Student Guide to Symplicity
Video tutorials for Symplicity are available. Click on the Continue Reading…’ link on
the Welcome Announcement for links to the videos. Find out how to get started on
Symplicity, upload documents, bid for recruiting employers, search job postings, enter
employment information, search summer job surveys, and view the PCD employer
Symplicity is the web-based recruitment management system used by PCD. Symplicity’s
Career Services Manager (CSM) allows you to request career counseling appointments,
search job postings, research employers, participate in recruitment programs (apply to
organizations and sign-up for interview times), research judicial clerkships, and see
announcements and a list of programs/events from PCD.
Launch your web browser and go to
Enter your Username (your email address as entered in your Symplicity profile) and
Password. If you forget your password, you can click on the ‘Forgot my password’ tab to
have a new password generated and sent to your email address. You may also see a
member of the PCD staff if you need your login information. It is recommended that all
students use their Suffolk email address for Symplicity.
Once you log in, you will see the Symplicity student Home page. Read the NEWS FEED
section for important announcements from PCD and notifications from Symplicity.
Several tabs are located across the top of the page to direct you to other sections of the
site which are explained further in this handout: ‘Home,’ ‘Profile,’ ‘Documents,’
‘Resources,’ Jobs,’ ‘Employers,’ ‘Clerkships,’ ‘Surveys,’ ‘OCI,’ ‘Events,’ and ‘Calendar.’
You can get back to the Home page from anywhere in the system by clicking on the
‘Home’ tab.
You can request an appointment with a PCD counselor using Symplicity. Click on the
‘Request An Appointment’ link on the right hand SHORTCUTS menu on the Home
page, or click on ‘Calendar’ then ‘Counseling Appointment’ and the ‘New Appointment’
button. You will then see the appointment request page where you can select the type of
appointment requested, preferred counselor, date, and time. Click on the ‘Submit
Requestbutton once your choices have been made. The appointment request will
appear under your ‘Counseling Appointment’ tab with a status of ‘Pending’. Once the
appointment date and time have been approved, you will receive a confirmation email
from Symplicity.
Clicking on a specific date
on the calendar above will
display a list of available
appointment times for that
date. Click on your
preferred appointment time
under your preferred PCD
Career Counselor.
To view handouts and guides from PCD, click on the ‘Resources’ tab and then
‘Document Library.’
Symplicity allows you to connect your Symplicity profile to your Facebook and/or
LinkedIn accounts so you can receive announcements, alerts and program/interview
reminders right to your Facebook wall or LinkedIn feed. To turn on the
Facebook/LinkedIn integration, click on the Facebook or LinkedIn icons on the top
right of the Home page. You will then be prompted to enter your Facebook/LinkedIn
login information. Follow the next few prompts to allow Symplicity CSM to access your
information, post to your wall, and post while offline. Once the steps are complete, your
Symplicity and Facebook/LinkedIn profiles will be connected and you will be able to
review/change your preferences under the ‘Social Media’ subtab under ‘Profile’.
The profile section must be completed by all students before being able to view job
postings or bid for interviewing employers. It is to your advantage to fill out your profile
section as completely and accurately as possible. If you do, PCD will be able to contact
you about jobs or career-related panels that might interest you, and will be able to keep
you updated on the many recruitment programs being held throughout the year.
Click on the ‘Profile’ tab to complete your information. Click on the switch to tab view’
link to see a new group of subtabs, which will take you to the different areas of the
profile section.
You will first be brought to the ‘Personal ’ page where you can enter data such as your
email address, phone numbers, gender, birth date, ethnicity, and address. Required
fields are marked by a red asterisk. Be sure to hit ‘Save Changes’ or ‘Save Changes And
Continue’ at the top or bottom of the page to save your information. ‘Save Changes’ will
save the data and keep you on the same page; ‘Save Changes And Continue’ will save
your information and bring you to the next page of the profile section. Please note, if
you change your email address, you will receive an email at the new address asking you
to confirm the change. When you log on to Symplicity in the future, you will have to use
your new email address as your Username.
On the Academic’ page you must include information such as graduation date, year in
school, preferred practice and geographic areas, and other degree data. Be sure to verify
your >Graduation Date= and >Year in school= to ensure that those employers interviewing
your year will appear to you for selection during bidding. (Joint degree students should
speak with PCD staff about selecting the appropriate graduation year.) Much of the
information you enter, such as ‘Practice Area(s),’ will consist of selecting options from a
drop-down menu. To choose more than one category, you must click on your first
choice and then hit the Ctrlkey and click on any additional choices. Make sure you
save your information after making any changes.
Under the Privacy’ tab, click ‘yes’ to make sure that you receive important messages
from PCD. Also, on occasion, we may generate resume books of students who meet
specific criteria for employers. For example, at an employer’s request we can use
Symplicity to search for students who have a background in science or engineering and
group their resumes together in an online resume book for the employer. If you would
like to have your resume included in these resume books, be sure to click ‘yes’ under
‘Promote My Resume to Employers.’ You also have the option of receiving Symplicity
alerts as text messages, or job blasts with current job opportunities from PCD if you
You can use the ‘Placements’ and ‘Evaluations’ tabs to include information and
evaluations about any summer and/or academic-year positions you may have held.
Click on the ‘+Add New’ button on each of these screens to include data about a new
employer. Be sure to hit the ‘Submit’ button to save your information. You will be
required to complete the summer survey questionnaire (under the ‘Evaluations’ tab)
before you can bid for any employers participating in the summer/fall recruiting
programs. You can search summer survey questionnaires completed by other students
by clicking on the ‘Profile’ tab, then ‘Evaluations’, and then ‘Search’ (see next
screenshot). Enter your search criteria on the next screen and hit the ‘Submit’ button. A
list of employers matching your criteria will appear. To read the evaluation on a
particular employer, click on the icon in front of the employer’s name.
Use the Password/Preferences’ tab under ‘Profile’ if you would like to change your
password. Hit the ‘Save’ button to confirm the change. You may also enable the
Accessible Mode under this tab to improve compatibility with screen reader software.
The ‘Activity Summary’ tab will show you all the actions and activity you have
performed on the site.
The documents section of the site allows you to view and upload your resume, cover
letters, unofficial transcript, writing samples, and references. Symplicity allows you to
submit all required materials online to employers participating in the recruitment
programs and to apply online for certain job postings.
Click on ‘documents’ to view your existing uploaded documents. To upload new
documents, click on the ‘+Add New’ button at the bottom of the list. Enter a title (Label)
for your document and select the document type (Resume, Cover Letter, Unofficial
Transcript, Writing Sample, or Other Documents; ‘Other Documents’ can be used for
references or application forms). Click on the ‘Browse’ button, find the file you wish to
upload from the saved documents on your computer, and double click on the document
file. Once the file appears in the box next to ‘Browse’, click the ‘Submit’ button. The
system will convert the document into pdf format and direct you to your document list
when it is ready. You can then view the original version of your document or a pdf
version by clicking on the appropriate icon to the left of the document name. Be sure to
view the pdf version of your document to make sure it uploaded and converted correctly.
The pdf versions of your documents will be sent to employers.
If you make changes to your resume after it has been uploaded on Symplicity, you will
have to reload the new version. Delete your old resume and repeat the above steps to
upload the new version. If you have already submitted applications to employers and
the bidding for that session is still open, make sure the new version of your resume
replaced the old. After the bidding deadline, though, all resume submissions are final
for that session. You will not be able to make changes to your submitted resume.
You may store multiple versions of your resume if you wish, but will have to select one
as your ‘Default’ resume. The default resume is the resume that employers will see in
resume books and will be highlighted at the top of your resume list every time you
submit your resume to interviewing employers, although other resumes will also be
available for submission. You may change your default resume at any time by clicking
on the ‘Make Default’ button under the document name. After the bidding deadline, all
resume submissions are final for that session. Changing a default resume only affects
future resume submissions. You may also store multiple cover letters and writing
samples. You will have the option of choosing which cover letter or writing sample to
submit to an employer during the bidding process. You may store up to 20 documents
on Symplicity at one time. You will receive an on-screen message once you have reached
the maximum and will have to delete one document to be able to upload another.
To upload your transcript, you can scan the transcript and upload the document as
described above. You can also log on to Campus Cruiser and copy and paste your
transcript details into a Word document to upload to Symplicity. To access your
transcript on Campus Cruiser click on ‘Grades’ on the top menu, then select ‘My Law
Transcript’ from the Academic Profile links on the left. When your transcript
information appears; copy and paste the details into a Word document which you can
then upload to Symplicity.
The OCI (On-Campus Interview) section of Symplicity contains information on all
employers participating in the recruitment programs Suffolk sponsors. It allows you to
review information on employers, apply or Abid@ for employers, and sign-up for an
interview time. Employers are assigned a Asession@ name depending on in which
program they are participating (e.g., on-campus interviews, off-campus programs,
collection only, apply direct). Each session name has a different bidding due date.
To access this section of the site, click on the ‘OCI’ tab on the top horizontal menu. You
will be directed to the ‘Employers/Bidding’ page of the OCI section. Be sure to read all
notices and make sure that the correct resume is set as your default resume. Be aware of
the important dates for each session. You can check the dates by choosing the
appropriate session from the ‘Session’ dropdown list under the ‘Search Filters’ section,
and reviewing the dates under the ‘Important Dates’ column on the right. Bidding
closes at 10:00am on each due date; if you miss the deadline, we will not be able to make
individual application accommodations. During the summer/fall recruitment period, it
is important that you check your email regularly and log on to the Symplicity CSM
system at least once a day to check all current announcements and deadlines.
A list of employers participating in the various recruitment programs is available on the
PCD website under the ‘On-Campus Interviews’ link. You can conduct your research
online through Symplicity and the ‘OCI’ tab to select the firms with which you are
interested in meeting. Keep in mind that this limited online information is not intended
to take the place of reviewing an employer=s website or other employer-generated
View employers who are participating in the various recruitment programs by clicking
on the ‘Employers/Bidding’ tab under ‘OCI’ and selecting the appropriate session from
the ‘Session’ dropdown list. You can refine your search by clicking on ‘Additional
Employer Filters’ and entering data on employer size, type, state, interview date, or
practice area. Click the ‘Search’ button once your criteria has been entered and a list of
matching employers will appear below. You will have to perform a separate search for
each program or session. NOTE: Only the employers in each session accepting resumes
from your class year will be visible to you.
Click on the ‘Review button to the left of each employer to review their recruiting
information. Under the ‘OCI Schedule’ section on the top left of the page you will see a
link to the employer’s website, their interview length, the name of the interviewer (if
available), the class years of the students they are recruiting, and their interview
location. Under the ‘Employer’s Schedules’ section on the bottom left of the page you
will find information on their interview date, the offices for which they are recruiting,
any additional application materials required and how to submit them, and their hiring
criteria or notes. Check the ‘Bid Details’ section on the top right of the page to see your
bid status and the required application materials. You can also click on the link after
‘Office’ to see a profile for the employer. Contact information for the organization is
displayed on the lower right section of the page under ‘Contact Information.’ This is
where you would find the person to whom to address a cover letter if one is requested.
After you have researched the employers that are interviewing, you can easily bid for the
employers with whom you would like to interview. ABidding@ means selecting employers
to whom you want to submit your resume. Choose the appropriate session from the
‘Session’ dropdown menu under the ‘Employers/Bidding’ tab of the OCI section of the
site. You can click on the ‘Review’ button to the left of the organization name or the
‘Apply’ button in the ‘Bidding’ column after the organization name. Under ‘Bid Details’
on the next page, you will see dropdown menus for each document required in the
application packet for that employer. You will need to choose which of your uploaded
resumes to submit, and if required, which cover letter, transcript, writing sample, or
other document to include. If the employer is interviewing for more than one office (see
the note under the ‘Interviewing For’ column under ‘Employer’s Schedules’ on the
bottom left side of the page), you can specify your office preference in the ‘Preferred
Location(s)’ box. Click the ‘Applyor ‘Update’ (if you are editing a bid) button to submit
your bid.
You can check your bids for each session by picking the session from the ‘Session’
dropdown list and selecting ‘With Bids’ from the ‘Employers’ dropdown list. The list of
employers that you have bid for within that particular session will display in the lower
portion of the screen. Once you bid for an employer, the ‘Apply’ button on the employer
list for each session will be changed to ‘Withdraw.’ If you change your mind about a
particular employer and wish to delete your bid or application, click on the ‘Withdraw
You can make changes to your bids and application materials for each session up until
10:00am on the bidding deadline. Once a session closes, all applications are final and
cannot be changed. If you miss an application deadline, we will not be able to make
individual application accommodations.
We will send all submitted application materials to employers once bidding closes
(about two to three weeks before their interview date). The employer will then contact
PCD (usually about a week before their interview date) and give us the names of the
students to be interviewed during their visit. If you have been selected for an interview,
you will be notified by email at the email address you entered in your profile contact
information on Symplicity. During the summer/fall interview season you should check
your email often.
To schedule an interview, click on ‘OCI’ and make sure you are on the
‘Employers/Bidding’ section. Select the appropriate session from the ‘Session
dropdown list and check the list of employers that appears below. Under the
‘Invitations’ column you will see the response to your bid. If you were selected for an
interview, an ‘Accept Preselect’ button will appear (otherwise your status will read ‘Not
Invited’ or ‘Pending’ if selections have not yet been received for that employer).
Click the Accept Preselect’ button and a list of available interview times will appear;
select the time you wish to interview and hit the ‘Signup’ button (see next screenshot).
You may change your interview time to another available time slot as long as the pre-
select sign-up period is still open for the session.
If you wish to decline an interview, you must contact PCD. Please review the PCD
policies in the Recruitment Programs: Policies and Procedures for Students handout,
though, which state that you may not withdraw from more than two on- or off-campus
interviews per recruiting season.
You can review the information for your scheduled interviews by clicking on the
‘Scheduled Interviews’ tab under ‘OCI’ and selecting the appropriate session under the
‘Session’ dropdown list. It is very important that you check the interview location of
each employer; not all employers are interviewing at Suffolk.
Some employers listed on the OCI section of Symplicity are not conducting interviews
either on-campus or at a scheduled off-campus recruitment program. Many
organizations have requested that we collect resumes from interested students and send
the resumes to them in one packet or wish students to apply to them directly; they will
contact students directly about interviews.
Employers requesting a resume collection are included in the ‘Collection Only sessions.
You should bid for ‘Collection Only’ employers in the same manner for which you bid for
interviewing employers, keeping in mind that all future communication regarding
possible interviews will come directly from the employer.
Organizations requesting that students contact them directly are listed in the ‘Apply
Direct’ session. You will be able to review the application requirements for these
organizations on Symplicity, but all application materials must be submitted directly to
the employer. If they have an application deadline, it will be listed in the ‘Additional
Requests’ column under the ‘Employer’s Schedules’ section of the employer review page.
All future communication regarding possible interviews will come directly from the
The Massachusetts Law School Consortium sponsors several recruiting programs
throughout the year. There is a National Recruitment Program (which includes the
Northern New England Job Fair) that is held every fall and two Government/Public
Interest Interview Programs, one in October at Boston College Law School and another
in January at Suffolk. The application process is the same for these programs, but
bidding is done through a different Symplicity site: https://law-massconsortia- See a member of the PCD staff for your login
1. Be sure to check Symplicity each day during the recruiting season, as PCD will post
announcements of employer additions and cancelations. You may also receive email
notification of these changes.
2. Bidding for each session is always due by 10:00 am on the deadline dates indicated.
3. Check your email often during the recruiting season so you do not miss notices about
signing up for an interview time.
All job postings received by PCD are listed on Symplicity. To access the postings, click
on the ‘jobs’ tab in the top navigation menu and the ‘PCD Job Postings’ link in the lower
menu. (NOTE: You can also click on the ‘Law Job Web’ link to see other non-PCD job
listings.) All current job postings will be displayed by posting date with the most recent
postings first. You can narrow the list by selecting a specific practice area or position
type and clicking the ‘Search’ button. You can also enter an organization name or city in
the ‘Keywords’ box. It is not recommended that you search by practice area, since many
employers do not have this information entered on their posting and a complete listing
may not be returned.
The ‘Advanced Search’ tab provides additional search criteria and also allows you to
save a ‘Search Agent.’ To create a Search Agent, enter your search criteria, check the
small box under ‘Search Agents,’ and give your agent a name. Search Agents can be
programmed to run automatically according to a pre-determined schedule and notify
you of new job postings that meet your criteria. You can enable the Search Agent by
clicking on the ‘Search Agents’ tab, selecting the appropriate agent name under the
‘Label’ column, clicking ‘yes’ on the next page, and specifying the Period and Multiple
settings. For example, to run a search every two weeks, select ‘Week’ under ‘Period’ and
‘2’ under ‘Multiple.’ Any enabled Search Agents will run automatically and Symplicity
will email the results to you.
To review specific job posting details, click on the job title for each position in the ‘Jobs’
list. On the left of the next page you will see information on the job including title,
description, location, position type, practice areas, and desired class levels. There is also
a link to view the employer’s profile. On the top right of the page you will see
information on ‘How To Apply.’ Listed below that are ‘Important Dates.’ Most positions
will remain open for three months unless the employer specifies another application
deadline. You should apply for positions as soon as possible and not wait until the
application deadlines, as many hires are done on a rolling basis.
Some employers will accept online applications through Symplicity. If this is the case,
you will be able to choose which of your uploaded documents to submit under
‘Application Status’ on the job posting page (this would be the ‘How To Apply’ box on
other postings). You can see your applications under the ‘Applications’ tab on the Jobs
section of Symplicity.
You have the ability to mark any posting as a “favoriteto be reviewed again later. You
can do this by clicking the star icon in front of the job posting title on the ‘Jobs’ list page.
To view your saved favorites, click on the ‘My Favorites’ tab.
You can use the Symplicity CSM to search and view information on all employers in our
database, not just those participating in the recruitment programs. The Symplicity
database, however, is not an exhaustive one and should be used in conjunction with
other databases such as Martindale-Hubbell, NALP Directory of Legal Employers, and
Click the Employers’ tab to see a list of all organizations in the PCD database. You can
find information on each organization such as address, hiring contacts, website link,
office size, and profile details (if included). You can also quickly access any open job
postings or recruitment program information listed by the employer. Note that you are
able to search by ‘Employer Type,’ ‘Practice Area,’ or ‘Keywords.’ A list of employers
that match your criteria will be returned. It is best to start with a broad search and then
narrow your results, if needed. Keep in mind that not all employers may have practice
areas listed on their profile.
To view information on an employer, click on the organization name. On the employer
page you will see information on the employer type, their practice areas, address, a link
to their website, organization size, and contact information if available.
You have the ability to mark any employer as a “favoriteto be reviewed again later.
You can do this by clicking on the star icon on the far left of the organization list under
the ‘Employers’ tab, or by clicking the ‘Add To Favorites’ link under the ‘Actions’ section
of the specific employer page. To view your saved favorites, click on the ‘Favorite
Employers’ tab.
Sample Searches
As mentioned, you can search the PCD employer database by ‘Employer Type,’ ‘Practice
Area,’ or ‘Keywords.’ For example, to generate a list of employers who practice
environmental law, click on the ‘Practice Area’ drop down menu and then select
‘Environmental’ from the list. Then click on the ‘Search’ button and a list of employers
meeting your criteria will appear. Click on the employer’s name to view the details for
each organization.
You can also conduct searches based on employer type. For instance, to generate a list
of public defenders listed in the PCD Symplicity database, you would click on the
‘Employer Type’ drop down menu and then select ‘Public/Federal Defender’ from the
list. Next, click on the ‘Search’ button to generate the list of employers.
The ‘Keywords’ box can be used to search for keywords in the employer name, city or
profile. You can use the keywords box to find details on a specific employer. For
example, to find information on the Boston office of Ropes & Gray, you would type
‘ropes’ or ‘ropes gray’ into the box and then click on the ‘Search’ button. A list of
employers with those keywords would appear. You would then click on the ‘Ropes &
Gray, LLP (Boston, MA)’ employer name to find the information specific to that office.
You can also conduct searches by city. If you were looking for employers in Providence,
you would type ‘providence’ in the keywords box and then click the ‘Search’ button to
generate an employer list. You should only use keywords to search geographic locations
by city and not state. If you tried to search for employers in Maine by entering ‘me’ into
the box, you would generate a list of all employers in Maine, as well as any employer
with the ‘me’ combination appearing in their organization name.
The employer type, practice area and keywords searches can be used together to further
narrow your search results. For example, you could search the PCD database for law
firms practicing intellectual property law in Boston. To do so, you would select ‘Law
Firm’ from the ‘Employer Type’ drop down menu, then ‘Intellectual Property’ from the
‘Practice Area’ menu, and type ‘boston’ in the keywords box. Click the ‘Search’ button to
generate your list.
Remember, it’s best to start with a broad search and then narrow your criteria if needed.
Also, if you are conducting multiple searches, be sure to clear your previous criteria by
clicking on the ‘Clear’ button before entering new search terms.
Saving Your Search Results
You have the option of saving employer information in an Excel spreadsheet to use for
mail merges or other purposes. To do so, you must first save the employers as
“favorites.” Once you generate a list of employers that meet your search criteria, click on
the star icon in front of the employer name. This will add the employer to your
Favorites folder. To access the folder, click on the ‘Favorite Employers’ tab. All of the
employers that you have selected as favorites will appear in the list. You can keep these
employers in your favorites folder and easily refer back to them from time to time, as
well as use the list to create an Excel spreadsheet.
To create an Excel spreadsheet, you must first select the employers you would like to
appear in the spreadsheet. To do so, click on the box in front of each organization’s
name. Once your selections are made, click on the ‘Save as Excel’ button. You will then
be able to save the employer information to your computer as an Excel spreadsheet to
use for mail merges.
Students interested in judicial clerkships can use Symplicity to search judges and courts,
and track their application status. You must first complete a registration page under the
‘Clerkships’ tab with details on your class year, undergraduate school, clerkship
preferences, recommendation information, writing sample information, and other
qualifications. You can then search judges and create your Excel spreadsheets for
recommendations under the ‘Clerkships’ tab, and track your applications using the
‘Application Status Info’ tab. Detailed judicial clerkship application instructions are
available on the PCD website in the Judicial Clerkship Guide handout, and the News
Feed section of your Symplicity Home page. Students interested in judicial clerkships
should also make an appointment with Margaret Talmers, Associate Director for
Judicial Clerkships and Internships, as soon as possible.
Information on all PCD programs, workshops, events, and recruitment deadlines can be
found on Symplicity. You can access this information through the ‘Events’ or ‘Calendar’
Click on the ‘Events’ tab to see a listing of all programs and workshops being held by
PCD (information on recruitment deadlines is not displayed). Click on any event to see
its details and to submit an ‘RSVP.’ Symplicity will then send automatic reminders
about the program.
Last updated: June 2013