Government Furnished Property
Using the Excel Upload for
Property Transfer
Defense Pricing and Contracting (DPC)
Carol Brown, OSD A&S DPC, carol.a.brow[email protected]
Pam Rooney, Support to OSD A&S DPC
Jan 2022
The Excel Option
DoD Shipment Using Excel
Contractor Use of Excel
» Unilateral Receipt
» Receipt Against Shipment
» Shipment
This training assumes basic knowledge of the DoD GFP environment and of the
Property Transfer manual or EDI capability. For additional information see the
basic training on the DoD Procurement Toolbox at
The Excel Option
Requested by Industry users to enable easier
upload of data when manual data entry is too
burdensome and EDI is not an option
Benefits DoD shippers who want to include
many SNs or UIIs
All Property Transfer functions can be
accommodated by the Excel doc
» Same business rules as manual or EDI options
One Excel template for all functions
» Shipment and Unilateral receipt start from blank template
» Receipt against a shipment starts from downloaded template
Physical Item
Create Shipment
Document alerting
Contractor of
inbound GFP
receipt of GFP back
in DoD custody
Report receipt of
Create Shipment
Document to report
return of GFP
GFP per Contract
Email Alert of
GFP Position Report
The Excel Can Be Used for All
Property Transfer Processes
Download the Excel Template
2 Options
1. From the GFP Module in PIEE Documentation tab
2. From the DoD Procurement Toolbox
Property Transfer Excel Tabs
Contract Info Workflow, contract numbers, Shipper,
Receiver, reference
Header Shipment number/date, comments, receive/reject
all UII/SN for receipt against shipment only
Line Item Item Name/Description, Product ID, UoM,
quantity shipped/received, receive/reject all UII/SN for line
UID UIIs per line
Item Serial Numbers Serial Numbers per line for serially
managed items that do not have UII
Routing View Only POCs
Unit of Measure List Reference data for copying into UoM
Select Your Workflow 13 Options
For Receipt against shipment doc ONLY.
Download the spreadsheet from GFP
Module, enter data, re-upload
The first 5 options are for SHIPMENT
- Contractor (Contract to Contract) is used to
transfer GFP (NOT CAP) from one contract to
another within a single CAGE
For unilateral receipt, select
one of these options
Align Workflow Selection to Web
Row 21 of Contract Info tab identifies the data elements required for each option:
ERROR: An attempt was made to save invalid data. The document did not save successfully. Please ensure that all
document quantities, amounts, and totals are within allowed size limits before trying to 'Save Draft Document' again.
The selected document has been updated prior to your selection. Please try selecting again.
NOTE: The record may no longer be available if the prior submission changed the status
These error messages indicate a mismatch:
Property Transfer Excel Tips
There are 13 “Workflow” options in cell A3 of the
Contract Info tab make sure you select the
right one
» E.g., “Receipt by Contractor, from DoD” assumes that the receipt
is against a downloaded shipment document
The “Receive/Reject” fields are ONLY used after
downloading a shipment doc and using it to
report receipt
Most columns have info buttons that appear
when title is clicked
The Excel Option
DoD Shipment Using Excel
Contractor Use of Excel
» Unilateral Receipt
» Receipt Against Shipment
» Shipment
Potential Use Cases
No GFP Attachment - Data entry to Excel
copying data from APSR
Hybrid Approach - Populate Line Item data
from GFP Attachment, download populated
Excel for subsequent entry of Serial
Numbers and UIIs before upload
Contract Information Tab
Workflow = Shipment by DoD, to Contractor
Gaining Contract Number = The contract (and order) authorized to have the GFP
Property Shipper = Your DoDAAC
Property Receiver = The Prime CAGE on the contract
Property Ship To = The physical location to which the items are destined (if different
from Prime CAGE)
Reference = Optional for subsequent reference
Header Tab
Enter the Shipment Number and Shipment Date.
You may add additional data as relevant including comments.
Ignore the “Receive/Reject…” drop down.
Shipment Includes
4 Line items
2 Lines are Serially Managed
» Tank qty 5 1 UII, 4 SNs
» Alternator qty 5 5 SNs
2 Lines are not serially Managed
» Tracks
» Fasteners
The shipper IS including UII/SN
» Entry of UII and SN of serially managed items is optional for
DoD shipments
» Enter UII/SN for ALL Serially Managed items or do not enter
UII/SN do NOT add UII/SN for only some serially managed
Line Item Tab Left side of rows
Item Number the sequential line number. This will be used as the reference
number for UID and Serial Number tabs
Item Name and Description from the GFP Attachment or your APSR
Product ID Enter NSN, Manufacturer CAGE AND Part Number, or Model Number
from GFP Attachment or APSR. If the item has no product ID, enter item name in
Model Number
Line Item Tab Right side of rows
Unit of Measure Find the unit of measure on the Unit of Measure reference data tab.
Copy the text and paste it in the Unit of Measure field on the Line Item tab. If it is not
exactly correct, the file will fail upload.
Qty Shipped the quantity of items being shipped
Qty Received IGNORE on shipment document
Receive/Reject All UIDs and Item Serial Numbers on Line Item IGNORE
Supply Condition Code optional select from the drop down list
Remaining columns are optional
UID Tab - optional
Item No The row number from the Line Item tab; there can be multiple UID rows
for the same Line Item row
UII Concatenated UII must be in the IUID Registry
Receive/Reject IGNORE for shipment
Supply Condition Code optional select from the drop down list
Property Category Code E=Equipment/M=Materiel optional for shipper;
required by Contractor receiver
ST/STE Select from the drop down whether the item is ST, STE or neither
optional for shipper; defaults to neither ST nor STE.
Note that many cells have an info pop up message that appears when the column
title is clicked
Item Serial Number Tab - optional
Item No The row number from the Line Item tab; there can be multiple UID rows
for the same Line Item row
Item Serial Number the serial numbers
Receive/Reject IGNORE for shipment
Supply Condition Code optional select from drop down list
The sum of UIIs plus Serial Numbers must equal the quantity shipped on Line Item tab
The user has neglected to enter the Item Number
Submit the Shipment Excel
Save the Excel to your computer or network drive No spaces or special
characters in file name!
Log on to PIEE
Select GFP Module tile
Select Property Transfer/Government Property Shipper/Create Document
Upload the Shipment Excel
Select “Property Transfer Excel Upload” and click “Next”
Browse to the file and click “Open” to select
the populated Excel. Click “Upload.”
Uh Oh…Excel Errors
The system will run edits against the Excel doc. If there are errors, an error
message will be displayed.
Click “Download Errors” at the bottom of the screen.
A text file will be dropped. Open the text file to see the errors. Fix errors and reupload.
Successful Upload
data and
Submit to
create the
Complete the Shipment Document
Same validation messages as manual input. Click “Ok.”
Receive submission confirmation; send additional emails
The Excel Option
DoD Shipment Using Excel
Contractor Use of Excel
» Unilateral Receipt
» Receipt Against Shipment
» Shipment
Prepare to Report Receipt
As Contractor Property Receiver, first check the “Receipt Folder” to ensure there is
no pending shipment doc
Reference the GFP Attachment to copy Product ID and Item data to the Excel doc
Populate the Excel Template
Contract Info Workflow, contract numbers, Shipper, Receiver, reference
Header Shipment number/date, comments, receive/reject all UII/SN for
receipt against shipment only
Line Item Item Name/Description, Product ID, UoM, quantity
shipped/received, receive/reject all UII/SN for line
IUD UIIs per line
Item Serial Numbers Serial Numbers per line for serially managed items
that do not have UII
Routing View Only POCs
Unit of Measure List Reference data for copying into UoM field
Download the Excel Template from the GFP Module or DoD Procurement Toolbox
(See Chart 5 for sources)
Contract Info Tab
Property Workflow – Select “Receipt by Contractor, WITHOUT SHIPMENT DOC since
this is a unilateral receipt
Select Gaining Contract Number Type and enter gaining contract number without
dashes (the contract that is authorized to be accountable for GFP) Contract number is
NOT editable after upload
Property Shipper Code optional, but if it is on paperwork, or in your contract, enter it
Property Receiver Code the Prime CAGE on the contract
You can use this field for
your internal reference
Header Tab
Enter Shipment Number from paperwork. If there is no Shipment Number, establish
a convention in your org to create an internal dummy Shipment Number.
Enter the Shipment Date. If unknown, enter receipt date.
All other data elements are optional enter if known.
Line Item Tab
Line 1 Serially Managed (SM) item aligns with GFP Attachment
Line 2 SM item Product ID aligns with GFP Attachment, but Item Name and
Description vary from GFP Attachment
Line 3 Non-serially managed item data aligns with GFP Attachment
Line 4 Item not on GFP Attachment
Copy data from GFP Attachment if one exists for the contract
Copy Unit of Measure from Unit of Measure tab
IGNORE Quantity Shipped
Enter quantity received (physically received with this shipment, not GFP Attachment qty)
Enter condition code if this is a repair item
The Item No column identifies the Line Item number from the Line Item Tab with
which this UII is associated.
If the Property Category Code (E/Equipment or M/Materiel) is known, select
from the drop down if not entered, it will have to be entered via the web
interface after upload.
If the ST/STE identification is known, select from the drop down if not entered,
it will have to be entered via the web interface after upload.
This number refers to the “Item No” from the Line Item tab. There can be as many “Item
No” 1’s on this tab as there are UIIs associated with the “tanks, tracked” identified as Item
No 1 on the Line Item tab.
Item Serial Number Tab
Just like on the UID Tab, the “Item No” identifies the Line Item number from the
Line Item Tab
Item No 1 on the Line Item tab quantity 2 “tanks, tracked” are being receipted.
One Item No 1 had a UII and was entered on the UID tab. The other “tanks, tracked”
does not have a UII, so its Serial Number is entered on the Serial Number tab
The system will check that the quantity of UID’s plus Serial Numbers for a given Item No
equals the quantity receipted for that Item No on the Line Item tab.
All 5 of the Alternators (Line 2 on the Line Item tab) have only serial numbers so there
are 5 “Item No” 2 entries on the Serial Number tab.
Submit the Unilateral Receipt
After the Excel is complete
Log on to PIEE
Select the GFP Module tile
Select Property Transfer/Contractor Receiver/Create Document
Select the “Property Transfer Excel
Uploadoption and click “Next”
Upload Excel
Click “Browse,” navigate to the stored populated Excel doc, select it and click
“Open.” The file name appears in the Browse field.
Click “Upload.”
Review the Unilateral Receipt
Successful upload will display the Header tab.
Review the doc you can make changes to the uploaded data including adding
lines (use “Add”), changing lines (use “Edit”), or deleting lines (use “Delete”).
Note that if the Product ID matches to an existing accountable item list entry, but
the Item Name or Description differ, submitted data will be changed to match the
existing entry*.
*This is the same process for EDI submissions
Sign the Receipt Document
When satisfied, return to the Header tab
Scroll to the bottom, enter the Date and click the Signature button
Review the Validation Messages
Line Item 4 was not on the Attachment
Any discrepancies between physical world and GFP Attachment will be
noted click Ok
Two-Factor Authentication
Set up your PIN in “Manage
Accounts” on the PIEE home page
under “Security” column
The One Time Password will be
sent to email on file. It is valid for
15 minutes. If you don’t see it,
check your junk folder. If it times
out, you can request another by
clicking the link.
Receive Confirmation
Can transmit additional emails about this receipt
The Excel Option
DoD Shipment Using Excel
Contractor Use of Excel
» Unilateral Receipt
» Receipt Against Shipment
» Shipment
Email to Contractor upon
Shipment Doc submission
When DoD (or another contractor) creates a
shipment in the GFP Module (or an APSR
sends the shipment to the GFP Module) the
organization email receives an email that
looks like this.
Find the Shipment Doc
If the Shipment Document includes UIIs and Serial Numbers, it’s easiest to report
receipt via manual web entry.
If the shipment doc has many line items and UIIs and Serial Numbers were not
entered by the shipper, it may be easier to use the Hybrid Excel option to enter the
UIIs and Serial numbers.
Emails are transmitted to the gaining organizational email when the shipment doc is
Also good practice to periodically review the “Receipt Folder”
To retrieve a shipment document pending receipt action, go to the “Receipt Folder.”
Enter Search Parameters
Number if
looking for
shipment doc
from email
Move the “Create Date”
back in time to ensure
inclusion. Default is last
30 days.
Click Search
- All search fields are
optional except receiver
- Check the Receipt
Folder periodically
Receipt Folder Content
Select the Shipment Number of the shipment against which to report receipt
Header Tab
The middle of the header tab is displayed to show the Contract and Shipment info
Review the shipment info including the line item tab and determine whether the
shipper included UID/Serial Number data for serially managed items. If yes, then
use manual receipt. If no, and there are many rows and you want to enter the
UID/Serial Numbers on the Excel, then click “Download Document” at bottom of
Header tab to download the Excel doc of the Shipment.
Enter UIIs and Serial Numbers
The Excel doc will be downloaded to your computer
Open the Excel doc and click the “Enable Editing” button at the top
Review the Contract Info and Header tabs
The Line Item tab contains the items and quantities that were shipped to you:
Be sure to reference the GFP Attachment to identify which items are serially
managed and need UIIs or Serial Numbers entered. If the contract does not
have a GFP Attachment, ask the Govt Property Administrator or Contracting
Officer which items are serially managed.
For this contract, the first three items are serially managed on the GFP
Item 1 has 2 SNs; Item 2 has 1 UII and 2 SNs; Item 3 has 1 SN
Enter the UII
If items have an IUID Data Matrix and the UII is in the IUID Registry, Click the UID
Note that the UII is associated with the item on Line 2 of the Line Item tab the
Filter – so “Item No” is “2” indicating Item No 2 from the Line Item tab
Enter the UII(s) associated with the appropriate Item Number from the Line Item
Note: Although Property Category Code (E=Equipment/M=Materiel) is not required to
upload the Excel, it WILL be required before submission (so it’s easier to enter it on
the Excel).
Special Tooling selection will default to Neither Special Tooling nor Test Equipment. If
this is incorrect, select the correct option from the drop down.
Enter the Serial Number
Click the “Item Serial Number” tab
Enter the Serial Numbers that correspond to each serially managed item by row
from the Line Item tab
Just like in manual entry, each serially managed item must be individually received or rejected
There are three options to receive/reject (same as in web entry)
- At the document level all serially managed items are marked as received or rejected and
individual items can be changed. Found at bottom of Header Tab
- At the Line Item level all serially managed items are marked as received or rejected for
THAT line and individual items can be changed. Found in column K of Line Item tab
- At the individual item level on the UID or Item Serial Number tab
Three Options to Receive/Reject
Note: Receive/Reject at Document/Header level performs the action for ALL items, serially
managed and non-serially managed on the document.
Scenario Selections
No receive/reject selection is made at the header level
Line 1 Pump are received at the Line Item level
Line 2 Filters are received at the Line Item level
Line 3 Security Alarm is rejected at the Line Item level
Nothing is entered for the Line 2 UII because it was received
at the Line Item level
Even though line 2 is “Received” at the
Line Item level, one of the items is rejected
at the individual item level. The lowest level
takes precedence.
Rejections will require a comment after upload on the “Misc Info” tab
Upload the Receipt Document
Save the Excel doc with a file name that does not contain spaces or
special characters
Log back on to PIEE
Select Property Transfer/Contractor Receiver/Receipt Folder
Click Search
Select Shipment number of Excel receipt
On the Header tab, click “Upload Receipt”
Upload the Receipt Document
Click “Browse”, navigate to the receipt Excel, click open and the receipt Excel
populates the Browse field
Click “Upload”
At bottom of Header Tab, Click “Received,” enter the date and click the Signature
block. (If you didn’t enter the UID 2D or ST/STE elements on the Excel, you’ll be
prompted to do that at this point)
Complete Receipt
Enter PIN and One Time Password
Receive Confirmation screen and ability to send additional emails
The Excel Option
DoD Shipment Using Excel
Contractor Use of Excel
» Unilateral Receipt
» Receipt Against Shipment
» Shipment
Contract Information Tab
Useful when the items have not been previously entered and there is no GFP
Select the workflow “Shipment by Contractor, to DoD”
“Losing Contract Number” is the contract under which the GFP is authorized
Property Shipper is the Prime CAGE on the Contract
Property Receiver is the DoD organization that has accountability for the property
Header Tab
Enter Shipment Number and Date
Other data optional
Line Item Tab
Item No sequential row number used as reference in UID and SN tabs
Item Name match to accountable items
Description match to accountable items
Product ID NSN, CAGE/PN, Model Number MUST match exactly to
accountable item to decrement (NSN “123” in accountable item does NOT equal
row with NSN “123” and Model Number “ABC” in shipment)
This is a shipment so only populate “Qty Shipped”
(don’t enter anything in the receive/reject fields on any tab)
Pull from UoM
reference tab
Two items on Row 2 on the Line Item tab “mixed population!are being shipped
One item was receipted by its UII, the other by its serial number
Enter Item No 2 to reference Row 2 on the Line Item tab and the UII
Item Serial Number Tab
The 3 “Laptop computers” being shipped on Row 1 of the Line Item tab were all
receipted by Serial Number
The other non-UII “mixed population!item from Row 2 of the Line Item tab is
Prepare to Upload the Excel Doc
Log on to PIEE
Select the GFP Module tile
Select Property Transfer/Contract Shipper/Create Document
Select Property Transfer Excel Upload
Click “Next”
Upload the Excel Doc
Click Browse
Select Shipment Excel from computer
Click Open
When file name is in Browse window, click Upload
Successful Upload
Successful Upload will display the Header tab
The blue text are just defaults the system is noting
Submit the Shipment
Review the content of the shipment document
Click “Submit” at the bottom of any page
Complete the Submission
Acknowledge validations
Click “Ok”
of submission
The Excel Option
DoD Shipment Using Excel
Contractor Use of Excel
» Unilateral Receipt
» Receipt Against Shipment
» Shipment
For More Information
Contact Carol Brown at c[email protected]
Training, Procedures,
GFP Policy
GFP Resources
DoD Procurement Toolbox
» GFP Module Transition information
» General GFP Information
» Sign up for updates and ask questions (“Contact Us”)
Additional GFP Training
Training available
on the DoD
Training Certificates
Please use the link below to fill out a
Note that training certificates are available for “in-person”
training sessions only
Carol Brown, OSD A&S DPC,
Pam Rooney, Support to OSD A&S DPC,