The Hygiene Hypothesis and New
PerspectivesCurrent Challenges
Meeting an Old Postulate
Holger Garn
, Daniel Piotr Potaczek
and Petra Ina Pfefferle
Translational Inammation Research Division & Core Facility for Single Cell Multiomics, Medical Faculty, Biochemical
Pharmacological Center (BPC), Philipps University of Marburg, Marburg, Germany,
German Center for Lung Research
(DZL), Marburg, Germany,
Comprehensive Biobank Marburg (CBBMR), Medical Faculty, Philipps University of Marburg,
Marburg, Germany,
German Biobank Alliance (GBA), Marburg, Germany
During its 30 years history, the Hygiene Hypothesis has shown itself to be adaptable
whenever it has been challenged by new scientic developments and this is a still a
continuously ongoing process. In this regard, the mini review aims to discuss some
selected new developments in relation to their impact on further ne-tuning and expansion
of the Hygiene Hypothesis. This will include the role of recently discovered classes of
innate and adaptive immune cells that challenges the old Th1/Th2 paradigm, the
applicability of the Hygiene Hypothesis to newly identied allergy/asthma phenotypes
with diverse underlying pathomechanistic endotype s, and the increasing knowledge
derived from epig enetic studies that leads t o better unde rstanding of mechanisms
involved in the translation of environmental impacts on biological systems. Further, we
discuss in brief the expansion of the Hygiene Hypothesis to other disease areas like
psychiatric disorders and cancer and conclude that the continuously developing Hygiene
Hypothesis may provide a more generalized explanation for health burden in highly
industrialized countries also relation to global changes.
Keywords: hygiene hypothesis, allergy, asthma, non-communicable inammatory diseases, chronic inammation
Throughout its history, the Hygiene Hypothesis has shown itself to be adaptable and exible
whenever it has been challenged by innovation in science (1). A number of new ndings need to be
considered in this ongoing revisiting process: The originally proposed Th1/Th2 paradigm is
challenged by currently elucidated new classes of effector and regulating immune cells pointing
out to a more complex immune network involved in allergy development (2). Studies on biomarkers
and deep phenotyping techniques changed our understanding of asthma as a uniform disease in
favor of distinct phenotypes that are driven by different causations (3). The emerging eld of
epigenetics enables us to ll the black box of gene-by-environment interactions with conveying
mechanisms ( 4). Currently recognized epigenetic pathways overlapping between chronic
inammatory diseases and other disorders such as psychiatric conditions or cancer might extend
the Hygiene Hypothesis toward a model explaining in a broader sense the rise of health burdens in
westernized societies (5). Finally, the world-wide challenge caused by the climate changes will not
Frontiers in Immunology | March 2021 | Volume 12 | Article 6370871
Edited by:
Maziar Divangahi,
McGill University, Canada
Reviewed by:
Eva Kaufmann,
Research Institute of the McGill
University Health Center, Canada
James Martin,
McGill University, Canada
Holger Garn
Specialty section:
This article was submitted to
Microbial Immunology,
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Immunology
Received: 02 December 2020
Accepted: 04 March 2021
Published: 18 March 2021
Garn H, Potaczek DP and Pfefferle PI
(2021) The Hygiene Hypothesis and
New PerspectivesCurrent
Challenges Meeting an Old Postulate.
Front. Immunol. 12:637087.
doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.637087
published: 18 March 2021
doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.637087
leave the consequences of Hygiene Hypothesis unaffected.
Changing life-styles are closely related to measures
implemented to slow down CO
emissions and to stabilize the
world climate (6).
Parallel to the revisions that Hygiene Hypothesis has undergone
over time (7), our perception of the mechanisms underlying
cellular and humoral immune responses has changed
fundamentally over the last decades. High-resolution ow
cytometry and cell sorting and, most recently, single cell
multiomics-based analyses provided a deeper insight into the
phenotypic characterization, function, and development of
diverse classes of hematopoietic cell types. The dichotomous
model of divergent Th1 and Th2 responses was signicantly
expanded by the discovery that T lymph ocytes represent a
branched network of subsets, characterized by a high level of
plasticity and adaptability (8). Namely, Sakaguchis discovery of
regulatory T-cell (Treg) subsets provid ed a signicant new
impetus to researchers investigating the immunological origin
of allergic and autoimmune diseases and their prevention under
healthy conditions and pointed out new strategies to combat
those maladies (9, 10). Moreover, the discovery of new classes of
effector cells and their cellular interactions added relevant
evidence to the eld. As one example, innate lymphoid cells
(ILC) became of main interest as they have been shown to be
both directly and indirectly associated with and involved in the
development of allergic responses (11). This unique class of
effector cells lacks a clonally distributed antigen receptor which
thus resemble innate immune cells characterized by (antigen)
unspecic activation, however, they exert T helper (Th)-like
effector cell activities (12). According to their expression of
effector cytokines and transcription factors ILC have been
classied into three groups: ILC1, ILC2, and ILC3 (13). While
ILC1 produce interfer on-gamma (IFNg) and tumor necrosis
factor a (TNFa) and, similarly to Th1 cells, express T-bet,
ILC2 are able to produce Th2 cytokines such as IL-5 and IL-
13, like Th2 cells under the control of the transcription factor
GATA-3. ILC3 are similar to Th17 cells and release IL-17A and
IL-22 as well as granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating
factor (GM-CSF). In animal models of allergic airway
inammation as well as in human allergic asthmatics ILC2 are
present at elevated frequencies within the lung and airways
epithelial compartments where they were found to produce
high amounts of the type-2 cytokines IL-5 and IL-13 (14).
Within the last years, ILC2 have been recognized as early
promoters to establish and maintain allergic airway
inamm atory res ponses but also as protectors promoting
repair processes of the lung epithelium (15, 16).
A potential link between the Hygiene Hypothesis and the
function of ILC lineages comes from the gut. The symbiotic
interaction between immune cells and the microbiota in the gut
is principally decisive for the development o f tolerance or
pathogenicity. The ILC3 lineage is essential in the development
of lymphoid follicles and Peyers patches in the gut and was
shown to be crucial for the maintenance of a well-balanced
symbiosis with the microbiota (17). The host microbiota itself
might play an important role in determining ILC subsets
specicity as indicated by results coming from experimental
approaches. Sepahi et al. very recently reported that short
chain fatty acids (SCFA) arising from dietary bers by
microbial fermentation in the intestine induced expansion of
prevailing ILC subsets. By triggering ILC subset expansion via G-
protein-coupled receptors (GPCR) those dietary metabolites
contribute to the homeostasis in the local compartment (18).
Another mechanism to induce repair and homeostatic
conditions at epithelial surfaces is mediated via IL-22-
producing ILC3 in response to the microbiota. In interaction
with IL-18 produced by the epithelial cells, IL-22 is involved in
the promotion of repair and remodeling processes as well as in
the maintenance of the gut homeostasis (19
). By acting as
mediators between the microbiota and the host ILC are
recognized as crucial in the early host response to
microbial stimuli.
Very recently, damaging factors that jeopardize the normal
development or disturb the balance of an established immune
system have come into the focus of research on allergic diseases.
Environmental changes caused by in- and outdoor pollution (20,
21) and the global warming impact the atopic epidemic and some
attempts were undertaken recently to integrate these scenarios
into the concept of the Hygiene Hypothesis on the basis of
epigenetic changes driven by gene-by-environment
interactions (22).
In contrast to our ancestors who spent most of their life time
outdoors and thus close to a natural environment, post-modern
and mainly urban life-styles are characterized by a signicantly
higher proportion of indoor activities. These changing habits
underline the potential importance of indoor air composition on
the development of allergic diseases and further emphasize the
role of the environmental microbiota (23). Indoor air in urban
homes is often burdened with elevated levels of molds which are
found to be harmful to the airways and favor the development of
airway inammation and asthma (24). Against the background
of growing climate awareness and the resulting increased efforts
to reduce energy consump tion and CO
emissions, current
research on these indoor exposures in homes with improved
house insulation points out to an up-coming health problem.
Enrichment of volatile organic compounds released from
furniture or brought in by tobacco smoke as well perennial
Garn et al. Hygiene Hypothesis New Perspectives
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allergens and molds will jeopardize mainly infants as the
developing immune system and the growing lung are highly
susceptible to these damage factors (25). Already the fetus might
become affected by these components (26). This was exemplarily
shown for tobacco smoke in a transgenerational case control
study conducted to assess the risk for asthma by prenatal
smoking. Grandmothers and mothers of asthmatic and non-
asthmatic children were asked about smoking habits during their
own pregnancy. The study reported an odds ratio twice as high
for children to develop asthma in families where grandmothers
frequently smoked during the mothers fetal period (27).
At that point the Hygiene Hypothesis was in line with an
upcoming general idea that non-inherited/non communicable
diseases like allergies and asthma develop on the background of
an inappropriate interaction between environmental exposures
and a given genotype to shape a specic (disease) phenotype.
Though based on the concept of a so-called epigenetic landscape
post ulat ed by Waddington already in the 50ties of the last
century, the underlying molecular mechanisms of epigenetic
programming had still been the missing link in the scenario
of gene-by-environment-interactions (28). By discovering
mechanisms such as DNA methylation, diverse histone
modications and microRNA regulation as molecular
mechanisms underlying epigenetic regulation of gene
expression, an exciting new eld of research was opened that
currently has a strong impact on research aiming to unravel the
still existing mysteries of allergy development and prevention
Indeed, epigenetic mechanisms have meanwhile clearly been
demonstrated to be involved in mediating the effects of
environmental factors increasing or decreasing the risk of
allergy development (4). Pro-allergic environmental inuences
can be exemplied by pollution. For instance, higher in utero
exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) has been
shown to be associated with increased cord blood leukocyte
DNA methylation at the promoter of the IFNg-encoding gene
(32, 33). Moreover, in Treg isolate d from periphe ral blood
mononuclear cells, higher PAH exposure has been correlated
with elevated DNA methylation at the promoter of the gene
encoding FOXP3, a master regulator of Treg development and
activities, with the effect being stronger in asthmatic than in non-
asthmatic children (34).
After epidemiological studies had demonstrated an
association between spending early life time in specic
agricultural environments and protection against the
development of allergies in childhood (35, 36), functional
investigations of various types started to clarify which elements
of farming, such as contact with farm animals, consumption of
raw cows milk, exposure to so-called farm-dust, and others,
mechanistically underlie this observation. DNA demethylation at
the FOXP3-encoding locus related to higher expression of the
gene and activation of Treg (37) has been associated in cord
blood with maternal consumption of raw cows milk (38) and in
childrens whole blood with early-life ingestion of raw cows milk
(39). Compared to processed shop milk, pretreatment with raw
cows milk reduced features of the disease in mice subjected to a
model of food allergy and this effect was mediated by changes in
histone acetylation patterns at crucial T cell-related genes (40
41). Interestingly enough, unprocessed cowsmilkhasbeen
shown to contain miRNAs potentially affecting the expression
of important allergy-related immu ne genes, which might
contribute to its protective effects against asthma (42). Several
bacteria have been isolated from the farming environment, for
instance Acinetobacter lwofi (A. lwofi), which were
demonstrated to diminish the development of allergic
symptoms in mu rine models (43). A. lwofi-mediated
protection against allergic airway inammation has been
observed in mouse models also transmaternally and shown to
be IFNg dependent, with this effect being at least partly
mediated by preservation of histone H4 acetylation at the
promoter of the IFNg-encoding gene as observed in CD4
cells isolated from spleens of the offspring (44, 45).
A recurrent debate ared up in the eld of asthma research
excellently summarized at the time being in a review by Wenzel
in 2012 (46). Coming from clinical heterogeneity of asthma
patients she highlighted that basic inammation patterns differ
in asthma patients which in turn determines the success of the
applied therapeutic strategy. As an early diagnosis and adequate
treatment may prevent the dev elopment of a severe asthma
phenotype later on, novel strategies to discriminate children at
risk from those who will not develop asthma are required (47).
Following the clinical denition of a phenotype as a result of an
interaction between a given genotype and the environment
Wenzel and colleagues expressed the strong medical need for
novel mole cular and geneti c bi omarkers indicative for the
characterization of such phenotypes and dening the specic
requirements for stratied therapies. Based on differences
between Th2-driven atopic asthma and non-atopic asthma a
number of subtypes were dened that evolve and differ with age
and respond differentially to standard drug treatment regimes. It
quickly became clear that the search for a specic biomarker that
clearly identies a respective phenotype would not be successful.
Rather, the synopsis of all data collected from a subject known as
deep phenoty ping may lead to better understanding of
complex asthmatic conditions (48). Deep phenotyping in the
era of OMICS goes along with a tremendous increase in data that
needs to be analyzed. To handle these big data-sets new
approaches become increasingly employed involving models of
statistical data dimension reduction and machine-learning
strategies (49, 50). The idea behind these data-driven
approaches is to mine data collections and classify them based
on so far hidden patterns behind the data. The hypothesis-free
latent class analysis (LCA) approach represent one of the most
promising tools to identify new or verify proposed asthma (and
Garn et al. Hygiene Hypothesis New Perspectives
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other allergic disease) phenotypes. A rst LCA approach was
carried out in two cohorts of adult asthmatics. Based on clinical
and personal characteristics Siroux et al. described two distinct
phenotypes in two independent cohorts, a severe phenotype in
which asthma is already established in childhood and a second
type that starts in adulthood with milder outcomes (51). In line
with the Hygiene Hypothesis, these results pointed out specic
preconditions in infant age which pave the pathway to severe
asthma later in life. LCA analyses in children substantiated the
link between early onset and later disease since early clinical
signs such as current unremitting wheezing episodes are ascribed
to indicate a higher risk for asthma development later in life
while transient wheezing seems to have no pathological
consequences (52).
LCA approaches using data from patient studies elucidated
that there might be phenotypic asthmatic manifestations that
could be explained by the Hygiene Hypothesis while other
phenotypes that might have different pathomechanistic origins
failed to be covered by this supposition (53). Among others, this
discrepancy led to new approaches in pre-clinical animal-based
experimental set-ups as well as investigations based on human
data. New animal models were employed to prove the postulate of
such phenotypes that can be discriminated on the immunological
and histological levels. By switching from the well-established
Ovalbumin (OVA) model, where the sensitization was mainly
achieved by a rather articial intraperitoneal allergen sensitization
in the presence of the type-2 driving adjuvant alum, to a more
exible administration of standardized house dust mite extracts
(HDM) via the nasal route, it was feasible to induce a more
natural and broader spectrum of inammatory phenotypes
ranging from typical allergic eosinophil-dominated respiratory
inammation to airway inammatory conditions almost
exclusively dominated by the inux of neutrophils (5456).
Such more exible model systems allow deeper and more
precise investigations of the mechanisms underlying the
development of different pheno types and a much bett er
characterization of the orchestration of different regulatory and
effector T cell subsets in dependence of allergen administration on
a continuum between Th2 and Th1/Th17-driven inammation.
In addition, these mouse models mimic the natural situation
more closely by using common allergens and a potential natural
route of sensitization and thus became helpful for understanding
the diverse clinical phenotypes of allergic and non-allergic as well
as mild and severe asthma (57, 58). B y switching between
different effector T cell responses in these experimental set-ups
substantial knowledge is currently added to our understanding of
clinical manifestations in asthma. In combination with LCA
helping to elucidate clinical phenotypes these recent research
developments strongly boosted a better discrimination between
transient and persistent pediatric allergic conditions as well as
allergic and non-allergic asthma later in life. This new evidence
might lead us to the current limits of the Hygiene Hypothesis.
While IgE-driven allergic asthma undoubtedly ts to the Hygiene
Hypothesis, it is still unclear whether this holds true also for non-
atopic asthma phenotypes the development of which is much
more strongly determined by factors different from a missing
(microbial) education of the immune system. Thus and to further
ne-tune the Hygiene Hypothesis, continuous efforts are required
to distinguish between environmental conditions (such as early
life infection with pathogenic viruses) that are either associated
with the induction of a disease phenotype and/or just contribute
to a shift between distinct inammatory manifestations of allergic
disease phenotypes (59, 60) and those that really result in a
general or a phenotype/endotype-specic prevention of disease in
line with the Hygiene Hypothesis (43, 61).
The French scientist Bach was the rst who made the principal
observation of a general inverse correlation in the prevalences of
infectious versus non-communicable chronic in am matory
diseases within the last seven decades (62). Meanwhil e we
know that abundant exposure to a high diversity of infectious
or even harmless microbes resulting in repeated, low-grade acute
inammatory episodes in early life, associates with lower
prevalence of chronic inammatory disorders accompanied by
low levels of inammatory markers in adulthood. Conversely,
high levels of hygiene during perinatal and early chil dhood
developmental periods characteristic for W estern countries
corresponds to higher levels of inammatory markers
correlating with a higher prevalence of chronic inammatory
disorders later in life. Based on these facts, it has been
hypothesized that frequent episodes of low-grade, in most
cases clinically symptom-free inammation in infancy may
balance responses to inammatory stimuli and thus reduce the
rate of continuation of chronic inammation into adulthood,
most probably by adequately shaping the adaptive immunity-
dependent regulation (23).
Interestingly, this observation considers a broader spectrum
of chronic inammatory conditions beyond allergies that might
t under the umbrell a of the Hygiene Hypothesis such as
multiple sclerosis, irritable bowel di sease or diabetes type 1
( 63). Moreover, within the last years a similar approach
emerged to explain the tremendou s increase in psychiatric
disorders in westernized countries. Mainly affective disorders
such as major depression and bipolar disorder are increasingly
diagnosed in the western ized world. Patients suffering from
affective and anxiety disorders depict an array of features that
mirror inammatory conditions such as pro-inammatory
cytokines in the blood and the central nervous system
accompanied by elevated levels of circulating C-reactive
prot ein (CRP), activation of lymphocytes and inammatory
cellular signaling pathways (MAPK and NF-kB), w ith the
question of causality remaining a chicken or egg problem (64).
Nevertheless, based on genetic predispositions and epigenetic
modications in the brain (nervous system) and the periphery
(immune system), both kinds of pathologies, mood and
inammatory disorders, might become established on the basis
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of a disturbed homeostasis of otherwise tightly balanced adaptive
systems of the body. Interestingly but tting to the hypothesis,
the microbiota of the gut seems to play a critical role also in the
development of psychiatric disorders as shown by recently
conducted studies (65). Based on an interplay between the gut
and the central nervous system, persistent stress and
maltreatment modies the nervous system and thereby the
endocrine hypothalamic pituitary axis (HPA) which in turn
alters gut microbiota by cortisol release (66). Dysbiosis in the
gut might lead to a compromised cytokine balance in the blood
followed by an activation of the microglia in the brain after
transfer of inammatory mediators/cytokines through the
blood-brain barrier (67). Further, degradation of benecial
bacteria in the gut microbiota might result in a loss of
microbiota-derived products such as butyrate which dire ctly
results in the downregulation of g-aminobutyrate, serotonin
and dopamine, all factors directly involved in the neurological
regulation circuits and thus in the genesis of neuropsychiatric
disorders when dysregulated (68).
Finally, to add another example to this collection, there is
increasi ng evidence that similar mechanisms as involv ed in the
protection from allergies might also play a role in the prevention of
oncolog ic diseases (69). There is no doubt that preceding infections
with certain pathogens m ay favor initiation a nd further
developmen t of several tumor disease entities. However, a variety
of recent studies also demonstrated positive ef fects of pathogen-
induced benign inammatory processes on cancer development,
even though the underlying mechanisms of this dichotomous
inuence of microbial exposure-mediated immune modulation on
carcinogenesis are not well understood so far (70). As one example,
the origins of childhood leukemia have long been discussed in the
context of microbial stimuli in early childhood. Already at the end
of 20
century the question emerged whether early infections in
childhood may act protectively against childhood acute leukemia by
eliminating expanding aberrant leukocyte clones through well-
trained and established immune mechanisms. In concordance
with the Hygiene Hypothesis, Greaves propagated the Delayed
Infection Hypothesis as an explanation for the development of
childhood acute (lymphoblastic/myeloid) leukemia (ALL/AML)
that peaks at the age of 2-5 years of life in af uent countries (71,
72). In his two hit model, Greaves proposed that based on a
prenatally occurred chromosomal translocation or hyperdiploidy
a pre-leukemic clone is already established around birth (rst hit). A
second hit event beyond the toddler age then leads to gene deletion
or mutation and subsequent transformation to ALL/AML. While
children suffering from infections and/or exposed to a rich
microbial environment early in life might be ready to prevent that
second aberration, predisposed children with an insufciently
educated immune system due to missing old friends contact s in
malignant cell clones (72). A number of studies aimed to prove this
hypothes is by exploiting day care attendance before the third year
of life as a proxy for infection. This concept is still a matter of debate.
While the vast majority of these studies could add evidence to the
Greaves hypothesis, some well-conducted studies could not support
his assumptions (73, 74). Recently, a meta-analysis investigated the
farm effect with regard to childhood leukemia and conrmed that
contact to lives tock prov ides pro tect ion not only again st allergi es but
also against childhood leukemia (75). This study might point out to
microbiota as a crucial player in both prevention of allergies and
childhood cancer.
The challenges outlined in this mini review are intended to
stimulate further exciting debates that might result in continuing
revisions and adaptations of the Hygiene Hypothesis. We are aware
that the examples reported in this review may only describe a
limite d subjective selection of the scientic topics currently
discussed in context of the Hygiene Hypothesis. However, it is
common to all topics that the explanations to unravel the
underlying mechanisms refer to the close and benecial
relationship between man and microbes as established on the
mucosal surfaces of our body. These interactions result in
adequate shaping of adaptive systems of the body (mainly the
immune system) that enables the whole organisms to appropriately
handle diverse adverse inuences. Without exaggeration, this
nding might be considered one of the most fundamental
insights of the life sciences within the last thirty years.
All authors contributed by writing and editing of the manuscript.
All authors contributed to the article and approved the
submitted version.
Funded by the German Center for Lung Research (DZL). Open
Access was funded by the Library of the Philipps University
Marburg, Germany.
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Garn et al. Hygiene Hypothesis New Perspectives
Frontiers in Immunology | March 2021 | Volume 12 | Article 6370877