Kratom is an unscheduled herbal extract that contains alkaloids with opioid receptor agonist
activity. It is currently available in the form of dietary supplements and is used and abused by
chronic pain patients on prescription opioids. Active alkaloids isolated from Kratom such as
mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine are thought to act on mu and delta opioid receptors
as well as alpha 2 adrenergic and 5-HT2A receptors. Animal studies suggest that Kratom
may be more potent than morphine. Consequently, Kratom consumption produces analgesic
and euphoric feelings among users. Some chronic pain patients on opioids take Kratom to
counteract the effects of opioid withdrawal. Although the Food and Drug Administration has
banned its use as a dietary supplement, Kratom continues to be widely available and easily
accessible on the internet at much lower prices than other opioid replacement therapies
like buprenorphine. There are no Federal regulations monitoring the sale and distribution of
this substance. Consumption of Kratom has been associated with hallucination, delusion,
depression, myalgia, chill, nausea/vomiting, respiratory depression, hepatotoxicity, seizure,
coma and death. A search of the pain literature shows past research has not described the
use and potential deleterious effects of this extract. Many pain physicians are not familiar with
Kratom. As providers who take care of high-risk chronic pain patients using prescribed opioids,
knowledge of all current substances with opioid receptor agonists with abuse potential is of
paramount importance. The goal of this article is to introduce Kratom to pain specialists and
identify issues for further studies that will be required to help better understand the clinical and
long-term effects of Kratom use among chronic pain patients.
Key words: Opioid receptor agonist, Kratom, Mitragynine, opioid overdose, chronic pain,
substance abuse :
Pain Physician 2017; 20:E195-E198
Case Report
Is Kratom the New ‘Legal High’ on the Block?:
The Case of an Emerging Opioid Receptor
Agonist with Substance Abuse Potential
From: Ventura County Medical
Center, Ventura CA
Address Correspondence:
George C. Chan ge Chien, DO
Ventura County Medical Center,
Ventura CA
Disclaimer: There was no
external funding in the
preparation of this manuscript.
Conflict of interest: Each
author certifies that he or
she, or a member of his or
her immediate family, has no
commercial association (i.e.,
consultancies, stock ownership,
equity interest, patent/licensing
arrangements, etc.) that might
pose a conflict of interest in
connection with the submitted
Manuscript received: 01-12-2016
Accepted for publication:
Updated: 02-09-2017
Free full manuscript:
George C. Chang Chien, DO, Charles Odonkor, MD, and Prin Amorapanth, MD, PhD
Pain Physician 2017; 20:E195-E198 • ISSN 2150-1149
midst growing concerns of an opioid-abuse
epidemic in the United States (1), practicing
pain physicians can now add a newcomer to
their list of opioid receptor agonists with adverse effect
profiles and substance abuse potential (2,3). Kratom,
also known as Mitragyna speciosa, is extracted from
the leaves of an evergreen deciduous tree native to
Southeast-Asia and was originally described in 1839
by botanist Pieter Willem Korthals (3-5). For centuries,
Kratom leaves were ground up to create an herbal
tea consumed by laborers and blue collar workers in
some parts of Asia for enhanced work productivity (5-
7). In addition to possessing stimulant effects at low
doses (1-5 grams), Kratom powder and leaf extracts
were considered powerful analgesics with opioid-like
effects at high doses (5-15 grams) (8). Users reported
feeling ‘high’ after ingesting Kratom and this helped
to promote its utility as a recreational substance (9).
Kratom is the chief ingredient in a popular local drink
in Thailand, the ‘4x100’ concoction is made with
cola soft drink, and variable ingredients including
marijuana, benzodiazepines, methamphetamines,
and cough syrup containing codeine (10). Due to
worsening abuse and side effects it was legally banned
Pain Physician:January 2017; 20:E195-E198
in Thailand in 1946 and other parts of Asia (11). Kratom
made its way to the United States in the early 2000’s,
where it currently remains an unscheduled substance
without strict regulations (12).
Purveyors of Kratom swear by its health ben-
efits and suggest it can be brewed into morning tea,
chewed, or smoked (12,13). Chewing Kratom leaves
appears to produce the most immediate effect, with
feelings of euphoria occurring within 5 to 10 minutes
of consumption and lasting up to 1 hour (13). From a
medical perspective, there have been increasing reports
of emergency room visits and hospitalizations due to
Kratom withdrawal. Patients typically present with
symptoms of nausea, insomnia, irritability, restlessness,
mood swings, diarrhea, rhinorrhea, myalgia, and ar-
thralgia (14-16).Those whooverdoseon Kratom can ex-
perience seizures, psychosis, coma, hallucination, para-
noia, severe emesis, respiratory depression and in the
worst scenarios, death (13,16). Prolonged use of Kra-
tom can result in drug cravings and eventual addiction,
with resulting weight loss, anorexia, loss of libido, and
hyper-pigmentation over the face and cheeks. These ef-
fects appear to be dose dependent, although toxicity
levels are yet to be determined (13-16).
Kratom has high abuse liability and patients who
are on prescription opioids are at the highest risk for co-
dependence (16). Ease of availability and access to Kra-
tom via online stores and websites have led to a surge
in demand for this product (15). Together, these obser-
vations ought to engender a note of caution among all
pain physicians prescribing opioid analgesics for their
patients. Many opioid abusers now turn to Kratom to
ameliorate opioid withdrawal for two reasons: 1) Pro-
curement is as easy as a mouse click away and needs no
prescription, and 2) It is a less expensive than other opi-
oid replacement therapies such as buprenorphine (13).
While many pain physicians comply with the imper-
ative to appropriately screen patients for opioid abuse
and high-risk behaviors, it is equally important for them
to continue to discuss and address dangers of using un-
tested and unregulated herbal remedies and supple-
ments (15). Kratom is available as a dietary supplement
and it would be instructive when reviewing patients’
medication lists to inquire about non-prescribed sup-
plements (15-16). Pain experts would do well to expand
the traditional focus beyond illicit drugs to query the
use of other legal but unendorsed substances such as
Kratom, which is not yet criminalized in the United
States (11,13). Due to its titular benefit as a stimulant
at low doses and its incipient rise on the drug market,
there are no formalized systems for monitoring Kratom
sale and distribution (13). Public use lags any regulatory
policies by the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) or Food
and Drug Administration (FDA). The DEA, stated in
2013, “There is no legitimate medical use for kratom in
the United States.” In 2014, the FDA abolished its inclu-
sion in dietary supplements (17,18). In the fall of 2016,
the DEA has announced plans to add the psychoactive
compounds in kratom to the list of schedule I drugs
banned under the Controlled Substances Act. This act
was subsequently placed on hold as the DEA is waiting
for input from the FDA (19-20). Although there are no
tests currently available to detect Kratom itself, its me-
tabolites may be detected by specialized spectrometry
tests (11). Due to increasing popularity of Kratom, some
drug testing systems offer detection of these metabo-
lites yet these are not universally available (21).
Over 25 alkaloids have been identified in Kratom
extract, possessing antinociceptive, anti-inflammatory,
anti-depressant, and muscle relaxant properties (22).
Although they have activity at the opioid receptors, the
active ingredients in Kratom are not opioid compounds.
Mitragynine, the primary active alkaloid isolated from
Kratom, has been identified as a partial opioid recep-
tor agonist with similar effects to morphine (13,17). In
addition, 7-hydroxymitragynine, a minor alkaloid of
Kratom is considered to be more potent than morphine
although dose levels producing analgesia remains un-
defined (9,13,17). Mechanistically, these alkaloids are
thought to activate supraspinal mu and delta opioid
receptors (9,11,13). This explains the analgesia and eu-
phoria derived from Kratom and why abusers use it to
counteract the effects of opioid withdrawal, and suc-
cessful self-medication to treat opioid addiction (11,16-
17). Animal studies suggest that mitragynine may be
involved in noradrenergic and serotonergic pathways
and stimulate post-synaptic alpha 2 adrenergic recep-
tors, but inhibit 5-HT2A receptors (8,13).
Safety profile has not been ascertained and the jury
Table 1. Dose dependent effects of Kratom.
Kratom use Dose Effects
Low to moderate 1-5 grams
Mild stimulant effects that enable
workers to stave off fatigue.
Moderate to high 5-15 grams
Opioid-like effects including
analgesia, treatment of diarrhea,
opioid-withdrawal symptoms,
and euphoria.
Very high
than 15
Sedating effects. E197
Effects of Kratom: A New Opioid-Receptor Agonist
is still out in regards to its analgesic and opioid antidote
efficacy (8-10,16-18). In the context of Kratom overdose,
animal studies have yielded conflicting findings regard-
ing which opioid antagonists can reverse the effects of
Kratom (8,23). Naloxone, which has proven effective
in various community opioid overdose treatment pro-
grams and which is now the mandated intervention by
national guidelines, appears to be prime candidate for
consideration (13). Mortality from Kratom is on the rise
and although the exact numbers remain uncertain, one
thing is clear: pain physicians are well advised to be cog-
nizant of the perils of this new ‘legal high’ (12,13,16,24).
It is often said that ignorance is bliss, but in as much
as pain prescribers remain ignorant of Kratom, opioid
overdose treatment outcomes may be less than blissful
if Kratom abuse continues unabated. Given the dearth
of studies in the pain literature, the authors hope this
article sheds light on this important but under-recog-
nized consumption of under-regulated substances like
Kratom. As pain specialists continue to seek ways to
help curb the opioid overdose epidemic through vari-
ous programs (1,25), further studies on the clinical and
long-term effects of Kratom are required. Indeed, time
and research may demonstrate that the active sub-
stances in Kratom may be harnessed to treat pain, or
opioid addiction. Pain management specialists should
be apprised of the ongoing medical and legal develop-
ments regarding this controversial substance.
Table 2. Pharmacokinetics of Kratom.
Pharmacokinetics Time
Time to reach maximum plasma
0.83 ± 0.35 hour
Terminal half-life 23.24 ± 16.07 hours
Volume of distribution 38.04 ± 24.32 L/kg
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