Law Society of Yukon
#304 104 Elliott Street
Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 0M2
Phone: 867-668-4231 Fax: 867-667-7556
Application for a Certificate of Permission to Act
(s. 38 of the Act; Rule 74)
Last Name
First Name
Middle Name(s)
Contact Information
Name of Firm/Employer (if applicable)
Work ( )
Home ( )
( )
Email Address
All required records and information must be submitted to the Credentials Committee before
your application will be considered valid.
If supporting documentation will be submitted separately from the application, please advise our
Where a certificate of standing is required, the Law Society of Yukon (Society) will accept:
if the certificate is issued by a Law Society in Canada, the original certificate, or an
electronic copy if sent directly to the Society by the issuing Law Society;
the original certificate if the certificate is issued by a body regulating legal professionals
in a jurisdiction outside Canada.
Form 8
Application for a Certificate of Permission to Act
1. I am licensed to practise law as a lawyer in another province or territory and apply under
rule 74 for a Certificate of Permission to Act.
Included with this application are the following:
Copy of government issued photo identification
A certificate of standing from each governing body, and each body regulating legal
professionals in a jurisdiction outside Canada, in which I am or have ever been a
member, dated no more than 60 days before the date the application is received by the
Credentials Committee
Fees in the amount of $792.75 ($300 application fee, $455.00 certificate fee plus $37.75
The Applicant’s Questionnaire must be completed fully and accurately. The declaration must be
made before a Notary Public or Commissioner for Oaths.
Omissions or inaccuracies in your answers may delay consideration of your application or affect
its approval.
If the space provided for an answer is insufficient, provide details on a separate sheet of paper
and attach the sheet of paper to this application.
The Credentials Committee may investigate or verify any information supplied on this
application and may require further explanation from you before considering your application.
2. (a) Full name: ________________________________________________________
(b) What other names, if any, have you used:
(c) Has your name ever been changed: Yes No
(d) If yes, from what to what, why and when?
3. Date of birth: _______________________________
Form 8
Application for a Certificate of Permission to Act
4. Name of party(ies) you have been retained to represent?
5. Description of particular matter to be covered by the Certificate of Permission to Act
including names of the parties involved and nature of services to be provided:
6. Has a legal proceeding been commenced relating to the matter? Yes No N/A
7. If yes to question 6 above, provide full and complete style of cause including court file
8. State the name of every law society in Canada or body regulating legal professionals in a
jurisdiction outside Canada in which you are now or have ever been a member:
Name of Jurisdiction Date of Admission Current Member
____________________________ ________________ Yes No
____________________________ _________________ Yes No
____________________________ _________________ Yes No
9. State the name and mailing address of each law firm through which you have provided
legal services in the five years immediately preceding the date of this application. (If you
provided services as a sole practitioner, give business addresses).
Form 8
Application for a Certificate of Permission to Act
10. (a) Since the date of your first call and admission to the practice of law have you at
any time not been actively engaged in the practice of law for a continuous period of 12 months or
Yes No
(b) If yes, for what period or periods of time were you not engaged in the active
practice of law and reason why?
11. Will you be holding property belonging to another person in relation to your provision of
legal service in Yukon under this certificate in trust Yes No
If you answer yes to any of questions 12 to 39, provide details on a separate
12. Is your law practice in any other jurisdiction currently subject to any conditions or
restrictions? Yes No
13. Based on your personal history, your current circumstances or any professional opinion
or advice you have received, are you currently experiencing any condition which is reasonably
likely to impair your ability to competently practice law? Yes No
14. Have you ever been found in contempt of an order of a court or an administrative
tribunal? Yes No
15. Have you ever violated an order of a court or an administrative tribunal? Yes No
16. Have you ever failed to comply with a subpoena? Yes No
17. Are you aware of any ongoing criminal investigations into your conduct or any pending
criminal charges against you? Yes No
18 Have you or any business you control ever been convicted or found liable in a criminal,
civil, or administrative proceeding of breach of trust, fraud, perjury, misrepresentation, deceit,
forgery, dishonesty, or undue influence? Yes No
Form 8
Application for a Certificate of Permission to Act
19. Are you aware of any pending criminal, civil, or administrative proceedings against you
or any business you control involving a breach of trust, fraud, perjury, misrepresentation, deceit,
forgery, dishonesty, or undue influence? Yes No
20. Are there any outstanding warrants, judgments, court orders, or legal proceedings against
you or any business that you control? Yes No
21. Have you, or any business that you control, been the subject of an order enjoining you
from the unauthorized practice of law? Yes No
22. Are you aware of any outstanding allegations of unauthorized practice of law outstanding
against you or any business that you control? Yes No
23. Have you ever been charged with, or found guilty of, any of the following offences:
a. An indictable offence under a federal enactment. Yes No
b. An offence under a federal enactment that is prosecutable either as an indictable
offence or as a summary conviction offence. Yes No
c. A summary conviction offence under the federal Income Tax Act, Criminal Code,
Controlled Drugs and Substances Act or Food and Drugs Act. Yes No
d. A summary conviction offence under personal or corporate tax legislation of any
province or territory, including a regulation or regulatory instrument made under
the legislation. Yes No
e. An offence under the Securities Act or an analogous enactment in any province or
territory, including contravening a regulatory instrument made under the
enactment. Yes No
f. An offence in a jurisdiction outside Canada that is substantially similar to an
offence referred to above. Yes No
24. Have you ever been refused admission to a post-secondary institution or similar
institution because of dishonesty or other misconduct? Yes No
25. While attending a post-secondary institution have you been suspended, expelled, or
penalized for misconduct? Yes No
26. While attending a post-secondary institution have you received a warning, been placed
on probation, or been permitted or advised to withdraw from the institution in lieu of being
subject to discipline? Yes No
27. Are you currently or have you ever been the subject of an allegation of misconduct by a
post-secondary institution? Yes No
Form 8
Application for a Certificate of Permission to Act
28. Have you ever been refused admission as an articling student, student-at-law, articled
clerk, or similar position, by a governing body, or body regulating legal professionals in a
jurisdiction outside Canada? Yes No
29. Have you ever been discharged, suspended, disciplined, or permitted to resign in lieu of
discipline, due to allegations of misconduct in relation to your employment? Yes No
30. Are you aware of any pending charges, complaints or investigations regarding your
conduct as a member of any profession? Yes No
31. Have you ever been the subject of any charges, complaints, grievances (formal or
informal), investigations, findings or proceedings regarding your conduct as a member of any
profession or organization? Yes No
32. Have you ever been removed from the membership of, or refused admission to, or been
disciplined by, a governing body, a body regulating legal professionals in a jurisdiction outside
Canada, or other professional body or organization? Yes No
33. Have you resigned from a governing body, or body regulating legal professionals in a
jurisdiction outside Canada, in lieu of disciplinary proceedings being taken against you?
Yes No
34. Have you ever applied for and been refused a licence, or had a licence revoked, from a
regulatory body where proof of good moral character or fitness to practise was required?
Yes No
35. Are you now, or have you ever been, a bankrupt under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency
Act? Yes No
36. Have you ever made a proposal under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, or made any
other formal declaration of insolvency? Yes No
37. Has any corporation, partnership, or other business entity which you control, or over
which you had control, become bankrupt, made a proposal under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency
Act, or made any other formal declaration of insolvency? Yes No
38. Are you now, or have you in the last two years been, in default of any loan, debt or other
financial obligation? Yes No
39. Are you aware of any professional liability claims or any potential professional liability
claims against you? Yes No
Form 8
Application for a Certificate of Permission to Act
40. I currently have professional liability coverage which, if my application for a Certificate
of Permission to Act is approved, will:
a. apply to the provision of legal services by me in Yukon; and
b. complies with the requirements for professional liability coverage under the Act.
Yes No
41. If yes, details of insurance: N/A
(a) Name of insurer: ________________________________________________
(b) Policy expiry date: ________________________________________________
(c) Any conditions, restrictions or limitations: Yes No
If yes, provide details:
42. I qualify for an exemption from the requirement to have professional liability coverage.
Yes No
43. Grounds for exemption (check applicable box) N/A
I will provide legal services only as an employee for an employer who does not
provide legal services and will not practise on my own account apart from such
I will provide legal services in Yukon only as an employee of a government and
will not practise on my own account apart from such employment.
I solemnly declare that the information provided in this application is complete and accurate as
of today’s date. I make this declaration in support of my application conscientiously believing it
to be true and knowing that it is of the same force and effect as if made under oath.
DECLARED before me at the City of )
___________________________, in )
___________________, this _______ )
day of _______________, 20____. )
_______________________________ ) ____________________________________
A Notary Public or Commissioner for ) Signature of Applicant
Oaths in and for: ) Print name: _________________________
Form 8
Application for a Certificate of Permission to Act
______ ___________________ )
(insert jurisdiction)
Form 8
Application for a Certificate of Permission to Act
I, ________________________________, the applicant in this application to the Law
Society of Yukon (Society) for a Certificate of Permission to Act:
1. authorize the Credentials Committee to ask any person, government, educational
institution, financial institution, police force, military authority, governing body, or other
organization about anything relevant to my application to the Society;
2. authorize any person, government, educational institution, financial institution, police
force, military authority, governing body, or other organization, contacted by the
Credentials Committee in relation to my application to provide the Committee with the
information and documents requested by the Committee;
3. agree to provide any additional specific authorization or release that is requested by the
Credentials Committee to enable the Committee to obtain information that will assist the
Committee in determining whether I should be granted a Certificate of Permission to Act;
4. undertake that if at any time I am no longer covered by a policy of professional liability
insurance as required under the Legal Profession Act, 2017, or no longer qualify for an
exemption from the requirement for professional liability coverage, I will immediately
notify the Executive Director of the Society and cease in the provision of legal services in
Yukon until I have professional liability coverage as required by the Act;
5. undertake that if my application for a Certificate of Permission to Act is approved I will
comply with the Legal Profession Act, 2017, the Rules of the Law Society of Yukon, and
the Code of Conduct;
6. certify that I am aware of my obligations under the Code of Conduct to perform all legal
services undertaken on behalf of a client to the standard of a competent lawyer, including
knowing the substantive law and procedures in Yukon for the areas of law in which I will
provide legal services in Yukon.
Date: ____________________________ _____________________________________
Applicant’s signature