Frequently Asked Questions
1. I am a US citizen and hold a valid multiple entry tourist visa for India. I am of Indian origin but I don’t
have OCI. I would like to visit India due to family emergency. Is it possible to get a special permit
from the Consulate that would allow me to visit India?
Due to the current travel restrictions in place, the existing multiple entry/ E-visa remains suspended.
You are required to apply for an emergency visa to enter India.
For details, please refer to and follow the
You must send all the physical documents with a self addressed return shipping prepaid envelope (only
UPS/USPS) at: Visa Section, 540 Arguello Blvd, San Francisco, CA 94118
Emergency visa processing may take upto 1 week if the documents provided are as per the guidelines.
It is informed that emergency visas are issued for single entry for a short period only in compelling
situations with documentary support after the approval of the competent authority. Emergency visas
are valid only for 6 months.
For Visa related queries, please write to our Visa officer at
2. Can the Consulate provide an exemption certificate to waive off institutional quarantine so that I
can reach my family quickly?
Please refer to the latest travel advisory for all international passengers issued by Ministry of Health
and Family Welfare
However, quarantine will be as per guidelines by local State and Central Government authorities in
India and the Consulate does not have authority to waive off the quarantine.
Exceptional cases may be assessed by the receiving states and home quarantine may be permitted for
14 days.
3. I have booked my flight from SFO-DEL-BLR. Where will I be quarantined?
Passengers booked to the final destination on Vande Bharat Mission (VBM) flights will be quarantined
at the final port of arrival. However passengers booked on VBM flights and connecting on domestic
flights will need to do customs, immigration, quarantine at the port of first entry. For example, a
passenger travelling on flight number ABC operating San Francisco - Delhi Bengaluru, up to
Bengaluru, will be quarantined at Bengaluru. However, if a passenger travelling on flight number XYZ
operating San Francisco Delhi and travelling onwards to Bengaluru on domestic flight number will be
quarantined at Delhi.
4. Can we get an exemption to quarantine if we get tested for COVID before travel?
To know about quarantine exemption, please refer to the latest travel advisory for all international
passengers issued by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
5. I have completed the registration online to fly on Vande Bharat Mission flight with the Embassy but
haven't received the registration number yet. How do I get it?
Please be informed that you will not be receiving a registration number or confirmation email when
you register with the Embassy. If you have registered successfully, your details will be automatically
updated in our database.
6. I am a USA citizen born in India. I have a valid OCI card. Should I apply for emergency visa to travel to
No. As per the latest guidelines, all OCI card holders (with valid reason) holding US Passport are
permitted to enter India. You may also refer to
OCI Card holders do not require Emergency visa to enter India.
7. Can I book my tickets through other commercial foreign carriers such as Emirates/Lufthansa.?
The existing travel bubble arrangement only allows United Airlines and Delta Airlines to carry
registered passengers from US to India, besides Air India.
8. Parents are Indian Citizens holding Indian Passports. Minor children are US citizens and they hold
valid Indian visa. Can we travel now?
Due to the current travel restrictions in place, the multiple entry/ e-visa remains suspended until
further notice. You may apply for an emergency visa for your minor children. To apply, please refer to and follow the instructions.
9. How do I know the current status of my OCI application?
If you have any query regarding your OCI application status, please write to our OCI Team at
However, if the OCI processing is pending and you are in urgent need to travel, please apply for
emergency visa. To apply, please refer to point no.1 above and follow the instructions.
10. Can we apply for the OCI Card from India?
Yes. You can apply for the OCI card from India at the nearest FRRO office.
11. I have an OCI card which needs to be re-issued since my age crossed 50 years and I am carrying a
new US passport. Can I travel on my current OCI card to India?
Yes. If you have any emergency travel plan, you can travel with your current OCI card, current passport
and old passport associated with OCI. OCI renewal time has been extended till 31-Dec-2020.