Vol. 43, No. 31 Pages 1177-1200August 1, 2024
Kansas Register
Kansas Register
Vol. 43, No. 31, August 1, 2024© Kansas Secretary of State 2024
In this issue … Page
Register Oce:
1st Floor, Memorial Hall
Published by
Sco Schwab
Secretary of State
1st Floor, Memorial Hall
120 SW 10th Ave.
Topeka, KS 66612-1594
The Kansas Register is an ocial
publication of the state of Kansas,
published by authority of K.S.A.
75-430. The Kansas Register is pub-
lished weekly and a cumulative
index is published annually by the
Kansas Secretary of State.
© Kansas Secretary of State 2024.
Reproduction of the publication in
its entirety or for commercial pur-
poses is prohibited without prior
permission. Ocial enactments of
the Kansas Legislature and pro-
posed and adopted administrative
regulations of state agencies may
be reproduced in any form without
Current and back issues of the Kan-
sas Register (HTML and PDF Format)
can be found at hps://www.sos.
Table of Contents
Legislative Branch
Legislative Administrative Services
Interim Commiee Schedule for July 29 – August 16, 2024 ............................................ 1179
Pooled Money Investment Board
Notice of Investment Rates Eective July 29 – August 4, 2024 ....................................... 1179
Kansas Secretary of State
Notice of Code Mortgage Rate for August 2024 ...............................................................1179
Kansas Department for Children and Families
Request for Proposals for Toiletries in Schools ................................................................1179
Kansas State Board of Regents Universities
Notice to Bidders for Construction Services for the Wichita State
University Stadium and Track Project ............................................................................1179
Flint Hills Area Transportation Agency
Notice to Bidders for Vehicle Wrap and Installation Service .........................................1180
East Central Kansas Economic Opportunity Corporation
Notice to Bidders for 2024 General Contractor Weatherization Crews
and HVAC Weatherization Crews ...................................................................................1180
First Baptist Church of Topeka, Kansas
Notice to Bidder for Panic Buon/Duress System Installation Project .........................1181
Kansas Department of Administration – Oce of Procurement and Contracts
Notice to Bidders for State Purchase .................................................................................. 1181
Southeast Kansas Education Service Center (Greenbush)
Notice to Vendors for Solicitations for Various Projects..................................................1182
Kansas Turnpike Authority
Notice of Public Auction ......................................................................................................1182
Campus Credit Union
Notice of Field of Membership Change ............................................................................. 1183
Wakarusa Valley Credit Union
Notice of Field of Membership Change ............................................................................. 1183
Wichita State University
Notice of Intent to Lease Real Property .............................................................................1183
Notice of Intent to Lease Real Property .............................................................................1184
Kansas Department of Health and Environment
Notice of Proposed Kansas Phase II Acid Rain Permit for
McPherson Municipal Power Plant No. 3 ......................................................................1184
Notice of Proposed Kansas Air Quality Construction Permit for
DCP Operating Company, LP .......................................................................................... 1185
Notice of Proposed Kansas/Federal Water Pollution Control Permits
and Applications ................................................................................................................1185
City of Lewis, Kansas
Notice of Intent to Seek Private Placement General Obligation Bonds ........................1189
Kansas State Board of Pharmacy
Permanent Administrative Regulations.............................................................................1189
Kansas Loery
Temporary Administrative Regulations ............................................................................1190
Index to administrative regulations ...........................................................................1198
Cover Artwork: Wheat Ready to Harvest
Photo by Todd Caywood
Kansas Register
Vol. 43, No. 31, August 1, 2024 © Kansas Secretary of State 2024
Legislative Branch/Rates/Notices
State of Kansas
Pooled Money Investment Board
Notice of Investment Rates
The following rates are published in accordance with
K.S.A. 75-4210. These rates and their uses are dened in
K.S.A. 12-1675(b)(c)(d) and K.S.A. 12-1675a(g).
Eective 7-29-24 through 8-4-24
Term Rate
1-89 days 5.33%
3 months 5.27%
6 months 5.10%
12 months 4.82%
18 months 4.63%
2 years 4.44%
Joel Oliver
Executive Director
Chief Investment Ocer
Pooled Money Investment Board
Doc. No. 052351
State of Kansas
Secretary of State
Notice of Code Mortgage Rate for August 2024
Pursuant to the provisions of K.S.A. 16a-1-301, Section
11, the code mortgage rate during the period of August
1-31, 2024, is 12 percent. The reference rate referred to in
the denition of “code mortgage rate” set forth in K.S.A.
16a-1-301(11)(b)(i) is discontinued, has become impracti-
cal to use, and/or is otherwise not readily ascertainable
from the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation.
Sco Schwab
Secretary of State
Doc. No. 052364
State of Kansas
Department for Children and Families
Request for Proposals
The Kansas Department for Children and Families
(DCF) announces the release of the Grant Request for
Proposal (RFP) for toiletries in schools. Sealed bids will
be accepted no later than 2:00 p.m. (Central Time) Sep-
tember 6, 2024. A complete copy of the RFP with de-
tails of important dates may be found at hp://www.
aspx, under “Grant Requests for Proposals (RFPs).” Ad-
ditional les may be located at this website throughout
the process, so please monitor on a regular basis for
Laura Howard
Department for Children and Families
Doc. No. 052368
State of Kansas
Board of Regents Universities
Notice to Bidders
Notice is hereby given for the receipt of subcontrac-
tor bids for the A-014666Rev Wichita State University
(WSU) University Stadium Phase 1A/1B–East Stadium
and Track project. This project is being delivered using
processes and procedures for construction management
at-risk alternative delivery as authorized by the Kansas
state educational institution project delivery construc-
tion procurement act K.S.A. 76-7,125 et seq. Crossland
Construction is the construction manager.
Subcontractor bids will be received for the following
scopes of work:
State of Kansas
Legislative Administrative Services
Interim Commiee Schedule
The Legislative Research Department gives notice that the following legislative commiees plan to meet on the dates
listed below based on current information and subject to change. Requests for accommodation to participate in commit-
tee meetings should be made at least two working days in advance of the meeting by contacting Legislative Administra-
tive Services at 785-296-2391 or TTY 711, or email [email protected].
July 29, 2024 through August 16, 2024
Date Room Time Commiee Agenda
July 30 548-S 2:00 p.m. Legislative Coordinating Council Legislative Maers
Audio and video: hp://sg001-harmony.sliq.
Aug. 12 582-N 9:00 a.m. Joint Commiee on Administrative
Rules and Regulations
Audio and video: hps://www.youtube.com/
Tom Day
Legislative Administrative Services
Doc. No. 052363
Kansas Register
Vol. 43, No. 31, August 1, 2024© Kansas Secretary of State 2024
Precast buildings
Aluminum bleachers
Bids will be received until 3:00 p.m. August 23, 2024.
Email bids to [email protected] or deliver to 3017 N.
Cypress Dr., Wichita Kansas.
All bidders should advise of their intent to bid. Please
email [email protected] of the notice of intent to bid.
A pre-bid meeting will be held virtually at 3:00 p.m.
August 8, 2024. If you wish to participate in the pre-bid
meeting, please email [email protected] and request
a meeting invite.
A copy of the bid documents will be available for re-
view. Bid documents are available through Construct
Connect and Building Connected upon request. Please
email [email protected] for bid invitation.
Vendor hereby acknowledges when submiing a bid
that they have included all items associated with the re-
quest for proposal for their corresponding bid form.
Emily Paerson
Executive Director
Facilities and Planning
Wichita State University
Doc. No. 052366
(Published in the Kansas Register August 1, 2024.)
Flint Hills Area Transportation Agency
Notice to Bidders
The Flint Hills Area Transportation Agency (FHATA)
is soliciting rm xed bid proposals from qualied ven-
dors to acquire vehicle wrap and installation services
for the FHATA eet. The complete bid package and ad-
ditional information can be obtained via our website at
Bid Submission
Bids for the vehicle wrap and installation service will
be received until 2:00 p.m. (Central Time) August 23,
2024, at the FHATA Facility, 5815 Marla Ave., Manhat-
tan, Kansas. Bids must be submied in a sealed envelope
clearly marked Bid #FY25-1001-WRAPS.
Bid Opening
Public bid opening will be hosted in person and via
TEAMS (Online) at 2:00 p.m. (Central Time) August 23,
2024. The location and call information are provided in
the bid documentation (Section C Bid Schedule).
Inquiries and Addendums
Questions, comments, or requests for clarications are
due by the end of day August 7, 2024, and should be pro-
vided via email to Melanie Tule at mtule@ata.org.
Responses will be provided through addendums.
This project will be funded in part by the United States
Department of Transportation (DOT) and managed by
the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), or Kansas De-
partment of Transportation (KDOT), or a combination
thereof. The contract will be between the selected rms
and FHATA and will contain required federal and state
procurement terms and conditions, which will be appli-
cable irrespective of funding source. The highest pro-
curement standards, terms and conditions will apply.
In connection with carrying out this project, the bid-
der shall not discriminate against any employee or appli-
cant for employment because of race, religion, color, sex,
age, national origin, or handicap. The FHATA reserves
the right to solicit or to waive a new solicitation, for new
bids if sucient eort, as determined by FHATA, has not
been made to comply with the DBE goals and require-
ments. There is no specic project goal on this project.
FHATA reserves the right to accept or to reject any and/
or all bids, to re-advertise for bids, to waive any infor-
mality in any proposal, and to determine the most re-
sponsive bid by its own criteria, as described within the
No person or entity submiing a proposal in response to
this RFQ, nor any ocer, employee, agent, representative,
relative, or consultant representing such a person (or enti-
ty) may contact through any means, or engage in any dis-
cussion concerning the evaluation and award of this con-
tract with any member of the FHATA’s Board of Directors
or any employee of FHATA during the period beginning
on the date of proposal issue and ending on the date of
the selection of the Contractor. Any such contact would be
grounds for disqualication of the proposer. Contact with
FHATA Procurement Department sta during such time
period must be limited to technical questions, and discus-
sions leading to Best and Final Oers (BAFOs).
All prospective bidders should notify Melanie Tule via
email at mtule@ata.org of intent to bid. It is the bid-
der’s responsibility to check the website for any adden-
dums and signature sheets prior to submiing their bids
at hps://www.ata.org/open-solicitations. FHATA will
not be responsible for communicating with rms that do
no not notify us of their interest in this solicitation.
Melanie Tule, CPA
Finance Director
Flint Hills Area Transportation Agency
913-738-4262 (Direct)
785-537-6345 (Oce)
Doc. No. 052365
(Published in the Kansas Register August 1, 2024.)
East Central Kansas Economic
Opportunity Corporation
Notice to Bidders
East Central Kansas Economic Opportunity Corpora-
tion (ECKAN) Weatherization, located in Oawa, Kan-
sas, is a non-prot corporation that does retrot weather-
ization work on homes for the elderly, low-income, and
individuals with disabilities.
Currently, we are expressing the invitation for com-
petitive bids to become a prequalied contractor for the
following Kansas Weatherization Assistance Program at
2024 General Contractor Weatherization Crews
2024 HVAC Weatherization Crews
Weatherization services will be available in the follow-
ing counties (includes a temporary expansion of coun-
ties): Allen, Anderson, Atchison, Bourbon, Brown, Chase,
Coey, Doniphan, Douglas, Franklin, Greenwood, Jack-
Kansas Register
Vol. 43, No. 31, August 1, 2024 © Kansas Secretary of State 2024
son, Jeerson, Johnson, Leavenworth, Linn, Lyon, Mi-
ami, Morris, Nemaha, Osage, Shawnee, Woodson, and
Wyandoe. Please be specic on counties you are willing
to perform work in.
ECKAN is an Equal Opportunity Employer and will
not do business with any rm or individual that in any
way, directly or indirectly, discriminates against any per-
son because of age, race, color, handicap, sex, national
origin, or religious creed.
Contractors must bid on all the listed items, separat-
ed by material and labor. You will have to work on both
stick built and mobile homes.
With a competitive proposal method of procurement,
proposers will be evaluated on a weighted scale that con-
siders some or all the following criteria as appropriate
for the procurement:
1. Adequacy of the proposed methodology.
2. Skill and experience of key personnel.
3. Demonstrated experience.
4. Other technical specications designated by the de-
partment requesting proposals.
5. Compliance with administrative requirements of
the request for proposal (format, due date, etc.)
6. Contractor’s nancial stability.
7. Contractor’s demonstrated commitment to the non-
prot sector.
8. Results of communications with references sup-
plied by the vendor.
9. Ability/commitment to meeting time deadlines.
10. Cost.
11. Minority- or women-owned business status of
12. Other criteria (to be specied by the department re-
questing the proposal).
If your bid is accepted, you must supply ECKAN
Weatherization with:
Federal ID number (W-9).
Proof of Liability Insurance and Workman’s Com-
Licensed Renovation Firm Certicate.
LEAD Training Certicate.
You are responsible for all permits if required. All ma-
terial and labor must be under warranty for one (1) year
from installation date for HVAC contractors and (1) year
from nal inspection date for general contractor services.
ECKAN Weatherization understands that all work is
not identical. We will work with the winning bidders
if the actual cost exceeds the bid. Please bid only in the
counties that you are willing to work.
We will be holding a meeting at 10:00 a.m. August 7,
2024, at The Bole House, 204 S. Walnut St., Oawa, KS
66067, to answer any questions and/or discuss the pro-
curement bidding process for new contractors wanting
to bid to provide services for weatherization and discuss
the changes being made in the program for any existing
contractors who will be bidding for the 2024 cycle.
The deadline to submit bid proposals is 12:00 p.m.
Wednesday, August 28, 2024. No late bid proposals will
be accepted.
All bids must be submied using one of the following
methods (labeled – Weatherization Bid):
Mailed to ECKAN Weatherization, PO Box 40, Ot-
tawa, KS 66067
Hand delivered to ECKAN Weatherization, 204 S.
Walnut St. Suite B, Oawa, KS 66067, Monday – Fri-
day 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Emailed to [email protected]
Accepted bids will be notied by Thursday, August 29,
To obtain a bid and county selection form for either
HVAC and/or General Contracted Services, Weather-
ization Contract, and to look at our SWS handbook that
all work must follow, please visit our website at hps://
eckan.org/news-events-and-resources/. You may also
contact the ECKAN Weatherization oce for informa-
tion at 785-242-6413 or toll free 888-833-0832.
Jason Golom
Weatherization Project and Training Coordinator
Quality Control Inspector
East Central Kansas Economic Opportunity Corporation
Doc. No. 052356
(Published in the Kansas Register August 1, 2024.)
First Baptist Church of Topeka, Kansas
Notice to Bidders
Request for bids for the installation of a panic buon/
duress system with public address capabilities will be ac-
cepted by First Baptist Church of Topeka until 4:00 p.m.
(Central Time) August 16, 2024, at 3033 SW MacVicar
Ave., Topeka KS 66611, at which time they will be pub-
licly opened and read aloud.
Copies of the Request for Proposal including require-
ments can be accessed on the First Baptist Church of
Topeka website at hp://www.rstbaptisopeka.org/
Jamie Tast-Pasley
Oce Administrator
First Baptist Church of Topeka, Kansas
Doc. No. 052304
State of Kansas
Department of Administration
Oce of Procurement and Contracts
Notice to Bidders
Sealed bids for items listed will be received by the Of-
ce of Procurement and Contracts until 2:00 p.m. on the
date indicated. For more information, call 785-296-2376.
All bids are to be submied via email only to
[email protected]. For more information, please visit
08/20/2024 EVT0009809 Crack Sealant – KDOT
08/22/2024 EVT0009800 KVH Pharmacy Services – Kansas
Veteran’s Home
08/28/2024 EVT0009814 Patrol Service K-9 – KHP
Kansas Register
Vol. 43, No. 31, August 1, 2024© Kansas Secretary of State 2024
08/30/2024 EVT0009813 Handheld Hazardous Device
Unit – KHP
The above referenced bid documents can be down-
loaded at the following website:
Additional les may be located at the following web-
site (please monitor this website on a regular basis for
any changes/addenda):
08/20/2024 A-015084 New Nursery Barn; Asi Swine –
08/22/2024 A-015099 Repair Aireld High Mast
Lighting; Airport Apron –
Adjutant General’s Department
Information regarding prequalication, projects, and
bid documents can be obtained at 785-296-8899 or hp://
Todd Herman
Oce of Procurement and Contracts
Department of Administration
Doc. No. 052367
(Published in the Kansas Register August 1, 2024.)
Southeast Kansas Education Service Center
Notice to Vendors
Sealed solicitations will be received by the Association
of Educational Purchasing Agencies (AEPA) on behalf
of its 30 state member agencies until 1:30 p.m. (Eastern
Time) September 17, 2024
025-A Athletic eld lighting
025-B Hardwood and synthetic ooring
025-C Copiers, multi-function print devices, print-
ers, and managed print services
025-D Roong and related services
025-E Security solutions
025-F Cybersecurity and training
025-G Portable and modular classrooms
025-H Playgrounds and equipment
All responses shall be submied online via Bonre
by the due date and time listed above. Vendors are re-
quested to visit AEPA’s website at hps://aepacoop.
org/registration-solicitations for instructions on how to
register at no cost with Bonre. AEPA documents will
be released August 1, 2024. Note that vendors must be
able to provide their proposed products and services in
up to 30 states. Recommended vendors are eligible for
contract award with Greenbush-The Southeast Kansas
Education Center.
Solicitations will be publicly opened after 1:30 p.m.
(Eastern Time) September 17, 2024, at Lakes Coun-
try Service Cooperative, 1001 E. Mt Faith, Fergus
Falls, MN 56537. An opening record will be posted to
Tina Smith
Director of Business Relations
Doc. No. 052354
State of Kansas
Kansas Turnpike Authority
Notice of Public Auction
The Kansas Turnpike Authority (KTA) (Seller) will of-
fer for sale at public auction land that it owns and which
is no longer necessary to meet its lawful objectives.
The property is a portion of Government Lot 7 in the
southwest ¼ of Section 15, Township 28 South, Range 1
East in Wichita, Sedgwick County, Kansas generally de-
scribed as follows:
The property is located adjacent to I-35 and west of
the 4500-4600 block of S. Madison Ave. in Wichita,
The property consists of portions of original KTA
Right of Way Tracts 7-18, 7-19 and 7-20 east of an
approximately 150-foot line running east of and
parallel to the survey centerline of I-35, informally
described as the portions of original KTA Right of
Way Tracts 7-18, 7-19, and 7-20 that lie outside of the
existing I-35 Right of Way fence.
The property consists of thirty-ve thousand
(35,000) square feet, more or less.
Inspection of property will take place from 11:00 a.m.
to 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, August 7, 2024.
Sale will be conducted at 11:30 a.m. Thursday, August
8, 2024, at the Kansas Turnpike Authority Wichita Main-
tenance Facility, 9401 E. Kellogg, Wichita, Kansas. Open-
ing and minimum acceptable bid will be $7,000. Seller
reserves the right to reject any and all bids.
This property fronts a paved city street (S. Madison Av-
enue) along its east line.
Public sewer and waterline run along the east side of
S. Madison Avenue adjacent to the property. Extensions
of public utilities into the property may be subject to
The property has no zoning designation, since it has
been a part of highway right of way. Properties in the
area are zoned LI, limited industrial.
Terms of Sale
Cashier’s check for $700 representing ten percent
(10%) of the minimum acceptable bid, is due at the time
of the sale.
The exact legal description of the property shall be de-
termined by survey prior to closing, which shall be used
as described below. The survey shall be by a Kansas li-
censed surveyor, sealed, and include a drawing depict-
ing the described parcel labeled as “Exhibit A”. Said sur-
vey shall be obtained and paid for by the buyer.
Kansas Register
Vol. 43, No. 31, August 1, 2024 © Kansas Secretary of State 2024
The accepted high bid from the buyer on the day of
auction shall establish the purchase price. The purchase
price is predicated on a property size of thirty-ve thou-
sand (35,000) square feet. A unit value expressed in dol-
lars($)/square foot will be established by dividing the
purchase price by 35,000. The purchase price shall be ad-
justed based on the nal property size as determined by
the above referenced legal description. The adjusted pur-
chase price will be included in the Contract to Purchase.
The buyer will receive a Contract to Purchase, with the
balance of adjusted purchase price less the $700 deposit,
upon completion and approval by the KTA of the legal
The buyer will receive a Quit Claim Deed after balance
of the Contract to Purchase amount is paid. If the balance
of the purchase price is not paid within 30 days of receipt
of the Contract to Purchase, the ten percent (10%) down
payment will be forfeited to the Seller.
Any description of the property is for information
purposes only, and no representations, warranties or
guarantees are made concerning locations, dimensions,
or tract size or nature or quality or suitability for use of
the tract for any improvements. Should a dispute arise
after the auction, the Seller’s records will be conclusive
in all respects.
Sold Subject to the Following
Tract will be sold subject to any existing easements, re-
strictions or reservations of record. The prospective buy-
er is encouraged to research the chain of title of this tract.
KTA makes no representations concerning the condi-
tion, value or suitability of use for this property or the
improvements, aachments, or xtures thereof, if any.
The property and said improvements, etc. will be sold
in the present “as is” condition, without warranties or
guarantees of any kind. It is not KTA’s intent to impose
any restrictions not already in existence on the property.
KTA has no specic knowledge about such restrictions,
but does not warrant the property to be free of restric-
tions either.
KTA ensures the acceptance of any bid pursuant to this
notice will be without discrimination on the grounds of
sex, race, color, religion, physical handicap, or national
origin. For additional information contact Glen Sco at
Steve Hewi
Chief Executive Ocer
Kansas Turnpike Authority
Doc. No. 052357
(Published in the Kansas Register August 1, 2024.)
Campus Credit Union
Notice of Field of Membership Change
Campus Credit Union, located at 4960 E. 21st St. North,
Wichita, Kansas, hereby announces its intention to alter
its eld of membership. An application has been led
with the Kansas Department of Credit Unions to amend
the existing eld of membership by reducing the geo-
graphic areas covered.
The proposed eld of membership will be limited to
individuals and entities with the following common
bond: persons who live, worship, work (or regularly
conduct business) in, or aend school in Butler, Cowley,
Harvey, Sedgwick, or Sumner Counties, Kansas. It will
also include businesses and other legal entities located
in these counties, their immediate families or household
members, surviving spouses, employees of this credit
union, volunteers in the community, and organizations
composed of such persons.
Shawn W. Riley
Campus Credit Union
Doc. No. 052355
(Published in the Kansas Register August 1, 2024.)
Wakarusa Valley Credit Union
Notice of Field of Membership Change
The Kansas Department of Credit Unions has received
an application for a change in eld of membership from
Wakarusa Valley Credit Union, 2721 W. 6th St., Suite B,
Lawrence, KS 66049, to alter its eld of membership as
Membership in this Credit Union is limited to those
who reside or are employed in Douglas, Franklin, Jef-
ferson, Osage, Shawnee, Leavenworth, and Wyandoe
counties, members of their families and organizations of
such persons.
Questions concerning the application may be directed
to the Kansas Department of Credit Unions, 700 SW Jack-
son St., Suite 803, Topeka, KS 66603, phone 785-296-3021.
Denise Bonner
Wakarusa Valley Credit Union
Doc. No. 052358
State of Kansas
Wichita State University
Notice of Intent to Lease Real Property
Public notice is hereby given that Wichita State Uni-
versity (WSU), directly or through its aliate corpora-
tion Wichita State Innovation Alliance, Inc., intends to
lease, subject to all required state approvals, up to 1.22
acres of real property located on the northwest corner
of the intersection of Fountain Avenue and 21st Street
North, directly adjacent to the Wichita State Universi-
ty campus. This location would be designated for pri-
vate development commied to supporting broadband
infrastructure and Internet exchanges. The university
is interested in leasing such ground to any individual,
organization, or entity whose presence would advance
WSU’s vision or its mission as an educational, cultural,
and economic driver for Kansas and the greater public
good. WSU intends to lease such space for a mutually
agreeable period of time, but extended terms and re-
newal options would be considered. Interested tenants
must be willing to be a good t with WSU’s education-
al mission and identify anticipated benets to the uni-
versity, its students, and the surrounding community
Kansas Register
Vol. 43, No. 31, August 1, 2024© Kansas Secretary of State 2024
(i.e. applied learning, joint research, faculty start-up,
WSU curriculum or program support, community ben-
et commitments, etc.), and must agree to the essential
ground lease terms and restrictive covenants. Interested
tenants will be evaluated on: proposal terms, demon-
strated benet to WSU and the surrounding community,
design concepts, nancial stability, and proposed use.
Interested tenants will be responsible for all costs asso-
ciated with the development and ongoing maintenance
costs of any improvements. Rental rate shall be based
on fair market value and negotiable based on term of
lease, purpose/use of the improvement, and benet to
WSU. WSU will consider serious oers and inquiries
from any nancially qualied individual, group, orga-
nization. If interested, please contact Property Manag-
er Crystal Stegeman at [email protected].
This publication is being published pursuant to K.S.A.
75-430a(d), to the extent applicable.
Crystal Stegeman
University Property Manager
Oce of the Vice President for
Administration and Finance
Wichita State University
Doc. No. 052352
State of Kansas
Wichita State University
Notice of Intent to Lease Real Property
Public notice is hereby given that Wichita State Univer-
sity (WSU), directly or through its aliate corporation
Wichita State Innovation Alliance, Inc., intends to lease,
subject to all required state approvals, up to four acres
of real property located on the Wichita State Universi-
ty’s campus designated as the “Innovation Campus,”
for the private development and operation of a partner-
ship building or buildings. The university is interested
in leasing such ground to any individual, organization,
or entity whose presence on campus would advance the
university’s applied learning vision or its mission as an
educational, cultural, and economic driver for Kansas
and the greater public good. The university intends to
lease such space for a mutually agreeable period of time
up to sixty years, but extended terms and renewal op-
tions would be considered. Interested tenants must be
willing to be a good t with the university’s educational
mission and identify anticipated benets to the univer-
sity, its students, and the WSU community (i.e. applied
learning, joint research, faculty start-up, WSU curric-
ulum or program support, etc.), and must agree to the
essential ground lease terms and restrictive covenants.
Interested tenants will be evaluated on: proposal terms,
demonstrated benet to WSU, design concepts, nan-
cial stability, and proposed use. Interested tenants will
be required to construct adjacent and adequate surface
parking that will not be included in the leased ground.
Rental rate shall be based on fair market value and nego-
tiable based on term of lease, purpose/use of building im-
provement, and benet to the university. The university
will consider serious oers and inquiries with detailed
proposal terms from any nancially qualied individu-
al, group, organization. If interested, please contact Se-
nior Vice President for Industry and Defense Programs,
Dr. John Tomblin at [email protected] or Prop-
erty Manager Crystal Stegeman at crystal.stegeman@
wichita.edu. This publication is being published pursu-
ant to K.S.A. 75-430a(d), to the extent applicable.
Crystal Stegeman
University Property Manager
Oce of the Vice President for
Administration and Finance
Wichita State University
Doc. No. 052353
State of Kansas
Department of Health and Environment
Notice of Proposed Kansas Phase II Acid Rain Permit
Notice is hereby given that the Kansas Department of
Health and Environment (KDHE) is proposing to issue
a ve-year permit to the McPherson Municipal Power
Plant No. 3, 1486 17th Ave., McPherson, KS 67460, pur-
suant to Title IV (Acid Deposition Control) of the Federal
Clean Air Act and implementing regulations found at 40
CFR Parts 72 through 78. The eective date of the permit
is from January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2029.
One (1) simple cycle combustion turbine aected by
this permit action, identied as EU-ComTurb-1 is locat-
ed at 1486 17th Ave., McPherson, KS 67460, operated by
McPherson Board of Public Utilities, PO Box 768, 401
W. Kansas Ave., McPherson, KS 67406, would receive
zero (0) allowances (respectively,) for each year from
2025 through 2029. Each allowance authorizes the utility
boiler to emit up to one ton of sulfur dioxide during or
after each of the years specied above. McPherson Mu-
nicipal Power Plant No. 3 proposes to comply with the
Acid Rain Program emission requirements by holding
enough allowances to cover all sulfur dioxide emissions.
Issuance of this permit would not aect the responsibil-
ity of McPherson Municipal Power Plant No. 3 to meet
all other existing local, state, and federal sulfur dioxide
emission requirements.
The designated representative for McPherson Munici-
pal Power Plant No. 3 is Tiany Keith.
A copy of the proposed permit, permit application,
all supporting documentation, and all information re-
lied upon during the permit application review process
are available for public review during normal business
hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the KDHE, Bureau
of Air (BOA), 1000 SW Jackson, Suite 310, Topeka, KS
66612-1366 and at the North Central District Oce, 3040
Enterprise Dr., Salina, KS 67401. To obtain or review the
proposed permit and supporting documentation, contact
Florinda Yasmin at the central oce of KDHE at 785-296-
5231, or Jessica Fair at the North Central District Oce
at 785-515-6706. The standard departmental cost will be
assessed for any copies requested. The proposed permit,
accompanied with supporting information, is available,
free of charge, at the KDHE BOA Public Notice website
at hps://www.kdhe.ks.gov/413/Public-Notices.
Please direct wrien comments or questions regarding
the proposed permit to Florinda Yasmin, KDHE, BOA,
Kansas Register
Vol. 43, No. 31, August 1, 2024 © Kansas Secretary of State 2024
1000 SW Jackson, Suite 310, Topeka, KS 66612-1366. In
order to be considered in formulating a nal permit de-
cision, wrien comments must be received no later than
12:00 p.m. Monday, September 2, 2024.
A person may request a public hearing be held on the
proposed permit. The request for a public hearing shall
be in writing and set forth the basis for the request. The
wrien request must be submied to Florinda Yasmin,
KDHE BOA, 1000 SW Jackson, Suite 310, Topeka, KS
66612-1366, no later than 12:00 p.m. Monday, September
2, 2024, in order for the Secretary of Health and Environ-
ment to consider the request.
The preceding notice refers to the air permit for
McPherson Municipal Power Plant No 3 located at 1486
17th Ave., McPherson, KS 67460. If you want more infor-
mation or you have other questions, please contact the
KDHE Non-Discrimination coordinator and call 785-296-
5156 or send an email to: KDHE.NonDiscrimination@
ks.gov. [El aviso anterior se reere al permiso de aire
para McPherson Municipal Power Plant No. 3 ubicado
en 1486 17th Ave., McPherson, KS 67460. Si desea obten-
er más información en español o tiene otras preguntas,
por favor, comuníquese con el Coordinador de No Dis-
criminación de KDHE y llame al 785-296-5156 o envíe un
correo electrónico a: [email protected].]
Janet Stanek
Department of Health and Environment
Doc. No. 052359
State of Kansas
Department of Health and Environment
Notice Concerning Proposed Kansas
Air Quality Construction Permit
Notice is hereby given that the Kansas Department of
Health and Environment (KDHE) is soliciting comments
regarding a proposed air quality construction permit.
DCP Operating Company, LP has applied for an air
quality construction permit in accordance with the pro-
visions of K.A.R. 28-19-300. Emissions of volatile organic
compounds (VOC), particulate maer (PM), particulate
maer with less than or equal to 10 microns in aerody-
namic diameter (PM
), particulate maer with less than
or equal to 2.5 microns in aerodynamic diameter (PM
carbon monoxide (CO), oxides of nitrogen (NO
), oxides
of sulfur (SO
), and hazardous air pollutants (HAPs)
were evaluated during the permit review process.
DCP Operating Company, LP, 3201 Quail Springs
Pkwy., Suite 100, Oklahoma City, OK 73134, owns and
operates a natural gas compressor station located at
Southwest Quarter of Section 25, Township 31S, Range
19W, Comanche County, KS 67029, at which an engine is
to be replaced.
A copy of the proposed permit, permit application, all
supporting documentation, and all information relied
upon during the permit application review process are
available for public review from the date of publication
during normal business hours at the KDHE, Bureau
of Air (BOA), 1000 SW Jackson, Suite 310, Topeka, KS
66612-1366 and at the Southwest District Oce, 302 W.
McArtor Rd., Dodge City, KS 67801. To obtain or review
the proposed permit and supporting documentation,
contact Parker Robb at the central oce of KDHE at 785-
296-1947, or Ethel Evans at the Southwest District Oce
at 620-356-1075. The standard departmental cost will be
assessed for any copies requested. The proposed permit,
accompanied with supporting information, is available,
free of charge, at the KDHE BOA Public Notice website
at hps://www.kdhe.ks.gov/413/Public-Notices.
Please direct wrien comments or questions regarding
the proposed permit to Parker Robb, KDHE, BOA, 1000
SW Jackson, Suite 310, Topeka, KS 66612-1366. In order
to be considered in formulating a nal permit decision,
wrien comments must be received no later than 12:00
p.m. Monday, September 2, 2024.
A person may request a public hearing be held on
the proposed permit. The request for a public hearing
shall be in writing and set forth the basis for the request.
The wrien request must be submied to Parker Robb,
KDHE, BOA, 1000 SW Jackson, Suite 310, Topeka, KS
66612-1366, no later than 12:00 p.m. Monday, September
2, 2024, in order for the Secretary of Health and Environ-
ment to consider the request.
The preceding notice refers to the air permit for DCP
Operating Company, LP located at Southwest Quarter
of Section 25, Township 31S, Range 19W, Comanche
County, KS 67029. If you want more information or you
have other questions, please contact the KDHE Non-Dis-
crimination coordinator and call 785-296-5156 or send an
email to: [email protected]. [El aviso
anterior se reere al permiso de aire para DCP Operat-
ing Company, LP ubicado en Southwest Quarter of Sec-
tion 25, Township 31S, Range 19W, Comanche County,
KS 67029. Si desea obtener más información en español
o tiene otras preguntas, por favor, comuníquese con el
Coordinador de No Discriminación de KDHE y llame
al 785-296-5156 o envíe un correo electrónico a: KDHE.
Janet Stanek
Department of Health and Environment
Doc. No. 052360
State of Kansas
Department of Health and Environment
Notice of Proposed Kansas/Federal Water
Pollution Control Permits and Applications
In accordance with Kansas Administrative Regula-
tions 28-16-57a through 63, 28-18-1 through 17, 28-18a-1
through 31 and 33, 28-16-150 through 154, 28-46-7, and
the authority vested with the state by the administrator
of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, various
draft water pollution control documents (permits, notic-
es to revoke and reissue, notices to terminate) have been
prepared and/or permit applications have been received
for discharges to waters of the United States and the state
of Kansas for the class of discharges described below.
The proposed actions concerning the draft documents
are based on sta review, applying the appropriate stan-
Kansas Register
Vol. 43, No. 31, August 1, 2024© Kansas Secretary of State 2024
dards, regulations, and euent limitations of the state of
Kansas and the Environmental Protection Agency. The
nal action will result in a Federal National Pollutant Dis-
charge Elimination System Authorization and/or a Kansas
Water Pollution Control permit being issued, subject to
certain conditions, revocation, and reissuance of the des-
ignated permit or termination of the designated permit.
Las acciones propuestas con respecto a los documentos
preliminares se basan en la revisión del personal, apli-
cando los estándares, regulaciones y limitaciones de eu-
entes apropiados del estado de Kansas y de la Agencia
de Protección Ambiental de Estados Unidos. La acción
nal resultará en la emisión de una Autorización Fed-
eral del Sistema Nacional de Eliminación de Descargas
de Contaminantes y un permiso de Control de Contami-
nación del Agua de Kansas, sujeto a ciertas condiciones,
revocación y reemisión del permiso designado o termi-
nación del permiso designado. Si desea obtener más in-
formación en español o tiene otras preguntas, por favor,
comuníquese con el Coordinador de No Discriminación
al 785-296-5156 o en: [email protected].
Public Notice No. KS-AG-24-202
Application(s) for New or Expansion
of Existing Swine Facilities
Name and Address
of Applicant
Owner of Property Where
Facility Will Be Located
Eagle Ridge
524 17th Rd.
Haddam, KS 66944
Robert Allen
524 17th Rd.
Haddam, KS 66944
Legal Description Receiving Water
NE/4 of Section 14
T03S, R01E
Washington County
Lower Republican River Basin
Kansas Permit No. A-LRWS-H012
Federal Permit No. KS0300008
This is notication KDHE has received a complete permit application
for the operation of a swine waste management facility capable of
housing 3,000 head (1,200 animal units) of swine weighing more
than 55 pounds each and 4,000 head (400 animal units) of swine
weighing less than 55 pounds each; for a facility total of 1,600 ani-
mal units. The complete application can be viewed online at hps://
www.kdhe.ks.gov/493/Swine-Feedlot-Permit-Applications, at the
oce of the Washington County Clerk, the KDHE North Central
District Oce in Salina, Kansas or the KDHE Main Oce in Topeka,
Kansas. A permit to operate the proposed swine waste management
system will not be issued without additional public notice.
Public Notice No. KS-AG-24-203/217
Pending Permits for Conned Feeding Facilities
Name and Address
of Applicant
Legal Description Receiving Water
Westervelt Turkey
Jessica Westervelt
8340 SW 20th
Columbus, KS 66725
NE/4 of Section 27
T34S, R23E
Cherokee County
Neosho River Basin
Kansas Permit No. A-NECK-F014
The proposed action is to reissue an existing state permit for an existing
facility for 33,000 head (594 animal units) of turkeys. There will be no
change in the operation or permied number of animal units from
the previous permit. This facility has an approved Waste Manage-
ment Plan on le with KDHE.
Name and Address
of Applicant
Legal Description Receiving Water
Glendon Ropp
2810 W. Red Rock Rd.
Hutchinson, KS 67501
SE/4 of Section 21
T24S, R06W
Reno County
Lower Arkansas
River Basin
Kansas Permit No. A-ARRN-M035
The proposed action is to reissue an existing state permit for an existing
facility for 70 head (98 animal units) of mature dairy cale, 20 head
(10 animal units) of dairy calves weighing less than 700 pounds,
and 80 head (80 animal units) of beef cale weighing more than 700
pounds; for a total of 188 animal units. There will be no change in the
operation or permied number of animal units from the previous
permit. This facility has an approved Waste Management Plan on
le with KDHE.
Name and Address
of Applicant
Legal Description Receiving Water
North Hog Barn
Dwayne DeVellen
Road 2 and Road Y
Plains, KS 67869
NW/4 of Section 31
T33S, R30W
Meade County
River Basin
Kansas Permit No. A-CIME-S009
The proposed action is to modify and reissue an existing state permit
for an existing facility for 500 head (200 animal units) of swine weigh-
ing more than 55 pounds. This is a reduction in permied number of
animal units from the previous permit. This facility has an approved
Waste Management Plan on le with KDHE.
Name and Address
of Applicant
Legal Description Receiving Water
Levin Brothers Farms,
1378 E. Iron Rd.
Kensington, KS 66951
NW/4 & SE/4
of Section 12
T02S, R16W
Phillips County
Solomon River Basin
Kansas Permit No. A-SOPL-B017
The proposed action is to modify the existing NPDES permit and reis-
sue a state permit for a facility for a maximum capacity of 999 head
(999 animal units) of cale weighing more than 700 pounds This rep-
resents a decrease in the permied animal units from the previous
permit. This facility has an approved Waste Management Plan on
le with KDHE.
Name and Address
of Applicant
Legal Description Receiving Water
Sturdy Farm
Darrell Sturdy
1108 W. 6th St.
Lyndon, KS 66451
NE/4 of Section 12
T17S, R15E
Osage County
Marais des Cygnes
River Basin
Kansas Permit No. A-MCOS-B007
The proposed action is to reissue an existing state permit for an existing
facility for 800 head (400 animal units) of cale weighing 700 pounds
or less. There will be no change in the operation or permied num-
ber of animal units from the previous permit. This facility has an
approved Waste Management Plan on le with KDHE.
Name and Address
of Applicant
Legal Description Receiving Water
MN Farms
Maurice Feldkamp
2460 F Rd.
Baileyville, KS 66404
NW/4 of Section 01
T02S, R11E
Nemaha County
Missouri River Basin
Kansas Permit No. A-MONM-S035
The proposed action is to reissue an existing state permit for an existing
facility for 2,200 head (880 animal units) of swine weighing greater
than 55 pounds and 1,100 head (110 animal units) of swine weighing
55 pounds or less, for a total of 990 animal units. There will be no
change in the operation or permied number of animal units from
the previous permit. This facility has an approved Waste Manage-
ment Plan on le with KDHE.
Kansas Register
Vol. 43, No. 31, August 1, 2024 © Kansas Secretary of State 2024
Name and Address
of Applicant
Legal Description Receiving Water
Wayne Niehues
758 O Rd.
Go, KS 66428
N/2 of Section 33
T04S, R13E
Nemaha County
Kansas River Basin
Kansas Permit No. A-KSNM-S014
The proposed action is to reissue an existing state permit for an existing
facility for 478 head (191.2 animal units) of swine weighing more
than 55 pounds, 555 head (55.5 animal units) of swine weighing 55
pounds or less, 100 head (50 animal units) of cale weighing 700
pounds or less, and 25 head (2.5 animal units) of sheep, for a total
of 299.2 animal units. There will be no change in the operation or
permied number of animal units from the previous permit. This
facility has an approved Waste Management Plan on le with KDHE.
Name and Address
of Applicant
Legal Description Receiving Water
J-Six Enterprises,
LLC - Caldwell
555 3rd Rd.
Clifton, KS 66937
SE/4 & SW/4 of
Section 14
T05S, R01E
Washington County
Lower Republican
River Basin
Kansas Permit No. A-LRWS-S034
The proposed action is to reissue an existing state permit for an ex-
isting facility for 2,400 head (960 animal units) of swine more than
55 pounds. There will be no change in the operation or permied
number of animal units from the previous permit. This facility has an
approved Waste Management Plan on le with KDHE.
Name and Address
of Applicant
Legal Description Receiving Water
Mark Riedy Feedlot
508 Oat Rd.
Hope, KS 67451
SW/4 of Section 11
T16S, R03E
Dickinson County
Smoky Hill
River Basin
Kansas Permit No. A-SHDK-B034
The proposed action is to reissue an existing state permit for an exist-
ing facility for 600 head (600 animal units) of cale weighing greater
than 700 pounds. There will be no change in the operation or permit-
ted number of animal units from the previous permit. This facility
has an approved Waste Management Plan on le with KDHE.
Name and Address
of Applicant
Legal Description Receiving Water
Mark and John
618 1300 Ave.
Abilene, KS 67410
W/2 of Section 01
T15S, R01E
Dickinson County
Smoky Hill
River Basin
Kansas Permit No. A-SHDK-B014
The proposed action is to reissue an existing state permit for an existing
facility for 280 head (280 animal units) of beef cale more than 700
pounds and 320 head (160 animal units) of beef cale 700 pounds or
less, for a total of 440 animal units. There will be no change in the
operation or permied number of animal units from the previous
permit. This facility has an approved Waste Management Plan on
le with KDHE.
Name and Address
of Applicant
Legal Description Receiving Water
Mark and John
1118 Eden Rd.
Abilene, KS 67410
SW/4 of Section 12
T15S, R01E
Dickinson County
Smoky Hill
River Basin
Kansas Permit No. A-SHDK-B002
The proposed action is to reissue an existing state permit for an exist-
ing facility for 260 head (260 animal units) of cale more than 700
pounds. There will be no change in the operation or permied num-
ber of animal units from the previous permit. This facility has an
approved Waste Management Plan on le with KDHE.
Name and Address
of Applicant
Legal Description Receiving Water
Knight Feedlot, Inc.
Luke Knight
1768 Ave. J
Lyons, KS 67554
E/2 of Section 23
T19S, R08W
Rice County
Lower Arkansas
River Basin
Kansas Permit No. A-ARRC-C002
Federal Permit No. KS0116157
The proposed action is to reissue an existing NPDES permit for an ex-
isting facility for 35,000 head (35,000 animal units) of cale weighing
greater than 700 pounds. There will be no change in the operation or
permied number of animal units from the previous permit. This fa-
cility has an approved Nutrient Management Plan on le with KDHE.
Name and Address
of Applicant
Legal Description Receiving Water
Keesecker Agri-
Business, Inc.
2069 Prairie Rd.
Washington, KS 66968
NE/4 of Section 22
T02S, R03E
Washington County
Big Blue River Basin
Kansas Permit No. A-BBWS-H007
Federal Permit No. KS0095699
The proposed action is to approve an update to the Nutrient Manage-
ment Plan (NMP) received for this existing facility currently permit-
ted for 3,822 head (1,528.8 animal units) of swine weighing more
than 55 pounds and 4,332 head (433.2 animal units) of swine weigh-
ing 55 pounds or less; for a total of 1,962 animal units of swine. The
facility’s NMP was updated to include the addition of two new land
application elds and changes to application rate limitations. There
are no changes to the permit or in the permied number of animal
units. Only the updated portion of the Nutrient Management Plan is
subject to comment. This facility has an approved Nutrient Manage-
ment Plan on le with KDHE.
Name and Address
of Applicant
Legal Description Receiving Water
Haverkamp Bros.,
Inc. - Home Farm
2976 L4 Rd.
Bern, KS 66408
SW/4 of Section 01 &
NE/4 of Section 12
T01S, R12E
Nemaha County
Missouri River Basin
Kansas Permit No. A-MONM-H003
Federal Permit No. KS0101729
The proposed action is to approve an update to the Nutrient Manage-
ment Plan (NMP) received for this existing facility currently permit-
ted for 8,000 head (800 animal units) of swine weighing less than
55 pounds and 4,625 head (1,850 animal units) of swine weighing
more than 55 pounds. The facility’s NMP was updated to include
changes in the application rate limitations for their elds. The ap-
plication rate limitations for four elds have become less restrictive
than the previous NMP. There are no changes to the permit or in the
permied number of animal units. Only the updated portion of the
Nutrient Management Plan is subject to comment. This facility has
an approved Nutrient Management Plan on le with KDHE.
Name and Address
of Applicant
Legal Description Receiving Water
Wilroads Feedyard,
LLC - Yard 2
11449 Lariat Way
Dodge City, KS 67801
W/2 of Section 07
T27S, R24W
Ford County
Upper Arkansas
River Basin
Kansas Permit No. A-UAFO-C016
Federal Permit No. KS0094340
The proposed action is to approve an update to the Nutrient Manage-
ment Plan (NMP) received for this existing facility currently permit-
ted for 2,000 head (2,000 animal units) of cale weighing more than
700 pounds. The facility’s NMP was updated to include the addition
of a new land application eld and changes to the application rate
limitations to their current elds. One eld has an application rate
limitation that is less limiting than the previous NMP. There are no
changes to the permit or in the permied number of animal units.
Only the updated portion of the Nutrient Management Plan is sub-
ject to comment. This facility has an approved Nutrient Management
Plan on le with KDHE.
Kansas Register
Vol. 43, No. 31, August 1, 2024© Kansas Secretary of State 2024
Public Notice No. KS-Q-24-152/154
The requirements of the draft permit public noticed
below are pursuant to the Kansas Surface Water Quali-
ty Standards, K.A.R. 28-16-28(b-g), and Federal Surface
Water Criteria.
Name and Address
of Applicant
Receiving Stream Type of Discharge
Kansas Department
of Transportation -
Bureau of Design
700 SW Harrison,
14th Floor
Topeka, KS 66603
Middle Creek
via Payne Creek
Treated Domestic
Permit No. M-MC31-OO02
Federal Permit No. KS0081477
Legal Description: SE¼, NW¼, SE¼, Section 34, Township 17S, Range
18E, Franklin County, Kansas
Location: 38.52598, -95.40402
The proposed action consists of reissuance of a Kansas/NPDES Water
Pollution Control permit for an existing facility. The existing facility
is a three-cell wastewater stabilization lagoon system with a mini-
mum of 120 days detention time. The facility serves a travel rest area
and receives domestic wastewater from a transient population. The
detention time at the design ow is 161 days. This permit contains
limits for Biochemical Oxygen Demand, and Total Suspended Sol-
ids. The permit contains monitoring pH, Ammonia, and E. coli.
Name and Address
of Applicant
Receiving Stream Type of Discharge
Williamsburg, City of
PO Box 414
Williamsburg, KS
East Branch Tequa
via Mill Creek
Treated Domestic
Permit No. M-MC50-OO02
Federal Permit No. KS0093203
Legal Description: NE¼, NE¼, SW¼, Section 13, Township 18S, Range
17E, Franklin County, Kansas
Location: 38.48350, -95.48267
The proposed action consists of reissuance of a Kansas/NPDES Water
Pollution Control permit for an existing facility. The existing facility
is a three-cell wastewater stabilization lagoon system with a min-
imum of 120 days detention time. The facility receives domestic
wastewater from residential and commercial areas. This permit con-
tains limits for Biochemical Oxygen Demand, Total Suspended Sol-
ids, and Ammonia. The permit contains monitoring pH, and E. coli.
This NPDES discharging lagoon wastewater treatment facility has
been reviewed for eligibility for the MDV for ammonia and has been
determined to be eligible. Eligibility was determined through analy-
sis of the facility’s highest aainable condition (HAC) for ammonia
and an Economic Eligibility Determination (EED) that assessed the
impact of the cost of a new mechanical facility to the community’s
rate payers. The ammonia euent limit was determined on July 3,
2024 by calculating the 99th percentile ammonia value from the fa-
cility’s discharge monitoring reports resulting in an ammonia limit
of 19.7 mg/L for this facility. The 99th percentile decreased during
the current permit cycle resulting in a lower limit for the proposed
Name and Address
of Applicant
Receiving Stream Type of Discharge
Blue Mound, City of
PO Box 100
Blue Mound, KS 66010
Lile Osage River
via Irish Creek
Treated Domestic
Permit No. M-MC05-OO02
Federal Permit No. KS0095737
Legal Description: NE¼, SW¼, SE¼, Section 32, Township 22S, Range
22E, Linn County, Kansas
Location: 38.08438, -95.01266
The proposed action consists of reissuance of a Kansas/NPDES Water
Pollution Control permit for an existing facility. The existing facility
is a three-cell wastewater stabilization lagoon system with a min-
imum of 120 days detention time. The facility receives domestic
wastewater from residential areas. The total detention time at design
ow is 204 days. This permit contains limits for Biochemical Oxygen
Demand, Total Suspended Solids, and Ammonia. The permit con-
tains monitoring pH, and E. coli.
Persons wishing to comment on or object to the draft
documents and/or permit applications must submit their
comments in writing to the Kansas Department of Health
and Environment (KDHE) if they wish to have the com-
ments or objections considered in the decision-making
process. All wrien comments regarding the draft doc-
uments, application or registration notices received on
or before August 31, 2024, will be considered in the for-
mulation of the nal determination regarding this public
notice. Please refer to the appropriate Kansas document
number (KS-AG-24-202, KS-AG-24-203/217, KS-Q-24-
152/154) and name of the applicant/permiee when pre-
paring comments.
All comments received will be responded to at the
time the Secretary of Health and Environment issues
a determination regarding nal agency action on each
draft document/application. If response to any draft
document/application indicates signicant public inter-
est, a public hearing may be held in conformance with
K.A.R. 28-16-61 (28-46-21 for UIC). A request for public
hearing must be submied in writing and shall state the
nature of the issues proposed to be raised during the
Comments or objections for agricultural related draft
documents, permit applications, registrations or actions
should be submied to the aention of Casey Guccione,
Livestock Waste Management Section at the KDHE, Bu-
reau of Environmental Field Services (BEFS), 1000 SW
Jackson, Suite 430, Topeka, KS 66612. Comments or ob-
jections for all other proposed permits or actions should
be sent to Andrew Bowman at the KDHE, Bureau of Wa-
ter, 1000 SW Jackson St., Suite 420, Topeka, KS 66612.
All draft documents/applications and the supporting
information including any comments received are on
le and may be inspected at the oces of the KDHE. For
agricultural related draft documents or applications an
appointment can be scheduled, or copies requested by
contacting Jada Martin at 1000 SW Jackson St., Suite 430,
Topeka, KS 66612, telephone (785) 296-0076 or email at
[email protected]. Las preguntas o comentarios
por escrito deben dirigirse a Erich Glave, Director, Bu-
reau of Environmental Field Services en KDHE: 1000
SW Jackson St., Suite 430, Topeka, KS 66612-1367; por
correo electrónico: [email protected]; por teléfono:
785-296-6432. For all other proposed permits or actions
an appointment can be scheduled, or copies request-
ed by contacting Jamie Packard, Bureau of Water, 1000
SW Jackson St., Suite 420, Topeka, KS 66612, telephone
785-296-4148 or email at Jamie.P[email protected]. These
documents are available upon request at the copying
cost assessed by KDHE. Application information and
components of plans and specications for all new and
Kansas Register
Vol. 43, No. 31, August 1, 2024 © Kansas Secretary of State 2024
expanding swine facilities are available at hp://www.
kdhe.ks.gov/livestock. Division of Environment oces
are open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through
Friday, excluding holidays.
Janet Stanek
Department of Health and Environment
Doc. No. 052361
(Published in the Kansas Register August 1, 2024.)
City of Lewis, Kansas
Notice of Intent to Seek Private Placement
General Obligation Bonds, Series 2024
Notice is hereby given that the City of Lewis, Kansas
(the “Issuer”) proposes to seek a private placement of the
above-referenced bonds (the “Bonds”). The maximum
aggregate principal amount of the Bonds shall not ex-
ceed $660,000. The proposed sale of the Bonds is in all re-
spects subject to approval of a bond purchase agreement
between the Issuer and the purchaser of the Bonds and
the passage of an ordinance and adoption of a resolution
by the governing body authorizing the issuance of the
Bonds and the execution of various documents necessary
to deliver the Bonds.
Dated July 24, 2024.
Kelsey Holguin
City of Lewis, Kansas
Doc. No. 052362
State of Kansas
Board of Pharmacy
Permanent Administrative Regulations
68-2-5. (Authorized by K.S.A. 65-1630; implementing
K.S.A. 2019 Supp. 65-1626, K.S.A. 65-1637c, and K.S.A.
65-1643; eective Jan. 1, 1966; amended, E-76-31, Aug.
11, 1975; amended May 1, 1976; amended May 1, 1978;
amended May 1, 1988; amended Aug. 1, 1997; amended
March 22, 2002; amended Feb. 7, 2020; revoked Aug. 16,
68-2-25. Minimum requirements of a prescription
for a non-controlled substance. (a) Each pharmacist
shall ensure the following requirements are met before
dispensing each prescription for a non-controlled sub-
stance. The prescription shall:
(1) Contain, at a minimum, the following information:
(A) date the prescription is issued;
(B) name of the prescriber;
(C) signature of the prescriber, if required by K.S.A. §
65-1637 and amendments thereto;
(D) rst and last name of the patient;
(E) drug name;
(F) quantity prescribed;
(G) directions for use;
(H) rst and last name of the agent of the prescriber if
the prescription is transmied by a person other than the
prescriber; and
(2) Contain the name or initials of the pharmacist, or
pharmacist intern, receiving the prescription if the pre-
scription is received verbally.
(b) The pharmacist shall document any additions,
changes, corrections, or updates made to the prescrip-
tion on the prescription or in the prescription record as a
result of any:
(1) Consultation with the prescriber or the prescriber’s
agent; or
(2) adaptation as authorized by K.S.A. 65-1637(g)(3)
and amendments thereto.
(c) All records and documentation required by this reg-
ulation shall be maintained and readily retrievable for a
period of ve years. (Authorized by K.S.A. 65-1630 and
K.S.A. 65-1656; implementing K.S.A. 65-1637, K.S.A. 65-
1637d, K.S.A. 65-1642, and K.S.A. 65-1657; eective Aug.
16, 2024.)
68-7-18. Health departments, private not-for-prot
family planning clinics, federally qualied health cen-
ters, and indigent healthcare clinics. The supply and
control of drugs provided by health departments, private
not-for-prot family planning clinics, federally qualied
health centers, and indigent healthcare clinics authorized
under K.S.A. 65-1648(d)(1), and amendments thereto,
shall conform to the following requirements:
(a) The approved drugs that may be stored and sup-
plied by health departments, not-for-prot family plan-
ning clinics, and indigent healthcare clinics shall be only
noncontrolled drugs that are approved by the food and
drug administration.
(b) The approved drugs that may be stored and sup-
plied by a federally qualied health center shall be only
drugs that are approved by the food and drug adminis-
(c)(1) The pharmacist-in-charge shall ensure that health
departments, family planning clinics, federally qualied
health centers, and indigent healthcare clinics maintain
and implement wrien policies and procedures for the
(A) Supervision of all personnel in the supply and con-
trol of drugs;
(B) storage, control, supply, labeling, and prepacking
of drugs;
(C) documentation of at least quarterly checks of drug
records, drug storage conditions, and drugs stored in all
locations within the facility by a pharmacist;
(D) drug recall procedure that can be eectively imple-
mented; and
(E) maintaining records of supplying and prepacking
of drugs.
(2) Drugs packaged in advance of immediate need shall
meet the requirements of K.A.R. 68-7-15 and 68-7-16.
(d) The procedures for the control and supplying of
drugs within health department facilities, family plan-
ning clinics, federally qualied health centers, and in-
digent healthcare clinics shall be consistent with the fol-
lowing requirements:
Kansas Register
Vol. 43, No. 31, August 1, 2024© Kansas Secretary of State 2024
(1) Adequate records of the drugs supplied by the des-
ignated registered professional nurse or nurses shall be
maintained and shall include the prescriber’s order or
wrien protocol.
(A) If the prescriber’s order was given verbally, the
designated registered professional nurse or nurses shall
reduce that order to writing. The wrien copy of the or-
der shall be maintained in a permanent patient le.
(B) The records shall include the following:
(i) The full name of the patient;
(ii) the date ordered;
(iii) the name of the drug, strength, and the quantity
(iv) the directions for use;
(v) the prescriber’s name and the name of the supervis-
ing physician if the prescriber is a physician’s assistant;
(vi) if the order is received verbally, the rst and last
name of the registered professional nurse that received
that order.
(C) The following shall be recorded in a log or accessi-
ble in a searchable database:
(i) The full name of the patient;
(ii) the name of the drug, strength, and quantity sup-
(iii) the date supplied;
(iv) the internal ID number assigned to the supply of
the drug provided.
(2) A supply of drugs shall be provided to a patient
by a designated registered professional nurse or nurs-
es pursuant to a prescriber’s order. Only a designated
registered professional nurse or nurses may access the
pharmacy area and remove the supply of the drugs. The
supply shall conform with the labeling requirements of
K.A.R. 68-7-14.
(e) The designation of a pharmacist-in-charge of a
health department, family planning clinic, federally
qualied health center, or indigent healthcare clinic shall
be subject to the provisions of K.A.R. 68-1-2a and 68-7-13.
(Authorized by and implementing K.S.A. 65-1648; eec-
tive, T-84-3, Feb. 10, 1983; eective May 1, 1984; amended
July 23, 1999; amended April 28, 2000; amended Aug. 16,
68-19-1. Minimum program requirements. Each
pharmacy’s continuous quality improvement program
shall meet the following minimum requirements:
(a) The pharmacist-in-charge or the pharmacist-
in-charge’s designee shall start reviewing each incident
report within seven days, and the pharmacist-in-charge
shall complete the review of each incident report within
30 days of the incident report’s creation. The pharmacist-
in-charge shall document and perform the following as
part of the review process:
(1) Communicate with each employee involved in the
(2) complete a root cause analysis of the incident re-
port; and
(3) create a corrective action plan for the incident.
(b) No later than the 15
day of each February, April,
June, August, October, and December, the pharmacist-
in-charge shall create a summary and communicate the
information from the summary
to each licensee and reg-
istrant under the pharmacist-in-charge’s supervision.
The summary shall include the following information
from the two previous calendar months:
(1) Each type of incident reported, including each iden-
tied prescription number involved;
(2) each root cause analysis completed;
(3) each corrective action plan created; and
(4) evaluation of the outcomes and eectiveness of
each correction action plan from the monthly summaries
for the previous four months.
If the pharmacy did not have any new incident report,
root cause analysis, or corrective action plan since the
last summary, the pharmacist-in-charge shall create a
null report. “Null report” means a report that states that
the pharmacy did not have any new incident reports,
root cause analyses, or corrective action plans.
(c) The pharmacy shall maintain a copy of each sum-
mary and null report in a readily retrievable format for a
period of at least ve years.
(d) Any pharmacy that actively reports to a patient
safety organization certied by the secretary pursuant to
42 U.S.C. § 299b-24, and amendments thereto, that has
a primary mission of continuous quality improvement,
shall be exempt from the requirements set forth in para-
graphs (a)(2), (a)(3), (b)(2), and (b)(3) of this regulation.
The pharmacy shall maintain a record of the pharmacy’s
membership with the patient safety organization in a
readily retrievable format for a period of ve years. (Au-
thorized by and implementing K.S.A. 65-1695; eective
April 10, 2009; amended Nov. 29, 2019; amended Aug.
16, 2024.)
Alexandra Blasi
Executive Secretary
Board of Pharmacy
Doc. No. 052369
State of Kansas
Kansas Loery
Temporary Administrative Regulations
111-4-3547. 2024 Kansas State Fair second-chance
drawing. (a) The Kansas loery may conduct a second-
chance drawing in conjunction with the Kansas State Fair
event giving away ve $500 cash prizes. The drawing
will be on September 19, 2024, and the winners will be
announced on September 20, 2024.
(b) To enter the drawing, a player shall purchase one or
more Kansas loery tickets with a total value of at least
$20 in a single transaction at the Kansas loery’s selling
location at the Kansas State Fair. A player may purchase
loery products during the hours the Kansas loery sell-
ing location at the Kansas State Fair is open to the pub-
lic beginning September 6, 2024, through September 15,
2024. For each qualifying purchase, the player will be
given an ocial entry form by the representative selling
Kansas Register
Vol. 43, No. 31, August 1, 2024 © Kansas Secretary of State 2024
the ticket(s). A player shall complete the entry form in a
legible manner and deposit the entry form into recepta-
cles designated for the purpose of this drawing no later
than 2:00 p.m. on September 15, 2024. Only one name
shall appear on an eligible entry.
(c) After the close of entries, the entry forms shall be
transported by Kansas loery security ocials, or a se-
curity designee as appointed by the security person on
duty, in a sealed container from the selling location at
the Kansas State Fair to Kansas loery headquarters and
secured until the drawing occurs.
(d) On the designated date, the drawing shall be con-
ducted by a drawing ocial designated by the executive
director of the Kansas loery in accordance with the
Kansas loery’s established drawing procedures.
Five entries shall be drawn. The person whose name
appears on each valid entry drawn shall be the winner
of a prize described in these rules. After ve entries have
been drawn and veried as valid, ve more valid entries
will be drawn, one at a time, which entries drawn will
serve as alternate entries. The alternate entries will be
marked in the order drawn, 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, and 5A.
Each person who is selected as a prize winner in the
drawing described above, will be sent an email with an
electronic claim form aached, followed by the same
documentation sent by U.S. mail. That winner must re-
turn his or her completed claim form, electronically, by
U.S. mail, or hand-delivered to the Kansas loery claims
center, and the claim form must be received by the
Kansas loery within 14 days following the date the win-
ners are announced. If the prize winner cannot be locat-
ed, is declared ineligible, or fails to return the completed
claim form in the alloed time, the prize will be awarded
to the rst alternate winner drawn. In the event an al-
ternate winner is awarded a prize, that alternate winner
must return his or her completed claim form, electroni-
cally, by U.S. mail, or hand-delivered, and the claim form
must be received by the Kansas loery within 14 calen-
dar days following the date the alternate winner was sent
a claim form electronically or by U.S. mail or another al-
ternate will be selected until all alternates, in the order
drawn, are exhausted. The Kansas loery is not respon-
sible for electronic malfunction or player error.
(e) There is no limit on the number of entries a person
may make, but a person may only win one $500 prize.
(f) Eligible entrants in the 2024 Kansas State Fair
second-chance drawing must be 18 years of age or older.
(g) The Kansas loery shall not be responsible for any
lost, destroyed, mutilated, illegible, or altered entries into
the Kansas State Fair drawing. Illegible or incomplete en-
tries shall be discarded.
(h) Rules applicable to this drawing are contained in
K.A.R. 111-4-3547, K.A.R. 111-3-1 et seq., and K.A.R. 111-
6-1 et seq. (Authorized by K.S.A. 2023 Supp. 74-8710 and
K.S.A. 74-8748; implementing K.S.A. 2023 Supp. 74-8710;
eective, T-111-11-16-18, Aug. 8, 2018; amended, T-111-
6-19-19, May 22, 2019; amended, T-111-7-22-21, July 14,
2021; amended, T-111-7-27-22, July 13, 2022; amended,
T-111-8-1-23, July 12, 2023; amended, T-111-6-26-24, June
12, 2024.)
111-4-3790. “$100,000 Cash Adventure” instant
ticket loery game number 399. (a) The Kansas loery
may conduct an instant winner loery game entitled
“$100,000 Cash Adventure.” The rules for this game are
contained in K.A.R. 111-3-1 et seq. and 111-4-3790.
(b) The “play and prize symbols” and “captions” for
this game are as follows:
Play Symbols Captions
03 THR
04 FOR
05 FIV
06 SIX
07 SEV
08 EGT
09 NIN
Kansas Register
Vol. 43, No. 31, August 1, 2024© Kansas Secretary of State 2024
Symbol of a stack of money DBL
Prize Symbols Captions
$100 ONE-HUN
$100000 100-THOU
BONUS Play Symbols Captions
Symbol of a life jacket LFEJKT
Symbol of a shing rod FSHROD
Symbol of a tackle box TKLBOX
Symbol of the sun SUN
Symbol of shing hook HOOK
Symbol of a barbeque grill BRBECU
Symbol of a tent TENT
Symbol of an anchor ANCHOR
Symbol of a bonre BONFRE
Symbol of $10 WIN$10
Symbol of $20 WIN$20
Symbol of $50 WIN$50
(c) For this game, a play/prize symbol shall appear in
58 play spots within the play area or areas.
(d) The ticket numbers in each book of tickets in this
game shall start with 000 and end with 029.
(e) The price of instant tickets sold by a retailer for this
game shall be $10.00 each.
(f) “$100,000 Cash Adventure” is a key number match
game with a multiplier feature and three bonus areas.
The player will scratch the play area to reveal ve “WIN-
prize amount below each of the “YOUR NUMBERS.” If a
player matches any of the “YOUR NUMBERS” to any of
the “WINNING NUMBERS,” the player wins the prize
shown below that number. If a player reveals a symbol of
a stack of money, the player wins double the prize shown
below that symbol. The player will scratch the three bo-
nus play areas; if the player reveals a symbol of $10, $20
or $50, the player wins that amount.
(g) Each ticket in this game may win up to 28 times.
(h) Approximately 450,000 tickets shall be ordered ini-
tially for this instant game. Additional ticket orders shall
have the same prize structure, the same number of prizes
per prize pool of 150,000 tickets, and the same odds as
were contained in the initial ticket order.
(i) The expected number and value of instant prizes in
this game shall be as follows:
$50 Prize
Winners Per
$10 (Free Ticket) $10 48,000 $480,000
$10 $10 24,000 $240,000
$10 $10 21,000 $210,000
$15 $15 25,500 $382,500
$20 $20 4,200 $84,000
$20 $20 4,800 $96,000
$10 (DBL) $20 6,000 $120,000
$10 $10 $20 5,100 $102,000
$25 $25 6,000 $150,000
$15 $10 $25 6,000 $150,000
$50 $50 1,200 $60,000
$50 $50 1,200 $60,000
$15 (DBL) + $10 $10 $50 1,200 $60,000
$25 (DBL) $50 1,200 $60,000
$10 x 2 $10 $20 $50 1,200 $60,000
$100 $100 240 $24,000
$50 $50 $100 210 $21,000
$50 (DBL) $100 420 $42,000
($15 x 4) + $10 (DBL) $20 $100 390 $39,000
$20 $10 $20 $50 $100 300 $30,000
$10 x 4 $10 $50 $100 300 $30,000
$500 $500 120 $60,000
$50 (DBL) + ($10 x 18) +
($25 x 4) + ($20 x 2) $10 $20 $50 $500 120 $60,000
$100 (DBL) + ($50 x 5) $50 $500 120 $60,000
$100 (DBL) + ($20 x 6) +
($25 x 4) $10 $20 $50 $500 120 $60,000
($25 x 8) + ($100 x 3) $500 120 $60,000
$1,000 $1,000 9 $9,000
$500 x 2 $1,000 9 $9,000
$100,000 $100,000 4 $400,000
Players Loyalty Program $31,000 $31,000
2nd Chance Drawing $120,000 $120,000
TOTAL 159,082 $3,369,500
(j) The odds of winning a prize in this game are approx-
imately one in 2.83. (Authorized by K.S.A. 2023 Supp.
74-8710; implementing K.S.A. 2023 Supp. 74-8710 and
K.S.A. 74-8720; eective, T-111-6-26-24, June 12, 2024.)
111-4-3791. “Rivalry Riches” instant ticket loery
game number 427. (a) The Kansas loery may conduct
an instant winner loery game entitled “Rivalry Riches.”
The rules for this game are contained in K.A.R. 111-3-1 et
seq. and 111-4-3791.
(b) The “play and prize symbols” and “captions” for
this game are as follows:
Play Symbols Captions
Symbol of a diamond DMND
Symbol of a wallet WALLET
Symbol of a gold bar GOLD
Symbol of a piggy bank PGBNK
Symbol of a chest CHEST
Symbol of a vault VAULT
Symbol of a gold nugget NUGT
Symbol of a stack of money BILLS
Symbol of a coin COIN
Symbol of a bank BANK
Symbol of a star STAR
Symbol of a whistle WHSTLE
Symbol of a horseshoe SHOE
Symbol of a four-leaf clover CLOVR
Symbol of a pot of gold PTGLD
Kansas Register
Vol. 43, No. 31, August 1, 2024 © Kansas Secretary of State 2024
Symbol of a water bole WTRBTL
Symbol of a cherry CHRY
Symbol of a referee REFREE
Symbol of a medal MEDAL
Symbol of a jersey JERSEY
Symbol of a hotdog HOTDOG
Symbol of a money bag MNYBAG
Symbol of a trophy WIN
Symbol of 1X 1TIMES
Symbol of 2X 2TIMES
Symbol of 5X 5TIMES
Symbol of 10X 10TIMES
Symbol of 20X 20TIMES
Prize Symbols Captions
$100 ONE-HUN
$50000 50-THOU
(c) For this game, a play/prize symbol shall appear in
60 play spots within the play area or areas.
(d) The ticket numbers in each book of tickets in this
game shall start with 000 and end with 059.
(e) The price of instant tickets sold by a retailer for this
game shall be $5.00 each.
(f) “Rivalry Riches” is a symbol match game with
an instant win and multiplier features. The player will
scratch the 20 “GAMES” to reveal a play symbol, a prize
symbol and a multiplier symbol for each “GAME.” Each
“GAME” plays separately. If the player reveals a symbol
of a trophy, the player wins the prize amount multiplied
by the multiplier symbol revealed for that “GAME.”
(g) Each ticket in this game may win up to 20 times.
(h) Approximately 600,000 tickets shall be ordered ini-
tially for this instant game. Additional ticket orders shall
have the same prize structure, the same number of prizes
per prize pool of 150,000 tickets, and the same odds as
were contained in the initial ticket order.
(i) The expected number and value of instant prizes in
this game shall be as follows:
Winners Per
600,000 Prize Cost
$5 FREE TICKET $5 48,000 $240,000
$5 $5 56,360 $281,800
$10 $10 12,800 $128,000
$5 (2X) $10 13,600 $136,000
$5 + $5 $10 12,400 $124,000
$15 $15 8,000 $120,000
$5 + $10 $15 8,000 $120,000
$5 (2X) + $5 $15 8,800 $132,000
$25 $25 1,600 $40,000
$10 + $15 $25 1,600 $40,000
$10 (2X) + $5 $25 2,000 $50,000
($5 x 2) + $15 $25 1,600 $40,000
$5 (5X) $25 2,012 $50,300
$50 $50 400 $20,000
$10 (5X) $50 560 $28,000
$5 (10X) $50 520 $26,000
$15 + $10 + $25 $50 560 $28,000
$10 (2X) + $5 + $25 $50 600 $30,000
$75 $75 240 $18,000
$25 + $5 (10X) $75 240 $18,000
$5 (5X) + ($5 x 5) + $25 $75 260 $19,500
($5 x 11) + $10 (2X) $75 260 $19,500
$100 $100 140 $14,000
$5 (20X) $100 160 $16,000
$10 (10X) $100 160 $16,000
($5 x 16) + $10 (2X) $100 160 $16,000
$15 (5X) + $15 + $5 (2X) $100 160 $16,000
$500 $500 48 $24,000
($10 x 5) + ($25 x 12) + ($50 x 3) $500 48 $24,000
($10 x 5) + $5 (10X) + $10 (20X) +
($100 x 2) $500 48 $24,000
$5,000 $5,000 2 $10,000
$500 x 10 $5,000 2 $10,000
$50,000 $50,000 4 $200,000
Players Loyalty Program $21,002 1 $21,002
TOTAL 181,344 $2,100,102
(j) The odds of winning a prize in this game are approx-
imately one in 3.31. (Authorized by K.S.A. 2023 Supp.
74-8710; implementing K.S.A. 2023 Supp. 74-8710 and
K.S.A. 74-8720; eective, T-111-6-26-24, June 12, 2024.)
111-4-3792. “Cash Blast” instant ticket loery
game number 424. (a) The Kansas loery may conduct
an instant winner loery game entitled “Cash Blast.” The
rules for this game are contained in K.A.R. 111-3-1 et seq.
and 111-4-3792.
(b) The “play and prize symbols” and “captions” for
this game are as follows:
Play Symbols Captions
03 THR
04 FOR
06 SIX
07 SEV
08 EGT
09 NIN
Kansas Register
Vol. 43, No. 31, August 1, 2024© Kansas Secretary of State 2024
Symbol of a coin WIN
Symbol of a safe WIN100
Prize Symbols Captions
$100 ONE-HUN
$200 TWO-HUN
$10000 10-THOU
$150000 150-THOU
MULTIPLIER Play Symbols Captions
Symbol of 1X 1TIMES
Symbol of 2X 2TIMES
Symbol of 5X 5TIMES
Symbol of 10X 10TIMES
Symbol of 20X 20TIMES
FAST $50 Play Symbols Captions
Symbol of a pot of gold POTGLD
Symbol of the sun SUN
Symbol of a purse PURSE
Symbol of a piggy bank PGYBNK
Symbol of a stack of money WIN$50
(c) For this game, a play/prize symbol shall appear in
69 play spots within the play area or areas.
(d) The ticket numbers in each book of tickets in this
game shall start with 000 and end with 014.
(e) The price of instant tickets sold by a retailer for this
game shall be $20.00 each.
(f) “Cash Blast” is a key number match game with in-
stant wins, a multiplier area and a Fast $50 bonus area. The
player will scratch the play area to reveal seven “WIN-
prize amount below each of the “YOUR NUMBERS.” If a
player matches any of the “YOUR NUMBERS” to any of
the “WINNING NUMBERS,” the player wins the prize
shown below that number. If a player reveals a symbol of
a coin, the player automatically wins the amount shown
below that symbol. If a player reveals a symbol of a safe,
the player wins $100. The player will scratch the Fast $50
bonus area. If the player reveals a symbol of a stack of
money, the player instantly wins $50. The player will
scratch the multiplier area and multiply the total win-
nings on the ticket by the amount uncovered.
(g) Each ticket in this game may win up to 31 times.
(h) Approximately 300,000 tickets shall be ordered ini-
tially for this instant game. Additional ticket orders shall
have the same prize structure, the same number of prizes
per prize pool of 300,000 tickets, and the same odds as
were contained in the initial ticket order.
(i) The expected number and value of instant prizes in
this game shall be as follows:
$50 Prize
Winners Per
FREE TICKET $20 30,000 $600,000
$20 $20 8,000 $160,000
$10 (2X) $20 15,000 $300,000
$40 $40 8,000 $320,000
$20 (2X) $40 15,000 $600,000
$50 $50 4,000 $200,000
$10 (5X) $50 8,000 $400,000
$50 $50 5,000 $250,000
$100 $100 400 $40,000
$100 Instant Win $100 500 $50,000
($10 + $10) (5X) $100 450 $45,000
$10 (10X) $100 450 $45,000
$50 $50 $100 400 $40,000
$20 (5X) $100 500 $50,000
$200 $200 200 $40,000
$10 (20X) $200 330 $66,000
$100 Instant Win + $50 $50 $200 200 $40,000
$50 x 4 $200 150 $30,000
$50 + ($20 x 5) $50 $200 150 $30,000
$500 $500 70 $35,000
($50 + $50) (5X) $500 100 $50,000
$100 Instant Win + ($20 x 5) +
($50 x 5) $50 $500 70 $35,000
($20 x 10) + ($50 x 5) $50 $500 70 $35,000
$50 (10X) $500 100 $50,000
$1,000 $1,000 15 $15,000
$50 (20X) $1,000 15 $15,000
($50 + $50) (10X) $1,000 15 $15,000
($50 x 17) + $100 Instant Win $50 $1,000 15 $15,000
($50 x 10) + ($40 x 4) +
($20 x 13) + ($10 x 3) $50 $1,000 15 $15,000
Kansas Register
Vol. 43, No. 31, August 1, 2024 © Kansas Secretary of State 2024
($20 x 10) + ($40 x 5) +
($50 x 4) + ($100 x 3) +
$100 Instant Win $1,000 15 $15,000
$10,000 $10,000 2 $20,000
($20 x 5) + ($50 x 5) +
($200 x 8) + ($500 x 4) +
($1,000 x 6) $50 $10,000 2 $20,000
$1,000 (10X) $10,000 2 $20,000
$500 x 20 $10,000 2 $20,000
$150,000 $150,000 4 $600,000
Players Loyalty Program $42,810 $42,810
TOTAL 97,242 $4,323,810
(j) The odds of winning a prize in this game are approx-
imately one in 3.09. (Authorized by K.S.A. 2023 Supp.
74-8710; implementing K.S.A. 2023 Supp. 74-8710 and
K.S.A. 74-8720; eective, T-111-6-26-24, June 12, 2024.)
111-4-3793. “Ruby Red Riches” instant ticket lot-
tery game number 422. (a) The Kansas loery may con-
duct an instant winner loery game entitled “Ruby Red
Riches.” The rules for this game are contained in K.A.R.
111-3-1 et seq. and 111-4-3793.
(b) The “play and prize symbols” and “captions” for
this game are as follows:
Play Symbols Captions
01 ONE
02 TWO
03 THR
04 FOR
06 SIX
07 SEV
08 EGT
09 NIN
Symbol of a star WIN
Prize Symbols Captions
$100 ONE-HUN
$25000 25-THOU
Play Symbols Captions
Symbol of a gold bar GLDBAR
Symbol of a treasure chest TRCHST
Symbol of a diamond DIAMND
Symbol of a stack of money WIN$10
Play Symbols Captions
Symbol of a bracelet BRCLET
Symbol of a heart HEART
Symbol of a pot of gold POTGLD
Symbol of a stack of money WIN$20
Play Symbols Captions
Symbol of a ring RING
Symbol of a coin COIN
Symbol of a crown CROWN
Symbol of a stack of money WIN$50
(c) For this game, a play/prize symbol shall appear in
48 play spots within the play area or areas.
(d) The ticket numbers in each book of tickets in this
game shall start with 000 and end with 059.
(e) The price of instant tickets sold by a retailer for this
game shall be $5.00 each.
(f) “Ruby Red Riches” is a key number match game
with an instant win, multiplier feature and three bonus
symbol match areas. The bonus areas shall be a $10 bo-
nus area, a $20 bonus area and a $50 bonus area. The
player will scratch the play area to reveal ve “WIN-
prize amount below each of the “YOUR NUMBERS.” If a
player matches any of the “YOUR NUMBERS” to any of
the “WINNING NUMBERS,” the player wins the prize
Kansas Register
Vol. 43, No. 31, August 1, 2024© Kansas Secretary of State 2024
shown below that number. If a player reveals a symbol
of a star, the player instantly wins the prize shown be-
low that symbol. If a player reveals a symbol of a 5X, the
player wins ve times the prize amount shown below
that symbol. The player will scratch the three bonus play
areas. If the player reveals a symbol of a stack of money,
the player wins that bonus amount.
(g) Each ticket in this game may win up to 23 times.
(h) Approximately 750,000 tickets shall be ordered ini-
tially for this instant game. Additional ticket orders shall
have the same prize structure, the same number of prizes
per prize pool of 150,000 tickets, and the same odds as
were contained in the initial ticket order.
(i) The expected number and value of instant prizes in
this game shall be as follows:
Bonus Prize
Winners Per
FREE TICKET $5 50,000 $250,000
$5 $5 80,000 $400,000
$10 $10 19,000 $190,000
$10 $10 19,000 $190,000
$5 + $5 $10 19,000 $190,000
$20 $20 8,500 $170,000
$20 $20 8,500 $170,000
$10 $10 $20 8,500 $170,000
$5 x 4 $20 8,500 $170,000
$25 $25 1,000 $25,000
$5 $20 $25 2,000 $50,000
$5 x 3 $10 $25 2,000 $50,000
$5 (5X) $25 3,000 $75,000
$50 $50 400 $20,000
$50 $50 400 $20,000
$5 (5X) + $5 $20 $50 700 $35,000
$5 x 8 $10 $50 600 $30,000
$10 (5X) $50 600 $30,000
$100 $100 100 $10,000
$50 $50 $100 90 $9,000
$5 x 14 $10 $20 $100 125 $12,500
$20 (5X) $100 175 $17,500
$20 $10 $20 $50 $100 125 $12,500
$500 $500 20 $10,000
$50 (5X) + ($25 x 8) + $20 $10 $20 $500 30 $15,000
($100 x 2) + ($50 x 5) $50 $500 20 $10,000
($10 x 5) + ($5 x 10) +
($50 x 2) + ($100 x 2) + $20 $10 $20 $50 $500 35 $17,500
$1,000 $1,000 20 $20,000
$500 x 2 $1,000 15 $15,000
$100 (5X) + ($100 x 4) +
$20 $10 $20 $50 $1,000 15 $15,000
$25,000 $25,000 5 $125,000
Players Loyalty Program $26,160 $26,160
TOTAL 232,475 $2,550,160
(j) The odds of winning a prize in this game are approx-
imately one in 3.23. (Authorized by K.S.A. 2023 Supp.
74-8710; implementing K.S.A. 2023 Supp. 74-8710 and
K.S.A. 74-8720; eective, T-111-6-26-24, June 12, 2024.)
Article 15.–RAFFLE GAMES
111-15-1. Name of the game; rules and regulations.
The Kansas loery may conduct a loo game entitled
“Holiday Millionaire Rae” beginning at 4:00 a.m.
September 1, 2024, for a drawing to be conducted on
January 2, 2025.
The rules and regulations for the “Holiday Millionaire
Rae” game are contained in K.A.R. 111-15-1 through
111-15-11 and K.A.R. 111-15-21, and applicable generic
rules are contained in K.A.R. 111-6-1 et seq. (Authorized
by and implementing K.S.A. 2023 Supp. 74-8710; eec-
tive, T-111-10-8-09, Sept. 9, 2009; amended, T-111-12-
7-10, Sept. 8, 2010; amended, T-111-10-12-11, Sept. 14,
2011; amended, T-111-10-18-12, Sept. 12, 2012; amend-
ed, T-111-11-6-13, Sept. 11, 2013; amended, T-111-9-4-14,
Aug. 13, 2014; amended, T-111-9-14-15, Aug. 12, 2015;
amended, T-111-9-9-16, Aug. 10, 2016; amended, T-111-
8-28-17, July 12, 2017; amended, T-111-11-16-18, Aug. 8,
2018; amended, T-111-6-19-19, May 22, 2019; amended,
T-111-8-6-20, June 3, 2020; amended, T-111-6-23-21, June
9, 2021; amended, T-111-7-27-22, July 13, 2022; amend-
ed, T-111-6-28-23, June 14, 2023; amended, T-111-6-26-24,
June 12, 2024.)
111-15-3. Game description; retail sale of tickets.
(a) “Holiday Millionaire Rae” is a rae drawing which
oers a total of 150,000 online tickets available for sale.
Each ticket shall bear a ticket number on the face of the
ticket. The Kansas loery will conduct three “Holiday
Millionaire Rae Early Bird Drawings” according to
the following schedule, unless delayed by reasons deter-
mined by the executive director to be beyond the reason-
able control of the Kansas loery:
Early Bird
Drawing Number
Purchase Deadline
6:59 p.m. on: Drawing Date
Early Bird 1 Sunday, October 6, 2024 Sunday, October 6, 2024
Early Bird 2 Sunday, November 10, 2024 Sunday, November 10, 2024
Early Bird 3 Sunday, December 8, 2024 Sunday, December 8, 2024
For each Early Bird drawing, one ticket number will be
drawn to determine the winner of an Early Bird drawing
prize. A ticket must be purchased by 6:59 p.m. the day
of the Early Bird drawing to be eligible for that draw-
ing. In the event a ticket wins a prize in an Early Bird
drawing, the ticket will remain eligible for any remain-
ing drawings, including the nal drawing held on Janu-
ary 2, 2025. For the nal drawing an electronic drawing
machine shall randomly select a total of 5,645 winning
numbers. A player wins by exactly matching his or her
ticket number to a winning number that was selected in
the drawing. The rst winning number selected during
the drawing process shall be the grand prize winner.
The second winning number selected during the draw-
ing process shall be the second prize winner. The third
winning number selected during the drawing process
shall be the third prize winner. The next two winning
numbers selected during the drawing process, which
shall be drawn in the order of the fourth winning num-
ber and fth winning number, shall be the fourth prize
winners. The next 10 winning numbers selected during
the drawing process, which shall be drawn in the order
of the sixth winning number through the 15
number, shall be the fth prize winners, and the next 30
winning numbers selected during the drawing process,
which shall be drawn in the order of the 16
number, through the 45
winning number, shall be the
sixth prize winners. The next 800 winning numbers se-
lected during the drawing process, which shall be drawn
in the order of the 46
winning number through the 845
winning number, shall be the seventh prize winners. The
next 4,800 winning numbers selected during the drawing
Kansas Register
Vol. 43, No. 31, August 1, 2024 © Kansas Secretary of State 2024
process, which shall be drawn in the order of the 846
winning number through the 5,645
winning number,
shall be the eighth prize winners. To play the “Holiday
Millionaire Rae,” a player shall purchase a “Holiday
Millionaire Rae” ticket which bears a ticket number on
the face of the ticket.
(b) A “Holiday Millionaire Rae” ticket shall sell for
(c) Tickets shall not be sold to any person under the age
of 18 years. Each retailer may require a person purchas-
ing tickets to produce proof of age.
(d) Each ticket shall be purchased from a terminal op-
erated by a retailer.
(e) All tickets sold by a retailer shall be a “computer
pick” or “quick pick” ticket.
(f) A validated ticket shall be the only proof of a game
play. The only method of claiming a prize or prizes shall
be the submission of the original winning ticket to and
receipt of said ticket by the loery or its authorized agent.
(g) The only guaranteed methods of checking a ticket
to determine whether the ticket bears a winning number
shall be through the Kansas loery ticket checker ma-
chines, or submission of a ticket to the Kansas loery or
an authorized retail agent.
(h) A ticket shall not be voided or cancelled by return-
ing the ticket to the selling retailer, including tickets that
are printed in error. Exchange tickets shall be printed by
the loery for Early Bird drawing winners.
(i) Ticket sales will begin at 4:00 a.m. central time on
September 1, 2024.
(j) Ticket sales will end at 6:59 p.m. central time on
January 2, 2025, or whenever all tickets that are available
for sale are sold, whichever comes rst.
(k) The game will ocially close at 6:59 p.m. on
January 2, 2025, or whenever the 150,000
ticket is sold,
whichever occurs rst.
(l) After the drawing ocial has veried the game is
closed, the nal drawing shall be conducted at a secure
location under conditions and procedures promulgated
by the executive director of the loery.
(m) Each player shall have the sole responsibility for
verifying the accuracy and condition of the data printed
on the ticket. The purchase of a ticket is done at the play-
er’s own risk through the online retailer who is deemed
to be acting on behalf of the player in entering the play
or plays.
(n) For any reason or under any circumstance, the lia-
bility of the Kansas loery or its agents shall be strictly
limited to a refund of the amount of the ticket purchase
(o) Winning ticket numbers shall be made available to
the public on or about noon, January 3, 2025. (Authorized
by K.S.A. 2023 Supp. 74-8710; implementing K.S.A. 2023
Supp. 74-8710 and K.S.A. 74-8718; eective, T-111-10-8-
09, Sept. 9, 2009; amended, T-111-12-7-10, Sept. 8, 2010;
amended, T-111-12-29-10, Dec. 9, 2010; amended, T-111-
10-12-11, Sept. 14, 2011; amended, T-111-10-18-12, Sept.
12, 2012; amended, T-111-11-6-13, Sept. 11, 2013; amend-
ed, T-111-4-4-14, Dec. 11, 2013; amended, T-111-9-4-14,
Aug. 13, 2014; amended, T-111-9-14-15, Aug. 12, 2015;
amended, T-111-9-9-16, Aug. 10, 2016; amended, T-111-
8-28-17, July 12, 2017; amended, T-111-11-16-18, Aug. 8,
2018; amended, T-111-6-19-19, May 22, 2019; amended,
T-111-8-6-20, June 3, 2020; amended, T-111-6-23-21, June
9, 2021; amended, T-111-7-27-22, July 13, 2022; amend-
ed, T-111-6-28-23, June 14, 2023; amended, T-111-6-26-24,
June 12, 2024.)
111-19-183. $100,000 Bass Pro Shops Shopping Ex-
perience drawings. (a) The Kansas loery may conduct
three drawings entitled “Bass Pro Drawing 1,” “Bass Pro
Drawing 2” and “Bass Pro Drawing 3.” The Kansas loery
will accept entries into the drawings beginning at 12:01
a.m. on the day the instant tickets designated in subsection
(b) are rst oered for sale to the general public.
(b) The specic ticket eligible for entry into the draw-
ings shall be the $10 “$100,000 Cash Adventure” instant
ticket, loery game number 399.
(c) A player shall enter the drawings through the
Kansas Loery PlayOn program available at www.
ksloery.com. The player shall follow the hyperlink
specically designated for the purpose of accessing the
“$100,000 Bass Pro Shops Shopping Experience draw-
ings.” The player may enter the required data from the
entry ticket manually for entry into the drawings. If the
player does not enter the ticket data manually, the player
may scan, if available, the ticket to enter data to be used
for entry into the drawings using a mobile device and a
downloaded Kansas Loery PlayOn app. After the ticket
data is successfully entered either manually or scanned
using an app, the player will receive one entry for each
ticket submied into the second-chance drawings.
(d) The procedures set forth in K.A.R. 111-18-5 for se-
lecting winners and alternate winners shall be followed.
(e) There is no limit on the number of tickets a player
may enter, but a player may only win one prize package
in each drawing.
(f) Any entry that is not selected in the rst or second
drawing or one that is selected as an alternate, but not
awarded a prize, shall remain eligible to win a prize in
each subsequent drawing.
(g) For the rst drawing, “Bass Pro Drawing 1,” the
Kansas loery shall award 10 winners $1,000 each in
Bass Pro Shops gift cards. Entries into the drawing will
close at 11:59 p.m. on October 27, 2024. The drawing will
be conducted sometime after entry into the drawing has
closed but before noon on October 31, 2024, at which time
the winners will be announced. State and Federal income
taxes are the responsibility of the winner. Gift card prizes
shall be fullled by Alchemy3. Each prize package is val-
ued at approximately $1,000.00.
(h) For the second drawing, “Bass Pro Drawing 2,”
the Kansas loery shall award 10 winners $1,000 each in
Bass Pro Shops gift cards. Entries into the drawing will
close at 11:59 p.m. on January 26, 2025. The drawing will
be conducted sometime after entry into the drawing has
closed but before noon on January 30, 2025, at which time
the winners will be announced. State and Federal income
taxes are the responsibility of the winner. Gift card prizes
shall be fullled by Alchemy3. Each prize package is val-
ued at approximately $1,000.00.
Kansas Register
Vol. 43, No. 31, August 1, 2024© Kansas Secretary of State 2024
Regulations/Index to Regulations
(i) For the third drawing, “Bass Pro Drawing 3,” the
Kansas loery shall award one winner $100,000 in Bass
Pro Shops gift cards. Entries into the drawing will close
at 11:59 p.m. on April 13, 2025. The drawing will be con-
ducted sometime after entry into the drawing has closed
but before noon on April 17, 2025, at which time the win-
ner will be announced. Mandatory state and federal in-
come withholding taxes shall be paid by the Kansas lot-
tery. Gift card prizes shall be fullled by Alchemy3. The
prize package is valued at approximately $140,845.00.
(j) The procedures set forth in K.A.R. 111-18-5 for con-
tacting winners and the claiming of prizes shall be fol-
lowed. The Kansas loery is not responsible for electron-
ic malfunction or player error.
(k) The Kansas loery retains the right to substitute an
alternate prize of approximate equal value. No cash prize
substitutions shall be provided.
(l) By entering the drawings, entrant agrees to PlayOn
terms and conditions.
(m) Rules applicable to the online event drawings are
contained in K.A.R. 111-19-183 and K.A.R. 111-18-1 et seq.
(Authorized by K.S.A. 2023 Supp. 74-8710; implementing
K.S.A. 2023 Supp. 74-8710 and K.S.A. 74-8720; eective,
T-111-6-26-24, June 12, 2024.)
Stephen W. Durrell
Executive Director
Kansas Loery
Doc. No. 052370
This index lists in numerical order the
new, amended, and revoked administra-
tive regulations with a future eective
date and the Kansas Register issue in which
the regulation can be found. A complete
listing and the complete text of all cur-
rently eective regulations required to
be published in the Kansas Administrative
Regulations can be found at hps://www.
Reg. No. Action Register
28-4-113 Amended V. 43, Issue 29
28-4-114 Amended V. 43, Issue 29
28-4-114a Amended V. 43, Issue 29
28-4-115 Amended V. 43, Issue 29
28-4-116 Amended V. 43, Issue 29
28-4-116a Amended V. 43, Issue 29
28-4-117 Amended V. 43, Issue 29
28-4-118 Amended V. 43, Issue 29
28-4-122 Amended V. 43, Issue 29
28-4-123 Amended V. 43, Issue 29
28-4-124 Amended V. 43, Issue 29
28-4-126 Amended V. 43, Issue 29
28-4-127 Amended V. 43, Issue 29
28-4-128 Amended V. 43, Issue 29
28-4-129 Amended V. 43, Issue 29
28-4-130 Amended V. 43, Issue 29
28-4-131 Amended V. 43, Issue 29
28-4-132 Amended V. 43, Issue 29
28-4-133 Amended V. 43, Issue 29
28-4-420 Amended V. 43, Issue 29
28-4-421 Amended V. 43, Issue 29
28-4-422 Amended V. 43, Issue 29
28-4-423 Amended V. 43, Issue 29
28-4-426 Amended V. 43, Issue 29
28-4-427 Amended V. 43, Issue 29
28-4-428 Amended V. 43, Issue 29
28-4-428a Amended V. 43, Issue 29
28-4-429 Amended V. 43, Issue 29
28-4-430 Amended V. 43, Issue 29
28-4-434 Amended V. 43, Issue 29
28-4-435 Amended V. 43, Issue 29
28-4-436 Amended V. 43, Issue 29
28-4-437 Amended V. 43, Issue 29
28-4-438 Amended V. 43, Issue 29
28-4-439 Amended V. 43, Issue 29
28-4-440 Amended V. 43, Issue 29
28-4-441 Amended V. 43, Issue 29
28-4-442 Revoked V. 43, Issue 29
28-45-2a Amended V. 43, Issue 30
28-45-3a Amended V. 43, Issue 30
28-45-4a Amended V. 43, Issue 30
28-45-5a Amended V. 43, Issue 30
28-45-6a Amended V. 43, Issue 30
28-45-7a Amended V. 43, Issue 30
28-45-8a Amended V. 43, Issue 30
28-45-9a Amended V. 43, Issue 30
28-45-10a Amended V. 43, Issue 30
28-45-11a Amended V. 43, Issue 30
28-45-12 Amended V. 43, Issue 30
28-45-13 Amended V. 43, Issue 30
28-45-14 Amended V. 43, Issue 30
28-45-15 Amended V. 43, Issue 30
28-45-16 Amended V. 43, Issue 30
28-45-17 Amended V. 43, Issue 30
28-45-18 Amended V. 43, Issue 30
28-45-19 Amended V. 43, Issue 30
28-45-20 Amended V. 43, Issue 30
28-45-21 Amended V. 43, Issue 30
28-45-22 Amended V. 43, Issue 30
28-45-23 Amended V. 43, Issue 30
28-45-24 Revoked V. 43, Issue 30
28-45-25 Revoked V. 43, Issue 30
28-45-26 Revoked V. 43, Issue 30
28-45-27 Revoked V. 43, Issue 30
28-45-28 Amended V. 43, Issue 30
28-45-29 Revoked V. 43, Issue 30
28-45-30 Amended V. 43, Issue 30
28-45-31 New V. 43, Issue 30
28-45b-1 Revoked V. 43, Issue 30
28-45b-2 Revoked V. 43, Issue 30
28-45b-3 Revoked V. 43, Issue 30
28-45b-4 Revoked V. 43, Issue 30
28-45b-5 Revoked V. 43, Issue 30
28-45b-6 Revoked V. 43, Issue 30
28-45b-7 Revoked V. 43, Issue 30
28-45b-8 Revoked V. 43, Issue 30
28-45b-9 Revoked V. 43, Issue 30
28-45b-10 Revoked V. 43, Issue 30
28-45b-11 Revoked V. 43, Issue 30
28-45b-12 Revoked V. 43, Issue 30
28-45b-13 Revoked V. 43, Issue 30
28-45b-14 Revoked V. 43, Issue 30
28-45b-15 Revoked V. 43, Issue 30
28-45b-16 Revoked V. 43, Issue 30
28-45b-17 Revoked V. 43, Issue 30
28-45b-18 Revoked V. 43, Issue 30
28-45b-19 Revoked V. 43, Issue 30
28-45b-20 Revoked V. 43, Issue 30
28-45b-21 Revoked V. 43, Issue 30
28-45b-22 Revoked V. 43, Issue 30
28-45b-23 Revoked V. 43, Issue 30
28-45b-24 Revoked V. 43, Issue 30
28-45b-25 Revoked V. 43, Issue 30
28-45b-26 Revoked V. 43, Issue 30
28-45b-27 Revoked V. 43, Issue 30
28-45b-28 Revoked V. 43, Issue 30
A complete index listing all regulations
led by the Kansas Loery from 1988 through
2000 can be found in the Vol. 19, No. 52, De-
cember 28, 2000 Kansas Register. A list of reg-
ulations led from 2001 through 2003 can be
found in the Vol. 22, No. 52, December 25,
2003 Kansas Register. A list of regulations led
from 2004 through 2005 can be found in the
Vol. 24, No. 52, December 29, 2005 Kansas
Register. A list of regulations led from 2006
through 2007 can be found in the Vol. 26, No.
52, December 27, 2007 Kansas Register. A list
of regulations led from 2008 through No-
vember 2009 can be found in the Vol. 28, No.
53, December 31, 2009 Kansas Register. A list
of regulations led from December 1, 2009,
through December 21, 2011, can be found in
the Vol. 30, No. 52, December 29, 2011 Kansas
Register. A list of regulations led from De-
cember 22, 2011, through November 6, 2013,
can be found in the Vol. 32, No. 52, December
26, 2013 Kansas Register. A list of regulations
led from November 7, 2013, through Decem-
ber 31, 2015, can be found in the Vol. 34, No.
53, December 31, 2015 Kansas Register. A list
of regulations led from 2016 through 2017,
can be found in the Vol. 36, No. 52, December
28, 2017 Kansas Register. A list of regulations
led from 2018 through 2019, can be found in
the Vol. 38, No. 52, December 26, 2019 Kansas
Register. A list of regulations led from 2020
through 2021, can be found in the Vol. 40, No.
52, December 30, 2021 Kansas Register. A list of
regulations led from 2022 through 2023 can
be found in the Vol. 42, No. 52, December 28,
2023 Kansas Register.
Reg. No. Action Register
111-4-3771 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-4-3772 New V. 43, Issue 11
111-4-3773 New V. 43, Issue 12
111-4-3774 New V. 43, Issue 14
111-4-3775 New V. 43, Issue 29
111-4-3776 New V. 43, Issue 29
111-4-3777 New V. 43, Issue 29
111-4-3778 New V. 43, Issue 29
111-4-3779 New V. 43, Issue 29
111-4-3780 New V. 43, Issue 29
111-4-3781 New V. 43, Issue 29
111-4-3782 New V. 43, Issue 29
Kansas Register
Vol. 43, No. 31, August 1, 2024 © Kansas Secretary of State 2024
Index to Regulations
111-4-3783 New V. 43, Issue 29
111-4-3784 New V. 43, Issue 30
111-4-3785 New V. 43, Issue 30
111-4-3786 New V. 43, Issue 30
111-4-3787 New V. 43, Issue 30
111-4-3788 New V. 43, Issue 30
111-4-3789 New V. 43, Issue 30
111-9-233 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-9-234 New V. 43, Issue 12
111-18-5 Amended V. 43, Issue 12
111-19-169 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-19-170 New V. 43, Issue 12
111-19-171 New V. 43, Issue 12
111-19-172 New V. 43, Issue 12
111-19-173 New V. 43, Issue 12
111-19-174 New V. 43, Issue 14
111-19-175 New V. 43, Issue 14
111-19-176 New V. 43, Issue 14
111-19-177 New V. 43, Issue 29
111-19-178 New V. 43, Issue 29
111-19-179 New V. 43, Issue 29
111-19-180 New V. 43, Issue 29
111-19-181 New V. 43, Issue 30
111-19-182 New V. 43, Issue 30
111-20-1 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-2 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-3 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-4 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-5 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-6 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-7 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-8 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-9 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-10 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-11 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-12 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-13 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-14 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-15 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-16 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-17 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-18 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-19 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-20 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-21 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-22 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-23 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-21-1 New V. 43, Issue 11
111-21-2 New V. 43, Issue 11
111-21-3 New V. 43, Issue 11
111-21-4 New V. 43, Issue 11
111-21-5 New V. 43, Issue 11
111-21-6 New V. 43, Issue 11
111-21-7 New V. 43, Issue 11
111-21-8 New V. 43, Issue 11
111-21-9 New V. 43, Issue 11
111-21-10 New V. 43, Issue 11
111-501-113 Amended V. 43, Issue 11
111-501-155 Amended V. 43, Issue 11
111-501-161 New V. 43, Issue 30
Reg. No. Action Register
112-201-1 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-201-2 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-201-3 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-201-4 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-201-5 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-201-6 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-201-7 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-201-8 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-201-9 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-201-10 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-201-11 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-201-12 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-201-13 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-201-14 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-201-15 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-201-16 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-201-17 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-201-18 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-201-19 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-201-20 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-201-21 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-201-22 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-201-23 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-202-1 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-202-2 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-203-1 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-203-2 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-203-3 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-203-4 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-203-5 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-203-6 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-203-7 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-203-8 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-204-1 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-204-2 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-204-3 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-204-4 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-204-5 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-204-6 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-204-7 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
Kansas Register
Secretary of State
1st Floor, Memorial Hall
120 SW 10th Ave.
Topeka, KS 66612-1594