929 (Design date 08/18) - Page 1© COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2018
Change of contact and/or
passport details
Department of Home Affairs
Your contact and passport details can be updated online via
ImmiAccount if your application was lodged online. Further
details are available at
under the ‘Available services’ tab.
Change of address
If you intend to change your residential address for more
than 14 days while your application is being processed,
you must tell the Department of Home Affairs (the Department)
your new address prior to moving.
Change of passport details
You need to advise the Department of any changes to your
passport details before and after a visa is granted to you.
Where a new passport has been issued or you hold an
additional passport(s), you need to provide a copy of the
bio-data page of this new or additional passport(s) with this form
in order for the Department to confirm your identity.
Change of name in passport
Where a new passport has been issued with a new name, you
should provide certified copies of the Bio-data page of the
previous passport, new passport and official evidence of name
change (eg. change of name certificate, marriage certificate) with
this form in order for the Department to confirm your identity.
If you have an endorsement in your current passport with your
new name as the principal name, you need to provide certified
copies of relevant pages of the current passport and official
evidence of name change with this form in order for the
Department to confirm your identity.
Your departmental records will be updated and new details
linked to your record on the Department’s systems to facilitate
your travel.
Note: Questions 2–7 are mandatory. These questions must be
completed regardless of the details you are changing as they
contain essential information necessary to process the change of
contact details and to ensure that you will receive all written
communications about the application.
If your request is to update your passport details you can check
your details via Visa Entitlement Verification Online (VEVO) at
Updating authorised recipient’s contact details
To update your authorised recipient’s contact details please
complete form 956 or form 956A and provide it to the
Form 956 and form 956A are available from the Department’s
website www.homeaffairs.gov.au/allforms/
Important information about privacy
Your personal information is protected by law, including the
Privacy Act 1988. Important information about the collection,
use and disclosure (to other agencies and third parties, including
overseas entities) of your personal information, including
sensitive information, is contained in form 1442i Privacy notice.
Form 1442i is available from the Department’s website
www.homeaffairs.gov.au/allforms/. You should ensure that
you read and understand form 1442i before completing this
Changing your contact and/or passport details
1. You can update your details online if your application is
available in ImmiAccount. Go to the Department’s website
2. You can return this completed form and attachments by email to
Home page www.homeaffairs.gov.au
Please keep this information page for your reference
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929 (Design date 08/18) - Page 3© COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2018
Change of contact and/or
passport details
Department of Home Affairs
Please open this form using Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Either type (in English) in the fields provided or print this form
and complete it (in English) using a pen and BLOCK LETTERS.
Tick where applicable
ImmiAccountYou can update your contact and passport details
online for selected visa subclasses. Further details are available at
www.homeaffairs.gov.au/immiaccount under the ‘Available
services’ tab.
1 Which of the following details have changed?
Contact details
Complete Part A, Part B and Part D
Passport details
Complete Part A, Part C and Part D
and/or gender details
Complete Part A, Part C and Part D
Note: If you need to update your contact and passport details, complete
ALL parts of this form.
Part A – Applicant’s details
2 Applicant’s full name
Family name
Given names
3 Date of birth
Day Month Year
4 Sex Male
Indeterminate / Intersex / Unspecified
Passport/travel document number (previously provided to the Department)
6 Does the applicant have an application in progress?
Visa currently held
Type of visa applied for
7 At which office was the application lodged?
Part B – Applicant’s new contact details
8 Residential address
Telephone number
( ) ( )
Country code Area code Number
9 Address for correspondence
(If the same as your residential address, write ‘AS ABOVE’)
10 Do you agree to the Department communicating with you by fax, email
or other electronic means?
Give details
Fax number
( ) ( )
Country code Area code Number
Email address
11 Effective date for new contact details
Day Month Year
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Part C – New passport details
12 Details of the applicant’s new passport
Name as it appears in passport
Family name
Given names
Place of birth as it
appears in passport
Passport number
Date of issue
Day Month Year
Date of expiry
Country of issue
Issuing authority
Place of issue
13 What is the main reason for the change of passport details?
Previous passport expiring
Previous passport lost/stolen
Date lost/stolen
Day Month Year
Police report number
Previous passport damaged
Incorrectly recorded by the Department
Change of name
You must submit evidence
of name change as listed
on page 1 in order for the
Department to confirm
your new details
14 Details of other passport(s) held by the applicant
1. Name as it appears in passport
Family name
Given names
Place of birth as it
appears in passport
Passport number
Date of issue
Day Month Year
Date of expiry
Country of issue
Issuing authority
Place of issue
2. Name as it appears in passport
Family name
Given names
Place of birth as it
appears in passport
Passport number
Date of issue
Day Month Year
Date of expiry
Country of issue
Issuing authority
Place of issue
Part D – Declaration
15 WARNING: Giving false or misleading information is a serious offence.
I declare that:
I have read the information contained in form 1442i Privacy notice.
I understand the Department may collect, use and disclose my
personal information (including biometric information and other
sensitive information) as outlined in form 1442i Privacy notice.
Signature of applicant
Day Month Year
We strongly advise that you keep a copy of this form and all
attachments for your records.
Office use only Record updated