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Underwriting change form | Individual/Family health insurance
Read all instructions before completing this change form. The change form must be
completed in its entirety and all pages must be submitted in order to be processed.
¡ This form is a legal document. If you are approved for coverage, it will become a part of your contract.
Therefore, all information provided must be accurate and legible.
¡ This form must be completed in dark blue or black ink. Forms completed in pencil will not be accepted.
¡ If you make a mistake, mark through the incorrect information, initial it, date it, and provide the correct
¡ Do not use liquid paper, correction tape, or “white out” to correct any mistakes on this form.
When you are completing this form, please refer to your Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield identification card
for your Member ID and Group Number. This information must be entered correctly under Section 1 in order to
process your request.
Effective Date: Approved changes become effective on the 1st of the month. The effective date for any changes
will be the next available effective date following approval, unless otherwise requested.
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Changes to your policy can only be made during the annual open enrollment period (October 1-December 15), unless the
change is a result of a qualifying life event such as birth of a child, adoption, loss of other coverage, marriage, etc.
Section 1
Current policyholder information
When you are completing this form, please refer to your Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield identification card for your
Member ID and Group #. This information must be entered correctly under Section 1 in order to process your request.
Member ID Group number Date of birth
First name M.I. Last name Social Security No.
Residential Street City State ZIP
Section 2
Contact information*
Primary phone number Alternate phone number Email address
How do you prefer we communicate with you?
*Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield may contact you, either directly or through a business associate, using your postal or email addresses,
telephone numbers or other personal information, regarding your health insurance plan, healthcare providers participating in our networks,
disease management, health education and health promotion, preventive care options, wellness programs, treatment or care coordination or
case management activities of Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield or Health Advantage.
Section 3
U.S. citizenship status
¡ For any applicant who is not a U.S. citizen, a copy of his/her Permanent Resident VISA or Green Card issued by the U.S.
Citizenship and Immigration Services may be required with the application.
¡ Applicants must reside in the U.S. at least one year and must have a primary care physician in the U.S. prior to being
eligible to apply for coverage.
Yes No
Are all applicants U.S. citizens? If “No, please provide the name(s) of the applicant(s) who are
not U.S. citizens.
Type of Permanent Visa or Permanent Green Card
USCIS Category Registration No. Issue Date (Mo. Day Yr.) Expiration Date (Mo. Day Yr.)
Yes No Have all applicants applying for coverage resided in the U.S. for at least 12 continuous months? If
“No, please provide the name(s) of the applicant(s) who have not resided in the U.S. for at least 12
continuous months.
Yes No Do all applicants applying for coverage have a Primary Care Physician established in the U.S.? If “No,
please provide the name(s) of the applicant(s) who do not have a Primary Care Physician established
in the U.S.
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Changes to be made.
Please review all sections and answer all applicable questions.
Section 4
Policy change eligibility
Check all applicable boxes below that support your eligibility and provide date of qualifying life event.
Date Date
1–Annual Open Enrollment Period: 10/1 – 12/15
8–Loss of employer-sponsored health coverage*
9–Involuntary loss of other health coverage*
10–Military Leave
11–Military Reinstatement
6–Divorce or Legal Separation
12–Eligible for other coverage*
7–New Guardianship/Legal
Custody/ Court Order to Add Child
13–Other (Give specific details and date)
NOTE: If application is not received during the Open Enrollment Period, we must receive appropriate documentation with this application to
confirm qualifying life event/special election period (i.e. copy of marriage license, Certificate of Creditable Coverage from previous insurance
company, legal guardianship/custody documentation, etc.).
*If you are adding a spouse or dependent who is losing coverage of an existing insurance, please apply prior to the current policy end date to
avoid a lapse in coverage. Please refer to Section 7 for more details.
Section 5
Policy appeal
Request for reinstatement:
Remove tobacco surcharge:
Name Date quit
Remove other surcharge:
Remove exclusion:
Name Excluded condition
Section 6
Add spouse or dependent(s)
Qualifying life event changes allow you to make changes to your policy outside of the annual open enrollment
period. Such events include, but are not limited to:
Obtaining guardianship, legal custody of a child, or court order requiring coverage for a dependent (requires
proof of guardianship, legal custody or court order)
Loss of Eligibility (requires a Certificate of Creditable Coverage referred to as COCC)
Marriage (requires a copy of the marriage certificate)
First name M.I. Last name Suffix Relationship Sex
Date of
Height Weight
ft. in. lbs.
ft. in. lbs.
ft. in. lbs.
ft. in. lbs.
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Section 7
Current insurance coverage
Yes No a. Will the coverage applied for replace or change current hospital, medical or major medical
insurance if this coverage is approved by Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield and accepted by
the applicant?
i. If “yes,” please provide name of carrier:
ii. If “yes,” does the coverage have a specified termination date? If so, please provide date:
iii. If “yes,” and the coverage does not have a specified termination date, will the coverage
terminate if approved by Arkansas Blue Cross and accepted by the applicant?
Yes No b. Have any applicants recently lost employer-sponsored health coverage?* If “yes, please provide:
Name Carrier name Termination date
Name Carrier name Termination date
Yes No c. Have any applicants recently “involuntarily” lost other health coverage?* If “yes, please provide
Name Carrier name Termination date
Name Carrier name Termination date
Yes No d. Will any applicants be continuing any other health insurance? If “yes, please provide:
Name Carrier name ID #
Name Carrier name ID #
Yes No e. Are any applicants covered by Medicaid (including AR Kids First)? If “yes, please provide name(s)
Yes No f. Are any applicants covered by or eligible for Medicare Part A or Part B or Medicare Advantage (Part
C)? If “yes, please provide name(s) below:
*When your current policy ends, you may be given a Certificate of Creditable Coverage (COCC). A COCC is issued
by your previous health insurance company and provides proof of prior coverage. Once you receive a COCC,
please provide us a copy.
Section 8
Household information
Yes No a. Do all applicants under the age of 19 reside in the same household? If “no, please provide reason
and his/her name and address:
Yes No b. Are all applicants permanent, legal residents of Arkansas? If “no, please provide reason and his/her
name and address:
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Section 9
Applicant(s) employment information [applicant(s) age 18 and older]
Name Employer
Job Duties
Name Employer
Job Duties
Section 10 | Add maternity
If your product is not listed, adding maternity is not an option.
BlueCare PPO Plus*
Blue Choice**
Blue Solution PPO*
Comprehensive Blue PPO**
*Must be prior to conception – cannot be pregnant prior to the effective date of maternity coverage.
**These plans have a 12-month waiting period before the maternity benefits will be covered.
Section 11 | Benefit changes
¡ Section 11 reflects benefit options available for all individual policies. Please complete only the section for
your specific policy.
¡ If you are unsure of your product name, use the product group numbers listed as a reference. Your product
group number can be found on your identification card under Group #. It will be the first six numbers
before the dash.
¡ Note: Only decreases to policy limits are allowed in the sections below. To increase policy limits, please fill
out an new application.
¡ If you still have questions, call customer service at 1-800-238-8379.
Your Group # on your ID card will be one of these:
600030-600036 (grandfathered)
Decrease my calendar-year deductible to: $500 $1,000 $1,500
Decrease my calendar-year coinsurance maximum to: $1,000 $2,000
Sample Identification Card
Group #
Product Name
Member Name:
Member ID:
02 BILL 02/01/2012
03 JACK 03/01/2015
04 JILL 07/01/1995
Member DOB:
Group #
RxBIN: 004336
RxGRP: RX3850
PCP CoPay: $30
Rx: Value Formulary
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Your Group # on your ID card will be one of these:
771000-771123 (grandfathered)
Decrease my calendar-year deductible and benefit to:
$500 Deductible options
$1,000 out-of-pocket coinsurance maximum
$2,000 out-of-pocket coinsurance maximum
$1,000 Deductible options
$1,000 out-of-pocket coinsurance maximum
$2,000 out-of-pocket coinsurance maximum
$2,500 Deductible options
No out-of-pocket coinsurance
$2,000 out-of-pocket coinsurance maximum
$5,000 Deductible options
$30/$50 copay No physician copays*
$10,000 Deductible options
$30/$50 copay No physician copays*
$25,000 Deductible options
$30/$50 copay No physician copays*
*Physician visits subject to deductible.
Your Group # on your ID card will be one of these:
780000-780003 (grandfathered)
Decrease my calendar-year deductible to: $750 $1,500 $3,000
Your Group # on your ID card will be one of these:
390000 – 390007 or 391000 – 398000 (non-grandfathered)
790000 – 790007 or 791000 – 798000 (grandfathered)
Decrease my calendar-year deductible to:
$500 $1,000 $2,500 $5,000 $10,000 $15,000 $20,000
Your Group # on your ID card will be one of these:
790008-790016 (non-grandfathered)
Decrease my calendar-year deductible to:
$1,000 $1,500 $2,500 $5,000 $7,500 $10,000 $15,000 $20,000
Section 12 | Drivers license information [applicant(s) age 14 and older]
Name License number State
Name License number State
Name License number State
In the past 5 years, has any applicant:
Yes No a. Had his or her drivers license suspended or revoked?
Yes No b. Had two or more moving traffic violations?
Yes No c. Been convicted or charged with driving under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance?
If you answered “yes,” to any of the above questions, you MUST provide the following
Name Date Violation(s)
Name Date Violation(s)
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Section 13 | Sporting or hobby information
Yes No Does any applicant intend to pilot a private aircraft; race a motor vehicle, boat or snowmobile;
or participate in sky or scuba diving, ballooning, mountain climbing, hang gliding or any other
hazardous sport, hobby or activity?
Please explain:
Please explain:
Section 14 | Travel outside the USA
Yes No Is any applicant planning to travel or work outside the USA within the next two years? If “yes,
please provide the following:
Name (list all that apply)
Country Expected length of stay Departure date Return date
Reason for travel
Section 15 | Expectant/adoptive parent information
Yes No Is any male applying for coverage an expectant father or a potential adoptive father?
Yes No Is any female applying for coverage pregnant or a potential adoptive mother?
If “yes,” please provide the following:
Expected delivery/Adoption date:
Section 16 | Infertility
Has any applicant or spouse of an applicant (whether applying for coverage or not):
Yes No a. Ever been diagnosed or treated for infertility?
Yes No b. Had surgical sterilization? If “yes,” please provide the following:
Name Treatment/Procedure Date
Name Treatment/Procedure Date
Section 17 | Tobacco usage
Yes No Has any applicant to be covered used any form of tobacco or nicotine supplements/cessation
products within the last 12 months? If “yes, please provide the following:
Name Type/amount Date last used
Name Type/amount Date last used
Name Type/amount Date last used
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Section 18 | Previous insurance experience
Yes No Has any applicant ever been declined, rated, restricted or modified for the issuance of life,
accident, health or long-term care insurance? If “yes, please provide the following:
Name Carrier name Year Details
Name Carrier name Year Details
Section 19 | Prescription questionnaire
Yes No Is any applicant currently taking any prescription medication, or has any applicant taken prescription
medication in the last 3 years?
If you answered “yes,” please provide full details below. Use separate sheet if necessary. Any attachment must
include all of the same information requested here and must be signed and dated. A printout from the pharmacy
is not acceptable.
Please provide the name that would have been used at the time of the prescription (e.g., a maiden name may
have been used).
Person treated
Name of
Specific disorder
or illness
Start date/
stop date
Degree of recovery:
Complete name and
address of prescribing
None Partial Full
month year
month year
month year
month year
month year
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Section 20 | Medical questionnaire
All of the following questions must be answered for each person applying for coverage.
For each question checked below, give full details in the ADDITIONAL MEDICAL INFORMATION section which follows.
1. Has any applicant ever had or been told he/she had: (Each section must have at least one box checked. When
multiple medical conditions are listed, please CHECK all conditions that apply.)
A. Brain or nervous system disorders
Alzheimers disease or senile dementia
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
(Lou Gehrig’s disease)
Cerebral palsy
Concussion or brain injury
Convulsions, epilepsy or seizures
Headaches or migraines
Multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy or
myasthenia gravis
Paralysis or palsy
Parkinsons disease
Vertigo, fainting or dizziness
Any other disorder of the brain or nervous
None of the above apply to any applicant(s)
B. Circulatory
Abnormal cholesterol/lipids
Angina, heart attack, myocardial infarction
Arteriosclerosis, atherosclerosis, coronary
artery disease, stent placement or
Cerebrovascular accident (stroke), including
transient ischemic attack (TIA)
Chest pain, shortness of breath, heart
murmur, palpitation of the heart, ablation
and rheumatic fever
Heart bypass surgery/pacemaker implant
Heart or vein/artery surgery
High blood pressure
Valve repair/replacement
Any other disorder of the heart, blood,
blood vessels or circulatory system
None of the above apply to any applicant(s)
C. Digestive
Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis
Gastric bypass surgery or other weight loss
Gastric or duodenal ulcer
Irritable bowel syndrome or gastric
esophageal reflux disorder (GERD)
Pyloric stenosis
Any other disorder of stomach, intestines,
liver, gallbladder or rectum
None of the above apply to any applicant(s)
D. Kidney, urinary, reproductive
Abnormal pap smear
Bladder or renal stones
Cesarean section or miscarriage
Nephrotic syndrome, renal disease or
Sexually transmitted disease
Sugar, blood or protein in urine
Any other disorder of the kidneys or urinary
Any other disorder of the male reproductive
organs, including prostate
Any other disorder of the female
reproductive organs, including ovaries or
None of the above apply to any applicant(s)
E. Respiratory
Allergies, asthma or bronchitis
Chronic pulmonary disease, emphysema,
lung disease or respiratory syncytial virus
Obstructive or reactive airway disorder
Sleep apnea, cpap, bipap or vpap
Any other disorder of the lungs, bronchial
tubes or respiratory system
None of the above apply to any applicant(s)
F. Cancers, lymphatic system, blood or skin
Cancer, leukemia or malignancy of any kind
Hodgkin’s or Non-Hodgkin’s disease
Melanoma, neoplasm or tumor
Any other disorder of the lymphatic system
Any disorder of the skin
None of the above apply to any applicant(s)
G. Glandular disorders
Adrenal disorders
Diabetes, abnormal glucose
Goiter or thyroid disease
Any disorder of the pancreas
None of the above apply to any
H. Musculoskeletal
Arthritis, osteoarthritis, degenerative joint
or disc disease
Back pain and/or neck pain
Chronic fatigue
Connective tissue disorder
Disease or disorder of the joints: knee(s),
shoulder(s), elbow(s), wrist(s), other
H. Musculoskeletal (continued)
Fibromyalgia, bursitis or tendonitis
Fracture(s) or broken bone(s)
Exposed bone Yes No
Lupus, systemic
Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ/
TMD) or craniomandibular disorder
Any other disorder of the muscles, bones or
joints to include chiropractic care
None of the above apply to any applicant(s)
I. Ears/eyes/nose/throat
Cataracts or glaucoma
Meniere’s disease
Nasal septal defect
Sinusitis, tonsillitis or otitis media
Any other disorder of the eyes, ears, nose,
throat or esophagus
None of the above apply to any applicant(s)
J. Mental/emotional or substance abuse
Anxiety, insomnia, sleep disorder,
depression, emotional problems or
nervous disorder
Attempted suicide
Counseling or psychiatric treatment (in-
patient or out-patient)
Bipolar disorder, obsessive compulsive
disorder or developmental disorder
Eating disorder
Any other mental, emotional disorder or
situation, including ADD/ADHD
None of the above apply to any applicant(s)
K. Other
Current patient in a hospital or nursing
Pending Surgery Surgery Date:
Breast implants
Saline Silicone
Surgery Date:
Any other implant(s), prosthetic device(s),
internal fixation device(s) or retained
hardware (i.e.: pins, wires, screws, shunts,
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome
(AIDS), or AIDS-related complex or
immune deficiency disorder or HIV
Transplant recipient
Any injury, deformity, incapacitation,
disease or condition not listed elsewhere
None of the above apply to any applicant(s)
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Section 20 | Medical questionnaire (continued)
2. Has any applicant ever:
Yes No a. Consumed alcohol to excess, received treatment, or joined an organization for alcoholism
or drug addictions?
Yes No b. Used any addictive or non-addictive drug or substance for purposes other than recommended
by your physician?
Yes No c. Do you have a valid Medical Marijuana Card?
Yes No d. Used cannabis and/or cannabinol products(edible/topical)?
Date last used: / /
Yes No e. Been treated for, diagnosed by or consulted a physician, psychotherapist, counselor or any
other provider, or had any indication(s) of having a drug dependency/habit?
Yes No f. Required the assistance of any other individual for performances of any activities of daily
living? If “Yes,” please explain:
Yes No g. Been told that he/she has or has had hearing problems, ear disorder(s) or has need of hearing
devices due to any kind of hearing or ear impairment, or does any applicant have an existing
hearing aid device in place?
Additional medical information
Give full details to questions answered affirmatively (checked or answered “Yes”) to explain answers to questions
in SECTION 20. In addition to condition/illness please provide the type of treatment provided or planned – for
example, surgery, X-rays, EKG, lab tests, hospitalization, emergency room visit, nursing home confinement,
doctor visits, rehabilitation services, occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy or chiropractic
treatments. Please ensure you include all the treatments that apply. Please use the name that would have been
given at the time of the physician visit – e.g., a maiden name.
Specific disorder /
illness and type of
Date of first
Date of last
of visits
Degree of recovery:
name and
address of
None Partial Full
month year month year
month year month year
month year month year
month year month year
month year month year
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Section 21 | Physician information (please provide for each applicant for the last five years)
Applicant’s name Complete name and address of physician
Date of last
Reason for
*Please write NO VISIT in this box if the applicant has never seen the physician.
Please read before signing
I understand: (1) This application may be rejected if the applicant is age 19 or older. (2) If accepted, the insurance applied
for shall not become effective until the date shown on my schedule of benefits and the adjusted premium, if applicable, is
paid in full. (3) If my application is accepted relying on my representations in this document, any coverage which may be
issued to me shall be invalid if based on intentional misrepresentations of material fact or fraud. (4) My signature authorizes
Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield to coordinate benefits under this policy with other insurance I have which is subject to
coordination. (5) Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield may phone me for additional information that may help with the timely
processing of my application. In signing below, I represent that the statements and answers given in this application and any
signed and dated addendum to this application (both front and back) are true, complete and correctly recorded.
Any person who knowingly presents a false or fraudulent claim for payment of a loss or benefit or knowingly presents false
information in an application for insurance is guilty of a crime and may be subject to fines and confinement in prison.
I certify that I signed this change form in the state of Arkansas.
Signature section (please sign appropriate line only)
Current policyholder (required if policyholder is age 18 or older) OR parent/legal guardian (if policy for a minor)
Please print Please sign Date signed
Spouse (required if applying)
Please sign Date signed
Dependent age 18 or older (required if applying)
Please sign Date signed
Custodial parent section
If any applicant under age 19 (primary applicant or dependent), named on this application, does NOT reside with
the policyholder indicated in Section 1, the custodial parent’s signature is also required.
Custodial parent’s name (please print) Phone number
Custodial parent’s address (Street or PO box) City State ZIP
Custodial parent’s signature Date signed
IMPORTANT: Please be sure to also sign and return Page 12 of this document. We cannot process your
application without the signed Authorization to Disclose Protected Health Information form.
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The form below must be completed in order to process the application
Authorization to disclose protected health information
As a condition of coverage and of my enrollment in the policy, I authorize any medical professional, medical care institution, pharmacy
related service organization, pharmacy benefits manager, or other provider of healthcare services or supplies, as well as any individual,
company or prior insurance carrier possessing relevant medical, health, treatment or payment information, to provide Arkansas Blue Cross
and Blue Shield and its affiliates or agents information concerning services, supplies, benefits or payments provided or denied to me or to
any family member listed in my application, including but not limited to any and all protected health information related to treatments where
a restriction was requested for any healthcare item or service in relation to the healthcare provider having been paid in full out-of-pocket.
I understand that information obtained as a result of this authorization will be used for the purpose of determining eligibility for coverage.
This information may also be used by Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield in investigating and adjudicating claims for benefits. I understand
that in the course of its business operations, Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield may disclose this information to others as required or
permitted by law and as set out in the Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield Notice of Privacy Practices. I understand that information re-
disclosed may no longer be protected by federal privacy regulations. This authorization does not provide for the disclosure of psychotherapy
notes as defined in 45 CFR §164.501. I understand that I may terminate this authorization by sending a written revocation to Arkansas Blue
Cross and Blue Shield, PO Box 2181, Little Rock, AR 72203-2181. However, if I revoke this authorization before I am enrolled in the policy(ies),
my application for coverage will be denied. Unless I revoke this authorization, it shall be valid for 30 months from the date of my signature
for information collected in connection with review of this application; it is valid for the duration of the coverage for information collected in
connection with investigation of claims. Both the federal government and the State of Arkansas have enacted electronic signature laws, which
allow the use of electronic signatures in all areas of commerce. See the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act 15 USC
§§ 7001 et seq., the Arkansas Electronic Records and Signatures Act A.C.A. §§25-31-101 et seq. and the Uniform Electronic Transaction Act,
A.C.A. §§25-31-101 et seq. Electronic signatures are specifically authorized in the business of insurance. See 15 USC §§ 7001(i).
This authorization includes authorization to release information on the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness, alcohol, and drug use, as
well as authorization to release information on the diagnosis, treatment, and testing results related to HIV-AIDS, and sexually transmitted
diseases, unless otherwise restricted by applicable law.
Please note the following consequences if you decline to sign this authorization for release of your medical information, or if you later revoke
it: in that event, we may be unable to process your application or evaluate a claim for coverage and would then deny your application or your
claim for policy benefits.
Applicants age 18 or older
This authorization must be signed by each applicant age 18 or older.
Print name(s) Signature Date
Applicants under age 18
List applicants under age 18 (print name).
Print name(s)
Parent/Legal Guardian’s signature
(if policy for a minor)
Detach and keep for your records
Fair credit reporting act notice – notice to proposed insured
In connection with your application for insurance, an investigative consumer report may be prepared. Information may be obtained through
personal interviews with your family, friends, neighbors, business associates, financial sources or others with whom you are acquainted. This
inquiry includes information as to your character and general reputation. If an investigative consumer report is prepared in connection with
your application, you may receive a copy of that report upon written request to Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield.
Your written request should be forwarded to: Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield
Individual Underwriting Division - P.O. Box 2181
Little Rock, Arkansas 72203-2181
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**Important information regarding grandfathered plans**
Your Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield coverage may be a “grandfathered health plan” under the Patient
Protection and Affordable Care Act (the Affordable Care Act). As permitted by the Affordable Care Act, a
grandfathered health plan can preserve certain basic health coverage that was already in effect when that
law was enacted. Being a grandfathered health plan means that your policy may not include certain consumer
protections of the Affordable Care Act that apply to other plans, for example, the requirement for the provision
of preventive health services without any cost sharing. However, grandfathered health plans must comply with
certain other consumer protections in the Affordable Care Act, for example, the elimination of lifetime limits on
Questions regarding which protections apply and which protections do not apply to a grandfathered health plan
and what might cause a plan to change from grandfathered health plan status can be directed to Arkansas Blue
Cross and Blue Shield Customer Service at 1-800-238-8379. You may also contact the U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services at www.healthcare.gov.
Return instructions
¡ Any attachments submitted with the change form must be signed and dated.
¡ Do not send any money with this change form.
¡ Please ensure all required parties have signed and dated the change form prior to submission.
¡ We strongly recommend you make a copy of this completed change form for your records.
Return To:
Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield
Attn: CRM Operations and Service
P.O. Box 2181
Little Rock, AR 72203-2181
Fax to: 501-378-3752
E-mail: CRMCustomerService@arkbluecross.com