Migrating from Unstructured to
Structured FrameMaker
Implementing structured Adobe® FrameMaker® is both an opportunity and a challenge.
You can combine FrameMakers powerful features with structured authoring to create a
sophisticated workflow. Within this new authoring environment, you can automate for-
matting, create, edit, and publish XML-based content, and enforce required document
The challenge is that building a structured workflow requires you to master new tools
(such as the structure features in FrameMaker), new concepts (structured authoring), and
new technology (XML, structure definitions, and perhaps Extensible Stylesheet Language
(XSL) transformation). If you have no immediate need for XML, you can implement struc-
ture in FrameMaker without providing support for XML import or export. This approach
has a smaller learning curve and is discussed in detail later in this document.
This white paper assumes that you are already working in unstructured (paragraph-based)
FrameMaker and are considering a move to structured FrameMaker.
What is XML?
Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a vendor-neutral, open format managed by the
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). Like HTML, XML consists of tags enclosed in angle
brackets (such as
), is relatively easy to learn, and is stored in a text file. Aside
from their superficial similarities, HTML and XML are used very differently.
HTML coding is often done on the fly, but XML requires a rigorous approach. A funda-
mental rule for an XML file is that it must be
which means that the XML
document follows XML syntax rules. For example, all tags must be opened and closed
<p>This version is correct.</p><p>Each paragraph is opened and closed.</p>
<p>This is not allowed.<p>The first paragraph must be closed before the second paragraph starts.
Well-formed documents are predictable, which makes it easier for software to process the
XML files automatically.
It’s possible to create well-formed HTML, but it’s not required in most environments.
Web browsers can usually render HTML that is not well-formed. XML must always be
XML lets you define tags, thus creating your own markup language to describe document
content. For example, in a proposal document, you could create tags such as ProjectDescription
and Costs.
The XML file is human-readable, but it can be tedious to identify where each tag begins
and ends. In the following example, the tags are bolded to make them easier to find.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Proposal for Widget Production
Executive Summary
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nunc ultrices.
Project Description
Duis vel libero. Integer venenatis nibh non magna. Morbi id leo.
. . .
1 What is XML?
3 Why XML?
7 Why structured FrameMaker?
8 Components of a structured authoring
10 Getting started with structure
21 Implementing structured FrameMaker
23 Migrating unstructured files to structure
27 Where to go from here
Migrating from Unstructured to Structured FrameMaker
Structured FrameMaker gives you a tree view of the document that arranges the elements hierarchi-
cally. Its easy to see the relationships among the tags.
FrameMaker renders the XML tags in a tree view
Capturing information hierarchy
Instead of style-based, paragraph-oriented word processing and desktop publishing, XML provides a
foundation for
structured authoring;
content is described by elements that are organized in a hierar-
chical tree. In word-processing environments (such as unstructured FrameMaker), the relationship
among the various document components is apparent through formatting on the page. The docu-
ment file, however, does not capture these relationships because a word processor document is made
up of a string of paragraphs. The relationship between a Body paragraph tag and the preceding
Heading1—the Body tag is logically subordinate to the Heading1—is not represented in an unstruc-
tured FrameMaker file. Structured authoring, however, does capture the hierarchical relationships
among the document components.
The following figure shows unstructured and structured representations of the same document. The
unstructured paragraph tags are in a flat list; the structured elements are grouped to show relation-
ships. The Graphic and Caption element, for example, share a common Figure parent. Step elements
are subordinate to the Procedure element.
Word processing versus structured authoring
Embedding metadata in XML
Elements in XML can have attributes, which enables you to store additional information about an
element. For example, you could provide an attribute that specifies the classification level for a topic:
<topic classification="secret">Secret information here</topic>
Often, attributes are used for basic document metadata, such as the name of the author and the last
revision date of a particular document.
Proinde cum venabere
Meditabar aliquid enotabamque, ut, si
manus vacuas, plenas tamen ceras
reportarem. Non est quod contemnas
hoc studendi genus:
1. Proinde cum venabere, licebit.
2. Ego ille quem nosti apros.
Ad retia sedebam
Paragraph tags Structure
Migrating from Unstructured to Structured FrameMaker
Embedding document metadata
For a more detailed overview of XML, refer to
Why XML?
Creating an XML-based workflow is a significant effort, but it opens up some exciting new opportu-
nities, such as improving the consistency and organization of your files, reusing content, and
reducing publishing costs. The following sections provide some details.
Enforcing consistent organization
In unstructured FrameMaker, a template specifies which formatting components are available in
your files. Along with the template, you provide usage rules. For example, you might specify that a
simple proposal should have the following content sequence:
1 Proposal title
2 Executive summary
3 Project description
You cannot enforce this required sequence in an unstructured template. Instead, you create a style
guide, which authors are supposed to read and comply with. To verify that a particular document
follows the rules in the style guide, a human editor must read the proposal and verify that each
section is in the proper order.
XML technology lets you describe the required organization of the content with structure rules.
A file that follows these rules is
You can use software to validate your file and verify that it
conforms to the rules you’ve established, so that instead of a human reading the file to check its
organization, the software can do the validation work.
Structured and unstructured workflow to create a document
In addition to built-in validation features, structured FrameMaker also provides
guided editing,
which supports authors by displaying only the allowed elements as they are working. In other
words, you can now enforce your document organization through the template (rather than by
human review).
For a proposal document, the structure rule would read as follows:
Document with
correct organization
creates content
reviews content
Migrating from Unstructured to Structured FrameMaker
This rule indicates that a syntax reference section
contain one Title, followed by one
ExecSummary, and so on. You can then specify further structure inside each element. For
example, you can require that the ExecSummary element contains a title and a paragraph:
A document that omits one of these items, or that uses a different order for the elements, is not
allowed. FrameMakers structure view indicates in real-time where required content is missing,
as shown in the following figure.
FrameMaker’s structure view indicates that a required element is missing with a small red square.
The Elements catalog indicates that a Para element is allowed here.
Automating and enforcing formatting
In structured FrameMaker, authors do not work with formatting components such as paragraph
and character tags. Instead, they insert elements and element content into their documents.
Document formatting is applied automatically based on formatting information that is embedded
in the structured template. The structured template is made up of two components: formatting
information and structure definitions. The structure definitions are stored in an element definition
document (EDD), which in turn references formatting information.
Formatting specifications in structured FrameMaker
Element formatting is context-sensitive; that is, a single element can appear with different format-
ting in different structured positions. A single ListItem element, for example, can replace half a
dozen (or more) paragraph tags. The following figure shows how formatting of the ListItem element
changes based on its position and the value of the parent List elements Type attribute.
Formatting in this example is controlled both by the nesting level of the ListItem and by the value
of the Type attribute on the container element List.
Migrating from Unstructured to Structured FrameMaker
ListItem formatting in different contexts
As you position information in the structure, the context-sensitive formatting is updated immediately
based on the element position. This dynamic formatting is extremely powerful when combined
with FrameMaker's WYSIWYG interface.
Using metadata for versioning
At the document level, metadata provides keywords and other descriptions of a document. You can
also use metadata to identify information that is unique for a particular version of a deliverable.
This technique lets you use a single set of source documents to deliver highly customized informa-
tion for each version. Consider, for example, the problem of customized software development. If
your company customizes its products for each client, you need a way to identify what information
belongs to each client. Using metadata, you can specify which clients each topic applies to. When
you are ready to deliver the information, you filter based on the metadata to create the appropriate
Filtering to produce client-specific deliverables
Publishing to multiple output formats
Many FrameMaker users are already familiar with single-sourcing workflows. In a structured
FrameMaker environment, you can take advantage of FrameMakers powerful print and PDF capa-
bilities, and then generate XML to create other outputs, such as HTML and online help formats.
<topic client="A">
<topic client="A,B">
<topic client="B">
<topic client="A">
<topic client="A,B">
<topic client="A,C">
<topic client="A,C">
Client ASource files
Migrating from Unstructured to Structured FrameMaker
Structured FrameMaker and XML in a multichannel workflow
You can also continue to use single-sourcing workflows that are based on unstructured conversion
Supporting content reuse and exchange with XML
XML lets you move information from one authoring tool to another without losing information.
You can develop information in FrameMaker, save it out to XML, and then open the XML files in
another tool. Perhaps a technical writing group (which uses FrameMaker) needs to share informa-
tion with a training group (which uses an XML-based learning management system). You can use
XML to exchange content between two otherwise incompatible applications.
Reusing content between FrameMaker and a learning management system (LMS)
Reducing localization cost
When content is localized, the desktop publishing component is a significant part of the cost. Exact
numbers will vary for specific projects, but as a general rule, about half the total localization cost is
for publishing and production. A publishing workflow built on XML and structured authoring lets
you automate much of the publishing effort, so you can greatly reduce the ongoing costs associated
with localization.
Simplifying database publishing
Instead of connecting directly into a database, you can use XML as an intermediate format. From
the database, you generate an XML file that contains the information you want to publish. On the
FrameMaker side, you set up an import application that provides formatting information for the
XML elements. You then open the XML file in FrameMaker, and the database information is for-
matted automatically.
Database publishing with FrameMaker and XML
For more information about database publishing, refer to the Adobe FrameMaker 7.1 Database
Publishing” at
To enable you to build automated, server-based solutions, Adobe offers the FrameMaker Server
license. For more information, visit the FrameMaker Server page,
Complying with required document structures
The ability to enforce structure based on explicit rules improves consistency for any document.
In regulated industries, the ability to verify that the required structures are being followed is critical.
If your organization is required to comply with specific structures due to government or industry
standards, structured authoring can help you ensure that your documents conform.
Source files
Print and PDF
HTML and other
online formats
Migrating from Unstructured to Structured FrameMaker
Why structured FrameMaker?
Structured FrameMaker produces a user-friendly structured authoring environment that lets you
create XML. Authors making the transition from unstructured FrameMaker will find many familiar
publishing features. Both versions of FrameMaker excel in creating, editing, and producing complex
content, so authors can easily create PDF files with bookmarks and hyperlinks, cross-references,
tables of contents, and indexes. Moving to structured FrameMaker gives you the best of both
worlds—you can take full advantage of XML without giving up the powerful authoring environment
you appreciate in unstructured FrameMaker.
Migrating from unstructured FrameMaker to structured FrameMaker
The transition from unstructured, paragraph-based authoring to structured, element-based author-
ing can be challenging. Authors must shift from the desktop publishing model to working with a
tree view of a document. Moving authors who are familiar with unstructured FrameMaker into
structured FrameMaker reduces the learning curve. Although the authoring experience changes,
knowledge from unstructured FrameMaker is helpful when working in the structured environment.
For example, authors still insert cross-references with the Cross-Reference dialog box, but instead of
choosing paragraph tags and paragraph instances, they choose elements and element instances.
Knowledge of cross-references from unstructured FrameMaker is helpful in structured FrameMaker
If you are working in unstructured FrameMaker, it’s likely that your documents follow a template
with minimal formatting overrides. This document consistency makes it easier to convert to
structured documents. If, however, authors create content with no accountability for consistent,
repeatable formatting, then document conversion will be a challenge. Most authors in FrameMaker-
based environments are accustomed to following template rules, and that discipline makes the
transition to structured authoring easier.
Authoring visually
Structured FrameMaker gives you several different ways to look at your document. The document
window is almost identical to the document window in unstructured FrameMaker. Inside the docu-
ment window, you have the option to display element tags for a structured document.
Viewing element boundaries as tags
Creating excellent print and PDF output
Structured FrameMaker provides everything you need to create high-quality print and PDF output.
Many other XML authoring tools do not include a high-quality print solution, and designing a
layout for print and PDF is much more complex than publishing to the web. FrameMaker supports
printing for structured documents and also lets you create PDF files with bookmarks automatically
built from a documents element or paragraph tagging.
Unstructured FrameMakerStructured FrameMaker
Migrating from Unstructured to Structured FrameMaker
Relatively low licensing cost
FrameMaker 7 gives you everything you need to build a structured authoring environment. You can
build and configure the environment before you deploy it to other authors. This gives you the ability
to create a structured environment without making a huge commitment to new software. You can
scale the implementation by rolling out FrameMaker and your structure configuration files to addi-
tional authors as needed.
Relatively low implementation effort
Implementing any structured authoring environment requires a significant effort. Reusing an exist-
ing formatting template reduces the implementation effort required. FrameMaker also provides
tools to help you convert your unstructured documents into structured documents.
XML implementation options
You can combine structured FrameMaker and XML in several different ways. FrameMaker does not
lock you into a single workflow. Your options include the following:
FrameMaker authoring with XML support.
With this option, you use FrameMaker as your main
authoring tool. As needed, you save your files from FrameMaker out to XML, and then use that
XML as needed. All content changes are made in FrameMaker; when you need new XML files,
you save out to XML again.
FrameMaker authoring with XML source files.
With this option, you use FrameMaker as your main
authoring tool. Your source files are XML. You open the XML files in FrameMaker, make changes,
and save. When you save, your XML source file is updated.
FrameMaker and XML authoring.
With this option, you produce content in FrameMaker and in
other XML tools. When you are ready to publish to print, you combine the XML created outside
FrameMaker with FrameMaker-based content, and then produce your final print or PDF deliver-
able. This workflow is useful in an environment with many occasional content contributors.
The content contributors may not need a powerful publishing environment. Therefore, they may
choose to produce their content in a low-end XML editor, and then deliver the XML files to the
FrameMaker-based publishing team. This workflow is also relevant if you have XML generated
from a database or another line-of-business application.
XML authoring with FrameMaker publishing
. With this option, you work mainly in another XML
authoring tool, and XML content is produced by a database system or other line-of-business
application, or you are receiving XML from outside your organization. When content is finished,
you produce print and PDF by bringing the XML into FrameMaker. You might build a server-
based application with FrameMaker Server to automate this process.
Components of a structured authoring environment
In unstructured FrameMaker, setting up an authoring environment requires only a template file.
Once you define the template and distribute it, authors are ready to begin work. In structured
FrameMaker, you must provide some additional files to authors.
Authoring only in structured FrameMaker
You can implement structure in FrameMaker without providing support for XML import or export.
If you have no immediate need for XML, this approach lets you experiment with structured
To establish a basic structured authoring environment in FrameMaker, you must create an element
definition document (EDD) that specifies the elements in your structure. Additionally, you need to
link the element definitions with formatting information. There are three ways to link elements in
the EDD to formatting:
Formatting template.
You can assign formatting based on the various tags (paragraph tags, character
tags, and so on) in a template. If you already have a formatting template, you can reuse information
in that template.
Format change lists.
You can create named formatting definitions in the EDD. The format change
lists lets you provide partial formatting specifications and inherit the rest from a few base paragraph
tags. You can reuse format change lists for related elements.
Embedded formatting.
You can specify formatting by writing the formatting into each element
Migrating from Unstructured to Structured FrameMaker
Comparing three formatting options in the EDD
If you choose to use format change lists or embedded formatting, you will still need a basic format-
ting template that defines your master pages.
Once you create the EDD and the formatting, you combine the two components to create a single
structured template. To create the structured template, you open the formatting template and
import element definitions (File > Import > Element Definitions) from the EDD. The resulting
file is your structured template. You distribute this file to document authors. Remember to keep
a separate copy of the EDD so that you can make updates.
Structured authoring and XML
To provide support for XML import and export, you need the EDD, structured template, and a few
additional files.
XML structure definitions.
A document type definition (DTD) or Schema file provides structure
rules for XML that match your FrameMaker element definitions. Unlike the EDD, DTDs and
Schema files do not provide formatting information.
Read/write rules.
The read/write rules control translation from FrameMaker structure to XML and
back. Specifically, read/write rules help manage table translation and other complex formatting.
Structured application.
The structured application lists all of the component files in your structure
implementation and provides configuration information. For example, you can use the structured
application to specify whether and how to export conditional text tagging (version 7.1 and higher).
Components of a structured authoring environment
If the requirements for your authoring environment go beyond what’s available with a basic struc-
tured application, FrameMaker offers several additional ways to customize XML processing. You
can use any or all of the following:
XSL pre- and post-processing
(new in version 7.2). In addition to processing content with read/
write rules, you can supply XSL transformations that process your XML files during import or
export. For example, you can rearrange the order of elements in your XML files during import
with an XSL transformation.
Formatting by template Embedded formattingFormat change list
.fm .fm EDD
FrameMaker files
XML files
DTD or schema
FrameMaker XML
read/write rules
FrameMaker EDDs support both XML and the older,
more complex, SGML standard. A few EDD features are
provided for SGML compatibility but should be not
used in EDDs for XML. If you are designing an EDD for
use with XML, do not use any of the following:
Inclusions and exclusions
Ampersand (&) connector
Element names that begin with numbers
Special characters or whitespace characters (space,
tab) in element names
Migrating from Unstructured to Structured FrameMaker
FrameMaker API client.
The FrameMaker Developer’s Kit (FDK, available at
public/developer/framemaker/devcenter.html) allows you to customize and extend FrameMaker’s
functionality. For example, you could use the FDK to change how index markers are processed.
Third-party plug-ins.
Numerous plug-ins are available that extend FrameMaker’s functionality.
Here are some interesting possibilities:
Writing scripts to automate FrameMaker (FrameScript,
Showing and hiding information based on attribute values (Sourcerer,
Exporting content to HTML and online help formats (WebWorks Publisher
Professional Edition,
www.quadralay.com, and MIF2GO, www.omsys.com).
Providing content management. Most content management systems support XML
files; a few also support FrameMaker files natively.
Getting started with structure
We recommend that you start by building a small structured application to familiarize yourself with
all the components you need. This section describes an application for a simple proposal.
Content analysis
Before building the proposal template, analyze existing proposals to identify their components.
Reviewing existing proposals
Based on this analysis, you create a content map. The proposal example results in the following
Executive summary
One paragraph
Project description
One or more paragraphs
Executive Summary
Project Description
Proposal A
Executive Summary
Project Description
Proposal B
Migrating from Unstructured to Structured FrameMaker
One or more paragraphs
One or more paragraphs
You could probably build the EDD for this simple example without formal content analysis.
For larger projects, though, content analysis is critical.
Choosing an EDD strategy
There are several ways to begin building your EDD. You can:
Create the entire EDD yourself.
Import a DTD or Schema to create an EDD that contains structure definitions.
(version 7.2)
Use a conversion rules table to structure an existing sample document and create a
first draft of the EDD that contains basic element definitions and formatting that matches your
unstructured template.
Modify an existing EDD—either one of the samples supplied with FrameMaker or an EDD from
another source.
This document describes how to create a new EDD so that you can see how the process works.
Building the proposal EDD
Based on the content analysis, you can now create the proposal EDD.
To build the EDD:
1 Make sure you are in structured FrameMaker. To switch from unstructured to structured
FrameMaker, select File > Preferences > General. In the Product Interface drop-down list, select
Structured FrameMaker. Close and restart FrameMaker.
2 Select File > Structure Tools > New EDD to create a new EDD file. FrameMaker inserts the first
few default elements in the EDD for you.
The EDD is itself a structured FrameMaker document. You use the same guided editing environ-
ment to create the EDD that you use to edit other structured documents.
3 Click the Structure View button to display the Structure View window. (The Structure View button
is found in the top right edge of your document window. Refer to the following figure.)
Structure View and other buttons
Attributes Editor
Element catalog
Structure View
Migrating from Unstructured to Structured FrameMaker
Getting started with an EDD
4 Create the top-level Proposal element. Position your cursor to the right of the Tag bubble in the
Structure View, and type in
. As you type, the letters appear in both the Structure View
and the document window.
5 Click the Elements Catalog button (found in the top right edge of the document window and of
the Structure View) to display the Elements catalog.
Elements catalog
6 In the Structure View, click to the right of the red box (which indicates that additional information
is required). Notice that the contents of the Elements catalog change because of the new cursor
location. In the Elements catalog, select Container and click Insert. The Container element and a
child GeneralRule element are inserted (as shown in the following figure).
If your Elements catalog doesn’t behave as expected,
check your element options. Select Element > Set
Available Elements to display the Set Available Element
dialog box. Select Valid Elements for Working Start to
Finish, and then click Set.
Migrating from Unstructured to Structured FrameMaker
Adding the general rule for Proposal
The general rule specifies which elements are allowed inside the proposal element. During the
content analysis, you identified the following: title, executive summary, project description, cost,
and schedule.
7 Type a general rule for Proposal:
Title, ExecSummary, ProjectDescription, Cost, Schedule
Element names cannot contain spaces.
8 Insert a ValidHighestLevel element as a sibling of the GeneralRule element. To do so, click under-
neath the GeneralRule element to position your cursor as shown in the following figure, click the
ValidHighestLevel element in the Elements catalog, and then click Insert.
the ValidHi
hestLevel element
Migrating from Unstructured to Structured FrameMaker
The Proposal element is complete. You must now provide definitions for each of the child elements:
ExecSummary, ProjectDescription, Schedule, and Cost.
To define the child elements:
1 Position your cursor at the bottom of the structure as shown in the following figure.
Getting ready to insert another element definition
2 Using the Elements catalog, insert an Element bubble. Name the element ExecSummary, make it a
container, and specify the following as the general rule:
Title, Para+
The result is shown in the following figure.
Adding the ExecSummary element
Migrating from Unstructured to Structured FrameMaker
3 Repeat step 2 to define the remaining elements. The general rules are shown in the following table.
4 Save your EDD file as proposal_EDD.fm.
The EDD now contains the structure you want for proposals, but with no formatting. Before adding
the formatting information, it’s a good idea to test the structure.
Testing the EDD
To test the EDD, you import it into a document and then verify that you can create the structure
you expect. At this point, the document will not have any formatting, but you can verify that the
structure is working as expected.
To verify that the structure is working as expected:
1 Create a new, blank, portrait document by selecting File > New > Document, and then click
2 Make sure that the EDD and the new document file are both open. From the new document,
select File > Import > Element Definitions. In the Import from Document drop-down list, select
the proposal EDD and click Import.
Importing element definitions from the EDD
If your EDD is not displayed in the list, make sure that the EDD file is open and that you have
saved it. Until you save a document, it is not available in this list.
The structure definitions in your EDD are imported into the blank document. To verify that the
definitions were imported, position your cursor in the main text flow and then display the Elements
catalog. You should see the Proposal element, as shown in the following figure.
ProjectDescription Title,Para+
Cost Title,Para+
Schedule Title,Para+
Title <TEXT>
(Type the word TEXT with angle brackets around it.)
Para <TEXT>
(Type the word TEXT with angle brackets around it.)
Migrating from Unstructured to Structured FrameMaker
The Elements catalog shows permitted elements
3 Insert a Proposal element. The Title element, which is required as the first child of Proposal,
should now appear in the Elements catalog.
4 Insert the Title element.
5 Continue inserting elements until your proposal structure is complete. Your result should look
like the figure below.
Completed proposal structure
If your structure doesnt match the figure above, go back to your EDD, correct it, and then
reimport the element definitions. You can also check your EDD against the proposal EDD, which is
available at:
6 Save your file as structured_proposal.fm.
Adding formatting to the EDD
You have now built an EDD that provides structure for a simple proposal. However, when you type
content, no formatting is applied. This section describes how to provide formatting, and how to
automatically insert the correct text for the various titles.
By default, text uses the Body paragraph tag.
Migrating from Unstructured to Structured FrameMaker
To change the Body tag definition:
1 In structured_proposal.fm, select Format > Paragraph > Designer and change the default defini-
tions of the Body and Heading1 paragraph tags. For example, change the font or put a line above
the Heading1. To make your changes obvious, you may also want to assign unique colors to the
two tags.
2 In proposal_EDD.fm, modify the Para element definition to include a formatting rule. To specify
that Para should always use the Body paragraph tag, click under the GeneralRule element, add a
TextFormatRules element, and then add an ElementPgfFormatTag element. Type
as the text
for the ElementPgfFormatTag element.
Adding formatting rules to the EDD
For the Title element, you need more complex formatting rules. Title should automatically display
section titles, such as Executive Summary, Project Description, and so on. You must write a con-
text rule that specifies what text to display for each type of heading, and specify that Title uses the
Heading1 paragraph tag.
3 In proposal_EDD.fm, modify the Title element definition to use the Heading1 paragraph tag. Add
the same TextFormatRules and ElementPgfFormatTag elements as you did for the Para element.
Like the paragraph tags, the information you enter is case-sensitive and space-sensitive. For
example, “Heading1” is not the same as “heading1” or “Heading 1.
Next, add a prefix rule to the Title element. Prefix rules let you specify text that should appear at the
beginning of the element. Based on the Titles position, you’ll specify which text should be displayed.
To add a prefix rule:
1 Position your cursor in the Title element to insert a child of Container after TextFormatRules, as
shown in the following figure.
The cursor is positioned to insert a child of Container
Migrating from Unstructured to Structured FrameMaker
2 Insert a PrefixRules element.
3 Insert a ContextRule element. The If and Specification elements are inserted automatically. For
the Specification text, type
4 Position your cursor underneath the Specification element (as shown in the following figure) and
insert a Prefix element.
The cursor is underneath the Specification element and to the right of the If element line
5 For the Prefix element text, type:
Executive Summary
6 Repeat steps 3–5 for the other elements that need titles—ProjectDescription, Schedule, and
Cost—and insert the appropriate text for each prefix. The results are shown in the following
Context rules for Title element
To test the results:
1 Save the EDD.
2 Import the element definitions into your structured_proposal.fm file to test the results. Each
section should display the title text you’ve specified.
Migrating from Unstructured to Structured FrameMaker
Testing the context rules
The completed EDD is available at:
Building the structured application
To enable XML import and export for structured proposals, you need to set up a structured applica-
tion, which lists the components of the structured authoring environment.
First, you need to create a document type definition (DTD) that matches the EDD.
To create a DTD:
1 Open the proposal_edd.fm file in structured FrameMaker.
2 Select File > Structure Tools > Save As DTD. Specify the file name (proposal.dtd) and where you
want to save the file, and then click Save.
3 In the Use Structured Application dialog box, leave the default selection, <No Application>, and
click Continue.
4 In the Select Type dialog box, select XML and then click OK. The DTD file is written out to the
location you specified.
You also need a structured template that contains formatting and EDD information.
To create a structured template:
1 Open the structured_proposal.fm file.
2 Delete all content from the file. The structured template must be empty.
3 Save the file as proposal_template.fm.
Now, you are ready to configure the structured application.
To configure the structured application:
1 Select File > Structure Tools > Edit Application Definitions. This command opens the structapps.fm
file (installed in FrameMaker’s structure directory) where application definitions are stored.
Like the EDD, the application definition file is itself structured.
2 Insert an XMLApplication element as a child of the StructuredSetup element. Type
the application name.
Migrating from Unstructured to Structured FrameMaker
3 Insert a DTD element and specify the following as the DTD element text:
4 Insert a Template element and specify the following as the Template element text:
The completed application definition is shown in the following figure.
Structure definitions for the Proposal application
5 Select File > Save to save the structapps.fm file.
6 Select File > Structure Tools > Read Application Definitions to update FrameMaker with the new
application definition.
To verify that the application is installed correctly, select File > Set Structured Application to
display the Set Structured Application dialog box. If you set up the applications definitions correctly,
Proposal appears in the drop-down list.
Finally, you need to copy the application files into the directory where the structured application
definition expects them.
To copy the application files:
1 Locate your FrameMaker installation directory using the file explorer (the default on a Windows
machine is C:\Program Files\Adobe\FrameMaker 7.x).
2 Navigate to the structure\xml directory.
3 Inside the xml directory, create a proposal directory.
4 Copy the proposal.dtd and proposal_template.fm files into the proposal directory.
Testing XML round-tripping
Once you have configured the structured application, you can test XML round-tripping.
To test your implementation:
1 Create a valid structured proposal in FrameMaker.
2 Export the FrameMaker file to XML. To do so, select File > Save As and choose XML as the output
format. If prompted, select the Proposal application.
3 Open the exported XML file in a text editor or an XML editor and verify that you have a valid
XML file.
Migrating from Unstructured to Structured FrameMaker
4 In an XML or a text editor, modify the file you just exported. You can also create a new XML file
that validates against the proposal DTD. Save the new XML file.
5 In FrameMaker, open the XML file. Verify that the XML file imports correctly and that formatting
is applied automatically.
Implementing structured FrameMaker
Implementation scenarios are rarely as straightforward as the proposal example outlined in the
preceding section. Before you begin building an EDD and a structured application, some planning
is necessary.
Content analysis
The term
content analysis
describes a process in which you review existing documents to understand
how they are designed and what implicit structure they contain. Begin your analysis by making a list
of the documents your organization produces. Your list might include user guides, reference guides,
white papers, tutorials, training manuals, and online help. Make a list of the major components for
each document type. For each component, list whether the item is required, optional, and how often
it occurs in that document. The following table shows a high-level analysis for a book:
For major components, such as lessons (for training manuals) or chapters (for books), work your
way down the document hierarchy into smaller and smaller chunks, until you reach the bottom
level of the hierarchy.
You must do a content analysis for every document type you want to create in your structured
environment. Once you have developed a content model for each document, you can look for
opportunities to refine the model and reuse names. For example, an online help deliverable might
Front matter Required 1
Table of contents Required 1
Preface Optional 0 or 1
Chapter Required 2 or more
Appendix Optional 0 or more
Glossary Optional 0 or 1
Index Required 1
Glossary Optional 1
Title Required 1
GlossEntry Required 1 or more
Term Required 1
Definition Required 1 or more
CrossRef Optional 1 or more
Migrating from Unstructured to Structured FrameMaker
consist of a collection of topics. Chapters in a book might also consist of topics. If you create a Topic
element that is usable for both printed and online materials, you can minimize the number of
elements in your structure definition and perhaps reuse information in both output formats.
It’s unlikely that your documents are perfectly consistent. You need to decide whether to create a
structure that is loose (allowing many variations) or strict (very few variations are permitted). You
will have problems at both ends of the spectrum:
A very loose structure is quite complex, and can be difficult to maintain because so many variations
are permitted.
A very strict structure may disallow element combinations that are needed.
It’s very difficult to find the right balance between these two extremes. One approach is to allow
variations only where they add value. For example, the content of a glossary should be fairly
straightforward. You could also create reference materials (such as API documentation) that is
highly structured. A standard online help topic, however, is likely to require a significant number
of choices.
Note: A similar problem occurs when creating unstructured FrameMaker templates. You want to
minimize the number of tags that must be maintained while providing all of the tags that are needed
to create your content.
Once the analysis is complete, you can decide whether to use an existing structure or to build your
own. Numerous XML implementations are available; DocBook and the Darwin Information Typing
Architecture (DITA) are specifications used for technical documentation. Standard structures are
also defined for military documents (mil-specs or mil-standards), aircraft maintenance manuals,
and others. The following table describes some of the factors that influence whether you will use a
standard specification or build your own structure.
Topic Topic Topic
Title Title Title
Para Para Para
Steps Steps Steps
Can contain Para, List, Table,
Graphic, Note
Can contain Para, List, Table Can contain Para, List, Table,
Graphic, Note
RelatedTopics RelatedTopics
You are required to deliver content that follows the
standard. For example, many U.S. military
contractors are required to deliver documentation
that follows a published standard.
You want to create a structure that matches your
content analysis precisely.
Your content requirements closely match an
existing structure. You only need to make minimal
changes to the standard structure.
Your content analysis indicates that your
information does not match existing structures
very well.
You do not want to spend a significant amount of
time building a structure, and you are willing to
change the organization of your content to fit it
into an existing structure.
The structure needs to match the content precisely.
A longer implementation period is an acceptable
cost to ensure you can build exactly what you need.
You do not have the technical expertise or
resources available to build your own structure.
You have resources available, whether in-house or
as consultants, who can build the structure.
Migrating from Unstructured to Structured FrameMaker 23
Building structure files
When you complete your content analysis, you will have structure maps similar to the ones shown
in the preceding section. Decide whether to use an existing standard or create your own structure.
To create structure files without using an existing standard:
1 In FrameMaker, create an EDD that matches your structure requirements.
2 Test the EDD to verify that the structure definitions are correct.
3 Add formatting to the EDD.
4 Test the EDD to verify that the formatting works correctly.
5 Create a DTD from the EDD.
You now have the two structure definition files you need—one for FrameMaker (EDD) and one for
To use an existing standard:
1 Obtain a copy of the standard files.
2 Modify the provided DTD or Schema file to match your requirements.
3 Open the completed structure file in FrameMaker to create an EDD.
4 Add formatting to the EDD.
Note: FrameMaker includes several variations of DocBook as sample structured applications. If you
plan to create DocBook-based structure, consider modifying one of the provided applications.
Once you have your structure definitions, you need to set up the structured application.
To set up the structured application:
1 Open the structapps.fm file (select File > Structure Tools > Edit Application Definitions).
2 Add a new application definition to the file with pointers to your EDD and DTD/Schema files.
After setting up the application, you’ll want to fine-tune the import/export settings.
To fine-tune the import/export settings:
1 Set up a read/write rules file with the necessary mappings.
2 Set up XSL transformation files with any additional changes.
3 Add a reference in the structured application definition to the read/write rules file and the XSL
transformation files.
4 Add any other required configuration settings, such as handling of conditional text and external
cross-references, in the structured application definition.
Migrating unstructured files to structure
FrameMaker provides a mapping feature to help you transfer your unstructured documents into
structure. Your results depend on the following factors:
Document consistency. Documents that implement a formatting template consistently, with few
or no formatting overrides, will convert better than documents that are full of overrides and
custom paragraph or character tags.
Similarity between unstructured and structured documents. A new document structure that is
similar to the organization in the unstructured documents eases the conversion process.
Mapping tags to elements
The conversion process creates structured elements from FrameMaker formatting components,
such as paragraph tags, character tags, markers, cross-references, and table components.
To begin the conversion process, select a document that is representative of your typical content.
Ideally, this document should contain examples of all of the formatting tags that would occur in
Migrating from Unstructured to Structured FrameMaker 24
your documents. These tags should be shown in logical sequences (as they would occur in docu-
ments), so a formatting template that shows examples of each paragraph tag in alphabetical order is
not a good example document.
To configure the conversion:
1 Open the example document.
2 Import element definitions from the EDD into the example document.
3 Select File > Structure Tools > Generate Conversion Table. Select Generate New Conversion Table,
then click Generate.
Creating a conversion rules table
FrameMaker scans the document and creates a list of the formatting components that occur in
this document. Tags that are defined in the formatting catalogs but not used in the document are
not included in the list.
Excerpt of a new conversion rules table
Note: FrameMaker assumes that the name of the formatting component will be the same as the name
of the structure element.
4 Modify the mapping rules to match the structure. For example, FrameMaker assumes that the for-
matting tag names match the element names, so in the preceding example, the Body paragraph
(P:Body) is mapped to the Body element. To change this mapping, change the second column
(“In this element”) to read Para instead of Body.
5 Once you have mapped all of the formatting components, add additional entries to the table to
create hierarchy. For example, if a Section element typically contains a Heading and one or more
Para elements, you add a row to the table and specify how to create the Section element.
6 (version 7.2) Add a root element mapping that specifies the top-level tag in the document, as
shown here:
RE:RootElement Proposal
Migrating from Unstructured to Structured FrameMaker 25
7 Save the conversion rules table.
8 To test the conversion rules table, open your example document, then select File > Utilities >
Structure Current Document. Select the conversion rules table document in the drop-down list,
and then click Add Structure. FrameMaker creates a new, untitled, structured document.
Keep refining and testing your conversion rules until you are satisfied with the document produced.
You can add tags to the conversion rules table by typing them or by scanning additional documents.
To add tags automatically:
1 Make sure that the conversion rules table is open. Open the file that contains additional format-
ting components.
2 Select File > Structure Tools > Generate Conversion Table. Select Update Conversion Table and
select your conversion rules document in the drop-down list.
3 Click Generate. FrameMaker scans the second sample document and adds additional formatting
components to the end of the conversion rules table.
Conversion rule examples
The order in which conversion rules are listed is significant. You must go from lower-level elements
to higher-level elements. For example, assume that you have the following mapping rules:
G: Graphic
P:caption Caption
E:Graphic,E: Caption Figure
The rule in which Graphic and Caption are wrapped into a Figure element must occur after the
rules in which Graphic and Caption are created.
If you need to map several paragraph tags to the same element and then wrap them into different
parents, you use the third column for a qualifier. Its common, for example, to have a ListItem ele-
ment that’s used for both bulleted lists and numbered lists. Once the bullet and step paragraphs are
wrapped in the ListItem element, you need a way to distinguish whether they belong in OrderedList
or UnorderedList. To make this distinction, you use the qualifier column, as shown in the following
bullet ListItem b
step1 ListItem st
step2+ ListItem st
E:ListItem[b]+ UnorderedList
E:ListItem[st]+ OrderedList
(version 7.2) To specify the root element of a document, you use the following:
RE:RootElement Chapter
You can only specify one root element per conversion table.
Graphics and tables are often anchored into the preceding paragraph in the unstructured docu-
ment. When you structure the document, the Graphic and Table elements end up as children of the
preceding Para element (shown in the following figure on the left).
The Promote command lets you create sibling elements
If you want the Graphic element to be converted as a sibling of Para (shown in the preceding figure
on the right) rather than a child, use the “promote command:
G: Graphic(promote)
Migrating from Unstructured to Structured FrameMaker 26
Handling conversion challenges
If the organization of your unstructured FrameMaker files matches the structure you have defined,
you will be able to automate almost all of the conversion process. There are, however, several situa-
tions that make conversions more challenging. These scenarios include the following:
Mapping from a single paragraph tag to multiple elements. For example, you might have an
unstructured document that uses a Heading1 for all major sections within a chapter. In your
structure, you have specified that a Chapter contains several different types of sections—Proce-
dure, Concept, and Reference. If all of the sections have the same organization, you will probably
have to review the content to determine whether a particular Heading1 should become a title in a
Procedure, Concept, or Reference element. The best strategy is probably to map everything to the
element that occurs must often, and then make changes manually as needed.
Adding metadata. Your new structure probably contains attributes, such as an author attribute for
the top-level Help element. If that information is not present in the unstructured file, you may
have to manually insert the attribute value.
Inconsistent document organization. If the organization of the unstructured document does not
match the organization required by the EDD, you’ll need to change the content to match the
required structure.
Automating conversion tasks
As you develop your conversion rules table, you will discover some conversion problems that
require manual cleanup. We strongly recommend that you use a scripting utility, such as Frame-
Script, to automate these tasks. Here are some examples (from simple to more complex) of tasks you
could automate:
Deleting extraneous empty paragraphs.
Changing text bolded with the Bold button (or Ctrl-B) to text bolded with a character tag. You can
then map the character tag to the appropriate element. (You could also use the Create and Apply
Formats utility to assign new character tags for mapping. However, you must use Create and
Apply Formats for all overrides; if you want to disregard some overrides, a scripting solution is
more flexible.)
Identifying and processing paragraphs that require unique treatment. In a well-designed template,
converting Note paragraph tags to Note elements is easy. You can just map them in the conversion
rules table. Imagine, though, that instead of using a Note paragraph tag, your content contains
note information that uses the Body paragraph tag. The authors have typed in the word “Note at
the beginning of each Body paragraph that is being used as a note. (This inefficient approach is
more common than you might think.) You cannot identify the Body paragraphs that are being
used as notes through the conversion rules table. Instead, you can write a script that locates the
problem paragraphs, removes the typed-in “Note text, and applies a temporary Note paragraph
tag. In the conversion rules table, you can then map the Note paragraph tag to the Note element.
Assigning different elements to table row and cell elements based on the table tag. For example,
you might have TableRow and TableCell for regular tables, but FieldName and FieldDescription
for others. If the table paragraphs use the same paragraph tags, conversion rules cannot distin-
guish between the two types of table rows and cells. With scripting, you can post-process the
structured document and assign specific table tags based on the parent Table element. That is, any
table that uses the generic Table element gets the TableRow and TableCell elements. Any table that
uses the FieldTable element gets the FieldRow element for rows, the FieldName element for the
first cell in a row, and the FieldDescription element for the second cell in a row.
If you can write down a generic process for the cleanup task, you can probably automate the task
with a script.
Handling formatting overrides
You can work around many formatting overrides.
Before you generate the conversion rules table, create
unique formats for each paragraph and character tag
override by selecting File > Utilities > Create and Apply
Formats. You can then map each of the new tags in the
conversion rules table.
For a comprehensive overview of
FrameMaker 7, please visit
Adobe Systems Incorporated • 345 Park Avenue, San Jose, CA
95110-2704 USA • www.adobe.com
Adobe, the Adobe logo, and FrameMaker are either registered trade-
marks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United
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a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or
other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their
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© 2005 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. 7/05
Where to go from here
As you move into structured authoring, you may want consult some of the resources listed
in this section.
Adobe white papers
Visit our FrameMaker site (
www.adobe.com/products/framemaker/) for links to additional
white papers, customer success stories, and more.
Structure Developer’s Guide
The Structure Developer’s Guide, found in the OnlineManuals folder of the FrameMaker
installation directory, provides detailed information about building structured applications
in FrameMaker. It also contains a complete read/write rules reference.
You can find more information about the Darwin Information Typing Architecture at
this site:
For more information about DocBook, visit the official DocBook site:
You can search our site for an authorized training provider in your area. Vendors offer
scheduled public classes with open enrollment and private classes at your site or theirs.
Some vendors also offer distance learning or self-study materials. You can search for an
Adobe authorized training provider here:
Adobe does not maintain an official list of FrameMaker consultants. You can, however,
find them by doing a web search. Many of the training providers also provide consulting