Advancing Relections Entries to
Nassau Region PTA – 2023-2024
Nassau Region Deadline: December 6, 2023 by 8:00pm
Please read the following carefully!
Nassau Region PTA is ONLY accepng electronic submissions , however, arsts and/or Reflecons
chairs should save their physical artwork and Student Entry Forms unl aer Nassau Region selects its
Each PTA may advance only TWO entries per division for each arts category!
Step 1 - Be a Unit in Good Standing:
o Bylaws up to date
o Membership Dues paid
o Insurance payment paid
o Tax Form Filed (unit must not be revoked)
o Officers entered on MemberHub
Step 2 - Register on the Naonal PTA website at: Register here
Step 3 - Print the Local Unit Parcipaon Form to summarize your overall data. This is not a
fillable form. It is just a worksheet you can use to gather your date. Then use the
informaon you compiled to complete the Google Form Here . Only submit the Google
Form. Do not email a copy of the worksheet.
Step 4 - Make sure that all submissions meet the requirements (details in the FAQ below). Entries
that do not meet these criteria will be rejected:
o File type and size for each type of artwork
o File name format- Students LastnameFirstnameUnitCodeCategoryDivision .
Step 5 – Submit the Entries:
o For each individual entry, complete the Google Form version of the Nassau Region Student
Entry Form: Student Entry Form
o Aach the entry and any supporng documentaon to the Google Form and submit.
o You will receive an email receipt aer you submit the entry.
o If you are unable to aach the artwork to the Google Form, you can submit the form
without the aached file and email the artwork directly to
Reflec . Make sure to include all idenfying informaon in
the email, so it can be aached to the proper entry form.
Make sure to adhere to Naonal PTA, New York State PTA, and Nassau Region PTA Reflecons Rules
to be eligible to advance! Only entries that conform to the rules are eligible to advance!
Frequently Asked Questions
Nassau Region Reflecons Deadline: December 6, 2023 by 8:00pm
Here are some Frequently Asked Quesons regarding the Nassau Region PTA Reflecons Program. Please
review the quesons below. Most of your concerns or quesons will be addressed.
1. Will Nassau Region be accepng physical and/or digital submissions? Nassau Region will ONLY
be accepng electronic/digital submissions.
2. When can we submit the entries? You can begin subming your entries when you receive this
document. All submissions MUST be received by December 6, 2023 at 8:00 pm.
3. How do we collect Student Informaon and Entries during our current climate? Naonal, NYS
and Nassau Region PTA are accepng electronic entries from all units. Artwork is submied and
reviewed electronically. Typed signatures on the Student Entry Form will be accepted at all levels.
4. How will entries be submied? A link to the Nassau Region PTA Google Form will be emailed to
Presidents & Reflecons Contacts and posted on the Nassau Region website at Reflecons –
Nassau Region PTA . For EACH student entry you are advancing, complete the Google Form and
aach the artwork files. If you have trouble aaching the artwork, submit the form without it and
THEN email the artwork file to Reflec . Please make sure to
indicate you submied the Form without aaching the artwork. Each PTA must also complete the
Local Unit Parcipaon Google Form
5. What if our unit accepted physical entries? It is up to the Unit Reflecons Chair to decide
whether to get the digital version from the student or to create it themselves. Some categories are
already submied in digital form i.e., Music Composion, Film Producon and Dance
Choreography. If you run into technology problems, email reflec .
6. What should be done with the physical artwork? The original artwork should be saved either
by the unit or the student. At some point Nassau Region, NYS PTA or Naonal PTA may request it.
7. How should the artwork files be named? All electronic files/artwork MUST be named in the
following format:
Students LastnameFirstnameUnitCodeCategoryDivision .
Example: BeckShari10-123LiteratureIntermediate.pdf
8. What are the requirements for each category? Please review the Rules and Guidelines for each
Category: Dance Choreography, Film Producon, Literature, Music Composion, Photography and Visual
Arts. They can be found on our Reflecons webpage: Reflecons – Nassau Region PTA .
9. How will Nassau Region get the Student Entries to their judges? We will create a Google Sheet with
the student’s Title of Work, Arst Statement and a link to the artwork in our Google Drive storage. The
judging criteria and rubric remain the same.
10. Can two or more students create a piece together? No. All Reflecons entries must be the original
work of one student only. However, other people may appear in the entry such as performing or acng.
11. How do students turn in their film, dance, and music submissions? Online entries will be submied
by uploading files to the online entry form. See the rules for each category for format details.
12. Where are the entry forms on the website? Everything you need can be found on the Nassau Region
PTA Website Reflecons – Nassau Region PTA .
13. Why does it take so long to get winning artwork back from state or naonal? This will not be an
issue this year since only electronic entries are being accepted. Because PTA is run mostly by volunteers,
artwork is usually returned in a way that saves money and the me of the volunteers. Artwork that makes
it all the way to the naonal level of compeon could be kept for as long as 2 years. A select number of
state winners are also kept and displayed for the school year following the compeon.
14. What are the different awards given in Reflecons? There are several awards to celebrate students at
each level of the Reflecon Campaign:
Naonal PTA issues three award levels: Outstanding Interpretaon, Award of Excellence and
Award of Merit.
NYS PTA issues two award levels: Award of Excellence and Award of Merit.
Nassau Region PTA recognizes students with three award levels: Region special awards, which
are the overall region finalists in each art category, Award of Excellence and Award of Merit.
Units can recognize their finalists with Award cerficates special for their PTA.
Units can recognize each parcipant with a cerficate of parcipaon.
15. How else can we recognize our entrants? Celebrang a remote program opens new opportunies to
celebrate your amazing arsts, and celebraon events (even virtual ones!) give communies something
fun to look forward to during these difficult mes. Plan, promote and communicate with your school
community about your celebraon events early and oen to get everyone excited. PTA encourages
schools to hold an assembly or event of some sort that recognizes not only the students who receive
awards, but all students who parcipate. If this is done and how it is handled is up to the
school/council/region. Create and post celebratory videos and online exhibits on social media. Consider
creang a PowerPoint presentaon of the artwork. Host an in-person or virtual event to announce and
award your winners and/or to celebrate your young arsts.
Order or create cerficates and awards as a keepsake. Consider sending medallions instead of trophies to
curb the celebraon budget. Use Shop PTA to buy and ship awards directly to winning students and
parcipants. Also check out Nassau Region’s store on MemberHub for pins and cerficates. Host a
socially distanced award pick-up day for parcipants. In winner communicaons, clearly outline safe pick
up instrucons to ensure health and avoid confusion. Ask students to send you photos and create a video
compiling footage from winners holding or opening their awards, reading their arst statement, or
reflecng on their creave process. These are suggesons if your school or district does not want to host
an in-person recepon or event.
Dec 6
at 8:00 pm ALL student entries due
Late-January Nassau Region PTA will announce Regional Winners
Mid-March NY State PTA releases State Winners
Late April/Early May Nassau Region PTA Awards Ceremony