How would you assess your overall experience of AGS?
I wouldn’t trade it for the world. I am a better, more aware person because of AGS.
Unforgettable. I wish I could come back and take other courses.
WHOOOOO HOOOO But I wish we had more time in Area I.
I had the time of my life here, I don’t regret anything and am so thankful I got to be a part of this.
I wish there was more of a balance of conservative and liberal views presented and defended. I felt like such a
minority here. (I’m conservative.)
Enriching. It broadened my understanding of my state, self, and the world around me. It instilled in me a new
desire to understand all things.
Overall, I’ve found out who I am. I’ve been reassured of my beliefs and I’ve meet a small, but significant, group
of friends. In one word, it has been SIGNIFICANT.
This has been a wonderful experience. I thoroughly enjoyed it and feel as though I have been productive and
learned a lot.
Definitely the best summer of my life! I’ve made so many new friends, and my classes were great. I was
worried about spending so much time away from home, but I’ll never regret it.
On a sale of to 10, I think I would honestly give this a 10. (one being bad and 10 being great)
AGS was fantastic. I loved my time here and really wish it had been the six week program. Many activities
were awesome and Gospel Choir was one of the best.
On a scale of 1 10 with 1 being terrible and 10 being life changing, I would say it was a 5, but I think going to
ASMSA has already taken most of the glory in this similar setting.
Life-changing, it personally helps you find yourself, love yourself and respect others.
Overall it was enjoyable. There were things I didn’t like. Thanks.
Awesome. Reminds me of ASMSA, but more chill.
It was amazing. I loved that it was such an open, creative, and safe environment. It makes me want to stay
7 out of 10; ignoring Area II, 9.5 of 10
Loved it! Six weeks would have been awesome.
It was awesome.
It was amazing.
Great! One of the best experiences of my life. I’ve met so many new people, learned so much about myself and
I truly believe I now have a second family. I loved my Drama Area I. I loved Gospel Choir (woo) and I don’t
want to leave. Let me live here forever!
My overall experience at AGS has been very good.
I loved it. Couldn’t have been a better summer. I hope more can have the same experience.
I loved it. I don’t want to go home. No chores and making my own decisions were great. The food was
An experience I will never forget.
I would give it a 10/10. Even with its pitfalls, I couldn’t have asked for a better experience.
It was amazing. I wish the entire world was like this.
Great. I’m very glad I came. Wouldn’t take it back.
It was amazing. First few days were slow, but after that the weeks flew by. Dinner was a little early for me, but
the option to order food/snacks solved that. The classes were all interesting, and I would do this again.
It couldn’t have been a better one. This place has changed me in more ways than one. Thank you!
Very beneficial to any student wanting to attend college.
Wonderful! I’m sad I won’t get to do it again, and I wish I had more time.
It was amazing! I never want to leave.
I think it’s been very beneficial.
It was one of the most amazing experiences in my life.
It was slow at times, but somewhat enjoyable.
I loved it.
It was mind opening, exhilarating and fantastic.
It broadened my mind and was worth the four weeks.
Best of life, thus far.
Amazing would love to stay longer.
AMAZING! I couldn’t have asked for a better time.
AGS was a positive learning experience that made me more aware of myself and of external forces and
influences. It was also the best four weeks of my life.
Well, well-worth four weeks.
1 10? 11
This past month has been life changing. I will miss this environment greatly.
I never want to leave. Everyone is so amazing.
It was fun! I learned a lot and met new friends.
It was wonderful. I had an unforgettable summer.
8/10. Learned a lot. Made friends.
The AGS experience is a once-in-a-lifetime experience and is enormously enjoyable.
Really good, but not “life-changing”.
To quote Kevin Spacey in American Beauty. “Spec-tacular.
AGS is an experience every youth feeling a little lost or trapped should have. It makes life seem much more
I really enjoyed all of my classes and all of the staff.
AMAZING, couldn’t have been better!
AGS is probably one of the greatest experiences of my life. The people rock, the program rocks, and
everything else rocks.
AGS was amazing. I made some amazing friends and had a wonderful time. I just wish I had more from Drama.
It was pretty awesome. Life-changing and never to be forgotten.
I loved it.
Fantastic. I loved every minute.
AMAZING. I don’t want to leave!
AGS was well worth my time.
I had a good time and learned quite a bit.
It was a life changing experience. I came out more knowledgeable about Social Science and made a ton of new
Overall 8/10. Most activities were well organized and fun. Area II and III (and I) were so amazing. Area IV
should have and could have been better. Gospel Choir was the best thing ever.
It was a great experience. I would encourage it.
It was wonderful. I wish the rest of the school year could be like this.
It was absolutely amazing! So glad that I had this opportunity; truly life-changing.
It was an unforgettable four weeks.
Very enjoyable.
It’s been a lot of fun. I’ve met a few new people, but I think I’m going to miss teachers more than colleagues.
Best experience of my life!! X 1000
Very good. I’ll miss AGS so much.
It was the greatest experience of my life!
I’m going to miss it here a lot. I really had a lot of fun and I don’t want to leave. Gospel Choir was so much fun,
too. I LOVE Pam!
1000000/10, I absolutely loved it. I had a hard time deciding if I wanted to come here because I had to choose
between this, a trip to France, and a free trip to Japan, but I’m glad I came.
I loved AGS! I learned so much.
I intend on recommending this to anyone who will listen. This has been one of the best things that has
happened to me.
OUTSTANDING!!! I value myself as a person so much more because the people are much nicer than those at
my high school.
AGS is an experience I will never forget. This has been an amazing summer and I will carry this experience
with me throughout my life. Thank you.
It was a blast! This was a very eye-opening experience and I loved being here! I want to come back so bad!
I really liked the social experience at AGS. Meeting new people and finding friends from all over Arkansas was
fun. AGS is amazing.
It was wonderful. I will never forget it.
It was not as good as I had hoped. I don’t regret coming, but I would not come back.
My overall experience at AGS was great. It has definitely been the best experience of my life so far.
I had a wonderful time and I feel like it has really broadened my world view.
I am going to miss it so much!
I will encourage everyone to apply and come here. Best experience in my life so far.
Life changing is all I can say. I wish it was all year long.
AGS has benefited me in so many ways. This experience has been amazing. I wish it had been six weeks.
I had a good time, I think the selection process needs to be better because I feel that I was a much more
qualified for my first choice, but I got my second choice.
I have been to conferences and things like AGS and AGS has been the best so far! I don’t want to leave.
I loved it and am happy I came! Thank you to all the wonderful people that made it happen.
It was really fun. I wish the program was six weeks instead of four.
I loved being here and wish I could stay longer. I learned many valuable life lessons and also met some
amazing people.
AMAZING! I had such a great experience that I wouldn’t trade it for anything.
I thoroughly enjoyed AGS. It got me acquainted with a college environment, I made many new friends and my
classes were very intriguing.
On a scale of 1 to 10…100! I just wish we could’ve had 7/4/12 off from classes and that deli meat and romaine
lettuce could have been offered in the cafeteria.
Best time ever.
Awesome because I met new people, learned things I probably won’t learn anywhere else and opened my
mind a lot.
FANTASTIC! A challenge and a reward simultaneously. I’m sad that it is over.
I really enjoyed the month I spent here. Coming from ASMSA, I can’t say it was life changing because it is
similar to home. However, there were some amazing 4:10/6:10s. I learned some stuff, and I had fun that’s
what’s important.
I loved AGS. I feel like a new person who is ready to spread my wings and enter into the world ready to go.
Five stars, two thumbs and big toes way up, snaps and claps all around.
8/10 (The missing 2 is my own fault.)
Best experience of my life.
Fantastic! I will recommend it to everyone at my school so hopefully a lot of people will apply.
Awesome, best experience of my life!
FUN! The best thing I’ve ever decided to attend.
AGS was so awesome. I seriously don’t want to leave! This experience was great and it changed me a lot in a
good way. Gospel Choir…the best part! It should never leave. I love the diversity.
It was better than I thought. I am glad I came.
Most classes were challenging/thought provoking and there were many interesting and fun extra-curricular
Amazing, really sad to leave. Awesome experience in so many ways.
I learned a lot and had fun, I don’t want to leave.
It was great. Loved meeting new people, trying new things. Loved the activities with Molly and Suzy Q.
Overall: Great.
I would recommend AGS to anyone and everyone.
I enjoyed it; too much atheism and evolution though.
I would say it’s easily one of the better things I’ve done.
I would live here forever if I could; wouldn’t change a thing.
Awesomeness in a can.
It was amazing. I learned so much, made so many friends, and now feel like I am a little more prepared for
AGS was too much fun. I would like to stay longer.
Best experience of my life. I NEVER want to leave. I can’t even describe how awesome AGS is and how happy I
am to have been accepted.
It was an amazing experience, lots of fun activities, fabulous seminars, and loved the ideas presented.
It was pretty darn cool.
I love it. I made a whole lot of really great friends and had some really amazing instructors.
They definitely owe us two more weeks. I do feel cheated, and I feel I didn’t get a “full” experience.
AGS has been a great experience for me. I have loved the people I have met and the relationships I have made.
I have been challenged in what I believe and in my way of thinking and how I view the world. My desire to
learn has been fostered and cultivated. I enjoyed AGS a lot. I really think the program is necessary to
counteract Arkansas’ “brain drain”.
Supercalifraglisticexpalidotious. Simply wonderful I want to come back as an RA.
As everyone said before me, it was the most amazing experience of my life. I don’t regret any second of it.
It was really awesome! I met great people, had great classes, and made some fond memories.
I loved it.
I enjoyed AGS about equally to the enjoyment found in the average slave Jew in the train to Auschwitz.
Pretty good.
On a scale of 1-10, I would say an eleven.
I had a great time overall; however, I am now very tired. We need nap time!!
Wonderful, loved every second.
Amazing! Wish I could do it again!
I would assess it as an experience that will last a lifetime.
It was amazing. Very eye-opening and a lot of fun.
I was a little homesick, and the food was kind of blah, but it was a great experience.
I wish we had 6 weeks instead of 4.
I absolutely LOVED it! It has given me a reviewed hope for humanity. (Especially in Arkansas)
I loved it. I would do it a hundred times over if I could. We should have had an extra two weeks.
Absolutely amazing.
It was great! Wish we had more time in Area I.
I have really enjoyed it! It’s been the highlight of my summer by far.
A very good one. The social aspect meeting people, that’s what really made it.
Okay, not wonderful. Certainly not life changing.
Gospel Choir was the best part of AGS. If should be a required event.
Best four weeks of my life.
It was one of the best experiences of my life and I am so glad I got to experience it.
I loved being at AGS. The heat wasn’t the best but the classes were interesting and there were so many fun
and exciting events.
I had a great time, met great people and I’m so glad I had this experience.
It was great, but I really miss my family and pets. I’m glad I came. I learned a lot.
It was a good experience especially Area II and Gospel Choir.
A positive experience and eye opening.
Very awesome! Learned so much about myself and made lots of friends.
I don’t want to go home. This is the best environment I’ve ever been in. It’s been phenomenal. I’ve changed in
such a positive way, but I still have room to grow. I never want to leave. I wish it had been six weeks.
I had a wonderful time.
One of the best experiences of my life.
Great, I hope to take what I learned and implement it at home.
Awesome! 20 out of 10!
I just wish it never had to end.
Amazing. Loved the environment.
The best thing I’ve ever done.
Benificial, my favorite part was meeting new open minded people.
It was amazing!!! I loved being at AGS, and I’ll be sad to leave.
1-10: 10
Best four weeks of my life.
It was good. I really enjoyed my Area I class and the others were great, too. I learned a ton about myself and
the world I live in.
Pretty wicked awesome.
I’d do it again in a heartbeat.
Loved it.
Wish it were six weeks.
Beneficial and some fun on the side.
AGS was one of the best experiences of my life. I just wish it would’ve been the 6 week program. I have made
many friends this month and have been able to learn and develop myself a lot more.
It was well worth it.
It opened my mind to new possibilities and allowed me to get to know other people and myself a lot better.
I loved it! I wish it was weeks because it’s over too soon. I wish there were more mixers also.
Good and fun but not the time of my life.
Felt like it was quite biased in some aspects. Yes, I understand government pays for it so they kind of decide
what is taught but it would be better if it was more balanced. Also some required seminars were irrelevant
and very boring.
It was AMAZING. It has been an incredible experience and has actually had a significant impact on me. I loved
I’m so thankful that I was allowed to take part in this wonderful experience. I’ve gained so much, and I’ll never
forget it.
I loved AGS! It was one of the best experiences I’ve ever had. I wouldn’t trade this experience for anything. I
met so many new people and learned so many new things.
AGS was absolutely wonderful, and I would recommend it to others.
It was definitely life changing and if I could, I would come every summer.
Literally one of the best experiences of my life.
My overall experience at AGS has been great. I would love to come back. It wish it was 6 weeks.
It was wonderful. I learned a lot about my Area I, myself and others!
Very sweet. But now, mostly bitter because my desire to go home is relatively non-existent.
I would say that it was one of the most incredible experiences of my life.
Life changing. One of the best decisions I’ve ever made.
One of the most memorable.
AGS was a very good experience. I met a lot of interesting people and learned a lot.
One of the best times of my life.
Very good.
As someone who wasn’t very excited about coming, I had a great time that I do not regret.
Very enjoyable. I learned a lot.
Amazing. Life-changing-Life “balancing” really, simply amazing.
It was eye-opening and fun.
It was AMAZING! Best month of my life. I wish I didn’t have to leave.
Definitely, worth it. I was scared at first, but I think I’m okay.
Wonderful! Met great people/learned new things.
It was really nice and fun. It provided a great place to grow and make friends.
A great experience Very educational, and I feel motivated by everyone here around me.
I had a great time while I was here.
It was awesome! Loved it!
Truly amazing, I wasn’t prepared for the experience.
My overall experience at AGS was awesome. I loved every minute of it.
I had a good time. The people here were the best part.
A once in a lifetime experience that I would trade for nothing, ever, anywhere.
It is something I will never forget and will take so much away from it.
I wouldn’t have traded this for anything. Even thought I had to make sacrifices to come here it was worth it.
This was such an amazing experience and I feel blessed to have been a part of it.
Great, great experience. Although more for the social part than the classes, I had a very good time. I will
remember this time.
I loved it! I was nervous at first, but now I don’t want to leave. My only complaint is that we didn’t get six
It was one of the best experiences of my life. I would do it again if I could. I wouldn’t trade it.
I enjoyed the experience, and I am glad I came.
It was amazing! I loved every bit of it and don’t want to go home.
AGS, in my opinion was an incredible and life changing experience.
Amazing doesn’t even begin to describe it. Everything about his place was great. I enjoyed the community we
built and the lifelong friends I made.
FANTASTIC! I have met so many awesome people here and it has challenged the way I think about myself
and society.
11 out of 10
It was amazing! I think it was a wonderful opportunity, and I’m so glad I came.
On a scale of 1 10 AGS is a 100!
It was fun and a changing, growing experience. I’m so thankful to have been here.
It was fun, tiring, exciting and worthwhile.
-10 or 10 I would say, a 10 all the way. I just wish it was longer.
AGS is very socializing and people are good.
I wish I had branched out more, but the activities and classes were good. Not life changing, but fun and
AGS was a great experience that has changed the way I think about things. I have met so many amazing
people here.
I think it was an amazing experience.
I had a great time, and met a lot of awesome people. However, I think the program is a little overhyped.
It was fantastic! I enjoyed every day of it.
Awesome! AGS rocks.
So fun and amazing, I would love to do it again and wouldn’t trade the experience for the world.
AGS was soooo awesome. I’m a thousand times grateful that I was able to come.
A bit rough, but definitely worth it.
It was a very fun and rewarding experience. The main thing I take away from this was a bunch of new friends.
I absolutely loved the AGS experience. I felt like it provided a glimpse of what college would be like.
Life-changing, in a good way.
Life altering. Good stuff.
Very good.
I wouldn’t trade it for a month of free summer.
It was completely wonderful and amazing.
Best Experience Ever!
Not life changing but not terrible.
Pretty awesome.
I loved the experience. It was unlike any other!
It was fantastic.
Awesome way to spend four weeks.
I wish I could stay longer. It was a great way to spend my summer, and I wish I could do it again.
I had an amazing time. I wish I could come back next day and do it again.
Maimed by personal issues/conservatism/ elitism but good overall.
The greatest experience of my life.
My overall experience was fantastic.
At first, I absolutely hated it, and couldn’t believe I was stuck here for four weeks. But now, I’m infinitely glad
I came, and will never forget all I got to do.
AGS was great! I wish we had it for six weeks or that I could come back next year.
Absolutely amazing!! I would do it ten times over if I could! One of the best times of my life.
My overall experience at AGS cannot be described in so short a space. I enjoyed it very much…I am walking
away not as a different person but as a more aware and mature individual. AGS is an experience I won’t ever
I am going to miss my teachers, friends, RAs, “caf” staff and oh no, the tears are coming…
I loved it here and would do it all again.
Very good and social.
Very enjoyable and memorable. I wish I could do it again.
10/10 I learned a lot about the world and myself.
I loved it. The people, the classes, the activities, the food (usually) I want it to be six weeks long!!!
It was worth coming, but overall it was a bit rough.
Who can say if I’ve been changed but because I went here, I’ve been changed for the good.
The best experience of my life. I cannot begin to describe how much this program meant to me because no
words are worthy of describing the impact AGS has had on my life. If only we got to experience the six week
AWESOME, though dorm life could have been better. There were so many restrictions…
It was wonderful, and it will be bitter-sweet to leave.
I loved it. Even through all my illnesses, bug bites, bad fun. It was awesome.
The best summer I’ve ever experienced.
AGS was so great, life-changing!
AGS was an amazing experience there are no more words to describe it.
An a scale of 1-10, a swimming pool in 103 degrees weather.
Like an exploding star, beautiful while it lasts, so loved every minute of it.
Pretty good time, overall.
Amazing. Good summer. Good people, good times.
I regret wasting a month here.
It was amazing.
It was life-changing. I will never forget the people, places, classes, and ideas from AGS.
I had a great time here, and I’m glad that I chose to come.
I love AGS. The best part was Gospel Choir. Gospel Choir helped me open up even more and learn a lot about
myself on the inside.
Very beneficial, I learned how to meet new people and how to live by myself.
It was the best experience of my life.
It was good! A little too liberal for me, but good!
Very eye opening.
Overall, I am very proud of what I’ve learned and gained at this experience. There were some parts I didn’t
enjoy, I think I’m ready to go home.
It was well worth four weeks of my time.
I thoroughly enjoyed myself.
I learned so much here both academically and emotionally. I wouldn’t regret this experience no matter
I learned how to whistle, to play fooseball, to throw a Frisbee, and how to write a proof. I got a lot out of this.
AGS changed my life. It showed me that it’s okay to be who I am. AGS gave me self-confidence (something I
didn’t have much of upon arrival) and showed me I have the power to make a difference.
I loved it. The food was good and dorm life was insightful. What I loved the most were my classes and the
people here. I love the diversity and meeting people who either taught me new things or were able to relate to
I loved it and would recommend it to anyone. An environment in which education is so appreciated and is so
AGS was awesome. I don’t want to go home. Although one problem is that the majority of the students I have
seen are fro either northwestern Arkansas or central Arkansas. Me, being from southeastern Arkansas and
the only one from my school, it is a low probability that I’ll ever see them again.
I would do it again next year if I could.
There are no words that can describe the memories, laughter, knowledge, friendships and realizations that I
have made through AGS this summer it’s truly unbelievable.
I went through awesome and hard times, couldn’t have asked for better.
Life changing. IF this was a boarding school in Somalia I would pack my bags to go again. I feel like my mind
will never be the same.
Thoroughly life changing. I have loved every minute.
My experience has been extremely positive; however, some of my friends told me their time here has been
soured by a somewhat pretentious air among the student body.
Very enlightening, I’m excited about my generation. Gospel Choir was so fun! I wish we had more sleep and
not bags under my eyes. Jim Rush is the coolest Area II teacher.
My overall experience at AGS was great! Sometimes the students weren’t the nicest, but overall the
instructors really made it a great experience and opportunity for me.
One a scale of 1 10 I’d say it was absolutely more than worth my while.
I really enjoyed AGS, I would definitely do it again and certainly recommend it to friends.
The AGS experience was better than I could have hoped. It was amazing!
Great experience! I matured a lot mentally. I know that I made life-long friends here.
It was life-changing. It was the best four weeks of my life so far. I hope I never forget this!
Coming from a big town and a great school, many things taught here I had already been exposed to; however,
I had a great time with friends.
I guess I liked it. I’m not really a social person and would’ve liked more sleep but that was my own fault.
AGS is life changing! It broadens social horizons and critical thinking skills at every opportunity.
So much fun, such a learning experience. Really happy I did it.
A good experience, I learned and it was quite enjoyable.
Thought provoking experience.
Academically in terms of Area I classes it was amazing; other than that it was okay.
10/10 absolutely awesome.
Very fun and beneficial both socially and intellectually.
A 9 out of 10.
Phenomenal, fantastic, wonderful, awesome.
It was great, not life changing, but one of my best experiences.
Waste of time.
This has been the best month of my life, period.
10 out of 10 great time.
Life changing.
Four weeks well spent in a great environment.
A fun experience that challenged me in ways.
I had the time of my life.
On a scale of 1 10, 9.
Amazing, life changing, thought provoking. More opportunities for experiences like this would change the
world for the better.
Very fun. I learned a lot about my field but also about myself. I grew up a lot in these short four weeks. I
learned that the world is my community.
A great life changing once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. 100/100
I LOVED IT! I’ll miss it here so much.
It was eye-opening and life changing. AGs was so much fun, wile at the same time being a great learning
experience and giving students a chance to see life and concepts in a new light.
Pretty neutral Area I great; Area II good; Area III neutral but still very glad I came to AGS.
It was great.
11 out of 10
Life changing and eye opening.
It was very educational and engaging. I wish some teachers were a bit more accessible.
It was great other than some social problems.
AWESOME. I wish I had taken more advantage of it.
I don’t want to leave behind all the amazing people I’ve met and the experiences I’ve had.
Absolutely amazing.
Incredible. Some minor things I didn’t like but overall I loved it.
Interesting, fun and unique experience.
It was great, I’ve met a lot of people I genuinely liked to be around.
Great way to spend the summer.
AGS has been absolutely wonderful. I have met so many new people and really expanded the way I think
about things. I’ll definitely remember the experience I had at AGS for the rest of my life.
It took me a week or two to get used to the environment but once I did I started to enjoy it more and more.
It’s definitely not what I expected, but so much more. I can’t believe it’s already over. I haven’t majorly
changed as a person, but I’ve taken more shape of who I want to be. I have more of a sense of duty to this
AMAZING! Great staff, great students, great everything!
I would say that this has been one of the best things I’ve ever done and I wouldn’t hesitate to do it again.
AGS has helped me further my knowledge of Natural Science, become more comfortable making new friends
and most importantly I am not scared about leaving home for college any more.
I was in my first flash mob! And gospel choir was awesome! I really enjoyed everything from the food to
visitation and I’m sad to leave.
It was very beneficial to my life. I would do it all again.
It was a great once in a life time experience.
Out of 1-12 I’d say 12. I had a blast and learned a lot.
How effectively did the Director (Lyle Rupert) promote a constructive environment at AGS?
Go Lyle Rupert!
Resist authority is the only feeling I got from Dr. Rupert.
Oh, he was great! He always had a smile on his face, which put us at ease.
He was nice! He made it clear he wanted us to have fun, and he really showed it. I really enjoyed listening to
Very well. Clearly, we all liked him. Good relatable personality.
The Director promoted a constructive environment very effectively.
Lyle did a wonderful job of constructing this grandiose event.
AMAZING! Great staff, great students, great everything.
It’s definitely not what I expected but so much more. I can’t believe it’s already over! I haven’t majorly
changed as a person, but I’ve taken more shape at who I want to be. I have more of a sense of my duty to the
I have no say in this area because I do not know what he did. All I know about him came from his appearance
at events.
I never saw him except at required events, but he had a positive attitude towards the program and all the
Lyle Rupert did a great job of promoting a good AGS environment. Everyone loved him!
Lyle Rupert!
Pretty well.
Very effectively. I saw few if any flaws in the program.
Very well.
Lyle Rupert promoted a positive social and academic atmosphere.
Great jokes and squirrels (‘nuff said).
Terribly, outside of class anyway. No phones outside your room meant if you want to talk to friends back
home you’re sitting in your room not interacting with anyone here. Not letting us watch the NBA Finals meant
I went from a large group of people who share a common interest in basketball on a TV to streaming the game
alone in my room.
He was always kind and friendly. He seemed to promote the learning atmosphere.
Lyle did an amazing job.
Well, it was constructive. So I’m going to say it was effective. *Clap, clap clapclap *Lyle Rupert! *Clap, clap
Very well! However, we didn’t have that many interactions with him.
Lyle Rupert was very effective by showing that he was an authority figure, while enforcing rules in a down-to-
earth kind of way.
Very effectively. I loved Lyle and I’m happy that I was able to have a nice, personal conversation with him
while he was still in authority!
Very well. Everything was well structured, and everyone was super nice.
It was very constructive. I knew that we were going to be challenged and Lyle Rupert made sure to stress that.
Lyle Rupert is awesome.
Everyone loves Lyle Rupert and I don’t know anyone who thinks he did any less than fantastic.
Very relatable and nice, everything was great.
He should do kid’s theater. He kept an up-beat attitude and did his job well.
Well. Everything was fun and we still learned a lot!
Yo Lyle, why you so cool? AGS was great! *Clap, clap clapclap *Lyle Rupert! *Clap, clap clap clap.
I liked his jokes.
He did well.
Good job, lots of amazing stuff.
He made it a fun and easy atmosphere to learn.
He was cool. I remember on move in day, he was very nice when he talked to my father about the AGS forms.
Lyle Rupert clap clap clap clap clap.
Lyle Rupert is amazing. Nuff’ said.
Somewhat efficiently.
A lot. Very effectively.
From what I can tell he did a fine job.
Lyle Rupert did an amazing job with the program and I would do it again.
He sucks. Denied me of the NBA.
Mr. Rupert was approachable and seemed to have the well-being of all AGS students at heart.
I felt like too much was crammed into four weeks but I understand it will be better as a six week program.
He did an excellent job of being a stand in “dad” for a month. He made all 400 of us feel welcome and safe.
He did a fabulous job! Go Lyle!
The Director promoted a constructive environment at AGS very well.
Mr. Rupert was a fantastic director, making sure everyone had fun both individually and as a community.
Lyle Rupert! Bump-Bump-Bump-Bump-Bump! Lyle Rupert! Bump-Bump-Bump-Bump-Bump! Lyle Rupert!
Lyle was the man.
Lyle Rupert was AWESOME! He totally promoted a constructive environment for AGS! He was cool and funny
and brought a positive atmosphere to AGS!
Lyle Rupert was cool! He allowed the students to enjoy themselves. I don’t think he was as strict as the Hall
Difficult for me to judge; Mr. Rupert appears to have done most of his work behind the scenes, so to speak.
Lyle Rupert connected with the students and created an amazing atmosphere for learning.
Lyle Rupert was a fantastic teacher and was universally well-liked by the students. The way AGS was
structured was very much to my liking.
Lyle Rupert was AMAZING! He did everything he was supported to and beyond!
Lyle Rupert is amazing and really promoted a very positive environment with extreme amounts of energy.
AGS always flew up higher in the sky every time he spoke to us!
Whenever he appeared he was always friendly and supportive of the students/staff.
I always saw Lyle with a positive expression on his face which made me quite comfortable around him. He
was also always interacting with students and promoting positivity which was awesome. Lyle Rupert clap
clap clap clap clap.
Lyle promoted a very constructive environment.
He did a good job. I love the environment at AGS!
Lyle Rupert made AGS fun. He was authority, but he never gave off a domineering vibe. I’m very appreciative
of all he did.
I have no complaints.
I can’t say for sure who was responsible, but things were run well, in my opinion.
He basically constructed a utopia right here and ran it flawlessly pretty much. He should get an award.
Effectiveness: 1 (on scale of 1 1
Rather than being a phone and PDA Nazi, Lyle should focus on creating challenging coursework that does not
mirror the mediocrity of Arkansas education.
Lyle Rupert did a great job and I have no complaints.
He did a great job.
He was great and funny. Lyle Rupert clap clap clap clap clap.
AGS was very well-organized and constructed efficiently around learning. Rupert did a great job.
Very well, you could tell he cared a lot.
He did a great job. He helped me grow intellectually, but I also made many great friends and had an amazing
Very well.
Very effectively; he balanced learning and discipline with fun.
I loved Lyle Rupert. He is like a father to me, but I never met him.
He was very good at making a learning environment.
Lyle Rupert did a good job.
Very effectively; he’s great.
He did not. The rules are too strict it felt like a prison.
Lyle Rupert *clap clap clap clap clap*.
Very effectively.
He became someone beyond human.
Very much so, since he got a chant.
AGS was very constructive and at all times there was something fun to do.
Really awesomely! I think everything went so well!
He was happy all the time.
Very well.
Very effectively.
Very well! I wish we had seen more of him. I wish he talked to the students more though.
He was very effective in creating an enjoyable atmosphere.
Very well. He was always excited and encouraging.
I loved Lyle Rupert. Always positive and outgoing. Always a pleasure to see him.
Lyle Rupert helped everyone open up rather than be reclusive during these four weeks at AGS.
I guess he did alright considering the program was only four weeks.
Ly-le Ru-pert! Lyle Ru-pert! clap clap clap clap clap. He’s a cool guy, really ran things well.
I would have liked some different required lectures.
Very effectively, so much that out of honor a chant was born.
I don’t know.
Really well. Maybe more of a sense of community would’ve been better.
Very effectively.
The Sultan of Squirrels has created a wonderful place.
Very, super effectively.
Very effectively; some of the speakers were rather shallow and pedantic.
He set up many helpful programs.
Really well. People loved him.
Very effectively! You rule!
He did a great job.
I enjoyed the variety of events that were provided to us. Thanks Lyle.
He did an amazing job!
Lyle did an amazing job. It wouldn’t have been possible without him.
He was great, kind, funny and very administrative.
Lyle Rupert clap clap clap clap clap. He’s great!
Lyle Rupert did a lovely job. He always told us what was going on with ample time to adjust.
Very effectively.
Very effectively! We love Lyle Rupert.
Lyle Rupert promoted a very constructive environment. He was a very good “Father” for the month.
The Director was amazing! He was always positive and upbeat an all-around awesome guy.
He did a wonderful job! He was always happy to see us.
Very effectively. I thought he did a great job!
Really liked him. Asked him a question about check out and he was extremely kind and helpful.
He did it very well in a fun, authoritative, yet understanding way.
Lyle was great! He was so enthusiastic about AGS and always wanted to make sure we were having a good
time. He made sure basic procedures were fully explained and understood, and his enthusiasm caused
everyone to be excited about AGS.
Lyle Rupert was spectacular, one of the best people in the world, ever. Rupert 2012!
Very effectively.
Lyle Rupert! clap clap clap clap clap! Lyle was a great director. Beautiful, really. Like an AGS father figure. I’d
vote for him in 2012.
Major props to Lyle. He kept things running smoothly and always had fantastic things for us to do. Great job!
We didn’t really see him much except for a little bit at the seminars.
He did a great job! He was good at informing us on what was going on and organizing things.
He is Lyle Rupert. He did the best job and I’m grateful he did because it has been the best four weeks of my
He promoted a constructive environment quite well.
I didn’t really see him much but I had fun while I was here so I guess he did a good job.
Extremely effectively. We cheered for him at every required event.
He was great! He gave us announcements and was nice about telling us to clean up.
Lyle is awesome.
110% Long Live Lyle Rupert!
Lyle did a good job. I think the environment was overall constructive, despite all the strict rules.
Very effectively. All went pretty well.
The director interacted with the students very well, and I think he did a great job.
He interacted very well with the students and had many activities so that most of the time we were busy and
had something to do.
I think he does an excellent job and he had fun doing it. The environment gave everyone a chance to grow.
He did a very good job. He was very friendly and close with students.
He did a great job. I wanted to get going after the intro into AGS.
I believe he did a great job and was very well organized. I never really saw him except at required events.
He did a great job. He made it fun and that made it easier to learn.
“Lyle Rupert!” was awesome! I loved his jokes and how he was always on top of things; while letting us know
about vital information.
He was awesome!
Very well. The diversity of things we did, and the community that was created, was amazing.
Lyle Rupert was a very effective promoter of learning at AGS.
Lyle Rupert is awesome. Squirrels are amazing, but not his jokes!
He was very effective in doing so. Everyone loved Lyle Rupert.
Lyle Rupert is sent from the heavens. Only a God could deliver such an experience as this.
He was always funny and encouraging. He embraced the AGS community.
The Director promoted a constructive environment at AGS by giving us diversity.
“Lyle Rupert!” *clap clap clap clap clap* It was great!!!
Oh that Lyle Rupert! He seemed awesome and I think he did an excellent job.
He was a good promoter of AGS. He seemed to always be working on something. He even wanted the cheer to
be changed from his name to a whole AGS cheer.
(Regarding how well it all went,) he was awesome. Dude, what’s with the squirrel thing?
Lyle Rupert was awesome! He did a great job and I had soooooo much fun at AGS!!
Lyle was very effective because almost everything we did was constructive and fun.
Very effectively. Had a great time and learned a lot. Enjoyed most of the things at AGS.
Lyle was always a smiling and helpful person. He was at all the events and gave everyone a good laugh. He
created a very relaxed environment from the start.
Didn’t really see much of him, but AGS was great and he was a very funny guy. So very effectively.
I love Lyle.
Very effectively, what a great guy! Lyle Rupert, you’re my hero.
10/10 Perfect.
Lyle Rupert did a great job and I honestly don’t see how it could get much better than this.
Lyle Rupert, clap clap clap clap clap. I believe he did an amazing job in interacting and communicating with
the students.
Lyle Rupert is the freakin’ best!
The Director, Lyle Rupert, was very effective in promoting a constructive environment at AGS.
I love Lyle.
Always, very positive and interactive; very well.
Very effective.
I think he promoted a constructive environment pretty well.
Lyle Rupert did his job very well.
Very well. Assuming he had a lot to do with overall plans, I am very impressed. I have learned so much during
my time here.
Pretty effective. He kept energy up and remained friendly.
I didn’t really see him around or notice his presence.
Lyle Rupert = AWESOME.
He was funny and really nice.
Very effectively! Lyle Rupert clap clap clap clap clap.
I never really saw him, but he did really good.
Lyle Rupert *clap clap clap clap clap* - enough said. Awesome!
He did it so effectively. Lyle Rupert is the BEST!
Lyle was at a few functions and acted like a father character. I feel he could have come to more events or at
least sat with the students because we didn’t know if he was present or not.
He was awesome! I love the energy and squirrel jokes.
Very effectively! The environment here was very open and friendly.
Lyle Rupert is my hero. I will never forget that man.
Very effectively.
Lyle Rupert was fantastica!
Lyle provided a world inside the world. He created a place of learning, finding yourself and comfortability.
I liked that Lyle pushed for a focus on all of AGS. Some people didn’t really catch on, but I respect what he was
trying to do. I thought he did a good job.
The only time I ever saw Lyle was when he introduced a new event, so I think he should have been more
involved day to day since he’s the director.
It was relaxing to be in the AGS program.
Always friendly and supportive. Always looking forward to seeing him at functions!
(in my chant voice) Lyleee Rupertttt! He did a wonderful job. Combined community and school in a fun way.
Aside from several events I personally considered to be non-productive, AGS was phenomenally put together.
Very effectively. He was always enthusiastic about things and everyone really seemed to like him.
Lyle Rupert did a great of making AGS a healthy learning environment while keeping it fun at the same time.
He was very effective.
Pretty effectively. I know he was super excited when he spoke to us as a group; however, I didn’t see that
enthusiasm elsewhere.
Lyle made sure everyone was comfortable and followed the rules. Very effective.
I didn’t understand the obsession with Lyle Rupert. I never talked to him and he didn’t seem to do anything
Very effectively. He established a fun, yet educational environment. I have no complaints about Lyle Rupert.
He assertively held his position and made everyone feel welcome.
Very well!
He was very effectively at making AGS fun for everyone.
Very effectively Lyle was great!
I love Lyle! There was a very constructive environment at AGS. I don’t think it could have been any better.
Very wonderful, we had all interesting things.
I love AGS so very effectively. Although some of the speakers were boring, Area II and III were interesting and
I learned a lot.
Okay. I didn’t see him much and most of my instructions were from other people.
Lyle Rupert! *clap* Lyle Rupert was so nice and warm and made me feel that much more comfortable at AGS.
He did an amazing job!
Very effectively.
Lyle Rupert is the bomb.
Very. I can’t think of anything he could have done better.
I love Lyle! Awesome guy. Great adoptive pad!
Very well. I was always learning every hour.
He did a good job.
He did an OUTSTANDING job…but he could have have kept most (ALL) of those jokes to himself.
Pretty decent; didn’t see much of him though.
I’m sure he did great. The environment was constructive so it was probably because of him.
I think he did a great job.
He did a very good job! Very organized and provided a lot for all of us.
It was a very constructive environment. I had a great time.
I found the environment quite constructive. I would say he did very well.
Lyle Rupert made the 4
of July celebration awesome! Love his jokes!
Very effective, very organized, always something going on which is good for me.
Very effectively.
Mr. Rupert promoted a very positive atmosphere.
He was great! All the rules and activities were made clear.
Very well! Didn’t see him around that much.
He was humorous and it was a well run program.
Lyle promoted a good balance of academics and fun at AGS.
Lyle Rupert (clap, clap, clap, clap, clap)!
Very well! Yay Lyle!
I felt the environment was a very constructive and safe. One thanks to Mr. Rupert.
He was awesome. The environment was always good even though it was hot.
Lyle Rupert!!! He promoted a constructive environment for AGS, like it was going out of style!
He was wonderful. He worked well with the students and we all loved him.
Very well. I thought everything went great.
Quite well, always cheering us on and such.
Very effectively.
He did well. We were always learning new things, although some speakers were boring.
Very effectively. I learned a great deal of stuff.
I think he did an excellent job for the environment was always constructive.
Unless he did stuff behind the scenes, I found him to be useless beyond the few instructions and PSAs he gave.
Lyle Rupert is a pretty cool guy and isn’t afraid of anything. But for real, he did great.
He made me feel like everyone really wanted me here and that I belong here and he’s just awesome.
Lyle Rupert (clap, clap, clap, clap, clap)! I think he did well, but I really can’t say. I only saw him occasionally.
Rupert was a fine director, seemed to know how to regulate amongst him staff.
I love you Lyle.
At first I was afraid that people (staff, RAs, HDs, instructors, cafeteria ladies, etc.) around the campus would
be scary, but they were actually very nice and fun. I learned to get out of my shell and to have self-confidence
meeting new people.
I didn’t really see him that much.
We love Lyle Rupert. The End.
He was the man! Loved him. Everything he did was awesome.
Lyle Rupert is a boss.
I think he did an excellent job and we all loved him.
Lyle Rupert is my hero.
Lyle Rupert is awesome. AGS was constructive in all aspects.
Lyle Rupert is my favorite. He promoted a constructive environment super effectively. Lyle Rupert (clap, clap,
clap, clap, clap)!
It was fun and the programs were great.
He needs to chill with all the boy-girl segregation. Too focused on preventing kids from “PDA” than the actual
learning experience.
Loved him. He was a friendly face always.
We all love Lyle. He’s so funny and nice; he seems to really care about us.
Lyle Rocks, period.
He was awesome and really funny, everyone loved him.
He was awesome at it.
Very well, always a sense of community.
He was fantastic.
Lyle Rupert (clap, clap, clap, clap, clap)!
Lyle Rupert was a better director than Alfred Hitchcock. Love him.
Very. It all seemed very organized and I really appreciate that we had lots of off time and lots of optional
Sorry for this short response, but “Squirrels”.
AMAZING. He made us all feel happy and in a community.
He did a good job. No complaints.
Very well, I enjoyed all the activities and seminars.
Great. He produces happiness.
Somewhat well.
Cool guy! Great job planning activities/organizing AGS.
I liked how relatable and fun he was. He seemed actually to like us.
Pretty effectively.
Perfectly. He did a great job.
Great! I truly enjoyed my stay here.
Epic on too many levels…me gusta.
Very well.
Lyle was great. He made AGS amazing.
Very well, really enjoyed his speeches.
Rupert did a fine job.
Well he seemed happy about AGS.
Lyle Rupert seemed like a pretty cool guy. He promoted a very constructive environment and I ‘m glad he
always made sure to acknowledge the cafeteria staff.
He did a good job when he talked. He acted like he cared about us and made us feel more at ease. He tried to
make us concentrate on getting to know each other and having a good time.
He did great job even though I only really ever saw him in Staples before required events.
I think everyone loved Lyle Rupert! He was kind of an idol and brought everyone together through that.
Very well. He seemed very involved and I feel he succeeded in providing a very constructive environment.
He promoted it greatly! I wasn’t a big fan of the cheer, but Lyle always acted like he wanted the best for all
400 of us.
Very effectively, keep him.
What did Lyle Rupert do? I never saw him but at required events.
Very effectively.
Squirrel man was excellent, seemed to know what he was doing.
Lyle Rupert is a boss. He handled everything smoothly and with no problems. Everything was worth it.
He performed his role as figurehead well. We didn’t revolt against him so he was effective.
LYLE RUPERT. The name just rolls off your tongue.
He was so awesome! And effective! Lyle Rupert (clap, clap, clap, clap, clap)!
Very! I loved my experience! I would do it again if I could.
Very effectively and he made if all fun.
He did a great job (behind the scenes so I don’t know for sure.)
He did a very good job at promoting a constructive environment. He made us feel like we could trust this
place a lot.
Awesomely. He made it clear that although AGS is fun, it’s made to teach us.
Lyle was great at promoting a constructive environment. He was supportive and even played organ for us!
Rupert did a fantastic job at making AGS a great event.
Lyle Rupert is the greatest man alive. We all adore him.
Lyle Rupert was spectacular. Every aspect of AGS was stimulating and enjoyable.
He kept things very organized.
Lyle Rupert is an awesome AGS director. Couldn’t have done any better.
He did great and his jokes are hard core.
Nice guy, good with kids. Hire him again next year.
I saw him twice outside of Staples. He was cool I suppose, but he should come sit with the kids at meals - that
would be fun.
Very effectively; everyone seemed to have a fun, safe environment to learn in.
He’s great! Did a wonderful job. Love him!
Very well. I learned a lot.
Mr. Rupert did an excellent job promoting a constructive environment at AGS.
He did a fantastic job! I was quite pleased with his approach. (There is a reason why the “Lyle Rupert *chant”
Adequately enough. It was great.
I’m sure that he did well. His name made for a fun chant however. He also has very interesting jokes.
Very effectively.
Helped make it feel like we were all one big family.
Promoted community though good humor.
He was alright at it. I would like to see him more. The only times I ever saw him was at speakers.
I was vastly impressed. He was very effective.
Scale from 1 to 10: 9.8. He did a great job.
He was very effective and supportive.
Very effectively.
He promoted a constructive environment.
Well. He did a great job.
On a scale of 1 to 10 a 376.
Very effectively.
I feel that the Director promoted a safe environment.
Lyle Rupert is the most constructive and supportive member of the AGS team.
The environment here is amazing. It’s very easy to meet new people, and develop new interests. We had
discussions about what we did in every class, from math to drama and the amount of talent here all coupled
together created a positive environment.
The environment was great and he’s a great and hilarious person. Great job!
We all love Lyle! The entire AGS program/community was awesome.
Very well! The program helped me everyday!
Lyle is the man. He put on a GREAT program this year.
Lyle did a pretty awesome job with constructing a positive AGS experience.
He would address problems in a way that didn’t make him seem strict but at the same time you knew to obey
I would guess very well, although I never saw him out of Staples.
I felt the environment at AGS was certainly constructive.
(round of applause) Lyle, you are the man! This was the best experience we had in high school so far.
Very effectively. He was at everything and he, sometimes, got involved.
Very effectively. He was super fun.
Effectively enough for everyone to chant his name together.
Very effectively. He was always encouraging when I actually saw him.
He was great.
Well. Very well. Lyle Rupert (clap, clap, clap, clap, clap)!
He was awesome at getting everyone excited for what the day had to offer.
Lyle Rupert (clap, clap, clap, clap, clap)! Very well.
He was always upbeat and enthusiastic when he spoke to the student body.
Very effectively. I love how he actually goes on stage and talked to us; he didn’t just sit back and let other
people handle everything.
I believe that the best possible environment and atmosphere was created here at AGS.
Lyle Rupert is the perfect face for AGS! I loved his enthusiasm he used when explaining things as well as the
conversational tone when addressing a program during the program. He always reminded us of our talents
and then gave us suggestions. He did a great job.
Lyle Rupert serves well as a surrogate grandfather and was instrumental in creating a sense of unity at AGS.
He did it very well.
Very effective! The atmosphere at AGS was amazing.
He was interesting.
Lyle Rupert seemed more accessible and personal than the RAs. He was awesome.
AWESOME! He did great! ‘Nuff said.