The United States
Department of the Interior
and Performance Information
Fiscal Year 2022
NOTICE: These budget
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National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Department of the Interior
Overview, Tables, and Highlights
NPS General Statement ................................................................................................................ Overview-1
Organization Chart ..................................................................................................................... Overview-17
National Park System Units ....................................................................................................... Overview-18
Park Visitation and Acreage ...................................................................................................... Overview-22
Unit Designations and Other Abbreviations .............................................................................. Overview-30
Budget at a Glance ..................................................................................................................... Overview-35
Summary of Fixed Costs and Related Charges by Appropriation ............................................. Overview-40
Discretionary Appropriations Matrix ......................................................................................... Overview-41
Mandatory Appropriations Matrix ............................................................................................. Overview-46
Park and Program Table ............................................................................................................. Overview-48
Statements of Receipts Collected and Reported ........................................................................ Overview-68
Operation of the National Park System
Appropriation Overview .................................................................................................................... ONPS-1
Summary of Requirements for Operation of the National Park System ............................................ ONPS-2
Fixed Costs and Related Changes ...................................................................................................... ONPS-3
Appropriations Language, Changes, and Citations ............................................................................ ONPS-4
Justification of Program and Performance
Park Management ................................................................................................................. ONPS-7
Resource Stewardship .............................................................................................. ONPS-7
Visitor Services ...................................................................................................... ONPS-41
Park Protection ....................................................................................................... ONPS-53
Facility Operations and Maintenance .................................................................... ONPS-63
Park Support .......................................................................................................... ONPS-73
External Administrative Costs ............................................................................................ ONPS-83
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Centennial Challenge
Appropriation Overview .........................................................................................................................CC-1
Summary of Requirements .....................................................................................................................CC-2
Appropriations Language, Changes, and Citations .................................................................................CC-3
Justification of Program and Performance ..............................................................................................CC-5
National Recreation and Preservation
Appropriation Overview ................................................................................................................... NR&P-1
Summary of Requirements ............................................................................................................... NR&P-3
Fixed Costs and Related Changes ..................................................................................................... NR&P-4
Appropriations Language, Changes, and Citations ........................................................................... NR&P-5
Justification of Program and Performance
Natural Programs ............................................................................................................... NR&P-11
Cultural Programs .............................................................................................................. NR&P-23
Environmental Compliance and Review............................................................................ NR&P-36
International Park Affairs .................................................................................................. NR&P-38
Heritage Partnership Programs .......................................................................................... NR&P-42
Historic Preservation Fund
Appropriation Overview .......................................................................................................................HPF-1
Summary of Requirements for Historic Preservation Fund ..................................................................HPF-2
Appropriations Language, Changes, and Citations ...............................................................................HPF-3
Justification of Program and Performance
Grants-in-Aid ...........................................................................................................................HPF-5
Grants-in-Aid to Save America’s Treasures .......................................................................... HPF-15
Appropriation Overview ................................................................................................................. CONST-1
Summary of Requirements for Construction Appropriation ........................................................... CONST-3
Fixed Costs and Related Changes ................................................................................................... CONST-4
Appropriations Language, Changes, and Citations ......................................................................... CONST-5
Justification of Program and Performance
Line Item Construction ...................................................................................................... CONST-7
FY 2022 Line Item Construction Plan ................................................................ CONST-10
Line Item Construction Project Data Sheets ....................................................... CONST-12
FY 2022-2025 Line Item Construction Plan ....................................................... CONST-39
Federal Lands Transportation Program............................................................................ CONST-49
Special Programs ............................................................................................................. CONST-53
Construction Planning ...................................................................................................... CONST-63
Construction Program Management and Operations ....................................................... CONST-66
Management Planning ..................................................................................................... CONST-75
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Land Acquisition and State Assistance (GAOA)
Appropriation Overview ....................................................................................................... LASA-GAOA-1
Land Acquisition and State Assistance - GAOA .................................................................. LASA-GAOA-3
Justification of Program and Performance
Federal Land Acquisition ......................................................................................... LASA-GAOA-4
FY 2022 NPS GAOA LWCF Federal Land Acquisition Project List ........ LASA-GAOA-6
State Conservation Grants ........................................................................................ LASA-GAOA-7
American Battlefield Protection Program ................................................................ LASA-GAOA-9
Land Acquisition and State Assistance (GOMESA)
Appropriation Overview ................................................................................................. LASA-GOMESA-1
National Parks and Public Land Legacy Restoration Fund (GAOA)
Appropriation Overview ....................................................................................................................... LRF-1
Fiscal Year 2021 Allocations and Project Adjustments ........................................................................ LRF-8
Fiscal Year 2022 Allocations and Projects ......................................................................................... LRF-17
FY 2022 Project List .............................................................................................................. LRF-17
FY 2022 Project Data Sheets ................................................................................................. LRF-21
Recreation Fee Permanent Appropriations
Appropriation Overview, Justification of Program, and Performance............................................. RecFee-1
Fiscal Year 2021 Project List ............................................................................................ RecFee-12
Fiscal Year 2022 Project List ............................................................................................ RecFee-13
Project Data Sheets ........................................................................................................... RecFee-14
Expiring Authorization Citation..................................................................................................... RecFee-56
Other Permanent Appropriations
Justification of Program and Performance ........................................................................................... OPA-1
Miscellaneous Trust Funds
Justification of Program and Performance ........................................................................................... MTF-1
National Park Centennial Challenge Fund
Justification of Program and Performance ......................................................................................... CC-M-1
Visitor Experience Improvements Fund Revolving Account
Justification of Program and Performance .......................................................................................... VEIF-1
Administrative Provisions
Appropriations Language, Changes, and Citations ................................................................... AdminProv-1
Allocations ........................................................................................................................................... Allo-1
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Special Exhibits
Exhibit A: Budget Realignment ....................................................................................................... SpecEx-1
Exhibit B: Compliance with Section 403 ......................................................................................... SpecEx-2
Exhibit C: Statement on Land Exchanges ........................................................................................ SpecEx-4
Exhibit D: Employee Count by Grade ............................................................................................. SpecEx-5
Exhibit E: General Provisions .......................................................................................................... SpecEx-6
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
National Park Service
FY 2022 Budget Justifications
General Statement & Budget Overview
“Our time in national parks nourished us, filled us with awe, and restored in all of us a sense
of the future that had been quieted by our loss. As I saw my sons reengage with the world after
enduring so much pain, and felt our family begin to heal, I came to understand the truth,
power and promise of these extraordinary places to replenish something within us.”
-President Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
NPS Mission
The NPS Organic Act, 1916
“...The service thus established shall promote and regulate the use of the Federal areas known
as national parks, monuments, and reservations hereinafter specified by such means and
measures as conform to the fundamental purposes of the said parks, monuments, and
reservations, which purpose is to conserve the scenery and the natural and historic objects and
the wild life therein and to provide for the enjoyment of the same in such manner and by such
means as will leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of future generations...”
As the steward of 423 park units, 23 national scenic and national historic trails, and 64 wild and scenic
rivers, the National Park Service (NPS) is charged with conserving these lands and historic features that
were designated for their cultural and historic significance, scenic and environmental attributes, and
educational and recreational opportunities. Additionally, the NPS helps the Nation protect resources for
public enjoyment through its financial and technical assistance programs that support activities outside of
the National Park System.
The National Park System serves as a resource for all Americans and tells the story of our land and people
to the world. As NPS Chief Historian Emeritus Ed Bearss noted, “As we Americans celebrate our
diversity, so we must affirm our unity if we are to remain the 'one nation' to which we pledge allegiance.
Such great national symbols and meccas as the Liberty Bell, the battlefields on which our independence
was won and our union preserved, the Lincoln Memorial, the Statue of Liberty, the Grand Canyon,
Yellowstone, Yosemite, and numerous other treasures of our National Park System belong to all of us,
both legally and spiritually. These tangible evidences of our cultural and natural heritage help make us all
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
And as President Biden recently reminded us during National Park week, “America’s
national parks are irreplaceable treasures that amaze us, inspire us, fill us with pride, and belong to all of
us in equal measure.”
The National Park Service, as outlined in the NPS Organic Act, 1916, is tasked with providing
opportunities for public use and enjoyment, while simultaneously protecting our Nation’s natural and
historic resources. the NPS has a responsibility to provide opportunities to the public that ensure access to
recreation and enjoyment of the resources, including hunting, fishing, camping, hiking, rock climbing,
horseback riding, cycling and boating. Never has this been more evident than this past year as we
collectively entered a global pandemic and sought outdoor spaces for physical and mental health. Equally
important is providing the educational component or story behind these valued resources. The NPS
achieves this balance through active management of native and invasive species, resource education,
landscape conservation efforts, water and air quality monitoring, historic preservation, artifact
conservation, and many other activities central to the mission. This dual mission is central to the purpose
of the NPS: these special places are kept in perpetuity but kept so that all Americans have access to their
public lands for their enjoyment and use.
As in its original authorizing legislation, the purpose of the NPS is to “conserve the scenery and the
natural and historic objects and the wildlife therein and to provide for the enjoyment of the same in such
manner and by such means as will leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of future generations.” This
is primarily achieved through the efforts of each of the 423 park units and enabled by each park’s
operating base funding. This base funding is under the direct control of each park superintendent, who
operates their park within the broad policy guidance of the NPS Director, relevant Regional Directors and
in conformance with authorizing legislation in order to achieve the park’s core mission and mission
support activities.
The NPS is responsible for safeguarding the irreplaceable magnificent natural wonders and significant
historical and cultural resources that pioneers like Colonel Charles Young, Charles E. Peterson, and
Rachel Carson sought to preserve. Places such as Yosemite National Park, Katahdin Woods and Waters
National Monument, Crater Lake National Park, Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park, Selma to
Montgomery National Historic Trail, and Charles Pinckney National Historic Site are America’s
treasures. Recent additions to the National Park System, such as the Medgar and Myrlie Evers Home
National Monument, the Reconstruction Era National Historical Park, the Stonewall National Monument,
and the César Chávez National Monument reflect America’s values. Programs such as the African
American Civil Rights Network, Underground Railroad Network to Freedom, and Tribal Heritage grants
reflect the nation’s commitment for parks to serve as sources of support, validation, healing, and
connection for Black people, Indigenous people, people of color and others who have been historically
marginalized and underserved. The NPS is dedicated to maintaining the character and integrity of these
locations and ensuring they will continue to be a source of enjoyment and reflection for generations to
All National Park units are unique. There are parkways with hundreds of miles of road; canyons that are
miles deep or wide; monuments and memorials built with thousands of pounds of stone; battlefields,
Bearss, Edwin C,
Biden, Joseph R, “A Proclamation on National Park Week, 2021”, 17 April 2021
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
caves, trails, lakes, beaches, and rivers. They are covered in desert sand or feet of snow or thousands of
trees; and they are abundant with marine and land plants and animals. Due in part to these differences,
each park has its own set of priorities and manages its park operational budget according to the best
interests of the park, its visitors, partners, community, and resources. For example, a park may use base
funding to conduct a high-altitude search and rescue mission or provide a boat washing station to reduce
the spread of invasive mussels that would degrade aquatic resources. Some parks may create a partnership
with a veterans’ organization to execute light construction projects or trail clearing; or increase law
enforcement patrols to address physical security issues or threats to natural and cultural resources from
illegal activity. Maintenance functions funded through park base funding include but are not limited to
daily operations such as custodial or grounds keeping activities, replacement of critical system
components when needed, or repairing roads and buildings. Meanwhile, support functions involve the
daily operations of park management, which supports all functional areas to manage, prioritize, and
strategically plan for the short- and long-term effectiveness of the park’s mission.
The NPS is a driver of economic activity for our communities - welcoming over 327 million visitors in
2019. While these visits provide inspirational, educational, and recreational opportunities for visitors, they
also provide an economic boon to communities; in 2019 alone, visitors spent $21 billion in local gateway
regions; supporting more than 340,000 jobs, generating $14.1 billion in labor income, $24.3 billion in
value added, and $41.7 billion in economic output.
Cullinane Thomas, C., Koontz, L., Cornachione, E. 20120. “2019 National Park Visitor Spending Effects: Economic Contributions to Local
Communities, States, and the Nation” Natural Resource Report NPS/NRSS/EQD/NRR—2020/1922. National Park Service, Fort Collins,
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Budget and Appropriations Overview
Budget Authority
2020 Actual
2022 Request
Change from 2021
Enacted (+/-)
Discretionary 3,370,811 3,113,351 3,493,906 +380,555
567,485 1,032,844 1,108,001 +75,157
Total Budget
3,938,296 4,146,195 4,601,907 +455,712
Total FTE
18,060 19,096 20,120 +1,024
Mandatory funding reflects budget authority after impact of any sequestration or pop-ups.
Amounts include FTE funded from discretionary appropriations, mandatory fund sources, reimbursable activity, allocation
accounts and FTE provided under supplemental appropriations.
The FY 2020 discretionary amount accounts for transfers of $127,000 from the Executive Office of the President for drug
trafficking deterrent actions, $3,300,000 to the Semiquincentennial Commission, $3,300,000 to the 400 Years of African
American History Commission, and a rescission of $2,279,000 in unobligated balances.
The FY 2021 discretionary amount accounts for transfers of $8,000,000 to the Semiquincentennial Commission, $3,300,000 to
the 400 Years of African American History Commission, $2,000,000 in receipts from the Medical Services Fund, and a
rescission of $23,000,000 in unobligated balances.
The FY 2022 discretionary amount accounts for transfers of $3,300,000 to the 400 Years of African American History
The discretionary budget request for the NPS is $3.5 billion, an increase of $380.6 million from the 2021
enacted level, which supports an estimated 16,004 direct FTE and 1,723 allocation and reimbursable FTE.
Recreation fee revenue and other mandatory funding sources provide funding of $1.1 billion, an increase
of $75.2 million from the 2021 enacted level supporting 2,393 FTE. The total 2022 request for NPS is
$4.6 billion and 20,120 FTE.
The NPS FY 2022 request prioritizes advancing racial equity and support for underserved communities,
tackling the climate crisis in the national park system, conserving our natural resources, and using science
to inform decisions. The request makes bold investments essential for the Park Service’s continued
mission success in its second century while remaining committed to the daily mission of ensuring that the
American public continues to have an enriching experience at each and every one of the NPS’s sites.
Operation of the National Park System –The FY 2022 budget request for operations is $3.0 billion.
This includes $573.0 million for Resource Stewardship, $286.5 million for Visitor Services, $415.4
million for Park Protection, $921.3 million for Facility Operations and Maintenance including $136.0
million for repair and rehabilitation projects and $188.2 million for cyclic maintenance projects, $573.9
million for Park Support and $207.3 million for External Administrative Costs. The FY 2022 operations
budget includes a $208.5 million increase to address the climate change crises, increase NPS conservation
efforts, and support climate science. The operations account also includes a $15.0 million investment to
advance racial justice and tell the full stories of underserved communities, with emphasis on the history of
the African American Civil Rights movement and its relevance in fostering the spirit of social justice and
national reconciliation.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Centennial Challenge – This appropriation, requested at $15.0 million, would provide a Federal match to
leverage partner donations for signature projects and programs at national parks. The Centennial
Challenge program is instrumental in garnering and fostering strong partnerships. All Federal funds must
be matched on a 50/50 basis, leveraging a total of at least $30.0 million.
National Recreation and Preservation – The FY 2022 budget request for National Recreation and
Preservation appropriation is $74.5 million. This appropriation is dedicated to supporting local
community efforts to preserve natural and cultural resources. Natural resources programs funded in this
account support collaborative and community-driven efforts and outcome-focused investments to preserve
and enhance rural landscapes, urban parks and rivers, important ecosystems, cultural resources, and
wildlife habitat. NPS cultural programs support public participation in preservation of the Nation’s
cultural heritage through National Register Programs and research and training in historic preservation
and conservation. The 2022 NPS budget maintains funding for NR&P programs such as Rivers, Trails
and Conservation Assistance and National Register programs and retains important grant programs for
Chesapeake Gateways and Trails, Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation, Japanese
American Confinement Sites, American Battlefield Protection Program Assistance, American Indian and
Native Hawaiian Art and Culture, and the 9/11 Memorial Act, This appropriation also supports
cooperation with other nations on park and heritage resource management issues and management of
Heritage Partnership Programs. In FY 2022, increases in this appropriation support $1.0 million for the
Oklahoma City Memorial Endowment.
Historic Preservation Fund – The Historic Preservation Fund (HPF) supports Historic Preservation
Offices in States, territories, and Tribal lands to preserve historically and culturally significant sites and
provides competitive grants to other, non-Federal entities. The FY 2022 budget request for the HPF is
$151.8 million. This includes an increase of $8.0 million for grants to Tribal Historic Preservation Offices
and $2.0 million for grants to State Historic Preservation Offices to help meet preservation
responsibilities under the National Historic Preservation Act to protect and preserve historic resources,
based on local needs and priorities. The appropriation also increases Competitive grants by $5.0 million
for large preservation grants within the African American Civil Rights program and increases Paul Bruhn
Historic Revitalization Grants by $2.5 million to support subgrant programs for historic preservation
projects that stimulate economic growth in rural areas. Finally, the appropriation provides $10.0 million
for grants-in-aid to Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) to support preservation of
historic structures on HBCU campuses.
Construction – The FY 2022 budget request includes $278.6 million to fund construction projects,
equipment replacement, management, planning, operations, and special projects. This includes $146.7
million for line-item construction, including $10.0 million for construction at the Selma Interpretive
Center for a voting rights center that honors the legacy of Civil Rights leaders, including that of the late
Representative John Lewis. The request also includes $10.0 million for the remediation of abandoned
mineral lands to clean up these hazardous sites and return them to their natural condition. The FY 2022
request also includes $20.0 million dedicated to fielding and integrating zero emission vehicle (ZEV) and
charging capacity for the NPS ZEV fleet.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Budget Priorities
Natural Resources Conservation InitiativeThe 2022 budget is an important step by the Biden
Administration to address the critical challenges of our time by increasing scientific capacity and
improving strategic thinking and resource planning to leave lands and waters preserved for future
generations to use and enjoy. NPS is a vital component of the governmentwide approach to address the
impacts of climate change. The 2022 budget includes multiple and varied investments to better
understand and address resource challenges on park lands stemming from climate change. The FY 2022
NPS budget request proposes $269.6 million in targeted investments servicewide to protect the nation’s
treasured natural resources from 21
century threats. Stewardship of our natural resources is a mission
critical task for NPS and, as such, the task is ingrained in NPS units, programs, budget activities and
appropriations. For natural resource conservation, the FY 2022 budget seeks to bolster existing successful
programs protecting wildlife and landscape, fund climate change science and resiliency, and increase
resources supporting climate and natural resource decision making.
Additional funding for a Conservation initiative, which is summarized in the table below, directly
supports several Administration priorities laid out in Executive Order 14008 Tackling the Climate Crisis
at Home and Abroad including (1) conserve 30 percent of the nation’s lands and waters by 2030 (the
“America the Beautiful” Initiative), (2) establish a Civilian Climate Corps, and (3) support climate
resilience and adaptation. Fundamental to this effort is a $57.0 million increase to operational budgets to
improve the capacity of parks and other field offices to engage in the full range of natural resource
management activities in support of E.O. 14008. The requested increase also includes $48.0 million to
engage in high-priority natural resource projects on a range of issues: wildlife migration corridors,
wildland fire fuels management, climate resilience, clean-up of contaminated sites, and responding to
natural resource threats.
E.O. 14008 directs agencies to work closely with Federal and non-Federal partners on tackling the climate
crisis. The request includes amounts to support several partnership programs. In FY 2022, the NPS plans
to complement existing youth partnership programs by directing $45.0 million to implement the Civilian
Climate Corps established in E.O. 14008. The NPS will also use $17.0 million for Research Learning
Centers that facilitate the use of parks for scientific research, support science-informed decision making,
and help communicate the knowledge gained through research in educational and outreach programs.
Similarly, the NPS plans to use $5.5 million for Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Units, which bring
together scientists, resource managers, students, and other conservation professionals to conduct
collaborative and interdisciplinary applied projects that address resource issues at multiple scales and in
an ecosystem context. The request also includes $1.0 million to support the South Florida Ecosystem
Restoration Task Force to develop and implement responses to invasive species threatening the integrity
of the Everglades ecosystem.
The work of the NPS Inventory and Monitoring Program, for which the budget requests an additional
$16.0 million, is vital to park managers and research partners as it provides critical data on key resources
at parks that have significant natural resources. Similarly, the NPS Socioeconomic Monitoring program,
for which the budget requests $3.5 million, supports park management and other research by improving
understanding of the demographics and behaviors of park visitors and stakeholders. The budget also
includes $2.0 million to establish a permanent NPS Incident Management Team that will plan for and
respond to emergencies including natural disasters and wildland fire, which have increased in pace due to
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
the effects of climate change and $1.0 million to ensure strong public health planning and response for
emerging issues, in support of Executive Order 13994 – Ensuring a Data-Driven Response to COVID-19
and Future High-Consequence Public Health Threats.
Underpinning these efforts, the NPS plans to provide $12.5 million for management and policy support
for climate and natural resource decision making. This represents a number of efforts including enhancing
science-based decision making and resource stewardship accountability, providing updated NEPA
guidance, identifying sustainable water sources to support park operations and visitor use, supporting
landscape- and seascape-scale collaborative conservation, accelerating of resource restoration projects to
address damage to park resources, planning for geologic hazards and sustainable external energy
development, and supporting climate adaptation and resiliency in the management of park assets and
contaminated sites.
To improve NPS climate adaptation and resilience efforts, the budget includes increases totaling $61.0
million for the construction account. The budget includes a $10 million increase for abandoned mineral
lands projects supporting the President’s commitment to create jobs for skilled technicians and operators
in some of the hardest hit communities in the Nation, while cleaning up hazardous sites, and supporting
efforts to improve the environment, restore water quality, and restore natural resources to their original
condition. The budget includes $17 million for unscheduled projects that sustain or restore NPS
operations during and after emergencies, critical system failures, and extreme environmental conditions.
The proposal includes $10 million for climate vulnerability assessments at parks to inform management
decisions, ensuring NPS operations and investments are resilient to the effects of climate change. The
budget includes $4 million for environmental impact planning and compliance pursuant to the National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) to help the NPS determine the long-term ramifications or benefits of
major project or program investments, which may include climate change resiliency or response needs.
In support of the President’s goal of transitioning to a fully Zero Emission Vehicle Federal fleet, the NPS
budget includes $20 million for zero emission vehicle (ZEV - battery electric, plug-in electric hybrid, and
hydrogen fuel cell vehicles) acquisitions and deploying necessary vehicle charging and refueling
infrastructure. These acquisitions are a significant step towards eliminating tailpipe emissions of
greenhouse gases (GHG) from the NPS fleet and aligning the NPS fleet operations with the goal of
achieving a fully ZEV Federal fleet. This action is important because tailpipe emissions are currently the
leading source of GHG emissions that threaten the planet and harm U.S. communities.
The NPS ZEV acquisitions may include vehicles for both its agency-owned and GSA-leased segments of
its vehicle fleet, including incremental costs of leased vehicles and lease payments to GSA for conversion
of agency-owned vehicles to GSA’s leased fleet where appropriate. To ensure effective and efficient
deployment of ZEVs, the NPS will undertake preparation and planning for arriving ZEVs at its facilities,
properly prioritizing transition to ZEVs where it is simplest and allow time for additional planning where
mission demands pose a challenge to transitioning based on current technologies. Integral to this
preparation is growth in the number of agency-accessible re-fueling points (vehicle charging stations). In
installing this infrastructure on-site to support acquired ZEVs, the NPS will take the long-term view to
ensure efficiencies and thereby ensure wise infrastructure decisions that limit total expenditures. Using
its experienced personnel and lessons learned in the fleet arena, the NPS will undertake a process that
relies on a cross-functional team of staff from fleets, operations, facilities, finance, and acquisition
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
departments with executive leadership support. The collaboration will not stop with initial deployment,
as the NPS fleet and facility managers will work closely and employ existing training and tools to control
utility costs by managing the overall charging load and thereby ensuring a seamless operation that now
will involve building systems and vehicles together. Further, the NPS will ensure proper training of
personnel to address any initial shortcomings in terms of any necessary ZEV knowledge and operations as
the advanced vehicle technologies roll into the NPS fleet.
The Agency is coordinating all of these efforts to meet or exceed the ZEV-related goals set forth in the
comprehensive plan developed pursuant to E.O. 14008, Section 205(a). Funds for these NPS ZEV
activities are part of a $600 million request in the President’s Budget for ZEVs and charging
infrastructure that is contained within the individual budgets of 18 Federal agencies, including ZEV
Federal fleet dedicated funds at the General Services Administration. This investment will be
complemented by Department of Energy funding to provide technical assistance to agencies through the
Federal Energy Management Program as the NPS builds and grows its ZEV infrastructure. This
investment serves as a down payment to support a multiyear, whole-of-government transformation to
convert the Federal motor vehicle fleet to ZEVs and thereby reduce carbon emissions.
FY 2022 Conservation Initiative
Appropriation FY 2022 Request ($000)
Operation of the National Park System +208,500
Increase Park Capacity for Natural Resource Management
Natural Resource Projects
Civilian Climate Corps
Research Learning Centers
Inventory and Monitoring Program
Increase Management and Policy Support for Climate and
Natural Resource Decision Making +12,500
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Units +5,500
Socioeconomic Monitoring +3,500
Permanent Incident Management Team +2,000
Everglades Restoration and Research +1,000
Public Health Protection +1,000
National Recreation and Preservation +150
Federal Lands to Parks +150
Construction +60,950
Emergency and Unscheduled Projects – Climate Adaptation +17,000
Abandoned Mineral Lands Projects +10,000
Zero Emission Vehicles - Equipment Replacement +19,950
Support for Climate Vulnerability Assessments +10,000
Environmental Impact Planning and Compliance +4,000
Total, FY 2022 Conservation Initiative +269,600
The America the Beautiful Initiative – A key component of the Administration’s investment strategy to
address climate impacts on-the-ground through land stewardship and conservation is to leverage the
power of Americans across the country. The Administration recently released a preliminary report to the
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
National Climate Task Force Conserving and Restoring America the Beautiful recommending a ten-year,
locally led campaign to conserve and restore America’s lands and waters. The report provides an
overarching framework to implement the President’s goal to conserve 30 percent of U.S. land and waters
by 2030, which will help address the climate crisis and its impacts on nature, improve equitable access to
the outdoors, and strengthen the economy. The report recognizes and celebrates the voluntary
conservation efforts of farmers, ranchers, and forest owners; the leadership of sovereign Tribal Nations in
caring for lands, waters, and wildlife; the contributions and stewardship traditions of America’s hunters,
anglers, and fishing communities; and the vital importance of investing in playgrounds, trails, and open
space in park-deprived communities.
The “America the Beautiful” initiative is intended to serve as a call to action to support locally led
conservation and restoration efforts across public, private, State, and Tribal lands and waters. The
initiative welcomes all communities wishing to steward their lands and waters and boost the economy and
support jobs. The guiding principles—which include a commitment to collaboration, support for
voluntary and locally led conservation, and honoring of Tribal sovereignty and private property rights—
are essential to building and maintaining broad support, enthusiasm, and trust for this effort. Supporting
these principles, the 2022 budget includes increases across Interior to support local partnership programs,
improve targeted conservation efforts, restore damaged lands, and promote locally led efforts of all kinds
wherever communities wish to safeguard the lands and waters they know and love.
Civilian Climate Corps – The National Park Service budget includes $45.0 million for the Civilian
Climate Corps (CCC). This initiative will prioritize work in partnership with Tribes, States, and local
governments to advance locally designed projects that improve climate-driven economic opportunities in
urban and rural communities. For example, the CCC will create opportunities and strengthen special
hiring authorities, such as the Indian Youth Service Corps, to advance the conservation and protection of
Indigenous natural and cultural resources through maintenance, research, resilience, and mitigation.
Programming will align indigenous traditional cultural values with projects that provide sustainable and
long-term benefits for the program participants and residents of the impacted lands.
Advancing Racial Justice and Equity for Underserved Communities The Biden Administration,
through Executive Order 13985, Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities,
directs Federal agencies to operate in an environment that advances equity for all, including people of
color and others who have been historically underserved, marginalized, and adversely affected by
persistent poverty and inequality. The FY 2022 NPS budget proposes $28 million in targeted investments
servicewide to advance racial justice and equity for underserved communities. In FY 2022, the NPS
budget provides a $5 million increase for the African American Civil Rights Network and strategically
invests $10 million to expand base operations at 15 parks that preserve important stories in the history of
civil rights and underserved communities, support additional interpretation and education projects
throughout the national park system, establish a program coordinating nation-to-nation Tribal liaisons
servicewide, and dedicate funding to increase the recruitment and on-boarding of minority candidates.
The request also provides $5 million to establish a new HPF grant program that specifically supports
larger African American Civil Rights physical preservation projects and $8 million to increase support for
the growing number of Tribal Historic Preservation Offices in activities pursuant to the National Historic
Preservation Act to preserve vanishing Tribal cultural resources and heritage.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Advancing Racial Justice and Equity for Underserved Communities
Appropriation FY 2022 Request ($000)
Operation of the National Park System +15,000
African American Civil Rights Network +5,000
Interpretation and Education Projects +2,000
Office of Native American Affairs +1,396
Medgar and Myrlie Evers Home NM +870
Workforce and Inclusion Directorate +800
Reconstruction Era NHP +783
Selma to Montgomery NHT +700
Martin Luther King, Jr. NHP +521
Little Rock Central High School NHS +493
Camp Nelson NM +392
National Capital Parks – East +354
Birmingham Civil Rights & Freedom Riders NM +344
Pullman NM +228
Tule Lake NM +223
Minidoka NHS +210
Ocmulgee Mounds NHP +209
Kaloko-Honokõhau NHP and Haleakalã NP +195
Booker T. Washington NM +145
Sand Creek Massacre NHS +137
Historic Preservation Fund +13,000
Tribal Historic Preservation Offices +8,000
African American Civil Rights Grants +5,000
Total, FY 2022 Advancing Racial Justice and Equity for
Underserved Communities +28,000
African American Civil Rights Network; +$5,000,000; +1 FTE – This increase will
support the crucial work being done by the African American Civil Rights Network to
present a comprehensive narrative of the people, places, and events associated with the
African American Civil Rights movement in the U.S. In FY 2022, $3.4 million of the $5.0
million increase will support the Center for Civil Rights Research at the University of South
Carolina through a cooperative agreement to further the work of the Network, including
outreach to support network applications. The remainder of the $5.0 million increase will be
competitively available to all network sites, facilities, and programs in FY 2022. These
cooperative agreements would fund historical research and documentation, educational
materials, and interpretative events and activities telling African American civil rights history
and stories. No bricks and mortar projects would be eligible. Any partner receiving funds
through a cooperative agreement would be required to be a Network member or have a
project directly benefitting a Network member.
Interpretation and Education Projects; +$2,000,000; +0 FTE – In FY 2022, funding will
provide additional and dedicated capacity to support interpretative projects servicewide,
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
specifically focused on telling the story of historically marginalized groups. Eligible project
topics will include but are not limited to civil rights movements, the history of slavery and its
aftermath, the struggle for equal opportunity, and Native American history.
Office of Native American Affairs; +$1,396,000; +8 FTE - In FY 2022, funding will
provide support to the recently appointed Assistant to the Director, Native American Affairs
Liaison. Specifically, funds will allow for the hire of additional nation-to-nation liaisons
across the country. Funding will also support travel and training for staff and Superintendents
on Tribal issues, and cultural heritage training for park rangers.
Medgar and Myrlie Evers Home National Monument; +$870,000; +10 FTE – In FY
2022, funding will provide for law enforcement, facility maintenance, and visitor services to
support initial park operations. Authorized in the John D. Dingell, Jr. Conservation,
Management, and Recreation Act (P.L. 116-9), NPS anticipates that the park will be fully
established in FY 2021. Tours of the site were available under previous owners, so funding
for staffing and operations is needed to continue to provide public access.
Workforce and Inclusion Directorate; +$800,000; +5 FTE – Funding will ensure the NPS
workforce reflects the diversity of America. Five new FTE would focus on employee
engagement, organizational development, staffing and recruitment, data analytics, and
workforce planning. These employees would help NPS inform business decisions and HR
strategy related to workforce strength, diversity, and the impact of HR policies on workforce
demographics. The new staff would also help NPS establish a position tracking process that
monitors authorized positions, encumbered positions, and vacancies to help NPS conduct
succession planning. Additional capacity would perform workforce studies to assist in
organizational culture enhancement and change, and work closely with NPS organizations to
facilitate transformational change.
Reconstruction Era National Historical Park; +$783,000; +7 FTE – In FY 2022, funding
will support operations at this new park unit established in 2017 as a national monument
which was redesignated a national historic park in 2019. The request provides staff for park
financial oversight and management as well as cultural resources management and
conservation. The site includes several units such as Darrah Hall and Brick Baptist Church
located at the historic Penn Center on St. Helena Island, Camp Saxton in Port Royal, and the
Old Firehouse in Beaufort.
Selma to Montgomery National Historic Trail; +$700,000; +6 FTE – In FY 2022, funding
will support increased visitor services, administrative, and other support staff, and facility
operational and management costs associated with the expansion of the Selma Interpretive
Center and the creation of a voting rights center that honors the legacy of Civil Rights
leaders, including that of the late Rep. John Lewis.
Martin Luther King, Jr. National Historical Park; +$521,000; +5 FTE – In FY 2022,
funding will provide for law enforcement, cultural resource stewardship, facility maintenance
and interpretive staff to support the newly acquired birth and life homes of Martin Luther
King, Jr. The park would use funding to cover associated maintenance, curation, and
interpretation of the sites in order to enhance visitor experience and expand public access.
Little Rock Central High School National Historic Site; +$493,000; +2 FTE – In FY
2022, funding will support the park in standing up and implementing a law enforcement
program to ensure visitor, staff, and resource protection. It will also support the boundary
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
modification from the Little Rock Central High School National Historic Site Boundary
Modification Act (P.L. 115-117) by allowing the park to support appropriate preservation of
the historic residences now within the park.
Camp Nelson National Monument; +$392,000; +5 FTE – In FY 2022, funding will
provide for law enforcement, cultural resources, and facility maintenance to support initial
park operations. The park would hire staff to perform compliance work, protect and steward
historical resources, provide interpretation to the public, maintain the site, and ensure the
safety of visitors and staff.
National Capital Parks - East; + $354,000; +5 FTE – In FY 2022, funding will provide
increased capacity in interpretation and education and facility maintenance in order to
facilitate increased operating days and hours for African American cultural and historic sites
in the District of Columbia: Carter G. Woodson Home NHS, Mary McLeod Bethune Council
House NHS, and Frederick Douglass NHS.
Birmingham Civil Rights & Freedom Riders National Monument; +$344,000; +3 FTE
In FY 2022, funding will provide for administrative support and law enforcement to support
initial park operations at the Gaston Motel in Birmingham and the bus depot in Anniston. The
funding will enhance the visitor experience, address infrastructure and maintenance needs,
provide decision making closer to the front line, and expand public access.
Pullman National Monument; +$228,000; +4 FTE – In FY 2022, funding will support the
hire of permanent staff in facility operations and maintenance, visitor services and
administrative support in order to fully staff the newly constructed visitor center.
Tule Lake National Monument; +$223,000; +2 FTE – In FY 2022, funding will provide
additional protection, maintenance, and custodial staff at the Tule Lake Segregation Unit.
Maintenance and custodial staff will directly support the site during the busy summer season,
augmenting the park’s capacity to maintain the historic structures, cultural landscape, and
exhibits. Additional law enforcement staff will deter trespassing and vandalism at the site,
which is only accessible during interpreter-led tours.
Minidoka National Historic Site; +$210,000; +3 FTE – In FY 2022, funding will support
operations and maintenance of the visitor center in order to provide quality visitor services
and management for the museum collection. The funding also supports recurring costs for
visitor center utilities, telecommunications, and supplies. Established in 2001, Minidoka NHS
had almost no public infrastructure and provided limited visitor services and access. The new
visitor center, dedicated in 2020, is a significant part of the site’s visitor experience. This
funding will ensure the facility is open for recreational access and enjoyment.
Ocmulgee Mounds National Historic Park; +$209,000; +2 FTE – In FY 2022, funding
will support a Cultural Resource Specialist and a Tribal Relations Coordinator for 1,300 new
acres authorized by the John D. Dingell, Jr. Conservation, Management, and Recreation Act
(P.L. 116-9). The Tribal Relations Coordinator will work with Tribal nations actively
engaged with the park and the cultural resource specialist will ensure the new sites are
preserved. These positions demonstrate a strong commitment to protecting sacred sites and
being a collaborative neighbor and partner to Native American Tribes.
Kaloko-Honokōhau National Historic Park and Haleakalã National Park; +$195,000;
+2 FTE – In FY 2022, funding will help Hawaii parks better engage with Native Hawaiian
communities, facilitating Native Hawaiian participation in park planning, programming,
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
operations, recruiting, and outreach. Funds will provide for full-time community liaisons to
support all Hawaiian parks; the positions will primarily focus on Native Hawaiian
stakeholders at parks focused on preservation and interpretation of Native Hawaiian sites,
history, and culture.
Booker T. Washington National Monument; +$145,000; +1 FTE – In FY 2022, funding
will provide increased operational capacity for park protection in order to accommodate
visitor access to newly built recreational trails. The new recreational trails directly connect
the local community to the open spaces, greenways, and interpretive offerings of the national
Sand Creek Massacre National Historic Site; +$137,000; +2 FTE – In FY 2022, funding
will support a park guide to provide visitor services at the newly-opened visitor center, as
well as protective and surveillance services through contracts with local law enforcement.
Good Accounting Obligation in Government Act Report – The Good Accounting Obligation in
Government Act (GAO-IG Act, P.L. 115-414) enacted January 3, 2019, requires that Agencies report the
status of each open audit recommendation issued more than one year prior to the submission of the
Agency’s annual budget justification to Congress. The Act requires Agencies to include the current target
completion date, implementation status, and any discrepancies on closure determinations.
The Department of the Interior leadership takes audit follow-up very seriously and considers our external
auditors, to include the Government Accountability Office (GAO) and Office of the Inspector General,
valued partners in not only improving the Department’s management and compliance obligations but also
enhancing its programmatic and administrative operations. As stewards of taxpayer resources, the
Department applies cost-benefit analysis and enterprise risk management principles in recommendation
implementation decisions. The Department’s GAO-IG Act Report, which is included in its semiannual
report to Congress, is available at the following link:
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility Initiative – The NPS budget includes $800,000 as part
of a Departmentwide Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility budget initiative to address identified
high-priority needs in support of Executive Order 13985, Advancing Racial Equity and Support for
Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government, and Executive Order 13988, Preventing and
Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation. As part of this
initiative, the Department, bureaus, and offices will jointly conduct a review of the Diversity, Equity,
Inclusion, and Accessibility program across Interior to identify gaps, challenges, and best practices and to
examine Department and bureau roles, responsibilities, and governance.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
New and Critical Responsibilities (+$4,445,000/+41 FTE) – The budget proposes $4.4 million spread
across multiple ONPS budget subactivities for new and critical responsibilities at new and existing parks
and central offices. In FY 2022, funding will support stand-up of operations at Katahdin Woods and
Waters National Monument, Ste. Genevieve National Historical Park and Tallgrass Prairie National
Preserve. Funding also supports the management of newly added lands, facilities, visitors centers and
interpretive offerings at Jimmy Carter National Historic Site, Katmai National Park and Preserve,
Manhattan Project National Historic Park, Petersburg National Battlefield, Petrified Forest National Park,
Saratoga National Historical Park, Vicksburg National Military Park, Weir Farm National Historic Site,
White Sands National Park and Wrangell-Saint Elias National Park and Preserve. Specific increases are
shown in the following table and described in detail below:
New and Critical Responsibilities
Park Area Amount ($000)
Katahdin Woods and Waters NM +575
Ste. Genevieve NHP +534
Jimmy Carter NHS +500
Mill Springs Battlefield NM +400
Vicksburg NMP +350
Manhattan Project NHP +300
Petersburg NB +200
Saratoga NHP +200
Andersonville NHS +190
Wrangell-Saint Elias NP& Pres +190
Weir Farm NHS +175
White Sands NP +175
Petrified Forest NP +175
National Capital Region Office +150
Katmai NP & Pres +150
Ice Age NST +57
Tallgrass Prairie NPres +49
Perry’s Victory & International Peace Memorial +42
Roosevelt Campobello IP +33
Total, New and Critical Responsibilities 4,445
Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument; +$575,000; +4 FTE – In FY 2022,
funding will provide initial and increased operational capacity in resource stewardship, park
protection, interpretation and education, and administrative support in order to facilitate the
ongoing establishment of park operations. Funding will address the initial cataloguing, mapping
and stewardship of the natural and cultural resources for 87,000 acres of protected land and 300
miles of rustic logging roads. Funding will also provide operations, maintenance, and ranger staff
for a new visitor center set to open in 2021.
Ste. Genevieve National Historical Park; +$534,000; +5 FTE – In FY 2022, funding will
support additional interpretive, administrative, facility management, and resource management
staffing corresponding to the growing needs of the unit as it reaches full establishment.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Jimmy Carter National Historic Site; +$500,000; +7 FTE – In FY 2022, funding will provide
for law enforcement and facility maintenance staff to support management of the Carter
Compound and Gnann house.
Mill Springs Battlefield National Monument; +$400,000; + 5 FTE – In FY 2022, funding will
support law enforcement and visitor services to support initial park operations. Authorized in the
John D. Dingell, Jr. Conservation, Management, and Recreation Act (P.L. 116-9), NPS
anticipates that the park will be fully established in FY 2021. The request will fund personnel and
operations to provide public access.
Vicksburg National Military Park; +$350,000; +5 FTE – In FY 2022, funding will support law
enforcement, safety, and maintenance at Vicksburg NMP. The National Defense Authorization
Act of FY 2015 (P.L.113-291) authorized additional, discontinuous battlefield lands that require
significant resources to manage. Resource and visitor protection, resources management, law
enforcement, and maintenance response times at these sites will improve with additional staff and
Manhattan Project National Historic Park; +$300,000; +4 FTE – In FY 2022, funding will
support permanent staffing for site management at the Los Alamos and Oak Ridge sites, as well
as seasonal interpretive staffing at all three sites. This would facilitate consistent management
across the three geographically dispersed sites of this unit, as well as provide for a comparable
visitor experience at each site.
Petersburg National Battlefield; +$200,000; +4 FTE – In FY 2022, funding will provide
increased capacity in facility maintenance, resource stewardship, park protection and
interpretation and education in order to facilitate the successful assumption of operations at the
newly acquired site of the Breakthrough at Petersburg, which has been restored to its battlefield
state of April 2, 1865.
Saratoga National Historical Park; +$200,000; +2 FTE – In FY 2022, funding will provide
increased capacity in park protection, facility maintenance and administrative support in order to
open and maintain two newly acquired sites in Schuylerville, NY, including the Saratoga
Surrender Site.
Andersonville National Historic Site; +$190,000; +1 FTE - In FY 2022, funding will support
enforcement of The Veterans Cemetery Benefit Correction Act (PL 115-184). The act requires
the Secretary of the Interior to provide an outer burial receptacle (grave liner) for each new grave
in an open national cemetery administered by the National Park Service. Andersonville National
Historic Site manages the only open national cemetery administered by the NPS and is the only
NPS site affected by this legislation.
Wrangell-Saint Elias National Park and Preserve; +$190,000; +1 FTE – In FY 2022, funding
will support interpretive staff and joint operational costs to provide for a multi-agency public
private partnership with the Tok/Ahtna visitor center. The shared facility supports visitor
education services and cultural resources.
Petrified Forest National Park; +$175,000; +2 FTE – In FY 2022, funding will support
additional law enforcement, facility management, and resource management staffing to allow
visitor access to newly-acquired acreage, as well as to address needs relating to the extensive
archeological and paleontological resources on those lands.
Weir Farm National Historical Park +$175,000; +2 FTE – In FY 2022, funding will provide
increased capacity in facility maintenance, facility operations and interpretation and education in
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
order to fully staff and maintain recently improved historical properties and landscape. Funding
will ensure proper maintenance and reliable visitor access to all interpretive offerings of the site
including the home, studio, and grounds of J. Alden Weir and his family.
White Sands National Park; +$175,000; +2 FTE – In FY 2022, funding will support permanent
paleontologist and archeologist positions to address resource management responsibilities
stemming from the boundary expansion and change in designation in the National Defense
Authorization Act of FY 2020 (P.L. 116-92).
National Capital Region Office; +$150,000; +1 FTE – In FY 2022, funding will support
increased operational capacity in park protection to assess and address physical security issues for
facilities across the region. Funding will support the hire of a physical security specialist charged
with bringing all National Capital Area sites into compliance with Departmental Manual 444,
Physical Protection and Facility Security.
Katmai National Park and Preserve; +$150,000; +1 FTE – In FY 2022, funding will support
interpretive staff and joint operational costs to provide for a multi-agency public private
partnership with King Salmon visitor center. The shared facility supports visitor education and
access to the entire Katmai region.
Ice Age National Scenic Trail; +$57,000; +0 FTE – In FY 2022, funding will provide for
increased operations and maintenance costs stemming from vacating existing GSA leased space.
Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve; +$49,000; +0 FTE - In FY 2022, funding will provide for
increased operations and maintenance costs stemming from vacating existing GSA leased space.
Perry’s Victory & International Peace Memorial; +$42,000; +0 FTE – In FY 2022, funding
will support required increases in personnel expenses due to a change to the applicable Federal
Wage System pay area, which was implemented in FY 2020.
Roosevelt Campobello International Park; +$33,000; +0 FTE – In FY 2022, this funding
increase will ensure the NPS’s contribution to the international park is commensurate with
funding provided by our Canadian partners, and is funded at the Roosevelt Campobello
International Park Commission’s proposed level.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Organizational Chart
Chief of Staff
Office of Policy
Native American Affairs
Equal Employment
Deputy Director
Associate Director
Natural Resource
Stewardship and Science
Associate Director
Visitor and Resource
Associate Director
Cultural Resources,
Partnerships and Science
Assistant Director
Partnerships and Civic
Assistant Director
Regional Directors
Associate Director
Park Planning, Facilities,
and Lands
Associate Director
Interpretation, Education,
and Volunteers
Deputy Director
Congressional and
External Relations
Assistant Director
Legislative and
Congressional Affairs
Office of
International Affairs
Deputy Director
Management &
Associate Director
Business Services
Associate Director
Workforce and Inclusion
Associate Chief Information
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
National Park System Units
by Associated Interior Region
1. Alagnak Wild River
2. Aniakchak NM
3. Aniakchak NPres
4. Bering Land Bridge NPres
5. Cape Krusenstern NM
6. Denali NP
7. Denali NPres
8. Gates of the Arctic NP
9. Gates of the Arctic NPres
10. Glacier Bay NP
11. Glacier Bay NPres
12. Katmai NP
13. Katmai NPres
14. Kenai Fjords NP
15. Klondike Gold Rush NHP
16. Kobuk Valley NP
17. Lake Clark NP
18. Lake Clark NPres
19. Noatak NPres
20. Sitka NHP
21. Wrangell-Saint Elias NP
22. Wrangell-Saint Elias NPres
23. Yukon-Charley Rivers NPres
Arkansas-Rio Grande-Texas-Gulf
24. Alibates Flint Quarry NM
25. Amistad NRA
26. Big Bend NP
27. Big Thicket NPres
28. Chamizal NMem
29. Chickasaw NRA
30. Fort Davis NHS
31. Guadalupe Mountains NP
32. Lake Meredith NRA
33. Lyndon B Johnson NHP
34. Padre Island NS
35. Palo Alto Battlefield NHP
36. Rio Grande WSR
37. San Antonio Missions NHP
38. Waco Mammoth NM
39. Washita Battlefield NHS
California-Great Basin
40. César E. Chávez NM
41. Crater Lake NP
42. Death Valley NP
43. Devils Postpile NM
44. Eugene O'Neill NHS
45. Fort Point NHS
46. Golden Gate NRA
47. Great Basin NP
48. John Muir NHS
49. Kings Canyon NP
50. Lassen Volcanic NP
51. Lava Beds NM
52. Manzanar NHS
53. Muir Woods NM
54. Pinnacles NP
55. Point Reyes NS
56. Port Chicago Naval Magazine
57. Redwood NP
58. Rosie the Riveter WWII Home
Front NHP
59. San Francisco Maritime NHP
60. Sequoia NP
61. Tule Lake NM
62. Whiskeytown NRA
63. Yosemite NP
Columbia-Pacific Northwest
64. City of Rocks NRes
65. Craters of the Moon NM
66. Craters of the Moon NPres
67. Ebey's Landing NHR
68. Fort Vancouver NHS
69. Hagerman Fossil Beds NM
70. John Day Fossil Beds NM
71. Lake Chelan NRA
72. Lake Roosevelt NRA
73. Lewis & Clark NHP
74. Minidoka NHS
75. Mount Rainier NP
76. Nez Perce NHP
77. North Cascades NP
78. Olympic NP
79. Oregon Caves NM & Pres
80. Ross Lake NRA
81. San Juan Island NHP
82. Whitman Mission NHS
Great Lakes
83. Apostle Islands NL
84. Charles Young Buffalo Soldiers
85. Cuyahoga Valley NP
86. Dayton Aviation NHP
87. First Ladies NHS
88. George Rogers Clark NHP
89. Grand Portage NM
90. Hopewell Culture NHP
91. Indiana Dunes NP
92. Isle Royale NP
93. James A Garfield NHS
94. Keweenaw NHP
95. Lincoln Boyhood NMem
96. Lincoln Home NHS
97. Mississippi NRRA
98. Perry's Victory & International
Peace Memorial
99. Pictured Rocks NL
100. Pipestone NM
101. Pullman NM
102. River Raisin NBP
103. Saint Croix NSR
104. Sleeping Bear Dunes NL
105. Voyageurs NP
106. William Howard Taft NHS
Lower Colorado-Basin
107. Cabrillo NM
108. Canyon de Chelly NM
109. Casa Grande Ruins NM
110. Castle Mountains NM
111. Channel Islands NP
112. Chiricahua NM
113. Coronado NMem
114. Fort Bowie NHS
115. Grand Canyon NP
116. Hohokam Pima NM
117. Hubbell Trading Post NHS
118. Joshua Tree NP
119. Lake Mead NRA
120. Mojave NPres
121. Montezuma Castle NM
122. Navajo NM
123. Organ Pipe Cactus NM
124. Petrified Forest NP
125. Pipe Spring NM
126. Saguaro NP
127. Santa Monica Mtns NRA
128. Sunset Crater Volcano NM
129. Tonto NM
130. Tule Springs Fossil Beds NM
131. Tumacacori NHP
132. Tuzigoot NM
133. Walnut Canyon NM
134. Wupatki NM
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
135. Arkansas Post NMem
136. Brices Cross Roads NBS
137. Buffalo NR
138. Cane River Creole NHP
139. Effigy Mounds NM
140. Fort Smith NHS
141. Gateway Arch NP
142. George Washington Carver
143. Harry S Truman NHS
144. Herbert Hoover NHS
145. Hot Springs NP
146. Jean Lafitte NHP & Pres
147. Little Rock Central High
School NHS
148. Medgar and Myrlie Evers
Home NM
149. Natchez NHP
150. Natchez Trace NST
151. Natchez Trace Parkway
152. New Orleans Jazz NHP
153. Ozark NSR
154. Pea Ridge NMP
155. Poverty Point NM
156. Ste. Genevieve NHP
157. Tupelo NB
158. Ulysses S Grant NHS
159. Vicksburg NMP
160. William Jefferson Clinton
Birthplace Home NHS
161. Wilson's Creek NB
162. Agate Fossil Beds NM
163. Badlands NP
164. Big Hole NB
165. Bighorn Canyon NRA
166. Brown v. Board of Ed NHS
167. Fort Larned NHS
168. Fort Scott NHS
169. Fort Union Trading Post NHS
170. Glacier NP
171. Grant-Kohrs Ranch NHS
172. Homestead NHP
173. Jewel Cave NM
174. Knife River Indian Village
175. Little Bighorn Battlefield NM
176. Minuteman Missile NHS
177. Missouri NRR
178. Mount Rushmore NMem
179. Nicodemus NHS
180. Niobrara NSR
181. Scotts Bluff NM
182. Tallgrass Prairie NPres
183. Theodore Roosevelt NP
184. Wind Cave NP
North Atlantic-Appalachian
185. Abraham Lincoln Birthplace
186. Acadia NP
187. Adams NHP
188. African Burial Grounds NM
189. Allegheny Portage RR NHS
190. Antietam NB
191. Appalachian NST
192. Appomattox Ct House NHP
193. Arlington House, The Robert
E. Lee Memorial
194. Assateague Island NS
195. Belmont-Paul Women's
Equality NM
196. Blackstone River Valley NHP
197. Bluestone NSR
198. Booker T Washington NM
199. Boston African Amer NHS
200. Boston Harbor Islands NRA
201. Boston NHP
202. Camp Nelson NM
203. Cape Cod NS
204. Carter G. Woodson Home
205. Castle Clinton NM
206. Catoctin Mountain Park
207. Cedar Creek & Belle Grove
208. Chesapeake & Ohio Canal
209. Clara Barton NHS
210. Colonial NHP
211. Constitution Gardens
212. Delaware NSR
213. Delaware Water Gap NRA
214. Dwight D. Eisenhower
215. Edgar Allan Poe NHS
216. Eisenhower NHS
217. Eleanor Roosevelt NHS
218. Federal Hall NMem
219. Fire Island NS
220. First State NHP
221. Flight 93 NMem
222. Ford's Theater NHS
223. Fort McHenry NM & Historic
224. Fort Monroe NM
225. Fort Necessity NB
226. Fort Stanwix NM
227. Fort Washington Park
228. Franklin D. Roosevelt
229. Frederick Douglas NHS
230. Frederick Law Olmsted NHS
231. Fredericksburg & Spotsylvania
232. Friendship Hill NHS
233. Gateway NRA
234. Gauley River NRA
235. General Grant NMem
236. George Washington Birthplace
237. George Washington Mem
238. Gettysburg NMP
239. Governor's Island NM
240. Great Egg Harbor Scenic &
Recreational River
241. Greenbelt Park
242. Hamilton Grange NMem
243. Hampton NHS
244. Harpers Ferry NHP
245. Harriet Tubman NHP
246. Harriet Tubman Underground
Railroad NM
247. Home of Franklin D Roosevelt
248. Hopewell Furnace NHS
249. Independence NHP
250. John F Kennedy NHS
251. Johnstown Flood NMem
252. Katahdin Woods & Waters
253. Korean War Veterans
254. Lincoln Memorial
255. Longfellow House –
Washington's HQ NHS
256. Lowell NHP
257. Lyndon B. Johnson Mem
Grove on the Potomac
258. Maggie L Walker NHS
259. Mammoth Cave NP
260. Manassas NBP
261. Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller
262. Martin Luther King, Jr. Mem
263. Martin Van Buren NHS
264. Mary McLeod Bethune
Council House NHS
265. Mill Springs Battlefield NM
266. Minute Man NHP
267. Monocacy NB
268. Morristown NHP
269. National Capital Parks-East
270. National Mall & Memorial
271. New Bedford Whaling NHP
272. New River Gorge NP & Pres
273. Paterson Great Falls NHP
274. Pennsylvania Avenue NHS
275. Petersburg NB
276. Piscataway Park
277. Potomac Heritage NST
278. Prince William Forest Park
279. Richmond NBP
280. Rock Creek Park
281. Roger Williams NMem
282. Sagamore Hill NHS
283. Saint Croix Island IHS
284. Saint Paul's Church NHS
285. Saint-Gaudens NHP
286. Salem Maritime NHS
287. Saratoga NHP
288. Saugus Iron Works NHS
289. Shenandoah NP
290. Springfield Armory NHS
291. Statue of Liberty NM
292. Steamtown NHS
293. Stonewall NM
294. Thaddeus Kosciuszko NMem
295. Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace
296. Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural
297. Theodore Roosevelt Island
298. Thomas Edison NHP
299. Thomas Jefferson Memorial
300. Thomas Stone NHS
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
301. Upper Delaware Scenic &
Recreational River
302. Valley Forge NHP
303. Vanderbilt Mansion NHS
304. Vietnam Veterans Memorial
305. Washington Monument
306. Weir Farm NHP
307. White House
308. Wolf Trap NP for the
Performing Arts
309. Women's Rights NHP
310. World War I Memorial
311. World War II Memorial
Pacific Islands
312. Haleakala NP
313. Hawaii Volcanoes NP
314. Honouliuli NHS
315. Kalaupapa NHP
316. Kaloko-Honokohau NHP
317. National Park of American
318. Pearl Harbor NMem
319. Pu'uhonua O Honaunau NHP
320. Puukohola Heiau NHS
321. War in the Pacific NHP
South Atlantic-Gulf
322. Andersonville NHS
323. Andrew Johnson NHS
324. Big Cypress NPres
325. Big South Fork National
River & Recreation Area
326. Birmingham Civil Rights
327. Biscayne NP
328. Blue Ridge Parkway
329. Buck Island Reef NM
330. Canaveral NS
331. Cape Hatteras NS
332. Cape Lookout NS
333. Carl Sandburg Home NHS
334. Castillo de San Marcos NM
335. Charles Pinckney NHS
336. Chattahoochee River NRA
337. Chickamauga & Chattanooga
338. Christiansted NHS
339. Congaree NP
340. Cowpens NB
341. Cumberland Gap NHP
342. Cumberland Island NS
343. De Soto NMem
344. Dry Tortugas NP
345. Everglades NP
346. Fort Caroline NMem
347. Fort Donelson NB
348. Fort Frederica NM
349. Fort Matanzas NM
350. Fort Pulaski NM
351. Fort Raleigh NHS
352. Fort Sumter and Fort
Moultrie NHP
353. Freedom Riders NM
354. Great Smoky Mountains NP
355. Guilford Courthouse NMP
356. Gulf Islands NS
357. Horseshoe Bend NMP
358. Jimmy Carter NHP
359. Kennesaw Mountain NBP
360. Kings Mountain NMP
361. Little River Canyon NPres
362. Martin Luther King, Jr NHP
363. Moores Creek NB
364. Ninety Six NHS
365. Obed Wild and Scenic River
366. Ocmulgee Mounds NHP
367. Reconstruction Era NHP
368. Russell Cave NM
369. Salt River Bay NHP &
Ecological Preserve
370. San Juan NHS
371. Shiloh NMP
372. Stones River NB
373. Timucuan Ecological &
Historic Preserve
374. Tuskegee Airmen NHS
375. Tuskegee Institute NHS
376. Virgin Islands Coral Reef
377. Virgin Islands NP
378. Wright Brothers NMem
Upper Colorado Basin
379. Arches NP
380. Aztec Ruins NM
381. Bandelier NM
382. Bent's Old Fort NHS
383. Black Canyon of the Gunnison
384. Bryce Canyon NP
385. Canyonlands NP
386. Capitol Reef NP
387. Capulin Volcano NM
388. Carlsbad Caverns NP
389. Cedar Breaks NM
390. Chaco Culture NHP
391. Colorado NM
392. Curecanti NRA
393. Devils Tower NM
394. Dinosaur NM
395. El Malpais NM
396. El Morro NM
397. Florissant Fossil Beds NM
398. Fort Laramie NHS
399. Fort Union NM
400. Fossil Butte NM
401. Gila Cliff Dwellings NM
402. Glen Canyon NRA
403. Golden Spike NHP
404. Grand Teton NP
405. Great Sand Dunes NP
406. Great Sand Dunes NPres
407. Hovenweep NM
408. John D Rockefeller Jr
Memorial Parkway
409. Manhattan Project NHP
410. Mesa Verde NP
411. Natural Bridges NM
412. Pecos NHP
413. Petroglyph NM
414. Rainbow Bridge NM
415. Rocky Mountain NP
416. Salinas Pueblo Missions NM
417. Sand Creek Massacre NHS
418. Timpanogos Cave NM
419. Valles Caldera NPres
420. White Sands NP
421. Yellowstone NP
422. Yucca House NM
423. Zion NP
Note: The following parks are geographically located in multiple regions. The list above shows only one of those regions in order to accurately
itemize all 423 park units and is not indicative of park headquarters or a primary region. The list below indicates the full regional location for
parks that reside in multiple regions.
Appalachian NST: North Atlantic-Appalachian, South Atlantic-Gulf
Bighorn Canyon NRA: Missouri Basin, Upper Colorado Basin
Big South Fork NR&RA: North Atlantic-Appalachian, South Atlantic-Gulf
Blue Ridge Parkway: North Atlantic-Appalachian, South Atlantic-Gulf
Crater Lake NP: California-Great Basin, Columbia-Pacific Northwest
Death Valley NP: California-Great Basin, Lower Colorado Basin
Glacier NP: Columbia-Pacific Northwest, Missouri Basin
Glen Canyon NRA: Lower Colorado Basin, Upper Colorado Basin
Gulf Islands NS: Arkansas-Rio Grande-Texas-Gulf, South Atlantic-Gulf
Klondike Gold Rush NHP: Alaska, Columbia-Pacific Northwest
Manhattan Project NHP: Columbia-Pacific Northwest, South Atlantic-Gulf, Upper Colorado Basin
Natchez Trace NST: South Atlantic-Gulf
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Natchez Trace Parkway: Arkansas-Rio Grande-Texas-Gulf, South Atlantic-Gulf
Yellowstone NP: Missouri Basin, Upper Colorado Basin
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Park Visitation and Acreage
Park Units and Groups
FY 2020
FY 2020
FY 2020
Abraham Lincoln Birthplace NHP 232,071 344.5 344.5
Acadia NP 2,585,734 48,207.2 49,076.6
Adams NHP 33,710 9.2 23.8
African Burial Grounds NM 21,904 0.4 0.4
Agate Fossil Beds NM 8,454 2,730.1 3,057.9
Allegheny Portage Railroad NHS 139,272 1,255.0 1,284.3
Amistad NRA 1,445,172 57,496.6 62,945.2
Andersonville NHS 78,081 500.9 515.6
Andrew Johnson NHS 45,231 16.7 16.7
Antietam NB 129,916 2,744.3 3,228.9
Apostle Islands NL 212,274 42,160.7 69,377.4
Appalachian NST
N/A 182,272.8 241,013.2
Appomattox Court House NHP 57,095 1,700.3 1,774.6
Arches NP 1,154,826 76,546.0 76,679.0
Arkansas Post NMem 28,911 663.9 757.5
Assateague Island NS 2,416,784 18,928.3 41,346.5
Aztec Ruins NM 36,355 266.8 318.4
Badlands NP 908,656 233,809.1 242,755.9
Baltimore Washington Parkway
N/A - -
Bandelier NM 111,031 33,654.4 33,676.7
Bent's Old Fort NHS 12,936 735.6 798.5
Big Bend NP 359,224 775,273.4 801,163.2
Big Cypress NPres 1,178,875 677,338.3 720,564.0
Big Hole NB 39,798 655.6 975.6
Big South Fork National River & Recreation Area 764,888 114,829.7 123,699.9
Big Thicket NPres 267,290 108,748.1 113,122.0
Bighorn Canyon NRA 212,272 68,490.9 120,296.2
Birmingham Civil Rights NM
N/A 0.9 0.9
Biscayne NP 507,241 171,395.4 172,971.1
Black Canyon of the Gunnison NP 318,255 30,730.2 30,779.8
Blackstone River Valley NHP
N/A - 1,489.0
Blue Ridge Parkway 14,092,649 88,818.0 99,815.4
Bluestone NSR 25,467 3,032.0 4,309.5
Booker T. Washington NM 21,656 239.0 239.0
Boston African American NHS 121,289 - 0.6
Boston Harbor Islands NRA
62,434 245.6 1,482.3
Boston NHP 909,806 38.0 43.8
Brown v. Board of Education NHS 8,562 1.9 1.9
Bryce Canyon NP 1,444,341 35,832.6 35,835.1
Buffalo NR 1,443,307 94,067.8 94,293.3
Cabrillo NM 560,570 159.9 159.9
Camp Nelson NM
N/A 380.1 465.0
Canaveral NS 1,128,934 57,647.7 57,661.7
Cane River Creole NHP 22,112 62.4 205.5
Canyon de Chelly NM 202,889 - 83,840.0
Canyonlands NP 437,855 337,570.4 337,597.8
Cape Cod NS 4,028,244 27,549.8 43,608.4
Cape Hatteras Group - Cape Hatteras NS, Fort Raleigh
2,930,014 31,127.4 31,294.8
Cape Lookout NS 463,117 25,173.6 28,243.4
Capitol Reef NP 957,766 241,223.3 241,904.5
Capulin Volcano NM 59,675 792.8 792.8
Carl Sandburg Home NHS 45,728 268.4 268.5
Carlsbad Caverns NP 227,402 46,427.3 46,766.5
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Park Units and Groups
FY 2020
FY 2020
FY 2020
Casa Grande Ruins NM & Hohokam Pima NM 52,322 472.5 2,162.5
Castillo de San Marcos NM & Fort Matanzas NM 887,704 317.8 319.5
Castle Mountains NM
N/A 20,902.0 21,025.5
Catoctin Mountain Park 494,888 5,890.4 5,891.5
Cedar Breaks NM
793,630 6,154.6 6,154.6
Cedar Creek and Belle Grove NHP
N/A 122.3 3,705.0
César E. Chávez NM 9,383 10.5 116.6
Chaco Culture NHP 14,412 32,840.1 33,960.2
Chamizal NMem 24,258 54.9 54.9
Channel Islands NP 205,197 79,018.6 249,561.0
Charles Pinckney NHS 22,935 28.5 28.5
Charles Young Buffalo Soldiers NM 3,438 59.7 59.7
Chattahoochee River NRA 3,099,584 5,236.0 12,509.8
Chesapeake & Ohio Canal NHP 4,688,026 14,465.2 19,612.4
Chickamauga & Chattanooga NMP 704,835 9,433.0 9,523.5
Chickasaw NRA 1,352,949 9,894.1 9,898.6
Chiricahua NM & Fort Bowie NHS 52,985 13,021.8 13,024.2
Christiansted NHS, Buck Island Reef NM, Salt River Bay
71,137 19,266.4 20,032.0
City of Rocks NRes
105,410 10,000.3 14,407.2
Colonial NHP 2,958,128 8,605.2 8,675.0
Colorado NM 399,817 20,536.4 20,536.4
Congaree NP 104,818 26,384.8 26,476.5
Coronado NMem 169,289 4,828.2 4,830.2
Cowpens NB 213,567 790.9 841.6
Crater Lake NP 631,596 183,223.8 183,224.1
Craters of the Moon NM&Pres 232,507 737,658.8 752,377.3
Cumberland Gap NHP 697,920 24,530.6 24,546.8
Cumberland Island NS 38,105 19,524.9 36,346.8
Curecanti NRA 914,292 43,579.7 43,590.6
Cuyahoga Valley NP 2,642,974 20,514.6 32,571.9
Dayton Aviation Heritage NHP 47,981 85.1 110.6
De Soto NMem 199,401 24.8 30.0
Death Valley NP 933,042 3,355,171.6 3,408,395.6
Delaware Water Gap NRA 3,820,499 58,369.9 68,708.9
Denali NP&Pres 63,205 6,036,892.5 6,075,029.0
Devils Postpile NM 133,198 800.2 800.2
Devils Tower NM 404,404 1,346.9 1,347.2
Dinosaur NM 252,546 205,765.5 210,281.9
Dry Tortugas NP 48,601 61,481.2 64,701.2
Ebey's Landing NHR
N/A 2,774.8 19,333.5
Edgar Allan Poe NHS
6,450 0.5 0.5
Effigy Mounds NM 28,672 2,489.3 2,526.4
Eisenhower NHS 13,584 690.5 690.5
El Malpais NM 137,410 109,946.8 114,347.1
El Morro NM 38,876 1,039.9 1,278.7
Eleanor Roosevelt NHS 18,679 180.5 180.5
Eugene O'Neill NHS 10,243 13.2 13.2
Everglades NP 878,762 1,508,652.8 1,508,938.6
Fire Island NS 251,974 6,242.2 19,580.7
First Ladies NHS 5,474 0.5 0.5
First State NM
N/A 1,110.7 1,409.1
Flagstaff Area Parks
315,647 41,364.6 41,642.4
Flight 93 NMem 257,926 1,641.4 2,319.4
Florissant Fossil Beds NM 60,879 5,992.3 6,278.1
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Park Units and Groups
FY 2020
FY 2020
FY 2020
Fort Caroline NMem & Timucuan Ecological & Historic
1,401,118 17,136.7 46,401.1
Fort Davis NHS 37,036 523.0 523.0
Fort Donelson NB 297,803 1,253.7 1,319.0
Fort Frederica NM 198,631 304.1 305.3
Fort Laramie NHS 26,111 871.8 873.1
Fort Larned NHS 23,797 679.7 718.4
Fort McHenry NM & Historic Shrine 164,105 43.3 43.3
Fort Monroe NM
N/A 327.1 367.1
Fort Necessity NB
214,004 894.5 902.8
Fort Point NHS 889,392 29.0 29.0
Fort Pulaski NM 353,386 5,365.1 5,623.1
Fort Scott NHS 16,588 16.7 20.1
Fort Smith NHS 72,610 38.0 75.0
Fort Stanwix NM 30,602 15.5 15.5
Fort Sumter & Fort Moultrie NHP 441,157 230.6 234.7
Fort Union NM 5,816 720.6 720.6
Fort Union Trading Post NHS 5,384 370.2 440.1
Fort Vancouver NHS 760,891 197.4 206.7
Fossil Butte NM 13,154 8,198.0 8,198.0
Frederick Law Olmsted NHS 3,975 7.2 7.2
Fredericksburg & Spotsylvania NMP 857,949 7,567.4 8,405.5
Freedom Riders NM
N/A 6.0 6.0
Friendship Hill NHS 19,612 661.4 674.6
Gates of the Arctic NP&Pres 2,890 8,308,013.2 8,472,505.5
Gateway Arch NP 677,874 91.0 192.8
Gateway NRA 8,866,702 20,445.5 26,606.6
Gauley River NRA 100,192 5,243.3 11,565.8
George Rogers Clark NHP 64,825 25.3 26.2
George Washington Birthplace NM 56,070 550.2 653.2
George Washington Carver NM 32,107 240.0 240.0
George Washington Memorial Parkway
6,710,068 6,766.4 6,946.4
Gettysburg NMP 569,795 5,200.6 6,032.1
Gila Cliff Dwellings NM 36,812 533.1 533.1
Glacier Bay NP&Pres 9,887 3,280,840.8 3,281,789.4
Glacier NP 1,629,311 1,012,897.7 1,013,126.4
Glen Canyon NRA 2,734,812 1,239,763.8 1,254,116.6
Golden Gate NRA 12,940,803 57,314.2 82,116.0
Golden Spike NHP 50,163 2,203.2 2,735.3
Governor's Island NM 103,242 22.4 22.9
Grand Canyon NP 3,177,721 1,180,650.9 1,201,647.0
Grand Portage NM 65,354 710.0 710.0
Grand Teton NP 3,101,062 308,664.5 310,044.4
Grant-Kohrs Ranch NHS 19,145 1,491.5 1,618.4
Great Basin NP 114,241 77,180.0 77,180.0
Great Egg Harbor NS & RR
N/A - 43,311.4
Great Sand Dunes NP&Pres
426,076 136,373.8 149,027.9
Great Smoky Mountains NP 11,467,381 522,076.7 522,426.9
Guadalupe Mountains NP 136,597 86,367.1 86,367.1
Guilford Courthouse NMP 185,763 253.5 253.5
Gulf Islands NS 4,649,457 99,779.3 138,305.5
Hagerman Fossil Beds NM 15,255 4,334.7 4,351.2
Haleakala NP 442,578 33,264.5 33,264.6
Hampton NHS 15,705 62.0 62.0
Harpers Ferry NHP 230,922 3,560.4 3,669.2
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Park Units and Groups
FY 2020
FY 2020
FY 2020
Harriet Tubman NHP & Harriet Tubman Underground RR
N/A 480.5 511.5
Harry S Truman NHS
13,649 12.6 12.6
Hawaii Volcanoes NP 761,238 325,605.3 325,605.3
Herbert Hoover NHS 74,221 181.1 186.8
Home of Franklin D Roosevelt NHS 68,748 838.4 838.4
Homestead NM of America 43,819 204.5 210.5
Honouliuli NHS
N/A 123.0 154.5
Hopewell Culture NHP
39,322 1,146.4 1,775.8
Hopewell Furnace NHS 34,601 848.1 848.1
Horseshoe Bend NMP 30,185 2,040.0 2,040.0
Hot Springs NP 1,349,854 5,026.1 5,554.2
Hovenweep NM 21,447 784.9 784.9
Hubbell Trading Post NHS 24,770 160.1 160.1
Independence NHP 1,729,973 34.8 44.9
Indiana Dunes NP 2,153,892 11,108.4 15,349.1
Isle Royale NP 6,942 539,281.9 571,790.3
James A. Garfield NHS 19,716 7.8 7.8
Jean Lafitte NHP & Pres 308,356 21,080.7 26,786.7
Jewel Cave NM 36,672 1,273.5 1,273.5
Jimmy Carter NHS 19,566 47.5 72.2
John D. Rockefeller, Jr. MEM PKWY 1,312,510 23,777.2 23,777.2
John Day Fossil Beds NM 101,703 13,456.2 14,062.2
John F. Kennedy NHS 9,386 0.1 0.1
John Muir NHS 33,862 338.3 344.1
Johnstown Flood NMem 102,103 169.0 177.8
Joshua Tree NP 2,345,488 781,908.9 795,155.9
Kalaupapa NHP 31,932 22.9 10,778.9
Kaloko-Honokohau NHP 156,610 615.9 1,163.1
Katahdin Woods and Waters NM
33,933 87,564.3 87,564.3
Katmai NP&Pres, Aniakchak NM&Pres, & Alagnak WR
51,787 4,567,368.6 4,725,186.9
Kenai Fjords NP 115,249 603,129.9 669,650.1
Kennesaw Mountain NBP 2,254,676 2,889.7 2,913.6
Keweenaw NHP 4,245 135.8 1,870.0
Kings Mountain NMP 254,987 3,945.3 3,945.3
Klondike Gold Rush - Seattle Unit NHP 27,644 - -
Klondike Gold Rush NHP 483 3,420.0 12,996.5
Knife River Indian Villages NHS 5,106 1,593.7 1,748.8
Lake Clark NP&Pres 4,721 3,740,754.8 4,030,110.2
Lake Mead NRA 7,921,936 1,471,003.3 1,495,815.5
Lake Meredith NRA & Alibates Flint Quarry NM 1,488,590 46,056.7 46,348.6
Lake Roosevelt NRA 1,513,960 100,390.3 100,390.3
Lassen Volcanic NP 552,885 106,505.4 106,589.0
Lava Beds NM 109,366 46,692.4 46,692.4
Lewis & Clark NHP 167,286 2,745.6 3,410.2
Lincoln Boyhood NMem 109,223 185.7 200.0
Lincoln Home NHS 50,423 12.0 12.2
Little Bighorn Battlefield NM 101,853 765.3 765.3
Little River Canyon NPres 751,104 11,170.5 15,291.6
Little Rock Central High School NHS 98,006 2.2 28.2
Longfellow House - Washington's Headquarters NHS 34,505 2.0 2.0
Lowell NHP 125,068 31.7 141.7
Lyndon B. Johnson NHP 84,592 674.3 1,571.7
Maggie L. Walker NHS 3,911 0.4 1.3
Mammoth Cave NP 299,834 52,003.2 54,011.9
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Park Units and Groups
FY 2020
FY 2020
FY 2020
Manassas NBP 526,847 4,426.3 5,073.4
Manhattan Project NHP 25,796 113.6 113.6
Manhattan Sites
1,640,959 9.5 10.2
Manzanar NHS 65,300 813.8 813.8
Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller NHP 28,041 555.1 643.1
Martin Luther King, Jr. NHP 397,083 14.1 39.2
Martin Van Buren NHS 13,524 52.2 284.9
Mesa Verde NP 292,144 52,253.3 52,485.2
Mill Springs Battlefield NM
N/A 18.0 1,459.2
Minidoka NHS 5,085 388.3 396.3
Minute Man NHP 1,035,081 801.9 1,027.8
Minuteman Missile NHS 82,946 40.2 43.8
Mississippi NRRA 237,811 91.7 53,775.0
Missouri NRR 103,660 872.4 48,456.6
Mojave NPres 681,103 1,484,287.3 1,547,955.0
Monocacy NB 137,774 1,552.8 1,646.9
Montezuma Castle NM & Tuzigoot NM 323,309 1,380.2 1,827.4
Moores Creek NB 67,424 87.8 87.8
Morristown NHP 227,836 1,705.7 1,710.7
Mount Rainier NP 1,141,881 236,334.7 236,381.6
Mount Rushmore NMem 1,995,258 1,239.5 1,278.5
Muir Woods NM 386,553 523.0 553.6
Natchez NHP 83,312 97.4 119.8
Natchez Trace Parkway, Natchez Trace NST, Brices Cross
Roads NBS, Tupelo NB
6,040,603 52,209.3 63,299.0
National Capital Parks-East
2,140,798 14,572.1 14,852.4
National Mall & Memorial Parks
13,773,458 371.5 372.6
National Park of American Samoa 21,419 - 8,256.7
Natural Bridges NM 48,523 7,636.5 7,636.5
Navajo NM 12,737 360.0 360.0
New Bedford Whaling NHP 47,474 0.3 34.0
New Orleans Jazz NHP 20,765 - 5.1
New River Gorge NP and Pres. N/A 53,853.9 72,185.8
Nez Perce NHP 296,667 3,863.1 4,564.9
Nicodemus NHS 758 1.6 4.6
Ninety Six NHS 94,808 1,021.9 1,021.9
Niobrara NSR 102,806 1,030.4 29,101.0
North Cascades NP, Lake Chelan NRA, Ross Lake NRA 945,917 679,955.7 684,294.7
Obed WSR 233,209 4,180.2 5,489.9
Ocmulgee Mounds NHP 66,004 701.5 3,335.8
Olympic NP 2,486,793 913,573.7 922,649.4
Oregon Caves NM&Pres 37,893 4,554.0 4,554.0
Organ Pipe Cactus NM 202,279 329,365.3 330,688.9
Ozark NSR 1,313,481 61,368.4 80,784.3
Padre Island NS 590,172 130,355.5 130,434.3
Palo Alto Battlefield NHS 92,248 1,809.9 3,426.9
Paterson Great Falls NHP 317,129 0.4 51.3
Pea Ridge NMP 86,558 4,278.8 4,300.4
Pearl Harbor NMem 788,445 21.6 21.6
Pecos NHP 37,532 6,410.4 6,693.5
Perry's Victory & International Peace Memorial 42,831 23.1 25.4
Petersburg NB 161,368 2,659.9 9,368.3
Petrified Forest NP 389,972 147,144.5 221,390.2
Petroglyph NM 350,483 2,941.3 7,209.0
Pictured Rocks NL 1,130,307 35,771.5 73,236.0
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Park Units and Groups
FY 2020
FY 2020
FY 2020
Pinnacles NP 147,025 26,674.9 26,685.7
Pipe Spring NM 10,797 40.0 40.0
Pipestone NM 41,978 281.8 281.8
Point Reyes NS 2,006,559 65,234.4 71,053.4
Port Chicago Naval Magazine NMem 250 5.0 5.0
Potomac Heritage NST
N/A - -
President William Jefferson Clinton Birthplace Home NHS 4,794 0.7 0.7
President's Park 484,890 18.1 18.1
Prince William Forest Park 306,156 14,603.9 16,080.8
Pullman NM
N/A 0.4 0.4
Pu'uhonua O Honaunau NHP
216,125 419.8 419.8
Pu'ukohola Heiau NHS 56,373 61.0 86.2
Rainbow Bridge NM 11,676 160.0 160.0
Reconstruction Era NHP
N/A 15.5 15.5
Redwood NP
299,473 77,746.5 138,999.4
Richmond NBP 174,602 3,672.0 8,168.9
Rio Grande WSR 111 - 13,123.4
River Raisin NBP 302,892 42.2 42.2
Rock Creek Park 1,887,005 1,755.2 1,755.2
Rocky Mountain NP 3,303,923 265,484.2 265,807.3
Roger Williams NMem 25,483 4.6 4.6
Ronald Reagan Boyhood Home
N/A - -
Rosie the Riveter WWII Home Front NHP 19,939 - 145.2
Russell Cave NM 10,301 310.5 310.5
Sagamore Hill NHS 32,153 83.0 83.0
Saguaro NP 756,377 87,953.4 91,715.4
Saint Croix Island IHS 6,877 6.5 6.5
Saint Croix NSR & Lower Saint Croix NSR 764,063 40,768.2 92,743.1
Saint-Gaudens NHP 14,807 190.8 190.8
Salem Maritime NHS 228,913 8.9 9.0
Salinas Pueblo Missions NM 27,555 985.1 1,071.4
San Antonio Missions NHP 1,170,949 549.2 947.8
San Francisco Maritime NHP 2,337,333 30.0 49.9
San Juan Island NHP 386,203 2,114.5 2,145.6
San Juan NHS 584,892 53.2 75.1
Sand Creek Massacre NHS 4,175 3,025.4 12,583.3
Santa Monica Mountains NRA 654,881 25,117.4 157,698.1
Saratoga NHP 80,214 3,082.6 3,579.1
Saugus Iron Works NHS 13,923 8.5 8.5
Scotts Bluff NM 176,055 2,954.2 3,004.7
Sequoia NP & Kings Canyon NP 1,298,848 865,754.7 865,963.8
Shenandoah NP 1,497,890 198,360.8 199,223.8
Shiloh NMP 354,205 5,484.7 9,357.2
Sitka NHP 110,993 58.2 116.3
Sleeping Bear Dunes NL 1,703,403 57,789.3 71,311.4
Springfield Armory NHS 5,601 20.6 54.9
Statue of Liberty NM & Ellis Island 1,353,302 58.4 58.4
Ste. Genevieve NHP
N/A 1.0 20.8
Steamtown NHS 42,002 51.3 62.5
Stones River NB 271,613 650.1 709.5
Stonewall NM 5,229 0.1 7.7
Tallgrass Prairie NPres 29,880 33.1 10,882.7
Thaddeus Kosciuszko NMem 317 0.0 0.0
Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural NHS 10,519 1.2 1.2
Theodore Roosevelt NP 544,494 69,702.1 70,446.9
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Park Units and Groups
FY 2020
FY 2020
FY 2020
Thomas Edison NHP 16,248 21.3 21.3
Thomas Stone NHS 3,359 328.3 328.3
Timpanogos Cave NM 92,980 250.0 250.0
Tonto NM 24,209 1,120.0 1,120.0
Tule Lake NM
N/A 35.0 37.4
Tule Springs Fossil Beds NM
N/A 22,650.0 22,650.0
Tumacacori NHP 32,283 357.7 360.3
Tuskegee Airmen NHS 12,880 44.7 89.7
Tuskegee Institute NHS 11,560 8.9 57.9
Ulysses S. Grant NHS 18,686 9.6 9.6
Upper Delaware Scenic & Recreational River, Middle
Delaware NSR
486,172 30.8 76,972.9
Valles Caldera NPres
21,397 89,766.1 89,766.1
Valley Forge NHP 1,854,816 3,175.7 3,468.5
Vanderbilt Mansion NHS 209,725 211.7 211.7
Vicksburg NMP 273,064 2,468.7 2,524.1
Virgin Islands Coral Reef NM
N/A 11,608.5 12,708.1
Virgin Islands NP
180,486 13,105.2 15,052.3
Voyageurs NP 262,760 133,284.5 218,222.4
Waco Mammoth NM 55,110 7.1 107.2
War in the Pacific NHP 351,211 958.3 2,030.7
Washita Battlefield NHS 10,985 315.2 315.2
Weir Farm NHS 24,127 68.1 74.2
Western Arctic National Parklands - Bering Land Bridge
NPres, Noatak NPres, Cape Krusenstern NM, Kobuk
Valley NP
37,729 11,542,354.7 11,684,274.7
Whiskeytown NRA 777,671 42,492.1 42,503.3
White Sands NP 406,527 146,344.3 146,344.3
Whitman Mission NHS 34,506 138.5 138.5
William Howard Taft NHS 15,567 1.9 3.6
Wilson's Creek NB 258,261 2,021.5 2,407.8
Wind Cave NP 444,128 33,970.8 33,970.8
Wolf Trap NP 28,316 130.3 130.3
Women's Rights NHP 13,892 7.1 7.4
Wrangell-Saint Elias NP&Pres 16,655 12,280,598.3 13,175,791.0
Yellowstone NP 3,606,115 2,219,789.1 2,219,790.7
Yosemite NP 2,592,958 760,020.1 761,747.5
Yucca House NM
N/A 33.9 33.9
Yukon-Charley Rivers NPres 549 2,195,547.0 2,526,512.4
Zion NP 3,316,305 143,793.4 147,242.7
Grand Total 244,116,920 81,097,791 85,111,612
1 Appalachian NST – pedestrian traffic and multiple access points along the trail present problems in estimating
2 Counts for the Baltimore Washington Parkway are reported as part of National Capital Parks East.
3 Visitation information is not available for new parks, or for sites that are under development or renovation. These
include: Birmingham Civil Rights NM, Blackstone River Valley NHP, Camp Nelson NM, Castle Mountains NM,
Cedar Breaks NM, Cedar Creek and Belle Grove NHP, City of Rocks NRes, Ebey's Landing NHR, Edgar Allan Poe
NHS, First State NM, Flagstaff Area Parks, Fort Monroe NM, Fort Necessity NB, Freedom Riders NM, Great Egg
Harbor NS & RR, Great Sand Dunes NP&Pres, Harriet Tubman NHP & Harriet Tubman Underground RR NHP,
Harry S Truman NHS, Honouliuli NHS, Hopewell Culture NHP, NP&Pres, Aniakchak NM&Pres, & Alagnak WR,
Mill Springs Battlefield NM, Potomac Heritage NST, Pullman NM, Pu'uhonua O Honaunau NHP, Reconstruction
Era NHP, Redwood NP, Ste. Genevieve NHP, Tule Lake NM, Tule Springs Fossil Beds NM, Virgin Islands Coral
Reef NM, Virgin Islands NP, and Yucca House NM.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
4 George Washington Memorial Parkway group includes: Arlington House The R.E. Lee Memorial, Clara Barton
NHS, George Washington Memorial Parkway, LBJ Memorial Grove on the Potomac, and Theodore Roosevelt
5 Manhattan Sites group includes: Castle Clinton NM, Federal Hall NMem, General Grant NMem, Hamilton
Grange NMem, Saint Paul's Church NHS, and Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace NHS.
6 National Capital Parks-East group includes: Carter G. Woodson Home NHS, Frederick Douglass NHS, Fort
Washington Park, Greenbelt Park, Mary McLeod Bethune Council House NHS, National Capital Parks Central,
National Capital Parks East, and Piscataway Park.
7 National Mall and Memorial Parks group includes: Belmont-Paul Women's Equality NM, Constitution Gardens,
Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial, Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial, Ford's Theatre NHS, Korean War Veterans
Memorial, Lincoln Memorial, Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial, National Mall, Pennsylvania Avenue NHS,
Thomas Jefferson Memorial, Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Washington Monument, World War I Memorial, and
World War II Memorial.
8 Ronald Reagan Boyhood Home NHS is not officially a park unit; therefore, visitation is not counted.
9 FY 2020 data reflects visitation from October 1, 2019 through September 30, 2020. The NPS also reports “Annual
Visitation,” which reflects visitation from January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020. Visitation counts will differ
between these ranges. In FY 2020, many park units were closed or operating at a reduced capacity due to COVID-
19. Visitation numbers will therefore be much lower than recent years at many parks.
10 Federal Acreage includes only land or interests in land owned by the NPS and other Federal Agencies; it
fluctuates when ownership changes occur.
11 Gross Acreage includes all land within the Authorized Boundary, encompassing land owned by the United
States, including the NPS and other Federal agencies, as well as State and local governments, and private
organizations and persons. The Gross Acreage may not accurately reflect increases to NPS owned property, as it is a
relatively static number and does not fluctuate when ownership changes occur.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Unit Designations and Other Abbreviations
International Historic Site
National Battlefield
National Battlefield Park
National Battlefield Site
National Historical Park
National Historic Reserve
National Historic Site
National Historic Trail
National Lakeshore
National Monument
National Monument and Preserve
National Memorial
National Military Park
National Natural Landmark
National Park
National Preserve
National Park and Preserve
National River
National Recreation Area
National Reserve
National Seashore
National Scenic River/Riverway
National Scenic Trail
National Wild and Scenic River
Architectural Barriers Act Accessibility Standards
American Battlefield Protection Program
Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act
Asset Priority Index
Archeological Resource Protection Act
Archeological Sites Management Information System
Alternative Transportation System
Bureau of Land Management
Bureau of Reclamation
Capital Asset Plans (maintenance and construction)
Corrective Action Plan (cultural resources)
Civilian Climate Corps
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act
Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan
Critical Ecosystems Studies Initiative (South Florida/Everglades)
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Units
Code of Federal Regulations
Cooperative Landscape Conservation
Certified Local Government
Cultural Landscapes Inventory
Collaborative Landscape Planning
Continuing Resolution
Cultural Resources Diversity Internship Program
Cultural Resources Geographic Information System
Cultural Resources Preservation Program
Current Replacement Value
Clean Water Act
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Abbreviation Description
CWD Chronic Wasting Disease
DAB Development Advisory Board
DHS Department of Homeland Security
DM Deferred Maintenance
DO Director’s Order
DOC Department of Commerce
DoD Department of Defense
DOE Department of Energy
DOEd Department of Education
DOI Department of the Interior
DOL Department of Labor
DOS Department of State
DSC Denver Service Center (construction project management and design office for NPS)
EA Environmental Assessment
EEO Equal Employment Opportunity
EIS Environmental Impact Statement
EMP Environmental Management Program
EO Executive Order
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
EPMT Exotic Plant Management Team
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
FASAB Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board
FBMS Financial and Business Management System (DOI)
FCI Facility Condition Index
FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
FHWA Federal Highway Administration
FLETC Federal Law Enforcement Training Center
FLHP Federal Lands Highway Program
FLP Federal Lands to Parks Program
FLREA Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act
FMSS Facility Management Software System
FOIA Freedom of Information Act
FPI Federal Preservation Institute
FPPS Federal Personnel Payroll System
FTE Full-Time (employee) Equivalent
FWS U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
FY Fiscal Year
GAO Government Accountability Office
GAOA Great America Outdoors Act
GIS Geographic Information System
GLRI Great Lakes Restoration Initiative
GMP General Management Plan
GOMESA Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act
GPRA Government Performance and Results Act
GSA U.S. General Services Administration
HABS Historic America Buildings Survey
HAER Historic America Engineering Record
HALS Historic America Landscapes Survey
HAZMAT Hazardous Materials
HAZWOPER Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response
HBCU Historically Black Colleges and Universities
HDP Heritage Documentation Programs (including HABS/HAER/HALS and CRGIS)
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Abbreviation Description
HFC Harpers Ferry Center
HIDTA High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area
HPF Historic Preservation Fund
HPP Heritage Partnership Program
HPS Heritage Preservation Services (NPS)
HR Human Resources
HROC Human Resource Operations Center
I&M Inventory and Monitoring (natural resources)
IBC Interior Business Center
IDIQ Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity
IMARS Incident Management, Analysis, and Reporting System (law enforcement)
IT Information Technology
IVLP International Visitor Leadership Program (DOI)
LARS Land Acquisition Rating System
LASA Land Acquisition and State Assistance
LCS List of Classified Structures / Lifecycle Costs
LIC Line Item Construction
LSI Leasehold Surrender Interest (Concessions)
LWCF Land and Water Conservation Fund
MABO Major Acquisition Buying Office
NAGPRA Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act
NAPA National Academy of Public Administration
NCPTT National Center for Preservation Technology and Training
NEPA National Environmental Policy Act
NGO Non-Governmental Organization
NHA National Heritage Area
NHPA National Historic Preservation Act
NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NPATMA National Parks Air Tour Management Act
NPF National Park Foundation
NPS National Park Service
NR&P National Recreation and Preservation (NPS appropriation)
NRDA Natural Resource Damage Assessment
O&M Operations and Maintenance
OIA Office of International Affairs
OCS Outer Continental Shelf
OMB Office of Management and Budget
ONPS Operation of the National Park System (NPS appropriation)
OPA Oil Pollution Act
OPA Other Permanent Appropriation
OPM Office of Personnel Management
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Department of Labor)
PDS Project Data Sheet
PEPC Planning, Environment and Public Comment
PFMD Park Facility Management Division
PHS U.S. Public Health Service
P.L. Public Law
PLC Public Land Corps
PMIS Project Management Information System
POSS Point of Sale System
PPFL Park Planning, Facilities, and Lands
RFCP Recreation Fee Comprehensive Plan
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Abbreviation Description
RLC Research Learning Center (natural resources)
RM Recurring Maintenance
RM Resource Manual
RMP Resource Management Plan
ROD Record of Decision
RSS Resource Stewardship Strategy (natural resources)
RTCA Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance
SAT Save America’s Treasures grant program
SCA Student Conservation Association
SCORP State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan
SHPO State Historic Preservation Office/Officer
T&E Threatened and Endangered (species)
THPO Tribal Historic Preservation Office/Officer
UMP Unit Management Plan
UPARR Urban Park and Recreation Recovery Fund
US United States
USACE U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (also COE)
U.S.C. United States Code
USDA U.S. Department of Agriculture
USFS U.S. Forest Service
USGS U.S. Geological Survey
USPP U.S. Park Police
VA Value Analysis
VIP Volunteers-in-Parks program
WCF Working Capital Fund
YCC Youth Conservation Corps
YIP Youth Internship Program
YPP Youth Partnership Program
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Budget At A Glance
NPS Fiscal Year 2022
Park Management
Resource Stewardship 339,860 361,626 +7,672 0 +203,655 572,953
New and Critical Responsibilities [NA] [NA] [0] [0] [+957] [4,445]
Promoting Racial Justice & Equity for Underserved Communities [NA] [NA] [0] [0] [+6,198] [15,000]
Conservation - Civilian Climate Corps [NA] [NA] [0] [0] [+45,000] [45,000]
Conservation - Natural Resource Projects [13,316] [14,316] [0] [0] [+40,000] [62,316]
Conservation - Park Natural Resource Capacity [NA] [NA] [0] [0] [+57,000] [57,000]
Conservation - Research Learning Centers [NA] [NA] [0] [0] [+17,000] [17,000]
Conservation - Inventory and Monitoring Program [44,982] [45,540] [0] [0] [+16,000] [61,540]
Conservation - Increase Management & Policy Support for Climate Change Decision Making [NA] [NA] [0] [0] [+11,500] [12,500]
Conservation - Cooperative Ecosystems Studies Units [NA] [NA] [0] [0] [+5,500] [5,500]
Conservation - Socioeconomic Monitoring [NA] [NA] [0] [0] [+3,500] [3,500]
Conservation - Everglades Restoration and Research [10,282] [10,282] [+170] [0] [+1,000] [11,452]
Visitor Services 249,165 277,975 +8,435 0 +123 286,533
New and Critical Responsibilities [NA] [NA] [0] [0] [+729] [4,445]
Promoting Racial Justice & Equity for Underserved Communities [NA] [NA] [0] [0] [+3,171] [15,000]
Commemorations Office [NA] [NA] [0] [0] [+250] [250]
2021 Presidential Inauguration [0] [4,200] [0] [0] [-1,800] [0]
National Capital Performing Arts [2,227] [2,227] [0] [0] [-2,227] [0]
Park Protection 394,781 385,235 +8,160 0 +21,998 415,393
New and Critical Responsibilities [NA] [NA] [0] [0] [+1,062] [4,445]
Promoting Racial Justice & Equity for Underserved Communities [NA] [NA] [0] [0] [+920] [15,000]
Statue of Liberty NM Security Contract [NA] [NA] [0] [0] [+7,900] [7,900]
United States Park Police Workforce Capacity [109,221] [114,833] [+3,474] [0] [+7,416] [125,323]
Body-Worn Cameras [NA] [NA] [0] [0] [+4,100] [4,100]
Conservation - Establish Permanent Incident Management Team [NA] [NA] [0] [0] [+2,000] [2,000]
Conservation - Public Health Protection [3,499] [3,507] [+18] [0] [+1,000] [4,525]
2021 Presidential Inauguration [0] [4,200] [0] [0] [-2,400] [0]
Facility Operations & Maintenance 839,165 900,955 +14,148 0 +6,177 921,280
New and Critical Responsibilities [NA] [NA] [0] [0] [+1,038] [4,445]
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Promoting Racial Justice & Equity for Underserved Communities [NA] [NA] [0] [0] [+1,202] [15,000]
Conservation - Natural Resource Projects [13,316] [14,316] [0] [0] [+8,000] [62,316]
Conservation - Increase Management & Policy Support for Climate Change Decision Making [NA] [NA] [0] [0] [+1,000] [1,000]
D.C. Water and Sewer Program [19,775] [17,376] [0] [0] [-5,063] [12,313]
Park Support 560,434 566,533 +10,225 +21 -2,896 573,883
New and Critical Responsibilities [NA] [NA] [0] [0] [+659] [4,445]
Promoting Racial Justice & Equity for Underserved Communities [NA] [NA] [0] [0] [+3,509] [15,000]
Centralized IT Costs [NA] [NA] [0] [0] [+2,349] [2,349]
NPS Mobile App [0] [1,000] [0] [0] [+1,787] [2,787]
Diversity, Inclusion and Compliance Initiative [NA] [NA] [0] [0] [+800] [800]
GPS Modernization [2,000] [4,000] [0] [0] [-4,000] [0]
Semiquincentennial Commission [3,300] [8,000] [0] [0] [-8,000] [0]
External Administrative Costs 193,587 195,963 +11,345 -21 0 207,287
Employee Compensation Payments [22,890] [21,029] [-1,084] [0] [0] [19,945]
Unemployment Compensation Payments [17,288] [17,962] [+180] [0] [0] [18,142]
Centralized IT Costs [7,945] [7,945] [0] [0] [0] [7,945]
Telecommunications [9,220] [9,220] [0] [0] [0] [9,220]
Postage [2,861] [2,861] [0] [0] [0] [2,861]
Space Rental Payments [77,066] [79,343] [+8,896] [-21] [0] [88,218]
Departmental Program Charges [56,317] [57,603] [+3,353] [0] [0] [60,956]
Total Operation of the National Park System 2,576,992 2,688,287 +59,985 0 +229,057 2,977,329
Transfer to Semiquincentennial Commission -3,300 -8,000 0 0 +8,000 0
Transfer to 400 Years of African American History Commission -3,300 -3,300 0 0 0 -3,300
Medical Services Fund 0 2,000 0 0 -2,000 0
Transfer in for Drug Trafficking Deterrent Actions 127 0 0 0 0 0
Total Operation of the National Park System 2,570,519 2,678,987 +59,985 0 +235,057 2,974,029
Centennial Challenge Program 15,000 15,000 0 0 0 15,000
Total Centennial Challenge 15,000 15,000 0 0 0 15,000
Natural Programs 15,757 15,963 +339 0 +150 16,452
Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance [10,513] [10,699] [+272] [0] [0] [10,971]
National Natural Landmarks [667] [678] [+22] [0] [0] [700]
Hydropower Recreation Assistance [880] [880] [+18] [0] [0] [898]
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Chesapeake Gateways and Trails [3,000] [3,000] [+9] [0] [0] [3,009]
Federal Lands to Parks [697] [706] [+18] [0] [+150] [874]
Cultural Programs 31,127 31,938 +470 0 +1,000 33,408
National Register Programs [16,583] [16,835] [+369] [0] [0] [17,204]
National Center for Preservation Technology & Training [1,969] [1,988] [+31] [0] [0] [2,019]
Native American Graves Protection & Repatriation Grants [1,907] [1,907] [0] [0] [0] [1,907]
Japanese American Confinement Site Grants [3,155] [3,155] [0] [0] [0] [3,155]
American Battlefield Protection Program Assistance Grants [1,198] [1,198] [0] [0] [0] [1,198]
American Indian & Native Hawaiian Art & Culture Grants [1,500] [1,250] [0] [0] [0] [1,250]
9/11 Memorial Act Grants [2,000] [2,500] [0] [0] [0] [2,500]
Oklahoma City Memorial Endowment [0] [0] [0] [0] [+1,000] [1,000]
Grants Administration [2,815] [3,105] [+70] [0] [0] [3,175]
Environmental Compliance and Review 435 443 +13 0 0 456
International Park Affairs 1,903 1,924 +26 0 0 1,950
Office of International Affairs [1,227] [1,248] [+26] [0] [0] [1,274]
Southwest Border Resource Protection Program [676] [676] [0] [0] [0] [676]
Heritage Partnership Programs 21,944 23,889 +26 0 -1,667 22,248
Commissions and Grants [20,962] [22,883] [0] [0] [-1,667] [21,216]
Administrative Support [982] [1,006] [+26] [0] [0] [1,032]
Total National Recreation and Preservation 71,166 74,157 +874 0 -517 74,514
Grants-in-Aid 102,660 119,300 0 0 +7,500 126,800
Grants-in-Aid to States & Territories [52,675] [55,675] [0] [0] [+2,000] [57,675]
Grants-in-Aid to Indian Tribes [13,735] [15,000] [0] [0] [+8,000] [23,000]
Grants-in-Aid to Historically Black Colleges & Universities [10,000] [10,000] [0] [0] [0] [10,000]
Historic Revitalization Grants [7,500] [7,500] [0] [0] [+2,500] [10,000]
Competitive Grants [18,750] [21,125] [0] [0] [+5,000] [26,125]
Semiquincentennial Preservation Grants [0] [10,000] [0] [0] [-10,000] [0]
Save America's Treasures 16,000 25,000 0 0 0 25,000
Total Historic Preservation Fund 118,660 144,300 0 0 +7,500 151,800
Appropriation: CONSTRUCTION
Line-Item Construction 282,956 131,788 0 0 +14,912 146,700
Line Item Construction Projects [272,956] [127,788] [0] [0] [+4,912] [132,700]
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Abandoned Mineral Lands Projects [5,000] [0] [0] [0] [+10,000] [10,000]
Demolition and Disposal Projects [5,000] [4,000] [0] [0] [0] [4,000]
Special Programs 21,491 21,491 +11 0 +36,950 58,452
Emergencies and Unscheduled Projects [3,848] [3,848] [0] [0] [+17,000] [20,848]
Housing Improvement Program [2,922] [2,922] [11] [0] [0] [2,933]
Dam Safety and Security Program [1,247] [1,247] [0] [0] [0] [1,247]
Equipment Replacement Program [13,474] [13,474] [0] [0] [+19,950] [33,424]
Construction Planning 29,453 15,183 0 0 0 15,183
Construction Program Management & Operations 45,180 45,180 +1,241 0 -13,000 33,421
Construction Program Management [2,784] [2,784] [+54] [0] [0] [2,838]
Denver Service Center Operations [20,107] [20,107] [+715] [0] [-7,000] [13,822]
Harpers Ferry Center Operations [10,168] [10,168] [+279] [0] [0] [10,447]
Regional Facility Project Support [12,121] [12,121] [+193] [0] [-6,000] [6,314]
Management Planning 10,265 10,265 +242 0 +14,300 24,807
Unit Management Plans [5,427] [5,427] [+129] [0] [+10,000] [15,556]
Special Resource Studies [1,138] [1,138] [+48] [0] [+300] [1,486]
Environmental Impact Planning and Compliance [3,700] [3,700] [+65] [0] [+4,000] [7,765]
Total Construction 389,345 223,907 +1,494 0 +53,162 278,563
Acquisition Management 10,500 0 0 0 0 0
Federal Land Acquisition 57,900 0 0 0 0 0
Emergencies, Hardship, & Relocation [4,000] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0]
Inholdings, Donations, Exchanges [5,500] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0]
American Battlefield Protection Program Acquisition Grants [13,000] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0]
Projects [28,400] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0]
Recreational Access [7,000] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0]
State Conservation Grants Administration 5,000 0 0 0 0 0
State Conservation Grants 135,000 0 0 0 0 0
State Conservation Grants [110,000] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0]
Competitive State Conservation Grants [25,000] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0]
Total Land Acquisition & State Assistance without Rescission/Cancellation 208,400 0 0 0 0 0
Rescission of Unobligated Balances -2,279 0 0 0 0 0
Cancellation of Unobligated Balances 0 -23,000 0 0 +23,000 0
Total Land Acquisition & State Assistance with Rescission/Cancellation 206,121 -23,000 0 0 +23,000 0
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Total, Current Appropriations 3,379,563 3,145,651 +62,353 0 +289,202 3,497,206
Total, Current Appropriations - Pre-Transfers & Inc. Balance Cancellations 3,377,284 3,122,651 +62,353 0 +312,202 3,497,206
Total, Budget Authority 3,370,811 3,113,351 +62,353 0 +318,202 3,493,906
NOTE: Bracketed numbers reflect total funding for that program or initiative. The table only includes line items that have proposed changes; therefore, bracketed numbers may not add to Subactivity
totals except for in the Program Changes column. Additionally, if a "base" has multiple changes across Subactivities, the total shown in brackets reflects all changes.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Summary of Fixed Costs and Related Changes By Appropriation
2021-2022 Changes By Appropriation
(Dollars in Thousands)
Fixed Cost Component ONPS CC NR&P HPF Const LASA
January 2021 Employee Pay Raise +3,944 0 +72 0 +123 0 +4,139
January 2022 Employee Pay Raise +31,538 0 +576 0 +988 0 +33,102
Federal Employee Retirement System +13,158 0 +226 0 +383 0 +13,767
Employee Compensation Payments -1,084 0 0 0 0 0 -1,084
Unemployment Compensation Payments +180 0 0 0 0 0 +180
Space Rental Payments +8,896 0 0 0 0 0 +8,896
Department Program Charges +3,353 0 0 0 0 0 +3,353
Total, Fixed Costs and Related Changes +59,985 0 +874 0 +1,494 0 +62,353
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Discretionary Appropriations
Fiscal Year 2022
FY 2020
FY 2021
FY 2022
FY 2022
FY 2022
FY 2022
Natural Resource Stewardship 223,488 240,021 +5,058 0 +195,923 441,002 +200,981
Cultural Resources Stewardship 106,090 111,323 +2,444 0 +6,732 120,499 +9,176
Everglades Restoration and Research 10,282 10,282 +170 0 +1,000 11,452 +1,170
SUBTOTAL RESOURCE STEWARDSHIP 339,860 361,626 +7,672 0 +203,655 572,953 +211,327
Interpretation and Education 236,415 262,843 +8,133 0 +123 271,099 +8,256
Commercial Services 12,750 15,132 +302 0 0 15,434 +302
SUBTOTAL VISITOR SERVICES 249,165 277,975 +8,435 0 +123 286,533 +8,558
Law Enforcement and Protection 347,080 346,047 +7,520 0 +18,690 372,257 +26,210
Health and Safety 47,701 39,188 +640 0 +3,308 43,136 +3,948
SUBTOTAL PARK PROTECTION 394,781 385,235 +8,160 0 +21,998 415,393 +30,158
Facility Operations 350,252 428,744 +8,197 0 -4,308 432,633 +3,889
Facility Maintenance 488,913 472,211 +5,951 0 +10,485 488,647 +16,436
SUBTOTAL FACILITY OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE 839,165 900,955 +14,148 0 +6,177 921,280 +20,325
Management, Policy and Development 158,670 194,920 +2,719 0 -3,976 193,663 -1,257
Administrative Support 401,764 371,613 +7,506 +21 +1,080 380,220 +8,607
SUBTOTAL PARK SUPPORT 560,434 566,533 +10,225 21 -2,896 573,883 +7,350
SUBTOTAL PARK MANAGEMENT 2,383,405 2,492,324 +48,640 21 +229,057 2,770,042 +277,718
Employee Compensation Payments 22,890 21,029 -1,084 0 0 19,945 -1,084
Unemployment Compensation Payments 17,288 17,962 +180 0 0 18,142 +180
Centralized IT Costs 7,945 7,945 0 0 0 7,945 0
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
FY 2020
FY 2021
FY 2022
FY 2022
FY 2022
FY 2022
Telecommunications 9,220 9,220 0 0 0 9,220 0
Postage 2,861 2,861 0 0 0 2,861 0
Space Rental 77,066 79,343 +8,896 -21 0 88,218 +8,875
Departmental Program Charges 56,317 57,603 +3,353 0 0 60,956 +3,353
SUBTOTAL EXTERNAL ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS 193,587 195,963 +11,345 -21 0 207,287 +11,324
SUBTOTAL ONPS APPROPRIATION (Current Appropriations) 2,576,992 2,688,287 +59,985 0 +229,057 2,977,329 +289,042
Transfer to Semiquincentennal Commission -3,300 -8,000 0 0 +8,000 0 +8,000
Transfer to 400 Year of African American History Commission -3,300 -3,300 0 0 0 -3,300 0
Medical Services Fund 0 2,000 0 0 -2,000 0 -2,000
Transfer in for Drug Trafficking Deterrent Actions 127 0 0 0 0 0 0
SUBTOTAL ONPS APPROPRIATION - Total Budget Authority 2,570,519 2,678,987 +59,985 0 +235,057 2,974,029 +295,042
CENTENNIAL CHALLENGE 15,000 15,000 0 0 0 15,000 0
(Current Appropriations) 15,000 15,000 0 0 0 15,000 0
SUBTOTAL CC APPROPRIATION - Total Budget Authority 15,000 15,000 0 0 0 15,000 0
Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance 10,513 10,699 +272 0 0 10,971 +272
National Natural Landmarks 667 678 +22 0 0 700 +22
Hydropower Recreation Assistance 880 880 +18 0 0 898 +18
Chesapeake Gateways and Trails 3,000 3,000 +9 0 0 3,009 +9
Federal Lands to Parks 697 706 +18 0 +150 874 +168
SUBTOTAL NATURAL PROGRAMS 15,757 15,963 +339 0 150 16,452 +489
National Register Programs 16,583 16,835 +369 0 0 17,204 +369
National Center for Preservation Technology & Training 1,969 1,988 +31 0 0 2,019 +31
Native American Graves Protection & Repatriation Grants 1,907 1,907 0 0 0 1,907 0
Japanese American Confinement Site Grants 3,155 3,155 0 0 0 3,155 0
American Battlefield Protection Program Assistance Grants 1,198 1,198 0 0 0 1,198 0
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
FY 2020
FY 2021
FY 2022
FY 2022
FY 2022
FY 2022
American Indian & Native Hawaiian Art & Culture Grants 1,500 1,250 0 0 0 1,250 0
9/11 Memorial Act Grants 2,000 2,500 0 0 0 2,500 0
Oklahoma City Endowment 0 0 0 0 +1,000 1,000 +1,000
Grants Administration 2,815 3,105 +70 0 0 3,175 +70
SUBTOTAL CULTURAL PROGRAMS 31,127 31,938 +470 0 +1,000 33,408 +1,470
Office of International Affairs 1,227 1,248 +26 0 0 1,274 +26
Southwest Border Resource Protection Program 676 676 0 0 0 676 0
SUBTOTAL INTERNATIONAL PARK AFFAIRS 1,903 1,924 +26 0 0 1,950 +26
Commissions and Grants 20,962 22,883 0 0 -1,667 21,216 -1,667
Administrative Support 982 1,006 +26 0 0 1,032 +26
SUBTOTAL HERITAGE PARTNERSHIP PROGRAMS 21,944 23,889 +26 0 -1,667 22,248 -1,641
APPROPRIATION (Current Appropriations) 71,166 74,157 +874 0 -517 74,514 +357
SUBTOTAL NR&P - Total Budget Authority 71,166 74,157 +874 0 -517 74,514 +357
GRANTS-IN-AID TO STATES & TERRITORIES 52,675 55,675 0 0 +2,000 57,675 +2,000
GRANTS-IN-AID TO INDIAN TRIBES 13,735 15,000 0 0 +8,000 23,000 +8,000
UNIVERSITIES 10,000 10,000 0 0 0 10,000 0
PAUL BRUHN HISTORIC REVITALIZATION GRANTS 7,500 7,500 0 0 +2,500 10,000 +2,500
COMPETITIVE GRANTS 18,750 21,125 0 0 +5,000 26,125 +5,000
SUBTOTAL GRANTS-IN-AID 102,660 119,300 0 0 +7,500 126,800 +7,500
SAVE AMERICA'S TREASURES 16,000 25,000 0 0 0 25,000 0
SUBTOTAL SAVE AMERICA'S TREASURES 16,000 25,000 0 0 0 25,000 0
APPROPRIATION (Current Appropriations) 118,660 144,300 0 0 +7,500 151,800 +7,500
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
FY 2020
FY 2021
FY 2022
FY 2022
FY 2022
FY 2022
SUBTOTAL HPF - Total Budget Authority 118,660 144,300 0 0 +7,500 151,800 +7,500
Line Item Construction Projects 272,956 127,788 0 0 +4,912 132,700 +4,912
Abandoned Mineral Lands Projects 5,000 0 0 0 +10,000 10,000 +10,000
Demolition and Disposal Projects 5,000 4,000 0 0 0 4,000 0
SUBTOTAL LINE ITEM CONSTRUCTION 282,956 131,788 0 0 +14,912 146,700 +14,912
EMERGENCIES & UNSCHEDULED PROJECTS 3,848 3,848 0 0 +17,000 20,848 +17,000
HOUSING IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2,922 2,922 +11 0 0 2,933 +11
DAM SAFETY & SECURITY PROGRAM 1,247 1,247 0 0 0 1,247 0
EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT PROGRAM 13,474 13,474 0 0 +19,950 33,424 +19,950
SUBTOTAL SPECIAL PROGRAMS 21,491 21,491 +11 0 +36,950 58,452 +36,961
CONSTRUCTION PLANNING 29,453 15,183 0 0 0 15,183 0
SUBTOTAL CONSTRUCTION PLANNING 29,453 15,183 0 0 0 15,183 0
Construction Program Management 2,784 2,784 +54 0 0 2,838 +54
Denver Service Center Operations 20,107 20,107 +715 0 -7,000 13,822 -6,285
Harpers Ferry Center Operations 10,168 10,168 +279 0 0 10,447 +279
Regional Facility Project Support 12,121 12,121 +193 0 -6,000 6,314 -5,807
OPERATIONS 45,180 45,180 +1,241 0 -13,000 33,421 -11,759
Unit Management Plans 5,427 5,427 +129 0 +10,000 15,556 +10,129
Special Resources Studies 1,138 1,138 +48 0 +300 1,486 +348
Environmental Impact Planning and Compliance 3,700 3,700 +65 0 +4,000 7,765 +4,065
SUBTOTAL MANAGEMENT PLANNING 10,265 10,265 +242 0 14,300 24,807 +14,542
Appropriations) 389,345 223,907 +1,494 0 +53,162 278,563 +54,656
SUBTOTAL CONSTRUCTION - Total Budget Authority 389,345 223,907 +1,494 0 +53,162 278,563 +54,656
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
FY 2020
FY 2021
FY 2022
FY 2022
FY 2022
FY 2022
ACQUISITION GRANTS 13,000 0 0 0 0 0 0
PROJECTS 28,400 0 0 0 0 0 0
RECREATIONAL ACCESS 7,000 0 0 0 0 0 0
ADMINISTRATION 5,000 0 0 0 0 0 0
APPROPRIATION (Current Appropriations) 208,400 0 0 0 0 0 0
Rescission of Unobligated Balances -2,279 0
0 0 0
Cancellation of Unobligated Balances 0 -23,000 +23,000 0 +23,000
SUBTOTAL LASA APPROPRIATION - Total Budget Authority 206,121 -23,000 0 0 +23,000 0 +23,000
TOTAL CURRENT APPROPRIATIONS 3,379,563 3,145,651 +62,353 0 +289,202 3,497,206 +351,555
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Mandatory Appropriations
Fiscal Year 2022
FY 2020
FY 2021
FY 2022
FY 2022
Recreational Fee Program 247,792 266,015 0 0 0 307,932 +41,917
Deed Restricted Parks Fee Program 2,114 2,000 0 0 0 2,000 0
Transportation Systems Fund 44 104 0 0 0 207 +103
Pymt-Tax Losses on Land Acquired for GRTE NP 17 15 0 0 0 15 0
Contribution for Annuity Benefits for USPP 43,181 42,814 0 0 0 42,101 -713
Park Concessions Franchise Fees 69,775 67,163 0 0 0 80,309 +13,146
Concessions Improvement Accounts 8,464 11,778 0 0 0 11,778 0
Park Building Lease and Maintenance Fund 9,498 10,642 0 0 0 11,442 +800
Filming/Recording Special Use Fee Program 784 254 0 0 0 10 -244
Operation & Maintenance of Quarters 21,357 23,369 0 0 0 23,954 +585
Delaware Water Gap, Route 209 Operations 21 25 0 0 0 20 -5
SUBTOTAL OTHER PERMANENT APPROPRIATIONS 153,080 156,045 0 0 0 169,614 +13,569
Donations (General) 46,810 52,000 0 0 0 52,000 0
Preservation, Birthplace of Abraham Lincoln 3 3 0 0 0 3 0
SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS TRUST FUNDS 46,813 52,003 0 0 0 52,003 0
Land Acquisition and State Assistance (GOMESA) 117,625 82,854 0 0 0 120,966 +38,112
(GOMESA) 117,625 82,854 0 0 0 120,966 +38,112
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
FY 2020
FY 2021
FY 2022
FY 2022
INHOLDINGS, DONATIONS, & EXCHANGES 0 11,500 0 0 0 9,283 -2,217
PROJECTS 0 49,308 0 0 0 53,720 +4,412
RECREATIONAL ACCESS 0 14,500 0 0 0 12,173 -2,327
ACQUISITION MANAGEMENT 0 14,500 0 0 0 13,673 -827
SUBTOTAL FEDERAL LAND ACQUISITION (GAOA) 0 93,808 0 0 0 92,774 -1,034
FORMULA STATE CONSERVATION GRANTS 0 220,000 0 0 0 207,460 -12,540
COMPETITIVE STATE CONSERVATION GRANTS 0 125,000 0 0 0 117,875 -7,125
SUBTOTAL STATE CONSERVATION GRANTS (GAOA) 0 360,000 0 0 0 337,029 -22,971
ACQUISITION GRANTS 0 17,400 0 0 0 16,408 -992
ABPP MODERNIZATION GRANTS 0 1,000 0 0 0 943 -57
ABPP GRANTS ADMIN 0 600 0 0 0 566 -34
PROGRAM (GAOA) 0 20,000 0 0 0 18,860 -1,140
Visitor Experience Improvements Fund 0 0 0 0 0 6,601 +6,601
SUBTOTAL MANDATORY AUTHORITY 567,485 1,032,844 0 0 0 1,108,001 +75,157
AUTHORITY 3,947,048 4,178,495 +62,353 0 +289,202 4,605,207 +426,712
TOTAL NPS - BUDGET AUTHORITY 3,938,296 4,146,195 +62,353 0 +318,202 4,601,907 +455,712
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Park and Program Table
Fiscal Year 2022
FY 2020
Park Base
FY 2020
Total FTE
FY 2020
FY 2021
FY 2022
Fixed Costs
& Internal
FY 2022
FY 2022
Abraham Lincoln Birthplace NHS 13 13 1,392 1,423 33 0 1,456
Acadia NP 74 133 8,507 8,777 230 1,303 10,310
Adams NHP 17 17 2,583 2,644 52 0 2,696
African Burial Grounds NM 5 5 1,379 1,389 8 0 1,397
Agate Fossil Beds NM 5 5 950 976 17 0 993
Allegheny Portage Railroad NHS 16 17 2,154 2,205 38 0 2,243
Amistad NRA 33 33 4,272 4,414 104 104 4,622
Andersonville NHS 13 15 1,507 1,549 -38 290 1,801
Andrew Johnson NHS 10 11 1,020 1,048 27 0 1,075
Antietam NB 28 32 3,670 3,797 104 168 4,069
Apostle Islands NL 26 34 3,046 3,157 90 165 3,412
Appalachian NST 7 9 1,620 1,786 46 115 1,947
Appomattox Court House NHP 18 19 1,900 1,958 46 100 2,104
Arches NP 14 32 2,107 2,183 62 100 2,345
Arkansas Post NMem 9 9 897 924 24 100 1,048
Assateague Island NS 35 60 5,581 5,749 118 373 6,240
Aztec Ruins NM 13 16 1,329 1,367 36 100 1,503
Badlands NP 35 51 4,580 4,537 111 422 5,070
Bandelier NM 29 45 3,396 3,509 90 218 3,817
Bent's Old Fort NHS 14 15 1,278 1,320 32 100 1,452
Bering Land Bridge NPres 0 0 1,309 1,309 0 0 1,309
Big Bend NP 60 83 7,479 7,718 162 299 8,179
Big Cypress NPres 52 78 7,086 7,309 179 614 8,102
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
FY 2020
Park Base
FY 2020
Total FTE
FY 2020
FY 2021
FY 2022
Fixed Costs
& Internal
FY 2022
FY 2022
Big Hole NB 6 6 630 646 12 0 658
Big South Fork National River & Recreation Area 43 57 4,668 4,830 124 324 5,278
Big Thicket NPres 20 31 2,719 2,798 67 173 3,038
Bighorn Canyon NRA 31 38 3,787 3,913 97 204 4,214
Birmingham Civil Rights NM 1 1 289 289 4 172 465
Biscayne NP 26 37 4,439 4,500 110 273 4,883
Black Canyon of the Gunnison NP 14 19 1,964 2,019 49 100 2,168
Blackstone River Valley NHP 5 5 945 1,779 16 0 1,795
Blue Ridge Parkway 140 163 16,981 17,506 373 289 18,168
Bluestone NSR 0 0 80 84 3 0 87
Booker T Washington NM 7 8 1,005 1,031 24 145 1,200
Boston African American NHS 8 8 828 853 24 0 877
Boston Harbor Islands NRA 13 13 1,287 1,315 24 207 1,546
Boston NHP 72 79 9,847 10,128 231 0 10,359
Brown v. Board of Education NHS 11 11 1,639 1,614 35 0 1,649
Bryce Canyon NP 29 58 3,602 3,702 86 100 3,888
Buffalo NR 57 75 6,112 6,314 167 234 6,715
Cabrillo NM 10 19 1,789 1,835 34 100 1,969
Camp Nelson Heritage NM 0 0 815 815 4 392 1,211
Canaveral NS 25 40 3,422 3,527 13 138 3,678
Cane River Creole NHP 10 11 1,182 1,210 27 0 1,237
Canyonlands NP 61 100 6,565 6,797 164 345 7,306
Cape Cod NS 55 77 7,964 8,207 207 1,493 9,907
Cape Hatteras Group - Cape Hatteras NS, Fort Raleigh NHS, Wright
Brothers NMem 71 98 10,062 10,256 226 214 10,696
Cape Lookout NS 23 32 2,618 2,697 70 233 3,000
Capitol Reef NP 24 34 2,531 2,615 77 143 2,835
Capulin Volcano NM 6 8 767 782 17 100 899
Carl Sandburg Home NHS 10 10 1,301 1,342 29 100 1,471
Carlsbad Caverns NP 49 56 5,960 6,106 129 200 6,435
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
FY 2020
Park Base
FY 2020
Total FTE
FY 2020
FY 2021
FY 2022
Fixed Costs
& Internal
FY 2022
FY 2022
Casa Grande Ruins NM & Hohokam Pima NM 8 9 876 904 24 0 928
Castillo de San Marcos NM & Fort Matanzas NM 18 46 2,175 2,239 60 100 2,399
Castle Mountains NM 0 0 419 419 0 0 419
Catoctin Mountain Park 26 28 3,504 3,611 92 122 3,825
Cedar Breaks NM 5 9 757 773 18 100 891
Cedar Creek and Belle Grove NHP 6 6 898 925 22 0 947
César E. Chávez NM 0 0 489 497 8 0 505
Chaco Culture NHP 15 19 2,119 2,181 51 0 2,232
Chamizal NMem 23 23 2,501 2,586 74 0 2,660
Channel Islands NP 55 61 7,793 7,917 70 835 8,822
Charles Pinckney NHS 4 4 569 586 17 0 603
Charles Young Buffalo Soldiers NM 5 5 674 926 13 0 939
Chattahoochee River NRA 25 31 3,638 3,752 84 152 3,988
Chesapeake & Ohio Canal NHP 57 64 9,571 9,885 247 159 10,291
Chickamauga & Chattanooga NMP 29 30 3,521 3,633 88 0 3,721
Chickasaw NRA 34 38 4,078 4,208 101 100 4,409
Christiansted NHS, Buck Island Reef NM, & Salt River Bay NHP &
Ecological Preserve 18 20 2,720 2,787 58 247 3,092
City of Rocks NRes 0 0 454 452 0 0 452
Colonial NHP 51 54 7,066 7,277 172 100 7,549
Colorado NM 17 30 1,979 2,043 53 100 2,196
Coltsville NHP 0 0 180 180 6 0 186
Congaree NP 14 15 1,955 1,817 45 1,203 3,065
Cowpens NB 6 8 908 937 19 0 956
Crater Lake NP 41 69 5,645 5,673 15 1,340 7,028
Craters of the Moon NM&Pres 15 24 1,668 1,710 35 189 1,934
Cumberland Gap NHP 29 33 3,653 3,771 8 107 3,886
Cumberland Island NS 21 23 3,048 3,059 65 100 3,224
Curecanti NRA 39 50 4,484 4,632 115 477 5,224
Cuyahoga Valley NP 91 111 11,217 11,592 300 226 12,118
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
FY 2020
Park Base
FY 2020
Total FTE
FY 2020
FY 2021
FY 2022
Fixed Costs
& Internal
FY 2022
FY 2022
Dayton Aviation NHP 17 17 2,069 2,127 49 0 2,176
De Soto NMem 7 7 746 764 19 0 783
Death Valley NP 63 96 9,587 9,710 26 581 10,317
Delaware Water Gap NRA 76 94 10,099 10,486 278 174 10,938
Denali NP&Pres 109 154 15,102 15,556 379 1,635 17,570
Devils Postpile NM 4 4 641 660 11 100 771
Devils Tower NM 11 16 1,429 1,472 32 100 1,604
Dinosaur NM 33 46 3,896 4,016 99 212 4,327
Dry Tortugas NP 12 13 2,162 2,224 51 100 2,375
Ebey's Landing NHR 1 3 354 359 2 0 361
Edgar Allan Poe NHS 0 0 413 430 14 0 444
Effigy Mounds NM 13 14 1,232 1,279 37 125 1,441
Eisenhower NHS 8 8 1,156 1,196 27 0 1,223
El Malpais NM 17 24 1,803 2,042 47 131 2,220
El Morro NM 7 7 950 978 25 0 1,003
Eleanor Roosevelt NHS 4 5 886 924 29 0 953
Eugene O'Neill NHS 5 5 727 684 15 100 799
Everglades NP 134 187 17,371 17,885 496 850 19,231
Fire Island NS 38 44 5,199 5,381 132 216 5,729
First Ladies NHS 6 6 996 1,011 15 0 1,026
First State NHP 5 5 729 1,009 17 0 1,026
Flagstaff Area Parks - Sunset Crater Volcano NM, Walnut Canyon
NM, Wupatki NM 32 47 3,879 3,999 107 114 4,220
Flight 93 NMem 14 15 1,633 1,688 38 0 1,726
Florissant Fossil Beds NM 10 11 1,029 1,060 28 100 1,188
Fort Caroline NMem & Timucuan Ecological & Historic Preserve 25 25 2,898 2,897 75 128 3,100
Fort Davis NHS 13 14 1,387 1,427 36 0 1,463
Fort Donelson NB 12 12 1,542 1,594 39 0 1,633
Fort Frederica NM 7 7 903 931 21 0 952
Fort Laramie NHS 15 17 1,735 1,780 39 0 1,819
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
FY 2020
Park Base
FY 2020
Total FTE
FY 2020
FY 2021
FY 2022
Fixed Costs
& Internal
FY 2022
FY 2022
Fort Larned NHS 10 10 1,075 1,106 29 0 1,135
Fort McHenry NM & Historic Shrine 22 24 2,662 2,729 55 0 2,784
Fort Monroe NM 3 3 1,009 1,282 9 0 1,291
Fort Necessity NB 15 15 1,664 1,722 43 100 1,865
Fort Point NHS 2 2 542 551 8 0 559
Fort Pulaski NM 13 25 1,417 1,458 38 100 1,596
Fort Scott NHS 13 16 1,367 1,402 34 0 1,436
Fort Smith NHS 10 10 1,113 1,143 28 0 1,171
Fort Stanwix NM 15 15 1,629 1,678 43 0 1,721
Fort Sumter and Fort Moultrie NHP 21 26 2,222 2,210 52 0 2,262
Fort Union NM 9 13 1,284 1,313 22 0 1,335
Fort Union Trading Post NHS 8 9 908 917 24 0 941
Fort Vancouver NHS 20 26 2,077 2,132 38 0 2,170
Fossil Butte NM 6 8 773 799 16 100 915
Frederick Law Olmsted NHS 26 26 1,858 1,921 45 0 1,966
Fredericksburg & Spotsylvania NMP 38 40 4,701 4,853 135 100 5,088
Freedom Riders NM 1 1 491 495 3 172 670
Friendship Hill NHS 5 6 588 603 14 0 617
Gates of the Arctic NP&Pres 36 44 3,255 3,334 85 607 4,026
Gateway NRA 204 242 26,295 26,924 662 326 27,912
Gateway Arch NP 86 131 10,373 10,736 264 0 11,000
Gauley River NRA 1 1 848 888 27 0 915
George Rogers Clark NHP 8 8 938 979 24 0 1,003
George Washington Birthplace NM 17 17 1,763 1,813 40 0 1,853
George Washington Carver NM 15 15 1,513 1,556 39 0 1,595
George Washington Memorial Parkway 93 99 13,696 14,254 323 641 15,218
Gettysburg NMP 54 61 7,191 7,408 182 101 7,691
Gila Cliff Dwellings NM 4 5 389 402 11 0 413
Glacier Bay NP&Pres 34 69 5,237 5,406 142 172 5,720
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
FY 2020
Park Base
FY 2020
Total FTE
FY 2020
FY 2021
FY 2022
Fixed Costs
& Internal
FY 2022
FY 2022
Glacier NP 126 239 14,364 15,115 393 1,850 17,358
Glen Canyon NRA 100 141 12,463 12,847 306 850 14,003
Golden Gate NRA 167 256 27,016 26,507 -344 572 26,735
Golden Spike NHP 10 11 1,129 1,167 26 0 1,193
Governor's Island NM 3 3 1,571 1,582 4 0 1,586
Grand Canyon NP 148 335 22,446 23,027 539 235 23,801
Grand Canyon Parashant NM 11 12 1,637 1,691 31 114 1,836
Grand Portage NM 9 10 1,391 1,426 26 100 1,552
Grand Teton NP 102 202 12,985 13,398 344 478 14,220
Grant-Kohrs Ranch NHS 17 20 1,551 1,598 46 169 1,813
Great Basin NP 22 37 2,882 2,904 55 190 3,149
Great Egg Harbor Scenic & Recreational River 0 0 220 241 3 0 244
Great Sand Dunes NP&Pres 17 26 2,403 2,760 59 166 2,985
Great Smoky Mountains NP 158 269 20,228 20,664 505 1,850 23,019
Guadalupe Mountains NP 27 29 3,026 3,128 78 107 3,313
Guilford Courthouse NMP 9 9 1,172 1,208 26 0 1,234
Gulf Islands NS 53 75 7,499 7,711 96 1,247 9,054
Hagerman Fossil Beds NM 6 6 966 984 15 0 999
Haleakala NP 43 71 5,767 5,925 123 606 6,654
Hampton NHS 6 6 1,251 1,291 31 0 1,322
Harpers Ferry NHP 42 49 6,952 7,133 156 100 7,389
Harriet Tubman NHP 1 1 329 628 5 0 633
Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad NHP 1 1 601 612 8 0 620
Harry S Truman NHS 12 13 1,300 1,359 34 0 1,393
Hawaii Volcanoes NP 62 107 8,227 8,297 103 573 8,973
Herbert Hoover NHS 11 12 1,430 1,474 34 100 1,608
Home of Franklin D Roosevelt NHS 22 28 3,829 3,959 99 156 4,214
Homestead NM of America 13 14 1,312 1,350 33 100 1,483
Honouliuli NHS 0 0 350 354 2 0 356
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
FY 2020
Park Base
FY 2020
Total FTE
FY 2020
FY 2021
FY 2022
Fixed Costs
& Internal
FY 2022
FY 2022
Hopewell Culture NHP 13 15 1,388 1,424 34 100 1,558
Hopewell Furnace NHS 8 9 1,479 1,528 36 0 1,564
Horseshoe Bend NMP 7 7 836 865 22 0 887
Hot Springs NP 42 47 4,681 4,831 122 101 5,054
Hovenweep NM 4 9 573 589 15 0 604
Independence NHP 173 174 25,050 25,632 540 0 26,172
Indiana Dunes NP 79 112 9,416 9,748 257 1,744 11,749
Isle Royale NP 37 44 4,538 4,678 118 134 4,930
James A Garfield NHS 9 9 788 813 22 0 835
Jean Lafitte NHP & Pres 43 44 5,792 5,891 121 232 6,244
Jewel Cave NM 12 16 1,250 1,295 36 169 1,500
Jimmy Carter NHS 15 15 1,705 1,747 38 600 2,385
John D Rockefeller Jr Memorial Parkway 0 0 553 579 20 0 599
John Day Fossil Beds NM 15 16 1,690 1,735 39 100 1,874
John F Kennedy NHS 0 0 540 556 13 0 569
John Muir NHS 12 12 1,064 1,088 24 0 1,112
Johnstown Flood NMem 6 6 831 847 20 0 867
Joshua Tree NP 45 115 6,776 6,827 52 248 7,127
Kalaupapa NHP 36 39 4,853 4,977 108 312 5,397
Kaloko-Honokohau NHP 17 22 2,013 2,069 38 317 2,424
Katahdin Woods and Waters NM 2 2 586 591 10 675 1,276
Katmai NP&Pres, Aniakchak NM&Pres & Alagnak WR 25 34 4,449 4,566 93 527 5,186
Kenai Fjords NP 32 34 4,180 4,302 110 1,482 5,894
Kennesaw Mountain NBP 15 19 1,923 1,982 48 0 2,030
Keweenaw NHP 13 16 1,770 1,827 45 100 1,972
Kings Mountain NMP 11 13 1,198 1,235 -43 100 1,292
Klondike Gold Rush NHP 23 37 3,313 3,399 78 100 3,577
Klondike Gold Rush - Seattle Unit NHP 6 7 766 790 19 0 809
Knife River Indian Village NHS 9 9 953 966 24 100 1,090
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
FY 2020
Park Base
FY 2020
Total FTE
FY 2020
FY 2021
FY 2022
Fixed Costs
& Internal
FY 2022
FY 2022
Lake Clark NP&Pres 22 27 3,605 3,715 88 162 3,965
Lake Mead NRA 113 206 20,266 20,195 -153 688 20,730
Lake Meredith NRA & Alibates Flint Quarry NM 28 37 3,283 3,396 88 101 3,585
Lake Roosevelt NRA 48 54 6,396 6,488 41 250 6,779
Lassen Volcanic NP 43 66 5,524 5,522 28 383 5,933
Lava Beds NM & Tule Lake NM 20 33 2,425 2,486 47 451 2,984
Lewis & Clark NHP 16 21 1,746 1,793 38 143 1,974
Lincoln Boyhood NMem 10 10 1,083 1,132 32 0 1,164
Lincoln Home NHS 27 30 2,929 3,021 77 0 3,098
Little Bighorn Battlefield NM 12 14 1,292 1,336 36 100 1,472
Little River Canyon NPres 15 19 1,408 1,457 39 100 1,596
Little Rock Central High School NHS 10 10 1,009 1,039 27 493 1,559
Longfellow House - Washington's Headquarters NHS 0 0 1,268 1,304 32 0 1,336
Lowell NHP 65 71 8,578 8,831 214 0 9,045
Lyndon B Johnson NHP 29 29 4,034 4,142 72 100 4,314
Maggie L Walker NHS 6 6 651 677 20 0 697
Mammoth Cave NP 56 110 6,791 7,010 176 399 7,585
Manassas NBP 30 32 3,321 3,434 97 100 3,631
Manhattan Project NHP 4 6 706 728 19 300 1,047
Manhattan Sites 40 40 4,636 4,760 73 0 4,833
Manzanar NHS 13 16 1,364 1,407 32 0 1,439
Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller NHP 16 19 2,150 2,206 50 100 2,356
Martin Luther King, Jr NHP 28 29 4,391 4,663 -10 521 5,174
Martin Van Buren NHS 12 12 1,314 1,358 36 0 1,394
Medgar & Myrlie Evers Home NM 0 0 180 180 0 870 1,050
Mesa Verde NP 58 85 6,579 6,792 184 226 7,202
Mill Springs Battlefield NM 0 0 180 472 1 400 873
Minidoka NHS 4 4 474 488 9 210 707
Minute Man NHP 20 22 2,956 3,296 69 100 3,465
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
FY 2020
Park Base
FY 2020
Total FTE
FY 2020
FY 2021
FY 2022
Fixed Costs
& Internal
FY 2022
FY 2022
Minuteman Missile NHS 7 8 724 749 18 0 767
Mississippi NRRA 21 25 2,051 2,114 62 329 2,505
Missouri NRR 7 7 892 1,242 21 114 1,377
Mojave NPres 35 41 5,506 5,592 13 273 5,878
Monocacy NB 12 14 1,625 1,680 43 100 1,823
Montezuma Castle NM & Tuzigoot NM 13 24 1,646 1,707 44 100 1,851
Moores Creek NB 6 6 706 718 15 0 733
Morristown NHP 24 24 2,761 2,853 74 100 3,027
Mount Rainier NP 89 190 13,112 12,955 102 759 13,816
Mount Rushmore NMem 31 50 4,257 4,406 106 100 4,612
Muir Woods NM 7 10 484 517 12 0 529
Natchez NHP 12 12 2,618 2,662 39 0 2,701
Natchez Trace NST 0 0 29 59 0 0 59
Natchez Trace Parkway, Brices Cross Roads NBS, Tupelo NB 92 100 12,052 12,410 178 166 12,754
National Capital Parks-East 118 120 17,172 17,642 351 580 18,573
National Mall & Memorial Parks 231 242 36,254 37,755 760 479 38,994
National Park of American Samoa 14 14 1,417 1,452 25 350 1,827
National Park Service Liaison to the White House 63 69 9,730 10,023 232 0 10,255
National Parks of New York Harbor (Hqtrs) 9 9 855 884 31 0 915
Natural Bridges NM 5 6 548 565 11 0 576
New Bedford Whaling NHP 9 9 982 1,007 25 0 1,032
New Orleans Jazz NHP 6 6 1,344 1,387 33 0 1,420
New River Gorge NP & Pres. 72 75 7,800 8,026 193 259 8,478
Nez Perce NHP 23 24 2,661 2,728 -35 136 2,829
Nicodemus NHS 2 2 662 735 5 0 740
Ninety Six NHS 5 5 489 503 11 0 514
Niobrara NSR 8 8 1,037 1,069 27 100 1,196
North Cascades NP, Lake Chelan NRA, Ross Lake NRA 55 110 7,760 7,841 -355 618 8,104
Obed WSR 11 11 1,088 1,134 33 116 1,283
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
FY 2020
Park Base
FY 2020
Total FTE
FY 2020
FY 2021
FY 2022
Fixed Costs
& Internal
FY 2022
FY 2022
Ocmulgee Mounds NHP 13 13 1,360 1,410 35 309 1,754
Olympic NP 107 192 13,583 13,769 -197 646 14,218
Oregon Caves NM & Pres 13 15 1,808 1,848 28 114 1,990
Organ Pipe Cactus NM 33 36 4,618 4,766 114 289 5,169
Ozark NSR 59 72 6,804 7,057 183 293 7,533
Padre Island NS 50 60 5,980 6,169 139 850 7,158
Palo Alto Battlefield NHS 8 8 985 1,143 24 100 1,267
Paterson Great Falls NHP 6 6 915 1,096 22 0 1,118
Pea Ridge NMP 11 12 1,282 1,325 35 100 1,460
Pearl Harbor NMem 28 30 3,809 4,825 69 0 4,894
Pecos NHP 20 22 2,283 2,472 62 100 2,634
Perry's Victory & International Peace Memorial 10 12 1,128 1,159 28 42 1,229
Petersburg NB 27 27 3,582 3,711 92 300 4,103
Petrified Forest NP 29 41 3,700 3,822 89 365 4,276
Petroglyph NM 15 16 1,771 1,836 49 0 1,885
Pictured Rocks NL 21 29 2,653 2,784 72 163 3,019
Pinnacles NP 21 33 3,827 3,876 49 277 4,202
Pipe Spring NM 14 15 1,314 1,357 36 100 1,493
Pipestone NM 10 10 1,140 1,172 29 100 1,301
Point Reyes NS 51 84 7,981 8,633 -289 1,265 9,609
Port Chicago Naval Magazine NMem 1 1 306 316 9 0 325
Potomac Heritage NST 0 0 417 447 0 0 447
Prince William Forest Park 25 31 3,613 3,734 86 100 3,920
Pullman NM 4 5 893 1,099 19 228 1,346
Pu'uhonua O Honaunau NHP 13 19 2,001 2,052 36 217 2,305
Puukohola Heiau NHS 10 13 1,044 1,282 24 0 1,306
Rainbow Bridge NM 0 0 147 153 5 0 158
Reconstruction Era NHP 3 3 443 669 10 783 1,462
Redwood NP 79 105 9,355 9,522 81 850 10,453
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
FY 2020
Park Base
FY 2020
Total FTE
FY 2020
FY 2021
FY 2022
Fixed Costs
& Internal
FY 2022
FY 2022
Richmond NBP 27 30 3,275 3,377 89 108 3,574
Rio Grande WSR 0 0 205 216 7 0 223
River Raisin NBP 8 8 832 857 19 0 876
Rock Creek Park 52 52 9,364 9,609 194 247 10,050
Rocky Mountain NP 102 224 13,363 13,807 355 1,591 15,753
Roger Williams NMem 6 6 707 730 18 0 748
Ronald Reagan Boyhood Home NHS 0 0 71 371 0 0 371
Rosie the Riveter WWII Home Front NHP 10 11 1,322 1,362 32 0 1,394
Russell Cave NM 3 3 410 420 9 0 429
Sagamore Hill NHS 13 14 1,621 1,672 35 100 1,807
Saguaro NP 33 70 3,854 3,986 109 422 4,517
Saint Croix Island IHS 2 2 245 253 7 0 260
Saint Croix NSR & Lower Saint Croix NSR 33 34 3,971 4,105 104 239 4,448
Saint-Gaudens NHP 9 10 1,338 1,372 29 0 1,401
Salem Maritime NHS 19 20 2,661 2,742 57 0 2,799
Salinas Pueblo Missions NM 15 19 1,437 1,482 39 0 1,521
San Antonio Missions NHP 38 39 4,020 4,140 111 0 4,251
San Francisco Maritime NHP 59 70 7,848 8,012 100 0 8,112
San Juan Island NHP 7 13 1,055 1,089 15 100 1,204
San Juan NHS 31 83 3,610 3,730 8 0 3,738
Sand Creek Massacre NHS 5 5 875 896 19 137 1,052
Santa Monica Mountains NRA 55 78 8,911 9,020 -47 603 9,576
Saratoga NHP 19 21 2,383 2,477 69 305 2,851
Saugus Iron Works NHS 6 6 931 953 25 100 1,078
Scotts Bluff NM 9 9 1,008 1,037 24 0 1,061
Sequoia NP & Kings Canyon NP 158 270 17,595 17,705 171 850 18,726
Shenandoah NP 103 171 12,619 13,039 342 774 14,155
Shiloh NMP 24 27 2,901 2,984 64 100 3,148
Sitka NHP 13 13 2,271 2,313 47 0 2,360
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
FY 2020
Park Base
FY 2020
Total FTE
FY 2020
FY 2021
FY 2022
Fixed Costs
& Internal
FY 2022
FY 2022
Sleeping Bear Dunes NL 39 82 4,383 4,533 129 248 4,910
Southeast Arizona Group 29 32 3,662 3,785 100 200 4,085
Southern Arizona Group (Hqtrs) 12 19 1,445 1,835 32 111 1,978
Southern Four Corners Group 26 27 4,124 4,234 81 100 4,415
Springfield Armory NHS 13 13 1,520 1,561 39 0 1,600
Statue of Liberty NM & Ellis Island 97 100 16,211 16,589 346 7,900 24,835
Ste. Genevieve NHP 2 2 435 702 5 534 1,241
Steamtown NHS 47 47 5,831 5,997 140 0 6,137
Stones River NB 11 11 1,335 1,371 30 100 1,501
Stonewall NM 1 5 223 225 3 0 228
Tallgrass Prairie NPres 10 10 1,065 1,043 29 149 1,221
Thaddeus Kosciuszko NMem 0 0 173 181 5 0 186
Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural NHS 0 0 314 314 0 0 314
Theodore Roosevelt NP & International Peace Garden 31 37 3,178 3,210 83 232 3,525
Thomas Edison NHP 21 21 3,018 3,103 77 0 3,180
Thomas Stone NHS 2 2 650 675 15 0 690
Timpanogos Cave NM 11 17 1,156 1,190 32 176 1,398
Tonto NM 7 9 909 935 21 0 956
Tule Springs Fossil Beds NM 2 3 733 759 14 0 773
Tumacacori NHP 12 15 1,342 1,382 35 100 1,517
Tuskegee Airmen NHS 7 7 985 1,008 13 0 1,021
Tuskegee Institute NHS 11 11 1,116 1,135 -41 0 1,094
Ulysses S Grant NHS 11 11 1,302 1,334 29 0 1,363
Upper Delaware Scenic & Recreational River & Middle Delaware
NSR 23 24 3,504 3,612 82 181 3,875
Valles Caldera NPres 22 25 4,939 5,028 75 1,136 6,239
Valley Forge NHP 47 47 6,623 6,831 156 139 7,126
Vanderbilt Mansion NHS 19 20 1,110 1,144 27 0 1,171
Vicksburg NMP 29 30 3,300 3,377 -8 450 3,819
Virgin Islands Coral Reef NM 0 0 474 497 11 0 508
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
FY 2020
Park Base
FY 2020
Total FTE
FY 2020
FY 2021
FY 2022
Fixed Costs
& Internal
FY 2022
FY 2022
Virgin Islands NP 28 33 5,201 5,326 95 654 6,075
Voyageurs NP 34 55 4,278 4,425 108 365 4,898
Waco Mammoth NM 3 3 383 395 6 100 501
War in the Pacific NHP 13 13 1,647 1,688 29 100 1,817
Washita Battlefield NHS 7 7 794 814 21 100 935
Weir Farm NHS 7 8 1,199 1,230 27 175 1,432
West. Arctic Parklands - Noatak NPres, Cape Krusenstern NM,
Kobuk Valley NP 23 24 2,662 2,759 89 129 2,977
Whiskeytown NRA 33 68 4,525 4,589 5 150 4,744
White Sands NP 15 24 1,667 1,718 46 275 2,039
Whitman Mission NHS 6 6 840 861 24 0 885
William Howard Taft NHS 8 8 846 874 21 0 895
William Jefferson Clinton Birthplace Home NHS 6 6 733 754 17 0 771
Wilson's Creek NB 25 26 3,360 3,450 75 420 3,945
Wind Cave NP 25 42 2,680 2,765 71 314 3,150
Wolf Trap NP 30 31 4,353 4,489 104 0 4,593
Women's Rights NHP 12 12 1,629 1,671 32 0 1,703
Wrangell-Saint Elias NP&Pres 41 50 5,972 6,158 160 365 6,683
Yellowstone NP 304 483 36,531 37,371 986 850 39,207
Yosemite NP 230 559 31,699 31,109 247 850 32,206
Yucca House NM 0 0 110 114 4 0 118
Yukon-Charley Rivers NPres 0 0 1,873 1,926 43 0 1,969
Zion NP 76 160 8,207 8,475 221 467 9,163
Subtotal, Park Units 10,139 14,062 1,350,576 1,390,384 25,904 80,909 1,497,197
National Trails System
[Appalachian NST] [7] [9] [1,620] [1,786] [46] [115] [1,947]
[Natchez Trace NST] [0] [0] [29] [59] [0] [0] [59]
[Potomac Heritage NST] [0] [0] [417] [447] [0] [0] [447]
Ala Kahakai NHT 4 5 550 584 13 0 597
California NHT 0 0 354 386 6 0 392
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
FY 2020
Park Base
FY 2020
Total FTE
FY 2020
FY 2021
FY 2022
Fixed Costs
& Internal
FY 2022
FY 2022
Captain John Smith Chesapeake NHT 3 3 805 843 11 0 854
El Camino Real de los Tejas NHT 0 0 203 235 4 0 239
El Camino Real de Tierra Adentro NHT 0 0 294 326 4 0 330
Ice Age NST 5 5 854 914 19 57 990
Juan Bautista de Anza NHT 2 2 561 595 4 0 599
Lewis & Clark NHT 15 15 2,293 2,322 49 0 2,371
Mormon Pioneer NHT 0 0 247 279 4 0 283
New England NST 0 0 130 162 1 0 163
North Country NST 3 3 1,266 1,315 15 0 1,330
Old Spanish NHT 0 0 248 280 3 0 283
Oregon NHT 0 0 450 489 15 0 504
Overmountain Victory NHT 0 0 337 367 1 0 368
Pony Express NHT 0 0 255 287 4 0 291
Santa Fe NHT 17 17 725 763 15 0 778
Selma to Montgomery NHT 12 12 1,464 1,512 32 700 2,244
Star Spangled Banner NHT 0 0 157 190 4 0 194
Trail of Tears NHT 0 0 504 540 8 0 548
Washington Rochambeau Revolutionary Route NHT 1 1 281 313 4 0 317
National Trail System Program 0 1 393 400 8 0 408
Subtotal, National Trail System 62 64 12,371 13,102 224 757 14,083
[Subtotal, National Trail System with Park Units] [69] [73] [14,437] [15,394] [270] [872] [16,536]
Partnership Wild & Scenic Rivers
[Great Egg Harbor Scenic & Recreational River] [0] [0] [220] [241] [3] [0] [244]
Eightmile WSR 0 0 220 241 0 0 241
Farmington (West Branch) WSR 0 0 220 241 0 0 241
Lamprey WSR 0 0 220 241 0 0 241
Lower Delaware WSR 0 0 220 241 0 0 241
Lower Farmington & Salmon Brook WSR 0 0 220 241 0 0 241
Maurice WSR 0 0 220 241 0 0 241
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
FY 2020
Park Base
FY 2020
Total FTE
FY 2020
FY 2021
FY 2022
Fixed Costs
& Internal
FY 2022
FY 2022
Missisquoi and Trout Rivers WSR 0 0 220 241 0 0 241
Musconetcong WSR 0 0 220 241 0 0 241
Nashua WSR 0 0 220 241 0 0 241
Sudbury, Assabet, Concord WSR 0 0 220 241 0 0 241
Taunton WSR 0 0 220 241 0 0 241
Wekiva WSR 0 0 220 241 0 0 241
Westfield WSR 0 0 220 241 0 0 241
White Clay Creek WSR 0 0 220 241 0 0 241
Wood-Pawcatuck Watershed WSR 0 0 220 241 0 0 241
Wild & Scenic River Program 0 1 57 71 0 0 71
Subtotal, Partnership Wild & Scenic Rivers 0 1 3,357 3,686 0 0 3,686
[Subtotal, Partnership Wild & Scenic Rivers with Park Units] [0] [1] [3,577] [3,927] [3] [0] [3,930]
Affiliated Areas
American Memorial Park 9 9 1,633 1,651 29 0 1,680
Gloria Dei (Old Swedes') Church NHS 0 0 35 35 1 0 36
Ice Age National Scientific Reserve 0 0 739 739 0 0 739
Lower Eastside Tenement Museum 0 0 249 249 0 0 249
Oklahoma City NMem 8 8 817 831 24 0 855
Pinelands NR 0 0 301 301 0 0 301
Roosevelt Campobello International Park 0 0 1,658 1,658 0 33 1,691
Thomas Cole NHS 0 0 158 158 0 0 158
Subtotal, Affiliated Areas 17 17 5,590 5,622 54 33 5,709
Other Field Offices & Partner Organizations
400 Years of African American History Commission 0 0 3,300 3,300 0 0 3,300
Accokeek Foundation 0 0 749 749 0 0 749
Alice Ferguson Foundation 0 0 195 195 0 0 195
Anchorage Interagency Visitor Center 6 6 705 717 20 0 737
Beringia 0 0 670 671 3 0 674
Chesapeake Bay Office 3 6 496 498 11 500 1,009
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
FY 2020
Park Base
FY 2020
Total FTE
FY 2020
FY 2021
FY 2022
Fixed Costs
& Internal
FY 2022
FY 2022
Erie Canalway NHA 1 1 272 275 7 0 282
Fairbanks Interagency Visitor Center 5 5 690 703 20 0 723
Johnstown Area Heritage Associate Museum 0 0 44 44 0 0 44
Lower Mississippi Delta Technical Assistance 0 0 230 230 0 0 230
Maine Acadian Culture Comm Technical Assistance 0 0 98 98 1 0 99
Masau Trail 0 0 34 34 0 0 34
National Capital Area Performing Arts Program 0 0 2,227 2,227 0 -2,227 0
National Park Foundation 0 0 5,000 5,000 0 0 5,000
Route 66 National Historic Highway 0 0 295 298 4 0 302
Semiquincentennial Commission 0 0 3,300 8,000 0 -8,000 0
Subtotal, Other Field Offices 15 18 18,305 23,039 66 -9,727 13,378
United States Park Police Operations
New York Area Parks 0 134 21,449 22,317 848 0 23,165
San Francisco Area Parks 0 57 6,096 6,384 159 0 6,543
Washington D.C. Metropolitan Area USPP Operations 0 294 56,110 57,713 1,828 7,416 66,957
Subtotal, USPP Operations - Washington D.C. 0 485 83,655 86,414 2,835 7,416 96,665
Total, Park Base
10,233 14,647 1,473,854 1,522,247 29,083 79,388 1,630,718
Central Offices
Washington Office 0 306 86,769 87,128 1,641 14,964 103,733
Departmental Unified Regions 0 1,072 135,055 139,475 3,960 10,250 153,685
Total, Central Offices 0 1,378 221,824 226,603 5,601 25,214 257,418
Program/Support Offices
Park Administrative Support Functions
Accounting Operations Center 0 94 13,051 13,292 454 0 13,746
Park Concession Program 0 16 4,620 4,670 89 0 4,759
Human Resources Operation Center 0 42 8,812 8,942 246 0 9,188
Information Technology Programs 0 88 43,977 51,098 523 -1,882 49,739
Major Acquisition Buying Offices 0 154 18,314 18,650 8,248 0 26,898
Servicing Human Resources Office 0 176 20,815 27,819 1,182 0 29,001
Learning and Development Program 0 79 15,246 14,876 317 0 15,193
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
FY 2020
Park Base
FY 2020
Total FTE
FY 2020
FY 2021
FY 2022
Fixed Costs
& Internal
FY 2022
FY 2022
Subtotal, Park Administrative Support Functions 0 649 124,835 139,347 11,059 -1,882 148,524
Park Natural Resource Support Functions
Air Quality Program 0 20 7,985 8,029 136 0 8,165
Biological Resource Management Program 0 23 9,118 9,202 110 2,000 11,312
Geologic Resource Center 0 11 4,248 4,328 91 2,500 6,919
Cooperative Landscape Conservation 0 7 1,413 1,426 44 1,500 2,970
Inventory and Monitoring Program 0 210 44,982 45,177 1,037 19,000 65,214
Natural Sounds Program 0 18 3,555 3,584 89 0 3,673
Resource Damage Assessment & Restoration 0 8 1,384 1,399 45 0 1,444
Social Science Program 0 19 1,493 1,506 30 3,500 5,036
Everglades Restoration and Research:
South Florida Comprehensive Ecosystem Restoration Plan 0 27 4,949 4,949 121 0 5,070
South Florida Critical Ecosystem Studies Initiative 0 8 3,970 3,970 44 0 4,014
South Florida Task Force Support 0 5 1,363 1,363 5 1,000 2,368
Water Resources Program 0 30 12,872 13,038 241 1,500 14,779
Subtotal, Park Natural Resource Support Functions 0 386 97,332 97,971 1,993 31,000 130,964
Park Cultural Resource Support Functions
Field Resource Centers:
Midwest Archeological Center 0 28 1,347 1,383 56 0 1,439
National Capital Museum Resource Center 0 7 662 672 20 0 692
Southeast Archeological Center 0 38 1,045 1,067 30 0 1,097
Western Archeological Center 0 10 1,279 1,304 34 0 1,338
National Networks
African American Civil Rights Network 0 0 250 375 0 5,000 5,375
National Underground Railroad to Freedom Management 0 1 1,108 1,239 4 0 1,243
Reconstruction Era National Historic Network 0 0 250 375 0 0 375
World War II Heritage Cities Network 0 0 250 375 0 0 375
Cultural Resources Project Support 0 0 0 3,198 0 0 3,198
Subtotal, Park Cultural Resource Support Functions 0 84 6,191 9,988 144 5,000 15,132
Park Facility Maintenance Support Functions
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
FY 2020
Park Base
FY 2020
Total FTE
FY 2020
FY 2021
FY 2022
Fixed Costs
& Internal
FY 2022
FY 2022
D.C. Water & Sewer Program 0 0 19,775 17,376 0 -5,063 12,313
Land Use Planning 0 0 150 150 0 0 150
Facility Management Program Support:
Enterprise Facility Management Software System 0 10 7,180 7,180 0 0 7,180
Condition Assessment Program 0 2 2,292 2,298 -2,298 0 0
Asset Management Program 0 11 9,128 9,128 0 0 9,128
Maintenance Project Planning 0 0 9,980 9,980 2,312 0 12,292
Subtotal, Park Facility Maintenance Support Functions 0 23 48,505 46,112 14 -5,063 41,063
Park Interpretation & Education Support Functions
Informational Publications 0 15 3,369 3,406 71 0 3,477
Interpretation and Education Programs 0 6 2,152 1,970 26 45,000 46,996
Subtotal, Park Interpretation & Education Support Functions 0 21 5,521 5,376 97 45,000 50,473
Park Visitor Protection Support Functions
Public Health Program 0 4 3,499 3,507 18 1,000 4,525
Special Agents (Criminal Investigators) 0 41 7,185 7,362 270 0 7,632
Fire and Aviation Management Program 0 41 1,701 1,709 24 0 1,733
SW Border Radio Communications Program 0 0 582 582 0 0 582
Federal Law Enforcement Training Center 0 15 5,047 5,106 87 0 5,193
United States Park Police Headquarters 0 103 25,566 28,419 239 -600 28,058
Subtotal, Park Visitor Protection Support Functions 0 204 43,580 46,685 638 400 47,723
Park Partnership Support Functions
Volunteers In Parks Program 0 0 6,914 6,919 8 0 6,927
Youth Partnership Programs 0 5 824 760 24 0 784
Subtotal, Park Partnership Support Functions 0 5 7,738 7,679 32 0 7,711
Total, Program/Support Offices 0 1,372 333,702 353,158 13,977 74,455 441,590
Natural Resources Project Funds
Natural Resources 0 0 13,316 14,316 0 40,000 54,316
SW Border Resource Restoration Program 0 0 971 971 0 0 971
Subtotal, Natural Resources Project Funds 0 0 14,287 15,287 0 40,000 55,287
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
FY 2020
Park Base
FY 2020
Total FTE
FY 2020
FY 2021
FY 2022
Fixed Costs
& Internal
FY 2022
FY 2022
Cultural Resources Project Funds
Cultural Resources 0 0 27,183 23,985 0 0 23,985
Subtotal, Cultural Resources Project Funds 0 0 27,183 23,985 0 0 23,985
Facility Maintenance Project Funds
Cyclic Maintenance 0 0 153,575 188,184 0 0 188,184
Emergency Management and Damage Program 0 0 2,712 2,712 0 0 2,712
Environmental Management Program 0 0 6,113 6,113 0 8,000 14,113
Repair/Rehabilitation Projects 0 0 135,950 135,980 0 0 135,980
Subtotal, Facility Maintenance Project Funds 0 0 298,350 332,989 0 8,000 340,989
Interpretation & Education Project Funds
Interpretation & Education Program 0 0 1,848 1,848 0 2,000 3,848
Subtotal, Interpretation & Education Project Funds 0 0 1,848 1,848 0 2,000 3,848
Recreation & Partnership Project Funds
Challenge Cost Share Program 0 0 386 386 0 0 386
Connecting National Trails to Park Program 0 0 925 925 0 0 925
Recreational Access Program 0 0 200 3,350 0 0 3,350
Youth Partnership Program 0 0 10,846 11,546 0 0 11,546
Subtotal, Recreation & Partnership Project Funds 0 0 12,357 16,207 0 0 16,207
Total, Projects 0 0 354,025 390,316 0 50,000 440,316
Total, Park Management 0 0 2,383,405 2,492,324 48,661 229,057 2,770,042
External Administrative Costs 0 0 193,587 195,963 11,324 0 207,287
Total, Operation of the National Park System 0 0 2,576,992 2,688,287 59,985 229,057 2,977,329
1 Represents Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) funded from park base operating dollars.
2 Total FTE shown for parks are by organization, irrespective of funding source. For example, some temporary positions in parks are funded from construction, recreation fees, etc.
3 The National Trails System includes three units that are designated as park units. The two that have separate budget allocations are additionally listed here, in brackets, to show
the total National Trails System budget level.
4 The NPS uses these totals when responding to inquiries as to the amount of funding directly available for "park base operations." Items which follow this total also support park
operations, but are not directly managed at the park level.
(Footnotes continue next page)
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
(Park and Program Table Footnotes, Continued)
5 The current number of NPS park units is 423. Not all units are individually listed as some are primarily operated in conjunction with another unit. For these occurrences the units
have been consolidated and are presented as one. The following consolidations are incorporated:
Unit: George Washington Memorial Parkway
Units Included: Arlington House, The Robert E. Lee Memorial; Clara Barton NHS; George Washington Memorial Parkway; Lyndon B. Johnson Memorial
Grove on the Potomac; Theodore Roosevelt Island NMem
Unit: Manhattan Sites
Units Included: Castle Clinton NM; Federal Hall NMem; General Grant NMem; Hamiltion Grange NMem; Saint Paul's Church NHS; Theodore Roosevelt
Birthplace NHS
Unit: National Capital Parks - East
Units Included: Carter G. Woodson Home NHS; Fort Washington Park; Frederick Douglass NHS; Greenbelt Park; Mary McLeod Bethune Council House
NHS; Piscataway Park
Unit: National Mall & Memorial Parks
Units Included: Belmont-Paul Women's Equality NM; Constitution Gardens; Ford's Theatre; Franklin D. Roosevelt Memorial; Korean War Veterans
Memorial; Lincoln Memorial; Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial; Pennsylvania Avenue NHS; Thomas Jefferson Memorial; Vietnam Veterans Memorial;
World War I Memorial; World War II Memorial; Washington Monument
Unit: Southeast Arizona Group
Units Included: Chiricahua NM; Coronado NMem; Fort Bowie NHS
Unit: Southern Four Corners Group
Units Included: Canyon de Chelly NM; Hubbell Trading Post NHS; Navajo NM
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Statement of Receipts Collected and Reported
These funds are deposited by NPS concessioners in private bank accounts as a condition of an applicable concession contract
made before the 1998 Concessions Act, and are available only for expenditure by the concessioner, with park approval, for
required capital improvements which directly support the facilities and services provided by the concessioner. These are not
receipts for the U.S. Government and are added here only to match an OMB configuration.
Number Receipt Account Title
FY 2020
FY 2021
FY 2022
5110.1 Recreational Fee Program 247,802 265,939 307,932
5110.1 Deed-Restricted Parks Fee Program 2,114 2,000 2,000
5164.1 Transportation Systems Fund 44 104 207
Payment for Tax Losses on Land Acquired for Grand Teton
NP 17 15 15
Subtotal, Recreation Fee Receipt Account 249,977 268,058 310,154
14X1034 Contribution for Annuity Benefits for USPP 43,181 42,814 42,101
5431.1 Park Concessions Franchise Fees 69,755 67,161 87,309
5163.1 Rental Payments, Park Buildings Lease and Maint. Fund 9,497 10,644 11,442
5247 Filming and Photography Special Use Fee Program 784 254 10
5049.1 Rents and Charges for Quarters 21,354 23,370 23,954
5412.1 Glacier Bay National Park, Resource Protection 0 0 0
5076.1 Delaware Water Gap Rt. 209, Commercial Operation Fees 21 25 20
5169.1 Concessions Improvement Accounts
8,464 11,778 11,778
Subtotal, Other Permanent Appropriations 153,056 156,045 176,614
8037.1 Donations to National Park Service 46,310 51,000 51,000
Earnings on Investments, Donations to NPS 500 1,000 1,000
8052.2 Earnings on Investments, Preservation, Birthplace of
Abraham Lincoln 3 3 3
Subtotal, Miscellaneous Trust Funds 46,813 52,003 52,003
SPECIAL ACCOUNTS 449,846 476,106 538,771
2419.1 Fees and Other Charges for Program Admin. Services 7 7 7
2229 Sale of Timber, Wildlife and Other Natural Land Products,
Not Elsewhere Classified
3 3 3
449,856 476,116 538,781
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Appropriation: Operation of the National Park System
Mission Overview
The Operation of the National Park System appropriation provides the operating funding for our Nation’s
national parks, trails, partnership wild and scenic rivers, affiliated areas, partner organizations, central
offices, and program offices. The parks preserve and commemorate natural and cultural resources that are
woven into our national heritage. This appropriation contributes to several important mission areas of the
Department of the Interior and the National Park Service, including: conserving natural and cultural
resources, to effectively manage resources for the enjoyment of all; and expanding outdoor recreation, to
support the link between recreation experiences, natural landscapes, and visitor satisfaction; protection of
people through the preparedness of NPS law enforcement; and maintaining and operating NPS assets.
Appropriation Overview
The Operation of the National Park System (ONPS) appropriation is composed of two budget activities:
Park Management
The Park Management activity covers the management and operation of park areas and servicewide
programs. It is structured in line with the functional activities the NPS undertakes to fulfill its mission,
including actively managing and promoting conservation practices and providing opportunities for
recreation on our Nation’s public lands. For information about funding by park and program please refer
to the ONPS-Summaries section. The five functional areas included in the budget are:
Resource Stewardship encompasses resource management operations that provide for the
protection and conservation of unique natural, cultural, and historical features of the National
Park System.
Visitor Services includes educational and interpretive programs to enhance the visitor’s
experience. It also supports efficient management of commercial services for the benefit of
visitors and the protection of resources.
Park Protection includes law enforcement programs, the United States Park Police, and public
health operations, which provide for the protection of park resources, visitors, and staff.
Facility Operations and Maintenance encompasses the operations and maintenance of
buildings, other facilities, lands, and the protection of other government investments.
Park Support covers the management, supervision, and administrative operations for park areas,
servicewide programs, and partnerships.
External Administrative Costs
The External Administrative Costs activity funds costs that are largely determined by organizations
outside the NPS and for which funding requirements are less flexible. The requirements for these costs
are mandated in accordance with applicable laws. To promote efficient performance, these costs are
managed centrally. The categories funded from this activity support all activities and programs of the
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Summary of Requirements for Operation of the National Park System
(Dollars in Thousands)
Budget Activity/Subactivity/Program
FY 2020
FY 2020
FY 2021
FY 2021
FY 2022
Costs &
FY 2022
FY 2022
FY 2022
FY 2022
FY 2021
FY 2021
Park Management
Resource Stewardship 339,860 2,143 361,626 2,278 +7,672 0 +203,655 572,953 2,986 +211,327 +708
Visitor Services 249,165 2,358 277,975 2,516 +8,435 0 +123 286,533 2,552 +8,558 +36
Park Protection 394,781 2,417 385,235 2,434 +8,160 0 +21,998 415,393 2,518 +30,158 +84
Facility Operations and Maintenance 839,165 4,198 900,955 4,220 +14,148 0 +6,177 921,280 4,252 +20,325 +32
Park Support 560,434 3,048 566,533 3,050 +10,225 +21 -2,896 573,883 3,089 +7,350 +39
Subtotal, Park Management 2,383,405 14,164 2,492,324 14,498 +48,640 +21 +229,057 2,770,042 15,397 +277,718 +899
External Administrative Costs 193,587 0 195,963 0 +11,345 -21 0 207,287 0 +11,324 0
SYSTEM 2,576,992 14,164 2,688,287 14,498 +59,985 0 229,057 2,977,329 15,397 +289,042 +899
Transfer to Semiquincentennial Commission -3,300 0 -8,000 0 0 0 +8,000 0 0 +8,000 0
Transfer to 400 Years of African American
History Commission -3,300 0 -3,300 0 0 0 0 -3,300 0 0 0
Transfer in for Drug Trafficking Deterrent
Actions 127 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Medical Services Fund 0 0 2,000 0 0 0 -2,000 0 0 -2,000 0
TOTAL, ONPS - Budget Account Listing (BAL) 2,570,519 14,164 2,678,987 14,498 +59,985 0 235,057 2,974,029 15,397 +295,042 +899
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Fixed Costs and Related Changes
Operation of the National Park System
Fixed Cost Changes and
FY 2021
Total or
FY 2021 to
FY 2022
Change in Number of Paid Days -5,672 0
This column reflects changes in pay associated with the
change in the number of paid days between FY 2021 and FY
2022, which is the same number of paid days in both FY
2021 and FY 2022.
Pay Raise +22,823 +35,482
The President's Budget for FY 2022 includes one quarter of
the 1.0% pay raise for 2021 and three quarters of a planned
2.7% pay raise in 2022.
Employer Share of Federal
Employee Retirement System
+15,232 +13,158
The change reflects a 1.1% (and 1.8% for Law Enforcement)
increase in the employer contribution to the Federal
Employee Retirement System.
Departmental Working Capital
+1,286 +3,353
The change reflects the final FY 2022 Central Bill approved
by the Working Capital Fund Consortium.
Worker's Compensation Payments -1,861 -1,084
The amounts reflects final chargeback costs of compensating
injured employees and dependents of employees who suffer
accidental deaths while on duty. Costs for FY 2022 will
reimburse the Department of Labor, Federal Employees
Compensation Fund, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 8147(b) as
amended by Public Law 94-273.
Unemployment Compensation
+674 +180
The amounts reflect projected changes in the costs of
unemployment compensation claims to be paid to the
Department of Labor, Federal Employees Compensation
Account, in the Unemployment Trust Fund, pursuant to
Public Law 96-499.
Rental Payments +2,277 +7
The amounts reflect changes in the costs payable to General
Services Administration (GSA) and others for office and
non-office space as estimated by GSA, as well as the rental
costs of other currently occupied space. These costs include
building security; in the case of GSA space, these are paid to
Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Costs of
mandatory office relocations, i.e. relocations in cases where
due to external events there is no alternative but to vacate the
currently occupied space, are also included.
Baseline Adjustments for O&M
0 +8,889
In accordance with space maximization efforts across the
Federal Government, this adjustment captures the associated
increase to baseline operations and maintenance
requirements resulting from movement out of GSA or direct-
leased (commercial) space and into Bureau-owned space.
While the GSA portion of fixed costs will go down as a
result of these moves, Bureaus often encounter an increase to
baseline O&M costs not otherwise captured in fixed costs.
This category of funding properly adjusts the baseline fixed
cost amount to maintain steady-state funding for these
TOTAL ONPS +59,985
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Appropriation Language
For expenses necessary for the management, operation, and maintenance of areas and facilities
administered by the National Park Service and for the general administration of the National Park Service,
[$2,688,287,000]$2,977,329,000, to remain available until September 30, 2023, of which
[$10,282,000]$11,452,000 shall be for planning and interagency coordination in support of Everglades
restoration and $135,980,000 shall be for maintenance, repair, or rehabilitation projects for constructed
assets and $188,184,000 shall be for cyclic maintenance projects for constructed assets and cultural
resources and $5,000,000 shall be for uses authorized by section 101122 of title 54, United States Code
[shall remain available until September 30, 2022]: Provided, That funds appropriated under this heading
in this Act are available for the purposes of section 5 of Public Law 95–348[: Provided further, That
notwithstanding section 9(a) of the United States Semiquincentennial Commission Act of 2016 (Public
Law 114–196; 130 Stat. 691), $8,000,000 of the funds made available under this heading shall be
provided to the United States Semiquincentennial Commission for the purposes specified by that Act]:
Provided further, That notwithstanding section 9 of the 400 Years of African-American History
Commission Act (36 U.S.C. note prec. 101; Public Law 115–102), as amended, $3,300,000 of the funds
provided under this heading shall be made available for the purposes specified by that Act: Provided
further, That sections (7)(b) and (8) of that Act shall be amended by striking "July 1, [2021] 2022" and
inserting "July 1, [2022] 2023".
In addition, for purposes described in section 2404 of Public Law 116-9, an amount equal to the amount
deposited in this fiscal year into the National Park Medical Services Fund established pursuant to such
section of such Act, to remain available until expended, shall be derived from such Fund.
(Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2021.)
Justification of Major Proposed Language Changes
The phrase to remain available until September 30, 2023 was inserted to request that the full Operation of
the National Park System appropriation be available for two years. Two-year funding availability will
allow the NPS to mitigate the impact of continuing resolutions. Multi-year funding is consistent with the
period of availability of the operating funds at other Interior land management bureaus and similar
agencies. This change enhances consistency across the Department of the Interior.
Language was removed to reflect the FY 2022 reduction associated with the Semiquincentennial
Appropriations Language Citations
1. For expenses necessary for the management, operation, and maintenance of areas and
facilities administered by the National Park Service
Division A of subtitle I of title 54, United States Code, creates the National Park Service (NPS), defines
the National Park System, and provides authorities related thereto, including authority for management,
operation, and maintenance of areas and facilities administered by the NPS.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Other parts of the United States Code provide authorities related to certain subjects, as follows:
5 U.S.C. 5901(a), Uniform allowance for employees of the National Park Service.
54 U.S.C. 1019, Concessions and Commercial Use authorizations.
16 U.S.C. 21 – 450ss-3, 459 to 460a-11, and 460m –460-kkk, Specific national park areas or categories
of National Park areas.
16 U.S.C. 6801 note, Recreation fees and fee collection and use.
54 U.S.C. 102303-102304, 320101-320104, 320106: Acquisition, operation and management of historic
and archeological sites, buildings, and properties.
16 U.S.C. 1131-1136: National Wilderness Preservation System.
16 U.S.C. 1241-1249: National Scenic and National Historic Trails.
16 U.S.C. 1281(c): National Wild and Scenic Rivers System components.
54 U.S.C. 102701 Authorizes the law enforcement activities of the U.S. Park Police.
101122 U.S.C. Authorizes appropriations to the National Park Foundation (P.L. 114-289, National Park
Service Centennial Act)
2. and for the general administration of the National Park Service, $2,977,329,000 which shall
remain available until September 30, 2023,
54 U.S.C. 100101, 100301-100302, which creates the National Park Service, authorizes this
provision, which is included because of the desire of Congress to collect the agency's general
administrative expenses in one appropriation. Language also makes appropriation available for two
3. of which $11,452,000 shall be for planning and interagency coordination in support of
Everglades restoration,
16 U.S.C. 410r-5 to 410r-8, the Everglades National Park Protection and Expansion Act of 1989, as
amended, authorizes activities to restore Everglades National Park, and appropriations for this purpose.
The following citation includes the length of availability for Everglades restoration funding; the NPS
proposes the availability of funding for these funds to remain available for two years, consistent with past
4. $135,980,000 shall be for maintenance, repair, or rehabilitation projects for constructed
assets, $188,184,000 shall be for cyclic maintenance projects for constructed assets and
cultural resources [shall remain available until September 30, 2022],
54 U.S.C. 100101, 100301-100302, which creates the National Park Service, authorizes this
provision. The NPS proposes the availability of funding for these funds to remain available for two
years, consistent with past appropriations.
5. and $5,000,000 shall be for uses authorized by section 101122 of title 54, United States Code.
101122 U.S.C. Authorizes appropriations to the National Park Foundation (P.L. 114-289, National Park
Service Centennial Act), for use to match contributions made to the Foundation.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
6. That notwithstanding section 9 of the 400 Years of African-American History Commission
Act (36 U.S.C. note prec. 101; Public Law 115–102), $3,300,000 of the funds provided under
this heading shall be made available for the purposes specified by that Act
This provision directs the NPS to transfer $3,300,000 of funding to the 400 Years of African-
American History Commission. The Commission is a federally appointed committee, operating
independently as established by the Secretary of the Interior and administered by the National Park
The Commission was established in the 400 Years of African-American History Commission Act to
coordinate the 400th anniversary of the arrival of the first enslaved Africans in the English colonies.
The Commission's purpose is to plan, develop, and carry out programs and activities throughout the
United States that recognize and highlight the resilience and cultural contributions of Africans and
African Americans over 400 years; acknowledge the impact that slavery and laws that enforced racial
discrimination had on the United States; encourage civic, patriotic, historical, educational, artistic,
religious, and economic organizations to organize and take part in anniversary activities; assist states,
localities, and nonprofit organizations to further the commemoration; and coordinate public scholarly
research about the arrival of Africans and their contributions to the United States.
7. for purposes described in section 2404 of Public Law 116-9, an amount equal to the amount
deposited in this fiscal year into the National Park Medical Services Fund established
pursuant to such section of such Act, to remain available until expended, shall be derived
from such Fund.
This provision allows the NPS to utilize a portion of funds collected for the National Park Medical
Services Fund, as authorized by section 2404 of the John D. Dingell, Jr. Conservation, Management, and
Recreation Act (P.L. 116-9), for the purposes of executing that section.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Justification of Program and Performance
Activity: Park Management
Subactivity: Resource Stewardship
Change from
2021 Enacted
Natural Resource
223,488 240,021 +5,058 0 +195,923 441,002 +200,981
106,090 111,323 +2,444 0 +6,732 120,499 +9,176
Restoration and
10,282 10,282 +170 0 +1,000 11,452 +1,170
339,860 342,033 +7,672 0 +203,655 572,953 +211,327
Total FTE
2,143 2,278 +0 0 +708 2,986 +708
Summary of FY 2022 Program Changes for Resource Stewardship
Program Changes ($000)
Conservation Initiative – Park Natural Resource Capacity
+57,000 +456
Conservation Initiative – Civilian Climate Corps
+45,000 +10
Conservation Initiative – Natural Resource Projects
+40,000 +0
Conservation Initiative – Research Learning Centers
+17,000 +34
Conservation Initiative – Inventory and Monitoring Program
+16,000 +75
Conservation Initiative – Increase Management and Policy Support for Climate
Change and Natural Resource Decision Making
+11,500 +92
Advancing Racial Justice and Equity for Underserved Communities
+6,198 +10
Conservation Initiative – Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Units
+5,500 +18
Conservation Initiative – Socioeconomic Monitoring
+3,500 +3
Conservation Initiative – Everglades Restoration and Research
+1,000 +3
New and Critical Responsibilities
+957 +7
TOTAL Program Changes +203,655 +708
Mission Overview
The Resource Stewardship subactivity supports the NPS mission by protecting, conserving, and restoring
natural and cultural resources, and providing the knowledge and information necessary to ensure their
proper management. Public lands are the perfect place to find peace and solitude and observe some of
America’s most iconic species and landscapes. Conservation stewardship of these treasures is a key
component of the NPS mission. Implementing programs and projects to support land, water, and wildlife
conservation, the NPS is a leader in protecting and managing America’s resources for current and future
generations to enjoy.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Subactivity Overview
As a steward of the nation's natural and cultural heritage, a primary responsibility of the NPS is to
conserve and protect park resources and values. The NPS inventories, evaluates, documents, conserves,
protects, monitors, maintains, and interprets the natural and cultural resources at 423 park units, 23 trails
and 64 wild and scenic rivers. National Park Service stewardship helps to perpetuate resources and allows
for their continued appreciation, understanding, and enjoyment. Resource stewardship subactivities
consist of the following areas of responsibility:
Natural Resource Stewardship
Supports parks by providing park and resource managers with knowledge gained through
systematic and critical investigations, responsive technical assistance, continuing education for
park personnel, and cost-effective research programs that address complex landscape-level
management issues. Partners include the United States Geological Survey, other Federal and State
agencies, and Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit-affiliated academic institutions around the
Helps understand, conserve, and protect the natural resources in the National Park System
through active management, research and stewardship projects. This work enhances visitor
experiences while conserving iconic resources including geologic features and wildlife, detect
and manage invasive plants and animals, restore disturbed ecosystems, and conduct tactical and
other studies to address natural resource operational needs.
Assesses the vulnerability of park resources and infrastructure to the effects and potential effects
of climate change. This work improves resource resiliency and develops adaptation strategies to
protect resources and assets from the threat of a changing climate. Seeks to develop climate
change monitoring information in collaboration with parks, other Department of the Interior
bureaus, and other agencies and partners.
Conducts systematic inventories of natural resources and monitoring of park resource conditions
to inform park management decisions through the organization of 32 ecosystem-based multi-park
Inventory and Monitoring (I&M) Networks.
Contributes to the conservation and restoration of scenery, wildlife, vegetation, air and water
quality, marine resources, geologic and paleontological resources, night skies and natural sounds
resulting in healthy intact ecosystems that deliver the best visitor experience.
Cultural Resource Stewardship
Identifies, documents, preserves, protects, and commemorates the sites, buildings, people, events,
and objects that define the nation’s diverse heritage. Maintains knowledge and inventories of
these resources to facilitate appropriate and cost-effective preservation and protection, as well as
access to resources.
Provides secure and environmentally stable facilities for museum collections to ensure long-term
accessibility of the collections for research, public use, enjoyment, and increased understanding.
Conducts applied research aimed at preserving cultural resources. Provides detailed, systematic
data about resources and their preservation and protection needs.
Operates seven cultural resource centers which provide research, project supervision, technical
assistance, information management, and Geographic Information Systems expertise.
Oversees NPS compliance with the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act and
assists all NPS sites with related activities, providing technical advice, guidance, and training.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Everglades Restoration and Research
Implements conservation projects essential to the conservation and restoration of the natural
ecological systems affecting Big Cypress NPres, Biscayne NP, Everglades NP, and Dry Tortugas
NP. Projects include feasibility studies, pilot projects, and restoration projects.
Supports the South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Task Force and supports efforts associated
with the Invasive Exotic Species Strategic Action Framework.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Subactivity: Resource Stewardship
Program Component: Natural Resource Stewardship
FY 2022 Program Activities
The following are examples of planned FY 2022 Natural Resource Stewardship activities:
Eradication of non-native fish and restore native fish populations in four lakes at Mount Rainier
NP and North Cascades NP.
Forest restoration and whitetail deer management at Fire Island NP.
Assessing vulnerability to climate change through thermal analysis at Great Smoky Mountains
Controlling feral cats and predators at Haleakala NP.
Restoring bull trout at Crater Lake NP.
Improving Gunnison Sage-grouse habitat at Black Canyon of the Gunnison NP.
Restoring degraded peatlands and wet meadows to enhance ecological integrity and resilience at
Florissant Fossil Beds NM.
Restoring wetlands and pollinator habitat at Indiana Dunes NP.
Restoring keystone species, including whitebark pine, at Glacier NP.
Promoting recovery of endangered Schaus Swallowtail butterfly within Biscayne NP.
Prevention, detection, and control of emerging invasive mussels within four upper midwest parks.
Assessment and hazard mitigation of fragile Ice Age fossils at White Sands NP.
Quantifying streamflow and sediment dynamics for protection of Colorado and Green Rivers.
Suppress Russian Olive and Tamarisk at Canyon de Chelly NM.
Restoration of forest resources affected by emerald ash borer in Mississippi NR&NRA.
Justification of FY 2022 Program Changes
The FY 2022 budget request for Natural Resource Stewardship is $441,002,000 and 2,202 FTE, a
program change of +$195,923,000 and +693 FTE from FY 2021.
Conservation Initiative – Park Natural Resource Capacity (+$57,000,000 / +456 FTE) – Funding will
dramatically increase natural resource stewardship capacity servicewide. This investment renews the
National Park Service’s commitment to a premier core competency and mission-essential task while
supporting key administration efforts related to climate change, conservation, and natural sciences. The
NPS proposes targeted natural resource capacity increases at 204 parks that represent the majority of the
NPS’s natural resources holdings and responsibilities. This proposal is an aggressive, servicewide yet
field-oriented approach to tackling the Administration’s conservation and climate goals as outlined by
E.O. 14008, “Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad”. This investment provides park
superintendents capacity to address climate change consequences and specific threats to the natural
resources in their area of operations. For example, this funding would allow for the park-level
recruitment of natural resource staff including but not limited to: natural resource protection specialists,
biologists, hydrologists, wildlife veterinarians, ecologists, environmental engineers, natural resource
technicians, geologists, botanists and physical scientists.
The NPS proposal also acknowledges the essential role coastal communities have in mitigating climate
change and strengthening resilience. The budget increases dedicated natural resource stewardship
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
capacity by over $11 million at coastal parks, including protecting the mangrove forests of Biscayne
National Park, the estuaries of Cape Cod National Seashore, and the 991 fish species of the National Park
of the American Samoa. Funding will also respond to acute and fast emerging threats like the spread of
Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease in the Caribbean. This budget meets that challenge head-on by
providing dedicated resources to those parks to combat the disease and preserve the coral.
The increase also proposes additional capacity at the regional level to coordinate collaborative
conservation. It increases NPS’s investment to its responsibilities to the Chesapeake Bay Program
regional partnership with a $0.5 million increase. Additionally, the budget requests $3 million to reinforce
the NPS’s responsibilities managing the Colorado River basin. With 11 park units and over 1000 miles of
river managed, the NPS is the caretaker of a significant percentage of this major continental resource.
This funding ensures the NPS can continue to fulfill its mission in the 21
century by conducting the best
scientific and management practices on NPS managed portions of the Colorado River. Specific tasks
include helping reduce the non-native fish populations, maintain native and endangered fish and
vegetation in the Upper Colorado River Basin. Along with conservation, the NPS’s efforts in the
Colorado River basin also directly contribute to the deployment of clean energy and infrastructure
through the protection of hydropower production, the President’s public health goals through the
guaranteed provision of low cost, high quality clean water to all and the advancement of environmental
justice by increasing NPS’s stakeholder engagement in the region, especially with Tribal governments.
Conservation Initiative – Civilian Climate Corps (+$45,000,000 / +10 FTE) – Funding will support
President Biden’s vision of a Civilian Climate Corps as detailed in E.O. 14008 “Tackling the Climate
Crisis at Home and Abroad”. Since the inception of the Civilian Conservation Corps in the 1930s, the
National Park Service has led the nation in mobilizing the next generation of conservation and resilience
workers, maximizing the creation of accessible training opportunities, and providing a pathway to good-
paying jobs. The NPS is well-positioned to help establish a new Civilian Climate Corps to tackle the
issues of the 21st Century and work towards the goals set out by the President: 1) conserving and
restoring public lands and waters, 2) bolstering community resilience,3) increasing reforestation, 4)
increasing carbon sequestration in the agricultural sector, 5) protecting biodiversity, 6) improving access
to recreation, and 7) addressing the changing climate. Additionally, the CCC will create good paying jobs
with a free and fair chance to join a union and collectively bargain. The NPS currently operates or
participates in multiple programs dedicated to hiring young adults to accomplish several of these goals,
including the American Sign Language Conservation Corps, the Ancestral Lands Conservation Corps,
Historically Black Colleges and Universities Internship Program, the Latino Heritage Internship Program,
the Scientists in Parks program, and the Veteran Fire Corps.
Additionally, the Service has national cooperative agreements with over 35 community organizations
participating in the public-private 21st Century Conservation Service Corps as well as regional and park
level agreements. In the recent past, these NPS programs have produced outstanding results. For example,
a partnership with Environment for the Americas produced a project evaluating climate change impacts
on coral reefs in Guam; a project executed through the Student Conservation Association partnered with
Padre Island National Seashore to document and protect nesting sea turtles; and a partnership with the
Greening Youth Foundation recruited 20 racially and ethnically diverse interns from urban communities
around Everglades National Park to develop an affinity for the park as a part of their community and to
preserve cultural resources while learning about best management practices in ecological conservation.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
With this additional investment, the NPS intends to expand and enhance its efforts by increasing
individual park’s capacity to host Civilian Climate Corps teams and projects in order to improve
grassroots capacity; establish a Civilian Climate Corps multi-media team to highlight the importance of
the work and attract diverse recruits; establish long-term apprenticeship programs to create a pathway to
good, union jobs critical to NPS work in trades such as carpentry, brick and stone masonry, electrical,
plumbing, building retrofitting, renewable energy technology; establish a living wage requirement for the
program; and expand program administration in order to streamline financial assistance and increase
ability to operationalize performance data.
Conservation Initiative – Natural Resource Projects (+$40,000,000 / +0 FTE) – Funding will increase
servicewide project-based natural resource stewardship. Specifically, this proposal focuses project
funding on four key areas: 1) wildlife migration corridors, 2) wildland fire fuels management, 3)
increasing climate resilience, and 4) responding to critical emerging natural resource threats.
Funding will enhance large-scale wildlife conservation, identify and restore migration corridors, and
support national parks and NPS programs to achieve shared economic, cultural, and conservation goals
with neighboring lands and communities. Funding will support projects in parks that advance the
protection and restoration of migratory routes and winter range habitat, enhance wildlife related
recreation, support research priorities and/or protection or restoration of priority corridors identified in
State Action Plans, and provide technical assistance to parks that support collaborative conservation
outcomes. Projects may include habitat restoration, to include invasive species removal and planting of
native species in parks servicewide; monitoring species movements (e.g. elk, bighorn sheep, mule deer,
and pronghorn); identification of multi-species wildlife corridors; targeted implementation of inventory
and monitoring activities that improve understanding of wildlife movement, ecosystem connectivity, and
collaborative conservation opportunities; development of management actions to help conserve key
species that disperse widely, e.g. migratory species, species that depend on winter and summer ranges,
etc.; and other activities that align with State and NPS priorities for collaborative conservation (e.g. bison
management in Grand Canyon, Glacier, Wind Cave, and Theodore Roosevelt National Parks and Great
Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve).
Project funding builds and enhances the NPS wildland fire program through dedicated funding for on-the-
ground active forest management mitigation work. This effort directly contributes to combatting the
climate-related risk of destructive wildfires. Activities include marshalling teams to mitigate wildland fire
risks around NPS infrastructure through projects that create defensible space and other efforts including
fuels reduction, fire effects monitoring, educational outreach, pre-fire preparation of burn units, and
participation in prescribed fires in the Western and Southern United States. Fire crews engaging in fire
mitigation management help protect our Nation’s parks, forests, grasslands, and neighboring
communities, and ensure recreational access is either preserved or restored as the impacts of fire are
mitigated. The program often employs youth, seasonal and local workforce teams in rural areas.
Parks facing emerging climate change threats to resources often do not have the operational capacity
necessary to address acute climate-related issues. This project funding would be available to eligible
projects servicewide to: support durable and appropriate facility and infrastructure designs and
investments; adaptation actions to prevent or minimize impacts to park units; develop and apply
knowledge of changing environments through creative stewardship that manages for future conditions and
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
expand capacity to anticipate, respond to, and manage irreversible change under climate change
Similarly, parks often do not have the operational capacity to deal with non-climate related emerging
threats that can overwhelm their resources. To that end, this budget dedicates project capacity toward
combating emerging threats to natural resources such as: invasive animals like the quagga/zebra mussel;
wildlife disease like white nose syndrome and chronic wasting disease and other yet unforeseen threats.
Conservation Initiative – Research Learning Centers (+$17,000,000 / +34 FTE) – Funding will invest
in the NPS’s system of 17 regional learning centers to bring science and research collaboration to the
forefront of the Service. The first Research Learning Centers (RLCs) were established in 2001 and have
been a proven success model. The RLC’s promote research in parks and make the findings of research
available and understandable toto widest possible audience. As an interface among researchers,
communication professionals, and the public, RLCs fulfill the vision of “parks for science and science for
The value of RLC’s is enhanced through their collaboration with hundreds of partners, including
universities, K–12 schools, nonprofit organizations, community groups, agencies, and a range of NPS
programs. By engaging partners in park research, scholarship, and educational activities, RLCs are able to
leverage in-kind and financial support, broaden the understanding of national park resource issues, and
improve stewardship of some of our nation’s most treasured landscapes. The RLC’s represent the NPS’s
commitment to being guided by the best science and producing the processes that ensure the integrity of
the Service’s decision-making. See below for additional information on RLCs and their locations.
Conservation Initiative – Inventory and Monitoring Program (+$16,000,000 / +75 FTE) – Funding
will support multiple program goals. It allows for: 1) the induction of 15 new parks into the program, 2)
the expansion of the program at 27 areas recently acquired by the NPS, 3) the modernization of data
collection and analysis tools and 4) an increase in capacity across the program.
This program is a system-wide inventory and monitoring effort designed to address the natural resource
inventory and monitoring needs in ~300 parks by conducting natural resource inventories and monitoring
the condition or “health” of key vital sign parameters. These best available science-based metrics and raw
empirical data provides park managers, planners, and interpreters with a broad-based understanding of the
status and trends in the condition of park natural resources and provide a critical basis for making and
assessing the results of management decisions. The network is open-source and research is utilized by
other agencies, partners, scientists, academics, and citizens alike and is a key tool for communicating with
the public on the efficacy of resource protection efforts.
Conservation Initiative – Increase Management and Policy Support for Climate Change and
Natural Resource Decision Making (+11,500,000 / +92 FTE) – Funding will increase support for the
National Park Service’s suite of servicewide natural resource management programs. An increase to the
geologic resources division for example will assess risk to park visitors, staff and infrastructure from
major geologic hazards arising from climate change such as rockfall; landslides; flooding and debris
flows (especially post- fire); permafrost; hurricanes; and earthquakes. An investment in the cooperative
landscape conservation program will support science and actions that identify, implement, and advance
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
landscape- and seascape-scale collaborative conservation. And an increase to the water resources division
will help identify, support and secure sustainable water sources to support park operations and visitor use.
Conservation Initiative – Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Units (+$5,500,000 / +18 FTE) – Funding
will increase the NPS’s commitment to each of the 17 Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Units (CESU)
nationwide. A CESU is an interdisciplinary partnership of Federal agencies, Tribes, academic institutions
(including minority serving institutions), State and local governments, nongovernmental conservation
organizations, and other partners working together within a broad bio-geographic area to support
informed public trust resource stewardship. Through its membership in this national network and in each
of the 17 CESUs, the NPS collaborates with other Federal agencies and many non-Federal partners to
generate cost-effective and high-quality scientific and scholarly information. CESUs attract expert
researchers to conduct studies in parks, providing usable knowledge for resource managers, responsive
technical assistance to parks, and continuing education for park personnel. The 15 NPS CESU
coordinators are associated with the 17 CESU host universities where they work with multiple parks and
programs to identify park research, technical assistance, and education needs; assist in securing funding
for park-based projects; help parks coordinate with the specialized expertise available in the CESU
network; and contribute their scholarly expertise to lead or contribute directly to myriad park-, region-,
and Service-based projects.
Conservation Initiative Socioeconomic Monitoring (+$3,500,000 / +3 FTE) – Funding will support
implementation of a servicewide socioeconomic monitoring (SEM) program to collect, organize, and
make available high-quality social science data in support of data-driven decision making. NPS leaders
currently lack a servicewide understanding of the status and trends of visitation, visitor behavior, and the
socioeconomic characteristics of visitors and other stakeholders. This information will inform park
management decisions around the type of recreational experiences visitors are interested in, as well as
discussions with stakeholders in gateway regions. The program design builds on existing SEM activities,
as well as a pilot program conducted from 2014 to 2017 at 14 diverse park units, including Acadia
National Park, Glacier Bay National Park, and Glen Canyon National Recreation Area.
New and Critical Responsibilities (+$585,000 / +4 FTE) – The budget proposes +$4,445,000 and +41
FTE spread across multiple ONPS budget subactivities for new and critical responsibilities at new and
existing parks and offices. Funding will support the continuing stand-up of operations at new parks,
increased capacity for parks with expanded responsibilities and critical operational needs at a diverse set
of parks across 16 States. The portion of the request for Natural Resource Stewardship is $585,000 and 4
FTE. Additional details on this request can be found in the Budget Overview section.
Advancing Racial Justice and Equity for Underserved Communities (+51,000 / +1 FTE) – The
budget proposes +$15,000,000 and +78 FTE spread across multiple ONPS budget subactivities to
enhance programming that preserves the stories of historically underserved, underrepresented, and
marginalized groups. Funding will invest in key NPS sites that honor civil rights leaders, commemorate
struggles for equal opportunity, and protect the cultural heritage of underrepresented communities.
Funding will also invest in dedicated NPS capacity to expand minority recruitment and outreach, interpret
the stories of marginalized groups, and support dedicated capacity to strengthen the nation-to-nation
relationship with Tribal nations. The portion of the request for Natural Resource Stewardship is $51,000
and 1 FTE. Additional details on this request can be found in the Budget Overview section.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Program Overview
The NPS manages natural resources in the National Park System to meet its statutory responsibility to
conserve resources unimpaired for future generations. National parks conserve natural resources, play
unique roles amid changing environmental conditions as places for scientific research and baselines for
understanding, and serve as venues to communicate and collaborate with partners and the public. Active
conservation management efforts to align resource stewardship in the environment include identifying
and mitigating stressors that threaten resource resilience (e.g. invasive species, air and water quality
impacts, extreme events such as storms and flooding, etc.), conducting inventory and monitoring
activities to identify changes in and/or stressors to park resources, restoring disturbed land and resources
to build long-term adaptive capacity, restoring habitats and connectivity, and developing partnerships
with private landowners, other Federal and State agencies, Tribes, and NGOs to address issues at the
landscape scale. These activities are largely conducted at the park level, utilizing park personnel and
contractor or cooperator support. Centralized or team-based subject-matter specialists also provide park
managers with cost-effective scientific support, specialized expertise, and technical assistance on a wide
range of air, sound, water, geologic, and biological resource management needs, including science-based
decision-making support and problem resolution.
At a Glance…
Preservation Activities
Restoration of disturbed lands associated with abandoned roads and mines
Protection of wildlife habitat threatened by changes in water flow or quality.
Control of exotic plant and animal species that harm native vegetation and wildlife habitat.
Restoration of fire effects to fire-dependent vegetation and wildlife habitat where natural fire regimes have been
Special protection of threatened and endangered plant and animal populations and other at-risk species.
Perpetuation of karst, cave, geologic processes and features by protecting groundwater quality.
Management of marine fisheries to protect coral reefs and reef fish populations.
Special protection of paleontological resources at-risk.
The NPS is using the National Park Service Natural Resource Stewardship and Science Framework to
organize and communicate broad goals for resource management, priorities for natural resource
stewardship and science in the National Park System, and useful actions and activities that can be
implemented to achieve these goals. The framework identifies four areas that guide NPS natural resource
stewardship actions and investments: 1) addressing immediate site-specific challenges that occur at the
park level, 2) managing amid continuous change, 3) working collaboratively with partners and
stakeholders, including Tribes, and 4) enhancing stewardship and science access and engagement. In
addition, park managers and natural resource subject matter experts collaborate to prepare the park’s
Resource Stewardship Strategy (RSS), a science and scholarship-based plan that fosters an integrated
natural and cultural resource approach for aligning resource stewardship actions and investments in
coordinated and prioritized ways, while addressing potential impacts to park ecosystems including
invasive species, environmental change, and water quality and quantity to achieve resource values
identified in park foundation documents and related management plans. As a resource stewardship
strategy is completed, it supersedes the park’s resource management plan (RMP). The RSS is updated
routinely as resource conditions change, new information is collected, stewardship activities are
completed, or stewardship goals are achieved.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
At a Glance…
Natural Resource Basic Data Sets
Species Lists
Biological Inventories
Base Cartography Data
Vegetation and Land Cover Maps
Soils Maps
Geologic Maps
Water Quality Data
Water Resources Location
Air Quality Related Values
Air Quality Data
Meteorological Data
Natural resource activities and programs include the following:
Air Resource Management and Research: Established in response to amendments to the 1977 Clean Air Act to
protect clean air, especially in national parks and wilderness areas, the NPS maintains an extensive air monitoring
network. The NPS, in cooperation with State and Federal partners, maintains a network of over 150 fine particle
samplers, 47 of which monitor visibility in parks. The NPS also operates a network of more than 52 ambient air
quality monitoring sites to determine other key air quality performance indicators, namely ozone and deposition of
mercury, sulfur, nitrate and ammonia. Air quality monitoring is conducted in cooperation with other Federal and
State agencies as part of national networks. States actively consult with the NPS when developing air quality
management plans that might affect parks, especially Class I areas.
At a Glance…
Clean Air Act – Class I Area Criteria
International parks, national wilderness areas or national
memorial parks larger than 5,000 acres
National parks larger than 6,000 acres
In existence (or authorized) prior to August 7, 1977.
NPS units must meet criteria 1 or 2 plus criterion 3 to qualify
as a Class I Area.
The NPS reviews permit applications for new and modified sources of air pollution, actively works with
applicants, and assists States during the permitting process to reduce levels of air pollution from these
sources and mitigate potential adverse effects on park resources.
The NPS has statutory responsibilities under the Clean Air Act (P.L. 88-206) to protect important scenic
resources and other air quality related values in parks from impairment due to air pollution. Air quality
applied research provides an understanding of the effects of air pollution on the condition of park
resources and ecosystems, and air quality related values integral to visitor experience and enjoyment of
parks not available through the USGS or other Federal agencies. A significant portion of this effort is the
acquisition of research information in national parks, and information on the composition of particulates
in the air that cause visibility impairment. Combined with research on the transport and transformation of
air pollutants, these data help identify the sources of the pollutants that may affect visibility in parks and,
in cooperation with other agencies, can point to mitigation strategies that improve air quality in parks.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Learn more about the results of air quality management at:
Biological Resources Management:
The NPS manages an extensive range of activities to conserve, restore, preserve and manage biological
resources, native species and their habitats, and contribute to the overall health of the park and landscape-
level ecosystem. The NPS works closely with States on the identification and conservation of critical
migration corridors that intersect parks and State priority areas.
Invasive Plant Management Teams (IPMTs) serve more than 287 parks over a broad geographic area and
work to detect, identify, develop, conduct, and evaluate invasive species management projects.
The Wildlife Health Team provides professional veterinary consultation and technical assistance to parks.
Among the priority wildlife diseases receiving ongoing surveillance and management are Chronic
Wasting Disease, Plague, Rabies, vector-borne disease and tick-borne disease, bighorn sheep pneumonia
and hemorrhagic diseases of cervids, Hantavirus
from deer mice exposure, Lyme Disease and
Relapsing Fever from tick exposure, and White
Nose Syndrome.
The Wildlife Conservation Team provides science-
based expertise and leadership to parks and NPS in
addressing complex wildlife conservation issues,
restoration of species, marine and terrestrial
migrations, and strategic law and policy education
and interpretation to parks and managers
throughout the System.
Learn more about aspects of biological resource
management at:
A seasonal biological technician uses a soil sampler at the
Presidio native vegetation restoration site in Golden Gate
National Recreation Area.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
At a Glance…
Combatting White Nose Syndrome in North American bats
All the bats found at the Oregon Caves National Monument are insectivores that can consume as many as 500
insects an hour when feeding. Bats utilize Oregon Caves as a resting stop before returning outside to feed. They also
use the caves to find mates, but their pups are usually born to the south.
Townsend big-eared bats roost in the Dry
Room of Oregon Caves
Most bats at the monument roost under the bark of old-growth trees
in the summer. More bats come into the cave during very cold
periods, perhaps because at that time their usual roosts under the bark
on dead old-growth trees may not provide enough insulation White-
nose syndrome, a fatal disease in bats, is threatening North American
bat populations and could lead to the extinction of some species. In
FY 2021, a project was funded at Oregon Caves to compile baseline
data on seasonal bat roosting activity/composition and identifying
novel roost sites to determine susceptibility of park bats pre/post
WNS arrival.
Learn more about the bats of Oregon Caves NM at:
Cooperative Landscape Conservation: The National Park Service’s approach to climate change,
science, adaptation, and communication is through the Cooperative Landscape Conservation (CLC)
program. The NPS leverages its resources and expertise with that of other Federal agencies, States, Tribes
and others to focus on problems of concern to the nation’s varied ecosystems. National parks contain
some of the Nation’s most treasured landscapes and historical sites, many of which are particularly
vulnerable to changes in the environment. The NPS develops and applies science and research to
understand risks to park resources from environmental
hazards, identifies specific factors that affect park
resources and park investments, and develops approaches
to protect resources and make them more resilient. The
NPS provides support to park managers servicewide in
developing vulnerability assessments and adaptation
strategies, and collaborates with other bureaus, agencies
and partners to develop and share scientific information. In
serving park visitors, the NPS develops interpretive
products and provides first-hand learning opportunities
about environmental impacts and how the NPS is
responding to protect park resources and the Nation’s
Learn more about cooperative landscape conservation
A scientist kayaks among the jumbled icebergs at
the terminus of Grinnell Glacier at Glacier
National Park as she uses a GPS unit to record
the glacier's extent.
(USGS photo)
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Resource Damage Assessment and Restoration: The NPS provides technical support and guidance to
parks in assessing injuries to park resources and seeking damages for restoration pursuant to the System
Unit Resource Protection Act (54 U.S.C. 100721), the Oil
Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA) (104 Stat. 484), the Clean
Water Act (CWA) (86 Stat. 816) as amended by OPA, and
the Comprehensive Environmental Response,
Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) (94 Stat. 2767).
This support includes responses to oil and hazardous
materials incidents affecting parks, together with incidents
involving human-caused injury to park resources (natural
and cultural), property, and visitor use. Costs and damages
are recovered through negotiated settlements with
responsible parties. Cost recovery provides a means to
achieve restoration of injured park resources rather than
requesting additional appropriated funds.
This NPS activity also has responsibility to coordinate NPS
efforts within the DOI for the protection of the Nation’s
natural, cultural, and historic resources resulting from any
manmade disaster or incident of national emergency in full
partnership with other Federal, State, local, and Tribal
Learn more at:
A Geoscientists-in-the-Parks intern standing near
the entrance to Jewell Cave National Monument.
Over a 25-year period the program placed 1,968
interns, provided 1.1 million hours of service and
assisted 213 NPS parks/offices.
Geologic Resources: Geological features and processes are key influences on both the health of park
watersheds, landscapes, and marine resources, and the NPS’s ability to sustain biological communities on
the lands and waters it manages. Subject-matter specialists provide park managers with scientific
information and technical support in a range of areas including disturbed land restoration; mitigation of
geologic hazards (e.g., rockfalls, landslides, debris flows); geologic resource inventory and monitoring;
management and protection of paleontological resources, cave and karst systems, soil resources, and
coastal shorelines; and planning that integrates the use of information on park geologic features and
processes in park decision making.
The NPS also protects park natural resources from adverse impacts associated with past, present, and
future energy and mineral development in and adjacent to parks. NPS areas contain a substantial number
of current non-Federal oil, gas, and mineral activity, including 534 oil and gas operations in 12 park units;
1,102 mining claims in 15 park units; and 14 mining and other mineral operations in six park units.
Conversely, abandoned mining and oil and gas exploration and production sites represent a substantial
portion of the disturbed lands requiring restoration in parks. Abandoned Mineral Land (AML) features are
remnants of a time when reclamation of mined areas was not required by Federal or State laws and
regulations. Many of these sites have serious public safety issues and resource impacts, yet many are also
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
valuable natural and historic properties due to their cultural values and the critical wildlife habitat they
provide. There are over 37,000 features
in 133 parks, of which over 3,800 require action.
The NPS is also actively engaged in cave research in response to Title II of P.L. 101-578 which
established the Cave Research Institute and P.L.105-325, the National Cave and Karst Research Institute
Act of 1998, through partnerships with the State of New Mexico, New Mexico Institute of Mining and
Technology (NMT), City of Carlsbad, New Mexico, and a joint partnership with the National Cave and
Karst Research Institute.
Learn more about the geologic resource activities at:
Inventory and Monitoring (I&M): The NPS administers a park system-wide inventory and monitoring
effort designed to address the natural resource inventory and monitoring needs in 298 parks by
conducting basic natural resource inventories and monitoring the condition or “health” of key vital sign
parameters. This science-based information helps provide park managers, planners, and interpreters with
a broad-based understanding of the status and trends in the condition of park natural resources as a basis
for making and assessing the results of management decisions, working with other agencies, and
communicating with the public to protect park natural systems and native species.
I&M leverages its resources through partnerships with others as part of a strategy to maximize the use and
relevance of the data for key target audiences. This integration and collaboration among other NPS
natural resource stewardship activities (e.g., air quality, water resources) and other agencies, with an
interdisciplinary approach to compiling, analyzing, and reporting natural resource information, are key
aspects of NPS strategy to provide cost-efficient information of optimal use to park managers while
simultaneously meeting data quality requirements. The expertise and natural resource condition
information provided through the I&M networks are key sources of information for park managers and
routinely provide a basis for park natural resource condition assessments, integration with resource
stewardship strategy development, and other park planning and management efforts.
Parks must determine appropriate levels and types of visitor use and permitted activities such as fishing,
river use, backcountry use, and hunting. Parks must also evaluate, plan, and design the appropriate type,
location, and level of activities that can be conducted without impairing resources. This often results in
the development of a management or operations plan that utilizes an environmental assessment to
evaluate alternatives and needed mitigation. These plans rely heavily on integrating information from
various sources, of which NPS I&M is critical.
Learn more about the NPS Inventory and Monitoring Program at:
Individual elements of an AML site, such as vertical shafts, adits, open stopes, and open pits; structures such as headframes,
mills, wellheads, and storage facilities; landform modifications such as access roads and drainage diversions; and piles of ore,
waste rock, soil stockpiles, and tailings.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Vital Signs Monitoring Networks Map
Natural Sounds: Natural sounds, sometimes referred to as the “acoustic environment” or “soundscape”
of a national park, are the aggregate of all sounds that occur, together with the physical capacity for
transmitting natural sounds. As an intrinsic physical element of the environment, noise can affect both
park resources and visitor experience. Although noise is one of the more pervasive sources of pollution, it
is still considered an emerging issue for NPS and therefore, it often is not well addressed in most parks.
Responding to 49 U.S.C. 40128, Overflights of National Parks, which requires NPS and the FAA to
reduce noise from low flying air tours over national parks in order to protect park resources, values and
visitor experience, the NPS initiated sustained efforts to provide a consistent approach to managing
acoustic environments (or soundscapes). The NPS performs acoustic monitoring, data collection and
analysis, and development of ambient acoustic baseline information and planning assistance along with
source specific monitoring and recommendations for mitigation of measurable impacts from noise. An
integral element of this effort is working with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the
Department of Transportation to implement the National Parks Air Tour Management Act (NPATMA).
The NPS continues to work to manage air tours over national parks to protect park resources and values
under the statute. The NPS and the FAA are working closely together to complete Air Tour Management
Plans (ATMPs) for all parks in which they are required by August 2022.
The NPS has completed acoustic monitoring at 892 sites in 123 parks. While the principal focus of the
activity remains on park overflights, parks are also beginning to address a range of other notable noise
sources, including park operations, oil and gas development within and adjacent to park boundaries, and
motorized recreation, which requires specialized technical assistance to accurately measure and analyze
park soundscapes to industry standards. In addition, the NPS has developed various models and other
tools to help train park staff and build internal capacity for measuring ambient baseline sounds levels and
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
source specific noise. NPS continues to work with partners to advance understanding of the role that
natural sounds play in overall ecosystem health and visitor enjoyment.
Learn more about natural sounds activities at:
Research Learning Centers: Research Learning Centers (RLCs) provide an infrastructure for
researchers to conduct research and exchange information for their networks of parks. They support and
facilitate research by government and nongovernment scientists that informs the stewardship of parks and
their protected resources. The 17 RLCs are listed in the table below.
Research Learning Center Host
Appalachian Highlands Science Learning Center Great Smoky Mountains NP 4
Atlantic Research Center Cape Cod NS 11
Continental Divide Research Learning Center Rocky Mountain NP 1
Crater Lake Science and Learning Center Crater Lake NP 1
Crown of the Continent Research Learning Center Glacier NP 4
Desert Research Learning Center Saguaro NP 11
Great Lakes Research and Education Center Indiana Dunes NP 11
Gulf Islands Research and Education Center Gulf Islands NS 1
Jemez Mountains Research Learning Center Valles Caldera NPres 1
Murie Science and Learning Center Denali NP&Pres 8
North Coast and Cascades Science and Learning Network Olympic NP 8
Ocean Alaska Science and Learning Center Kenai Fjords NP 11
Old-Growth Bottomland Forest Research and Education
Congaree NP 23
Pacific Coast Science and Learning Center Point Reyes NS 4
Schoodic Education and Research Center Acadia NP 11
Southern California Research Learning Center Santa Monica Mountains NRA 3
Urban Ecology Research Learning Alliance National Capital Area 15
TOTALS 17 128
Learn more about the RLCs at:
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
At a Glance…
Schoodic Education and Research Center, ME
The Schoodic Education and Research Center (SERC) is located just outside the village of Winter Harbor, Maine.
The campus includes varied facilities, from meeting and classroom space to lodging and recreational facilities. Its
scenic setting on the rugged coast of the Atlantic Ocean offers easy access to coastline habitat, intertidal zones, and
spruce/fir forests, and provides an ideal environment for both research and learning. The FY 2022 NPS budget
proposes to build upon the success of Research Learning
Center’s through increased and dedicated funding to all
17 NPS RLCs.
The goals of the Schoodic Education and Research Center
are to:
Facilitate interdisciplinary research that enhances the
understanding of the natural and cultural resources of the
National Park System and related research at the regional,
national, and international levels.
Develop innovative education and stewardship
programs designed to translate science into learning for
people of all ages and abilities.
Support collaboration and outreach among partners to
promote science and learning.
Provide access to a repository of information and
other resources for educators and researchers.
Schoodic Education and Research Center offers jobs and
internships for early career science professionals while
accomplishing critical conservation research to inform
resource protection management decision-making at
Acadia National Park and the north Atlantic region at
(photo courtesy of the Schoodic Institute)
Social Science Program: The social science program conducts and promotes state-of-the-art social
science related to the mission of the NPS and delivers critical knowledge to park managers and the public.
The program provides research and technical assistance to park and program managers and to non-Federal
researchers. Activities include Socioeconomic Monitoring which provide rigorous and nationally
representative results of visitor demographics, trip characteristics, and attitudes regarding the visitor
experience in parks; the Visitor Spending Effects which estimates the impacts park visitors have on local,
regional, and national economies in terms of their contribution to sales, income, and jobs; and the
collection, analysis, and publication of official NPS visitation statistics. NPS uses this information to
improve visitor services, enhance civic engagement, protect natural and cultural resources, and manage
parks more effectively.
Learn more about social science activities at:
Water Resources: The NPS protects and manages fresh and marine waters in parks, including aquatic
biota and vegetation. It also works to restore water quantity (levels and flows) and quality to desired
conditions, including applicable Clean Water Act standards; and to ensure that water and water rights are
available to meet visitor and administrative needs. The program provides park managers assistance to
ensure the consistent application of laws and regulations throughout the National Park System and
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Lassen Peak and Chaos Crags Reflecting on Manzanita Lake
develop technical information so that
management decision-making is based on
science. Aquatic resource professionals
address park management needs, including
water resources planning, identification and
prioritization of protection and restoration
projects, development of water-related
scientific information, aquatic resource
restoration projects, and participation in legal
or administrative processes.
The NPS works closely with States on the
application of the Clean Water Act to protect
water quality in parks and conducts water
quality monitoring on selected water bodies.
The NPS participates in State water rights
administrative and court processes and seeks to negotiate resolution of issues with the States and other
parties. The NPS also works to assess, protect, and restore upland, coastal, and marine watershed
conditions; floodplain, stream, wetland, and riparian resources; wild and scenic rivers; and freshwater and
marine fisheries. The NPS ensures protection of infrastructure and ecosystem function through programs
developed to evaluate development that impacts floodplains and wetlands. The NPS is also engaged in
efforts to prevent the spread and introduction of aquatic invasive species, working with other Federal
agencies, State partners, Tribes, and multi-stakeholder groups. For example, NPS units in the western
U.S. began developing programs to address the threat of quagga and zebra mussels in 2007. As of 2021,
there were 10 western parks with established quagga and zebra mussel management or prevention
The NPS manages 88 ocean, coastal and Great Lakes parks that attract over 95 million recreational visits
and generate over $6 billion in visitor spending for local economies. NPS responds more efficiently to
changing ocean and coastal conditions by working with other DOI bureaus, the National Oceanographic
and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and academic partners. The NPS provides technical expertise
to park managers in addressing matters such as water quality impairment, cooperative fisheries
management with States, harmful algal blooms, ocean acidification, habitat mapping, marine debris,
shoreline management, and water level and temperature changes.
Learn more about water resource stewardship activities at:
Great Lakes Restoration Initiative: In 2009, the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) was
established to restore and protect the Great Lakes region. Led by the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA), the GLRI invests in the region’s environmental and public health through a coordinated
interagency process, now guided by Action Plan III (2020-2024). The program focuses on five major
restoration areas: cleaning up toxics and areas of concern; combating invasive species; improving
nearshore health, in part by reducing phosphorus runoff; restoring wetlands, other habitats and at-risk
species; and integrated solutions to cross-cutting issues. GLRI funds are distributed by the EPA and are
meant to fund Great Lakes activities of Federal agencies, States, Tribes, and partners. The NPS has
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
received approximately $3.5 million a year to implement projects and works with other Federal agencies
to identify priorities and potential future collaborative projects.
Learn more about the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, visit
National Trails System: The National Trails System (NTS) is a nationwide network of national scenic
trails, national historic trails, and national recreation trails. Of the 30 federally-administered national
scenic and historic trails, NPS administers or co-administers 23 trails. The network of national scenic and
historic trails within the system, at over 55,000 miles, is larger than the interstate highway system and
connects more than 6,000 thousand communities
with access to the outdoors. More than 80 million
Americans live within 5 miles of a national trail
and NTS trails serve millions of visitors each
year, and the NPS continues to strive to increase
equitable access to national trails. Many
communities have adopted “trail town” affinity
programs to support their local economic
strategies and their greening, access or health
Youth enjoying the Juan Bautista de Anza National Historic
(photo courtesy of Bob Wick)
The NPS continues to work with the U.S.
Geological Survey and others on compiling a
comprehensive trails database for the nation. This
data framework will allow for accurate and
authoritative online maps of all existing trails
across Federal and other public lands. This
ongoing project will increase the digital
connectivity of trail networks and improve
planning for systems of interconnected trails
across the country.
The NPS provides interagency coordination, policy development, partnership training, financial
assistance, technical assistance, research, communications, networking, mapping, and reporting for the
benefit of the National Trails System. Interagency coordination with the Bureau of Land Management
(BLM) and U.S. Forest Service (USFS) is an essential part of these efforts since many of the national
trails cross lands administered by these other agencies. Executive Order 13195 and a 2017 Memorandum
of Understanding signed by the NPS, Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, Bureau of Reclamation, Federal Highway Administration, and the U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers strengthen this interagency collaboration and sharing of resources.
All NTS trails are cooperatively managed by design and in full collaboration with partner organizations.
Partnerships are integral for the National Trails System, and the NPS works with a wide array of State,
tribal, and local governments, private landowners, nonprofit organizations, and other partners to leverage
resources, maintain, and sustain the system. Over the last decade NTS partners have generated an average
of more than 1 million hours of volunteer and public service support annually. Cooperative management
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
partners generally contribute more funds and in-kind resources to NTS management each year than
appropriated Federal funds.
Recent national trail projects include providing youth engagement experiences with trail development and
maintenance along the Ice Age NST and Arizona NST within Saguaro National Park; improving the
visitor experience along the Pacific Crest NST within Yosemite National Park; providing safety training
for volunteers working along the North County NST; developing and enhancing interpretive resources
along several national trails including the Washington-Rochambeau Revolutionary Route NHT; and
Continental Divide NST and Pacific Northwest NST in Glacier National Park; trail access and design
planning along the Ala Kahakai NHT and Trail of Tears NHT; trail development and maintenance along
the El Camino Real de Tierra Adentro NHT and Juan Bautista de Anza NHT; and providing youth
internship opportunities along the Santa Fe NHT.
Units of the National Trails System
Administered by the NPS
Ala Kahakai NHT
Appalachian NST
California NHT
Captain John Smith Chesapeake NHT
El Camino Real de los Tejas NHT
Ice Age NST
Juan Bautista de Anza NHT
Lewis & Clark NHT
Mormon Pioneer NHT
Natchez Trace NST
New England NST
North Country NST
Oregon NHT
Overmountain Victory NHT
Pony Express NHT
Potomac Heritage NST
Santa Fe NHT
Selma to Montgomery NHT
Star-Spangled Banner NHT
Trail of Tears NHT
Washington-Rochambeau Revolutionary Route
Administered by Other Agencies
Arizona NST (USFS)
Continental Divide NST (USFS)
Florida NST (USFS)
Iditarod NHT (BLM)
Nez Perce (Nee-Me-Poo) NHT (USFS)
Pacific Crest NST (USFS)
Pacific Northwest NST (USFS)
Co-Administered by NPS and BLM
Old Spanish NHT
El Camino Real de Tierra Adentro NHT
Learn more about the National Trails System at:
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
National Recreation Trails: National recreation trails are a category of the National Trails System
designated by either the Secretary of the Interior or the Secretary of Agriculture. National recreation trails
provide close-to-home outdoor recreation opportunities and access on Federal, State, Tribal, and other
local lands near communities across the nation. Combined, these trails create a network of over 1,300
existing land and water-based trails in all 50 States, including the
District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. They provide the opportunity
to connect people to the outdoors, improve access for healthy
outdoor activities, and increase conservation efforts within State and
municipal parks and various Federal lands. The NPS works with
Federal, State, Tribal, and local partners to provide resources and
technical expertise to promote the development and recognition of
these trails in partnership with American Trails.
Learn more about the National Recreation Trails at: and at:
National Wild and Scenic Rivers System: The National Wild and Scenic Rivers System was created by
Congress in 1968 (P.L. 90-542; 16 U.S.C. 1271 et seq.) to protect certain rivers with outstanding natural,
cultural, and recreational values in a free-flowing condition for the enjoyment of present and future
generations. The Wild and Scenic Rivers Act is notable for safeguarding the special character of these
rivers, while also recognizing the potential for their appropriate use and development. It encourages
coordinated river management that crosses political boundaries and promotes public engagement in
developing goals for river protection and implementing conservation actions. Rivers may be designated
by Congress or, if certain requirements are met, by the Secretary of the Interior. Designated river
segments need not include the entire river and may include tributaries.
There are 226 rivers that comprise the National Wild
and Scenic Rivers System. The NPS has
responsibilities for 64 of these, including: rivers that
are units of the National Park System or located
within or adjacent to park boundaries; rivers
administered by NPS through legislatively established
partnerships; and rivers that are managed by States or
Tribes. The Wild and Scenic Rivers Act requires the
NPS to prepare Comprehensive River Management
Plans and establish boundaries and river
classifications. The NPS Unit Management Plan
program supports this planning function.
Students from the youth group of the Islamic Center
from Hunterdon County, NJ participate in the Lower
Delaware River Clean Up 2020, making a difference on
this locally managed river.
Partnership Wild and Scenic Rivers are a unique collaborative management model within the system.
These 16 partnership rivers are managed by locally-driven, cooperative planning between local, State and
regional stakeholders and the NPS. Nationally-designated river protection, supported by limited Federal
funding and technical assistance, leverages substantial additional State, local, and private funding. To
date, locally based river management councils or committees have been formed on each partnership river
specifically for this purpose.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Water quality protection is a fundamental principle of the Wild and Scenic Rivers
Act; Wilson’s Landing Point, an area along the Wekiva River, was restored to
prevent stormwater runoff into the river.
(photo by Jaime Doubek-Racine/NPS)
The National Wild and Scenic Rivers System evaluates and approves federally-assisted water resource
projects that impact over 4,000 miles of designated rivers. Together, the NPS and its partners work to
satisfy other requirements under the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, including to protect and enhance a
river’s free-flow, water quality, and other values which led to a river’s designation as part of the National
Wild and Scenic River System. New rivers may be added to the system through various mechanisms,
including congressionally authorized studies.
National Wild and Scenic Rivers System
National Park System Rivers
Alagnak (AK)
Alatna (AK)
Aniakchak (AK)
Bluestone (WV)
Cache La Poudre (CO)
Charley (AK)
Chilikadrotna (AK)
Delaware (middle) (NJ & PA)
Delaware (upper) (NY & PA)
Flathead (MT)
Great Egg Harbor (NJ)
John (AK)
Kern (CA)
Kings (CA)
Klamath (CA)
Kobuk (AK)
Koyukuk (North Fork) (AK)
Merced (CA)
Missouri (NE & SD)
Mulchatna (AK)
Niobrara (NE)
Noatak (AK)
Obed (TN)
Rio Grande (TX)
River Styx (OR)
Salmon (AK)
St. Croix (MN & WI)
Snake Headwaters (WY)
Surprise Canyon Creek (CA)
Tinayguk (AK)
Tlikakila (AK)
Tuolumne (CA)
Virgin (UT)
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Partnership Wild & Scenic Rivers
Delaware (lower) (NJ & PA)
Eightmile (CT)
Farmington (West Branch) (CT)
Farmington & Salmon Brook (CT)
Great Egg Harbor (NJ)
Lamprey (NH)
Maurice (NJ)
Missisquoi and Trout (VT)
Musconetcong (NJ)
Nashua (MA & NH)
Sudbury, Assabet, Concord (MA)
Taunton (MA)
Wekiva (FL)
Westfield (MA)
White Clay Creek (DE & PA)
Wood-Pawcatuck Watershed (CT & RI)
Rivers Managed by States or Tribes
American (Lower) (CA)
Allagash Wilderness Waterway (ME)
Big and Little Darby Creeks (OH)
Cossatot (AR)
Eel (CA)
Klamath (CA, OR)
Little Beaver (OH)
Little Miami (OH)
Loxahatchee (FL)
Lumber (NC)
Middle Fork Vermillion (IL)
New (South Fork) (NC)
St. Croix (Lower) (MN, WI)
Learn more about the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System at: and:
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Subactivity: Resource Stewardship
Program Component: Cultural Resource Stewardship
FY 2022 Program Activities
The following are examples of planned FY 2022 Cultural Resource Stewardship activities:
Continue to inventory archeological sites on NPS lands to ensure their appropriate preservation
and protection. In FY 2022, an estimated 1,000 sites are expected to be inventoried, with 53.3
percent of the cumulative total inventoried sites in good condition.
Capture spatial data in GIS for cultural landscape boundaries, characteristics, and features.
Maintain 63 percent of historic structures in good condition in FY 2022.
Catalog an estimated additional 1.5 million museum objects, ending FY 2022 with an estimated
137.4 million cataloged objects.
Oversee the preparation of 90-100 Historic Resource Studies, Special History Studies, and
Administrative Histories for parks and national programs.
Oversee the preparation of 45-55 National Register of Historic Places documentation for parks.
Justification of FY 2022 Program Changes
The FY 2022 budget request for Cultural Resource Stewardship is $120,499,000 and 741 FTE, a program
change of +$6,732,000 and +12 FTE from FY 2021.
Advancing Racial Justice and Equity for Underserved Communities (+$6,147,000 / +9 FTE) – The
budget proposes +$15,000,000 and +78 FTE spread across multiple ONPS budget subactivities to
enhance programming that preserves the stories of historically underserved, underrepresented and
marginalized groups. Funding will invest in key NPS sites that honor civil rights leaders, commemorate
struggles for equal opportunity, and protect the cultural heritage of underrepresented communities.
Funding will also invest in dedicated NPS capacity to expand minority recruitment and outreach, interpret
the stories of marginalized groups, and support dedicated capacity to strengthen the nation-to-nation
relationship with Tribal nations. The portion of the request for Cultural Resource Stewardship is
$6,147,000 and 9 FTE. Additional details on this request can be found in the Budget Overview section.
New and Critical Responsibilities (+$585,000 / +3 FTE) – The budget proposes +$4,445,000 and +41
FTE spread across multiple ONPS budget subactivities for new and critical responsibilities at new and
existing parks and offices. Funding will support the continuing stand-up of operations at new parks,
increased capacity for parks with expanded responsibilities and critical operational needs at a diverse set
of parks across 16 States. The portion of the request for Cultural Resource Stewardship is $585,000 and 3
FTE. Additional details on this request can be found in the Budget Overview section.
Program Overview
The NPS engages in preservation and protection activities as a steward of the Nation’s archeological
resources, cultural landscapes, ethnographic resources, history, historic and prehistoric structures, and
museum collections. The NPS also conducts associated applied research, which provides the foundation
of cultural resource stewardship by providing detailed, systematic data for planning, management, and
interpretation to enable cultural resource managers to preserve and protect cultural resources. Parks
conduct most cultural resource management actions, with regional and servicewide offices and centers
providing essential support in areas such as policy development, training, and major preservation work.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Cultural resources contained within the National Park System are extensive and varied, and include
cultural landscapes such as the National Mall, historic structures such as Independence Hall, and myriad
archeological sites. Many parks also have associated museum collections, such as the artifacts on display
at Ford’s Theatre National Historic Site. Cultural resources tell the story of the Nation and its people,
from the ancient sites of Aztec National Monument to the modern ones of Tuskegee Airmen National
Historic Site, the battlefields of Gettysburg National Military Park, and the historic immigration gateways
of Ellis Island. Overall, the National Park system contains over 26,000 historic and prehistoric structures,
4,200 statues, monuments, and memorials, more than 83,000 archeological sites, more than 870 cultural
landscapes, and more than 187 million museum objects and archival documents.
Proactive resource management is essential. This includes, but is not limited to, monitoring the condition
of cultural resources, regular and ongoing maintenance to slow deterioration and repair damage, proper
archival and collections storage conditions and policies for resource use, and preventing and responding
to resource threats from weather events and fires, air pollution, improper use, and vandalism and looting.
Parks also strive to identify and document the relationships between traditionally associated peoples and
resources to provide culturally sensitive management and interpretation of resources. Parks conduct
education and interpretation programs in cultural heritage to convey the significance of the resources and
their meanings to a broad and diverse constituency. NPS-managed cultural resources are described below.
Archeological Resources
Sites and artifacts provide unique and irreplaceable information that connects modern communities with
the cultural heritage of the United States. These resources are extremely vulnerable to threats including
natural processes, development, excessive visitor use, vandalism, and looting. Park resource managers
monitor site conditions, facilitate research, and implement preservation strategies in order to maintain the
integrity and improve the condition of archeological resources and make information gathered through
applied research available to resource managers, research professionals and the public. Archeological
information and research are used in public programs such as ranger events and exhibits that interpret
archeological artifacts, park and program websites, and educational opportunities.
Cultural Landscapes
Cultural landscapes are geographic areas associated with a historic event, activity, or person, or which
exhibits other cultural or aesthetic values. Cultural landscapes managed by NPS include battlefields and
cemeteries such as Gettysburg National Military Park and National Cemetery, urban landscapes such as
the National Mall, and places such as the Jamestown Island Area at Colonial National Historical Park, the
site of the first permanent English settlement in North America.
Parks manage cultural landscapes through research, planning, and stewardship, with the goal of defining
the values and associations that make the landscape historically significant, identifying the type and
degree of change that can occur while maintaining the historic character of the landscape, and planning
for an undertaking the long-term preservation of the landscape through preservation maintenance and
treatments and other resource protection activities.
Ethnographic Resources
NPS engages in ethnographic research using professional methods of cultural anthropology. Work
includes assessments, surveys, field studies, and consultations that provide for the identification,
evaluation, and interpretation of the relationships between contemporary cultural communities, including
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Native Americans and other traditionally associated peoples, and ethnographically significant natural and
cultural resources in parks. This work facilitates the provision of culturally sensitive resource
management, as well as interpretive and educational materials.
Historic and Prehistoric Structures
Historic structures are constructed works including buildings and monuments, dams and canals, nautical
vessels and defensive works such as forts, temple mounds and ruins, and bridges and tunnels. The
preservation and protection of historic and prehistoric structures has two basic goals: slowing the rate at
which historic material is lost and maintaining the historic character and integrity of resources. For
historic and prehistoric structures, stewardship focuses on five major activities: 1) control of physical
work and use; 2) monitoring conditions of deterioration and structural failure; 3) protecting structures
from human and environmental threats; 4) retaining or delegating responsibility for structures; and 5)
developing the skills, knowledge, and mind-set needed to support the program.
Museum Collections
Museum collections from over 394 units of the National Park System are maintained in 328 parks, at six
NPS cultural resource centers, and at 833 non-Federal repositories. These collections include 41.3 million
archeological, 3.3 million historical, 89,000 art, 4.3 million biological, 1.4 million paleontological, 21,000
ethnological, and 90,000 geological items, plus over 85,000 linear feet of archives (137,116,570 archival
objects). Collections include items ranging from historic furnishings in the home of John Adams and flags
that flew over Fort Sumter, to Thomas Edison's handwritten notes on inventions. Other important
museum program activities include developing on-site and virtual exhibits, teacher lesson plans, and
technical guidance in the NPS Museum Handbook.
At a Glance…
Cultural Resources Threats
Archeological site looting and vandalism
Lack of adequate storage and care of park museum collections
Weather and related threats including erosion, river flooding, and wind
Air pollution
Inadequate attention to stabilization, maintenance, and repair of structures, landscapes, and museum
Failure to monitor changes in the resource
Failure to correct improper uses
Lack of documentation and determination of appropriate treatment strategies
Historical Research
The Park History Program conducts historical research studies to ensure that the information presented in
parks and national programs and used in park planning activities and management is based on the most
accurate information available. This includes the development and oversight of park administrative
histories, which provides invaluable information to park managers on their park’s history, including
decisions made over time, and the salient historical issues that determined important decisions of park
management. The program also trains employees in oral history techniques, practices, and management of
resources, and manages a program to identify, prioritize, and nominate National Park Service properties
to the National Register of Historic Places in compliance with Section 110 of the National Historic
Preservation Act.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
The Park History Program also manages several national research and preservation programs through
shared leadership with local, State, and Federal entities, as well as interested individuals and
organizations. These programs include the African American Civil Rights Network to recognize sites,
facilities, and programs that interpret the history of the African American civil rights movement in the
United States; the National Maritime Heritage Program that administers grants for non-NPS partners to
steward historic resources and educate the public about the nation’s maritime history; the National
Historic Lighthouse Preservation Act program to transfer surplus historic lighthouses to non-Federal
partners for preservation, public education, and recreation; and the American World War II Heritage
Cities program to recognize U.S. cities and other local jurisdictions for their historic contributions to the
domestic war effort and current preservation efforts around WWII homefront history.
At a Glance…
African American Civil Rights Network
The African American Civil Rights Network Act of 2017 (P.L.115-104) authorizes the National Park Service to
coordinate and facilitate Federal and non-Federal activities to commemorate, honor and interpret “the history of the
African American Civil Rights movement; the significance of the civil rights movement as a crucial element in the
evolution of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; and the relevance of the African American Civil Rights movement in
fostering the spirit of social justice and national reconciliation.” The Network encompasses properties, facilities, and
interpretive programs that present a comprehensive narrative of the people, places, and events associated with
African American Civil Rights movement in the United States. Each member meets one of the following criteria:
National Park System unit or program related to the African American civil rights
movement from 1939 through 1968
With the property owner's consent, other Federal, State, local, and privately owned
properties that relate or have a verifiable connection to the movement and are included in,
or eligible for, the National Register of Historic Places
Other governmental and nongovernmental facilities and programs of an educational,
research, or interpretive nature that are directly related to such movement
Park Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act Program
The Park NAGPRA program oversees NPS compliance with the Native American Graves Protection and
Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) and assists all NPS sites with related activities, providing technical advice,
guidance, and training. The law applies to the NPS as an agency that manages public land and cares for
collections containing Native American human remains, funerary objects, sacred objects, and objects of
cultural patrimony. The agency is required to return certain items to lineal descendants, Tribes, and
Native Hawaiian organizations and to plan for and manage the discovery of such items on Federal land.
National Networks
The NPS manages four national networks around important themes in American history: African
American Civil Rights, the Underground Railroad Network to Freedom, the Reconstruction Era, and
World War II heritage cities. These programs coordinate preservation, research, and education efforts
nationwide across large networks of partners. Through shared leadership with local, State, and Federal
entities, as well as other stakeholders, the NPS educates the public about the history and significance of
these themes; provides technical assistance to empower communities to document, preserve, and tell their
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
stories; and maintains listings of historic sites, interpretive and educational programs, and facilities with
verifiable connections to the themes. Through these combined activities, these programs and their many
non-NPS partners are advancing scholarship and knowledge, making it accessible for school curricula,
academic study, and heritage tourism.
Cultural Resource Projects
Cultural Resource Project funds are used to complete the National Park System’s highest priority cultural
resource management projects. These projects are beyond the funding capabilities of the parks
themselves, and are designed to preserve, protect and provide information about the diverse array of
NPS’s cultural resources. These funds are central to implementing bureau- and Department-level strategic
plans, and they enable the NPS to achieve a standard of excellence for the stewardship of the resources
that form the historical and cultural foundations of the Nation.
Youth Programs
The Cultural Resources Diversity Internship Program is an opportunity for undergraduate and graduate
students from traditionally underrepresented populations to explore the cultural resources and historic
preservation fields. In FY 2022, the program will engage interns at multiple sites across the country.
Internships are offered during the 11-week summer session and include projects such as preparing
historical reports on cultural resources, planning exhibits on historical topics, participating in
archeological excavations, conducting surveys of historic buildings, cataloging park and museum
collections, providing interpretive programs for youth groups, developing community outreach programs,
and writing lesson plans based on historical themes. Additional internships may be created as needed for
more advanced projects.
The Historic Preservation Internship Training Program, administered in partnership with the National
Council for Preservation Education (NCPE), offers undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity
to gain practical experience in cultural resource management in National Park Service headquarters, field
offices, parks, as well as in other Federal agencies. Working under the direction of historic preservation
professionals, students undertake short-term projects to learn about and contribute to national historic
preservation programs and the Federal government’s preservation and management of historic properties.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
At a Glance…
19th Amendment Centennial Commemoration: “Forward Into Light”
Connecting Americans with their history encourages a broad and diverse constituency for cultural heritage
stewardship. From June 2019 through August 2020, the National Park Service and its partners commemorated the
centennial of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, which acknowledged women’s right to vote. One of the
signature events was “Forward into Light,” a nationwide campaign by the congressionally appointed Women’s
Suffrage Centennial Commission. “Forward into Light” was a popular rallying cry for the women’s suffrage
movement. Suffragists carried banners at marches and demonstrations emblazoned with a compelling verse:
“Forward out of error / Leave behind the night. / Forward through the darkness, / Forward into light!” On August 26,
2020, buildings and landmarks across the country and on social media were lit up in purple and gold, the colors of
the American women’s suffrage movement. Over 90 NPS parks, programs, and partners participated, linking visitors
across the US and around the world to this interpretive moment.
Social media image from Sleeping Bear Dunes National
Lakeshore using the Forward Into Light photo overlay from
the Women’s Suffrage Centennial Commission.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Subactivity: Resource Stewardship
Program Component: Everglades Restoration and Research
FY 2022 Program Activities
The following are examples of planned FY 2022 Everglades Restoration and Research activities:
Continue operations and activities of the Department of the Interior’s Office of Everglades
Restoration Initiatives (OERI), by working with Federal, State, local, and Tribal representatives
of the South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Task Force.
Continue work on biological and hydrologic databases, including analysis of existing long-term
hydrologic and biological data sets that will allow resource managers, decision-makers, and the
public to understand the trends in Everglades NP resources as they relate to water management
Continue to participate in interagency efforts supporting incremental testing of water operations
associated with the Modified Water Deliveries Project and the C111 South Dade Projects,
through implementation of the combined operational plan and ongoing CERP planning efforts
associated with the Lake Okeechobee system operating manual and the early phases of the
Central Everglades Project.
Support the President’s Executive Order 14008- Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad
and the “America the Beautiful” Initiative by implementing the Tamiami Trail Next Steps Phase
2 project, which upon completion will restore an additional 75 to 80 billion gallons of water a
year to flow into Everglades National Park and Florida Bay.
Contribute to the President’s Executive Order 14008- Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and
Abroad and the “America the Beautiful” Initiative by providing technical tools to support land
and ecosystem managers, evaluate restoration plans, and support detection, containment, and
control of exotic invasive species.
Justification of FY 2022 Program Changes
The FY 2022 budget request for Everglades Restoration and Research is $11,452,000 and 43 FTE, a
program change of +$1,000,000 and +3 FTE from FY 2021.
Conservation Initiative – Everglades Restoration and Research (+$1,000,000 / +3 FTE) - This
funding increase will support the South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Task Force in developing
innovative technologies, approaches, and on the ground implementation of programs to identify, target,
and eliminate invasive animal and plant species that threaten restoration at the Everglades. Invasive
species, such as the Burmese python, are decimating native animal populations, obfuscating efforts to
assess the success of restoration. Efforts will support on-the ground implementation of actual invasive
exotics controls programs. Funding will directly support hiring of a senior scientist with specialized
expertise in invasive exotic plants and animals, and will be responsible for managing and guiding the
Task Force’s efforts in implementing the Invasive Exotic Species Strategic Action Framework and direct
funding towards control measures such as eradication and removal programs. A senior technical advisor
will also be funded and responsible for communicating and coordinating restoration programs, projects
and policy implementation in coordination with the South Florida Water Management District and the
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, who lead and are responsible for on the ground construction projects
dedicated to large-scale restoration.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Program Overview
The Everglades Restoration and Research program is critical to the restoration, conservation, and
protection of Federal interest lands in south Florida. Projects implemented through this program relate
directly to the restoration of the ecological systems for Everglades and Biscayne National Parks and Big
Cypress National Preserve, and indirectly for Dry Tortugas National Park. The monitoring, research, and
evaluation components of this program
provide technical tools and data that assist
the NPS in understanding the function of
the present ecosystem, in evaluation of
alternative plans for restoration, and in
assessment of the effects of built restoration
projects on NPS resources. The program
also supports work on detection,
containment and control techniques for
exotic species, conducts studies of large-
scale ecosystem events, and studies the
potential effects of changing weather
patterns on sea-level rise and saltwater
intrusion; all of which threaten DOI
resources in south Florida. The program
will focus applied science projects on data
and syntheses needed to inform decisions
regarding the design and function of the
current and future restoration projects, the
effects of infrastructure and operations on
threatened and endangered species, the
effects of large scale disturbance events
(such as the effects of the 2015 seagrass
die-off in Florida Bay, and the long-term
impacts of Hurricane Irma in 2017), and the
effects of environmental impacts and
invasive species on NPS resources.
The Tamiami Trail Next Steps Project is enhancing the connectivity
and water flow between the marshes north and south of the Tamiami
Trail while maintaining the vital transportation link between
southwest Florida and Miami.
The NPS is a major partner in the combined State and Federal effort to restore the Everglades ecosystem.
The south Florida park units are among the collaborating entities implementing major water resource
projects such as the Modified Water Deliveries and the regional Comprehensive Everglades Restoration
Plan (CERP). Restoring the Everglades is a more than $20 billion program of large-scale modifications to
the water management infrastructure of south Florida and has a targeted completion date beyond 2038.
Projects affecting NPS lands and waters occur in phases through the end of CERP implementation. The
NPS works with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) to
support CERP projects through the development of restoration performance measures, ecological models
and quantitative evaluations of the environmental benefits of proposed actions. Additionally, while the
funding for the Everglades restoration effort to date has focused almost exclusively on water management
infrastructure and operations, in the last decade new information provided by the research component of
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
the Program has highlighted the need to address exotic invasive species, land-use, and environmental and
climate change issues that interact with water management and affect NPS resources at the ecosystem
Restoration components directly affecting South Florida ecosystems are in progress and nearing
completion. The Biscayne Bay coastal wetlands phase 1 project, to rehydrate coastal wetlands and reduce
damaging point-source freshwater discharge to Biscayne Bay and Biscayne National Park, is scheduled
for completion by late 2024. This project will improve freshwater wetlands ecosystems and wildlife
habitat benefiting aquatic vegetation, oysters and critical fish, crocodiles, and wading birds.
The $200 million Tamiami Trail Next Steps Project represents a new approach to collaboration between
Federal and State agencies by merging funding and expertise to achieve important regional transportation,
sustainability, and Everglades restoration goals all in one project. The Florida Department of
Transportation (FDOT) in coordination with NPS began construction of the remaining 6.7 miles of the
Tamiami Trail Next Steps Phase 2 Project in late April, 2021. Phase 2 of the project is focused on raising
and reconstructing the remaining 6.7 miles of the eastern Tamiami Trail with features to further improve
water conveyance, roadway safety, and stormwater treatment. The Next Steps Phase 2 Project will
enhance the connectivity and waterflow between the marshes north and south of the Tamiami Trail while
maintaining a vital transportation link. The project will allow additional water to move south from Lake
Okeechobee, which is critical for the successful implementation of the Comprehensive Everglades
Restoration Plan. This project will allow for an additional 75 to 80 billion gallons of water a year to flow
south into the Everglades National Park and Florida Bay.
Phase 1 of the Tamiami Trail Next Steps Project improved water flow through the Tamiami Trail with the
construction of a one-mile bridge in 2013 and 2.3-miles of bridging completed in 2019. Last year,
Everglades National Park received a grant from the Federal Highway Administration to match a
commitment from the State of Florida. By the completion of Phase 2 at the end of 2024, water is expected
to flow more freely with fewer impediments into Everglades National Park for the first time since the
early 1900s.
Office of Everglades Restoration Initiatives (OERI)
Funding in FY 2022 will also sustain the continued operations and activities of the Department of the
Interior’s Office of Everglades Restoration Initiatives (OERI). Since 1995, the OERI has provided senior
executive level leadership in support of the congressionally mandated responsibilities of the Department
and the Secretary in the restoration of America’s Everglades. OERI will provide support necessary to
fulfill the Secretary’s role and responsibilities as chair of the intergovernmental South Florida Ecosystem
Restoration Task Force (Task Force). The OERI, under the leadership of the Secretary of the Interior, will
continue in its role as the south Florida liaison for the Office of the Secretary in coordinating all
departmental and bureau-level Everglades restoration activities and programs.
In FY 2022, the OERI will continue to work directly with the Federal, State, local government, and Tribal
representatives on the Task Force and administer, manage, and support the priorities, activities, meetings,
and the required reporting responsibilities of the Task Force, its Working Group, the Science
Coordination Group, and any designated advisory bodies. Congressionally mandated reporting documents
produced by the OERI in FY 2022 will include the South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Strategy and
Biennial Report, the annual Integrated Financial Plan, the Plan for Coordinating Science, and the annual
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Cross-cut Budget. In addition to the key Everglades restoration support activities described herein, the
OERI has been designated by the Task Force to lead and coordinate the implementation of the Invasive
Exotic Species Strategic Action Framework. In FY 2022, the OERI will also continue maintaining and
enhancing the website, which serves as an innovative tool, and as the main
source of information on the restoration of America’s Everglades.
Critical Ecosystems Studies Initiative (CESI)
The Critical Ecosystems Studies Initiative will remain one of the primary sources providing scientific
information for use in restoration decision-making and guiding NPS land management responsibilities in
south Florida. CESI-funded applied science has contributed to the basic body of knowledge about the
Everglades ecosystem: how it functioned
naturally before large-scale drainage in the
first part of the 20th century, how it has been
altered and is currently functioning, and what
the requirements are for restoration of the
ecosystem. CESI funded research continues
to be utilized directly in planning for CERP
and other water management projects and
Mangrove forests like the one pictured here in Biscayne National
Park are beautiful but also provide ecosystem services vital to the
health of south Florida’s wildlife and economy. CESI-funded
research monitors the health of south Florida mangrove forests to
assess and refine ongoing CERP activities.
The close coordination among the bureaus
receiving research and development funding
for Everglades restoration significantly
increases efficiency, both financially and in
terms of the timeliness of science project
results. Since many of the projects selected
via the requests for proposals have three- to
four-year durations, CESI funding is available for a limited number of new projects each year. As
restoration projects are implemented, CESI funding is contributing to monitoring the effects of these
projects on NPS resources. During the life of the program, the emphasis on funding of projects has shifted
from basic research and modeling to emphasizing restoration project assessment and monitoring. Given
new developments in the following fields: threatened and endangered species, invasive species
introduction and expansion, sea-level rise and saltwater intrusion; funding for the basic research
component of CESI remains essential to ensure the existence of a sound scientific foundation for the
design and operation of CERP projects as well as for the other natural resource management actions in
south Florida.
Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP)
The NPS program for the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan involves staff participation on
interagency teams responsible for planning, evaluating, and monitoring the pre-CERP and CERP
restoration projects affecting NPS/DOI lands and resources. Some of these projects take place on or are
adjacent to NPS lands, and others, although located on lands belonging to the State, affect the upstream
watershed and water deliveries to NPS units. Projects vary from reservoir and stormwater treatment area
construction, to levee construction/removal, to seepage management projects, to projects that modify the
operation of existing water management infrastructure. Staff participation involves bringing the NPS
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
perspective and mission goals into the interagency planning process, performing analyses and reporting of
technical information for use in planning and design, and providing scientific and technical briefings to
NPS and DOI leadership. The NPS program for the CERP also supports employees who participate in the
programmatic aspects of the CERP, particularly its system-wide restoration coordination and verification
program (RECOVER), as well as staff who participate in ongoing water quality compliance and technical
review for the Everglades.
In FY 2022, $6.070 million is requested for CERP, $4.014 million for CESI and $1.368 million for the
South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Task Force support by OERI.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Activity: Park Management
Subactivity: Visitor Services
Visitor Services
Change from
Enacted (+/-)
Interpretation and
236,415 262,843 +8,133 0 +123 271,099 +8,256
12,750 15,132 +302 0 0 15,434 +302
249,165 277,975 +8,435 0 +123 286,533 +8,558
Total FTE
2,358 2,516 0 0 +36 2,552 +36
Summary of FY 2022 Program Changes for Visitor Services
Program Changes ($000) FTE
Advancing Racial Justice and Equity for Underserved Communities +3,171 +24
New and Critical Responsibilities +729 +10
Commemorations Office +250 +2
2021 Presidential Inauguration -1,800 -0
National Capital Performing Arts -2,227 -0
TOTAL Program Changes +123 36
Mission Overview
The Visitor Services subactivity is central to the National Park Service mission, as it ensures meaningful
experiences for park visitors through greater understanding and access to America’s natural, cultural,
historical and recreational treasures. These experiences are facilitated through formal and informal
experiential and educational platforms, leading to greater protection, appreciation and enjoyment. Youth
programs inspire future generations while providing workforce and skill building opportunities for
teenagers and young adults interested in cultural, natural, and recreational resource protection.
Millions of visitors access Interior’s public lands seeking inspiration and recreation, helping to grow the
booming outdoor recreation industry. Visitors also come to hear the stories of our natural and cultural
history. Visitor Services facilitate connecting to the great outdoors at NPS public recreation areas across
the country and continues to expand access for the benefit of all.
Subactivity Overview
The National Park Service Centennial Act (P.L. 114-289) states that “the Secretary shall ensure that
management of System units and related areas is enhanced by the availability and use of a broad
program of the highest quality interpretation and education.” National park areas have long been an
inspiration for hundreds of millions of Americans and people from around the world. The NPS provides
an array of opportunities, activities and services that promote enjoyment, health, lifelong learning,
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
stewardship and workforce development. The goal of the NPS is to foster an understanding and
appreciation of these places of natural beauty and cultural and historical significance.
Interpretation and Education
Fosters experiences that engender meaning with audiences and draw connections to the breadth of
America’s natural, cultural, historical and recreational resources. Employs a variety of
interpretation approaches that foster dialogue, promote learning and convey the complexity of
natural and human history and recreational opportunities associated with place. Ensures
responsible use of facilities and promotes safety for staff, visitors and volunteers.
Contributes to America’s educational system, ensuring that parks are places of experiential
formal and informal lifelong learning. Builds local and national level partnerships with non-
governmental organizations (NGOs), school and community-based education programs that use
traditional and web-based educational tools.
Provides exceptional visitor services from the first spark of interest to a well-informed visit to
long-lasting memories. Informs visitors and volunteers of safety regulations and precautions, and
available programs and services. Provides web-based access to resources via traditional websites
and emerging social media channels. Delivers civic engagement opportunities for service learning
and volunteerism to accomplish mission critical science, conservation, educational, and
recreational work in units of the National Park System.
Commercial Services
Efficiently manage concession contracts, commercial use authorizations, and leases for the
benefit of visitors and the protection of resources.
Ensure an adequate return to the government through the collection of concessions franchise fees
and the recovery of costs associated with commercial use authorizations.
Provide for necessary and appropriate accommodations and services for park visitors through the
provision of quality visitor facilities and services at reasonable costs.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Subactivity: Visitor Services
Program Component: Interpretation and Education
FY 2022 Program Activities
The following are examples of planned FY 2022 Interpretation and Education activities:
Provide guidance in response to the pandemic-related changes in the education ecosystem for
multifaceted/hybrid distance learning, as well as build a strategic long-term approach to evolving
education programming to better meet the needs of teachers, students, and families.
Enhance and highlight interpretive recreation opportunities introducing more Americans to
camping, fishing, boating and other NPS recreation activities.
Continue to build exceptional visitor service standards and measurable vital signs to better assess
and manage changing visitation throughout the system.
Meet growing demand for both short term and long term interpretive planning at parks
servicewide. Interpretive Plans are cited as top priority planning needs in Foundation Documents
for more than 200 parks.
Update digital Junior Ranger activities to provide broader access and modern tools for reaching a
growing audience of young people on site as well as at home.
Develop an innovative, inclusive and data-driven approach to modern visitor experiences and
infrastructure that includes onsite, digital, and media engagement.
Begin the next 5-year strategic planning process for Interpretation and Education, including 250
Commemoration experiences.
Justification of FY 2022 Program Changes
The FY 2022 budget request for Interpretation and Education is $271,099,000 and 2,463 FTE, a program
change of +$123,000 and +36 FTE.
Advancing Racial Justice and Equity for Underserved Communities (+$3,171,000 / +24 FTE) – The
budget proposes +$15,000,000 and +78 FTE spread across multiple ONPS budget subactivities to
enhance programming that preserves the stories of historically underserved, underrepresented and
marginalized groups. Funding will invest in key NPS sites that honor civil rights leaders, commemorate
struggles for equal opportunity, and protect the cultural heritage of underrepresented communities.
Funding will also invest in dedicated NPS capacity to expand minority recruitment and outreach, interpret
the stories of marginalized groups, and support dedicated capacity to strengthen the nation-to-nation
relationship with Tribal nations. The portion of the request for Interpretation and Education is $3,171,000
and 24 FTE. Additional details on this request can be found in the Budget Overview section.
New and Critical Responsibilities (+$729,000 / +10 FTE) – The budget proposes +$4,445,000 and +41
FTE spread across multiple ONPS budget subactivities for new and critical responsibilities at new and
existing parks and offices. Funding will support the continuing stand-up of operations at new parks,
increased capacity for parks with expanded responsibilities and critical operational needs at a diverse set
of parks across 16 States. The portion of the request for Interpretation and Education is $729,000 and 10
FTE. Additional details on this request can be found in the Budget Overview section.
Commemorations Office (+$250,000 / +2 FTE) - Funding will support the hire of an NPS
commemorations lead and support staff within the office of the Director. The commemorations office will
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
lead and coordinate national level commemorations, most notably the upcoming 250
anniversary of the
Declaration of Independence in 2026. The office will work with park units, partners, stakeholders,
commemoration commissions and others to plan inclusive commemorations for United States citizens and
visitors from around the world.
2021 Presidential Inauguration (-$1,800,000 / -0 FTE) – Non-recurring funding provided in FY 2021
to support activities related to the 2021 Presidential Inauguration is not required in FY 2022.
National Capital Performing Arts (-$2,227,000 / -0 FTE) - The budget does not include funding for the
National Capital Performing Arts Program for FY 2022. A portion of this allocation supports the Wolf
Trap Foundation for the Performing Arts. The NPS considers the Wolf Trap Foundation to be self-
supporting and does not require Federal support.
Program Overview
The purpose of interpretation and education programming is to advance the NPS mission by providing
memorable interpretive, educational, and recreational experiences that will (1) help the public create and
understand the meaning and relevance of park resources and stories, and (2) inspire stewardship actions to
protect and enhance those resources and stories. Park-based Interpretation and Education programs
engaged approximately 50 million people in personal services in 2020. This is significantly lower than the
more than 150 million people reached in a typical year, due to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Many visitor experiences were shifted to social media and other digital platforms.
Parks use a staff of trained professional rangers to present a wide variety of formal and informal
audience-centered programs delivered in-person, as well as through various technological means using a
variety of interpretive tools and techniques. These include participatory dialogues, guided tours and talks,
special events, Junior Ranger programs, theme-based programs, curriculum-based field trips, community
engagement and informal interpretation provided by rangers, guides and volunteers. A variety of non-
personal services and facilities, such as wayside and interior exhibits, on-site and digital information and
orientation tools and publications, self-guided trails and tours, and interactive web-based programs are
also available. These services promote resource stewardship by showing the significance of conserving
park resources for this and future generations and encouraging behavior that enhances protection of park
resources. They also educate the public on the diversity of cultures and stories that shaped the heritage of
each park. Interpretation introduces multiple points of view regarding the history of the park, including
previously excluded and untold stories with the goal of being equitable and inclusive in the programs and
media presented.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
In addition, these servicewide programs help parks provide interpretation and education nationwide:
Volunteer Programs: The National Park Service works hand-in-hand with communities to engage
people of all ages and backgrounds in meaningful and mutually beneficial volunteer opportunities.
Growth in volunteerism with public lands reflects the interest of the public to experience and protect
national parks. Volunteers come from all ages and backgrounds to share their time and talent in support of
mission operations. Through short-term volunteer events and longer-term recurring opportunities, these
active engagement stewardship efforts connect people to public lands and build community.
The NPS creates stewardship opportunities through the following programs:
Volunteers-In-Parks Program (VIP): The VIP program is authorized by the Volunteers-In-The-
Parks Act of 1969. It provides a means through which the NPS can accept and utilize voluntary
help and services from the public. Volunteers work side-by-side with NPS employees to engage
in active citizenry and support mission operations and to preserve America's heritage. In 2020,
the NPS mobilized 110,476 volunteers at nearly 400 national park sites, programs, and offices.
Volunteers provided nearly 3.4 million hours estimated to be worth an average hourly rate of
$27.20, a total value to the NPS of over $91 million.
Trails & Rails Program (TRP): The TRP is an innovative partnership between the NPS,
Amtrak, and the Department of Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences at Texas A&M
University. Since 2000, the program provides rail passengers with educational opportunities
which foster an appreciation and greater understanding of the natural and cultural heritage, sites
and the geography of the areas through which the trains travel. In 2020, TRP programs
coordinated 363 volunteers in 78 interpretation programs. These volunteers engaged 16,374 rail
passengers and contributed 3,899 hours, a total value to the NPS of approximately $121,702.
Community Volunteer Ambassadors (CVA): This unique public-private partnership program
utilizes a young adult service corps who are strategically engaged in the active citizenry efforts of
parks and programs to increase community volunteerism. Through this program, parks and
programs build capacity for volunteer engagement in their local communities, and create new
opportunities to engage the public through volunteer service. In 2020, 56 CVAs mobilized 26,629
volunteers, who served 272,795 hours. These volunteer projects include interpretation and
education services to public audiences, resource stewardship and habitat management, and
national day of service events such as National Public Lands Day and the Martin Luther King, Jr.
Day of Service.
Teacher-Ranger-Teacher Program: The Teacher-Ranger-Teacher program is the leading program of
the National Park Service’s umbrella Teacher Corps. Teacher-Ranger-Teacher provides K-12 educators a
professional development opportunity during the summer months to work and learn in an NPS unit.
Following their summer NPS experience, Teacher-Ranger-Teacher participants return to classrooms with
increased knowledge of natural resources, wildlife, geography, geology, and the historical and cultural
resources preserved and interpreted at the parks. In the summer of 2020, the NPS hosted 82 Teacher-
Ranger-Teachers in 65 park units. Since its inception in 2007, the program has directly impacted more
than 220,000 K-12 students across the country by training their teachers to use science and heritage
resources available through the NPS. Over 1,800 teachers have participated in the program, contributing
more than 1,000 new lesson plans since 2012.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
National Unigrid Brochure Program: Unigrid brochures developed, produced, and maintained by
Harpers Ferry Center are distributed servicewide and used to orient visitors to parks and supply visitors
with up-to-date, accurate, interpretive, and logistical information. The brochures serve as a tool to provide
the official expression of the park and its resources, the responsible use of those resources, and the critical
information necessary to keep visitors safe. In FY 2020, the National Unigrid Brochure Program worked
with over 400 park sites. Over 15 million brochures were printed. COVID-19 issues systemwide
adversely affected quantity, which usually runs between 22 – 24 million copies annually. Using recycled
paper and soy-based inks, the program produces brochures that are environmentally friendly and cost
effective: each brochure costs less than seven cents per printed copy. The program made significant gains
in programmatic accessibility, converting another 14 park Unigrids to Braille, increasing the total number
of Braille brochures to 320, about 83% of the total inventory of NPS park Unigrids. The program also
continues to explore ways to enhance accessibility by using Unigrid materials in mobile applications, as
well as online publication of content that is compliant with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
A junior ranger takes the oath
Junior Ranger Program: The Junior Ranger
Program is the premiere NPS program for
engaging young people in discovering the
significance of park sites and introducing them to
the story of America’s natural and cultural history.
Junior Ranger programs are designed to provide
participants with the flexibility to discover and
interact with a park at their own pace, alongside
family, and within the limits of their visit. Each
park maintains a program that reflects the
individual identity and significance of that place.
Today, there are over 400 Junior Ranger programs
with individual badges or patches to earn in NPS
sites across the Nation. Over 1 million youth
engage with the Junior Ranger program every
Every Kid Outdoors (EKO) is an interagency program between the National Park Service (NPS),
Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Army Corps
of Engineers, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and U.S. Forest Service providing free
entrance to 4
graders and their families. The Every Kid Outdoors Act (P.L. 116-9) formalized the
program for seven years beginning September 1, 2019. In addition, some State park systems honor the
pass. In FY 2020, 142,986 passes were redeemed by students and their families. In the program’s first
five years, redeemed passes total 798,354, making the total number of students participating in the
program almost one million. The program also encourages the agencies to offer related school programs
to fourth graders.
National Park Service Recreational Fishing and Junior Ranger Angler: The National Park Service’s
vast rivers, lakes, streams, and oceans provide exceptional opportunities for fishing and fishing-related
activities in 213 park sites across the United States. In FY 2020, the National Park Service funded
demonstrations at 15 park sites for recreational fishing opportunities under the Junior Angler program.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Despite the Covid-19 pandemic, the demonstration was a success. In FY 2021, the program is investing in
a diverse set of partnerships in order to expand the program’s reach into a broad cross-section of the
population. The NPS will partner with the National Park Trust, the Recreational Boating and Fishing
Foundation, Environment for the Americas, Blue Star Families and Outdoor Afro.
At a Glance…
Visitor Education and Community Partnerships in Alaska
Expanding Capacity at Alaska’s Interagency Visitor Centers
In FY 2022, the NPS seeks to expand services at two visitor centers in Alaska. At Wrangell-Saint Elias National
Park and Preserve, funding will support interpretive staff and joint operational costs to provide for a multi-agency
public private partnership with the Tok/Ahtna visitor center. The shared facility supports visitor education and
cultural resources and will expand visitor services to eastern Interior Alaska’s public lands, specifically to Wrangell-
St. Elias National Park and Preserve (WRST), the NPS’ largest unit and the USA’s largest wilderness. At Katmai
National Park and Preserve, funding will support staff and a shared operational model to provide for a multi-agency,
public private partnership with King Salmon visitor center. The shared facility supports visitor education and access
to the entire Katmai region, and it aims to promote the appropriate use and enjoyment of Alaska's public lands by
encouraging visitors and residents to seek meaningful, safe and enjoyable experiences on public lands and inspiring
them to conserve and sustain the natural, cultural and historic resources of Alaska.
Left: Interior of King Salmon Visitor Center servicing Katmai National Park and Preserve
Right: Seals on Ice, Wrangell-Saint Elias National Park and Preserve
Youth Programs: The National Park Service Youth Employment Programs encompass a full range of
youth-oriented developmental programs and projects conducted in national park units. Through public-
private partnerships with nonprofit youth serving organizations, the NPS Youth Programs provide
employment, volunteer service and engagement opportunities for teenagers and young adults. Under the
umbrella of the 21
Century Conservation Service Corps (21
CSC) the NPS engages 16-30-year-old
Americans, including low-income and disadvantaged individuals and veterans in compensated positions
to participate in natural and cultural conservation work projects that maintain park resources. Youth
employment is a cost-effective method to preserve resources while providing the participants with
developmental job skills, training, and education.
The NPS collaborates with education partners and youth organizations to create a pathway to employment
with a focus on diversifying the NPS workforce. At least 10,000 youth each year are involved in a multi-
year progression of experiences from engagement and education programs to internship and volunteer
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
opportunities to employment. Partners include organizations such as service and conservation corps,
community-based environmental and heritage organizations, and educational institutions. Youth programs
also serve to provide recreational opportunities and an expansion of career choices to participants.
In FY 2020, there were 6,461 participant hires through youth serving partner organizations and 772
participants in the Youth Conservation Corps Program. The NPS YMCA partner program provides
outdoor recreation, education, volunteer service and employment opportunities to youth. In FY 2020 the
program had 9,938 participants including 2,945 children from economically disadvantaged backgrounds.
In recent years, NPS Youth Programs have designed major national programs that support DOI priorities
in the areas of creating a next generation conservation legacy, restoring trust with local communities,
supporting infrastructure needs, and employing veterans.
The Ancestral Lands Conservation Corps Program: The program connects youth and young
adults living on Tribal lands bordering our national parks with employment and educational
opportunities through 21 CSC organizations. This program provides important vocational skills
training while incorporating important cultural education lessons.
The American Sign Language Conservation Corps Program: The program provides
opportunities to young adults who are deaf and/or hard of hearing. This demographic sector has
unemployment rates as high as 80 percent. The participants work on 21 CSC projects focused on
the deferred maintenance needs of the NPS. The NPS has developed projects with five service
conservation corps and other partnerships with educational institutions across the Nation that
serve the deaf and hard of hearing community.
HBCUI Interns with NPS rangers
Image courtesy of Greening Youth Foundation
The NPS Historically Black Colleges and Universities Internship Program (HBCUI): The
NPS HBCUI Program provides 40 internship opportunities to undergraduate and graduate
students in natural and cultural resource conservation. More than 20 HBCU institutions were
represented in the FY 2020 program year. This program also received considerable philanthropic
support to match the Federal investment.
The Traditional Trades Apprenticeship Program (TTAP): TTAP provides opportunities to
veterans under 35 years of age and non-veteran young adults in the historic preservation
vocational trades of carpentry and brick masonry. The participants work on 26-week project work
assignments that assist with the restoration and preservation of historic structures in the NPS. The
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
goal of this program is to place the participants in NPS maintenance positions or on the path to
obtaining a good, union job.
The Indian Youth Service Corps: Established through the John D. Dingell, Jr. Conservation,
Management, and Recreation Act (P.L. 116-9). The newly established program enrolls
participants between the ages of 16 and 30, and veterans age 35 or younger, amajority of whom
are Indian. The program supports Indian Tribes through agreements between Tribes and a
conservation corps to carry out appropriate conservation projects on eligible service land.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Subactivity: Visitor Services
Program Component: Commercial Services
FY 2022 Program Activities
The following are examples of planned FY 2022 Commercial Services activities:
Concession contracting would continue to be managed proactively, including analyzing the
appropriate rate of return to the Federal government and the leasehold surrender interest and
component maintenance reserves associated with applicable new contracts.
The NPS would continue to consider opportunities for new services and facilities updates where
appropriate as part of prospectus development and during the term of concession contracts to
ensure relevance of offerings for visitors.
The NPS would continue to improve criteria and processes to assess concessioner performance in
meeting contract requirements and achieving customer satisfaction.
The Commercial Services Program plans to award new commercial services contracts as
authorized under the Visitor Experience Improvements Authority contained in the National Park
Service Centennial Act (P.L. 114-289), which allows the NPS to enter into other commercial
visitor services arrangements such as management contracts, a model more common in the
private sector hospitality industry.
Justification of FY 2022 Program Changes
The FY 2022 budget request for Commercial Services is $15,434,000 and 90 FTE. There are no proposed
program changes.
Program Overview
Visitor services are provided to visitors to national parks via a range of private-public partnerships such as
concession contracts and commercial use authorizations, known collectively as commercial services.
Services may also be provided by leaseholders. Some parks manage only one or two concessions
contracts that provide for basic visitor services such as river rafting or guided climbing, while other parks
oversee dozens of contracts providing for a wide range of services, such as accommodations, food and
beverage operations, retail stores, marina operations, guided services and much more. Concessions
contracts also vary widely, from a boat house operation that rents kayaks and equipment to the iconic park
lodges that host tens of thousands of visitors a year. The NPS Commercial Services Program oversees
these services and regulates organizations and businesses that use park resources for compensation,
monetary gain, or benefit through concession contracts, commercial use authorizations, and leases in
order to ensure visitors receive fair value for the goods or services provided and the Federal government
receives a fair return from concessioners. Oversight of park facilities leases is also provided through the
Commercial Services Program.
Commercial services in national parks have a long history—the Yellowstone Park Act of 1872 gave the
Secretary of the Interior the authority to grant leases, privileges, and permits to private citizens and
corporations for operating commercial services on public lands. By 1916, concession operations existed
in many national park areas. In 1965, the Concessions Policy Act, P.L. 89-249, established greater
safeguards and controls on concessions operations and limited concession operations to those that are
necessary and appropriate for public use and visitor enjoyment while consistent to the highest practicable
degree in the preservation and conservation park areas and resources. The National Parks Omnibus
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Management Act of 1998, P.L. 105-391, established additional management requirements, emphasizing
increased competition for concession contracts, reducing the number of concessioners eligible to receive a
preferential right of contract renewal, replacing sound value possessory interest with leasehold surrender
interest, and permitting franchise fees to be returned to the NPS.
The NPS manages almost 500 concession contracts, 6,500 commercial use authorizations (CUAs), and
more than 175 leases with private sector operators to provide commercial visitor services. NPS has
awarded more than 900 contracts since P.L. 105-391 was enacted, using standard contract language based
on private sector practices. These contracts enhance visitor experiences and set the framework for
consistent oversight of commercial visitor services. As required by P.L. 105-391, NPS uses external
consultants to aid in the development of new prospectus documents for these contracts, and a legislatively
mandated evaluation and selection process.
In order to implement the requirements of P.L. 105-391, regulations and policies are in place to guide
agency operations to manage park concessions responsibly and make rational, well-informed decisions.
NPS also provides guidelines to all concessioners on maintaining facilities and providing services that are
safe, sanitary, attractive, and demonstrate sound management. Presently, there are more than 5,000 NPS
assets assigned to concessioners, and NPS requires condition assessments and environmental
management audits for all NPS concession-managed facilities and operations. These audits and
assessments are conducted by contracted experts and aid NPS in determining environmental conditions as
well as cyclic, preventative, and component renewal maintenance requirements and necessary capital
investments, allowing for improvement of facility conditions and operations, and ultimately lowering
Leasehold Surrender Interest liability.
The NPS requires both periodic and annual evaluations of each concession operation to guarantee
adherence to contract requirements and established standards. In 2020, the NPS continued progress made
in prior years to refine updated service standards and evaluation forms and the annual overall rating
process. The NPS monitors, analyzes, and approves rates charged for concession services to ensure that
they are fair in comparison to similar services offered outside parks. In 2020, the NPS continued to
expand use of new and more efficient methods introduced in 2017, including the core method. This
method allows the concessioner to use dynamic pricing for a portion of the services offered to reduce
administrative burden while still meeting statutory requirements for the NPS to conduct rate management.
The NPS also initiated pilots of Revinate, a hospitality industry tool that aggregates social media feedback
on customer experience to assist parks in understanding concessioner performance. Finally, in 2020, the
NPS developed a COVID-19 Adaptive Operations Recovery Plan for concessioners, which established
policy and procedures for parks and concessioners to flexibly respond to needs relating to COVID-19,
including facility closures, as well as modified services and operational practices.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
At a Glance…
Commercial Services Management at Grand Canyon National Park
Located in Arizona, Grand Canyon National Park encompasses 277 miles of the Colorado River and adjacent
uplands. The park is home to much of the immense Grand Canyon, which is one mile deep and up to 18 miles wide.
Layered bands of colorful rock reveal millions of years of geologic history. The Grand Canyon is unmatched in the
vistas it offers visitors from the rim.
The Grand Canyon Lodge on the North Rim
In 2019, the park welcomed nearly 6 million visitors. Visitors can find two primary concentrations of visitor services
in the park: year-round on the South Rim and seasonally on the North Rim. The North Rim welcomes a few hundred
thousand visitors a year while the South Rim welcomes millions. Commercial services provided throughout the park
include lodging; rafting; guided mule trips; bicycle rentals and tours; numerous dining opportunities; retail, grocery,
and gasoline services; commercial motorized tours; backpacking tours; and hiking tours.
In 2019 (the most recent year for which data is available), Grand Canyon National Park concessioners had revenues
totaling over $190 million, generating approximately $18 million in franchise fees.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Activity: Park Management
Subactivity: Park Protection
Park Protection
Law Enforcement
and Protection
347,080 346,047 +7,520 0 +18,690 372,257 +26,210
Health and Safety
47,701 39,188 +640 0 +3,308 43,136 +3,948
394,781 385,235 +8,160 0 +21,998 415,393 +30,158
Total FTE
2,417 2,434 0 0 +84 2,518 +84
Summary of FY 2022 Program Changes for Park Protection
Program Changes ($000) FTE
Statue of Liberty NM Security Contract
+7,900 +0
United States Park Police Workforce Capacity
+7,416 +48
Body-Worn Cameras
+4,100 +5
Conservation Initiative - Establish Permanent Incident Management Team
+2,000 +13
New and Critical Responsibilities
+1,062 +10
Conservation Initiative - Public Health Protection
+1,000 +0
Advancing Racial Justice and Equity for Underserved Communities
+920 +8
2021 Presidential Inauguration
-2,400 -0
TOTAL Program Changes +21,998 +83
Mission Overview
The Park Protection Subactivity supports the NPS mission by contributing to the protection and
preservation of natural and cultural resources and ensuring visitors can safely enjoy and experience the
national parks.
Subactivity Overview
Park Protection plays a key role in serving the public interest through professional law enforcement,
physical security, and emergency services that combine the best of the traditional Ranger and the modern
public safety professional. These efforts include the preparation, response, and support of recovery efforts
from public health emergencies, natural disasters and other impactful events.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Subactivity: Park Protection
Program Component: Law Enforcement and Protection
FY 2022 Program Activities
The following are examples of planned FY 2022 Law Enforcement and Protection activities:
Continue to provide law enforcement and public safety resource protection services across parks
that welcome millions of visitors annually.
Continue to provide specialized United States Park Police (USPP) protection for national icons
and more than 60 million visitors to NPS sites in San Francisco, New York, and Washington,
Deter crimes, such as drug cultivation and trafficking, which cause degradation in wilderness and
other areas, threatening endangered species, archeological sites, historical sites, and other unique
and precious park resources.
Ensure a safe environment for persons exercising their First Amendment rights and celebrating
events of national significance.
Contribute to border security, counter-drug operations, and emergency services.
Justification of FY 2022 Program Changes
The FY 2022 budget request for the Law Enforcement and Protection program is $372,257,000 and 2,311
FTE, a program change of +$18,690,000 and +68 FTE from FY 2021.
Statue of Liberty NM Security Contract (+$7,900,000 / +0 FTE) – Funding will provide discretionary
appropriations to the Statue of Liberty NM for the contract at the Statue of Liberty that provides security
screening for visitors who utilize the concession ferry boat to the island. This vital security need has been
funded through concession franchise fees to date, but the loss of concession franchise fee revenue due to
unpredictable events such as the COVID-19 pandemic and government shutdowns have shown the
vulnerability of using that funding source for permanent operations.
United States Park Police Workforce Capacity (+$7,416,000 / +48 FTE) – Funding will support two
recruit classes for the U.S. Park Police (USPP). Funding will help provide the necessary capacity for
ensuring the protection of the more than 60 million annual visitors of the metropolitan areas they
safeguard. Funding would provide for salary and benefits for newly initiated officers along with the
required equipment and communication tools. The new officers would be allocated to units in
Washington, D.C., New York City, and San Francisco.
Body-Worn Cameras (+$4,100,000 / +5 FTE) – Funding will support the purchase of additional Body-
Worn Cameras (BWCs) for law enforcement rangers and U.S. Park Police (USPP) officers. Funding will
also provide for video storage, onsite I.T. and engineering support, and resources for the standup of the
program. This equipment is essential to promote accountability, transparency, and trust, and help to
ensure the safety of both law enforcement officers and the communities served by the NPS. At this
funding level, the NPS would have enough BWCs to equip all law enforcement rangers and USPP
New and Critical Responsibilities (+$847,000 / +8 FTE) – The budget proposes +$4,445,000 and +41
FTE spread across multiple ONPS budget subactivities for new and critical responsibilities at new and
existing parks and offices. Funding will support the continuing stand-up of operations at new parks,
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
increased capacity for parks with expanded responsibilities and critical operational needs at a diverse set
of parks across 16 states. The portion of the request for Law Enforcement and Protection is $847,000 and
8 FTE. Additional details on this request can be found in the Budget Overview section.
Advancing Racial Justice and Equity for Underserved Communities (+$827,000 / +7 FTE) The
budget proposes +$15,000,000 and +78 FTE spread across multiple ONPS budget subactivities to
enhance programming that preserves the stories of historically underserved, underrepresented and
marginalized groups. Funding will invest in key NPS sites that honor civil rights leaders, commemorate
struggles for equal opportunity, and protect the cultural heritage of underrepresented communities.
Funding will also invest in dedicated NPS capacity to expand minority recruitment and outreach, interpret
the stories of marginalized groups, and support dedicated capacity to strengthen the nation-to-nation
relationship with Tribal nations. The portion of the request for Law Enforcement and Protection is
$827,000 and 7 FTE. Additional details on this request can be found in the Budget Overview section.
2021 Presidential Inauguration (-$2,400,000 / -0 FTE) - Non-recurring funding provided in FY 2021 to
support activities related to the 2021 Presidential Inaugural is not required in FY 2022.
Program Overview
The NPS is required to enforce all pertinent Federal laws and regulations within all park units. This is an
integral component in keeping our natural and cultural resources unimpaired for future generations,
providing the public the opportunity to enjoy the national park units in a safe manner, and providing
employees a safe place of employment.
NPS law enforcement personnel perform a variety of functions, including protecting and preserving
resources, park lands and areas with special protection designations, such as wilderness areas and Icon
status; ensuring the safety of visitors and providing search and rescue and emergency medical services;
managing large-scale incidents and developing emergencies, including structural fires and natural
disasters, such as hurricanes; and providing a level of on-the-ground customer service that has long been
the tradition of the National Park Service.
The NPS focuses on enforcement of Federal laws and regulations and the reduction of crimes in our
national parks through a number of means, including employing community-oriented policing methods,
proactive patrols, agent participation in interagency task forces, and by increasing the use of science and
technology to target crime. Drug production, trafficking, and use on parklands are combated by focusing
resources on counter-drug operations and promoting drug education and other community outreach
programs. These proactive approaches, along with training and information gathering, enhance visitor and
employee safety, resource protection, and homeland security.
Law Enforcement Operations
Park law enforcement rangers provide critical services to ensure visitor and employee safety and security,
protection of park resources, prevention of drug operations and other illegal activities in park areas, and
apprehension of criminal violators. The United States Park Police (USPP) supports these efforts and
provides law enforcement services to designated National Park Service sites in the metropolitan areas of
Washington, D.C., New York City, and San Francisco. The USPP has primary law enforcement jurisdiction
on approximately 135,000 acres of NPS land, with visitation in patrolled areas in excess of 60 million
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
annually, and is responsible for traffic control on all NPS lands within its jurisdiction and patrols five
major parkways that serve as principal evacuation routes from Washington, D.C.
Border Security
Law enforcement efforts are critical throughout the NPS, and enhanced physical security is required at
parks located on the international borders. The NPS utilizes law enforcement park rangers and special
agents, and collaborates with other Federal, State, and local law enforcement authorities and organizations
to assist in providing security and protection of park resources and ensuring visitor safety on park lands
adjacent to international borders. Ongoing efforts at these parks include the following:
Ranger patrols and surveillance of roads, trails, and backcountry areas.
Short and long-term counter-smuggling and drug cultivation investigations and operations.
Cooperation and coordination with the Department of Homeland Security, Customs and Border
Protection, and other Federal, State, and local agencies involved with border security.
Counter-Drug Operations
The National Park Service works diligently to ensure that all pertinent Federal laws and regulations are
enforced within park units. This includes funding for national parks located along international borders to
address problems such as drug trafficking that can threaten park lands and visitors. These efforts are an
integral component in keeping our natural and cultural resources unimpaired for future generations,
providing the public the opportunity to enjoy parks in a safe manner, and providing employees a safe
place of employment. Through the utilization of law enforcement rangers and special agents, in
collaboration with Federal, State, and local authorities, the NPS is actively engaged in visitor and resource
protection efforts that include:
Short and long-term counter-smuggling and drug cultivation investigations and operations.
Ranger patrols and surveillance of roads, trails, and backcountry areas; and
Cooperation and coordination with the Department of Homeland Security’s Customs and Border
Protection, and other Federal, State, and local agencies involved with border security.
Additionally, the NPS, in concert with the U.S. Forest Service, the Drug Enforcement Administration,
and other Federal, State, and local partners, actively combats illegal drug operations in park areas.
Through these efforts, the NPS supports Federal drug control priorities by reducing domestic drug
production and availability.
Emergency Services
The NPS provides emergency management, search and rescue capabilities throughout all fifty States and
territories, and medical oversight and credentialing of over 2,000 emergency medical providers that
render aid more than 13,000 times per year on average. Emergency services are provided by park
personnel who are engaged in various lifesaving and emergency management disciplines critical to
ensuring the safety of visitors and staff. The NPS also provides medical services and currently collects
fees for these services at ten units. Funds are deposited into the National Park Medical Services fund as
offsetting collections and are made available without further appropriation. Additionally, the NPS
supports Federal, Tribal, State, and local responses to natural disasters and emergencies, providing
services within and beyond the boundaries of the NPS. Recently this has included NPS support from staff
from across the country in support of hurricane response at NPS sites in the southeast. Operational
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
responsibilities also include emergency medical services, lifeguard activities, and search and rescue
operations under the National Response Framework. Additionally, the NPS provides incident
management operations, which include large scale emergency management planning efforts for a variety
of special activities.
Resource and Environmental Protection
The NPS actively manages natural and cultural resources in the National Park System to meet its statutory
responsibility to preserve these resources unimpaired for future generations. Law enforcement personnel,
including USPP, protect park resources through investigations, remote surveillance, improved security,
prosecution of suspects, and increased interagency cooperation. Additionally, the NPS has increased the
level of prevention and investigation efforts directed towards environmental crimes impacting resources,
including USPP aviation support in detection efforts, and utilization of preventative educational programs
for both park visitors and neighbors to combat the negative effects of human habitation. Preventive
measures focus on educating visitors, particularly offenders, about the effects of inappropriate or illegal
behavior on irreplaceable resources. Similarly, educating NPS employees about the impact of their work
habits on the quality of resources provides effective preventive protection and helps employees recognize
illegal activities.
National Icon Protection
The USPP and other law enforcement rangers work to protect each of the park units, and enhanced
physical security is required at national Icon parks such as the Statue of Liberty, Mount Rushmore,
Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell, the Washington Monument, and the Lincoln and Jefferson
Memorials, to address intrusions, vulnerabilities, and potential terrorist threats.
Since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the NPS has maintained a proactive anti-terrorism
stance in providing protection and police services at national Icon parks. For example, the USPP has
increased security on the National Mall through a variety of measures, including visitor screening at the
Washington Monument, construction of permanent perimeter vehicle barriers, increased use of canines,
expanded use of technology, and anti-terrorism training for USPP officers, other NPS employees, and
Wilderness Protection
Wilderness areas serve as a critical anchor for habitat conservation, clean air, and water repositories. Over
50 percent of the National Park System acreage is congressionally designated wilderness, and thus must
be sufficiently protected and managed. Parks maintain wilderness character by patrolling wilderness
areas; enforcing regulations; educating visitors on the importance of wilderness and wilderness
protection; monitoring human impacts; conducting restoration projects; and employing condition
monitoring techniques and research to ensure consistent wilderness resource protection and conservation.
Policy and protection efforts consistent with the 1964 Wilderness Act are implemented to ensure these
areas are sufficiently protected and held to the standard of care intended by Congress.
Illegal Trade and Poaching
Natural and cultural resources are often threatened by human impacts and uses. Illegal activities such as
poaching and illegal trade operations cause harm to and, in some cases, destruction of the resources for
which the parks were established. Illegal trade operations, involving wildlife and plant parts taken from
national park areas are significant. Wildlife and plants are taken illegally for different reasons, often for
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
personal consumption or for the sale of wildlife body parts in local or international markets. The illegal
killing and/or removal of wildlife from the parks, including several federally listed threatened or
endangered species, is suspected to be a factor in the decline of numerous species of wildlife and could
cause the local extinction of many more if not properly addressed.
Archeological and Paleontological Crimes
Annually, the NPS experiences an average of nearly 400 documented violations where archeological or
paleontological resources were damaged or destroyed. Damage occurs at a variety of sites, including
archeological sites, which include burials, tools, pottery, and baskets associated with historic and
prehistoric subsistence and village sites, ceremonial sites, and shipwrecks and associated artifacts. The
Archeological Resource Protection Act (ARPA), the Antiquities Act, and the Native American Graves
Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) provide a statutory basis for the protection of archeological
sites and cultural resources in parks. Regular monitoring and law enforcement activities reduce and deter
looting and devastation of the resources. Protection efforts at parks for ARPA activities have resulted in
criminal prosecutions as well as increased site protection throughout the NPS. The NPS plans to continue
these investigative efforts and to support additional multi-agency investigations. The NPS will continue to
support the training of investigative, resource protection, and archeological staff and to support
monitoring and long-term investigations in areas where looting and theft appear to be on the rise.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Subactivity: Park Protection
Program Component: Health and Safety
FY 2022 Program Activities
The following are examples of planned FY 2022 Health and Safety activities:
Provide search and rescue, natural disaster, and critical incident and emergency response services.
Reduce the incidence of preventable injuries and ensure a safe environment for park visitors;
maintain a safe and productive workforce through risk management, training, and safe work
Improve and promote positive public health at parks by addressing issues such as food safety,
water and wastewater treatment, and prevention, detection, and containment of zoonotic, vector-
borne, and communicable diseases.
Continue to ensure all NPS buildings meet fire and life safety codes and have appropriate fire
protection systems.
Ensure employees that respond to structure fires and other all-hazard incidents are properly
trained, equipped, and certified.
Collaborate with the Center for Disease Control and State health departments to better define
disease transmission hazards in National Park System sites.
Justification of FY 2022 Program Changes
The FY 2022 budget request for Health and Safety is $43,136,000 and 207 FTE, a program change of
+$3,308,000 and +16 FTE from FY 2021.
Conservation Initiative – Permanent Incident Management Team (+$2,000,000 / +13 FTE) –
Funding will support a permanent incident management team (IMT) to address the ongoing and persistent
incidents that continue to challenge the NPS. As the climate changes, natural disasters have increased in
complexity, duration, size, and number in recent years. The current collateral duty-based model of team
management utilized across Federal levels is not sustainable as it relies on personnel with other full-time
responsibilities that prevent them from adequately managing teams for skills, knowledge, and experience
necessary for professional response efforts. A standing IMT improves preparedness and response and
allows for streamlined deployment of recovery teams and resources, sustainable rehabilitation of
infrastructure and lands, enhanced accountability and efficiency for incident expenditures, and reduced
timelines for reopening affected units for public access and commercial services.
Conservation Initiative – Public Health Protection (+$1,000,000 / +0 FTE) Funding will increase
the capacity of the Public Health program by expanding rapid COVID-19 testing to allow for mission
critical inspection travel, and ensure a strong public health presence to address continued COVID-19
needs and emerging public health issues related to climate change, in support of Executive Order 13994 –
Ensuring a Data-Driven Response to COVID-19 and Future High-Consequence Public Health Threats.
The NPS Office of Public Health will acquire new technology that will support virtual food safety and
health inspections in park operating facilities, and create and expand Healthy Parks Healthy People
programming and integrate health promotion into the NPS' new mobile application to optimize healthy
park visitor experiences among diverse populations. This funding will also support work on the Biden
Administration's COVID-19 Racial and Ethnic Disparities Task Force by establishing a framework to
provide for implementation of science-informed health promotion and health protection practices,
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
including reviewing new and refurbished infrastructure as part of the Great American Outdoors Act
funding to support climate-smart infrastructure.
New and Critical Responsibilities (+$215,000 / +2 FTE) – The budget proposes +$4,445,000 and +41
FTE spread across multiple ONPS budget subactivities for new and critical responsibilities at new and
existing parks and offices. Funding will support the continuing stand-up of operations at new parks,
increased capacity for parks with expanded responsibilities and critical operational needs at a diverse set
of parks across 16 states. The portion of the request for Health and Safety is $215,000 and 2 FTE.
Additional details on this request can be found in the Budget Overview section.
Advancing Racial Justice and Equity for Underserved Communities (+$93,000 / +1 FTE) The
budget proposes +$15,000,000 and +78 FTE spread across multiple ONPS budget subactivities to
enhance programming that preserves the stories of historically underserved, underrepresented and
marginalized groups. Funding will invest in key NPS sites that honor civil rights leaders, commemorate
struggles for equal opportunity, and protect the cultural heritage of underrepresented communities.
Funding will also invest in dedicated NPS capacity to expand minority recruitment and outreach, interpret
the stories of marginalized groups, and support dedicated capacity to strengthen the nation-to-nation
relationship with Tribal nations. The portion of the request for Health and Safety is $93,000 and 1 FTE.
Additional details on this request can be found in the Budget Overview section.
Program Overview
The NPS implements strategies to provide a safe and accident-free recreational and working environment
for NPS visitors and employees. Servicewide efforts address visitor safety, search and rescue, critical
incident response services, public health, occupational health and safety, aviation support activities, and
structural fire prevention.
Critical Incident Response
NPS emergency service operations are critical to protecting and responding to visitors, employees, and
resources in distress throughout the system. Emergency services are provided by park personnel who are
engaged in various lifesaving and emergency management disciplines. Operations include emergency
medical services, search and rescue, lifeguard services, and incident management. Structural and wildland
fire operations are provided, including prevention efforts and suppression activities. Aviation support is
critical to furthering these efforts, as mission activities support search and rescue, law enforcement,
backcountry patrol, wildland fire management, and natural resource management. These services are also
often utilized beyond the boundaries of the NPS to assist in local and national disasters and emergencies.
Public Health
The NPS promotes visitor and public health through NPS staff in parks and support by officers from the
US Public Health Service (PHS), the uniformed service of the Department of Health and Human Services.
The PHS has an almost century long tradition of service with the NPS. PHS officers serve as advisors and
consultants on health-related issues associated with food, drinking water, wastewater, vector-borne and
infectious diseases, emergency response, and backcountry operations. NPS staff and PHS officers also
respond to public health emergencies such as the Coronavirus pandemic, and natural disasters such as
Hurricanes Sandy and Katrina, and are involved in numerous ongoing health promotion and protection
projects. The NPS also collaborates and partners with local, state, and other Federal health jurisdictions
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
and public health protection activities and surveillance efforts have helped detect disease outbreaks, led to
timely implementation of disease control measures, and decreased transmission.
Risk Management
Visitor and employee safety is paramount for the NPS and thus, many risk management practices are
instituted to provide effective visitor and occupational safety, and health and employee wellness efforts.
NPS objectives include identification and management of risks to the visiting public, mitigation of
operational risks to enhance mission effectiveness, the reduction of human error-related accidents,
formulation of and compliance with safety and occupational health standards, and education and
advocacy for a fit and healthy workforce.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Activity: Park Management
Subactivity: Facility Operations & Maintenance
Operations &
Costs (+/-)
from 2021
350,252 428,744 +8,197 0 -4,308 432,633 +3,889
488,913 472,211 +5,951 0 +10,485 488,647 +16,436
839,165 900,955 +14,148 0 +6,177 921,280 +20,325
Total FTE
4,198 4,220 - - +32 4,252 +32
Summary of FY 2022 Program Changes for Facility Operations and Maintenance
Program Changes ($000) FTE
Conservation Initiative – Natural Resource Projects +8,000 +8
New and Critical Responsibilities +1,038 +10
Advancing Racial Justice and Equity for Underserved Communities +1,202 +14
Conservation Initiative – Increase Management and Policy Support for Climate
Change Decision Making
+1,000 +0
DC Water and Sewer -5,063 -0
TOTAL Program Changes +6,177 +32
Mission Overview
The Facility Operations and Maintenance subactivity supports the National Park Service (NPS) mission
by contributing to the protection and maintenance of natural and cultural resources; the knowledge to
manage those resources appropriately; and the modernization and renewal of employee and visitor
facilities and infrastructure. The NPS is guardian of a world-renowned network of parks, monuments, and
other special places with natural beauty, historical, or cultural significance. The bureau ensures that this
vast system of land, waters, and assets remain accessible for all.
Subactivity Overview
Facility Operations and Maintenance play key roles in fulfillment of the NPS mission, ensuring continued
protection, preservation, serviceability, and use of park facilities and infrastructure and natural and
cultural resources. The NPS maintains a diverse range of recreational, public use, historic and support
facilities in dispersed locations and varied circumstances. These sites span time from prehistoric ruins into
the 21st century and represent diverse cultures. All park units come with myriad resources, facilities, and
features — including many that are unique to specific sites. Each site must be properly maintained to
achieve management objectives and to protect government, partner and donated facility investments.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Subactivity: Facility Operations & Maintenance
Program Component: Facility Operations
FY 2022 Program Activities
The following are examples of planned FY 2022 Facility Operations activities:
Perform maintenance of landscapes and trails (e.g. mowing, trimming, weeding, planting.
Perform custodial and janitorial functions on in-use park facilities, including public restrooms.
Prevent asset deterioration by performing pest management.
Asset weatherization and seasonal activation and deactivation.
Removing litter and debris to keep parks clean, promote responsible environmental stewardship,
and mitigate hazards.
Justification of FY 2021 Programmatic Changes
The FY 2022 budget request for the Facility Operations program is $432,633,000 and 2,450 FTE, a
program change of -$4,308,000 and +5 FTE from FY 2021.
Advancing Racial Justice and Equity for Underserved Communities (+584,000 / +5 FTE) The
budget proposes +$15,000,000 and +78 FTE spread across multiple ONPS budget subactivities to
enhance programming that preserves the stories of historically underserved, underrepresented and
marginalized groups. Funding will invest in key NPS sites that honor civil rights leaders, commemorate
struggles for equal opportunity, and protect the cultural heritage of underrepresented communities.
Funding will also invest in dedicated NPS capacity to expand minority recruitment and outreach, interpret
the stories of marginalized groups, and support dedicated capacity to strengthen the nation-to-nation
relationship with Tribal nations. The portion of the request for Facility Operations is $584,000 and 5 FTE.
Additional details on this request can be found in the Budget Overview section.
New and Critical Responsibilities (+$171,000 / +0 FTE) – The budget proposes +$4,445,000 and
+41 FTE spread across multiple ONPS budget subactivities for new and critical responsibilities at new
and existing parks and central offices. Funding will support the continuing stand-up of operations at new
parks, increased capacity for parks with expanded responsibilities and critical operational needs at a
diverse set of parks across 16 states. The portion of the request for Facility Operations is $171,000 and
0 FTE. Additional details on this request can be found in the Budget priorities section.
DC Water and Sewer (-$5,063,000 / -0 FTE) – In FY 2022, DC Water and Sewer funding would
provide for costs associated with the NPS payment to the District of Columbia Water and Sewer
Authority (DC Water). Rates on consumption, which are set two years in advance, show a billing of
$5.1 million less in 2022 than the 2021 billing. DC Water bills also include charges related to impervious
surfaces, applied as the Clean Rivers Impervious Area Charge (CRIAC). Impervious surfaces such as
roofs, roadways, parking lots, and paved plazas generate high amounts of runoff; such surfaces attached
to Federal, commercial, and residential lands are major contributors to stormwater entering the District’s
combined sewer system. The Clean Rivers Project established a Federal requirement that DC Water
invest $2.7 billion to reduce the discharge of excess sewer overflows into local waterways, and the
CRIAC is how DC Water recovers those costs from its customers. All nonresidential customers are
assessed based on the total amount of impervious surfaces on each lot, ensuring that runoff contributors
are more equitably charged.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Program Overview
Facility Operations activities support nearly all aspects of resource protection and visitor services,
ensuring buildings, roads, trails, picnic areas, campgrounds, and other infrastructure are available for use
by visitors and park personnel. The reliability of facility components is essential to efficient park
operations, recreational access, visitor satisfaction, and health and safety. The Facility Operations
function encompasses day-to-day activities that allow for the continued use of facilities and are conducted
with employee and visitor safety as the primary goal. These activities in a park are separate from, but
work in concert with the Facility Maintenance regimen, which is used to directly extend the life of the
resource and provide long-range development and protection of facilities. The Facilities Operations
function incorporates the planning, organizing, directing, and controlling of the day-to-day work
activities. The two functions collaborate to ensure an efficient, effective, and comprehensive maintenance
Many parks operate much as a municipality might, performing waste removal, water and wastewater
processing, landscape maintenance, and shared-space servicing. The mixture of these activities varies,
depending on the park unit needs and the time of the year. Parks must consider the type, size, and scope
of the required operational activities, and take into account seasonal fluctuations in those requirements.
Facility Operations funds also support central program management, such as core offices and staff for
facilities program administration, oversight, planning, and reporting. It also provides staff for key safety
and compliance activities, such as accessibility. Federal laws and regulations require that all Federal
buildings, facilities, programs, activities, and services are accessible to and usable by persons with
disabilities. The NPS is committed to ensuring visitors with disabilities have access to the full range of
opportunities and experiences available in the national parks, while maintaining consistency with other
legal mandates for conservation and protection of resources. A national program provides support to
parks to improve accessibility servicewide. During FY 2022, accessibility program support will focus on
improving workforce competency around accessibility through staff and volunteer training.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Subactivity: Facility Operations & Maintenance
Program Component: Facility Maintenance
FY 2022 Program Activities
The following are examples of FY 2022 Facility Maintenance activities:
Perform all aspects of asset management on over 76,000 assets including trails, campgrounds,
exhibits, utilities, historic structures, landscapes, housing, visitor centers, and other facilities that
support the National Park Service mission.
Direct project funding to the highest-priority facility maintenance and repair needs in the National
Park Service to address the full complement of activities of a successful and effective facility
lifecycle management program.
Justification of FY 2021 Programmatic Changes
The FY 2021 budget request for the Facility Maintenance program is $488,647,000 and 1,802 FTE, a
program change of +$10,485,000 and +27 FTE from FY 2021.
Conservation Initiative – Natural Resource Projects (+$8,000,000 / +0 FTE) – Funding will support
natural resource projects that conduct site assessments and environmental compliance, complete baseline
assessments, and address the backlog of NPS Contaminated Sites Inventory (500 sites). Cleanup and
compliance efforts will improve impaired ecosystems and natural processes—providing local economic
benefits, increasing site resiliency against the effects of climate change, and improving operational and
environmental performance. Project funds will address some cleanup of highest priority sites , providing
safe visitor access to these lands. Projects will prioritize sites that are adjacent to or near underserved,
Tribal, or subsistence communities or that are vulnerable to sea level rise.
Conservation Initiative – Increase Management and Policy Support for Climate Change Decision
Making (+$1,000,000 / +8 FTE) – Funding will build capacity for expertise in sustainable asset
management, leveraging vulnerability assessments to develop strategies and standards for asset
conservation and adaptation to the effects of climate change and extreme weather events, as well as
managing and cleaning up contaminated sites. Capacity in these fields will help the NPS develop risk
assessments, documentation protocols, and monitoring processes to support adaptation and protection of
natural resources and other assets.
New and Critical Responsibilities (+$867,000 / +10 FTE) – The budget proposes +$4,445,000 and
+41 FTE spread across multiple ONPS budget subactivities for new and critical responsibilities at new
and existing parks and central offices. Funding will support the continuing stand-up of operations at new
parks, increased capacity for parks with expanded responsibilities and critical operational needs at a
diverse set of parks across 16 states. The portion of the request for Facility Maintenance is $867,000 and
10 FTE. Additional details on this request can be found in the Budget Overview section.
Advancing Racial Justice and Equity for Underserved Communities (+618,000 / +9 FTE) – The
budget proposes +$15,000,000 and +78 FTE spread across multiple ONPS budget subactivities to
enhance programming that preserves the stories of historically underserved, underrepresented and
marginalized groups. Funding will invest in key NPS sites that honor civil rights leaders, commemorate
struggles for equal opportunity, and protect the cultural heritage of underrepresented communities.
Funding will also invest in dedicated NPS capacity to expand minority recruitment and outreach, interpret
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
the stories of marginalized groups, and support dedicated capacity to strengthen the nation-to-nation
relationship with Tribal nations. The portion of the request for Facility Maintenance is $618,000 and 9
FTE. Additional details on this request can be found in the Budget Overview section.
Program Overview
Facility Maintenance activities support park operations by protecting natural and cultural resources and
by ensuring visitor safety and satisfaction through maintenance of cultural resources, facilities, and
infrastructure. While parks perform basic Facility Maintenance function activities, many of the activities
under this function are larger than basic operational budgets can handle, fluctuate in need from year to
year, or are specialized in nature. These larger or specialized requirements are often coordinated at the
regional or national level, easing the specialized skills and oversight requirements at the parks. The NPS
effectively accomplishes Facility Maintenance activities by assessing facility conditions, prioritizing
work, and planning investments to ensure the most efficient use of limited resources. Early detection of
potential problems prevents loss of assets and ensures that facilities are maintained at a level necessary to
support the NPS mission. Facility Maintenance funding addresses routine and unplanned maintenance
activities, complementing the day-to-day custodial work handled by the Facility Operations subactivity.
Routine maintenance that should occur on regular or recurring schedules is commonly referred to as
cyclic maintenance. It includes: preventive maintenance; normal repairs; replacement of parts and
structural components; periodic inspection, adjustment, lubrication, and cleaning (non-janitorial) of
equipment; painting; resurfacing; and other activities that ensure continuing service of assets. Routine
maintenance, when performed at scheduled intervals, reduces repair costs, increases equipment reliability,
and extends asset lifecycles. Routine or scheduled maintenance is performed on capital assets such as
buildings, roads, and fixed equipment to help them reach their originally anticipated life when performed
at the scheduled intervals.
Repair/Rehabilitation projects address documented maintenance needs that could not be performed on
schedule and have resulted in deteriorating facilities in need of repair and/or renewal, and support
lifecycle investments to replace major components and systems of assets, or demolish and replace
facilities, at the end of their useful life.
Facility Management Program Support
The following programs provide administrative functions and oversight are provided through Facility
Maintenance funding.
1. Condition Assessment Program – This funding provides facility condition assessments at park units.
Parks conduct condition assessments to better understand the maintenance needs of their facilities, and to
forecast when routine maintenance should be scheduled. By conducting condition assessments of park
assets, parks gather important lifecycle inventory and deficiency data on critical infrastructure, facilities,
and equipment. In FY 2022, the NPS will consolidate this program’s funding and functions into the
Maintenance Project Planning program. In recent years, parks and regions have begun to transition to an
integrated condition assessment and project planning process. Consolidating these programs will allow
NPS regions to flexibly address their condition assessment and maintenance project planning
requirements without diminishing resources available for those functions.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
2. Asset Management ProgramThe purpose of the NPS Asset Management Program (AMP) is to
provide for lifecycle management of the bureau’s facility portfolio. The AMP is focused on three primary
objectives: knowing the inventory of constructed assets, understanding their condition and using that
information to make wise investment decisions in compliance with Executive Order 13327, the 2016 Real
Property Acts (the Federal Property Management Reform Act and the Federal Assets Sale and Transfer
Act), and the Department of the Interior Asset Management Plan.
3. Enterprise Facility Management Software System –Parks use the Enterprise Facility Management
Software System (eFMSS) to support the Asset Management Program by tracking the comprehensive
asset inventory, asset status, and work order management. In addition to the centralized database for work
order and asset tracking, the eFMSS includes over a dozen component applications to facilitate inventory
reporting, project planning, work cost estimation, and data analysis. It also interfaces with accounting and
financial systems. Parks and programs use this data to identify, track, prioritize, and manage facility
maintenance needs. The broad scope includes work planning and programming, health and safety issue
identification, legally mandated compliance, and long-range planning.
4. Maintenance Project Planning – This funds project planning, which includes assessing an asset’s
condition, identifying project needs, developing project scopes, and conducting project cost validation
processes. It may also be used for project management activities, which includes architecture-engineering
(A&E) firm management, construction oversight, and inspection. In FY 2022, the NPS will consolidate
the Condition Assessment Program into the Maintenance Project Planning program. Beginning in FY
2022, the NPS will be significantly streamlining its condition assessment processes and standards, which
reduces the need for dedicated funding, and creates an opportunity to use condition assessment funds to
continue improving its maintenance project planning functions.
Use of Cost and Performance Information
In the National Park System
In September 2017, the National Park Service launched a multi-disciplinary effort to study and evaluate the
programs and processes it uses to track and manage facility and maintenance information.
As a direct result of those studies, the NPS will adopt the parametric condition assessment (PCA) method to
understand its portfolio’s condition. The new process moves away from the traditional, detailed, and time-
consuming condition assessment method, instead using rapid visual assessments to identify facility and
maintenance needs. Parks can use parametric scoring results to understand high level condition needs and to
identify focus areas for project development. Compared to the traditional condition assessments, the PCAs can
be conducted more rapidly and require less resources, which will allow parks to gather or update data about
their facility portfolios more frequently—including in the critical period that follows natural disasters or severe
weather events.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project and Major Maintenance Programs
The following are major project funds that are components of the Facility Maintenance subactivity.
Major Maintenance Funding History ($000)
Major Facility Maintenance Project Fund Sources
FY 2020
FY 2021
FY 2022
Cyclic Maintenance 153,575 188,184 188,184
Repair and Rehabilitation 135,950 135,980 135,980
1. Repair and Rehabilitation Program – Repair and Rehabilitation is part of the servicewide
maintenance strategy that directs project funds to parks’ highest priority mission critical assets. The
program provides funding for prioritized projects that focus on routine and unplanned maintenance,
recapitalization, modernization, and disposition/demolition. Repair and rehabilitation projects address
large-scale, complex repair needs that arise on an infrequent or non-recurring basis where preventative
maintenance is no longer sufficient to improve the condition of the facility or infrastructure. The projects
are designed to restore or improve the condition of a facility or a component, thereby returning the facility
to a cyclic schedule.
Typical large-scale projects may include campground and trail renewal, wastewater and water line
replacement, or housing renewal. These projects also incorporate the Department of the Interior (DOI)
commitment to sustainable construction practices, Architectural Barriers Act Accessibility Standards
(ABAAS) and, the DOI’s Energy Management Program.
Projects like this one at Kalaupapa National Historical Park, to repair and rehabilitate a flood
damaged bridge on the Upper Pali Trail are funded through the Repair and Rehabilitation program.
The Pali Trail is the only overland access into the Kalaupapa settlement, and it is used by NPS and
State staff that hike to work, by visitors to access the settlement, and by the mule tour operators.
Repair and rehabilitation typically funds projects with costs less than two million dollars; projects above
this threshold are normally funded through the Line Item Construction program, and maintenance projects
with a direct visitor connection may also be funded through recreation fee receipts. Most NPS
transportation projects are funded through the Highway Trust Fund, reauthorized under the Fixing
America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act, P.L. 114-94.
2. Cyclic Maintenance – The Cyclic Maintenance Program is a central element of NPS efforts to curtail
the continued growth of deferred maintenance and promote asset lifecycle management. This program
provides funding for prioritized projects that focus on addressing preventive, planned maintenance
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
activities and component renewal. Cyclic Maintenance projects are routine in nature and help to ensure
that assets and resources can meet their intended design lives and continue to perform efficiently.
Examples of common cyclic maintenance projects include road sealing, painting and roofing of buildings,
brush removal from trails, sign repair and replacement, landscaping, repair of dock and marine facilities,
and upgrades to electrical and security systems.
Cyclic maintenance for cultural resources can include projects, such as re-pointing masonry walls of
historic and prehistoric structures, pruning historic plant material, stabilizing eroding archeological sites,
and preventive conservation of museum objects. Artifact preservation and restoration gives visitors a
physical connection to history and enriches a location's interpretation experience.
Projects like this one at Saugus Iron Works National Historic Site, to perform exterior cyclic
maintenance repairs to the Saugus Iron Works Museum, are funded through the Cyclic Maintenance
program. Originally constructed in 1917, the museum itself is a historic structure, and houses exhibits
and artifacts excavated during the archaeological dig performed on-site in the 1940s and 50s.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
At A Glance…
Discretionary Funding for Major Maintenance
When the National Parks and Public Land Legacy Restoration Fund (LRF) was established by the Great American
Outdoors Act (P.L. 116-152), it dominated the conversation about NPS maintenance work. Among the LRF’s
primary benefits is its ability to fund large projects that would otherwise take several years to accomplish via the
NPS’s existing discretionary fund sources. Shifting this burden away from discretionary fund sources allows
programs like Repair and Rehabilitation to continue addressing smaller or more immediate needs. Below are some
examples of projects that will be accomplished through the Repair and Rehabilitation program in FY 2022.
*The Repair and Rehabilitation funds between 200-500 projects per year. The projects here only represent a small
portion of the total work planned by NPS parks and regions that will be accomplished by this fund source.
3. Environmental Management Program (EMP) –The EMP maintains goals for environmental
compliance, contaminated site cleanup, environmental management systems, sustainability, solid and
hazardous waste management, energy and water management, and other environmental goals essential to
the NPS mission. This includes oversight of the goals found in the NPS Green Parks Plan, which is an
agency strategic plan for sustainability. EMP provides funding for guidance and training to ensure
compliance with environmental regulations and Executive Orders, and facilitates the unit-level execution
of EMP management objectives.
To achieve this purpose, the EMP provides support functions to parks and regions, including performance
management, program oversight, and environmental liability estimates. It works collaboratively across
agency directorates, programs, regions, and parks to meet program objectives. EMP also collaborates
externally on environmental matters with the DOI Office of the Solicitor, Department of Justice,
Environmental Protection Agency, States, Tribes, partners and others to ensure NPS interests are served.
With 500 contaminated sites in its inventory, EMP funding supported a prioritization initiative designed
to obtain the greatest return on investment for the bureau and the public. The goal of this initiative is to
develop the plan, subject to funding, to reopen all blighted NPS sites by the end of the decade. NPS
estimates remaining cleanup cost of $1.5 billion dollars (current dollars not including indirect costs)
Park State Project*
Acadia National Park ME Rehabilitate Seawall Campground Maintenance Building
Apostle Islands National Lakeshore WI Replace the Historic Hokenson Dock and Repair the Herring
Bandelier National Monument NM Repair Structural Deterioration in Bandelier Alcove House Kiva
Canyonlands National Park UT Replace Primary Power Diesel Generation System
Harpers Ferry National Historical
WV Rehabilitate Gutter and Drainage Systems Parkwide
Klondike Gold Rush National
Historical Park
AK Replace Obsolete Fuel Oil Burner in the Historic Peniel Mission
with Efficient Air Source Heat Pumps
Lewis and Clark National Historical
OR Rehabilitate Visitor Center Accessible Parking and Sidewalks
Martin Luther King, Jr. National
Historical Park
GA Rehabilitate Five Visitor Center Restrooms
Sitka National Historical Park AK Stabilize and Protect Kiks.ádi Fort Site from Water Erosion
Zion National Park UT Replace Roofing System on Administration/Museum Building
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
needed to reopen the blighted sites. By FY 2027, the program hopes to have completed studies that will
define the actual dollar amount needed to complete cleanup actions at all NPS contaminated sites, using
the authorities of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act
(CERCLA) —often referred to as the Superfund statute.
EMP funding also allowed significant successes in leading and performing essential activities to restore
NPS lands impacted by contamination caused by external parties, including many CERCLA matters. In
FY 2020, NPS cost recovery and avoidance efforts resulted in cost recoveries and work valued at over
$3 million. Since program inception (1995), total recoveries and cost avoidance efforts exceed
$400 million. These recoveries directly benefit NPS lands and resources, restoring public access to
thousands of acres of public lands.
As part of ongoing management of Agency practices and procedures, EMP provided guidance and
funding for 30 internal environmental compliance audits across the NPS and successfully worked with the
Office of Inspector General to close the multi-year investigation of the Agency’s Class V underground
injection control well program. EMP funding also developed 15 environmental management compliance-
based tools for parks. These tools aid parks to address commonly cited internal audit findings.
At A Glance…
Excellence in Environmental Cleanup and Reuse
For its cleanup and restoration work at the Valley Forge National Historical Park Asbestos Release Site—a 112-acre
contaminated site located in the center of this heavily visited Park—the NPS/DOI team won the National Federal
Facility Excellence in Site Reuse Award in FY 2020. The award, presented by the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, recognizes innovative thinking and cooperation among Federal agencies, States, Tribes, local partners, and
developers that have led to noteworthy restoration and reuse of Federal facility sites.
4. Emergency Management and Damage Program During a typical operating year, parks sustain
damage to resources due to severe storms, floods, fires, hurricanes, earthquakes, and other emergencies.
The National Park Service strives to ensure that facilities and infrastructure are repaired quickly to
provide for safe, uninterrupted visitor use of facilities. This function is separate from the longer-term
repairs or critical systems failure projects, which are more commonly funded by the Construction
Appropriation’s Emergency and Unscheduled Projects subactivity.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Activity: Park Management
Subactivity: Park Support
Park Support ($000)
Management, Policy
and Development
158,670 194,920 +2,719 0 -3,976 193,663 -1,257
Administrative Support
401,764 371,613 +7,506 +21 +1,080 380,220 +8,607
Total Requirements 560,434 566,533 +10,225 +21 -2,896 573,883 +7,350
Total FTE
3,048 3,050 0 0 +39 3,089 +39
Summary of FY 2022 Program Changes for Park Support
Program Changes ($000) FTE
Advancing Racial Justice and Equity for Underserved Communities +3,509 +23
Centralized Information Technology Costs +2,349 0
NPS Mobile App +1,787 +5
Diversity, Inclusion and Compliance Initiative +800 +6
New and Critical Responsibilities +659 +5
GPS Modernization -4,000 0
Semiquincentennial Commission -8,000 0
TOTAL Program Changes -2,896 +39
Mission Overview
The Park Support sub activity contributes to the mission of the National Park Service by supporting all
other functions, enabling the Service to protect, conserve, and restore natural and cultural resources;
ensuring the Service possesses sound knowledge to inform the proper management of these resources;
collaborating with partners to achieve a wide variety of goals; and providing for the public enjoyment and
visitor experience of parks.
Subactivity Overview
The Park Support subactivity within Park Management includes administering, managing, and supporting
the operations of park units throughout the United States. In addition, Park Support encompasses a
number of internal administrative programs, such as personnel, finance, procurement, data processing and
communications, and other services that provide necessary support functions. The management and
administrative functions funded in the ONPS appropriation also provide management and administrative
support to programs supported by other NPS appropriations.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Management, Policy and Development Program
The programs within the Management, Policy and Development functions establish operating guidelines
and objectives, coordinate with other public and private organizations, efficiently manage staff and funds,
and ensure compliance with statutes, Departmental directives, and regulations affecting the operation of
the national park system. Efficiency and effectiveness are enhanced by coordinating park operations
between various units and programs throughout the System, as well as setting policy and ensuring
necessary compliance with legislation and regulations. The function also includes funding for the park
superintendents who are responsible for managing the individual units of the national park system.
Administrative Support Program
The programs encompassed in Administrative Support are vitally important to running a more efficient
and effective national park system. The programs provide support functions required for complex
operations in a dispersed organization, including financial and budget administration; personnel
recruitment, staffing, and employee relations; formal contracting and small purchases; property
management; management of information technology; and other related activities.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Subactivity: Park Support
Program Component: Management, Policy, and Development
FY 2022 Program Activities
The following are examples of planned FY 2022 Management, Policy, and Development activities:
Provide consistent policy guidance and oversight to the 423 parks, 64 wild and scenic rivers, and
23 National Scenic and National Historic Trails, as well as the other programs falling under the
NPS’ purview.
Provide competency-based learning opportunities in all career fields to engage employees in
continuous learning for professional organizational effectiveness.
Ensure achievable and sustainable partnerships by providing servicewide policy guidance and
oversight of donation and fundraising activities, reviewing fundraising feasibility studies, plans
and agreements, and developing and conducting training to increase the Service’s capacity to
foster partnerships and philanthropic stewardship.
Justification of FY 2022 Program Changes
The FY 2022 budget request for Management, Policy and Development is $193,663,000 and 839 FTE, a
program change of -$3,976,000 and +28 FTE from FY 2021.
Advancing Racial Justice and Equity for Underserved Communities (+$2,874,000 / +19 FTE) – The
budget proposes +$15,000,000 and +78 FTE spread across multiple ONPS budget subactivities to
enhance programming that preserves the stories of historically underserved, underrepresented and
marginalized groups. Funding will invest in key NPS sites that honor civil rights leaders, commemorate
struggles for equal opportunity, and protect the cultural heritage of underrepresented communities.
Funding will also invest in dedicated NPS capacity to expand minority recruitment and outreach, interpret
the stories of marginalized groups, and support dedicated capacity to strengthen the nation-to-nation
relationship with Tribal nations. The portion of the request for Management, Policy and Development is
+$2,874,000 and +19 FTE. Additional details on this request can be found in the Budget Overview
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility Initiative (+$800,000 / +6 FTE) – This increase is part
of a Departmentwide Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility initiative to address identified high
priority needs in support of Executive Order 13985, Advancing Racial Equity and Support for
Underserved Communities through the Federal Government, and Executive Order 13988, Preventing and
Combatting Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation. As part of this
initiative, the Department, bureaus and offices will jointly conduct a review of the Diversity, Inclusion
and Compliance program across Interior to identify gaps, challenges, best practices and examine
Department and bureau/office roles, responsibilities and governance.
New and Critical Responsibilities (+$350,000 / +3 FTE) – The budget proposes +$4,445,000 and +41
FTE spread across multiple ONPS budget subactivities for new and critical responsibilities at new and
existing parks and offices. Funding will support the continuing stand-up of operations at new parks,
increased capacity for parks with expanded responsibilities and critical operational needs at a diverse set
of parks across 16 states. The portion of the request for Management, Policy and Development is
$350,000 and 3 FTE. Additional details on this request can be found in the Budget Overview section.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Semiquincentennial Commission (-$8,000,000 / -0 FTE) – In FY 2022, the Commission will continue
to coordinate for the observance and commemoration of the 250th anniversary of the founding of the
United States and related events through local, State, national, and international activities planned
encouraged, and developed by a national commission representative of appropriate public and private
authorities and organizations. The Commission continues to receive financial support from private donors
and can request direct appropriations from Congress.
Program Overview
The programs within the Management, Policy, and Development function administer and provide
oversight to park units throughout the United States, as well as the numerous other programs under the
purview of the NPS. The programs establish operating guidelines and objectives, coordinate with other
public and private organizations, efficiently manage staff and funds, and ensure compliance with laws,
Departmental directives, and regulations affecting the operation of the park, river and trail systems.
Efficiency and effectiveness are enhanced by coordinating operations between various units and programs
throughout the System. The function also includes the funding for park superintendents who are
responsible for managing the individual units.
Management of the National Park Service
The scope of the Service’s responsibilities extend beyond management of the park, river and trail
systems; senior management at central offices also provide coordinated oversight and guidance to
programs such as the National Register of Historic Places, Federal Lands to Parks, National Heritage
Areas and numerous grant programs.
Legislative and Congressional Affairs
The legislative program of the National Park Service responds to the individual legislative needs of park
units, develops legislation that provides servicewide authorities, and monitors all legislative and
congressional matters that impact the NPS.
Servicewide Learning and Development
The servicewide program provides competency-based learning opportunities in all career fields, and
engages employees in continuous learning for professional organizational effectiveness. These programs
are delivered to employees using traditional classroom-based and blended instruction, instructional
webinars, and computer-based programs, originating from three training centers. Providing distance
delivery of programs reduces travel costs for participating employees. Major initiatives include the NPS
Fundamentals Program, the New Supervisor Development Program, the New Division Chief Leadership
Development Program, the New Superintendents Academy, the Generating Organizational Advancement
and Leadership Program, and the Career Academy. The programs maintain partnerships with a variety of
partners to assist with several of these initiatives; program support is also provided through an agreement
with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s National Conservation Training Center.
The Office of Policy guides the Service through analysis, review, and communication of servicewide
policies such as Executive Orders, Directors Orders, and Management Policies. The regions, parks, and
programs form management decisions based on NPS policies.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Communications and Public Affairs
The NPS delivers information to explain its policies and stewardship responsibilities and to highlight the
opportunities parks and community programs make available to all Americans. Park, program, regional,
and national communications activities include writing and issuing news releases, answering questions
from the media, producing multimedia and digital communications, creating and maintaining websites,
reaching people through social media, fulfilling Freedom of Information Act requests, and celebrating and
commemorating important American events.
The NPS cooperates with partners to extend the benefits of natural and cultural resource conservation and
outdoor recreation throughout this country and the world. By working collaboratively to identify and
achieve mutual goals, the capacity to serve the public is increased. NPS partners include other
governmental entities at the Federal, Tribal, State, local and international levels, nonprofit organizations,
business, academic institutions, and individuals. The NPS collaborates with 70 cooperating associations
and 215 friends groups. The NPS also monitors ongoing Urban Park (UPARR) requirements.
Park Management
Park managers provide on-the-ground leadership and direction at each park unit, ensuring that the mission
of the NPS and the individual units are carried out efficiently and effectively. Park management requires
the successful integration of diverse programs such as natural and cultural resources management, visitor
and resource protection, interpretation, commercial services, partnership management, and administration
into a cohesive organization that successfully protects and preserves the resource while providing for
visitor enjoyment and education.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Subactivity: Park Support
Program Component: Administrative Support
FY 2022 Program Activities
The following are examples of planned FY 2022 Administrative Support activities:
Provide the budget formulation and execution, accounting services, property and space
management, and business management tools to support the operation of the NPS.
Use best business practices to provide the NPS community and the public with usable
information, cost-effective technology, and services that are customer driven, results-oriented,
secure, and universally accessible.
Continue to work with DOI to consolidate servers, data centers, and help desk functions.
Continue to provide training to all employees and supervisors to avoid sexual harassment and
hostile work environment.
Continue the development, refinement, successful operation, and promotion of the new NPS
mobile app.
Justification of FY 2022 Program Changes
The FY 2022 budget request for Administrative Support is $380,220,000 and 2,250 FTE, a program
change of +$1,080,000 and +11 FTE from FY 2021.
Centralized Information Technology Costs (+$2,349,000 / +0 FTE) Funding will be directed to
charges billed to the NPS to operate servicewide IT systems including centralized software license
purchase and portions of the financial and property systems, per latest cost estimates. This request
includes an increase to the Interior Incident Management Analysis and Reporting System (IMARS)
resulting from a direct working capital fund forecast.
NPS Mobile App Development (+$1,787,000 / +5 FTE) - Funding will support the ongoing
development of citizen facing app features, such as the ability to customize trip itineraries, plan hiking
routes, make reservations, register for notifications and alerts, store virtual copies of permits and passes,
and access mapping services.. Additionally, this funding provides capacity to plan for new features,
enhance back-end development, perform project oversight and continuous monitoring, conduct periodic
data analysis, purchase the necessary licensing and hosting of the technical solutions, and train and
coordinate all NPS web authors and content writers for national level content. In FY 2021, the NPS
successfully launched a national mobile app that serves visitors at all 423 park units with basic trip
planning functionality. Current funding levels allow the NPS to maintain and make minor updates to the
mobile app.
Advancing Racial Justice and Equity for Underserved Communities (+$635,000 / +4 FTE) – The
budget proposes +$15,000,000 and +78 FTE spread across multiple ONPS budget subactivities to
enhance programming that preserves the stories of historically underserved, underrepresented and
marginalized groups. Funding will invest in key NPS sites that honor civil rights leaders, commemorate
struggles for equal opportunity, and protect the cultural heritage of underrepresented communities.
Funding will also invest in dedicated NPS capacity to expand minority recruitment and outreach, interpret
the stories of marginalized groups, and support dedicated capacity to strengthen the nation-to-nation
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
relationship with Tribal nations. The portion of the request for Administrative Support is $635,000 and 4
FTE. Additional details on this request can be found in the Budget Overview section.
New and Critical Responsibilities (+$309,000 / +2 FTE) – The budget proposes +$4,445,000 and +41
FTE spread across multiple ONPS budget subactivities for new and critical responsibilities at new and
existing parks and offices. Funding will support the continuing stand-up of operations at new parks,
increased capacity for parks with expanded responsibilities and critical operational needs at a diverse set
of parks across 16 States. The portion of the request for Subactivity is $309,000 and 2 FTE. Additional
details on this request can be found in the Budget Overview section.
GPS Modernization (-$4,000,000 / -0 FTE) - The FY 2022 budget does not request funding for Global
Positioning System (GPS) modernization. The replacement of GPS data collection devices used for
facilities planning, lands administration, and visitor safety will continue as needed through existing
operating accounts.
Program Overview
The programs encompassed in Administrative Support are important to running an efficient and effective
national park system. The programs provide support functions required for complex operations in a
dispersed organization, including financial and budget administration; personnel recruitment, staffing, and
employee relations; formal contracting and small purchases; property management; management of
information technology; and other related activities.
Budget, Financial Management, and Strategic Planning
The budget and financial management function of the NPS provides for the budget formulation, budget
execution, accounting, property, space management, and business tools to manage the finances of the
National Park Service. In addition to the preparation of the annual budget, monitoring of financial plans
and expenditures, ensuring fiscal accountability and proper use of financial resources, and financial
administrative services and reporting, the function supports programmatic risk assessment and internal
control reviews and analysis of financial and operational needs and performance at the park, region, and
servicewide levels through management accountability and strategic planning efforts and the Business
Plan Internship program. Also supported are the management of leased facilities, motor vehicles, and
central supply property management.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
At a Glance…
Business Plan Internship
A National Park Business Plan Intern at Cuyahoga Valley NP.
Photo courtesy of Chris Wang
The National Parks Business Plan Internship (BPI) is a highly selective summer program for top graduate students
studying business, public policy, environmental management, and related fields. Over the course of eleven weeks,
pairs of interns work in various parks and regional offices across the NPS where they carry out projects that address
strategic questions, helping to improve financial and operational planning and bringing innovative management
tools to national parks.
In recent years, the program has received about 256 qualified applications for 18 positions annually, underscoring
the significant interest in public service at top U.S. graduate schools. BPI summer consultants benefit from one-on-
one mentoring with seasoned project managers, and many credit their BPI experience with playing a vital role in
their subsequent career path. One hundred percent of program participants over the past five years expressed a
greater commitment to the mission of the National Park Service due to their participation in the program. Since
2011, ~15 percent of the participants were eventually hired by the NPS, filling critical administrative roles and
increasing the organization's analytical capacity. BPI teams have worked at parks throughout the country, including
Arches, Badlands, Crater Lake, Denali, Grand Canyon, Hawaii Volcanoes, Hot Springs, Mount Rainier,
Shenandoah, Yosemite, and Yellowstone National Parks; Cape Cod and Cape Lookout National Seashores; Flight
93 National Memorial; Big Thicket National Preserve; and Lake Mead and Golden Gate National Recreation Areas.
For more information, visit:
Information Resources
The Information Resources Management program ensures NPS meets the Administration goals for
improving the effectiveness of the existing technology infrastructure and moving new services to
enterprise cloud initiatives. In addition to the enterprise cloud initiatives, Information Resources is
participating in the Department’s category management, and tackling cybersecurity by aggressively
heightening the importance of continuous secure management and monitoring of the cyber environment.
Additional efforts include reducing the number of data centers, consolidating administrative systems and
streamlining electronic records management to ultimately improve service to the public and NPS partners.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
The National Park Service website,, receives about 490 million page views and 90 million
users annually.
Procurement and Contracting
The NPS manages its procurement and contracting functions through centralized Major Acquisition
Buying Offices, or MABOs. The contracting program is also responsible for ensuring that procurement
dollars are obligated to small business, disadvantaged, women-owned, and veteran-owned businesses.
NPS continues to implement the centralization of the Major Acquisition Buying Offices (MABO) model.
Centralized MABOs support a leveling of acquisition workload across the Service and a more effective
and efficient application of the acquisition functions. In FY 2022, the NPS will realign 1 FTE from the
US Park Police to the National Capital Region’s MABO for its continued work in providing it with
contracting support.
Workforce and Inclusion
Critical workforce issues such as creating a culturally diverse and inclusive workforce, recruitment,
staffing, work/life initiatives, employee relations, retention, employee development, equal opportunity,
and succession planning have an impact on every NPS park, program and employee. The NPS continues
to implement a plan designed to improve employee engagement and satisfaction by transforming the
delivery of human resources services and focusing on building the organization's capacity to better serve
its customers by growing the vitality, productivity, and professionalism of its Human Resources
community; and developing more effective servicewide Learning and Development programs targeted at
growing both future leaders and technical experts. In FY 2022, the NPS will realign 2 FTE from the US
Park Police to the National Capital Region’s Servicing Human Resources Office (SHRO) for its
continued work in providing it with human resources support.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Activity: External Administrative Costs
Administrative Costs
from 2021
Compensation Payments
22,890 21,029 -1,084 +0 +0 19,945 -1,084
Compensation Payments
17,288 17,962 +180 +0 +0 18,142 +180
Centralized Information
Technology Costs
7,945 7,945 +0 +0 +0 7,945 +0
9,220 9,220 +0 +0 +0 9,220 +0
Postage 2,861 2,861 +0 +0 +0 2,861 +0
Space Rental 77,066 79,343 +8,896 -21 +0 88,218 +8,875
Departmental Program
56,317 57,603 +3,353 +0 +0 60,956 +3,353
Total Requirements
193,587 195,963 +11,345 -21 +0 207,287 +11,324
Total FTE Requirements
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Activity Overview
The External Administrative Costs activity includes funding support necessary to provide and maintain
services that represent key administrative support functions where costs are largely determined by
organizations outside the National Park Service and funding requirements are less flexible. The
requirements for these services are mandated in accordance with applicable laws. To ensure the efficient
performance of the National Park Service, these costs are most effectively managed on a centralized
FY 2022 Program Overview and Changes
Employee Compensation Payments (-$1,084,000)
Funding allows for financial compensation to NPS employees in the event of a job-related injury. The
NPS makes payments to the Employees' Compensation Fund at the Employment Standards
Administration, within the Department of Labor, for compensation claims awarded to NPS employees
during the previous fiscal year.
Unemployment Compensation Payments: (+$180,000)
Funding provides unemployment compensation to qualifying former personnel as prescribed under the
Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1980. The law requires all unemployment benefits be paid to former
Federal employees, based on Federal service performed after December 31, 1980 to be reimbursed to the
Federal Employees' Compensation account of the unemployment trust fund by each Federal agency. The
Department distributes the total cost among its bureaus, based on total separations. The level of
separations for the NPS is the highest of the Department because of a large number of seasonal staff.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Centralized Information Technology Costs: (+$0)
Funding provides for charges billed to the NPS to operate servicewide IT systems including centralized
software license purchase and portions of the financial and property systems. Another major IT
component is the NPS Website. Consolidated billings create efficiencies in bill payment and provide
better coordination throughout NPS.
Telecommunications: (+$0)
Funding provides servicewide data network service, Internet service, and telephone service through the
Federal Telecommunication System (FTS) network and commercial telephone service. The costs of these
services are dictated by rates established by Government Services Administration (GSA) and the
telecommunications companies. Funding supports critical mission related activities in every park. The
program is vital to ensuring that the NPS maintains the ability to effectively communicate with external
partners and manage the hundreds of millions of annual visitors to the NPS Website.
Postage: (+$0)
Funding supports servicewide postage costs. Postage metering is managed through a central contract,
which provides services nationwide.
Space Rental: (+$8,875,000)
Funding provides for the office space and related services leased through the GSA and other private
owners by the National Park Service. In addition to general office space, GSA leases may include storage,
food service, conference, and training spaces; light industrial facilities; and parking space where
necessary. Rental space includes Federally owned buildings operated by GSA, and buildings owned by
the private sector, some of which the GSA leases and makes available for use by Federal agents.
The standard level user charges paid by NPS are determined by GSA and are billed on a quarterly basis.
GSA Space changes include rate increases which are considered a fixed cost.
Departmental Program Charges: (+$3,353,000)
Funding provides the NPS contribution to the costs of Department-wide programs and activities
conducted on behalf of its bureaus, such as the departmental invasive species program, news services,
competitive sourcing oversight, the mailroom, library, the Federal Information Centers, and spectrum
management. This includes costs associated with the support of the Federal Personnel Payroll System
(FPPS). It also provides funding for cross-bureau information technology planning; infrastructure and
communications improvements; and security.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Appropriation: Centennial Challenge
Appropriation Overview
The Centennial Challenge program provides dedicated Federal funding to match non-Federal donations
targeted at signature National Park Service projects and programs that enhance visitor services, reduce
deferred maintenance, and improve natural and cultural resource protection in parks across the system.
All Centennial Challenge funds require at least a 50/50 match, derived from non-Federal sources in the
form of cash, assets, or a pledge of donation guaranteed by an irrevocable letter of credit. Projects are
administered under existing NPS partnership authorities. The non-Federal funds contributed to match
Centennial Challenge Federal funds are reflected in the NPS Miscellaneous Trust Funds-Donations
permanent appropriation.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Summary of Requirements for Centennial Challenge
(Dollars in Thousands)
Budget Activity/Subactivity
FY 2020
FY 2020
FY 2021
FY 2021
FY 2022
Fixed Costs
& Related
FY 2022
FY 2022
FY 2022
FY 2022
FY 2021
FY 2021
Centennial Challenge
Centennial Challenge 15,000 21 15,000 21 0 0 0 15,000 21 0 0
TOTAL, Centennial Challenge 15,000 21 15,000 21 0 0 0 15,000 21 0 0
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Appropriation Language
For expenses necessary to carry out the provisions of section 101701 of title 54, United States Code,
relating to challenge cost share agreements, $15,000,000 to remain available until expended, for
Centennial Challenge projects and programs: Provided, That not less than 50 percent of the total cost of
each project or program shall be derived from non-Federal sources in the form of donated cash, assets, or
a pledge of donation guaranteed by an irrevocable letter of credit.
(Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2021.)
Justification of Major Proposed Language Changes
No language changes are proposed.
Authorizing Statutes
54 U.S.C. 101701 allows the Secretary to enter into challenge cost-share agreements with any State or
local government, public or private agency, organization, institution, corporation, individual, or other
entity for the purpose of sharing costs or services in carrying out authorized functions and responsibilities
of the Secretary with respect to any System unit or System program, any affiliated area, or any designated
national scenic trail or national historic trail.
54 U.S.C. 101101, allows the Secretary, in the administration of the Service, to accept money that may be
donated for the purposes of the System.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Justification of Program and Performance
Activity: Centennial Challenge
Challenge ($000)
Change from
2021 Enacted
15,000 15,000 +0 +0 +0 15,000 +0
15,000 15,000 +0 +0 +0 15,000 +0
Total FTE
21 21 +0 +0 +0 21 +0
FY 2022 Program Activities
The following are examples of planned FY 2022 Centennial Challenge activities:
Leverage at least $15 million in non-Federal funding with $15 million in Federal funding to
support projects and programs that address deferred maintenance and enhance outdoor recreation
and access.
Mission Overview
The National Park Service began its second century of stewardship by celebrating its 100th anniversary in
2016. The anniversary of the NPS was an opportunity to restore the luster of our national parks and
inspire future generations to protect our national treasures. The NPS will continue to preserve the natural
and cultural resources and values of the National Park System for the enjoyment, education, and
inspiration of this and future generations. Partnerships are an important tool to accomplish these goals and
meet the expectations of the American people.
In NPS’s second century, the Centennial Challenge enables the NPS to engage in partnership projects that
will develop new and improved educational and interpretive programs for visitors, provide recreational
opportunities to the public, and repair and modernize NPS infrastructure. All Federal funds for the project
must be matched at a minimum of 1:1 from a non-Federal source.
Justification of FY 2022 Program Changes
The FY 2022 budget request for Centennial Challenge is $15,000,000 and 21 FTE. There are no proposed
program changes compared to FY 2021.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Appropriation: National Recreation and Preservation
Mission Overview
The programs within the National Recreation and Preservation (NR&P) account contribute to the ability
of all levels of government and non-governmental interests to take prompt and coordinated action to
conserve, develop, and utilize natural and cultural resources for the benefit and enjoyment of all. The NPS
provides technical and financial assistance to entities outside of the National Park System to conserve
resources and enhance recreation opportunities throughout this country and the world.
Appropriation Overview
The NR&P account covers a broad range of activities relating to outdoor recreation planning; preservation
of resources; and environmental compliance. These programs provide a central point at the Federal level
for recreation and conservation planning; the coordination of Federal and State policies, procedures, and
guidelines; and the administration of technical and financial assistance to Federal, State, and local
governments and private organizations. Support is provided to the National Historic Preservation Program
to develop a national inventory of historic properties, set standards for historic preservation, and provide
technical and financial preservation assistance. Staff resources are also provided to coordinate a number
of international assistance programs. This appropriation is composed of the following five budget
Natural Programs
Natural Programs activities include: support of river and trail opportunities through State and local
technical assistance and Chesapeake Bay Gateway and Water Trails grants; creation of river conservation
and recreational opportunities that are compatible with continuing and future operations of hydropower
facilities, fulfillment of NPS responsibilities under the Federal Power Act, and protection of park
resources through the Hydropower Recreation Assistance Program; management of the National Natural
Landmark programs; and NPS facilitation of the transfer of surplus Federal real property to local
governments for recreation uses.
Cultural Programs
Within the Cultural Programs activity, the NPS manages the National Register of Historic Places; reviews
and certifies applications for Federal Tax Credits for Historic Preservation as a reimbursable activity;
conducts cultural resources management planning through the National Historic Landmarks program, the
Historic American Buildings Survey, the Historic American Engineering Record, and the Historic
American Landscapes Survey programs; advances the application of science and technology in historic
preservation and provides information distribution and skills training in the preservation and conservation
of the Nation’s significant historic and cultural resources through the National Center for Preservation
Technology and Training; supports the fulfillment of responsibilities under the Native American Graves
Protection and Repatriation Act (including through the NAGPRA grant program); coordinates Federal
archeology programs; and administers multiple financial assistance programs.
Environmental Compliance and Review
This activity includes the staff resources to review and comment on environmental impact statements,
Federal licensing, permit applications, and other actions within NPS jurisdictions.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
International Park Affairs
The International Park Affairs activity coordinates international assistance programs and the exchange
and support functions that complement the Service’s domestic role.
Heritage Partnership Programs
Financial and technical assistance is provided through this activity to congressionally designated national
heritage areas. These are managed by non-Federal organizations to promote the conservation of natural,
historic, scenic, and cultural resources.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Summary of Requirements for National Recreation and Preservation
(Dollars in Thousands)
Budget Activity/Subactivity
FY 2020
FY 2020
FY 2021
FY 2021
FY 2022
Costs &
FY 2022
FY 2022
FY 2022
FY 2022
FY 2021
FY 2021
Natural Programs 15,757 77 15,963 77 +339 0 +150 16,452 78 +489 +1
Cultural Programs 31,127 105 31,938 107 +470 0 +1,000 33,408 107 +1,470 0
Environmental Compliance & Review 435 3 443 3 +13 0 0 456 3 +13 0
International Park Affairs 1,903 6 1,924 6 +26 0 0 1,950 6 +26 0
Heritage Patnership Programs 21,944 6 23,889 6 +26 0 -1,667 22,248 6 -1,641 0
PRESERVATION 71,166 197 74,157 199 +874 0 -517 74,514 200 +357 +1
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Fixed Costs and Related Changes
(Dollars in Thousands)
Fixed Cost Changes and
FY 2021
Total or
FY 2021 to
FY 2022
Change in Number of Paid Days -104 0
This column reflects changes in pay associated with the
change in the number of paid days between FY 2021 and FY
2022, which is the same number of paid days in both FY
2021 and FY 2022.
Pay Raise +417 +648
The President's Budget for FY 2022 includes one quarter of
the 1.0% pay raise for 2021 and three quarters of a planned
2.7% pay raise in 2022.
Employer Share of Federal
Employee Retirement System
+252 +226
The change reflects a 1.1% (and 1.8% for Law Enforcement)
increase in the employer contribution to the Federal
Employee Retirement System.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Appropriation Language
For expenses necessary to carry out recreation programs, natural programs, cultural programs, heritage
partnership programs, environmental compliance and review, international park affairs, and grant
administration, not otherwise provided for, [$74,157,000] $74,514,000, to remain available until
September 30, [2022] 2023.
(Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2021.)
Justification of Major Proposed Language Changes
No language changes are proposed.
Appropriations Language Citations
1. For expenses necessary to carry out natural programs,
54 U.S.C. 200103(e) authorizes the Secretary of the Interior to provide technical assistance and
advice to and cooperate with States, political subdivisions, and private interests, including
nonprofit organizations, with respect to outdoor recreation.
16 USC 1241 to 1251, National Trails System Act, sets prerequisites for inclusion of trails in the
National Scenic and National Historic Trails system, prescribes procedures for designation of
trails and administration of the system, and establishes a number of specific trails, while 16 USC
1271 to 1287, Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, as amended, establishes the Wild and Scenic Rivers
system, prescribes how the system will be administered, designates specific rivers for inclusion,
and prohibits the FERC from licensing dams or other project works directly affecting a river so
Public Law 105-312, as amended by Sec. 110 of Public Law 116-118, authorizes the program to
provide technical and financial assistance in cooperation with other Federal, State, local and
private partners to identify, conserve, restore and interpret natural, recreational, historical and
cultural resources within the Chesapeake Bay watershed, as well as establish a network of
Gateway sites and Watertrails. It also establishes the Chesapeake Bay Gateways Grants
Assistance Program. Funding is authorized through FY 2025.
40 USC 484(k)(2) to (3), Federal Property and Administrative Services Act, as amended,
authorizes disposal of Federal surplus real property for use as public park or recreation areas, and
requires determination and enforcement of compliance with terms of disposal.
2. cultural programs,
Chapter 3125 of title 54, United States Code, Archeological and National Historic Preservation
Act of 1974, establishes a program for preservation of historical and archeological data which
might otherwise be lost or destroyed as a result of a Federal or Federally-assisted or licensed
project, activity, or program, and authorizes appropriation of specific amounts for this purpose.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Division A of subtitle III of title 54, United States Code, National Historic Preservation Act,
provides for assistance to non-Federal entities for the preservation of their cultural heritage,
establishes the National Register of Historic Places and regulations for State Historic Preservation
Districts, and provides for assistance to Indian Tribes in preserving their historic properties.
Chapter 3201 of title 54, United States Code, Historic Sites Act, declares it national policy to
protect historic sites, buildings, and objects; establishes various national historic sites, national
battlefield sites, national heritage corridors, national heritage areas, and national heritage
partnerships; authorizes appropriation of funds for this purpose; and provides specific authority
for the Secretary to acquire property and to restore, reconstruct, rehabilitate, preserve, and
maintain historic and prehistoric sites, buildings, objects, and properties of national historical or
archaeological significance. It also establishes competitive grants for operation, security, and
maintenance of certain memorials to victims of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.
Chapter 1 of title 16, United States Code, National Parks, Military Parks, Monuments, and
Seashores, Section 450ss-5, authorizes up to $5.0 million of appropriations to support the
Oklahoma City Memorial endowment fund, and the William M. (Mac) Thornberry National
Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 (P.L. 116-283) specifically authorizes
appropriations from the National Recreation and Preservation account to reach the total
authorized amount.
3. heritage partnerships programs,
National heritage areas are individually designated under the following laws:
Public Law 103-449, Title IV Cane River National Heritage Area and Commission.
Public Law 98-398 Illinois and Michigan Canal National Heritage Corridor Act of 1984, as
amended by Public Law 104-333 (Div. I, Title IX, Sec. 902), Public Law 105-355 (Title V, Sec.
502), and Public Law 109-338 Title IV.
Public Law 99-647 Blackstone River Valley National Heritage Corridor Act of 1986, as amended
by Public Law 101-441, Public Law 102-154 (Title I), Public Law 104-208 (Div. A, Title I, Sec.
101d), Public Law 104-333 (Div. I, Title IX, Sec. 901), Public Law 105-355 (Title V, Sec. 501),
Public Law 106-113 (Div. B, Sec. 1000(a)(3)), Public Law 106-176 (Title I, Sec. 121) and Public
Law 109-338 Title VII.
Public Law 100-692 Delaware and Lehigh Navigation Canal National Heritage Corridor Act of
1988, as amended by Public Law 105-355 (Title IV).
Public Law 103-449 (Title I) Quinebaug and Shetucket Rivers Valley National Heritage Corridor
Act of 1994, as amended by Public Law 106-149 Quinebaug and Shetucket Rivers Valley
National Heritage Corridor Reauthorization Act of 1999.
Public Law 104-333 Omnibus Parks and Public Lands Management Act of 1996 included the
Shenandoah Valley Battlefields National Historic District and Commission Act of 1996 (Div. I,
Title VI, Sec. 606), the Hudson River Valley National Heritage Area Act of 1996 (Div. II, Title
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
IX), the National Coal Heritage Area Act of 1996 (Div. II, Title I), the Ohio & Erie Canal
National Heritage Corridor Act of 1996 (Div. II, Title VIII), the South Carolina National
Heritage Corridor Act of 1996 (Div. II, Title VI), and the Steel Industry American Heritage Area
Act of 1996 (Div. II, Title IV). It also designated America’s Agricultural Heritage Partnership
(Div. II, Title VII), Augusta Canal National Heritage Area (Div. II, Title III), Essex National
Heritage Area (Div. II, Title V), and Tennessee Civil War Heritage Area (Div. II, Title II). The
Steel Industry American Heritage Area Act of 1996 was later amended by Public Law 106-113
(Appendix C, Title I, Sec. 116).
Public Law 105-355 (Title I) Automobile National Heritage Area Act.
Public Law 106-278 (Title I) Lackawanna Valley National Heritage Area Act of 2000.
Public Law 106-278 (Title II) Schuylkill River Valley National Heritage Area Act.
Public Law 106-291 (Title I, Sec. 157) Wheeling National Heritage Area Act of 2000.
Public Law 106-319 Yuma Crossing National Heritage Area Act of 2000.
Public Law 106-554 (Div. B, Title VIII) Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor Act.
Public Law 108-108 (Title I, Sec. 140) Blue Ridge National Heritage Area Act of 2003.
Public Law 108-447 Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2005 (Div. J) authorizes three heritage
areas: National Aviation Heritage Area (Title V), Oil Region National Heritage Area (Title VI),
and Mississippi Gulf Coast National Heritage Area (Title VII).
Public Law 109-338 (Title II) authorizes 10 heritage areas: Arabia Mountain National Heritage
Area, GA; Atchafalaya National Heritage Area, LA; Champlain Valley National Heritage
Partnership, NY/VT; Crossroads of the American Revolution National Heritage Area, NJ;
Freedom’s Frontier National Heritage Area, KS/MO; Great Basin National Heritage Route,
UT/NV; Gullah/Geechee Cultural Heritage Corridor, NC/SC; Mormon Pioneer National Heritage
Area, UT; Northern Rio Grande National Heritage Area, NM; Upper Housatonic Valley National
Heritage Area, MA/CT.
Public Law 110-229 Consolidated Natural Resources Act of 2008 Title IV designates the
following as National Heritage Area sites: Journey through Hallowed Ground National Heritage
Area (Subtitle A), Niagara Falls National Heritage Area (Subtitle B), and Abraham Lincoln
National Heritage Area (Subtitle C).
Public Law 111-11 Omnibus Public Land Management Act of 2009 Title VIII, Subtitle A
designates as a National Heritage Area Site: Sangre de Cristo National Heritage Area, CO (Sec.
8001); Cache la Poudre River National Heritage Area, CO (Sec. 8002); South Park National
Heritage Area, CO (Sec. 8003); Northern Plains National Heritage Area, ND (Sec. 8004);
Baltimore National Heritage Area, MD (Sec. 8005); Freedom’s Way National Heritage Area, MA
& NH (Sec. 8006); Mississippi Hills National Heritage Area, MS (Sec. 8007); Mississippi Delta
National Heritage Area, MS (Sec. 8008); Muscle Shoals National Heritage Area, AL (Sec. 8009);
and Kenai Mountains-Turnagain Arm National Heritage Area, AK (Sec. 8010).
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Public Law 116-9 John D. Dingell, Jr. Conservation, Management, and Recreation Act Title VI,
Section 6001, establishes Appalachian Forest National Heritage Area, Maritime Washington
National Heritage Area, Mountains to Sound Greenway National Heritage Area, Sacramento-San
Joaquin Delta National Heritage Area, Santa Cruz Valley National Heritage Area, and
Susquehanna National Heritage Area.
4. environmental compliance,
16 USC 797(e) and 803(a), Federal Power Act, requires that the recommendations of agencies
with administration over relevant resources be considered in licensing power generation projects
and requires licenses to include conditions for protection of wildlife habitat.
42 USC 4321 to 4347, National Environmental Policy Act, requires agencies to monitor,
evaluate, and control their activities so as to protect and enhance the quality of the environment
and requires that a detailed Statement be prepared for any major Federal action significantly
affecting the quality of the human environment, while 49 USC 303, Department of Transportation
Act of 1966, requires review of proposed Department of Transportation projects which could
have an adverse impact on public park and recreation areas and historic sites.
16 USC 1278, Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, requires agencies to notify Interior of any proceeding,
study, or other activity which affects or may affect wild and scenic rivers under its jurisdiction,
and 16 USC 3505, Coastal Barrier Resources Act, permits expenditures for the purpose of
studying management, protection, and enhancement of fish and wildlife resources and habitats.
5. international park affairs,
54 U.S.C. 302908, 54 U.S.C. 307101, and 54 U.S.C. 300101, National Historic Preservation Act,
authorizes the administration of a grant program in certain areas outside the United States,
cooperation with other nations and international organizations in connection with the World
Heritage Convention, and declares it Federal policy “in cooperation with other nations [to]
provide leadership in the preservation of the prehistoric and historic resources of the international
community of nations…”.
16 U.S.C. 1537 authorizes the Secretary to encourage or cooperate in certain ways with other
nations in the conservation of fish or wildlife and plants, refers to United States commitment to
the worldwide protection of endangered or threatened species, and requires cooperation with
other nations to implement the Convention on Nature Protection and Wildlife Preservation in the
Western Hemisphere.
22 U.S.C. 2151q and 2452(b)(11) authorizes agencies to preserve biological diversity and to
assist countries in protecting and maintaining wildlife habitats and developing sound conservation
programs. It also directs international aid agencies to cooperate and support the relevant efforts of
the NPS.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
6. and grant administration, not otherwise provided for,
Division A of subtitle III of title 54, U.S.C., the National Historic Preservation Act, prescribes
responsibilities for administration of the historic preservation program, and 25 USC 3001 to
3013, Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act of 1990, provides for the
inventory, protection, management and repatriation of human remains and cultural items.
Chapter 3081 of title 54, U.S.C., American Battlefield Protection Act of 1966, as amended by
Public Law 111-11, establishes the American Battlefield Protection Program to assist citizens,
public and private institutions, and governments in planning, interpreting, and protecting sites
where historic battles were fought, while Public Law 111-11 notes that any site where a battle
was fought on American soil is eligible under this program.
Public Law 109-441 authorized the Japanese American Confinement Site Grants program, which
preserves Japanese American World War II confinement sites through partnerships with local
preservation groups and are used to encourage and support the research, interpretation, and
preservation of these sites.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Justification of Program and Performance
Activity: Natural Programs
Programs ($000)
Change from
2021 Enacted
Rivers, Trails and
10,513 10,699 +272 0 0 10,971 +272
National Natural
667 678 +22 0 0 700 +22
880 880 +18 0 0 898 +18
Gateways and
3,000 3,000 +9 0 0 3,009 +9
Federal Lands to
697 706 +18 0 +150 874 +168
15,757 15,963 +339 0 150 16,452 +489
Total FTE
77 77 0 0 +1 78 +1
Summary of FY 2022 Program Changes for Natural Programs
Program Changes
($000) FTE
Conservation Initiative – Federal Lands to Parks +150 +1
TOTAL Program Changes +150 +1
Mission Overview
Natural Programs support the NPS mission by providing technical assistance to local communities,
organizations, and other local and State governments, to preserve and protect resources and maintain a
nationwide system of parks, open space, rivers, and trails and to provide educational, recreational, and
conservation benefits for the American people.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Activity Overview
Natural Programs include:
Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance – The Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance
Program (RTCA) provides technical assistance and support to communities across the U.S.,
helping create local conservation and outdoor recreation opportunities and access projects. The
NPS collaborates to leverage public and private resources to create successful close-to-home
community-led projects. Through these projects, the National Park Service has collaborated with
more than 14,000 partners to create 1.1 million acres of parks, build 38,400 miles of trails, and
conserve 22,200 miles of rivers in all 50 States and Territories including Puerto Rico and the U.S.
Virgin Islands.
National Natural Landmarks – The National Natural Landmarks Program recognizes and
encourages the conservation of sites that best illustrate the Nation’s biological and geological
heritage. The designation of National Natural Landmarks allows the NPS to partner with public
and private landowners to support protection of nationally significant natural resources. As of
early 2021, 602 NNLs within the United States, American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the
U.S. Virgin Islands had been designated.
Hydropower Recreation Assistance – The Hydropower Assistance program provides technical
assistance to participants involved in the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
hydropower licensing proceedings to help others engage more effectively and ensure projects
provide enhanced outdoor recreation opportunities and a quality environmental setting. Since
2002, the NPS has worked on FERC hydropower licensing proceedings to protect, improve and
create access to outdoor recreation on over 20,000 river miles and over 1,700 miles of trails, and
contributed to the conservation of over 80,000 acres of parks and open space. In addition, staff
prioritize support to projects that involve National Park Service units and related areas including
National Wild & Scenic Rivers, National Trails, and other nationally-designated areas managed
by the NPS.
Federal Lands to Parks –The Federal Lands to Parks Program (FLP) conserves natural and
cultural resources and supports a nationwide system of parks, open space, rivers, and trails to
provide close to home recreational and conservation benefits through the transfer of surplus
Federal lands. Since 1949, over 1,624 properties have been transferred to State and local
governments for parks and recreation in 50 States, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Guam.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Activity: Natural Programs
Program Component: Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance
FY 2022 Program Activities
The following are examples of planned FY 2022 Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance activities:
Provide technical assistance and collaborate with more than 250 projects in over 800
Leverage public and private resources for community-led projects across America.
Justification of FY 2022 Program Changes
The FY 2022 budget request for the Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance program is $10,971,000
and 62 FTE. There are no proposed program changes compared to FY 2021.
Program Overview
Since 1988, the National Park Service has helped communities realize their visions for outdoor recreation
and conservation through the Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance (RTCA) program. RTCA
planners help local leaders, partners, and national park staff engage broad community participation,
explore strategies, and leverage funding. Through these projects, the National Park Service has
collaborated with more than 14,000 partners to create over 1.1 million acres of parks, build 38,400 miles
of trails, and conserve 22,200 miles of rivers in all 50 States and Territories including Puerto Rico and the
U.S. Virgin Islands. Today, more than 60 million people live within one mile of an outdoor recreation
opportunity that was created or improved by NPS through the RTCA program.
Project applications come from and are guided by the goals and needs of local leaders. Working in
partnership, RTCA planners engage community members in planning and implementation. While the
RTCA does not provide financial assistance, it will assist communities in developing strategies to
leverage public and private resources. The RTCA program also provides technical assistance to individual
national parks.
For more information about the Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance program, visit:
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
At a Glance…
RTCA Partnering with Alaska Community
With the help of RTCA, 300 miles west of Alaska’s mainland, the Aleut Community of St. Paul Island is honoring
their connection to baseball and expanding its outdoor recreation opportunities by restoring the historic field, and
surrounding area, that have actively been used since the 1880s. “The partnership with RTCA allowed the
community to have a direct voice in the process and then created something that we could look at. The NPS has
certainly been a really active partner and has given us a unique perspective.”
Photo courtesy of the Aleut Community of St. Paul Tribal Government.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Activity: Natural Programs
Program Component: National Natural Landmarks
FY 2022 Program Activities
The following are examples of planned FY 2022 National Natural Landmarks activities:
Support conservation efforts of site managers and organizations (including private landowners)
who oversee sites designated as National Natural Landmarks.
Facilitate the evaluation of sites for potential NNL designation.
Engage in and facilitate partnerships among landmark sites and with other recognized and
protected areas to promote connected conservation.
Partner with landmark sites to highlight six decades of conservation success as the program
celebrates its 60
anniversary in 2022.
Justification of FY 2022 Program Changes
The FY 2022 budget request for the National Natural Landmarks program is $700,000 and 5 FTE. There
are no proposed program changes compared to FY 2021.
Program Overview
For 60 years, the National Park Service has been collaborating with partners to extend the benefits of
natural and cultural resource conservation to local communities through the National Natural Landmarks
(NNL) program. NNL designation formally recognizes a site as possessing outstanding biological and/or
geological features, providing an important example of our Nation’s natural heritage. Landmarks are
owned by a variety of public and private land stewards, and participation in the program is voluntary.
To-date, 602 natural areas, encompassing approximately nine million acres in both rural and urban
settings, have received the distinction as a national natural landmark. The NPS works alongside
landowners, managers, and other partners to encourage and support the conservation of these nationally
significant sites.
Designated in January 2021, the three newest national natural landmarks; pictured left to right: Lanphere and
Ma-le'l Dunes, CA; Sulphur Cave and Spring, CO; and Bear Rocks and Allegheny Front Preserve, WV. || Photos
courtesy of Andrea Pickart, Norm Thompson, and Kent Mason
Program staff engage with owners and managers at designated sites to understand management
challenges, ascertain condition of landmark resources and provide or broker technical assistance;
participate in environmental review and planning to minimize impacts to landmark sites; utilize various
communication tools and outlets to raise awareness of these nationally significant areas; seek
opportunities to engage landmark sites in connected conservation efforts; and coordinate the
identification, evaluation and designation of new landmark sites.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Find more information about the National Natural Landmarks program at:
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Activity: Natural Programs
Program Component: Hydropower Recreation Assistance
FY 2022 Program Activities
The following are examples of planned FY 2022 Hydropower Recreation Assistance activities:
Representing the NPS in hydropower proceedings, making recommendations for studies,
providing technical assistance, and developing recommendations for conservation and recreation
Recover program costs from the licensees back to the U.S. Treasury.
Participating in priority projects to ensure recreation and conservation interests are considered in
relicensing, as well as in proposals to develop new hydropower, on existing lock and dams and
free-flowing rivers.
Responding to requests for assistance from parks and related NPS management areas impacted by
the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) hydropower proceedings.
Justification of FY 2022 Program Changes
The FY 2022 budget request for the Hydropower Recreation Assistance program is $898,000 and 4 FTE.
There are no proposed program changes compared to FY 2021.
Program Overview
The Hydropower Recreation Assistance program promotes and enhances recreation opportunities across
the Nation by assisting hydropower producers, recreation organizations, local communities, and
stakeholders in planning for and providing sustainable recreation access and services for the public. The
program also improves natural resource conservation and recreation in hydropower projects by making
recommendations to modify hydropower facility operations to better protect the local ecosystem and
enhance recreation opportunities. Since 2002, the NPS has worked on FERC hydropower licensing
proceedings to protect, improve and create access to outdoor recreation on over 2,000 river miles and over
1,700 miles of trails, and contributed to the conservation of over 80,000 acres of parks and open space.
Through the relicensing process for the Patterson Great Falls Hydroelectric project, the parties
agreed to improve the aesthetic flows over the falls by extending the amount of days and hours
higher flows are available for public viewing. The applicant also conveyed 2.5 acres of land to the
NPS for the construction of Patterson Great Falls NHP visitor center.
In addition, staff prioritize support to projects that involve NPS parks and other nationally-designated
areas to ensure project impacts do not adversely affect areas where NPS has management responsibilities.
Importantly, there are 45 dams within the NPS with a capacity of more than 6,500 Megawatts of energy.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
This is equivalent to powering approximately 6.6 million homes. Hydropower assistance work continues
projects affecting several parks, including Paterson Great Falls NHP, Lowell NHP, Delaware River parks,
Ross Lake NRA, Blackstone River Valley NHP, Blue Ridge Parkway, Horseshoe Bend NMP and the
Appalachian NST.
Funding has supported recreation and conservation improvement projects including recreation facilities
and access points, shoreline protection, flows for recreation, and interpretation and education materials.
The Hydropower Recreation Assistance creates opportunities for river conservation and enhancement of
water-based recreation that are fully compatible with continuing and future operations of hydropower
facilities. The program supports sustainable hydropower facilities that provide clean renewable energy.
Program resources are allocated based on the pending hydropower relicensing and staff workload and
opportunities for significant contributions by the NPS. Program costs are reported to the Department of
the Interior and forwarded to the FERC to recover costs from licensees.
Find more information online about the Hydropower Recreation Assistance program at:
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Activity: Natural Programs
Program Component: Chesapeake Bay Gateways and Trails
FY 2022 Program Activities
The following are examples of planned FY 2022 Chesapeake Bay Gateways and Trails activities:
Provide assistance that leverages State, community, and NGO partner funding to help create new
water access sites managed by others for recreation including boating, fishing, and paddle sports.
Work with States and Tribes to sustain and interpret sites and places important to their culture.
Continue work with States, local governments, NGOs, recreationists, anglers, and hunters to
collaboratively promote public access and conservation through the Chesapeake Conservancy,
Chesapeake Conservation Partnership, and other organizations.
Support visibility and public use of the Chesapeake’s special places through web and mobile
Continue the Roving Ranger program to assists sites around the Chesapeake Bay watershed with
exposing residents and visitors to new places to visit and recreate.
Continue collaboration on existing partner visitor contact stations in Pennsylvania, Maryland, and
Virginia, assisting with exhibits, programming, and signage.
Justification of FY 2022 Program Changes
The FY 2022 budget request for Chesapeake Bay Gateways and Trails is $3,009,000 and 2 FTE. There
are no proposed program changes compared to FY 2021.
Program Overview
The Chesapeake Bay Gateways and Trails program, authorized in 1998, provides technical and financial
assistance to State and local agencies and organizations to provide better access to the Chesapeake and
rivers, to conserve important landscapes and resources, to engage youth in meaningful work and placed-
based education, to improve recreational opportunities, and to interpret the natural and cultural resources
of the Chesapeake region.
Over 17 million people live in the Chesapeake Bay watershed and tens of millions more visit and explore
the Chesapeake region each year. The Gateways and Trails program assists partners with visitor service
amenities, interpretive media, programs and signage, training, conservation, and public water access
projects linked to over 250 parks, refuges, land and water trails, historic sites and communities and
throughout the Chesapeake Bay watershed. The program is a key element of an overall Chesapeake Bay
watershed restoration effort in partnership with Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Delaware, New York,
West Virginia, and the District of Columbia.
Executive Order (EO)13508, Chesapeake Bay Protection and Restoration, signed May 2009, directs
Federal agencies and partners to recommend and implement a strategy for restoring and protecting the
Chesapeake Bay. The strategy, developed in 2010, sets key goals and outcomes for implementation,
including protecting two million additional acres and expanding public access to the Bay and tributaries
by 300 new access sites by 2025. The NPS has been tasked with fostering interjurisdictional collaboration
to achieve these goals, which were subsequently adopted in the 2014 Chesapeake Bay Watershed
Agreement signed by the governors of six States, the District of Columbia, and the Federal government.
A management strategy and work plan adopted under the Watershed Agreement guides assistance for
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Chesapeake conservation, including collaborative resource documentation and protection and capacity
In December 2020, phase one of the revitalization of the old J.B. Robinson Oyster House site along the Seaford
River Walk. The National Park Service has worked with Chesapeake Conservancy for more than five years to
document, protect, and share the importance of the Nanticoke River’s cultural and natural resources with the
public. Seaford offers the public a key spot to start exploring the Nanticoke, one of the most pristine rivers in the
region. || Photo courtesy of the Chesapeake Conservancy
The Chesapeake Bay Gateways and Trails program supports DOI’s implementation of key EO and
Watershed Agreement outcomes. A Chesapeake Bay Watershed Public Access Plan developed in 2013
and updated in 2014 in collaboration with State and local partners and citizens identified over 300 public
access projects to enable boating, fishing, and swimming access to the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries.
Projects provide new economic and recreational assets, universal accessibility, and access for traditionally
underserved communities at key locations along local, State, and national water trails through simple soft
launch facilities, fishing piers, boardwalks, and ramps for motorized boating. Assistance with interpretive
media, signage, programming, and staff training at strategic locations enables partners to offer high
quality visitor experiences that build public awareness and support for the Chesapeake’s cultural and
natural heritage.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Activity: Natural Programs
Program Component: Federal Lands to Parks
FY 2022 Program Activities
The following are examples of planned FY 2022 Federal Lands to Parks activities:
Continue assisting Federal agencies to reduce the inventory of unneeded/surplus Federal property
by transferring real estate to States and communities for public parks and recreation.
Assist State and local agencies to meet community needs while assuring park and recreation
accountability and compliance for transferred properties.
Complete web and data systems, improving accountability, transparency, efficiency, and outreach
to help the public find where FLP-protected parks are, and encourage citizens to care for and
champion their local parks.
Justification of FY 2022 Program Changes
The FY 2022 budget request for the Federal Lands to Parks Program is $874,000 and 5 FTE, a program
change of +$150,000 and +1 FTE from FY 2021.
Conservation InitiativeIncrease Capacity for Federal Lands to Parks (+$150,000 / +1 FTE) - At
this funding level, the program will be fully staffed and funded. The increase will support overall program
capacity, addressing ongoing stewardship of property conveyed and crucial actions to preserve program
records and make them electronically accessible. Specifically, this increase will help the NPS manage the
legacy records in the program offices and establish and implement a system to digitize and electronically
store and records on converted lands for compliance activities.
Program Overview
In partnership with State and local governments, the FLP program contributes to community
revitalization by providing new and expanded State and community parks; increasing close-to-home
recreation opportunities increasingly recognized as important to improving people’s health and wellness;
and protecting open space and important natural and cultural resources. In addition to benefiting
communities, the FLP program helps the Federal government save money by reducing its unneeded
inventory of Federal land and facilities.
The NPS partners with the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) to transfer surplus Federal real
estate for public parks and recreation areas, transforming them into local community assets while
reducing the Federal inventory of unneeded real estate. Similarly, the NPS continues to work with the
Department of Defense (DoD), States, and communities to convert military bases closed and realigned
under Base Realignment and Closure Acts (BRAC) into park and recreation areas.
FLP works to ensure that transferred properties have continued public recreation access and use, resource
protection, and compliance with deeds, as required by 40 U.S.C. § 550(b and e), formerly the Federal
Property and Administration Services Act of 1949. While surplus Federal property available for transfer
for new public parks will be reduced due to the Federal Assets Sale and Transfer Act (FASTA; Public
Law 114-287), FLP staff is responsible for overseeing perpetual recreational use requirements on nearly
1,300 active properties, exceeding 137,000 acres. FLP helps communities prevent or resolve compliance
issues, such as installation of commercial cell towers, park closures, pipelines and mining proposals, road
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
projects, and more. FLP staff works with communities to better meet changing land use and recreational
needs through program guidance, and if necessary, land exchanges, easements, ownership changes, third-
party use agreements, change to another Federal public benefit use program, or reversion to the Federal
government for reuse for private or commercial uses.
Learn more about the Federal Lands to Parks program at:
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Activity: Cultural Programs
Cultural Programs
Change from
2021 Enacted
National Register
16,583 16,835 +369 0 0 17,204 +369
National Center for
Preservation Technology
& Training
1,969 1,988 +31 0 0 2,019 +31
Native American Graves
Protection & Repatriation
1,907 1,907 0 0 0 1,907 0
Japanese American
Confinement Site Grants
3,155 3,155 0 0 0 3,155 0
American Battlefield
Protection Program
Assistance Grants
1,198 1,198 0 0 0 1,198 0
American Indian &
Native Hawaiian Art &
Culture Grants
1,500 1,250 0 0 0 1,250 0
9/11 Memorial Act
2,000 2,500 0 0 0 2,500 0
Oklahoma City Memorial
Endowment Fund
0 0 0 0 +1,000 1,000 +1,000
Grants Administration 2,815 3,105 +70 0 0 3,175 +70
Total Requirements 31,127 31,938 +470 0 +1,000 33,408 +1,470
Total FTE Requirements
105 107 0 0 0 107 0
Summary of FY 2022 Program Changes for Cultural Programs
Program Changes
($000) FTE
Oklahoma City Memorial Endowment Fund +1,000 0
TOTAL Program Changes +1,000 0
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Mission Overview
The Cultural Programs activity of the National Recreation and Preservation (NR&P) account supports the
NPS mission by contributing to the conservation of cultural resources through formal partnership
Activity Overview
NPS Cultural Programs support the preservation of the Nation's cultural heritage and the integration of
preservation values in public and private decisions. The program components of this activity are:
National Register Programs – Assists communities in preserving significant historic and
archeological properties through formal designation and technical assistance. Federal designation
qualifies historic properties for Federal financial assistance and regulatory protection.
National Center for Preservation Technology and Training – Supports a national system of
research, information distribution, and skills training in the preservation and conservation of the
Nation’s significant historic and archeological properties and material culture and advances the
application of science and technology in historic preservation.
Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) Grants – Assists
Indian Tribes and Native Hawaiian organizations (NHOs) in requesting and repatriating ancestral
remains and other cultural items. In addition, assists museums in fulfilling their responsibilities to
consult with Indian Tribes and NHOs.
Japanese American Confinement Sites Grants – Assists communities, States, local
governments, non-profit institutions, educational institutions, and tribal groups with the
preservation and interpretation of Japanese American World War II confinement sites.
American Battlefield Protection Program Assistance Grants – Promotes the preservation of
significant battlefields from all wars fought on American soil, along with associated historic sites.
American Indian and Native Hawaiian Art and Culture Grants – Supports Native culture and
arts development.
9/11 Memorial Act Grants – Provides competitive grants for the continued operation, security,
and maintenance of the on-site memorials of the events and victims of September 11, 2001.
Grants Administration – Within this activity, the NPS administers multiple grant programs
funded within this Activity and from the Historic Preservation Fund. The NPS is responsible for
ensuring that grantees comply with all requirements and successfully complete funded projects.
These administrative activities span the life of each grant, which may last up to five years past the
date of award.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Activity: Cultural Programs
Program Component: National Register Programs
FY 2022 Program Activities
The following are examples of planned FY 2022 National Register Program activities:
Preserve prehistoric and historic properties and cultural traditions in partnership with States,
Tribes, local governments, and preservation organizations, and continue efforts to digitize and
preserve National Register records, increasing public access and reducing risks of resource
damage and loss.
Conduct approximately 1,300 new National Register actions, including review and processing of
new listings, determinations of eligibility, acceptance of multiple cover documents, additional
documentation, and requests for boundary changes, removals, and moved properties.
Justification of FY 2022 Program Changes
The FY 2022 budget request for National Register Programs is $17,204,000 and 84 FTE. There are no
proposed program changes compared to FY 2021.
Program Overview
National Register Programs encourage the preservation of cultural resources by all levels of government
and the private sector. A wide range of technical assistance is offered, including:
National Register of Historic Places
The National Register of Historic Places is the Nation’s official inventory of historic places that have
been determined to be worthy of preservation. It recognizes buildings, structures, sites, objects, and
districts that are significant in American history, architecture, archeology, engineering, and culture at the
National, State, and local levels. The program also provides standards and guidance on the identification,
evaluation, and registration of historic properties to State and Federal agencies, Tribes, local
governments, and the public. It provides a planning tool for Federal, State, and local governments that
encourages the preservation of eligible properties and encourages private preservation efforts through
Federal preservation incentives such as the Federal Historic Preservation Tax Incentives Program. The
records of the National Register are publicly available.
Find more information online at:
National Historic Landmarks Program
National Historic Landmarks (NHLs) are cultural properties which are among the Nation’s most
significant historic places—buildings, sites, districts, structures, and objects that possess exceptional
value or quality in illustrating the heritage of the United States in history, architecture, archeology,
engineering, and culture. Proposed NHLs are designated by the Secretary of the Interior based on the
recommendation of the National Park Service. Upon designation, NHLs are listed in the National Register
of Historic Places. The records of the NHL program are publicly available.
Find more information online at:
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Heritage Documentation Programs
Heritage Documentation Programs (HDP) identify and record structures and sites that have an important
place in the history of the Nation and in the development of American architecture, engineering, and
landscapes. These programs include the Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS), the Historic
American Engineering Record (HAER), and the Historic American Landscapes Survey (HALS). The
programs provide baseline documentation of structures and sites to assist with rehabilitation and
interpretation, publish technical guidance for preservation professionals, train students and practitioners in
the latest technological documentation techniques, ensure the HDP collection at the Library of Congress
archives a broad range of the nation’s historically significant cultural resources, and field test new
recording technologies to determine appropriate use within the context of the Secretary of the Interior’s
Guidelines and Standards for Architectural, Engineering, and Landscape Documentation. The HDP
programs also review and archive mitigation documentation developed as part of the National Historic
Preservation Act Section 106 consultations.
Find more information online at:
Cultural Resources GIS Program
The Cultural Resource Geographic Information Systems program (CRGIS) fosters the use of Geographic
Information Systems (GIS) and Global Positioning System (GPS) technologies in survey, inventory,
documentation, and management of cultural resources. The program provides training in the use of GIS
and GPS in managing historic properties to NPS staff, State Historic Preservation Offices, Tribal Historic
Preservation Offices, and other historic preservation organizations. CRGIS works to integrate State,
Tribal, and Federal cultural resource spatial data sets, eliminate redundancy, and create Federal agency
wide cultural resource spatial data standards. The program expands the effectiveness of resource
planning, disaster response, and meeting regulatory requirements through the use of spatial technologies.
Find more information online at:
Archaeological Assistance Program
The Archaeological Assistance Program provides coordination, leadership, technical assistance, and
guidance to all Federal agencies with responsibility for archeological resources pursuant to the National
Historic Preservation Act of 1966 and the Archaeological and Historic Preservation Act of 1974, and also
collaborates with State, Tribal, and local agencies to ensure responsible stewardship of resources.
Find more information online at:
Technical Preservation Services
Technical Preservation Services (TPS) develops historic preservation standards, guidance, and other
information on the preservation and rehabilitation of historic buildings and is the NPS national program
lead for the Historic Surplus Property Program. TPS also administers, in partnership with State Historic
Preservation Offices, the Federal Historic Preservation Tax Incentives Program, which provides a 20
percent tax credit to property owners or long-term lessees who rehabilitate income-producing historic
buildings listed in the National Register of Historic Places or located in a registered historic district.
For more information online at:
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
National Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) Program
NAGPRA was enacted in 1990. The Act provides a process for museums and Federal agencies to resolve
rights to Native American cultural items—human remains, funerary objects, sacred objects, and objects of
cultural patrimony—to lineal descendants, Indian Tribes, and Native Hawaiian organizations. The
National NAGPRA program supports the responsibility of the Secretary of the Interior for the National
administration and implementation of NAGPRA.
Find more information online at:
Cultural Resources Office of Interpretation and Education
This program inspires the stewardship of America's special places and promotes inclusive preservation
through youth internships, as well as interpretation and education. Internship opportunities are meant to
develop a new generation of cultural resources professionals who represent the full diversity of the United
States. The program also supports programs that encourage visitors on the ground and online to discover
public lands and provide educators with online lesson plans, training, and technical assistance on using
historic places in education.
Find more information online at:
Federal Preservation Institute
The Federal Preservation Institute (FPI) provides historic preservation training and education materials
for use by all Federal agencies and preservation officers to ensure they can carry out their responsibilities
under the National Historic Preservation Act and related laws.
Find more information online at:
American Battlefield Protection Program
The American Battlefield Protection Program (ABPP) assists citizens, public and private institutions, and
State and local governments in planning, interpreting, and protecting historic battlefield sites on American
soil. To this end, the program provides technical and financial assistance for preservation projects and
encourages partnerships between private organizations and all levels of government.
Find more information online at:
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Activity: Cultural Programs
Program Component: National Center for Preservation Technology and Training
FY 2022 Program Activities
The following are examples of planned FY 2022 National Center for Preservation Technology and
Training activities:
Provide technical information, research, best practices, and technology training to preservation
professionals nationwide, with a focus on park resource issues. This will include hosting webinars
and podcasts focusing on the role of science and technology in preservation.
Develop treatments to remove crude oil from historic structures without damaging historic
materials during recovery from inland oil spills.
Test techniques to remove fire suppressant contamination from historic buildings and other
cultural materials.
Create a series of technical briefs to communicate best practices in preservation for site managers,
homeowners, contractors, and the general public.
Host workshops, symposia, and training events that address cutting-edge issues in preservation,
including climate change adaptation, disaster response, resiliency and energy efficiency, and
nondestructive evaluation technologies for cultural resource management.
Manage an authorized grants program to support partners in research and development training to
improve tools, materials, and approaches to conservation of historic buildings and landscapes,
archeological sites and objects, and museum collections.
Justification of FY 2022 Program Changes
The FY 2022 budget request for the National Center for Preservation Technology and Training is
$2,019,000 and 7 FTE. There are no proposed program changes compared to FY 2021.
Program Overview
The National Center for Preservation Technology and Training (NCPTT) is a designated Federal
laboratory that undertakes research related to historic preservation and advances the application of science
and technology to preservation problems. The NCPTT also partners with universities and nonprofits,
supports applied research, through Preservation Technology and Training Grants, partners with
professional and scientific organizations, publishes technical guidance for preservation professionals, and
trains students and practitioners in the latest preservation techniques.
NCPTT serves as a clearinghouse for technical and scientific preservation information, with research and
training programs that reach preservationists throughout the U.S., an internationally recognized web
presence, and a catalog of technical reports and training videos to keeps preservationists informed about
advances in technologies and methods for evaluating historic buildings, sites, and collections.
Find more information about the National Center for Preservation Technology and Training online at:
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Activity: Cultural Programs
Program Component: National Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act
(NAGPRA) Grants
FY 2022 Program Activities
The following are examples of planned FY 2022 National Native American Graves Protection and
Repatriation Act activities:
The program expects to award approximately 25 grants to assist with consultation and
documentation projects leading to the repatriation of Native American ancestral remains and
other cultural items.
The program expects to award approximately 10 grants to assist with travel and transportation of
repatriated Native American cultural items.
Justification of FY 2022 Program Changes
The FY 2022 budget request for NAGPRA Grants is $1,907,000 and 0 FTE. There are no proposed program
changes compared to FY 2021.
Program Overview
The Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) of 1990 addresses the rights of
lineal descendants, Indian Tribes, and Native Hawaiian organizations to Native American cultural items,
including human remains, funerary objects, sacred objects, and objects of cultural patrimony.
The Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Program annually awards grants to museums,
Tribes, and Native Hawaiian organizations under the provisions of 25 U.S.C. 3008. From FY 1994 to FY
2020, the NAGPRA grant program has awarded a total of 1,024 grants totaling $52.0 million. The grants
fund museum and tribal projects for consultation and identification, leading to NAGPRA notices and
repatriation; including costs of transfer of possession from museums and agencies to Tribes.
Find more information about the National NAGPRA Program online at:
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Activity: Cultural Programs
Program Component: Japanese American Confinement Site Grants
FY 2022 Program Activities
The following is an example of planned FY 2022 Japanese American Confinement Site Grants activities:
The program expects to award approximately 20 grants to States, Tribes, local governments, and
nonprofit organizations to acquire, protect, preserve, research, interpret, and restore historic
confinement sites.
Justification of FY 2022 Program Changes
The FY 2022 budget request for Japanese American Confinement Site Grants is $3,155,000 and 0 FTE.
There are no proposed program changes compared to FY 2021.
Program Overview
The Japanese American Confinement Sites Grants program preserves Japanese American World War II
confinement sites through partnerships with local preservation groups. In accordance with Public Law
109-441, which authorizes the program, grant funds may be used to encourage and support the research,
interpretation, and preservation of the sites where Japanese Americans were detained during World War
II. Since the first appropriation in FY 2009, NPS has awarded 247 grants totaling more than $32.0
Grants are competitively awarded on the basis of applicant proposals meeting the following selection
criteria: historical significance, critical preservation need, lasting educational impact, and feasibility and
cost-effectiveness. Eligible projects must also demonstrate commitment of a 2:1 Federal to non-Federal
match. Past projects have included a memorial and exhibit to tell the lesser-known stories of Japanese
Americans who were forced to leave their homes in Juneau, and nearby Alaskan communities during the
war; the restoration of headstones and monuments at the Rohwer cemetery in Arkansas; and the
construction of visitors centers in Utah and Wyoming to tell the history of the Topaz and Heart Mountain
incarceration sites and the larger, national story of Japanese American World War II incarceration. The
wide range of funded grant projects demonstrates the importance of sharing the lessons of Japanese
American World War II incarceration history with the public and how those lessons remain relevant today
more than 75 years later.
Find more information online about Japanese American World War II confinement site grants at:
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Activity: Cultural Programs
Program Component: American Battlefield Protection Program Assistance Grants
FY 2022 Program Activities
The following is an example of planned FY 2022 American Battlefield Protection Program (ABPP)
Assistance Grants activities:
The program expects to award approximately 12-15 grants to assist in identification, planning,
and education efforts to protect significant battle sites, from any war fought on American soil,
from threats to their continued preservation.
Justification of FY 2022 Program Changes
The FY 2022 budget request for ABPP Assistance Grants is $1,198,000 and 0 FTE. There are no
proposed program changes compared to FY 2021.
Program Overview
The goals of the American Battlefield Protection Program (ABPP) are to protect battlefields and sites
associated with armed conflicts that influenced the course of American history; to encourage and assist in
planning for the preservation, management, and interpretation of these sites; and to raise awareness of the
importance of preserving battlefields and related sites for future generations. ABPP planning grants
protect natural and cultural resources and seek to leverage Federal funding with partner resources to
sustain local preservation efforts. They do not fund land acquisition or capital improvement projects.
Instead they assist in the preservation and protection of America’s significant battlefields through site
identification and documentation, as well as planning, interpretation, and educational projects. Projects
associated with lands owned by the NPS are not eligible. ABPP planning grants complement the
program’s land acquisition grants, which are funded through mandatory appropriations and provide
resources to non-Federal entities to acquire threatened battlefield sites outside the National Park System.
More information on ABPP battlefield acquisition grants can be found in the Land Acquisition and State
Assistance section.
Find more information online at:
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Activity: Cultural Programs
Program Component: American Indian & Native Hawaiian Art & Culture Grants
FY 2022 Program Activities
The following is an example of planned FY 2022 American Indian & Native Hawaiian Art & Culture
Grants activities:
The NPS expects to provide funding to the Northwest Coast arts program as outlined by the
memorandum of agreement between the Institute of American Indian Arts and the Sealaska
Heritage Institute.
Justification of FY 2022 Program Changes
The FY 2022 budget request for American Indian and Native Hawaiian Art and Culture Grants is
$1,250,000 and 0 FTE. There are no proposed program changes compared to FY 2021.
Program Overview
This program supports Native culture and arts development with congressional direction to fund the
Northwest Coast arts program through the Sealaska Heritage Institute. The Northwest Coast arts program
contributes to maintaining the cultural diversity of the nation and the cultural survival of the region’s
indigenous populations, furthering the goals of the American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian
Culture and Art Development Act.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Activity: Cultural Programs
Program Component: 9/11 Memorial Act Grants
FY 2022 Program Activities
The following is an example of planned FY 2022 9/11 Memorial Act Grants activities:
The program expects to award $2.5 million in grants to one or more of the eligible organizations.
Justification of FY 2022 Program Changes
The FY 2022 budget request for 9/11 Memorial Act Grants is $2,500,000 and 0 FTE. There are no
proposed program changes compared to FY 2021.
Program Overview
The 9/11 Memorial Act Grant Program was established in FY 2020 to provide competitive grants for the
continued operation, security, and maintenance of the on-site memorials of the events and victims of
September 11, 2001. Eligible recipients must be located at the sites of the attacks, and they must be
established to commemorate the events of, and honor the victims of, the terrorist attacks on the World
Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. In addition, they must offer free admission to
active and retired members of the military, registered first responders to the 9/11 attacks, and family
members of victims of the attacks as well as offer free admission hours to the general public at least once
per week.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Activity: Cultural Programs
Program Component: Oklahoma City Memorial Endowment Fund
FY 2022 Program Activities
The following is an example of planned FY 2022 Oklahoma City Memorial Endowment Fund activities:
The NPS will provide $1.0 million on a one-time basis to the endowment for the nonprofit
Oklahoma City National Memorial Foundation that owns and operates the Oklahoma City
National Memorial.
Justification of FY 2022 Program Changes
The FY 2022 budget request for the Oklahoma City Memorial Endowment Fund is $1,000,000 and 0
FTE, a program change of +$1,000,000 and 0 FTE from FY 2021.
Oklahoma City Memorial Endowment Fund (+$1,000,000 / 0 FTE) – The Oklahoma City National
Memorial Act Amendments of 2003 (P.L. 108-199) authorized appropriations of $5.0 million for the
Oklahoma City Memorial endowment fund. To date, the endowment has received $4.0 million from
General Services Administration appropriations (FYs 2005 and 2010). The William M. (Mac) Thornberry
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 (P.L. 116-283) authorized an appropriation for
the endowment from the NPS’ National Recreation and Preservation account. The requested one-time
amount would complete the total authorized appropriation for this purpose.
Program Overview
The Oklahoma City National Memorial is an affiliated area of the NPS that honors the victims, survivors,
rescuers, and all who were affected by the Oklahoma City bombing on April 19, 1995.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Activity: Cultural Programs
Program Component: Grants Administration
FY 2022 Program Activities
The following are examples of planned FY 2022 Grants Administration activities:
Administer the Historic Preservation Fund grant program, including providing training and
guidance on grant and program requirements and management of over 1,200 active grants.
Manage over 200 active grants funded from NR&P.
Administer the Certified Local Government program and Preservation Planning program as they
relate to requirements of the HPF and the National Historic Preservation Act.
Justification of FY 2022 Program Changes
The FY 2022 budget request for Grants Administration is $3,175,000 and 16 FTE. There are no proposed
program changes compared to FY 2021.
Program Overview
The Grants Administration Program administers multiple grant programs within the Historic Preservation
Fund account, as well as grants funded from within this appropriation. The NPS is responsible for
ensuring that grantees comply with all requirements and that they successfully complete their proposed
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Activity: Environmental Compliance and Review
Compliance and
Review ($000)
Change from
2020 Enacted
Compliance and
435 443 +13 0 0 456 +13
435 443 +13 0 0 456 +13
Total FTE
3 3 0 0 0 3 0
Mission Overview
The Environmental Compliance and Review activity supports the Service’s mission by contributing to the
protection, restoration, and preservation of natural and cultural resources; the provision of adequate
knowledge to properly manage these resources; and to provide for visitor enjoyment and satisfaction with
the appropriate availability, diversity, and quality of park facilities, services, and recreational
Activity Overview
The Environmental Compliance and Review activity provides review and comment on environmental
impact Statements, Federal licensing and permitting applications, and other actions which may impact
areas of NPS jurisdiction and expertise. This activity ensures compliance with the National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and other environmental protection mandates. It also provides
comments on the effects on environmental quality resulting from proposed legislation, regulations,
guidelines, Executive Orders regarding outdoor recreation, including wild and scenic rivers, National
trails, wilderness, resource management plans and activities from other agencies, recreation complexes,
Federal surplus property or transfers, and related projects and undertakings.
FY 2022 Program Activities
The following is an example of planned FY 2022 Environmental Compliance and Review activities:
Coordinate the NPS’s review and comments on approximately 1,000 external environmental
review documents.
Justification of FY 2022 Program Changes
The FY 2022 budget request for Environmental Compliance and Review is $456,000 and 3 FTE. There
are no proposed program changes compared to FY 2021.
Program Overview
The Environmental Compliance and Review activity is the focal point for NPS external environmental
review. NPS is a major participating bureau in DOI’s Environmental Review Program since the NPS has
unique expertise associated with the review of environmental compliance documents that have the
potential to impact outdoor recreation at the Federal, State, and local levels. As a consequence of the
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
geographic breadth of these park and recreation lands and improvements, it is necessary for the
Department to transmit certain environmental documents received from other agencies and bureaus to the
NPS for review and preparation of agency comments. Typically, approximately 1,000 documents are
submitted to and reviewed by NPS each year. The program facilitates NPS review and comment on the
potential impacts of agency proposals on NPS resources and values, and helps other agencies mitigate
these impacts.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Activity: International Park Affairs
International Park
Affairs ($000)
Change from
2021 Enacted
Office of
International Affairs
1,227 1,248 +26 0 0 1,274 +26
Southwest Border
Resource Protection
676 676 0 0 0 676 0
Total Requirements 1,903 1,924 +26 0 0 1,950 +26
Total FTE
6 6 0 0 0 6 0
Mission Overview
The International Park Affairs activity includes the Office of International Affairs and the Southwest
Border Resource Protection Program. These programs support the NPS mission by contributing to the
conservation and protection of natural and cultural resources and associated values of the National Park
system and of key partner countries, the restoration and maintenance of the condition of these resources,
and the ability of the NPS to collaborate effectively with partners to achieve these goals.
Activity Overview
Since the designation of Yellowstone as the world’s first National Park in 1872, the United States has
been looked to for leadership and as a model in park management by other countries and the global parks
movement. The NPS has a long tradition of international engagement and has either helped create or
significantly influenced the development of park systems in nearly every country in the world.
International cooperation is directly related to the NPS mission, and is even included in the Mission
Statement, “The Park Service cooperates with partners…throughout this country and the world.” In
addition to providing other nations with technical assistance, the NPS has learned innovative park
management techniques from international cooperation activities, in such diverse fields as invasive
species management, interpretation, biodiversity prospecting, and cultural resources preservation.
Research has demonstrated that international collaboration is critical to protecting many different types of
park resources. Hundreds of migratory species, including birds, bats, butterflies, salmon, and whales
regularly move between NPS units and habitats outside the US. To ensure that these shared wildlife
species continue to return to US parks, NPS staff work with counterparts in other countries to establish
and manage protected areas outside US borders. Similarly, invasive species, wildfire, and air and water
pollution pay no heed to boundaries and require international collaboration for effective resource
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Activity: International Park Affairs
Program Component: Office of International Affairs
FY 2022 Program Activities
The following are examples of planned FY 2022 Office of International Affairs activities:
OIA will coordinate official international visitor and volunteer programs, provide information and
assistance to NPS employees on international issues, and serve as NPS liaison with other Federal
agencies, particularly the State Department, on international park and heritage matters.
OIA will develop technical assistance and exchange programs with key partners, including
Canada, Mexico, Bahamas, China, Jordan, Chile, and other nations. This will include in-country
training, study tours in the United States, the development of ‘sister parks’ and other initiatives of
mutual benefit.
Justification of FY 2022 Program Changes
The FY 2022 budget request for the Office of International Affairs is $1,274,000 and 6 FTE. There are no
proposed program changes compared to FY 2021.
Program Overview
The NPS Office of International Affairs (OIA) is the NPS focal point for international activities and
serves as the primary contact for other DOI bureaus, agencies, foreign governments, and international and
private organizations on park and conservation related matters. Through OIA, NPS exchanges technical
and scientific information, shares knowledge and lessons learned, and provides technical assistance to
other nations on park and heritage resource management issues. It also assists in the implementation of
international treaty obligations that arise from legislative mandates and executive initiatives. OIA
provides guidance to NPS employees on international engagement and oversees all official international
travel requests for review and approval by NPS and DOI leadership.
Technical Assistance: As part of official international agreements with partner park agencies,
OIA strengthens efforts to protect border parks with shared park resources as well as supporting
US foreign policy objectives through technical assistance to other countries’ national park
systems. The majority of this assistance is funded with outside financial support, primarily from
the US Agency for International Development, the US Department of State, and the World Bank.
Long-Term Programs: OIA develops and implements cooperative international agreements to
conduct long-term programs for protected areas conservation, cultural heritage, and resource
management with key international partners. The NPS also shares management responsibility for
preservation and conservation of natural and cultural resources with park authorities in adjacent
countries, including Canada and Mexico, as well as with Russia and in the Caribbean Basin.
International Visitors and Volunteers: OIA serves as the initial NPS point of contact for
official international visitors who wish to interact directly with Service professionals to learn
about various elements of park management in the United States. On average, OIA handles more
than 300 official international visitors from as many as seventy countries each year through the
State Department’s International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP). OIA also coordinates the
International Volunteers in Parks (IVIP) program, which places over 125 international students
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
and park managers in NPS units each year, providing them with hands-on training while also
supporting park projects.
Find more information online about the International Affairs Program at:
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Activity: International Park Affairs
Program Component: Southwest Border Resource Protection Program
FY 2022 Program Activities
The following are examples of planned FY 2022 Southwest Border Resource Protection Program
Provide technical and financial assistance to parks along the international southern border to
achieve common goals with our Mexican partners, maintain cooperative relationships, mitigate
impacts on cultural and natural resources, engage new partners, communities, and visitors in
shared environmental stewardship, and increase appreciation and understanding of our shared
cultural heritage.
Justification of FY 2022 Program Changes
The FY 2022 budget request for the Southwest Border Resource Protection Program is $676,000 and
0 FTE. There are no proposed program changes compared to FY 2021.
Program Overview
The NPS manages ten parks along the 2,000-mile border shared between the United States and Mexico.
Mexico manages nine protected areas along this same international border. The national park units
include Organ Pipe Cactus NM, Big Bend NP, Amistad NRA, Palo Alto NHS, Padre Island NS, Saguaro
NP, Tumacácori NHP, Chamizal NMem, Coronado NMem, and Chiricahua NM. Some of these NPS
units, such as Organ Pipe NM, consistently experience serious resource damage due to illegal cross-
border activities traversing the parks. Other national park units within the desert Southwest have also
experienced impacts to their natural and cultural resources. Thousands of miles of unauthorized roads and
trails have been created, major ecological processes and the migration patterns of wildlife have been
disrupted, important historic sites have been vandalized, and archeological sites have been looted. The
Southwest Border Resource Protection Program, located within the Intermountain Regional Office in
Denver, works with park units and their Mexican counterparts, as well as educational institutions,
international nonprofit organizations, Tribes, and local, State, and Federal agencies on cross-border
projects that improve resource stewardship and achieve international cooperation along this border.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Activity: Heritage Partnership Programs
Programs ($000)
Change from
2021 Enacted
Commissions and
20,962 22,883 0 0 -1,667 21,216 -1,667
982 1,006 +26 0 0 1,032 +26
21,944 23,889 +26 0 -1,667 22,248 -1,641
Total FTE
6 6 0 0 0 6 0
Summary of FY 2022 Program Changes for Heritage Partnership Programs
Program Changes ($000)
Commissions and Grants -1,667 0
TOTAL Program Changes -1,667 0
Mission Overview
The Heritage Partnership Program (HPP) supports the conservation and stewardship of diverse natural
and cultural resources and the provision of educational and recreational benefits for the American people
through partnership programs.
Activity Overview
National Heritage Areas (NHA) promote the conservation of local natural, historic, scenic, and cultural
resources. The areas are the management responsibility of Federal commissions, nonprofit groups,
universities, State agencies or municipal authorities. They are not units of the National Park System, and
their lands are not Federally owned or managed. NHAs are guided by management plans approved by the
Secretary of the Interior. Via this partnership strategy, heritage areas provide a powerful tool for the
preservation of community heritage, combining historic preservation; cultural and natural resource
conservation; local and regional preservation planning; and heritage education and tourism. In FY 2020,
heritage areas leveraged over $88.5 million in cash and in-kind support and benefitted from over 395,000
volunteer hours valued at $10.1 million, greatly increasing the impact of their Federal funding. This
activity includes two program components:
Commissions and Grants – Provides funding to 53 NHAs
Administrative Support – Provides servicewide coordination, guidance, assistance, training, and
support to NHAs, partners, and the public
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Activity: Heritage Partnership Programs
Program Component: Commissions and Grants
FY 2022 Program Activities
The following are examples of planned FY 2022 Heritage Partnership Programs Commissions and Grants
Support six recently-established heritage areas in their legislatively mandated management
planning process, with funding for those areas flat from their FY 2021 enacted amounts.
Support 47 mature heritage areas through cooperative agreements, with lower-funded areas
funded flat from FY 2021 enacted amounts and higher-funded areas reduced to $500,000 each.
National Heritage Area States
FY 2021
FY 2022
Incl. FY
Abraham Lincoln NHA IL 2008 $400,000 $400,000 $3,738,205
Appalachian Forest NHA MD/WV 2019 $157,500 $157,500 $469,291
Arabia Mountain NHA* GA 2006 $400,000 $400,000 $4,023,865
Atchafalaya NHA* LA 2006 $400,000 $400,000 $4,026,865
Augusta Canal NHA* GA 1996 $400,000 $400,000 $9,572,380
Baltimore NHA MD 2009 $400,000 $400,000 $3,590,205
Blue Ridge NHA* NC 2003 $690,000 $500,000 $13,115,780
Cache La Poudre River NHA CO 1996 $400,000 $400,000 $3,779,205
Cane River NHA LA 1994 $591,000 $500,000 $14,192,218
Champlain Valley National Heritage
Partnership* NY/VT 2006 $400,000 $400,000 $4,171,865
Crossroads of the American
Revolution NHA* NJ 2006 $400,000 $400,000 $4,023,865
Delaware and Lehigh National
Heritage Corridor* PA 1988 $610,000 $500,000 $18,073,559
Erie Canalway National Heritage
Corridor* NY 2000 $709,000 $500,000 $13,806,528
Essex NHA* MA 1996 $628,000 $500,000 $18,693,568
Freedom’s Frontier NHA* KS/MO 2006 $400,000 $400,000 $4,244,865
Freedom's Way NHA MA/NH 2009 $400,000 $400,000 $3,290,205
Great Basin National Heritage Route* NV/UT 2006 $400,000 $400,000 $3,885,865
Gullah/Geechee Cultural Heritage
Corridor *
NC/SC 2006 $400,000 $400,000 $3,885,865
Illinois and Michigan Canal National
Heritage Corridor* IL 1984 $400,000 $400,000 $10,077,205
John H. Chafee Blackstone River
Valley National Heritage Corridor* MA/RI 1986 $0 $0 $15,005,961
Journey Through Hallowed Ground
VA/WV 2008 $400,000 $400,000 $3,588,205
Kenai Mountains-Turnagain Arm
AK 2009 $400,000 $400,000 $3,590,205
Lackawanna Valley NHA* PA 2000 $427,000 $427,000 $10,585,398
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
National Heritage Area States
FY 2021
FY 2022
Incl. FY
The Last Green Valley National
Heritage Corridor* CT/MA 1994 $666,000 $500,000 $16,199,471
Maritime Washington NHA WA 2019 $157,500 $157,500 $469,291
Maurice D. Hinchey Hudson River
Valley NHA* NY 1996 $491,000 $491,000 $13,370,756
Mississippi Delta NHA MS 2009 $400,000 $400,000 $3,440,205
Mississippi Gulf Coast NHA MS 2004 $400,000 $400,000 $4,958,978
Mississippi Hills NHA MS 2009 $400,000 $400,000 $3,440,205
Mormon Pioneer NHA* UT 2006 $400,000 $400,000 $4,244,865
MotorCities NHA (Automobile)* MI 1998 $491,000 $491,000 $11,110,756
Mountains to Sound Greenway NHA WA 2019 $157,500 $157,500 $469,291
Muscle Shoals NHA AL 2009 $400,000 $400,000 $3,440,205
National Aviation Heritage Area OH 2004 $400,000 $400,000 $5,240,978
National Coal Heritage Area* WV 1996 $400,000 $400,000 $6,279,599
Niagara Falls NHA NY 2008 $400,000 $400,000 $3,876,205
Northern Plains NHA ND 2009 $400,000 $400,000 $2,830,342
Northern Rio Grande NHA* NM 2006 $400,000 $400,000 $3,735,865
Ohio and Erie National Heritage
Canalway* OH 1996 $640,000 $500,000 $18,871,448
Oil Region NHA PA 2004 $400,000 $400,000 $5,239,993
Rivers of Steel NHA* PA 1996 $664,000 $500,000 $19,232,919
Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta NHA CA 2019 $157,500 $157,500 $469,291
Sangre de Cristo NHA CO 2009 $400,000 $400,000 $3,590,205
Santa Cruz Valley NHA AZ 2019 $157,500 $157,500 $469,291
Schuylkill River Valley NHA* PA 2000 $491,000 $491,000 $10,287,756
Shenandoah Valley Battlefields
National Historic District VA 1996 $435,000 $435,000 $10,620,284
Silos and Smokestacks NHA* IA 1996 $710,000 $500,000 $15,655,107
South Carolina National Heritage
Corridor* SC 1996 $663,000 $500,000 $16,826,000
South Park NHA CO 2009 $400,000 $400,000 $3,590,205
Southwestern Pennsylvania Heritage
Preservation Commission PA 1988 $0 $0 $2,432,000
Susquehanna NHA PA 2019 $157,500 $157,500 $469,291
Tennessee Civil War Heritage Area* TN 1996 $436,000 $436,000 $8,726,559
Upper Housatonic Valley NHA* CT/MA 2006 $400,000 $400,000 $3,735,865
Wheeling NHA* WV 2000 $596,000 $500,000 $14,380,589
Yuma Crossing NHA* AZ 2000 $400,000 $400,000 $7,032,134
Total $22,883,000 $21,216,000 $398,167,120
* FY 2022 funding is contingent on legislative action to extend the sunset date for the authority to provide federal funding to the
area and/or legislative action to increase the cap on cumulative federal funding that may be provided.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Justification of FY 2022 Program Changes
The FY 2022 budget request for Commissions and Grants is $21,216,000 and 0 FTE, a program change
of -$1,667,000 and 0 FTE from FY 2021.
Heritage Partnership Programs Commissions and Grants (-$1,667,000 / 0 FTE) –In FY 2022,
funding will support all organizations that received funding in FY 2021, with reduced amounts to the
highest-funded areas. This change aligns with recommendations made by the Alliance of National
Heritage Areas. The National Park Service encourages national heritage area managers to use the
designation, which continues in perpetuity, to facilitate sustainable funding from local and private
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Activity: Heritage Partnership Programs
Program Component: Administrative Support
FY 2022 Program Activities
The following are examples of planned FY 2022 Heritage Partnership Programs Administrative Support
Coordinate NPS headquarters, regional, and park interaction with heritage areas.
Monitor use of prior-year Heritage Partnership Program funding.
Justification of FY 2022 Program Changes
The FY 2022 budget request for Administrative Support is $1,032,000 and 6 FTE. There are no proposed
program changes compared to FY 2021.
Program Overview
The NPS leverages its institutional expertise to enhance NHA management and support the work of areas
and their partners, providing technical assistance and guidance, administrative support, information and
support on budget and policies, and the coordination and dissemination of information to partners and the
public. Additionally, the NPS seeks to encourage standards and accountability for NHAs through a
variety of avenues including research, measurement, monitoring and evaluation; to support organizational
sustainability, business planning, and financial resource development planning; to encourage consistency
and quality in heritage areas while working towards a cohesive network; and to encourage best practices
in the protection of cultural and national heritage resources.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Appropriation: Historic Preservation Fund
Mission Overview
The Historic Preservation Fund (HPF) contributes to the National Park Service’s goal of protecting
significant cultural resources. Grants from the HPF to States, Tribes, local governments, and nonprofit
organizations serve as catalysts for preserving and protecting our Nation’s irreplaceable heritage without
expending tax dollars. They also leverage private and non-Federal investment while creating jobs that
expand local economies and accelerate historic preservation activities pursuant to the National Historic
Preservation Act and other relevant laws.
Appropriation Overview
The Historic Preservation Fund appropriation includes grant programs to facilitate the preservation of the
Nation’s historic and cultural resources. The appropriation is composed of two budget activities:
The Grants-in-Aid activity includes grants to support operations of the historic preservation offices of
States, Territories, local governments, and American Indian Tribes. These grants facilitate the
preservation of cultural heritage and compliance with Federal preservation mandates, including
conducting Section 106 review and developing National Register of Historic Places eligibility opinions as
required by the National Historic Preservation Act. Grants to States must be matched by a non-Federal
contribution that constitutes at least 40 percent of the cost of administering the SHPO’s projects and
programs. This activity also includes grants to support preservation of historic properties at Historically
Black Colleges and Universities, historic revitalization grants, competitive grants for the survey and
nomination to the National Register of Historic Places of properties associated with underrepresented
communities, competitive grants to preserve the sites and stories of the struggle for civil rights, and grants
to restore sites and structures that honor and interpret the founding of the Nation.
Grants-in-Aid to Save America’s Treasures
The Grants-in-Aid to Save America’s Treasures activity provides grants to preserve nationally-significant
heritage resources.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Summary of Requirements for Historic Preservation Fund
(Dollars in Thousands)
Budget Activity/Subactivity
FY 2020
FY 2020
FY 2021
FY 2021
FY 2022
Costs &
FY 2022
FY 2022
FY 2022
FY 2022
FY 2021
FY 2021
Grants-in-Aid to States and Territories 52,675 0 55,675 0 0 0 +2,000 57,675 0 +2,000 0
Grants-in-Aid to Indian Tribes 13,735 0 15,000 0 0 0 +8,000 23,000 0 +8,000 0
Grants-in-Aid to Historically Black Colleges &
Universities 10,000 1 10,000 1 0 0 0 10,000 1 0 0
Historic Revitalization Grants 7,500 1 7,500 1 0 0 +2,500 10,000 1 +2,500 0
Competitive Grants 18,750 2 21,125 2 0 0 +5,000 26,125 2 +5,000 0
Semiquincentennial Preservation Grants 0 0 10,000 0 -10,000 0 0 -10,000 0
Subtotal, Grants-in-Aid 102,660 4 119,300 4 0 0 +7,500 126,800 4 +7,500 0
Save America's Treasures 16,000 1 25,000 1 0 0 0 25,000 1 0 0
TOTAL, HISTORIC PRESERVATION FUND 118,660 5 144,300 5 0 0 +7,500 151,800 5 +7,500 0
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Appropriation Language
For expenses necessary in carrying out the National Historic Preservation Act (division A of subtitle III of
title 54, United States Code), [$144,300,000]$151,800,000, to be derived from the Historic Preservation
Fund and to remain available until September 30, [2022]2023, of which $25,000,000 shall be for Save
America's Treasures grants for preservation of nationally significant sites, structures and artifacts as
authorized by section 7303 of the Omnibus Public Land Management Act of 2009 (54 U.S.C. 3089):
Provided, That an individual Save America's Treasures grant shall be matched by non-Federal funds:
Provided further, That individual projects shall only be eligible for one grant: Provided further, That all
projects to be funded shall be approved by the Secretary of the Interior [in consultation with], who shall
provide notification to the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations: Provided further, That of
the funds provided for the Historic Preservation Fund, $1,000,000 is for competitive grants for the survey
and nomination of properties to the National Register of Historic Places and as National Historic
Landmarks associated with communities currently under-represented, as determined by the Secretary,
[$21,125,000]$26,125,000 is for competitive grants to preserve the sites and stories of the Civil Rights
movement; $10,000,000 is for grants to Historically Black Colleges and Universities;
[$7,500,000]$10,000,000 is for competitive grants for the restoration of historic properties of national,
State, and local significance listed on or eligible for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places,
to be made without imposing the usage or direct grant restrictions of section 101(e)(3) (54 U.S.C.
302904) of the National Historical Preservation Act[; and $10,000,000 is for a competitive grant program
to honor the semiquincentennial anniversary of the United States by restoring and preserving state-owned
sites and structures listed on the National Register of Historic Places that commemorate the founding of
the nation]: Provided further, That such competitive grants shall be made without imposing the matching
requirements in section 302902(b)(3) of title 54, United States Code to States and Indian tribes as defined
in chapter 3003 of such title, Native Hawaiian organizations, local governments, including Certified Local
Governments, and non-profit organizations.
(Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2021.)
Justification of Major Proposed Language Changes
The FY 2022 President’s budget request differs from the Department of the Interior, Environment, and
Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2021 (P.L. 116-260) in that it deletes language that directs
resources to fund semiquincentennial preservation grants. This language is not necessary in FY 2022, as
the request does not include funding for those programs.
Appropriations Language Citations
1. For expenses necessary in carrying out the National Historic Preservation Act, (division A
of subtitle III of title 54, United States Code), $151,800,000,
54 U.S.C. 300101 – 307108, the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (Public Law 89-665,
80 Stat. 915), establishes a variety of historic preservation programs, including the historic
preservation grant program to provide assistance to non-Federal entities for the preservation of
their cultural heritage, the National Register of Historic Places, and the designation of National
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Historic Landmarks. The Act authorizes the Secretary of the Interior to carry out these programs;
the National Park Service implements these programs and responsibilities for the Secretary.
2. to be derived from the Historic Preservation Fund
In 1976, Public Law 94-422 amended the National Historic Preservation Act to establish the
Historic Preservation Fund as the funding source. 54 U.S.C. 303102, as amended by Public Law
94-422, Public Law 96-515, Public Law 100-127, Public Law 102-575, Public Law 106-208,
Public Law 109-453, and Public Law 114-289 provided the fund with $150 million in revenues
from Outer Continental Shelf receipts each fiscal year through 2023.
3. and to remain available until September 30, 2023,
The NPS proposes the availability of funding for this account to remain available for two years,
consistent with past appropriations and authority under 54 U.S.C. 303103, which allows
appropriations from the Historic Preservation Fund to be made without fiscal year limitation.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Justification of Program and Performance
Activity: Grants-in-Aid
Grants-in-Aid ($000)
from 2021
Grants-in-Aid to
States and Territories
52,675 55,675 0 0 +2,000 57,675 +2,000
Grants-in-Aid to
Indian Tribes
13,735 15,000 0 0 +8,000 23,000 +8,000
Grants-in-Aid to
Historically Black
Colleges and
10,000 10,000 0 0 0 10,000 0
Paul Bruhn Historic
Revitalization Grants
7,500 7,500 0 0 +2,500 10,000 +2,500
Competitive Grants
18,750 21,125 0 0 +5,000 26,125 +5,000
Preservation Grants
0 10,000 0 0 -10,000 0 -10,000
Total Requirements 102,660 119,300 0 0 +7,500 126,800 +7,500
Total FTE
4 4 0 0 0 4 0
Summary of FY 2022 Program Changes for Grants-in-Aid
Program Changes ($000) FTE
Grants-in-Aid to Indian Tribes +8,000 0
Competitive Grants +5,000 0
Paul Bruhn Historic Revitalization Grants +2,500 0
Grants-in-Aid to States and Territories +2,000
Semiquincentennial Preservation Grants -10,000 0
Total Program Changes +7,500 0
Mission Overview
The Grants-in-Aid program supports the National Park Service mission by providing preservation
benefits for the American people through partnerships with other Federal, State, Tribal, and local
agencies, and nonprofit organizations.
Activity Overview
The Grants-in-Aid activity provides grants in accordance with the provisions of the National Historic
Preservation Act (54 U.S.C. 300101 et seq.), demonstrating leadership and support for the preservation of
the Nation’s cultural, historic, and prehistoric treasures. Grants under this activity fall into the following
categories: 1) matching grants to States, Territories, and the Freely Associated States (Micronesia), 2)
grants to American Indian Tribes, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians for cultural heritage
preservation, 3) grants to Historically Black Colleges and Universities to document, interpret, and
preserve historic structures, 4) Paul Bruhn Historic Revitalization Grants to rehabilitate historic properties
and foster economic development in rural communities, 5) competitive grants for Underrepresented
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Communities in the National Register of Historic Places, African American Civil Rights, and History of
Equal Rights, and 6) Semiquincentennial Preservation Grants.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Activity: Grants-in-Aid
Subactivity: Grants-in-Aid to States and Territories
FY 2022 Program Activities
The following are examples of planned FY 2022 Grants-in-Aid to States and Territories activities:
Award 59 HPF formula grants to States, Territories, and the Affiliated States totaling $57.7
States will distribute approximately 250 subgrants to over 2,060 Certified Local Governments
and certify 15 new communities.
States will survey approximately 8.0 million acres for cultural resources and evaluate and list
approximately 1,100 sites to the National Register of Historic Places.
States will review approximately 120,000 outside Federal undertakings in FY 2022, providing
80,000 National Register eligibility opinions.
Justification of FY 2022 Program Changes
The FY 2022 budget request for Grants-in-Aid to States and Territories is $57,675,000 and 0 FTE, a
program change of +2,000,000 and 0 FTE from FY 2021.
Grants-in-Aid to States and Territories (+$2,000,000 / 0 FTE) – In FY 2022, funding will assist State
Historic Preservation Offices (SHPO) in historic preservation activities and compliance with Federal
preservation mandates. Additional funding would increase the average SHPO award from approximately
$944,000 in FY 2021 to $978,000 in FY 2022.
Subactivity Overview
The Historic Preservation Fund (HPF) was established in 1977 as a matching grant program and is funded
by Outer Continental Shelf oil lease revenues. Deposits into the Fund are authorized at $150 million per
year, through 2023. Use of the Fund is subject to appropriations. In this way, revenues generated by the
use of one resource support efforts to conserve other resources, in this case historic assets. Subsequent
amendments to the NHPA in 1980 created the Certified Local Government program and in 1992
established Tribal Historic Preservation Officers.
The National Park Service administers the HPF on behalf of the Secretary of the Interior. The funds
provided as annual matching grants to State and Tribal Historic Preservation Officers assist in efforts to
protect and preserve historic resources. Each State Historic Preservation Officer, appointed by the
governor for each State, manages this annual grant to perform the Federal preservation responsibilities
required by the NHPA.
Funding is used by States to pay for HPF eligible preservation projects including: survey and inventory of
historic resources, National Register nominations, preservation education, architectural planning,
community preservation plans, managing preservation tax incentives, and brick and mortar repair to
buildings. SHPOs also use funds to perform reviews of Federally-funded projects that potentially affect
historic resources and assets, under Section 106 of the NHPA (54 U.S.C. 306108 et seq.). A minimum of
ten percent of each State’s allocation must be subgranted to assist Certified Local Governments. These are
local governments certified by the NPS and the State as having made a commitment to local historic
preservation. These funds are spent locally on preservation projects, with selection decisions made at the
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
State level. Below are recent activities funded in FY 2020 through Historic Preservation Fund Grants-in-
Aid to the SHPOs:
Facilitated over $6.5 billion of private investment in FY 2020 in the rehabilitation of income-
producing historic properties under the Federal Historic Preservation Tax Incentives Program; a
total of $109.2 billion in completed projects since the program's inception in 1977.
Created 5,899 new low- and moderate-income housing units through the Federal Historic
Preservation Tax Incentives program in FY 2020 for a total of 178,305 units since the program's
inception in 1977.
Surveyed approximately 7.0 million acres during FY 2019 for cultural resources by States, with
over 179,000 properties evaluated for their historical significance and added to State inventories.
State Historic Preservation Offices reviewed 110,500 Federal undertakings in FY 2019 providing
82,600 National Register eligibility opinions.
An estimated 109,000 jobs created by Federal Historic Preservation Tax Incentives Program in
FY 2019, and over 2.8 million from the program’s inception in 1977 through 2019 (the most
recent year available).
Acted on 1,158 requests related to the National Register of Historic Places in FY 2020, including
listings, determinations of eligibility, acceptance of multiple cover documents, additional
documentation, and requests for boundary changes, removals, and moved properties. Of these,
911 properties were listed in the National Register, bringing the cumulative total to 96,035
listings with over 1.9 million contributing resources (buildings, sites, structures, objects).
Twenty-seven communities in 18 States became Certified Local Governments (CLGs) during FY
2020, bringing the cumulative total to 2,041 CLGs throughout the Nation.
Eight Statewide historic preservation plans were submitted and approved by SHPOs and
approved by the NPS in FY 2020.
Find more information online about HPF grants at:
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Activity: Grants-in-Aid
Subactivity: Grants-in-Aid to Tribes
FY 2022 Program Activities
The following are examples of planned FY 2022 Grants-in-Aid to Tribes activities:
Award formula grants to an estimated 205 Tribal Historic Preservation Offices (THPO) and
approximately 12 competitive Tribal Heritage Grants to Federally-recognized Tribes, Alaska
Native villages and corporations, and Native Hawaiian organizations.
Add approximately 1,100 new listings to Tribal inventories.
Survey approximately 75,000 acres for cultural resources by Tribes with over 2,500 significant
historical and archeological properties inventoried, evaluated, or designated by Tribes.
Review approximately 45,000 Federal undertakings, providing 3,500 National Register eligibility
Justification of FY 2022 Program Changes
The FY 2022 budget request for Grants-in-Aid to Tribes is $23,000,000 and 0 FTE, a program change of
+$8,000,000 and 0 FTE from FY 2021.
Grants-in-Aid to Indian Tribes (+$8,000,000 / 0 FTE) – In FY 2022, funding will assist a growing
number of THPOs in historic preservation activities and compliance with Federal preservation mandates.
These grants to Tribes, which do not have a matching requirement, enable individual Tribes to conduct
activities pursuant to the National Historic Preservation Act to preserve vanishing Tribal cultural
resources and heritage. Additional funding would increase the average THPO award from approximately
$75,000 in FY 2021 to $112,000 in FY 2022, substantially increasing the capacity of the THPOs, most of
which do not receive financial support from other sources.
Subactivity Overview
The NHPA authorizes the Secretary of the Interior to administer grants to American Indian Tribes for
preservation of their cultural heritage. NPS awards grants to THPOs so that they may assume duties from
the SHPOs. Distribution of grants to THPOs is based on a formula that considers both the number of
eligible Tribes and the relative size of Tribal lands. Eligible activities may include development of Tribal
resource management plans, historic preservation skills development, historical and archeological
surveys, oral history projects, and performing Section 106 reviews of proposed federally-funded projects.
Grants to Tribes, which do not have a matching requirement, serve to help preserve vanishing Tribal
cultural resources and heritage, allowing Tribes to participate in the national preservation program and
developing capabilities for conducting sustainable preservation programs.
This subactivity also supports Tribal Heritage Grants to Indian Tribes, Alaska Native villages and
corporations, and Native Hawaiian organizations for the preservation and protection of their cultural
heritage. Unlike THPO Grants, these grants are competitively selected and are funded under five basic
categories: Locating and Identifying Cultural Resources, Preserving Historic Structures Listed on the
National Register of Historic Places, Comprehensive Preservation Planning, Oral History and
Documenting Cultural Traditions, and Education and Training for Building a Historic Preservation
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Find more information online about HPF grants online at:
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Activity: Grants-in-Aid
Subactivity: Grants-in-Aid to Historically Black Colleges and Universities
FY 2022 Program Activities
The following are examples of planned FY 2022 Historically Black Colleges and Universities activities:
The program will competitively award approximately 20 grants.
Justification of FY 2022 Program Changes
The FY 2022 budget request for Grants-in-Aid to Historically Black Colleges and Universities is
$10,000,000 and 1 FTE. There are no proposed program changes compared to FY 2021.
Program Overview
In 1980, President Jimmy Carter signed Executive Order 12232 and established the White House
Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). The Initiative was created to provide
HBCUs access to participate in and benefit from federally-funded programs. Presidents Ronald Reagan,
George Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Donald Trump have all signed
Executive Orders to reaffirm the mandate begun by Carter, further strengthening the HBCU program and
giving it national attention. The Secretary of the Interior’s Historic Preservation Initiative furthers this
effort by supporting HBCUs in identifying and restoring historic structures on their campuses. Since
1995, the NPS has awarded over $77 million of historic preservation grants to HBCUs through this
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Activity: Grants-in-Aid
Subactivity: Paul Bruhn Historic Revitalization Grants
FY 2022 Program Activities
The following are examples of planned FY 2022 Paul Bruhn Historic Revitalization Grants activities:
The program will competitively award approximately 18 grants.
Justification of FY 2022 Program Changes
The FY 2022 budget request for Paul Bruhn Historic Revitalization Grants is $10,000,000 and 1 FTE, a
program change of +$2,500,000 and 0 FTE from FY 2021.
Paul Bruhn Historic Revitalization Grants (+$2,500,000 / 0 FTE) – In FY 2022, this increase will
support an additional 6 recipients in facilitating the rehabilitation of historic properties in Census-
designated rural areas, thereby protecting resources and fostering economic development. For the most
recent year of grant awards, the NPS received 28 eligible applications totaling $17.8 million against $5.0
million in available funding.
Program Overview
Paul Bruhn Historic Revitalization Grants support subgrant programs that enable the rehabilitation of
historic properties and foster economic development in rural communities. Recipients of the grants
include States, Tribes, Certified Local Governments, and nonprofits, which in turn subgrant funds to rural
communities in their jurisdictions. This program funds preservation projects for historic sites, including
architectural and engineering services and physical building preservation through subgrants to
communities determined to be rural by the US Bureau of the Census. Eligible properties must be listed in
the National Register of Historic Places or determined eligible for listing at the National, State, or local
level of significance and located within rural (non-urban) communities with populations less than 50,000.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Activity: Grants-in-Aid
Subactivity: Competitive Grants
FY 2022 Program Activities
The following are examples of planned FY 2022 Competitive Grants activities:
The program will competitively award approximately 50 African American Civil Rights grants,
including at least one from new funding for larger-dollar physical preservation projects.
The program will competitively award approximately 10 History of Equal Rights grants.
The program will award approximately 20 Underrepresented Communities grants.
Justification of FY 2022 Program Changes
The FY 2022 budget request for Competitive Grants is $26,125,000 and 2 FTE, a program change of
+$5,000,000 and 0 FTE from FY 2021.
Competitive Grants (+$5,000,000 / 0 FTE) – In FY 2022, this increase will establish a new program
that specifically supports larger physical preservation projects of up to $5,000,000 for NPS Master
Cooperators with the African American Civil Rights Network to preserve the sites and stories of the
struggle for African-American equality. Through FY 2021, the program limited project awards for
historical research, documentation, survey, and nomination to $50,000 and preservation project awards to
$500,000. This increase would allow for the program to accommodate larger awards for major
preservation work.
Program Overview
Competitive grants allow for the award of grants to State, Tribal, and local governments, and nonprofits,
allowing different communities and organizations to work together on over-arching issues and
preservation needs. This program funds:
1. African American Civil Rights Grants ($21,750,000) - The African American Civil Rights Grant
Program (Civil Rights Grants) documents, interprets, and preserves sites and stories related to the
African American struggle to gain equal rights as citizens. This competitive grant program
provides grants to states, tribes, local governments (including Certified Local Governments), and
nonprofits. Non-federal matching share is not required, but preference will be given to
applications that show community commitment through non-federal match and partnership
collaboration. Grants will fund a broad range of planning, development, and research projects for
historic sites including: survey, inventory, documentation, interpretation, education, architectural
services, historic structure reports, preservation plans, and "bricks and mortar" repair.
2. History of Equal Rights Grants ($3,375,000) - The History of Equal Rights grant program
preserves sites related to the struggle of all people to achieve equal rights in America, including
women, American Latino, Native American, Asian American, Pacific Islander, Alaska Native,
Native Hawaiian, and LGBTQ Americans. The History of Equal Rights grants are not limited to
any specific group and are intended to include the broadest possible interpretation of sites
associated with efforts to achieve equal rights. This program funds physical preservation work
and pre-preservation planning activities for sites that are listed in or determined eligible for the
National Register of Historic Places or as a National Historic Landmark. Should a site not be
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
listed, or not listed for its association with equal rights, then a new nomination or amendment
must be created as part of the grant project. Grants under this program are awarded through a
competitive process and do not require non-Federal match.
3. Underrepresented Communities Grants ($1,000,000) - The Underrepresented Community Grant
Program works towards diversifying the nominations submitted to the National Register of
Historic Places. Projects include surveys and inventories of historic properties associated with
communities underrepresented in the National Register, as well as the development of
nominations to the National Register for specific sites. Grants are awarded through a competitive
process and do not require non-Federal match. Eligible applicants are limited to State Historic
Preservation Offices, Federally-recognized Tribes, Alaska Native Villages/Corporations, and
Native Hawaiian Organizations, and Certified Local Governments.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Activity: Grants-in-Aid
Subactivity: Semiquincentennial Preservation Grants
FY 2022 Program Activities
The FY 2022 budget request does not propose funding for Semiquincentennial Preservation Grants.
Justification of FY 2022 Program Changes
The FY 2022 budget request for Semiquincentennial Preservation Grants is $0 and 0 FTE, a program
change of -$10,000,000 and 0 FTE from FY 2021.
Semiquincentennial Preservation Grants (-$10,000,000 / 0 FTE) – The FY 2022 budget request does
not propose funding for Semiquincentennial Preservation Grants.
Program Overview
The Semiquincentennial Preservation Grant program supports restoration and preservation of State-owned
sites and structures listed in the National Register of Historic Places that commemorate the founding of
the nation. Funds will be awarded to States, Tribes, local governments, and nonprofits with no match
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Activity: Grants-in-Aid to Save America’s Treasures
Grants-in-Aid to
Save America’s
Treasures ($000)
Change from
2021 Enacted
Save America’s
Treasures Grants
16,000 25,000 0 0 0 25,000 0
16,000 25,000 0 0 0 25,000 0
Total FTE
1 1 0 0 0 1 0
Mission Overview
The Save America’s Treasures program funds partnerships with other Federal, State, Tribal, and local
agencies, and nonprofit organizations for the preservation of nationally significant sites and collections.
FY 2022 Program Activities
The following is an example of planned FY 2022 Save America’s Treasures activities:
The program will competitively award approximately 50 grants to Nationally significant
properties and collections.
Justification of FY 2022 Program Changes
The FY 2022 budget request for Save America’s Treasures Grants is $25,000,000 and 1 FTE. There are
no proposed program changes from FY 2021.
Program Overview
The Save America’s Treasures (SAT) grant program was established in 1998 and first awarded grants in
1999 to help preserve nationally significant historic properties and collections that convey our Nation’s
rich heritage to future generations. These matching grants are available for preservation and/or
conservation work on nationally significant intellectual and cultural artifacts and nationally significant
historic structures and sites. The NPS works closely with a group of partnering organizations, including
the Institute of Museum and Library Services, the National Endowment for the Arts, the National
Endowment for the Humanities, Heritage Preservation, and the National Park Foundation, to administer
the program and develop public awareness and educational activities for the program. Since 1999, there
have been more than 4,330 requests for funding totaling more than $1.61 billion. More than $349 million
has been awarded to over 1,340 projects through 2019.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Appropriation: Construction
Mission Overview
The Construction appropriation provides support to several National Park Service mission goals,
including managing park resources, providing for visitor enjoyment, and improving organizational
Appropriation Overview
The Construction appropriation is composed of five budget activities. The NPS also records reimbursable
transactions within this account.
Line Item Construction
National Park Service Line Item Construction provides for renovations, modernization, and major
maintenance of high-priority facilities, which could include construction throughout the National Park
Special Programs
Special Programs provide for minor, unscheduled and emergency construction projects, and for
inspection, repair or replacement of equipment and infrastructure.
Construction Planning
The Construction Planning activity lays the groundwork for actual construction through investigations,
surveys, analysis of alternatives, and design. These activities develop required technical and contractual
documents to allow construction projects to be awarded, to allow for construction completion within
budget and on schedule. Construction Planning ensures projects are designed and provide sustainable and
maintainable assets.
Construction Program Management and Operations
Construction Program Management and Operations activities provides regional and Washington office
program management, oversight of the construction program, administration of support to park employee
housing programs, and administration of the Dam Safety Program. It also provides centralized project
management and contracting services for construction and interpretive projects. One of the key activities
is a servicewide project management control system to validate the cost and scope of each requirement
and monitor status throughout all phases of the effort.
Management Planning
This activity prepares and maintains up-to-date plans to guide management decisions on the use,
development, and administration of each park. Unit Management Plans define the desired conditions for
watersheds, landscapes, marine and biological resources, cultural resources, and opportunities for
recreational experiences. Additionally, the Special Resource Studies component conducts
Congressionally-directed studies of the various alternatives available for protection of areas that may have
potential for addition to the National Park System or other designations. Finally, the Environmental
Planning and Compliance component completes environmental impact Statements for projects within the
requirements of National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Reimbursable Activities
In addition to the subactivities described above, the NPS also records transactions related to reimbursable
activities and agreements with Federal, State, and local governments and Indian Tribes within the
Construction account. This consists of activities which NPS has the expertise to undertake ranging from
providing archaeological assistance and monitoring air and water quality to constructing and
rehabilitating facilities and providing security for high profile historical and recreational sites. For more
information on actual and estimated spending and offsetting collections related to reimbursable
agreements, see the Budget Account Schedule for Construction.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Summary of Requirements for Construction Appropriation
(Dollars in Thousands)
Budget Activity/Subactivity
FY 2020
FY 2020
FY 2021
FY 2021
FY 2022
Costs &
FY 2022
FY 2022
FY 2022
FY 2022
FY 2021
FY 2021
Line Item Construction
Line Item Construction Projects 272,956 18 127,788 18 0 0 +4,912 132,700 18 +4,912 0
Abandoned Mineral Lands Projects 5,000 6 0 0 0 0 +10,000 10,000 0 +10,000 0
Demolition and Disposal Projects 5,000 0 4,000 0 0 0 0 4,000 0 0 0
Subtotal, Line Item Construction 282,956 24 131,788 18 0 0 +14,912 146,700 18 +14,912 0
Special Programs
Emergency & Unscheduled Projects 3,848 0 3,848 0 0 0 +17,000 20,848 0 +17,000 0
Housing Improvement Program 2,922 2 2,922 2 +11 0 0 2,933 2 +11 0
Dam Safety and Security Program 1,247 0 1,247 0 0 0 0 1,247 0 0 0
Equipment Replacement Program 13,474 0 13,474 0 0 0 +19,950 33,424 1 +19,950 +1
Subtotal, Special Programs 21,491 2 21,491 2 +11 0 +36,950 58,452 3 +36,961 +1
Construction Planning 29,453 0 15,183 0 0 0 0 15,183 0 0 0
Construction Program Mgmt & Operations
Construction Program Management 2,784 10 2,784 10 +54 0 0 2,838 10 +54 0
Denver Service Center Operations 20,107 133 20,107 133 +715 0 -7,000 13,822 87 -6,285 -46
Harpers Ferry Center Operations 10,168 52 10,168 52 +279 0 0 10,447 52 +279 0
Regional Facility Project Support 12,121 36 12,121 36 +193 0 -6,000 6,314 18 -5,807 -18
Subtotal, Construction Program Mgmt &
Operations 45,180 231 45,180 231 +1,241 0 -13,000 33,421 167 -11,759 -64
Management Planning
Unit Management Plans 5,427 24 5,427 24 +129 0 +10,000 15,556 68 +10,129 +44
Special Resources Studies 1,138 9 1,138 9 +48 0 +300 1,486 10 +348 +1
EIS Planning and Compliance 3,700 12 3,700 12 +65 0 +4,000 7,765 25 +4,065 +13
Subtotal, Management Planning 10,265 45 10,265 45 +242 0 +14,300 24,807 103 +14,542 +58
Supplemental Hurricane Sandy 0 48 0 48 +0 0 +0 0 48 +0 +0
TOTAL, CONSTRUCTION 389,345 350 223,907 344 +1,494 0 +53,162 278,563 339 +54,656 -5
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Fixed Costs and Related Changes
(Dollars in Thousands)
Fixed Cost Changes and
FY 2021
Total or
FY 2021 to
FY 2022
Change in Number of Paid Days -146 0
This column reflects changes in pay associated with the
change in the number of paid days between FY 2021 and
FY 2022, which is the same number of paid days in both
FY 2021 and FY 2022.
Pay Raise +587 +1,111
The President's Budget for FY 2022 includes one quarter of
the 1.0% pay raise for 2021 and three quarters of a planned
2.7% pay raise in 2022.
Employer Share of Federal
Employee Retirement System
+351 +383
The change reflects a 1.1% (and 1.8% for Law
Enforcement) increase in the employer contribution to the
Federal Employee Retirement System.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Appropriation Language
For construction, improvements, repair, or replacement of physical facilities, and compliance and
planning for programs and areas administered by the National Park Service, [$223,907,000]$278,563,000,
to remain available until expended: Provided, That notwithstanding any other provision of law, for any
project initially funded in fiscal year [2021]2022 with a future phase indicated in the National Park
Service 5-Year Line Item Construction Plan, a single procurement may be issued which includes the full
scope of the project: Provided further, That the solicitation and contract shall contain the clause
availability of funds found at 48 CFR 52.232–18: Provided further, That National Park Service
Donations, Park Concessions Franchise Fees, and Recreation Fees may be made available for the cost of
adjustments and changes within the original scope of effort for projects funded by the National Park
Service Construction appropriation: Provided further, That the Secretary of the Interior shall [consult
with]notify the Committees on Appropriations, in accordance with current reprogramming thresholds,
prior to making any charges authorized [by this section]under this heading.
(Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2021.)
Justification of Major Proposed Language Changes
The phrase “notify” is substituted for “consult with” in order to make the language more consistent with
other terminology used in the President’s budget request. The phrase “under this heading” is substituted
for “under this section”, also to make the language more consistent with other terminology used in the
President’s budget request.
Appropriations Language Citations
1. For construction, improvements, repair, or replacement of physical facilities,
54 U.S.C. 100101, 100301-100302 creates the National Park Service to promote and regulate the
use of national park areas for their conservation and enjoyment and provides authority for
administering areas within the National Park System, thus implying authority for construction,
construction planning, and equipment replacement for these purposes. Also, Congress has enacted
limited authorizations for appropriations for specific construction projects.
54 U.S.C. 320101-320106 provides specific authority for the Secretary of the Interior to acquire
property and to restore, reconstruct, rehabilitate, preserve, and maintain historic and prehistoric
sites, buildings, objects, and properties of national historical or archeological significance.
54 U.S.C. 101501(a)-(e) provides specific authority for the Secretary of the Interior to plan,
acquire, establish, construct, enlarge, improve, maintain, equip, regulate, and protect airports in,
or in close proximity to national parks, monuments, and recreation areas when such airport is
included in the current national airport plan of the Secretary of Transportation.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
2. and compliance and planning for areas and programs administered by the National Park
Specific authority is provided in 54 U.S.C. 100502 for general management plans for national
park areas. The National Park Service Omnibus Management Act of 1998 (P.L. 105-391) requires
an Act of Congress to specifically authorize a special resource study; however, it also allows the
NPS to conduct reconnaissance studies or other preliminary evaluations of areas, not to exceed
$25,000. 16 U.S.C. 1276d requires the Secretary of the Interior to conduct studies on potential
new wild and scenic rivers and submit reports to Congress.
The National Environmental Policy Act (P.L. 91-190), as amended, provides authority for the
National Park Service to conduct studies related to the environmental impact of proposed changes
concerning available resources.
3. $278,563,000, to remain available until expended:
The NPS proposes the availability of funding for the Construction account to remain available
until expended, consistent with past appropriations.
4. Provided, That notwithstanding any other provision of law, for any project initially funded
in fiscal year 2022 with a future phase indicated in the National Park Service 5–Year Line
Item Construction Plan, a single procurement may be issued which includes the full scope of
the project: Provided further, That the solicitation and contract shall contain the clause
availability of funds found at 48 CFR 52.232–18.
This provision allows the NPS to make a single procurement for multiple phases of projects.
These phases are planned for successive years and executing a single contract has the potential to
increase economies of scale and lower overall costs for the project. The “availability of funds”
clause at 48 CFR 52.232-18 States “Funds are not presently available for this contract. The
Government's obligation under this contract is contingent upon the availability of appropriated
funds from which payment for contract purposes can be made. No legal liability on the part of the
Government for any payment may arise until funds are made available to the Contracting Officer
for this contract and until the Contractor receives notice of such availability, to be confirmed in
writing by the Contracting Officer.”
5. Provided further, National Park Service Donations, Park Concessions Franchise Fees, and
Recreation Fees may be utilized for the cost of adjustments and changes within the original
scope of effort for projects funded by the National Park Service Construction
appropriation: Provided further, That the Secretary of the Interior shall notify the
Committees on Appropriations, in accordance with current reprogramming thresholds,
prior to making any charges authorized under this heading.
This provision provides the NPS with the authority to address adjustments, subject to
reprogramming guidelines, for unforeseen circumstances to published estimated costs for specific
projects in a timely manner with other relevant appropriations.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Justification of Program and Performance
Activity: Line Item Construction
Line Item
Line Item
272,956 127,788 0 0 +4,912 132,700 +4,912
Abandoned Mineral
5,000 0 0 0 +10,000 10,000 +10,000
Demolition and
5,000 4,000 0 0 0 4,000 0
282,956 131,788 0 0 +14,912 146,700 +14,912
Total FTE
24 18 - - +0 18 +0
Summary of FY 2022 Program Changes for Line Item Construction
Program Changes ($000) FTE
Conservation Initiative – Abandoned Mineral Lands Projects
+10,000 +0
Line Item Construction Projects
+4,912 +0
TOTAL Program Changes
Mission Overview
The Construction Program facilitates implementation of mission-critical investments for facilities, utility
systems and other assets which contribute to and support the National Park Service mission, including the
management of natural and cultural resources, the safety of park visitors and employees, and recreational
and visitor experiences.
Activity Overview
Line Item Construction
This program component provides for major maintenance, recapitalization, modernization, and new
construction of assets needed to accomplish the management objectives approved for each park. This
activity focuses on projects that repair, replace, or improve high priority mission-critical and mission-
dependent assets, and ensures that investments are reasonable, cost effective, and fiscally sustainable over
the life-time of the investment. The NPS tracks the facility condition index (FCI), allowing NPS to
benchmark desired conditions on types of assets, and measure improvements at the individual asset level,
park level, and national level, allowing for representation of the outcomes of these efforts.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Abandoned Mineral Lands (AML)
This program component supports projects which mitigate abandoned mineral land safety issues and
resource impacts. Mining and other mineral resource development have occurred in many areas
throughout the United States that are now units of the National Park System. AML features were created
prior to Federal or State laws and regulations for mining cleanup or restoration.
Demolition and Disposal
This program component supports demolition and disposal projects which provide for the removal of
excess, unsafe, or unusable property, reducing the burden on park resources and redirecting those
resources toward higher priority assets. Often through creation or land acquisition, many parks have
excess property that does not add value to the park experience.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Activity: Line Item Construction
Program Component: Line Item Construction Projects
FY 2022 Program Activities
The following are examples of planned FY 2022 Line Item Construction Projects activities:
Fund ten high-priority projects that address major maintenance, repair, and replacement of
mission-critical assets, mitigate health and safety issues affecting employees and visitors, enhance
accessibility and correct code compliance deficiencies, and/or preserve historic resources.
Continue efforts started in FY 2019 to address obsolete or near-obsolete housing in parks to
improve living conditions for permanent and seasonal employees.
Address at least $50 million in deferred maintenance, code compliance, and other life/safety
maintenance work.
Ensure that NPS facilities and infrastructure are renewed, replaced, or constructed to be resilient
against the effects of climate change and severe weather events.
Justification of FY 2022 Program Changes
The FY 2022 budget request for the Line Item Construction program is $132,700,000 and 18 FTE, a
program change of +$4,912,000 and +0 FTE from FY 2021:
Line Item Construction Projects (+$4,912,000 / +0 FTE) – The FY 2022 budget includes $132,700,000
to support line item construction projects, which address major maintenance needs on some of the NPS’s
most important assets. At this funding level, the Line Item Construction program includes $10,000,000
for construction at the Selma Interpretive Center for a voting rights center that honors the legacy of Civil
Rights leaders, including that of the late Representative John Lewis.
Program Overview
Five-Year Line Item Construction Program: The NPS Five-Year Line Item Construction Program
provides a strategically-balanced, long-term approach to capital investment and financial sustainability
that addresses the highest priority critical life, health, safety, and resource protection projects.
This program funds major maintenance and repair of existing assets; space consolidation and elimination
of high cost leases; and replacement of assets in kind. Construction of new or consolidated replacement of
facilities are included when supported by an approved planning document, economic analysis, and
business case. All eligible NPS line item construction projects are evaluated and prioritized based on
monetary and nonmonetary benefits, return on investment, and overall risk. The FY 2022 Line Item
Construction project list is the current set of construction priorities that meet the most urgent
programmatic needs during FY 2022.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Summary Project Data Sheet for Line Item Construction - FY 2022
(dollars in thousands)
Facility or
Unit Name Project Title
to Date
to be
Years of
Funding for
2022 1 Selma to
AL AL07 $15,178 $5,178 $10,000 $0
2022 2 Chesapeake
and Ohio
Canal Walls
MD DCAL $15,745 $1,380 $14,365 $0
2022 3 Martin
Luther King,
Jr. National
Visitor Center
and Headquarters
GA GA05 $8,758 $1,222 $7,536 $0
2022 4 Gateway
Windows and
Climate Control
at Historic Old
MO MO01 $14,831 $2,331 $12,500 $0
2022 5 Grand
Improve Potable
Water Supply to
Inner Canyon
and South Rim
AZ AZ01 $112,466 $56,360 $56,106 $0
2022 6 Great Smoky
Rehabilitate and
TN TN01 $16,304 $1,785 $14,519 $0
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Facility or
Unit Name Project Title
to Date
to be
Years of
Funding for
2022 7 Rock Creek
Replace Bridge
to Edgewater
DC DCAL $5,967 $837 $5,130 $0
2022 8 Prince
Forest Park
Infrastructure at
VA VA01 $7,500 $1,050 $6,450 $0
2022 9 North
Replace Obsolete
Housing From
Stehekin River
Flood Plain
WA WA01 $6,794 $700 $6,094 $0
Total $132,700
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheets
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 31.90 / 01
Planned Funding FY 2022: $10,000,000
Funding Source: Line Item Construction
Project Identification
Project Title: Rehabilitate Selma Interpretive Center
Project Number: 218940H
Unit/Facility Name: Selma to Montgomery National Historic Trail
Region/Area/District: South Atlantic-Gulf
Congressional District: AL07
State: AL
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
0 245253 60 0.00
0 249537 32 0.00
0 249536 0 0.00
0 249535 0 0.00
0 255479 0 0.00
35290700 111211 78 0.18
Project Description:
This project will support expansion of the Selma Interpretive Center (currently at 2 Broad Street) in Selma, Alabama
that will feature a voting rights center that honors the legacy of Civil Rights leaders, including that of the late
Representative John Lewis.
Projects funded in fiscal years 2016 and 2017 intended to expand the existing facility and exhibits into neighboring
building space owned by the City of Selma, limited to one floor of one building. Subsequently, it was determined
that space needed to meet visitor needs was inadequate, and the neighboring buildings have concerning structural
issues requiring a more intense investment. This project will improve the ability of NPS to interpret the depth and
breadth of the Selma to Montgomery March story.
Inclusive of prior year appropriations, this project repurposes the footprints of three properties, 4 and 6 Broad Street
and 1119 Water Avenue. The updated facility will significantly expand the current exhibit space to allow for larger
or simultaneous exhibits and a multitude of uses that currently cannot be accommodated, such as large ranger-led
discussions, school events, or film screenings. The project will also improve building amenities, such as restrooms,
and make necessary utility upgrades. The project would also restore the façade of 8-10 Broad St and rehabilitate the
lot, which is currently vacant, into a finished outdoor space that can host events and wayside exhibits.
Scope of Benefits (SB):
The project will further advance the center’s immersive experience. The existing Selma Interpretive Center is a
small contact station. Located just north of the Edmund Pettus Bridge, the Selma Interpretive Center provides
critical visitor engagement at the most iconic structure along the National Historic Trail. Following construction, the
expanded center will deliver experiences that help visitors better understand the significance of the historic Selma to
Montgomery Voting Rights March of 1965.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Investment Strategy (IS):
Redevelopment at 4 and 6 Broad Street ensures the interpretive center meets modern code compliance and is
designed with impactful exhibits and quality visitor experience in mind, providing a cohesive interpretive
understanding. Completing the demolition of 1119 Water Avenue, which has already substantially collapsed, will
dramatically improve the safety of the lot behind the existing interpretive center, reducing the NPS’s security,
vandalism, and structural fire concerns.
After project completion, the facilities and systems addressed by this project should not require major rehabilitation
or replacement for the next 20 years.
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
The Selma Interpretive Center will remain cramped and unable to meet its programming or service goals, and will
remain surrounded by vacant, deteriorating structures.
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 0.05
API Rating: n/a 34.00
API/FCI Score: (40%) 13.26
SB Score: (20%) 10.71
IS Score: (20%) 7.54
CFA Score: (20%) 0.39
Total Score: (100%) 31.90
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: Yes
VE Study: Scheduled 09/21 Completed
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 1,100 11
Capital Improvement Work: $ 8,900 89
Total: $ 10,000 100
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 2,098
FY 2016 Line Item Construction Funding: $ 1,000
FY 2017 Line Item Construction Funding: $ 2,080
FY 2022 Line Item Construction Funding (this PDS): $ 10,000
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 0
Total: $ 15,178
Class of Estimate: C
Estimate Escalated to: FY 22/Q1
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
Planning Funds Received in FY 2021: $ 986
Design Funds Received in FY 2021: $ 1,112
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: FY 2023/Q3
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: FY 2025/Q1
Actual: N/A
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 05/21
DOI Approved: YES
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: $197,398
Projected: $306,000
Net Change: $108,602
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 94.10 / 02
Planned Funding FY 2022: $14,365,000
Funding Source: Line Item Construction
Project Identification
Project Title: Reconstruct Georgetown Canal Walls
Project Number: 287711A
Unit/Facility Name: Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park
Region/Area/District: North Atlantic – Appalachian
Congressional District: DCAL
State: DC
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
40180300 7191 80 0.41
40751100 251520 100 0.08
Project Description:
Work will reconstruct several historic stone masonry retaining walls on Level 4 of the Chesapeake and Ohio (C&O)
Canal located in the Georgetown area of Washington, D.C. This project will temporarily brace, dismantle and
rebuild the canal walls in selected areas to assure their structural integrity and preserve the integrity of structures
adjacent to the walls. Drain systems will be added behind the reconstructed masonry walls to relieve hydrostatic
pressure, and minor railing and hardscaped surfaces will be removed and reinstalled at the conclusion of the
construction. The project will require temporary scaffolding and temporary support of excavation walls, and the
canal prism will be de-watered for the duration of the project to facilitate site access. The canal prism will be
restored at the conclusion of the project and re-watered. This work will be executed alongside the FY 2021 Line
Item Construction project to repair canal inlet Lock 1 and lift locks 1, 2 and 5.
Scope of Benefits (SB):
It will increase the historic walls’ resiliency and minimizing the risk of failure. Having these structures fully
functional will reduce risk to neighboring privately-owned commercial and residential real estate in the lower
Georgetown area of Washington, D.C. The proposed repairs will rehabilitate the masonry structure; stabilize the
wall; minimize the probability of failure; and reduce the risk of loss for the cultural, natural, and recreational
Investment Strategy (IS):
The NPS has invested heavily in the Georgetown section of the C&O Canal, one of the most visited areas of the
park. The park is partnering with Georgetown Heritage to identify and repair deferred maintenance in this area of the
park, and with the Georgetown Improvement District to provide labor and equipment to maintain the Georgetown
portion of the park. Georgetown Heritage funded and awarded a contract for architecture and engineering services to
provide a comprehensive condition assessment for the Georgetown portion of the canal. The investment to repair the
deferred maintenance in this section of park will strengthen the partnerships, ensuring continued cooperation and
After project completion, the facilities and systems addressed by this project should not require major rehabilitation
or replacement for the next 50 years.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
As the assets’ condition declines, the costs to repair increase, and the walls become more likely to fail. In addition to
impacts to the surroundings and potential risks for visitors and employees, failure will also result in damage to the
canal’s cultural resources, and impacts to the operation of the canal—including disruption to the towpath’s
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 0.20
API Rating: n/a 90.00
API/FCI Score: (40%) 40.00
SB Score: (20%) 20.00
IS Score: (20%) 20.00
CFA Score: (20%) 14.10
Total Score: (100%) 94.10
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: Yes
VE Study: Scheduled 07/21 Completed
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 14,365 100
Capital Improvement Work: $ 0 0
Total: $ 14,365 100
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 1,380
FY 2022 Line Item Construction Funding (this PDS): $ 14,365
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 0
Total: $ 15,745
Class of Estimate: C
Estimate Escalated to: FY 22/Q1
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
Planning Funds Received in FY 2020,2021: $ 420
Design Funds Received in FY 2021: $ 960
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: FY 2022/Q4
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: FY 2025/Q4
Actual: N/A
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 05/21
DOI Approved: YES
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: $68,750
Projected: $68,750
Net Change: -$0
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 92.60 / 03
Planned Funding FY 2022: $7,536,000
Funding Source: Line Item Construction
Project Identification
Project Title: Rehabilitate Visitor Center and Headquarters
Project Number: 293291A
Unit/Facility Name: Martin Luther King, Jr. National Historical Park
Region/Area/District: South Atlantic - Gulf
Congressional District: GA05
State: GA
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
35290700 3745 90 0.19
40750300 110066 38 0.01
40780300 110028 15 0.00
Project Description:
This project will repair and rehabilitate the visitor center and headquarters building at 450 Auburn Avenue. Work
includes replacement and repairs of architectural, structural, and utility systems; replacement of the built-up roof;
repointing the brick exterior; and renovating restrooms including all fixtures, finishes, and mechanical equipment.
The project will also replace deteriorated ceiling and flooring finishes, install interior and exterior lighting with
efficient fixtures; replace the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system throughout the facility;
rehabilitate the building fire suppression equipment and upgrade the archives’ fire suppression system; and replace
the elevator equipment. Exterior work includes rehabilitating the landscape including drainage improvements;
removing a derelict fountain; rehabilitating exterior canopies; and restoring the facility’s signage.
Scope of Benefits (SB):
The 450 Auburn Avenue property is the primary visitor area for the Martin Luther King, Jr. National Historical
Park, which serves approximately 440,000 annual visitors (60 percent of the total park visitation). Visitor amenities
include exhibits, film screening, a bookshop, and restrooms. Older systems and facilities, particularly the HVAC and
restrooms, have reached the end of their useful lives, resulting in multiple challenges throughout the facility. To
meet minimum visitor needs, these systems require reinvestment. Altering the landscaping will improve site
appearance, enhance the visitor experience, and extend the life of natural features.
The second floor is the park headquarters and is not accessible for persons with disabilities. The elevator cab is in
poor condition and requires repair or replacement to meet Architectural Barriers Act Accessibility Standards
Investment Strategy (IS):
Replacing aging systems, which have reached the end of their useful lives, will eliminate increasingly expensive
repairs and corrective maintenance expenses. The HVAC system is obsolete; functioning and reliable HVAC
systems are necessary to preserve historic artifacts. Replacing the lighting system will reduce energy costs and
reduce the building’s cooling load, allowing for the HVAC system to be re-installed with more efficient equipment.
Addressing the deterioration of finishes, systems, and landscapes will return the facility to acceptable condition,
reducing the expense and frequency of corrective maintenance.
After project completion the facilities and systems addressed by this project should not require major rehabilitation
or replacement for the next 20 years.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA): Continued use of a water-based fire suppression system in the archives and
curatorial storage room puts historic artifacts at risk of water damage. While the building itself is not a resource, the
artifacts stored and displayed in the building are nationally significant.
The HVAC system is operating at a greatly reduced capacity; if the project is not completed soon, there is a high
chance of a total system failure. Lack of HVAC may require closure of the building, which would require the park to
find alternative means to provide basic amenities for visitors and administrative space for staff. Historic artifacts on
display or in storage will need to be moved and stored. While visitors may be accommodated through rented
restroom trailers or visitor contact services at the Ebenezer Church, the loss of dedicated exhibit space would
negatively impact the visitor experience. Park administrative staff would be moved to multiple buildings in the park,
though many spaces are in historic residences and not fully accessible for persons with disabilities.
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 0.19
API Rating: n/a 47.67
API/FCI Score: (40%) 39.19
SB Score: (20%) 20.00
IS Score: (20%) 20.00
CFA Score: (20%) 13.41
Total Score: (100%) 92.60
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: Yes
VE Study: Scheduled 11/21 Completed N/A
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 7,290 97
Capital Improvement Work: $ 246 3
Total: $ 7,536 100
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 1,222
FY 2022 Line Item Construction Funding (this PDS): $ 7,536
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 0
Total: $ 8,758
Class of Estimate: C
Estimate Escalated to: FY 22/Q1
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
Planning Funds Received in FY 2021: $ 667
Design Funds Received in FY 2021: $ 555
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: FY 2022/Q4
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: FY 2024/Q4
Actual: N/A
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 05/21
DOI Approved: YES
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: $114,871
Projected: $102,490
Net Change: -$12,381
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 81.90 / 05
Planned Funding FY 2022: $12,500,000
Funding Source: Line Item Construction
Project Identification
Project Title: Replace Windows and Climate Control at Historic Old Courthouse
Project Number: 242900A
Unit/Facility Name: Gateway Arch National Park
Region/Area/District: Mississippi Basin
Congressional District: MO01
State: MO
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
35290100 19270 100 0.16
Project Description:
The project will replace the 40 year old wood windows with sustainable, energy efficient, ultraviolet (UV) coated
windows, which will improve building insulation. This project also includes removal of old radiators installed in
1920 and replacement of heating, ventilation, and cooling units (HVAC) and associated piping and environmental
management controls. Electrical components will be installed as necessary to meet the system requirements.
Scope of Benefits (SB):
Replacing old deteriorated wood windows with new functioning units will provide for better energy saving
opportunities along with potential of UV protection to exhibits and furnishings in the building. Improved heating
and air conditioning will provide sustainable conditions for exhibits and should require significantly less energy to
operate. Automated control of the HVAC system will improve the park’s ability to program and balance indoor
temperature settings, resulting in additional energy efficiency and occupant comfort.
Investment Strategy (IS):
This project will include improved heating and air conditioning systems that will provide sustainable conditions for
exhibits and energy conservation through the installation of an automated building control system. Replacing old
deteriorated wood windows with new functioning units will provide for better energy saving opportunities along
with potential for UV protection to exhibits and furnishings inside of the building. This project will be constructed
concurrently with a Centennial Challenge project matched with non-federal donations, which will address other
deferred maintenance and provided the design funding for this HVAC and window project.
This work will provide for replacements to the antiquated steam heat systems that are 80+ years old and have
exceeded their life cycle. It will also eliminate inefficient and unsightly window-mounted air conditioning units and
provide for more balanced heating and cooling within the occupied spaces. Enhanced control and reliability of the
HVAC system, combined with the improved UV protection and insulation from the new windows, will protect the
stone lime putty mortars on the interior and improve conditions for the occupants. The new windows will also help
to reduce heating and cooling costs throughout the seasons. These new systems will be easier to operate and
maintain and will not negatively impact the building’s aesthetics.
After project completion the facilities and systems addressed by this project should not require major rehabilitation
or replacement for the next 30 years.
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
Failure to act will have negative impacts on visitor and employee comfort, as well as the building’s historic fabric.
The inefficient and undersized HVAC units face significant challenges in maintaining appropriate building
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
temperatures. During some times of the year, the interior temperature in some building areas exceed 85 degrees,
drying out brick and stone mortars. Aging, exposed radiators also pose some hazards, including the potential to burn
occupants who inadvertently brush up against hot radiator surfaces.
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 0.16
API Rating: n/a 100.00
API/FCI Score: (40%) 40.00
SB Score: (20%) 20.00
IS Score: (20%) 20.00
CFA Score: (20%) 1.90
Total Score: (100%) 81.90
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: Yes
VE Study: Scheduled 03/19 Completed 03/19
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 12,500 100
Capital Improvement Work: $ 0 0
Total: $ 12,500 100
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 2,331
FY 2022 Line Item Construction Funding (this PDS): $ 12,500
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 0
Total: $ 14,831
Class of Estimate: A
Estimate Escalated to: FY 22/Q1
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
Planning Funds Received: $ 1,081
Design Funds Received: $ 1,250
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: FY 2022/Q1
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: FY 2023/Q3
Actual: N/A
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 05/21
DOI Approved: YES
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: $416,392
Projected: $375,790
Net Change: -$40,602
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 70.50 / 06
Planned Funding FY 2022: $56,106,000
Funding Source: Line Item Construction
Project Identification
Project Title: Improve Potable Water Supply to Inner Canyon and South Rim – Phase 2
Project Number: 190083B
Unit/Facility Name: Grand Canyon National Park
Region/Area/District: Lower Colorado Basin
Congressional District: AZ01
State: AZ
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
0 251096 88 0.00
0 251094 88 0.00
40710300 99678 77 0.28
40711200 107900 59 0.67
Project Description:
This project replaces the 12.5 mile-long transcanyon waterline, the electrical line from the Indian Garden pump
station to Phantom Ranch, the distribution systems at Phantom Ranch and Indian Garden, and adds water treatment
at Inner Canyon visitor areas. The new system will be capable of providing over one million gallons of potable
water per day to the inner canyon visitor areas and to the South Rim.
The existing transcanyon waterline conveys water by gravity feed from Roaring Springs Cave, located
approximately 3,200 feet below the North Rim, to the Indian Gardens Pump Station, located approximately 3,000
feet below the South Rim. Water is then pumped to the South Rim. This project will be accomplished in two
phases: Phase 1 includes construction of the Water Treatment Plant on the South Rim (funded in FY 2020); the
Phase 2 effort replaces of a portion of the existing transcanyon waterline, upgrades the electrical service between
Phantom Ranch and Indian Garden, and renews or replaces to the 50 to 90 year old intake and distribution systems
at Phantom Ranch and Indian Garden.
Scope of Benefits (SB):
The existing system, installed in the 1960s with a design life of 30-40 years, experiences frequent breaks that
threaten the water supply to the South Rim. The 50+ year old transcanyon waterline, 20 years past its design life, is
the sole delivery system for water to the inner canyon and the entire South Rim of the Grand Canyon. This water
supply supports park operations by providing drinking and utility water for more than 6 million visitors each year,
2,500 year round residents, all inner canyon operations (including Phantom Ranch), all concession operated South
Rim hotels and restaurants (with more than 1,000 lodging units), campgrounds (more than 400 campsites), visitor
centers, the local K-12 school, and the Kaibab National Forest Headquarters. In addition, the waterline supplies
water for fire protection throughout the South Rim for administrative facilities including visitor facilities, houses,
and nearly 900 historic structures.
This phase of the project includes relocation of the water source; and will construct water treatment plants in
compliance with the Arizona Department of Health standards for filtration and disinfection to protect public health
and safety. The new water distribution systems will meet fire flow requirements for fire safety. The replaced
electrical line will be shielded and buried to protect it from hiker foot traffic; the existing line is uncovered in many
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Investment Strategy (IS):
In the past few years, the park has responded to waterline breaks, on average, about once a month. Repairs are
costly, averaging $25,000 each, have the potential to precipitate additional breaks due to drops in pressure and re-
pressurization, and cause the visitors, residences and concession services to be forced into restrictive water
conservation measures. Extended repairs have an impact on concession operations at Phantom Ranch with
cancellations caused by water restrictions. This project would reduce the vulnerability of the water system. The
operational cost of the waterline will increase to maintain the new pump station and intake system but unplanned
costs due to waterline breaks will be avoided.
After project completion, the facilities and systems addressed by this project should not require major
recapitalization or modernization for the next 20 years.
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
The aging waterline will eventually fail beyond the park’s ability to repair; the park would then haul water from
outside sources at significant cost. Damage from a flood event in 1995 caused the waterline to remain offline for 28
days during the repair operations. The park implemented emergency water hauling measures at a total cost of more
than $5 million.
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 0.30
API Rating: n/a 78.00
API/FCI Score: (40%) 40.00
SB Score: (20%) 10.03
IS Score: (20%) 19.84
CFA Score: (20%) 0.63
Total Score: (100%) 70.50
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: Yes
VE Study: Scheduled 08/17 Completed 08/17
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 0 0
Capital Improvement Work: $ 56,106 100
Total: $ 56,106 100
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Design (FY 19 FLREA): $ 8,000
Appropriated in FY 20 Budget (FLREA): $ 5,760
Appropriated in FY 20 Budget (LIC): $ 16,700
Formulated in FY 22 Budget (FLREA): $ 25,900
Formulated in FY 22 Budget (LIC): $ 56,106
Total: $ 112,466
Class of Estimate: C
Estimate Escalated to: FY 22/Q1
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
Planning Funds Received in FY 2019: $ 2,450
Design Funds Received in FY 2019: $ 5,550
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: FY 2022/Q3
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: FY 2024/Q3
Actual: N/A
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 05/21
DOI Approved: YES
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: $2,771,092
Projected: $2,767,140
Net Change: -$3,952
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 67.80 / 07
Planned Funding FY 2022: $14,519,000
Funding Source: Line Item Construction
Project Identification
Project Title: Rehabilitate and Expand Sugarlands Headquarters
Project Number: 149368A
Unit/Facility Name: Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Region/Area/District: South Atlantic - Gulf
Congressional District: TN01
State: TN
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
0 254759 77 0.00
0 254756 48 0.00
0 252915 77 0.00
35100000 64205 100 0.19
35290300 64239 77 0.15
35410500 64200 48 0.08
40660100 58142 92 0.35
Project Description:
This project will rehabilitate the existing park headquarters building located in the Sugarlands Historic District, and
construct a new annex building to relocate staff currently working from spaces in the existing structure’s basement
and attic.
Rehabilitation includes foundation stabilization, roof repair or replacement, and building envelope repairs.
Mechanical and electrical systems will be replaced or repaired. Fire suppression and life safety code-required egress
paths will be installed. Accessible routes will be added as well. Demolition of ranger office is included.
Annex construction includes a 7,500 square foot 2-story facility to provide a new administrative space. Construction
will address overcrowding of historic Headquarters and to replace an inadequate Ranger Station. The new structure
will be designed to meet Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Silver requirements, boasting
modern, efficient systems. Site improvements include integrated plantings, on-site stormwater bioretention areas,
improved parking, and new vehicle entrance.
Scope of Benefits (SB):
The headquarters was constructed in 1940 by the Civilian Conservation Corps as part of the New Deal program.
Current overcrowding contributes to accelerated wear and tear on the building’s historic fabric, and the lack of an
automatic fire suppression system puts the occupants and structure at risk of damage or loss.
The building was originally designed for a staff of 24, but currently houses 73 employees. These staff are critical to
service the park’s nearly 12 million annual visitors. Rehabilitation of the current structure, and construction of an
annex, will provide code- and policy-compliant working conditions for park staff. As part of the effort, the building
will be brought into compliance with the Architectural Barriers Act Accessibility Standards (ABAAS) without
compromising the historic character defining features.
Investment Strategy (IS):
This project will create operational savings. Rehabilitation of the heating system, along with insulating the building,
will result in energy savings. Each year, between six to ten thousand gallons of fuel oil will be saved because the
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
inefficient system overheats in the spring and fall. Restoring the exterior roof and windows will reduce maintenance
and repair costs, as well as increasing the insulation value.
Currently, the headquarters and ranger station provide office space for approximately 80 staff in a disorganized
office layout with inadequate/cramped workstations and egress. Upon completion of this project, based on DOI
office standards, the headquarters will safely and efficiently serve approximately 60 employees, and the annex will
serve the remainder.
After project completion, the facilities and systems addressed by this project should not require major
recapitalization or modernization for the next 20-25years.
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
Failure to complete this project could have major impacts to employee health & safety. In the existing headquarters,
the emergency exit for employees with attic offices is a fire escape that does not meet the life safety code. The
building lacks an automated fire suppression system. Some offices have tested high for radon, and pipe insulation
contains asbestos. The rehabilitation work and construction of an annex will correct these deficiencies.
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 0.17
API Rating: n/a 74.14
API/FCI Score: (40%) 38.52
SB Score: (20%) 11.57
IS Score: (20%) 16.97
CFA Score: (20%) 0.74
Total Score: (100%) 67.80
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: Yes
VE Study: Scheduled 09/20 Completed 09/20
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 5,274 36
Capital Improvement Work: $ 9,245 64
Total: $ 14,519 100
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 1,785
FY 2022 Line Item Construction Funding (this PDS): $ 14,519
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 0
Total: $ 16,304
Class of Estimate: B
Estimate Escalated to: FY 22/Q1
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
Planning Funds Received in FY 18-21: $ 910
Design Funds Received in FY 2021: $ 875
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: FY 2022/Q3
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: FY 2025/Q1
Actual: N/A
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 05/21
DOI Approved: YES
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: $156,519
Projected: $142,040
Net Change: -$14,479
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 62.61 / 08
Planned Funding FY 2022: $5,130,000
Funding Source: Line Item Construction
Project Identification
Project Title: Replace Bridge to Edgewater Stables
Project Number: 245035A
Unit/Facility Name: Rock Creek Park
Region/Area/District: North Atlantic - Appalachian
Congressional District: DCAL
State: DC
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
0 253908 83 0.00
40760500 44010 83 0.50
Project Description:
This project will replace the existing single lane Edgewater Stables bridge which provides access to the United
States Park Police (USPP) Horse Mounted Patrol facility in Rock Creek Park, Washington, DC. Major components
of the work include removing the existing single-lane concrete bridge, curbing, railing, and associated infrastructure.
The project will also remove the existing bioretention ponds located immediately adjacent to the northwest approach
to the bridge. The bridge will be replaced with a pre-cast concrete bridge and associated infrastructure. The
bioretention facilities will be reconstructed, and the disturbed portion of the Rock Creek shoreline will be stabilized
and regraded. Edgewater Stables will be closed temporarily, and impacted operations will be relocated during
construction. The project will be completed in a single phase.
Scope of Benefits (SB):
Safe and dependable access to Edgewater Stables is critical to the mission of the NPS and several agencies including
The United States Secret Service (USSS) which use the stables, and the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit
Administration (WMATA) which relies on the bridge to access its Red Line dewatering facilities in the area.
Collectively, the National Mall and Memorial Parks and Rock Creek Park accommodate over 27 million visitors per
year. The bridge serves as the sole vehicle access route to the stables. Alongside operational requirements, the
bridge also provides recreational access for visitors who use the adjacent parking lot before enjoying the nearby park
trails. Replacement of the Edgewater Stables bridge eliminates the longstanding safety risks to park staff and
visitors, and other agencies which rely on the bridge for access to their operations.
Investment Strategy (IS):
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) engineers have determined that repairing the bridge was not cost-
effective due to the ongoing accelerated deterioration. After evaluating several alternatives, the preferred alternative
is a pre-cast bridge structure with similar dimensions to, and sited on the same alignment, as the existing bridge.
This provides a cost-effective, environmentally sensitive, sustainable bridge with short-term user impacts during
construction. The project will eliminate all existing deferred maintenance associated with the existing bridge.
After project completion the facilities and systems addressed by this project should not require major rehabilitation
or replacement for the next 50 years.
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
The bride is used by law enforcement vehicles, fuel trucks, trash trucks, hay trucks, horse carriers, and other park
service equipment as part of general operations. If the bridge is not replaced by the end of 2022, its current rate of
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
deterioration may require it to be closed, blocking vehicle access. Even if the bridge’s deterioration can be halted or
its failure temporarily averted, load restrictions would likely be required, severely restricting its operational function.
Both failure and load restrictions would impact law enforcement services park units in the national capital and
would impact WMATA’s ability to access its facilities for repairs and emergencies.
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 0.27
API Rating: n/a 83.00
API/FCI Score: (40%) 29.22
SB Score: (20%) 12.02
IS Score: (20%) 20.00
CFA Score: (20%) 1.37
Total Score: (100%) 62.61
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: Yes
VE Study: Scheduled 07/21
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 0 0
Capital Improvement Work: $ 5,130 100
Total: $ 5,130 100
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 837
FY 2022 Line Item Construction Funding (this PDS): $ 5,130
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 0
Total: $ 5,967
Class of Estimate: B
Estimate Escalated to: FY 22/Q1
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
Planning Funds Received in FY 2020,2021: $ 382
Design Funds Received in FY 2021: $ 455
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: FY 2022/Q2
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: FY 2023/Q3
Actual: N/A
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 05/21
DOI Approved: YES
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: $8,330
Projected: $8,330
Net Change: $0
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 55.50 / 09
Planned Funding FY 2022: $6,450,000
Funding Source: Line Item Construction
Project Identification
Project Title: Rehabilitate Infrastructure at Park Campgrounds
Project Number: 317499A
Unit/Facility Name: Prince William Forest Park
Region/Area/District: North Atlantic - Appalachian
Congressional District: VA01
State: VA
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
40710300 15863 88 0.35
40710900 39110 78 1.0
40710900 29110 65 1.0
40710900 16729 65 1.0
40710900 17353 78 1.0
40760100 30367 78 0.29
Project Description:
This project will rehabilitate the existing wastewater systems in Cabin Camp 3, Oak Ridge, Turkey Run, and
recreational vehicle (RV) park campgrounds in Prince William Forest Park. It will address ongoing deferred
maintenance and code deficiencies by upgrading each system for continued service and current demands. Work
includes removal and replacement of wastewater pipe, manholes and cleanouts. Additional work in Camp 3 includes
replacement of the concrete septic tanks, leach field, lift stations, the dosing chamber, and grease trap at the camp’s
dining hall. The concrete septic tanks also will be replaced in the A-loop of the Oak Ridge Campground. All water
distribution lines will be replaced in the RV campground. All paved and unpaved roadways which are impacted by
installation of infrastructure lines and associated appurtenances will be rehabilitated at the end of the project.
Scope of Benefits (SB):
Prince William Forest Park serves thousands of visitors each year in its campgrounds and cabin camps.
Rehabilitation of the wastewater systems will allow the park to continue providing recreational opportunities for the
public, and to maintain the visitor experience. New system components will increase system reliability, ensuring that
facilities and amenities remain open.
Investment Strategy (IS):
Work will address existing problematic conditions with the wastewater systems at the park’s visitation areas,
thereby greatly diminishing or even eliminating the potential closure of park facilities to address these conditions.
This will allow the visitors and NPS staff to safely access the campgrounds, the cabin camp, and associated
recreational areas. This project will address all deferred maintenance associated with wastewater infrastructure at
three campgrounds and one cabin camp, which also greatly reduces future corrective maintenance requirements and
costs. The cabin camp and each of the campgrounds affected by this project are fee collection sites; increased
visitation and visitor satisfaction will result in increased revenue, and the park would be able to allocate the fee
revenue to address other operational needs and visitor facing facilities.
After project completion the facilities and systems addressed by this project should not require major rehabilitation
or replacement for the next 50 years.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
Failure to proceed with this project will result in continued use of tenuous, outdated, and inadequate wastewater
systems in several high-visitation camping areas within the park. A system failure could require closures of one or
more of the camping areas, thus negatively affecting and possibly displacing numerous visitors at any given time.
Existing wastewater pipes that fail will continue to cause disruptions and potential contamination of surface water
and groundwater. Wastewater lift stations and septic tanks could fail from outdated and deteriorated equipment,
resulting in a significant health risk to visitors and employees from sanitary sewage overflows in numerous highly
popular public use areas.
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 0.64
API Rating: n/a 75.33
API/FCI Score: (40%) 32.00
SB Score: (20%) 9.26
IS Score: (20%) 16.54
CFA Score: (20%) 0.00
Total Score: (100%) 57.80
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: Yes
VE Study: Scheduled 05/19 Completed 03/21
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 6,450 100
Capital Improvement Work: $ 0 0
Total: $ 6,450 100
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 1,050
FY 2022 Line Item Construction Funding (this PDS): $ 6,450
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 0
Total: $ 7,500
Class of Estimate: B
Estimate Escalated to: FY 22/Q1
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
Planning Funds Received in FY 2021: $ 550
Design Funds Received in FY 2021: $ 500
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: FY 2022 Q4
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: FY 2024Q3
Actual: N/A
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 05/21
DOI Approved: YES
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: $23,820
Projected: $23,820
Net Change: $0
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 43.81 / 10
Planned Funding FY 2022: $6,094,000
Funding Source: Line Item Construction
Project Identification
Project Title: Replace Obsolete Housing From Stehekin River Flood Plain
Project Number: 156830A
Unit/Facility Name: North Cascades National Park
Region/Area/District: Columbia – Pacific Northwest
Congressional District: WA01
State: WA
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
0 228449 33 0.00
35300200 17943 40 0.00
35300300 89795 33 0.13
35300300 89804 33 0.19
35410500 111594 29 0.00
Project Description:
This project will demolish four obsolete housing units and replace them with a ten-person fire dormitory, able to
accommodate up to 20 people during fire events. The dormitory will be located out of the Stehekin River flood plain
to minimize its risk of flood-related impacts. The facility will have shared kitchen, dining, laundry, and living
rooms, and shared bathrooms. The unit will include structural fire suppression system throughout, code-compliant
ingress and egress, double pane windows, insulation, modern electrical and data wiring, and telephone capability.
Energy efficient components and use of sustainable exterior materials will reduce maintenance cycles.
Scope of Benefits (SB):
This dorm serves as part of an Incident Command Operations Post for extended emergency incidents in the area,
providing a critical service during wildfires. Unused, obsolete housing structures will be removed from the flood
plain to allow continued restoration of the Stehekin area.
Investment Strategy (IS):
This project is consistent with the park’s General Management Plan and the Stehekin River Corridor Implementation
Plan. The new dorm will be more efficient to operate and maintain, reducing the operations costs and freeing
maintenance staff to address other park needs. Replacement of the obsolete units will contribute to financial
sustainability by reducing the annual maintenance costs; the park expects an operational savings of $23,000
After project completion, the facilities and systems addressed by this project should not require major
recapitalization or modernization for the next 20 years.
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
The current obsolete housing units do not meet standards, are in poor shape, and cannot be occupied or used. They
are also located in at-risk areas such as the flood plain, channel migration zone, or active geological hazard areas.
These unused houses will continue to deteriorate and the NPS will have dilapidated structures on their lands that can
pose long term risk to the environment and visitors. The park requires new housing to accommodate staff at the
Incident Command Operations Post, which will be unable to operate effectively without the new dormitory.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 0.03
API Rating: n/a 33.60
API/FCI Score: (40%) 40.00
SB Score: (20%) 0.01
IS Score: (20%) 3.65
CFA Score: (20%) 0.15
Total Score: (100%) 43.81
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: Yes
VE Study: Scheduled 08/20 Completed 08/20
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 0 0
Capital Improvement Work: $ 6,094 100
Total: $ 6,094 100
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 700
FY 2022 Line Item Construction Funding (this PDS): $ 6,094
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 0
Total: $ 6,794
Class of Estimate: B
Estimate Escalated to: FY 22/Q1
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
Planning Funds Received in FY 2020: $ 319
Design Funds Received in FY 2021: $ 381
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: FY 2022/Q1
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: FY 2024/Q3
Actual: N/A
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 05/21
DOI Approved: YES
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: $31,680
Projected: $29,350
Net Change: -$2,330
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Summary Project Data Sheet for Line Item Construction - FY 2023-2026
(dollars in thousands)
Facility or
Unit Name Project Title
to Date
to be
Years of
Funding for
2023 1 Denali
Park &
Design and
Polychrome Area
mile 43-48 of the
Denali Park Road
AK AKAL $56,428 $2,620 $53,808 $0
2023 2 Wolf Trap
Park for the
Replace Stage
VA VA10 $4,784 $520 $4,264 $0
2023 3 North
Replace Obsolete
Treatment Plant
WA WA04 $19,994 $3,142 $16,852 $0
2023 4 Great
Laurel Falls Trail
TN TN01 $6,618 $1,040 $5,578 $0
2023 5 National
Install Fire
Suppression and
Alarm Systems at
United States
Park Police
DC DCAL $10,286 $1,616 $8,670 $0
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Facility or
Unit Name Project Title
to Date
to be
Years of
Funding for
2023 6 Mount
Rehabilitate and
Treatment Plant
SD SDAL $20,468 $3,216 $17,252 $0
2023 7 National
Mall and
Parks and
Rock Creek
Demolish Failing
Center for Urban
Ecology (CUE)
Building and
Existing Space
for CUE Use
DC DCAL $8,844 $1,390 $7,454 $0
2023 8 White House Project G DC DCAL $21,795 $2,973 $18,822 $0
Total $132,700
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Facility or
Unit Name Project Title
to Date
to be
Years of
for Other
2024 1 Petersburg
Shoreline &
Seawalls / Bluff
VA VA04 $8,949 $1,209 $7,740 $0
2024 2 Kalaupapa
Install Fuel
Tanks to Ensure
Park Continued
HI HI02 $15,151 $2,381 $12,770 $0
2024 3 Fort
Historic Site
Building 405 to
Create Multi-
park Museum
WA WA03 $23,049 $3,622 $19,427 $0
2024 4 Mesa Verde
National Park
Eight Residences
and Museum at
Chapin Mesa
CO CO03 $12,654 $1,784 $10,870 $0
2024 5 Puuhonua O
Facility and
HI HI02 $16,063 $2,524 $13,539 $0
2024 6 Apostle
Waterfront at
Little Sand Bay
and Devil's
WI WI07 $20,371 $3,201 $17,170 $0
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Facility or
Unit Name Project Title
to Date
to be
Years of
for Other
2024 7 Chickasaw
Buckhorn Water
Treatment Plant
and Select
OK OK04 $9,596 $1,508 $8,088 $0
2024 8 Knife River
Historic Site
Riverbank to
Resources and
ND NDAL $8,734 $1,309 $7,425 $0
2024 9 Colonial
Repair Jones
Mill Pond Dam
VA VA02 $9,362 $1,471 $7,891 $0
2024 10 Independence
PA PA03 $5,435 $980 $4,455 $0
2024 11 White House Upgrade Utilities
Project F
DC DCAL $11,974 $2,159 $9,815 $0
2024 12 Virgin
National Park
VI VIAL $16,029 $2,519 $13,510 $0
Total $132,700
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Facility or
Unit Name Project Title
Cong. District
to Date
to be
Years of
Funding for
2025 1 Yosemite
Replace Obsolete
Treatment Plant
CA CA19 $30,880 $4,028 $26,852 $0
2025 2 Crater Lake
Cleetwood Trail
and Marina
OR OR02 $29,576 $4,260 $25,316 $0
2025 3 Yosemite
Meadows Water
System to
Restore Capacity
and Reduce
CA CA04 $14,565 $2,289 $12,276 $0
2025 4 Great Smoky
Repair and Alter
Cades Cove
Water and
TN TN01 $9,515 $1,495 $8,020 $0
2025 5 Keweenaw
C&H Warehouse
No. 1 for Multi-
Park Museum
MI MI01 $17,322 $2,722 $14,600 $0
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Facility or
Unit Name Project Title
Cong. District
to Date
to be
Years of
Funding for
2025 6 George
Rogers Clark
Repair Lincoln
Memorial Bridge
Approach and
Railroad Bed
IN IN08 $17,441 $2,741 $14,700 $0
2025 7 Dinosaur
Building and
Replace with
Yampa District
CO CO03 $22,376 $3,516 $18,860 $0
2025 8 Harry S.
Historic Site
Headquarters and
Visitor Services
MO MO05 $9,760 $1,534 $8,226 $0
2025 9 Lewis and
Upgrade One
Mile Water
Service To
Structural Fire
Protection Flows
OR OR01 $4,669 $819 $3,850 $0
Total $132,700
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Facility or
Unit Name Project Title
Cong. District
to Date
to be
Years of
for Other
2026 1 Wrangell-
Saint Elias
National Park
& Preserve
Kennecott Leach
AK AKAL $8,470 $1,331 $7,139 $0
2026 2 Boston
Repair and
Replace Storm
Drain System at
Navy Yard
MA MA07 $6,146 $1,092 $5,054 $0
2026 3 Yosemite
National Park
Rehabilitate El
CA CA04 $53,662 $8,433 $45,229 $0
2026 4 Christiansted
Historic Site
Preserve the
Steeple Building
VI VIAL $5,469 $859 $4,610 $0
2026 5 Golden Gate
Water System
CA CA06 $51,721 $7,586 $44,135 $0
2026 6 Andersonville
Historic Site
GA GA02 $7,688 $1,208 $6,480 $0
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Facility or
Unit Name Project Title
Cong. District
to Date
to be
Years of
for Other
2026 7 Tuskegee
Historic Site
Booker T.
AL AL03 $9,626 $1,513 $8,113 $0
2026 8 Jean Lafitte
Park and
French Quarter
Visitor Centers
LA LA02 $9,242 $1,452 $7,790 $0
2026 9 Cape Hatteras
Replace Fort
Raleigh and
Frisco Water
NC NC03 $4,911 $761 $4,150 $0
Total $132,700
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Activity: Line Item Construction
Program Component: Abandoned Mineral Lands
FY 2022 Program Activities
The following are examples of planned FY 2022 Abandoned Mineral Lands activities:
Mitigate hundreds of AML features at dozens of sites throughout the National Park System. The
mitigation of physical safety hazards and environmental impacts at AML sites in NPS units
include closing unsafe mine openings, implementing solutions to mitigate degraded water quality
and damaged cultural resources, conservation of critical wildlife habitat (e.g., endangered bats
and desert tortoise), and restoration of disturbed ecosystems.
Justification of FY 2022 Program Changes
The FY 2022 budget request for Abandoned Mineral Lands is $10,000,000 and 0 FTE, a program change
of +$10,000,000 and +0 FTE from FY 2021.
Conservation Initiative – Abandoned Mineral Lands Projects (+$10,000,000 / +0 FTE) – The FY
2022 budget proposes to provide additional support for the Abandoned Mineral Lands program, for
projects necessary to improve the lands left behind after mineral extraction, making these places more
environmentally safe and mitigating hazards to visitors, employees, and wildlife. This increase supports
the Executive Order 14008, Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad, and contributes to the
Budget initiative to provide resources to communities impacted by abandoned hard rock mining and
orphaned or abandoned oil and gas wells, supporting the President’s commitment to create jobs for skilled
technicians and operators in some of the hardest hit communities in the Nation, while cleaning up
hazardous sites. The increase will support efforts to improve the environment, restore water quality, and
restore natural resources to their original condition.
Program Overview
In 2014, the National Park Service released the Abandoned Mineral Lands in the National Park System
Comprehensive Inventory and Assessment report which identified and documented all abandoned mineral
lands (AML) in the System and estimated the cost to mitigate their hazards. AML sites are located across
the U.S. in over 140 NPS units. Precious metals, base metals, and industrial minerals were the primary
targets of mining activity on land in those areas. Mines in other parks produced similar commodities as
well as uranium, oil, and gas. The inventory completed in 2014 identified 37,050 AML features at 3,421
mine sites across the Service. Additional abandoned mine features and orphaned oil and gas wells are still
being found and recorded as they are encountered. Of those features, approximately 85 percent require no
action and five percent have already received long-term remedial action to address human health and
safety and environmental problems. Over 3,800 AML features (ten percent) still require remedial action,
and an additional 330 orphaned oil and gas wells need to be plugged in order to reduce emissions.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Activity: Line Item Construction
Program Component: Demolition and Disposal
FY 2022 Program Activities
The following are examples of planned FY 2022 Demolition and Disposal activities:
Conduct the pre-award planning, design, and compliance activities associated with demolition
and disposal projects.
Dispose or demolish multiple surplus deteriorated or unneeded assets.
Justification of FY 2022 Program Changes
The FY 2022 budget request for the Demolition and Disposal program is $4,000,000 and 0 FTE. There
are no proposed program changes compared to FY 2021.
Program Overview
When parks are created or when land is acquired, properties sometimes come with facilities that are in
unacceptable condition or are unusable for the park or partner organizations. Additionally, storms and
other weather events can damage buildings and other assets beyond repair. When facilities are excess to
the park, their continued existence can create health and safety hazards and require resources to limit
access. Typically, there are environmental assessments that must be conducted prior to demolition and
restoration of lands that must happen afterwards. Due to McKinney-Vento Act requirements (for Federal
agencies to identify and make available suitable surplus Federal property for use by States, local
governments, and nonprofit agencies to assist the homeless), availability of funds, and the historical and
environmental assessments that may need to be completed, the process from start to finish can take
several years. Additionally, contaminants can increase the cost and duration of the disposal activities if
they are found during a demolition site assessment.
Significant demolition obligations in FY 2020 include a project to demolish the deteriorated Youth
Conservation Corps housing and Utah Dormitory in Yellowstone National Park. At the completion of this
project, all obsolete trailers in the Mammoth Location have been removed from the park, along with over
$1.0 million in deferred maintenance associated with the structures. The NPS also awarded demolition
projects at Indiana Dunes National Park and Shenandoah National Park, which will remove nearly three
dozen structures and eliminate over $10.0 million of deferred maintenance. Servicewide, multiple other
demolition projects are at various stages of planning and execution.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Allocation: Federal Lands Transportation Program
The National Park Service (NPS) owns and maintains approximately 5,690 paved miles of park roads, the
equivalent of 990 paved miles of parking areas, 7,000 miles of unpaved roads, 1,451 bridges, and
63 tunnels that are open to the public and eligible for Federal Lands Transportation Program (FLTP)
dollars. Transportation Assets including paved roads, unpaved roads, parking, bridges, tunnels, transit,
trails, and technology have a current replacement value of $30.0 billion. These transportation assets are a
significant part of the NPS asset portfolio and are critical to meeting the NPS mission. Of the NPS’s
323 million visitors in FY 2019 and 244 million visitors in FY 2020, the vast majority arrive to and travel
through parks on the NPS road system, contributing $21 billion in spending and supporting 341 thousand
jobs in 2019.
In FY 2019 the NPS Federal Lands Transportation Program (FLTP) rehabilitated 124 miles of road;
reconstructed 16.4 miles of road; performed routine maintenance (e.g. chip seals, mill and overlays, and
restriping) for 360 miles of roads; and rehabilitated or improved the condition of 107 bridges and tunnels.
In addition to roads, bridges, and tunnels, in calendar year 2019 (the most recent data available), the NPS
had 95 discrete transportation systems including 60 transit systems and 35 interpretive tours in 60 parks
across the Nation. The multimodal systems included shuttles, buses, vans, trams, boats, ferries, trains, and
planes. Of these:
50 percent operate under concession contracts and represent 40 percent of all passenger
21 percent are owned and operated by the NPS and represent 1 percent of all passenger
14 percent operate under service contracts and represent 38 percent of all passenger boardings.
15 percent operate under a cooperative agreement and represent 21 percent of passenger
Transit systems in the NPS include a variety of vehicle types. Of the 95 systems:
58 percent are shuttles, buses, vans, or trams
37 percent are boats or ferries
1 percent are planes
4 percent are trains or trolleys
In calendar year 2019, there were approximately 45.9 million passenger boardings, of which 38.8 million
(84 percent) were associated with the top 10 high use systems (by passenger boardings) at parks, such as
Statue of Liberty National Monument; Grand Canyon, Zion, and Yosemite national parks; and Alcatraz
Island at Golden Gate.
Altogether, these multimodal systems offer attractive and convenient public access to and within parks for
visitors and park employees alike. They also contribute to preserving resources, such as air quality and
soundscapes, and they reduce wildlife and auto collisions.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Funding – The NPS manages its transportation assets using life-cycle asset management techniques to
optimize fund allocation. In FY 2020, more than half of all NPS transportation improvements were
funded through programs authorized under the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST Act:
PL 114-94). Other maintenance and operational funds identified to support transportation assets are fund
sources such as Repair/Rehabilitation and Cyclic Maintenance Programs, and assistance provided through
agreements with nonprofit organizations and private corporations.
Through the FAST Act, the NPS Federal Lands Transportation Program (FLTP) received $268 million in
its initial year (2016). The FY 2016 authorization represented a 12 percent increase compared to the
previous annual authorization level of $240 million, in place since 2009. The authorization increased by
$8 million annually, reaching $300 million in FY 2021. The FAST Act was extended through FY 2021 by
the Continuing Appropriations Act 2021 and Other Extensions Act (P.L. 116-159).
Fiscal Year FLTP Funding Level
2016 $268 million
2017 $276 million
2018 $284 million
2019 $292 million
2020 $300 million
2021 $300 million
Total $1,720 million
The NPS is focusing this funding on the following:
Curtail the deterioration of the important functional classes of roads and maintain the condition of
all public bridges through investments focused on these assets. Funding is distributed to the field
based on a formula that accounts for condition, usage, accidents, and inventory.
Maintain a good or higher level of condition of existing Alternative Transportation Systems
(ATSs) infrastructure and leverage outside funding and partnerships. A “Greening of the Fleet
Strategy” focuses clean energy resources to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve air
quality, reduce noise, and save on operating costs. Examples include, legacy ATSs at Zion,
Acadia, and Grand Canyon national parks, and planning and implementing bicycle/pedestrian
trail connections at Mississippi River, Kennesaw Mountain, and Cape Cod.
Equity in transportation by promoting choices such as transit and trails. Improving existing trail
connections, raising the condition of trails within parks and filling needed trail gaps will help to
make those needed connections which will provide multiple benefits. Those benefits include
easier access, health benefits to the trail users, and potential reductions in vehicle emissions due
to trips diverted.
Address transportation facilities that have become functionally obsolete or have exceeded their
design life may frequently require large investments that severely limit the ability of the NPS to
accomplish its goals. These “mega projects” include major bridge and road repairs and large fleet
replacements, which require a much larger amount of funding than is available on an annual basis
to a given NPS region. The best opportunity to improve and modernize these aging transportation
assets is to develop strategic partnerships with other entities/agencies/shareholders that have
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
common interests. Examples include, Arlington Memorial Bridge, Tamiami Trail, and Natchez
Trace Parkway.
Funding levels for projects will be adjusted annually to accommodate scheduling, balance NPS priorities,
and address legislative requirements.
FY 2022 Program Activities
During FY 2022, the program will continue to target NPS needs and performance goals. Allocation levels
have been developed to curtail deterioration based on the NPS’s Pavement and Bridge Management
Systems. The program will utilize Pavement and Bridge computer models which take advantage of
FHWA Engineering Technical Expertise, along with NPS investment and sustainability guidelines which
identify the highest priority to critical life, health, safety, and resource protection projects.
NPS will continue to seek out partnerships to leverage external funding and expertise, particularly in the
case of large projects including the Nationally Significant Federal Lands and Tribal Project (NSFLTP)
program which was established in the FAST Act. The NSFLTP funds mega projects, defined as projects
over $25 million.
The NPS reports annually on the goals and achievements of its transportation program as required by the
FHWA’s Implementation Guidance for the FLTP. Annual accomplishments reports are available at:
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Activity: Special Programs
2021 Enacted
from 2021
Enacted (+/-)
Emergency &
3,848 3,848 +0 +0 +17,000 20,848 +17,000
2,922 2,922 +11 +0 +0 2,933 +11
Dam Safety
1,247 1,247 +0 +0 +0 1,247 0
13,474 13,474 +0 +0 +19,950 33,424 +19,950
21,491 21,491 +11 +0 +36,950 58,452 +36,961
Total FTE
2 2 - - +1 3 +1
Summary of FY 2022 Program Changes for Special Programs
Program Changes ($000) FTE
Expanding the NPS Electric Vehicle Fleet and Supporting Infrastructure
Conservation Initiative – Emergency and Unscheduled Projects
TOTAL Program Changes
Mission Overview
The Construction appropriation provides support to several National Park Service mission objectives,
including the preservation of natural and cultural resources, safety of park visitors and employees, and the
provision of visitor services and experiences.
Activity Overview
The Special Programs activity provides for the accomplishment of minor unscheduled and emergency
construction projects, and for the inspection, repair or replacement of equipment and facilities. This
activity is composed of four subactivities:
Emergency and Unscheduled Projects
This subactivity provides for the preservation of resources and safety of the public and employees by
funding unscheduled and emergency construction projects. These projects protect and preserve park
resource and provide for safe and uninterrupted visitor use of facilities. The program also addresses
unforeseen construction contract claim settlements, provides necessary infrastructure for approved
concessioner expansion projects, and ensures continuity of support and service operations.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Housing Improvement Program
The program provides funds to parks maintain and improve the condition of housing for NPS employees.
This ensures that the parks that need to provide housing to employees to support park operations can
maintain housing units in good or better condition.
Dam Safety Program
The program improves the safety of employees and the public, as well as safeguarding NPS cultural and
natural resources. The program provides engineering risk-based analyses including inventories,
inspections, assessments and initial corrective action planning for dams and other streamflow control
structures (levees, dikes, berms, elevated canal walls and plugs, as well as other similar miscellaneous
structures) located on NPS lands. The program also seeks to coordinate these same types of efforts for
facilities located upstream of park lands where a failure would have adverse impacts on NPS visitors,
employees, facilities, or resources.
Equipment Replacement
The purpose of this subactivity is to provide for systematic replacement of automated, motorized, and
fixed information technology equipment to support safe, energy-efficient operations and visitor services
throughout the National Park System. Existing equipment items that meet or exceed GSA minimum
replacement criteria are prioritized by NPS regions and the U.S. Park Police. Purchased replacement
equipment complies with NPS energy, security, and safety standards.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Activity: Special Programs
Subactivity: Emergency and Unscheduled Projects
FY 2022 Program Activities
The following are examples of planned FY 2022 Emergency and Unscheduled Projects activities:
Support parks and regions during and after natural disasters, extreme weather events, and
unexpected asset or system failure.
Fund the modification of launch ramps at Lake Mead National Recreation Area, ensuring
uninterrupted visitor access despite extremely low water levels.
Justification of FY 2022 Program Changes
The FY 2022 budget request for the Emergency and Unscheduled Projects program is $20,848,000 and
0 FTE, a program change of +$17,000,000 and +0 FTE from FY 2021.
Conservation Initiative – Emergency and Unscheduled Projects (+17,000,000 / +0 FTE) – The NPS
is a vital component of the governmentwide approach to address the impacts of climate change. The 2022
budget includes multiple and varied investments to better understand and address resource challenges on
park lands stemming from climate change. Additional funding would support an array of critical projects
that sustain or restore NPS operations during and after emergencies, critical system failures, and extreme
environmental conditions. NPS facilities and resources across the country face multiple environmental
threats that cannot be planned for—including, but not limited to, earthquakes, wildfires, structural fires,
hurricanes, landslides, drought, floods, shoreline erosion, and volcanic activity. Climate change increases
the severity and frequency of many weather-related events, necessitating additional resources to ensure
that NPS operations recover quickly after facilities and resources are damaged or destroyed during these
events. Other NPS major maintenance programs target regular or predictable asset deterioration
rehabilitating, renewing, or replacing facilities as they age. As a result, these programs are generally
programmed one or more years in advance. In contrast, the Emergency and Unscheduled Projects
program is only programmed as needed, and specifically targets facility repair or replacement following
unexpected system failures or disasters. It serves as the primary fund source to rapidly address the NPS’s
critical infrastructure needs during or after crises.
In FY 2022, assuming reduced lake level predictions are realized, funding is needed to extend or relocate
launch ramps and marinas at Echo Bay, Temple Bar, Hemenway Harbor, and Callville Bay at Lake Mead
National Recreation Area, where extreme worsening of drought conditions have caused lake levels to
drop below operating elevations much faster than anticipated. Funding would also support similar low-
water facility modifications at Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, including permanent extension of
the launch ramp at Antelope Point; temporary extensions of the Stateline, Bullfrog, and Wahweap launch
ramps; retrofit of a buoy tender vessel; relocation and reconstruction of an NPS Wahweap dock, and
related planning and support studies.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Left: View of Lake Mead National Recreation Area, with visible “bathtub ring.” Lake levels were
much higher at the turn of the century; the lighter patches on the landscape were once under water.
Current surface elevation levels are roughly 115 feet lower than in the year 2000. Right: Composite
image highlighting the difference in water levels around the year 2000 compared to 2020.
Program Overview
The National Park System contains over 26,000 assets, including thousands of individual utility systems.
Through the course of normal operations, these structures and systems can unexpectedly fail or be
damaged by natural disasters or malicious actions and require immediate attention to avoid more costly
reconstruction in the future. Work may include replacement of critical structural elements or entire
buildings damaged by severe wind, water, or fire; debris removal in the aftermath of catastrophic natural
disasters; park equipment and furnishings lost or damaged due to tsunami; potable water and wastewater
treatment facilities damaged through minor fires; mechanical breakdowns in critical park infrastructure
systems or equipment; or other unforeseen incidents. Work may also help parks adapt facilities to address
rapidly shifting conditions, such as arresting coast or shoreline erosion; reconfiguring docks and piers to
serve new water levels; or stabilizing or relocating assets that are threatened by advancing geologic
hazards. These projects often cross fiscal years and can only be executed as field conditions allow.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Activity: Special Programs
Subactivity: Housing Improvement Program
FY 2022 Program Activities
The following is an example of planned FY 2022 Housing Improvement Program activities:
Support improving the condition of NPS housing units at parks.
Justification of FY 2022 Program Changes
The FY 2022 budget request for the Housing Improvement Program is $2,933,000 and 2 FTE. There are
no proposed program changes compared to FY 2021.
Program Overview
The Housing Improvement Program provides support to parks to encompasses 5,506 housing units, of
which the average age is 58 years and the average Facility Condition Index (FCI) is 0.118 (fair). Housing
assets range from 100-year-old cabins to modern dormitories and duplexes.
Housing improvement projects are selected using merit-based criteria that evaluate the existing condition;
the health and safety, accessibility, and sustainability factors affecting the unit (both interior and exterior);
the condition of the unit after work is completed; and the cost effectiveness of the repairs. Housing
Improvement projects also address critical systems that have been identified which must be in good
working order for a housing unit to function effectively.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Activity: Special Programs
Subactivity: Dam Safety Program
FY 2022 Program Activities
The following are examples of planned FY 2022 Dam Safety Program activities:
Emergency Action Plan updates, reviews with downstream officials, and practice responses for
simulated events at NPS high and Significant hazard dams.
Comprehensive Risk Reviews of NPS dams on 10 to 15-year cycle.
Formal Examination of high and significant hazard dams on 4 to 5-year cycle.
Interim Examination of high and significant hazard dams on 2-year cycle.
Reevaluate hazard classification of all dams on 5-year cycle.
Work with Park Units to provide scoping level documentation to enable new project requests that
address deficiencies identified in examinations and risk reviews.
Justification of FY 2022 Program Changes
The FY 2022 budget request for the Dam Safety program is $1,247,000 and 0 FTE. There are no
proposed program changes compared to FY 2021.
Program Overview
The NPS Dam Safety Program (DSP) is mandated by Public Law 104-303, Section 215, National Dam
Safety and Security Program Act of 2002; U.S. Department of the Interior Departmental Manual, Part
753, Dam Safety Program; and the NPS Management Policies, 2006. The primary reason for creation of
this program was to prevent structural dam failures leading to loss of human life and property damage.
NPS experienced both during the Rocky Mountain National Park Lawn Lake Dam Failure of 1982 when
three park visitors were killed and $30 million in damages occurred.
The mission of the NPS Dam Safety Program is to minimize the risk posed by dams and water
impoundment structures to park resources, facilities, personnel, visitors, and neighbors. To accomplish
this mission, the program provides regular inspections and studies to identify new or worsening structural
conditions and their associated risks posed by these structures. Program staff help parks identify funding
for projects that mitigate these risks by repairing, modifying, or removing the dam. The program also
provides parks with emergency action plans and exercises for each dam with high or significant hazard
ratings to minimize losses in the eventuality of a dam’s failure.
The current inventory consists of 50 jurisdictional dams. These dams are generally larger than 25 feet in
height or have 50 acre-feet of reservoir capacity. These dams are further classified by their threat to
downstream people or resources and facilities. Fourteen of the dams are rated as high hazard potential
(people will likely lose their lives if the dam fails). Ten of the dams are rated a significant hazard
(resources or facilities would be damaged with no loss of life). The other 26 dams are rated as low hazard
(no threat to life or significant damage is expected). Other small, non-jurisdictional dams are generally
not eligible for program funding, except for permanent removal or deactivation.
In addition to dams, Dam Safety program also monitors over two dozen levees, including the critically
important Potomac Park Levee that protects Washington, DC. There are also dozens of large canal
hydraulic structures like those located in the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Activity: Special Programs
Subactivity: Equipment Replacement Program
FY 2022 Program Activities
The following are examples of planned FY 2022 Equipment Replacement Program activities:
Prioritize the highest needs throughout the service to provide motorized, IT, and other equipment
necessary for the maintenance and operations of national park units.
Provide funding to acquire electric or hybrid vehicles, install electric vehicle charging stations,
and management to support the electric vehicle fleet.
Justification of FY 2022 Program Changes
The FY 2022 budget request for the Equipment Replacement program is $33,324,000 and +1 FTE, a
program change of +$19,950,000 and +1 FTE from FY 2021.
Conservation Initiative – Zero Emission Vehicle Fleet (ZEV) Conversions (+$19,950,000, +1 FTE) –
The 2022 budget includes funding to convert a portion of the NPS-owned vehicle fleet to ZEVs. The NPS
has over 370 individual locations that utilize motor vehicles and estimates this funding will equip roughly
a third of those locations with the necessary number of charging stations to allow for existing passenger
sedans to be converted to electric. This conversion will immediately reduce the Interior’s contributions to
greenhouse gas emissions and dependence upon hydrocarbons. The investment in infrastructure will
support these new vehicles and ensure charging infrastructure is available for subsequent ZEVs. This
project is being coordinated across Interior and with other agencies to maximize utility of charging and
hydrogen fueling stations in areas where multiple agencies operate. The funding also supports a small
planning and coordination function to effectively deploy the fleet and charging infrastructure.
Constructing Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure (+10,000,000 / +0 FTE) – In
support of Executive Order 14008, Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad, the NPS
proposes to increase funding for the Equipment Replacement program to provide for the
installation of electric vehicle charging infrastructure. Many NPS units are in areas with low
permanent populations or are isolated from the surrounding municipal infrastructure. In order
to begin acquiring and using battery-powered vehicles in regular operations, many parks will
first need to install infrastructure capable of charging the batteries.
Replacing Hydrocarbon Powered Vehicles with ZEVs (+$9,800,000 / +0 FTE) – In support
of Executive Order 14008, Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad, the NPS
proposes to increase funding for the Equipment Replacement program to provide for the
replacement of hydrocarbon powered vehicles with ZEVs. The NPS motor vehicle fleet
consists of 11,631 owned and leased vehicles. The leased portion of the fleet consists of 4,698
vehicles, including 14 electric, 10 plug-in hybrids, and 267 hybrids. The owned portion of the
fleet consists of 6,933 vehicles, including 141 electric, 11 plug-in hybrids, and 371 hybrids.
This funding will allow for the replacement of 200 hydrocarbon powered vehicles with ZEVs.
This transition will reduce the NPS motor vehicle fleet CO2 tailpipe emissions by 2,028,252
pounds annually.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Supporting ZEV Management and Integration (+$150,000 / +1 FTE) –This funding will
support NPS efforts to integrate ZEVs into its operations, and help parks and regions
determine the best methods to prioritize and manage vehicle acquisition.
Program Overview
The NPS Equipment Replacement Program provides funding for systematic replacement of automated
systems, motorized vehicles, and fixed information technology equipment to support safe, energy-
efficient operations and visitor services throughout the National Park System. The average age of the NPS
motor vehicle fleet is 11 years. The NPS construction equipment fleet currently averages 11.8 years of
use. This fund source provides critical funding for replacement of vehicles and other heavy equipment. It
will be a key element of the NPS’s strategy to achieve the goals established by with Executive Order
14008, Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad.
The NPS utilizes merit-based criteria for eligible equipment items to be replaced using this fund source.
These are based on the unique requirements and priorities of the region with respect to the types of
equipment eligible, the respective General Services Administration standard service life, and replacement
eligibility criteria. Instructions for reuse, sale and disposal of excess equipment are clearly articulated.
NPS regions and U.S. Park Police prioritize their equipment replacement needs, and make replacement
purchases that comply with NPS energy, security, and safety standards.
Zero Emission Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure
In support of the President’s goal of transitioning to a fully Zero Emission Vehicle Federal fleet, the NPS
budget includes funding for zero emission vehicle (ZEV - battery electric, plug-in electric hybrid, and
hydrogen fuel cell vehicles) acquisitions and deploying necessary vehicle charging and refueling
infrastructure. These acquisitions are a significant step towards eliminating tailpipe emissions of
greenhouse gases (GHG) from the NPS fleet and aligning the NPS’s fleet operations with the goal of
achieving a fully ZEV Federal fleet. This action is important because tailpipe emissions are currently the
leading source of GHG emissions that threaten the planet and harm U.S. communities.
ZEV acquisitions may include vehicles for both its agency-owned and GSA-leased segments of its vehicle
fleet, including incremental costs of leased vehicles and lease payments to GSA for conversion of agency-
owned vehicles to GSA’s leased fleet where appropriate. To ensure effective and efficient deployment of
ZEVs, the NPS will undertake preparation and planning for arriving ZEVs at its facilities, properly
prioritizing transition to ZEVs where it is simplest and allow time for additional planning where mission
demands pose a challenge to transitioning based on current technologies. Integral to this preparation is
growth in the number of agency-accessible re-fueling points (vehicle charging stations). In installing this
infrastructure on-site to support acquired ZEVs, the NPS will take the long-term view to ensure
efficiencies and thereby ensure wise infrastructure decisions that limit total expenditures. Using its
experienced personnel and lessons learned in the fleet arena, the NPS will undertake a process that relies
on a cross-functional team of staff from fleets, operations, facilities, finance, and acquisition departments
with executive leadership support. The collaboration will not stop with initial deployment, as the NPS
fleet and facility managers will work closely and employ existing training and tools to control utility costs
by managing the overall charging load and thereby ensuring a seamless operation that now will involve
building systems and vehicles together. Further, the NPS will ensure proper training of personnel to
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
address any initial shortcomings in terms of any necessary ZEV knowledge and operations as the
advanced vehicle technologies roll into the NPS fleet.
The Department is coordinating all of these efforts to meet or exceed the ZEV-related goals set forth in
the comprehensive plan developed pursuant to E.O. 14008, Section 205(a). Funds for these NPS ZEV
activities are part of a $600 million request in the President’s Budget for ZEVs and charging
infrastructure that is contained within the individual budgets of 18 Federal agencies, including ZEV
Federal fleet dedicated funds at the General Services Administration. This investment will be
complemented by Department of Energy funding to provide technical assistance to agencies through the
Federal Energy Management Program as the NPS builds and grows its ZEV infrastructure. This
investment serves as a down payment to support a multiyear, whole-of-government transformation to
convert the Federal motor vehicle fleet to ZEVs and thereby reduce carbon emissions.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Activity: Construction Planning
Line Item
29,453 15,183 +0 +0 +0 15,183 +0
29,453 15,183 +0 +0 0 15,183 +0
Total FTE
0 0 - - +0 0 +0
Mission Overview
Construction Planning provides support to many areas of the National Park Service mission, contributing
to the protection and management of natural and cultural resources, the safety of park visitors and
employees, and the provision of appropriate recreational and visitor experiences.
Activity Overview
The Construction Planning activity lays the groundwork for actual construction through investigations,
surveys, analysis of alternatives, and design. These activities develop required technical and contractual
documents to successfully complete construction projects within budget and on schedule. Construction
Planning ensures projects are properly designed and meet asset maintenance, repair, and replacement
Construction Planning funds provide for contracted Architectural/Engineering services for supplemental
services, and project planning and design, which includes Pre-design (American Institute of Architects
(AIA) phases for pre-design and schematic design) and Final Design (AIA phases for Design
Development, and Construction Documents). Funds are used for supplemental services such as
archeological and historical surveys, and engineering investigations including site and geotechnical
surveys, environmental testing, hydrological surveys, and detailed condition assessments. Based on
survey and evaluation results, funds are used to prepare comprehensive construction plans and
specifications, and contractual documents needed to award construction contracts.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Activity: Construction Planning
Subactivity: Line-Item Construction Planning
FY 2022 Program Activities
The following are examples of planned FY 2022 Line-Item Construction Planning activities:
Support the Pre-designs, Final Designs and Supplemental Services for successful execution of the
Line Item Construction Program. This effort supports over 25 projects in the first three years of
the five-year plan.
Justification of FY 2022 Program Changes
The FY 2022 budget request for the Construction Planning activity is $15,183,000 and 0 FTE. There are
no proposed program changes compared to FY 2021.
Program Overview
This program supplies critical budgetary resources needed to develop construction plans and
specifications essential for acceptable completion of major maintenance, repair, replacement, and new
construction projects. Four activities are funded through construction planning: Pre-design, Schematic
Design, Supplemental Services, and Final Design. Typically included during the pre-design phase are
project programming and budgeting, alternatives analysis, and schematic design. Compliance activities
underway concurrently with pre-design development are funded separately.
Supplemental services and environmental analyses are usually completed concurrently during the pre-
design phase. Typically included are natural hazard assessments, cultural and archeological
investigations, special consultations, safety, ergonomics, rendering, modeling, special graphic services,
life-cycle cost analysis, value analysis studies, energy studies, resource compliance studies, hazardous
materials surveys, detailed cost estimating, monitoring and testing, and risk mitigation. Pre-design
activities and supplemental services conclude with presentation of recommended schematic design to the
servicewide Investment Review Board.
The final design phase includes the preparation of design development documents, and final architectural,
landscape and engineering drawings and specifications necessary for the construction of utilities, roads,
and structures. Under this activity, final construction drawings and specifications are prepared along with
the final independent government cost estimate and contract documents. Architectural/engineering
contractors will accomplish the majority of the pre-design, supplemental services, and final design
activities for the Line Item Construction program.
Priority funding consideration is typically given in the following order:
1. Planning and design for previously appropriated line item construction projects.
2. Planning and design for line item construction projects appropriated in the current fiscal year.
3. Projects or phased components of projects of the National Park Service's Five-year Construction
Program planned for funding within the next two to four fiscal years.
4. Planning and design needs for projects funded in other construction program activities.
5. Conceptual development planning needs when a planning overview of a developed area is
required to determine the most cost-effective approach for addressing proposed projects.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
The NPS will continue to prepare capital asset management plans for major construction projects,
consistent with OMB Circular A-11 and the Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act. These plans identify
the cost, schedule, and performance goals of proposed projects and then track the projects progress in
meeting those goals. The capital asset management plan is initiated at the pre-design phase and continues
through substantial completion of the construction phase.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Activity: Construction Program Management & Operations
Construction Program
Management &
Operations ($000)
Construction Program
2,784 2,784 +54 +0 +0 2,838 +54
Denver Service Center
20,107 20,107 +715 +0 -7,000 13,822 -6,285
Harpers Ferry Center
10,168 10,168 +279 +0 +0 10,447 +279
Regional Facility Project
12,121 12,121 +193 +0 -6,000 6,314 -5,807
Total Requirements
45,180 45,180 +1,241 +0 -13,000 33,421 -11,759
Total FTE Requirements
231 231 - - -64 167 -64
Summary of FY 2022 Program Changes for Construction Program Management & Operations
Program Changes ($000) FTE
Regional Facility Project Support -6,000 -18
Denver Service Center Operations -7,000 -46
Total Program Changes
Mission Overview
Construction Program Management & Operations provides support to many areas of the National Park
Service mission by contributing to the preservation and protection of natural and cultural resources, to the
safety of park visitors and employees, and to the provision of appropriate recreational and visitor
Activity Overview
The National Park Service Construction Program is managed in accordance with applicable DOI and NPS
rules and guidelines, and the National Academy of Public Administration’s (NAPA) recommendations in
the Strengthening the National Park Service Construction Program report in 1998 to effectively ensure
the economical use of human and fiscal resources. The Construction Program centrally coordinates all
major construction and rehabilitation projects for the NPS for the consistent, effective, appropriate, and
efficient construction and maintenance of visitor and administrative facilities and supporting
infrastructure at parks around the country. Some of this is accomplished through the management of
several key programs: Line Item Construction, Federal Lands Highways Program, Management Planning,
Recreation Fee projects, and others. The NPS provides two central technical support offices. The Denver
Service Center is the primary design and construction project management office for major construction
and rehabilitation projects, and Harpers Ferry Center provides the highly specialized skills associated with
developing media such as exhibits and films. Contracting and other support services for consultant design
and construction management contracts are also administered within this activity.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Construction Program Management
Consistent with National Academy of Public Administration report findings, and DOI’s Capital Planning
and Investment Control (CPIC) guidance, this office manages a servicewide project management control
system to provide accurate assessments of project status. The Construction Program Management office
manages the Line Item Construction program, the Value Analysis program, and supports the Bureau
Investment Review Board, which manages the NPS investment portfolio. Additionally, this component
supports Housing program management, and a Servicewide Partnership Construction Program
Coordinator to coordinate major infrastructure projects that involve philanthropic funding and services.
Denver Service Center
The Denver Service Center (DSC) coordinates most major construction and planning activities, providing
for park planning, design, contracting services, project management, construction management, and
information management for the parks and regions within the National Park Service. DSC houses the
Technical Information Center, the designated central repository for planning, design, and construction
documents and records.
Harpers Ferry Center
The Harpers Ferry Center (HFC), the NPS Center for Media Services, provides servicewide support,
technical assistance, and project implementation in the highly specialized areas of communication and
interpretive media (exhibits, audiovisual programs, historic furnishings, etc.). Many of the DSC visitor
services construction projects include interpretive components administered by HFC.
Regional Facility Project Support
This component provides support at Regional Offices associated with construction activities including
project pre-planning, development, and scope and cost validation. It also provides funding for contract
compliance needs, such as preparation of environmental assessments and Tribal consultations, associated
with Line Item Construction projects.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Activity: Construction Program Management & Operations
Program Component: Construction Program Management
FY 2022 Program Activities
The following are examples of planned FY 2022 Construction Program Management activities:
Continue to support the Line Item Construction Program as well as other large-dollar projects by
assisting with program coordination and review of project cost and scoping.
Evaluate project proposals to ensure that the highest priority, mission critical projects are
reflected in the National Park Service’s Line Item Construction Five-Year plan.
Manage the servicewide Investment Review Board (IRB) which reviews approximately 100
major construction projects annually to ensure projects are of high quality, incorporate
sustainable practices, are appropriate to their settings, and demonstrate defensible cost-conscious
decisions focused on cost reduction.
Justification of FY 2022 Program Changes
The FY 2022 budget request for Construction Program Management is $2,838,000 and 10 FTE. There are
no proposed program changes compared to FY 2021.
Program Overview
Consistent with the NAPA report findings and CPIC guidance, Construction Program Management
(CPM) manages the servicewide project management control system to provide accurate assessments of
project status and supports the Bureau Investment Review Board’s (BIRB) review of major construction
and rehabilitation projects for functional suitability and cost-effectiveness. The BIRB is an executive level
review committee that makes decisions on the proper composition of the NPS asset portfolio to achieve
strategic goals and objectives within budget limits.
CPM communicates policy and provides guidance and oversight for park asset management planning,
investment development, capital construction, and facilities management, and dam and levee safety on a
servicewide basis. CPM formulates and monitors line item construction projects included on the Five-
Year Construction plan and manages the servicewide value analysis and facility modeling programs.
Other responsibilities include formulating and implementing major capital construction asset investment
strategies, reporting on the success of implementation activities, and recommending program adjustments
related to individual project construction activities. Its staff also oversee the Dam Safety Program,
providing support and subject matter expertise in the management of the NPS’s hydraulic structures, as
well as the methods to evaluate and mitigate the risks posed by those structures.
CPM is responsible for overseeing major infrastructure management partnerships. Associated
requirements involved with major capital improvement efforts are coordinated through this effort (e.g.,
determining the total cost of ownership and ensuring proposals favorably support the Service’s needs
from both a business and investment perspective). CPM also coordinates and provides guidance for major
infrastructure projects that involve philanthropic funding and services.
The Construction Program Management program also funds staffing and oversight of the NPS Housing
Program, ensuring parks can provide adequate housing for park employees to perform their functions,
such as preserving resources and ensuring the safety of the public. The central program ensures that parks
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
provide and administer housing programs that are consistent with public laws and other directives, such as
OMB Circular No. 45 – Rental and Construction of Government Quarters. The program strives to identify
resources to help parks maintain and replace housing, and to ensure that housing units are managed as
assets through proper maintenance practices. Because park staffing needs change over time, housing
program staff work with parks and regions to assess housing needs and to identify projects that will help
parks meet those needs.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Activity: Construction Program Management & Operations
Program Component: Denver Service Center Operations
FY 2022 Program Activities
The following are examples of planned FY 2022 Denver Service Center Operations activities:
Execute the Line Item Construction program, providing project management expertise for
hundreds of projects across the service, as well as projects commissioned by parks utilizing
various other fund sources such public/private partnerships.
Achieve small business goals and socioeconomic programs for NPS and DOI. In FY 2020, DSC
awarded more than $177 million to small businesses, significantly contributing to NPS’s
achievements for small disadvantaged, service-disabled veteran, women owned, and HUBZone
Support the management of construction and other infrastructure investments through access to
construction documentation, technical, planning, and scientific reports housed within the
Technical Information Center (TIC). More than 62,000 of these records are available publicly on
eTIC. In FY 2020, the eTIC public website was accessed over 35,000 times.
Justification of FY 2022 Program Changes
The FY 2022 budget request for Denver Service Center Operations is $13,822,000 and 87 FTE, a
program change of -$7,000,000 and -46 FTE from FY 2021.
Denver Service Center Operations (-$7,000,000 / -46 FTE) – At the requested FY 2022 level, the DSC
will provide oversight and management of projects that address NPS facility needs across the Service,
commensurate with the funding requested for Line Item Construction projects.
Program Overview
The DSC provides park asset management planning, project design, contracting services, project
management, construction management, and information management for the parks and regions within
the NPS. The DSC base appropriation provides professional project management throughout the three to
five-year construction cycle. The Line Item Construction program also includes projects funded in prior
years, and the portfolio is estimated to comprise approximately $313 million in active construction
projects, $95 million of projects in the post construction phase, and $801 million in the Line Item
Construction design phase. Many of these projects are large in size, including the repair of the historic
seawall surrounding Ellis Island at the Statue of Liberty National Monument, or the major effort to
rehabilitate the water and wastewater systems at Grand Canyon National Park. DSC also supports
increasing access to parks through projects like the replacement of the concrete floating dock at Pearl
Harbor National Memorial. This project will enable safe access for this historic resource. In addition.
DSC also provides quality assurance expertise including project compliance, quality control, specialized
technical expertise, and risk assessment and management.
DSC operations include the Technical Information Center (the oldest NPS repository for service wide
technical documents and drawings) and eTIC. eTIC is a web-based document management system
allowing the public and NPS users the ability to instantly retrieve critical electronic information on park
buildings and infrastructure, providing additional transparency for NPS projects. It’s used for research,
historical studies, disaster recovery, project planning, natural as well as cultural resource and interpretive
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
information. Public users include academic researchers, educators, students, and history enthusiasts from
within the U.S. as well as internationally. Effective records management improves NPS abilities to
manage its security and infrastructure investments.
DSC professionals provide cost-efficient project management services and rely on the contracted support
of design and construction firms nationwide to ensure best value and quality for park projects and
services. In addition to projects funded through the Line Item Construction program, DSC supports other
major construction efforts funded through other sources, including hurricane recovery projects for
Hurricanes Irma/Maria, and other disaster recovery efforts. DSC also supports public-private funded
partnerships projects, including the rehabilitation of the Administration Clock Tower Building at Pullman
National Monument with the partnerships of the National Park Foundation, Illinois Historic Preservation
Agency, City of Chicago, Chicago Neighborhood Initiatives, Pullman Civic Organization, and
Millennium Reserve.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Activity: Construction Program Management & Operations
Program Component: Harpers Ferry Center Operations
FY 2022 Program Activities
The following are examples of planned FY 2022 Centennial Challenge activities:
Support $60 million interpretive planning, media, and conservation projects.
Continue to manage over 250 interpretive media projects across the service.
Continue to support 30 Servicewide media contracts.
Justification of FY 2022 Program Changes
The FY 2022 budget request for Harpers Ferry Center Operations is $10,447,000 and 52 FTE. There are
no proposed program changes compared to FY 2021.
Program Overview
HFC, the NPS Center for Media Services, provides servicewide support, technical assistance, and project
implementation in the highly specialized areas of communication and interpretive media (exhibits,
audiovisual programs, mobile applications, historic furnishings, etc.).
Media projects are becoming increasingly complex – with more multi-media components, intellectual
property issues, and programmatic accessibility requirements. Most of these projects are focused on
updating media already in place to meet the latest scholarship, programmatic, and accessibility standards,
and to update media to better reach younger and more diverse audiences. HFC media specialists provide
consistent standards, effective contract and project management, and indefinite delivery, indefinite
quantity (IDIQ) contracts and capacity. Very few parks have dedicated technical staff or resources to
manage new and updated media projects to meet the public’s rising expectations for media that is
accurate, current, accessible, attractive, and interactive.
HFC’s interdisciplinary teams of planners, designers, application developers, filmmakers, curators,
cartographers, conservators and writers, supported by administrative and business staff, bring diverse
perspective and deep experience to the task of creating the media parks need to reach and inform visitors.
Each year HFC works on projects ranging from mobile phone applications to complex visitor center
exhibit packages, movie productions, wayside interpretive media, and conservation or artifacts. HFC
maintains more than Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity media contracts to help the National Park
System obtain the highest quality, best value media products for park units. Visitor experience and safety
within the parks are enhanced using educational information introduced through a wide variety of media.
Most importantly, interpretive media connects visitors to the parks by providing the unique history and
significance of the resources within each site, giving visitors the opportunity to understand the need for
and their role in protecting those resources.
HFC products include digital content including mobile apps, publications, wayside and visitor center
exhibits, films, interpretive plans, and artifact and history collection conservation. HFC manages several
bureau-wide initiatives including the NPS Unigrid Brochure Program, NPS National Sign Program and
NPS Historic Photograph Collection.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Activity: Construction Program Management & Operations
Program Component: Regional Facility Project Support
FY 2022 Program Activities
The following are examples of planned FY 2022 Regional Facility Project Support activities:
Provide funding for contract compliance for over 30 projects in the first three years of the Line
Item Construction Five Year Plan.
This fund source will also support project planning and project development for large-scale or
complex construction projects that will be submitted for Line Item Construction funding within
the next two years.
Justification of FY 2022 Program Changes
The FY 2022 budget request for Regional Facility Project Support is $6,314,000 and 18 FTE, a program
change of -$6,000,000 and -18 FTE from FY 2021.
Regional Facility Project Support (-$6,000,000 / -18 FTE) – At the requested FY 2022 level, Regional
Facility Project Support will provide oversight and management of projects that address NPS facility
needs across the Service, commensurate with the funding requested for Line Item Construction projects.
Program Overview
The Regional Facility Project Support program provides staff salary and other support at the regional
offices for activities associated with development of major construction and maintenance investments. It
also provides funding for contract compliance needs, including archeological surveys, hazardous material
surveys, preparation of historic structure documentation, coordination with State Historic Preservation
Offices, and environmental assessments.
This sub-activity funds staff and contracts to develop concept-supporting documents for facility
investment decision-making through all project development phases including the creating and refining
project descriptions, scopes, justifications, business cases, and initial cost estimates. Program staff are
also responsible for monitoring budget and financial activity; managing development and supervision
contracts; performing contractor evaluation and monitoring; managing compliance issues that affect
planned development at NPS sites; and negotiating, awarding and amending costs for both planning and
supervision contracts. The funding provides regional support, including a multitude of contracts, and has
enabled the NPS to properly oversee construction and major maintenance projects, ensure adherence to
architectural and construction standards throughout the process, and execute funds in a more timely and
efficient manner.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Activity: Management Planning
Planning ($000)
from 2021
5,427 5,427 +129 0 +10,000 15,556 +10,129
1,138 1,138 +48 0 +300 1,486 +348
Impact Planning
and Compliance
3,700 3,700 +65 0 +4,000 7,765 +4,065
10,265 10,265 +242 0 +14,300 24,807 +14,542
Total FTE
45 45 - - +58 103 +58
Summary of FY 2022 Program Changes for Management Planning
Program Changes ($000) FTE
Conservation Initiative – Support for Climate Vulnerability Assessments
+10,000 +44
Conservation Initiative – Environmental Impact Planning and Compliance
+4,000 +13
Boundary Study at Selma to Montgomery National Historic Trail
+300 +1
TOTAL Program Changes
Mission Overview
The Management Planning Program budget activity supports all NPS goals by providing long-term
planning functions for park units and servicewide activities. More specifically, this activity supports
management of park resources; strategic and sustainable facility investments; collaboration with partners;
provision for visitor enjoyment and recreational opportunities; and preparation of studies of potential
additions to the National Park System.
Activity Overview
Unit Management Plans
The Unit Management Plan (UMP) program provides a broad range of planning products and services to
help park managers make decisions on the many issues they face while also satisfying law and policy.
The program supports parks in meeting the statutory requirements for planning, as identified in the
National Parks and Recreation Act of 1978 (54 USC 100502), Wild and Scenic Rivers Act (16 USC
1274(d)(1)), and/or National Trails System Act (16 USC 1244(e)and (f)). Over recent years, the UMP
program has transitioned from exclusively preparing large stand-alone general management plans to a
more responsive and flexible planning framework that meets park planning needs and fulfills legal and
policy requirements in a more time and cost-efficient manner. The production of a broader portfolio of
plans allows the program to support more individual planning efforts and help parks target their most
urgent needs, including: guiding major investment decisions, promoting racial justice and equity for
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
underserved populations, expanding partnerships, and expanding efforts around climate adaptation and
Special Resource Studies
The Special Resource Studies (SRS) program conducts Congressionally authorized studies of areas that
may have potential for addition to the National Park System or other national designations, such as a Wild
and Scenic River, National Trail, National Heritage Area, or Affiliated Area. Studies are prepared for
areas that Congress has deemed to be of interest due to natural, cultural, or historic values or uniqueness,
and are managed by the program office to ensure objectivity, consistency with NPS policy and guidance,
and cooperation with stakeholder entities, subject matter experts, and public involvement in the study
process. The SRS process considers an area’s national significance, suitability, and feasibility for
inclusion as an NPS unit, which includes potential staffing requirements and projected facility investment
costs. Studies also consider whether direct NPS management, or existing/alternative protection by other
public agencies or the private sector, is appropriate for the area. The study process is usually truncated if a
negative finding is made for any one of the criteria. This program also conducts reconnaissance surveys,
which provide a preliminary evaluation of potential study areas. By law, reconnaissance survey costs may
not exceed $25,000; beyond this dollar amount, studies require prior Congressional approval (54 U.S.C.
100507(b) (5)).
Studies are conducted in chronological order and initiated within one year of authorization, once funding
is made available and depending on staff capacity. The average estimate to complete a study is three
years; the time frame varies depending on the resource type/study area, complexity of the work, number
of stakeholders identified, and other factors.
The SRS Program addresses the Administration priorities as well as needs identified in the NPS System
Plan One Hundred Years, which provides a framework for proactively directing the future of the National
Park System, identifying gaps in the nation’s protected natural and cultural areas, and establishing a
collaborative conservation system that fully reflects our nation’s cultural and natural heritage.
Environmental Impact Planning and Compliance
This program component supports parks, regions, and headquarters offices in the process of completing
Environmental Impact Statements (EISs), Environmental Assessments (EAs), and other compliance
documents related to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), with a priority emphasis on
legislatively or judicially mandated NEPA related actions. These planning and compliance actions relate
to major management decisions that do not fit within the normal scope of the construction program or the
unit management planning program, and thorough completion helps ensure appropriate stewardship of
natural and cultural resources.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Activity: Management Planning
Program Component: Unit Management Plans
FY 2022 Program Activities
The following are examples of planned FY 2022 Unit Management Plans activities:
Conduct planning efforts addressing key park needs, including visitor access plans, foundation
documents, resource stewardship strategies, trail management plans, site plans and
development/facilities plans.
Lead servicewide efforts towards greater consistency, innovation, and focus in the areas of visitor
access (including equity for underserved communities), racial justice, climate
adaptation/resilience, and strategic facility investment planning.
Develop and refine NPS servicewide planning program policy and guidance, including the roll
out of an updated Reference Manual on park planning.
Support parks in meeting the statutory requirements for general management plans, including
pilots of a streamlined standalone general management plan.
Justification of FY 2022 Program Changes
The FY 2022 budget request for Unit Management Plans is $15,556,000 and 68 FTE, a program change
of +$10,000,000 and +44 FTE from FY 2021.
Conservation Initiative – Support for Climate Vulnerability Assessments (+10,000,000 / +44 FTE)
Vulnerability assessments (VAs) are ideally timed to link with other NPS planning processes so that the
results directly inform management decisions, ensuring NPS operations and investments are resilient to
the effects of climate change, in support of Executive Order 14008, Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home
and Abroad. National or regional planning priorities—such as Resource Stewardship Strategies, Strategic
Facility Investment Planning programs, or individual projects—all benefit from greater understanding of
climate risks. Dedicated VA efforts improve major NPS investment decisions by weighing the scope of
the project or effort, gathering, or utilizing available information to identify and better understand key
threats, and by recommending how to manage the risks posed by the threats. FY 2022 funding will
provide substantial resources to conduct VAs across the country, including up to 44 additional staff
throughout the NPS regions.
Program Overview
The Unit Management Plan program funds a broad range of products and services to help park managers
make decisions on the issues they face while also satisfying law and policy requirements. The program
promotes broad cost efficiencies through cooperative efforts with other program leads, Federal agencies,
and partners in areas of mutual concern. The program supports management planning for units of the
National Park System, National Trails System, Wild and Scenic Rivers, as well as Affiliated Areas, and
other special projects where Congress has directed the NPS to prepare a management plan in cooperation
with others.
The Unit Management Plan program continues to serve as the primary NPS fund source to assist park
units in meeting the statutory requirements for general management plans (54 U.S.C. 100502), now
satisfied through park planning portfolios. Park planning portfolios serve as an assemblage of planning
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
documents that guide management and decision making and satisfy law and policy. Over recent years, the
UMP program has transitioned from exclusively preparing large stand-alone general management plans to
a more responsive and flexible planning products that meets park needs and fulfills legal and policy
requirements in a more time and cost-efficient manner. The production of a broader portfolio of plans
allows the program to support more individual planning efforts and help parks target their most urgent
needs, including: guiding major investment decisions, promoting racial justice and equity for underserved
populations, fostering partnerships, and expanding efforts around climate adaptation and resilience.
The program also supports facility investment analysis within all relevant management plans to evaluate
long-term facility life cycle costs and ensure strategic investment of construction and maintenance fund
sources. The program prioritizes support for new unit plans, in order to meet legislative requirements,
seek partnership opportunities, and set critical management direction. The program will pilot a
streamlined model of a standalone general management plan in FY22, particularly benefiting recent
additions to the National Park System. Examples of planning products funded by the Unit Management
Plan program include general management plans, visitor use management plans, site plans/development
concept plans, partnership plans, and trail management plans.
Vulnerability Assessments
Vulnerability assessments (VAs) are ideally timed to link with NPS planning processes so that the results
directly inform management decisions. Over 100 projects per year require VA efforts that directly inform
existing park planning processes. VAs also provide critical insight into national or regional planning
priorities, such as Resource Stewardship Strategies, Strategic Facility Investment Planning programs, or
individual projects that are part of region and park planning portfolios. The per unit cost of a climate
change vulnerability assessment can range from $5,000 to $300,000 based on:
The scope of the planning effort or management decision the VA is intended to inform. A single
project such as repair or siting of a coastal road, or a management plan for a cultural landscape
may be more simple and direct, whereas a study to inform park-wide management of natural
resources or a strategic plan for the full inventory of park infrastructure is a much broader and
more complicated process.
The availability of necessary information regarding the target resources. NPS park units, spread
across the country, have a wide difference in the quality of available data for facilities, natural or
cultural resources, visitor health, and safety. Where good information is not available, the VA
process may have to gather new data in order to properly assess the key threats being
considered—including the target's sensitivity and exposure to those threats.
The complexity of the threats themselves. For instance, the threats posed by sea level rise are on a
different timescale compared to wildfires and have wide differences in how they impact resources
and infrastructure.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Activity: Management Planning
Program Component: Special Resource Studies
FY 2022 Program Activities
The following are examples of planned FY 2022 Special Resource Studies activities:
Continue work on 29 Congressionally authorized studies and reconnaissance surveys currently
underway or in the transmittal process to Congress, while initiating two new special resource
studies. Of those projects, the NPS has 5 reconnaissance surveys and 26 special resource, national
heritage area, national trail, wild and scenic river, and theme studies.
Direct available funds to completing previously authorized studies first, then initiating any newly
authorized studies or reconnaissance surveys based on funding and staff capacity.
Justification of FY 2022 Program Changes
The FY 2022 budget request for Special Resource Studies is $1,486,000 and 10 FTE, a program change
of +$300,000 and +1 FTE from FY 2021.
Boundary Study at Selma to Montgomery National Historic Trail (+$300,000 / +1 FTE) – Additional
resources in FY 2022 will be used to carry out a boundary study at Selma to Montgomery National
Historic Trail, to identify appropriate properties that may be added to the trail and to recommend to
Congress how best to protect and manage the site. The study will also assess if the area is suitable to be
included as a unit of the National Park System.
Program Overview
As directed by Congress (54 U.S.C. 100507), the NPS considers resources that exhibit qualities of
national significance and conducts studies where specifically authorized to determine if areas have
potential for inclusion in the National Park System. Special Resource Studies (SRS) collect information
about candidate areas to determine if they meet established criteria for national significance, suitability,
and feasibility as potential additions to the National Park System. These studies also evaluate the need for
direct NPS management and alternative concepts for protection by others outside of the National Park
System, such as affiliated areas. The program also supports studies for potential National Heritage Areas
and other national designations. Reconnaissance surveys may be conducted without congressional
authorization, presenting preliminary resource assessments of potential study areas. Reconnaissance
Surveys are limited to $25,000 each (54 U.S.C. 100507(b) (5)) and are eligible for funding through a
written request from a member of Congress, at the request of the Secretary of the Interior, or the NPS
The NPS also conducts Rivers and Trails studies, which are congressionally-mandated or Secretarially-
directed studies for possible inclusion or expansion in the National Scenic and Historic Trails or National
Wild and Scenic Rivers Systems. These studies evaluate whether designation is merited using established
criteria; solicit stakeholder and public engagement; explore partnerships with local communities, States,
or Tribes; and determine potential for national designation by Congress.
The primary purposes of the SRS program are to provide Congress with expert analysis about the
resource qualities of a study area, potential for visitor enjoyment, and alternative methods or designations
to protect important resources. The analysis of costs included in special resource studies addresses the
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
fiscal impact of adding new units or management responsibilities to the National Park System; estimated
costs are identified for operations, resource protection, visitor access, interpretation, the construction of
necessary new facilities, if any; and the repair or rehabilitation of existing structures within a potential
park boundary area. The SRS program addresses the Administration’s priorities during the study process
as well as after a unit may be established.
In support of Executive Order 14008, Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad — when
evaluating additions to the National Park System, the SRS program references the NPS System Plan,
which identifies gaps and missing links in the National Park System for which opportunities for future
preservation, conservation, or interpretation exist. The gaps identified reflect a full representation of
ecological regions, cultural themes, and stories of diverse communities that are not currently being
protected and interpreted.
In support of Executive Order 13985, Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved
Communities Through the Federal Government — Based on research and analysis of the impacts of
National Park units throughout the U.S., after a unit has been designated, potential economic benefits to
surrounding communities include:
Likely increase in visitation to the park site and associated economic benefits from tourism.
Visitor and education programs that serve both residents and outside visitors.
Local hiring opportunities, as part of specific legislative direction.
Anticipated FY 2022 Special Resource Study Program work includes:
Selma to Montgomery National Historic Trail Boundary Study -
Mississippi Civil Rights Sites SRS
Julius Rosenwald and the Rosenwald Schools SRS - multistate
Emancipation NHT Study – TX
Amache SRS – CO
Fort Ontario and the Safe Haven Holocaust Refugee Shelter
Museum - NY
Thurgood Marshall School SRS - MD
Ocmulgee River Corridor SRS – GA
1908 Springfield Race Riot SRS - IL
Island of Rota SRS - Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Island
West Hunter Street Baptist Church and block SRS – GA
President Street Station SRS - MD
Pike NHT Study – multistate
Kentucky Wildlands NHA Study
Chicano Park Reconnaissance Survey - CA
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Activity: Management Planning
Program Component: Environmental Impact Planning and Compliance
FY 2022 Program Activities
The following are examples of planned FY 2022 Environmental Impact Planning and Compliance
Directly support dozens of parks, regions, and other NPS programs in preparing National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) planning documents, with emphasis on planning efforts
necessitated by court orders, litigation, national precedence, or those of an unusually complex or
controversial nature. These planning and compliance actions relate to major management
decisions that do not fit within the normal scope of the construction program or the management
planning program. Their completion helps ensure appropriate stewardship of natural and cultural
resources and achieves significant cost savings by reducing the potential for litigation.
Develop and refine NPS servicewide NEPA policy and guidance and provide training to NPS
staff on NEPA implementation.
Develop and maintain tools to facilitate the completion of concise, focused, and timely NEPA
Serve as the servicewide focal point for matters concerning NEPA, and provide technical
assistance to parks, regions and other NPS programs on NEPA-related matters.
Justification of FY 2022 Program Changes
The FY 2022 budget request for Environmental Impact Planning and Compliance is $7,765,000 and 25
FTE, a program change of +$4,000,000 and +13 FTE from FY 2021.
Conservation Initiative – Environmental Impact Planning and Compliance (+$4,000,000 / +13 FTE)
– Support parks, regions, and headquarters offices in the process of completing Environmental Impact
Statements (EISs), Environmental Assessments (EAs), and other compliance documents related to the
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), with a priority emphasis on legislatively or judicially
mandated NEPA related actions. All NPS projects will require enhanced focus on how the project site
will be affected by climate change. Understanding these effects will help the NPS determine the long-
term ramifications or benefits of major project or program investments, which may include climate
change resiliency or response needs.
Program Overview
The Environmental Impact Planning and Compliance program supports parks, regions, and headquarters
offices with Environmental Impact Statements (EIS), Environmental Assessments (EA), and other
compliance documents related to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), focusing on
legislatively or judicially mandated NEPA related actions. This program serves as the focal point for
matters relating to NPS NEPA planning and other related environmental mandates; provides NEPA-
related technical assistance and training to parks, regions and WASO offices; and develops servicewide
guidance for NEPA planning and other Federal resource protection mandates.
The National Park Omnibus Management Act of 1998 and NEPA require park management decisions to
be based on a full examination of alternatives, impacts, and opportunities for public involvement. This
program enhances the NPS’s ability to conduct legally defensible, scientifically based analyses that
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
facilitate sound decision-making. To make NEPA and related compliance activities more efficient and
ensure both thoroughness and timeliness, an integrated system to relate funding, planning, compliance,
and public comment is in use for all NPS projects. This Planning, Environment, and Public Comment
(PEPC) system assures better coordination and timely completion of compliance through use of one
bureau-wide web-based system.
More information can be found at:
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Appropriation: Land Acquisition and State Assistance - GAOA
Appropriation Overview
The Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) was established by Congress in 1964 to support the
protection of Federal public lands and waters – including national parks, forests, wildlife refuges, and
public lands recreation areas – and to provide recreation opportunities to all Americans. The LWCF also
provides for grants to State and local governments for the acquisition and development of public outdoor
recreation areas and facilities.
The programs supported by the LWCF are key components of the America the Beautiful initiative, a ten-
year, locally led campaign to conserve and restore America’s lands and waters. The initiative supports the
President’s goal to conserve 30 percent of U.S. land and waters by 2030, which will help address the
climate crisis and its impacts on nature, improve equitable access to the outdoors, and strengthen the
economy. The America the Beautiful initiative is intended to serve as a call to action to support locally
led conservation and restoration efforts. The initiative welcomes all communities wishing to steward their
lands and waters and boost the economy and support jobs. The guiding principles—which include a
commitment to collaboration and support for voluntary and locally led conservation—are essential to
building and maintaining broad support, enthusiasm, and trust for this effort.
Through a variety of programs, LWCF supports our nationwide legacy of high-quality recreation and
conservation areas. The Fund invests earnings from offshore oil and gas leasing to strengthen
communities, preserve our history and protect our national endowment of lands and waters. Every State in
the nation has benefited from the LWCF since its establishment.
In 2020, Congress enacted the Great American Outdoors Act, P.L. 116-152 (GAOA) which amended the
LWCF authorization (54 U.S.C 200303). This historic legislation ensures the Nation’s commitment to
conservation and recreation endures for future generations. GAOA guarantees full funding of $900
million annually is permanently available for LWCF conservation and recreation programs reauthorized
by the John D. Dingell, Jr. Conservation, Management, and Recreation Act. The Gulf of Mexico Energy
Security Act of 2006, P.L. 109-432 makes additional amounts available from the LWCF for State grants.
The Department of the Interior is responsible for administering and implementing these important
programs in concert with the U.S. Forest Service. The LWCF, as amended by GAOA, requires the
President’s annual budget submission to Congress to include a proposed allocation of LWCF funding by
account, program, and project for consideration as part of the annual budget process. In FY 2022,
mandatory LWCF funding is subject to a sequestration reduction of -5.7 percent. The sequestration
reduction will be applied uniformly across all programs and activities when funds are available for
Program Overview
The Land Acquisition and State Assistance allocation uses funding derived from the Land and Water
Conservation Fund (LWCF) to support National Park Service (NPS) land acquisition activities, American
Battlefield Protection Program grants, and grants to States and local governments for the purchase and
development of land for outdoor recreation activities. In 2020, pursuant to the Great American Outdoors
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Act (GAOA), funding from LWCF became mandatory at the full authorized level of $900 million per
Land Acquisition, State Assistance, and the American Battlefield Protection Program each contribute to
the conservation and recreation. Land Acquisition directly improves the visitor experience by supporting
or enhancing public access to outdoor spaces and expanding recreation opportunities. The State
Assistance activity supports partnerships with State and local agencies by providing grants for projects
that create a nationwide system of parks, open space, rivers, and trails for public enjoyment. These spaces
provide educational, recreational, and conservation benefits to the American people. The American
Battlefield Protection Program supports the protection of American Battlefields from the Civil War,
Revolutionary War, and the War of 1812 for the public’s education and recreation.
Federal Land Acquisition
This activity provides for the acquisition of land and interests in land to preserve and protect, for public
use and enjoyment, the historic, scenic, natural, and recreational values of congressionally authorized
areas within the National Park System. The acquisition of land may be through donation, exchange, or
purchase. This activity also provides for the administration and management of land acquisitions
throughout the National Park System in a responsible and accountable way, ensuring compliance with
existing guidelines and laws. The National Park Service works closely with regions and parks, sister
bureau personnel, and non-profit partners to provide public access for outdoor recreation and create
opportunities for furthering a legacy of conservation stewardship.
State Conservation Grants
This activity provides matching grants to States, benefitting State, Tribal, and local units of government
for the acquisition and development of land and facilities that will provide the public with access to new
opportunities to engage in outdoor recreation. The grants provide incentives for continuing State planning
efforts to address outdoor recreation needs and for greater commitments from State, Tribal, and local
governments to conserve and improve recreation resources. Beginning in 2014, a nationally competitive
component was added to this program. This activity also provides for the administration of grants to
States and through States to Tribal and local governments, as well as ensuring that areas that have
received assistance are open and available for public outdoor recreation use in perpetuity as required by
the LWCF Act. Further tasks include the provision of technical assistance to States in developing and
updating of State-wide outdoor recreation plans.
American Battlefield Protection Program
Under this budget activity, the NPS supports grants to eligible entities such as States, local communities,
or non-profit groups to allow the acquisition and protection of Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, and
Civil War battlefields outside of the National Park System. This activity supports two new programs that
fund American Battlefield Modernization Grants and Battlefield Restoration Grants. This activity also
provides for the administration of American Battlefield Protection Program Acquisition Grants.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Land Acquisition and State Assistance – GAOA
(Dollars in Thousands)
Budget Activity/Subactivity/Program
FY 2020
FY 2021
FY 2022
Estimate Sequestration
FY 2022 w/
Change from
FY21 (+/-)
Change from
Land and Water Conservation Fund
Federal Land Acquisition
Emergencies, Hardship, Relocation
4,000 4,000 4,162 -237 3,925 -75 0 0 0
Inholdings, Donations, & Exchanges
5,500 11,500 9,844 -561 9,283 -2,217 0 0 0
28,400 49,308 56,967 -3,247 53,720 +4,412 0 0 0
Recreational Access
7,000 14,500 12,909 -736 12,173 -2,327 0 0 0
Acquisition Management
10,500 14,500 14,500 -827 13,673 -827 77 77 0
Total, Federal Land Acquisition 55,400 93,808 98,382 -5,608 92,774 -1,034 77 77 0
State Conservation Grants
Formula State Conservation Grants
110,000 220,000 220,000 -12,540 207,460 -12,540 0 0 0
Competitive State Conservation
25,000 125,000 125,000 -7,125 117,875 -7,125 0 0 0
State Conservation Grants
5,000 15,000 12,401 -707 11,694 -3,306 42 42 0
Total, State Conservation Grants 140,000 360,000 357,401 -20,372 337,029 -22,971 42 42 0
American Battlefield Protection Program
ABPP Acquisition Grants
13,000 17,400 17,400 -992 16,408 -992 0 0 0
ABPP Modernization Grants
0 1,000 1,000 -57 943 -57 0 0 0
ABPP Battlefield Restoration Grants
0 1,000 1,000 -57 943 -57 0 0 0
ABPP Grants Administration
0 600 600 -34 566 -34 2 2 0
Total, American Battlefield Protection
13,000 20,000 20,000 -1,140 18,860 -1,140 2 2 0
208,400 473,808 475,783 -27,120 448,663 -25,145 121 121 0
1 LWCF funding in FY 2020 was provided as discretionary funding through the annual appropriations process.
2 Starting in FY 2021, LWCF funding became available as mandatory funding. FY 2021 LWCF funding was not subject to sequester due to the timing of when the Great
American Outdoors Act was enacted. All FY 2022 LWCF funding is subject to a sequestration reduction of -5.7% which by law, is applied during the year of execution uniformly
across all programs.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Justification of Program and Performance
Activity: Federal Land Acquisition (GAOA)
Mission Overview
The Federal Land Acquisition activity supports the NPS mission by contributing to protection of natural
and cultural resources and their enjoyment by visitors for recreational experiences. The NPS acquisition
of land is required to be within authorized park boundaries.
Subactivity Overview
Since its inception in 1916, the NPS has served as the ultimate caretaker of the country’s most valuable
natural and cultural resources, while providing for public use and enjoyment of those resources. Today
the National Park System has a vast and diverse portfolio of assets under its care totaling more than 85
million acres.
Federal Land Acquisition Projects
This subactivity supports high priority land acquisition projects. Many of the parcels identified for
acquisition protect critical habitat for endangered species, preserve rapidly eroding coastal habitat, and
strengthen resiliency to climate change. Other parcels set aside public lands in suburban or urban areas or
are set aside in order to preserve and share the histories of underserved or marginalized communities.
Emergencies, Hardship and Relocations
The NPS makes use of this subactivity to fund acquisition of lands where the owner is experiencing
financial hardship and must quickly sell her or his land within the boundary of a park unit, or there is a
management emergency that can best be addressed through acquisition from a willing seller. The funds in
this subactivity are also used to pay deficiencies for condemnation cases previously filed in court and for
the payment of relocation claims as directed in P.L. 91-646, the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real
Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, as amended. Historically, these funds have been used to
acquire land within park units in diverse hardship cases, such as an Alaska Native Corporation that
desired to raise additional Tribal funds or an older couple who faced significant medical expenses and
needed to raise money by selling their lands. Funds have also been used in emergency situations ranging
from a proposed subdivision development on top of a historic battlefield to the protection of the last
privately owned parcel in an historic district that protects a unique ecosystem.
Inholdings, Donations, and Exchanges
The NPS makes use of this funding to complete purchases from willing sellers at park units authorized
prior to July 1959 (FY 1960). As of the end of 2020, there were approximately 2,508 tracts in 29 units
identified as Inholding areas, totaling 67,439 acres with an estimated value of approximately $451.6
million. This subactivity is also used to fund costs associated with donations and exchanges of land.
These acquisitions are only purchased when opportunities arise and are therefore funded on an as-needed
basis throughout the fiscal year.
Recreational Access Land Acquisition
This subactivity provides funds to allow NPS to work with State, local, and private landowners to acquire
parcels adjacent to existing NPS-managed lands where authority permits. These parcels will create,
supplement, or enhance recreational opportunities for the public. Additional acres may be acquired to
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
allow visitors to access entry or exit points for watercraft along waterways, connect gaps in scenic trails,
or provide a buffer to protect neighboring landowners. Lands to be acquired through this subactivity are
chosen by first applying the same criteria as general acquisition requests are subject to in the annual
priority setting process, and then additional scrutiny for recreational opportunities is explored. These
include access points, recreational opportunities such as expanded hunting or fishing; equestrian trail
connectivity; watercraft use such as kayaking, canoeing, or boating; and hiking or walking trail
connectivity or safety concerns. Each request has an expressed willing seller and activity to protect the
resource and make it available to the public is ready to commence once funds are approved.
Acquisition Management
This subactivity manages the acquisition of lands within the boundaries of the National Park System to
ensure compliance with existing guidelines and laws. This subactivity supports the protection of natural,
cultural, and historic landscapes, including watershed and riparian habitat to increase outdoor recreation
opportunities, and preserve nationally significant historical moments or events. Acquisition Management
funds support personnel and all costs for the administration, implementation, coordination, and evaluation
of the NPS’s Federal land acquisition program. The staff provides specialty support for several realty-
based functions, including, but not limited to: assisting parks preparing land use plans, providing
guidance and assistance in the preparation of land acquisition requests, working with willing sellers from
the initial explanations of Federal acquisition options to the final acquisition procedures, preparing
responses for official information requests from a variety of sources, providing the regional and national
levels of scoring of annually renewed acquisition requests towards a nationally ranked listing, and
conducting research into issues such as proposed developments.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
FY 2022 NPS GAOA LWCF Federal Land Acquisition Project List
(Dollars in Thousands)
Priority Project State(s) Funding* Acres
Petersburg National Battlefield VA 1,475 508
Cumberland Island National Seashore GA 2,800 483
3 Natchez National Historical Park MS 540 10
Big South Fork National River & Recreation
Area KY, TN 1,000 500
5 Petrified Forest National Park AZ 12,000
6 Ice Age National Scenic Trail WI 1,900 180
7 Obed Wild and Scenic River TN 150 27
8 Cape Cod National Seashore MA 200 11
9 City of Rocks National Reserve ID 850 200
10 Shiloh National Military Park TN 1,540 340
Chesapeake & Ohio Canal National Historical
Park MD 340 16
12 Zion National Park UT 1,950 50
13 Carlsbad Caverns National Park NM 375 340
14 Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreation River PA 200 20
15 Denali National Park and Preserve AK 150 140
16 Haleakala National Park HI 6,125 3,019
17 Minute Man National Historical Park MA 250 1
18 Sand Creek Massacre National Historic Site CO 4,100 4,078
19 Pu'uhonua o Honaunau National Historical Park HI 150 3
20 Katmai National Park and Preserve AK 275 100
21 Acadia National Park ME 200 10
22 Death Valley National Park CA 750 90,075
23 Badlands National Park SD 575 100
24 Shiloh National Military Park TN 425 61
25 Joshua Tree National Park CA 2,500 2,200
26 War in the Pacific National Historical Park GU 825 20
27 Ocmulgee Mounds National Historical Park GA 1,575 300
28 Grand Teton National Park WY 7,000 35
29 Rock Creek Park DC 100 8
30 Little River Canyon National Preserve AL 1,150 95
31 Gettysburg National Military Park PA 275 10
32 Wilson's Creek National Battlefield MO 1,000 85
33 Gauley River National Recreation Area WV 975 334
Sub-Total, Projects -- 53,720
Sequestration -- 3,247
TOTAL -- 56,967 131,572
*Following completion of the acquisitions listed in the table above, remaining funds may be utilized for land acquisition projects
in other park units within the National Park System to expeditiously pursue protection of additional resources from willing
sellers, including beginning due diligence for opportunities fully requested in future year budget submissions.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Activity: State Conservation Grants (GAOA)
Mission Overview
The State Conservation Grants support, through partnerships with State and local agencies, a nationwide
system of protected parks, open spaces, and trails, providing outdoor recreational and conservation
benefits to the public. This program also contributes to NPS’s mission to assist in expanding and
improving recreational access and opportunities, increasing public access, and catalyzing land
conservation partnership projects.
Subactivity Overview
The State Conservation Grants activity provides matching grants to states and through states to local units
of government for the acquisition and development of public outdoor recreation areas and facilities that
provide public access to lands, waters, and other recreation resources. Grants to states also provide for
continuing state planning efforts to address outdoor recreation needs. Since 1965, more than 43,000 state,
Tribal, and local grants have been awarded, totaling over $5.0 billion. States, Tribes, and localities have
matched this amount at least dollar-for-dollar, doubling the federal investment. This program has
successfully allowed states to take greater responsibility for the protection and development of open space
and outdoor recreation resources.
Formula State Conservation Grants
The Formula State Conservation Grants program is a 1:1 federal/non-federal matching grant program.
The program provides funding to states to acquire open spaces and natural areas for outdoor recreation
purposes and develop outdoor recreation facilities. Additionally, states are required to sustain the property
for outdoor recreation purposes in perpetuity. Funding is also provided to assist states in development of
Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plans (SCORPs). These plans assess and prioritize the
need for new and enhanced outdoor recreation areas and facilities. States use their Open Project Selection
Process, which provides objective criteria and standards for grant selection based on each state’s priority
needs as identified in its SCORP. States are also initially responsible for soliciting and selecting projects
from eligible state agencies, Tribal governments, and local units of government. Projects are then
submitted to NPS for review to ensure that LWCF Act criteria are met, and proposed projects are
consistent with the state SCORPs.
Competitive State Conservation Grants
The competitive Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership (OLRP) program complements the traditional
formula State Conservation Grants program and aligns with one of the President’s top priorities –serving
underserved communities. Specifically, the ORLP program helps urban communities acquire or develop
land to create or reinvigorate public parks and other outdoor recreation spaces in ways that will provide
opportunities for people, especially youth, to connect or re-connect with the outdoors. Priority is given to
projects that engage and empower underserved communities and youth; provide opportunities for
employment or job training; involve and expand public-private partnerships, particularly to provide for
the leveraging of resources; and rely on a high degree of coordination among all levels of government, to
expand and improve recreation opportunities for all.
Like traditional state conservation grants, the LWCF ORLP is subject to the general authorities of the
LWCF Act and program requirements, including the purpose of the grants, types of grants, consistency
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
with SCORP, 50 percent match requirement, and protection of assisted areas as required by the Act (54
U.S.C. 200305(f)(3). The program is administered in conjunction with the NPS’s state partners. The states
are responsible for soliciting, reviewing and submitting proposals for the national competition to the NPS.
An evaluation panel scores and ranks proposals, and successful applicants will submit final proposals
though their regular state processes. Grant administration and project monitoring is done jointly between
the states and NPS.
State Conservation Grants Administration
This subactivity provides for the administration of the NPS program responsibilities to provide grants to
States and through States to local governments, as well as ensuring that areas that have received
assistance are open and available for public outdoor recreation use in perpetuity as required by the LWCF
Act. Further tasks include the provision of technical assistance to States in developing and updating of
State-wide outdoor recreation plans.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Activity: American Battlefield Protection Program
Mission Overview
The American Battlefield Protection Program (ABPP) promotes the preservation of significant historic
battlefields associated with wars on American soil. The goals of the program are 1) to protect battlefields
and sites associated with armed conflicts that influenced the course of our history, 2) to encourage and
assist all Americans in planning for the preservation, management, and interpretation of these sites, and 3)
to raise awareness of the importance of preserving battlefields and related sites for future generations. The
ABPP focuses primarily on land use, cultural resource and site management planning, and public
education. The Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2020 (P.L. 116-94) extended the authority for
the ABPP grant programs through fiscal year 2028.
Subactivity Overview
American Battlefield Protection Program (ABPP) Battlefield Acquisition Grants
These grants support State and local governments and their non-profit partners in the acquisition of fee-
simple or less-than-fee (easement) interests in eligible battlefield lands and associated sites. This program,
originally known as the Civil War Battlefield Grants program, was renamed by the Omnibus Public
Lands Management Act of 2009 (P.L. 111-11). Under this authorization, grants were only awarded for
acquisition of interests in sites identified in the Civil War Sites Advisory Commission’s 1993 Report on
the Nation’s Civil War Battlefields. The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2015
broadened the scope of the program so that grants can now be awarded for acquisition of interests in
principal sites related to the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812 identified in the NPS’s Report to
Congress on the Historic Preservation of Revolutionary War and War of 1812 Sites in the United States.
In FY 2020, the program awarded 30 grants totaling more than $10 million to assist State and local
governments and non-profit organizations to acquire acreage at 25 battlefields. These are not part of the
National Park System.
ABPP Modernization Grants
This subactivity supports project grants that contribute to historic preservation and interpretation,
community engagement, museums, and digital or physical public access to historic sites. Grant funds are
awarded on a competitive basis for projects that deploy technology to modernize and enhance battlefield
interpretation and education at Revolutionary War, War of 1812, and Civil War battlefield sites eligible
for assistance under the battlefield acquisition grant program established under 54 U.S.C. 308103(b).
Grants require a non-Federal cost share of at least 50 percent. State, local, and Tribal governments and
non-profit organizations are eligible to apply. This grant program was established in December of 2019
via The Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2020 (P.L. 116-94).
ABPP Battlefield Restoration Grants
This subactivity funds grants to States, Tribes, local governments, and non-profit organizations for
projects that restore day-of-battle conditions. Grants may be made for restoration on battlefields from The
Revolutionary War, War of 1812, and Civil War battlefield lands which are all eligible for assistance
under the battlefield acquisition grant program established under 54 U.S.C. 308103(b). Grants require a
non-Federal cost share of at least 50 percent. This grant program was established in December of 2019 via
The Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2020 (P.L. 116-94).
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
ABPP Grants Administration
This subactivity provides for the administration of all Battlefield Preservation Planning Grants programs,
including the Acquisition, Modernization, and Restoration grants that are awarded annually to States,
Tribes, local governments, and non-profit organizations. Administrators ensure the grant programs are
carried out in accordance with all relevant law, regulation, and policy.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Appropriation: Land Acquisition and State Assistance - GOMESA
Land Acquisition and State Assistance
Mandatory Appropriation ($000)
Change from
2020 Estimate
State Conservation Grants (GOMESA) 117,125 82,354 120,466 38,112
Administrative Support (GOMESA) 500 500 500 0
Total Requirements
117,625 82,854 120,966 38,112
Total FTE Requirements 0 2 2 0
Appropriation Overview
Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act (GOMESA)
The Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act (GOMESA, P.L. 109-432) established a mandatory stream of
funding derived from revenues generated by Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) oil and gas leasing in the
Gulf of Mexico. Under this Act, for each of fiscal years 2016 through 2055, 12.5 percent of certain OCS
revenues, up to $162.5 million in 2021 and up to $125.0 million annually afterward through 2055, are
directed to the Land and Water Conservation Fund, which is distributed to States for public outdoor
recreation purposes through the State Conservation Grants program.
Land and Water Conservation Fund
Created in 1964, the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) helps preserve, develop, and assure
access to outdoor recreation resources; provide clean water; preserve wildlife habitat; enhance scenic
vistas; protect archaeological and historical sites; and maintain the pristine nature of wilderness by
providing funds for Federal land acquisition and grants. The LWCF is authorized to collect $900 million
annually from OCS leasing revenues.
Program Overview
State Conservation Grants
The State Conservation Grants program provides matching grants to States and through States to local
units of government for the acquisition and development of public outdoor recreation areas and facilities
that provide public access to lands, waters, and other recreation resources. Providing mandatory funding
allows the States to better plan their efforts from year to year. Since 2009, $343.8 million from GOMESA
has been directed to State Conservation Grants. States and localities have matched this amount at least
dollar-for-dollar, doubling the Federal investment.
Administrative Support
The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 (P.L. 116-260) authorized the NPS to retain and use up to
three percent of the permanent funds for administration of State grants. This administrative provision has
been included since FY 2009 and is proposed to be continued in FY 2022.
FY 2022 Program Performance
The NPS will use this funding, in partnership with States, Territories and local units of government, to
enhance and expand recreation opportunities through acquisition, development, or rehabilitation in
approximately 500 park areas. Through State Conservation Grants, the program protects new park area
land in perpetuity as required by the Act (54 U.S.C. 200305(f)(3)).
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Allocation: National Parks and Public Land Legacy Restoration Fund
Appropriation Overview
Great American Outdoors Act (GAOA)
The Great American Outdoors Act (GAOA) is historic legislation that combines a financial commitment
to conservation and recreation for future generations with a significant investment in the facilities needed
to carry out Interior’s important mission, including the care and maintenance of America’s national
treasures. This investment provides an unprecedented opportunity to reduce the Department of the
Interior’s deferred maintenance backlog and restore deteriorating assets. To do so effectively requires
investment prioritization and a sound program execution and management strategy.
National Parks and Public Land Legacy Restoration Fund (LRF)
The Department of the Interior is responsible for administering and implementing GAOA’s National
Parks and Public Land Legacy Restoration Fund (LRF) program, which is shared with the U.S. Forest
Service. For fiscal years 2021 through 2025, Congress authorized up to $1.9 billion annually to be
deposited in the LRF Fund for projects that reduce deferred maintenance. The annual deposit is equal to
50 percent of energy development revenues from oil, gas, coal, alternative, or renewable energy on
Federal land and water credited, covered, or deposited as miscellaneous receipts under Federal law in the
preceding fiscal year. Of the annual funding, 70 percent is allocated to the National Park Service, 5
percent is allocated to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 5 percent is allocated to the Bureau of Land
Management, 5 percent is allocated to the Bureau of Indian Education, and the remaining 15 percent is
allocated to the U.S. Forest Service within the Department of Agriculture.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Fund Source: National Parks and Public Land Legacy Restoration Fund
Program Component: Projects
FY 2022 Program Activities
In FY 2022, the NPS has identified 36 projects, totaling $1.25 billion in gross construction, that will
address more than $835 million in deferred maintenance. This funding will improve the condition of
roads, buildings, utility systems, and other assets in 29 park units located in 14 states and will address
critical life, health and safety issues, as well as related code compliance and accessibility deficiencies.
Funding will also be used to remove dilapidated and unneeded structures that detract from the visitor
experience and attract vandalism.
Program Overview
All projects are evaluated and prioritized by the NPS Bureau Investment Review Board (BIRB or Board),
a committee of the National Leadership Council (NLC) comprised of senior managers, which provides a
Service-wide policy perspective for and oversight of NPS construction programs and the formulation of
individual projects. The Board is authorized by the NPS Director to serve as the executive body that sets
direction for the NPS facility investment portfolio. LRF projects address significant deferred maintenance
by targeting the NPS’s priority assets. Projects were further weighed based on the business case for the
investment, and the timeliness of obligation.
Projects were only considered for selection if they addressed a significant amount of deferred
maintenance needs. Deferred maintenance needs are not spread evenly across the park units, and the NPS
generally considered only large-scale projects for LRF funding that will be ready to obligate in FY
2022—relying on its discretionary construction and major maintenance programs to address smaller-scale
projects. To further narrow the list, the BIRB carefully considered the business case for each investment,
requiring that restored facilities and infrastructure can be maintained in acceptable condition throughout
their respective lifecycles. As with all NPS investments, priority was given to projects that protect the
safety of NPS visitors, partners, employees, and the natural and cultural resources the bureau safeguards.
The work accomplished by these projects will sustain or improve not only the NPS’s conservation
activities, but also the recreational opportunities for its visitors.
Potential projects were evaluated and prioritized based on the following criteria:
Critical assets at risk of failure.
Critical life, health, safety, or environmental impacts.
Percentage of net construction that would address deferred maintenance.
Demolition or disposal of facilities.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Fund Source: National Parks and Public Land Legacy Restoration Fund
Project Component: Project Planning and Compliance
FY 2022 Program Activities
At the proposed FY 2022 funding level, planning and compliance funding will:
Support the Pre-designs, Final Designs and Supplemental Services for successful execution of
LRF projects.
Support project planning and project development for large-scale or complex construction
projects that will be submitted for LRF funding in future years.
Provide funding for project compliance activities.
Program Overview
Funding will address the preconstruction planning and compliance required for current and future LRF
projects. This approach mirrors the structure of the NPS’s discretionary Construction Appropriation,
which relies on a Construction Planning lump-sum account to support preconstruction activities. These
activities include:
Planning: This activity supplies critical budgetary resources needed to develop construction plans
and specifications essential for acceptable completion of major maintenance, repair, and
replacement construction projects for the LRF. In addition to final design documents, this funding
typically supports pre-design project programming and budgeting, schematic alternatives, and
concept drawings.
Compliance: This activity also provides funding for compliance needs related to addressing
impacts to natural and cultural resources. Regulatory requirements that frame compliance
activities include the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), Section 106 of the National
Historic Preservation Act, executive orders, and State requirements. Examples of compliance
support include archeological surveys, hazardous material surveys, preparation of historic
structure documentation, coordination with State/Tribal Historic Preservation Offices, and
environmental assessments.
Planning and compliance funding is a necessary component of any construction program, supporting
activities including project pre-planning, development, and scope and cost validation. This activity
enhances the NPS’s ability to conduct legally defensible, scientifically based analyses that facilitate sound
decision-making. It also provides support for compliance needs associated with major construction
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Fund Source: National Parks and Public Land Legacy Restoration Fund
Project Component: Project Management
FY 2022 Program Activities
At the proposed FY 2022 funding level, project management funding will:
Provide project management expertise and capacity to support LRF projects.
Support and oversee project coordination, design, and contracting/acquisition.
Justify, document, and support expenses directly attributed to LRF funded projects.
Support small business goals and socioeconomic programs for the NPS and DOI.
Support the unique NPS interpretive planning, media, and conservation elements of major
construction projects.
Tracking and monitoring risks; implementing internal controls.
Program Overview
Funding will provide professional project management and contracting services of current and future
projects throughout the construction cycle. This approach mirrors the structure of the NPS’s discretionary
Construction Appropriation, which relies on the Denver Service Center (DSC) to support project
management activities. DSC will support many LRF projects, but portions of this funding will be
provided to parks, regions, and partner agencies that will manage projects as well.
The funding supports quality assurance including project compliance, quality, specialized technical
expertise, and risk assessment and management. Project Management encompasses tasks completed over
the life of project such as assembling a project team with the expertise necessary to execute the project,
establishing the technical objectives, planning the project, and managing changes to the scope and
controlling the undertaking so that it is completed on schedule and within budget. Staff funded through
this activity provide cost-efficient project management services and rely on the contracted support of
design and construction firms nationwide to ensure best value and quality for park projects and services.
Project Management activities include coordinating major construction and planning activities, providing
for design, compliance, and construction management services, and providing contracting support.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Fund Source: National Parks and Public Land Legacy Restoration Fund
Project Component: Program Administration
FY 2022 Program Activities
At the proposed FY 2022 funding level, program administration staff will:
Evaluate project proposals to ensure that the highest priority, mission critical projects are
reflected in the LRF plan.
Support the Bureau Investment Review Board to ensure projects are of high quality, incorporate
sustainable practices, are appropriate to their settings, and demonstrate defensible cost-conscious
decisions focused on cost reduction.
Coordinate with the Department’s GAOA Program Management Office.
Formulate and monitor current and future LRF projects.
Implement procedures and tools to ensure accurate data, timely reporting, and status briefs.
Tracking and monitoring risks; implementing internal controls.
Program Overview
LRF program administration staff support and oversee planning and execution of the LRF, including
efforts to advance or complete current and future projects. These activities are indirect costs, and are not
directly applied to individual projects. An estimated three percent of the NPS allocation of LRF funds
received in FY 2021 through FY 2025 will be used to fund program administration through the life of the
LRF program, including project close-out beyond FY 2025. Some NPS funding will be transferred to the
Department of the Interior for the purposes of coordinating program administration across the bureaus.
NPS program managers will use industry best practices to initiate, plan, execute, monitor and control, and
close out projects. Existing NPS procedures and tools will be adapted and improved to ensure projects
stay within scope, budget, and schedule. Activities in this area are related to contracting, budget, finance,
external affairs, office support, field office support, human capital, engineering, and project management
whose focus is not directed towards a specific project. A series of internal control measures will be
applied to ensure all program administration expenses charged to LRF are appropriate.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
FY 2021 Project Examples
Following are some examples of projects that the LRF funded in FY 2021.
Project: Belmont Paul House
Location: National Mall and Memorial Parks – Belmont-Paul Women’s Equality National Monument
Left: Exterior image of the historic Belmont-Paul House. Right: Deteriorated and damaged flooring, and walls in the
building’s exterior. In FY 2021, the LRF funded work to renew the exterior envelope and interior finishes of the
historic house at Belmont-Paul Women’s Equality National Monument. In addition to restoration work, the project
addresses structural concerns and component replacement throughout the building’s mechanical and electrical
Project: Replacement of the Lewis River Bridge
Location: Yellowstone National Park
Image: Side view of the Lewis River Bridge in Yellowstone National Park. In FY 2021, the LRF funded work to
replace the Lewis River Bridge. The existing structure has widespread deterioration of the deck and concrete;
abutments and wingwalls exhibit widespread cracking, delamination, and spalling. Following construction, the
bridge will be safer, and is expected to have a service life of 40-50 years.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project: Demolish Vacant Excess Structures
Location: Cuyahoga Valley National Park
Image: View of an overgrown, vacant structure in Cuyahoga Valley National Park. In FY 2021, the LRF funded
demolition of multiple excess buildings. Demolishing excess structures, and removing them from the bureau’s asset
inventory, is often the most reasonable and effective method to eliminate past and future maintenance liabilities and
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Fiscal Year 2021 Allocations and Project Adjustments
NPS proposes to reallocate $8.586 million of FY 2021 funding, putting it towards planning and
compliance efforts in lieu of two projects the National Park Service Investment Review Board (IRB)
determined need additional time to scope, evaluate, and plan. Other NPS fund sources will be considered
to fund these projects after scoping, evaluation and planning is complete.
FY 2021 Allocations
Budget Authority/Activity
FY 2021 Allocation 1,330,000
FY 2021 Congressionally Directed Projects -1,329,071
FY 2021 Project Funding Changes Proposed 0
Total Available/Unallocated 929
FY 2021 Changes
Station or
Unit Name Project/Activity Title
($000s) Action
National Park
Purchase and Install 8 Modular Housing
Units to Replace Deteriorated Housing
Units Parkwide
WY WYAL -5,083 Removal
Great Smoky
National Park
Replace Sugarlands Maintenance
TN TN01 -3,503 Removal
n/a Multiple FY 2022+ Planning and Compliance n/a n/a +8,586 Increase
Project data sheets for the adjusted allocations begin on the following page.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 19.41
Planned Funding FY 2021: $0 (change of -$5,083,000 from FY 2021 list)
Funding Source: Legacy Restoration Fund
Project Identification
Project Title: Purchase and Install 8 Modular Housing Units to Replace Deteriorated Housing Units Parkwide To Be
Project Number: GAOA ID #N039, NPS PMIS #311845
Unit/Facility Name: Yellowstone National Park
Region/Area/District: Upper Colorado Basin
Congressional District: WYAL
State: WY
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
0 253314 40 0.00
0 253291 40 0.00
0 253298 40 0.00
0 253264 40 0.00
0 253315 40 0.00
0 253299 40 0.00
0 253290 40 0.00
0 253262 40 0.00
40710900 4272 100 0.70
40710900 4268 88 1.0
40710900 4278 100 0.86
40710900 4274 100 0.10
Project Removal Justification:
After the initial project list was submitted, the National Park Service Investment Review Board (IRB) conducted a
secondary review and concluded that additional time is needed to scope, evaluate, and plan this investment.
Project Description:
This project installs up to eight replacement housing units to provide safe and healthy living quarters for NPS
employees. The project includes the full scope from purchase to delivery, foundation, installation, and connection to
A previous project funded through Line Item Construction in fiscal year 2020 installed 64 new modular housing
units to replace obsolete trailers. This project continues the effort to improve employee living condition and will be
funded if additional units are determined to be needed. Units will be purchased off existing supply contract. The
deteriorated units scheduled for replacement in the LIC project have a range of maintenance and structural issues
such as deteriorated siding, roofs, outdated electrical and plumbing components, and rodent infestation.
Scope of Benefits (SB):
This project will provide housing for staff. The modular units will meet the requirements of the Architectural
Barriers Act Accessibility Standard (ABAAS) and provide efficiencies in operations and maintenance.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Investment Strategy (IS):
This project expands a previous series of trailer replacement projects originally described in previous construction
plans. While the park initially considered phased construction projects of multiplex buildings, review of project
costs and scope indicated the Service would save money by purchasing and installing modular homes instead.
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
There are no other housing options in these remote areas. With no place to live there would be fewer employees to
meet the park needs.
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 0.65
API Rating: n/a 58.46
API/FCI Score: (40%) 18.06
SB Score: (20%) 1.02
IS Score: (20%) 0.33
CFA Score: (20%) 0.00
Total Score: (100%) 19.41
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: No
VE Study: Scheduled: FY2021/Q2
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 0 0
Capital Improvement Work: $ 0 0
Total: $ 0 0
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 0
FY 2021 Legacy Restoration Fund (this PDS): $ 0
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 0
Total: $ 0
Class of Estimate: B
Estimate Escalated to FY 2021/Q1
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
LRF Planning Funds Received: $ 0
LRF Design Funds Received: $ 0
Planning Funds Received from Other Fund Sources: $ 0
Design Funds Received Other Fund Sources: $ 0
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: N/A
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: N/A
Actual: N/A
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 05/2021
DOI Approved: Yes
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: $0
Projected: $0
Net Change: $0
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 49.50
Planned Funding FY 2021: $0 (change of -$3,503,000 from FY 2021 list)
Funding Source: Legacy Restoration Fund
Project Identification
Project Title: Replace Sugarlands Maintenance Facilities
Project Number: GAOA ID #N053, NPS PMIS #293231
Unit/Facility Name: Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Region/Area/District: South Atlantic - Gulf
Congressional District: TN01
State: TN
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
0 253845 57 0.00
0 253846 48 0.00
0 253844 57 0.00
0 253843 57 0.00
35100000 64179 53 0.19
35410100 64312 53 0.01
35410300 64183 48 0.00
35410300 64181 60 0.22
35410500 64182 38 0.00
35410500 64200 48 0.08
35410700 64178 61 0.15
35600100 64176 60 0.16
35600100 64180 60 0.02
35600200 64177 50 0.57
35600200 64199 31 0.00
35800400 64175 60 0.00
40660100 103790 60 0.67
40660100 58142 92 0.35
40660100 103777 69 0.77
40760100 58125 88 0.24
Project Removal Justification:
After the initial project list was submitted, the National Park Service Investment Review Board (IRB) conducted a
secondary review and concluded that additional time is needed to scope, evaluate, and plan this investment.
Project Description:
The Sugarlands District maintenance yard and related administrative facilities in Great Smoky Mountains National
Park serves as an operational hub for the entire facility maintenance division. The buildings, driveways, and parking
areas associated with the maintenance yard have not been renovated or rehabilitated in decades. There are safety
hazards, inadequate space or capacity for park maintenance and operations personnel, and facilities that are entirely
insufficient for essential park operations and maintenance. The condition of many buildings is so poor that
replacement and disposal is likely the only practical option. This project will complete predesign project
programming and budgeting and develop a Design Build RFP for the rehabilitation or replacement of facilities and
associated utilities, parking, and grounds.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Scope of Benefits (SB):
1.2 Improve ADA Accessibility
1.4 Remediate Poorest FCI Facilities
2.1 Reduce or Eliminate Deferred Maintenance
2.4 Remove, Replace, or Dispose of Assets
3.1 Address Safety Issues
3.2 Protect Employees / Improve Retention
4.1 Modernize Infrastructure
Investment Strategy (IS):
The park facility maintenance division is critical to ensuring the more than 12 million visitors received by
the park annually can continue to recreate safely.
Various systems have reached the end of their useful lives, resulting in increasingly frequent and
expensive corrective maintenance costs. Structural components, including the roof and exterior walls,
show deterioration that will likely result in structural damage. Repair or replacement of these facilities
o Increase efficiency and productivity of park staff by consolidating departments into single
o Increase retention of workers familiar with park facilities.
o Provide fire suppression to protect the government’s investment.
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
Failure to complete this project means park operations and maintenance personnel will continue working
in structures with multiple safety concerns such as overcrowding, tripping hazards, animal intrusions,
ergonomic and environmental hazards, and possible exposure to hazardous materials. They will also
continue to use the unsafe and deteriorated asphalt driveway and parking areas in the maintenance yards.
Lack of space for proper placement of emergency equipment increases emergency response time and
increases risk to the public as well as to historic structures.
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 0.169
API Rating: n/a 57.50
API/FCI Score: (40%) 27.78
SB Score: (20%) 1.98
IS Score: (20%) 12.76
CFA Score: (20%) 6.98
Total Score: (100%) 49.50
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: No
VE Study: Scheduled: FY2022/Q1
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 0 0
Capital Improvement Work: $ 0 0
Total: $ 0 0
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 0
FY 2021 Legacy Restoration Fund (this PDS): $ 0
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 0
Total: $ 0
Class of Estimate: B
Estimate Escalated to FY 2021/Q1
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
LRF Planning Funds Received: $ 0
LRF Design Funds Received: $ 0
Planning Funds Received from Other Fund Sources: $ 0
Design Funds Received Other Fund Sources: $ 0
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: N/A
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: N/A
Actual: N/A
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 05/2021
DOI Approved: Yes
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: $0
Projected: $0
Net Change: $0
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 49.50
Planned Funding FY 2021: $95,346,000 (change of +$8,586,000 from FY 2021 list)
Funding Source: Legacy Restoration Fund
Project Identification
Project Title: FY22+ Project Planning & Compliance
Project Number: N/A
Unit/Facility Name: N/A
Region/Area/District: Multiple
Congressional District: Multiple
State: Multiple
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
Project Increase Justification:
Funding for cancelled FY21 projects (N039 and N053) has been re-allocated to FY22+ Project Planning and
Compliance, increasing its total by $8,586,000.
Project Description:
Funding will be used to complete planning and compliance required for current and future Legacy Restoration Fund
(LRF) projects. This includes:
Planning: This activity supplies critical budgetary resources needed to develop construction plans and
specifications essential for acceptable completion of major maintenance, repair, and replacement
construction projects for the LRF. In addition to final design documents, this funding typically supports
pre-design project programming and budgeting, schematic alternatives, and concept drawings.
Compliance: This activity also provides funding for compliance needs related to addressing impacts to
natural and cultural resources. Regulatory requirements that frame compliance activities include the
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act,
executive orders, and state requirements. Examples of compliance support include archeological surveys,
hazardous material surveys, preparation of historic structure documentation, coordination with
State/Tribal Historic Preservation Offices, and environmental assessments.
Planning and compliance funding are a necessary component of any construction project, supporting activities
including project pre-planning, development, and scope and cost validation. This activity enhances the NPS’s ability
to conduct legally defensible, scientifically based analyses that facilitate sound decision-making. It also provides
support for compliance needs associated with major construction projects.
At the FY 2021 funding level, planning and compliance funding will:
Support the Pre-designs, Final Designs and Supplemental Services for successful execution of the LRF.
Support project planning and project development for large-scale or complex construction projects that
will be submitted for LRF funding in future years.
Provide funding for compliance.
Scope of Benefits (SB):
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Investment Strategy (IS):
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a N/A
API Rating: n/a N/A
API/FCI Score: (40%) 0
SB Score: (20%) 0
IS Score: (20%) 0
CFA Score: (20%) 0
Total Score: (100%) 0
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: No
VE Study: N/A
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 0 0
Capital Improvement Work: $ 0 0
Total: $ 0 0
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 0
FY 2021 Legacy Restoration Fund (this PDS): $ 95,346
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 0
Total: $ 95,346
Class of Estimate: N/A
Estimate Escalated to N/A
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
Planning Funds Received from Other Fund Sources: $ N/A
Design Funds Received Other Fund Sources: $ N/A
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: N/A
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: N/A
Actual: N/A
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 05/2021
DOI Approved: Yes
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: N/A
Projected: N/A
Net Change: N/A
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Fiscal Year 2022 Allocations and Projects
FY 2022 Allocations
Budget Authority/Activity
FY 2022 Allocation (estimate) 1,330,000
FY 2022 Sequestration (estimate) -75,810
FY 2022 Proposed Projects -1,254,190
Total Available/Unallocated (estimate) 0
Consistent with Congressional direction, the NPS submits the following Legacy Restoration Fund
projects as part of the FY 2022 Budget process. The project lists below have been thoroughly considered
and vetted and are considered ready for implementation in FY 2022. The Department will keep Congress
informed should the circumstances of a specific project change during the course of the FY 2022 Budget
The FY 2022 project list below assumes the full $1.9 billion allowable for deposit into the Legacy
Restoration Fund is realized. Because determination of the deposit relies on the amount of qualifying
energy revenue collected in the prior year, the actual amount available for FY 2022 projects will not be
finalized until the start of FY 2022. Projects listed below are ranked and prioritized. The NPS will select
and implement projects based on the prioritized list below until the LRF allocation is exhausted net of the
mandatory funding sequester (5.7 percent of funding). Projects not funded with the FY 2022 allocation
may be considered for FY 2023 implementation.
FY 2022 Project List
Station or
Unit Name Project/Activity Title
N086 1
National Park
Replace the Yellowstone River
AL $71,200 $37,390
N088 2
National Park
Rehabilitate Ahwahnee Hotel and
Correct Critical Safety Hazards
CA CA19 $19,407 $18,751
N065 3
Crater Lake
National Park
Rehabilitate Sections of the East
Rim Drive
OR OR02 $45,200 $40,000
N059 4
National Park
Replace Mammoth Wastewater
Collection System
AL $9,327 $7,904
N097 5
National Park
Stabilize Riverbank at High
Priority Areas along Towpath
Trail and Valley Railway
$24,897 $19,995
N068 6
Golden Gate
Stabilize Alcatraz Wharf CA CA12 $36,577 $23,813
N094 7
National Park
Rehabilitate and Improve Old
Faithful Water Treatment System
and Demolish Abandoned
Wastewater Treatment Plant
AL $20,112 $21,647
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Station or
Unit Name Project/Activity Title
N073 8
and Ohio
Canal National
Historical Park
Restore Canal Prism and Historic
Dry Stone Wall
MD MD08 $7,125 $4,150
N098 9
Cave National
Rehabilitate Cave Trails: New
Entrance to Frozen Niagara
KY KY02 $10,128 $7,845
N063 10
Great Smoky
National Park
Rehabilitate Park Roads and Road
$25,410 $21,000
N062 11
Blue Ridge
Rehabilitate Sections of Blue
Ridge Parkway in Virginia
$32,834 $26,380
N076 12
National Park
Rehabilitate Parkwide Water and
Wastewater Systems
FL FL26 $30,912 $25,588
N075 13
Mesa Verde
National Park
Replace Morefield and Wetherill
Water Lines
CO CO03 $22,969 $19,005
N074 14
Historical Park
Rehabilitate Sections of the
Colonial Parkway
$128,674 $97,600
N072 15
Minute Man
Historic Park
Rehabilitate and Repair Structures
and Landscapes
$27,352 $20,675
N077 16
Rehabilitate Fort Hancock Potable
Water and Wastewater System
NJ NJ06 $11,621 $8,664
N079 17
Sequoia and
Kings Canyon
National Park
Rehabilitate Park Wastewater
Treatment Facilities
CA CA23 $9,563 $7,149
N080 18
Rehabilitate Underground Utilities NM NM03 $29,089 $23,029
N067 19
Blue Ridge
Rehabilitate sections of Blue
Ridge Parkway in North Carolina
$26,789 $22,140
N055 20
Grand Canyon
National Park
Replace Wastewater Plant at South
Rim Village
AZ AZ01 $40,456 $29,601
N078 21
Perry's Victory
Rehabilitate Failing Upper Plaza at
Perry’s Victory & International
Peace Memorial
OH OH09 $25,077 $18,184
N066 22
Rehabilitate Floyd Bennett Field
Wastewater Collection System at
Jamaica Bay
NY NY08 $7,673 $5,558
N093 23
Big Bend
National Park
Rehabilitate or Replace the Chisos
Mountains Lodge
TX TX23 $22,630 $13,505
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Station or
Unit Name Project/Activity Title
N082 24
Lyndon B
Historic Park
Rehabilitate Texas White House TX TX21 $9,119 $6,527
N090 25
National Park
Replace Swiftcurrent Water
Distribution System
MT AL $15,726 $10,417
N083 26
National Park
Rehabilitate Painted Desert
Community Complex
AZ AZ01 $30,812 $23,028
N056 27
National Park
Rehabilitate Schoodic Point Water
and Wastewater Systems
ME ME02 $7,624 $5,432
N089 28
Organ Pipe
Rehabilitate Primary Park Water
AZ AZ03 $9,887 $6,558
N091 29
National Park
Rehabilitate/Replace Canyon &
Grant Village Wastewater
Collection and Treatment Systems
AL $52,588 $34,404
N092 30
National Park
Rehabilitate Hurricane Ridge Day
WA06 $7,029 $5,275
N085 31
Big Bend
National Park
Rehabilitate Park Water Systems TX TX23 $54,357 $34,744
N084 32
National Park
Replace Headquarters Wastewater
MT MTAL $10,921 $7,577
N087 33
Zion National
Rehabilitate South Campground UT UT02 $11,253 $6,717
N061 34
Lake Mead
Demolish Outdated Infrastructure
to Enhance Scenic Features and
Visitor Experience
$21,963 $67,868
N096 35
Cape Cod
Demolish Excess structures to
Improve Safety, Operations, and
Promote Financial Sustainability
MA MA09 $12,572 $17,064
N064 36
Natchez Trace
Rehabilitate Sections of the
Natchez Trace Parkway
$105,681 $89,943
FY23+ Project Planning &
Program Administration (Indirect
Project Management $44,078
Proportional Allocation of
Total $1,330,000 $835,127
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
FY 2022 Project Data Sheets
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 66.11 / 01
Planned Funding FY 2022: $71,200,000
Funding Source: Legacy Restoration Fund - Transportation
Project Identification
Project Title: Replace the Yellowstone River Bridge
Project Number: GAOA ID #N086, NPS PMIS #225354
Unit/Facility Name: Yellowstone National Park
Region/Area/District: Upper Colorado Basin
Congressional District: WYAL
State: WY
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
0 255085 92.00 0.00
40760100 4403 92.00 0.52
40760500 45303 92.00 0.53
Project Description:
This project will replace the 604 linear foot, structurally deficient, steel girder Yellowstone River Bridge between
Tower Junction and the Yellowstone River Picnic area with a new steel girder bridge. Work will include
realignment of the approach roads in the vicinity of the bridge.
Scope of Benefits (SB):
The Yellowstone River Bridge was constructed in 1961 and has exceeded its intended design life. This park road
and bridge are critical as this route provides the only access to the gateway community of Cooke City, Montana
during the winter. A 2018 bridge safety inspection rating concluded the bridge is “seriously deficient… [presenting]
a safety hazard but can remain in service at reduced loads or with frequent inspections.”
Deficiencies and concerns include widespread concrete deterioration, limited resistance to seismic events, risk of
superstructure corrosion, severe bank sloughing, footings vulnerable to scour, and steep grades and winding
approach roads that are hard to navigate in the winter ice and snow. The poor road conditions along this segment
also contribute to an increased potential for traffic crashes and vehicle damage. Insufficient guardrails leave steep
drop-offs near the roadway unguarded, which also contributes to the unsafe conditions along this portion of the
Investment Strategy (IS):
Given the condition of the existing bridge, rehabilitation was evaluated and rejected as just a temporary fix that
would not address all the deficiencies. Replacement of the bridge will address all of the concerns, eliminating the
need for recurring repairs and corrective maintenance on expansion joints, deteriorated concrete curbs, sidewalks,
deck, and railings.
The new bridge is designed for a 75-year life span. Once complete, the park will initiate preventive maintenance
activities to maintain the road and bridge in good condition. The need for recurring maintenance such as repainting
steel girders will be eliminated with the new weathering steel girders. Improved design will prevent major failure in
the event of a seismic event.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
The bridge and road will continue to deteriorate if this bridge is not replaced. Additional structural deterioration may
require load restrictions or closure. These restrictions and any closures could greatly impact the gateway community
of Cooke City, Montana, along with its visitors and operations as this is the only winter access route to that
community. Conflicts with pedestrians and vehicles will continue to impact traffic flow and cause safety concerns.
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 0.41
API Rating: n/a 92.00
API/FCI Score: (40%) 40.00
SB Score: (20%) 12.38
IS Score: (20%) 13.07
CFA Score: (20%) 0.66
Total Score: (100%) 66.11
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: Yes
VE Study: Completed 08/2018
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 38,836 55
Capital Improvement Work: $ 32,364 45
Total: $ 71,200 100
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 5,735
FY 2022 Legacy Restoration Fund (this PDS): $ 71,200
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 0
Total: $ 76,935
Class of Estimate: B
Estimate Escalated to FY 2022/Q1
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
LRF Planning Funds Received: $ 30
LRF Design Funds Received: $ 5,070
Planning Funds Received from Other Fund Sources: $ 346
Design Funds Received Other Fund Sources: $ 289
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: FY 2022/Q4
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: FY 2025/Q1
Actual: N/A
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 05/2021
DOI Approved: Yes
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: $520,000
Projected: $520,000
Net Change: $0
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 93.30 / 02
Planned Funding FY 2022: $19,407,000
Funding Source: Legacy Restoration Fund
Project Identification
Project Title: Rehabilitate Ahwahnee Hotel and Correct Critical Safety Hazards
Project Number: GAOA ID #N088, NPS PMIS #154910B
Unit/Facility Name: Yosemite National Park
Region/Area/District: California – Great Basin
Congressional District: CA19
State: CA
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
35291700 84769 60 0.00
35291700 85811 100 0.31
35291700 83740 50 0.00
35291700 84566 60 0.00
35291700 84563 60 0.01
35291700 84562 60 0.00
35291700 84564 60 0.00
35291700 85818 60 0.00
35291700 84741 60 0.00
35291700 84565 60 0.00
35310000 84810 31 0.30
Project Description:
This project provides seismic retrofits to the Ahwahnee hotel to comply with current seismic safety standards. Work
includes installing structural bracing, lateral load resisting components in floor, and shear walls in the dining room
and the kitchen. Additional work includes reinforcing the fireplace, stone chimney; anchoring the exterior stone
veneer; replacing large plate glass windows in the dining room and the solarium; rehabilitating other historic
windows at the ground floor in public spaces; installing structural bracing of the porte cochere (the covered
entryway) and entry walkway; and rehabilitating exterior log columns, rafter tails, soffits and panels.
The project will also replace the kitchen floor structure, which is failing and requires annual inspection and shoring
work. Other kitchen improvements will be made to address accessibility issues and to improve operating and energy
efficiency. More efficient heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems will be installed in the dining room and
In addition, elements of the hotel that are affected by of the seismic retrofit work will be replaced or rehabilitated as
appropriate, including attic insulation, fireproofing, fire separation, utilities, and other interior finishes.
Scope of Benefits (SB):
This project will have a direct benefit to park visitors. Each year, approximately 38,000 visitors stay at the
Ahwahnee as lodging guests; another 300,000 shop or dine in the facility. The project will improve visitor and staff
health and safety, including enhanced seismic resistance throughout the hotel and fire safety in the kitchen. Heating,
ventilation, and air conditioning upgrades in the dining room will improve visitor comfort. Historic elements
impacted by the seismic work—including terraces, windows, and finishes—will be restored.
The project will address $18 million of maintenance/repair work.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Investment Strategy (IS):
Seismic stability improvements will ensure the building can better withstand earthquake events. In addition, the
improvements significantly improve the safety of visitors and employees and reduce the magnitude of disaster repair
costs—especially for minor seismic events
The hotel is operated by the park concessioner. The concessions operation at Yosemite is the largest single
concessions contract in the National Park Service.
After project completion, the facilities and systems addressed by this project should not require major rehabilitation
or replacement for the next 25-40 years for the kitchen improvements, 50-75 years for the steel seismic bracing.
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
Failure to act will result in the structure remaining out of compliance with federal seismic safety standards,
increasing the risk to visitors, staff, and the historic resource. The kitchen floor structure has significantly
deteriorated and will fail if no action is taken.
Failure to replace the dining room HVAC will result in compromised comfort for visitors and eventual failure of the
existing air handler. Kitchen utility infrastructure will continue to deteriorate and require frequent repairs.
Failure to act will leave the Ahwahnee continuing to deteriorate, resulting in loss of the building’s historic fabric.
Some of the loss may not be recoverable. Delay will make any later effort larger in scope, more difficult and more
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 0.514
API Rating: n/a 60.09
API/FCI Score: (40%) 39.53
SB Score: (20%) 20.00
IS Score: (20%) 20.00
CFA Score: (20%) 13.77
Total Score: (100%) 93.30
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: Yes
VE Study: Completed 12/2020
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 18,346 95
Capital Improvement Work: $ 1,061 5
Total: $ 19,407 100
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 1,403
FY 2022 Legacy Restoration Funding (this PDS): $ 19,407
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 0
Total: $ 20,810
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Class of Estimate: B
Estimate Escalated to FY 2021/Q1
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
LRF Planning Funds Received: $ 0
LRF Design Funds Received: $ 0
Planning Funds Received from Other Fund Sources: $ 0
Design Funds Received from Other Fund Sources: $ 1,403
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: FY 2022/Q4
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: FY 2024/Q4
Actual: N/A
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 05/2021
DOI Approved: Yes
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: $450,000
Projected: $412,000
Net Change: - $38,000
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 60.10 / 03
Planned Funding FY 2022: $45,200,000
Funding Source: Legacy Restoration Fund - Transportation
Project Identification
Project Title: Rehabilitate Sections of the East Rim Drive
Project Number: GAOA ID #N065, PMIS ID #241696
Unit/Facility Name: Crater Lake National Park
Region/Area/District: California – Great Basin
Congressional District: OR02
State: OR
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
40660100 75513 58.00 0.49
40660100 75512 58.00 1.00
40660100 75501 56.00 0.01
40660100 75514 58.00 1.00
40660100 75499 58.00 0.00
40660100 75497 58.00 0.00
40660100 75511 58.00 0.04
40660100 75503 50.00 0.19
40660100 75507 58.00 0.16
40660100 75508 58.00 0.21
40660100 75506 58.00 0.04
40660100 75504 67.00 0.03
40660100 75509 58.00 0.06
40660100 75498 58.00 0.00
40660100 75515 50.00 0.10
40760100 75125 52.00 0.07
40760100 74788 81.00 0.23
Project Description:
This project will improve approximately 19 miles of roadway on East Rim Drive with a combination of pavement
overlays and full depth pavement rehabilitation. Guard wall repair will be completed on several historic rock walls
that have been damaged by rockfall. This project will also rehabilitate a portion of road pavement on the Cloudcap
Spur Road. All associated parking areas along the East Rim Drive will be rehabilitated and will include appropriate
accessibility-compliant slopes, markings, curb cuts, accessible walkways, and overlooks that comply with
Architectural Barriers Act Accessibility Standards.
Scope of Benefits (SB):
East Rim Road extends along the southern, eastern, and northern rim of the Crater Lake caldera. This project will
eliminate all backlog maintenance related to this road’s features and will provide greater visitor access to this side of
the park. This project will also serve to stabilize a significant historic resource and allow visitors to experience a
smooth and stable historic roadway alignment by rehabilitating the narrow, wavy, pot-holed, and rockfall damaged
pavement currently associated with the existing route. It will also apply modern safety standards for sight lines,
curvature, and elevation changes, that will be balanced with the need to preserve the historic integrity of the
roadway. Rehabilitation of the road will ensure a consistent travel width and a more stable shoulder.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
This section of Rim Road, designed by the Bureau of Public Roads, retains the greatest historic integrity of all
remaining park road features. East Rim also reveals the National Park Service’s roadside landscape design intent of
the period, a unique design feature of Crater Lake that will be preserved for the enjoyment of future generations.
Improving the facilities in this less-visited area of the park is key to the park’s strategy to create quality visitor
experiences that will allow them to disperse use from areas of the park that receive heavier visitor use. East Rim is
currently one of the less visited areas of the park, where visitors can enjoy natural quiet and dark skies.
Investment Strategy (IS):
The total cost of facility ownership will be reduced significantly when the roadway is repaired using modern
engineering techniques and standards. Planned operations and maintenance activities will remain constant, however,
improved conditions resulting from the project will allow for operations and maintenance to be focused on
preventative maintenance rather than corrective and unscheduled maintenance. Repair of the road will also serve to
better protect the lake and the park’s natural and cultural resources. The improved roadway grades will divert
stormwater from entering Crater Lake’s pristine and famously clear water. Drainage features will be repaired to
prevent further erosion issues that are prevalent throughout East Rim Drive as a result of the highly erosive soils.
Visitors, concessions operations, and Commercial Use Permits will have safer and more reliable access to the road
throughout the open season.
After project completion, the facilities and systems addressed by this project should not require major rehabilitation
or replacement for the next 20-30 years.
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
This road is structurally failing, posing risks to visitor safety and the integrity of a significant historic resource. East
Rim Road was constructed using 1930s technology and methods, and little change to the road base or alignment has
occurred since that time. As a result, larger modern vehicles will continue to be driven too fast on narrow, windy,
bumpy, and inconsistent road surfaces, posing a safety concern for all travelers. The existing safety concerns extend
beyond just vehicle traffic. Bicyclist safety will decrease because bicycle tires are particularly vulnerable to the poor
quality of the road surface. Additionally, drainages would not be repaired and would continue to threaten the quality
of critically important water resources. Access to this section of roadway could be reduced due to current or
worsening conditions. Seasonal opening of this road will continue to be delayed in the spring/early summer as
critical repairs are made, which impacts the visiting public’s ability to access the views, campground, and other
experiences on the east side of Crater Lake.
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 0.21
API Rating: n/a 58.47
API/FCI Score: (40%) 31.06
SB Score: (20%) 14.06
IS Score: (20%) 14.98
CFA Score: (20%) 0.00
Total Score: (100%) 60.10
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: Yes
VE Study: Completed 07/2020
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 45,200 100
Capital Improvement Work: $ 0 0
Total: $ 45,200 100
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 1,715
FY 2022 Legacy Restoration Fund (this PDS): $ 45,200
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 0
Total: $ 46,915
Class of Estimate: A
Estimate Escalated to FY 2022/Q1
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
LRF Planning Funds Received: $ 1,300
LRF Design Funds Received: $ 100
Planning Funds Received from Other Fund Sources: $ 126
Design Funds Received from Other Fund Sources: $ 189
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: FY 2022/Q3
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: FY 2027/Q1
Actual: N/A
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 05/2021
DOI Approved: Yes
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: $479,000
Projected: $479,000
Net Change: $0
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 72.70 / 04
Planned Funding FY 2022: $9,327,000
Funding Source: Legacy Restoration Fund
Project Identification
Project Title: Replace Mammoth Wastewater Collection System
Project Number: GAOA ID #N059, NPS PMIS #311631
Unit/Facility Name: Yellowstone National Park
Region/Area/District: Upper Colorado Basin
Congressional District: WYAL
State: WY
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
40710900 4268 88.00 1.00
Project Description:
This project will rehabilitate the sewer main that collects and conveys wastewater from Mammoth Hot Springs in
Yellowstone National Park to the wastewater treatment plant in Gardiner, Montana. The deteriorated condition of
the sewer main results in significant plant maintenance costs and led the Gardiner Park County Water and Sewer
District to bring a lawsuit against the National Park Service (NPS). In response, the NPS has replaced or
rehabilitated the sections of pipe associated with the highest levels of infiltration.
A significant portion of this wastewater line is located directly under the park’s North Entrance Road, which
experiences heavy traffic during high-visitation months. Trenchless replacement methods will be used where
possible to minimize disruption to traffic and damage and repairs to asphalt. Using “Cured-in-Place Pipe” (CIPP) to
line existing pipe sections will make use of the infrastructure that is already underground while achieving the end
goal of providing infrastructure that will last long into the future. Using pipe-bursting where possible will result in
the installation of completely new sections of pipe but involve less excavation than traditional trenching. Both of
these methods can achieve similar results as but cost substantially less than direct trenching.
Scope of Benefits (SB):
Completing the rehabilitation of the Mammoth to Gardiner sewer line will reduce groundwater infiltration, some of
which is thermally influenced and contains arsenic, and reduce sludge contamination at the Gardiner wastewater
treatment plant. The sludge will no longer be classified as hazardous waste and can be disposed of in a normal
manner. Utilizing trenchless methods of pipe lining will ensure minimal disruption to visitors along the roadway as
well as minimizing resource impacts.
Investment Strategy (IS):
Using trenchless methods will significantly reduce the cost of the project because excavation of trenches would
impact road surfaces and other surface assets, which would need to be repaired. Rehabilitating and maintaining the
existing sewer line also avoids the cost of having to construct and operate a separate wastewater treatment plant at
Mammoth Hot Springs.
Following project completion, the line will require less corrective maintenance to address leaks and clogs. The
newly installed pipe lining has an expected life cycle of 50 years and will prevent groundwater infiltration, thereby
reducing the arsenic levels in the sludge at the Gardiner wastewater plant. Current arsenic levels in the sludge are
high enough to be classified as hazardous waste, which drives up disposal costs.
After project completion, the facilities and systems addressed by this project should not require major rehabilitation
or replacement for the next 50 years.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
If this project is not accomplished, substantial groundwater infiltration will continue and is likely to increase over
time as the sewer line and manholes continue to deteriorate. Costs for disposal of arsenic contaminated sludge
(hazardous waste) may be passed on to the NPS and may even become a limiting factor of how much sewage, if any,
the NPS can send to the Gardiner plant.
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 1.00
API Rating: n/a 88.00
API/FCI Score: (40%) 40.00
SB Score: (20%) 11.69
IS Score: (20%) 20.00
CFA Score: (20%) 1.01
Total Score: (100%) 72.70
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: Yes
VE Study: Scheduled 12/2021
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 9,327 100
Capital Improvement Work: $ 0 0
Total: $ 9,327 100
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 1,738
FY 2022 Legacy Restoration Fund Funding (this PDS): $ 9,327
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 0
Total: $ 11,065
Class of Estimate: C
Estimate Escalated to FY 2022/Q1
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
LRF Planning Funds Received: $ 948
LRF Design Funds Received: $ 790
Planning Funds Received from Other Fund Sources: $ 0
Design Funds Received from Other Fund Sources: $ 0
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: FY 2022/Q4
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: FY 2024/Q1
Actual: N/A
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 05/2021
DOI Approved: Yes
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: $646,000
Projected: $646,000
Net Change: $0
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 66.80 / 05
Planned Funding FY 2022: $24,897,000
Funding Source: Legacy Restoration Fund
Project Identification
Project Title: Stabilize Riverbank at High Priority Areas along Towpath Trail and Valley Railway
Project Number: GAOA ID #N097, NPS PMIS #224822
Unit/Facility Name: Cuyahoga Valley National Park
Region/Area/District: Great Lakes
Congressional District: OH10, OH13
State: OH
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
40751100 23333 90.00 1.00
40751100 23335 90.00 1.00
40751100 23336 90.00 1.00
40751100 23329 90.00 1.00
40751100 23330 90.00 1.00
40770000 25843 90.00 0.13
40770000 25850 90.00 0.16
40770000 25848 90.00 0.33
Project Description:
This project will stabilize the Cuyahoga riverbank along the Ohio and Erie Canal Towpath Trail, along the Valley
Railway, and along a connector trail in Peninsula, from the Towpath Trail to the Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad.
Stabilization will utilize natural rock rip rap and bioengineering techniques. This project also includes clearing the
banks, placing rip rap, rebuilding banks, planting native vegetation to stabilize the soil, and remediation of the
construction site and equipment access routes.
Scope of Benefits (SB):
The eroded areas along the Towpath Trail are negatively impacting the park’s most important trail, adversely
affecting park visitors. Repair of the eroded riverbank areas, in turn, will have direct positive visitor impacts. An
estimated 1.5 million visitors use the trail each year; it is a critical asset that visitors rely on for an enjoyable and
safe trail experience. By reducing erosion of the riverbanks and providing increased riparian habitat, water quality
and aquatic habitat will also improve.
Investment Strategy (IS):
The eroded areas will be repaired using the sustainable guidelines of the park’s Programmatic Environmental
Assessment for Riverbank Management. Permanent repair of eroded riverbank areas will reduce annual operation
and maintenance costs by reducing the amount of temporary patching and repairs required along the edge of the
trail—particularly after major rain events. Making holistic repairs through this project will be less expensive than
reacting when more erosion occurs. Once repaired, the trail will no longer be subject to regular damage due to floods
at these locations, reducing unscheduled and emergency repairs.
After project completion, the facilities and systems addressed by this project should not require major rehabilitation
or replacement for the next 40 years.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
Failure to act will allow bank erosion to continue, increase sedimentation of the waterway, and cause loss of
riverside vegetation and riparian habitat. Excessive riverbank erosion could result in unsafe conditions, requiring
closures. As part of a larger trail network, these closures affect visitors beyond park boundaries. In some areas, if left
unchecked, bank erosion could cut through the towpath embankment, allowing the watered section of the Ohio and
Erie Canal to drain. Failure to act will allow bank erosion to continue, increase sedimentation, and cause loss of
riverside vegetation and riparian habitat.
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 0.43
API Rating: n/a 90.00
API/FCI Score: (40%) 40.00
SB Score: (20%) 10.47
IS Score: (20%) 14.10
CFA Score: (20%) 2.23
Total Score: (100%) 66.80
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: Yes
VE Study: Scheduled 07/2021
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 24,538 99
Capital Improvement Work: $ 359 1
Total: $ 24,897 100
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 3,777
FY 2022 Legacy Restoration Fund Funding (this PDS): $ 24,897
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 0
Total: $ 28,674
Class of Estimate: C
Estimate Escalated to FY 2022/Q1
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
LRF Planning Funds Received: $ 1,108
LRF Design Funds Received: $ 2,110
Planning Funds Received from Other Fund Sources $ 559
Design Funds Received from Other Fund Sources: $ 0
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: FY 2023/Q1
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: FY 2023/Q4
Actual: N/A
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 05/2021
DOI Approved: Yes
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: $447,000
Projected: $447,000
Net Change: $0
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 89.10 / 06
Planned Funding FY 2022: $36,577,000
Funding Source: Legacy Restoration Fund
Project Identification
Project Title: Stabilize Alcatraz Wharf
Project Number: GAOA ID #N068, NPS PMIS #215726
Unit/Facility Name: Golden Gate National Recreation Area
Region/Area/District: California – Great Basin
Congressional District: CA12
State: CA
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
40130400 97524 100.00 0.79
Project Description:
This project will make critical repairs to and seismically strengthen the concrete wharf on Alcatraz Island, a
contributing feature of the Alcatraz Island National Historic Landmark District built in 1939. Work will include
repair of the historic, steel-cased concrete piles, concrete beams, and concrete slabs. These elements are in fair to
poor condition, with varying degrees of damage. Two new seismic resisting elements will be installed to bring the
wharf up to a seismic Risk Category III structure. Concrete repairs and seismic improvements will be undertaken in
a single phase of construction.
Scope of Benefits (SB):
The Alcatraz wharf has a direct connection to visitor recreation and the preservation of the Alcatraz National
Historical Landmark District, an iconic international tourist destination for 1.6 million annual visitors, and a
significant feature of the San Francisco Bay Area. This project ensures the wharf will be safe for visitor and staff
use. It prevents loss of a contributing historic structure to a national historic landmark site and addresses $33 million
of maintenance/repair work and facility deficiencies.
The project will result in significant operational benefits. In particular, the strengthened pier will allow uninterrupted
access to Alcatraz facilities not only for visitors, but also for contractors who will perform numerous future
rehabilitation projects on the island. It also ensures protection of park assets and visitor amenities located on the
wharf such as restrooms, dock office and store, interpretive programs and exhibits, accessible site furnishings, and
the accessible tram.
Investment Strategy (IS):
Stabilization of the island’s only point of access ensures that visitors have consistent access to the island, and that
future project work can be completed more efficiently. This project builds on more than $1 million in previous
repairs to the concrete wharf completed by the NPS in 2001, in addition to improvements to the gangway and
replacement of fender piles by the concessionaire in 2010 and 2018. A single phase of construction will save on
contractor mobilization and more effectively use leveraged partner funds that were provided to complete the design.
Operations and maintenance will be equally shared between the NPS and the Concessionaire, which uses the wharf
for visitor access. Maintaining Alcatraz’s access ensures more than $60 million in annual NPS revenues from these
continued visitor services, much of which funds other park projects.
After project completion, the facilities and systems addressed by this project should not require major rehabilitation
or replacement for the next 40-75 years.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
Failure to complete this project would have significant impacts to the National Historic Landmark District. Without
action, deterioration of the concrete wharf will continue to accelerate which could eventually limit or restrict access
to Alcatraz Island. This would impact the recreational access and programming for 1.6 million annual visitors.
Failure to complete this project would also impact other assets along with natural and cultural resources on Alcatraz.
The wharf is the single point of access, and its structural issues may eventually limit or restrict staff working on the
island to complete other projects. Future work on historic buildings could be halted and buildings could fall into a
state of neglect. Regular Alcatraz operations (including emergency operations) would be significantly impacted and
constrained. Collapse of the wharf could also cause impacts to the aquatic habitat of the San Francisco Bay. The
wharf supports the island’s water and wastewater infrastructure, and a diesel fuel line for the island’s power
generating system. Should the wharf fail, the island’s basic infrastructure would suffer a significant interruption in
service, and the damaged systems could leak or discharge into the Bay.
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 0.79
API Rating: n/a 100.00
API/FCI Score: (40%) 32.00
SB Score: (20%) 20.00
IS Score: (20%) 20.00
CFA Score: (20%) 17.10
Total Score: (100%) 89.10
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: Yes
VE Study: Completed 12/2020
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 32,872 90
Capital Improvement Work: $ 3,705 10
Total: $ 36,577 100
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 2,850
FY 2022 Legacy Restoration Fund Funding (this PDS): $ 36,577
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 0
Total: $ 39,427
Class of Estimate: B
Estimate Escalated to FY 2022/Q1
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
LRF Planning Funds Received: $ 750
LRF Design Funds Received: $ 0
Planning Funds Received from Other Fund Sources: $ 0
Design Funds Received from Other Fund Sources: $ 2,100
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: FY 2022/Q4
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: FY 2025/Q4
Actual: N/A
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 05/2021
DOI Approved: Yes
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: $11,000
Projected: $11,000
Net Change: $0
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 71.5 / 07
Planned Funding FY 2022: $20,112,000
Funding Source: Legacy Restoration Fund
Project Identification
Project Title: Rehabilitate and Improve Old Faithful Water Treatment System and Demolish Abandoned Wastewater
Treatment Plant
Project Number: GAOA ID #N094, NPS PMIS #310533
Unit/Facility Name: Yellowstone National Park
Region/Area/District: Upper Colorado Basin
Congressional District: WYAL
State: WY
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
35500500 10487 100.00 0.05
40710300 4277 88.00 0.25
40710900 4278 100.00 0.86
Project Description:
This project will address treatment process improvements at the Old Faithful Water Treatment Plant and demolish
the abandoned "old" Old Faithful wastewater treatment plant which was replaced by this new facility in 2001. A
new addition to the existing treatment building will be constructed to house an arsenic removal system which will
include chemical storage tanks, chemical feed pumps, mixers, valves, piping, instrumentation, controls and settling
basins. The project will also include replacement of the treatment plant electrical service and the motor control
center, which will be sized to accommodate the new equipment. System piping, pumps and other equipment that has
reached the end of its service life will be removed and replaced. A temporary treatment system will be installed that
will allow for continued production and treatment of water during the construction period. Components of the raw
water intake system will also be repaired or replaced and secured from tampering.
The abandoned plant occupies 1.75 acres and includes a 48,000-gallon septic tank, drying beds, clarifier, digester,
aeration tanks, underground utilities, and a control building. Most of the demolition work involves concrete removal,
both above and below grade. Due to the abandoned plant’s proximity to employee housing, fracturing of all concrete
structures will be accomplished by use of expanding epoxy, thereby minimizing disturbance to residents in the area.
All demolished material will be transported to an approved disposal site outside the park. Some components of the
plant may be recycled. Re-grading of the site will follow demolition.
Scope of Benefits (SB):
The Old Faithful water treatment system is the only potable water supply for domestic services as well as fire
protection within the Old Faithful developed area. The Old Faithful Water Treatment Plant (OFWTP) has a design
capacity of 800,000 gallons per day (GPD).
Water quality studies have shown that the concentration of arsenic fluctuates in the raw water and occasionally
reaches levels that are difficult for the current plant to remove. The new automated treatment system will
consistently reduce the arsenic content of the potable water to acceptable levels, thereby meeting state and federal
water quality requirements and showing responsiveness to an EPA administrative order. Security of the potable
water system will be further enhanced as a result of improvements to water intake structures.
The former Old Faithful wastewater treatment plant has been abandoned for approximately 20 years. With failing
concrete structures, catwalks, and other abandoned equipment still in place, the site is a safety hazard for employees
and residents, as well as an eyesore in the Old Faithful government area. The park will eliminate nearly $12.8
million of maintenance/repair work with the demolition and site restoration project.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Investment Strategy (IS):
Completion of this project will provide for a safe, secure, and reliable potable water system with enhanced water
quality in sufficient capacity for both domestic purposes and fire protection throughout the Old Faithful developed
area. This project will automate the arsenic removal process and eliminate the labor hours currently required to
closely monitor and adjust the treatment process.
No facility operations and maintenance will be required once the abandoned wastewater plant is removed.
Demolition of the plant also opens up a 1.75 acre site for potential future use. Maintenance liability for the
abandoned facility will continue to exist until the plant is demolished.
After project completion, the facilities and systems addressed by this project should not require major rehabilitation
or replacement for the next 30-40 years.
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
The current design of the plant does not allow for the consistent treatment for arsenic removal without continuous
monitoring and adjustments by the plant operators, which has led to issuance of an administrative order by the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for corrective action by NPS. There are also concerns with the security and
condition of the plant’s raw water intake structure that need immediate attention.
Not removing the abandoned plant will leave the unsightly abandoned utility system components in place. Ongoing
visual impacts, employee and visitor safety hazards, and maintenance concerns would also continue.
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 0.243
API Rating: n/a 96.00
API/FCI Score: (40%) 40.00
SB Score: (20%) 12.22
IS Score: (20%) 18.68
CFA Score: (20%) 0.60
Total Score: (100%) 71.50
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: Yes
VE Study: Scheduled 02/2022 Completed N/A
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 10,455 52
Capital Improvement Work: $ 9,657 48
Total: $ 20,112 100
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 3,750
FY 2022 Legacy Restoration Fund Funding (this PDS): $ 20,112
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 0
Total: $ 23,862
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Class of Estimate: C
Estimate Escalated to FY 2022/Q1
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
LRF Planning Funds Received: $ 2,045
LRF Design Funds Received: $ 1,704
Planning Funds Received from Other Funding Sources: $ 0
Design Funds Received from Other Funding Sources: $ 0
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: FY 2022/Q4
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: FY 2025/Q1
Actual: N/A
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 05/2021
DOI Approved: Yes
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: $1,461,000
Projected: $706,000
Net Change: -$755,000
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 66.80 / 08
Planned Funding FY 2022: $7,125,000
Funding Source: Legacy Restoration Fund
Project Identification
Project Title: Restore Canal Prism and Historic Dry Stone Wall
Project Number: GAOA ID #N073; NPS PMIS #241449
Unit/Facility Name: Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park
Region/Area/District: North Atlantic - Appalachian
Congressional District: MD08
State: MD
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
40180300 253580 80.00 0.03
40751100 251526 100.00 0.81
40800000 49958 27.00 0.63
Project Description:
This project will restore a portion of the deteriorated canal prism and historic dry stone stacked wall located adjacent
to the towpath in the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park. Remediation will consist of restoring the
canal prism through the removal of vegetation, silt, and debris; backfilling voids behind the wall and underneath the
canal prism; installing an underdrain/liner system to intercept future groundwater; restoring the clay liner to prevent
leakage from the canal; stabilizing adjacent tributaries to prevent additional sediment from accumulating within the
canal; stabilizing the existing dry stone wall; and restoring the work area.
Scope of Benefits (SB):
Benefits of this project include reducing the risk of failure of the aging dry laid stone wall and potential impairment
of the Potomac Interceptor, a major sewer line adjacent to the wall beneath the canal prism. The project will also
restore hydraulic connectivity within the canal prism—in December 2015 and January 2016, sinkholes developed
adjacent to the towpath in the canal prism forcing the park to dewater this reach to make interim repairs. Completing
this project will allow the section to be rewatered and will significantly reduce the amount of water infiltrating the
wall foundation, preventing future stability issues. Reestablishing water flow connectivity avoids stagnant water and
allows recreational visitors to enjoy the canal in its historic appearance. Water flow also supports the interpretive
canal boat operation in Georgetown.
Investment Strategy (IS):
This project will mitigate problems in the project area before they culminate in failure. Repairs will permit the NPS
to focus existing operations and maintenance funding on preventative maintenance to sustain the asset in good
After project completion, the facilities and systems addressed by this project should not require major rehabilitation
or replacement for the next 40-50 years.
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
As conditions continue to deteriorate, risks of wall failure will continue to accumulate. Consequences of failure to
act include life safety, environmental concerns due to rupture of the 65 million gallon per day wastewater line
adjacent to the wall, loss of towpath continuity, and continued lack of hydraulic connectivity along the canal prism.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 0.06
API Rating: n/a 69.00
API/FCI Score: (40%) 24.01
SB Score: (20%) 14.64
IS Score: (20%) 20.00
CFA Score: (20%) 8.15
Total Score: (100%) 66.80
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: Yes
VE Study: Not Required
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 5,577 78
Capital Improvement Work: $ 1,548 22
Total: $ 7,125 100
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 706
FY 2022 Legacy Restoration Fund Funding (this PDS): $ 7,125
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 0
Total: $ 7,831
Class of Estimate: B
Estimate Escalated to FY 2022/Q1
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
LRF Planning Funds Received: $ 0
LRF Design Funds Received: $ 0
Planning Funds Received from Other Fund Sources: $ 385
Design Funds Received from Other Fund Sources: $ 321
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: FY 2022/Q3
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: FY 2024/Q2
Actual: N/A
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 05/2021
DOI Approved: Yes
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: $250,000
Projected: $250,000
Net Change: $ 0
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 90.90 / 09
Planned Funding FY 2022: $10,128,000
Funding Source: Legacy Restoration Fund
Project Identification
Project Title: Rehabilitate Cave Trails: New Entrance to Frozen Niagara
Project Number: GAOA ID #N098; NPS PMIS #239273
Unit/Facility Name: Mammoth Cave National Park
Region/Area/District: North Atlantic - Appalachian
Congressional District: KY02
State: KY
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
40751100 75737 100.00 0.63
Project Description:
This project will replace and upgrade deteriorated cave trail assets along Frozen Niagara Route, New Entrance
Route, and Drapery Room. Work includes construction of hardened trail surface, installation of curbing along each
side of trails, replacement of existing handrails with stainless steel handrails, and reconstruction and upgrade of
steps along routes. Project includes hardening cave surface at two gathering areas & installing new benches in
gathering areas. Electrical and communication conduits will be installed under the trail surfaces to facilitate existing
and future electrical and communications cables.
The trail surfaces along these routes are comprised of a variety of materials including concrete, aggregate, dirt, and
fiberglass reinforced plastic and recycled lumber. Along the Frozen Niagara section, there are currently at least 10
separate trail assets creating a patchwork of different materials. All existing trail materials will be replaced to
provide a consistent trail surface.
Scope of Benefits (SB):
The trail assets along the cave trail route between the New Entrance and the Frozen Niagara Entrance are
deteriorating due to heavy visitor use. Conditions are challenging for workers, and it is difficult to bring in materials.
In addition, the lack of rails and other restraints allows park visitors to stray off the toured routes, causing damage to
both cultural and natural resources.
Investment Strategy (IS):
The last major investment in cave trails along this tour route occurred during the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
period in the 1930s. When this project is completed, the park expects to alleviate most of the existing issues and help
to ensure a safe and high-quality visitor experience for decades. This investment will protect park cultural and
natural resources and reduce unscheduled and emergency repairs. After project completion, the facilities and
systems addressed by this project should not require major recapitalization or modernization for the next 50 years.
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
Without action, the existing trails will continue to deteriorate and visitors will continue journeying off the trail,
posing risks to natural and cultural resources.
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 0.63
API Rating: n/a 100.00
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Category Percent Score
API/FCI Score: (40%) 40.00
SB Score: (20%) 20.00
IS Score: (20%) 20.00
CFA Score: (20%) 10.90
Total Score: (100%) 90.90
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: Yes
VE Study: Completed 10/2020
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 10,128 100
Capital Improvement Work: $ 0 0
Total: $ 10,128 100
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 829
FY 2022 Legacy Restoration Fund Funding (this PDS): $ 10,128
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 0
Total: $ 10,957
Class of Estimate: C
Estimate Escalated to FY 2022/Q1
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
LRF Planning Funds Received: $ 0
LRF Design Funds Received: $ 0
Planning Funds Received from Other Funding Sources: $ 145
Design Funds Received from Other Funding Sources: $ 684
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: FY 2022/Q3
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: FY 2023/Q4
Actual: N/A
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 05/2021
DOI Approved: Yes
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: $2,706,000
Projected: $2,706,000
Net Change: $0
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 69.00 / 10
Planned Funding FY 2022: $25,410,000
Funding Source: Legacy Restoration Fund - Transportation
Project Identification
Project Title: Rehabilitate Park Roads and Road Structures
Project Number: GAOA ID #N063; NPS PMIS #317512
Unit/Facility Name: Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Region/Area/District: South Atlantic - Gulf
Congressional District: TN01, NC11
State: NC, TN
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
40660100 60625 70.00 0.63
40660100 60627 70.00 0.70
40660100 59874 81.00 0.93
40660100 103530 70.00 0.08
40660100 60622 70.00 0.63
40660100 103536 73.00 0.49
40660100 60626 70.00 0.70
40660100 103538 62.00 0.08
40660100 103534 73.00 0.93
40660100 103532 73.00 0.08
40760100 58125 88.00 0.69
40760100 57821 71.00 0.50
40760100 57758 64.00 0.31
40760100 55726 100.00 0.18
40760100 57754 77.00 0.21
40760100 64185 88.00 0.08
40760100 57688 70.00 0.62
40760500 114547 100.00 0.19
40760500 60868 88.00 0.06
40760500 60800 100.00 0.02
40760500 62004 70.00 0.10
Project Description:
This project will implement pavement preservation treatments and install pavement markings on Heintooga Ridge
Road and Balsam Mountain Campground Road. Lakeview Drive East will also be repaved.
The Noland Creek Bridge will have its deck replaced and its bearings cleaned and painted. Work will also repair
erosion at abutments, replace expansion joints, and repoint stone masonry wingwalls.
A portion of Newfound Gap Road will also be rehabilitated. The work includes repairing and rehabilitating guard
walls, removing and resetting stone curb, replacing and repairing drainage structures. Drainage will be improved by
stabilizing and reestablishing roadside turf ditches, and by overlaying and reconstructing asphalt and stone paved
ditches. Additional work includes stabilizing and reseeding road shoulders, installing pavement markings, and
replacing road signs.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Scope of Benefits (SB):
With annual visitation just over 12 million, many of the park visitors are navigating unfamiliar roads. Visitor
experiences are enhanced by safe, well-marked, and smooth roads and bridges. Roads with good conditions mean
that popular destinations are easier to access. Stabilization of road shoulders and edge of pavement will help reduce
accidents and damage to roadside vegetation.
After project completion, the facilities and systems addressed by this project should not require major rehabilitation
or replacement for the next 25-40 years.
Investment Strategy (IS):
While the project addresses significant backlogged maintenance, it also substantially reduces corrective maintenance
by eliminating potholes, cracks, and dips from settling pavement. Completing this project now will arrest further
degradation of the infrastructure and reduce the need for more expensive road rehabilitation and bridge rehabilitation
or replacement in the future. This project will bring the road and road features into good condition.
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
Not implementing this work leaves these transportation assets on a "run to failure" course that will ultimately result
in more expensive project investments in the future. Uneven road surfaces due to deteriorating pavement mean that
visitors will continue to face safety risks of potholes, unstable shoulders, and poor roadway drainage.
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 0.22
API Rating: n/a 77.52
API/FCI Score: (40%) 22.71
SB Score: (20%) 20.00
IS Score: (20%) 20.00
CFA Score: (20%) 6.29
Total Score: (100%) 69.00
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: Yes
VE Study: Scheduled 10/2021
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 25,410 100
Capital Improvement Work: $ 0 0
Total: $ 25,410 100
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 4,095
FY 2022 Legacy Restoration Fund (this PDS): $ 25,410
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 0
Total: $ 29,505
Class of Estimate: B
Estimate Escalated to FY 22/Q1
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
LRF Planning Funds Received: $ 2,520
LRF Design Funds Received: $ 1,575
Planning Funds Received from Other Funding Sources: $ 0
Design Funds Received from Other Funding Sources: $ 0
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: FY 2023/Q1
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: FY 2024/Q3
Actual: N/A
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 05/2021
DOI Approved: Yes
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: $497,000
Projected: $497,000
Net Change: $0
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 83.20 / 11
Planned Funding FY 2022: $32,834,000
Funding Source: Legacy Restoration Fund - Transportation
Project Identification
Project Title: Rehabilitate Sections of Blue Ridge Parkway in Virginia
GAOA ID #N062; NPS PMIS #256595
Unit/Facility Name: Blue Ridge Parkway
Region/Area/District: South Atlantic - Gulf
Congressional District: VA06, VA05
State: VA
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
40660100 47742 93.00 0.33
40660100 47814 93.00 0.61
40660100 47816 93.00 0.45
40660100 87420 93.00 0.48
40660100 47740 93.00 0.32
40660100 47810 93.00 0.61
40660100 47813 93.00 0.61
40660100 47812 93.00 0.61
40760100 47775 90.00 0.35
40760100 226389 100.00 0.26
40760100 47549 100.00 0.78
40760100 47550 100.00 0.42
40760100 226391 100.00 0.26
Project Description:
This project will rehabilitate and resurface the Blue Ridge Parkway sections 1L and 1M in Virginia. The primary
objective of this project is to improve the condition and extend the life of the Blue Ridge Parkway mainline
including slope stabilization along road segments in Virginia. Rehabilitation work would be comprised of
resurfacing, restoration, and rehabilitation, as well as edge erosion rehabilitation, pavement marking, crack sealing,
and light pavement patching. The project also includes signage and pavement markings improvements for sight and
distance aimed at enhancing safety (MUTCD standard), installation of geogrid pavers to mitigate shoulder rutting
and pavement edge erosion, shoulder stabilization with aggregate topsoil and turf establishment, stone curb removal
and resetting, asphalt sidewalk reconstruction at overlook parking areas, guardrail and stone guardwall repair and
reconstruction, and inspecting and evaluating culverts, headwalls, inlets, ditches, and outfalls for needed cleaning,
reconditioning and replacement.
Scope of Benefits (SB):
This project will reconstruct failing features associated with two parkway segments in Virginia. The poor road
conditions along the project segments contribute to an increased possibility for crashes and vehicle damage.
Rehabilitating the mainline roadway and associated overlooks and parking area features will allow for continued
safe enjoyment of the park’s primary visitor recreational feature. The parkway receives approximately 15 million
visitors per year. These parkway segments are high priority assets.
Investment Strategy (IS):
This project will address approximately $33 million of maintenance/repair work on several mission critical assets.
The current average pavement condition rating (PCR) for the project area is rated as fair and will continue to
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
deteriorate. With the completion of this project by 2024, the PCR will be rated as excellent. Following project
completion, the NPS will initiate properly scheduled pavement management regimes (e.g., periodic preventative
maintenance) to maintain the condition of the road and extend its life.
After project completion, the facilities and systems addressed by this project should not require major rehabilitation
or replacement for the next 25-40 years.
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
Failure to complete this project will result in further deterioration of the pavement condition and associated roadway
features. This will lead to loss of services, continued and increased risk to public and employee health and safety
from road accidents, continued damage to public and private property, as well as increased damage to roadside
natural resources.
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 0.26
API Rating: n/a 94.92
API/FCI Score: (40%) 39.22
SB Score: (20%) 20.00
IS Score: (20%) 20.00
CFA Score: (20%) 3.98
Total Score: (100%) 83.20
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: Yes
VE Study: Scheduled 12/2021
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 32,834 100
Capital Improvement Work: $ 0 0
Total: $ 32,834 100
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 6,899
FY 2022 Legacy Restoration Fund - (this PDS): $ 32,834
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 0
Total: $ 39,733
Class of Estimate: C
Estimate Escalated to FY 2022/Q1
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
LRF Planning Funds Received: $ 3,429
LRF Design Funds Received: $ 3,470
Planning Funds Received from Other Fund Sources: $ 0
Design Funds Received from Other Fund Sources: $ 0
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: FY 2023/Q1
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: FY 2024/Q2
Actual: N/A
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 05/2021
DOI Approved: Yes
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: $913,000
Projected: $913,000
Net Change: $0
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 69.50 / 12
Planned Funding FY 2022: $30,912,000
Funding Source: Legacy Restoration Fund
Project Identification
Project Title: Rehabilitate Parkwide Water and Wastewater Systems
Project Number: GAOA ID #N076, PDS PMIS #290451
Unit/Facility Name: Everglades National Park
Region/Area/District: South Atlantic - Gulf
Congressional District: FL26
State: FL
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
35500400 67252 100.00 0.86
35500500 67255 65.00 0.50
40710300 77921 65.00 0.44
40710400 79281 40.00 1.00
40710700 81110 88.00 0.35
40710800 81063 88.00 0.35
40710900 100629 71.00 0.85
40710900 100348 80.00 0.98
40710900 100370 88.00 0.98
40710900 87114 63.00 0.89
Project Description:
This project will replace the potable water distribution and wastewater collection systems in the Flamingo District;
the Pine Island District; the Shark Valley District; the Loop Road District including the Tamiami Ranger Station;
and the Trail Center housing area. Work includes rehabilitating the reverse osmosis potable water treatment plant in
Flamingo and replacing the wastewater treatment plants in the Flamingo and Pine Island districts—including new,
hurricane rated, climate-controlled structures to ensure they are protected from storms. Other work includes
replacing potable water distribution lines and wastewater collection lines with new piping, repairing and replacing
potable water well houses, sewage lift stations, septic tanks, wet wells, manholes, water/sewer meters, pumps, and
associated systems. All of the assets upgraded through this project are necessary for the distribution of potable
water, as well as the collection and treatment of wastewater in Everglades National Park.
Scope of Benefits (SB):
Everglades National Park welcomes one million visitors annually. Safe drinking water and wastewater treatment is
one of the most basic provisions supporting visitor services and employee efforts. The systems also support
employees at their workplaces and employee housing. This project will mitigate health and safety hazards from
wastewater systems and piping networks that are well beyond their lifecycle, bringing all systems up to current code
The potable water systems are also needed for fire suppression systems and fire hydrants, including protection of
historic structures. Any disruption in the availability of the water supply or wastewater service also directly affects
park campgrounds and concession-operated lodging, impacting up to 39,000 visitors who stay overnight in the park
during the high visitation season.
Replacement of this infrastructure will include hurricane rated buildings and equipment, elevated above storm surge
levels of 15 feet, ensuring the systems are more resilient to severe weather events.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Investment Strategy (IS):
This project addresses deficiencies in the water and wastewater infrastructure that supports visitors, recreational
services, and the protection of primary park resources. Various components of these utility systems have reached the
end of their lifecycle, resulting in increasingly frequent and expensive corrective maintenance, complicated by the
fact that replacement parts are becoming difficult to find. Following project completion, the park will be able to
divert resources currently used for corrective maintenance to other priorities, including preventative maintenance
work to keep the new systems in acceptable condition. This project directly supports the park’s concessions
program, from which the park receives substantial franchise fees.
After project completion, the facilities and systems addressed by this project should not require major rehabilitation
or replacement for the next 30-50 years.
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
Failure to complete this project would have direct impacts to both public/employee health & safety and
natural/cultural resources. Due to their deteriorated state, current wastewater systems and piping are at risk of
periodic failure, often leading to sewage spills. Uncorrected, wastewater collection systems will be at high risk of
failure, while lift stations and vaults will continue to deteriorate. If left unchecked, these systems will eventually
have to be taken out of service and closed to both public and staff. Existing treatment plants and lift stations will
continue to be inoperable during increasingly frequent tropical storms and associated storm surges. Natural
resources will be damaged due to erosion and contamination from leaking water and wastewater systems. In some
instances, the park will lose the ability to support fire suppression, potentially resulting in extensive damage to the
park’s cultural resources and essential non-historic facilities.
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 0.49
API Rating: n/a 74.80
API/FCI Score: (40%) 39.52
SB Score: (20%) 3.05
IS Score: (20%) 18.04
CFA Score: (20%) 8.89
Total Score: (100%) 69.50
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: Yes
VE Study: Scheduled 05/2022
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 30,194 98
Capital Improvement Work: $ 717 2
Total: $ 30,912 100
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 5,764
FY 2022 Legacy Restoration Fund Funding (this PDS): $ 30,912
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 0
Total: $ 36,676
Class of Estimate: C
Estimate Escalated to FY 22/Q1
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
LRF Planning Funds Received: $ 3,144
LRF Design Funds Received: $ 2,620
Planning Funds Received from Other Funding Sources: $ 0
Design Funds Received from Other Funding Sources: $ 0
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: FY 2022/Q4
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: FY 2025/Q1
Actual: N/A
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 05/2021
DOI Approved: Yes
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: $677,000
Projected: $675,000
Net Change: -$2,000
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 66.3 / 13
Planned Funding FY 2022: $22,969,000
Funding Source: Legacy Restoration Fund
Project Identification
Project Title: Replace Morefield and Wetherill Water Lines
Project Number: GAOA ID #N075, NPS PMIS #317500
Unit/Facility Name: Mesa Verde National Park
Region/Area/District: Upper Colorado Basin
Congressional District: CO03
State: CO
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
40710400 45720 65 0.15
40710400 48020 65 0.69
40760100 45586 77 0.20
40760100 48027 62 0.09
Project Description:
This project will replace the water line serving the Morefield housing area, campground, and concession operations.
It will also replace the water line serving the Wetherill Mesa and Badger House Community comfort station. New
lines, valves, valve vaults, air releases, and manholes will be installed using a mixture of open trench and boring
methods to reduce the project’s impacts on ground surface and existing facilities. In areas where excavation is
required, the project will restore the ground surface or facility, including repaving asphalt. Multiple sections of
piping have been previously replaced to address leaks. In order to reduce costs, these sections will be left in place
and connected to the new piping. Work will also install a new precast box culvert with increased sized to improve
clearing of debris. New valve vaults will allow park staff to operate valves without entering confined spaces.
Scope of Benefits (SB):
The Morefield area serves all campers at Mesa Verde National Park (MEVE), seasonal and permanent park
residents, and a large concessions operation.
The Wetherill Mesa is a critical component in providing water for visitor and employee use at Chapin Mesa
particularly in the Headquarters and Mesa Top Loops area. The new water system will also serve structural fire and
wildland fire protection infrastructure.
Investment Strategy (IS):
The Morefield domestic waterline replacement project includes a water supply pipe that operates under high-
pressure up steep grades to fill the Morefield storage tank. The mixture of pipe materials in the existing line results
in the system’s difficulty in handling the pressure without causing leaks or failures. Replacement of this pipe system
with pipe materials compatible for the operational pressures is a proactive approach to addressing the aging, failing
supply pipe.
The existing waterline that serves Wetherill Mesa is the original pipeline installed during the Mission 66
development of Wetherill Mesa and the frequency of leaks is increasing as this piping continues to deteriorate and
fail. Increased visitor use of Wetherill Mesa requires replacing aged and failing water service pipe to the visitor
contact station, concession facility, and the public comfort stations.
After project completion, the facilities and systems addressed by this project should not require major rehabilitation
or replacement for the next 30-40 years.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
Failure to act will result in the continued deterioration of the existing systems, with leaks, water loss, and degraded
service impacting both visitors and staff. Park maintenance staff will continue to respond to unplanned corrective
maintenance needs which draws resources away from other park priorities. The park cannot rely on meeting its
structural and wildland fire protection needs with the limitations of the current system.
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 0.93
API Rating: n/a 65.00
API/FCI Score: (40%) 15.80
SB Score: (20%) 20.00
IS Score: (20%) 20.00
CFA Score: (20%) 10.50
Total Score: (100%) 66.30
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: Yes
VE Study: Scheduled 02/2022 Completed N/A
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 22,426 98
Capital Improvement Work: $ 544 2
Total: $ 22,969 100
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 4,283
FY 2022 Legacy Restoration Fund Funding (this PDS): $ 22,969
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 0
Total: $ 27,252
Class of Estimate: C
Estimate Escalated to FY 2022/Q1
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
LRF Planning Funds Received: $ 2,336
LRF Design Funds Received: $ 1,947
Planning Funds Received from Other Fund Sources: $ 0
Design Funds Received from Other Fund Sources: $ 0
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: FY 2022/Q4
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: FY 2024/Q4
Actual: N/A
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 05/2021
DOI Approved: Yes
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: $267,000
Projected: $267,000
Net Change: $0
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 72.70 / 14
Planned Funding FY 2022: $128,674,000
Funding Source: Legacy Restoration Fund - Transportation
Project Identification
Project Title: Rehabilitate Sections of the Colonial Parkway
Project Number: GAOA #N074, NPS PMIS #317459
Unit/Facility Name: Colonial National Historical Park
Region/Area/District: North Atlantic - Appalachian
Congressional District: VA01, VA02
State: VA
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
40660100 56260 79.00 0.07
40660100 56258 79.00 0.60
40660100 56259 79.00 0.06
40760100 99197 45.00 0.31
40760100 99201 42.00 0.30
40760100 99202 44.00 0.19
40760100 49952 100.00 0.36
40760100 99203 32.00 0.30
40760100 99196 45.00 0.33
40760100 102867 44.00 1.00
40760100 99199 42.00 0.70
40760100 102864 44.00 1.00
40760100 99204 32.00 0.29
40760100 99200 42.00 0.34
40760500 51116 87.00 0.09
40760500 51121 87.00 0.08
40760500 51107 87.00 0.19
40760500 49992 100.00 0.29
40760500 49990 100.00 0.04
40760500 51120 87.00 0.13
40760500 51119 87.00 0.15
40760500 49991 100.00 0.34
40760500 49989 100.00 0.25
40760500 110735 100.00 0.06
40761000 51125 100.00 0.13
Project Description:
This project will repair, rehabilitate, and reconstruct approximately 10 miles of the oldest sections of the Colonial
Parkway, from Yorktown through Williamsburg, including associated roadway-related components.
Work will include replacing exposed aggregate concrete pavement and exposed aggregate curbs; patching asphalt
pavement on access ramps; rehabilitating bridges; rehabilitating the Williamsburg tunnel to include safety upgrades;
addressing culverts and historic brick headwalls; reconditioning shoulders and ditches; replacing steel-backed timber
guardrails; installing additional steel-backed timber guardrail; replacing pavement markings; replacing traffic signs;
and installing stormwater management systems that incorporate best management practices.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Scope of Benefits (SB):
This project would fund the first major, holistic rehabilitation project since the Parkway’s full length was opened for
traffic in 1957. It will address serious deficiencies in five roadway segments, bridges, pull-offs, access ramps,
drainage structures, road shoulders, signs, and guardrails within those sections, as well as the Williamsburg Tunnel.
Original historic fabric and materials will be preserved in place wherever feasible.
The rehabilitated parkway, bridges, and tunnel in these roadway sections will provide safer and more efficient
vehicular access for 2 million annual visitors. Approximately 60 percent of the pavement surface in these segments
will be replaced. Rehabilitation of the bridges will improve their bridge health index and extend their lifecycle.
Rehabilitation to the stormwater drainage systems and improvements achieved by incorporating best management
practices will decrease erosional impacts to cultural and natural resources associated with the Chesapeake Bay.
Investment Strategy (IS):
Completion of this project will ensure restoration and protection of the highly visited, heavily traveled, Colonial
Parkway. Modernization of this critical infrastructure will provide an extended lifecycle of 40-50 years. The park
will incorporate preventative maintenance activities to maintain the improved condition of the roadway, bridges,
tunnel, and drainage features.
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
Failure to fund this project will result in the continued degradation of the Parkway and its associated structures,
increased visitor safety concerns, and will require a larger investment to correct these deficiencies. The condition of
these assets will experience more rapid degradation the longer that the current needs remain unaddressed. Visitor
safety will continue to decrease while resource damage will continue to increase. Drivers will continue to endure
deteriorating pavement, inadequate guardrails and barriers, poor drainage, poor tunnel lighting, bridge wall spalling
and joint failures, inadequate traffic markings, and deteriorating signage.
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 0.33
API Rating: n/a 71.36
API/FCI Score: (40%) 39.45
SB Score: (20%) 17.28
IS Score: (20%) 15.88
CFA Score: (20%) 0.09
Total Score: (100%) 72.70
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: Yes
VE Study: Completed 06/2015
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 128,164 100
Capital Improvement Work: $ 510 0
Total: $ 128,674 100
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 18,236
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
History Dollars in thousands
FY 2022 Legacy Restoration Fund - (this PDS): $ 128,674
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 0
Total: $ 146,910
Class of Estimate: B-
Estimate Escalated to FY 2022/Q1
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
LRF Planning Funds Received: $ 6,376
LRF Design Funds Received: $ 11,752
Planning Funds Received from Other Fund Sources: $ 43
Design Funds Received from Other Fund Sources: $ 65
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: FY 2023/Q1
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: FY 2025/Q1
Actual: N/A
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 05/2021
DOI Approved: Yes
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: $474,000
Projected: $474,000
Net Change: $0
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 67.70 / 15
Planned Funding FY 2022: $27,352,000
Funding Source: Legacy Restoration Fund
Project Identification
Project Title: Rehabilitate and Repair Structures and Landscapes
Project Number: GAOA ID #N072; NPS PMIS #317529
Unit/Facility Name: Minute Man National Historical Park
Region/Area/District: North Atlantic - Appalachian
Congressional District: MA03, MA05
State: MA
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
35100000 64145 70 0.56
35290100 63979 93 0.25
35290800 64211 87 0.48
35290800 64153 93 0.29
35291700 64102 85 0.55
35291700 64231 93 0.34
35291700 64070 12 0.87
35291700 64087 70 0.96
35300200 64084 65 1.00
35300200 64092 23 1.00
35300200 63671 93 0.71
35300200 63971 85 1.00
35300200 64133 83 1.00
35300300 64063 41 1.00
35800500 64085 88 0.21
40750300 65326 80 0.05
40750300 65324 80 0.08
40750300 65331 80 0.03
40750300 241976 80 1.00
40750300 65333 72 0.05
40750300 65328 87 0.06
40750300 65332 87 0.03
40750300 65330 80 0.03
40750300 65327 87 0.47
40750300 63954 80 0.08
40750300 64212 80 0.09
40750300 65329 80 0.10
40751100 65167 65 1.00
40760100 107006 88 0.00
40760100 107001 88 0.00
40760200 63940 93 1.00
40760200 81695 80 0.27
40760800 71755 58 0.07
40760800 116825 51 0.15
40760800 71765 51 0.07
40760800 71764 58 0.16
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
40760800 71760 58 0.20
40760800 71761 58 0.22
40760800 71757 58 0.22
40780100 63955 37 1.00
40780100 63997 29 1.00
40780100 63958 48 0.49
40780300 63939 80 0.06
40780300 64276 40 0.69
40780300 63956 80 0.04
40780300 63941 52 0.84
40780300 64234 31 0.69
40780300 63957 80 1.00
40780300 63959 80 0.02
40780300 64058 52 0.37
Project Description:
This project includes rehabilitation of building exteriors, interiors, and systems at fifteen historic structures,
including eight witness structures, ten cultural landscapes, a section of the Battle Road Trail, thirteen monuments,
and replacement of more than three hundred signs.
Rehabilitation work on witness structures includes the Major John Buttrick House, Elisha Jones House, James Carty
Barn, Farwell Jones House, East Quarter School House, George Hall House, Stow Hardy House, Sam Brooks
House, Hartwell Tavern, Park Ranger Headquarters at the Rego House, Captain William Smith House, Jacob
Whittemore House, Wayside House and Barn, Joshua Brooks House, and the Inferrera House and Garage.
Monuments and Plaques will be conserved. Septic systems will be replaced. Cultural landscapes throughout the park
will be rehabilitated. Damaged and missing signs will be replaced. Sections of 5.5-mile Battle Road Trail will be
repaired from Meriam’s Corner to Fiske Hill.
Scope of Benefits (SB):
The combined undertakings in this project will return primary historic structures and landscapes to good condition.
Rehabilitated historic buildings may be used for park operations or may be leased. The Battle Road Trail and North
Bridge Trail will be rehabilitated. The park’s deteriorated and missing signs will be replaced, and 13 monuments
will receive conservation treatments. All of this work will be accomplished in time for 2025, which will celebrate
the 250
anniversary of “the shot heard round the world” in April 1775, and the USA 250th Anniversary.
Investment Strategy (IS):
Leases will help generate revenue that will be reinvested to maintain those structures. The work associated with this
project will also provide the park with revenue to address annualized preventative maintenance and recurring
maintenance requirements for each asset, along with project scopes and cost estimates for cyclic maintenance
activities beyond the park’s capacity for submission for project funding.
After project completion, the facilities and systems addressed by this project should not require major rehabilitation
or replacement for the next 25-40 years.
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
Not accomplishing the work associated with these proposed actions will severely constrain the park’s ability to
successfully implement its Strategic Investment Strategy. In addition, the condition of the parks primary resources
will remain deteriorated during the USA 250
Anniversary celebrations, negatively impacting the visitor experience.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 0.18
API Rating: n/a 69.38
API/FCI Score: (40%) 27.05
SB Score: (20%) 16.63
IS Score: (20%) 20.00
CFA Score: (20%) 4.02
Total Score: (100%) 67.70
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: Yes
VE Study: Scheduled 04/2021
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 25,618 94
Capital Improvement Work: $ 1,734 6
Total: $ 27,352 100
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 2,370
FY 2022 Legacy Restoration Fund Funding (this PDS): $ 27,352
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 0
Total: $ 29,722
Class of Estimate: C+
Estimate Escalated to FY 2022/Q1
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
LRF Planning Funds Received: $ 1,185
LRF Design Funds Received: $ 1,185
Planning Funds Received from Other Funding Sources: $ 0
Design Funds Received from Other Funding Sources: $ 0
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: FY 2022/Q4
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: FY 2024/Q4
Actual: N/A
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 05/2021
DOI Approved: Yes
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: $627,000
Projected: $595,000
Net Change: -$32,000
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 82.01 / 16
Planned Funding FY 2022: $11,621,000
Funding Source: Legacy Restoration Fund
Project Identification
Project Title: Rehabilitate Fort Hancock Potable Water and Wastewater System
Project Number: GAOA ID #N077, NPS PMIS #291531
Unit/Facility Name: Gateway National Recreation Area
Region/Area/District: North Atlantic - Appalachian
Congressional District: NJ06
State: NJ
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
35500400 83298 82.00 0.79
35500400 21611 82.00 0.01
35500400 28146 82.00 0.04
40710300 88976 65.00 0.26
40710900 83267 69.00 0.20
Project Description:
This project will rehabilitate the failing wastewater systems at Fort Hancock by removing antiquated underground
lines, demolishing out-of-service treatment equipment, and rejuvenating overgrown percolation beds. This project
will also rehabilitate the potable water distribution systems at Sandy Hook.
Project work includes safety upgrades to the main lift station; elimination of a lift station on US Coast Guard
property; removal of three unused secondary clarifiers and the unused denitrification equipment; and restoring
proper drainage at the reed basin percolation beds. Rehabilitation of the water distribution system will ensure proper
water pressure, flow rates, and fire protection service at Fort Hancock and the Marine Academy of Science and
Technology (MAST) campus and allow for additional revenue generating leases at this site.
Scope of Benefits (SB):
The Fort Hancock water distribution piping has been unchanged since the 1950s, and some sections date back to the
turn of the 20th century. The system suffers from typical age-related problems such as leakage, high maintenance
costs, and poor reliability. Periodic flooding caused by Atlantic storm surges exacerbate the system’s existing
Benefits of this project include improving sanitation quality and wastewater system functionality. The project will
also provide more efficient and effective wastewater treatment, safety, and electrical code improvements at the
Officer’s Row lift Station; lower risk of environmental damage due to leaks, overflow, and failure; and will result in
the increased protection of park resources. This project will also improve the degree to which NPS owned and
managed structures are compliant with Life Safety codes, building codes, and related laws, regulations, and policies.
The replacement system will be properly sized, with adequate capacity to serve current Fort Hancock and MAST
campus needs and the increased demands expected with future revenue-generating campus additions, conversions,
and reactivations. The new sewer system will function reliably and efficiently well into the future, ensuring that
visitor satisfaction levels remain high, and partner/tenant relationships remain strong.
Investment Strategy (IS):
This project affects a high priority mission-dependent asset in the park and will deliver a new utility system that the
park is committed to maintain. It also demonstrates a major investment that could result in measurable net savings
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
for the NPS, which strongly supports financial sustainability efforts. The rehabilitated wastewater system will
improve operational efficiency while eliminating most of the corrective maintenance that is required to keep the
existing wastewater system operational.
Completion of this project supports health and safety though proper park operations and support for visitors, staff,
and partners served by the system, and assures the system is in compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and
After project completion, the facilities and systems addressed by this project should not require major rehabilitation
or replacement for the next 30-50 years.
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
Total system failure becomes more likely with each year of additional system deterioration. Leaving out-of-service
equipment at the wastewater treatment plant also continues to place added demands on the maintenance staff.
Increasing failures, infiltration, and unscheduled corrective repairs will continue to occur until the system is
replaced. Points of failure include piping breaks, tank leakage, and other unforeseen weaknesses throughout the
system. The sludge drying and percolation beds will continue to lose function and are likely to overflow at times.
The existing undocumented wastewater collection piping system does not allow for reconfiguration or for adaptation
to changing building occupancy. The pipe network is deteriorating, experiencing ground water infiltration, and is far
beyond its expected lifecycle. Maintenance staff will be forced to continue mitigating multiple safety hazards at the
Officer’s Row Lift Station, and the Coast Guard Lift Station will require extra staff time to maintain because it will
remain in the USCG secure perimeter.
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 0.24
API Rating: n/a 76.00
API/FCI Score: (40%) 40.00
SB Score: (20%) 18.40
IS Score: (20%) 20.00
CFA Score: (20%) 3.61
Total Score: (100%) 82.01
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: Yes
VE Study: Scheduled 01/2022
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 11,501 99
Capital Improvement Work: $ 120 1
Total: $ 11,621 100
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 895
FY 2022 Legacy Restoration Fund Funding (this PDS): $ 11,621
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 0
Total: $ 12,516
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Class of Estimate: C
Estimate Escalated to FY 2022/Q1
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
LRF Planning Funds Received: $ 488
LRF Design Funds Received: $ 407
Planning Funds Received from Other Funding Sources $ 0
Design Funds Received from Other Funding Sources: $ 0
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: FY 2022/Q4
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: FY 2024/Q3
Actual: N/A
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 05/2021
DOI Approved: Yes
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: $819,000
Projected: $819,000
Net Change: $0
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 69.81 / 17
Planned Funding FY 2022: $9,563,000
Funding Source: Legacy Restoration Fund
Project Identification
Project Title: Rehabilitate Park Wastewater Treatment Facilities
Project Number: GAOA ID #N079, NPS PMIS #317446
Unit/Facility Name: Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park
Region/Area/District: California – Great Basin
Congressional District: CA23
State: CA
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
35500400 237961 52 0.99
40710800 65315 88 0.85
40710800 67584 88 0.61
40760100 73909 53 0.08
40760100 73914 33 0.61
Project Description:
This project, located in the Ash Mountain developed area of Sequoia National Park, will rehabilitate and replace
critical components of the wastewater treatment facilities including two pump stations and controls, the associated
signage, fencing, access road, and electrical and monitoring systems. It will replace the deteriorated head-works and
overflow, replace the chlorination system, and rehabilitate the deteriorated treatment dosing building and
deteriorated disposal fields. Replacement of these components is in accordance with typical industry life-cycle
replacement standards.
Scope of Benefits (SB):
This project will provide sustainable wastewater treatment capacity for the Ash Mountain Historic District within
Sequoia National Park, which serves 1.2 million visitors each year. Most importantly, it will ensure protection of
visitor and employee health and safety by ensuring safe and efficient wastewater treatment. The facility serves the
park visitors and park employees that utilize the Historic District of Ash Mountain. The Ash Mountain Historic
District is the first stop for the park’s public transit system for visitors entering the park through the Ash Mountain
Entrance Station. The scope of benefit for this project includes continued sewage treatment service for the visitor
center, park headquarters, fire management building, warehouse, motor pool shops facility, nursery, recreation hall,
and over 40 operations and housing units. This project, which will address maintenance/repair work on high priority
assets, will also benefit the park through increased operational efficiencies utilizing new innovative technologies,
decreasing operational and maintenance costs. The project will also correct fire and electrical code violations
making the treatment plant safer to operate.
Investment Strategy (IS):
This project will significantly decrease the cost and frequency of corrective maintenance at the wastewater treatment
facility through replacement of inefficient components that are beyond or at the end of their life cycle. The new,
more efficient components include innovative technologies that will make operations more efficient and effective.
Correcting code violations will reduce liability for fines associated with current code violations. Financial
sustainability will also be achieved by investing in a high-priority asset ensuring this critical infrastructure remains
in good condition to support the park’s mission.
After project completion, the facilities and systems addressed by this project should not require major rehabilitation
or replacement for the next 40-50 years.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
Failure to address the backlogged maintenance and code violations ultimately prevents or hinders effective sewage
treatment throughout the Historic District of Ash Mountain. As the system continues to degrade, corrective
maintenance needs and outages will be more frequent, potentially leading to negative impacts on public’s experience
and enjoyment. There would also be significant impacts to park operations; the Ash Mountain Historic District is the
operational base for 150 permanent and seasonal employees supporting park-wide operations. Safe operations at the
treatment facility cannot be sustained as the equipment continues to age and run to failure.
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 0.60
API Rating: n/a 62.80
API/FCI Score: (40%) 36.46
SB Score: (20%) 10.92
IS Score: (20%) 20.00
CFA Score: (20%) 2.43
Total Score: (100%) 69.81
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: Yes
VE Study: Scheduled N/A Completed 01/2021
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 8,773 92
Capital Improvement Work: $ 790 8
Total: $ 9,563 100
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 1,451
FY 2022 Legacy Restoration Fund Funding (this PDS): $ 9,563
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 0
Total: $ 11,014
Class of Estimate: B-
Estimate Escalated to FY 2022/Q1
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
LRF Planning Funds Received: $ 162
LRF Design Funds Received: $ 810
Planning Funds Received from Other Fund Sources: $ 159
Design Funds Received from Other Fund Sources: $ 319
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: FY 2022/Q4
Actual: N/A
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Complete
Scheduled: FY 2024/Q1
Actual: N/A
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 05/2021
DOI Approved: Yes
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: $76,000
Projected: $76,000
Net Change: $0
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 78.40 / 18
Planned Funding FY 2022: $29,089,000
Funding Source: Legacy Restoration Fund
Project Identification
Project Title: Rehabilitate Underground Utilities
Project Number: GAOA ID #N080, NPS PMIS #266697
Unit/Facility Name: Bandelier National Monument
Region/Area/District: Upper Colorado Basin
Congressional District: NM03
State: NM
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
40710300 5320 50 0.53
40710300 46795 65 0.45
40710900 31480 60 0.87
40710900 31618 64 0.46
40710900 31609 100 0.58
40711100 31543 65 0.87
40711200 46797 65 0.97
40720100 226945 40 0.68
Project Description:
This project will replace the 60+ year old utility distribution and collection systems parkwide to address
maintenance/repair work and code deficiencies. Work includes improving underground primary and secondary
potable water distribution for required storage and fire flow; improving electrical and natural gas distribution for
anticipated loads; and upgrading communication systems to meet current and future demands. An integrated utility
corridor will be constructed under roads and existing conduit routes will be reused n order to reduce impacts in
sensitive natural and cultural resource areas.
Primary electrical service will be replaced in areas not addressed by a 2017 primary electrical service project.
Additional work will rehabilitate existing sewer collection mains, replace all secondary sewer lines, and provide
sanitary functionality via lift station to correct and reopen the historic visitor restroom across from Frijoles Creek
rendered inoperable due to past fire and flood impact.
Scope of Benefits (SB):
Rehabilitation of the wastewater collection system will eliminate contamination of Frijoles Creek as recommended
in the 2007 Water Resources Foundation Report. Replacement of these utilities account for major and measurable
contributions to meet established goals and objectives of the Department, Bureau, and Park which include providing
a sustainable, safe, and efficient working environment for park staff. The project will address life safety/health and
code violations making the Park’s developed areas safer for employees and visitors. The project also helps preserve
the Bandelier Civilian Conservation Corps National Historic Landmark District through improved fire protection
measures. This project will address approximately $27M of maintenance/repair work.
After project completion, the facilities and systems addressed by this project should not require major rehabilitation
or replacement for the next 30-50 years.
Investment Strategy (IS):
This project is based on a preliminary engineering analysis and subsequent cost estimate that meets the design and
specification requirements of Los Alamos County, the park’s utility provider. Replacement of utility lines will have
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
a substantial positive impact to park operations by eliminating the likelihood of system failures. The existing
systems require frequent, unscheduled repairs, which have put a strain on park operations and budgets. Completion
of this project will ensure the utility systems are more reliable, allowing the park to reduce its spending on back-up
power generation, portable restrooms, emergency contracted repair services, and maintenance staff overtime
associated with frequent system service interruptions. Once repaired, the systems replaced by this project will no
longer need unscheduled or corrective maintenance. Utilizing NPS authority to be reimbursed for utilities furnished
to concessioners, partners, and other users of services (54 U.S.C. 101901), the improvements made by this project
will help the park recover all costs for utilities provided to non-federal entities. These recovered costs will help
offset the operations and maintenance costs of these systems.
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
Failure to address the maintenance/repair work, life safety, health and utility code violations associated with these
systems will result in a greatly diminished visitor experience and create an unsafe/unhealthy environment for
employees. Delaying rehabilitation of these utility systems will result in continued and recurring outages for visitors
and employees and could expose individuals to unnecessary safety risks. Due to the age of these existing utility
systems, complete failure could occur; and extended service outages, gas leaks, or water supply contamination may
cause extended closures to park facilities. Delaying or not implementing the wastewater collection system
rehabilitation effort may similarly result in continued contamination of Frijoles Creek and pose a significant health
risk to visitors and employees.
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 0.72
API Rating: n/a 63.63
API/FCI Score: (40%) 39.66
SB Score: (20%) 13.57
IS Score: (20%) 20.00
CFA Score: (20%) 5.17
Total Score: (100%) 78.40
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: Yes
VE Study: Scheduled 02/22 Completed N/A
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 27,174 93
Capital Improvement Work: $ 1,915 7
Total: $ 29,089 100
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 5,423
FY 2022 Legacy Restoration Fund Funding (this PDS): $ 29,089
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 0
Total: $ 34,512
Class of Estimate: C
Estimate Escalated to FY 22/Q1
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
LRF Planning Funds Received: $ 2,958
LRF Design Funds Received: $ 2,465
Planning Funds Received from Other Funding Sources: $ 0
Design Funds Received from Other Funding Sources: $ 0
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: FY 2022/Q4
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: FY 2025/Q1
Actual: N/A
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 05/2021
DOI Approved: Yes
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: $428,000
Projected: $353,000
Net Change: - $75,000
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 82.30 / 19
Planned Funding FY 2022: $26,789,000
Funding Source: Legacy Restoration Fund - Transportation
Project Identification
Project Title: Rehabilitate Sections of Blue Ridge Parkway in North Carolina
Project Number: GAOA ID #N067, NPS PMIS #317466
Unit/Facility Name: Blue Ridge Parkway
Region/Area/District: South Atlantic - Gulf
Congressional District: NC10, NC11
State: NC
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
40660100 48764 93.00 0.21
40660100 87291 93.00 0.29
40660100 48770 93.00 0.34
40660100 48766 93.00 0.21
40660100 48765 93.00 0.31
40660100 48769 93.00 0.33
40660100 48767 93.00 0.33
40660100 87290 93.00 0.24
40660100 48768 93.00 0.33
40660100 87268 93.00 0.31
40760100 226395 100.00 0.30
40760500 4825 100.00 0.01
40760500 4826 100.00 0.02
40761000 4831 100.00 0.03
40761000 4830 100.00 0.09
40761000 4829 100.00 0.01
40761000 4828 100.00 0.02
Project Description:
This project will rehabilitate and resurface the Blue Ridge Parkway sections 2M and 2N in North Carolina. The
primary objective of this project is to improve the condition and extend the life of the Blue Ridge Parkway mainline
including slope stabilization along road segments in North Carolina.
Rehabilitation work would be comprised of resurfacing, restoration, and rehabilitation, as well as edge erosion
rehabilitation, pavement marking, crack sealing, and light pavement patching. The project also includes signage and
pavement markings improvements for sight and distance aimed at enhancing safety (MUTCD standard), installation
of geogrid pavers to mitigate shoulder rutting and pavement edge erosion, shoulder stabilization with aggregate
topsoil and turf establishment, stone curb removal and resetting, asphalt sidewalk reconstruction at overlook parking
areas, guardrail and stone guardwall repair and reconstruction, and inspecting and evaluating culverts, headwalls,
inlets, ditches, and outfalls for needed cleaning, reconditioning and replacement.
Scope of Benefits (SB):
This project will reconstruct failing features associated with two parkway segments in North Carolina. The poor
road conditions along the project segments contribute to an increased possibility for crashes and vehicle damage.
Rehabilitating the mainline roadway and associated overlooks and parking area features will allow for continued
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
safe enjoyment of the park's primary visitor recreational feature. The parkway receives approximately 15 million
visitors per year. These parkway segments are high priority assets.
Investment Strategy (IS):
This project will address approximately $27M of maintenance/repair work on several mission critical assets. The
current average pavement condition rating (PCR) for the project area is rated as fair and will continue to deteriorate.
With the completion of this project by 2024, the PCR would be rated as excellent. Following project completion, the
NPS will initiate properly scheduled pavement management regimes (e.g., periodic preventative maintenance) to
maintain the condition of the road and extend its life.
After project completion, the facilities and systems addressed by this project should not require major rehabilitation
or replacement for the next 25-40 years.
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
Failure to complete this project will result in further deterioration of the pavement condition and associated roadway
features. This will lead to loss of services, continued and increased risk to public and employee health and safety
from road accidents, continued damage to public and private property, as well as increased damage to roadside
natural resources.
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 0.27
API Rating: n/a 95.88
API/FCI Score: (40%) 39.87
SB Score: (20%) 20.00
IS Score: (20%) 20.00
CFA Score: (20%) 2.43
Total Score: (100%) 82.30
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: Yes
VE Study: Scheduled 12/2021
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 26,789 100
Capital Improvement Work: $ 0 0
Total: $ 26,789 100
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 4,441
FY 2022 Legacy Restoration (this PDS): $ 26,789
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 0
Total: $ 31,230
Class of Estimate: C
Estimate Escalated to FY 2022/Q1
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
LRF Planning Funds Received: $ 2,215
LRF Design Funds Received: $ 2,214
Planning Funds Received from Other Funding Sources: $ 4
Design Funds Received from Other Funding Sources: $ 8
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: FY 2023/Q1
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: FY 2024/Q2
Actual: N/A
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 05/2021
DOI Approved: Yes
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: $757,000
Projected: $757,000
Net Change: $0
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 74.61 / 20
Planned Funding FY 2022: $40,456,000
Funding Source: Legacy Restoration Fund
Project Identification
Project Title: Replace Wastewater Plant at South Rim Village
Project Number: GAOA ID #N055; NPS PMIS #257282
Unit/Facility Name: Grand Canyon National Park
Region/Area/District: Lower Colorado Basin
Congressional District: AZ01
State: AZ
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
0 255012 77.00 0.00
35500400 34560 88.00 0.50
40710900 72089 78.00 0.38
Project Description:
This project will replace the South Rim Wastewater Treatment Plant (plant). The existing plant, constructed in the
1970s, services all visitor, resident staff housing, lodging, and support facilities at the Village South Rim of the
Grand Canyon.
Maintenance/repair work will be reduced by replacing the control and lab building, headworks, aeration basins,
solids digesters, dewatering system, pumps, tertiary treatment, generator, piping systems, and SCADA system. The
project will also include upgrading the new control building with modern code compliant HVAC and electrical
systems, adding fire alarms and fire suppression systems throughout the facility, construction of an equalization
basin, adding a receiving and processing system for vault toilet waste.
The existing plant equipment and processes are outmoded, inefficient, and overloaded. The facility struggles treating
current flows and loads to consistently meet Arizona State Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) permitted
effluent water quality standards. Copper and ammonia levels are repeatedly exceeded during high flow periods.
There are health, safety and environmental concerns due to the lack of fire suppression systems and the existing
basins and piping throughout the facility are corroded and continually leak. The continued increase in visitation and
the conversion of low-flow fixtures over the last few years has increased wastewater concentration levels, placing
additional strain on the current treatment processes, and increasing the bio-solid production. The current bio-solid
de-watering and disposal process is time intensive and expensive, due to undersized and inefficient drying bed
In 2018, Arizona Department of Environmental Quality issued a Consent Order for this facility related to bio-solid
disposal. The park has made significant operational adjustments that would be relieved with the new facility.
Scope of Benefits (SB):
The Wastewater Treatment Plant treats the wastewater generated by visitors to the South Rim of the Grand Canyon.
The wastewater treatment protects the natural environment on the South Rim. The WWTP maintains a healthy
environment for visitors and prevents disease.
Investment Strategy (IS):
This project will address $35M in maintenance/repair work. The modernized wastewater equipment will ensure the
plant can efficiently process the peak season wastewater demands. The park currently supports the operation of this
facility through cost recovery from parties using the utilities and will continue to recover costs for the new facility.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
After project completion the facilities and systems addressed by this project should not require major rehabilitation
or replacement for approximately 25-40 years.
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
Replacing the existing facility will eliminate repeated violations of the Arizona State Wastewater Permit and prevent
future consent orders. Failure of the wastewater treatment plant could lead to a violation of their discharge permit,
which would require the Wastewater Treatment Plant to shut down, closing visitation to the South Rim.
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 0.37
API Rating: n/a 81.00
API/FCI Score: (40%) 39.70
SB Score: (20%) 11.30
IS Score: (20%) 19.56
CFA Score: (20%) 4.05
Total Score: (100%) 74.61
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: Yes
VE Study: Scheduled 11/2021
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 34,929 86
Capital Improvement Work: $ 5,528 14
Total: $ 40,456 100
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 7,543
FY 2022 Legacy Restoration Fund Funding (this PDS): $ 40,456
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 0
Total: $ 47,999
Class of Estimate: C
Estimate Escalated to FY 2022/Q1
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
LRF Planning Funds Received: $ 4,114
LRF Design Funds Received: $ 3,429
Planning Funds Received: $ 0
Design Funds Received: $ 0
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: FY 2022/Q2
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: FY 2025/Q1
Actual: N/A
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 05/2021
DOI Approved: Yes
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: $146,000
Projected: $144,000
Net Change: -$2,000
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 80.30 / 21
Planned Funding FY 2022: $25,077,000
Funding Source: Legacy Restoration Fund
Project Identification
Project Title: Rehabilitate Failing Upper Plaza at Perry's Victory & International Peace Memorial
Project Number: GAOA ID #N078, NPS PMIS #272171
Unit/Facility Name: Perry's Victory and International Peace Memorial
Region/Area/District: Great Lakes
Congressional District: OH09
State: OH
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
35800800 71125 100.00 0.07
40660100 73455 35.00 1.00
Project Description:
This project will restore the structure supporting the upper plaza and the associated waterproofing membrane.
Interior spaces below the upper plaza will be modified to meet current needs and improve functionality. Restrooms
and exterior plaza spaces will be made compliant with accessibility standards. Building systems will be installed to
meet current demands and address condensation issues below the upper plaza and inside the tower. The upper plaza
finishes will be restored by reusing historic materials. Perimeter walls below the upper plaza will be repaired and
waterproofed, while a portion of the historic fabric will be maintained. Surface finishes at the lower plaza will be
removed and reset to address tripping hazards. Accessible ramps will be installed for access to the lower and upper
plazas, and the surrounding parking area and sidewalks will be altered to improve visitor access to the memorial.
Portions of the memorial will receive a fire suppression system and security measures to improve safety.
Scope of Benefits (SB):
This project addresses maintenance/repair work while improving facility conditions and safety around the
monument, plaza areas, and other surrounding landscapes. Additional improvements will ensure that facilities,
especially restrooms and plaza areas, meet the Architectural Barriers Act Accessibility Standards (ABAAS). This
project will also improve life safety and security systems, making the park’s developed areas safer for employees
and visitors.
Investment Strategy (IS):
The NPS has previously made significant investments to address deficiencies at the monument and grounds. Those
investments included repair and sealing of the monument, column, and observation deck. This project builds upon
those previous investments by replacing the upper plaza to prevent further water infiltration, reducing future
corrective maintenance needs, and allowing more of the visiting public to have complete access to the site.
After project completion, the facilities and systems addressed by this project should not require major rehabilitation
or replacement for the next 30-40 years.
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
If the existing structure below the upper plaza is not restored, the historic fabric and suitability of the upper plaza
will continue to significantly degrade, and permanent loss of additional historic aspects and functionality will result,
including the possibility that the tower will no longer be accessible to visitors. Further deterioration and a lack of
adequate facility functionality will occur if maintenance/repair work is not addressed and system upgrades are not
implemented. Condensation issues within the tower and below the upper plaza would also not be addressed,
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
resulting in a less desirable experience for visitors and compromising the structure and building systems. Significant
portions of the memorial will remain non-accessible to visitors with disabilities. Visitors, employees, and the
historic structures themselves will be at risk if new portions of the fire suppression and security systems are not
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 0.07
API Rating: n/a 67.50
API/FCI Score: (40%) 39.06
SB Score: (20%) 20.00
IS Score: (20%) 20.00
CFA Score: (20%) 1.24
Total Score: (100%) 80.30
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: Yes
VE Study: Scheduled 12/2021
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 21,457 86
Capital Improvement Work: $ 3,620 14
Total: $ 25,077 100
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 4,675
FY 2022 Legacy Restoration Fund Funding (this PDS): $ 25,077
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 0
Total: $ 29,752
Class of Estimate: C
Estimate Escalated to FY 2022/Q1
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
LRF Planning Funds Received: $ 2,550
LRF Design Funds Received: $ 2,125
Planning Funds Received from Other Fund Sources: $ 0
Design Funds Received from Other Fund Sources: $ 0
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: FY 2022/Q4
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: FY 2025/Q3
Actual: N/A
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 05/2021
DOI Approved: Yes
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: $190,000
Projected: $173,000
Net Change: -$17,000
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 80.70 / 22
Planned Funding FY 2022: $7,673,000
Funding Source: Legacy Restoration Fund
Project Identification
Project Title: Rehabilitate Floyd Bennett Field Wastewater Collection System at Jamaica Bay
Project Number: GAOA ID #N066, NPS PMIS #291651
Unit/Facility Name: Gateway National Recreation Area
Region/Area/District: North Atlantic - Appalachian
Congressional District: NY08
State: NY
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
40710900 77589 77.00 1.00
Project Description:
This project will rehabilitate the Floyd Bennett Field (FBF) sanitary sewer system at the Jamaica Bay unit of
Gateway National Recreation Area. The scope of the project includes elimination of two lift stations and
replacement or new construction of several other lift stations. The existing gravity sewer piping will be replaced as
needed and will be cleaned, grouted, and relined where feasible and financially prudent. The active portions of the
wastewater collection systems (piping, manholes, lift stations) are beyond their expected lifecycle, require an
increasing amount of repair, and need to be replaced. The 1,000-acre FBF, a former metropolitan airport and naval
air station, now supports multiple NPS educational and recreation opportunities, and several tenant and partner sites.
Scope of Benefits (SB):
This project will improve the degree to which NPS structures and systems are compliant with life safety codes and
other mandates. The wastewater collection system modifications will reduce the number of lift stations to be
maintained and equip the master lift station with the adequate pumping capacity to handle all campus waste and
discharge it through the force main to the Rockaway municipal wastewater system outside of the park.
Rehabilitation or replacement of lift stations with modern technology will reduce the frequency of corrective
maintenance and outages. Manhole maintenance and pipe re-lining will restore the condition of the wastewater
collection system and ensure reliable service to the buildings and facilities at the FBF campus. Visitors and partner
agencies will be able to enjoy all of the FBF facilities with little or no interruptions due to wastewater system
Investment Strategy (IS):
The project supports financial sustainability efforts, by eliminating the continued need for frequent and expensive
corrective repairs. Completion of this project supports the health and safety of park operations, and supports visitors,
staff, and partners served by the system.
After project completion, the facilities and systems addressed by this project should not require major rehabilitation
or replacement for the next 40-50 years.
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
The existing wastewater collection piping systems and major components of the sewage lift stations are far beyond
their expected lifecycle. Total system failure becomes more likely as the system components continue to degrade
over time. Increasing equipment failures, groundwater infiltration, and the need for emergency repairs will continue
to occur until the system is rehabilitated. The older lift stations, manholes, and piping will also require increasingly
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
frequent corrective repairs, resulting in further service outages. Working conditions and employee safety at NPS
sites will not be improved and nearby resources will not be protected from wastewater contamination.
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 1.00
API Rating: n/a 77.00
API/FCI Score: (40%) 40.00
SB Score: (20%) 20.00
IS Score: (20%) 20.00
CFA Score: (20%) 0.70
Total Score: (100%) 80.70
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: Yes
VE Study: Scheduled 02/2022
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 7,673 100
Capital Improvement Work: $ 0 0
Total: $ 7,673 100
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 1,431
FY 2022 Legacy Restoration Fund Funding (this PDS): $ 7,673
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 0
Total: $ 9,104
Class of Estimate: C
Estimate Escalated to FY 2022/Q1
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
LRF Planning Funds Received: $ 780
LRF Design Funds Received: $ 650
Planning Funds Received from Other Funding Sources: $ 0
Design Funds Received from Other Funding Sources: $ 0
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: FY 2022/Q3
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: FY 2024/Q3
Actual: N/A
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 05/2021
DOI Approved: Yes
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: $571,000
Projected: $571,000
Net Change: $0
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 70.7 / 23
Planned Funding FY 2022: $22,630,000
Funding Source: Legacy Restoration Fund
Project Identification
Project Title: Rehabilitate or Replace the Chisos Mountains Lodge
Project Number: GAOA ID #N093, NPS PMIS #259631
Unit/Facility Name: Big Bend National Park
Region/Area/District: Arkansas – Rio Grande – Texas - Gulf
Congressional District: TX23
State: TX
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
35290800 82851 67 0.59
35291000 83812 71 0.83
35291700 83832 35 0.51
35291700 83841 35 0.27
35291700 83842 35 0.14
35291700 83838 35 0.27
35291700 83830 35 0.44
35291700 83839 35 0.27
35291800 83821 55 0.91
40660100 54631 71 0.96
40660100 54629 78 1.00
40660100 54634 78 0.72
40750300 247041 65 0.81
40760100 53233 88 0.19
Project Description:
This project will rehabilitate or replace the Chisos Mountains Lodge and update the supporting pedestrian and
vehicle circulation throughout the hotel complex. The Lodge currently includes a 72-room motel complex that was
built as part of the Mission 66 program and is eligible to be listed on the National Register of Historic Places. It
serves as the only restaurant, lounge, lodge registration, and gift shop in the 800,000 acre National Park. This project
will also address maintenance/repair work for the motel units and rehabilitate or replace the existing Visitor Center
and Camp Store.
Scope of Benefits (SB):
After more than 50 years of service, the lodge’s foundation is differentially settling and shifting because it was
constructed on unmitigated bentonite clay soils. The foundation’s movement due to the expansive soils is
compromising the building’s structural integrity and occupant safety. The building is now in critical condition and is
not serviceable due to this structural instability and related public health concerns. Additionally, portions of the
facility are not compliant with the Architectural Barriers Act Accessibility Standards (ABAAS) and the building’s
HVAC systems, when combined with the building envelope failures and deficiencies, are not energy efficient.
The building’s foundation and structural elements continue to shift and crack, creating hazardous deterioration of
other critical systems. A 2018 structural investigation report revealed significant cracks in walls, ceilings, and floors,
some of which have been patched or caulked in previous years but continue to open up. Roofing cracks cause leaks
in the kitchen during rain events, and movement is extreme enough in some cases that the roofing support
connections are destabilized. A 2019 public health assessment identified significant cracks in the kitchen walls and
concerns about sewer and drainage lines that may be impacted by this movement. The ceiling in the food preparation
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
area is in a partial state of collapse and is temporarily braced in numerous locations. Water infiltration causes mold
issues, and cracks in walls and floors create rodent and pest concerns.
Investment Strategy (IS):
Completing this project will result in a safe, stable, code-compliant structure that contributes to the visitor
experience in this area of the park. The building cannot be fully used or leased in its current condition, severely
limiting the park’s ability to provide visitor services or recover operations and maintenance costs. After this project
is completed, the park will have the ability to work with a concessioner to provide visitor services in this remote
national park.
After project completion, the facilities and systems addressed by this project should not require major rehabilitation
or replacement for the next 25-40 years.
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
Failure to complete this project will lead to further differential settling and shifting of the foundation. Continued
deterioration of this facility will cause worsening safety issues to persist, will exacerbate immediate public health
concerns, and will fail to improve accessibility compliance and energy efficiency. The deteriorating state of the
current facility is resulting in a continued interruption to visitor use and amenities. Failure to proceed with this
project will make a new concessions contract infeasible.
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 0.39
API Rating: n/a 55.93
API/FCI Score: (40%) 31.82
SB Score: (20%) 15.73
IS Score: (20%) 20.00
CFA Score: (20%) 3.15
Total Score: (100%) 70.70
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: Yes
VE Study: Scheduled 03/2021 Completed N/A
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 15,936 70
Capital Improvement Work: $ 6,694 30
Total: $ 22,630 100
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 4,219
FY 2022 Legacy Restoration Fund Funding (this PDS): $ 22,630
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 0
Total: $ 26,849
Class of Estimate: C
Estimate Escalated to FY 2022/Q1
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
LRF Planning Funds Received: $ 2,301
LRF Design Funds Received: $ 1,918
Planning Funds Received from Other Fund Sources: $ 0
Design Funds Received from Other Fund Sources: $ 0
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: FY 2022/Q4
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: FY 2024/Q3
Actual: N/A
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 05/2021
DOI Approved: Yes
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: $88,000
Projected: $84,000
Net Change: -$4,000
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 86.50 / 24
Planned Funding FY 2022: $9,119,000
Funding Source: Legacy Restoration Fund
Project Identification
Project Title: Rehabilitate Texas White House
Project Number: GAOA ID #N082, NPS PMIS #290111
Unit/Facility Name: Lyndon B. Johnson National Historical Park
Region/Area/District: Arkansas – Rio Grande – Texas - Gulf
Congressional District: TX21
State: TX
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
35290100 14799 87.00 0.95
35800800 14877 77.00 1.00
40660100 54365 88.00 1.00
40710900 77148 42.00 0.00
40710900 94935 78.00 0.27
40720100 236620 30.00 0.00
40750300 236624 93.00 0.16
Project Description:
This project will address maintenance/repair work, structural concerns, code deficiencies, and deterioration of
historic features in the Texas White House, nearby communications buildings, and the surrounding site. The work
will ensure the long-term integrity of a critical park resource and allow it to be reopened to the public.
Work includes repairing building envelopes; replacing outdated electrical, mechanical, HVAC, and alarm systems;
and stabilizing the foundation. Structural deficiencies will be addressed throughout the facilities, and hazardous
materials will be abated. Aged and deteriorated site utility systems and site drainage will also be replaced and
rehabilitated to sustain the expected visitor loads and to withstand extreme weather events.
The communications buildings will be repurposed to provide much needed restroom facilities and expand visitor
amenities. The project also includes accessibility and fire egress improvements throughout the site.
Scope of Benefits (SB):
The Texas White House—where LBJ spent 25% of his presidency—is a fundamental park resource and the
centerpiece of the LBJ Ranch District. The house hosted 80,000+ visitors/year before closing due to structural and
environmental concerns in 2018. The Texas White House is a primary destination for the park’s visitors. The park’s
visitor experience has been heavily impacted by the structure’s closure.
This project aligns with the stated park purpose, which includes protecting the historic structure and cultural
landscapes at the Park. Improvements to the building’s critical systems will ensure the historic fabric of the structure
is protected from the Hill Country environment; modern, integrated monitoring and alarm systems will ensure that
park staff can rapidly respond to incidents. The project will also significantly improve accessibility for visitors and
employees throughout the Texas White House and surrounding site.
Investment Strategy (IS):
Completing this project will restore the Texas White House to good condition, significantly reducing the frequency
and expense of corrective maintenance projects and allowing park staff to focus primarily on routine and
preventative maintenance. The entire home has been closed to the public since 2018 due to mold and structural
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
concerns. Historic structures will be rehabilitated using modern construction methods in conformance with historic
preservation standards, with the goal of streamlining operations, maintenance, and management.
After project completion, this project should not require major rehabilitation or replacement for the next 15-20 years
for the HVAC system, 40 years for the foundation and building envelope, and 50 years for the electrical system.
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
Without action, the structure will remain closed to visitors due to structural concerns. Additionally, failure to address
the maintenance/repair work, HVAC issues, life safety concerns, and health and accessibility code violations will
result in a greatly diminished experience for park visitors and create an unsafe/unhealthy environment for employees
and visitors. If the existing structures are not properly stabilized and restored, the historic fabric and suitability of the
facilities will continue to significantly degrade, and permanent loss of historic fabric and functionality could result.
Failure to replace or rehabilitate site utilities will result in the park’s amenities being insufficient to handle visitor
loads; failure to address drainage issues will leave the site less resilient against extreme weather events.
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 0.91
API Rating: n/a 70.71
API/FCI Score: (40%) 40.00
SB Score: (20%) 20.00
IS Score: (20%) 20.00
CFA Score: (20%) 6.50
Total Score: (100%) 86.50
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: Yes
VE Study: Scheduled 02/2022
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair: $ 7,702 84
Capital Improvement Work: $ 1,417 16
Total: $ 9,119 100
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 1,700
FY 2022 Legacy Restoration Fund Funding (this PDS): $ 9,119
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 0
Total: $ 10,819
Class of Estimate: C
Estimate Escalated to FY 2022/Q1
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
LRF Planning Funds Received: $ 927
LRF Design Funds Received: $ 773
Planning Funds Received from Other Fund Sources: $ 0
Design Funds Received from Other Fund Sources: $ 0
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: FY 2022/Q4
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: FY 2024/Q3
Actual: N/A
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 05/2021
DOI Approved: Yes
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: $149,000
Projected: $145,000
Net Change: -$5,000
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 55.00 / 25
Planned Funding FY 2022: $15,726,000
Funding Source: Legacy Restoration Fund
Project Identification
Project Title: Replace Swiftcurrent Water Distribution System
Project Number: GAOA ID #N090, NPS PMIS #307606
Unit/Facility Name: Glacier National Park
Region/Area/District: Missouri Basin
Congressional District: MTAL
State: MT
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
35500500 7941 55.00 0.14
40710300 6863 65.00 1.00
40760100 103833 77.00 1.00
Project Description:
This project will replace the water system at Swiftcurrent. The effort will include removal and replacement of the
well pump and main water line from the existing well. A new well will be installed to serve as a second water source
and will be connected with a new water main line. The existing water storage tank will be rehabilitated, and a new
water storage tank will be constructed to ensure the system has adequate fire suppression capacity. A dedicated
storage tank supply and distribution main will be added to the system, supporting water systems that serve
concessionaires, campgrounds, administrative facilities, and picnic areas.
A new telemetry system and new meters will be installed to improve water system monitoring, and the chlorination
building will be rehabilitated. To further improve system reliability during power outages, a new generator building
will be constructed and a new emergency generator with a new automatic transfer switch will be installed.
Where asbestos cement pipe is found or if existing underground pipe conflicts with the design of the new system it
will be demolished, and disturbed pavement and natural landscape areas will be restored. This includes the access
road to the storage tanks.
Scope of Benefits (SB):
The existing water system in Swiftcurrent was installed over 50 years ago and is well beyond estimated design life.
These underground pipe systems supply various concession properties, a campground, multiple residences, and a
picnic area, serving over 100,000 visitors per year. Concessions properties include a motel, rental cabins, a
restaurant, and a general store. This project will address existing concerns related to this aged and failing system,
making the Park’s developed areas safer for employees and visitors.
Equipment is aged and failing. Existing leaks are reported, requiring maintenance staff to spend limited time and
funding, chasing leaks from location to location, including the loss of approximately 20,000-30,000 gallons of water
per day, with unknown cause. The current systems were installed with single points of failure, leading to risks of
total service interruptions if major or critical components fail.
Installation of the new well and storage tank will ensure the system can draw and store the necessary capacity of
water needed for fire suppression. New piping will provide clean and reliable domestic water to the area.
Investment Strategy (IS):
This project will improve the safety of this potable water system, eliminate waste, save money, provide for structural
fire protection, ensure a reliable water supply, and extend the lifespan of the system. Replacing the water system will
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
ensure operations are more sustainable and efficient, significantly reducing the cost and frequency of corrective
maintenance activities necessary, and allowing the park to focus on regular, preventative maintenance. Utilizing
NPS authority to be reimbursed for utilities furnished to concessioners, partners, and other users of services (54
U.S.C. 101901), the improvements made by this project will help the park recover all costs for utilities provided to
non-federal entities.
After project completion, the facilities and systems addressed by this project should not require major rehabilitation
or replacement for the next 30-40 years.
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
Allowing the existing water system at Swiftcurrent to remain in place presents concerns for the health and safety of
both staff and visitors. The system will continue to deteriorate and ultimately fail. Without replacement, the system
will continue to lose 20,000 to 30,000 gallons of water per day. The ability to address structural or wildland fire will
continue to be questionable without an adequate supply of water and distribution systems. Revenue will continue to
be lost due to the inability to reliably meter water usage in concession areas.
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 1.00
API Rating: n/a 65.67
API/FCI Score: (40%) 31.76
SB Score: (20%) 8.31
IS Score: (20%) 14.65
CFA Score: (20%) 0.28
Total Score: (100%) 55.00
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: Yes
VE Study: Scheduled 02/2022 Completed N/A
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 12,292 78
Capital Improvement Work: $ 3,434 22
Total: $ 15,726 100
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 2,932
FY 2022 Legacy Restoration Fund Funding (this PDS): $ 15,726
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 0
Total: $ 18,658
Class of Estimate: C
Estimate Escalated to FY 2022/Q1
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
LRF Planning Funds Requested: $ 1,599
LRF Design Funds Requested: $ 1,333
Planning Funds Received from Other Fund Sources: $ 0
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Design Funds Received from Other Fund Sources: $ 0
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: FY 2022/Q4
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: FY 2025/Q1
Actual: N/A
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 05/2021
DOI Approved: Yes
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: $733,000
Projected: $733,000
Net Change: $0
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 72.80 / 26
Planned Funding FY 2022: $30,812,000
Funding Source: Legacy Restoration Fund
Project Identification
Project Title: Rehabilitate Painted Desert Community Complex
Project Number: GAOA ID #N083, NPS PMIS #267538
Unit/Facility Name: Petrified Forest National Park
Region/Area/District: Intermountain
Congressional District: AZ01
State: AZ
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
35100000 69124 100 0.81
35100000 69434 100 0.61
35291000 84796 100 0.70
35291500 69431 92 0.33
35300300 69454 83 0.96
35300300 69534 83 1.00
35300300 69451 83 1.00
35300300 69531 83 1.00
35410500 69430 92 0.89
35600100 69425 92 0.60
35800400 69444 92 0.95
40750300 232462 100 1.00
40750300 111069 100 1.00
Project Description:
This project will rehabilitate buildings within the Painted Desert Community Complex National Historic Landmark
to correct maintenance/repair work and address ongoing structural deficiencies, code and accessibility violations,
and restore significantly modified historic features. Building and site wall foundations will be stabilized to address
long term on-going movement. Building envelopes will be repaired and some areas will be restored to match the
original historic design and construction. Select interior spaces will be renovated to meet current needs of the
complex and restoration of specific historic design elements will be prioritized. Outdated building and utility
systems will be replaced, including upgrading electrical and mechanical systems to meet current demands or
replacing the systems that have exceeded their lifecycle. The public restrooms will be updated to improve visitor
experience, promote water conservation, and facilitate cleaning. The project also includes installation of additional
photo-voltaic panels to harness renewable energy and promote facility sustainability.
Scope of Benefits (SB):
This project will address life safety, health, and code violations making the Park’s developed areas safer for
employees and visitors. The facility will be upgraded to meet the Architectural Barriers Accessibility Standards
(ABAAS) and will be compliant with fire egress code requirements. Relocating the fossil demonstration lab to the
central plaza will result in expanded visitor access to the park’s ongoing science programs.
Investment Strategy (IS):
Resolving these structural, building envelope, interior, and related critical system issues in one holistic rehabilitation
effort is the most economically viable and logistically efficient way to execute this project while minimizing visitor
impacts. The Painted Desert Community Complex is the park’s primary visitation and administrative hub for this
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
iconic national park unit, as well as a National Historic Landmark that serves as a significant example of Mission 66
architecture. Petrified Forest serves over 640,000 visitors annually, ranking it in the top 30 percent of national park
units. Improving these facilities to address significant code compliance and maintenance deficiencies will allow the
park to better serve visitors and employees. A photovoltaic power system will be included, reducing the cost to
operate by approximately $30,000 per year.
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
The park will be unable to provide for core visitor services without comprehensive rehabilitation of these facilities.
Over 35 employees are duty stationed at this complex and several management reviews and safety reports have
documented the deteriorated conditions of staff office buildings and housing units. The historic fabric and suitability
of the facilities will continue to significantly degrade, and permanent loss of additional historic aspects and
functionality will result if the existing structures are not properly stabilized and restored. Significant portions of the
facilities will remain nonaccessible to individuals with disabilities if interior renovations are not completed.
Employees and visitors will remain exposed to increased hazards for structural fire and life safety concerns if
deficiencies in the electrical, fire suppression, and alarm systems are not addressed.
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 0.96
API Rating: n/a 92.31
API/FCI Score: (40%) 39.23
SB Score: (20%) 13.55
IS Score: (20%) 20.00
CFA Score: (20%) 0.02
Total Score: (100%) 72.80
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: Yes
VE Study: Scheduled 02/22
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 27,173 88
Capital Improvement Work: $ 3,639 12
Total: $ 30,812 100
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 5,745
FY 2022 Legacy Restoration Fund Funding (this PDS): $ 30,812
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 0
Total: $ 36,557
Class of Estimate: C
Estimate Escalated to: FY 22/Q1
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
LRF Planning Funds Received: $ 3,133
LRF Design Funds Received: $ 2,611
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Planning Funds Received from Other Fund Sources: $ 0
Design Funds Received from Other Fund Sources: $ 0
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: FY 2022/Q4
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: FY 2025/Q4
Actual: N/A
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 04/21
DOI Approved: YES
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: $440,000
Projected: $411,000
Net Change: -$29,000
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 90.90 / 27
Planned Funding FY 2022: $7,624,000
Funding Source: Legacy Restoration Fund
Project Identification
Project Title: Rehabilitate Schoodic Point Water and Wastewater Systems
Project Number: GAOA ID #N056; NPS PMIS #312255
Unit/Facility Name: Acadia National Park
Region/Area/District: North Atlantic - Appalachian
Congressional District: ME02
State: ME
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
40710300 81105 65.00 0.22
40710900 81106 88.00 0.68
Project Description:
This project will rehabilitate the potable water and the wastewater systems in Acadia’s Schoodic District, which
were constructed circa 1970s, modified at various times in the years following, and are aged beyond their useful
lives. Over 250,000 visitors use facilities in this remote site each year. Improved water and wastewater treatment
systems will decrease the likelihood of environmental contamination and compromised health and safety of visitors
and employees.
The project addresses ongoing maintenance/repair work by upgrading the systems for continued service. Work
includes renovation of deteriorated lift stations with new pumps, mechanical components, and controls; repair of the
supervisory control and data acquisitions (SCADA) system; inspection and replacement of wastewater collection
lines; well house reconstruction, and improvements to minimize freezing potential.
Scope of Benefits (SB):
Rehabilitation of these critical utility systems will allow for continuation of recreational opportunities for visitors at
numerous developed areas. Facilities will remain open and visitor safety-related potable water and wastewater
services will be improved.
Investment Strategy (IS):
Regular scheduled maintenance will remain unchanged after these facility improvements are completed. However,
rehabilitation of aged and deteriorating water distribution and wastewater collection components will reduce future
corrective and emergency maintenance repairs associated with those activities. Unscheduled maintenance due to
system freezes and control failures will be significantly reduced, protecting public areas from wastewater leaks and
allowing the park to redirect its staff to address deficiencies at other high priority facilities.
After project completion, the facilities and systems addressed by this project should not require major rehabilitation
or replacement for the next 30-40 years.
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
Failure to proceed with this project will result in sections of the water system that continue to freeze during normal
winter conditions, hampering fire protection capabilities and potable water availability. To combat freezing, the
existing system must continually operate the well pump, wasting electrical energy and thousands of gallons of water.
Failure to address wastewater system needs may result in equipment failure, causing a significant health risk to
visitors and employees from sanitary sewage overflows in numerous public use areas.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Water and wastewater utility systems at Schoodic will continue to require manual operation, dependent on constant
on-site oversight by system operators. Without a SCADA system, discovering and responding to system issues after
regular working hours will be challenging.
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 0.39
API Rating: n/a 76.50
API/FCI Score: (40%) 40.00
SB Score: (20%) 10.90
IS Score: (20%) 20.00
CFA Score: (20%) 20.00
Total Score: (100%) 90.90
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: Yes
VE Study: Scheduled 09/2021
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 6,409 84
Capital Improvement Work: $ 1,215 16
Total: $ 7,624 100
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 1,421
FY 2022 Legacy Restoration Fund Funding (this PDS): $ 7,624
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 0
Total: $ 9,045
Class of Estimate: C
Estimate Escalated to FY 2022/Q1
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
LRF Planning Funds Received: $ 775
LRF Design Funds Received: $ 646
Planning Funds Received from Other Funding Sources: $ 0
Design Funds Received from Other Funding Sources: $ 0
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: FY 2022/Q4
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: FY 2023/Q3
Actual: N/A
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 05/2021
DOI Approved: Yes
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: $202,000
Projected: $202,000
Net Change: $0
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 76.40 / 28
Planned Funding FY 2022: $9,887,000
Funding Source: Legacy Restoration Fund
Project Identification
Project Title: Rehabilitate Primary Park Water Systems
Project Number: GAOA ID #N089, NPS PMIS #240821
Unit/Facility Name: Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument
Region/Area/District: Lower Colorado Basin
Congressional District: AZ03
State: AZ
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
35231200 72673 52.00 0.02
35300200 72624 63.00 0.05
35300200 72626 75.00 0.04
35300200 72602 75.00 0.09
35300200 72621 75.00 0.03
35300200 72618 75.00 0.03
35300200 72615 63.00 0.03
35300200 72611 75.00 0.02
35300200 72594 63.00 0.04
35300200 72493 63.00 0.04
35300300 72627 75.00 0.02
35300300 72888 83.00 0.01
35310000 72663 75.00 0.07
35310000 72488 61.00 0.07
35310000 72665 75.00 0.23
35801100 99654 53.00 0.02
40710300 72350 65.00 0.71
40750100 72666 76.00 0.01
40760100 72452 63.00 0.94
40760100 72685 63.00 0.28
40760100 72866 88.00 0.26
40760100 72862 63.00 0.16
40760100 72473 63.00 0.69
40760100 72387 88.00 0.31
40760100 72870 88.00 0.53
40760200 74253 71.00 0.05
40760200 72867 63.00 0.23
40760200 72485 63.00 0.88
40760200 72482 63.00 0.30
40760300 92462 63.00 0.05
Project Description:
This project will replace various components related to the domestic and fire protection water distribution system to
address various system deficiencies. New underground primary and secondary water distribution lines will be
constructed to meet potable water needs and required flow for fire protection. A failing water supply well and two
water storage tanks will be replaced. Undersized pipe and all existing asbestos-cement (Transite) distribution main
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
lines will be replaced to comply with Arizona Department of Environmental Quality requirements. All valves will
be replaced, including valve boxes and hydrants, throughout the system to ensure proper functionality. Existing
meters will be replaced with remote read capable meters, to include magnetic flow meters near initiation of the water
supply. A supervisory control and data (SCADA) system will be installed for remote monitoring and control
purposes. Replacement of distribution lines will involve excavation across at least 12 park roads, which will require
subsequent surface repairs.
Scope of Benefits (SB):
Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument hosts over 250,000 annual recreation visits each year. The park’s visitation
and operation is completely dependent on an adequate water supply and distribution in the arid Sonoran desert.
This project aligns with recommendations from numerous resource management documents; the improvements will
minimize disturbances and increase protection of natural and cultural resources. The work addresses recapitalization
and modernization of critical and non-critical systems. This project will address life safety, health, and utility code
deficiencies, making the Park’s developed areas safer for employees and visitors.
Investment Strategy (IS):
Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument’s primary wells have collapsed in the past due to their age and need to be
redeveloped to be more resilient in the face of climate change and drought. Several of the park’s water mains date to
the original development period of the park (1960’s) and are prone to frequent failure. Investment in replacing these
weak elements of the park’s water system will support visitation to this special desert ecosystem for decades to
Following project completion, unscheduled repair and corrective maintenance costs are expected to decrease.
Maintaining the water system in good condition is a high priority, and the new well, tank, and pipe components will
allow for more sustainable preventive and recurring maintenance schedules. The replacement system will use more
durable materials and components to provide maximum efficiency for pumping, distribution, and water
After project completion, the systems addressed by this project should not require major recapitalization or
modernization for at least the next 50 years.
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
Failure to address the maintenance, life safety, health, and utility code discrepancies will result in a diminished
experience for park visitors and create an unsafe/unhealthy environment for employees and visitors. Delaying
rehabilitation of this utility system will result in continued and recurring water outages for visitors and employees.
As the system degrades, additional leaks will continue to emerge that may impact the park’s fire protection and fire-
fighting capabilities. Leaks also serve as potential points of contamination of the park’s water supply and could pose
a significant health risk to all visitors and employees—potentially forcing a complete shutdown of the park and its
facilities for an extended time.
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 0.32
API Rating: n/a 69.37
API/FCI Score: (40%) 38.68
SB Score: (20%) 14.54
IS Score: (20%) 20.00
CFA Score: (20%) 3.18
Total Score: (100%) 76.40
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: Yes
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
VE Study: Scheduled 06/2021
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 7,738 78
Capital Improvement Work: $ 2,149 22
Total: $ 9,887 100
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 1,913
FY 2022 Legacy Restoration Fund Funding (this PDS): $ 9,887
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 0
Total: $ 11,800
Class of Estimate: C
Estimate Escalated to FY 2022/Q1
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
LRF Planning Funds Received: $ 1,075
LRF Design Funds Received: $ 838
Planning Funds Received from Other Fund Sources: $ 0
Design Funds Received for Other Fund Sources: $ 0
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: FY 2022/Q1
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: FY 2024/Q1
Actual: N/A
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 05/2021
DOI Approved: Yes
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: $733,000
Projected: $733,000
Net Change: $0
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 82.30 / 29
Planned Funding FY 2022: $52,588,000
Funding Source: Legacy Restoration Fund
Project Identification
Project Title: Rehabilitate/Replace Canyon & Grant Village Wastewater Collection and Treatment Systems
Project Number: GAOA ID #N091, NPS PMIS #310402
Unit/Facility Name: Yellowstone National Park
Region/Area/District: Upper Colorado Basin
Congressional District: WYAL
State: WY
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
0 253831 100.00 0.00
0 253830 100.00 0.00
35500400 15090 100.00 0.42
35500500 10384 78.00 1.00
40710900 4272 100.00 0.70
40710900 4276 100.00 0.79
Project Description:
This project will address deficiencies associated with the Canyon Village and Grant Village wastewater collection
and treatment systems. The project’s scope of work includes replacement of headworks, process tanks, sludge
handling, and advanced wastewater treatment processes, rehabilitation or replacement of wastewater collection
systems, replacement of pumps, motors, blowers, tanks, piping, controls, and buildings that house treatment
processes, improvement to lift stations and controls, replacement of back-up generators and controls, replacement of
lift station and back-up generation enclosures, and installation of collection and treatment process telemetry.
Scope of Benefits (SB):
This project addresses extensive maintenance/repair work by eliminating deficiencies associated with critical
systems such as wastewater collection piping, lift stations, and treatment systems while providing for the health and
well-being of the park visitors and staff as well protection of natural resources. Once work is complete, the system
will require far less corrective maintenance, and will feature improved energy efficiency and reduced operational
requirements. A reliable wastewater system would be in place for 2.7 million annual visitors at Canyon Village and
2.1 million annual visitors at Grant Village each year.
Investment Strategy (IS):
The replacement systems will be more efficient and less costly to manage, and their improved reliability will also
require less unscheduled, corrective, and emergency maintenance. More efficient monitoring of system performance
will be possible with the implementation of telemetry and remote supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA)
After project completion, the facilities and systems addressed by this project should not require major rehabilitation
or replacement for the next 40-50 years.
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
Failure to address numerous, serious deficiencies associated with the Canyon Village and Grant Village wastewater
collection and treatment systems will allow for their continued and ever-accelerating deterioration, requiring more
frequent and costly repairs and the potential for a complete system failure. In the event of a system failure, visitor
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
facilities may need to close and there is the potential to have a catastrophic spill of sewage into major Yellowstone
bodies of water.
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 0.64
API Rating: n/a 96.33
API/FCI Score: (40%) 39.87
SB Score: (20%) 20.00
IS Score: (20%) 20.00
CFA Score: (20%) 2.43
Total Score: (100%) 82.30
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: Yes
VE Study: Scheduled 02/22
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 39,063 75
Capital Improvement Work: $ 12,985 25
Total: $ 52,588 100
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 9,805
FY 2022 Legacy Restoration Fund Funding (this PDS): $ 52,588
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 0
Total: $ 62,393
Class of Estimate: C
Estimate Escalated to FY 22/Q1
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
LRF Planning Funds Received: $ 5,348
LRF Design Funds Received: $ 4,457
Planning Funds Received from Other Fund Sources: $ 0
Design Funds Received from Other Fund Sources: $ 0
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: FY 2022/Q4
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: FY 2026/Q1
Actual: N/A
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 05/2021
DOI Approved: YES
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: $1,409,000
Projected: $1,394,000
Net Change: -$15,000
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 73.60 / 30
Planned Funding FY 2022: $7,029,000
Funding Source: Legacy Restoration Fund
Project Identification
Project Title: Rehabilitate Hurricane Ridge Day Lodge
Project Number: GAOA ID #N092, NPS PMIS #184745
Unit/Facility Name: Olympic National Park
Region/Area/District: Columbia – Pacific Northwest
Congressional District: WA06
State: WA
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
35290700 21569 65.00 0.566
Project Description:
This project will rehabilitate the Hurricane Ridge Day Lodge (HRDL). The project will improve the electrical and
plumbing systems, fire detection and notification systems, and the elevator to meet current code. The roof will be
replaced and structurally improved, windows, doors, exterior wall covering and floor coverings will be replaced, and
interior walls will be repainted. The restrooms, interior and exterior access routes, and parking will be improved to
comply with the Architectural Barriers Act Accessibility Standards. Extensive concrete work and modification of
the unisex restroom adjacent to the main level entry will be completed to provide two restrooms and rehabilitation of
the three lower level restrooms. Component renewal of the heating and ventilation system and the underground fuel
storage tank that serves the system will be completed.
Scope of Benefits (SB):
This project will bring the facility into compliance with current structural, electrical, plumbing, mechanical, fire, and
accessibility codes. Structural issues resulting in air and water penetration into the building will be resolved. The
critical systems that protect the building and provide for visitor safety and enjoyment will be renewed.
Investment Strategy (IS):
The last major renovation of the Hurricane Ridge Day Lodge occurred in 1983. This project will address all current
maintenance/repair work and code compliance issues. The systems and building elements included in this project
have all reached the end of their lifecycles. This is the most opportune time to complete this project work. Repairing
a facility and its systems at the end of their lifecycles (and before any of the systems have experienced major
failures) is the most efficient and prudent expenditure of public funds. Following construction, the building will be
safer, more energy efficient, and fully accessible for 300,000 annual visitors. Concession operations will be able to
continue serving visitors, generating revenues that will contribute to ongoing operation of the facility, helping ensure
it is maintained in good condition.
After project completion, the facilities and systems addressed by this project should not require major rehabilitation
or replacement for the next 25-40 years.
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
Numerous elements of the structure will continue to be non-compliant with current codes. Most notably, visitor
access and safety will remain below modern standards. Due to the severe weather conditions in the area, unplanned
system failures during the winter season could contribute to catastrophic damage to the facility, resulting in the need
for much costlier repairs and risk of injury to park visitors and staff. Waiting to repair or replace systems after they
fail often includes repairing additional damages, driving costs up.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 0.566
API Rating: n/a 65.00
API/FCI Score: (40%) 32.00
SB Score: (20%) 20.00
IS Score: (20%) 20.00
CFA Score: (20%) 1.60
Total Score: (100%) 73.60
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: Yes
VE Study: Scheduled 04/2021
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair: $ 6,679 95
Capital Improvement Work: $ 350 5
Total: $ 7,029 100
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 945
FY 2022 Legacy Restoration Fund Funding (this PDS): $ 7,029
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 0
Total: $ 7,974
Class of Estimate: B-
Estimate Escalated to FY 2022/Q1
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
LRF Planning Funds Received: $ 370
LRF Design Funds Received: $ 431
Planning Funds Received from Other Fund Sources: $ 42
Design Funds Received from Other Fund Sources: $ 102
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: FY 2022/Q2
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: FY 2023/Q1
Actual: N/A
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 05/2021
DOI Approved: Yes
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: $39,000
Projected: $36,000
Net Change: - $3,000
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 68.40 / 31
Planned Funding FY 2022: $54,357,000
Funding Source: Legacy Restoration Fund
Project Identification
Project Title: Rehabilitate Park Water Systems
Project Number: GAOA ID #N085, NPS PMIS #317515
Unit/Facility Name: Big Bend National Park
Region/Area/District: Arkansas – Rio Grande – Texas - Gulf
Congressional District: TX23
State: TX
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
35500200 107145 65 0.38
40710300 55654 65 0.39
40710300 53121 77 0.48
40710300 56027 65 0.99
40750100 55751 83 0.04
40760100 53102 13 0.90
40760100 53231 88 0.10
40760100 53101 30 0.80
40760100 53096 20 0.82
40760100 54556 42 0.73
40760100 53099 30 0.76
40760100 53088 53 0.85
40760100 54492 75 0.17
40760100 53098 30 0.90
40760100 53091 13 0.90
40760100 90989 53 0.78
40760100 53094 46 0.94
40760100 53087 63 0.76
40760100 53103 53 0.94
40760300 54546 83 0.99
Project Description:
This project will rehabilitate and improve the water systems at Oak Springs, Chisos Basin, and Panther Junction.
When combined, these systems serve roughly 58 percent of park visitors in peak seasons. The project will
rehabilitate chlorination buildings, replace/expand water storage capacity, correct performance, and monitoring
issues, and install modern supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems. This project will replace
outdated and leaking distribution lines, valves, reduced pressure assemblies, water fill stations, and fire hydrants
throughout these systems. Replacement distribution lines may have larger diameters to accommodate increased
demands and fire suppression flow requirements.
Distribution lines may be installed via directional drilling to minimize impacts in wilderness areas. Much of the
water line route has integral retaining walls and in some sections the elevation changes as much as 1,300 ft. Roughly
39 percent of the route is in recommended wilderness.
Where utilities run underdeveloped areas and the park cannot utilize directional drilling, the project includes funding
for restoration of pavement, landscaping, and trails.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Scope of Benefits (SB):
The park’s visitation has increased nearly 500 percent since the water systems were originally built. Both visitors
and employees depend on reliable potable water in the park’s arid environment. These systems also provide water
for existing fire suppression and hydrant systems. Fire suppression systems cannot be installed in many park
residences and visitor facilities because of inadequate or unreliable water supply, storage capacity, flow rates, or
pressure. This project will resolve those issues.
Investment Strategy (IS):
Completion of this project will provide more reliable systems that will meet or exceed flow capacity requirements
for domestic water and fire protection for years to come. Installation of remote-read meters will allow for more
efficient collection and monitoring of meter data. Installation of SCADA systems will allow maintenance staff to
streamline the oversight of these systems allowing the operations to run more smoothly and cost-effectively.
Ongoing service disruptions and repair costs will be significantly reduced.
The Chisos Basin area provides the park’s only overnight concession hotel (72 rooms) and restaurant. This system
also serves a year-round visitor center, a year-round campground with 60 individual and 7 group sites, and
residences for 28 NPS and concession staff and their families.
The Rio Grande Village system provides water to the year-round campground (100 individual and 4 group
campsites), park housing for 19 NPS staff or partners and their families, a recreational vehicle (RV) park with 25
slips, an RV dump station, a concessionaire store and shower facility, a visitor center, Customs and Border Patrol
livestock facilities, and the Boquillas Port of Entry, the only such international border crossing facility in the NPS.
The Panther Junction system provides year-round water to park headquarters, the main visitor center, a public
school, Border Patrol facilities, the Big Bend Natural History Association offices, a concession store, and residences
for 129 NPS staff or partners and their families. It also supports water tankers that supply water to irrigation
systems, resource management projects, and parkwide remote, off-the-grid residences.
The NPS will charge non-NPS users of these systems a utility rate based upon Director’s Order 35B, which guides
the sale of National Park Service produced utilities.
After project completion, the facilities and systems addressed by this project should not require major rehabilitation
or replacement for the next 30-40 years.
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
The Chisos Basin/Oak Springs water delivery system is critical infrastructure that has exceeded its design lifecycle
by 23 years. It is the single-point-of-failure to supply the Basin water system. The Basin storage tanks are
insufficient for the potable water and fire suppression demand, especially with expected prolonged drought
conditions as the climate warms and dries. The other water systems at the Rio Grande Village and the Panther
Junction have also reached or exceeded their expected lifecycle and are undersized for current visitor and
operational demands. Failure to act will result in continued service interruptions that will affect both employees and
visitors; without upgrading the systems, the NPS could also find itself unable to properly suppress structural and
wildland fires.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 0.47
API Rating: n/a 52.35
API/FCI Score: (40%) 37.30
SB Score: (20%) 10.93
IS Score: (20%) 20.00
CFA Score: (20%) 0.17
Total Score: (100%) 68.40
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: Yes
VE Study: Scheduled 02/2022 Completed N/A
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 40,998 75
Capital Improvement Work: $ 13,359 25
Total: $ 54,357 100
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 10,134
FY 2022 Legacy Restoration Fund Funding (this PDS): $ 54,357
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 0
Total: $ 64,491
Class of Estimate: C
Estimate Escalated to FY 2022/Q1
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
LRF Planning Funds Received: $ 5,528
LRF Design Funds Received: $ 4,606
Planning Funds Received from Other Fund Sources $ 0
Design Funds Received from Other Fund Sources: $ 0
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: FY 2022/Q4
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: FY 2025/Q3
Actual: N/A
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 05/2021
DOI Approved: Yes
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: $486,000
Projected: $486,000
Net Change: $0
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 51.00 / 32
Planned Funding FY 2022: $10,921,000
Funding Source: Legacy Restoration Fund
Project Identification
Project Title: Replace Headquarters Wastewater System
Project Number: GAOA ID #N084, NPS PMIS #307440
Unit/Facility Name: Glacier National Park
Region/Area/District: Missouri Basin
Congressional District: MTAL
State: MT
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
0 253607 40 0.00
35100000 7879 70 0.11
35500400 7886 65 0.92
40710900 6887 77 0.62
40750300 231560 30 0.47
40760100 107694 52 1.00
Project Description:
This project will replace the existing wastewater system in the Headquarters area. The existing collection system
was installed over 50 years ago and is now beyond its estimated design life. Replacement of the system includes a
reconfigured run of pipes and manholes. Work includes removal of the lift station’s propane generator and its
underground propane tank. The existing lift station duplex wastewater pumps will be replaced, and a new telemetry
system will be installed. Selective restoration of the lift station building will be performed.
The project will also remove the existing, inadequately sized, natural gas emergency back-up generator outside of
headquarters building 295. A new generator building will be constructed nearby to house a new, larger natural gas
generator to provide backup power for the headquarters building and lift station. Work includes installing a new
automatic transfer switch and associated wiring.
Scope of Benefits (SB):
Replacement of the wastewater system and backup electric system in the Headquarters area will help ensure park
operations are more sustainable, safe, and efficient. This project will address health concerns related to the age of the
sewer system, significantly reducing the potential for failure, and making the Park’s developed areas safer for
employees and visitors.
Upgrades to the backup generators will ensure that operations remain stable even during power interruptions. In
particular, the headquarters building is the park’s command and control center and houses the Park Dispatch Center.
Consistent and reliable power will ensure that communication with park staff and emergency personnel are not
interrupted and allow the park to respond more effectively and address specific health and life safety concerns in all
weather conditions.
Investment Strategy (IS):
This project will improve the function of this wastewater system, eliminate leaks, reduce the number and cost of
corrective maintenance projects, eliminate clogs, and extend the lifespan of the system by 50 years.
Converting generator operations to natural gas rather than propane or diesel will provide annual fuel savings by not
having to pay for propane to be delivered by truck. The generator providing backup power to the park headquarters
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
will be housed in a new structure, which will be constructed with durable, low-maintenance materials such as
cement board siding and metal roofing to minimize maintenance costs. While the new structure will require periodic
maintenance such as painting to upkeep, it will protect the electrical systems from weather and environmental
damage, increasing their reliability and resiliency in this harsh winter environment.
After project completion, the facilities and systems addressed by this project should not require major rehabilitation
or replacement for the next 25-30 years.
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
Failure to act will cause the system to continue to deteriorate, leading to longer downtimes and costlier repairs in the
future. Standard preventative maintenance activities on a new system are manageable, whereas corrective
maintenance activities are usually unplanned efforts that draw resources away from other routine needs.
Likewise, failure to replace the headquarters generator will expose the park command, control, and dispatch
activities to risk of failure during power outages. Park visitor and staff health and life safety will be compromised.
With the limits of the current system, an extended outage in the winter could also result in major damage to the
facility and mechanical infrastructure.
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 0.48
API Rating: n/a 55.67
API/FCI Score: (40%) 27.52
SB Score: (20%) 6.46
IS Score: (20%) 16.89
CFA Score: (20%) 0.13
Total Score: (100%) 51.00
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: Yes
VE Study: Scheduled 02/2022 Completed N/A
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 8,491 82
Capital Improvement Work: $ 1,979 18
Total: $ 10,921 100
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 2,036
FY 2022 Legacy Restoration Fund Funding (this PDS): $ 10,921
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 0
Total: $ 12,957
Class of Estimate: C
Estimate Escalated to FY 2022/Q1
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
LRF Planning Funds Received: $ 1,111
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
LRF Design Funds Received: $ 925
Planning Funds Received from Other Fund Sources: $ 0
Design Funds Received from Other Fund Sources: $ 0
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: FY 2022/Q4
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: FY 2025/Q1
Actual: N/A
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 05/2021
DOI Approved: Yes
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: $134,000
Projected: $125,000
Net Change: -$9,000
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 49.80 / 33
Planned Funding FY 2022: $11,253,000
Funding Source: Legacy Restoration Fund
Project Identification
Project Title: Rehabilitate South Campground
Project Number: GAOA ID #N087, NPS PMIS #317454
Unit/Facility Name: Zion National Park
Region/Area/District: Upper Colorado Basin
Congressional District: UT02
State: UT
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
35240100 65738 55 0.95
40180300 238488 25 0.32
40660100 65471 27 0.57
40660100 65474 36 1.00
40660100 65484 36 0.92
40710300 65593 65 0.03
40710900 89598 88 0.91
40720100 115777 40 0.17
40750100 65610 93 0.19
40750100 65608 60 0.60
40750300 65605 54 0.26
40750800 65611 30 0.07
40751000 65581 52 0.32
40760100 104928 77 0.33
40760100 65428 77 0.58
Project Description:
This project rehabilitates several visitor facilities and amenities. Work includes rehabilitation of the South
Campground, an historic comfort station, and the Watchman Amphitheater.
The South Campground project scope includes total rehabilitation of roads, utilities, and approximately 128
campsites. Vehicle pads will be repaved, and visitor use areas will be resurfaced and delineated, and site furnishings
will be replaced. Three outdated comfort stations will be demolished to allow for their replacement via a Recreation
Fee project, which is scheduled to execute concurrently. Work will also address deficiencies in dumpster enclosures
and pathways. The campground road system will be partially reconfigured and repaved. Road gates will be installed
and the overall site will be restored to improve aesthetics and visitor comfort.
The Historic Comfort Station rehabilitation project will update utilities and fixtures while preserving the character of
the historic South Campground Comfort Station. Pathways will be improved to enhance the visitor experience and
improve accessibility.
The Watchman Amphitheater project scope includes total rehabilitation of the facility to achieve compliance with
accessibility standards. Accessible seating and stage areas will be installed. Pavement and a storm drain will be
replaced to reduce hazards and conform to the Architectural Barriers Act Accessibility Standards.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Scope of Benefits (SB):
All facilities within the campground are in poor condition and have continued to be used beyond their design life,
resulting in a maintenance/repair work need that requires total rehabilitation of the campground. Despite its
condition, campsites at the South Campground are filled to 90-100 percent occupancy annually. Around 100,000
visitors utilize the campground each year, and it is one of two most heavily used campgrounds in the Main Canyon.
Restoration of the existing campsites will improve the visitor experience. Additionally, due to this campground’s
relationship to the South Entrance and transportation system, the majority of Zion’s 4.3 million annual visitors will
be positively impacted by this rehabilitation. Benefits will also extend to NPS employees due to the annual reduction
in facility maintenance, invasive plant removal, and ditch maintenance.
The South Campground comfort station does not comply with accessibility standards and utilizes inefficient fixtures.
Rehabilitation will address these issues, allowing the facility to operate more efficiently and effectively.
The Watchman Amphitheater has significant accessibility deficiencies. Individuals with disabilities will greatly
benefit from reconfigurations and improvements to this facility.
Investment Strategy (IS):
The cost to operate the improved sites will be offset by the reduction in maintenance needs through replacement of
non-efficient features, improved irrigation efficiency, improved delineation, and repaving of roads. Overall, these
improvements will benefit visitors and provide the park with a better mechanism to control access and increase fees
in the future.
The South Campground comfort station was constructed in 1934 and is the campground’s only historic restroom.
While it still functions with its current configuration and features, it requires excessive corrective maintenance
Improved accessibility at the Watchman Amphitheater will greatly benefit individuals with disabilities, including
visitors seeking interpretive presentations and NPS employees leading ranger programs.
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
Failure to act will allow all of these facilities to continue to deteriorate, impeding visitor access and reducing visitor
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 0.29
API Rating: n/a 54.33
API/FCI Score: (40%) 17.74
SB Score: (20%) 12.26
IS Score: (20%) 19.80
CFA Score: (20%) 0.00
Total Score: (100%) 49.80
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: Yes
VE Study: Scheduled 02/2022 Completed N/A
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 7,926 70
Capital Improvement Work: $ 3,327 30
Total: $ 11,253 100
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 2,413
FY 2022 Recreation Fee: $ 1,916
FY 2022 Legacy Restoration Fund Funding (this PDS): $ 11,253
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 0
Total: $ 15,582
Class of Estimate: C
Estimate Escalated to FY 2022/Q1
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
LRF Planning Funds Received: $ 667
LRF Design Funds Received: $ 954
Planning Funds Received from Other Fund Sources: $ 713
Design Funds Received from Other Fund Sources: $ 79
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: FY 2022/Q4
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: FY 2025/Q1
Actual: N/A
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 05/2021
DOI Approved: Yes
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: $717,000
Projected: $714,000
Net Change: -$3,000
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 55.0 / 34
Planned Funding FY 2022: $21,963,000
Funding Source: Legacy Restoration Fund
Project Identification
Project Title: Demolish Outdated Infrastructure to Enhance Scenic Features and Visitor Experience
Project Number: GAOA ID #N061, NPS PMIS #284991
Unit/Facility Name: Lake Mead National Recreation Area
Region/Area/District: Lower Colorado Basin
Congressional District: NV04, NV03
State: NV
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
35240100 85372 7.00 0.90
35240100 39200 34.00 0.92
35240200 35548 25.00 0.85
35240200 102284 12.00 0.93
35240200 36980 25.00 0.86
35240200 102352 12.00 0.90
35240200 102347 12.00 0.90
35240200 102310 12.00 0.92
35240200 36979 25.00 0.81
35240200 236125 12.00 0.93
35240200 35543 65.00 0.86
35240200 102287 12.00 0.90
35240200 102353 12.00 0.90
35291700 85295 37.00 0.80
35291800 36098 12.00 0.87
35300200 36101 20.00 1.00
35300200 36102 13.00 1.00
35410500 36099 7.00 0.94
35410500 85374 7.00 0.85
35410500 85373 7.00 0.90
35410500 85375 7.00 0.87
35500200 39199 23.00 0.96
35500500 36153 52.00 0.86
35800500 39208 7.00 0.96
40130400 17969 41.00 1.00
40130400 43813 88.00 0.01
40130400 17987 58.00 1.00
40130400 17555 58.00 1.00
40130400 17934 58.00 1.00
40130400 17926 88.00 0.01
40130400 43812 88.00 0.01
40130400 43811 55.00 0.07
40130400 43814 58.00 0.98
40130400 18065 58.00 1.00
40660100 42768 15.00 1.00
40660100 111476 15.00 0.80
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
40660100 42769 15.00 1.00
40710300 18074 27.00 0.94
40710300 17910 77.00 0.18
40710900 17672 88.00 0.12
40710900 17992 88.00 0.17
40710900 17912 88.00 0.39
40710900 17542 88.00 0.16
40710900 17594 88.00 0.18
40710900 18076 12.00 0.87
40710900 17974 88.00 0.18
40750100 17675 54.00 1.00
40760100 42186 53.00 0.85
40760100 43003 7.00 0.18
40760100 111471 15.00 0.82
40760100 111477 15.00 0.81
40760100 42255 12.00 0.89
40760200 42993 33.00 1.00
Project Description:
This project restores the park’s scenic features by removing unneeded, abandoned, and potentially dangerous
structures and supporting infrastructure, and returns the sites to their natural conditions, enhancing the visitor
Facilities will be decommissioned at Boulder Beach, Echo Bay, and Overton Beach. Demolition associated with
water and wastewater systems include water tanks, a treatment plant and associated storage tanks, a treatment
building, a wastewater system and lagoons, multiple mobile restrooms and dump stations, and comfort stations. The
project will also demolish the Echo Bay Motel, concession facilities, a ranger station, housing units, a campground,
a launch ramp, and all associated roads and parking areas, and utilities. Hazardous materials abatement will be
conducted as necessary at all project locations.
The sites will be regraded and contoured to blend into the surrounding topography to facilitate proper storm water
runoff and minimize erosion. All areas will be returned to their original condition with placement of native topsoil
and desert plants harvested from within the park
Scope of Benefits (SB):
The park has long sought to remove these deteriorating structures. Demolishing the structures will eliminate $64
million of backlogged maintenance/repair work. In addition, a total of 8 acres will be restored to its natural condition
to support the native flora and fauna, and natural stormwater runoff patterns will be reestablished to prevent erosion.
The project will remove this “attractive nuisance” which eliminates the risk of vandalism, improving safety
conditions for visitors and park staff, including mitigation of hazardous materials. The restored landscape will be
safe and available for the public to enjoy.
Investment Strategy (IS):
This demolition will remove 36,000 square feet at the Echo Bay motel and 36,000 square feet at the Overton Beach
complex from the park’s Real Property Inventory—assets that would otherwise require some level of oversight and
management to ensure they remain secure and maintained to a minimum level of safety. This project will also help
reduce the frequency at which law enforcement have to respond to nuisance and vandalism calls. The park will be
able to divert these resources to other, higher priority services and functions.
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
Failure to address these issues will result in these sites becoming more of a burden and safety concern for
maintenance and law enforcement staff. Life safety, health and code violations already create an unsafe and
unhealthy environment for employees and visitors.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
The abandoned buildings will continue to blight the surrounding area, with hazardous materials continuing to remain
on-site. Ongoing deterioration of the buildings diminishes the natural beauty of all areas and will continue to divert
park resources.
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 0.29
API Rating: n/a 35.13
API/FCI Score: (40%) 29.83
SB Score: (20%) 1.56
IS Score: (20%) 14.68
CFA Score: (20%) 8.93
Total Score: (100%) 55.0
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: Yes
VE Study: Completed 10/17
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 5,279 24
Capital Improvement Work: $ 16,684 76
Total: $ 21,963 100
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 931
FY 2022 Legacy Restoration Fund Funding (this PDS): $ 21,963
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 0
Total: $ 22,894
Class of Estimate: C+
Estimate Escalated to FY 2022/Q1
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
LRF Planning Funds Received: $ 186
LRF Design Funds Received: $ 745
Planning Funds Received from Other Fund Sources: $ 0
Design Funds Received from Other Fund Sources: $ 0
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: FY 2022/Q4
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: FY 2023/Q4
Actual: N/A
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 05/2021
DOI Approved: Yes
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: $3,072,000
Projected: $0
Net Change: -$3,072,000
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 69.00 / 35
Planned Funding FY 2022: $12,572,000
Funding Source: Legacy Restoration Fund
Project Identification
Project Title: Demolish Excess Structures to Improve Safety, Operations, and Promote Financial Sustainability
Project Number: GAOA ID #N096, NPS PMIS #304727
Unit/Facility Name: Cape Cod National Seashore
Region/Area/District: North Atlantic - Appalachian
Congressional District: MA09
State: MA
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
35291400 44140 7.00 1.00
35291500 44143 7.00 0.01
35291700 44128 7.00 0.01
35300200 80466 35.00 1.00
35300200 244237 42.00 1.00
35300200 39752 12.00 1.00
35300200 39610 12.00 1.00
35300200 80520 12.00 1.00
35300200 80541 12.00 1.00
35300200 80523 12.00 1.00
35300200 252368 0.00 1.00
35300200 80561 0.00 1.00
35300200 80554 12.00 1.00
35300200 253307 12.00 1.00
35300200 80553 12.00 0.69
35300200 80540 12.00 1.00
35300200 253306 12.00 1.00
35300200 44144 7.00 1.00
35300300 44175 12.00 1.00
35300300 44190 12.00 1.00
35300300 44189 12.00 1.00
35300300 44182 12.00 1.00
35300300 44181 12.00 1.00
35300300 44174 12.00 1.00
35300300 44188 12.00 1.00
35300300 44186 12.00 1.00
35300300 44179 12.00 1.00
35300300 44176 12.00 1.00
35300300 44178 12.00 1.00
35300300 44187 12.00 1.00
35300300 44184 12.00 1.00
35300300 44185 12.00 1.00
35300300 44183 12.00 1.00
35300300 44177 12.00 1.00
35300300 44180 12.00 1.00
35300500 80457 12.00 1.00
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
35300700 99925 13.00 1.00
35300700 80464 12.00 1.00
35410700 114112 0.00 1.00
35740100 106575 0.00 0.22
35740100 106574 0.00 1.00
40750300 108532 30.00 0.06
Project Description:
This project will demolish multiple non-historic, abandoned structures within Woodlands, the Highlands Center, and
old MITRE site. The buildings are over 60 years old, of low-quality construction, structurally compromised, and
contain hazardous materials. Their deterioration is accelerating and they are attractive nuisances that pose threats to
Several houses are in sensitive locations including the Herring River floodplain, on the bluff, near ponds and salt
marshes, and at former military sites. These buildings will be demolished, hazardous materials will be remediated,
and the sites will be restored.
Scope of Benefits (SB):
These structures present an immediate health and/or safety hazard based on the frequent occurrences of vandalism.
As the buildings continue to deteriorate, the public is exposed to wind-blown debris and other hazards. The
Highlands Center near some of these buildings is used by the NPS and non-profit groups. There are outdoor visitor
amenities, including trails, an ocean overlook platform, and a ballfield within close proximity of these structures.
Many dog walkers use the area daily. The park’s laboratories, maintenance storage areas, and curatorial facilities are
also located at the Highlands Center. Park employees are indirectly at risk from the potential hazards and directly at
risk when they respond to any trouble in nearby facilities. This demolition work will eliminate operating costs of
facilities, life safety concerns, impacts to natural resources, and environmental issues due to hazardous materials in
deteriorating structures
Investment Strategy (IS):
This project decreases operational and maintenance requirements for the NPS. Time and money currently spent on
monitoring these vacant deteriorated buildings and implementing temporary repairs to keep them secure from entry
will be redirected to higher priority assets. Completion of the demolition will enable redevelopment at the Highlands
Center site through leasing of other structures in this immediate area. With the removal of the MITRE structures and
over a dozen residences, the completion of site restoration in a remote wooded areas will be completed. The
completion of this project will avert $17M of maintenance/repair work.
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
This project decreases operational and maintenance requirements for the NPS; time and money currently spent on
monitoring these vacant deteriorated buildings in scattered areas and the need for incremental repairs to keep them
secure from entry will be redirected to higher priority assets, which will not occur if this goes unfunded.
If the demolition is not completed, redevelopment in Highlands Center area through leasing of other structures may
not occur, and park rangers will continue to be exposed to hazardous conditions.
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 0.76
API Rating: n/a 11.81
API/FCI Score: (40%) 38.44
SB Score: (20%) 0.46
IS Score: (20%) 19.00
CFA Score: (20%) 11.10
Total Score: (100%) 69.00
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: Yes
VE Study: Scheduled 10/2021
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 448 4
Capital Improvement Work: $ 12,123 96
Total: $ 12,572 100
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 1,261
FY 2022 Legacy Restoration Fund Funding (this PDS): $ 12,572
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 0
Total: $ 13,833
Class of Estimate: C+
Estimate Escalated to FY 2022/Q1
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
LRF Planning Funds Received: $ 207
LRF Design Funds Received: $ 1,054
Planning Funds Received from Other Funding Sources: $ 0
Design Funds Received from Other Funding Sources: $ 0
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: FY 2022/Q4
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: FY 2024/Q2
Actual: N/A
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 05/2021
DOI Approved: Yes
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: $287,000
Projected: $0
Net Change: -$287,000
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 72.90 / 36
Planned Funding FY 2022: $105,681,000
Funding Source: Legacy Restoration Fund - Transportation
Project Identification
Project Title: Rehabilitate Sections of the Natchez Trace Parkway
Project Number: GAOA ID #64, NPS PMIS #254233
Unit/Facility Name: Natchez Trace Parkway
Region/Area/District: Mississippi Basin
Congressional District: MS02, MS01
State: MS
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
40660100 67705 75 1.43
40660100 114924 75 5.09
40660100 67713 75 4.76
40660100 80260 75 2.41
40660100 80252 75 1.26
40660100 67712 75 6.13
40660100 80259 75 3.04
40660100 80255 75 3.23
40660100 67717 75 5.25
40660100 67711 75 10.96
40660100 80256 75 3.36
40660100 80253 75 1.52
40660100 67715 75 4.08
40660100 67709 75 4.05
40660100 80257 75 3.34
40660100 80254 75 5.35
40660100 67719 75 2.92
40660100 67707 55 6.91
40760100 67681 88 0.59
40760100 238509 75 1.23
40760100 80247 63 0.94
40760100 80245 88 0.87
40760100 80244 88 1.09
40760100 67701 63 0.86
40760100 67691 75 0.76
40760100 80240 100 0.65
40760100 67678 88 0.28
40760100 67668 100 0.50
40760100 80246 71 0.27
40760100 67695 63 1.22
40760100 104072 88 1.42
40760100 67694 75 0.70
40760100 67673 88 0.28
40760100 104073 88 1.43
40760100 104048 88 0.89
40760100 80243 88 1.23
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
40760100 67697 63 0.82
40760500 76103 100 0.15
40760500 76147 100 0.05
40760500 76137 100 0.07
40760500 76129 100 0.10
40760500 76125 100 0.16
40760500 76112 100 0.04
40760500 76109 100 0.04
40760500 76099 100 0.25
40760500 76096 100 0.25
40760500 76146 100 0.10
40760500 76144 100 0.09
40760500 76131 100 0.06
40760500 76130 100 0.21
40760500 76127 100 0.34
40760500 76124 100 0.04
40760500 76101 100 0.09
40760500 76149 100 0.02
40760500 76139 100 0.14
40760500 76126 100 0.29
40760500 76123 100 0.17
40760500 76122 100 0.25
40760500 76120 100 0.11
40760500 76117 100 0.06
40760500 76113 100 0.17
40760500 76105 100 0.04
40760500 76095 100 0.17
40760500 76142 100 0.17
40760500 76119 100 0.07
40760500 76108 100 0.03
40760500 76106 100 0.02
40760500 76104 100 0.11
40760500 76098 100 0.25
40760500 76148 100 0.04
40760500 76135 100 0.22
40760500 76111 100 0.17
40760500 76107 100 0.12
40760500 76097 100 0.32
40760500 76136 100 0.22
40760500 76133 77 0.09
40760500 76121 100 0.08
40760500 76145 100 0.09
40760500 76102 100 0.06
40760500 76100 100 0.05
40760500 76094 100 0.24
40760500 76093 100 0.25
40760500 76141 100 0.44
40760500 76140 100 0.08
40760500 76134 100 0.21
40760500 76132 100 0.07
40760500 76118 100 0.10
40760500 76115 100 0.07
40760500 76110 100 0.04
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Description:
This project will improve approximately 50 miles of the Natchez Trace Parkway, including multiple public access
routes and parking lots. The work includes rehabilitating the pavement structure by milling deteriorated pavement
and making base and subgrade improvements as needed. Work also includes placement of new asphalt base and
surface courses; sealing existing bridge joints; installing audible pavement markings and safety edges to reduce the
number of accidents; repairing culverts; repairing bridges as recommended in Bridge Inspection Reports; and
making accessibility improvements to parking areas (including ramps, striping, etc.) to ensure the facilities meet
Architectural Barriers Act Accessibility Standards.
Scope of Benefits (SB):
The parkway receives approximately 6 million recreational visitors per year, and as many as 14 million visitors total.
This section represents roughly one fifth of the total parkway length. In addition to the more stable and manageable
road and bridge surfaces, safety of the mainline parkway will be increased for both motorists and bicyclists with the
incorporation of audible pavement markings and an asphalt safety edge. A safety edge is an angled edge of
pavement which provides a more manageable transition from the shoulder to pavement to prevent overcorrection.
Additional work will ensure that visitor parking facilities will meet accessibility standards.
Investment Strategy (IS):
Repairing significant maintenance/repair work of the parkway will improve the condition of the parkway. Planned
operations and maintenance activities will remain constant, however, improved conditions resulting from the project
will allow for operations and maintenance to be focused on preventative maintenance rather than corrective and
unscheduled maintenance.
After project completion, the facilities and systems addressed by this project should not require major rehabilitation
or replacement for the next 25-40 years.
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
Without this work, the condition of the pavement will continue to deteriorate, creating rough and uneven driving
surface and substantial edge rutting. Fatalities have increased on the parkway in recent years, from around 6 in 2005
to 11 in 2017; many resulted from lane departures, which may have been prevented by audible safety edges. Unless
this project is completed, the roadway will continue to deteriorate, driving up the costs for future repairs, and leaving
drivers without basic safety and accessibility improvements.
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 0.44
API Rating: n/a 90.42
API/FCI Score: (40%) 33.08
SB Score: (20%) 19.82
IS Score: (20%) 20.00
CFA Score: (20%) 0.00
Total Score: (100%) 72.90
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: Yes
VE Study: Scheduled 10/21
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 105,681 100
Capital Improvement Work: $ 0 0
Total: $ 105,681 100
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 10,746
FY 2022 Legacy Restoration Fund - (this PDS): $ 105,681
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 0
Total: $ 116,427
Class of Estimate: C
Estimate Escalated to FY 2022/Q1
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
LRF Planning Funds Received: $ 5,746
LRF Design Funds Received: $ 5,000
Planning Funds Received from Other Funding Sources: $ 0
Design Funds Received from Other Funding Sources: $ 0
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: FY 2022/Q4
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: FY 2025/Q2
Actual: N/A
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 05/2021
DOI Approved: Yes
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: $2,899,000
Projected: $2,899,000
Net Change: $0
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: N/A
Planned Funding FY 2022: $137,932,000
Funding Source: Legacy Restoration Fund
Project Identification
Project Title: FY23+ Project Planning and Compliance
Project Number: N/A
Unit/Facility Name: N/A
Region/Area/District: N/A
Congressional District: N/A
State: N/A
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
Project Description:
This funding will be used to complete planning and compliance required for current and future LRF projects. This
Planning: This activity supplies critical budgetary resources needed to develop construction plans and specifications
essential for acceptable completion of major facility maintenance, repair, and replacement construction projects for
the LRF. In addition to final design documents, this funding typically supports pre-design project programming and
budgeting, schematic alternatives, and concept drawings.
Compliance: This activity also provides funding for compliance needs related to addressing impacts to natural and
cultural resources. Regulatory requirements that frame compliance activities include the National Environmental
Policy Act (NEPA), Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, executive orders, and State requirements.
Examples of compliance support include archeological surveys, hazardous material surveys, preparation of historic
structure documentation, coordination with State/Tribal Historic Preservation Offices, and environmental
Planning and compliance funding are a necessary component of any construction project, supporting activities
including project pre-planning, development, and scope and cost validation. This activity enhances the NPS’s ability
to conduct legally defensible, scientifically based analyses that facilitate sound decision-making. It also provides
support for compliance needs associated with major construction projects. NPS intends to use the planning and
compliance program as emergency continency in instances where project costs exceed the contingency amounts
built into individual project totals. When utilized as an emergency contingency, NPS will request to the funds be
replenished these amounts in future budget requests. In addition, at the FY 2022 funding level, planning and
compliance funding will:
Support the Pre-designs, Final Designs and Supplemental Services for successful execution of LRF
Support project planning and project development for large-scale or complex construction projects that
will be submitted for LRF funding in future years.
Provide funding for project compliance activities.
Scope of Benefits (SB):
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Investment Strategy (IS):
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 0.00
API Rating: n/a 0.00
API/FCI Score: (40%) 0.00
SB Score: (20%) 0.00
IS Score: (20%) 0.00
CFA Score: (20%) 0.00
Total Score: (100%) 0.00
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: N/A
VE Study: N/A
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 0 0
Capital Improvement Work: $ 0 0
Total: $ 137,932 100
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 0
FY 2022 Legacy Restoration Fund Funding (this PDS): $ 137,932
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 0
Total: $ 137,932
Class of Estimate: N/A
Estimate Escalated to FY: N/A
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
LRF Planning Funds Received: $ N/A
LRF Design Funds Received: $ N/A
Planning Funds Received: $ N/A
Design Funds Received: $ N/A
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: N/A
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: N/A
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Actual: N/A
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 05/2021
DOI Approved: Yes
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: N/A
Projected: N/A
Net Change: N/A
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: N/A
Planned Funding FY 2022: $37,626,000
Funding Source: Legacy Restoration Fund
Project Identification
Project Title: Program Administration
Project Number: N/A
Unit/Facility Name: N/A
Region/Area/District: N/A
Congressional District: N/A
State: N/A
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
Project Description:
This funding will be used to support and oversee planning and execution of the Legacy Restoration Fund (LRF),
including efforts to advance or complete current and future projects. These activities are indirect costs, and are not
directly applied to individual projects. Three percent of the NPS allocation of LRF funds received in FY21 through
FY25 will be requested to fund project support and program administration through the life of the GAOA program,
which may extend several years beyond FY25.
The NPS will coordinate program administration between the NPS Comptroller’s Office and the NPS LRF Program
Management Office (PMO). Additionally, some NPS funding will be transferred to the Department of the Interior to
support the Department’s PMO, which will coordinate program administration across the bureaus.
The NPS LRF PMO will use industry best practices to initiate, plan, execute, monitor and control, and close out
projects. Existing NPS procedures and tools will be adapted and improved to ensure projects stay within scope,
budget, and schedule. Activities in this area are related to contracting, budget, finance, external affairs, office
support, field office support, human capital, engineering, and project management whose focus is not directed
towards a specific project. A series of internal control measures will be applied to ensure all program administration
expenses charged to LRF are appropriate and within the boundaries of issued guidance.
At the FY 2022 funding level, the NPS LRF PMO will:
Evaluate project proposals to ensure that the highest priority, mission critical projects are reflected in the
LRF plan.
Support the Bureau Investment Review Board to ensure projects are of high quality, incorporate
sustainable practices, are appropriate to their settings, and demonstrate defensible cost-conscious
decisions focused on cost reduction.
Coordinate with the Department’s GAOA Program Management Office
Formulate and monitor current and future LRF projects.
Implement procedures and tools to ensure accurate data, timely reporting and status briefs.
Tracking and monitoring risks; implementing internal controls
Scope of Benefits (SB):
Investment Strategy (IS):
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 0.00
API Rating: n/a 0.00
API/FCI Score: (40%) 0.00
SB Score: (20%) 0.00
IS Score: (20%) 0.00
CFA Score: (20%) 0.00
Total Score: (100%) 0.00
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: N/A
VE Study: N/A
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 0 0
Capital Improvement Work: $ 0 0
Total: $ 37,626 100
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 0
FY 2022 Legacy Restoration Fund Funding (this PDS): $ 37,626
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 0
Total: $ 37,626
Class of Estimate: N/A
Estimate Escalated to FY: N/A
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
LRF Planning Funds Received: $ N/A
LRF Design Funds Received: $ N/A
Planning Funds Received: $ N/A
Design Funds Received: $ N/A
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: N/A
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: N/A
Actual: N/A
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 03/2021
DOI Approved: Yes
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: N/A
Projected: N/A
Net Change: N/A
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: N/A
Planned Funding FY 2022: $44,078,000
Funding Source: Legacy Restoration Fund
Project Identification
Project Title: Project Management
Project Number: N/A
Unit/Facility Name: N/A
Region/Area/District: N/A
Congressional District: N/A
State: N/A
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
Project Description:
This funding will be used to provide professional NPS project management and contracting services of current and
future projects throughout the typical three to five-year construction cycle. The funding also provides quality
assurance including project compliance, quality, specialized technical expertise, and risk assessment and
management. Project Management encompasses tasks completed over the life of project such as assembling a
project team with the expertise necessary to execute the project, establishing the technical objectives, planning the
project, and managing changes to the scope and controlling the undertaking so that it is completed on schedule and
within budget. Staff funded through this activity provide cost-efficient project management services and rely on the
contracted support of design and construction firms nationwide to ensure best value and quality for park projects and
services. Project Management activities include coordinating major construction and planning activities, providing
for design, compliance, and construction management services, and providing contracting support.
At the FY 2022 funding level, LRF Project Management will:
Provide project management expertise and capacity to support LRF projects.
Support and oversee project coordination, design, and contracting/acquisition.
Justify, document, and support expenses directly attributed to LRF funded projects.
Support small business goals and socioeconomic programs for the NPS and DOI.
Support the unique NPS interpretive planning, media, and conservation elements of major construction
Tracking and monitoring risks; implementing internal controls.
Scope of Benefits (SB):
Investment Strategy (IS):
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 0.00
API Rating: n/a 0.00
API/FCI Score: (40%) 0.00
SB Score: (20%) 0.00
IS Score: (20%) 0.00
CFA Score: (20%) 0.00
Total Score: (100%) 0.00
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: N/A
VE Study: N/A
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 0 0
Capital Improvement Work: $ 0 0
Total: $ 44,078 100
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 0
FY 2022 Legacy Restoration Fund Funding (this PDS): $ 44,078
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 0
Total: $ 44,078
Class of Estimate: N/A
Estimate Escalated to FY: N/A
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
LRF Planning Funds Received: $ N/A
LRF Design Funds Received: $ N/A
Planning Funds Received: $ N/A
Design Funds Received: $ N/A
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: N/A
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: N/A
Actual: N/A
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 05/2021
DOI Approved: Yes
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: N/A
Projected: N/A
Net Change: N/A
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Mandatory: Recreation Fee Permanent Appropriations
Recreation Fee Permanent Appropriation
Change from
2021 Estimate
Recreation Fee Programs 249,906 268,015 309,932 +41,917
Recreation Fee Program 247,792 266,015 307,932 +41,917
Deed Restricted Parks Fee Program 2,114 2,000 2,000 0
Transportation Systems Fund 44 104 207 +103
Payment for Tax Losses on Land Acquired
for Grand Teton NP
17 15 15 0
Total Receipts 249,967 268,134 310,154 +42,020
Total FTE Requirements 1,324 1,661 1,661 0
FY 2020 Actual column does not include these sequestered receipt amounts: Recreational Fee Program's $2,242, GRTE $1; FY
2020 Actual column includes pop up of funds that were sequestered in FY 2019, but became available in FY 2020: Recreational
Fee Program's $2,232, GRTE $1.
FY 2021 Estimate does not include these estimated sequestered Receipt amounts: Recreational Fee Program's $2,166, GRTE
$1; FY 2021 Estimate column includes pop up of funds that were sequestered in FY 2020, but are expected to become available
in FY 2021: Recreational Fee Program's $2,242, GRTE $1.
FY 2022 Estimate does not include these estimated sequestered Receipt amounts: Recreational Fee Program’s $2,166, GRTE
$1; FY 2022 Estimate column includes pop up of funds that are estimated to be sequestered in FY 2021, but are expected to
become available in FY 2022: Recreational Fee Program's $2,166, GRTE $1.
Appropriation Overview, Justification of Program, and Performance
This section includes several permanent appropriations that are derived from recreation entrance and use
fees. They are discussed below as program components of the Recreation Fee Permanent Appropriations.
Program Overview
Recreation Fee Program
The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2005 (P.L. 108-447) includes Title VIII – Federal Lands
Recreation Enhancement Act (FLREA), which authorizes recreation fees to be collected, retained, and
expended by the National Park Service and other land management agencies to provide benefits and
services to the visitor. NPS uses revenue generated by recreation fees to repair, maintain and enhance
facilities; provide interpretation, information, and other visitor services; restore habitat directly related to
wildlife-dependent recreation; and provide law enforcement related to public use and recreation both at
the park where the fee is collected and throughout the National Park System. Current authority for the
program terminates October 1, 2022. The FY 2022 budget request proposes appropriations language to
extend authorization for the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act by one year.
FLREA fee receipts depend on visitation, which varies based on many factors including gas prices, health
of the economy, tour and travel industry trends, weather, construction, NPS initiatives, and park-specific
variables. Revenues collected through the program have grown over the past five years, with an increase
of 32 percent from FY 2015 to FY 2019, due to increases in fee pricing and increases in visitation. In FY
2020, the COVID-19 pandemic reduced park visitation, causing fee revenue to decline to a level
comparable to FY 2015.
FLREA authorizes the NPS to retain all recreation fee revenue. At least 80 percent of collections must
remain at the park unit until expended, unless that revenue exceeds the reasonable needs for the unit for
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
that fiscal year, in which case the NPS can reduce the percent retained, but not below 60 percent. All
collections related to transportation systems will be retained at the park in which they were collected and
will be spent in support of those systems.
At a Glance…
Fee-Free Days
The NPS will offer fee-free days in 2021, including the following:
Monday, January 18 – Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Saturday, April 17 – First Day of National Park Week
Wednesday, August 4 – One-year anniversary of the Great American
Outdoors Act
Wednesday, August 25 – National Park Service Birthday
Saturday, September 25 – National Public Lands Day
Thursday, November 11 – Veterans Day
The NPS uses fee revenues to support a wide variety of work including operations and maintenance of
visitor-facing facilities like visitor centers, campgrounds, restrooms, and trails; facility investments;
enhancement of recreational opportunities; and interpretation, law enforcement, and other visitor services.
NPS has an expenditure policy that requires parks to obligate 55 percent of recreation fee allocations to
deferred maintenance projects. Fee revenues are also used to fund fee collection operations and program
administrative costs. Collection expenses are paid from the recreation fee funds retained at each park.
These costs are monitored closely to ensure appropriateness and cost effectiveness. The recreation fee
program provides central and regional office oversight and management.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
NPS Budgetary Resources: Recreation Fee Programs ($000)
Description FY 2020
FY 2021
FY 2022
Unobligated Balance Brought Forward and Recoveries 323,287 350,496 356,420
Total Fees Collected
249,906 268,015 309,932
Total Available For Obligation
573,193 618,511 666,352
Facilities Maintenance
135,427 155,457 175,057
Interpretation & Visitor Services
19,568 23,600 27,924
Transportation Systems
454 465 25,199
Habitat Restoration
9,008 13,000 15,888
Collection Costs
35,525 37,500 40,000
Law Enforcement (for public use and recreation)
726 3,000 3,500
Fee Management Agreement and Reservation Services
13,069 15,069 17,000
Administrative, Overhead and Indirect Costs
8,920 14,000 15,000
Total Obligations 222,697 262,091 319,568
End of Year Unobligated Balance
350,496 356,420 346,784
Total Expenditures (Outlays) 248,659 274,000 310,000
All columns include sequestration reductions and pop ups of previously sequestered funds.
Transportation system obligations from FLREA account only. Obligations from the Transportation Systems Fund are reported
Components of the Recreation Fee Program include the following:
America the Beautiful – The National Parks and Federal Lands Recreational Pass: The
interagency pass provides admission to all units of the NPS and the Fish and Wildlife Service
(FWS) that charge an entrance fee and units of the Forest Service (USFS), Bureau of Land
Management (BLM), and Bureau of Reclamation that charge a standard amenity fee. The pass is
valid for 12 months from the date of purchase and costs $80. The price of the interagency lifetime
senior pass is $80 and an annual senior pass costs $20. The first $10 million collected by NPS
sites from the sale of senior passes in each fiscal year be deposited into an endowment managed
by the National Park Foundation, and any additional amounts collected be deposited to the
National Park Centennial Challenge Fund to be used for high-priority projects and programs that
have non-Federal matching donations. The interagency access pass is free for citizens with
permanent disabilities. Additionally, volunteers with over 250 hours of service, and members of
the US military, Gold Star Families, and Veterans may receive a free annual pass. FY 2020
receipt totals and the estimated number of passes sold for the various types of passes sold by NPS
sites are listed below:
o Annual interagency pass totals: $47.6 million; approximately 595,278 passes sold.
o Senior pass totals: $4 million; approximately 176,185 (167,582 Annual and 8,603
Lifetime) passes sold.
o Fees from these passes are reported as part of the total revenues collected by parks.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
RecFee-4 (also known as Recreation One-Stop (R1S)): This website provides reservation
services for camping and other recreational activities for the NPS, USFS, US Army Corps of
Engineers, FWS, BOR, and BLM. It offers information and trip planning for over 3,500 Federal
recreation facilities. provides reservation services for over 140 NPS sites
including 91 parks that offer camping and day use, 15 that offer permits, 44 that offer tour
reservations, and 55 that offer site-specific digital passes. In FY 2020, visitors made over 763,418
camping and day use reservations, 170,558 permit reservations, 80,428 permit lottery
applications, 2.3 million tour tickets reservations and 69,510 ticket lottery applications.
Servicewide Point-of-Sale (Cash Register) System (POSS): The POSS will enable the NPS to
effectively and efficiently collect, account, and report recreational fee revenues with the use of
standardized point-of-sale equipment. The POSS will greatly enhance the NPS’ ability to
complete cash, check, and credit card transactions; prepare remittance paperwork; provide IT
compliance; provide enhanced employee security; and meet new banking and Treasury
o In September 2018, the NPS awarded a new contract, and work is underway to have the
new system implemented across 165 fee-collecting parks by the spring of 2022.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Program Overview
Deed Restricted Parks Fee Program
Any recreation fees collected by park units at which entrance fees cannot be collected by reason of deed
restrictions are retained, used, and managed by those respective park units in a manner similar to
recreation fees collected at non-deed restricted parks. This applies to Great Smoky Mountains NP,
Lincoln Home NHS, and Abraham Lincoln Birthplace NHS. Revenue collected by deed restricted parks
continues to be managed and reported in conjunction with other FLREA revenues. In FY 2020, the NPS
collected $2.1 million in receipts at deed restricted parks. Annual receipts are estimated at $2 million per
year through FY 2022.
Program Overview
Transportation Systems Fund
The National Park Service was authorized by P.L. 109-131 (2005) and consolidated in 54 U.S.C §
101531 to collect transportation fees for the use of public transportation services within park units. All
transportation fee monies must be spent on costs associated with the transportation systems at the park
unit where the transportation fee is collected.
In FY 2020, the NPS implemented a change to account for funds collected under the Federal Lands
Recreation Enhancement Act (FLREA) fee collection authority in the FLREA account, leaving two parks
accounted for under the Transportation System Fund. As reflected in the table above, the NPS accounts
for Transportation Systems Fund amounts as a separate line item within the Recreation Fee account. The
estimated transportation fees to be collected at parks under the transportation fee authority for FYs 2021
and 2022 are $104,000 and $207,000, respectively. All revenue collected at the 18 parks using the
FLREA authority continue to be retained at the park in which they were collected and will be spent in
support of those systems.
In FY 2020, Transportation Systems Fund revenue was $71,225, and obligations from the fund were
$18.8 million. The two parks that continue to deposit to the Transportation Systems Fund accounted for
$116,480 of the obligations. The remainder represents obligation of carryover funds by parks that
previously used the Transportation Fee Authority.
Program Overview
Payment for Tax Losses on Land Acquired for Grand Teton National Park
As required by law (16 U.S.C. 406d-3), fees collected from visitors at Grand Teton NP are provided to the
State of Wyoming in amounts sufficient to compensate for tax revenues lost as a result of Federal
acquisitions of land in expanded areas of Grand Teton NP. Amounts may vary because of tax rate
changes; withdrawal of additional lands from the State’s tax rolls because of Federal acquisition; and
gradual reductions by law of the amount due for each tract of land after it is acquired. For FY 2020,
$17,000 in Recreation Fee receipts were retained in this account. The estimated Recreation Fee receipts to
be retained in this account are $15,000 in FY 2021 and $15,000 in FY 2022.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
FY 2020 Recreation Fee-Funded Project Examples
Denali National Park
Replace Failing Culverts
This project replaced over 100 damaged, undersized, and deteriorating culverts over 20 miles of
the 92 mile-long Denali Park Road.
The majority of the park’s approximately 600,000 annual visitors experience the park from a tour
bus or a shuttle bus traveling the entire length of the park road.
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park
Repair the Towpath and Historic Structures
This project included removal of hazards and graffiti, as well as general cleaning, brushing, and
clearing. Park mules were utilized to accomplish some work.
The park welcomes approximately 5 million visitors annually.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Colorado National Monument
Stabilize the Liberty Cap Trail
This project rehabilitated 1.3 miles of a heavily used trail by repairing and replacing retaining
walls and retaining checks, adding a new swale, and installing a new drain pan. This work
improves visitor safety and protection of natural and cultural resources in the trail corridor.
Approximately 80,000 of the park’s 400,000 annual visitors use Liberty Cap Trail.
Haleakala National Park
Repair and Rehabilitate the Historic White Hill Trail
This project repaired and rehabilitated over 1,000 feet of the historic White Hill Trail by installing
rock steps, repairing damaged retaining walls, installing water bars, and removing loose rocks.
This work improves visitor enjoyment and safety, as well as staff safety, asset condition, and
protection of adjacent resources.
The district in which this trail is located receives approximately 1.4 million visitors annually.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
White Sands National Park
Facility Operations in Critical Visitor Use Areas
Recreation fees provided for custodial services and facility operations at the visitor center, day
use areas, and 13 vault toilets used in the Dune Fields.
The park welcomes approximately 600,000 visitors annually.
Assateague Island National Seashore
Provide Custodial Services, Kayak and Lifeguard Service
Recreation fees supported general cleaning and repair, campground custodial services, boardwalk
cleaning, parking lot sweeping, and beach services including boating safety instruction, lifeguard
services, and EMS and rescue services.
The park welcomes over 2 million visitors annually.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area
Rehabilitate 50 Campsites
This project renewed the timbers, posts, and pads at 50 campsites. It also replaced fire rings and
picnic tables and eliminated uneven walking surfaces.
The campground is expected to serve approximately 50,000 campers annually.
Badlands National Park
Rehabilitate Campground Walkways
The park rehabilitated campground walkways to meet accessibility standards, removing the
existing gravel walkways and installing concrete walkways to reach the comfort stations and
Over 30,000 of the park’s 1 million annual visitors use this area of the park.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Acadia National Park
Rehabilitate Schoodic District Electrical Power System
This project rehabilitated 2.6 miles of power transmission infrastructure supporting the drinking
water supply, wastewater treatment system, and 54 public buildings including key visitor-facing
The work included replacing poles, insulators, and supply lines, as well as removing encroaching
vegetation; the improved system reliability benefits approximately 250,000 visitors per year.
Klondike Goldrush National Historical Park
Replace Restroom at Slide Cemetery
The park replaced the restroom at the Slide Cemetery historic site. The facility was in poor
condition, and visitation has increased resulting from nearby road improvements.
The unit of the park where Slide Cemetery is located receives over 100,000 visitors annually.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park
Replace Light Fixtures in Victorian Park
The park replaced 31 aged and damaged luminaires in Victorian Park with identical fixtures using
energy efficient LED bulbs.
This project improved safety for recreational users of the park including early morning and
evening joggers and cyclists, as well as groups gathering for evening events like observing
Independence Day fireworks.
The district in which Victorian Park is located receives 2.8 million visitors per year.
Prince William Forest Park
Rehabilitate Historic Swinging Bridge
This project mitigated safety concerns on a historic bridge by providing for cleaning and
inspection, replacement of decking boards, repair of structural elements, and replacement of steel
The bridge connects two popular trails in a park receiving over 300,000 visitors annually.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Summary Project Data Sheet for Recreation Fee - FY 2021
(dollars in thousands)
Facility or
Unit Name Project Title
to Date
to be
Years of
Funding for
2021 1 Cumberland
Preserve and Rehabilitate The Historic
Grange, Phase III of III
GA 01 $2,440 $536 $1,904 $0 N/A
2021 2 Grand
Rehabilitate Desert View Wastewater
Treatment Plant and Lagoon System,
Phase II of II
AZ 01 $2,541 $288 $2,253 $0 N/A
2021 3 Upper
Scenic and
Rehabilitate the Zane Grey Museum
and Visitor Center, Phase II of III
$844 $197 $207 $440 2022
2021 4 New River
Replace Outdated Visitor Center
Exhibits at Canyon Rim Visitor Center,
Phase II of II
WV 03 $1,841 $436 $1,405 $0 N/A
2021 5 Yosemite
Install Utility Boxes in Wawona
CA 04 $692 $0 $692 $0 N/A
2021 6 Saint Croix
Scenic River
Relocate Osceola Landing Boat Launch
Area, Phase III of III
MN 08 $5,049 $1,049 $4,000 $0 N/A
2021 7 Hawaii
Fabricate and Install Universally
Accessible Cultural History Exhibits in
the Ohia Wing, Phase II of II
HI 02 $1,234 $240 $994 $0 N/A
Total $11,455
1 Execution of the recreation fee program is dynamic; projects may shift between fiscal years as funding and scope allow.
2 FY 2021 projects were not previously identified for FY 2021; they are listed here as notification of intent to execute in FY 2021.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Summary Project Data Sheet for Recreation Fee - FY 2022
(dollars in thousands)
Facility or
Unit Name Project Title
to Date
to be
Years of
for Other
2022 1 Death Valley
National Park
Reconstruct Historic Scotty's Castle
Longshed and Bunkhouse, Phase III of III
CA 08 $2,488 $541 $1,947 $0 N/A
2022 2 Yosemite
National Park
Rehabilitate Tuolumne Meadows Water
Distribution System, Phase II of IV
CA 04 $11,537 $437 $874 $10,226 2023
2022 3 Upper
Scenic and
Rehabilitate the Zane Grey Museum and
Visitor Center, Phase III of III
$844 $404 $440 $0 N/A
2022 4 Sleeping Bear
Relocate and Replace North Manitou
Island Dock to Provide for Safe Visitor
Access, Phase I of II
MI 01 $2,960 $0 $573 $2,387 2023
2022 5 Yellowstone
National Park
Rehabilitate the Norris Geyser Basin
Parking Lot, Phase I of II
WY AL $6,766 $65 $598 $6,103 2027
2022 6 Glen Canyon
Rehabilitate Four Wahweap Comfort
Stations and Provide Interior
Accessibility Upgrades
$539 $0 $539 $0 N/A
2022 7 Joshua Tree
National Park
Construct New West Entrance Station,
Phase II of II
CA 08, 36 $5,128 $646 $4,482 $0 N/A
2022 8 Zion National
Rehabilitate South Campground, Phase II
of II
UT 02 $15,582 $792 $1,916 $12,874 2022
Total $11,369
1 Execution of the recreation fee program is dynamic; projects may shift between fiscal years as funding and scope allow.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Recreation Fee Project Data Sheets
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 90.40
Planned Funding FY 2021: $1,904,000
Funding Source: Recreation Fee Nationwide 20%
Project Identification
Project Title: Preserve and Rehabilitate The Historic Grange, Phase III of III
Project Number: 258139A-B
Unit/Facility Name: Cumberland Island National Seashore
Region/Area/District: South Atlantic-Gulf
Congressional District: GA01
State: GA
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
35800800 112412 93 0.11
Project Description:
This is the third and final phase of a project to address the significant findings documented in the 2012 Historic
Structures Report for The Grange. Work will include removal of hazardous materials, replacement of existing
utilities, installation of HVAC systems, rehabilitation of the existing plumbing and heating, installation of fire
prevention and intrusion detection systems, installation of a gutter system; repair, rehabilitation, and painting of
windows, exterior doors, and exterior stucco finish. Work on the interior will include repairs to more than 50 doors
and painting of over 50,000 square feet of floors, doors, and ceilings.
Scope of Benefits (SB):
This project includes utility and interior repairs that will bring the historic structure up to safety standards and
position the park to decide the best use for the structure. It will protect this historic structure and support buildings,
which were listed on the National Register in 1984, creating a major attraction and interpretive opportunity for over
50,000 annual visitors.
Investment Strategy (IS):
This project is expected to reduce operations and maintenance costs by reducing the frequency and expense of
corrective maintenance.
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
Failure to complete this project would perpetuate safety concerns for park visitors and staff. The substandard utility
systems and facility condition jeopardize the integrity of the historic structure, risking fire, insect infestations,
further deterioration, and eventually total loss of the building.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 0.11
API Rating: n/a 93.00
API/FCI Score: (40%) 40.00
SB Score: (20%) 20.00
IS Score: (20%) 20.00
CFA Score: (20%) 10.40
Total Score: (100%) 90.40
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: Yes
VE Study: Scheduled 07/21
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 1,123 59
Capital Improvement Work: $ 781 41
Total: $ 1,904 100
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 536
FY 2021 Recreation Fee Nationwide 20% Funding (this PDS): $ 1,904
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 0
Total: $ 2,440
Class of Estimate: A
Estimate Escalated to: FY 21/Q1
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
Planning Funds Received in FY 2020: $ 131
Design Funds Received in FY 2015-16: $ 138
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: FY 2021/Q3
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: FY 2022/Q3
Actual: N/A
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 04/21
DOI Approved: YES
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: $36,037
Projected: $32,480
Net Change: -$3,557
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 81.00
Planned Funding FY 2021: $2,253,000
Funding Source: Recreation Fee Park Revenue
Project Identification
Project Title: Rehabilitate Desert View Wastewater Treatment Plant and Lagoon System, Phase II of II
Project Number: 229974A
Unit/Facility Name: Grand Canyon National Park
Region/Area/District: Lower Colorado-Basin
Congressional District: AZ01
State: AZ
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
40710900 72237 78 0.23
Project Description:
This is the second and final phase of a project to rehabilitate the wastewater treatment plant that serves the Desert
View developed area of Grand Canyon including campgrounds, housing, public restrooms and food service
operations. This project will substantially modify the existing lagoon treatment system, modifying the lagoons to
treat the peak average flow of 40,000 gallons per day (gpd) and making the process a true zero discharge system.
The modifications will include a re-grading and re-lining of the treatment lagoons, new piping, a new head-works,
and the addition of high efficiency aeration mixers and submersible high efficiency blowers.
Scope of Benefits (SB):
This project addresses ongoing deficiencies that have resulted in Notices of Violation and other enforcement actions
from the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ). The plant operates year-round and serves multiple
concession lodgings, guest service facilities, the Desert View Watch Tower and Tusayan Ruins and Museum visitor
contact station, additional support facilities, as well as park, staff, and concession living quarters. This facility has a
permitted capacity of 16,000 gallons per day, which accommodates the average needs (10,000 gpd), but falls well
short of the need during months of high visitation (40,000 gpd). The Desert View area of Grand Canyon National
Park receives approximately one million visitors annually.
Investment Strategy (IS):
The new flexible lagoon treatment system will be designed for minimal maintenance and upkeep, resulting in
improved reliability without an increase in operational costs.
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
Without this project, the park will continue to be the subject of enforcement actions from ADEQ. Conditions will
continue to deteriorate, leading to breakdown of components and eventual system failure, which would require the
shutdown of South Rim Desert View operations.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 0.23
API Rating: n/a 78.00
API/FCI Score: (40%) 40.00
SB Score: (20%) 19.41
IS Score: (20%) 20.00
CFA Score: (20%) 1.59
Total Score: (100%) 81.00
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: Yes
VE Study: Scheduled 07/21
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 1,825 81
Capital Improvement Work: $ 428 19
Total: $ 2,253 100
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 288
FY 2021 Recreation Fee Park Revenue Funding (this PDS): $ 2,253
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 0
Total: $ 2,541
Class of Estimate: C
Estimate Escalated to: FY 21/Q1
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
Planning Funds Received in FY 2021: $ 2
Design Funds Received in FY 2021: $ 286
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: FY 2021/Q4
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: FY 2023/Q4
Actual: N/A
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 04/21
DOI Approved: YES
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: $40,880
Projected: $40,880
Net Change: $0
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 76.00
Planned Funding FY 2021: $207,000
Funding Source: Recreation Fee Nationwide 20%
Project Identification
Project Title: Rehabilitate the Zane Grey Museum and Visitor Center, Phase II of III
Project Number: 223493C
Unit/Facility Name: Upper Delaware Scenic & Recreational River
Region/Area/District: North Atlantic-Appalachian
Congressional District: PA10, NY22
State: PA
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
35290100 45555 100 0.13
35800500 46509 62 0.00
40750300 67268 80 0.11
40750700 238546 100 0.19
Project Description:
This is the second phase of a three-phased project to adaptively reuse and rehabilitate the Zane Grey Museum to
improve visitor services. The first phase rehabilitated the interior space and finishes. This phase includes fabrication
and installation of 14 new interpretive exhibits. The next and final phase will bring the building into compliance
with accessibility standards, increase safety, and restore the historic landscape.
Scope of Benefits (SB):
This project will significantly expand the park’s ability to reach its 250,000 annual visitors through shared staffing
with partners to provide an almost year-round presence. It will also expand the park’s interpretive messaging by
providing a more traditional visitor center with site orientation, information on the full range of key interpretive
themes, and information on facilities, safety, etc. It is expected that site visitation will increase from 10 percent of
park visitors to over 50 percent of park visitors annually. Completion of this project removes the last remaining
barriers to physical accessibility across the entire park’s visitor facilities, reduces the deferred maintenance backlog,
and expands recreational opportunities by modernizing and improving the condition of visitor facilities and the
services provided to visitors.
Investment Strategy (IS):
This project adaptively reuses and rehabilitates an existing facility, implementing long-term repairs that will reduce
maintenance costs. It will also consolidate two visitor contact stations into a single location, thereby reducing utility
and maintenance costs. This investment will benefit one of only two assets in the park designated as high priorities
for visitor use, cultural resource protection, and park support. The project will allow the park to share staff with park
partners, allowing expanded access for visitors without requiring additional NPS resources.
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
Without this project, the park will continue to fall short of meeting identified visitor needs like providing access to
information that orients visitors to the park, resources, and facilities. The park would also continue to carry deferred
maintenance and unaddressed safety and accessibility issues at the park’s primary visitor contact facility.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 0.14
API Rating: n/a 85.50
API/FCI Score: (40%) 35.82
SB Score: (20%) 15.81
IS Score: (20%) 18.44
CFA Score: (20%) 5.93
Total Score: (100%) 76.00
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: No
VE Study: N/A
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 95 46
Capital Improvement Work: $ 112 54
Total: $ 207 100
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 197
FY 2021 Recreation Fee Nationwide 20% Funding (this PDS): $ 207
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 440
Total: $ 844
Class of Estimate: B
Estimate Escalated to: FY 21/Q1
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
Planning Funds Received in FY 2018: $ 48
Design Funds Received in FY 2018: $ 142
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: FY 2021/Q1
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: FY 2022/Q4
Actual: N/A
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 04/21
DOI Approved: YES
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: $100,054
Projected: $97,029
Net Change: -$3,025
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 72.20
Planned Funding FY 2021: $1,405,000
Funding Source: Recreation Fee Nationwide 20%
Project Identification
Project Title: Replace Outdated Visitor Center Exhibits at Canyon Rim VC, Phase II of II
Project Number: 191181B
Unit/Facility Name: New River Gorge National Park and Preserve
Region/Area/District: North Atlantic-Appalachian
Congressional District: WV03
State: WV
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
35290700 3265 65 0.09
40750700 237532 88 0.49
Project Description:
This is the second phase of a two-phase project to fabricate and install new exhibits at the Canyon Rim Visitor
Center. This phase represents exhibit fabrication and installation, as well as development and installation of the
audio description of the new exhibits to allow for the enjoyment by all visitors. The project will provide updated,
engaging, and fully accessible indoor and outdoor exhibits providing information about New River Gorge National
Park and Preserve, as well as two nearby NPS sites: Bluestone National Scenic River and Gauley River National
Recreation Area. Improvements will include updated audio visual components in the auditorium, more efficient and
effecting lighting, and upgraded electrical wiring.
Scope of Benefits (SB):
In addition to improving the visitor center at the nation’s newest national park, the exhibits will also interpret two
other nearby NPS sites: Bluestone National Scenic River and Gauley River National Recreation Area, which
currently do not offer visitor centers or interpretive media information. Therefore, replacing these outdated exhibits
will improve the visitor experience in three parks with a total annual visitation of approximately 1.3 million. The
project will present meaningful, engaging, accessible, and interactive information to visitors using the most current
systems and technologies.
Investment Strategy (IS):
This project supports increased visitor satisfaction while reducing utility and operational costs. By optimizing use of
the square footage of the visitor center, the park can provide the greatest possible service to visitors. This project is
also expected to yield reduced operational expenses due to lower utility costs and reduced custodial expenses.
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
Without this project, visitors will continue to lack current, relevant information about the three parks’ natural and
cultural resources. That lack of knowledge can put resources and visitors at risk. Moreover, without this project,
Bluestone National Scenic River and Gauley River National Recreation Area will continue to have no visitor
facilities that interpret their resources or provide safety and orientation information. Additionally, not making the
facility modifications and accessibility changes to the layout of the exhibits will perpetuate high utility costs and
limited access for mobility challenged visitors.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 0.21
API Rating: n/a 76.50
API/FCI Score: (40%) 40.00
SB Score: (20%) 10.37
IS Score: (20%) 17.68
CFA Score: (20%) 4.15
Total Score: (100%) 72.20
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: Yes
VE Study: Completed 12/20
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 1,082 77
Capital Improvement Work: $ 323 23
Total: $ 1,405 100
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 436
FY 2021 Recreation Fee Nationwide 20% Funding (this PDS): $ 1,405
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 0
Total: $ 1,841
Class of Estimate: A
Estimate Escalated to: FY 21/Q1
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
Planning Funds Received in FY 2018: $ 12
Design Funds Received in FY 2018: $ 424
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: FY 2021/Q3
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: FY 2025/Q2
Actual: N/A
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 04/21
DOI Approved: YES
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: $194,473
Projected: $183,720
Net Change: -$10,753
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 65.30
Planned Funding FY 2021: $692,000
Funding Source: Recreation Fee Park Revenue
Project Identification
Project Title: Install Utility Boxes in Wawona Campground
Project Number: 317747A
Unit/Facility Name: Yosemite National Park
Region/Area/District: California-Great Basin
Congressional District: CA04
State: CA
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
40711200 6338 100 0.03
40720100 8911 55 0.40
Project Description:
This project will install electrical pull boxes, communication pull boxes, and miscellaneous related items along
Wawona campground road and Highway 41 to connect the campground to the Wawona power grid. The pull boxes
will be placed in accordance with code requirements appropriate to their location.
Scope of Benefits (SB):
This project completes a related $4.8 million project to replace the aging wastewater systems of the Wawona
Campground. The combined result provides direct benefits to a maximum of 582 visitors per night and reduces the
risk of sewer overspills into the South Fork of the Merced River. This project specifically will improve visitor and
staff safety by ensuring that the campground has code-compliant electrical systems supporting the new sewer lift
Investment Strategy (IS):
This project supports the related $4.8 million investment in the Wawona Campground. Completion of this project is
not expected to lead to changes in operations and maintenance expenses.
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
Without this project, the larger project to replace the campground’s wastewater systems will not be completed, and
the park will be unable to open the campground until this work can be done.
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 0.23
API Rating: n/a 77.50
API/FCI Score: (40%) 40.00
SB Score: (20%) 9.97
IS Score: (20%) 10.73
CFA Score: (20%) 4.60
Total Score: (100%) 65.30
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: Yes
VE Study: Completed 04/18
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 0 0
Capital Improvement Work: $ 692 100
Total: $ 692 100
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 0
FY 2021 Recreation Fee Park Revenue Funding (this PDS): $ 692
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 0
Total: $ 692
Class of Estimate: A
Estimate Escalated to: FY 21/Q1
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
Planning Funds Received: N/A
Design Funds Received: N/A
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: FY 2021/Q2
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: FY 2022/Q2
Actual: N/A
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 04/21
DOI Approved: YES
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: $59,430
Projected: $59,430
Net Change: $0
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 60.00
Planned Funding FY 2021: $4,000,000
Funding Source: Recreation Fee Nationwide 20%
Project Identification
Project Title: Relocate Osceola Landing Boat Launch Area, Phase III of III
Project Number: 244692C
Unit/Facility Name: Saint Croix National Scenic River
Region/Area/District: Great Lakes
Congressional District: MN08
State: MN
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
40130400 24196 88 0.41
40660100 24192 77 1.00
40750300 24201 37 1.00
40750700 242297 78 0.00
40760100 24194 77 1.00
Project Description:
This is the third and final phase of a project to relocate motorized watercraft access at Osceola Landing. This phase
includes construction. The project will rehabilitate the existing launch for canoe, kayak, and other non-motorized
access and rehabilitate the comfort station, vault toilets, and walking paths. It will also construct a new access and
parking area for motorized watercraft at a separate location to minimize safety issues caused by congestion between
canoes, kayaks, and motorboats. This project will make physical accessibility improvements and upgrade
interpretive media that will focus on educating the public about the history of the river and the relevant
environmental issues.
Scope of Benefits (SB):
This project will significantly improve visitor experience, accessibility and safety for approximately 38,000 of the
park’s nearly 1 million annual visitors. This will be done through riverbank stabilization, the separation of motorized
watercraft from non-motorized watercraft, swimmers, canoes and kayaks; and the addition of a footbridge for
visitors to walk on instead of walking through the parking lot.
Investment Strategy (IS):
This investment in the busiest landing in the lower district of the park rehabilitates existing facilities as much as
possible and is expected to improve visitor access and enjoyment, allow the park to implement a sustainable
preventative maintenance schedule, and not increase regular operations and maintenance costs.
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
Without this project, this heavily used area will continue to degrade with the riverbank, day use area, trails, and boat
launch negatively affected by erosion. Repair costs will continue to increase as more corrective work will be
required, and congestion between motorized and non-motorized craft and swimmers will continue to negatively
impact visitor experience and safety.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 0.60
API Rating: n/a 71.40
API/FCI Score: (40%) 30.35
SB Score: (20%) 9.17
IS Score: (20%) 18.15
CFA Score: (20%) 2.33
Total Score: (100%) 60.00
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: Yes
VE Study: Completed 04/20
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 3,280 82
Capital Improvement Work: $ 720 18
Total: $ 4,000 100
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 1,049
FY 2021 Recreation Fee Nationwide 20% Funding (this PDS): $ 4,000
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 0
Total: $ 5,049
Class of Estimate: A
Estimate Escalated to: FY 21/Q1
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
Planning Funds Received in FY 2019-20: $ 241
Design Funds Received in FY 2019-20: $ 808
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: FY 2021/Q4
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: FY 2023/Q1
Actual: N/A
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 04/21
DOI Approved: YES
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: $124,244
Projected: $124,244
Net Change: $0
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 59.90
Planned Funding FY 2021: $994,000
Funding Source: Recreation Fee Nationwide 20%
Project Identification
Project Title: Fabricate and Install Universally Accessible Cultural History Exhibits in the Ohia Wing, Phase II of II
Project Number: 233716A
Unit/Facility Name: Hawaii Volcanoes National Park
Region/Area/District: Pacific Islands
Congressional District: HI02
State: HI
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
40750700 22259 88 0.06
Project Description:
This is the second and final phase of a project to fabricate and install interpretive exhibits in the Ohia Wing building.
This phase completes the fabrication and installation of exhibits, which will be fully accessible and located on the
upper level of the building. The exhibits will feature objects from the park’s museum collection and take a variety of
forms including exhibit cases, wall mounted cases with reader rails, free standing tactile and auditory elements, and
audio visual elements. Design considerations focus on ensuring that content is programmatically and physically
accessible to all visitors. Interactive elements will focus on the cultural history and administrative history of the
Scope of Benefits (SB):
This project will benefit the park’s 1.5 million annual visitors by providing an opportunity for them to learn about
the park’s cultural resources. The Wahaula Visitor Center and Museum previously housed exhibits and was used by
staff to interpret the cultural history of the Kalapana area of the park, but the facility was destroyed by lava flows in
1989. Currently, opportunities to display museum objects are extremely limited due to a lack of any facility within
the park that can provide the proper environment and security required to protect collections while keeping them on
display. To protect the collection, the park has removed objects from inadequate display areas over the years. The
exhibits will focus on cultural heritage in the park, based upon park research and collections for over 100 years, and
will emphasize that the Hawaiian people, their culture, and their language are inextricably linked.
Investment Strategy (IS):
The new exhibits will use materials that require minimal maintenance, so the park does not expect to incur
additional operational expenses as a result of this project. In addition, the associated lighting fixtures will use LED
bulbs to minimize utility expenses. This project also creates an opportunity to leverage partner resources like
volunteer docents to provide programs based on the exhibited materials and outside assistance to feature selected
collections items in a mobile format on the ground floor to attract visitors to the exhibit space.
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
Without this project, the park’s collections (archeology, natural history, ethnographic, geology, and history) will not
be made accessible to the public. Currently the collections are dispersed throughout the park and are not seen by
park visitors, and this exhibit area will provide a significant opportunity for the public to access information that
they otherwise would not have from existing programs.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 0.06
API Rating: n/a 88.00
API/FCI Score: (40%) 40.00
SB Score: (20%) 9.69
IS Score: (20%) 10.21
CFA Score: (20%) 0.00
Total Score: (100%) 59.90
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: Yes
VE Study: Completed 04/18
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 0 0
Capital Improvement Work: $ 994 100
Total: $ 994 100
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 240
FY 2021 Recreation Fee Nationwide 20% Funding (this PDS): $ 994
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 0
Total: $ 1,234
Class of Estimate: C
Estimate Escalated to: FY 21/Q1
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
Planning Funds Received in FY 2017: $ 50
Design Funds Received in FY 2017: $ 190
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: FY 2022/Q2
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: FY 2023/Q2
Actual: N/A
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 04/21
DOI Approved: YES
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: $64,920
Projected: $64,920
Net Change: $0
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 76.90
Planned Funding FY 2022: $1,947,000
Funding Source: Recreation Fee Park Revenue
Project Identification
Project Title: Reconstruct Historic Scotty's Castle Longshed and Bunkhouse, Phase III of III
Project Number: 232411A and E
Unit/Facility Name: Death Valley National Park
Region/Area/District: California-Great Basin
Congressional District: CA08
State: CA
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
0 247025 70 0.00
35290700 59175 93 0.47
Project Description:
This is the third and final phase of a project to rehabilitate and seismically retrofit the historic Scotty’s Castle
Longshed and Bunkhouse. This phase includes construction.
The project will enable the park to open the historic chicken coop to the public with interpretive exhibits and create
a multipurpose public classroom and conference room, a first aid room including a single-toilet physically accessible
restroom available to the public, as well as storage and office space for park interpretive staff and the cooperating
association. Work will include complete replacement of the electrical distribution system; new electrical panels in
each area; new lighting, outlets, and switches; installation of an HVAC system; seismic retrofit upgrades;
construction and installation of interpretive exhibits in the chicken coop; and complete rehabilitation of interior
features including new wall coverings, floor coverings, and ceilings.
Scope of Benefits (SB):
This project will directly benefit over 120,000 visitors annually. It will add indoor interpretive and educational
opportunities, providing a safer and more comfortable alternative to current practice, which is to provide some
programs outdoors. It will also increase visitor and staff safety, as well as protect the site’s historic resources by
improving the facility’s seismic safety.
Investment Strategy (IS):
This project complements a separate $5.5 million Line Item Construction investment to restore the exterior and part
of the interior of the Garage (Visitor Center), Longshed, and Bunkhouse complex after catastrophic flash flooding in
2015. It is expected to result in a small decrease in operations and maintenance costs by reducing the frequency and
expense of corrective maintenance.
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
Without this project, the interiors of the Longshed and Bunkhouse will continue to be unusable, putting operational
pressure on other spaces in the area. Moreover, the building will continue to be at risk from earthquakes; the
facility’s ceiling and chimney have been identified as life safety threats in a structural engineering assessment.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 0.43
API Rating: n/a 81.50
API/FCI Score: (40%) 40.00
SB Score: (20%) 16.26
IS Score: (20%) 19.41
CFA Score: (20%) 1.23
Total Score: (100%) 76.90
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: Yes
VE Study: Scheduled 07/21
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 1,538 79
Capital Improvement Work: $ 409 21
Total: $ 1,947 100
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 541
FY 2022 Recreation Fee Park Revenue Funding (this PDS): $ 1,947
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 0
Total: $ 2,488
Class of Estimate: C
Estimate Escalated to: FY 22/Q1
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
Planning Funds Received in FY 2020: $ 124
Design Funds Received in FY 2020-21: $ 288
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: FY 2022/Q1
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: FY 2023/Q4
Actual: N/A
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 04/21
DOI Approved: YES
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: $73,802
Projected: $69,580
Net Change: -$4,222
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 74.30
Planned Funding FY 2022: $874,000
Funding Source: Recreation Fee Park Revenue
Project Identification
Project Title: Rehabilitate Tuolumne Meadows Water Distribution System, Phase II of IV
Project Number: 228647B
Unit/Facility Name: Yosemite National Park
Region/Area/District: California-Great Basin
Congressional District: CA04
State: CA
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
40710300 6314 85 0.54
Project Description:
This is phase two of a four-phase project to rehabilitate the Tuolumne Meadows water distribution system, which
provides potable water to visitor use areas, as well as NPS buildings and facilities. This phase will complete final
design needed for construction. The project will replace outdated water lines, including distribution mains and
laterals to all buildings and facilities, replace a 100,000 gallon above ground water tank with a 250,000 gallon tank,
replace fire hydrants, and install or replace water meters at all facilities.
Scope of Benefits (SB):
The Tuolumne Meadows Water Distribution system provides an average of 34,000 gallons of potable water per day
to support visitor use areas, concession and NPS facilities, and staff. This area welcomes approximately 400,000
day-use visitors annually, as well as 141,000 campers. The system upgrades would reduce the risk to visitors, staff,
and other users from exposure to untreated water. The existing plant has not benefitted from major repairs since the
early 1930’s; the age of the system contributes to leaks and failures. Completion of the project will mitigate risks by
increasing the system’s storage capacities and reducing the likelihood of failing equipment and infrastructure. In its
current configuration and condition, the system is unable to provide sufficient potable water to support demand
immediately following storm events. Storms cause a drop in river water quality that the current system is unable to
handle. Supply is currently provided by an undersized water storage tank that does not allow for sufficient treatment
and distribution through the current water distribution system.
Investment Strategy (IS):
Addressing deferred maintenance and operational deficiencies by replacing an obsolete Treatment Facility was
identified as the most cost-effective (in terms of life-cycle cost) and operationally efficient. This project directly
aligns with the investment strategy by bringing a high-priority water treatment facility into good condition so it can
be sustained through park base funding and cost recovery associated with providing utilities to the concession
operation and non-NPS entities in accordance with NPS standards.
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
Without this project, the system will be unable to meet the potable water demands following storm events.
Additionally, the system will continue to experience leaks and failures since the last major improvements were done
in 1932. Failure to provide sufficient potable water will negatively impact visitors and other users of the water
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 0.54
API Rating: n/a 85.00
API/FCI Score: (40%) 40.00
SB Score: (20%) 12.78
IS Score: (20%) 20.00
CFA Score: (20%) 1.52
Total Score: (100%) 74.30
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: Yes
VE Study: Scheduled 03/22
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 778 89
Capital Improvement Work: $ 96 11
Total: $ 874 100
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 437
FY 2022 Recreation Fee Park Revenue Funding (this PDS): $ 874
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 10,226
Total: $ 11,537
Class of Estimate: C
Estimate Escalated to: FY 22/Q1
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
Planning Funds Received in FY 2023: $ 612
Design Funds Received in FY 2021: $ 437
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: FY 2023/Q3
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: FY 2024/Q4
Actual: N/A
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 04/21
DOI Approved: YES
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: $134,260
Projected: $134,260
Net Change: $0
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 76.00
Planned Funding FY 2022: $440,000
Funding Source: Recreation Fee Nationwide 20%
Project Identification
Project Title: Rehabilitate the Zane Grey Museum and Visitor Center, Phase III of III
Project Number: 223493D
Unit/Facility Name: Upper Delaware Scenic & Recreational River
Region/Area/District: North Atlantic-Appalachian
Congressional District: PA10, NY22
State: PA
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
35290100 45555 100 0.13
35800500 46509 62 0.00
40750300 67268 80 0.11
40750700 238546 100 0.19
Project Description:
This is the third and final phase of a project to adaptively reuse and rehabilitate the Zane Grey Museum to improve
visitor services. Previous phases rehabilitated the interior space and finishes and fabricating and installing new
interpretive exhibits. This phase includes building a physically accessible ramp, bathroom, and walkway, as well as
restoring the historic landscape.
Scope of Benefits (SB):
This project will significantly expand the park’s ability to reach its 250,000 annual visitors through shared staffing
with partners to provide an almost year-round presence. It will also expand the park’s interpretive messaging by
providing a more traditional visitor center with site orientation, information on the full range of key interpretive
themes, and information on facilities, safety, etc. It is expected that site visitation will increase from 10 percent of
park visitors to over 50 percent of park visitors annually. Completion of this project removes the last remaining
barriers to physical accessibility across the entire park’s visitor facilities, reduces the deferred maintenance backlog,
and expands recreational opportunities by modernizing and improving the condition of visitor facilities and the
services provided to visitors.
Investment Strategy (IS):
This project adaptively reuses and rehabilitates an existing facility, implementing long-term repairs that will reduce
maintenance costs. It will also consolidate two visitor contact stations into a single location, thereby reducing utility
and maintenance costs. This investment will benefit one of only two assets in the park designated as high priorities
for visitor use, cultural resource protection, and park support. The project will allow the park to share staff with park
partners, allowing expanded access for visitors without requiring additional NPS resources.
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
Without this project, the park will continue to fall short of meeting identified visitor needs like providing access to
information that orients visitors to the park, resources, and facilities. The park would also continue to carry deferred
maintenance and unaddressed safety and accessibility issues at the park’s primary visitor contact facility.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 0.14
API Rating: n/a 85.50
API/FCI Score: (40%) 35.82
SB Score: (20%) 15.81
IS Score: (20%) 18.44
CFA Score: (20%) 5.93
Total Score: (100%) 76.00
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: No
VE Study: N/A
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 202 46
Capital Improvement Work: $ 238 54
Total: $ 440 100
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 404
FY 2021 Recreation Fee Nationwide 20% Funding (this PDS): $ 440
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 0
Total: $ 844
Class of Estimate: B
Estimate Escalated to: FY 21/Q1
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
Planning Funds Received in FY 2018: $ 48
Design Funds Received in FY 2018: $ 142
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: FY 2021/Q1
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: FY 2022/Q4
Actual: N/A
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 04/21
DOI Approved: YES
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: $100,054
Projected: $97,029
Net Change: -$3,025
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 63.90
Planned Funding FY 2022: $573,000
Funding Source: Recreation Fee Park Revenue
Project Identification
Project Title: Relocate and Replace North Manitou Island Dock, Phase I of II
Project Number: 257721B-C
Unit/Facility Name: Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore
Region/Area/District: Midwest
Congressional District: MI01
State: MI
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
40130400 1853 69 0.74
Project Description:
This is the first phase of a two-phase project to relocate and replace the North Manitou Island dock. This phase
includes planning and design. The project will include demolition of the existing dock and construction of a
replacement or improved dock based on the result of the design phase. The new dock will be designed to minimize
dredging requirements.
Scope of Benefits (SB):
This work would enhance visitor safety during the arrival and departure to the island, improving access to park
features. These changes would benefit approximately 4,000 visitors annually.
Investment Strategy (IS):
The new dock will be designed to minimize dredging requirements. The current design requires dredging every five
years at a cost approaching $500,000 for each occurrence. This project is not expected to result in changes to routine
operations and maintenance costs.
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
Without this project, the dock will continue to deteriorate at a rate that will make it unsafe for visitors and park
operations within 5-10 years.
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 0.74
API Rating: n/a 69.00
API/FCI Score: (40%) 40.00
SB Score: (20%) 7.91
IS Score: (20%) 12.43
CFA Score: (20%) 3.56
Total Score: (100%) 63.90
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: Yes
VE Study:Scheduled 03/22
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 206 36
Capital Improvement Work: $ 367 64
Total: $ 573 100
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 0
FY 2022 Recreation Fee Park Revenue Funding (this PDS): $ 573
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 2,387
Total: $ 2,960
Class of Estimate: C
Estimate Escalated to: FY 22/Q1
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
Planning Funds Received in FY 2022: $ 215
Design Funds Received in FY 2022: $ 358
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: FY 2023/Q4
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: FY 2024/Q4
Actual: N/A
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 04/21
DOI Approved: YES
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: $15,000
Projected: $15,000
Net Change: $0
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 63.50
Planned Funding FY 2022: $598,000
Funding Source: Recreation Fee Park Revenue
Project Identification
Project Title: Rehabilitate the Norris Geyser Basin Parking Lot, Phase I of II
Project Number: 222163B
Unit/Facility Name: Yellowstone National Park
Region/Area/District: Upper Colorado-Basin
Congressional District: WYAL
State: WY
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
40660100 45055 77 1.00
40710900 4422 85 0.71
40760100 16649 93 1.00
Project Description:
This is the first phase of a two phased project to rehabilitate the Norris Geyser Basin parking area. This phase
includes design. This project will reconstruct, repave, and restripe the area; construct new islands in the parking
area; and replace 6,000 linear feet of curbing. It will also add eighteen oversized and six accessible parking spaces
and reconfigure the orientation of the parking area to provide increased parking capacity. Finally, it will replace the
manholes and sewer lines under the parking lot and install new directional signage.
Scope of Benefits (SB):
This project will improve access for the 750,000 visitors that use this area each year. It will improve physical
accessibility for visitors with mobility issues, reduce pedestrian-vehicle conflicts, and increase capacity by
improving efficiency.
Investment Strategy (IS):
The parking area and roads cannot be maintained in their current condition. Rehabilitation will bring the road
structure up to support current loads and the surface will last longer. Regular pavement preservation will maintain
the service life of these facilities. This project is not expected to result in a change to operations and maintenance
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
Without this project, the parking lot will continue to pose risks for vehicle and personal safety due to pothole
hazards, uneven surfaces, and pedestrian-vehicle conflicts. The road structure will continue to deteriorate, and the
facility will continue to lack accessible parking and curb-cuts.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 1.31
API Rating: n/a 85.00
API/FCI Score: (40%) 22.02
SB Score: (20%) 20.00
IS Score: (20%) 20.00
CFA Score: (20%) 1.48
Total Score: (100%) 63.50
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: Yes
VE Study: Scheduled 03/23
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 431 72
Capital Improvement Work: $ 167 28
Total: $ 598 100
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 65
FY 2022 Recreation Fee Park Revenue Funding (this PDS): $ 598
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 6,103
Total: $ 6,766
Class of Estimate: C
Estimate Escalated to: FY 22/Q1
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
Planning Funds Received: $ 65
Design Funds Received in FY 2022: $ 598
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: FY 2027/Q1
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: FY 2027/Q4
Actual: N/A
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 04/21
DOI Approved: YES
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: $1,532,500
Projected: $1,532,500
Net Change: $0
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 62.40
Planned Funding FY 2022: $539,000
Funding Source: Recreation Fee Park Revenue
Project Identification
Project Title: Rehabilitate Wahweap Comfort Stations and Provide Interior Accessibility Upgrades
Project Number: 255288A
Unit/Facility Name: Glen Canyon National Recreation Area
Region/Area/District: Upper Colorado-Basin
Congressional District: AZ01, UT02
State: AZ,UT
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
35240100 44416 54 0.40
35240100 44422 54 0.34
35240100 44418 54 0.72
35240100 44412 54 0.40
Project Description:
This project will rehabilitate four public comfort stations that were built in 1989. It will make no structural changes,
but will replace toilets sinks, faucets, and mirrors. It will also replaceall plumbing, stalls, mirrors, vents, hand dryers,
soap dispensers, and exteriors doors. Finally, it will repaint the walls and floors and replace windows and roofing.
Scope of Benefits (SB):
The public restroom facilities that this project will rehabilitate serve approximately half of the park’s 4 million
annual visitors. The result will be an improved visitor experience.
Investment Strategy (IS):
All of the components in these comfort stations have exceeded their expected useful life. This project will reduce the
frequency and expense of corrective maintenance, allow the park to implement a preventive maintenance schedule,
and extend the life of the facility up to thirty years.
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
If this project is not approved, four heavily used public restrooms will continue to deteriorate due to age and use.
The roof will fail and continue to leak, the fixtures will cease to function correctly leading to closed restrooms, and
the finishes will continue to degrade. All of this will negatively impact millions of visitors per year. In addition,
maintenance requests to these buildings will continue to increase, straining the ability of park staff to respond
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 0.43
API Rating: n/a 54.00
API/FCI Score: (40%) 22.74
SB Score: (20%) 15.83
IS Score: (20%) 20.00
CFA Score: (20%) 3.83
Total Score: (100%) 62.40
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: No
VE Study: N/A
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 383 71
Capital Improvement Work: $ 156 29
Total: $ 539 100
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 0
FY 2022 Recreation Fee Park Revenue Funding (this PDS): $ 539
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 0
Total: $ 539
Class of Estimate: C
Estimate Escalated to: FY 22/Q1
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
Planning Funds Received: N/A
Design Funds Received: N/A
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: FY 2022/Q1
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: FY 2023/Q4
Actual: N/A
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 04/21
DOI Approved: YES
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: $66,767
Projected: $65,500
Net Change: -$1,267
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 51.59
Planned Funding FY 2022: $4,482,000
Funding Source: Recreation Fee Park Revenue
Project Identification
Project Title: Construct New West Entrance Station, Phase II of II
Project Number: 250023A
Unit/Facility Name: Joshua Tree National Park
Region/Area/District: Lower Colorado-Basin
Congressional District: CA08,CA36
State: CA
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
0 250251 47 0.00
0 253852 47 0.00
0 253847 47 0.00
0 250250 47 0.00
0 253848 47 0.00
0 250252 30 0.00
0 253851 47 0.00
35290900 17059 65 0.04
40660100 39003 65 0.17
40720100 75348 57 0.09
40760100 16832 77 0.06
Project Description:
This is the second and final phase of a project to replace an entrance station. This phase includes construction of the
new entrance station, road widening, and providing utilities.
This project will demolish the old entrance fee booth and construct a new entrance station to reduce traffic
congestion and provide an improved visitor experience. It will also provide a safer and more accessible working
environment for fee collection personnel. The existing entrance fee collection booth and island will be demolished,
and the existing associated parking area will be reconfigured. A new safe, accessible main entrance fee station and
secondary satellite entrance fee station will be constructed.
Scope of Benefits (SB):
The project will address traffic congestion at the park’s west entrance, including vehicles lining up to enter the park
up to one-and-one-half miles outside the park boundary. The project will also address the lack of an inbound passing
lane, poor visibility for cars backing out of parking spaces, poor pedestrian circulation and access to the entrance
monument, and will provide a fee booth that is designed to current safety and accessibility standards.
Investment Strategy (IS):
Replacement of the existing entrance station will eliminate deferred maintenance, mitigate traffic congestion, and
improve efficiency of operations. New stacked entrance stations will improve traffic flow and reduce energy use
through better design. The facility will match or exceed current building codes for energy efficiency, resulting in a
decrease in operating expenses.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
Failure to act would result in higher deferred maintenance costs and continued degradation of all infrastructure
associated with the West Entrance station, which is the primary entrance for approximately 1.8 million visitors
annually. Those visitors will be negatively impacted by inadequate facilities, including traffic jams and increasing
wait times. The facilities will continue to be inadequate to serve the number of visitors using the facilities, including
inadequate parking and outdoor shaded gathering space. The current fee station, which was not intended to handle
the current capacity of vehicular traffic, will be in increasingly poorer condition, not energy efficient, unsafe, and
failing to meet Architectural Barriers Act Accessibility Standards.
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 0.06
API Rating: n/a 52.36
API/FCI Score: (40%) 34.85
SB Score: (20%) 5.42
IS Score: (20%) 11.30
CFA Score: (20%) 0.02
Total Score: (100%) 51.59
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: Yes
VE Study: Completed 04/20
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 538 12
Capital Improvement Work: $ 3,944 88
Total: $ 4,482 100
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date: $ 646
FY 2022 Recreation Fee Park Revenue Funding (this PDS): $ 4,482
Future Funding to Complete Project: $ 0
Total: $ 5,128
Class of Estimate: A
Estimate Escalated to: FY 22/Q1
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
Planning Funds Received in FY 2020: $ 65
Design Funds Received in FY 2017-20: $ 581
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: FY 2022/Q2
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: FY 2023/Q4
Actual: N/A
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 04/21
DOI Approved: YES
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: $499,753
Projected: $497,080
Net Change: -$2,673
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Project Data Sheet
Total Project Score/Ranking: 39.20
Planned Funding FY 2022: $1,916,000
Funding Source: Recreation Fee Park Revenue
Project Identification
Project Title: Rehabilitate South Campground, Phase II of II
Project Number: 240254C
Unit/Facility Name: Zion National Park
Region/Area/District: Upper Colorado-Basin
Congressional District: UT02
State: UT
Project Justification
DOI Asset Code FRPP Unique Id# API: FCI-Before:
00000000 255103 52 0.00
35240100 114310 55 0.00
35240100 114312 55 0.00
35240100 114311 55 0.00
40750100 65608 60 0.60
Project Description:
This is the second and final phase of a project to rehabilitate the South Campground. This phase will cover
construction of three replacement comfort stations, one replacement fee station, and 15 new picnic sites. This project
coordinates with a Legacy Restoration Fund project to rehabilitate the South Campground. That project will
demolish the assets to be replaced and will rehabilitate and construct campsites, rehabilitate and install new
campsites, reconfigure and pave campground roads, and install irrigation and utility lines.
Scope of Benefits (SB):
This project will improve the recreation experience for over 71,000 visitors each year at South Campground, which
is generally 100 percent occupied from March through October and contains 40 percent of the parks’ total camping
capacity. Additionally, the reorganization of the campground will incidentally benefit the majority of Zion’s 4.3
million annual visitors accessing the adjacent visitor center and transportation system.
Investment Strategy (IS):
The cost to operate the improved sites will be offset by the reduction in maintenance needs through replacement of
non-efficient features, improved irrigation efficiency, improved delineation, and repaving of roads.
Consequences of Failure to Act (CFA):
If this project is not completed, the visitor’s experience will continue to degrade: campers will pay fees to use
denuded, outdated, inefficient facilities. As the facilities continue to age, maintenance needs will increase.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Ranking Categories:
Category Percent Score
FCI Rating: n/a 0.41
API Rating: n/a 55.40
API/FCI Score: (40%) 12.00
SB Score: (20%) 11.95
IS Score: (20%) 15.25
CFA Score: (20%) 0.00
Total Score: (100%) 39.20
Combined ranking factors = (0.40 x API/FCI score) + (0.20 x SB score) + (0.20 x IS score) + (0.20 x CFA score)
Capital Asset Planning
Capital Plan Business Case Required: Yes
VE Study: Scheduled 11/21
Project Costs and Status
Project Cost Estimate (this PDS):
Activity Dollars in thousands Percent
Maintenance/Repair Work: $ 0 0
Capital Improvement Work: $ 1,916 100
Total: $ 1,916 100
Project Funding History (entire project):
History Dollars in thousands
Funded to Date (Recreation Fee Park Revenue): $ 792
FY 2022 Recreation Fee Park Revenue Funding (this PDS): $ 1,916
Funding to Complete Project (Legacy Restoration Fund): $ 12,874
Total: $ 15,582
Class of Estimate: C
Estimate Escalated to: FY 22/Q1
Planning and Design Funds (dollars in thousands):
Planning Funds Received in FY 2020: $ 396
Design Funds Received in FY 2020: $ 396
Major Milestones
Construction Award/Start
Scheduled: FY 2022/Q4
Actual: N/A
Project Complete
Scheduled: FY 2025/Q1
Actual: N/A
Project Data Sheet
Prepared/Last Updated: 04/21
DOI Approved: YES
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs $
Current: $717,000
Projected: $714,000
Net Change: -$3,000
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Expiring Authorization Citation
Bureau/Office Name
National Park Service
Program Name
Recreation Fee Program
16 U.S.C. 6809; P.L. 108-447
Title of Legislation
Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act
Last Year of Authorization
Amount Authorized ($000)
Appropriation in Last Year of Authorization ($000)
$267,939 (FY 2021 estimate)
2022 Budget Request ($000)
$309,932 (estimate)
Explanation of Authorization Requirement for 2022
A General Provision is requested to extend the
authorization for the program through the end of FY
2023, which will allow the NPS to continue selling
annual passes through the end of FY 2022.
Program Description
The program is authorized to collect and expend
recreation fee revenue to carry out projects with direct
visitor benefits, such as facility repair and
maintenance, informational and interpretive services,
wildlife habitat restoration, and law enforcement.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Other Permanent Appropriations
Other Permanent Appropriations ($000)
1, 2
from 2021
Contribution for Annuity Benefits for USPP 43,181 42,814 42,101 -713
Park Concessions Franchise Fees 69,775 67,163 80,309 +13,146
Concessions Improvement Accounts 8,464 11,778 11,778 +0
Park Building Lease and Maintenance Fund 9,498 10,642 11,442 +800
Filming and Photography Special Use Fee Program
784 254 10 -244
Operation and Maintenance of Quarters
21,357 23,369 23,954 +585
Delaware Water Gap, Route 209 Operations
21 25 20 -5
Total Requirements 153,080 156,045 169,614 +13,569
Total FTE Requirements
345 428 428 +0
1 FY 2020 Actual column does not include these sequestered Receipt amounts: Park Concessions Franchise Fees' $395, Park
Building Lease & Maintenance Fund's $24, or Operation & Maintenance of Quarters' $53.
2 FY 2020 Actual column includes pop up of funds that were sequestered in FY 2019 but became available in FY 2020: Park
Concessions Franchise Fees' $415, Park Building Lease & Maintenance Fund's $25, and Operation & Maintenance of Quarters'
3 FY 2021 Estimate column does not include these estimated sequestered Receipt amounts: Park Concessions Franchise Fees'
$393, Park Building Lease & Maintenance Fund's $26, or Operation & Maintenance of Quarters' $54.
4 FY 2021 Estimate column includes pop up of funds that were sequestered in FY 2020 but became available in FY 2021: Park
Concessions Franchise Fees' $395, Park Building Lease & Maintenance Fund's $24, and Operation & Maintenance of Quarters'
5 FY 2022 Estimate column does not include these estimated sequestered Receipt amounts: Park Concessions Franchise Fees'
$393, Park Building Lease & Maintenance Fund's $26, or Operation & Maintenance of Quarters' $54.
6 FY 2022 Estimate column includes pop up of funds that were sequestered in FY 2021 but became available in FY 2022: Park
Concessions Franchise Fees' $393, Park Building Lease & Maintenance Fund's $26, or Operation & Maintenance of Quarters'
This activity includes a variety of permanent appropriations that are derived from receipt sources other
than recreation fees.
Appropriation: Contribution for Annuity Benefits of the United States Park Police
Program Overview
This funding pays the costs of benefit payments to annuitants each year under the pension program for US
Park Police (USPP) officers hired prior to January 1, 1984 to the extent the payments exceed deductions
from salaries of active duty employees of the program. As amended in P.L. 85-157, the Annuity Benefits
are collected for Title V retirees. Payments are made to retirees, surviving spouses, and dependents. The
USPP pension program was funded before FY 2002 from appropriations made annually to the National
Park Service. Following enactment of the Department of the Interior and Related Agencies
Appropriations Act, 2002, (54 U.S.C. 103101), these payments have been made from funds warranted to
the National Park Service from a permanent, indefinite appropriation at the Treasury Department. The
estimates of $42.814 million for FY 2021 and $42.101 million for FY 2022 are based on the best
available information, including actuarial tables, and projected pay increases, retirements, and cost-of-
living increases.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Appropriation: Park Concessions Franchise Fees and Concessions Improvement Accounts
Program Overview
Park Concessions Franchise Fees – This program involves all franchise fees and other monetary
considerations paid to the United States pursuant to concessions contracts under the National Park Service
Concessions Management Improvement Act of 1998 (P.L. 105-391; 54 U.S.C. 1019), as amended, (the
Act). All funds are deposited into a special account and used in the National Park System. The fees are
used for contract development, programs and operations, and concession activities support.
All contracts are issued competitively under the Act, which grants a right of preference to concessioners
with annual gross receipts of less than $500,000 and to outfitters and guides operators. Under the Act, the
Service has experienced increased competition for contracts, which has resulted in improved visitor
services, higher revenue, and increased returns to the government.
Construction, investment, and maintenance requirements are weighed against the business opportunity in
setting the concession franchise fees. The resulting prospectus financial package balances the various
financial obligations, including possessory interest or leasehold surrender interest liability where it exists,
in order to determine that the new fee represents the probable value of the proposed contract.
The National Park Service Centennial Act (P.L. 114-289) established a new authority for the NPS to
award commercial services contracts: the Visitor Experience Improvement Authority (VEIA). Proceeds
from contracts awarded under this authority will be deposited to a revolving fund that supports
management, improvement, enhancement, operation, construction, and maintenance of commercial visitor
services and facilities, as well as payment of possessory interest and leasehold surrender interest. The
NPS is currently developing regulations and administrative processes for the use of this authority. See the
Visitor Experience Improvement Authority section for additional detail.
Concessions Improvement Accounts – Some older National Park Service contracts with concessioners
require the concessioner to deposit a portion of gross receipts or a fixed sum of money in a separate bank
account. With NPS approval, these funds are expended for improvement of facilities that directly support
concession visitor services. Concessioners do not accrue possessory interest for improvements funded
from these accounts. These accounts are not included in contracts issued since the 1998 Act and continue
to be phased out as older contracts are replaced.
Appropriation: Park Buildings Lease and Maintenance Fund
Program Overview
As authorized by 54 U.S.C. 102102, and 54 U.S.C. 306121, rental payments under a lease for the use of
buildings and associated property administered as part of the National Park System are deposited in a
special Park Buildings Lease and Maintenance Fund. These funds are used for infrastructure needs of the
park unit where collected, including facility refurbishment, repair and replacement, infrastructure projects
associated with park resource protection, and direct maintenance of the leased buildings and associated
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Appropriation: Filming and Photography Special Use Fee Program
Program Overview
Authorized in 54 USC 100905, revenue from location fees collected from issuing permits to use park
lands and facilities for commercial filming and certain still photography are retained and used at the sites
where collected, in accordance with the formula and purposes established for the Recreational Fee
Program. Due to the court verdict in Price vs. Barr, which determined the permit and fee requirements
applying to commercial filming under 54 USC 100905, 43 CFR Part 5, and 36 CFR Part 5 are
unconstitutional, the NPS anticipates reductions in location fees. Since permits remain allowable, minimal
location fee revenue remains.
Appropriation: Operations and Maintenance of Quarters
Program Overview
As authorized by P.L. 98-473 in 1984 (98 Stat. 1874; 5 U.S.C. 5911), rent and charges collected by
payroll deduction or otherwise, for the use or occupancy of Government Quarters in national park areas,
are deposited in a special fund to remain available until expended for the operation and maintenance of
Government Quarters. These funds are to be used to provide decent, safe, sanitary, and energy efficient
quarters to the assigned occupants.
In FY 2020, in addition to funds derived from rental income, the National Park Service recorded charges
totaling $4.699 million for housing maintenance and operations in the Operation of the National Park
System appropriation to cover rental income shortfalls. (This statement is provided as required by section
814(a)(14) of Division I of P. L. 104-333.)
Appropriation: Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, Route 209 Operations
Program Overview
Funds collected from fees, as authorized by P.L. 98-63 (97 Stat. 329) and P.L. 109-156, Sec. 4, as amended by P.L.
115-101 for commercial use of US Route 209 within the boundaries of Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area
are available for the management, operation, construction, and maintenance of US Route 209 within the park
boundaries. By law, US Route 209 within the boundaries of Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area is closed to
commercial vehicular traffic, except for that based within the recreation area, or serving businesses and persons located
within or contiguous to its boundaries, or with business facilities located or serving in certain nearby counties.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Miscellaneous Trust Funds
Miscellaneous Trust Funds ($000)
Change from
2021 Estimate
Donations (General) 47,310 52,000 52,000 0
Preservation, Birthplace of Abraham Lincoln 3 3 3 0
Total Requirements 47,313 52,003 52,003 0
Total FTE Requirements 205 225 225 0
These permanent appropriations include donated funds consistent with legislative authority and the
wishes of the grantors for federally matched signature projects and programs, non-matched donated funds
consistent with legislative authority and the wishes of the grantors, and funds used to preserve the
birthplace of Abraham Lincoln available from an endowment established for that purpose.
Appropriation: Donations, National Park Service
Program Overview
The Secretary of the Interior is authorized to accept and use donated funds for the purposes of the
National Park System. Use of these funds is strictly controlled by tracking each donation designated by
the donor for a certain purpose to ensure that it is so used or is returned to the donor. This account total
can fluctuate significantly from year to year. The fund also includes donations used as matching funds for
projects or programs within the Centennial Challenge Fund.
Appropriation: Preservation, Birthplace of Abraham Lincoln
Program Overview
By law (16 U.S.C. 212), a $50,000 endowment established by The Lincoln Farm Association was
accepted; the proceeds of which are used to help preserve the Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National
Historic Park. This endowment has been used by the park to preserve the Memorial Building and the
traditional birth cabin. Preservation projects have included various exterior repairs such as roof and
painting, along with interior painting, mold abatement, and HVAC repairs. The park plans to continue to
use this endowment to cover the upkeep of these structures in accordance with cultural resource
management plans.
Learn more about Abraham Lincoln Birthplace NHP at:
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
National Park Centennial Challenge Fund
National Park Centennial Challenge Fund
2020 Actual
from 2021
National Park Centennial Challenge Fund 234 3,500 4,000 500
Total Requirements 234 3,500 4,000 500
Total FTE Requirements
0 0 0 0
Authority Overview
The National Park Centennial Challenge Fund, created by Title I of the National Park Service Centennial
Act of 2016 (P.L. 114-289), allows the National Park Service to establish a fund to support projects and
programs that enhance the visitor experience. Amounts exceeding $10.0 million from the sale of age-
discounted Federal Recreational Lands Passes, commonly known as Senior Passes, are deposited into this
Fund as offsetting collections. The FY 2022 President’s budget estimates deposits into this Fund will be
$4.0 million in FY 2022. As all Federal funds must be matched on at least a 50:50 basis, private donations
will leverage the Federal funds for an estimated total benefit of $8.0 million.
Program Overview
Revenue deposited into the Centennial Challenge Fund was $233,867 in FY 2020. As directed by
Sections 103502 and 103503 of P.L. 114-289, projects selected should prioritize deferred maintenance,
physical improvements to visitor services facilities, and trail maintenance. In FY 2020, deposits into the
fund were significantly lower than anticipated due to impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. As such, the
NPS does not intend to fund any new projects through the Centennial Challenge Fund using FY 2020
revenue and will use these deposits to combine with future revenue to fund viable projects.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Visitor Experience Improvements Fund Revolving Account
Visitor Experience Improvement Fund
Revolving Account ($000)
Change from
2021 Estimate
Visitor Experience Improvement Fund 0 0 6,601 +6,601
Total Requirements 0 0 6,601 +6,601
Total FTE Requirements 0 0 0 0
1 FY 2022 Estimate column includes an estimated transfer of $7,000 from Park Concessions Franchise Fees to Visitor Experience Improvements
2 2022 Estimate column does not include estimated sequestered amounts: $399.
Authority Overview
The National Park Service Visitor Experience Improvements Authority (VEIA), created by Title VII of
the National Park Service Centennial Act of 2016 (P.L. 114-289), allows the National Park Service to
establish a revolving fund to provide the NPS with tools to improve commercial visitor facilities and
services throughout the System. The initial funding of the revolving fund may come from transfers in,
without reimbursement, of funds or revenues in connection with the functions to be carried out under the
Program Overview
The Visitor Experience Improvements Fund (VEIF) will provide for the administration of commercial
services contracts, and related professional services contracts, for the operation and expansion of
commercial visitor facilities and visitor services programs in System units. This includes expenses
necessary for the management, improvement, enhancement, operation, construction, and maintenance of
commercial visitor services facilities. Funds collected pursuant to the contracts awarded and services
provided under the Authority will be credited to the VEIF. The revolving fund will give the Service
additional tools, flexibility, and agility to respond to park and visitor needs related to the quality of
commercial services facilities and operations. Funds will also be used to make payments for possessory
interest and leasehold surrender interest in existing commercial services contracts awarded under separate
The VEIA can be used to provide visitor services that are “necessary and appropriate” for public use and
enjoyment of the park unit. Contract terms cannot exceed 10 years and no Leasehold Surrender Interest
(LSI) may be awarded under the VEIF. The authority may not be used for provision of outfitter and guide
services nor in cases where a preferential right of renewal currently exists. The current authority to enter
into a VEIA contract expires in 2023. Congress directed the NPS to issue regulations to implement the
VEIA. The NPS developed a proposed rule for public comment and is in the process of receiving
appropriate authorization to proceed to publish for public comment.
FY 2022 Program Performance
The Service intends to pilot contracts in a cross section of parks, types of services, and scale of services
volume to demonstrate the effectiveness of the Authority.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Appropriation Language
In addition to other uses set forth in section 101917(c)(2) of title 54, United States Code, franchise fees
credited to a sub-account shall be available for expenditure by the Secretary, without further
appropriation, for use at any unit within the National Park System to extinguish or reduce liability for
Possessory Interest or leasehold surrender interest. Such funds may only be used for this purpose to the
extent that the benefitting unit anticipated franchise fee receipts over the term of the contract at that unit
exceed the amount of funds used to extinguish or reduce liability. Franchise fees at the benefitting unit
shall be credited to the sub-account of the originating unit over a period not to exceed the term of a single
contract at the benefitting unit, in the amount of funds so expended to extinguish or reduce liability.
For the costs of administration of the Land and Water Conservation Fund grants authorized by section
105(a)(2)(B) of the Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act of 2006 (Public Law 109–432), the National
Park Service may retain up to 3 percent of the amounts which are authorized to be disbursed under such
section, such retained amounts to remain available until expended.
National Park Service funds may be transferred to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA),
Department of Transportation, for purposes authorized under 23 U.S.C. 203. Transfers may include a
reasonable amount for FHWA administrative support costs.
(Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2021.)
Justification of Major Proposed Language Changes
No major changes are requested when compared to FY 2021 Enacted.
Appropriations Language Citations
1. In addition to other uses set forth in section 101917(c)(2) of title 54, United States Code,
franchise fees credited to a sub-account shall be available for expenditure by the Secretary,
without further appropriation, for use at any unit within the National Park System to
extinguish or reduce liability for Possessory Interest or leasehold surrender interest. Such
funds may only be used for this purpose to the extent that the benefitting unit anticipated
franchise fee receipts over the term of the contract at that unit exceed the amount of funds
used to extinguish or reduce liability. Franchise fees at the benefitting unit shall be credited
to the sub-account of the originating unit over a period not to exceed the term of a single
contract at the benefitting unit, in the amount of funds so expended to extinguish or reduce
54 U.S.C. 101917(c)(2) establishes new requirements for the NPS Concession Program and was
intended by Congress to update the NPS concessions management statutory requirements and
policies established by the Concessions Policy Act of 1965 (Public Law 89-249).
2. For the costs of administration of the Land and Water Conservation Fund grants
authorized by section 105(a)(2)(B) of the Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act of 2006
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
(Public Law 109-432), the National Park Service may retain up to 3 percent of the amounts
which are authorized to be disbursed under such section, such retained amounts to remain
available until expended.
Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act of 2006 allows significant enhancements to Outer Shelf
(OCS) oil and gas leasing activities and revenue in the Gulf. Under the Act, a portion of the funds
are to be distributed in accordance with the Land and Water Conservation Act of 1965.
3. National Park Service funds may be transferred to the Federal Highway Administration
(FHWA), Department of Transportation, for purposes authorized under 23 U.S.C. 203.
Transfers may include a reasonable amount for FHWA administrative support costs.
23 U.S.C. 203 provides certain authority to the Department of Transportation to work jointly with
other Departments in recognition of the desirability to have Federally funded road projects
coordinated between State and Federal agencies by a central Federal entity to insure efficiency,
consistency and uniformity in managing the nation’s road network.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Allocations Received from Other Accounts
Obligations incurred under allocations from other accounts are included in the schedules of the parent
appropriations as follows:
Allocations Received from Other Accounts
Federal Department Agency Account Title
Department of Agriculture US Forest Service State and Private Forestry
Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration Federal Aid-Highways (Liquidation
of Contract Authorization) (Highway
Trust Fund)
Highway Studies, Feasibility,
Design, Environmental, Engineering
Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management Southern Nevada Public Lands
Department of the Interior Departmentwide Programs Central Hazardous Materials Fund
Natural Resource Damage
Assessment and Restoration Fund
National Parks and Public Land
Legacy Restoration Fund
Department of the Interior Departmental Offices Wildland Fire Management
Salaries and Expenses
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Exhibit A: Budget Realignment
In a January 2005 audit (CIN-NPS-0013-2004), the Department of the Interior Office of the Inspector
General recommended that the National Park Service realign the budget request to more closely reflect
the actual facility operations and facility maintenance obligations within the facility operations and
maintenance subactivity. During the FY 2010 appropriations process, NPS received approval from
Congress to annually update the ONPS Park Management budget subactivity and program component
displays in the Congressional Justifications to reflect how the funds were actually utilized, giving the
Committees and other stakeholders a transparent presentation of how appropriated dollars are used to
support NPS resource stewardship, visitor services, park protection, facility operations and maintenance,
and park support activities.
Within the FY 2022 budget presentation for the ONPS Park Management budget activity, the FY 2020
column represents adjusted amounts by budget subactivity and program component based on an analysis
of charges in the accounting system for FY 2020. The following table shows the variance in operating
plan amounts and actual charges in FY 2020 by ONPS subactivity.
National Park Service
FY 2020 Budget Realignment
(dollars in thousands, adjustment based on FY 2020 Actuals)
Operation of the National Park System
FY 2020
FY 2020
STEWARDSHIP 342,033 339,860 -2,173 -0.6%
SERVICES 257,645 249,165 -8,480 -3.3%
PROTECTION 372,370 394,781 22,411 6.0%
OPERATIONS & MAINT. 859,175 839,165 -20,010 -2.3%
SUPPORT 552,182 560,434 8,252 1.5%
Total PARK MANAGEMENT 2,383,405 2,383,405 0 0.0%
TOTAL ONPS APPROPRIATION 2,576,992 2,576,992 0 0.0%
These adjusted FY 2020 figures include $3,300 in funding transferred to the Semiquincentennial
Commission, and $3,300 in funding transferred to the 400 Years of African American History Commission.
Based on actual obligations.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Exhibit B: Compliance with Section 403
Section 343 of the 2004 Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations Act (P.L. 108-108) mandated
disclosure of program assessments used to support Government-wide, Departmental, or Agency
initiatives or general operations be presented in annual budget justifications. This was reiterated in later
Appropriations Acts, including most recently in the Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (P.L.
116-260). The specific requirement follows:
SEC. 403. The amount and basis of estimated overhead charges, deductions, reserves or holdbacks,
including working capital fund and cost pool charges, from programs, projects, activities and
subactivities to support government-wide, departmental, agency, or bureau administrative functions
or headquarters, regional, or central operations shall be presented in annual budget justifications
and subject to approval by the Committees on Appropriations of the House of Representatives and
the Senate. Changes to such estimates shall be presented to the Committees on Appropriations for
In accordance with OMB Circular A-25, beginning in FY 2022, the NPS will begin to charge an indirect
cost rate to recover the full costs associated with reimbursable activities.
Working Capital Fund Billings
The National Park Service budget includes payments to the Department of the Interior Working Capital
Fund for centralized and direct business and administrative services. The following table summarizes
WCF estimated billings to NPS for FY 2021 and FY 2022:
Working Capital Fund ($ estimates in thousands)
OS Shared Services 7,755.7 143.5 7,899.2 8,272.8 144.1 8,416.9
OS Activities 13,909.3 3,270.7 17,180.0 16,492.0 3,327.4 19,819.4
IT Shared Services 26,653.2 25,518.1 52,171.3 26,866.6 26,164.6 53,031.2
Interior Business Center 9,285.3 3,682.5 12,967.8 9,324.7 3,724.7 13,049.4
TOTAL, WCF Billing 57,603.4 32,614.8 90,218.3 60,956.1 33,360.8 94,316.9
Note: Numbers may not add to total due to rounding.
Regional Contingency Accounts
NPS regions assess up to one percent of allocations of ONPS Park Management activity funds for parks
and field offices within the region for contingency purposes. The contingency account, the only regional
assessment of funds that is allowed, enables Regional Directors to respond to unforeseen emergencies and
other specific unfunded needs. The Regional Directors established criteria for prioritizing and approving
requests for the funds in the contingency account.
Permitted uses of this account include:
Specific park operating problems, caused by budgetary shortfalls, until permanent solutions can
be found through formal budget increases or reprogramming actions.
Storm damage expenses.
Emergency law and order incidents expenses.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Employee benefit costs for relocation payments, lump sum leave payments, and awards.
Special Events Team and All Risk Team readiness and deployment.
Unanticipated Employee Assistance Programs and local transportation subsidy costs.
The Regional Contingency Accounts totaled $12.0 million in FY 2020. NPS used the contingency funds
for the following purposes in FY 2020:
FY 2020 NPS Contingency Costs
Contingency Category ($000)
Emergency Damage Response Costs 1,088
Law Enforcement Readiness and Response 918
Park Employee Relocation Costs 3,729
Operational Needs at Parks 4,323
Extraordinary Personnel Costs 1,917
Total 2020 Contingency Costs 11,975
An explanation of the major uses of the contingency accounts follows:
Emergencies/Law Enforcement: $2.0 million to address unforeseen events requiring rapid action
by first responders.
Park Employee Relocation Costs: $3.7 million to cover the cost of relocating park employees.
Parks with small annual budgets cannot afford these moves, accomplished according to Federal
rules, without help from a central fund.
Operational Needs at Parks: $4.3 million returned to parks to address unfunded, non-recurring
park projects to meet operational requirements.
Extraordinary Personnel Costs: $1.9 million for unexpected, but unavoidable personnel
The amount of funds to be used for contingencies during both FY 2021 and FY 2022 is difficult to
estimate due to the nature of the expenditures. Beginning in FY 2021, a contingency account was
established for Servicewide programs through an up to one percent assessment to programs in
headquarters programs in the Park Management activity. The criteria upon which the funds are assembled
and spent will remain the same. In all cases, headquarters and regions will be required to report on the
uses of the contingency funds with sufficient detail to ensure conformance with the established criteria.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Exhibit C: Statement on Land Exchanges
The following information is provided pursuant to House Report 99-714, which advises each acquisition
agency to provide a detailed listing of proposed exchanges and related expenditures. The following is a
tentative list, by State, of land exchanges that the National Park Service expects to be working on and the
related costs in FY 2021. The actual exchanges to be worked in the fiscal year may vary considerably from
the list because there can be no certainty about the time of completion of exchanges now in progress, their
success rate, or the availability of funds needed to cover exchange-related costs. Costs shown include: (1)
direct personnel costs needed to accomplish exchanges, paid from Acquisition Administration funds, and
(2) costs of appraisals, surveys, and similar items, paid from funds appropriated for acquisition at specified
park units or under the project activity “Inholdings/Exchanges” in the Federal Land Acquisition budget.
Proposed NPS Land Exchanges, FY 2021
Alaska Denali National Park and Preserve 1 $230,000
Alaska Wrangell—St. Elias National Park and Preserve 1 $80,000
Arizona Petrified Forest National Park 1 $30,000
California Kings Canyon National Park 1 $45,000
California Redwood National Park 1 $50,000
Colorado Rocky Mountain National Park 2 $30,000
District of Columbia C&O Canal National Historical Park 1 $50,000
District of Columbia National Capital Parks 1 $15,000
Georgia Cumberland Island National Seashore 5 $1,000,000
Indiana George Rogers Clark National Historical Park 1 $15,000
Indiana Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore 2 $5,000
Maine Acadia National Park 4 $90,000
Maine Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument 2 $30,000
Maryland National Capital Parks 3 $45,000
Maryland Catoctin Mountain Park 1 $50,000
Michigan Sleeping Bear National Lakeshore 1 $10,000
Minnesota St. Croix National Scenic Riverway 1 $15,000
Minnesota Voyageurs National Park 3 $60,000
Mississippi Gulf Islands National Seashore 2 $55,000
New Hampshire Appalachian National Scenic Trail 1 $75,000
New Mexico White Sands National Monument 1 $300,000
New York Gateway National Recreation Area 2 $55,000
North Carolina Blue Ridge Parkway 1 $75,000
Ohio Cuyahoga Valley National Park 1 $25,000
Pennsylvania Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area 4 $85,000
Pennsylvania Appalachian National Scenic Trail 3 $225,000
Texas Lyndon B. Johnson National Historic Park 1 $10,000
Texas San Antonio Missions National Historical Park 1 $16,000
Virginia George Washington Memorial Parkway 3 $75,000
Virginia National Capital Parks 1 $10,000
Virginia Prince William Forest Park 1 $10,000
Wisconsin St. Croix National Scenic Riverway 1 $15,000
Wyoming Devils Tower National Monument 1 $20,000
Wyoming Grand Teton National Park 1 $25,000
Virgin Islands Virgin Islands National Park 1 $60,000
TOTAL 52 $2,846,000
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
The following information is provided pursuant to House Report 99-714, which advises each acquisition
agency to provide a detailed listing of proposed exchanges and related expenditures. The following is a
tentative list, by State, of land exchanges that the National Park Service expects to be working on and the
related costs in FY 2022. The actual exchanges to be worked in the fiscal year may vary considerably from
the list because there can be no certainty about the time of completion of exchanges now in progress, their
success rate, or the availability of funds needed to cover exchange-related costs. Costs shown include: (1)
direct personnel costs needed to accomplish exchanges, paid from Acquisition Administration funds, and
(2) costs of appraisals, surveys, and similar items, paid from funds appropriated for acquisition at specified
park units or under the project activity “Inholdings/Exchanges” in the Federal Land Acquisition budget.
Proposed NPS Land Exchanges, FY 2022
Alaska Wrangell—St. Elias National Park and Preserve 1 $500,000
Arizona Petrified Forest National Park 1 $30,000
California Death Valley National Park 1 $75,000
California Redwood National Park 1 $50,000
Colorado Rocky Mountain National Park 2 $30,000
District of Columbia C&O Canal National Historical Park 1 $50,000
District of Columbia National Capital Parks 1 $10,000
Maine Acadia National Park 4 $90,000
Maine Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument 2 $30,000
Maryland National Capital Parks 1 $15,000
Maryland Catoctin Mountain Park 1 $50,000
Massachusetts Cape Cod National Seashore 3 $80,000
Massachusetts Lowell National Historical Park 2 $30,000
Minnesota St. Croix National Scenic Riverway 1 $15,000
Minnesota Voyageurs National Park 3 $60,000
Montana Glacier National Park 1 $40,000
New York Gateway National Recreation Area 2 $55,000
Ohio Cuyahoga Valley National Park 1 $25,000
Pennsylvania Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area 4 $85,000
Texas Lyndon B. Johnson National Historic Park 1 $10,000
Virginia George Washington Memorial Parkway 3 $75,000
Virginia National Capital Parks 1 $10,000
Virginia Petersburg National Military Park 1 $35,000
Virginia Prince William Forest Park 1 $10,000
West Virginia New River Gorge National River 1 $10,000
Wyoming Devils Tower National Monument 1 $20,000
TOTAL 43 $1,500,000
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Exhibit D: Employee Count by Grade
National Park Service
Employee Count By Grade
(Total Employment)
Position Type/Grade FY 20
FY 21
FY 22
Executive Level V - - 1
SES 22 22 22
Subtotal 22 22 23
SL00 - - -
ST00 - - -
Subtotal - - -
GS15 190 196 206
GS14 532 549 576
GS-13 1,342 1,384 1,452
GS-12 2,312 2,384 2,501
GS-11 2,318 2,390 2,507
GS-10 9 9 9
GS–9 2,606 2,687 2,818
GS–8 103 106 111
GS–7 1,789 1,845 1,935
GS–6 612 631 662
GS–5 2,633 2,715 2,848
GS–4 675 696 730
GS–3 83 86 90
GS–2 13 13 14
GS–1 7 7 7
Subtotal 15,224 15,698 16,466
Other Pay Schedule Systems 5,567 5,740 6,022
Total Employment Estimates 20,813 21,460 22,511
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
Exhibit E: General Provisions
Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies
SEC.XXX. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Secretary of the Interior is authorized to
acquire lands, waters, or interests therein including the use of all or part of any pier, dock, or landing
within the State of New York and the State of New Jersey, for the purpose of operating and maintaining
facilities in the support of transportation and accommodation of visitors to Ellis, Governors, and Liberty
Islands, and of other program and administrative activities, by donation or with appropriated funds,
including franchise fees (and other monetary consideration), or by exchange; and the Secretary is
authorized to negotiate and enter into leases, subleases, concession contracts or other agreements for the
use of such facilities on such terms and conditions as the Secretary may determine reasonable.
Purpose: The provision authorizes the Secretary to acquire lands, waters, or interests therein to operate
and maintain facilities in support of transportation and accommodation of visitors to Ellis, Governors, or
Liberty Islands, by donation or with appropriated funds, including franchise fees, or by exchange. The
provision also authorizes the Secretary to negotiate and enter into leases, subleases, concession contracts,
or other agreements for the use of such facilities.
SEC. XXX. Section 4(b) of The Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area Improvement Act, as
amended by Section 1 of Public Law 115–101, is further amended by striking “2021’’ and inserting
Purpose: The provision extends Section 1 of Public Law 115-101 by one year, allowing for Delaware
Water Gap National Recreation Area to collect fees for the management, operation, construction, and
maintenance of US Route 209 within park boundaries.
The language provided here reflects General Provisions that are directly applicable to NPS. For a complete listing
of the Department’s proposed General Provisions, please refer to the General Provision section of the Office of the
Secretary and Department-wide Programs FY 2022 budget justification.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
(a) STUDY.—The Secretary of the Interior (Secretary) shall conduct a study to evaluate
(1) resources associated with the 1965 Voting Rights March from Selma to Montgomery not
currently part of the Selma to Montgomery National Historic Trail (Trail) (16 U.S.C.
1244(a)(20)) that would be appropriate for addition to the Trail; and
(2) the potential designation of the Trail as a unit of the National Park System instead of, or in
addition to, remaining a designated part of the National Trails System.
(b) REPORT.—Not later than one year after the date on which funds are made available for the
study, the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Natural Resources of the House of
Representatives and the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of the Senate a report that
describes the results of the study and the conclusions and recommendations of the study.
Purpose: The provision instructs the Department of the Interior to conduct a study to evaluate resources
not currently part of the Selma to Montgomery NHT that would be appropriate for addition, and evaluate
the potential designation of the Trail as a unit of the National Park system. The study is to be made
available one year after funds are made available for the study.
(a) Section 126 of Public Law 98-398 (98 Stat. 1456; 120 Stat. 1853) as amended, is further amended
by striking “the date that is 15 years after the date of enactment of this section” and inserting
“September 30, 2023”.
(b) Section 10 of Public Law 99-647 (100 Stat. 3630; 104 Stat. 1018; 120 Stat. 1858; 128 Stat. 3804)
as amended, is further amended by striking “2021” and inserting “2023”.
(c) Section 12 of Public Law 100-692 (102 Stat. 4558; 112 Stat. 3258; 123 Stat. 1292; 127 Stat. 420;
128 Stat. 314; 128 Stat. 3801) as amended, is further amended,
(1) in subsection (c)(1), by striking “2021” and inserting “2023”; and
(2). in subsection (d), by striking “2021” and inserting “2023”.
(d) Section 106(b) of Public Law 103-449 (108 Stat. 4755; 113 Stat. 1726; 123 Stat. 1291; 128 Stat.
3802) as amended, is further amended by striking “2021” and inserting “2023”.
(e) Division II of Public Law 104-333 (54 U.S.C. 320101 note) as amended, is further amended by
striking “2021” each place it appears in the following sections and inserting “2023”
(1) in subsection 107 (110 Stat. 4244; 127 Stat. 420; 128 Stat. 314; 128 Stat. 3801).
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
(2). in subsection 408 (110 Stat. 4256; 127 Stat. 420; 128 Stat. 314; 128 Stat. 3801).
(3) in subsection 507 (110 Stat. 4260; 127 Stat. 420; 128 Stat. 314; 128 Stat. 3801).
(4) in subsection 707 (110 Stat. 4267; 127 Stat. 420; 128 Stat. 314; 128 Stat. 3801).
(5) in subsection 809 (110 Stat. 4275; 122 Stat. 826; 127 Stat. 420; 128 Stat. 314; 128 Stat.
(6) in subsection 910 (110 Stat. 4281; 127 Stat. 420; 128 Stat. 314; 128 Stat. 3801). (7) in
subsection 310 (110 Stat. 4252; 127 Stat. 420; 128 Stat. 314; 129 Stat. 2551; 132 Stat. 661; 133
Stat. 778).
(8) in subsection 607 (110 Stat. 4264; 127 Stat. 420; 128 Stat. 314; 129 Stat. 2551; 132 Stat. 661;
133 Stat. 778-779).
(9) in subsection 208 (110 Stat. 4248; 127 Stat. 420; 128 Stat. 314; 129 Stat. 2551; 132 Stat. 661;
133 Stat .778).
(f) Section 109 of Public Law 105-355 (112 Stat. 3252; 128 Stat. 3802) as amended, is further
amended by striking “September 30, 2021” and inserting “2023”.
(g) Public Law 106-278 (54 U.S.C. 320101 note) as amended, is further amended,
(1) in section 108 (114 Stat. 818; 127 Stat. 420; 128 Stat. 314; 128 Stat. 3802) by striking
“2021” and inserting “2023”.
(2) in section 209 (114 Stat. 824; 128 Stat. 3802) by striking “2021” and inserting “2023”.
(h) Sec. 157(i) of Public Law 106-291 (114 Stat. 963; 128 Stat. 3082) as amended, is further amended
by striking “2021” and inserting “2023”.
(i) Section 7 of Public Law 106-319 (114 Stat. 1284; 128 Stat. 3082) as amended, is further amended
by striking “2021” and inserting “2023”.
(j) Section 811 of Title VIII of Appendix D of Public Law 106-554 (114 Stat. 2763, 2763A-295; 128
Stat. 3802) as amended, is further amended by striking “2021” and inserting “2023”.
(k) Section 140(j) Public Law 108-108 (117 Stat. 1274; 131 Stat. 461; 132 Stat. 661; 133 Stat. 778)
as amended, is further amended by striking “2021” and inserting “2023”.
(l) Title II of Public Law 109-338 (54 U.S.C. 320101 note; 120 Stat. 1787-1845) as amended, is
further amended:
(1) in each of sections 208, 221, 240, 260, 269, 289, 291J, 295L; and 297H by striking “the date
that is 15 years after the date of enactment of this Act” and inserting “September 30, 2023”; and
(2) in section 280B by striking “the day occurring 15 years after the date of enactment of this
subtitle” and inserting “September 30, 2023”.
National Park Service FY 2022 Budget Justifications
(m) Section 810(a)(1) of Title VIII of Division B of Appendix D of Public Law 106-554 (114 Stat.
2763; 123 Stat. 1295; 131 Stat. 461; 133 Stat. 2714) as amended, is further amended by striking
‘‘$14,000,000’’ and inserting ‘‘$16,000,000’’.
(n) Section 125(a) of Title IV of Public Law 109-338 (120 Stat. 1853) is amended by striking
‘‘$10,000,000’’ and inserting ‘‘$12,000,000’’.
(o) Section 210(a) of Title II of Public Law 106-278 (114 Stat. 824) is amended by striking
‘‘$10,000,000’’ and inserting ‘‘$12,000,000’’.
Purpose: The provision extends the authorization for Illinois and Michigan Canal National Heritage
Corridor, John H. Chafee Blackstone River Valley National Heritage Corridor, Delaware and Lehigh
National Heritage Corridor, The Last Green Valley National Heritage Corridor, America’s Agricultural
Heritage Partnership, August Canal National Heritage Area, Essex National Heritage Area, Maurice D.
Hinchey Hudson River Valley National Heritage Area, National Coal Heritage Area, Ohio and Erie Canal
National Heritage Area, Rivers of Steel National Heritage Area, South Carolina National Heritage
Corridor, Tennessee Civil War Heritage Area, Motor Cities National Heritage Area, Lackawanna Valley
National Heritage Area, Schuylkill River Heritage Area, Wheeling National Heritage Area, Yuma
Crossing National Heritage Area, Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor, Blue Ridge National
Heritage Area, Arabia Mountain National Heritage Area, Atchafalaya National Heritage Area, Champlain
Valley National Heritage Partnership, Crossroads of the American Revolution National Heritage Area,
Freedom’s Frontier National Heritage Area, Great Basin National Heritage Route, Gullah/Geechee
Cultural Heritage Corridor, Mormon Pioneer National Heritage Area, Northern Rio Grande National
Heritage Area, Upper Housatonic Valley National Heritage Area, and increases the appropriations caps
on Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor, Illinois and Michigan Canal National Heritage Corridor,
and Schuylkill River Heritage Area.