Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the
Master of Arts Degree in English
at Srinakharinwirot University
March 2009
Kesama Trairattananusorn
Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the
Master of Arts Degree in English
at Srinakharinwirot University
March 2009
เกษมา ไตรรัตนานุสรณ
เสนอตอบณฑตวทยาลัย มหาวทยาลยศรนครนทรวโรฒ เพื่อเปนสวนหนึ่งของการศกษา
ตามหลกสตรปรญญาศลปศาสตรมหาบณฑิต สาขาวชาภาษาองกฤษ
มีนาคม 2552
Trairattananusorn Kesama. (2009). An Analysis of Persuasive Language Used in
Airline’s Press Releases: A Case Study of Etihad Airways. Master’s Project,
M.A. (English). Bangkok: Graduate School, Srinakharinwirot University.
Project Advisor: Associate Professor Dr. Tipa Thep-Ackrapong.
The purpose of this study was to analyze and identify which persuasive
strategies were frequently used in the content of Etihad Airways press releases.
Additionally, it was designed to find out persuasive language including power
verbs, adjectives and adverbs used in the press releases, and to compare the number
of occurrences of persuasive words in each persuasive strategy. Fifty press releases
of Etihad Airways published in Thailand during the period of January 2006 –
December 2006 were selected and classified into five groups following the
persuasive strategies. The results revealed that the stimulus response strategy (38%)
was the most used in the content, followed by cognitive (26%), personality (8%),
motivational (6%) and social strategy (4%). The possessive adjective our, the
descriptive adjective Etihad Airways, the adverb also and the verb provide were the
most used persuasive words. Although the word Etihad Airways was used at the
highest level in all strategies, the word new was also found to a high degree.
เกษมา ไตรรตนานสรณ. (2552). การวเคราะหภาษาที่ใชเพื่อการโนมนาวใจในขาวประชาสมพนธ:
กรณีศีกษาของสายการบนเอทิฮัด. สารนพนธ ศศ.. (ภาษาองกฤษ). กรุงเทพฯ: บัณฑิต
วิทยาลัย มหาวทยาลยศรนครนทรวโรฒ. อาจารยที่ปรกษาสารนพนธ: รศ. ดร. ทิพา เทพ
ฮัด ว
าใชกลยทธในการโนมนาวใจใดมากที่สุด และตรวจสอบถงความถี่ของแตละกลยทธที่ใช
นอกจากนั้น ยังวเคราะหถึงภาษาที่ใชเพื่อการโนมนาวใจที่ปรากฏในขาวประชาสมพนธของสาย
การบนเอทิฮัด อันประกอบไปดวย คํากรยา คําคณศพท และคาวเศษณ รวมถงการนาเอาผลวิจัยมา
เปรยบเทยบเพื่อหาคาที่จูงใจผูอานมากที่สุด โดยไดนําขาวประชาสมพนธของสายการบนเอทิฮัด 50
อนมกราคม 2549 ถึง ธันวาคม 2549 มาวเคราะหเพื่อหาภาษาที่ใชในการ
โนมนาวใจ ผลการศกษาสรปไดวากลยทธสิ่งเรา-ตอบสนอง (
Stimulus-Response Strategy) พบ
มากที่สุดถึง 38% ลําดบรองลงมาคือ กลยทธทางปญญา (
Cognitive Strategy) (26%) กลยทธการ
สรางภาพลกษณ (
Personality Strategy) (8%) กลยทธการจงใจ (Motivation Strategy) (6%)
และกลยทธทางสงคม (
Social Strategy) (4%) ตามลาดับ ภาษาที่ใชเพื่อการโนมนาวใจที่ปรากฎ
มากที่สุดในแตละชนิด ประกอบไปดวย คําคณศพทที่แสดงความเปนเจาของ (
) ไดแก คําวา our คําคณศพทบอกลกษณะ (descriptive adjective) ไดแก คําวา Etihad
คําวเศษณ (adverb) ไดแก คําวา also และคากรยา (verb) ไดแก คําวา provide อยางไรก
ตาม ถึงแมวาคาวา
Etihad Airways จะถกใชมากที่สุดในเนื้อหาของขาวประชาสัมพนธของสาย
การบนเอธิฮัด แตคําวา
new ก็ยังคงเปนคาใชมากในการโนมนาวใจคนอานโดยทั่วไป
Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the
Master of Arts Degree in English
at Srinakharinwirot University
March 2009
Copyright 2009 by Srinakharinwirot University
The master’s project advisor, chair of the English program, and oral defense
committee have approved this master’s project An Analysis of Persuasive
Language Used in Airline Press Releases: A Case Study of Etihad Airways by
Kesama Trairattananusorn as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
Master of Arts degree in English of Srinakharinwirot University.
Master’s Project Advisor
(Associate Professor Dr. Tipa Thep-Ackrapong)
Chair of the English Program
(Dr. Walaiporn Chaya)
Oral Defense Committee
(Associate Professor Dr. Tipa Thep-Ackrapong)
(Assistant Professor Tuanta Laosooksri)
(Mr. Peter Fayers)
(Mr. Martin Grose)
This master’s project has been approved as partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the Master of Arts degree in English of Srinakharinwirot University.
…………………………….. Dean of the Faculty of Humanities
(Associate Professor Chaleosri Pibulchol)
March …….., 2009
Without the help and support from various organizations and people, I could
not have completed my study. Thus, I would like to express my appreciation and
grateful thanks to the following:
I would like to extend the sincerest gratitude to Associate Professor Dr. Tipa
Thep-Ackrapong for providing valuable recommendations, knowledge, intensive
attention and support throughout this research. Without her kind suggestions, I could
not have achieved this master’s project. Furthermore, I also would like to thank
Assistant Professor Tuanta Lausuksri for valuable suggestions and comments.
I am very grateful to Dr. U-Maporn Kardkarnklai, Mr. Peter Fayers and
Mr. Martin Grose for being the reading committee who provided other useful
comments and suggestions.
I would like to express my special thanks to Etihad Airways for data support.
My special appreciation is also extended to all staff members and my friends
at Srinakhariwirot University for their friendly assistance, creative suggestions, and
encouragement, and for making my time here most enjoyable.
Finally, I would like to express the sincerest gratitude to my parents and
family for their endless love, understanding and infinite encouragement.
Kesama Trairattananusorn
Chapter Page
Rationale of the Study…………………………………………………………1
Objectives………….….………………………………….…………………... 3
Scope of the Study……………………………………………………………..3
Definition of Terms……………………………………………………...…….3
Significance of the Study………………………………………………..…….7
Public Relations Communication and Persuasion…………..…...…………….8
Public Relations Writing Styles…………………………………...…………13
Characteristics of a Press Release…………………….……………..……….14
Previous Research…………………………………………………...……….21
Data Collection……………………………………………………….………24
Data Analysis……………………………………………...…………………25
Chapter Page
Types of Persuasive Strategies Employed……………………………………28
Frequency of Persuasive Language Used in Each Strategy…………...……..29
A Discussion of the Results………………………………………………….56
Recommendations for Future Research…………………………………..….62
Tables Page
1 Frequency of Persuasive Strategies…..…………………………………….......28
2 The Frequency of Descriptive Adjectives Found in the Stimulus
Response Strategy……………………………………………………………32
3 The Frequency of Adverbs Found in the Stimulus Response Strategy………...33
4 The Frequency of Verbs Found in the Stimulus Response Strategy…………...35
5 The Frequency of Descriptive Adjectives Found in the Cognitive Strategy…...39
6 The Frequency of Adverbs Found in the Cognitive Strategy……………..…....40
7 The Frequency of Verbs Found in the Cognitive Strategy…………………..…41
8 The Frequency of Descriptive Adjectives Found in the Motivation Strategy….44
9 The Frequency of Adverbs Found in the Motivation Strategy…………………45
10 The Frequency of Verbs Found in the Motivation Strategy…………………..46
11 The Frequency of Descriptive Adjectives Found in the Social Strategy……..49
12 The Frequency of Adverbs Found in the Social Strategy…………………….50
13 The Frequency of Verbs Found in the Social Strategy……………………….51
14 The Frequency of Descriptive Adjectives Found in the Personality Strategy..53
15 The Frequency of Adverbs Found in the Personality Strategy……………….54
16 The Frequency of Verbs Found in the Personality Strategy. ………………...55
Figures Page
1 The Frequency of Possessive Adjectives Found in the Stimulus Response
2 The Frequency of Possessive Adjectives Found in the Cognitive Strategy…....36
3 The Frequency of Possessive Adjectives Found in the Motivation Strategy…..43
4 The Frequency of Possessive Adjectives Found in the Social Strategy…….…48
5 The Frequency of Possessive Adjectives Found in the Personality Strategy…..52
Rationale of the Study
Etihad Airways is the national airline of the United Arab Emirates (UAE)
based in the UAE’s capital, Abu Dhabi. It was established in July 2003 by a decree of
the UAE Government. Since its inaugural flight on November 5, 2003, the airline has
strategically increased the number of destinations it flies to, adding at least one route
each month. It currently offers flights to 45 destinations across the Middle East,
Europe, North America, Africa and Asia. Etihad is one of the fastest growing airlines
in aviation history under the slogan “changing the way people see the world.”
Obviously this airline is currently at the level of building brand awareness. During the
year 2006, the company launched its double flights to the Thai market and also
introduced a lot of worldwide campaigns. Etihad Airways selected the international
public relations agency “Fleishman-Hillard,” one of the fastest growing and most
successful communications companies in the world, to create strong messages
through press releases promoting its brand for global communication. Their messages
do not only support the company’s new destinations but also convince people to
believe in its services and products.
In communication writing, body gestures or tone of voice is not a part of
meaning. Therefore, the writers have to express their ideas through their words,
sentences, and paragraphs. The style of language used has an important role in this
area because it is a powerful tool to entice people to follow the story. Fileden,
Fileden and Dulek (1984, p.19) say, “Style: that choice of words, sentences, and
paragraphing, which, by virtue of being appropriate to the message situation and to
the relative power position of writer and reader, will produce the desired reaction end
result.” Different language styles are used for different purposes. Therefore, studying
the style of language used in Etihad Airways press release is interesting.
A press release is usually written on a company’s letterhead; it is used for a
variety of purposes: to announce a new product, inform about personnel changes,
disclose company earnings, preview a coming event sponsored by a group – whatever
new information an organization wants to get into the media (Hutchison, 1996,
p.303). According to Treadwell and Treadwell (2000, p.22), “Public relations writing
is writing designed to initiate, develop or sustain positive attitudes and behavior in
groups of people who can affect an organization’s well-being.” The message of public
relations always drives in the same way as the purpose for persuasion. Obviously
press release is the most favorite persuasive material in public relations writing field.
In this research, the researcher analyzed persuasive messages in Etihad
Airways press releases because the language and styles used are created to attract the
public’ s interests. Etihad Airways is the latest and fastest growing airline in this
market. Their messages in press releases are generated to capture the attention of the
target audience and to persuade people around the globe. Therefore, learning how
Etihad Airways uses effective local and global airline press releases to persuade
people will be very useful for all, especially those who are interested in the airline
The objectives of the research are as follows:
1. To analyze and identify which persuasive strategies are most frequently
used in the content of Etihad Airways press releases.
2. To investigate the frequency of each persuasive strategy employed by
Etihad Airways in their press releases.
3. To identify the persuasive language, including power verbs, descriptive
adjectives, possessive adjectives and adverbs, used in Etihad Airways press releases.
4. To complete and analyze the number of occurrences of persuasive words
in each persuasive strategy and find out which persuasive language is most used in all
the strategies.
Scope of the Study
The study focused on 50 press releases of Etihad Airways that were published
in Thailand during the period of January 2006 – December 2006.
Definition of Terms
There are terms in this research which are defined as follows:
Press release refers to Etihad Airways public relations materials which are
designed to encourage customers or passengers to use the company’s services and
Persuasive language refers to adjectives, adverbs and verbs applied in the
airline’s press releases to persuade people to use its products and services.
Power Verb refers to an action verb that is used to stimulate or motivate
people immediately. This kind of word is generally employed to create a specific
image in the passenger’s mind. For example:
Etihad Airways gears up for expansion in the Thailand market (May 15,
This kind of verb includes finite and non-finite verbs. A finite verb is a main
verb that agrees grammatically with the subject. Non-finite verbs consist of the
infinitive or present and past participles. For example:
Example 1: She wants to go shopping. The verb want is the main verb. The
gerund shopping functions as a noun, but in this research it is also counted as a verb.
Example 2: Added to this, Etihad Airways is also offering a special price for
Coral Zone (Economy Class) passengers from Bangkok to Europe, with return flights
starting from THB 23,335. (Free Flight to Koh Samui for Etihad Guests, October 27,
2006). The word added is a past participle and the word starting is a present
participle. Both of them are non-finite verbs.
Adverb refers to a word that modifies the verb and adjective to reinforce the
word, making the airline more attractive. For example:
Etihad Airways now flies non-stop to New York (November 2, 2006).
Descriptive adjective refers to a word that is used to describe one of the
airline’s attributes. The reader can imagine and see the character of the airline clearly
after reading it. For example:
New aircraft arrival makes Etihad’s fleet one of the youngest in the industry
(October 10, 2006).
In this research, the descriptive adjective also refers to a word that is used to
modify a noun phrase. In addition, the product name, campaign title, company brand,
activity term, and place name are counted as descriptive adjectives if they are used to
modify a noun phrase. For example:
1. Noun phrase: return ticket, loyalty program, hotel recommendation
2. Passive voice: Etihad Airways is delighted to be adding Jeddah to our
global network (Etihad to fly to third KSA destination, July 4, 2008).
3. Past participle: added value, completed form
4. Product name: Etihad Guest Program, Pearl Zone Seating.
5. Campaign title: Swing on the Wing Competition.
6. Company brand: Barclay Capital.
7. Activity term: Green Charity Project.
8. Name place: Abu Dhabi International Airport.
9. Destination: Paris route, Manchester destination.
Possessive adjective refers to a word that is used to indicate the airline’s
distinctiveness. It mostly comes from a quote of the airline’s executive or its celebrity
creating credibility of its product. It is used to convince people to feel that they are a
part of the airline, and they will fly the airline enjoying comfortable service and
company. For example:
Geert W. Boven, Acting CEO of Etihad Airways says, “With our
hospitality-orientated approach, Etihad Airways is certain to raise a
few eyebrows amongst its peers, many of whose frequent flyer-related
schemes remained relatively unchallenged by the industry until now.”
(James Hogan appointed Chief Executive of Etihad Airways,
November 10, 2006)
In this sentence, the words its and our are possessive adjectives that are used
to represent Etihad Airways.
Persuasive strategies refer to the five basic designs of persuasion as follows:
Stimulus-response design refers to the stimulus response strategy. People can
automatically take an action after certain stimuli, such as introducing a product or a
service. For example:
Countdown to launch of Etihad rewards programme (August 25, 2006).
Cognitive design refers to a reason used to persuade customers. In this design,
the information is usually rational and accommodating to people’s needs. For
Organizational information: Etihad ensures guest awareness of new EU hand
baggage regulations (November 9, 2006).
Motivational design involves stimulating the customer’s demand. Airline sale
promotions are the most preferable to serve people’s needs. For example:
The discount promotion: Free flight to Koh Samui for Etihad Guests (October
27, 2006) or Etihad’s dream ticket (October 24, 2006).
Social design concentrates on social norms, group decision-making or a
public commitment. The impact of social influence can have a powerful impact on
people’s attitudes and behavior. For example:
Etihad Airways signs major financing deal for five Boeing 777-300ER aircraft
(January 31, 2006).
Personality design refers to a product self’s image. All the rewards of Etihad
Airways represent an image of the company. For example:
‘Flat-Out’ – Etihad voted world’s leading new airline (October 16, 2006).
Significance of the Study
This study will be beneficial as follows:
1. The study of airline press releases can be useful for both readers in general
and junior writers who aspire to being a public relations copywriter. They both will
learn and understand techniques of the language used and ways to communicate with
readers effectively.
2. This research will provide guidelines for writing airline press releases. The
writer will learn how to write in a context and use strategies to persuade people.
In short, this study aimed to analyze language styles in airline press releases in
respect of persuasive communication. Fifty Etihad press releases from January 2006 –
December 2006 were studied with four main objectives: to analyze and identify
which persuasive strategies were most used in the content of Etihad Airways press
releases, to investigate the frequency of each persuasive strategy, to identify the
persuasive language, including power verbs, adjectives and adverbs used in press
releases, and to compare the number of occurrences of persuasive words in each
persuasive strategy.
In this chapter, there are four main sections discussing the following topics:
public relations communication and persuasion, public relations writing styles,
grammatical points including types of adjectives, adverbs and verbs and the related
Public Relations Communication and Persuasion
Public relations is one kind of communication approach which is used by a
company to create a good relationship with the public. With reference to Hutchison
(1996, pp.301), “the purpose of public relations communication is to persuade.”
Persuasive communication is a way to drive messages, make requests or persuade
someone to do something. According to Treadwell and Treadwell (2000, p.341),
persuasion is not just the ability to sell or promote; it may include drawing people’s
attentions in practical ways of putting sentiment into practice. Persuasion can be
defined as the combined efforts of source and receiver to create a state of
identification between them through the use of message.
According to Aristotle (cited in Wilcox, Ault & Agee, 1992, p.239), there are
three persuasive modes. Aristotle explains these appeals as ethos (behavior) referring
to source credibility, logos (cognitive) referring to the appeal of reason, and pathos
(affective) referring to the appeal of emotion. Newsom, Turk and Kruckeberg (1996,
p.202) point out that “there are five specific strategies to enlist compliance:
stimulus-response, cognitive, motivational, social appeal and personality appeal.”
Moreover, Lerbinger (1972) explains that there are five basic designs for persuasive
communication. His five designs perform the same function as the persuasive
strategies and are discussed below.
1. Stimulus-Response
In general, people are stimulated to change their behavior or respond to
something new. Lerbinger (1972, p.55) says, “The stimulus-response (S-R) design is
the economy, stripped-down model of attitude change.” It fundamentally applies to
establishing meaning and reputation of a new association in people’s minds. There
are many ways to arouse public interest, such as using a slogan, catchy words and
others. There are many new products appearing in Etiahd Airways press releases.
The following examples show the strategy of stimulus-response used in Etihad
Airways press releases.
Example 1: Etihad Airways capitalizes on 25th anniversary of frequent flyer
programs to revolutionize loyalty and travel rewards scheme (August 18, 2006).
Before Ethad Airways launched the press release of its frequent flyer
program, they had distributed two teaser press releases and the above is the first one.
Etihad Airways distributes this press release as a teaser, which is a technique that is
used to repeat a message arousing people to follow a story. As Etihad Airways has
never had a frequent flyer program before, the title of this press release arouses
people by informing them that Etihad Airways from now on has a program
emphasizing the loyalty and travel rewards program.
Example 2: Countdown to launch of Etihad rewards program (August 25,
This is the second teaser press release of Etihad frequent flyer program.
Lerbinger (1972, p.61) says that the most preferable technique for stimulus response
design is repetition. The title of this press release stimulates people to follow the
subsequent issue of Etihad Airways new program: the frequent flyer.
Example 3: Etihad Airways gears up for expansion in the Thailand market
(May 15, 2006).
This sentence encourages people to rely on the performance of the airline.
Etihad Airways currently looks forward to serving Thai people, who are persuaded
to use the service of the airline.
2. Cognitive
The cognitive design is a rational design of message. Newsom, Turk and
Kruckeberg (1996, p.203) say, “The cognitive strategy reasons that learning factual
information in the context of message can persuade if the information is retained.” It
is not just a word or slogan, but a fact-based message that will convince people to
believe in its product. “The use of the cognitive design implies a preference for
rational appeals over emotional ones.” (Lerbinger, 1972, p.72) Here, it is understood
that motivation or stimulus is not necessary because the factual information is
important enough to influence people. These messages are generally employed to
support the company’s activities that affect public interests. Below are some
Example 1: Etihad ensures guest awareness of new EU hand baggage
regulations (November 9, 2006).
The fact that Etihad ensures guest awareness of new EU hand baggage
regulations is important information that people want to know because travelers
have to follow the EU regulations when they travel to Europe. The message
concerns the nation’s rule that affects the passenger’s behavior.
Example 2: James Hogan appointed Chief Executive of Etihad Airways
(November 10, 2006).
This example concerns an executive appointment press release and not only
informs the airline’s employees and public but also provides the reasons why an
executive has been appointed. As he is in charge at the highest level of the airline,
his background and performance should be revealed to the public.
3. Motivational
An internal stimulus is required to make a motivational strategy. Newsom,
Turk and Kruckeberg (1996, p.203) state, “The motivational strategy involves
creating a need or stimulating a desire or want.” The product is assigned a suitable
personality to satisfy people’s wants. Lerbinger (1972, p.84) adds, “Motivation
research makes obvious sense in the field of product promotion where the aim is to
increase sales by satisfying people’s needs.” Below are some examples:
Example 1: Free Flight to Koh Samui for Etihad Guests (October 27, 2006).
The title of this press release, Free Flight to Koh Samui for Etihad Guests,
means that a passenger who travels with this airline will get a free ticket to Koh
Samui. A free flight is a reward used to motivate people according to their needs.
Example 2: Fly to Europe from THB 22,222 with Etihad (June 8, 2006).
This is a sales promotion press release. Etihad Airways offered a low-priced
ticket to Europe. Many people like low-priced tickets. The special price THB22,222
is a reward to serve people’s needs.
4. Social
Social influence has an important role in this design. Newsom, Turk and
Kruckeberg (1996, p.203) explain, “The social appeal strategy concentrates on
calling attention to social conditions.” People often adapt to behavior derived from
their group. Lerbinger (1972, p.89) says, “The existence of customs, traditions,
standards, rules, values, fashions, and other criteria of conduct demonstrates that
influences operate on individual attitudes and behavior.” This means a social
concept has an influence over people’s attitudes and behavior. People belonging to a
group or class accept social approval to achieve the group goal. The power of group
influence also strengthens membership loyalty to a group. For example:
Etihad Airways, Oasis Leasing and Barclays Capital sign key aircraft
financing agreement (June 4, 2006).
The title of this press release refers to three companies making a financial
agreement together. It is a group-decision. These three companies are world-class
organizations; therefore, their agreement has more credibility.
5. Personality
Personality design is related to a product’s self-image. Newsom, Turk and
Kruckeberg (1996, p.203) say, “The personality appeal strategy is designed for
people who are outer-directed rather than inner-directed.” It refers to Etihad’s
signature and its social activities that create a good image for its organization. The
following illustrates the personality strategy.
Example 1: Etihad entices golfers across the world with innovative Swing on
the Wing competition (December 15, 2006).
The words Swing on the Wing are from a competition that offers golfers the
chance to drive from the wing of an Etihad aircraft. Etihad Airways promotes the
airline globally through this competition, which has become a symbol of the airline.
The competition Swing on the Wing is an image of Etihad Airways.
Example 2: ‘Flat-Out’ – Etihad voted world’s leading new airline (October
16, 2006).
The phrase Flat-Out refers to a passenger seat that can recline and rotate 180
degrees into a flat bed. The passengers are able to hold a meeting, dine and
converse. Flat-Out has also become a signature of Etihad Airways. The reward Flat-
Out is a guarantee of the airline’s good image and quality.
In brief, persuasive communication is a simple way to influence people’s
attitudes and behavior. There are five basic designs: stimulus-response to arouse
public interest, cognitive underlines a rational fact, motivation highlights stimulating
the consumer’s demand, social appeal focuses on social influences and norms, and
personality design emphasizes the image of the product.
Public Relations Writing Styles
In a newsletter, brochure, advertorial (an advertisement written in the form
of an editorial), annual report or media release, the writing styles used are called
“public relations writing,” which has the main purpose of motivating people to do
something. Treadwell and Treadwell (2000, pp. 22-23) say, “Every piece of public
relations writing has as its aim to inform, persuade or influence behavior. The task
of the writer is to produce a copy that achieves these aims.” The main purpose of
public relations in the airline business is to persuade people to trust in its products
and services.
Before sending a message to the public, the writer needs to know who the
likely recipients are because such knowledge makes it easier for the writer to select
words or sentences appropriate to the recipients’ needs. The vocabulary used in
public relations writing should be strong and active, simple, interesting, easy to
understand and involve the recipient in what the writer is doing, selling, promoting
or such like. If the writer can involve the recipient, s/he has gone halfway toward
reaching the goal of informing, persuading or influencing attitudes or behavior. In
terms of grammar and sentence structure, long sentences with many phrases or
clauses are simply harder to understand than short, simple sentences. Moreover, the
public relations writer has to learn the style of the media so that s/he can create a
profile of the media s/he works with. A newspaper issues fresh news, factual
information and special-interest stories to the public. As the editor of a newspaper
receives a lot of press releases each day, the press release should be in a form ready
for publication. A press release for a magazine should be in the form of a story idea
because the editor usually looks for ideas that s/he can develop into an article.
In brief, public relations writing styles have the main purpose of persuading
people to do something. The writer has to follow grammatical rules, use simple
sentences and write in a style that suits both the public and choice of media.
Characteristics of a Press Release
Generally, the content format of a press release consists of the headline, body
and summary; however, it is distinguished from other news reports by adding
contact information and some special quotes from important or famous people.
With reference to Hutchison (1996, p.304), “news releases are written in the
inverted-pyramid style, with a news head, fleshed out by detailed paragraphs.” A
headline must be put at the top of the story to attract the reader’s attention. The first
paragraph is the most important. Treadwell (2000, p.323) says, “Who, what, when,
where, why and how are also leads, the writer could feature any of these as a
priority.” The first paragraph should contain all the main information covering with
the 5W+ H as a check list for content. In addition, another essential feature to
complete the press release is quotation. Treadwell (2000, p. 220) explains, “As part
of its public relations strategy, an organization may elect to have a newsworthy
spokesperson who will attract attention to events, media releases, mailers or
advertising campaigns.” A quote from an important or reputable person helps to gain
and reinforce people’s attention.
An example of an Etihad Airways press release is presented below:
For Immediate Release:
19 June 2006
Etihad Airways introduces
UK luxury car transfer service
London, United Kingdom
Etihad Airways, the national airline of the United Arab
Emirates, continues to expand its range of guest services
this month, with the launch of a UK luxury car transfer
service, Etihad Chauffeur.
Etihad’s Diamond and Pearl Zone* guests are now entitled
to luxury car transfer to and from Heathrow and Gatwick
Airports, and there are plans to introduce the service to
Manchester later this summer.
Etihad, one of the world’s fastest growing airlines, has
provided free luxury car transfers to any destination within
the UAE for over two years, and this latest news enables
Etihad to look after its guests throughout their journey -
from their departure address in the UK through to their
destination in the Emirates.
Luxury car company Chauffeurcar is fulfilling Etihad’s
needs, providing the BMW 7 series and Mercedes S Class
for Diamond guests and the Mercedes E Class and Volvo
S80 for Pearl guests.
“We are delighted to introduce yet another service
enhancement for our valued guests” said Peter Dunkin,
general manager of Etihad Airways UK and Ireland. “This
convenient and luxurious airport transfer will save valuable
time for our guests.”
A release date
As a special introductory offer, there are currently no
mileage restrictions with the Etihad Chauffeur service,
which will be arranged at the time of booking.
UK airport transfers complete the exceptional service
package that Etihad Airways offers. Coral Zone guests
continue to be offered a free luxury coach service to and
from Dubai and Al Ain.
* Fare rules and conditions apply.
- ENDS -
For further media information, please contact
Kalayapas Kulwongthanaroj
Star PR Co.,Ltd.
Tel: 02-653-5055 Fax 02-653-5117
Regarding the conclusion, the press release of Etihad Airways fits the above
characteristics discussed except that the address of the contact person is put at the
end of the format. In some cases, the contact information: office phone, fax number
and email, appears at the beginning of the story.
In persuasive writing, adjectives are used to make imagery. In general, there
are six kinds of adjectives: proper, possessive, interrogative, descriptive, definite and
indefinite. Opdycke (1987, p.79) says, “An adjective is a word or term used to
describe or limit the meaning of a noun or a pronoun.” It is used to illustrate a
quality and condition of a word. In the following examples, the italicised words
represent adjectives.
Etihad Airways’ increases frequencies in lucrative Asia-Pacific market (May
11, 2006).
New aircraft arrival makes Etihad’s fleet one of the youngest in the industry
(October 10, 2006).
Etihad Airways launches daily service to Muscat (April 10, 2006).
Etihad Airways adds three new international destinations (August 9, 2006).
Etihad Airways introduces UK luxury car transfer service (June 19, 2006).
Two types of adjectives applied to pursue persuasion in airline press releases
are descriptive and possessive.
1. Descriptive adjectives
Airline press releases sometimes aim to promote destinations, facilities and
services. The descriptive adjective is generally used to attract the reader’s attention.
The reader can clearly imagine and see the personality of the airline after reading it.
There are a lot of powerful descriptive adjectives applied to explain the quality of
the product or service. Russell (1993, p.177) refers to the comment of David Ogilvy,
who says, “The two most powerful adjectives you can use to attract attention in a
header are free and new.” Furthermore, Russell (1993, pp.176-177) also shows the
most effective and frequent adjectives used for selling food and domestic items as
new good crisp better fresh
natural (especially when linked to goodness)
fine free wonderful best clean safe
easy extra special rich big sure
great delicious amazing fantastic sensational real
The following illustrates a sentence using some descriptive adjectives.
New aircraft arrival makes Etihad’s fleet one of the youngest in the industry
(October 10, 2006).
In this sentence, the word new is used to describe the latest product of Etihad
Airways, meaning that the airline is currently ready to serve the passenger. In
general, people appreciate and feel comfortable with a new product and service.
Moreover, the word youngest draws attentions to Etihad Airways as a new comer in
the airline industry. Both words, new and youngest, are consistencies that are used to
reinforce the modernity of Etihad Airways.
Free Flight to Koh Samui for Etihad Guests (October 27, 2006).
In this sentence, the word free is used to attract people’s attention. It is a
suitable word frequently used to stimulate the customer’s desire. People often take
action immediately after seeing this word. The word is designed to stimulate the
customer’s demand and, to motivate them to use the product following the
motivation design of persuasive strategy.
2. Possessive Adjectives
A sense of belonging is required for persuasion. Possessive adjectives are used
to attribute the airline’s possession of something. Wilcox, Ault and Agee (1992, p.
244) explain, “People get involved in issues or pay attention to messages that appeal
to their psychic or economic needs.” According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
(Newsom, Vanslyke & Kruckeberg, 1996, p.203), a theory in psychology, security
needs are the most preferable in general. The passengers need to feel secure in their
lives and safe when they get on a plane. Possessive adjectives are used to persuade
people to trust the airline’s performance. Possessive adjectives are found in quotes
by airline executives or celebrities guaranteeing the highest quality of its services or
products. For example:
Geert W. Boven, Acting CEO of Etihad Airways says, “With our hospitality-
orientated approach, Etihad Airways is certain to raise a few eyebrows amongst its
peers, many of whose frequent flyer-related schemes remained relatively
unchallenged by the industry until now” (James Hogan appointed Chief Executive
of Etihad Airways, November 10, 2006).
The words our and its are used to represent Etihad Airways. The spokesperson
used the word our to convince people to believe in Etihad’s performance and
management. The word its refers to the services and products of Etihad Airways. As
it is a speech by the CEO of the airline, his speech also has an influence in
persuading people that they are served as special guests.
In persuasion, there are two types of adjectives that help to make words more
colorful and fascinating so that people want to follow the story. The descriptive
adjective is used to add imagery to a word by describing the characteristic of the
product clearly. Possessive adjectives are applied to achieve the sense of belonging
to make people feel that they belong to the airline.
In general, an adverb is employed to reinforce a word, making it more
influential in persuasion. An adverb should work together with an adjective or a verb
in a powerful combination to make each line more interesting and easy to remember.
An adverb is used to add force, to express emphasis or emotion. For example:
Etihad Airways now flies non-stop to New York (November 2, 2006).
In this sentence, the adverbs now and non-stop are joined collectively, meaning
that Etihad Airways is ready to operate this flight and the adverb non-stop makes
people recognize that this is a special flight.
In persuasive communication, adding emotion for the reader is very important.
An adverb is used to highlight strengths. Clearly, adverbs are used to convey
understanding and emotional feeling to readers so that they can take a course of
Verbs are used to create a specific image in the reader’s mind. Delahunty and
Garvey (1994, p.117) explain, “Traditional grammars typically define verbs
semantically, i.e., as ‘words that designate actions (kiss, run), processes (grow,
change), experiences (know), or state of being (be, have).’” A verb is a word that is
applied in many ways depending on the situation or cause of action. Opdycke (1987,
p.104) says, “The verb is the most important part of speech. Without the verb there
can be no assertion or statement of fact and condition in a sentence; there can be
only naming of action and condition.” It is clear that the verb is very influential in
assigning an action.
According to Russell (1993, pp.176-177), there are twelve most effective verbs
that are frequently used to sell a product. They are as follows:
buy give taste go look feel
start take make use choose come
For example:
Etihad Airways gears up for expansion in the Thailand market (May 15,
Etihad Guests enjoy new Dubai check-in facility (May 27, 2006).
Etihad unveils new revolutionary Diamond seat on Airbus 340-500 (July 21,
Etihad’s commitment to in-flight services leads to Middle Eastern Airline of
the Year Award (November 26, 2006).
Etihad Airways achieves Forbes Top 20 after only three years in operation
(December 6, 2006).
Etihad Airways sponsors “Visit BBC RADIO” trip (March 18, 2006).
In brief, a power verb is a word that creates specific imagery in the reader’s
mind. People mostly take an action automatically after they have perceived it.
Summary of Press Release Writing Styles
Writing press releases is a kind of persuasive communication. There are five
specific strategies for persuasion: stimulus-response appeal, cognitive appeal,
motivational appeal, social appeal and personality appeal. In writing a persuasive
message, adjectives are used to add imagery, adverbs to reinforce a word, and verbs
to assign an action. All these three types of grammatical choices should work
together to make the press release creditable.
Previous Research
There are some previous studies which are related to this study. They focus on
the analysis of catchy words and persuasive styles in print advertisements, and the
writing styles of movie overviews in a website.
Nasunee (2004) analyzed catchy words and sentences in Volkswagen Beetle
advertisements in the United States. This study had two main objectives: to analyze
the writing style of catchy words, fragments, and sentences in Volkswagen
advertisements and to find out which types of sentences and adjectives were
frequently used. The data for this study were 50 examples of Volkswagen
advertisements published in the United States between the1960s-2000. The
examples were taken from foreign magazines, advertising books, and website
headlines. Each advertisement was analyzed to find the writing style. The results of
the study showed that puns were mostly used and amounted to 87.5% because a pun
is a humorous writing style playing on clever words and meanings to attract the
reader’s attention. The researcher concluded that a pun was a good technique for
advertising because it made an ad memorable. The researcher also concluded that
the simple sentence was a good way to communicate to the readers about features or
benefits of a product because it was concise, short, and simple, enabling the readers
to understand the product easily and clearly. Descriptive adjectives were used
frequently because they could illustrate a feature and characteristic of a Volkswagen
clearly and also imprinted the picture of the car in the reader’s minds.
In terms of persuasive language style, Suebnusonthi (2003) studied the
persuasive characteristics of messages written in movie handbills. More than 20
movie handbills were selected and grouped into five categories: sci-fi movies,
comedies, dramas, action movies, and horror movies. The researcher analyzed and
identified the typical persuasive characteristics, the type of sentence structure,
rhetorical devices, figurative language used and word choice. The results of the
research showed that ellipsis, alliteration, assonance, repetition/ parallelism were the
most effective factors in inducing the reader to pay attention and for the writer to
achieve the maximum impact to make messages memorable.
In addition, Kungwanpradit (2004) analyzed the writing styles of movie
overviews on the website “Yahoo! Movies.” This study had four main objectives: to
discover the general characteristics of movie writing, to analyze the use of sentence
type and figures of speech, to analyze the use of word choice and tone, and to
compare the results among different kinds of movies. It was a qualitative research.
The researcher gathered 233 movie overviews as the sample population, then
classified them into four different kinds: comedy, drama, romance and thriller. The
analysis showed that there were three general characteristics. First, the number of
sentences per paragraph was 3.77 on average. Second, the full names of an actor/
actress were mostly identified in parentheses. Finally, the content of the movie
overviews was a solid movie-content summary. The most used sentence type was
the complex sentence. As for the use of figure of speech, simile was used most in
drama, metaphor in romance, personification in thriller, metonymy and hyperbole in
comedy. In terms of word choices, connotative words and abstract words were
mostly used in drama, concrete words in romance. For the tone, the writers used
different aspects of emotional tones; however they used the purposive informative
tone in all types of movie overview.
In brief, these related studies mainly focused on the analysis of persuasive
language writing styles in advertising materials. Many types of grammatical choices
including descriptive adjectives, word choice, figurative language and rhetorical
devices were applied to analyze the persuasive language used in each material. In
Volkswagen Beetle advertisements, the simple sentence was a good way to
communicate with the reader. In contrast, the complex sentence was the most used
in the movie overviews on the Yahoo website. However, research on the persuasive
language in public relations material, such as a press release, was not found.
This chapter includes data collection, procedures, and data analysis used in
the study.
Data Collection
Fifty Etihad Airways press releases that were issued in Thailand during the
period of January 2006- December 2006 were collected.
The procedure of the study was divided into four steps.
1. Fifty press releases were classified into five categories: the persuasive
strategy, including stimulus-response design, cognitive design, motivation design,
social design and personality design.
2. The frequency count of each persuasive strategy was calculated in
3. The frequency of persuasive words in each strategy was calculated in
4. The number of occurrences of persuasive words in each persuasive
strategy was compared and analyzed to find out which words were most used for
writing airline press releases.
Data Analysis
The data was analyzed as follows:
1. The frequency of occurrences of each persuasive strategy were calculated
and presented in percentage using the following formula.
The percentage of each persuasive strategy = Total number of each strategy x 100
Total number of press releases (50)
2. The frequency of occurrences of persuasive words in each persuasive
strategy, including adjectives, adverbs and power verbs were calculated and presented
in percentage using the following formula.
The percentage of each persuasive word = Total number of each word x 100
Total word tokens of each word
3. In terms of reliability of the analysis, the data analyzed by the researcher
were cross checked by another researcher. For example:
Example 1: A special rate of THB22,222 is available Coral Zone quest
travelling and returning in June 2006. (Fly to Europe from THB22,222 with Etihad,
June 8, 2006)
At first, the researcher was confused whether the words travelling and
returning should be adjectives or non-finite verbs because they were used to modify
the noun-phrase Coral Zone guest. After cross-checking with another researcher, we
agreed that they were in the form of a non-finite verb; therefore, they were counted as
non-finite verbs.
In conclusion, 50 press releases of Etihad Airways were collected and
classified into five groups following the persuasive strategies. Each group was
analyzed and the persuasive language mostly used was identified. The findings of the
frequency were presented in percentages. The results of the study are presented and
discussed in the following chapter.
The findings of the analysis are presented in this chapter in three parts.
PART I: Types of persuasive strategies employed
PART II: Frequency of persuasive language used in each strategy.
PART III: A discussion of the results.
Types of Persuasive Strategies Employed
The persuasive strategies were classified into five types of persuasive
strategies. The findings are presented below.
Table 1 Frequency of Persuasive Strategies
Types of Persuasive Strategies Frequency Percentage
Stimulus-Response Design 19 38%
Cognitive Design 13 26%
Motivation Design 6 12%
Social Design 4 8%
Personality Design 8 16%
Total 50 100%
The results showed that the stimulus-response strategy was used most (38%),
followed by cognitive strategy (26%), personality strategy (8%), motivational strategy
(6%) and social strategy (4%). Most of the press releases in the stimulus-response
strategy were about the launch of new products and services. Etihad Airways aimed to
launch at least one new destination each month. In 2006, they opened many new
routes to big cities around the world such as Manchester, Paris, New York, and many
Asian destinations. Moreover, they also introduced new global services to stimulate
people interested in their story. For example:
Etihad Airways launches daily service to Muscat (April 10, 2006).
Airways adds three new international destinations (August 9, 2006).
Etihad Airways introduces UK luxury car transfer service (June 19, 2006).
The cognitive strategy included the press releases of new appointments of
Etihad’s executives to guarantee the performance of the airline, such as James Hogan
appointed Chief Executive of Etihad Airways (November 10, 2006). It also concerned
the airline organization’s activity and public information, such as the EU hand
baggage regulations or Etihad Airways supports Green Charity (February 7, 2006).
The motivation strategy consisted of the airline’s promotion press releases, such as
free flight to Koh Samui or “Munich Love You” package. The press release using the
social strategy was exemplified in the financial agreement of Etihad with world-class
organizations, such as Etihad Airways, Oasis Leasing and Barclays Capital sign key
aircraft financing agreement (June 4, 2006). It was used to influence people to have
trust in Etihad’s management. Finally, the personality strategy was exhibited in the
press releases like Etihad’s competition “Swing on the Wing,” and their rewards
“Flat-bed,” showing the image of Etihad Airways.
Frequency of Persuasive Language Used in Each Strategy.
1. Stimulus response strategy
With reference to the results above, the stimulus response strategy was the
most used in Etihad Airways press releases. People are believed to be stimulated by
something new, fresh, modern and up-to-date. There was a lot of persuasive language
used including the possessive adjective, descriptive adjective, adverb and verb. They
were used to stimulate people to be interested in Etihad products and services. The
frequency of each type of persuasive language used in stimulus response strategy is
discussed as follows:
1.1 Possessive adjectives
Following the stimulus response strategy, Etihad Airways press releases used
possessive adjectives to create a sense of belonging to the airline. The findings are as
Her His Its My Our Their Your
Figure 1 The Frequency of Possessive Adjectives Found in the Stimulus Response
From the chart, it can be summarized that the word our (43%) was used at the
highest level. The second one was the word its (34%), then their (21%). However, the
words her (0%), my (0%), and your (0%) were not found.
The word our mostly appeared in quotes by the airline’s executives
stimulating people to believe in the Etihad facilities. For example:
Kirk Albrow, Regional General Manager, said: “At the beginning of
our operations in Thailand, we made a concerted effort to build our
brand image and raise the awareness of our exciting new airline. With
our team's experience and talent we have grown from four to ten
flights per week. Our success is due to the hard work and dedication
of a strong and successful team in Thailand and our focus is to ensure
that our guests enjoy the highest degree of comfort and service.”
(Etihad Airways gears up for expansion in the Thailand market, May
15, 2006)
All these possessive adjectives were used to arouse a desire in people to join
the airline. The word its was always used to repeat the product name, to represent
Etihad Airways. For example:
Etihad launched its services to the Qatar capital of Doha in June (Etihad
Airways adds three new international destinations, August 9, 2006).
The word their was used to represent the airline’s passengers or the audience
reading Etihad Airways press releases. For example:
Etihad, one of the world’s fastest growing airlines, has provided free
luxury car transfers to any destination within the UAE for over two
years, and this latest news enables Etihad to look after its guests
throughout their journey - from their departure address in the UK
through to their destination in the Emirates. (Etihad Airways
introduces UK luxury car transfer service, June 19, 2006)
The word his was found in one of the airline’s special guests’ comments. For
The French Ambassador in the UAE, H.E. Patrice Paoli, has also
shown his support for Etihad’s new route saying “We are very proud to
enjoy such strong relations with Abu Dhabi and the UAE. The French
community is very much looking forward to the new commercial
developments which are set to follow. The flights will bring new
tourism and business to the UAE and the region as a whole.” (Etihad
launches new route to Paris, May 3, 2006)
However, her, my and your were not used in the stimulus response strategy.
1.2 Descriptive adjectives
The stimulus response strategy was used to introduce new products to
stimulate people’s attention. In launching a new product, a new name is created;
therefore, the descriptive adjective is very important to describe characteristics of a
new product launched. The descriptive adjectives found are presented in table 2.
Table 2 The Frequency of Descriptive Adjectives Found in the Stimulus Response
Descriptive adjectives Frequency Percentage
Etihad Airways 80 7%
New 75 6%
National 18 2%
Pearl 17 1%
Business 15 1%
Daily 15 1%
Others 971 82%
Total 1,191 100%
This table shows that the word Etihad Airways (7%) was used at the highest
level. The word new (6%) was second. Third was the word national (2%). The words
pearl (1%), business (1%) and daily (1%) were equal fourth. The phrase Etihad
Airways was repeatedly used to remind the audience of the brand name. Moreover,
this phrase generally appeared in the title and in the first paragraph of the press
releases to repeatedly remind the audience that all the new products came from Etihad
Airways. For example:
Etihad Airways introduces UK luxury car transfer service. (June 19, 2006)
As the press releases in the stimulus response strategy mostly were about new
products launched, it was not a surprise that the word new came second. This word
was used to highlight the latest product to excite the reader, as in new route, new
international destination, new service, new aircraft, new e-ticket and others.
The word national was always used with the word airline, as in national
airline of the United Arab Emirates, to repeat the brand image. Fourthly, the words
pearl and business referred to the seat zone in the Etiahd aircraft. Pearl zone seating
was the business class seating of the airline. Finally, the word daily was used in daily
service and daily flight showing that the airline provided the service every day.
1.3 Adverbs
In the stimulus response strategy, an adverb is used to reinforce the verb or
adjective for persuasion. The adverbs used in this strategy are presented below.
Table 3 The Frequency of Adverbs Found in the Stimulus Response Strategy
Adverbs Frequency Percentage
Also 20 7%
Most 13 5%
Now 10 4%
Very 8 3%
Currently 7 3%
Others 210 78%
Total 268 100%
The table shows that the adverb also (7%) was used the most, followed by the
adverbs most (5%), now (4%), very (3%), and currently (3%). The adverb also was
used to reinforce an action of the airline. This adverb was also used to add more
product information and sometimes used to describe additional benefits of a new
product. For example:
The introduction of the new system has also ensured that Etihad will
comfortably meet the IATA’s deadline for all airlines to use e-ticketing
only, which is scheduled for the end of 2007. (Etihad continues to
simplify guest travel experience with introduction of E-ticketing,
August 24, 2006)
Secondly, the adverb most was used to show the quality of the airline’s
products and services. For example:
The new destinations are testament to Etihad Airways’ aim to link Abu
Dhabi to the world’s most important commercial and cultural centres.
(Etihad Airways adds three new international destinations, August 9,
Thirdly, the adverb now was used to update the latest information about
products and services. For example:
Etihad Airways now have the luxury of being able to check-in for their
flight–at any time of the day–thanks to the opening of the new ‘Dubai
city check-in’ facility. (Etihad Guests enjoy new Dubai check-in
facility, May 27, 2006)
Fourthly, the adverb very was used to intensify the quality of a product. For
Guests on the New York route will enjoy the very best Etihad in-flight
service on offer in the new purpose-built Airbus 340-500. The aircraft
is configured with two aisles and can carry 240 Guests with 12 in
Diamond, 28 in Pearl and 200 in Coral zone. (Etihad Airways now
flies non-stop to New York, November 2, 2006)
Finally, the adverb currently had the same meaning and function as the adverb
now. However, this adverb mostly appeared in the airline’s timetables or when the
airline presented its flight schedule to the audience. For example:
Etihad Airways currently flies 14 times per week from Bangkok to
Abu Dhabi with two flights a day, providing swift and convenient
onward connections to the airline’s fast growing global network of 37
destinations. (Etihad entices golfers across the world with innovative
Swing on the Wing competition, December 15, 2006)
1.4 Verbs
All the verbs in the stimulus-response strategy had the main purpose of
attracting people’s interest and arousing their attention. The most used verbs in the
press releases of this strategy are presented in the table below.
Table 4 The Frequency of Verbs Found in the Stimulus Response Strategy
Verbs Frequency Percentage
Launch 28 4%
Provide 27 4%
Fly 26 4%
Say 24 3%
Continue 18 3%
Others 575 82%
Total 698 100%
The table shows the words launch (4%), provide (4%) and fly (4%) were
applied most, and then say (3%) and continue (3%). The result was not a surprise
because this strategy was concerned with the introduction of a new product. Thus the
verb launch (4%) was the most used. The verb provide was used to introduce a
characteristic of a new product. For example:
This new route will provide business and leisure travelers with a luxury
The verb fly referred to the destination that the airline would travel to. For
Etihad will fly to Jeddah.
As there were a lot of new products launched, quotes from the airline
executives were very important to promote the airline’s services. The verb say was
always appended to their comments. For example:
“We are delighted to introduce yet another service enhancement for our
valued guests” said Peter Dunkin, general manager of Etihad Airways UK
and Ireland. (Etihad Airways introduces UK luxury car transfer service
(June 19, 2006)
The verb continue was used to reinforce the idea that the airline did not stop
developing services for the passenger. For example:
Etihad continues to simplify guest travel experience with introduction of e-
ticketing (August 24, 2006).
2. Cognitive strategy
The main purpose of cognitive strategy is to provide factual information to the
public. None of the words used were for creating excitement. Mostly they were
smooth words with logical appeal because people are usually persuaded by a rational
appeal. All the words were suitable for the context of the press release. For example:
2.1 Possessive adjectives
Most of the press releases in this strategy dealt with a new appointment in the
airline’s executive and organization information. In this regard, there were a lot of
possessive adjectives employed in an airline representative’s quote. The message was
to persuade people to trust the airline’s management.
Her His Its My Our Their Your
Figure 2 The Frequency of Possessive Adjectives Found in the Cognitive Strategy
The chart shows the use of possessive adjectives in this strategy in descending
order with the word its (42%), then the words our (32%), their (12%), his (9%), my
(5%). However, the words her (0%) and your (0%) were not found. These results
differ from those found in the stimulus-response strategy, where the word our came
first. The word its was applied at the top of the chart. The function of the word was
the same as that in the stimulus-response strategy. It was used to replace the product
name. For example:
Etihad has launched 35 new routes in as many months. In each of its
first three years of operation the airline has had the distinction of
winning the title of the world’s leading new airline at the World Travel
Awards. (James Hogan appointed Chief Executive of Etihad Airways,
November 10, 2006)
Secondly, the word our was used to create a sense of belonging to the
audience. All the new Etihad Airways’ executives had a lot of experience in aviation
history. They worked as professionals so their quotes could warrant the airline as a
world-class organization. For example:
“It is a vital part of our communications to keep our Guests informed
at all times about regulation changes, which could have an impact on
their journey with Etihad Airways,” said Ian Ferguson-Brown, head of
brand management and communications at Etihad Airways. (Etihad
ensures guest awareness of new EU hand baggage regulations,
November 9, 2006)
The words my, his and their were also used to show a sense of belonging
between the executive and the audience. For example:
Etihad always takes every measure possible to communicate directly
with our Guests, at every stage of their travel, from the point of
reservation to disembarking the aircraft at their destination. It is this
attention to detail that ensures our Guests continue to choose to fly
with Etihad. (Etihad ensures guest awareness of new EU hand baggage
regulations, November 9, 2006)
The possessive adjective their referred to the airline’s passengers. The
audience would perceive that this airline took care of its passengers as special guests.
Commenting on the new appointment, Mr Boven said, “The Middle
East aviation industry is booming and Etihad is playing its part as the
world’s fastest growing airline. I am absolutely thrilled to have joined
such a prestigious, multi-cultural, high standing organization and, in
my capacity as Vice President-Commercial, the ultimate goal is to
work together to create a truly outstanding 21st century airline that will
play an ever increasing role in positioning Abu Dhabi as a central hub
across the region and as a popular link between East and West.
Returning to the aviation industry, my main focus will be to realize the
projected growth in aircraft, network expansion and passenger sales
serving our many new and existing destinations around the world – and
to ensure that we continue to provide our guests with excellent services
at every touchpoint.” (Etihad Airways appoints Vice President
Commercial, November 9, 2006)
The possessive adjective my is used to show the performance of a new
executive who would bring all his capacity and expertise to managing the airline.
Mr. Hogan joins Etihad following a distinguished career in the airline
industry during which time he has played key restructuring and brand-
building roles, culminating in his tenure as president and chief
executive of Gulf Air, where over four years he successfully redefined
and restructured the company. (James Hogan appointed Chief
Executive of Etihad Airways, November 10, 2006)
The possessive adjective his was used to refer to the airline executive.
2.2 Descriptive adjectives
In the press releases using the cognitive strategy, the descriptive adjectives
were used to illustrate the positive qualifications of all new executive appointees. In
addition, they were used to describe the airline’s rules and regulations. The findings
are presented below:
Table 5 The Frequency of Descriptive Adjectives Found in the Cognitive Strategy
Verbs Frequency Percentage
Etihad Airways 40 6.5%
New 39 6%
National 13 2%
Airline 8 1.5%
Aviation 8 1.5%
Global 8 1.5%
International 8 1.5%
Pearl 8 1.5%
Others 470 78%
Total 602 100%
The table shows that the adjective Etihad Airways (6.5%) was most frequently
used, followed by the words new (6%) national (2%), airline (1.5%), aviation (1.5%),
global (1.5%) international (1.5%) and pearl (1.5%). The phrase Etihad Airways
came first at the same way as in the stimulus-response strategy. Moreover, the
function of this word was similar. It was used to repeat the airline’s name. In addition,
it always appeared in the title and the first paragraph of the press release. The word
new appeared at the second level. It had the same function and meaning as those
presented in the stimulus response strategy. The word national always occurred in
national airline of the United Arab Emirates. The word airline was frequently applied
to modify the preceding noun such as airline industry, airline service, airline sectors.
The noun phrase airline industry mostly appeared in the new appointment press
releases because it was used to guarantee the experience of a new executive. The
function of the word aviation was similar to the word airline, which was used before a
noun, such as aviation industry, aviation security, and aviation travel. The words
global and international had the same function. They were used before a noun to form
a noun-phrase. Their meanings were quite similar. They were meant to support the
idea that the airline provided world-class services to the passengers. The words were
found in phrases such as global network, global market, global security standard,
international destination, and international route. Finally, the word pearl was used
with the noun zone in pearl zone, which referred to the business class zone seating in
the Etihad aircraft. The airline applied this word frequently because the airline aimed
to promote this seat zone.
2.3 Adverbs
The main objective of cognitive strategy is to report factual information.
Adverbs were mostly used to highlight the capabilities of new executive appointees.
The findings are presented below:
Table 6 The Frequency of Adverbs Found in the Cognitive Strategy
Adverbs Frequency Percentage
Also 11 12%
Most 4 4%
Recently 4 4%
Now 4 4%
Others 71 76%
Total 94 100%
The table shows that the adverb also (12%) was found most frequently.
Second equal were the adverbs most (4%), recently (4%) and now (4%), which were
in the same level. The results of the adverb also and most were the same as those in
the stimulus-response strategy. Moreover, the function and meaning were found to be
the same. The adverb recently was used to show a current activity that the airline was
doing with other organizations. For example:
Etihad Airways, the national airline of the United Arab Emirates,
recently cooperated with Metropolis FM 107 MHz to organize a trip to
visit BBC radio in London. (Etihad Airways sponsors “Visit BBC
Radio” Trip, March 18, 2006)
The adverb now had a similar function to that appearing in the stimulus-
response strategy.
2.4 Verbs
Most of the verbs in this strategy were not used to stimulate people
immediately after reading the releases, but they were applied to persuade people in a
slow smooth way. The verbs used most are presented below:
Table 7 The Frequency of Verbs Found in the Cognitive Strategy
Verbs Frequency Percentage
Carry 9 3%
Continue 9 3%
Join 9 3%
Provide 9 3%
Offer 8 2%
Others 284 86%
Total 328 100%
This table shows that the verbs carry (3%), continue (3%), join (3%) and
provide (3%) were used in the highest level, followed by the word offer (2%). The
verb carry referred to the capacity of an aircraft to serve passengers, to load cargo and
to board staff on the aircraft. For example:
The A330-200 has the ability to carry 15 tons of cargo over medium-capacity
routes (Etihad Airways takes delivery of first A330-200, March 14, 2006)
The verb continue always appeared in new appointment press releases. This
verb was used to convince people that with a new executive, the airline would
repeatedly develop its services and facilities. For example:
“Etihad will continue to monitor all global directives affecting aviation
travel, with the safety and security of all Etihad Airways’ Guests
remaining our utmost priority,” concluded Ferguson-Brown. (Etihad
ensures guest awareness of new EU hand baggage regulations,
November 9, 2006)
The verb join was mostly used to introduce a new executive working for the
airline. For example: Mr. Hogan joins Etihad following a distinguished career in the
airline industry (James Hogan appointed Chief Executive of Etihad Airways,
November 10, 2006).
The verb provide had the same function as that in the stimulus response
strategy. It was used to describe a product’s qualities. The verb offer was used to
show the airline’s benefits for its passengers. For example:
Etihad Airways offers the highest standards of in-flight hospitality.
3. Motivation strategy
To satisfy people’s needs is the core of motivation strategy because people
usually like a free product or a discounted rate. Most press releases of this strategy
concerned promotional activities, such as Munich Love You package. They intended
to motivate people to make a decision immediately. The persuasive words used in this
strategy should attract people’s interest in their inner minds.
3.1 Possessive adjectives
The possessive adjectives in this strategy which were mostly used to motivate
people were as follows:
0% 0%
Her His Its My Our Their Your
Figure 3 The Frequency of Possessive Adjectives Found in the Motivation Strategy
The results of this strategy revealed in this chart are different from those
presented earlier for the stimulus-response strategy and cognitive strategy. The most
frequently used possessive adjective was the word their (52%). Because most of the
press releases dealt with promotional stories, the message was intended to
communicate to the audience directly trying to invite them to buy a product. The
results of the use of the words its (27%) and our (18%) were dissimilar. The word its
was used to refer to the promotional product and the airline’s name. The word our
was used to honor Etihad’s passengers, as shown in our Guests. The word your
referred to the reward that the passenger would receive, such as your optimum
combination of cash and miles.
3.2 Descriptive adjectives
The descriptive adjectives in this strategy were applied to encourage and
strengthen people’s emotional response. People would like very much to join the
airline after seeing their benefits. The descriptive adjectives found are presented
Table 8 The Frequency of Descriptive Adjectives Found in the Motivation Strategy
Verbs Frequency Percentage
Etihad Airways 20 5%
Etihad Guest 18 4%
Special 11 3%
Frequent 8 1.5%
Loyalty 8 1.5%
Others 362 85%
Total 427 100%
The results in the chart show that the word Etihad Airways (5%) was most
used, followed by Etihad Guest (4%), special (3%), frequent (1.5%), and loyalty
(1.5%). The phrase Etihad Airways was used at the highest level, the same way as in
the stimulus-response and cognitive strategy. Its functions were also the same. The
phrase Etihad Guest referred to a new user of the airline. Etihad Guest referred to a
passenger of Etihad Airways. The airline used this phrase to honor their passenger and
to describe its programs for guest types, such as Etihad Guest Silver, Etihad Guest
Gold. It was also used with a noun, such as Etihad Guest member, Etihad Guest
service, Etihad Guest program. The word special was used to highlight an
extraordinary characteristic. The sound of this word strengthens the message
positively; people would perceive something good, such as special promotion, special
package, special rate, special price. The word loyalty and frequent were at the same
level of use. Their functions were similar. They were used in noun phrases such as
frequent flyer program and loyalty program. Moreover, their meanings were quite
similar because the airline had just launched its first frequent flyer program, and a
loyalty program. The airline sometimes used the word loyalty program instead of
frequent flyer program to avoid a repetition.
3.3 Adverbs
An adverb was used to add emotion motivating an audience to make a
decision easily. The adverbs found in the press releases are presented in table 9.
Table 9 The Frequency of Adverbs Found in the Motivation Strategy
Adverbs Frequency Percentage
Very 5 7%
Most 3 4%
Uniquely 2 2.5%
Specially 2 2.5%
Others 61 84%
Total 73 100%
The table indicates that the adverb very (7%) was used most, followed by the
adverbs most (4%), uniquely (2.5%) and specially (2.5%) subsequently. The adverb
very was used to show the excellent performance of the airline. For example:
Pearl Zone seating offers the very first 180 degree, fully reclining flat
bed. (Fly to Europe from THB22,222 with Etihad, June 8, 2006)
The adverb most was at the second level, the same as that in the stimulus-
response strategy and cognitive strategy. The function and meaning were also the
same. It was used to present the airline’s fine products and services. The adverb
uniquely was used to show an outstanding quality of the airline. For example:
Guests travelling on this special promotion, fly in the uniquely
designed comfortable and convenient Coral Zone. (Etihad Airways
Special Package “Munich Loves You”, August 1, 2006)
The adverb specially was used to highlight a specific image of the airline. For
Flying in Etihad Airways’ new Boeing 777 means comfort and luxury
in both Coral and Pearl zone seating with plenty of legroom for all
with specially designed seats. (Fly to Europe from THB22,222 with
Etihad, June 8, 2006)
3.4 Verbs
The main purpose of this strategy is to persuade people to take action. The
verbs have to attract people’s attention. The findings are presented as follows:
Table 10 The Frequency of Verbs Found in the Motivation Strategy
Verbs Frequency Percentage
Offer 17 8%
Travel 9 5%
Fly 7 4%
Use 6 3%
Enjoy 5 2%
Provide 5 2%
Others 153 76%
Total 202 100%
The table shows that the verb offer (8%) was used at the highest level,
followed by travel (5%), flies (4%), use (3%), enjoy (2%), and provide (2%). The
verb offer was used to show a benefit or any special privilege that a passenger would
receive. Generally, people want to know what special benefits the airline would
provide to them. For example:
Pearl zone seating offers the very first 180 degree, fully reclining flat bed.
The verb travel was used to show actions taken by passengers traveling from
one place to another. For example:
A special rate of THB 22,222 is available Coral zone guests travelling
and returning in June 2006. (Fly to Europe from THB 22,222 with
Etihad, June 8, 2006)
The verb fly was used to invite people to use the airline’s facilities and
services, such as fly to Europe from THB22,222 with Etihad (June 8, 2006).
The verb use was mostly applied in the form of a non-finite verb, such as in
the sentence: With no black-out periods, Guests have total freedom in choosing when
they fly using their earned Miles (The Most Rewarding Loyalty Programme - Etihad
Guest, October 2, 2008).
The verb enjoy was used to motivate an audience because people usually
require comfort and flexibility, for example:
All guests can enjoy the convenience of high speed broadband wireless
internet access.
The verb provide had the same function as that in the stimulus-response and
cognitive strategies. It was used to describe a product’s qualities.
4. Social strategy
Group decision-making has a lot of power in influencing people to do
something. Most of the press releases in this strategy are used by world-class
organizations to create strong credibility guaranteeing the airline’s superlative
4.1 Possessive adjectives
Press releases on signing a financial agreement or a quote from a top executive
are the best influential material for making people feel comfortable when using the
airline’s service. The possessive adjectives used are shown below:
0% 0%
Her His Its My Our Their Your
Figure 4 The Frequency of Possessive Adjectives Found in the Social Strategy
The words our (47%) and its (42%) were used almost equally the most
frequent. The word their (11%) was next. The functions of these three words were the
same as those in other strategies. However the words her (0%), his (0%), my (0%) and
your (0%) did not appear in the social strategy.
4.2 Descriptive adjectives
The main purpose of this strategy is to focus on group decision-making. Most
of the descriptive adjectives were used to illustrate activities and agreements that the
airline had engaged in with world-class companies as shown below:
Table 11 The Frequency of Descriptive Adjectives Found in the Social Strategy
Descriptive Adjectives Frequency Percentage
Etihad Airways 15 5%
New 10 3%
National 9 3%
Aircraft 8 2.5%
A340-500 8 2.5%
Others 269 84%
Total 319 100%
This table illustrates that the phrase Etihad Airways (5%) occurred most
frequently, followed by new (3%), national (3%), aircraft (2.5%) and A340-500
(2.5%). The result was not a surprise. The function of the phrase Etihad Airways was
to repeat the product’s name making people recognize its brand easily. The word new
was used to introduce an upcoming new product, such as new industry-benchmarks
and new loyalty program. The word national always appeared with the word airline as
in national airline emphasizing that Etihad Airways is the national airline of the
United Arab Emirates. The word aircraft and A340-500 were not only used at the
same level, but their functions were also applied in the form of a noun-phrase, for
example, aircraft system, aircraft deliveries, aircraft purchases, A340-500 Diamond,
A340-500 aircraft.
4.3 Adverbs
All the rules and regulations of an organization have their own exceptions.
These adverbs were used to reinforce the airline’s conditions and they were found as
Table 12 The Frequency of Adverbs Found in the Social Strategy
Adverbs Frequency Percentage
Also 7 11%
Very 3 4.5%
Most 3 4.5%
Others 51 80%
Total 64 100%
The table shows that the adverb also (11%) was applied at the highest level.
Second were the adverbs very (4.5%) and most (4.5%). The function and meaning of
the adverbs also, very and most were similar to those in the stimulus-response,
cognitive and motivation strategies. They were used to highlight the airline’s actions.
4.4 Verbs
Most verbs in this strategy referred to the actions of top-executives signing a
contract and the advantages of their achievements. The verbs are presented as follows:
Table 13 The Frequency of Verbs Found in the Social Strategy
Verbs Frequency Percentage
Say 8 5.5%
Sign 5 3.5%
Provide 4 3%
Fly 4 3%
Finance 4 3%
Continue 4 3%
Celebrate 4 3%
Others 109 76%
Total 142 100%
This table indicates that the verb say (6%) was used most in the social
strategy. Equal second were the verbs sign (3%), provide (3%), fly (3%), finance
(3%), continue (3%) and celebrate (3%). The result was not a surprise because most
press releases in this strategy were stories about world-class organizations making
financial agreements. The verb say was mostly used with quotes from top-executives
of each organization, which are very important in influencing the readers to trust the
airline’s performance. The verb sign referred to the action of at least two companies’
representatives making an agreement together, such as Etihad Airways signs major
financing deal for five Boeing 777-300ER aircraft (January 31, 2006). The verbs
provide and fly had the same function as those in the stimulus-response strategy. The
verb signified a business deal. It mostly appeared in the form of an infinitive such as
to finance. The function of the verb continue was similar to that presented in the
cognitive strategy. It was used to show that the airline never stopped expanding its
services and management. The verb celebrate was used to show the success of an
airline activity. For example:
VIPs join Etihad to celebrate the early success of loyalty reward program.
5. Personality strategy
The personality strategy was used at the third level following the stimulus-
response and cognitive strategies. The airline reward Flat-Out, the competition Swing
on the Wing, the airline charity activity Green Charity created a good image of Etihad
Airways. The company used them as a signature promoting the airline globally. The
adjectives used in this category are presented as follows:
5.1 Possessive adjectives
All the signatures are created as a symbol of the airline attracting people to use
the good products and services. Possessive adjectives are employed to give people a
sense of belonging to the good image the airline had created. The results are as
His Its My Our Their Your
Figure 5 The Frequency of Possessive Adjectives Found in the Personality Strategy
To repeat the product’s self image, the airline must present its personality
appeal to the public. The words our (49%) and its (47%) were used the most. The
word our was used to create a good image allowing the reader to feel wanted by the
airline. The words its referred to the airline’s services and products such as its new
daily service. The words their (2%) and his (2%) were at the same third level.
However, neither of the words my (0%) or your (0%) were used.
5.2 Descriptive adjectives
Creating an image of the company is the main purpose of this strategy.
Descriptive adjectives are employed to foster people’s emotion and imagination. The
descriptive adjectives found are presented below:
Table 14 The Frequency of Descriptive Adjectives Found in the Personality Strategy
Verbs Frequency Percentage
Etihad Airways 28 7%
New 23 5%
Etihad Crystal Cargo 15 3.5%
Leading 11 2.5%
Best 8 2%
Cargo 8 2%
Others 331 78%
Total 424 100%
The table shows that the phrase Etihad Airways (7%) was used at the highest
level, followed by the words new (5%), Etihad Crystal Cargo (3.5%), leading (2.5%),
best (2%) and cargo (2%). The frequency of the words Etihad Airways and new was
not a surprise because they also appeared in the press releases of the stimulus-
response, cognitive and social strategies. Their functions were the same. The phrase
Etihad Crystal Cargo appeared for the first time in this strategy. This phrase was used
to refer to a cargo service of the airline, such as Etihad Crystal Cargo awarded Best
Airline to the Indian Sub-continent (May 23, 2006).
The word leading was used to show the success of the airline as in the phrase
the world leading new airline. The word best was used to emphasize the image of the
airline’s services, and products as in best airline. The word cargo was used to identify
a service department, such as cargo division, cargo market, and cargo capacity.
5.3 Adverbs
An adverb was applied with a verb or an adjective to help the audience
visualize the product clearly. The findings are presented as follows:
Table 15 The Frequency of Adverbs Found in the Personality Strategy
Adverbs Frequency Percentage
Also 6 6.25%
Recently 5 5.25%
Very 4 4.25%
Most 4 4.25%
Others 76 80%
Total 95 100%
The results show that the adverb also (6.25%) was the most used in this
strategy, followed by the adverb recently (5.25%). Equal third were the adverbs very
(4.25%) and most (4.25%). The adverbs also, very and most had similar functions and
meanings as those presented in the stimulus-response, cognitive, motivation and
social strategies. Furthermore, the word recently had the same function and meaning
as those which appeared in the cognitive strategy. This adverb was used to show the
airline’s current situation.
5.4 Verbs
Verbs in this strategy were applied to create a strong image in the reader’s
mind. The findings are presented below:
Table 16 The Frequency of Verbs Found in the Personality Strategy
Verbs Frequency Percentage
Continue 9 4%
Offer 7 3%
Receive 6 3%
Ensure 5 2.5%
Gain 5 2.5%
Say 5 2.5%
Vote 5 2.5%
Others 166 80%
Total 208 100%
The results in this strategy show that the verb continue (4%) was the most
used. Next were the verbs offer (3%), receive (3%), ensure (2.5%), gain (2.5%), say
(2.5%) and vote (2.5%). The verbs continue and offer had the same functions as those
presented in the cognitive strategy. The verb continue was used to show the
development of the airline. The verb offer was used to present the airline’s benefits
for passengers. The word receive was used to show an exclusive reward awarded to
the airline by an international organization. For example:
Etihad Crystal Cargo has received an award in Germany.
The verbs ensure and gain were strong action words used to build a good
image for the airline. The verb say was used with a quote by the airline executives.
The verb vote was used to emphasize the airline’s image such as Etihad voted world’s
leading new airline.
A Discussion of the Results
1. Possessive adjectives
The results show that the most used possessive adjectives were the words its,
our and their respectively. Although their frequency of use was different, their
functions were the same. For example, the words our aircraft referred to Etihad’s
aircraft, our service to Etihad’s service, and our guests to Etihad’s passenger. No
matter what strategy they were found in, their meanings were the same. Possessive
adjectives in the airline press releases were used to create a word-picture. All these
words allowed the passengers to feel comfortable when using Etihad Airways. People
would have a sense of belonging to the airline and trust that they would receive the
best service as important guests.
2. Descriptive adjectives
The findings reveal that the most use of descriptive adjectives in all strategies
was the phrase Etihad Airways, the airline’a name. As Etihad Airways was the newest
face in the airline industry, it was necessary to repeat its brand name frequently,
creating public recognition. Second was the word new, which appeared in all
strategies except the motivation strategy. At that time, Etihad Airways launched a lot
of products and international campaigns to build brand awareness worldwide. David
Ogilvy said that the word new was the most powerful adjective to attract people’s
interest, and the results of this research confirm that the word new is the most
persuasive descriptive adjective used to stimulate people’s interest because people
generally like new products.
3. Adverbs
The most frequent adverb used in all strategies except the motivation strategy
was the word also. The adverb also was mainly used to help the audience visualize
the information making the sentence strongly persuasive. The adverb most was used
to convince the audience of the excellent performance of the airline. Although this
word did not exist at the highest level, it appeared in all strategies. The adverbs now,
currently and recently had a similar meaning, which was used to show an action at the
present time. However, they were used in different situations. The word now was
informal and was mostly used to attract an audience spontaneously. The adverbs
currently and recently were formal words and were always used to make the text run
4. Verbs
The verbs continue and provide were applied in almost all strategies. The
word continue was used to assure the audience that the airline would always develop
its innovative products; for example, new aircraft with high standards, encouraging
people to use the airline. The verb provide was used to illustrate an advantageous
benefit that the passenger would receive. It is a very strong verb because people
generally want to know about any privilege they could receive. The word offer was
used at the highest level of the motivation strategy; it had a similar function as that of
the word continue, to motivate people’s needs. Traveling on a plane, people are
concerned about their security. It is very important to demonstrate the airline’s fine
performance so that passengers will feel relaxed when they travel.
Summary of the Results
Based on the 50 Etihad Airways press releases in 2006, the results for the four
objectives of this study were as follows. Firstly, the stimulus response strategy was
the most used in the content because the airline launched many new services and
products to stimulate people’s interest. Secondly, regarding the frequency of
persuasive strategies, the stimulus-response strategy (38%) came top, followed by
cognitive (26%), personality (8%), motivational (6%) and social strategy (4%).
Thirdly, the possessive adjective our, the descriptive adjective Etihad Airways, the
adverb also and the verb provide were the most used persuasive words in the Etihad
Airways press releases. Finally, although the phrase Etihad Airways was used at the
highest level in all the strategies, the word new was the most persuasive language
generally used.
This chapter includes the conclusions of the results of the study, discussion,
limitations and recommendations for future research.
Fifty Etihad Airways press releases were collected and divided into five
groups according to the persuasive strategy to find out the effective persuasive
language used. The results showed that 38% of Etihad Airways press releases used the
stimulus-response strategy, which was placed in the highest level. The reason for this
was that the airline launched many products to appeal to people in that year. If the
airline had not introduced a lot of new products, the results might have been different.
The possessive adjective most used was the word our, which was employed to create
a sense of belonging. This word mostly appeared in quotes by an airline executive to
emphasize the excellent service of the airline. The descriptive adjective Etihad
Airways was used at the highest level. This phrase was used to repeat the airline’s
brand name ensuring people to remember it. However, the second most used of the
descriptive adjectives was the word new, which was generally applied as the most
powerful persuasive language. The most used adverb was also, which was used to
extend information or provide more details about benefits that the airline provided.
Finally, the use of the verb provide related to the airline’s beneficial services and
products for passengers. This kind of word was easy, simple and attractive.
In brief, 50 Etihad Airways press releases were collected and classified into
five groups following the persuasive strategies. The results of the findings showed
that the stimulus response strategy was the most used in the content of Etihad Airways
press releases. The possessive adjective our, the descriptive adjective Etihad Airways,
the adverb also and the verb provide were the most used persuasive words in the
Etihad Airways press releases.
The results from this research support the five designs for persuasive
communication (Lerbinger, 1972; Newsom, Turk & Kruckeberg, 1996). The writers
know which strategy should be applied in the text to persuade people to follow their
intention and objective. Each strategy helps the writers see their persuasive objective
clearly; thus, they can write a message communicating directly to the reader
Although most previous studies focused on persuasion, they did not highlight
the persuasive language as this research did. They mainly emphasized rhetorical
devices, figurative languages and sentences. However, this research explored a new
channel of persuasion language used. The results are consistent with many previous
studies (Russel, 1993; Nasunee, 2004; Kungwanpradit, 2004). For example, Russel
(1993) referred to David Ogilvy, who said that the words free and new are the most
powerful in persuasion. Accordingly, the results of this research showed that the
second most persuasive descriptive adjective was the word new. If the researcher had
omitted the phrase Etihad Airways, the name of this airline, it can be concluded that
the word new would have been the most persuasive adjective in general.
In short, the results of this research showed that the five strategies of
persuasive communication were designed to help the writers see their objective
clearly. They know how to write efficient, persuasive messages. Moreover, the results
of the current and previous researches agree that the word new is the most persuasive
in general.
Limitations of the Study
The study had a number of limitations as follows:
1. The study focused on a relatively small sampling, consisting of 50 samples
from one airline: Etihad Airways. Therefore, the results may not be
applicable to other samples.
2. The study focused on a limited number of parts of speech: possessive
adjectives, descriptive adjectives, adverbs and verbs. There are other kinds
of persuasive language, such as rhetorical devices, punctuation marks,
figurative language and others.
3. The study focused on the persuasive language used in the airline press
releases, rather than on other types of press release. Therefore, the results
can not be applied to other types of press release, such as hotel, fashion
and others.
4. Although the results show that the stimulus response strategy and the word
Etihad Airways were the most used for persuasion, it was only for this
airline at that time. If the researcher focused on other airlines, the results
might not be the same because the stories in a press release depend on time
and the product that the airline wishes to promote.
Recommendations for Future Research
There are three suggestions for future study. Firstly, the sampling for the next
study should be gathered from at least two airlines press releases to compare their
persuasive language use to ascertain the persuasive language generally used in the
aviation industry. Secondly, future researchers should consider rhetorical devices,
word choices, figurative language or tone of voice to complete the study of persuasive
language used in airline press releases. Finally, it will be beneficial to explore further
the persuasive language used in other types of press release, such as in education,
fashion, gadgets, logistics, motoring, politics, and sports.
In short, the results of this research supported the five basic designs of persuasive
communication. The stimulus response strategy was the most used in the content of
the Etihad Airways press releases. The possessive adjective our, the descriptive
adjective Etihad Airways, the adverb also and the verb provide were the most used
persuasive words in the Etihad Airways press releases. However, this research had
four limitations. Hence, the researcher has provided some suggestions for future
study, such as looking at and comparing other types of press release.
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Russel, S. (1993). Grammar, structure, and style. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Suebnusonthi, S. (2003). A study of the persuasive style used in movie handbills.
Unpublished master’s thesis. Ramkhamhaeng University.
Treadwell, D. & Treadwell, J. B. (2000). Public relations writing. Boston. MA.:
Pearson Education Company
Wilcox, D. L. Ault, P. H. & Agee, W. K. (1992). Public relations strategies and
tactics. New York: HarperCollins Publishers Inc.
For Immediate Release:
January 31, 2006
Etihad Airways Signs Major Financing Deal
for Five Boeing 777-300ER Aircraft
Bangkok, Thailand
Etihad Airways, the national airline of the UAE, has concluded financing
arrangements worth USD 450 million with leading UAE banks and HSBC Bank
Middle East Limited for five new Boeing 777-300ER aircraft.
The Etihad agreement, which covers an operating lease for a 12-year term, was
made with National Bank of Abu Dhabi and HSBC Bank Middle East as
mandated lead arrangers and with Abu Dhabi Investment Company as lead
“This ground-breaking deal demonstrates Etihad’s continued growth in fleet size
and our deepening relationship with the domestic and international banking sector.
Strengthening our ties with these banks will help us finance a number of Etihad’s
future aircraft deliveries and continue to develop our global presence,” said Robert
Strodel, CEO, Etihad Airways, who signed the agreement on behalf of Etihad
Michael Ladenburg, Head of Corporate Banking at National Bank of Abu Dhabi,
commented “National Bank of Abu Dhabi is proud to have been invited to play a
major role in this maiden transaction for Etihad, and to be associated with the first
aircraft purchases by our national airline. We are grateful for the support of the
other banks who have worked with us to provide the financing, and I am sure that I
speak for them all when I say how much we look forward to assisting Etihad with its
substantial investment programme.
- Ends -
For further media information, please contact
Sirirat Markeo
Star PR Co.,Ltd.
Tel: 02-653-5055 Fax 02-653-5117
1. The italic words were counted as possessive adjectives.
2. The bold typed words were counted as descriptive adjectives.
3. The highlighted words were counted as verbs.
4. The underlined words were counted as adverbs.
5. The phrase major Financing Deal was counted as two units; the first one was the
word major and the second one was the phrase Financing Deal.
6. The phrase leading UAE banks was counted as two units; the first one was the word
leading and the second one was the phrase UAE banks.
7. The phrase new Boeing 777-300ER was counted as two units; the first one was the
word new and the second one was the phrase Boeing 777-300ER.
8. The phrase substantial investment programme was counted as two units; the first
one was the word substantial and the second one was the phrase investment
Name: Kesama Trairattananusorn
Date of Birth: 26 November 1982
Place of Birth: Bangkok
Address: 251/6 Anothai Village, Rama III Rd.,
Bangkolamp, Bangkok 10120
Educational Background:
2004 Bachelor of Communications Art,
From Bangkok University International College
2009 Master of Arts (English)
From Srinakharinwirot University