SAP Replication Server 16.0 SP04
Document Version: 1.0–2024-05-13
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
© 2024 SAP SE or an SAP aliate company. All rights reserved.
1 Conventions................................................................7
2 Troubleshooting Overview.....................................................10
2.1 Tasks or Events That Can Cause Replication System Problems.............................11
2.2 Error Messages and Error Logs...................................................12
Checking for Error Messages in the Error Logs..................................... 13
rs_init Error Log...........................................................13
SAP Replication Server Error Log...............................................14
Analyzing the SAP Replication Server Error Log.....................................15
SAP Replication Server Error Message Format..................................... 16
Example: Analysis of a SAP Replication Server Error................................. 17
RepAgent Error Message Format...............................................18
Example: Analysis of a RepAgent Error Message....................................19
2.3 Types of Replication System Problems.............................................20
Conguration Problems.....................................................20
Subscription Problems......................................................20
Replication Problems.......................................................22
Manual Recovery Problems...................................................23
2.4 Diagnostic Tools.............................................................24
2.5 Troubleshooting Conguration Problems............................................27
2.6 Troubleshooting Materialization Failures............................................27
2.7 Troubleshooting Dematerialization Failures..........................................29
2.8 Troubleshooting Replication Failures...............................................30
Verifying That Data is Not Replicating........................................... 30
Identifying the Data That is Failing to Replicate.....................................31
Verifying That Replication Server Threads are Up...................................32
Replication Server Is Down...................................................34
Checking for Queue Problems.................................................34
Verifying That All RepAgents are Up.............................................34
Checking System Tables.....................................................35
Finding Failed Replication Component...........................................36
Checking for Route Problems.................................................37
2.9 Troubleshooting Manual Recovery Problems.........................................37
3 Performance Problems.......................................................38
3.1 Insucient Stable Queue Size...................................................38
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
3.2 Reduced Performance when Replicating to SAP IQ.....................................39
3.3 Unable to Continue Replication in a Faster Mode......................................40
Conguration Options and Example Error Messages for dsi_retry........................41
4 Common Error Messages.....................................................44
4.1 rs_init Error Messages.........................................................44
Cannot Find Entry for SAP ASE................................................45
Invalid Product Name.......................................................45
Unknown Host Machine Name................................................ 46
4.2 SAP Replication Server Error Messages.............................................47
Error 21................................................................ 48
Error 1028...............................................................48
Error 5095.............................................................. 58
Error 7035.............................................................. 59
Error 8039..............................................................60
Error 8040.............................................................. 61
Error 11061.............................................................. 61
Error 13045..............................................................64
Error 15020............................................................. 66
Error 15040............................................................. 66
Error 15052..............................................................67
Error 28028............................................................. 68
Error 29024............................................................. 68
Error 32059............................................................. 70
Error 37022..............................................................71
Error 37023..............................................................72
4.3 SAP Replication Server Informational and Warning Messages.............................72
Cached Row for System Table Was Swapped Out................................... 73
Detecting Loss for Database..................................................73
DSI Detected rs_update_lastcommit Not Marked as Replicated.........................76
Stable Storage Use is Above 75 Percent..........................................77
4.4 Connector Error Messages......................................................77
Incompatible Connector Version...............................................78
No Permission to Produce Connector for Unlicensed Feature...........................79
Cannot Produce Connector from Factory.........................................79
Loading of Connector Factory Failed............................................80
4.5 SAP ASE RepAgent Error Messages............................................... 81
Error 9202...............................................................81
Error 9210...............................................................82
Error 9215 (ASE 624).......................................................83
5 Route Problems............................................................ 85
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
5.1 Routes....................................................................85
create route Process.......................................................86
drop route Process........................................................ 86
5.2 rs_helproute............................................................... 88
5.3 Problems with Creating Routes.................................................. 88
Common Problems........................................................89
Messages in the Error Log at the Source SAP Replication Server........................ 90
Output from rs_helproute at the Source SAP Replication Server.........................91
Output from rs_helproute at the Destination Server................................. 92
5.4 Troubleshooting Problems with Altering Routes.......................................93
5.5 Problems with Dropping Routes..................................................93
Output from rs_helproute at the Source SAP Replication Server.........................94
Output from rs_helproute at the Destination SAP Replication Server..................... 95
6 Subscription Problems.......................................................96
6.1 Materialization Process........................................................97
Atomic Materialization......................................................97
Nonatomic Materialization...................................................98
Direct Load Materialization...................................................99
Bulk Materialization....................................................... 101
6.2 Dematerialization Process.....................................................102
with purge Dematerialization ................................................ 102
Bulk Dematerialization.....................................................103
6.3 check subscription..........................................................104
Materialization Status..................................................... 104
6.4 Materialization Problems......................................................106
Incorrect or Missing Login Account and Permissions................................107
Schema Inconsistency.....................................................108
Missing interfaces File Entries................................................108
Atomic Materialization Problems..............................................109
Nonatomic Materialization Problems............................................111
Direct Load Materialization Problems...........................................115
Bulk-Materialization Problems................................................116
6.5 Dematerialization Problems....................................................118
7 SAP Replication Server Interface Problems.......................................123
7.1 Incorrect RSI User Login Name or Password........................................ 124
7.2 Incorrect User Permissions at Replicate Replication Server..............................125
7.3 Invalid RSI Locater...........................................................125
8 SAP ASE RepAgent Problems................................................. 127
8.1 Problems when Starting the RepAgent............................................ 127
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Invalid Login............................................................ 128
Invalid Permissions........................................................128
8.2 Errors from the SAP Replication Server............................................128
Error 32032.............................................................129
Error 32044.............................................................130
Error 32046.............................................................134
Error 32047.............................................................136
8.3 Errors from the SAP ASE......................................................137
Possible Issues when Dropping Primary Objects...................................137
Invalid Truncation Page.....................................................138
9 Data Server Interface Problems............................................... 139
9.1 Listing Databases Controlled by a Replication Server..................................140
9.2 admin who and admin who, dsi..................................................140
States of the DSI Scheduler Thread............................................140
States of the DSI Executor Thread............................................. 141
9.3 Troubleshooting the DSI for the Replicate Database................................... 142
9.4 Errors When DSI is Down or Suspended............................................143
Connection Failure to the Database............................................ 143
Data Server Errors........................................................144
Replication Server Errors................................................... 146
9.5 Errors When DSI is Active......................................................146
Incorrect Duplicate Transaction Resolution.......................................147
Examining the Exceptions Log................................................148
10 SAP ASE Log Problems......................................................149
10.1 Truncating an Adaptive Server Log............................................... 149
Verifying the State of the Secondary Truncation Point...............................150
Turning O the Secondary Truncation Point in a Database.............................151
Setting the Secondary Truncation Point.........................................152
10.2 Database Log Locater........................................................ 152
Resetting the Database Log Locater............................................153
10.3 Log Truncation Problems......................................................153
Checking for Orphaned Transactions...........................................154
Inbound Queue Requires More Disk Space.......................................155
10.4 Symptoms of a Corrupted Adaptive Server Log......................................156
11 Stable Queues.............................................................157
11.1 Using Traces to Print Commands................................................ 158
11.2 Conrming Suspected Problems................................................ 159
11.3 Dump Queue Output Interpretation...............................................159
Example 1: Outbound Queue after create subscription...............................160
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Example 2: Inbound Queue after a Series of Commands..............................162
Example 3: Inbound Queue after update.........................................164
Example 4: Outbound Queue after update....................................... 165
12 Language, Sort Order, and Character Set Issues...................................167
12.1 Message Language Problems...................................................167
12.2 Sort Order Problems.........................................................168
Sort Order..............................................................169
12.3 Character Set Problems.......................................................169
12.4 Language and Globalization....................................................170
13 Glossary................................................................. 172
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
1 Conventions
These style and syntax conventions are used in SAP documentation.
Style Conventions
Monospaced (xed-width)
SQL and program code
Commands to be entered exactly as shown
File names
Directory names
Monospaced, surrounded by angle
In SQL or program code snippets, placeholders for user-specied values (see
example below).
Surrounded by angle brackets
File and variable names
Cross-references to other topics or documents
In text, placeholders for user-specied values (see example below)
Glossary terms in text
Bold san serif
Command, function, stored procedure, utility, class, and method names
Glossary entries (in the Glossary)
Menu option paths
In numbered task or procedure steps, user-interface (UI) elements that you
click, such as buttons, check boxes, icons, and so on
An explanation for a placeholder (system- or setup-specic values) follows in text. For example:
Run the following, where <installation directory> is the location where the program is installed:
<installation directory>/start.bat
Syntax Conventions
{ } Curly braces indicate that you must choose at least one of the enclosed options. Do not type the
braces when you enter the command.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Key Denition
[ ] Brackets mean that choosing one or more of the enclosed options is optional. Do not type the
brackets when you enter the command.
( ) Enter parentheses as part of the command.
| The vertical bar means you choose only one of the options shown.
, The comma means you choose as many of the options shown as you like, separating your choices
with commas that you type as part of the command.
... An ellipsis (three dots) means you may repeat the last unit as many times as you need. Do not
include ellipses in the command.
< > Angle brackets are not part of the syntax. Rather, they denote variables within the syntax. For
example, if the syntax calls for a variable such as a password, this is denoted as <password>.
However, when using the syntax in a command or query, omit the angled brackets. So, instead of
using <MyPassword> use MyPassword.
All command syntax and command examples are shown in lowercase. However, replication command
names are not case-sensitive. For example, RA_CONFIG, Ra_Config, and ra_config are equivalent.
Names of conguration parameters are case-sensitive. For example, Scan_Sleep_Max is not the same as
scan_sleep_max, and the former would be interpreted as an invalid parameter name.
Database object names are not case-sensitive in replication commands. However, to use a mixed-case
object name in a replication command (to match a mixed-case object name in the primary database),
delimit the object name with quote characters. For example: pdb_get_tables "<TableName>"
Identiers and character data may be case-sensitive, depending on the sort order that is in eect.
If you are using a case-sensitive sort order, such as “binary,” you must enter identiers and character
data with the correct combination of uppercase and lowercase letters.
If you are using a sort order that is not case-sensitive, such as “nocase,” you may enter identiers and
character data with any combination of uppercase or lowercase letters.
SAP Replication Server works with various components to enable replication between supported database,
such as SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (SAP ASE), SAP HANA, SAP IQ, Oracle, IBM DB2 UDB, and Microsoft
SQL Server. SAP Replication Server uses SAP ASE for its Replication Server System Database (RSSD) or it uses
SAP SQL Anywhere for its embedded Replication Server System Database (ERSSD).
Replication Agent is a generic term used to describe the Replication Agents for SAP ASE, Oracle, IBM DB2
UDB, and Microsoft SQL Server. The specic names are:
RepAgent – Replication Agent thread for SAP ASE
Replication Agent for Oracle
Replication Agent for Microsoft SQL Server
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Replication Agent for UDB – for IBM DB2 on Linux, Unix, and Windows
Replication Agent for DB2 for z/OS
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
2 Troubleshooting Overview
A correctly congured SAP Replication Server system is designed to be fault-tolerant. However, in the event of
a serious failure, you may need to intervene and manually x the problem.
The key to nding the cause of a replication system failure is to eliminate possible causes by:
Identifying recent tasks or events that might have adversely aected the replication system. A user may
have performed a task that caused a replication failure or reduced the performance of the replication
system. Many things can happen when a number of people are working on the same replication system.
An event such as a temporary network outage may also have caused a replication system problem.
Analyzing error logs.
Determining the general problem category (conguration, subscription, replication, recovery).
Using diagnostic tools, such as SAP Replication Server programs or stored procedures, or isql, to
analyze the replication system.
If you see an error message in an SAP Replication Server error log, you can identify the problem by reading the
error log. If there is no error message, use diagnostic tools to further analyze the replication system.
The Embedded Replication Server System Database (ERSSD) problems are not included in this guide. See the
Administration Guide Volume 1 for more information on ERSSD recovery procedure.
This document may be able to help you to identify hardware, network, and operating system problems, but
solving these problems is beyond the scope of the guide. Any time a server or a network connection is down,
you should also check for hardware, network, or operating system problems.
On Windows, you can usually see a hardware or operating system problem when stack traces randomly or
frequently occur at the same time you get errors in the SAP Replication Server error log.
Check the operating system error log for errors that indicate hardware or operating system problems. Such
failures might only partially resolve the eects on the replication system. You may still need to resynchronize
data between the primary and destination databases.
Related Information
Tasks or Events That Can Cause Replication System Problems [page 11]
Error Messages and Error Logs [page 12]
Types of Replication System Problems [page 20]
Diagnostic Tools [page 24]
Troubleshooting Conguration Problems [page 27]
Troubleshooting Materialization Failures [page 27]
Troubleshooting Dematerialization Failures [page 29]
Troubleshooting Replication Failures [page 30]
Troubleshooting Manual Recovery Problems [page 37]
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Troubleshooting Overview
2.1 Tasks or Events That Can Cause Replication System
Certain tasks or events can lead to a replication system failure. Check if any of these tasks have been
performed or if the events have occurred before attempting to categorize a problem.
Table 1: Tasks or Events That Can Cause Replication System Problems
Task or Event Description or Action
Binaries changed. You may have changed binaries and have made the SAP Replication
Server, RepAgent, or SAP ASE incompatible with each other. Incompat-
ible binaries can produce SAP Open Server and Open Client error mes-
Network went down and restarted. Verify that SAP Replication Server threads are up.
Rebuilt queues. Check for manual recovery problems.
Recovered primary database. Check for manual recovery problems.
Added, altered, or deleted routes. The route operation might not be complete. Check for route problems.
Added, altered, or deleted subscriptions. The subscription operation might not have completed. Check for sub-
scription problems.
Added, altered, or deleted SAP Replication
Server, RepAgent, primary or replicate data-
base, data server, or table.
You might have incorrectly changed the replication system. Check for
conguration problems.
Related Information
Troubleshooting Manual Recovery Problems [page 37]
Troubleshooting Conguration Problems [page 27]
Subscription Problems [page 96]
Route Problems [page 85]
Verifying That Replication Server Threads are Up [page 32]
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Troubleshooting Overview
2.2 Error Messages and Error Logs
Error messages provide important information for identifying the cause of replication system failures. When an
SAP Replication Server or RepAgent error occurs, an error message is recorded in an error log.
Error messages are in a standard format; once you learn this format, you will be able to read and understand all
SAP Replication Server and RepAgent error messages.
SAP Replication Server error messages are recorded in text les called error logs, or sent to the standard
error output (stderr), which is usually a terminal window. In general, Replication Agent error messages are
recorded in their own error logs, except for RepAgent error messages. RepAgent records RepAgent errors and
all error messages returned by SAP Replication Server (including CT-Library error messages) in the SAP ASE
error log. Data server error messages are recorded in the data server’s error log.
Multiple error messages can be generated by a single problem, and can be generated from any or all SAP
Replication Server components (including SAP ASE, SAP Replication Server, and RepAgent) that are adversely
aected by the problem.
SAP Replication Server and RepAgent can also print messages to the error log and to clients in several
languages. SAP Replication Server error messages appear in the language specied in the RS_language
conguration parameter, while the SAP ASE RepAgent uses the language specied in language.
The troubleshooting guide does not explain how to analyze the error logs from networks, gateways, non-
SAP ASE data servers, and non-SAP ASE Replication Agents. See the documentation for these products for
information about how to analyze their error logs.
Related Information
Checking for Error Messages in the Error Logs [page 13]
rs_init Error Log [page 13]
SAP Replication Server Error Log [page 14]
Analyzing the SAP Replication Server Error Log [page 15]
SAP Replication Server Error Message Format [page 16]
Example: Analysis of a SAP Replication Server Error [page 17]
RepAgent Error Message Format [page 18]
Example: Analysis of a RepAgent Error Message [page 19]
Language, Sort Order, and Character Set Issues [page 167]
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Troubleshooting Overview
2.2.1Checking for Error Messages in the Error Logs
Check for and resolve error messages found in the error logs before checking for failures throughout your
replication system.
1. Maintain open windows for all error logs, including:
SAP Replication Server error logs (including a window for SAP Replication Server standard error
output (stderr))
Replication Agent logs (such as Replication Agent for DB2)
rs_init error log when setting up or conguring Replication Server.
Any data server error logs (such as SAP ASE)
Any gateway error logs (such as DirectConnect or OmniConnect)
2. Scan the Replication Agent, data server, and gateway error logs to see if you can immediately nd an
error message that describes the cause of the error. If you nd an error, see the documentation for the
Replication Agent, data server, or gateway to solve the problem.
3. Scan the rs_init, SAP ASE (for RepAgent error messages), and SAP Replication Server error logs for
error messages.
When you nd an error, search for the error message in the Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide,
and apply the documented workaround.
If you cannot nd the error message, look in one of these error message text les in the $SYBASE/
$SYBASE_REP/doc directory on UNIX platforms or the %SYBASE%\%SYBASE_REP%\doc directory on
error_messages_rs for SAP Replication Server error messages
error_messages_subcmp for rs_subcmp error messages
These text les contain the text of the error message, a brief description of the error, its cause, and,
sometimes, how to x it.
Related Information
Common Error Messages [page 44]
2.2.2rs_init Error Log
Symptoms and problems are usually recorded in the rs_init error log when errors occur during SAP
Replication Server set up or conguration.
The rs_init error log is located in:
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Troubleshooting Overview
Microsoft Windows: %SYBASE%\%SYBASE_REP%\init\logs
The rs_init error log le name format is:
<month> is a 2-digit integer that represents the current month.
<day> is a 2-digit integer that represents the current day.
<session#> is a 3-digit integer that represents the number of the session for that day. Each time a new
rs_init session is started on the same day, the session number is increased by one.
Given that log0108.001 is an rs_init error log:
<month> is 01
<day> is 08
<session#> is 001
2.2.3SAP Replication Server Error Log
Informational, warning, thread-terminated, fatal, and internal error messages from SAP Replication Server are
recorded in theSAP Replication Server error log.
Messages are appended to the error log while SAP Replication Server is operating. Error messages are
appended to the end of the existing error log each time you restart SAP Replication Server.
Real-time signals 32-64 terminate SAP Replication Server without any error message in the log.
Informational messages report the current status of a component; for example, a process or command
has completed or a component has been shut down. Warning, thread-terminated, fatal, and internal error
messages are reported when a component abnormally terminates, a process or command cannot be
completed, or a fatal internal error occurs in a component.
When SAP ASE errors cause a SAP Replication Server error, you nd references to the SAP ASE errors in the
text of the SAP Replication Server error message. In these cases, you may x the SAP ASE problem, which
should eliminate the Replication Server error.
The SAP Replication Server error log may also contain SAP Open Client/Server error messages, since SAP
Replication Server is an SAP Open Server program with SAP Open Client components. Any SAP Open Server
errors in the error log constitute internal errors.
SAP Replication Server error logs contain error messages generated during the execution of asynchronous
commands, such as create subscription and create route. When you are executing asynchronous
commands, pay special attention to the error logs for the SAP Replication Server aected by the asynchronous
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Troubleshooting Overview
Dedicate a terminal window to show the standard error output from a SAP Replication Server. If the SAP
Replication Server error log is unavailable, error messages are sent to stderr. Error messages that are sent
only to stderr are extremely serious, because the only action available to the SAP Replication Server is to
dump the stack and exit.
The SAP Replication Server error log le name format is:
where <rs_name> is the SAP Replication Server name.
The default location for the SAP Replication Server error log is:
Microsoft Windows: %SYBASE%\%SYBASE_REP%\install
2.2.4Analyzing the SAP Replication Server Error Log
Analyze the SAP Replication Server error log to determine the cause of the replication system failure.
To analyze a SAP Replication Server error log, you must understand how multiple error messages are related.
Multiple error messages can be generated by the same problem and usually have identical, or very close, dates
and times. Error messages that occur close together constitute an error block.
1. Scan from the end of the error log to the beginning, looking for the most recent SAP Replication Server
error. To identify the problem, nd the error block to which the error belongs.
As Replication Server errors occur, SAP Replication Server appends the error messages to the end of the
error log. The most recent SAP Replication Server error marks the end of the error block.
If you see an SAP Open Server/Client error such as no more threads, x that error rst. This
message means you have run out of an SAP Open Server resource (and SAP Replication Server might
have terminated).
2. Find and diagnose the last non-Replication Server error message that occurred after the rst SAP
Replication Server error. If there are no non-SAP Replication Server error messages after the rst SAP
Replication Server error message, investigate the causes of the rst SAP Replication Server error message.
In diagnosing non–SAP Replication Server errors, you may need to use other troubleshooting or
error message guides—such as those for SAP ASE or SAP Open Client (particularly with network
communication or other client problems).
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Troubleshooting Overview
3. In the error block, nd any SAP Replication Server error messages that tell you if a SAP Replication Server
component or thread has terminated.
You must restart the component or thread that has terminated. Usually, subsequent SAP Replication
Server errors in the same error block were caused by the rst SAP Replication Server error.
2.2.5SAP Replication Server Error Message Format
Describes the SAP Replication Server error message format.
The format of SAP Replication Server error messages is:
<s>. <date time severity_text error_num thread>
(<thread_context>) <module> (<line_num>) <error_text>
<s> – a letter that indicates the severity of the error.
<date> – date.
<time> – time the error occurred, in 24-hour format.
<severity_text> – brief phrase that describes the severity.
<error_num> – integer that uniquely identies the error. SAP Replication Server error numbers are
constructed using:
<module_number> * 1000 + <error_condition>
A <module_number> is assigned to each source code module in the server and the <error_condition>
is a numbered error condition within the source code module.
<thread> – name of the SAP Replication Serverthread that received the error.
<thread_context> – more specic information about the thread, such as the database and data server if
it is a Data Server Interface (DSI) thread.
<module> – name of the SAP Replication Server source le where the error was reported. This name is
used only by SAP Technical Support.
<line_num> – line in the SAP Replication Server source le where the error was reported. This number is
used only by SAP Technical Support.
<error_text> – error message text. If a SAP Replication Server error was caused by an SAP ASE error,
the SAP ASE error is included as part of the SAP Replication Server error message text.
Related Information
Severity Code Reference [page 17]
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Troubleshooting Overview Severity Code Reference
SAP Replication Server error messages begin with a letter that indicates the severity of the error.
Table 2: SAP Replication Server Error Severities
Severity Code Description
I An informational message. Error messages with a severity of “I” contain only the date and time the
error occurred, and the full text of the message.
W A warning about a condition that has not yet caused an error, but may require attention, for example,
running out of a resource.
E An error that does not prevent further processing, such as a site that is unavailable.
H A SAP Replication Server thread has died, for example, a lost network connection.
F Fatal. A serious error caused SAP Replication Server to exit. For example, if you start the SAP
Replication Server using an incorrect conguration, you are likely to receive a fatal error.
N Internal error, caused by anomalies in the SAP Replication Server software. Report these errors to
SAP Technical Support.
T A trace message.
For more information about error severity, see the Replication Server Administration Guide Volume 2.
2.2.6Example: Analysis of a SAP Replication Server Error
Examines a SAP Replication Server error message block.
SAP Replication Server error message block:
H. 2006/06/15 20:52:28. THREAD FATAL ERROR #5049 DSI
EXEC(104(3) WESTERNDS.westDB) - dsiqmint.c(3252) The
DSI thread for database ‘WESTERNDS.westDB' is being
shutdown. DSI received data server error #102 which is
mapped to STOP_REPLICATION. See logged data server
errors for more information. The data server error was
caused by output command #1 mapped from input command
#2 of the failed transaction.
I. 2006/06/15 20:52:28. The DSI thread for database
‘WESTERNDS.westDB' is shutdown.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Troubleshooting Overview
Table 3: Analysis of the SAP Replication Server Error Message
Error Message Text Explanation
H. 2006/06/15 20:52:28. THREAD FATAL
ERROR #5049 DSI EXEC(104(3) WEST-
ERNDS.westDB) - dsiqmint.c(3252)
This is the rst error. The H identies the error as a thread termination
error. This message shows that the Data Server Interface (DSI) thread
The error message includes the dataserver.database name where
the error occurred, the internal SAP Replication Server module
(dsiqmint.c), and the line of code (3252) where the error occurred.
The DSI received data server error # 102 which is
mapped to STOP_REPLICATION. See the logged
data server errors for more information.
This SAP ASE error message identies the cause of the problem.
Find a description for SAP ASE error 102 by:
Finding the error in the SAP ASE error log (the error would occur at
approximately the same time as it occurred in the SAP Replication
Server error log),
Performing a select * from sysmessages where
error = 102 in the master database, or
Looking up the number in the Adaptive Server Enterprise Trouble-
shooting and Error Messages Guide.
The Adaptive Server Enterprise Troubleshooting and Error Messages
Guide describes error 102 as invalid syntax near %s for a Transact-SQL
statement. It also provides suggestions about what might be causing
this error (for example, a keyword is spelled incorrectly, a keyword or
parameter is missing, or the order of the keyword is incorrect). Look for
additional information in the data server error log, which includes the
character string for the %s eld in the error message.
The data server error was caused by RS output
command #1 mapped from input command #1 of
the failed transaction.
This text describes the command position in a grouped transaction sent
by the SAP Replication Server.
I. 2006/06/15 20:52:28. The DSI thread for data-
base ‘WESTERNDS.westDB' is shutdown.
This last error message is informational (I) and caused by the problem
specied in a previous block. After xing the SAP ASE problem, restart
the DSI thread for the specied database.
2.2.7RepAgent Error Message Format
RepAgent error messages are recorded in the SAP ASE error log using the SAP ASE message format. These
messages are identied by the string “RepAgent(<dbid>),” which appears in the rst line of the message.
Errors that you can retry are logged only once in the SAP ASE error log.
The RepAgent error message format is:
date time RepAgent (dbid): error_number, severity,
state, error_text
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Troubleshooting Overview
<date> – date that the error occurred.
<time> – time that the error occurred.
<dbid> – SAP ASE identication number of the database that RepAgent is using. You can nd this
database ID by executing:
select x = db_id()
<error_number> – RepAgent error message numbers range from 9200 to 9299.
<severity> – severity can be:
EX_INFO – informational error message.
EX_USER – user error.
EX_RESOURCE – resource error in which an operating system resource or SAP Replication Server
resource is not available.
EX_CMDFATAL – fatal error in which RepAgent cannot continue processing a transaction.
<state> – for internal use only.
<error_text> – description of the cause of the error.
2.2.8Example: Analysis of a RepAgent Error Message
Examines a RepAgent Error message.
RepAgent error message:
00:00000:00036:2006/01/13 13:08:16.39 server Error:
9209, Severity: 20, State: 0
00:00000:00036:2006/06/23 13:08:16.39 server
RepAgent(6): Missing datarow in TEXT/IMAGE insert log
record. Transaction log may be corrupt. Please contact
SAP Technical Support. (current marker = (107634,
Table 4: Analysis of the RepAgent Error Message
Error Message Text Explanation
2006/01/13 Date
13:08:16.39 Time
(6) Database ID
9209 Error number
20 Severity
0 State
Missing data row in TEXT/IMAGE insert log record. Transaction
log may be corrupt. Please contact SAP Technical Support.
(current marker = (%d, %d)).
Error message text
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Troubleshooting Overview
For more information about the SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise error message format, see the Adaptive Server
Enterprise System Administration Guide.
2.3 Types of Replication System Problems
The types of problems that occur in a replication system roughly correspond to the dierent stages of
development of the replication system. A replication system consists of SAP Replication Server components
(SAP Replication Server instances, Replication Agents, data servers, routes, connections) connected together
such that data is copied reliably from source tables to destination tables.
Related Information
Conguration Problems [page 20]
Subscription Problems [page 20]
Replication Problems [page 22]
Manual Recovery Problems [page 23]
2.3.1Conguration Problems
Conguration problems occur during SAP Replication Server set-up, such as whenSAP Replication Server
instances, RepAgents, and data servers are added to the replication system using rs_init.
Usually, symptoms and problems are identied by error messages in the rs_init log le.
Some conguration problems cause subscription materialization failures, and their symptoms do not appear
until you attempt to materialize a subscription.
Related Information
Troubleshooting Conguration Problems [page 27]
rs_init Error Messages [page 44]
2.3.2Subscription Problems
Subscription problems occur when subscription materialization or dematerialization fails.
The replication process begins with subscription materialization, which is the process by which data is initially
copied to the destination database. When you no longer want a subscription replicated to a destination
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Troubleshooting Overview
database, dematerialize the subscription at the destination database. Dematerialization is the process by
which data is deleted from the destination database.
If you are using a Replication Agent, your subscription materialization process may dier from the process
described here. See your Replication Agent documentation for the Replication Agent-specic subscription
materialization process.
Subscription problem symptoms are easily identied and include:
Materialization failure – no data in the subscription’s replicate table at the destination database, invalid
status for subscriptions at the primary and replicate SAP Replication Server instances, or materialization
has been taking longer than is reasonable.
Dematerialization failure – data still exists in the subscription’s replicate table at the destination database,
the status for subscriptions at the primary and replicate SAP Replication Server instances is invalid, or
dematerialization has been taking longer than is reasonable.
Usually, the person who is conducting the materialization or dematerialization monitors the operation and
reports any problems.
Some subscription problem symptoms are reported as error messages in the SAP Replication Server error log.
You might also need to use the diagnostic tools to identify subscription problem symptoms.
If a subscription problem caused the Data Server Interface (DSI) thread for the replicate database to
abnormally terminate, restart it using the resume connection command.
Related Information
Function String Restrictions [page 21] Function String Restrictions
Customized function strings can be used to replicate changes. Incorrect variables can cause problems in
customized function strings.
Function string restrictions include:
Only function strings for rs_insert and rs_update can use new column values.
Only function strings for rs_delete and rs_update can use old column values.
Only function strings for rs_select and rs_select_with_lock can have input templates, and use
user-dened variables.
Only function strings for user-dened functions can use parameter values of functions. The parameter
value of a function consists of the parameters passed to a replicated stored procedure.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Troubleshooting Overview
2.3.3Replication Problems
Replication problems occur when data changes at the primary database are not applied to the destination
Replication consists of copying data operations, such as updating or deleting data, from a primary database to
the destination database. Replication begins after a subscription has been successfully materialized.
If you are monitoring the replication system, you might directly observe that data is not replicating to a
destination database. Use rs_subcmp to determine which subscription is not being replicated.
If someone reports that their client application has retrieved incorrect data from a destination database
consider that a replication problem may exist. Compare the primary and destination tables; if they are the
same, then data is being replicated correctly, and it is likely that a problem with the client application that is
causing incorrect data to appear in the client application. If data is not the same at the primary and destination
databases, replication is failing, and you must troubleshoot the replication system.
Some symptoms of a replication problem directly identify the cause; other symptoms require more
investigation to nd the underlying cause. These symptoms are listed in order of most common to least
Data Server Interface (DSI) thread is down.
Threads other than DSI are down.
Use admin who_is_down to display information about threads that are down:
DIST (Distributor) thread
RepAgent user thread
RSI (Replication Server Interface) thread
RSI user thread
RS (Replication Server) user thread
SQM (Stable Queue Manager) thread
SQT (Stable Queue Thread) thread
NRM (Normalization) thread
Major replication system component is down.
Use isql to check to see if a server is down by logging in to each server.
SAP Replication Server
Data server
A detecting loss message, which means that data replication messages were lost after queues were
rebuilt. This message is shown in the SAP Replication Server error log or in the rs_oqid system table.
See the Loss Status column in the output from admin health and admin who, sqm to monitor data
consistency and check if there is the possibility of data loss in the queues.
Inbound or outbound stable queues are growing larger.
Use admin who, sqm and sysadmin dump_queue to display information about inbound and outbound
stable queues.
Number of duplicate transactions is increasing.
Use admin who,sqt and sysadmin dump_queue to display information about inbound and outbound
stable queues.
Transactions remain open for longer than is reasonable. These transactions might be orphans or a very
long transaction. Orphan transactions do not have an ending commit or rollback statement.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Troubleshooting Overview
Use admin who, sqt and sysadmin dump_queue to display information about inbound and outbound
stable queues.
Primary and destination SAP Replication Server instances do not have the same locater.
Use isql to log in to the RSSD and view the rs_locater system table.
Replication is successful for other subscriptions on dierent data servers with connections to the same
destination Replication Server.
Use rs_subcmp to compare a subscription’s tables in the primary and replicate databases to make sure
the tables are the same.
Replication is successful for other subscriptions in the same or dierent tables on the same data server
while replication for a particular subscription is failing.
Use rs_subcmp to compare a subscription’s tables in the primary and replicate databases to make sure
the tables are the same.
Some symptoms appear as error messages in the SAP Replication Server and SAP ASE error logs. Use the
diagnostic tools to identify replication problem symptoms.
Related Information
Troubleshooting Replication Failures [page 30]
Diagnostic Tools [page 24]
2.3.4Manual Recovery Problems
Manual recovery problems occur during the recovery of a failed partition, truncated primary database log,
primary database failure, or Replication Server System Database (RSSD).
While SAP Replication Server is designed to tolerate most failures and to recover from them automatically,
some failures require you to intervene by manually executing recovery tasks. Sometimes after you have
completed a recovery task, you run into replication problems or errors show up in the SAP Replication Server
error log. Although the Replication Server Administration Guide Volume 1 and Replication Server Administration
Guide Volume 2 discuss most recovery situations and you can refer to those manuals to see if you missed a
step in a recovery task, the Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide dicusses the most common problems that
you might run into after you think that you have successfully completed a recovery task.
Related Information
Troubleshooting Manual Recovery Problems [page 37]
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Troubleshooting Overview
2.4 Diagnostic Tools
Diagnostic tools retrieve the status and statistics of SAP Replication Server components. Depending on the
type of problem, use these status and statistics to analyze the replication system.
isql – use to log in to a SAP Replication Server or data server to see if servers are running. You can also
use isql to execute SQL commands to see if data is the same in the primary and replicate databases, or if
data has been materialized or dematerialized.
admin who_is_downidenties which SAP Replication Server threads are down.
admin who, sqm – displays information about stable queues at a SAP Replication Server, such as the
number of duplicate transactions, the size of stable queue, and the data loss status.
admin who, sqt – displays information about stable queues at a SAP Replication Server such as the
number of open transactions.
admin stats, md – displays information about messages delivered by a SAP Replication Server such as
the number of messages delivered.
sp_config_rep_agent – displays the current RepAgent conguration settings.
sp_help_rep_agent – displays static and dynamic information about a RepAgent thread.
sysadmin dump_queue – dumps stable queues and lets you view them.
rs_helproute – displays the status of routes at a SAP Replication Server.
rs_subcmp – compares a subscription’s tables in the primary and replicate databases. Use rs_subcmp to
make sure the tables are the same.
check subscription – displays the status of subscriptions at a SAP Replication Server.
rs_helppub – displays publications.
rs_helppubsub – displays publication subscriptions.
sp_setrepcol – checks the replication status of text, unitext, or image columns.
Related Information
rsdiag [page 24]
The rsdiag command-line utility captures critical information in your replication environment.
The rsdiag utility:
Captures information about a SAP Replication Server conguration, log les, and the host details.
Archives the information into a le that the customer can send to SAP technical support.
Stores the results in XML format.
Provides a simple HTML le that allows the information to be displayed in a browser.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Troubleshooting Overview
rsdiag -U username
[-P password]
-S [server_name | host:port]
[-I interfaces_file]
[-L log_file]
[-N num_threads]
[-O output_directory]
[-R resource_file]
[-T feature_list]
[-m message_level]
[-D user_data_directory [-v]
<-I interfaces_file> – (optional) species the name of the interfaces le. If <-I> is specied,
rsdiag uses the <interfaces_file> and displays an error message if the le is not found. If <-I> is not
specied, rsdiag rst checks the LDAP server for the server entry, and if the entry is not found, rsdiag
uses the default interfaces le in the directory specied by the SYBASE environment variable.
<-L log_file > – (optional) species the name of the log le that rsdiag creates. If the log_file is
not an absolute path, the log le is created in the directory where rsdiag is executed. Whether you specify
this parameter or not, rsdiag creates a default log le called rsdiag.log in the .zip output le.
<-N num_threads> – (optional) species the maximum number of parallel threads that rsdiag executes
in parallel. The default value is <5>. Do not change the default value unless you cannot execute parallel
<-O output_directory> – (optional) species the name of a local directory to store rsdiag output. If
not specied, rsdiag creates the output .zip le in the directory where the command was executed. The
output le is named rsdiag-<server name>-<datetime stamp>.zip.
<-R resource_file> – (optional) species the resource le that rsdiag uses on start-up. Use this
option only at the direction of SAP Technical Support.
<-P password>species your SAP Replication Server password. If you do not specify the -P ag,
rsdiag prompts for the password. If your password is NULL, use the-P ag without any password.
<-S server_name | host:port> – server_name species the name of the SAP Replication Server
to which rsdiag connects. rsdiag looks for this name in the interfaces le or the LDAP directory. If
you specify <-S> with no argument, rsdiag looks for a server named SYBASE. If you do not specify
<-S>, rsdiag looks for the server specied by your DSQUERY environment variable. The host:port entry
species the machine name and the port number.
<-T feature_list> – (optional) species the type of diagnostic data that rsdiag gathers, based on
these feature_list values:
osdata – operating system data
rscore – SAP Replication Server conguration data
rsadd – SAP Replication Server monitoring data
keyle – information about SAP Replication Server and operating system les
All diagnostic data is collected if you do not specify <-T>.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Troubleshooting Overview
<-U username>species a case-sensitive login name.
<-h> – (optional) displays all help options.
<-m message_level> – (optional) displays dierent levels of error messages depending on the value of
0 – no messages
1 – fatal errors only
2 – all errors
3 – warnings and all errors
4 – informational messages, warnings, and all errors
5 – debug and informational messages, warnings, and all errors
By default, the error message display level is set to 4.
<-v> – (optional) displays version information.
# source
# rsdiag -Usa -PSybase123 -SD01
To gather all SAP Replication Server data, you must have permission to access all data sources. You must
run this command with user <sa> or a user who has the <sa_role> to collect SAP Replication Server
conguration and monitoring data.
To gather all environment data, you must have authorized access to operating system and the device les.
On Linux, you must have read permission to access operating system messages in /var/log/
You must have read permissions on these les:
SAP Replication Server error log
SAP Replication Server conguration le
Environment scripts such as SYBASE.csh, or SYBASE.bat
You must have write permissions on an output directory specied by the <-O> parameter.
If you do not have the required permissions on a le, rsdiag displays an error message and does
not process that le.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Troubleshooting Overview
2.5 Troubleshooting Conguration Problems
Verify that a replication system is congured correctly by materializing subscription data. Some conguration
problems do not appear until you attempt to materialize subscription data.
The most common conguration problems that cause materialization failures are:
Failure to log in to the primary SAP ASE. The user who creates the subscription in the replicate SAP
Replication Server must have the same login name and password both in the primary SAP ASE and the
primary SAP Replication Server.
Missing permissions in the primary database. The user who creates the subscription must be a user in the
primary database and must have select permission in the primary table.
Missing permissions in the replicate database. The maintenance user must have select, insert,
update, and delete permissions on the tables in the replicate database.
An SAP Replication Server or SAP ASE has stopped running. Try to log in to each server using isql.
Restart any servers that are not running.
Other common conguration problems include:
Host name resolution error.
The SAP ASE entry does not exist in the interfaces le.
For more information about troubleshooting SAP Replication Server conguration problems, see the SAP
Replication Server Conguration Guide for your platform.
Related Information
rs_init Error Messages [page 44]
2.6 Troubleshooting Materialization Failures
Troubleshoot subscriptions that have not materialized.
Verify that data has failed to materialize by logging in to the replicate database using isql and executing a
select command that selects the materialized columns from the replicate table.
Also make sure that all tasks required for subscription materialization have been completed. Subscription
materialization may fail if you have not completed:
Creating replication denitions or function replication denitions
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Troubleshooting Overview
Marking tables or stored procedures for replication
Creating connections to the destination databases
Creating articles, if you are using them
Creating and validating publications, if you are using them
Marking text, unitext, or image columns for replication, if you are replicating text, unitext, and
image columns.
Creating direct and indirect routes, if the destination database is connected to a Replication Server
dierent from the primary database’s SAP Replication Server
Creating logical connections, if you are using warm standby applications
1. If you are materializing a large amount of data, ensure that the <num_threads> and
<num_concurrent_subs> parameters are large enough.
2. Log in to the destination SAP Replication Server and issue check subscription, which returns
information that diagnoses the problem, including:
Other subscriptions to the same replication denition and replicate database have not yet processed
No connection to the primary SAP Replication Server because of an incorrect login
Primary SAP Replication Server down or out of stable queues
Stable Queue Manager (SQM), Stable Queue Transaction interface (SQT), and Distributor (DIST)
threads down
Primary data server down, incorrect login, out of stable queues, or rows selected with holdlock
RepAgent problem
Route problem
Destination SAP Replication Server—incorrect login or out of stable queues
Destination Replication Server Data Server Interface (DSI) problem—use admin who, dsi or admin
who, sqm to determine what the specic problem is
Incorrect user privileges on destination database
3. Log in to the primary SAP Replication Server and also check for its subscription status using check
4. Use rs_helppub and rs_helppubsub to nd the publications and articles that a subscription is using.
5. If some columns are not being materialized:
a. Check replication status of text, unitext, and image columns.
b. Verify that the replication denition is correctly dened.
c. Verify that the publications and articles are correctly dened.
6. Fix the problem.
7. Run the replication system when you think you have solved the problem.
If the subscription is still not materialized, analyze the error log again or complete any of the steps you have
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Troubleshooting Overview
2.7 Troubleshooting Dematerialization Failures
Troubleshoot subscriptions that have not dematerialized.
Verify that data has failed to dematerialize by logging to the replicate database using isql and executing a
select command that selects the dematerialized columns from the replicate table.
1. Log in to the destination SAP Replication Server and issue check subscription, which returns
information that diagnoses the problem, including:
Other subscriptions to the same replication denition and replicate database have not yet processed
No connection to the primary SAP Replication Server because of an incorrect login
Primary SAP Replication Server down or out of stable queues
Stable Queue Manager (SQM), Stable Queue Transaction interface (SQT), and Distributor (DIST)
threads down
Primary data server down, incorrect login, out of stable queues, or rows selected with holdlock
RepAgent problem
Route problem
Destination Replication Server DSI problem
Incorrect user privileges on destination database
2. Log in to the primary SAP Replication Server and also check its subscription status using check
3. If some columns are not being dematerialized:
a. Check replication status of text, unitext, and image columns.
b. Verify that the replication denition is correctly dened.
4. Fix the problem.
5. Run the replication system when you think you have solved the problem.
If the subscription is still not dematerialized, analyze the error log again or complete any of the steps you
have skipped.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Troubleshooting Overview
2.8 Troubleshooting Replication Failures
Isolate replication failures, which may occur after subscriptions have successfully materialized.
Before you troubleshoot a replication failure, verify that data is not replicating. The troubleshooting procedures
listed here can be executed separately and in any order; however, they are listed in the order in which they are
most likely to solve the problem. These procedures assume that the replication system has:
Been installed and congured correctly,
Successfully completed subscription materialization, and
Correctly replicated data previousl.y
After executing the procedures, run the replication system to check if the problem has been solved. If
replication is still not executing correctly:
Check the error logs for error messages.
Perform any of procedures that you skipped.
Related Information
Verifying That Data is Not Replicating [page 30]
Identifying the Data That is Failing to Replicate [page 31]
Verifying That Replication Server Threads are Up [page 32]
Replication Server Is Down [page 34]
Checking for Queue Problems [page 34]
Verifying That All RepAgents are Up [page 34]
Checking System Tables [page 35]
Finding Failed Replication Component [page 36]
Checking for Route Problems [page 37]
2.8.1Verifying That Data is Not Replicating
Verify that data is not replicating before troubleshooting a replication failure.
1. Log in to the primary and replicate databases using isql.
2. Execute select commands that select the replicate columns from the replicate table and the columns to
be replicated from the primary table.
3. Compare the data from both tables to see if it is the same.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Troubleshooting Overview
Incompatible data means that the system is not replicating properly. If the subscription has many columns
that are replicated, use rs_subcmp to compare data in the primary and replicate databases.
2.8.2Identifying the Data That is Failing to Replicate
Determine the specic subscriptions and columns that are failing to replicate.
This also veries that the primary and destination data servers, and the primary or destination SAP Replication
Server are running.
1. Use isql to log in to the primary or destination SAP Replication Server.
If you cannot log in to an SAP Replication Server, then it is down.
2. Run rs_subcmp to nd out which data in a suspect subscription is failing to replicate.
rs_subcmp logs in to the primary and destination data servers and compares the subscription’s data in
the primary and destination tables. rs_subcmp can compare tables at SAP ASE data servers only. To
compare tables at a non-SAP ASE data server, you can use a program equivalent to bcp out on the
non-SAP ASE data server and bcp out on the SAP ASE data servers, then use the UNIX diff command
to compare the output.
If rs_subcmp displays inconsistent rows, note the columns and rows that are not being replicated.
If only text, unitext, and image columns are not being replicated, these columns may have
inconsistent replication status.
If no data exists for subscribed columns, the subscription has not materialized.
If rs_subcmp fails, one or both of the data servers are down:
If the primary data server is down, the SAP ASE log may be corrupt or full. The data server may
also have an operating system or hardware error.
If the destination data server is down, there may be a Data Server Interface (DSI) problem, or an
operating system or hardware error.
3. Use rs_subcmp to check if other subscriptions on the same data server are replicating:
If no other subscriptions are replicating, it is likely that a problem exists with that data server rather
than with a particular subscription.
If all other subscriptions are replicating, then a problem may exist with that particular subscription.
4. Use rs_subcmp to check if other subscriptions on databases controlled by the same destination
Replication Server are replicating. If replication is working for other databases controlled by the destination
SAP Replication Server, then the problem is a specic database, database connection, or RepAgent.
Perform these:
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Troubleshooting Overview
Look for orphaned transactions in the primary SAP Replication Server inbound queue for the database.
Troubleshoot RepAgents.
Troubleshoot database connections.
Next Steps
Once you have identied the data that is failing to replicate, verify that the SAP Replication Server threads are
Related Information
Replication Server Is Down [page 34]
SAP ASE Log Problems [page 149]
Data Server Interface Problems [page 139]
SAP ASE RepAgent Problems [page 127]
Error 32046 [page 134]
Troubleshooting Materialization Failures [page 27]
Checking for Orphaned Transactions [page 154]
2.8.3Verifying That Replication Server Threads are Up
Use admin who_is_down to determine if the primary and destination SAP Replication Server threads are up.
1. Log in to the destination SAP Replication Server.
If you cannot log in to a SAP Replication Server, then it is down.
2. Execute admin who_is_down.
This command displays all the threads that are down on this SAP Replication Server, and records error
messages in the SAP Replication Server error log.
3. Log in to the primary SAP Replication Server and use admin who_is_down to display all the threads on
this SAP Replication Server that are down.
a. Check the SAP Replication Server error log for these conditions:
The Data Server Interface (DSI) is down,
The RepAgent is not connected to the SAP Replication Server or SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise
(ASE), and
The entire (or part of the) network went down and was restarted.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Troubleshooting Overview
If these conditions exist, it indicates that the <keepalive> value is set too low and that the TCP
connection was terminated and never restarted.
4. If the DSI is up, check for data loss.
Data loss error messages do appear in the SAP Replication Server error log, however, these errors only
show up once and may have occurred several days earlier.
Next Steps
If a thread is down, determine the cause of the failure and correct the problem.
Thread That Failed Action
Distributor (DIST) Determine if the failure is due to Replication Server error
7035 or 13045, and correct the problem.
DSI May indicate duplicate keys or permission failure, see Repli-
cation Server Troubleshooting Guide > Data Server Interface
DSI EXEC See Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide > Data Server
Interface Problems.
RepAgent User See Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide > RepAgent
Replication Server (RS) User See Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide > Subscrip-
tions Problems.
Replication Server Interface (RSI) and RSI User
See Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide > Replication
Server Interface Problems.
Stable Queue Manager (SQM) The SQM should not go down. Restart the Replication
Server; you cannot resume the SQM thread.
Stable Queue Thread (SQT) Determine if the failure is due to Replication Server error
13045, and correct the problem.
User This should have no eect on replication.
Related Information
Data Server Interface Problems [page 139]
SAP Replication Server Interface Problems [page 123]
SAP ASE RepAgent Problems [page 127]
Subscription Problems [page 96]
Error 13045 [page 64]
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Troubleshooting Overview
Error 7035 [page 59]
2.8.4Replication Server Is Down
If the primary, destination, or both SAP Replication Server instances are down, analyze the error log for each
If both SAP Replication Server instances are down, the primary and replicate SAP Replication Server instances
may each have dierent problems. If bothSAP Replication Server instances have their Replication Server
System Databases (RSSDs) on the same SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) data server, troubleshoot the
SAP ASE data server.
2.8.5Checking for Queue Problems
Determine whether there is an increase in the number of duplicate transactions.
1. Run admin who, sqm to see if the number of duplicate transactions is increasing.
The duplicate count increases when the Data Server Interface reads a transaction that has already been
applied to the replicate SAP Replication Server.
2. If the duplicate count is increasing, check the outbound queues for stuck and open transactions.
Related Information
Data Server Interface Problems [page 139]
2.8.6Verifying That All RepAgents are Up
Use sp_who to view the Adaptive Server RepAgent thread status.
1. Log in to the primary SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) data server using isql.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Troubleshooting Overview
2. Run sp_who to verify that the RepAgent is active.
See Adaptive Server Enterprise > Reference Manual: Procedures > System Procedures > sp_who.
If the RepAgent is down, one of these can be the cause of its failure:
The SAP ASE log is corrupt.
The SAP ASE log is full.
The RepAgent set an illegal truncation point.
The RepAgent used an incorrect primary SAP Replication Server login.
text, unitext, or image columns have inconsistent replication status.
Incorrect replication system conguration.
Related Information
SAP ASE RepAgent Problems [page 127]
SAP ASE Log Problems [page 149]
2.8.7Checking System Tables
Check the Replication Server System Database (RSSD) tables for error information.
1. Identify any recoverable actions in the rs_recovery system table and perform the actions specied.
2. Look for any detecting losses or rejecting messages after loss detected validation status
messages in the rs_oqid system table. (You might have missed the message in the error log.)
A detecting loss message signies that data replication messages were lost after queues were rebuilt.
See the Loss Status column in the output from admin health and admin who, sqm to check if there is
the possibility of data loss in the queues.
Related Information
Detecting Loss for Database [page 73]
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Troubleshooting Overview
2.8.8Finding Failed Replication Component
To determine the component on which replication has stopped, turn on traces and examine the output of
sysadmin dump_queue.
1. Specify trace ags when you run the diagnostic versions of the SAP Replication Server
2. Run sysadmin dump_queue and examine its output.
If replication stopped in one of the components, determine the cause of failure and rectify the problem.
Component Troubleshooting Reference
Primary data server
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide > Data Server Interface
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide > Adaptive Server Log
RepAgent Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide > RepAgent Problems
Primary data server
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide > Data Server Interface
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide > Adaptive Server Log
Outbound queue
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide > Route Problems
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide > Data Server Interface
Data Server Interface (DSI) thread Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide > Data Server Interface Prob-
Custom function-string class or customized
function strings
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide > Data Server Interface
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide > Stable Queues > Using
Traces to Print Commands
Related Information
Data Server Interface Problems [page 139]
SAP ASE Log Problems [page 149]
SAP ASE RepAgent Problems [page 127]
Route Problems [page 85]
Using Traces to Print Commands [page 158]
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Troubleshooting Overview
2.8.9Checking for Route Problems
Use rs_helproute to check for route problems.
1. Make sure no other databases are replicating through the same route as the non-replicating subscription.
If other databases are replicating through that route, then problems within the primary SAP Replication
Serverr/database and replicate SAP Replication Server/database are more likely. It is unusual for
replication to have stopped for one database while replication continues through the same route for other
databases. Run admin stats, md on the replicate SAP Replication Server to see if “Messages Delivered”
increases over time.
2. If no other databases are replicating through the same route as the nonreplicating subscription, run
rs_helproute at the primary or destination SAP Replication Server in the RSSD to determine if there is a
route problem.
Related Information
Route Problems [page 85]
2.9 Troubleshooting Manual Recovery Problems
Manual recovery problems may occur during recovery of a primary database.
If you recently recovered a primary database and replication is failing, you may be seeing one of these
A new generation ID for the primary database has not been set. See Replication Server Administration
Guide Volume 2.
If you loaded the primary and replicate databases from the same backup, make sure the rs_lastcommit
table for the replicate database has the correct entries. If the <origin_qid> in the rs_lastcommit table
is incorrect (old or changed), the Data Server Interface (DSI) may ignore certain transactions associated
with that <origin_qid>. Use bcp out to copy data from the rs_lastcommit table, load the data, and
then copy the data back to rs_lastcommit using bcp in. If DSI still ignores certain transactions, update
the <origin_qid> value to 0 to force DSI to accept these transactions.
If you used dump and load to synchronize the primary and replicate databases because of a failure,
increase the generation number in the primary database. If you do not correctly set the generation number,
replication from this database may stop because SAP Replication Server perceives that it has already
processed the messages.
See Replication Server Administration Guide Volume 2 for information about recovering primary databases.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Troubleshooting Overview
3 Performance Problems
Reduced performance usually occurs when the operating system or machines are overloaded as a result
of increased demands on the system. Reduced performance can result from adding applications or SAP
Replication Server components, executing very large transactions, or even upgrading the operating system.
Performance problems can be critical or noncritical. You can eliminate noncritical performance problems by
optimizing your replication system. For noncritical problems, see the SAP Replication Server Administration
Guide Volume 2.
If critical performance problems are left unresolved, performance degradation can lead to fatal problems, such
as full stable queues, in which replication stops. A replication, materialization, or dematerialization failure can
be caused by a critical performance problem.
Critical performance problems may be caused by:
Introducing new components, such as SAP ASE instances, databases, SAP Replication Server instances,
RepAgents, or Replication Agents. New components may cause resource contention and overload any
Changing the operating system. Upgrading the operating system, applying patches, changing kernel
parameters, or rebuilding the kernel may adversely impact your replication system, memory allocation,
and resources.
Adding applications to the replication system, which may impact memory requirements and use resources.
Replicating a very large database, which may produce a very high latency. Large transaction or an open
transaction is also a possible cause.
Related Information
Insucient Stable Queue Size [page 38]
Reduced Performance when Replicating to SAP IQ [page 39]
Unable to Continue Replication in a Faster Mode [page 40]
3.1 Insucient Stable Queue Size
Degraded SAP Replication Server performance can sometimes be caused by the Stable Queue Transaction
(SQT) cache size being too small.
If the cache is not big enough to hold all open transactions, transactions that cannot completely t into the
cache are processed one command at a time. The inbound stable queues grow because SAP Replication Server
cannot process the transactions fast enough.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Performance Problems
Increase the stable queue size to process more transactions and improve SAP Replication Server performance:
1. Make sure that the problem is not caused by orphaned transactions.
2. Find the optimal size for the <sqt_max_cache_size> parameter for your application. See the
Administration Guide Volume 2.
3. Suspend the connection to the data server.
4. Log in to SAP Replication Server and run:
> configure replication server
set sqt_max_cache_size to ‘<new_value>
> go
5. To activate the new values, resume the connection. To dump the SQT cache, use sysadmin
sqt_dump_queue command.
Related Information
Checking for Orphaned Transactions [page 154]
3.2 Reduced Performance when Replicating to SAP IQ
When using real-time loading (RTL) replication, INSERT ... LOCATION execution failures can slow down
replication to SAP IQ.
SAP IQ must connect to SAP Replication Server to retrieve data when the SAP Replication Server sends
an INSERT ... LOCATION statement to SAP IQ. If SAP IQ fails to connect, the INSERT ... LOCATION
statements are not executed and RTL fails. After several unsuccessful attempts to replicate using RTL, SAP
Replication Server reverts to log-order, row-by-row continuous replication.
Create an entry for the replicate SAP Replication Server in the interfaces le of the replicate SAP IQ server.
This allows SAP IQ to connect to SAP Replication Server using the user name and password specied in
the database connection. The maintenance user must be a valid user in SAP Replication Server with system
administrator privileges and whose password matches the password that SAP Replication Server uses to log in
to SAP IQ.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Performance Problems
3.3 Unable to Continue Replication in a Faster Mode
To determine the cause of replication failure, suspend replication before SAP Replication Server retries to apply
transactions, or reverts to the continuous log-order language replication mode.
SAP Replication Server may fail to apply transactions to the replicate database if SAP Replication Server
encounters limitations, processing errors, or thresholds for faster replication modes (high-volume adaptive
replication (HVAR), real-time loading (RTL), dynamic SQL, parallel DSI, or DSI bulk copy-in). SAP Replication
Server retries to apply transactions and automatically switches to the continuous log-order language
replication mode if SAP Replication Server cannot continue to use the faster modes, and even after trying
to reapply transactions in smaller compilable groups in HVAR and RTL modes.
When SAP Replication Server fails to apply transctions in a replication mode other than the continuous
log-order language mode, replication performance may be aected. You can use commands such as admin
stats and admin stats, {tps | cps | bps} to check replication performance.
To identify when SAP Replication Server is failing to replicate using any of the replication modes, and to
investigate replication performance problems, congure the dsi_retry parameter to suspend the DSI thread
once the failure occurs and before SAP Replication Server switches to the continuous log-order language mode
from one of the other modes. When dsi_retry suspends the DSI thread, SAP Replication Server cannot apply
transactions to the replicate database, and you can analyze the SAP Replication Server log le or dump queue
for information about the failed transactions to determine the reasons for the failure to apply transactions. For
example, you may see in the repserver.log le an entry such as:
I. 2012/09/11 19:53:03. A grouped transaction of 5 individual transactions has
failed in database 'repl4_28382.rdb' with 'HVAR/RTL'.
DSI is now suspended because dsi_retry value '2'.
E. 2012/09/11 19:53:03. ERROR #1028 DSI EXEC(104(1) repl4_28382.rdb) -
Message from server: Message: 546, State 1, Severity 16 -- 'Foreign key
constraint violation occurred, dbname = 'rdb', table name = 'tb15_1', constraint
name = 'tb15_1_col_1152004104'.
This is an error message that SAP Replication Server generates when HVAR is applying update statements
to a table with a referential constraint. Unless you use replication denitions to specify tables with referential
constraints, the HVAR and RTL process to apply updates cannot avoid referential integrity constraints failures,
and HVAR and RTL continue to try to apply the transactions to the replicate database using progressively
smaller transaction groups. Eventually, SAP Replication Server switches to the slower continuous log-order
language replication mode when attempts with HVAR and RTL fail, resulting in an adverse impact on replication
performance. To x the HVAR and RTL processing problem, you can either use replication denitions, disable
the constraint checks on the tables that cause failure and produce the error messages, or you can use the set
dsi_command_convert to ‘u2di’ clause with alter connection to convert update to delete followed
by insert.
When you resume the DSI thread, SAP Replication Server continues to use the original replication mode.
You can use dsi_retry with:
configure replication server – to suspend replication at the server level for all connections.
alter connection and create connection – to suspend replication at the connection level for the
specied database.
create alternate connection – to suspend replication for the specied replication path in a
multipath environment.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Performance Problems
For example, to suspend replication to the iqdb SAP IQ replicate database in the IQSRVR data server when
RTL fails to apply compilable transactions to iqdb, before you reenable RTL, enter:
alter connection to IQSRVR.iqdb
set dsi_retry to 1
The dsi_retry conguration at the connection level overrides the server-level conguration. You can use
dsi_retry with any replicate database that supports HVAR, RTL, dynamic SQL, parallel DSI, or bulk copy-in.
Tables with Referential Constraints in the Administration Guide Volume 2 for HVAR, and in the
Heterogeneous Replication Guide for RTL.
dsi_command_convert in alter connection in the Reference Manual.
Related Information
Conguration Options and Example Error Messages for dsi_retry [page 41]
3.3.1Conguration Options and Example Error Messages for
Use dsi_retry to suspend replication immediately after any replication mode fails to apply transactions.
Set dsi_retry to:
0 – the default setting where SAP Replication Server automatically switches to continuous replication
mode when HVAR, RTL, parallel DSI, dynamic SQL or DSI bulk copy-in fails to apply transacations.
1 – to stop replication when HVAR or RTL fail to apply compilable transactions, or when parallel DSI,
dynamic SQL, or DSI bulk copy-in fail to apply any transactions.
2 – to stop replication when the number of commands in a group containing failed transactions is
smaller than the value of dsi_compile_retry_threshold, and HVAR or RTL fail to apply compilable
transactions, or when parallel DSI, dynamic SQL, or DSI bulk copy-in fail to apply transactions.
After you set dsi_retry to the value that is relevant to the replication mode, SAP Replication Server suspends
replication when there is a failure in the replication mode.
Example: Example 1
An example of the message you see in the SAP Replication Server log when you set dsi_retry to 1:
2012/09/18 23:06:35. A grouped transaction of 538 individual transactions has
failed in database 'GOME3_5551_IQ.iqrdb' with 'HVAR/RTL'.
DSI is now suspended because dsi_retry value is '1'
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Performance Problems
Example: Example 2
An example of the message you see in the SAP Replication Server log when you set dsi_retry to 2:
2012/09/18 23:42:45. A grouped transaction of 20 individual transactions has
failed in database 'gome0_5551.tdb2'.
It will be broken into smaller groups and retried.
2012/09/18 23:42:46. Retry of a grouped transaction of 8 individual transactions
has failed in database 'gome0_5551.tdb2'.
It will be broken into smaller groups and retried.
2012/09/18 23:42:47. Retry of a grouped transaction of 4 individual transactions
has failed in database 'gome0_5551.tdb2'.
It will be broken into smaller groups.
2012/09/18 23:06:35. A grouped transaction of 538 individual transactions has
failed in database 'GOME3_5551_IQ.iqrdb' with 'HVAR/RTL'.
DSI is now suspended because dsi_retry value is '2'.
Example: Example 3
An example of the message you see in the SAP Replication Server log when dsi_retry is set to 1 or 2, and
dynamic SQL fails to apply transactions:
I. 2012/09/18 23:13:45. A grouped transaction of 20 individual transactions has
failed in database 'gome0_5551.tdb2' with 'DSQL/BULK COPY'.
DSI is now suspended because dsi_retry value is '1'.
Example: Example 4
An example of the message you see in the SAP Replication Server log when dsi_retry is set to 1 or 2, and DSI
bulk copy fails to apply transactions:
I. 2012/09/18 23:13:45. A grouped transaction of 20 individual transactions has
failed in database 'gome0_5551.tdb2' with 'DSQL/BULK COPY'.
DSI is now suspended because dsi_retry value is '1'.
Example: Example 5
An example of the message you see in the SAP Replication Server log when dsi_retry is set to 1 or 2, and
parallel DSI fails to apply transaction:
A parallel transaction has failed in database 'gome0_5551.tdb2'.
DSI is now suspended because dsi_retry value is '1'.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Performance Problems
Example: Example 6
An example of the message you see in the SAP Replication Server log when dsi_retry is set to 1 or 2, and
replication with the continuous log-order language replication mode fails even after disabling the HVAR or RTL,
dynamic SQL, and DSI bulk copy modes:
2012/09/18 23:18:05. A grouped transaction of 20 individual transactions has
failed in database 'gome0_5551.tdb2' with 'Language'.
DSI is now suspended because dsi_retry value is '1'.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Performance Problems
4 Common Error Messages
Learn about some of the most common SAP Replication Server problems and the solutions to these problems.
To nd an error description, search for:
The error number of an SAP Replication Server, rs_init, or SAP Replication Server, replication agent
The text of the rs_init error, or SAP Replication Server informational or warning message.
Each error description includes:
Symptom – includes the text of any error messages that are displayed in an error log. Also includes error
conditions such as poor performance, replication failure, connection failure, and abnormal component
Explanation – describes the error messages and probable causes of the errors.
Solution – describes procedures, workarounds, upgrades, and EBF information.
Related Information
rs_init Error Messages [page 44]
SAP Replication Server Error Messages [page 47]
SAP Replication Server Informational and Warning Messages [page 72]
Connector Error Messages [page 77]
SAP ASE RepAgent Error Messages [page 81]
Troubleshooting Overview [page 10]
Error Messages and Error Logs [page 12]
4.1 rs_init Error Messages
rs_init error messages do not have error numbers and are listed alphabetically.
Related Information
Cannot Find Entry for SAP ASE [page 45]
Invalid Product Name [page 45]
Unknown Host Machine Name [page 46]
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Common Error Messages
4.1.1Cannot Find Entry for SAP ASE
SAP ASE entry does not exist in the interfaces le.
This is reported in the rs_init error log:
2006/06/13 10:20:48 There is no entry for server
'westdss' in the interfaces file. The server must have
an existing entry in the interfaces file.
2006/06/13 10:20:48 Attribute 'rs_ds_name' could not be
set because'westdss' is an invalid value.
2006/06/13 10:20:48 Cannot execute configuration
because validation of input values failed.
2006/06/13 10:20:48 Exiting.
When you execute rs_init with a resource le (rs_init -r), rs_init looks in the interfaces le for the
SAP ASE name that matches the one in the resource le.
The errors listed above occur because the SAP ASE entry in the interfaces le does not match the resource
le’s SAP ASE entry due to unprintable characters in the resource le.
Check for unprintable characters (such as control characters) in the SAP ASE name entry in the resource le.
The SAP ASE name entry is specied as the <rs.rs_ds_name >parameter.
4.1.2Invalid Product Name
rs_init does not recognize the product parameter in the resource le.
These messages are reported in the rs_init error log:
INTERNAL ERROR: Product '' not registered in internal registry.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Common Error Messages
Check the log (<filename>) for more information. Please make a note of this
error and contact your SAP representative.
In resource file '': '<resourcefilename>' is an invalid product name.
INTERNAL ERROR: Unable to load in resource file '<resourcefilename>'.
Check the log (<filename>) for more information. Please make a note of this
error and contact your SAP representative.
This message will occur when you execute rs_init with a resource le (rs_init -r ) and one of the
parameters in the resource le is missing the product name prior to the parameter. For instance, a line in the
resource le similar to ".rs_rsdddb_size: 40" will generate this message because the full name of the parameter
is "rs.rs_rsdddb_size".
Run rs_init again with the resource le and the complete parameter name.
4.1.3Unknown Host Machine Name
rs_init cannot nd the Replication Server System Database (RSSD) machine’s host name.
These messages are reported in the rs_init error log:
2006/06/13 10:34:17 Running task: check the SQL Server.
2006/06/13 10:34:18 Unable to connect to SQL Server
'ost_agate_9'. Please make sure that the SQL Server is
running, and the SA password is correct.
2006/06/13 10:34:18 Task failed: check the SQL Server.
Terminating configuration.
2006/06/13 10:34:18 Configuration failed.
2006/06/13 10:34:18 Exiting.
Sometimes directory services do not recognize the machine’s host name and may instead recognize a machine
only by its IP address.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Common Error Messages
Add a query line for the machine to the interfaces le and specify the host machine’s IP address
instead of its name. For example, for the host name, substitute its IP address,
query tcp ether 31440
query tcp ether 31440.
If you run rs_init again, you may see these messages in the rs_init error log, but you can ignore them:
Could not obtain Hostname for Internet address ‘’.
Could not obtain Hostname for Internet address ‘’.
Could not obtain Hostname for Internet address ‘’.
Could not obtain Hostname for Internet address ‘’. Running task
to check the RSSD Adaptive Server.
4.2 SAP Replication Server Error Messages
Lists the SAP Replication Server errors numerically and in ascending order. These error messages are recorded
in the SAP Replication Server error log.
Related Information
Error 21 [page 48]
Error 1028 [page 48]
Error 5095 [page 58]
Error 7035 [page 59]
Error 8039 [page 60]
Error 8040 [page 61]
Error 11061 [page 61]
Error 13045 [page 64]
Error 15020 [page 66]
Error 15040 [page 66]
Error 15052 [page 67]
Error 28028 [page 68]
Error 29024 [page 68]
Error 32059 [page 70]
Error 37022 [page 71]
Error 37023 [page 72]
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Common Error Messages
4.2.1Error 21
Open Server call to routine srv_spawn failed.
This message is reported after a new connection has started:
ERROR #21 DSI(126 U10PDTE.u10pdte) - (1426) Open server
call to routine 'srv_spawn' failed.
Open Server error: Error: 16115, State: 0, Severity 10
-- 'Could not start thread'.
SAP Replication Server ran out of Open Server threads. srv_spawn allocates these threads. The maximum
number of Open Server threads that an SAP Replication Server can use is equal to the value specied by the
<num_threads> parameter.
Increase the number of Open Server threads that the SAP Replication Servers can use by increasing the value
of the <num_threads> parameter. For example:
configure replication server
set num_threads to '70'
4.2.2Error 1028
Error 1028 occurs when a data server returns an error to SAP Replication Server. It is usually followed by
several other errors.
Related Information
General Data Server Error [page 49]
DSI Shuts Down Because of SQL Error in Transaction [page 51]
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise and DB2 Table Names Do Not Match [page 53]
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Common Error Messages
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise last-chance Threshold Passed [page 54]
DSI Shuts Down Because Replicate Database Log is Full [page 55]
Accessing a Database While in Recovery [page 56]
SAP Replication Server Not Found [page 57]
SAP IQ Invalid Permission in a Multiplex Environment [page 58] General Data Server Error
Troubleshooting procedure to general 1028 errors.
Error 1028 appears in the SAP Replication Server error log, but reports an SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise
(SAP ASE) error:
E. 2005/06/12 15:25:44. ERROR #1028 DSI EXEC(107(2)
westernDS.westDB) - dsiqmint.c(3027) Message from
server: Message: ..., State ..., Severity... -- '...'.
In some cases, the Data Server Interface (DSI) thread shuts down. SAP ASE errors suspend the connection if:
The SAP ASE error is assigned the retry_stop or stop_replication error action.
You executed the suspend connection command with the nowait clause.
If the DSI thread shuts down, you cannot simply resume the connection. Resuming the connection without
xing the problem sends the same transaction to the SAP ASE and causes the same error.
Identify and x the SAP ASE problem that is causing the error. If you cannot correct the cause of the problem,
you can, once you have tried all other solutions, resume the connection and skip the transaction. You can then
manually apply the skipped transaction to the replicate table to resynchronize the primary and replicate tables.
Skipping a transaction, however, causes inconsistencies between the primary and replicate databases, which
you must manually x in the replicate database.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Common Error Messages
Related Information
Correcting SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise Error [page 50]
Implications of Skipping Transactions [page 145] Correcting SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise Error
Identify and x the SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise problem causing the replication error.
1. Log in to the RSSD and execute the rs_helpexception:
1> rs_helpexception
2> go
Summary of Logged Transactions on ‘westernRS’
Total # of Logged Transactions = 1
Xact ID Org Site Org User Org Date Dest Site # Recs/Xact
------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------
107 mil01hprdss.eur eurian Jun 13 2006 westernDS.eur 3
For Detailed Information on a Logged Xact., type ‘rs_helpexception
(return status = 0)
2. To show the entire text of the transaction, execute rs_helpexception with the v option and the
transaction ID from step 1:
1> rs_helpexception 107, v
2> go
You see:
Detailed Summary of Logged Transaction # 107 on 'westernRS'
Origin Site Origin User Org. Commit Date #Cmds in Xact
-------------------- ----------- ----------------- -------------
westernDS.westDB eurian Jun 13 2006 12:24 3
Dest. Site Dest. User Date Logged
-------------------- ----------- -----------------
westernDS.westDB …eurian Jun 13 2006 12:27
This transaction was logged by the ‘sysadmin log_first_tran’ command.
Rejected Records
A0100distribute :origin_time=’Jun 13 12:24:24:416PM’,:origin_user=‘’,
begin transaction ‘logexec’ for ‘eurian’/’******’
begin transaction
A0100distribute :origin_user=’’,:mode=1
exec “TT”.”so_req_rep_all_allcon” @”p01”=80000709,@”p02”=’MIL’
execute tt_act_rep_all_allcon @p01 = 80000709, @p02 = ‘MIL’
A0100distribute :origin_time=’Jun 13 12:24:416PM’,:origin_user=‘’,
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Common Error Messages
commit transaction
execute rs_update_lastcommit @origin = 107,@origin_qid =0x00000001004620
@ secondary_qid =0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
000000000000000000000, @origin_time = ‘Jun 13 12:27:227PM’
commit transaction
(return status = 0)
This text corresponds to what is sent to the database (in this case, function strings have been applied).
3. Use the transaction information to manually apply the update to the replicate database.
4. After xing the error in the database, resume the connection in the SAP Replication Server:
> resume connection to westernDS.westDB
skip transaction
5. Delete the transaction from the exceptions log to keep the log small:
1> exec rs_delexception 107
2> go
You can use rs_delexception_id to delete a range of transactions identied by transaction ID. You
can also use rs_delexception_date to delete a range of transactions identied by transaction date,
and rs_delexception_range to delete a range of transactions identied by originating site or user,
or destination site. See the descriptions of the stored procedures in Reference Manual > RSSD Stored
Procedures for complete usage information and more examples. DSI Shuts Down Because of SQL Error in
Occurs when an SAP Replication Server transaction that is sent to the replicate SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise
(SAP ASE) has a SQL error. An SAP ASE error is included in the text of the SAP Replication Server error.
The following error messages are reported in the SAP Replication Server error log:
E. 2006/06/13 12:31:29. ERROR #1028 DSI(western.west1)-
dsiqmint.c(3645) Message from server: Message: 229,
State: 1, Severity: 14-- ‘DELETE permission denied on
object real_run, database west1, owner dbo’.
H. 2006/06/13 12:31:29. THREAD FATAL ERROR #5049
DSI(western.west1) - dsiqmint.c(3652) The DSI thread
for database ‘western.west1’ is being shutdown. DSI
received data server error #229 which is mapped to
STOP_REPLICATION. See logged data server errors for more
information. The data server error was caused by RS
output command #1 mapped from input command #2 of the
failed transaction.
I. 2006/06/13 12:31:29. The DSI thread for database
‘western.west1’ is shutdown. The Message from server:
text is the message you would get from the Adaptive Server had you sent the
command batch to the server with
isql. The text is taken from the table sysmessages. In
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Common Error Messages
isql you would get: Msg 229, Level 14, State 1: DELETE
permission denied on object real_run, database west1,
owner dbo
These errors occur when an SAP Replication Server transaction that is sent to the replicate SAP ASE includes
a SQL error. The replicate SAP ASE detects the SQL error in the transaction and returns a message to the SAP
Replication Server.
The SAP Replication Server responds by shutting down the connection and suspending replication; this
prevents data inconsistencies between the primary and replicate sites. It allows the user to correct the problem
at the replicate SAP ASE and to maintain data consistency.
For example, when a SQL semantic error occurs in a referential integrity or duplicate keys situation, SAP
ASE sends its message back to SAP Replication Server. In response, SAP Replication Server shuts down the
connection and records the SAP Replication Server error in the SAP Replication Server error log. The SAP ASE
error is referenced in the body of the SAP Replication Server error.
Fix the problem in SAP ASE and resume the connection as described in Troubleshooting Guide > Common
Errors > 1028 > General Data Server Error. If the problem persists, verify that autocorrection for the
subscription has been turned on in the rs_repobjs.attributes table of the Replication Server System
Database (RSSD). Also, check for triggers that enforce referential integrity rules.
Related Information
General Data Server Error [page 49]
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Common Error Messages SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise and DB2 Table
Names Do Not Match
Occurs when a DB2 table with an uppercase name is sent to an SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (SAP ASE).
These messages are reported in the SAP Replication Server error log:
E. 2006/06/13 12:31:29. ERROR #1028 DSI(DSMA1.apptst) - dsiqmint.c(3668)
Message from server: Message: 208, State: 1, Severity: 16 -- ‘TEST not found.
Specify owner.objectname or use sp_help to check whether the object exists
(sp_help may produce lots of output). ‘.
H. 2006/06/13 12:31:29. THREAD FATAL ERROR #5049 DSI(DSMA1.apptst) -
dsiqmint.c(3675) The DSI thread for database ‘DSMA1.apptst’ is being
shutdown. DSI received data server error #208 which is mapped to
See logged data server errors for more information. The data server error
was caused by RS output command #1 mapped from input command #2 of the failed
E. 2006/06/13 12:31:29. ERROR #32032 LTM USER(TCPIP.ZD60) - /nrm/nrm.c(1658)
No table with name ‘TEST’ is defined at repserver with id TCPIP.ZD6
DB2 object names are in uppercase while SAP ASE object names can be in mixed case.
Any of:
Replicate into VIEWS with uppercase object names.
Create a table name in uppercase, and use custom function strings with column names that match the
case of the columns in the replicate table.
Create the SAP ASE object names in uppercase to match the DB2 object names.
If the SAP ASE table uses lowercase names, use function strings to force the SAP Replication Server to
generate lowercase table and column names when transactions are sent to the SAP ASE.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Common Error Messages
PUBLIC 53 SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise last-chance
Threshold Passed
Occurs when the last-chance threshold is reached. This error includes references to the SAP Adaptive Server
Enterprise (SAP ASE) error 7415.
These errors are recorded in the SAP Replication Server error log:
I. 2006/06/13 10:45:07. Message from server: Message: 7415, State: 1,
Severity: 10 - - ‘The transaction log in database northDB is almost full.
Your transaction is being suspended until space is made available in the
E. 2006/06/13 10:45:07. ERROR #5046 DSI(axp st.northDB) - /dsioqid.c(1638)
When executing the rs_get_lastcommit function in database ‘axp st.northDB’,
received data server errors. See logged data server errors for more
By default, the replicate SAP ASE suspends all transaction processing when the destination database log
segment size becomes greater than the SAP ASE last-chance threshold. The last-chance threshold is a
parameter that keeps the log from expanding to greater than the maximum size of the log.
This problem is related to Data Server Interface (DSI) shutting down because the replicate database log is full.
If the database is the Replication Server System Database (RSSD), other serious consequences can occur.
Reduce the size of the log by dumping or truncating it:
1. Manually dump the log using these commands in the RSSD:
> sp_helpdb northDB
> go
> dump tran northDB to ...
> go
> sp_helpdb northDB
> go
where northDB is the replicate database with a full log.
2. If this step fails, truncate the log by executing dump tran with the truncate_only or no_log option.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Common Error Messages
Related Information
RSSD Log Device Full [page 63] DSI Shuts Down Because Replicate Database Log is
The Data Server Interface (DSI) thread to the replicate data server has shut down because the SAP Adaptive
Server Enterprise (ASE) log for the database is full.
The DSI thread shuts down and this message is reported in the SAP Replication Server error log:
E. 2006/06/13 10:49:07. ERROR #1028 DSI EXEC(107(1) SYDNEY_DS.pubs2) -
dsiqmint.c( 2361) Message from server: Message: 1105, State 3, Severity 17
-- ‘Can’t allocate space for object ‘syslogs’ in database ‘pubs2’ because
the ‘logsegment’ segment is full. If you ran out of space in syslogs, dump
the transaction log. Otherwise, use ALTER DATABASE or sp_extendsegment to
increase the size of the segment.
H. 2006/06/13 10:49:07. THREAD FATAL ERROR #5049 DSI EXEC(107(1)
SYDNEY_DS.pubs2) - dsiqmint.c(2368) The DSI thread for database
‘SYDNEY_DS.pubs2’ is being shutdown.
DSI received data server error #1105 which is mapped to STOP_REPLICATION.
See logged data server errors for more information. The data server error
was caused by output command #1 mapped from input command #1 of the failed
A full SAP ASE log may be caused by problems at the replicate database or the replicateSAP Replication
This problem is related to the last-chance threshold being reached, which occurs when the SAP ASE log for the
database is almost full.
1. Check if there is enough space in the stable device to increase the size of the SAP ASE log, and add space
to the stable device if needed.
2. Add space to the SAP ASE log.
3. Make sure the DSI thread to the data server and the RSI thread to the SAP Replication Server:
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Common Error Messages
Resume a connection
Replicate new transactions after a closed connection
Related Information
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise last-chance Threshold Passed [page 54] Accessing a Database While in Recovery
Occurs when a Replication Server attempts to use an SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (SAP ASE) database that
is in the process of recovery.
These messages are recorded in the SAP Replication Server error log:
E. 2006/06/13 10:53:36. ERROR #1028 DSI(western.west1) - /dsiexec.c(306)
Message from server: Message: 921, State: 1, Severity: 14 -- ‘Database
‘west1’ has not been recovered yet - please wait and try again.’.
I. 2006/06/13 10:53:36. Message from server: Message: 5701, State: 1,
Severity: 10 - - ‘Changed database context to ‘master’.’.
E. 2006/06/13 10:53:36. ERROR #5051 DSI(western.west1) - /dsiexec.c(314)
Received errors from database ‘western.west1’. See logged ct-lib and data
server messages for more information.
A SAP Replication Server cannot connect to a recovering SAP ASE database. SAP Replication Server
automatically attempts to connect to databases (to which connections have been created) when it:
Resumes a connection
Replicates new transactions after a closed connection
The connection resumes automatically after the database has recovered.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Common Error Messages SAP Replication Server Not Found
SAP IQ failed to connect to the replicate SAP Replication Server.
The Data Server Interface (DSI) shuts down and SAP SQL Anywhere Error -1003002 is recorded in the SAP
Replication Server error log:
E. 2010/09/20 16:24:33. ERROR #1028 DSI EXEC(103(1) mrpserver.mrp) -
Message from server: Message: -1003002, State 0, Severity 14 -- 'SQL Anywhere
Error -1003002:
CtLibrary Error: 3, Severity: 0, Origin: 8, Layer: 6
Error Message: ct_connect(): directory service layer: internal directory control
layer error:
Requested server name not found.
OS Error: 0, OS Message:
Replication to SAP IQ using real-time loading (RTL) replication has not been properly congured. SAP IQ must
be able to connect to SAP Replication Server and retrieve data each time SAP Replication Server sends an
INSERT ... LOCATION statement to SAP IQ.
Create an entry for the replicate SAP Replication Server in the interfaces le of the replicate SAP IQ server.
This allows SAP IQ to connect to SAP Replication Server using the user name and password specied in
the database connection. The maintenance user must be a valid user in SAP Replication Server with system
administrator privileges and whose password matches the password that SAP Replication Server uses to log in
to SAP IQ.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Common Error Messages
PUBLIC 57 SAP IQ Invalid Permission in a Multiplex
Occurs when connection to coordinator node is not happening. Because in an IQ Multiplexed system, the
coordinator node is the only node that can do the lock table command.
These messages are reported in the SAP Replication Server error log:
E. 2010/09/14 08:51:13. ERROR #1028 DSI EXEC(104(1) pocmpx.iqdb) -
dsiqmint.c(4234) Message from server: Message: -1004015, State 0, Severity 14 --
Anywhere Error -1004015: Permission denied: Command not allowed on
Multiplex Writer servers. (saint_iqthresholdddl.cxx 14936)'.
Because SAP Replication Server connects and issues the lock table command, the connection from the
SAP Replication Server to SAP IQ in a Multiplex environment must be made to the coordinator node.
Change the interfaces le entry for SAP IQ that the SAP Replication Server uses, to connect to the coordinating
See SAP IQ as Replicate Data Server in the Heterogeneous Replication Guide.
4.2.3Error 5095
The column length returned by the rs_get_lastcommit function is incorrect.
E. 2011/11/23 13:44:15. ERROR #5095 DSI(138 spotak1520iq.iqdemo) - /
The second and third columns returned by the rs_get_lastcommit function
should have length 72. The one returned from database 'spotak1520iq.iqdemo'
for column 2 is 74.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Common Error Messages
I. 2011/11/23 13:44:15. The DSI thread for database 'spotak1520iq.iqdemo' is
This problem occurs when replicating to SAP IQ and the value of the conguration property parameter,
ASE_BINARY_DISPLAY, for maintenance user is set to on.
Set ASE_BINARY_DISPLAY to o, which is the default value for a SAP IQ server.
4.2.4Error 7035
The SAP Replication Server is out of memory.
After a connection is started, these messages are reported in the SAP Replication Server error log:
I. 2006/06/13 10:58:42. The DSI thread for database ‘westernDS.westDB’ is
E. 2006/06/13 10:58:42. ERROR #7035 DIST(westernDS.westDB) - m/memseg.c(771)
.........Additional allocation would exceed the memory_limit of ‘20000’
specified in the configuration.
Increase the value of the memory_limit parameter in the rs_config table and
restart the Repserver.
A second attempt at resuming the connection shows only this message:
I. 2006/06/13 11:08:06. Attempt to start a DSI thread
for database ‘westernDS.westDB’ that has already been
Running admin who_is_down at the SAP Replication Server indicates that threads are down.
This example indicates that the DIST and DIST EXEC threads are down:
Spid Name State Info
---- --------- ----- --------------------------
DIST Down westernDS.westDB
DIST EXEC Down 105:1 westernDS.westDB
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Common Error Messages
SAP Replication Server ran out of segment memory. The maximum amount of operating system memory that
an SAP Replication Server can use is equal to the value specied by the <memory_limit> parameter. SAP
Replication Server directly uses operating system memory.
1. Increase the value of the <memory_limit> parameter.
2. Restart the SAP Replication Server.
4.2.5Error 8039
The amount of memory available to the Distributor for messages waiting to be written to the outbound queue
is being reached.
This error message is reported in the SAP Replication Server error log:
E. 2008/05/21 08:37:50. ERROR #8039 SQM(16877328:0 TRADE_REP) - tr/mdext.c(2009)
MD failed to wake someone waiting for memory from source=TRADEDS.tradedb.
This is an informational message indicating that the maximum value for md_sqm_write_request_limit
parameter is being reached.
If reported frequently, increase the maximum value for md_sqm_write_request_limit parameter.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Common Error Messages
4.2.6Error 8040
Stable Queue Manager (SQM) attempted to awaken a Distributor thread that is actually up.
This error message is reported in the SAP Replication Server error log:
E. 2011/03/28 06:27:44. ERROR #8040 SQM(163:0 TRADEDS.tradedb) - tr/
MD failed to wake someone waiting for flush from source=TRADE_REP.
Indicates that the SQM Writer has attempted to awaken the Distributor, but the Distributor was not asleep.
If the Distributor threads are up and replication is proceeding normally, this message can be considered
If the Distributor threads are down, resume them.
4.2.7Error 11061
Replication Server System Database (RSSD) problems.
Related Information
RSSD Deadlocks [page 62]
RSSD Log Device Full [page 63]
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Common Error Messages
PUBLIC 61 RSSD Deadlocks
Replication Server System Database (RSSD) deadlocks usually occur when commands for the RSSD are
issued faster than the server can process them. Deadlocks may occur even on a fast machine and network
when you run scripts that create, alter, or delete many subscriptions or replication objects.
The RSSD stops responding and you see these messages in the SAP Replication Server error log:
E. 2006/06/13 11:14:12. ERROR #11061 USER(rho_dbo) - s/stscol.c(1717) Check
the log for error messages from RSSD.
E. 2006/06/13 11:18:22. ERROR #1028 USER(rho_dbo) - s/stscol.c(1717) Message
from server: Message: 1205, State: 2, Severity: 13 -- ‘Your server command
(process id #14) was deadlocked with another process and has been chosen as
deadlock victim. Re-run your command.’.
RSSD deadlocks may occur when you:
Create routes in parallel within a star conguration. A star conguration has one primary SAP Replication
Server with only direct routes to other destination SAP Replication Servers, and each destination SAP
Replication Server has only one direct route back to the primary SAP Replication Server.
Create, activate, or validate subscriptions in one or more SAP Replication Servers.
Drop replication denitions in parallel in dierent SAP Replication Servers.
In a production environment, deadlock situations on the replicate database are automatically handled by
the SAP Replication Server.
If routes are deadlocked, drop the routes and re-create them sequentially, allowing one minute between each
If an RSSD deadlock occurs during the activation or validation of subscriptions:
1. Use rs_helpsub in the RSSD or check subscription in the Replication Server to check for
subscriptions with status “Active/Activating” instead of “Active/Unknown.
2. Use the without purge option to drop the “Active/Activating” subscriptions, then recreate the
If deadlocks occur while you are dropping subscriptions, drop them again.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Common Error Messages
To prevent a large number of deadlocks, do not simultaneously load several scripts into SAP Replication Server.
In extreme situations, avoid loading scripts simultaneously in dierent SAP Replication Servers; instead run
scripts sequentially. RSSD Log Device Full
The Replication Server System Database (RSSD) log space has fallen critically low.
These messages are reported in the SAP Replication Server error log:
E. 2006/06/13 10:35:15. ERROR #11061 USER(western_dbo)
- s/stscol.c(1717) Check the log for error messages from
I. 2006/06/13 10:35:15. Message from server: Message:
7412, State: 1, Severity: 10 - - ‘Space available in the
log segment has fallen critically low in database
All future modifications to this database will be
suspended until the log is successfully dumped and space
becomes available.’.
I. 2006/06/13 10:35:15. Message from server: Message:
7415, State: 1, Severity: 10 - - ‘The transaction log
in database rssd is almost full.
Your transaction is being suspended until space is made
available in the log.’.
During subscription validation, the RSSD ran out of log space even though the truncate on checkpoint
option was set. SAP Replication Server halted and SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (SAP ASE) suspended
modifying all transactions. After you resolved the log space issue, SAP Replication Server continued to process
the subscription but did not validate it correctly.
Reduce the size of the log by dumping or truncating it:
1. Manually dump the log using these commands in the RSSD:
> sp_helpdb RSSD
> go
> dump tran RSSD to ...
> go
> sp_helpdb RSSD
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Common Error Messages
> go
2. If this step fails, truncate the log by executing dump tran with the truncate_only or no_log option.
To prevent this error, monitor the RSSD log. If the RSSD log becomes more than 80% full:
1. Suspend the operating system process that creates replicated objects (subscriptions).
2. Wait one minute to allow SAP Replication Server to nish its transactions.
3. Dump the transaction log.
4. Resume the process.
4.2.8Error 13045
Replication has been suspended because Replication Server System Database (RSSD) restarted.
These messages are reported in the SAP Replication Server error log:
E. 2006/06/13 14:50:16. ERROR #13045 SQT(101:1 DIST westss.eastlp) -
Failed to connect to server 'westss' as user 'westrs_rssd_prim'. See CT-Lib
and/or server error messages for more information.
I. 2006/06/13 14:50:17. Trying to connect to server 'westss' as user
'westrs_rssd_prim' ......
After the SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (SAP ASE) with the RSSD has restarted, these messages are
reported in the SAP Replication Server error log:
E. 2006/06/13 17:04:52. ERROR #1027 dSUB( ) -
Open Client Client-Library error: Error: 84083972,
Severity 5 -- 'ct_connect():
network packet layer: internal net library error: Net-
Lib protocol driver call to connect two endpoints
failed', Operating System error 0 -- 'Socket connect
failed - errno 146 Connection refused'.
E. 2006/06/13 17:04:52. ERROR #13045 dSUB( ) -
Failed to connect to server 'westss' as user 'amerttp'.
See CT-Lib and/or server error messages for more
I. 2006/06/13 17:04:52. Trying to connect to server
'westss' as user 'westrs_rssd_prim' ......
E. 2006/06/13 17:04:57. ERROR #1027 dSUB( ) -
Open Client Client-Library error: Error: 84083972,
Severity 5 -- 'ct_connect():
network packet layer: internal net library error: Net-
Lib protocol driver call to connect two endpoints
failed', Operating System error 0 -- 'Socket
connectfailed - errno 146 Connection refused'.
E. 2006/06/13 17:05:56. ERROR #13043 USER(westss_ra) - ul/cmapp.c(888)
Failed to execute the 'USE westss_rssd' command on
server 'westss'. See CT-Lib and SQL Server error
messages for more information.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Common Error Messages
E. 2006/06/13 17:05:56. ERROR #1028 USER(westss_ra) -
Message from server: Message: 911, State 2, Severity 11
-- 'Attempt to locate entry in sysdatabases for database
'westss_rssd' by name failed - no entry found under that
name. Make sure that name is entered properly.'.
I. 2006/06/13 17:05:56. Message from server: Message:
5701, State 1, Severity 10 -- 'Changed database context to 'master'.'.
E. 2006/06/13 17:05:56. ERROR #13045 USER(westss_ra) - seful/cm.c(3318)
Failed to connect to server 'westss' as user
'westrs_rssd_prim'. See CT-Lib and/or server error
messages for more information.
E. 2006/06/13 17:05:56. ERROR #1028 USER(westss_ra) -
Message from server: Message: 911, State 2, Severity 11
-- 'Attempt to locate entry in sysdatabases for database
'westss_rssd' by name failed - no entry found under that
name. Make sure that name is entered properly.'.
I. 2006/06/13 17:05:56. Message from server: Message:
5701, State 1, Severity 10
-- 'Changed database context to 'master'.'.
E. 2006/06/13 17:05:56. ERROR #13043 dREC(dREC)--
Failed to execute the 'USE westss_rssd' command on
server 'westss'. See CT-Lib and SQL Server error
messages for more information.
The SAP ASE that controls the Replication Server System Database (RSSD) was shut down and restarted while
the SAP Replication Server was running. The Distributor (DIST) and Stable Queue Transaction (SQT) threads to
the databases controlled by the SAP Replication Server were terminated. Replication to those databases was
terminated and does not resume even after the RSSD becomes available again.
Running the admin who_is_down command at the SAP Replication Server shows that both DIST and SQT
threads are down:
Spid Name State Info
---- ------ ------- ----------------------
DIST Down westernDS.westDB
SQT Down 105:1 westernDS.westDB
1. At the SAP Replication Server, execute resume distributor for each database to resume SQT and DIST
2. Run admin who_is_down at each database to verify that the SQT and DIST threads are up.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Common Error Messages
4.2.9Error 15020
Replication denition cannot be found.
These messages are reported in the SAP Replication Server error log:
Error #15020: "‘%s’ doesn’t exist."
The replication denition for which you want to create a subscription cannot be found.
Verify that a replication denition has been created for the primary version of the table that is to be
If the primary SAP Replication Server is not the same as the replicate SAP Replication Server, verify that:
A route has been created from the primary SAP Replication Server to the replicate SAP Replication
Server, or
The replication denition has been replicated.
Verify that subscription data denition language (DDL) commands were entered at the replicate SAP
Replication Server.
4.2.10Error 15040
Connection to the replicate database does not exist.
This message is reported in the SAP Replication Server error log:
Error #15040: “This database '%s.%s' is not controlled
by this site.”
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Common Error Messages
A connection from the replicate SAP Replication Server to the database has not been created.
Use the create connection command at the replicate SAP Replication Server to make a connection to
the replicate database. To create a connection to an SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise replicate database, use
4.2.11Error 15052
The primary and replicate databases are the same.
This message is reported in the SAP Replication Server error log:
Error #15052: “The replicate database '%s.%s' for
subscription ‘%s’ is the same as the primary database
for the replication definition '%s'. This is not
You cannot create a subscription in which the replicate database is the same as the primary database.
1. Create the replicate table on a dierent database.
2. Execute the create subscription command again.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Common Error Messages
4.2.12Error 28028
The connect source command has not been executed.
This message is reported in the SAP Replication Server error log:
Error #28028: “Connect source as user ‘%s’ failed at PRS
‘%s’ for subscription ‘%s’, for replication definition
‘%RS_RSID’ with replicate at ‘%RS_SITEID’.”
The replicate SAP Replication Server failed to execute the connect source command at the primary SAP
Replication Server.
The subscription recovery daemon should recover the subscription.
4.2.13Error 29024
SAP Replication Server cannot nd a matching function string for a function.
The message reported in the SAP Replication Server error log is similar to:
Jan 26 11:27:59.300 2006: Error: 29204, Line: 864, File:
'generic/dsi/fstrmap.c' - Cannot find a matching
function string for function 'stocks.rs_insert' and
function class 'rs_sqlserver_function_class'.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Common Error Messages
This error occurs when SAP Replication Server cannot nd a function string to match a function. The Data
Server Interface (DSI) thread is suspended.
1. Query the Replication Server System Database (RSSD) at the primary site of the function string to
determine if the function string exists there. Use this query for strings with replication denition scope:
select name from rs_funcstrings, rs_functions,
rs_classes, rs_objects
where rs_funcstrings.classid = rs_classes.classid
and rs_funcstrings.funcid = rs_functions.funcid
and classname = <function_class_name>
and classtype = 'F'
and rs_functions.objid = rs_objects.objid
and rs_objects.objname = <replication_definition>
and objtype = 'R' and funcname = <function_name>
If the function string does not exist at the primary site, continue with step 2.
If the function string does exist at the primary site, go to step 3.
2. If the function string does not exist at the primary site, create it there. If you omit the output clause from
the string, SAP Replication Server generates the default function string.
3. If the function string does exist at the primary site, it has not replicated to the SAP Replication Server at the
replicate site. Verify that the RSSD at the primary site is being replicated to the replicate site. If changes at
the primary site are being replicated to the replicate site, then you may need to wait for the function strings
to arrive. Then restart the DSI.
4. For rs_select and rs_select_with_lock, there must be a function string for which the input template
matches the where clause of the select command. Extend the above query with a join to rs_systext to
retrieve the input templates of function strings.
If the DSI receiving the error is communicating with a server using a function-string class other than the
rs_sqlserver_function_class, rs_default_function_class, or rs_db2_function_class, you
may still need to create the function string.
Related Information
Troubleshooting Replication Failures [page 30]
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Common Error Messages
4.2.14Error 32059
Invalid object identier for table or function is reported while replicating data.
The message reported in the SAP Replication Server error log is similar to:
2015/10/16 23:56:07. ERROR #32059 DSI EXEC(148(1) KRKEWD.riskdb) - de/
Invalid object identifier for table or function 'm_risk_alt'. id =
This error occurs when a replication denition version is dropped too early from the system. This could happen
when a replication denition is altered in the middle of a transaction at the primary database.
Add the missing replication denition version back to the system. In this example, the replication denition
reported in the error message is m_risk_alt and the missing version is 0x010200660000035f.
1. Alter the replication denition so that it is identical to the missing replication denition version. For
alter replication definition m_risk_alt ...
This alteration creates a new version of the m_risk_alt replication denition. Suppose the version id of
the most current replication denition version before the alternation is 0x010300660000035f, therefore
the newly created replication denition version is 0x010400660000035f.
2. Recreate the 0x010200660000035f missing version as follows so that you can continue to replicate data
that is still using this replication denition version.
create replication definition 0x010200660000035f for m_risk_alt as
The version, 0x010200660000035f, is created.
3. Reissue the command that failed due to the replication denition alteration. For example, resume the DSI
4. When the data associated with the replication denition version is gone, drop the replication denition
version if necessary.
drop replication definition 0x010200660000035f for m_risk_alt
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Common Error Messages
5. Alter the replication denition back to make it identical to the replication denition version before step 1,
which is 0x010300660000035f.
alter replication definition m_risk_alt ...
This alteration creates a new replication denition version–0x010500660000035f. It is identical to the
0x010300660000035f replication denition version.
To prevent this error from happening again, lock the primary table by using the <ptable> parameter when
executing the rs_send_repserver_cmd stored procedure. This ensures that a replication denition alteration
happens between transactions at the primary database, thus the new replication denition version is not
created in the middle of a transaction.
4.2.15Error 37022
Permission to create a subscription is required.
This message is reported in the SAP Replication Server error log:
Error #37022: “PRIMARY SUBCRIBE permission is required
to execute the subscription command.”
You do not have permission to create a subscription. You must have primary subscribe, create object,
or sa permission at the primary SAP Replication Server.
Use the grant command to change the permissions.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Common Error Messages
4.2.16Error 37023
Permission to create an object is required.
This message is reported in the SAP Replication Server error log:
Error #37023: “CREATE OBJECT permission is required to
execute command.”
You do not have the required permission.
Use the grant command to change the permission to create object.
4.3 SAP Replication Server Informational and Warning
Informational and warning messages are reported in the SAP Replication Server error log.
Related Information
Cached Row for System Table Was Swapped Out [page 73]
Detecting Loss for Database [page 73]
DSI Detected rs_update_lastcommit Not Marked as Replicated [page 76]
Stable Storage Use is Above 75 Percent [page 77]
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Common Error Messages
4.3.1Cached Row for System Table Was Swapped Out
A cached row is swapped out to accommodate another row.
This informational message appears many times in the SAP Replication Server error log:
I. 2006/06/13 15:39:53. A cached row for system table
‘rs_columns’ was swapped out of the cache in order to
accomodate another row.
When there is no space available in the cache for any more rows in a specic Replication Server System
Database (RSSD) system table, that system table’s oldest rows are swapped out of the cache.
The <sts_cachesize> parameter species the maximum number of rows that are cached for a single RSSD
system table.
Increase the value of the <sts_cachesize> parameter for the RSSD.
4.3.2Detecting Loss for Database
Usually occurs after a rebuild queues command is executed. This command is typically issued after a stable
device failure.
After you have issued the rebuild queues command and the data loss detection process has completed, see
the Loss Status column in the output from admin health and admin who, sqm to check for data loss in the
queues, or data loss detection messages in the SAP Replication Server error log. Perform data loss detection
only when there are primary transactions to be replicated. The SAP Control Center for Replication Perspective
Heat Chart view displays the monitoring statistics of possible data loss between the primary and replicate
databases .
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Common Error Messages
Sometimes these messages do not appear at the end of the error log le, so you must search back through
the log for them. If you restart the SAP Replication Server, these messages appear again.
I. 2006/06/13 15:48:32. Rebuild Queues: Starting
I. 2006/06/13 15:48:33. Disconnecting Replication Agent
for westss.westrs_rssd. Replication Agent will shutdown
I. 2006/06/13 15:48:33. Disconnecting Replication Agent
for westss.westrs_rssd to Rebuild
I. 2006/06/13 15:48:33. Resetting Replication Agent
starting log position for westss.westrs_rssd
I. 2006/06/13 15:48:33. Resetting Replication Agent
starting log position for westss.eastlp
I. 2006/06/13 15:48:33. Shutting down distributor for
I. 2006/06/13 15:48:33. A request to shutdown/suspend
the distributor for 101 has been received.
I. 2006/06/13 15:48:33. The distributor for
'westss.westrs_rssd' is shutting down
I. 2006/06/13 15:48:33. Shutting down distributor for
I. 2006/06/13 15:48:33. A request to shutdown/suspend
the distributor for 102 has been received.
I. 2006/06/13 15:48:34. The distributor for
'westss.eastlp' is shutting down
I. 2006/06/13 15:48:34. Shutting down the DSI thread for
I. 2006/06/13 15:48:34. The DSI thread for database
'westss.westrs_rssd' is shutdown.
I. 2006/06/13 15:48:34. DSI: enabled loss detection for
I. 2006/06/13 15:48:34. Shutting down the DSI thread for
I. 2006/06/13 15:48:34. The DSI thread for database
'westss.eastlp' is shutdown.
I. 2006/06/13 15:48:34. DSI: enabled loss detection for
I. 2006/06/13 15:48:34. Shutting down the DSI thread for
I. 2006/06/13 15:48:35. The DSI thread for database
'westss.westlp' is shutdown.
I. 2006/06/13 15:48:35. DSI: enabled loss detection for
I. 2006/06/13 15:48:35. Rebuild queues: deleting queue
I. 2006/06/13 15:48:35. SQM stopping: 103:0
I. 2006/06/13 15:48:35. Rebuild queues: done rebuilding
queue 103:0. Restarting.
I. 2006/06/13 15:48:35. Rebuild queues: deleting queue
I. 2006/06/13 15:48:35. SQM stopping: 102:1
I. 2006/06/13 15:48:35. SQM starting: 103:0
I. 2006/06/13 15:48:35. Rebuild queues: done rebuilding
queue 102:1. Restarting.
I. 2006/06/13 15:48:35. Rebuild queues: deleting queue
I. 2006/06/13 15:48:36. SQM stopping: 102:0
I. 2006/06/13 15:48:36. SQM starting: 102:1
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Common Error Messages
I. 2006/06/13 15:48:36. Rebuild queues: done rebuilding
queue 102:0. Restarting.
I. 2006/06/13 15:48:36. Rebuild queues: deleting queue
I. 2006/06/13 15:48:36. SQM stopping: 101:1
I. 2006/06/13 15:48:36. SQM starting: 102:0
I. 2006/06/13 15:48:36. Rebuild queues: done rebuilding
queue 101:1. Restarting.
I. 2006/06/13 15:48:36. Rebuild queues: deleting queue
I. 2006/06/13 15:48:36. SQM stopping: 101:0
I. 2006/06/13 15:48:36. SQM starting: 101:1
I. 2006/06/13 15:48:37. Rebuild queues: done rebuilding
queue 101:0. Restarting.
I. 2006/06/13 15:48:37. SQM starting: 101:0
I. 2006/06/13 15:48:37. Starting DIST for 101:1.
I. 2006/06/13 15:48:37. Starting DIST for 102:1.
I. 2006/06/13 15:48:37. DIST for 'westss.westrs_rssd'
is Starting
I. 2006/06/13 15:48:37. DIST for 'westss.pdb' is
I. 2006/06/13 15:48:37. Starting the DSI thread for
I. 2006/06/13 15:48:38. Starting the DSI thread for
I. 2006/06/13 15:48:38. The DSI thread for database
'westss.westrs_rssd' is started.
I. 2006/06/13 15:48:39. Starting the DSI thread for
I. 2006/06/13 15:48:40. The DSI thread for database
'westss.eastlp' is started.
I. 2006/06/13 15:48:41. The DSI thread for database
'westss.eastlp' is started.
I. 2006/06/13 15:48:41. Rebuild Queues: Complete
I. 2006/06/13 15:48:44. DSI: detecting loss for database
'westss.eastlp' from origin 'westss.westlp' date =
'Jun 13 2006 2:36:49:783PM', qid=0000000000001d
SAP Replication Server detected loss for a primary SAP Replication Server or database. User transactions from
the primary SAP Replication Server or database are no longer accepted. If the replication system has more
than one SAP Replication Server, then the detected data loss may be either a Data Server Interface (DSI) loss
or an Replication Server Interface (RSI) loss. If the replication system has only one SAP Replication Server, the
detected data loss is a DSI loss. A DSI loss means that data was not replicated from the SAP Replication Server
to the replicate database. An RSI loss means that data was not replicated from one SAP Replication Server to
another SAP Replication Server.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Common Error Messages
For information on correcting data losses, see the Administration Guide Volume 2.
To prevent data loss, use DSI or RSI save intervals to create a backup strategy with logs large enough to keep all
4.3.3DSI Detected rs_update_lastcommit Not Marked as
The rs_update_last commit stored procedure is not marked as replicated.
A warm standby database disconnects and these error are reported in the SAP Replication Server error log:
I. 2006/06/13 15:39:53. DSI for %RS_SITEID detected that
stored procedure rs_update_lastcommit is not marked as
replicated. Please execute sp_setreplicate and resume
When active DSI comes up in presence of the Warm Standby
it checks whether rs_update_lastcommit stored procedure
is marked as replicated. This DSI detected a problem
with replication status of this stored procedure.
Please, correct the problem and resume connection
This error occurs during a warm standby installation. You used isql to execute the create connection
command and did not mark rs_update_lastcommit as replicated.
1. Set replication status on rs_update_lastcommit by marking it using sp_setrepproc.
2. Resume connection.
Instead of using the create connection command, you can use rs_init to create a connection to a warm
standby database. This message does not occur when you use rs_init to set up the warm standby.
When you use rs_init to set up your active and standby database, the rs_update_lastcommit stored
procedure is automatically marked for replication.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Common Error Messages
4.3.4Stable Storage Use is Above 75 Percent
The total size of all the queues on an SAP Replication Server has passed the set threshold.
This message appears in the SAP Replication Server error log:
W. 2006/06/13 18:41:12. WARNING #6089 SQM(129:0
TTTdss.eanp) - qm/sqmsp.c(1317) WARNING: Stable Storage
Use is Above 75 percent
An SAP Replication Server has two default thresholds (75% and 90%) for stable devices. A warning message is
issued each time these thresholds are exceeded.
When the 75% and 90% thresholds have been exceeded:
1. Verify that the replicate database is running.
2. If all other components are functional and the inbound queues are growing, shut down the corresponding
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise and check for an open transaction.
3. If the outbound queues are growing, check the DSI save interval with low block usage.
4.4 Connector Error Messages
Error and trace messages appear in the SAP Replication Server error log and, if the logfile_path trace
option is set, the connector log.
Related Information
Incompatible Connector Version [page 78]
No Permission to Produce Connector for Unlicensed Feature [page 79]
Cannot Produce Connector from Factory [page 79]
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Common Error Messages
Loading of Connector Factory Failed [page 80]
4.4.1Incompatible Connector Version
The connector and SAP Replication Server have been built using dierent canonical interface (CI) versions.
The trace message that appears in the SAP Replication Server error log is similar to:
T. 2010/04/29 16:32:54. (17): Version [3.1] of Connector
[ora.oci], is incompatible with CI version [3.2].
This trace occurs when a connector is built and based upon a version of the Canonical Interface (CI)
specication that diers from that with which SAP Replication Server is built. In the message above, the Oracle
connector is compatible only with CI version 3.1 while SAP Replication Server requires CI version 3.2.
Ensure that the connector and CI have the same version. You may need to upgrade the connector to match the
CI version used by SAP Replication Server. You can nd the CI (also seen as RCI) information by checking the
version string within libsybeconn.dll (Windows) or (UNIX), for example:
strings libsybeconn.dll | grep Express
ExpressConnect-Library/15.5/P/RCI 3.2/
NT (IX86)/Windows 2003/1/DEBUG/Thu Apr 29 08:40:08 2010
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Common Error Messages
4.4.2No Permission to Produce Connector for Unlicensed
A valid license for a connector feature is unavailable.
The message reported in the SAP Replication Server error log is similar to:
T. 2010/04/29 16:32:54. (17): No permission to produce
connector for unlicensed feature [REP_EC_ORA].
This error occurs when there is no valid SySAM license for the connector feature.
Buy the connector feature needed, such as ExpressConnect for Oracle. Install the feature product, and ensure
that the license is correctly updated.
4.4.3Cannot Produce Connector from Factory
The factory library being loaded is missing or its name has changed.
The message reported in the SAP Replication Server error log is similar to:
T. 2010/04/29 16:32:54. (17): Failed to produce
Connector from factory using library [libsybora.dll].
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Common Error Messages
The message above indicates that the libsybora.dll factory was not able to produce the Oracle connector
Ensure that the connector library is available in the directories dened in PATH (Windows) or
4.4.4Loading of Connector Factory Failed
The factory library being loaded is missing or its name has changed.
The message written in the SAP Replication Server error log is similar to:
T. 2010/02/04 10:32:08. (22): Loading of Connector
factory library [libsybora.dll] failed. Error=[126].
On UNIX, the message describes the error in detail.
On Microsoft Windows, the error information is described in the Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) Web
site. To search for the error description in the MSDN Web site:
1. Go to and search for “system error codes.
2. Look for the error code description in the “System Error Codes” page.
Ensure that the connector library is available in the directories dened in PATH (Windows) or
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Common Error Messages
4.5 SAP ASE RepAgent Error Messages
SAP ASE RepAgent error messages are recorded in the SAP ASE error log.
Related Information
Error 9202 [page 81]
Error 9210 [page 82]
Error 9215 (ASE 624) [page 83]
4.5.1Error 9202
Nested stored procedures are not allowed.
These error messages are reported in the SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (SAP ASE) error log:
00:00000:00011:2006/06/13 16:26:05.12 server
Error: 9202, Severity: 20, State: 0
00:00000:00011:2006/06/13 16:26:05.12 server
RepAgent(5): Nested replicated stored procedure
detected. Transaction log may be corrupt. Please contact
SAP Technical Support. (current marker = 1372, 12)
00:00000:00011:2006/06/13 16:26:05.12 server Rep Agent
Thread for database 'pdb' (dbid = 5) terminated
abnormally with error. (major 92, minor 2)
The number in parenthesis following "RepAgent" is the database ID of the database where the error occurs.
A nested stored procedure is called from within another stored procedure. The stored procedure that calls the
nested stored procedure is called the outer stored procedure.
When stored procedures with nested stored procedures are marked for replication with sp_setrepproc:
The RepAgent shuts down.
The RepAgent forwards only the outer stored procedure call to the SAP Replication Server.
An error message is reported in the SAP ASE error log.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Common Error Messages
Do not use nested replicated stored procedures. Instead:
1. Skip the nested stored procedure transaction.
1. Find the page of the secondary truncation point:
dbcc gettrunc
2. Find a valid page after the nested stored procedure transaction:
dbcc traceon(3604)
dbcc pglinkage(<dbid>, <pageid>, 0,2,0,1)
where <pageid> is the ID for the page you received by executing dbcc gettrunc in step a.
3. Set a new secondary truncation point on the valid page after the nested stored procedure transaction:
dbcc settrunc (‘ltm’, ‘pageid’, <pageid>)
where <pageid> is the ID for the page after the current page you retrieved using dbcc pagelinkage
in step b.
4. Reset the locater:
2. Reapply only the nested stored procedure transaction.
3. Restart RepAgent.
This procedure may also cause data loss because manually setting the secondary truncation point to a
later page in the log skips any begin transaction statements on skipped pages. Those transactions do not
4.5.2Error 9210
A network problem has been encountered.
These messages are reported in the SAP ASE error log:
2006/09/07 09:41:26.34 RepAgent (10) Error: 9210,
Severity: EX_CMDFATAL, State: 1
Fatal error from CT-Lib.
Open Client Client-Library error: Error: 84083974,
Severity: 5 -- ct_results(): unable to get layer message
string: unable to get origin message string: Net-Library
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Common Error Messages
operation terminated due to disconnect.
The number in parenthesis following "RepAgent" is the database ID of the database where the error occurs.
You see these messages when there are network problems; for example, when a RepAgent cannot initialize a
Client-Library connection, or an SAP Replication Server returned an unexpected error. Network problems can
also cause RepAgent error 9212 (which is caused by a CT-Lib error).
Fix the network problems and restart RepAgent. After you x the network problems, execute admin
who_is_down on the SAP Replication Server. You see that the REP AGENT USER threads are down.
See also Displaying Replication Agent Status and Displaying Replication Server Status in the SAP Control Center
for Replication documentation.
4.5.3Error 9215 (ASE 624)
The database log has been truncated.
This message appears in the SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (SAP ASE) error log:
2006/10/17 11:57:19.34 RepAgent (10) Error: 9215,
Severity: EX_USER, State: 1
The Secondary Truncation Point is not valid. Please make
sure that the Secondary Truncation Point is valid, and
then restart the Rep Agent Thread for this database.
The number in parenthesis following "RepAgent" is the database ID of the database where the error occurs.
This error occurs when the log is truncated past the secondary truncation point and the RepAgent tries to
reconnect to the database. RepAgent requests the log page number from the SAP Replication Server and then
accesses that page in the database. Because the log was truncated, the RepAgent will not start.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Common Error Messages
Attempts to retrieve rows from the page using the row identier (RID) fail because the requested RID is a
higher value than the last RID on the page. For example, truncating the log frees only those log pages that the
RepAgent has sent to the SAP Replication Server with conrmation.
Because you truncated the log, you must reset the information about the database log in the rs_locater
table within the Replication Server System Database (RSSD).
1. In the RSSD, execute:
> rs_zeroltm primss, primdb
> go
2. In the primary database, reactivate the secondary truncation point:
> dbcc settrunc(ltm, valid)
> go
3. Restart RepAgent.
Check for open transactions by comparing the output of dbcc gettrunc with the content of the rs_locater
tables attribute locater. Truncating the transaction log may have caused orphaned transactions, which occur
when the transaction’s begin statement is transferred, but the commit or rollback statement is accidentally
deleted during log truncation.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Common Error Messages
5 Route Problems
Route problems occur when creating, altering, or dropping routes.
To troubleshoot a problem, obtain and analyze information from the SAP Replication Server error logs, execute
the rs_helproute stored procedure, or both.
Related Information
Routes [page 85]
rs_helproute [page 88]
Problems with Creating Routes [page 88]
Troubleshooting Problems with Altering Routes [page 93]
Problems with Dropping Routes [page 93]
Troubleshooting Overview [page 10]
5.1 Routes
A route is one-way message stream from a source SAP Replication Server to a destination SAP Replication
Server. Routes carry data modication commands, including those for Replication Server System Databases
(RSSDs), and replicated functions or stored procedures between SAP Replication Server instances.
There are two types of routes—direct and indirect. A direct route sends messages directly from source to
destination SAP Replication Server instances, with no intermediate SAP Replication Server instances. An
indirect route sends messages through one or more intermediate SAP Replication Server instances.
The rs_marker stored procedure contains the full create route, alter route, or drop route command.
Routes are created, altered, and dropped according to the following general procedure:
The source SAP Replication Server executes rs_marker against its RSSD.
The RepAgent of the RSSD picks up the stored procedure execution and forwards it to the source
Replication Server.
The source SAP Replication Server appends the stored procedure execution to its inbound queue and
forwards it to the destination SAP Replication Server. The identity of the destination SAP Replication
Server is obtained from parameters in the stored procedure.
The destination SAP Replication Server processes the stored procedure execution, which materializes
subscriptions to the primary Replication Server RSSD rs_routes, rs_subscriptions, rs_rules, and
rs_locater system tables.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Route Problems
Related Information
create route Process [page 86]
drop route Process [page 86]
5.1.1create route Process
The create route command designates the route to use for a connection from the current SAP Replication
Server to a remote SAP Replication Server.
When a route is created:
The source SAP Replication Server connects to the destination SAP Replication Server. The source
SAP Replication Server needs the correct user name and password to connect to the destination SAP
Replication Server.
The source SAP Replication Server sends a create route message to the destination SAP Replication
The destination SAP Replication Server receives this message and starts creating subscriptions to the
source SAP Replication Server system tables.
When the system table subscriptions are created, the process is complete.
5.1.2drop route Process
The drop route command closes the route to another SAP Replication Server.
By default, before dropping a route, the source SAP Replication Server waits until the destination SAP
Replication Server has cleaned up its part of the route. Use the with nowait option to allow the source
SAP Replication Server to drop a route without informing the destination SAP Replication Server. However, you
must manually clean the destination SAP Replication Server when it becomes available again.
Use the with nowait option only when the destination is temporarily irrecoverable and you must drop the
route without waiting for the destination SAP Replication Server to become available.
When dropping a route using the default settings:
The source SAP Replication Server drops all the system table subscriptions created by the destination.
The source SAP Replication Server sends a drop route protocol message to the destination SAP
Replication Server.
After this message is delivered to the destination SAP Replication Server (or to the next site, if the route is
an indirect route), the source Replication Server drops the route by deleting the entry from its rs_routes
system table and, for direct routes, deleting the outbound queue.
The destination SAP Replication Server receives the drop route message and cleans up its part of the route
by deleting the locater for the source SAP Replication Server from its rs_locater system table.
When dropping a route with the with nowait option:
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Route Problems
The source SAP Replication Server drops all the system table subscriptions created by the destination.
The source SAP Replication Server cleans up the route by deleting the route entry from its rs_routes
system table and, for direct routes, dropping the outbound queue.
Related Information
Cleaning Up the Destination Replication Server [page 87] Cleaning Up the Destination Replication Server
Manually clean up the destination server's side of the route after running drop route with the with nowait
1. Verify that all the messages from the source SAP Replication Server are gone from the Data Server
Interface (DSI) queues.
2. From the rs_subscriptions system table, delete all the system table subscriptions entered by this site
when the route was created.
3. Delete rows from the rs_rules system table for these subscriptions.
4. Clean up user subscription entries from the rs_subscriptions and rs_rules system tables.
5. Against each system table, execute:
delete from <system_table
> where prsid = <sourceRS_siteid>
<system_table> is the name of the system table (rs_subscriptions or rs_rules).
<sourceRS_siteid> is the site ID of the source Replication Server.
For more information about the delete command, see the Adaptive Server Enterprise Reference Manual:
6. Delete the entry for this route from the rs_routes system table.
7. Delete the entry for the source SAP Replication Server from the rs_locater system table.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Route Problems
5.2 rs_helproute
The rs_helproute stored procedure displays the current state of a route and the subscriptions it is currently
processing. Routes go through various states while being created, altered, or dropped.
Execute rs_helproute on the RSSD at the source or the destination SAP Replication Server:
rs_helproute [<replication_server>]
where <replication_server > is an optional parameter indicating the name of a SAP Replication Server.
If you enter this parameter, information is given for routes to and from the specied SAP Replication Server.
Otherwise, information is provided for all routes to and from the current SAP Replication Server.
For each route, rs_helproute returns:
Route status
Status identies the state of the route protocol. The status of a route is dierent at the source and
destination SAP Replication Server instances. Analyze the route status at the source and destinationSAP
Replication Server instances to determine the problem.
A list of system table subscriptions that are currently being processed
Incomplete materialization or dematerialization of system table subscriptions is one of the most common
Because creating, altering, and dropping routes includes processing system table subscriptions, the list
that rs_helproute returns helps you determine which subscriptions prevent you from proceeding to the
next step in the process.
If you are creating a route, the list includes the system table subscriptions that are being created. If you are
dropping a route, the list includes the system table subscriptions that are being dropped.
If no system table subscriptions are listed for a route, there are no problems with the system table
See the Replication Server Reference Manual.
5.3 Problems with Creating Routes
Describes problems that can occur when creating a route.
Related Information
Common Problems [page 89]
Messages in the Error Log at the Source SAP Replication Server [page 90]
Output from rs_helproute at the Source SAP Replication Server [page 91]
Output from rs_helproute at the Destination Server [page 92]
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Route Problems
5.3.1Common Problems
Lists and provides solutions to common problems that can occur when the create route command fails.
Table 5: Common Problems when Creating a Route
Problem Suggested Action
The destination SAP Replication Server has no entry in its
interfaces le for the source SAP Replication Server.
Include this name in the interfaces le.
Cannot create a route that has just been dropped. Wait until the destinationSAP Replication Server has cleaned
up its route to the source SAP Replication Server. Then the
destination can accept the new route. You may need to re-
sume this route from the source SAP Replication Server—the
source may have suspended this route after being refused
connection by the destination.
Cannot create an indirect route; the log at the intermedi-
ate site reports route is needed to reach the
Drop the route from the source to the destination using drop
routewith the with nowait clause. Next, create a route
from the intermediate site to the destination site. Then, use
create route with set next site to create an indi-
rect route from the source to the destination.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Route Problems
5.3.2Messages in the Error Log at the Source SAP
Replication Server
Lists and provides solutions to the error messages in the source SAP Replication Server error log.
Table 6: Messages at the Source Replication Server
Message Explanation Suggested Actions
RSI <destination name>:
Login incorrect
RSI <destination name>:
Trying to connect
The source SAP Replication Server tries to connect to
the destination Replication Server with the user name
and password supplied with the create route com-
mand, but the destination SAP Replication Server does
not recognize this user name and password.
1. Perform one of these tasks:
Use create user or
alter user to create or
alter this user name and
password at the destination
SAP Replication Server.
Use alter route with
set username to alter
the user name and pass-
word for this route.
Use drop route with
with nowait to drop the
route. Then re-create the
2. Use resume route to re-
sume this route at the source
SAP Replication Server.
CM: Could not nd interfa-
ces entry for <destination
The Communications Manager (CM) in the source SAP
Replication Server reports that the destination SAP
Replication Server name is not found in the sourceSAP
Replication Serverr interfaces le.
Perform one of these tasks:
Add the SAP Replication
Server name in the interfa-
ces le, or
If you did not intend to
create a route to this desti-
nation, use drop route
with with nowait to
drop the route.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Route Problems
5.3.3Output from rs_helproute at the Source SAP
Replication Server
Describes the rs_helproute output when it is executed at the source SAP Replication Server while a route is
being created.
Table 7: rs_helproute Output at the Source Server
Message Explanation Suggested Actions
Route is being created. Source
RS has not yet attempted to
send the protocol message to
the destination RS.
The sourceSAP Replication Server cannot execute the
rs_marker stored procedure against its Replication
Server System Database (RSSD).
Restart the SAP Replication
Server. If restarting does not x
the route, check the RSSD and
any related messages in the er-
ror logs. There may be a mes-
sage in the error logs indicating
some problem with the RSSD.
Route is being created. Either
(1) RS is waiting for a route
protocol message from the
RSSD Replication Agent or (2)
the RSSD Replication Agent
inbound queue is not being
A message may be stuck between the RSSD log and
the SAP Replication Server inbound queue. The sender
SAP Replication Server executed the stored procedure,
but the RSSD Replication Agent cannot forward it to the
SAP Replication Server.
Check if the RSSD Replication
Agent is experiencing problems
sending messages to the SAP
Replication Server. If not, restart
the RSSD Replication Agent.
A message may be stuck between the inbound and out-
bound queues in the SAP Replication Server.
Check if the SAP Replication
Server inbound queues are full
or the distributor for the RSSD
is not running. If neither of these
problems exist, restart the RSSD
Replication Agent.
Route is being created. Cre-
ate route protocol message is
waiting to be delivered to the
The sending SAP Replication Server is not processing
its outbound queue.
Resume the route, if:
The Replication Server In-
terface (RSI) experienced
problems connecting to the
destination SAP Replication
The route was suspended.
Verify whether:
The destination SAP Repli-
cation Server is up.
The RSI for the destination
SAP Replication Server run-
ning at the source SAP Rep-
lication Server.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Route Problems
Message Explanation Suggested Actions
Route is being created. Des-
tination has not yet nished
creating system table sub-
The destination SAP Replication Server is still creating
subscriptions to system tables.
Make sure the destination SAP
Replication Serverr is running.
Resume the route, if:
The RSI experienced prob-
lems connecting to the
destination SAP Replication
The source could not send
messages to the destina-
The system suspends the
route due to an error or the
user explicitly suspends it.
Check the list of system table
subscriptions that still need to be
5.3.4Output from rs_helproute at the Destination Server
Describes the rs_helproute output when executed at the destination SAP Replication Server while a route is
being created.
Table 8: rs_helproute Output at the Destination Server
Message Explanation Suggested Actions
This site received the create
route protocol message from
the source RS and is in the
process of creating system ta-
ble subscriptions.
The destinationSAP Replication Server is completing its
system table subscriptions.
Check the list of system table
subscriptions that still need to be
created. If the destination SAP
Replication Server is suspended
in this state, there may be a
problem with the system table
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Route Problems
5.4 Troubleshooting Problems with Altering Routes
Fix problems encountered when using the alter route command.
1. Quiesce the replicated data system before executing alter route.
See Replication Server Administration Guide Volume 1.
2. If you are changing a direct route to an indirect route, or if you are changing the intermediate site in an
indirect route, create a route from the new intermediate site to the destination site.
3. Execute rs_helproute at the destination SAP Replication Server to determine the success of an alter
route command.
Make sure that the output reects the route change. If the route change did not succeed, follow the
troubleshooting procedures in Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide > Route Problems > Problems with
Creating Routes > Output from rs_helproute at the Source Replication Server.
Related Information
Output from rs_helproute at the Source SAP Replication Server [page 91]
5.5 Problems with Dropping Routes
Describes problems that can occur when dropping a route.
Related Information
Output from rs_helproute at the Source SAP Replication Server [page 94]
Output from rs_helproute at the Destination SAP Replication Server [page 95]
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Route Problems
5.5.1Output from rs_helproute at the Source SAP
Replication Server
Describes the rs_helproute output when it is executed at the source SAP Replication Server while route is
being dropped.
The rs_helproute output for the drop route and drop route with nowait commands is the same,
excep that, for drop route with nowait the status starts with:
Route is being dropped with nowait. ...
instead of:
Route is being dropped. ...
Table 9: rs_helproute Output at the Source Replication Server
Message Explanation Suggested Actions
Route is being dropped. Sys-
tem table subscriptions are
being dropped.
The destinationSAP Replication Server is trying to drop
the system table subscriptions.
Check the list of system table
subscriptions that still need to be
Route is being dropped. Wait-
ing for the system table sub-
scriptions to be dropped.
The system is in this state until the subscriptions are
The SAP Replication Server
should not be in this state for a
long period of time. If it is, it may
indicate a subscription problem.
Route is being dropped.
Source RS has not yet at-
tempted to send the drop
route protocol message to the
destination RS.
The senderSAP Replication Server could not execute
the rs_marker stored procedure against its Replica-
tion Server System Database (RSSD).
Restart the SAP Replication
Server. Check the RSSD and any
related messages in the error
logs. There may be a message
in the error logs indicating some
problem with the RSSD.
Route is being dropped.
Drop route protocol message
should be either in RSSD Rep-
lication Agent queue or in the
inbound queue.
A message may be stuck between the RSSD log and
the SAP Replication Server inbound queue. The sender
SAP Replication Server executed the stored procedure,
but the RSSD Replication Agent cannot forward it to
theSAP Replication Server.
Check if the RSSD Replication
Agent is experiencing problems
sending messages to the SAP
Replication Server. If not, restart
the RSSD Replication Agent.
A message may be stuck between the inbound and out-
bound queues in theSAP Replication Server.
Check if the SAP Replication
Server inbound queues are full
or the distributor for the RSSD
is not running. If neither of these
problems exist, restart the RSSD
Replication Agent.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Route Problems
Message Explanation Suggested Actions
Route is being dropped. Drop
route protocol message is
waiting to be delivered to the
The sender SAP Replication Server is not processing its
outbound queue.
Check that the destination SAP
Replication Server is operating. If
the Replication Server Interface
(RSI) cannot connect to the des-
tination SAP Replication Server,
it may be necessary to resume
the route.
Related Information
SAP Replication Server Interface Problems [page 123]
5.5.2Output from rs_helproute at the Destination SAP
Replication Server
Describes the rs_helproute output when it is executed at the destination SAP Replication Server while route
is being dropped.
Table 10: rs_helproute Output at the Destination Replication Server
Message Explanation Suggested Actions
Route is being dropped. The route is being dropped by the source SAP Replica-
tion Server. The destination Replication Server is not
very active while a route is being dropped. All of the
state changes are seen at the source SAP Replication
Server only.
Look at the output from
rs_helproute at the source
SAP Replication Server.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Route Problems
6 Subscription Problems
Subscription problems occur when subscription materialization or dematerialization fails.
The replication process begins with subscription materialization, which is the process by which data is initially
copied to the destination database. When you no longer want a subscription replicated to a destination
database, dematerialize the subscription at the destination database. Dematerialization is the process by
which data is deleted from the destination database.
If you are using a Replication Agent, your subscription materialization process may dier from the process
described here. See your Replication Agent documentation for the Replication Agent-specic subscription
materialization process.
Subscription problem symptoms are easily identied and include:
Materialization failure – no data in the subscription’s replicate table at the destination database, invalid
status for subscriptions at the primary and replicate SAP Replication Server instances, or materialization
has been taking longer than is reasonable.
Dematerialization failure – data still exists in the subscription’s replicate table at the destination database,
the status for subscriptions at the primary and replicate SAP Replication Server instances is invalid, or
dematerialization has been taking longer than is reasonable.
Usually, the person who is conducting the materialization or dematerialization monitors the operation and
reports any problems.
Some subscription problem symptoms are reported as error messages in the SAP Replication Server error log.
You might also need to use the diagnostic tools to identify subscription problem symptoms.
If a subscription problem caused the Data Server Interface (DSI) thread for the replicate database to
abnormally terminate, restart it using the resume connection command.
Related Information
Materialization Process [page 97]
Dematerialization Process [page 102]
check subscription [page 104]
Materialization Problems [page 106]
Dematerialization Problems [page 118]
Errors When DSI is Down or Suspended [page 143]
Troubleshooting Materialization Failures [page 27]
Troubleshooting Dematerialization Failures [page 29]
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Subscription Problems
6.1 Materialization Process
Materialization creates and activates subscriptions, and copies data from a primary database to a replicate
When publication subscriptions are materialized atomically, nonatomically, or incrementally, only one article
subscription is processed at a time. When publication subscriptions are materialized using the bulk or no
materialization methods, all article subscriptions are processed together.
If, when you are materializing a new subscription, there are other materializing or dematerializing subscriptions
for the same replication denition and replicate database, the new subscription is assigned a Pending status
(the recovering column in rs_subscriptions is set to 2). If you execute check subscription, the
subscription’s status is returned as Pending at the replicate SAP Replication Server and Invalid at the primary
SAP Replication Server.
If the primary Replication Server System Database (RSSD) is unavailable or any other problems occur, the
recovering column in rs_subscriptions is set to 1 to denote that the subscription requires recovery.
Subscriptions with a Pending status are processed one at a time, in the order entered. The request_date
column in the rs_subscriptions table indicates the time the subscription request was entered.
Related Information
Atomic Materialization [page 97]
Nonatomic Materialization [page 98]
Direct Load Materialization [page 99]
Bulk Materialization [page 101]
6.1.1Atomic Materialization
Atomic materialization is the default materialization method, and is invoked using the default version of the
create subscription command.
Atomic materialization is supported only for primary SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE).
If there are no other subscriptions for the same replication denition and replicate database, the subscription is
dened at the primary SAP Replication Server. If the primary SAP Replication Server is unavailable or any other
problems occur, the recovering column in the rs_subscriptions system table is set to 1 to denote that
the subscription requires recovery.
After the denition stage is complete, the replicate SAP Replication Server builds the materialization queue for
the subscription. Use admin who, sqm to monitor this activity.
Replication Server executes the rs_select_with_lock function to select subscription rows from the primary
site. After the materialization queue is built, the replicate SAP Replication Server sends an activation request to
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Subscription Problems
the primary SAP Replication Server. This request is passed through the primary database via the rs_marker
system function. When the primary SAP Replication Server receives the activation request, the subscription
is marked valid. All updates following the request are sent to the replicate database if they match the
The primary SAP Replication Server sends the activation request back to the replicate Replication Server,
where it is inserted into the Data Server Interface (DSI) queue for the replicate database. When the DSI queue
processes the request, the subscription status is changed to active.
The DSI thread also switches over to the materialization queue from its regular outbound queue for the site.
The admin who, dsi command indicates which queue the DSI thread is processing. The materialization
queue is applied to the replicate database. After the materialization queue is processed, the subscription is
marked valid and the materialization is complete.
If the replicate SAP Replication Server runs out of stable queue segments:
1. Add a new partition to the replicate SAP Replication Server.
2. If no partition is available, drop the subscription without purge.
3. Use nonatomic materialization.
To estimate how much space a subscription needs, see the Replication Server Design Guide.
If the replicate database log cannot hold all of the data for the subscription in a single transaction:
1. Drop the subscription without purge.
2. Use the incremental version of atomic materialization.
6.1.2Nonatomic Materialization
Execute the create subscription command with the without holdlock option at the replicate SAP
Replication Server to create a subscription using the nonatomic materialization method. The subscription is
saved in the replicate Replication Server System Database (RSSD). If there are no other subscription requests
for the same replication denition and replicate database, the subscription is dened at the primary SAP
Replication Server.
Nonatomic materialization is supported only for primary SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE).
After the denition stage is complete, the replicate SAP Replication Server sends an activation request to
the primary SAP Replication Server. The replicate SAP Replication Server immediately starts to build the
materialization queue for the subscription. After the materialization queue is built, the subscription status
becomes “Qcomplete”. The replicate SAP Replication Server sends a validation request to the primary SAP
Replication Server through the primary database. Use admin who to monitor this queue.
When the activation request arrives at the primary SAP Replication Server, the subscription status becomes
Active. All updates following the request are sent to the subscription.
The primary Replication Server returns the activation request to the replicate SAP Replication Server. When
the Data Server Interface (DSI) at the replicate SAP Replication Server receives the request, the subscription
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Subscription Problems
status becomes Active and the transactions in the materialization queue are applied to the replicate database.
If the materialization queue has not been built yet, the status returned by check subscription is Active,
and not Qcomplete. If the materialization queue has been built, the status is Qcomplete and Active. The DSI
thread switches over to the materialization queue from its regular outbound queue for the site. admin who,
dsi shows which queue the DSI thread is processing.
After the contents of the materialization queue are applied to the replicate database, the subscription status
becomes Materialized.
While the replicate SAP Replication Server is applying inserts from the materialization queue, the validation
request is moving from the primary database log, through the RepAgent, to the primary SAP Replication
Once the validation request arrives at the primary SAP Replication Server, the subscription status becomes
Valid at the primary SAP Replication Server and the request is forwarded to the replicate SAP Replication
Server. The subscription status becomes Valid at the replicateSAP Replication Server after the materialization
queue is applied and the validation request reaches the beginning of the DSI queue.
The subscription data may be inconsistent at the replicate database from the time the DSI thread starts
applying the materialization queue until the subscription is validated at the replicate SAP Replication
Server. This is the result of not using a holdlock while selecting the subscription data from the primary
database. Once the subscription status becomes valid, however, the replicate data is consistent with the
primary data.
6.1.3Direct Load Materialization
Use direct load materialization to materialize data between dierent kinds of primary and replicate databases.
Direct load materialization diers from other automatic materialization methods:
No materialization queue is used with direct load materialization. Data is loaded directly from a primary
table into a replicate table.
Replication to other tables is not suspended during direct load materialization. DML operations on a
primary table being materialized are stored in a catch-up queue and applied to the replicate table
after the initial materialization phase. DML operations on a primary table that is not being materialized
are replicated into the replicate table as the DSI receives them. Multiple tables can be concurrently
materialized with direct load materialization. When DML operations in a catch-up queue are applied to the
replicate table, each insert operation is converted into a delete followed by an insert. Materialization fails
when an update changes the primary key.
(For primary IBM DB2 UDB or Oracle database only) If a subscription is created with the direct_load
option and if you are anticipating updates to the primary table during materialization time, you must
enable the ra_set_autocorrection Replication Agent command to allow Replication Agent to send
the values for all columns to the downstream SAP Replication Server.
See Replication Agent Reference Manual > Command Reference > Replication Agent Commands Table >
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Subscription Problems
When subscription materialization stops due to an error, regular replication to other tables is not
Multiple parallel threads can be used to load data from one primary table to its corresponding replicate
table. You can tune this multi-threaded behavior with max_mat_load_threads.
When a subscription is materialized using direct_load, you can use the conguration parameter
dsi_check_unique_key to control the SAP Replication Server behavior on checking the no unique
key criteria. This conguration parameter is available at the server-level through configuration
replication server and at the connection-level through alter connection. Its possible values are
on and o, and on is its default value.
If dsi_check_unique_key is on, the primary tables with no unique key must not have any activity until
the subscription is VALID. If the activity occurs, the subscription may fail during the catch-up phase and
the subscription is aborted, and marked with error. When the subscription is aborted, it must be dropped
and recreated. Before recreating the subscription, cleaning up the replicate table (like truncate table) is
When you set dsi_check_unique_key to o, the subscription may be created successfully, but may
potentially have data inconsistency. Turn o this conguration parameter only under these circumstances
to ensure data is correct following subscription validation:
There cannot be any delete statements at the primary table with no unique key.
There cannot be any insert statements of duplicate rows at the primary table with no unique key.
(For primary DB2 UDB 9.7 and later, or Oracle database only) You can enable more than one thread
to select data from the primary table by specifying <num_of_selects> selects in the create
subscription command. See create subscription in the Reference Manual.
The atomic and nonatomic materialization methods described here are only supported for an SAP ASE
primary. For an explanation of the dierent types and methods of materialization, see Types of Materialization
in the Heterogeneous Replication Guide and the Subscription Materialization Methods in the Administration
Guide: Volume 1.
Direct load materialization can be used to materialize data from:
SAP ASE to SAP HANA database
Microsoft SQL Server to SAP HANA database
Oracle to SAP HANA database
DB2 UDB to SAP HANA database
Restrictions and Limitations for create subscription
When the direct_load option is used, no other subscription can be created or dened at the same time
for the same replicate table.
The direct_load option is for subscriptions to table replication denitions only and is used with without
holdlock. It cannot be used with without materialization or incrementally.
The user and password options are used only with direct_load.
You can only use the direct_load option against a physical database connection, not an alternate or
logical connection. This is the case for both the primary connection—the connection specied in the
replication denition—and the replicate connection—the connection specied in the subscription.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Subscription Problems
The maintenance user of the primary database cannot be used in the user and password options to
create subscriptions.
You cannot use atomic materialization if the primary database is not SAP ASE. For a primary database
other than SAP ASE, the only automatic materialization option supported is direct load. You cannot drop a
subscription with the with purge option if the replicate database is not SAP ASE.
This direct_load option is available only if the replicate SAP Replication Server site version and route
version to its primary SAP Replication Server are 1571100 or later.
You can use row ltering, name mapping, customized function strings and datatype mapping with
subscriptions created using the direct_load option.
If you create a subscription with the direct_load option and if the number of concurrent subscription
requests exceeds num_concurrent_subs, SAP Replication Server marks the subscription as PENDING.
SAP Replication Server processes the subscription only after the number of concurrent subscription
requests falls below num_concurrent_subs.
If the primary or the replicate table is SAP ASE and more than 1 select thread is used to create a
subscription for the table, the table must use row level locking. In addition, the value for number of
locks must be appropriately adjusted to a bigger number.
6.1.4Bulk Materialization
The bulk materialization method involves manually transferring subscription data between databases. Use this
method when a subscription is too large to copy through the network, or when other subscription methods are
not supported for the primary or replicate database.
Use define subscription to add the subscription to the Replication Server System Database (RSSD) for
the primary and replicate SAP Replication Server instances.
After the subscription is dened, use activate subscription to set the subscription status to Activating
at the replicate SAP Replication Server and to send the activation request to the primary Replication Server.
When the primary SAP Replication Server receives the activation request, it changes the subscription status to
Active, returns the activation request to the replicate SAP Replication Server, and begins sending updates for
the subscription to the replicate SAP Replication Server. When the replicate SAP Replication Server receives
the activation request, it changes the subscription status to Active at the replicate SAP Replication Server.
If you specied with suspension for the activate subscription command, the Data Server Interface
(DSI) thread is suspended when the activation request is received at the replicate SAP Replication Server. At
this stage, you load the replicate database. See the Replication Server Reference Manual. After loading, execute
the resume connection command to continue applying transactions from the DSI.
After the subscription is activated, use validate subscription to verify that the data at the replicate
data is consistent with the primary data at the replicate SAP Replication Server and to complete bulk
materialization. The subscription status is changed to Validating. The replicate SAP Replication Server
forwards the validation request to the primary SAP Replication Server.
When the primary SAP Replication Server receives the validation request, it changes the status at the primary
to Valid and returns the validation request to the replicate SAP Replication Server. When the replicate SAP
Replication Server receives the validation request, the subscription status becomes Valid at both sites, and the
bulk materialization is complete.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Subscription Problems
6.2 Dematerialization Process
Dematerialization removes subscriptions and, optionally, data from the replicate database. It also removes
subscription information from the Replication Server System Database (RSSD) at the primary and replicate
When you execute drop subscription at the replicate SAP Replication Server, the subscription status
becomes Dematerializing in the replicate SAP Replication Server rs_subscriptions table. If there are
any other materializing or dematerializing subscriptions for the same replication denition and replicate
database, the recovering column in the rs_subscriptions table is set to 2 to indicate that the
dematerialization request is pending. The check subscription command indicates that the subscription
has a Dematerializing or Pending status at the replicate SAP Replication Server.
Subscription creation and drop requests are processed one at a time in the order entered. The request_date
column in rs_subscriptions stores the time a request was entered.
There are two methods for dematerializing subscriptions:
with purge – deletes the subscription data from the replicate database.
without purge or bulk – does not delete the subscription data from the replicate database.
Both methods go through two stages:
Dematerialization – stops sending updates for the subscription to the replicate database and, optionally,
deletes the subscription data from the replicate database.
Removal – deletes the subscription from the system tables of the primary and the replicate SAP
Replication Server.
Related Information
with purge Dematerialization [page 102]
Bulk Dematerialization [page 103]
6.2.1with purge Dematerialization
The dematerialize with purge method is invoked by using the with purge option of the drop subscription
command. The subscription status is set to Dematerializing at the replicate Replication Server, and a drop
request is forwarded to the primary SAP Replication Server.
The with purge option can only be used with the drop subscription command if the replicate
database is SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE).
When the primary SAP Replication Server receives the drop request, it stops sending updates for the
subscription to the replicate SAP Replication Server. The subscription status is changed to Dematerializing
at the primary SAP Replication Server and a drop request is returned to the replicate SAP Replication Server.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Subscription Problems
When the replicate SAP Replication Server receives the drop request, it creates a dematerialization queue and
starts a dematerialization thread to ll the queue. The dematerialization thread selects subscription data from
the replicate database and puts a row delete operation into the dematerialization queue for each row that does
not belong to any other active subscription.
While the dematerialization thread is writing to the dematerialization queue, the Data Server Interface (DSI)
thread switches to the dematerialization queue and begins applying the deletes to the replicate database.
If the dematerialization thread encounters an error, the entire dematerialization process restarts and the same
error may recur. To avoid this problem, suspend the connection to the replicate database. Then resume it using
the skip transaction option. This resumes the connection with the second transaction in the queue. The
rst transaction is written to the exceptions log.
When dematerialization has completed, the subscription status at the replicate SAP Replication Server is
changed to Removing. The replicate SAP Replication Server logs in to the primary SAP Replication Server and
requests the deletion of the subscription from its system tables. When that request succeeds, the replicate
SAP Replication Server removes the subscription from its own system tables and the dematerialization process
is complete.
If the replicate SAP Replication Server runs out of stable queue segments while dematerializing using the with
purge option:
1. Add a new partition to the replicate SAP Replication Server. If no partition is available, consider using bulk
2. If you have diculty deleting subscription data, drop the subscription using the without purge option.
3. If you have diculties because of permissions, a user with the appropriate permission should issue the
drop subscription command.
6.2.2Bulk Dematerialization
Bulk dematerialization is invoked using the without purge option of the drop subscription command.
The subscription status becomes Dematerializing at the replicate SAP Replication Server and a drop request is
forwarded to the primary SAP Replication Server.
When the primary SAP Replication Server receives the drop request, it stops sending updates for the
subscription to the replicate SAP Replication Server. The subscription status becomes Dematerializing at the
primary SAP Replication Server and a drop request is returned to the replicate SAP Replication Server.
When the replicate SAP Replication Server receives the drop request, the subscription status is changed
to Removing at the replicate. The replicate SAP Replication Server logs in to the primary SAP Replication
Server and requests that it delete the subscription from its system tables. When that request has
succeeded, the replicate SAP Replication Server removes the subscription from its own system tables and
the dematerialization is complete.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Subscription Problems
6.3 check subscription
The check subscription command returns messages that describe the status of the materialization
process. Use this command if all of the servers and SAP Replication Server threads are running but the
subscription is not being created or dropped.
Execute check subscription at the primary and replicate SAP Replication Server instances. If the
primary and replicate SAP Replication Server instances are the same SAP Replication Server, execute check
subscription only once; check subscription shows separate primary and replicate status messages.
Use check subscription for publication to nd out the materialization status of publication
subscriptions. For atomic, nonatomic, or incremental publication subscriptions, check subscription for
publication shows the status of the current article subscription being processed; whereas for bulk or no
materialization, the status of all article subscriptions is shown because all article subscriptions are processed
Related Information
Materialization Status [page 104]
6.3.1Materialization Status
The materialization status and messages returned when executing check subscription at the primary and
replicate SAP Replication Server instances.
Table 11: Materialization Status at Replicate Replication Server
Status Message
<subscription name> doesn’t exist.
REMOVING subscription <subscription name>
from system tables at the Replicate.
Subscription <subscription name> is
DEMATERIALIZING at the Replicate.
Subscription <subscription name> is VALID
at the Replicate.
Subscription <subscription name> is
VALIDATING at the Replicate.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Subscription Problems
Status Message
Subscription <subscription name> has been
MATERIALIZED at the Replicate.
Materialized (subscriptions
created with the
direct_load option)
Subscription <subscription name> progress:
catchup, xx% done, xxxxx commands remaining.
Subscription <subscription name> is ACTIVE
at the Replicate.
Active (subscriptions created
with the direct_load op-
Subscription <subscription name> progress:
initial loading, xx% done, xxxxx commands remaining.
Subscription <subscription name> is
ACTIVATING at the Replicate.
Qcomplete and Active
Subscription <subscription name> is ACTIVE
at the Replicate and Materialization Queue
has been completed.
Materialization Queue for Subscription
<subscription name> has been completed.
Active and Qcomplete
Subscription <subscription name> is ACTIVE
at the Replicate, but Materialization Queue
for it has not been completed.
Subscription <subscription name> has been
defined at the Replicate.
Subscription <subscription name> has
experienced an unrecoverable error during
Materialization or Dematerialization.
Please consult the error log for more
Other subscriptions are being created or
dropped for the same replication
definition/database. Subscription
<subscription name> will be processed when
previous requests are completed.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Subscription Problems
Status Message
Subscription <subscription name> has
experienced a recoverable error during
Materialization or Dematerialization. It
will be recovered by Subscription Daemon
Subscription <subscription name> is
being dropped.
Table 12: Materialization Status at Primary Replication Server
Status Message
<subscription name> doesn’t exist.
Subscription <subscription name> is
Subscription <subscription name> is VALID
at the PRIMARY.
Subscription <subscription name> is ACTIVE
at the PRIMARY.
Subscription <subscription name> is
Subscription <subscription name> has been
defined at the PRIMARY.
6.4 Materialization Problems
Provides information for troubleshooting atomic, nonatomic, bulk, and other common materialization
Related Information
Incorrect or Missing Login Account and Permissions [page 107]
Schema Inconsistency [page 108]
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Subscription Problems
Missing interfaces File Entries [page 108]
Atomic Materialization Problems [page 109]
Nonatomic Materialization Problems [page 111]
Direct Load Materialization Problems [page 115]
Bulk-Materialization Problems [page 116]
6.4.1Incorrect or Missing Login Account and Permissions
Many problems with materialization are due to incorrect or missing permissions in primary or replicate
databases. Error messages that identify these problems are reported in the replicate SAP Replication Server
error log.
User Requirements for Creating Subscriptions
Verify that the login accounts for the user creating a subscription meet these requirements:
The user’s login name and password are the same at the replicate SAP Replication Server, the primary SAP
Replication Server, and the primary data server.
The user has been added to the primary database.
The user has select permission on the primary table.
The user has execute permission on the rs_marker stored procedure.
This requirement applies to a conguration that uses RepAgent. If you are using a Replication Agent for
a non-SAP ASE data server, you may want to check your Replication Agent documentation for a similar
The default installation scripts grant execute permission on rs_marker to “public,” so this should not be
an issue unless you did not use the installation scripts.
The user has at least create object permission at the replicate SAP Replication Server.
The user has at least primary subscribe permission at the primary SAP Replication Server.
In the case of direct load materialization from a non-SAP ASE primary, the user ID and password supplied
in the Replication Server create subscription command are for the Replication Agent admin user, not
the primary non-SAP ASE database user.
If you cannot give the user the required accounts and permissions, drop the subscription without purge and
have a dierent user create it.
Maintenance User Permissions
Make sure that the maintenance user for the replicate database has update, delete, insert, and select
permission on the replicate table. Lack of update permission causes errors in the replicate database when the
Data Server Interface (DSI) attempts to apply transactions in the materialization queue
Depending on error action assignments, some transactions may be rejected and recorded in the exceptions
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Subscription Problems
6.4.2Schema Inconsistency
Materialization problems can result from schema inconsistencies at the primary database, SAP Replication
Server, and the replicate database. Error messages that identify these problems are reported in the replicate
SAP Replication Server error log.
Conicting Table or View in the Primary or Replicate Database
A table or view with the same name and columns as the replication denition has been created at the primary
or replicate database. If you have created custom function strings, make sure they match the replicate table at
the replicate database.
This can cause errors at the primary database as a result of executing select during subscription
At the replicate database, this may cause errors when the Data Server Interface attempts to apply transactions
in the materialization queue. Some transactions, depending on the error action assignments, may be rejected
and placed into the exceptions log.
Missing rs_select Function String
If the primary database does not use one of the system-provided function-string classes
(rs_sqlserver_function_class, rs_default_function_class, rs_db2_function_class) or a
function-string class that is a child of rs_default_function_class or rs_db2_function_class, make
sure there are function strings for the rs_select function that match the where clause of the create
subscription or define subscription command.
The Replication Denition or Replicate Table Column length is Too Short
Make sure column lengths are long enough in the replication denition and replicate table.
6.4.3Missing interfaces File Entries
Login attempts may fail due to missing interfaces le entries. The message that identies this
materialization problem appears in the replicate SAP Replication Server error log.
The interfaces le used by the replicate SAP Replication Server should contain an entry for the primarySAP
Replication Server and an entry for the primary data server.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Subscription Problems
6.4.4Atomic Materialization Problems
Fix atomic materialization problems based on the status returned by check subscription.
Table 13: Atomic Materialization Problems
Status at Replicate
Replication Server
Status at Primary
Replication Server Subscription State Suggested Actions
Dened/ Pending Invalid Waiting for other subscriptions for
the same replication denition and
replicate database to be processed.
Check for other subscriptions being
created and dropped for the same
replication denition and replicate
If there are no other subscriptions,
wait ve minutes.
Dened/ Recovering Invalid Cannot connect to the primary SAP
Replication Server to dene the sub-
Check the replicate SAP Replication
Server error log for messages.
Make sure the user creating the sub-
scription has the same login name
and password at the primary SAP
Replication Server and the replicate
SAP Replication Server. Make sure
the user has at least primary
subscribe permission at the pri-
mary SAP Replication Server.
Dened/ Recovering Dened Cannot build the materialization
Verify that the primary data server is
Make sure the user creating the sub-
scription has the same login name
and password at the primary data
server and replicate SAP Replication
Server, select permission on the
primary table, and execute per-
mission for rs_marker.
Use admin disk_space to in-
vestigate whether the replicate SAP
Replication Server is out of stable
queue segments.
Use admin who, dsi and
admin who, sqm to monitor the
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Subscription Problems
Status at Replicate
Replication Server
Status at Primary
Replication Server Subscription State Suggested Actions
Dened Dened Building materialization queue. Building the queue may take some
time. Wait until this process is com-
Use admin who, sqm to monitor
Use admin disk_space to in-
vestigate whether the primary SAP
Replication Server is out of stable
queue segments.
Check if rows are being selected us-
ing a holdlock at the primary data-
Qcomplete Dened Waiting for the activation request to
get to the primary SAP Replication
Materialization queue has been built.
Verify that the RepAgent for the pri-
mary database is running.
Investigate whether the primary SAP
Replication Server is out of stable
queue segments.
Qcomplete/ Recover-
Dened/ Valid The replicateSAP Replication Server
stopped after the materialization
queue was completed.
Wait. The status should return to
Qcomplete at the replicate SAP Rep-
lication Server.
Qcomplete Activating The activation request is being proc-
essed at the primary SAP Replica-
tion Server.
Wait. The status at the primary SAP
Replication Server should change to
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Subscription Problems
Status at Replicate
Replication Server
Status at Primary
Replication Server Subscription State Suggested Actions
Qcomplete Valid The subscription is complete at the
primary SAP Replication Server.
Waiting for activation request or ap-
plying the materialization queue at
the replicate SAP Replication Server.
Check the route between the pri-
mary and the replicate SAP Replica-
tion Server.
Check the replicate Replication
Server Data Server Interface (DSI)
thread for the replicate database.
Investigate whether the replicate
SAP Replication Server ran out of
queue segments.
Use admin who, dsi and
admin who, sqm to monitor
the queues. If admin who, dsi
shows that the DSI is processing
the materialization queue, wait until
the queue has been processed. The
length of the wait depends upon the
size of the queue.
Valid Valid Complete. None.
6.4.5Nonatomic Materialization Problems
Fix nonatomic materialization problems based on the status returned by check subscription.
Table 14: Nonatomic Matarialization Problems
Status at Replicate
Replication Server
Status at Pri-
mary Replica-
tion Server Subscription State Suggested Actions
Dened/ Pending Invalid The replicate SAP Replication Server
is waiting for other subscriptions for
the same replication denition and
replicate database to be created or
Look for other subscriptions being cre-
ated or dropped for the same replica-
tion denition and replicate database.
If there are no other subscriptions, wait
for ve minutes.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Subscription Problems
Status at Replicate
Replication Server
Status at Pri-
mary Replica-
tion Server Subscription State Suggested Actions
Dened/ Recovering Invalid The replicate SAP Replication Server
cannot connect to the primary SAP
Replication Server to dene the sub-
Check the replicateSAP Replication
Server error log for messages.
Make sure the user creating the sub-
scription has the same login name and
password at the primary SAP Replica-
tion Server and the replicate Replica-
tion Server. The user should have at
least primary subscribe permis-
sion on the primary SAP Replication
Dened Dened The replicateSAP Replication Server is
building the materialization queue.
The primary SAP Replication Server is
waiting for the activation request.
Verify that the materialization queue is
being built.
Verify that the primary SAP Replication
Server is up and that the Stable Queue
Manager (SQM), Stable Queue Trans-
action (SQT), and Distributor (DIST)
threads for the primary database are
Dened/ Recovering Dened The replicate SAP Replication Server
cannot build the materialization queue
or cannot send the activation request
to the primary SAP Replication Server.
Verify that the primary data server is
Make sure the user creating the sub-
scription has the same login name and
password at the primary data server,
select permission on the primary
table, and execute permission for
Investigate whether the replicate SAP
Replication Server is out of stable
queue segments.
Verify that the primary SAP Replication
Server is running and that the SQM,
SQT, and DIST threads for the primary
database are running.
Investigate whether the primary SAP
Replication Server is out of segments.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Subscription Problems
Status at Replicate
Replication Server
Status at Pri-
mary Replica-
tion Server Subscription State Suggested Actions
Dened Active The replicate SAP Replication Server
is building the materialization queue.
The primary SAP Replication Server
has received the activation request
and sent it to the replicate SAP Repli-
cation Server.
Verify that the materialization queue is
being built.
Verify that the connection between the
primary and replicate SAP Replication
Server is up.
Verify that the Data Server Interface
(DSI) thread for the replicate database
is running.
Qcomplete Dened Waiting for the activation request to
be processed by the distributor at the
primary SAP Replication Server.
Investigate whether the primary SAP
Replication Server is out of stable
queue segments.
Verify that the primary SAP Replication
Server is up and the SQM, SQT, and
DIST threads for the primary database
are running.
Qcomplete/ Recovering Dened The replicate SAP Replication Server
was recycled.
Waiting for the activation request to
be processed by the distributor at the
primary SAP Replication Server.
Wait. The state at the replicate SAP
Replication Server should soon change
to Qcomplete.
Qcomplete Active The primary SAP Replication Server
received and processed the activation
request. Now, this SAP Replication
Server is waiting for the validation re-
The replicate SAP Replication Server
is waiting for the activation request.
Check the route from the primary SAP
Replication Server to the replicate SAP
Replication Server.
Verify that the DSI thread for the repli-
cate database is running.
Investigate whether the replicate SAP
Replication Server has run out of queue
Qcomplete Valid The subscription is done at primary
SAP Replication Server.
The replicate SAP Replication Server
is waiting for the activation request.
Check the route between the primary
SAP Replication Server and the repli-
cate SAP Replication Server.
Check the DSI to the replicate data-
Investigate whether the replicate SAP
Replication Server has run out of queue
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Subscription Problems
Status at Replicate
Replication Server
Status at Pri-
mary Replica-
tion Server Subscription State Suggested Actions
Active and not Qcom-
Active The replicateSAP Replication Server is
applying and building the materializa-
tion queue at same time.
The primary SAP Replication Server is
waiting for the validation request. This
request is not sent until the queue is
complete at the replicate SAP Replica-
tion Server.
Verify that the DSI thread is processing
the materialization queue.
Investigate whether the replicate SAP
Replication Server is out of stable
queue segments.
Use admin who, sqm to monitor
the materialization queue activity.
Qcomplete and Active Active The primary SAP Replication Server is
waiting for the validation request.
The replicate SAP Replication Server
is applying the materialization queue.
Verify that the DSI is processing the
materialization queue.
Use admin who, sqm to monitor
the materialization queue activity.
Verify that the primary data server, the
RepAgent for the primary database and
the RepAgent User thread in the pri-
mary SAP Replication Server are run-
Verify that the primary SAP Replication
Server is running and that the SQM,
SQT, and DIST threads for the primary
database are running.
Investigate whether the primary SAP
Replication Server is out of segments.
Qcomplete and Active Valid The primary SAP Replication Server
received the validation request.
The replicate SAP Replication Server
is applying the materialization queue.
Verify that the DSI thread is processing
the materialization queue.
Use admin who, sqm to monitor
the materialization queue activity.
Check the route between the primary
SAP Replication Server and the repli-
cate SAP Replication Server.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Subscription Problems
Status at Replicate
Replication Server
Status at Pri-
mary Replica-
tion Server Subscription State Suggested Actions
Materialized Active The primary SAP Replication Server is
waiting for the validation request.
The replicate SAP Replication Server
has nished applying the materializa-
tion queue.
Investigate whether the primary SAP
Replication Server is out of segments.
Verify that the primary data server, the
RepAgent for the primary database,
and the RepAgent User thread at the
primary SAP Replication Server are
Verify that the SQM, SQT, and DIST
threads for the primary database are
Materialized Valid The primary SAP Replication Server
received the validation request.
The replicate SAP Replication Server
has nished applying the materializa-
tion queue.
Check the route between the primary
SAP Replication Server and the repli-
cate SAP Replication Server.
Verify that the DSI for the replicate da-
tabase is running.
Investigate whether the replicate SAP
Replication Server has run out of stable
queue segments.
Valid Valid Complete. None.
6.4.6Direct Load Materialization Problems
Fix direct load materialization problems that occur during the denition, activation, and validation phases
based on the status returned by check subscription.
Table 15: Direct Load Materialization Problems
Status at Replicate Repli-
cation Server Problem Suggested Actions
Materialized A subscription stays at the MATERIALIZED
Verify that Replication Agent is running. Make
sure that the replication path is correct, either
by replicating to another subscription which
is already in the VALID state or by using the
rs_ticket stored procedure.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Subscription Problems
Status at Replicate Repli-
cation Server Problem Suggested Actions
Error The primary or replicate replication denition
datatype or column length is inconsistent.
Check the replicateSAP Replication Server
log, and check the datatype and column
lengths. Correct the problem, drop the sub-
scription, delete data at the replicate, and re-
create the subscription.
6.4.7Bulk-Materialization Problems
Fix bulk-materialization problems that occur during the denition, activation, and validation phases based on
the status returned by check subscription.
Table 16: Bulk Materialization Problems—Denition Phase
Status at Replicate
Replication Server
Status at Primary
Replication Server Subscription State Suggested Actions
Dened/ Pending Invalid Waiting for other subscriptions for
the same replication denition and
replicate database.
Look for other subscriptions for the
same replication denition and data-
If there are no other subscriptions,
wait for ve minutes.
Dened/ Recovering Invalid Cannot connect to the primary SAP
Replication Server to dene the sub-
Check the replicate Replication
Server error log for messages.
Make sure the user creating the sub-
scription has the same login name
and password at the primary SAP
Replication Server and the replicate
SAP Replication Server.
Dened Dened Denition cycle is complete. Activate the subscription.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Subscription Problems
Table 17: Bulk Materialization Problems—Activation Phase
Status at Replicate
Replication Server
Status at Pri-
mary Replica-
tion Server Subscription State Suggested Actions
Activating/ Recovering Dened Cannot send the activation request
to the primary SAP Replication
Verify that the primary SAP Replication
Server is running and the Stable Queue
Manager (SQM), Stable Queue Transaction
(SQT), and Distributor (DIST) threads for
the primary database are running.
Check the error log in the replicate SAP
Replication Server.
Investigate whether the primary SAP Repli-
cation Server has run out of segments.
Activating Active The primary SAP Replication Server
received the activation request and
returned it to the replicate SAP Rep-
lication Server.
The replicate SAP Replication Server
is waiting for the activation request.
Verify the connection between the primary
SAP Replication Server and the replicate
SAP Replication Server.
Verify that the Data Server Interface (DSI)
thread for the replicate database is run-
Active Active The activation stage is complete. Validate the subscription.
If you specied the with
suspension option for the activate
subscription command, you may now
load the replicate database.
Table 18: Bulk Materialization Problems—Validation Phase
Status at Replicate
Replication Server
Status at Pri-
mary Replica-
tion Server Subscription State Suggested Actions
Validating/ Recovering Active Cannot send the validation request to
the primary SAP Replication Server.
Verify that the primary SAP Replication
Server is running.
Validating Valid The primary SAP Replication Server
received the validation request.
The replicate SAP Replication Server
is waiting for the validation request.
Verify the route between the primary and
replicate SAP Replication Server.
Verify the DSI is running.
Verify that the replicate SAP Replication
Server has sucient queue segments.
Valid Valid Complete. None.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Subscription Problems
6.5 Dematerialization Problems
Fix dematerialization problems based on the status returned by check subscription.
Check the error logs for all of the servers involved for specic information. Also check that the user who is
dropping the subscription has the same login name and password at the replicate and primary SAP Replication
Server instances, and, if you used the with purge option, that the maintenance user for the replicate
database has select, delete, and update permissions on the replicate table.
Table 19: Dematerialization Problems—with purge Option
Status at Replicate
Replication Server
Status at Primary
Replication Server Subscription State Suggested Actions
Dematerializing/ Pend-
N/A Waiting for other subscriptions for
the same replication denition and
replicate database.
Look for other subscriptions being
created or dropped for the same rep-
lication denition and database.
If no other subscription operations
are in process, wait for ve minutes.
Dematerializing/ Recov-
N/A Cannot connect to the primary SAP
Replication Server to drop the sub-
Check replicate SAP Replication
Server error log for messages.
If the user dropping the subscription
does not have the same login and
password at the primary and repli-
cate SAP Replication Server instan-
ces, then:
Provide the user with a SAP
Replication Server account that
has the same login and pass-
word at the primary and repli-
cate, or
Have a dierent user with the
appropriate permissions drop
the subscription.
Also, the user must have at least
primary subscribe privileges
at the primary SAP Replication
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Subscription Problems
Status at Replicate
Replication Server
Status at Primary
Replication Server Subscription State Suggested Actions
Dematerializing N/A The primary SAP Replication Server
is waiting for the drop request.
Investigate whether the primary SAP
Replication Server is out of queue
Verify that the primary SAP Replica-
tion Server is running and that the
Stable Queue Manager (SQM), Sta-
ble Queue Transaction (SQT), and
Distributor (DIST) threads for the
primary database are running.
Dematerializing Dematerializing The primary SAP Replication Server
processed the drop request and sent
it to the replicate SAP Replication
The replicate SAP Replication Server
is waiting for the drop request.
Check the route between the pri-
mary SAP Replication Server and the
replicate SAP Replication Server.
Check the Data Server Interface
(DSI) thread for the replicate data-
Investigate whether the replicate
SAP Replication Server has run out
of queue segments.
Dematerializing/ Recov-
Dematerializing The primarySAP Replication Server
processed the drop request and sent
it to the replicate SAP Replication
The replicate SAP Replication Server
failed to create and process the de-
materialization queue.
Investigate whether the replicate
SAP Replication Server has run out
of queue segments.
Verify that the maintenance user has
select privileges on the replicate
Check the DSI thread for the repli-
cate database.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Subscription Problems
Status at Replicate
Replication Server
Status at Primary
Replication Server Subscription State Suggested Actions
Removing/ Recovering Dematerializing The subscription has dematerialized
at the replicate SAP Replication
Server, but the replicate SAP Repli-
cation Server could not log in to pri-
mary SAP Replication Server to re-
move the subscription from the sys-
tem tables.
Verify that the primary SAP Replica-
tion Server is running.
If the user dropping the subscription
does not have the same login and
password at the primary and repli-
cate SAP Replication Server instan-
ces, then:
Provide the user with a SAP
Replication Server account that
has the same login and pass-
word at the primary and repli-
cate, or
Have a dierent user with the
appropriate permissions drop
the subscription.
Removing Dematerializing The primary SAP Replication Server
is deleting the subscription.
The replicate SAP Replication Server
is waiting for the primary SAP Repli-
cation Server to nish.
Removing Invalid The subscription has been removed
from the primary SAP Replication
The replicate SAP Replication Server
will remove the subscription next.
Invalid Invalid The subscription has been dropped. None.
Table 20: Dematerialization Problems—without purge Option
Replicate Status Primary Status Subscription State Suggested Actions
N/A Waiting for other subscription re-
quests for the same replication def-
inition and replicate database.
Check for other subscription being
created or dropped for the same
replication denition and database.
If there are no other subscriptions,
wait for ve minutes.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Subscription Problems
Replicate Status Primary Status Subscription State Suggested Actions
Dematerializing/ Re-
N/A Cannot connect to the primary SAP
Replication Server to drop the sub-
Check the replicate SAP Replica-
tion Server error log for messages.
Make sure the user who created
the subscription has the same
login name and password at the
primary SAP Replication Server
and the replicate SAP Replication
Server. The user should also have
at least primary subscribe
Dematerializing N/A The primarySAP Replication Server
is waiting for the drop request.
Determine whether the primary
SAP Replication Server has run out
of queue segments.
Verify that the primary SAP Repli-
cation Server is up and that the
SQM, SQT, and DIST threads for the
primary database are running.
Dematerializing Dematerializing The primary SAP Replication
Server processed the drop request
and sent it to the replicate SAP
Replication Server.
The replicate SAP Replication
Server is waiting for the drop re-
Check the route between the
primary SAP Replication Server
and the replicate SAP Replication
Check the DSI thread for the repli-
cate database.
Determine whether the replicate
SAP Replication Server ran out of
queue segments.
Dematerializing/ Re-
Dematerializing The primarySAP Replication Server
processed the drop request and re-
turned it to the replicate SAP Repli-
cation Server.
The replicate SAP Replication
Server terminated abnormally.
Wait for the subscription daemon
to reset the recovering ag.
Removing/ Recovering Dematerializing The replicate SAP Replication
Server could not log in to the pri-
mary SAP Replication Server to de-
lete the subscription from the sys-
tem tables.
Verify that the primary SAP Repli-
cation Server is running.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Subscription Problems
Replicate Status Primary Status Subscription State Suggested Actions
Removing Dematerializing The primarySAP Replication Server
is deleting the subscription from
the system tables.
The replicate SAP Replication
Server is waiting for the primary
SAP Replication Server to nish.
Removing Invalid The subscription is removed
from the primary SAP Replication
The replicate SAP Replication
Server will remove the subscription
Invalid Invalid The subscription has been drop-
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Subscription Problems
7 SAP Replication Server Interface
SAP Replication Server Interface (RSI) allows two SAP Replication Server instances to exchange transactions
across a route. Usually, RSI problems occur when SAP Replication Server attempts to connect to another SAP
Replication Server or when the locater is invalid.
The RSI consists of:
A stable queue and thread at the primary SAP Replication Server. The thread reads the stable queue and
writes to the network.
A thread at the replicate SAP Replication Server. This thread reads from the network and writes into
outbound stable queues.
Although many errors may occur when a primary SAP Replication Server loses its connection to the replicate
SAP Replication Server, none of these errors should cause a loss of data or cause the RSI to be suspended. The
primary thread continuously attempts to connect to the replicate SAP Replication Server until the connection
is reestablished.
Losing the connection terminates the RSI thread at the replicate SAP Replication Server. The thread at a
replicate SAP Replication Server exists only while a connection exists. Executing admin who in the replicate
SAP Replication Server shows that the primary SAP Replication Server is no longer logged in as an RSI source.
When the primary SAP Replication Server reestablishes the connection to the replicate SAP Replication Server,
data is replicated across the route to the replicate SAP Replication Server.
Related Information
Incorrect RSI User Login Name or Password [page 124]
Incorrect User Permissions at Replicate Replication Server [page 125]
Invalid RSI Locater [page 125]
Common Error Messages [page 44]
Troubleshooting Overview [page 10]
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
SAP Replication Server Interface Problems
7.1 Incorrect RSI User Login Name or Password
The primary Replication Server logs in to the replicate Replication Server using the Replication Server Interface
(RSI) login name and password. The RSI user login name and password are created by rs_init and are also
required when you create a route to the replicate Replication Server.
If there is a problem with the login name and password at the replicate SAP Replication Server, the primary
Replication Server logs one of these errors:
I. 2006/06/23 14:29:43. RSI: Trying to connect to
E. 2006/06/23 14:29:43. ERROR #1028 RSI(eastRS) -
seful/cm.c(3463) Message from server: Message: 14021,
State 0, Severity 12 -- 'Invalid login attempted by user
E. 2006/06/23 14:29:44. ERROR #1027 RSI(eastRS)-
seful/cm.c(3463) Open Client Client-Library error:
Error: 67175468, Severity 4 -- 'ct_connect(): protocol
specific layer: external error: The attempt to connect
to the server failed.'.
E. 2006/06/23 14:29:44. ERROR #13045 RSI(eastRS) -
seful/cm.c(3467) Failed to connect to server 'eastRS'
as user 'REP_Server_rsi'. See CT-Lib and/or server error
messages for more information.
E. 2006/06/23 14:29:44. ERROR #4044 RSI(eastRS) -
i/rsiint.c(329) RSI for 'eastRS': Shutting down due
to an exception.
To repair this problem:
1. Retrieve the RSI user login name and password from the Replication Server System Database (RSSD) of
the primarySAP Replication Server by using isql to execute this query on the RSSD:
select username, password
from rs_maintusers, rs_sites
where name = <remote_RS_name> and destid = <id>
<remote_RS_name> is the destination SAP Replication Server name.
<id> is the site ID of the destination SAP Replication Server.
If you have password encryption, you cannot access the password by executing a query.
2. Perform one of these actions:
Use alter route to change the password for the primary Replication ServerSAP Replication Server
to the RSI user password, which you retrieved in the previous step.
Use alter user to change the password for the login name at the replicate SAP Replication Server.
Then use resume route to resume the route.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
SAP Replication Server Interface Problems
7.2 Incorrect User Permissions at Replicate Replication
The Replication Server Interface (RSI) login must have connect source or sa permission on the replicate
SAP Replication Server. If the login lacks the appropriate permission, an error message is sent to the primary
SAP Replication Server error log.
To repair this problem:
1. Grant connect source permission to the login at the replicate SAP Replication Server.
2. Resume the route at the primary SAP Replication Server.
7.3 Invalid RSI Locater
An invalid Replication Server Interface (RSI) locater indicates that the RSI locaters at the primary and replicate
SAP Replication Server instances are not identical, and that the primary SAP Replication Server deleted
messages from its stable queue at an incorrect location.
An RSI locater identies the last message that the replicate SAP Replication Server stable queue received
from the primary SAP Replication Server. The RSI uses the RSI locater in the rs_locater system table to
delete messages in the stable queues. The replicate SAP Replication Server updates the RSI locater in the
rs_locater system table with the last messages that the replicate SAP Replication Server added to its stable
queues. Periodically, the primary SAP Replication Server requests the RSI locater from rs_locater at the
replicate SAP Replication Server. The primary SAP Replication Server deletes its stable queue messages up
to and including the message identied by the RSI locater—these are the messages that the replicate SAP
Replication Server has already received.
The RSI locater is dierent from the locater that is used with database log truncation.
If the RSI locaters at the primary and replicate SAP Replication Server instances are not identical, the primary
SAP Replication Server might delete messages from its stable queue at an incorrect location and invalidate the
RSI locater at the replicate SAP Replication Server.
If RSI locaters are not identical:
1. Make sure that the replicate SAP Replication Server is not running.
2. Set the replicate SAP Replication Server RSI locater to 0 by executing this command against the replicate
Replication Server System Database (RSSD):
update rs_locater set locater=0x0
where sender = <primary_replication_server>
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
SAP Replication Server Interface Problems
Related Information
Resetting the Database Log Locater [page 153]
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
SAP Replication Server Interface Problems
8 SAP ASE RepAgent Problems
SAP ASE RepAgent errors can be caused by problems with the SAP ASE, SAP Replication Server, or SAP ASE
RepAgent. SAP RepAgent records messages in the SAP ASE error log. These messages identify the server that
caused the error so you can diagnose and correct the problem.
SAP ASE RepAgent retrieves the data for primary objects from the SAP ASE log and converts the log record
information into Log Transfer Language (LTL) commands. These commands are sent to the primary SAP
Replication Server for distribution and replication. SAP ASE RepAgent also coordinates database log truncation
with the SAP ASE and primary SAP Replication Server.
For more information about how the SAP ASE RepAgent processes errors, see the Administration Guide Volume
Related Information
Problems when Starting the RepAgent [page 127]
Errors from the SAP Replication Server [page 128]
Errors from the SAP ASE [page 137]
Common Error Messages [page 44]
Troubleshooting Overview [page 10]
8.1 Problems when Starting the RepAgent
These errors may occur when RepAgent starts up.
Related Information
Invalid Login [page 128]
Invalid Permissions [page 128]
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
SAP ASE RepAgent Problems
8.1.1Invalid Login
The RepAgent requires only a login name and password for the SAP Replication Server user. The user must
have connect source permission in the SAP Replication Server.
RepAgent retries the login and error 9216 is reportedin the SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) log. If
RepAgent continues to fail to log in to the SAP Replication Server, RepAgent error 9214 is reported in the SAP
ASE error log.
8.1.2Invalid Permissions
The RepAgent user must have connect source permission for the SAP Replication Server.
RepAgent error 9211 appears in the SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) error log if the user permission is
00:00000:00024:2006/06/23 14:44:45.12 server
RepAgent(4): Received the following error message from
the Replication Server: Msg 37024. CONNECT SOURCE
permission is required to execute command..
00:00000:00024:2006/06/23 14:44:45.24 server Error:
9261, Severity: 20, State: 0
00:00000:00024:2006/06/23 14:44:45.27 server
RepAgent(4): This Rep Agent Thread is aborting due to
an unrecoverable communications or Replication Server
00:00000:00024:2006/06/23 14:44:45.27 server Rep Agent
Thread for database 'westRS_RSSD' (dbid = 4) terminated
abnormally with error. (major 92, minor 61)
8.2 Errors from the SAP Replication Server
Dierent types of problems can originate from the SAP Replication Server.
Most SAP Replication Server normalization errors, which result from inconsistencies in the setup of replication
objects, are recoverable. The RepAgent logs the error and continues processing. Normalization errors are
identied by error numbers 32000 – 32999.
Errors may still occur even when a replication denition is created and a subscription is successfully
materialized. For example, an update may be lost, causing the replicate data to be inconsistent with the
primary data. This kind of error should occur only during the initial setup of a replication system. The system
administrator should monitor the error logs closely and correct errors as they are identied. Normalization
errors may also occur with replicated stored procedures.
All other SAP Replication Server errors, except network failures, are treated as fatal by the RepAgent. For
example, an incorrect SAP Replication Server login name and password in the conguration le is a fatal error.
The RepAgent disconnects from SAP Replication Server and terminates. After you have corrected the problem,
restart the RepAgent.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
SAP ASE RepAgent Problems
Related Information
Error 32032 [page 129]
Error 32044 [page 130]
Error 32046 [page 134]
Error 32047 [page 136]
Subscription Problems [page 96]
8.2.1Error 32032
Table is not dened in a database.
Replication Server error 32032 is reported in the Replication Server error log:
Message: 32032, ’No table with name ’foo’ is defined for
database with id MY_PDS.MY_PDB1.
A table has been marked replicated with sp_setreptable, but the replication denition has not yet been
created for the table. The RepAgent retrieves log records for an object that is not yet known to the Replication
Create the replication denition for the table.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
SAP ASE RepAgent Problems
8.2.2Error 32044
Incorrect denition of LOB column datatypes in the replication denition.
Replication Server error 32044 is reported in the Replication Server error log:
00:0003:00000:00031:2013/01/10 00:17:43.20 server
RepAgent(4): Error in passthru packet: 'distribute 4
applied owner =~"$dbo ~"%tbl3.~!-rs_writetext append first last changed with
log textlen =2 ~$-unitext_fld1=~.!!#aa'.
00:0003:00000:00031:2013/01/10 00:17:43.20 server
RepAgent(4): Received the following error message from the Replication Server:
Msg 32044.
The datatype ('4') for 'tbl3.unitext_fld1' is not convertible to the required
type ('5').
In the last line of the error message: The datatype ('4') for 'tbl3.unitext_fld1' is not
convertible to the required type ('5')., datatype 4 is text which is not convertible to datatype 5
which is image.
If you incorrectly dene the column datatypes for the LOB columns in the replication denition, subscription
materialization works but RepAgent cannot process data replication and therefore shuts down.
The datatype for text, unitext, and image columns in the Adaptive Server database is carried in the
modication Log Transfer Language (LTL) commands that the RepAgent sends to the Replication Server. If the
these datatypes do not match in both the Adaptive Server database and the replication denition, Replication
Server detects the inconsistency when the modication is being replicated, and the RepAgent shuts down. The
Replication Server records a warning message for the RepAgent in the Adaptive Server error log.
Related Information
Solution [page 131]
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
SAP ASE RepAgent Problems Solution
When RepAgent shuts down because you did not dene a large object (LOB) datatype column such a image,
text, or unitext column correctly in the replication denition, you must purge corrupt data from aected
queues and correct the replication denition before resuming replication.
This scenario creates table t3 and the corresponding replication that incorrectly denes the datatypes in the
table resulting in error 32044 and the shut down of RepAgent. The scenario shows how to purge the queues
and recover from the error.
1. Create the tbl3 table in the primary and replicate Adaptive Server databases:
create table tbl3
p_key int not null,
char_col char(10),
unitext_fld1 text null,
unitext_fld2 text null
The datatype of columns unitext_fld1 and unitext_fld2 in the schema for tbl3 is text and the
columns are not compressed LOB data columns.
2. Create the repdef_tbl3 replication denition for the tbl3 table in the pdb1 primary database of the PDS
data server:
create replication definition repdef_tbl3
with primary at PDS.pdb1
( p_key int,
char_col char(10),
unitext_fld1 image,
unitext_fld2 image
primary key (p_key)
searchable columns (p_key)
always_replicate (unitext_fld1,unitext_fld2)
Instead of text, the replication denition is incorrect and denes the datatypes of columns
unitext_fld1 and unitext_fld2 as image. The two columns are not compressed LOB data
columns and therefore the replication denition does not need to dene the columns as image
dataype columns.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
SAP ASE RepAgent Problems
3. Insert data into tbl3 at pdb1:
insert into tbl3 values (5,'cc','aa','bb')
The RepAgent shuts down because of the colmn datatype mismatch between the table schema and the
replication denition and you see error messages in the log les of the :
Primary Replication Server –
E. 2013/01/23 18:38:44. ERROR #32044 REP AGENT(PDS.pdb1) - /nrm/
The datatype ('4') for 'tbl3.unitext_fld1' is not convertible to
the required type ('5').
Primary Adaptive Server–
00:0003:00000:00037:2013/01/23 18:38:44.15 server RepAgent(4): Error in
passthru packet:
'distribute 4
6 0x000000000000234b00037265706c325f313233363874646232 applied owner
=~"$dbo ~"%tbl3.
~!-rs_writetext append first last changed with log textlen =2 ~$-
unitext_fld1=~.!!#aa '.
00:0003:00000:00037:2013/01/23 18:38:44.15 server
RepAgent(4): Received the following error message from the Replication
Msg 32044. The datatype ('4') for 'tbl3.unitext_fld1' is not convertible
to the required type ('5')..
4. Obtain the inbound queue number for pdb1 in PDS. At Replication Server enter:
admin who
You see:
29 SQM Awaiting Message 102:1 PDS.pdb1
27 SQM Awaiting Message 102:0 PDS.pdb1
The inbound queue number is 102.
5. Dump the contents of queue 102 to the client machine where you are issuing the sysadmin dump_queue
command. The rst open transaction after RepAgent shuts down contains the corrupt data. At Replication
Server enter:
sysadmin dump_queue,102,1,-1,-1,-1,client
In the Replication Server log, you see:
102 1 0 15 0 240 102
Jan 23 2013 6:38PM
43db0000000000000000 sa _ins
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
SAP ASE RepAgent Problems
0 1100 19 0
102 1 0 15 1
484 102
Jan 1 1900 12:00AM
0 1100 104 0
insert into dbo.tbl3 (p_key, char_col, unitext_fld1, unitext_fld2)
values (5, 'cc ', 0x20, 0x20)
Note this transaction is interrupted. only begin transaction and insert.
6. Purge the rst open transaction from the 102 inbound queue. At Replication Server enter:
sysadmin purge_first_open,102,1
7. Dump the queue contents again to check if there are any error messages due to the continued presence of
corrupt data in the queues:
sysadmin dump_queue,102,1,-1,-1,-1,client
8. Purge the queue until there are no error 32044 messages in the dump from the queue.
sysadmin purge_first_open,102,1
9. Correct the replication denition by changing the datatypes of the unitext_fld1 and unitext_fld2
columns to text to match the table schema:
alter replication definition tbl3
alter columns with unitext_fld1 text
alter replication definition tbl3
alter columns with unitext_fld2 text
10. Enable autocorrection for the DSI thread:
set autocorrection on
for <replication_definition>
with replicate at <data_server.database>
11. Retrieve the current database generation ID.
At the Adaptive Server primary database, enter:
dbcc gettrunc
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
SAP ASE RepAgent Problems
You see a single row
secondary trunc page secondary trunc state dbrepstat generation id
-------------------- --------------------- --------- -------------
15836 1 231 1
database id database name ltl version
----------- ------------- -----------
4 pdb1 760
12. Instruct Adaptive Server to increment the database generation number in the log for the database where
RepAgent has shut down
Since the value for the "generation id" column output from dbcc gettrunc is 1, set the new ID value to 2:
dbcc settrunc('ltm', 'gen_id', 2)
13. Restart RepAgent
14. Disable autocorrection after successful replication of the data that was previously corrupted:
set autocorrection off
for <replication_definition>
with replicate at <data_server.database>
8.2.3Error 32046
Inconsistencies in the replication status of text, unitext, or image columns between the Adaptive Server
database and the replication denition.
Replication Server error 32046 is reported in the Adaptive Server error log (for RepAgent):
Message: 32046 -- ’The status of column ’%s’ in repdef
is inconsistent with that of the LTL command.’
The replication status for text, unitext, and image columns in the Adaptive Server database is carried in the
modication Log Transfer Language (LTL) commands that the RepAgent sends to the Replication Server. If the
status of a text, unitext, or image column is not the same in both the Adaptive Server database and the
replication denition, Replication Server detects the inconsistency when the modication is being replicated,
and the RepAgent shuts down.
If a text, unitext, or image column has a status of do_not_replicate at the Adaptive Server database
and the replication denition includes that column for replication, processing continues and the Replication
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
SAP ASE RepAgent Problems
Server sends the modications to the replicate database without the text, unitext, or image data. The
Replication Server records a warning message in the Adaptive Server error log (for the RepAgent).
Solution 1
When the RepAgent shuts down because a text or image column has a status of replicate_if_changed
at the Adaptive Server database and always_replicate in the replication denition, you must change the
replication status so that they match.
To replicate text, unitext, or image columns only when their values change:
1. Execute the alter replication definition command at the primary Replication Server and change
the status of the text, unitext, or image columns to replicate_if_changed. Wait for the modied
replication denition to arrive at the replicate sites.
2. Restart the RepAgent.
To always replicate text, unitext, or image columns:
1. Stop updates at the primary table.
2. Execute the alter replication definition command at the primary Replication Server, and change
the status of the text, unitext, or image columns to replicate_if_changed. Wait for the modied
replication denition to arrive at the replicate sites.
3. Restart the RepAgent to let transactions with a replicate_if_changed status nish processing.
4. Execute sp_setrepcol at the Adaptive Server and change the status to always_replicate.
5. Execute alter replication definition at the primary Replication Server and change the status of
the text, unitext, or image columns to always_replicate. Wait for the modied replication denition
to be replicated to the replicate sites.
6. Resume updates to the primary table.
Solution 2
When the Replication Server reports that the status of a text or image column is do_not_replicate at the
Adaptive Server database and the replication denition includes that column for replication, you must change
the replication status to either:
Replicate text, unitext, or image columns, or
Not replicate text, unitext, or image columns.
To replicate text, unitext, or image columns:
1. Execute sp_setrepcol at the Adaptive Server database and change the status of the text, unitext,
or image column to always_replicate or replicate_if_changed. It should match the status in the
replication denition.
2. Wait for subsequent transactions that modify the text, unitext, or image column to be processed by the
Replication Server.
3. Consider correcting any inconsistencies with the rs_subcmp program.
To not replicate text, unitext, or image columns:
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
SAP ASE RepAgent Problems
1. Stop updates to the primary table.
2. Drop subscriptions to the replication denition.
3. Drop the replication denition.
4. Re-create the replication denition without the text, unitext, or image columns, and re-create
5. Resume updates to the primary table.
8.2.4Error 32047
A stored procedure declared for function replication is marked for table replication.
Replication Server error 32047 is reported in the Replication Server error log:
Message from server: Message: 32047, State 0, Severity
12 -- 'Function 't2' is associated with a function
replication definition, but an invoking stored
procedure was marked for a table replication
The replicated stored procedure is declared in the Replication Server for function replication but is marked in
the Adaptive Server for table replication.
Correct replication denition setup. See Replication Server Administration Guide Volume 1.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
SAP ASE RepAgent Problems
8.3 Errors from the SAP ASE
Errors from the SAP ASE can be a result of an invalid truncation page or of running out of SAP ASE alarm
resources. The SAP ASE RepAgent does not use the SAP ASE log scan thread, and will not encounter any
errors related to it.
Related Information
Possible Issues when Dropping Primary Objects [page 137]
Invalid Truncation Page [page 138]
8.3.1Possible Issues when Dropping Primary Objects
Drop primary tables or stored procedures from an Adaptive Server with caution because doing so aects data
If updates are made to the primary table and the table is then dropped from the Adaptive Server, Adaptive
Server error 9104 is displayed in the Adaptive Server error log (for the RepAgent) :
Message: 9104 ’Cannot identify the object on the INSERT
log record for database ’MY_PDB1’, XACT ID Rid pageid =
0xa0f; row num = 0x5, RID Rid pageid = 0xa0f; row num =
0x6. Information associated with the INSERT log record
is not replicated.
The log record for a replicated data operation references another log page, called the oampage, that has
information about the replicated object. Since the table was dropped, the oampage is deallocated and the data
cannot be replicated. If the oampage is assigned to a newly created object, the Adaptive Server may associate
log records for the dropped object with the new object.
In this example, the oampage for foo may be allocated to foo_bar after foo is dropped:
update table foo
drop table foo
create table foo_bar
update foo_bar
Adaptive Server sends the rst update record as an update to foo_bar instead of foo. If the new table has a
much larger row size, then an Adaptive Server segmentation fault may occur.
Dropping or re-creating replicated stored procedures leads to unpredictable results; schema alterations have
the same eect. Make these type of changes only after the RepAgent has processed all the records for the
stored procedure.
Also, check the Replication Server for error messages.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
SAP ASE RepAgent Problems
8.3.2Invalid Truncation Page
The secondary truncation point identies the page that contains the begin transaction statement of the
most recent transaction that was sent to the Replication Server.
The RepAgent executes dbcc settrunc on the Adaptive Server to set the secondary truncation point in the
database log. If the RepAgent species an invalid page to the Adaptive Server, an error is recorded and the
RepAgent aborts. You may see Adaptive Server error 4213:
Message: 4213, State: 1, Severity: 16 -- ’Page 2561 in
database ‘MY_DB’ cannot be used as a truncation page
because the page is not allocated.’
The rs_locater table in the Replication Server system database tells the RepAgent where to set the
secondary truncation point in the Adaptive Server log. This error is expected if the truncation state is set
to ignore and the log is truncated. The RepAgent then restarts without resetting rs_locater.
To solve this problem, set rs_locater to zero and restart the RepAgent.
Related Information
Resetting the Database Log Locater [page 153]
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
SAP ASE RepAgent Problems
9 Data Server Interface Problems
The Data Server Interface (DSI) applies transactions from a Replication Server stable queue to a data server,
which can be an Adaptive Server or another data server with an interface to the Replication Server. Before
a transaction is applied, Replication Server uses function strings to convert the commands to the format
specied for the data server. If the data server does not receive updates, the DSI may be suspended or down.
A down or suspended DSI can be caused by:
Incorrect login or permissions
A data server error
A Replication Server error
A suspended DSI always results in a message being sent to the Replication Server error log. Analyze the
message to solve the problem. After correcting the error, restart the DSI.
If the DSI is active, unique transactions might be incorrectly resolved as duplicates, or the transactions might
be failing on the data server. Manually resolve the data inconsistency between the primary and replicate
databases or reapply the transactions.
To investigate the DSI, nd out which databases are controlled by the Replication Server and check the DSI
status for all database connections on a Replication Server. Use the select, admin who, and admin who,
dsi commands to extract the information you need and to determine the exact cause of the problem.
These problems also apply to parallel DSI threads. For more information specic about parallel DSI threads,
see Replication Server Administration Guide Volume 2.
Related Information
Listing Databases Controlled by a Replication Server [page 140]
admin who and admin who, dsi [page 140]
Troubleshooting the DSI for the Replicate Database [page 142]
Errors When DSI is Down or Suspended [page 143]
Errors When DSI is Active [page 146]
Common Error Messages [page 44]
Troubleshooting Overview [page 10]
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Data Server Interface Problems
9.1 Listing Databases Controlled by a Replication Server
Identify the databases controlled by a Replication Server.
1. Log in to the system Adaptive Server.
2. Change to the Replication Server System Database (RSSD).
3. Enter:
select <dsname>, <dbname> from rs_databases, rs_sites
where prsid = id and name = <replication_server>
9.2 admin who and admin who, dsi
admin who and admin who, dsi checks the Data Server Interface (DSI) status for a database connection.
The command admin who displays the states of all threads in the Replication Server, including DSI scheduler
and executor threads. In admin who output, DSI scheduler threads are identied as “DSI” and DSI executor
threads are “DSI EXEC.” If the DSI is suspended when Replication Server starts, the output shows only one DSI
executor thread, even if additional DSI executor threads are congured.
admin who, dsi shows the states of all running DSI scheduler threads and provides conguration values
and other information about them. If a DSI scheduler thread exists for a database but does not appear in the
admin who, dsi output, use the resume connection command to restart the DSI for the database. For a
complete description of admin who, dsi output, see the Replication Server Reference Manual.
Related Information
States of the DSI Scheduler Thread [page 140]
States of the DSI Executor Thread [page 141]
9.2.1States of the DSI Scheduler Thread
Explains the Data Server Interface (DSI) scheduler thread states used in the admin who and admin who,
dsi output.
Active – the thread is starting, restarting after an internal error, or logging an exception to the RSSD.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Data Server Interface Problems
Awaiting Command – the thread is waiting for a transaction to become available in the stable queue for the
database. There are no complete transactions in the queue.
Awaiting Wakeup – the thread sleeps for two minutes after an error that can be retried. During the
two-minute interval, the cause of the error may disappear or the system administrator may correct the
problem. If the problem is corrected during the sleep interval, the thread restarts with no errors.
A failed transaction is retried when it causes a data server error that, using assign action, have been
assigned a retry_stop or retry_log error action.
Awaiting Message – the thread has dispatched transactions to the DSI executor threads and is waiting for
them to complete.
Suspended – the DSI connection has been suspended by a user command, an error, or a drop
subscription or activate subscription command with the with suspension clause. This state
appears only in admin who output.
Down – the thread has not been started. This state appears only in admin who output.
9.2.2States of the DSI Executor Thread
Explains the Data Server Interface (DSI) executor thread states used in the admin who output.
Active – the thread is starting, executing a transaction at the data server, logging an exception to the RSSD,
or restarting after an internal error.
Awaiting Message – the thread is processing a transaction and is waiting for another thread to complete
processing its transaction, or the thread is waiting to receive another statement from the Stable Queue
Transaction interface (SQT).
Awaiting Command – the thread is waiting to receive another transaction from the DSI scheduler thread.
Down – depends on the state of the DSI scheduler thread:
If the DSI scheduler thread is Down, the DSI executor thread connection was suspended when the
Replication Server was started, and the connection has not been resumed.
If the DSI scheduler thread is Active or Awaiting Wakeup, the DSI executor thread connection is
recovering from a retryable error and is starting or restarting.
Suspended – the connection has been suspended by a user command, an error, or a drop
subscription or activate subscription command using the with suspension clause.
A failed transaction does not cause the DSI connection to be suspended and is retried if the failed
transaction caused a data server error that, using assign action, have been assigned the retry_stop
or retry_log error action. For more information about the command, see Replication Server Reference
Manual > Replication Server Commands > assign action.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Data Server Interface Problems
9.3 Troubleshooting the DSI for the Replicate Database
The Data Server Interface (DSI) for the replicate database may have been suspended if changes made to a
primary database do not reach the replicate database that has active subscriptions.
Use this procedure to nd out the cause of the problem.
1. Log in to the Replication Server that controls the replicate database.
2. Execute admin who, dsi.
This returns one entry for each database with replicated data.
If a database does not have an entry, check the Replication Server error log to see if the DSI for the
database was not started or was suspended. These are samples of error messages that are reported in
the Replication Server error log as a result of a DSI that did not start or was suspended:
The DSI thread for ’RDS.rdb2’ is not started, because
the connection to the database has been suspended or
the connection has not been completed.
The DSI thread for database ’RDS.rdb2’ is being
shutdown. DSI received data server error #1105 which
is mapped to STOP_REPLICATION. See logged data
server errors for more information. The data server
error was caused by RS output command #1 mapped from
input command #1 of the failed transaction.
The DSI thread for database ’RDS.rdb2’ is shutdown.
If there is an entry for the database, but the state is Awaiting Command, the DSI is waiting for a
transaction from the primary. Determine why updates are not reaching this Replication Server.
If the state of the DSI thread is Active, then:
Unique transactions might be incorrectly resolved as duplicates, or
Transactions might be failing on the data server and written to the exceptions log.
Related Information
Errors When DSI is Down or Suspended [page 143]
Errors When DSI is Active [page 146]
admin who and admin who, dsi [page 140]
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Data Server Interface Problems
Troubleshooting Replication Failures [page 30]
9.4 Errors When DSI is Down or Suspended
Incorrect login or permissions, data server errors, or Replication Server errors can cause the Data Server
Interface (DSI) to suspend or shut down.
If a subscription problem causes the DSI thread for the replicate database to terminate abnormally, you
can restart the thread using the resume connection command. If possible, x whatever condition caused
the problem before resuming the connection. For example, if the maintenance user does not have update
permission on the replicate table, rst grant the user update permission, then resume the connection.
If you cannot x the problem, resuming the connection causes the DSI thread to reexecute the command that
failed, and suspends the DSI again. To prevent this cycle, assign a dierent action to the error returned to the
DSI. You must assign error actions at the Replication Server where the error class is created. For information
about error actions and classes, see Replication Server Administration Guide Volume 2.
Related Information
Connection Failure to the Database [page 143]
Data Server Errors [page 144]
Replication Server Errors [page 146]
9.4.1Connection Failure to the Database
Troubleshoot connection failures.
If the error is a connection failure to the database, verify that the:
Data server is dened in the interfaces le.
Data server is running.
Maintenance user name and password are correct.
To nd the maintenance user name and password for a database, log in to the system Adaptive Server, and
execute this query using the Replication Server System Database (RSSD):
select username, password
from rs_maintusers, rs_databases
where destid = dbid
and dsname = <data_server>
and dbname = <database>
If you have password encryption, you cannot access the password by executing a query. If the maintenance
user name or password is incorrect, change it on the data server or use alter connection to change it in
Replication Server. After correcting the user name or password, resume the connection.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Data Server Interface Problems
Asynchronous Transaction Connection Failures
When an asynchronous stored procedure reaches the primary Replication Server, the Data Server Interface
(DSI) uses the original login and password to connect to the primary data server. The maintenance login is not
If the login fails, use sysadmin log_first_tran to log the asynchronous transaction into the exceptions log.
The app_user and app_pwd columns in the rs_exceptshdr system table contain the login and password the
DSI uses to log in to the primary data server.
Related Information
Examining the Exceptions Log [page 148]
9.4.2Data Server Errors
Data server errors, such as permission violations or duplicate keys, are logged in the Replication Server error
To check the failed transaction for the data server error, follow the prompt message in the log le to write
the failed transaction into the log le by conducting the sysadmin_log_first_tran command. Analyze the
transaction and correct the data server error properly.
If you cannot correct the data server error, restart the Data Server Interface (DSI), requesting that the
rst transaction (the one causing the error) be skipped. Execute resume connection with the skip
transaction option.
Skipping transactions may cause replication inconsistencies.
If errors are caused by unique-key violations, use set autocorrection to turn automatic error correction
on, before you resume the connection. These errors are likely to occur during nonatomic materialization. For
more information about set autocorrection, see the Replication Server Reference Manual.
If using set autocorrection does not work, use the skip transaction option of the resume
connection command. This option skips the materializing or dematerializing transaction altogether. If the
problem occurred during subscription materialization, drop the subscription and create it again in a way that
avoids the same problem.
Related Information
Implications of Skipping Transactions [page 145]
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Data Server Interface Problems
Customized Handling of Data Server Errors [page 145]
Subscription Problems [page 96] Implications of Skipping Transactions
Skipping transactions that cause errors forces the Data Server Interface (DSI) to resume applying transactions
to the database. However, this method has important implications for the database.
A transaction intended for a database is skipped when:
You execute resume connection with the skip transaction option.
A data server error is encountered and the assigned action for the error is log, or retry_log.
Skipped transactions carry these implications:
Replicate data may become inconsistent with primary data.
If an asynchronous transaction originates in a replicate database, and the transaction is skipped at the
primary data server, the primary database is not updated.
The inconsistency caused by skipping a transaction may result in additional errors if subsequent
transactions depend on the unapplied actions of the skipped transaction.
Subscription materialization and dematerialization requests are special types of transactions. If you skip a
subscription materialization request, it may invalidate the subscription and must be dropped.
A subscription materialization or dematerialization request may create a separate stable queue, called
the materialization or dematerialization queue. You cannot use resume connection to explicitly skip
transactions in this queue. However, transactions may be skipped due to data server errors that are
assigned the log or retry_log action.
If a subscription materialization or dematerialization request is skipped, all transactions in the
corresponding queue may be skipped. However, if a DSI is suspended in the middle of applying the
transactions in a materialization or dematerialization queue, some of the transactions in the queue may
already have been committed while others may not. Later, if you use resume connection to skip the
request, the replicate database has the eects of the previously committed transactions, where some
of the transactions in the queue were applied to the replicate database although the materialization or
dematerialization request was skipped after the failure.
Because of these implications, skip transactions only after exhausting other means of correcting the error.
After skipping a transaction, determine what you must do to bring the replicated data back to a state of
consistency. Customized Handling of Data Server Errors
Replication Server can customize its response to data server errors.
If you want the Data Server Interface (DSI) to continue applying updates even when a data server error is
encountered, use assign action at the Replication Server where the error class was created to change the
error action from stop_replication to log or retry_log. All databases using the error class are aected.
If the primary database for a class is at a dierent site, you may need to wait until the new error action is
replicated to the local site.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Data Server Interface Problems
To limit the change to one database, create a new error class with the create error class command.
Specify the desired error actions for the class, then change the connection to the database to use the new
error class.
To examine the commands in the transaction that caused the connection to be suspended, use sysadmin
log_first_tran to write the rst transaction into the exceptions log without skipping it.
9.4.3Replication Server Errors
Troubleshoot Replication Server errors recorded in the Replication Server error log.
Problem Suggested Action
Function strings See:
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide >
Troubleshooting Overview > Types of Replication
System Problems > Subscription Problems > Function
String Restrictions
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide > Common
Error Messages > Replication Server Error Messages >
See Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide >
Subscription Problems.
Missing objects This is probably caused by some inconsistency in the
Replication Server System Database (RSSD). Call SAP
Technical Support for assistance.
Related Information
Subscription Problems [page 96]
Function String Restrictions [page 21]
Error 29024 [page 68]
9.5 Errors When DSI is Active
When the Data Server Interface (DSI) is active but the replicate data server is not receiving updates,
unique transactions might be incorrectly resolved as duplicates, duplicate transactions might be reapplied,
or transactions might be failing on the data server.
If the error’s action is set to log or retry_log, error and failed transaction are written to the exceptions
log. Manually resolve the data inconsistency between the primary and replicate databases or reapply the
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Data Server Interface Problems
Related Information
Incorrect Duplicate Transaction Resolution [page 147]
Examining the Exceptions Log [page 148]
9.5.1Incorrect Duplicate Transaction Resolution
If the origin_qid values stored in a data server or the rs_exceptslast table is modied by mistake,
non-duplicate transactions may be ignored, or duplicate transactions may be reapplied.
If you suspect that this is happening, check the stored values and compare them with the transactions in the
database’s stable queue. If the values are incorrect, modify them directly.
The Data Server Interface (DSI) records the most recent transaction committed or written into the exceptions
log so it can detect duplicates after a system restart. Each transaction is identied by a unique origin database
ID and an origin queue ID that increases for each transaction.
The last transaction committed from each origin database is recorded on a data server through execution of
the function strings dened for the data server’s function-string class. For the default function-string class,
rs_sqlserver_function_class, this is done in the function string of a commit command, that is, the
rs_commit function. The function-string class of every data server must support the rs_get_lastcommit
function, which returns the origin_qid and secondary_qid for each origin database. The secondary_qid
is the ID of the queue used for subscription materialization or dematerialization.
The origin_qid and secondary_qid for the last transaction written into the exception log from each
origin is recorded in the rs_exceptslast table in the Replication Server System Database (RSSD). However,
transactions logged explicitly by the sysadmin log_first_tran command are not recorded in this table.
These transactions are logged, but they are not skipped.
When a data server interface is started or restarted, it gets the origin_qid returned by the
rs_get_lastcommit function and the one stored in the rs_exceptslast table. It assumes that any
transaction in the queue with an origin_qid less than the larger of these two values is a duplicate and
ignores it.
Related Information
Stable Queues [page 157]
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Data Server Interface Problems
9.5.2Examining the Exceptions Log
Examine the exceptions log to determine the transactions that have been skipped.
Skipped transactions are written into the exceptions log. Orphan transactions and transactions logged by
sysadmin log_first_tran are also in the exceptions log.
If a replicate database is not receiving updates, the update transactions may have been skipped and written
into the exceptions log.
The exception log consists of three tables: rs_exceptshdr, rs_exceptscmd, and rs_systext. The
rs_exceptshdr table has one entry for each transaction. The rs_exceptscmd table has one entry for
each command (either source or output) of the transaction. The rs_systext table stores the text of the
commands. See the Replication Server Reference Manual.
1. Log in to the system Adaptive Server for the Replication Server controlling the database.
2. Execute this query against the Replication Server System Database (RSSD) to view the header information
for all logged transactions intended for a database:
select * from rs_exceptshdr
where error_site = <data_server> and error_db = <database>
order by log_time
The rows are returned in ascending order, of the time the transactions were logged. To list the rows in
descending order, include “desc” at the end of the query.
3. Join the three system tables to view all information about a transaction in the log.
This query gives the source commands and their corresponding output commands for each logged
select hdr.sys_trans_id, cmd_type, textval
from rs_exceptshdr hdr,
rs_exceptscmd cmd,
where error_site = <data_server>
and error_db = <database>
and hdr.sys_trans_id = cmd.sys_trans_id
and cmd_id = parentid
order by log_time, src_cmd_line,
output_cmd_index, sequence
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Data Server Interface Problems
10 SAP ASE Log Problems
The SAP ASE primary database log is the source of the data that SAP Replication Server distributes. An SAP
ASE RepAgent retrieves transactions from the log and sends them to the SAP Replication Server.
SAP ASE log problems include:
Log les that have reached the maximum size and need to be truncated
Missing or incomplete transactions at the primary SAP Replication Server as a result of truncated primary
database logs
Log les corrupted by software and hardware sources
Related Information
Truncating an Adaptive Server Log [page 149]
Database Log Locater [page 152]
Log Truncation Problems [page 153]
Symptoms of a Corrupted Adaptive Server Log [page 156]
Common Error Messages [page 44]
Troubleshooting Overview [page 10]
10.1 Truncating an Adaptive Server Log
Truncate the database log when it is too full to allow Adaptive Server to continue processing updates.
Adaptive Server uses truncation points to ensure that only transactions processed by the RepAgent are
truncated. A secondary truncation point marks the place in the primary database log up to which the RepAgent
has processed transactions. The RepAgent periodically updates the secondary truncation point to reect
transactions successfully passed to the Replication Server. Adaptive Server does not truncate the log past the
secondary truncation point. See Replication Server Administration Guide Volume 1.
At times you may need to truncate the log beyond the secondary truncation point. For example, if the
RepAgent cannot access the Replication Server and the log lls, you may want to truncate the log at the
secondary truncation point rather than extending the log or preventing clients from updating the primary
database. Truncating the log can cause inconsistencies between the primary and replicate databases.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
SAP ASE Log Problems
1. Verify that the secondary truncation point is set for the database.
2. Turn o the secondary truncation point in the database.
3. Dump the database log. See the Adaptive Server Enterprise Reference Manual.
4. Set the secondary truncation point.
Related Information
Verifying the State of the Secondary Truncation Point [page 150]
Turning O the Secondary Truncation Point in a Database [page 151]
Setting the Secondary Truncation Point [page 152]
Log Truncation Problems [page 153]
10.1.1Verifying the State of the Secondary Truncation Point
Check whether the secondary truncation point is set for a database.
1. Log in to the primary database.
2. Execute dbcc gettrunc.
For example, to see if the secondary truncation point is set in the Parts database:
use Parts
dbcc gettrunc
In the output, a 0 in the ltm_trunc_state column means the secondary truncation point is turned o for
the database. A 1 in the ltm_trunc_state column indicates the secondary truncation point is turned on.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
SAP ASE Log Problems
10.1.2Turning O the Secondary Truncation Point in a
Disable the secondary truncation point for a database to truncate portions of the log that have not been
transferred. Truncating the log frees only the log pages that the RepAgent has sent to the Replication Server
with conrmation.
Only the Adaptive Server system administrator and the database owner have permission to execute the
dbcc settrunc command.
1. Suspend the RepAgent that is forwarding the log.
Otherwise, executing dbcc settrunc results in the following error:
The log transfer context for the current database is
already reserved by Adaptive Server process 7. The log
transfer context for the current database is not
2. Log in to the Adaptive Server that contains the database for which to turn o the secondary truncation
3. Execute dbcc settrunc(ltm, ignore) to turn o the secondary truncation point.
To turn o the secondary truncation point in the database named Parts:
use Parts
dbcc settrunc(ltm, ignore)
4. Truncate the log using the Transact-SQL dump transaction command. See Adaptive Server Enterprise
Reference Manual.
5. Dump the transaction log.
This may result in the loss of updates to the replicate database. The primary database is not aected.
You must reapply the lost updates to the replicate database. See Replication Server Administration Guide
Volume 2.
Related Information
Log Truncation Problems [page 153]
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
SAP ASE Log Problems
10.1.3Setting the Secondary Truncation Point
Reestablish the secondary truncation before restarting a RepAgent.
1. Log in to the Adaptive Server that contains the database for which to reestablish the secondary truncation
2. Execute dbcc settrunc(ltm,valid) to reestablish the secondary truncation point.
For example, to reestablish the secondary truncation point in the Parts database:
use Parts
dbcc settrunc(ltm, valid)
3. Verify that the secondary truncation point has been enabled:
use Parts
dbcc gettrunc
The output should show 1 in the ltm_trunc_state column.
4. Reset the locater for the database in the rs_locater table.
5. Resume the Replication Server to restart the RepAgent.
The RepAgent begins scanning the log from the page returned in the ltm_truncpage column by the dbcc
gettrunc command.
10.2 Database Log Locater
When a RepAgent starts, it uses a locater to determine where to begin scanning the database log. The locater
for a database log is stored in the rs_locater table in the Replication Server System Database (RSSD) of the
Replication Server that controls the database.
This locater is dierent from the Replication Server Interface (RSI) locater.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
SAP ASE Log Problems
The locater points to a record on a page in the database log. If the truncation point for the database is turned
o, you or Adaptive Server may truncate the page the locater points to, invalidating the locater. When the
locater is invalid, the RepAgent writes error message 9215 to the Adaptive Server error log.
To recover, reset the locater to 0x0. This directs the RepAgent to begin scanning the log from the truncation
Related Information
Resetting the Database Log Locater [page 153]
Invalid RSI Locater [page 125]
Error 9215 (ASE 624) [page 83]
10.2.1Resetting the Database Log Locater
Reset the locater to 0x0 to direct RepAgent to begin scanning the log from the truncation point.
Update the rs_locater table in the Replication Server System Database (RSSD) for the Replication Server
controlling the database using the Adaptive Server stored procedure rs_zeroltm:
rs_zeroltm <data_server>, <database>
where <data_server >and< database >are the respective Adaptive Server and database for which to set
the locater value.
For example, to reset the locater for the MYDS Adaptive Server and the Parts database, execute:
rs_zeroltm MYDS, Parts
10.3 Log Truncation Problems
Inconsistencies may occur when the primary database log is truncated.
Orphaned transactions can cause the stable queues to ll.
Inbound queue requires more disk space.
Parts of transactions, or entire transactions, may be missing, causing inconsistent data at replicate sites.
See Replication Server Administration Guide Volume 2.
Subscription commands may be lost, disrupting the materialization or dematerialization protocol and
requiring manual cleanup.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
SAP ASE Log Problems
If a log is truncated while a route is being created, subscription commands against the Replication Server
System Database (RSSD) may be lost. As a result, the route cannot be created. If this occurs, drop and
re-create the route.
For more information about how to recover lost transactions, see Replication Server Administration Guide
Volume 2.
Related Information
Checking for Orphaned Transactions [page 154]
Inbound Queue Requires More Disk Space [page 155]
10.3.1Checking for Orphaned Transactions
Commit or roll back orphaned transactions to avoid lling up the inbound queue.
An orphaned transaction is a transaction in an inbound stable queue that is missing a terminating commit or
rollback command. Because Replication Server does not free up a queue segment until every transaction in
the queue segment (or in any of the preceding queue segments) has been committed or rolled back, orphaned
transactions can cause the inbound queue to ll up.
1. Log in to the Replication Server.
2. Execute admin who, sqt to display information about the stable queues at the Replication Server.
3. Use the output from admin who, sqt to identify the entry for the inbound queue of the database whose
log was truncated.
The queue has a two-part name formed from the database ID and the queue-type identier. For an inbound
queue, the queue-type identier is 1. For example, if the database ID is 101, the inbound queue name is
4. Verify that an orphaned transaction exists.
If the output for the inbound queue shows an open transaction that does not change over long periods
of time, the queue probably contains an orphaned transaction. However, it may be dicult to distinguish
between an orphaned transaction and a very long transaction.
a. Dump the stable queue and examine the information about the transaction.
You can dump only the begin record to nd the user name and the time the command was executed,
and then see if the user still has open transactions in the database.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
SAP ASE Log Problems
b. Dump the last block in the queue and look at the date for the commands. To determine whether this is
the case, dump the last block in the queue and look at the date for the commands.
You need to dump the last block because even if you nd that the user does not have open
transactions, the queue may still have an orphaned transaction. If the queue is large, the RepAgent
may not be keeping up with it. Use admin who, sqm to nd the last block.
5. Use sysadmin purge_first_open to skip an orphaned transaction.
6. Manually apply the orphaned transaction to the replicate database using the output from dumping the
stable queue.
Related Information
Stable Queues [page 157]
10.3.2Inbound Queue Requires More Disk Space
Problems such as orphaned transactions and connection failures force stable queues to hold more
transactions than anticipated.
If the inbound queue requires more disk space, you see a message similar to this in the Replication Server error
_SQM_ADD_SEGMENT: Going to wait for a segment to be
freed. Administrative action is needed.
To determine which stable queues hold the segments, log in to the RSSD and execute:
select q_number, q_type, count(*)
from rs_segments
group by q_number, q_type
The output of this query shows the number of segments each stable queue is using. Each segment is 1MB of
disk space. Look at the queues with the largest number of segments:
A <q_type> of 0 means an outbound queue. If any outbound queues have more than two segments, verify
that the connections they service are operating.
A <q_type> of 1 is an inbound queue. If any of these queues has a large number of segments, it may
contain an orphaned transaction.
Related Information
Data Server Interface Problems [page 139]
SAP Replication Server Interface Problems [page 123]
Checking for Orphaned Transactions [page 154]
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
SAP ASE Log Problems
10.4 Symptoms of a Corrupted Adaptive Server Log
Adaptive Server log corruption can cause failures anywhere along the replication path.
RepAgent shuts down when it reads log data it cannot process.
The RepAgent shutting down is the most common symptom of a corrupt Adaptive Server log. In addition,
the error log may reveal error messages that are inconsistent with the current operation; however, no
specic log corruption error message is reported.
A component of the Replication Server shuts down.
When the RepAgent passes incorrect data to the Replication Server, Replication Server components, such
as the Data Server Interface (DSI), may shut down. For instance, if the DSI encounters a mismatched data
type and fails to resolve the dierences, it shuts down.
Replicated data appears out of sync.
The procedures for determining log corruption and where the corruption occurs is complex. It requires
knowledge of the log format as well as Adaptive Server and Replication Server internal components.
If you suspect Adaptive Server log corruption, contact SAP Technical Support to help you diagnose and
resolve the issue.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
SAP ASE Log Problems
11 Stable Queues
Stable queues temporarily store messages passed by the replication system. Examining the stable queue
dump can help determine the cause of a replication system error.
Stable queues are composed of segments stored on disk partitions. Each segment has a megabyte of message
space, divided into 64 blocks of 16KB. Segments store messages passed by the system. Each block in a
segment corresponds to a physical data transfer between disk and memory. A segment is allocated to only
one queue—dierent queues cannot share segments. Each block within a segment may store one or more
messages. A map of the system segments is stored in the rs_segments table of the Replication Server
System Database (RSSD).
Replication Server deletes messages from queues on a segment basis. Internally, it deletes blocks from the
segments. However, the freed space does not appear in the system tables until all of the blocks contained in
the 1MB segment are deleted.
These are some of the stable queue commands you can use:
sysadmin dump_queue – dumps the contents of the transaction cache of an inbound or outbound stable
sysadmin sqt_dump_queue – dumps the contents of the transaction cache of an inbound queue.
sysadmin dump_filespecies an alternate log le to be used by sysadmin dump_queue or sysadmin
sysadmin purge_all_open – purges all open transactions from an inbound queue.
sysadmin purge_first_open – purges only the rst open transaction from an inbound queue.
When a stable queue is dumped, a segment may contain deleted blocks along with the undeleted blocks. You
can identify the undeleted blocks of a segment by checking the First Seg.Block column in the admin who,
sqm output for the queue.
Sometimes queues are dumped while Replication Server is actively adding and deleting segments from the
queues. At such times, the output of the admin who, sqm command may not accurately represent the
contents of the stable queues. Segments may be deleted before you can enter the sysadmin dump_queue
command. To prevent Replication Server from changing a stable queue while you examine its contents, you
can suspend the database connection or route that uses the stable queue. You can also start the Replication
Server in standalone mode to prevent changes to a stable queue. See the Replication Server Administration
Guide Volume 2.
For information about the stable queue commands, see Replication Server Reference Manual.
Related Information
Using Traces to Print Commands [page 158]
Conrming Suspected Problems [page 159]
Dump Queue Output Interpretation [page 159]
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Stable Queues
11.1 Using Traces to Print Commands
Set traces to print the actual commands sent to replicate databases.
The outbound queue for the replicate database contains default commands. If you have created function
strings in addition to the defaults, use a special Data Server Interface (DSI) trace ag to print the actual
commands that are being sent to replicate databases.
1. Run the debug replication server, repserver.diag, to set traces.
By default, repserver.diag is located in the bin directory.
2. Forward the output to the standard output or to the error log:
Standard output:
Error log:
3. Dump the commands that are sent to the replicate site:
Commands are logged in this form:
Command sent to ‘RDS.RDB’ : <command>
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Stable Queues
11.2 Conrming Suspected Problems
Use sysadmin dump_queue to conrm that a suspected problem exists.
1. Log in to the Replication Server.
2. Execute admin who, sqt.
3. Use the output from admin who, sqt to determine which inbound queue has an open transaction.
Open transactions appear with the state marked “st:O”. The Info column of this row holds the queue
number and type. The transaction state is followed by the number of commands and then a local queue ID
for the begin transaction command in the form segment:block:row.
In the following example of admin who, sqt output, the transaction has a queue number of 103 and a
queue type of 1, is in an open state and consists of three commands. The begin transaction command
is located in segment 21, block 28, row 0:
103:1 st:O,cmds:3,qid:21:28:0
4. Dump block 28 of segment 21:
sysadmin dump_queue, 103, 1, 21, 28, 1, RSSD
Replication Server writes the text of the commands in block 28 of segment 1 into the rs_queuemsg and
rs_queuemsgtxt system tables or into the Replication Server log.
5. If you used the RSSD option, view the command information found in rs_queuemsg:
select * from rs_queuemsg
where q_number = 103 and q_type = 1 and
q_seg = 21 and q_blk=28 and q_row = 0
6. Execute a similar query against rs_queuemsgtxt to obtain the text of the command.
11.3 Dump Queue Output Interpretation
Ilnterpret the sysadmin dump_queue command output on various types of queues.
Stable queues consist of partitions. Partitions are created with the add partition command. Whenever a
partition is added to the replication server, it is divided into 1 MB segments. Segments are divided into 64
blocks of 16 KB. Messages have xed-size headers and variable-size messages that are written in blocks.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Stable Queues
Related Information
Example 1: Outbound Queue after create subscription [page 160]
Example 2: Inbound Queue after a Series of Commands [page 162]
Example 3: Inbound Queue after update [page 164]
Example 4: Outbound Queue after update [page 165]
11.3.1Example 1: Outbound Queue after create subscription
Interpret an outboud queue containing a create subscription transaction.
The create subscription command at the replicate Replication Server starts the materialization process
by selecting from the primary database:
create subscription emp_queue_sub
for emp_queue
with replicate at NYDS.nydb
Queue Dump
Dump the entire queue:
sysadmin dump_queue, 103, 0,-1,1,-2
I. 2006/07/05 08:20:20. QUEUE DUMP FOR 103:0
I. 2006/07/05 08:20:20. BLOCK BEGIN
q_number=103 q_type=0 blk=0:1 cnt=1
I. 2006/07/05 08:20:20. Begin Transaction
Origin User= Tran Name=
I. 2006/07/05 08:20:20. ENTRY ver=1100 len=188 orig=102
lorig=0 oqid=00000000000016c7000004ff0004000004ff0000
000097f50087a0720000000000000000 lqid=0:1:0 st=21
tr='00000000000016c70000' NYDSnydb comlen=69
activate subscription 0x0100006580000065 0
I. 2006/07/05 08:20:20. END QUEUE DUMP FOR 103:0
The beginning of a 16K block.
The queue ID.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Stable Queues
The queue type (0 = outbound, 1 = inbound).
Block identier (segment 0: block 1).
The number of entries (commands) in this block.
Begin Transaction Origin User= Tran Name=
Beginning of a transaction with originating user and the transaction name. <Tran Name> is empty when
the original transaction at the primary database was explicitly started with a begin transaction without
supplying a transaction name.
The actual message.
len=188 orig=102
The message length and the originating site ID.
oqid=00000000000016c700000400040000040000000097f50087a072 0000000000000000
The origin queue ID: the queue ID assigned to the command string at the place the command originated
from. This ID is used for duplicate detection.
Local queue ID: Commands logged by an SQM are assigned a local queue ID. This queue ID is sent to the
next queue as the sender queue ID and is used by the destination to acknowledge the command. <Lqid>
consists of segment number, block number and row number. Row numbers start at 0.
Status and command type. The eld is a bitmask which has status and command type set. This bit’s
settings are 0x01 and 0x20, a commit and materialization command.
0x01 = status of a commit
0x02 = status of a rollback
0x04 = status of a begin
0x08 = status of a orphan statement
0x10 = status of a materialization statement
0x20 = status of a materialization statement
0x40 = status of a tran going to primary
0x80 = ignore duplicates for DDL commands
0x0100 = status of a materialization command
0x0200 = dump/load message
0x0400 = routing message
0x0800 = ag for DDL generation
0x1000 = DDL generation at DSI ag
0x2000 = special SQM message
0x4000 = SQT mini-abort
0x8000 = message has been zapped
tr= '00000000000016c70000' NYDSnydb comlen=69 activate subscription 0x0100006580000065 0
Transaction ID and command, <comlen> indicates the length of the command.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Stable Queues
11.3.2Example 2: Inbound Queue after a Series of
Interpret an inbound queue containing dierent transactions.
These commands were executed at a primary database, NYDS.nydb:
sp_setreptable emp_queue, true
insert emp_queue
values("123456789", "Davis", "Gen",
"Process Engineer","1/1/95", 1111)
insert emp_queue
values("987654321", "Irvine", "Ben",
"Microwave Engineer","3/5/94", 2222)
grant all on emp_queue to public
Queue Dump
Dump the inbound queue of the primary Replication Server:
sysadmin dump_queue, 102,1,-1,1,-2
I. 2006/07/05 08:27:05. BLOCK BEGIN
q_number=102 q_type=1 blk=0:4 cnt=10
I. 2006/07/05 08:27:05. Begin Transaction
Origin User=sa Tran Name=rs_logexec
I. 2006/07/05 08:27:05. ENTRY ver=1100 len=216 orig=102
lorig=0 oqid=00000000000016c7000004ff0005000004ff0005
000097f5008af20b0000000000000000 lqid=0:4:0 st=4
tr= '00000000000016c70005' NYDSnydb comlen=97
begin transaction
I. 2006/07/05 08:27:05. ENTRY ver=1100 len=204 orig=102
lorig=0 oqid=00000000000016c7000004ff0007000004ff0005
000097f5008af20b0000000000000000 lqid=0:4:1 st=1
tr= '00000000000016c70005' NYDSnydb comlen=86
commit transaction
I. 2006/07/05 08:27:05. Begin Transaction
Origin User=sa Tran Name=_ins
I. 2006/07/05 08:27:05. ENTRY ver=1100 len=208 orig=102
lorig=0 oqid=00000000000016c7000004ff0008000004ff0008
000097f5008af20b0000000000000000 lqid=0:4:2 st=4
tr= '00000000000016c70008' NYDSnydb comlen=91
begin transaction
I. 2006/07/05 08:27:05. ENTRY ver=1100 len=524 orig=102
lorig=0 oqid=00000000000016c7000004ff0009000004ff0008
000097f5008af20b0000000000000000 lqid=0:4:3 st=2097152
tr= '00000000000016c70008' NYDSnydb comlen=406
insert into dbo.emp_queue
(emp_id, emp_first, emp_last, emp_title, emp_date, id)
values ('123456789', 'Gen', 'Davis',
'Process Engineer', '1/1/95', 1111)
I. 2006/07/05 08:27:05. ENTRY ver=1100 len=204 orig=102
lorig=0 oqid=00000000000016c7000004ff000a000004ff0008
000097f5008af20b0000000000000000 lqid=0:4:4 st=1
tr= '00000000000016c70008' NYDSnydb comlen=85
commit transaction
I. 2006/07/05 08:27:05. Begin Transaction
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Stable Queues
Origin User=sa Tran Name=_ins
I. 2006/07/05 08:27:05. ENTRY ver=1100 len=208 orig=102
lorig=0 oqid=00000000000016c7000004ff000b000004ff000b
000097f5008af20b0000000000000000 lqid=0:4:5 st=4
tr= '00000000000016c7000b' NYDSnydb comlen=91
begin transaction
I. 2006/07/05 08:27:05. ENTRY ver=1100 len=528 orig=102
lorig=0 oqid=00000000000016c7000004ff000c000004ff000b
000097f5008af20b0000000000000000 lqid=0:4:6 st=2097152
tr= '00000000000016c7000b' NYDSnydb comlen=409
insert into dbo.emp_queue
(emp_id, emp_first, emp_last, emp_title, emp_date, id)
values ('987654321', 'Ben', 'Irvine',
'Microwave Engineer', '3/5/94', 2222)
I. 2006/07/05 08:27:05. ENTRY ver=1100 len=204 orig=102
lorig=0 oqid=00000000000016c7000004ff000d000004ff000b
000097f5008af20b0000000000000000 lqid=0:4:7 st=1
tr= '00000000000016c7000b' NYDSnydb comlen=85
commit transaction
I. 2006/07/05 08:27:05. Begin Transaction
Origin User=sa Tran Name=_grrev
I. 2006/07/05 08:27:05. ENTRY ver=1100 len=212 orig=102
lorig=0 oqid=00000000000016c7000004ff000e000004ff000e
000097f5008af20b0000000000000000 lqid=0:4:8 st=4
tr= '00000000000016c7000e' NYDSnydb comlen=93
begin transaction
I. 2006/07/05 08:27:05. ENTRY ver=1100 len=204 orig=102
lorig=0 oqid=00000000000016d2000005010016000004ff000e
000097f5008af20b0000000000000000 lqid=0:4:9 st=1
tr= '00000000000016c7000e' NYDSnydb comlen=85
commit transaction
An inbound queue.
Tran Name=rs_logexec
Name of the transaction sp_setreptable.
Tran Name=_ins
Adaptive Server uses transaction name _ins for implicit insert transactions.
Tran Name=_grrev
The grant and revoke permission commands get a special transaction name from the Adaptive Server.
You see all begin, commit, and rollback commands, regardless of whether or not the transactions
contain changes that need to be replicated. When the RepAgent reads the log, it does not know
whether or not the transaction includes changes to objects that are marked for replication.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Stable Queues
11.3.3Example 3: Inbound Queue after update
Interpret an inbound queue containing an update transaction.
This update command was executed at the primary database:
update emp_queue
set emp_first = "General"
where emp_id = "123456789"
Queue Dump
Dump the inbound queue of the primary Replication Server:
sysadmin dump_queue, 102,1,-1,1,-2
I. 2006/07/05 08:29:52. BLOCK BEGIN
q_number=102 q_type=1 blk=0:5 cnt=3
I. 2006/07/05 08:29:52. Begin Transaction
Origin User=sa Tran Name=_upd
I. 2006/07/05 08:29:52. ENTRY ver=1100 len=208 orig=102
lorig=0 oqid=00000000000016e3000005020002000005020002
000097f5008bedfe0000000000000000 lqid=0:5:0 st=4
tr= '00000000000016e30002' NYDSnydb comlen=91
begin transaction
I. 2006/07/05 08:29:52. ENTRY ver=1100 len=568 orig=102
lorig=0 oqid=00000000000016e3000005020004000005020002
000097f5008bedfe0000000000000000 lqid=0:5:1 st=2097152
tr= '00000000000016e30002' NYDSnydb comlen=451
update dbo.emp_queue
set emp_id='123456789', emp_first='General',
emp_last='Davis', emp_title='Process Engineer',
emp_date='1/1/95', id=1111 where id=1111
I. 2006/07/05 08:29:52. ENTRY ver=1100 len=204 orig=102
lorig=0 oqid=00000000000016e3000005020005000005020002
000097f5008bedfe0000000000000000 lqid=0:5:2 st=1
tr= '00000000000016e30002' NYDSnydb comlen=85
commit transaction
Tran Name=_upd
Adaptive Server uses transaction name “upd” for implicit update transactions. RepAgent reads this name
from the log.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Stable Queues
11.3.4Example 4: Outbound Queue after update
Interpret an outboud queue containing an update transaction.
An update has been performed at the primary database. The minimal column feature has not been set for the
replication denition:
update emp_queue
set emp_first = "General"
where emp_id = "123456789"
Queue Dump
Dump the outbound queue or the replicate:
sysadmin dump_queue, 103, 0, -1,1,-2
I. 2006/07/05 08:31:32. BLOCK BEGIN
q_number=103 q_type=0 blk=0:3 cnt=3
I. 2006/07/05 08:31:32. Begin Transaction
Origin User=sa Tran Name=_upd
I. 2006/07/05 08:31:32. ENTRY ver=1100 len=204 orig=102
lorig=0 oqid=00000000000016e3000005020005000005020002
000097f5008bedfe0000000000000001 lqid=0:3:0 st=4
tr='00000000000016e30002' NYDSnydb comlen=88
begin transaction
I. 2006/07/05 08:31:32. ENTRY ver=1100 len=268 orig=102
lorig=0 oqid=00000000000016e3000005020005000005020002
000097f5008bedfe0000000000000002 lqid=0:3:1 st=0
tr= '00000000000016e30002' NYDSnydb comlen=149
update emp_queue
set emp_id='123456789', emp_first='General',
emp_last='Davis', emp_title='Process Engineer',
emp_date='1/1/95', id=1111
where id=1111
I. 2006/07/05 08:31:32. ENTRY ver=1100 len=180 orig=102
lorig=0 oqid=00000000000016e3000005020005000005020002
000097f5008bedfe0000000000000003 lqid=0:3:2 st=1
tr= '00000000000016e30002' NYDSnydb comlen=63
commit transaction
There are 3 rows in this block.
Tran Name=_upd
If you perform an update and did not explicitly start a transaction, Adaptive Server uses _upd as the
transaction name. Likewise, Adaptive Server uses _del for a delete command and _ins for an insert
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Stable Queues
st=4, st=0, st=1
Status for begin, other, and commit.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Stable Queues
12 Language, Sort Order, and Character Set
Errors may occur when you use localization features.
SAP Replication Server provides support for international environments with:
Localization of messages into English, French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, and Japanese languages
Support for all SAP-supported character sets, with character set conversion between SAP Replication
Server sites
Support for nonbinary sort orders
Because SAP Replication Server works in a distributed environment with many independent processes,
you must set up its languages, sort orders, and character sets carefully to avoid problems. Follow the
recommendations in the Design Guide.
RepAgent uses the same language, sort order, and character set settings as the SAP Adaptive Server
Related Information
Message Language Problems [page 167]
Sort Order Problems [page 168]
Character Set Problems [page 169]
Language and Globalization [page 170]
12.1 Message Language Problems
You can congure Replication Servers to print messages to the error log and to clients in English, and other
foreign languages. This allows server programs in your replication system, including Replication Servers, and
Adaptive Servers, to write messages to their error logs in the congured language. Depending on the server,
they may or may not send messages to a client in the client’s language.
For example, Adaptive Server checks for the language setting of its client (Replication Server) and returns
messages in that language. Replication Server, however, does not check for a client’s language; instead, it
returns messages to a client in its own language. This can result in error logs with messages in dierent
languages if the servers are congured in dierent languages.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Language, Sort Order, and Character Set Issues
Stored procedures use the language of their Adaptive Server connection. Therefore, if you have a mixed-
language environment, Adaptive Server stored procedure messages may be in a dierent language from the
Replication Server.
For example, if you log in to Adaptive Server using French and execute a stored procedure, the stored
procedure generates messages in French, even if the language setting of Replication Server is English or
Japanese. If you log in to Adaptive Server with a language that is not installed at the Adaptive Server, Adaptive
Server returns stored procedure messages in English.
SAP may not always translate new or changed messages into French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, or
Japanese. In this case, the Replication Server, or rs_subcmp messages use the English version of the message.
Misplaced message localization les can also cause message language problems. Verify that the les are in the
correct directories.
To avoid the confusion that can result from a mixed-language error log, congure the Replication Server so that
all languages are the same.
12.2 Sort Order Problems
Most sort order problems in Replication Server are a result of dierent sort orders being used in dierent
servers throughout your system.
You receive a Data Server Interface (DSI) error when trying to insert or update a record into a table with a
unique index on a character column. Under the primary data server’s sort order, the value is unique; but
under the replicate data server’s sort order, it is not unique. For example, “lvis” and “LVIS” are considered
distinct under a binary sort order but are considered equal under the nocase sort order.
A drop subscription with purge command does not completely remove the rows at the replicate
database. A query to select records to purge misses some records under the replicate data server’s sort
Replicated data is not what the replicate site expects.
When this occurs, a subscription probably has one or more character clauses. Updates during the lifetime
of a subscription are processed with the primary Replication Server’s sort order, leading to unexpected
semantics at the replicate data server if the sort orders dier.
Correct these problems by editing the Replication Server conguration le to use the same sort order and, if
necessary, by running sybinit to make the primary data server and replicate data server use this sort order
as well.
Related Information
Sort Order [page 169]
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Language, Sort Order, and Character Set Issues
12.2.1Sort Order
The sort order, or collation sequence, used by a server determines how character data and identiers are
compared and ordered. A sort order is determined by the character set.
Replication Server supports all SAP-supported sort orders, including nonbinary sort orders. Nonbinary sort
orders are necessary for the correct ordering of character data and identiers in European languages.
Use a nonbinary sort order if you have both:
Diering character sets between the primary and replicate data servers, and
Data with 8-bit characters,
and you intend to do either of the following:
Include columns with this data in the where clause of a subscription, or
Query the database with an order by clause involving the columns with this data.
12.3 Character Set Problems
Character set problems can arise when servers have dierent or incompatible character sets.
These problems can be corrected by conguring all servers in your replication system to use compatible
character sets.
8-bit or multibyte data is corrupted when replication is taking place between a multibyte and a single-byte
data server.
SAP does not support any character set conversion between single and multibyte systems; it simply
passes the data and object names as is. Since 8-bit and multibyte characters are character-set-specic,
their semantics change after replication.
Character data in the replicate data server has some question marks (?) substituted for non-ASCII
characters, even though the primary and replicate data servers use compatible character sets. Also, object
names originating at a remote site have some questions mark (?) characters.
This happens because dierent character sets, even compatible ones, have some unique characters. When
trying to convert a character that does not exist in the replicate data server’s character set, a question
mark (?) is substituted for the unrecognized character.
If you are replicating between compatible character sets (for example, iso-1 and cp850), make sure that
your object names and character data do not include any of the characters that are not common to both
character sets.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Language, Sort Order, and Character Set Issues
12.4 Language and Globalization
There is a limitation when using Japanese character sets in SAP Replication Server. Neither the eucjis nor the
sjis character set can be converted; this issue aects both SAP ASE and SAP Open Server and Open Client
Hankaku Katakana Conversion
In general, Japanese character sets are compatible. However, Hankaku Katakana characters, although they
exist in both the eucjis and sjis character sets, cannot be converted. Converting data that contains Hankaku
Katakana characters between eucjis and sjis does not work. This conversion problem occurs with character
datatypes and the text datatype and is documented in Conguring Client/Server Character Set Conversions in
the Adaptive Server Enterprise System Administration Guide Volume 1.
This conversion problem aects both SAP ASE and the SAP Open Server and Open Client libraries. Because
SAP Replication Server uses these libraries for all conversions, this problem also aects it.
In SAP Replication Server, this type of failure is treated in the same way as is the case of a single character
missing from the target character set. The remainder of the conversion succeeds and replication proceeds, and
problem characters are replaced by question marks in the target data area. There is currently no way to escape
this restriction with the SAP connectivity libraries. However, in SAP ASE, if you turn on trace ag number 2402,
you can remove this restriction.
Using Trace Flag 2402
Generally, SAP recommends that you set up your replication system so that SAP Replication Server handles all
character set conversions at the replicate SAP Replication Server and prevents the replicate data server from
performing any conversions. In this case, you can work around the Hankaku Katakana restriction if you set up
your system so that the replicate data server performs the conversion.
This table shows how this might look if the primary data server used the sjis character set and the replicate
data server used eucjis. Communication in this system is between each data server and its SAP Replication
Server and between the two SAP Replication Servers.
Primary SAP Replication Server sjis
Replicate SAP Replication Server sjis
Primary data server sjis
Replicate data server eucjis
The primary and replicate SAP Replication Servers are congured to use the same character set as the primary
data server. (If only one SAP Replication Server manages the primary and replicate data servers, congure it
with the character set of the primary data server.)
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Language, Sort Order, and Character Set Issues
In this conguration, when the replicate SAP Replication Server connects to the replicate data server with
character set sjis, the replicate data server detects this condition and converts data into its own character set,
eucjis. If trace ag 2402 is activated in the replicate data server, then the conversion includes the Hankaku
Katakana characters.
Setting Up Workaround
1. Congure your system as suggested.
2. Turn on trace ag 2402 in the replicate data server (SAP ASE) by including -T2402 on the command line
when you start SAP ASE.
Changing Default Date Format for a Language
If you modify the common.loc le to change the default date format for a given language, make the
corresponding change to the syslanguages table on all aected SAP ASEs.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Language, Sort Order, and Character Set Issues
13 Glossary
Glossary of terms used in replication systems.
active database
A database that is replicated to a standby database in a warm standby application. See
also warm standby application.
interface (API)
A predened interface through which users or programs communicate with each
other. Open Client™ and SAP® Open Server™ are examples of APIs that communicate
in a client/server architecture. RCL, the Replication Command Language, is the SAP
Replication Server API.
applied function
A replicated function, associated with a function replication denition, that SAP
Replication Server delivers from a primary database to a subscribing replicate
database. See also replicated function delivery, request function, and function
replication denition.
A replication denition extension for tables or stored procedures that can be an
element of a publication. Articles may or may not contain where clauses, which
specify a subset of rows that the replicate database receives.
procedure delivery
A method of replicating, from a source to a destination database, a stored procedure
that is associated with a table replication denition.
A command that a client submits to SAP Replication Server where the client is
not prevented from proceeding with other operations before the completion status
is received. Many SAP Replication Server commands function as asynchronous
commands within the replication system.
A materialization method that copies subscription data from a primary to a
replicate database through the network in a single atomic operation, using a select
operation with a holdlock. No changes to primary data are allowed until data
transfer is complete. See also nonatomic materialization, bulk materialization and no
Autocorrection is a setting applied to replication denitions, using the set
autocorrection command, to prevent failures caused by missing or duplicate rows
in a copy of a replicated table. When autocorrection is enabled, SAP Replication
Server converts each update or insert operation into a delete followed by an insert.
Autocorrection should only be enabled for replication denitions whose subscriptions
use nonatomic materialization.
base class
A function-string class that does not inherit function strings from a parent class. See
also function-string class.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
bitmap subscription
A type of subscription that replicates rows based on bitmap comparisons. Create
columns using the int datatype, and identify them as the rs_address datatype when
you create a replication denition.
bulk copy-in
A feature that improves SAP Replication Server performance when replicating large
batches of insert statements on the same table in SAP ASE 12.0 and later. SAP
Replication Server implements bulk copy-in in Data Server Interface (DSI), the SAP
Replication Server module responsible for sending transactions to replicate databases,
using the Open Client™ Open Server™ Bulk-Library.
Bulk copy-in also improves the performance of subscription materialization. When
dsi_bulk_copy is on, SAP Replication Server uses bulk copy-in to materialize
the subscriptions if the number of insert commands in each transaction exceeds
bulk materialization
A materialization method whereby subscription data in a replicate database is
initialized outside of the replication system. You can use bulk materialization for
subscriptions to table replication denitions or function replication denitions. For
example, data may be transferred from a primary database using media such
as magnetic tape, diskette, CDROM, or optical storage disk. Bulk materialization
involves a series of commands, starting with dene subscription. See also atomic
materialization, nonatomic materialization, and no materialization.
centralized database
A database system where data is managed by a single database management system
at a centralized location.
See error class and function-string class.
class tree
A set of function-string classes, consisting of two or more levels of derived and parent
classes, that derive from the same base class. See also function-string class.
A program connected to a server in a client/server architecture. It may be a frontend
application program executed by a user or a utility program that executes as an
extension of the system.
Interfaces (C/SI)
The SAP interface standard for programs executing in a client/server architecture.
The ability of multiple clients to share data or resources. Concurrency in a database
management system depends upon the system protecting clients from conicts that
arise when data in use by one client is modied by another client.
A connection from an SAP Replication Server to a database. See also Data Server
Interface (DSI) and logical connection.
connection prole
Information required to establish a database connection.
coordinated dump
A set of database dumps or transaction dumps that is synchronized across multiple
sites by distributing an rs_dumpdb or rs_dumptran function through the replication
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
A set of related data tables and other objects that is organized and presented to serve
a specic purpose.
database generation
Stored in both the database and the RSSD of the SAP Replication Server that manages
the database, the database generation number is the rst part of the origin queue
ID (<qid>) of each log record. The origin queue ID ensures that the SAP Replication
Server does not process duplicate records. During recovery operations, you may need
to increment the database generation number so that SAP Replication Server does not
ignore records submitted after the database is reloaded.
database replication
A description of a set of database objects—tables, transactions, functions, system
stored procedures, and DDL—for which a subscription can be created.
You can also create table replication denitions and function replication denitions.
See also table replication denition and function replication denition.
database server
A server program, such as SAP ASE, that provides database management services to
data denition
language (DDL)
The set of commands in a query language, such as Transact-SQL, that describes data
and their relationships in a database. DDL commands in Transact-SQL include those
using the create, drop, and alter keywords.
data manipulation
language (DML)
The set of commands in a query language, such as Transact-SQL, that operates
on data. DML commands in Transact-SQL include select, insert, update, and
data server
A server whose client interface conforms to the SAP Client/Server Interfaces and
provides the functionality necessary to maintain the physical representation of a
replicated table in a database. Data servers are usually database servers, but they
can also be any data repository with the interface and functionality SAP Replication
Server requires.
Data Server Interface
SAP Replication Server threads corresponding to a connection between an SAP
Replication Server and a database. DSI threads submit transactions from the DSI
outbound queue to a replicate data server. They consist of a scheduler thread and
one or more executor threads. The scheduler thread groups the transactions by
commit order and dispatches them to the executor threads. The executor threads map
functions to function strings and execute the transactions in the replicate database.
DSI threads use an Open Client connection to a database. See also outbound queue
and connection.
data source
A specic combination of a database management system (DBMS) product such as
a relational or non-relational data server, a database residing in that DBMS, and the
communications method used to access that DBMS from other parts of a replication
system. See also database and data server.
decision support
A database client application characterized by ad hoc queries, reports, and
calculations and few data update transactions.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
declared datatype
The datatype of the value delivered to the SAP Replication Server from the Replication
If the Replication Agent delivers a base SAP Replication Server datatype, such
as datetime, to the SAP Replication Server, the declared datatype is the base
Otherwise, the declared datatype must be the UDD for the original datatype at the
primary database.
default function
The function string that is provided by default for the system provided classes
rs_sqlserver_function_class and rs_default_function_class and classes
that inherit function strings from these classes, either directly or indirectly. See also
function string.
The optional process, when a subscription is dropped, whereby specic rows that are
not used by other subscriptions are removed from the replicate database.
derived class
A function-string class that inherits function strings from a parent class. See also
function-string class and parent class.
direct route
A route used to send messages directly from a source to a destination SAP Replication
Server, with no intermediate SAP Replication Servers. See also indirect route and
disk partition
See partition.
distributed database
A database system where data is stored in multiple databases on a network.
An SAP Replication Server thread (DIST) that helps to determine the destination of
each transaction in the inbound queue.
dump marker
A message written by SAP ASE in a database transaction log when a dump is
performed. In a warm standby application, when you are initializing the standby
database with data from the active database, you can specify that SAP Replication
Server use the dump marker to determine where in the transaction stream to begin
applying transactions in the standby database. See also warm standby application.
Replication Server
System Database
The SAP SQL Anywhere database that stores SAP Replication Server system tables.
You can choose whether to store SAP Replication Server system tables on the ERSSD
or the SAP ASE RSSD. See also Replication Server System Database (RSSD).
Enterprise Connect
Data Access (ECDA)
An integrated set of software applications and connectivity tools that allow access to
data within a heterogeneous database environment, such as a variety of LAN-based,
non-ASE data sources, and mainframe data sources.
error action
An SAP Replication Server response to a data server error. Possible SAP Replication
Server error actions are ignore, warn, retry_log, log, retry_stop, and
stop_replication. Error actions are assigned to specic data server errors.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
error class
A name for a collection of data server error actions that are used with a specied
exceptions log
A set of three SAP Replication Server system tables that holds information about
transactions that failed on a data server. The transactions in the log must be resolved
by a user or by an intelligent application. You can use the rs_helpexception stored
procedure to query the exceptions log.
ExpressConnect for
A set of libraries that can be used to provide direct communication between SAP
Replication Server and an SAP HANA database.
ExpressConnect for
A set of libraries that can be used to provide direct communication between SAP
Replication Server and an Oracle database.
SAP Failover allows you to congure two version 12.0 and later SAP ASEs as
companions. If the primary companion fails, that server’s devices, databases, and
connections can be taken over by the secondary companion.
For more detailed information about how SAP Failover works in SAP ASE, refer to Using
SAP Failover in a High Availability System, which is part of the SAP ASE documentation
fault tolerance
The ability of a system to continue to operate correctly even though one or more of its
component parts is malfunctioning.
An SAP Replication Server object that represents a data server operation such as
insert, delete, select, or begin transaction. SAP Replication Server distributes such
operations to other SAP Replication Servers as functions. Each function consists of
a function name and a set of data parameters. In order to execute the function in
a destination database, SAP Replication Server uses function strings to convert a
function to a command or set of commands for a type of database. See also user-
dened function, and replicated function delivery.
function replication
A description of a replicated function used in replicated function delivery. The function
replication denition, maintained by SAP Replication Server, includes information
about the parameters to be replicated and the location of the primary version of the
aected data. See also replicated function delivery.
function scope
The range of a function’s eect. Functions have replication denition scope or
function-string class scope. A function with replication denition scope is dened for a
specic replication denition, and cannot be applied to other replication denitions. A
function with function-string class scope is dened once for a function-string class and
is available only within that class.
function string
A string that SAP Replication Server uses to map a function and its parameters
to a data server API. Function strings allow SAP Replication Server to support
heterogeneous replication, in which the primary and replicate databases are dierent
types, with dierent SQL extensions and dierent command features.
function-string class
A named collection of function strings used with a specied database connection.
Function-string classes include those provided with SAP Replication Server and
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
those you have created. Function-string classes can share function string denitions
through function-string inheritance. The three system-provided function-string
classes are rs_sqlserver_function_class, rs_default_function_class, and
rs_db2_function_class. See also base class, class tree, derived class, function-
string inheritance, and parent class.
The ability to share function string denitions between classes, whereby a derived
class inherits function strings from a parent class. See also derived class, function-
string class, and parent class.
An identier used in a function string to represent a value that is to be substituted
at run time. Variables in function strings are enclosed in question marks (?). They
represent column values, function parameters, system-dened variables, or user-
dened variables.
function subscription
A subscription to a function replication denition used in both applied and request
function delivery.
Connectivity software that allows two or more computer systems with dierent
network architectures to communicate.
generation number
See database generation number.
heterogeneous data
Multi-vendor data servers used together in a distributed database system.
hibernation mode
An SAP Replication Server state in which all data denition language (DDL)
commands, except admin and sysadmin commands, are rejected; all routes and
connections are suspended; most service threads, such as Data Server Interface (DSI)
and SAP Replication Server Interface (RSI), are suspended; and RSI and Replication
Agent users are logged o and not allowed to log on. This is used during route
upgrades, and may be turned on for an SAP Replication Server to debug problems.
analytic appliance
An SAP® in-memory online transaction processing and online analytical processings
analytic appliance
database (SAP HANA
The SAP in-memory database.
high availability (HA)
Very low downtime. Computer systems that provide HA usually provide 99.999%
availability, or roughly ve minutes unscheduled downtime per year.
high volume adaptive
replication (HVAR)
Compilation of a group of insert, delete, and update operations to produce a net
result and the subsequent bulk application of the net result to the replicate database.
hot standby
A database application in which the standby database can be placed into service
without interrupting client applications and without losing any transactions. See also
warm standby application.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
ID Server
One SAP Replication Server in a replication system is the ID Server. In addition to
performing the usual SAP Replication Server tasks, the ID Server assigns unique ID
numbers to every SAP Replication Server and database in the replication system, and
maintains version information for the replication system.
inbound queue
A stable queue used to spool messages from a Replication Agent to an SAP
Replication Server.
indirect route
A route used to send messages from a source to a destination SAP Replication Server,
through one or more intermediate SAP Replication Servers. See also direct route and
interfaces le
A le containing entries that dene network access information for server programs in
an SAP client/server architecture. Server programs may include SAP ASE, gateways,
SAP Replication Servers, and Replication Agents. The interfaces le entries enable
clients and servers to connect to each other in a network.
The measure of the time it takes to distribute to a replicate database a data
modication operation rst applied in a primary database. The time includes
Replication Agent processing, SAP Replication Server processing, and network
local-area network
A system of computers and devices, such as printers and terminals, connected by
cabling for the purpose of sharing data and devices.
locator value
The value stored in the rs_locater table of the SAP Replication Server RSSD that
identies the latest log transaction record received and acknowledged by the SAP
Replication Server from each previous site during replication.
logical connection
A database connection that SAP Replication Server maps to the connections for the
active and standby databases in a warm standby application. See also connection and
warm standby application.
login name
The name that a user or a system component such as SAP Replication Server uses to
log in to a data server, SAP Replication Server, or Replication Agent.
Log Transfer
Language (LTL)
A subset of the Replication Command Language (RCL). A Replication Agent such as
RepAgent uses LTL commands to submit to SAP Replication Server the information it
retrieves from primary database transaction logs.
Log Transfer Manager
The Replication Agent program for SAP SQL Server. See also Replication Agent and
RepAgent thread.
maintenance user
A data server login name that SAP Replication Server uses to maintain replicate data.
In most applications, maintenance user transactions are not replicated.
The process of copying data specied by a subscription from a primary database
to a replicate database, thereby initializing the replicate table. Replicate data can
be transferred over a network, or, for subscriptions involving large amounts of data,
loaded initially from media. See also atomic materialization, bulk materialization, no
materialization, and nonatomic materialization.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
A stable queue used to spool messages related to a subscription being materialized or
missing row
A row missing from a replicated copy of a table but present in the primary table.
A replication system containing SAP Replication Servers of dierent software versions
that have dierent capabilities based on their dierent software versions and site
versions. Mixed-version support is available only if the system version is 11.0.2 or
For example, a replication system containing SAP Replication Servers version 11.5 or
later and version 11.0.2 is a mixed-version system. A replication system containing
SAP Replication Servers of releases earlier than release 11.0.2 is not a mixed-version
system, because any newer SAP Replication Servers are restricted by the system
version from using certain new features. See also site version and system version.
more columns
Columns in a replication denition exceeding 250, but limited to 1024. More columns
are supported by SAP Replication Server version 12.5 and later.
multi-site availability
Methodology for replicating database objects—tables, functions, transactions, system
stored procedures, and data denition language (DDL) statements from the primary
to the replicate database. In MultiSite Availability (MSA) setup, replication denitions
are not required for tables without LOB columns while replication denitions with
standby clauses are required for tables with LOB columns. See also database
replication denition.
SAP Replication Server feature that improves performance by enabling parallel paths
of data from the source database to the target database. You can congure multi-path
replication in warm standby and multisite availability (MSA) environments. These
multiple paths process data independently of each other and are applicable when sets
of data can be processed in parallel without transactions consistency requirements
between them while still maintaining data consistency within a path, but not adhering
to the commit order across dierent paths.
name space
The scope within which an object name must be unique.
A materialization method that copies subscription data from a primary to a
replicate database through the network in a single operation, without a holdlock.
Changes to the primary table are allowed during data transfer, which may cause
temporary inconsistencies between replicate and primary databases. Data is applied
in increments of ten rows per transaction, which ensures that the replicate database
transaction log does not ll. Nonatomic materialization is an optional method for the
create subscription command. See also autocorrection, atomic materialization,
no materialization, and bulk materialization.
Secure transmission of data across a network. SAP Replication Server supports third-
party security mechanisms that provide user authentication, unied login, and secure
message transmission between SAP Replication Servers.
no materialization
A materialization method that lets you create a subscription when the subscription
data already exists at the replicate site. Use the create subscription command
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
with the without materialization clause. You can use this method to create
subscriptions to table replication denitions. See also atomic materialization and bulk
online transaction
processing (OLTP)
A database client application characterized by frequent transactions involving data
modication (inserts, deletes, and updates).
Origin Queue ID (qid)
Formed by the Replication Agent, the qid uniquely identies each log record passed
to the SAP Replication Server. It includes the date and timestamp and the database
generation number. See also database generation number.
orphaned row
A table row that is present in the replicate, but not in the primary database.
outbound queue
A stable queue used to spool messages. The DSI outbound queue spools messages
to a replicate database. The RSI outbound queue spools messages to a replicate SAP
Replication Server.
parallel DSI
Conguring a database connection so that transactions are applied to a replicate data
server using multiple Data Server Interface (DSI) threads operating in parallel, rather
than a single DSI thread. See also connection and Data Server Interface (DSI).
An identier representing a value that is provided when a procedure executes.
Parameter names are prexed with an @ character in function strings. When a
procedure is called from a function string, SAP Replication Server passes the
parameter values, unaltered, to the data server. See also searchable parameter.
parent class
A function-string class from which a derived class inherits function strings. See also
function-string class and derived class.
A raw disk partition or operating system le that SAP Replication Server uses for
stable queue storage. Only use operating system les in a test environment.
physical connection
A connection from an SAP Replication Server to a database.
primary data
The denitive version of a set of data in a replication system. The primary data is
maintained on a data server that is known to all of the SAP Replication Servers with
subscriptions for the data.
primary database
Any database that contains data that is replicated to another database via the
replication system.
primary fragment
A horizontal segment of a table that holds the primary version of a set of rows.
primary key
A set of table columns that uniquely identies each row.
primary site
The location or facility at which primary data servers and primary databases are
deployed to support normal business operations. Sometimes called the active site or
main site. See error class and function-string class.
principal user
The user who starts an application. When using network-based security, SAP
Replication Server logs in to remote servers as the principal user.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Allows user to congure a connection with a pre-dened set of properties relative to
the server SAP Replication Server is connecting to.
A vertical slice of a table, representing a subset of the table’s columns.
A group of articles from the same primary database. A publication lets you
collect replication denitions for related tables and/or stored procedures and then
subscribe to them as a group. You collect replication denitions as articles in a
publication at the source SAP Replication Server and subscribe to them with a
publication subscription at the destination SAP Replication Server. See also article
and publication subscription.
A subscription to a publication. See also article and publication.
published datatype
The datatype of the column after the column-level translation (and before a class-level
translation, if any) at the replicate data server. The published datatype must be either
an SAP Replication Server base datatype or a UDD for the datatype in the target data
server. If the published datatype is omitted from the replication denition, it defaults
to the declared datatype.
In a database management system, a query is a request to retrieve data that meets a
given set of criteria. The SQL database language includes the select command for
A state in which log scanning has stopped and all scanned records have been
propagated to their destinations in a replication system. Some Replication Agent
and SAP Replication Server commands require that you rst quiesce the replication
quoted identiers
Object names that contain special characters such as spaces and nonalphanumeric
characters, start with a character other than alphabet, or correspond to a reserved
word and need to be enclosed in quote (single or double) characters to be parsed
real time loading
High volume adaptive replication (HVAR) to an SAP® IQ database. Uses relevant
commands and processes to apply HVAR changes to an SAP IQ replicate database.
See high volume adaptive replication.
remote procedure
call (RPC)
A request to execute a procedure that resides in a remote server. The server that
executes the procedure could be an SAP ASE, an SAP Replication Server, or a server
created using SAP Open Server. The request can originate from any of these servers
or from a client application. The RPC request format is a part of the SAP Client/Server
RepAgent thread
The Replication Agent for SAP ASE databases. Replication Agent is an SAP ASE
thread; it transfers transaction log information from the primary database to an SAP
Replication Server for distribution to other databases.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
replicate database
A database that contains data replicated from another database (the primary
database) through a replication system. The replicate database is the database that
receives replicated data in a replication system. Contrast with primary database.
replicated function
A method of replicating, from a source to a destination database, a stored procedure
that is associated with a function replication denition. See also applied function,
request function, and function replication denition.
replicated stored
An SAP ASE stored procedure that is marked as replicated using the sp_setrepproc
system procedure. Replicated stored procedures can be associated with function
replication denitions or table replication denitions. See also replicated function
delivery and asynchronous procedure delivery.
replicated table
A table that is maintained by SAP Replication Server, in part or in whole, in databases
at multiple locations. There is one primary version of the table, which is marked
as replicated using the sp_setreptable system procedure; all other versions are
replicated copies.
Replication Agent
A program or module that transfers transaction log information representing
modications made to primary data from a database server to an SAP Replication
Server for distribution to other databases. RepAgent is the Replication Agent for SAP
ASE databases.
Command Language
The commands used to manage information in SAP Replication Server.
replication denition
Usually, a description of a table for which subscriptions can be created. The
replication denition, maintained by SAP Replication Server, includes information
about the columns to be replicated and the location of the primary version of the
You can also create function replication denitions; sometimes the term “table
replication denition” is used to distinguish between table and function replication
denitions. See also function replication denition.
Management Agent
A distributed management agent that you can use to easily set up and manage
replication from any supported databases to an SAP HANA database.
Replication Server
Interface (RSI)
A thread that logs in to a destination SAP Replication Server and transfers commands
from the source SAP Replication Server RSI outbound stable queue to the destination
SAP Replication Server. There is one RSI thread for each destination SAP Replication
Server that is a recipient of commands from a primary or intermediate SAP
Replication Server. See also outbound queue and route.
replication system
The system administrator that manages routine operations in the Replication Server.
Replication Server
System Database
The SAP ASE database containing an SAP Replication Server system tables. The user
can choose whether to store SAP Replication Server system tables on SAP ASE or
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
embedded in an SAP SQL Anywhere database hosted by SAP Replication Server. See
also Embedded Replication Server System Database (ERSSD).
Replication Server
system Adaptive
The SAP ASE with the database containing an SAP Replication Server system tables.
replication system
A data processing system where data is replicated in multiple databases to provide
remote users with the benets of local data access. Specically, a replication system
that is based upon SAP Replication Server and includes other components such as
Replication Agents and data servers.
replication system
All replication system components that use the same ID Server.
request function
A replicated function, associated with a function replication denition, that SAP
Replication Server delivers from a primary database to a replicate database. The
function passes parameter values to a stored procedure that is executed at the
replicate database. The stored procedure is executed at the replicate site by the same
user as it is at the primary site. See also replicated function delivery, request function,
and function replication denition.
resync marker
When you restart Replication Agent in resync mode, Replication Agent sends the
resync database marker to SAP Replication Server to indicate that a resynchronization
eort is in progress. The resync marker is the rst message Replication Agent sends
before sending any SQL data denition language (DDL) or data manipulation language
(DML) transactions.
A one-way message stream from a source Replication Server to a destination
Replication Server. Routes carry data modication commands (including those for
RSSDs) and replicated functions or stored procedures between Replication Servers.
See also direct route and indirect route.
route version
The lower of the site version numbers of the route’s source and destination SAP
Replication Servers. The supported SAP Replication Server versions use the route
version number to determine which data to send to the replicate site. See also site
row migration
The process whereby column value changes in rows in a primary version of a table
cause corresponding rows in a replicate version of the table to be inserted or deleted,
based on comparison with values in a subscription’s where clause.
SAP Adaptive Server
Enterprise (SAP ASE)
The SAP version 11.5 and later relational database server. If you choose the RSSD
option when conguring SAP Replication Server, SAP ASE maintains SAP Replication
Server system tables in the RSSD database.
SAP Replication
The SAP server program that maintains replicated data, typically on a LAN, and
processes data transactions received from other SAP Replication Servers on the same
LAN or on a WAN.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
The structure of the database. DDL commands and system procedures change
system tables stored in the database. Supported DDL commands and system
procedures can be replicated to standby databases when you use SAP Replication
Server version 11.5 or later and SAP ASE version 11.5 or later.
searchable column
A column in a replicated table that can be specied in the where clause of a
subscription or article to restrict the rows replicated at a site.
A parameter in a replicated stored procedure that can be specied in the where
clause of a subscription to help determine whether or not the stored procedure should
be replicated. See also parameter.
secondary truncation
A secondary truncation point marks the place in the primary database log up to
which the RepAgent has processed transactions. The RepAgent periodically updates
the secondary truncation point to reect transactions successfully passed to the SAP
Replication Server. SAP ASE will not truncate the log past the secondary truncation
An installation consisting of, at minimum, an SAP Replication Server, data server, and
database, and possibly a Replication Agent, usually at a discrete geographic location.
The components at each site are connected over a WAN to those at other sites in a
replication system. See also primary site.
site version
The version number for an individual SAP Replication Server. Once the site version has
been set to a particular level, the SAP Replication Server enables features specic to
that level, and downgrades are not allowed. See also software version, route version,
and system version.
software version
The version number of the software release for an individual SAP Replication Server.
See also site version and system version.
SQL Server
The SAP relational database pre-11.5 server.
SQL statement
The process in which the SAP Replication Server receives the SQL statement
that modied the primary data, rather than the individual row changes from the
transaction log. SAP Replication Server applies the SQL statement to the replicated
site. RepAgent sends both the SQL Data Manipulation Language (DML) and individual
row changes. Depending on your conguration, SAP Replication Server chooses either
individual row change log replication or SQL statement replication.
Stable Queue
Manager (SQM)
A thread that manages the stable queues. There is one Stable Queue Manager
(SQM) thread for each stable queue accessed by the SAP Replication Server, whether
inbound or outbound.
Stable Queue
Transaction (SQT)
A thread that reassembles transaction commands in commit order. A Stable
Queue Transaction (SQT) interface thread reads from inbound stable queues, puts
transactions in commit order, then sends them to the Distributor (DIST) thread or a
DSI thread, depending on which thread required the SQT ordering of the transaction.
stable queues
Store-and-forward queues where SAP Replication Server stores messages destined
for a route or database connection. Messages written into a stable queue remain there
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
until they can be delivered to the destination SAP Replication Server or database. SAP
Replication Server builds stable queues using its disk partitions. See also inbound
queue, outbound queue, and materialization queue.
standalone mode
An SAP Replication Server mode used for initiating recovery operations.
standby database
In a warm standby application, a database that receives data modications from the
active database and serves as a backup of that database. See also warm standby
stored procedure
A collection of SQL statements and optional control-of-ow statements stored under
a name in an SAP ASE database. Stored procedures supplied with SAP ASE are called
system procedures. Some stored procedures for querying the RSSD are included with
the SAP Replication Server software.
A request for SAP Replication Server to maintain a replicated copy of a table, or a
set of rows from a table, in a replicate database at a specied location. You can also
subscribe to a function replication denition, for replicating stored procedures.
The optional process, when a subscription is dropped, whereby specic rows that are
not used by other subscriptions are removed from the replicate database.
The process of copying data specied by a subscription from a primary database
to a replicate database, thereby initializing the replicate table. Replicate data can
be transferred over a network, or, for subscriptions involving large amounts of data,
loaded initially from media.
The process whereby column value changes in rows in a primary version of a table
cause corresponding rows in a replicate version of the table to be inserted or deleted,
based on comparison with values in a subscription’s where clause.
SAP® Control Center
for Replication
A Web-based solution for monitoring the status and availability of servers in a
replication environment.
On a multiprocessor platform, the ability of an application’s threads to run in parallel.
SAP Replication Server supports SMP, which can improve server performance and
A command that a client submits where the client is prevented from proceeding with
other operations before the completion status is received.
system function
A function that is predened and part of the SAP Replication Server product. Dierent
system functions coordinate replication activities, such as rs_begin, or perform data
manipulation operations, such as rs_insert, rs_delete, and rs_update.
SAP Replication Server provides the error class rs_sqlserver_error_class
and the function-string classes rs_sqlserver_function_class,
rs_default_function_class, and rs_db2_function_class. Function strings
are generated automatically for the system-provided function-string classes and for
any derived classes that inherit from these classes, directly or indirectly. See also error
class and function-string class.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
system version
The version number for a replication system that represents the version for which
new features are enabled, for SAP Replication Servers of release 11.0.2 or earlier, and
below which no SAP Replication Server can be downgraded or installed. For an SAP
Replication Server version 11.5, your use of certain new features requires a site version
of 1150 and a system version of at least 1102. See also mixed-version system, site
version, and software version.
table replication
Identies a primary table and marks in order for SAP Replication Server to replicate
its contents when inserted, updated or deleted. It 'publishes' the data in the publish-
subscribe methodology used by SAP Replication Server.
table subscription
A subscription to a table replication denition.
A process running within SAP Replication Server. Built upon SAP Open Server, SAP
Replication Server has a multi-threaded architecture. Each thread performs a certain
function such as managing a user session, receiving messages from a Replication
Agent or another SAP Replication Server, or applying messages to a database. See
also Data Server Interface (DSI), Distributor, and Replication Server Interface (RSI).
A mechanism for grouping statements so that they are treated as a unit: either all
statements in the group are executed or no statements in the group are executed.
The relational database language used with SAP ASE. It is based on standard
Structured Query Language (SQL), with Sybase extensions.
truncation point
In an SAP ASE database that has an active truncation point, the active truncation
point marks the point in the transaction log where SAP ASE has completed the write
of the last committed transaction and will write the log record of the next transaction
user-dened function
A function that allows you to create custom applications that use SAP Replication
Server to distribute replicated functions or asynchronous stored procedures between
sites in a replication system. In replicated function delivery, a user-dened function
is automatically created by SAP Replication Server when you create a function
replication denition.
See function-string variable.
version mixed-version system
See mixed-version system, site version, software version, and system version.
warm standby
An application that employs SAP Replication Server to maintain a standby database
for a database known as the active database. If the active database fails, SAP
Replication Server and client applications can switch to the standby database.
wide-area network
A system of local-area networks (LANs) connected together with data communication
wide columns
Columns in a replication denition containing char, varchar, binary, varbinary,
unichar, univarchar, or Java inrow data that are wider that 255 bytes.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
wide data
Wide data rows, limited to the size of the data page on the data server. SAP ASE
supports page sizes of 2K, 4K, 8K, and 16K.
wide messages
Messages larger that 16K that span blocks.
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
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Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
Important Disclaimers and Legal Information
Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide
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