Proceedings of 2014 Zone 1 Conference of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE Zone 1)
978-1-4799-5233-5/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE
Abstract— Technology has influenced various
industries, including the educational sector.
SMART™ Table can be regarded as a technological
tool carrying various benefits for enhancing the
students and teachers classroom experience. The
study has focused on the key features of the SMART
Table designed by the researcher. The components of
the supply chain process in the development and
delivery of the device have been explained. Moreover,
the benefits and limitations of the use of SMART
Table in the classroom have been covered. A few of
the notable benefits are ease of memorization of
content, doing homework and giving presentations.
The cost of SMART Table is a key challenge that can
limit the integration of the device as a learning tool.
Another issue that can create barrier in the adoption
of SMART Table by students and teachers is the lack
of readiness to adopt this technology in the
classroom. As evident from the findings, a preference
for white board and concern towards the lack of
surety about usefulness of SMART Table in
communication between teachers and students can
limit its applicability in the University of Bridgeport.
Nevertheless, the benefit of SMART Table in
educational sector cannot be overlooked as it
supports students and teachers in dealing with
complex concepts and content.
Index Terms— SMART Table, Education,
Technology, Supply Chain
HE educational institutions have focused on
enhancing the capability of their students through
offering them a learning environment which is
conducive to knowledge acquisition and learning.
Efforts have also been made to ensure that the
instructors are provided with the resources that are
needed to support them in effectively performing their
work related responsibilities. Technology has brought
changes to various fields and sectors across the globe.
One such area which has been significantly influenced
by technological advancements is the educational sector.
On one hand, researchers have questioned the potential
of technology to enhance the effectiveness of the process
of education [1]. On the other hand, scholars have
suggested that technology compliments education,
making instructions easier to understand for students [2-
New technologies have emerged in the market, allowing
the academic arena to integrate the newly developed
devices to facilitate the learning of the students [5]. The
manufacturing sector can integrate the technology in its
production process, however, educational institutions
follow a different path to new product development. In
the case of academic organizations, new product
development can manifest in the form of bringing
changes in the manner in which teachers and students
interact, how classroom lessons are delivered and
students acquire knowledge [6]. The recent introduction
of SMART Table in 2008 has been regarded as a notable
example of new product development in the educational
service sector. The production of SMART Table has
initiated interest of both scholars and educators to
identify the benefits the technology offers for students
and teachers [7, 8]. The focal point of the current study
is the use of SMART Table in the educational sector. A
more elaborative perspective of the aim of the study is
provided in the following section.
Aim of the Study
The current study aims to analyze the use of SMART
Table in educational institutions. More specifically, the
University of Bridgeport, has identified the potential
benefits it carries for teachers and students. SMART
Table as an interactive technology is a recent addition in
the market. As a newly introduced product, the benefits
of the product are an interesting area of study as noted
by researchers [9, 10]. It has been observed that students
retain less than half of what they are taught in classroom.
As a result, unfortunately, only half of the students’
Use of Smart Table in Educational Institutions
to Enhance Student Learning Performance
Naif Jalal (Office Mgr, Texan Cardiovascular Institute, TX, US )and Dan Tenney ( Quality Executive,
3M Co., StPaul MN US)
requisite knowledge is retained by students i.e. due to
the current education delivery mechanism. Moreover,
there is no mechanism which could be used to gauge
class’ level retention at any time during a lecture [11-
Additionally, new research has indicated that paper
based book reading –although previously thought as a
highly cognitive exercise – limits creativity and
problem-solving skills [14]. The reason is that the paper
based learning results in visual learning exercise. This in
turn activates those parts of brain that are related to
memory and aesthetic sense. Contrarily, brain activity
related to problem solving is minimal in this method of
knowledge transfer. In view of these findings, it is quite
clear that educational institutions such as the University
of Bridgeport are in need of a product that can be used to
address these drawbacks of paper based learning
Research Objectives
The research will be based on the following objectives:
To discuss about the key features of SMART
Table and their applicability in educational
To outline the supply chain management of the
development of SMART Table for the
University of Bridgeport.
To analyze the perception of students and
teachers towards the SMART Table prototype.
To explore the perceived limitations of SMART
Table of students and teachers
Research Questions
The study will focus on the research questions
presented as follows:
What are the key features of SMART Table and
how they can be applied to educational
What are the various supply chain processes
involved in the development of SMART Table
for the University of Bridgeport?
How do students and teachers view the benefits
of SMART Table in the University of
What are the limitations students and teachers
face in the use of SMART Table in the
University of Bridgeport?
A. Benefits of Technology for Educational Sector
Benefits of a new technology such as smart phones are
not only dependent on the actual features offered by the
product, but are influenced by the perception of
individuals using such devices [23]. Thus it can be
inferred that the adoption of SMART Table in
educational institutions will be dependent on the features
such as ease of use of technology and the ability to
understand its workings. In addition to this, management
and teachers’ attitudes towards the adoption of SMART
Table in learning will also play an integral role in the
integration of SMART Table in education. SMART
Tables make education and learning a stimulating task
for the students of young age [5]. This will however
depend on the way the teacher is able to integrate
SMART Table functions in to the learning process of
young children. For adults, learning through interactive
technology is dependent upon the instructor’s support as
well as their own beliefs about the usefulness of
technology and the probable outcomes they expect to
gain due to its use.
An important study has been conducted by [
16] who
concluded that difficult subjects such as mathematics
and statistics can be taught more effectively if the
teachers use smart technology [
16]. It has been found
that use of smart technology enabled the students to gain
a clearer understanding about the concepts of
mathematics and statistics. Furthermore, this improved
understanding has enabled the students to engage in
critical thinking to manage their assignments and class
activities more effectively. In addition, researchers have
concluded that the use of smart technology by
educational institutions is a form of ‘pedagogical
innovation’ [
B. Supply Chain Management and New Product
Development (NPD)
New product development has an influence on the
supply chain processes as the components of supply
chain processes need to be structured to adapt NPD
focus [
17]. Product innovativeness is regarded as a key
variable which tends to have profound impact on the
supply chain of a firm engaging in new product
development. While dealing with the manufacturing of a
novel product was, another important notion in the flow
of supply chain processes observed by researchers [
The speed of production of the required number of units
is determined by the maturity level of the market. In case
of the markets which have attained significant level of
maturity, efficient production needs to be emphasized as
a part of the organizational strategy.
Technology related products are important because of
efficient production as the supply and demand needs to
be balanced in order to maintain profitability. [
19] A
case example of a technological product manufacturer,
using “make-to-order model” for managing the supply
chain and manufacturing process for its products has
been provided. Such models are applicable for products
that are likely to need alteration after some time. Thus
the short term nature of product models makes it
mandatory to adopt an efficient supply chain practice.
However, make to order model is applicable in contexts
where the customer highly values the company
manufactured items and is willing to wait for the arrival
of the finished product [
C. Concept Generation
The concept of SMART Table can provide more
effective learning as measured by academic achievement
21,22]. Although most instructors try to deliver their
knowledge effectively, students may not be able to grasp
their ideas. Such limitations can be addresses through
incorporating technology in the classroom, instead of
focusing on traditional pedagogical methods [
There could be many reasons for this issue. Probably,
the students may have a varied background education
level; and hence all students may not be at par as for as
their educational knowledge is concerned about the topic
being discussed. Likewise, there could be many other
possible reasons as well. In such a situation, it becomes
necessary that the instructor is informed about such a
condition being present in the class so that s/he me make
necessary adjustments. Interactive technologies can
improve the process of student teacher interaction [
D. Market Segmentation and Distribution
The market segment which is most likely to adopt and
positively respond to this technology is well established
at colleges and universities that have available resources
to invest in the adoption of interactive technology in the
classroom. Since this product involves cutting edge
technology and applications that are being developed as
we speak; it may be more costly. Moreover, the
educational institutions that are open to adoption of
technology in teaching also develop a part of the market
segment for the product. Therefore, the focus will be on
institutes of higher education such as the University of
Bridgeport. The demand of SMART Table can be quite
accurately identified by coordinating with the university
enrollment administration.
E. New Product Development and SMART Table
The idea to group together multiple applications in one
product to generate multi-faceted improvements in all
areas concerning education is an appealing notion. The
plan of accumulating various applications in one product
is primarily focused on efficiency and cost reduction,
whereas, the use of 3d imagery is to improve
understanding of complex topics such as statistics,
econometrics, 3-D graphical models etc. Furthermore,
one of the key reasons to introduce paperless books via
note-pads is to discourage cramming, and enhance
comprehension of study material. Various scholars have
supported this notion [9, 36].
The authors have used quantitative research design to
conduct the study. A notable feature of quantitative
study is that the researchers focus on obtaining
numerical information from the respondent about the
chosen area of study. In the context of current study, the
researchers used survey methodology to obtain
information regarding the perception of students and
teachers about the usefulness of SMART Table in
classrooms and learning.
Since in 2008, SMART technology has been a rapidly
growing segment, with its application used in the various
organizations. The cost of the product remains a key
issue in this regard, maintaining the problem of
affordability for schools and colleges [5]. One aspect of
the study will be that an affordable SMART Table will
be manufactured which can be easily accessed by
individuals and academic institutions. A prototype of the
suggested SMART Table will be developed to measure
the perception of students and teachers about its
usefulness in classroom. The prototype will include all
the basic features which are going to be present in the
final product. For the purpose of development of the
prototype, support can be obtained from engineers
having experience in development of smart technologies.
Their expertise can offer the needed support to develop
the prototype. An important area of considerations is
gaining access to raw materials and software for
manufacturing of the trial product.
In order to manage the manufacturing of prototype,
financial resources will also be needed apart from
technical skills. Market research needs to be conducted
in case of selection of the organizations interested to
support the venture of SMART Table development.
Universities can be contacted to offer input of technical
skills through their engineering faculty and students. In
the case of funding, organizations interested to promote
educational institutions and effective learning of students
can be contacted to extend financial support. The
manufactured SMART Table will have the following
1) Simultaneous Multi Touch Capability
SMART Table equipment must be easily cleaned by
the user. Also, SMART Table will be made to carry out
the recognition of 40 touches at the same time. This can
create space for eight students to work on the smart table
together. It will respond to simple movements such as
rotate, toss and zoom. In order to reduce the chance of
disease transfer, touch screens may be made to respond
to stylus (computer pens) and specially layered gloves
may be worn. Through the multi touch function the
students can control what is being demonstrated on the
touch screen e.g. by zooming the size of the image.
2) Extensive Content and Resources
The SMART Table will have wide range of activity
packages. They can be downloaded free of charge from
the SMART Exchange Website which can be availed
directly from the table. There is also a smart table tool
kit placed in with the table so that the smart table
activities can be understood in detail. Smart notebook
lessons could also be imported so that the lessons could
be made easier [7].
High Quality Display
The screen attached in the smart table will have
dimensions of 42 inches and 1080p that does not feature
any obstructions such as shadows. This will enable the
students to see the lessons on a multimedia screen that is
both stimulating and fulfilling.
3) Rugged Design and Easy Set Up.
First and foremost, the SMART Table must support
weight up to 90 kg so that it would not be compromised
by the students working on it. It has a stand that can
support the table with up to eight students working on it.
This implies that the smart table is free from any
damages that regular devices can undergo. The weight
support of the smart table makes the technological tool
suited to most class room activities.
Figure 1: Schematic represses education of the proposed
4) UDL Friendly
The Smart table will be configured according to the
specifics of the Universal Design for Learning. This
implies that the students have the flexibility to work
together even if they have any difficulties such as less
knowledge and material.
5) Mobile Design
Smart table will be designed so that it can be moved
from class room to class room. This is because they can
fit in the doorways very easily and can be easily moved
from one place to another.
6) Share SMART Table Content With the Whole
Another feature is that the SMART table content
could be shared with the whole class through the means
of class room management software and its SMART
board interactive white board. This suggests that the
whole class can participate in the smart table activities
and can stay quiet while the selected students interact on
the smart table. The instructor will be able to use the
device as a tool supporting the delivery of lecture, thus
enhancing the effectiveness of teaching. It can also be
used to give presentations as the features include the
ability to use it as a projector.
7) Virtual User Group
The SMART Table will have a virtual user group that
connects through the internet and can share experiences
regarding the smart table. The students will be able to
connect with other students, engage in discussion about
class topics, share lecture notes with each other and learn
through class discussion.
8) Built in Wi-Fi
There will be a built in Wi-Fi in the SMART table so
that there is no limit to communication. The students can
search online for content related to classroom topic, as
well as search material for conducting the assignment.
V. S
Since the researcher intends to explore the perception
of both university teachers and students about the use of
SMART Table in the university, both segments of the
population are included in the study. The study used
purposive sampling for selecting the students and
teachers. Undergraduate students enrolled in full time
programs at the University of Bridgeport were included
in the study. A total of 100 respondents were a part of
the sample, comprised of students and teachers. The
students were selected from diverse classes
of Leadership, Finance and Logistic management.
The study included collection of primary as well as
secondary data. In the case of primary data, a
questionnaire with 15 questions was developed (refer to
the appendix). Participants provided their opinion about
the application, benefits and limitations of SMART
Table in learning. They were introduced to the concept
of the prototype to gain familiarity with the product in
order to respond to the research questions in a better
manner. The response categories in the questionnaire
were developed using a five point scale, with the
responses ranging from: 5= Strongly Agree, 4=
Somewhat Agree, 3= Not Sure, 2= Somewhat Disagree,
1= Strongly Disagree (5 being the highest score and 1
being the lowest).
The evaluation of primary data was conducted by
using frequency and percentage to identify the ratio of
responses in each response category. Moreover, graphs
and charts will be used to illustrate the frequency of
responses. To support the findings of the study, the
researcher used secondary data as well. It was accessed
through already published material available in the form
of peer reviewed journals articles and books. An
important point to consider here that researches between
2008 and 2013 were included in the study as the
evolution of smart technology and interactive teaching
and learning is a recent development.
The data obtained was calculated using frequency, bar,
and pie charts. They have been developed to graphically
illustrate the ratio of respondents in each response
category. The table with responses for each of the
questions is provided in the appendix. A few of the key
findings and their graphs are presented as follows:
The first question in the survey asked about the
usefulness of SMART Table for teachers and students.
As shown in the following graph, a significant number
of respondents (72 people) strongly agreed with the idea
that SMART Table can help students and teachers in the
Figure 2: Usefulness of SMART Table for students and
Other questions related to the usefulness of
SMART Table have yielded similar results as
demonstrated in the following graphs. There are 68
respondents who strongly agreed with the idea that
SMART Table can help students in identifying
important points during lecture. On the other hand, small
ratios of people have disagreed with the usefulness of
the device in its benefit of recording lecture notes.
Figure 3: Easy to note important points during lecture
In response to question 3, it can be seen that a
large number of respondents believe that SMART Table
can facilitate students in grasping difficult concepts
being taught in the classroom, as shown in the following
pie chart. It can be seen that there are 79 respondents
who have indicated that SMART Table has the potential
to help the students in learning complicated concepts in
the classroom. [36] have expressed similar ideas,
supporting that computer assisted teaching increases the
level of fluency students’ gain for mathematics related
concepts. [33] explored the usefulness of technology in
explaining the geometrical concepts to students. It has
been concluded that students who exhibit limited
attention spans can greatly benefit from use of
Figure 4: helpful in learning difficult concepts
Another important finding of the study is that
SMART Tables have been found to be useful in
memorizing the content and themes covered in the
classroom (as seen in question 6). As depicted in the
figure 4, there are 59 respondents who have strongly
agreed while 28 respondents have somewhat agreed with
this notion. SMART Table can offer them with a
portable device that can be used for retaining class
lectures, learning the concepts and memorizing them by
repeatedly reviewing the available information.
Figure 5: Memorizing Concepts
The bottom-line principle behind this idea is that
while studying, students make notes and use highlighters
to mark important material. This tendency, unintelligibly
and unintentionally, makes students memorize stuff
rather than grasp concepts [24]. The facility of
bookmarking, however, will be provided in our
application as well. Hence, by eliminating papers, the
researcher can provide students a platform where they
can use their minds and cognitive abilities to learning
concepts freely and efficiently.
One of the key limitations of SMART Table
identified in the survey was the cost of the product. As
noted in question number 3, a large number of
respondents (82 people) have disagreed with the idea
that the device is cost effective. This perception indicates
that the users of SMART Table are seeking
technological devices that are affordable; otherwise they
will be discouraged or unable to buy the product due to
its high price. The figure number 5 illustrates the
Figure 6: cost effectiveness of SMART Table.
An interesting finding of the study can be seen
in question number 10. It can be seen in figure 6 that 45
respondents are of the opinion that white board is more
effective than use of technological tools such as SMART
Table in classroom. On the other hand, 46 participants
disagreed with the idea, showing a positive attitude
towards the use of SMART Table. There is a minor
difference between the ratios of respondents which
suggests that it will take time to integrate SMART Table
as a learning tool in the classroom at Bridgeport
Figure 7: Use of white board for teaching more effective
than SMART Table
Another primary feature of SMART Table was
linking the class with the instructor in such a manner that
the student could use smart table application and convey
messages to the instructor during the lecture. The
instructor may choose to clarify or elaborate on the
concept even further. In this way teaching and learning
both could be made more productive. However, it is
imperative to note that in the responses obtained from
the participants for question number 15, there has been
minor difference between the ratios of respondent who
regard it as an effective means of communication and
those who disagree with this idea.
As presented in figure 7, there are 55
respondents who have agreed with its effectiveness,
while 43 have disagreed with its usefulness. There were
2 respondents who were not sure about the usefulness of
SMART Table in enhancing effective communication
between instructor and students in classroom.
Figure 8: Effectiveness of Communication between
teachers and students.
The focal point of the current study is to identify how
the students and teachers at the University of Bridgeport
can use the technology of SMART Table to gain
improved learning outcomes. The idea of SMART Table
is actually to create a collaborative work environment,
sharing ideas and developing a sense of collaborative
learning. Moreover, SMART Table applications intend
to indicate a sense of societal interaction among users.
However, adoption of the technology and getting
comfortable with using it will take time.
Interactive technology in education has been a focus
of attention in the recent literature. The current study
intends to explore the applicability of the development
of a SMART Table for the students and teachers of
University of Bridgeport. The basic idea behind this
approach is to provide the teachers and students with a
SMART Table technology that fulfils their needs of
creating a learning environment that results in increased
output. There is a need to develop new modes of
classroom teaching, propelling the shift from traditional
teaching to the adoption of interactive technology based
teaching. The development of SMART Table is such a
transformation of classroom teaching technology
integration. There is a significant need to integrate new
technologies in the classroom and University of
Bridgeport can greatly benefit from the inclusion of
SMART Table as a part of teaching. It can be therefore
concluded that SMART Table can certainly serve as a
means of facilitating learning, specifically in subjects
such as mathematics, statistics, geometry, economics as
their complex concepts are difficult to grasp. The
SMART Table is also expected to support the students
who have short attention span in keeping track of the
instructions delivered by the teacher in the classroom.
Information about the perception of students and
teachers related to benefits and limitations of use of
SMART Table can further support the authors’ research
in refining the features of the product, ensuring that it
fulfills the needs of the target market, thus, supporting
the researcher in providing a product that is aligned with
the classroom needs of teachers and students. It is also
important to point out that the university management
may also gain from the use of SMART Table in classes
as the learning capacity of students can be effectively
managed and improved. In summary, the academic
performance of student can be enhanced by the use of
SMART Table.
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