South Africa
National Higher Education Equity Policy
The Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) is responsible for
defining national policies in higher education under the authority of the Minister of
Higher Education. It relies on the Council for Higher Education for policy advice
and quality assurance matters.
Higher Education Policy Documents
What are the current official documents defining the national higher education
strategy / policies?
2013 White Paper for Post-Secondary Education and Training
A National Strategic Plan is currently under preparation (expected
December 2018)
Higher Education Act of 1997
Equity in Policy Documents
What broad and specific equity objectives do the policy documents identify?
The first policy objective is to develop “a post-school system that can assist in
building a fair, equitable, non-racial, non-sexist and democratic South Africa”.
The government of South Africa is keen on improving access and success for
“those groups whose race, gender or disability status had previously
disadvantaged them”. The government is also committed to making education
free for the poor “as resources become available”.
Which equity target groups are identified in the policy documents?
Poor students
Gender groups
Black students
Students with disability
Does the country have concrete targets for the participation of specific equity
South Africa has targets for increasing the participation rates in
universities, expected to grow from 17.3 per cent in 2011 to 25 per cent by
South Africa does not have a standalone policy document dedicated to equity
promotion in higher education.
Are there specific anti-discrimination provisions?
The Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act 4 of 2000
(the Equality Act) is the principal instrument to prevent and punish discriminatory
policies in education in South Africa. The Act was accompanied by the
establishment of a network of Equality Courts for the quick and effective
resolution of discrimination disputes.
What specific interventions and/or instruments of equity promotion are included
in the official strategy and policy documents (monetary and non-monetary)?
Monetary Policy Instruments
No tuition fees for certain groups: since December 2017, students from
households with a combined income of less than the equivalent of 2,000$
per month (350,000 Rands per year) are exempt from paying tuition fees.
This corresponds approximately to the bottom 64% of those currently at
university. Implementation of the new policy started in 2018 and will be
phased in through 2022. Low-income students (including Black students)
enrolled in private higher education institutions are not eligible for free
Needs-based grants and student loans: until the new tuition fee policy was
put in place, low-income students could receive grants and loans.
Equity-linked financial incentives built into the funding formula to allocate
public resources to higher education institutions: the formula takes the
proportion of Black students into consideration to compensate for
apartheid-time discrimination. The government of South Africa also
earmarks funds to support underprivileged students needing additional
academic help and historically deprived institutions.
Non-Monetary Policy Instruments
Distance education available to equity groups living in remote areas
through UNISA, the South African online university.
Specialized institutions targeting underrepresented groups
Outreach and bridge programs
Academic and career guidance and counseling
Flexible pathways and transfers through the National Qualifications
Retention programs: support for underprivileged students needing
academic help.
Financial Resources
What financial resources does the country devote to equity promotion measures?
Not available.
Quality Assurance
The quality assurance criteria do not take equity elements into consideration.
Monitoring and Evaluation
DHET is responsible for monitoring the impact of equity promotion
Dedicated Equity Promotion Agency
South Africa does not have an agency dedicated to equity promotion in higher
Council of Higher Education (2016). South African Higher Education Reviewed:
Two Decades of Democracy.
Department of Higher Education and Training (2013). White Paper for Post-
Secondary Education and Training.
Government of South Africa (1997). Higher Education Act.
Heher Commission (2017). Report of the Commission of Inquiry into Higher
Education and Training. Pretoria: Government of South Africa.
Van der Berg, S. (2016). “Funding university studies: Who benefits?” Kagisano
10. Special Issue on Student Funding. Council for Higher Education. March