Skinned Areas
Yes No/Needs Attn
o o The soil is not too loose and provides
good running traction.
o o The soil surface is loose enough around
sliding zones for safe sliding.
o o The soil is not too abrasive for safe sliding.
o o The soil is not too compacted to provide
good drainage.
o o Running paths and sliding zones near
bases are level and not worn.
o o Batters box and home plate areas are
in good condition.
o o Pitchers mound is in good condition.
o o The skinned area is level and does
not have low spots or holes.
o o There is no hazardous soil buildup (lip)
between the skinned area and the turf.
o o The skinned area is dry.
o o When moist, the skinned area is not
too sticky and does not adhere to shoes.
o o Coach’s box is level with
surrounding area.
o o Coach’s box is not excessively hard.
o o On-deck or walkway from dugout is
not excessively hard and compacted.
o o Unsafe obstacles such as hard gravel and
framing boards do not exist in on-deck
or walkway areas from dugouts.
Pitcher’s Mound
Yes No/Needs Attn
o o The mound conforms to league
o o Platform area behind the rubber
is large enough.
o o “Push off” and “landing” areas are
constructed with specialized clay.
o o “Push-off” and “landing” areas are
not dished out and in need of repair.
o o There is not a hazardous soil
buildup (lip) between the mound
and the ineld grass.
Baseball/Softball Field Safety and Maintenance Checklist
Prior to practice or a game, assess the following field characteristics and make the necessary corrections to the
statements marked, ‘No/Needs Attn’ before allowing players on the field. If your field is experiencing major
problems, including excessive wear, drainage issues, design flaws, etc., contact the STMA at ph. 800-323-3875, or
[email protected] for a referral to a local STMA chapter volunteer in your area for advice.
Your Resource for Safer Fields • Brought to you by the Sports Turf Managers Association
and its charitable Foundation, The SAFE Foundation • ph. 1-800-323-3875 •
Baseball/Softball Field Safety and Maintenance Checklist
Your Resource for Safer Fields • Brought to you by the Sports Turf Managers Association
and its charitable Foundation, The SAFE Foundation • ph. 1-800-323-3875 •
Playing Surface
Yes No/Needs Attn
o o Maintenance equipment, such as
rakes, hoes, etc. have been removed
from the eld.
o o Litter and unsafe debris have been
removed from the eld and player/
spectator areas.
o o The sprinkler heads should be installed as
per manufacturers recommendations with
no protrusions on the playing surface.
o o If there is an irrigation system, it is timed
correctly to irrigate the appropriate
amount of time prior to play.
o o The eld was constructed according
to recommended industry specications.
Turf Areas
Yes No/Needs Attn
o o There is at least 75 percent coverage
of turfgrass on the eld.
o o There are no bare spots with a hard
soil surface exposed.
o o Soil is well drained with no standing water.
o o Turfgrass is uniform in color, height
and density.
o o Turfgrass has strong root system, limiting
o o There are no weeds with thorns, bristles
or burrs.
o o There are no holes or mounds made
by moles, gophers, or other animals.
o o There are no ruts or trenches caused
by equipment use or eld wear.
o o There has been communication between the
maintenance staff and coach/facility user.
Bases and Anchoring
Yes No/Needs Attn.
o o The base coverings do not have unsafe
rips or gouges.
o o The base framework or hardware
is not loose or damaged.
o o The base ground stake is safely below
the surface grade.
o o The base ground stake is rmly secured
in its concrete footing.
o o The base, ground stake and its footing
are installed according to the
manufacturers requirement.
o o The bases seat properly with the ground
elevation and are seated securely.
o o The concrete footings will not twist out
of place in the ground.
o o The surface of home plate is level with
the surrounding surface.
o o The pitchers rubber is level with the
surrounding surface and is secured
safely in the ground.
Baseball/Softball Field Safety and Maintenance Checklist
Your Resource for Safer Fields • Brought to you by the Sports Turf Managers Association
and its charitable Foundation, The SAFE Foundation • ph. 1-800-323-3875 •
(If your eld does not have fencing, skip this section)
Yes No/Needs Attn.
o o Fences are securely set in the ground.
o o Fence posts are outside of the playing area.
o o There are no concrete footings exposed
above ground.
o o Fencing is securely attached to its posts.
o o There are no large gaps in the fencing.
or between the ground and the fence.
o o Top and bottom tension wires are in place
to secure the fence.
o o The wire ends of the fence are not exposed
at the top or corners.
o o There are no damaged areas that protrude,
are sharp or loose.
(If your eld does not have lighting, skip this section)
Yes No/Needs Attn.
o o Lighting has been installed and inspected
by a trained engineer or technician.
o o All lights are working.
o o The light’s beam adequately and
uniformly covers the eld.
o o The lighting foot candles meet industry
recommended specications.
(If your eld does not have bleachers/facility, skip this section)
Yes No/Needs Attn.
o o Nuts and bolts are tight and
in sufcient number.
o o Guard rails are securely in place.
o o The plank or railing end caps
are securely in place.
o o There are no splinters or worn areas
(wooden bleachers).
o o There are no hazardous protrusions
or sharp edges.
o o The supply and location of waste
cans is adequate.
o o There is appropriate signage notifying
players and spectators of rules, appropriate
behavior and decient conditions.
o o There are public telephones or staffed
ofce for emergency situations.
o o Areas under repair are identied
and posted appropriately.
Yes No/Needs Attn
o o There is a ag or other signaling system to
alert players to leave the eld if inclement
weather or other danger is imminent.
o o Skinned foul lines are in good condition.
o o The chalking material is not irritating
to eyes.
o o There are public telephones available
for emergency situations.
o o Areas that are hazardous or under repair
have been blocked off or identied.