SVM-Based Spam Filter with Active and
Online Learning
Qiang Wang Yi Guan Xiaolong Wang
School of Computer Science and Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China
Email:{qwang, guanyi, wangxl}
A realistic classification model for spam filtering should not only take account of the fact that spam evolves
over time, but also that labeling a large number of examples for initial training can be expensive in terms of
both time and money.
This paper address the problem of separating legitimate emails from unsolicited
ones with active and online learning algorithm
, using a Support Vector Machines (SVM) as the base
classifier. We evaluate its effectiveness
using a set of goodness criteria on TREC2006 spam filtering
benchmark datasets, and promising results are reported.
1. Introduction
The well-documented problem of unsolicited email, or spam, is currently of serious and escalating concern.
To date m
ost research in the area of spam detection has focused on some tasks like non-stationarity of
the data source, severe sampling bias in the training data, and non-uniformity of misclassification
Unfortunately, the researches on spam filtering rarely takes account of the fact that spam should
evolve over time and we should adopt an efficient strategy to accelerate the learning process.
In this paper, we explicitly address the necessity and feasibility of the adaptive learning strategy to
spam filtering task. We present and evaluate a classification model for spam filtering with active and
online learning algorithm. The research focuses on the use of Support Vector Machines (SVMs) as our
base classifier, since their demonstrated robustness and ability to handle large feature spaces makes
them particularly attractive for this task. Based on SVMs, an active learning algorithm that adopts
informative-ness combined with diversity as selection criterion and an online learning strategy that
only use the historical SV samples and the incremental training samples in re-training are studied, and
their performance is evaluated on TREC2006 spam filtering benchmark datasets. Advantages of
directly accounting for active and online learning methods are demonstrated.
In the remainder of this paper, we first give a short survey of related work, and then describe the active
and online algorithm in detail. After that, we present our results of applying the algorithm to email
classification. Finally, we give our conclusions and discuss the prospects for future work.
2. Related Work
The spam filtering problem has traditionally been presented as an instance of a text categorization problem
with the categories being spam and ham. In reality, the structure of email is richer than that of flat text,
with meta-level features such as the fields found in MIME compliant messages. Researchers have recently
acknowledged this, setting the problem in a semi-structured document classification framework. Several
solutions have been proposed to overcome the spam problem. Among the proposed methods, much interest
has focused on the machine learning techniques in spam filtering. They include rule learning
, Naive
[2, 3]
, decision trees
, support vector machines
or combinations of different learners
. The basic
and common concept of these inductive approaches is that using a classifier to filter out spam and the
classifier is learned from training data rather than constructed by hand.
Usually spam filtering task is a continuous work with email sequence increasing in size, there is a need
to scale up the learning algorithms to handle more training data. And since it is time consuming to retrain
the classifier whenever a new example is added to the training set, it is more efficient from a computational
point of view to minimize the number of labeled examples to learn a function at a certain accuracy level.
We can use Support Vector Machines (SVMs) and adopt the active and online learning techniques as
possible solutions to these problems. SVMs have worked well for the incremental model learning
[7, 8]
have shown impressive performance in the active learning
applications for its nice properties of
summarizing data in the form of support vectors.
The active learning is to select the most useful example
for labeling and add the labeled example to training set to retrain model. Tong and Koller
control the
labeling effort and accelerate the learning process by using the current SVM classifier to query the instance
closest to the decision hyperplane in terms of version space bisection. Brinker
first incorporate diversity
criterion in active learning
to maximize the training utility of a batch. The online learning is attractive
for solving the problem of dynamic nature of data and drifting concepts.
The elegant solution to online
SVM learning is the incremental SVM which provides a framework for exact online learning.
et al.
proposed an incremental SVM learning algorithm, which uses only the historical SV samples and the
incremental training samples in re-training. All non-SV samples are discarded after previous training.
et al. proposed a different incremental learning approach for SVM based on the boosting idea.
hese scalability and accelerative learning task are almost confined to the text classification task and
seldom discussed in spam filtering.
3. Active and Online Learning for Spam Filtering Task
3.1 Brief Introduction of SVM
The main idea of Support Vector Machine is to construct a nonlinear kernel function to map the data
from the input space into a possibly high-dimensional feature space and then generalize the optimal
hyper-plane with maximum margin between the two classes.
Given a T-element training set {(x
{-1,1},i=1,…,T} a linear SVM classifier:
ii ii
Fx a
xx b x a
⋅+= +=+
Where a
0, b is a bias term and D is the dimension of the input space; · is a dot-product operator,
and w is the normal vector of the classification hyperplane. Typically, the multipliers a
have non-zero
values only for a small subset of the training set, which is called the support set and its elements the
support vectors. The optimal hyperplane is found such as to maximize the classification margin, given
by 2/w
, where w denotes the normal vector of the hyperplane. The soft-margin optimization task
is formulated as:
min :
: ( ) 1
imize C w
subject to y w x b
Where C
0, p0 and ξ
=z for z0 and is equal to 0 otherwise; The slack
variables ξ
take non-zero values only for bound support vectors, i.e., points that are misclassified or
lie inside the classifiers margin. Note that in eq.(2) the accuracy over the training set is balanced by
the “smoothness” of the solution. We will consider the case of p=1, for which a number of highly
efficient computational methods have been developed.
3.2 Active Learning for Spam Filtering
So far we have considered learning strategies in which data is acquired passively. However, SVMs
construct a hypothesis using a subset of the data containing the most informative patterns and thus
they are good candidates for active or selective sampling techniques which seek out these patterns.
Suppose the data is initially unlabeled, a good heuristic algorithm would predominantly request the
labels for those patterns which will become support vectors. Active selection would be particularly
important for practical situations in which the process of labeling data is expensive or the dataset is
large and unlabeled.
proposed the Simple algorithm, which iteratively chooses h unlabeled instances closest to
the separating hyperplane to solicit user feedback. Based on this algorithm, a first spam filter f can be
trained on the labeled email pool L. Then the f is applied to the unlabeled e-mail pool U to compute
each unlabeled e-mails distance to the separating hyperplane. The h unlabeled e-mails closest to the
hyperplane and relatively apart are chosen as the next batch of samples for conducting pool-queries.
However, the Simple algorithm may choose too many similar queries, which impairs the learning
performance. We adopted diversity measure presented by Brinker
to construct batches of new
training examples and enforces selected examples to be diverse with respect to their angles. The main
idea is to select a collection of emails close to the classification hyperplane, while at the same time
maintaining their diversity. The diversity of email is measured by the angles. For example, suppose x
has a normal vector equal to (x
). The angle between two hyperplanes h
and h
, corresponding to the
email instances x
and x
, can be written in terms of the kernel operator K:
The angle-diversity algorithm starts with an initial hyperplane h
trained by the given labeled email
set L. Then, for each unlabeled email x
, it computes the distance to the classification hyperplane h
The angle between the unlabeled x
and the current set S is defined as the maximal angle from x
to any
other x
in set S. This angle measures how diverse the resulting S would be, if x
were to be chosen as a
sample. Algorithm angle-diversity introduces a parameter to balance two components: the distance
from emails to the classification hyperplane and the diversity of angles among different emails.
Incorporating the trade-off factor, the final score for the unlabeled x
can be written as
Where function f computes the distance to the hyperplane, function K is the kernel operator, and S is
the training set. After that, the algorithm selects as the sample the unlabeled email that enjoys the
smallest score in U. The algorithm repeats the above steps h times to select h emails. In practice, the
complete method uses a weighted sum of diversity and hyperplane distance, controlled by a parameter
λ, where λ= 0 is the equivalent of focusing solely on diversity and λ= 1 is the same as Simple. We
determined that λ= 0.5 worked well for our experiments.
3.3 Online Learning for Spam Filtering
Online learning is an important domain in machine learning with interesting theoretical properties and
practical applications. Online learning is performed in a sequence of trials. At trial t the algorithm first
receives an instance x
and is required to predict the label associated with that instance. After the
online learning algorithm has predicted the label, the true label is revealed and the algorithm pays a
unit cost if its prediction is wrong. The ultimate goal of the algorithm is to minimize the total number
of prediction mistakes it makes along its run. To achieve this goal, the algorithm may update its
prediction mechanism after each trial so as to be more accurate in later trials.
In this paper, we assume that the prediction of the algorithm at each trial is determined by a SVMs
classifier. Usually in SVMs only a small portion of samples have non-zero
coefficients, whose
corresponding x
(support vectors) and y
fully define the decision function. Therefore, the SV set can
fully describe the classification characteristics of the entire training set. Because the training process
of SVM involves solving a quadratic programming problem, the computational complexity of training
process is much higher than a linear complexity. Hence, if we train the SVM on the SV set instead of
the whole training set, the training time can be reduced greatly without much loss of the classification
precision. This is the main idea of online learning algorithm.
Given that only a small fraction of training emails end up as support vectors, the support vector
algorithm is able to summarize the data space in a very concise manner. The training
would use
only the historical SV samples and the incremental training samples in re-training. All non-SV
samples are discarded after previous training. Figure 1 shows the incremental training procedure.
() ( ) (, )
cos( ( , ))
() ( )
(,)(, )
ij ij
ii i j
xx Kxx
Kx x Kx x
∠= =
(, )
() (1 )(max )
(,)( , )
ii j j
kx x
Kx x Kx x
Let us call the training email set as TR, so we trained an initial spam filter on TR. Then we took the
support vectors chosen from TR, called SV
, and classify the instances x
in trial sequence. After
querying the true label of x
, we add x
to SV
if the filter’s prediction is wrong. Again we ran the SVM
training algorithm on SV
+ x
. Now the SVs chosen from the training of SV
+ x
were taken, let us
call these SV
. Again the training and testing were done. This incremental step was repeated until all
the trials are used. The algorithm can be illustrated in algorithm 1 as follows.
The model obtained by this method should be the same or similar to what would have been obtained
using all the data together to train. The reason for this is that the SVMs algorithm will preserve the
essential class boundary information seen so far in a very compact form as support vectors, which
would contribute appropriately to deriving the new concept in the next iteration.
4. Evaluations and Analysis
4.1 Experiment Setting
In this section, we report the test results on four email datasets provided by TREC 2006 spam track.
The basic statistics for all four datasets are given in Table 1.
Ham Spam Total
12910 24912 37822
Public Corpora
21766 42854 64620
X2 9039 40135 49174
Private Corpora
B2 9274 2751 12025
The experiment is evaluated by a number of criteria that were used for the official evaluation:
hm%: Ham Misclassification Rate, the fraction of ham messages labeled as spam.
sm%: Spam Misclassification Rate, the fraction of spam messages labeled as ham.
1-ROCA: Area above the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve.
Lam%: logistic average misclassification percentage defined as, lam% = logit
(logit(hm%)/2 +
logit(sm%)/2), where logit(x) = log(x/(1-x)) and logit
(x) = e
The spam track includes two approaches to measuring the filters learning curve: (1) piecewise
approximation and logistic regression are used to model hm% and sm% as a function of the number of
Online SVM Spam Filter:
1) Initialization
Seed SVM classifier with a few examples of each class (spam and ham)
Train an initial SVM filters
2) Online Learning
- Classify x
- Query the true label of x
- If the filters prediction is wrong, retrain SVM filters based on SV
+ x
3) Finishing
Repeat until x
is finished
Table 1. Basic statistics for the evaluation datasets
ure 1. The Incremental Trainin
X0 X1 X2 ... Xn
SV2 SV3 SVn-1
messages processed; (2) cumulative (1-ROCA)% is given as a function of the number of messages
4.2 Results
4.2.1 Experiment I: The Impact of Active Learning Method
The first experiment was designed to find whether the active learning strategy perform similarly on
two-class spam filtering task with Multivariate Performance Measures like 1-ROCA in mind. To this
end, the spam filter is first requested to select a sequence of messages from the first 90% of the corpus
as "teach me" examples. That is, the filter is trained on the correct classification for these, and only
these examples. Secondly, from time to time (after 100, 200, 400, etc. "teach me" examples) the filter
is asked to classify the remaining 10% of the corpus, one-at-a-time, in order. The performance of
active selection (AL) and random adding training examples (RL) are compared.
The graphs in Figure 2-3 illustrate the performance of our active and random learning method on
trec06p and trec06c respectively. We can make two useful observations when putting the results
together (Figures 2 to 3). The first thing we notice with the number of training examples increasing we
observed higher generalization accuracy for the active learning strategy and the random strategy in all
our experiments.
This corresponds to the intuition that the more training examples, the more prediction
power a classifier can produce.
The second thing is that active selection can minimize the number of
labeled examples that are necessary to learn a classification function at a certain accuracy level, especially
there are comparatively few support vectors to find. In figure 2, there are altogether 34,040
examples to be learned. The AL filter performance promotes very fast that the AL.3200 achieves the
Figure 3. ROC curves for AL (left) and RL (right) filters on the trec06c corpus.
Figure 2. ROC curves for AL (left) and RL (right) filters on the trec06p corpus.
comparable performance with AL.25600. While the RL filter works best until the RL.25600 finished.
In figure 3, same trend is still obviously. There are altogether 58,158 examples to be learned. The best
performance obtained at AL12800 and RL.51200 respectively. Since the difference in performance is
much stable between different datasets as seen in the graphs, we may conclude that the random
selection cannot provide the same level of spam detection provided by the active learning filters.
4.2.2 Experiment II: The Impact of Online Learning Method
This experiment run in a controlled environment simulating personal spam filter use to verify the
online learning performance on the official corpus. The system was first presented a sequence of
messages, one message at a time, and was required to return a “spamminess” score (a real number
representing the estimated likelihood that the message is spam). After that the correct classification
was presented. Two kinds of online learning strategy are tested respectively, the ideal and delayed user
feedback. In ideal user feedback, the filter retrains the model immediately after each classification.
And in the delayed feedback, the filter will not be retained immediately. That is random-sized
sequences of email messages will be classified without any intervening "train" commands and the
corresponding "train" commands for these messages will follow, with no intervening "classify"
commands. The length of the sequences will be randomly generated with an exponential distribution.
A summary of the results achieved with Ideal user feedback (Ideal) against Delayed user feedback
(Delayed) learning algorithm data on the official corpus is listed in the Table 2. Overall, the Ideal
system outperformed the other system on most of the evaluation corpora in the 1-ROCA criterion.
However, the tradeoff between ham misclassification and spam misclassification varies considerably
for different datasets.
Hm% Sm% Lam% 1-ROCA
Ideal Delayed Ideal Delayed Ideal Delayed Ideal Delayed
(2.93 -3.28)
(0.2479 - 0.3355)
(0.5281 - 0.6332)
(1.29 -1.48)
(4.10 -4.47)
(0.1751 - 0.2409)
(1.2914 - 1.4753)
(1.05 -1.26)
(2.89 -3.24)
(0.1142 - 0.1747)
(0.4611 - 0.5829)
(2.68 -3.38)
(4.74 -5.65)
(0.4829 - 0.6979)
(1.1013 - 1.4940)
A comparison with the statistics in Table 2 reveals that our online system disproportionately favored
classification into the class that contains more training examples. The online system did not vary the
filtering threshold dynamically, but rather kept it fixed at a spamminess score. The results indicate that
adjusting the threshold with respect to the number of ham and spam training examples or, alternatively,
with respect to previous performance statistics, would be beneficial.
Table 2. Misclassification Summary
Figure 4. ROC curves (left) and learning curves (right) for Ideal and Delayed filters on trec06p corpus.
The ROC and ROC learning curves for the Ideal and Delay on the trec06p and trec06c result are
depicted in Figure 4-5. The left figures depicts the ROC curve of the Ideal and Delay system, it
provide a convenient graphical display of the trade-off between true and false positive classification
rates for spam filtering task. We can interpret this curve as a comparison of the Ideal filter
performance across the entire range of class distributions and error costs. The performance improves
the further the curve is near to the upper left corner of the plot. The left figures show that the Ideal
system dominates the other curve over most regions. The right graph shows how the area above the
ROC curve changes with an increasing number of examples. The performance improves the further
the curve is near to the lower left corner of the plot. Note that the 1-ROCA statistic is plotted in
log-scale. All filters learn fast at the start, but performance levels off at around 10,000 messages. This
behavior may be attributed to the implicit bias in the learning algorithms, data or concept drift. It
remains to be seen whether a more refined model pruning strategy would help the filter to continue
improving beyond this mark.
5. Conclusions
Our system reached the anticipated goal in the TREC evaluation. The TREC results confirmed our
intuition that active and online learning offer a number of advantages over random selection and
delay-retraining spam filtering methods. By using active learning algorithm, the spam filter can faster
attain a level of generalization accuracy in terms of the number of labeled examples. Also, the online
learning algorithm, whereby only subsets of the data are to be considered at any one time and results
subsequently combined, can make the retraining process much faster and avoid the much storage cost.
Thus the filter algorithm can be scaled up to handle extremely large data sets.
This active and online spam filter achieved the best ranking filter overall in the 1-ROCA statistic for
most of the datasets in the official evaluation. Despite the encouraging results at TREC, we believe
there is much room for improvement in our system. To most users spam is a nuisance, while the loss
of legitimate email is much more serious, so the filter should define an optimal threshold to one that
rejects a maximum amount of spam while passing all legitimate emails. In future work, we intend to
employ a suitable mechanism for dynamically adapting the filtering threshold. And while traditional
SVMs only use the error rate, not the application specific performance measure like ROC-Area, as the
performance measure to optimize model, it is likely to produce suboptimal results. An interesting
avenue for future research would be to employ a strategy which would directly optimize SVMs for
1-ROCA measure that promotes spam filter performance.
This research was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (60435020, 60504021)
and Key Project of Chinese Ministry of Education & Microsoft Asia Research Centre (01307620).
Figure 5. ROC curves (left) and learning curves (right) for Ideal and Delayed filters
on trec06c corpus.
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