GELF Bond Issuer I SA
(incorporated with limited liability in Luxembourg)
Euro Medium Term Note Programme
unconditionally and irrevocably guaranteed on a joint and several basis by
(incorporated with limited liability in Luxembourg)
in its capacity as a Luxembourg management company acting for the account of
(established in Luxembourg as an open-end fonds commun de placement – fonds d’investissment
spécialisé under the provisions of the Luxembourg law of 13 February 2007 on specialised investment
funds as amended and subject to the supervision of the CSSF, as defined below)
(each incorporated with limited liability in Luxembourg)
(each incorporated with limited liability in the Netherlands)
Under this €5,000,000,000 Euro Medium Term Note Programme (the Programme), GELF Bond Issuer I
SA, a public limited liability company (société anonyme), having its registered office at 28, boulevard
d’Avranches, L-1160, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, and registered with the Luxembourg trade and
companies register (Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés Luxembourg) under number B 173090 (the
Issuer) may from time to time issue notes (the Notes) denominated in any currency agreed between the
Issuer and the relevant Dealer (as defined below).
The payments of all amounts due in respect of the Notes will be unconditionally and irrevocably
guaranteed on a joint and several basis by GELF Management (Lux) S.À R.L. (the Management
Company, which expression shall include any successor management company appointed under the
management regulations of GEP (as defined below)), in its capacity as a Luxembourg management
company acting for the account of Goodman European Logistics Fund FCP-FIS, a Luxembourg fonds
commun de placement (GEP), GELF European Holdings (Lux) S.À R.L., GELF Investments (Lux) S.À
R.L., C€LOGIX N.V. and C€LOGIX Properties Holding B.V. as guarantors (each a Guarantor and,
together, the Guarantors). The expressions “Guarantor” and “Guarantors” shall also include any member
of the Group (as defined in Condition 4) which becomes a Guarantor pursuant to Condition 3.4 of the
Terms and Conditions of the Notes (such Terms and Conditions being the Conditions) but shall not
include any Guarantor which has ceased to be a Guarantor pursuant to Condition 3.3. The expression
Obligor means the Issuer or a Guarantor and the expression Obligors means the Issuer and the
Guarantors together.
The maximum aggregate nominal amount of all Notes from time to time outstanding under the Programme
will not exceed €5,000,000,000 (or its equivalent in other currencies calculated as described in the
Programme Agreement described herein), subject to increase as described herein.
The Notes may be issued on a continuing basis to one or more of the Dealers specified under Overview
of the Programmeand any additional Dealer appointed under the Programme from time to time by the
Issuer (each a Dealer and, together, the Dealers), which appointment may be for a specific issue or on an
ongoing basis. References in this Base Prospectus to the relevant Dealer shall, in the case of an issue of
Notes being (or intended to be) subscribed by more than one Dealer, be to all Dealers agreeing to
subscribe such Notes.
An investment in Notes issued under the Programme involves certain risks. For a discussion of
these risks, see “Risk Factors”.
Application has been made to the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (the CSSF) in its
capacity as competent authority under the Luxembourg Act dated 10 July 2005 on prospectuses for
securities (as amended) (the Prospectus Act 2005) to approve this document as a base prospectus. The
CSSF assumes no responsibility for the economic and financial soundness of the transactions
contemplated by this Base Prospectus or the quality or solvency of the Issuer in accordance with Article
7(7) of the Prospectus Act 2005. Application has also been made to the Luxembourg Stock Exchange for
Notes issued under the Programme to be listed on the Official List of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange and
to be admitted to trading on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange’s regulated market.
The requirement to publish a prospectus under the Prospectus Directive only applies to Notes which are to
be admitted to trading on a regulated market in the European Economic Area and/or offered to the public in
the European Economic Area other than in circumstances where an exemption is available under Article
3.2 of the Prospectus Directive (as implemented in the relevant Member State(s)). References in this Base
Prospectus to Exempt Notes are to Notes for which no prospectus is required to be published under the
Prospectus Directive. The CSSF has neither reviewed nor approved any information in this Base
Prospectus pertaining to Exempt Notes and the CSSF assumes no responsibility in relation to issues of
Exempt Notes.
References in this Base Prospectus to Notes being listed (and all related references) shall mean that such
Notes have been listed on the Official List of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange and have been admitted to
trading on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange’s regulated market. The Luxembourg Stock Exchanges
regulated market is a regulated market for the purposes of the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive
(Directive 2004/39/EC).
Except in the case of Exempt Notes, notice of the aggregate nominal amount of Notes, interest (if any)
payable in respect of Notes, the issue price of Notes and certain other information which is applicable to
each Tranche (as defined in the Conditions) of Notes will be set out in a final terms document (the Final
Terms) which, with respect to all Notes other than Exempt Notes, will be filed with the CSSF. Copies of
Final Terms in relation to Notes to be listed on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange will also be published on
the website of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange ( In the case of Exempt Notes, notice of
the aggregate nominal amount of such Notes, interest (if any) payable in respect of such Notes, the issue
price of such Notes and certain other information which is applicable to each Tranche of such Notes will be
set out in a pricing supplement document (the Pricing Supplement). In the case of Exempt Notes,
references herein to “Final Terms” shall be deemed to be references to “Pricing Supplement”, so far as the
context admits.
The Programme provides that Notes may be listed or admitted to trading, as the case may be, on such
other or further stock exchanges or markets as may be agreed between the Issuer and the relevant
Dealer. The Issuer may also issue unlisted Exempt Notes and/or Exempt Notes not admitted to trading on
any market.
The Notes have not been and will not be registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended
(the Securities Act) or any U.S. State securities laws and may not be offered or sold in the United States or
to, or for the account or the benefit of, U.S. persons as defined in Regulation S under the Securities Act
unless an exemption from the registration requirements of the Securities Act is available and in
accordance with all applicable securities laws of any state of the United States and any other jurisdiction
(see “Subscription and Sale”).
GEP is rated Baa1 by Moody’s Investors Services Limited (Moody’s) and BBB by Standard & Poors
Financial Services LLC (S&P). The Programme is rated Baa1 by Moody’s and [BBB] by S&P. Each of
Moody’s and S&P is established in the EU and is registered under the Regulation (EC) No. 1060/2009 (as
amended) (the CRA Regulation). As such, each of Moody’s and S&P is included in the list of credit rating
agencies registered in accordance with the CRA Regulation and published by the European Securities and
Markets Authority (ESMA) on its website (at
CRAs) in accordance with the CRA Regulation. That list shall be updated within five working days following
the adoption of a decision under Articles 16, 17 or 20 of the CRA Regulation. The European Commission
shall publish that updated list in the Official Journal of the European Union within 30 days following the
updates. Notes issued under the Programme may be rated or unrated by either of the rating agencies
referred to above. Where a Tranche of Notes is rated, such rating will be disclosed in the applicable Final
Terms and will not necessarily be the same as the rating assigned to the Programme by the relevant rating
agency. A security rating is not a recommendation to buy, sell or hold securities and may be subject to
suspension, reduction or withdrawal at any time by the assigning rating agency.
Potential investors should note that this Base Prospectus has been prepared solely for use in
connection with Notes to be issued under the Programme, and not for any other purpose. In
particular, this Base Prospectus is not being, and may not be, used in connection with any offer or
marketing (as such term is defined under Directive 2011/61/EU) of any units or shares of any entity.
The date of this Base Prospectus is 5 October 2016.
This Base Prospectus comprises a base prospectus in respect of all Notes other than Exempt
Notes issued under the Programme for the purposes of Article 5.4 of the Prospectus Directive.
When used in this Base Prospectus, Prospectus Directive means Directive 2003/71/EC (as
amended including by Directive 2010/73/EU) and includes any relevant implementing measure
in a relevant Member State of the European Economic Area (the EEA).
The Issuer and the Guarantors accept responsibility for the information contained in this Base
Prospectus and the applicable Final Terms in relation to each Tranche of Notes issued under
the Programme. To the best of the knowledge of the Issuer and the Guarantors (each having
taken all reasonable care to ensure that such is the case) the information contained in this Base
Prospectus is in accordance with the facts and does not omit anything likely to affect the import
of such information.
This Base Prospectus is to be read in conjunction with all documents which are deemed to be
incorporated herein by reference (see “Documents Incorporated by Reference”). This Base
Prospectus shall be read and construed on the basis that such documents are incorporated in,
and form part of, this Base Prospectus.
Save for the Issuer and the Guarantors, no other party, including the Dealers and the Trustee
(as defined in the Conditions), has independently verified the information contained herein.
Accordingly, no representation, warranty or undertaking, express or implied, is made and no
responsibility or liability is accepted by the Dealers or the Trustee as to the accuracy or
completeness of the information contained or incorporated in this Base Prospectus or any other
information provided by the Issuer or the Guarantors in connection with the Programme. No
Dealer or the Trustee accepts any liability in relation to the information contained or
incorporated by reference in this Base Prospectus or any other information provided by the
Issuer or the Guarantors in connection with the Programme.
No person is or has been authorised by the Issuer, the Guarantors, any of the Dealers or the
Trustee to give any information or to make any representation not contained in or not consistent
with this Base Prospectus or any other information supplied in connection with the Programme
or the Notes and, if given or made, such information or representation must not be relied upon
as having been authorised by the Issuer, the Guarantors, any of the Dealers or the Trustee.
Neither this Base Prospectus nor any other information supplied in connection with the
Programme or any Notes (a) is intended to provide the basis of any credit or other evaluation or
(b) should be considered as a recommendation by the Issuer, the Guarantors, any of the
Dealers or the Trustee that any recipient of this Base Prospectus or any other information
supplied in connection with the Programme or any Notes should purchase any Notes. Each
investor contemplating purchasing any Notes should make its own independent investigation of
the financial condition and affairs, and its own appraisal of the creditworthiness, of the Issuer
and/or the Guarantors. Neither this Base Prospectus nor any other information supplied in
connection with the Programme or the issue of any Notes constitutes an offer or invitation by or
on behalf of the Issuer or the Guarantors, any of the Dealers or the Trustee to any person to
subscribe for or to purchase any Notes.
Neither the delivery of this Base Prospectus nor the offering, sale or delivery of any Notes shall
in any circumstances imply that the information contained in it concerning the Issuer and/or the
Guarantors is correct at any time subsequent to its date or that any other information supplied in
connection with the Programme is correct as of any time after the date indicated in the
document containing the same. The Dealers and the Trustee expressly do not undertake to
review the financial condition or affairs of the Issuer or any Guarantor during the life of the
Programme or to advise any investor in Notes issued under the Programme of any information
coming to their attention.
This Base Prospectus does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any
Notes in any jurisdiction to any person to whom it is unlawful to make the offer or solicitation in
such jurisdiction. The distribution of this Base Prospectus and the offer or sale of Notes may be
restricted by law in certain jurisdictions. The Issuer, the Guarantors, the Dealers and the Trustee
do not represent that this Base Prospectus may be lawfully distributed, or that any Notes may
be lawfully offered, in compliance with any applicable registration or other requirements in any
such jurisdiction, or pursuant to an exemption available thereunder, or assume any
responsibility for facilitating any such distribution or offering. In particular, no action has been
taken by the Issuer, the Guarantors, the Dealers or the Trustee which is intended to permit a
public offering of any Notes or distribution of this Base Prospectus in any jurisdiction where
action for that purpose is required. Accordingly, no Notes may be offered or sold, directly or
indirectly, and neither this Base Prospectus nor any advertisement or other offering material
may be distributed or published in any jurisdiction, except under circumstances that will result in
compliance with any applicable laws and regulations. Persons into whose possession this Base
Prospectus or any Notes may come must inform themselves about, and observe, any such
restrictions on the distribution of this Base Prospectus and the offering and sale of Notes. In
particular, there are restrictions on the distribution of this Base Prospectus and the offer or sale
of Notes in the United States, the EEA (including the Netherlands and the UK), Switzerland and
Japan, see “Subscription and Sale”.
The Notes may only be offered or sold to Well Informed Investors (as defined in the Selected
Definitionsbelow) and the minimum denomination of the Notes will not be less than €150,000
(or, if the Notes are denominated in a currency other than euro, the equivalent amount in such
The Notes may not be a suitable investment for all investors. Each potential investor in the
Notes must determine the suitability of that investment in light of its own circumstances. In
particular, each potential investor may wish to consider, either on its own or with the help of its
financial and other professional advisers, whether it:
(i) has sufficient knowledge and experience to make a meaningful evaluation of the Notes,
the merits and risks of investing in the Notes and the information contained or
incorporated by reference in this Base Prospectus or any applicable supplement;
(ii) has access to, and knowledge of, appropriate analytical tools to evaluate, in the context
of its particular financial situation, an investment in the Notes and the impact the Notes
will have on its investment portfolio;
(iii) has sufficient financial resources and liquidity to bear all of the risks of an investment in
the Notes, including Notes with principal or interest payable in one or more currencies,
or where the currency for principal or interest payments is different from the potential
investor’s currency;
(iv) understands thoroughly the terms of the Notes and is familiar with the behaviour of any
relevant indices and financial markets; and
(v) is able to evaluate possible scenarios for economic, interest rate and other factors that
may affect its investment and its ability to bear the applicable risks.
Legal investment considerations may restrict certain investments. The investment activities of
certain investors are subject to investment laws and regulations, or review or regulation by
certain authorities. Each potential investor should consult its legal advisers to determine
whether and to what extent (1) Notes are legal investments for it, (2) Notes can be used as
collateral for various types of borrowing and (3) other restrictions apply to its purchase or pledge
of any Notes. Financial institutions should consult their legal advisers or the appropriate
regulators to determine the appropriate treatment of Notes under any applicable risk-based
capital or similar rules.
In this Base Prospectus, all references to:
U.S. dollars, U.S.$ and $ refer to United States dollars;
Sterling and £ refer to pounds sterling; and
euro and refer to the currency introduced at the start of the third stage of European
economic and monetary union pursuant to the Treaty on the Functioning of the
European Union, as amended.
Certain figures and percentages included in this Base Prospectus have been subject to
rounding adjustments; accordingly, figures shown in the same category presented in different
tables may vary slightly and figures shown as totals in certain tables may not be an arithmetic
aggregation of the figures which precede them.
Clause Page
In connection with the issue of any Tranche of Notes, one or more relevant Dealers (the
Stabilising Manager(s)) (or persons acting on behalf of any Stabilising Manager(s)) may
over-allot Notes or effect transactions to support the market price of the Notes at a level
higher than that which might otherwise prevail. However stabilisation may not
necessarily occur. Any stabilisation action may begin on or after the date on which
adequate public disclosure of the terms of the offer of the relevant Tranche of Notes is
made and, if begun, may cease at any time, but it must end no later than the earlier of 30
days after the issue date of the relevant Tranche of Notes and 60 days after the date of
the allotment of the relevant Tranche of Notes. Any stabilisation action or over-allotment
must be conducted by the relevant Stabilising Manager(s) (or persons acting on behalf of
any Stabilising Manager(s)) in accordance with all applicable laws and rules.
The following overview does not purport to be complete and is taken from, and is
qualified in its entirety by, the remainder of this Base Prospectus and, in relation to the
terms and conditions of any particular Tranche of Notes, the applicable Final Terms. The
Issuer, the Guarantors and any relevant Dealer may agree that Notes shall be issued in a
form other than that contemplated in the Conditions, in which event, in the case of Notes
other than Exempt Notes, and if appropriate, a new Base Prospectus or a supplement to
this Base Prospectus will be published.
This Overview constitutes a general description of the Programme for the purposes of Article
22.5(3) of Commission Regulation (EC) No. 809/2004 implementing Directive 2003/71/EC (the
Prospectus Regulation).
Words and expressions defined in Form of the Notes and Terms and Conditions of the Notes
shall have the same meanings in this Overview.
GELF Bond Issuer I SA
GELF Management (Lux) S.À R.L., in its capacity as a
Luxembourg management company acting for the account
of Goodman European Logistics Fund FCP-FIS, a
Luxembourg fonds commun de placement
GELF European Holdings (Lux) S.À R.L.
GELF Investments (Lux) S.À R.L.
C€LOGIX Properties Holding B.V.
Risk Factors:
There are certain factors that may affect the Issuer’s ability
to fulfil its obligations under the Notes issued under the
Programme and there are also certain factors that may
affect a Guarantor’s ability to fulfil its obligations under the
Notes Guarantee (as defined below under Notes
Guarantee”). These are set out under Risk Factorsbelow
and include risks relating to the markets in which the Group
operates generally, risks relating to the Group’s business,
financial risks, legal risks, regulatory risks and taxation
risks. In addition, there are certain factors which are
material for the purpose of assessing the market risks
associated with Notes issued under the Programme and
certain risks relating to the structure of particular Series of
Notes and certain market risks. These are also set out
under “Risk Factors” below.
Euro Medium Term Note Programme
ING Bank N.V.
BNP Paribas
ING Bank N.V.
The Royal Bank of Scotland plc
and any other Dealers appointed in accordance with the
Programme Agreement.
Certain Restrictions:
Each issue of Notes denominated in a currency in respect
of which particular laws, guidelines, regulations, restrictions
or reporting requirements apply will only be issued in
circumstances which comply with such laws, guidelines,
regulations, restrictions or reporting requirements from time
to time (see Subscription and Sale), including the
following restrictions applicable at the date of this Base
Notes having a maturity of less than one year
Notes having a maturity of less than one year will, if the
proceeds of the issue are accepted in the UK, constitute
deposits for the purposes of the prohibition on accepting
deposits contained in section 19 of the Financial Services
and Markets Act 2000 unless they are issued to a limited
class of professional investors and have a denomination of
at least £100,000 or its equivalent, see Subscription and
Issuing and Principal Paying
Deutsche Bank AG, London Branch
Deutsche Trustee Company Limited
Programme Size:
Up to €5,000,000,000 (or its equivalent in other currencies
calculated as described in the Programme Agreement)
outstanding at any time. The Issuer and the Guarantors
may increase the amount of the Programme in accordance
with the terms of the Programme Agreement.
Notes may be distributed by way of private or public
placement and in each case on a syndicated or non-
syndicated basis.
Subject to any applicable legal or regulatory restrictions,
Notes may be denominated in any currency agreed
between the Issuer and the relevant Dealer.
The Notes will have such maturities as may be agreed
between the Issuer and the relevant Dealer, subject to such
minimum or maximum maturities as may be allowed or
required from time to time by the relevant central bank (or
equivalent body) or any laws or regulations applicable to
the Issuer or the relevant Specified Currency.
Issue Price:
Notes may be issued on a fully paid or, in the case of
Exempt Notes, a partly paid basis and at an issue price
which is at par or at a discount to, or premium over, par.
Form of Notes:
The Notes will be issued in bearer form as described in
Form of the Notes”.
Fixed Rate Notes:
Fixed interest will be payable on such date or dates as may
be agreed between the Issuer and the relevant Dealer (as
indicated in the applicable Final Terms) and on redemption
and will be calculated on the basis of such Day Count
Fraction as may be agreed between the Issuer and the
relevant Dealer.
Floating Rate Notes:
Floating Rate Notes will bear interest at a rate determined:
(a) on the same basis as the floating rate under a
notional interest rate swap transaction in the
relevant Specified Currency (as defined in
Condition 1) governed by an agreement
incorporating the 2006 ISDA Definitions (as
published by the International Swaps and
Derivatives Association, Inc., and as amended and
updated as at the Issue Date of the first Tranche of
the Notes of the relevant Series); or
(b) on the basis of a reference rate appearing on the
agreed screen page of a commercial quotation
service; or
(c) on such other basis as may be agreed between the
Issuer and the relevant Dealer.
The margin (if any) relating to such floating rate will be
agreed between the Issuer and the relevant Dealer for each
Series of Floating Rate Notes.
Floating Rate Notes may also have a maximum interest
rate, a minimum interest rate or both.
Interest on Floating Rate Notes in respect of each Interest
Period, as agreed prior to issue by the Issuer and the
relevant Dealer, will be payable on such Interest Payment
Dates and will be calculated on the basis of such Day
Count Fraction, as may be agreed between the Issuer and
the relevant Dealer.
Exempt Notes:
The Issuer may issue Exempt Notes which are Index
Linked Notes, Dual Currency Notes, Partly Paid Notes or
Notes redeemable in one or more instalments.
Index Linked Notes: Payments of principal in respect of
Index Linked Redemption Notes or of interest in respect of
Index Linked Interest Notes will be calculated by reference
to such index and/or formula or to changes in the prices of
securities or commodities or to such other factors as the
Issuer and the relevant Dealer may agree.
Dual Currency Notes: Payments (whether in respect of
principal or interest and whether at maturity or otherwise) in
respect of Dual Currency Notes will be made in such
currencies, and based on such rates of exchange, as the
Issuer and the relevant Dealer may agree.
Partly Paid Notes: The Issuer may issue Notes in respect
of which the issue price is paid in separate instalments in
such amounts and on such dates as the Issuer and the
relevant Dealer may agree.
Notes redeemable in instalments: The Issuer may issue
Notes which may be redeemed in separate instalments in
such amounts and on such dates as the Issuer and the
relevant Dealer may agree.
The Issuer and the Guarantors may agree with any Dealer
and the Trustee that Exempt Notes may be issued in a form
not contemplated by the Terms and Conditions of the
Notes, in which event the relevant provisions will be
included in the applicable Final Terms.
Zero Coupon Notes:
Zero Coupon Notes will be offered and sold at a discount to
their nominal amount and will not bear interest.
Notes other than Exempt Notes will be redeemed on their
stated maturity at 100 per cent. of their nominal amount.
Exempt Notes will be redeemed on their stated maturity at
the amount specified in, or determined in the manner
specified in, the applicable Final Terms.
The applicable Final Terms will indicate either that the
relevant Notes cannot be redeemed prior to their stated
maturity (other than in the case of Exempt Notes in
specified instalments, if applicable, or for taxation reasons
or following an Event of Default) or that such Notes will be
redeemable at the option of the Issuer and/or the
Noteholders upon giving notice to the Noteholders or the
Issuer or upon the occurrence of certain change of control
events relating to GEP or the Management Company on a
date or dates specified prior to such stated maturity and at
a price or prices and on such other terms as may be agreed
between the Issuer and the relevant Dealer.
Notes having a maturity of less than one year may be
subject to restrictions on their denomination and
distribution, see Certain Restrictions - Notes having a
maturity of less than one year” above.
Denomination of Notes:
The Notes will be issued in such denominations as may be
agreed between the Issuer and the relevant Dealer and as
indicated in the applicable Final Terms save that the
minimum denomination of each Note will be such amount
as may be allowed or required from time to time by the
relevant central bank (or equivalent body) or any laws or
regulations applicable to the relevant Specified Currency,
see Certain Restrictions - Notes having a maturity of less
than one year above, and save that the minimum
denomination of each Note will be not less than 150,000
(or, if the Notes are denominated in a currency other than
euro, the equivalent amount in such currency).
All payments in respect of the Notes will be made without
deduction for or on account of withholding taxes imposed
by any Tax Jurisdiction as provided in Condition 8. In the
event that any such deduction is made, the Issuer or, as the
case may be, the relevant Guarantor will, save in certain
limited circumstances provided in Condition 8, be required
to pay additional amounts to cover the amounts so
Financial Covenants:
So long as any of the Notes remains outstanding, the
Issuer and the Guarantors will be subject to certain financial
covenants, as further described in Condition 4.
Cross Acceleration:
The terms of the Notes will contain a cross acceleration
provision as further described in Condition 10.
Status of the Notes:
The Notes will constitute direct, unconditional,
unsubordinated and unsecured obligations of the Issuer
and will rank pari passu among themselves and (save for
certain obligations required to be preferred by law) equally
with all other unsecured obligations (other than
subordinated obligations, if any) of the Issuer, from time to
time outstanding.
Notes Guarantee:
The Notes will be unconditionally and irrevocably
guaranteed on a joint and several basis by each of the
Guarantors (the Notes Guarantee). The obligations of each
Guarantor under the Notes Guarantee will be direct,
unconditional, unsubordinated and unsecured obligations of
such Guarantor and (save for certain obligations required to
be preferred by law) will rank equally with all other
unsecured obligations (other than subordinated obligations,
if any) of such Guarantor, from time to time outstanding.
The Programme is rated Baa1 by Moody’s and BBB by
S&P. Series of Notes issued under the Programme may be
rated or unrated. Where a Series of Notes is rated, such
rating will be disclosed in the applicable Final Terms and
will not necessarily be the same as the ratings assigned to
the Programme and/or GEP. A security rating is not a
recommendation to buy, sell or hold securities and may be
subject to suspension, reduction or withdrawal at any time
by the assigning rating agency.
Approval, Admission to Trading
and Listing:
Application has been made to the CSSF to approve this
document as a base prospectus. Application has also been
made for Notes issued under the Programme to be listed
on the Official List of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange and
admitted to trading on the regulated market of the
Luxembourg Stock Exchange.
Notes may be listed or admitted to trading, as the case may
be, on other or further stock exchanges or markets agreed
between the Issuer and the relevant Dealer in relation to
the Series. Exempt Notes which are neither listed nor
admitted to trading on any market may also be issued.
The applicable Final Terms will state whether the relevant
Notes are to be listed and/or admitted to trading and, if so,
on which stock exchanges and/or markets.
Governing Law:
The Notes and any non-contractual obligations arising out
of or in connection with the Notes will be governed by, and
shall be construed in accordance with, English law.
Selling Restrictions:
There are restrictions on the offer, sale and transfer of the
Notes in the United States, the EEA (including the
Netherlands and the UK), Switzerland and Japan and such
other restrictions as may be required in connection with the
offering and sale of a particular Tranche of Notes, see
Subscription and Sale”.
United States Selling
Regulation S, Category 2. TEFRA C or D/TEFRA not
applicable, as specified in the applicable Final Terms.
The Issuer and the Guarantors believe that the following factors may affect their ability to fulfil
their respective obligations in respect of Notes issued under the Programme. These factors are
contingencies which may or may not occur and neither the Issuer nor the Guarantors are in a
position to express a view on the likelihood of any such contingency occurring.
The Issuer and the Guarantors believe that the factors described below represent the principal
risks inherent in investing in Notes issued under the Programme. In purchasing Notes, investors
assume the risk that the Issuer and/or one or more Guarantors may become insolvent or
otherwise be unable to make all payments due in respect of the Notes. There is a wide range of
factors which individually or together could result in the Issuer and/or the Guarantors becoming
unable to make all payments due in respect of the Notes. It is not possible to identify all such
factors or to determine which factors are most likely to occur, as the Issuer and the Guarantors
may not be aware of all relevant factors and certain factors which they currently deem not to be
material may become material as a result of the occurrence of events outside the Issuers and
the Guarantors control. The Issuer and the Guarantors have identified in this Base Prospectus
a number of factors which could materially adversely affect their businesses and ability to make
payments due under the Notes. In addition, factors which are material for the purpose of
assessing the market risks associated with Notes issued under the Programme are also
described below.
Prospective investors should also read the detailed information set out elsewhere in this Base
Prospectus and reach their own views prior to making any investment decision.
References in this Risk Factors section to the “Group” are to the “Group” as defined in Condition
Risks relating to the markets in which the Group operates generally
GEP could be adversely affected by economic conditions, fluctuations in both the value
and the rental income of the Portfolio and other factors
The results of the operations of the Group may be materially adversely affected by a number of
factors including:
rental income generated from the property and the expenses incurred in the operations;
the conditions in the national and local economy, such as growth in gross domestic
product, employment trends and the level of inflation and interest rates;
local real estate conditions, such as the level of demand for, and supply of, industrial
property and business space;
the availability of financing;
the perception of prospective customers of the attractiveness and convenience of the
relevant property;
the financial condition of customers;
high vacancy rates;
potential environmental or other legal liabilities;
unforeseen capital expenditures;
rising operational costs such as energy costs;
external factors, including major world events, such as war and terrorist attacks, and
natural disasters, such as floods and earthquakes; and
changes in laws and governmental regulations, including tenancy, zoning, planning,
environmental or tax laws.
An adverse change in any of the factors listed above could have a material adverse effect on
the results of the operations of the Group and in turn the ability of the Issuer and/or the
Guarantors to service their respective obligations under the terms of the Notes or the Notes
Guarantee, as applicable.
The Group has exposure to risks in relation to the EU and the Eurozone
The Group’s operations and the Portfolio are located exclusively in continental Europe. In recent
years, concerns about credit risk (including that of sovereigns) in many European countries
have continued. This is particularly the case in southern Europe. As at 30 June 2016, 1.7 per
cent. of the Portfolio was located in Italy and Spain while none of the Portfolio was located in
Portugal, Greece or Ireland. Sovereign debt defaults and the exit of Member State(s) from the
EU and/or from the group of Member States of the EU which have adopted the euro as their
lawful common currency (the Eurozone) could have a material adverse effect on the Groups
ability to make investments and perform its operations, including but not limited to: the
availability of credit to acquire or dispose of properties; uncertainty and disruption in relation to
financing and customer and supply contracts denominated in euro; wider economic disruption in
markets in which the Group operates; and austerity and other measures introduced to limit or
contain these issues themselves leading to economic contraction and resulting in adverse
effects for the Group and its investments. GEP is denominated in euro, as are likely to be most
of the Group’s investments, and legal uncertainty about the satisfaction of obligations to fund
commitments in euro following any break-up of or exits from the EU or the Eurozone
(particularly in the case of investors or investments domiciled in affected countries) could also
have a material adverse effect on GEP and the rest of the Group, and consequently the Issuers
and/or the Guarantors ability to service their respective obligations under the Notes or the
Notes Guarantee, as applicable.
A decline in the Logistics sector as a whole may adversely affect the Group’s business
The Group’s investments are concentrated in the Logistics sector. Any economic downturn in
the Logistics sector or any sub-sector of it may adversely affect the operations and financial
performance of the Group and this may have a material adverse effect on the ability of the
Issuer and/or the Guarantors to service their respective obligations under the terms of the Notes
or the Notes Guarantee, as applicable.
Risks relating to the Groups business
The Issuer is a finance vehicle
The Issuer was created as a special purpose vehicle to raise debt on behalf of the Group. Its
primary business activity is the issue of Notes, the lending of the proceeds of any Note issue(s)
to the Group, the receipt of loan repayments from members of the Group, the servicing of its
obligations under the Notes and certain activities ancillary thereto. The Issuer’s only material
assets are its right to receive repayment of the loan(s) by which it has lent the proceeds of the
Note issue(s) to other members of the Group. The ability of the Issuer to meet its obligations
under the Notes and to pay its other expenses is therefore dependent on its receipt of
repayments from other members of the Group and/or the performance by the Guarantors of
their respective obligations under the Notes Guarantee. Other than the foregoing, the Issuer
does not have any significant funds available to it to meet its obligations under the Notes.
Real estate investments are not as liquid as other types of assets, which may affect the
Group’s ability to react promptly to certain changes
Real estate investments are not as liquid as other types of investment and this lack of liquidity
may limit the Group’s ability to react promptly to changes in economic or other conditions. For
example, the Group may not be able to sell properties at prices that reflect their current market
value or at all in the event of a downturn in the market. In addition, significant expenditures
associated with real estate investments, such as mortgage payments, real estate taxes and
maintenance costs, are relatively fixed, despite circumstances causing a reduction in income
from such investments. Certain costs are also incurred in the sale of real estate properties,
which can significantly reduce the proceeds received by the Group from any such sales of
The Group is subject to leverage restrictions under the Management Regulations (see Selected
Financial Information) and in respect of financing arrangements (including the Programme). If
the Group is required to sell assets to repay debt to comply with these leverage restrictions, the
lack of liquidity of property investments may have a material adverse effect on its ability to do so
or its ability to achieve market prices in such a sale, which may have a material adverse effect
on the ability of the Issuer and/or the Guarantors to service their respective obligations under
the terms of the Notes or the Notes Guarantee, as applicable. The Group may also be required
to investigate alternative methods to manage leverage, including, for example, raising equity.
There can be no assurance that such alternatives will be available to the Group. Taking any of
these measures may have a material adverse effect on the ability of the Issuer and/or the
Guarantors to service their respective obligations under the terms of the Notes or the Notes
Guarantee, as applicable.
Maintenance and redevelopment costs could negatively affect the results of the
operations of the Group
The Groups maintenance, refurbishment and redevelopment costs could have a material
adverse effect on the Group’s results of operations and the ability of the Issuer and/or the
Guarantors to service their respective obligations under the terms of the Notes or the Notes
Guarantee, as applicable. If the Group does not carry out maintenance, refurbishment and
redevelopment, its properties may become less attractive to customers and rental yields may
fall. Additionally, the Group may need to expend additional funds to keep its ageing properties (if
any) in adequate repair.
The Group’s consolidated balance sheet and income statement may be significantly
affected by fluctuations in the fair market value of the Group’s properties as a result of
The Group’s properties are independently revalued periodically, and any increase or decrease
in the value of its properties is recorded in GEP’s income statement in the period during which
the revaluation occurs. As a result, the Group can have significant non-cash gains and losses
from period to period, depending on the change in fair market value of its properties, whether or
not such properties are sold. Any such fluctuations could have an adverse effect on the Groups
financial condition and results of operations. Furthermore, in periods of economic volatility
and/or low market liquidity, it can become more difficult for independent valuers to prepare an
assessment of the fair market value of properties and this can in turn create uncertainty
regarding how the Group’s properties are valued which might adversely affect the Groups
financial position and have a material adverse effect on the Issuers and/or the Guarantors
ability to service their respective obligations under the Notes or the Notes Guarantee, as
A valuation is an estimate of the fair value of the property and valuers rely on a variety of
assumptions when appraising properties. Valuations do not therefore necessarily represent the
price at which the property could be sold in the open market, which could adversely affect the
value of the Portfolio and therefore have a material adverse effect on the ability of the Issuer to
service its obligations under the terms of the Notes.
Annualised incomes or figures may not reflect actual results
Any annualised figure provided in this Base Prospectus is for illustration only and may not
reflect actual results, which could differ significantly.
The Group faces significant competition in each of its markets
The Group has a number of competitors in Europe. Its competitors include local companies
owning distribution facilities and other companies that own, or seek to own, distribution facilities
across a number of countries in Europe. Competitors may own or operate distribution facilities
that are more conveniently located, have more suitable space, or are otherwise more attractive
to potential customers. Some of these competitors also have significant resources. Competition
may result in a reduction of rental income or the Group incurring increased costs to refurbish or
build distribution facilities that are more attractive to current or potential customers. Competition
may increase as companies seek to attract or retain customers. The impact of competition may
have a material adverse effect on the Groups financial condition, results of operations and the
ability of the Issuer and/or the Guarantors to service their respective obligations under the terms
of the Notes or the Notes Guarantee, as applicable.
Loss of the right of first refusal over Goodman’s development pipeline
A key component to the Group’s Investment Strategy is the right of first refusal over Goodmans
continental European development pipeline. The right of first refusal is contained in the
Relationship Deed (as defined, and as further described, in Service Agreements Relationship
Deed) and, to the extent that agreement is terminated (for example, as a result of the removal of
the Management Company as the management company of GEP), then the right of first refusal
will no longer be made available to GEP. Such an event may affect the Group’s ability to source
favourable investment opportunities and may have a material adverse effect on the ability of the
Issuer and/or the Guarantors to service their respective obligations under the terms of the Notes
or the Notes Guarantee, as applicable.
Nature as a fund and removal of the Management Company
GEP is an externally managed investment fund, domiciled and regulated in Luxembourg and
reserved for Well-Informed Investors. The structure, governance and management of GEP are
regulated under a number of agreements, including the Management Regulations, Property
Services Agreement and Relationship Deed. There can be no guarantee that the terms of these
agreements will not change in the future, which could have a material impact upon the
profitability of GEP.
Under the Management Regulations, Unitholders can remove the Management Company as
the management company of GEP in certain circumstances (for example, where a court of first
instance has declared the Investment Adviser bankrupt or insolvent or following a change of
control of Goodman or the Management Company). In such circumstances, the removal of the
Management Company as the management company of GEP will allow Goodman to terminate
the Relationship Deed and the other service contracts it has with GEP, such as the Investment
Advisory Agreement and the Property Services Agreement. The loss of such contracts may
negatively affect the management of GEP, the Group and/or the Portfolio and this may have a
material adverse effect on the ability of the Issuer and/or the Guarantors to service their
respective obligations under the terms of the Notes or the Notes Guarantee, as applicable.
Under the Management Regulations the Management Company is obliged to undertake
periodic reviews to identify which if any Unitholders may wish to exit their investments in GEP.
To the extent that one or more Unitholders seek to exit their investment in GEP the
Management Company may choose to facilitate the Unitholder request via a redemption of the
Units. Should Units be redeemed, the financing of the redemption via sales of investment
properties or other means may have an adverse impact upon the profitability of GEP.
Development risk
The Group may undertake limited on balance sheet developments. Risks associated with such
developments may include:
the Group’s development projects may be subject to the hazards and risks normally
associated with the construction and development of commercial real estate, any of
which could result in increased costs and/or damage to persons or property;
planning permissions for developments may be delayed or refused or granted on
onerous terms, which would result in a development not proceeding as intended and
potentially increased costs;
failure to find suitable funding for proposed developments could mean the Group is
unable to take advantage of development opportunities;
failure to fully let the property prior to completion of the development;
a development project may be delayed or unsuccessful, with the investment cost
exceeding the value of the project on completion; and
a failure of the asset to generate income in these circumstances.
The occurrence of one or more of the events described above could adversely affect the
Group’s financial condition, results of operations, future prospects, cash flow and the ability of
the Issuer and/or the Guarantors to service their respective obligations under the terms of the
Notes or the Notes Guarantee, as applicable.
Acquisition risk
The acquisition of properties involves risks, including the risk that the acquired property will not
perform as anticipated and the risk that any actual costs for rehabilitation, repositioning,
renovation and improvements identified in the pre-acquisition due diligence process will exceed
estimates. While GEP’s policy is to undertake appropriate due diligence to assess these risks,
unexpected problems and latent liabilities or contingencies such as the existence of hazardous
substances, for example asbestos or other environmental liabilities, may still emerge. Further,
the Group may end up bearing due diligence costs and pay a deposit without the transaction
reaching completion, and thus there is an associated cost with pursuing such opportunities.
Should any such risks materialise, the revenues and results of operations of the Group could be
adversely affected and this may have a material adverse effect on the ability of the Issuer and/or
the Guarantors to service their respective obligations under the terms of the Notes or the Notes
Guarantee, as applicable.
Disposal risk
The Group may decide to dispose of one or more properties (make a Disposal). A Disposal
may expose the Group to risks relating to both the Disposal itself and the financial position of
the Group following the Disposal. The Group’s ability to make a Disposal on favourable terms or
for a favourable price is affected by market conditions beyond the Group’s control. As such,
proceeds from the Disposal may differ from the book value of the property as reflected in the
Group’s financial statements. This may have an adverse impact upon the profitability and credit
worthiness of the Group. The process of selling a property may cause the Group to incur costs
which will affect the net proceeds of a sale, and may also apply in the event that the Disposal is
not completed. The Group may have to make certain representations and warranties in respect
of a sold property, which could result in a future financial liability for the Group. A Disposal will
affect the characteristics of the Group’s remaining investment portfolio; in respect of a significant
number of Disposals this impact could be material.
The Group could also find itself unable to make a Disposal due to lack of demand. If the Group
is unable to generate proceeds through Disposals, or if there is a material delay in effecting
Disposals, this may adversely impact the liquidity and cash flow of the Group and therefore its
ability to service its obligations under the terms of the Notes.
Leverage and refinancing risk
As of 30 June 2016 the Group had €918 million of drawn interest-bearing liabilities and, in
accordance with the Management Regulations and Investment Guidelines, intends to continue
to use debt strategically as a means of optimising returns on its investments. Additional
borrowing may be required to make further investments in existing assets and/or to refinance
outstanding debt. As a result, the Group will be exposed to refinancing risks, including the risks
that available funds will be insufficient to meet required payments and the risk that existing
indebtedness will not be refinanced or additional debt obtained or that the terms of such
refinancing or additional debt will not be as favourable as the terms of existing indebtedness.
There are no assurances that the Group will be able to refinance any loan amount on maturity
for a variety of reasons including, but not restricted to, limitations within the banks themselves,
or the general availability of credit within local and global capital markets. Furthermore, there is
no guarantee that the Group will be able to meet its loan obligations (including principal and
interest payments) due to the illiquid nature of underlying property assets. Group indebtedness
is typically subject to financial and other covenants; such covenants may limit flexibility in the
Group’s operation and failure to meet such covenants could have a material adverse effect
upon the Group including in respect of its ability to make payments under the Programme.
The Group’s return on investments and its cash flow may be reduced to the extent that changes
in market conditions cause the cost of its borrowings to increase relative to the value of the
income that can be derived from the Portfolio, or if its financing costs exceed the income
received by the Group from the investments funded with the relevant debt. The ability of the
Issuer and/or the Guarantors to service their respective obligations under the terms of the Notes
or the Notes Guarantee, as applicable, may therefore be materially adversely affected.
Reliance on lease payments and exposure to key customers
The Portfolio is let to a range of occupiers in various economic sectors. However, given the
nature of the Logistics market, and the continued trend of consolidation among Logistics
operators, there are a number of very large participants who have significant requirements for
Logistics space in Europe. This means that the Group has an element of customer
concentration risk in its Portfolio. As at 30 June 2016, 46.1 per cent. of Portfolio income was
derived from the Group’s ten largest customers, with 25.3 per cent. deriving from the Group’s
three largest customers, Amazon, DB Schenker and Kuehne + Nagel. In the event that a
significant customer was to suffer damage to its own business such as insolvency or any other
material effect which had the impact that it ceased to be able to continue to pay its rent, the
Group may have a material credit exposure.
The Group seeks to mitigate this risk, to the extent possible, by investigating the occupier credit
strength at lease commencement, seeking parent or bank guarantees where appropriate, and
working to minimise the level of customer concentration. The financial situation of the Groups
customers is also reviewed regularly to monitor this risk. Nevertheless, the Group may be
adversely affected if a significant number of its customers or a major customer is unable to meet
their, or its, lease obligations. At any time, a customer may experience a downturn in its
business that may weaken its financial condition. As a result, customers may fail to make rental
payments when due or require a restructure of their lease terms, or may declare bankruptcy or
enter into liquidation, any of which may reduce cash flow from their lease. In the event of a
default by a significant number of the Group’s customers or a default by any of its major
customers on all or a significant portion of their leases, the Group may suffer decreased rents
and incur substantial costs in enforcing its rights as a landlord, which may adversely affect its
results of operations and have a material adverse effect on the ability of the Issuer and/or the
Guarantors to service their respective obligations under the terms of the Notes or the Notes
Guarantee, as applicable.
The Group’s business depends on its ability to renew leases or lease available space
The Group’s business and results of operations depends on its ability to lease, on economically
favourable terms, the assets comprising the Portfolio. The number of Logistics properties
available in a market or sub- market could adversely affect both the Group’s ability to lease
available space and the rental rates that could be obtained in new leases. Upon the expiration
of leases relating to properties within the Portfolio, existing customers may elect not to, or be
prevented from, renewing the leases and it is possible that the relevant property may not be re-
leased to new customers or that the terms of renewal or re-leasing (including the cost of
required renovations or concessions to customers) may be less favourable to the Group than
current lease terms. Should the Group be unable to lease a property following the completion of
the property or following the expiration of a lease, or only be able to lease it on less favourable
terms, this may have a material adverse effect on the results of operations of the Group and on
the ability of the Issuer and/or the Guarantors to service their respective obligations under the
terms of the Notes or the Notes Guarantee, as applicable. Significant expenses associated with
real estate investments, such as mortgage payments, taxes, and maintenance costs, are not
generally reduced in the event of a reduction or interruption of rental income from such
The Group’s insurance does not cover all potential losses and may cease to be
affordable or available
To the extent available, the Group aims to maintain insurance to cover its interests in the
against all normally insurable risks of loss or damage;
for loss of rent arising due to damage caused by normally insurable risks for a period of
not less than two years; and
against acts of sabotage and terrorism, including any third party liability arising from
such acts.
The Group currently also maintains public liability insurance over the properties in the Portfolio.
Any such insurance is arranged on terms and conditions that are consistent with market
practice, following consultation with insurance brokers engaged in European real estate, and is
renewed annually. It may be or become either impossible or uneconomical to insure the
Portfolio, particularly regarding coverage for certain types of risk (such as war, nuclear events,
terrorism, civil disturbances, earthquake, flood, environmental matters and customer rent
default) in some or all territories in which the Group holds investments. In addition, in the event
that the Group does not pay the insurance premiums when due or takes, or fails to take, any
action which voids the insurance policies, the Group might not have the benefit of the applicable
insurance policies. In the event of an uninsured loss, or a loss in excess of insured limits, the
Group may lose both its capital invested in, and the return expected from, the investments
concerned, while remaining liable with respect to indebtedness and other obligations incurred in
connection with such investments. If any such event were to occur, the ability of the Issuer
and/or the Guarantors to service their respective obligations under the Notes or the Notes
Guarantee, as applicable, may be materially adversely affected.
Environmental risk
Various laws may require current or previous owners or occupiers of property to investigate
and/or clean up hazardous or toxic substances. Owners or occupiers may also be obliged to
pay for property damage and for investigation and clean-up costs incurred by others in
connection with such substances. Such laws typically impose clean-up responsibility and liability
having regard to whether such owners or occupiers knew of, or caused, the presence or escape
of the substances. Even if more than one person may have been responsible or liable for the
contamination, each person caught by the relevant environmental laws may be held responsible
for all of the clean-up costs incurred.
In addition, third parties may bring legal proceedings against a property’s current or previous
owner, occupier or other party in control of such property for damages and costs resulting from
substances emanating from that property. These damages and costs may be substantial. The
presence of substances on a property could also result in personal injury or similar claims by
private claimants.
If any member of the Group was found to be liable for any such claims or removal or
remediation costs or damages, the Group’s results of operations and cash flow, and therefore
the ability of the Issuer and/or the Guarantors to service their respective obligations under the
Notes or the Notes Guarantee, as applicable, could be adversely affected.
Neither the Issuer nor any of the Guarantors is currently aware of any environmental liability that
it believes would have a material adverse effect on its business, financial condition or results of
operations. However, the Issuer and the Guarantors cannot give any assurance that such
conditions do not exist or may not arise in the future. The presence of such hazardous
substances or other conditions in the Portfolio could adversely affect the Group’s ability to sell
its real estate investments or to borrow using such investments as collateral, and clean-up or
regulatory costs may also have a material adverse effect on the Group’s cash flow and therefore
the ability of the Issuer and/or the Guarantors to service their respective obligations under the
Notes or the Notes Guarantee, as applicable.
Moreover, the Group is subject to the risk that environmental laws and regulations may become
more onerous over time, which could in turn create additional costs and limit the Group’s future
Exposure to service providers
The Group uses service providers in connection with its business and the Portfolio. Although
GEP carefully selects the service providers to the Group (including Goodman as the Property
Manager and Investment Adviser), it cannot be excluded that the institutions, including
brokerage firms, banks and property services providers, with which the Group does business, or
to which assets have been entrusted for custodial purposes, will encounter financial difficulties
that may impair their operational capabilities. Any adverse effect on the financial situation or
operational capabilities of a service provider may cause substantial financial losses to the
Group, including, but not limited to, the costs of terminating the relevant arrangement and
replacing such service provider, and this may have a material adverse effect on the ability of the
Issuer and/or the Guarantors to service their respective obligations under the terms of the Notes
or the Notes Guarantee, as applicable.
Multi-jurisdictional investment
The Group’s primary objective is to invest in property located in different jurisdictions across
continental Europe. While such geographic diversification creates greater opportunities for
investment and may dilute individual market risk, each of these jurisdictions has a distinct
economic, political, social, cultural, business, industrial and labour environment and specific
sets of laws, regulations, accounting practices and business customs. Real estate law and
practice may vary considerably from one jurisdiction to another, and in particular there are
considerable differences in practice between civil law and common law countries. As a result, no
single method of investing in property and managing property investments can be applied
uniformly, or be expected to produce uniform results, across all jurisdictions concerned.
Noteholders could be effectively subordinated to creditors of the Groups non-Guarantor
The Issuer and the Guarantor’s ability to make payments under the Notes and the Notes
Guarantee, as applicable, will depend, at least in part, upon their receipt of repayments,
dividends, distributions, interest payments and/or advances from members of the Group which
are not Guarantors (the non-Guarantor Group). The ability of such non-Guarantor Group
members to pay dividends and other amounts to the Issuer and/or the Guarantors may be
subject to their profitability and to applicable law or restrictions on the payment of dividends and
other amounts contained in relevant financing or other agreements to which those subsidiaries
are party. Claims of creditors of such companies will have priority as to the assets of such
companies over the Issuer, the Guarantor and their creditors, including Noteholders.
Consequently, payments under the Notes and the Notes Guarantee are effectively structurally
subordinated to all existing and future liabilities and obligations of each member of the non-
Guarantor Group. However, the obligations of the Issuer and the Guarantors to make payments
under the Notes and the Notes Guarantee, as applicable, rank pari passu with their obligations
to make repayments under any unsecured interest rate swaps to the extent such are
outstanding. As of 30 June 2016, the non-Guarantor Group members had a 18 million crédit
bail maturing in 2027 in relation to one property in France.
The Group may face competition from Goodman or its Affiliates
Goodman and other funds managed by Goodman may have investment objectives and policies
comparable with those of the Group and may be in competition with the Group. The Group has
Management Regulations, related party policies and conflicts of interest policies in place that
seek to identify and manage conflicts of interest between Goodman and the Group. However,
there can be no assurance that conflicts of interest may not arise and any such conflicts or
competition could have an adverse effect on revenues of the Group, and this could have a
material adverse effect on the ability of the Issuer and/or the Guarantors to service their
respective obligations under the terms of the Notes or the Notes Guarantee, as applicable.
Stand-alone financial statements for each Guarantor have not been included in this Base
This Base Prospectus does not include or incorporate the stand-alone historical financial
statements of any Guarantor. It does, however, incorporate the audited consolidated annual
financial statements of GEP for the financial years ended 31 December 2014 and 31 December
2015 and the unaudited consolidated financial report of GEP as at 30 June 2016. Stand-alone
financial statements for each Guarantor have not been included in this Base Prospectus
because each Guarantor (other than GEP) is, directly or indirectly, a wholly-owned subsidiary of
GEP. Each Guarantor (other than GEP) acts as an intermediate holding company and does not
undertake any operational activities. The audited consolidated annual financial statements of
GEP provide a true and fair view of the comprehensive income, financial position and cash
flows of GEP and its subsidiaries (including the Guarantors other than GEP) and separate
historical financial statements for each other Guarantor have therefore not been included in this
Base Prospectus.
Legal, regulatory and taxation risk
Legal risk
The Group must comply with legal requirements, including requirements imposed by securities
laws and company laws, planning regulations, construction and operating permits and licences,
laws relating to international sanctions, health and safety regulations, environmental
regulations, lease laws, labour regulations and corporate and tax laws, in various jurisdictions.
In particular the EU Directive on Alternative Investment Fund Managers (the AIFM Directive)
has changed the regulatory requirements to which GEP’s operations are subject. The AIFM
Directive has resulted and may continue to result in increased regulatory requirements for GEP,
the Management Company and other service providers and increased expenses may be borne
by GEP going forward as a consequence.
Changes in law, the regulatory framework and/or the loss of benefits associated with a status or
an authorisation could require that the Group adapt its business activities, its assets or its
strategy (including geographical presence), possibly leading to a material significant impact in
the value of the Portfolio and/or its results, an increase in its expenses and/or a slowing or even
halting of the development of certain investment or letting activities, and this may have a
material adverse effect on the ability of the Issuer and/or the Guarantors to service their
respective obligations under the terms of the Notes or the Notes Guarantee, as applicable.
Litigation risk
In the normal course of its operations, the Group could from time to time be involved in legal
and other disputes (including industrial disputes). This may also lead to adverse publicity for the
Group. Any litigation or adverse publicity may have a material adverse effect on the Groups
business, reputation, financial condition, earnings, operating results and/or the value of its
assets, which in turn may adversely affect the Issuer’s and/or the Guarantors’ ability to service
their respective obligations under the Notes or the Notes Guarantee, as applicable.
Taxation risk
Maintaining a tax-efficient structure is an important factor affecting operating results. GEP holds
the Portfolio through a number of subsidiaries and other investment vehicles and endeavours to
operate in a tax- efficient manner. However, tax charges and withholding taxes in various
jurisdictions in which GEP may invest will affect the level of intercompany loan payments,
distributions or other payments made to it. Changes in tax treaties, laws, regulations or
interpretations by tax authorities could increase tax liabilities and/or require changes in GEP’s
structure, which could negatively affect the ability of the Issuer and/or the Guarantors to service
their respective obligations under the terms of the Notes or the Notes Guarantee, as applicable.
No assurance can be given as to the level of taxation which may be incurred by the Issuer or
the Guarantors.
The Group may be jointly held liable to French 3 per cent. Tax
According to article 990D et seq. of the French Tax Code, legal entities, organisations, trusts or
similar institutions which directly or indirectly own real estate assets or certain rights over real
estate assets located in France are liable for an annual tax equal to 3 per cent. of the market
value of French real estate or rights over such real estate that they own (French 3 per cent.
Tax). GEP is not listed on a recognised stock exchange and will therefore not qualify for the
listing exemption (Article 990E 2° b of the French Tax Code).
Accordingly, any Unitholder will not automatically be exempt from French 3 per cent. Tax in
respect of its interest in GEP, although other exemptions may apply to that Unitholder.
If a Unitholder should fail to qualify for one of the exemptions from the French 3 per cent. Tax, or
should fail to fulfil its obligations in respect of filings and payment of the French 3 per cent. Tax,
this would potentially generate a tax liability for GEP or any of its subsidiaries in the ownership
chain of the French real estate, which could adversely affect the Issuers and/or the Guarantors
ability to service their respective obligations under the Notes or the Notes Guarantee, as
The insolvency laws of Luxembourg may not be as favourable to prospective investors
as insolvency laws of jurisdictions with which such investors may be familiar and may
preclude holders of the Notes from recovering payments due on the Notes
The Management Company (in its capacity as a Luxembourg management company acting for
the account of GEP), GELF European Holdings (Lux) S.À R.L. and GELF Investments (Lux) S.À
R.L. (together, the Luxembourg Guarantors) and the Issuer are incorporated and have their
centre of main interests in Luxembourg. Accordingly, insolvency proceedings with respect to the
Issuer and the Luxembourg Guarantors may proceed under, and be governed by, Luxembourg
insolvency laws. The insolvency laws of Luxembourg may not be as favourable to investors
interests as those of other jurisdictions with which investors may be familiar and may limit the
ability of Noteholders to enforce the terms of the Notes. Insolvency proceedings may have a
material adverse effect on the Issuer’s or the Luxembourg Guarantors’ business and assets and
their respective obligations under the Notes or the Notes Guarantee, as applicable.
The insolvency laws of the Netherlands may not be as favourable to prospective
investors as insolvency laws of other jurisdictions
C€LOGIX N.V. and C€LOGIX Properties Holding B.V. (each, a Dutch Guarantor) are
incorporated in the Netherlands. Where a Dutch Guarantor has its centre of main interests” or
an “establishment” in the Netherlands, it can be subjected to insolvency proceedings in this
jurisdiction. Such insolvency proceedings applicable to each Dutch Guarantor will be governed
by Dutch insolvency laws, subject to certain exceptions as provided for in the EU Insolvency
Regulation. Dutch insolvency laws are different from the insolvency laws of other jurisdictions,
and this may limit a prospective investor’s ability to recover payments due on the Notes to an
extent exceeding the limitations arising under other insolvency laws.
The guarantee given by each Luxembourg Guarantor may be limited
Subject as provided in the sentence that follows, the obligations and liabilities of a Luxembourg
Guarantor in respect of the Notes, including under the Notes Guarantee, are limited to an
aggregate amount not exceeding 90 per cent. of that Luxembourg Guarantor’s net assets or, as
the case may be, current unit value, as defined in accordance with Article 10.2 of the
Management Regulations. However, this limitation of the obligations and liabilities of a
Luxembourg Guarantor does not extend to the obligations incurred by a direct or indirect
Subsidiary of that Luxembourg Guarantor (which, at the time of this Base Prospectus, would
include the Notes Guarantee granted by GEP, as the Issuer is an indirect subsidiary of GEP). As
a result, recourse under the Notes Guarantee to any Luxembourg Guarantor of which the Issuer
is not a direct or indirect Subsidiary will be limited to an amount which is less than the total
assets of that Luxembourg Guarantor.
Dutch fraudulent conveyance laws and other limitations on the validity and enforceability
of the Notes Guarantee may adversely affect its validity and enforceability
A potential investor may not be able to enforce, or recover any amounts under, the Notes
Guarantee of any Dutch Guarantor due to restrictions on the validity and enforceability of
guarantees under Dutch law.
Under Dutch law, receipt of any payment under a guarantee may be affected by (a) the
standards of reasonableness and fairness (maatstaven van redelijkheid en billijkheid); (b) force
majeure (niet-toerekenbare tekortkoming) and unforeseen circumstances (onvoorziene
omstandigheden); and (c) the other general defences available to debtors under Dutch law in
respect of the validity, binding effect and enforceability of such guarantee. Other general
defences include claims that a guarantee should be voided because it was entered into through
undue influence (misbruik van omstandigheden), by fraud (bedrog), under duress (bedreiging)
or in error (dwaling).
The validity and enforceability of a guarantee may also be successfully contested by a Dutch
company (or its receiver in bankruptcy) on the basis of an ultra vires claim. Such a claim will be
successful if both (i) the granting of a guarantee does not fall within the scope of the objects
clause as set out in the articles of association of the Dutch company (doeloverschrijding) and (ii)
the counterparty of such Dutch company under the relevant guarantee knew or ought to have
known (without inquiry) of this fact. In determining whether the granting of a guarantee is in
furtherance of the objects and purposes of a Dutch company, a court will consider (i) the text of
the objects clause in the articles of association of such company; (ii) whether the granting of
such guarantee is in such company’s corporate interests (vennootschappelijk belang) and to its
benefit; and (iii) whether the subsistence of such company is jeopardised by the granting of
such guarantee. The mere fact that a certain legal act (rechtshandeling) is explicitly reflected in
a Dutch company’s objects clause may not be conclusive evidence that such legal act is not
ultra vires. Rather, a transaction must be in the corporate interest of a Dutch company and must
not jeopardise its subsistence in order to withstand a challenge that it is ultra vires.
Dutch law contains specific provisions dealing with fraudulent conveyance both in and outside
of bankruptcy, the so-called actio pauliana provisions. The actio pauliana offers creditors
protection against a decrease in their means of recovery. A legal act performed by a person
(including, without limitation, an agreement pursuant to which it guarantees the performance of
the obligations of a third party and any other legal act having similar effect) can be challenged in
or outside bankruptcy of the relevant person and may be nullified by the receiver in bankruptcy
in a bankruptcy of the relevant person or by any of the creditors of the relevant person outside
bankruptcy, if (i) the person performed such acts without an obligation to do so (onverplicht), (ii)
the creditor concerned or, in the case of the person’s bankruptcy, any creditor, was prejudiced in
its means of recovery as a consequence of the act, and (iii) at the time the act was performed
both the person and the counterparty to the transaction knew or should have known that one or
more of its creditors (existing or future) would be prejudiced in their means of recovery, unless
the act was entered into for no consideration (om niet) in which case such knowledge of the
counterparty is not necessary for a successful challenge on the grounds of fraudulent
Pursuant to Article 2:98c of the Netherlands Civil Code, a Dutch N.V. (naamloze vennootschap)
may not grant loans (leningen verstrekken), provide security (zekerheid stellen), give a price
guarantee (koersgarantie geven) or otherwise bind itself, whether jointly and severally or
otherwise with or for third parties (zich op andere wijze sterk maken of zich hoofdelijk of
anderszins naast of voor anderen verbinden) with a view to (met het oog op) the subscription or
acquisition by third parties of shares in its share capital or depository receipts. This prohibition
also applies to its subsidiaries (dochtervennootschappen). It is generally assumed that a
transaction entered into in violation of Article 2:98c of the Netherlands Civil Code is null and void
Financial risks
Interest rate, foreign exchange and hedging risk
The Group, through its activities, is exposed to market risks which can generate losses as a
result of fluctuations in interest rates and/or currency exchange rates. Failure to hedge
effectively against adverse fluctuations in interest rates and currency exchange rates could
negatively affect the Group’s operational results. Members of the Group are subject to the risk
of rising interest rates associated with borrowing on a floating rate basis. The Group seeks to
manage its exposure to adverse fluctuations in floating interest rates by using interest rate
hedging arrangements. The Group aims to ensure that between 80 per cent. and 110 per cent.
of the nominal amount of its outstanding debt is subject to arrangements to manage interest
rate risks. The Group’s operational results may be adversely affected if its hedges are not
effective to mitigate interest rate risks, if the Group is under-hedged or if a hedge provider
defaults on its obligations under the Group’s hedging agreements, and this may have a material
adverse effect on the ability of the Issuer and/or the Guarantors to service their respective
obligations under the terms of the Notes or the Notes Guarantee, as applicable. There can be
no assurance that the Group’s interest rate hedging arrangements or hedging policy will be
Though GEP’s business is primarily based in the Eurozone, investments of GEP may be made
in currencies other than the euro. The value of costs, assets, rents and revenues received in
these countries, when translated into euro, may be adversely affected by fluctuations in
exchange rates. Additionally, changes in the interest rates of countries outside the Eurozone
may also affect the financial position of the Group and the results of operations. Such
fluctuations in exchange rates and interest rates may consequently have a material adverse
effect on the ability of the Issuer and/or the Guarantors to service their respective obligations
under the terms of the Notes or the Notes Guarantee, as applicable.
Credit risk of financial counterparties
Credit risk is the risk that a counterparty will not meet its obligations under a financial
instrument, leading to a financial loss. Credit risk related to financial policy is likely to be heavily
concentrated and frequently contingent in nature. For the Group, credit risk generally arises as
a result of entering into derivative contracts to hedge other financial risks.
While the Group attempts to minimise credit risk and to restrict its exposure to those
counterparties who have a suitable credit rating, the number of available counterparties is
limited and therefore the Group may have significant credit exposures to specific third parties. In
the case of default by a counterparty, the Group could suffer financial loss and/or lose the
benefit from hedges signed with such counterparties, which may result in an increase in interest
rate or currency exposure and may have a material adverse effect on the ability of the Issuer
and/or the Guarantors to service their respective obligations under the terms of the Notes or the
Notes Guarantee, as applicable.
Liquidity risk
The real estate investment and development industry tends to be highly capital intensive. The
Group’s strategy may from time to time depend on its ability to raise financial resources, in the
form of either debt or equity capital, so that it can finance its ongoing activities and its
investments. It is possible (for example in the event of disruption in the bond or equity markets,
a reduction in the lending capacities of banks, changes affecting the property market or
investors’ appetites for real estate companies or assets, a downgrade in GEP’s credit rating or a
change in business activities, financial situation or the Group’s structure) that the Group could
from time to time encounter difficulties in raising funds and, as a result, lack the access to
liquidity that it needs. These events could also affect the cost of borrowing and lead to an
increase of the financial expenses of the Group, which could consequently affect the Issuer’s or
the Guarantor’s ability to service their respective obligations under the Notes or the Notes
Guarantee, as applicable. (In relation to the Group’s indebtedness, see also Leverage and
refinancing risk above.)
Risks related to the structure of a particular issue of Notes
A range of Notes may be issued under the Programme. A number of these Notes may have
features which contain particular risks for potential investors. Set out below is a description of
the most common such features, distinguishing between factors which may occur in relation to
any Notes and those which might occur in relation to certain types of Exempt Notes.
Risks applicable to all Notes
GEP’s financial performance and other factors could adversely impact the Issuer’s ability
to make payments under the Notes
The Issuer’s ability to make scheduled payments under the Notes will depend on GEP’s
financial and operating performance, which, in turn, is subject to prevailing economic conditions
and to financial, business and other factors, some of which may be beyond the Issuer’s and/or
GEP’s control.
The Notes will constitute direct, unconditional, unsubordinated and unsecured
obligations of the Issuer and will rank pari passu among themselves
The Notes will constitute direct, unconditional, unsubordinated and unsecured obligations of the
Issuer and will rank pari passu among themselves and (save for certain obligations required to
be preferred by law) equally with all other unsecured obligations (other than subordinated
obligations, if any) of the Issuer, from time to time outstanding. The Notes will effectively be
subordinated to any secured indebtedness and any other secured liabilities of the Issuer.
The obligations of each Guarantor under the Notes Guarantee will be direct,
unconditional, unsubordinated and unsecured obligations of such Guarantor
The Notes will be unconditionally and irrevocably guaranteed on a joint and several basis by
each of the Guarantors. The obligations of each Guarantor under the Notes Guarantee will be
direct, unconditional, unsubordinated and unsecured obligations of such Guarantor and (save
for certain obligations required to be preferred by law) will rank equally with all other unsecured
obligations (other than subordinated obligations, if any) of such Guarantor, from time to time
outstanding. The Notes Guarantee will effectively be subordinated to any secured indebtedness
and any other secured liabilities of the Guarantor.
If the Issuer has the right to redeem any Notes at its option, this may limit the market
value of the Notes concerned and an investor may not be able to reinvest the redemption
proceeds in a manner which achieves a similar effective return
An optional redemption feature of Notes is likely to limit their market value. During any period
when the Issuer may elect to redeem Notes, the market value of those Notes generally will not
rise substantially above the price at which they can be redeemed. This also may be true prior to
any redemption period.
The Issuer may be expected to redeem Notes when its cost of borrowing is lower than the
interest rate on the Notes. At those times, an investor generally would not be able to reinvest
the redemption proceeds at an effective interest rate as high as the interest rate on the Notes
being redeemed and may only be able to do so at a significantly lower rate. Potential investors
should consider reinvestment risk in light of other investments available at that time.
If the Issuer has the right to convert the interest rate on any Notes from a fixed rate to a
floating rate, or vice versa, this may affect the secondary market and the market value of
the Notes concerned
Fixed/Floating Rate Notes are Notes which may bear interest at a rate that converts from a fixed
rate to a floating rate or from a floating rate to a fixed rate. Where the Issuer has the right to
effect such a conversion, this will affect the secondary market in, and the market value of, the
Notes, since the Issuer may be expected to convert the rate when it is likely to result in a lower
cost of borrowing for the Issuer and/or the Group. If the Issuer converts from a fixed rate to a
floating rate in such circumstances, the spread on the Fixed/Floating Rate Notes may be less
favourable than then prevailing spreads on comparable Floating Rate Notes tied to the same
reference rate. In addition, the new floating rate at any time may be lower than the rates on
other Notes. If the Issuer converts from a floating rate to a fixed rate in such circumstances, the
fixed rate may be lower than then prevailing market rates.
Notes which are issued at a substantial discount or premium may experience price
volatility in response to changes in market interest rates
The market values of securities issued at a substantial discount (such as Zero Coupon Notes)
or premium to their principal amount tend to fluctuate more in relation to general changes in
interest rates than do prices for more conventional interest-bearing securities. Generally, the
longer the remaining term of such securities, the greater the price volatility as compared with
more conventional interest-bearing securities with comparable maturities.
Risks applicable to certain types of Exempt Notes
There are particular risks associated with an investment in certain types of Exempt
Notes, such as Index Linked Notes and Dual Currency Notes. In particular, an investor
might receive less interest than expected or no interest in respect of such Notes and may
lose some or all of the principal amount invested by it
The Issuer may issue Notes with principal or interest determined by reference to an index or
formula, to changes in the prices of securities or commodities, to movements in currency
exchange rates or other factors (each a Relevant Factor). In addition, the Issuer may issue
Notes with principal or interest payable in one or more currencies which may be different from
the currency in which the Notes are denominated. Potential investors should be aware that:
the market price of such Notes may be volatile;
they may receive no interest;
payment of principal or interest may occur at a different time or in a different currency
than expected;
they may lose all or a substantial portion of their principal;
a Relevant Factor may be subject to significant fluctuations that may not correlate with
changes in interest rates, currencies or other indices;
if a Relevant Factor is applied to Notes in conjunction with a multiplier greater than one
or contains some other leverage factor, the effect of changes in the Relevant Factor on
principal or interest payable is likely to be magnified; and
the timing of changes in a Relevant Factor may affect the actual yield to investors, even
if the average level is consistent with their expectations. In general, the earlier the
change in the Relevant Factor, the greater the effect on yield.
The historical experience of an index or other Relevant Factor should not be viewed as an
indication of the future performance of such Relevant Factor during the term of any Notes.
Accordingly, each potential investor should consult its own financial and legal advisers about the
risk entailed by an investment in any Notes linked to a Relevant Factor and the suitability of
such Notes in light of its particular circumstances.
Where Notes are issued on a partly paid basis, an investor who fails to pay any
subsequent instalment of the issue price could lose all of his investment
The Issuer may issue Notes where the issue price is payable in more than one instalment. Any
failure by an investor to pay any subsequent instalment of the issue price in respect of his Notes
could result in such investor losing all of his investment.
Notes which are issued with variable interest rates or which are structured to include a
multiplier or other leverage factor are likely to have more volatile market values than
more standard securities
Notes with variable interest rates can be volatile investments. If they are structured to include
multipliers or other leverage factors, or caps or floors, or any combination of those features or
other similar related features, their market values may be even more volatile than those for
securities that do not include those features.
Inverse Floating Rate Notes will have more volatile market values than conventional
Floating Rate Notes
Inverse floating rate notes are notes have an interest rate equal to a fixed rate minus a rate
based upon a reference rate such as LIBOR (Inverse Floating Rate Notes). The market values
of those Notes are typically more volatile than market values of other conventional floating rate
debt securities based on the same reference rate (and with otherwise comparable terms).
Inverse Floating Rate Notes are more volatile because an increase in the reference rate not
only decreases the interest rate of the Notes, but may also reflect an increase in prevailing
interest rates, which further adversely affects the market value of these Notes.
Risks related to Notes generally
Set out below is a brief description of certain risks relating to the Notes generally:
The Conditions contain provisions which may permit their modification without the
consent of all investors and confer significant discretions on the Trustee which may be
exercised without the consent of the Noteholders and without regard to the individual
interests of particular Noteholders
The Conditions contain provisions for calling meetings of Noteholders to consider matters
affecting their interests generally. These provisions permit defined majorities to bind all
Noteholders, including Noteholders who did not attend and vote at the relevant meeting and
Noteholders who voted in a manner contrary to the majority.
The Conditions also provide that the Trustee may, without the consent of Noteholders and
without regard to the interests of particular Noteholders, agree to (i) any modification of, or to
the waiver or authorisation of any breach or proposed breach of, any of the provisions of the
Notes or (ii) determine without the consent of the Noteholders that any Event of Default or
potential Event of Default shall not be treated as such or (iii) either the substitution of another
company as principal debtor under any Notes in place of the Issuer or the substitution of
another company as a guarantor in respect of the Notes, in each case in the circumstances
described in Condition 15.
The Trustee may request Noteholders to provide an indemnity and/or security and/or
prefunding to its satisfaction
In certain circumstances (including in the case of Event of Default under Condition 10), the
Trustee may (at its sole discretion) request Noteholders to provide an indemnity and/or security
and/or prefunding to its satisfaction before it takes actions on behalf of Noteholders (see also
Condition 16 on page 123 of this Base Prospectus). The Trustee shall not be obliged to take any
such actions if not indemnified and/or secured and/or prefunded to its satisfaction.
Determination by the Calculation Agent
Under the Conditions, the Calculation Agent may make certain determinations in respect of the
Notes, which could affect the amounts payable by the Issuer on the Notes. The Conditions
specify the circumstances under which the Calculation Agent will be able to make such
determinations and adjustments. Prospective investors should be aware that any determination
made by the Calculation Agent may have an impact on the value and financial return of the
The value of the Notes could be adversely affected by a change in English law or
administrative practice
The Conditions are based on English law in effect as at the date of this Base Prospectus. No
assurance can be given as to the impact of any possible judicial decision or change to English
law or administrative practice after the date of this Base Prospectus and any such change could
materially adversely affect the value of any Notes affected by it.
Investors who purchase Notes in denominations that are not an integral multiple of the
Specified Denomination may be adversely affected if Definitive Notes are subsequently
required to be issued
In relation to any issue of Notes which have denominations consisting of a minimum Specified
Denomination plus one or more higher integral multiples of another smaller amount, it is
possible that such Notes may be traded in amounts in excess of the minimum Specified
Denomination that are not integral multiples of such minimum Specified Denomination. In such
a case a holder who, as a result of trading such amounts, holds an amount which is less than
the minimum Specified Denomination in its account with the relevant clearing system at the
relevant time may not receive a Definitive Note in respect of such holding (should Definitive
Notes be printed) and would need to purchase a principal amount of Notes at or in excess of the
minimum Specified Denomination such that its holding amounts to a Specified Denomination.
If such Definitive Notes are issued, holders should be aware that Definitive Notes which have a
denomination that is not an integral multiple of the minimum Specified Denomination may be
illiquid and difficult to trade.
Risks related to the market generally
Set out below is a brief description of the principal market risks, including liquidity risk,
exchange rate risk, interest rate risk and credit risk:
An active secondary market in respect of the Notes may never be established or may be
illiquid and this would adversely affect the value at which an investor could sell his Notes
Notes may have no established trading market when issued, and one may never develop. If a
market for the Notes does develop, it may not be very liquid. Therefore, investors may not be
able to sell their Notes easily or at prices that will provide them with a yield comparable with
similar investments that have a developed secondary market. This is particularly the case for
Notes that are especially sensitive to interest rate, currency or market risks, are designed for
specific investment objectives or strategies or have been structured to meet the investment
requirements of limited categories of investors. These types of Notes generally would have a
more limited secondary market and more price volatility than conventional debt securities.
In addition, Noteholders should be aware of the prevailing and widely reported global credit
market conditions (which continue at the date of this Base Prospectus), whereby there is a
general lack of liquidity in the secondary market for instruments similar to the Notes. Such lack
of liquidity may result in investors suffering losses on the Notes in secondary sales even if there
is no decline in the performance of the assets of the Group. The Issuer and/or the Guarantors
cannot predict which of these circumstances will change and whether, if and when they do
change, there will be a more liquid market for the Notes and instruments similar to the Notes at
that time.
If an investor holds Notes which are not denominated in the investor’s home currency,
he will be exposed to movements in exchange rates adversely affecting the value of his
holding. In addition, the imposition of exchange controls in relation to any Notes could
result in an investor not receiving payments on those Notes
The Issuer will pay principal and interest on the Notes and the Guarantors will make any
payments under the Notes Guarantee in the Specified Currency. This presents certain risks
relating to currency conversions if an investor’s financial activities are denominated principally in
a currency or currency unit (the Investor’s Currency) other than the Specified Currency. These
include the risk that exchange rates may significantly change (including changes due to
devaluation of the Specified Currency or revaluation of the Investors Currency) and the risk that
authorities with jurisdiction over the Investor’s Currency may impose or modify exchange
controls. An appreciation in the value of the Investors Currency relative to the Specified
Currency would decrease (1) the Investor’s Currency-equivalent yield on the Notes, (2) the
Investors Currency-equivalent value of the principal payable on the Notes and (3) the Investors
Currency-equivalent market value of the Notes.
Government and monetary authorities may impose (as some have done in the past) exchange
controls that could adversely affect an applicable exchange rate or the ability of the Issuer or the
Guarantors to make payments in respect of the Notes. As a result, investors may receive less
interest or principal than expected, or no interest or principal.
The value of Fixed Rate Notes may be adversely affected by movements in market
interest rates
Investment in Fixed Rate Notes involves the risk that if market interest rates subsequently
increase above the rate paid on the Fixed Rate Notes, this will adversely affect the value of the
Fixed Rate Notes.
Credit ratings assigned to GEP or any Notes may not reflect all the risks associated with
an investment in those Notes
One or more independent credit rating agencies may assign (and have assigned) credit ratings
to GEP or the Notes. The ratings may not reflect the potential impact of all risks related to
structure, market, additional factors discussed above and other factors that may affect the value
of the Notes. A credit rating is not a recommendation to buy, sell or hold securities and may be
revised, suspended or withdrawn by the rating agency at any time.
In general, European regulated investors are restricted under the CRA Regulation from using
credit ratings for regulatory purposes, unless such ratings are issued by a credit rating agency
established in the EU and registered under the CRA Regulation (and such registration has not
been withdrawn or suspended), subject to transitional provisions that apply in certain
circumstances while the registration application is pending. Such general restriction will also
apply in the case of credit ratings issued by non-EU credit rating agencies, unless the relevant
credit ratings are endorsed by an EU-registered credit rating agency or the relevant non-EU
rating agency is certified in accordance with the CRA Regulation (and such endorsement action
or certification, as the case may be, has not been withdrawn or suspended). The list of
registered and certified rating agencies published by ESMA on its website (at certified-CRAs) in accordance with the
CRA Regulation, is not conclusive evidence of the status of the relevant rating agency included
in such list, as there may be delays between certain supervisory measures being taken against
a relevant rating agency and the publication of the updated ESMA list. Certain information with
respect to the credit rating agencies and ratings is set out on the cover of this Base Prospectus.
The following documents, which have previously been published, and have been approved by,
or filed with, the CSSF, shall be incorporated by reference in, and form part of, this Base
the annual report and audited consolidated annual financial statements of GEP for the
financial year ended 31 December 2014;
the annual report and audited consolidated annual financial statements of GEP for the
financial year ended 31 December 2015;
the unaudited consolidated financial report of GEP as at 30 June 2016;
the audited annual accounts of the Issuer for the financial year ended 31 December
the audited annual accounts of the Issuer for the financial year ended 31 December
2015; and
the Terms and Conditions of the Notes contained in the previous Base Prospectuses
dated 13 March 2013, pages 54-95 (inclusive) and 30 October 2014, pages 59-101
(inclusive) prepared by the Obligors in connection with the Programme.
The following information appears on the pages of certain of these documents as set out below
Pages 8 to 9
Page 10
Page 11
Page 12
Page 13
Pages 14 to 36
Page 8 to 9
Page 10
Page 11
Page 12
Page 13
Pages 14 to 38
Page 2
Page 3
Page 4
Page 5
Pages 6 to 11
Page 2
Pages 3 to 4
Pages 5 to 10
Pages 11 to 13
Pages 14 to 18
Pages 19 to 20
Page 2
Pages 3 to 4
Pages 5 to 10
Pages 11 to 13
Pages 14 to 19
Pages 20 to 21
The information incorporated by reference that is not included in the cross-reference list is
considered as additional information and is not required by the relevant schedule of the
Prospectus Regulation.
Please note that stand-alone financial statements for the Guarantors have not been included in
this Base Prospectus (see Risk Factors - Stand-alone financial statements for each Guarantor
have not been included in this Base Prospectus” above).
Following the publication of this Base Prospectus a supplement may be prepared by the Issuer
and the Guarantors and approved by the CSSF in accordance with Article 16 of the Prospectus
Directive. Statements contained in any such supplement (or contained in any document
incorporated by reference therein) shall, to the extent applicable, be deemed to modify or
supersede statements contained in this Base Prospectus or in a document which is
incorporated by reference in this Base Prospectus. Any statement so modified or superseded
shall not, except as so modified or superseded, constitute a part of this Base Prospectus.
Copies of documents incorporated by reference in this Base Prospectus can be obtained from
the specified offices of the Paying Agent for the time being in Luxembourg.
In addition, such documents will be published on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange’s website
( if and to the extent that the rules of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange so
The Issuer and the Guarantors will, in the event of any significant new factor, material mistake
or inaccuracy relating to information included in this Base Prospectus which is capable of
affecting the assessment of any Notes, prepare a supplement to this Base Prospectus or
publish a new Base Prospectus for use in connection with any subsequent issue of Notes.
Each Tranche of Notes will be in bearer form and will initially be issued in the form of a
temporary global note (a Temporary Global Note) or, if so specified in the applicable Final
Terms, a permanent global note (a Permanent Global Note and, together with a Temporary
Global Note, each a Global Note) which, in either case, will:
(i) if the Global Notes are intended to be issued in new global note (NGN) form, as stated
in the applicable Final Terms, be delivered on or prior to the original issue date of the
Tranche to a common safekeeper (the Common Safekeeper) for Euroclear Bank
SA/NV (Euroclear) and Clearstream Banking, S.A. (Clearstream, Luxembourg); and
(ii) if the Global Notes are not intended to be issued in NGN form, as stated in the
applicable Final Terms, be delivered on or prior to the original issue date of the Tranche
to a common depositary (the Common Depositary) for Euroclear and Clearstream,
Where the Global Notes issued in respect of any Tranche are in NGN form, the applicable Final
Terms will also indicate whether such Global Notes are intended to be held in a manner which
would allow Eurosystem eligibility. Any indication that the Global Notes are to be so held does
not necessarily mean that the Notes of the relevant Tranche will be recognised as eligible
collateral for Eurosystem monetary policy and intra-day credit operations by the Eurosystem
either upon issue or at any times during their life as such recognition depends upon satisfaction
of the Eurosystem eligibility criteria. The Common Safekeeper for NGNs will either be Euroclear
or Clearstream, Luxembourg or another entity approved by Euroclear and Clearstream,
While any Note is represented by a Temporary Global Note, payments of principal, interest (if
any) and any other amount payable in respect of the Notes due prior to the Exchange Date (as
defined below) will be made (against presentation of the Temporary Global Note if the
Temporary Global Note is not intended to be issued in NGN form) only to the extent that
certification (in a form to be provided) to the effect that the beneficial owners of interests in such
Temporary Global Note are not U.S. persons or persons who have purchased for resale to any
U.S. person, as required by U.S. Treasury regulations, has been received by Euroclear and/or
Clearstream, Luxembourg and Euroclear and/or Clearstream, Luxembourg, as applicable, has
given a like certification (based on the certifications it has received) to the Agent.
On and after the date (the Exchange Date) which is 40 days after a Temporary Global Note is
issued, interests in such Temporary Global Note will be exchangeable (free of charge) upon a
request as described therein either for (a) interests in a Permanent Global Note of the same
Series or (b) Notes in definitive form (Definitive Notes) of the same Series with, where
applicable, receipts, interest coupons and talons attached (as indicated in the applicable Final
Terms and subject, in the case of Definitive Notes, to such notice period as is specified in the
applicable Final Terms), in each case against certification of beneficial ownership as described
above unless such certification has already been given. The holder of a Temporary Global Note
will not be entitled to collect any payment of interest, principal or other amount due on or after
the Exchange Date unless, upon due certification, exchange of the Temporary Global Note for
an interest in a Permanent Global Note or for Definitive Notes is improperly withheld or refused.
Payments of principal, interest (if any) or any other amounts on a Permanent Global Note will be
made through Euroclear and/or Clearstream, Luxembourg (against presentation or surrender
(as the case may be) of the Permanent Global Note if the Permanent Global Note is not
intended to be issued in NGN form) without any requirement for certification.
The applicable Final Terms will specify that a Permanent Global Note will be exchangeable (free
of charge), in whole but not in part, for Definitive Notes with, where applicable, receipts, interest
coupons and talons attached upon either (a) not less than 60 days’ written notice from Euroclear
and/or Clearstream, Luxembourg (acting on the instructions of any holder of an interest in such
Permanent Global Note) to the Agent as described therein or (b) only upon the occurrence of an
Exchange Event. For these purposes, Exchange Event means that (i) an Event of Default (as
defined in Condition 10) has occurred and is continuing, (ii) the Issuer has been notified that
both Euroclear and Clearstream, Luxembourg have been closed for business for a continuous
period of 14 days (other than by reason of holiday, statutory or otherwise) or have announced
an intention permanently to cease business or have in fact done so and no successor clearing
system satisfactory to the Trustee is available or (iii) the Issuer has or will become subject to
adverse tax consequences which would not be suffered were the Notes represented by the
Permanent Global Note in definitive form and a certificate to such effect signed by two directors
of the Issuer is given to the Trustee. The Issuer will promptly give notice to Noteholders in
accordance with Condition 14 if an Exchange Event occurs. In the event of the occurrence of an
Exchange Event, Euroclear and/or Clearstream, Luxembourg (acting on the instructions of any
holder of an interest in such Permanent Global Note) or the Trustee may give notice to the
Agent requesting exchange and, in the event of the occurrence of an Exchange Event as
described in (iii) above, the Issuer may also give notice to the Agent requesting exchange. Any
such exchange shall occur not later than 45 days after the date of receipt of the first relevant
notice by the Agent.
The following legend will appear on all Notes which have an original maturity of more than one
year and on all receipts and interest coupons relating to such Notes:
The sections referred to provide that United States holders, with certain exceptions, will not be
entitled to deduct any loss on Notes, receipts or interest coupons and will not be entitled to
capital gains treatment in respect of any gain on any sale, disposition, redemption or payment of
principal in respect of such Notes, receipts or interest coupons.
Notes which are represented by a Global Note will only be transferable in accordance with the
rules and procedures for the time being of Euroclear or Clearstream, Luxembourg, as the case
may be.
Pursuant to the Agency Agreement (as defined in the Conditions), the Agent shall arrange that,
where a further Tranche of Notes is issued which is intended to form a single Series with an
existing Tranche of Notes at a point after the Issue Date (to be determined in the applicable
Final Terms) of the further Tranche, the Notes of such further Tranche shall be assigned a
common code and ISIN which are different from the common code and ISIN (to be determined
in the applicable Final Terms) assigned to Notes of any other Tranche of the same Series until
such time as the Tranches are consolidated and form a single Series, which shall not be prior to
the expiry of the distribution compliance period (as defined in Regulation S under the Securities
Act) applicable to the Notes of such Tranche.
Any reference herein to Euroclear and/or Clearstream, Luxembourg shall, whenever the context
so permits, be deemed to include a reference to any additional or alternative clearing system
specified in the applicable Final Terms.
No Noteholder, Receiptholder or Couponholder (each as defined in the Conditions) shall be
entitled to proceed directly against the Issuer or the Guarantors unless the Trustee, having
become bound so to proceed, fails so to do within a reasonable period and the failure shall be
The Issuer and the Guarantors may agree with any Dealer and the Trustee that Notes other
than Exempt Notes may be issued in a form not contemplated by the Conditions, in which event
a supplement to this Base Prospectus or a new Base Prospectus will be made available which
will describe the effect of the agreement reached in relation to such Notes.
Set out below is the form of Final Terms which will be completed for each Tranche of Notes
which are not Exempt Notes and which have a denomination of €150,000 (or its equivalent in
any other currency) or more issued under the Programme.
GELF Bond Issuer I SA
Issue of [Aggregate Nominal Amount of Tranche] [Title of Notes]
guaranteed on a joint and several basis by
GELF Management (Lux) S.À R.L.
in its capacity as a Luxembourg management company
acting for the account of
Goodman European Logistics Fund FCP-FIS, a Luxembourg fonds commun de
GELF European Holdings (Lux) S.À R.L.
GELF Investments (Lux) S.À R.L.
C€LOGIX Properties Holding B.V.
under the €5,000,000,000
Euro Medium Term Note Programme
Terms used herein shall be deemed to be defined as such for the purposes of the Conditions
set forth in the Base Prospectus dated [date] [and the supplement[s] to it dated [date] [and
[date]] which [together] constitute[s] a base prospectus for the purposes of the Prospectus
Directive (the Base Prospectus). This document constitutes the Final Terms of the Notes
described herein for the purposes of Article 5.4 of the Prospectus Directive and must be read in
conjunction with the Base Prospectus. Full information on the Issuer, the Guarantors and the
offer of the Notes is only available on the basis of the combination of these Final Terms and the
Base Prospectus. The Base Prospectus has been published on the Luxembourg Stock
Exchange’s website (
[The following alternative language applies if the first tranche of an issue which is being
increased was issued under a Base Prospectus with an earlier date.
Terms used herein shall be deemed to be defined as such for the purposes of the Conditions
set forth in the Base Prospectus dated [date] which are incorporated by reference in the Base
Prospectus dated [date]. This document constitutes the Final Terms of the Notes described
herein for the purposes of Article 5.4 of the Prospectus Directive and must be read in
conjunction with the Base Prospectus dated [date] [and the supplement[s] to it dated [date] [and
[date]] which [together] constitute[s] a base prospectus for the purposes of the Prospectus
Directive (the Base Prospectus), including the Conditions incorporated by reference in the
Base Prospectus. Full information on the Issuer, the Guarantors and the offer of the Notes is
only available on the basis of the combination of these Final Terms and the Base Prospectus.
The Base Prospectus has been published on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange’s website
[Include whichever of the following apply or specify as Not Applicable”. Note that the numbering
should remain as set out below, even if “Not Applicable” is indicated for individual paragraphs or
subparagraphs (in which case the sub-paragraphs of the paragraphs which are not applicable
can be deleted). Italics denote directions for completing the Final Terms.]
[If the Notes have a maturity of less than one year from the date of their issue, the minimum
denomination may need to be £100,000 or its equivalent in any other currency.]
Series Number:
[ ]
Tranche Number:
[ ]
Date on which the Notes will
be consolidated and form a
single Series:
The Notes will be consolidated and form a single
Series with [provide issue amount/ISIN/maturity
date/issue date of earlier Tranches] on [the
Issue Date/exchange of the Temporary Global
Note for interests in the Permanent Global Note,
as referred to in paragraph 20 below, which is
expected to occur on or about [date]][Not
Specified Currency or Currencies:
[ ]
Aggregate Nominal Amount:
[ ]
[ ]
Issue Price:
[ ] per cent. of the Aggregate Nominal
Amount [plus accrued interest from [insert date]
(if applicable)]
Specified Denominations:
[ ]
(N.B. Notes must have a minimum denomination
of [€150,000] (or equivalent).)
(Note where multiple denominations above
[€150,000] or equivalent are being used the
following sample wording should be followed:
“[€150,000] and integral multiples of [€1,000] in
excess thereof up to and including [€299,000].
No Notes in definitive form will be issued with a
denomination above [€299,000].”)
Calculation Amount:
[ ]
(If only one Specified Denomination, insert the
Specified Denomination. If more than one
Specified Denomination, insert the highest
common factor. Note: There must be a common
factor in the case of two or more Specified
Issue Date:
[ ]
Interest Commencement
[specify/Issue Date/Not Applicable]
(N.B. An Interest Commencement Date will not
be relevant for Zero Coupon Notes.)
Maturity Date:
[Fixed rate - specify date/
Floating rate - Interest Payment Date falling in or
nearest to [specify month and year]]
Interest Basis:
[[ ] per cent. Fixed Rate]
[[specify Reference Rate] +/- [ ] per cent.
Floating Rate] [Zero Coupon]
(further particulars specified below)
Change of Interest Basis:
[Specify the date when any fixed to floating rate
change occurs or cross refer to paragraphs 12
and 13 below and identify there][Not Applicable]
Put/Call Options:
[Investor Put]
[Change of Control Put]
[Issuer Call]
[(See paragraph [16 / 17 / 18] below)]
[Date [Board] approval for issue of
[ ] [and [ ], respectively]]
Notes obtained:
(N.B. Only relevant where Board (or similar)
authorisation is required for the particular
tranche of Notes)]
Fixed Rate Note Provisions:
[Applicable/Not Applicable] (If not applicable,
delete the remaining subparagraphs of this
Rate(s) of Interest:
[ ] per cent. per annum payable in arrear on
each Interest Payment Date
[The Notes are Step-up/step-down Notes.
The Initial Rate of Interest is [ ] per cent. per
annum payable in arrear on each Interest
Payment Date.
The Step-up Margin is [ ] per cent.]
Interest Payment Date(s):
[ ] in each year up to and including the
Maturity Date
(Amend appropriately in the case of irregular
Fixed Coupon Amount(s):
(Applicable to Notes in
definitive form.)
[Unless a Step-up Rating Change has occurred]
[ ] per Calculation Amount
Broken Amount(s):
(Applicable to Notes in
definitive form.)
[[Unless a Step-up Rating Change has occurred]
[ ] per Calculation Amount, payable on the
Interest Payment Date falling [in/on] [ ]][Not
Day Count Fraction:
[30/360] [Actual/Actual (ICMA)]
Determination Date(s):
[[ ] in each year][Not Applicable]
(Only relevant where Day Count Fraction is
Actual/Actual (ICMA). In such a case, insert
regular interest payment dates, ignoring issue
date or maturity date in the case of a long or
short first or last coupon)
Floating Rate Note Provisions:
[Applicable/Not Applicable]
(If not applicable, delete the remaining
subparagraphs of this paragraph)
Specified Period(s)/Specified
Interest Payment Dates:
[ ] [, subject to adjustment in accordance
with the Business Day Convention set out in (b)
Business Day Convention:
[Floating Rate Convention/Following Business
Day Convention/Modified Following Business
Day Convention/ Preceding Business Day
Convention] [Not Applicable]
Additional Business
[[ ]/Not Applicable]
Manner in which the Rate of
Interest and Interest Amount
is to be determined:
[Screen Rate Determination/ISDA
Party responsible for
calculating the Rate of
Interest and Interest Amount
(if not the Agent):
[[ ]/Not Applicable]
Screen Rate Determination:
Reference Rate and
Relevant Financial
Reference Rate: [ ] month
[LIBOR/EURIBOR/specify other Reference
Relevant Financial Centre:
[London/Brussels/specify other Relevant
Financial Centre]
Interest Determination
[ ]
(Second London business day prior to the start
of each Interest Period if LIBOR (other than
Sterling or euro LIBOR), first day of each
Interest Period if Sterling LIBOR and the second
day on which the TARGET2 System is open
prior to the start of each Interest Period if
Relevant Screen Page:
[ ]
(In the case of EURIBOR, if not Reuters
EURIBOR01 ensure it is a page which shows a
composite rate or amend the fallback provisions
ISDA Determination:
Floating Rate Option:
[ ]
Designated Maturity:
[ ]
Reset Date:
[ ]
(In the case of a LIBOR or EURIBOR based
option, the first day of the Interest Period)
Linear Interpolation:
[Not Applicable/Applicable - the Rate of interest
for the [long/short] [first/last] Interest Period shall
be calculated using Linear Interpolation (specify
for each short or long interest period)]
[+/-] [ ] per cent. per annum
[The Notes are Step-up/step-down Notes.
The Step-up Margin is [ ] per cent.]
Minimum Rate of Interest:
[ ] per cent. per annum
Maximum Rate of Interest:
[ ] per cent. per annum
Day Count Fraction:
[Actual/Actual (ISDA)][Actual/Actual]
[Actual/365 (Fixed)]
[Actual/365 (Sterling)]
[30/360][360/360][Bond Basis]
[30E/360][Eurobond Basis]
[30E/360 (ISDA)]
(See Condition 5 for alternatives)
Zero Coupon Note Provisions:
[Applicable/Not Applicable]
(If not applicable, delete the remaining
subparagraphs of this paragraph)
Accrual Yield:
[ ] per cent. per annum
Reference Price:
[ ]
Day Count Fraction in
relation to Early Redemption
Notice periods for Condition 7.2:
Minimum period: [ ] days Maximum period:
[ ] days
Issuer Call:
[Applicable/Not Applicable]
(If not applicable, delete the remaining
subparagraphs of this paragraph)
Optional Redemption
[[ ]/[Any date from and including [date] to
but excluding [date]]
Optional Redemption
[[ ] per Calculation Amount/Make Whole
Redemption Price] [in the case of the Optional
Redemption Date(s) falling [on [ ]]/[in the period
from and including [date] to but excluding
Make Whole Redemption
[Spens Amount/Make Whole Redemption
Amount/Not Applicable]
(If not applicable, delete the remaining
subparagraphs of this paragraph)
[(i) Redemption Margin:
[ ]
(ii) Reference Bond:
[ ]
(iii) Quotation Time:
[ ]]
If redeemable in part:
(i) Minimum Redemption
[ ]
(ii) Maximum Redemption
[ ]
Notice periods:
Minimum period: [ ] days Maximum period:
[ ] days
(N.B. When setting notice periods, the Issuer is
advised to consider the practicalities of
distribution of information through
intermediaries, for example, clearing systems,
which require a minimum of 5 clearing system
business days notice, and custodians, as well
as any other notice requirements which may
apply, for example, as between the Issuer and
the Agent or Trustee)
Investor Put:
[Applicable/Not Applicable]
(If not applicable, delete the remaining
subparagraphs of this paragraph)
Optional Redemption
[ ]
Optional Redemption
[ ] per Calculation Amount
Notice periods:
Minimum period: [ ] days Maximum period:
[ ] days
(N.B. When setting notice periods, the Issuer is
advised to consider the practicalities of
distribution of information through
intermediaries, for example, clearing systems,
which require a minimum of 15 clearing system
business days notice, and custodians, as well
as any other notice requirements which may
apply, for example, as between the Issuer and
the Agent or Trustee)
Change of Control Put:
[Applicable/Not Applicable]
(If not applicable, delete the remaining
subparagraph of this paragraph)
Change of Control
Redemption Amount(s):
[ ] per Calculation Amount
Early Redemption Amount
payable on redemption for
taxation reasons or on event
[ ] per Calculation Amount
of default:
Form of Notes:
[Temporary Global Note exchangeable for a
Permanent Global Note which is exchangeable
for Definitive Notes [on 60 days’ notice given at
any time/only upon an Exchange Event]]
[Temporary Global Note exchangeable for
Definitive Notes on and after the Exchange
[Permanent Global Note exchangeable for
Definitive Notes [on 60 days’ notice given at any
time/only upon an Exchange Event]]
(N.B. The exchange upon notice/at any time
options should not be expressed to be
applicable if the Specified Denomination of the
Notes in paragraph 5 includes language
substantially to the following effect: “[€150,000]
and integral multiples of [€1,000] in excess
thereof up to and including [€299,000].”
Furthermore, such Specified Denomination
construction is not permitted in relation to any
issue of Notes which is to be represented on
issue by a Temporary Global Note
exchangeable for Definitive Notes.)
New Global Note:
Additional Financial
[[ ]/Not Applicable]
(Note that this paragraph relates to the date of
payment and not the end dates of Interest
Periods for the purposes of calculating the
amount of interest, to which sub-paragraph
13(c) relates.)
Talons for future Coupons to
be attached to Definitive
[Yes, as the Notes have more than 27 coupon
payments, Talons may be required if, on
exchange into definitive form, more than 27
coupon payments are still to be made/No]
Signed on behalf of GELF Bond Issuer I SA
By: ……………………………………….
Name: ……………………………………….
Title: Director
Listing and Admission to
[Application has been made by the Issuer (or on
its behalf) for the Notes to be admitted to trading
on [specify relevant regulated market (for
example the Bourse de Luxembourg, the
London Stock Exchange’s regulated market or
the Regulated Market of the Irish Stock
Exchange) and, if relevant, listing on an official
list (for example, the Official List of the
Luxembourg Stock Exchange or the UK Listing
Authority)] with effect from [ ].]
[Application is expected to be made by the
Issuer (or on its behalf) for the Notes to be
admitted to trading on [specify relevant
regulated market (for example the Bourse de
Luxembourg, the London Stock Exchange’s
regulated market or the Regulated Market of the
Irish Stock Exchange) and, if relevant, listing on
an official list (for example, the Official List of the
Luxembourg Stock Exchange or the UK Listing
Authority)] with effect from [ ].]
(Where documenting a fungible issuance of
Notes, indicate that earlier Tranche is already
admitted to trading.)
Estimate of total expenses
related to admission to
[ ]
[The Notes to be issued [[have been]/[are
expected to be]] rated]/[The following ratings
reflect ratings assigned to Notes of this type
issued under the Programme generally]:
[insert details]
by [insert the legal name of the relevant credit
rating agency entity(ies) and associated defined
terms]. Each of [defined terms] is established in
the European Union and is registered under
Regulation (EC) No. 1060/2009 (as amended)
(the CRA Regulation).]
(The above disclosure should reflect the rating
allocated to Notes of the type being issued
under the Programme generally or, where the
issue has been specifically rated, that rating.)
[Save for any fees payable to the [Managers/Dealer], so far as the Issuer is aware, no
person involved in the issue of the Notes has an interest material to the offer. The
[Managers/Dealers] and their Affiliates have engaged, and may in the future engage, in
investment banking and/or commercial banking transactions with, and may perform
other services for, the Issuer and the Guarantors and their Affiliates in the ordinary
course of business - Amend as appropriate if there are other interests.]
YIELD (Fixed Rate Notes only)
Indication of yield:
[ ]
ISIN Code:
[ ]
Common Code:
[ ]
Any clearing system(s) other
than Euroclear Bank SA/NV
and Clearstream Banking,
S.A. and the relevant
identification number(s):
[Not Applicable/give name(s) and number(s)]
Delivery [against/free of] payment
Names and addresses of
additional Paying Agent(s) (if
[ ]
Deemed delivery of clearing
system notices for the
purposes of Condition 14:
Any notice delivered to Noteholders through the
clearing systems will be deemed to have been
given on the [second] [Business Day/day] after
the day on which it was given to Euroclear and
Clearstream, Luxembourg
Intended to be held in a
manner which would allow
[Yes. Note that the designation “yes” simply
means that the Notes are intended upon issue
to be deposited with one of the ICSDs as
Eurosystem eligibility:
common safekeeper and does not necessarily
mean that the Notes will be recognised as
eligible collateral for Eurosystem monetary
policy and intra-day credit operations by the
Eurosystem either upon issue or at any or all
times during their life. Such recognition will
depend upon the ECB being satisfied that
Eurosystem eligibility criteria have been met.] /
[No. While the designation is specified as “no” at
the date of these Final Terms, should the
Eurosystem eligibility criteria be amended in the
future such that the Notes are capable of
meeting them the Notes may then be deposited
with one of the ICSDs as common safekeeper.
Note that this does not necessarily mean that
the Notes will then be recognised as eligible
collateral for Eurosystem monetary policy and
intra-day credit operations by the Eurosystem at
any time during their life. Such recognition will
depend upon the ECB being satisfied that
Eurosystem eligibility criteria have been met.]
If syndicated, names of
[Not Applicable/give names]
If non-syndicated, name of
relevant Dealer:
[Not Applicable/give name]
U.S. Selling Restrictions:
Reg. S Compliance Category 2; [TEFRA
D/TEFRA C/TEFRA not applicable]
Set out below is the form of Pricing Supplement which will be completed for each Tranche of
Exempt Notes, whatever the denomination of those Notes, issued under the Programme.
GELF Bond Issuer I SA
Issue of [Aggregate Nominal Amount of Tranche] [Title of Notes] guaranteed on a joint
and several basis by
GELF Management (Lux) S.À R.L.
in its capacity as a Luxembourg management company
acting for the account of
Goodman European Logistics Fund FCP-FIS, a Luxembourg fonds commun de
GELF European Holdings (Lux) S.À R.L.
GELF Investments (Lux) S.À R.L.
C€LOGIX Properties Holding B.V.
under the €5,000,000,000
Euro Medium Term Note Programme
Any person making or intending to make an offer of the Notes may only do so in circumstances
in which no obligation arises for the Issuer, any Guarantor or any Dealer to publish a prospectus
pursuant to Article 3 of the Prospectus Directive or to supplement a prospectus pursuant to
Article 16 of the Prospectus Directive, in each case, in relation to such offer.
This document constitutes the Pricing Supplement of the Notes described herein. This
document must be read in conjunction with the Base Prospectus dated [date] [as supplemented
by the supplement[s] dated [date[s]]] (the Base Prospectus). Full information on the Issuer, the
Guarantors and the offer of the Notes is only available on the basis of the combination of this
Pricing Supplement and the Base Prospectus. Copies of the Base Prospectus may be obtained
from [address].
[Terms used herein shall be deemed to be defined as such for the purposes of the Conditions
(the Conditions) set forth in the Base Prospectus [dated [original date] which are incorporated
by reference in the Base Prospectus].
[Include whichever of the following apply or specify as Not Applicable”. Note that the numbering
should remain as set out below, even if “Not Applicable” is indicated for individual paragraphs or
subparagraphs. Italics denote directions for completing the Pricing Supplement.]
[If the Notes have a maturity of less than one year from the date of their issue, the minimum
denomination may need to be £100,000 or its equivalent in any other currency.]
Series Number:
[ ]
Tranche Number:
[ ]
Date on which the Notes will
be consolidated and form a
single Series:
[The Notes will be consolidated and form a
single Series with [provide issue
amount/ISIN/maturity date/issue date of earlier
Tranches] on [the Issue Date/exchange of the
Temporary Global Note for interests in the
Permanent Global Note, as referred to in
paragraph 23 below, which is expected to
occur on or about [date]][Not Applicable]
Specified Currency or Currencies:
[ ]
Aggregate Nominal Amount:
[ ]
[ ]
Issue Price:
[ ] per cent. of the Aggregate Nominal Amount
[plus accrued interest from [insert date] (if
Specified Denominations:
[ ]
(N.B. Notes must have a minimum
denomination of [€150,000] (or equivalent).)
(Note where multiple denominations above
[€150,000] or equivalent are being used the
following sample wording should be followed:
“[€150,000] and integral multiples of [€1,000] in
excess thereof up to and including [€299,000].
No Notes in definitive form will be issued with a
denomination above [€299,000].”)
Calculation Amount:
[ ]
(If only one Specified Denomination, insert the
Specified Denomination. If more than one
Specified Denomination, insert the highest
common factor. Note: There must be a
common factor in the case of two or more
Specified Denominations.)
Issue Date:
[ ]
Interest Commencement Date:
[specify/Issue Date/Not Applicable]
(N.B. An Interest Commencement Date will not
be relevant for certain Notes, for example Zero
Coupon Notes.)
Maturity Date:
[Fixed rate - specify date/Floating rate -
Interest Payment Date falling in or nearest to
[specify month and year]]
Interest Basis:
[[ ] per cent. Fixed Rate]
[[specify Reference Rate] +/- [ ] per cent.
Floating Rate]
[Zero Coupon]
[Index Linked Interest]
[Dual Currency Interest]
[specify other]
(further particulars specified below)
Redemption/Payment Basis:
[Redemption at par]
[Index Linked Redemption]
[Dual Currency Redemption]
[Partly Paid]
[specify other]
Change of Interest Basis or
Redemption/Payment Basis:
[Specify details of any provision for change of
Notes into another Interest Basis or
Redemption/Payment Basis][Not Applicable]
Put/Call Options:
[Investor Put]
[Change of Control Put]
[Issuer Call]
[(further particulars specified below)]
Fixed Rate Note Provisions:
[Applicable/Not Applicable]
(If not applicable, delete the remaining
subparagraphs of this paragraph)
Rate(s) of Interest:
[ ] per cent. per annum payable in arrear on
each Interest Payment Date
[The Notes are Step-up/step-down Notes.
The Initial Rate of Interest is [ ] per cent. per
annum payable in arrear on each Interest
Payment Date.
The Step-up Margin is [ ] per cent.]
Interest Payment Date(s):
[ ] in each year up to and including the
Maturity Date
(Amend appropriately in the case of irregular
Fixed Coupon Amount(s):
(Applicable to Notes in
definitive form.)
[Unless a Step-up Rating Change has
occurred] [ ] per Calculation Amount
Broken Amount(s):
(Applicable to Notes in
definitive form.)
[[Unless a Step-up Rating Change has
occurred] [ ] per Calculation Amount, payable
on the Interest Payment Date falling [in/on] [
]][Not Applicable]
Day Count Fraction:
[30/360/Actual/Actual (ICMA)/specify other]
Determination Date(s):
[[ ] in each year][Not Applicable]
(Only relevant where Day Count Fraction is
Actual/Actual (ICMA). In such a case, insert
regular interest payment dates, ignoring issue
date or maturity date in the case of a long or
short first or last coupon)
Other terms relating to the
method of calculating interest
for Fixed Rate Notes which are
Exempt Notes:
[None/give details]
Floating Rate Note Provisions:
[Applicable/Not Applicable]
(If not applicable, delete the remaining
subparagraphs of this paragraph)
Specified Period(s)/Specified
Interest Payment Dates:
[ ] [, subject to adjustment in
accordance with the Business Day Convention
set out in (b) below]
Business Day Convention:
[Floating Rate Convention/Following
Business Day Convention/Modified Following
Business Day Convention/ Preceding Business
Day Convention/specify other] [Not Applicable]
Additional Business Centre(s):
[ ]
Manner in which the Rate of
Interest and Interest Amount is
to be determined:
[Screen Rate Determination/ISDA
Determination/specify other]
Party responsible for
calculating the Rate of Interest
and Interest Amount (if not the
[ ]
Screen Rate Determination:
• Reference Rate and Relevant
Financial Centre:
Reference Rate: [ ] month
[LIBOR/EURIBOR/specify other Reference
Rate]Relevant Financial Centre:
[London/Brussels/specify other Relevant
Financial Centre]
• Interest Determination
[ ]
(Second London business day prior to the start
of each Interest Period if LIBOR (other than
Sterling or euro LIBOR), first day of each
Interest Period if Sterling LIBOR and the
second day on which the TARGET2 System is
open prior to the start of each Interest Period if
• Relevant Screen Page:
[ ]
(In the case of EURIBOR, if not Reuters
EURIBOR01 ensure it is a page which shows
a composite rate or amend the fallback
provisions appropriately)
ISDA Determination:
• Floating Rate Option:
• Designated Maturity:
• Reset Date:
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
(In the case of a LIBOR or EURIBOR based
option, the first day of the Interest Period)
Linear Interpolation:
[Not Applicable/Applicable - the Rate of
interest for the [long/short] [first/last] Interest
Period shall be calculated using Linear
Interpolation (specify for each short or long
interest period)]
[+/-] [ ] per cent. per annum
[The Notes are Step-up/step-down Notes.
The Step-up Margin is [ ] per cent.]
Minimum Rate of Interest:
[ ] per cent. per annum
Maximum Rate of Interest:
[ ] per cent. per annum
Day Count Fraction:
[Actual/Actual (ISDA)][Actual/Actual]
[Actual/365 (Fixed)]
[Actual/365 (Sterling)]
[30/360][360/360][Bond Basis]
[30E/360][Eurobond Basis]
[30E/360 (ISDA)]
(See Condition 5 for alternatives)
Fallback provisions, rounding
provisions and any other terms
relating to the method of
calculating interest on Floating
Rate Notes which are Exempt
[ ]
Notes, if different from those
set out in the Conditions:
Zero Coupon Note Provisions:
[Applicable/Not Applicable]
(If not applicable, delete the remaining
subparagraphs of this paragraph)
Accrual Yield:
[ ] per cent. per annum
Reference Price:
[ ]
Any other formula/basis of
determining amount payable
for Zero Coupon Notes which
are Exempt Notes:
[ ]
Day Count Fraction in relation
to Early Redemption Amounts:
Index Linked Interest Note:
[Applicable/Not Applicable]
(If not applicable, delete the remaining
subparagraphs of this paragraph)
[give or annex details]
Calculation Agent:
[give name]
Party responsible for
calculating the Rate of Interest
(if not the Calculation Agent)
and Interest Amount (if not the
[ ]
Provisions for determining
Coupon where calculation by
reference to Index and/or
Formula is impossible or
[need to include a description of market
disruption or settlement disruption events and
adjustment provisions]
Specified Period(s)/Specified
Interest Payment Dates:
[ ] [, subject to adjustment in
accordance with the Business Day Convention
set out in (b) below]
Business Day Convention:
[Floating Rate Convention/Following Business
Day Convention/Modified Following Business
Day Convention/Preceding Business Day
Convention/specify other] [Not Applicable]
Additional Business Centre(s):
[ ]
Minimum Rate of Interest:
[ ] per cent. per annum
Maximum Rate of Interest:
[ ] per cent. per annum
Day Count Fraction:
[ ]
Dual Currency Interest Note
[Applicable/Not Applicable]
(If not applicable, delete the remaining
subparagraphs of this paragraph)
Rate of Exchange/method of
calculating Rate of Exchange:
[give or annex details]
Party, if any, responsible for
calculating the principal and/or
interest due (if not the Agent):
[ ]
Provisions applicable where
calculation by reference to
Rate of Exchange impossible
or impracticable:
[need to include a description of market
disruption or settlement disruption events and
adjustment provisions]
Person at whose option
Specified Currency(ies) is/are
[ ]
Notice periods for Condition 7.2:
Minimum period: [ ] days
Maximum period: [ ] days
Issuer Call:
[Applicable/Not Applicable]
(If not applicable, delete the remaining
subparagraphs of this paragraph)
Optional Redemption Date(s):
[[ ]/ [Any date from and including [date]
to but excluding [date]]
Optional Redemption Amount
and method, if any, of
calculation of such amount(s):
[[ ] per Calculation Amount/Make Whole
Redemption Price] [in the case of the Optional
Redemption Date(s) falling [on [ ]]/[in the
period from and including [date] to but
excluding [date]]/specify other/see Appendix]
Make Whole Redemption
[Spens Amount/Make Whole Redemption
Amount/Not Applicable]
(If not applicable, delete the remaining
subparagraphs of this paragraph)
[(i) Redemption Margin:
[ ]
(ii) Reference Bond:
[ ]
(iii) Quotation Time:
[ ]]
If redeemable in part:
(i) Minimum
Redemption Amount:
[ ]
(ii) Maximum
Redemption Amount:
[ ]
Notice periods:
Minimum period: [ ] days
Maximum period: [ ] days
(N.B. When setting notice periods, the Issuer is
advised to consider the practicalities of
distribution of information through
intermediaries, for example, clearing systems,
which require a minimum of 5 clearing system
business days notice, and custodians, as well
as any other notice requirements which may
apply, for example, as between the Issuer and
the Agent or Trustee)
Investor Put:
[Applicable/Not Applicable]
(If not applicable, delete the remaining
subparagraphs of this paragraph)
Optional Redemption Date(s):
[ ]
Optional Redemption Amount
and method, if any, of
calculation of such amount(s):
[[ ] per Calculation Amount/specify
other/see Appendix]
Notice periods:
Minimum period: [ ] days
Maximum period: [ ] days
(N.B. When setting notice periods, the Issuer is
advised to consider the practicalities of
distribution of information through
intermediaries, for example, clearing systems,
which require a minimum of 15 clearing system
business days notice, and custodians, as well
as any other notice requirements which may
apply, for example, as between the Issuer and
the Agent or Trustee)
Change of Control Put:
[Applicable/Not Applicable]
(If not applicable, delete the remaining
subparagraph of this paragraph)
Change of Control Redemption
[ ] per Calculation Amount
Final Redemption Amount:
[[ ] per Calculation Amount/specify
other/see Appendix]
Early Redemption Amount payable
on redemption for taxation reasons or
on event of default and/or the method
of calculating the same (if required or
if different from that set out in
Condition 7.6):
[[ ] per Calculation Amount/specify
other/see Appendix]
Form of Notes:
[Temporary Global Note exchangeable for a
Permanent Global Note which is exchangeable
for Definitive Notes [on 60 days’ notice given at
any time/only upon an Exchange Event]]
[Temporary Global Note exchangeable for
Notes on and after the Exchange Date]
[Permanent Global Note exchangeable for
Definitive Notes [on 60 days’ notice given at
any time/only upon an Exchange Event]]
(N.B. The exchange upon notice/at any time
options should not be expressed to be
applicable if the Specified Denomination of the
Notes in paragraph 5 includes language
substantially to the following effect: “[€150,000]
and integral multiples of [€1,000] in excess
thereof up to and including [€199,000].”
Furthermore, such Specified Denomination
construction is not permitted in relation to any
issue of Notes which is to be represented on
issue by a Temporary Global Note
exchangeable for Definitive Notes.)
New Global Note:
Additional Financial Centre(s):
[Not Applicable/give details]
(Note that this paragraph relates to the date of
payment and not the end date of Interest
Periods for the purposes of calculating the
amount of interest, to which sub- paragraphs
14(c) and 15(g) relate)
Talons for future Coupons to be
attached to Definitive Notes:
[Yes, as the Notes have more than 27 coupon
payments, Talons may be required if, on
exchange into definitive form, more than 27
coupon payments are still to be made/No]
Details relating to Partly Paid Notes:
amount of each payment comprising
the Issue Price and date on which
each payment is to be made and
consequences of failure to pay,
including any right of the Issuer to
forfeit the Notes and interest due on
late payment.
[Not Applicable/give details. N.B. A new form of
Temporary Global Note and/or Permanent
Global Note may be required for Partly Paid
Details relating to Instalment Notes:
[Applicable/Not Applicable]
(If not applicable, delete the remaining
subparagraphs of this paragraph)
Instalment Amount(s):
[give details]
Instalment Date(s):
[give details]
Other terms or special conditions:
[Not Applicable/give details]
Signed on behalf of GELF Bond Issuer I SA:
By: ……………………………………….
Name: ……………………………………….
Title: Director
[Application [has been made/is expected to be
made] by the Issuer (or on its behalf) for the
Notes to be listed on [specify market - note this
must not be a regulated market] with effect
from [ ].] [Not Applicable]
[The Notes to be issued [[have been]/[are
expected to be]] rated [insert details] by [insert
the legal name of the relevant credit rating
agency entity(ies)].
(The above disclosure is only required if the
ratings of the Notes are different to those
stated in the Base Prospectus)
[Save for any fees payable to the[Managers/Dealer], so far as the Issuer is aware, no
person involved in the issue of the Notes has an interest material to the offer. The
[Managers/Dealers] and their Affiliates have engaged, and may in the future engage, in
investment banking and/or commercial banking transactions with, and may perform
other services for, the Issuer and the Guarantors and their Affiliates in the ordinary
course of business - Amend as appropriate if there are other interests]]
Use of Proceeds:
[ ]]
(Only required if the use of proceeds is
different from that stated in the Base
ISIN Code:
[ ]
Common Code:
[ ]
Any clearing system(s) other
than Euroclear Bank SA/NV
and Clearstream Banking, S.A.
and the relevant identification
[Not Applicable/give name(s) and number(s)]
Delivery [against/free of] payment
Names and addresses of
additional Paying Agent(s) (if
[ ]
Deemed delivery of clearing
system notices for the
purposes of Condition 14:
Any notice delivered to Noteholders through
the clearing systems will be deemed to have
been given on the [second] [Business Day/day]
after the day on which it was given to
Euroclear and Clearstream, Luxembourg.
Intended to be held in a
manner which would allow
Eurosystem eligibility:
[Yes. Note that the designation “yes” simply
means that the Notes are intended upon issue
to be deposited with one of the ICSDs as
common safekeeper and does not necessarily
mean that the Notes will be recognised as
eligible collateral for Eurosystem monetary
policy and intra-day credit operations by the
Eurosystem either upon issue or at any or all
times during their life. Such recognition will
depend upon the ECB being satisfied that
Eurosystem eligibility criteria have been met.] /
[No. While the designation is specified as “no”
at the date of this Pricing Supplement, should
the Eurosystem eligibility criteria be amended
in the future such that the Notes are capable of
meeting them the Notes may then be
deposited with one of the ICSDs as common
safekeeper. Note that this does not necessarily
mean that the Notes will then be recognised as
eligible collateral for Eurosystem monetary
policy and intra-day credit operations by the
Eurosystem at any time during their life. Such
recognition will depend upon the ECB being
satisfied that Eurosystem eligibility criteria
have been met.]
Method of distribution:
If syndicated, names of
[Not Applicable/give names]
Stabilising Manager(s) (if any):
[Not Applicable/give name(s)]
If non-syndicated, name of
relevant Dealer:
[Not Applicable/give name]
U.S. Selling Restrictions:
Reg. S Compliance Category 2; [TEFRA
D/TEFRA C/TEFRA not applicable]
Additional selling restrictions:
[Not Applicable/give details]
(Additional selling restrictions are only likely to
be relevant for certain structured Notes, such
as commodity-linked Notes)
The following are the Terms and Conditions of the Notes which will be incorporated by reference
into each Global Note and each Definitive Note (each as defined below), in the latter case only if
permitted by the relevant stock exchange or other relevant authority (if any) and agreed by the
Issuer and the relevant Dealer at the time of issue but, if not so permitted and agreed, such
Definitive Note will have endorsed thereon or attached thereto such Terms and Conditions. The
applicable Final Terms in relation to any Tranche of Notes may, in the case of an Exempt Note,
specify other terms and conditions which shall, to the extent so specified or to the extent
inconsistent with the following Terms and Conditions, replace or modify the following Terms and
Conditions for the purpose of such Notes. The applicable Final Terms (or the relevant provisions
thereof) will be endorsed upon, or attached to, each Global Note and Definitive Note. Reference
should be made to “Applicable Final Terms” for a description of the content of Final Terms which
will specify which of such terms are to apply in relation to the relevant Notes.
This Note is one of a Series (as defined below) of Notes issued by GELF Bond Issuer I SA, a
public limited liability company (société anonyme), having its registered office at 28, boulevard
d’Avranches, L-1160, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, and registered with the Luxembourg trade
and companies register (Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés Luxembourg) under number B
173 090 (the Issuer) constituted by a Trust Deed (such Trust Deed as modified and/or
supplemented and/or restated from time to time, the Trust Deed) dated 13 March 2013 made
between the Issuer, GELF Management (Lux) S.À R.L. (the Management Company, which
expression shall include any successor management company appointed under the
management regulations of GEP (as defined below)), in its capacity as a Luxembourg
management company acting for the account of Goodman European Logistics Fund FCP-FIS, a
Luxembourg fonds commun de placement (GEP), GELF European Holdings (Lux) S.À R.L.
(GEH), GELF Investments (Lux) S.À R.L. (GIS), C€LOGIX N.V. (CNV), C€LOGIX Properties
Holding B.V. (CPH) as guarantors (each of the Management Company (in its capacity as a
Luxembourg management company acting for the account of GEP), GEH, GIS, CNV and CPH
an Original Guarantor and together, the Original Guarantors) and Deutsche Trustee
Company Limited (the Trustee, which expression shall include any successor as Trustee). The
expressions Guarantor and Guarantors shall mean the Original Guarantors together with any
member of the Group (as defined in Condition 4) which becomes a Guarantor pursuant to
Condition 3.4 but shall not include any member of the Group which has ceased to be a
Guarantor pursuant to Condition 3.3. The expression Obligor means the Issuer or a Guarantor
and the expression Obligors means the Issuer and the Guarantors together.
References herein to the Notes shall be references to the Notes of this Series and shall mean:
(a) in relation to any Notes represented by a global Note (a Global Note), units of each
Specified Denomination in the Specified Currency;
(b) any Global Note; and
(c) any Notes in definitive form (Definitive Notes) issued in exchange for a Global Note.
The Notes, the Receipts (as defined below) and the Coupons (as defined below) have the
benefit of an amended and restated Agency Agreement (such Agency Agreement as amended
and/or supplemented and/or restated from time to time, the Agency Agreement) dated 5
October 2016 and made between the Obligors, the Trustee, Deutsche Bank AG, London Branch
as issuing and principal paying agent and agent bank (the Agent, which expression shall
include any successor agent) and the other paying agents named therein (together with the
Agent, the Paying Agents, which expression shall include any additional or successor paying
The final terms for this Note (or the relevant provisions thereof) are set out in Part A of the Final
Terms attached to or endorsed on this Note which complete these Terms and Conditions (the
Conditions) or, if this Note is a Note which is neither admitted to trading on a regulated market
in the European Economic Area nor offered in the European Economic Area in circumstances
where a prospectus is required to be published under the Prospectus Directive (an Exempt
Note), the final terms for this Note (or the relevant provisions thereof) are set out in Part A of the
Pricing Supplement attached to or endorsed on this Note which complete the Conditions and
which may specify other terms and conditions which shall, to the extent so specified or to the
extent inconsistent with the Conditions, replace or modify the Conditions for the purposes of this
Note. In the case of Exempt Notes, references in the Conditions to “Final Terms shall be
deemed to be references to Pricing Supplement”, so far as the context admits. References to
the applicable Final Terms are, unless otherwise stated, to Part A of the Final Terms (or the
relevant provisions thereof) attached to or endorsed on this Note. The expression Prospectus
Directive means Directive 2003/71/EC (as amended, including by Directive 2010/73/EU) and
includes any relevant implementing measure in the relevant Member State of the European
Economic Area.
Interest-bearing Definitive Notes have interest coupons (Coupons) and, in the case of Definitive
Notes which, when issued, have more than 27 interest payments remaining, talons for further
Coupons (Talons) attached on issue. Any reference herein to Coupons or coupons shall, unless
the context otherwise requires, be deemed to include a reference to Talons or talons
respectively. Exempt Notes which are Definitive Notes and which are repayable in instalments
have receipts (Receipts) for the payment of the instalments of principal (other than the final
instalment) attached on issue. Global Notes do not have Receipts, Coupons or Talons attached
on issue.
The Trustee acts for the benefit of the holders for the time being of the Notes (the Noteholders,
which expression shall, in relation to any Notes represented by a Global Note, be construed as
provided below), the holders of the Receipts (the Receiptholders) and the holders of the
Coupons (the Couponholders, which expression shall, unless the context otherwise requires,
include the holders of the Talons), in accordance with the provisions of the Trust Deed.
As used herein, Tranche means Notes which are identical in all respects (including as to listing
and admission to trading) and Series means a Tranche of Notes together with any further
Tranche or Tranches of Notes which are (a) expressed to be consolidated and form a single
series and (b) identical in all respects (including as to listing and admission to trading) except for
their respective Issue Dates, Interest Commencement Dates and/or Issue Prices.
Copies of the Trust Deed and the Agency Agreement are available for inspection during normal
business hours at the registered office for the time being of the Trustee being at 5 October 2016
at Winchester House, 1 Great Winchester Street, London EC2N 2DB and at the specified office
of each of the Paying Agents. If the Notes are to be admitted to trading on the regulated market
of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange, the applicable Final Terms will be published on the website
of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange ( If this Note is an Exempt Note, the
applicable Final Terms will only be obtainable by a Noteholder holding one or more Notes and
such Noteholder must produce evidence satisfactory to the Issuer, the Trustee and the relevant
Paying Agent as to its holding of such Notes and identity. The Noteholders, the Receiptholders
and the Couponholders are deemed to have notice of, and are entitled to the benefit of, all the
provisions of the Trust Deed, the Agency Agreement and the applicable Final Terms which are
applicable to them. The statements in the Conditions include summaries of, and are subject to,
the detailed provisions of the Trust Deed and the Agency Agreement.
Words and expressions defined in the Trust Deed, the Agency Agreement or used in the
applicable Final Terms shall have the same meanings where used in the Conditions unless the
context otherwise requires or unless otherwise stated and provided that, in the event of
inconsistency between the Trust Deed and the Agency Agreement, the Trust Deed will prevail
and, in the event of inconsistency between the Trust Deed or the Agency Agreement and the
applicable Final Terms, the applicable Final Terms will prevail.
In the Conditions, euro means the currency introduced at the start of the third stage of
European economic and monetary union pursuant to the Treaty on the Functioning of the
European Union, as amended.
The Notes are in bearer form and, in the case of Definitive Notes, serially numbered, in
the currency (the Specified Currency) and the denominations (the Specified
Denomination(s)) specified in the applicable Final Terms. Notes of one Specified
Denomination may not be exchanged for Notes of another Specified Denomination.
Unless this Note is an Exempt Note, this Note may be (i) a Fixed Rate Note or a
Floating Rate Note or a combination of the foregoing or (ii) a Zero Coupon Note,
depending upon the Interest Basis shown in the applicable Final Terms.
If this Note is an Exempt Note, this Note may be (i) a Fixed Rate Note, a Floating Rate
Note, a Zero Coupon Note, an Index Linked Interest Note, a Dual Currency Interest
Note or a combination of any of the foregoing, depending upon the Interest Basis shown
in the applicable Final Terms and/or (ii) an Index Linked Redemption Note, an
Instalment Note, a Dual Currency Redemption Note, a Partly Paid Note or a
combination of any of the foregoing, depending upon the Redemption/Payment Basis
shown in the applicable Final Terms.
Definitive Notes are issued with Coupons attached, unless they are Zero Coupon Notes
in which case references to Coupons and Couponholders in the Conditions are not
Subject as set out below, title to the Notes, Receipts and Coupons will pass by delivery.
The Obligors, the Paying Agents and the Trustee will (except as otherwise required by
law) deem and treat the bearer of any Note, Receipt or Coupon as the absolute owner
thereof (whether or not overdue and notwithstanding any notice of ownership or writing
thereon, or notice of any previous loss or theft thereof) for all purposes but, in the case
of any Global Note, without prejudice to the provisions set out in the next succeeding
For so long as any of the Notes is represented by a Global Note held on behalf of
Euroclear Bank SA/NV (Euroclear) and/or Clearstream Banking, S.A. (Clearstream,
Luxembourg), each person (other than Euroclear or Clearstream, Luxembourg) who is
for the time being shown in the records of Euroclear or of Clearstream, Luxembourg as
the holder of a particular nominal amount of such Notes (in which regard any certificate
or other document issued by Euroclear or Clearstream, Luxembourg as to the nominal
amount of such Notes standing to the account of any person shall be conclusive and
binding for all purposes save in the case of manifest error) shall be treated by the
Obligors, the Paying Agents and the Trustee as the holder of such nominal amount of
such Notes for all purposes other than with respect to the payment of principal or
interest on such nominal amount of such Notes, for which purpose the bearer of the
relevant Global Note shall be treated by the Obligors, any Paying Agent and the Trustee
as the holder of such nominal amount of such Notes in accordance with, and subject to,
the terms of the relevant Global Note and the expressions Noteholder and holder of
Notes and related expressions shall be construed accordingly. In determining whether a
particular person is entitled to a particular nominal amount of Notes as aforesaid, the
Trustee may rely on such evidence and/or information and/or certification as it shall, in
its absolute discretion, think fit and, if it does so rely, such evidence and/or information
and/or certification shall, in the absence of manifest error, be conclusive and binding on
all concerned.
Notes which are represented by a Global Note will be transferable only in accordance
with the rules and procedures for the time being of Euroclear and Clearstream,
Luxembourg, as the case may be. References to Euroclear and/or Clearstream,
Luxembourg shall, whenever the context so permits, be deemed to include a reference
to any additional or alternative clearing system specified in Part B of the applicable Final
The Notes and any relative Receipts and Coupons are direct, unconditional,
unsubordinated and unsecured obligations of the Issuer and rank pari passu among
themselves and (save for certain obligations required to be preferred by law) equally
with all other unsecured obligations (other than subordinated obligations, if any) of the
Issuer, from time to time outstanding.
3.1 Notes Guarantee
The payment of principal and interest in respect of the Notes and all other moneys
payable by the Issuer under or pursuant to the Trust Deed has been unconditionally and
irrevocably guaranteed on a joint and several basis by each of the Guarantors in the
Trust Deed (the Notes Guarantee).
3.2 Status of Notes Guarantee
The obligations of each Guarantor under the Notes Guarantee are direct, unconditional,
unsubordinated and unsecured obligations of such Guarantor and (save for certain
obligations required to be preferred by law) rank equally with all other unsecured
obligations (other than subordinated obligations, if any) of such Guarantor, from time to
time outstanding.
3.3 Release of a Guarantor
The Issuer may by written notice to the Trustee signed by two directors of the Issuer
request that a Guarantor (other than the Original Guarantors) cease to be a Guarantor if
such Guarantor is no longer providing a Guarantee in respect of any Financial
Indebtedness of the Issuer or of any other member of the Group (other than a Non-
Recourse Subsidiary). Upon the Trustee’s receipt of such notice, such Guarantor (a
Former Guarantor) shall automatically and irrevocably be released and relieved of any
obligation under the Notes Guarantee. Such notice must also contain the following
(i) no Event of Default or Potential Event of Default (as defined in the Trust Deed)
has occurred and is continuing or will result from the release of that Guarantor;
(ii) no part of the Financial Indebtedness in respect of which that Guarantor is or
was providing a Guarantee is at that time due and payable but unpaid; and
(iii) such Guarantor is not (or will cease to be simultaneously with such release)
providing a Guarantee in respect of any other Financial Indebtedness of the
Issuer or of any other member of the Group (other than a Non-Recourse
If a Former Guarantor subsequently provides a Guarantee in respect of any other
Financial Indebtedness of the Issuer and/or of any other member of the Group (other
than a Non-Recourse Subsidiary) which is (singly or in aggregate with other Guarantees
provided by that entity) in excess of €10,000,000 (or its equivalent in any other
currency) at any time subsequent to the date on which it is released from the Notes
Guarantee as described above, such Former Guarantor will be required to provide a
guarantee in the circumstances described in Condition 3.4.
As used herein, Guarantee means, in respect of any Financial Indebtedness, any
guarantee or indemnity given in respect of such Financial Indebtedness.
3.4 Additional Guarantors
If at any time after the Issue Date of the first Tranche of the Notes, any member of the
Group (other than the Issuer or any Guarantor) provides, or at the time a Person
becomes a member of the Group is providing, a Guarantee in respect of any Financial
Indebtedness of the Issuer and/or of any other member of the Group (other than a Non-
Recourse Subsidiary) which is (singly or in aggregate with other Guarantees provided
by that entity) in excess of €10,000,000 (or its equivalent in any other currency), the
Issuer and the Guarantors covenant that they shall procure that such member of the
Group or such Person, as the case may be, shall execute and deliver a supplemental
trust deed to the Trustee at the same time as (i) such Guarantee is provided; or (ii) the
date such Person so becomes a member of the Group and is providing such
Guarantee, such supplemental trust deed to be in a form and with substance
reasonably satisfactory to the Trustee, and accompanied by such opinion(s) as the
Trustee shall reasonably require pursuant to which such member of the Group or such
Person, as the case may be, (each an Additional Guarantor) shall guarantee the
obligations of the Issuer in respect of the Notes and the Trust Deed on terms mutatis
mutandis as the Notes Guarantee including, but not limited to, such guarantee being
joint and several. Each of the Original Guarantors has in the Trust Deed confirmed and,
in the case of an Additional Guarantor, such Additional Guarantor will confirm in the
supplemental trust deed pursuant to which it becomes a Guarantor, that it has
consented to any such entity becoming a Guarantor as aforesaid without any need for it
to execute any supplemental trust deed.
3.5 Notice of change of Guarantors
Notice of any release of a Guarantor or addition of a Guarantor pursuant to this
Condition will be given by the Issuer to the Noteholders in accordance with Condition 14
as soon as practicable thereafter.
In these Conditions:
Financial Indebtedness means any indebtedness for or in respect of:
(a) moneys borrowed;
(b) any acceptance credit (including any dematerialised equivalent);
(c) any bond, note, debenture, loan stock or other similar instrument;
(d) any agreement treated as a finance or capital lease in accordance with GAAP;
(e) receivables sold or discounted (other than any receivables to the extent they
are sold on a non-recourse basis);
(f) any derivative transaction protecting against or benefiting from fluctuations in
any rate or price (and, except for non-payment of an amount, the then mark-to-
market value of the derivative transaction will be used to calculate its amount);
(g) any other transaction (including any forward sale or purchase agreement) which
has the commercial effect of a borrowing;
(h) any counter-indemnity obligation in respect of any guarantee, indemnity, bond,
letter of credit or any other instrument issued by a bank or financial institution;
(i) any guarantee, indemnity or similar assurance against financial loss of any
person in respect of any item referred to in the above paragraphs,
(j) but excluding any such obligations which are to any other member of the Group.
GAAP means, in relation to any Obligor, any Material Subsidiary or any Non-Recourse
Subsidiary, as the case may be, generally accepted accounting principles in its
jurisdiction of incorporation including IFRS;
IFRS means international accounting standards within the meaning of the IAS
Regulation 1606/2002 (as amended by Regulation 297/2008) to the extent applicable to
the relevant financial statements; and
Non-Recourse Subsidiary means a Subsidiary of GEP:
(a) which has outstanding Financial Indebtedness to a person other than a
Noteholder, the Issuer, GEP or a Subsidiary of GEP;
(b) which has no claim on GEP, the Issuer or any other Subsidiary of GEP unless
that other Subsidiary is also a Non-Recourse Subsidiary; and
(c) no creditor in respect of which has any claim on GEP, the Issuer or any other
Subsidiary of GEP unless that other Subsidiary is also a Non-Recourse
So long as any of the Notes remains outstanding (as defined in the Trust Deed), the
Obligors must ensure that:
Interest Cover
Actual Interest Cover in respect of any Measurement Period is not less than 1.50:1.00;
Consolidated Total Net Borrowings do not at any time exceed 60 per cent. of
Consolidated Total Assets; and
Priority debt
Consolidated Priority Borrowings do not at any time exceed 30 per cent. of
Consolidated Total Assets.
For the purposes of the Conditions:
Actual Interest Cover means, in respect of any Measurement Period, the ratio of
Consolidated EBITDA for that Measurement Period to Consolidated Finance Costs for
that Measurement Period;
Celogix Management Company means the management company of the Celogix SPF
from time to time, being, as at the Issue Date of the first Tranche of the Notes,
Goodman Netherlands B.V. a private limited liability company (besloten vennootschap
met beperkte aansprakelijkheid) incorporated under Dutch law, having its statutory seat
in Amsterdam, the Netherlands and registered with the Chambers of Commerce in the
Netherlands under number 17086670, vested with the broadest powers to administer
and manage the Celogix SPF in accordance with and subject to the Celogix Terms and
Conditions and Dutch law and regulations. Any reference in the Conditions to “Celogix
Management Company” includes any replacement or successor management company
of the Celogix SPF appointed in accordance with the Celogix Terms and Conditions;
Celogix SPF means the Celogix Special Purpose Fund, acting through the Celogix
Management Company, which is a fund for the joint account of the participants (fonds
voor gemene rekening) established in the Netherlands, governed by the Celogix Terms
and Conditions, the participants of which are CPBV and CNV;
Celogix Terms and Conditions means the terms and conditions of Celogix SPF
(fondsvoorwaarden), dated 1 February 2008, governed by Dutch law pursuant to which
the Celogix Management Company is entitled to (i) invest the means of Celogix SPF, (ii)
dispose of (beschikken over) any of the Assets (as defined therein) and assume
Obligations (as defined therein) in the name of the Custodian and (iii) perform any and
all other acts in its own name for the account and risk of the Participants (as defined
therein) which are reasonably necessary for or conducive to the attainment of the object
of Celogix SPF;
Consolidated EBIT means, in relation to a Measurement Period, the aggregate of:
(a) the Net Property Income less Total Partnership Expenses of the Group
(excluding the results from discontinued operations) before finance costs and
tax for that Measurement Period; and
(b) (to the extent not already accounted for) plus or minus the Group’s share of the
profits or losses of associates for that period (after finance costs and tax) and
the Group’s share of the profits or losses of any joint ventures;
adjusted by:
(i) taking no account of any Exceptional Item; and
(ii) taking no account of any unrealised gains or losses on any derivative
instrument or foreign exchange transaction (other than any derivative
instrument which is accounted for on a hedge accounting basis) which is
reported through the income statement;
Consolidated EBITDA means, in relation to a Measurement Period, Consolidated EBIT
for that Measurement Period after adding back any depreciation and amortisation and
taking no account of any charge for impairment or any reversal of any previous
impairment charge made in the period;
Consolidated Eligible Cash and Cash Equivalents means, at any time:
(a) cash in hand or on deposit with any acceptable bank;
(b) certificates of deposit, maturing within one year after the relevant date of
calculation, issued by an acceptable bank;
(c) Sterling bills of exchange eligible for rediscount at the Bank of England and
accepted by an acceptable bank (or any dematerialised equivalent);
(d) investments accessible within 30 days in money market funds which:
(i) have a credit rating of either A-1 or higher by S&P or Fitch or P-1 or
higher by Moody’s; and
(ii) invest substantially all their assets in securities of the types described in
paragraphs (b) and (c) above; or
(e) any other debt, security or investment approved by an Extraordinary Resolution,
in each case, to which any member of the Group is beneficially entitled at that time and
which is capable of being applied against Consolidated Total Borrowings. For this
purpose an acceptable bank is a commercial bank or trust company which has a rating
of A or higher by S&P or Fitch or A2 or higher by Moody’s or a comparable rating from a
nationally recognised credit rating agency for its long-term unsecured and non-credit
enhanced debt obligations or has been approved by an Extraordinary Resolution;
Consolidated Finance Costs means, in relation to a Measurement Period, all finance
costs (whether paid, payable or added to principal) incurred by any member of the
Group during that period calculated on a consolidated basis;
Consolidated Priority Borrowings means, without double counting, the aggregate of
those liabilities constituting (and calculated in accordance with) Consolidated Total
Borrowings which are:
(a) secured by way of a Security Interest over any assets of any member of the
Group; or
(b) owed by any member of the Group that is not an Obligor;
Consolidated Total Assets means, at any time, the aggregate value of all assets of the
Group calculated on the basis of the values that would be attributed to those assets in a
consolidated balance sheet of GEP drawn up at that time but excluding:
(a) Consolidated Eligible Cash and Cash Equivalents; and
(b) any asset arising as a result of the fair valuing of any financial instrument;
Consolidated Total Borrowings means, in respect of the Group, at any time, the
aggregate of the following liabilities calculated at the nominal, principal or other amount
at which the liabilities would be carried in a consolidated balance sheet of GEP drawn
up at that time (or in the case of any guarantee, indemnity or similar assurance referred
to in paragraph (i) below, the maximum liability under the relevant instrument):
(a) any moneys borrowed;
(b) any redeemable preference shares;
(c) any acceptance under any acceptance credit (including any dematerialised
(d) any bond, note, debenture, loan stock or other similar instrument;
(e) any indebtedness under a finance or capital lease;
(f) any moneys owing in connection with the sale or discounting of receivables
(except to the extent that there is no recourse);
(g) any indebtedness arising from any deferred payment agreements arranged
primarily as a method of raising finance or financing the acquisition of an asset;
(h) any indebtedness arising in connection with any other transaction (including any
forward sale or purchase agreement) which has the commercial effect of a
borrowing; and
(i) any indebtedness of any person of a type referred to in the above paragraphs
which is the subject of a guarantee, indemnity or similar assurance against
financial loss given by a member of the Group;
Consolidated Total Net Borrowings means at any time Consolidated Total Borrowings
less Consolidated Eligible Cash and Cash Equivalents;
CPBV means C€LOGIX Participation B.V., a private limited liability company (besloten
vennootschap met beperkte aansprakelijkheid) incorporated under Dutch law, having its
statutory seat in Amsterdam, the Netherlands and registered with the Chambers of
Commerce in the Netherlands under number 34140439;
Custodian means Stichting C€LOGIX Property Fund, a Dutch foundation (stichting)
incorporated under Dutch law, having its statutory seat in Amsterdam, the Netherlands
and registered with the Chambers of Commerce in the Netherlands under number
34130534, acting in its capacity as custodian for Celogix SPF and in such capacity
holding legal title to certain assets for the risk and account of the participants of the
Celogix SPF;
Exceptional Item means any material item of income or expense that represents:
(a) any gain or loss arising from:
(i) write-downs of inventories to net realisable value or of property, plant
and equipment to recoverable amount, and reversals of such write-
(ii) restructuring the activities of the Group and any reversals of any
provision for the costs of restructuring;
(iii) the carrying out of any structural alterations, additions, development or
similar operation;
(iv) disposals of property, plant or equipment;
(v) disposals of investments; or
(vi) disposals or settlements of liabilities of any member of the Group that
fall within the definition of Consolidated Total Borrowings; or
(b) any gain of a highly unusual or non-recurring nature; or
(c) any gain or loss arising from a transaction entered into otherwise than in the
carrying on of the normal core business operations of the Group;
Fitch means Fitch Ratings Limited;
Group means GEP and its Subsidiaries, the Celogix SPF (acting through the Celogix
Management Company), the Celogix Management Company (in its capacity as
management company of the Celogix SPF) and the Custodian;
Measurement Period means each period of 12 months ending on a Quarterly Test
Moody’s means Moody’s Investors Services Limited;
Net Property Income is the amount identified with that heading in the consolidated
financial statements of the Group;
Quarterly Test Date means 31 March, 30 June, 30 September and 31 December in
each year;
Security Interest means any mortgage, pledge, lien, charge, assignment,
hypothecation or security interest (which, in the case of a Dutch Obligor, includes any
mortgage (hypotheek), pledge (pandrecht), retention of title arrangement
(eigendomsvoorbehoud), privilege (voorrecht), right of retention (recht van retentie),
right to reclaim goods (recht van reclame), and, in general, any right in rem (beperkt
recht), created for the purpose of granting security (goederenrechtelijk zekerheidsrecht))
or any other agreement or arrangement having a similar effect;
Subsidiary means an entity of which a person has direct or indirect control or owns
directly or indirectly more than 50 per cent. of the voting capital or similar right of
ownership. For the purpose of this definition, control means the power to direct the
management and the policies of the entity whether through the ownership of voting
capital, by contract or otherwise;
S&P means Standard & Poors Financial Services LLC; and
Total Partnership Expenses is the amount identified with that heading in the
consolidated financial statements of the Group.
The applicable Final Terms will indicate whether the Notes are (i) Fixed Rate Notes or
Floating Rate Notes or a combination of the foregoing, (ii) Zero Coupon Notes or (iii) in
the case of Exempt Notes only, whether a different interest basis applies.
In the case of Fixed Rate Notes and Floating Rate Notes, the applicable Final Terms
may also indicate whether the Notes are also Step-up/step-down Notes.
5.1 Interest on Fixed Rate Notes
This Condition 5.1 applies to Fixed Rate Notes only, including, subject to the provisions
of Condition 5.2, Fixed Rate Notes which are specified in the applicable Final Terms as
being Step- up/step-down Notes. The applicable Final Terms contains provisions
applicable to the determination of fixed rate interest and must be read in conjunction
with this Condition 5.1 and, if applicable, Condition 5.2 for full information on the manner
in which interest is calculated on Fixed Rate Notes. In particular, the applicable Final
Terms will specify the Interest Commencement Date, the Rate(s) of Interest, the Interest
Payment Date(s), the Maturity Date, the Fixed Coupon Amount, any applicable Broken
Amount, the Calculation Amount, the Day Count Fraction and any applicable
Determination Date.
Each Fixed Rate Note bears interest from (and including) the Interest Commencement
Date at the rate(s) per annum equal to the Rate(s) of Interest. Interest will be payable in
arrear on the Interest Payment Date(s) in each year up to (and including) the Maturity
In the case of Definitive Notes, except as provided in the applicable Final Terms, the
amount of interest payable on each Interest Payment Date in respect of the Fixed
Interest Period ending on (but excluding) such date will amount to the Fixed Coupon
Amount. Payments of interest on any Interest Payment Date will, if so specified in the
applicable Final Terms, amount to the Broken Amount so specified.
As used in the Conditions, Fixed Interest Period means the period from (and including)
an Interest Payment Date (or the Interest Commencement Date) to (but excluding) the
next (or first) Interest Payment Date.
Except in the case of Definitive Notes where an applicable Fixed Coupon Amount or
Broken Amount is specified in the applicable Final Terms, interest shall be calculated in
respect of any period by applying the Rate of Interest to:
(a) in the case of Fixed Rate Notes which are represented by a Global Note, the
aggregate outstanding nominal amount of the Fixed Rate Notes represented by
such Global Note (or, if they are Partly Paid Notes, the aggregate amount paid
up); or
(b) in the case of Fixed Rate Notes which are represented by Definitive Notes, the
Calculation Amount;
and, in each case, multiplying such sum by the applicable Day Count Fraction, and
rounding the resultant figure to the nearest sub-unit of the relevant Specified Currency,
half of any such sub-unit being rounded upwards or otherwise in accordance with
applicable market convention. Where the Specified Denomination of a Fixed Rate Note
which is represented by a Definitive Note is a multiple of the Calculation Amount, the
amount of interest payable in respect of such Fixed Rate Note shall be the product of
the amount (determined in the manner provided above) for the Calculation Amount and
the amount by which the Calculation Amount is multiplied to reach the Specified
Denomination, without any further rounding.
Day Count Fraction means, in respect of the calculation of an amount of interest in
accordance with this Condition 5.1:
(a) if “Actual/Actual (ICMA)” is specified in the applicable Final Terms:
(i) in the case of Notes where the number of days in the relevant period
from (and including) the most recent Interest Payment Date (or, if none,
the Interest Commencement Date) to (but excluding) the relevant
payment date (the Accrual Period) is equal to or shorter than the
Determination Period during which the Accrual Period ends, the number
of days in such Accrual Period divided by the product of (I) the number
of days in such Determination Period and (II) the number of
Determination Dates (as specified in the applicable Final Terms) that
would occur in one calendar year; or
(ii) in the case of Notes where the Accrual Period is longer than the
Determination Period during which the Accrual Period ends, the sum of:
(A) the number of days in such Accrual Period falling in the
Determination Period in which the Accrual Period begins
divided by the product of (x) the number of days in such
Determination Period and (y) the number of Determination
Dates that would occur in one calendar year; and
(B) the number of days in such Accrual Period falling in the next
Determination Period divided by the product of (x) the number
of days in such Determination Period and (y) the number of
Determination Dates that would occur in one calendar year; and
(b) if “30/360 is specified in the applicable Final Terms, the number of days
in the period from (and including) the most recent Interest Payment
Date (or, if none, the Interest Commencement Date) to (but excluding)
the relevant payment date (such number of days being calculated on
the basis of a year of 360 days with 12 30-day months) divided by 360.
In the Conditions:
Determination Period means each period from (and including) a Determination
Date to (but excluding) the next Determination Date (including, where either the
Interest Commencement Date or the final Interest Payment Date is not a
Determination Date, the period commencing on the first Determination Date
prior to, and ending on the first Determination Date falling after, such date); and
sub-unit means, with respect to any currency other than euro, the lowest
amount of such currency that is available as legal tender in the country of such
currency and, with respect to euro, one cent.
5.2 Step-up/step-down Notes
This Condition 5.2 applies to Fixed Rate Notes and Floating Rate Notes which
are specified in the applicable Final Terms as being Step-up/step-down Notes.
(a) Fixed Rate Notes
The Rate of Interest for Fixed Rate Notes which are Step-up/step-down
Notes will be the Initial Rate of Interest specified in the applicable Final
Terms. The Initial Rate of Interest shall be subject to adjustment (each
such adjustment, a Fixed Rate Adjustment) in the event of a Step-up
Rating Change (if any) or a subsequent Step-down Rating Change (if
any), as the case may be, in accordance with the following provisions.
Any Fixed Rate Adjustment shall apply in respect of the Fixed Interest
Period commencing on the Interest Payment Date falling on or
immediately following the date of the relevant Step-up Rating Change
or Step-down Rating Change, as the case may be, until either a further
Fixed Rate Adjustment becomes effective or the date of redemption, as
the case may be.
For any Fixed Interest Period commencing on or after the first Interest
Payment Date immediately following the date of a Step-up Rating
Change, if any, the Rate of Interest shall be increased by the Step-up
Margin specified in the applicable Final Terms.
In the event that a Step-down Rating Change occurs after the date of a
Step-up Rating Change (or on the same date but subsequent thereto),
then for any Fixed Interest Period commencing on the first Interest
Payment Date following the date of such Step-down Rating Change, the
Rate of Interest shall be the Initial Rate of Interest.
(b) Floating Rate Notes
The Margin for Floating Rate Notes which are Step-up/step-down Notes
will be the Margin specified in the applicable Final Terms. The Margin
shall be subject to adjustment (each such adjustment, a Floating Rate
Adjustment) in the event of a Step-up Rating Change (if any) or a
subsequent Step- down Rating Change (if any), as the case may be, in
accordance with the following provisions. Any Floating Rate Adjustment
shall apply in respect of the Interest Period commencing on the Interest
Payment Date falling on or immediately following the date of the
relevant Step-up Rating Change or Step-down Rating Change, as the
case may be, until either a further Floating Rate Adjustment becomes
effective or the date of redemption, as the case may be.
For any Interest Period commencing on or after the first Interest
Payment Date immediately following the date of a Step-up Rating
Change, if any, the Margin shall be increased by the Step-up Margin
specified in the applicable Final Terms.
In the event that a Step-down Rating Change occurs after the date of a
Step-up Rating Change (or on the same date but subsequent thereto),
then for any Interest Period commencing on the first Interest Payment
Date following the date of such Step-down Rating Change, the Margin
shall be the Margin specified in the applicable Final Terms.
(c) General
The Issuer shall use all reasonable efforts to maintain credit ratings for
Notes issued, or to be issued, by it from each of Moody’s and S&P
(each as defined in Condition 4). In the event that either Moody’s or
S&P fails to or ceases to assign a rating to Notes issued, or to be
issued, by the Issuer, the Issuer shall use all reasonable efforts to
obtain a rating of Notes issued, or to be issued, by it from a Substitute
Rating Agency (as defined in Condition 7.5), and references in this
Condition 5.2 to Moody’s or S&P, as the case may be, or the ratings
thereof, shall be to such Substitute Rating Agency or, as the case may
be, the equivalent ratings thereof. In the event that such a rating is not
obtained from a Substitute Rating Agency, then, for the purposes of the
foregoing adjustments to the Rate of Interest or the Margin (as
applicable), the ratings assigned by the remaining Rating Agency (as
defined in Condition 7.5) shall be deemed also to be the ratings
assigned by the other Rating Agency.
In the event that both Moody’s and S&P fail to or cease to assign a
rating to Notes issued, or to be issued, by the Issuer and the Issuer fails
to obtain a rating of Notes issued, or to be issued, by it from a
Substitute Rating Agency, a Step-up Rating Change will be deemed to
have occurred on the date of such failure. If a rating of Notes issued, or
to be issued, by the Issuer is subsequently assigned by one or more
Rating Agencies, then if such rating (or ratings if more than one) is at
least Baa3, in the case of Moody’s, or at least BBB-, in the case of S&P,
or the equivalent ratings in the case of a Substitute Rating Agency, a
Step-down Rating Change will be deemed to have occurred on the date
of such assignment.
The Rate of Interest or the Margin (as applicable) will only be subject to
adjustment due to a Step-up Rating Change or a deemed Step-up
Rating Change as provided above upon the first occurrence on or after
the Interest Commencement Date of a Step-up Rating Change and may
occur only once. An adjustment to the Rate of Interest or the Margin (as
applicable) following the occurrence of a Step- down Rating Change or
a deemed Step-down Rating Change as provided above may only
occur once and, in any event, only after the occurrence of the Step-up
Rating Change.
The Issuer shall cause each Rating Change (if any) and the applicable
Rate of Interest or applicable Margin to be notified to the Agent, the
Trustee, any stock exchange on which the relevant Notes are for the
time being listed and the Noteholders in accordance with Condition 14
as soon as practicable after such Rating Change.
The Trustee is under no obligation to ascertain whether a Rating
Change, or any event which could lead to the occurrence of, or could
constitute, a Rating Change has occurred, and until it has actual
knowledge or notice pursuant to the Trust Deed to the contrary, the
Trustee may assume that no Rating Change or other such event has
In the Conditions:
Rating Change means a Step-up Rating Change and/or a Step-down
Rating Change;
Step-down Rating Change means (subject as provided above in
relation to a deemed Step-down Rating Change):
(i) if the Step-up Rating Change occurred due to a public
announcement by Moody’s of a decrease in the rating of Notes
issued, or to be issued, by the Issuer to below Baa3 but S&P
has not publicly announced a decrease in the rating of Notes
issued, or to be issued, by the Issuer to below BBB-, the first
public announcement after the Step-up Rating Change by
Moody’s of an increase in the rating of Notes issued, or to be
issued, by the Issuer to at least Baa3;
(ii) if the Step-up Rating Change occurred due to a public
announcement by S&P of a decrease in the rating of Notes
issued, or to be issued, by the Issuer to below BBB- but
Moody’s has not publicly announced a decrease in the rating of
Notes issued, or to be issued, by the Issuer to below Baa3, the
first public announcement after the Step-up Rating Change by
S&P of an increase in the rating of Notes issued, or to be
issued, by the Issuer to at least BBB-; or
(iii) if the Step-up Rating Change occurred due to either:
(a) public announcements by both Moody’s and S&P of a
decrease in the rating of Notes issued, or to be issued,
by the Issuer to below Baa3 (in the case of Moody’s)
and below BBB- (in the case of S&P); or
(b) a public announcement by either Moody’s or S&P of a
decrease in the rating of the Notes issued, or to be
issued, by the Issuer to below Baa3 (in the case of
Moody’s) and below BBB- (in the case of S&P) and the
other Rating Agency has, after the occurrence of the
Step-up Rating Change, publicly announced a decrease
in the rating of the Notes issued, or to be issued, by the
Issuer to below Baa3 (in the case of Moody’s) and
below BBB- (in the case of S&P),
the first public announcement after the Step-up Rating Change
by both Moody’s and S&P of an increase in the rating of Notes
issued, or to be issued, by the Issuer to at least Baa3, in the
case of Moody’s, and to at least BBB-, in the case of S&P.
For the avoidance of doubt, any further increases in the credit rating of
Notes issued, or to be issued, by the Issuer above Baa3, in the case of
Moody’s, or above BBB-, in the case of S&P, shall not constitute a Step-
down Rating Change; and
Step-up Rating Change means, subject as provided above in relation
to a deemed Step-up Rating Change, the first public announcement by
either Moody’s or S&P or both of them of a decrease in the rating of
Notes issued, or to be issued, by the Issuer to below Baa3, in the case
of Moody’s, or below BBB-, in the case of S&P. For the avoidance of
doubt, any further decrease in the credit rating of Notes issued, or to be
issued, by the Issuer below Baa3, in the case of Moody’s, or below
BBB-, in the case of S&P, shall not constitute a Step-up Rating Change.
5.3 Interest on Floating Rate Notes
(a) Interest Payment Dates
This Condition 5.3 applies to Floating Rate Notes only, including,
subject to the provisions of Condition 5.2, Floating Rate Notes which
are specified in the applicable Final Terms as being Step- up/step-down
Notes. The applicable Final Terms contains provisions applicable to the
determination of floating rate interest and must be read in conjunction
with this Condition 5.3 and, if applicable, Condition 5.2 for full
information on the manner in which interest is calculated on Floating
Rate Notes. In particular, the applicable Final Terms will identify any
Specified Interest Payment Dates, any Specified Period, the Interest
Commencement Date, the Business Day Convention, any Additional
Business Centres, whether ISDA Determination or Screen Rate
Determination applies to the calculation of interest, the party who will
calculate the amount of interest due if it is not the Agent, the Margin,
any maximum or minimum interest rates and the Day Count Fraction.
Where ISDA Determination applies to the calculation of interest, the
applicable Final Terms will also specify the applicable Floating Rate
Option, Designated Maturity and Reset Date. Where Screen Rate
Determination applies to the calculation of interest, the applicable Final
Terms will also specify the applicable Reference Rate, Relevant
Financial Centre, Interest Determination Date(s) and Relevant Screen
Each Floating Rate Note bears interest from (and including) the Interest
Commencement Date and such interest will be payable in arrear on
(i) the Specified Interest Payment Date(s) in each year specified in
the applicable Final Terms; or
(ii) if no Specified Interest Payment Date(s) is/are specified in the
applicable Final Terms, each date (each such date, together
with each Specified Interest Payment Date, an Interest
Payment Date) which falls within the number of months or
other period specified as the Specified Period in the applicable
Final Terms after the preceding Interest Payment Date or, in the
case of the first Interest Payment Date, after the Interest
Commencement Date.
Such interest will be payable in respect of each Interest Period. In the
Conditions, Interest Period means the period from (and including) an
Interest Payment Date (or the Interest Commencement Date) to (but
excluding) the next (or first) Interest Payment Date.
If a Business Day Convention is specified in the applicable Final Terms
and (x) if there is no numerically corresponding day in the calendar
month in which an Interest Payment Date should occur or (y) if any
Interest Payment Date would otherwise fall on a day which is not a
Business Day, then, if the Business Day Convention specified is:
(A) in any case where Specified Periods are specified in
accordance with Condition 5.3(a)(ii) above, the Floating Rate
Convention, such Interest Payment Date (a) in the case of (x)
above, shall be the last day that is a Business Day in the
relevant month and the provisions of (ii) below shall apply
mutatis mutandis or (b) in the case of (y) above, shall be
postponed to the next day which is a Business Day unless it
would thereby fall into the next calendar month, in which event
(i) such Interest Payment Date shall be brought forward to the
immediately preceding Business Day and (ii) each subsequent
Interest Payment Date shall be the last Business Day in the
month which falls in the Specified Period after the preceding
applicable Interest Payment Date occurred; or
(B) the Following Business Day Convention, such Interest Payment
Date shall be postponed to the next day which is a Business
Day; or
(C) the Modified Following Business Day Convention, such Interest
Payment Date shall be postponed to the next day which is a
Business Day unless it would thereby fall into the next calendar
month, in which event such Interest Payment Date shall be
brought forward to the immediately preceding Business Day; or
(D) the Preceding Business Day Convention, such Interest
Payment Date shall be brought forward to the immediately
preceding Business Day.
In the Conditions, Business Day means a day which is both:
(a) a day on which commercial banks and foreign exchange
markets settle payments and are open for general business
(including dealing in foreign exchange and foreign currency
deposits) in each Additional Business Centre specified in the
applicable Final Terms;
(b) if TARGET2 System is specified as an Additional Business
Centre in the applicable Final Terms, a day on which the Trans-
European Automated Real-Time Gross Settlement Express
Transfer (TARGET2) System (the TARGET2 System) is open;
(c) either (i) in relation to any sum payable in a Specified Currency
other than euro, a day on which commercial banks and foreign
exchange markets settle payments and are open for general
business (including dealing in foreign exchange and foreign
currency deposits) in the principal financial centre of the country
of the relevant Specified Currency (which if the Specified
Currency is Australian dollars or New Zealand dollars shall be
Sydney and Auckland, respectively) or (ii) in relation to any sum
payable in euro, a day on which the TARGET2 System is open.
(b) Rate of Interest
The Rate of Interest payable from time to time in respect of Floating
Rate Notes will be determined in the manner specified in the applicable
Final Terms.
(i) ISDA Determination for Floating Rate Notes
Where ISDA Determination is specified in the applicable Final
Terms as the manner in which the Rate of Interest is to be
determined, the Rate of Interest for each Interest Period will be
the relevant ISDA Rate plus or minus (as indicated in the
applicable Final Terms) the Margin (if any). For the purposes of
this subparagraph (i), ISDA Rate for an Interest Period means a
rate equal to the Floating Rate that would be determined by the
Agent under an interest rate swap transaction if the Agent were
acting as Calculation Agent for that swap transaction under the
terms of an agreement incorporating the 2006 ISDA Definitions,
as published by the International Swaps and Derivatives
Association, Inc. and as amended and updated as at the Issue
Date of the first Tranche of the Notes (the ISDA Definitions)
and under which:
(A) the Floating Rate Option is as specified in the
applicable Final Terms;
(B) the Designated Maturity is the period specified as such
in the applicable Final Terms; and
(C) the relevant Reset Date is the day specified as such in
the applicable Final Terms.
For the purposes of this subparagraph (i), Floating Rate,
Calculation Agent, Floating Rate Option, Designated
Maturity and Reset Date have the meanings given to those
terms in the ISDA Definitions.
Unless otherwise stated in the applicable Final Terms, the
Minimum Rate of Interest shall be deemed to be zero.
(ii) Screen Rate Determination for Floating Rate Notes
Where Screen Rate Determination is specified in the applicable
Final Terms as the manner in which the Rate of Interest is to be
determined, the Rate of Interest for each Interest Period will,
subject as provided below, be either:
(A) the offered quotation; or
(B) the arithmetic mean (rounded if necessary to the fifth
decimal place, with 0.000005 being rounded upwards)
of the offered quotations,
(expressed as a percentage rate per annum) for the Reference
Rate which appears or appear, as the case may be, on the
Relevant Screen Page as at 11.00 a.m. (Relevant Financial
Centre time) on the Interest Determination Date in question plus
or minus (as indicated in the applicable Final Terms) the Margin
(if any), all as determined by the Agent. If five or more of such
offered quotations are available on the Relevant Screen Page,
the highest (or, if there is more than one such highest quotation,
one only of such quotations) and the lowest (or, if there is more
than one such lowest quotation, one only of such quotations)
shall be disregarded by the Agent for the purpose of
determining the arithmetic mean (rounded as provided above)
of such offered quotations.
The Agency Agreement contains provisions for determining the
Rate of Interest in the event that the Relevant Screen Page is
not available or if, in the case of (A) above, no such offered
quotation appears or, in the case of (B) above, fewer than three
such offered quotations appear, in each case as at the time
specified in the preceding paragraph.
(c) Minimum Rate of Interest and/or Maximum Rate of Interest
If the applicable Final Terms specifies a Minimum Rate of Interest for
any Interest Period, then, in the event that the Rate of Interest in
respect of such Interest Period, determined in accordance with the
provisions of paragraph (b) above, is less than such Minimum Rate of
Interest, the Rate of Interest for such Interest Period shall be such
Minimum Rate of Interest.
If the applicable Final Terms specifies a Maximum Rate of Interest for
any Interest Period, then, in the event that the Rate of Interest in
respect of such Interest Period determined in accordance with the
provisions of paragraph (b) above is greater than such Maximum Rate
of Interest, the Rate of Interest for such Interest Period shall be such
Maximum Rate of Interest.
(d) Determination of Rate of Interest and calculation of Interest
The Agent will, at or as soon as practicable after each time at which the
Rate of Interest is to be determined, determine the Rate of Interest for
the relevant Interest Period.
The Agent will calculate the amount of interest (the Interest Amount)
payable on the Floating Rate Notes for the relevant Interest Period by
applying the Rate of Interest to:
(A) in the case of Floating Rate Notes which are represented by a
Global Note, the aggregate outstanding nominal amount of the
Notes represented by such Global Note (or, if they are Partly
Paid Notes, the aggregate amount paid up); or
(B) in the case of Floating Rate Notes which are represented by
Definitive Notes, the Calculation Amount;
and, in each case, multiplying such sum by the applicable Day Count
Fraction, and rounding the resultant figure to the nearest sub-unit of the
relevant Specified Currency, half of any such sub-unit being rounded
upwards or otherwise in accordance with applicable market convention.
Where the Specified Denomination of a Floating Rate Note which is
represented by a Definitive Note is a multiple of the Calculation Amount,
the Interest Amount payable in respect of such Note shall be the
product of the amount (determined in the manner provided above) for
the Calculation Amount and the amount by which the Calculation
Amount is multiplied to reach the Specified Denomination, without any
further rounding.
Day Count Fraction means, in respect of the calculation of an amount
of interest in accordance with this Condition 5.3:
(i) if “Actual/Actual (ISDA)” or “Actual/Actual” is specified in the
applicable Final Terms, the actual number of days in the Interest
Period divided by 365 (or, if any portion of that Interest Period
falls in a leap year, the sum of (I) the actual number of days in
that portion of the Interest Period falling in a leap year divided
by 366 and (II) the actual number of days in that portion of the
Interest Period falling in a non-leap year divided by 365);
(ii) if “Actual/365 (Fixed)” is specified in the applicable Final Terms,
the actual number of days in the Interest Period divided by 365;
(iii) if “Actual/365 (Sterling)” is specified in the applicable Final
Terms, the actual number of days in the Interest Period divided
by 365 or, in the case of an Interest Payment Date falling in a
leap year, 366;
(iv) if Actual/360” is specified in the applicable Final Terms, the
actual number of days in the Interest Period divided by 360;
(v) if 30/360, “360/360” or “Bond Basis is specified in the
applicable Final Terms, the number of days in the Interest
Period divided by 360, calculated on a formula basis as follows:
Day Count Fraction =
[360 x (Y
– Y
)] +[30 x (M
– M
)] + (D
– D
is the year, expressed as a number, in which the first day of
the Interest Period falls;
is the year, expressed as a number, in which the day
immediately following the last day of the Interest Period falls;
is the calendar month, expressed as a number, in which
the first day of the Interest Period falls;
is the calendar month, expressed as a number, in which
the day immediately following the last day of the Interest Period
is the first calendar day, expressed as a number, of the
Interest Period, unless such number is 31, in which case D
be 30; and
is the calendar day, expressed as a number, immediately
following the last day included in the Interest Period, unless
such number would be 31 and D
is greater than 29, in which
case D
will be 30;
(vi) if “30E/360” or “Eurobond Basis” is specified in the applicable
Final Terms, the number of days in the Interest Period divided
by 360, calculated on a formula basis as follows:
Day Count Fraction =
[360 x (Y
- Y
)] +[30 x (M
- M
)] + (D
- D
is the year, expressed as a number, in which the first day of
the Interest Period falls;
is the year, expressed as a number, in which the day
immediately following the last day of the Interest Period falls;
is the calendar month, expressed as a number, in which
the first day of the Interest Period falls;
is the calendar month, expressed as a number, in which
the day immediately following the last day of the Interest Period
is the first calendar day, expressed as a number, of the
Interest Period, unless such number would be 31, in which case
will be 30; and
is the calendar day, expressed as a number, immediately
following the last day included in the Interest Period, unless
such number would be 31, in which case D
will be 30;
(vii) if “30E/360 (ISDA) is specified in the applicable Final Terms,
the number of days in the Interest Period divided by 360,
calculated on a formula basis as follows:
Day Count Fraction =
[360 x (Y
- Y
)] +[30 x (M
- M
)] + (D
- D
is the year, expressed as a number, in which the first day of
the Interest Period falls;
is the year, expressed as a number, in which the day
immediately following the last day of the Interest Period falls;
is the calendar month, expressed as a number, in which
the first day of the Interest Period falls;
is the calendar month, expressed as a number, in which
the day immediately following the last day of the Interest Period
is the first calendar day, expressed as a number, of the
Interest Period, unless (i) that day is the last day of February or
(ii) such number would be 31, in which case D
will be 30; and
is the calendar day, expressed as a number, immediately
following the last day included in the Interest Period, unless (i)
that day is the last day of February but not the Maturity Date or
(ii) such number would be 31, in which case D
will be 30.
(e) Linear Interpolation
Where Linear Interpolation is specified as applicable in respect of an
Interest Period in the applicable Final Terms, the Rate of Interest for
such Interest Period shall be calculated by the Agent by straight line
linear interpolation by reference to two rates based on the relevant
Reference Rate (where Screen Rate Determination is specified as
applicable in the applicable Final Terms) or the relevant Floating Rate
Option (where ISDA Determination is specified as applicable in the
applicable Final Terms), one of which shall be determined as if the
Designated Maturity were the period of time for which rates are
available next shorter than the length of the relevant Interest Period and
the other of which shall be determined as if the Designated Maturity
were the period of time for which rates are available next longer than
the length of the relevant Interest Period provided however that if there
is no rate available for a period of time next shorter or, as the case may
be, next longer, then the Agent shall determine such rate at such time
and by reference to such sources as it determines appropriate.
Designated Maturity means, in relation to Screen Rate Determination,
the period of time designated in the Reference Rate.
(f) Notification of Rate of Interest and Interest Amounts
The Agent will cause the Rate of Interest and each Interest Amount for
each Interest Period and the relevant Interest Payment Date to be
notified to the Issuer, the Trustee and any stock exchange on which the
relevant Floating Rate Notes are for the time being listed (by no later
than the first day of each Interest Period) and notice thereof to be
published, in accordance with Condition 14, as soon as possible after
their determination, but in no event later than the fourth London
Business Day thereafter. Each Interest Amount and Interest Payment
Date so notified may subsequently be amended (or appropriate
alternative arrangements made by way of adjustment) without prior
notice in the event of an extension or shortening of the Interest Period.
Any such amendment will promptly be notified to each stock exchange
on which the relevant Floating Rate Notes are for the time being listed
and to the Noteholders in accordance with Condition 14. For the
purposes of this paragraph, the expression London Business Day
means a day (other than a Saturday or a Sunday) on which banks and
foreign exchange markets are open for general business in London.
(g) Determination or Calculation by Trustee
If for any reason at any relevant time the Agent defaults in its obligation
to determine the Rate of Interest or in its obligation to calculate any
Interest Amount in accordance with subparagraph (b)(i) or
subparagraph (b)(ii) above, as the case may be, and in each case in
accordance with paragraph (d) and (e) above, the Trustee (or an agent
appointed by the Trustee at the expense of the Issuer) shall determine
the Rate of Interest at such rate as, in its absolute discretion, acting
reasonably (having such regard as it shall think fit to the foregoing
provisions of this Condition, but subject always to any Minimum Rate of
Interest or Maximum Rate of Interest specified in the applicable Final
Terms), it shall deem fair and reasonable in all the circumstances or, as
the case may be, the Trustee (or an agent appointed by the Trustee at
the expense of the Issuer) shall calculate the Interest Amount(s) in such
manner as it shall deem fair and reasonable in all the circumstances
and each such determination or calculation shall be deemed to have
been made by the Agent.
(h) Certificates to be final
All certificates, communications, opinions, determinations, calculations,
quotations and decisions given, expressed, made or obtained for the
purposes of the provisions of this Condition 5.3 by the Agent shall (in
the absence of wilful default, bad faith or manifest error) be binding on
the Obligors, the Agent, the other Paying Agents and all Noteholders,
Receiptholders and Couponholders and (in the absence of wilful default
and bad faith) no liability to the Obligors, the Noteholders, the
Receiptholders or the Couponholders shall attach to the Agent or the
Trustee in connection with the exercise or non-exercise by it of its
powers, duties and discretions pursuant to such provisions.
5.4 Exempt Notes
The rate or amount of interest payable in respect of Exempt Notes which are not also
Fixed Rate Notes or Floating Rate Notes shall be determined in the manner specified in
the applicable Final Terms, provided that where such Notes are Index Linked Interest
Notes the provisions of Condition 5.3 shall, save to the extent amended in the
applicable Final Terms, apply as if the references therein to Floating Rate Notes and to
the Agent were references to Index Linked Interest Notes and the Calculation Agent,
respectively, and provided further that the Calculation Agent will notify the Agent of the
Rate of Interest for the relevant Interest Period as soon as practicable after calculating
the same.
In the case of Partly Paid Notes (other than Partly Paid Notes which are Zero Coupon
Notes), interest will accrue as aforesaid on the paid-up nominal amount of such Notes
and otherwise as specified in the applicable Final Terms.
5.5 Accrual of interest
Each Note (or in the case of the redemption of part only of a Note, that part only of such
Note) will cease to bear interest (if any) from the date for its redemption unless payment
of principal is improperly withheld or refused. In such event, interest will continue to
accrue until whichever is the earlier of:
(a) the date on which all amounts due in respect of such Note have been paid; and
(b) five days after the date on which the full amount of the moneys payable in
respect of such Note has been received by the Agent and notice to that effect
has been given to the Noteholders as provided in the Trust Deed.
6.1 Method of payment
Subject as provided below:
(a) payments in a Specified Currency other than euro will be made by credit or
transfer to an account in the relevant Specified Currency maintained by the
payee with a bank in the principal financial centre of the country of such
Specified Currency (which, if the Specified Currency is Australian dollars or New
Zealand dollars, shall be Sydney and Auckland, respectively); and
(b) payments in euro will be made by credit or transfer to a euro account (or any
other account to which euro may be credited or transferred) specified by the
Payments will be subject in all cases to:
(i) any fiscal or other laws and regulations applicable thereto in the place of
payment, but without prejudice to the provisions of Condition 8; and
(ii) any withholding or deduction required pursuant to an agreement described in
Section 1471(b) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (the Code) or
otherwise imposed pursuant to Sections 1471 through 1474 of the Code
(FATCA), any regulations or agreements thereunder, any official interpretations
thereof, or (without prejudice to the provisions of Condition 8) any law
implementing an intergovernmental approach thereto.
6.2 Presentation of Definitive Notes, Receipts and Coupons
Payments of principal in respect of Definitive Notes will (subject as provided below) be
made in the manner provided in Condition 6.1 above only against presentation and
surrender (or, in the case of part payment of any sum due, endorsement) of Definitive
Notes, and payments of interest in respect of Definitive Notes will (subject as provided
below) be made as aforesaid only against presentation and surrender (or, in the case of
part payment of any sum due, endorsement) of Coupons, in each case at the specified
office of any Paying Agent outside the United States (which expression, as used herein,
means the United States of America (including the States and the District of Columbia
and its possessions)).
Fixed Rate Notes which are represented by Definitive Notes (other than Step-up/step-
down Notes and Long Maturity Notes (as defined below) and save as provided in
Condition 6.4) should be presented for payment together with all unmatured Coupons
appertaining thereto (which expression shall for this purpose include Coupons falling to
be issued on exchange of matured Talons), failing which the amount of any missing
unmatured Coupon (or, in the case of payment not being made in full, the same
proportion of the amount of such missing unmatured Coupon as the sum so paid bears
to the sum due) will be deducted from the sum due for payment. Each amount of
principal so deducted will be paid in the manner mentioned above against surrender of
the relative missing Coupon at any time before the expiry of 10 years after the Relevant
Date (as defined in Condition 8) in respect of such principal (whether or not such
Coupon would otherwise have become void under Condition 9) or, if later, five years
from the date on which such Coupon would otherwise have become due, but in no
event thereafter.
Upon any Fixed Rate Note which is represented by a Definitive Note becoming due and
repayable prior to its Maturity Date, all unmatured Talons (if any) appertaining thereto
will become void and no further Coupons will be issued in respect thereof.
Upon the date on which any Floating Rate Note, any Step-up/step-down Note or Long
Maturity Note which is represented by a Definitive Note becomes due and repayable,
unmatured Coupons and Talons (if any) relating thereto (whether or not attached) shall
become void and no payment or, as the case may be, exchange for further Coupons
shall be made in respect thereof. A Long Maturity Note is a Fixed Rate Note (other
than a Fixed Rate Note which on issue had a Talon attached) whose nominal amount on
issue is less than the aggregate interest payable thereon provided that such Note shall
cease to be a Long Maturity Note on the Interest Payment Date on which the aggregate
amount of interest remaining to be paid after that date is less than the nominal amount
of such Note.
If the due date for redemption of any Definitive Note is not an Interest Payment Date,
interest (if any) accrued in respect of such Note from (and including) the preceding
Interest Payment Date or, as the case may be, the Interest Commencement Date shall
be payable only against surrender of the relevant Definitive Note.
6.3 Payments in respect of Global Notes
Payments of principal and interest (if any) in respect of Notes represented by any
Global Note will (subject as provided below) be made in the manner specified above in
relation to Definitive Notes or otherwise in the manner specified in the relevant Global
Note, where applicable, against presentation or surrender, as the case may be, of such
Global Note at the specified office of any Paying Agent outside the United States. A
record of each payment made, distinguishing between any payment of principal and any
payment of interest, will be made either on such Global Note by the Paying Agent to
which it was presented or in the records of Euroclear and Clearstream, Luxembourg, as
6.4 Specific provisions in relation to payments in respect of certain types of Exempt
Payments of instalments of principal (if any) in respect of Definitive Notes, other than
the final instalment, will (subject as provided below) be made in the manner provided in
Condition 6.1 above only against presentation and surrender (or, in the case of part
payment of any sum due, endorsement) of the relevant Receipt in accordance with the
preceding paragraph. Payment of the final instalment will be made in the manner
provided in Condition 6.1 above only against presentation and surrender (or, in the case
of part payment of any sum due, endorsement) of the relevant Note in accordance with
the preceding paragraph. Each Receipt must be presented for payment of the relevant
instalment together with the Definitive Note to which it appertains. Receipts presented
without the Definitive Note to which they appertain do not constitute valid obligations of
the Issuer. Upon the date on which any Definitive Note becomes due and repayable,
unmatured Receipts (if any) relating thereto (whether or not attached) shall become void
and no payment shall be made in respect thereof.
Upon the date on which any Dual Currency Note or Index Linked Note in definitive form
becomes due and repayable, unmatured Coupons and Talons (if any) relating thereto
(whether or not attached) shall become void and no payment or, as the case may be,
exchange for further Coupons shall be made in respect thereof.
6.5 General provisions applicable to payments
The holder of a Global Note shall be the only person entitled to receive payments in
respect of Notes represented by such Global Note and the Issuer or, as the case may
be, the Guarantors will be discharged by payment to, or to the order of, the holder of
such Global Note in respect of each amount so paid. Each of the persons shown in the
records of Euroclear or Clearstream, Luxembourg as the beneficial holder of a particular
nominal amount of Notes represented by such Global Note must look solely to
Euroclear or Clearstream, Luxembourg, as the case may be, for his share of each
payment so made by the Issuer or, as the case may be, one or more Guarantors to, or
to the order of, the holder of such Global Note.
Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this Condition, if any amount of principal
and/or interest in respect of Notes is payable in U.S. dollars, such U.S. dollar payments
of principal and/or interest in respect of such Notes will be made at the specified office
of a Paying Agent in the United States if:
(a) the Obligors have appointed Paying Agents with specified offices outside the
United States with the reasonable expectation that such Paying Agents would
be able to make payment in U.S. dollars at such specified offices outside the
United States of the full amount of principal and interest on the Notes in the
manner provided above when due;
(b) payment of the full amount of such principal and interest at all such specified
offices outside the United States is illegal or effectively precluded by exchange
controls or other similar restrictions on the full payment or receipt of principal
and interest in U.S. dollars; and
(c) such payment is then permitted under United States law without involving, in the
opinion of the Obligors, adverse tax consequences to any Obligor.
6.6 Payment Day
If the date for payment of any amount in respect of any Note, Receipt or Coupon is not
a Payment Day, the holder thereof shall not be entitled to payment until the next
following Payment Day in the relevant place and shall not be entitled to further interest
or other payment in respect of such delay. For these purposes, Payment Day means
any day which (subject to Condition 9) is:
(a) a day on which commercial banks and foreign exchange markets settle
payments and are open for general business (including dealing in foreign
exchange and foreign currency deposits) in:
(i) in the case of Notes in definitive form only, the relevant place of
(ii) each Additional Financial Centre (other than TARGET2 System)
specified in the applicable Final Terms;
(iii) if TARGET2 System is specified as an Additional Financial Centre in the
applicable Final Terms, a day on which the TARGET2 System is open;
(b) either (i) in relation to any sum payable in a Specified Currency other than euro,
a day on which commercial banks and foreign exchange markets settle
payments and are open for general business (including dealing in foreign
exchange and foreign currency deposits) in the principal financial centre of the
country of the relevant Specified Currency (which if the Specified Currency is
Australian dollars or New Zealand dollars shall be Sydney and Auckland,
respectively) or (ii) in relation to any sum payable in euro, a day on which the
TARGET2 System is open.
6.7 Interpretation of principal and interest
Any reference in the Conditions to principal in respect of the Notes shall be deemed to
include, as applicable:
(a) any additional amounts which may be payable with respect to principal under
Condition 8 or under any undertaking or covenant given in addition thereto, or in
substitution therefor, pursuant to the Trust Deed;
(b) the Final Redemption Amount of the Notes;
(c) the Early Redemption Amount of the Notes;
(d) the Optional Redemption Amount(s) (if any) of the Notes;
(e) the Change of Control Redemption Amount(s) (if any) of the Notes;
(f) in relation to Exempt Notes redeemable in instalments, the Instalment Amounts;
(g) in relation to Zero Coupon Notes, the Amortised Face Amount (as defined in
Condition 7.5); and
(h) any premium and any other amounts (other than interest) which may be
payable by the Issuer under or in respect of the Notes.
Any reference in the Conditions to interest in respect of the Notes shall be deemed to
include, as applicable, any additional amounts which may be payable with respect to
interest under Condition 8 or under any undertaking or covenant given in addition
thereto, or in substitution therefor, pursuant to the Trust Deed.
7.1 Redemption at maturity
Unless previously redeemed or purchased and cancelled as specified below, each Note
will be redeemed by the Issuer at the Final Redemption Amount (as defined below) in
the relevant Specified Currency on the Maturity Date specified in the applicable Final
For the purposes of the Conditions, Final Redemption Amount means:
(i) in the case of a Note other than an Exempt Note, 100 per cent. of the
Calculation Amount; and
(ii) in the case of an Exempt Note, the amount specified in, or determined in the
manner specified in, the applicable Final Terms.
7.2 Redemption for tax reasons
Subject to Condition 7.5, the Notes may be redeemed at the option of the Issuer in
whole, but not in part, at any time (if this Note is not a Floating Rate Note) or on any
Interest Payment Date (if this Note is a Floating Rate Note), on giving not less than the
minimum period and not more than the maximum period of notice specified in the
applicable Final Terms to the Trustee and the Agent and, in accordance with Condition
14, the Noteholders (which notice shall be irrevocable), if the Issuer satisfies the Trustee
immediately before the giving of such notice that:
(a) on the occasion of the next payment due under the Notes, the Issuer has or will
become obliged to pay additional amounts as provided or referred to in
Condition 8, or any Guarantor would be unable for reasons outside its control to
procure payment by the Issuer and in making payment itself, would be required
to pay such additional amounts, in each case as a result of any change in, or
amendment to, the laws or regulations of a Tax Jurisdiction (as defined in
Condition 8) or any change in the application or official interpretation of such
laws or regulations, which change or amendment becomes effective on or after
the date on which agreement is reached to issue the first Tranche of the Notes;
(b) such obligation cannot be avoided by the Issuer or, as the case may be, the
Guarantors, taking reasonable measures available to it or them, as the case
may be,
provided that no such notice of redemption shall be given earlier than 90 days prior to
the earliest date on which the Issuer or, as the case may be, the relevant Guarantor
would be obliged to pay such additional amounts were a payment in respect of the
Notes then due.
Prior to the publication of any notice of redemption pursuant to this Condition, the Issuer
shall deliver to the Trustee (i) a certificate signed by two directors of the Issuer or, as the
case may be, two directors of the relevant Guarantor stating that the Issuer is entitled to
effect such redemption and setting forth a statement of facts showing that the conditions
precedent to the right of the Issuer so to redeem have occurred and (ii) an opinion of
independent legal advisers of recognised standing to the effect that the Issuer or, as the
case may be, the relevant Guarantor, has or will become obliged to pay such additional
amounts as a result of such change or amendment and the Trustee shall be entitled to
accept the certificate as sufficient evidence of the satisfaction of the conditions
precedent set out above, in which event it shall be conclusive and binding on the
Noteholders, the Receiptholders and the Couponholders.
Notes redeemed pursuant to this Condition 7.2 will be redeemed at their Early
Redemption Amount referred to in Condition 7.6 below together (if appropriate) with
interest accrued to (but excluding) the date of redemption.
7.3 Redemption at the option of the Issuer (Issuer Call)
This Condition 7.3 applies to Notes which are subject to redemption prior to the Maturity
Date at the option of the Issuer (other than for taxation reasons), such option being
referred to as an Issuer Call. The applicable Final Terms contains provisions applicable
to any Issuer Call and must be read in conjunction with this Condition 7.3 for full
information on any Issuer Call. In particular, the applicable Final Terms will identify the
Optional Redemption Date(s), the Optional Redemption Amount, any minimum or
maximum amount of Notes which can be redeemed and the applicable notice periods.
If Issuer Call is specified as being applicable in the applicable Final Terms, the Issuer
may, having given not less than the minimum period nor more than the maximum period
of notice specified in applicable Final Terms to the Noteholders in accordance with
Condition 14 (which notice shall be irrevocable and shall specify the date fixed for
redemption), redeem all or some only of the Notes then outstanding on any Optional
Redemption Date and at the Optional Redemption Amount(s) specified in the applicable
Final Terms together, if appropriate, with interest accrued to (but excluding) the relevant
Optional Redemption Date. Any such redemption must be of a nominal amount not less
than the Minimum Redemption Amount and not more than the Maximum Redemption
Amount, in each case as may be specified in the applicable Final Terms. The Optional
Redemption Amount will be either, as specified in the applicable Final Terms, (i) if Make
Whole Redemption Price is specified as being applicable in the applicable Final Terms,
the relevant Make Whole Redemption Price or (ii) the specified percentage of the
nominal amount of the Notes stated in the applicable Final Terms.
The Make Whole Redemption Price will be an amount equal to:
(a) if Spens Amount is specified as being applicable in the applicable Final Terms,
the higher of (i) 100 per cent. of the nominal amount outstanding of the Notes to
be redeemed and (ii) the nominal amount outstanding of the Notes to be
redeemed multiplied by the price, as reported to the Issuer and the Trustee by
the Determination Agent, at which the Gross Redemption Yield on such Notes
on the Reference Date is equal to the Gross Redemption Yield (determined by
reference to the middle market price) at the Quotation Time on the Reference
Date of the Reference Bond, plus the Redemption Margin; or
(b) if Make Whole Redemption Amount is specified as applicable in the applicable
Final Terms, the higher of (i) 100 per cent. of the nominal amount outstanding of
the Notes to be redeemed and (ii) the sum of the present values of the nominal
amount outstanding of the Notes to be redeemed and the Remaining Term
Interest on such Notes (exclusive of interest accrued to the date of redemption)
and such present values shall be calculated by discounting such amounts to the
date of redemption on an annual basis (assuming a 360-day year consisting of
twelve 30-day months or, in the case of an incomplete month, the number of
days elapsed) at the Reference Bond Rate, plus the Redemption Margin,
all as determined by the Determination Agent.
Subject to article 96 of the Luxembourg act dated 10 August 1915 on commercial
companies, as amended (the Companies Act 1915), in the case of a partial redemption
of Notes, the Notes to be redeemed (Redeemed Notes) will be selected individually by
lot, in the case of Redeemed Notes represented by Definitive Notes, and in accordance
with the rules of Euroclear and/or Clearstream, Luxembourg, (to be reflected in the
records of Euroclear and Clearstream, Luxembourg as either a pool factor or a
reduction in nominal amount, at their discretion) in the case of Redeemed Notes
represented by a Global Note, not more than 30 days prior to the date fixed for
redemption (such date of selection being hereinafter called the Selection Date). In the
case of Redeemed Notes represented by Definitive Notes, a list of the serial numbers of
such Redeemed Notes will be published in accordance with Condition 14 not less than
15 days prior to the date fixed for redemption. No exchange of the relevant Global Note
will be permitted during the period from (and including) the Selection Date to (and
including) the date fixed for redemption pursuant to this Condition 7.3 and notice to that
effect shall be given by the Issuer to the Noteholders in accordance with Condition 14 at
least five days prior to the Selection Date.
In this Condition 7.3:
DA Selected Bond means a government security or securities selected by the
Determination Agent as having an actual or interpolated maturity comparable with the
remaining term of the Notes, that would be utilised, at the time of selection and in
accordance with customary financial practice, in pricing new issues of corporate debt
securities denominated in the Specified Currency and of a comparable maturity to the
remaining term of the Notes;
Determination Agent means an investment bank or financial institution of international
standing selected by the Issuer after consultation with the Trustee;
Gross Redemption Yield means, with respect to a security, the gross redemption yield
on such security, expressed as a percentage and calculated by the Determination Agent
on the basis set out by the UK Debt Management Office in the paper “Formulae for
Calculating Gilt Prices from Yields”, page 4, Section One: Price/Yield Formulae
“Conventional Gilts; “Double dated and Undated Gilts with Assumed (or Actual)
Redemption on a Quasi-Coupon Date” (published 8 June 1998, as amended or updated
from time to time) on a semi-annual compounding basis (converted to an annualised
yield and rounded up (if necessary) to four decimal places) or on such other basis as
the Trustee may approve;
Quotation Time shall be as set out in the applicable Final Terms;
Redemption Margin shall be as set out in the applicable Final Terms;
Reference Bond shall be as set out in the applicable Final Terms or the DA Selected
Reference Bond Price means, with respect to any date of redemption, (a) the
arithmetic average of the Reference Government Bond Dealer Quotations for such date
of redemption, after excluding the highest and lowest such Reference Government
Bond Dealer Quotations, or (b) if the Determination Agent obtains fewer than four such
Reference Government Bond Dealer Quotations, the arithmetic average of all such
Reference Bond Rate means, with respect to any date of redemption, the rate per
annum equal to the annual or semi-annual yield (as the case may be) to maturity or
interpolated yield to maturity (on the relevant day count basis) of the Reference Bond,
assuming a price for the Reference Bond (expressed as a percentage of its nominal
amount) equal to the Reference Bond Price for such date of redemption;
Reference Date will be set out in the relevant notice of redemption;
Reference Government Bond Dealer means each of five banks selected by the
Issuer, or their affiliates, which are (A) primary government securities dealers, and their
respective successors, or (B) market makers in pricing corporate bond issues;
Reference Government Bond Dealer Quotations means, with respect to each
Reference Government Bond Dealer and any date of redemption, the arithmetic
average, as determined by the Determination Agent, of the bid and offered prices for the
Reference Bond (expressed in each case as a percentage of its nominal amount) at the
Quotation Time on the Reference Date quoted in writing to the Determination Agent by
such Reference Government Bond Dealer; and
Remaining Term Interest means, with respect to any Note, the aggregate amount of
scheduled payment(s) of interest on such Note for the remaining term of such Note
determined on the basis of the rate of interest applicable to such Note from and
including the date on which such Note is to be redeemed by the Issuer pursuant to this
Condition 7.3.
7.4 Redemption at the option of the Noteholders (Investor Put)
This Condition 7.4 applies to Notes which are subject to redemption prior to the Maturity
Date at the option of the Noteholder, such option being referred to as an Investor Put.
The applicable Final Terms contains provisions applicable to any Investor Put and must
be read in conjunction with this Condition 7.4 for full information on any Investor Put. In
particular, the applicable Final Terms will identify the Optional Redemption Date(s), the
Optional Redemption Amount and the applicable notice periods. The minimum notice
period specified in the applicable Final Terms shall not be not less than 5 days.
If Investor Put is specified as being applicable in the applicable Final Terms, upon the
holder of any Note giving to the Issuer in accordance with Condition 14 not less than the
minimum period nor more than the maximum period of notice specified in the applicable
Final Terms, the Issuer will, upon the expiry of such notice, redeem such Note on the
Optional Redemption Date and at the Optional Redemption Amount together, if
appropriate, with interest accrued to (but excluding) the Optional Redemption Date.
To exercise the right to require redemption of this Note under this Condition 7.4 the
holder of this Note must, if this Note is a Definitive Note and held outside Euroclear and
Clearstream, Luxembourg, deliver, at the specified office of any Paying Agent at any
time during normal business hours of such Paying Agent falling within the notice period,
a duly completed and signed notice of exercise in the form (for the time being current)
obtainable from any specified office of any Paying Agent (a Put Notice) and in which
the holder must specify a bank account to which payment is to be made under this
Condition. A Put Notice must be accompanied by this Note or evidence satisfactory to
the Paying Agent concerned that this Note will, following delivery of the Put Notice, be
held to its order or under its control.
If this Note is represented by a Global Note or is a Definitive Note and held through
Euroclear or Clearstream, Luxembourg, to exercise the right to require redemption of
this Note under this Condition 7.4 the holder of this Note must, within the notice period,
give notice to the Agent of such exercise in accordance with the standard procedures of
Euroclear and Clearstream, Luxembourg (which may include notice being given on his
instruction by Euroclear or Clearstream, Luxembourg or any common depositary or
common safekeeper, as the case may be, for them to the Agent by electronic means) in
a form acceptable to Euroclear and Clearstream, Luxembourg from time to time.
Any Put Notice or other notice given in accordance with the standard procedures of
Euroclear and Clearstream, Luxembourg given by a holder of any Note pursuant to this
Condition 7.4 shall be irrevocable except where, prior to the due date of redemption, an
Event of Default has occurred and the Trustee has declared the Notes to be due and
payable pursuant to Condition 10, in which event such holder, at its option, may elect by
notice to the Issuer to withdraw the notice given pursuant to this Condition 7.4 and
instead to declare such Note forthwith due and payable pursuant to Condition 10.
7.5 Redemption at the option of the Noteholders upon a change of control (Change of
Control Put)
This Condition 7.5 applies to Notes which are subject to redemption or purchase prior to
the Maturity Date at the option of the Noteholder, such option being referred to as a
Change of Control Put. The applicable Final Terms contains provisions applicable to
any Change of Control Put and must be read in conjunction with this Condition 7.5 for
full information on any Change of Control Put. In particular, the applicable Final Terms
will identify the Change of Control Redemption Amount.
If Change of Control Put is specified as being applicable in the applicable Final Terms,
then this Condition 7.5 shall apply.
A Put Event will be deemed to occur if:
(i) a Change of Control has occurred; and
(ii) on the date (the Relevant Announcement Date) that is the earlier of (x) the
date of the first public announcement of the relevant Change of Control; and (y)
the date of the earliest Relevant Potential Change of Control Announcement (if
any), the Notes carry from any of Moody’s or S&P or any of their respective
successors or any other rating agency (each a Substitute Rating Agency) of
equivalent international standing specified by the Issuer (each, a Rating
(1) an investment grade credit rating (Baa3/BBB-/BBB-, or equivalent, or
better), and such rating from any Rating Agency is within the Change of
Control Period either downgraded to a non-investment grade credit
rating (Ba1/BB+/BB+, or equivalent, or worse) or withdrawn and is not
within the Change of Control Period subsequently (in the case of a
downgrade) upgraded or (in the case of a withdrawal) reinstated to an
investment grade credit rating by such Rating Agency; or
(2) a non-investment grade credit rating (Ba1/BB+/BB+, or equivalent, or
worse), and such rating from any Rating Agency is within the Change of
Control Period downgraded by one or more notches (for illustration,
Ba1/BB+/BB+ to Ba2/BB/BB being one notch) or withdrawn and is not
within the Change of Control Period subsequently (in the case of a
downgrade) upgraded or (in the case of a withdrawal) reinstated to its
earlier credit rating or better by such Rating Agency; or
(3) no credit rating from any Rating Agency and no Rating Agency assigns,
within the Change of Control Period, at least an investment grade credit
rating to the Notes,
provided that if on the Relevant Announcement Date the Notes carry a credit
rating from more than one Rating Agency, at least one of which is investment
grade, then sub-paragraph (1) will apply; and
(iii) in making the relevant decision(s) referred to above, the relevant Rating Agency
announces publicly or confirms in writing to the Issuer or the Trustee that such
decision(s) resulted, in whole or in part, from the occurrence of the Change of
Control or the Relevant Potential Change of Control Announcement. Upon
receipt by the Issuer or the Trustee of any such written confirmation, the Issuer
shall forthwith give notice of such written confirmation to the Noteholders in
accordance with Condition 14.
If the rating designations employed by Moody’s or S&P are changed from those which
are described in paragraph (ii) of the definition of “Put Event” above, or if a rating is
procured from a Substitute Rating Agency, the Issuer shall determine the rating
designations of Moody’s or S&P or such Substitute Rating Agency (as appropriate) as
are most equivalent to the prior rating designations of Moody’s or S&P and this
Condition 7.5 shall be construed accordingly.
If a Put Event occurs, the holder of any Note will have the option to require the Issuer to
redeem or, at the Issuer’s option, purchase (or procure the purchase of) such Note on
the Put Date (as defined below) at the Change of Control Redemption Amount together
(if appropriate) with interest accrued to (but excluding) the date of redemption or
Promptly upon the Issuer becoming aware that a Put Event has occurred, the Issuer
shall, and at any time upon the Trustee becoming similarly so aware the Trustee may,
and if so requested by the holders of at least one-quarter in principal amount of the
Notes then outstanding or if so directed by an Extraordinary Resolution of the
Noteholders, shall, (subject in each case to the Trustee being indemnified and/or
secured and/or pre-funded to its satisfaction) give notice to the Noteholders in
accordance with Condition 14 (a Put Event Notice) specifying the nature of the Put
Event and the circumstances giving rise to it and the procedure for exercising the option
set out in this Condition 7.5.
To exercise the option to require redemption or purchase of this Note under this
Condition 7.5 the holder of this Note must, if this Note is a Definitive Note and held
outside Euroclear and Clearstream, Luxembourg, deliver, at the specified office of any
Paying Agent at any time during normal business hours of such Paying Agent falling
within the Put Period, a duly completed and signed notice of exercise in the form (for the
time being current) obtainable from the specified office of any Paying Agent (a Change
of Control Put Option Notice) and in which the holder must specify a bank account to
which payment is to be made under this Condition accompanied by this Note or
evidence satisfactory to the Paying Agent concerned that this Note will, following
delivery of the Change of Control Put Option Notice, be held to its order or under its
If this Note is represented by a Global Note or is a Definitive Note and held through
Euroclear or Clearstream, Luxembourg, to exercise the right to require redemption or,
as the case may be, purchase of this Note under this Condition 7.5 the holder of this
Note must, within the Put Period, give notice to the Agent of such exercise in
accordance with the standard procedures of Euroclear and/or Clearstream, Luxembourg
(which may include notice being given on his instruction by Euroclear and/or
Clearstream, Luxembourg or any common depositary for them to the Agent by
electronic means) in a form acceptable to Euroclear and/or Clearstream, Luxembourg
from time to time.
Any Change of Control Put Option Notice or other notice given in accordance with the
standard procedures of Euroclear and Clearstream, Luxembourg given by a holder of
any Note pursuant to this Condition 7.5 shall be irrevocable except where, prior to the
due date of redemption or purchase, an Event of Default has occurred and the Trustee
has declared the Notes to be due and payable pursuant to Condition 10, in which event
such holder, at its option, may elect by notice to the Issuer to withdraw the notice given
pursuant to this Condition 7.5 and instead to declare such Note forthwith due and
payable pursuant to Condition 10.
If 80 per cent. or more in nominal amount of the Notes then outstanding have been
redeemed pursuant to this Condition 7.5, the Issuer may, on not less than 30 or more
than 60 days’ notice to the Noteholders given within 30 days after the Put Date, redeem
or, at its option, purchase (or procure the purchase of) the remaining Notes as a whole
at the Change of Control Redemption Amount together (if appropriate) with interest
accrued to (but excluding) the date of redemption or purchase.
The Trustee is under no obligation to ascertain whether a Put Event or Change of
Control, or any event which could lead to the occurrence of, or could constitute, a Put
Event or Change of Control has occurred, and until it shall have actual knowledge or
notice pursuant to the Trust Deed to the contrary, the Trustee may assume that no Put
Event or Change of Control or other such event has occurred.
For the purposes of the Conditions:
control means the power to direct the management and policies of an entity, whether
through the ownership of voting capital, by contract or otherwise;
acting in concert means acting together pursuant to an agreement or understanding
(whether formal or informal);
a Change of Control shall be deemed to have occurred at each time that:
(i) any Person or group of Persons acting in concert gains control of GEP; or
(ii) GEP ceases to, directly or indirectly, be the legal and beneficial owner of 100
per cent. of the issued share capital of GEH; or
(iii) Goodman ceases to be the legal and beneficial owner (directly or indirectly
through wholly owned Subsidiaries) of 100 per cent. of the issued share capital
of the Management Company;
Change of Control Period means the period commencing on the Relevant
Announcement Date and ending 120 days after the occurrence of the Change of
Control (or such longer period for which the Notes are under consideration (such
consideration having been announced publicly within the period ending 120 days after
the Change of Control) for rating review or, as the case may be, rating by a Rating
Agency, such period not to exceed 60 days after the public announcement of such
Goodman means (i) Goodman Limited, a public company incorporated in Australia with
registration number ABN 69 000 123 071 and/or (ii) Goodman Funds Management
Limited registered in Australia with registration number ACN 067 796 641 as responsible
entity of the GIT registered in Australia ARSN 091 213 839; and/or (iii) Goodman
Logistics (HK) Limited, a public company incorporated in Hong Kong with company
number 1700359; and/or (iv) any other company or trust the capital in which is stapled
to that of the other companies and trusts constituting Goodman;
a reference to a Person includes any individual, company, corporation, unincorporated
association or body (including a partnership, trust, fund, joint venture or consortium),
government, state, agency, organisation or other entity whether or not having separate
legal personality;
Put Date is the seventh day following the last day of the Put Period;
Put Period means the period from, and including, the date of a Put Event Notice to, but
excluding, the 45th day following the date of the Put Event Notice or, if earlier, the eighth
day immediately preceding the Maturity Date; and
Relevant Potential Change of Control Announcement means any public
announcement or statement by or on behalf of any Obligor, any actual or potential
bidder or any adviser acting on behalf of any actual or potential bidder relating to any
potential Change of Control where within 180 days following the date of such
announcement or statement, a Change of Control occurs.
7.6 Early Redemption Amounts
For the purpose of Condition 7.2 above and Condition 10, each Note will be redeemed
at its Early Redemption Amount calculated as follows:
(a) in the case of a Note with a Final Redemption Amount equal to the Issue Price,
at the Final Redemption Amount thereof;
(b) in the case of a Note (other than a Zero Coupon Note) with a Final Redemption
Amount which is or may be less or greater than the Issue Price or which is
payable in a Specified Currency other than that in which the Note is
denominated, at the amount specified in the applicable Final Terms or, if no
such amount or manner is so specified in the applicable Final Terms, at its
nominal amount; or
(c) in the case of a Zero Coupon Note, at an amount (the Amortised Face
Amount) calculated in accordance with the following formula:
Early Redemption Amount = RP x (1 + AY)
RP means the Reference Price;
AY means the Accrual Yield expressed as a decimal; and
is the Day Count Fraction specified in the applicable Final Terms which
will be either (i) 30/360 (in which case the numerator will be equal to the
number of days (calculated on the basis of a 360-day year consisting of
12 months of 30 days each) from (and including) the Issue Date of the
first Tranche of the Notes to (but excluding) the date fixed for
redemption or (as the case may be) the date upon which such Note
becomes due and repayable and the denominator will be 360) or (ii)
Actual/360 (in which case the numerator will be equal to the actual
number of days from (and including) the Issue Date of the first Tranche
of the Notes to (but excluding) the date fixed for redemption or (as the
case may be) the date upon which such Note becomes due and
repayable and the denominator will be 360) or (iii) Actual/365 (in which
case the numerator will be equal to the actual number of days from (and
including) the Issue Date of the first Tranche of the Notes to (but
excluding) the date fixed for redemption or (as the case may be) the
date upon which such Note becomes due and repayable and the
denominator will be 365).
7.7 Specific redemption provisions applicable to certain types of Exempt Notes
The Final Redemption Amount, any Optional Redemption Amount, any Change of
Control Redemption Amount and the Early Redemption Amount in respect of Index
Linked Redemption Notes and Dual Currency Redemption Notes may be specified in, or
determined in the manner specified in, the applicable Final Terms. For the purposes of
Condition 7.2, Index Linked Interest Notes and Dual Currency Interest Notes may be
redeemed only on an Interest Payment Date.
Instalment Notes will be redeemed in the Instalment Amounts and on the Instalment
Dates specified in the applicable Final Terms. In the case of early redemption, the Early
Redemption Amount of Instalment Notes will be determined in the manner specified in
the applicable Final Terms.
Partly Paid Notes will be redeemed, whether at maturity, early redemption or otherwise,
in accordance with the provisions of this Condition and the applicable Final Terms.
7.8 Purchases
Any Obligor or any Subsidiary of any Obligor may at any time purchase Notes (provided
that, in the case of Definitive Notes, all unmatured Receipts, Coupons and Talons
appertaining thereto are purchased therewith) at any price in the open market or
otherwise. Such Notes may be held, reissued, resold or, at the option of the relevant
Obligor, surrendered to any Paying Agent for cancellation.
7.9 Cancellation
All Notes which are redeemed will forthwith be cancelled (together with all unmatured
Receipts, Coupons and Talons attached thereto or surrendered therewith at the time of
redemption). All Notes so cancelled and any Notes purchased and cancelled pursuant
to Condition 7.8 above (together with all unmatured Receipts, Coupons and Talons
cancelled therewith) shall be forwarded to the Agent and cannot be reissued or resold.
7.10 Late payment on Zero Coupon Notes
If the amount payable in respect of any Zero Coupon Note upon redemption of such
Zero Coupon Note pursuant to Condition 7.1, 7.2, 7.3 or 7.4 above, or upon its
becoming due and repayable as provided in Condition 10, is improperly withheld or
refused, the amount due and repayable in respect of such Zero Coupon Note shall be
the amount calculated as provided in Condition 7.6(c) above, as though the references
therein to the date fixed for the redemption or the date upon which such Zero Coupon
Note becomes due and payable, were replaced by references to the date which is the
earlier of:
(a) the date on which all amounts due in respect of such Zero Coupon Note have
been paid; and
(b) five days after the date on which the full amount of the moneys payable in
respect of such Zero Coupon Notes has been received by the Agent or the
Trustee and notice to that effect has been given to the Noteholders in
accordance with Condition 14.
All payments of principal and interest in respect of the Notes, Receipts and Coupons by
any Obligor will be made without withholding or deduction for or on account of any
present or future taxes or duties of whatever nature imposed or levied by or on behalf of
any Tax Jurisdiction unless such withholding or deduction is required by law. In such
event, the relevant Obligor will pay such additional amounts as shall be necessary in
order that the net amounts received by the holders of the Notes, Receipts or Coupons,
after such withholding or deduction, shall equal the respective amounts of principal and
interest which would otherwise have been receivable in respect of the Notes, Receipts
or Coupons, as the case may be, in the absence of such withholding or deduction;
except that no such additional amounts shall be payable with respect to any Note,
Receipt or Coupon:
(a) presented for payment in a Tax Jurisdiction; or
(b) the holder of which is liable for such taxes or duties in respect of such Note,
Receipt or Coupon by reason of his having some connection with a Tax
Jurisdiction other than the mere holding of such Note, Receipt or Coupon; or
(c) presented for payment more than 30 days after the Relevant Date (as defined
below) except to the extent that the holder thereof would have been entitled to
an additional amount on presenting the same for payment on such thirtieth day
assuming that day to have been a Payment Day (as defined in Condition 6.6);
(d) presented for payment by or on behalf of a holder who would have been able to
avoid such withholding or deduction by presenting the relevant Note, Receipt or
Coupon to another Paying Agent in a Member State of the European Union.
For the purposes of the Conditions:
(i) Dutch Obligor means an Obligor incorporated or established under the laws of
the Netherlands;
(ii) Luxembourg Obligor means an Obligor incorporated or established under the
laws of Luxembourg;
(iii) the Relevant Date means the date on which such payment first becomes due,
except that, if the full amount of the moneys payable has not been duly received
by the Trustee or the Agent on or prior to such due date, it means the date on
which, the full amount of such moneys having been so received, notice to that
effect is duly given to the Noteholders in accordance with Condition 14; and
(iv) Tax Jurisdiction means, in the case of any Luxembourg Obligor, Luxembourg
or any political subdivision or any authority thereof or therein having power to
tax or, in the case of any Dutch Obligor, the Netherlands or any political
subdivision or any authority thereof or therein having power to tax or, in either
case or in the case of any member of the Group which becomes a Guarantor
pursuant to Condition 3.4 which is not a Luxembourg Obligor or a Dutch
Obligor, any other jurisdiction or any political subdivision or any authority thereof
or therein having power to tax to which any Obligor is or becomes subject in
respect of payments made by it of principal and/or interest on the Notes.
The Notes, Receipts and Coupons will become void unless claims in respect of principal
and/or interest are made within a period of 10 years (in the case of principal) and five
years (in the case of interest) after the Relevant Date (as defined in Condition 8)
The Luxembourg act dated 3 September 1996 on the involuntary dispossession of
bearer securities, as amended (the Involuntary Dispossession Act 1996), requires
that any amount that is payable under the Notes, Receipts, Talons and/or Coupons (but
has not yet been paid to the holders thereof), in the event that (i) an opposition has
been filed in relation to the Notes, Receipts, Talons and/or Coupons and (ii) the Notes,
Receipts, Talons and/or Coupons mature prior to becoming forfeited (as provided for in
the Involuntary Dispossession Act 1996), is paid to the Caisse des consignations in
Luxembourg until the opposition has been withdrawn or the forfeiture of the Notes,
Receipts, Talons and/or Coupons occurs.
There shall not be included in any Coupon sheet issued on exchange of a Talon any
Coupon the claim for payment in respect of which would be void pursuant to this
Condition or Condition 6.2 or any Talon which would be void pursuant to Condition 6.2.
10.1 The Trustee at its discretion may, and if so requested in writing by the holders of at least
one quarter in nominal amount of the Notes then outstanding, or if so directed by an
Extraordinary Resolution shall (subject in each case to being indemnified and/or
secured and/or pre-funded to its satisfaction), (but in the case of the happening of any
of the events described in paragraphs (c) to (f) inclusive (other than the winding up or
dissolution of any Obligor), (g), (h), (i), (j), (k) and (l) below, only if the Trustee shall have
certified in writing to the Obligors that such event is, in its opinion, materially prejudicial
to the interests of the Noteholders), give notice in writing to the Obligors that each Note
is, and each Note shall thereupon immediately become, due and repayable at its Early
Redemption Amount together with accrued interest (if any) as provided in the Trust
Deed if any of the following events (each an Event of Default) shall occur and is
(a) default is made in the payment of any principal or interest due in respect of the
Notes and the default continues for a period of 5 Banking Days or more; or
(b) any requirement of Condition 4 is not satisfied; or
(c) any Obligor fails to perform or observe any of its obligations under the
Conditions or the Trust Deed (other than those referred to in sub-paragraphs (a)
and (b) above) and (except in any case where, in the opinion of the Trustee, the
failure is incapable of remedy when no such continuation or notice as is
hereinafter mentioned will be required) the failure continues for the period of 30
days (or such longer period as the Trustee may agree) following the service by
the Trustee on such Obligor of notice requiring the same to be remedied; or
(d) (i) any Indebtedness for Borrowed Money of any Obligor or any Material
Subsidiary becomes due and repayable prematurely by reason of an
event of default (however described);
(ii) any Obligor or any Material Subsidiary fails to make any payment in
respect of any Indebtedness for Borrowed Money on the due date for
payment as extended by any originally applicable grace period; or
(iii) default is made by any Obligor or any Material Subsidiary in making any
payment due from it in relation to any Indebtedness for Borrowed
Money of any other person;
provided that no event described in this sub-paragraph (d) shall constitute an
Event of Default unless the amount of Indebtedness for Borrowed Money due
and unpaid, either alone or when aggregated (without duplication) with other
amounts of Indebtedness for Borrowed Money due and unpaid relative to all (if
any) other events specified in (i) to (iii) above which have occurred, amounts to
at least €20 million (or its equivalent in any other currency); or
(e) (i) any Obligor or any Material Subsidiary is, or under any applicable
legislation is deemed to be, unable or admits inability to pay its debts as
they fall due (including being in a state of cessation de paiements),
save where any of the foregoing is, in the opinion of the Trustee, being
disputed in good faith, or suspends making payments on all or a class
of its debts; or
(ii) a moratorium or reprieve from payment (sursis de paiement) is declared
or agreed in respect of any indebtedness of any Obligor or any Material
Subsidiary unless, in respect of a reprieve from payment, the amount of
indebtedness affected, either alone or when aggregated (without
duplication) with all other amounts of affected indebtedness, amounts to
no more than €10 million (or its equivalent in any other currency); or
(f) except (A) for the purposes of a reorganisation, merger, consolidation or other
form of business combination on terms previously approved in writing by the
Trustee or by an Extraordinary Resolution or (B) in the case of a Material
Subsidiary only, for the purposes of a voluntary amalgamation, reorganisation or
restructuring in relation to a Material Subsidiary and where such Material
Subsidiary is solvent:
(i) an application or an order is made by any competent court, proceedings
are commenced or a resolution is passed for the winding up, dissolution
or administration of any Obligor or any Material Subsidiary; or
(ii) any Obligor or any Material Subsidiary makes a conveyance or
assignment for the benefit of, or enters into any composition or other
arrangement with, its creditors generally (or any class of its creditors)
((schuldeisers) akkoord) or any meeting is convened to consider a
proposal for an arrangement or composition with its creditors generally
(or any class of its creditors) (including the concordat préventif de
faillite) ((schuldeisers) akkoord),
other than (in any such case as is referred to in (i) above) where any such
application or proceedings is/are withdrawn or dismissed within 20 Banking
Days; or
(g) except for the purposes of a reorganisation, merger, consolidation or other form
of business combination on terms previously approved in writing by the Trustee
or by an Extraordinary Resolution, any Obligor ceases or threatens to cease to
conduct all or substantially all of its business; or
(h) (i) proceedings are initiated against any Obligor or any Material Subsidiary
under any applicable liquidation, insolvency, composition,
reorganisation or other similar laws, or an application is made (or
documents filed with a court) for the appointment of an administrative or
other receiver, manager, administrator or other similar official, or an
administrative or other receiver, manager, administrator or other similar
official is appointed, in relation to any Obligor or any Material Subsidiary
or, as the case may be, in relation to all or a material part of the
undertaking or assets of any of them, other than where any such
application or proceedings is/are withdrawn or dismissed within 20
Banking Days and except, in the case of a Material Subsidiary only, for
the purposes of a voluntary amalgamation, reorganisation or
restructuring in relation to such Material Subsidiary and where such
Material Subsidiary is solvent; or
(ii) proceedings are initiated by or against any Obligor or Material
Subsidiary which is incorporated or established in Luxembourg under
any applicable compulsory liquidation procedure (liquidation judiciaire),
bankruptcy procedure (faillite), controlled management procedure
(gestion contrôlée), fraudulent conveyance procedure (actio pauliana)
or other similar laws, or an application is made (or documents filed with
a court) for the appointment of a liquidator (liquidateur) under a
compulsory liquidation procedure (liquidateur judiciaire), bankruptcy
receiver (curateur), administrator (commissaire à la gestion contrôlée),
compulsory manager, juge délégué, juge commissaire or a liquidator
under a compulsory liquidation procedure (liquidateur judiciaire),
bankruptcy receiver (curateur), administrator (commissaire à la gestion
contrôlée), compulsory manager, juge délégué, juge commissaire or
other similar officer is appointed, in relation to any Obligor or Material
Subsidiary which is incorporated or established in Luxembourg or, as
the case may be, in relation to all or a material part of the undertaking
or assets of any of them, other than where any such application or
proceedings is/are withdrawn or dismissed within 20 Banking Days and
except, in the case of a Material Subsidiary only, for the purposes of a
voluntary amalgamation, reorganisation or restructuring in relation to
such Material Subsidiary and where such Material Subsidiary is solvent;
(iii) proceedings are initiated by or against any Obligor or Material
Subsidiary which is incorporated or established in the Netherlands or,
as the case may be, in relation to all or a material part of the
undertaking or assets of any of them such as (i) a bankruptcy
declaration by the court (faillissementsverklaring) or (ii) a procedure
where the assets are placed under administration (onder bewind
gesteld) or other similar laws, or an application is made (or documents
filed with a court) for the appointment of a bankruptcy receiver (curator),
administrator (bewindvoerder) or another similar officer is appointed,
other than where any such application or proceedings is/are not
material and/or withdrawn or dismissed within 20 Banking Days and
except, in the case of a Material Subsidiary only, for the purposes of a
voluntary amalgamation, reorganisation or restructuring in relation to
such Material Subsidiary and where such Material Subsidiary is solvent;
(i) an encumbrancer (hypotheek- of pandhouder) takes possession of the whole or
a material part of the undertaking or assets of any Obligor or any Material
Subsidiary and in each case such action is not discharged within 20 Banking
Days; or
(j) any expropriation in connection with a creditor’s process, attachment, seizure,
sequestration, distress or execution affects any asset or assets of an Obligor or
a Material Subsidiary, and in each case, having an aggregate value of at least
€25 million (or its equivalent in any other currency) and is not discharged within
20 Banking Days; or
(k) the Notes Guarantee ceases to be, or is claimed by any Obligor not to be, in full
force and effect; or
(l) any event occurs which, under the laws of any Tax Jurisdiction, has or may
have, in the Trustee’s opinion, an analogous effect to any of the events referred
to in paragraph (e), (f), (g), (h), (i) or (j) above.
For the purposes of the Conditions:
Banking Day means any day (other than a Saturday or a Sunday) on which banks are
open for general business (including dealings in foreign exchange and foreign currency
deposits) in Luxembourg;
Indebtedness for Money Borrowed means any indebtedness for or in respect of:
(a) moneys borrowed;
(b) any derivative transaction protecting against or benefiting from fluctuations in
any rate or price (and, except for non-payment of an amount, the then mark-to-
market value of the derivative transaction will be used to calculate its amount);
(c) any guarantee, indemnity or similar assurance against financial loss of any
person in respect of any item referred to in paragraphs (a) and (b) above;
Material Subsidiary means, as of any date, a Subsidiary of GEP (other than a Non-
Recourse Subsidiary) whose book value of assets represents 10 per cent. or more of
Total Assets.
10.2 The Trustee may at any time, at its discretion and without notice, take such proceedings
and/or other steps or action (including lodging an appeal in any proceedings) against or
in relation to any Obligor as it may think fit to enforce the provisions of the Trust Deed,
the Notes, the Receipts and the Coupons or otherwise, but it shall not be bound to take
any such proceedings or other steps or action unless (i) it shall have been so directed
by an Extraordinary Resolution or so requested in writing by the holders of at least one-
quarter in nominal amount of the Notes then outstanding and (ii) it shall have been
indemnified and/or secured and/or pre-funded to its satisfaction.
The Trustee may refrain from taking any action in any jurisdiction if the taking of such
action in that jurisdiction would, in its opinion, based upon legal advice in the relevant
jurisdiction, be contrary to any law of that jurisdiction. Furthermore, the Trustee may
also refrain from taking such action if it would otherwise render it liable to any person in
that jurisdiction or if, in its opinion, based upon such legal advice, it would not have the
power to do the relevant thing in that jurisdiction by virtue of any applicable law in that
jurisdiction, or if it is determined by any court or other competent authority in that
jurisdiction that it does not have such power.
No Noteholder, Receiptholder or Couponholder shall be entitled to (i) take any steps or
action against any Obligor to enforce the performance of any of the provisions of the
Trust Deed, the Notes, the Receipts or the Coupons or (ii) take any other proceedings
(including lodging an appeal in any proceedings) in respect of or concerning any
Obligor, in each case unless the Trustee, having become so bound to take any such
action, steps or proceedings, fails so to do within a reasonable period and the failure
shall be continuing.
Should any Note, Receipt, Coupon or Talon be lost, stolen, mutilated, defaced or
destroyed, it may be replaced at the specified office of the Agent upon payment by the
claimant of such costs and expenses as may be incurred in connection therewith and on
such terms as to evidence and indemnity as the Issuer may reasonably require.
Mutilated or defaced Notes, Receipts, Coupons or Talons must be surrendered before
replacements will be issued.
The replacement of Notes, Receipts, Talons and Coupons in the case of loss or theft is
subject to the procedure of the Involuntary Dispossession Act 1996 which provides that
the person who lost bearer notes may, subject to certain conditions, request the issuer
of the notes to deliver new Notes.
The names of the initial Paying Agents and their initial specified offices are set out
below. If any additional Paying Agents are appointed in connection with any Series, the
names of such Paying Agents will be specified in Part B of the applicable Final Terms.
The Issuer is entitled, with the prior written approval of the Trustee, to vary or terminate
the appointment of any Paying Agent and/or appoint additional or other Paying Agents
and/or approve any change in the specified office through which any Paying Agent acts,
provided that:
(a) there will at all times be an Agent;
(b) so long as the Notes are listed on any stock exchange or admitted to listing by
any other relevant authority, there will at all times be a Paying Agent with a
specified office in such place as may be required by the rules and regulations of
the relevant stock exchange or other relevant authority; and
(c) there will at all times be a Paying Agent in a jurisdiction within Europe, other
than a Tax Jurisdiction.
In addition, the Obligors shall forthwith appoint a Paying Agent having a specified office
in New York City in the circumstances described in Condition 6.5. Notice of any
variation, termination, appointment or change in Paying Agents will be given to the
Noteholders promptly by the Issuer in accordance with Condition 14.
In acting under the Agency Agreement, the Paying Agents act solely as agents of the
Obligors and, in certain circumstances specified therein, of the Trustee and do not
assume any obligation to, or relationship of agency or trust with, any Noteholders,
Receiptholders or Couponholders. The Agency Agreement contains provisions
permitting any entity into which any Paying Agent is merged or converted, or with which
it is consolidated, or to which it transfers all or substantially all of its assets, to become
the successor paying agent.
On and after the Interest Payment Date on which the final Coupon comprised in any
Coupon sheet matures, the Talon (if any) forming part of such Coupon sheet may be
surrendered at the specified office of the Agent or any other Paying Agent in exchange
for a further Coupon sheet including (if such further Coupon sheet does not include
Coupons to (and including) the final date for the payment of interest due in respect of
the Note to which it appertains) a further Talon, subject to the provisions of Condition 9.
All notices regarding the Notes will be deemed to be validly given if published (a) in a
leading English language daily newspaper of general circulation in London and (b) if
and for so long as the Notes are admitted to trading on, and listed on the Official List of
the Luxembourg Stock Exchange, the Luxembourg Stock Exchange’s website, It is expected that any such publication in a newspaper will be made in
the Financial Times in London. The Issuer shall also ensure that notices are duly
published in a manner which complies with the rules of any stock exchange or other
relevant authority on which the Notes are for the time being listed or by which they have
been admitted to trading. Any such notice will be deemed to have been given on the
date of the first publication or, where required to be published in more than one
newspaper, on the date of the first publication in all required newspapers. If publication
as provided above is not practicable, a notice will be given in such other manner, and
will be deemed to have been given on such date, as the Trustee shall approve.
Until such time as any Definitive Notes are issued, there may, so long as any Global
Notes representing the Notes are held in their entirety on behalf of Euroclear and/or
Clearstream, Luxembourg, be substituted for such publication in such newspaper(s) the
delivery of the relevant notice to Euroclear and/or Clearstream, Luxembourg for
communication by them to the holders of the Notes and, in addition, for so long as any
Notes are listed on a stock exchange or are admitted to trading by another relevant
authority and the rules of that stock exchange or relevant authority so require, such
notice will be published in a daily newspaper of general circulation in the place or places
required by those rules. Any such notice shall be deemed to have been given to the
holders of the Notes on such day as is specified in the applicable Final Terms after the
day on which the said notice was given to Euroclear and Clearstream, Luxembourg.
Notices to be given by any Noteholder shall be in writing and given by lodging the same,
together (in the case of any Note in definitive form) with the relative Note or Notes, with
the Agent. While any of the Notes are represented by a Global Note, such notice may
be given by any holder of a Note to the Agent through Euroclear and/or Clearstream,
Luxembourg, as the case may be, in such manner as the Agent and Euroclear and/or
Clearstream, Luxembourg, as the case may be, may approve for this purpose.
The Trust Deed contains provisions for convening meetings of the Noteholders to
consider any matter affecting their interests, including the sanctioning by Extraordinary
Resolution of a modification of the Notes, the Receipts, the Coupons or any of the
provisions of the Trust Deed. Such a meeting may be convened by the Issuer or the
Trustee and shall be convened by the Issuer if required in writing by Noteholders
holding not less than five per cent. in nominal amount of the Notes for the time being
remaining outstanding. The quorum at any such meeting for passing an Extraordinary
Resolution is one or more persons holding or representing not less than 50 per cent. in
nominal amount of the Notes for the time being outstanding, or at any adjourned
meeting one or more persons being or representing Noteholders whatever the nominal
amount of the Notes so held or represented, except that at any meeting the business of
which includes any matter defined in the Trust Deed as a Basic Terms Modification
(including modifying the date of maturity of the Notes or any date for payment of interest
thereon, reducing or cancelling the amount of principal or the rate of interest payable in
respect of the Notes or altering the currency of payment of the Notes, the Receipts or
the Coupons), the quorum shall be one or more persons holding or representing not
less than two- thirds in nominal amount of the Notes for the time being outstanding, or
at any adjourned such meeting one or more persons holding or representing not less
than one-third in nominal amount of the Notes for the time being outstanding. The Trust
Deed provides that (i) a resolution passed at a meeting duly convened and held in
accordance with the Trust Deed by a majority consisting of not less than three-fourths of
the votes cast on such resolution, (ii) a resolution in writing signed by or on behalf of the
holders of not less than three-fourths in nominal amount of the Notes for the time being
outstanding or (iii) consent given by way of electronic consents through the relevant
clearing system(s) (in a form satisfactory to the Trustee) by or on behalf of the holders
of not less than three- fourths in nominal amount of the Notes for the time being
outstanding, shall, in each case, be effective as an Extraordinary Resolution of the
Noteholders. An Extraordinary Resolution passed by the Noteholders will be binding on
all Noteholders, whether or not they are present at any meeting and whether or not they
voted on the resolution, and on all Receiptholders and Couponholders.
The Trustee may agree, without the consent of the Noteholders, Receiptholders or
Couponholders, to any modification of, or to the waiver or authorisation of any breach or
proposed breach of, any of the provisions of the Notes or the Trust Deed or the Agency
Agreement, or determine, without any such consent as aforesaid, that any Event of
Default or Potential Event of Default (as defined in the Trust Deed) shall not be treated
as such, where, in any such case, it is not, in the opinion of the Trustee, materially
prejudicial to the interests of the Noteholders so to do or may agree, without any such
consent as aforesaid, to any modification which is of a formal, minor or technical nature
or to correct a manifest error or an error which, in the opinion of the Trustee, is proven.
Any such modification shall be binding on the Noteholders, the Receiptholders and the
Couponholders and any such modification shall be notified to the Noteholders in
accordance with Condition 14 soon as practicable thereafter.
In connection with the exercise by it of any of its trusts, powers, authorities and
discretions (including, without limitation, any modification, waiver, authorisation or
determination), the Trustee shall have regard to the general interests of the Noteholders
as a class (but shall not have regard to any interests arising from circumstances
particular to individual Noteholders, Receiptholders or Couponholders whatever their
number) and, in particular but without limitation, shall not have regard to the
consequences of any such exercise for individual Noteholders, Receiptholders or
Couponholders (whatever their number) resulting from their being for any purpose
domiciled or resident in, or otherwise connected with, or subject to the jurisdiction of,
any particular territory or any political sub-division thereof and the Trustee shall not be
entitled to require, nor shall any Noteholder, Receiptholder or Couponholder be entitled
to claim, from any Obligor, the Trustee or any other person any indemnification or
payment in respect of any tax consequences of any such exercise upon individual
Noteholders, Receiptholders or Couponholders except to the extent already provided for
in Condition 8 and/or any undertaking or covenant given in addition to, or in substitution
for, Condition 8 pursuant to the Trust Deed.
The Trust Deed contains provisions permitting the Trustee to agree, without the consent
of the Noteholders or the Couponholders, to (i) the substitution of the Issuer’s successor
in business (as defined in the Trust Deed) or any Holding Company (as defined in the
Trust Deed) of the Issuer or its successor in business or of any Guarantor or its
successor in business in place of the Issuer as principal debtor under the Trust Deed
and the Notes or (ii) the substitution of a Guarantor’s successor in business or any
Holding Company of such Guarantor or its successor in business as a guarantor in
respect of the Notes and the Coupons, in any case subject to the Trustee being satisfied
that the interests of the Noteholders will not be materially prejudiced by the substitution
and certain other conditions set out in the Trust Deed being complied with. In the case
of such a substitution the Trustee may agree, without the consent of the Noteholders or
the Couponholders, to a change of the law governing the Notes, the Receipts, the
Coupons, the Talons and/or the Trust Deed provided that such change would not in the
opinion of the trustee be materially prejudicial to the interests of the Noteholders.
For the avoidance of doubt, the provisions of articles 86 to 94-8 of the Companies Act
1915 are excluded.
The Trust Deed contains provisions for the indemnification of the Trustee and for its
relief from responsibility and liability towards any Obligor, the Noteholders, the
Receiptholders and the Couponholders, including (i) provisions relieving it from taking
action unless indemnified and/or secured and/or pre-funded to its satisfaction and (ii)
provisions limiting or excluding its liability in certain circumstances. The Trust Deed
provides that, when determining whether an indemnity or any security or pre-funding is
satisfactory to it, the Trustee shall be entitled (i) to evaluate its risk in any given
circumstance by considering the worst-case scenario and (ii) to require that any
indemnity or security given to it by the Noteholders or any of them be given on a joint
and several basis and be supported by evidence satisfactory to it as to the financial
standing and creditworthiness of each counterparty and/or as to the value of the
security and an opinion as to the capacity, power and authority of each counterparty
and/or the validity and effectiveness of the security.
The Trust Deed also contains provisions pursuant to which the Trustee is entitled, inter
alia, (a) to enter into business transactions with any Obligor and/or any of its
Subsidiaries and to act as trustee for the holders of any other securities issued or
guaranteed by, or relating to, any Obligor and/or any of its Subsidiaries, (b) to exercise
and enforce its rights, comply with its obligations and perform its duties under or in
relation to any such transactions or, as the case may be, any such trusteeship without
regard to the interests of, or consequences for, the Noteholders, Receiptholders or
Couponholders and (c) to retain and not be liable to account for any profit made or any
other amount or benefit received thereby or in connection therewith.
GEP shall (i) publish on its website ( and (for so long as the Notes are
admitted to trading on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange’s regulated market and listed
on the Official List of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange and if and to the extent that the
rules of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange so require), the website of the Luxembourg
Stock Exchange ( and (ii) file with the Trustee copies of the following
1. as soon as available, but in any event within 120 days after the end of each
fiscal year of GEP (commencing with the fiscal year ended 31 December 2012),
a consolidated statement of financial position of GEP as at the end of such
fiscal year, and the related consolidated statements of comprehensive income,
changes in equity, investment in property and cash flows for such fiscal year,
setting forth in each case in comparative form the figures for the previous fiscal
year, all in reasonable detail, audited and accompanied by a report and opinion
of an internationally recognised firm of auditors, which report and opinion shall
be prepared in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and
applicable laws and shall not be subject to any going concern” or like
qualification or exception or any qualification or exception as to the scope of
such audit; and
2. as soon as available, but in any event within 45 days after the end of each of
the first three fiscal quarters of each fiscal year of GEP (commencing with the
fiscal quarter ended 31 March 2013), a consolidated statement of financial
position of GEP as at the end of such fiscal quarter, and the related
consolidated statements of comprehensive income, changes in equity,
investment in property and cash flows for such fiscal quarter and for the portion
of GEP’s fiscal year then ended, setting forth in each case in comparative form
a statement of financial position as of the end of the immediately preceding
fiscal quarter (or, in the case of the fiscal quarter ended 31 March, as of the end
of the immediately preceding fiscal year) and statements of comprehensive
income, changes in equity, investment in property and cash flows the
corresponding portion of the previous fiscal quarter or fiscal year (as
applicable), all in reasonable detail, certified by an officer of GEP as fairly
presenting the financial position, comprehensive income, changes in equity,
investment in property and cash flows of GEP, subject only to normal year-end
audit adjustments and the absence of footnotes.
The Trustee shall neither be required to monitor compliance by GEP with this Condition
17, nor to review any financial statements filed with it.
The Issuer shall be at liberty from time to time without the consent of the Noteholders,
the Receiptholders or the Couponholders, to create and issue further notes having
terms and conditions the same as the Notes or the same in all respects save for the
amount and date of the first payment of interest thereon and the date from which
interest starts to accrue and so that the same shall be consolidated and form a single
Series with the outstanding Notes.
No person shall have any right to enforce any term or condition of this Note under the
Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999, but this does not affect any right or remedy
of any person which exists or is available apart from that Act.
20.1 Governing law
The Trust Deed, the Agency Agreement, the Notes, the Receipts, the Coupons and any
non- contractual obligations arising out of or in connection with the Trust Deed, the
Agency Agreement, the Notes, the Receipts and the Coupons are governed by, and
shall be construed in accordance with, English law.
20.2 Submission to jurisdiction
Each Obligor irrevocably agrees, for the benefit of the Trustee, the Noteholders, the
Receiptholders and the Couponholders, that the courts of England are to have exclusive
jurisdiction to settle any disputes which may arise out of or in connection with the Trust
Deed, the Notes, the Receipts and/or the Coupons (including a dispute relating to any
non-contractual obligations arising out of or in connection with the Trust Deed, the
Notes, the Receipts and/or the Coupons) and accordingly submits to the exclusive
jurisdiction of the English courts.
Each Obligor waives any objection to the courts of England on the grounds that they are
an inconvenient or inappropriate forum. The Trustee, the Noteholders, the
Receiptholders and the Couponholders may take any suit, action or proceedings
(together referred to as Proceedings) arising out of or in connection with the Trust
Deed, the Notes, the Receipts and the Coupons (including any Proceedings relating to
any non-contractual obligations arising out of or in connection with the Trust Deed, the
Notes, the Receipts and the Coupons) against the Obligors in any other court of
competent jurisdiction and concurrent Proceedings in any number of jurisdictions.
20.3 Appointment of Process Agent
Each Obligor appoints Goodman UK Limited at its registered office at Nelson House,
Central Boulevard, Blythe Valley Park, Solihull, West Midlands B90 8BG, UK (Attention:
General Counsel, Europe/Treasurer) as its agent for service of process, and undertakes
that, in the event of Goodman UK Limited ceasing so to act or ceasing to be registered
in England, it will appoint another person approved by the Trustee as its agent for
service of process in England in respect of any Proceedings. Nothing herein shall affect
the right to serve proceedings in any other manner permitted by law.
20.4 Other documents and the Guarantors
Each Obligor has in the Trust Deed and the Agency Agreement submitted to the
jurisdiction of the English courts and appointed an agent for service of process in terms
substantially similar to those set out above.
The Issuer intends to use the net proceeds from each issue of Notes for general corporate
purposes of the Group, including but not limited to the repayment of indebtedness.
Incorporation and Status
GELF Bond Issuer I SA (the Issuer) was incorporated on 26 November 2012 as a Luxembourg
public limited liability company (société anonyme) for an unlimited period of time under the laws
of Luxembourg. The articles of incorporation of the Issuer (the Issuer Articles of
Incorporation) have been published in the Mémorial C, Recueil des Sociétés et Associations
N°l dated 14 December 2012. The registered office of the Issuer is 28, boulevard d’Avranches,
L-1160, Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and its telephone number is +352 2636
3220. The Issuer has been registered with the Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register
(registration number B 173 090).
The Issuer was established as a special purpose vehicle to provide any forms of financing
directly or indirectly to GEP and its subsidiaries, including making loans to GEP and its
subsidiaries with the proceeds of any issued Notes under the Programme. The Issuer has no
subsidiaries. For a structure diagram which shows the position of the Issuer within the Group,
see “Description of the Guarantors - Description of GEP - Overview of GEP’s Structure” below.
For the period of 12 months following the date of this Base Prospectus, the Issuer Articles of
Incorporation (with an English translation thereof) will be available for inspection at the
registered office of the Issuer and from the specified offices of the Paying Agent for the time
being in London and Luxembourg.
The purpose of the Issuer, as set out in article 3 of the Issuer Articles of Incorporation, includes
the provision of any form of financing directly or indirectly to GEP and its subsidiaries and the
issue of stock, bonds, debentures, notes and other securities of any kind to the above effect.
The Issuer may lend or borrow with or without security or collateral, provided that such activities
comply with the covenants set out in GEP’s finance documents and the Management
In general, the Issuer may undertake any financial, commercial, industrial or real estate
transactions which it may deem useful in the accomplishment and development of its purpose
and, in such context, it may give or receive guarantees, issue all types of securities and
financial instruments and enter into any type of hedging, trading or derivatives transactions.
Share Capital
The Issuer’s share capital is €31,000 represented by 31,000 shares, each with a nominal value
of €1.00 and each carrying one voting right in the general meeting of shareholders. All shares
are in registered form and have been fully paid up in cash.
The sole shareholder of the Issuer is GEH, which is a direct subsidiary of GEP.
The Issuer has a board of directors, currently comprising three directors:
Emmanuel Van der Stichele (see “Board of the Management Company” for further
Dominique Prince (see “Board of the Management Company” for further details); and
Henry Kelly (see “Board of the Management Company for further details).
Emmanuel Van der Stichele and Dominique Prince are employees and/or contractors of
subsidiaries of the Goodman Group.
Independent Auditors
The Issuer has appointed PricewaterhouseCoopers, Société coopérative, with registered office
at 2, rue Gerhard Mercator, B.P. 1443, L-1014 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg as its
independent auditor (réviseur d’entreprises agréé).
The Issuer’s independent auditor is a member of the Luxembourg Institut des Réviseurs
Financial Year
The Issuer’s financial year is from 1 January to 31 December in each year. The Issuer published
its first audited financial statements in respect of the period ending on 31 December 2013. Any
future published financial statements prepared by the Issuer (in respect of the period ending on
31 December each year) are available during normal office hours during the 15 days preceding
the holding of any extraordinary general meeting of the shareholders in accordance with Article
85 of the Luxembourg law dated 10 August 1915 on commercial companies, as amended, at
the registered office of the Issuer.
Conflict of Interest
Emmanuel Van der Stichele and Dominique Prince are employees and/or contractors of
subsidiaries of the Goodman Group. Members of the Goodman Group have entered into
agreements with one or more of the Obligors (including the Relationship Deed) and they may
enter into further agreements with any Obligor. In addition, from time to time they may be
appointed to the boards of subsidiaries of the Goodman Group which may have dealings with
the Group, including the sale and purchase of real estate. Since Emmanuel Van der Stichele
and Dominique Prince are remunerated by the Goodman Group, there may be a conflict
between their interests in relation to the Issuer and their interests in relation to the Goodman
Group as regards the performance of those existing agreements and the entry into any such
further agreements. As at the date of this Base Prospectus, there are no other existing conflicts
of interest between a director’s duties to the board of directors of the Issuer, referred to in this
“Description of the Issuer” section, and their private interests and/or other duties.
Material Contracts
The Issuer is not party to any contracts outside the ordinary course of its business that have
been or may reasonably be expected to be material to the Issuer’s ability to meet its obligations
to Noteholders.
Incorporation and Status
GEP was established in December 2006 as an externally managed investment fund organised
as a Luxembourg fonds commun de placement (FCP), initially subject to the Luxembourg act of
19 July 1991. Following the establishment of GEP, the act of 13 February 2007 relating to
specialised investment funds (fonds d’investissement spécialisé) (FIS), as amended (the 2007
Act) was adopted and repealed the act of 19 July 1991, such that GEP is now governed by the
2007 Act and qualifies as an FCP-FIS (fonds commun de placement fonds d’investissement
spécialisé). GEP also qualifies as an alternative investment fund within the meaning of the
Luxembourg law of 12 July 2013 relating to alternative investment fund managers (the AIFM
As GEP is an FCP, it does not have a legal personality. The FCP is managed by a management
company (société de gestion) that has a legal personality and that is the statutory management
body of the FCP. The units of FCP may be represented by certificates issued to Unitholders.
The management company acts in its own name, but has to indicate that it acts on behalf of the
FCP. It further has to draw up the management regulations of the FCP. The management
company of GEP, a wholly-owned direct subsidiary of Goodman, is the Management Company,
having its registered office at 28, boulevard d’Avranches, L-1160, Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of
Luxembourg and telephone number +352 2636 3220 (see Management of GEP for further
Overview of GEP’s Structure
The following diagram illustrates the structure of GEP, the Issuer and the Guarantors in relation
to one another:
Business Overview
GEP is a perpetual life unlisted property fund, which is reserved for Well Informed Investors,
that specialises in investment in modern prime Logistics properties in key Logistics markets
within continental Europe. Subsidiaries of Goodman provide management, advisory and
property administration services to GEP.
Goodman is a leading international owner, developer and manager of industrial properties, with
assets under management of approximately €23.0 billion as at 30 June 2016. As at 30 June
2016, the Goodman Group had approximately 1,132 employees, of which approximately 256
were based in Goodman’s 16 European offices.
The following diagram illustrates the structure of GEP’s management and administration (see
Description of Management of GEP” for further details):
As at 30 June 2016, the Portfolio consisted of 101 core estates (including 3 landbanks where no
stabilised properties are present) with a gross leasable area of approximately 3.9 million sqm
and a book value of €2.4 billion (market value of €2.5 billion based on value at completion). The
Portfolio is approximately 99 per cent. occupied (by income). Management believes the Portfolio
is well positioned, with a weighted average lease expiry (by income) (WALE) to first break of
approximately 5.4 years with over 90 per cent. of the Portfolio (by value) located in GEP’s five
core markets of Germany, France, Poland, the Netherlands and Belgium.
Market Overview
Relative to other real estate sectors, the continental European Logistics market has historically
been characterised by higher cash flow generation. It is furthermore a market which is relatively
granular, offering opportunities for diversification. Investment Property Databank (IPD) indices
show Logistics has been the highest yielding real estate asset class over the last 10 years, and
the Logistics sector has outperformed the All Property Index by approximately 0.8 percentage
point per annum on a total return basis over the same period.
Management believes that the performance of GEP will continue to be underpinned by a
number of market trends which support customer demand in core markets:
Management continues to observe increasing supply chain cost pressures resulting in
sustained demand for third party logistics providers (3PL); consolidation among 3PL
operators is therefore expected to continue. Management believes that this
consolidation creates larger 3PL operators with increasingly wide pan-European and/or
global operations who are demanding larger scale modern Logistics facilities of the type
IPD (Investment Property Databank) Pan-European Logistics Annual Consultative Index Report Results for the year
to 31 December 2014 (June 2015).
owned by GEP. Supply chain pressure further creates similar requirements from
manufacturers and retailers. As 3PL operators, manufacturers and retailers expand their
operations geographically, Management notes that these players seek strong
relationships with real estate landlords who can service their multi-national needs. This
in turn creates a competitive advantage for those Logistics real estate companies who
can provide the required pan-European or global solutions. Management believes that
relatively few operators currently have the critical mass in Europe to provide such
services. As a consequence of this further maturing of the logistics market,
Management also believes that GEP has, and should continue to benefit from,
institutional equity investors increasingly utilising specialists such as GEP and
Goodman to make their investments in the Logistics sector indirectly.
Growth in the e-commerce sector relative to traditional shop front models of retail
distribution creates significant demand for Logistics capacity per unit sold. Management
believes that GEP and Goodman, delivering more than 1.5 million sqm for the e-
commerce sector across Europe, have been, and remain, at the forefront of the industry
in respect of developing, owning and managing Logistics property suitable for the online
retail industry. Europe has seen a strong growth in e-commerce, with the European
Union emerging as the world's single largest market for e-commerce. Since 2008, the
industry has experienced between 12% and 18% growth across the EU. In 2016, over
2.5 million Europeans are employed directly or indirectly by the sector, which produced
€455 billion in annual revenue in 2015. By 2018, an annual turnover of approximately
€660 billion is expected
, in part due to the increase of omni-channel retail strategies by
brick-and-mortar retailers.
Improving transport infrastructure in central and eastern European markets is
supporting growth in international trade within Europe. A shift of production eastwards
as well as the rise in disposable income in central and eastern Europe are creating
demand for new, improved and larger scale Logistics properties. Poland’s infrastructure
of motorways and express dual carriageways has increased from 300 km in 2000 to
over 3,000 km in 2015. According to the new National Road Construction Programme
planned for 2014-2023 construction of over 3,900 km new roads is foreseen.
Investment Objectives and Strategy
The Investment Objectives of GEP are:
to provide Well Informed Investors with a long-term investment opportunity, alongside
Goodman, in a diversified portfolio of prime Logistics Real Estate located in the EU
(excluding the UK and Greece), Norway, Switzerland or Turkey; and
to deliver stable, income-driven returns with the potential for income growth and capital
European B2C E-commerce Report 2016
To achieve the Investment Objectives, GEP will:
continue to actively manage the properties in the Portfolio to maintain GEP’s high
level of quality and operational performance, and to achieve return targets;
continue to acquire Logistics investment properties which enhance the Portfolio’s
diversity and improve risk adjusted returns;
maintain limited exposure to land holdings and development activity, focused
primarily on value added expansion opportunities at existing properties;
implement appropriate debt and equity funding strategies as necessary to finance the
continued growth of the Portfolio and maintain an investment grade credit profile; and
maintain industry leading standards of corporate governance, continuing to work
closely with investors and stakeholders in respect of fund strategy and investment
Launched in 2006, GEP is Goodman’s second largest managed fund outside of Australia. It
remains Goodman’s primary vehicle for its own investments in European Logistics properties,
with Goodman committed to holding (i) not less than the lesser of (A) 20 per cent. of all Units
and Uncalled Commitments and (B) the higher of (a) €400 million and (b) 15 per cent. of all
Units and Uncalled Commitments and (ii) not more than 40 per cent. of all Units and Uncalled
The valuation of the Portfolio has increased from €274 million in 2006 to 2.5 billion as at 30
June 2016. EBITDA has increased from €22 million in 2007 to 142 million in 2016 (annualised
figure based on H1 2016).
Key milestones in GEP’s history are set out below.
GEP (known at the time as Arlington European Logistics Fund) launched
with a seed portfolio of €274 million.
Arlington European Logistics Fund (AELF) is rebranded to Goodman
European Logistics Fund (GELF).
Merger with C€LOGIX Fund adds 22 assets worth €434 million.
Kuehne + Nagel sale and leaseback completed, adding assets worth
€235 million.
€762 million debt refinancing.
Original equity commitments fully drawn, further equity raised.
Distribution payments voluntarily deferred.
Deferred distributions paid.
€300 million equity raise completed.
Commitment to acquire four new properties with a 9.3 year WALE to first
lease break from Goodman for €143 million.
€351 million equity raise completed.
€800 million debt financing.
Commitment to acquire seven new properties with an 8.5 year WALE
from Goodman for €132 million.
GEP rated Baa3 / BBB- by Moody’s and S&P, respectively
€209 million of new acquisitions committed
Inaugural Euro Medium Term Notes (EMTN) issued under the
Programme for €500 million.
€550 million equity raise completed.
S&P’s upgrades GEP to BBB.
€289 million of new committed acquisitions.
GEP signs €120 million portfolio sale.
EMTN issued under the Programme for €400 million.
Moody’s upgrades GEP to Baa2.
Repayment of secured debt facilities. €339 million of new committed
acquisitions and developments.
The Management Company is approved and licensed as an alternative
investment fund manager in accordance with the AIFM Law.
Moody’s upgrades GEP to Baa1.
2015 RCF signed.
525 million of new committed acquisitions and developments.
Goodman European Logistics Fund (GELF) is rebranded to Goodman
European Partnership (GEP).
GEP signs Project Shine portfolio sale (19 assets).
GEP signs Project Sky portfolio sale (12 assets).
2016 YTD
201 million of new committed acquisitions and developments (to
30 June 2016).
Unitholders in a General Meeting approve proposed changes to the
constituent documents of GEP, securing a new 10-year investment term
for GEP.
Overview of the Portfolio
Portfolio Composition
The following table provides a summary of the Portfolio by country as at 30 June 2016
of Core
yield (%)
first break
(years) (by
(%) (by
weighting (%)
(by value)
Geographic Distribution
Since its launch in 2006, GEP has targeted predominantly the four core markets of Germany,
France, the Netherlands and Belgium, reflecting both their economic status and their
importance as Logistics markets. However, as the Portfolio has grown and wider
macroeconomic factors have evolved since its launch, GEP has since 2012 increased its target
allocation to Poland, while at the same time decreasing the target allocations to Spain and Italy.
These changes reflected the increasing importance of Poland as a Logistics centre within
Europe, and Management’s continued caution with regards to the economic performance of
Italy and Spain.
The following table provides a summary of the geographic evolution of the Portfolio by value as
at 30 June 2016:
2011 (%)
2012 (%)
2013 (%)
2014 (%)
2015 (%)
2016 (%)
Western Europe
Southern Europe
Excludes land and solar panels.
France, Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands.
Spain and Italy.
2011 (%)
2012 (%)
2013 (%)
2014 (%)
2015 (%)
2016 (%)
Largest Estates
There is an increasing trend towards investors and customers seeking large, modern and
operationally efficient properties (see Market Overview for further details) of which there has
been a significant lack of supply.
To meet this gap between supply and demand, GEP has in recent years made significant
investments in larger modern properties capable of facilitating both the specific needs of
individual customers for larger properties, and also being capable of being used on a multi-
tenanted basis as demand dictates. Management believes that due to the composition of the
Portfolio, GEP is well positioned to benefit from the increasing investor demand. Furthermore,
GEP’s access to the Goodman development pipeline through its right of first refusal provides it
with the opportunity to keep adding high quality assets, further diversifying the asset base.
No single property represents more than 5.0 per cent. of the Portfolio and GEP’s ten largest
estates account for 28.6 per cent. of the Portfolio by asset value. The following chart details the
ten largest estates by value as a percentage of the Portfolio as at 30 June 2016:
Portfolio Age
GEP’s weighted average age of the Portfolio (by value) is 6.4 years. As at 30 June 2016, most
of the Portfolio (56.7 per cent.) had an age of less than six years, 20.8 per cent. had an age of
more than ten years and the remaining 22.6 per cent. had an age of between six and ten years.
Austria, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and the Czech Republic.
CBRE: XLL warehouses become darling of European industrial and logistics-market
Of the 98 GEP estates with stabilised properties within the Portfolio, 69 per cent. have a single
customer and the remaining 31 per cent. are multi-tenanted. Only three customers comprise
more than 5.0 per cent. of the income of the Portfolio. The chart below illustrates the industries
in which GEP’s customers operate, as at 30 June 2016. Customers are most commonly from
within the 3PL or retail industries (referred to below as “Transportation and Logistics” and
“Consumer” respectively).
3PL customers may serve one or multiple end customers from a single property. Modern
Logistics properties of the type owned by GEP are typically constructed to industry standard
specifications suitable for use by multiple potential customers.
GEP’s ten largest customers account for 46.1 per cent. of income for the Portfolio. The following
table summarises customer concentration as a percentage of the Portfolio income as at 30 June
Amazon is the world’s largest online retailer, with reported annual revenues of USD 107 billion
and close to USD 596 million in earnings.
DB Schenker is a leading global Logistics services
provider with a gross annual revenue of €15.5 billion and annual EBIT of approximately €395
Amazon Inc. 2015 annual report.
million in 2015. DB Schenker is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Deutsche Bahn (DB) Group
with revenues (adjusted) of approximately €40.5 billion, and an EBIT of approximately €1.8
Kuehne + Nagel is one of the world’s largest providers of 3PL services and has over CHF 20
billion of annual revenues and approximately CHF 679 million in earnings.
Management actively monitors and manages customer concentration and credit profile, within
the context of a long-term objective to further diversify the Portfolio with respect to both
customer and asset exposure.
As at 30 June 2016, GEP’s leases had a WALE of approximately 6.3 years (by income), and a
WALE to first break of approximately 5.4 years (by income). Approximately 10.1 per cent. of
leases expire in less than one year.
The following chart summarises the WALE to first break
(by income) as a percentage of the Portfolio as at 30 June 2016:
GEP uses Goodman’s local market asset management teams to manage customer
relationships and lease renewal proactively. In each of the last seven years, GEP has
successfully leased or re-leased at least 13 per cent. of the Portfolio (by income).
Leasing activity as a percentage of total
income per annum
DB Group 2015 annual report.
Kuehne + Nagel Group 2015 annual report.
Not including existing vacant space.
H1 2016 annualised
Historical Occupancy (by income)
As at 30 June 2016, the Portfolio had an occupancy rate of 99 per cent.. Management believes
that the Portfolio continues to maintain high levels of occupancy relative to the wider market in
which GEP operates. Since the launch of GEP, occupancy has averaged 97.4 per cent. (by
income) and has remained above 95 per cent. (by income) at all times.
Management believes that GEP’s consistently strong performance reflects a number of factors
including local market asset management expertise, portfolio quality and location and GEP’s
limited risk appetite.
Selected Financial Information
The following information has been extracted from the audited annual consolidated financial
statements of GEP from 2014 to 2015 and unaudited consolidated financial report of GEP as at
30 June 2016.
Comprehensive income statement (summary)
FY 2014
FY 2015
H1 2016
Net property income
Net gains/(losses) from fair value
adjustments and disposals of
investments in property/joint venture
Partnership expenses
Finance costs
Other finance costs, finance income
and net gains/(losses) from fair value
adjustments on derivative financial
The information provided in this section is the subject of rounding and may therefore differ from the numbers set out
in the consolidated financial statements and consolidated financial report
Income tax
Result/comprehensive income for the
EBITDA (net property income minus
fund Partnership expenses)
EBITDA / Finance costs
Financial position statement (summary)
Dec 2014
Dec 2015
Jun 2016
Cash and cash equivalents
Total current assets
Completed investments in property
Properties under construction
Total investments in property
Total assets
Current liabilities (excluding interest-
bearing liabilities)
Interest-bearing liabilities
Non-current liabilities (excluding
interest bearing liabilities)
Total liabilities
Net assets
Gearing (interest-bearing liabilities
less cash and cash equivalents /
total assets less cash and cash
Cash flow statement (summary)
H1 2016
Result before finance result and income
Net (gains)/losses from fair value
adjustments and disposals of investments
in property/joint ventures (JVs)
Net interest paid (incl. other finance
Net cash from operating activities
Payments for investments in property
Net proceeds from disposals of
H1 2016
investments in property
Payments for investments in/loans to
Net cash used in investment activities
Proceeds from issue of Units
Proceeds/repayments from/of
Distributions paid
Net cash from/used in financing activities
Further financial information concerning GEP’s consolidated statement of financial position,
comprehensive income and cash flow is available in GEP’s audited annual consolidated
financial statements for 2014 and 2015 and GEP’s unaudited consolidated financial report as at
30 June 2016.
Debt Policy
In accordance with the Investment Guidelines, the Management Company uses borrowings
strategically, and will seek to maintain a long-term core level of borrowings (less Cash and Cash
Equivalents (as each such term is used in GEP’s most recent consolidated financial
statements)) equal to approximately 35-45 per cent. of Assets (less Cash and Cash Equivalents
(as each such term is used in GEP’s most recent consolidated financial statements)).
Further, the Management Regulations prohibit GEP, on a consolidated basis, from incurring:
any additional debt (other than refinancing existing debt or debt to fund previous
commitments) where Leverage is more than 50 per cent. of GEP’s Assets (less Cash
and Cash Equivalents (as each such term is used in GEP's most recent consolidated
financial statements)); or
a Leverage of more than 60 per cent. of GEP's Assets (less Cash and Cash Equivalents
(as each such term is used in GEP’s most recent consolidated financial statements)).
In recent years management has transitioned GEP’s sources of debt from predominantly
secured bank debt to predominantly unsecured bonds and bank credit facilities on a pari-passu
Other than in respect of a 18 million crédit-bail maturing in 2027, GEP’s total indebtedness as
at 30 June 2016 is summarised in the table below:
(€ million)
(€ million)
Unsecured bond
April 2018
Unsecured bond
November 2021
2015 RCF
Unsecured revolving
January 2020
(€ million)
(€ million)
credit facility
GEP’s weighted average cost of debt during the quarter ended 30 June 2016 (including costs
associated with hedging, amortisation of expenses, and commitment fees) was 3.0 per cent. per
All of GEP’s debt facilities remain compliant with all financial covenants as of 30 June 2016, as
summarised below:
Test (%)
Actual (%)
Interest Coverage
Priority Debt
2015 RCF
Test (%)
Actual (%)
Interest Coverage
Priority Debt
GEP’s financial risk management policy requires GEP to hedge its exposure to interest rates
through the utilisation of interest rate caps, interest rate swaps or fixed rate loans.
As of 30 June 2016, GEP’s interest rate risk is primarily hedged through the issuance of fixed
rate bonds under the EMTN programme.
Management Company
The Management Company was incorporated in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, for an
unlimited duration, in the form of a Luxembourg private limited liability company (société à
responsabilité limitée), on 20 November 2006, by notarial deed published in the Memorial
number 2.264 on 4 December 2006. The restated and coordinated articles of incorporation of
the Management Company have been deposited with the Luxembourg Register of Trade and
Companies, where the Management Company is registered under number B 121 702. The
Management Company was established under Chapter 14 of the act of December 2002 relating
to undertakings for collective investment (the 2002 Act) and is now governed by Chapter 16 of
the act of 17 December 2010 relating to undertakings for collective investment, which has
repealed the 2002 Act. The subscribed and paid up capital of the Management Company
amounts to €125,000, represented by 5,000 shares each having a nominal value of €25.00.
The Management Company is wholly owned by Goodman Logistics (HK) Limited, a company
limited by shares and incorporated in Hong Kong with company number 1700359 (with a
registered address of Suite 2008, Three Pacific Place, 1 Queen’s Road East, Hong Kong).
Shares in GLHK are stapled to shares in GL and units in GIT and those shares and units cannot
be traded separately (i.e. they trade together as Goodman Group securities). These Goodman
Group securities trade on the Australian Securities Exchange under the ticker GMG and are
widely held. Goodman Group (which includes GLHK) is not controlled by any one entity.
The Management Company is vested with powers to administer and manage GEP in
accordance with the Management Regulations and Luxembourg law and regulations in the
exclusive interest of GEP’s Unitholders. The Management Company has been approved and
licensed as an alternative investment fund manager in accordance with the AIFM Law.
The Unitholders may elect to remove the Management Company by passing a resolution with a
Simple Majority (the Units of Goodman being excluded for both the quorum and the majority
requirements) if a court of first instance passes a judgment that either the Investment Adviser
(as defined under “Service Agreements” below) is bankrupt or insolvent and/or the Management
Company and/or the Investment Adviser and/or their directors, officers or employees have been
Fraudulent or have committed any Wilful Misconduct or have been Grossly Negligent in the
performance of their duties under the Management Regulations or the Investment Advisory
Agreement, as the case may be. Such removal will only be effective when a successor
management company takes over the functions of the Management Company and such
successor management company has obtained the approval of: (i) the CSSF; and (ii) a Simple
Majority of a General Meeting.
The Unitholders may also elect to remove the Management Company by passing a resolution
with a Special Majority (the Units of Goodman being excluded for both the quorum and the
majority requirements) in case of a change of control (a Review Event). A change of control is
any transaction where a 50 per cent. or more interest in the relevant company is acquired by
another entity that is not part of the Goodman Group (a Change of Control).
A Change of Control includes:
a change of control either at the level of GLHK, GIT or GL or in any body corporate,
limited partnership, trust, corporation, legal arrangement or other person, established in
the European Union or in another jurisdiction, owned, wholly or in part (including those
held for 50 per cent. or less) in the holding structure between each of GLHK, GIT or GL
and the Management Company, being a change of control at the Goodman Group level;
a direct or indirect change of control of the Management Company or any member of
the Goodman Group providing significant resources in relation to the management of
GEP, being a change of control at the Management Company’s level.
If a Change of Control event was to occur at the Goodman Group level, the Management
Company has undertaken to procure that the new acquirer will be obliged to confirm to the
Unitholders that its business strategy remains consistent with GEP’s strategy at the time of
acquisition and that the senior management team will be primarily unchanged, or that the newly
proposed senior management team includes the necessary skill set and experience to manage
GEP. If the Management Company does not procure the delivery of such confirmation or the
acquirer fails to deliver such confirmation, then a Review Event occurs. If a Change of Control
event occurs at the level of the Management Company, then a Review Event occurs.
Notwithstanding the above, no Review Event shall occur, either at the Goodman Group and/or
Management Company level, if the proposed acquirer is a competitor of the Goodman Group,
which is also focused on the management of Logistics real estate assets on a pan-European or
greater scale.
Board of the Management Company
The board of managers of the Management Company (the Board) is responsible for the
strategic direction and management of GEP. The approval by the Board of major investment
decisions will be subject to a confirmation by the Investment Committee and/or the General
Meeting (as detailed in the following sections). The Board will meet at least once a quarter and
currently consists of four directors appointed by Goodman. The current directors are Dominique
Prince, Daniel Peeters, Emmanuel Van der Stichele and Henry Kelly, the latter as an
independent external director. A biography of each director is set out below:
Daniel Peeters
Daniel has oversight of Goodman’s European operations and strategy and is responsible for
Goodman Group’s investments in Brazil. Daniel has been with Goodman since 2006 and has
17 years of experience in the property and logistics sectors. Daniel is a director of various
Goodman managed partnerships, subsidiaries and the joint ventures in Europe and Brazil.
During his career, Daniel has built up extensive experience in the design, implementation and
outsourcing of pan-European supply chain and real estate strategies for various multinationals.
Daniel was Chief Executive Officer of Eurinpro, a developer of tailor-made logistic property
solutions in Europe acquired by Goodman in May 2006.
Emmanuel Van der Stichele
Emmanuel is Manager of the Goodman European Partnership and is a member of the Board of
Managers of the Partnership. He is responsible for the overall strategy, management and
performance of GEP and as such reports to the Investment Committee and partners. Emmanuel
has extensive real estate investment experience, having closed and managed numerous
transactions in both the private and public real estate equity and debt markets. Previously,
Emmanuel has been a London based member of a global real estate private equity group.
Emmanuel has further been involved in real estate finance as well as in several IPOs and
capital raisings for real estate vehicles.
Henry Kelly
Henry currently runs KellyConsult S.à r.l., a Luxembourg based business consultancy he
established in 1999 which serves companies operating in the financial sector, in particular in the
area of investment funds. Henry’s key areas of expertise are business strategy, product design,
product distribution, regulation and financial and operational management. He is an
experienced Independent Director of several investment funds and investment management
companies domiciled in Luxembourg and abroad. Prior to the establishment of KellyConsult S.à
r.l., he worked for six years as a Director of Fleming Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A.
(now JP Morgan Asset Management) where he was a Managing Director responsible for
finance, legal and compliance and product development. Henry is an active member of the
Association of the Luxembourg Fund Industry (ALFI) and served for 10 years (1995-2005) on
the Executive Committee of ALFI and is currently Chairman of the ALFI Fund Governance
Forum which was set up in 2011. He is a member of the Investment Funds Committee of ILA
(Luxembourg Institute of Directors) since its inception in 2008 and is an ILA Certified Director.
Henry is a holder of the INSEAD Certificate in Corporate Governance.
Dominique Prince
Dominique is responsible for the financial strategy and financial control of the Luxembourg
based partnerships managed by Goodman. He is also responsible for defining corporate
strategy and advising the Board of the Luxembourg based partnerships on a wide range of
topics. Based in Luxembourg, Dominique is responsible for the Goodman office in Luxembourg
and manages the relations with the tax advisers, the auditors, the depositary bank, the regulator
and the central administration agent of the partnerships. Dominique joined the Goodman Group
in 2008 and has over 16 years of experience in real estate and financial services having worked
previously at PwC. Dominique holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration from HEC-
ULg Management School, Belgium.
Conflict of Interest
Daniel Peeters, Emmanuel Van der Stichele and Dominique Prince are employees and/or
contractors of subsidiaries of the Goodman Group. Members of the Goodman Group have
entered into agreements with one or more of the Obligors (including the Relationship Deed) (as
defined below) and they may enter into further agreements with any Obligor. In addition, from
time to time they may be appointed to the boards of subsidiaries of Goodman Group which may
have dealings with the Group, including the sale and purchase of real estate. Since Daniel
Peeters, Emmanuel Van der Stichele and Dominique Prince are remunerated by the Goodman
Group, there may be a conflict between their interests in relation to the Management Company
and their interests in relation to the Goodman Group as regards the performance of those
existing agreements and the entry into any such further agreements. As at the date of this Base
Prospectus, there are no other existing conflicts of interest between a director’s duties to the
board of directors of the Management Company, referred to in this Description of Management
of GEP” section, and their private interests and/or other duties.
Investment Committee
The investment committee is a body established in accordance with article 4 of the
Management Regulations (the Investment Committee). It is constituted as a forum for
appointees of Unitholders to meet with appointees of the Management Company in a
consultative and confirmatory role. The role and responsibility of the Investment Committee in
respect of the affairs of GEP are limited to the confirmation of Investment Committee Reserved
Matters. Please refer to Article 4 of the Management Regulations for further details on the
governance process, notice, frequency, location of meetings and fees and expenses of the
Investment Committee.
The Investment Committee is composed of a maximum of eight members, consisting of two
Management Company appointees and six Unitholder appointees.
Of the Unitholder appointees, the four Unitholders or groups of Unitholders advised by the same
party (or which are part of the same Unitholder Group or Affiliates of each other) having the
highest aggregate amount of issued Units and Uncalled Commitments (excluding Goodman)
are appointed. Subject to Article 4.4 (b) of the Management Regulations, these members will
remain members of the Investment Committee indefinitely unless they are removed and/or
replaced, in their absolute discretion, by the Unitholder or group of Unitholders by whom they
were appointed. If the aggregate amount of issued Units and Uncalled Commitments of the
Unitholder or group of Unitholders (excluding Goodman) with the fourth and fifth highest
aggregate amount of issued Units and Uncalled Commitments are identical, neither of them
may appoint a Unitholder appointee. The two remaining Unitholder appointees are appointed as
representatives of the remaining Unitholders (excluding Goodman). Appointees representing the
remaining Unitholders are appointed for a minimum term of one year and a maximum term of
two years, but can be re-elected.
The Management Company appoints two members to the Investment Committee. The
Management Company may, at any time and in its absolute discretion, change its appointees to
the Investment Committee.
The Management Company will, in its sole discretion, appoint one of the Management
Company appointees to be the chairperson of the Investment Committee. The chairperson of
the Investment Committee does not have any additional or casting vote. The current
chairperson is Gregory Goodman.
The quorum for an Investment Committee meeting is three appointees, with a minimum of one
Management Company appointee and two Unitholder appointees.
At a meeting of the Investment Committee, each appointee has one vote in respect of each Unit
held by each Unitholder which that appointee represents but must cast all its votes in the same
way. For this purpose: (i) the Management Company appointees shall each represent 50 per
cent. of the Units held by Goodman; (ii) the Unitholder appointees appointed in the framework of
article 4.4(c) of the Management Regulations shall each represent 50 per cent. of the Units held
by the Unitholders which they represent provided that where at any point in time only one
Unitholder appointee is appointed in the framework of such article 4.4(c) that one Unitholder
appointee shall represent all (rather than just 50 per cent.) of the Units held by the Unitholders
which it represents; and (iii) when calculating the number of Units held by a Unitholder any
Uncalled Commitments of a Unitholder shall be notionally transformed into the corresponding
amount of Units at the Latest Available Current Unit Value (ex) (as defined in the Management
Regulations) determined at the time the notice to convene the Investment Committee meeting is
dispatched by the Management Company.
Where a decision requires the approval of a Special Majority of the Investment Committee, and
that Special Majority approval is not achieved only because one single appointee prevented the
achievement of the Special Majority decision, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the
Management Regulations, that Special Majority vote shall be deemed approved. For this
purpose, the two Management Company appointees shall be deemed to be one single
appointee and the two appointees appointed in the framework of article 4.4 (c) of the
Management Regulations shall be deemed to be one single appointee.
Each of the matters listed in Part A of the Investment Committee Reserved Matters requires the
confirmation by a Simple Majority of the Investment Committee. Meanwhile, each of the matters
listed in Part B of the Investment Committee Reserved Matters requires the confirmation by a
Special Majority of the Investment Committee.
All transactions involving a member of the Goodman Group are considered exclusively by the
Unitholder appointees of the Investment Committee (and not by the appointees of the
Management Company).
Unitholders’ Meeting
Subject to Article 20 of the Management Regulations, any Unitholder Reserved Matter must be
approved by the Unitholders in a General Meeting.
The Management Company will convene and hold an annual general meeting of Unitholders on
such date as determined in its sole discretion and will determine its agenda. The Management
Company may at any time, in its sole discretion, call additional meeting(s) of Unitholders. In
addition, Unitholders representing at least 5 per cent. of the issued Units, whether partially or
fully paid in, may request the Management Company to call and hold meetings in accordance
with the Management Regulations and Luxembourg law. In this case, the Unitholders will
provide the agenda to the Management Company.
Service Agreements
The Management Company is responsible for the management of GEP. However, the
Management Company has contracted with Goodman and third parties to provide certain
services to GEP. These arrangements are set out below.
Relationship Deed
Goodman and the Management Company have entered into a relationship deed that governs
their ongoing relationship (the Relationship Deed). The Relationship Deed contains the
following right of first refusal:
over European
Logistics properties sourced by Goodman;
over European Logistics property developments completed by Goodman;
over European Logistics properties proposed to be directly divested by Goodman (held
in its capacity as a principal investor or developer);
over European Logistics properties proposed to be directly acquired by Goodman; and
to co-invest in Development Land acquisitions with limited exceptions sourced by
Goodman in Europe in return for an exclusive Development Management and Project
Management Agreement on these sites.
The right of first refusal supports GEP’s strategy of taking minimal direct development exposure,
and gives GEP unique access to Logistics properties developed by Goodman.
Since its launch in December 2006, GEP has benefited from access to high quality Logistics
assets through its right of first refusal over Goodman’s European Logistics developments, as
well as supplementing its property portfolio with a number of market acquisitions. With respect
to the Portfolio at present (valued at €2.5 billion
as at 30 June 2016), those properties
acquired from or developed by Goodman currently represent 81 per cent.
Investment Adviser
The Management Company appointed Goodman Operator (UK) Ltd on 23 June 2008, and
certain other Goodman subsidiaries, to act as GEP’s investment adviser (the Investment
Adviser). From time to time, the Management Company may replace the Investment Adviser.
The Investment Adviser will, subject to the supervision and liability of the Management
supply the necessary personnel and resources to the Management Company to allow
the Management Company to perform certain of its obligations under the Management
In each case, Member States of the EU other than the UK, or countries that are seeking to accede to the EU from
time to time.
Portfolio based on 100% complete valuations.
Regulations (including the provision of investment advice but excluding the making of
any investment decisions) in accordance with GEP’s Investment Objectives, Investment
Strategies, Investment Restrictions, Investment Guidelines and Investment Targets; and
provide such other services as may be delegated or directed by the Management
Company and accepted by the Investment Adviser. Goodman Operator (UK) Ltd will
perform all those obligations of the Management Company under the Management
Regulations which constitute regulated activities under the Financial Services and
Markets Act 2000 (other than investment management activities).
In accordance with the terms of the Management Regulations and the Investment Advisory
Agreement, the Board may request that the Investment Adviser advise on, and/or direct the
Investment Adviser to execute for the Management Company, acting for and on behalf of GEP,
decisions, agreements, deeds, contracts or any other transaction documents in respect of any
investment of GEP or any disposal of an investment of GEP.
Property Manager
The Management Company has delegated the day-to-day property services functions on an
asset by asset basis, according to the nature and location of the relevant property to the
Property Manager on arm’s length terms.
The Management Company has appointed the Property Manager to provide property
management services in respect of the assets of GEP. The Property Manager is required to
provide a capability statement to GEP annually and GEP may require the Property Manager to
redress any reasonable concerns GEP may have about the personnel and resources the
Property Manager applies to the provision of such property services. The fees payable to the
Property Manager are subject to an annual review, which is backed up by an expert appointed
to advise:
on the appropriate market fee benchmarks; and
if so instructed by GEP, whether the fees proposed to be payable to the Property
Manager for the next 12 months match arm’s length terms.
The depositary to GEP is Brown Brothers Harriman (Luxembourg) S.C.A. (GEP Depositary). It
is licensed to engage in all banking operations under Luxembourg law.
GEP Depositary has been entrusted with the following three main duties:
monitoring of GEP’s cash
safekeeping of GEP’s assets
oversight of certain transactions and operations related to GEP as further described
The main duties referred to in the foregoing paragraph, as well as any additional duties which
GEP Depositary has been entrusted with, are more fully described in the Depositary Agreement
between the Management Company, acting on behalf of GEP, and GEP Depositary.
GEP Depositary has the following oversight duties:
ensure that the sale, issue, transfer, redemption and cancellation of the Units effected
on behalf of GEP or by the Management Company are carried out in accordance with
applicable law and the Management Regulations;
ensure that the value of the Units is calculated in accordance with applicable laws and
the Management Regulations;
carry out the instructions of the Management Company, unless they conflict with
applicable law or the Management Regulations;
ensure that in transactions involving GEP’s assets, any consideration is remitted to GEP
within the usual settlement dates; and
ensure that the income attributable to GEP is applied in accordance with the
Management Regulations.
GEP Depositary has not contractually discharged its liability and has not delegated any of its
safekeeping functions to a third party service provider or correspondent.
GEP’s Management Regulations prescribe the Management Company to distribute 100 per
cent. of GEP’s distributable earnings. Distributions are paid on a quarterly basis.
As a Luxembourg domiciled fund, GEP is not subject to the minimum pay-out ratios for tax
purposes which apply to real estate investment trusts in other jurisdictions. Management, with
the support of Unitholders, has deferred distributions when deemed necessary to improve the
credit profile of GEP in response to adverse market conditions.
Significant Recent Developments
Subsequent to the June 2016 quarter-end, GEP has made no new capital calls.
On 7 July 2016, Unitholders in a General Meeting approved the changes to GEP’s Management
Regulations, which were proposed in light of the 2016 liquidity review. These changes have
been implemented and are reflected in this Base Prospectus. As part of the 2016 liquidity review
a number of Unitholders requested liquidity in accordance with article 16.3 of the Management
Regulations for an aggregate value of approximately €46 million. Unitholders who requested
liquidity have the ability to withdraw their liquidity requests albeit that the acceptance of such
withdrawals is at the discretion of the Management Company acting reasonably. Any liquidity
requests which are not withdrawn must be satisfied within twelve months of 21 July 2016. A
number of liquidity requests (representing a value of approximately €29 million) have been or
are in the process of being satisfied through trades of Units in the secondary market.
Incorporation and Status
GEH was incorporated on 5 December 2006 as a private limited liability company (société à
responsabilité limitée) for an unlimited period of time under the laws of Luxembourg. The
articles of incorporation of GEH have been published in the Mémorial C, Recueil des Sociétés
et Associations N°l dated 21 February 2007 (the GEH Articles of Incorporation). The statutory
seat of GEH is 28, boulevard d’Avranches, L-1160, Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
and its telephone number is +352 2636 3220. GEH is registered with the Luxembourg Trade
and Companies Register (registration number B 122 752).
GEH holds interests in subsidiaries that directly or indirectly hold real property. GEH is also the
direct holding company of the Issuer and the other Guarantors other than GEP and CPH, the
latter being an indirect subsidiary. GEH‘s only other subsidiaries are GELF Finance One (Lux)
S.À R.L. and GELF Finance Two (Lux) S.À R.L., which act as finance companies only and
accordingly do not undertake any operation activities.
GEH is a direct subsidiary of GEP. For a structure diagram which shows the position of GEH
within the Group, see Description of the Guarantors - Description of GEP - Overview of GEP’s
Structure” above.
GEH is an intermediate holding company within the Group and it does not undertake any
operational activities other than borrowing and lending funds to and from other members of the
Group, providing the Notes Guarantee in respect of the Programme and undertaking unsecured
hedging. As at 30 June 2016, GEH had 255 million of hedges including forward starting
hedges. All GEH hedges are interest rate cap options.
For the period of 12 months following the date of this Base Prospectus, the GEH Articles of
Incorporation (with an English translation thereof) will be available for inspection at the statutory
seat of GEH and from the specified offices of the Paying Agent for the time being in London and
The purpose of GEH, as set out in article 3 of the GEH Articles of Incorporation, includes the
provision of any form of financing directly or indirectly to GEH and its wholly-owned subsidiaries
and the issue of stock, bonds, debentures, notes and other securities of any kind to the above
GEH may lend or borrow with or without security or collateral, provided that such activities
comply with the covenants set out in GEH’s finance documents and the Management
In general, GEH may undertake any financial, commercial, industrial or real estate transactions
which it may deem useful in the accomplishment and development of its purpose and, in such
context, it may give or receive guarantees, issue all types of securities and financial instruments
and enter into any type of hedging, trading or derivatives transactions.
Share Capital
GEH’s share capital is €2,000,000 represented by 80,000 shares, each with a nominal value of
€25.00 and each carrying one voting right in the general meeting of shareholders. All shares are
in registered form and have been fully paid up in cash.
The sole shareholder of GEH is GEP.
GEH has a board of directors, currently comprising three directors:
Emmanuel Van der Stichele (see “Board of the Management Company” for further
Dominique Prince (see “Board of the Management Company” for further details); and
Henry Kelly (see “Board of the Management Company for further details).
Emmanuel Van der Stichele and Dominique Prince are employees and/or contractors of
subsidiaries of the Goodman Group.
Independent Auditors
GEH’s accounts are not separately audited (see Risk Factors Risks relating to the Groups
business Stand-alone financial statements for each Guarantor have not been included in this
Base Prospectus).
Financial Year
GEH’s financial year is from 1 January to 31 December in each year.
Conflict of Interest
Emmanuel Van der Stichele and Dominique Prince are employees and/or contractors of
subsidiaries of the Goodman Group. Members of the Goodman Group have entered into
agreements with one or more of the Obligors (including the Relationship Deed) and they may
enter into further agreements with any Obligor. In addition, from time to time they may be
appointed to the boards of subsidiaries of Goodman Group which may have dealings with the
Group, including the sale and purchase of real estate. Since Emmanuel Van der Stichele and
Dominique Prince are remunerated by the Goodman Group, there may be a conflict between
their interests in relation to GEH and their interests in relation to the Goodman Group as
regards the performance of those existing agreements and the entry into any such further
agreements. As at the date of this Base Prospectus, there are no other existing conflicts of
interest between a director’s duties to the board of directors of GEH, referred to in this
Description of GEH” section, and their private interests and/or other duties.
Material Contracts
GEH is not party to any contracts outside the ordinary course of its business that have been or
may reasonably be expected to be material GEH’s ability to meet its obligations to Noteholders.
Incorporation and Status
GIS was incorporated on 30 May 2006 as a private limited liability company (société à
responsabilité limitée) for an unlimited period of time under the laws of Luxembourg. The
articles of incorporation of GIS have been published in the morial C, Recueil des Sociétés et
Associations N°l dated 11 August 2006 (the GIS Articles of Incorporation). The statutory seat
of GIS is 28, boulevard d’Avranches, L-1160, Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and its
telephone number is +352 2636 3220. GIS is registered with the Luxembourg Trade and
Companies Register (registration number B 117 053).
GIS is a direct subsidiary of GEH and an indirect subsidiary of GEP. Each other Obligor (other
than GEP) is a direct or indirect subsidiary of GEH. For a structure diagram which shows the
position of GIS within the Group, see Description of the Guarantors - Description of GEP -
Overview of GEP’s Structure” above.
GIS holds interests in subsidiaries that directly or indirectly hold real property.
GIS is an intermediate holding company within the Group and it does not undertake any
operational activities other than borrowing and lending funds to and from other members of the
Group, providing the Notes Guarantee in respect of the Programme.
For the period of 12 months following the date of this Base Prospectus, the GIS Articles of
Incorporation (with an English translation thereof) will be available for inspection at the statutory
seat of GIS and from the specified offices of the Paying Agent for the time being in London and
The purpose of GIS, as set out in article 2 of the GIS Articles of Incorporation, includes the
provision of any form of financing directly or indirectly to GEP and its affiliates or to any other
GIS may lend or borrow with or without security or collateral, provided that such activities
comply with the covenants set out in GEP’s finance documents and the Management
In general, GIS may undertake any financial, commercial, industrial or real estate transactions
which it may deem useful in the accomplishment and development of its purpose and, in such
context, it may give or receive guarantees, issue all types of securities and financial instruments
and enter into any type of hedging, trading or derivatives transactions.
Share Capital
GIS’s share capital is €1,000,000 represented by 40,000 shares, each with a nominal value of
€25.00 and each carrying one voting right in the general meeting of shareholders. All shares are
in registered form and have been fully paid up in cash.
The sole shareholder of GIS is GEH.
GIS has a board of directors, currently comprising two directors:
Emmanuel Van der Stichele (see “Board of the Management Company for further
details); and
Dominique Prince (see “Board of the Management Company” for further details).
Emmanuel Van der Stichele and Dominique Prince are employees and/or contractors of
subsidiaries of the Goodman Group.
Independent Auditors
GIS’s accounts are not separately audited (see Risk Factors Risks relating to the Groups
business Stand-alone financial statements for each Guarantor have not been included in this
Base Prospectus).
Financial Year
GIS’s financial year is from 1 January to 31 December in each year.
Conflict of Interest
Emmanuel Van der Stichele and Dominique Prince are employees and/or contractors of
subsidiaries of the Goodman Group. Members of the Goodman Group have entered into
agreements with one or more of the Obligors (including the Relationship Deed) and they may
enter into further agreements with any Obligor. In addition, from time to time they may be
appointed to the boards of subsidiaries of Goodman Group which may have dealings with the
Group, including the sale and purchase of real estate. Since Emmanuel Van der Stichele and
Dominique Prince are remunerated by the Goodman Group, there may be a conflict between
their interests in relation to GIS and their interests in relation to the Goodman Group as regards
the performance of those existing agreements and the entry into any such further agreements.
As at the date of this Base Prospectus, there are no other existing conflicts of interest between
a director’s duties to the board of directors of GIS, referred to in this “Description of GIS
section, and their private interests and/or other duties.
Material Contracts
GIS is not party to any contracts outside the ordinary course of its business that have been or
may reasonably be expected to be material GIS ability to meet its obligations to Noteholders.
Incorporation and Status
CNV was incorporated on 6 September 2000 as a public limited liability company (naamloze
vennootschap) for an unlimited period of time under the laws of the Netherlands. The current
articles of incorporation of CNV in force (the CNV Articles of Incorporation) were executed on
10 June 2015. The statutory seat of CNV is Strawinskylaan 1225, Tower B, Level 12, 1077 XX
Amsterdam, Netherlands and its telephone number is +31 20 709 39 30. CNV is registered with
the Chambers of Commerce in the Netherlands (registration number 34140043).
CNV is a direct subsidiary of GEH and an indirect subsidiary of GEP. Each other Obligor (other
than GEP) is a direct or indirect subsidiary of GEH. For a structure diagram which shows the
position of CNV within the Group, see Description of the Guarantors - Description of GEP -
Overview of GEP’s Structure” above.
CNV holds a 99.99 per cent. interest in C€LOGIX Special Purpose Fund and 100 per cent. of
C€LOGIX Participation B.V. (which in turn holds a 0.01 per cent. interest in C€LOGIX Special
Purpose Fund). The C€LOGIX Special Purpose Fund is a fund for the joint account of the
participants (fonds voor gemene rekening). The terms and conditions of the C€LOGIX Special
Purpose Fund (fondsvoorwaarden), dated 1 February 2008 and governed by the laws of the
Netherlands, entitle the management company of the C€LOGIX Special Purpose Fund (the
C€LOGIX Management Company) to:
invest the means of the C€LOGIX Special Purpose Fund;
dispose of any of the assets and assume obligations in the name of the Stichting
C€Logix Property Fund (being the custodian); and
perform any and all other acts in its own name for the account and risk of participants
which are reasonably necessary for, or conducive to, the attainment of the objects of the
C€LOGIX Special Purpose Fund.
The C€LOGIX Management Company is currently Goodman Netherlands B.V., a private limited
liability company (besloten vennootschap met beperkte aansprakelijkheid) incorporated under
the laws of the Netherlands and having its statutory seat in Strawinskylaan 1225, Tower B, Level
12, 1077 XX Amsterdam, Netherlands. The C€LOGIX Management Company is registered with
the Chambers of Commerce in the Netherlands under number 17086670 and is vested with the
broadest powers to administer and manage the C€LOGIX Special Purpose Fund in accordance
with, and subject to, the terms and conditions of the C€LOGIX Special Purpose Fund.
C€LOGIX Participation B.V. receives the benefit of the economic interest in the Dutch assets
held by Stichting C€LOGIX Property Fund.
CNV is an intermediate holding company within the Group and it does not undertake any
operational activities other than borrowing and lending funds to and from other members of the
Group, providing the Notes Guarantee in respect of the Programme.
For the period of 12 months following the date of this Base Prospectus, the CNV Articles of
Incorporation (with an English translation thereof) will be available for inspection at the statutory
seat of CNV and from the specified offices of the Paying Agent for the time being in London and
The purpose of CNV, as set out in article 3 of the CNV Articles of Incorporation, includes the
provision of any form of financing directly or indirectly to GEP and its wholly-owned subsidiaries
and the issue of stock, bonds, debentures, notes and other securities of any kind to the above
CNV may lend or borrow with or without security or collateral, provided that such activities
comply with the covenants set out in GEP’s finance documents and the Management
In general, CNV may undertake any financial, commercial, industrial or real estate transactions
which it may deem useful in the accomplishment and development of its purpose and, in such
context, it may give or receive guarantees, issue all types of securities and financial instruments
and enter into any type of hedging, trading or derivatives transactions.
Share Capital
CNV’s paid-up share capital is €475,778 represented by 475,778 shares, each with a nominal
value of €1.00 and each carrying one voting right in the general meeting of shareholders. All
shares are in registered form and have been fully paid up in cash.
The sole shareholder of CNV is GEH.
CNV has a board of directors, currently comprising three directors:
Emmanuel Van der Stichele (see “Board of the Management Company” for further
Dominique Prince (see “Board of the Management Company” for further details); and
Philippe Van der Beken.
Philippe joined Goodman as Managing Director, Continental Europe in 2012. He is responsible
for Goodman’s activities across Continental Europe. Philippe previously worked at Goodman
from 2005 to 2008 as Executive, Corporate Transactions and Member of the Board of Managers
of GEP. Philippe holds an MBA from the University of Chicago and a Master of Laws from the
University of Leuven.
Emmanuel Van der Stichele, Dominique Prince and Philippe Van der Beken are employees
and/or contractors of subsidiaries of the Goodman Group.
Independent Auditors
CNV’s accounts are not separately audited (see Risk Factors Risks relating to the Groups
business Stand-alone financial statements for each Guarantor have not been included in this
Base Prospectus).
Financial Year
CNV’s financial year is from 1 January to 31 December in each year.
Conflict of Interest
Emmanuel Van der Stichele, Dominique Prince and Philippe Van Der Beken are employees
and/or contractors of subsidiaries of the Goodman Group. Members of the Goodman Group
have entered into agreements with one or more of the Obligors (including the Relationship
Deed) and they may enter into further agreements with any Obligor. In addition, from time to
time they may be appointed to the boards of subsidiaries of Goodman Group which may have
dealings with the Group, including the sale and purchase of real estate. Since Emmanuel Van
der Stichele, Dominique Prince and Philippe Van Der Beken are remunerated by the Goodman
Group, there may be a conflict between their interests in relation to CNV and their interests in
relation to the Goodman Group as regards the performance of those existing agreements and
the entry into any such further agreements. As at the date of this Base Prospectus, there are no
other existing conflicts of interest between a director’s duties to the board of directors of CNV,
referred to in this Description of CNV section, and their private interests and/or other duties.
Material Contracts
CNV is not party to any contracts outside the ordinary course of its business that have been or
may reasonably be expected to be material CNV’s ability to meet its obligations to Noteholders.
Incorporation and Status
CPH was incorporated on 26 February 2001 as a private limited liability company (besloten
vennootschap met beperkte aansprakelijkheid) for an unlimited period of time under the laws of
the Netherlands. The current articles of incorporation of CPH in force (the CPH Articles of
Incorporation) were executed on 10 June 2015. The statutory seat of CPH is Strawinskylaan
1225, Tower B, Level 12, 1077 XX Amsterdam, Netherlands and its telephone number is +31 20
709 39 30. CPH is registered with the Chambers of Commerce in the Netherlands (registration
number 34151584).
CPH is an indirect subsidiary of CNV, which is a direct subsidiary of GEH and an indirect
subsidiary of GEP. Each other Obligor (other than GEP) is a direct or indirect subsidiary of GEH.
For a structure diagram which shows the position of CPH within the Group, see Description of
the Guarantors - Description of GEP - Overview of GEP’s Structure” above.
CPH holds interests in subsidiaries that directly or indirectly hold real property.
CPH is an intermediate holding company within the Group and it does not undertake any
operational activities other than borrowing and lending funds to and from other members of the
Group, providing the Notes Guarantee in respect of the Programme.
For the period of 12 months following the date of this Base Prospectus, the CPH Articles of
Incorporation (with an English translation thereof) will be available for inspection at the statutory
seat of CPH and from the specified offices of the Paying Agent for the time being in London and
The purpose of CPH, as set out in article 3 of the CPH Articles of Incorporation, includes the
provision of any form of financing directly or indirectly to GEP and its wholly-owned subsidiaries
and the issue of stock, bonds, debentures, notes and other securities of any kind to the above
CPH may lend or borrow with or without security or collateral, provided that such activities
comply with the covenants set out in GEP’s finance documents and the Management
In general, CPH may undertake any financial, commercial, industrial or real estate transactions
which it may deem useful in the accomplishment and development of its purpose and, in such
context, it may give or receive guarantees, issue all types of securities and financial instruments
and enter into any type of hedging, trading or derivatives transactions.
Share Capital
CPH’s paid-up share capital is €18,000 represented by 18,000 shares, each with a nominal
value of €1.00 and each carrying one voting right in the general meeting of shareholders. All
shares are in registered form and have been fully paid up in cash.
100 per cent. of the shares in CPH are legally held by Stichting C€LOGIX Property Fund and
are beneficially held by C€LOGIX Special Purpose Fund.
CPH has a board of directors, currently comprising three directors:
Emmanuel Van der Stichele (see “Board of the Management Company” for further
Dominique Prince (see “Board of the Management Company” for further details); and
Philippe Van der Beken (see “Description of CNV – Directors” for further details).
Emmanuel Van der Stichele, Dominique Prince and Philippe Van der Beken are employees
and/or contractors of subsidiaries of the Goodman Group.
Independent Auditors
CPH’s accounts are not separately audited (see Risk Factors Risks relating to the Groups
business Stand-alone financial statements for each Guarantor have not been included in this
Base Prospectus).
Financial Year
CPH’s financial year is from 1 January to 31 December in each year.
Conflict of Interest
Philippe Van der Beken, Emmanuel Van der Stichele and Dominique Prince are employees
and/or contractors of subsidiaries of the Goodman Group. Members of the Goodman Group
have entered into agreements with one or more of the Obligors (including the Relationship
Deed) and they may enter into further agreements with any Obligor. In addition, from time to
time they may be appointed to the boards of subsidiaries of Goodman Group which may have
dealings with the Group, including the sale and purchase of real estate. Since Philippe Van der
Beken, Emmanuel Van der Stichele and Dominique Prince are remunerated by the Goodman
Group, there may be a conflict between their interests in relation to CPH and their interests in
relation to the Goodman Group as regards the performance of those existing agreements and
the entry into any such further agreements. As at the date of this Base Prospectus, there are no
other existing conflicts of interest between a director’s duties to the board of directors of CPH,
referred to in this Description of CPH section, and their private interests and/or other duties.
Material Contracts
CPH is not party to any contracts outside the ordinary course of its business that have been or
may reasonably be expected to be material CPH’s ability to meet its obligations to Noteholders.
Defined terms have the meanings set out in the Management Regulations, unless otherwise
defined in this Base Prospectus. In addition, the following terms shall have the meanings set
forth below unless the context requires otherwise:
2015 RCF means the credit agreement between, among others, GEH, each other Obligor, BNP
Paribas, ING Bank N.V. and The Royal Bank of Scotland plc dated 23 February 2015;
Affiliate means in respect of an entity, any entity directly or indirectly controlling, controlled by,
or under common control with, such entity;
Asset means all the assets of GEP as are to be reported under IFRS, including, inter alia, Real
Estate, securities, provisions and rights of GEP;
Budget means a budget adopted under article 21.2 of the Management Regulations for each
Financial Year which will project the income, expenses and profits (both on revenue and on
capital account) and cash flow of GEP and the Subsidiaries based on its position at the
commencement of the Financial Year and the projected operations under the Business Plan;
Business Plan means the Financial Year business plan for GEP and the Subsidiaries prepared
under article 21.2 of the Management Regulations;
Cash and Cash Equivalents has the meaning given to it in GEP’s most recent consolidated
financial statements;
Commitment means, with respect to each Investor, the maximum amount (denominated in
euro) agreed to be contributed to GEP pursuant to its Subscription Form(s) (including any
existing and additional Commitment(s) made by such Investor);
Contributed Capital means, in respect of each Investor, the aggregate amount of its
Commitment that has been contributed and paid to GEP pursuant to one or more Call Notice(s)
(as defined in the Management Regulations);
Dual Currency Notes is as set out on page 9 of this Base Prospectus;
EBITDA means earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (see further
Non-IFRS Financial Measures” below);
EEA means the European Economic Area;
EU means the European Union;
EURIBOR means Europe Interbank Offered Rate;
External Appraiser means an appraiser appointed from time to time by the Management
Company appraising the value of properties and property rights;
Financial Year means the financial year of GEP which starts on 1 January of each year and
ends on 31 December of the same year;
Financing Proposal means entering into, or a restructuring of, a financial accommodation
(which may include any Secured Debt) provided to the GEP Group, excluding any intra-group
debt within the GEP Group, in excess of €20 million;
Fraudulent means a false representation by means of a statement or conduct made knowingly
or recklessly to gain an advantage;
French Tax Code means the code general d’impôts in force in France;
General Meeting means a general meeting of Unitholders, being either an Annual General
Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting;
GEP Group means the Management Company acting for and on behalf of GEP and its
GLHK means Goodman Logistics (HK) Limited, (registered number 1700359 established in
Hong Kong) having its registered office at Suite 901, Three Pacific Place, 1 Queen’s Road East,
Hong Kong
GIT means Goodman Industrial Trust (ARSN 091 213 839 – established in Australia) and,
where the context requires, Goodman Funds Management Limited (ACN 067 796 641
established in Australia) acting as responsible entity for the Goodman Industrial Trust, each
having its registered office at Level 17, 60 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia;
GL means Goodman Limited, (ABN 69 000 123 071 established in Australia) having its
registered office at Level 17, 60 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia;
Goodman or Goodman Group means GLHK, GIT and GL and each of their controlled entities;
Gross Asset Value means the gross value of the Assets (disregarding Liabilities);
Grossly Negligent means high degree of negligence, manifested in behaviour substantially
worse than that of the average reasonable man;
Index Linked Notes is as set out on page 12 of this Base Prospectus;
Information Memorandum means the current version of the Information Memorandum of GEP,
as approved by the CSSF;
Institutional Investors are:
(a) institutional investors stricto sensu, such as banks and other professionals of
the financial sector, insurance and reinsurance companies, social security
institutions and pension funds, industrial, commercial and financial group
companies, all subscribing on their own behalf, and the structures which such
institutional investors put into place for the management of their own assets;
(b) credit institutions and other professionals of the financial sector investing in their
own name but on behalf of institutional investors as defined under (a) above;
(c) credit institutions or other professionals of the financial sector established in
Luxembourg or abroad which invest in their own name but on behalf of their
non-institutional clients on the basis of a discretionary management mandate;
(d) collective investment undertakings established in Luxembourg or abroad, even
if its own investors may not be regarded as being institutional investors;
(e) holding companies or similar entities, whether Luxembourg-based or not, whose
shareholders are institutional investors as described in the foregoing
(f) territorial administrative bodies (e.g. regions, provinces, cantons, communes,
municipalities), in so far as these bodies invest their own funds;
(g) a holding company or company of similar nature, established in Luxembourg or
abroad, even if its own shareholders are not institutional investors. It is,
however, required that it is a holding company, or similar company, which has a
real substance, and a proper structure and activity in the sense that it holds
important financial interests; and/or
(h) a “family” type holding company or company of similar nature, established in
Luxembourg or abroad, even if its own shareholders are not institutional
investors. It is, however, required that it is a holding company, or similar
company, by which a family or a branch of a family holds important financial
Interested Unitholder has the meaning set out in article 12.1 of the Management Regulations;
Intermediary Vehicle means any body corporate, limited partnership, trust, corporation, legal
arrangement or other person, established in the European Union or in another jurisdiction,
owned, wholly or in part (including those held for fifty per cent (50%) or less) by GEP, directly or
indirectly, for the purpose of holding, directly or indirectly, Real Estate or financing other
Intermediary Vehicles;
Investment Advisory Agreement means the investment advisory agreement between the
Management Company and the Investment Adviser(s);
Investment Committee Reserved Matters means the following matters reserved for
confirmation by the Investment Committee:
Part A – Matters which require a Simple Majority:
(a) The approval of any Investment Proposal where the anticipated cost or receipt
is less than or equal to 25 per cent. of the Gross Asset Value most recently
approved by the Board or any Financing Proposal;
(b) Approval of a Budget or Business Plan proposed by the Board;
(c) The adjustment, compromising, settling or submission to arbitration and the
institution, prosecution and defence of all actions or claims in favour of or
against GEP, a Subsidiary of GEP or an Intermediary Vehicle greater than
(d) The approval of any matter that relates to an agreement between GEP, a
Subsidiary of GEP or an Intermediary Vehicle (on the one hand) and a
Unitholder (or any of its Affiliates) or a member of the Goodman Group (on the
other hand), excluding matters relating to the appointment or removal of the
Management Company, the negotiation, signing and execution of the initial
agreements concluded with all the service providers of GEP and the acquisition
of the initial portfolio and the financing thereof. Investment Committee members
appointed by the Interested Unitholder or the relevant member of the Goodman
Group are excluded from voting. However, the Subscription Forms do not
require approval;
(e) The approval of the use of an External Appraiser in relation to a single property
of GEP for more than two consecutive years;
(f) The appointment of the replacement Key Person(s) put forward by the
Management Company in accordance with articles 3.8.1 and/or 3.8.4 of the
Management Regulations;
(g) The issue of Units, the number of which is equal to or exceeds 25 per cent. but
is less than 50 per cent. of the number of Units in issue immediately before the
issue of those Units;
(h) The direct or indirect investment in a Pooled Intermediary Vehicle.
Part B – Matters which require a Special Majority:
(a) Merging or amalgamating GEP, a Subsidiary of GEP or an Intermediary Vehicle
with any other entity that is not a member of the Group or an Intermediary
Vehicle, where the gross value of the assets (disregarding the liabilities) of that
other entity represents an amount up to or equal to 25 per cent. of the Gross
Asset Value most recently approved by the Board;
(b) Decision by the Management Company to acquire an individual Real Estate
without having previously obtained, in accordance with article 10.1(c) of the
Management Regulations, a valuation report from the External Appraiser;
(c) Appointment of any financial adviser that would assist in an IPO together with
the scope of the engagement provided to such financial adviser, in accordance
with article 16 of the Management Regulations; and
(d) The extension of an Initial Commitment Period, in accordance with article 8.5.2
of the Management Regulations;
Investment Objectives, Investment Restrictions, Investment Guidelines, Investment
Strategy and Investment Targets means the investment objectives, investment restrictions,
investment guidelines and investment strategy in article 7 of the Management Regulations and
the investment targets contained in the Information Memorandum;
Investment Proposal means any proposed investment, any disposal or any expenditure where
the anticipated cost or receipt exceeds €20 million;
Investor means any Well-Informed Investor that signed a Subscription Form (for the avoidance
of doubt, this includes Unitholders, where appropriate);
IPO means initial public offering;
Key Person means Greg Goodman, Daniel Peeters or Emmanuel Van der Stichele as replaced
in accordance with article 3.8 of the Management Regulations;
Leverage means the sum of current and non-current interest-bearing liabilities (as each such
term is used in GEP’s most recent consolidated financial statements) less Cash and Cash
Liabilities means all present liabilities of GEP including any provision taken into account in
determining the liabilities of GEP but excluding the amount represented by the Units,
undistributed profits, interest attributable to Unitholders, capital reserves, or any other amount
representing the value of rights attaching to Units regardless of whether characterised as capital
or debt in the accounts of GEP;
LIBOR means London Interbank Offered Rate;
Logistics means the process of planning, implementing and controlling the efficient, effective
flow and storage of goods, services and related information from point of origin to point of
consumption to conform to customer requirements;
Management means the Board and/or the Managers, as the context requires;
Management Regulations means the document governing GEP and entered into between the
Management Company and the GEP Depositary;
Manager means a member of the Board;
Original RCF means the credit agreement between, among others, GEH, each other Obligor,
BNP Paribas, ING Bank N.V. and The Royal Bank of Scotland plc dated 1 December 2011, as
most recently supplemented by a supplemental agreement between the same parties dated 19
February 2013;
Pooled Intermediary Vehicle means any Intermediary Vehicle that is a collective investment
Portfolio means the real estate assets and investments in real estate assets held by the Group
from time to time;
Professional Investor means a professional client within the meaning of Directive 2004/39/EC;
Property Manager means in respect to Real Estate such person as is appointed as property
manager of such Real Estate in accordance with the Management Regulations;
Real Estate means:
(a) property consisting of land and/or buildings registered in the name of GEP;
(b) direct and indirect participations in real estate companies (including claims on
such companies), the exclusive object and purpose of which is the acquisition,
promotion and sale as well as the letting of property provided that these share
holdings must be at least as liquid as the property rights held directly by GEP;
(c) direct and indirect participations in property-related long-term interests such as
surface ownership, leasehold and options on real estate investments;
(d) green energy project investments related to the properties listed above under
(a), (b) and (c), including solar panels; and
(e) any other meaning as given to the term by the CSSF and any applicable laws
and regulations from time to time in Luxembourg;
Secured Debt means financial accommodation borrowed by GEP, a Subsidiary of GEP or an
Intermediary Vehicle from a financial institution to fund an Investment Proposal and which is
secured against some or all of the Assets;
Simple Majority means:
(a) in the case of Unitholders, Unitholders that together hold more than 50 per cent.
of the total voting rights of Unitholders present or represented at the relevant
General Meeting and who are entitled to vote on the resolution concerned; and
(b) in the case of the Investment Committee, more than 60 per cent. of the total
voting rights of the appointees present or represented at the relevant
Investment Committee meeting and who are entitled to vote on the resolution
Special Majority means:
(a) in the case of Unitholders, Unitholders that together hold more than 75 per cent.
of the total voting rights of Unitholders present or represented at the relevant
General Meeting and who are entitled to vote on the resolution concerned; and
(b) in the case of the Investment Committee, more than 75 per cent. of the total
voting rights of the appointees present or represented at the relevant
Investment Committee meeting and who are entitled to vote on the resolution
sqm means square metres;
Subscription Form means the agreement between the Management Company and each
Unitholder setting forth:
(a) the Commitment of such Unitholder; and
(b) the rights and obligations of such Unitholder in relation to its subscription for
TEFRA means Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982;
UK means the United Kingdom;
Uncalled Commitments means, in respect of a Unitholder, its Commitment less its Contributed
Capital for the time being.
Unit means a basic measurement of co-ownership participation in GEP issued by the
Management Company pursuant to the Management Regulations;
Unitholder means the registered holder of a Unit (for the avoidance of doubt, this terms
includes, where appropriate, the Investors);
Well Informed Investor means a person which qualifies as a well informed investor pursuant to
article 2 of the Luxembourg law dated 13 February 2007 as amended or replaced from time to
time, relating to specialised investment funds, excluding any physical persons. Article 2 of this
law provides that a Well Informed Investor is:
(a) an Institutional Investor;
(b) a Professional Investor; or
(c) any other Well Informed Investor who fulfils the following conditions:
(i) declares in writing that he adheres to the status of well informed
investor and invests a minimum of €125,000 or an equivalent amount in
any other currency in GEP; or
(ii) declares that he adheres to the status of well informed investor and
provides an assessment made by a credit institution within the meaning
of Directive 2006/48/EC, by an investment firm within the meaning of
Directive 2004/39/EC, or by a management company within the
meaning of Directive 2009/65/EC, certifying his expertise, his
experience and his knowledge in adequately appraising an investment
in the Notes; and
Wilful Misconduct means intentionally doing something that is wrong.
This Base Prospectus contains certain non-IFRS financial measures, including EBITDA.
For the purposes of this Base Prospectus, EBITDA has been derived from the line items “Net
Property Income” and Partnership expenses” in the consolidated financial statements of GEP.
It is calculated by deducting the financial statements’ line item “Partnership expenses” from the
financial statements’ line item “Net Property Income”.
It should be noted that EBITDA is not recognised as a measure of performance or liquidity
under IFRS and should not be recognised as an alternative to operating income or net profit or
any other performance measure derived in accordance with IFRS or any other generally
accepted accounting principles. EBITDA is used by the Management Company to monitor the
underlying performance of the business and operations. EBITDA is not indicative of the Group's
historical operating results, nor is it meant to be predictive of future results. Since all entities do
not calculate EBITDA in an identical manner, the presentation of EBITDA in this Base
Prospectus may not be consistent with similar measures used by others. Therefore, undue
reliance should not be placed on this data.
Luxembourg Taxation
The following information is of a general nature only and is based on the laws presently in force
in Luxembourg, though it is not intended to be, nor should it be construed to be, legal or tax
advice. The information contained within this section is limited to Luxembourg withholding tax
issues and prospective investors in the Notes should therefore consult their own professional
advisers as to the effects of state, local or foreign laws, including Luxembourg tax law, to which
they may be subject.
Please be aware that the residence concept used under the respective headings below applies
for Luxembourg income tax assessment purposes only. Any reference in the present section to
a withholding tax or a tax of a similar nature, or to any other concepts, refers to Luxembourg tax
law and/or concepts only.
Withholding Tax
Under Luxembourg general tax laws currently in force and subject to the law of 23 December
2005, as amended (the RELIBI Law), there is no withholding tax on payments of principal,
premium or interest or interest made to Luxembourg resident or non-resident holders of Notes,
nor on accrued but unpaid interest in respect of Notes, nor is any Luxembourg withholding tax
payable upon redemption or repurchase of Notes held by Luxembourg resident or non-resident
holders of Notes.
Under the RELIBI Law payments of interest or similar income made or ascribed by a paying
agent established in Luxembourg to or for the immediate benefit of an individual beneficial
owner who is a resident of Luxembourg, will be subject to a withholding tax of 10 per cent. Such
withholding tax will be in full discharge of income tax if the beneficial owner is an individual
acting in the course of the management of his/her private wealth. Responsibility for the
withholding of the tax will be assumed by the Luxembourg paying agent. Payments of interest
under the Notes coming within the scope of the Law would be subject to withholding tax of 10
per cent. The applicable withholding tax rate is expected to become 20 per cent. as from 1
January 2017.
Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act
Pursuant to certain provisions of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code of 1986, commonly known as
FATCA, a foreign financial institution (as defined by FATCA) may be required to withhold on
certain payments (“foreign passthru payments”) it makes to persons that fail to meet certain
certification, reporting or related requirements. The issuer may be a foreign financial institution
for these purposes. A number of jurisdictions (including Luxembourg) have entered into, or
have agreed in substance to, intergovernmental agreements with the United States to
implement FATCA (IGAs), which modify the way in which FATCA applies in their jurisdictions.
Under the provisions of IGAs as currently in effect, a foreign financial institution in an IGA
jurisdiction would generally not be required to withhold under FATCA or an IGA from payments
that it makes. Certain aspects of the application of FATCA and IGAs to instruments such as the
Notes, including whether withholding would ever be required pursuant to FATCA or an IGA with
respect to foreign passthru payments on instruments such as the Notes, are uncertain and may
be subject to change. Even if withholding would be required pursuant to FATCA or an IGA with
respect to foreign passthru payments on instruments such as the Notes, such withholding would
not apply prior to 1 January 2019. In the event any withholding would be required pursuant to
FATCA or an IGA with respect to payments on the Notes, no person will be required to pay
additional amounts as a result of the withholding.
On 28 March 2014, Luxembourg entered into a Model 1 Intergovernmental Agreement with the
United States and a memorandum of understanding in respect thereof. This Intergovernmental
Agreement was transposed through the law of 24 July 2015. Additionally, Luxembourg tax
authorities issued Circular Letter ECHA 2 on 31 July 2015 and amended Circular Letter ECHA 3
and ECHA 3bis on 18 February 2016. Under the provisions of the law of 24 July 2015, the
Luxembourg resident entities qualifying as a Reporting Financial Institution are obliged to
automatically exchange information on specific categories of investors (including investors
qualifying as Specified US Persons, Controlling Persons of Passive NFFE qualifying as
Specified US Persons, and Non-Participating FFI) with the Luxembourg tax authorities (the
latter being responsible for automatically exchanging this information with the U.S. tax
authorities). Investors should consult their own tax adviser to obtain a more detailed explanation
of FATCA and how FATCA may affect them.
Common reporting standard
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) received a mandate
from the G8/G20 countries to develop a common reporting standard (CRS) to achieve a
comprehensive and multilateral automatic exchange of information (AEOI) in the future on a
global basis. On this basis, Council Directive 2014/107/EU amending the Council Directive
amending Directive 2011/16/EU as regards mandatory automatic exchange of information in
the field of taxation has been adopted on 9 December 2014 in order to implement the CRS
among the member States of the European Union.
Directive 2014/107/EU was implemented into Luxembourg law by the law of 18 December. As
of April 2016, the Luxembourg tax authorities published CRS “frequently asked questions”
which should also be considered by Reporting Financial Institutions when implementing the
law of 18 December 2015.
The law of 18 December 2015 requires Luxembourg Financial Institutions to identify Financial
Accounts holders and establish if they are fiscally resident in countries with which Luxembourg
has a tax information sharing agreement. Luxembourg Financial Institutions will report
reportable information to the Luxembourg tax authorities, which will thereafter automatically
transfer this information to the competent foreign tax authorities on a yearly basis. Under the
law of 18 December 2015, the first exchange of information will be applied between competent
authorities by 30 September 2017 for information related to the calendar year 2016. As a
result, and where the case may be, any Luxembourg Reporting Financial Institution might have
to report the relevant information to the Luxembourg tax authorities prior to 30 June 2017 in
line with the law of 18 December 2015.
In addition, Luxembourg signed the OECD's multilateral competent authority agreement
("Multilateral Agreement") to automatically exchange information under the CRS. The
Multilateral Agreement aims to implement the CRS among non-Member States; it requires
agreements on a country-by-country basis.
Unlike FATCA, CRS does not foresee any punitive withholding tax as such. Investors should
consult their own tax adviser to obtain a more detailed explanation of CRS and how CRS may
affect them.
Netherlands Taxation
The following is a general description of certain Netherlands withholding tax consequences of
the acquisition and holding of the Notes. This description does not purport to describe all
possible tax considerations or consequences that may be relevant to a holder or prospective
holder of Notes and does not purport to deal with the tax consequences applicable to all
categories of investors, some of which (such as trusts or similar arrangements) may be subject
to special rules. In view of its general nature, it should be treated with corresponding caution.
Holders or prospective holders of Notes should consult with their tax advisers with regard to the
tax consequences of investing in the Notes in their particular circumstances. The discussion
below is included for general information purposes only.
Except as otherwise indicated, this description only addresses Netherlands national tax
legislation and published regulations, whereby the Netherlands means the part of the
Netherlands located in Europe, as in effect on the date hereof and as interpreted in published
case law until this date, without prejudice to any amendment introduced at a later date and
implemented with or without retroactive effect.
Withholding tax
A payment made by CNV or CPH in their respective capacities as Guarantors to the Agent or a
holder of Notes will not be subject to withholding tax in the Netherlands.
The Dealers have, in an amended and restated Programme Agreement (such Programme
Agreement as modified and/or supplemented and/or restated from time to time, the Programme
Agreement) dated 5 October 2016, agreed with the Issuer and the Guarantors a basis upon
which they or any of them may from time to time agree to purchase Notes. Any such agreement
will extend to those matters stated under Form of the Notesand Terms and Conditions of the
Notes”. In the Programme Agreement, the Issuer (failing which, the Guarantors on a joint and
several basis) has agreed to reimburse the Dealers for certain of their expenses in connection
with the establishment and any future update of the Programme and the issue of Notes under
the Programme and to indemnify the Dealers against certain liabilities incurred by them in
connection therewith.
United States
The Notes have not been and will not be registered under the Securities Act and may not be
offered or sold within the United States or to, or for the account or benefit of, U.S. persons
except in certain transactions exempt from the registration requirements of the Securities Act.
Terms used in this paragraph have the meanings given to them by Regulation S under the
Securities Act.
The Notes are subject to U.S. tax law requirements and may not be offered, sold or delivered
within the United States or its possessions or to a United States person, except in certain
transactions permitted by U.S. Treasury regulations. Terms used in this paragraph have the
meanings given to them by the U.S. Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and Treasury regulations
promulgated thereunder. The applicable Final Terms will identify whether TEFRA C rules or
TEFRA D rules apply or whether TEFRA is not applicable.
Each Dealer has represented and agreed, and each further Dealer appointed under the
Programme will be required to represent and agree, that it will not offer, sell or deliver Notes (a)
as part of their distribution at any time or (b) otherwise until 40 days after the completion of the
distribution, as determined and certified by the relevant Dealer or, in the case of an issue of
Notes on a syndicated basis, the relevant lead manager, of all Notes of the Tranche of which
such Notes are a part, within the United States or to, or for the account or benefit of, U.S.
persons. Each Dealer has further agreed, and each further Dealer appointed under the
Programme will be required to agree, that it will send to each dealer to which it sells any Notes
during the distribution compliance period, a confirmation or other notice setting forth the
restrictions on offers and sales of the Notes within the United States or to, or for the account or
benefit of, U.S. persons. Terms used in this paragraph have the meanings given to them by
Regulation S under the Securities Act.
Until 40 days after the commencement of the offering of any Series of Notes, an offer or sale of
such Notes within the United States by any dealer (whether or not participating in the offering)
may violate the registration requirements of the Securities Act if such offer or sale is made
otherwise than in accordance with an available exemption from registration under the Securities
Each issue of Exempt Notes which are also Index Linked Notes or Dual Currency Notes shall
be subject to such additional U.S. selling restrictions as the Issuer and the relevant Dealer may
agree as a term of the issue and purchase of such Notes, which additional selling restrictions
shall be set out in the applicable Final Terms.
Public Offer Selling Restriction under the Prospectus Directive
In relation to each Member State of the EEA which has implemented the Prospectus Directive
(each, a Relevant Member State), each Dealer has represented and agreed, and each further
Dealer appointed under the Programme will be required to represent and agree, that with effect
from and including the date on which the Prospectus Directive is implemented in that Relevant
Member State (the Relevant Implementation Date) it has not made, and will not make, an offer
of Notes which are the subject of the offering contemplated by this Base Prospectus, as
completed by the applicable Final Terms in relation thereto, to the public in that Relevant
Member State except that it may, with effect from and including the Relevant Implementation
Date, make an offer of such Notes to the public in that Relevant Member State:
(a) at any time to any legal entity which is a qualified investor as defined in the Prospectus
(b) at any time to fewer than 150, natural or legal persons (other than qualified investors as
defined in the Prospectus Directive) subject to obtaining the prior consent of the
relevant Dealer or Dealers nominated by the Issuer for any such offer; or
(c) at any time in any other circumstances falling within Article 3(2) of the Prospectus
provided that no such offer of Notes referred to in (a) to (c) above shall require the Issuer, any
Guarantor or any Dealer to publish a prospectus pursuant to Article 3 of the Prospectus
Directive, or supplement a prospectus pursuant to Article 16 of the Prospectus Directive.
For the purposes of this provision:
the expression an offer of Notes to the public in relation to any Notes in any Relevant
Member State means the communication in any form and by any means of sufficient
information on the terms of the offer and the Notes to be offered so as to enable an
investor to decide to purchase or subscribe the Notes, as the same may be varied in
that Member State by any measure implementing the Prospectus Directive in that
Member State; and
the expression Prospectus Directive means Directive 2003/71/EC (as amended
including by Directive 2010/73/EU) and includes any relevant implementing measure in
the Relevant Member State.
Each Dealer has represented and agreed, and each further Dealer appointed under the
Programme will be required to represent and agree, that:
(a) in relation to any Notes which have a maturity of less than one year, (i) it is a person
whose ordinary activities involve it in acquiring, holding, managing or disposing of
investments (as principal or agent) for the purposes of its business and (ii) it has not
offered or sold and will not offer or sell any Notes other than to persons whose ordinary
activities involve them in acquiring, holding, managing or disposing of investments (as
principal or as agent) for the purposes of their businesses or who it is reasonable to
expect will acquire, hold, manage or dispose of investments (as principal or agent) for
the purposes of their businesses where the issue of the Notes would otherwise
constitute a contravention of section 19 of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000
(FSMA) by the Issuer;
(b) it has only communicated or caused to be communicated and will only communicate or
cause to be communicated an invitation or inducement to engage in investment activity
(within the meaning of section 21 of the FSMA) received by it in connection with the
issue or sale of any Notes in circumstances in which section 21(1) of the FSMA does
not apply to the Issuer or any Guarantor; and
(c) it has complied, and will comply, with all applicable provisions of the FSMA with respect
to anything done by it in relation to any Notes in, from or otherwise involving the UK.
This Base Prospectus and any Final Terms are not intended to constitute an offer or solicitation
to purchase or invest in the Notes described herein. The Notes may not be publicly offered, sold
or advertised, directly or indirectly, in, into or from Switzerland and will not be listed on the SIX
Swiss Exchange or on any other exchange or regulated trading facility in Switzerland. None of
this Base Prospectus, any Final Terms and any other offering or marketing material relating to
the Notes constitutes a prospectus as such term is understood pursuant to Article 652a or
Article 1156 of the Swiss Code of Obligations or a listing prospectus within the meaning of the
listing rules of the SIX Swiss Exchange Ltd. or any other regulated trading facility in Switzerland,
and none of this Base Prospectus, any Final Terms and any other offering or marketing material
relating to any Notes may be publicly distributed or otherwise made publicly available in
The Notes have not been and will not be registered under the Financial Instruments and
Exchange Act of Japan (Act No. 25 of 1948, as amended; the FIEA) and each Dealer has
represented and agreed, and each further Dealer appointed under the Programme will be
required to represent and agree, that it will not offer or sell any Notes, directly or indirectly, in
Japan or to, or for the benefit of, any resident of Japan (as defined under Item 5, Paragraph 1,
Article 6 of the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act (Act No. 228 of 1949, as amended)),
or to others for re-offering or resale, directly or indirectly, in Japan or to, or for the benefit of, a
resident of Japan, except pursuant to an exemption from the registration requirements of, and
otherwise in compliance with, the FIEA and any other applicable laws, regulations and
ministerial guidelines of Japan.
The Netherlands
Each Dealer has represented and agreed, and each further Dealer appointed under the
Programme will be required to represent and agree, that it will not make an offer of Notes which
are the subject of the offering contemplated by this Base Prospectus, as completed by the Final
Terms relating thereto, to the public in the Netherlands in reliance on Article 3(2) of the
Prospectus Directive (as defined under “Public Offer Selling Restriction under the Prospectus
Directive” above) unless (i) such offer is made exclusively to persons or entities which are
qualified investors as defined in the Dutch Financial Supervision Act or (ii) standard exemption
wording and a logo is disclosed as required by section 5:20(5) of the Dutch Financial
Supervision Act, provided that no such offer of Notes shall require the Issuer, any Guarantor or
any Dealer to publish a prospectus pursuant to Article 3 of the Prospectus Directive or
supplement a prospectus pursuant to Article 16 of the Prospectus Directive.
Each Dealer has represented and agreed that Zero Coupon Notes (as defined below) in
definitive form of any issuer may only be transferred and accepted, directly or indirectly, within,
from or into the Netherlands through the mediation of either the Issuer or a member of Euronext
Amsterdam N.V., admitted in a function on one or more markets or systems held or operated by
Euronext Amsterdam N.V. (toegelaten instelling), with due observance of the Dutch Savings
Certificates Act (Wet inzake spaarbewijzen) of 21 May 1985 (as amended) and its implementing
regulations. No such mediation is required in respect of: (a) the transfer and acceptance of
rights representing an interest in a Zero Coupon Note in global form, or (b) the initial issue of
Zero Coupon Notes in definitive form to the first holders thereof, or (c) the transfer and
acceptance of Zero Coupon Notes in definitive form between individuals not acting in the
conduct of a business or profession, or (d) the transfer and acceptance of such Zero Coupon
Notes within, from or into the Netherlands if all Zero Coupon Notes (either in definitive form or
as rights representing an interest in the Zero Coupon Note in global form) of any particular
series are issued outside the Netherlands and are not distributed into the Netherlands in the
course of their initial distribution or immediately thereafter.
In the event that the Dutch Savings Certificates Act applies, certain identification requirements
in relation to the issue and transfer of, and payments on, Zero Coupon Notes have to be
complied with and, in addition thereto, if such Zero Coupon Notes in definitive form do not
qualify as commercial paper traded between professional borrowers and lenders within the
meaning of the agreement of 2 February 1987, attached to the Royal Decree of 11 March 1987,
(Staatsblad 129) (as amended), each transfer and acceptance should be recorded in a
transaction note, including the name and address of each party to the transaction, the nature of
the transaction and the details and serial numbers of such notes. For purposes of this
paragraph “Zero Coupon Notes” means notes that are in bearer form and that constitute a claim
for a fixed sum against the issuer and on which interest does not become due during their tenor
or on which no interest is due whatsoever.
Well Informed Investors
Each Dealer has represented and agreed, and each further Dealer appointed under the
Programme will be required to represent and agree, that it:
(a) adheres to the status of a legal entity which qualifies as a Well Informed Investor; and
(b) has not made and will not make an offer of Notes which are the subject of the offering
contemplated by this Base Prospectus, as completed by the Final Terms in relation
thereto, except to Well Informed Investors.
Each Dealer has agreed, and each further Dealer appointed under the Programme will be
required to agree, that it will (to the best of its knowledge and belief) comply with all applicable
securities laws and regulations in force in any jurisdiction in which it purchases, offers, sells or
delivers Notes or possesses or distributes this Base Prospectus and will obtain any consent,
approval or permission required by it for the purchase, offer, sale or delivery by it of Notes under
the laws and regulations in force in any jurisdiction to which it is subject or in which it makes
such purchases, offers, sales or deliveries and none of the Issuer, the Guarantors, the Trustee
and any of the other Dealers shall have any responsibility therefor.
None of the Issuer, the Guarantors, the Trustee and the Dealers represents that Notes may at
any time lawfully be sold in compliance with any applicable registration or other requirements in
any jurisdiction, or pursuant to any exemption available thereunder, or assumes any
responsibility for facilitating such sale.
The update of the Programme has been duly authorised by a resolution of the Board of
Directors of the Issuer dated 26 September 2016 and the giving of the Notes Guarantee has
been duly authorised by a resolution of the Board of Directors of the Management Company
(acting for the account of GEP) dated 26 September 2016, the Board of Directors of each of
GEH and GIS dated 26 September 2016 and the Board of Directors of each Dutch Guarantor
dated 28 September 2016.
Approval, Admission to Trading and Listing
Application has been made to the CSSF to approve this document as a base prospectus.
Application has also been made to the Luxembourg Stock Exchange for Notes issued under the
Programme to be listed on the Official List of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange and to be
admitted to trading on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange’s regulated market. The Luxembourg
Stock Exchange’s regulated market is a regulated market for the purposes of the Markets in
Financial Instruments Directive (Directive 2004/39/EC).
Documents Available
For the period of 12 months following the date of this Base Prospectus, copies of the following
documents will, when published, be available for inspection from the registered office of the
Issuer and from the specified offices of the Paying Agents for the time being in London and
(a) the constitutional documents (with an English translation thereof) of the Issuer and the
constitutional documents (with an English translation thereof) of each Guarantor;
(b) the constitutional documents of the Management Company;
(c) the Management Regulations of GEP;
(d) the Programme Agreement, the Trust Deed, the Agency Agreement and the forms of the
Global Notes, the Notes in definitive form, the Receipts, the Coupons and the Talons;
(e) a copy of this Base Prospectus;
(f) any future Base Prospectus, prospectuses, information memoranda, supplements and
Final Terms (save that a Pricing Supplement relating to an Exempt Note will only be
available for inspection by a holder of such Note and such holder must produce
evidence satisfactory to the Issuer and the Paying Agent as to its holding of Notes and
identity) to this Base Prospectus and any other documents incorporated herein or
therein by reference; and
(g) in the case of each issue of Notes admitted to trading on the Luxembourg Stock
Exchange’s regulated market subscribed pursuant to a subscription agreement, the
subscription agreement (or equivalent document).
Clearing Systems
The Notes have been accepted for clearance through Euroclear and Clearstream, Luxembourg
(which are the entities in charge of keeping the records). The appropriate Common Code and
ISIN for each Tranche of Notes allocated by Euroclear and Clearstream, Luxembourg will be
specified in the applicable Final Terms. If the Notes are to clear through an additional or
alternative clearing system the appropriate information will be specified in the applicable Final
The address of Euroclear is Euroclear Bank SA/NV, 1 boulevard du Roi Albert II, B-1210
Brussels and the address of Clearstream, Luxembourg is Clearstream Banking, 42 avenue J.F.
Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg.
Conditions for determining price
The price and amount of Notes to be issued under the Programme will be determined by the
Issuer and each relevant Dealer at the time of issue in accordance with prevailing market
In relation to any Tranche of Fixed Rate Notes an indication of the yield in respect of such Notes
will be specified in the applicable Final Terms. The yield is calculated at the Issue Date of the
Notes on the basis of the relevant Issue Price. The yield indicated will be calculated as the yield
to maturity as at the Issue Date of the Notes and will not be an indication of future yield.
Third Party Information
Where information in this Base Prospectus has been secured from third parties, this information
has been accurately reproduced and, as far as the Issuer and the Guarantors are aware and
are able to ascertain from the information published by such third parties, no facts have been
omitted which would render the reproduced information inaccurate or misleading. The source of
third party information is identified wherever it is used in this Base Prospectus (either within the
text of this Base Prospectus or in a footnote to the text of this Base Prospectus).
Significant or Material Change
Since 31 December 2015, there has been no significant change in the financial or trading
position of the Issuer and there has been no material adverse change in the financial position or
prospects of the Issuer. Since 30 June 2016, there has been no significant change in the
financial or trading position of any Guarantor or the Group and, since 31 December 2015, there
has been no material adverse change in the financial position or prospects of any Guarantor or
the Group.
None of the Issuer, any Guarantor and any other member of the Group is or has been involved
in any governmental, legal or arbitration proceedings (including any such proceedings which are
pending or threatened of which the Issuer or any Guarantor is aware) in the 12 months
preceding the date of this document which may have, or have in such period had, a significant
effect on the financial position or profitability of the Issuer, any Guarantor or the Group.
Independent Auditors
The independent auditors (réviseur d’entreprises agréé) of the Issuer are
PricewaterhouseCoopers, Société coopérative, 2 rue Gerhard Mercator, B.P. 1443, L-1014
The independent auditors (réviseur d’entreprises agréé) of GEP are
PricewaterhouseCoopers, Société coopérative, 2 rue Gerhard Mercator, B.P. 1443, L-1014
PricewaterhouseCoopers, Société coopérative is a member of the Luxembourg Institut des
Réviseurs d’Entreprises.
Dealers transacting with the Issuer and the Guarantors
Certain of the Dealers and their affiliates have engaged, and may in the future engage, in
investment banking and/or commercial banking transactions with, and may perform services for
the Issuer, the Guarantors and their respective affiliates in the ordinary course of business.
Certain of the Dealers and their affiliates may have positions, deal or make markets in the Notes
issued under the Programme, related derivatives and reference obligations, including (but not
limited to) entering into hedging strategies on behalf of the Issuer, the Guarantors and their
respective affiliates, investor clients, or as principal in order to manage their exposure, their
general market risk, or other trading activities.
In addition, in the ordinary course of their business activities, the Dealers and their affiliates may
make or hold a broad array of investments and actively trade debt and equity securities (or
related derivative securities) and financial instruments (including bank loans) for their own
account and for the accounts of their customers. Such investments and securities activities may
involve securities and/or instruments of the Issuer, the Guarantors or their respective affiliates.
Certain of the Dealers or their affiliates that have a lending relationship with the Issuer or the
Guarantors routinely hedge their credit exposure to the Issuer or the Guarantors, as the case
may be, consistent with their customary risk management policies. Typically, such Dealers and
their affiliates would hedge such exposure by entering into transactions which consist of either
the purchase of credit default swaps or the creation of short positions in securities, including
potentially the Notes issued under the Programme. Any such positions could adversely affect
future trading prices of Notes issued under the Programme. The Dealers and their affiliates may
also make investment recommendations and/or publish or express independent research views
in respect of such securities or financial instruments and may hold, or recommend to clients that
they acquire, long and/or short positions in such securities and instruments.
Trustee’s action
The Conditions and the Trust Deed provide for the Trustee to take action on behalf of the
Noteholders in certain circumstances, but only if the Trustee is indemnified and/or secured
and/or pre-funded to its satisfaction. It may not always be possible for the Trustee to take
certain actions, notwithstanding the provision of an indemnity and/or security and/or pre-funding
to it. Where the Trustee is unable to take any action, the Noteholders are permitted by the
Conditions and the Trust Deed to take the relevant action directly.
GELF Bond Issuer I SA
Société Anonyme
28, boulevard d’Avranches
L-1160 Luxembourg
GELF Management (Lux) S.À R.L.
28, boulevard d’Avranches
L-1160 Luxembourg
in its capacity as a Luxembourg management company acting for the account of
Goodman European Logistics Fund FCP-FIS
28, boulevard d’Avranches
L-1160 Luxembourg
GELF European Holdings (Lux) S.À R.L.
28, boulevard d’Avranches
L-1160 Luxembourg
GELF Investments (Lux) S.À R.L.
28, boulevard d’Avranches
L-1160 Luxembourg
Strawinskylaan 1225, Tower B, Level 12,
1077 XX
Amsterdam, Netherlands
C€LOGIX Properties Holding B.V.
Strawinskylaan 1225, Tower B, Level 12,
1077 XX
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Deutsche Trustee Company Limited
Winchester House
1 Great Winchester Street
London EC2N 2DB
Deutsche Bank AG, London Branch
Winchester House
1 Great Winchester Street
London EC2N 2DB
Deutsche Bank Luxembourg SA
2, boulevard Konrad Adenauer
L-1115 Luxembourg
To the Issuer and the Guarantors as to
Luxembourg law
To the Issuer and the Guarantors as to
English law
Elvinger, Hoss & Prussen
2, place Winston Churchill
L-2014 Luxembourg
Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg
Slaughter and May
One Bunhill Row
London EC1Y 8YY
To the Issuer and the Guarantors as to Dutch
To the Dealers and the Trustee as to English
Strawinskylaan 1999
1077 XV Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Allen & Overy LLP
One Bishops Square
London E1 6AD
To the Issuer and GEP
PricewaterhouseCoopers, Société coopérative
2, rue Gerhard Mercator
B.P. 1443, L-1014 Luxembourg
BNP Paribas
10 Harewood Avenue
London NW1 6AA
ING Bank N.V.
Foppingadreef 7
1102 BD Amsterdam
The Netherlands
The Royal Bank of Scotland plc
135 Bishopsgate
London EC2M 3UR
Deutsche Bank Luxembourg SA
2, Boulevard Konrad Adenauer
L-1115 Luxembourg