If you have quesons, please email tax.individualincome@ vermont.gov or call (802) 828-2865.
To see more fact sheets and for more informaon, please visit hps://tax.vermont.gov.
Revised December 2023| Publicaon GB -1200
myVTax Guide: How to Submit Landlord Cercates as Bulk Upload
Any landlord renng one or more residenal units must submit Form LRC-140, the Landlord Cercate, to the
Vermont Department of Taxes by January 31. Landlords with ve or more individuals occupying any property
are required to le electronically using myVTax. Beginning in 2022, landlords no longer need to provide each
tenant with a copy. Learn more about landlord cercates (hps://tax.vermont.gov/property/landlord-
Get Started
Go to myVTax (hps://myvtax.vermont.gov). Log in to your landlord account and select Landlord
Cercate Bulk Upload on the myVTax home page in the Property Owners secon. If you do not
have a myVTax account, choose Landlord Cercate Bulk Upload and skip Step 2.
myVTax Account Holders: Select the Return
Select Landlord Cercate Bulk Upload under the Payment and Returns secon.
Download the LRC-140 Bulk Upload spreadsheet
Import the LRC-140 Bulk Upload spreadsheet template and save it to your computer.
Note: You may use your spreadsheet. The system will accept spreadsheets in standard programs,
like Excel, Pages, Google Docs, etc. Please be sure to use headers on the spreadsheet, if you do not,
leave the rst row blank.
Match the Fields
Column Title Special Instrucons
A Landlord Name
B Landlord Mailing Address
C Landlord City
D Landlord State Use state abbreviaon
E Landlord Zip Code
F Landlord Phone Number
G Locaon Of Rental Unit
H Unit
I Unit City
J SPAN Number
K Landlord Buildings Units
L Apartment Mark with an X for Yes or leave blank for No
M Condominium Mark with an X for Yes or leave blank for No
N Room in my Primary Residence Mark with an X for Yes or leave blank for No
O House/Mobile Home Mark with an X for Yes or leave blank for No
P Nursing Home Mark with an X for Yes or leave blank for No
Q Assisted Living/Community Care Mark with an X for Yes or leave blank for No
R Last Name
S First Name
T Calendar Year
U Number of Months Rented
V Rent Subsidized Mark with an X for Yes or leave blank for No
W 100 Percent Subsidized Mark with an X for Yes or leave blank for No
X Net Rent Paid
Y Signature Type the name of the person who is authorized to sign the
Z Date Filed Date format should MM/DD/YYYY
Input the data into the spreadsheet using the column tles as a guide. If you are using your spreadsheet,
be sure the spreadsheet has the same order of the elds as the LRC-140 Bulk Upload spreadsheet in
myVTax. Each item must have a separate column.
If a eld is unnecessary for your tenants, please leave the eld blank on your spreadsheet for Form LRC-
140 to generate correctly. The column must be included in the spreadsheet.
Do not include Net Rent Paid
A Net Rent Paid amount is only required if the rent was subsidized. If you did not receive subsidies—
including any CARES Act assistance—on behalf of a renter, please leave this eld blank. Once you have
completed the spreadsheet, please save it to your computer.
Upload the Completed File
From the Landlord Cercate Bulk Upload page, select the Import buon. Next, select Choose
File and select the le to be uploaded.
Correct Any Errors
Once the spreadsheet is uploaded, myVTax will display a screen with the Imported Data tab
selected. This screen will show any record with an issue needing a correcon.
If there is an error, return to your saved spreadsheet and correct the problem eld. Then, upload
the updated le by selecng the Import buon. This will replace the data you previously imported.
Once all errors are corrected, you may select the Next buon. You are then able to click Submit.
If you log in, the system will ask you for your password. Type in your password and click OK. You will
receive a conrmaon number on the next page. Keep this number for your records.
Submit Your Landlord Cercate
Select OK to submit the Landlord Cercate to the Vermont Department of Taxes. Do not provide a
copy to tenants.