February 9 13, 2022
Superintendent ............................................... Mike Schmidt
Show Secretary ............................................... Judy Schmidt
Show Clerk .................................................... By Committee
COMPETITION: The Florida State Fair Open Purebred
Poultry and Waterfowl Show is open to breeders of
purebred poultry and waterfowl in every state.
Show Schedule:
Entry Due Date .............. Hand Delivered or Postmarked
............................................ On or Before January 4, 2022
Late/Final Entry Period .......................... Jan. 11, 2022
............................................................ (Double Entry Fees)
Check-in of Birds ............................. Feb. 9, 1 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Judging ....................................................... Feb. 10, 10 a.m.
................................................. Feb. 11, 10 a.m. (as needed)
Judges Q & A…………………….Feb. 11, 1p.m.to 2 p.m.
Release ........................................... Feb. 13, 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.
The Fair does not accept any liability for birds not
picked up after the closing time of the show.
The management of the Florida State Fair reserves the right
to amend, add to and interpret the following Rules and
Regulations; and to arbitrarily settle and determine all
questions and differences in regard thereto, or otherwise
arising out of, connected with or incident to the Fair.
Show Sanctioned by APA and ABA
1. Entry Due Date - All entries must be hand delivered
or postmarked on or before January 4, 2022. It is the
policy of the Florida State Fair to abide by all Rules and
Regulations as posted on the Florida State Fair website
at www.floridastatefairag.com.
Entry fee will be determined by date entries are postmarked
or hand-delivered to the Agribusiness Office. Hand
delivered entries will be accepted in the Agribusiness
Office up to office closing at 5:00 pm on the day of
Certified mail or a Certificate of Mailing validated by the
Post Office is recommended. A metered postmark will not
be considered as a valid postmark for entry deadline
The 1
Late/Final Entry Period for entries postmarked
between January 5
& January 11
, 2022 is subject to
space availability and will be charged double entry fees.
2. An entry fee of $3.00 per bird will be charged and must
accompany entry. Make remittance payable to Florida State
Fair Authority. If you request to double coop your birds
you must pay double entry fees. Entry Fees are Non-
3. All entries must be made on Official Entry Form, which
is available on website. Xerox copies will be accepted.
One bird per line should be listed on the entry form.
Only one Exhibitor per entry form. Entries will not be
taken over the phone. Send all entries and fees to: Purebred
Poultry Show, Florida State Fair, P.O. Box 11766, Tampa,
FL 33680. Overpayments will not be refunded if $15.00 or
4. The Florida State Fair reserves the right to limit
entries based on pen availability. Entries will be
accepted in chronological order based on the postmark.
5. Geese entries will be limited and on a first come, first
served basis according to postmark. Turkey, Large
Ducks, Guineas & Geese are subject to being twin cooped.
If your birds need to be single cooped please contact the
Show Superintendent.
6. Only Fancy Purebred Poultry will be accepted for
competition. All Fancy Purebred birds will be judged
in accordance with the appropriate standards issued by
either APA & ABA. Non-recognized breeds and/or
varieties can be shown, but will only be eligible to be
judged to Best of Breed/Variety and only 1
place will
be awarded.
7. All birds must be listed by variety and breed. For
example, Single-Comb Light Brown Leghorn, Bearded or
Non-Bearded Polish. Indicate if bird is large fowl, bantam
or duck.
8. Backyard Layer Class is a category for female
chickens only. This class will not compete for Overall
Grand Champion. This class will be judged on the
Standard of Perfection including 1) Egg Laying Ability
and 2) Quality & Condition. These birds must be laying
during the time of the fair.
9. Unavoidable changes in entries, which an exhibitor finds
necessary to make, must be in the hands of the Show
Secretary no later than 9 p.m., January 24, 2022, if such
changes are to be considered in the makeup of awards. NO
Contact Judy Schmidt, Show Secretary, by phone at
772-260-6120 between 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. or by email at
[email protected] or fax 772-918-5100.
10. Youth Exhibitors entering the Open Purebred
Poultry Show must meet all Open Show deadlines and
must pay the regular $3.00 entry fee per bird.
For the 2022 Fair, Birds will not be held over from the
Open Show to Youth Show. In hardship cases, a written
request must be submitted to the Livestock Office by
January 24th. Exhibitor will be notified by February
1st, if the request has been approved
11. Any exhibitor from a family with an outstanding
balance owed to the Fair will not be eligible to show at
the Florida State Fair.
12. For Entry Verification purposes, the Fair suggest
sending a self addressed stamped envelope with your
1. All animals must meet health requirements as
specified in the Rules for Exhibition as required by the
Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer
2. Birds not groomed and prepared for the show will
not be accepted at check in.
3. Any birds with external parasites will not be allowed in
the show and must be removed from the fairgrounds
DISEASE. Any bird with external parasites will not be
allowed in the show and must be removed from the
fairgrounds immediately.
5. The Florida Department of Agriculture will have a State
Poultry Inspector at the show to test those birds who do not
have a certificate. There is no charge for this service.
6. All sick birds will be isolated and not eligible for
competition or awards. Birds must be removed from
premises immediately.
7. Contact the Florida Department of Agriculture, Animal
Industry, District 4 Office at (863) 578-1863 with questions
pertaining to Health Regulations and/or Rules of
As required by the Florida Department of Agriculture
and Consumer Services
5C-4.0015 Definitions.
5C-4.0017 General Requirements, Exemptions and
5C-4.004 Poultry, Domestic Fowl or Ratites.
5C-4.0015 Definitions.
For the purposes of this chapter the following definitions
shall apply:
(1) Accredited Veterinarian. A veterinarian licensed in
the state of origin and accredited by the United States
Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health
Inspection Service (USDA, APHIS) to perform certain
functions of the federal and cooperative-state-federal
programs in accordance with the provisions of Title 9 Code
of Federal Regulations (9 CFR) § 161 (2005).
(2) Animal(s). This term shall include:
(a) Livestock including grazing animals, such as
cattle, horses, sheep, swine, goats, and other hoofed
(b) Ratites, limited to ostriches, emus, and rheas;
(c) Poultry or Domestic fowl which are propagated or
maintained for commercial or breeding purposes; and
(d) Wild or game animals which may threaten the
agricultural interests of Florida.
(3) Authorized Representative. An employee of the state
or federal government, or a licensed veterinarian accredited
by the USDA, who is authorized to conduct animal disease
control and eradication activities.
(4) Commercial Production Swine. Swine that have been
subjected to and found negative on an annual brucellosis
and pseudorabies test and have been continuously managed
with adequate facilities and practices to prevent exposure to
either transitional or feral swine and so recognized by state
animal health officials.
(5) Group. One or more animals maintained on the same
premises or in contact with one another.
(6) Horse. Any horse, mule, ass, zebra or other equidae.
(7) Isolation. Separation of individual animals by a
physical barrier in a manner that assures one animal does
not have access to the body, excrement, or discharges of
another animal; does not share a building with a common
ventilation system; and is not within ten feet of another
(8) Market Class. An exhibition class consisting of
finished fed animals that all go directly to slaughter
immediately following the exhibition.
(9) Official Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (OCVI).
A legible record or certificate made on an official form
from the state of origin or from the USDA, or a
Department-approved electronic format, issued and signed
by veterinarians licensed and accredited in the state of
origin for the purpose of certifying the official individual
identification, test requirements, and health status of
specific animals for movement, exhibition, and other
designated purposes.
(10) Official Individual Identification. A form of unique
individual animal identification including, but not limited
(a) Official Eartags. Must be tamper-resistant/tamper
evident, approved by APHIS, capable of providing a unique
identification number for each animal, and capable of being
recorded in a central repository. Such eartags must conform
to one of the numbering or tagging systems approved by
the USDA, APHIS, VS in 9 C.F.R. § 71.1.
(b) Ear, tail-web or flank tattoos, approved by
APHIS; breed registration tattoos when accompanied by
breed registration papers; or an official brand when
accompanied by a brand registration certificate;
(c) Official leg or wing bands for poultry;
(d) Color digital images or notarized color
photographs of the animal, signed by a state-licensed,
USDA-accredited veterinarian; or
(e) Implanted electronic chips with a unique number
that is recorded in a single, central database.
(11) Official test. A test conducted by a method
approved by Department rules for the specific disease and
animal species.
(12) Poultry, Domestic Fowl or Ratites. Chickens,
turkeys, quail, pheasants, chukars, peafowl, guineas, ratites
(limited to ostriches, emus and rheas) and waterfowl that
are propagated
or maintained for commercial or breeding purposes.
(13) Segregated. To maintain a group of animals
separate from another group of animals in such a manner as
to prevent physical contact between animals of the two
(14) Materials. Title 9 C.F.R. § 71.1 (2005) is hereby
incorporated by reference. Copies may be obtained from
the United States Government Printing Office,
Superintendent of Documents, Mail Stop SSOP,
Washington, D.C. 20402-9328.
HistoryNew 1-19-95, Last Amended 6-21-06.
5C-4.0017 General Requirements, Exemptions and
(1) Official Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (OCVI)
Required. Animals presented for exhibition purposes in
Florida, unless specifically exempted, must be
accompanied by an OCVI issued by a veterinarian
accredited in the state of origin.
(a) The OCVI must be complete including the breed,
sex, and registration number, and the official individual
identification of each animal.
(b) Results of a specific test requirement or herd
accreditation, certification or validation number for each
animal must be recorded on the OCVI with the date of the
test or herd accreditation, certification or validation.
(2) Expiration of Required OCVI.
(a) For Florida-origin animals an OCVI is valid for
90 days from the date of issue; or until the expiration date
of any required tests, whichever is the earliest date.
(b) For animals imported into Florida for exhibition
purposes only, the OCVI is valid for 30 days, except that,
for equine imported into Florida using a current Equine
Interstate Passport Card, DACS-09207, or equivalent of the
state of origin signed by the State Veterinarian or chief
animal health official, the OCVI will be extended to the
date of expiration of the Equine Interstate Passport Card or
its equivalent of the state of origin.
(3) Exemption to Required OCVI. An OCVI is not
required for animals originating in Florida and entered in
market classes provided that animals are segregated from
other animals and the pens are occupied only by the
animals in a market class. Pens used for market classes
must not be reused until after cleaning and disinfecting.
(4) Inspection Required. Prior to immediate acceptance
at an exhibition, all animals presented for exhibition must
be visually inspected by an authorized representative for:
(a) The required official individual identification of
the animal; and
(b) Clinical signs of disease including, but not
limited to: caseous lymphadenitis, blisters/ulcers around the
mouth, nostrils, coronary band, pinkeye, pox, scabies, lice,
ringworm, atrophic rhinitis, or multiple warts that are
clearly visible; and
(c) Evidence of compliance with animal tests and
OCVI requirements, where required.
(5) Animals Rejected for Exhibition.
(a) Any animal in noncompliance with animal tests
and OCVI requirements, or
(b) Any animal not meeting the official individual
identification requirements, or
(c) Any animal which is suspected of having or
showing clinical signs of dangerous transmissible,
contagious or infectious disease on visual inspection, or
any animal which is known to be exposed to such diseases
must be:
1. Immediately withdrawn from exhibition and
returned to the place of origin, or
2. Examined by a Florida-licensed and USDA-
accredited veterinarian at the owner’s expense within 24
hours, who certifies by a signed, written statement, that the
animal is free of dangerous transmissible, contagious or
infectious disease and pests.
(6) Forms. Equine Interstate Passport Card, DACS-
09207 Rev. 07/05, is hereby incorporated by reference.
Copies may be obtained from the Florida Department of
Agriculture and Consumer Services, Division of Animal
Industry, 407 S. Calhoun St., Tallahassee, FL 32399-0800.
HistoryNew 6-21-06.
5C-4.004 Poultry, Domestic Fowl or Ratites.
(1) OCVI Required. An OCVI is required for poultry,
domestic fowl or ratites for movement into Florida, but not
specifically for exhibition. However, poultry, domestic
fowl or ratites presented for exhibition without an OCVI,
must be inspected as provided in subsection 5C4.0017(4),
(2) Test or Certification Required. All poultry or
domestic fowl entered for exhibition must originate from
Pullorum-Typhoid Clean flocks or hatcheries, as provided
in 9 CFR § 145 (2005) and § 147 (2005), or have a negative
pullorum-typhoid test within 90 days prior to exhibition.
(3) Materials. 9 CFR § 145 (2005) and § 147 (2005) are
hereby incorporated by reference. Copies may be obtained
from the United States Government Printing Office,
Superintendent of Documents, Mail Stop SSOP,
Washington, D.C. 20402-9328.
HistoryLast Amended 6-21-06.
1. Please Note: Due to health and safety issues, no
cooking will be allowed in the barns; food and drink
should not be consumed in animal areas; and exhibitors
should wash hands after handling animals.
2. The Florida State Fair will take every precaution to see
that birds are fed and watered and will give the best
possible care in accident prevention for the birds.
3. Carrying cases cannot be left on the Fair premises.
Only animals being shown at the Florida State Fair are
permitted on the Fairgrounds.
4. Any person who violates any of the general rules or
special rules as posted in this premium list will forfeit all
privileges and premiums won. Failure to cooperate with
Fair Officials may result in premium forfeiture and
immediate dismissal from the Fairgrounds.
5. The physical condition of an entrant, which the
appropriate committee considers to be a problem for
that entrant to participate in the show, may result in the
committee not accepting an entry or not allowing that
entrant to participate in the show.
6. Only animals being shown at the Florida State Fair are
permitted on the Fairgrounds.
8. Smoking is not permitted in the barns.
9. The use of alcohol is prohibited in the barns and
livestock area.
10. Birds being shown in both the Open and Youth
Shows MUST be in the youth exhibitor’s name.
1. Birds will be received from 3 p.m. to 9 p.m. on February
9, 2022.
2. All birds entered must arrive and depart through the
Livestock Gate (formerly the Red Gate) at the Orient Road
entrance located on the west side of the Fairgrounds. On all
other days, exhibitors will park in J Lot outside Gate 3 off
the Martin Luther King Entrance. (See Map on website)
3. Birds not groomed and prepared for the show will
not be accepted at check-in.
4. Any birds with external parasites will not be allowed in
the show and must be removed from the fairgrounds
5. Exhibitors are responsible for watering and feeding their
birds upon arrival. However, if you choose to lock your
cages, it is your responsibility for feeding and watering
throughout the show. It is also the responsibility of the
exhibitor to unlock the cages prior to judging or birds
may not be judged.
1. The Fair will provide exhibitors entered in the
Purebred Poultry Show, four (4) admission passes and
one (1-day) parking pass per exhibitor (for picking up
birds) Exhibitors will park in J Lot outside Gate 3 off the
Martin Luther King Entrance. (See Map on website).
2. Tickets will be picked up from the Superintendent during
check in of birds.
Please Note: All passes will be single day passes. Be sure
to utilize your tickets to cover every day you are at the
3. Additional tickets can be bought in advance at
discount prices. See Advance Ticket Form on website
for details.
1. Only those persons authorized by the show officials or
the owners will be allowed to handle birds without written
permission on file with Show Management from the owner
unless the owner is present. Violators will be escorted off
the grounds by Fair security and banned from future
2. All eggs are property of the Florida State Fair. Only Fair
Officials can remove eggs from cages.
1. The owner or custodian of property of any kind brought
to the Fairgrounds; either for exhibit or for other purposes,
assumes as a condition of its admission to the grounds, all
risk and/or responsibility for its loss, damage or theft.
2. The Fair, its officers and employees cannot and will not
accept responsibility and liability for any damage or injury
resulting from theft, fire, the elements, accidents or other
conditions or causes; whether to exhibits, property of
exhibitor, vehicles on the grounds and articles left therein
or any other property of any nature whatsoever.
1. Judging will begin on Thursday, February 10, 2022 at
10:00 a.m. and Friday, February 11, 2022 at 10:00 a.m. (as
2. If you choose to lock your cages, it is the
responsibility of the exhibitor to unlock the cages prior
to judging or birds may not be judged.
3. All birds will be judged in accordance with the
appropriate standard issued by either the A.P.A. or A.B.A.
Judging will be by a judge licensed by both organizations.
5. Judges will not award premiums to any article, product,
or animal that is not deserving. It must be judged
individually worthy.
6. The decision of the judge shall be final and no appeal
will be considered except in cases of written protest (see
General Disputes Policy).
7. Any exhibitor who interferes with the judging will be
promptly excluded from competition; if after judging, the
premiums awarded will be withheld.
8. All animals must be evaluated by the judge in order to
receive premiums.
With respect to any disputes which may occur with respect
to an exhibitor at the show, such disputes shall be handled
by the appropriate Livestock Committee (the “Committee”)
in accordance with the following:
1. An exhibitor may file a protest with respect to another
exhibitor for violation of the rules and regulations of the
Committee and/or the International Association of Fairs
and Expositions (IAFE) National Code of Show Ring
Ethics by submitting a written protest (a “Protest”) on a
form (the “Protest Form”) which will be available at the
Agribusiness Department. The Protest must include the
exact basis, cause and description of the dispute, the name
of the protesting exhibitor, the name of the exhibitor being
protested, and any materials in support of the Protest as
well as any other matters which may be required in the
Protest Form, and shall be accompanied by payment of $50
which shall be refunded only if the Protest is sustained by
the Committee. The Protest Form must be signed by the
exhibitor (as the protesting exhibitor), and if the exhibitor is
a minor, the Protest Form must also be signed by the
exhibitor’s guardian or parent, unless the parent or guardian
is not available under circumstances that warrant, as
determined by the Agribusiness Department in its sole
discretion. Failure to properly sign the Protest Form shall
deem the Protest Form incomplete and a nullity, and in
such event, the Protest will not be considered. Any Protest
must be submitted (and received by the Agribusiness
Department) at least two (2) hours prior to the time that the
show is scheduled to occur in order to be considered prior
to the show. If a Protest is submitted less than two (2) hours
prior to the time that the show is scheduled to occur (“a
“Late Submittal”), then the Committee will handle the
Protest after the show in accordance with its rules and
regulations and the IAFE National Code of Show Ring
Ethics, but the Late Submittal shall not affect the award of
ribbons for the show. In order to minimize disruption to
the show, an exhibitor who intends to file a Protest should
do so at the earliest feasible time. In any event, a Protest
must be filed with the Agribusiness Department prior to the
scheduled release hour for the protested exhibitor’s animal
in order to be considered.
2. The Agribusiness Department will forward any Protest
Form which is duly signed (by an exhibitor as the
protesting exhibitor, and if the exhibitor is a minor, the
Protest Form must also be signed by the exhibitor’s
guardian or parent), and any accompanying materials
submitted by the protesting exhibitor in support of the
Protest to the Committee for its consideration. The
Agribusiness Department will also notify the exhibitor
being protested of the Protest as soon as reasonably
practicable after the Protest has been duly submitted, and
make available a copy of the written Protest to the exhibitor
being protested. The exhibitor being protested may, but
shall not be required to, provide a written response to the
Protest (a “Response”) by submitting a Response to the
Agribusiness Department, including any materials in
support of the response to the Protest, and the Agribusiness
Department shall provide the Response to Committee. A
Response shall be on a form obtained from the
Agribusiness Department, and must be signed by the
protested exhibitor, and if the protested exhibitor is a
minor, the Response must also be signed by the protested
exhibitor’s guardian or parent, unless the parent or guardian
is not available due to circumstances that warrant, as
determined by the Agribusiness Department in its sole
discretion. The Agribusiness Department shall make
available a copy of the Response to the protesting exhibitor
upon request by the protesting exhibitor, but it shall be the
protesting exhibitor’s responsibility to monitor the Protest
and to obtain a copy of the Response. The Agribusiness
Department will attempt to notify the protesting exhibitor
and the exhibitor being protested of the time of the
Committee’s review and consideration of the Protest by
calling their respective cell phone numbers if provided on
the Protest Form and/or the Response Form, but it shall be
the protesting exhibitor and protested exhibitor’s
responsibility to monitor the Protest and obtain the time of
the Committee’s review and consideration of the Protest
and to be available at the time scheduled for the
Committee’s consideration of the Protest. For any Late
Submittal, the Committee will handle the process for
review of the Protest after the show.
3. The Committee members present will review the Protest
and the Response, if any, in the context of its rules and
regulations and the IAFE National Code of Show Ring
Ethics, and will make a decision to resolve the Protest by a
majority of the Committee members present. In the event of
a tie vote, the Protest shall be deemed denied by the
Committee. The decision of the Committee will be final.
4. The Committee also may apply and enforce its rules and
regulations and the IAFE National Code of Show Ring
Ethics, with respect to exhibitors at the show.
5. By entering the show, all exhibitors, and their respective
parents and/or guardians, shall be deemed to have
acknowledged and accepted this General Disputes Policy.
1. Premiums will be paid on the basis of the judging
reports, which must be signed by the judge and by the
department superintendent or clerk.
2. Premiums will be mailed to the exhibitor after the Fair to
the address given on the entry form. Errors in premium
statements will not be corrected after April 1, 2022. All
Premium checks must be cashed within sixty days of
issuance or they become void.
3. If a Social Security Number or Federal Id Number is not
provided, the Fair will not issue a premium check.
4. The management of the Florida State Fair reserves the
right to revise the dollar amount of the Premiums.
1. Birds will be released at 4 p.m. - 8 p.m., February 13,
For the 2022 Fair, Birds will not be held over from the
Open Show to Youth Show. In hardship cases, a written
request must be submitted to the Livestock Office by
January 25th. Exhibitor will be notified by February
1st, if the request has been approved
2. During the period of exhibition, no specimen may be
removed, except by the consent of the Show
Superintendent. Birds removed prior to official release time
will forfeit all premium monies won.
3. Release Procedure - Vehicles will not be permitted to
line up for release until 3:30 p.m. At that time, vehicles can
line-up at the security station along the perimeter road. A
limited number of vehicles will be allowed behind the barn
at a time. As soon as you are finished loading your animals,
please move your vehicle so that others can load out.
If you arrive prior to 3:30 p.m., you must park in the Red
Lot or outside the gate until 3:30.
4. Birds will not be released until leg bands have been
checked against the entry form and coop tag by the Show
5. Any birds left after 8 p.m. will be disposed of by Fair
Overall Champion Banner
Reserve Overall Champion Banner
Champion Large Fowl $20.00 & Award
Reserve Champion Large Fowl $15.00 & Award
Champion Bantam $20.00 & Award
Reserve Champion Bantam $15.00 & Award
Class Champions $ 8.00 & Rosette
Reserve Class Champions $ 4.00 & Rosette
To be eligible for above awards, there must be eight (8) or
more birds shown by two (2) or more exhibitors in class,
Champion Duck $20.00 & Award
Reserve Champion Duck $15.00 & Award
Class Champions Rosette
Reserve Class Champions Rosette
To be eligible for above awards, there must be eight (8) or
more birds shown by two (2) or more exhibitors in class,
Champion Turkey $20.00 & Award
Reserve Champion Turkey $15.00 & Award
Champion Goose $20.00 & Award
Reserve Champion Goose $15.00 & Award
Champion Guinea $20.00 & Award
Reserve Champion Guinea $15.00 & Award
Class Champions $ 8.00 & Rosette
Reserve Class Champions $ 4.00 & Rosette
Turkeys, Geese and Guineas need to have at least 4 birds
shown by 2 exhibitors to receive a class winner.
Best of Breed Rosette
All Poultry and Waterfowl: In each Class & Variety:
Place Cock, Hen, Cockerel, Pullet $5.00 each
Place Cock, Hen, Cockerel, Pullet $4.00 each
Place Cock, Hen, Cockerel, Pullet $3.00 each
Place Cock, Hen, Cockerel, Pullet $2.00 each
Place Cock, Hen, Cockerel, Pullet $1.00 each
Best of Breed Rosette
All Backyard Layer: In each Class & Variety:
Place Hen $5.00 each
Place Hen $4.00 each
Place Hen $3.00 each
Place Hen $2.00 each
Place Hen $1.00 each
Champion Backyard Layer $15.00 & Award
Reserve Champion Backyard Layer $10.00 & Award
*Best Display Large Fowl $30.00 & Award
*Best Display Bantams $30.00 & Award
*Best Display Ducks $30.00 & Award
* Display must consist of a cock, hen, cockerel, pullet and
three (3) other fowl of the same variety & breed. Will be
based on points.
Stickers will given through third place.
P.O. Box 9, Lucasville, OH 45658
Email: apasecretarya[email protected]
The APA invites you to become a member. Annual dues
are $15.00 for 1 year, $40.00 for 3 years, $25.00 for one
year outside the U.S. and Canada; Junior dues (for those 18
& under) are $10.00 per year. Endowment Trust Life
membership is $240. All Annual and Endowment Trust
Life members receive our yearbook and are eligible to earn
points toward a Master Exhibitor Award. Every member is
eligible for the awards at this show.
A minimum of 5 Master Exhibitor Award points will be
awarded to any qualified win at this show.
APA ribbons awarded for the following Class Champions:
Large Chickens: American, Asiatic, English,
Mediterranean, Continental & All Other Standard Breeds.
Bantam Chickens: Modern Game, Old English Game,
Single Comb Clean Legged, Rose Comb Clean Legged,
Feather Legged, All Other Combs Clean Legged
Ducks: Heavy, Medium, Light and Bantam.
Geese: Heavy, Medium, Light
Guinea Fowl
Special APA Medals for Show Champion and Show
An APA ribbon will be awarded for the following
Champions shown by junior exhibitors:
Champion Large Chicken, Champion Bantam Chicken,
Champion Ducks, Champion Geese, Champion Turkey,
Champion Guinea Fowl
All judging will be by the latest edition of the American
Standard of Perfection, copyrighted by the American
Poultry Association, Inc.
Application for membership may be made at the show or
may be sent to the American Poultry Association; but
application must be made prior to the judging to be eligible
for the APA awards.
P.O. Box 127, Augusta, NJ 07822
973-383-6944 Fax: 973-383-8633
Special Meet
Certificates to Champion and Reserve Champion Bantam.
Pins for Champion and Reserve for all seven bantam
divisions providing there are 25 birds competing.
Pins for all starred wins in the show.
Only ABA members are eligible to compete for the above
awards. Dues are $20.00 per year, $50.00 for three years.
New members receive a copy of the quarterly and the latest
available copy of the Annual American Bantam
Association Year Book which lists many advertisers and
includes a complete breed and variety index.
Starred wins are earned in classes of 100 or more in the
- Champions and Reserve Champions in the seven
bantam divisions
- Best and Reserve of Breed and Variety
- Best Display when 7 or more bantam displays are
- Best and Reserve Display when 10 or more bantam
displays are shown
- Best and Reserve Trio when 30 or more trios are
shown by 4 or more exhibitors
A single bird is eligible for only one award and can earn
only one starred win.
*****Awards are subject to change.
Anyone interested in a Breed Club Meet should contact the
Show Secretary Judi Schmidt.
2. Campground Rules and Reservation Form is available on
our website.
3. Golf carts permits must be purchased in order to be
allowed on the fairgrounds. Any golf carts without a permit
will need to be removed from the grounds.
1. Shower facilities are available on the grounds for use by
exhibitors only!
2. Shower permits will be issued, upon request, to
Livestock Exhibitors from the Agribusiness Office.
1. For motel accommodation information, see our website
for the Preferred Hotel List.
The Florida State Fair believes that every animal
participating in activities of the Florida State Fair shall
at all times be provided proper care and management in
the best interest of the animal’s welfare.
1. Quality assurance testing or a survey may be done at the
Florida State Fair.
2. All animals are subject to testing at anytime:
A. To determine whether an animal qualifies for
competition in a particular breed classification.
B. To determine whether the animal has been
unethically fitted in any way.
C. To determine whether any false information
or representation was made in a competition entry.
3. Exhibitor's signature on Entry Form acknowledges that
they have read and agree to IAFE Code of Show Ring
Ethics, (Please note: Rule #4 deals specifically with drugs).
4. Use of drugs, in animals, not in compliance with
manufacturer's label as to dosage, time of withdrawal
limitations, or other manufacturer's limitations and show
regulations are PROHIBITED. The use of tranquilizers or
possession of same after arrival at the Fair, will be
construed as tampering.
5. Violators will be disqualified and will forfeit all
premiums and awards, including sale price of animals, if
applicable, and future entry of exhibitor and/or family at
the Florida State Fair.
6. The use of showing and/or handling practices or devices,
using electrical contrivance, or other similar practices that
are not recognized as acceptable training, restraint, or
animal movement techniques are prohibited.
Exhibitors of animals at livestock shows shall at all times deport
themselves with honesty and good sportsmanship. Their conduct in
this competitive environment shall always reflect the highest standards
of honor and dignity to promote the advancement of agricultural
education. This code applies to junior as well as open class exhibitors
who compete in structured classes of competition. This code applies to
all livestock offered in any event at a livestock show. In addition to the
"IAFE National Code of Show Ring Ethics," fairs and livestock shows
may have rules and regulations which they impose on the local, county,
state, provincial and national levels.
All youth leaders working with junior exhibitors are under an
affirmative responsibility to do more than avoid improper conduct or
questionable acts. Their moral values must be so certain and positive
that those younger and more pliable will be influenced by their fine
example. Owners, exhibitors, fitters, trainers and absolutely
responsible persons who violate the code of ethics will forfeit
premiums, awards and auction proceeds and shall be prohibited from
future exhibition in accordance with the rules adopted by the respective
fairs and livestock shows. Exhibitors who violate this code of ethics
demean the integrity of all livestock exhibitors and should be
prohibited from competition at all livestock shows in the United States
and Canada.
The following is a list of guidelines for all exhibitors and all
livestock in competitive events:
1. All exhibitors must present, upon request of fair and livestock
show officials, proof of ownership, length of ownership and age of all
animals entered. Misrepresentation of ownership, age, or any facts
relating thereto is prohibited.
2. Owners, exhibitors, fitters, trainers, or absolutely responsible
persons shall provide animal health certificates from licensed
veterinarians upon request by fair or livestock show officials.
3. Junior exhibitors are expected to care for and groom their
animals while at fairs or livestock shows.
4. Animals shall be presented to show events where they will enter
the food chain free of drugs. The act of entering an animal in a
livestock show is the giving of consent by the owner, exhibitor, fitter,
trainer and/or absolutely responsible person for show management to
obtain any specimens of urine, saliva, blood, or other substances from
the animal to be used in testing. Animals not entered in an event which
culminates with the animal entering the food chain shall not be
administered drugs other than in accordance with applicable federal,
state and provincial statutes, regulations and rules. Livestock shall not
be exhibited if the drugs administered in accordance with federal, state
and provincial statutes, regulations and rules affect the animal's
performance or appearance at the event.
If the laboratory report on the chemical analysis of saliva, urine,
blood, or other sample taken form livestock indicates the presence of
forbidden drugs or medication, this shall be prima facie evidence such
substance has been administered to the animal either internally or
externally. It is presumed that the sample or urine, saliva, blood, or
other substance tested by the approved laboratory to which it is sent is
the one taken from the animal in question, its integrity is preserved and
all procedures of said collection and preservation, transfer to the
laboratory and analysis of the sample taken from the animal in question
and correctly reflects the condition of the animal at the time the sample
was taken with the burden on the owner, exhibitor, fitter, trainer, or
absolutely responsible person to prove otherwise at any hearing in
regard to the matter conducted by the fair or livestock show.
At any time after an animal arrives on the fair or livestock show
premises, all treatments involving the use of drugs and/or medications
shall be administered by a licensed veterinarian.
5. Any surgical procedure or injection of any foreign substance or
drug or the external application of any substance (irritant,
counterirritant, or irritant substance) which could affect the animal's
performance or alter its natural contour, confirmation, or appearance,
except external applications of substances to the hoofs or horns of
animals which affect appearance only and except for surgical
procedures performed by a duly licensed veterinarian for the sole
purpose of protecting the health of the animal, is prohibited.
6. The use of showing and/or handling practices or devices such as
striking animals to cause swelling, using electrical contrivance, or other
similar practices are not acceptable and are prohibited.
7. Direct criticism or interference with the judge, fair or livestock
show management, other exhibitors, breed representatives, or show
officials before, during, or after the competitive event is prohibited. In
the furtherance of their official shall be treated with courtesy,
cooperation and respect and no person shall direct abusive or
threatening conduct toward them.
8. No owner, exhibitor, fitter, trainer, or absolutely responsible
person shall conspire with another person or persons to intentionally
violate this code of ethics or knowingly contribute or cooperate with
another person or persons either by affirmative action or inaction to
violate this code of ethics. Violation of this rule shall subject such
individual to disciplinary action.
9. The application of this code of ethics provides for absolute
responsibility for an animal's condition by an owner, exhibitor, fitter,
trainer, or participant whether or not he or she was actually
instrumental in or had actual knowledge of the treatment of the animal
in contravention of this code of ethics.
10. The act of entering an animal is the giving of consent by the
owner, exhibitor, fitter, trainer, or absolutely responsible person to have
any disciplinary action taken by the fair or livestock show for violation
of this Code of Show Ring Ethics and any other rules of competition of
the fair or livestock show without recourse against the fair or livestock
show. The act of entering an animal is the giving consent that any
proceedings or disciplinary action taken by the fair or livestock show
may be published with the name of the violator or violators in any
publication of the International Association of Fairs and Expositions,
including Fairs and Expositions and any special notices to members.
11. The act of entering of an animal in a fair or livestock show is
the giving of verification by the owner, exhibitor, fitter, trainer, or
absolutely responsible person that he or she has read the IAFE National
Code of Show Ring Ethics and understands the consequences of and
penalties provided for actions prohibited by the code. It is further a
consent that any action which contravenes these rules and is also in
violation of federal, state, or provincial statutes, regulations, or rules
may be released to appropriate law enforcement authorities with
jurisdiction over such infractions.
OWNER represents to Florida State Fair Authority ("AUTHORITY")
that no animals that are exhibited or otherwise transported onto
FLORIDA STATE FAIRGROUNDS will in anyway be suffering from
any contagious or infectious disease. In addition, OWNER shall
defend, indemnify, and hold the AUTHORITY, the applicable Show
Committee and each of their respective officials, officers, directors,
employees and agents harmless of and from all losses, damages, claims,
expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees at the trial and appellate
levels, actions and causes of action arising out of, or in any way
connected with, or by reason of this Agreement, the presence of
use of FLORIDA STATE FAIRGROUNDS including, but not limited
to any claim for the death of, or injury to any person or livestock, or
damage to, theft of, or destruction of any property arising out of any act
or omission of OWNER, OWNER's officers, agents, employees,
trainers, drivers, riders, handlers, contractors and livestock, violation of
any Federal, State and Local environmental laws, rules, ordinances
and/or regulations, actions for negligence, wrongful death, torts, defects
in the real and personal property at FLORIDA STATE
FAIRGROUNDS and from any alleged liability, cause, litigation or
proceeding whatsoever, even if such injury, death, loss or property
damage results, in whole or in part, from the negligence of
AUTHORITY, or the applicable Show Committee and their respective
officials, officers, directors, employees and agents or otherwise.
Neither AUTHORITY nor such applicable Show Committee shall be
liable to OWNER, or any officer, agents, employees, trainers, drivers,
riders, handlers, or other contractors, invitees or guests of OWNER for
any injury or damage to livestock, person or property. AUTHORITY,
its officers or agents, assume no liability for any loss or damage to
property (including but not limited to livestock) on account of fire,
theft, or any other cause including infectious or contagious diseases. In
addition, OWNER acknowledges receiving and agrees to abide by the
applicable rules and regulations of the AUTHORITY titled FLORIDA
incorporated by reference herein.
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