Parents should nofy the school each me their child
reports that they have been bullied at school. A
conversaon with the classroom teacher could be a
good place to start to address a bullying issue. While
talking with the school regarding the bullying incident
can be eecve, consider pung it in wring. Wrien
communicaon is important for creang a record.
There are two opons for reporng a bullying incident
to school ocials:
1. Request a bullying complaint form from the
school. Each school must have a process for reporng
an act of bullying or harassment. A bullying complaint
form can be used as a way for the child and/or parent to
report bullying to the school. This form is typically
available at the school and on the schools website. Fill
out the form, make a copy for yourself, and submit the
original to school ocials.
2. Put your concerns in wring to the school detailing
the incident. Consider using the sample leer within
this document to provide important details to the
Your communicaon should include:
your childs name;
the date and locaon of incident;
details including: who was involved, what
happened, how oen;
witnesses to the incident;
the impact of the incident on your child-
physically, emoonally and academically; and
what has already been tried to stop the problem.
The communicaon should remain factual and absent of
opinions or emoonal statements and should be sent to
the Principal or school administrators. Request that the
school send you a copy of their bullying policy and
request that they follow-up with you about the bullying
These opons for reporng and documenng a bullying
incident serve two important purposes:
Noes school ocials of the incident and your
desire for intervenon; and
Serves as your wrien record when referring to
the incident.
Keep a copy of any wrien communicaon you send to
the school regarding the incident. Doing so will help to
keep a meline of events. If your original reporng was
sent electronically (email or text), consider sending a
hard copy to create a wrien record.
How can I empower my child?
It is important for junior high and high school students
to understand the most eecve way to report a
bullying incident to school ocials. Students may not
always tell adults if they are being bullied therefore it is
important to empower the child with informaon on
how to report the bullying incident themselves.
Help your child to understand that while telling school
ocials is important, documenng the incident on an
ocial complaint form is the most eecve way to
report a bullying incident.
Related Resources
Look for the following related resources on the ASK
Iowas An-Bullying Law
How to Report Bullying to School/
Sample Leer
© ASK Resource Center, 2023 | Phone (515) 243-1713 | Toll-free (800) 450-8667 |
This publicaon was developed with funds under grants from the U.S. Dept. of Educaon and
the U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services. The contents do not necessarily represent the
policy of those Departments, and the reader should not assume endorsement by the Federal
Government. ASK Resource Center is a member of the Parent to Parent USA Alliance, and also
serves as Iowa's Family Voices State Aliate Organizaon.
ASK Essenal Quesons
Have I gathered the informaon I need to report
the bullying incident to the school?
Have I put my concerns in wring?
Sample leer:
© ASK Resource Center, 2023
Phone (515) 243-1713 | Toll-free (800) 450-8667
Dear ___________:
I am wring to report that my child ________________ (rst and last name of child), has informed me about being
bullied and Id like to work with you to be sure that this concerning issue is addressed right away.
___________ (rst name of child) is in the ____ (grade level) at _____________ (name of school). _______ (she/he)
has been bullied by _____________ (name of people who have bullied). This happened on _____________ (date or
period of me) when _________________ (describe as many details of the incident(s) as can be recalled).
When this happened ______________ (name of witnesses) heard/saw it and ___________________ (their
response). We became aware of this incident when _____________________ (describe how you were noed).
_____________ (rst name of child) was hurt by this bullying and harassment. (She/He) has experienced
______________________________________ (describe physical injuries, emoonal suering and any medical or
psychological treatment required).
As you are likely aware, Iowa law Secon 280.28 protects the rights of a student against bullying. Please send
_________ (me/us) a copy of the district policies on bullying and harassment, invesgate this problem and correct it
as soon as possible. Please let ______ (me/us) know, in wring, of the acons you have taken to recfy the situaon
and to ensure it does not happen again.
If this does not resolve this issue, ____ (I/we) would like to request a meeng to be held as quickly as possible. I can
be reached during dayme hours at (phone number) or at the email address listed below.
Thank you for your prompt aenon to this serious problem.
(Your name, address and email)
cc: (your childs teacher; other relevant sta )
(The cc:indicates that you are sending a copy of the leer to the other individuals listed.)