes were more frequent between the Resistance and the
First Order, and eventually led to open war after the First Order
attacked the Republic.
Atterra Campaign: Also known as the Atterra crisis, this campaign is
a mission undertaken by the Resistance to transport supplies to the
Atterrans in the Atterra system.
Atterra Alpha
A planet located in the Atterra system within the Outer Rim
Territories that was controlled by the First Order. During the last
years of the Galactic Empire, the planet was turned into a prison.
Region: Outer Rim Territories
Sector: -
System: Atterra
Sun(s): 2
Trade Route(s): -
Orbital Position: 1 (shared with Atterra Bravo)
Moon(s): 0
Length of Day: 371 standard hours
Length of Year: 24 local days
Starport(s): 1: Standard class
Type: Terrestrial
Temperature: Terrestrial
Atmosphere: Type I
Hydrosphere: Moderate
Gravity: Standard
Primary Terrain: -
Points of Interest: Imperial prison
Native Flora: -
Native Fauna: -
Native Species: None
Immigrated Species: Humans
Population: -
Languages: Galactic Basic Standard
Government: First Order
Tech Level: Space
Planet Function: Outpost
Major Cities: -
Major Exports: -
Major Imports: -
Special Conditions: -
Atterra Bravo
A planet located in the Atterra system within the Outer Rim
Territories. The Firestone Islands are located on Atterra Bravo. It has
a sister planet named Atterra Alpha and both are surrounded by a
thick asteroid belt.
From space, Atterra Bravo appears pearly dark gold, seemingly
glowing in the sunlight. The oceans give off a sharp, faintly rotten
egg smell that is turbulent, yellow and briny. The ocean churns and
boils north of the Firestone Islands. The ocean is highly acidic; a
starship floating on its surface for five minutes will start to have its
hull eaten away. At night, from the planet's surface the countless
asteroids of the system asteroid belt appear to glow like tiny
hanging lamps, much smaller than a moon but bigger than stars.
During the Cold War between the First Order and New Republic,
the planet enters into a lockdown due to a First Order blockade of
the system. Very few ships are left from the First Order's sweep of
the old security forces. Many people did not have their own
moisture vaporators, so the blockade left many dead from thirst.
The brutality of the First Order leads to the development of Bravo
Rising, a local resistance movement. The Resistance arrives in the
form of Cobalt Squadron, which delivers important medical, food,
water and fuel supplies to aid their fight against the First Order.
Region: Outer Rim Region
Sector: -
System: Atterra
Sun(s): 1
Trade Route(s): -
Orbital Position: 1 (shared with Atterra Alpha)
Moon(s): 1
Length of Day: 371 standard hours
Length of Year: 24 local days
Starport(s): None
Type: Terrestrial
Temperature: Terrestrial
Atmosphere: Type I
Hydrosphere: Moderate
Gravity: Standard
Primary Terrain: Acidic oceans, islands, pumice fields
Points of Interest: Firestone Islands, Firestrone Technical Academy,
Rockland Plate mines, starport ruins
Native Flora: -
Native Fauna: -
Native Species: None
Immigrated Species: Human
Population: 1,000
Languages: Galactic Basic Standard
Government: Tribal
Tech Level: Space
Planet Function: Colony, subsistence
Major Cities: Big Settlement
Major Exports: Minerals
Major Imports: Water
Special Conditions:
1. Atterra Belt: Between the gas giant Atterra Primo and the
twin inner planets Ettera Alpha and Atterra Bravo is an
asteroid field (Difficult terrain).
2. Acidic Oceans: The acid causes 3D damage per minute
without protection, ignoring scale modifiers up to starship.
Firestone Islands: An archipelago on the planet Atterra Bravo. The
terrain mostly consists of porous ground and towering volcanic
columns of pumice. The outlying islets are uninhabited, while the
main island is home to big hydro farms.
Big Settlement: A major town located in Atterra Bravo's Firestone
Islands. The settlement is composed of a number of saltstone
homes and a large hydrofarm, which helps to provide its water.
When the First Order occupied Atterra Bravo, the settlement
became a ghost town.
Big Settlement Hydro Farm: A major hydro farm located in Big
Settlement on Atterra Bravo. The hydro farm provides much of the
town's water until it is seized by the First Order shortly before the
Atterra campaign. The facility's foreman is Darrus Rantarovo.
Pumice Forest: A region located near Big Settlement, the largest
town on the planet Atterra Bravo. The "forest" is composed of a
number of tall columns of pumice, each of which contains a
number of holes. The wind moves through the holes and creates a
strange whistling sound.
Firestone Technical Academy: An academy located in Big
Settlement, a major settlement on the planet Atterra Bravo. Tanya
Helios is the chief instructor of the Academy.
Rockland Plate: A location on the planet Atterra Bravo. Located to
the north of the Firestone Islands, it contains the major settlement
known as Big Settlement.
Atterra Primo
A gas giant located in the Atterra system.
D'Qar is a verdant planet located in the Ileenium system on the
edge of the galaxy's Mid Rim and Outer Rim Territories, relatively
close to Naboo and Crait. An obscure world far from the main
space lanes, the remote D'Qar is surrounded by a wide planetary
ring that casts a shadow on its forested surface. The lush, jungle-
covered terrain does not host intelligent life, though creatures such
as birds and insects called the huge trees and fast-growing roots of
the jungle home, as does the carnivorous plant known as the
creepervine. Aside from the foliage, D'Qar's surface features plains
and mountains. The world has a comfortable, temperate climate
despite its challenging ecosystem and dangerous predators.
During the Galactic Civil War, D'Qar served as a shadow planet
and deep space cache for the Alliance to Restore the Republic.
D'Qar was included in a map of the galaxy that listed safe worlds,
starfighter hubs at level five or higher, regional headquarters and
operations sectors, and deep space caches. The map was then
incorporated into The Rebel Files.
Following the Battle of Hoth, Corona Two, Four and Five of
Corona Squadron were sent to D'Qar to investigate possible signs of
Imperial outposts and activity. This occurred after reports from
deep-cover spies on Coruscant revealed that the Empire had been
processing massive amounts of material for the Imperial Starfleet,
as well as circulating rumors of a new large-ship construction
facility. Nonetheless, after exhaustive scans in the planet's
hemispheres, planetary and solar orbits the squadron came up
empty and returned to its MC80 Star Cruiser Liberty.
The Rebel Alliance then established a small outpost on the
planet. However, after the Galactic Civil War ended with the signing
of the Galactic Concordance, a D'Qar base was no longer
After The Rebel Files were rediscovered on Durkteel in 34 ABY
and handed to the Resistance, Major Caluan Ematt and General
Leia Organa wrote annotations. Organa wrote a question, asking if
the Alliance built up D'Qar during the early rebellion, or if it was
later. Ematt rebutted that it was later along with Mirrin Prime, after
the Battle of Yavin, and he would know as it was his Shrikes that
scouted both locations.
In the same year, the outpost was used as the base of
operations for the Resistance, a small military force funded by like-
minded New Republic senators who feared the growing power of
the First Order, a military junta that aimed to succeed the Galactic
Empire. Most of the base was hidden underground, with the
planet's thick foliage helping to conceal the facility from air and
ground sensors.
After the First Order's destruction of the Hosnian system, D'Qar
was to be the next target of the First Order's superweapon, Starkiller
Base. However, the Resistance managed to launch an attack
against the weapon, destroying it and ending its threat of outright
destruction. Shortly afterward, the Resistance began to evacuate
their base to avoid getting caught in a one-sided conflict with the
stronger First Order Navy.
At one point, D'Qar had been home to a culture advanced
enough to build cities. By the time of the Galactic Civil War, D'Qar
lacked intelligent life, but the planet teemed with a wide variety of
species. Large trees with fast-growing roots covered the planet's
surface, inhabited by many insects and nocturnal creatures, while
flocks of avians dominated the skies, and the carnivorous
creepervine ensnared creatures to eat among the jungles.
Region: Outer Rim Territories
Sector: Sanbra
System: Ileenium
Sun(s): 1: Ileenium
Trade Route(s): None
Orbital Position: -
Moon(s): 2
Length of Day: 415 standard hours
Length of Year: 23 local days
Starport(s): None
Type: Terrestrial
Temperature: Temperate
Atmosphere: Type I
Hydrosphere: Moderate
Gravity: Standard
Primary Terrain: Jungle, plains, forest canopies
Points of Interest: Resistance Base
Native Flora: Trees, creepervine
Native Fauna: Castua crane, dragonflies, dressto, sonar swallow,
squonk, stinging midge
Native Species: None
Immigrated Species: None
Population: 500 approximate (Resistance base)
Languages: None
Government: None
Tech Level: None
Planet Function: Resistance base
Major Cities: None
Major Exports: None
Major Imports: None
Special Conditions: None
Resistance Base: The Resistance base is located mostly
underneath the surface of D'Qar, with only the facility's landing
areas and antenna arrays exposed. Inside the base are a command
center and multiple hangars, situated both above and underground,
which are used to store T-70 X-wing starfighters. Underneath the
hangars is the maintenance level, where damaged vehicles could
go to be repaired. Surrounding the base is thick jungle foliage,
which helps hide the facility from air and ground sensors and
conceal potential power leaks. Most of the equipment used at the
base is portable, a feature insisted by General Leia Organa due to
her experience of the Rebel Alliance's near-extinction on Hoth.
When Sith Lord Darth Vader was revealed to be Senator Leia
Organa's biological father twenty-four years after the formation of
the New Republic, Organa's reputation was impacted dramatically.
Believing there to be a new threat facing the galaxy, Organa
pleaded with the Republic to investigate, however, her protests
about the Military Disarmament Act were dismissed as paranoia,
while her warnings of the growing First Order were misconstrued as
warmongering. Having no other option, she formed the Resistance
to combat the threat of full-scale war once again engulfing the
The upper levels of the Resistance hierarchy consist mainly of
veterans of the Galactic Civil War who have served alongside Leia
Organa in the Rebel Alliance. High ranking individuals include
General Cypress, a commander of the Resistance ground forces,
Major Taslin Brance, a communications officer who kept Organa up-
to-date on First Order operations, Major Caluan Ematt, a well-
traveled veteran of the Galactic Civil War, Admiral Statura, who
fought against the Empire during the liberation of his home planet
of Garel, and Admiral Gial Ackbar, an experienced commander who
fought in the Clone Wars and was instrumental to the Rebel
Alliance's victory over the Galactic Empire.
Otomok system
A binary star system located in the galaxy's Outer Rim Territories
containing the planets Hays Major and Hays Minor. Also referred to
simply as Otomok.
Hays Major: A planet in the Otomok system. It, along with its sister
planet Hays Minor, spins at the edge of what could be considered
habitable in the system.
Hays Minor: A planet in the Otomok system that is the homeworld
of Rose and Paige Tico. Prior to the pair joining the Resistance, the
First Order used the world to test weapons and steal children to
become stormtroopers. After the First Order's arrival, the once quiet
and unspoiled planet became dark and polluted.
A planet that serves as the departure point for the Atterra
campaign as it is not as far from the Atterra system as D'Qar was. It
is barely warm enough to support life. At the extreme range of the
habitable zone, Refnu receives little light, casting the entire planet
in near twilight and freezing windy conditions. Summer in Refnu
turns the sky a dark purple-blue for 10-12 hours a day, with longer
days at the poles. During the summer, winds pick up and sleet
storms are common.
Region: Outer Rim Region
Sector: -
System: Refnu
Sun(s): 1
Trade Route(s): -
Orbital Position: 1
Moon(s): -
Length of Day: 25 standard hours
Length of Year: 1,012 local days
Starport(s): 1: limited services
Type: Glacier
Temperature: Arctic
Atmosphere: Type I
Hydrosphere: Moderate
Gravity: Standard
Primary Terrain: Icy plains, mountains
Points of Interest: Starport, Freighters' Barracks
Native Flora: -
Native Fauna: -
Native Species: None
Immigrated Species: Nefrian
Population: 12 thousand
Languages: Galactic Basic Standard
Government: Independent
Tech Level: Space
Planet Function: Mining
Major Cities: -
Major Exports: Minerals, natural resources
Major Imports: Water, food, hi-tech equipment
Special Conditions: Arctic conditions require warm weather
protection. An unprotected individual would not last long. Make a
Difficult survival roll every minute; failure moves the individual up
one level on the damage chart. Furthermore, vehicles should be
modified for the chilly conditions. Unmodified vehicles may not
operate properly, or at all.
Bravo Rising: A united resistance movement on the planet Atterra
Bravo dedicated to fighting the First Order. During the First
Order/Resistance War, the First Order imposed a blockade on the
Atterra system, plundering fuel and minerals and cutting off all
travel and communications between the twin worlds Atterra Bravo
and Atterra Alpha. Bravo Rising has a small fleet of starfighters and
transport ships at their disposal and makes supply runs between
the two planets. However, the rebels are short on fuel, food,
weapons, drinking water and medical equipment and turn to the
Resistance for help. They have also mapped hundreds of of the
automated cannons in the asteroid field around Atterra Bravo and
know how to avoid the orbital minefields that surround the planet.
Central Ridge Mining: A mining company based in the Otomok
system. Hue and Thanya Tico worked for the company when their
daughters were young. The Tico family's eldest daughter, Paige,
began flight training with the company when she turned thirteen.
Firestone Islands Guards: A security force on the planet Atterra
Bravo for which Rendal Panzoro is a pilot. They police piracy and
smuggling. After the First Order blockaded the Atterra system, they
impounded the ships used by the planets security forces including
some of the Firestone Islands Guards, though the Bravo Rising were
able to hide some before they were impounded. The Firestone
Island Guards are later brutally and ruthlessly targeted by the First
First Order stormtroopers: Also colloquially known as "bucketheads,"
stormtroopers are the infantry soldiers of the First Order. As the
latest evolution of one of galactic history's most distinctive symbols
of military might, the First Order's infantry units are outfitted with
stark white armor derived from that worn by the Galactic Republic's
clone troopers and the Galactic Empire's identically named elite
shock troops. To ensure absolute loyalty and conformity, First Order
troopers are identified by alphanumeric designations instead of
individual names and programmed from birth through regular
exposure to state-controlled propaganda. Ultimately, members of
this new generation of stormtroopers are trained to serve one
purpose—conquering the galaxy in the name of the First Order.
The First Order Stormtrooper Corps was formed during the New
Republic Era, following the collapse of its Imperial-era predecessor
in the aftermath of the Galactic Civil War. Though the Galactic
Concordance banned the mobilization of stormtroopers, the First
Order secretly began its own stormtrooper program under the
supervision of General Brendol Hux and Captain Cardinal, and later
continued under General Armitage Hux and Captain Phasma.
Throughout its time, the program was centered on training human
conscripts from early childhood. During the Cold War between the
First Order and the New Republic, stormtroopers were presented as
a territorial protection force. After the destruction of the New
Republic capital, their true nature as the First Order's invasion army
was revealed, leading to open war against the Resistance.
Law Enforcement Agency: Also called a police force or security
force, a law enforcement agency is an organization charged with
maintaining order, enforcing laws, and protecting life and property.
Some law enforcement agencies also serve as a military for their
local governments, however they simply keep the peace and are
not armed for full scale war.
Law enforcement is generally conducted on a local or planetary
level but their size, functions, and training can vary greatly. They can
be a local security force covering a settlement, or they could be
responsible for the protection of an entire, densely urbanized planet
such as the Coruscant Security Force. Some law enforcement
agencies, such as the elite Senate Guard, are primarily tasked with
protecting persons or groups of people as bodyguards. Others are
volunteer security and policing corps such as the Royal Security
Forces on the planet Naboo.
Police officers are employed by law enforcement agencies. Most
wear uniforms of some kind and hold ranks that are para-militaristic
in nature. Lower ranking officers can perform tasks such as
patrolling their areas, responding to incidents, and conducting
preliminary investigations. Higher ranking officers supervise a group
of officers, provide field reports, conduct investigations, and answer
to government leaders. Serious crimes are investigated by
specialized officers such as detectives. Generally, these specialists
are police officers experienced in dealing with in-depth
While organic officers are common, police droids are used
extensively in the galaxy. Police droids are commonplace on an
ecumenopolis such as Coruscant, or in some spaceports that found
it more financially feasible to use droids. Generally, droids are
programmed not to cause harm unless it is in protection of others,
in which case they are authorized to use deadly force. Droids are
also useful in that they enforce the law without prejudice and
New Republic Scout Service: The official exploration arm of the New
Outside Unit Radicore Elements Mining Company: Reeve Panzoro
piloted a ship that is one of the few ships the Bravo Rising freedom
fighters had access to. Its imprint listed the ship as having been
built for the Outside Unit Radicore Elements Mining Company and
was a very registration.
Refnu Corporation: A frozen ore extraction company located on the
icy planet Refnu. Also known as RefuCorp.
Resistance Bommber Squadrons: Around 34 ABY the Resistance
has two bomber squadrons, Cobalt and Crimson, comprised of MG-
100 StarFortress SF-17’s.
Cobalt Squadron: A Resistance bomber squadron comprised of MG-
100 StarFortress SF-17s. During the Atterra Campaign they along
with Crimson Squadron they delivered supplies to the planet Atterra
Bravo. Cobalt squadron consists of:
Cobalt Belle
Cobalt Hammer
Cobalt Hornet*
Cobalt Mare
Cobalt Scarab*
Cobalt Treasure
Cobalt Wasp*
* Destroyed during the Atterra Campaign.
Crimson Squadron: A Resistance bomber squadron comprised of
MG-100 StarFortress SF-17s. During the Atterra Campaign they
along with Cobalt Squadron they delivered supplies to the planet
Atterra Bravo. Crimson squadron consists of:
Crimson Bolide
Crimson Cutter
Crimson Dancer
Crimson Hailstorm
A species of tall, slender humanoids native to the planet Adana.
They have pale blue skin, a double set of eyelids, light-colored eyes,
and pale blue-gray skin. They have long, humanoid faces with
slanted, almond-shaped eyes, a long nose, large ears and a cranial
ridge. It is unknown whether females of the species share this trait
or if it is exclusively a distinguishing attribute of the males.
Homeworld: Adana
Attribute Dice: 12D
Move: 10/12
Size: 1.5-1.7 meters tall
Alderaanian, Human
A cultural group of humans native to the planet Alderaan.
Known for their pacifistic values and devotion to the arts. Some
Alderaanian males wear their hair long by tradition.
Early in their history, the Alderaanians employed soldiers like
most other cultures. However, they gradually developed into a
pacifist society, one devoted to the fine arts and to philosophy. Over
time, Alderaanians became noted for their willingness to share their
knowledge freely with others. They were also careful to live in
harmony with their planet, which was renowned for its untarnished
Throughout history, a number of Alderaanians emigrated to
other planets, founding communities and exporting their unique
culture far from their homeworld. Such offworld communities
notably existed on Naboo and Sullust. Generations before the
Galactic Civil War, a number of Alderaanians also established their
presence on the planet of Espirion, which is known for being open
to refugees and wanderers. There, they intermarried with the
natives, a species of red-skinned humanoids with tapered ears. As
a result, a population of half-Alderaanians, exhibiting non-human
characteristics, arose on Espirion. In the immediate aftermath of
the Battle of Yavin, their community was led by Chief Beon Beonel.
Alderaanian, Human
Homeworld: Alderaan
Attribute Dice: 12D
Special Abilities:
Enlightened Society: At character creation Alderaanian receive +2D
to be paced in a specific type of philosophy or art skills.
Story Factors:
Pacifists: Alderaanians are fundamental pacifists, urging
conversation and understanding over conflict.
Wealthy: Alderaanians have one of the richest societies in the
Empire. Beginning characters should be granted a bonus of at least
2,000 credits.
Move: 10/12
Size: 1.5-2.0 meters tall
Atterran, Human
The human inhabitants of Atterra Bravo.
Atterran, Human
Homeworld: Atteran Bravo
Attribute Dice: 12D
Special Abilities:
Grit: Because the planet Atterra is a constant struggle and has
special hazards, the Atterran human inhabitants automatically get a
+1D to survival while on Atterra as a free bonus (does not count
toward beginning skill dice).
Move: 10/12
Size: 1.7 meters tall
Coruscanti, Human
The inhabitants of Coruscant, a city-wide planet and the historic
capital of the galaxy during the time of the Galactic Republic and
the age of the Galactic Empire. At the end of the Clone Wars in 19
BBY, the millennium-old Republic was replaced by the Empire — an
oppressive new regime that invested absolute power in Galactic
Emperor Sheev Palpatine.
During the early years of the Empire, most Coruscanti were
satisfied with the regime shift, particularly those who lived and
worked in the upper tiers of Imperial City. If for no other reason, the
Coruscanti were relieved to see an end of the devastation brought
by the Clone Wars. However, the self-anointed Emperor Palpatine
made few public appearances, and a number of Coruscanti
confessed to having fond memories for Chancellor Valorum.
Those who identified themselves as Coruscanti often had what
some would consider a superior accent, with it being frequently
attributed to propaganda broadcasts, rebel satire, and the Imperial
elite during the reign of the Empire. Coruscanti are considered
principled, able to verbally parry and weave in debates and politics.
According to Chieftain Gruppe, the human females of Coruscant
were not known to carry or deliver their own progeny. Instead, they
hired others to do so for them.
Coruscanti, Human
Homeworld: Coruscant
Attribute Dice: 12D
Move: 10/12
Size: 1.5-2.0 meters tall
Large humanoids with over-sized heads topped with very fine
hair, slug-like silver-skin, unblinking large black eyes the size of a
human palm, and three-fingered hands.
Homeworld: Martigrade
Attribute Dice: 12D
Special Abilities:
Redundant Anatomy: All wounds suffered by a Martigrade are
treated as if they were one level less. Two Kill results are needed to
kill a Martigrade.
Vision: The unique construction of a Martigrade's eyes gives them a
larger spectrum of vision than other species. They can see well into
the infrared range (no penalties in darkness), and gain a bonus of
+1D to notice sudden movements.
Move: 8/10
Size: 2.0-2.2 meters tall
Most Nefrians live on the planet Refnu. These humanoids are
gigantic in stature, with big bones to hold their weight and an extra
skin layer to keep them warm in cold climates.
Homeworld: Refnu
Attribute Dice: 12D
Special Abilities:
Insulating Blubber: Nefrians possess a layer of insulating
subcutaneous fat that protects them against the often harsh
climate of their homeworld. They gain a +2D bonus to stamina to
resist extreme cold.
Arctic Dwellers: +1D bonus to survival in arctic/cold conditions.
Move: 8/10
Size: 2-2.2 meters tall
A species of furry humanoids with skin color that ranges from
gray to purple or yellow, with long pelts of fur that run from brown to
white. They have flat faces, large nostrils, squinty black eyes, and
down-turned lips giving them a tired appearance.
Homeworld: Tarsunt
Attribute Dice: 12D
Move: 8/10
Size: 1.73 meters tall
MG-100 StarFortress SF-17
A model of heavy bomber manufactured by Slayn & Korpil for
use by the New Republic during the late stages of the Galactic Civil
War. Following the Galactic Concordance and New Republic
disarmament, the ship is primarily used in civilian applications.
Several ships are used by the Resistance during its war with the
First Order, earning it the name “Resistance Bomber.” Also known
as the B/SF-17 heavy bomber.
The starship features six sublight ion thrusters, a single
hyperdrive, and artificial gravity projectors. At the bottom-front of
the ship struts is a sensor mast which contains a targeting sensor
and an active-tracking array. Two short-range comms antennae are
located along the top of the ship to the rear of the cockpit. Jutting
horizontally from the ship's profile are two stabilizer foils. In total,
the ship is crewed by five individuals: a single pilot and flight
engineer are stationed within the armored cockpit, the bombardier
mans a targeting pedestal on the flight deck, and two gunners
operate the rear and ventral ball turrets.
The MG-100 StarFortress’s intended purpose is to deliver a
payload of up to 1,048 proton bombs on top of a target. The
modular bombing magazine, called the "clip" by the bomber's crew,
propels the bombs through sequenced electromagnetic plates until
they exit from the bottom of the bomb bay. This allows the bombs
to "drop," even in microgravity environments. The bombs are then
drawn magnetically to their targets. The assembly can be
programmed to drop specific sections of the payload in sequence,
but the most common configuration is "deploy all." To drop the
ship's payload, the bombardier on the flight deck monitors a
concentrated sensor feed. The system calculates the optimum time
for release, and at a given prompt (or at the discretion of the
bombardier) the control button on a wireless remote triggers the
release of the payload. A magnetic seal retains the atmosphere
when the bomb bay doors are open.
Ball turrets on the StarFortress are encased in an armored
transparisteel shell, while deflector shields protect the gunners.
Despite this protection, many gunners feel exposed to enemy fire.
Other turrets include a remotely operated dorsal turret of similar
firepower to the EM-1919 paired repeating laser cannons installed
on the ball turrets, two remote-linked cannon arrays at the rear of
the vessel, two forward laser canons, and one laser cannon on the
tip of each stabilizer foil.
As a bomber, the MG-100 Starfortress is slow and ungainly,
making it prone to starfighter interception. Resistance flight
instructors teach bomber crews to fly in tight formations, opposing
attacking fighters with overlapping fields of fire. The rear and ventral
turrets offer a potent defense against attackers approaching from
below or from the rear, but are less effective against threats from
above or in front of the bomber squadron. Escort duty is a difficult
assignment for starfighter pilots, owing to the sacrifice of their
vessels’ speed advantage in order to stay close to their assigned
bombers. Enemy fighters commonly try to lure such escorts away,
leaving the bombers exposed.
During the final days of the Galactic Civil War, the New Republic
sought a dedicated heavy bomber that could deliver a larger
payload than a starfighter, with the intent of using ships of this
design specification to help to capture besieged Imperial holdouts.
Slayn & Korpil won the contract to build the MG-10 StarFortress.
The ship saw reduced manufacture during the decades of peace
that followed. The Senate's subsequent demilitarization effort sent
many StarFortresses to the scrapyard. Other decommissioned craft
saw widespread civilian use. Mining companies use them to drop
explosives that break apart ice and rock; local governments deploy
them as rescue ships, fuel tankers, and fire-fighting craft; and scout
services rely on them for celestial mapping and exploration. The
modular bomb magazine is easily repurposed for remote cargo
With the creation of the Resistance in 28 ABY, several
StarFortesses find their way into the new paramilitary organization
and are absorbed into its Cobalt and Crimson Squadrons.
Resistance Bomber
Craft: Slayn & Korpil MG-100 StarFortress SF-17
Type: Heavy bomber
Scale: Starfighter
Length: 29.67 meters
Skill: Space transports: SF-17
Crew: 3 (pilot, flight engineer, bombardier); Gunners: 2
Crew Skill: Astrogation 3D, space transports 4D, starship shields
2D+2, starship gunnery 3D+2
Passengers: None
Cargo Capacity: 5 metric tons
Consumables: 30 days
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x3
Hyperdrive Backup: x15
Nav Computer: Yes
Space: 3
Atmosphere: 260; 750 kmh
Hull: 4D
Shields: 1D
Passive: 20/0D
Scan: 30/1D
Search: 40/1D+2
Focus: 2/2D
2 Dual-Laser Cannons
Fire Arc: front, left, right
Skill: Starship gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: 1-3/12/25
Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1.2/2.5 km
Damage: 4D
1 Double Laser Cannon
Fire Arc: Turret
Crew: 1 (flight engineer station)
Skill: Starship gunnery
Fire Control: 1D
Space Range: 1-3/12/25
Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1.2/2.5 km
Damage: 4D
4 Laser Cannons
Fire Arc: Front
Crew: 1 (pilot)
Skill: Starship gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: 1-3/12/25
Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1.2/25 km
Damage: 4D
Modular Bombing Magazine (1,048 magnetic proton mines)
Fire Arc: Ventral
Crew: 1 (bombardier station)
Skill: Missile weapons
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: 1/2/3
Atmosphere Range: 500/1/2 km
Damage: 9D (capital)
Free Virgillia-class Bunkerbuster
Also known as the Bunker Buster or the Resistance Bunkerbuster,
the Free Virgillia is a class of corvette. It is armed with powerful
bunker buster plasma bombs, turbolaser turrets that have
dedicated power outputs, and a complement of either bomber craft
or a squadron of A-wing starfighters that may dock on its reinforced
Ninka: A Free Virgillia-class Bunkerbuster in service to the
Resistance during its conflict with the First Order. Its commanding
officer is Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo. After the Atterra Campaign, the
Resistance bomber squadrons Cobalt and Crimson are transported
aboard the ship back to D'Qar so they can help with the
Resistance's evacuation of their base.
Also known as a cargo ship or barge, a freighter is a kind of
spacecraft used for hauling cargo from one place to another.
Although light freighters can usually hold their own in combat
against other fighter craft, larger vessels, such as bulk freighters,
tend to be less capable. These large freighters can be easy targets
considering their large size, slow speed, and weak armament. For
this reason most heavy freighters require escorts when navigating
more dangerous regions of the galaxy.
TIE/fo Space Superiority Fighter
Commonly known as the First Order TIE fighter, the TIE/fo Space
Superiority Fighter is the primary starfighter used by the First Order.
A product of Sienar-Jaemus Fleet Systems, the TIE/fo carries the
infamous appearance of its predecessor, the Sienar-designed TIE/ln
Space Superiority Starfighter, though it features internal
advancements that have upgraded the ship to modern combat
standards and provides it with greater defensive capabilities.
As First Order engineers operate under a regime devoted to warfare
and with far less bureaucratic oversight than in the preceding
Empire, technological innovations are easier to develop and
produce. In comparison to the Empire's TIE/ln, the TIE/fo has
incorporated advancements including on-board deflector shields
that provide better protection and defensive capabilities, improved
solar cells, and higher-capacity converters. These upgrades are the
result of the First Order's new mentality towards its pilots, having
come to see them as critical assets rather than as cannon fodder.
However, like its Imperial predecessor, the TIE/fo lacks a hyperdrive,
making it dependent on carrier vessels for transport and limiting it
to short range missions.
The TIE/fo is expensive and complex, although still less versatile
than the T-70 X-wing starfighter. It is powered by vertical P-s6 twin
ion engines and has its rear external thrusters rotated 90 degrees
compared to old TIE models for improved maneuverability. These
engines are powered by a SJFS I-a4b solar ionization reactor held in
a high-pressure radioactive gas fuel tank at the bottom of the
fighter. Ultra-high efficiency girondium-colium solar cells protected
by a thin, armor cover along the TIE's wings gather light energy and
channels it through two phases of converter coils. The coils transfer
the energy into the reactor, where the energy triggers emissions
from the high-pressure radioactive fuel. The improved solar cells
and higher-capacity converters are products of Imperial research
conducted for the TIE Advanced program.
The TIE/fo is designed to house a single TIE pilot aided by a Torplex
flight computer, T-sj1a targeting computer, subspace
communications antenna, sensor array, and even a shield generator
to create an onboard deflector shield. The pilot is encased at the
center of the ship where they are protected by a transparisteel main
viewport and a top transparisteel viewport, which also serves as
their access hatch.
Offensively, the TIE/fo features two SJFS L-s9.6 laser cannons
underneath the vessel, with the two red "dots" next to the laser
cannon assembly being used for its targeting sensor optics. A flight
of TIE/fo fighters is known as a TIE Flight.
The TIE/fo inspired the TIE/sf Space Superiority Fighter, which is a
two-seated variant of the TIE/fo upgraded with advanced weaponry
and a hyperdrive. The TIE/sf is reserved exclusively for special forces
Craft: Sienar-Jaemus Fleet Systems TIE/fo Space Superiority Fighter
Type: Space superiority fighter
Scale: Starfighter
Length: 6.69 meters
Skill: Starfighter pilot: TIE/fo
Crew: 1
Passengers: None
Cargo Capacity: 65 kilograms
Consumables: 2 days
Cost: Not available for sale
Hyperdrive Multiplier: None
Hyperdrive Backup: None
Navigation Computer: No
Maneuverability: 3D
Space: 10
Atmosphere: 415; 1,200 kph
Hull: 2D
Shields: 1D
Passive: 20/0D
Scan: 40/1D
Search: 60/2D
Focus: 3/3D
2 Laser Cannons (fire-linked)
Fire Arc: Front
Skill: Starship gunnery
Fire Control: 3D
Space Range: 1-3/12/25
Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1.2/2.5 km
Damage: 5D
Little Vixen
A very small, very battered civilian private transport used by Paige
and Rose Tico and Reeve Panzoro during the Atterra campaign. The
Vixen is too small to carry any kind of freight. It is an outdated
model of a ship that has never been popular. It doesn't appear to
be armed, although it does have a small laser cannon that is pilot-
operated. It is slower than a landspeeder. It is so shabby and
ordinary that it is easily overlooked, making it a perfect ship for
reconnaissance. Due to its diminutive size, it can land just about
anywhere. It has been fitted with a Class 1 hyperdrive, allowing it to
travel through hyperspace at the same rate as an X-wing starfighter.
It carries a tracking device that allows the Resistance to monitor its
movements when it reaches a predetermined destination. It is also
programmed to purge its files and self destruct if it ever falls into
enemy hands, making it a suicide device under the unluckiest of
circumstances. Rose has also fitted it with a power baffler that
hides its energy trace.
Little Vixen
Craft: Modified private transport
Type: Resistance reconnaissance starship
Scale: Starfighter
Length: 11.8 meters
Skill: Space transports
Crew: 1
Crew Skill: Astrogation 3D, space transports 4D, starship shields
2D+2, starship gunnery 3D+2
Passengers: 2
Cargo Capacity: None
Consumables: 30 days
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x1
Hyperdrive Backup: None
Nav Computer: Yes
Space: 3
Atmosphere: 260; 750 kmh
Hull: 3D
Shields: None
Passive: 20/0D
Scan: 30/1D
Search: 40/1D+2
Focus: 2/2D
Laser Cannon
Fire Arc: Front
Crew: 1 (pilot)
Skill: Starship gunnery
Fire Control: 1D
Space Range: 1-3/12/25
Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1.2/2.5 km
Damage: 3D
Game Notes:
1. Little Vixen has a tracking device that allows the
Resistance to monitor the ship's movements.
2. The ship is programmed to purge its files and self-destruct
if anyone tries to gain unauthorized access.
3. An experimental power baffle reduces the energy
signature, making it difficult to locate on sensors unless at
close range.
AAL-1971/9.1 Troop Transport
Also known as an Atmospheric Assault Lander (AAL) or First Order
Transporter, the AAL-1971/9.1 Troop Transport is an armored troop
carrier operated by the First Order designed to ferry up to twenty
stormtroopers from orbital vessels to planetary surfaces.
First Order Transporter
Craft: Atmospheric Assault Lander (AAL)
Type: Troop carrier
Scale: Starfighter
Length: 17.83 meters
Skill: Space transport: AAL
Crew: 1, gunner 1
Passengers: 20 (two stormtrooper squads)
Cargo Capacity: 20 metric tons
Consumables: 7 days
Cost: Not available for sale
Hyperdrive Multiplier: None
Hyperdrive Backup: None
Navigation Computer: No
Maneuverability: 1D
Space: 6
Atmosphere: 330; 950 kph
Hull: 3D+2
Shields: 1D
Passive: 20/0D
Scan: 40/1D
Search: 60/2D
Focus: 2/3D
Antipersonnel Blaster Cannon
Fire Arc: Turret (front, left, partial right)
Scale: Speeder
Skill: Vehicle blasters
Fire Control: 2D
Atmosphere Range: 3-75/200/500
Damage: 5D
Single-person repulsor bikes powered by pedaling.
Type: Repulsor flyer
Scale: Character
Length: 1.73 meters
Skill: Repulsorlift operation
Crew: 1
Cargo Capacity: 5 kilograms
Cover: None
Altitude Range: Ground level up to 4 meters
Cost: 500
Maneuverability: 1D
Move: 25; 70 kmh
Body Strength: 1D
Nicknamed the "Resistance-Cloak," a baffler is a large and
complex half droid, half computer device used to communicate with
the engines and randomly bleed a starship's ion exhaust, making
the ship detectable to sensors only at short ranges. Combining
engine baffles, emergency shunts, and fuel tanks, they were
invented by Rose Tico under the patronage of General Leia Organa
and installed aboard ships during the Atterra Campaign.
"Resistance Cloak"
Type: Jury-rigged energy baffler
Scale: Starfighter
Cost: 3,200 credits (parts)
Weight: 0.5 metric ton
Availability: 4, X
No-Dice Difficulty: Moderate (4 hours to install)
Game Notes: This is a jury-rig available for Resistance bombers.
When operating the starship cannot move at greater than Cruising
speed. The baffler reduces the starship's energy signature
significantly lowering the range sensors can detect it (short). When
the system is jury-rigged, make a Difficult starship repair skill check
and compare to the table below.
Difficulty Roll Duration
roll is < 20 Roll on the Non-Lethal table. If the item
continues to work, roll another No-Dice
check in one minute.
roll is 20 Roll again in 15 minutes.
roll is 25 Roll in one hour.
roll is 30 Roll again in six hours.
Non-Lethal Outcome
1 The item is broken and cannot be repaired.
2 The items stops working, but needs only to be
slammed hard against something to work again. It
takes an action to do this.
3-6 The item is fine.
Camouage Sheet
Also known as camo-netting, this is a sheet of netting
commonly used to hide anything from supply caches to parked
ships. They are typically built from high-tech photo-reactive textiles
which mimic their surroundings.
Model: Fabritech CN-15 Camouflage Netting
Type: Camo-netting
Skill: Hide
Cost: 3,500
Availability: 2, R
Game Note: Camo-netting adds +2D to the difficulty to detect the
camouflaged object with sensor-scanning equipment at ranges
greater than 250 meters. Camo-netting offers no bonus at a range
of less than 250 meters. If more than three camo-nets are used in
tandem, any sensor or scanning equipment gains a +1D to detect
the nets because of the interference the nets cause.
Headset Comlink
A type of communications device worn on the head that allows
hands free communication with others, predominately by pilots or
crewmates aboard large starships. They are generally made with
either a single or double ear-piece, although some are known to
cover a large area of the head of the wearer.
Headset Comlink
Model: Varge Copr. Hands-Free Comlink
Type: Headset comlink
Skill: Communication
Cost: 100
Availability: 1
Game Notes: Since the microphone transmitter is voice activated, a
headset comlink
An electronic optical device, macrobinoculars allow users to
observe from afar, and provides additional information on the
distance and altitude of the object under observation. Its heads-up
display identifies limited data including range and zoom. Some
models are fitted with optics equipped with a recording system,
allowing users to select pictures to be saved. Macrobinoculars,
however, lack the processors built into electrobinoculars to rework
and improve the picture. Some macrobinoculars, such as the
MB450 macrobinoculars, could also be used at night. Unlike other
magnifying devices like monoculars and telescopes, macrobinoulars
produced three-dimensional images.
Type: Standard macrobinoculars
Skill: Sensors
Cost: 100
Availability: 1
Range: 100 meters to one kilometer
Game Notes: All search and Perception-oriented skills are increased
by 3D when using the macrobinocular to view areas more than 100
meters away.
Organic Synthicator
A portable device capable of fast "growing" synthicated clones of
a range of produce from a mixture of powdered starches. The
production door could produce up to four hand-sized pieces of
organic matter, taking approximately 15 minutes to do so.
Organic Sythicator
Type: Portable organic synthicator
Cost: 350
Availability: 3
Portable Condenser
Type: Water condenser
Cost: 100
Availability: 1
Game Notes: The water condenser removes water molecules from
the air. Depending on atmospheric conditions it takes 1D hours to
condense one liter of water.
An upgraded version of the standard breath mask. Like the
breath mask, a rebreather lets the user breathe in an atmosphere
not suited to their physiology.
Type: Breathing device
Scale: Character
Cost: 350
Availability: 2
Game Notes: Provides up to two hours of breathable air through its
mouthpiece and is effective in both vacuums and certain poisonous
Traction Gloves
Heavy duty gloves favored by spacers. The gloves have a treated
service that improves the wearer’s grip by adhering to smooth
surfaces and tools.
Traction Gloves
Type: Spacer gloves
Scale: Character
Cost: 50 (pair)
Availability: 2
Article of protective clothing. Rose and Paige Tico wore
weathersuits while on the planet Refnu, as they were needed in
order to survive the planet's harsh conditions. On settled planets
with treacherous climates, weathersuits may be available to be
rented by the hour.
Type: Typical cold weather suit
Scale: Character
Cost: 100
Availability: 1
Game Notes: Provides a +2D bonus to stamina checks to resist
severe cold weather.
Solar Crossbow
Type: Repeating Energy Crossbow
Scale: Character
Skill: Crossbow
Ammo: 10 (quarrel: 35 credits)
Cost: 400
Availability: 3
Rate of Fire: 1
Range: 3-12/35/130
Damage: 3D+2
A staff-like melee weapon manufactured by Baktoid Armor
Workshop and Holowan Mechanicals. They were used by the
Confederacy of Independent Systems' IG-100 MagnaGuard and by
the Galactic Republic clone shock troopers during the Clone Wars,
and by Imperial Purge, Riot, and Heavy Troopers leading up to and
during the Galactic Civil War.
Model: Holowan mechanicals Electrostaff
Type: Double electric staff
Scale: Character
Skill: Melee combat: electrostaff
Cost: 5,750
Availability: 3
Difficulty: Niderate
Damage: STR+3D (max: 6D)
Sleeper Mines
Similar to standard mines, but possessing stealth technology
that renders them difficult to detect on sensors. The mine uses a
large explosion to damage enemy spacecraft. Whenever an enemy
craft enters a predetermined range, it triggers a detonation
sequence within the mine. The resulting explosion sprays a cloud of
shrapnel in a violent blast cloud. Such advanced proximity mines
are ideal for use against starfighters.
Advanced Space Mine
Type: Space proximity mine
Scale: Starfighter
Cost: 5,000
Availability: 1, X
Blast Radius: 2 space unites
Damage: 7D
Game Notes: When a ship enters within four space units, the mine
detonates. Advanced space mines require a Difficult sensors roll to
Automatic Cannon
Automated space-based weaponry emplacements that can be
set-up with a variety of offensive weapons such as heavy laser
cannons, turbolasers, or missiles. Automatic cannons are used by
the First Order to help blockade systems. Controlled by a simple
droid brain, they normally send firing reports to First Order
command and control.
Automatic Cannon
Type: Automated cannon platform
Scale: Starfighter
Skills: Starship gunnery 4D
Cost: 8,000
Availability: 3 or 4, X
Passive: 3/1D
Space Range: 1/2/3
Damage: 4D
Administrator: A title used in business and politics to denote an
individual with authority over or within an organization.
Chronometer: An electronic device for the keeping of time. Also
known as a chrono or clock.
Cloudfish: A species of edible fish.
Disruption in the Force: Force-sensitives can feel a disturbance in
the Force, which lets those who feel it know something of great
import is happening elsewhere in the galaxy. It is channeled through
the heart and mind. One sensing a disturbance in the Force might
react in pain and confusion due to feeling empathetic mental
anguish at the time.
Emissary: A title for a diplomat during the era of the New Republic.
Flight Engineer: A position held by one of the members of the crew
of an MG-100 StarFortress SF-17.
Galactic Concordance: The Galactic Concordance officially ended
hostilities between the New Republic and Galactic Empire, and
stipulated that the Empire remain within predetermined boundaries
in the Core and Inner Rim and cease hostilities following its
surrender. It also called for the end of the recruitment and
mobilization of stormtrooper forces, the abandonment of the
numerous Imperial Academies scattered across the galaxy, and the
ultimate end to the Galactic Civil War. It also called for the Empire
to give up its claim on the Core World of Coruscant to the New
Republic and outlawed the practice of torture.
The treaty's advent led to a push for peace and the ultimate
demilitarization of the Republic, due to fears that the New Republic
might repeat the mistakes of the former Galactic Republic during
the Clone Wars. One of the first acts of the restored Galactic
Senate was to pass the Military Disarmament Act, which reduced
the New Republic Defense Fleet and armed forces to a token force
when compared to what the galaxy had as part of the Galactic
Empire. Despite this, the Republic would still maintain the largest
fleet in the galaxy; nevertheless, it was a small fraction of the size
of the Republic Navy at the height of the Clone Wars.
With the Senate now firmly believing the Imperial remnant
posed little threat, it turned its attention to reshaping galactic
politics. Perhaps the most notable change was the decision not to
place its new capital on Coruscant, instead having its capital shift
across member worlds by a process of election. This shared rotation
convinced many skeptics in the honesty of the New Republic's
intentions, and increased its membership to include many
dissatisfied systems that had withdrawn from the Old Republic and
formed the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the
Secessionist Movement.
With many senators believing that the new peace is permanent,
Chancellor Lanever Villecham and the rest of the Galactic Senate
focus primarily on forging improved trade relations with the neutral
systems of the Trans-Hydian Borderlands. This despite the growing
threat of the First Order, a successor state to the old Empire
founded by those groups of remnants who disagreed with the
Concordance and relocated to space beyond the Outer Rim during
the subsequent Cold War.
While the Chancellor believes this successor state to the Empire
poses no threat as long as it adheres to the dictates of the Galactic
Concordance (just as its counterpart does in the Core), the First
Order has been skirting the stipulations of the treaty. The First Order
utilizes the new Resurgent-class Star Destroyer, which are in
themselves a clear violation of New Republic-Empire treaties
governing capital ships and blatantly ignores New Republic bans on
the Order's purchase of weaponry. In a further attempt to
undermine the legitimacy of the Galactic Concordance, the First
Order begins the massive mobilization of stormtrooper forces and
expansion of its Army and Navy, along with training its new
personnel on ship-based Academies, causing many First Order
personnel to view these new vessels as their homes. The First Order
also develops a new generation of IT-000 interrogator droids, thus
violating New Republic laws banning torture.
Despite this, many in the Senate believe the rumored reports of
growing First Order strength to be needless warmongering and
alarmist speech. Individuals such as Leia Organa voice some of the
strongest protests over the First Order's mobilization for war, but
corruption and ignorance brands her as a fear-mongerer, tarnishing
her image and reducing her reputation. Believing that the Republic
is not doing enough to secure the safety of its citizens, General Leia
Organa leads her private military force known as the Resistance,
which is funded from like-minded senators who share her fears and
wish to keep the Order in check. Despite not being sanctioned by
the New Republic, the Resistance is unofficially supported by the
Senate, which hopes to avoid a conflict against the newest Imperial
Ground Logistics Division: A branch of the Resistance ground crew.
Also known as the GLD.
Flight Computer: A type of computer used aboard starships, whose
primary purpose is the translation of the movement of the controls
into adjustments to the direction of the ship's thrust. Flight
computers can also store information, such as ship schematics and
language information, or run programs off datachips, such as flight
Haysian Ore Medallion: Medallions worn by Paige and Rose Tico.
The two matching pendants fit together to make the design of the
Otomok system and were given to the two women by their parents
when they had left Otomok. Also known as Otomok medallions.
Homing Beacon: Also known as tracking devices, homing beacons
are devices used to track starships and other vehicles.
Hydro Farm: A facility that produces potable water. One such facility,
the Big Settlement hydro farm, is located in Big Settlement on
Atterra Bravo where it produces much of the town's water. When
the First Order occupied the planet, it took over many of the
planet's hydro farms including the hydro farm in Big Settlement.
Navigation Computer: A computer used to make the necessary
calculations to navigate at faster-than-light speeds in hyperspace. It
is also sometimes known as a navicomputer or nav computer.
Although navicomputers are used in most of the known galaxy, they
function poorly in the Unknown Regions.
Resistance Ground Crew: Resistance personnel that recognized the
enormous value of starfighters and kept them in fighting shape.
Sabacc cards: A deck of sabacc consists of 76 cards. 60 were
distributed in four suits (Flasks, Sabers, Staves, and Coins), with 15
cards per suit: pip cards numbered 1 through 11, plus a
Commander numbered 12, a Mistress numbered 13, a Master
numbered 14, and an Ace numbered 15. The other 16 were two
sets of 8 special cards: Balance (numbered -11), The Idiot (0),
Endurance (-8), Moderation (-14), The Evil One (-15), The Queen of
Air and Darkness (-2), Demise (-13), and The Star (-17 or -10).
Saltstone: A white stone. Big Settlement, the primary town on
Atterra Bravo, was primarily built out of saltstone.
Selakale: A plant grown on Hays Minor and Refnu. The bitter tasting
plant provides important vitamins, and was eaten by Paige and
Rose Tico while they grew up. The seeds from the plant need to be
replanted after every meal. It is possible to replant the seeds and
have new plants grow the next day.
"Cake": Slang for something that is easy to do.
"Death Transport": Slang for a very large First Order transport ship
that carries a few thousand corpses, disposing of the corpses in
the acid seas.
"For the love of a loaded stun gun"
"Nuts and bolts"
"Spinning Rockers"
"Sunbug": Slang term used on Refnut to refer to others from a
planet with a warmer climate.
Snowgrape Vine: A species of plant that can be found on the world
of Hays Minor and Refnu. The plants can live for more than a
hundred years and produce edible tiny sour fruit known as
snowgrapes. The blossoms that surround the grape stems are
edible as well and considered spicy. The vine also produces pale
green tear-shaped leaves.
Starberry: Tree-grown fruit the size of a fist with bright shades
ranging from orange to soft red. It is very crisp and has sweet flesh.
Thermal Dome: A large dome that, when placed over a starship,
provides protection for the starship and its crew from the cold
weather. A thermal dome is typically moved using a crane.