Canio Martinelli,
University of Messina, Italy
Nazan Yurtcu,
Sivas Cumhuriyet University Faculty of
Medicine, Turkey
Chao Zhang,
Southern Medical University, China
Guangyi Zhao,
ShengJing Hospital of China Medical University,
Junxiang Jia
Baisong Zhao
These authors have contributed equally to this
This article was submitted to Obstetrics and
Gynecological Surgery, a section of the journal
Frontiers in Surgery
RECEIVED 08 October 2022
ACCEPTED 12 December 2022
PUBLISHED 10 January 2023
Li B, Liao Y, Wang Q, He S, Yang L, Jia J and
Zhao B (2023) Association between epidural-
related maternal fever and short-and long-term
prognosis of parturients: A prospective
observational study.
Front. Surg. 9:1064272.
doi: 10.3389/fsurg.2022.1064272
© 2023 Li, Liao, Wang, He, Yang, Jia and Zhao.
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Association between epidural-
related maternal fever and short-
and long-term prognosis of
parturients: A prospective
observational study
Bing Li
, Yicong Liao
, Qingning Wang
, Shiyuan He
Lulu Yang
, Junxiang Jia
and Baisong Zhao
Department of Anesthesiology, Women and Childrens Hospital, School of Medicine, Xiamen
University, Xiamen, China,
Department of Anesthesiology, Guangzhou Women and Childrens
Medical Center, Guangzhou Medical University, Guangzhou, China
We aimed to explore the association between epidural-related maternal fever
(ERMF) and prognosis of parturients. 159 parturients who underwent vaginal
delivery under labor epidural analgesia (LEA) received noninvasive continuous
core body temperature monitoring. 122 of them completed the 42-day
postpartum follow-up. Parturients with body temperature 38°C during labor
were categorized as the Fever group, while the others were categorized as
the No-Fever group. Compared to No-Fever group, Fever group had a
greater proportion of primiparas, greater gestational age of parturients, and
longer third stage of labor. The cesarean section and forceps delivery rates,
and the amount of intrapartum hemorrhage in Fever group were signicantly
higher. There were no signicant between-group differences with respect to
puerperal infection, and amniotic uid turbidity degree, neither signicant
between-group difference at 42-days postpartum. We found that ERMF was
associated with some short-term outcomes. However, it showed no relation
with long-term prognosis of the parturients at 42-days postpartum.
epidural-related, maternal, fever, labor epidural analgesia, long-term
Intrapartum maternal fever, dened as oral temperature 38°C during childbirth (1),
is known to be associated with increased incidence of postpartum adverse outcomes (2),
such as prolonged labor, increased rate of instrumental delivery, early postpartum
hemorrhage, and increased probability of placental retention (3). Labor epidural
analgesia (LEA) is one of the most common non-infective cause of intrapartum
maternal fever (4), and approximately 20% of pregnant women who receive LEA
would have epidural-related maternal fever (ERMF) (5). LEA duration is corelated
with ERMF; LEA greater than 6 h was shown to increase the risk of fever during
BMI, body mass index; ERMF, epidural-related maternal fever; IV, intravenous; LEA, labor epidural
analgesia; LSD, least signicant difference.
TYPE Original Research
PUBLISHED 10 January 2023
DOI 10.3389/fsurg.2022.1064272
Frontiers in Surgery 01 frontiersin.org
labor (6). Whether ERMF needs intervention or not depends on
the harm it causes to the mother and newborn. Therefore, a
comprehensive understanding of the harmful effects of ERMF
is of much clinical signicance.
ERMF may further affect the prognosis of the parturient in
the postpartum period by changing the delivery experience of
the parturient and the outcomes of the newborn. However,
whether ERMF affects the short-term and long-term
prognosis of parturients is seldom reported. In this study, we
investigated the short-term and long-term (42 days
postpartum) outcomes of parturients who received LEA at a
single center. The objective was to explore whether ERMF is
associated with the short-term or long-term prognosis of
Materials and methods
Research population
This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the
Guangzhou Women and Childrens Medical Center (Protocol
number: 201939000) and registered at the Chinese Clinical
Trial Registry (http://www.chictr.org.cn/edit.aspx; ID:
ChiCTR1900025653; Principal investigator: Baisong Zhao;
Date of registration: Sep 5, 2019). This study adhered to the
STROBE reporting guidelines. This study recruited pregnant
women who planned to give birth during daytime hours from
30 September 2019 to 31 December 2019 and came to our
hospital for treatment. All participants provided written
informed consent before the start of the trial.
The inclusion criteria were as follows: (1) parturients
without fever before labor; (2) parturients with full-term
singleton pregnancy (gestational age >37 weeks); (3) vaginal
in-hospital delivery; (4) vertex presentation; (5) no risk of
mother-to-child transmission of an infectious disease; (6) no
suspected fetal coagulopathy; (7) parturients without prenatal
vaginitis; and (8) willingness to use LEA and ability to
provide informed consent. The exclusion criteria were: (1)
both upper extremities required for venous access; (2) absence
of both upper limbs; (3) history of severe heart disease like
myocardial infarction, heart failure; (4) history of severe
infectious diseases such as maternal hepatitis, or HIV
infection; (5) history of serious skin allergies, especially allergy
to silicone or plastic; (6) preeclampsia; (7) parturients who
took paracetamol within 6 h before receiving epidural
analgesia; (8) suspected fetal coagulopathy; and (9)
chorioamnionitis conrmed by pathological examination.
Upon entering the delivery room, the researchers provided
all eligible women with information about the study and
obtained their informed consent for participation in the study.
All parturients were monitored continuously. Patients with
body temperature 38°C during labor were categorized as the
Fever group while those with body temperature <38°C were
categorized as No-Fever group. The data collection process
was blinded, and researchers who collected body temperature
data had no knowledge of the duration and dose of LEA. In
addition, personnel involved in acquisition of postpartum data
were blinded to maternal body temperature.
Measurement method of body
temperature and fever treatment
A wireless thermometer, iThermomonitor (Rui Ren
Medical, China), connected to the central control platform
was used to carry out axillary temperature measurement
during the whole delivery process (10 values per second). The
iThermonitor was xed to the shaved armpit using an
adhesive tape with low risk of allergic reaction. Women were
instructed to maintain the arm in the adducted position for
up to 5 min until the temperature value shown on the display
was stable; thereafter, the women were allowed free movement
of their arms (7). Generally, intravenous infusion of
unwarmed uid into the contralateral arm does not have any
effect on the use of iThermonitor for measuring the axillary
The pregnant women reported the onset of delivery. Labor
room nurses were responsible for monitoring the patients and
executing the obstetricians orders, who did not participate in
the study. Fever was dened as axillary temperature
(measured by iThermonitor) 38°C. In parturients with fever,
the following treatment measures were undertaken: When
axillary temperatures rose to 38°C38.5°C, intravenous
rehydration was accelerated to replace water loss. When the
axillary temperature exceeded 38.5°C, Tylenol suspension was
administered orally (Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Ltd.,
Implementation of epidural analgesia
Epidural analgesia was initiated once uterine contractions
were regular and cervical dilatation was 1 cm, and was
continued to 2 h after the end of labor. Women receiving
LEA were administered intravenous Ringers lactate infusion
(24 ml/kg/h). The rescue drugs atropine and ephedrine were
always kept prepared. An epidural catheter was placed at the
L3L4/L23 and epidural analgesia was controlled by the
parturients themselves. After the epidural catheter was xed, a
test dose of 4 ml of 1% lidocaine was administered via the
catheter. Five minutes later, in the absence of any side effects,
a 10 ml bolus dose of ropivacaine 0.0625% (lot number:
H20140763; Astra Zeneca, Sweden) plus 0.3 µg/ml sufentanil
(batch number: H20054256; Yichang Renfu Pharmaceutical,
China) was administered. Subsequently, the epidural catheter
Li et al. 10.3389/fsurg.2022.1064272
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was connected to the pulse pump and set as follows: loading
dose, 10 ml; injection rate, 6 ml/h; PCA dose, 8 ml; maximum
dose, 40 ml/h; and lockout interval, 10 min. At any time
during labor, women with excessive pains or a visual analogue
scale pain score >3 were administered an additional 5 ml of
ropivacaine 0.1%.
Data collection
Data for the following demographic and basic clinical
characteristics were collected from all enrolled women:
gestational age, height, weight, body mass index (BMI), and
time of delivery. Delivery-related data included the duration
of labor, neonatal Apgar scores, delivery outcomes, amount of
postpartum hemorrhage, occurrence of puerperal infection,
amniotic uid turbidity, lochia, and menstruation at 42 days
after delivery. We excluded data of patients with
pathologically conrmed chorioamnionitis.
Maternal blood pressure and heart rate was continuously
monitored during labor and the rate and volume of uid
administered was administered.
Statistical analysis
The required sample size was calculated based on the ratio
of abnormal delivery in parturients who did not develop fever
during labor and those who developed fever in our previous
trials. According to the ratio of 1:3 and with α = 0.05 and
power of 0.9, the minimum sample size required for the No-
Fever group was 111 and that for the Fever group was 37.
Use SPSS software (ver. 21.0; SPSS Inc., USA) was used to
conduct statistical analysis. Owing to the non-normal
distribution of gestational age, height, weight, BMI, amount of
hemorrhage during labor and 2 h after delivery, these data are
expressed as median and interquartile range [M (Q)] and the
between-group differences assessed using the rank sum test.
Categorical variables are expressed as frequency and
percentage [n(%)] and between-group differences assessed
using the Chi-squared test. P values < 0.05 were considered
indicative of statistical signicance. The duration of labor and
Apgar score are expressed as mean ± standard deviation and
between-group differences assessed using repeated measures
analysis of variance. When the differences were statistically
signicant, the least signicant difference (LSD) method was
further used to make pair-wise comparisons.
This study used a convenience sampling method and
grouped parturients who received LEA into No-Fever group
and Fever group according to axillary temperature. Finally, a
total of 159 parturients who received LEA were recruited; of
these 117 were in the No-Fever group (maximal temperature
in the labor period <38°C) and 42 were in the Fever group
(maximal temperature in the labor period 38°C). A total of
122 women completed the 42-day postpartum follow-up; of
these, 90 were in the No-Fever group and 32 were in the fever
group (Figure 1). For the maternal demographic and clinical
characteristics, there were no signicant between-group
differences with respect to height weight and BMI. The
women in Fever group were more likely to be primiparous, in
addition, the gestational age of parturients in the Fever group
was greater (Table 1).
There was no signicant between-group difference with
respect to the duration of the rst (P = 0.084) and second (P
= 0.0584) stages of labor. However, the duration of the third
stage of labor in the No-Fever group was signicantly shorter
than that in the Fever group (P = 0.01) (Figure 2A). For the
short-term prognostic, the cesarean section rate in Fever
group was signicantly greater than that in the No-Fever
group (23.8% vs. 6.8%, P = 0.018). There were no signicant
between-group differences with respect to the rates of lateral
episiotomy, manual removal of placenta, and puerperal
infection (Figure 2B). The amount of intrapartum
hemorrhage in the Fever group was also signicantly greater
than that in the No-Fever group (P = 0.002); however, there
were no signicant between-group differences with respect to
the amount of hemorrhage in 2 h postpartum ( Figure 2C).
Moreover, there were no signicant between-group differences
with respect to the degree of turbidity of the amniotic uid
(Figure 2D). These results suggest that ERMF affects the
short-term prognosis of the puerpera.
From 1 to 10 min, there was no signicant difference in the
Apgar scores between the two groups (Figure 3). For the long-
term prognostic signicance, there were no signicant between-
group differences with respect to lochia, menstruation, peculiar
smell, and anti-infective treatment at 42-day postpartum follow-
up (Figure 4). These results suggest that ERMF has no effect on
the neonatal status and the long-term prognosis of puerpera.
This study observed the incidence of related short-term and
long-term (42-day postpartum) adverse events in parturients
who received LEA. The baseline characteristics were
comparable in the two groups. The proportion of primipara
and the gestational age (despite the difference of 2 days) in
the Fever group were higher than those in the No-Fever
group, while the third stage of labor in the Fever group was
longer than that in the No-Fever group. The Fever group had
a signicantly higher cesarean section rate and rate of forceps
delivery, while the rates of lateral resection and manual
Li et al. 10.3389/fsurg.2022.1064272
Frontiers in Surgery 03 frontiersin.org
removal of placenta were comparable in the two groups. The
amount of intrapartum bleeding was greater in the Fever
group, while the amount of 2 h postpartum bleeding was
comparable in the two groups. In addition, there was no
signicant difference in Apgar scores between the two groups.
At 42-day postpartum follow-up, there was no signicant
between-group difference with respect to the proportion of
women with clean lochia discharge, menstrual re-uidity,
secretions with unusual smell, and postpartum treatment with
In this study, we dened fever as core body temperature 38°
C. Intrapartum fever is associated with increased incidence of
postpartum adverse outcomes. In the study by Dior et al. (2),
intrapartum fever signicantly increased the probability of
emergency cesarean section and device-assisted delivery,
especially for parturients whose body temperature was >39°C.
However, no causal association was observed on stratied
analysis disaggregated by the degree of maternal fever. In the
study by Ashwal et al. (3), fever during labor was an
independent risk factor for maternal-related complications, and
was aassociated with prolonged second stage of labor, increased
instrumental delivery rate, cesarean section rate, and placental
retention rate. The authors did not divide the women into
groups according to whether they received LEA. In our study,
we excluded parturients with infectious factors, and the rates of
cesarean section and forceps delivery in the Fever group were
higher than those in the No-Fever group; in addition, the Fever
group had a greater amount of intrapartum hemorrhage.
However, we also found no difference in the rate of puerperal
infection and turbid amniotic uid between the Fever and No-
Fever groups. This indicated that the signicant between-group
differences with respect to the proportion of cesarean section
TABLE 1 Maternal demographic and clinical characteristics.
Indicators No-Fever
(n = 117)
Fever (n
= 42)
Maternal type [n (%)]
Primipara 73 (62.4) 34 (81.0) 4.837 0.028
Multipara 44 (37.6) 8 (19.0)
Gestational age [M
(Q), weeks]
39.9 (1.6) 40.1 (1.6) 2.171 0.030
Height [M (Q), cm] 160.0 (6.0) 160.0 (8.0) 1.610 0.107
Weight [M (Q), kg] 66.0 (9.3) 68.0 (11.0) 0.952 0.341
BMI [kg/m
, M (Q)] 25.9 (3.6) 27.1 (2.9) 1.842 0.065
BMI, body mass index. P < 0.05 indicates signicant between-group difference.
Experimental ow graph.
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and forceps deliveries, and the amount of intrapartum
hemorrhage during delivery were not directly related to
puerperal infection and might be related to ERMF.
Given the observational nature of study, we can only analyze
the correlation of ERMF with increased rates of cesarean section
and forceps deliveries and increased intrapartum bleeding.
However, it is not clear whether ERMF directly affects the
delivery outcomes, delays the delivery of placenta, increases the
amount of intrapartum hemorrhage, or affects the delivery
outcome. Of note, that there were also differences between the
No-Fever and Fever groups with respect to the parity and
gestational age of parturients. The proportion of primiparous
women in the fever group was higher, and the gestational age was
also greater (despite the difference of 2 days). Compared with
primipara, the birth canal of the multiparas tends to be more
relaxed, and the fetus also gains weight with increase in the
Comparison of short-term prognostic indicators between the two groups. (A) Stage of labor (h). (B) The short-term prognostic indicators (%). (C)
Hemorrhage volume (mL). (D) Abnomal amniotic uid (%).
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gestational age. Studies have conrmed that primipara status (8)
and larger neonatal birth weight (9) are risk factors for increased
rates of cesarean section and forceps delivery. Excessive uterine
dilation and uterine laxity caused by overweight fetuses (10),
prolonged third stage of labor, and delayed placental delivery (11)
are also risk factors for increased intrapartum bleeding.
At the same time, the impact of intrapartum fever on neonates
has evoked increasing interest. The negative effects related to
newborns mainly include some neurosuppressive symptoms,
such as a decrease in the Apgar scores, the need for assisted
ventilation and oxygen therapy, and even a rised chance of
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (5, 12). Ashwal et al. (3), further
divided the febrile mothers into blood and/or placental culture
positive and negative groups. They found that the incidence of
adverse neonatal outcomes in the positive group was much
higher than that in the negative group, indicating that the
negative impact of fever on newborns is more related to
infectious factors. In this study, there was no difference in the
puerperal infection rate between the Fever group and the No-
Fever group; moreover, we observed no signicant between-
group difference with respect to amniotic uid turbidity and the
newborn Apgar score. This implies a lack of correlation between
ERMF and neonatal hypoxia. Other studies conducted by our
group (13) have also yielded similar results.
Uterine involution is usually completed within 42 days
postpartum. Prolonged lochia or peculiar smell is a sign of poor
postpartum uterine involution. In this study , parturients w ere
followed up 42 days after deliv ery. We found no signicant
between-group difference with respect to these indicators. This
suggests tha t ERMF may not a ffect uterine inv olution 42 day s
We still have some limitations in this study. This was a
single-center, observational study with a relatively small sample
size. A multicentre study with larger sample size and longer
duration of follow-up is needed to provide more robust evidence.
In this study, ERMF was associated with prolongation of the
third stage of labor, increased rates of cesarean section and
forceps delivery, and increased intrapartum hemorrhage.
However, ERMF was not found to affect the long-term
prognosis at 42 days postpartum. This means that, different
from infection-associated fever, ERMF has some association
with short-term prognosis of parturients, but no impact on
long-term postpartum recovery.
Data availability statement
The original contributions presented in the study are
included in the article/Supplementary Material, further
inquiries can be directed to the corresponding authors.
Ethics statement
The studies involving human participants were reviewed
and approved by This study was approved by the Ethics
Committee of the Guangzhou Women and Childrens Medical
Center (Protocol number: 201939000) and registered at the
Chinese Clinical Trial Registry (http://www.chictr.org.cn/edit.
aspx; ID: ChiCTR1900025653; Principal investigator: Baisong
Zhao; Date of registration: Sep 5, 2019). The patients/
participants provided their written informed consent to
participate in this study.
Author contributions
BZ designed and performed most of the investigation, data
analysis. BL wrote the manuscript. YL, QW and other authors
Apgar scores between the two groups.
Comparison of outcomes at 42-days postpartum between the two
Li et al. 10.3389/fsurg.2022.1064272
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assisted data collection. JJ provided research resources. All authors
contributed to the article and approved the submitted version.
Conict of interest
The authors declare that the research was conducted in the
absence of any commercial or nancial relationships that could
be construed as a potential conict of interest.
Publishers note
All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the
authors and do not necessarily represent those of their
afliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors
and the reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this
article, or claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not
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