Valid from 19/06/2023
General Terms &
Terms & Conditions for the Supply
of Electricity for domestic customers.
Yuno Energy Terms and Conditions for the Supply of Electricity to Domestic Customers
Last Update: 19 June 2023. Approved by CRU 19 June 2023 - Version 1.
We’ve already given you all the
important information you need to
know, but here’s our full Terms and
Conditions for your reference.
Who the Contract is between
The Contract is between Yuno Limited (“Yuno Energy”, “us”, “our” or
“we”) and a person who agrees to enter into a contract for the Supply of
Energy with us (the “Customer” or “you”).
To have entered into the Contract, you will have signed up via our
Website, App, over the phone, by post, or in person to take a Supply of
Energy from us or you started taking a Supply of Energy from us.
We are Yuno Limited, a company registered in Ireland with company
number 467144 and trading as Yuno Energy. Our address is Paramount
Court, Corrig Road, Sandyford, Dublin 18, D18 R9C7. Full contact details for
Yuno Energy are set out in Clause 20 of these General Terms
and Conditions.
These General Terms and Conditions govern the Supply of Energy to
Domestic Customers.
Some of the words and phrases used in the Contract have a special
meaning. These are explained in Clause 23 (Glossary) at the end of these
General Terms and Conditions.
The Contract is a legally binding agreement. Both you and we
must comply with the Contract. We may take legal action against you if
you do not.
Our Privacy Notice sets out the ways in which we process any
information you provide us with. By agreeing to the Contract, you
acknowledge that personal data you share, or we collect in connection with
the Contract is processed in accordance with our Privacy Notice which is
available on our website and in writing upon request.
What you agree to do
You promise that:
You are over 18 and can legally agree to enter into the Contract in
respect of the Supply of Energy to the Premises;
(b) You either live at or own the Premises;
On request from us, you shall confirm to us whether you are the owner
or a tenant at the Premises;
(d) If you are the landlord of the Premises, you will take reasonable steps to
ensure that you bring these General Terms and Conditions to the attention
of your tenants;
(e) The Premises is connected to the Energy network;
You have given us and will provide to us on request, accurate details
about the Premises, the type of Meter installed and the amount of Energy
used at the Premises;
Some of our Tarriff’s (such as our Smart Services) require a smart Meter.
By signing up to such Tarriff’s you agree to have the smart Meter installed at
the Premises. For further information on smart Metering see Clause 21.
(h) You will keep us up to date concerning your postal address, email
address and phone number. In the event that you provide us with an
incorrect e-mail address and you do not furnish us with a correct email
address within a reasonable time, we reserve the right to change
your Tariff.
You will notify us if you are leaving the Premises and provide us with your
forwarding postal address and Meter reading for the purpose of final billing;
(j) You will download and use our App in order to access your Energy Bill
and avail of certain products and functionality.
You will provide us with all assistance and information required to
enable us to become the registered Supplier of Energy at the Premises and
to continue to Supply you with Energy at the Premises;
(l) On request from us you shall provide us with accurate readings in
respect of the Meter;
At all reasonable times during the term of the Contract you shall allow
us, GNI, ESBN, or any other person nominated by us, safe access to the
Premises for any reason that relates to the Supply of gas or electricity to
you or that relates to the Meter, including the need to inspect, read, install,
operate, test, calibrate, maintain, repair, renew, remove and/or disconnect
the Meter;
(n) You shall allow us, GNI, ESBN, or any other person nominated by us, safe
access to the Premises at any time in the case of an emergency.
We have entered into the Contract in reliance on the information
provided by you in your application, which you confirm is accurate. If this
information changes you must tell us.
It is your responsibility to pay due care and attention to the Usage of
the relevant Meter and you shall ensure that the Meter is not damaged or
interfered with, whether for repairs or any other purpose.
You shall immediately notify us and/or GNI and/or ESBN, as relevant,
where you have reason to believe there has been any such damage
or interference.
Tampering or interference of any sort with the relevant Meter,
including any related apparatus or components, poses serious risks to
the health and safety of the occupants and those in the surrounding area.
Interference of any sort to the safe Supply of gas and or electricity is a
criminal offence and may result in prosecution.
By entering into the Contract, you have agreed to pay your Energy
Bill and any other amount under this agreement on time. If non-payment
for whatever reason results in a debt on your account or if you fail to meet
the terms of an agreed Payment Plan or agree to install a PAYG Meter we
can initiate disconnection of your Energy Supply to your Premises. Your
payments will be allocated to the particular fuel (being gas or electricity)
to which they relate and in the event of non-payment we may only
disconnect the fuel to which that non-payment relates. Your account may
display a debt flag in the event that you have not met our credit terms
and choose to change to another Supplier.
You acknowledge and confirm that Yuno Energy reserves the right to
charge you for all reasonable costs and/or Occasional Work Fees incurred
in connection with the Supply of Energy to you.
You agree to abide by the rules of any promotional offer applicable to
the Contract that may be in place at the time of entering int
the Contract.
You agree that we may run a credit check on you from time to time.
In the event that:
Your account is credited from an unlawful or unauthorised source, or
using a form or method of payment that you or any individual providing
such payment are not authorised to use; or
there has been unauthorised use of Energy or theft of Energy or fraud
at the Premises then we reserve the right (without limiting any other
right or remedies we may have available to us at law) to re-charge your
account for the full amount of such credit and such other costs we may
incur as a result of such fraudulent activity. We will recover any amounts
that we reasonably believe are due and owing to us or to any third party
either involving you or by putting such level of prior charge on your Bill
as we see fit based on your Tariff, the Schedule of Service Charges and
validated readings or estimates provided to us by GNI and/or ESBN, as
relevant. For the avoidance of doubt, this Clause 2.10 applies not only to
theft of Energy or fraud while we are your registered Supplier of Energy,
but also prior to the date on which we became your registered Supplier.
Where, in our reasonable belief, your account has been credited with a
payment method that is subsequently identified as being unauthorised or
fraudulently obtained, we reserve the right to recharge your account for
such unauthorised use; or
You fail to pay by one of the payment methods agreed by us.
2.11 We may change the frequency of your Bills and change the tariff plan
you are on and we may also require you to pay a security deposit. We
may also charge you any reasonable costs incurred by us in relation to
collecting any overdue payments from you.
What we agree to do
We are responsible only for the Supply of Energy to the Premises.
We are not responsible for any faults or other problems with
any equipment.
We are not responsible for any pipes, fittings, plant, wires and cables,
equipment, and/or apparatus used in connection with the Supply of
Energy on your Premises.
Ownership of, and responsibility for, the Energy will transfer to you at
the point at which the Premises is connected to the network.
We will process all personal data provided to us or collected by us
in connection with the Contract in accordance with all relevant Data
Protection Legislation and our Privacy Notice(s).
About the Contract
Your Contract with us commences on the Commencement Date
(as defined in Clause 4.9) and shall continue in force unless and until
terminated by you or us in accordance with Clauses 6, 8.3 or 10 (i.e. This is
an evergreen contract). We will continue to charge you for the Supply of
Energy until the Contract is terminated.
You acknowledge that, should you terminate the Contract during
the Initial Period, (other than during the 14 day cooling off/cancellation
period referred to in Clause 6), the Initial Period Termination Fee will
apply as set out in Clause 10.9(e) and that you will also be required to
repay any Rebate as set out in Clause 4.16 or discounted offer previously
allocated to you on a pro rata basis.
You will not receive notice that the Contract has been automatically
renewed following expiry of the Initial Period. We will continue to charge
your payment method until you actively terminate the Contract pursuant
to the terms of the Contract.
You acknowledge that you have not relied on any statement or
promise made by us which is not set out or referred to in the Contract.
Additional terms may apply to specific energy Tariffs and additional
products and services we have agreed to provide or Supply to you from
time to time (the “Product Specific Terms and Conditions”). The Product
Specific Terms and Conditions shall set out (1) a specific Tariff or offer
that applies to an individual Customer, including price, any applicable
discount, and the duration of that offer; (2) the terms on which any
specific Tariff or offer will terminate or expire; and (3) clarifies any specific
terms and conditions that apply to and individual Customer, in particular
any differences between the Product Specific Terms and Conditions and
these General Terms and Conditions
You authorise us to obtain and use any information your previous
Supplier may have provided to us about the Supply of Energy to the
Premises. You authorise us to send information provided to us by you
to ESBN or GNI in line with gas and electricity Energy market rules and
approved by the Regulator.
Where more than one person enters into the Contract with us, each
such person shall be jointly and severally liable under the Contract.
You have entered into the Contract by:
(a) completing an application over the phone and verbally agreeing to
these General Terms and Conditions;
(c) completing a paper application and agreeing to these General Terms
and Conditions as part of the application and posting it to us; or
(d) completing an application online and click that you accept these
General Terms and Conditions.
The Contract starts on the Commencement Date, which is when any
item in Clause 4.8 occurs and we accept your application.
If you are the owner of the Premises but the gas and or electricity
will be supplied for use by, tenants in the Premises:
You understand that our Contract is with you alone and not with your
tenants and, you as our customer and the counterparty to the Contract
are responsible for actions of any user of our service at the Premises. It is
agreed that our acknowledgement that tenants may be using our services
at the Premises is not in any way a waiver or disclaimer of your obligation
to comply with all provisions of the Contract for its duration; and
You agree to take all steps necessary to bring the General Terms and
Conditions of the Contract to the attention of your tenants (including by
providing a copy of the Contract to your tenant) and, where appropriate,
to ensure that your tenancy agreement with such tenants contains
provisions to ensure that they use the services in accordance with the
provisions of the Contract; and
You acknowledge and agree that you are liable and agree to pay for all
and any Charges at the Premises including any Charges incurred after the
date of cessation of any tenancy arrangement which you have entered
into with any tenants.
For the avoidance of doubt nothing in this Clause 4 confers a right
on a landlord to fetter a tenant’s right to freely choose an Energy Supplier.
We will Supply Energy to the Premises from the Start Date,
provided that;
We are duly authorised to do so under the Electricity Regulation Act,
1999; and or
We are duly authorised to do so under the Gas Regulation Act,
2013; and
If we do not already Supply the Premises, the transfer of your Supply to
us has been successful.
These General Terms and Conditions apply to the exclusion of any
other terms that you might try to include in the Contract, or which might
otherwise be implied as a result of any trade, custom, practice or course
of dealing.
You acknowledge that you are responsible for use of the Energy
supplied to the Premises pursuant to the Contract and that you will be
responsible for payment of all Charges and fees of whatsoever nature
lawfully incurred pursuant to the Contract until it is terminated in
accordance with Clause 10 (Ending the Contract). If you cease to occupy
the Premises you acknowledge that this does not relieve you of your legal
obligations under the Contract and that such obligations shall continue
in full force and effect (including but not limited to any fees and Charges
that accrue in this period) until such time as you effect Termination in
accordance with Clause 10 (Ending the Contract).
Where you have been on the same Energy Tariff for three years or
more, we will issue a written notification to you via post or email on an
annual basis to prompt you to review your Contract with us to ensure that
it remains suitable for your needs.
“Rebate” The company, at its absolute discretion may, from time
to time, offer a limited reduction in cost of electricity or gas supplied over
the course of the contract to certain customers. Conditions attaching to
such rebate will be determined solely by the company and are outlined
in this Clause. Such rebate may be targeted at potential or specific
customers in order to encourage such customers to join the company,
remain customers of the company or to incentivise a customer to recruit
additional persons to become customers of the company, or for any
other reason at the sole discretion of the company. For the avoidance of
doubt, any reference to “Bonus credits/welcome credits/sign-up credits/
retention credits” in marketing/publicity material is a reference to a
rebate. In order to avail of a rebate, it is conditional that the recipient is
Terms & Conditions for the Supply
of Electricity for domestic customers.
Yuno Energy Terms and Conditions for the Supply of Electricity to Domestic Customers
Last Update: 19 June 2023. Approved by CRU 19 June 2023 - Version 1.
and remains a customer of the company for the Initial Period. In the event
of the customer terminating their agreement with the company before
the expiry of the Initial Period, then, at the sole discretion of the company,
the customer will be obliged to repay the amount of any rebate received
during the Contract. For the avoidance of doubt, if the customer avails of
the rebate they will be deemed to have accepted these General Terms and
Conditions. The amount of any rebate taken up by the customer will be
reflected on the relevant Bill issued to that customer by the company as a
reduction on the cost of electricity payable for the Billing period.
Deemed Contracts
Where we are the registered Supplier at a Supply Point, you are the
occupier of the Premises and if you didn’t enter into the Contract with us
in any of the ways described above (in Clause 4), you will be deemed to
have accepted these General Terms and Conditions under a
Deemed Contract.
If you are the owner or occupier of the Premises and we are
Supplying Energy pursuant to a Deemed Contract, you have a legal duty
to contact us or any other Supplier and enter into a Contract of Supply.
The Deemed Contract will be between Yuno Energy and the owner
or occupier of the Premises that takes the Supply of Energy. The Deemed
Contract will start on the date when you begin to take Supply of Energy in
the absence of a contract for Supply and shall end on the date on which
we or another Supplier is registered as a Supplier of the Premises or on
the date on which we cease to Supply the Premises, whichever is the
earliest. Yuno Energy reserves the right to terminate the Deemed Contract
after 30 days of Supply if you have not already entered into a contract with
us or another Supplier for the Supply of Energy to that Premises. Where
disconnection is not possible for whatever reason, you will remain liable
for all the Charges under this Deemed Contract.
When you are being supplied Energy under a Deemed Contract,
you will be charged one of our electricity and or gas Tariff’s (which shall
include applicable Charges, taxes and levies) for residential customers
for any electricity and or gas supplied. Our electricity and gas Tariff’s are
published on our website at You are responsible for
the payment of electricity and gas supplied regardless of whether it is
based on actual or estimate Meter readings.
We will write to the Premises giving notice that a Deemed Contract is
in place. The Commencement Date for the Deemed Contract will be the
date of the notice.
A Deemed Contract is automatically created by applicable
Energy legislation, if:
you own or occupy the Premises; and
we Supply Energy to the Premises; and
we do not have a Contract with any other person for the Supply of
Energy to the Premises.
Where a Deemed Contract applies, these General Terms and
Conditions will apply to the Supply of Energy to the Premises:
the Contract will start in accordance with the applicable
Energy legislation;
there will be no Initial Period and you may terminate the Deemed
Contract at any time without penalty by signing up to an agreement with
Yuno Energy or any other Supplier or by any of the Termination means
covered in Clause 10.
any method or process used to calculate the consumption of electricity
and gas for contracted customers will be applied to customers considered
to be under a Deemed Contract. For the avoidance of doubt this will
include Yuno Energy remotely receiving your ESBN smart Meter readings
from ESBN on a half hourly or bi monthly basis in accordance with our
Code of Practice on smart services and our Privacy Notice.
we will confirm any other relevant details when we write to you to
confirm that a Deemed Contract has arisen.
In addition to the circumstances described elsewhere in the Contract,
a Deemed Contract will end when you or someone else enters into
another Contract for the Supply of Energy to the Premises (either with
us or another Supplier) and there is no restriction on you entering into a
Contract with any other Supplier.
All other General Terms and Conditions (including payment terms)
will be as per the remainder of the Contract.
Details of ESBN terms and conditions of connection can be found
Details of GNI terms and conditions of connection can be found at:
Cancelling the Contract Cooling Off Period
You have a statutory right to Cancel the Contract within 14 days
of the date you entered into it pursuant to Clause 4.9 (the
Commencement Date).
If you wish to Cancel the Contract in this way, you must contact us
within the relevant period.
By completing the Cancellation Form and returning to Cancellations
Manager, Yuno Ltd, Paramount Court, Corrig Road, Sandyford, Dublin
18; or
By phone with our loyalty team on 1800 552 288 or 01 964 5161, by
informing them that you wish to Cancel the Contract; or
By emailing co[email protected] that you wish to Cancel the
After this period of 14 days has ended, you can only end the
Contract as described in Clause 10 (Ending the Contract).
Should you exercise your rights to Cancel the Contract pursuant to
this Clause 6, you may be charged reasonable costs including without
limitation any Charges incurred in Supplying Energy to you from the
Start Date to the Cancellation Date.
Starting your Supply
If we are already registered under the industry rules as the Supplier
of Energy to the Premises at the time the Contract starts, then we will
Supply Energy to the Premises under the Contract from the Start Date.
If we are taking over from another Supplier as the Supplier of Energy
to the Premises, you hereby authorise us to:
contact your existing electricity Supplier/ESBN for the purposes of
coordinating the removal of any legacy Meter and the installation of a
ESBN Smart Meter; and/or
contact your existing gas Supplier / GNI for the purpose of
coordinating the removal of the current GNI PAYG meter and the
installation of a GNI Credit Meter;
contact the MRSO and/or GPRO on your behalf to switch your Supply
arrangements from a previous Supplier to us, and you agree to provide
us with such information as we may request in order to do so. For the
avoidance of doubt you will not be charged any additional fees by us for
changing electricity and/or gas Supplier.
When we take over the Supply of Energy, you shall;
allow us to ask for information about your previous Supply and
disclose this information to third parties in order to carry out our
responsibilities under the Contract; and
allow us, ESBN or GNI to obtain Meter readings at the Start Date and at
regular intervals during the term of the Contract.
allow us to request EBSN to configure your Smart Meter to allow ESBN
to collect and share your Half Hourly Consumption data with us.
When your request to switch is processed, your current Supplier will
notify us if you are in arrears for more than levels set for all customers by
the Regulator. If we decide not to carry out the switch because of arrears,
we will inform you of this decision in writing. In this case you should then
contact your existing Supplier to address your outstanding arrears. You
can then reapply to us for your Energy Supply.
Yuno Energy may perform a credit assessment of your application
prior to sign up, upon which we reserve the right to decline your
application or request a security deposit to be paid in advance of
accepting you as a customer. If your application is unsuccessful or a
security deposit is required in advance of Supply, we will notify
you in writing.
From the time that we start to Supply Energy to the Premises
under the Contract, you will become liable to pay the Charges under
the Contract.
Changing the Contract
From time to time we may vary these General Terms and Conditions
by providing you with no less than thirty (30) days’ prior notice. We
will notify you of these changes via our Website at
and by national newspaper
advertisement. We may choose to notify via email, APP notification or
SMS text message in addition to our website and newspaper.
If there is a material change to our General Terms and Conditions
(other than as described in Clause 8.4 or 8.5 below), we will provide you
with a copy of the amended General Terms and Conditions at least 28
days before the change comes into effect. The updated General Terms
and Conditions will be published on our website with an “effective from”
If there is a material change to our General Terms and Conditions
(other than as described in Clause 8.4 or 8.5 below), you may terminate
the Contract on providing written notice to us (a Termination Notice).
If the Contract is terminated pursuant to this Clause 8.3, no early
Termination fees will be charged, provided that the Termination notice
is given within one month after the change to the General Terms and
This Clause 8 does not prevent us making changes to the Contract
to reflect changes in laws or changes in the industry rules (as long as we
comply with our Supply licence).
Price changes will be notified as per Clause 11.22 and do not involve
a reissue of General Terms and Conditions.
You and we can agree mutual variations to the Contract, and we will
follow the process for mutual variations required by our licence.
When we can refuse or stop Supply
We can cut-off the Supply of Energy to the Premises if one or more of
the following circumstances applies:
in an emergency;
if the Meter is faulty;
if the Meter has been tampered with;
if you have not paid the Charges when they are due;
You have an outstanding debt and you do not agree to a Payment
Plan or break an agreed arrangement or if we are unable to install a pre-
payment Meter/budget controller for the purpose of paying off your debt
it is no longer reasonable for us to continue to Supply Energy to the
if we are required to do so by the network operators, CRU or another
competent authority
there is no registered account holder at the address and you have not
entered into agreement with us to Supply your Premises.
We will comply with all applicable Energy legislation and our Supply
licence in respect of disconnecting and re-connecting the Supply of
Energy to the Premises.
Provided that We have complied with our Code of Practice on Billing
and Our Code of Practice on Disconnections, We may disconnect Your
Energy Supply and recover from You any costs reasonably incurred by Us
in doing so. You will also be required to pay us the cost of disconnection
and subsequent reconnection (if any) in the event that Our criteria are
not met.
If You are a dual fuel customer using a shared balance for both fuels
and are due for disconnection as set out in Clause 9.1, You may choose
to either disconnect Your electricity Supply or Your gas Supply first. If You
do not make a choice, Your electricity Supply will be disconnected first.
In the event that You do not make an arrangement for payment following
this disconnection, Your remaining electricity or gas Supply will then be
Ending the Contract
Termination by the Customer
Subject to Clause 6 (Cancelling the Contract Cooling off) and
Clause 8.3 (cancellation where material change to General Terms and
Conditions), you may terminate the Contract by providing us with written
notice (the “Termination Notice”) either by post or email (see Clause
20 for our contact details) or by phone setting out the day you wish the
Supply of Energy to the Premises to cease (such date must be at least one
calendar month from the date of the Termination Notice). The Contract
will then terminate;
On the day requested by you, on condition that:
on such date (i) either another Energy Supplier has commenced
Supply of Energy to the Supply Point in the Premises or (ii) you have
terminated the relevant Connection Agreement(s) for the Premises and
de-registered the Premises from the Energy distribution network operated
by GNI and/or ESBN and the Supply of Energy to the Supply Point has
been discontinued; and
there are no monies, fees or Charges of whatsoever nature relating to
the Contract owing by you to us;
In the event that you are found to be in breach of approved debt
thresholds should you choose to switch your account to another licensed
Energy Supplier a debt flag will generate on your account at the point
of switch. This debt flag will notify the acquiring Supplier of this breach.
The acquiring Supplier may decline your switch due to the outstanding
On the date you cease to be either the owner or occupier of the
Premises, on condition that we have received at least one month’s prior
notice from you informing us that you will cease to be the owner or
In circumstances other than the above in this Clause 10, the Supply of gas
and or electricity to the Supply Point will terminate on the date that:
another Supplier commences Supply of Energy to the Supply Point at
the Premises; or
a new Contract is entered into by a new customer for the Premises; or
subject to Clause 2.6, we disconnect the Premises.
You accept that if you do not provide us with a closing Meter
read as close to the day on which the Contract ends, we may close your
account using the GNI Meter read estimates and/or ESBN Meter read
estimates or other industry standard estimates to close your account,
subject only to payment of all monies, fees or charges of whatsoever
nature relating to the Contract owing by you to us, and we may charge a
Supplier administration fee for closing the account utilising an estimated
read as per our Schedule of Service Charges.
Obligation to Notify. If you wish to cease receiving Energy from us
at the Premises you must terminate the Contract in accordance with the
relevant provisions of this Clause 10
If you do not provide us with a Termination Notice, or do not
otherwise comply in full with all of the conditions set out in Clause 10.1
that are required for Termination by you, you will remain liable for all
Terms & Conditions for the Supply
of Electricity for domestic customers.
Yuno Energy Terms and Conditions for the Supply of Electricity to Domestic Customers
Last Update: 19 June 2023. Approved by CRU 19 June 2023 - Version 1.
monies, fees or Charges of whatsoever nature that accrue under the
Contract in respect of the Supply of Energy to the Premises, until it has
been properly terminated as provided for in this Clause 10.
For the avoidance of doubt, this liability will extend up to the date,
once firmly established by us, that a new owner or occupier began to
consume Energy at the Supply Point.
We will continue to charge you according to your chosen payment
method, until the Contract is terminated pursuant to the terms of this
Clause 10.
Termination by Us
We may terminate the Contract (in whole or in part) and/or, subject
to Clause 2.10(ii), arrange for the disconnection of your Energy Supply to
the Premises in accordance with process/s as described in the Code of
Practice on Disconnection, if:
you fail to pay any amount when properly due and payable to us under
the Contract; or
you are in breach of any term or condition of the Contract and (if it
is capable of remedy) you fail to remedy such breach within 14 days of
receipt of notice from us; or
where the Meter ceases to operate effectively or have been accessed
fraudulently by bypassing, or attempting to bypass, the Meter or
you have made unauthorised use of Energy or committed theft of
Energy or fraud; or
an interim order or bankruptcy order or any event analogous to either
of the foregoing is or is about to be made in respect of yourself; or an
interim trustee or trustee in bankruptcy is appointed over your estate or
you are insolvent or a resolution is passed or an order is made for your
winding up; or a receiver, examiner or administrative receiver is appointed
over the whole or any part of your assets or you are unable to pay your
debts as they fall due or you cease or threaten not to pay your debts as
they fall due or seek to make any composition or arrangement with your
creditors or any event analogous to the foregoing occurs in relation to
you; or
if we are unable for any reason to Supply Energy to the Premises; or
we cannot confirm that the Premises remains occupied by you or that
you have not permanently vacated the Premises, under the processes set
out in our Code of Practice on Disconnections.
The Contract shall terminate, and your personal information may be
transferred to the designated supplier of last resort without notice to you
if the Regulator gives a last resort Supply direction to another Supplier to
Supply Energy to the Supply Point in the Premises and the Contract will
terminate on the date that such direction becomes effective.
On your request we will use reasonable endeavours to help
you arrange for the transfer of Supply to another Supplier, including
subsequently terminating the Contract if we determine, based on
information obtained from you, that our service is no longer suitable for
your needs.
Consequences of Termination
If we terminate the Contract pursuant to Clause 10. 5(c) or Clause
10.5(d) because there has been unauthorised use of Energy, or theft
of Energy or fraud, (without limiting any other rights or remedies we
may have available to us at law) we may recover any amounts that
we reasonably believe are due and owing to us or to any third party in
accordance with the provisions of Clause 2.10(ii) of the Contract and
our right to recover such amounts under Clause 2.10(ii) shall survive
Termination of the Contract.
Upon Termination of the Contract, for whatever reason, or
disconnection of your Energy, for whatever reason you shall be liable to
immediately pay to us:
all Charges then due and payable to the effective date of Termination
(or reconnection if applicable); and
all costs reasonably incurred by us as a result of such Termination or
disconnection up to the effective date of Termination (or re-connection if
applicable); and
all interest on overdue amounts payable up to the effective date of
Termination (or re-connection if applicable); and
all Occasional Works Fees incurred at the Premises until the earliest to
occur of (i) a new Supplier commencing Supply of Energy at the Premises
or (ii) the Connection Agreement(s) for the Premises is/are terminated (iii)
a new customer enters into a Contract for Supply of Energy from us at the
Premises; and
A Termination fee is payable if the Contract is terminated by you (other
than during the 14 day cooling off period referred to in Clause 6) during
the Initial Period (the “Initial Period Termination Fee”). The Initial Period
Termination Fee is set out in our Schedule of Service Charges. In addition,
you will be required to repay all up front sign up credit or discount
allocated to you if you terminate the Contract during the Initial Period. No
Termination fees are payable, if following the expiry of the Initial Period,
you provide us with a Termination Notice, within the appropriate notice
period that you wish to terminate the Contract in accordance with Clause
8.3 or Clause 10.1 as the case may be.
any other fees and Charges (other than the fees and Charges set out in
Clauses 10.9(a) to (d) which are lawfully incurred under the Contract.
For the avoidance of doubt, other than the standard Charges
payable on Termination as set out in Clause 10.9 there is no separate
charge payable by you for changing Supplier where you lawfully
terminate your Contract with us.
Pricing and Payment
We will send you Bills for the electricity that you use at least every
two months. Depending on the Tariff you may be able to select/be placed
on a shorter billing time frame. Your Bill may also include Charges for
services that We have agreed to Supply to you and will include VAT and
any other taxes or Charges that may apply.
If you have agreed a payment schedule with us to clear Arrears
you owe us. We will send you a statement of account in relation to the
payment schedule three times a year. We will also inform you in writing
when all the Arrears due to us have been discharged.
In the event that you have built up Arrears on your account and
you fail to enter into or comply with any agreed payment arrangement
with us, We reserve the right to pass your particulars on to a third party
debt collection agency in order to recover any amounts due and owing
by you to us.
If, for any reason, the DSO have not been able to get Meter readings,
we will use estimated readings. You can also provide us with an actual
reading by phoning us at 1800 662 255 or submitting your reading online
at: -
For Electricity, or
For Gas
ESBN or GNI are responsible for reading the Meter at the Supply
Point(s) and we are not responsible for the accuracy of the Meter readings
taken. Meter readings are assumed to be correct. Where the Meter reading
is unavailable or we believe it to be inaccurate, we will make a reasonable
estimate of your Usage and issue to you an Energy Bill based on this
reasonable estimate. Where a Meter reading is inaccurate or the Tariffs
have been misapplied to the Meter readings, we will rectify this by either
debiting or crediting your account accordingly.
The prices offered by us are based on our current Tariffs which may
be varied by us from time to time.
Our Tariffs (with additional Product Specific Terms and Conditions,
including Contract duration and any related exit fees or obligations) are
displayed on our website ( or may be obtained by
contacting us;
You must pay your Energy Bill to the specific payment conditions of
your Tariff. If you pay us by an agreed payment date, we reserve the right
to change our payment collection date and we will notify you in advance
of doing this.
We reserve the right to move you to another Tariff if you breach
these General Terms and Conditions or any Product Specific Terms and
From time to time, we may (at our sole discretion) offer certain
specified categories of customers (which may or may not include you)
special Tariffs for a certain period of time to be determined by Us.
Details of our Service Charges and our pricing is published on
our website. The Schedule of Service Charges can be found at Our Energy pricing and
rates can be found at
services/pricing/rates. The Charges you pay for Energy include your
Usage as recorded by your
Meter as well as a network standing charge (this is incorporated into your
Tariff) and any applicable Service Charge (as set out in our Schedule of
Service Charges).
Pass Through Charge, including VAT and other taxes and
government levies or taxes, and standing Charges may change from time
to time. You will be liable for any such Pass Through Charge or standing
Charges from time to time whether or not notified in advance by Us.
The Charges are exclusive of Occasional Works Fees for which you
may be additionally liable. If any Occasional Works Fees are payable by
us to GNI and/or ESBN and/or a third party authorised by the Regulator
to levy Occasional Works Fees (or similar Charges ) in connection with the
Supply of Energy to any Meter, we shall be entitled to charge you for an
amount equal to the relevant Occasional Works Fees (or similar Charges)
and you agree to reimburse us for such amount in accordance with these
General Terms and Conditions.
You must pay all Charges and Occasional Works Fees in full. Part
payment will not release you from your obligation to do so.
At the time of entering into the Contract, you shall provide us
with your up-to-date email address, and we shall use this email address
to notify you that your Energy Bill is available in your App. Your Energy
Bill will:
identify the Charges, your Usage and the payments that have been
made by you since our previous Energy Bill (if any).
reconcile payments made by you with your Usage. If this reconciliation
shows that any amount payable is outstanding, you will be liable for such
outstanding amount. Payment of any outstanding amount may be made
by credit or debit card. At our discretion an outstanding amount may
also be paid at an agreed rate. Should the reconciliation process show an
overpayment, we will remit the amount of the overcharge back to you in
the form of credit on your account.
If the Charges, or any Occasional Works Fees or any other fees
payable by you to us pursuant to the Contract are not discharged in full,
either by deducting from your registered payment account, or other
payment options, within 7 days of receiving notification in writing of your
obligation to pay the Charges, you may be liable for interest at the rate
of 4% per annum above the current EURIBOR (Euro Interbank Offered
Rate) on outstanding amounts. In addition, you agree, at our request, to
discharge all costs incurred by us in seeking to recover any outstanding
amounts from you. We may, with your consent for the specific charge, use
details of any payment method that you have previously supplied to us to
pay any such outstanding amounts.
If you dispute any amount payable by you pursuant to the
Contract, you must still pay any undisputed amount, and we shall
endeavour to promptly address and resolve any concerns that you have in
relation to disputed amounts that we claim are payable by you pursuant
to the Contract.
If you request a visit to the Premises by a representative of ESB
networks or GNI to check the Meter we reserve the right to re-charge any,
and/or all fees in full, charged to us on behalf of ESB networks or GNI in
accordance with the Schedule of Service Charges.
If you request a visit from a representative of ESBN or GNI and
then cannot keep this appointment, you must let us know by midday on
the immediately preceding Business Day. If you fail to do so we reserve
the right to charge you for any costs that may be incurred as a result of
your failure to keep the appointment, in accordance with our Schedule of
Service Charges.
If you dispute the accuracy of the Meter supplied by GNI and/or
ESBN and, if it is tested at your request and found to be accurate, you
shall be required to pay a standard charge in respect of the test as a Pass
through Charge from GNI and/or ESBN respectively. However, if the Meter
is found to be inaccurate then we may adjust the Charges as appropriate
in accordance with our gas and or electricity Supply licence(s) and
applicable law.
If GNI and/or ESBN suspends, disconnects or reconnects your
Energy Supply or repositions your Meter you may be charged any
reasonable costs for doing so.
We may vary the Charges and pass through any variations to the
Occasional Works Fees at any time by providing you with no less than
thirty (30) days’ prior notice. Details of such variations will be available on
our Website, through national newspaper advertisement. Any such notice
or advertisement will state the date on which the price change is effective.
In addition to your Energy Tariff, our Charges also include
additional fees for particular services and activities. Up-to-date
information describing all of these additional fees can be found on our
website in our Schedule of Service Charges, which is available at
Any promotional offers, price promises or discounts apply only
during the promotional period specified and do not form part of the
Contract. Any such promotional offers are applied at our complete
discretion. We reserve the right to offer them only to specified categories
or groups of customers (which may or may not include you), to determine
the time period that such offers are available for, to determine what
terms and conditions are applicable to such offers and to withdraw any
such offers, price promises or discounts as and when we see fit. Pricing is
strictly as per the Schedule of Service Charges which is available on our
Website at
As part of our sign up process or at any time during the course
of your Contract, we may perform a credit check on an application or
existing account to determine whether a credit risk exists in Supplying, or
continuing to Supply you with Energy.
If it is determined that a credit risk exists in Supplying or continuing
to Supply you with Energy, we may require a security deposit, equivalent
to 3 months of your individual average consumption, or in the case of
new applications or lack of such data, the accepted industry average
consumption for your Meter configuration, to be paid in advance.
The security deposit will be held on your account for an initial 12
month period, after which your account will be re-evaluated and the
credit risk re-assessed. If you have met the credit terms as initially
requested, you will be refunded the security deposit in full. If you have not
met the credit terms, we may refund the security deposit in part, or, if the
credit risk remains unchanged, retain the security deposit for a further 12
month period.
In refunding your Security Deposit, we will offset the Security Deposit
value against any outstanding debt at that time, if any, and credit the
remainder of your deposit to your account.
Terms & Conditions for the Supply
of Electricity for domestic customers.
Yuno Energy Terms and Conditions for the Supply of Electricity to Domestic Customers
Last Update: 19 June 2023. Approved by CRU 19 June 2023 - Version 1.
All Charges will be subject to VAT and other taxes and duties at the
prevailing rates, which you must pay in addition.
You will be liable to pay all the Charges relating to the period of
the Contract.
If You experience any difficulty in paying the amounts due to Us
under the Agreement, please contact Us immediately so that we can
provide advice, and where appropriate, agree a Payment Plan, or other
arrangement with you. You can contact Our Customer Service Department
using the details set out in clause 20.
You will not be charged any fees for changing Supplier should you
terminate the Contract with us.
Enforcement of Rights
We can enforce any rights and obligations under the Contract even if
there is a delay in doing so.
If we delay in taking action when you breach the Contract, we will
still be entitled to take action to enforce a similar (or any subsequent)
breach of the Contract.
If any part of the Contract is declared invalid by a court or regulatory
authority, the validity of the rest of the Contract will not be affected.
Limitation of Liability
Our liability to you is limited in accordance with these General Terms
and Conditions. All conditions, warranties, guarantees and any other
terms implied by law or otherwise, are excluded to the greatest extent
We will not be liable to you for any event or circumstance beyond
our reasonable control, including anything any other Supplier or
distributor does or fails to do.
Liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligent acts or
omissions is not limited.
We will not be liable to you or any other parties, including but
not limited to any property damage, injury, or death either directly or
indirectly which is the result of any form of tampering or interference with
the Meter thereby compromising the safe Supply of Energy to a Premises.
We will not be liable to you for any financial loss or damage,
including loss of profit, revenue, goodwill, business, Contract or wasted
expenses, or for any loss or damage which is indirect or consequential.
We will not be liable to you or any other parties including but
not limited to any property damage, injury, or death either directly or
indirectly which is the result of an incorrect installation and/or removal of
a Meter at a Premises.
We will not be liable to you for any loss or damage arising from any
interruption in or to the Supply of Energy (including loss of or damage to
food or the costs of repairing, rectifying or reinstalling the operations of
any computer or telephone or other electronic systems or gas appliances).
In the case of any loss or damage caused by a network operator, our
liability to you will not exceed the amount that we are entitled to recover
from the network operator in respect of that loss or damage.
If we are liable for any loss or damage under or in connection with
the Contract (whether in Contract or negligence or otherwise), our liability
to you shall be limited to a maximum aggregate amount of €50,000 in any
calendar year.
The limitations on our liability set out in this Clause 13 shall
continue to apply after the Contract has ended.
Each sub-Clause in this Clause 13 applies separately. If a court or
other authority tells us we cannot rely on a certain sub- Clause, the other
sub-Clauses will still apply.
The Contract is personal to you and you may only transfer it to
someone else with our prior written consent and the consent of the new
You consent to us transferring our rights and obligations under the
Contract so that a different organization is responsible for the Supply of
Energy to you as set out in the Contract. We will notify you in writing if this
happens and will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under
the Contract.
Governing law
The Contract shall be governed by the Laws of Ireland. Any disputes
arising shall be dealt with by the Irish Courts.
Nature of Supply, safety, and emergencies
The Energy will be delivered to the Premises by the network
operators. The network operators are responsible for maintaining the
network and the connection of the Premises to the network. The network
operator may cut-off the Supply in accordance with the industry rules. We
are not responsible for variations or interruptions in the Supply of Energy.
We are entitled to arrange for the Supply of Energy to the Premises
to be cut-off in certain circumstances as described in our Supply licence,
applicable Energy legislation and industry rules.
For the duration of a Network emergency or in the case of an
escape, or suspected escape of Natural Gas Yuno Energy may: -
Request the Natural Gas emergency Manager or the provider of the
Emergency Response Service to discontinue the Supply of natural gas to
the Premises; and
Pursuant to a direction from the Natural Gas Emergency manager
or the Emergency Response Service provider you shall upon request
immediately refrain from using natural gas.
You must contact Gas Networks Ireland GNI 1800 205 050 (24
hour service) immediately if you become aware or suspect any matter or
incident where or which;
you notice the smell of gas either within, coming from a Premises or
within the vicinity of a Premises; or
causes an inherent risk or danger or requires urgent attention
regarding the support or distribution of gas; or
affects, or is likely to affect, the maintenance of the security, availably
and quality of service of the gas distribution network; or
interferes with the correct operation of the Meter which may cause a
risk to the safe Supply of gas;
you suspect a person fraudulently installing, servicing, repairing any
gas appliances, pipe works, or GNI Meter without being a registered gas
installer (RGI).
You must contact ESB Networks ESBN Ltd: 1800 372 999 (24 hour
service) immediately if you become aware of any matter or incident
that either:
causes danger or requires urgent attention regarding the Supply or
distribution of electricity; or
affects, or is likely to affect, the maintenance of the security, availably
and quality of service of the electricity distribution network;
Interfering or bypassing any Meter is dangerous, may also be a
criminal offence.
National Terms of Connection
In order to receive gas from us you must have an agreement
with Gas Networks Ireland/GNI, the Irish national system operator for
transmission and distribution of gas (a “Gas Connection Agreement a
copy of which may be found at under which you
have a right for your Premises to be, and to stay, connected to the gas
distribution system in line with the terms and conditions of that Gas
Connection Agreement. You agree to be bound by and comply in full
with the terms of your Gas Connection Agreement. The Gas Connection
Agreement is a binding legal agreement. It sets out your rights and duties
in relation to the connection at which GNI delivers gas to the Premises.
In order to receive electricity from us you must have an agreement
with ESBN, the Irish national Electricity Distributor (an “Electricity
Connection Agreement”) under which you have a right for your Premises
to be, and to stay, connected to the electricity distribution system in line
with the terms and conditions of that Electricity Connection Agreement.
You agree to be bound by and comply in full with the terms of your
Electricity Connection Agreement. The Electricity Connection Agreement
is a binding legal agreement. It sets out your rights and duties in relation
to the connection at which your Electricity Distributor delivers electricity
to, or accepts electricity from, the Premises. If you want a copy of the
Electricity Connection Agreement or have any questions about it, please
write to ESBN, 27 Fitzwilliam Street Lower Dublin 2, or see the Website
GNI and or ESBN may deem that a Connection Agreement in the
name of a previous occupant of the Premises applies to you.
Customer Charter and Code of Practice
Our compensation and refund arrangements which apply if the
service quality levels that we are committed to are not met. Our Customer
Charter can be found on our website at the following link
Our 8 Codes of Practice outline services that we offer to customers
including priority support customers and other vulnerable customers.
These Codes of Practice also explain how you can register as a vulnerable
customer and details the way our business works, the services and the
service quality levels you can expect from us. The Codes of Practice can
be accessed on our Website at
conditions or you can request a hard copy from us by writing to us at
Code of Practice requests, Yuno Energy Ltd, Paramount Court, Corrig
Road, Sandyford, Dublin 18, D18 R9C7.
Our Code of Practice for Complaints Handling details the procedure
that you should follow if you have any complaint about the service
that we provide or offer to you. Our contact details are available on our
Website at https/ or you can write to us at
Complaints, Yuno Ltd, Paramount Court, Corrig Road, Sandyford, Dublin
18, D18 R9C7 to request a copy of this Code of Practice.
Priority Support and Special Services
Yuno Energy Customers have the option of registering on the Priority
Services and or Special Services Register. The procedure for registering is
detailed in the Code of Practice on Vulnerable Customers. Please see the
Code of Practice on our website
conditions or contact us at the details held in Clause 20.
A register of special services customers and priority support
customers is maintained by Yuno Energy. If you wish to be treated as
a special services customer or priority support customer and receive
the services as set out in our Codes of Practice, you must give us the
necessary information that we require to compile these registers and we
agree that we will not disclose this information except to ESBN and or Gas
Networks Ireland who require the information to perform certain services
for you and in accordance with these Conditions and the law.
Notices and Communications
How we may contact you
We can contact You at any of the Premises addresses, or any other
address you give us for this purpose.
Notices required under the Contract, or other forms of communication
that we need to send to you, will be in writing and may be delivered by
hand, sent by post, sent by e-mail, in App, published on our website and
by a notice in a daily national newspaper.
Any notices that we send to you by hand or by post will be sent to the
most recent billing address (or alternative address if relevant) provided by
you to us. We will assume that you have received hand delivered notices
within 24 hours of delivery and posted notices within 5 Business Days
after posting unless we receive evidence to the contrary.
Any notices that we send to you by email will be sent to the most
recent email address provided by you to us. We shall assume that you
have received emails on the same Business Day.
How you may contact us:
Via the postal address, Yuno Limited Paramount Court, Corrig Road,
Sandyford, Dublin 18, or any replacement addresses that we notify to
you; or
At the following telephone number; 1800 661 188 or
By sending an email to the following email address
Any communications you send us will only be valid if you include
your customer reference number (or, if you do not have a customer
reference number, the reference number by which your Meter is
identified and the Premises address). We will treat all of your
communications with us in accordance with the relevant Data protection
legislation and our Privacy Notice as published on our website.
Chat with us by visiting
20.3 How you may contact Gas Networks Ireland/GNI:
(a) To find the correct postal address please use the following link:
(b) At the following telephone number; Customer service 1800 464 464
(c) In case of an emergency telephone Gas Network Ireland’s 24 hour
emergency line 1800 205 050
(d) By sending an email to the following email address:
20.4. How you may contact Networks/ESBN:ESB
At the following telephone number; faults and emergencies 1800 372
At the following telephone number; customer service 1800 372 757
By sending an email to the following email address: esbnetworks@
Smart Metering
If you have signed up to our Smart Services, you agree to have a
smart Meter installed and consent to its installation when requested to
do so by ESBN as your chosen Tariff is incompatible with your existing
non smart Meter. Smart Customers which have commenced using Smart
Services may not revert to their previous metering profile. If you refuse to
allow the ESBN smart Meter to be installed at your Premises you may be
moved to a different tariff and we may request a deposit.
In order to avail of our Smart Services, you agree to provide Yuno
Energy with half hourly metering data on an ongoing basis in accordance
with our Code of Practice on Smart Services and Privacy Notice. If you
decide that you no longer wish to provide half hourly data to Yuno Energy,
you will no longer be eligible to avail of Smart Services and Yuno Energy
may terminate the Contract and an exit fee may apply which is set out in
the Schedule of Charges.
Smart Services are dependent on the Meters connectivity to the
Network Operator which is known as CTF (Comms Technically Feasible). If
the CTF changes your service may change to a non Smart Service Tariff. If
this is the case, we will notify you of any changes to your Tariff.
In the event of a change of Supply, when Smart Services are enabled
any network supplied readings or Usage information will take precedence
over any customer supplied readings.
Terms & Conditions for the Supply
of Electricity for domestic customers.
Please be aware that a change in your Meter type, as a result of a
Networks driven change or any other reason that is beyond Yuno Energy’s
control, could result in changes to your Tariffs and services.
Force Majeure
We will not have to carry out any obligation under this Agreement
if We are prevented from doing so by any cause beyond Our reasonable
control. This includes, but is not limited to, failure or shortage of power
supplies, civil unrest, labour shortage or labour dispute, instructions or
requests from the Government, an emergency services organisation, or
any other competent authority, or legal obligations.
Yuno Energy Terms and Conditions for
the Supply of Electricity to Domestic Customers
Last Update: 19 June 2023. Approved by CRU
19 June 2023 - Version 1.2
App means an electronic application to run on a device that enables
users to pay for their Energy Bills, download Energy Bills and manage
their Energy account and consumption.
Arrears means an overdue payment that has not been paid by you.
Business Day means Monday to Friday, other than bank holidays and
other public holidays in Ireland.
Cancel means your right to Cancel the Contract under Clause 7 before
our Supply of Energy to you begins.
Cancellation Form means the Cancellation Form which may be
completed and returned to Yuno Energy in accordance with Clause
6 and which is available on our website at https/
Charges means all the fees, Charges and other amounts you must pay
to us under the Contract.
Code of Practice means our following Code of Practice documents:
Code of Practice on Marketing and Advertising, Code of Practice on Sign
Up, Code of Practice on Billing, Code of Practice on Disconnection, Code
of Practice on Complaints, Code of Practice on Vulnerable Customers and
Code of Practice on PAYG Metering & Budget Controllers, Code of practice
on Smart Services;
Connection Agreement means a Gas Connection Agreement or an
Electricity Connection Agreement, as the case may be;
Contract means the General Terms and Conditions and as applicable
any Product Specific Terms and Conditions, together with our Schedule
of Service Charges and any application form that you have completed in
writing, online or verbally over the phone;
Commencement Date has the meaning given to that term in
Clause 4.9;
Deemed Contract A Deemed Contract means a Contract for the Supply
of electricity and or gas under Section 16A of the Energy (Miscellaneous
Provisions) Act 1995. It is a legally enforceable agreement considered to
have come into existence when we continue to Supply the Premises after
the previous Contract for Supply to the Premises concerned has expired,
or was not cancelled or when a previous owner or occupier vacated
the Premises but the new owner or occupier continues to use Energy
supplied by us and does not enter into a new Contract for Supply;
Domestic Customers means domestic/household or individual/non
business/non-commercial customers of Yuno Energy, as set out in the
Energy Bill means the periodic bill issued by us to you advising the
amount to be paid for electricity and gas supplied under this Agreement
including any other charges that may be liable under this agreement.
ESB Networks (ESBN) means the licensed operator of the distribution
system through which electricity is supplied to you including without
limitation any of their employees, representatives, agents or contractors;
ESBN Smart Meter The ESB Smart meter is capable of recording half-
hourly Usage data and contains a mobile SIM card.
Energy means electricity or natural gas (or both), as agreed for the
purposes of the Contract.
EURIBOR means the Euro Interbank Offered Rate being offered and is
used to benchmark the rate of interest referenced in the Contract.
Gas Networks Ireland (GNI) means the licensed operator of the
distribution system through which gas is supplied to you including
without limitation any of their employees, representatives, agents or
GNI Meter means the GNI Meter of Record for the Supply of gas, which
may be a Credit Meter or a PAYG Meter and can be registered to any other
GPRO means Gas Networks Ireland GNI being the Gas Point
Registration Operator;
GPRN: means Gas Point Reference Number, the unique 8 digit number
assigned to all Gas Connections and Meters.
Handbook means the Commission for Regulation of Utilities Electricity
and Gas Suppliers Handbook (as may be amended from time to time);
Initial Period means the initial term of the Contract, being such
term as shall be agreed by telephone or online between you and us or
set out in the Product Specific Terms and Conditions and starts on the
Commencement Date.
Initial Period Termination Fee has the meaning given to that term
in Clause 10.9(e)
Meter means an ESBN Meter, a GNI Meter, credit, prepay or other Meter
used to record Usage;
Registered Office: Yuno Energy, Paramount Court,
Corrig Road, Sandyford, Dublin 18, D18R9C7.
Company registered in Ireland Number:
MPRN means Meter Point Reference Number, the unique 11 digit
number assigned to all electricity connections and Meters;
MRSO Meter Registration System Operator
Network means the network of the network operator.
Network Operator means the company that CRU licenses to deliver
Energy to the Premises.
Occasional Works Fees means any third party costs, Charges, tax, duty,
levy, tariff or any government or Regulator, approved imposed cost or
charge (other than the Charges), relating to the Supply and distribution of
Energy to the Premises including, without limitation value added tax;
Pass Through Charge: Charges levied by a Network Operator to perform
a service, which are passed on to you as the end customer.
PAYG Meter means a Meter that uses a PAYG Tariff and requires
consumers to pay for their Energy in advance;
Payment Plan means any agreement between us and you entered into
in order to facilitate the repayment of any monies owing to us by you.
Premises means the building, home or other property (including any
part of any land or building or structure (i) in respect of which we have
become the registered Supplier, or (ii) to which you have requested us
to Supply gas under the Contract and to which the Contract relates (this
is usually where you live but it could be a property you’re responsible
for as a landlord, if, for example you have more than one property or are
responsible for paying gas Bills and electricity Bills between tenancies).
Registration means the recording by the GPRO (for Gas Supply)
and MRSO (for Electricity Supply) of a person as being responsible for
provision of a Supply of Energy to the Meter with effect from a particular
date and the term “Registered” shall be interpreted accordingly;
Regulator means the Commission for Regulation of Utilities CRU (or
any successor body or authority);
RGI means Registered Gas Installer
Schedule of Service Charges means the schedule of current
Service Charges, available on our Website at https/
Security means a deposit of money paid in advance as a Security
against the failure of an electricity or Gas account or Agreement being
fulfilled to terms.
Service Charges means the Charges payable by you for services/
activities supplied by us to you relating to us Supplying Energy to you,
other than your Tariff, as updated from time to time and the current
Service Charges are set out in the Schedule of Service Charges
Start Date means the date your Usage begins and we are registered to
Supply Energy to you.
Smart Customer means a Customer with a Meter that enables the
Customer to avail of Smart Services
Smart Services refers to a Tariff, the current prices including all variable
charges any standing charge(s) and network/regulated charges which are
designated as smart Tariffs as available on our website and as varied by us
from time to time
Supply Point means the point shown in a Connection Agreement,
or in any application to Supply at a specific point at the Premises,
where Energy may flow between the local distribution system and your
Supplier means a Supplier of Energy licensed by CRU.
Supply - or similar expressions refers to the sale of Energy by us to you,
via the Energy network.
Supply licence our licences that CRU issued to us for the Supply
of Energy;
Tariff means our list of current prices including all variable charges, any
standing charge(s) and network/regulated charges , as available on our
website and as varied by us from time to time https://www.yunoenergy.
Termination means the ending of the Contract under Clauses 6,8 or 10
as the case may be.
Termination Notice means the notice referred to in Clause 8.3 or
Clause 10.1 as the case may be, that you must provide us if you wish to
terminate the Contract.
General Terms and Conditions these terms and conditions;
Website means our website at (and any and all
successor or replacement websites.
Written / Write / Writing means any communication in a textual format
which includes letter, email, App notifications and online forms.
Usage means the Units recorded as consumed by a Meter;
Tariff details.
Variable Rate Plan 9th October 2023
24hr Urban
24Hr Unit Rate
30.60 cent/kWh
33.35 cent/kWh
Urban Standing Charge
€242.87 Anually
€264.73 Anually
€0.00 Annually
D/N Urban
Day Unit Rate
31.85 cent/kWh
34.72 cent/kWh
Night Unit Rate
18.50 cent/kWh
20.17 cent/kWh
Urban Standing Charge
€300.76 Annually
€327.83 Annually
€0.00 Annually
€0.00 Annually
24hr Rural
24Hr Unit Rate
30.60 cent/kWh
33.35 cent/kWh
Rural Standing Charge
€299.30 Annually
€326.24 Annually
€0.00 Annually
€0.00 Annually
D/N Rural
Day Unit Rate
31.85 cent/kWh
34.72 cent/kWh
Night Unit Rate
18.50 cent/kWh
20.17 cent/kWh
Rural Standing Charge
€362.81 Annually
€395.46 Annually
€0.00 Annually
€0.00 Annually
Prices shown are including & excluding VAT of 9%. These prices are subject to change. Signing up to Yuno Energy is subject
to terms and conditions including a 12 month initial period.
*The current daily standing charge reflects the Public Service Obligation (PSO) Levy of €0.00. Customers will be refunded
through a reduced daily standing charge from March 1st until the end of the current Tariff year on September 30th, 2023.
The daily charge for the 2023-24 Tariff year (starting October 1st) has been set to €0.00.