Grandstream Networks, Inc.
UCM6XXX Series
Fax Server Guide
UCM6xxx Series - Fax Server Guide
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Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 5
SETUP UCM6XXX WITH PHYSICAL FAX MACHINE ................................................... 6
FXS Extension Configuration .................................................................................................................... 6
Connecting FAX Machine to UCM ............................................................................................................. 7
Routing FAX Calls ..................................................................................................................................... 8
Create Analog Trunk .............................................................................................................................. 8
Create VoIP Trunk .................................................................................................................................. 9
Sending/Receiving Fax Files using Fax Machine ................................................................................ 10
UCM6XXX FAX VALUE ADDED FEATURES............................................................... 13
WEB GUI FAX SENDING ........................................................................................................................ 13
FAX RESENDING ................................................................................................................................... 14
USING FAX-TO-MAIL .............................................................................................................................. 15
UCM EMAIL Settings ........................................................................................................................... 15
Create/Edit Virtual FAX Extensions ..................................................................................................... 20
Receiving FAX Files using Virtual Faxing ............................................................................................ 22
Customizing FAX EMAIL Template ...................................................................................................... 23
USING MAIL-TO-FAX .............................................................................................................................. 24
UCM Email Settings ............................................................................................................................. 24
Create/Edit Virtual FAX Extensions ..................................................................................................... 28
Sending MAIL to FAX ........................................................................................................................... 30
FAX DETECTION AND INTELLIGENT ROUTING .................................................................................. 31
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Table of Figure
Figure 1: Create FXS Extension for Fax Machine (Basic Settings) .............................................................. 7
Figure 2: Create FXS Extension for Fax Machine (Media) ........................................................................... 7
Figure 3: FXS Ports of UCM6510 (Example) ................................................................................................ 8
Figure 4: Analog Trunk for Fax ...................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 5: VoIP Trunk ................................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 6: Inbound Route with FXS Extension as default destination .......................................................... 11
Figure 7: Outbound Route........................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 8: Fax Sending Settings ................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 9: Format Error Message ................................................................................................................. 14
Figure 10: File Send Progress .................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 11: FAX Settings .............................................................................................................................. 15
Figure 12: FAX File Send Progress List ...................................................................................................... 15
Figure 13: Email Settings ............................................................................................................................ 18
Figure 14: Email Template for FAX ............................................................................................................. 19
Figure 15: Create New Fax Extension ........................................................................................................ 20
Figure 16: Fax Settings ............................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 17: Inbound Route with Fax Extension as Default Destination ....................................................... 23
Figure 18: List of Fax Files .......................................................................................................................... 23
Figure 19: FAX EMAIL Template ................................................................................................................. 24
Figure 20 : Email Settings ........................................................................................................................... 27
Figure 21: Create new Fax extension ......................................................................................................... 28
Figure 22: Fax Settings ............................................................................................................................... 28
Figure 23: Example of EMAIL to FAX ......................................................................................................... 31
Figure 24: List of Fax Files .......................................................................................................................... 31
Figure 25: Fax Intelligent Routing after a Fax Signaling Detection ............................................................ 32
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Table of Figure
Table 1: Email Settings ................................................................................................................................ 16
Table 2: FAX/T.38 Parameters .................................................................................................................... 21
Table 3: Email Settings ................................................................................................................................ 25
Table 4: FAX/T.38 Parameters .................................................................................................................... 29
UCM6xxx Series - Fax Server Guide
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Fax Server is one of the most useful and important UCM6xxx features that allows the user to send and
receive Fax files. The UCM6xxx IP-PBX series support T.30 for legacy analog Fax transmissions along with
T.38 and Pass-through for Fax Over IP. The UCM6xxx series provide a lot of options and methods to perform
sending/receiving Fax files depending on user’s resources and the way he/she wants to proceed.
UCM Fax Server supports T.38 which is a protocol that dictates how to send a fax over a computer data
network and requires a T.38-capable VoIP service or gateway (please check with your service provider for
this protocol support), otherwise the transmission of Fax will proceed via pass through using RTP for
sending facsimile signals.
This guide describes the steps to follow in order to perform sending and receiving fax files when the user
has an Analog Fax machine connected to UCM6xxx’s FXS Port or when he only wants to use a virtual fax
machine and benefit from the value-added features of the UCM6xxx related to fax.
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FXS Extension Configuration
FXS (Foreign exchange station) is any telephone interface that is used for end-user analog telephony
equipment, (i.e. analog fax machine and analog phones) to provide battery power, dial tone and generate
the ringing voltage and therefore the user needs to create a “FXS Extension” for the Fax machine to be
All the UCM IP-PBX models have two FXS ports to connect analog phone and Fax machine for typical SMB
Please, refer to the following steps in order to create the FXS extension:
1. Go to UCM6xxx Web GUI Extension/Trunk Extension.
2. Click on .
3. Under “Basic Settings”, configure the extension’s parameters.
PSTN Carrier
SIP Trunk
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Figure 1: Create FXS Extension for Fax Machine (Basic Settings)
4. Select the extension type to be “FXS Extension” and select which FXS port where the FAX machine
will be connected.
Figure 2: Create FXS Extension for Fax Machine (Media)
5. Under “Media”, set the “Fax Mode” to “Fax Gateway” so that the UCM6xxx can support
conversation and processing of Fax data from T.30 to T.38 and T.38 to T.30.
6. Click on Save and Apply changes.
Connecting FAX Machine to UCM
After creating the FXS extension, the user needs to make sure of connecting his Fax Machine to the chosen
and configured FXS Port. The following figure shows the example of UCM6510’s FXS Ports.
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Figure 3: FXS Ports of UCM6510 (Example)
Routing FAX Calls
As shown on below diagram, the fax transmission originates from the physical Fax machine as a T.30 fax.
Then the built-in T.38 gateway module in UCM6xxx translates the fax transmission to T.38 format and sends
it over the IP network to the other UCM6xxx.
The second Server translates back the transmission to T.30 and sends it the attached Fax Machine or over
the PSTN line for external numbers.
User needs to setup Trunks and call routing rules in order to route incoming and outgoing fax through the
desired trunk, we will show the steps to use analog and VOIP trunk to perform sending and receiving Fax
Create Analog Trunk
Please, refer to the following steps in order to create an analog trunk:
1. Go to UCM6xxx Web UI Extension/Trunk Analog trunks.
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2. Click on to create a new Analog Trunk, or on to edit an existing one.
Figure 4: Analog Trunk for Fax
Make sure to choose the right FXO port where PSTN Line is connected and to set Fax Mode on “none”.
3. Click on “Saveand “Apply Changes”.
Create VoIP Trunk
Please, refer to the following steps in order to create a VoIP Trunk:
1. Go to UCM6xxx Web UI Extension/Trunk VoIP Trunks.
2. Click on to create a new VoIP Trunk.
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3. Set the SIP credentials given by the service provider (server IP or domain, username and
4. Click on “Save” and “Apply Changes”.
Figure 5: VoIP Trunk
Sending/Receiving Fax Files using Fax Machine
Please, refer to the following steps in order to manage sending/receiving faxes using a fax machine.
1. Connect Fax machine to the UCM6xxx FXS port.
2. Connect PSTN line to the UCM6xxx FXO port (in the case of using Analog Trunk).
3. Go to Web GUI Extension/Trunk page.
4. Create or edit a Trunk:
Analog trunk: Please, refer to the chapter [Create Analog Trunk]
VoIP trunk: Please, refer to the chapter [Create VoIP Trunk]
5. Go to UCM6xxx Web GUIExtension/TrunkExtensions page.
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6. Create or edit the extension for FXS port. Please, refer to the chapter [FXS Extension
7. Under Web GUIExtension/TrunkInbound Routes page, click on in order to create
an inbound route to use the Fax trunk to receive fax files.
8. Select the trunk you created (Analog Trunk or SIP Trunk).
9. Enable Fax Detection then select the created FXS extension for Fax machine as the default
Figure 6: Inbound Route with FXS Extension as default destination
10. Click on “Save” and “Apply changes”.
In order to send outbound fax, users should follow below steps:
1. Under Web GUIExtension/TrunkOutbound Routes page, click on in order to
create an outbound route to use the fax trunk to send files.
2. Select the trunk you created (Analog Trunk or SIP Trunk).
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Figure 7: Outbound Route
3. Click on “Save” and “Apply changes”.
After this configuration is done, Fax files can be received and sent with the Fax Machine connected to
UCM6xxx on the FXS Port.
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The UCM IP-PBX series have many value-
added features related to fax and which can
help users who don’t have PSTN lines and
FAX machine to send and receive fax files
in PDF format.
Among these features we have the fax
sending from web GUI, fax to email, email
to fax and fax detection.
In order to use the FAX sending feature of the UCM, users need to follow below steps:
1. Under Web GUIExtension/TrunkOutbound Routes page, click on in order to
create an outbound route to use the fax trunk to send files. Refer to the previous steps [Outbound
2. Select the trunk already created (Analog Trunk or SIP Trunk).
3. Access to UCM web GUI either using admin account or user portal (more on user portal here).
4. Go to UCM6xxx Web GUI Value-added Features Fax Sending.
5. Enter the fax number and upload the file to be faxed.
Figure 8: Fax Sending Settings
Note: The File needs to be a PDF or TIF/TIFF File.
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Figure 9: Format Error Message
Once the right file is selected, the Fax File will be successfully placed in the send queue and the user can
view the File Send progress that shows the status and progress percentage of files with also the possibility
to resend the failed ones using the resend button.
Figure 10: File Send Progress
The UCM6xxx supports the options “Enable Fax Resend” and “Max Resend Attempts” which are available
under Call FeaturesFax/T.38Fax Settings page. These options allow the UCM to keep attempting to
send faxes up to a specified amount of times.
Additionally, if a fax still fails to send, a Resend button will appear in the File Send Progress list in Value-
Added FeaturesFax Sending to allow manual resending.
To enable the FAX resend feature, please refer to following steps:
1. Under UCM6xxx Web UI Call Features Fax/T.38, check the option “Enable FAX Resend”.
2. Configure the “MAX Resend Attempts” with the maximum attempts number to resend the FAX.
3. Click on “Save” and “Apply Changes”.
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Figure 11: FAX Settings
Note: When the fax fails to send, a Resend button will appear in the File Send Progress list in Value-
Added Features Fax Sending to allow manual resending as displayed on the following screenshot.
Figure 12: FAX File Send Progress List
UCM EMAIL Settings
First step in setting up fax-to-mail feature is to configure UCM Email settings; this can be
done by following below steps:
1. Log into the web GUI as an admin under System SettingsEmail SettingsEmail Settings
2. Enter the required information for SMTP.
3. Click on “Save” then “Apply Changes”.
4. Click on “Test” Button and test if the email settings are correct and that a test mail has been
Please refer to the following table and screenshot to have more information about the email settings
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Table 1: Email Settings
TLS Enable
Enable or disable TLS during transferring/submitting your Email to another
SMTP server. The default setting is "Yes".
Select Email type:
MTA: Mail Transfer Agent. The Email will be sent from the configured
domain. When MTA is selected, there is no need to set up SMTP
server for it or no user login is required. However, the Emails sent from
MTA might be considered as spam by the target SMTP server.
Client: Submit Emails to the SMTP server. A SMTP server is required,
and users need login with correct credentials.
Email Template
Sending Format
Select the email template format to be sent. The "HTML" format is compatible
with most mail clients and is recommended. If the mail client does not support
the "HTML" format, please select the "Plain Text" format.
Specify the domain name to be used in the Email when using type "MTA"
SMTP Server
Specify the SMTP server when using type "Client". For example, Note: Port number is optional.
Enable SASL
Enable SASL Authentication. When disabled, UCM will not try to use the user
name and password for mail client login authentication. Most of the mail server
requires login authentication while some others private mail servers allow
anonymous login which requires disabling this option to send Email as normal.
For Exchange Server, please disable this option.
Enter the username of the Email account.
Enter the password of the Email account. It is recommended to save the
password via HTTPS.
Enable Email-To-Fax
Enable or Disable Email-to-Fax feature.
If enabled, the UCM will monitor the configured email inbox (using provided
[Error! Reference source not found.] and [Error! Reference source not
found.]) for emails with the subject "SendFaxMail To XXX". Example :
SendFaxMail To 7200
The UCM will extract the attachments of detected emails and send it to the XXX
extension by fax.
The attachment must be in PDF/TIF/TIFF format.
Note: This field will appear when using Type “Client”.
Enables the Email to fax Blacklist/Whitelist functionality.
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Subject Format
Specify the Email subject format for fax sending, the subject can be either
"SendFaxMail To XXX" or XXX" with XXX the fax number.
Fax Sending
If enabled, the UCM will send an email notification to the sender about the fax
sending result.
Specify the Email address blacklist/whitelist for local extensions. This
feature prevents faxing from unauthorized email addresses. The
internal list includes only contacts with local extensions.
Specify the Email address blacklist/whitelist for non-local contacts. This
feature prevents faxing from unauthorized email addresses. The
external list is for non-local contacts.
Note: Multiple addresses can be separated with semicolon (;) i.e.
POP/POP3 Server
Configure the POP/POP3 server address for the configured username
POP/POP3 Server Port
Configure the POP/POP3 server port for the configured username
Example: 995
Display Name
Display Name in FROM header.
Configure the sender as your Email address.
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Figure 13: Email Settings
This way we confirmed that UCM can send emails via Its built-in SMTP client, specified The Email address
blacklist for local/external contacts preventing faxing from unauthorized email addresses. Moreover, users
can customize the emails that will be sent along with the FAX, this can be done under Email template page
as shown below.
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Figure 14: Email Template for FAX
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Create/Edit Virtual FAX Extensions
The second step is to create a new Fax extension which will be mapped with a certain email address.
Please, follow below steps:
1. Go to UCM6xxx Web GUI Call features FAX/T.38
2. Click on and enter the number and name of the extension.
3. Enter the Email Address where to send the received Faxes.
Figure 15: Create New Fax Extension
Once the user created the extension, it will be displayed in the FAX/T.38 menu with the possibility of editing
the extension’s information by clicking on button or deleting them with button.
User can click on “Fax settings” in order to configure the Fax/T.38 parameters as the following figure.
Figure 16: Fax Settings
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Table 2: FAX/T.38 Parameters
Enable Error
Correction Mode
Configure to enable Error Correction Mode (ECM) for the Fax.
The default setting is "Yes".
Maximum Transfer
Configure the maximum transfer rate during the Fax rate negotiation.
The possible values are 2400, 4800, 7200, 9600, 12000 and 14400.
The default setting is 14400.
Minimum Transfer
Configure the minimum transfer rate during the Fax rate negotiation. The
possible values are 2400, 4800, 7200, 9600, 12000 and 14000.
The default setting is 2400.
Max Concurrent
Sending Fax
Configure the concurrent fax that can be sent by UCM6XXX. Two mode
“Single” and “More” are supported. By default, this option is set to “Single”.
Single: Under this mode, the UCM6xxx allows only single user to send fax
at a time.
More: Under this mode, the UCM6xxx supports multiple concurrent fax
sending by the users.
Fax Queue Length
Configure the maximum length of Fax Queue from 6 to 10. Default setting is 6.
Fax Header
Adds fax header into the fax file.
Default Email Address
Configure the Email address to send the received Fax to if user's Email address
cannot be found.
Note: The extension's Email address or the Fax's default Email address needs
to be configured in order to receive Fax from Email. If neither of them is
configured, Fax will not be received from Email.
Template Variables
Fill in the "Subject:" and "Message:" content, to be used in the Email when
sending the Fax to the users. The template variables are:
${CALLERIDNUM} : Caller ID Number
${CALLERIDNAME} : Caller ID Name
${RECEIVEEXTEN} : The extension to receive the Fax
${FILENAME} : The name of the generated Fax file
${FAXPAGES} : How many pages in the Fax
${FAXDATE} : The date and time of when the Fax was received
Note: The templates variables are available once you press on EMAIL
Template”. For more details please refer to: Customizing FAX EMAIL Template
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Enable Fax Resend
Enables the fax resend option which allow the UCM to keep attempting to send
faxes up to a specified amount of times. Additionally, if a fax still fails to send,
a Resend button will appear in the File Send Progress list in Value-Added
Fax Sending to allow manual resending.
Max Resend Attempts
Configures the maximum number of attempts to resend the FAX.
Fax Resend Frequency
Configures Fax Resend Frequency.
Receiving FAX Files using Virtual Faxing
Now, that email settings and virtual fax extension have been set up and in order to receive Fax files using
virtual faxing, please refer to the following steps:
1. Under UCM6xxx Web UI Call Features Fax/T.38, create a new Fax extension. Please refer
to the chapter [Create/Edit Virtual FAX Extensions].
2. Create or edit a Trunk:
Analog trunk: Please, refer to the chapter [Create Analog Trunk]
VOIP trunk: Please, refer to the chapter [Create VoIP Trunk]
3. Under Web GUIExtension/TrunkInbound Routes page, click on in order to create
an inbound route to use the Fax trunk to receive fax files.
4. Select the trunk you created (Analog Trunk or SIP Trunk).
5. Select the created FAX extension as the default destination.
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Figure 17: Inbound Route with Fax Extension as Default Destination
6. Click on “Save” and “Apply Changes”.
Once successfully configured, the incoming Fax from external Fax machine to the PSTN line number will
be converted to PDF file and sent to the Email address fax@domain.local set when Fax Extension was
created. The list of received Fax files is displayed under UCM6xxx Web UI Call Features Fax/T.38.
Figure 18: List of Fax Files
Customizing FAX EMAIL Template
The EMAIL templates on the UCM can be used to send an email notification about the fax and the users
can customize this template based on their needs.
Please refer to the following steps to have more details about the customization of the FAX EMAIL template:
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1. Access the Web GUISettingsEmail SettingsEmail Templates
2. Select the FAX template and press the edit button under the options column to edit the template
as desired.
Figure 19: FAX EMAIL Template
3. Configure the fields of the template
Users have the ability to preview mail sample by clicking on .
Click on in order to restore the default email template.
Finally, users can click on to upload a custom picture to the email template to display
their own logo in the sent mails for example
UCM Email Settings
First step in setting up fax-to-mail feature is to configure UCM Email settings; this can be done by following
below steps:
1. Log into the web GUI as an admin under System SettingsEmail SettingsEmail Settings.
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2. Select the Type Client and enter the required information for SMTP.
3. Click on “Save” then “Apply Changes”.
4. Click on “Test” Button and test if the email settings are correct and that a test mail has been
Please refer to the following table and screenshot to have more information about the email settings
Table 3: Email Settings
TLS Enable
Enable or disable TLS during transferring/submitting your Email to another SMTP
server. The default setting is "Yes".
Select Email type:
MTA: Mail Transfer Agent. The Email will be sent from the configured
domain. When MTA is selected, there is no need to set up SMTP server
for it or no user login is required. However, the Emails sent from MTA
might be considered as spam by the target SMTP server.
Client: Submit Emails to the SMTP server. A SMTP server is required, and
users need login with correct credentials.
Email Template Sending
Select the email template format to be sent. The "HTML" format is compatible with
most mail clients and is recommended. If the mail client does not support the
"HTML" format, please select the "Plain Text" format.
SMTP Server
Specify the SMTP server when using type "Client". For example, Note: Port number is optional.
Enable SASL
Enable SASL Authentication. When disabled, UCM will not try to use the user name
and password for mail client login authentication.
Most of the mail server requires login authentication while some others private mail
servers allow anonymous login which requires disabling this option to send Email
as normal. For Exchange Server, please disable this option.
Enter the username of the Email account.
Enter the password of the Email account. It is recommended to save the password
via HTTPS.
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Enable Email-to-Fax
Enable or Disable Email-to-Fax feature.
If enabled, the UCM will monitor the configured email inbox (using provided [Error!
Reference source not found.] and [Error! Reference source not found.]) for
emails with the subject "SendFaxMail To XXX". Example : SendFaxMail To 7200
The UCM will extract the attachments of detected emails and send it to the XXX
extension by fax.
The attachment must be in PDF/TIF/TIFF format.
Note: This field will appear when using Type “Client”.
Used to add whitelisted or blacklisted emails that can use Email to Fax features,
default is “Disable”
Email-to-Fax Subject
Users can either choose the subject to be "SendFaxMail To XXX" or XXX”
when sending the email where XXX is the fax number.
Fax Sending
If enabled, the UCM will send an email notification to the sender about the fax
sending result.
POP/POP3 Server
Configure the POP/POP3 Server Address.
POP/POP3 Server Port
Configure the POP/POP3 Server Port
Display Name
Display Name in FROM header.
Configure the sender as your Email address.
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Figure 20 : Email Settings
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Create/Edit Virtual FAX Extensions
The second step is to create a new Fax extension which will be mapped with a certain email address.
Please, follow the next steps below:
1. Go to UCM6xxx Web GUI Call features FAX/T.38.
2. Click on and enter the number and name of the extension.
3. Enter the Email Address where to send the received Faxes.
Figure 21: Create new Fax extension
Once the user created the extension, it will be displayed in the FAX/T.38 menu with the possibility of editing
the extension’s information by clicking on button or deleting them with button.
User can click on “Fax settings” in order to configure the Fax/T.38 parameters as the following figure.
Figure 22: Fax Settings
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Table 4: FAX/T.38 Parameters
Enable Error
Correction Mode
Configure to enable Error Correction Mode (ECM) for the Fax.
The default setting is "Yes".
Maximum Transfer
Configure the maximum transfer rate during the Fax rate negotiation.
The possible values are 2400, 4800, 7200, 9600, 12000 and 14400.
The default setting is 14400.
Minimum Transfer
Configure the minimum transfer rate during the Fax rate negotiation. The
possible values are 2400, 4800, 7200, 9600, 12000 and 14000. The default
setting is 2400.
Max Concurrent
Sending Fax
Configure the concurrent fax that can be sent by UCM6XXX. Two mode
“Single” and “More” are supported. By default, this option is set to “Single”.
Single: Under this mode, the UCM6xxx allows only single user to send fax
at a time.
More: Under this mode, the UCM6xxx supports multiple concurrent fax
sending by the users.
Fax Queue Length
Configure the maximum length of Fax Queue from 6 to 10. Default setting is 6.
Fax Header
Adds fax header into the fax file.
Default Email Address
Configure the Email address to send the received Fax to if user's Email address
cannot be found.
Note: The extension's Email address or the Fax's default Email address needs
to be configured in order to receive Fax from Email. If neither of them is
configured, Fax will not be received from Email.
Template Variables
Fill in the "Subject:" and "Message:" content, to be used in the Email when
sending the Fax to the users. The template variables are:
${CALLERIDNUM} : Caller ID Number
${CALLERIDNAME} : Caller ID Name
${RECEIVEEXTEN} : The extension to receive the Fax
${FILENAME} : The name of the generated Fax file
${FAXPAGES} : How many pages in the Fax
${FAXDATE} : The date and time of when the Fax was received
Note: The templates variables are available once you press on EMAIL
Template”. For more details please refer to: Customizing FAX EMAIL Template
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Enable Fax Resend
Enables the fax resend option which allow the UCM to keep attempting to send
faxes up to a specified amount of times. Additionally, if a fax still fails to send,
a Resend button will appear in the File Send Progress list in Value-Added
Fax Sending to allow manual resending.
Max Resend Attempts
Configures the maximum attempts number to resend the FAX.
Fax Resend Frequency
Configures the maximum Fax Resend Frequency.
Sending MAIL to FAX
After enabling and configuring the MAIL to FAX option, the UCM monitors the configured email inbox for
emails with the subject "SendFaxMail To XXX" and it will extract the attachments of detected emails and
send it to the configured extension by fax. The attachment must be in PDF/TIF/TIFF format.
Please refer to the following steps:
1. Access your EMAIL box and compose a new email.
2. Fill the email address configured on the UCM as destination.
3. Specify the subject with SendFaxMail To 7200”, on this example 7200 is the FAX extension that
we have already configured on the UCM.
4. Insert the attachment to be sent (The attachment must be in PDF/TIF/TIFF format).
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Figure 23: Example of EMAIL to FAX
Now the UCM will extract the attachments of detected emails and send it to the configured extension by
fax, users can also check the list of the fax files received under the web GUI Call Features Fax/T.38
as shown on the following screenshot.
Figure 24: List of Fax Files
Users can configure the Fax detection and intelligent routing under UCM6xxx Web GUI Extension/Trunk
Inbound routes. Enabling the option Fax Detectionwill enable detecting the Fax Signal during a call,
and the received Fax file will be sent to the configured Fax destination.
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Figure 25: Fax Intelligent Routing after a Fax Signaling Detection
The user can also Enable Fax intelligent Routing in order to route directly the Fax signal to the appropriate
FXS Extension connected to the Physical Fax Machine or the Virtual Faxing Extension. The user needs to
choose this extension number from the available extensions in “Fax Destination”.