X32411 NEW (25 JUL 2005)
For Import Into The United States
Customs and Border Protection (CBP) requires a commercial invoice for nearly all imports (with a few exceptions
for low value imports, government imports, etc.) A commercial invoice is one prepared by the foreign seller or shipper
of the goods and contains sufficient information for Customs to determine the value, tariff classification, and
admissibility of an import shipment.
A commercial invoice is normally a hard copy document accompanying the import shipment. In many instances,
it is a copy of the same financial invoice being used by Boeing to pay the foreign seller. It can also be a Pro-Forma
Invoice generated specifically for the purpose of declaring the import shipment to Customs - particularly in the case
of non-purchased goods.
Each invoice of imported merchandise shall set forth the following information:
1. Commercial Invoice Requirements
a. Must be in English
b. Purchase Order Number
Provide the current Purchase Order or Purchase Contract number (P.O. XXXXXX),
if applicable.
c. Location and Names of Seller and/or Shipper, Buyer and Date
i. Date when the merchandise is sold or agreed to be sold.
ii. Merchandise Shipment Date (month, day, year)
Provide the date that the merchandise shipped from the Sellers factory or facility.
iii. Name and address of the Seller (Company name and address) and/or name and address of
of the Shipper, if the Seller is not the Shipper.
iv. Name and Contact information for an employee, employed by the Seller and/or Shipper,
who has detailed knowledge of the sales transaction.
v. Name and address of the Buyer (Boeing Company name and the site address), and
name and phone number of prime point of contact at the Buyer's site (i.e.:
procurement agent, spares distribution center focal, etc.)
vi. Name of Consignee if not the Buyer (Company receiving non-purchased transactions
or drop shop destination).
d. Record the United States Port of Entry where merchandise is to be cleared by CBP
e. Quantities, weights and measures
i. Record the quantity of each part number in the shipment
ii. If not separately noted on packing sheet(s) include on invoice:
Total quantity of parts being shipped
Provide net weight of each part number and gross weight of entire shipment
Specify unit of measure being used
Specify the total number of boxes included per packing sheet
Textiles must specify the net gross weights and the length, width and total square meters
of material.
f. Provide a detailed description of each item being shipped to ensure proper product classification
per the Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) and must include at a minimum:
i. The full name by which each item is known
ii. Part Number as appears on Purchase Order/Contract. If the item is a raw material,
provide the material grade, class and dimensions.
Generic descriptions, abbreviations, acronyms, and Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) numbers
are not acceptable.
Boeing may request additional description information for items that do not have a Boeing
part number and/or design.
Seller will provide material class, grade, dimensions and assembly components if part is
manufactured by Seller's own manufacturing drawings.
X32411 NEW (25 JUL 2005)
For Import Into The United States
g. Country of Origin: Indicate the country of manufacture of each item.
h. Terms of sale: Specify the International Commercial Terms of Sale (Incoterms) as agreed
to per the Boeing Contract on the invoice or Boeing Work Authorization.
i. Specify "Related Party to the Boeing Company" status (Yes or No) on the invoice.
j. Commercial Invoice Number (Seller's Option)
k. Page numbers are required for each invoice (example: ____ of ____ pages).
2. Commercial Invoice Valuation Requirements
a. Must be complete and accurate, including the unit cost of each part and the total value
of the entire shipment.
b. Currency on all invoices must reflect the actual currency of the purchase contract and the
transaction of money between the buyer and the seller.
c. List separately any Assists and/or Additional costs used for manufacturing each part.
For example:
Assists: Any components, materials, dies, molds and tools that are supplied by the Buyer free
of charge or at a reduced cost to the Seller, and used in the production of imported goods. This
includes any buyer paid transportation costs will be provided by the procurement focal
responsible for this merchandise.
Engineering and Design work - Work that is performed outside the U.S. by Non-U.S. employees,
and is not included in the unit price of the merchandise being imported.
Packing Costs - Costs for packing that are incurred by the Buyer and have not been included
in the unit cost.
Non-recurring charges - One time charges, incurred by the Buyer, for such items as, expedite
fees and transportation costs, which have not been included in the unit cost.
Selling Commissions - Commissions incurred by Buyer that have not been included in the
unit cost.
Royalties - Fees the Buyer is required to pay as a condition of sale.
d. List all discounts that have been agreed to, or may be allowed, that apply to the purchase price or
value, but have not been included in the unit price (Terms of Payment).
e. Repair or modified parts - separately enter the value of the item and the value of the repair on the
invoice. For "no charge" repair show the value of the repair on the invoice.
f. If Seller receives any rebates, drawbacks or bounties, as a result of exportation, please itemize
and provide description.
3. Packing Sheet / slip (if used by supplier)
a. Include packing sheet / slip number(s) on invoice.
4. U.S. Government Programs Only (Regardless of Busines Units)
a. If a government contract applies the prime contract number and, if applicable, delivery
order number must be noted on the commercial invoice. Additionally, the following
government contract statement needs to be shown as follows for Military Programs
when goods are entitled to duty-free entry.
"United States Dept. of Defense Duty-Free Entry to be claimed pursuant to Section XXII,
Chapter 98, Sub-chapter VIII, item 9808.00.300 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedules to
the United States. Upon arrival of shipment at the port of entry, District Director of
Customs, please release shipment under Section 19 CFR Part 142 and notify
Commander, Defense Contract Management Area Operations (DCMAO) New York,
for execution of customs forms and any required duty free entry certificates."
b. Commercial invoice must show that the shipment is consigned to a U.S. Government Agency
(i.e.: U.S. Department of Defense) in "care of Boeing", if shipment has a prime contract number.
X32411 NEW (25 JUL 2005)
For Import Into The United States
5. U.S. Department of State License or Exemption
If the items were exported from or are to be imported into the U.S. under authority of a Department
of State license or exemption of the the license or exemption information must appear on the invoice
as noted below (Please contact buyer for license number of type of exemption if not known):
a. Originally exported from the United States under DSP-XX license number XXXXXX dated
b. Import to the United States in accordance with 22 CFR XXXXX.
c. Import to the United States under the authority of DSP-61 license number XXXXX.