Dear UHCL Alumni and Friends,
Travel with us to the Land of Enchantment to enjoy New Mexico’s beauful landscapes, his-
tory and architecture. A highlight will be the world famous Albuquerque Balloon Fesval,
the world’s largest & most famous hot air ballooning event. Witness the Mass Ascension,
which includes over 500 balloons taking to the sky. Also experience the balloons up close
and illuminated on solid ground during the Balloon Glow.
Enjoy 3 nights in Santa Fe, founded in 1607 making it America’s oldest state capital city and
3rd oldest connuously inhabited U.S. city. Enjoy a Santa Fe City Tour with a local guide
featuring the Santa Fe Plaza, the Palace of the Governors, built in 1610, and a visit to the
Loreo Chapel to learn of its mysterious past. Santa Fe is part of the UNESCO Creave City
Network as one of the most important art markets in the world, and is renowned for its
beauty, Pueblo-style architecture & museums.
Learn more about New Mexico’s Nave American history and culture with visits to the
Indian Pueblo Cultural Center and the Taos Pueblo. The Taos Pueblo is a UNESCO World
Heritage Site featuring ancient Pueblo homes which have been connuously inhabited for
over 1,000 years. A few of the other aracons during this program include Old Town Al-
buquerque, the “High Road to Taos” & Los Alamos Bradbury Museum, which tells the story
of this isolated town and its role in the Manhaan Project.
Please review the inerary details and keep in mind that roundtrip airfare is included in the
tour price. We hope that you can join us on this incredible trip!
Kendra Hakanson
Kendra Hakanson
Director of Alumni Relaons
(must purchase with Inial Deposit)
 - Guarantees full refund on all pay-
ments, except the Trip Cancellaon Waiver Fee itself in case of cancel-
laon up to the me and date of departure due to the passenger’s
personal illness or death of an immediate family member. Medical/
ocial documentaon required.
 - Reimburses
75% of the cancellaon fees in the form of a future travel credit cer-
cate (FTCC) valid for 1 year, if you cancel more than 48 hours prior to
scheduled departure for any reason not eligible for cash refund under
the TCW (Part A – I.). FTCC is non-transferable, may not be redeemed
for cash and does not include any credit for the Trip Cancellaon Waiver
Fee.   
. The Trip
Cancellaon Waiver does not cover any single supplement charges due
to an individual’s traveling companion canceling prior to departure. The
Trip Cancellaon Waiver is non-transferable and valid for each applicant
only. The Trip Cancellaon Waiver does not cover any services such as
airline ckets not purchased through PWD. Cancellaons, Refunds &
Inquiries under Part A will be handled by PWD. Certain Exclusions and
Restricons apply.
Includes coverage for: Trip Interrupon ($1,000); Trip Delay ($100/
Day-Max $500); Baggage & Personal Eects ($2,000); Baggage Delay
($500); Emergency Accident/Sickness Medical Expense - excess coverage
($30,000); Emergency Evacuaon/Repatriaon ($150,000); Accidental
Death & Dismemberment ($25,000); Non-Insurance and Emergency
Travel Assistance Services** (24/7). Claims & Inquiries under Part B
will be administered by USI.
  
All Benets described on this page are for general informaon basis
only. There are certain restricons, exclusions and limitaon that apply
to all insurance coverages. Plan benets, limits and provisions may vary
by state jurisdicon.
Deposits & TPP payments for any Bookings made for this tour are fully
refundable unl 180 days prior to departure, should your plans change
inside of 180 days you can use the full value (Future Travel Credit**) of
your Deposit or TPP on a dierent program as long as you change plans
or let us know prior to the Final Payment Due Date.
**FTC’s are valid for 12 mos from dep date & non-transferable.
Cancellaons not covered by the Travel Protecon Plan (TPP) or if the
TPP is not purchased, are subject to the following per person fees:
- Cancel more than 180 days prior to departure: Full Refund
- Cancel 179-75 days prior to departure: Deposit or TPP* is Retained**
- Cancel 74-60 days prior to departure: 25% of total price
- Cancel 59-30 days prior to departure: 50% of total price
- Cancel 29-15 days prior to departure: 75% of total price
- Cancel 14 days or less prior to departure/no shows: No refunds
*If purchased **Future Travel Credit issued for Deposit or TPP* value
Premier World Tours LLC dba Premier World Discovery (hereaer PWD),
whose vouchers are used by respecve agents for the passenger in all
maers pertaining to hotel accommodaons, sightseeing tours and
transportaon, hold themselves free of responsibility for any damages
occasioned from any cause whatsoever. PWD will not be responsible
for any damages or inconvenience caused by late arrivals, departures
and change of schedule or other condions nor will they be responsible
for any act, omission, or event during the me the passenger is not on
board their conveyance. The passage contract in use by the airline
concerned, when issued, shall constute the sole contract between the
airline and the purchaser of this tour/cruise, and/or passenger. PWD
does not hold any responsibility for the conduct of any of its members,
hotel, motorcoach, cruiseline, train, airline or other personnel. PWD
reserves the right to decline to accept or retain any person as a member
of a tour/cruise at its discreon. PWD &/or its Tour Director retain the
right to require any parcipant to withdraw from a tour/cruise at any
me, if determined to be in the best interests of health, safety & general
welfare of the tour/cruise group or of the individual parcipant. Arbitra-
on - I/We agree, any and all disputes concerning this contract or any
other material concerning the trip, or the trip itself must be resolved
exclusively pursuant to binding arbitraon in the state of California,
pursuant to the then current rules of the American Arbitraon Associa-
on. Payment of the deposit for this tour/cruise constutes acceptance
of these terms and condions. CST #2048841-40
Inerary and hotels are subject to change.
Air Schedules may not be available unl Final Trip Documentaon is
received. Air seats are assigned by the airline and somemes not as-
signed unl the day of travel. Air seat changes can only be aempted
upon receipt of e-ckets and Final Trip Documentaon at which me
availability may be limited. If specic seat assignments or airline choice is
extremely important to your reservaon, we recommend you book land
only and make your own air reservaons. Please make this adjustment
to land only/own air at me of tour reservaon.
Balloon Fiesta
featuring Three Nights in Santa Fe
6 Days
October 9-14, 2024
UHCL Alumni Travel presents
Save $100 Per Person
$200 Per Couple*
*See Reservaon Info for
Booking Discount details
Book Now and your Deposit is
Risk Free with No Change Fees
unl Final Payment Due Date!
See Res Form for details**
UHCL Alumni Associaon
2700 Bay Area Blvd, B2508
Houston , TX 77058
•3 Nights in Santa Fe
•Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta - Dawn Patrol
& Balloon Glow
•Old Town, Albuquerque
•Indian Pueblo Cultural Center
•Los Alamos Science Museum
•Santa Fe City Tour
•Loreo Chapel
•Taos Pueblo
•High Road to Taos
•Roundtrip Airfare - HOU/IAH
•Professional Tour Director
•7 Meals: 5 - Breakfasts & 2 - Dinners
•Two Beer & Wine Recepons
•Motorcoach Transportaon
•Admissions per Inerary
•Sightseeing per Inerary
•Hotel Transfers
•Baggage Handling at Hotels
•5 Nights Hotel Accommodaons
3 - Inn of the Governors, Doubletree by
Hilton or Hilton, Santa Fe
2 - Albuquerque Marrio, Doubletree or
Crowne Plaza, Albuquerque
Booking Discount*: $3525 pp double
Regular Rate:
$3625 pp double
Single Supplement: +$875
*See Reservaon Info for Booking Discount details
Cardholder Name (if paying by credit card) __________________________________________________________
Credit Card #: _________________________________________________ Exp. Date: _____/_____CVV#________
Cardholder Billing Address: _____________________________________________________
 __________________________________________________Today’s Date:_________________
(for credit card use & acceptance of terms*):
Enclosed nd a Deposit in the amount of $_________($400 per person) to secure reservaons for ________# of people.
(TPP must be purchased with inial deposit)
Yes, I (we) wish to purchase travel protecon (TPP) No, I (we) decline travel protecon (TPP)
Enclosed nd payment in the amount of $ _______($325 per person) to secure the Premiers Travel Protecon Plan (TPP).
see tour details panel for included group RT air gateway/departure city, addional charges apply for other RT air gateways
Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta
October 9-14, 2024
Booking #173567
(Web Code)
Make Checks Payable to:
Legal Name DOB (MM/DD/YY) Gender
____________________________________________________________ ____/____/____ M F
Roommate’s Legal Name DOB (MM/DD/YY) Gender
____________________________________________________________ ____/____/____ M F
Your Address ____________________________________________________________
City__________________________________________________ State________________ ZIP________________
Tel # _________________________________________ Mbl #_________________________________________
Email Address _________________________________________________________________________________
Emergency Contact/Tel #_________________________________________________________________________
Badge Name(s)_________________________________________________________________________________
c/o Premier World Discovery
1650 So. Pacic Coast Hwy., Suite 202
Redondo Beach, CA 90277
Phone: 877.953.8687 Fax: 310.372.0637
Website: hps://
*I (We) agree to pay according to the credit card issuer agreement. I understand and accept the cancellaon fees/
policy and other terms.
Check if Roommate’s
address is the same
Check if address is
the same as above
Deposit of $400 per person is due with Reservaon Form to secure reservaons.
Final Payment Due Date is 75 days prior to departure.
Make your Final Payment by check prior to the Final Payment Due Date
& receive $200 per couple/$100 per person Booking Discount!
•Inial Deposit can be made by check or credit card to be eligible.
•Payments aer Inial Deposit are considered part of Final Payment & must be made by check.
Save me, postage & secure your seat for this group departure.
Simply type  into your web browser & use the
Booking Number (Web Code) from this yer to make your Deposit online in just a few minutes.
No need to submit a Reservaon Form if booking online.
Today y to Albuquerque, meet your Tour Director and travel north to Santa Fe. Check
into your hotel for a three night stay in Santa Fe, and discover this upscale resort & arst
community with Spanish-Pueblo roots. This evening enjoy a    
followed by awith your fellow Alumni travelers.
(D) Overnight: 
Enjoy a wonderful  including details about the history, culture and unique
architecture of this interesng city. See the Plaza, Loreo Chapel and the Palace of the
Governors, a Santa Fe landmark built in 1610. Enjoy the rest of the day and evening at
your own pace in this historic city to explore the many art galleries, museums, restaurants
and shops.
(B) Overnight: 
Depart this morning and travel north via the  passing through ancient
villages founded in the 1700’s. Stop in the Spanish village of Chimayo to visit El Santuario,
revered by pilgrims for the healing power of dirt found inside the chapel. Arrive in Taos,
the historic home of the Pueblo Indians. Enjoy a Taos visit and learn about this fascinang
city rich in culture and scenery. Atop a plateau between the Rio Grande and the Sangre de
Cristo Mountains, Taos has lured arsts and writers since the 19th century. Enjoy lunch on
your own and shopping in the Taos Plaza. Later enjoy a tour of the , one of the
oldest connuously inhabited communies in North America before returning to Santa Fe.
(B) Overnight: 
This morning depart Santa Fe to visit the to learn
about the Manhaan Project and the creaon of the world’s rst atomic bomb. Later head
south to  and visit the  depicng the history
and culture of New Mexico’s 19 Nave American pueblos. Then check into your hotel for
a two-night stay in Albuquerque, founded in 1706 & locally known as the “Duke City.” This
evening return to the Balloon Fiesta to witness the  where just before dusk
burners from hundreds of balloons light up the evening sky.
(B) Overnight: 
Today experience one of the most photographed events in the world, the 
. Early this morning view over 100 colorful balloons from around the world
at  followed by the Mass Ascension. The balloons make the sky become a
palee of mulcolored orbs dancing in the cool morning light. Later stop in  to
stroll the historic adobe buildings that house over 150 shops, galleries and restaurants. Also
see the icon of Old Town, the San Felipe de Neri Church. Tonight meet your fellow Alumni
travelers for a  followed by a at a local restaurant
in Albuquerque.
(Boxed B, D) Overnight: 
Transfer to Albuquerque airport and y home with wonderful memories of your travel