O S U
S  I E  M
College of
Engineering, Architecture and Technology
Message from School Head
IEM Mission, Vision, and Goals
The Next Five Generations
Student Spotlight
New Students
Industrial Advisory Board
IAB Spotlight: Zach Roberts
Scholarships & Endowed Professorships
Awards and Honors
IISE Honors
Alumni Spotlight: Ian Giese
Recent Events
New Faculty
The Cowboy Academy
Seminar Series
Student Chapters
IISE South Central Regional Conference
Research Grants
Journal Publications
Senior Design Teams
IEM Donors
IEM Faculty and Sta
Table of Contents
Dr. Sunderesh S. Heragu
School Head
Regents Professor and
Humphreys Chair
Dr. Tieming Liu
Graduate Program
Associate Professor
Dr. Farzad Yousefian
Program Director
Associate Professor
Dear members of the IEM family,
I am writing to let you know that I will be taking the Associate Dean of
Academic Aairs position in the College of Engineering, Architecture and
Technology at Oklahoma State University, eective July 1st.
I have served in my role as Head of the School of Industrial Engineering and
Management since August 2013 for nine years and would like to take this
opportunity to look back and note the several major accomplishments we have
achieved together, in large part due to your enthusiasm, involvement, and
Rankings: We have significantly improved our rankings in the public
graduate programs in industrial/manufacturing systems category from the
low 30’s in 2013 to the low 20’s. We were ranked #22 last year. Our online
MS ETM program is ranked #12 among public universities and #17 overall!
Enrollment and Degrees granted: We have significantly increased
enrollment in the undergraduate program from 125 in 2012 to a peak of
209 in 2019. Our numbers have since dropped to a low of 148. However,
the number of degrees granted has increased from about 25 to an
average of 45 in the past three years.
Diversity metrics: For two years in a row, we had more women than men
in our freshmen class. IEM has hired a diverse pool of faculty over the past
eight years, including women and minority.
Floor renovation: IEM’s home has been completely refurbished and our
footprint has expanded by 40%. IEM now occupies the entire third floor
of Engineering North with state of the art classrooms, meeting spaces,
oces, and lounges.
Student placement: IEM students are sought after by a variety of
industries and companies ranging from Amazon, Apple, Applied Materials,
ArcBest, Boeing, ConocoPhillips, Dell, Delta, Devon Energy, Dish Network,
Disney, DHL, ExxonMobil, FedEx, Home Depot, JB Hunt, Koch Industries,
Microsoft, Netflix, Nordam, Southwest, Tesla, Textron Aviation, Walmart, to
Webco, and many, many others.
Accreditation: Our program was successfully reaccredited in 2016 and is
very likely to be reaccredited again this summer.
Endowment: Our endowment which was $2 million is now at $7 million,
including estate gifts. Two new endowed chairs were created.
Scholarship: Ten new scholarships were created. IEM awards
approximately $50,000 in scholarships each year.
Faculty Hiring: IEM has hired 15 new faculty in the past nine years. Three
of those have been promoted to Associate Professor. Two more Associate
Professors were promoted to Professor.
Research Grants: IEM faculty have garnered one AFOSR grant, one
DoE grant, one NIH grant, two ONR grants, seven NSF grants, and an
additional three NSF CAREER grants.
Scholarship: IEM faculty publish in some of the best journals in the field.
Awards: Our alumni, faculty, sta, and students, have won several awards
internally within CEAT and OSU and externally in IISE and INFORMS.
Despite all these significant accomplishments, there is more work to do. Our
graduate student population has declined and needs to be strengthened.
Research expenditures need to keep pace with the other schools in CEAT.
Endowments need to get closer to our $20 million goal.
I have gotten to know many of you professionally and personally and I will
always cherish that relationship.
It is amazing to see the continued commitment of our alumni towards their
alma mater. You have invested your time, eort, and money to advance IEM.
Your support in the renovation of IEM’s home, scholarships, and endowed
professorships have been instrumental in transforming the student experience.
IEM faculty work hard day in and day out, always putting our students first.
Before COVID, during COVID, and post COVID, they have shown through
their work how much they care about our students. For many of our faculty, it
is not a job, but a cause they are pursuing - to educate the next generation of
engineers and leaders.
The emeriti faculty have played a major role in the success of our school in the
past, but they continue to oer their advice, wisdom, time, and talent when it
is needed most. I have benefitted in my job in large part because of what you
have done in the past and what you continue to do.
IEM sta is among the best I have seen in the 34 years I have spent in higher
ed in four universities. Our sta works eciently and eectively to ensure the
needs of all other constituencies are met, is the invisible hand that plays a
critical role largely out of the limelight, but always with a smile.
Our students remind us all why we chose this profession and make us proud
each and every day, They are the leaders of tomorrow and I will be waiting to
see and cheer as they accomplish big things in their lives to make the world a
more peaceful and prosperous place for humankind.
IEM Mission, Vision, and Goals
To inspire and empower our students to become leaders in a wide variety of
industries, improve the quality of life for humankind, and change the world
for the better, by making societal systems diverse, eective, ecient, and
Continuously and aggressively advance educational and research processes
which will attract students who fulfill our vision.
Educational Goal
Continue to improve, monitor, and enhance the student recruitment, learning,
graduation, and placement processes to produce leaders proficient in
theoretical, applied, and technology relevant concepts and practices that have
a global reach and global impact.
Research Goal
Engage in cutting edge research of global importance to produce innovators
and next generation engineering, education, and societal leaders.
Outreach Goal
Actively engage in community projects, economic development and service for
the greater good. Enhance IEM's image internally within CEAT and OSU, and
externally - the world at large.
Diversity Goal
Ensure that all school activities promote a diverse, achievement driven and
gifted student experience. Administer programs to recognize the diverse
challenges of each identity group and improve the retention rate from
admission to graduation.
In closing, let me say that I am very fortunate to have been a small part of
the 100-year journey of IEM and look forward to watching IEM advance and
change the world for the better for the next several generations.
Go Pokes!
The Next Five Generations
IEM has been fortunate to have had the resources and the support that
have made it possible to recruit, train, and produce leaders in our society.
To benefit the next five generations, we launched a $20 million by 2020
campaign in December 2014 and have made good progress toward that
goal. From $2.4 million in Fall 2013, our endowments (including deferred
gifts) have risen to $8 million. The remaining $12 million must be raised in the
next few years. The School of Industrial Engineering and Management looks
to alumni and friends, like you, who make the next steps in our innovative
future possible. We appreciate every donation, big or small, that supports our
school. However, we have listed below several priorities for you to make the
most impact.
Study Abroad Scholarship | $2,000 per student
Scholarships can be awarded to up to 12 students
Annual contribution to two IEM billboards | $15,000 per year
Sponsorship of IEM networking events | $25,000
Annual sponsorship of student travel | $40,000
IISE conferences, INFORMS conferences, commencement lunches,
IAB-student luncheons and IEM reception at annual IISE meeting
Annual sponsorship of the weekly seminar series with a naming
opportunity | $75,000
Endowing a professorship | $500,000
Endowing a chaired professorship | $1,000,000
Naming and endowing opportunity of IEM | $8,500,000
If you wish to donate, please send a check payable to the “Industrial
Engineering and Management Excellence Fund” at Oklahoma State
University, 354 Engineering North, Stillwater, OK 74078 or make a gift online
by clicking the GIVE button at ceat.okstate.edu/iem.
Bryce Killingsworth – Associate Development Director
Oce: 405-385-5623
Cell: 405-385-3497
For more information please contact
Student Spotlight
Sam Koscelny
Undergraduate Student
Sam Koscelny is a senior from Owasso, Oklahoma,
pursuing his undergrad in Industrial Engineering and
Management with minors in Data Analytics and Spanish.
In his free time, Sam enjoys playing guitar, exercising,
camping, and traveling.
He is currently serving as the IISE President and
contributed to the hosting of the 2022 IISE South Central
Regional Conference at Oklahoma State University
where over 100 students and professionals attended.
Furthermore, he works in the Human-Systems Engineering
and Applied Statistics (HSEAS) Lab and conducts human
factors engineering research. With his lab group, he will
present this research at the IISE Annual Conference in
Seattle, Washington in May before his summer internship at
Koch Industries as a Product Manager.
After graduation, Sam will study abroad in Valencia, Spain
at the Universitat de Valenica in the Fall of 2022 before
beginning his master’s at Clemson University in Industrial
Engineering in the Spring of 2023.
“It's the possibility of having a dream come true that
makes life interesting.” – Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist
Kylie Dowers
Undergraduate Student
Kylie Dowers is a senior in Industrial Engineering and
Management from Edmond, Oklahoma. She is the daughter
of Shawn and Julie Dowers. Kylie is a member of Tau Beta
Pi, the Institute of Industrial Engineers, and CEAT Student
Council. She also serves on the academic integrity board
and as president of Alpha Pi Mu. Kylie was named a Senior
of Significance by the OSU Alumni Association. In her free
time, she enjoys going on walks outside and hanging out
with her friends and family. After graduating in May, she
will continue at Oklahoma State in the IEM graduate school
program. She hopes to work in healthcare and apply
human factors designs to the industry.
“Spread love everywhere you go.” – Mother Teresa
Joshua Pearce
MS ETM Student
Joshua Pearce currently serves as the Chief Information
Ocer for Deer Creek Public Schools, a large K-12
school district located in Edmond, Oklahoma. He has
over 20 years of experience in IT in public education. He
currently possesses a Bachelor’s Degree in Organizational
Leadership from the University of Central Oklahoma. He
will be completing his Master’s Degree in Engineering
and Technology Management with a Graduate Certificate
in Information Assurance in May of 2022 from Oklahoma
State University, joining his wife, Dawn, and children, Alyssa
and Andrew, as proud alumni of OSU.
Any suciently advanced technology is indistinguishable
from magic.” – Arthur C. Clarke
Student Spotlight
Kushal Shah
Master’s Student
Kushal Shah is a graduate student in Industrial Engineering
and Business Analytics and Data Science at Oklahoma
State University. He is currently working as a Data Science
Intern at Tesla. He previously served as a president of
APICS OSU chapter and is a member of IISE, INFORMS and
Alpha Pi Mu. He is from Gujarat, India and he completed his
Bachelor's degree in India. After his graduation in Spring,
he will be joining Walmart as a Senior Data Scientist in
Sunnyvale, California.
“The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up
with the rain.” – Dolly Parton
Student Spotlight
Jianxin Xie
Doctoral Student
Jianxin Xie was born in Xinyu, a small but quaint town
in China. She received her B.S. degree from Southeast
University, China, and her M.S. degree from Florida State
University, USA. She is currently pursuing a Ph.D. with
the School of Industrial Engineering and Management,
Oklahoma State University. Her current research interests
lie in advanced data analytics, data mining, and physical-
statistical modeling with healthcare applications. Aside from
her research and course work duties, she also serves as
Vice President/Treasurer for the INFORMS student chapter.
In her free time, she enjoys playing piano, K-pop dance,
photography, board game, and of course, watching Netflix.
Upon completion of her PhD, she plans to find her future
career in academia. She has always liked the idea of
being a university professor, since she will be not only
able to devote herself into developing algorithms that can
potentially advance the industry, but also cultivate new
generations of researchers and engineers. Another big
plan is to have a dog and a cat.
Don't let others define you. You define yourself.” – Ginni
Student Spotlight
Niloufar Daemi
Doctoral Student
Niloufar Daemi is a PhD student from Iran who joined
OSU in Fall 2018. She was the president of the INFORMS
student chapter at OSU in 2020. Before coming to OSU,
Niloufar earned her Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in
Industrial Engineering in Iran and after working as an
industrial engineer for two years, her passion to learn led
her to travel to the United States to start her PhD.
Currently, Niloufar is an intern working with Operations
Research team at BNSF Railway company in Fort Worth,
TX. She plans to graduate in Fall 2022 and work as an
Operation Research analyst where she can propose and
lead optimization projects.
In her free time, Niloufar loves reading novels and is
especially fascinated by the magical realism genre. She is
also passionate about traveling while exploring dierent
“However dicult life may seem, there is always
something you can do and succeed at.” – Stephen
Salwa Alfuraih
Jeremy Cook
Alex Leon-Uscanga
Banner Penwell
Makayla Reed
Noah Ropp
Steven Ryckeley
Lindsay Sanford
Seth Thibodeau
Zoe Ward
Ayokinle Adu
Haripriya Hosur
Varun Joshi
Bala Jithender Kakumanu
Lakshmi Ganesh Kancharla
Thanmai Nalajala
Siddhesh Pathak
Aditya Rane
Emmanuel Yanyue
Abrha Amare
Jared Archuleta
Vedant Bhadane
Cash Billups
Felicia Long
Jerey Pollard
Parisa Vaghfi Mohebbi
Ziyang Zhang
We look forward to getting to know all of you and helping you on your way to
becoming successful industrial engineers!
New Students
We would like to congratulate the following IEM students for their hard work
and dedication in completing their degrees in Summer and Fall 2021.
Abduallah Alajmi
Ghazy Alatteer
Abdalah Alkdeefy
Dalal Almusbahi
Ali Ashkanani
Moraad Bilbeisi
Bailey Bretz
Christopher Collin Browning
Amrit Chugani
Kaiser Cleburn
Austin Douglah
Matthew Edgeller
Jackson Fife
Margaret Goodin
Maryam Husain
Manas Kakade
Nicholas Loy
Madison Ohman
Kaylyn Wells
Abbie Winchester
ETM Certificate
Brooks Dow
Brandon Alexander
Patrick Alland
Courtney Baukal
Portel Bellamy
Dejanae Berry
Matthew Curran
Bolton Ferda
Jonathan Girod
Mark Ivey
Nicholas Jayjock
Katey Luster
Justin Pascoe
Eric Poythress
Cecilia Margarita Prado
John Mark Price
Vignesh Raghuraman
Stepfanie Shaulis Garrett
Brenda Shumate
Bennett Stuppy
Kathryn Szmergalski
Elizabeth Bunting
Lei Qiao
Jayesh Yevale
Harshal Kaushik
Mohammad Javad Naderi
Hao Pan
Industrial Advisory Board
Hello OSU IEM Family!
The Industry Advisory Board (IAB) is dedicated to supporting IEM through
participation in the accreditation process, helping our curriculum meet the
current needs and trends of industry, and mentoring students and senior
design projects. In February, we held our Spring meeting in Stillwater and spent
time with students and faculty. After getting great feedback from the students
last year, we turned our focus to the faculty and their perspective of the
department. During our faculty social, we talked about:
- Engagement of the students and faculty
- Curriculum updates and alignment with industry needs
- Explored opportunities for IEM and other Alumni to support current research
and teaching
It’s always good to return to Stillwater, especially when we get to see the great
progress the department is making towards our strategic plan. We met with
Dean Tikalsky and Dr. Heragu, enjoyed a lunch with students, and joined the
senior design presentations. We recognized three Board members retiring
from the board, Ashley Estes, Stephanie Royce, and Jack Watts, for their
contributions to the Industry Advisory Board. We also elected a new Vice-Chair,
Zach Roberts, who will serve in that capacity for two years, before assuming the
role of Chair.
With the retirement of three board members, we are looking to add new
members to the IAB in the Fall of 2022. If you or someone you know is
interested, please reach out to Zach Roberts: [email protected].
With warm regards,
The OSU IEM Industrial Advisory Board
IAB Members
Brian Adams
Textron Aviation
Kevin Doeksen
American Airlines
Ashley Estes
Great Plains Manufacturing
Michael Foss
Jack Goertz
Tandems, Ltd
Frank Groenteman
Steve Kiester
Bell Flight
Mark Lewis
Ed Pohl
University of Arkansas
Zach Roberts
J.B. Hunt Transport Inc.
Stephanie Royce
Oklahoma State University
Tom Saunders
Pioneer Natural Resources
Brenda Shumate
DCP Midstream
Jack Watts
Portola Company
IAB Spotlight: Zach Roberts
Zach Roberts has served on the Industrial Advisory Board
since 2019. He graduated from Oklahoma State University
with an Industrial Engineering & Management degree in
2013 and has worked for J.B. Hunt Transport since. As a
Logistics Engineer Zach helped develop and enhance
many of the metrics that are used to manage and monitor
performance in the company’s Intermodal division. Zach
is currently working in Northwest Arkansas as the Director
of the Temperature Controlled Intermodal division at J.B.
Hunt. He has a strong desire to help students get ready
for their careers and looks forward to volunteering as a Sr
Design mentor each year. He has served as the Outreach
Committee Chair since 2020 and will be transitioning to
Vice Chair Fall of 2022. Outside of work and the IAB Zach
loves spending time mountain biking, golfing and hanging
out with his wife, Mallori, and daughter, Hadley.
Endowed undergraduate scholarships provide the foundation for excellence
and growth of our program. They oer the ability to fund undergraduate
students and their enrichment activities with certainty, a critical element in
our strategic plan to improve the student experience and create impact.
Undergraduate and graduate scholarships provide the opportunity to recruit
and retain top student talent.
Undergraduate Scholarships
Braun Engineering Scholarship
William L. Cain Industrial Engineering Endowed Scholarship
Ken and Lynn Case Scholarship
Robert G. Herod Endowed Engineering Scholarship
Ron and Diana Orr Endowed Scholarship
Kent and Sheryl Powers Endowed Scholarship in Industrial Engineering
and Management
Cynthia Renee Travis Endowed Scholarship
The Cowboy Academy Leadership Endowed Scholarship
Woodson Family Trust Scholarship
S.D. and B.W. Yeigh Scholarship for Women in Engineering
Graduate Scholarships
Leland Blank '70 and Sallie Sheppard Graduate Fellowship in Industrial
Engineering and Management
Lynn E. Bussey Scholarship
Scholarships & Endowed Professorships
Endowed Chairs & Professorships
Endowed Chairs and Professorships provide perpetual funding to attract
and retain the highest-quality faculty with the best minds, the most-
creative researchers and the most-engaged teachers with national and
international recognition. The recognition honors outstanding, distinguished
and influential professors who inspire, enhance, and challenge students
for greater learning. These endowed positions provide crucial support for
scholarly and research pursuits which, in turn, raises the quality, recognition,
and reputation of Oklahoma State University.
Endowed Chair
Donald and Cathey Humphreys Chair in Industrial Engineering and
Endowed Professorship
Wilson Bentley Professorship in Industrial Engineering and Management
Legacy Gifts for Endowed Chairs & Professorships
Legacy gifts for Endowed Chairs and Professorships enable donors to create
a powerful philanthropic legacy by making estate gifts towards the hiring
and retention of world class faculty in the School of Industrial Engineering
and Management for years to come. These endowed positions are crucial
for recruiting and retaining the highest-quality faculty with the best minds,
the most-creative researchers and the most-engaged teachers with national
and international recognition.
Endowed Chair
Ken and Lynn Case Endowed Chair in Industrial Engineering and
Jack L. and Susan D. Goertz Chair in Engineering
Endowed Professorship
Rick and Sandra Webb Endowed Professorship in Industrial Engineering
and Management
Scholarships & Endowed Professorships
Awards and Honors
Emma Wilson
MHEFI Conveyo
r &
Sortation Systems
Honor Scholarship
Sam Koscelny
IISE James W Barany
Student Award for
Bailey Family Memorial
CEAT Saint Patrick's
Raegen Daigle
MHEFI Protective
Guarding Manufactur-
ers Association Honor
Sarah Bishop
MHEFI Bastian Family
Josh Linholm
MHEFI The Robotics
Group Honor Schol-
Keaton Carter
MHEFI Material
Handling Education
Foundation Honor
Alie Lory
Lynn E. Bussey
We are saddened to announce the passing of M.S. IEM alumnus, G. Lowrance
Hodge. Lowrance retired from the U.S. Naval Reserve in 1987 with the rank of
Captain after four years Active Duty and 28 years as a “Weekend Warrior”. His
civilian career included the Ethyl Corporation, Dow Chemical, and several years
as a Director in Management Services for the accounting firm of Arthur Young
and Company. Later, he was the Senior Vice President of Manufacturing Opera-
tions and Engineering for Mary Kay Inc. until his retirement in 1997.
CEAT Awards
Sam Koscelny
Industrial Engineering
and Management
Outstanding Senior
Dr. Manjunath Kamath
CEAT Excellent Teach-
er Award
Zhangyue Shi
Industrial Engineering
and Management
Oustanding Graduate
Niloufar Daemi
Published in INFORMS
Journal on Optimiza-
Zhangyue Shi
To be published in
Journal of Inteligent
Ian Giese
IISE Oustanding Early
Career IE in Business/
Industry Award
Dr. Sunderesh Heragu
IISE Fred C. Crane
Distinguished Service
Steve Kiester
IISE Fellow
IISE Honors
Ayşe Doğan
IISE Graduate Re-
search Award
Kaustuvi Thapa
1st Place, IISE South
Central Region Con-
ference Paper Presen-
Alumni Spotlight: Ian Giese
Tell us a little bit about yourself:
I grew up in Minnesota and graduated from Oklahoma
State in December 2015 with a bachelor of science in IEM
and a minor in Food Science. I currently live in Emporia,
KS, where I will be starting a role as an Industrial Engineer
III for Tyson Fresh Meats in April. I enjoy playing disc golf,
riding my bicycle, and going to trivia, along with attend-
ing events hosted by the town. I am also the IISE Greater
Kansas City Chapter President.
How has your IEM degree helped you?
My degree in IEM helped develop communication and
problem solving skills that have been useful in every
step of my career. I may not have encountered a career
problem from every class in my degree, but every career
problem I have encountered needed communication and
problem solving that were needed to be successful in
What aspects of your OSU aliation while you were a
student stand out?
As an OSU student I was fortunate to participate in several
organizations that provided opportunities in leadership
roles. I was in the Residence Halls, Toastmasters, and most
importantly, IISE. These organizations gave me a founda-
tion for organization and working in groups for success,
while also trying to bring together new events. My first
opportunity was bringing the IISE Six Sigma Green Belt
course to the University, which enrolled 50 participants
the first year. This carried on to my professional career, as I
organized an All-Kansas Conference that brought together
the two professional and two student chapters of the state
in the central location of Emporia. These organizational
leadership positions have been experience to lean on
when working on project teams in industry.
What has motivated you to stay engaged with OSU,
years after graduation?
I was raised to believe in giving back whenever possible.
There were many people before me who contributed
significantly to my success because they donated to the
university or came back to provide mentorship. I believe
carrying that tradition forward will provide opportunities for
today's students to further the field of Industrial and Sys-
tems Engineering. To grow this opportunity further, we are
founding an Early Career Alumni Council to fill the gaps
between graduated students and the IAB and Cowboy
Academy. We are looking forward to seeing where this
can lead to connections between alumni and the university in the near
What do you think the future holds for the IEM student?
The future is an open door of possibilities for an IEM student. The skills
learned are transferable to any industry, because all of them are looking
for the next way to run more eciently and eectively. Attendees from
the initial Early Career Alumni Council calls were all in dierent indus-
tries, from healthcare to manufacturing, logistics, warehousing, account-
ing, oil and gas, software, and some were in dierent fields within those
industries. Companies today are looking for people who want to develop
into a variety of areas so they have a broad understanding of the indus-
try, and Industrial and Systems Engineering students are best suited to
meet that challenge because of the broad range of topics they learn
about in their degree.
List one or two highlights of your career:
In my most recent role, I had several amazing opportunities within the
engineering team. I was able to help drive the production output of
an existing line by 25% by analyzing the equipment and working with
operations on the process flow. I also used the analysis of that line to
provide input to the design of a new machine, which improved safety
and ergonomics, reduced manpower and cycle time, and increased
control of product quality.
Why is international exposure important for today’s engineers? How
would they benefit from availing of study abroad opportunities?
Today's engineers benefit from international exposure because of how
interconnected the supply chain is and will become in the near future. By
learning about new cultures now, today's engineers can understand the
best way to communicate to each person or team they will be involved
with in their work. It is rare for any product now to be made in a silo of a
single location from start to finish. International exposure is also enrich-
ing in an engineer's personal life. I credit much of my personal devel-
opment to experiences abroad that helped me break out of my comfort
zone by communicating with people from the places I visited.
Recent Events
Tulsa Area Alumni Meet and Greet- Tulsa area IEM alumni recently gathered
in the home of Mike and Carolyn Barlett for hors d'oeuvres and networking.
Highlights from the Bell Ringing during the Spring Industrial Advisory Board
New Faculty
Paritosh Ramanan is a Postdoctoral Fellow with the
Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Georgia. He
got his Ph.D. in Computational Science and Engineering
with a Minor in Operational Research from the H. Milton
Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering at
Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Georgia in 2020.
In 2018, he was awarded the Sam Nunn Security Program
Fellowship for research at the intersection of cybersecurity
in critical infrastructure and public policy. Prior to his Ph.D.,
he earned a Masters in Computer Science from Georgia
State University in Atlanta, Georgia in 2015 and obtained
his Bachelors in Information Systems from Birla Institute of
Technology and Science (BITS) Pilani in 2013. His research
pertains to decentralized optimization, federated machine
learning and analytics with a focus on computational
performance, privacy and security in the context of distrib-
uted paradigms such as high-performance computing and
Akash Deep will be receiving his Ph.D. from the Department
of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the University of
Wisconsin-Madison. He obtained his B.Tech degree in Pro-
duction and Industrial Engineering from the Indian Institute
of Technology Roorkee, India. He also has a M.S. in Statis-
tics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His research
broadly belongs to the realm of industrial data analytics,
focusing specifically on methods for predictive analytics for
intelligent maintenance, data-driven operations planning for
production systems, and monitoring and anomaly detection
of service processes. During his Ph.D., he has served as the
lead researcher for several industry-sponsored projects.
He is a recipient of the E. Wayne Kay Graduate Scholarship
from the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME), the
Vinod K. and J Gail Sahney Graduate Student Scholarship,
and two summer scholarships from India and Germany. His
work is published in several high-quality journals within
quality, statistics, and reliability including IISE Transactions
and IEEE Transactions.
Srikanthan Ramesh is a doctoral candidate in the Industrial
and Mechanical Engineering Ph.D. program at the Roches-
ter Institute of Technology, New York. As part of the Center
for Additive Manufacturing and Multifunctional Printing, his
research focuses on droplet- and extrusion-based additive
manufacturing techniques including material development,
process modeling, and inter-disciplinary mechanical and
biomedical applications. His research interests include
bio-additive manufacturing (bio-AM), tissue engineering,
biomaterials, surface engineering of biomaterials, and pro-
cess monitoring in bio-AM. His research eorts have been
acknowledged through several awards, including the 2018
Research Excellence Award from Iowa State University, the
2018–19 Gilbreth Memorial Fellowship from the Institute of
Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE), and others. Before
moving to New York, he received his M.S. in Industrial
and Manufacturing Systems Engineering from Iowa State
University and B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Amrita
University, India.
Dr. Juan Borrero, assistant professor in the School of Industrial
Engineering and Management, received a CAREER award from
National Science Foundation (NSF) in the amount of $500,000.
This Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER)
grant supports research that will investigate theoretical and
computational approaches to commit or defer problems with
decision-making hierarchies. Problem settings in vaccine
design, disaster response, and smuggling prevention, among
others, involve decision-makers observing a system evolv-
ing over time who periodically decide whether to commit
non-renewable resources, or defer their use, to optimize the
system's overall performance. The evolution of the system is
subject to randomness and its performance may depend on
other decision makers, about whom there may be incomplete
information, who seek to optimize their own performance. The
research supported by this award seeks to determine what
rules should guide commit or defer decisions in these settings,
how and to what extent the decision-maker should use the
information feedback observed, and how to computationally
find the commit or defer decisions in specific problem settings.
The educational activities include the creation of an online
game to teach fundamentals of multistage decision-making to
K-12 students.
Standard commit or defer problems (CDPs) assume a single de-
cision-maker and cannot model problems that involve multiple
decision-makers, e.g., a Leader and a Follower, who interact in
a hierarchical manner. This project will establish a mathematical
and algorithmic framework to solve hierarchical CDPs. The
framework will improve our understanding of real-life CDPs and
their practical requirements. The project will simultaneously
address a number of technical challenges. First, the Leader
may face global resource constraints, such that the resources
spent in one period, cannot be replenished in future periods;
second, the Leader's performance depends on the optimal
actions of the Follower; and third, the Leader learns about the
uncertain parameters of the Follower's problem by observing
their reaction to the Leader's actions. By using approaches
at the interface of hierarchical and online optimization, the
project will rigorously establish the manner by which commit or
defer decisions should be made in hierarchical settings under
uncertainty. Furthermore, the project will use tools from math-
ematical programming and probability to uncover how and to
what extent the decision-maker should use the information that
is learned, and then formulate and solve for optimal or near
optimal policies in large instances of relevant applications.
The Cowboy Academy
The Cowboy Academy Vision
For graduates to achieve their most valued and rewarding careers!
The Cowboy Academy has been busy. In December 2021, the TCA Board
voted to use some of the TCA funds that have been collected to create The
Cowboy Academy Leadership Endowed Scholarship, with an initial funding
of $50K. This endowment will provide a $2,000 scholarship annually to
the individual who best meets the criteria established by the TCA Board
of Directors. We will be adding to this endowment each year, and as the
endowment grows, we’ll have more funds available to be awarded as
scholarships. The Board believes this is an excellent use of the funds provided
by the Academy members’ annual contributions and will help the Academy
meet its overall goals of improving the program.
How can each member of the Academy help? Simple, by getting involved!
The TCA is an honors and service organization, and each member is invited
to become more involved with the Academy. You can volunteer to help with
one of our active committees by contacting the chair and volunteering. We
also have standing committees to select the next class of inductees and for
identifying the next slate of ocers for the Board. We invite all TCA members
to consider running for a board position. If interested, don’t hesitate to let us
Our active committees are meeting regularly to discuss ways to enhance the
IEM program at OSU. Below is a brief summary of each committee and their
Center of Excellence – Chaired by Jon Womack (womack.jon@gmail.
com). The COE is working hard to bring a closer relationship between
the school and local industries. They are currently working with
Sunderesh to add a faculty member – with TCA’s help – to bridge the
gap and also assist with the Senior Design Projects each semester.
Fundraising Committee – Chaired by Mike Bartlett (mike.bartlett.tulsa@
gmail.com). The Fundraising Committee is working to bring in more
contributions in support of the IEM program at OSU. Our immediate
goal is to raise money for scholarships, and also to help IEM become
an endowed, named department within the next five generations. If
interested in the overall program, check it out on the IEM website at
Career Opportunities/Mentoring Committee – Chaired by Leva Swim
([email protected]). This committee has developed a plan to
link mentors to current students and recent graduates. A number of
mentors have already been matched with current students, but more
mentors are needed and will be welcomed.
External Visibility/Marketing Committee – Chaired by Greg Watson
(greg@excellence.fi). This committee is charged with marketing the
school to prospective students, both at the undergraduate and the
graduate levels. They are working with a marketing intern to highlight
the benefits to obtaining a degree in IEM from OSU.
Go Pokes!
Jack Goertz
President, The OSU Cowboy Academy
The Cowboy Academy
Current Members
Syam Antony
Jaxon Axtell
Tony Bacher
Paul Baker
Michael Bartlett
Terrance Beaumariage
Derek Blackshare
Leland Blank
David Boyer
Shay Braun
Thomas Britton
Neal Buck
Denny Carreker
Kenneth Case
Geo Clarke
Samuel Combs
Megan Crozier
Jerry Dechert
Johann Demmel
John Doucette
Bill Dueease
Laura Raiman DuPont
Laura Easley
Brian Eaton
John English
Wolter Fabrycky
Phil Farrington
Chad Frye
Kerry Gannaway
Jack Goertz
Je Greer
Frank Groenteman
John Harrington
Dave Hartmann
Gary Hogsett
Don Humphreys
Cem Karacal
Stuart Keeton
Behrokh Khoshnevis
Steve Kiester
William Kolarik
David Kyle
John Lewis
Rasaratnam Logendran
Jamie Matlock
Gary Maxwell
Je McKnight
Joe Mize
Alejandro Moronta
Mitch Myers
Guat Mei Ng
David Nittler
Ron Orr
Robert Paiva
Kent Powers
David Pratt
Dan Rao
Stephanie Royce
Allen Schuermann
James Selman
Mark Semko
Brenda Shumate
Ting Nee Su
Jill Swift
Leva Swim
Lyndon Taylor
Silvanus Udoka
Channarong Vinyangkoon
Gregory Watson
Randy Watson
Jack Watts
Rick Webb
Lawrence Whitman
Marion Williams
Nancy Winchester
Jon Womack
Eric Woodroof
Stacie Wrobbel
Board Members
Mike Bartlett
Leland Blank
Tom Britton
Brian Eaton
Jack Goertz
Je Greer
Frank Groenteman
Mitch Myers
Leva Swim
Gregory Watson
Stacie Wrobbel
Jack Goertz
Je Greer
Leland Blank
US News Rankings
US News and World Report has once again recognized the outstanding
quality of IEM’s programs.
The online graduate MS ETM was ranked #12 among public universities for
Online Master's in Engineering Management
US News also ranked IEM #25 among graduate programs in industrial/man-
ufacturing/systems among public universities.
Seminar Series
The School of Industrial Engineering and Management in conjunction with
the OSU INFORMS Student Chapter sponsors a Seminar Series in the fall
and spring semesters. Various topics are covered by speakers from OSU
and other organizations. The seminars were held on Wednesdays from
2:30-3:30 p.m. during the spring semester and seminars were a mix of in-
person and virtual. Listed below are the seminars we held this semester:
Date Speaker/Institution Title
3/9 Dr. Robert Curry, United
States Naval Academy
Decomposition Methods for Solv-
ing Large-scale Dynamic Network
Flow Optimization Problems
3/23 Dr. Linda Ng Boyle, Universi-
ty of Washington
Assessing Operator Performance
in Cars: Implications for Automat-
ed Vehicles
3/30 Dr. Esra Akbas, Oklahoma
State University
Graph Processing: From Algo-
rithms to Applications
4/20 Dr. Kylie Gomes, MedStar
Health National Center for
Human Factors in Health-
Patient Safety Risks during On-De-
mand Telehealth Referrals and
Implications for Human Factors
4/27 Dr. Dionne Aleman, Universi-
ty of Toronto
Prediction of Severe COVID-19
Infection at the Time of Testing: A
Machine Learning Approach
The Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers
The Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE) has had an extremely
successful Spring semester! Our organization is a global association
committed to connecting students and professionals in the Industrial and
Systems Engineering field. No better way to exemplify this commitment to
professional development than the chapter’s successful hosting of the 2022
IISE South Central Regional Conference. The IISE Chapter at Oklahoma State
University had the great opportunity to host this conference from Thursday,
February 25-Saturday, February 26. With an attendance of over 100 Industrial
Engineering students and faculty members from the University of Oklahoma,
University of Missouri, Texas A&M University, Kansas State University, Wichita
State University, University of Texas at Arlington, and Oklahoma State
University, this event was an incredible example of the strong commitment to
excellence the IISE Chapter at Oklahoma State University maintains.
A special thanks goes out to the generous financial supporters of the
conference. These include Phillips 66, ConocoPhillips, Webco, Scott and
Beatrice Sink, the College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology, and
the IEM Department.
While programming for the conference was IISE’s main priority this academic
year, it is not all we had been doing. From April 8-10, the IISE Chapter virtually
hosted the IISE Six Sigma Green Belt Certification Course with undergraduate
and graduate attendees in the IEM Department. Additionally, the chapter
is planning an IISE Pizza and Hangout event in late April to celebrate a
tremendous academic year for the chapter. This event will be open to all IEM
students and faculty and will serve to engage and impact the students within
the department.
After all of the disappointments of 2020-2021, the IISE Chapter ocers are
proud to say we made a positive impact during the 2021–2022 academic year
and believe we are leaving this chapter in a strong and capable position for
the future leadership of this chapter for years to come. At this moment, we
would like to recognize the students who have worked so hard to continue the
tradition of excellence within our organization. The ocers this academic year
Sam Koscelny, President
Kylie Dowers, Vice President
Emma Wilson, Conference Chair
Jay Eischen, Treasurer
Ainsley Kyle, Secretary
Kent Slater, Events Chair
Chloe Jones, Recruiting Chair
Raegen Daigle, Mentorship Chair
Brenna Rodgers, Merchandise
Sarah Bishop, Social Chair
Marco Pina, Communications
David Schwartz, CEAT Student
Council Representative
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Chenang Liu
Student Chapters
If you would like more information about IISE or want to become a member,
please email Sam Koscelny at sam.k[email protected].
Association for Supply Chain Management
The ASCM OSU Student Chapter, formerly known as APICS, aims to provide
a learning environment for new supply chain enthusiasts on multiple
supply chain operations and management topics. Our goal is to encourage
developing expertise within supply chain management, certifications and
provide networking opportunities that will create a bridge between academics
and the supply chain industrial work environment.
The ocers for the 2021-2022 academic year are:
Prayash Bhattarai, President
Adwait Chabukswar, Vice President
Shweta Subramaniam, Secretary-cum-treasurer
Student Chapters
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Tieming Liu
Student Chapters
Alpha Pi Mu Industrial Engineering Honor Society
Alpha Pi Mu is an honors society that aims to recognize IEM students that
have achieved academic excellence. It holds scholarly activities and fosters an
atmosphere to facilitate social interactions between students and faculty. Alpha
Pi Mu oers scholarships, volunteer events, and networking opportunities.
Members consist of juniors, seniors, and graduate students that have met the
academic requirements.
This year, we held in-person initiation in the fall for the first time since the
pandemic and welcomed 17 new members. Initiation for the spring is currently
being planned. Two new incoming ocers are aiding in planning initiation:
Emma Wilson, President and Caleb Triplett, Treasurer. We look forward to their
leadership in the next year.
We have also selected ocers for the 2021-2022 academic year were:
Kylie Dowers, President
Sam Koscelny, Treasurer
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Manjunath Kamath
The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences
(INFORMS) is the world's largest professional association dedicated to and
promoting best practices and advances in operations research, management
science, and analytics to improve operational processes, decision-making, and
outcomes. The Oklahoma State University Student Chapter of INFORMS is
a student lead campus organization focused on promoting student learning
and professional advancement with fellow students and faculty within the
field of operations research and management sciences. Our goal is to enable
students to go beyond the bounds of coursework as they engage in research
and extracurricular activities that lay the groundwork for their future as
professionals in operation research, supply chain management, advanced
manufacturing, human factor, and healthcare. In 2021, INFORMS student
chaper was nominated as an Honorable Mention Chapter. Due to COVID-19,
we have held hybrid events through the 2021-2022 school year.
Gathering: A social hour for Ph.D. students and faculty in March 2022.
Programming workshop: R workshop for both undergraduate and
graduate students in the School of Industrial Engineering and
Management in April 2022.
The INFORMS student chapter advisor is Dr. Juan Borrero and the Fall 2021
and Spring 2022 student ocers are:
Zhangyue Shi, President
Jianxin Xie, Vice President
If you have any questions or would like to connect with the student chapter,
please feel free to email Zhangyue Shi at [email protected]
Student Chapters
IISE South Central Regional Conference
Our IISE student chapter had the privilege of hosting the 2022 IISE South
Central Regional Conference February 24-26. More than 100 students
and professionals from Mizzou, K-State, Wichita State, OU, OSU, UT
Arlington, and Texas A&M attended. Conference activities included tours
of Kicker and Iron Monk, a student paper competition, awards banquet
with keynote speaker Michael Foss, a panel and leadership session by
Brenda Shumate, and lots of networking opportunities! We are thankful
to our IISE chapter for their hard work in putting together this event and
we are proud of their success!
OSU's IISE student
chapter ocers
Kicker Industry Tour
Iron Monk Brewing
Industry Tour
Paper Presentation
Sam Koscelny, OSU,
3rd Place (tie)
Joshua Maxton,
Wichita State, 3rd
Place (tie)
Kaustuvi Thapa, OSU,
1st Place
Joyce Chiam Ziyi, Wich-
ita State, 2nd Place
Michael Foss (center)
and OSU IEM students
Panel Discussion with
Brenda Shumate, Dr.
Katie Jurewicz, Mark
Lewis and Dr. Leva
Active in 2020-2022
B. Balasundaram, A. Buchanan, and S.S. Heragu, FLAT: Freight Lane Assignment Tool,
TreeHouse Foods, Inc., 1/13/2020–1/16/2021, $163,730.
B. Balasundaram, A. Buchanan, and S.S. Heragu, Optimization-Based Aggregate Mas-
ter Planning Tools for Bay Valley Foods, LLC, Bay Valley Foods, LLC, 10/1/2017–1/31/2020,
J.S. Borrero (PI). CAREER: Hierarchical Commit or Defer Problems with Learning:
Methods and Applications. $500.000. National Science Foundation (NSF), Grant CMMI
2145553, January 1st 2022-December 31st 2026.
J. Borrero and L. Lozano, Modeling Worst-case Defender-Attacker Problems as Robust
Linear Programs with Mixed-Integer Uncertainty Sets, Oce of Naval Research, 05/01/19
- 02/30/22, $300,000.
A. Buchanan, CAREER: Parsimonius Models for Redistricting, National Science Founda-
tion, 6/1/2020 – 5/31/2025, $508,000.
A. Buchanan, Imposing Connectivity Constraints in Large-Scale Network Problems,
National Science Foundation, 6/15/2017 – 5/31/2021, $258,586.
S.S. Heragu and R. Wilson (PIs), The Conoco Phillips/OSU Data Analytics Collaboration,
ConocoPhillips, 7/1/19 - 6/30/25 $675,000.
R. Taylor, S.S. Heragu, and K. Jurewicz, New Product Development Center, Economic
Development Administration, 10/8/2020-10/7/2023, $1,000,000.
M. Kamath, F. Yousefian, and S. Frazier, Using HazMat Flow Analyzer and Risk Assess-
ment Tools to Support Emerency Resource Planning and HazMat Training Activities in
Oklahoma, Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management, 10/1/2019 - 9/31/2020,
M. Kamath, F. Yousefian, and S. Frazier, Phase VI: An Integrated GIS Application for
HazMat Flow Analysis and Risk Assessment to Support Local Emergency Planning and
Preparedness in Oklahoma, Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management and
Homeland Security, 10/1/2020-9/30/2021, $118,110.
M. Kamath, F. Yousefian, and S. Frazier, Deployment and Enhancement of the Arc-
GIS Application for Flow Analysis and Risk Assessment of HazMat Transportation in
Oklahoma, Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management and Homeland Security,
10/1/2021-9/30/2022, $132,484.
W. Kolarik, Industrial Assessment Center Program, U.S. Department of Energy, 9/1/2016 -
9/31/2021, $1,500,000.
Y. Shan and C. Liu, "PFI-TT: Intelligent Quality Assurance and Integration Tool for Sewer
Inspection Data", National Science Foundation. 02/01/2022 - 01/31/2024, $266,000.
Research Grants
T. Liu, W. Paiva and Ye Liang. “Validating a clinical decision support algorithm developed
with big data to diagnose, state, prevent, and monitor a patient’s diabetic retinopathy,
OCAST, 8/1/2018 - 7/31/2021, $90,000.
T. Liu (PI), C. Liu, B. Yao, Y. Liang. SCH: Harnessing Tensor Information to Improve EHR
Data Quality for Accurate Data-driven Screening of Diabetic Retinopathy with Routine
Lab Results. NSF/NIH Smart and Connected Health Program and National Eye Institute.
9/30-2021 – 9/29/2025. $1,193,956.
F. Yousefian, “CAREER: Advancing Mathematical Models and Algorithms for Decen-
tralized Optimization in Complex Multi-agent Networks, National Science Foundation,
3/1/2020 – 2/28/2025, $500,000.
Papers published or accepted in 2020-2022
Niloufar Daemi, Juan S. Borrero, and Balabhaskar Balasundaram. Interdicting low-diam-
eter cohesive subgroups in large-scale social networks. INFORMS Journal on Optimiza-
tion, February 2022 DOI:10.1287/ijoo.2021.0068.
B. Balasundaram, J.S. Borrero, H. Pan, Graph Signatures: Identification and Optimization.
European Journal of Operational Research, 296(3):764–775, February 2022.
B. Farmanesh, A. Pourhabib, B. Balasundaram, and A. Buchanan. A Bayesian
framework for functional calibration of expensive computational models through non-iso-
metric matching. IISE Transactions, 53(3):352–364, March 2021.
Z. Miao and B. Balasundaram. An ellipsoidal bounding scheme for the quasi-clique num-
ber of a graph. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 32(3):763–778, August 2020.
F. Nasirian, F. M. Pajouh, and B. Balasundaram. Detecting a most closeness-central
clique in complex networks. European Journal of Operational Research. 283(2):461-475,
June 2020.
J. Yang, J.S. Borrero, O.A. Prokopyev, D. Saure, "Sequential Shortest Path Interdiction
with Incomplete Information and Limited Feedback," Decision Analysis (2021). Forthcom-
J.S. Borrero, L. Lozano, "Modeling Defender-Attacker Problems as Robust Linear Pro-
grams with Mixed-integer Uncertainty Sets," INFORMS Journal on Computing, Vol. 33,
No. 4 (2021).
J. S. Borrero, M. Akhgar, P. Krokhmal, "A Scalable Markov Chain Framework for Influence
Maximization in Arbitrary Networks," IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engi-
neering, Vol. 8, No. 3 (2021).
J. S. Borrero, O. A. Prokopyev, D. Saure. Learning in Sequential Bilevel Linear Program-
ming. INFORMS Journal on Optimization (2021). Forthcoming.
Journal Publications
J.L. Walteros, A. Buchanan. Why is maximum clique often easy in practice? Operations
Research, 68(6): 1866-1895, 2020.
H. Validi, A. Buchanan. Political districting to minimize cut edges. To appear at Mathe-
matical Programming Computation.
M.J. Naderi, A. Buchanan, J.L. Walteros. Worst-case analysis of clique MIPs. To appear at
Mathematical Programming.
H. Salemi, A. Buchanan. Solving the distance-based critical node problem. To appear at
INFORMS Journal on Computing.
H. Validi, A. Buchanan, E. Lykhovyd. Imposing contiguity constraints in political districting
models. Operations Research. 70(2): 867-892, 2022.
V. Stozhkov, A. Buchanan, S. Butenko, V. Boginski. Continuous cubic formulations for
cluster detection problems in networks. To appear at Mathematical Programming.
H. Salemi and A. Buchanan. Parsimonius formulations for low-diameter clusters. Mathe-
matical Programming Computation. 12(3): 493-528, 2020.
H. Validi, A. Buchanan. The optimal design of low-latency virtual backbones. INFORMS
Journal on Computing. Accepted for Publication.
T. van de Kracht and S.S. Heragu. Lessons from Modeling and Running the World’s Larg-
est Drive-Through, Mass Vaccination Clinic. INFORMS Journal of Applied Analytics, Vol.
51, No. 2, pp. 91-105, March-April 2021.
F. Majzoubi, L. Bai, and S.S. Heragu, The EMS Vehicle Transportation Problem During a
Demand Surge. Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 79, No. 4, pp. 989-1006, 2021.
K. A. Jurewicz, D. M. Neyens, K. Catchpole, A. Joseph, S. T. Reeves, J. H. Abernathy III.
An observational study of anaesthesia workflow to evaluate physical workspace design
and layout. British Journal of Anesthesia. Accepted, 2020.
C. Liu, W. Tian, and C. Kan. When AI Meets Additive Manufacturing: Challenges and
Emerging Opportunities for Human-Centered Products Development. Journal of Manu-
facturing Systems. 2022. Accepted for publication
C. Liu, R. Wang, I. Ho, Z. Kong, C. Williams, S. Babu, and C. Joslin. Toward Online
Layer-wise Surface Morphology Measurement in Additive Manufacturing Using a Deep
Learning-based Approach. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing. 2022. Accepted for
Y. Chen, A. Abu-Heiba, S. Kassaee, C. Liu, G. Liu, M. Starke, B. Smith, and A. Momen.
Coupled Heat-Power Operation of Smart Buildings via Modular Pumped Hydro Storage.
ASME Journal of Energy Resources Technology. 2022. Accepted for Publication.
A. Mamun, C. Liu, C. Kan, and W. Tian. Securing cyber-physical additive manufacturing
systems by in-situ process authentication using streamline video analysis. Journal of
Manufacturing Systems. 62: 429-440, 2022.
Y. Li, Z. Shi, C. Liu, W. Tian, Z. Kong, and C. Williams. Augmented Time Regularized
Generative Adversarial Network (ATR-GAN) for Data Augmentation in Online Process
Anomaly Detection. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2022.
Accepted for publication.
Z. Shi, A. Mamun, C. Kan, W. Tian, and C. Liu. An LSTM-Autoencoder Based Online Side
Channel Monitoring Approach for Cyber-Physical Attack Detection in Additive Manufac-
turing. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing. 2022. Accepted for Publication.
Y. Li, J. VanOsdol, A. Ranjan, and C. Liu. A Multilayer Network-Enabled Ultrasonic Image
Series Analysis Approach for Online Cancer Drug Delivery Monitoring. Computer Meth-
ods and Programs in Biomedicine. 213: 106505, 2022.
Z. Ye, C. Liu, W. Tian, and C. Kan. In-situ Point Cloud Fusion for Layer-wise Monitoring of
Additive Manufacturing. Journal of Manufacturing Systems. Vol.61 pp.210-222, 2021.
Z. Shi, C. Kan, W. Tian, and C. Liu. A Blockchain-based G-code Protection Approach for
Cyber-Physical Security in Additive Manufacturing. ASME Journal of Computing and
Information Science in Engineering, 21(4): 041007, 2021.
C. Liu, Z. Kong, S. Babu, C. Joslin, and J. Ferguson. An Integrated Manifold Learning
Approach for High Dimensional Data Feature Extractions and its Applications to Online
Process Monitoring of Additive Manufacturing. IISE Transactions. 53(11), 1215-1230, 2021.
Krishnan, D.R., T. Liu. 2022. A Branch-and-cut Algorithm for Pickup-and-delivery Traveling
Salesman Problem with Handling Costs. Accepted at Networks.
A. Gupta, T. Liu, C. Crick. Utilizing Time Series Data Embedded in Electronic Health
Records to Develop Continuous Mortality Risk Prediction Models using Hidden Markov
Models: A Sepsis Case Study. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 29(11): 3409-
3423, 2020.
S. Hariharan, T. Liu, M. Z. Shen. Role of Resource Flexibility and Responsive Pricing in
Mitigating the Uncertainties in Production Systems. European Journal of Operational
Research, 284(2), 498-513, 2020.
J. K. Nuamah, Y. Seong, S. Jiang, E. Park, & D. Mountjoy. Evaluating eectiveness of in-
formation visualizations using cognitive fit theory: A neuroergonomics approach. Applied
Ergonomics, 88, 103173, 2020.
L. M. Mazur, R. Adams, P. R. Mosaly, M. P. Stiegler, J. K. Nuamah, K. Adapa, ... & L.B.
Marks. Impact of simulation-based training on radiation therapy therapists workload,
situation awareness, and performance. Advances in Radiation Oncology, 2020.
J. K. Nuamah, P. R. Mosaly, R. Adams, K. Adapa, B. S. Chera, L. B. Marks, & L. M. Mazur.
Assessment of Radiation Therapy Technologists’ Workload and Situation Awareness:
Monitoring 2 Versus 3 Collocated Display Monitors. Advances in Radiation Oncology,
L. M. Mazur, R. Adams, P. R. Mosaly, J. K. Nuamah, K. Adapa, & L. B. Marks. Impact of
Simulation-based Training and Neurofeedback Interventions on Radiation Technologists
Workload, Situation Awareness, and Performance. Practical Radiation Oncology, 2020.
J. K. Nuamah, K. Adapa, & L. Mazur. Electronic health records (EHR) simulation-based
training: a scoping review protocol. BMJ open, 10(8), e036884, 2020.
P. R. Mosaly, R. Adams, G. Tracton, J. Dooley, K. Adapa, J. K. Nuamah, ... & L. M. Mazur.
Impact of Workspace Design on Radiation Therapist Technicians’ Physical Stressors,
Mental Workload, Situation Awareness, and Performance. Practical Radiation Oncology,
R. K. Mehta, & J. K. Nuamah. Relationship Between Acute Physical Fatigue and Cognitive
Function During Orthostatic Challenge in Men and Women: A Neuroergonomics Investi-
gation. Human Factors, 0018720820936794, 2020.
J. K. Nuamah, C. Rodriguez-Paras, & F. Sasangohar. Veteran-Centered Investigation of
Architectural and Space Design Considerations for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
(PTSD). HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal, 1937586720925554,
Y. Zhu, J. K. Jayagopal, R. K. Mehta, M. Erraguntla, J. K. Nuamah, A. D. McDonald, ... & S.
H. Chang. Classifying Major Depressive Disorder Using fNIRS During Motor Rehabilita-
tion. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 28(4),
961-969, 2020.
J. K. Nuamah, R. Mehta, & F. Sasangohar. Technologies for Opioid Use Disorder Man-
agement: Mobile App Search and Scoping Review. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 8(6),
e15752, 2020.
J. K. Nuamah, F. Sasangohar, M. Erranguntla, & R. K. Mehta. The past, present and future
of opioid withdrawal assessment: a scoping review of scales and technologies. BMC
medical informatics and decision making, 19(1), 113, 2019.
Z. Wang and B. Yao. Multi-Branching Temporal Convolutional Network for Sepsis Pre-
diction. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, accepted 2021. https://doi.
B. Yao, Spatiotemporal Modeling and Optimization for Personalized Cardiac Simulation.
IISE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering, accepted 2021. https://doi.org/10.1
B. Yao, Y. Chen, and H. Yang, Constrained Markov Decision Process Modeling for
Optimal Sensing of Cardiac Events in Mobile Health. IEEE Transactions on Automation
Science and Engineering, accepted 2021. https://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TASE.2021.3052483
B. Yao and H. Yang. Spatiotemporal Regularization for Inverse ECG Modeling. IISE Trans-
actions on Healthcare Systems Engineering: 1-25. https://doi.org/10.1080/24725579.202
0.1823531, accepted 2020.
H. D. Kaushik and F. Yousefian, A Method with Convergence Rates for Optimization
Problems with Variational Inequality Constraints, SIAM Journal on Optimization, 31 (3):
2171–2198, 2021.
A. Jalilzadeh, A. Nedich, U. V. Shanbhag, and F. Yousefian, A Variable Sample-Size Sto-
chastic Quasi-Newton Method for Smooth and Nonsmooth Stochastic Convex Optimiza-
tion, Mathematics of Operations Research, to appear.
F. Yousefian, A. Nedich, and U.V. Shanbhag, On stochastic and deterministic quasi-New-
ton methods for non-strongly convex optimization: Asymptotic convergence and rate
analysis, SIAM Journal on Optimization, 30 (2): 1144-1172, 2020.
Spring 2022 Senior Design Teams
Graduating Industrial Engineering and Management seniors conclude their
academic studies with a capstone course called Senior Design, taken in their last
semester. During this course, student teams work as outside ‘consultants’ on real-
world problems for clients in the manufacturing and service sectors. The projects
provide students the opportunity to apply the theories and tools they have learned
to provide clients with innovative solutions to a problem.
Baker Hughes
Team 1:
Ryne Garrison
Payton Hill
Luke Loughren
Kramer Pascal
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Tieming Liu
IAB Mentor:
Zach Roberts
Baker Hughes
Team 2:
Pete Billerbeck
Khanh Do
Emma Ray
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Joseph Nuamah
IAB Mentor:
Steve Kiester
Webco Industries
Ben Burchard
Chris Chesnut
Jay Eischen
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Austin Buchanan
IAB Mentor:
Mark Lewis
Spring 2022 Senior Design Teams
Zeeco Team:
Jason Abernathy
Mason Feddersen
Kendel Hart
Sam Koscelny
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Baski
IAB Mentor:
Michael Foss
Mary Martha Out-
reach Team:
Kim Garcia
William Harrison
Megan Mann
Faculty Mentor:
Bing Yao
IAB Mentor:
Tom Saunders
Kylie Dowers
Louisa Ivey
Tyler Wedel
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Katie Jurewicz
IAB Mentor:
Jack Watts
CEAT Interdisciplinary Teams
Flight Data Retrieval
and Management
Ryan Hiatt
Graduating Industrial Engineering and Management seniors have the option to
be part of Interdisciplinary Senior Design teams, collaboraing with students from
other engineering disciplines to solve real-world problems.
High Speed Assem-
bly Tool Team (High
Speed Assembly
Erin Lewis
Laura Singletary
2015-2021 IEM Alumni Donors
Ken & Lynn Case
Mitch Myers
Kent & Sheryl Powers
Leland T. Blank & Sallie Sheppard
Steve W. Herod
Rick and Sandra Webb
Webco Industries, Inc.
Jim & Darlene Woodson
Shay & Donna Braun
Thomas W Britton, Jr
Neal & Lora Buck
Ken & Lynn Case
Stephanie Criner
Sunderesh & Rita Heragu
R. Logen & Jayanthi Logendran
Katherine T McCollum
Sandy & Wolf Yeigh
Jo Ann DeVries
The Cowboy Academy
Brian M Adams
Syam Antony
Charles A Bacher
Michael D Bartlett
Otto E Behunin
Kevin A Doeksen
Laura Easley
Jared A Green
Frank Gregory Jr
Jamie Matlock
Daniel O Navaresse
Lee C. Raney
Dhananjaya K Rao
Gopalakrishnan Satish
Brenda Shumate
Matthew J Williams
Erica D Dekko
Steven J Kiester
Ronald & Diana Orr
Courtney Y Baughter
Kristin L Case
Subodh S Chitre
John C Even, Jr.
Michael Foss
Simran K Gambhir
Ian C Giese
Frank S Groenteman
Bruce A. Lee
John & Judy Lewis
William H Remy, III
Jerry E Ryan
Scott Sink
Katie Speakes
Col (Ret) Richard Thompson
John M Tye, III
Marion L Williams
At the end of July, IEM's Laura Brown will be retiring. Laura has been with IEM
for nine years and has been the heart and soul of the department. Her care
and enthusiasm have touched the hearts of students, faculty and alumni alike.
If you'd like to drop Laura a note
of appreciation, you can send it
to our oce at 354 Engineering
North, Oklahoma State University,
Stillwater, OK, 74078.
IEM Faculty and Sta
Laura Brown
Administrative Assistant,
Senior Financial
Lenley Brown
Administrative Support
Valerie Quirey
Graduate Programs
Matt Taylor
Myers Turner
Marketing Intern
IEM Administration
Sunderesh Heragu, Ph.D.
Regents Professor, Head, and
Humphreys Chair
Tieming Liu, Ph.D.
IEM Graduate Program Director
Associate Professor
Farzad Yousefian, Ph.D.
Undergraduate Program Director
Associate Professor
IEM Tenured/Tenure-
Track Faculty
Baski Balasundaram, Ph.D.
Wilson Bentley
Juan Borrero, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Austin Buchanan, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Terry Collins, Ph.D., P.E.
Associate Professor
Katie Jurewicz, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Manjunath Kamath, Ph.D.
Chenang Liu, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Joseph Nuamah, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Bing Yao, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
IEM Adjunct/Non-
Tenure Track Faculty
Jennifer Glenn, Ph.D.
Teaching Assistant Professor
Ying Tat Leung, Ph.D.
Adjunct Researcher
School of Industrial Engineering and Management
354 Engineering North
Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, OK 74078
405-744-6055 iem.okstate.edu