IOWA JUDICIAL BRANCH Guide to Criminal Court Procedure
Excerpted from the Guide to Iowa’s Court System Page 1 of 3
In general, the process in district court involves the assertion of claims and the presentation of evidence to
support or refute claims.
Criminal cases involve charges filed by the government typically the statealleging that a person, the
defendant, has violated a criminal law or ordinance. Typically, a person convicted of committing a criminal
offense is subject to certain penalties such as paying a fine and restitution, serving time in prison or jail, or
community service.
Criminal law is divided into two major classifications: misdemeanors and felonies. Misdemeanors are divided
into three categories: simple, serious, and aggravated. Felonies are more serious crimes, and are classified from
the most to the least serious as follows: class A, B, C, and D. For both misdemeanor and felony offenses, the
penalty for conviction generally increases in severity with the level of offense.
Pretrial Procedures
Initial AppearanceGenerally speaking, a person arrested for breaking a criminal law appears before a judge
within twenty-four hours. The judge will inform the person of the charges and bail or conditions of release. For
some minor offenses, the judge may allow the person to enter a plea of guilty or not guilty at the initial
Preliminary HearingAfter the initial appearance, the defendant is entitled to a preliminary hearing to
determine if there is sufficient evidence to continue the case. Generally, the defendant will waive that right, and
the prosecutor will file a trial information, which is a formal statement of the charges.
IndictmentOn occasion, the county attorney will call a grand jury, a panel of seven citizens, to decide whether
criminal charges should be brought. If at least five of the seven grand jurors find there is enough evidence to
warrant a conviction by a trial jury, an indictment will be presented to the court. The indictment initiates a
criminal proceeding.
ArraignmentFollowing the filing of a trial information or indictment, the defendant will appear for an
arraignment. At the arraignment, the court will read the formal charges and the defendant must enter a plea,
generally guilty or not guilty. If the defendant cannot afford to hire an attorney, the court will appoint an
attorney to represent the defendant.
If the defendant enters a not guilty plea, there must be a trial within 90 days from the date of the filing of the
trial information or indictment. However, the defendant may waive the right to a speedy trial. The defendant
may also waive the right to a jury trial, and instead have the judge decide the case.
DiscoveryThe defendant may engage in discovery, including requesting evidence from the state and taking
depositions of witnesses. The defendant may also file various pre-trial motions, including motions to exclude
evidence believed to be illegally obtained.
Plea BargainThe defendant and the state may engage in plea bargainingdiscussions to resolve the charges
without going to trial. If the defendant and the state do not reach an agreement, the court may schedule a pre-
trial conference and thereafter a trial date.
IOWA JUDICIAL BRANCH Guide to Criminal Court Procedure
Excerpted from the Guide to Iowa’s Court System Page 2 of 3
Criminal Trial
Jury SelectionIf the case proceeds to a jury trial, the parties will have the opportunity to question the
prospective jurorsa process called voir dire that is used to screen jurors. In a criminal case, the jury is
comprised of twelve jurors and each party may exercise strikes, which means objecting to a certain person
serving on the jury. The number of strikes is determined by the level of the offense charged, ranging from four
to ten. Additionally, the court may determine that alternate jurors are necessary.
Opening StatementsFollowing jury selection, the state will read the trial information or indictment and the
defendant’s plea. Next, the state may then give an opening statement which summarizes the evidence and the
charges the state will prove. The defendant may give an opening statement immediately following the state’s
opening statement or wait to give an opening statement after the prosecution has finished its case.
Presentation of EvidenceAfter opening statements, the parties present evidence through the questioning of
witnesses and introduction of evidence such as objects, documents, photos, and other items that support
allegations. Each party must abide by the Iowa Rules of Evidence in doing so. These rules govern what evidence
is admissible at trial and how it is presented. If a party believes the other party is not following the rules, that
party may raise an objection: “I object!” The judge will then either sustain (grant) or overrule (deny) the
objection. During a bench trial, the judge may reserve ruling on the objection.
The state will present its evidence first. The defendant is not required to present any evidence because the state
bears the burden of proving the defendant is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. If the defendant presents
evidence, the state has the opportunity to present rebuttal evidence. Also, both sides have the right to cross-
examine each other’s witnesses.
Closing ArgumentsOnce the parties are through presenting their evidence, they each have an opportunity to
make closing arguments to the jury. Closing arguments are an opportunity to persuade the judge or jury to
decide the case in favor of a party. Closing arguments must be based upon the evidence produced in trial.
The VerdictUnlike a civil jury trial, the jury in a criminal case must return a unanimous verdict-either guilty or
not guilty. The jury may also find the defendant guilty of a lesser charge, if that lesser charge was submitted to
the jury in the jury instructions. If the jury cannot reach a unanimous verdict, the court will declare a mistrial and
the case may be tried again to another jury at a later date if the prosecutor so chooses.
After the return of a guilty verdict, the jury’s duty is complete. The jury is not involved in determining the
defendant’s punishment; sentencing is left solely to the judge. The court will schedule a sentencing hearing, and
both sides will have the opportunity to make sentencing recommendations.
Pre-sentence InvestigationBefore any defendant is sentenced (except in traffic and less serious criminal
matters) the judge is given a pre-sentence investigation report prepared by a probation officer. This report
contains information such as the defendant’s criminal record and family and financial circumstances, harm to
any victims, and sentencing recommendations from the probation officer and others.
IOWA JUDICIAL BRANCH Guide to Criminal Court Procedure
Excerpted from the Guide to Iowa’s Court System Page 3 of 3
Victim Impact StatementVictims may make a written victim impact statement and read their statement in
Sentencing LawsThe legislature decides the types of punishments that apply to each type of crime. In
determining the sentence of a particular defendant, the court considers which sentence or combination of
sentences as authorized by the legislature, in the discretion of the court, will provide for the maximum
opportunity for rehabilitation of the defendant and the protection of the community from further offenses by
the defendant.
Deferred JudgmentIn some cases, the court may grant the defendant a deferred judgment. If the defendant
successfully completes certain conditions during a fixed period of probation, the crime will be removed from the
public court record.
After careful consideration, the court will impose a sentence that may include a fine, jail or prison term,
probation, community service, and victim restitution. The amount of a fine or the term of imprisonment entered
against a defendant must be within the parameters set by the legislature. Judges do not have the legal authority
to impose sentences outside these statutory parameters.
IncarcerationA defendant who is sentenced to a term of imprisonment greater than one year is turned over to
the custody of the Iowa Department of Corrections, an executive branch agency. The department decides in
which prison facility the defendant will serve the sentence. However, a defendant who receives a sentence of
less than one year typically serves that time in a county jail.
ParoleDefendants who are sent to a state correctional facility may be released prior to the expiration of their
sentence. This early release is known as parole. Parole is granted by the parole board, which is an executive
branch body composed of citizens appointed by the governor and confirmed by the Iowa Senate. Certain
conditions are attached to parole. If a defendant violates these conditions, parole may be revoked and the
defendant may be returned to the correctional facility.
ProbationProbation is another sentencing option. Probation comes with court ordered conditions attached. A
defendant must comply with these conditions to successfully complete probation. A defendant who violates a
probation order may be sent to a correctional facility or a county jail. A defendant who is on probation is placed
under the supervision of a community-based correctional program that monitors the defendant’s compliance. In
Iowa, community-based correctional programs are public agencies that are supervised by appointed boards of