Erlyn Mendez
Coordinator of College Now
¨ College Now Spring and Summer 2017
¨ Eligibility
¨ Application Process
¨ Waiver Classes
¨ Transcripts
¨ Epidemiology
¨ Chemistry Lecture and Lab
¨ Physics Lecture and Lab
¨ Geology
¨ Statistics
¨ The program will tentatively begin on July 12
@ 9:30am. The first
week is orientation week. Students will be participating in team-
building activities in the morning, have lunch from 11 to 12pm,
and then participate in more orientation activities. It is absolutely
mandatory that students attend that first day! NO EXCEPTIONS!
¨ Summer Enrichment Activities (SEA) and credit classes begin on
July 17
and end August 17
. There will be no SEA on August 16
because students will have their final that day, unless the
professors say otherwise.
¨ SEA will be from 9:30-10:50am, lunch 11-12pm, credit classes from
12:00pm to either 1:50pm (Statistics, Epidemiology, & Geology) or
3:50pm (Chemistry & Physics)
¨ Eligibility will depend on the class. We will use the same score reports: Regents,
PSATs, or SATs
¨ For Epidemiology, Chemistry and Physics, students will need 80 or better on
BOTH ELA and MATH Regents OR 500 or better on BOTH Verbal and Math PSAT
OR 500 or better on BOTH Verbal and Math SAT.
¨ For Chemistry & Physics, ideally we are looking for students with NO advanced
background in the subject.
¨ For Statistics, students will only qualify with an 80 or better on a Math Regents OR
500 or better on Math SAT (No PSAT) AND have to take a placement exam upon
¨ For Geology, students will only need one of the above Verbal scores.
¨ Students must have at least an 80 GPA (75-80 will qualify for waitlist)
¨ All students must submit a HS transcript, even if they are using their PSATs or
SATs to get in.
¨ Students who fall below the requirements by 5 or less points on the Regents or 50
points or less on the PSAT/SAT will be waitlisted but are still encouraged to apply.
If they fall below that, they will not qualify for the program.
¨ Our Summer program is highly competitive. We only have about 100 seats in our
program so there is a possibility that students who apply will be waitlisted or even
denied due to lack of space. However we always encourage students to apply.
May 5th Application Deadline
May 19th Notification emails sent
June 2nd Deadline for students to
RSVP; Drop those who
don’t RSVP by today!
July 12th Summer program starts
August 17th Summer program ends
¨ Anthropology
¨ Computer Science (Saturday class)
¨ English
¨ Epidemiology
¨ Geography (Saturday class)
¨ Classical Mythology
¨ Math
¨ Media (Saturday class)
¨ Music (Saturday class)
¨ Philosophy
¨ Psychology (Saturday class & M/W section)
¨ Sociology
¨ Theatre (Saturday class)
¨ Dance (Saturday class)
¨ Spring semester begins Monday, January 30
and ends Friday, May 26
(after their final)
¨ Every course will meet twice a week from 4:10-
5:25 or once a week on Saturdays
¨ Some will meet on a M,W schedule, others on a
T,Th schedule
¨ Students need to show us proof of only one of the following score
reports: Regents , PSATs or SATs
¨ All students need to submit their HS transcript, PSAT and/or SAT
scores and parent consent form.
¨ For Math, students need at least an 80 on the math Regents OR at
least 500 on the Math SAT (NO PSAT).
¨ For all other courses, students need at least an 80 on the ELA Regents
OR at least 500 on PSAT Critical Reading OR at least 500 on the SAT
Critical Reading. Exception: ENGL120 will not use PSAT, only
Regents & SAT.
¨ Exceptions: Epidemiology and Computer Science require BOTH
verbal and math scores.
¨ Requirements to be waitlisted: If students are close with a 75 or a 450,
we will still consider the applicant as a waist list
¨ GPA Requirement: Students will have to have a GPA of 80 or more to
eligible to apply to our College Now program. If a student has a GPA
between 75-79, they can still apply as they would be on the waitlist
December 9
Application Deadline
December 22
Notification emails sent
January 6
Deadline for students to
RSVP : Very Strict DL
January 21
Orientation categorized by
class (Times TBD);students
will be emailed details upon
January 30
Semester begins (Monday)
¨ Preference is given to partner high schools. Every student
who attends one of our partner schools whose application
we receive by the deadline and meets our requirements has
the same chances of getting in. (NO FIRST COME FIRST
¨ Students should only put down courses they are willing to
¨ We will fill courses with the most diverse ratio we can in
terms of the partner high schools that we work with
¨ All students who apply will hear back from us via email
regarding their status.
¨ All students apply online. More information can be found
on our website:
¨ Waiver classes are courses outside the College
Now course offerings and are taken alongside
Hunter College undergraduates
¨ In order to apply for waiver courses, students
have to have at least be enrolled in a College
Now course
¨ We will only have about 15 seats per semester
and only offer this opportunity during the Fall
and Spring.
¨ Mandatory Waiver information sessions for the
Fall 2017 semester will be held sometime in
¨ Unofficial Transcripts—students have to create
a CUNY first account in order to view. This is
helpful when students are applying to colleges
and need to send an unofficial transcript
¨ Official transcripts—must be requested from
Registrar’s office, 217HN. Fee is $7 for each
transcript to be sent to the school of their
choice. Additional $2 for processing online.
¨ It is free to send transcripts from CUNY to
¨ Letter grades of a C or above is passing for College
¨ A grade can only be changed by the professor
¨ Grades are sent to high school liaisons, but we do not
send grades or transcripts to the students. At the end
of the semester, they will receive an email with
instructions on claiming their CUNYfirst account so
that they can get their grade and transcript.
¨ Grades are ONLY released to students!