Thorax 2000;55(Suppl 1):S2–S10S2
Family size, infection and atopy:
the first decade of the “hygiene
David P Strachan
Department of Public Health Sciences, St George’s Hospital Medical School,
London SW17 0RE, UK
Introductory article
The magnitude of the effect of smaller family sizes on the increase in the
prevalence of asthma and hay fever in the United Kingdom and New Zealand
K Wickens, J Crane, N Pearce, R Beasley
Background. Declining family size is one factor that has been proposed to contribute to increasing
asthma and hay fever prevalence, but its relative importance has not been quantified. Objective. Our
purpose was to determine the change in asthma and hay fever prevalence that would be expected
from the reduction in family size that has occurred in England/Wales and New Zealand over recent
decades. Methods. The relative change in family size between 1961 and 1991 in England/Wales and
New Zealand was determined from census data for these years. Summary weighted odds ratios were
calculated for the associations among birth order, family size, and asthma and hay fever prevalence.
The expected increase in the prevalence of asthma and hay fever between 1961 and 1991 resulting
from changes in family size was then calculated. Results. The expected relative increase in the prevalence
of asthma between 1961 and 1991 as a result of the smaller family size was 1% and 5% for England/
Wales and New Zealand, respectively; smaller family size would be expected to increase the prevalence
of hay fever prevalence in England/Wales by 4%. Conclusions. Changes in family size over the last 30
years do not appear to explain much of the reported increase in asthma or hay fever prevalence. The
contribution that other risk factors have made to these increases could be assessed with use of a similar
approach. (J Allergy Clin Immunol 1999;104:554–8)
In 1989 I proposed a novel but speculative explanation suppressing the Th2 immune responses involved in IgE
mediated allergy.
Although the Th1/Th2 paradigmfor the principal epidemiological features of hay fever
and the apparent rise in the prevalence of allergic dis- may not be as clear in humans as it first appeared in
the “hygiene hypothesis” has remained ofeases.
Colloquially named the “hygiene hypothesis”,
this stated, in summary: interest to both immunologists and epidemiologists
throughout the 1990s and has been the subject of aThese observations . . . could be explained if allergic
diseases were prevented by infection in early childhood, number of editorials and review articles.
This commentary summarises the epidemiologicaltransmitted by unhygienic contact with older siblings, or
acquired prenatally . . . Over the past century declining family evidence which has emerged during the 1990s relating
family size, infections, and immunisations to atopy andsize, improved household amenities and higher standards of
personal cleanliness have reduced opportunities for cross- allergic diseases, and looks forward to the research
agenda for the next decade.infection in young families. This may have resulted in more
widespread clinical expression of atopic disease.”
At first this hypothesis was received with scepticism
because the prevailing immunological thinking con- Epidemiology of atopy and allergic diseases
   sidered infection as a potential trigger of allergic sens-
itisation rather than as a protective influence.
However, The introductory article by Wickens et al
on one of the most striking epidemiological features ofduring the early 1990s a plausible mechanism arose
from the distinction of Th1 and Th2 lymphocyte popu- allergy – the inverse association with family size, which
has been consistently found in studies of hay fever, skinlations in laboratory animals and the recognition that
“natural immunity” to bacterial and viral infections prick positivity, and specific IgE.
Many, but not all,
studies find a stronger “protective” influence for olderinduces a Th1 pattern of cytokine release, potentially
Family size, infection and atopy: the first decade of the “hygiene hypothesis” S3
siblings than for younger siblings and, among the tendance in childhood was associated with a small, non-
significant excess of atopy.
British and New Zealand studies summarised by Wick-
ens et al,
this is the predominant pattern for hay fever, The balance of evidence does not therefore suggest
a relationship between allergy and early child contactsalthough not for asthma a point to which we return
shortly. outside the home, which is dicult to reconcile with
the “hygiene hypothesis”. In retrospect, it is interestingThe “hygiene hypothesis”
was an attempt to oer a
parsimonious and coherent explanation for the current to note that Finnish investigators publishing in 1984
had obviously set out to test the hypothesis that earlyobservations of dierential hay fever risk within families
and the historical evidence suggesting that hay fever infection increased,
rather than decreased the risk of
allergic symptoms. Finding no dierence with respecthad emerged as a “post-industrial revolution epidemic”
during the 19th century
and continued to increase in to day care attendance, they concluded that “atopy
probably cannot be prevented by protecting small chil-prevalence throughout the 20th century.
In 1989 the influence of family size and structure was dren from infection”. The direction of the causal hypo-
thesis has certainly changed in the intervening years!apparent only for parentally reported and self-reported
hay fever and eczema in two national British birth
and this raised the possibility of an artifactual
association arising from dierential awareness or label-  
Another feature of the epidemiology of allergic diseaseling of allergic diseases by parents of firstborn and
subsequent ospring. However, during the past decade for which the “hygiene hypothesis” oers an explanation
is the socioeconomic gradient, with a higher prevalencethis concern has been allayed by studies from several
European countries showing the same inverse as- of hay fever
37 38
and eczema
among children and adults
from more auent families. The variation with parentalsociation of family size
or, more specifically, birth
23 25 26
with objective measures of allergic sens- socioeconomic status is independent of, and more
powerful than, the eect of the osprings own socio-itisation such as skin prick tests
22 23 25 26
or circulating
levels of aeroallergen specific IgE.
24 27 28
economic status as an adult,
and is also independent
of family size and birth order.
26 31 38
Large samples are required to distinguish reliably
between the eects of older and younger siblings, but in Theoretically, some of the socioeconomic gradient in
hay fever prevalence could be due to dierential re-two such studies
28 29
no statistically significant dierence
emerged, in contrast to the earlier observations on porting and labelling of symptoms,
but this cannot
account for the similar trend in physician-diagnosedBritish populations.
It is intriguing that in both the
former studies
28 29
a significantly stronger “protective” eczema
and positive skin prick tests.
25 26 41 42
economic variations in the prevalence of allergyeect emerged for brothers than for sisters. Thus, while
an inverse association between family size and allergic are evident not only in western countries such as
31 38 39
and the USA,
37 41 42
but also in thediseases remains a consistent feature, the possible mod-
ifying influences of household structure, including birth German Democratic Republic before German uni-
and in urban Ghana.
order, sibling gender, and parental ages
23 31 32
still require
clarification. Anecdotally, the association of allergy with auence
dates back to the 19th century.
Charles Blackley, whoA large study of specific IgE among adults from
several European countries
has shown a statistically first demonstrated that hay fever was caused by allergy
to grass pollen, described the disease as one of the urbansignificant dierence in the strength of the family size
eect between subjects with a parental history of allergy educated classes and was puzzled to find that it was
rare among farmers, despite their high exposure toand those without such a history. A protective eect of
siblings on atopy was evident only in the group with no pollen. Interestingly, several recent studies have reported
a reduced prevalence of allergic rhinitis and/or ob-parental allergy, suggesting that environmental in-
fluences on allergic sensitisation may be “overwhelmed” jectively measured atopy among children of farmers
compared with other children in rural com-by genetic predisposition to atopy. On the other hand,
a study of German children suggested that the eect of munities.
35 45–47
The magnitude of these dierences, a
2–3-fold variation, is similar to the comparison of ex-sibship size was concentrated among the ospring of
atopic fathers, although the statistical significance of the tremes of parental social class or household size.
A number of explanations can be oered for thisdierence between paternal and maternal atopy was not
reduced prevalence of childhood allergy in farming
Greater exposure to infection is likely inThe European study
found an additional protective
eect of sharing a bedroom as a child, independent of the farm environment, but other exposures including
chemical pesticides and herbicides or bacterial endo-family size. This would be consistent with the “hygiene
hypothesis” which interprets the variation in allergy risk toxins should be considered. There are also dierences
in lifestyle between farming and non-farming families,with family size as a reflection of dierential exposure
to infections acquired in childhood from contact with including diet, which may be influential, either directly
or through their eects on intestinal microflora, assiblings. A similar eect might be expected from ex-
posure to children outside the home, but inconsistent discussed below. The Alpine studies, at least, relate
primarily to small scale livestock farming and frequencyresults have emerged from the few studies which have
investigated this. One relatively small German study of animal contact accounts for most of the reduction in
allergy risk among farming families.
46 47
This raises thefound a reduced risk of allergy among children who had
entered day nursery at an early age,
but a larger Finnish possibility that zoonotic infections may oer important
protection against allergic reported a significant association in the opposite
An earlier Finnish study found no dierence In this context it may be relevant that, among Euro-
pean adults, exposure to a dog during childhood wasin allergic symptoms or skin test positivity with respect
to day care attendance.
In the British 1958 birth associated with a reduced prevalence of atopy.
finding may reflect pet avoidance by allergic families,cohort, attendance at a preschool nursery did not in-
fluence the prevalence of allergic sensitisation in early although early exposure to cats was not independently
associated with less atopy.
Studies of children generallyadult life
and, among European adults, day care at-
S4 Strachan
show little variation in the prevalence of allergic disease
with pet ownership,
although a recent Swedish study
found a reduced prevalence of allergic rhinitis and
asthma among children exposed to pets in the first
year of life which persisted, albeit at reduced levels of
statistical significance, after adjustment for pet avoid-
While it would be premature to conclude that
early pet exposure protects against allergic sensitisation,
this possibility should be considered in the context of
allergen avoidance strategies which aim to reduce the
burden of allergic disease by pet avoidance.
 
Important insights into the epidemiology of atopic dis-
ease were oered with the opening of former socialist
1958 cohort
1970 cohort
1 2 3 4 I II IIIN IIIM IV V5+
Birth order Father's social class
Prevalence of hay fever at age 16 (%)
countries of eastern Europe to “western” investigators
Figure 1 Prevalence of hay fever at the age of 16 in two
during the early 1990s. Comparisons between former
national British birth cohorts born in 1958 and 1970, by
birth order and fathers social class.
West and East Germany
and across the Baltic
55 56
indicated a substantially lower prevalence of allergic
symptoms and atopic sensitisation among children and
rhinitis) and for direct measures of atopy are less evident
adults from East Germany than from West Germany,
or absent for wheezing illness. An important corollary
and among children from Poland and Estonia compared
is that we should not seek to explain the epidemiology
with those from Sweden. These east–west dierences
of asthma solely on the basis of patterns of allergic
were seen only in children and younger adults, and not
among Germans born before the 1960s,
which suggests
that a “cohort eect” may be operating with the lifetime
allergy risk being influenced by living conditions in early
Infection and risk of subsequent atopic disease
During the 1990s, however, the prevalence
Epidemiological studies which have tested the hygiene
of hay fever and atopy in Leipzig appears to have
hypothesis fall into two groups: those relating to specific
increased, even among generations born before German
infections or immunisations, and those assessing more
This suggests that the critical period for
generally the burden of infectious illness in early life.
determination of these geographical variations in allergy
risk is not confined to the perinatal period.
    
Several large cross sectional studies of schoolchildren
    
have obtained information retrospectively from parents
on the nature or frequency of infections earlier in child-
It is important to note that neither the household size
hood and related this to the prevalence of atopic
eect nor the socioeconomic or geographical variations
30 68
and skin prick test positivity.
26 68
The findings
apply so consistently or conspicuously to asthma symp-
have been generally disappointing, in that no substantial
toms. Although some large studies of asthma prevalence
inverse relationships have emerged. There are several
show a strong inverse relationship with birth order,
important limitations to cross sectional data. Firstly,
most show only a weak association.
parental recall is likely to be incomplete, particularly
variations in asthma prevalence in Europe recently have
for non-specific illnesses such as fever or respiratory
been small, but asthma severity tends to be worse in the
infections, although it is arguably better for the “once
poorer groups.
60 61
o viral infections (such as measles, mumps, and
Some important epidemiological dierences between
chickenpox). This would tend to dilute, but not to
allergy (indicated by hay fever) and wheezing illness
(indicated by asthma or wheezy bronchitis) are sum-
marised in figs 1 and 2 which present data from two
national British birth cohorts studied at the age of 16,
12 years apart.
38 62
A possible explanation for these
dierences is that only a minority of asthmatic symptoms
are attributable to atopy (about one third as estimated
by a recent meta-analysis
). There is growing re-
cognition of multiple wheezing syndromes, particularly
in early childhood,
with “transient early wheezing”,
“recurrent wheezy bronchitis”, and “allergic asthma”
forming distinct phenotypes, each with characteristic
epidemiology and natural history.
If the “hygiene hypothesis” is correct, then childhood
infection should protect against “allergic asthma”. Other
wheezing syndromes, however, are positively related to
and, even among allergic asthmatics, in-
tercurrent viral illnesses are a common trigger for epi-
sodes of bronchospasm. Thus, we should not be
1958 cohort
1970 cohort
1 2 3 4 I II IIIN IIIM IV V5+
Birth order Father's social class
Prevalence of asthma or wheezy
bronchitis at age 16 (%)
surprised if the associations with household size and
Figure 2 Prevalence of asthma or wheezy bronchitis at the
socioeconomic status which emerge clearly and con-
age of 16 in two national British birth cohorts born in 1958
and 1970, by birth order and fathers social class.
sistently for hay fever (almost by definition, “allergic”
Family size, infection and atopy: the first decade of the “hygiene hypothesis” S5
reverse, associations. Secondly, parents who recall more were otitis media, tonsillitis, upper and lower respiratory
tract infections, urinary infections, whooping cough,accurately may also tend to report diseases more com-
pletely at the survey, generating a bias towards a positive measles, mumps, and chickenpox. No inverse as-
sociations were found between any of these infectiousassociation of early infection with allergic symptoms,
but not with objective indicators of atopy such as skin illnesses and the later development of hay fever, eczema
or asthma, and there were significant positive re-prick tests. Thirdly, the early manifestations of a wheez-
ing tendency may be recalled as episodes of chest in- lationships with croup, mumps, and chickenpox.
addition, early antibiotic therapy was associated with afection, generating a non-causal positive association
with later asthma and, indirectly, with associated atopic doubling in the risk of subsequent allergic disease, a
point to which we will return later.diseases.
Because of this third problem, an excess of early The totality of current evidence from cross sectional
and longitudinal studies of common specific and non-febrile illnesses and chest infections among children later
suering from asthma or wheeze
26 68
requires cautious specific infectious illnesses in infancy and childhood
oers no support for the “hygiene hypothesis”.interpretation. However, there was no association be-
tween the frequency of febrile episodes in the first year
of life and subsequent hay fever among German children
after those with asthma were excluded. There was a    
Interest in the possibility that measles might be pro-weak but non-significant inverse relationship between
febrile episodes and skin test and RAST positivity, and tective against allergy had previously arisen from the
intriguing results of a longitudinal study of children ina weak but significant inverse correlation of early fever
with total IgE.
The cohort was unusual because the
area had been aected by an epidemic of wild measlesThe only childhood illness associated with a sig-
nificantly lower prevalence of allergic disease among when the children were young and before most had
been immunised. Measles vaccination was oered afterAberdeen schoolchildren
was measles occurring after
the age of three years in relation to asthma. However, the epidemic to those who had not contracted wild
measles infection. A substantially reduced prevalencethis finding should be interpreted with caution because
it arose from 30 comparisons (including one significant of positive skin prick tests was found in the group who
had been infected during the epidemic compared withpositive association between chickenpox and asthma),
and eczema and hay fever were not similarly reduced those who received post-epidemic immunisation. The
authors oered two interpretations either that wildamong the children with later measles. When a com-
posite index of exposure was generated by combining measles infection might protect against the development
of atopy or that measles immunisation might promotehistories of illness due to measles, mumps, rubella,
varicella and pertussis, the tendency was for a slightly allergic sensitisation. Correspondents
72 73
added a third
possibility namely, that children with impaired Th1higher risk of allergic disease in children with multiple
immune responses, who are normally at increased risk
of IgE mediated allergy, were at a higher risk of dyingLongitudinal data are less prone to bias from parental
recall, although they are equally prone to the problem during the measles epidemic and therefore the pre-
valence of atopy was artifactually lowered in the infectedof continuities in susceptibility to chest complaints.
Investigators from the Tucson cohort study
interpreted survivors.
Fortunately, evidence from the British 1970 birthan association between non-wheezing lower respiratory
illness in early life and subsequent reduction in total cohort
was already available (and cited
) at this time
to allay concerns about an increased risk of atopy fromIgE levels as possible evidence in favour of the “hygiene
hypothesis”. However, an alternative explanation is that measles immunisation. About half of this cohort of over
13 000 children were vaccinated against measles and nothe propensity to wheeze at times of viral infection in
early childhood is in some children an early mani- substantial dierence in the prevalence of hay fever or
eczema was evident at the age of five when immunisedfestation of “allergic asthma”. Thus, the lower IgE levels
among children with non-wheezing lower respiratory and non-immunised children were compared; nor was
there any evidence of a protective eect from wildillnesses are probably due to selective removal from this
group of the more atopic children who wheezed in measles infection.
Subsequently, data on the prevalence of hay fever atresponse to early infection.
Longitudinal studies are preferable for exploring pos- the age of 16 in the same cohort were analysed in
relation to measles infection, measles immunisation,sible critical periods during which infection might in-
fluence allergic sensitisation. A large study of British and birth order.
Overall, the prevalence of hay fever
was unrelated to wild measles or measles immunisationadolescents
focused on infectious illnesses in the first
month of life, ascertained by health visitors at a routine but, when stratified by birth order, a protective eect
emerged in the children with many older siblings. How-postnatal visit. No associations were found with hay
fever or skin prick positivity in later childhood, but the ever, we have examined the same statistical interaction
of birth order and wild measles infection on hay feverspectrum of illness was relatively mild and records were
restricted to the first month when passive immunity at age 16 in the British 1958 cohort and found no
evidence of eect modification (Butland BK, Strachanfrom maternal IgG is still influential.
A systematic review of the medical records of all DP, unpublished analyses: available on request). Thus,
it seems unlikely that there is a protective eect ofchildren in a single general practice in Oxfordshire
provided the only comprehensive insight to date of the measles selectively among larger families.
Further evidence against a protective eect of wildrelationship between common symptomatic illnesses
throughout childhood and the occurrence of doctor- measles infection has been published recently from a
mass MMR vaccination programme of over half a mil-diagnosed asthma, hay fever, and eczema. The study
was unusual in that social class, sibship size, and birth lion Finnish children conducted during the early
This is by far the largest study of any infectionorder were unrelated to the prevalence of allergy, and
the only infectious illness examined which was related in relation to the prevalence of allergy and shows a
statistically significant increase in the prevalence ofto birth order was croup. Others included in the analysis
S6 Strachan
asthma, hay fever, and eczema, by one third or more in confidence in an eective vaccine is not prompted by
poorly founded concerns about its eect on the risk ofrelative terms, among the 4% of children with a history
of measles illness. Interpretation is not entirely straight- allergic disease.
forward because the incidence of wild measles had
already been reduced by monovalent measles vac-
cination during the previous seven years, and it is pos-     
A possible link between mycobacterial infection andsible that uptake of this vaccine diered between allergic
and non-allergic families. Additionally, the clinical mani- reduced risk of allergy was suggested by a study of 867
Japanese children who underwent routine tuberculinfestation of measles in vaccinated individuals could vary
according to the Th1/Th2 balance, just as case fatality tests prior to BCG vaccination at ages 6 and 12 years.
An inverse relationship was observed between delayedmight in the African context. However, it is reasonable
to conclude that this latest study provides no support hypersensitivity to tuberculin at the age of 12 and both
total and allergen specific serum IgE levels at the samefor a protective eect from wild measles infection.
The authors interpreted this as evidence that prior
infection with tuberculosis or environmental myco-
bacteria might protect against the development of al- 
The debate about a possible increase in allergy risk from lergy.
However, the allergy data are presented in four groupsmeasles immunisation resonated with concerns during
the mid 1990s about the safety of whooping cough by tuberculin positivity at ages six and 12, and the
reduction in allergic symptoms and IgE levels was evid-vaccine. These were raised in the correspondence col-
umns of JAMA by a British general practitioner who ent only in the children who were positive at both ages
(n=289) or positive at age 12 only (n=213). This latterreported an increase in the risk of asthma among chil-
dren in his practice who had received whole cell pertussis group would have received BCG at the age of six years,
and their tuberculin positivity is likely to have reflectedvaccine.
These results were never published as a peer
reviewed paper, but similar findings were subsequently vaccination rather than exposure to natural myco-
bacteria. The comparison of particular interest is be-reported from an Oxfordshire practice where pertussis
immunisation was associated with a 75% relative in- tween 290 children who were tuberculin negative at
both ages (who received BCG at the age of six but didcrease in the risk of asthma, hay fever, or eczema.
further study from New Zealand, based on extremely not mount an eective cell mediated immune response)
and 75 children who were tuberculin positive at the agesmall numbers of unvaccinated infants, suggested an
eect in the same direction.
of six (and therefore did not receive BCG) but negative
at age 12. These two groups had similar prevalencesThese results need careful interpretation because of
the likelihood that, in countries with a high vaccine of allergic disease, some three times higher than the
tuberculin positive subjects, and similar prevalences ofcoverage (such as Britain and New Zealand), the families
who choose not to immunise their children are unusual atopy as defined by allergen specific IgE. This would
imply that BCG vaccination at the age of six did notand possibly include fewer allergic parents. Fur-
thermore, whooping cough illness is associated with aect allergic outcomes in this population.
The Japanese findings excited considerable interestan increased risk of subsequent asthma and wheezing
although the direction of causality is not clearly and controversy, the more widely held explanation being
that the degree of tuberculin reactivity was influencedunderstood; an early tendency to wheezing may ex-
acerbate the symptoms of whooping cough, rather than by Th1 immunity and atopy by Th2 immunity. Their
inverse relationship could therefore be a reflection of thepertussis damaging the airways to cause asthma.
Although in theory pertussis vaccine, or its associated hosts Th1/Th2 balance rather than a causal relationship
between infection and atopy.
However, this would notadjuvant, may increase IgE production
and thereby
the risk of allergy, the results of a small randomised be consistent with the observation that a family history
of allergic disease was equally common in all fourcontrolled trial in Sweden exclude a major increase in
the risk of allergy.
Among 669 children randomised comparison groups described above.
The results published in a recent issue of Thoraxto receive acellular pertussis vaccine, whole cell pertussis
vaccine, or placebo (diphtheria and tetanus vaccines challenge this second interpretation. Among Norwegian
adults who routinely received BCG vaccination as ado-only), whole cell vaccine was associated with a relative
reduction in the risk of atopic disease of 8% with an lescents, the size of reaction to tuberculin testing was
unrelated to total or specific IgE levels, or to skin prickupper 95% confidence limit of 28% relative increase.
The corresponding figures for acellular vaccine were a responses to common aeroallergens.
Thus, in adults
at least, it appears that individual variations in Th1/Th210% relative increase with an upper 95% confidence
limit of a 41% relative increase.
balance are insucient to generate an epidemiological
association between tuberculin positivity and measuresObservations from a large British cohort born in the
early 1990s
are also reassuring in relation to the risk of atopy.
On the other hand, if early exposure to mycobacteriaof asthma or wheezing following pertussis vaccination.
There were no significant dierences in the incidence does influence the risk of allergy, some protective eect
might be expected from neonatal BCG vaccination.of early wheezing or later onset wheezing in relation to
whole cell pertussis vaccination in the first six months Two Scandinavian studies, one experimental
and the
other observational,
suggest that the size of any suchof life, with upper 95% confidence limits of 23% relative
increase and 5% relative increase, respectively.
No protective eect is probably small or non-existent, al-
though a definitive large scale controlled trial has yet tosubstantial reduction in the risk of asthma is evident
for British cohorts born during the late 1970s
when be conducted.
The most definitive study to date of mycobacterialpertussis vaccine coverage fell from over 75% to less
than 40% for the 1974–7 birth cohorts as a result of infection is a comparison of 456 Finnish children and
706 young adults (aged 17–20) who were diagnosedconcern about neurological side eects, with a con-
sequent rise in notifications and fatalities from wild with active tuberculosis, and an age matched control
group of similar size.
There was a slightly lower pre-pertussis infection. It is important that a similar loss of
Family size, infection and atopy: the first decade of the “hygiene hypothesis” S7
valence of subsequent allergic disease among the tuber- the dierences seen between atopic and non-atopic
infants in each country.
So far these results have beenculosis cases (6.7% versus 9.0% overall), but a slightly
higher prevalence of asthma (4.6% versus 3.6%). The based on small numbers of infants, but they raise the
possibility that intestinal colonisation in early childhoodauthors focused in their interpretation on a marked
reduction in allergic disease among females, but this is may contribute to both the international variations and
the individual risk of allergy within countries.balanced by a marked excess of asthma among males
and a more appropriate conclusion would be that clinical Lactobacilli are present in larger numbers in the faeces
of Estonian and non-atopic infants.
97 98
It is thereforetuberculosis does not have a major impact on the in-
cidence of subsequent asthma and allergy. interesting that a comparison of children attending
Steiner schools with other Swedish schoolchildrenIt has been argued that environmental mycobacterial
exposure plays a major part in determining the risk of showed a lower prevalence of atopy in those in the
Steiner schools where many families adopted an an-allergic sensitisation.
However, in the absence of more
positive evidence of a protective eect from active tuber- throposophic lifestyle.
The problem with such a com-
parison is that there are many aspects of theculosis or documented BCG vaccination, and one study
showing a higher, rather than a lower, prevalence of anthroposophic lifestyle which may be relevant, and it
is impossible to disentangle them in an observationalcutaneous reactivity to atypical mycobacteria among
allergic children,
this seems unlikely. study.
These features include consumption of locally
produced “organic” food, particularly fermented veget-
ables which are rich in lactobacilli; avoidance of im-
munisations; and restricted use of medications,
Perhaps the most consistent evidence of an inverse including antibiotics.
A second study of Steiner schools in New Zealandrelationship between infection and allergic sensitisation
has emerged from studies of hepatitis A, an infection made comparisons within the schools but did not com-
pare with non-anthroposophic children.
The lifetimewhich is known to vary with family size and socio-
economic status in a direction opposite to the trends prevalence of asthma was increased fourfold in the one
third of children who had received antibiotics in theseen for allergy.
Among Italian military students, serological evidence first year of life, with a dose-response relationship to
the number of antibiotic courses. In this context, anti-of previous hepatitis A infection (in about one quarter
of the sample) was associated with a halving in the biotic use might simply be a marker for non-adherence
to the anthroposophic lifestyle, and in the Swedishprevalence of high aeroallergen specific IgE levels.
This eect was independent of age, sibship size, birth study a composite “Steiner index” showed evidence of
a graded inverse relationship to atopy.
order, area of residence, and paternal education but,
unusually, there was no strong relationship between More generally, however, antibiotics are commonly
prescribed for early episodes of chest illness and thispaternal education and specific IgE, either before or
after adjustment for hepatitis A seropositivity. This raises may generate a spurious association with later asthma.
Associations with hay fever and eczema may be a betterthe possibility that unmeasured socioeconomic con-
founding may account for at least some of the association indicator of a true relationship with allergic sensitisation,
and a large German study showed an excess of hayof hepatitis A seronegativity with allergic sensitisation
in this sample. fever and eczema among children receiving six or more
courses of antibiotics in the first year of life, evenIn a further study based on the same study population
the association was found to be fairly specific to hepatitis after asthmatics were excluded. However, there was no
increase in the prevalence of atopy, as determined byA; no significant association was found between high
specific IgE concentration and seropositivity to measles, skin prick and RAST tests.
A retrospective review of
records in an Oxfordshire general practice found amumps, rubella, varicella, cytomegalovirus, herpes sim-
plex, or Helicobacter pylori.
A significant inverse re- doubling of the risk of hay fever and eczema among
children who had received any antibiotics by the age oflationship was seen with seropositivity to Toxoplasma
gondii, but whether this was statistically independent of two years which was independent of the clinical in-
dication for antibiotic treatment. Cephalosporins andthe hepatitis A eect was not assessed. This second
study does not provide additional evidence in favour of macrolides were associated with a higher risk than peni-
hepatitis A, but points towards foodborne and faeco-
oral transmission, rather than respiratory infections, as These observations could be linked to eects of early
antibiotic treatment on bacterial colonisation of thethe more likely determinants of allergy risk.
Only two other studies have addressed this re- infant gut,
thus oering a paradoxical link between
an increased risk of allergic disease associated with earlylationship. A survey of a general population sample in
San Marino generated similar findings to the Italian Air non-intestinal infection (often treated with antibiotics)
and a decreased risk of allergic disease associated withForce study – namely, a 40% relative reduction in atopy
among those seropositive for hepatitis A.
In a case- a “protective” pattern of bowel colonisation, which is
disturbed by the non-specific eects of antimicrobialcontrol study of adult onset wheeze in Aberdeen a similar
relationship was seen with a 37% relative reduction in therapy.
atopy among seropositive individuals.
Explaining the time trends in atopic disease
The “hygiene hypothesis” was developed as a putative   
The possibility that intestinal infection may be of par- explanation for time trends in allergic disease, and
Wickens et al
have examined whether changes in familyticular relevance was first suggested on immunological
grounds from observations on animals raised in a sterile size could account for the rising prevalence of asthma
and hay fever among British and New Zealand children.environment.
Two pioneering studies comparing
infants in Sweden and Estonia have shown marked The approach they use is indirect in that the relationship
between family size or birth order and the diseasedierences in the types of faecal bacteria in unselected
infants in the two countries
97 98
which broadly match outcomes is determined by literature review and meta-
S8 Strachan
analysis and then applied to documented changes in prevalence of allergy such as occur with combinations of
birth order and social class.
family structure in each country over time. A more
direct approach is to compare successive birth cohorts The proper interpretation of the consistent variations
in atopy and allergic rhinitis with family size and socio-and to examine risk factors within each cohort and the
between-cohort dierences in a single statistical analysis. economic status (fig 1) is that these are important clues
to the presence of a powerful underlying environmentalThis integrated approach was adopted for the 1958 and
1970 British birth cohorts (figs 1 and 2), and a range determinant of allergic sensitisation, and it is likely that
the rising prevalence of hay fever, and probably part ofof perinatal and socioeconomic factors were considered
in addition to birth order.
38 62
None of these factors, the rising prevalence of asthma,
is attributable to
changes in the degree of exposure to this underlyingindividually or in combination, accounted for a sub-
stantial portion of the doubling in prevalence of hay cause. It is also pertinent to note that this interpretation
places some constraints on the exposure prevalencesfever
or asthma and wheezy bronchitis
over a 12 year
interval. Given that these British cohorts are both in- which must apply in groups defined, for instance, by
birth order, at the start and end of the follow up period.cluded in the analysis by Wickens et al
and are the largest
studies in their meta-analysis, it is not surprising that the Since the prevalence of hay fever has increased in all
birth order groups and all social classes (fig 1), theconclusions of the two types of analysis are similar.
It would be simplistic to dismiss the family size eect exposure prevalence in any of these groups cannot have
been zero in 1974. This suggests that smaller changesjust because relatively small changes in family com-
position do not explain recent time trends in allergic in the proportion exposed to a very strong protective
factor (relative risk of 0.05 or less) has been the under-diseases. It is extremely implausible that family size,
birth order, and socioeconomic status are the direct lying cause of the rise in the prevalence of allergy and
its current distribution by family size and birth order,determinants of allergy prevalence. Rather, they should
be considered as indirect and therefore imprecise meas- assuming that both are influenced by the same factor.
ures of some other biologically relevant factor, which
must increase with household size and relative poverty
in many cultures, and which protects against allergic The “hygiene hypothesis” in the 21st century
This review of the first decade of the “hygiene hypo-sensitisation more directly. Whether or not this pro-
tective factor is indeed some form of infection, as sug- thesis” presents a number of paradoxes. An idea which
was introduced on the basis of epidemiological data andgested by the “hygiene hypothesis”, it must meet these
two fundamental criteria in order to generate what are contrary to immunological orthodoxy now survives as
much on the grounds of biological plausibility as con-now highly consistent epidemiological observations of
a reduced prevalence of allergic sensitisation in larger firmatory epidemiological observations. What the past
10 years has confirmed beyond reasonable doubt is thatfamilies and less privileged households.
When analysing time trends it may be useful to the original findings of variation in hay fever and allergic
sensitisation with birth order
and socioeconomic sta-consider table 1 which shows the arithmetic association
between the degree of protection oered by a putative tus
are real (objectively confirmed), consistent, and
statistically independent. There is undoubtedly some-protective factor, the prevalence of exposure to this
factor in any study group (for instance, firstborn chil- thing to explain, but the results of studies which have
more directly addressed infection as the explanatorydren), and the prevalence of disease which may be
expected in the study group, expressed as a percentage factor have been disappointing and often dicult to
interpret.of the prevalence in a totally unexposed population. It
is not often appreciated that, in order to generate a If the argument in the previous section applies, then
we are seeking to detect quite powerful protective eectstwofold dierence in disease prevalence for instance,
the dierence in the prevalence of hay fever between from an exposure which varies substantially across
groups defined by birth order and/or socioeconomicfirstborn children and those with three or more older
siblings (fig 3 in Wickens et al
) there needs to be a status. Whereas large surveys have been necessary to
confirm these “surrogate” risk markers, theoreticallylarge dierence in exposure to quite a powerful protective
factor. For instance, a twofold dierence could result even small studies which measure the “true” protective
factor should oer sucient statistical power, for in-from comparison of groups with 10% and 60% exposure
to a “biological” factor which reduces the prevalence of stance, to detect relative risks of 0.1 or below. Yet even
the most promising evidence for an infective agent, indisease tenfold (relative risk 0.1); or from comparison of
groups with exposure prevalences of 50% and 90% to a relation to hepatitis A, involves relative risks in the
region of 0.5–0.7.
This suggests that none of theprotective factor witha relative risk of0.2, and so on (table
1). The situation becomes more extreme if we attempt to specific agents studied hitherto are the “true” protective
exposure.explain threefold or larger dierences in the observed
Table 1 Prevalence of disease, expressed as a percentage of the prevalence in a totally unexposed population, by
prevalence of exposure to a putative protective factor and the degree of protection offered
Relative Percentage exposed to the protective factor
0 102030405060708090100
0.5 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50
0.3 100 93 86 79 72 65 58 51 44 37 30
0.2 100 92 84 76 68 60 52 44 36 28 20
0.1 100 91 82 73 64 55 46 37 28 19 10
0.05 100 90 81 72 62 53 43 34 24 15 5
0.01 100 90 80 70 60 51 41 31 21 11 1
Prevalence of disease in exposed individuals compared with unexposed individuals.
The figures in the body of the table may be derived by the formula 100×(1–(1–R)e) where R=relative risk and e=proportion exposed.
Family size, infection and atopy: the first decade of the “hygiene hypothesis” S9
A higher prevalence of hay fever, eczema, skin prick positivity, and allergen specific IgE in
individuals brought up in smaller and more affluent families are consistent features of the
epidemiological literature during the 1990s
Asthma shows a different epidemiological pattern to these indicators of atopy
The “hygiene hypothesis”, which postulates that infection protects against atopy, is
considered immunologically plausible and is consistent with the epidemiological features
of atopy
However, an inverse association between infection and atopy has not been confirmed
directly by epidemiological studies. The available data are either inconsistent or inconclusive
Recently identified areas for research include the influence of intestinal bowel flora on
immunological maturation, and the modulating effects of antibiotic therapy and diet,
acting through gut flora or other mechanisms
The inverse association of family size with allergic sensitisation remains an enigmatic but
potentially informative lead in the search for underlying causes of the rising prevalence
of atopic disease in Western societies
Where should we look for these stronger eects? One herent, and biologically plausible explanation for the
variations in allergy over time, between countries, be-possibility is that infection is not the influential exposure,
and we should be seeking other developmental, lifestyle, tween more and less auent households, larger and
smaller families, and by position within the family. Foror environmental influences which vary strongly with
birth order, family size, or social class. Paradoxically, these reasons, 10 years have not changed my view that
infections remain the most promising candidates for thedespite the unpromising results relating indices of in-
fection to allergy, no alternative explanation has emerged underlying protective factor. The task for the next decade
is to identify the nature of the protective agent, the timingfor the variations of hay fever and atopy within popu-
lations and families over the past 10 years. It is with of its eect on atopic sensitisation, and the opportunities
this oers for prevention of allergic disease.those well established associations that investigation
should start.
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