Gene L. Green
Curriculum vitae
Ph.D., New Testament Exegesis, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland, 1980
M.A., with high honors, Theological Studies - New Testament, Wheaton College Graduate
School, Wheaton, IL, 1977
A.B., with high honors, Biblical Studies, Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL, 1976
2015-present Graduate Certificate, Native American Studies, Native American Studies
Department, Montana State University (completion in 2021)
2011 Tyndale House, Cambridge, England (also 1990, 1995-96, 2003)
2001 Department of Phonetics and Linguistics, University College London, London, England
1983 Spanish Language Institute, San José, Costa Rica
2020-present Dean, Trinity International University Florida, Miami, FL
2019-present Professor Emeritus of New Testament, Wheaton College and Graduate School,
Wheaton, IL
1996-2019 Professor of New Testament (tenured), Wheaton College and Graduate School,
Wheaton, IL
2018-2019 Academic Dean (non-stipendiary, interim, part time), NAIITS: An Indigenous
Learning Community
2017-2019 Professor of New Testament, NAIITS: An Indigenous Learning Community
1994-1996 Academic Dean and Professor of New Testament, Seminario ESEPA, San José,
Costa Rica
1991-1994 Rector and Professor of New Testament, Seminario ESEPA, San José, Costa Rica
1986-1991 Academic Dean and Professor of New Testament, Seminario ESEPA, San José,
Costa Rica
1985-1986 Associate Professor of New Testament, Christian Life College, Mt. Prospect, IL
1984 Associate Professor of New Testament, Facultad de Teología, Universidad
CETEC, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
1981-1982 Assistant Professor of New Testament, Melodyland School of Theology,
Anaheim, CA
Series editor
Crosscurrents in Majority World and Minority Theology. With K. K. Yeo. Eugene, OR:
Gene L. Green P. 2
Majority World Theology Series. With Stephen Pardue and K. K. Yeo. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans
and Carlisle, UK: Langham Monographs.
Ordinary Theology Series. Grand Rapids: Zondervan.
2020 The Acts of the Apostles. Tyndale New Testament Commentaries. Downers Grove: IVP
Academic (in preparation, submission 2021).
2019 Vox Petri. A Theology of Peter. Eugene, OR: Cascade.
2015 The Scalpel and the Cross: A Theology of Surgery. Ordinary Theology Series. Grand
Rapids: Zondervan.
2008 Jude and 2 Peter. Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament. Grand Rapids:
2002 1 and 2 Thessalonians. Pillar Commentary Series. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans.
2000 1 y 2 Tesalonicenses. Grand Rapids: Editorial Portavoz. [Written in Spanish]
1993 1 Pedro y 2 Pedro. Comentario Bíblico Hispanoamericano. Miami: Editorial Caribe.
[Written in Spanish]
Co-authored books
2020 The New Testament in Antiquity. Second edition. With Gary Burge. Grand Rapids:
Zondervan Academic.
2009 The New Testament in Antiquity. With Gary Burge and Lynn Cohick. Grand Rapids:
Edited books
2021 Theologies of Migration. Crosscurrents in Majority World and Minority Theology Series.
Eugene, OR: Cascade (in preparation).
2020 Majority World Theology. Christian Doctrine in Global Context. Editor, with Stephen T.
Pardue and K. K. Yeo. Downers Grove: IVP Academic.
2020 Theologies of Land. Contested Land, Spatial Justice, and Identity. Crosscurrents in
Majority World and Minority Theology Series. Eugene, OR: Cascade.
2019 All Things New. Eschatology in the Majority World. Majority World Theology Series.
Editor, with Stephen T. Pardue and K. K. Yeo. Carlisle, UK: Langham, 2019.
2018 The Church from Every Tribe and Tongue. Ecclesiology in the Majority World. Majority
World Theology Series. Editor, with Stephen T. Pardue and K. K. Yeo. Carlisle, UK:
2017 So Great a Salvation. Soteriology in the Majority World. Majority World Theology
Series. Editor, with Stephen T. Pardue and K. K. Yeo. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans and
Carlisle, UK: Langham.
2016 The Spirit over the Earth. Pneumatology in the Majority World. Majority World
Theology Series. Editor, with Stephen T. Pardue and K. K. Yeo. Grand Rapids:
Eerdmans and Carlisle, UK: Langham.
2015 The Trinity among the Nations. The Doctrine of God in the Majority World. Majority
World Theology Series. Editor, with Stephen T. Pardue and K. K. Yeo. Grand Rapids:
Eerdmans and Carlisle, UK: Langham.
Gene L. Green P. 3
2014 Jesus without Borders. Christology in the Majority World. Majority World Theology
Series. Editor, with Stephen T. Pardue and K. K. Yeo. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans and
Carlisle, UK: Langham.
2012 Global Theology in Evangelical Perspective. Exploring the Contextual Nature of
Theology and Mission. Edited with Jeffrey P. Greenman. Downers Grove: IVP
Journal articles
2014 “The Death of Mission. Rethinking the Great Commission.” Journal of the North
American Institute for Indigenous Theological Studies 12 (2014): 81-110.
2014 “The Priority of Leadership Training in Global Mission.” With Jeffrey P. Greenman.
Evangelical Mission Quarterly 50 (2014): 44-49.
2013 “Building a New Testament Library: Hebrews-Revelation. Catalyst 39 (2013): 6-8.
2012 “Lexical Pragmatics and the Lexicon.” Bulletin for Biblical Research 22 (2012): 315-
2010 “Relevance Theory and Theological Interpretation: Thoughts on Metarepresentation,”
Journal of Theological Interpretation 4 (2010): 75-90.
2008 “¡Patrón! La clientela en Tesalónica romana.” Kairós 43 (2008): 79-85.
2008 “El imperio y la venida de Cristo – 2 Tesalonicenses 2:1-12.” Kairós 42 (2008): 9-29.
2007 “Lexical Pragmatics and Biblical Interpretation.” Journal of the Evangelical Theological
Society 50 (2007): 799-812.
2007 “La Pax Romana y el día del Señor 1 Tesalonicenses 5:1-11.” Kairós 41 (2007): 9-27.
2007 “La muerte y el poder del Imperio – 1 Tesalonicenses 4:13-18.” Kairós 40 (2007): 9-26.
2006 “El anuncio del evangelio ante el poder imperial en Tesalónica.” Kairós 39 (2006): 9-21.
2003 “Comments on Commentaries. NT: 2 Peter and Jude.” Biblical Studies Bulletin [Ridley
Hall] 30 (2003).
2001 “‘As for Prophecies, They Will Come to an End’: 2 Peter, Paul and Plutarch on ‘The
Obsolescence of Oracles’.” Journal for the Study of the New Testament 82 (2001): 107-
1999 “The Kingdom and the Spirit.” Pneuma Review 2 (1999): 52-59.
1995 Reflexiones personales sobre la exégesis del Nuevo Testamento.” Boletín Teológico 58
(1995): 39-50.
1990 “The Use of the Old Testament for Christian Ethics in 1 Peter.” Tyndale Bulletin 41
(1990): 276-289.
1983 “Triumph.” Paraclete 17 (1983): 10-13.
Book chapters
2016 “Introduction: The Spirit over the Earth Pneumatology in the Majority World.” Pp. 1-
12 in The Spirit over the Earth. Pneumatology in the Majority World. Majority World
Theology Series. Edited by Gene L. Green, Stephen T. Pardue and K. K. Yeo. Grand
Rapids: Eerdmans.
2014 “The Testimony of Peter: 2 Peter and the Gospel Traditions.” Pp. 181-198 in James, 1 &
2 Peter, and Early Jesus Traditions. Edited by Alicia J. Batten and John S. Kloppenborg.
London and New York: Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark.
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2014 “A Response to the Postcolonial Roundtable.” Pp. 19-24 in Evangelical Postcolonial
Conversations. Global Awakenings in Theology and Praxis. Edited by Kay Higuera
Smith, Jayachitra Lalitha, and L. Daniel Hawk. Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press.
2012 “Introduction” and “The Challenge of Global Hermeneutics.” Pp. 9-15, 50-64 in Global
Theology in Evangelical Perspective. Edited by Jeffrey P. Greenman and Gene L. Green.
Downers Grove: IVP Academic.
2011 “Luke: Historian, Rhetor, and Theologian. Historiography and the Theology of the
Speeches in Acts.” Pp. 161-80 in Jesus Christ, Lord and Savior: New Testament
Theology in the Light of the Church's Mission. Essays in Honor of I. Howard Marshall.
Edited by Jon C. Laansma, Grant R. Osborne, and Ray F. Van Neste. Eugene, OR:
Cascade Books.
2010 “Second Peter’s Use of Jude: Imitatio and Sociology in Early Christianity.” Pp. 1-25 in
Reading Second Peter with New Eyes. Methodological Reassessments of the Letter of
Second Peter. Edited by Robert L. Webb and Duane Watson. London and New York:
T&T Clark.
2009 “Relevance Theory and Biblical Interpretation.” Pp. 217-240 in The Linguist as
Pedagogue. Trends in the Teaching and Linguistic Analysis of the New Testament. Edited
by Stanley E. Porter and Matthew Brook O’Donnell. New Testament Monographs.
Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press.
2006 “New Testament Christology.” Pp. 128-134 in The Portable Seminary. A Master’s Level
Overview in One Volume. With R. S. Wallace. Edited by David Horton. Bloomington,
MN: Bethany House.
2004 “Finding the Will of God: Acts 16 in Historical and Modern Perspective.” Pp. 209-220 in
Acts in Mission: Narrative Missiology in Action. Edited by Paul Hertig and Robert
Gallagher. Maryknoll: Orbis.
1998 “Introducción.” Pp. 5-7 in Llamdos a ser diferentes. John R. W. Stott. San José:
IINDEF, 1998.
Biblical commentaries (chapters)
2021 “1 Corinthians.” In The New Testament in Color. Edited by Esau McCaulley, Amy
Peeler, Janette Ok, and Osvaldo Padilla. Downers Grove: IVP Academic (in preparation).
2012 “1 and 2 Thessalonians.” Pp. 1412-53 in Baker Evangelical One-Volume Commentary
on the Bible. Edited by Gary M. Burge and Andrew E. Hill. Grand Rapids: Baker Books.
2008 “1 and 2 Thessalonians.” Pp. 2030-2045 in New Living Translation Study Bible. Carol
Stream: Tyndale House.
Encyclopedia and dictionary entries
2013 “Relevance Theory and Biblical Interpretation.” 2.266-273 in The Oxford Encyclopedia
of Biblical Interpretation. Edited by Steven L. McKenzie. New York: Oxford University
2013 “Macedonia” and “Achaia.” Pp. 532-556 in The World of the New Testament. Cultural,
Social, and Historical Contexts. Edited by Joel B. Green and Lee Martin Macdonald.
Grand Rapids: Baker Academic.
2008 “Thessalonians, Epistles of the.” 5.457-460 in Encyclopedia of Christianity. Edited by
Erwin Fahlbusch, Jan Milic Lochman, John Mbiti, Jaroslav Pelikan, and Lukas Vischer.
Gene L. Green P. 5
Grand Rapids and Leiden: Eerdmans and Brill.
2001 “Christology: Recent Developments.” With R. S. Wallace. P. 245 in Evangelical
Dictionary of Theology. Second Edition. Edited by Walter Elwell. Grand Rapids:
Baker, 2001.
2001 “Gerard Manley Hopkins,” “George Eldon Ladd, Theology of the New Testament,” and
“Josephus, Wars of the Jews.” Pp. 85-87 in Reading for Life. Edited by Jeffry Davis,
Leland Ryken and Thomas Martin. Philadelphia: Xlibris, 2001.
2000 “1 Peter.” Pp. 346-9 in New Dictionary of Biblical Theology. Edited by Desmond
Alexander, Brian Rosner, Donald A. Carson and Graeme Goldsworthy. Leicester: IVP,
1998 “Apostasía”; “1 Pedro”; “2 Pedro.” Pp. 85-86, 809-812 in Diccionario ilustrado de la
Biblia, rev. ed. Edited by Wilton M. Nelson and Juan Rojas. Miami: Editorial Caribe,
1998 “Pedro.” Revisión. Pp. 808-809 in Diccionario ilustrado de la Biblia, rev. ed. Edited by
Wilton M. Nelson and Juan Rojas. Miami: Editorial Caribe, 1998.
Translation work
“2 Peter and Jude [translation revision].” In New Revised Standard Version. Edited by Michael
Holmes (submitted, 2018).
“Colossians [translation].” In Common English Bible. Edited by David L. Petersen and Joel B.
Green. Nashville: Abingdon, 2011.
Translation Review Scholar, English Standard Version.
Revision of “El Evangelio de Juan” for La Nueva Traducción Viviente.
2019 Response to Jörg Frey, The Letter of Jude and the Second Letter of Peter. Society of
Biblical Literagture National Meeting, San Diego, CA. November, 2019.
2015 The Gospel and the Thessalonians: Living Out the Faith in Culture.” Instituto de
Estudios Teológicos, Lombard, IL.
2014 “The Death of Mission. Rethinking the Great Commission.” North American Insitute for
Indigenous Theological Studies Annual Symposium. Newberg, Oregon. June, 2014.
2013 “A Theology of Peter.” Department of Divinity, University of Edinburgh. July, 2013.
2012 “La teología indígena en América Latina.” Chicago Chapter, Fraternidad Teológica
Latinoamericana. Wheaton, IL. December, 2012.
2011 “Early Jesus Traditions in 2 Peter.” Society of Biblical Literature National Meeting, San
Francisco, CA. November, 2011.
2011 “Lexical Pragmatics and the Lexicon.” Society of Biblical Literature International
Meeting, London, England. July, 2011.
2011 “The Challenge of Contextual Theologies.” Wheaton College Theology Conference:
“Global Theology in Evangelical Perspective.” April, 2011.
2010 “Peter: Apostolic Foundation” and “Peter: Apostolic Mission.” Overseas Ministries Study
Center Leadership Forum: “Edinburgh 1910: A Global Centenary Assessment. Where
We Were; Where We Are; Where We’re Headed.” April 23-25, 2010.
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2009 “Lexical Pragmatics and the Lexicon.” Bible Translation Section. Society of Biblical
Literature Annual Meeting. New Orleans. November, 2009.
2007 “The Relationship Between 2 Peter and Jude: Imitatio and the Sociology of Early
Christianity.” Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting. San Diego. November,
2007 “Relevance Theory, Biblical Interpretation, and Theology.” Society of Biblical Literature
International Meeting. Vienna. July, 2007.
2007 “El poder del evangelio y el Imperio.” Iglesia Cristiana. Santo Domingo, Dominican
Republic. June, 2007.
2006 “The Gospel and the Thessalonians.” Archaeology Lecture. Wheaton College. October,
2006 “El evangelio y el Imperio. Estudios en 1 y 2 Tesalonicenses.” Seminario Teológico
Centroamericano. Guatemala City, Guatemala. August, 2006.
2005 “Lexical Pragmatics and Biblical Interpretation.” Society of Biblical Literature
International Meeting. Singapore. June, 2005; and Society of Biblical Literature Annual
Meeting. Philadelphia, November, 2005.
2004 “Relevance Theory and Biblical Studies.” Society of Biblical Literature International
Meeting. Groningen, Netherlands. July, 2004.
2003 “Relevance Theory and Biblical Interpretation.” Society of Biblical Literature
International Meeting. Cambridge, England. July, 2003.
2002 “Relevance Theory and New Testament Interpretation.” Society of Biblical Literature
Annual Meeting. Toronto, Canada. November, 2002.
2001 “Context and Communication.” BTAWR Table Talk. Wheaton College. September,
2000 Exposición bíblica en la cultura posmoderna. CLADE IV. Quito, Ecuador. September,
2000 “1 Tesalonicenses.” Seminario ESEPA. San José, Costa Rica. June, 2000.
2000 La Cristología. La Vega Pastoral Conference. La Vega, Dominican Republic. April,
2000 A Response to Lilia Solano Gongora, Violence in Columbia’.” CACE Lecture.
Wheaton College. January, 2000.
1999 “La hermenéutica bíblica en América posmoderna.” Seminario ESEPA. San José, Costa
Rica. September, 1999.
1999 “Hot Button Issues in Modern Missions.” Missions and Intercultural Studies
Department Seminar. Wheaton College. August, 1999.
1998 Patrón! La clientela en Tesalónica romana.” Latin American Theological Fraternity,
Chicago Chapter. November, 1998.
1994 “Reflexiones sobre la exégesis del Nuevo Testamento.” Latin American Theological
Fraternity, San José, Costa Rica Chapter.
1987 “La carne.” Latin American Theological Fraternity. San José, Costa Rica Chapter.
1978 “The Use of the Old Testament for Christian Ethics in 1 Peter.” Tyndale House.
Cambridge, England. July, 1978.
Gene L. Green P. 7
Society of Biblical Literature
Co-Chair, Relevance Theory and Biblical Interpretation Group, SBL International
Meeting (2004-2012)
Institute for Biblical Research
Co-Chair, Crosscurrents in Majority World and Minority Theology Group
Co-Chair, Scripture in Global Context Group (2012-2017)
Society for Pentecostal Studies
Latin American Theological Fellowship
2011-Present Member, Gary United Methodist Church, Wheaton, IL
1980 Ordained Minister, Bethel Assembly Church, Springfield, IL (Independent
Assemblies of God)
Ministerial appointments
1981-1982 Teacher and Elder, Melodyland Christian Center, Anaheim, CA
1980-1981 Associate Pastor and Director of Evening Classes, Bethel Assembly Church,
Springfield, IL
1975-1977 Assistant Pastor, Salem United Methodist Church, Barrington, IL
1972-1974 Assistant Pastor, Bethel Assembly Church, Springfield, IL
Langham Partnership (formerly John Stott Ministries) (Board Member, 1997-2011, and
Scholarship and Literature Committees Member)
President’s Advisory Council, Overseas Council International (2014-2019)
Latin America Mission (Missionary, 1986-1996)
Excavation Team, Tel Dor, Israel (1989)