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68 July 2021
Volume 133
Number 1
Vasopressors in Trauma: A Never Event?
Justin E. Richards, MD,* Tim Harris, MD,†‡ Martin W. Dünser, MD,§ Pierre Bouzat, MD, PhD,
and Tobias Gauss, MD
Vasopressor use in severely injured trauma patients is discouraged due to concerns that vasocon-
striction will worsen organ perfusion and result in increased mortality and organ failure in hypotensive
trauma patients. Hypotensive resuscitation is advocated based on limited data that lower systolic
blood pressure and mean arterial pressure will result in improved mortality. It is classically taught that
hypotension and hypovolemia in trauma are associated with peripheral vasoconstriction. However, the
pathophysiology of traumatic shock is complex and involves multiple neurohormonal interactions that
are ultimately manifested by an initial sympathoexcitatory phase that attempts to compensate for
acute blood loss and is characterized by vasoconstriction, tachycardia, and preserved mean arterial
blood pressure. The subsequent hypotension observed in hemorrhagic shock reects a sympatho-
inhibitory vasodilation phase. The objectives of hemodynamic resuscitation in hypotensive trauma
patients are restoring adequate intravascular volume with a balanced ratio of blood products, correcting
pathologic coagulopathy, and maintaining organ perfusion. Persistent hypotension and hypoperfusion
are associated with worse coagulopathy and organ function. The practice of hypotensive resuscitation
would appear counterintuitive to the goals of traumatic shock resuscitation and is not supported by
consistent clinical data. In addition, excessive volume resuscitation is associated with adverse clinical
outcomes. Therefore, in the resuscitation of traumatic shock, it is necessary to target an appropriate
balance with intravascular volume and vascular tone. It would appear logical that vasopressors may be
useful in traumatic shock resuscitation to counteract vasodilation in hemorrhage as well as other clini-
cal conditions such as traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, multiple organ dysfunction syndrome,
and vasodilation of general anesthetics. The purpose of this article is to discuss the controversy of
vasopressors in hypotensive trauma patients and advocate for a nuanced approach to vasopressor
administration in the resuscitation of traumatic shock. (Anesth Analg 2021;133:6879)
Ang II = angiotensin II; AVP = arginine vasopressin; BP = blood pressure; CPP = cerebral per-
fusion pressure; DAMPs = damage associated molecular patterns; EPI = epinephrine; HR =
heart rate; K
= adenosine-triphosphate sensitive potassium channels; MAP = mean arterial
pressure; MODS = multiple organ dysfunction syndrome; mRNA = messenger ribonucleic acid;
NOREPI = norepinephrine; RAS = renin-angiotensin system; RCT = randomized controlled trial;
SBP = systolic blood pressure; SCI = spinal cord injury; TBI = traumatic brain injury; TXA =
tranexamic acid; SVR = systemic vascular resistance
rauma is the leading cause of death in adults
<40 years old and uncontrolled blood loss is the
most common cause of preventable fatalities.
Traumatic hemorrhagic shock is responsible for an
estimated 49,000 deaths in the United States and 1.4
million patients worldwide each year.
By denition,
shock is the inadequate delivery of oxygen necessary
to maintain appropriate physiologic organ function.
The immediate goals in hemorrhagic shock are control
of mechanical bleeding, treatment of trauma-induced
coagulopathy, and restoration of intravascular vol-
ume. If hemorrhage cannot be controlled immediately,
management goals are to minimize further blood loss
until hemorrhage control can be achieved.
Recent advances in hemorrhagic shock resus-
citation are the early targeted administration of
tranexamic acid (TXA)
and the individualization of
blood product transfusion based on viscoelastic test-
Strategies of permissive hypotension
and con-
cerns of adverse effects have discouraged the use of
vasopressors as part of the resuscitation strategy. The
use of vasopressors in patients sustaining traumatic
injuries was considered deleterious and thought to
From the *Department of Anesthesiology, University of Maryland School
of Medicine, Divisions of Trauma Anesthesiology and Critical Care
Medicine, R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center, Baltimore, Maryland;
The Bizard Institute, Queen Mary University, London, United Kingdom;
Department of Emergency Medicine, Hamad Medical Corporation, Doha,
Qatar; §Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, Kepler
University Hospital and Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria; Pôle
Anesthésie Réanimation, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Grenoble Alpes,
Grenoble Institut des Neurosciences, Grenoble Alpes University, Grenoble,
France; and Anesthesia and Critical Care-Réanimation, Hôpital Beaujon,
Université de Paris, Paris, France.
Accepted for publication March 10, 2021.
Funding: None.
The authors declare no conicts of interest.
Reprints will not be available from the authors.
Address correspondence to Justin E. Richards, MD, Department of
Anesthesiology, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Divisions of
Trauma Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, R Adams Cowley Shock
Trauma Center, 22 S Greene St, T1R77, Baltimore, MD. Address e-mail to jus-
Copyright © 2021 International Anesthesia Research Society
DOI: 10.1213/ANE.0000000000005552
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July 2021
Volume 133
Number 1 69
worsen clinical outcomes.
Vasopressor use is cur-
rently reserved for the postresuscitation period in
selected pathologies, such as maintaining cerebral
perfusion pressure (CPP) in patients with central ner-
vous system injury
or septic shock.
The administra-
tion of vasopressors to patients in hemorrhagic shock
is included in recent European guidelines
; however,
this was not commonly recommended in the United
Kingdom and United States.
In this narrative review, we describe the impact of
arterial hypotension and different forms of shock in
the acute resuscitation phase after traumatic injury
and discuss the controversy of vasopressor use in
trauma patients. There were no systematic a priori
inclusion criteria and no meta-analysis. To offer a bal-
anced overview for a diverse topic including a sum-
mary of the pathophysiology of shock, each author
performed their own literature search and papers
discussed were included by consensus. We did not
set out to formally appraise, score, and quality assess
included papers. Specically, for the selection of stud-
ies included in the Clinical Data on Vasopressors in
Trauma section, a single PubMed search was per-
formed for “vasopressors” and “trauma.” There were
284 results, of which 23 were peer-reviewed, clinical
studies evaluating the administration of vasopressors
involving human subjects with traumatic injuries.
These were reviewed and included in the discussion
on vasopressor use in acutely injured trauma patients.
Based on the ndings, we also specically address the
impact of norepinephrine (NOREPI) and arginine
vasopressin (AVP) in the trauma population.
Sympathoexcitatory Response to Hemorrhagic
Hemorrhage is the most common cause of prevent-
able death after traumatic injury and is characterized
by acute blood loss, coagulopathy, and arterial hypo-
Perhaps most intriguing from a pathophysi-
ologic standpoint is the impact of cardiovascular
mechanisms involved in patients with hypovolemia
due to hemorrhage. Comprehensive discussion of
the pathophysiology of hemorrhagic shock is beyond
the scope of this review and has previously been
Signs of hemorrhagic shock are classi-
cally taught as initial increasing heart rate, decreas-
ing pulse pressure, and increasing respiratory rate
with a later (monophasic) decrease in systolic blood
pressure (SBP) and mean arterial pressure (MAP).
Early MAP and cardiac output are maintained by
tachycardia compensating for reduced stroke volume
due to decreased venous return. However, hemor-
rhagic shock presents with variable changes in arte-
rial blood pressure. Even in stages III and IV of shock
(ie, >30%–40% circulating volume lost), observational
data suggest that some patients may still maintain
SBP >90 mm Hg.
Schadt and Ludbrook
summarize the pathophysi-
ology of acute blood loss in conscious mammals in 2
phases: (1) initial vasoconstriction (sympathoexcit-
atory) phase and (2) later vasodilatory (sympatho-
inhibitory) phase. During the sympathoexcitatory
phase, arterial blood pressure is maintained by an
increase in systemic vascular resistance (SVR). It is
also during this nonhypotensive phase that heart rate
increases, in part due to loss of resting cardiac vagal
stimulation and an increased cardiac sympathetic
The early response is largely driven by the
sympathetic nervous system (Figure 1). The endo-
crine response to the early phase of acute hypovole-
mia includes an increase in plasma concentrations of
angiotensin-II as a consequence of the renin-angio-
tensin system (RAS) and a lesser relative increase in
AVP, epinephrine (EPI), and NOREPI.
In summary,
the sympathoexcitatory phase represents a classic
description of the signs and symptoms of early hem-
orrhagic shock and vasoconstriction.
Sympathoinhibitory Response to Hemorrhagic
The initial vasoconstrictive and sympathoexcitatory
response to acute blood loss evolves into a sympa-
thoinhibitory phase characterized by distributive
shock as a consequence of vascular hyporeactivity
(Figure 2). Studies in animals and human subjects
demonstrate that the occurrence of late arterial hypo-
tension after hypovolemia is the result of a decrease in
sympathetic nervous system activity and subsequent
arterial vasodilation and bradycardia.
The exact
mechanistic input from the autonomic nervous sys-
tem that contributes to the sympathoinhibitory phase
is incompletely understood in humans; however, it
is theorized to involve cardiopulmonary vagal nerve
During the later phases of hemorrhage, the adrenal
medulla increases production of both EPI and NOREPI
in response to hypotension; however, this does not
appear to offset the vasodilation of the sympathoin-
hibitory phase.
The physiologic effect of these neu-
rohormones during this phase is not clear, and the
hemodynamic response to blood loss is not altered
by adrenal denervation in animal studies.
There are
also contributions from other neurohormones dur-
ing the sympathoinhibitory phase of hemorrhage.
Angiotensin II and AVP both increase in response to
ongoing blood loss and are involved in the restora-
tion of arterial blood pressure after hemorrhage.
However, if blood loss continues precipitously, there
is a physiologic exhaustion of these neurohormones,
even to subphysiologic levels.
The depletion of AVP
Copyright © 2021 International Anesthesia Research Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Vasopressors and Trauma
stores (and likely NOREPI) contributes to a deciency
syndrome characterized by a loss of vascular tone.
In the decompensated sympathoinhibition phase,
even blood transfusion may not restore arterial blood
Shock-Induced Endotheliopathy
Endothelial dysfunction after injury is recognized as a
signicant contributing factor to the pathophysiology
of posttraumatic hemorrhagic shock.
one of the largest organs in the body, the endothelium
is composed of the inner cellular lining of blood and
lymphatic vessels.
The intact endothelium maintains
vascular patency, regulates uid permeability, and
controls vasomotor tone. In addition, the endothelium
participates in natural anticoagulation via hepari-
noids and antithrombin in the endothelial glycocalyx
that allows the passage of oxygen and nutrients car-
rying blood through the vasculature.
Damage to the
endothelium via either direct tissue injury or subse-
quent inammatory products compromises both the
mechanical and chemical integrities of the endothelial
layer. Traumatic shock results in endothelial glycoca-
lyx damage that contributes to trauma-induced coag-
ulopathy, microvascular dysfunction, and multiple
organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS).
A feature of
posttraumatic endotheliopathy is the increase in vas-
cular permeability, tissue edema, and loss of vascu-
lar vasomotor tone.
The ensuing vasodilatation
appears similar in homology to that of septic shock.
The relationships among endothelial damage, injury
severity, coagulopathy, and organ dysfunction are an
association, and therapeutic targets have not yet been
Pathophysiology of TBI and SCI
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is the most common
cause of death and disability after injury.
The 2
components of TBI are as follows: primary (ie, at
the time of impact) injury and secondary injury for
derangements that follow (ie, hypoxia, arterial hypo-
tension, hyperthermia, etc).
Therapies can, therefore,
impact only the latter. After TBI, the cerebrovascular
tone becomes more sensitive to changes in acid-base
balance and cerebral blood ow attempts to meet the
demands of the cerebral metabolic rate even at the
expense of increasing intracranial pressure.
autoregulation becomes impaired such that the brain
is unable to maintain constant cerebral perfusion over
a range of MAPs. Consequently, arterial hypotension
may cause cerebral hypoxia and observational studies
have associated arterial hypotension with increased
mortality in TBI patients.
Similar to TBI, spinal cord injury (SCI) is associated
with signicant morbidity and health-related costs in
Injuries to the cervical and upper thoracic
spinal column are at particular risk of cardiovascular
decompensation due to loss of sympathetic tone and
unopposed vagal stimulation below the level of injury
resulting in vasodilatation, bradycardia, and impaired
Figure 1. Sympathoexcitatory
phase of hemorrhagic shock.
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July 2021
Volume 133
Number 1 71
cardiac pump function, all leading to tissue hypoperfu-
sion and shock (ie, neurogenic shock). Cardiovascular
complications represent one of the leading causes of
mortality in patients with SCI.
Arterial hypotension
has been associated with worse functional outcomes,
likely attributed to inadequate spinal cord perfusion.
Recent guidelines from the American Association of
Neurological Surgeons and the Congress of Neurological
Surgeons’ Guidelines for the Management of Acute
Cervical Spine and Spinal Cord Injuries recommend an
MAP of 85 to 90 mm Hg after traumatic SCI.
Pathophysiology of Multiple Organ Dysfunction
Historically MODS was noted to occur in nearly 50%
of severely injured patients.
However, these originate
from an era of large volume crystalloid administration
and uneven ratios of red blood cells, plasma, and plate-
let transfusion. Both trauma-associated mortality and
the incidence of posttraumatic MODS have decreased
during the past 20 years.
Increasing injury severity,
shock severity, large volume blood product resuscita-
tion, and arterial hypotension are all independently
associated with posttraumatic MODS.
In addition,
vasodilatory complications associated with endo-
theliopathy and the inammatory response further
contribute to hypotension, hypoperfusion, and the
development of MODS in the trauma population.
The pathophysiologic mechanisms underlying
the development of MODS after traumatic injury are
related to the immunologic response to tissue injury
and blood loss, dysregulation of coagulation, hemo-
stasis, and endothelial function, neuroinammation,
endocrine dysfunction, and baseline demographic
differences, such as age, sex, and premorbid medical
Tissue injury results in the release of bio-
molecular mitochondrial deoxyribonucleic acid and
damage-associated molecular patterns from necrotic
cells that stimulate the production of complement and
activity of immunologic cells, such as monocytes and
Acute hemorrhage contributes to hypo-
tension, hypoperfusion, and acidemia which lead to
further cell death. In addition, severe hemorrhage
is associated with an acute traumatic coagulopathy
that contributes to further blood loss and inability to
achieve adequate hemostasis. Tissue injury and blood
loss also impact the function and integrity of the vas-
cular endothelium.
Despite initial robust produc-
tivity, endocrine functions are dramatically altered,
as demonstrated by changes in cortisol, insulin, and
vasopressin levels. Finally, older age is signicantly
associated with increased risk of organ dysfunction
and multiple organ failure after traumatic injury,
potentially due to age-related changes in the postin-
jury inammatory response.
Similar to septic shock, a solidifying theme in post-
traumatic MODS is the relationship of prolonged
hypotension and hypoperfusion that is associated
with clinical shock, vascular dysfunction, and vasodi-
The patterns of tissue damage, hypotension,
Figure 2. Sympathoinhibitory phase of hemorrhagic shock. Ang II indicates angiotensin II; AVP, arginine vasopressin; BP, blood pressure; HR,
heart rate.
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Vasopressors and Trauma
hypoperfusion, cellular dysfunction, and death are
repeated with ongoing hemorrhage after signi-
cant injury.
Certain resuscitation measures, such as
administration of large intravascular volume, further
exacerbate organ dysfunction and increase the risk of
Additionally, the immunologic ramications
of organ failure contribute to greater susceptibility to
infectious pathogens, development of septic shock,
vasodilation, and further organ dysfunction.
Blunt Versus Penetrating Trauma
The mechanism of traumatic injury along with the
transfer and dispersal of energy is associated with
patterns of tissue damage and inammation. For
example, trauma patients with a high-energy blunt
mechanism often sustain multisystem injuries,
including TBI and pelvic or long-bone fractures. The
degree of soft tissue injury is associated with systemic
inammation and organ dysfunction in severely
injured blunt trauma patients.
Quantication of the
volume of clinical shock is valuable in predicting the
response to severe injury and subsequent MODS.
However, the systemic and microcirculatory effects of
severe clinical shock are likely different and, in part,
based on the underlying mechanism of injury.
Recent evidence from 2 a priori harmonized,
prospective randomized controlled trial (RCTs)
demonstrate the benet of a targeted prehospi-
tal resuscitation therapy in blunt trauma patients,
whereas a signicant difference in mortality was not
observed among patients with a penetrating injury.
Possible explanations for these observations among
blunt and penetrating mechanisms are related to basic
characteristics of the injured population and nature of
the injuries. In addition, literature suggests that blunt
mechanisms of injury, such as that occur after motor-
vehicle and motorcycle collisions, are associated with
overall longer prehospital transport times compared
to penetrating injuries that tend to occur in urban
Finally, the volume of shock after
severe injury, along with subsequent alterations and
derangements in coagulation, is associated with clini-
cal outcomes, such as organ failure
and mortal-
and likely inuenced by mechanism of injury.
Vasodilation is a common manifestation in the vari-
ous forms of shock after traumatic injury. While
initial vasoconstriction is an early characteristic of
hemorrhage (ie, sympathoexcitatory phase), contin-
ued blood loss with subsequent hypotension reects
a state of vasodilation. Both neurogenic and septic
shock are also characterized by a decrease in SVR and
resultant hypotension.
Vasodilatory shock is the
most common form of shock and represents the nal
common pathway for severe shock from any cause.
Persistent hypotension and hypoperfusion contribute
to further vascular dysfunction from which resusci-
tation does not contribute to the recovery of vascu-
lar tone.
Therefore, ongoing shock results in organ
dysfunction and exacerbates persistent vascular and
hematologic failure.
The pathophysiologic mechanisms behind vasodi-
lation are related to vascular smooth muscle relaxation
via the adenosine triphosphate-sensitive potassium
) channels,
synthesis of nitric oxide,
and vaso-
pressin deciency.
Activation of the K
results in cellular hyperpolarization, which prevents
the inux of calcium ions and inhibits cycling of actin-
myosin cross-linkages. Increased production of nitric
oxide occurs in vascular smooth muscle cells as well
as the vascular endothelium. Nitric oxide is a vaso-
dilator that functions through activation of myosin
light-chain phosphatase as well as potassium-sensi-
tive calcium channels. Under physiologic conditions,
activation of these channels limits the activity of vaso-
constrictive agents.
However, a vasodilatory state is
expressed after pathologic stimulation through nitric
oxide. Finally, vasodilation is also represented by a
vasopressin deciency, which is well documented in
septic shock,
postcardiopulmonary bypass,
hemorrhagic shock.
Despite vasodilation representing the nal common
and unifying pathway in different forms of shock
after traumatic injury, clinical studies have demon-
strated the disadvantages of vasoconstrictive agents
in the trauma population. The concerns about vaso-
pressor use in trauma patients include rapid increases
in arterial blood pressure, increased cardiac afterload,
arrhythmias, and reduced tissue perfusion with sub-
sequent organ dysfunction.
Initial clinical reports were that early vasopres-
sor use (ie, phenylephrine, NOREPI, or AVP), within
the rst 12 hours after injury, was associated with
increased mortality even after adjusting for the vol-
ume of crystalloid resuscitation.
In a retrospective
study, Collier et al
reported an increased risk of mor-
tality in trauma patients who received AVP within 72
hours of hospital admission. Another retrospective
investigation compared 1349 trauma patients from a
single center exposed to any vasoactive drug within
24 hours of admission and showed mortality rates of
43.6% vs 4.2%.
Further single-center, retrospective
studies demonstrated similar ndings.
A system-
atic review on vasopressor use in trauma patients
identied a signicant association between vaso-
pressor use and increased short-term mortality,
administration of vasopressors after initial damage
control laparotomy quadrupled the rate of anastomo-
sis failure.
A more recent Japanese database study
Copyright © 2021 International Anesthesia Research Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
July 2021
Volume 133
Number 1 73
included 298 patients who received vasopressors and
were propensity score-matched to subjects who did
not receive vasopressors.
Vasopressor use within 24
hours after hospital admission was associated with
greater inhospital mortality. These ndings are simi-
lar to a retrospective study of 40 patients with hem-
orrhagic shock who were administered dopamine or
NOREPI within 1 hour of hospital admission.
Specically, in patients with acute SCI, vasopressor
administration, reported most commonly in the form
of dopamine and phenylephrine, was associated with
an increased risk of complications, such as tachyar-
rhythmias and troponin elevation.
These results
were corroborated in a retrospective investigation of
556 patients with TBI.
Another investigation evalu-
ated the Nationwide Inpatient Sample for patients
who received a craniotomy for signicant trauma.
Patients who received vasopressors had an increased
risk of death; however, the results were not adjusted
for injury severity, admission Glasgow Coma Scale,
or metabolic markers associated with secondary
brain injury.
Ultimately, vasopressors are associated
with higher MAP and CPP but also an increased risk
of complications.
A previous retrospective study
reported in patients with central cord syndrome
reported an association with improved neurologic
function and exposure to any vasopressor.
A more
recent investigation of traumatic SCI observed that
patients who achieved more frequent MAP measure-
ments ≥85 mm Hg were more commonly exposed to
vasopressors and were signicantly more likely to
have an improvement in neurologic outcome.
on the available human clinical data in nonrandom-
ized studies, there are limited high-quality data dem-
onstrating an association with improved survival or
neurologic outcome and vasopressor administration
in patients with neurologic injury,
which is an
important consideration when administering vaso-
pressors to patients with severe TBI or SCI.
The optimal arterial blood pressure target for resusci-
tation of patients with hemorrhagic shock is unknown.
Prolonged hypotension and hypoperfusion are asso-
ciated with an increased risk of organ failure and
death. Registry data suggest an association between
arterial blood pressures <110 mm Hg and mortality.
However, this nding does not necessarily imply that
normalizing arterial blood pressure improves out-
comes or organ perfusion. A clinical concern is the
reported harm of vasopressors when administered
with the goal to increase blood pressure. Ultimately, an
important clinical question is “Does early vasopressor
administration increase mortality and complications in
severely injured trauma patients?”
A retrospective, propensity score–matched cohort
study observed no signicant increase with inhos-
pital mortality in patients who received prehospital
In addition, a retrospective study of
746 trauma patients requiring emergent operations
observed no signicant increase in mortality in
patients who received vasopressors, exclusive of EPI.
In the study that found AVP use was associated with
increased mortality risk, when patients were stratied
by whether they received only AVP or AVP in combi-
nation with another vasoactive, there was no differ-
ence in the risk of mortality in patients who received
only AVP.
A further investigation noted that severely
injured patients with TBI were signicantly more
likely to receive vasopressors. Although no difference
was found in the volume of crystalloid or blood prod-
uct transfusion, clinical outcome data with regard to
vasopressors were not specically reported.
Two RCTs suggest that AVP administration may
improve blood pressure while not worsening blood
loss or increasing mortality in patients with hemor-
rhagic shock.
A prospective randomized trial of
early infusion of low-dose AVP (ie, 2.4 IU/h for 5
hours on arrival at the emergency department) ver-
sus placebo in trauma patients resulted in the lower
requirement of total uids at 24 hours.
The study
was underpowered to show a signicant difference
in death. Among the AVP and control groups, respec-
tively, there was no difference in mortality at 24 hours
(13% vs 23%, P =.28), 5 days (13% vs 25%, P = .19),
or the primary outcome of 30-day mortality (34% vs
28%, P = .52). Most recently, a single-center, prospec-
tive RCT demonstrated that a continuous AVP infu-
sion did not increase mortality but was associated
with a lower need for blood product transfusion in
trauma patients who required massive transfusion.
Included patients were at risk for hemorrhagic shock
and received 6 units of blood product within 12 hours
of admission.
The authors hypothesized that an
exogenous supply of AVP may not only increase vas-
cular tone but also support hemostasis. Further stud-
ies in patients with TBI demonstrate that AVP was
associated with less administration of hyperosmolar
therapy and is a potential option and alternative to
catecholamines for CPP management.
Numerous retrospective studies in the trauma lit-
erature have investigated multiple vasopressors (ie,
NOREPI, phenylephrine, dopamine, and AVP).
This discussion focuses on the 2 most common and
clinically important vasopressors in this population:
NOREPI and AVP (Table). Administration of EPI to
patients in hemorrhagic shock has been studied in
the setting of prehospital cardiac arrest
but it has
not been specically examined as a vasopressor in
isolation with trauma patients. NOREPI is a neuro-
hormone released from sympathetic, postganglionic
Copyright © 2021 International Anesthesia Research Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Vasopressors and Trauma
nerve bers and is a product of the decarboxylation
of dopamine. It is stored in presynaptic granules that
release their content in the synaptic space on depo-
larization. After release, NOREPI acts on postsynaptic
α- and (to a lesser extent) β-receptors.
The effects
on both receptors are dose-dependent; with increas-
ing doses, the α-receptor effect dominates. This
results in: (1) contraction of smooth muscles bers in
venous and arterial vessels inducing venoconstriction
and an increase in venous return (ie, recruitment of
unstressed volume) as well as arteriolar vasoconstric-
tion and (2) myocardial inotropic and chronotropic
The physiology of AVP has been described in
AVP is a neuroendocrine nonapeptide,
produced in the neurons of the paraventricular and
supraoptic nuclei in the posterior hypothalamus.
AVP acts on multiple G-protein–coupled recep-
tors and uses the phosphatidylinositol pathway to
increase Ca
AVP-1 receptors are densely
situated on vascular smooth muscles of the systemic,
splanchnic, renal, and coronary circulation; their
stimulation leads to potent vasoconstriction,
comitant increase in cardiac output, and centraliza-
tion of blood volume.
In renal efferent arterioles, this
vasoconstriction increases glomerular ltration rate.
In the pulmonary vasculature, AVP induces less vaso-
constriction than NOREPI.
Platelet AVP-1 recep-
tor stimulation facilitates thrombocyte aggregation.
AVP-2 receptors located in the renal collecting system
induce antidiuresis by shuttling aquaporin-2 con-
taining vesicles to the cell surface and stimulation of
synthesis of aquaporin-2 messenger ribonucleic acid
(mRNA). There is also a complex physiologic inter-
action of AVP on oxytocin and purinergic receptors.
Purinergic receptors on the cardiac endothelium seem
to exert a positive inotropic effect without associated
positive chronotropy and without a resultant increase
in oxygen demand.
In some vascular beds, such as
the lung, AVP binding to oxytocin receptors leads to
pulmonary vasodilation.
The current paradigm for trauma resuscitation bal-
ances restoring organ perfusion, providing hemo-
static resuscitation,
and minimizing coagulopathy.
Therapy components include blood products,
period of permissive hypotension, rapid imaging,
and damage control surgical techniques.
organizational guidelines exist for the management of
hemorrhagic shock, such as the European Guideline
on Management of Major Bleeding and Coagulopathy
Following Trauma,
Advanced Resuscitative Care
in Tactical Combat Casualty Care,
and the Eastern
Association for the Surgery of Trauma Clinical
Practice Guidelines for Damage Control Resuscitation
in Patients with Severe Traumatic Hemorrhage.
Common principal themes in each guideline are the
minimization of crystalloid administration, early
transfusion of blood products in prespecied ratios,
and administration of hemostasis adjuncts, such as
TXA. Aggressive resuscitation with excessive crys-
talloid volumes is associated with increased rates of
MODS and mortality.
In addition, limited prehospital
crystalloid resulted in decreased mortality in patients
with penetrating torso trauma.
Furthermore, devel-
opment of resuscitation protocols and established
ratios of blood product administration is associated
with improved clinical outcomes.
Early plasma-
based resuscitation contributes a signicant mortality
benet in trauma patients.
Administration of TXA
within 3 hours of injury has also demonstrated a sig-
nicant improvement in mortality for trauma patients
at risk for blood product transfusion
; however, more
recent evidence from mature and developed trauma
systems is generating continued controversy on this
The practice of permissive hypotension is
also advocated by some organizations
; however,
vasopressor administration is only recommended in
the European guidelines.
Resuscitation with permissive hypotension has long
been a component of early hemorrhagic shock resus-
citation. This strategy aims to tolerate lower arterial
blood pressures to minimize further blood loss from
the bleeding site due to lower hydrostatic pressures
and reduce resuscitation volumes, most importantly
crystalloid uid administration.
Multiple RCTs
and a meta-analysis
advocate that permissive
hypotension is associated with decreased mortality.
However, there are numerous methodologic prob-
lems. In the recent meta-analysis, the included studies
were of poor to moderate quality due to lack of blind-
ing and incomplete protocol reporting.
In addition,
Table. Common Vasopressors Administered in Traumatic Shock
Vasopressor Mechanism Physiologic response
α-1-receptor agonist with modest β-1-agonist
Augment venous return and central systemic vascular volume increase coronary
perfusion via α-1 and support cardiac contractility through β-1 activity
Vasopressin V
, V
receptors Activation of V
receptors and increasing vascular tone with vasoconstriction
via multiple G-proteins and regulation of intravascular volume resorption
via V
receptors in collecting tubules
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July 2021
Volume 133
Number 1 75
individual RCTs report heterogeneous SBP and MAP
targets with inconsistent effects. A majority of studies
also excluded patients with TBI. Furthermore, despite
tolerating lower blood pressures, the MAPs were nor-
mal and there were no statistical differences in the end
point blood pressures between intervention and control
groups in several clinical trials
that raise the ques-
tion on whether permissive hypotension was achieved.
The only RCT in the meta-analysis, which dem-
onstrated a primary difference in mortality and con-
tributed >50% of patients to the meta-analysis, was
performed in patients with penetrating torso trauma
who were randomized to either a restrictive or a lib-
eral crystalloid resuscitation strategy.
The SBP in the
restrictive group was lower than in the liberal crystal-
loid group (72 vs 79 mm Hg, P = .02); however, the
clinical implications of this difference are likely mini-
mal. The role of permissive hypotension in the era of
whole blood resuscitation is also unexplored and the
period of organ hypoperfusion may contribute to sub-
sequent MODS. Prolonged periods of arterial hypo-
tension and hypoperfusion in nontrauma surgery are
associated with increased rates of myocardial injury,
acute kidney injury,
and severe coagulopathy.
review of the literature would seemingly advocate for
permissive hypotension in bleeding trauma patients.
Although this lower level of evidence appears to sup-
port use of lower arterial blood pressure, avoidance
of vasopressors in trauma patients to achieve permis-
sive hypotension represents a signicant gap in clini-
cal knowledge and practice.
Acute hemorrhage is a common cause of hemo-
dynamic decompensation and death
; however,
trauma patients and their injury proles are often het-
Moreover, circulatory instability after
hemorrhage in trauma patients may occur at different
temporal periods and have several, often overlapping
causes (Figure3). Different injury patterns and dis-
ease processes contribute to multiple causes of post-
traumatic shock. TBI may induce persistent shock,
and TBI patients seem to be at particular risk for pro-
longed arterial hypotension.
Prior studies that deter-
mined vasopressors are associated with increased
mortality in trauma patients excluding patients with
TBI. Therefore, the full impact of hypotension and
vasopressor administration in a large portion of the
trauma population is not dened.
Vasopressors have a sound mechanism to improve
oxygen delivery by decreasing venous system compli-
ance, augmenting the mean systemic lling pressure,
and thereby increasing the stressed blood volume
and cardiac output within the circulation.
Regardless of whether vasopressors contribute to
an improvement in the repayment of oxygen debt
after hemorrhagic shock in humans must be criti-
cally examined by further clinical studies. The use
of vasopressors in hemorrhagic shock is supported
by European guidelines,
and an argument for the
therapeutic use of NOREPI or AVP in traumatic shock
resuscitation is to augment the body’s physiological
response and maintain homeostasis.
To date, AVP is
the only agent evaluated in trauma patients via RCTs,
albeit small population size.
There are certain clinical scenarios in which early
vasopressor use with NOREPI or AVP would be rec-
ommended in trauma patients
(Figure3). For exam-
ple, severe brain injury is frequently encountered after
blunt mechanisms of injury.
Guidelines from the
Brain Trauma Foundation suggest achieving specic
blood pressure targets to achieve a CPP of 60 to 70 mm
Hg, with vasoactive agents as necessary, to minimize
the insult of secondary injury. The detrimental effects
of permissive hypotension in severely injured patients
with TBI are a signicant concern.
of NOREPI or AVP has been successfully utilized in
this population to maintain CPP and without increases
in morbidity.
Moreover, in acute, massive
Figure 3. Pathophysiology, temporal evolution, and patterns of traumatic hemorrhagic shock. DAMPs indicates damage associated molecular
Copyright © 2021 International Anesthesia Research Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Vasopressors and Trauma
exsanguination, there is decreased venous return,
consequent reduced cardiac output, loss of coronary
perfusion pressure, and ultimately prehospital car-
diac arrest. Vasopressin or NOREPI administration
maintain venous return, cardiac output, and coro-
nary perfusion pressure until surgical hemorrhagic
In addition, persistent hemorrhage and
arterial hypotension unresponsive to continued blood
product transfusion would benet from vasopressor
administration to maintain organ perfusion. It is likely
that this situation may already be encountered in the
operating room when the sympathoinhibitory phase
of hemorrhagic shock occurs before hemorrhage con-
In addition, vasopressors may be necessary
due to effects of intravenous and inhalational anes-
thetic agents that blunt the physiologic, sympathetic
vasoconstrictive response and further enhance vaso-
Persistent and prolonged shock with
severe tissue damage and release of proinammatory
mediators also aggravates vasodilation and neces-
sitates vasopressor administration even after deni-
tive hemorrhage control.
Finally, NOREPI may be
benecial after hemorrhage control (ie, in the intensive
care unit) in patients demonstrating early organ dys-
function as a result of persistent inammation, vaso-
dilation, and MODS in the postresuscitation period
(Figure3), as determined by bedside echocardiogra-
or invasive hemodynamic indices.
The administration of vasopressors to patients in
hemorrhagic shock appears counterintuitive to the
paradigm practice of hypotensive resuscitation and
permissive hypotension. However, limited high-qual-
ity evidence supports permissive hypotension, par-
ticularly in the era of balanced blood product-based
resuscitation and the reemergence of whole blood
Furthermore, the pathophysiologic
stages of hemorrhage demonstrate that vasodilation
likely occurs in a proportion of hypotensive patients
with acute blood loss.
In these clinical situations,
we advocate for vasopressor therapy with NOREPI or
AVP. This is consistent with European guidelines on
the management of blood loss after traumatic injury.
However, vasopressor administration in the bleeding
trauma patient must be exercised with caution and in
concert with appropriate intravascular resuscitation
(ie, early blood product transfusion). The decision to
decrease vasopressor support must also be made in
the clinical context of an improving metabolic acid-
base status
and appropriate echocardiographic
parameters and cardiac function.
Further inves-
tigations are necessary to more clearly delineate the
temporal course of vasodilation and vascular dysfunc-
tion after hemorrhagic shock. Additional work is also
necessary to determine optimal blood pressure tar-
gets and organ perfusion markers in specic trauma
populations, such as blunt mechanisms of injury and
TBI, and in patients resuscitated with whole blood.
The use of vasopressors is traditionally cautioned
against in the management of traumatic hemorrhagic
shock. However, the pathophysiology of shock in
trauma patients is complex. Multiple clinical scenarios
exist, which may warrant early administration of AVP
or NOREPI, along with appropriately titrated volume
administration and resuscitation. Further scientic
work is necessary to better dene specic vasopressor
medications, optimal arterial blood pressure goals,
and resuscitation strategies that are most benecial
to the critically injured trauma patient. Based on the
current literature, we conclude that clinical equipoise
exists and will only be solved by adequately powered,
multicenter, prospectively randomized trials.
The authors acknowledge and are grateful to Mark J.
Wieber, MA, BSN, for the illustrations in Figures 1 and 2.
Name: Justin E. Richards, MD.
Contribution: This author helped with manuscript concept,
design, content, and revision.
Name: Tim Harris, MD.
Contribution: This author helped with manuscript concept,
design, content, and revision.
Name: Martin W. Dünser, MD.
Contribution: This author helped with manuscript concept,
design, content, and revision.
Name: Pierre Bouzat, MD, PhD.
Contribution: This author helped with manuscript concept,
design, content, and revision.
Name: Tobias Gauss, MD.
Contribution: This author helped with manuscript concept,
design, content, and revision.
This manuscript was handled by: Richard P. Dutton, MD.
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