GIT Curriculum Highlights
1) Programming Logics and Techniques
Computer Programming Fundamentals
Expressing Algorithms
Benefits of Using Algorithms
General Approaches in Algorithm Design
Analysis of Algorithms 1.4 Flowcharts
Advantages of Using Flowcharts
Limitations of Using Flowcharts
When to Use Flowcharts
Flowchart Symbols & Guidelines
Types of Flowcharts
Program Design
Activities involved in Program Design
Object-Oriented Formulations
2) C-sharp (C#) Dot-Net with OOPS
(Console Based)
The .NET Framework - an Overview
Framework Components
Framework Versions
Types of Applications which can be developed
using MS.NET
MS.NET Base Class Library
MS.NET Namespaces
MSIL / Metadata and PE files.
The Common Language Runtime (CLR)
Managed Code
MS.NET Memory Management / Garbage
Common Type System (CTS)
Common Language Specification (CLS)
Types of JIT Compilers
Introduction IDE Visual Studio
Collections and Generics
Assemblies and GAC
Exception Handling
IO Streams
Reflection and Attributes
Entry point method - Main.
Compiling and Building Projects
Using Command Line Arguments
Why Data-types
Global, Stack and Heap Memory
Casting between other data-types
Boxing and Unboxing
Enum and Constant
Control Statements
Working with Arrays
Working with Methods
Pass by value and by reference and out
Configuration File
Developing GUI Application Using WINFORMS
Delegates & Events
Multithreading & Concurrency
Setup , Packaging and Deployment
Debugging and Diagnostics
3) Rational Data-Base Management
System (RDBMS)
Introduction to DBMS and RDBMS
Learn Database models
ER Diagrams and Mapping
Normalization and Data Redundancy
Overview of SQL Server Management Studio,
Transact-SQL language and tools
Master writing simple and complex queries that
retrieve data from the database
Data Types
Calculate information across result sets using
aggregate queries (sum, min, max, avg, etc.)
CRUD Operations Insert, update, and delete
Retrieve data from tables , grouping ,
inbuilt functions
SQL inbuilt Clauses(where, like etc )
Joins ,Outer joins , Sub-queries ,Apply’s
Databases, Backup and Restore Of Database
Attach and Detach of Database
Views , Batches
Procedure and Functions
Xml, Full-Text-Search,
Working with Triggers
Ensure the integrity of multiple, related
database updates by using transactions
Retrieve data using cursors
DMV’s , Server Optimization
4) HTML5 and CSS3
Introduction to WEB ,HTML Basics
Elements. Attributes, Headings
Basics, Paragraphs, Formatting
Links, Head, CSS ,Images ,Tables
HTML4 Drawbacks
HTML5 Introduction
New Features and groups
Backward Compatibility
Common Terms in HTML5
Character Encoding:
Obsolete Elements/Deprecated Elements
HTML5 New Elements
HTML5 Canvas
HTML5 Drag/Drop
HTML5 Geo location
HTML5 Video
HTML5 Audio
HTML5 Input Types
HTML5 Form Elements
HTML5 Form Attributes
New attributes for <input>
HTML5 Web Storage
HTML5 App Cache, Web Worker
HTML Media, Multimedia
CSS 1.0 and 2.0
CSS3 Introduction, Modules
Selectors, Box Model
Backgrounds and Borders
Text Effects
2D/3D Transformations
Flex-box and grid layouts
Responsive web
Frameworks and pre processors
Fonts, font-weight
3D Transforms , Transitions
Multiple Columns
(Interface Analytical Management Program)
Demonstration of Semester Project-1
Personality Development Program
1) Front-End Development
JavaScript Introduction
operators, Data-types
Control structures
Functions, Arrow functions
Call-back Functions
The map, filter,
Arrays, this, Super
Object-oriented programming
Constructors, new
Building Smarter Forms
Accessing properties a
Manipulating objects
The loop
JavaScript Validation
Location Objects
JavaScript Window and Frame Objects
JavaScript Event Handling
JavaScript Exception Handling
Real World Applications of JavaScript
HTTP Cookies
Document Object Model (DOM)
2) Developing Web Application
( CORE) and Microsoft
Entity Framework Core
ASP.NET Core Environment Setup
Controllers & Action Methods
Views ,Razor View
Model Binding
Validations & Data Annotations
State management Techniques
Cookies ,Sessions
Authentication and Authorization
Implementing Security using ASP.NET Core
MVC Design Pattern
Entity framework ORM to do crud Operations
Using identity frame-Work to do authorization ,
Authentication and session management.
Using Sql database with entity framework.
Using Cloudinary for photo /video upload
3) Intro to Web-forms
Web Programming Introduction
HTML and JavaScript
Traditional ASP Basics
ASP.NET Introduction & Controls
ASP.NET Architecture
CSS & Themes
Redirecting User to Another Page
Master Pages
Working with User Control
Validation Controls
ASP.NET State Management
Web-Configuration File and Global.asax
Authentication & Authorization
Application Service Providers
Data Bound Controls
Web Caching
Globalization and Localization
Understanding & Publishing Web Application
1) Python Core Programming
With OOP
Introduction to Python
Python Operators
Python Data Types
Python Control Flow
Python Strings
Lists , Tuples Dictionary , Sets
List and Dictionary Comprehensions
Functions and Lambda
Python OOP
Python Objects and Class
Inheritance ,iterators
Encapsulation ,Polymorphism
Constructors in Python
Deleting Attributes and objects
Multiple Inheritance
Multilevel Inheritance
Exception Handling in Python
File Handling
Python Pickle
Python RegEx ,JSON
Python DB Connectivity
Python Tkinter
2) Data Exploration in Python
Basics of NumPy Arrays
Creating NumPy Array
NumPy Array Manipulation
Matrix in NumPy
Operations on NumPy Array
Reshaping NumPy Array
Indexing NumPy Array
Arithmetic operations on NumPy Array
Linear Algebra in NumPy Array
NumPy and Random Data
Sorting and Searching in NumPy Array
Universal Functions
Working With Images
Introduction to Pandas
Installation Pandas
Jupyter Notebook
Creating Objects
Pandas Data-Frame, Series
Viewing Data
Convert Data-Frame to NumPy Array
Convert Series to NumPy Array
Dealing with Rows and Columns in Data-Frame
loc, iloc
Indexing and Selecting Data
slicing technique
Manipulating Data
Adding, Delete rows/columns
Truncate, Iterating
Missing Data Sorting
Grouping Data
Merging, Joining and Concatenating
Working with Date and Time
Working With Text Data
Working with CSV and Excel files
functions ,Aggregation, Mean
Mean absolute deviation
Pandas Built-in Data Visualization
Visualization using Matplotlib Lib
Visualization using Sea-born Lib
3) Front End Development using
Learn front-end development with React.
Understand when and how to use React
Components. Learn to pass Props and
work with them.
Learn to write JSX and understand JSX syntax.
Learn about the React DOM.
Learn State Management in React.
Learn about React Hooks.
Learn about conditional rendering in React.
Understand the difference between class and
functional components.
Learn about Redux hooks
Centralized store to manage state of
components globally.
Learn how to use Reducers and Actions
Introduction to Node event -driven programming
Introduction to JavaScript event driven
components of back-end development, working
with an MVC framework
object- oriented programming,
Server-Side JavaScript
Using Node on the command line NPM
JavaScript Build Processes
Event Loop and Emitters
File System Interaction
Native Node drivers
Webserver basis using express
Handling incoming request in Node JS
Serving static files / pages
Content caching
Streaming and optimization
Introduction to HTTP Object
Processing POST Data
Handling File uploads
Using Node as HTTP Client
Implementing download Throttling
Setting up HTTPS
cross-site forgeries safty
Sending Emails. Sending SMSs
web socket.
Creating your own SMTP server
Creating Command line app using Node
Threads (or) worker in Node JS
Making cron jobs in Node JS.
Node as proxy server
Writing a functional module
Extending the module’s API
Deploying a module to npm
Next.js Fundamentals
Build your first Next.js app | Coffee Connoisseur
Routing with Next.js | Coffee Connoisseur
Styling in Next.js | Coffee Connoisseur
Hydration, SEO and Different Rendering
Techniques in Next.js
Static Coffee Store Pages | Coffee Connoisseur
Coffee stores by Location | Coffee Connoisseur
Serverless functions | Coffee Connoisseur
Store Coffee Store Data using Airtable | Coffee
SWR with Client Side Rendering | Coffee
Deployment and Build Optimization | Coffee
Project Setup | Building Netflix with Next.js
Netflix Home Page and Video | Building Netflix
with Next.js
Authentication with Magic | Building Netflix with
Incremental Static Regeneration | Building
Netflix with Next.js
Hasura GraphQL | Building Netflix with Next.js
Authentication with Hasura | Building Netflix
with Next.js
Ratings Service and Favourited Videos Page |
Building Netflix with Next.js
Deploying to Production | Netflix with Next.js
Create the final GitHub repo, set-up the repo,
and finally deploy to Vercel!
2) Core Java and Advance Java
Object-Oriented Programming Concepts
Core Java Programming Introduction of Java
Flow Control, operators, Datatypes
Loops, Strings, Arrays
Abstraction, Encapsulation, Polymorphism
Inheritance, packages
Constructors, Getters and setters
Classes and Objects
Return, this, super, final Keywords
Auto-boxing and Unboxing
Abstract classes and methods
Overloading and overriding
Enums, String-Builder, String-Buffer
Generic classes, Collections
Exception Handling ,IO package
NIO and NIO2
Multithreading , Concurrency
JDBC Connectivity
Nested, Inner Local Classes
Anonymous Classes
Lambda Expressions
Method References
Intro to Servlet
Servlet Request and Response
RequestDispacher, sendRedirect
ServletConfig , ServletContext
Attribute in Servlet
Servlet Advance
Session Tracking
Event and Listener
Servlet Filter
Servlet CRUD
Servlet Pagination
ServletInputStream , ServletOutputStream
Annotation Servlet
Intro JSP
scripting elements
JSP tags,9 Implicit Objects
JSP RequestJSP ResponseJSP ConfigJSP
ApplicationJSP SessionJSP PageContext
JSPdirectives and Action Elements
Java Bean
Expression Language
JSP Custom tags
Example of Custom Tag Attributes Iteration
Custom URI
JSP Pagination
3) Flutter with DART
Learn to set up a new Flutter project using
Android Studio. Understand the
Widget tree and learn to use pre-made Flutter
Widgets for user interface
Learn to incorporate Image and Text Widgets to
create simple user interfaces.
Learn to incorporate App Icons for iOS and
Learn how to add and load image assets to
Flutter projects. Run Flutter apps
on iOS Simulator, Android Emulator and physical
Use Hot Reload and Hot Restart to quickly
refresh the app UI and understand
when to use each.
Learning to use the Pubspec.yaml file to
incorporate dependencies, custom
assets and fonts.
An introduction to the Widget build() method.
Learning to use layout widgets such as Columns,
Rows, Containers and Cards.
Incorporating Material icons using the Icons
Understand the difference between Stateful and
Stateless Widgets and
when they should each be used.
Understand how callbacks can be used detect
user interaction in button
Understand the declarative style of UI
programming and how Flutter widgets
react to state changes.
Learn to import dart libraries to incorporate
additional functionality.
Learn about how variables, data types and
functions work in Dart 2.
Build flexible layouts using the Flutter Expanded
Understand the relationship between setState(),
State objects and Stateful
Learn to use the Dart package manager to
incorporate Flutter compatible
packages into your projects.
Understanding the structure of the
pubspec.yaml file.
Incorporate the audio players package to play
Learn more about functions in Dart and the
arrow syntax.
Learn to refactor widgets and understand
Flutter's philosophy of UI as code.
Learn about how lists and conditionals work in
Learn about classes and objects in Dart and how
it apply to Flutter widgets.
Understand Object Oriented Dart and how to
apply the fundamentals of
OOP to restructuring a Flutter app.
Learn to use Dart Constructors to create
customisable Flutter widgets.
Apply common mobile design patterns to
structure Flutter apps.
Learn about structuring and organising Flutter
Customise apps with Theme widgets.
Refactoring widgets by extracting them as
separate Widget classes.
Learn about Dart annotations and modifiers.
Understand the immutability of Stateless and
Stateful Widgets and how the
screen is updated with the build() method.
Create custom Flutter Widgets by combining
smaller widgets.
Learn about the difference between final and
const in Dart.
Learn about maps, enums and the ternary
operator in Dart.
Understand that functions are first class objects
in Dart and how functions
can be passed around as arguments.
Learn to build multi-screen Flutter apps by
learning about routes and the
Navigator widget.
Understand why flutter favours composition vs.
inheritance when
customising widgets.
Learn about asynchronous programming in Dart
and understand how to use
async/await and the Futures API.
Understand Stateful Widget lifecycle methods.
Handling exceptions in dart with try/catch and
Use Dart null aware operators to prevent app
Getting location data from both iOS and Android.
Using the http package to perform networking
and get live data from open APIs.
Understanding how to parse JSON data using
the dart:convert library.
Understand how to pass data to State objects
via the Stateful Widget.
Use the TextField Widget to take user input.
Understand how to pass data backwards using
the Navigator widget.
Learn to use the Cupertino package and build
Flutter apps for iOS with UIKit
styled Cupertino widgets.
Use the dart:io library to detect runtime platform
and create separate UIs
for iOS and Android in the same Flutter app.
Learn to use Dart loops to create recurring
Learn to use hero animations in Flutter apps.
Understand how the animation controller works
and create custom animations.
Learn to use Dart mixins to extend class
Incorporate Firebase Cloud Firestore into your
Flutter apps. Implement
authentication in your Flutter apps with the
Firebase Auth package.
Build a scrolling ListView widget to learn how
Flutter creates and destroys
reusable elements.
Understand Dart Streams to listen to data
Learn to use the Flutter StreamBuild to turn
streams of data into widgets that
can be rendered.
Understand why we need to manage state
across our widget tree.
Learn about declarative vs. imperative
Look at how setState works under the hood.
Learn about prop drilling and lifting state up.
Create a todo list app.
Learn about the BottomSheet widget and the
ListViewBuilder. Understand
Flutter app architecture design patterns.
Learn to manage state with the Google
recommended Provider package.
Quizzler - A truth or False App.
BMI Calculator - A beautiful health app.
Flash Chat.
Whats App.
Clima - The Weather app.
Bitcoin Ticker.
Zoom Meeting.
Introduction to Version Control and Git.
Version Control Using Git and the Command
GitHub and Remote Repositories.
Git Ignore.
Branching and Merging.
Optional Git Challenge.
Forking and Pull Requests.
Sem 4 Major Project
1) Robotics and IOT with Projects
Definition and history of robotics
Importance and applications of robotics in daily
Introduction to basic robotic components:
sensors, actuators, controllers
Basic Electronics and Circuits Introduction to
circuit diagrams
Hands-on activities with simple circuits
Introduction to Programming
Introduction to block-based programming
Simple programming exercises to control
virtual robots
Simple robotic arm design and construction
Sensors and Actuators
Types of sensors and actuators used in
Hands-on activities with sensors and actuators
Introduction to Arduino
Writing and uploading simple Arduino
Building basic robotic projects using Arduino
Introduction to text-based programming
Understanding variables, loops, and functions
Robot Design and Construction
Understanding integrated circuits (ICs)
Introduction to sensors and actuators
interfacing circuits
Presentation and demonstration of projects at
the end of the semester
2) Artificial Intelligence and
Machine Learning
Introduction Machine Learning and AI
Introduction to Machine Learning and AI
Overview of Machine Learning and Artificial
Types of Machine Learning: Supervised,
Unsupervised, Semi-Supervised, Reinforcement
Applications of Supervised Machine Learning
Python for Machine Learning
Recap of Python Basics for Machine Learning
Introduction to Libraries: NumPy, Pandas,
Setting up Python Environment for Machine
Learning (Anaconda, Jupyter Notebooks)
Data Pre-processing for Machine Learning
Data Cleaning and Handling Missing Values
Feature Scaling and Normalization
Encoding Categorical Data
Data Splitting: Train-Test Splitting, Cross-
Regression Models
Introduction to Regression Analysis
Simple Linear Regression
Multiple Linear Regression
Polynomial Regression
Classification Models
Introduction to Classification
Logistic Regression
K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN)
Naive Bayes Classifier
Decision Trees
Random Forests
Support Vector Machines (SVM)
Model Evaluation Metrics: Accuracy, Precision,
Recall, F1 Score, ROC Curve, AUC
Ensemble Learning
Introduction to Ensemble Learning
Bagging and Boosting
Introduction to Gradient Boosting Machines
Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)
Basics of Neural Networks
Perceptron and Multilayer Perceptron (MLP)
Activation Functions
Back propagation Algorithm
Deep Learning with Tensor Flow and Keras
Introduction to TensorFlow and Keras
Building Deep Neural Networks
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)
Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN)
3) AWS Cloud Computing
AWS Introduction
AWS Technical Essentials
AWS Business Essentials
Architecting on AWS
Advanced Architecting on AWS
System Operations on AWS
Big Data on AWS
Developing on AWS
AWS Engineering on AWS
Introduction to Cloud Computing
Why Cloud Computing?
Benefits of Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing Deployment Models
Private Cloud
Public Cloud
Hybrid Cloud
Cloud Delivery Models
Software as a service(SaaS)
Platform as a Service (PaaS)
Infrastructure as a Service(IaaS)
Introduction to AWS
Subscription to AWS
AWS free tier Limits and Usage
Introduction to the AWS Management Console
Compute Services
Storage Services
Networking and Content Delivery
Database Services
Security and Compliance
Monitoring and Management
Scalability and High Availability
Advanced Topics and Projects
4) Final GIT Project