LBQ cisgender women are stascally as likely to have had aborons in their lifeme as
straight cisgender women (22.8% vs 17.3%).
Nearly half of LBQ cisgender women who have been pregnant became pregnant in their teen
For bisexually idened women ages 15-44, the odds of an unwanted pregnancy are 1.75
mes greater than their heterosexual peers.
Sexually acve, self-idened bisexual girls are 1.72 mes more likely to become pregnant
than their sexually acve straight high school-aged peers.
LBQ cisgender women, as well as transgender people whose sex assigned at birth is female,
are less likely than their straight cisgender peers to have had cancer screenings, such as Pap
smears or mammograms.
Bianca D.M. Wilson et al., Health and Socioeconomic Well-Being of LBQ Women in the US, Mar. 2021), 
Sexual Orientaon Disparies in Mismed and Unwanted Pregnancy
Among Adult Women
Sexual Orientaon Disparies in Pregnancy Risk Behaviors and Pregnancy Among Sexually Acve Teenage
Girls: Updates from the Youth Risk Behavior Survey, Oct. 2019), 
Mapping the Scienc Literature on Reproducve Health Among
Transgender and Gender Diverse People: A Scoping Review, 29 
Pap Test Use is Lower Among Female-to-Male
Cathren Cohen, Bianca D.M. Wilson, Kerith J. Conron
Center on Reproductive Health,
Law, and Policy
The Implicaons of Dobbs on
Reproducve Health Care Access
for LGBTQ People Who Can Get
 Dobbs 
On June 24, 2022, the United States Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v.
Casey by issuing the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organizaon decision, which found that there is no
right to aboron protected by the federal Constuon. As a result, aboron access is currently determined
by individual states, and 26 states have already or are likely to ban or severely restrict aboron.
that restrict aboron care are oen accompanied by decreased access to other reproducve health
services, including contracepon, and worsened health outcomes for both women and children.
Most conversaons and media aenon about the impact of Dobbs have focused on harms to the
health and well-being of cisgender heterosexual women. However, restricng aboron access will
also impact members of the LGBTQ community. It is essenal to consider the unique and signicant
impacts on LGBTQ people who can get pregnant (including LBQ cisgender women and transgender
people who can become pregnant) in discussions about the harm caused by the rollback of aboron
and sexual and reproducve health care access across the country.
LBQ cisgender women are more likely to lack health insurance coverage compared to straight women;
14.3% (nearly 1 in 6) reported having no health insurance compared with 10.1% of straight women.
Slightly more LBQ cisgender women relied on Medicaid for health insurance coverage than their
straight counterparts (13.3% vs 10.7%).
In addion, LBQ cisgender women were more likely than
straight women to report not having a regular health care provider (29.3% versus 15.7%).
this group, bisexual women were signicantly more likely to report not having a regular health care
Paents Than Non-Transgender WomenThe Report of the 2015
U.S. Transgender Survey, 
26 States Are Certain or Likely to Ban Aboron Without Roe: Here’s Which Ones and Why, 
See, e.g.How Liming Access to Aboron Limits Access to Birth Control, 
Evaluang Priories: Measuring Women’s and Children’s Health and Well-being against Aboron Restricons in the States, 
Liming Aboron Access Contributes to Poor Maternal
Health Outcomes, 
supra note 1, , Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance
System Survey Data).
 Id. 
 Dobbs 
provider compared to lesbian women (31% versus 25%).
In general, transgender people experience discriminaon, mistreatment, or denials of care when seeking
health care and oen have diculty nding providers who are knowledgeable and able to provide trans-
competent health care.
In parcular, transgender men and nonbinary people who can get pregnant
can face dicules nding inclusive and arming reproducve health care, including providers who use
gendered language or incorrectly assume that all of their paents idenfy as female.
However, more
research is needed on the specic reproducve health care experiences of transgender people.
Research indicates that LGBTQ people assigned female at birth are less likely to receive cancer screenings
such as Pap tests and mammograms. An analysis of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevenon’s
Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) found that LBQ women are less likely to have received
a Pap test in the last ve years; 69% of LBQ women had received this screening, compared to 80% of
straight women.
LBQ women overall were less likely to have received a mammogram: only 42.8% of
LBQ women had ever had a mammogram, compared with 70.8% of straight women.
Transgender men
are less likely to obtain regular Pap tests compared to cisgender women, and the 2015 U.S. Transgender
Survey found that 13% of transgender respondents had been denied coverage by a health insurance
company for supposedly gender-specic services such as Pap smears and mammograms.
Unplanned pregnancies are more common among cisgender bisexual girls and women than their
heterosexual peers.
Sexually acve, self-idened bisexual girls are 1.72 mes more likely to become
See LGBTQ People in the US: Select Findings from the Generaons and TransPop
Studies, 
Discriminaon in America: Experiences and Views of LGBTQ Americans 
Discriminaon Prevents LGBTQ People From Accessing Health Care, 
See, e.g., Beyond the Binary: Sexual and Reproducve Health Consideraons for Transgender and Gender
Expansive Adolescents, 3 .
supra 
supra supra supra 
See Kerith Conron et al., Reproducve Health Care and LBT Adults, 
supra Sexual
Orientaon and Risk of Pregnancy Among New York City High-School Students
supra note 3).
 Dobbs 
pregnant than their sexually acve straight high school-aged peers.
For bisexually idened women
ages 15-44, the odds of an unwanted pregnancy are 1.75 mes greater than their heterosexual
In fact, a signicant number of LBQ women—nearly half of those who have been pregnant—
become pregnant in their teen years.
In addion, LBQ cisgender women are stascally similarly likely to have had aborons in their lifeme
compared to straight cisgender women (22.8% vs 17.3%).
It is possible that the Hyde Amendments
prohibion on payment for aboron care through federal Medicaid funds has limited access to
aboron for LBQ cisgender women; 13.3% of LBQ cisgender women are insured through Medicaid
(compared to 10.7% of straight cisgender women).
Although 16 states currently use state funds to
pay for aborons in their state Medicaid programs,
LBQ women enrolled in Medicaid in the majority
of states cannot rely on their insurance and instead must pay out-of-pocket for aboron care.
Contracepve use, aboron, and birth rates for transgender people are understudied.
transgender people assigned female at birth do experience pregnancy and may face dicules
obtaining contracepon and other reproducve health services.
LBQ cisgender women are less likely to have a doctor ask about their interest in geng pregnant than
their straight cisgender counterparts, despite considerable interest in expanding and starng families.
An analysis of the Naonal Survey of Family Growth shows that 24.9% of LBQ cisgender women have had
 supra
supra note 3.
supra 
supra note 1, 
See KFF, State Funding of
Aborons Under Medicaid 
supra but see Transgender Aboron Paents and the
Provision of Transgender-Specic Care at Non-Hospital Facilies that Provide Aborons, 2 
supra see Not Up for Debate: LGBTQ People Need and Deserve Tailored
Sexual and Reproducve Health Care, 
supra  see also LGBTQ Family Building Survey, 
 Dobbs 
a doctor ask them if they wanted to get pregnant, compared to 32.8% of straight cisgender women.
Some (14.6%) LBQ cisgender women have used inseminaon services intended to achieve pregnancy
(compared to 19.1% of straight cisgender women).
In general, more LGB cisgender women than
straight women reported wanng but not being able to have children (15.3% vs 8%, respecvely).
Transgender people who can get pregnant also face dicules with services related to pregnancy,
childbearing, and parenng, including limited access to ferlity preservaon and assisted
reproducve services.
While the overturning of Roe v. Wade will allow states to restrict access to aboron and other sexual
and reproducve health care, some states are using the Dobbs decision as an opportunity to preserve
and expand access to care.
Given exisng barriers to sexual and reproducve health care access for
LGBTQ people, these eorts in promong health equity should include all LGBTQ people who can get
pregnant. Providers should follow the CDCs Sexual Health Assessment recommendaons to idenfy
paent needs and provide appropriate services and informaon about contracepon, aboron,
safer sex counseling, STI screening and treatment, and resources to facilitate family formaon such
as assisted reproducve technologies.
Health service organizaons that focus on the provision of
reproducve health care, as well as those that specialize in the care of LGBTQ communies, should
oer a range of LGBTQ-competent reproducve and sexual health care services. Eorts to track the
eects of the Dobbs decision on women in the general populaon should include tracking the unique
impact on LGBTQ people who can get pregnant. Beer data collecon and research into LGBTQ access
to sexual and reproducve care generally is also needed, parcularly for transgender people.
supra 
Id. 
supra  
See 
2022 State Legislave Sessions: Aboron Bans and Restricons on Medicaon Aboron Dominate, 
see alsoStates Want to Ban Aborons Beyond Their
Borders. Here’s What Pro-Choice States Can Do, 
See CDC, Discussing Sexual Health with Your Paents
 Dobbs 
Cathren Cohen, J.D., is a Sta Aorney at the Center on Reproducve Health, Law, and Policy and the
Williams Instute.
Bianca D.M. Wilson, Ph.D., is the Rabbi Zacky Senior Scholar of Public Policy at the Williams Instute
and Associate Researcher at the UCLA School of Law.
 is the Blachford-Cooper Disnguished Scholar and Research Director at
the Williams Instute.
The authors thank Mia Humphreys Pozo for her review.
Cohen, C., Wilson, B.D.M., Conron, K.J. (2022). The Implicaons of Dobbs on Reproducve Health Care
Access for LGBTQ People Who Can Get Pregnant. The Center on Reproducve Health, Law, and Policy,
UCLA School of Law
Founded in 2021 through a budget allocaon from the state of California, CRHLP is an interdisciplinary,
naonal academic research center dedicated to training the next generaon of reproducve health
and rights leaders, while producing research-informed strategies to transform current debates.
CRHLP amplies UCLA Laws current work on reproducve health, law, and policy and builds capacity
by aracng new leaders, scholars, and students. CRHLP is commied to the highest standards
of independent inquiry, academic excellence, and rigor. Research ndings and conclusions are
never altered to accommodate other interests, including those of funders, other organizaons, or
government bodies and ocials.
The Center on Reproducve Health, Law, and Policy, UCLA School of Law, Box 951476, Los Angeles,
CA 90095-1476, hps://law.ucla.edu/academics/centers/center-reproducve-health-law-and-policy