Instructions for Completing the NCIR-BW Report
This document provides instructions for completing the Report by Beer and Wine Wholesalers of Wholesale
Sales of Alcohol, NCIR-BW, using the Excel templates provided by the Department. The instructions outline
the data that should be included in each column for each required part of the report. The chart below
provides the required parts of the report. Use the hyperlink below to navigate to the instructions for each
Note: Do not make changes to the Excel templates provided by the Department. Each Excel file must contain
only one worksheet. Excel files with multiple worksheets will not be accepted. Do not include trailing
space(s) at the end of the worksheet name.
Report by Beer and Wine Wholesalers of Wholesale Sales of Alcohol, NCIR-BW
Report Part
Made sales for resale
Did not make sales for resale
NCIR-BW Report (Submitter Section)
NCIR-BW Report (Submitter Section)
The Information Reporting Application contains a Beer/Wine Submitter Information screen where you must
provide basic information about the business required to file the report. This information must be provided
by all Beer and Wine Wholesalers required to file the report, regardless of whether the business made
wholesale sales. Please see the Submission Step-by-Step Guide for more information.
Note: Beginning with Tax Year 2023, a Submitter File is no longer needed because you will enter the
information into the Beer/Wine Submitter Information screen within the Information Reporting Application.
Beer Wine Customer File
The Customer File contains information about each customer to whom the business made a wholesale sale
during the calendar year. Every customer to whom a wholesale was made must be included, even if the
customer is no longer in business. Do not modify any of the column headers, remove columns, or change
the order of any columns in the template.
Enter the customer’s NC Sales Tax Number as issued by NCDOR.
Enter a unique number, code, or name to identify each customer.
Note: If you sell to more than one location of a given business, each location
must have its own Customer Number. For example, if you sell to Great Pizza
which has locations on Main Street and State Street, an example of valid
customer numbers could be “Great Pizza Main” and “Great Pizza State”.
Another example of valid customer names for the business could be “101A”
and “101B”. Any number, code, or name is valid as long as it is unique to the
customer and location.
Enter the customer's Legal Name.
Enter the customer's Trade Name (also known as “doing business as” or DBA
name), if applicable.
Enter the customer's ABC Permit Number. If the customer has more than
one ABC permit, enter only one permit number.
Enter the customer's telephone number.
Enter your ABC permit number, which should be the same permit number as
entered in your Submitter File. If you have more than one ABC permit, enter
the number of the most used permit.
Enter the street address of the customer’s physical location.
Note: Do not include any line breaks in the address.
Enter the city of the customer’s physical location.
Enter the state of the customer’s physical location.
Enter the zip code of the customer’s physical location.
The following is an example of a completed Customer File for a fictitious business.
Beer Wine Product File
The Product File contains information about each product sold by the business at wholesale during the
calendar year. Every product sold at wholesale must be included, even if the business no longer sells the
product or the product is not currently in stock. Do not modify any of the column headers, remove
columns, or change the order of any columns in the template.
Enter a unique number, code, or name to identify each product sold. If a
product is sold in multiple sizes, you must enter a different code for each
Note: The number, code, or name does not have to match a UPC or product
code/name registered with another agency. You may add a number or
letter to a product code to identify different sizes. For example, if you sell
an IPA product in a 1/6 BBL, 1/2 BBL, and case of 24 cans, valid product
codes could be “IPA 1/6”, “IPA 1/2”, and “IPA Case”. Valid product codes
could also be “1001-A”, “1001-B”, and “1001-C”. Any number, code, or
name is valid as long as it is unique to the product and size.
Enter the brand of the product. For example, enter Budweiser, Miller, etc.
Enter a description of the product. For example, enter Merlot 2017, Pinot
Gris holiday edition, etc. Do not list a generic description such as Wine if
multiple varieties of the product are sold.
Enter the type of product sold. For example, enter Beer, Wine, NA (Non-
Alcoholic), Cider, etc.
Enter a description of the sales unit for the product. For example, enter
Case, Keg, Bottle, Can, Box, etc.
Note: If the product is sold by the case, enter Case as the description even if
the product is packaged in bottles.
Enter the number of single units included in the sales unit. For example,
enter 1, 12, 24, etc.
Note: If the product is sold in cases of 12 bottles and the Sales_Unit_Desc is
Case, enter 12 as the number of single units. If the product is sold by the
bottle and the Sales_Unit_Desc is Bottle, enter 1 as the single unit.
Enter a description of the single unit for the product. For example, enter
Bottle, Can, Keg, Box, etc.
Note: Do not enter Case as a description as a case is not considered to be a
single unit.
Enter the numeric size of the single unit. For example, enter 12.5, 20, 500,
Note: Do not enter the metric units as part of the size. For example, if the
single unit is a bottle that holds 500 mL, only enter 500 as the size of the
single unit.
Enter the unit of measurement (i.e. metric unit) associated with the single
unit size. For example, enter ounce, mL, milliliter, etc.
Note: Do not enter the numeric size as part of the measurement. For
example, if the single unit is a bottle that holds 500 mL, only enter ml, mL, or
milliliter as the measurement.
Enter your ABC permit number, which should be the same permit number as
entered in your Submitter File. If you have more than one ABC permit, enter
the number of the most used permit.
The following is an example of a completed Product File for a fictitious business.
Beer Wine Invoice File
The Invoice File contains information about each invoice for every wholesale sale of alcoholic product(s) by
the business during the calendar year. Every invoice for all wholesale sales of alcohol must be included. Do
not modify any of the column headers, remove columns, or change the order of any columns in the
Enter the unique number, code, or name assigned to the customer. This
value must match the Customer_Number entered in the Customer file.
Note: Do not enter the customer’s Legal Name or Trade Name unless the
customer’s Legal Name or Trade Name was used as the Customer Number in
the Customer file.
Enter the invoice number.
Enter the invoice date using a format of YYYYMMDD. For example, enter
20220705 for an invoice dated July 5, 2022.
Enter the unique number, code, or name assigned to the product sold. This
value must match the Product_Code entered in the Product file.
Note: Do not enter the product description unless the product description
was used as the Product Code in the Product file.
Enter the type of unit sold. For example, enter Case, Bottle, Keg, etc.
Enter the number of units sold as shown on the invoice. For example, if you
sold a case of 12 bottles and the Unit_Sold is Case, enter 1 as the quantity
sold. However, if you sold a case of 12 bottles and the Unit_Sold is Bottle,
enter 12 as the quantity sold.
Enter the sale price for one unit. For example, if you sold a case of 12
bottles where Unit_Sold was Case and a case costs $144, enter 144 as the
item price. However, if you sold a case of 12 bottles where Unit_Sold was
Bottle and a bottle costs $12, enter 12 as the item price.
Enter the total sales amount for the sale as shown on the invoice. Do not
include sales tax. For example, if you sold three cases and the item price is
$36 each, enter 108 as the sale amount.
Enter the total NC sales tax charged on the sale as shown on the invoice. If
no sales tax was charged, enter 0, 0.00, or leave the field blank.
Note: Do not include any letters or special characters (e.g., a dash, “N/A”).
Enter your ABC permit number, which should be the same permit number as
entered in your Submitter File. If you have more than one ABC permit, enter
the number of the most used permit.
The following is an example of a completed Invoice File for a fictitious business.