ASA Annual Meeting • August 8-11, 2020
San Francisco, CA
ASA Annual Meeting • August 8-11, 2020
San Francisco, CA
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic,
the 2020 ASA Annual Meeting
in San Francisco was cancelled.
This book reflects the program that was
scheduled had the meeting been held.
115th Annual Meeting
Power, Inequality, and Resistance at Work
2020 Program Committee
Christine Williams, President, University of Texas at Austin
Joya Misra, Vice President, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
David Takeuchi, Past Secretary, Boston College
Nancy Lopez, Secretary, University of New Mexico
Hae Yeon Choo, University of Toronto, Mississauga
Joshua Gamson, University of San Francisco
Adia Harvey Wingfield, Washington University in St. Louis
Allison Pugh, University of Virginia
Vinnie Roscigno, Ohio State University
Katherine Rowell, Sinclair Community College
Kristen Schilt, University of Chicago
Don Tomaskovic-Devey, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Land Acknowledgement and Recognition
Before we can talk about sociology, power, inequality, we must acknowledge that the land on
which we gather is the traditional and unceded territory of the Ramaytush Ohlone (pronounced
Rah-my-toosh O-lone-ee). We, the American Sociological Association (ASA), acknowledge
that academic institutions, indeed the nation-state itself, was founded upon and continues to
enact exclusions and erasures of Indigenous Peoples. This acknowledgement demonstrates
a commitment to beginning the process of working to dismantle ongoing legacies of settler
colonialism, and to recognize the hundreds of Indigenous Nations who continue to resist, live,
and uphold their sacred relations across their lands. We also pay our respect to Indigenous elders
past, present, and future and to those who have stewarded this land throughout the generations.
ASA Council ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................3
ASA Executive Oce Sta ..........................................................................................................................................................................................3
Welcome from the ASA President.............................................................................................................................................................................4
Acknowledgements ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Sociology in Practice Settings Symposium ...........................................................................................................................................................6
Teaching and Learning Symposium .........................................................................................................................................................................6
Program Schedule
Friday, August 7 ................................................................................................................................................................................................7
Saturday, August 8 ...........................................................................................................................................................................................9
Sunday, August 9 ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 45
Monday, August 10 .........................................................................................................................................................................................73
Tuesday, August 11 ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 107
Wednesday, August 12 ................................................................................................................................................................................ 139
Participants Index .......................................................................................................................................................................................................140
Session Index ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 171
ASA Past Ocers ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 175
Table of Contents
President: Christine Williams
University of Texas-Austin
President-Elect: Aldon Morris
Northwestern University
Past-President: Mary Romero
Arizona State University
Vice President: Joya Misra
University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Vice President-Elect:
Rhacel Salazar Parreñas
University of Southern California.
Past-Vice President: Grace Kao
Yale University
Secretary: Nancy López
University of New Mexico
Executive Ocer: Nancy Kidd
American Sociological Association
Ruha Benjamin
Princeton University
Kelly H. Chong
University of Kansas
Kimberly Ann Goyette
Temple University
Laura Hamilton
University of California, Merced
Erin Kelly
Maria Krysan
University of Illinois at Chicago
Wendy Leo Moore
Texas A&M University
Jennifer Reich
University of Colorado-Denver
Vincent Roscigno
Ohio State University
Sara Shostak
Brandeis University
Zulema Valdez
University of California-Merced
Rhys H. Williams
Loyola University-Chicago
President: Aldon Morris
Northwestern University
President-Elect: Cecilia Menjívar
University of California-Los Angeles
Past-President: Christine Williams
University of Texas-Austin
Vice President:
Rhacel Salazar Parreñas
University of Southern California
Vice President-Elect: Nina Bandelj
University of California, Irvine
Past-Vice President: Joya Misra
University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Secretary: Nancy López
University of New Mexico
Executive Ocer: Nancy Kidd
American Sociological Association
Ruha Benjamin
Princeton University
Jessica Calarco
Indiana University
Kelly H. Chong
University of Kansas
Laura Hamilton
University of California-Merced
Maria Krysan
University of Illinois at Chicago
Wendy Leo Moore
Texas A&M University
Gilda Ochoa
Pomona College
Jennifer Reich
University of Colorado Denver
Daisy Reyes
University of Connecticut
Vincent Roscigno
Ohio State University
Sara Shostak
Brandeis University
Van Tran
The Graduate Center, CUNY
Nancy Kidd
Executive Director
Margaret Weigers Vitullo
Deputy Director
Jessica McGiord
Marketing and Membership Manager
Oriana Ma
Membership Assistant
Johanna Olexy
Director of Communications
Maliyah Grant
Diversity and Inclusion Administrative
Les Briggs
Director of Finance
Girma Efa
Mark Fernando
Director of Governance and
Alexis Lewis
Governance and Administration
Administrative Assistant
David Matthews
Oce Assistant
Michelle Randall
Director of Meeting Services
Kayla Smith
Meeting Services Associate
Karen Gray Edwards
Director of Publications
Jamie Panzarella
Publications Manager
Erynn Masi de Casanova
Director of Research, Professional
Development, and Academic Aairs
Diego de los Rios
Research, Professional Development,
and Academic Aairs Assistant Director
Nicole V. Amaya
Research, Professional Development,
and Academic Aairs Senior Research
Nailah Russell
Research, Professional Development,
and Academic Aairs Administrative
2019-2020 ASA Council 2020-2021 ASA Council ASA Executive Oce Sta
Welcome from the ASA President
Christine Williams
ASA President
University of Texas at Austin
Two years ago, I convened a Program Committee to brainstorm ideas for the 2020
conference. We knew it was going to be an important one for ASA members, as it
would be the year of the Presidential Election, the decennial census, and the 100th
anniversary of women’s surage. But we could not anticipate the two cataclysmic
events of the year: the COVID-19 pandemic that sickened and killed our friends, family
members, and colleagues around the world, causing the cancellation of the meeting;
and the massive protests against racist police violence in response to the brutal murders of George Floyd, Breonna
Taylor, and many others. I am convinced that the world needs sociology more than ever, but sociology will never
be the same as a result. Now is the time for sociologists to rededicate ourselves to fighting social injustice in all its
The decision to cancel the San Francisco meeting was not a dicult one to make, but moving to an online event
has been dicult, requiring the dedicated service of many people. I want to express my sincere appreciation for
their eorts to make ASA 2020 a meaningful and enriching experience.
The sta at ASA have been working overtime to manage the transition while looking out for the best interests
of the Association. After two years of nearly daily communications with them, I can assure members that our
Association is in professional and responsible hands.
The elected ASA Council has been a source of wisdom, support, and hope to me during these challenging times. I
am especially grateful to have the opportunity to serve with Vice President Joya Misra, whose wise feminist counsel
I cherish.
The tireless Program Committee did their job twice, first organizing a spectacular program, and then reorganizing it
as a virtual event. I was told at the beginning of my term that programming the conference would be the best part
of being President, and that was no lie, thanks to this wonderful group of scholars and educators.
Joya Misra, Vice President, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
David Takeuchi, Past Secretary, Boston College
Nancy Lopez, Secretary, University of New Mexico
Hae Yeon Choo, University of Toronto, Mississauga
Joshua Gamson, University of San Francisco
Adia Harvey Wingfield, Washington University in St. Louis
Allison Pugh, University of Virginia
Vinnie Roscigno, Ohio State University
Katherine Rowell, Sinclair Community College
Kristen Schilt, University of Chicago
Don Tomaskovic-Devey, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
My local arrangements chairperson, Katrina E. Kimport, working with Kimberly Richman and Josh Gamson, put
together a fabulous line-up of sessions and tours to spotlight the sociological significance of the San Francisco Bay
Area. I am extremely grateful for their eorts, and disappointed that we are not there to enjoy the results together.
Finally, I want to thank the ASA members who generously and graciously worked to make this online event
possible. I am grateful to the section ocers, session organizers, presenters, discussants, moderators, and
attendees who came together to make ASA 2020 an unforgettable experience.
Although we are not meeting physically this year, I welcome you to join our virtual event, and hope you find
inspiration and insight relevant to the times we find ourselves in.
ASA is pleased to acknowledge
the supporting partners
of the 115th Annual Meeting
Sociology in Practice Settings Symposium
Sunday, August 9
Franciscan A • Hilton San Francisco Union Square
Teaching and Learning in Sociology Symposium
Sunday, August 9
Imperial B • Hilton San Francisco Union Square
Programming Highlights
Join us for a full day of programming by and for sociologists working in practice settings. Participants will learn how practitioners are
using sociological knowledge and skills to solve applied problems. Additionally, participants will have opportunities to gain valuable
insights to advance their careers and build their professional networks. Sociologists employed in non-profit organizations, commercial
industry, government, research centers, and other non-academic settings, as well as students interested in learning more about the
sociological work that happens in these fields are encouraged to attend! Symposium is open to all Annual Meeting registrants at no
additional cost.
8:30 - 10:10 a.m. 2124 - Lightning Round: Sociologists Who Work –
Sociologists in Non-Traditional Settings
10:30 a.m. - 12:10 p.m. 2224 - Interactive Workshop: Demystifying Design Thinking
12:30 - 2:10 p.m. 2324 - Special Topic Panel: Activism at Work
2:30 - 4:10 p.m. 2424 - Lightning Round: Sociology at Work –
Using Sociological Principles in Everyday Work
Join us for a full day of programming by and for sociologists working in practice settings. Participants will learn how practitioners are
using sociological knowledge and skills to solve applied problems. Additionally, participants will have opportunities to gain valuable
insights to advance their careers and build their professional networks. Sociologists employed in non-profit organizations, commercial
industry, government, research centers, and other non-academic settings, as well as students interested in learning more about the
sociological work that happens in these fields are encouraged to attend! Symposium is open to all Annual Meeting registrants at no
additional cost.
8:30 - 10:10 a.m. 2123 - Workshop on Creating Inclusive and Equitable Classrooms
10:30 a.m. - 12:10 p.m. 2223 - Lightning Presentations of Teaching Techniques
12:30 - 2:10 p.m. 2323 - Book Salon: Discussion in the College Classroom with Jay Howard
2:30 - 4:10 p.m. 2423 - Roundtables:
Table 1. Curricular Development I
Table 2. Curricular Development II
Table 3. Assessment/Grading
Table 4. Active Learning I
Table 5. Active Learning II
Table 6. Social Location
Table 7. Community-Based Learning I
Table 8. Community-Based Learning II
Table 9. Teaching Sociology with Nontraditional Texts
Table 10. Emotional Labor
Table 11. Teaching Mechanics
Friday, 8:00 am
0024. Meeting. Orientation for 1st Year Minority Fellowship
Program (MFP) Fellows
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Franciscan A, Ballroom Level,
0025. Preconference. 33rd Annual Group Processes Conference
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Franciscan D, Ballroom Level,
Session Organizers: Alicia D. Cast, University of California-Santa
Barbara; Jessica L. Collett, University of California-Los Angeles;
Rengin Bahar Firat, University of California, Riverside; David R.
Schaefer, University of California-Irvine; Jan E. Stets, University
of California-Riverside
0028. Preconference. Persistence and Resistance in the Academy:
Addressing Inequality and Power to Increase Student
Learning (Co-sponsored by the Section on Teaching and
Learning and SAGE)
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Yosemite C, Ballroom Level,
Session Organizers: Katherine R. Rowell, Sinclair Community
College; Gregory Trainor Kordsmeier, Indiana University-
0054. Preconference. Global Perspectives on Cultural
Domination: Hegemony, Circulations and Categories
Parc55, Cyril Magnin III, Level 4, 8:00am-5:00pm
Session Organizers: Mohamed Amine Brahimi, Columbia University;
Lucile Dumont, School for Advanced Studies in the Social
Sciences in Paris; Jérôme Pacouret, The Université du Québec
à Montréal
0061. Preconference. New Developments in
Ethnomethodological Experimentation for Sociological
Parc55, Mission I, Level 4, 8:00am-5:00pm
Session Organizers: Morana Alac, University of California-San
Diego; Michael Lynch, Cornell University; Patrick G. Watson,
Wilfrid Laurier University
Friday, 8:30 am
0152. Preconference. The Association of Korean Sociologists in
America Annual Conference
Parc55, Cyril Magnin I, Level 4, 8:30am-4:45pm
Panelists: Carolyn Choi, University of Southern California; Young-
Mi Kim, Yonsei University; Eunmi Mun, University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign; Stephen Cho Suh, University of Colorado
at Colorado Springs; Youngjoo Cha, Indiana University-
Bloomington; Barum Park
Session Organizers: Youngjoo Cha, Indiana University-Bloomington;
Hae Yeon Choo, University of Toronto; Minjeong Kim, San
Diego State University; Byungkyu Lee, Indiana University;
Jaeeun Kim, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor; Minwoo Jung,
University of Southern California; June Jeon, University of
Friday, 9:00 am
0122. Preconference. ASA Preconference for Department Leaders
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Imperial A, Ballroom Level,
Session Organizer: Teresa Ciabattari, American Sociological
0153. Preconference. Self and Society Preconference:
Psychosocial Reflections in an Age of Authoritarianism and
Global Crises
Parc55, Cyril Magnin II, Level 4, 9:00am-5:00pm
Session Organizers: Lauren Langman, Loyola University-Chicago;
Lynn Sharon Chancer, Hunter College
Friday, 12:00 pm
0241. Preconference. Black Women Teaching and Learning
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 23, 4th Floor,
Panelists: Chavella T. Pittman, Dominican University; Venus Evans-
Winters, Illinois State University; Jualynne E. Dodson, Michigan
State University
Session Organizers: Whitney Nicole Laster Pirtle, University of
California-Merced; Benjamin Mercer Drury, Indiana University
at Indianapolis
Friday, 1:00 pm
0329. Preconference. Exchanging Expertise: Research and
Funding at the Intersection of the Computer and Social
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 1, 4th Floor,
Panelists: David Corman, National Science Foundation; Kellina
Craig-Henderson, National Science Foundation; Darleen
Fisher, National Science Foundation; Erwin Gianchandani,
National Science Foundation; Willie Pearson, Georgia Institute
of Technology; Elizabeth Mynatt, Georgia Tech; Joseph M.
Whitmeyer, National Science Foundation
Session Organizer: Natalie D. Hengstebeck, AAAS Science &
Technology Policy Fellow at theNational Science Foundation
0331. Preconference. New Debates in the Sociology of Finance
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 5, 4th Floor,
Panelists: Mitchel Y. Abolafia, SUNY-Albany; Christian Borch,
Copenhagen Business School; Pierre-Christian Fink, Columbia
University; Sarah Quinn, University of Washington; Eric I.
Schwartz, Columbia University; Alex Preda, King's College
London; Neil Fligstein, University of Californnia; Megan Tobias
Neely, Stanford University
Session Organizers: Daniel Beunza, City University-London; Ken-
Hou Lin, University of Texas, Austin
0337. Preconference. Sociology of Antisemitism 2.0: Conceptual,
Comparative, Empirical, and Pedagogical Perspectives
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 14, 4th Floor,
Session Organizers: Arnold Dashefsky, University of Connecticut;
Chad Alan Goldberg, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Friday, August 7, 2020
Program Schedule • Friday, August 7, 2020
Friday, August 7, 2020
Friday, 3:00 pm
0424. Meeting. Honors Program Orientation
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Franciscan A, Ballroom Level,
Friday, 4:30 pm
0518. Plenary Session. Power, Resistance and Inequality in Tech:
A Conversation with Ruha Benjamin, Anita Sarkeesian, and
Tressie McMillan Cottom
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 5, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Allison Pugh, University of Virginia
Panelists: Ruha Benjamin, Princeton University; Tressie Cottom,
Virginia Commonwealth University; Anita Sarkeesian, Feminist
Session Organizer: Allison Pugh, University of Virginia
Tech has a justice problem, and three prominent scholar-
activists come together here to talk about it. Ruha
Benjamin’s work helps to expose inequalities in how
technology is made. An associate professor at Princeton
University, Benjamin is the author of Race After
Technology: Abolitionist Tools for the New Jim Code, a
book about machine bias, discriminatory design, and
liberatory approaches to technoscience. She has written
two other books and many articles that diagnose and
explain racism in science and technology, and has
been published in Science, the Annals of the American
Academy of Political and Social Science, and Theory
and Society. Her work has been covered by Nature, the
Washington Post, NPR and a host of other venues, and
funded by the American Council of Learned Societies,
National Science Foundation, and the Institute for
Advanced Study. Anita Sarkeesian is an award-winning
media critic, whose efforts to wrest gaming culture
from misogyny brought her both positive attention
and extraordinary harassment. Her website Feminist
Frequency has analyzed representations of women in
popular culture since 2009; she has been named one
of Time’s 100 Most Influential People in the World,
and received an honorary PhD from the New School.
Tressie McMillan Cottom is the author of four books,
including Thick, a collection of essays that was a finalist
for the National Book Award, as well as the popular
edited volume Digital Sociologies, co-edited with Karen
Gregory and Jessie Daniels. She has also written about
Black cyberfeminism, algorithmic inequalities and
the uses of technology in education and other fields.
McMillan Cottom has won multiple awards, including
several outstanding early career awards, as well as the
2020 ASA Public Understanding of Sociology Award
and the 2017 SWS Feminist Activist Scholar Award. In
this event, Benjamin, Sarkeesian and McMillan Cottom
will each speak for ten minutes, and then participate in
a Q&A session moderated by Allison Pugh, a University
of Virginia professor of sociology who is writing a book
about person-to-person work, technology, and the
stratification of human contact.
Friday, 7:00 pm
0622. Welcome Reception
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Imperial A, Ballroom Level,
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Saturday, 7:00 am
1010. Meeting. Section on Aging and the Life Course Council
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 8, Lobby Level,
1011. Meeting. Section on Children and Youth Council Meeting
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Sunset, Lobby Level,
1012. Meeting. Dissertation Award Committee
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Seacli, Lobby Level,
1030. Meeting. Section on Teaching and Learning in Sociology
Council Meeting
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 3, 4th Floor,
1055. Meeting. Section on Social Psychology Council Meeting
Parc55, Balboa, Level 4, 7:00-8:00am
Saturday, 8:30 am
1103. Regional Spotlight Session. Confronting Extreme
Inequality in the Land of Progress and Innovation
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 1, Lobby Level,
Presider: Gordon Douglas, San José State University
Panelists: Rachel Brahinsky, Graduate Program in Urban Affairs;
Chris Iglesias, CEO, Unity Council; Noni Session, Founder, East
Bay Permanent Real Estate Cooperative; Chrystal Redekopp,
Stanford University
Session Organizer: Gordon Douglas, San José State University
1104. Special Sessions. Anti-Muslim Racism: Sociological
Response, Refusal, and Re/vision
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 2, Lobby Level,
Presider: Neda Maghbouleh, University of Toronto
Panelists: Cawo Mohamed Abdi, University of Minnesota; Jean
Beaman, University of California-Santa Barbara; Atiya Husain,
University of Richmond; Hajar Yazdiha, University of Southern
Discussant: Louise Cainkar, Marquette University
Session Organizer: Neda Maghbouleh, University of Toronto
1105. Special Sessions. Power, Inequality and Resistance
Through the Lens of the HIV Epidemic
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 3, Lobby Level,
Presider: Sanyu A. Mojola, Princeton University
Panelists: Samuel R. Friedman, NYU Medical School; Shari L.
Dworkin, University of Washington-Bothell Campus; Celeste
M. Watkins-Hayes, Northwestern University; Joseph A. Harris,
Boston University
Session Organizer: Sanyu A. Mojola, Princeton University
1106. Thematic Sessions. Artificial Intelligence, Automation and
Relations at Work
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 4, Lobby Level,
Presider: Karen Gregory, University of Edinburgh
Panelists: Katrinell M. Davis, Florida State University; Ifeoma
Yvonne Ajunwa, Cornell University; Mary L. Gray, Microsoft
Research; Karen Levy, Cornell University
Session Organizer: Karen Gregory, University of Edinburgh
1107. Thematic Sessions. Negotiating Power and Status in the
Academy: Everyday Experiences of Women of Color
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 5, Lobby Level,
Presider: Carla P. Davis, Beloit College
Panelists: Chavella T. Pittman, Dominican University; Katy M. Pinto,
California State University Dominguez Hills; Vera Lopez,
Arizona State University; Margaret Hunter, Mills College
Session Organizer: Carla P. Davis, Beloit College
1108. Thematic Sessions. What Experiments Examining
Discrimination Tell Us About Work and Inequality in the
21st Century
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 6, Lobby Level,
Presider: S. Michael Gaddis, University of California-Los Angeles
Panelists: David Pedulla, Stanford University; Natasha Quadlin,
Ohio State University; Fabiana Silva, University of Michigan;
Katherine Weisshaar, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Session Organizer: S. Michael Gaddis, University of California-Los
1109. Thematic Sessions. Dignity and Meaning at Work
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 7, Lobby Level,
Presider: Martha Crowley, North Carolina State University
Managerial Threats to Dignity: A Historical Perspective on
Contemporary Challenges - Caroline Hanley, College of William
and Mary
The Potential and Pitfalls of Hallways as Relational Space: Evidence
from School Workplaces - Jennifer Lauren Nelson, Vanderbilt
University; Beth A. Bechky, New York University; Anne-Laure
Fayard, NYU Tandon
Freedom and Control in Platform Food Delivery Work - Adam D.
Reich, Columbia University
Blue Collar Black Men as Mentors: 'Other-fathering' Fragile Black
Men - Deirdre Royster, New York University
Session Organizer: Martha Crowley, North Carolina State University
1110. Section on Aging and the Life Course. Age Matters:
Explorations of Age Categories in Social Life
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 8, Lobby Level,
Presider: Richard A. Settersten, Oregon State University
Age and the Classification of Asylum Seekers in Germany - Ulrike
Bialas, Princeton University
An Exploration of the Subjective Ages of Adulthood in Mexico,
Mozambique, and Nepal - Erick Axxe, The Ohio State
University; Sarah R. Hayford, Ohio State University
Life Stage Differences in Types of Friends: A Comparison of
Younger and Older Adults - KeunBok Lee, UCLA
The Domino Effect of Off-Time Transitions - Dawn R. Norris,
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
An Examination of Traditional- and Nontraditional-Aged
Community College Student Experiences: Emerging Findings
from PathTech LIFE - Lakshmi Jayaram, University of South
Florida; Will Tyson, University of South Florida
Discussant: Anne E. Barrett, Florida State University
Session Organizer: Richard A. Settersten, Oregon State University
Program Schedule • Saturday, August 8, 2020
Saturday, August 8, 2020
1111. Meeting. Public Engagement Advisory Committee Meeting
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Sunset, Lobby Level, 8:30-
1112. Meeting. Fund for the Advancement of the Discipline (FAD)
Advisory Panel
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Seacli, Lobby Level,
1114. Meeting. Current Minority Fellowship Program (MFP)
Fellows Meeting
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Presidio, Lobby Level,
1115. Professional Development Workshop. Expert Testimony in
Deportation Defense or Asylum Cases: Understanding the
Process and Putting Your Sociological Skills to Use
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 1, Ballroom Level,
Leader: Robert Courtney Smith, City University of New York-Baruch
College, Graduate Center
Session Organizer: Robert Courtney Smith, City University of New
York-Baruch College, Graduate Center
1116. Policy and Research Workshop. Bridging Across Fields
with Community-Engaged Research
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 2, Ballroom Level,
Leaders: Leslie Hossfeld, Clemson University; Steven McKay,
University of California-Santa Cruz; Anna S. Mueller, Indiana
University; Gay W. Seidman, University of Wisconsin-Madison;
Gregory D. Squires, George Washington Univ.; Japonica
Brown-Saracino, Boston University; Miriam Greenberg,
University of California-Santa Cruz
Session Organizer: Rebecca London, University of California-Santa
1117. Special Sessions. A Global Urban Sociology of Evictions
and Displacement
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 3, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Liza Weinstein, Northeastern University
Panelists: Zachary Levenson, University of North Carolina,
Greensboro; Hae Yeon Choo, University of Toronto; Melissa
M. Valle, Rutgers University-Newark; Matthew Desmond,
Princeton University
Session Organizer: Liza Weinstein, Northeastern University
1119. Book Salons (formerly Author Meets Critics). Brokered
Subjects: Sex, Tracking and the Politics of Freedom
(University of Chicago Press, 2019) by Elizabeth Bernstein
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 7, Ballroom Level,
Author: Elizabeth Bernstein, Barnard College
Panelists: Rhacel Salazar Parrenas, University of Southern
California; Jyoti Puri, Simmons University
Session Organizer: Kari Lerum, University of Washington Bothell
Moderator: Kari Lerum, University of Washington Bothell
1120. Section on Economic Sociology. Culture and Economic
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 8, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Simone Polillo, University of Virginia
Money, Morals, and Medicine: Patient Class and Organizational
Pragmatics in Three Fertility Clinics - Eliza Brown, New York
Theorizing Economic Culture - Lyn Spillman, University of Notre
Time Pressures in Commercial Surrogacy: Slow Relational Practice
or Scaled-Up Streamlined Mass Production? - Alya Guseva,
Boston University
When Relational Work Nudges Bodily Giving: Mobilizing Kidney
Donation in Singapore, Hong Kong, and Taiwan - Wan-Zi Lu,
University of Chicago
Discussant: Simone Polillo, University of Virginia
Session Organizers: Fabien Accominotti, London School of
Economics; Emily A. Barman, Boston University; Daniel
Hirschman, Brown University; Elena Obukhova, McGill
University; Brian James Sargent, University of Massachusetts
1121. Section on Global and Transnational Sociology. Global and
Transnational Sociology Beyond English
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 9, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Victoria Reyes, University of California-Riverside
Global Indigenous Struggles Over the Land: Languages of
Sovereignty and Settler Colonialism - James V. Fenelon,
California State University-San Bernardino; Kari Marie
Norgaard, University of Oregon
New Memory Practices On-Line and Off-Line: Hyper-Connectivity
and Distance - Linda Gusia, University of Prishtina
Intellectuals in Spaces Without Capital: The Polish Intelligentsia
Debates and Global Phenomenon of Over-Culturalization -
Tomasz Zarycki, University of Warsaw
The Spirit of Civil Society Under Authoritarianism: The Culture of
Democracy in Poland and China - Bin Xu, Emory University
Discussant: Michael D. Kennedy, Brown University
Session Organizer: Michael D. Kennedy, Brown University
1122. Sociology of Culture Section Roundtables
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Imperial A, Ballroom Level,
Session Organizers: Yagmur Karakaya, University of Minnesota;
Ruo-Fan Liu, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Stephanie
Peña-Alves, Rutgers University
Table 1: Consumption Network Roundtable
Table Presiders: Michaela DeSoucey, North Carolina State
University; Sinikka Elliott, University of British Columbia
Imagined Commodities: Consumption as Imagination in National
Destination Marketing - Tim Rosenkranz, New School for Social
Putting the Unusual on the Menu: Chefs and the Culinary Aesthetics
of Insects - Jennifer Smith Maguire, Sheffield Hallam
University; Penny West, Sheffield Hallam University
Science, Fiction, and Opportunity: Emergence of a Market for Dairy
Products in China - Ming Wang, Northwestern University; Klaus
Weber, Northwestern University
Why Are There So Many White Nationalists at US Farmers Markets?
- Sang-hyoun Pahk, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Table 2: Material Culture Network Roundtable
Table Presider: Michael Owen Benediktsson, CUNY-Hunter College
Style Scripts: How Cultural Intermediaries Interpret Meaning in
Contemporary Art - Hannah Wohl, University of California,
Santa Barbara
Synchronizing the National Imagination: Visions of Freedom and
Fragility - Andreja Siliunas, Harvard University
The Folding Chair: Material Objects, Interpretive Flexibility, and
Inkblot Urbanism in NYC - Michael Owen Benediktsson, CUNY-
Hunter College
Table 3: Symbolic Boundaries Network Roundtable
Table Presider: Bethany Bryson, James Madison University
Dying to be Good: How Non-Medical Practitioners Frame Death -
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Beth A. Eck, James Madison University
Interrogating the Boundaries Between “Japanese” and Okinawan”
on the U.S. Continent - Jane H. Yamashiro, Mills College
Sex and Gender as Dependent Variables: A Symbolic Boundaries
Approach - Bethany Bryson, James Madison University
What Does it Mean to be a Concerned Citizen? Debates About
Refugee Resettlement in Local Politics - Karen Hooge
Michalka, University of Mary
Table 4: Digital Ethnography, Media, and Quantification
Table Presider: Ruo-Fan Liu, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Cyber Aggression Towards Black and Latinx Women: A Topic Model
Analysis - Sara Francisco, Ms.; Diane H. Felmlee, Pennsylvania
State University
Latte Liberals and Christian Conservatives: Evidence of Cultural
Polarization on Twitter - Liam Essig, Penn State University
Speculative Justice: Shifting Temporalities of Crime in Domestic
Terrorism Stings - Anya Degenshein, Marquette University
To the Vultcano: For Honor’s Players' Deus Vult Memes and the Risk
of Tainted Vocality - Michael Ohsfeldt, Texas A&M University
Table 5: Popular Culture and Art I
Table Presider: Yuqing Wu, Yale University
Can Pop Culture Allay Resentment? Japan’s Influence in China
Today - Yuqing Wu, Yale University
Table 6: Popular Culture and Art II
Table Presider: Jenna L. O'Connor, DePaul University
Country Music’s Trajectory and Grasp in Popular ‘American’ Culture
- Jenna L. O'Connor, DePaul University
Product Positioning in Cultural Markets - Abraham Oshotse
Projecting Persians: Iranians in US Popular Entertainment Media -
Pantea Javidan, Stanford University
The Work of Reproduction in the Age of Digital Art - William
Tsitsos, Towson University; R. Saylor Breckenridge, Wake
Forest University
Table 7: Sociology of Music
Competitions as Complex Performances [socmusic network] - Lisa
McCormick, University of Edinburgh
Using Son Jarocho Music As a Community Organizing Tool in the
Immigrant Rights Movement (Socmusic Network) - Ruben
Hernandez-Leon, University of California-Los Angeles
"What Kind of Music Do You Write?": Composing Artistic Identities
in Contemporary Art Music (Socmusic Network) - Alexander
C. Sutton, University of Virginia
Regulating Culture: A Computational Study of the Hip-Hop
Censorship in China - Ke Nie, University of California San Diego
The White Audience for Black Music - Michael Hughes, Virginia
Polytechnic Institute and State University; Anthony Kwame
Harrison, Virginia Tech
Table 8: Gender and Culture
Table Presider: Anna Michelson, Northwestern University
How Gender Affects Film Critics’ Evaluations - Dimitrios Zaras,
Emory University
The Politics of Happily-Ever-After: Envisioning Utopia(s) in
Romance Fiction - Anna Michelson, Northwestern University
‘This is Real Beauty’: Defining the Boundaries of Aesthetic
Citizenship - Jordan Foster, University of Toronto; David
Nicholas Pettinicchio, University of Toronto
Table 9: Cultural Reproduction and Inequality
Table Presider: Matthew Stimpson, UC Berkeley
Cultural Reproduction as Inheritance of Orientations:
Intergenerational Transmission of Cultural Orientations in
Contemporary Finland - Jarmo Kallunki, Tampere University
Flexible Selves and Cultural Tastes: Highly Omnivorous Workers
and Their Low Earnings Despite High Education - Matthew
Stimpson, UC Berkeley
School, Studying, and Smarts: The Gender of Education Across
80 Years of American Print Media, 1930-2009 - Andrei G.
Boutyline, University of Michigan; Devin J. Cornell, Duke
University; Alina Arseniev-Koehler, University of California Los
Charter School Authorizations as Disputes: School Board Member
Justifications of Votes in a Neoliberal Context - David Kalim
Diehl, Vanderbilt University
Luck and Inequality - Michael Sauder, University of Iowa; Hannah
Espy; Jay Sorensen, University of Iowa
Table 10: Market, Precarious Jobs, and Cultural Values
Table Presider: Tad P. Skotnicki, University of North Carolina-
Hierarchies, Jobs, “Genius:” A Theory of Gender and Cultural
Production - Gillian Gualtieri, New York University
Purity Politics? A Civil Project to Purify Consumption - Tad P.
Skotnicki, University of North Carolina-Greensboro
Communicating Diversity: Representational Tokenization Within
Corporate Organizations - Allister Pilar Plater, University of
Culture is the Mother of Risk: Negative Consensus on Result
Orientation Norm and Organizational Misconduct - Andrea
Cavicchini, IESE Business School
Table 11: Politics and Nation
Table Presider: Moira O'Shea, University of Chicago
Creating the Symbols of the Nation: Toward a Cultural Construction
of Nationalism - Moira O'Shea, University of Chicago
Cross-National Comparisons in Epistemic Governance: Analysis of
Parliamentary Debates from Eight Countries - Valtteri Vähä-
Savo, Tampere University
The Contextual Activation in Belief Networks - Byungkyu Lee,
Indiana University
The Emergence and Transformation of Policy Ideas in the U.S.
Congress, 1946-2015 - Akram Al-Turk, University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill; David Lee Rigby, UNC Chapel Hill
The Measurement of Cultural Change in Politically Polarized College
Campuses - Tyler Walton
Table 12: Politics and Culture
Table Presider: Ioanna Christodoulaki, Boston University
Party Politics and Disaffection with Democracy in Greece - Ioanna
Christodoulaki, Boston University
Overlapping Uncertainties: How Social and Psychological
Uncertainty Has Shaped Recent Conservative Politics - Joseph
Lee Crane, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Political Taboos - Patrick Baert, University of Cambridge
Populism as Civil Repair - Marcus Morgan, University of Bristol
Table 13: Identity, Meaning Making, and the Life Course
Table Presider: Martha L. Coe, New York University
Making Motherhood Political: Playground Revolutions and the
Reshaping of Motherhood in Taiwan - Pei-Chen Cheng,
National Taiwan University
Meaning Making During Emerging Adulthood: A Longitudinal
Analysis of Age, Life Stage, Health, and Wellbeing -
Patricia Snell Herzog, Indiana University-Purdue University
Indianapolis; Jamie Lynn Goodwin, Indiana University Lilly
Family School of Philanthropy
‘My Mom is Shanghainese Too!’: Language Criticism, Social Class,
and the Ambiguity of Shanghainese Identity - Fang Xu,
University of California, Berkeley
Table 14: Methods and Culture
Table Presider: Bo Yun Park, Harvard University
Synchrony in Emotional Reactions During Naturalistic Conversation
- Alec McGail, Cornell University
Learning from Latency in Sociological Research: Using the Implicit
Association Test to Make Sense of Timed-Surveys - Michaël
Berghman, Erasmus University Rotterdam; Julian Schaap,
Erasmus University Rotterdam; Koen van Eijck, Erasmus
University Rotterdam; Willem De Koster, Erasmus University
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Rotterdam; Jeroen van der Waal, Erasmus University
Hybridities on the Final Frontier - Jackie Lee Hogan, Bradley
University; James M. Decker, Illinois Central College
A Semi-Automated Method For Extracting Group-Specific Lexicons
From Unlabeled Text Corpora - Zackary Dunivin, Indiana
Social Locations, Contexts, and Value Development: Testing
Whether Demographic Predictors of Personal Values Vary
Cross-Nationally - Andrew Miles, University of Toronto;
Catherine Tze Hsuan Yeh, University of Toronto
Table 15: Artistic Identities and Communities
Table Presider: Jessica Pearce, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Visualizing the Invisibility: Chinese Visual Artists in New York City -
Feng Chen, The New School for Social Research
“Walk on Clog and Just Act Normal”: Defining Collectivity in Dutch
Domestic Music - Femke Vandenberg, Erasmus University;
Michaël Berghman, Erasmus University Rotterdam; Koen van
Eijck, Erasmus University Rotterdam
When Local Encounters Global: Inhabiting Divergent Conventions
in the Chinese Traditional Music World - Jiaxuan Yu, Emory
Winners Lose: Construction of Professional Identities and Careers
Among Korean Poets - Bo Seon Shim, Yonsei University
Unpacking Misrecognition in Fields of Musical Consumption:
Audience Composition and the Boundary-Work of Friendship -
Kyle Puetz, University of Virginia
Table 16: Social Fields and Ties
Table Presider: Anthony Landers, Rutgers University
Structuring Possibility: Social Ties, Strategy and Identity in Two
Alternative Food Projects - Amy E. Jonason, Furman University
Sex Panics and Social Fields: Organizational Dynamics in the Anti-
Sex-Trafficking Movement - Libby Trudeau, University of Notre
Social Trajectory and Field Forces in Contemporary China - Yi Yin,
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
“I Go Back and Forth”: Reflective Contradiction in Abortion
Attitudes - Bridget J. Ritz, University of Notre Dame; Tricia C.
Bruce, University of Notre Dame
Table 17: Culture and Cognition
Table Presider: Stephanie Peña-Alves, Rutgers University
Culture Beneath Discourse: Theorizing the Properties and
Relationships of Cognitive Cultural Entities - Michael Rotolo,
University of Notre Dame
Grounding, Cuing, Affording, Disrupting - Michael Lee Wood,
Brigham Young University
Local Similarity and Global Variability Characterize the Semantic
Space of Human Languages - James A. Evans, University of
Chicago; Molly Lewis, Carnegie Mellon University
Souvenirs and Travel Guides: The Cognitive Sociology of
Grieving Public Figures - Daniel Andrew Nolan, University of
The Bestiary in the Candy Aisle: A Framework for Nature in
Unexpected Places - Andrew McCumber, University of
California, Santa Barbara; Neil P. Dryden, Santa Barbara City
Table 18: Religion, Memory, and Community
Table Presider: Krystal Laryea, Stanford
Is Goth White? Identity Narratives of People of Color in Goth
Communities - Ahoo Tabatabai, Columbia College of Missouri
Loving God While Becoming Elite: Identity and Group Style
Among Evangelicals at an Elite University - Krystal Laryea,
Tent Graves of the Great Revival - Ray Hutchison, University of
Wisconsin-Green Bay
The Very Touch of Endlessness: Space, Place, & Memory in the
Chernobyl Exclusion Zone - Lindsey A. Freeman, Simon Fraser
Table 19: Sociology of Knowledge
Table Presider: George M. Thomas, Arizona State University-Tempe
Autonomy on the Horizon: Comparing Institutional Approaches to
Disability and Elder Care - Adrianna Bagnall-Munson, Columbia
University; Guillermina Altomonte, The New School for Social
Social Construction of Creative Thinking: A Sociological Analysis of
Two Chinese Buddhist Thinkers - Rebecca S.K. Li, The College
of New Jersey
The Societal Culture of University Knowledge - David John Frank,
University of California-Irvine; John W. Meyer, Stanford
1123. Meeting. Section on Crime, Law, and Deviance Business
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Imperial B, Ballroom Level,
1124. Meeting. Honors Program Kicko
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Franciscan A, Ballroom Level,
1127. Section on Children and Youth. Making Research on
Children and Youth Matter: Strategies & Challenges
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Yosemite B, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Nora Gross, University of Pennsylvania
Beyond Policing Students: Race, Space, and Discipline Policy
Reform in the City of Los Angeles - Terry Allen
Lines of Conflict in Everyday School Life: The Impact of School-
Specific Conflicts on Children - Gerlinde Janschitz, University
of Graz; Karina Fernandez, University College of Teacher
Education Styria
Combatting Institutional Inertia with Participatory Action Research
- Saugher Nojan, University of California Santa Cruz
The Effect of Student Body Socioeconomic Composition on
Socioeconomic Diversity in Adolescent Friendships - Thomas
Wolff, Duke University
Studying the Roles of Nonprofits, Government, and Business
in Providing Activities and Services to Youth - Joseph
Galaskiewicz, University of Arizona; Kathryn Freeman
Anderson, University of Houston; Kendra Thompson-Dyck,
University of Arizona
Discussant: C.J. Pascoe, University of Oregon
Session Organizer: Sarah H. Diefendorf, Scholars Strategy Network
1128. Meeting. Section on Marxist Sociology Business Meeting
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Yosemite C, Ballroom Level,
1129. Section on Labor and Labor Movements. New Strategies
for Labor
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 1, 4th Floor,
Presider: Jeffrey S. Rothstein, Grand Valley State University
Interstitial Labor Publics and the Contradicting "New Workers'
Movement" in China - Mujun Zhou, Zhejiang University
Leveraging Private Power, Enforcing Public Standards: Supply
Chain Agreements in U.S. Agriculture - Kathryn C. Babineau,
University of Virginia; Jennifer L. Bair, University of Virginia
Politicizing Tech: Lessons in Alternative Labor Organizing from the
Tech Workers Coalition - Larissa Petrucci, University of Oregon
Labor Strategy and the Digital Strike: Social Media in the 2018 Red
State Revolts - Eric Benjamin Blanc, NYU
Session Organizer: Jeffrey S. Rothstein, Grand Valley State
Session 1122, continued
Saturday, August 8, 2020
1130. Section on Teaching and Learning in Sociology. Accessible
Teaching and Learning in Sociology
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 3, 4th Floor,
Presider: Amanda May Jungels, Rice University
From Inclusive to Equitable Pedagogy: How to Design Course
Assignments and Learning Activities that Address Structural
Inequalities - Michel Estefan, University of California, Berkeley;
Jesse Cordes Selbin, University of Maryland, College Park;
Sarah Dunbrook Macdonald, UC Berkeley
Social Influence, Social Control and Academic Accommodations
for Disability: All-Or-Nothing Disability Accommodation
Propositions - Derek C. Coates, UC Berkeley
Universal Design for Learning in the Sociology Classroom - Allison
C. Carey, Shippensburg University
Session Organizers: Stephanie Medley-Rath, Indiana University-
Kokomo; Amanda May Jungels, Rice University
1131. Section on Methodology. Current Progress and
Foundational Issues in Sociological Methodology
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 5, 4th Floor,
Presider: Carter T. Butts, University of California-Irvine
Length-Biased Sampling as a Unifying Concept in the Social
Sciences - Elizabeth Wrigley-Field, University of Minnesota-
Twin Cities
A Method for Empirical Imputation of Incomes from Binned Data -
Molly M. King, Santa Clara University
The Latent Ordered Logit Model - Kazuo Yamaguchi, University of
Statistical Inference for Segregation Indices - Antonio Nanni,
Northwestern University
The Application of Satellite Nighttime Lights in Studying Small
Area Migrations in European Countries - Xi Chen, Quinnipiac
Session Organizer: Carter T. Butts, University of California-Irvine
1136. Regular Sessions. Social Reproduction and Educational
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 13, 4th Floor,
Presider: Rachel Keynton, University of Notre Dame
School Choice in a Context of Institutional Mistrust: Strategies of
the Black American Middle-Class - Annette Lareau, University
of Pennsylvania; Elliot Weininger, SUNY-Brockport; Catherine
Warner, AnLar, LLC
The Process of ‘Pushing Out’: An Intersectional Analysis of the
Interactions Among School-To-Prison and STEM Pipelines
- Jason F. Jabbari, Washington University St Louis; Odis D.
Johnson, Washington University in St. Louis
Cultural Capital and Socioeconomic Inequality in Academic
Achievement in China - Yapeng Wang, University of Virginia;
Josipa Roksa, University of Virginia
The Anomaly of Women’s Education: An Examination of Student-
Faculty Interactions and Leadership Aspirations - Jennifer
Jiwon Lee, Indiana University
Discussant: Linda Renzulli, Purdue University
Session Organizer: Amy Gill Langenkamp, University of Notre Dame
1137. Regular Sessions. Ethnomethodology
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 14, 4th Floor,
Presider: Kevin A. Whitehead, University of California-Santa
Category Attribution During Police Encounters: How Officers
Assess Mental Health-Related Phenomena - Andre Buscariolli,
University of California Santa Barbara
Configuring Prospective Sensations: Experimenters Preparing
Participants for What They Will Feel - Christian Greiffenhagen,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong; David Edmonds, The
Chinese University of Hong Kong
“So You Love Somebody That You Just Met?”: Investigatory
Questioning in Police Encounters With the Public - Geoffrey
Raymond, University of California-Santa Barbara; Andre
Buscariolli, University of California Santa Barbara
Session Organizer: Kevin A. Whitehead, University of California-
Santa Barbara
1138. Regular Sessions. Gender Inequality: the Role of Gender
Bias and Discrimination
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 15, 4th Floor,
Presider: Sarah Thebaud, University of California-Santa Barbara
I Would Never Date a Man Named Kelly: An Empirical Analysis
of Name-Based Gender Discrimination - Anneliese Ruth
Ward; Jonas Helgertz, Centre for Economic Demography and
Department of Economic History, Lund University, Minnesota
Population Center, University of Minnesota; Rob Warren,
University of Minnesota
Sex Ratio and Taste-Based Gender Discrimination in South Korea
- ChangHwan Kim, University of Kansas; Byeongdon Oh,
University of Kansas
Steering Women out of Engineering: Gendered Recommendations
from Career Assessment Tools - Mary Blair-Loy, University
of California-San Diego; Olga Mayorova, UC San Diego; Rana
Hegazy, UC San Diego; Olivia A. Graeve, UC San Diego; Pamela
C. Cosman, UC San Diego
Twice as Long, Half as Far: Gender and the Disparate Payoffs of
Overwork - Christin L. Munsch, University of Connecticut;
Lindsey Trimble O'Connor, California State University-Channel
Islands; Susan Rebecca Fisk, Kent State University
Session Organizer: Youngjoo Cha, Indiana University-Bloomington
1139. Regular Sessions. Immigration Enforcement under the
Trump Administration
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 17, 4th Floor,
Presider: Kati Barahona-López, University of California, Santa Cruz
Collective Liminality: The Spillover Effects of Indefinite Detention
on Immigrant Families - Mirian Giovanna Martinez-Aranda,
Deportability in the Sanctuary: Central American Immigrants in the
San Francisco Bay Area - Florencia Rojo, Colorado College
Excluding Criminals or Mothers? How Familial Vicarious
Experiences with Immigration Enforcement Are Interpreted -
Blanca A.Ramirez, University of Southern California
How Parental Detentions and Deportations Impact Young Adults’
Roles and Educational Trajectories - Carolina Valdivia, Harvard
Discussant: Laura E. Enriquez, University of California-Irvine
Session Organizer: Veronica Terriquez, University of California-
Santa Cruz
1141. Regular Sessions. Latinx Migration and Incorporation
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 23, 4th Floor,
Presider: Manuel Barajas, California State University-Sacramento
Mexican Americans’ Attitudes About Immigration: The Role of
Group Attachment and Regional Context - Casandra Danielle
Salgado, Arizona State University-Tempe
(Re)Constructing Home: Experiences of Migration, Settlement and
Integration Among 1.5-Generation Migrants - Heidy Sarabia,
California State University-Sacramento; Laura Zaragoza, CSU
Saturday, August 8, 2020
The Nationalization of Collective Action - Maria De Jesus Mora,
University of California Merced
Transnational Moral Panic: Neoliberalism and the Spectre of MS-13 -
Steven Osuna, California State University-Long Beach
White Employers of Napa Valley: Perspectives on Latino Labor and
the Wine Industry - Juan Salinas, University of North Florida
Session Organizer: Manuel Barajas, California State University-
1142. Regular Sessions. Sociology of Science II: Making
Knowledge, Molding Practice
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 25, 4th Floor,
Presider: Miranda R. Waggoner, Florida State University
Removing or Reinforcing Binaries? Reshaping the Human Body
and Society Though DIY Science - Michelle Hannah Smirnova,
University of Missouri-Kansas City
Experimental (Re)structuring: Shifting Place, Time, and Social
Ties Among Medical Research Participants - Kaitlyn Jaffe,
University of British Columbia
Academic Capitalism and the Normalization of Genome Editing -
Santiago José Molina, University of California Berkeley
Genetic Expertise and Genetic Experts in the Post-Genomic Era:
Genetic Counselors and Professional Boundary Making - Susan
Markens, CUNY-Lehman College
Producing Perceptions of Pesticide Safety: New Zealand’s Painted
Apple Moth Campaign - Manuel Vallee, University of Auckland
Session Organizer: Miranda R. Waggoner, Florida State University
1143. Regular Sessions. Law and Society: Power, Boundaries, and
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 1, 6th Floor,
Presider: Di Wang, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Dark Law - Stephen Smith Cody, Suffolk Law
Dependent or Delinquent? How Court Actors Determine Crossover
Youths' Status in Juvenile Court - Catherine Sirois, Stanford
El Que Nada Debe, Nada Teme: State Violence at the U.S.-Mexico
Ports of Entry - Estefania Castaneda Perez
How Americans Talk About Separation of Church and State: Moral
Frameworks of Justice and Care - Kathleen E. Hull, University
of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Private Police and the Delegated Security State - Xavier Durham
Discussant: Di Wang, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Session Organizer: Kathryne M. Young, University of Massachusetts
at Amherst
1144. Regular Sessions. Mental Health
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 2, 6th Floor,
Presider: Christy LaShaun Erving, Vanderbilt University
Mental Health Among Ethnically Diverse Asian Immigrants:
Re-evaluating the Stress Process Paradigm - Yvonne Chen,
Vanderbilt University; Christy LaShaun Erving, Vanderbilt
Status Variation in Anticipatory Stressors and Their Associations
with Depressive Symptoms - Matthew K. Grace, Hamilton
Stressful Anticipation of Police Brutality and the Mental Health of
Racialized Populations - Sirry Alang, Lehigh University; Donna
D. McAlpine, University of Minnesota; Malcolm MClain, Greater
Newark Conservancy, Newark, New Jersey
The Intergenerational Transmission of Gender Role Attitudes
and Implications for Mental Health in Mid-Adulthood - Blair
Wheaton, University of Toronto
Session Organizer: Alisa K. Lincoln, Northeastern University
1145. Regular Sessions. From Brexit to Trump: Insights from
Political Sociologists on Power, Politics and Democracy
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 4, 6th Floor,
Presider: Kathleen (KT) Tobin, State University of New York - New
A Divided Kingdom? Issue and Party Alignment among the
British Public, 1983-2017 - Stuart Malcolm Perrett, New York
Democratic Discord and the Rise of the Populist Right in Western
Europe - Monica Prasad, Northwestern University
New Abortion Measures Account for Americans’ Ambivalence
and Improve Political Predictions - Sarah K. Cowan, New York
University; Michael Hout, New York University; Stuart Malcolm
Perrett, New York University
Calling Out Our Own: Shared Vs. Oppositional Partisanship and
Perceptions of Political Incivility - Robin Stryker, Purdue
University; Bethany Conway-Silva, California Polytechnic
Universeity; Vasundhara Kaul, Purdue University
Gender Differential Effect of College on Socio-Political Orientation
Over 40 Years—a Propensity Score Weighting Approach. -
Achim Edelmann, University of Bern; Stephen Vaisey, Duke
Session Organizer: Salina Abji, Carleton University
1146. Regular Sessions. Food and Agriculture I: Food Security
and Food Justice
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 6, 6th Floor,
Presider: Kara Alexis Young, Ohio State University
Homeless and Hungry: Food Insecurity in the Land of Plenty - Kevin
M. Fitzpatrick, University of Arkansas; Don Edward Willis,
University of Arkansas - Little Rock
Farm to Food Bank: A Food Bank's Network of Locally Produced
Food - Alana Haynes Stein, University of California, Davis;
Catherine Brinkley, University of California, Davis
Relational and Logistical Dimensions of Agricultural Food Recovery:
Evidence from California Growers and Recovery Organizations
- Kelsey Meagher, UC Davis; Anne Gillman, American River
College; David Campbell, University of California, Davis;
Edward Spang, University of California, Davis
The Dynamics Between the Food Environment and Residential
Segregation: An Analysis of Metropolitan Areas. - Ferzana
Havewala, University of Baltimore
Gentrification, White Anxiety, and the Ascendancy of the Food
Desert Trope: Autoethnographic Reflections from Brooklyn -
Justin Sean Myers, California State University-Fresno
Session Organizer: Yuki Kato, Georgetown University
1147. Regular Sessions. Identities and Attitudes
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 8, 6th Floor,
Presider: Lisa Slattery Walker, University of North Carolina-
Punishments and the Dominance Identity in Exchange Networks -
Peter J. Burke, University of California, Riverside; Jan E. Stets,
University of California-Riverside; Scott V. Savage, University
of Houston
Refusing Inequality: Curbing Structural Inequality in a Reciprocal
Exchange Network Via the Possibility of Rejection - Scott V.
Savage, University of Houston; Monica M. Whitham, Oklahoma
State University
Authority, Tension, and the Constraint of Attitude Change in Groups
- Craig M. Rawlings, Duke University
Does Employees’ Behavior Change Our Feelings About Their
Organization? Affective Sentiment Sharing and Impression
Transfer - Daniel B. Shank, Missouri University of Science &
Session 1141, continued
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Technology; Alexander Burns, Missouri University of Science &
Session Organizer: David M. Melamed, Ohio State University
1148. Regular Sessions. Internal Migration: Processes and
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 10, 6th Floor,
Presider: Sara R. Curran, University of Washington
Effect Pathways of Paternal Labor Migration on Left-behind
Children's Long-term Educational Attainment in Rural China
- Wensong Shen, University of Pennsylvania; Li-Chung Hu,
National Chengchi University; Emily Carroll Hannum, University
of Pennsylvania
Internal Migration and Health in South Africa: Processes of
Selection and Healthcare Utilization - Carren Ginsburg,
University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South
Africa; Mark Collinson, University of the Witwatersrand,
Johannesburg, South Africa; F. Xavier Gomez-Olive, University
of the Witwatersrand; Mark Gross, Cabrini University; Sadson
Harawa, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg,
South Africa; Mark Lurie, Brown University; Keith Mukwonda,
University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa;
Chantel Ferreira Pheiffer, Brown University; Stephen Tollman,
University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa;
Rebecca Wang, Brown University; Michael J. White, Brown
One Event, Two Processes, and Migration in Young Adulthood
- Jonathan Horowitz, Carolina Population Center; Barbara
Entwisle, Univ. of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
The Networks of Inter-County Migration Flows in the U.S. - Peng
Huang, University of California, Irvine; Carter T. Butts,
University of California-Irvine
Discussant: Zhenxiang Chen
Session Organizer: Yao Lu, Columbia University
1151. Ideas for Future Research Roundtable
Parc55, Embarcadero, Level 3, 8:30-10:10am
Session Organizer: Mary Nell Trautner, University at Buffalo, SUNY
Presider: Mary Nell Trautner, University at Buffalo, SUNY
Table 1: Weight Matters
Presider: Dominique Scott, University of Texas
A Dance With Two Left Shoes: Shapeshifting, Fatphobia, and
Surveillance - Dominique Scott, University of Texas
Disordered Eating Behaviors and Weight Attitudes Among Fashion
Students - Dawnn Karen, Fashion Institute of Technology
Table 2: Sex & Relationships
Presider: Lynnette Priscilla Coto, Louisiana State University
“He Really Wanted His Bottom Stretched Out”: An Examination of
Pegging - Lynnette Priscilla Coto, Louisiana State University
“People See You As a Dollar Sign”: Reality of Hook-Up Culture
for Black College Football Players - Lynnette Priscilla Coto,
Louisiana State University
Table 3: Adapting Sociology to Changing Landscapes
Presider: Karen Phelan Kozlowski, University of Southern Mississippi
Adapting Sociology in a Changing Higher Ed Landscape - Karen
Phelan Kozlowski, University of Southern Mississippi
Highlighting the Sociological Advantage in the Fourth Industrial
Revolution - Allen Kim, International Christian University
Table 4: Sociology of Education
Presider: Hannah Hertenstein, The University of Arizona
Resilience and Community: A Story of Charter School Closure -
Hannah Hertenstein, The University of Arizona
The University’s Evolving Relationship with the State, the Market,
and the Public - Alwyn Lim, University of Southern California;
Hiro Saito, Singapore Management University
Table 5: Religion and Identity
Presider: Kenneth Ray Culton, Niagara University
Religion and Youth- New Research Directions - Kenneth Ray Culton,
Niagara University
Religiosity and Identity Among Second-Generation Iranian
Immigrants in the United States - Ali Akbar Mahdi, Lecturer,
Cal. State Uni., Northridge; Ahmad Khalili
Table 6: Public Housing and Public Parks
Presider: Greer Ayanna Hamilton, Boston University
Green Rules Everything Around Me (G.R.E.A.M): Racism, the Built
Environment, and Philanthropy. - Greer Ayanna Hamilton,
Boston University
The Effect of Public Housing Authority Organizational Performance
on the Quality of Public Housing Developments - Imari Z.
Smith, Duke University; Warren Lowell, Duke University
Table 7: Caregiving
Presider: Liwen Zeng, University of Arizona
Early Retirement, Grandchild Caregiving, and Mental Health in the
Chinese Context - Liwen Zeng, University of Arizona
Family Caregiving and Care Work Across the Life Course - Rebecca
L. Utz, University of Utah
Table 8: LGBT Families and Life Course
Presider: Anna Muraco, Loyola Marymount University
LGBT Aging: Queering the Life Course - Anna Muraco, Loyola
Marymount University
The Hegemonic Idea of the Family and its Impact on Strained
Parental Relationships in LGBTQ+ Communities - Andy Walter
Holmes, University of Toronto; Sara Mizen, University of
Table 9: Professionals and Decision Making
Presider: Cecilia Y. Norquist, Uppsala University
Embodying Two Sides of the Law: Exploring Emotional Capital
in Legal and Medical Decision-Making - Cecilia Y. Norquist,
Uppsala University; Josephine T. V. Greenbrook, University
of Edinburgh, School of Law/University of Gothenburg,
Sahlgrenska Academy Medical School
Local Culture, State, and Neo-Liberal Strategy: An Ethnography of
China’s Pharmaceutical Industry - Fen Dai, Yonsei University
Table 10: Ideas for Methods and Collaborations
Presider: Abigail Jorgensen, University of Notre Dame
Borders and Barriers to International Collaboration - Connie L.
McNeely, George Mason University
Productive Methods - Abigail Jorgensen, University of Notre Dame
Table 11: Dance, Sport, and Embodiment
Presider: Carmela Muzio Dormani, CUNY Graduate Center
Sociology of Body: The Embodment of Sport and Videogames:
Comparative Analsysis of Physical and Digital Emobidment -
Andrew Gutiereez, University of Colorado boulder
Toward a Sociology of Dance - Carmela Muzio Dormani, CUNY
Graduate Center
Table 12: Social Integration
Presider: Andreea Nica, Western New Mexico University
(Re)conceptualizing Emotional Capital and Intimacy in a
Sociological Context: The Authentic Revolution - Andreea
Nica, Western New Mexico University
Sociology of Boredom - Elina Tochilnikova, Arbour Counseling
Table 13: Gender, Sexuality, and Victimization
Presider: Afroza Anwary, Minnesota State Univ-Mankato
Illegible Citizens in Toronto’s Bruce McArthur Case: The
Necropolitics of Serial Killer Victims - Andy Walter Holmes,
University of Toronto
Sexual Violence Against Women as a Weapon of Rohingya
Genocide in Myanmar - Afroza Anwary, Minnesota State Univ-
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Table 14: Content Analysis and Identity Work
Presider: Ryan DeCarsky, UC Santa Barbara
'Doing Gay' in the Mainstream: A Qualitative Look at Gay Men Born
1995-2001 - Ryan DeCarsky, UC Santa Barbara
Identities and Moralities in (Post)Modern Cartoons - David G. Ortiz,
New Mexico State University; Lorissa Bryanne Barbara Humble,
New Mexico State University
Table 15: Race and Bodies
Presider: Cydnea Dean, University of California Riverside
Relationships Between Racial Status and the Development of
Disabilities - Cydnea Dean, University of California Riverside
Vitiligo: Challenging Cultural Assumptions and Shaping Identity -
Hamna Khuld
Table 16: Politics and Immigration
Presider: Fatima Guadalupe Rodriguez Pacas, SUNY ALBANY
Managing Unaccompanied Minor Refugee Arrivals: A Discussion of
the Inconsistencies Within EU Member State Policy. - Natalia
Anne de Gravelles, University of Macedonia
The United States Dominant Political Agenda Affect Irregular
Migration from El Salvador? - Fatima Guadalupe Rodriguez
Table 17: Race, Class, and Culture
Presider: Queen Jaks, Case Western Reserve
Education, Wealth, and the Black Middle Class - Kathryn Wiley
It's All Good in Da Hood - Queen Jaks, Case Western Reserve
Table 18: Work and Technology
Presider: Willie Pearson, Georgia Institute of Technology
Inequality, Artificial Intelligence, and the Future of Work - Willie
Pearson, Georgia Institute of Technology
New Technologies, Old Inequalities? Race, Class, Gender in the
Context of the “Fourth Logistics Revolution” - Haude Rivoal,
University Paris 8 - CRESPPA; Carlotta Benvegnu, Université
Paris 13 CEPN - Cresppa (CSU)
Table 19: New Forms of Urban and Rural Work
Presider: Charles M. Tolbert, Baylor University
Precarity and Last Mile Delivery: Parcel Delivery Workers in the UK
and US - Kirsty J. Newsome, Sheffield University Management
School; Sian Moore, Department of Human Resources and
Organisational Behaviour, University of Greenwich; Chima
Michael Anyadike-Danes, University of Sheffield; Jake
Alimahomed-Wilson, California State University-Long Beach
Studying Rural "Vetrepreneurs" - Charles M. Tolbert, Baylor
University; Michael Lospeich, Baylor University
Table 20: Power and Crime in a Global Context
Presider: Chris Agee, CUNY/SUNY
The Power Elite at Home and Abroad: Impacts of U.S. Global
Intervention - Chris Agee, CUNY/SUNY; Josh R. Klein, Iona
Work with Pre-prison Hierarchy: Social Capital and Power
Reproduction in a Chinese Female Prison - Xuemeng Li, CUNY
- The Graduate Center; Liu Liu, Nanjing University
Table 21: Gendered and Embodied Workers
Presider: Lauren N. McClain, Western Kentucky University
Social Support for Eating Disorders at Work - Kahlil King, Northern
Kentucky University; Nicholas Salter, Hofstra University
The Future of Data Collection on Paid Parental Leave in the United
States - Lauren N. McClain, Western Kentucky University;
Angelika Ruta Gulbis, Madison College
Table 22: Medicine and Privacy
Presider: Virginia A. Brown, Dell Medical School, University of Texas,
Genomic Liberalism Meets Biological Citizenship: Precision
Medicine, Inclusion, and Justice - Elizabeth Carolina Mayes
Realizing Interoperability: Privacy, Security, and Care Implications
of Information Sharing and Utilization through Psychiatric
Advance-Directives - Virginia A. Brown, Dell Medical School,
University of Texas, Austin; Billy Table, Dell Medical School
Table 23: Climate Justice
Presider: Caroline Grace Martinez, UC Irvine
Becoming Indigenous in Ecuador: Tools to Protect Land and Resist
the Expansion of Global Capitalism - Caroline Grace Martinez,
UC Irvine
Just Transitions and Climate Justice Futures - Vishwas Satgar,
University of the Witwatersrand; Michelle Annette Williams,
University of the Witwatersrand
Table 24: Race and Place
Presider: Mario R. Hernandez, Mills College
Race and the Study of Gentrification - Mario R. Hernandez, Mills
Transhistorical Approaches to Race and Racism in Germany:
Synthesizing and Charting a Sociological Approach - J.
Sterphone, University of California, Santa Barbara; Kerice
Doten-Snitker, University of Washington
Table 25: Migrant Adaptation
Presider: Haixia Zou
Disintegration in Integration: A Study on the Social Adpativeness
of Highway Migrants - Haixia Zou; Heying Jenny Zhan, Georgia
State University
Table 26: Mortality
Presider: Judith A. Richman, University of Illinois at Chicago
Case and Deaton (2015) Deconstructed: Alternative Explanations
for the Increase in White Working Class Middle-Aged Mortality
- Judith A. Richman, University of Illinois at Chicago
1153. Section on Asia and Asian America. The New Economy and
Changes in Asian Societies
Parc55, Cyril Magnin II, Level 4, 8:30-10:10am
Presider: Junmin Wang, University of Memphis
Selling a Resume and Buying a Job: Stratification of Gender and
Occupation in International Migration - Andy Scott Chang,
University of California, Berkeley
Cultural Capital, College Entrance Examination, and Elite University
Attendance in China - Anning Hu, Fudan University; Xiaogang
Wu, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Technology Entrepreneurship in Post-Communist China: A Project
of the Self Under Changing Codes of Honor - Gabriel Z. Chiu,
Stanford University
Critical Mass and Women CEOs in China: Moderating Effects of
Global Shareholders and State Ownership - Caroline Reilly,
University of Memphis; Junmin Wang, University of Memphis
Session Organizer: Wei Zhao, University of North Carolina-Charlotte
1154. Section on Social Psychology. Section on Social
Psychology: Identity and Emotion
Parc55, Cyril Magnin III, Level 4, 8:30-10:10am
Presider: Phoenicia Nicole Fares, University of California, Riverside
The Healthy-Eater Identity: Exploring Social and Emotional
Outcomes Using Identity Theory - Sarah Stembridge, UCSD
The Structure of Friendship: How Network Density Impacts Identity
Verification - Kelly Lorraine Markowski, University of Nebraska-
Race, Gender, and Emotions: How Social Characteristics Affect
Emotion Norms - Long Doan, University of Maryland-College
Park; Justin Maietta, University of Maryland, College Park
Parental Status, Identity and Happiness - Jan E. Stets, University
of California-Riverside; Phoenicia Nicole Fares, University of
California, Riverside; Melanie Kushida, UC Riverside; Quinn
Bloom, University of California, Riverside; Juha Lee
Session 1151, continued
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Session Organizers: Tony Love, University of Kentucky; Jenny L.
Davis, The Australian National University; Bianca Manago,
Vanderbilt University
1161. Regular Sessions. Regular Session on Rural Sociology
Parc55, Mission I, Level 4, 8:30-10:10am
Presider: Pablo Lapegna, University of Georgia
Eighty Years and Counting: Farmworker Labor Experiences in
New York State - Jennifer Bea Rogers-Brown, Long Island
Land Allyship: Re-Theorizing Queerness and Rurality - Jaclyn
Wypler, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Rationalization and the Unraveling of Patrimonialism in Rural Brazil
- Ian Robert Carrillo, University of California, Santa Barbara
Rural-Urban Continuum and Neoliberal Governance: Do Factors
Influencing Use of Austerity Policies Differ Across U.S.
Communities? - Lazarus Adua, University of Utah; Linda Lobao,
Ohio State University
Discussant: Rachel Soper, California State University-Channel
Session Organizer: Pablo Lapegna, University of Georgia
Saturday, 9:10 am
1123. Section on Crime, Law, and Deviance Roundtable Session
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Imperial B, Ballroom Level,
Session Organizers: Sara Wakefield, Rutgers University; Ashley T.
Rubin, University of Hawaii, Manoa
Table 1: Roundtable on Crime, Law, and Deviance
Table Presider: David F. Greenberg, New York University
A Comprehensive Experimental Test of the Situational Action
Theory of Crime Causation - Sebastian Sattler, University
of Cologne; Floris van Veen, University of Erfurt; Fabian
Hasselhorn, University of Cologne; Guido Franz Mehlkop,
University of Erfurt
A Geo-Spatial Analysis of Parking Lot Crimes - Olivia Paige Shaw,
University of North Carolina at Charlotte; Lauren Cook,
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Big Data in Policing - Dominic Kudlacek, University of Applied
Sciences Bremerhaven
Manhattan Murder Mystery - David F. Greenberg, New York
Table 2: Roundtable on Crime, Law, and Deviance
Table Presider: Janice Anne Iwama, American University
American Attitudes toward the Sale of Assault Rifles to Civilians -
Phillip Pierce, Texas Woman's University; Philip Q. Yang, Texas
Woman's University
Gunshot-Victim Cooperation with Police Investigations: Results
from the Chicago Inmate Survey - Kailey C. White, University
of Chicago; Philip Cook, Duke University; Harold Pollack
Rising Gun Sales in the Wake of Mass Shootings and Gun
Legislation - Janice Anne Iwama, American University; Jack
McDevitt, Northeastern University
The Active Shooter Paradox - Are These Tragic Events Random and
Unpredictable? - Richard Duque; Robert Rivera, iiisolutuons; EJ
Leblanc, iiisolutuons
Table 3: Roundtable on Crime, Law, and Deviance
Table Presider: Tony Cheng, Yale University
Organizational Variation in California Police Departments’ Rates
of Fatal and Non-Fatal Force. - Matthew James Thompson,
University of California, Davis
Penal System Enmeshment, Domestic Conflict, and Police
Utilization - Rachel Butler, Johns Hopkins University
Reordering Strain in Police Culture: Police Organizational
Sensemaking in Oakland, California and Stockholm, Sweden -
Carlos Felipe Bustamante, University at Albany-SUNY
Table 4: Roundtable on Crime, Law, and Deviance
Table Presider: Chloe Haimson, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Blurring Support and Risk: The Rise of Algorithms in Parole Work -
Chloe Haimson, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Institutional Corruption in the Criminal Justice System - Joshua
Wakeham, University of Alabama
The Net of Privatized Punishment: Examining the Use of Private
Probation in Colorado - Tyler John Smith, University of
Table 5: Roundtable on Crime, Law, and Deviance
Table Presider: Stephen M. Wulff, University of Minnesota
“Contextualizing, Measuring, and Governing through ‘Carceral State
Crime’ in the Modern Punishment Era” - Stephen M. Wulff,
University of Minnesota
Explaining Global Patterns of Punishment and Welfare - Francois
Bonnet, CNRS
“I Come Before You a Changed Man”: “Insight” and the
Realignment of Penal Practice in California - Isaac Dalke,
University of California - Berkeley
Predatory Rehabilitation: Misdemeanor Courts as Neo-Liberal
Institutions of Control - Ilya Slavinski, UT Austin
Table 6: Roundtable on Crime, Law, and Deviance
Table Presider: Rebecca Ann DiBennardo, University of California,
Los Angeles
From Treatment to Punishment: Law, Medicine, and Competing
Logics in California’s Civil Commitment Program - Rebecca
Ann DiBennardo, University of California, Los Angeles
Hard Landings: Implications of a Weak Social Safety Net for Older
Adults Leaving Jails and Prisons - Zachary Edward Psick,
University of California, Davis
Health Behind and Beyond the Bars: Black Women’s Experiences of
Illness During and After Incarceration - Jennifer Elyse James,
University of California, San Francisco
Jail as a Point of Contraceptive Care Access? Preferences Among
Women in an Urban Jail - Kyl Myers, University of Utah; Cristen
N. Dalessandro, University of Utah; Claudia Geist, University of
Utah; Carolyn Sufrin, Johns Hopkins
Table 7: Roundtable on Crime, Law, and Deviance
Table Presider: Victoria I. Piehowski, University of Minnesota-Twin
Incarcerated Parents’ Explanations of Criminal Justice to Their
Children: Structural Inequality and Individual Autonomy -
Sarah Jensen, University of Wisconsin-Madison
The Long-Term Effects of Parental Incarceration on Children’s
Academic Achievement - Matthew Peter Fox, University of
California-Los Angeles; Xi Song, University of Pennsylvania
The Unique Challenges Mothers Face When Coming Into Contact
with the Criminal Justice System - Jaqueline Lepe, University
of California, Berkeley
Under the Punitive Aegis: Deviant Dependency and the Family
Justice Center Model - Victoria I. Piehowski, University of
Minnesota-Twin Cities
Table 8: Roundtable on Crime, Law, and Deviance
Table Presider: Eric Gamino, California State University, Northridge
Deportation Vulnerability: Unauthorized Immigrants’ Reluctance
to Cooperate with the Police Along the Texas-Mexico Border -
Eric Gamino, California State University, Northridge
Drug Courts, Humanizing Violence, and the Savage Other - Kerwin
Kaye, Wesleyan University
Police Strategies to Fight Prejudice Related Crime - Dominic
Kudlacek, University of Applied Sciences Bremerhaven; Sören
Kliem, Ernst-Abbe-Hochschule Jena
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Table 9: Roundtable on Crime, Law, and Deviance
Table Presider: Robert Donald Weide, California State University,
Los Angeles
Digital Capital in Prison? ICT’s and Mobile Phones Behind Bars -
Peter Scharff Smith, Oslo University
Social Disorganization and Prison Violence: How Prison Gangs
Mitigate Serious Violence in California Prisons - Robert Donald
Weide, California State University, Los Angeles
The Additive Penalty of Incarceration: Premature Death Risk - Dirk
Witteveen, University of Oxford
The Spectrum of Trauma and the Institutional Maze - Sanna King,
Mississippi State University
Table 10: Roundtable on Crime, Law, and Deviance
Table Presider: Dana Hayward, Yale University
Creating Responsible Victims: Gendered Diversion Approaches to
the State Management of Prostitution and Sex Trafficking -
Lillian Taylor Jungleib, University of California, Irvine
Not in My Backyard? Municipal Responses to the Decriminalization
of Sex Work in New Zealand - Dana Hayward, Yale University
Social Network Analysis of Latino Sex Trafficking Enterprise -
Lauren Sabon, University of Arkansas; Song Yang, University of
Arkansas; Qingyang Zhang, University of Arkansas
The Rape Paradox: The Effect of Anti-Sexual Assault Policies on
Gender Beliefs and Policy Compliance - Kirstie Boyett, Texas
A&M University
Table 11: Roundtable on Crime, Law, and Deviance
Table Presider: Lindsay Bing, University of Texas at Austin
Dangerous Bodies: Skin Tone, Body Size, and Criminal Punishment -
Lindsay Bing, University of Texas at Austin
Racial Polarization in Attitudes Towards Crime and Justice - Karen
Lee, University of Texas Austin; Becky Pettit, University of
Texas Austin
The Racialized Packaging of Punishment: An Instrumental Variables
Approach to Monetary Sanctions and Confinement - Ryan P.
Larson, University of Minnesota; Christopher Uggen, University
of Minnesota-Twin Cities; Robert Austin Stewart, University of
Minnesota; Veronica L. Horowitz, University of Minnesota
Table 12: Roundtable on Crime, Law, and Deviance
Table Presider: Christopher Thomas, CUNY Graduate Center
Employment and Pretrial Detention: Structural Determinants of
Local Penal Control - Christopher Thomas, CUNY Graduate
Incarceration, Employment, and Earnings: A Re-Examination Across
Two Cohorts - Mireia Triguero Roura, Columbia University;
Joshua Aleksanyan, Columbia University
Waiting for Justice: Examining the Relationship Between Homicide
Clearance Rates and Homicide Rates - Simon Kolbeck, The
Ohio State Univeristy
The Mechanics of the Guilty Plea - Mikaela Rabinowitz, Measures
for Justice
Table 13: Roundtable on Crime, Law, and Deviance
Table Presider: Sade Lindsay, The Ohio State University
Incarceration-Induced Stress and Social Support in Pennsylvania
Women’s Prisons - Sade Lindsay, The Ohio State University;
Dana L. Haynie, Ohio State University; Jacob T.N. Young,
Arizona State University
Mental Health, Social Ties, and Substance Abuse in a County
Jail’s Recovery and Reintegration Program - Emily Schneider,
Northern Arizona University; Eva Bombeck, Colorado College;
Sarah Leve, Colorado College; Eliza Guion, Colorado College
Who Do you Know? Crime-Involved Women’s Egocentric Social
Networks and Access to Social Capital - Marva Goodson-Miller,
Vanderbilt University
Social Integration, Victimization, and Health Among Female
Inmates - Story Edison; Dana L. Haynie, Ohio State University
Table 14: Roundtable on Crime, Law, and Deviance
Table Presider: Andrew David Nevin, University of Toronto
Theoretical Contributions to Cyber-Criminology: Traditional
Frameworks vs. New Theorizing Opportunities - Andrew David
Nevin, University of Toronto
The Security Entrepreneurs: Networks of Public and Private
Security in Mexico - Eldad J. Levy, University of Texas at Austin
The Sociology of Crime in Latin America. A Genealogy of its
National Developments - Arturo Alvarado, El colegio de México
The Ties that Bribe: Everyday Embeddedness of Corruption in
Chicago Organized Crime - Jared Joseph, University of
California, Davis; Chris M. Smith, University of Toronto
Table 15: Roundtable on Crime, Law, and Deviance
Table Presider: Tara Elizabeth Sutton, Mississippi State University
Getting Jumped in Vacationland: The Complicated Rhetoric and
Realities of Assault in a Small Town - Andrew Robert Burns,
Louisiana State University; Kathryn Albrecht, Northwestern
Paths Linking Early Adversity to Young Adulthood Crime Among
Black Women & Men - Tara Elizabeth Sutton, Mississippi State
Unhealthy Parenting: Situational (Dis-)Incentives, Machiavellian
Personality, and Their Interaction on Medication Misuse for
Healthy Children - Sebastian Sattler, University of Cologne;
Philipp Linden, University of Siegen
Where the Devil Truly Resides: True Crime and the Comfort of Evil -
Diana Rickard, Queensborough Community College
1128. Section on Marxist Sociology Refereed Roundtable Session
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Yosemite C, Ballroom Level,
Session Organizer: Allison L. Hurst, Oregon State University
Table 1: Historical Considerations: of Colonies and Decolonization
Table Presider: Vince Montes, San Jose State University
Within or Without: Viet Nam's Integration into Global Capitalism -
Hoai-An Nguyen, UCSB
Agricultural Dispossessions during the 1964–1985 Brazilian
Dictatorship - Daniel Bin, University of Brasilia
Puerto Rico and the U.S. Social Structure of Control - Vince Montes,
San Jose State University
Table 2: Art, Politics, and Social Change
Table Presider: Jeffrey A. Halley, University of Texas-San Antonio
Dada as a Threat to Art and Politics - Jeffrey A. Halley, University of
Texas-San Antonio
Table 3: Movements. Parties. Power
Table Presider: Kay Mann, Miami University-Hamilton
Exploring How a Workers’ Government May Use Capital Better
Than a Bourgeois Government - Paul Kasun, Universidad del
Herbert Marcuse, The Climate Crisis, and the Ecology Movement -
Michael J. Sukhov, Institute for Psychosociological Integration
Social Movements Variation and Big Structures: The Yellow Vest
Movement in France and Neo-Liberal Capitalism - Kay Mann,
Miami University-Hamilton
Theorizing Amazon Expansion as an Extension of U.S. Empire and
Imperialism - Priscilla Hernandez, University of Massachusetts
Table 4: Resistance in Neoliberal Times
Table Presider: Sara Schoonmaker, University of Redlands
Informational Capitalism and Dynamics of Resistance - Sara
Schoonmaker, University of Redlands
Resisting One Dimensional Education: Power, Resistance and
Academic Freedom in the Managed Classroom - Dominic
Vincent Wetzel, CUNY Kingsborough Community College
Session 1123, continued
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Table 5: New Directions
Table Presider: Guðmundur "Gummi" Oddsson, University of
Akureyri, Iceland
Class Analysis and Icelandic Class Research - Guðmundur "Gummi"
Oddsson, University of Akureyri, Iceland
Woke Capital: How Corporations Co-Opt Social Justice Movements
for Profit and Power - Anthony Joseph Capote, The Graduate
Cent, City University of New York
Saturday, 10:30 am
1203. Regional Spotlight Session. Gender Inequality,
Organizational Change, and Exercising Power in Silicon
Valley STEM Careers
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 1, Lobby Level,
Presiders: Alison Wynn, Stanford University; Melissa Victoria Abad,
Stanford University
Panelists: Melissa Victoria Abad, Stanford University; Lauren
Alfrey, University of Portland; Ethel L. Mickey, University of
Massachusetts Amherst; Ahn Thang Dao-Shah, San Francisco
General Hospital
Session Organizers: Melissa Victoria Abad, Stanford University;
Alison Wynn, Stanford University
1204. Special Sessions. Credit, Debt, and Inequality at Work
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 2, Lobby Level,
Presider: Rachel E. Dwyer, Ohio State University
Household Finances and Employment Inequality - Ken-Hou Lin,
University of Texas at Austin
Credit Reports in Hiring - Barbara Kiviat, Stanford University
Debt with Dignity at Work - Frederick F. Wherry, Princeton
Discussant: Bruce G. Carruthers, Northwestern University
Session Organizer: Rachel E. Dwyer, Ohio State University
1205. Special Sessions. Putting Intersectionality into Action:
Collectively Addressing Sexual Assault Experienced by
Black Women
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 3, Lobby Level,
Presider: Mignon R. Moore, Columbia University
Panelists: Dereca Blackmon, Stanford University; Zakiya T.
Luna, University of California-Santa Barbara; Rashawn Ray,
University of Maryland-College Park
Session Organizers: Shelley J. Correll, Stanford University; Mignon
R. Moore, Columbia University; Janelle White, San Francisco
Women Against Rape and San Francisco State University
1206. Thematic Sessions. Changing Technologies, Changing
Work, Changing Power Relations: Lessons from Sectoral
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 4, Lobby Level,
Presider: Annette Bernhardt, UC Berkeley
From Instacart to DoorDash and Beyond: Ecommerce and New
Food Delivery Channels - Chris Benner, UC Santa Cruz
Beyond Amazon: Technologies Shaping the Retail Store of the
Future - Françoise Carré, University of Massachusetts Boston;
Chris Tilly, University of California Los Angeles
Technology, Race, Class, and Power in the Changing Logistics
Industry - Juan D. De Lara, University of Southern California
Who’s in the Driver’s Seat? Lyft as Viewed from Below - Sarah
Mason, University of California, Santa Cruz
Driverless? Autonomous Trucks and the Future of the American
Trucker - Steve Viscelli, University of Pennsylvania
Session Organizer: Chris Tilly, University of California Los Angeles
1207. Thematic Sessions. Opting Out, Dropping Out: Narrative,
Intersectionality, and Women's Work Discontinuities
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 5, Lobby Level,
Presider: Pamela Stone, CUNY-Hunter College
Panelists: Youngjoo Cha, Indiana University-Bloomington; Liana
Christin Landivar, US Department of Labor; Shani Orgad,
London School of Economics; Irene Padavic, Florida State
Session Organizer: Pamela Stone, CUNY-Hunter College
1208. Regional Spotlight Session. The Sociological Dynamics
of Wildland Fire: Causes and Consequences for the 21st
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 6, Lobby Level,
Presider: Kindra De-Arman, University of Oregon
Panelists: Albert S. Fu, Kutztown University of Pennsylvania; David
Flores, USDA Forest Service; Alissa Cordner, Whitman College;
Kari Marie Norgaard, University of Oregon; Ron Reed, Karuk
Cultural Biologist
Session Organizers: Kindra De-Arman, University of Oregon;
Richard York, University of Oregon
1209. Thematic Sessions. Envisioning Real Utopias in Medicine
and Healthcare
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 7, Lobby Level,
Presider: Liberty Barnes, University of Oregon
Creating a Utopic HIV/AIDS Agenda: What We Have Learned from
the Construction of AIDS as a Black Disease - Kevin M. Moseby,
Drexel University
What's Your Street Race-Gender? Intersectionality as a Conceptual
Lever for Advancing Health Justice and Real Utopias for Latinx
Communities in the U.S. and Beyond - Nancy López, University
of New Mexico-Albuquerque
Real Utopias in Health Care? Patient Engagement in Innovative
Learning Health Systems - Alexandra Vinson, University of
Discussant: Laura Mamo, San Francisco State University
Session Organizer: Liberty Barnes, University of Oregon
1210. Section on Aging and the Life Course. Diversity or
Disadvantage? Interrogating How Social Inequality
Shapes Life Course(s)
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 8, Lobby Level,
Presider: Jessica A. Kelley, Case Western Reserve University
Examining the Intergenerational Transfer of Wealth: The Effects of
Student Loan Debt on Homeownership Outcomes - Hannah
Judson; Eulalie Jean Laschever, DePaul University
Gender-Based Pathways to Cognitive Aging in the Mexican-Origin
Population: The Significance of Work and Family - Sunshine
Marie Rote, University of Louisville; Jacqueline L. Angel,
University of Texas-Austin
Intergenerational Bequeathal of Dis/Advantage: How Lacking
Legal Status Derails Intra-Family Processes Promoting Upward
Mobility - Robert Courtney Smith, City University of New York-
Baruch College, Graduate Center
Romantic Relationship Patterns Across Early Adulthood:
Cumulative Inequality, Turning Points for Health, or Something
Else? - Ashley Brooke Barr, SUNY-Buffalo
The Role of Intergenerational Transmission of Education on Adult
Health: A Longitudinal Cohort Study - Oliver Arránz Becker,
Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg; Katharina Loter,
Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
Session Organizer: Jessica A. Kelley, Case Western Reserve
Saturday, August 8, 2020
1213. Meeting. Committee on Nominations
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Marina, Lobby Level, 10:30am-
1215. Professional Development Workshop. Grant-Seeking from
Private Foundations: What Investigators Should Know
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 1, Ballroom Level,
Leaders: Jenny Irons, William T. Grant Foundation; Roey Ahram,
Spencer Foundation; James A. Wilson, Russell Sage
Session Organizer: Leana Chatrath, Russell Sage Foundation
1216. Departmental Management and Leadership Workshop.
Creating a Compassionate Sociology Department
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 2, Ballroom Level,
Leaders: Kathryn Goldman Schuyler, Alliant International University
& Coherent Change Consulting; Matthew T. Lee, Harvard
Session Organizer: Kathryn Goldman Schuyler, Alliant International
University & Coherent Change Consulting
1217. Section on Crime, Law, and Deviance. Racism, Power, and
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 3, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Frank Edwards, Rutgers University - Newark
A Kinder, Gentler Drug War? Race, Punishment and Drugs in
21st Century America - Katherine Beckett, University of
Washington; Marco Brydolf-Hortwitz, University of Washington
Sovereign Shields: State Violence in Indian Country - Frank
Edwards, Rutgers University - Newark; Theresa Rocha Beardall,
Virginia Tech
The Institutional Foundations or Power Threat Theory: Diversity,
Democratic Quality, and Punitiveness? - Andrew P. Davis,
North Carolina State University; Michael Gibson-Light,
University of Denver; Eric Bjorklund, The University of Arizona;
Teron Nunley, North Carolina State University
The Political Economy of Incarceration in the U.S. South, 1910-1925
- Christopher Michael Muller, University of California-Berkeley;
Daniel Schrage, Harvard
Session Organizers: Sara Wakefield, Rutgers University; Ashley T.
Rubin, University of Hawaii, Manoa; Amada Armenta
1219. Book Salons (formerly Author Meets Critics). Ghosts in
the Schoolyard (University of Chicago Press, 2018) by Eve
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 7, Ballroom Level,
Author: Eve L. Ewing, University of Chicago
Panelists: David J. Harding, University of California-Berkeley;
Derron Wallace, Brandeis University; Natasha Warikoo, Tufts
Session Organizer: R. L'Heureux Lewis-McCoy, New York University
Moderator: Chantal Annise Hailey, New York University
1220. Section on Economic Sociology. Inequality and Economic
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 8, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Louise Seamster, University of Iowa
Avoiding Categories, Avoiding Race: Colorblind Logics in the
Emergence of the New Economic Sociology - Laura Garbes,
Brown University; Daniel Hirschman, Brown University
Engineering Sucession: How Experts Mediate the Relational Work
of Intergenerational Wealth Transmission in Family Firms -
Mateusz Halawa, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of
the Polis; Feliks Tuszko, Doctoral School of Social Sciences,
University of Warsaw
Moral Views of Global Markets: Fairness, Ethnocentrism, and
Americans’ Attitudes About Offshoring and Immigration - Carl
E. Gershenson, Washington University in St Louis; Tim Bartley,
Washington University-St. Louis
Discussant: Louise Seamster, University of Iowa
Session Organizers: Fabien Accominotti, London School of
Economics; Emily A. Barman, Boston University; Daniel
Hirschman, Brown University; Elena Obukhova, McGill
University; Brian James Sargent, University of Massachusetts
1221. Section on Teaching and Learning in Sociology. Hans
O. Mauksch Award for Distinguished Contributions to
Undergraduate Sociology Address
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 9, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Stephanie Medley-Rath, Indiana University-Kokomo
Beautiful Teaching: Toward a Deeper Understanding of Teaching
Excellence - Michele Lee Kozimor, Elizabethtown College
Session Organizer: Stephanie Medley-Rath, Indiana University-
1223. Meeting. Section on Global and Transnational Sociology
Business Meeting
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Imperial B, Ballroom Level,
1224. Meeting. Honors Program Discussion Tables
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Franciscan A, Ballroom Level,
1225. Meeting. Sociological Theory Editorial Board
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Franciscan D, Ballroom Level,
1226. Meeting. Section on Children and Youth Business Meeting
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Yosemite A, Ballroom Level,
1227. Section on Sociology of Culture. Grad Student
Professionalization Panel: Teaching Culture in Today's
Political Climate
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Yosemite B, Ballroom Level,
Presiders: Samantha Leonard, Brandeis University; Joanna Pepin,
University of Texas-Austin
Panelists: Barbara Harris Combs, Clark Atlanta University; C.J.
Pascoe, University of Oregon; Andrew J. Perrin, University of
North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Session Organizers: Samantha Leonard, Brandeis University;
Joanna Pepin, University of Texas-Austin
1228. Meeting. Section on Labor and Labor Movements Business
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Yosemite C, Ballroom Level,
1229. Regular Sessions. Organizational Theory: Fields,
Institutions, and Ecologies
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 1, 4th Floor,
Presider: Dustin S. Stoltz, University of Notre Dame
The Legitimation Process for Non-Normative Colleges: A Case
Study of Two All-Women’s Colleges - Kelsey Harris, Boston
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Historical Protestant Influence, Subnational Institutions, and
Organizational Leadership Structure in the U.S. (1776-2017) -
Kunyuan Qiao, Cornell University
Relational Spaces and Value Re-placement: Community
Involvement at the Gowanus Canal Superfund Site. - Orla
Stapleton, Indiana University
Playing the Field: How Power Structures Organizational Fields -
Simon Yamawaki Shachter; Carrie Robson Oelberger
Competitive Exclusion vs. Mimetic Isomorphism? An Identified
Empirical Test - William P. Barnett, Stanford University; Xiao
Xiao, Peking University; Yi Zhou, Peking University
Session Organizer: Dustin Avent-Holt, Augusta University
1230. Section on Marxist Sociology. Marxist Sociology
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 3, 4th Floor,
Presider: Hannah A. Holleman, Amherst College
A Marxist Perspective on the EU Humanitarian Aid in Intervention
of Syrian Refugees in Turkey - Ezgi Karaoglu, Michigan State
The Roots of Loneliness in Disadvantage and Exploitation:
Implications for Health of the Working Population - Alex
E. Bierman, University of Calgary; Marisa Christine Young,
McMaster University; Scott Schieman, University of Toronto, St.
Why No Alternative?: Cynical Justification in the Evaluation of
Possible Futures - Ken Cai Kowalski, University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill
Marx’s Late Writings: Theories of Revolutionary Change and of
Alternatives to Capitalism - Kevin B. Anderson, University of
California, Santa Barbara
Session Organizer: Hannah A. Holleman, Amherst College
1231. Regular Sessions. Globalization
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 5, 4th Floor,
Presider: Rachel A. Rinaldo, University of Colorado-Boulder
21st Century Globalization and Deglobalization - Christopher
Chase-Dunn, University of California-Riverside; Julian Neo
Sanchez, University of California-Riverside; Jisoo Kim,
University of California-Riverside; Cydnea Dean, University of
California Riverside
Sex or Blood? Transnational Modification of Intersectionality
in Authoritarian Health Politics - Yan Long, University of
Silicon Valley Within Reach: Entrepreneurial Capitalism in
Kenya - Tim Weiss, Imperial College London; Klaus Weber,
Northwestern University
State Capacity and International Trade: A Relational Approach -
Simone Polillo, University of Virginia
Discussant: Ayca Zayim, Mount Holyoke College
Session Organizer: Rachel A. Rinaldo, University of Colorado-
1236. Minority Fellowship Program. Minority Fellowship Program
(MFP) Research Session. Issues in Demographic Changes
and Legal Rights for Indigenous Americans
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 13, 4th Floor,
Towards Indigenous Population Futures - Desi Rodriguez-Lonebear,
University of Arizona
Streaming Indigenous Knowledge: The Rights of Nature and
the Case of Colorado River v. State of Colorado - Yvonne P.
Sherwood, University of California-Santa Cruz
Session Organizer: Anthony Paik, University of Massachusetts-
1237. Section on Altruism, Morality, and Social Solidarity. Open
Session on Altruism, Morality, and Social Solidarity:
Understanding the Good in a World Gone Bad
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 14, 4th Floor,
Presider: Candice C. Robinson, University of Pittsburgh
A Little Help From My Friends? Resolving Moral Tension Between
Meritocracy and Job-Seeking Help - Laura Adler, Harvard
University; Elena Ayala-Hurtado, Harvard University; Julia
Weiss, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Discordant Benevolence: Why People Help Others in the Face of
Conflicting Values - Sarah K. Cowan, New York University;
Tricia C. Bruce, University of Notre Dame; Brea Louise Perry,
Indiana University-Bloomington; Bridget J. Ritz, University of
Notre Dame; Elizabeth Marie Anderson, Indiana University;
Stuart Malcolm Perrett, New York University
Imagined Relationships in Moral Judgment - Francesca Polletta,
University of California-Irvine
Pushing Back Against Rationalized Institutions with a Logic of
Care - Jacqui Frost, University of Minnesota; Penny Edgell,
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Where Does Generalized Trust Come From—Disposition,
Interaction, or Something Else? - Joshua Franklin Doyle, Duke
Session Organizer: Dana M. Moss, University of Pittsburgh
1238. Regular Sessions. Regular Session for History of Sociology
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 15, 4th Floor,
Presider: Anna Katharina Skarpelis, Harvard University
Against Discovering - Amanda Kaplan, Rutgers University
All in the Family: Geopolitics and the Transformation
of Demographic Knowledge (1945-1970) - Savina
Balasubramanian, Loyola University-Chicago
Jim Crow Sociology at Work - Michael Schwartz, Stony Brook
The Great Transformation: The Durkheimian Sociology of Religion
from Emile Durkheim to Henri Hubert - Romulo Lelis,
University of Sao Paulo
Discussant: Anna Katharina Skarpelis, Harvard University
Session Organizer: Freeden Blume Oeur, Tufts University
1239. Regular Sessions. Immigration and Gender
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 17, 4th Floor,
Presider: Soulit Chacko, Loyola University-Chicago
Career Death By Small Cuts: How Professional Women (Re)
Negotiate Career Ambitions Post-Migration - Stephanie
J. Nawyn, Michigan State University; Seçil Elitok, Oakland
Dual Prongs of Gender Mobility: Migration for Marriage and Labor
in Rural Vietnam - Phung N. Su, UC Berkeley
Immigrants at Work: The Intersection of Gender and Entry Visas
on Employment and Work Hours - Rennie Lee, Florida
International University
Losing Women: How Gender Shapes Trajectories of Embeddedness
Among Second Generation American Muslims - Eman
Abdelhadi, University of Chicago
Discussant: Payal Banerjee, Smith College
Session Organizer: Pallavi Banerjee, University of Calgary
1241. Regular Sessions. Popular Culture and the Cultural
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 23, 4th Floor,
Presider: Michael Patrick Vaughn, Emory University
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Happy Birthday Michael Jackson: Dead Celebrity and Online
Interaction - Kerry O. Ferris, Northern Illinois University
Shining Forever: A Critical Study of Celebrity Tourism in Hollywood
Cemeteries - Marta Soligo, University of Nevada, Las Vegas;
David R. Dickens, UNLV
Fresh Phrasing, Hip Beats, and Young Blood: How Established
Artists Adopt Trends in Creative Industries - Rachel Skaggs,
Ohio State University
The Filtered Self: The Selfie as Gendered Media Production - Laura
Grindstaff, University of California-Davis; Gabriella Torres, UC
Session Organizer: Dustin Kidd, Temple University
1242. Regular Sessions. Sociology of Science I: Perceptions,
Politics, and Paradigms
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 25, 4th Floor,
Presider: Kelly Moore, Loyola University-Chicago
Threatening Morality? Science, Religion, and Perceptions of Right
and Wrong in the United States - Timothy L. O'Brien, University
of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; Shiri Noy, Denison University
A Scientific World - Testing Three Theories of Science Perceptions
Across Countries 2005-2016 - Gordon Gauchat, University of
Wisconsin-Milwaukee; Yi Yin, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Clouding Climate Science: A Comparative Network and Text
Analysis of Anti-Consensus Scientists - Ryan Light, University
of Oregon; Nicholas Theis, University of Oregon; James Moody,
Duke University; Achim Edelmann, University of Bern
Paradigms of Sex Research and Women in STEM - Jeffrey W.
Lockhart, University of Michigan
Modeling the Diffusion of Novel Ideas: The Variable Careers of New
Scientific Concepts - Daniel A. McFarland, Stanford University;
Sanne Smith, Stanford; Xiang Ren, USC; Magie Cheng, Stanford
Session Organizer: Miranda R. Waggoner, Florida State University
1243. Regular Sessions. Open-Theme Regular Session in
Mathematical Sociology
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 1, 6th Floor,
Presider: Hsin Fei Tu, UMass
Automated Text Analysis for Understanding Activism: Topical
Agenda of the North American Animal Liberation Movement -
Zack W. Almquist; Benjamin E. Bagozzi, University of Delaware
Dimensions of Social Networks: A Taxonomy and
Operationalization - Michael Genkin, Singapore Management
University; Nicholas Harrigan, Macquarie University; Rajee
Kanagavel; Janice Yap, Independent Researcher
Phase Transitions in the Edge/Concurrent Vertex Model - Carter T.
Butts, University of California-Irvine
The Weakness of Strong Expectations: A Model of Self-Defeating
Prophecies - Daniel DellaPosta, Pennsylvania State University
Session Organizer: Diego F. Leal, University of South Carolina-
1244. Regular Sessions. Regular Session: Mental Health –
Advancing Stigma Research
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 2, 6th Floor,
Presider: Bruce G. Link, University of California-Riverside
Mental Health Policy and Well-Being: The Role of Structural
Stigma in Quality of Life - Struther Van Horn, Bureau of Labor
Statistics; Kristen Marcussen, Kent State University
The Power of Self-Labels: Examining Self-Esteem Consequences for
Youth with Mental Health Problems - Lexi Harari, University of
California, Riverside; Sharon S. Oselin, University of California-
Riverside; Bruce G. Link, University of California-Riverside
Doubly Deviant: The Stigma Consequences of Mental Illnesses
That Converge With/Diverge from Demographic Stereotypes
- Bianca Manago, Vanderbilt University; Hannah Regan,
Vanderbilt University
Stigma Resistance and the Mental Illness Identity - Kristen
Marcussen, Kent State University; Mary Gallagher, Kent State
University at Stark; Christian Ritter, Northeast Ohio Medical
Session Organizer: Alisa K. Lincoln, Northeastern University
1245. Regular Sessions. Political Culture
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 4, 6th Floor,
Presider: Robert S. Jansen, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Is (S)He Presidential? Political Consultants’ Views of the Changing
Scripts of Political Leadership, 1995-2020 - Bo Yun Park,
Harvard University
Money and Meaning in the Climate Change Debate: Cultural
Resonance, Organizational Power, and Frame Success - Rachel
Wetts, Brown University
The Autonomy of the Contentious Tactic - Tomas Gold, University
of Notre Dame
Toward a Field Theory of Corruption. The Case of the CNM Audios
in Peru - Nino Bariola, The University of Texas at Austin; Luis
Manuel Olguin, UCLA
Transformative Interventions: Assessing Cultural Technologies for
Personal and Systemic Change - Ann Mische, University of
Notre Dame; Feyza Akova, University of Notre Dame
Session Organizer: Robert S. Jansen, University of Michigan-Ann
1246. Regular Sessions. Food and Agriculture II: Food Production
and Labor
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 6, 6th Floor,
Presider: Anne Saville
Qualitising Coffee: Infrastructures for ‘Specialty’ Production in
Brazil - Noa Berger, EHESS
Workplace Preference Among Farmworkers: Piece Rate, Pesticides,
and the Perspective of Fruit and Vegetable Harvesters - Rachel
Soper, California State University-Channel Islands
Growing Food, Growing Supportive Networks: Exploring
Organizational Support for Women Farmers Through
Professional Conferences - Carmen Marie Rowe, Boston
A Hopeful Failure: Understanding the Crisis in Organic Dairy and
Why a Mission-Driven Coop Couldn’t Buck the Agricultural
Treadmill - Kathryn Anderson, University of Wisconsin
Gardens For All? Using Spatial Analysis to Assess Community
Garden Accessibility in Milwaukee, Philadelphia and Seattle -
Charlotte Glennie, University of California Davis
Session Organizer: Yuki Kato, Georgetown University
1247. Regular Sessions. Inequality, Life Course Processes, and
Health in the U.S.
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 8, 6th Floor,
Presider: Verna M. Keith, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Increasing Disability Among Midlife U.S. Adults in the 21st Century:
The Role of Precarious Work - Rachel Donnelly, University of
Texas at Austin
Men’s Employment Trajectories During the Great Recession and
Health Outcomes - Han Liu, State University of New York at
Albany; Feinuo Sun, SUNY Albany
Health Inequality in the United States: The Role of Macro-
Sociological Factors - Pui Yin Cheung, Indiana University
Session 1241 continued
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Childhood Adversity, Social Cognitive Schemas, and Health - Eric
Thomas Klopack, University of Georgia; Ronald L. Simons,
University of Georgia
A Square Peg in a Round Hole: Educational Expectations,
Friendship Networks, and Mental Health - Zhonghao Wang,
Cornell University
Discussant: Matthew Andersson, Baylor University
Session Organizer: Verna M. Keith, University of Alabama at
1248. Regular Sessions. New Developments in Union Formation
and Maintenance
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 10, 6th Floor,
Presider: Kathleen E. Hull, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
The Persistence of Arranged Marriage in Urban India: New Evidence
from Delhi - Megan Nicole Reed, University of Pennsylvania
When Two Become One? Communal Orientations and Their
Challenges Among Married Gay Men and Lesbians - Aaron
Hoy, Minnesota State University-Mankato
Women’s Empowerment, Marital Relations, and the Transformation
of Polygyny in Sub-Saharan Africa - Sophia Chae, University
of Montreal; Victor Agadjanian, University of California-Los
Freedom and Constraint in Same-Sex Engagements: How Age
and Gender Shape Adherence to Marriage Scripts - Abigail
Ocobock, University of Notre Dame
Discussants: Corinne (Rin) Reczek, Ohio State University; Mieke
Beth Thomeer, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Session Organizer: Sharon L. Sassler, Cornell University
1252. Student Forum Refereed Roundtable
Parc55, Cyril Magnin I, Level 4, 10:30am-12:10pm
Session Organizers: Saugher Nojan, University of California Santa
Cruz; TehQuin Forbes, Florida State University; Madelyn Diaz,
University of Central Florida; Marie Plaisime, Howard University
Table 1: Culture, Technology, and Stratification
Table Presider: TehQuin Forbes, Florida State University
How Do Gendered Racial Stereotypes Influence Dating Preference
in Online Same Sex Male Dating - Christopher Lee
The Duality of Digital Communication Technologies in Smart
Prisons - Maria Smith, University of California, Berkeley
The Lulz: Weaponized Humor in Internet Culture - Joselyne Quiroz
Discreet Masc: A Comparison of Non-Heterosexual Male Subcultural
Identities in Urban and Rural Settings - Evan Thomas England,
University of New Hampshire
Power Asymmetries in Platform Labour: The Case of Deliveroo And
SMart - Julian Posada, University of Toronto
Table 2: Economics and Labor
Inequalities in the Restaurant Industry: How Dishwashers, Prep
Cooks and Porters Navigate an Unjust Workplace - Brittany
Riffle, University of Massachusetts Boston
Making Sense of the Living Wage Movement from 1995 to 2007 -
Andrew Carr, Duke University
Personal Responsibility or Resigned Self-Reliance?: Low Income
Diabetes Patients’ Views on Individual Responsibility for
Health - Rachael Lee, Northeastern University
The Social Support of Foreign Domestic Helpers in Hong Kong -
Aijia Li, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Table 3: Educational Outcomes
The Conditional Effects of Education on Adult Health Behaviors by
Adolescent SES - Xiaoqu Huang
Change in Education and Subsequent Self-Reported Health Among
FFCWS Mothers: Association and Racial Differentials - Leping
Wang; Yangyouyue Wu, New York University; Kaitlin Ann Kline
Study on the Impact of Left-Behind Experience on Higher
Education Opportunities - Jianguo Hu, Beijing University of
Technology; yu Yan
Tiger Moms, Dragon Dads, and Baby Pandas: Cultural Expectations
of Success Among Asian-American College Students - Corinne
Wai Yin Tam
"Why Don’t Black Students Look At Me?”: Examining "The
Black Nod" at a Canadian University - Kayonne Christy,
The University of British Columbia; Julia Goldman-Hasbun,
University of British Columbia; Brett Kenzo Matsushita, The
University of British Columbia; Aika Ishage, The University of
British Columbia
Faculty Satisfaction Between a Teaching and Comprehensive
University - Ayrlia Welch
Table 4: Gender, Family, and the Household
Regional Variations in Divorce Rate in China: A Spatial Analysis of
Structural Factors - Xinxian Wang
The Archetype of the ‘Appalachian Strong-Woman:’ Household
Matriarchs of Eastern Kentucky - Emily Keaton
The Good, the Ideal, and the Accessible Home: Perceptions of
Accessibility Norms in Domestic Environments - Emeline Brule
Postpartum Discourse and Postpartum Silence - Miriam Moster, The
Graduate Center
Table 5: Identity, Politics and Culture
Table Presider: Gail Murphy-Geiss, Colorado College
Assimilation and Ethnic Identity for Mexican American Christian-
Minority High School Students - Maria Aranda, University
of Illinois at Chicago; Marlem Juarez, University of Illinois at
Chicago; Amy Salazar, University of Illinois at Chicago
Local Identity and Public Policy Preference: Evidence from Hong
Kong - Siqin Kang, University of Hong Kong; Fen Jennifer Lin,
City University of Hong Kong; Muluan Wu, National University
of Singapore
Rah Rah Ritual: Emotional Energy, Symbolic Salience, and
Collective Identity in High School Athletics - Isaac Kimmel
Stand-up Comedy as Religious Ritual: a Durkheimian Analysis -
Savannah Claire Bastian, Eckerd College
Table 6: Power, Political Systems & Incorporation
Table Presider: Yuan Xi, The University of Chicago
Institution and Ideology: The Primary Organization of the
Communist Party of China and Its Members - Yuan Xi, The
University of Chicago
Melancholy Suicides: The Ideology of Preparation and the Spirit of
Capitalism - Laura Melissa Muneton, University of Kansas
Table 7: Schools and Communities
Table Presider: Tia Clinton, University of Michigan
Making (Homogenous) Community in the Wilderness: Study of
Organizational Structure in Women’s Communities, Effects on
Inclusivity - Katherine Elizabeth Ayers, Virginia Tech
Mexican American LGBTQ High School Students: Methods of
Coping Within Their Community - Melenen Ortega, University
of Illinois at Chicago; Azucena Hernandez, University of Illinois
at Chicago; Alondra Carmona, Middlebury College
White Opt-Out: Neighborhood School Avoidance and
Neighborhood School Quality - Kendall LaParo, Temple
You Belong Here: Understandings of the School Bond, Discipline
and Achievement in a Restorative Setting - Tia Clinton,
University of Michigan
Latinx Sibling Relationships: An Examination of High- and Low-
Achieving Siblings - Lourdes Mares, University of Illinois
at Chicago; Aldo Lopez, University of Illinois at Chicago;
Alexandra Galvan, University of Illinois at Chicago
“Use Your Words”: Moral Order in an Oral Classroom for Deaf or
Hard-of-Hearing Children - Kristella Montiegel, UCLA
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Table 8: Social Change, Social Theory, and the State
Table Presider: Alana R. Inlow, Washington State University
Examining Correlates of HCV Seropositivity Among HCV Tested
in a Southern California County Jail System - Sara Goodman,
University of California, Irvine
Slavery, State Formation and Citizenship: A Comparative Historical
Analysis of the United States & Brazil - Joao Victor Nery
Fiocchi Rodrigues, University of Pennsylvania
The Thick Blue Line: A Qualitative Analysis of Police Officer
Perceptions of Black Lives Matter - Robyn T. Moore,
Universityof Maryland- College Park
Policy Advocacy Through Bars: How Insider-Outside Solidarity
Networks Shape Prison Reform - Sofia Tagkaloglou, University
of Massachusetts - Amherst
1254. Meeting. Section on Social Psychology Business Meeting
Parc55, Cyril Magnin III, Level 4, 10:30-11:10am
1261. Regular Sessions. Social Dimensions of AIDS
Parc55, Mission I, Level 4, 10:30am-12:10pm
Presider: Christobel Asiedu, Louisiana Tech University
Constructing Quasi-Markets to Govern HIV: Knowledge, Body, Risk,
and Moral Work - Po-Chia Tseng, University of Illinois
Precarious Opportunities: Aspirations and Career Trajectories
of Malawi’s Healthcare Workers - Amy Yuan Zhou, Barnard
The End of AIDS? HIV, Aging, and the New Ecology of Illness in
Rural South Africa - Sanyu A. Mojola, Princeton University;
Nicole Angotti, American University; Danielle Denardo, Soka
University of America; Enid J. Schatz, University of Missouri;
F. Xavier Gomez-Olive, University of the Witwatersrand; Brian
Replacement Feeding Within an HIV Diaspora: Ethnographic
Reflections on an HIV Specialist Antenatal Clinic in London
- Ulla Lovisa McKnight, The School of Law, Politics and
Sociology, University of Sussex
Discussant: Robert Wyrod, University of Colorado Boulder
Session Organizer: Joseph A. Harris, Boston University
1262. Regular Sessions. Space and Place
Parc55, Stockton, Level 4, 10:30am-12:10pm
Presider: John R. Logan, Brown University
Differential Pathways of Neighborhood Change and Perceived
Neighborhood Reputation - Lydia Wileden, University of
¿Nuestro Nuevo Hogar?: Examining Puerto Rican Migration and
Their Conceptions of Home, Placemaking, and Belonging -
Rebecca Blackwell, University of South Florida; Alessandra
Rosa, University of South Florida; Elizabeth M. Aranda,
University of South Florida
The Making of the “Inner-City” School: A Case Study of School
Change and Residential Segregation - Navjyot Gill
The Social Life of Property: Rethinking “Place” Through a Law and
Society Lens - Claire W. Herbert, University of Oregon; Jason
Orne, Drexel University
Discussant: Harvey L. Molotch, New York University
Session Organizer: John R. Logan, Brown University
Saturday, 11:10 am
1223. Open Topics in Global and Transnational Sociology
Roundtable (60 min)
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Imperial B, Ballroom Level,
Session Organizer: Alexandre White, Johns Hopkins University
Table 1: Democracy, Neoliberalism and Citizenship
Table Presider: Nikhil Deb, University of Tennessee Knoxville
21st Century Metropolicing in the New Multicultural Metropolis
- Thomas Ehrlich Reifer, University of San Diego; Cid G.
Martinez, University of San Diego
Diversification, Homogenization, Trust in Democratic Institutions
and Activism: A Longitudinal Study in Eurasian Societies -
David Wutchiett, City University of New York; Claire Durand,
Université de Montréal
Law and Corporate Malfeasance in Neoliberal India - Nikhil Deb,
University of Tennessee Knoxville
Limits of White Privilege and Localism: Ethnic Preference in Hong
Kong’s Financial Job Market - Yao-Tai Li, Hong Kong Baptist
university; John Chung-En Liu, National Taiwan University
Globalization 3.0: Where Does it Go from here? - Manfred B. Steger,
University of Hawai'i-Manoa
Table 2: Global and Transnational Sociology of Gender Violence,
Sexuality and Health Advocacy
Table Presider: Josephine T. V. Greenbrook, University of Edinburgh,
School of Law/University of Gothenburg, Sahlgrenska
Academy Medical School
Take Your Rosaries Out of Our Ovaries: Feminists and the Right to
Choose in the DR - Esther Hernandez-Medina, Pomona College
The Construction of Medicolegal Alienation in Physicians Practising
in Liminal Spaces Servicing Undocumented Migrant Patients -
Josephine T. V. Greenbrook, University of Edinburgh, School of
Law/University of Gothenburg, Sahlgrenska Academy Medical
The Geopolitics of ‘Rape Kit’ Protocols: Problems in Translation
as Humanitarian Medicine Meets International Law - Jaimie
Morse, University of California-Santa Cruz
The Reach of International Days: Attitudes and the 16 Days of
Activism Against Gender Violence - Garrett Pace; Jeffrey
Swindle, University of Michigan
Table 3: Empires, Imperial transitions and Colonialism
Capitalist Globalization and the Caribbean - Jeb Sprague,
University of California-Riverside
Imperialism and the Critique of Political Economy - Sam Salour,
University of California Santa Barbara
Structural Inequality in Global Academia: A Theory on the
Mechanisms Causing Coloniality of Knowledge - Caroline M.
Schoepf, Hong Kong Baptist University
Table 4: Immigration Policy and Transnational movements of Labor
Table Presider: Ana Velitchkova, University of Mississippi
Building Modern Korea: Transnational Connections, the
Developmental State and Industrial Development in South
Korea - Michelle Fei-yu Hsieh, Academia Sinica
Sometimes ‘Us’, Other Times ‘Others’: Transnational Politics
and Segmented Network Behaviors of Chinese Migrants in
Australia - Yao-Tai Li, Hong Kong Baptist university
The Shifting Context of Reception for Migrants in Japan: 1970 –
2010 - Tristan Ivory, University of Missouri
Table 5: International Organizations
Table Presider: Mary-Collier Wilks, University of Virginia
Doing Feminism: Embodied Labor and NGOs in Cambodia - Mary-
Collier Wilks, University of Virginia
International Organizations Establishing Their Authority:
Scientization of the OECD Periodized - Marjaana Rautalin,
Session 1252, continued
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Tampere University; Jukka Syväterä, Tampere University; Eetu
Vento, University of Tampere
When Managers Feel Like Workers: An Analysis of Organizational
Liminality - Devika Narayan, University of Minnesota
The Benefits of Social Protection?: Correlates of Work Bank Project
Performance, 2006-2019 - Jeong-Woo Koo, Sungkyunkwan
University; Seong-Gwon Cho, Sungkyunkwan University
Logics of Collaboration: An Organizational Ethnography of
Participatory Design in the Amazon - Jacob Hartt Wixom, BYU;
Eric C. Dahlin, Brigham Young University-Provo; Christopher
Mattson, Brigham Young Univ-Provo
Table 6: Knowledge Production in Global and Transnational Space
Table Presider: Siqi Tu, CUNY Graduate Center
Caught between Winning “Rebiz” and Efficacious Learning:
Reactivity to Performance Metrics in Development - Emily
Springer, Arizona State University
Consolidating and Cultivating Networks of Useful Knowledge in
University Life - Kriti Budhiraja, University of Minnesota
Deliberating Fandom Encountered with Anti-Hallyu Sentiments:
Transnational Waves of Korean Culture in Contemporary China
- Shiqi Eureka Wang
Exerted or Enacted: Bridging Structure and Agency in the Case of
(Self-)Censorship - Weirong Guo, Emory University
Scientist Accidental: Navigating Multi-Cultures in GloCal
Technocience - Richard Duque
Table 7: Labor and Inequality
Collective Bargaining and Inequality Production at Work - Maïlys
Gantois, CESSP/CRPS Université Paris I - Panthéon Sorbonne
Controls and Consent of Work on Transnational Online Education
Platforms - Le Lin, University of Hawaii-Manoa
Governed Informality: A Genealogical Analysis of Governance
Practices Towards Street-Vendors in Mexico City - Mariana
Manriquez, University of Arizona
Ivy League Above “SKY”: Stranded Dream of Korean Upper-Middle-
Class - Hong Jin Jo, University of Chicago
Table 8: Migration, Identity and Labor
Table Presider: Amanda Rachel Cheong, University of British
Aspirational Resilient Integrative Strategies of the High-Skilled,
Non-White Muslim Immigrant in the U.S. - Maheen Haider,
Boston College
A Typology of Belonging: Displacement, Resettlement and Urban
Citizenship in the Medellín “Miracle.” - Claudia Maria López,
California State University-Long Beach
Contesting “Facts” of Birth: Citizenship, Legal Identity, and
Demographic Threats to the Nation - Amanda Rachel Cheong,
University of British Columbia
Table 9: Revolutions, Rebellion and Social Change
Table Presider: Fauzia Husain, University of Toronto
Counter Revolution as a Paranoid Regime: The Case of Egypt - Atef
S. Said, University of Illinois at Chicago
Infrapolitics of Guadueros: Keeping the State Out of the Forest -
Luz Cordoba, University of California, Santa Cruz
The Undercurrents of Rebellion: Practices That Inspire Protest in
Indigenous Mexican Communities - Marcos F. Lopez, Bowdoin
Weaponizing Rights: The Human Rights Campaigns Against
North Korea and Ex-Imperial Japan - Joseph E. Yi, Hanyang
Table 10: Rights, Norms and Global Discourses
Table Presider: Isabel Jijon, SUNY-Purchase
A Case of Globalization Strengthening Cultural Heritage - Claire
Manwaring, Brigham Young Univ-Provo; Jacob Hartt Wixom,
BYU; Eric C. Dahlin, Brigham Young University-Provo;
Christopher Mattson, Brigham Young Univ-Provo
Populism, Democracy, Development, and Diamond Extraction in
Botswana - Jason C. Mueller, University of California, Irvine
The Contemporary Role of the World's Atomic Watchdog. Towards
a Relational Approach to IOs' Activities - Mailys Mangin
World Society, Post-Liberalism, and the Declining Status of
Women, 1970-2015 - Julia Lerch, University of California-Irvine;
Evan Schofer, University of California-Irvine; David John Frank,
University of California-Irvine; Wesley Longhofer, Emory
University; Patricia Bromley; Francisco O. Ramirez, Stanford
University; John W. Meyer, Stanford University
The Intertextuality of Transnational Norms: Why the World
Rejected, then Embraced Minimum Age Standards - Isabel
Jijon, SUNY-Purchase
Table 11: States, Citizenship and Civil Society
Table Presider: Jamie Lynn Palmer, University of Nevada Reno
Reconstituting the State: Decentralization, Development, and
the Rise of Local Governments 1970-2015 - Aaron W. Tester,
University of California-Irvine
Red Dilettantes, White Professionals, Global Mavericks: How
Exogenous Professional Knowledge Incorporates into
Ideologized Local - Hsu Huang, Brown University
Rethinking Civil Society and Democracy: Lessons from Construction
Workers in Beijing and Delhi - Irene Pang, Simon Fraser
Table 12: Trade, Nations and State Power
Table Presider: Anne Mook, American University of Sharjah
Linking and Delinking: China’s Dual Food Strategy and the Global
Food System - Shaohua Zhan, Nanyang Technological
Public and Private Import Regulations in the United States and the
Netherlands - Anne Mook, American University of Sharjah
The Long Arm of the Sending State: The Case of Turkey in Germany
- Carol L. Schmid, Guilford Technical Community College
1226. Section on Children and Youth Roundtables
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Yosemite A, Ballroom Level,
Session Organizers: Uriel Serrano, University of California, Santa
Cruz; Brian Cabral, Stanford University
Table 1: Children, Youth, and Education
Table Presider: Meaghan Mingo, Cornell University
Adultism and the Student Role: The Hidden Curriculum of Age
Inequality on Student’s Self-Concept - Donovon Keith Ceaser,
California State University East Bay
Beyond the Racial Discipline Gap - Monisola Vaughan, Vanderbilt
Friends and Little Babies: Negotiating Sociality at a Croatian
Preschool - Sanja Miklin, University of Chicago
Processes of Cultural Capital in a College Readiness Program
Aimed at Latinx, First-generation Students - Sandi K. Nenga,
Southwestern University
Table 2: Institutions, Organizations, and Neighborhood Contexts
Table Presider: Jonathan M. Ibarra, University of California Santa
A Comparative Analysis of Recipients and Eligible Non-Recipients
of Federal Independent Living Services - Richard J. Harris,
University of Texas-San Antonio; Alfred G. Pérez, Department
of Social Work, Seattle University
All Things Being Equal: The Value for Girls in Boy Scouts of America
- Katie E. Matthew, George Mason University
A Qualitative Longitudinal Study of Young People’s Beliefs in
Meritocracy in the Scandinavia Welfare State - Jeanette
Østergaard, The Danish Center for Social Science Research
(VIVE); Ditte Andersen, Senior Researcher, PhD VIVE; Malene
Lue Kessing, Phd. Student VIVE
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Neighborhood Context and Race Differences in Sexual Behavior:
A Duration-Weighted Contagion Model - Daniel L. Carlson,
University of Utah; Paul E. Bellair, The Ohio State University;
Thomas L. McNulty, The University of Georgia
Table 3: Youth, Children, Mental Health, and Well Being
Table Presider: Karina Santellano, University of Southern California
Child Maltreatment and Suicidal Behavior: The Roles of Parent and
Adolescent Religiosity in Minimizing Risk - Ashleigh E. Kysar-
Moon, University of Northern Iowa; Bekah Bass, University of
Northern Iowa
Child Well-Being and Out-of-Home Care: A Propensity Score
Analysis - Amanda Catherine Ferraro, University of Oklahoma
Life Course Analysis of Sibling Disability and Depression in
Childhood and Adulthood - Anna Penner, Pepperdine
Mediating Pathways Linking Religiosity to Bullying and Mental
Health in Adolescence: A Longitudinal Study - Joseph Charles
Jochman, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Untangling the Relationship Between Cannabis Use and Poor
Mental Health During the Transition to Adulthood - Katie
McIntyre, Birmingham-Southern College; Elizabeth Helene
Baker, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Table 4: Child Welfare, Mental Health, and Hospitals
Do Child Welfare Workers' Attitudes Impact Their Non-Resident
Father Involvement Practices? - Julia M. Arroyo, University of
Florida; Barbara Zsembik, University of Florida; Charles Peek,
University of Florida
“Sweetheart, I Made Miracles:” Philanthropy Constructing
Childhood in a Children’s Hospital - Hillary Steinberg, CU
The Role of Doctors and Other Medical Professionals in Child
Welfare Case Outcomes - Haley Stritzel, University of Texas at
Can Social Capital Protect Against Negative Adolescent Mental
Health? Evidence from South Korea - Jared Thorpe, Brigham
Young University; Mikaela Dufur, Brigham Young University-
Provo; Jonathan A. Jarvis, Brigham Young University-Provo
Table 5: Education, Migration, and Refugee Minors
Table Presider: Yoselinda Mendoza, Cornell University
Boarding at School and Experience of Victimization in the Context
of Parental Migration - Yuying Tong, Chinese University of
Hong Kong; Jenny Li, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Family Separation and Everyday (In)Security in the Lives of
Unaccompanied Refugee Minors - Johanna Hiitola, Tampere
The Effects of Parental Labor Migration on Left-Behind Children's
Study Time in Rural China - Yunlin Li, UNC-Chapel Hill
Table 6: Technology and Media
Table Presider: Stephanie Renee Anckle, UTRGV
A Mixed Method Approach to Understanding Social Class,
Parenting, and Children’s Technology Use - Stefanie Mollborn,
University of Colorado-Boulder; Aubrey Limburg, University
of Colorado Boulder; Jennifer Ann Pace, Midwestern State
University; Paula W. Fomby, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
An Examination of Black Girl Adolescence on Disney Sitcoms -
Stephanie Renee Anckle, UTRGV
How Do Social Media-Related Attachments and Assemblages
Encourage or Reduce Drinking Among Young People? - Jukka
Törrönen, Stockholm University; Filip Roumeliotis, Stockholm
University; Eva Samuelsson, Stockholm University; Robin
Room; Ludwig Kraus, Stockholm University
The Gender Divide in Gaming and Careers Aspirations in
Computing: A Cross-National Analysis - Man Yao, The Ohio
State University; Claudia Buchmann, Ohio State University
1228. Section on Labor and Labor Movements Roundtables
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Yosemite C, Ballroom Level,
Session Organizer: Gay W. Seidman, University of Wisconsin-
LLM Roundtable 1
Table Presider: Manuel Zimbalist Rosaldo, Penn State University
Anti-Racism and Racial Justice as Critical Components of
Labor Organizing: A Case Study in Revitalization - Carolina
Organization, Ideology, and Race in the Labor Movement: The Case
of ILA 815 - Michael Billeaux, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Unions, Ideology, and Authoritarianism: The Case of the White
Working Class - Gregg Robinson, Grossmont College
LLM Roundtable 2
Table Presider: Ian Robert Carrillo, University of California, Santa
Camp Time: Regimentation and Adaptation in a Mobile Work
Regime - Sara K. Dorow, University of Alberta; Sandrine Jean,
Memorial University
Can U.S. Labor Unions Provide a Roadmap to Social Sustainability?
- Diane M. Sicotte, Drexel University; Kelly A. Joyce, Drexel
Toward an Environmental Justice of the Workplace - Alexis Econie
LLM Roundtable 3
Table Presider: Tom Juravich, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Community Union Reform in South China - Lefeng Lin, Xi'an
Jiaotong-Liverpool University
Diasporic Influences and Migrant Organising: The Study of Union
Branch in the North of England - Zinovijus Ciupijus, University
of Leeds
Globalization and Wage-Setting Institutions in Advanced Capitalist
Democracies: Retrenchment and Convergence Revisited
- Anthony Roberts, Colorado State University; Matthew C.
Mahutga, University of California-Riverside
Innovations in Labor Studies: Incorporating Global Perspectives -
Kim Scipes, Purdue University Northwest
LLM Roundtable 4
Table Presider: Katherine Maich, Pennsylvania State University
National Living Wage Movements in a Regional World: The Fight
for $15 in the United States - Tamara Kay, University of Notre
Dame; Robert Allen Manduca, Harvard University; Jason Spicer,
Organized Labor as Interest Group or Social Movement?: Framing
Class-Based Contention under Neoliberalism - Diana Reddy,
University of California Berkeley
Labor's Forgotten Fight - Jamie McCallum, Middlebury College
LLM Roundtable 5
Table Presider: Manjusha S. Nair, George Mason University
Can an Individualized Model of Employment Rights Protect
Workers Rights? Evidence from the UK Hotel Industry - Orestis
Papadopoulos, Manchester Metropolitan University
Manufacturing Precarity: A Case Study of a Decade-Long Lockout
among Grain Processing Workers - Jacqulyn (Jackie) S.
Gabriel, Western State Colorado University
The Spectacle of Driverless Rapid Transit: A Survival Analysis of
the Influence of Global City Competition and Labor Dynamics
on Driver Automation, 1981-2019 - Youbin Kang, University of
LLM Roundtable 6
Table Presider: Belinda C. Lum, Sacramento City College
Graduate Employee Unionization and Organizational Change in
Higher Education - Kathleen Ragon, University of Connecticut
Teachers’ Unions and Tactical Innovation - Amanda Pullum,
California State University-Monterey Bay
Session 1226, continued
Saturday, August 8, 2020
The Political Economy of Corporate School Reform in Chicago:
Crisis-Management, Elite Plans, and Systemic Churn - Jeremy
Cohan, School of Visual Arts
LLM Roundtable 7
Table Presider: Rina Agarwala, Johns Hopkins University
Intersectional Analysis of Diversity Policies: Classist Assumptions in
French Managerialization of Affirmative Action Policies - Lisa
Danielle Buchter, Emlyon Business School
Organizing Unlikely Subjects: The Constraints and Possibilities
for Domestic Worker Organizing in California - Cynthia J.
Cranford, University of Toronto; Patricia Roach, University of
Toronto; Jennifer Nazareno, Brown University
Paternalistic Managers: Institution-Based Relationships and the
Production of Consent - Qi Song, Northwestern University
Social Stratification in Sanitation Labor in India: A Case of Social
Inertia and Inequalities in India - Aditya Bhol, Centre for Policy
LLM Roundtable 8
Table Presider: Gay W. Seidman, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Bringing Society Back into the Workplace. For a Bourdieu-Inspired
Sociology of Professions - David Pichonnaz, University of
Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland
Digital Survey Tools for Studying Paid Care Work: Methodological
Opportunities and Hazards - Isaac Jabola-Carolus
From Alienation to Empowerment: Worker Cooperatives and Social
Relations in the Workplace - Heather Anne Hax, Ms.
1254. Section on Social Psychology. Cooley-Mead Award
Ceremony and Address
Parc55, Cyril Magnin III, Level 4, 11:10am-12:10pm
Presider: Cecilia L. Ridgeway, Stanford University
Cooley-Mead Address - Jan E. Stets, University of California-
Session Organizers: Richard T. Serpe, Kent State University; Jessica
L. Collett, University of California-Los Angeles
Saturday, 11:30 am
1221. Meeting. Section on Teaching and Learning in Sociology
Business Meeting
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 9, Ballroom Level,
1227. Meeting. Sociology of Culture Section Business Meeting
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Yosemite B, Ballroom Level,
Saturday, 12:30 pm
1318. Plenary Session. Critical Approaches to Sexual Harassment:
Institutional Power, Lived Experience, and Social Change
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 5, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Patricia Richards, University of Georgia
Panelists: Estelle B. Freedman, Stanford University; Alexandrea J.
Ravenelle, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill; Bernice
Yeung, ProPublica; Nancy Chi Cantalupo, Barry University
School of Law
Session Organizer: Patricia Richards, University of Georgia
Saturday, 2:30 pm
1403. Regional Spotlight Session. Labor, Inequality, and
Resistance in the Bay Area
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 1, Lobby Level,
Presider: Katherine Sobering, University of North Texas
Panelists: Joan S.M. Meyers, California Polytechnic State University-
San Luis Obispo; Alexandrea J. Ravenelle, University of
North Carolina-Chapel Hill; France Winddance, Twine at the
University of California, Santa Barbara; Kim Voss, University of
Session Organizer: Megan Tobias Neely, Stanford University
1404. Special Sessions. A Sociological Reckoning with Our
Energy Futures
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 2, Lobby Level,
Presider: Debra J. Davidson, University of Alberta
Panelists: Andrew K. Jorgenson, Boston College; Richard York,
University of Oregon; Janet A. Lorenzen, Willamette University;
Christine Shearer, Global Energy Monitor
Session Organizer: Debra J. Davidson, University of Alberta
1405. Special Sessions. Publishing in and Reviewing for ASA
Journals and the Rose Series: Roundtable Conversations
with Editors
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 3, Lobby Level,
Session Organizer: Karen Gray Edwards, American Sociological
1406. Meeting. Public Engagement Liaisons Meeting
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 4, Lobby Level,
1407. Thematic Sessions. Cultural Imaginings of Work
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 5, Lobby Level,
Presider: Andrea L. Press, University of Virginia
Panelists: Tressie Cottom, Virginia Commonwealth University;
Allison Pugh, University of Virginia; Rachel Sherman, New
School for Social Research; Andrea L. Press, University of
Session Organizer: Andrea L. Press, University of Virginia
1408. Thematic Sessions. Organizing Domestic and Care
Workers: A Conversation Across University and Community
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 6, Lobby Level,
Presider: Jennifer Jihye Chun, UCLA
Panelists: Mary Romero, Arizona State University; Cynthia J.
Cranford, University of Toronto
Session Organizer: Cynthia J. Cranford, University of Toronto
1409. Thematic Sessions. Toward a Political Economy of Care and
Reproductive Work
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 7, Lobby Level,
Presider: Pilar Gonalons-Pons, University of Pennsylvania
Panelists: Valerie A. Francisco-Menchavez, San Francisco State
University; Dawn M. Dow, University of Maryland-College Park;
Jason W. Moore, Binghamton University; Yige Dong, SUNY-
Session Organizers: Pilar Gonalons-Pons, University of
Pennsylvania; Yige Dong, SUNY-Buffalo; Kate Cairns, Rutgers
Saturday, August 8, 2020
1412. Meeting. 2021 Annual Meeting Program Committee
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Seacli, Lobby Level,
1415. Professional Development Workshop. Being an LGBTQ
Sociologist Who Doesn't Study LGBTQ Topics
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 1, Ballroom Level,
Leaders: Jeffrey W. Lockhart, University of Michigan; Shamus
Rahman Khan, Columbia University; Frederick F. Wherry,
Princeton University; Alex Hanna, Google
Session Organizer: Jason Orne, Drexel University
1416. Departmental Management and Leadership Workshop.
Department Flourishing and Department Floundering
in the Unequal World of Higher Education: Data and
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 2, Ballroom Level,
Leaders: Nicole V. Amaya, American Sociological Association;
Teresa Ciabattari, American Sociological Association
Session Organizer: Mary Scheuer Senter, Central Michigan
1417. Section on Crime, Law, and Deviance. Policing,
Punishment, and Victimization of LGBTQ People
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 3, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Sara Wakefield, Rutgers University
Queering the Study of Crime, Law and Deviance through the Lens
of Criminology: Reflections on the Literature - Valerie Jenness,
University of California-Irvine; Vanessa R. Panfil, Old Dominion
Stigma, Prejudice and the Incarceration of LGBT People in the
United States - Ilan H. Meyer, The Williams Institute
Bullying as Gender Policing: Evidence From Queer Childhoods -
Joel Mittleman, University of Notre Dame - Notre Dame, IN
Navigating Identity and Space Stigma Among Black Gay Men in LA
and the Other LA - Terrell James Antonio Winder, University of
California-Santa Barbara
Session Organizer: Sara Wakefield, Rutgers University
1419. Book Salons (formerly Author Meets Critics). Black Boys
Apart: Racial Uplift and Respectability in All-Male Public
Schools (University of Minnesota Press, 2018) by Freeden
Bloome Oeur
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 7, Ballroom Level,
Author: Freeden Blume Oeur, Tufts University
Panelists: Carla Shedd, CUNY-Graduate Center; Jessica Karen Taft,
University of California-Santa Cruz; Alford A. Young, University
of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Session Organizer: Jennifer Carlson, University of Arizona
Moderator: Jennifer Carlson, University of Arizona
1420. Section on Global and Transnational Sociology.
Articulations of Globalizing Knowledge Cultures in
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 8, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Monika Christine Krause, London School of Economics
Rethinking Physical, Methodological and Theoretical Borders:
Cooperative Futures in Migration Research - Cynthia Jane
Buckley, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Decolonial Abolition of Social Science Fiction - Tukufu Zuberi,
University of Pennsylvania
Critique of Global Reason: World Society, Global Fields, and the
Challenge of a Relational Sociology - Jason L. Ferguson, UC
The Rise of Extractive Logics - Saskia Sassen, Columbia University
Discussant: Michael D. Kennedy, Brown University
Session Organizer: Michael D. Kennedy, Brown University
1421. Section on Labor and Labor Movements. Labor’s New
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 9, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Stephanie Luce, CUNY
Amazon Capitalism and the Cost of Free Shipping - Jake
Alimahomed-Wilson, California State University-Long Beach;
Juliann Emmons Allison, UC-Riverside; Ellen R. Reese,
University of California-Riverside
Manufacturing Disruption: Worker and Union Response to the
Gig-Economy in New York City’s Taxi Industry - Andrew Wolf,
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Radical Unionism in America’s Jungles: Theorizing The Militant
Minority in United States Meatpacking Unions, 1933-1950 -
Joseph Reynolds van der Naald, The Graduate Center, CUNY
The Formalization of Informal Workers at Hyundai Motor Company
- Minhyoung Kang, Johns Hopkins University
Discussant: Stephanie Luce, CUNY
Session Organizer: Barry Eidlin, McGill University
1422. Section on Teaching and Learning in Sociology. Mentoring
Roundtables on Teaching Upper Level Courses
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Imperial A, Ballroom Level,
Presiders: Stephanie Medley-Rath, Indiana University-Kokomo;
Gregory Trainor Kordsmeier, Indiana University-Southeast;
Stella Grigorian, University of Houston
Panelists: Jamie Boydstun, Louisiana Tech University; Jennifer
Roebuck Bulanda, Miami University-Ohio; Susan M.
Cunningham, Holy Cross College; Diane L. Pike, Augsburg
University; Lauren N. McClain, Western Kentucky University;
Pooya Darius Naderi, Park University; Jeffrey Chin, Le
Moyne College; Leslie T.C. Wang, Saint Mary's College;
Fletcher Winston, Mercer University; Alison S. Better, CUNY
Kingsborough Community College; Catherine White Berheide,
Skidmore College; Claudia Maria López, California State
University-Long Beach; Danielle Giffort, St. Louis College
of Pharmacy; Laura Simon, Mercer University; Heather
Macpherson Parrott, Long Island University, Post; Andrea D.
Miller, Webster University; Barbara F. Prince, Lebanon Valley
College; Corey James McZeal, University of Florida; Carol A.
Caronna, Towson University; Michael F. Polgar, Pennsylvania
State University; Hadi Khoshneviss, Rhodes College; Hephzibah
Virginia Strmic-Pawl, Manhattanville College; Edward L. Kain,
Southwestern University; Alicia L. Brunson, Georgia Southern
University; Marybeth C. Stalp, University of Northern Iowa;
Amani Michael Awwad, SUNY Canton; Jill S. Grigsby, Pomona
College; Kerry Greer, University of British Columbia; Jason Lee
Crockett, Kutztown University of Pennsylvania; Mel Moore,
University of Northern Colorado; Daphne Pedersen, University
of North Dakota; Jennifer Whitmer, University of Nevada, Las
Vegas; Debjani Chakravarty, Utah Valley University; Melissa D.
Day, University of New Hampshire; Matthew Howard McLeskey,
University at Buffalo, SUNY; Elroi J. Windsor, University
of West Georgia; David Kadanoff, Jamestown Community
College; Denise A. Copelton, SUNY-Brockport
Session Organizers: Stephanie Medley-Rath, Indiana University-
Kokomo; Stella Grigorian, University of Houston; Gregory
Trainor Kordsmeier, Indiana University-Southeast
Saturday, August 8, 2020
1423. Section on Aging and the Life Course Roundtables
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Imperial B, Ballroom Level,
Session Organizers: Jason N. Houle, Dartmouth College; Amelie
Quesnel-Vallee, McGill University
Table 1: Social Networks and Relationships
Table Presider: Molly-Gloria Rachelle Harper, Western University
Changes in Social Network and Time Use: A Longitudinal Multiple
Methods Study with Older Women - Yiqing Yang, Western
Carolina University
Constructing a Life Alone: Cultural Scripts and Social Connections
for People Living Alone in Mid-Life - Kimberly Fox,
Bridgewater State University
Digital Media and Social Inclusion: A Case Study of Older Adults
in East York Communities - Anabel Quan-Haase, Western
University; Molly-Gloria Rachelle Harper, Western University;
Barry Wellman, NetLab Network
Networks and Spousal Bereavement in Late Life - Bonnie Khanh Ha
Bui, Tulane University
Table 2: Marriage and Intimate Relationships
Table Presider: J. Scott Brown, Miami University
Gender, Health and Transitions in Loneliness in Old Age: A Couple
Perspective - Ye Luo, Clemson University
In the Family? Aging, Mental Health and Support from Nonkin
Among Older LGBT Adults - Tara A. McKay, Vanderbilt
Trajectories of Negative and Positive Marital Quality During Later
Life - Jennifer Roebuck Bulanda, Miami University-Ohio;
Takashi Yamashita; J. Scott Brown, Miami University
When Love Lasts: Long Term Relationships and How They’re
Maintained - Sara Kimberly Gosa, California State University
Northridge; Julie Martin Aguilar, Cal State Northridge
Table 3: Families, Households, and Living Arrangements
Table Presider: Adriana Reyes, Cornell University
Parenting in the Era of the Coresident Grandparent - Benjamin G.
Gibbs, Brigham Young University; Thomas Richard Leppard;
Paula Sheppard, Oxford University
Elderly Parents and Filial Support Obligations Family Solidarity
Norms Among Native and Immigrant Population - Marco
Albertini, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna;
Debora Mantovani, University of Bologna
Living Arrangement Life Expectancy for Older Mexican Americans
- Phillip Cantu, University of Texas Medical Branch; Adriana
Reyes, Cornell University
Living Arrangements and Elder Adults’ Labor Supply in China:
Evidence from CHARLS - Jing Ye, University of Maryland,
College Park
Table 4: Fertility and Childbearing
Table Presider: Stephanie Abbruzzese, Kent State University
A Cohort Analysis of Fertility History Trajectory of Women in China:
1910-1959 - Jiao Yu, Case Western Reserve University
Childlessness, Number of Children, Children’s Gender, and Risk of
Dementia among Older Adults - Yan Zhang, Michigan State
"Will I Be Alone When I Get Old?" Pronatalistic Warnings and
Childfree Women's Risk Assessments" - Helen Anna Peterson
Work Engagement and Satisfaction at Return to Work among
a Sample of Postpartum Women - Robin Shura, Kent State
University at Stark; Lynn M. Falletta, Kent State University;
Geethika Kodukula, Kent State University; Stephanie
Abbruzzese, Kent State University; Abbey Eng, Kent State
University; Rebecca Fischbein, Northeast Ohio Medical
University; Sonia Alemagno
Table 5: Mental and Physical Health in Later Life I
Table Presider: Jacqueline L. Angel, University of Texas-Austin
Dual Trajectories of Likely Dementia and Support in the Mexican-
Origin Population - Sunshine Marie Rote, University of
Louisville; Jacqueline L. Angel, University of Texas-Austin;
Jiwon Kim, University of Texas at Austin; Kyriakos S. Markides,
University of Texas-Medical Branch
Educational Differences of Activity Limitation Caused by Chronic
Conditions in the United States - Hangqing Ruan, University of
Intergenerational Transfers, Resilience, and Self-Rated Health
Among Chinese Older Adults: Findings from Hawaii and
Wuhan - Sizhe Liu, University of Hawaii at Manoa; Wei Zhang,
University of Hawaii at Manoa; Keqing Zhang, University of
Hawaii at Manoa; Bei Wu, New York University
Life Satisfaction, Social Networking, and Responsibility of Care
among Japanese Elders - Atsuko Kawakami, Tarleton State
University; Derek R. Lehman, Tarleton State University;
Kaitlynn Burress, Tarleton State University
Table 6: Mental and Physical Health in Later Life II
Table Presider: Janet M. Wilmoth, Syracuse University
A Longitudinal Analysis of Religiosity, Volunteerism, and Life
Satisfaction in Later Life - Kent Jason Cheng, Syracuse
University; Janet M. Wilmoth, Syracuse University
Wealth and Health: Till Debt Do Us Part - Jenifer Hamil, Duke
Who Fared Better? Examining Variation in Recession Experiences
and Mental Health in Older Adulthood - Lindsay R. Wilkinson,
Baylor University; Bethany Smith
Whom Does Educational Attainment Matter the Most For? Racial/
Ethnic and Nativity Disparities in Cognitive Life Expectancies -
Marc Anthony Garcia, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Chi-Tsun
Chiu, Academia Sinica; Kasim Ortiz
Table 7: Disability
Table Presider: Spencier Rian Ciaralli, Case Western University
Disability Progression and Trajectories of the Long-Term Care in
Old Age: Are There Racialized Patterns? - JeungHyun Kim,
Syracuse University; Merril Silverstein, Syracuse University
Friendship & Kinship: How Diverse Social Networks Shape Mental
Health During the Onset of Disability - William R. McConnell,
Florida Atlantic University
Mental Health and Life Satisfaction Among Parents Living with
Disabled Children Using MIDUS 3 - Tze-Li Hsu, Sam Houston
State University
The Landscape of Perceptions of Disability in Older Adult Cancer
Survivors: A Comparative Racial Statistical Model - Erin
Phelps, Case Western Reserve University; Gary T. Deimling,
Case Western Reserve Univ; Spencier Rian Ciaralli, Case
Western University
Table 8: Social Policy
Table Presider: Carroll L. Estes, Univ. of California-San Francisco
Expansion of Thailand’s Social Pension Policy and Its Implications
for Family Support for Older Persons - Bussarawan Puk
Teerawichitchainan, National University of Singapore
How Ambiguity About Policy Categories Affects Take-up: The Case
of Cash Transfers for the Low-Income Elderly - Rebecca Ann
Johnson, Princeton University
The Discourses on Pension Privatization Reforms in Lithuania
(2016-2018) - Arunas Juska, East Carolina University
Table 9: Strain, Stress, and Overload
Table Presider: Sarah Elizabeth Patterson, University of Michigan-
Ann Arbor
Family Well-Being and Family Types: Examining Constellations of
Stressors across Life Domains - Claudia Recksiedler, German
Youth Institute; Janine Bernhardt, German Youth Institute;
Valerie Heintz-Martin, German Youth Institute
Financial Insecurity of Parental Caregivers - Chrisse Edmunds, Ohio
State University
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Jagged Little Pills: Serious Psychological Distress as a Predictor
of Prescription Pain Reliever Misuse - Matthew S. Loflin,
University of Oklahoma
Work as Overload or Haven for Caregivers of Older Adults - Sarah
Elizabeth Patterson, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor; Vicki
A. Freedman, University of Michigan; Jennifer Caryl Cornman;
Jennifer L. Wolff, John Hopkins University
Table 10: Aging, Place, and Social Context
Table Presider: Jeffrey Morenoff, University of Michigan
Determinants and Consequences of Rural-Urban Life Course
Migration Trajectories In China: Evidence From Sequence
Analysis - Zhenxiang Chen; Yao Lu, Columbia University;
Donald J. Treiman, University of California at Los Angeles
Doing Aging in Place - Jarmin Yeh, University of California, San
The Sequential Structure of Search Procedures in Japanese
Rehabilitation Team Interaction - Hiroaki Izumi, Kyoto
University of Foreign Studies
The Effects of Health and Inequalities in Resources on Aging
in Place Among Older Homeowners - Minha Noh; Jeffrey
Morenoff, University of Michigan
Table 11: Health and Well-Being Across the Life Course
Table Presider: Sangita Vyas, University of Texas at Austin
How Much Early Infectious Exposure Was Experienced by U.S. Birth
Cohorts Born 1900-1948? - Elizabeth Wrigley-Field, University
of Minnesota-Twin Cities; Jean Marie Maier, University of
Minnesota, Twin Cities
Mastery, Self-Esteem, and Religiosity in Adulthood: The
Consequences of Childhood Adversity - Cleothia Frazier,
Vanderbilt University; C. Andre Christie-Mizell, Vanderbilt
University; Ryan Talbert, Vanderbilt University
Social Disadvantage and Life Expectancy in Nine Indian States -
Sangita Vyas, University of Texas at Austin; Aashish Gupta,
University of Pennsylvania; Payal Hathi, University of Berkeley
The Citizenship Advantage in Psychological Well-Being: An
Examination of Hukou System in China - Qian Song, University
of Massachusetts Boston; James Smith, RAND Corporation
Unwanted First Sex and Late-Life Health - Hui Liu, Michigan State
University; Shannon Shen, Texas A&M University-San Antonio;
Megan Penzkofer, Michigan State University
Table 12: Working Group Table A: Health and Social Relationships
of Sexual and Gender Minority People across the Life Course
Table Presider: Mieke Beth Thomeer, University of Alabama at
Health and Social Relationships of Sexual and Gender Minority
People Across the Life Course - Mieke Beth Thomeer,
University of Alabama at Birmingham; Rachel Donnelly,
University of Texas at Austin; Corinne (Rin) Reczek, Ohio State
University; Hui Liu, Michigan State University; Ning Hsieh,
Michigan State University
Table 13: Working Group Table B: Intergenerational Family
Relationships: New Research Directions
Table Presider: Merril Silverstein, Syracuse University
Intergenerational Family Relationships: New Research Directions
- Merril Silverstein, Syracuse University; Judith A. Seltzer,
University of California-Los Angeles; Marco Albertini, Alma
Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna; J. Jill Suitor, Purdue
University; Pearl A. Dykstra, Erasmus University Rotterdam;
Megan Gilligan, Iowa State University
Table 14: Working Group Table C: Early Adversity and Adult
Outcomes: Unanswered Questions and Future Research
Table Presider: Christina Kamis, Duke University
(Research Working Group Roundtable) Early Adversity and Adult
Outcomes: Unanswered Questions and Future Research
- Christina Kamis, Duke University; Jessica West, Duke
University; Miles Marsala, Duke University; Ruth M. Wygle,
Duke University; Anna Holleman, Duke University; Elizabeth A.
Johnson, Duke University
Table 15: Working Group D: Future Directions for Research on
Social Relationships and Health
Table Presider: Jessica West, Duke University
(Research Working Group Roundtable) Future Directions for
Research on Social Relationships and Health - Jessica West,
Duke University; Elizabeth A.Johnson, Duke University
1424. Meeting. Section on Economic Sociology Business Meeting
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Franciscan A, Ballroom Level,
1425. Meeting. Editors of ASA Publications
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Franciscan D, Ballroom Level,
1426. Indigenous Peoples/Native Nations Roundtable
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Yosemite A, Ballroom Level,
Session Organizers: Carmela Marie Roybal, University of New
Mexico; J. M. Bacon, Grinnell College
Table 1: Indigenous Peoples/Native Lands
21st Century Tracking: Access to High School Opportunities -
Heather E. Price, Marian University
Deviance or Diversity from An Indigenous Perspective? - Pat L.
Lauderdale, SRI; Annamaria Oliverio, ASU
Frontier Resources: Settler Colonial Land Grabs, Resistances, and
the Theory of Access - Stephen Philip Gasteyer, Michigan State
Political Economics of Remembering: Nez Perce Understandings
of Survival through Communal Living, Husbandry, and
Storytelling - Levin Elias Welch, University of California,
Table 2: Indigenous Peoples/Native Lands
Table Presider: J. M. Bacon, Grinnell College
Disruptors, Disruptions, and Reverberations: The Case for
Historically Informed Analyses of Inequality - Rachel Zajdel,
Vanderbilt University; Evelyn Joy Patterson, Vanderbilt
Not a Black and White Issue: Indigenous Peoples in the US Racial
Landscape - Kelly M. Tabbutt, University of Oklahoma -
Sweatlodges and Mexican American Well-Being: Indigeneity,
Singing and Drumming as Moderating Factors Shaping Ritual
Experiences - Alejandro Zermeno, University of California
Merced; Whitney Nicole Laster Pirtle, University of California-
We Need Another Path: Indigenous Approaches to Sustainability -
Keri E. Iyall Smith, Suffolk University
1427. Section on Children and Youth. Power, Agency, and
Resistance in Youth’s Lives
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Yosemite B, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Maria Schmeeckle, Illinois State University
From Motherland to Mother Tongue: Religious Socialization of
Turkish Immigrant Children - Kemal Budak, Emory University
Girls & Juvenile Justice: Race, Gender, Class and Power Relations of
Sexuality - Carla P. Davis, Beloit College
LGBTQ, Left-Leaning, Feminists: Challenging the Settler-Normed
Public Sphere in a Small-Town Ohio High School - Dinorah
Sánchez Loza, University of California, Berkeley
Whose Time Is It? Transgressing Time While Young, Prescient, and
Black - Rahsaan Mahadeo, Georgetown University
Session 1423, continued
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Work Primacy and the Social Incorporation of Unaccompanied,
Undocumented Latinx Youth in the United States - Stephanie
L. Canizales, University of California-Merced
Session Organizer: Maria Schmeeckle, Illinois State University
1429. Section on Sociology of Culture. Culture and Inequality
After Technology
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 1, 4th Floor,
Presider: Cassidy Puckett, Emory University
Abuse and Self Defense: The Unseen Labor of Black Cyberfeminist
Hypervisibility - Leslie Kay Jones, Rutgers University
Coding Against Culture: On the Algorithmic Constitution of the
Non-Western Other - Dan M. Kotliar, Stanford University
Enduring Inequalities in the Digital City - Burcu Baykurt, University
of Massachusetts Amherst
Field of Vision: Negotiating Visibility in the NYC Ride-Hail Circuit -
Sarah Elizabeth Mosseri, University of Virginia
Portable Benefits: The Bending, Breaking, and Rebuilding of the
Social Safety Net - Alexandra Chase Gervis, Rutgers University
Session Organizer: Julia B. Ticona, University of Pennsylvania
1430. Community and Urban Sociology Section. Work,
Community, and City
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 3, 4th Floor,
Presider: Amy E. Jonason, Furman University
Seeking the Aspen Dream: Lifestyle Migration and Social Class
Struggles - Jenny M. Stuber, University of North Florida
Selling Dreams: Multilevel Marketing in Philadelphia’s Mexican
Immigrant Community - Amada Armenta
Social Entrepreneurialism in a Gentrifying City - Yuki Kato,
Georgetown University
The Entrepreneurial Bohemia: Artist-Owners and the Local Benefits
of a Creative Economy - Richard E. Ocejo, John Jay College of
Criminal Justice, CUNY
Discussant: Rachael A. Woldoff, West Virginia University
Session Organizer: Rachael A. Woldoff, West Virginia University
1431. Meeting. Section on Methodology Business Meeting
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 5, 4th Floor,
1436. Minority Fellowship Program. Minority Fellowship Program
(MFP) Research Session: Issues in Resistance, Coping, and
Mental Health for Black Americans
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 13, 4th Floor,
“Decolonize Your Mind!”: Black Youth Organizing and Decolonial
Resistance in the U.S. - Chaniqua Simpson, North Carolina
State University
“It’s So Annoying:” How Black and Asian Americans Understand
and Cope with Racism - Malissa Alinor, University of Georgia
Vicarious Discrimination and Mental Health Among Black
Americans: Findings from a Community Sample - Myles Daniel
Moody, University of Kentucky
Session Organizer: Sabrina Alimahomed-Wilson, Cal State Univ.
Long Beach
1437. Regular Sessions. Racial Inequality in the Pathways and
Access to College
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 14, 4th Floor,
Presider: Sarah M. Ovink, Virginia Tech
Household Exposure to Student Loans and Inequalities in Financial
Risk - Rachel E. Dwyer, Ohio State University; Elizabeth Martin,
The Ohio State University; Davon Nicholas Norris, The Ohio
State University; Laura DeMarco, Ohio State University
I Don’t Want to Rush Everything and End Up Where I Started -
Allison Young, Johns Hopkins University; Stefanie Ann DeLuca,
Johns Hopkins University
Social Reproduction and College Choice: Reframing Access to
College for Underrepresented Students - Tangela Reavis
When Does Money Matter? School Funding and Black-White
Inequality of Educational Achievement 2009-2015 - Emily
Rauscher, Brown University
Discussant: Katherine McClelland, Franklin and Marshall College
Session Organizer: Amanda Evelyn Lewis, University of Illinois-
1438. Regular Sessions. Gender, Leave Policies, and
Organizational Remedies
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 15, 4th Floor,
Presider: Kumiko Nemoto, Kyoto University of Foreign Studies
What Do Employers Do after a Mandatory Leave Policy? The
FMLA and Women’s Workplace Representation - Eunmi Mun,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Shawna Bowden
Vican, University of Delaware; Erin Kelly, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology
Experimental Evidence on Hiring Discrimination Against Parents
with Differing Length of Family Leave - Lena Hipp, WZB Berlin
Social Science Center
Gender and Gendered Parenthood Gaps in Employer-Provided
Training and the Role of Immediate Supervisors - Eileen Peters,
University Bielefeld; Silvia Maja Melzer, University of Bielefeld;
Lynn Prince Cooke, University of Bath
“Cogs in the Machine” in Context: Effect of Female Supervisors
on Gender Wage Gaps Within Workgroups - Young-Mi Kim,
Yonsei University; Sylvia A. Fuller, The University of British
Theorizing from Practice: How Implicit Bias Became a Successful
Concept for Organizational Change - Laura K. Nelson,
Northeastern University; Kathrin Zippel, Northeastern
Session Organizer: Kumiko Nemoto, Kyoto University of Foreign
1439. Regular Sessions. Immigration, Legal Status, and Everyday
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 17, 4th Floor,
Presider: Patrisia Macias-Rojas, University of Illinois-Chicago
Family Reunification Poker: Navigating the High Stakes of US
Family Reunification Law - Jane Lilly Lopez, Brigham Young
Special Immigrant Juvenile Status and the Integration of Central
American Unaccompanied Minors - Luis E. Tenorio, University
of California, Berkeley
Adolescent Arrivals: Language, Identity, and Master Status - Liliana
V. Rodriguez, Texas A&M University-Kingsville
Nativity Penalty, Legal Status Hierarchy: Employment
Discrimination Against Immigrants - Anna Nicole Kreisberg,
Brown University
Session Organizer: Patrisia Macias-Rojas, University of Illinois-
1441. Regular Sessions. Latinx Identity Formation
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 23, 4th Floor,
Presider: Elvia Ramirez, California State University, Sacramento
Nested Contexts of Reception: Latinx Identity Development across
Educational Institutions - Nicole Perez, University of Illinois at
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Panethnicity as a Primary Identifier Among Latino-Hispanics in
the United States - Daniel E. Martinez, University of Arizona;
Kelsey E. Gonzalez, The University of Arizona
The Third Space: Afro-Latina Youth Racial Identity Through Social
Justice and Activism - Jomaira Salas Pujols, Rutgers University
"We’re Street Dancers": Creative Labor and New York's Salsa Dance
Scene - Carmela Muzio Dormani, CUNY Graduate Center
“We’re the Same But a Bit Different:" Puerto Rican Organizations,
Social Actors, and Conditional Solidarity - Bianca Gonzalez-
Sobrino, Quinnipiac University
Session Organizer: Manuel Barajas, California State University-
1442. Meeting. Honors Program Graduate School Briefing
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 25, 4th Floor,
1443. Regular Sessions. Topics in Historical Sociology - New
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 1, 6th Floor,
Presider: Lyn Spillman, University of Notre Dame
Anachronism: The Queer Pragmatics of Understanding the Past in
the Present - Daniel R. Huebner, University of North Carolina-
Bureaucratic Incorporation and the Extension of Social Citizenship -
T. Elizabeth Durden, Bucknell University
Power in Genocide: The Southern Korean Politico-Civil Society's
Coercion/consent/(...) at an Edge of the U.S.-Imperialism,
1945-1954 - Veda Hyunjin Kim, University of Massachusetts
Discussant: Lyn Spillman, University of Notre Dame
Session Organizer: Brian James Sargent, University of
Massachusetts Amherst
1444. Regular Sessions. Population Processes: Intersections
between fertility, mortality, and migration
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 2, 6th Floor,
Exploring the Linkages between U.S. Fertility, Immigration, and
Xenophobia - Christina Diaz, University of Arizona; Peter Ore,
University of Arizona
How Do Neighborhood Homicides Affect Young Women’s
Pregnancy Desires? - Abigail Weitzman, University of Texas;
Jennifer S. Barber, Indiana University-Bloomington; Justin
Heinze, University of Michigan, School of Public Health; Marc
Zimmerman, University of Michigan, School of Public Health
Violence-Motivated Migration: Theorizing and Predicting Migration
Responses to Violent Events - Michelle L. O'Brien, New York
University Abu Dhabi
Transnational Marriages, Marital Power and Sex Ratio at Birth in the
United-States - Inbar Weiss, University of Texas at Austin
Session Organizer: Sarah R. Hayford, Ohio State University
1445. Regular Sessions. From Crowdfunding to Virtual
Democracy: Political Technologies and their Implications
for Participation, Rights and Justice
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 4, 6th Floor,
Presider: Katrina Quisumbing King, University of Southern
Virtual Deliberative Democracy: Building Open, Reasonable,
and Public Spaces Online - Mark H. K. Pharris, University of
Crowdfunding for Healthcare and Education in Canada and the
United States - Erik Schneiderhan, University of Toronto;
Martin Lukk, University of Toronto; Jasmine Marie Anthony;
Rose Julianna Davis
Community Beyond the State: Reimagining Sovereignty in
Community-Based Alternatives to the Carceral State - Melanie
Brazzell, University of California Santa Barbara
Seeing (and Acting) Like a Political Campaign: How Social Practice
and Technology Influence Campaign Contact - Matthew
Brooke, Harvard University
The 21st Century Trade Agreement: A Cultural Theory of Policy
Change - Wendy Yuansi Li, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Session Organizer: Salina Abji, Carleton University
1446. Regular Sessions. Regular session: Intersections, Policy
and Movement Consequences
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 6, 6th Floor,
Presider: Apoorva Ghosh, University of California-Irvine
Racial Equality or Black Liberation? Black Millennial Perspectives on
#BlackLivesMatter as a Racial Project - Simone Nicole Durham,
University of Maryland, College Park
Mothers, Daughters, Boundaries, and Divides: Tracing the Concept
of Difference and Generation in Women’s Activism - Theresa
Ann Hunt, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Victory for Women* Like Me: Reproductive Realness and Pragmatic
Populationism in the New Abortion Bureaucracy - Aalap
Bommaraju, University of Cincinnati
The Politics of Alignment and the "Quiet Transgender Revolution"
in Fortune 500 Corporations, 2008 to 2017 - Apoorva Ghosh,
University of California-Irvine
Session Organizer: Zakiya T. Luna, University of California-Santa
1447. Regular Sessions. Health and Well-being in the Global
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 8, 6th Floor,
Presider: Emily Walton, Dartmouth College
Does Ethnic Diversity Affect Well-Being and Allostatic Load
Among People Across Neighbourhoods in England? - Danying
Li, University of Birmingham; Miguel Ramos, University of
Birmingham; Matthew Bennett, University of Birmingham;
Douglas S. Massey, Princeton University; Miles Hewstone,
Oxford University
Early Marriage and Health in Midlife: Evidence of Weathering
Among Indian Women - Kriti Vikram, National University of
Singapore; Zheng Mu, National University of Singapore
Parental Migrant Status and Health Inequalities at Birth: The Role
of Immigrant Selectivity - Sandra Florian, Institut National
d'Etudes Demographiques (INED); Mathieu Ichou, French
Institute for Demographic Studies (INED); Lidia Panico, INED
Are Gritty People Happier Than Others?: Evidence From The United
States and South Korea - Hye Won Kwon, University of Turku
Cultural Differences in Flourishing Among Workers - Matthew T.
Lee, Harvard University; Dorota Weziak-Bialowolska, Harvard
University; Piotr Bialowolski, Harvard University; Ying Chen,
Harvard University; Eileen McNeely, Harvard University; Tyler
VanderWeele, Harvard University
Discussant: Jessica A. Kelley, Case Western Reserve University
Session Organizer: Verna M. Keith, University of Alabama at
Session 1441, continued
Saturday, August 8, 2020
1448. Regular Sessions. Race, Gender, and Class Variations in
Union Formation
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 10, 6th Floor,
Presider: Federica Querin, Princeton University
A Marriage Plan Without a Partner: Narrative Accounts of Marriage
Timing Among the Black Middle-Class - Marbella Allen, Rice
university; Jenifer L. Bratter, Rice University
Childhood Family Instability and Union Formation During Early
Adulthood - Deirdre Bloome, University of Michigan; Paula
W. Fomby, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor; Yang Zhang,
University of Michigan
Does Marriage Really Protect Health? Intra-Individual Health
Dynamics Around Transition to Marriage - Małgorzata
Mikucka, MZES - The Mannheim Centre for European Social
Research; Oliver Arránz Becker, Martin Luther University
Halle-Wittenberg; Christof Wolf, GESIS - Leibniz-Institute for
the Social Sciences; Katharina Loter, Martin Luther University
Marriage Preferences of Online Daters in Shanghai: Why Does
Education Matter? - Siqi Xiao; Yue Qian, University of British
Wealth, Union Formation Divide, and Cohort Changes - Yang
Zhang, University of Michigan
Session Organizer: Sharon L. Sassler, Cornell University
1451. Open Refereed Paper Roundtable
Parc55, Embarcadero, Level 3, 2:30-4:10pm
Session Organizer: Brandon A. Jackson, University of Arkansas
Table 1: Aging
Table Presider: Justice E. Obiora, University of North Texas
Understanding the Structural Relationship Among Chinese Elder’s
Retirement Pension, Living Arrangement and Quality of Life -
Jing Liu, Georgia State University
The Widowed Identity: Identity Transformations of the Silent
Generation and the Influence of Time - Bridget Cowan
Longoria, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Health and Social Determinants of Healthy Aging: A Perspective of
Health and Social Care - Justice E. Obiora, University of North
Untenable: Caring for Aging Family Members Against All Odds -
Renee Lynn Beard, College of the Holy Cross
Table 2: Issues in Higher Ed
Table Presider: Rebecca Shamash, Santa Clara University
Ethics and the MBA: Barriers to Critical Education in Prestigious
U.S. Business Schools - Rebecca Shamash, Santa Clara
Gender, Race, and Class in the Making of Lawyer Careers -
Meghan Dawe, American Bar Foundation; Robert L. Nelson,
Northwestern University
Molding Ideal Citizens for Service to the Nation: How Higher
Education Reproduces Stratification - Colleen Rost-Banik,
University of Minnesota
The Transition From Higher Education to Work Among Asian
American College Students in STEM Fields - Bola Sohn, The
University of Texas at Austin
Table 3: Having Children...or Not
Table Presider: Shameka Poetry Thomas, University of Miami
Establishing Goodness: Moralizing Childfree Identity - Amanda
Michiko Shigihara, SUNY College at Old Westbury
‘I Went Through My Own Little Hell’: Black and Afro-Latina
Women’s Pregnancy and Birthing Experiences - Shameka
Poetry Thomas, University of Miami
The Influence of Family Policies on Women´s Childbearing: A
longitudinal Microdata Analysis of 21 Countries - Sunnee
Billingsley, Stockholm University; Gerda Neyer, Stockholm
Univsersity; Katharina Weselowski, Uppsala University
The Relationship Between Flow and The Two-Child Fertility
Willingnesss: Based on CLDS 2016 Data Female-Sample - Yan
Zhao, Harbin Engineering University; Kunlin Guo
Trends in the Desire to Stop or Delay: Historical Trends and
Regional Patterns - Chenyao Zhang, The Ohio State University;
John B. Casterline, Ohio State University; Jason Thomas, Ohio
State University
Table 4: Modern Relationships
Table Presider: Emilce Santana, Texas A&M University
Asian Men and the Construction of Desire on Craigslist - Chong-suk
Han, Middlebury College
Fragile Mobility & Fragile Stability: Dating in Eastern Kentucky -
Lanora Johnson, University of Michigan
Freedom from Oppression: Low-SES Single Mothers’ Interpretation
of Divorce in Turkey - Merve Umay Kader, The University of
British Columbia
Is White Always Right?: Skin Color and Interdating Among Whites -
Emilce Santana, Texas A&M University
Sigheh in Iran: An Intersectional Approach of Iranian Women
Who Engage in Temporary Marriages - Jonbita Prost; James
Williams, Texas Woman’s University; Mahmoud Sadri, Texas
Woman’s University
Table 5: The Family
Table Presider: Lucrecia Mena-Meléndez, University of California,
Los Angeles
‘One Hand Does Not Bring Up A Child:’ Child Mobility in Urban
Kenya - Cassandra Cotton, Arizona State University; Shelley
Clark, McGill University; Sangeetha Madhavan, University of
Maryland-College Park
The Effect of Paternal Leave on Mothers Return to Work and
Couples’ Satisfaction: A Longitudinal Study - Karen Z. Kramer,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Teresa Cardador,
University of Illinois; Eunmi Mun, University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign; Sunjin Pak, Slippery Rock University of
Pennsylvania; Sanghoon Lee, University of Illinois; Hanjin Bae,
Seoul National University
The Impact of Women’s Education on Child Health Outcomes:
Multilevel Evidence from Five Latin American Countries -
Lucrecia Mena-Meléndez, University of California, Los Angeles
Three-Generation Family Structure and Child Outcomes in China
- Yifeng Wan, Johns Hopkins University; Angran Li, Zhejiang
Table 6: The Far Right
Table Presider: Pamela Irving Jackson, Rhode Island College
Activism as Service to the (White) Nation: How White Supremacists
Frame their Activism - Alessandro Drago
Spatial Heterogeneity in the Intergenerational Persistence of
Political Behavior: The Case of Far-Right Support in Germany -
Berenike Schott, Columbia University
Trends in Right-Wing Extremism: Age, Time Period and Birth
Cohort Effects - Sören Kliem, Ernst-Abbe-Hochschule
Jena; Dominic Kudlacek, University of Applied Sciences
Two Different Electorates in Europe? Empirical Analysis of Right-
Wing Populist Appeal in the East - Pamela Irving Jackson,
Rhode Island College; Peter E. Doerschler, Bloomsburg
Table 7: Race, Class, Gender, and Tech
Table Presider: Rina James, The University of Arizona
Economic Impacts of the Digital Divide - Rina James, The
University of Arizona
Girls, Gadgets, and Gatekeepers: Gendered Modes of Mobile Phone
Access and Use Among Indian Adolescents - Isha Bhallamudi,
UC Irvine
Social Media and Low Self-Esteem in Mexican American High
Saturday, August 8, 2020
School Women - Nancy Limon; Bryan Cano, University of
Illinois at Chicago; Fernanda Osorio, University of Illinois at
“¡Someone explíqueme!”: Spanish Mis/Translations of Latinidad in
Digital Media - Rocio Leon, University of Southern California
Table 8: Inequality on Campus
Table Presider: Milanika Turner
Coloring in the Margins: Understanding the Experiences of Racial/
Ethnic and Sexual/Gender Minority Undergraduates in STEM -
Jonathan David Ware, University of California, Irvine
Hispanic/Latina/o College Students’ in Central Texas: Results from
A Campus Climate Qualitative Survey - Gloria P. Martinez-
Ramos, Texas State University
#MeTooHBCU: Black Women’s Power, Inequality, and Resistance in
the University - Milanika Turner
Racist Perceptions on a College Campus: Intersectionality of
Gender, Race, and Greek Affiliation - Kyndal DeBruin; Celia C.
Lo, Texas Woman’s University
Table 9: Immigration and Educational Inequality
Table Presider: Sonia Planson, Northwestern
An “Extra Target on Your Back”: Somali-Canadian Youth & Barriers
in Edmonton’s Public School Board - Mitra Mokhtari, University
of Toronto
Cultural Capital and Achievement Returns: The Case of Minoritized
Students in France - Sonia Planson, Northwestern
Variants of Discrimination - How Do They Impact Immigrant
Students’ Academic Performance - Fanni Farago, George
Mason University
Table 10: Latina/o Sociology
Table Presider: Alejandra Cueto Piazza, Brown Univeristy
Ethnoracial Data Production in the Dominican Republic - Reuben
Perez, University of California, Berkeley
Freedom Within Exclusion: Latin American Street Vendors’ Self-
Transformation in NYC - Alejandra Cueto Piazza, Brown
Long-Term Housing Recovery of Mexican-Origin Immigrants:
Navigating Active and Passive Anti-Immigrant Disaster
Recovery Policies - Melissa Villarreal, University of Colorado
Working at Fatherhood: The Impact of Work and Employment on
Latino Men’s Involved Fatherhood - Fátima Suárez, University
of California, Santa Barbara
Table 11: Navigating Racialized Identities
Table Presider: Jennifer Peruniak, University of Toronto
Correlation Between Racial Status and the Development of
Disabilities - Cydnea Dean, University of California Riverside
How Transracial Adoptees See and Negotiate Race - Jennifer
Peruniak, University of Toronto
The Islamic Work Ethic and the Racialized Muslim at Work - Salam
Everyday Islamophobia: Muslim Americans’ Experiences with Racial
Microaggressions - Kory Scherer, Carthage College; Bradley J.
Zopf, Carthage College
Table 12: Race, Ethnicity, and Social Movements
Table Presider: Todd Lu, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Assessing the Utility of Political Process Theory in an Online Anti-
Mandatory Hijab Movement - Farinaz Basmechi; Donna A.
Barnes, University of North Texas
Protesting the National Anthem: A Comparison of Contemporary
Japan with the U.S. - Megumi Tanabe, Texas A&M; Arthur
Sakamoto, Texas A&M University
When Black Lives Matter: Effects on Local Newspaper Attention to
Black Victims of Lethal Policing - Todd Lu, University of North
Carolina-Chapel Hill
White Stars and Stripes: The Effect of Race on Flag Displays at
U.S. Protest Events - Nancy Aguillón Díaz, University of Notre
Table 13: Race, Ethnicity, and Health
Table Presider: April D. Fernandes, North Carolina State University
Care for the Immigrants: Are We Facing a New Form of State
Effect? - Nilufer Akalin, SUNY Bighamton University
Factors Affecting Life Satisfaction of Mexican Adults: A Study on
Age, Sex, and Educational Attainment - Cynthia Luz Cisneros
Franco, Texas A&M University
Perceived Discrimination, Allostatic Load, and Racial Inequalities in
Later Life - Jingwen Liu
The Effect of Direct & Indirect Police Contact on the Health of Black
Women - April D. Fernandes, North Carolina State University
Table 14: Sexuality, Gender, and Health
Table Presider: Jessica Herling, Virginia Tech
“I Just Felt Supported”: Patient Perspectives on Receiving
Transition-Related Healthcare in Family Planning Clinics -
Natalie Ingraham, California State University-East Bay; Andres
Charpentier, California State University, East Bay; Lindsey
Fox, California State University, East Bay; Aerin Riegelsberger,
California State University, East Bay
The Asexual Healthcare Experience - Katherine Lorena Linder
The Integration of Sexual and Gender Minority Health into Medical
School Curriculum - Jessica Herling, Virginia Tech
Table 15: Examining Sex and Gender Inequality
Table Presider: Ismail Nooraddini, George Mason University
Intergenerational Transmission of Gendered Attitudes Among
Second-Generation Adolescents - Ismail Nooraddini, George
Mason University
Mexican American High School Students’ Perceptions of Sexual
Harassment in Sports and Gym Class - Samantha Mattison-
Leon, University of Illinois at Chicago; Stephany Estrada,
University of Illinois at Chicago; Marco Alavez, University of
Illinois at Chicago
Sexual Assault and Women in the Military: Through a Feminist Lens
- Anna Majercak, Ohio University
Table 16: Framing Health and Health Services
Table Presider: Elle Rochford, Purdue University
Does Evidence Matter? How Doulas Use Scientific Evidence to
Legitimate Support - Megan Henley, Colorado Mesa University
Organ Procurement and Civic Nationalism in Contemporary Spain:
The Organización Nacional de Trasplantes’ Twitter Discourse -
Rebeca Herrero Saenz, University at Albany, SUNY
Persuasion Nation? Government Speech and HIV Prevention in the
U.S. - Mark Wolfson, University of California-Riverside
Precarious Rights and Shifting Frames: Reproductive Health
Organizations’ Political Performances on Instagram - Elle
Rochford, Purdue University
Table 17: Health and Growing Up
Table Presider: Allison Stolte, Duke University
Lived Experiences of Allostatic Load: Upward Mobility and Health -
Siobhan Greatorex-Voith, Harvard University
Mental Illness Public Stigma and Treatment Seeking among
University Students - Kathleen M. Brennan, Western Carolina
University; Kimberly S. Gorman, Western Carolina University
Repeated Engagement in Help-Seeking Behavior of Children and
Adolescents with Mental Illness in a Sociocultural Context -
Soyon Kim, Yale University; Bridget Torres, Yale Child Study
Center; Jean Adnopoz, Yale Child Study Center; Joseph
Woolston, Yale Child Study Center
Table 18: Life in Urban Settings
Table Presider: Mario R. Hernandez, Mills College
Behind City Walls?: The Mobility of Urban Undocumented Youths -
Stephen P. Ruszczyk, Montclair State University
Session 1451, continued
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Coded Spaces: Design Aesthetics, Commercial Spaces and
Gentrification - Mario R. Hernandez, Mills College
Solo Dining in Korea: Trend, Factors and Consequences - Joon Han,
Yonsei University
Table 19: Historical Sociology & Collective Memory
Table Presider: Sabrina Nardin, University of Arizona
Memory in Exile: The Georgian Emigré Community, 1921-2018 -
Elene Kekelia, University of Virginia
Newspapers, Collective Memory, and Political Violence. The Case of
Italy (1969-2019) - Sabrina Nardin, University of Arizona
The Politics of Cultural Presentation: Mexico and Their 1968
Olympic Bid - Edgar Jesus Campos, University of Minnesota-
Twin Cities; Douglas Hartmann, University of Minnesota-Twin
Table 20: Work and Identities
Table Presider: Amber Thompson, University of Utah
How Nurse Practitioners Develop Professional Boundaries from
a Constellation of Roles - Jeff Scott Shelton, University of
Identity Negotiation for Healthcare Professionals Dealing with
Death and Dying - Amber Thompson, University of Utah; Isha
Shura, Texas Tech University
Intercultural Sensemaking in Professional-Client Relationships -
Oriane Couchoux, Queen's University; Laurence Daoust, HEC
Montréal; Bertrand Malsch, Queen's University
Meaning of Work Among Working-Class Men in Istanbul:
Subjectivities of Male Manual Workers - Alpkan Birelma,
Ozyegin University
Narratives as Networks: Youth Workers’ Conceptualizations of
Work and Identity - Sam Scovill, University of Arizona
Table 21: Working in Unique Environments
Table Presider: Ashley Baber, Loyola University Chicago
Work, Aspirations, and Contemporary Advertising: A Case Study
of Instagram’s “Micro-Influencers - Christopher Tirrell,
Northeastern University
Making it Work: Social Support Systems in the Reproduction of an
Unpaid Vocation - Erica Janko
New App, Same Old Precarity: Labor Market Intermediation and the
'Gig' Industry - Ashley Baber, Loyola University Chicago
Table 22: Worksite Experiences
Table Presider: Sarah (Bannister) Murray, University of California -
Moral Market Concerns: Chick-fil-A's Search for Balance - Kiersten
Hasenour, Duke University
Racism in ‘Safe’ Spaces: Racist Acts Amongst Advertising
Practitioners - Nessa Keddo, University of the Arts London
Responding to Inequality at Work: Examining Female Police Officer
Experiences in California and Louisiana - Sarah (Bannister)
Murray, University of California - Riverside
Trans and Nonbinary Baristas: Gender in the World of Coffee -
Ewa Protasiuk, Temple University; Keith McIntosh, Temple
University; Geoffrey Moss, Temple University
Table 23: Gender and Work
Table Presider: Tenshi Kawashima, University of Georgia
Capitalist Transformation, Traditional Values and Female
Participation in Managerial Careers: A Case Study of Shenzhen
- Sisi Sung, Max Weber Centre for Advanced Cultural and
Social Studies
Government Workers and Paid-Daughters: Immigrant Homecare
Workers' Worker Subjectivities in Publicly Funded Care Work -
Yangsook Kim, University of Toronto
Nurturing Premium? Material and Symbolic Valuation of Female-
Typed Occupations - Tenshi Kawashima, University of Georgia
Rebound or Never?: A Life Course Approach to the Motherhood
Wage Penalty - Jiyeon Kim, University of North Carolina-
Chapel Hill
Table 24: Migrant Work
Table Presider: Jeffrey Bilik, University of Michigan
Dormitory and Apartment: Citizenship and Social Rights in Late
Soviet Moscow - Jeffrey Bilik, University of Michigan
Double Health Disadvantages Among Migrant Workers in China -
Chengming Han, Case Western Reserve University; Bai Xiaoxi,
Shengyang Normal University, China
Socioeconomic Integration of Asian Immigrant Entrepreneurs
Across Settlement Destinations - Wendie Neesa Choudary,
University at Albany, SUNY
Torching the Disadvantaged: The Olympics Games, Nationalism,
and the Mistreatment of Migrant Workers and Undesired
Populations - Dylan Reynolds
Table 25: Good and Bad Jobs
Table Presider: Joeun Kim, Pennsylvania State University
Hukou, Class, and Bad Jobs in China - Qiong (Miranda) Wu,
Central European University; Michael E. Wallace, University of
Occupational Prestige and Gender in Contemporary Japan - Aya
Wakita, Tokyo Metropolitan University
Women’s Bad Jobs and Allocation of Domestic Labor in Korea -
Joeun Kim, Pennsylvania State University
Table 26: K-12 Experiences
Table Presider: Casey Stockstill, University of Denver
Preschool Choice and Social Class - Jeremy Redford, American
Institutes for Research
Service Learning and High School Graduation: A Survival Analysis -
Nicole DeVillier, University at Buffalo
Teaching in Segregated Preschools: Preschool Teachers’ Work
Experiences in Poor and Affluent Classrooms - Casey Stockstill,
University of Denver
Table 27: Climate Change Impacts
Table Presider: Natalie Blanton, University of Utah
Campesinas on the Frontlines: Nativism, Climate Change, and the
Working Conditions of Rural Women Farmworkers - Evelyn
Pruneda, UC Riverside
Environmental Allyship: It Only Comes at the Cost of Trusting
the Government. - Gilbert Richard Wolford, University of
“It’s Up in the Air”: How Air Quality and Climate Change Are
Influencing Fertility Decision-Making - Natalie Blanton,
University of Utah
Table 28: Social Movements Across the Globe
Table Presider: Shawn Andrew Kern, University of Notre Dame
Public Sociology and Worker Education: The Story of the Global
Labour University in South Africa - Michelle Annette Williams,
University of the Witwatersrand; Edward Charles Webster,
University of the Witwatersrand
Repression and Ritual: How Dissident Republicans Sustain Activist
Identities - Shawn Andrew Kern, University of Notre Dame
The Political Economy of Indignation: Neoliberal Crisis and
Social Movements in Spain - Eduardo Romanos, Universidad
Complutense de Madrid; Jorge Sola, Universidad Complutense
de Madrid; Cesar Rendueles, Universidad Complutense de
The ZAD of Notre-Dame-des-Landes and Social Change: From a
Micro-Mobilization to Transnational Activism - Marion Cassard
Table 29: The State, Corporations, and Spending
Table Presider: Mary-Collier Wilks, University of Virginia
Economic Liberalization, Government Spending, and Governance
Quality - Roy Kwon, University of La Verne; Anthony Roberts,
Colorado State University
Inequality, Multinational Corporations and Fiscal Sociology - Sara
Ravn Jespersen, Copenhagen Business School
Optimistic Demand and Tempered Supply: The Adoption of Shock
Therapy in Poland’s Post-Communist Transition - Nadia
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Smiecinska, UC Davis
The National Origins of International Aid: INGO Variation in Aid
Chains - Mary-Collier Wilks, University of Virginia; Derek
Richardson, Indiana University - Bloomington; Jennifer L. Bair,
University of Virginia
Table 30: Academic Grantwriting
Table Presider: Linda L. Marston
Advanced Grantwriting for All: Top Ten Tips - Linda L. Marston
1452. Section on Social Psychology Refereed Roundtables
(Cosponsored with Section on Sociology of Emotions)
Parc55, Cyril Magnin I, Level 4, 2:30-4:10pm
Session Organizer: Bianca Manago, Vanderbilt University
Table 1: Identity and Mental Health/Illness
Table Presider: Bianca Manago, Vanderbilt University
Identity Processes and Self-Injury - Melanie Kushida, UC Riverside
Theorizing an Emotion Identity: Gender, Depression, and Identity
Change - Alicia D. Cast, University of California-Santa Barbara;
Bridget K. Diamond-Welch, University of South Dakota
Excellent Character and Well-Mannered Behavior Can Help Your
Health and Well-Being. Evidence From Two Longitudinal
Studies - Dorota Weziak-Bialowolska, Harvard University;
Piotr Bialowolski, Harvard University; Eileen McNeely, Harvard
Table 2: Parenting
Table Presider: Tagart Cain Sobotka, Stanford University
The Enabling-Helping Dilemma: Redefining Behaviors and Roles
in the Context of Family Opioid Abuse - Tagart Cain Sobotka,
Stanford University
Child-Keeping Troubles - Adam Talkington, University of Wisconsin
- Madison
When does Maternal Mastery Matter? Linked Lives,
Intergenerational Transmission, and the Durable Early Origins
of Mastery - Soli Dubash, University of Toronto
Table 3: Race/Ethnicity and Identity
Table Presider: Chloe Dunston, The Ohio State University
Does Japanese Identity Buffer or Intensify the Stress of
Discrimination in Hawaii? - Krysia Mossakowski, University of
Does Role Identity Act as a Stress Buffer? Evidence from A Survey
Experiment - Eun Hye Lee, Indiana University-Bloomington;
Melissa Garcia, Indiana University, Bloomington
Table 4: Equity, Inequality, and Fairness
Table Presider: Hannah Regan, Vanderbilt University
Earning Much Less than is Just: The Contemporary Worker’s
Experience of Equity and Need Principles - Atsushi Narisada,
Saint Mary's University; Scott Schieman, University of Toronto,
St. George; Philip James Badawy, University of Toronto
Free Rider in the Classroom: Exploring the Sense of Justice About
Grades in Group Projects - Jui-Chung Allen Li, Quanthon
Corporation; Yi-Chun Chang, National Taiwan Normal Normal
Source of Endowment, Inequality, and Fairness: A Networked
Experiment - Ugur Yildirim, University of California, Berkeley;
Dennis Feehan, University of California, Berkeley
Table 5: Education
Table Presider: Melinda Milligan, Sonoma State University
Exploring Beliefs About Educational Inequality: A Case Study of
Attribution and Adult Literacy - Nora Jean Weber, Indiana
Table 6: Race/Ethnicity Immigration and Mental Health or Well
Table Presider: Lisa Reber, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Cultural Background, Stratification and Individual Appraisal:
Explaining Immigrants’ Experience of Anger, Sadness, Fear
and Joy - Coline Kuche, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Do Interracial Marriage Attitudes Drive Variation in Discrimination-
Related Mental Illness? A Study of East Asian Immigrants -
Ryan Gibson, Emory University
The Margins of the Margins: The Socio-Spatial Production of
Marginality - Lisa Reber, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Table 7: Racial/Ethnic Dominance
Table Presider: Ashley Veronica Reichelmann, Virginia Polytechnic
Institute and State University
Social Dominance Orientation, Race and Tie Formation Among
Students at Five Public Schools in Brazil - Charles Kirschbaum,
Insper Institute of Education and Research; Alysson Portella,
Insper; Gabriela Carneiro, Unicamp
White Fright: The Relationship Between White Americans’ Identity
Dimensions and Collective Emotions - Ashley Veronica
Reichelmann, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
Perseverance Despite Threat: Marginalized Students’ High Grit in
Grad School and Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Implications -
Anindya Kundu, NYU
Table 8: Impulse, Risk, and Cognition
Table Presider: Tony Love, University of Kentucky
Institution vs. Impulse: Self-locus in the Age of Information - Lorissa
Bryanne Barbara Humble, New Mexico State University
Race Composition, Decision Making, and Risk in the Finance Sector
- Hazel Hollingdale, University of British Columbia
Social-Demographic Patterning of Cognitive Styles - Gordon Brett,
University of Toronto; Andrew Miles, University of Toronto
Table 9: Roles, Identities, and Presentation of Self
Table Presider: Friedolin Merhout, University of Copenhagen
No Candidate Left Behind: Role Congruity Effects on Perceptions
of Political Candidates - Brittany M. Kowalski, West Virginia
University; Lisa M. Dilks, West Virginia University
Stigmatizing Environments Increase the Likelihood of Identity
Concealment Among Gay Men: A Multi-Level Analysis -
Micah Latanner, Columbia University; Jessie Ford, New York
University; Na Bo, Indiana University; Wanzhu Tu, Indiana
University; John Pachankis, Yale University; Brian Dodge,
Indiana University; Mark Louis Hatzenbuehler, Columbia
Guns on Exhibition: Gun Attitudes and Presentation of Self on
Twitter - Whitney Ann Hayes, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and
State University
Table 10: Group Processes
Table Presider: Lisa Slattery Walker, University of North Carolina-
Gender in Coed Team Sports: A Social Psychological Perspective
- Adam Vanzella-Yang, University of British Columbia; Tobias
Finger, Humboldt University
Examining Correlations Among Key Concepts in Three Theories
of Group Processes: ACT, EST, and NET - Marshall Schmidt,
Montclair State University; Lisa M. Dilks, West Virginia
University; Tucker McGrimmon, University of South Carolina
1453. Section on Asia and Asian America. Diverse Asian
American Experiences in the United States
Parc55, Cyril Magnin II, Level 4, 2:30-4:10pm
Presider: Van C. Tran, The Graduate Center, CUNY
What’s in a Promotion? Performance Reviews, Trust, Affirmative
Action - Margaret M. Chin, CUNY-Hunter College
The Bamboo Ceiling Reexamined: Factors Shaping the Asian
Disadvantage Relative to US-Born Whites in Managerial
Attainment - Di Shao, University of Virginia
Session 1451, continued
Saturday, August 8, 2020
The New Wave: Recent Trends and Cultural Factors in Pan-Asian /
Inter-Ethnic Asian American Marriages - C.N. Le, University of
Massachusetts, Amherst
For More and For Better: Children’s Education and Korean
American’s Utilization of Ties to Korea - Byung Soo Lee,
University at Buffalo, SUNY; Hyeyoung Woo, Portland State
Race Against Ethnicity?: How Indo-Caribbeans Navigate
Ethnoracial Ambiguity in New York's Political Field - Anjanette
Marie Chan Tack, University of Chicago
Session Organizer: Van C. Tran, The Graduate Center, CUNY
1461. Student Forum. Student Forum Open Topic Paper Session:
Place and Inequality
Parc55, Mission I, Level 4, 2:30-4:10pm
Presider: Madelyn Diaz, University of Central Florida
An Analysis of Racial-Ethnic Neighborhood Transitions in the U.S.
South From 1990-2010 - Treva Tam, University of Pennsylvania
Networks and Residents’ Perception of Neighborhood and City
Attachment: Differentials Among Racial Groups and Urban/
Rural Contexts - Xiaoshuang Iris Luo, University of California-
Root Shock: The Impact of Gentrification on Education in Los
Angeles - Eve Mefferd, Bennington College
The Significance of Place in College Access for First-Generation,
Low-Income, Working-Class, and Rural Students - Kelsey
Taylor Broadfield, Bennington College
Session Organizers: Madelyn Diaz, University of Central Florida;
Saugher Nojan, University of California Santa Cruz; TehQuin
Forbes, Florida State University; Marie Plaisime, Howard
1462. Regular Sessions. Sociology of Sport
Parc55, Stockton, Level 4, 2:30-4:10pm
Presider: Douglas Hartmann, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Parental SES and Children’s Physical Activity in Organized and
Unorganized Sports - Lea Rittsteiger, Karlsruhe Institute of
Technology; Hagen Wäsche, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology;
Doris Oriwol, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology; Alexander
Woll, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology; Thomas Hinz,
University of Konstanz
Parallel But Uneven Programs: The Hidden Curricula of Recreational
and Developmental Girls’ Gymnastics - Amy Michelle August,
University of Minnesota
Sport, Gender, and Sexuality: When Being Gay is Part of the Game -
Anna E. Acosta Russian, Indiana Univeristy
White Men Can't Jump, but Does It Even Matter? Exit
Discrimination in the NBA - Davon Nicholas Norris, The Ohio
State University; Corey Pech, Ohio State University
Emotional Framing of Olympic Victories and its Effect on
Nationalism and Nation-Related Values - Michael Mutz,
Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen; Markus Gerke, Stony Brook
Session Organizer: Douglas Hartmann, University of Minnesota-
Twin Cities
Saturday, 3:10 pm
1424. Section on Economic Sociology Roundtables
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Franciscan A, Ballroom Level,
Session Organizers: Laura E. Adler, Census; Isabel Jijon, SUNY-
Purchase; Laura Adler, Harvard University
Table 1: Finance, Money, and Banks
Table Presider: Yally Avrahampour, London School of Economics &
Political Science
Circuits of Financial Capital: Towards a Theory of Financial
Accumulation - Albina Gibadullina, University of British
Horizontal and Vertical Dimensions of the Division of Expert
Labour: A Preliminary Synthesis and Overview - Yally
Avrahampour, London School of Economics & Political Science
Start-Ups, Social Embeddedness, and Investment Networks -
Mircea Gherghina, University of Toronto
Things Fall Apart; Central Banking and Fragmentation of Currency
Markets in an Emerging Economy - Abiodun Fiwajoye Ige,
University of Detroit Mercy; Marvin Washington, University of
Table 2: The Gig Economy
Table Presider: Paul-Brian McInerney, University of Illinois-Chicago
Are You Hungry? The Role of the Food Delivery in China’s Rising
Economy - Wenqi Huang, Marymount Manhattan College; Erin
O'Connor, Marymount Manhattan College
Models of Ratings Systems - Paul-Brian McInerney, University of
Social Class and Datafied Subject Value in London’s Gig Economy -
George Maier, London School of Economics (LSE)
Spreading the Sharing Economy: Institutional Conditions for the
International Diffusion of Uber, 2010-2017 - Hyun Jin Kim,
Chung-Ang University; Chan S. Suh, Chung-Ang University
Table 3: Economic Sociology and Inequality
Table Presider: Arthur S. Alderson, Indiana University-Bloomington
Keeping Up With the Joneses: How Do Americans Do Income
Comparison? - Arthur S. Alderson, Indiana University-
Bloomington; Helge Johannes Marahrens, Indiana University,
Learning to Think Like an Economist Without Becoming One:
Professional Education in a MPA Program - Tim Hallett,
Indiana University; Matthew Gougherty, Indiana University -
Social Vulnerability, Receiving Assistance, and Disaster Recovery:
Population-Based Study of Hurricane Harvey in Houston, Texas
- Angel Griego, Center for Natural and Technological Hazards;
Timothy William Collins, University of Utah; Sara Elizabeth
Grineski, University of Utah
The Language of Inequality: Inequality in Sociology and Economics,
1886-2015 - Catherine Tze Hsuan Yeh, University of Toronto;
Alicia Eads, University of Toronto
Table 4: Labor Markets and Hiring
Table Presider: Adina Sterling, Stanford University, Graduate School
of Business
Blend or Break?: Gender, Masculinity, and Femininity in Labor
Markets - Adina Sterling, Stanford University, Graduate School
of Business; Natasha Overmeyer, Stanford University
Leakage and Arbitrage: The Evasion of Management Formalization
Through Market-Switching - Katariina Wilhelmiina Mueller
Gastell, Stanford University
Part Time for All: Towards an Intersectional Welfare Regime for
the 21st Century - Tom Malleson, King's University College at
Western University
The Latent Structure of the Labor Market - Kyoko Suzuki, University
of Tokyo
Faults and Faultlines: The Effects of Board Faultlines on CEO
Dismissal - Taekjin Shin, San Diego State University; Jihae You,
Louisiana State University
Table 5: Markets and Pricing
Table Presider: Ozgecan Kocak, Emory University
Cooperatives as Moral Critique of Markets - Tuomas Niska
Cupping in Context: Establishing Quality-Based Conventions for
Pricing Specialty Coffees - Ozgecan Kocak, Emory University;
Peter W. Roberts, Emory University; Semee Yoon, Underwood
Int’l College, Yonsei University
Price and Prediction in Crude Oil Markets - David L. Pinzur, London
School of Economics and Political Science
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Table 6: Crime and Morality
Table Presider: Diana Dakhlallah, McGill University
Bribery: Unlearning Certitudes and Shifting Perspective - Diana
Dakhlallah, McGill University
Shrouded in Secrecy: Theories of Illegal Markets - Wyatt Rafferty
Thompson, Stony Brook University
Survive or Perish: 'Traditional Organised Crime' in the Ports of
Montreal and New York - Anna Sergi, University of Essex; Luca
Storti, University of Torino
The Moral Markets of International Studies and Admission Essay
Coaches in Taiwan - Kenneth Han Chen, University at Albany-
State University of New York; John Chung-En Liu, National
Taiwan University
When It's Good to Be Bad: Rewarding Deviance in Washington's
Marijuana Market - Cyrus Dioun, University of Colorado Denver
Table 7: Organizations and Institutions
Table Presider: Dali Ma, Drexel University
Consecration at the Margins: How Firms Mobilize Rhetorical
Strategies in Brazilian Fashion - Charles Kirschbaum, Insper
Institute of Education and Research; Gabriela Antibas, Insper;
Fabio José Ayres, Insper; Frederic Clement Godart, INSEAD
Institutional Birthmark: Founder Status and Business Survival in late
Imperial Russia, 1847-1914 - Dali Ma, Drexel University; Daria
Popova, Drexel University
Russian Manufacturing Enterprises During the Economic Crisis: The
Effect of Organizational Social Capital on Sales Dynamics -
Daria Asaturian, HSE University
The Shape of Control: State-Owned Enterprises in Corporate
Shareholder Networks of China, 2003-2016 - Hsin Fei Tu,
UMass; Anthony Paik, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Understanding Corporate CEO Compensation: Market Forces,
Managerial Power, Interlocks, and Riding the Growth Wave -
Jeremiah Scott Lawson, University of California, Irvine
Table 8: Politics and Development
Agriculture and Economic Development in Sub-Saharan Africa in
the 21st Century - Johnson W. Makoba, University of Nevada,
A Strategic Action Fields Approach to U.S.-China Relations: An
Illustration with the Next Generation Automobile Industry -
Seio Nakajima, Waseda University
Does Immigration Weaken Support for the Welfare State? A Multi-
Level Analysis of Western Europe - Marko Grdesic, University
of Zagreb (Croatia)
Table 9: Subjective Work Experience & Entrepreneurship
Table Presider: Mustafa Yavas, Yale University
Corporate Dropouts: (Failure of) Consent for Corporate Careers -
Mustafa Yavas, Yale University
Effects Of Work Stress On Job Perfomance In Foreign-Owned
Industrial Organizations In Nigeria: Matters Arising. - Adewale
L. Adesina, Ekiti State University
The Interaction of Individual Characteristics and Socio-Economic
Context as Determinants of Immigrant Entrepreneurship -
James C. Witte, George Mason University; Maurice D. Kugler,
George Mason University; Wenjing Wang, George Mason
The Theatre of Entrepreneurship: Learning to Perform the
Speculative Self in University Entrepreneurship Programs -
Victor Tan Chen, Virginia Commonwealth University; Jesse
Goldstein, Virginia Commonwealth University
Table 10: Technology and the Economy
Table Presider: Laura Halcomb, UCSB
A Class for Itself? On the Worldviews of the New Tech Elite - John
C. Torpey, CUNY-Graduate Center; Hilke Brockmann, Jacobs
University; Wiebke Drews, European University Institute
“Culture” and “Charisma” in Startups: How Circulated Myths about
Organizational Identity Impact Firm Hiring and Fundraising -
Grace Tien, Princeton University
Ethnical Discrimination in Digital Markets: The Case of a Peer-to-
Peer Financial Trading Platform - Achim Edelmann, University
of Bern; Rudolf Farys, Universität Bern
‘Fighting Cancer Was Never in the Budget:’ Relational Analysis of
GoFundMe Campaigns for Colorectal Cancer - Laura Halcomb,
We Are All Made of Glitter: Emotional Contagion, Empathy, and
Legitmacy's Double-Edged Sword - Andreea Daniela Gorbatai,
University of California at Berkeley; Cyrus Dioun, University of
Colorado Denver; Kisha Lashley, University of Virginia McIntire
School of Commerce
1431. Section on Methodology. Otis Dudley Duncan Memorial
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 5, 4th Floor,
Presider: Jennie E. Brand, University of California-Los Angeles
Panelist: Mark van der Laan, UC Berkeley
Session Organizer: Jennie E. Brand, University of California-Los
Saturday, 4:30 pm
1503. Regional Spotlight Session. Learning from Legalization:
Examining Racial Equity and Social Justice in Emerging
Cannabis Markets
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 1, Lobby Level,
Presider: Michele L. Cadigan, University of Washington
Panelists: Michele L. Cadigan, University of Washington; Alexes
Harris, University of Washington; Christina Hughes, University
of Washington; Christian Averill, San Francisco Equity Group
Session Organizers: Michele L. Cadigan, University of Washington;
Alexes Harris, University of Washington
1504. Special Sessions. Data Journalism Meets Public Sociology
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 2, Lobby Level,
Presider: Angele Christin, Stanford University
Panelists: Matthew Desmond, Princeton University; Cheryl Phillips,
Stanford University; Ruth N. Lopez Turley, Rice University
Discussant: Jerry A. Jacobs, University of Pennsylvania
Session Organizer: Jerry A. Jacobs, University of Pennsylvania
1505. Special Sessions. Queer Spatial Politics
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 3, Lobby Level,
Presider: Amin Ghaziani, University of British Columbia
Panelists: Theo Greene, Bowdoin College; Greggor Mattson, Oberlin
College; Jason Orne, Drexel University; Amy L. Stone, Trinity
Session Organizer: Amin Ghaziani, University of British Columbia
1506. Thematic Sessions. Democracy and Authoritarianism in the
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 4, Lobby Level,
Presider: Cedric de Leon, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Panelists: Barry Eidlin, McGill University; Judith Stepan-Norris,
University of California, Irvine; Dylan John Riley, University
of California, Berkeley; Jasmine Kerrissey, University of
Massachusetts-Amherst; Virginia Doellgast, Cornell University
ILR School
Session Organizer: Barry Eidlin, McGill University
Session 1424, continued
Saturday, August 8, 2020
1507. Thematic Sessions. Outsourcing Risk: Contesting the Great
Organizational Risk Shift
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 5, Lobby Level,
Presider: Josh Whitford, Columbia University
Panelists: Virginia Doellgast, Cornell University ILR School;
Susan Helper, Case Western Reserve University; Rakeen
Mabud, Roosevelt Institute; John Marshall, United Food and
Commercial Workers
Session Organizers: Adam D. Reich, Columbia University; Josh
Whitford, Columbia University
1508. Thematic Sessions. Past, Present, and Future of Corporate
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 6, Lobby Level,
Presider: Richard Benton, University of Illinois at Urbana-
Panelists: Carly Knight, New York University; Joshua Murray,
Vanderbilt University; Yongjun Zhang, University of Arizona
Discussant: Mark S. Mizruchi, University of Michigan
Session Organizer: Richard Benton, University of Illinois at Urbana-
1509. Thematic Sessions. Uncertain Relations: Independent
contractors, the gig economy, and just-in-time labor
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 7, Lobby Level,
Presider: Kristen S. Harknett, University of California, San Francisco
Panelists: Marcus Casey, UIC/Brookings; Daniel J. Schneider,
University of California-Berkeley; Julia B. Ticona, University of
Discussant: Sandra S. Smith, University of California, Berkeley
Session Organizers: Daniel J. Schneider, University of California-
Berkeley; Scott W. Allard, University of Washington
1510. Section on Children and Youth. Children and Youth in a
Changing World
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 8, Lobby Level,
Presider: Jessica Karen Taft, University of California-Santa Cruz
“We Need to Do Something About This”: Children's Post-Disaster
Views on Climate Change and Environmental Crisis - Caroline
Beth McDonald-Harker, Mount Royal University; Emilie Michelle
Bassi, University of Alberta; Timothy Haney, Mount Royal
Active Adolescent-Citizen: Minors in Political Protests - Svetlana
Erpyleva, the School of Advanced Studies, University of
Racialized Experiences with the Carceral State for Youth: From
Migration Pathways to Securitized Suburban Schools - Erin
Michaels, University of North Carolina-Wilmington
“…Bullies are Gonna Get Their Karma”: School Shooting Threats,
Masculinity, and the Contemporary Culture of Fear - Sarah A.
Miller, Boston University
Session Organizer: Jessica Karen Taft, University of California-Santa
1515. Professional Development Workshop. Crossing the Divide
between the Academy and the “Real World”: How to Use
Your Sociological Expertise and the Sociology Action
Network (SAN) to Eectively Engage non-Academic
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 1, Ballroom Level,
Leader: Amy T. Schalet, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Session Organizers: Douglas Hartmann, University of Minnesota-
Twin Cities; Amy T. Schalet, University of Massachusetts-
Amherst; Margaret Weigers Vitullo, American Sociological
1516. Departmental Management and Leadership Workshop.
The Past, Present and Future of Sociology: Using publicly
available data to examine the discipline
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 2, Ballroom Level,
Leader: Caren Arbeit, RTI International
Session Organizer: Caren Arbeit, RTI International
1517. Section on Crime, Law, and Deviance. Individual and
Collective Responses to Social Control and Criminal Justice
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 3, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Sara Wakefield, Rutgers University
Crime Doesn’t Matter: Dynamic Longitudinal Measures of Legal
Cynicism in Chicago - Kat Albrecht, Northwestern University
“Don’t Reveal Too Much”: State-Adjacent Actors and the Production
of System Avoidance - Max A. Greenberg, Boston University
Employment Application Criminal Record Questions and
Willingness to Apply: Mixed Method Study of Defeatism and
Perseverance - Eric LaPlant, Ohio State University; Lesley Erin
Schneider, The Ohio State University; Michael Vuolo, Ohio
State University
Where Victims Matter: Importance of Place for Understanding
Police Shootings, Media Coverage, and Legal Cynicism - Iman
Said, Penn State University
Session Organizers: Sara Wakefield, Rutgers University; Ashley T.
Rubin, University of Hawaii, Manoa; Amada Armenta
1519. Book Salons (formerly Author Meets Critics). Dying of
Whiteness: How the Politics of Racial Resentment Is Killing
America's Heartland (Basic Books, 2019) by Jonathan
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 7, Ballroom Level,
Author: Jonathan M. Metzl, Vanderbilt University
Panelists: Ben Carrington, University of Southern California; Stefan
Timmermans, UCLA
Session Organizer: Harel Shapira, University of Texas-Austin
Moderator: Harel Shapira, University of Texas-Austin
1520. Section on Economic Sociology. Political Economy and
Economic Sociology
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 8, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Brian James Sargent, University of Massachusetts
Antitrust Policy Reform in the Times of Inflation and Chicago
School of Law and Economics - Melike Arslan, Northwestern
Backstage at the Crisis: The Federal Reserve, the Money Market,
and the Shadow of the Public - Pierre-Christian Fink, Columbia
The Costs of Occupational Gender Segregation in Tech Sector
Growth - William Joslyn Scarborough, University of North
Texas; Mehr Mumtaz, University of North Texas; Katherine
Sobering, University of North Texas
Victims’ Responses to State Economic Reparations in Colombia and
Peru - Diana Catalina Vallejo Pedraza, University of Virginia
Session Organizers: Fabien Accominotti, London School of
Economics; Emily A. Barman, Boston University; Daniel
Hirschman, Brown University; Elena Obukhova, McGill
University; Brian James Sargent, University of Massachusetts
Saturday, August 8, 2020
1521. Section on Global and Transnational Sociology. Global
Crisis and Cultures of Resistance/Transformation
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 9, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Atef S. Said, University of Illinois at Chicago
Constructing Alter-Globalizations: Solidarity and Transnational
Right to Water Movements - Caitlin Hays Schroering,
University of Pittsburgh
Organizing Workers Beyond the Factory Walls: Tenant Shopkeepers
in Seoul Subverting Urban Spaces for Workers’ Power - Yewon
Andrea Lee, University of Toronto
Politicization: Conflict, Public, and Performance - Eeva Luhtakallio,
University of Tampere
Racial-Patriarchal Capitalism: Implications for the Global Capitalist
Crises - Debadatta Chakraborty, University of Massachusetts,
Unanticipated Transformations of Everyday Resistance - Andrew N.
Discussant: Sahan Savas Karatasli, University of North Carolina at
Session Organizer: Atef S. Said, University of Illinois at Chicago
1523. Meeting. Section on Aging and the Life Course Business
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Imperial B, Ballroom Level,
1524. Meeting. Alpha Kappa Delta Distinguished Lecture: “White
Sanctuaries: Race, Place, and Space in U.S. Institutions”
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Franciscan A, Ballroom Level,
1526. Regular Sessions. Sociology of Indigenous Peoples: Land,
Status, and Health
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Yosemite A, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Beth Redbird, Northwestern University
Taxation, Settlement, and Indigeneity - Kyle Willmott, University of
A Conceptual Model of Place on Health for American Indians -
Tennille L. Marley, Arizona State University-Tempe
Indigenous Mental Health: Examining Populations in Tribal Areas
and Non-Tribal Areas - Madeline Margaret Nash, Michigan
State University
Physical Health Status Among Heterosexual, Gay/Lesbian, and
Bisexual Native American and Alaskan Natives - Kiana Kristine
Wilkins, Rice University; Bridget K. Gorman, Rice University;
Min Ju Kim, Rice University
Stereotypes Incorporated: Commonly Experienced Representations
of Native Americans in Contemporary U.S. Culture - Laurel
R. Davis-Delano, Springfield College; Jennifer J. Folsom,
Colorado State University; Virginia McLaurin, University of
Massachusetts at Amherst
Session Organizer: Kimberly R. Huyser, University of New Mexico-
1527. Section on Political Sociology. White Nationalism and the
Politics of Immigration
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Yosemite B, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Genevieve Zubrzycki, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
White Nationalism, Immigration, and the Politics of Attention -
Marshall A. Taylor, New Mexico State University
Immigration Intolerance, White Nationalism and Social Benefits in
Eastern Europe - Pamela Irving Jackson, Rhode Island College;
Peter E. Doerschler, Bloomsburg University
Why Is Immigration Controversial?: Examining Immigration
Activism as a Gendered Politics of Whiteness amid Inequality -
Emine Fidan Elcioglu, University of Toronto
Mainstreaming the Message: White Supremacist Extremism and
Political Discourse - Cynthia Miller-Idriss, American University
Discussant: Cynthia Miller-Idriss, American University
Session Organizer: Genevieve Zubrzycki, University of Michigan-
Ann Arbor
1529. Section on Sociology of Culture. Mind and Matter:
Synthesizing Cognition and Materiality
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 1, 4th Floor,
Presider: Terence Emmett McDonnell, University of Notre Dame
Bringing Ecological Rationality into Our Models of Cultural
Transmission - Nicholas Restrepo Ochoa
Cultural Entanglements: Cognition and Things - Chandra Mukerji,
University of California, San Diego
Evolutionary Mechanisms of Cultural Change: As Told Through
the Birth and Blackened Death of Metal Music - Bernard
Koch, University of California, Los Angeles; Daniele Silvestro,
University of Fribourg; Jacob Gates Foster, University of
California-Los Angeles
Movements, Masks, and Their Meanings: Identity Covers and
Subversive Performances of Anonymity - Thomas DeGloma,
CUNY-Hunter College
Discussant: Michael Lee Wood, Brigham Young University
Session Organizer: Terence Emmett McDonnell, University of Notre
1530. Section on Teaching and Learning in Sociology. Perfecting
Our Pedagogy
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 3, 4th Floor,
Presider: Vondora Wilson-Corzen, Nassau Community College
Beyond Chili Peppers: Using Custom Surveys to Improve Learning
and Assessment - Raj Andrew Ghoshal, Elon University
Effects of Curriculum Mapping on Undergraduate Sociology
Program Practices and Priorities - Stephen A. Sweet, Ithaca
College; Susan J. Ferguson, Grinnell College
Intrusive Teaching: The Role Strain of Care Labor and the Emerging
Majority in Higher Education - Daniel K. Cortese, Governors
State University; Katherine Denker, Ball State University; Jayne
Goode, Governors State University; Kerri Morris, Governors
State University
Lessons From a Course Evaluation Revision Project - Diane L. Pike,
Augsburg University
Teaching for a Data-Driven Future: Intentionally Building
Foundational Computing Skills - Amy Lynne Johnson, Stanford
University; Rebecca Gleit, Stanford University
Session Organizers: Clare Forstie, University of Minnesota-Twin
Cities; Vondora Wilson-Corzen, Nassau Community College
1531. Section on Methodology. Computational Sociology
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 5, 4th Floor,
Discourses of Death: Introducing a New Method to Model Topics
in Word Embeddings - Alina Arseniev-Koehler, University of
California Los Angeles; Susan Cochran, UCLA; Vickie Mays,
University of California, Los Angeles; Jacob Gates Foster,
University of California-Los Angeles
The Meaning of Class: Using Word-Embeddings and Etiquette
Manuals to Uncover the Dimensions of Social Class - Andrea M.
Voyer, Stockholm University; Zachary Dillon Kline, University of
Connecticut; Madison Orion Danton, University of Connecticut
Science and Technology Advance Through Surprise - Feng Shi,
Amazon.com; James A. Evans, University of Chicago
Dynamics of School Segregation: An Empirically Calibrated ABM
Approach - Selcan Mutgan, Linköping University; Peter
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Hedstrom, Linköping University; Martin Arvidsson, Linköping
The Social Contagion of Cheating Through Victimization and
Observation: Evidence from Online Gaming - Ji Eun Kim,
London School of Economics and Political Science; Milena
Tsvetkova, London School of Economics
Session Organizer: Carter T. Butts, University of California-Irvine
1536. Meeting. Section on Altruism, Morality, and Social
Solidarity Business Meeting
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 13, 4th Floor,
1537. Regular Sessions. The Impact of Race and Class on
Educational Relationships
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 14, 4th Floor,
Confronting Cultural Blame in Teacher Training to Promote Cultural
Proficiency - Melissa Archer Alvaré, Monmouth University
Opportunities and Risks of the Middle Class Parents Under the
Transforming Field of Education in Turkey - Tugce Ozdemir,
University of Basel
Race, Gender and Relationships with Advisors: Inequalities in
Becoming a Scholar - Brooke Dinsmore, University of Virginia;
Josipa Roksa, University of Virginia
Race Matters: Student–Teacher Trust in New York City Middle
Schools - Brittany Nicole Fox-Williams, Columbia University
Discussant: Susan A. Dumais, CUNY-Lehman College
Session Organizer: Amanda Evelyn Lewis, University of Illinois-
1538. Regular Sessions. Human Rights, Social Justice and Social
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 15, 4th Floor,
Presider: Rodney D. Coates, Miami University-Ohio
Human Rights in Childbirth: Laboring for Respectful Care in the
Delivery Room - Tanya Faglie, University of North Texas
Impacts of Human Rights Transnational Advocacy Networks in Post
Franco Spain - Nicole Iturriaga, Max Planck Institute
Public Education on Indigenous Dispossession and Reparative
Justice Across Minnesota and Manitoba - Alejandro Baer,
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities; Jillian LaBranche,
University of Minnesota
Pushing Them to the Edge: Structural Violence and Suicide in
Immigrant Detention Centers - Beatriz Aldana Marquez, Texas
State University; Guadalupe Marquez-Velarde, Utah State
University; Linda Aldana, SUNY Albany
Session Organizer: Rodney D. Coates, Miami University-Ohio
1539. Regular Sessions. Immigration, Surveillance, and the
Homeland Security State
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 17, 4th Floor,
Presider: Jane Lilly Lopez, Brigham Young University-Provo
The Impact of Interior Immigration Enforcement on the Day-to-
Day Behaviors of Undocumented Immigrants - Tom K. Wong,
University of California, San Diego; Karina Shklyan, University
of California, San Diego; Anna Isorena, University of California,
San Diego; Stephanie Peng, University of California, San Diego
Navigating Public Charge and Immigrant Health in the
Crimmigration Age - Meredith Van Natta, Duke University
Immigration Policy in an Era of Surveillance - Marta Ascherio,
University of Texas at Austin
Disrupting the Traffic Stop to Deportation Pipeline in New York
State: How Greenlight Laws Will Reduce Harm to Children -
Robert Courtney Smith, City University of New York-Baruch
College, Graduate Center; Andrés Sebastián Besserer Rayas,
Graduate Center CUNY
Deportation and the Criminalization of Mexican Migrants in the
United States - Rafael G. Alarcon, El Colegio de la Frontera
Session Organizer: Patrisia Macias-Rojas, University of Illinois-
1541. Regular Sessions. Population Processes: Cohort dynamics
and social change
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 23, 4th Floor,
Presider: Michelle L. O'Brien, New York University Abu Dhabi
Is Cohort Size Linked to Happiness?: A Comparison of American
and British Baby Boomers - Yiwan Ye, University of California,
Davis; Xiaoling Shu, University of California Davis
The Education Gradient in Childbearing: Changes in the Education
Distribution - Federica Querin, Princeton University
Structural Family Inequality: Mapping Kin Networks Across Three
Generations in 1988 and 2013 - Heeju Sohn, University of
California-Los Angeles
A Tale of Two Villages: Modernization and Household Change in
India’s Deccan Plateau - Etienne Breton, Cornell University
Session Organizer: Sarah R. Hayford, Ohio State University
1542. Regular Sessions. Novel Inquiries in the Sociology of
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 25, 4th Floor,
Presider: Owen Whooley, University of New Mexico-Albuquerque
Disease, Accident, and Environment: Measuring Lead Toxicity in the
Twentieth Century United States - Jimin Yoon
Inference in Psychotherapy: Building Models and Constructing
Treatable Patients - Mariana Craciun, Tulane University
Regulatory Science and Medical Freedom: The Biopolitics of FDA’s
Ephedra Ban - Larry Au, Columbia University
The Complicated Relationship Between Vaccine Refusal and
Abortion Politics - Jennifer A. Reich, University of Colorado
The Font in Our Stars: Typeface Aesthetics and the Evaluation of
Economic Research - Alexander Kindel, Princeton University
Session Organizer: Owen Whooley, University of New Mexico-
1543. Regular Sessions. Critical and Feminist Technology Studies
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 1, 6th Floor,
Presider: Jessie Daniels, Hunter College and The Graduate Center-
Contextualizing Ontology: Understanding Big Data in Context -
Onurhan Ak, Queen's University
Discrimination Behind the Cyber Curtain:Comparing Airbnb’s User-
Based Ratings and Text Reviews - Erick Axxe, The Ohio State
University; Eungang (Peter) Choi, The Ohio State University
Making Platforms Work: Conceptualizing the Labor of Platforms
and the Management of Publics - Benjamin Shestakofsky,
University of Pennsylvania; Shreeharsh Kelkar, University of
California, Berkeley
Technofutures in Stasis: Repetition and Stagnation in Smart
Technology and Ubiquitous Computing - Sun-ha Hong
The Sociotechnical Imaginary of Anti-Rape Technology - Renee
Marie Shelby, Georgia Institute of Technology
Discussant: Ruha Benjamin, Princeton University
Session Organizer: Safiya Umoja Noble, University of California, Los
Saturday, August 8, 2020
1544. Regular Sessions. Popular Culture and Social Inequality
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 2, 6th Floor,
Presider: Jennifer Kim
Hip-Hop's Vibe: Restructuring Emotional Relationships with Local
Spaces and Structures - Corey Javon Miles, Morgan State
Inequality and Social Closure in the American Tattooing Industry -
Deborah Burns, Iowa State University
Race and Reality Television - Myron T. Strong, Community College
of Baltimore County
The Diffusion of Gender Issues in Entertainment Television Over
Time - Katherine Zaslavsky, Cornell University
Popular Culture and the Perpetuation of Exploitation: A Case
Study of The Voice - David Michael Arditi, University of Texas-
Session Organizer: Dustin Kidd, Temple University
1545. Regular Sessions. Regular session: Emotions and Morality
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 4, 6th Floor,
Presider: Zakiya T. Luna, University of California-Santa Barbara
Dilemmas of Solidarity: Navigating Privilege and Complicity
to Reconcile Inequalities - Sophia Boutilier, Stony Brook
Detached Attachments: Dealing With and Preventing Burnout
Among Caregivers in Social Movements - Alejandro Marquez,
University of Texas at Austin
On (Not) Knowing What is to Be Done (in 17 Affective Registers) -
Deborah B. Gould, University of California-Santa Cruz
Writing in Strong Opposition: How Social Movements Use
Emotional Rhetoric to Counter Shifts in Political Power -
Didem Turkoglu, New York University Abu Dhabi; Selen Güler,
University of Washington; Daniel Karell, Yale University
The State Schema: Seeing Politics Through Morality and Capacity -
Tyler Leeds, The University of California, Berkeley
Session Organizer: Zakiya T. Luna, University of California-Santa
1546. Regular Sessions. Theory in Conversation
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 6, 6th Floor,
Presider: Jenna L. O'Connor, DePaul University
An Integrated of Ideology - Huseyin Arkin Rasit, Yale University
Cleft Habitus: A Love Story - Andrew S. Fullerton, Oklahoma State
University; Jonathan Scott Coley, Oklahoma State University;
Dakota Kane Tangent Raynes, Oklahoma State University;
Adam M. Straub, Oklahoma State University
Reflecting on Reflexivity with W.E.B. DuBois: A Critique of
Bourdieu’s Reflexive Knowledge - Syeda Quratulain Masood,
Brown University
Whatever Happened to Socialization? - Jeffrey Guhin, University
of California-Los Angeles; Jessica McCrory Calarco, Indiana
University-Bloomington; Cynthia Miller-Idriss, American
Session Organizer: Robyn Ryle, Hanover College
1547. Regular Sessions. Inequalities at Work in US Health Care
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 8, 6th Floor,
Presider: Brandon James Moore, The Ohio State University
Cultural Health Capital and Social Capital in Primary Care: The
Case of Group Medical Visits - Ariana Thompson-Lastad,
University of California San Francisco; Janet K. Shim, University
of California-San Francisco
Levels of and Trends in Black-White and Latinx-White Hospital
Segregation - Marcus L. Britton, University of Wisconsin-
Milwaukee; Emmanuel Ngui, University of Wisconsin-
OB/GYN Providers’ Knowledge of Racial and Ethnic Reproductive
Health Disparities - Collin William Mueller, Duke University;
Carlos D. Tavares, Lafayette College
Patient-Provider Interactions in Healthcare Settings in the US:
Disparities by Asian Ethnic Subgroups - James B. Kirby,
Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality; Terceira A. Berdahl,
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; Rosalie A. Torres
Stone, Clark University
Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Provider-Patient Communication: The
Case of Incidental Medical Findings - Rebecca Anna Schut,
University of Pennsylvania
Session Organizer: Cory Cronin, Ohio University
1548. Regular Sessions. Ordinary People and Imagined
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 10, 6th Floor,
Presider: Ricarda Hammer, Brown University
Reflections on the Cosmopolitan-Nationalism Continuum from
the Global Art and Literary Worlds - Peggy Levitt, Wellesley
College; Andreja Siliunas, Harvard University
Centering of Hybridity in Contemporary Interpretations of
Jamaican Nationhood: The Continued Raced Nature of
National Identity - Monique Deeann Asandra Kelly, Michigan
State University
Remaking Ethnic Nationalism: The Role of Religion in Evangelical
Women’s Discourses in South Korea - Gowoon Jung, Kyung
Hee University
Politics as a Vacation: Tourist Practices and the Building of the
Nation-State - Gregory Fayard, University of California,
Discussant: Ricarda Hammer, Brown University
Session Organizer: Katrina Quisumbing King, University of Southern
1552. Meeting. Section on Asia and Asian America Business
Parc55, Cyril Magnin I, Level 4, 4:30-5:10pm
1553. Section on Marxist Sociology. Remembering Erik Olin
Wright: Future Directions in Emancipatory Social Science
Parc55, Cyril Magnin II, Level 4, 4:30-6:10pm
Presider: Michael A. McCarthy, Marquette University
Emancipatory Social Science and the Struggle for Guaranteed
Income - Wilson Sherwin, CUNY Grad Center
The Policy Road to Socialism - David Calnitsky, University of
Western Ontario
Bringing Erik Wright South: History, Concept, and Measurement
in Peripheral Class Formation - Kevan Harris, University of
California-Los Angeles; Zep Kalb, UCLA
Networked Exploitation: A Wright Approach to Theorizing Digital
Class Power - Jen Schradie, Sciences Po - Paris
Discussant: Michael Burawoy, University of California-Berkeley
Session Organizer: Michael A. McCarthy, Marquette University
1554. Section on Social Psychology. Section on Social
Psychology: Politics and Media
Parc55, Cyril Magnin III, Level 4, 4:30-6:10pm
Presider: Paige Miller, University of Maryland, College Park
Assessing the Mechanism and Scope Conditions of Backfire Effects
- Friedolin Merhout, University of Copenhagen
Clickbait and the Cognitive Processing of Disturbing Events - Kayla
Danielle Russell Pierce, University of Notre Dame; Jessica L.
Collett, University of California-Los Angeles
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Discrimination is Reduced When Group Identity Can be Falsified
- Kinga Reka Makovi, New York University; Anahit Sargsyan,
New York University Abu Dhabi; Maria Abascal, Columbia
Gender, Communal Language, and Voter Perceptions in the 2020
Democratic Presidential Race - Christianne Corbett, Stanford
University; Marianne Cooper, Stanford University
Session Organizers: Tony Love, University of Kentucky; Jenny L.
Davis, The Australian National University
1561. Regular Sessions. Sociology of the Body
Parc55, Mission I, Level 4, 4:30-6:10pm
Presider: Paige L. Sweet, Harvard University
Insuring Masculinity and Femininity: Insurance Companies and
the Production of “Medical Necessity - Tara Marie Gonsalves,
University of California, Berkeley
“I Want to Look Like Beyoncé”. Constructing the Body Ideal Among
Urban Ghanaian Women. - Emelia Afi Agblevor, Hong Kong
Baptist University; Gina Lai, Hong Kong Baptist University
“Of Course I Think About What They’ll Write!”—Bodily Sharing &
Referencing-Thinking in the Sharing Economy - Skyler Wang,
University of California, Berkeley
New Vulva, New Me: Neoliberal Deployment of Genitalia and
Technologies of the Self - Nadia Roche; Christie Grace
McCullen, University of California-Santa Cruz; India Thomas,
University of California, Santa Cruz
Youth Politics, Body Politics: Rethinking Brazilian Youth Movements
as Embodied - Alice Taylor
Session Organizer: Paige L. Sweet, Harvard University
1562. Regular Sessions. Social Capital in 21st Century Sociology
Parc55, Stockton, Level 4, 4:30-6:10pm
Presider: Anna Maria Bokun, University of Minnesota
Causal Effect of Local Social Capital on Violence and Its Relational
Dynamics: Evidence from Africa - Hye-Ryoung Jung, KDI
School of Public Policy and Management
Does Who You Know Satisfy or Dissatisfy Your life? Social Capital
Theory versus Social Cost Theory - Lijun Song, Vanderbilt
Is Participation in Civic Associations Associated With Higher Levels
of Social Support? - Michael Mutz, Justus-Liebig-Universität
Giessen; Ulrike Burrmann, Humboldt-Universität Berlin;
Sebastian Braun, Humboldt-Universität Berlin
The Interrelation of Social Capital and Labour Market Integration-
A Proposal for a Multidimensional Construct - Julia Ruedel,
University of Goettingen
Session Organizer: Seth Abrutyn, University of British Columbia
Saturday, 5:10 pm
1536. Section on Altruism, Morality, and Social Solidarity.
Generosity, Morality, and Altruism: Global Studies in Cross-
Cultural Values
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 13, 4th Floor,
Presider: Patricia Snell Herzog, Indiana University-Purdue University
Panelists: Phuong Anh Nguyen, CHUM, Vietnamese Youth Non-
Profit; Rafia Khader, Lilly Family School of Philanthropy
IUPUI; Kidist Ibrie Yasin, Lilly Family School of Philanthropy
IUPUI; Jamie Lynn Goodwin, Indiana University Lilly Family
School of Philanthropy; Andy Williams, Lilly Family School of
Philanthropy IUPUI; Dana R.H. Doan, IU
Session Organizer: Patricia Snell Herzog, Indiana University-Purdue
University Indianapolis
1552. Section on Asia and Asian America Roundtable Session
Parc55, Cyril Magnin I, Level 4, 5:10-6:10pm
Session Organizer: Emily Carroll Hannum, University of
Table 1: Physical and Mental Health
Table Presider: Liwen Zeng, University of Arizona
Immigrant Status and Mental Health in the Chinese Population -
Liwen Zeng, University of Arizona
Self-Rated Health Disparities Among Asian Americans: Mediating
Roles of Education Level and Household Income - Zobayer
Ahmmad; Ming Wen, University of Utah; Kelin Li, California
State University
Table 2: Trafficking
Table Presider: Yen-Chiao Liao
Appendix Life: Ruptured Social Networks Among Korean Human
Trafficking Survivors from Comfort Stations - Eunjae Kim,
Korea University; Eun Kyong Shin, University of Tennessee
Health Science Center – Oak-Ridge National Lab
Smuggling of Drugs by Body Packing: Evidence from Chinese
Sentencing Documents - Tianji Cai
Social Control on Chinese Immigrant Women Working in Massage
Parlors in New York City - Yen-Chiao Liao
Table 3: Family and Marriage in Korea
Table Presider: Soo-Yeon Yoon, Sonoma State University
Claims from the Bottom: Dual Citizenship Claims of Marriage
Immigrants in South Korea - Ilju Kim, Waseda University
Living Arrangements and Time Use Among Young Adults in South
Korea - Phil Suk Kim; Yun-Suk Lee, University of Seoul
Non-Standard Work Schedules, Time Use and Subjective Well-
Being in South Korea - Soo-Yeon Yoon, Sonoma State
Wives’ and Husbands’ Time on Leisure in Korean Commuter
Marriages - Yun-Suk Lee, University of Seoul; Narae Yun,
University of Seoul; Phil Suk Kim
Table 4: New Perspectives on Gender in China
Table Presider: Yun Zhou, University of Michigan
How Maternal Employment Shapes Women’s Expectations of
Work and Family in Contemporary Urban China - Yun Zhou,
University of Michigan
Negotiating Patriarchal Norms and New Gender Practices: Chinese
Women's Ederly Care in the Bilateral Relational Contexts
- Yingchun Ji, Shanghai University; Ruonan Xu, Shanghai
University; Feinian Chen, University of Maryland-College
Park; Zhiyong Lin, University of Maryland, College Park;
Shuangshuang Yang
Possession is Nine-Tenths of the Law: How Chinese Courts Make
Child Custody Decisions - Ethan Michelson, Indiana University-
The Gender-Based Differentiation of Integration Strategies— A
Field Study of Internal Migration in China - Tingting Liu,
University at Albany, SUNY
Table 5: Global/Transnational Education
Table Presider: Siqi Tu, CUNY Graduate Center
Capitalizing Global Uncertainties: The Market for Education Agents
in China and Taiwan - Siqi Tu, CUNY Graduate Center
Transnational Concerted Cultivation and School-Choice: Examining
Return Migrants' School-Choice Decisions - Adrienne Lee
Atterberry, Syracuse University
Transnational Education and Agency: Insights From Muslim Women
in Urban Pakistan - Shanel Khaliq
Chinese International Students Studying in America: A Michigan
Case Study - Zhuang Han, Cornell University; Silvia Pedraza,
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Table 6: Education in East Asia
Table Presider: Carolyn L. Hsu, Colgate University
Reciprocal Effects of Parental Meritocratic Beliefs and Children’s
Educational Performance in China - Francisco Olivos, The
Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Unintended Consequences of Chinese Citizenship Education:
Findings from a Nationwide Survey - Carolyn L. Hsu, Colgate
University; Reza Hasmath, University of Alberta; Jennifer YJ
Hsu, University of New South Wales
Too Much of a Good Thing: Social Capital and School Stress in
South Korea - Allison W. Corbett, Brigham Young University;
Jonathan A. Jarvis, Brigham Young University-Provo; Jared
Thorpe, Brigham Young University; Mikaela Dufur, Brigham
Young University-Provo
Korean Minority Empowerment Education in Japan: Going Global
and Beyond? - Youngmi Lim, Musashi University
Table 7: Identity, Racialization, and Subjectivity
Table Presider: Houa Vang, UC Merced
Not All the Same: Racialization of Southeast and East Asian
Americans - Houa Vang, UC Merced; Chia Xiong, University of
California, Merced
Presenting Selves and Balancing Identities as Chinese International
Tourists and Consumers in the U.S. - Fangheyue Ma, University
of South Florida
Table 8: Movements and Inequalities: Asian American Perspectives
Table Presider: Haoming Song, Brown University
Overrepresented But Under-Theorized: Racial Strategies of Asian
Americans in High Tech - Tiffany Chow
The Basement Workshop: Examining Asian American Movement
Ideology Through Black Internationalist Frameworks -
Christina Ong, University of Pittsburgh
The Income Differences Among Asian Americans: Intersectionality
of Race and Gender - Tiffanie Vo, University of Oklahoma;
Cyrus J. Schleifer, University of Oklahoma; Peyman
Hekmatpour, University of Oklahoma
Table 9: Governance and Discontent
Table Presider: Jiaqi Liu, University of California, San Diego
Developmental States and Its Discontent: The Evolution of the
Open Government Data Policy in Taiwan - Ting-Yen Chen
Social Mobility and Political Trust in Contemporary China - Zhiming
Sheng, Shanghai University
When Do Grievances Become Collective Action - Han Zhang, The
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Table 10: Marriage, Family, and Fertility in China
Table Presider: Haiyi Monica Liu, Colgate University
Fertility Intentions of Having a Second Child Among Migrants in
China - Min Zhou, University of Victoria; Wei Guo, Nanjing
Lying, Cheating, and Gold-Digging: Transnational Dating Agencies
as Moral Gatekeepers - Haiyi Monica Liu, Colgate University
The Impact of Fertility Control Policy in Different Stages on
Children's Quality of Life in Adulthood - Wenjie Duan, East
China University of Science and Technology; Zhixiang Su
Table 11: Inequalities in Japan
Table Presider: Fumiya Uchikoshi, Princeton University
Parental Mental Health and Child Well-Being in Japan - Jared M.
Poff, Brigham Young University; Jonathan A. Jarvis, Brigham
Young University-Provo; Kevin Shafer, Brigham Young
University; Mikaela Dufur, Brigham Young University-Provo
Still Separate in STEM?: Trends in Sex Segregation by Field of Study
in Japan, 1975-2019 - Fumiya Uchikoshi, Princeton University;
Ryota Mugiyama, Hitotsubashi University; Megumi Oguro,
University of Tokyo
The Shift to the Dual-Earning Family Model in Japan and Its
Surprising Ramifications - Yuko Ogasawara, Nihon University
Cognition on Current and Future Society in Post Disaster Japan:
Attitude on Inequality and Nuclear Problem - Yoichi Murase,
Rikkyo University; W. Lawrence Neuman, University of
Saturday, 6:30 pm
1623. Section on Teaching and Learning in Sociology and Alpha
Kappa Delta Reception
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Imperial B, Ballroom Level,
1652. Section on Asia and Asian America Mentorship Reception
Parc55, Cyril Magnin I, Level 4, 6:30-7:30pm
Saturday, 7:00 pm
1624. Section on Marxist Sociology Reception
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Franciscan A, Ballroom Level,
Saturday, 7:30 pm
1652. Section on Asian and Asian America Section Reception
Parc55, Cyril Magnin I, Level 4, 7:30-8:30pm
Saturday, 8:00 pm
1722. Student Reception
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Imperial A, Ballroom Level,
Session 1552, continued
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Sunday, 7:00 am
2012. Meeting. Community and Urban Sociology Section Council
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Seacli, Lobby Level,
2025. Meeting. Section on Science, Knowledge, and Technology
Council Meeting
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Franciscan D, Ballroom Level,
2030. Meeting. Section on Ethnomethodology and Conversation
Analysis Council Meeting
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 3, 4th Floor,
2036. Meeting. Council Meeting History of Sociology Section
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 13, 4th Floor,
Sunday, 8:30 am
2103. Regional Spotlight Session. Poverty Amid Plenty: The
Experience of Poverty in the Bay Area
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 1, Lobby Level,
Presider: Irene H.I. Bloemraad, University of California-Berkeley
Panelists: Dani Carrillo, University of California, San Francisco;
David B. Grusky, Stanford University; Ryan Finnigan, University
of California-Davis; Daniel J. Schneider, University of
Discussant: Sam Cobbs, Tipping Point Community
Session Organizers: Daniel J. Schneider, University of California-
Berkeley; Irene H.I. Bloemraad, University of California-
Berkeley; Kim Voss, University of California-Berkeley
2104. Special Sessions. Changing Racial Demographics: Latinos
and the Future of Race in the U.S.
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 2, Lobby Level,
Presider: Sylvia Zamora, Loyola Marymount University
Panelists: Michael Rodríguez-Muñiz, Northwestern University;
Irene I. Vega, University of California, Irvine; Jennifer A. Jones,
University of Illinois-Chicago; Nicholas Vargas, University of
Session Organizer: Sylvia Zamora, Loyola Marymount University
2105. Special Sessions. Youth Activism
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 3, Lobby Level,
Presider: Nella Van Dyke, University of California-Merced
Millennials Transform Labor Activism in the Trump Era - Ruth
Milkman, CUNY Graduate Center
The Political Price of a Public Education: Neoliberalism and the
Struggle over Tuition - Didem Turkoglu, New York University
Abu Dhabi
Racial Justice Protest on Campus: Institutions and Tactics - Daisy
Isabel Verduzco Reyes, University of Connecticut; Nella Van
Dyke, University of California-Merced
Intersectional Youth Leadership and the Development of Youth
Power - Veronica Terriquez, University of California-Santa Cruz
Session Organizer: Nella Van Dyke, University of California-Merced
2106. Thematic Sessions. Divergences and Disparities in the Later
Life Course: Does Working Longer Promote Health?
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 4, Lobby Level,
Presider: Phyllis Moen, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Changes in Vitality Upon Retirement: Results of a 3-Year Panel
Study - Kene Henkens, Netherlands Interdisciplinary
Demographic Institute - NIDI
Disability and Perceived Workplace Inequalities: Do Patterns Vary
Over the Life Course? - Deborah Carr, Boston University; Eun
Ha Namkung, Brandeis University
Leaving Work: Retirement and Well-Being - Melissa Hardy,
Pennsylvania State University
Implications of Functional Limitations Trajectories for Work Longer
- David Warner, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Session Organizer: Phyllis Moen, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
2107. Thematic Sessions. Power, Inequality, and Resistance in
Health Professions
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 5, Lobby Level,
Presiders: Kelly Underman, Drexel University; Alexandra Vinson,
University of Michigan
Panelists: Stef M. Shuster, Michigan State University; LaTonya
Trotter, Vanderbilt University; Lauren D. Olsen, Temple
University; Clare L. Stacey, Kent State University
Session Organizers: Kelly Underman, Drexel University; Alexandra
Vinson, University of Michigan
2109. Section on Sociology of Law. Finding the Sociology in
Punishment and Society
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 7, Lobby Level,
Presider: Ashley T. Rubin, University of Hawaii, Manoa
Sanction Maintenance: How Disadvantaged Fathers Negotiate
Punishment - Stephane D. Andrade, Yale University
And You Will Wait…”: Carceral Transportation in Electronic
Monitoring as Part of the Punishment Process - Erin Eife,
University of Illinois at Chicago; Gabriela Kirk, Northwestern
Class, Race, and Incarceration in the Twenty-First Century -
Christopher Michael Muller, University of California-Berkeley;
Alexander Roehrkasse, Cornell University
“We're Still Dying Quicker Than We Can Effect Change”: Legal
Estrangement in the #BlackLivesMatter Era - Michelle S.
Phelps, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities; Christopher
Everett Robertson, University of Texas at Arlington; Amber Joy
Powell, University of Minnesota
Session Organizer: Ashley T. Rubin, University of Hawaii, Manoa
2110. Section on Economic Sociology. Finance and Economic
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 8, Lobby Level,
Presider: Juan Pablo Pardo-Guerra, University of California-San
The Emergence of Systemic Risk: The Federal Reserve, Bailouts,
and Monetary Government at the Limits - Onur Ozgode,
Northwestern University
How to Build a Bubble: Market Repertoires and Cycles of
Speculation - Adam Goldstein, Princeton University; Carly
Knight, New York University
Passive Investments, Active Isomorphism: Creative Destruction
in the U.S. Investment Management Industry - Nataliya
Nedzhvetskaya, UC Berkeley
Program Schedule • Sunday, August 9, 2020
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Training the Market: Simulations of the Economy in Market Games -
Stefan Schwarzkopf, Copenhagen Business School
Discussant: Juan Pablo Pardo-Guerra, University of California-San
Session Organizers: Fabien Accominotti, London School of
Economics; Emily A. Barman, Boston University; Elena
Obukhova, McGill University; Daniel Hirschman, Brown
University; Brian James Sargent, University of Massachusetts
2111. Meeting. Minority Fellowship Program (MFP) Advisory
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Sunset, Lobby Level,
2113. Meeting. Committee on Committees
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Marina, Lobby Level,
2115. Professional Development Workshop. How to Podcast in
the Academy: Legitimizing and Creating Alternative Media
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 1, Ballroom Level,
Leaders: Penn Pantumsinchai, University of Hawaii at Manoa; Omar
Tariq Bird
Session Organizer: Ellen T. Meiser, University of Hawaii at Manoa
2116. Policy and Research Workshop. Mixed Methods Field Work
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 2, Ballroom Level,
Leaders: Miriam Joy Northcutt Bohmert, Indiana University -
Bloomington; Peter J. Martel, University of Michigan; Jenna
Pryor, University of Michigan; Shytierra Gaston, Northeastern
Session Organizer: Meghan M. O'Neil, University of Michigan
2117. Community and Urban Sociology Section. Cities and Big
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 3, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Fernando A. Calderón Figueroa, University of Toronto
Police Brutality and Citizen Engagement: Robust Causal Inference
Using Big Data from Chicago - Maurice Bokanga, University of
‘Seeing’ Urban Contexts at Scale: Using Computer Vision to
Measure Physical Conditions of Neighborhoods - Jackelyn
Hwang, Stanford University; Nikhil Naik, Salesforce Research
From Residence to Movement: The Nature of Racial Segregation
in Everyday Urban Mobility - Jennifer Candipan, Harvard
University; Nolan Phillips, Harvard University; Robert J.
Sampson, Harvard University; Mario Luis Small, Harvard
Scoreboard Urbanism: Assessing Mental Life in the “Smart”
Metropolis - Matt Patterson, University of Calgary
Session Organizers: Fernando A. Calderón Figueroa, University of
Toronto; Daniel Silver, University of Toronto
2119. Book Salons (formerly Author Meets Critics). The Spector
of Global China: Politics, Labor and Foreign Investment in
Africa (University of Chicago Press, 2018) by Ching Kwan
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 7, Ballroom Level,
Author: Ching Kwan Lee, UCLA
Panelists: Gay W. Seidman, University of Wisconsin-Madison;
Ho-Fung Hung, Johns Hopkins University; Victoria Reyes,
University of California-Riverside
Session Organizer: Jennifer Jihye Chun, UCLA
Moderator: Michael Burawoy, University of California-Berkeley
2120. Regular Sessions. Children and Youth Living on the
Margins: Oppression and Resistance
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 8, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Jonathan A. Jimenez, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Every Child Deserves the Best: Health Responsibility, Just Desert,
and the Free Pass Doctrine - Liberty Barnes, University of
Oregon; Christin L. Munsch, University of Connecticut
Punishing and Counseling High School Girls: Reinforcing Race,
Gender, and Class Exclusions in School - Katherine Irwin,
University of Hawaii-Manoa
Y’all Means All? LGBTQ Youth Negotiating Life in the South -
Cameron Greensmith, Kennesaw State University
Discussant: Patrick Lopez-Aguado, Santa Clara University
Session Organizer: Ranita Ray, University of Nevada-Las Vegas
2121. Regular Sessions. Labor and Control: From Platform Labor
to Worker Organizing
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 9, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Marcos Emilio Perez, Washington and Lee University
“You Cannot Live Without Work:” The Hyper-Commodification
of Platform Labor - Laurie Ann Michaels, The Ohio State
Delivering Discontent: Platform Architecture, Labor Control, and
Contention in China - Ya-Wen Lei, Harvard University
Work and Unionism in Mexico: Challenges for MORENA and the
Fourth Transformation Government - Gerardo Otero, Simon
Fraser University; Enrique de la Garza Toledo, Universidad
Autónoma Metropolitana
Learning from Massachusetts Teachers: Organizing Against Charter
School Expansion in 2016 - Kyla Walters, Sonoma State
Session Organizer: Jasmine Kerrissey, University of Massachusetts-
2122. Meeting. Section on Political Sociology Business Meeting
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Imperial A, Ballroom Level,
2123. Teaching and Learning Symposium. Teaching and Learning
Symposium: Workshop on Creating Inclusive and Equitable
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Imperial B, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Jeanne Anne Holcomb, University of Dayton
Inclusive Teaching: Dismantling Structures and Systems of Power
in the Sociology Classroom - Michelle Rossi; Kem Saichaie,
University of California, Davis; Monica C. Esqueda, University
California, Davis
Little Hurts That Undermine Equity: A Workshop To Identify And
Challenge Classroom Microaggressions - Sydney Hart, City
Colleges of Chicago-Wilbur Wright College
Session Organizer: Katherine R. Rowell, Sinclair Community College
2124. Sociology in Practice Settings Symposium. Lightning
Round: Sociologist Who Work – Sociologist in Non-
Traditional Settings
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Franciscan A, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Augusto Diana, DHHS/NIH/National Institute of Nursing
Session 2110, continued
Sunday, August 9, 2020
How to be an Institutionalist in One of the Biggest Institutions
in the US Government - Eleanor T. Lewis, US Department of
Veterans Affairs
A Sociological Research Center in a Public Media Empire - Craig
D.P. Helmstetter, American Public Media
The Approach to the Research Object: Perspectives of the Process
from the Research Experience in Mexico - Carlos Lopez, DATA
opinion publica
Future Imaginaries: From Theoretical Framework for a Sociology
Dissertation to Nonprofit Stakeholder Engagement Process -
Amy Teller, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and
It’s Really Hard to Be a Sociologist at the National Institutes of
Health and That’s Why You Should Do It - Christopher Steven
Marcum, National Institutes of Health
Applied Political Sociology - Rita Stephan, U.S. Department of State
From the Ground Up: Starting a Local Government Research
Department - Valerie Adrian, Washington State University
Widening Access to the Ivory Tower: Building a Collaborative
Initiative for Public Policy Development - Brad Seward,
University of Toronto; Elizabeth Dhuey, University of Toronto
Session Organizer: Juanita J. Chinn, US Department of Health and
Human Services
2125. Meeting. Section on Science, Knowledge, and Technology
Business Meeting
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Franciscan D, Ballroom Level,
2127. Special Sessions. Environment, Organizations, and
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Yosemite B, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Jill Lindsey Harrison, University of Colorado-Boulder
Consequences of Colonial Encounters: Situating Cross-Cultural
Climate Change Boundary Organizations - Carla May Dhillon,
Bryn Mawr College
We Are a Working Coast: Negotiating Hegemony in Louisiana’s
Field of Coastal Risk Reduction Organizations - Simone
Domingue, University of Colorado Boulder
On Tubman, Time, and Space: Application of the Black Feminist
Spatial Imagination in Environmental Justice - K. Animashaun
Ducre, Syracuse University
'Your Blues Ain't Like Mine,' Or are They? Solidarity and
Authenticity in Building Relationships beyond the Service
Model - Monica White, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Session Organizer: Jill Lindsey Harrison, University of Colorado-
2129. Section on Sociology of Culture. Populism and Civic
Cultures in a Global Context
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 1, 4th Floor,
Presider: Lisa McCormick, University of Edinburgh
An Intersectional Approach to Accountability Structures Under
Emergency Rule: Women's Experience in Public Spaces, Turkey
- Basak Gemici, University of Pittsburgh
From Politics as Vocation to Politics as Business: Social
Performance in Trump Rallies - Yagmur Karakaya, University of
Minnesota; Penny Edgell, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Left Populism? Identity Politics? Local Housing Advocates Create
a Community of Identity - Paul R. Lichterman, University of
Southern California
What Is Antipopulism? Cultural Dimensions of Institutional and
Class Resistance to Populism - Celso M. Villegas, Kenyon
Session Organizer: Ming-Cheng M. Lo, University of California-Davis
2130. Meeting. Section on Ethnomethodology and Conversation
Analysis Business Meeting
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 3, 4th Floor,
2131. Section on Mathematical Sociology. Emerging Scholars in
Mathematical and Computational Sociology
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 5, 4th Floor,
Presider: Neha Gondal, Boston University
Diffusion as the Bridging of Cultural Holes - Diego F. Leal,
University of South Carolina-Columbia
School, Studying, and Smarts: The Gender of Education Across 80
Years of American Print Media - Andrei G. Boutyline, University
of Michigan; Alina Arseniev-Koehler, University of California
Los Angeles; Devin J. Cornell, Duke University
Network Mechanisms of Localized Knowledge Spillovers-1 - Malte
Doehne, University of Zürich (UZH)
Online, Anonymous, and Suicidal: How Anonymity Influences
Receiving Social Support - Darla Marie Still, University of
Session Organizer: Neha Gondal, Boston University
2132. Meeting. TRAILS Area Editors
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 9, 4th Floor,
2136. Meeting. Section on the History of Sociology Business
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 13, 4th Floor,
2137. Regular Sessions. Unequal Patterns of Educational
Attainment: Gender, Class, and Language
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 14, 4th Floor,
Presider: Dennis J. Condron, Oakland University
A Statewide Examination of English Learner’s Access to English
Language Arts - Ilana Marice Umansky, University of Oregon
Decomposing the Gender Gap(s): The Role of Class and Self-
Expressed Values in College Students’ Occupational
Aspirations - Kathleen Donnelly, Princeton University
Do Schools Favor Girls? Gender Gaps in Cognitive Skills - Douglas
B. Downey, Ohio State University; Margriet van Hek, Radboud
University; Megan Kuhfeld, Northwest Evaluation Association
Educational Outcomes of Gender Diverse Students: A National
Population-Based Study - Lindsey Wilkinson, Portland State
University; Dara Shifrer, Portland State University; Jennifer
Pearson, Wichita State University
Effectively Maintained Inequality in Mathematics and Science
Course-Taking: Longitudinal Analyses of American High
Schools, 1992-2013 - Seong Won Han, University at Buffalo;
Chungseo Kang; Lois Weis, University at Buffalo
Discussant: Dennis J. Condron, Oakland University
Session Organizer: Amanda Evelyn Lewis, University of Illinois-
2138. Regular Sessions. Environmental Policy II: International
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 15, 4th Floor,
Presider: Danielle Falzon, Brown University
Beyond Water Carrying: Women Labor Force Participation, Political
Participation and Water Access - Sizhe Xie; Thung-Hong Lin,
Academia Sinica
Disentangling the Politics of ‘Responsible Mining’ and Elites in the
Philippines - Alvin Camba, Johns Hopkins University
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Social Networks and Climate Change Policy Preferences. - David
B. Tindall, University of British Columbia; Mark C.J. Stoddart,
Memorial University of Newfoundland; Adam Colin Howe,
University of British Columbia
India's Diplomatic Discourse and Development Dilemma in the
International Climate Change Regime - Swapna Pathak,
Oberlin College; Christie L. Parris, Oberlin College
Session Organizer: Georgia Piggot, Stockholm Environment
2139. Regular Sessions. LGBTQ Health and Wellness: Obstacles
and Opportunities
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 17, 4th Floor,
Presider: Russell Leroy Spiker, Vanderbilt University
American Bareback Panic in the Time of PrEP - Benjamin Joseph
Kampler, Boston University
Life and Wellness Experiences of Sexual Minority Men: Pre- and
Post-Migration to a Gay Neighborhood - Rick Braatz, Southern
Illinois University - Carbondale; Chris Wienke, Southern Illinois
Older Gay and Lesbian Adult Health Decision Making in the Context
of Social Supports - Grey Pierce
Parenthood, Stress, and Wellbeing Among Gay and Lesbian Adults
- Zhe Zhang, Rice University; Kiana Kristine Wilkins, Rice
University; Bridget K. Gorman, Rice University; Yvonne Chien,
Rice University
Community Homophobia, Racial/Ethnic Identity, and Health: An
Extension of Minority Stress and Social Identity Theories -
Philip J. Pettis, Vanderbilt University; Luther Young, The Ohio
State University
Session Organizer: Theo Greene, Bowdoin College
2141. Meeting. Committee on Publications
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 23, 4th Floor,
2142. Regular Sessions. The Impact of Place, Race and Class on
Health and Mental Health
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 25, 4th Floor,
Presider: Alfredo Huante, University of Denver
Hyperracialized Space: Navigating Space, Racism, and Mental
Health in St. Louis County, Missouri - Kaleea Regina Lewis,
University of South Carolina; Nicole E. Jones, University of
Florida; Alaysia Brown, University of Missouri
Patterns and Mechanisms of Racially/ Ethnically Disparate
Neighborhood Access Among Housing Choice Voucher
Holders - Erin Carll, University of Washington; Hannah
Lee, University of Washington; Kyle Crowder, University of
Washington; Christian L. Hess
Racial Disparities in Home Ownership in Tennessee Cities - Darrell
Ronaldo Walsh, University of Tennessee
Residential Segregation on Long Island: Upper-Middle Class Blacks
and Their Experiences With Housing Discrimination - Jeanne E.
Kimpel, Molloy College
Discussant: Shirley A. Jackson, Portland State University
Session Organizer: Ruth E. Zambrana, University of Maryland
2143. Regular Sessions. Sociology of Aging
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 1, 6th Floor,
Presider: Sasha Shen Johfre, Stanford University
Gender and the Subjective Well-being of Widowed Elders - Jing
Life Course Transitions, Personal Networks, and Social Support for
LGBTQ+ Elders: - Stacy Torres, University of California, San
Francisco; Griffin R. Lacy, University at Albany, SUNY
An Intersectional, Life Course Approach to Understanding Health
Disparities - Emily Dore, Emory University; Irene Browne,
Emory University
Life Course Work and Income Instability and Retirement Financial
Insecurity for Men and Women in Canada - Miles G. Taylor,
Florida State University; Dawn Celeste Carr, Florida State
University; Amelie Quesnel-Vallee, McGill University
Good Time, Bad Time: Socioeconomic Status and the Cultural
Repertoires of Time Scarcity in Retirement - Boroka B. Bo,
University of California, Berkeley
Discussant: Michelle Pannor Silver, University of Toronto
Session Organizer: Toni Calasanti, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and
State University
2144. Regular Sessions. Economic Sociology: Morals and Markets
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 2, 6th Floor,
Presider: Tim Bartley, Washington University-St. Louis
Corporate Social Responsibility and Irresponsibility in Comparison:
An Actor-Centered Insti-Tutional Perspective - Gregory
Jackson, Free University of Berlin; Julia Bartosch, Free
University Berlin
Intraorganizational Tensions Around Being Good: Explaining (De-)
coupling of Purchasing and CSR in Garment Brands and
Retailers - Sarah Ashwin, London School of Economics; Elke
Schüßler, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz; Nora Lohmeyer,
Freie Universität Berlin
Market-Oriented Moralities: When Moral Economies Reinforce
Market Ideals - Debbie Becher, Barnard College
Productive Conflict: Deliberative Interaction and Disagreement
in Shareholder Engagement - Irene Beccarini, Independent
Scholar; Daniel Beunza, City University-London; Fabrizio
Ferraro, IESE Business School, University of Navarra; Andreas
Hoepner, University College Dublin
Worthy of Support: Moral Failure and Audience Demand for
Civic Action - Nick Sherefkin, Stanford University; Christof
Brandtner, University of Chicago
Discussant: Patricia Bromley
Session Organizer: Tim Bartley, Washington University-St. Louis
2145. Regular Sessions. Attitudes Towards Immigrants and the
Construction of Citizenship
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 4, 6th Floor,
Group-Threat Revisited: Ethnoracial Difference, Temporality, and
Far-Right Voting in Sweden - Jenny J. Enos, Rutgers University
Immigration Attitudes and the Quality of Inter-Ethnic Contact:
Positive, Negative, Neutral, and No Contact at All - Daniel E.
Herda, Merrimack College
Immigration Discourse, Race-based Resource Allocation, and
Political Identification: An Experiment - Victoria Shantrell
Asbury, Harvard University
Our Own and the Others: What Happens to Perceived Immigrant
Threat when Value Priorities Collide? - Nikolitsa Grigoropoulou,
University of North Texas
Temporal Dynamics and Drivers of Europeans' Support for Granting
Equal Rights to Legal Immigrants - Alin Mihai Ceobanu,
University of Florida; Xavier Escandell, Grinnell College
Session Organizer: Sharon Quinsaat, Grinnell College
Session 2138, continued
Sunday, August 9, 2020
2146. Section on Teaching and Learning in Sociology. Teaching
Strategies that Transform: Addressing Human Rights and
Inequalities Despite Ideological Resistance
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 6, 6th Floor,
Presider: Jacqueline Johnson, Adelphi University
Stimulating Emotional Awareness, Taking Risks, and Promoting
Belonging: Using Gracious Space for Teaching and Learning -
Rachel Romero, Texas State University
Behind the scenes: Teaching the Sociology of Tourism Abroad -
Lissette Aliaga Linares, University of Nebraska at Omaha
Teaching about Racial Residential Segregation: Wealth Data,
Dot Maps, and The Color of Law - Carol A. Caronna, Towson
Discussant: Sarah Nell Epplen, Minnesota State University-Mankato
Session Organizers: Michael F. Polgar, Pennsylvania State
University; Evan Cooper, SUNY-Farmingdale
2147. Regular Sessions. Contesting Masculinities
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 8, 6th Floor,
Presider: Tristan Bridges, University of California-Santa Barbara
Masculinity Contest Cultures and Gender Inequity in Little League
Baseball - Ann Travers, Simon Fraser University; Jennifer Lynne
Berdahl, University of British Columbia
Gender, Sexual, and Sports Fandom Identities - Rachel Catherine
Allison, Mississippi State University; Chris Knoester, Ohio State
Messages of Masculinity: The Media Depiction of Stay-at-Home
Fathers - Arielle Kuperberg, University of North Carolina-
Greensboro; Pamela Stone, CUNY-Hunter College; Torie Lucas,
UNC Greensboro
Men Without Organs: “Female Hormones” and Things That Contain
Them - Jaclyn Carroll, Boston College
Session Organizer: Ben Carrington, University of Southern
2148. Regular Sessions. Sociology of the Middle East: Urban
Space, Class, and Mobilization in the (Re-)Making of
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 10, 6th Floor,
Presider: Gregory Goalwin, Aurora University
Sacrificial Heroes: Waste Picking and the Politics of Endurance in
Iran - Manata Hashemi, University of Oklahoma
Settler State-Formation and Post-War Reconstruction: Malaria
Control and the Exigencies of War in Jewish Palestine - Omri
Tubi, Northwestern University
Women’s Associations and Foreign Donors: How Movements Have
Survived in Tunisia - Maro Youssef, University of Texas at
Discussant: Jaleh Jalili, Rice University
Session Organizer: Cihan Ziya Tugal, University of California,
2152. Meeting. Sociology of Population Section Business Meeting
Parc55, Cyril Magnin I, Level 4, 8:30-9:10am
2153. Student Forum. Curating a Competitive CV for Research,
Teaching, and Applied Positions
Parc55, Cyril Magnin II, Level 4, 8:30-10:10am
Leaders: Katherine Durante, Nevada State College; Alexandra
Krause, U.S. Census Bureau; Jennifer A. Reich, University of
Colorado Denver; Myron T. Strong, Community College of
Baltimore County
Session Organizers: Apoorva Ghosh, University of California-
Irvine; TehQuin Forbes, Florida State University; Kelsey Taylor
Broadfield, Bennington College
2161. Section on Social Psychology. The Social Psychology of
Power and Inequality in the Workplace
Parc55, Mission I, Level 4, 8:30-10:10am
Presider: Sarah Thebaud, University of California-Santa Barbara
Sexual Harassment Training and Men’s Motivation to Work with
Women - Justine Eatenson Tinkler, University of Georgia; Jody
Clay-Warner, University of Georgia; Malissa Alinor, University
of Georgia
Emotional Benefits of Gaining Leader Legitimacy - Cathryn
Johnson, Emory University; Karen A. Hegtvedt, Emory
University; Ryan Gibson, Emory University; Cynthia Kate
Hawks, Emory University Sociology
Occupational Gender Composition and Labor Market Devaluation -
Catherine J. Taylor, UC Santa Barbara; Asaf Levanon, University
of Haifa; Paula England, New York University; Tamar Kricheli
Mapping the Content of Asian American Stereotypes - Stephen
Benard, Indiana University-Bloomington; Bianca Manago,
Vanderbilt University; Anna E. Acosta Russian, Indiana
Univeristy; Youngjoo Cha, Indiana University-Bloomington
Session Organizers: Sarah Thebaud, University of California-Santa
Barbara; Tony Love, University of Kentucky
2162. Regular Sessions. Symbolic Interaction Regular Session:
Studies and Extensions
Parc55, Stockton, Level 4, 8:30-10:10am
Shifting Identities in the Diversifying American Family: “Parenting,
Pets, and Print Advertisements - Andrea Laurent-Simpson,
Southern Methodist University
Palliative Emotion Work: Preserving Parent-LGB Child Relationships
in an Age of "Incomplete Acceptance" - Tyler Ross Flockhart,
Wake Tech Community College
“Becoming an Uncommon Family”: The Diversity Demeanor in an
Urban Religious Organization - Jelani Ince, Indiana University
Humblebragging as Authenticity Work - SunAh Marie Laybourn,
University of Memphis
Interaction Order with Algorithms - Karin D. Knorr Cetina,
University of Chicago
Discussant: Anne Groggel, North Central College
Session Organizer: Tim Hallett, Indiana University
Sunday, 9:10 am
2122. Section on Political Sociology Refereed Roundtables
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Imperial A, Ballroom Level,
Session Organizer: Sourabh Singh, Florida State University
Table 1: Brexit: Issues and Directions
Table Presider: Tod Stewart Van Gunten, University of Edinburgh
Brexit For Finance? Structural Interdependence as a Source of
Financial Political Power Within UK-EU Negotiations - Manolis
Kalaitzake, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies
Euroscepticism on the Rise? The Economic, Political and Cultural
Aspects of British Euroscepticism - Matthew Schoene, Albion
College; Nicole McCann, Albion College
Opinion Leadership in Online Debates: The Brexit Referendum on
Facebook - Thomas Davidson, Cornell University
Tales From Brexit Britain: Ethnography in a Fractured Society - Lisa
Louise Mckenzie, University of Durham
Table 2: Community and Politics
Table Presider: Oded Marom, University of Southern California
Wide Ponds and Narrow Barrels: Community Organizing,
Recruitment Strategies, and Partisan Tendencies Among
Sunday, August 9, 2020
American Libertarians - Oded Marom, University of Southern
White Consciousness in the 2016 Election: Cultural and Political
Determinants of Color-Visible and Color-Blind Strategies - Carl
W. Stempel, California State University, East Bay; Qais Alemi,
Loma Linda University
U.S. Immigration Attitudes, Within-Party Cleavages, and the 2016
Presidential Election - Sean Bock, Harvard University
Table 3: Europe: Crises and Solutions
Table Presider: Friedolin Merhout, University of Copenhagen
Crossroads of Competition:Markets, Politics, and The
Hospitalization of Collective Circumcisions in Turkey - Oyman
Basaran, Bowdoin College
Geometry of Legitimacy. The Polish Constitutional Court and Right-
Wing Authoritarian Populism - Tomasz Warczok, Pedagogical
University of Cracow; Hanna Olga Debska, Pedagogical
Univeristy of Cracow
Institutionally Embedded Democratic Equalizers: The Political
Effects of Voluntary Associations Across Swiss Cantons - Sinisa
Hadziabdic, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies
Partisan Media Bias Within Media Storms: The French Yellow
Vests and the Israeli Occupy Movements - Doron Shultziner,
Hadassah Academic College
Table 4: Humanity, Belief and Dead Fish
Table Presider: Sameer Srivastava, University of California-Berkeley
Different Ways of Seeing Similarity: How Construals Relate to
Affective Polarization and Intergroup Dehumanization - Austin
van Loon, Stanford; Amir Goldberg, Stanford University;
Sameer Srivastava, University of California-Berkeley
One Belief at a Time: (The lack of) Evidence for Dynamic Constraint
- Kevin Robert Kiley, Duke University
Revisiting the Token Woman: Does Changing Group Leadership
and Composition Reduce Negative Behavior? - Jennifer
Suzanne-Kempton Dudley
Table 5: Imagining Politics
Table Presider: Marcus Morgan, University of Bristol
Stigma, Human Dignity, and Civic Imagination - Dmitri Shalin,
University of Nevada-Las Vegas
Terrorism and Political Legitimacy - Anina Schwarzenbach; Gary
Table 6: Knowledge, Power and Institutions
Table Presider: Jorge Derpic, University of Georgia
The FBI and the Institutional Legacy of Black Identity Extremists -
Ryan Baldwin Stockton, University of Kansas
The Populist Revolt Against the West - Ralph Schroeder
Trust in Political Institutions in South America - Cristian Luis
Paredes, Loyola University Chicago; Jorge Derpic, University of
Table 7: Micro Processes of Democracy and Authoritarianism
Table Presider: Nicolo Cavalli
Goffman’s Schadenfreude and the Fall of Mr. Berlusconi - Nicolo
Outsourcing Democracy: Professionalising Election Campaigning
in Contemporary India - Anuradha Sajjanhar, University of
Persisting Secrets: The Challenges to Combat Grand Corruption -
Luiz Vilaca, University of Notre Dame
Representation of Capitalists in the Authoritarian Legislature -
Yuanhang Zhu
Rationalization, Legitimation, and Competition: Mission Statement
Adoptions Among Local Governments in South Korea, 2001-
2014 - Hokyu Hwang, UNSW Sydney; Myung Eun Jeong,
Department of Public Administration, Yonsei University; Yong
Suk Jang, Yonsei University
Table 8: Nationalism: New Perspectives
Table Presider: Noel Jaime Strapko, Colorado State University
Americas, Nationalisms, and the Relevance of Emotion - Noel Jaime
Strapko, Colorado State University
National Identity, Race, and Power - Emma-Claire LaSaine,
University of Wisconsin-Madison
The Political Vision of Intermediary Intelligentsia: Innovation in the
Early African Nationalist Movement, South Africa 1870-1890 -
Jonathan Schoots, University of Chicago
Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing: American Ethno-Nationalism’s Civic
Angle and its Originalist Articulation - Brian Wilson Haggard;
Xavier Escandell, Grinnell College
Table 9: Policy Making In United States
Table Presider: Ashkan Rezvani Naraghi, University of Wisconsin
Health Care Policy Field Restructuring in the United States: The
Case of Obamacare - Saiful Islam, Minnesota State University
Negotiating the Mainstream: Mitigated Rejections of Far Right
Policy Proposals in Bundestag Debates - J. Sterphone,
University of California, Santa Barbara
The End of Engagement: American China Experts and Sino-U.S.
Relations, 1972 to the Present - David Michael McCourt,
University of California, Davis
Table 10: Political Elite: New Findings
Table Presider: Kai A. Heidemann, Maastricht University
Campaign Finance: An Ideational History - Nathan Katz, University
of Missouri-Columbia
The Supply and Demand of Ideas: How the Government and
Academics Shaped U.S. Education Policy, 1965-1983 - Akram
Al-Turk, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"Wine Cave" Politics: Building Political Coalitions with Campaign
Donors - Nicholas Clark Judd, University of Chicago
Power to the People: An Intersectional Class Approach to Racial
Inequality Alleviation - Megan Jordan
Table 11: Politics of Social Movements
Table Presider: Rabab Ibrahim Abdulhadi, SFSU/College Of Ethnic
Labor Manufactures Democracy: The Case of the Failed Arab
Spring in Jordan - Ahmad Al-Sholi
The Effect of Hate Speech Bans on Public Discourse - Anna Boch,
Stanford University
The Micro Foundations of Subaltern Political Party Expansion in
the Global South - Paul D. Almeida, University of California-
Merced; Eugenio Sosa, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de
Honduras; Allen Cordero Ulate, Universidad de Costa Rica;
Ricardo Argueta, Universidad de El Salvador
Table 12: Quantitative Methodologies
Table Presider: Olessia I. Kirtchik, National Research University
Higher School of Economics
A Comprehensive Statistical Modeling for Understanding Public
Opinion for Muslims Among White Americans - Ruiqian
(Richie) Li, Baylor University
Anti-Immigrant Narratives and Political Behavior - Pamela Hong,
Indiana University; James Thomas Watkins, Indiana University
Elite Consolidation Among Community-Based Organizations:
Evidence from Interlocking Directorates - Andrew Ford
Messamore, University of Texas at Austin
Social Networks and Political Attitudes: A Coevolutionary Approach
to the Empirical Study of Network Polarization - Kieran
Mepham; Christoph Stadtfeld, University of Groningen; András
Vörös, University of Manchester
Table 13: Rethinking Political Attitude
Table Presider: Nicolas Torres-Echeverry, University of Chicago
Truth or Dare: Falsification in Manufactured Compliance - Yan
Session 2122, continued
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Wang, London School of Economics and Political Science
The Metrics Games - Nicolas Torres-Echeverry, University of
The Gendered View from Local Government and Its Impacts in New
York State - Kathleen (KT) Tobin, State University of New York
- New Paltz
The Effect of Race on Veterans' Political Party Affiliation and
Political Ideology - Steven Larrimore Foy, The University of
Texas Rio Grande Valley; Salvatore J. Restifo, The University of
Texas Rio Grande Valley
Micro-Nativism: Explaining Anti-Californian Attitudes in Idaho
- Charles A. Dickinson, College of Western Idaho; Robert
Harbaugh, College of Western Idaho
Table 14: Social Conditions for Politics: New Directions
Table Presider: Jen Heerwig, Stony Brook University
Economic Hardship, Welfare Attitudes and Racial Context -
Mauricio Javier Rodriguez, University of Wisconsin-Madiso
Evangelicals Against “Ideología de Género” in Colombia, Costa
Rica, and Brazil: Reaction or Adaptation? - Graham Wilson Hill,
University of Bern; Edwin F. Ackerman, Syracuse University
“I Am a Stone and I Lost My Centre…” /Artists Show That We Can
Resist - Kalliopi Papadopoulos, Independent
Table 15: State and Politics in China
Table Presider: Chengzuo Tang, Duke University
Diversity and Coercive Distribution: Evidence from China - Junchao
Tang, Harvard University
From Online Users to Civil Buddies: The Making of State-
Association Cooperation in China - Xueying LI
Property Expropriations and Individuals’ Economic and Political
Wellbeing in Contemporary China - Qian He, Princeton
University; Theodore P. Gerber, University of Wisconsin-
Outward Interpersonal Trust in the Balancing of Hierarchical
Government Trust - Anning Hu, Fudan University
Table 16: State: New Findings
Table Presider: Catherine Tze Hsuan Yeh, University of Toronto
Copy and Paste Policy: AUL Model Legislation as State Policy
- Alyssa Browne, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill;
Abigail Newell, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Cultural Tradition of Military Service and State Party Preference:
Trends and Implications for 2020 Election - James V.
DeFronzo; Jungyun Gill, Stonehill College
Narratives of Violence and Legitimacy: The Contested Meaning of a
Linchamiento in Contemporary Mexico - Camila Gonzalez Paz
Paredes, University of California San Diego
Troubled Corporatism: The Chinese State-NGO Coalition and its
Challenged Social Improvement Agenda - Thomas Peng,
University of California, Berkeley
Table 17: Theoretical Developments
Table Presider: Alberto Alvarez, Florida State University
A Summary and Updating of Key Ideas of Max Weber as Related to
Populism - Jerome Braun
Individuals of the State: Bourdieu and Foucault on Power and the
Boundary Between State and Society - Austin Vo, University of
North Carolina -Chapel Hill
Navigation Theory: Negotiating Ideologies in the Campaign for
Gender Balanced Boards and Commissions in Iowa - Ezra
Joseph Temko, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE)
The Contribution of Political Elites to Charismatic Rupture - Paul
Joosse, University of Hong Kong
Table 18: Trump and US Politics: A View from Below
Table Presider: Jesse Yeh, University of Michigan
Academic Trumpists: Professors Who Support Trump in the
American Field of Higher Education - David L. Swartz, Boston
Immigrants, Liberals, and “Real Americans”: Paleoconservative
Discourse in the Trump Era - Sally A. Averitt-Hubbard,
University of British Columbia
Investigating the Relationality of Group Attitudes in the Age of
Trump - Jordan J. Brensinger, Columbia University; Ramina
Sotoudeh, Princeton
Sociopolitical Silo: Environmental Views and the Multiplicative
Effect of Same-Party Friends - Lawrence C. Hamilton,
University of New Hampshire; Joel Hartter, University of
Colorado; Curt Grimm, University of New Hampshire
2125. Science, Knowledge, and Technology Roundtables
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Franciscan D, Ballroom Level,
Session Organizer: Melanie Jeske, University of California, San
Table 1: Censorship, Ignorance, and the Politics of Knowledge
Table Presider: Emmanuel Henry, Universite Paris Dauphine, PSL
Control and Monopoly of Social Knowledge: The Case of Book
Censorship - Hector Vera, UNAM
The Construction of a Non-Problem: Scientific Ignorance and Social
Invisibility of Occupational Health in France - Emmanuel Henry,
Universite Paris Dauphine, PSL University
Who Comment on Whose Articles in Sociology? - Seungwon Lee,
Columbia University
Table 2: Life Online: Engagement, Activism, and Internet Politics
Table Presider: Anna Veronica Banchik, University of Texas- Austin
Disappearing Acts: Content Moderation and Emergent Practices
to Preserve At-Risk Human Rights-Related Content - Anna
Veronica Banchik, University of Texas- Austin
Kneeling for Social Justice: Epistemologies of Ignorance, Schemas
and Frames on Twitter - Robert Rice, UMass Boston
Digital Divide in the Use of the Internet in Everyday Life in Tural
and Urban China - Pu Yan
Making the Case for Asymmetry: Why Do Online Actors Connect to
Matters of Concern? - Mathieu O'Neil, University of Canberra;
Mahin Raissi, University of Canberra; Bethaney Turner,
University of Canberra
Table 3: Masculinity, Diversity, and Boundary Work in Engineering
and Tech
Table Presider: John M. Wilkes
Gendering Commercial Science: How Masculinity Shapes
the Pursuit of Patents - Timothy Sacco, University of
Massachusetts, Amherst
Remediation and Boundary Work in a Virtual Entrepreneur
Community - Jessica J. Santana, University of California-Santa
The Labour of Fun: Masculinities and the Organization of Labour
Games in a Modern Workplace - Tongyu Wu, Zhejiang
The Scariest Spy Movie Ever: About Sexism, Racism, Global
Insecurity, Failing Education and our Economy - Soraya
Cardenas, Cascadia College
Table 4: Politics of Reproduction: Risk, Technologies, & Expertise
Table Presider: Lucy van de Wiel
Ambivalent Prematurity: Gendered Construction of Non/Sexual
Childhood in South Korea - HeeYoung Lee, Chung-Ang
Fertilizing Morality: Abortion, Confidence in Science, and
the Shaping of Moral Attitudes Towards Reproductive
Technologies - Esther Chan, Yale University; Sharan Kaur
Mehta, Rice University; Elaine Howard Ecklund, Rice University
Global Flows of Eggs: Egg Donation After Cryopreservation - Lucy
van de Wiel
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Reconcile Professional and Market Roles in Uncertainty: New
Add-ons” in ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology) Market
- Wen-Ling Kung, State University of New York, University at
Table 5: Precision Health, Potentiality, and Temporalities
Table Presider: Jennifer Elyse James, University of California, San
From Description to Prediction: Cancer Epidemiology and the Rise
of Big Data - Moran Levy, Columbia University
Social, Ethical, and Racial Implications of Polygenic Risk Scores: Is
Precision Population Health Possible? - Jennifer Elyse James,
University of California, San Francisco; Galen Joseph, UCSF;
Barbara Koenig
Temporalities of Aging in Precision Medicine: Optimization and the
Imperative to Grow ‘Biologically Younger’ - Dennis Browe, UC
Santa Cruz
The Personal Face of Precision Medicine: Interpretations of Genetic
Uncertainty by Individuals with Hereditary Cancer - Emily Allia
Hammad Mrig, Yale University
Scientific Knowledge, Embodiment, and the Temporal Politics of
Epigenetic Research - Martine Lappe, California Polytechnic
State University-San Luis Obispo; Robbin M. Jeffries Hein,
Table 6: Prediction, Control, and Change: Approaches to
Environmental Issues
Table Presider: Ian Gray, University of California-Los Angeles
Declaring Drought: How Drought is Constructed Through
Measurements, Infrastructure, and Claims - Haley McInnis,
University of California, San Diego
Individual Changes in the Bicycle Community Workshops: A
Typology from a New Agent of Socialization - Alexandre Rigal,
Objective Imperialism: Scientific Expertise, Settler Colonialism,
and Natural Heritage Programs - Cal Lee Garrett, Uniersity of
Illinois at Chicago
Other Realities: Using Simulation in Disaster and Emergency
Management to Create and Recreate Worlds - Steve G.
Hoffman, University of Toronto
Weathering the Synthetic Storm: Contentious Efforts to Incorporate
Climate Science in Homeowner Insurance - Ian Gray, University
of California-Los Angeles
Table 7: (Re)presenting Illness Experiences, Identities, and
Table Presider: Rashon Lane, Centers for Disease Control and
Calling for Empathy in a Landscape of Numbers - Natalie
Fullenkamp, University of New Mexico
Life After Leprosy: An Ethnography of Taiwanese Leprosy Patients -
Yiling Hung, National Tsing Hua University
More Than Useful Bodies: Inequities in Media Portrayals of Ebola
Survivors Post the Ebola Epidemic - Rashon Lane, Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention
Strategic Data Management and Organizational Identity in the
U.S. LGBTQ Health and HIV/AIDS Fields - Stephen Molldrem,
University of California-Irvine; Jason Orne, Drexel University
The Quantification of Disordered Marijuana Use and the Political
Paradigm of Addiction - Austin Abernethy Stimpson Jenkins,
Northwestern University
Table 8: Coronavirus Rapid Response
Table Presider: Claire Laurier Decoteau, University of Illinois-
Table 9: Scientific Governance and New Tools for Analysis
Table Presider: Charles Jonathan Gomez, CUNY-Queens College
Confidence in Science: Perceptions of Harmful Consequences,
Uncertainty, and the Pursuit of Self-Interest - Robert Michael
Kunovich, The University of Texas at Arlington
Making Research "Maximally" Usable: A Relational Model of Public
Engagement - Amy T. Schalet, University of Massachusetts-
Amherst; Linda R. Tropp, University of Massachusetts Amherst;
Lisa Troy, Department of Nutrition, University of Massachusetts
Rediscovering Aristotle: Are We Creating New Science or
Repackaging Old Science? - Lanu Kim, Stanford University;
Hancheng Cao, Stanford University; Daniel A. McFarland,
Stanford University
The Paradox of Globalizing Science: How a More Open Science Is
Hierarchical and Less Novel - Charles Jonathan Gomez, CUNY-
Queens College; Sebastian Muñoz-Najar Galvez; Bas Hofstra,
Stanford University
Toward Computational Literature Reviews: Applying Expert-Built
Dictionaries for Automated Analysis of Complex Texts - Jaren
Randell Haber, University of California, Berkeley; Heather A.
Haveman, UC Berkeley; Yoon Sung Hong, Wayfair; University
of California, Berkeley
Table 10: Technological Innovation and Infrastructures
Table Presider: Chuncheng Liu, University of California San Diego
From FinFET to FinTech: Social Imaginary, Collective Practices and
Performativity in Technological Innovations - Tzung-wen Chen,
National Chengchi University
Governing the Trust(worthiness) with Number: An Examination
of a Chinese Municipal Social Credit System Infrastructure -
Chuncheng Liu, University of California San Diego
Problematizing Economic Risk: Beyond the Conventional Criteria of
Risk Assessment - Su Yeone Jeon
2152. Sociology of Population Roundtable
Parc55, Cyril Magnin I, Level 4, 9:10-10:10am
Session Organizer: Reanne Frank, Ohio State University
Table 1: Health and Well-Being
Table Presider: Erin R. Hamilton, University of California-Davis
Dimensions of Social Isolation and Weight Loss in Elderly Korean
Men and Women - Youngjoon Bae, University of Massachusetts
at Amherst; Mark C. Pachucki, University of Massachusetts-
Household Wealth and Children’s Physical Health - Jake Hays, The
Ohio State University
Maternal Exposure to the Zika Epidemic: Impacts on Birth
Outcomes in Brazil - Molly Dondero, American University;
Leticia Marteleto, University of Texas-Austin; Gilvan Guedes,
CEDEPLAR, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerias; Lais Picinini
Freitas, Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública Sergio Arouca,
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation
Weight History and Cognitive Functioning in Later Life - Sarah
Garcia, University of Minnesota; Kaitlyn M. Berry, Division of
Epidemiology and Community Health, University of Minnesota
School of Public Health; Rob Warren, University of Minnesota;
Andrew Stokes, Boston University School of Public Health
Table 2: Family Demography
Table Presider: Rebecca L. Utz, University of Utah
From Deviant to Widely Recognized: Unprecedented Changes in
Americans’ Attitudes Towards Homosexuality From 1974 to
2016 - Langou Lian, University of California Irvine
Marry, Attend School, or Migrate?: Adolescent Marital Aspirations
within a Context of Declining Migration - Melissa Alcaraz, The
Ohio State University
Selective Neglect and Infanticide Among the Northern Lacandon
Maya in Chiapas Mexico: A Historical Demographic Analysis
- Debra A. Schumann, Temple University; James Dean
Bachmeier, Temple University
Session 2125, continued
Sunday, August 9, 2020
The Role of Economic Conditions in Couples’ Relative Earnings
After First Birth - Ann Meier, University of Minnesota; Anna
Maria Bokun, University of Minnesota; Rob Warren, University
of Minnesota
Table 3: Immigration and Racial/Ethnic Inequality
Table Presider: Jennifer Van Hook, Pennsylvania State University
Changes in Racial Self-Identification over the Life Course: Evidence
from Social Security Administrative Data - Casey Breen
Integration in New Destinations? Time Use Patterns Among
Latino/a Immigrants Across Latino/a Destinations - Elizabeth
Ackert, University of California-Santa Barbara; Jocelyn Wikle,
School of Family Life, Brigham Young University
Psychological Distress in Middle Eastern Immigrants to the United
States: A Challenge to Healthy Migrant Model? - Elif Bulut,
Florida State University; Karin L. Brewster, Florida State
The Effect of Having an Immigrant-Sounding Name on Education,
Income, Occupation, and Longevity - Matthew Erkenbrack,
University of California, Irvine; Jonathan Ababiy, University of
Minnesota; Jonas Helgertz, Centre for Economic Demography
and Department of Economic History, Lund University,
Minnesota Population Center, University of Minnesota; Rob
Warren, University of Minnesota
Table 4: Migration
Table Presider: Sara R. Curran, University of Washington
Factors Associated With Internal Migration at the Local Level in the
United States - Ernesto F. L. Amaral, Texas A&M University;
Shih-Keng Yen; Colette Harris, Texas A&M University; Cynthia
Luz Cisneros Franco, Texas A&M University
Revisiting Community Ties in the Mexican Migration Project -
Christopher Levesque, University of Minnesota
Table 5: How to Get and Make the Most of a Postdoctoral
Table Presider: Samuel Harrison Fishman, Duke University
Table 6: Grant Writing Tips and Strategies
Table Presider: Kammi Schmeer, The Ohio State University
Table 7. Mentoring
Table Presider: Reanne Frank, Ohio State University
Sunday, 10:30 am
2203. Regional Spotlight Session. Queerness and Gender Fluidity
in the 21st Century – A Bay Area Exploration
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 1, Lobby Level,
Presider: John A. Stover, Santa Rosa Junior College
Panelists: Melissa M. Wilcox, University of California-Riverside;
Sarah Deragon, Photographer/Creator, The Identity Project;
Honey Mahogany, Harvey Milk LGBTQ Democratic Club
Discussant: Jodi O'Brien, Seattle University
Session Organizer: John A. Stover, Santa Rosa Junior College
2204. Special Sessions. Color, Race and Ethnicity: Where / How
Do Space and Place Matter?
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 2, Lobby Level,
Presider: Nicole Elise Trujillo-Pagan, Wayne State University
Panelists: Zaire Z. Dinzey-Flores, Rutgers University-New
Brunswick; George Lipsitz, University of California-Santa
Barbara; AbdouMaliq Simone, University of Sheffield; Harvey L.
Molotch, New York University
Session Organizer: Nicole Elise Trujillo-Pagan, Wayne State
2205. Thematic Sessions. Domestic Work, Inequality, and
Resistance in the Americas
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 3, Lobby Level,
Presider: Tamara Mose, Brooklyn College, City University of New
Panelists: Valerie A. Francisco-Menchavez, San Francisco State
University; Carlos Piñeyro Nelson, The New School; Alexis
De Simone, Solidarity Center (AFL-CIO); Adriana Paz,
International Domestic Workers Federation
Session Organizers: Erynn Masi de Casanova, University of
Cincinnati; Tamara Mose, Brooklyn College, City University of
New York
2206. Thematic Sessions. Power, Inequality, and Work: The
Reasons for the Lack of Pay Equity
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 4, Lobby Level,
Presider: Jeffrey A. Hayes, Institute for Women's Policy Research
Long Work Hours and the Gender Pay Gap - Youngjoo Cha, Indiana
Wage Inequality in Academia: Do Pay Equity Programs Work? -
Frank Dobbin, Harvard University
The Costs of Workplace Sexual Harassment - Heather McLaughlin,
Oklahoma State University
Pay Equity in the States - Elyse Shaw, Institute for Women’s Policy
Discussant: Heidi I. Hartmann, Institute for Women's Policy
Session Organizer: Roberta Spalter-Roth, Fellow
2207. Thematic Sessions. White-Collar Under/Unemployment
and the Unemployment Industry
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 5, Lobby Level,
Presider: Ofer Sharone, UMass Amherst
Panelists: Ilana Gershon, Indiana University; Annette M. Nierobisz,
Carleton College; Ofer Sharone, UMass Amherst
Session Organizer: Ofer Sharone, UMass Amherst
2208. Section on Sociology of Sex and Gender. Laboring in
Academia from an Intersectional Perspective
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 6, Lobby Level,
Presider: Kjerstin Gruys, University of Nevada, Reno
Feminism is What Sustains Me: Intersectional Reflections of
Over Fifteen Years in the Academy - Hara Bastas, LaGuardia
Community College, City University New York
A Very Short History of What Doesn't Seem to Change: Doing
'Professor' in Academia - Rebecca F. Plante, Ithaca College
‘Quaring’ the Queer Classroom: Reflections on Deconstructing and
Decolonizing Queer Subjectivities in Sociology - Theo Greene,
Bowdoin College
Breaking Ground and Cultivating Community: Community Gardens
as Spaces of Radical Openness - Tracy E. Ore, St. Cloud State
Discussant: Mindy Stombler, Georgia State University
Session Organizers: Pallavi Banerjee, University of Calgary; Alison
S. Better, CUNY Kingsborough Community College; Kjerstin
Gruys, University of Nevada, Reno; Alison R. Moss, University
of Illinois Chicago; IU South Bend
Sunday, August 9, 2020
2209. Section on Political Sociology. Populism in the Global
North and South
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 7, Lobby Level,
Presider: Kiyoteru Tsutsui, University of Michigan
From Fear to Resentment: The Radical Right’s Mobilization of
Exclusionary Nationalism - Bart Bonikowski, Harvard University
Populism, Charisma, and the Politics of the Extraordinary - Carlos
de la Torre, University of Kentucky
The Two Faces of Populism - Gabriel Hetland, University at Albany
The Victims Strike Back: Societal Transformations and Right-Wing
Populist Attitudes in the EU - Ronan Van Rossem, Universiteit
Gent; Henk Roose, Ghent University
Session Organizers: Kiyoteru Tsutsui, University of Michigan; Marco
Z. Garrido, University of Chicago
2210. Regular Sessions. Disability, Work and the State
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 8, Lobby Level,
Presider: Lisbeth Loft, University of Copenhagen
Access to Assistive Technology (AT) Information in Languages
Other Than English on State Program Websites, 2019 - Brian R.
Grossman, University of Illinois at Chicago; Jamie Cohn-Stacey,
University of Illinois at Chicago; Randa Abdelrahim, University
of Illinois at Chicago; Ellyn McNamara, University of Illinois
at Chicago; Kruti Acharya, University of Illinois at Chicago;
Kiyoshi Yamaki, University of Illinois at Chicago
Economic Opportunity, Unemployment and Disability: Evidence
from the Great Recession - Nathan Seltzer, University of
Wisconsin-Madison; Tiffany Neman, University of Wisconsin-
Madison; Rourke Liam OBrien, Yale University
The Depoliticization of Disability: Professions and Politics in the
1986 Entrenchment of the Subminimum Wage - Emily Ruppel,
University of California-Berkeley
A Leg Up On Employment or Lost Time? Work-Study and
Employment For Those With Disabilities - Erin Josephine
McCauley, Cornell University
Session Organizer: Angela Frederick, University of Texas-El Paso
2211. Meeting. Committee on the Status of Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) People in
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Sunset, Lobby Level,
2214. Meeting. SAN Advisory Board Meeting
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Presidio, Lobby Level,
2215. Professional Development Workshop. Increasing Re-Use
and Impact of Social Science (Digital) Research Data
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 1, Ballroom Level,
Leaders: Lynette F. Hoelter, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor;
Linda M. Detterman, University of Michigan, ICPSR
Session Organizers: Lynette F. Hoelter, University of Michigan-Ann
Arbor; Linda M. Detterman, University of Michigan, ICPSR
2216. Teaching Workshop. Wikipedia and Open Pedagogy: How
sociology faculty and students are using Wikipedia to
impact public knowledge
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 2, Ballroom Level,
Leaders: Helaine Blumenthal, Wiki Education; Naniette Helene
Coleman, University of California Berkeley; David Evan Harris,
University of California, Berkeley
Session Organizer: Helaine Blumenthal, Wiki Education
2217. Community and Urban Sociology Section. New Forms of
Precarious Urban Labor
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 3, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Erica Janko
Between Playing it Alone and Finding Resourceful Connections:
Delivery Riders’ Practices of Making-Do in Berlin - Hannah
Coding in the Fast Lane: Tech Workers in an Age of Multiple
Precarities - Max Papadantonakis, CUNY The Graduate Center
Mechanisms of Control in Gig Work in India: New Boss Same as the
Old Boss? - Swati Chintala, New York University
Sharing Homes and Beds: Short-Term Rental Markets and the
Reorganization of Urban Alliances and Policy Regimes - Yotala
Oszkay Febres-Cordero, University of California, Los Angeles
Sociology and the Side Hustle: A Theory of Work in and Between
the Creative Industries - Jonathan R. Wynn, University of
Massachusetts-Amherst; Richard E. Ocejo, John Jay College
of Criminal Justice, CUNY; Alexandre Frenette, Vanderbilt
Discussant: Rabab Ibrahim Abdulhadi, SFSU/College Of Ethnic
Session Organizers: Sofya Aptekar, University of Massachusetts-
Boston; Alexandrea J. Ravenelle, University of North Carolina-
Chapel Hill
2219. Book Salons (formerly Author Meets Critics). Labor and
the Class Idea in the United States and Canada (Cambridge
University Press, 2018) by Barry Eidlin
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 7, Ballroom Level,
Author: Barry Eidlin, McGill University
Panelists: Judith Stepan-Norris, University of California, Irvine;
Cedric de Leon, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Session Organizer: Cedric de Leon, University of Massachusetts-
Moderator: Tom Juravich, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
2220. Section on Sociology of Law. Global Identities, Laws and
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 8, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Swethaa S. Ballakrishnen, University of California Irvine
Able to Identify With Anything”: Racial Identity Choices Among
“Coloureds” As Shaped by South African State - Whitney
Nicole Laster Pirtle, University of California-Merced
Legal Jeopardy: How the Law Shapes Polygynous Identities on the
Ground - Melanie Heath, McMaster University
Reconfiguring Deservingness in US Asylum Status Determinations -
Talia Shiff, Harvard University
The End of Affirmative Action - Meera E. Deo, Thomas Jefferson
School of Law
Using Legal Cases as Ethnographic Objects to Assess Gender
Identity Making in Human Rights Law - Elliot Fonarev,
University of Toronto
Session Organizer: Swethaa S. Ballakrishnen, University of
California Irvine
2221. Section on Science, Knowledge, and Technology. Open
Science, Knowledge, and Technology Section Session
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 9, Ballroom Level,
Presider: John Nathaniel Parker, National Science Foundation
Discourses and Practices of Race, Ethnicity, Ancestry, and
Genomics in Hawaii - Joan H. Fujimura, University of
Wisconsin-Madison; Ramya Madhavan Rajagopalan, University
of Wisconsin - Madison
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Feminist, Generative Sociotechical Dissent: Seed Politics in
Colombia - Kelly Moore, Loyola University-Chicago; Nathalia
Hernandez Vidal
Uncertainty and the Inconvenient Facts of Diagnosis - Annemarie
Jutel, Victoria University of Wellington
Discussant: Martine Lappe, California Polytechnic State University-
San Luis Obispo
Session Organizer: John Nathaniel Parker, National Science
2223. Teaching and Learning Symposium. Teaching and
Learning Symposium: Lightning Presentations of Teaching
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Imperial B, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Sarah Hoiland, CUNY Hostos Community College
An Unequal “Eggconomy:” An Interactive Activity for Teaching
About Socioeconomic Status and the False Meritocracy - Anya
Mikael Galli Robertson, University of Dayton
Bouncing Back: A Sociological Technique for Restoring Student
Confidence After a Disappointing Grade - Sarah Jean
Hatteberg, College of Charleston
Collecting Data, Constructing Tables, and Examining Patterns -
Leslie T.C. Wang, Saint Mary's College
Empowering Social Entrepreneurs: Entering the Social Shark Tank -
Isaac Voss, Vanguard University
Hypothetical Case Scenarios In Studying Wrongful Convictions -
Ann Frost, University of Washington
Incorporating Sociology Labs into Introductory Sociology Courses -
Deborah Lowry, University of Montevallo
Role-Playing Approaches to Teaching Privilege and Inequality in
Introduction to Sociology - Miles Marsala, Duke University
Semi-Ph.lippeD. and Team-Based Learning/Competition with
Acadly App - Keith H. Whitworth, TCU
Students Diversity and Inclusion Consultants: An Assignment for
Practicing Sociological Skills and Social Justice Perspectives -
Tal Peretz, Auburn University
Session Organizer: Katherine R. Rowell, Sinclair Community College
2224. Sociology in Practice Settings Symposium. Interactive
Workshop: Demystifying Design Thinking
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Franciscan A, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Terceira A. Berdahl, Agency for Healthcare Research and
Careers for Qualitative Sociologists: Demystifying Design Thinking -
Jillian Powers, COGNIZANT
Session Organizer: Juanita J. Chinn, US Department of Health and
Human Services
2226. Meeting. Section on Latina/Latino Sociology Business
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Yosemite A, Ballroom Level,
2229. Section on Sociology of Culture. Resurrecting the Macro in
the Sociology of Culture
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 1, 4th Floor,
Presider: Moira O'Shea, University of Chicago
The Cultural Logic of Capitalist Realism: Towards a Social Theory
of ‘Okay Boomer’ - Jason C. Mueller, University of California,
Irvine; John Kenyon McCollum, Minot State University
Routines of a Revolution: State Institutions and Everyday Practice
in Post-1979 Iran - Maryam Alemzadeh, Brandeis University
Revisiting Ideational Embeddedness: How the Cultural Revolution
Shaped China and Its Relationship with Global Capitalism -
Xiaohong Xu, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
The Culture and Cognition of the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster: On
the Role of the Developmental State - Hiro Saito, Singapore
Management University
Merit as Race Talk: The Ontological Myopia of Merit Knowledge -
Prabhdeep Singh Kehal, Brown University
Session Organizer: Anna Katharina Skarpelis, Harvard University
2230. Section on Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis.
Current Research in Ethnomethodology and Conversation
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 3, 4th Floor,
Presider: Anne Warfield Rawls, Bentley University
Category-Sensitive Actions in Interaction - Giovanni Rossi,
University of California, Los Angeles; Tanya Stivers, University
of California-Los Angeles
Doing Categorization with Minimal Reference Terms: Implicit
Category References and Ad-Hoc Category Construction -
Amelia Hill, UCLA; Saskia Maltz, University of California, Los
F-insertion: Using "Fuck" for Pursuit and Sanctioning - Elliott Hoey,
University of Basel; Paul Hömke, Radboud University; Tayo
Neumann, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics; William
Schuerman, University of California, San Francisco; Emma
Valtersson, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics; Kobin
Kendrick, University of York
Harold Garfinkel and Egon Bittner: Synergies and Continuities from
the Early Years of Ethnomethodology - Albert J. Meehan,
Oakland University
Whose Face Needs Saving? Telling a Mental Health Diagnosis
Directly to the Patient - Douglas W. Maynard, University of
Wisconsin-Madison; Anssi Peräkylä, Department of Sociology,
University of Helsinki; Jason Turowetz, University of Siegen
Session Organizer: Morana Alac, University of California-San Diego
2231. Section on Mathematical Sociology. Open Topics in
Mathematical Sociology
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 5, 4th Floor,
Presider: James A. Kitts, University of Massachusetts
Better Use of the Underutilized Eigenvector Centrality - Elisa Jayne
Bienenstock, Arizona State University; Phillip Bonacich, Univ of
California, Los Angeles
Going Beyond Accuracy: Estimating Homophily in Social Networks
Using Predictions - George Berry, Cornell University; Michael
W. Macy, Cornell University; Antonio Sirianni, Dartmouth
Models of Networks with Vertex and Edge Dynamics Containing
Arbitrary Depedence - Loring Thomas, University of California,
Irvine; Carter T. Butts, University of California-Irvine
Optimal Seeding Strategies for Social Contagions - Douglas
Guilbeault, University of Pennsylvania
Precise Event-Level Prediction for Urban Crime and Regional
Terrorism with Granger Networks - Ishanu Chattopadhyay,
University of Chicago; Timmy Li, University of Chicago; Yi
Huang, University of Chicago; James A. Evans, University of
Session Organizer: James A. Kitts, University of Massachusetts
2236. Section on History of Sociology. 'Elections Have
Consequences’—American Sociology in the 1930s
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 13, 4th Floor,
Presider: Gary Alan Fine, Northwestern University
Depression-Era Sociology - Charles Camic, Northwestern University
Reformulating the Profession: A Case Study of the Causes and
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Consequences of the ASS Election of 1936 - Patricia Madoo
Lengermann, George Washington University
Discussant: Peter Kivisto, Augustana College
Session Organizer: Gillian "Jill" Niebrugge-Brantley, George
Washington University
2237. Regular Sessions. Asians and Asian Americans
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 14, 4th Floor,
Presider: Jun Xu, Ball State University
Heterogenous Neighborhood Patterns of Asian Groups Across
Immigrant Destinations - Hannah Lee, University of
Housing Reform and Changing Housing Inequality in China -
Lingxin Hao, Johns Hopkins University; Jiaolong He, Sun Yat-
sen University
Income Inequalities in Contemporary Rural China: Do Political
Capitals Still Matter? - Qian He, Princeton University; Yu Xie,
Princeton University
Out of Place: Misrecognition and Health in Rural New England -
Emily Walton, Dartmouth College
What’s Behind a Racial Category? Uncovering Heterogeneity
Among Asian Americans Through A Data-Driven Typology -
Lucas Germain Drouhot, Max Planck Institute for the Study of
Religious and Ethnic Diversity; Filiz Garip, Cornell University
Discussant: Emily Walton, Dartmouth College
Session Organizer: Jun Xu, Ball State University
2238. Regular Sessions. Education Policy & Inequality in K-12
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 15, 4th Floor,
Presider: Julia Colleen Campbell Szabo, Rice University
Politically Segregated Communities and the School Financial
Resources - Leah Gillion, University of Pennsylvania
Recursive Disparities: An Examination of Racial Discipline Gaps
Under Restorative Justice Practices - Miles Davison
Spatial Mismatch, Segregation, and the Enrollment of Black and
White Students in Charter Schools - Patrick Denice, Western
The Revolving Classroom Door: School Level Effects of Teacher
Turnover on Math Achievement - Patrick Arthur Graff,
University of Notre Dame
Discussant: Emily K. Penner, University of California, Irvine
Session Organizer: Emily K. Penner, University of California, Irvine
2239. Regular Sessions. Environmental Sociology
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 17, 4th Floor,
Presider: Carmen Marie Rowe, Boston University
Does Climate Protest Work? Partisanship, Protest, and Sentiment
Pools - Dylan Bugden, Washington State University
Silence as Strategy: Protecting Privileged Accounts During
Environmental Crisis - Jeanine Cunningham, University of
Stratifying Disaster: State Aid and the Reproduction of Inequality in
American Communities - Ethan Raker, Harvard University
Discussant: James R. Elliott, Rice University
Session Organizer: Kyle Crowder, University of Washington
2242. Section on Sociology of Mental Health. Social Networks,
Social Roles, and Mental Health
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 25, 4th Floor,
Presider: Katrina Leupp, Washington State University
Leisure Activities, Social Capital and Mental Health: A Study Among
Young Adults in Switzerland - Mattia Vacchiano, Swiss National
centre of Competence in Research LIVES; Danilo Bolano, NCCR
LIVES - University of Lausanne (Switzerland)
Sexual Activity, Peer Acceptance, and Adolescent Depression
Symptoms: An Exploration of the Sexual Double Standard -
Brian Soller, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
The Caregiver Identity in Context: The Consequences of Identity
Threat from Siblings - Marissa Rurka, Purdue University; J. Jill
Suitor, Purdue University; Megan Gilligan, Iowa State University
The Influence of Close Ties on Depression: Does Network
Religiosity Matter? - Laura Upenieks, University of Texas at San
Who Migrates Matters: Maternal/Paternal Migration, Delinquent
Friendships, and Depression among Left-Behind Children in
China - Shichao Du, University at Albany, SUNY; Zai Liang,
State University of New York-Albany
Session Organizers: Katrina Leupp, Washington State University;
Lijun Song, Vanderbilt University
2243. Regular Sessions. Teaching Sociology
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 1, 6th Floor,
Presider: Ashley Rondini, Franklin and Marshall College
Gaining Knowledge, Confidence, and Experience as Researchers
among Undergraduate Sociology Students - Stephanie
Medley-Rath, Indiana University-Kokomo; Rebekah Morgan,
Indiana University Kokomo
Rehearsing (In)Equality: Gender Frames in Self- and Peer-
Assessment of Group Projects’ Division of Labor - Renee A.
Monson, Hobart and William Smith Colleges
Teaching Up: Female Sociologists Teaching About Privilege -
Celeste Atkins, University of Arizona
A Longitudinal Analysis of the Representation of LGBTQ Groups
in Introductory Sociology Textbooks - Joseph Leon Henry,
University of California Irvine
Session Organizer: Alison S. Better, CUNY Kingsborough
Community College
2244. Regular Sessions. Economic Sociology: Finance, Debt, and
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 2, 6th Floor,
Presider: Alexander Kentikelenis, Bocconi University
Building Confidence ‘On the Ground’: Encounters Between Finance
and Developing-Economy Central Banks Under Financial
Globalization - Ayca Zayim, Mount Holyoke College
Rethinking Moral Hazard: Competing Drivers of Bank Risk-Taking,
1993-2015 - Kim Pernell, University of Toronto; Jiwook Jung,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Revisiting the Debtfare Hypothesis: Trade-Off or Complementarity?
- Tod Stewart Van Gunten, University of Edinburgh; Sebastian
Kohl, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies
The Structure of Financial Systems and Wage Inequality: A
Comparative Distributional Analysis of Financial Wage
Premiums - Anthony Roberts, Colorado State University; Roy
Kwon, University of La Verne
To Repay or Not to Repay: Borrower Debt Management and
Attitudes Toward Debt in Defaults - Paromita Sanyal, Florida
State University; Padmavathi Koride, St. Joseph's Institute of
Discussant: Frederick F. Wherry, Princeton University
Session Organizer: Tim Bartley, Washington University-St. Louis
Session 2236, continued
Sunday, August 9, 2020
2245. Regular Sessions. Advances in Social Network Methods
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 4, 6th Floor,
Presider: Song Yang, University of Arkansas
Measurement of Social Bridging Capital in Egocentric Network: A
Test Using Five Domains of Well-being - Siyun Peng, Indiana
University; Adam Roth, Indiana University; Brea Louise Perry,
Indiana University-Bloomington
A Monte Carlo Approach to Measure Centrality Within Relational
Contexts - Yunsub Lee, Cornell University
Dealing with Unobserved Heterogeneity in Exponential Random
Graph Models - Scott W. Duxbury
Network Sampling Coverage III: Imputation of Missing Network
Data under Different Network and Missing Data Conditions
- Jeffrey A. Smith, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Jonathan
Howard Morgan, Duke University; James Moody, Duke
Modeling Knowledge Diffusion with Topic Models and Social
Network Analysis: The Case of Global Scientific Research -
Charles Jonathan Gomez, CUNY-Queens College
Session Organizer: Steve McDonald, North Carolina State University
2246. Regular Sessions. Evaluating Qualitative Methods
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 6, 6th Floor,
Presider: Syeda Quratulain Masood, Brown University
Qualitative Sociology and the Generalizability Imperative - Mary
Beth Morrissey, Cornell University; Jacqueline Ho, Cornell
Ethnography Across the Political Divide: Juxtaposition as a
Technique of Theorizing and Critique - Ruth Braunstein,
University of Connecticut
Reflexivity in Qualitative Interviewing at the Crossroads of Methods
and Culture - Chien-Juh Gu, Western Michigan University
The Strengths and Challenges of Cross-cultural Collaborative Field
Research of Families and International Migration - Jacob
Richard Thomas, University of California-Los Angeles; Peng
Huang, UCI
Discussant: Erin F. Johnston, Stanford University
Session Organizer: Victoria Reyes, University of California-Riverside
2247. Regular Sessions. Microsociologies: Methods &
Perspectives on Interaction
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 8, 6th Floor,
Presider: David Grazian, University of Pennsylvania
“Being Mean” and “Spazzing Out”: Social Calibration and Intensity
Management in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Training - Brigid E. K. Burke
Prismatic Description: Ethnographic Fieldwork and the Study of
Social Action - Michael DeLand, Gonzaga University
Repetition Acknowledgement Prefaces - David R. Gibson,
University of Notre Dame
The Shame Of It! How Scholarship Recipients Became Ashamed of
What They Were Proud of - Sandra Portocarrero
You Can’t Stand the Heat: Undocumented Mexican Kitchen Workers
and the Prism of Identity - Black Hawk Hancock, DePaul
Session Organizer: Jooyoung Kim Lee, University of Toronto
2248. Regular Sessions. Mixed Methods: Empirical Exemplars and
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 10, 6th Floor,
Presider: Jeremy Markham Schulz, University of California, Berkeley
Mixed Methods Study Explores Decreasing Inequality in the US and
EU Workplace - Antigoni Papadimitriou, WKU; Lisa Stickney,
University of Baltimore; Liudvika Leisyte, TU Dortmund
The Intersectional Complexity of Class Distinction: Online Boundary
Work, Populism, and the White Working Class - Dmitri S. Seals,
University of California, Berkeley
Understanding Sexual Behavior Reports Among Older Africans:
Insights from Surveys and Nested Qualitative Interviews -
Nicole Angotti, American University; Erin Ice, University of
Michigan; Brian Houle; Enid J. Schatz, University of Missouri; F.
Xavier Gomez-Olive, University of the Witwatersrand; Sanyu A.
Mojola, Princeton University
Who Is on the Bandwagon? Core and Periphery in Mixed Methods
Research - David L. Morgan, Portland State University
Session Organizer: Jeremy Markham Schulz, University of
California, Berkeley
2253. Student Forum. Navigating Power Relations, Hierarchies,
and Anxieties as Graduate Students
Parc55, Cyril Magnin II, Level 4, 10:30am-12:10pm
Leaders: Verna M. Keith, University of Alabama at Birmingham;
Wendy Ng, California State University East Bay; David
A. Smith, University of California-Irvine; Alford A. Young,
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Session Organizers: Apoorva Ghosh, University of California-Irvine;
Kelsey Taylor Broadfield, Bennington College; TehQuin Forbes,
Florida State University
2261. Section on Sociology of Population. Family Demography
Parc55, Mission I, Level 4, 10:30am-12:10pm
Presider: Allison Logan, University of California-Berkeley
Historical Trends in Children Living in Multigenerational
Households: 1870-2018 - Natasha Pilkauskas, University of
Michigan; Mariana Amorim, Washington State University;
Rachel Dunifon
Wealth, Assets, and Unintended Fertility - Jessica Houston Su,
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill; Fenaba Addo,
University of Wisconsin-Madison
The Effects of Income on Birth Rates: The Case of a Universal
Cash Transfer - Sarah K. Cowan, New York University; Kiara
Wyndham Douds, New York University
Local Violence and Transitions to Premarital Cohabitation and
Marriage in Mexico - Monica Lisette Caudillo, University of
Maryland-College Park; Jaein Lee, University of Maryland,
College Park
Cohabiting and Committing: Middle-Class Couples on the Pathway
to Marriage - Lauren Harris, University of Pennsylvania
Session Organizer: Daniel J. Schneider, University of California-
2262. Regular Sessions. Brokering Transnational and Diasporic
Activism from the US
Parc55, Stockton, Level 4, 10:30am-12:10pm
Presider: Shaneda L. Destine, University of Tennessee Knoxville
The Civic Ideologies of the U.S.-Based Syrian Diaspora: Implications
for Immigrant Integration and the Syrian Regime - Nadia
Almasalkhi, University of California, Berkeley
The Transnational Redress Movement for "Comfort Women"
Victims in the U.S. - Pyong Gap Min, CUNY-Queens College
Transnational Social Movements and the Dilemma of
Incommensurable Frames: The Racial Paradigm and Anti-Caste
Activism - Prema Ann Kurien, Syracuse University
Discussant: Rahib Abdulhadi, New York University
Session Organizer: Marina Karides, University of Hawaii-Hilo
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Sunday, 11:10 am
2226. Latina/Latino Sociology Roundtables
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Yosemite A, Ballroom Level,
Session Organizer: Jose Itzigsohn, Brown University
Table 1: Race, Racialization, Racism
Table Presider: Susana Georgina Nava Ramirez, University of
Nevada, Reno
Becoming White, Black, or Other? Examining Part-Latino Identity -
Michael Hajime Miyawaki, Hendrix College
First Encounters with the U.S. Racial System - Sylvia Zamora,
Loyola Marymount University
Latinxs and Racism in a Predominantly White Institution of Higher
Education in the Midwest - Angelica Ruvalcaba, Michigan State
Sociological Absence: A Case Study of Afro-Indigenous Cimarrón
Community in 18th Century Veracruz, Mexico - Christian
Ramirez, Michigan State University
Table 2: Institutions and community
Table Presider: Angela Vergara, University of Central Florida
Community Resilience and Health Services Among Undocumented
College Students - Vanessa Nunez, UNLV; Elizabeth Lawrence,
University of Nevada, Las Vegas; Cassaundra Rodriguez,
University of Nevada-Las Vegas; Mariana Sarmiento-
Hernandez, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Comparing Confidence in Institutions: Exploring Differences Among
Latino and White Catholics and Evangelicals - Esmeralda
Sanchez Salazar, Rice University; Sharan Kaur Mehta, Rice
University; Esther Chan, Yale University
Social Networking Sites Mediating Between Community and Mental
Wellbeing Among Latinx Adolescents - Celeste Campos-
Castillo, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; Katherine Craig,
UW-Milwaukee; Linnea Laestadius, University of Wisconsin-
Table 3: Belonging, citizenship, and the law
Table Presider: Gunercindo Antoneo Espinoza, University of
Minnesota at Twin Cities
"26 to Life": Police Violence, Necropolitics, and Abolitionist Praxis -
Amy Andrea Martinez
Localized Belonging and Federal Rejection: DACA Recipients
Navigating Belonging and Identity Following Trump’s DACA
Rescission - Lizette Solorzano
Narrating Presence and Legible Bodies - Carolyn Pinedo-Turnovsky,
University of Washington
Threat, Racialization, and Mobilization: Lessons from Southern
California’s Anti-Gang Injunction Movement - Alexander Scott
Table 4: Identity, dignity, rights
Table Presider: Jose Itzigsohn, Brown University
Community-Based Coalition-Building on Immigrant Rights - Jose
Zapata Calderon, Pitzer College
Dignity Strategies for Latinx Workers in Michigan - Anna Wilcoxson,
Michigan State University
La Lucha: Frames, Emotion, Identity and the Double Consciousness
of Undocumented Latinxs - Jennifer Scott, Louisiana State
Without Spanish We Are Mute: Indigenous Immigrants Navigating
Social Institutions and the Immigration Regime - Andrea
Gomez Cervantes, University of Kansas
Sunday, 12:30 pm
2303. Section on Sociology of Sex and Gender. Sociologies
of Fragility: Gender, Sexuality, Race and the Politics of
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 1, Lobby Level,
Presider: Patrick Ryan Grzanka, University of Tennessee-Knoxville
“I Would Prefer One of My Brothers”: Men’s Intimate Friendship
and Competition in Homosocial Context - Emily Fox, University
of California, Santa Barbara
Male Circumcision and Fragile White Masculinity - Laura M.
Carpenter, Vanderbilt University
Too Big Doesn’t Mean Anything”: ‘Monster Cocks’, Sexual Violence,
and Racialized Imaginary Villains - Jennifer N.H. Thomas,
Simon Fraser University
Discussant: Patrick Ryan Grzanka, University of Tennessee-Knoxville
Session Organizer: Emily S. Mann, University of South Carolina-
2304. Special Sessions. The State of Community Colleges
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 2, Lobby Level,
Presider: Myron T. Strong, Community College of Baltimore County
The Role of California Governmental Bill AB705 and Other
Programs in Shaping California Community Colleges - Jessica
Ayo Alabi, Orange Coast College
The Role of Community Colleges in Dealing With Changing
Demographics of Tomorrow’s Students By Providing Strategies
for Students and Faculty - James McKeever, Los Angeles
Pierce College
The Experience of Being an Underrepresented Minority in
the Classroom, Including Strategies for Navigating Such
Experiences - Maria Isabel Bryant, College of Southern
Ways to Navigate Researching and Professional Development
While Still Integrating Innovative Teaching Methods into
Community College Classrooms - Tanya N. Cook, Community
College of Aurora
Session Organizer: Myron T. Strong, Community College of
Baltimore County
2305. Thematic Sessions. Downsizing Layos: Understanding
their Origins and Eects
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 3, Lobby Level,
Presider: Alexandra Kalev, Tel Aviv University
Panelists: Henry Farber, Princeton University; John Dencker,
University of Illinois; Jiwook Jung, University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign; Aliya Hamid Rao, Stanford University
Session Organizer: Alexandra Kalev, Tel Aviv University
2306. Thematic Sessions. Precarious Work, Citizenship Rights,
and Labor Struggle
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 4, Lobby Level,
Presider: Erin E. Hatton, University at Buffalo
Panelists: Marcel Paret, University of Utah; Jennifer Jihye Chun,
UCLA; Manuel Zimbalist Rosaldo, Penn State University; Gowri
Vijayakumar, Brandeis University
Session Organizer: Erin E. Hatton, University at Buffalo
2307. Thematic Sessions. Whiteness, Power and Organizational
Dynamics in the Workplace
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 5, Lobby Level,
Presider: Abby L. Ferber, University of Colorado @ Colorado Springs
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Panelists: Jacqueline Marie Battalora, Saint Xavier University;
Debbie Storrs, University of North Dakota; Stephany Rose
Spaulding, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs
Session Organizer: Abby L. Ferber, University of Colorado @
Colorado Springs
2308. Professional Development Workshop. Planning the Future:
A Workshop for the Undergraduate Honors Program
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 6, Lobby Level,
Leaders: Mary Scheuer Senter, Central Michigan University; Elaine
Alma Draper, California State University-Los Angeles; Myles
Daniel Moody, University of Kentucky; Marcia Texler Segal,
Indiana University Southeast
Session Organizers: Roberta M. Spalter-Roth, George Mason
University; Elyse Shaw, Institute for Women's Policy Research
2309. Section on Political Sociology. The Politics of Climate
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 7, Lobby Level,
Presider: Jeffrey Broadbent, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Climate Change Policy Network and Policy Cleavage Structure:
India and Japan Comparison - Keiichi Satoh, Faculty of Social
Sicences, University of Helsinki, Finland; Pradip Swarnakar,
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur; Avinash Kumar, Indian
Institute of Technology Kanpur India; Gregory Trenche, Tohoku
University, Sendai, Japan
Legitimately Paralyzed: How Fairness and Flexibility Have Doomed
the UN Climate Negotiations From the Start - Danielle Falzon,
Brown University
Private Interests and the Design of State-Level Greenhouse
Gas Emissions Reduction Policies - Joshua A. Basseches,
Northwestern University
Silicon Valley Goes Green: The Origin of California’s Climate Regime
- Andrew Boardman Jaeger, University of California-Berkeley
Discussant: Jeffrey Broadbent, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Session Organizer: Jeffrey Broadbent, University of Minnesota-Twin
2310. Special Sessions. Empowered and Empowering? The Rise
of Women in US Politics
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 8, Lobby Level,
Presider: Catherine I. Bolzendahl, University of California, Irvine
Panelists: Ann Shola Orloff, Northwestern University; Melanie M.
Hughes, University of Pittsburgh; Belinda Robnett, University
of California-Irvine; Evelyn Nakano Glenn, University of
California, Berkeley
Session Organizer: Catherine I. Bolzendahl, University of California,
2315. Professional Development Workshop. Sociologists Unite:
Collective Action for Academic Workers:
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 1, Ballroom Level,
Leaders: Albert S. Fu, Kutztown University of Pennsylvania; Sarah
Mason, University of California, Santa Cruz
Session Organizer: Sofya Aptekar, University of Massachusetts-
2316. Teaching Workshop. GIFTS: Good Ideas for Teaching
Sociology and for Publishing in TRAILS
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 2, Ballroom Level,
Leader: Gregory Trainor Kordsmeier, Indiana University-Southeast
Session Organizer: Gregory Trainor Kordsmeier, Indiana University-
2317. Section on Comparative-Historical Sociology. The Meaning
of Corruption--Historical Transformations and Cultural
Variations Co-Sponsored by the Theory Section
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 3, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Mark Granovetter, Stanford University
Bureaucratic Clientelism as Mechanism of Corruption in a
Decentralized Democracy: The Indonesian Case - Rahardhika
Arista Utama, Northwestern University
Corruption, Agency, and Political Culture - Isaac Ariail Reed,
University of Virginia; Vasfiye Betul Toprak, University of
Dual Habitus and Founding Cadres: How Discretion Is Oriented to
Organizational Achievement - Erin Metz McDonnell, University
of Notre Dame
The Administrative Grey Zone: How Policy Infrastructures Coopt
the Medicaid Program in the Contemporary United States -
Josh Pacewicz, Brown University
Session Organizers: Marco Z. Garrido, University of Chicago;
Nicholas Hoover Wilson, Stony Brook University
2319. Book Salons (formerly Author Meets Critics). Making
Motherhood Work: How Women Manage Careers and
Caregiving (Princeton University Press, 2019) by Caitlyn
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 7, Ballroom Level,
Author: Caitlyn Collins, Washington University-St. Louis
Panelists: Riché J. Barnes, Yale University; Lena Hipp, WZB Berlin
Social Science Center; Marie Evertsson, Stockholm University
Session Organizer: Irene Boeckmann, University of Toronto
Moderator: Irene Boeckmann, University of Toronto
2320. Regular Sessions. Social Control and the Provision of Care
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 8, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Savannah Larimore, Washington University-St. Louis
A Case of Medicalization Without the Medical: The Social
Convertibility Potential of “Sex Addiction” - Baptiste Brossard,
Australian National University; Melissa Roy, University of
Ottawa; Julia Brown, The Australian National University;
Benjamin Hemmings, The Australian National University;
Emmanuelle Larocque, University of Ottawa
Bounding and Scaling: Logics of Allocation in Psychiatric Care in
the United States and France - Alexander Vosick Barnard, New
York University
Factors Affecting Public Opinion on Denial of Healthcare to
Transgender Persons - Long Doan, University of Maryland-
College Park; Matthew K. Grace, Hamilton College
Laborious Negotiations: How Race Shapes Patient Agency in
Maternal Health Care - Katherine M. Wright, University of
“We Realized We Have a Say:” Explaining Philosophical Non-
Adherence Among Middle Class Mothers - Lindsay Wood
Glassman, University of Pennsylvania
Session Organizer: Hedwig Lee, University of Washington
2321. Section on Science, Knowledge, and Technology. Artificial
Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Inequalities
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 9, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Susan E. Bell, Drexel University
The Social Lives of Big Data: Data as Ontological Ambivalence in a
“Data-Driven” Health System - Taylor M. Cruz, California State
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Please Do Not Include Us - Joan Donovan, Harvard Kennedy School
The Genealogy of Machine Learning Datasets - Alex Hanna, Google
Making ‘Most Similar’ Useful: Art Classification Artifacts and Expert
Authority over a Matching Algorithm - Sarah E. Sachs, Cornell
Discussant: Steve G. Hoffman, University of Toronto
Session Organizer: Kelly A. Joyce, Drexel University
2322. Meeting. Community and Urban Sociology Section
Business Meeting
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Imperial A, Ballroom Level,
2323. Teaching and Learning Symposium. Teaching and Learning
Symposium Book Salon: Discussion in the College
Classroom with Jay Howard
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Imperial B, Ballroom Level,
Author: Jay R. Howard, Butler University
Session Organizer: Katherine R. Rowell, Sinclair Community College
Moderator: Katherine R. Rowell, Sinclair Community College
2324. Sociology in Practice Settings Symposium. Special Topic
Panel: Activism at Work
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Franciscan A, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Sidra J. Montgomery
The Civic Promise of Non-profit Research Centers - Joseph Klett,
Science History Institute
When Corporate Culture Supports Activism at Work - Barbara
Kirsh, ETS
Opportunities and Challenges of Evaluation as Practice - Jennifer N.
Rutt, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Data-Informed Policies to Address the Needs of Justice-Involved
People Through Community-Based Behavioral Health Services
- Angela Kranz, Council on Criminal Justice and Behavioral
Session Organizer: Juanita J. Chinn, US Department of Health and
Human Services
2326. Meeting. Section of Sociology of Law Business Meeting
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Yosemite A, Ballroom Level,
2327. Presidential Panel. Sociological Perspectives on Covid-19
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Yosemite B, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Ruha Benjamin, Princeton University
Panelists: Claire Laurier Decoteau, University of Illinois-Chicago;
Robert Dingwall, Nottingham Trent University; Steven Epstein,
Northwestern University; Joseph A. Harris, Boston University;
Anthony Ryan Hatch, Wesleyan University; Laura Mamo, San
Francisco State University; Bernice A. Pescosolido, Indiana
University-Bloomington; Stefan Timmermans, UCLA
Session Organizers: Laurel Smith-Doerr, University of
Massachusetts-Amherst; Deborah Carr, Boston University
Sociologists are making important contributions to our
understanding of the Covid-19 pandemic and its aftermath.
This special panel will have a “flash” presentation format
featuring eight five-minute presentations, to allow for a wider
range of topics to be raised for discussion. Topics may include
social networks and epidemics, death and dying in the age
of Covid-19, critical race perspectives on the coronavirus,
quarantines from Ebola to Covid-19, international health policy
and testing in epidemics, feminist perspectives on epidemics,
organizational responses to Covid-19, and the politics of
medical knowledge.
2330. Section on Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis.
Current Research in Ethnomethodology and Conversation
Analysis II
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 3, 4th Floor,
Presider: Morana Alac, University of California-San Diego
"Are You Asking Me or Telling Me?": Knowledge, Expertise, and
Video Replays in an Interview - Oskar Lindwall, University of
Gothenburg, Sweden; Michael Lynch, Cornell University
Artworks as Instructed Objects - Yael Kreplak, Université Paris
Harvey Sacks, the Commentator Machine and the 'New' Artificial
Intelligence - Michael Mair, Liverpool University; Phillip Brooker,
University of Liverpool; William Dutton, Peak AI; Philippe
Sormani, University of Lausanne
The Ascribability of Action in Interaction: Revisiting the Status/
Stance Distinction - Aug Nishizaka, Chiba University
Session Organizer: Morana Alac, University of California-San Diego
2331. Section on Latina/o Sociology. Latinxs and the Politics of
Ethnoracial Knowledge
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 5, 4th Floor,
Presider: Aaron Arredondo, University of Missouri
Fear of a "Latino Take Over" Assists Trump's Presidential Win -
Celia Olivia Lacayo, University of California-Los Angeles
In the “Puerto Rican Visa” Lottery, Nobody Wins: Puerto Rican
Intragroup Relations - Stephanie Ann Dhuman Giron,
University of Florida
The Mechanics of Latino Ethnic Classification: Complicating White
Racialization in the U.S. - Andrea Kauffman-Berry, University of
Third World Radicalism: The Chicana/o Studies Movement At The
University Of California, Berkeley, 1968-1975 - Jose G. Moreno,
Northern Arizona University
Session Organizer: Michael Rodríguez-Muñiz, Northwestern
2336. Section on History of Sociology. The History of Sociology
in Politics and Politics in Sociology
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 13, 4th Floor,
Presider: Paul Joosse, University of Hong Kong
The Absence of Organizational Arrangements and Institutional
Collaborations -History of the American Sociological
Association Archives - Yu Sun
Authorizing a Counterprofession: Social Science For Homebirth
Midwifery - Liora O. Goldensher, Princeton University
Moral Highways and By Ways: Connecting New Critiques with Old
Insights in the Study of Nationalism - Samuel David Stabler,
Yale; Shai M. Dromi, Harvard University
The Legacies of Colonialism in Social Sciences. How Postcolonial
Scholars’ Trajectories and Thought Deal with Empire -
Mohamed Amine Brahimi, Columbia University; Amin Perez,
University of Quebec at Montreal
Discussant: Timothy M. Gill, University of North Carolina-
Session Organizers: Anne Frances Eisenberg, SUNY-Geneseo;
Clayton Alexander Fordahl, University of Memphis; Gillian "Jill"
Niebrugge-Brantley, George Washington University
2337. Section on Sociology of Human Rights. Challenges,
Opportunities, and the Future of Human Rights
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 14, 4th Floor,
Presider: Christopher Nigel Roberts, University of Minnesota-Twin
Session 2321, continued
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Globalization, Human Rights & Cities in the 21st Century - Jackie
Smith, University of Pittsburgh
Partnership Patterns, Performances, and the Spread of Human
Rights - Ioana Sendroiu, University of Toronto; Ron Levi,
University of Toronto
Queer Compliance and Defiance: Global Norms, Rival Transnational
Networks, and the Contested Case of LGBTI Rights -
Kristopher Velasco, University of Texas-Austin
The International Survey of Human Rights: An Introduction - Mark
Frezzo, University of Mississippi; Keri E. Iyall Smith, Suffolk
University; David L. Brunsma, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and
State University; Brian Gran, Case Western Reserve University
When Rights Conflict: Protecting Children from Parents’ Religious
Beliefs - Caitlin Killian, Drew University
Session Organizer: Christopher Nigel Roberts, University of
Minnesota-Twin Cities
2338. Regular Sessions. Environmental Policy I: US Perspectives
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 15, 4th Floor,
Presider: John Aloysius Zinda, Cornell University
Racial Inequities in The Federal Buyout of Flood-Prone Homes: A
Nationwide Assessment of Environmental Adaptation - James
R. Elliott, Rice University; Phylicia Xin Yi Lee Brown, Rice
University; Kevin Loughran, Rice University
Carry On As You Were: Additionality, Mitigation, and Status in
Municipal Floodplain Management - Jon Mikael Nelson, Brown
The Strength of U.S. Federal Air Pollution Policy, 1955-2008 - Anna
C. McCreery, Elevate Energy; J. Craig Jenkins, Ohio State
Public Preferences in a Shifting Energy Future: Views on Eight
Energies in the Pacific Northwest - Shawn Olson Hazboun, The
Evergreen State College; Hilary Schaffer Boudet, Oregon State
Community Partnering with Government for Community-Based
Natural Resource Management in Montana's Blackfoot
Watershed - Jill Richardson, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Session Organizer: Georgia Piggot, Stockholm Environment
2339. Regular Sessions. Mapping LGBTQ Cultures and
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 17, 4th Floor,
Electric Empires From Queer Countercultural Movement to Culture
Industry - Christopher T. Conner, University Nevada Las Vegas;
David R. Dickens, UNLV
"I Don't Want to be the Victim No More.": Lesbian History in South
Bend, Indiana - Eli Williams
#Instagay: The Uses and Gratifications of Photo-Based Social
Networking for Gay Men - Tyler Burgese
Lesbian Bar Owners Against Lesbian-Only Bars - Greggor Mattson,
Oberlin College
Mapping Black Femme Pleasurescapes in Chicago’s Urban-Digital
Sphere - Dominique M. Adams-Santos
Session Organizer: Theo Greene, Bowdoin College
2342. Section on Sociology of Mental Health. Integrative
Approaches to Studying Mental Health Disparities
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 25, 4th Floor,
Presider: Brittany Nicole Hearne, University of Arkansas
The “Labor vs. Worth Tax”: Making Sense of Educational Debt in
a Racialized Society - Faith M. Deckard, University of Texas-
Austin; Bridget Goosby, University of Texas-Austin; Jacob E.
Cheadle, The University of Texas at Austin
A Mixed Method Study of the Impact of Economic Resources on
Refugee Mental Health - Jessica Rose Goodkind, University
of New Mexico-Albuquerque; Julieta Ferrera, University of
Maryland; David Lardier, University of New Mexico; Julia
Meredith Hess, University of New Mexico School of Medicine;
Richard Neil Greene, University of New Mexico
The Association Between Multiple Chronic Conditions (MCC) and
Depressive Symptoms: Intersectional Distinctions by Race
and Gender - Christy LaShaun Erving, Vanderbilt University;
Cleothia Frazier, Vanderbilt University
Social and Structural Barriers to Autism Services Among Single
Black Female Caregivers - Jennifer S. Singh, Georgia Institute
of Technology
Discussant: Alex E. Bierman, University of Calgary
Session Organizer: Robin W. Simon, Wake Forest University
2343. Regular Sessions. Cultural Studies
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 1, 6th Floor,
Presider: Miriam Greenberg, University of California-Santa Cruz
Work and Nature? Environment and Labor in the (Green) New Deal
- Hillary Angelo, University of California-Santa Cruz
Rethinking the Cultural Studies of Cities: The Dynamics of
Globalization and Place Distinction - Andrew Deener,
University of Connecticut; Jonathan R. Wynn, University of
After Culture - Fernando Dominguez-Rubio, University of California,
San Diego
How Politics Shapes Aesthetics: State Censorship in China-
Hollywood Film Collaboration - Jun Fang, Northwestern
Social Theory and the Analogical Imagination - Eviatar Zerubavel,
Rutgers University-New Brunswick
Session Organizer: Claudio Ezequiel Benzecry, Northwestern
2344. Regular Sessions. Economic Sociology: Frontiers of
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 2, 6th Floor,
Presider: Yingyao Wang, University of Virginia
Asymmetry by Design? Identity Obfuscation, Reputational
Pressure, and Consumer Predation in U.S. For-Profit Higher
Education - Adam Goldstein, Princeton University; Charlie
Eaton, University of California, Merced
Buying into the Meritocracy: Taiwanese Students and the Market
for College Admissions Services - Elizabeth Popp Berman,
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor; Kenneth Han Chen,
University at Albany-State University of New York
Risk and Reliability in AI Finance - Christian Borch, Copenhagen
Business School; Bo Hee Min, Copenhagen Business School
Sticky Data: Organizational Effects of the Electronic Health Record
- Mira Vale, University of Michigan
Toward a Sociology of Economic Engineering - Georg Rilinger,
University of Chicago
Discussant: Neil Fligstein, University of Californnia
Session Organizer: Tim Bartley, Washington University-St. Louis
2345. Regular Sessions. Immigrant Belonging and Identity
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 4, 6th Floor,
Presider: Sharon Quinsaat, Grinnell College
Genres of Departure: Forced Migrants’ Personal Narratives on
Family Separation and Identity - Johanna Hiitola, Tampere
University; Valtteri Vähä-Savo, Tampere University
“La Promesa Nacional:” Returning Migrant Youth and Young Adults
Negotiating Membership in Oaxaca, Mexico - Adriana P.
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Ramirez, University of California, Berkeley
Race, Religion and Belonging Among the New Immigrant Elite in
France - Lucas Germain Drouhot, Max Planck Institute for the
Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity
School and Societal Belonging: The Case of Resettled Refugee
and Newcomer Students in U.S. Schools - S. Garnett Russell,
Columbia University; Paula Mantilla-Blanco, Teachers College,
Columbia University
To Be Or Not To Be? Emotion Process of Citizenship Acquisition
of Pakistanis in Hong Kong - Sin Chi Lo, Chinese University of
Hong Kong; Susanne Yukping Choi, Chinese University of Hong
Session Organizer: Sharon Quinsaat, Grinnell College
2346. Regular Sessions. Advances in Quantitative Methodology
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 6, 6th Floor,
Presiders: Jennie E. Brand, University of California-Los Angeles;
Mark van der Laan, UC Berkeley
Reconsidering the Reference Category - Sasha Shen Johfre,
Stanford University; Jeremy Freese, Stanford University
Functional Form Robustness: A Multiverse Approach - Sheridan
Stewart; Cristobal Young, Cornell University
Setting the Target: Precise Estimands and the Gap Between Theory
and Empirics - Ian Lundberg, Princeton University; Rebecca
Ann Johnson, Princeton University; Brandon Michael Stewart,
Princeton University
Deep Learning of Potential Outcomes - Bernard Koch, University
of California, Los Angeles; Tim Sainburg, UCSD; Song Jiang,
University of California-Los Angeles; Jacob Gates Foster,
University of California-Los Angeles; Yizhou Sun, University of
California-Los Angeles
Leveraging Machine Learning for Heterogeneous Treatment Effect:
A Practitioners’ Guide for Sociologists - Ang Yu, University of
Wisconsin–Madison; Jason Fletcher
Discussant: Xiang Zhou, Harvard University
Session Organizer: Jennie E. Brand, University of California-Los
2347. Regular Sessions. Race and Ethnicity I: Macro and Meso-
dimensions of Race
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 8, 6th Floor,
Presider: Katrina Quisumbing King, University of Southern
White Expansion and the Rise of White Space in U.S. Cities -
Rogelio Saenz, University of Texas at San Antonio
Till Death Do Us Part: Remembering the Social Structure of
Lynching in the United States - Demar Francis Lewis, Yale
Responsibility and Juan Crow: Alabama’s HB 56 and the Longue
Durée of National Exclusion - Nicole Elise Trujillo-Pagan,
Wayne State University
Not Profiting, but Persisting; the Experiences of Black-led
Organizations in the Racialized Nonprofit Sector - Gregory
D. Wilson, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Randy Stoecker,
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Session Organizer: Jennifer C. Mueller, Skidmore College
2348. Regular Sessions. Mortality and Morbidity
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 10, 6th Floor,
Presider: Zachary Adam Cramer, University of Colorado Boulder
Adolescent Occupational Plans and Preparation, Labor Market
Shifts, and Risks of Suicide and Drug Poisoning - Jamie M.
Carroll, University of Texas-Austin; Alicia Duncombe, University
of Texas at Austin; Chandra Muller, University of Texas-Austin
Group-Level Segregation is Associated With Eight-Year Period
Mortality Among Korean Older Adults - Yoosik Youm, Yonsei
University, South Korea; Ekaterina Baldina, Yonsei University;
Jiwon Baek, Yonsei University
Intergenerational Income Mobility Context and Early Adult
Mortality: Does Race Play a Role? - Emma Zang, Yale
University; Nathan Kim, Yale University
Marriage and Mortality: The Importance of Non-spousal Support for
Never Married Older Adults - Adam Roth, Indiana University;
Siyun Peng, Indiana University
Discussant: Daniel Hunter Simon, University of Colorado at Boulder
Session Organizer: Ryan K. Masters, University of Colorado Boulder
2361. Section on Sociology of Population. Controversies of
Counting: Race, Citizenship, and Privacy in the Census
Parc55, Mission I, Level 4, 12:30-2:10pm
Presider: Hansi Wang, National Public Radio
Panelists: Randall Akee, UCLA; Ben Casselman, New York Times;
D'Vera Cohn, Pew Research; Carolyn A. Liebler, University of
Minnesota; C. Matthew Snipp, Stanford University
Session Organizer: Steven Ruggles, University of Minnesota
2362. Regular Sessions. Transnational Processes
Parc55, Stockton, Level 4, 12:30-2:10pm
Presider: Rachael E. Sullivan
A Triangle: From Local to Global to National in the Onset of the
Arab Spring - Mounira Maya Charrad, University of Texas,
“Most of My Friends Are Armenian”: Armenian Social Networks and
Transnational Organizations - Inna Mirzoyan, Michigan State
The 'American Hukou:' Birth Tourism and Embedded
Cosmopolitanism in China - Brandon Folse
The Difussion of an Innovation: The Globalization of Survey
Research, 1936-2018 - Tom W. Smith, NORC
Discussant: Apoorva Ghosh, University of California-Irvine
Session Organizer: Amrita Pande, University of Cape Town
Sunday, 1:10 pm
2322. Community and Urban Sociology Section Roundtables
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Imperial A, Ballroom Level,
Session Organizers: Alfredo Huante, University of Denver; Jennifer
Candipan, Harvard University
Table 1: Gentrification
Table Presider: Meghan A. Burke, Illinois Wesleyan University
Gentrification and Social Displacement: Stop-and-Frisk Policing in
Washington, D.C. - Victoria F. Sisk, University of Arizona
Operationalizing Gentrification - Charles Nathaniel Boynton, The
Pennsylvania State University
Tackling Poverty, Hiding The Poor: Gentrification In Lagos State,
Nigeria - Dauda Aderemi Busari, University of Ibadan;
Adebimpe Adetutu Adenugba, University of Ibadan
Table 2: Segregation
Table Presider: Dmitri S. Seals, University of California, Berkeley
Black Hats and Black Rage: Orthodox Jews, African-Americans, and
Ethnic Succession in Jersey City, NJ - Max Arthur Herman, New
Jersey City University
How Whites’ Segregation Is Driving Socioeconomic Inequality -
Junia Howell, University of Pittsburgh
Racial/Ethnic Residential Segregation, Poor Health Outcomes,
and the Moderating Role of Immigration - Kathryn Freeman
Anderson, University of Houston; Dylan Simburger, University
of Houston
Session 2345, continued
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Residential Racial Segregation and Access to Bank Branches in
Atlanta, GA - Asia Inez Bento, Rice University
Whitewashing Inequality: Evoking and Inheriting the Diversity
Ideology - Whitney Gecker, Boston University
Table 3: Neighborhood Inequality I
Table Presider: Shirley A. Jackson, Portland State University
Getting Engaged: On the Relationship Between Segregation and
Gentrification Literatures - Maura McGee, CUNY Graduate
Center; Pamela R. Bennett, University of Maryland-Baltimore
Growing Affluence and Gentrification: Hybrid Processes of Socio-
Spatial Change - Judith R. Halasz, SUNY-New Paltz
Houseless Families and the Challenges Surrounding Transitional
Housing Programs in Gentrifying Cities - Stacey Bryley
Livingstone, UC San Diego
The Politics of Property in a Gentrifying City: Home as a Human
Right - Ashleigh Elain McKinzie, Middle Tennessee State
University; James Curtis Fraser, University of Minnesota
Table 4: Neighborhood Inequality II
Table Presider: Amy C. Foerster, Pace University
Assessing the Riskiness of Diversity: Subprime Lending Pre-and-
Post the Great Recession in Diverse Neighborhoods - Meghan
M. O'Neil, University of Michigan; Davon Nicholas Norris, The
Ohio State University
Is Chicago’s “Hottest Mexican/Lesbian/Connect Four Far” In a
Racist Neighborhood? Stigma, Consumption, and Undefending
the Neighborhood - Jeffrey Nathaniel Parker, University of
New Orleans
The Role of Neighborhood Reputations in Determining Where to
Search for Work and Housing - Megan Evans, The Pennsylvania
State University
“We Guide them in Other Ways:” Neighborhood Steering and
Rental Housing in a Boston Neighborhood - Sarah S. Hosman,
Drexel University
Table 5: Spatializing Urban Sociology
Table Presider: William Michelson, University of Toronto
Accounting for ZIP Code Boundary Changes, 1990 - 2010 - Amy
Kate Bailey, University of Illinois-Chicago; Allison Suppan
Helmuth, University of Illinois-Chicago
Constructing Segregation: Examining Social and Spatial Division
in Road Networks with Community Detection Algorithms
- Elizabeth Roberto, Rice University; Maria Riolo, Santa Fe
The Dilemmas of Spatializing Social Issues - Fernando A. Calderón
Figueroa, University of Toronto; Daniel Silver, University of
Toronto; Olimpia Bidian, University of Toronto
Table 6: Schools and Neighborhoods
Table Presider: Melinda Milligan, Sonoma State University
Acting on School Choice: Four Grounded Qualitative Types of
Middle-Class Public-School Parents in the Parisian Suburbs -
Anthony E. Healy, Emory University
Implicitly Differential: A Moderation Analysis - Nicole DeVillier,
University at Buffalo; Siqi Li, University at Buffalo
The Influence of Schools and Neighborhoods on Later-Life
Neighborhood Attainment: A Test of Perpetuation Theory -
Rebecca Bielamowicz, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Table 7: Networks and Community
Table Presider: Kara Tsukerman, Georgia State University
How Ties To Professional Support Networks Impact Social
Outcomes Among Homeless Youth - Kara Tsukerman, Georgia
State University
Imagining Kin, Becoming Local- Understanding Fictive Kin
Relationships as Practices of Belonging in Low-Income
Neighborhoods - Lotta Maria Junnilainen, University of Helsinki
Perceived Neighborhood Racial Composition and Assessments of
Collective Efficacy: The Role of Attachment - Seth A. Williams,
University of California Irvine
The Canadian Family-Friendly Community Resources for Better
Balance, Health and Well-Being Study - Marisa Christine
Young, McMaster University
The Living Legacy of the 1967 Detroit Uprising: A Network-Based
Text Analysis of Wikipedia Edits - Tina Law, Northwestern
Table 8: Environmental Sociology
Table Presider: Ferzana Havewala, University of Baltimore
A Political Economic Case for Backcasting as Critical Sustainability
Practice - Adrianne Showalter Matlock, University of Kansas;
Jacob Lipsman, University of Kansas
Climate Change Displacement at the Community Level: Challenges
for Residents and Policy - Gregory Smithsimon, Brooklyn
College CUNY
Flood Hazards, Sea Level Rise, and Housing Price Trends in the
Coastal United States - Adam Silver Travis, Harvard University
Northern Layovers in South-South Policy Circulation: Tracing the
Travels of Sustainability Planning in Buenos Aires - Jacob H.
Lederman, University of Michigan-Flint
Table 9: Community Politics and Mobilization
Table Presider: Chien-fei Chen, University of Tennessee
Building Culturally Consumable Spaces to Build Politically
Claimable Spaces - Soo Mee Kim, California State University-
Los Angeles
Democratizing Zoning: Assessing the Empowering Impacts of
Community-Driven Zoning in Chicago’s 35th Ward - Loren
Peabody, University of Wisconsin at Madison
Forming a Radical Consensus on Housing in New York City: The
Unfolding of a Movement, 1994-Present - John Krinsky, CUNY-
City College
Taking the Budget to the Streets: Street-Level Mobilization to
Civically Engage Disadvantaged Communities - Denia Garcia,
Indiana University-Bloomington
The Immigrant Growth Machine and the Political Opportunity
Structures of Place - Angie Y. Chung, SUNY-Albany; Jan C. Lin,
Occidental College; Sookhee Oh, University of Missouri-Kansas
Table 10: Beyond the City
Table Presider: Taylor Harris Braswell, Northeastern University
Opening up the Suburb(s): The Case of Reston, Virginia: Mr. Simon
Comes to Washington, DC. - Katrin B. Anacker, George Mason
University, Arlington, VA
The Ghetto in Mayberry: Racial Inequality and the Spatial Dynamics
of Rural Neighborhood Effects - Rachel Brown-Weinstock,
Princeton University
The Socioeconomic Context of Racial Diversity and Integration
in U.S. Suburbs, 2010 - Kiara Wyndham Douds, New York
University; Ankit Rastogi, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Toward a Reintegration of Urban and Rural Sociology - Taylor
Harris Braswell, Northeastern University
Table 11: Political Economy and Urban Governance
Table Presider: Simona Gabriela Gavrila, Stanford University
Contractual Ordering of Public Processes: How Contracts Structure
Participation Processes in Large-Scale Urban Development
Projects - Everardus Wilhelmus Stapper
“Smart” Accounting: Accounts and Accountability with Urban Asset
Management Applications - Debra Mairi Mackinnon, University
of Calgary
The Outer City: Exurban Municipal Responses to Rising Poverty and
Renters - Angel Mendiola Ross, UC Berkeley
Local Government, the Hero: Narratives, Urban Governance, and
‘The City’. - Wenonah M. Venter, University of South Florida
Table 12: Political Economy and Urban Governance II
Table Presider: Samuel Maron, Northeastern University
Elite Governance in the Entrepreneurial City: The Los Angeles 1984
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Olympic Games - Samuel Maron, Northeastern University
Land Banks and the Politicization of Vacancy in the Metropolitan
United States - Nicholas Vincent DiRago, University of
California, Los Angeles
Neighborhood Development Organizations, Crime, and Chicago’s
Political Machine - Bryant Crubaugh, Pepperdine University
Who Controls the Community? Examining Local Political Actors’
Influence On Economic Development Policies - Paige Kelly,
The Ohio State University
Table 13: Crime and Surveillance
Table Presider: Alana R. Inlow, Washington State University
Digital Surveillance of Global Metropolitan Supermarkets - Michel S.
Laguerre, Univ of California-Berkeley
Exposure to Personal and Community Violence and Associated
Drug Use Outcomes - Frough Saadatmand, Howard University;
Jennifer Bronson, Howard University; Craig T. Dearfield,
George Washington University
Kids and Cops: the Rise of the New York Police Athletic League -
Zhandarka Kurti, University of Tennessee-Knoxville
Perceptions of Crime in Chinatown: An Ethnographic Investigation
of a Chicago Neighborhood - Winnie Q. Tong, University of
The Swastika Incident, Sketchy Vibes, and White Privilege: Campus
Communities Making Sense of Problematic Behavior - Hannah
Liebreich, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Table 14: Space and Place
Table Presider: Kimberly Ann Goyette, Temple University
Negotiating Gender and Class in Public Spaces: Urban
Development and City Experience in Tehran - Jaleh Jalili, Rice
Negotiating Shared Space on the World’s Longest Uninterrupted
Seawall in Vancouver, British Columbia - Sharlie Eicker,
Langara College
Privacy and the Reorganization of Urban Space in New York’s
Tenement Districts - Martin Eiermann, Berkeley
Racial-Spatial Formation and Development in Downtown Los
Angeles - Leland T. Saito, University of Southern California
Using Textual Analysis to Explore Symbolic and Material
Interactions Between the Platform Economy and Urban Space
- Jeffrey L. Sternberg, Northeastern University
Table 15: Housing
Table Presider: Ray Hutchison, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
Differential Attainment of Affordable Housing Among America’s
Ethnoracial Groups; 2005-2017 - Matthew Brooks, The
Pennsylvania State University
“Let Them Rest in Peace: The Importance of Aging in Place for
[Displaced] Public Housing Residents” - Chandra Ward,
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
What Influence Housing Tenure of Newlyweds?: A Case Study
of South Korean in 2014-2016 - Hyungjun Suh, Univeristy of
Disappearing Immigrant Enclaves: Housing Crisis and Refugee
Integration in Germany - Ezgi Deniz Rasit, Northeastern
Spatial Inequalities in Mobile Home Parks: An Assessment of
Housing Stratification Across the Houston MSA - Esther
Sullivan, University of Colorado Denver; Carrie Makarewicz,
University of Colorado Denver; Andrew Rumbach, University of
Colorado Denver
Table 16 Urban Ethnography
Table Presider: Martha L. Coe, New York University
Community, Cats, and Cash: A Community Field Theory Case Study -
Michael D. Briscoe, Utah State University
Conservative Canopies: A Street Ethnography of Leisure, Culture, and
Gendered Traditions in America’s Oldest City - Rachel Douglas,
Florida State University; Anne E. Barrett, Florida State University
Exploring Multiple "Logans": Perceptions of Community Beyond
the Town-Gown Line - Tieryn Bills
The Cooptation of Graffiti and Street Art: Introducing A Typology
of Artists to the Gentrification Debates - Shannon Morrissey,
University of Chicago
When the Red Tape Snaps: The 2018 Shutdown - Stephanie Baran,
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Table 17: The Local Scale
Table Presider: Megan Doherty Bea, University of Wisconsin-
Between Clientelism and Customer-Citizenship: Middle Classes’
Quotidian Participation in Lima, Peru - Viktor Bensus Talavera,
The Graduate Center
Changes in Urban Nonprofit Arts Institutions, 2012-2019 - Nicholas
P. Dempsey, Eckerd College
Small Building Landlords & Alternative Rental Economies - Allison
Suppan Helmuth, University of Illinois-Chicago
The Effects of Economic Heterogeneity and Social Capital on Local
Philanthropy - Hyunseok Hwang; Tiffany Amorette Young,
Texas A&M University
The Inherent Affordability Narrative in New Rental Housing Policy:
Financialization Through Symbolic Conflation - Zachary Hyde,
University of British Columbia
Table 18: Culture
Table Presider: Benjamin Joseph Kampler, Boston University
Food + Social Structure + Agency = Food Habitus: An Exploration
of a New Theoretical Construct - Brennan Rhodes-Bratton,
Columbia University
Internet Memes as a Representation of Puerto Rican Cities: The
Case of Bayamón as a Narcospace - Luis Javier Cintrón
Gutiérrez, University at Albany, SUNY
Picturing Eastern Caribbean Urban Spaces - Colin A. Adams,
Berkshire Community College
2326. Section of Sociology of Law Refereed Roundtables
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Yosemite A, Ballroom Level,
Session Organizer: Shauhin Ahmadi Talesh, University of California-
Table 1: Empirical and Theoretical Perspectives
Table Presider: Sara Ross, Dalhousie University
Logics of Accountability, Sumptuary Labor, and the Subnational
Policy Domain for Cannabis in the United States - Alexander
The Role of Interactional Competence in Senate Leadership: A
Case Study of Senator Edward Kennedy - Angela Cora Garcia,
Bentley University
Urban Law at Night: Night Mayors and Sociolegal Approaches
to Urban Spatiotemporal Equality - Sara Ross, Dalhousie
Urgency Courts: Discursive Contentions, Revolutionary Identity
Formation, and Legal Repression in Cuba, 1952-1958. - Amalia
Pérez Martín, University of California, Merced
Table 2: Empirical Perspectives on the Sociology of Law
Table Presider: Calvin Morrill, University of California-Berkeley
Juridical Mobilization, the Law Complex and Local Political
Infrastructure: Whig Networks, "Carrots" and "Sticks," Boston,
1820-1850 - Mary E. Vogel, University of Manchester
Real Juries and Real Numbers: Just How “Judgmental” are General
Damage Awards? - Mary R. Rose, University of Texas-Austin;
Shari Seidman Diamond, Northwestern Pritzker School of Law
The Articulation of Authority and Legal Consciousness - Michael W.
Raphael, CUNY Graduate Center
Session 2322, continued
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Translating Immigration: How Court Interpretation and Language
Shape Removal Proceedings in The United States - Dylan
Farrell-Bryan, University of Pennsylvania
Tempering Global Power: Global Scripts and International
Organizations in Struggles for Basic Legal Freedoms - Terence
C. Halliday, American Bar Foundation; Shira Zilberstein,
Harvard Sociology; Wendy Nelson Espeland, Northwestern
Table 3: International Perspectives on the Sociology of Law
Table Presider: Erik W. Larson, Macalester College
Embodied Legal Exclusion in Indian Slums - Liza Weinstein,
Northeastern University; Ramnath Subbaraman, Tufts School
of Public Health; Anita Patil-Deshmukh, PUKAR, Mumbai;
Saloni Dev, Northeastern University
Family Law, Intimacy and Economics in India - Upasana Garnaik,
University of Texas at Austin
Judicial Patriarchy in Divorce Cases: A Grounded Theory Analysis of
Domestic Violence in China - Wenqi Yang
Legal Barriers for Abused Immigrant Women in Canada - Wendy
Chan, Simon Fraser University
Ordering Labor Under Empire: Legal Fictions and the Limits of
Categories in British India - Mishal Khan, Univeristy of Chicago
'Probably Tomorrow I'll Become a War Criminal': Autocratic
Legalism as Transnational Regime Change - Ioana Sendroiu,
University of Toronto
Table 4: Law and Inequality in the Civil Rights Context
Table Presider: Mark C. Suchman, Brown University
Contest and Affirmative Consent: From Controversy to Common
Sense - Katelyn Rose Malae, University of California-Irvine
Racial Threat, Employment Discrimination, and Judges: How
Perceived Racial Threat Shapes Judicial Decision-Making -
Christopher Nathan Kleps, Ohio State University
The Illusion of Choice: Complicated Campus Sexual Misconduct
Polices Reinforce Organizational Power - Nicole Bedera,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Title IX Gatekeepers: How Hyperlegal Consciousness in Higher
Education is Leaving Law Enforcement Behind - Lara Janson,
University of Chicago
Table 5: The Interplay of Sociology of Law with Medical, Health,
and Disability Rights
Table Presider: Angela Perone, University of Michigan
Diversity and Inclusion: Findings from a Study of Lawyers with
Disabilities and Who Identify as LGBTQ+ - Peter Blanck,
Syracuse University; Fitore Hyseni, Syracuse University; Ynesse
Abdul-Malak, Colgate University; Meera Adya, Syracuse
University; Fatma Altunkol Wise, Syracuse University; Mary B.
Killeen, Burton Blatt Institute, Syracuse University
In the Realm of Haunting Ghosts: Denying the Existence of
Substance Abuse In Medicare Home Health - William Dane
Cabin, Temple University
Knowing Rights Through Patient Care - Anna Kirkland, University of
New Words, Same Meaning: The ACA in 1870 and 2019 and
Resisting Mass Incarceration - Elizabeth Wilhelm
The Third Pillar of the Welfare State: Protective Legislation and
Child Well-being - Gregg Matthew Olsen, University of
Manitoba; Joan Durrant, University of Manitoba
Table 6: Punishment, Criminal Justice and the Sociology of Law
Table Presider: Stephen Smith Cody, Suffolk Law
Criminal Reform and Pretrial Detention: Evidence from a Quasi-
Experimental Procedural Reform - Ángela Zorro Medina,
University of Chicago
Does Stop and Frisk Inhibit Civic Participation? - Merilys Huhn,
Stanford University
‘It’s Really Hard Making Up For All of That Lost Time’: Providing
Reentry Support After Exoneration - Michelle L. Estes,
Oklahoma State University
The Professional Construction of Negligent Hiring Liability and the
Rise of Criminal Background Screening - David McElhattan,
Purdue University
"You Might as Well be in Jail”: Electronic Monitoring and Mobility
Capital - Erin Eife, University of Illinois at Chicago
Family Matters: Understanding the Role of Family and Support
Networks During the Reentry and Reintegration Process -
Brandon Miller
Sunday, 2:30 pm
2403. Thematic Sessions. Strategies to Eliminate Race and
Gender Segregation and Pay Gaps
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 1, Lobby Level,
Presider: Alexandra Kalev, Tel Aviv University
Panelists: Joan C. Williams, University of Hastings College of the
Law; Kelly Trindel, Pymetrics; Katherine Phillips, Columbia
University; Donald Tomaskovic-Devey, University of
Massachusetts, Amherst
Session Organizer: Alexandra Kalev, Tel Aviv University
2404. Special Sessions. Unequal Freedom: Power, Civility and
Free Speech in Higher Education
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 2, Lobby Level,
Presider: Joyce M. Bell, University of Chicago
Panelists: Richard Delgado, University of Alabama; Saida Grundy,
Boston University; Wendy Leo Moore, Texas A&M University-
College Station; Jean Stefancic, University of Alabama Law
Session Organizer: Joyce M. Bell, University of Chicago
2405. Thematic Sessions. Employment Discrimination and
Demographic Positionalities
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 3, Lobby Level,
Presider: Reginald Anthony Byron, Southwestern University
Panelists: Sharla N. Alegria, University of Toronto; M.V. Lee Badgett,
University of Massachusetts- Amherst; Amanda Kathleen
Baumle, University of Houston; Steven A. Boutcher, Law and
Society Association; Emma Mishel; Jill Yavorsky, University of
North Carolina Charlotte
Session Organizer: Reginald Anthony Byron, Southwestern
2406. Thematic Sessions. Queering Work: How Trans and Non-
binary People Resist and Negotiate Power and Inequality
in Work
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 4, Lobby Level,
Presider: Tiffany Jordan Chuang May, University of Michigan
Panelists: Miriam J. Abelson, Portland State University; Chelle
Jones, University of Michigan; Ellen Lamont, Appalachian State
University; Stef M. Shuster, Michigan State University; Laurel
Westbrook, Grand Valley State University
Session Organizers: Stef M. Shuster, Michigan State University;
Chelle Jones, University of Michigan
2407. Thematic Sessions. Queer While at Work: Resisting
Heterosexism, Transphobia, and Anti-Queerness in
Academic Workplaces
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 5, Lobby Level,
Panelists: Blu Buchanan; Jonathan Scott Coley, Oklahoma State
University; Gloria Gonzalez-Lopez, University of Texas-Austin;
Alex Hanna, Google
Session Organizers: Shantel Gabrieal Buggs, Florida State
University; Jason Orne, Drexel University
Sunday, August 9, 2020
2408. Special Sessions. Identifying Hurdles: Obstacles to
Implementing More Racially Equitable & Developmentally
Appropriate School Discipline
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 6, Lobby Level,
Presider: Simone Ispa-Landa, Northwestern University
Adolescent Development and School Practice: What Does
Developmentally Appropriate School Discipline Look Like? -
Robert Crosnoe, University of Texas-Austin
Manipulating School Discipline Practices to Reduce Referrals?
Responses to School Accountability Systems - Jennifer L.
Jennings, Princeton University
Understanding Resistance to Equity-Oriented Reform in
Educational Settings - Amanda Evelyn Lewis, University of
Race, Gender, and Subjective Evaluation in School Discipline
Referrals - Edward W. Morris, University of Kentucky
Session Organizers: Simone Ispa-Landa, Northwestern University;
Heidi M. Gansen, Northwestern University
2409. Section on Political Sociology. Sociology of Political Elites
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 7, Lobby Level,
Presider: Yang Zhang, American University
Between Militarism and Neoliberalism: Elite Conflict and
Developmental State-Building in the United States - Matthew
J. Baltz, Bucknell University
Fields, Networks, and Strategy: The Transformation of Diplomatic
Missions, 1648-1815 - Michael Schultz, Indiana University-
Bloomington; Jonah Stuart Brundage, University of California-
Legislative Professionalism and The Role of Parties: Empirical Study
on Hong Kong Legislative Council Elections (1991-2016) - Pei
ZHI, City University of Hong Kong; Fen Jennifer Lin, City
University of Hong Kong
Where Does Power Come From? Elite Networks and the
Presidential Succession in Mexico - Tod Stewart Van Gunten,
University of Edinburgh
Why U.S. Right-Wing Movements Are Politically Influential: Political
Party Elite Allies and Institutional Advantages - Edwin Amenta,
University of California-Irvine
Session Organizer: Yang Zhang, American University
2410. Section on Global and Transnational Sociology. Open
Topics in Global and Transnational Sociology: Empire,
Institutions, and Memory
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 8, Lobby Level,
Presider: Zine Magubane, Boston College
Global Du Bois: Liberal Democracy and the Invention of the
Colonial Subject in the Black Atlantic - Ricarda Hammer,
Brown University
Hurtful Heritage: Sites of Memory and Conscience as UNESCO
World Heritage - Vaughn Schmutz, University of North
Carolina-Charlotte; Michaela DeSoucey, North Carolina State
University; Michael A. Elliott, Towson University
In Defense of Empire: The State Department’s Response to the
“We Charge Genocide” Petition - Julia Bates, Sacred Heart
Longing for What May Be: Nostalgia and Utopia in Anticolonial
Thought - Meghan Tinsley, University of Manchester
Multiple Globalizations on One City Block: The case of Washington,
DC - Johanna K. Bockman, George Mason University
Session Organizer: Zine Magubane, Boston College
2415. Professional Development Workshop. The Association
of University Presses (AUPresses) Workshop on How to
Publish with a University Press
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 1, Ballroom Level,
Leaders: Ilene Kalish, New York University Press; Suzanne Nichols,
Russell Sage Foundation
Session Organizers: Ilene Kalish, New York University Press;
Suzanne Nichols, Russell Sage Foundation
2416. Teaching Workshop. Teaching Gender and Sexual Justice in
Arab and Muslim Communities
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 2, Ballroom Level,
Leader: Rabab Ibrahim Abdulhadi, SFSU/College Of Ethnic Studies
Session Organizer: Rabab Ibrahim Abdulhadi, SFSU/College Of
Ethnic Studies
2417. Community and Urban Sociology Section. Theorizing
Renters and Rental Housing in the United States
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 3, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Steven Edward Schmidt, University of California, Irvine
Discrimination Without Discriminants: Racial Logics in Tenant
Screening - Eva Rosen, Georgetown University; Philip M.E.
Garboden, University of Hawaii-Manoa; Jennifer Elena
Cossyleon, Community Change
Property Manager-Produced Precarity in U.S. Rental Markets
- Elizabeth Korver-Glenn, University of New Mexico-
Tenant Background Screening and Fair Housing in the Information
Age: An Experimental Investigation - Anna Reosti, American
Bar Foundation
Where Do They Go? The Destinations of Residents Moving from
Gentrifying Neighborhoods - Lance Freeman, Columbia
University; Jackelyn Hwang, Stanford University; Tyler Haupert,
Columbia University
Signals of Segregation: The Use of Spanish in Online Housing
Advertisements - Ariela Schachter, Washington University-St.
Louis; John Seungmin Kuk, Washington University in St Louis;
Max Besbris, Rice University
Session Organizers: Steven Edward Schmidt, University of
California, Irvine; Robin Bartram, Tulane University; Christine
Jang-Trettien, Johns Hopkins University
2419. Book Salons (formerly Author Meets Critics). One-
Dimensional Queer (Polity, 2018) by Roderick Ferguson
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 7, Ballroom Level,
Author: Roderick A. Ferguson, University of Illinois
Panelists: Steven William Thrasher, NYU; Liat Ben-Moshe, University
of Illinois-Chicago; Katie Linette Acosta, Georgia State
Session Organizer: Juan J. Battle, CUNY Graduate Center
Moderator: Juan J. Battle, CUNY Graduate Center
2420. Section on Sociology of Law. Law and Inequality
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 8, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Shauhin Ahmadi Talesh, University of California-Irvine
Attrition by Design: The Case of Policing in a Post-Ferguson Era -
Tony Cheng, Yale University
Co-Opted Compliance: How University Management Mediated
Men’s Rights’ Co-Optation of Title IX Anti-Harassment Laws
(1972-2020) - Jessica Cabrera, UC Irvine
Law’s Failure: Title Ix Policies, Managerialized Rights, And
Undergraduate Understanding - Kat Albrecht, Northwestern
Sunday, August 9, 2020
University; Laura Beth Nielsen, Northwestern University; Lydia
Wuorinen, Northwestern University
Understanding the Motherhood Penalty Among Private Sector
Lawyers: The Effects of Entrenched Masculinity - Andreea
Mogosanu, University of Toronto; Ronit Dinovitzer, University
of Toronto
Unsettling Truths: Credibility in Asylum Claims During Settled and
Unsettled Times - Abigail Stepnitz, UC Berkeley
Discussant: Gwendolyn Leachman, University of Wisconsin Law
Session Organizer: Shauhin Ahmadi Talesh, University of California-
2421. Section on Science, Knowledge, and Technology. Cultures
of "Tech": Studying and Working in Silicon Valley+
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 9, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Janet Vertesi, Princeton University
Navigating Change: How Venture Capital Structures Experiences
of Work in a High-Tech Startup - Benjamin Shestakofsky,
University of Pennsylvania
Corporate Logics of Silicon Valley and the Institutionalization of
Ethics - Jacob Metcalf, Data and Society Research Institute;
Emanuel Moss, CUNY Graduate Center
Hacking for ‘Social Good': Moral Commitments and Charisma
Machines at the MIT Media Lab - Morgan G. Ames
Mediating Solidarities: Women of Color Feminist Networking in
Technological Landscapes - Rachel Kuo, New York University
Discussant: Christina Dunbar-Hester, Rutgers University
Session Organizer: Janet Vertesi, Princeton University
2422. Section on the Sociology of Sex and Gender Refereed
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Imperial A, Ballroom Level,
Session Organizers: Danielle Denardo, Soka University of America;
Dominique M. Adams-Santos
Table 1: Qualitative Perspectives on Gender Inequality in the Labor
Table Presider: Judith E. Rosenstein, United States Naval Academy
Choosing Computing: How and Why Women Enter Computing
Through Coding Bootcamps - Krista Schnell, University of
California, Berkeley
Gender, Identity Processes, and Adaptation Among Female
Research Engineers - Stephanie Marie Teixeira-Poit, North
Carolina A&T State University; Tobin N. Walton, University of
Making Sense of “Success” Within a Striving Culture: High-
Achieving Women and their Definitions of Success - Amanda
Koontz, University of Central Florida; Ashley Sobke, University
of Central Florida
You Don’t Really Notice it in the Moment, But…Gender Persistence
in Meritocratic Institutions - Joanna Pawelczyk, Adam
Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland; Judith E. Rosenstein,
United States Naval Academy
Table 2: Quantitative Perspectives on Gender Inequality in the
Labor Market
Table Presider: Erik Lawrence Bond, Miyazaki International College
Moderation Effect of Social Conditions on Mothers’ and Fathers’
Skills Score for Their Employment - Soorin Yoon
Hegemonic Coupling: Gender-Egalitarian Sticking Points in the
Welfare Regime Relationship - Erik Lawrence Bond, Miyazaki
International College
The Glass Escalator’s Compounding Disadvantage: Evidence from
the Gender Gap in High School Performing Arts Participation -
Rachel Keynton, University of Notre Dame
Table 3: Intersectionality and Transnationalism
Table Presider: Sabrina Alimahomed-Wilson, Cal State Univ. Long
Matrix of Gendered Islamophobia - Sabrina Alimahomed-Wilson,
Cal State Univ. Long Beach
Two Schemas, Two Circuits: Gender, Family and Business Lives in
Flux - Jun Zhou, The University of Chicago
LGBT Youth Population within Juvenile Justice System in LaPorte
County, Indiana: A Community Project - Hubert Izienicki,
Purdue University-North Central Campus
The Experiences of Women on the Intersection of Ethnicity in
the Academic Workplace. - Dounia Bourabain; Pieter-Paul
Verhaeghe, Vrije Universiteit Brussels
Table 4: Gender, Feminism, and Social Movements
Table Presider: Alexandra (Ali) Olympia Hendley, Murray State
Feminist Adherence and Framing: Women Nobel Laureates Speak
Out Against Gender Inequality - Alexandra (Ali) Olympia
Hendley, Murray State University; Heather McKee Hurwitz,
Case Western Reserve University
Getting Consent in Sweden: Anti-Violence Activism in a Feminist
State - Caitlin P. Carroll, University of Texas at Austin
Menstruation Equity in Law and Social Movements - Sarah
Elizabeth Frank, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Owning the Issue: How Republican Women Seized the Issue
of Human Trafficking - Kelsy Kretschmer, Oregon State
University; Anna Kubiak, Oregon State University
The Role of Social Movements in Legal Endogeneity: Case Study of
Local Anti-Rape Activism - Nona Maria Gronert, University of
Table 5: Gender and Violence
Table Presider: Elaina Kay Behounek, Middle Georgia State
Community Determinants of Intimate Partner Violence Against
Ghanaian Women: A Multilevel Analysis - Kofi D. Benefo,
CUNY-Lehman College
How Do Social Media Users Frame Domestic Violence? A Mixed-
Methods Study of the China Case - Zhifan Luo, State University
of New York--University at Albany; Muyang Li, SUNY Albany
Inmate Public Autoerotism and Hostile Work Environments:
An Examination of Federal Cases - Vidisha Worley, Lamar
University; Robert Michael Worley, Lamar University
Expanding Notions of Care Work: The Case of Boomtown Domestic
Violence Service Providers - Elizabeth Miklya Legerski,
University of North Dakota; Laura C. Hand, University of North
Table 6: Theorizing Gender, Sex, and Sexuality
Table Presider: Ryan Ashley Caldwell, Soka University of America
Coevolving Informatics and the Eclipse of Patriarchy: From
Anisogamy to AI - Christopher S. Girard, Florida International
Reconceptualising Gender Inequality Through Feminist Theory and
Activism - Victoria Robinson, University of York, UK
The Nature and Nurture of Gender, Sex, and Sexuality - Frederick T.
Two-Step Gender Identity Measures in the 2018 GSS: Evaluation
of Implementation and Recommendations for Improvement
- Danya Raquel Lagos, University of Chicago; D'Lane R.
Compton, University of New Orleans
Who’s Non-Binary? Exploring the Influence of Social Location
on Gender Identity - Catherine I. Bolzendahl, University of
California, Irvine; Amy C. Alexander, University of Gothenburg;
Patrik Öhberg, University of Gothenburg
Table 7: Doing Gender
Table Presider: Beth Anne Shelton, University of Texas-Arlington
Empowering Femininity - Bernadette Barton, Morehead State
University; Lisa Huebner, West Chester University of
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Saying ‘I Do’ to Feminism: How Women Manage Religious and
Feminist Identities in Their Weddings - Libby Trudeau,
University of Notre Dame; Abigail Jorgensen, University of
Notre Dame
Unwanted Sex in the Age of Affirmative Consent - Natalie
“We Do It by Just Being Ourselves”: Doing Gender through
Abortion Advocacy - Andrea Becker, The Graduate Center,
CUNY; Susan Markens, CUNY-Lehman College
Table 8: Gender, Marriage, and Family
Table Presider: Elizabeth Aura McClintock, University of Notre
Constellations of Gender Ideology and Marital Satisfaction: A
Comparison Across Four East Asian Societies - Wen Fan,
Boston College; Yue Qian, University of British Columbia
Egalitarian by Living Alone - JaYung Moon, Yonsei University;
Dohoon Lee, Yonsei University
Gender Equity and Fertility Outcomes in Low-Fertility Contexts:
The Case of China - Yuhong Cheng, University College London
Table 9: Gender Socialization and Children
Table Presider: Kristen L. Hourigan, California State University, Los
Girls Try, Boys Aim High: Exposing Gendered Differences in Implied
Ability, Activity, and Agency - Kristen L. Hourigan, California
State University, Los Angeles
Tearing Up and Tidying Up: Children’s School-Based Tidying
Behavior - Peter Francis Harvey, University of Pennsylvania
When Benevolence is Bad: Gender and Biological Relatedness in
Parents' Attitudes Toward Children's Gender Nonconformity -
Lawrence Wellman Stacey, Ohio State University
Table 10: Gender, Sexuality, and Intimacy
Table Presider: Christine Tomlinson, University of California, Irvine
Priority Pixels: Video Game Players and Online Discussions of
Romantic Encounters with Characters - Christine Tomlinson,
University of California, Irvine
Sudden Intimacy and Serial Relationships in a Transitional Housing
Shelter for Homeless Women - Payton Huse
Sugaring: Understanding the World of Sugar Daddies and Sugar
Babies in the United States - Srushti Upadhyay
Table 11: Gender and Politics
Table Presider: Mikaela Smith, The Ohio State University
Gender Polarization: When and Where Partisanship Shapes
Women’s Political Representation in the U.S. - Morgan Carey
Matthews, University of Wisconsin-Madison
How “Me Too” Movements Have Influenced South Korean Young
Adults - Nuri Ha, Sogang University; Seil Oh, Sogang University
Support For Abortion in an Unsupportive State: Views Toward
Abortion Among Reproductive-Age Women in Ohio - Mikaela
Smith, The Ohio State University; Abigail Norris-Turner, The
Ohio State University
A Legacy of Participation: How Serbian Women Advance Their
Inclusion and Bolster Peace and Security - Nikoleta Sremac,
University of Minnesota
Table 12: Gender Role Attitudes and the Production of Gendered
Table Presider: Bessie N. Rigakos, Marian University
Adolescent Gender Attitudes and Adulthood Outcomes: A
Longitudinal Study in Taiwan - Yi-Lin Chiang, National
Chengchi University; Ran Liu, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Digital Gender Diversity: Constellations of Gendered Meaning on
Tumblr - Hannah Elizabeth Curtis, University of Washington;
Ian Kennedy, University of Washington
Gender Role Attitudes and Gender Preferences for Children in
Contemporary China - Yuling Wu, Peking University; Hong
Xiao, Northwest University
Traditional Gender Ideologies and Firearms - Benjamin Dowd-
Arrow, Florida State University; Amy M. Burdette, Florida State
University; Terrence D. Hill, University of Arizona; Patricia
Homan, Florida State University
Table 13: Sexual and Reproductive Health
Table Presider: Madeleine Henderson, McGill University
Are Initiation Rites Related to Sexual Debut Among Adolescent
Girls? A Longitudinal Analysis From Eastern Ghana - Madeleine
Henderson, McGill University
Damned If You Do Nothing: Racializing Reproductive Risks in
Anticipatory Reproductive Governance - Aalap Bommaraju,
University of Cincinnati; Katharine McCabe, University of
It’s All (Not) In Their Heads: Women’s Expectations and
Experiences with Labor Pain & Treatment - Theresa Morris,
Texas A&M University-College Station; Vani Mathur, Texas A&M
University; Kathryn Rowe, Texas A&M University
PrEP and Hormonal Contraceptive Pill - An Ethnographic
Comparative Analysis in the Western Part of Switzerland -
Marlyse Debergh
Table 14: Gender and Health
Table Presider: Yue Qian, University of British Columbia
Does Education Matter?: Education and Gendered Health in South
Korea across Birth Cohorts - Yujin Kim, Kangwon National
University; Hyeyoung Woo, Portland State University
Health and Aging Inequalities Beyond Gender and Sex Binaries:
New Directions in Medical Sociology - Nik Lampe, University of
South Carolina
Student Loans, Mental Health, and Substance Use: A Gender
Comparison - Yue Qian, University of British Columbia; Wen
Fan, Boston College
The Shadow that Hovered Over: Gender Salience in Eating Disorder
Recovery - Connor Strobel, UC-Irvine
2423. Teaching and Learning Symposium Informal Discussion
Roundtable I
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Imperial B, Ballroom Level,
Session Organizer: Katherine R. Rowell, Sinclair Community College
Table 1: Curricular Development I
Presider: Vondora Wilson-Corzen, Nassau Community College
Backward Design Approach to Curriculum and Teaching of
the Principles of Sociology Course - Barbara Karwacinski,
Southwestern Michigan College
Integrating Sustainability into Upper-Level Sociology Courses -
Jessica Pearce, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
“I Wish I Had Known This Sooner”: Developing Student Success
with a Cornerstone Course - Pamela McMullin-Messier,
Central Washington University; Connie D. Robinson, Central
Washington University
Table 2: Curricular Development II
Presider: Vondora Wilson-Corzen, Nassau Community College
Iterative Assessment: The Benefits of Cohort-Centered Learning
- Sharon Preves, Hamline University; Ryan Jerome LeCount,
Hamline University
Critical Math: Introducing Basic Math Through Sociology - Benjamin
Mercer Drury, Indiana University at Indianapolis
Developing and Implementing Career Pathways in Sociology to
the Undergraduate Curriculum - Jessica A. Leveto, Kent State
University at Ashtabula
Intro Students and The Challenge of Sociology: Developing and
Assessing Students’ Responses to Challenging Information -
Ryan J. Goodman, University of New Mexico
Table 3: Assessment/Grading
Presider: Vondora Wilson-Corzen, Nassau Community College
Course Knowledge Assessments and Grades: A Non-Linear
Relationship? - Theresa L. Mariani, Purdiue University
Session 2422, continued
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Do Grades Matter? Unfortunately, Yes. Student and Faculty
Perspectives on Grades in the James Madison College - Inna
Mirzoyan, Michigan State University
Teaching Methods of Social Research Through Group-Based
Research Projects: Successes, Limitations, and Failures - Jason
Lee Crockett, Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
Through the Lenses of Assessment and Social Research: Evaluating
Sociology Student Writing - Albert S. Fu, Kutztown University
of Pennsylvania; Joleen Loucks Greenwood, Kutztown
University of Pennsylvania
Table 4: Active Learning I
Presider: Vondora Wilson-Corzen, Nassau Community College
Creating an Environment for Learning: Listening and Proposing
Exercises - Heloisa Pait, São Paulo State University Julio de
Mesquita Filho
Perception, Ambiguity, and the Social Construction of Race - Sarah
A. Stefanos, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Gender Brainstorming: A Cooperative Learning Strategy - Kristina
M. Veselak, Gateway Community College
Using Simulation to Teach the Social Determinants of Health -
Danielle Giffort, St. Louis College of Pharmacy
Teaching Theory in Introductory Sociology: An Activity to Promote
Engagement - Laura Simon, Mercer University
Table 5: Active Learning II
Presider: Vondora Wilson-Corzen, Nassau Community College
Belonging through Reflection: Using Active Learning to Promote
Inclusion and Reading and Writing Skills - Sarah Pollock, Texas
A&M University-San Antonio
Teaching Race and Ethnicity in the Age of Trump Using Popular
Culture - Vanessa Theresa Stout, Richard Bland College of the
College of William and Mary
The Social Construction of Sex: Class Activity - Deeb Paul Kitchen,
Marian University; Amber D. Nelson, Marian University
Writing Op-eds as Pedagogy - Raj Andrew Ghoshal, Elon University
Table 6: Social Location
Presider: Vondora Wilson-Corzen, Nassau Community College
Spent & Shortchanged: Employing An Intersectional Framework
for Understanding Poverty - Jamie Lynn Palmer, University of
Nevada Reno
A Curriculum for Compassion - Rucha Ambikar, Bemidji State
University; Colleen Greer, Bemidji State University; Lukas Szrot,
Bemidji State University; Debra F. Peterson, Bemidji State
Aging A-Z: Teaching Concepts Toward Emancipatory Gerontology
- Carroll L. Estes, Univ. of California-San Francisco; Jarmin Yeh,
University of California, San Francisco
Complicating Resistance: Power, Emancipation, Sociology. -
Jennifer de Saxe, Victoria University of Wellington; Alex ker,
Victoria University of Wellington
Cultural Depth in a Gender Course - Mel Moore, University of
Northern Colorado
Table 7: Community-Based Learning I
Presider: Vondora Wilson-Corzen, Nassau Community College
#GetEngaged: Assignment for First Year Students - Jamie L.
Oslawski-Lopez, Indiana University-Kokomo; Stephanie
Medley-Rath, Indiana University-Kokomo
Social Justice Pedagogy - Sanghamitra Niyogi
Challenges Teaching Inequality to Students by Doing a Community
Research Project - Fatima Sattar, Augustana College
Exploring Barriers to a Critical Multi-Cultural Curriculum Via
Teachers' Narratives - Luis Emilio Morales, University of
Table 8: Community-Based Learning II
Presider: Vondora Wilson-Corzen, Nassau Community College
Navigating Student Class and Race Privileges in the Classroom as
Latina Working-Class Teaching Assistants - Lizette Solorzano;
Karina Santellano, University of Southern California; Blanca A.
Ramirez, University of Southern California
Sociological Imagination in Action: Student Engagement and
Empowerment through Community Participation - Jorge
Ballinas, Temple University
Transporting Community: How Campus Culture Conditions the
Impacts of Community-Based Learning Exposure - Amber
Celina Tierney, University of Maine; David W. Everson,
University of Southern Maine; Michelle Vazquez-Jacobus,
University of Southern Maine
Teaching and Learning About the Sociology of U.S. Immigration
- Rosalio Cedillo, Dominican University; Michelle VanNatta,
Dominican University; Clinton Nichols, Dominican University
Table 9: Teaching Sociology with Nontraditional Texts
Presider: Vondora Wilson-Corzen, Nassau Community College
Assigning Authenticity: Engaging Undergraduates in Writing Lyrical
Sociology - Clara S. Lewis, Dartmouth College
Black Joy: A Praxis & Pedagogy in Reframing Social Inequality -
Tuesday Kimberly Barnes, University of Maryland
Citizen Science for Social Science: Using the Zooniverse Project
Builder to Teach Sociological Research Methods - Evan
Roberts, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities; Allison Nobles,
University of Minnesota
Netflix and The New Sociological Lens: Everyday Use of The
Sociological Imagination - Angela Vergara, University fo
Central Florida
Resisting our Origin Story; Decentering our Core: Teaching a
Critical Lens on Classical Theory - Kristin Marsh, University of
Mary Washington
Table 10: Emotional Labor
Presider: Vondora Wilson-Corzen, Nassau Community College
How to Prepare for the Unequal Distribution of Emotional Labor
in Graduate Student Teaching - Matthew Howard McLeskey,
University at Buffalo, SUNY; Laura M. Obernesser, University at
Linking Student and Faculty Perceptions of Climate for Diversity,
Equity, and Inclusion within Professional Education - Brandy M.
Jenner, US Army War College
Tackling Gendered Racism in the Classroom as Female Instructors
of Color: An Autoethnographic Study - Fangheyue Ma,
University of South Florida; Silpa Satheesh, University of South
Florida; Beatriz Padilla
Whose Safe Space? Strategies for Cultivating Supportive Spaces
- Rachel Craft, University of Missouri-St Louis; Anna Kern,
Northern Vermont University
Table 11: Teaching Mechanics
Presider: Vondora Wilson-Corzen, Nassau Community College
Strategies for Serving Your Students' Needs, While Maintaining
Both Academic Integrity and Your Sanity - Mael Embser-
Herbert, Hamline University; Valerie L. Chepp, Hamline
Electronic Office Hours: Strategies for Mentoring Students in
an Online Space - Lydia J. Hou, The University of Illinois at
The Politics of Policies: Extensions, Make-up Work, and Attendance
Policies - Ellen Whitehead, Ball State University; Lynn Fahey,
Mount Saint Mary's University
Collect and Project: What To Do When No One Wants to Talk -
Stephanie Chan, Biola University
2424. Sociology in Practice Settings Symposium. Lightning
Round: Sociology At Work – Using Sociological Principles
in Everyday Work
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Franciscan A, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Matt Rafalow, Google
Using Sociological Theory to Enrich Public Policy Evaluation -
Marian Negoita, Social Policy Research Associates
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Studying Sociologically: The General Theory of Leadership - Scott
C. Whiteford, People Plus
Seeds of Change: Leveraging Sociological Imagination in
Curriculum Design - Sara Jordan-Bloch, Stanford University;
Melissa Victoria Abad, Stanford University
Intervening to Block Bias in the Workplace: a “Small Wins”
Approach - JoAnne Wehner, Stanford University
Intersectional Feminism & Out-of-School Time Education Programs:
Pedagogical Applications and Obstacles - Kimberly Krane, The
George Washington University
Developing a Mindful Organizational Culture at Work - Kathryn
Goldman Schuyler, Alliant International University & Coherent
Change Consulting
Putting the SOCIAL in Social and Behavior Change Health
Programs - Gretchen Thompson, Family Health International
Playing To Their Strengths: Adopting The Appreciative Inquiry
Approach For Livelihood Groups in North Eastern Kenya - Joy
Kagwiria Murunga Kobia, Government
Session Organizer: Juanita J. Chinn, US Department of Health and
Human Services
2429. Section on Latina/o Sociology. An Invitation to Reflexivity:
Critical Race Theory, Intersectionality and Latinx Sociology
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 1, 4th Floor,
Presider: Zulema Valdez, University of California-Merced
Latino Global and Within-Group Discrimination: How In-Group,
Out-Group Dynamics Signal Positionality in the Ethnoracial
Hierarchy - Sara Ivethe Villalta, University of California, Irvine
Los Angeles: How Space is Taken Up, Reimagined and Created
Despite Gentrification - Jessennya Hernandez, Univ of IL
Parallels in the Experiences of Latina Professors and Former
Prisoners as They Navigate Neoliberal Institutions - Marisa D.
Salinas, UCSB
Discussant: Carina A. Bandhauer, Western Connecticut State
Session Organizer: Nancy López, University of New Mexico-
2430. Meeting. Section on Mathematical Sociology Business
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 3, 4th Floor,
2431. Meeting. Sociology of Human Rights Section Business
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 5, 4th Floor,
2432. Meeting. Committee on the Status of Persons with
Disabilities in Sociology
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 9, 4th Floor,
2436. Section on Sociology of Religion. Religion, Race, and
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 13, 4th Floor,
Presider: Ryon J. Cobb, University of Texas at Arlington
Barrier or Bridge? Religion, Race and Ethnicity Among West
African Immigrant Youth - Dialika Sall, Columbia University
Idealists About Islam, Pragmatists About Gender - Pamela Prickett,
University of Amsterdam
Outcast Women: Authenticity and Trauma in Deconversion
Narratives Among Ex-Mormon Women - Bethany Gull,
University of Utah; Jesse Max Smith, Western Michigan
University; Ryan T. Cragun, The University of Tampa
Spirituality Among African Americans: Inter-Racial and Intra-Racial
Differences Across Followers of Various Religious Traditions -
Jason E. Shelton, University of Texas at Arlington
Session Organizers: Lisa D. Pearce, University of North Carolina-
Chapel Hill; Andrea Henderson, University of South Carolina;
Grace Yukich, Quinnipiac University
2437. Regular Sessions. New Directions in Research on Social
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 14, 4th Floor,
Presider: Kristella Montiegel, UCLA
Ambulatory Openings - Elliott Hoey, University of Basel
Asserting Agency Through Answers - Tanya Stivers, University of
California-Los Angeles
Cross-Cutting Preference of the Evaluation of Radioactive Dose:
Local Epistemology and Moral Accountability - Satomi
Kuroshima, Tamagawa University; Tomone Komiya, Tohoku-
gakuin University
Obfuscated Talk in Calls From a Corruption Scandal - Luis Manuel
Olguin, UCLA
Victim Categorization in 911: Emergency Callers’ Construction of
the Worthy Victim - Amelia Hill, UCLA; Lillian Taylor Jungleib,
University of California, Irvine
Discussant: Giovanni Rossi, University of California, Los Angeles
Session Organizer: Alexandra Tate, The University of Chicago
2438. Regular Sessions. Sociology of the Life Course
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 15, 4th Floor,
Presider: Heili Pals, Texas A&M University
Relative Time in Life Course Research. Insights From a Prospective
Qualitative Study - Núria Sánchez Mira, University of Lausanne;
Laura Bernardi, UNIL
Where Do We Go from Here? Social Inequality in the Partnership-
Parenthood Outcomes After the First Cohabitation - Wenxuan
Huang, Case Western Reserve University; Jessica A. Kelley,
Case Western Reserve University
Who Gets To Be An Adult: Status Reproduction in the Transition to
Adulthood - Rachel Karen, University of Texas-Austin
Extending the Scope of the Life Destandardization Thesis: Lifetime
Employment and Residential Trajectories in Chile - Tania
Cabello-Hutt, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill; Ignacio
Madero-Cabib, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Religious Attendance and Physical Health in Later Life: A Life
Course Approach - Laura Upenieks, University of Texas at San
Antonio; Markus H. Schafer, University of Toronto
Discussant: Steven Hitlin, University of Iowa
Session Organizer: Toni Calasanti, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and
State University
2439. Regular Sessions. The Complexities of LGBTQ Visibility and
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 17, 4th Floor,
Presider: Tara Elizabeth Sutton, Mississippi State University
Constructing Hierarchies of Victimhood: The Role of Gender and
Sexuality in Queer Male Survivors’ Evaluations - Doug Meyer,
The University of Virginia
Obergefell’s Pitfall: The Democratic Party’s Electoral Capture of
the LGBTQ Rights Movement - Megan E. Brooker, University of
Parental Acceptance or State Recognition: How Do National
Organizations Advocate for LGBTQ Families in China? - Di
Wang, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Session 2424, continued
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Who Considers Themselves “Queer”? Asexuality and the LGBTQ+
Community - Megan Carroll, California State University-San
Whose Movement Is It Anyway? Race, Class, & the Complexity of
Allyship Politics in LGBTQ Activism - Jaime Hartless, University
of Virginia
Session Organizer: Theo Greene, Bowdoin College
2442. Section on Sociology of Mental Health. Pearlin
Presentation and Award Ceremony
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 25, 4th Floor,
Presider: Kristen Marcussen, Kent State University
Panelists: Alisa K. Lincoln, Northeastern University; Pamela
Braboy Jackson, Indiana University; Teresa L. Scheid,
University of North Carolina-Charlotte; Brea Louise Perry,
Indiana University-Bloomington; Lijun Song, Vanderbilt
University; Ning Hsieh, Michigan State University; Matthew
Andersson, Baylor University; Karen T. Van Gundy, University
of New Hampshire; Tanya Rouleau Whitworth, University
of Massachusetts-Amherst; Timothy J. Owens, Kent State
University; Susan Roxburgh, Kent State University; Richard
Edward Adams, Kent State University
Session Organizer: Kristen Marcussen, Kent State University
2443. Regular Sessions. Culture & Identity
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 1, 6th Floor,
Presider: Forrest Stuart, Stanford University
Algorithmically Generated Identities: A Preliminary Examination -
Aneesh Aneesh, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Asymmetrical Belonging: The Selective Assimilation Observed
in Chinese-Educated Ethnic Minorities - Liping Wang, The
University of Hong Kong
Criminalized Subjectivity: Du Boisian Sociology and Visions for
Change among Criminal Defendants - Matthew Clair, Stanford
Session Organizer: Karida Brown, University of California-Los
2444. Regular Sessions. Economic Sociology: Identities,
Relationships, and Labor Markets
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 2, 6th Floor,
Presider: Fabien Accominotti, London School of Economics
Identity Theft and the Reproduction of Inequality - Jordan J.
Brensinger, Columbia University
Research Metrics, Labor Markets, and Epistemic Change: Evidence
From Britain 1970-2018 - Juan Pablo Pardo-Guerra, University
of California-San Diego
Wartime Uncertainty and Economic Exchange - Gozde Guran,
Princeton University
What Causes Within-Occupation Wage Inequality?: New Advances
- Esha Chatterjee, Stanford University
When Strong Ties Become Weak: Cyclical and Extended-Release
Ties Among Agricultural and Oilfield Workers in Texas -
Kathleen Ann Griesbach, Columbia University
Discussant: Jeffrey J. Sallaz, University of Arizona
Session Organizer: Tim Bartley, Washington University-St. Louis
2445. Regular Sessions. Dynamics of International Migration
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 4, 6th Floor,
Central American Youth Migration to the US: Migration Decision
Making in a Context of Violence - Chiara Galli, University of
California Los Angeles
Components of Context: Rethinking Local Context in Migration
Research - Francisco Lara-Garcia, Columbia University
Enlistment of Immigrants in the US Military: Citizenship, Poverty
Draft, and Transnational Militarism - Sofya Aptekar, University
of Massachusetts-Boston
Migration as Conflict Risk-Management: Testing NELM as a
Framework for Understanding Refugee Decision-Making -
Alicia Poole, McGill University
Social Position and Migrant Social Capital in International Migration
from Africa to Europe - Sorana Toma, ENSAE; Mao-Mei Liu,
University of California-Berkeley
Session Organizer: Sharon Quinsaat, Grinnell College
2446. Regular Sessions. New Qualitative Directions in Classical
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 6, 6th Floor,
Big Qualitative Abduction: Big Data and Qualitative Reanalysis -
Luis Antonio Vila-Henninger, Université catholique de Louvain;
Claire Dupuy, University of Louvain; Virginie Van Ingelgom,
University of Louvain; Margherita Bussi, University of Louvain;
Mauro Caprioli, University of Louvain; Cal Le Gall, University of
Louvain; Damien Pennetreau, University of Louvain; Ferdinand
Teuber, University of Louvain
Longitudinal Global Ethnography: An Approach to Study
Community-Level Social Change in Global Context - Stefanie
Israel de Souza, Tulane University
Problem of Particularity in Field theory - Sourabh Singh, Florida
State University
Using Twitter Data to Learn About Algorithms: A 'Proof of
Concept' for Computational Grounded Theory - Patrick G.
Watson, Wilfrid Laurier University; Phillip Brooker, University
of Liverpool; Michael Clarke, University of Waterloo; Hayden
Slight, Wilfrid Laurier University
Discussant: Anne Frances Eisenberg, SUNY-Geneseo
Session Organizer: Victoria Reyes, University of California-Riverside
2447. Regular Sessions. Masculinity and Race
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 8, 6th Floor,
Presider: Angela Stroud, Northland College
But Do The Marriageable Men Want to Provide?:Black Professional
Masculinity and the Privilege of Self-Determination - Marbella
Allen, Rice university
Measuring and Understanding the Gendered and Racial Dimensions
of Mass Shootings in the U.S. - Tristan Bridges, University of
California-Santa Barbara; Tara Leigh Tober, SUNY Brockport;
Julia Maya Chatterjee, Oxford University, Sociology; Melanie
Brazzell, University of California Santa Barbara
“Your Racist Ass Did Too Much”: Hypermasculinity, the 2016
Election, and Rap Music - Matthew Oware, DePauw University
Subordinated Complicity and Masculine Redemption: The Psychic
Investments of White Gay and Jewish Masculinities - Andrew
Shapiro, The Graduate Center, CUNY
Digital Hegemony: Theorizing Masculinities on Stormfront.org -
Jillian Sunderland
Session Organizer: Ben Carrington, University of Southern
2448. Regular Sessions. Internal Boundaries and Multinational
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 10, 6th Floor,
Presider: Aliza Luft, University of California-Los Angeles
Bloodlines: National Border Crossings and the Rise of Popular Anti-
Semitism in Weimar Germany - Robert Braun, UC Berkeley
Dominant Nation Particularism in State-Nations: Russian and
Serbian Nationalism in Soviet and Yugoslav Dissolution - Veljko
Vujacic, Oberlin College
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Hiding in Plain Sight: Language and the Construction of the World’s
Largest Ethnoracial Group - Jeffrey Weng, University of
California, Berkeley
Discussant: Aliza Luft, University of California-Los Angeles
Session Organizer: Katrina Quisumbing King, University of Southern
2461. Section on Sociology of Population. Health and Mortality
Parc55, Mission I, Level 4, 2:30-4:10pm
Presider: Jennifer Karas Montez, Syracuse University
Income-Based Poverty, Material Hardship, and Telomere Length
among Latina/o Children - Michael David Niño, Willamette
Mapping Multiracial vs. Monoracial Heath Disparities - Patricia
Louie, University of Toronto
Reconceptualizing Measures of Racial Disparity in Infant Mortality
in U.S. Counties - Benjamin Sosnaud, Trinity University
Trends in Non-Hispanic Black Life Expectancy by Metropolitan-
Nonmetropolitan Continuum and Region, 1990 to 2017 - Irma
T. Elo, University of Pennsylvania; Arun Hendi, Princeton
University; Yana C. Vierboom
The Opioid Epidemic, The Great Recession, and Recent Trends
in US Suicide Mortality - Daniel Hunter Simon, University of
Colorado at Boulder; Ryan K. Masters, University of Colorado
Session Organizer: Jennifer Karas Montez, Syracuse University
2462. Regular Sessions. Urban Issues: Inequality, Institutions,
and Place
Parc55, Stockton, Level 4, 2:30-4:10pm
Presider: Kristin Perkins, Georgetown University
Effects of Public School Closures on Crime: The Case of the 2013
Chicago Mass School Closure - Noli Brazil
Living in and Returning to a "High Crime" Neighborhood - Andrea
M. Leverentz, University of Massachusetts-Boston
Queer Spaces in Black Places - Cassi L. Pittman Claytor, Case
Western Reserve University; Jacob Rivera, Case Western
Reserve University; Marissa Danille Gilbert, Case Western
Reserve University
Whites’ Resource Hoarding in Metropolitan Areas: Measuring the
“Relative Regional Burden” Black Jurisdictions Bear - Angela
Marie Simms, Barnard College; Ankit Rastogi, University of
Who’s LIC? Local Land Use Struggles and the Battle Over Amazon
HQ2 in Long Island City - Filip Stabrowski, LaGuardia
Community College
Discussant: Kristin Perkins, Georgetown University
Session Organizer: Chris M. Smith, University of Toronto
Sunday, 3:10 pm
2431. Section on Sociology of Human Rights. Methodological
Diversity in Approaches to Human Rights
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 5, 4th Floor,
Presider: Elizabeth Heger Boyle, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Beliefs about Women's Rights in 34 African Countries - Maria
Charles, University of California-Santa Barbara
Public Education on Indigenous Dispossession and Reparative
Justice - Alejandro Baer, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities;
Jillian LaBranche, University of Minnesota
People-Centered Human Rights & Emancipatory Research
Strategies for the 21st Century - Jackie Smith, University of
Session Organizer: Elizabeth Heger Boyle, University of Minnesota-
Twin Cities
Sunday, 3:30 pm
2442. Meeting. Section for Sociology of Mental Health Business
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 25, 4th Floor,
Sunday, 3:45 pm
2418. Meeting. Award Presenters and Recipients Photo Session
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 5, Ballroom Level,
Sunday, 4:30 pm
2518. American Sociological Association. ASA Award Ceremony
and Presidential Address
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 5, Ballroom Level,
Presiders: Joya Misra, University of Massachusetts, Amherst; Rhys
H. Williams, Loyola University-Chicago
Panelist: Christine L. Williams, University of Texas-Austin
Sunday, 6:30 pm
2626. Honorary Reception
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Yosemite A, Ballroom Level,
2664. Community and Urban Sociology Section Reception
Osite, Tenderloin Museum, 6:30-8:00pm
Sunday, 7:00 pm
2666. Section on Racial and Ethnic Minorities and Section on
Crime, Law, and Deviance Reception
Osite, Tabletop Tap House, 7:00-9:00pm
Sunday, 7:30 pm
2623. Section on History of Sociology, Theory Section, and
Section on Economic Sociology Reception
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Imperial B, Ballroom Level,
2624. Section on Sociology of Sex and Gender and Section on
Sociology of Sexualities Reception
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Franciscan A, Ballroom Level,
2651. Section on Political Sociology, Section on Comparative-
Historical Sociology, Section on Global and Transnational
Sociology, and Section on Sociology of Human Rights
Parc55, Embarcadero, Level 3, 7:30-9:00pm
Sunday, 9:00 pm
2722. Minority Fellowship Program (MFP) Benefit Reception
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Imperial A, Ballroom Level,
Session 2448, continued
Monday, August 10, 2020
Monday, 7:00 am
3004. Meeting. ASA Business Meeting
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 2, Lobby Level,
3028. Meeting. Section on Peace, War and Social Conflict Council
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Yosemite C, Ballroom Level,
Monday, 8:30 am
3103. Meeting. Student Forum Business Meeting
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 1, Lobby Level,
3104. Special Sessions. Coming of Age in Trump’s “America”:
How the Children of Immigrants Navigate the Emerging
Inequalities of the 21st Century
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 2, Lobby Level,
Presider: Joanna Dreby, SUNY-Albany
Panelists: Roberto G. Gonzales, Harvard University; Pawan H.
Dhingra, Amherst College; Laura E. Enriquez, University
of California-Irvine; Nilda Flores-Gonzalez, Arizona State
Session Organizer: Joanna Dreby, SUNY-Albany
3105. Special Sessions. Sociology of Race and the Indigenous
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 3, Lobby Level,
Presider: Kimberly R. Huyser, University of New Mexico-
Panelists: Desi Rodriguez-Lonebear, University of Arizona; Allison
Ramirez, University of California, Los Angeles; Angela Ann
Gonzales, Arizona State University; Dwanna L. McKay,
Colorado College
Session Organizer: Angela Ann Gonzales, Arizona State University
3106. Thematic Sessions. Failures of the Creative Class City
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 4, Lobby Level,
Presider: George Greenidge Jr., Georgia State University
Panelists: Jan C. Lin, Occidental College; Richard E. Ocejo, John Jay
College of Criminal Justice, CUNY; David Grazian, University of
Pennsylvania; Rachael A. Woldoff, West Virginia University
Session Organizer: Rachael A. Woldoff, West Virginia University
3107. Thematic Sessions. Race, Power, and Organizations
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 5, Lobby Level,
Presider: Melissa Wooten, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Writing Race into the History of Organizational Theory - Victor E.
Ray, University of Iowa
Organizations in the New Economy: Outcomes for Black Workers -
Adia M. Harvey Wingfield, Washington University-St. Louis
Activating Race in Higher Education - Christi M. Smith, Oberlin
Session Organizer: Melissa Wooten, University of Massachusetts-
3108. Special Sessions. A Sociological Perspective on Open
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 6, Lobby Level,
Presider: Fabio Rojas, Indiana University-Bloomington
Panelists: Tanya Maria Golash-Boza, University of California-Merced;
Hector Cordero-Guzman, Baruch College-City University of
New York; David Fitzgerald, University of California, San Diego;
René D. Flores, University of Chicago
Session Organizer: Fabio Rojas, Indiana University-Bloomington
3109. Thematic Sessions. K-12 and Higher Education Labor
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 7, Lobby Level,
Presider: Marlese Durr, Wright State University
We Are One: Academic Freedom, Tenure & University Support in
the 21st Century - Geoffrey R. Owens, Wright State University;
Marlese Durr, Wright State University
Teacher Unions on the Rise: Strikes and Fighting for Public
Education - Arlene Inouye, American Federation of Teachers
Education as an Occupation in the U.S.: Statistical Picture of
Educational Strikes - D. Augustus Anderson, U.S. Census
Bureau; Lynda L. Laughlin, U.S. Census Bureau; Jennifer
Cheeseman Day, US Census Bureau
Discussant: Angel Harris, Duke University
Session Organizer: Marlese Durr, Wright State University
3110. Meeting. Section Ocers with the Committee on Sections
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 8, Lobby Level,
3111. Meeting. Committee on the Status of Racial and Ethnic
Minorities in Sociology
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Sunset, Lobby Level,
3115. Professional Development Workshop. What would it take
to Change your Inference? Quantifying the Discourse about
Causal Inferences in the Sociology
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 1, Ballroom Level,
Leader: Kenneth A. Frank, Michigan State University
Session Organizer: Kenneth A. Frank, Michigan State University
3116. Teaching Workshop. Infusing Social Justice Pedagogy
when Power and Inequality Require Tools of Resistance at
Work~Syllabus Style!
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 2, Ballroom Level,
Leader: Rodney D. Coates, Miami University-Ohio
Session Organizer: Ramona I. Coates, City College of San Francisco
3117. Section on Medical Sociology. Health and Health Care
among Sexual Minorities
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 3, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Eric R. Wright, Georgia State University
Perils of Data-Driven Equity: Confronting the Fundamental
Conditions of Gender and Sexual Minority Health Inequities -
Taylor M. Cruz, California State University-Fullerton; Sheridan
Smith, California State University, Fullerton
At the Intersection: Race/Ethnicity, Sexual Orientation, and
Satisfaction with Healthcare - Min Ju Kim, Rice University;
Kiana Kristine Wilkins, Rice University; Bridget K. Gorman, Rice
Program Schedule • Monday, August 10, 2020
Monday, August 10, 2020
Sexual Orientation, Experience with Culturally Competent Care,
and Satisfaction with Care in the United States - Ning Hsieh,
Michigan State University; Inna Mirzoyan, Michigan State
“Fat Broken Arm Syndrome”: Negotiating Risk, Stigma, and Weight
Bias in LGBTQ Healthcare - Emily Allen Paine, Columbia
University and NYSPI
Let’s Talk: Doctor-Patient Discussions of Sexual Orientation and
Patients’ Access to HIV and STI Testing - Eric Stone, University
of Maryland, College Park; Long Doan, University of Maryland-
College Park
Session Organizer: Eric R. Wright, Georgia State University
3119. Book Salons (formerly Author Meets Critics). White Kids:
Growing Up with Privilege in a Racially Divided America
(NYU Press, 2018) by Margaret Hagerman
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 7, Ballroom Level,
Author: Margaret A. Hagerman, Mississippi State University
Panelists: Liz Raleigh, Carleton College; Erin N. Winkler, University
of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; C.J. Pascoe, University of Oregon
Session Organizer: Joya Misra, University of Massachusetts,
Moderator: Mahala Dyer Stewart, Hamilton College
3120. Section on Racial and Ethnic Minorities. Black Community,
Entrepreneurship and Resistance at Work
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 8, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Joseph A. Guzman, Ohio State University
Aquilombamento, Black Placemaking in an Anti-Black City -
Demetrius Miles Murphy, University of Southern California
A Theory of Black Resistance, Success, and Exploitation:
Marginalization and the Commercialization of Rap Music, 1985-
1998 - Edwin Grimsley, The Graduate Center, CUNY
Navigating Inequality or Meritocracy: Black Tech Entrepreneurs in
Silicon Valley - Alicia Sheares, University of California, Berkeley
Race and the Reasons for Starting a Business - Candace Nicole
Miller, Indiana University
Reclaiming the Chocolate City: Soundscapes of Gentrification and
Resistance in Washington, D.C. - Brandi Thompson Summers,
University of California-Berkeley
Discussant: Helene Wright, Valparaiso University
Session Organizers: Hayward Derrick Horton, SUNY-Albany; Sofya
Aptekar, University of Massachusetts-Boston
3121. Theory Section. Globalizing Social Theory
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 9, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Nitsan Chorev, Brown University
A Postcolonial Theory of Autism - Claire Laurier Decoteau,
University of Illinois-Chicago
Clashing Power-Geometries: Circulations of Radical Social Theory
& the Transformation of Centrality in Caracas - Ryan Centner,
London School of Economics
Generation as Structure: Market Transformation in the Socialist
Industrial Heartland in China - Wen Xie, University of Chicago
Treacherous Translation: Globalizing Comparative Social Theory -
Anna Katharina Skarpelis, Harvard University
Session Organizer: Nitsan Chorev, Brown University
3123. Meeting. Section on Inequality, Poverty, and Mobility
Business Meeting
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Imperial B, Ballroom Level,
3124. Meeting. Section on Sociological Practice and Public
Sociology Business Meeting
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Franciscan A, Ballroom Level,
3125. Meeting. Section on Sociology of Religion Business
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Franciscan D, Ballroom Level,
3126. Community College Coee Hour
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Yosemite A, Ballroom Level,
3127. Section on Sociology of Sex and Gender. Intimate Labor:
Queer Families, Sex Work, and Intimacy Practices
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Yosemite B, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Sara L. Crawley, University of South Florida
Doing Sexuality, (Un)Doing Heteronormativity: The Marriage
Experiences of Bisexual, Queer, and Pansexual People - Daniel
J. Bartholomay, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
Edgeplay: The Erotic Life of Social Difference - Tey Meadow,
Columbia University
Hamstrung by Hardship: Protecting Egg Donors’ Reproductive
Labor in Kolkata, India - Meghna Mukherjee, University of
California Berkeley
Quality-of-Life Policing in the “End Demand” Era: Analysis of Sex
Work-Related Arrests in Chicago - Kris Rosentel, University of
Chicago; Clair M. Fuller, University of Chicago; Shannon M.E.
Bowers, University of Chicago; Amy L. Moore, University of
Chicago; Brandon J. Hill, University of Chicago
Session Organizer: Kjerstin Gruys, University of Nevada, Reno
3128. Meeting. Section on Peace, War, and Social Conflict
Business Meeting
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Yosemite C, Ballroom Level,
3129. Family Section. Intergenerational Relationships
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 1, 4th Floor,
Presider: Sarah Elizabeth Patterson, University of Michigan-Ann
Compulsory Kinship: Sexual and Gender Minority Young Adults and
Their Parents - Corinne (Rin) Reczek, Ohio State University;
Emma Ryan Bosley-Smith, The Ohio State University
Siblings Caring for Their Parents Across Europe: Gender in Cross-
national Perspective - Natalia Sarkisian, Boston College; Naomi
Gerstel, University of Massachusetts
Gendered Intergenerational Childcare: Korean Working Mothers’
Childcare Responsibilities, Maternal and Paternal Grandmother
Help - Young Eun Nam, Purdue University
Grandparenthood, Grandparenting, and Working Longer: Do the
Genders of Grandparent and of Grandchild’s Parent Matter? -
In Jeong Hwang, Harvard University
Examining (In)consistency Between Young Adults’ Self-Reported
Family Structure and Adult Caregivers - Christina Cross,
Harvard University; Xing Zhang, University of Wisconsin -
Session Organizer: Jennifer Utrata, University of Puget Sound
Session 3117, continued
Monday, August 10, 2020
3130. Section on Environmental Sociology. A Comparative
Approach: Environmental Politics in a Time of Populism,
Nationalism and De-Globalization
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 3, 4th Floor,
Presider: Susana Georgina Nava Ramirez, University of Nevada,
The Rise of Eco-Fascism - Vishwas Satgar, University of the
Varieties of Authoritarian Environmentalism: Authoritarian
Ecomodernism and China’s Project of Constructing Ecological
Civilization - John Aloysius Zinda, Cornell University
Authoritarian Environmentalism or the Treadmill of Law: the
Post-2014 Husbandry Waste Regulations in China - KuoRay
Mao, Colorado State University-Fort Collins; Nefratiri Weeks,
Colorado State University
China Deserves its Hamburger: The Controversy Over WildAid’s
“Shu Shi” Campaign in China - Juan Du, Oklahoma State
University; John Chung-En Liu, National Taiwan University;
Tamara L. Mix, Oklahoma State University
Populism and Carbon Tax Justice: The Yellow Vest Movement -
Daniel Driscoll, University of California, San Diego
Populist Authoritarian Neoliberalism as Alleviating Crises of
Capital?: Making Sense of Bolsonaro’s Anti-Environment Antics
- Sierra Deutsch, Wageningen University
Session Organizer: Rachael Shwom, Rutgers University-New
3131. Section on Alcohol, Drugs, and Tobacco. Section on
Alcohol, Drugs, and Tobacco - Open Paper Session
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 5, 4th Floor,
Presider: Michael Vuolo, Ohio State University
Drug Normalization and Conventional Social Institutions: The
Unusual Case of Prescription Drug Misuse - Mark Pawson,
Purdue University; Brian Christopher Kelly, Purdue University
Fronts and Friends: Debt Management Among People Who Use
Drugs - Allison Laing, UBC
“I Don’t Need Another One Dying.” How People Who Inject Drugs
Respond to Overdose Risk - Sarah Brothers, Yale University
New Means,New Measures: Assessing Prescription Drug Seeking
Indicators Over Ten Years of the Opioid Epidemic - Brea
Louise Perry, Indiana University-Bloomington; Meltem Odabaş,
Indiana University; Kai-Cheng Yang, Indiana University;
Byungkyu Lee, Indiana University; Patrick Christian Kaminski,
Indiana University Bloomington; Brian Aronson, Duke
University; Yong-Yeol Ahn, Indiana University
Perceived Pubertal Timing and Adolescent Alcohol Use: The Role
of Peers & Parents - Rebecca Ann Bucci, Penn State University;
Jeremy Staff, The Pennsylvania State University; Jennifer L.
Maggs, Pennsylvania State University; Lorah D. Dorn, The
Pennsylvania State University
Session Organizer: Michael Vuolo, Ohio State University
3136. Section on Comparative-Historical Sociology. Historical
and Comparative Perspectives on Law, Politics, and
Institutional Change in the United States
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 13, 4th Floor,
Presider: Cybelle Fox, University of California-Berkeley
Crime Pays the Victim: Criminal Fines, the State, and Victim
Compensation Law, 1964-1984 - Jeremy R. Levine, University
of Michigan; Kelly Russell, University of Michigan
What is Predistribution? Social Conflict, Market Rules, and the
Invention of American Residential Zoning, 1879-1915 - Luis
Flores, University of Michigan
Seemingly Settled: Judicial Rhetoric and the Meaning of
Segregation - Jimmy Biblarz, Harvard University
“On the Basis of Sex”: The (Il)Legitimation of Trans Bodies in Law -
Eli Alston-Stepnitz, University of California, Davis
Transforming Title IX: How Sexual Harassment Became Sex
Discrimination in American Higher Education - Celene Raymer
Reynolds, Cornell University
Session Organizer: Cybelle Fox, University of California-Berkeley
3137. Meeting. Section on Rationality and Society Business
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 14, 4th Floor,
3138. Regular Sessions. Topics in Criminology - Race and
Ethnicity in Criminology
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 15, 4th Floor,
Presider: Veronica L. Horowitz, University of Minnesota
A Seat at the Table: The Promises and Limitations of Increased
Black Police Officer Representation - Kayla A. Preito-Hodge,
University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Social Disharmony and Injustice: W.E.B. Du Bois’s Theories on
Crime - S. Rose Werth, Northwestern University
Structural Disadvantage and Legal Financial Obligations - Kate
Krushinski O’Neill, University of Washington; Ian Kennedy,
University of Washington; Alexes Harris, University of
The Consequences of Arrest for Mental Health: Inequality Across
Race and Ethnicity - Kathleen Powell; Robert Apel, Rutgers
Uneven Access to Justice: Social Context and Eligibility for the
Right to Counsel - Kevin Dahaghi
Discussant: Veronica L. Horowitz, University of Minnesota
Session Organizer: Brian James Sargent, University of
Massachusetts Amherst
3139. Section on Organizations, Occupations, and Work. Status
and Organizations
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 17, 4th Floor,
Presider: Michael Sauder, University of Iowa
Distinction At Work: Status in the Organization and its Effects
on Cultural Consumption - Jan de Groot, University of
Amsterdam; Monika Kackovic, University of Amsterdam;
Nachoem Wijnberg, University of Amsterdam
Interdependence and the Importance of Status - Clark Bernier,
Princeton University
Leaps of Faith: Cross-Industry Mobility, Industry Status, and
Executive Compensation - Halil Ibrahim Sabanci; Marta Elvira,
IESE Business School
Status Seekers: How Institutional Status Shapes How Employers
Interpret Prestigious and Non-Prestigious Credentials in
Medicine - Tania M. Jenkins, University of North Carolina -
Chapel Hill
When All Assistants Are Women, All Women Are Assistants?
Organizational Roots of Gender Inequality in Japan - Hilary J.
Holbrow, Harvard University
Session Organizer: Michael Sauder, University of Iowa
3141. Regular Sessions. Racialized School Discipline and Carceral
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 23, 4th Floor,
Presider: Max Cuddy, University of Illinois at Chicago
A Puzzling Resource: Law Enforcement Officers, Exclusionary
Discipline Practices, and Student Racial Composition in Public
Monday, August 10, 2020
Schools - Jeremy Prim, UC Davis
Inequality Unexplained: An Experimental Test of Racial
Discrimination in School Discipline Decision-Making - Sarah
McGill Brown, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Racialized School Systems of Punishment: Discursive Frames
and Organizational Practice - Jomaira Salas Pujols, Rutgers
University; Hana Shepherd, Rutgers University
The Carceral Classroom: Exploring the Educational Experiences
of Incarcerated Youth - Julissa Ortiz Muñiz, Northwestern
Discussant: John B. Diamond, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Session Organizer: Amanda Evelyn Lewis, University of Illinois-
3142. ASA Retirement Network (previously Opportunities in
Retirement Network). ASA Retirement Network: After
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 25, 4th Floor,
Presider: Jeffrey E. Nash, Missouri State Univesrity
A Sociologist’s Guide to Retiring Out of State - Harry Perlstadt,
Michigan State University
“Exploring…and to Arrive Where We Started”: Narrative Research
in Retirement - Catherine Kohler Riessman, Boston University
From Empirical Research to Fiction Writing - Mady Wechsler Segal,
University of Maryland
“Leave Your ID Badge at the Security Desk”: Creating Identity and
Meaning in Retirement - Barbara Kirsh, ETS
Sociology: How a Never Ending Story Is Enriching My Journey into
that Good Night - Sal Restivo
Discussant: Roberta M. Spalter-Roth, George Mason University
Session Organizer: Marcia Texler Segal, Indiana University
3143. Regular Sessions. Critical Theory
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 1, 6th Floor,
Presider: Vrushali Patil, Florida International University
Bad Feelings: Trauma, Non-Linear Time, and Accidental Encounters
in “the Field” - Ghassan Moussawi, University of Illinois at
“Black Sociology: DuBois, Black Study, and the Rearticulation of a
Critical Sociology” - Semassa Boko, UC Irvine
Death of White Queer Theory - Moon Charania, Spelman College
Indigenous Standpoint Theory as a Theoretical Framework
for Decolonizing Sexual/Reproductive Health Research
with American Indians - Genevieve Cox, Montana State
University; Paula Firemoon, Fort Peck Community College;
Michael Anastario, Boston College; Adriann Ricker, Fort Peck
Community College; Ramey Growing Thunder, Fort Peck
Tribes Language and Culture; Julie Baldwin, Northern Arizona
University; Elizabeth Rink, Montana State University
The Temporal Impressions of Border Regimes - Miguel Arturo
Avalos, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Session Organizer: Vrushali Patil, Florida International University
3144. Regular Sessions. Gender, Development, and the State
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 2, 6th Floor,
Presider: Christobel Asiedu, Louisiana Tech University
Beyond Resistance and Quiescence: Women Engage the Welfare
State in Tamil Nadu, India - Preethi Krishnan, Western Carolina
Rightful Bargaining: Rural Women’s Welfare Claims-making in
China - Ruijie Peng, University of Texas at Austin
The “Real Bribery” is “Paper Women”: The Discursive Production of
the Gendered, Restructuring Nepali State - Beth Prosnitz
Women Left Behind: Migration, Agency and the Pakistani Woman -
Sarah Ahmed
Session Organizer: Manisha Desai, University of Connecticut
3145. Regular Sessions. Internet and Society: Examining
Use, Impacts, and Methodological Issues Surrounding
Technology and Social Media
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 4, 6th Floor,
Presider: Laura Robinson, Santa Clara University
Emotional Consequences and Attention Rewards: The Social
Effects of Ratings on Reddit - Jenny L. Davis, The Australian
National University; Timothy Graham, Queensland University
of Technology
Going Online on Behalf of Someone Else: Characteristics of Proxy
Internet Users - Bianca Christin Reisdorf, University of North
Carolina at Charlotte; Andraž Petrovčič, University of Ljubljana,
Slovenia; Darja Grošelj, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Segregated Spaces: A Call for Mixed Methods in Analyzing the
Syrian War on Facebook - Toni Rouhana, University of
California, Santa Cruz
‘Social Problems’ & ‘National Security Risks’: How Racism Defines
Fraud in U.S. Marriage Migration Politics Online - Gina Marie
Longo, Virginia Commonwealth University
Understanding Lexical Biases when Identifying Individuals in Need
of Care Resources - Melissa Hall, The University of Texas at
Austin; Dhiraj Murthy, University of Texas, Austin; Constantine
Caramanis, The University of Texas at Austin; Koustav Rudra,
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Session Organizer: Shelia R. Cotten, Michigan State University
3146. Regular Sessions. Innovative Approaches to Measuring
Health and Health Stratification
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 6, 6th Floor,
Presider: Nicole E. Jones, University of Florida
Macro-Level Structural Racism and Health Stratification in the U.S. -
Tyson H. Brown, Duke University; Patricia Homan, Florida State
Measuring Global Cognition in a Pooled Sample Using Modified
Non-Linear Factor Analysis - Max Reason, University of
North Carolina-Chapel Hill; Yang Claire Yang, University of
North Carolina-Chapel Hill; Allison Aiello, University of North
Carolina-Chapel Hill; Daniel Belsky, Columbia University;
Patrick Curran, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill;
Kathleen Mullan Harris, University of North Carolina; Brenda
Plassman, Duke University; Rebecca Stebbins, University of
North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Measuring Structural HIV Stigma - Francis Lee, University of
California-Irvine; Carter T. Butts, University of California-Irvine;
John A. Schneider, University of Chicago
Stigma by the Numbers: The Social Construction of Disease in
News Media - Rachel Kahn Best, University of Michigan; Alina
Arseniev-Koehler, University of California Los Angeles
Subjective Health: Contemporaneous and Retrospective Self-
Reports versus Proxy Measures - Kenneth A. Bollen, University
of North Carolina-Chapel Hill; Iliya Gutin, The University
of North Carolina-Chapel Hill; Carolyn Halpern, University
of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Kathleen Mullan Harris,
University of North Carolina
Session Organizer: Hedwig Lee, University of Washington
Session 3141, continued
Monday, August 10, 2020
3147. Regular Sessions. Intersections of Race, Gender, and Class
in School, Work, and the Home
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 8, 6th Floor,
Presider: Katelyn Rose Malae, University of California-Irvine
Gender Equality for Whom?: Accounting for Women’s Social
Identities in Predicting Gender Attitudes - Katharine Khanna,
Columbia University
Double Disadvantage of Minority Women: Racialized Household
Specialization and Earnings (Dis)advantage - Andrew Kim,
University of Kansas; ChangHwan Kim, University of Kansas
Branding The Man: When the Cultural Curriculum Comes First at
the Historically Black College for Men - Saida Grundy, Boston
Inclusion Tax: The Cost of Marginalized Identities at Work - Tsedale
Mekete Melaku, CUNY-Graduate Center
Handcrafted Careers: Racialized, Classed, and Gendered Job
Pathways in the U.S. Craft Beer Industry - Eli R. Wilson,
University of New Mexico-Albuquerque
Discussant: Hansini Munasinghe, University of Iowa
Session Organizer: Yung-Yi Diana Pan, Brooklyn College - CUNY
3148. Regular Sessions. Parenthood I: Racial Socialization and
Parenting Decisions
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 10, 6th Floor,
Managing Difference: White Parenting Practices in
Socioeconomically Diverse Neighborhoods - Megan R.
Underhill, University of North Carolina Asheville
Parental Involvement Among First- and Second-Generation Latin
Immigrants to the United States - Esra Sahin, University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Qiujie Gong, University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign; Karen Z. Kramer, University of Illinois at
Race-Ethnicity, Social Class, and the Children’s Summer Activity
Gap - Kei Nomaguchi, Bowling Green State University;
Leanne M. Confer, Bowling Green State University; Amira
Allen, Bowling Green State University; Lindsey Louise Aldrich,
Bowling Green State University
The Price of Parenting: Wealth, Race and Financial Activities for
Children, 1998-2016 - Nina Bandelj, University of California-
Irvine; Angelina Grigoryeva, University of Toronto
Session Organizer: Dawn M. Dow, University of Maryland-College
3153. Section on Sociology of Education. Tracking, Curricular
Structure, and Inequality
Parc55, Cyril Magnin II, Level 4, 8:30-10:10am
Presider: Kimberly Ann Goyette, Temple University
Election Matters: Gender and the Evolution of Major Choice among
US Undergraduates - Tobias Dalberg, Stanford University;
Kalena Cortes, Texas A&M University; Mitchell L. Stevens,
Stanford University
Racial/ethnic Inequality in Middle School Course-Taking: Unequal
Access to Advanced Math Courses Between and Within
Schools - William J. Carbonaro, University of Notre Dame; Amy
Gill Langenkamp, University of Notre Dame
Returns to Testing: Racial/Ethnic Differences in Math Course
Sequence Attainment - Matthew James Snidal, Univeristy of
Texas at Austin; Robert Crosnoe, University of Texas-Austin;
Aprile Benner, University of Texas at Austin; Thurston A.
Domina; Paul Hanselman, University of California-Irvine;
Yasmiyn Irizarry, University of Texas at Austin
Solving for X: Constructing Algebra and Algebra Policy During a
Time of Change - Emily Handsman, Northwestern University;
Caitlin Farrell, National Center for Research in Policy and
Who Benefits from Open Access to Advanced Placement?
Effectively Maintained Inequality and School Policy in
Wisconsin - Noah Hirschl, University of Wisconsin-Madison;
Christian Michael Smith, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Discussant: Amanda Bosky, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Session Organizer: Rachel Elizabeth Fish, New York University
3154. Section on International Migration. Media Framing or
Framing the Media? Contemporary Portrayals of Migrants
and Refugees Around the World
Parc55, Cyril Magnin III, Level 4, 8:30-10:10am
Presider: Anahi Viladrich, CUNY-Queens College
Cuban-American Media on the Limits of a Special Status - Monika
Gosin, College of William and Mary
‘Migrant Invasions to the South American Tiger’: Newspaper
Portrayals of 1990s Immigration to Chile. - Cristian Alberto
Doña Reveco, University of Nebraska-Omaha
Reporting on Refugees: A Content Analysis of Major Television
Network News Coverage from 1980-2016 - Hana Brown, Wake
Forest University; Michelle Sara Dromgold-Sermen, University
of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
“Send Them Back!”: Refugee Vigilance and the Nightly News -
Breanne L. Grace, University of South Carolina-Columbia
Discussant: Cecilia Menjivar, University of California-Los Angeles
Session Organizer: Anahi Viladrich, CUNY-Queens College
3160. Regular Sessions. Policing and Political Repression
Parc55, Mission II, Level 4, 8:30-10:10am
Presider: David Cunningham, Washington University-St. Louis
Kent State in Context: The National Guard in Campus Disorders
1965-70 - Thomas M. Guterbock, University of Virginia
Riot or Protest? Black Resistance to Police Violence 1994-2010 -
Pamela E. Oliver, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Morgan
Carey Matthews, University of Wisconsin-Madison
The Role of Social Movements in Political Repression: The UK
Prevent Counter-Terrorism Programme in Universities -
Narzanin Massoumi, University of Exeter
Why Not Rebel: Repression and the Microfoundations of Political
Order - Christopher M. Sullivan, Louisiana State University
Session Organizers: David Cunningham, Washington University-St.
Louis; Sarah Gaby, Washington University-St. Louis
3161. Section on Sociology of Sexualities. Transnationalizing
Gender and Sexuality Studies: Call for an Epistemic Shift
Co-sponsored with the Section on Sociology of Sex and
Parc55, Mission I, Level 4, 8:30-10:10am
Advancing LGBT Rights and Health in Mozambique: ‘Quiet
Activism’ and the Challenges of Health Rights Discourse -
Tara A. McKay, Vanderbilt University; Jose Cossa, American
University in Cairo; Naveen Krishnan, Vanderbilt University
Constructing Heterosexuality, Maintaining Homosexuality: Marriage
Between Gays and Lesbians in China - Xiaogao Zhou,
University of Chicago
Religious Queers Beyond Identity Conflict: Lessons from Orthodox
LGBT Jews in Israel - Orit Avishai, Fordham University
Discussant: Dilek Cindoglu, I.Y.T.E
Session Organizers: Evren Savci, Yale University; Pallavi Banerjee,
University of Calgary
3162. Regular Sessions. Gun Violence and Victimization
Parc55, Stockton, Level 4, 8:30-10:10am
Gendered Concern and Guns: Perceptions of Danger in an Intimate
Partner Violence Scenario - Anne Groggel, North Central
College; Fabio Rojas, Indiana University-Bloomington
“Guns Don’t Kill People…”: “Good Guys” and the Legitimization of
Gun Violence - Angela Stroud, Northland College
Monday, August 10, 2020
Becoming a Survivor? Identity Creation Post-Violence - Meghan
Olivia Warner, Stanford
Learning How Not to Use a Gun: Contemplating Lethal Force -
Margaret S. Kelley, University of Kansas
Gun Violence and Trust: A Life Course Approach to the Individual
Level Mechanisms - Cary Wu
Session Organizer: Paulina Garcia del Moral, University of Guelph
Monday, 9:10 am
3123. Section on Inequality, Poverty, and Mobility Roundtables
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Imperial B, Ballroom Level,
Session Organizers: Kyle Dodson, University of California-Merced;
Brian James McCabe, Georgetown University
Table 1: Health Inequalities
Table Presider: Matthew James Parbst, University of Toronto
Diabetes and Obesity Rates: Exploring County-Level Variation by
Racial Composition, Resources, and Region - Daniel Sangria
The Importance Of Emotional Support For Those Living In Poverty
- Joan Maya Mazelis, Rutgers University-Camden; Jeannie
Garmon, Rutgers University-Camden
Women’s Empowerment and Mental Health: How State-Level
Gender (In)equality Relates to Individual-Level Depressive
Symptomology - Erin Rose Coleman, University of New
Mexico; Alena Kuhlemeier, University of New Mexico; M. Lee
Van Horn, University of New Mexico
Women’s Labor Force Participation and the Gender Gap in
Depression in 24 Western Countries - Matthew James Parbst,
University of Toronto
Table 2: Health Dynamics
Table Presider: Jennifer Marie Silva
Barriers to Health in a Rural Community: A Mixed-Methods Study
of Electronic Health Records and Interviews - Jennifer M. Silva,
Indiana University; T. Elizabeth Durden, Bucknell University
Embedded, and then Embodied: The Risk and Uncertainty of Lead
Poisoning Exposure amidst Urban Decline - Matthew Howard
McLeskey, University at Buffalo, SUNY
Multidimensional Disparity Indices for Communities Using the
County Health Rankings & Roadmaps - Hyojun Park, Utah
State University; Mudasir Mustafa
The Trend in Hospital Bypass Visits and its Implications For Rural
Populations - Simon Geletta, Des Moines University
Table 3: Gender
Table Presider: Selcuk Beduk, University of Essex
Did the Introduction of the Individual Taxation Increase Women’s
Labor Force Participation in Sweden? - Ann-Zofie Duvander,
Stockholm University; Sunnee Billingsley, Stockholm
University; Kelly Musick, Cornell University; Anna-Karin Nylin,
Stockholm University
Gender Inequality in Lifetime Earnings in the United States - Juliana
De Castro Galvao, CUNY Graduate Center
Intersectionality, Place, and Gender Wage Inequality - Joanna
Dressel, City University of New York-Graduate Center; Paul A.
Attewell, CUNY, Graduate Center
The Cost of Children: Motherhood Earnings Penalties, Income and
Inequalities Between Families With Children - susan harkness;
Selcuk Beduk, University of Essex
Table 4: Measurement
Table Presider: ChangHwan Kim, University of Kansas
Are the Inactive the Lazy Counterpart of the Unemployed?-
An Empirical Test of NEET - Hans Dietrich, Insitute for
Employment Research
A Set of Heuristics for the Study of Cloistering in Organizations -
Evelyn Joy Patterson, Vanderbilt University; Darwin A. Baluran,
Vanderbilt University; Michael Lawrence Walker, University of
Minnesota-Twin Cities
Do You Know What You Do for a Living? Occupational Coding
Mismatches between Coders - ChangHwan Kim, University
of Kansas; Jibum Kim, Sungkyunkwan University; Mihee Ban,
Seoul National University
Measuring Local Economic Conditions - Emily Sandusky, Cornell
Benchmarking SIPP against CPS and NIPA - Daniel Thompson, U.S.
Census Bureau
Table 5: Education and Inequality
Table Presider: Emily Rauscher, Brown University
Education and Income Inequality: Underlying Mechanisms and
Policy Pathways - Florencia Silveira, SUNY-Albany; Aaron
Benavot, Univ at Albany-State University of New York; David
Epstein-HaLevi, University at Albany, SUNY
Schools as Active Equalizers: The School Spending-Achievement
Relationship Varies by Cohort Health at Birth - Yifan Shen,
Brown University; Emily Rauscher, Brown University
Social Segregation, Campus Social Context, and Socioeconomic
Disparities in Bachelor’s Degree Attainment - Dafna Gelbgiser,
Tel Aviv University
Student Debt and the Reproduction of Geographic Disadvantage:
Disparities by Rural, Suburban, and Urban Background - Alec
Rhodes, The Ohio State University
Table 6: Higher Education
Table Presider: Madhumita Banerjee
How, and for Whom, Does Higher Education Increase Voting? -
Caitlin Ahearn, UCLA; Jennie E. Brand, University of California-
Los Angeles; Xiang Zhou, Harvard University
Moving Out to Move Up: Higher Education Pathways to Mobility in
Rural America - Ryan James Parsons, Princeton University
The Case of Online Equity: Digital Divide amongst Underserved and
Underrepresented Students in Higher Education - Madhumita
The Effects of an Advanced Degree on Homeownership of Black
Single Living Alone Households - H. Brin Xu, University of
Maryland, College Park; Kris Marsh, University of Maryland-
College Park
Table 7: Homelessness
Table Presider: Paul Muniz, Bucknell University
Critical Capacity of Being Ordinary: Practices of Recognition
Among Homelessness Activists - Taina Meriluoto, University of
“I Know Y’all Look At Us Like Children”: Negotiating Adulthood and
Sexuality in Young-Adult Homeless Shelters - Erik Stephen
Lovell, Northwestern University
Inside the Open Door: Considerations of Othering Amongst Women
Accessing an Inclusive Transitional Shelter Service - Katherine
Maurer, McGill University; Hannah Brais, Mission Old Brewery
On the Relationship Between Income Segregation and Rates
of Homelessness in U.S. Metropolitan Areas - Paul Muniz,
Bucknell University
Table 8: Housing and Homelessness
Table Presider: Joe LaBriola, University of California-Berkeley
For Rent: Local Housing Market Failures and Wealth Inequality -
Joe LaBriola, University of California-Berkeley
Housing from Below: A Visual Analysis - Michael Buhl, Texas
Woman’s University
Typology of Homelessness: The Construction of Deviance and
Social Distrust in High Rent and Neoliberal Metropolitans - Chi
Pan Wong
Session 3162, continued
Monday, August 10, 2020
Table 9: Attitudes I
Table Presider: Jonathan Kelley, International Social Science Survey
Consider Your Origins: The Effects of Class on Preferences for
Redistribution in the United States, 1977-2018 - Jiwon Lee,
Johns Hopkins University
Historical Legacies and Contemporary Realities: Misperceptions of
Social Mobility and Their Redistributive Implications - Fangqi
Wen, University of Oxford
Inequality of Honor, Inequality of Income, and Evaluation of the
Nation: A National US Survey - Jonathan Kelley, International
Social Science Survey; M.D.R. Evans, University of Nevada;
C.G.E. Kelley, Yale University & International Survey Center
Making Sense of Inequality and Social Injustice Among Young
Adults in Japan and South Korea - Myung Ji Yang, University
of Hawaii-Manoa; Yuki Asahina, University of Hawai’i at Manoa
The Ties that Bind? Social Diversity, Interclass Contact, and Pro-
Social Attitudes - Bernardo Mackenna, University of California
San Diego; Gonzalo Franetovic, San Sebastian University
Table 10: Attitudes II
Table Presider: Orestes Pat Hastings, Colorado State University
Public Opinion on Freedom, Liberty, and Democracy in Poland,
Romania, and the U.S. - Sandra L. Hanson, Catholic University
of America; Michelle Kelso, The George Washington University;
Steven A. Tuch, George Washington University
Structure and Determinants of Beliefs About Meritocracy: A
Comparison of the United States and China - Xiaowen Han,
University of Minnesota
The Effort Paradox - Tom Wooten, Harvard University
Which Joneses? Geographic and Sociodemographic Reference
Group Effects on Perceptions of Relative Income - Orestes Pat
Hastings, Colorado State University
Table 11: Mobility
Table Presider: Joel P. Stillerman, Grand Valley State University
Cross-Class Friendship and Intergenerational Mobility in the US - F.
Benjamin Rosche, Cornell University
Disentangling Meritocracy Among the Long-Range Upwardly
Mobile. The Chilean Case - Malik Fercovic Cerda, Mr
Inequality Across Microclasses in Chile: Educational, Occupational,
Gender, and Political Influences on Outcomes - Joel P.
Stillerman, Grand Valley State University
Status Allocation from Elementary Allocation Principles - John
Skvoretz, University of South Florida; Zbigniew Karpiniski,
Polish Academy of Sciences
What About Immigration? An Analysis of the Closed-Population
Assumption in Research on Intergenerational Income Mobility
- Arthur Sakamoto, Texas A&M University; Ernesto F. L. Amaral,
Texas A&M University; Shih-Keng Yen
Table 12: Hardship in a Global Context
Table Presider: Ludmila Bogdan
Facing Rural Water Insecurities: Adapting Gendered Indigenous
Approaches in Ondo State, Nigeria - Paul Olugbenga Awoniyi,
Obafeni Awolowo University; Maheshvari Naidu
Poor Times, Rich Times: Poverty and Episodic Precarity in
a Refugee Camp - Blair Suzanne Sackett, University of
Tribal Women, Structural Violence and Development- A Case Study
of a Tea Garden, India - Archana Kujur
Table 13: Social Class
Table Presider: Mathieu Ferry, Sciences Po
Disentangling Social Class-Based Discrimination:The Causal Effects
of Material and Cultural Markers for Elites and Non-Elites -
Bethany Nichols, Stanford University
From Rural to Urban, the Awareness Changes of Early Childhood
Education in Mobile Families - Xiayu Wang, Renmin
Uninversity of China
How Do Caste and Class Crystallize? The Social Stratification of
Vegetarianism in Uttar Pradesh - Mathieu Ferry, Sciences Po
Up From Below: The Making of a New Citizen Elite in India? -
Patrick Inglis, Grinnell College
Table 14: Labor Market
Table Presider: Jasmine Hill, Stanford University
How the Great Recession Affected the Labour Market Prospects
of Young Adults from Different Social Origins - University of
Information as Capital: Inequality Problems in the Information Age
- Jasmine Hill, Stanford University
Role of Cohort Size in Trends in Social Class Returns to Education
at First Job - Ryota Mugiyama, Hitotsubashi University; Kohei
Toyonaga, University of Tokyo
The Role of Discrimination in Ethnic and Racial Employment Gaps
- Lincoln G. Quillian, Northwestern University; John J. Lee,
Northwestern University
Who Gets Left Behind? Expectations and Attainment in Polarized
Labor Market - Koit Hung, The University of Texas at Austin
Table 15: Policy I
Table Presider: Anne McGlynn-Wright, Tulane University
Inspecting the Expecting: How Pregnancy Shapes Control and
Surveillance in U.S Food Assistance Programs - Anne McGlynn-
Wright, Tulane University
Social Stratification and Choice-Based Policy Programs: Early
Withdraw of Retirement Savings During the Great Recession
- Zachary Dillon Kline, University of Connecticut; Jeremy Pais,
University of Connecticut
Immigrant Enrollment Trends in The Supplemental Nutrition
Assistance Program Through the Trump Era - Remy Stewart,
Cornell University
The Welfare States: Examining U.S. State-Level Benefits for Families
with Children, 1987-2015 - Anthony Cesar Huaqui, University of
Massachusetts, Amherst
Welfare Commodification: The Myth of the Earned Income Tax
Credit, America’s Most Successful Anti-Poverty Program -
Carmen Marie Brick, UC Berkeley
Table 16: Geographic Change
Moving Out to Move On? Geographic and Social Mobility in England
and Wales - Patrick Sturgis; Franz Buscha, University of
Westminster; Emma Gorman, University of Westminster
New Geographies of Exclusion: Municipal Underbounding in the
21st Century - Iris Zhang, Stanford University
The Effects of Migration on Status Attainment Outcomes of
American Rural and Non-Rural Youths - Xiao Li, Washington
State University
The Growth in Between-City Income Residential Segregation -
Gerard Torrats-Espinosa, Columbia University
Table 17: Migrant Work
Table Presider: Johan Fredrik Rye, Norwegian University of
Technology and Science
Agricultural Employers’ Representation and Rationalisation of
Their Work Offer: The ‘Benevolent Moderator’ - Johan Fredrik
Rye, Norwegian University of Technology and Science; Sam
Frederick Scott, University of Gloucestershire
Borders Cross Them: Climate Refugees in Bangladesh and India -
Tanaya Dutta Gupta, University of California Davis
Distant Destinations: Sexuality and Geographic Mobility - Andrew
Levine, New York University
Human Capital and the Upward Occupational Mobility of Rural
Migrant Workers in China - Leping Wang
Privilege and Inequality in Circular Migration - Hewan Girma,
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Monday, August 10, 2020
Table 18: International Dynamics
Table Presider: Harold J. Toro, University of Notre Dame
Globalization of Production, Manufacturing Employment, and
Income Inequality in Developing Economies - Roshan Kumar
Pandian, Indiana University
Neoliberalism and Inter-Cohort Differences in Occupational
Attainment in the Course of Mexico’s Development - Harold J.
Toro, University of Notre Dame
Rising Low-wage Work Amidst Institutional Change: A Cross-
Country and Cross-Industry Analysis of Europe - Anthony
Rainey, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
3124. Section on Sociological Practice and Public Sociology
Open Roundtable Session
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Franciscan A, Ballroom Level,
Session Organizer: Karen Albright, University of Colorado
Table 1: Methods, Perspectives, and Engagement
Table Presider: Jon R. Norman, Carnegie Foundation for
Advancement of Teaching
Challenges of Ethnographic Research Among Hidden Populations:
Perspectives from Graduate Students to Experienced
Ethnographers - Miriam W. Boeri, Bentley University
Community Perspectives on the Politics of Knowledge
in University-Community Equity-Oriented Research
Collaborations - Rebecca London, University of California-
Santa Cruz; Ronald David Glass, University of California, Santa
Cruz; Sheeva Sabati, University of California, Santa Cruz;
Saugher Nojan, University of California Santa Cruz
Public Sociology With Social Impact: Methodologies and
Mechanisms to Better Connect Science With Society - Emilia
Aiello, Harvard University; Tinka Tabea Schubert, Stanford
University; Ana Vidu, University of Deusto
SociaLab. A Census-Based Inquiry Tool for Counterfactual
Modelling - Peter Byard Davis, University of Auckland
Tactical Responsivity and Communities of Inquiry: Reflections
on the Impact of Ethnography Beyond Academia - Emanuel
Guay, Université du Québec à Montréal; Naomi Nichols, McGill
Table 2: Sociological Application in Real-World Settings
Table Presider: Angela A. Aidala, Columbia University
Engaging Unstably Housed and Homeless Youth Through the Arts:
Case Studies from Seattle Public Schools - Hannah Elizabeth
Curtis, University of Washington; Mytoan Nguyen-Akbar, South
Seattle College
Establishing a Specialty Medical Home: A Multiple-Method Study
From the Health Care Provider Perspective - Ksenia O.
Gorbenko, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai; Eliezer
Mendelev, NYU Medical School; Marla Dubinsky, Icahn School
of Medicine at Mount Sinai; Laurie Keefer, Icahn School of
Medicine at Mount Sinai
Theorizing Immigrant Health Movements: Mobilization & Resistance
in Precarious Times - Mario Viveros Espinoza-Kulick, University
of California, Santa Barbara
“Trying to Get People to See Pass My Past”: The Collateral
Consequences of Paternal Incarceration - Clinton Boyd, Duke
Unseen is Not Invisible: Illuminating the Gender Wage Gap on
a College Campus - Ada Haynes, Tennessee Technological
University; Troy Smith, Tennessee Tech University
3125. Section on Sociology of Religion Roundtables
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Franciscan D, Ballroom Level,
Session Organizers: Lisa D. Pearce, University of North Carolina-
Chapel Hill; Simon George Brauer, Duke University; Bo-Hyeong
Jane Lee, North Carolina State University
Table 1: Conflict and Religious Meaning
Table Presider: Miray Hany Wadie Philips, University of Minnesota
Clergy Sexual Misconduct and Competitive Sensegiving Frames:
Loyalists, Rebels, Rationalists and Processors - Linda J.
Markowitz, Southern Illinios Univ Edwardsville; Mark Hedley,
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Imagining Identity: Constructing Real and Imagined Victimization in
the Jewish American Community - Dana M. Greene, University
of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
Knowing Global Christian Persecution: Technologies of Truth,
Knowledge Entrepreneurs and the Quantification of
Persecution - Miray Hany Wadie Philips, University of
Table 2: Religion, Spirituality, and Well-being
Table Presider: Anna Holleman, Duke University
Does Religion Buffer the Effect of Childhood Abuse on Adult Sleep
Quality? - Brian Long McPhail, Purdue University
Not For a Lack of Faith: Spiritual Practice in Miami’s Permanent
Supportive Housing - Matthew D. Marr, Florida International
University; Natalia Marques da Silva, Florida International
Table 3: Religion and Modernity across the Globe
Table Presider: George M. Thomas, Arizona State University-Tempe
A Metatheoretical Framework for Understanding the Complexities
of Religious Dialogue in Late Modernity - Thomas J. Burns,
University of Oklahoma; Tom W. Boyd, University of Oklahoma;
Peyman Hekmatpour, University of Oklahoma; Carrie
McLachlin Leslie, University of Oklahoma; Gilbert Richard
Wolford, University of Oklahoma
Diversity within Conservative Protestant Transnationalism:
Differences in the Scope and Reach of Pentecostal/Charismatic
and Evangelical Missions - Jared Bok, University of Nevada-
The Institutional Approach to Religious Change: Catholic
Breakdown in Latin America since 1970 - Emilio Lehoucq,
Northwestern University
Integrated Religious Multiplicity: Sociology of Religion in Cuba,
an Americas’ Portion of the African Diaspora - Jualynne E.
Dodson, Michigan State University
Table 4: Religious Trends and Religious Change
Table Presider: Omkar Joshi, University of Maryland, College Park
Are Americans a Counterexample to the Secularization Thesis?:
Exploring Individual-Level Change in Religiosity - Cyrus J.
Schleifer, University of Oklahoma; Peyman Hekmatpour,
University of Oklahoma
Does Motive Matter? How Reason for Religious Switching Affects
the Direction of Switch - Nadia Beider
Do Modern Social Conditions Reduce Religiosity? An Examination
of the Worldwide Data, 1981-2014 - Louisa Roberts, University
of South Dakota
Inequality and Disbelief in A Global Context: Different
Secularization Paths for Rich and Poor Countries - Peyman
Hekmatpour, University of Oklahoma
Religion Around the World: The International Social Survey
Program, 1991-2018 - Tom W. Smith, NORC; Benjamin Schapiro,
Session 3123, continued
Monday, August 10, 2020
Table 5: Race, Class, Gender, and Religion
Table Presider: Joseph Roso, Duke University
‘Christian-Muslim’ Couples Facing Family Opposition in Italy, France
and Belgium - Francesco Cerchiaro, KU Leuven
Constructing Wicca as ‘Women’s Religion’: The Social Impact of
Scholars’ Biases on Public Knowledge - Michelle Mueller, Santa
Clara University
Gender Differences in Sermon Content: An Analysis of Sermons
Given in the Duke University Chapel - Aidan Combs, Duke
Religious Mendicants in Myanmar-Burma: Comparing and
Contrasting the Lives of Buddhist Nuns (Thila-Shins) and
Monks - Darbee Hagerty
The Cost of Being Christian: The Effect of Religious Belief on Self-
Perceived Discrimination among Asian Americans - Shichao
Du, University at Albany, SUNY
Table 6: Religion and Social Attitudes
Table Presider: Natalia Cornelia Malancu, University of Geneva
An Exploration of the Effects of Non-Religiosity on College
Students’ White Racial Identities - Paula K. Miller, Ohio
An Investigation of the Effect of Religious Forces on Attitudes
toward Euthanasia - Soheil Sabriseilabi, Texas Woman’s
Faux Science and Bad Religion: Cryonic Suspension as Counter-
Epistemic Formation - Grant Shoffstall, Williams College
Religion, American politics, and the wealth gap: understanding
modern relationships from the 2016 election - Troy S. Okum,
University of Florida
Table 7: Religious Identity and Community
Table Presider: C. Lynn Carr, Seton Hall University
Belief, Disbelief and the Practice of Communal Prayer in a
Reconstructing Jewish Community - C. Lynn Carr, Seton Hall
Collective Identities in Bosniak Immigrant Communities: Between
Euro-Islam and Expectations - Arnela Balic
Missionary Identity Development: How Emerging Adult Missionaries
Earn Belongingness in the Church of Jesus Christ - Clara
Rituals that Bond and Rituals that Divide: Evidence from a
Tribal Society in India - Neethu S. Parvathy, Amrita Vishwa
Vidyapeetham; Rekha Krishnan, Simon Fraser University; Rajiv
Krishnan Kozhikode, Simon Fraser University
The Strength of Weak Collective Identity: Identity Verification in
a Midwestern Immigration Clinic - Adam Kotanko, Purdue
Table 8: Muslims in America
Table Presider: Feyza Akova, University of Notre Dame
Constructing Modern Muslim Identities: Contradiction and
Ambivalence Toward Modernity - Feyza Akova, University of
Notre Dame
Inclusive and Included? Bridging Religious Difference among
American Muslims - Valentina Cantori, University of Southern
Salvation Outside of Islam: American Muslims and the Fate of Non-
Muslims - Syed Hammad Ali, University of Calgary
Table 9: Religion, Family, and Education
Table Presider: Ilana Horwitz, Stanford University
Family Interactions, Religiosity, and Educational Norms: Social
Capital and Prosocial Behavior Among German Youth - Helen
S. Barton, Brigham Young University; Jared Thorpe, Brigham
Young University; Mikaela Dufur, Brigham Young University-
Not a Family Matter: The Effects of Religiosity on Academic
Outcomes Based on Evidence From Siblings - Ilana Horwitz,
Stanford University; Ben Domingue, Stanford Graduate School
of Education; Kathleen Mullan Harris, University of North
Religion, Family, and Career Among Graduate Students in the
Sciences - Christopher P. Scheitle, West Virginia University;
Brittany M. Kowalski, West Virginia University; Erin B. Hudnall,
West Virginia University; Ellory Dabbs, West Virginia University
3128. Peace, War and Social Conflict Roundtables
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Yosemite C, Ballroom Level,
Session Organizer: Scott D. Landes, Syracuse University
Peace, War, and Social Conflict Roundtable 1
Table Presider: Laura J. Heideman, Northern Illinois University
American Foreign Policy Advice: Creation, Institutionalization and
Politicization, 1898-1980 - Ori Tamir
No Accounting for Bad Contractors: Private Military and Security
Contracts and Ineffective Regulation in Conflict Areas - Ori
Swed, Texas Tech University; Adam Materne, University of
Texas in Austin
Post-Terrorist Wars on Terror: Criminal Law and the Repression
of Nonviolent Contention in Spain - Philippe Duhart, Colgate
The Art of “iWar”: Internet Disinformation as a Strategy of
Autocracy Promotion - Min-Chiao Chang; Chun-chih Chang,
Xiamen University; Thung-Hong Lin, Academia Sinica
What’s in a Gun? Attitudes Regarding the Use and Misuse of Light
Weapons in Israel - Sarai Aharoni, Ben-Gurion University of
the Negev; Alisa C. Lewin, University of Haifa; Amalia Sa’ar,
University of Haifa
Peace, War and Social Conflict Roundtable 2
Table Presider: Michael Soto, University of Minnesota
The Palestinian Prisoners’ Movement and the Resistance against
the Israeli Occupation: Past and Present - Maya Rosenfeld,
Hebrew University
The Politics of Policing and Contested Legitimacy in Northern
Ireland - Curtis Carl Holland, SUNY-Old Westbury
“We Want a Country”: Sociology of the Iraqi Uprising - Zahra Ali,
Rutgers University-Newark
When Patriarchy & Feminism Align: Women’s Organizational
Involvement in Post-War Kosovo - Dhurata Osmani
3137. Section on Rationality and Society. Joint Session for
Altruism, Morality and Social Solidarity and Rationality and
Society: Rationality, Norms and Social Action
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 14, 4th Floor,
Session Organizer: Pamela E. Emanuelson, North Dakota State
Monday, 10:30 am
3203. Special Sessions. Urban Sociology and the Promise of a
Green New Deal
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 1, Lobby Level,
Presider: Liz Koslov, University of California-Los Angeles
Panelists: Julian Agyeman, Tufts University; Daniel Aldana
Cohen, University of Pennsylvania; Vivian Yi Huang, Pacific
Environmental Network; Manuel Pastor, University of Southern
Session Organizers: Daniel Aldana Cohen, University of
Pennsylvania; Liz Koslov, University of California-Los Angeles
Monday, August 10, 2020
3204. Special Sessions. Racializing Police Violence
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 2, Lobby Level,
Presider: Keon Gilbert, St. Louis University
Panelists: Long Doan, University of Maryland-College Park; Alyasah
Ali Sewell, Emory University; Odis D. Johnson, Washington
University in St. Louis; Chris M. Smith, University of Toronto
Session Organizers: Rashawn Ray, University of Maryland-College
Park; Keon Gilbert, St. Louis University
3205. Thematic Sessions. Global Finance and Inequalities
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 3, Lobby Level,
Presider: Marion Fourcade, University of California-Berkeley
Panelists: Herbert Rizal Villalon Docena, University of the
Philippines, Diliman; Olivier Godechot, CNRS; Kimberly Kay
Hoang, University of Chicago; Megan Tobias Neely, Stanford
Session Organizer: Marion Fourcade, University of California-
3206. Thematic Sessions. Racial Inequality and the Future of
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 4, Lobby Level,
Presider: Laurel Smith-Doerr, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Panelists: Kay Husbands Fealing, Georgia Tech; Darrick Hamilton,
Ohio State University; Cedric de Leon, University of
Massachusetts-Amherst; Enobong (Anna) Branch, Rutgers
University-New Brunswick
Session Organizer: Enobong (Anna) Branch, Rutgers University-
New Brunswick
3208. Special Sessions. Fighting for Food Justice: Power,
Inequality, and Resistance in the Food System
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 6, Lobby Level,
Presider: Justin Sean Myers, California State University-Fresno
Panelists: Yuki Kato, Georgetown University; Prita Lal, The
Evergreen State College; Bobby J. Smith, University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Kara Alexis Young, Ohio State
Session Organizer: Justin Sean Myers, California State University-
3209. Special Sessions. Mixed-Race/Mixed-Ethnic Intimacies
Involving the “Racial Middle”
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 7, Lobby Level,
Presider: Kelly Haesung Chong, University of Kansas
Panelists: Aaron Olaf Gullickson, University of Oregon; Miri Song,
University of Kent; Carolyn A. Liebler, University of Minnesota;
Cynthia Feliciano, Washington University-St. Louis; Vilma Ortiz,
University of California-Los Angeles
Session Organizers: Jessica Vasquez-Tokos, University of Oregon;
Kelly Haesung Chong, University of Kansas
3210. Presidential Panel. Work, Politics, and Resistance in an Era
of Authoritarian Capitalism
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 8, Lobby Level,
Presider: Christine L. Williams, University of Texas-Austin
Panelists: Jane McAlevey, Activist/ Public Intellectual; Ching Kwan
Lee, UCLA; Steven Vallas, Northeastern University
Session Organizers: Donald Tomaskovic-Devey, University
of Massachusetts, Amherst; Steven Vallas, Northeastern
3211. Meeting. Student Forum Advisory Board
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Sunset, Lobby Level, 10:30am-
3212. Meeting. Task Force on First Gen & Working class (FGWC)
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Seacli, Lobby Level,
3213. Meeting. Program Reviewers and Consultants (PRC)
Training I
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Marina, Lobby Level, 10:30am-
3214. Meeting. Committee on Sections
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Presidio, Lobby Level,
3215. Professional Development Workshop. POC and the Ph.D.:
Academia by and for Graduate Students of Color
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 1, Ballroom Level,
Leaders: Kayla A. Preito-Hodge, University of Massachusetts-
Amherst; Haley Pilgrim, University of Pennsylvania
Session Organizers: Katherine Zaslavsky, Cornell University;
Christina Ong, University of Pittsburgh
3216. Teaching Workshop. Pedagogical Strategies for Fostering
Inclusivity and Constructive Conflict in Sociology
Classrooms: An Interactive Workshop
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 2, Ballroom Level,
Leader: Katia Moles, Santa Clara University
Session Organizer: Katia Moles, Santa Clara University
3217. Section on Race, Gender, and Class. Youth Leadership and
Social Change Through an Intersectional Lens
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 3, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Uriel Serrano, University of California, Santa Cruz
Latina/o Cross-Generational Organizing in the 2016-17 Struggle for
Sanctuary - Gilda Laura Ochoa, Pomona College
“We’re Tired of Seeing Our Parents Struggle.” Undocumented
Activism and Family - Edelina M. Burciaga, University of
Session Organizer: Trisha Lanae Crawshaw, Southern Illinois
3219. Book Salons (formerly Author Meets Critics).
Misdemeanorland: Criminal Courts and Social Control in
an Age of Broken Window Policing (Princeton University
Press, 2018) by Issa Kohler-Hausmann
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 7, Ballroom Level,
Author: Issa B. Kohler-Hausmann, Yale Law School
Panelists: Nikki Jones, Univ of California, Berkeley; Reuben Miller,
University of Chicago; Nicole Gonzalez Van Cleve, Brown
Session Organizer: Bruce Western, Columbia University
Moderator: Bruce Western, Columbia University
3220. Section on Medical Sociology. Section on Medical
Sociology Award Ceremony and Reeder Address
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 8, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Deborah Carr, Boston University
Panelist: Debra Umberson, The University of Texas at Austin
Session Organizer: Deborah Carr, Boston University
Monday, August 10, 2020
3221. Section on Sociology of Sex and Gender. Diverse Genders:
Lived Experiences and Relations with Institutions
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 9, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Emily Fairchild, New College of Florida
Delayed Adolescence: Gender, Privilege, And Adulthood Among
Trans Youth - Jonathan A. Jimenez, University of Nevada, Las
Production and Maintenance of the Institutional In/visibility of
Sexual and Gender Minority Students in Schools - Alena
Kuhlemeier, University of New Mexico; Jessica Rose Goodkind,
University of New Mexico-Albuquerque; Cathleen Willging,
Behavioral Health Research Center of the Southwest-Pacific
Institute for Research and Evaluation
Income Inequality Among Transgender, Bisexual, Lesbian, and Gay
People - Eiko Strader, George Washington University; Sonny M.
Nordmarken, University of Houston
The Geography of the Closet - Brian Richard Schram, University of
Session Organizer: Emily Fairchild, New College of Florida
3222. Meeting. Section on Organizations, Occupations, and Work
Business Meeting
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Imperial A, Ballroom Level,
3224. Meeting. Section on Disability and Society Business
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Franciscan A, Ballroom Level,
3226. Meeting. Journal of Health and Social Behavior Editorial
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Yosemite A, Ballroom Level,
3228. Meeting. Contemporary Sociology Editorial Board
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Yosemite C, Ballroom Level,
3229. Section on Racial and Ethnic Minorities. Race and
Technology: A Sociology of the Future?
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 1, 4th Floor,
Presider: Ruha Benjamin, Princeton University
A Genealogy of Critical Race & Digital Studies: Past, Present, and
Future - Amber M. Hamilton, University of Minnesota-Twin
Mapping Racial Capitalism within the Real Estate Data Industrial
Complex - Matthew N. Bui, University of Southern California
Imaging Difference: “Seeing” Race through Brain Technologies
- Oliver E. Rollins, University of Louisville; Torsten H. Voigt,
RWTH Aachen University
Racism Without Race: Proxies and Algorithmic Inequality - Louise
Seamster, University of Iowa; Victor E. Ray, University of Iowa
Citizen Scientific Racism - Aaron Panofsky, University of California-
Los Angeles; Kushan Dasgupta, University of California - Los
Angeles; Nicole Iturriaga, Max Planck Institute
Discussant: Ruha Benjamin, Princeton University
Session Organizers: Ruha Benjamin, Princeton University; Radha
Modi, Florida State University
3230. Section on Environmental Sociology. Creating Knowledge
for Equality and Empowerment
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 3, 4th Floor,
Presider: Rachael Shwom, Rutgers University-New Brunswick
Sustainable Participatory Action Research: Methods, Challenges,
Ethics - Jennifer Keahey, Arizona State University-West
Decolonization Method on Environmental Justice: Case Study of
Storytelling with Monpa Community in the Himalayas - Ru-Yu
Lin, University of Sussex
On the Frontlines: Environmental Justice in Southeast Dearborn
- Carmel E. Price, University of Michigan-Dearborn; Natalie
Sampson, University of Michigan - Dearborn; Karima Alwishah,
University of Michigan - Dearborn
Can We Democratize the 4th Industrial Revolution? Challenges and
Strategies in Cellular Agriculture - Robert Magneson Chiles,
The Pennsylvania State University
Anticipatory Culture in the Bering Sea: Weather, Climate and
Temporal Dissonance - Zeke Baker, National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Admin.
How Scientific Opportunity Structures Shape Social Movement
Organizing around Contamination by Per-and Polyfluoralkyl
Substances - Jennifer Ohayon, Silent Spring Institute; Alissa
Cordner, Whitman College; Andrea Amico, Testing for Pease;
Lauren Richter, Rhode Island School of Design; Phil Brown,
Northeastern University
Session Organizer: Rachael Shwom, Rutgers University-New
3231. Section on Inequality, Poverty, and Mobility. Open Session
for Section on Inequality, Poverty, and Mobility I
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 5, 4th Floor,
Presider: Sarah K. Bruch, University of Delaware
Class Crystallization: Understanding Inequality Across Multiple
Dimensions of Wellbeing - Deirdre Bloome, University of
Michigan; Daniel Schrage, University of Southern California;
Jane Furey, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
How the Reification of Merit Breeds Inequality: Theory and
Experimental Evidence - Fabien Accominotti, London School
of Economics; Daniel Tadmon, Columbia University
Learning About Inequality in Unequal America: How College
Shapes Students’ Belief in Meritocracy and Racial
Discrimination - Jonathan Jan Benjamin Mijs, Harvard
The Growing Influence of Family Origins on Highly Educated
Women’s Income - Noah Hirschl, University of Wisconsin-
Discussant: Fabian T. Pfeffer, University of Michigan
Session Organizers: Christina Ciocca Eller, Harvard University; Tim
Futing Liao, University of Illinois
3232. Meeting. ASA Retirement Network Advisory Board and
Business Meeting
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 9, 4th Floor,
3236. Section on Comparative-Historical Sociology. Populism
and Religion: Comparative-Historical Approaches
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 13, 4th Floor,
Presider: Efe Peker, University of Ottawa
Religion and Gender in the European Populist Right - Ayse Serdar,
Istanbul Technical University; Ebru Öztürk, Mid Sweden
University; Katarina Giritli Nygren, Mid Sweden University
Religion, Populism, and Nationalism in Nine Eastern European
States - Pamela Irving Jackson, Rhode Island College; Peter E.
Doerschler, Bloomsburg University
Religious Populism in America and the Possibility for Democratic
Politics - Rhys H. Williams, Loyola University-Chicago
Discussant: Shai M. Dromi, Harvard University
Session Organizers: Efe Peker, University of Ottawa; Gulay Turkmen,
University of Goettingen
Monday, August 10, 2020
3237. Section on Sociological Practice and Public Sociology.
Increasing the Visibility and Recognition of Your
Sociological Work: Branding Your Capacity and
Contributions to Sociology and Beyond
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 14, 4th Floor,
Presider: Karen Albright, University of Colorado
Panelists: Gary C. David, Bentley University; Matt Rafalow, Google;
Paige Miller, University of Maryland, College Park; Neeraj
Rajasekar, University of Minnesota
Session Organizer: Karen Albright, University of Colorado
3238. Family Section. Gender and Family
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 15, 4th Floor,
Presider: Jennifer Utrata, University of Puget Sound
A Privileged Adaptation to the Stalled Revolution: Relying on
Grandparental Support to Ease Intensive Mothering - Jennifer
Utrata, University of Puget Sound
Crises in Social Reproduction: U.S. Policy Trends, Intersecting
Inequalities, and Women of Color - Julisa Amanda McCoy,
University of California Riverside; Jessica Christine Moronez,
University of California, Riverside; Evelyn Pruneda, UC
Riverside; Ellen R. Reese, University of California-Riverside
The Gender Gap in Voting and Partisan Identification by Marital
Status - Paula England, New York University; Michael Hout,
New York University; Karyn Vilbig, New York University; Kevin
Wells, New York University
The New (Black) Family Man: Gender and Power in Family
Participation - LaToya Council, University of Southern
Session Organizer: Jennifer Sherman, Washington State University
3239. Section on Sociology of Religion. Global Religion
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 17, 4th Floor,
Presider: Brandon Vaidyanathan, Catholic University of America
Barriers to Racial Integration in British Evangelicalism: Colonialism,
Classism, and Marginalization - Jessamin Birdsall, Princeton
Belonging, Believing, Behaving and Brexit: How Religion Shapes
Support for Leaving the European Union - Siobhan McAndrew,
University of Bristol
From Sacred to Secular: Trend in Values in Egypt, Tunisia, and
Turkey - Mansoor Moaddel, University of Maryland-College
Reconceptualizing Global Religion: Characteristics of Grave-
Sweeping in China - Becky Yang Hsu, Georgetown University
Session Organizers: Lisa D. Pearce, University of North Carolina-
Chapel Hill; Andrea Henderson, University of South Carolina;
Grace Yukich, Quinnipiac University
3241. Regular Sessions. Status Processes
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 23, 4th Floor,
Presider: David M. Melamed, Ohio State University
Forgiveness, Revenge, and Social Status in Groups - Stephen
Benard, Indiana University-Bloomington; Long Doan,
University of Maryland-College Park; Kristin Kaye Kelley,
Indiana University-Bloomington
Psychiatric Labels and Status: Exploring the Role of Gender and
Political Beliefs - Amy Kroska, University of Oklahoma; Sarah
K. Harkness, University of Iowa; Kelsey Nilsson Mattingly,
University of Georgia; Mollie A. Lovera, Public Strategies
Status and Self-Presentation Styles - Amy Baxter, Air University
Status-Based Assessments of Competence, Political Correctness,
or Homophily? An Experimental Proposal - Martha Foschi,
University of British Columbia; Andre Ndobo, University of
Nantes, France
Discussant: Alison J. Bianchi, University of Iowa
Session Organizer: David M. Melamed, Ohio State University
3242. Section on Peace, War, and Social Conflict. Gender,
Conflict, and Peace Making
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 25, 4th Floor,
Presider: Jennifer E. Givens, Utah State University
Affective Labor and “Women’s Work” in Peacebuilding: The Case of
Myanmar - Mollie Elizabeth Pepper, Northeastern University
Institutionalized Behavior, Morality, and Domination: A Habitus
in Action Model of Violence - Ana Velitchkova, University of
Reconstituting The Resource Curse After Authoritarianism: Weber
And Legitimacy Making In Post-invasion Iraq - Zeinab F.
Shuker, University of California, Riverside
The Importance of Local Violence for the Uptake of Female
Sterilization: Evidence from Colombia - Signe Svallfors,
Stockholm University
Women and Conflict: The New Scramble for Africa - Mariam M.
Kurtz, George Mason University
Session Organizer: Jennifer E. Givens, Utah State University
3243. Regular Sessions. Limits to Capital in the 21st Century
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 1, 6th Floor,
Presider: Michael Levien, Johns Hopkins University
Powerful Outsiders: Silencing Land Resistance in China - Yue Du,
Tsinghua University
The Invisible State of Finance: How “Empowered Women” Saved
Financial Inclusion in India - Smitha Radhakrishnan, Wellesley
The Magic of Construction: State Capitalism and its Resolution-
Reproduction of Neoliberal Crisis - Cihan Ziya Tugal, University
of California, Berkeley
Trade Wars and Disrupted Global Commodity Chains - Paul S.
Ciccantell, Western Michigan University; David A. Smith,
University of California-Irvine; Elizabeth Alexis Sowers, CSU
Channel Islands
Discussant: Sahan Savas Karatasli, University of North Carolina at
Session Organizer: Michael Levien, Johns Hopkins University
Regular Sessions. Culture and Narrative: The Stories We Tell
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 2, 6th Floor,
Presider: Mary Patrice Erdmans, Case Western Reserve University
Everyone Tells Victim Stories: Democratic and Republican
Storytelling in the Congressional Record, 1987-2015 -
Francesca Polletta, University of California-Irvine; Jessica
Callahan, University of California, Irvine; Shela Duong,
University of California, Irvine; Michelangelo Zavala, University
of California, Irvine
Stories of Trains and Ships: Diagnosing Social Problems through
Productive Nostalgia in the American Rust Belt - Amanda
McMillan Lequieu, Drexel University
The Wounds of Populism: How Muslims Adopt Narratives of
Collective Marginalization - Jan Doering, McGill University
“That Constant Schizophrenia”: Spanish University Graduates’
Stable Imagined Futures amid Pervasive Employment Precarity
- Elena Ayala-Hurtado, Harvard University
Session Organizer: Mary Patrice Erdmans, Case Western Reserve
Monday, August 10, 2020
3245. Regular Sessions. Internet and Society: Extremism, Fake
News, and Toxic Discussion on Social Media
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 4, 6th Floor,
Presider: Daniel B. Shank, Missouri University of Science &
4chan Favours the Bold: A Systematic Analysis of an Online
Social Movement Scene of the Far-Right. - Andrey Kasimov,
McMaster University
Attack of the Russian Bots: Fake News Social Influence Bot
Network Analysis from Twitter Metadata - Richard Edward
Gardner, University of California, Irvine; Carter T. Butts,
University of California-Irvine
Bigger than Sports: Identity Politics, Colin Kaepernick, and
Concession Making in #BoycottNike - Rob Eschmann, Boston
University; Jacob Groshek, Kansas State University; Senhao Li,
Boston University; Noor Turaif, Boston University
Information Spread through Digital Social Networks: The Gendered
Networks of a Hate-Group Discussion - Chris Julien
To Remove or Not to Remove: Heterogeneous Responses to Toxic
Discussion on Wikipedia - Xiaolin Zhuo, Harvard University
Session Organizer: Shelia R. Cotten, Michigan State University
3246. Regular Sessions. Morality, Values, and Politics
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 6, 6th Floor,
Presider: Christianne Corbett, Stanford University
Caravan of Gullibility and Grievance: Learning from Responses to
a Case of Presidential Misinformation - Oliver Hahl, Carnegie
Mellon University; Minjae Kim, Northwestern University; Ezra
W. Zuckerman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Multiple Value Circles: The Moderating Role of Value Schemas in
Cross-Cultural Contexts - Ji Hye Kim, University of Iowa
Negotiating Collective Social/Group Identity Boundaries: The
Case of the Campus Free Speech Movement - Julia Goldman-
Hasbun, University of British Columbia
Resolving The Progressive Paradox: Value Framing and Electoral
Support for Economically Progressive Politicians - Jan Gerrit
Voelkel; Joe Mernyk, Department of Sociology, Stanford
University; Robb Willer, Stanford Universty
Theorizing Morality: How Situational Contexts and Social
Perceptions Influence Judgment - Aliza Luft, University of
California-Los Angeles
Session Organizer: David Pedulla, Stanford University
3247. Regular Sessions. Racism and Anti-Racism
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 8, 6th Floor,
Presider: Ted Thornhill, Florida Gulf Coast University
Diversity Narratives: A Mixed-Methods Analysis of Color-Blind
Racial Attitudes in the U.S. Workplace - Jamillah E. Bowman
Williams, Georgetown University; Jonathan M. Cox, University
of Central Florida
Anti-Muslim Surveillance: Canadian Muslims Experiences with CSIS
Surveillance - Baljit Nagra, University of Ottawa
Racial Capitalism in the Queen City - Sarah Mayorga, University of
Massachusetts Boston
Gentrification As Colorblind Racism - Charles A. Gallagher, La Salle
Discussant: Courtney Myrtle Carter, University of Nevada Las Vegas
Session Organizer: Margaret A. Hagerman, Mississippi State
3248. Regular Sessions. Parenthood II: Revisiting Intensive
Mothering and Concerted Cultivation in Parenting Practices
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 10, 6th Floor,
“I Was Constantly Worried About It:” Middle-Class Mothers, Expert
Advice, and the Cost of Concerted Cultivation - Maia B.
Cucchiara, Temple University; Amy C. Steinbugler, Dickinson
Mothering and Foodwork: Having the Right Attitude - Vanessa
Lopes Munoz, Colorado College; Linda Quirke, Wilfrid Laurier
High Class Parenting: Has the Relationship between Social Class
and Parenting Increased Over Time? - Benjamin G. Gibbs,
Brigham Young University; Szilvia Biro, Brigham Young
University; Kayci Muirbrook, Brigham Young University; Nick
Andre, BYU; Rick Miller, Brigham Young University-Provo
Mothers’ Sense-Making About Gendered Children, Childhood
Health, and the Influence of Technology - Jennifer Ann Pace,
Midwestern State University; Stefanie Mollborn, University of
Colorado-Boulder; Paula W. Fomby, University of Michigan-
Ann Arbor
Seasonality in Parental Investments in Children: Understanding the
“Other Faucet” and the Summer Learning Gap - Orestes Pat
Hastings, Colorado State University; Joe LaBriola, University of
Session Organizer: Dawn M. Dow, University of Maryland-College Park
3252. Meeting. Section on Sociology of Sexualities Business
Parc55, Cyril Magnin I, Level 4, 10:30-11:10am
3253. Section on Sociology of Education. Teacher and Student
Parc55, Cyril Magnin II, Level 4, 10:30am-12:10pm
Presider: Joel Mittleman, University of Notre Dame - Notre Dame, IN
Bound by Narrative: The Effects of Racialized, Gendered, and
Sexualized Scripts on Black Boys’ Socialization - Aliyah Abu-
(Mis)alignment Between Math Teacher’s Beliefs About Intelligence
and Classroom Practices in Academically Stratified Contexts -
Molly Kudym, The University of Texas at Austin
Race and the Criminalization of School Discipline: Critical Discourse
Analysis of School Suspension Laws in Virginia - Kayla Crawley,
Rutgers University
What Drives Racial/Ethnic Disparities in School Suspension?
Evidence from a Video Vignette Experiment with Teachers -
Jayanti Johanna Owens, Brown University
“You’re Not Gonna Disrespect that Teacher:” Adult Authority, (Dis)
respect, and Silencing Students - Meaghan Mingo, Cornell
Discussant: David Mickey-Pabello, Harvard University
Session Organizer: Rachel Elizabeth Fish, New York University
3260. Regular Sessions. Ethnic Conflict
Parc55, Mission II, Level 4, 10:30am-12:10pm
Presider: Bernadette Ludwig, Wagner College
“Cologne Changed Everything”—The Effect of Events on the
Frequency and Distribution of Intergroup Conflict in Germany -
Arun Frey, University of Oxford
Is Diversity Our Strength? Three Worlds of Diversity in the Global
North - Djordje Stefanovic, The University of Adelaide;
Kaitlin Tan, Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, Canada; Bryn de
Chastelain, Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, Canada
Why Do They Join? The Stories of Rebels in Kurdistan - Mehri
Ghazanjani, McGill University
Discussant: Bernadette Ludwig, Wagner College
Session Organizer: Bernadette Ludwig, Wagner College
Monday, August 10, 2020
3261. Regular Sessions. Voluntary and Non-Profit Organizations:
Challenges and Opportunities
Parc55, Mission I, Level 4, 10:30am-12:10pm
Presider: David C. Joseph-Goteiner, University of California,
Can Government Intervention Increase Volunteers and Donations?
Analyzing the Influence of VISTA with a Matched Design -
Andrew Ford Messamore, University of Texas at Austin; Pamela
M. Paxton, University of Texas-Austin; Kristopher Velasco,
University of Texas-Austin
Is Tech Really Saving the World? Working Through Disenchantment
with Skills-Based Volunteering - Karina Rider, Queen’s
Relational Work and Its Pitfalls: Organizational Responses to
Government Recruitment in Performance-Based Accreditation
- Wei Willa Luo, Stanford University; Wenjuan Zheng, Stanford
University; Yan Long, University of California-Berkeley
The Missing Organizational Dimension in the Putnam-Skocpol
Debate - David C. Joseph-Goteiner, University of California,
Session Organizer: Kenneth H. Kolb, Furman University
3262. Regular Sessions. Taxation and Redistribution: Country
case studies of social policies and their eects
Parc55, Stockton, Level 4, 10:30am-12:10pm
Presider: Maureen A. Eger, Umeå University
“Save the Children!”: Public Discourses and Policies in Addressing
China’s “Left-Behind Children Problem” - Xiaorong Gu
Tax Regressivity and Welfare Provision in the Many U.S. Welfare
States 1996-2015 - Chalem Bolton, University of Michigan
Inequality and Taxation - Insights Into the Redistributive Effects of
the Swiss Tax System - Rudolf Farys, Universität Bern; Oliver
Hümbelin; Ben Jann, University of Bern
Discussant: Frank Edwards, Rutgers University - Newark
Session Organizer: Maureen A. Eger, Umeå University
Monday, 11:10 am
3222. Organizations, Occupations, and Work: Refereed
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Imperial A, Ballroom Level,
Session Organizers: Joris Gjata, University of Colorado-Boulder;
Safi Shams, University of Massachusetts-Amherst; Alexandra
Kalev, Tel Aviv University
Table 1: Professions, Agency, and Resistance
Table Presider: Joris Gjata, University of Colorado-Boulder
Agency and Mobility in an Indian Engineering College - Vinay
Reddy Venumuddala, Indian Institute of Management
Bangalore; Rajalaxmi Kamath, Indian Institute of Management
Bangalore; An Manjunath, Indian Institute of Management
Autonomy Disrupted: Physicians’ Perception of Autonomy
Following the Implementation of the Electronic Health Record
- Elizabeth Brennan, Brown University
Embedded Engineers: How Regional Professional Systems Shape
Innovative Practices - Sang Teck Oh, University of Michigan
Professional Contention, Discursive Action, and Work: The Case of
American Engineering - Joris Gjata, University of Colorado-
Boulder; Matthew Rowe, University of Colorado-Boulder;
Shawhin Roudbari, University of Colorado Boulder
Table 2: Professional Emergence and Change
Table Presider: Meghan Elizabeth Kallman, University of
Data Science’s Social Origins: Professional Identity Construction in
the Digital Age - Philipp Soeren Brandt, Sciences Po
Making the Program Officer: The Peace Corps, Rationality, and
the Professionalization of Aid - Meghan Elizabeth Kallman,
University of Massachusetts-Boston
Polyoccupationalism: The Unexplored World of Workers’ Identity
- Leonie Henaut; Jennifer C. Lena, Teachers College-Columbia
Societal Constitutionalism, Professionals, and Human Rights: A
Partial Remedy for What Ails the Corporate State? - Robert M.
Orrange, Eastern Michigan University
Table 3: Precarious Work and Inequality in Professions
Table Presider: Thomas Peng, University of California, Berkeley
Firefighters and Cancer: Shifting Risk Perceptions and Occupational
Culture - Brian Mayer, University of Arizona
Some Players Are More Equal Than Others: Occupational
Segregation in the Chinese Video Game Industry - Mengyang
Zhao, University of Pennsylvania
White-Collar Precarity: A Study on Real Estate Agents in France -
Lise Bernard, CNRS
Who Are the Freelancers: Comparing Outcomes and Personal
Traits of High-Skill, Professional Freelancers - Diana Enriquez,
Princeton University
Table 4: Work Schedules, Careers, and Organizations
Table Presider: Duanyi Yang, MIT
Always on Across Time Zones: Work Schedules in the Online Gig
Economy - Andrey Shevchuk, National Research University
Higher School of Economics; Denis Strebkov, National
Research University Higher School of Economics; Alexey
Tyulyupo, National Research University Higher School of
Economics (HSE)
Comparing What to Who? Contextual Comparisons and Scheduling
Practices as a Source of Relative Deprivation - Adam Storer,
UC Berkeley
Do Flexible Working Time Arrangements Reduce Worker Turnover?
Evidence from German Linked Employer-Employee Data -
Duanyi Yang, MIT
Unstable Work Scheduling, Perceived Job Insecurity and Intentions
to Quit Among Hourly and Salary Workers - Savannah Marie
Hunter, University of California, Davis
Work Hours, Time Constraints, and Women’s Mentoring Networks
in the Workplace - Soohan Kim, Korea University; Hwajin Shin,
Korea University
Table 5: Careers and Earning Inequality
Table Presider: Michael L. Siciliano, Queen’s University
An Evaluation of the Gender Wage Gap by Occupation using
Linked Survey and Administrative Data - Liana Christin
Landivar, US Department of Labor; Thomas Bradley Foster,
U.S. Census Bureau; Marta Murray-Close, U.S. Census Bureau;
Mark deWolf, U.S. Department of Labor
Culture at Work: Self-Entrepreneurialism and Earnings Inequality in
the United States, 1995-2014 - Sophie Clare Moullin, Princeton
Does Feminization Always Lead to A Decline in Earnings? Evidence
from China’s Marketization (1988—2013) - Meiying Li,
University of Southern California
Do Women Pay for Work-Family Balance? Family-Friendly Job
Amenities, Occupational Segregation, and the Gender Wage
Gap - Miriam Barcus, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Table 6: Race, Gender and Careers
Table Presider: Sharon L. Sassler, Cornell University
Are Racial/Ethnic PhD Holders Disadvantaged? Assessing Relative
Income and Promotional (Dis)advantages - Scott Tuttle,
University of Kansas; ChangHwan Kim, University of Kansas
Gendered Narratives of Separation and Redefinition Phases of
Mentoring in a Craft-Based Industry - Daphne Demetry, McGill
University; Rachel Doern, Institute of Management Studies,
Goldsmiths, University of London
Monday, August 10, 2020
Gendered Promotions to Management: Is the Glass Escalator
Worse in Men- or Women-Dominated Workplaces? - Anne
Kathrin Kronberg, University of North Carolina-Charlotte;
Anna Gerlach, Goethe University Frankfurt; Markus Gangl,
J.W.Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main
“Science Doesn’t Have an Off Switch”: The Greedy Workplace and
Early Career Retention among STEM Professionals - Sharon
L. Sassler, Cornell University; Jennifer L. Glass, University of
Texas; Alexandra C. Cooperstock, Cornell University
Table 7: Labor Markets
Table Presider: Chukwuemeka Okpo Oteh, Madonna University,
Closure and Matching of Jobs and College Majors - Dirk Witteveen,
University of Oxford; Paul A. Attewell, CUNY, Graduate Center
Gender Differences in the Online Labour Markets: Evidence From
Russia and Ukraine - Denis Strebkov, National Research
University Higher School of Economics; Andrey Shevchuk,
National Research University Higher School of Economics;
Mariya Aleksynska, University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Doing Business Far From Home: Multinational Firms and Labor
Market Outcomes in Saudi Arabia - Alessandra L. Gonzalez,
University of Chicago
Table 8: Precarious Employment
Table Presider: Melinda Milligan, Sonoma State University
College Graduates’ Responses to Underemployment - Brittany N.
Dernberger, University of Maryland, College Park
“They Nickel and Dime You to Death”: Homeless Men’s Experiences
of Precarious Work - Dale Spencer, Carleton University
Table 9: Care Work
Table Presider: Rodney Andrew Carveth, Morgan State University
Domestic Work and Negotiation Over Wages: Perspectives of Part-
time Domestics - Shruti Talukdar, Tezpur University
“I Work While They Sleep”: Dividing Multi-Level Marketing Work
and Care Work Through Boundary Work - Krista Frederico,
University of Arizona
Unpacking “Caring” in Care Work or What Makes Care Valuable:
The Nature of Labor Revisited - Dilan Eren, Boston University
Table 10: Careers and Non-Traditional Employment
Table Presider: Michelle Pannor Silver, University of Toronto
Making Bad Jobs Worthwhile: How Educational Trajectories Shape
Identity Work Strategies - Yingjian Liang, Indiana University
More Than One Job? Charting Changes in the Prevalence, Intensity
and Determinants of Multiple Jobholding - Paul Glavin,
McMaster University
Ready to Do Any Work? Education and Job Preferences among
Young Adults in South Korea - Yean-Ju Lee, University of
Strategies of Flexible Accumulation and Perceived Employment
Insecurity: Is There a Connection? - Travis S. Lowe, University
of Tulsa
Table 11: Technology and Organizational Outcomes
Table Presider: Ödül Bozkurt, University of Sussex
Automation & Autonomy: How Workers in a Technologically
Mediated Environment Adjust Jobs to Create Meaning -
Joshua M. Hurwitz, Stanford University
Computerization and the Educational Gradient in Schedule
Flexibility in the United States, 1991–2018 - Eunjeong Paek,
University of Southern California
Facilitating Conditions of Technological Collaboration: Evidence
from University Invention Licensing - Young-Choon Kim, UNIST
Technological Exit: The Promise and Perils of Crowdfunding
Platforms - Wenjuan Zheng, Stanford University
Table 12: Field Dynamics, Culture, and Organizational Practices
Table Presider: Ellen T. Meiser, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Before and after Me Too: Changing Cultural Schemas of Gender
Inequality and Violence in Artistic Fields - Nino Bariola, The
University of Texas at Austin
Employer Demand for Almost-Full-Time Workers: The Diffusion
of Employment Practices Across Firms - Marlis C. Buchmann,
University of Zurich; Helen Buchs, University of Zurich; Jan
Mueller, University of Zurich
Organizational Culture, Organizational Structure, and Secondary
Traumatic Stress: A Study of Organizational Deficits and
Remedies - Sarah L. Jirek, Westmont College
The Normalization of Abuse in Kitchens Through Media - Ellen T.
Meiser, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Widespread Reach or Quality Development? Number Versus
Quality Strategies in Competitive Network Diffusion - Yuan
Hsiao, University of Washington
Table 13: Organizational Relations and Change
Table Presider: Lisha Liu
Interlock Orientation Intensity and Firm Financialization - Colin
Birkhead, Duke University
Opportunities or Constraints: The Role of Network Closure in
Interorganizational Reciprocity - Lisha Liu
Regulatory Moments and Niche Formation for New Organisational
Forms: The Transformations in the UK (1980s 2018) - Kamila
When Did School Become Work? For-Credit Internships in Liberal
Arts Curricula - Carrie L. Shandra, Stony Brook University;
Jessica Kim, Stony Brook University
Table 14: Organizations and Their Environments
Table Presider: Karlie Tessmer, Simon Fraser University
Bottled Up Or Poured Out: How Product Name Emotions Affect
Appeal and Authenticity - Olga M. Khessina, UIUC; Cameron
Verhaal, Tulane University; Stanislav D. Dobrev, University of
Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Globalization as Ideology: China’s Impact on Organizational
Relations Among US Trade Policy Stakeholder Groups - Jesse
Warhola Liss
Hansmann’s Contract Failure Theory: Correct but Irrelevant?
- Curtis D. Child, Brigham Young University-Provo; Eva
Witesman, Brigham Young University; Chris Silvia, Brigham
Young University
Racquet Sport or Vegetable? Founding Mechanisms,
Organizational Environments and the Liability of Newness in
Urban Squash - Tessa Dorothy Huttenlocher
That Ties that Bind Us: A Qualitative Study on Friendship & Kinship
in Professional Kitchens - Karlie Tessmer, Simon Fraser
Table 15: Organizational Culture and Innovation
Table Presider: Chloe Grace Hart, Stanford University
Creative Destruction? Startups and Divorce - Tunde Cserpes,
Aarhus University; Michael S. Dahl, Aarhus University; Olav
Sorenson, Yale University
Under the “Controlling Spotlight”: How Fraternities Respond to
Scrutiny - Chloe Grace Hart, Stanford University; Kristine
Kilanski, University of California San Diego; Tagart Cain
Sobotka, Stanford University
Table 16: Evaluation and Organizations
Table Presider: Quan D. Mai, Rutgers University-New Brunswick
From Accounting to Accountability: Organizational Supererogation
and the Transformation of Nonprofit Disclosure - Aaron
‘Paradox of Meritocracy’ in Korean Firms: The Relationship
Between Meritocratic Work Evaluation and Female Managerial
Representation - Minji Yoon
Peer Feedback in Aesthetic Labour: Forms, Logics and Responses -
Laura Vonk, University of Amsterdam
Monday, August 10, 2020
Table 17: Resistance and Agency in Organizations
Table Presider: Daniel B. Cornfield, Vanderbilt University
Organizational Agents of Cultural Equity: Cultural Frames and
“DEI” Practices of U.S. Local Arts Agencies - Daniel B.
Cornfield, Vanderbilt University; Magdalena Sudibjo, Vanderbilt
Workplace Devotion: The Impact of Religious Identity,
Organizational Position, and Social Class on Workplace
Religious Agency - Robert Thomson, The University of
Alabama in Huntsville; Elaine Howard Ecklund, Rice University;
Daniel Bolger, Rice University; Denise Daniels, Seattle Pacific
Resistance in Universities – Towards the Hybridity of Academic
Identities - Liudvika Leisyte, TU Dortmund University
Table 18: Employment Practices
Table Presider: Laureen K. O’Brien, Independent Researcher
Getting a Worker: Explaining the Many Uses of Fit in the Hiring
Process - Keenan Wilder, Brown
The J-1 Summer Work Travel Visa: “A Poster Child of the Fissured
Workplace?” - Catherine Griebel Bowman, Pennsylvania State
Vendor Management and the Rise of Organizational Brokerage in
Contingent Labor Sourcing - Laureen K. O’Brien, Independent
3224. Section on Disability and Society Referred Round Tables
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Franciscan A, Ballroom Level,
Session Organizers: Justine Egner, University of Wisconsin La
Crosse; Sarah Garcia, University of Minnesota; Nickie Coomer,
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI); Ross
E. Mitchell, University of Redlands
Table 1: Disability and Healthcare
Table Presider: Sarah Garcia, University of Minnesota
At the Intersection of Disabilities and Opioid Use Disorders:
Patterns of Protection and Susceptibility - Diane S. Shinberg,
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Changes in Medicaid for People with Disability - Madonna
Harrington Meyer, Syracuse University; James Dalton Stevens,
Syracuse University
“Multiple Normals” as a Health Care Paradigm - Nancy G. Kutner,
Emory University
Table 2: Disability, Identity, and Oppression
Table Presiders: Nickie Coomer, Indiana University-Purdue
University Indianapolis (IUPUI); Ross E. Mitchell, University of
An Ethnographic Audit: Ableism, Consent, and Voice in a Study
of Autistic Adults - Benjamin DiCicco-Bloom, Franklin and
Marshall College
Folding Bodies: Our Collective Dysmorphia - Dustin Kidd, Temple
Mainstream Education Better… For Whom? Nuanced Effects of
School Settings on Educational Attainment in France - Célia
3252. Section on Sociology of Sexualities Roundtables
Parc55, Cyril Magnin I, Level 4, 11:10am-12:10pm
Session Organizers: Minwoo Jung, University of Southern California;
Courtney Alison Bell, American University
Table 1: Negotiating Sexual Identities
Table Presider: Courtney Alison Bell, American University
Dire Straights: Toxic Heterosexuality? - Nancy L. Fischer, Augsburg
University; James Joseph Dean, Sonoma State University
Good Sex: Moral Identity and Sexuality - Brianna McCaslin,
University of Notre Dame
LGBTQ+ on Campus: A Life Course Approach to Understanding
Experiences of Inclusion and Exclusion - Gage Clow, Arizona
State University; Ali Roberts, Arizona State University; J.
Nalubega Ross, Arizona State University; Monica M. Gaughan,
Arizona State University-Tempe
Nonmonosexuality, Identity Work, & Activism - Jessi Grace, Florida
State University
Table 2: Intimate Relationships and Power
Table Presider: R. Kyle Saunders, Florida State University
Gay Men’s Parenting Desires Across the Life Course: Resisting and
Overcoming Heterosexist Gender Role Strain - Adam McKee,
Washington State University Vancouver
“I Could Never Tell my Parents”: Barriers to Queer Women’s Sexual
Assault Disclosure to Family - Nicole Bedera, University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor; Kristjane Nordmeyer, Westminster
College; Kathryn Holland, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
“I Needed Someone to Talk to”: Outside Partners as Outsourced
Relational Managers in Men’s Infidelity - Alicia M. Walker,
Missouri State University
Power within Consensual Non-Monogamies: A Review of the
Literature and Call for Further Study - Jess Goldstein-Kral,
University of Texas at Austin
Table 3: Health, Medicine, and Sexuality
Table Presider: Aaron Blasyak, Syracuse University
Becoming Religious Hurts Increases Depression of LGB Persons:
Religious Transitions Across Adolescences and Young
Adulthood - R. Kyle Saunders, Florida State University
Perceived Physician Homophobia and Mental Health Outcomes for
Queer People - Sarah Groh, University of Georgia; Fernando
Clark, University of Georgia
Suicide in the Land of Brigham Young: A New Conceptual Model
for Suicide - John Alexander Garbero, Indiana University -
The Disorder of Things: Trans Depathologization, Diagnostic
Practice, and “Medical Dominance” - Christoph Hanssmann, SF
Table 4: Sexuality and the Labor Market
Table Presider: Meredith Gwynne Fair Worthen, University of
Neighborhood Effects and the Labor Market Activity of Immigrants
in Same-Sex Partnerships - Sagi Ramaj, University of Toronto
Sexuality and Self-Employment: New Evidence on Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual and Heterosexual Self-Employment Patterns and
Determinants - Vesna Pajovic, Western University; Sean Waite,
McGill University
Table 5: Measuring Sexuality and Sexual Attitudes
Table Presider: Aviva Frank, Columbia University GSAS
Fifty Shades of Leather and Misogyny: An Investigation of Anti-
Woman Perspectives among Leathermen - Meredith Gwynne
Fair Worthen, University of Oklahoma; Trenton M. Haltom,
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Reexamining the General Social Survey Questions in the Contexts
of Different Gestational Ages - Brandon Lee Crawford, Indiana
The Young and the Prejudiced? Millennial Men, “Dude Bro”
Disposition, and LGBTQ Negativity - Meredith Gwynne Fair
Worthen, University of Oklahoma
Understanding Sexual Orientation, Sexual/Romantic Attraction, and
Sexual Behavior Beyond Western Society: The Case of Japan
- Daiki Hiramori, University of Washington; Saori Kamano,
National Institute of Population and Social Security Research
Young Queer Women’s Racial Dating Preferences: Queering Racial
Boundaries - Barbara Pham
Session 3222, continued
Monday, August 10, 2020
Table 6: Media, Technology, and Sexuality
Table Presider: Weishan Miao
The Choice is Queer: Queer Men and Care Work in Online Video
Games - Jeremy Brenner-Levoy, University of Cincinnati
The Dating App Situation - Kenneth Hanson, University of Oregon
The Simultaneity of Sexual Fields: Grindr Use in a Mississippi Town -
Ian M. Whalen, University of Colorado, Boulder
Table 7: Gender and Sexual Inequalities
Table Presider: Adam McKee, Washington State University
Inequality and the ‘Universal’ Gay Male Experience: Developing
the Concept of Gay Essentialism - Canton Winer, University of
California, Irvine
Intimacy, Consumption and the Male Clients of Sex Workers -
Barbara G. Brents, University of Nevada-Las Vegas; Chris
Wakefield, University of Nevada, Las Vegas; Teela Sanders,
Univeristy of Leeds
Problematizing the Gender Gap: Feminist and Queer Approaches
to Inequalities in the Rural Global South - Martina Speranza
Table 8: Queer Asia
Table Presider: Barbara G. Brents, University of Nevada-Las Vegas
Experiences of Gay Workers At A Gay Social App Company:
Reflection on Sexuality and Professionalism - Weishan Miao;
Lik Sam Chan, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Gendered Economy of Medical Tourism - Rebecca Farber,
Boston University
The Straight Military and Negotiating Identities: Masculinity,
Sexuality, and Queer Geopolitics in South Korea - Seong-Jo
Monday, 12:30 pm
3318. Plenary Session. Doing Diversity: The Work, the Workers,
the Outcomes
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 5, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Christine L. Williams, University of Texas-Austin
Panelists: Ellen Berrey, University of Toronto; Kirsten A. Dellinger,
University of Mississippi; Frank Dobbin, Harvard University;
Adia M. Harvey Wingfield, Washington University-St. Louis
Session Organizer: Adia M. Harvey Wingfield, Washington
University-St. Louis
At the top levels of most organizations, racial and gender diversity
is virtually nonexistent. There are more men named John
running large companies than there are women, and a paltry
three black CEOs heading Fortune 500 companies (none of
whom are women). With demographic changes looming
in the nation and labor force, however, many organizations
now state their commitment to achieving workforce diversity.
But realizing this goal has proven elusive. Why is it that
even as organizations tout their commitment to greater
racial and gender diversity, they remain largely unable to
translate these goals into results? Who, if anyone, is doing
the work to diversify organizations, and what sort of systemic
barriers do they confront? What efforts are necessary to
diversify organizations throughout, and not just among
leadership? Using a panel discussion format, this session will
be a conversation about how diversity work has become
commonplace in many organizations, what it means to do
this work, and why the outcomes so often fall short. Panelists
will consider both the work that gets done to create more
organizational diversity as well as the implications for the
workers tasked with this labor.
Monday, 2:30 pm
3403. Regional Spotlight Session. Reproductive Politics in a
Haven State
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 1, Lobby Level,
Presider: Katrina E. Kimport, UC San Francisco
Panelists: Carole E. Joffe, University of California-San Francisco;
Krystale Littlejohn, University of Oregon; Eleanor Drey,
Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital Women’s Options
Center; Cynthia Gutierrez, ACCESS Women’s Health Justice
Session Organizer: Katrina E. Kimport, UC San Francisco
3404. Special Sessions. Fetishizing Algorithms
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 2, Lobby Level,
Presider: Fred Turner, Stanford University
Panelists: Janet Vertesi, Princeton University; Safiya Umoja Noble,
University of California, Los Angeles; Angele Christin, Stanford
University; Mary L. Gray, Microsoft Research
Session Organizer: Angele Christin, Stanford University
3405. Special Sessions. The Global Rise of Populism
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 3, Lobby Level,
Presider: Robert S. Jansen, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Panelists: Mabel Berezin, Cornell University; Bart Bonikowski,
Harvard University; Carlos de la Torre, University of Kentucky;
Marco Z. Garrido, University of Chicago
Session Organizer: Robert S. Jansen, University of Michigan-Ann
3406. Thematic Sessions. Inequality among High-status Workers
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 4, Lobby Level,
Presider: Irene Padavic, Florida State University
Panelists: Cecilia L. Ridgeway, Stanford University; Lauren Rivera,
Northwestern University; Donald Tomaskovic-Devey, University
of Massachusetts, Amherst; Erin Kelly, Massachusetts Institute
of Technology
Session Organizer: Irene Padavic, Florida State University
3407. Thematic Sessions. Resistance Through Innovation: New
forms of Work and Organization in Latin America
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 5, Lobby Level,
Presider: Pablo Lapegna, University of Georgia
Panelists: Carolina Bank Munoz, Brooklyn College and Graduate
Center-City University of New York; Rodolfo Gaston Elbert,
Instituto Gino Germani, Universidad de Buenos Aire; Katherine
Maich, Pennsylvania State University; Camila Piñeiro Harnecker,
University of Havana
Session Organizers: Marcos Emilio Perez, Washington and Lee
University; Katherine Sobering, University of North Texas
3408. Thematic Sessions. Work and Inequality in Media and
Culture Industries
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 6, Lobby Level,
Presider: Maryann Erigha, University of Georgia
Panelists: Clayton Childress, University of Toronto; Kishonna Leah
Gray, MIT; Nancy Wang Yuen, Biola University; Ashley E. Mears,
Boston University
Session Organizer: Maryann Erigha, University of Georgia
Monday, August 10, 2020
3409. Special Sessions. Behind the Scenes: A Discussion of
Applying for and Being an Editor of an ASA Journal
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 7, Lobby Level,
Panelists: Jamie Lynn Panzarella, American Sociological
Association; Ryan Light, University of Oregon; Rory M.
McVeigh, University of Notre Dame; Linda Renzulli, Purdue
Session Organizer: Karen Gray Edwards, American Sociological
3410. Regular Sessions. Disability: Cultural and Institutional
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 8, Lobby Level,
Presider: Elizabeth Jeanette Jackson, Humboldt State University
Constructing the Sociology of Disability - Allison C. Carey,
Shippensburg University; Cheryl Najarian Souza, University of
Massachusetts Lowell
Nací De Nuevo: Examining the Functions of Prosthetic Limbs
Through Lived Experiences of People in México - Roger
Andrew Renteria, The Unverisity of Utah; Aurelia Lorena
Murga, University of Texas at El Paso
Does Compliance with Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
(IDEA) Reproduce, Magnify, or Reduce Inequality? - Catherine
Kramarczuk Voulgarides, CUNY-Hunter College
Loving Disabled Dogs: How Animal Rescuers and Shelter
Volunteers Reproduce and Resist Ableism - Katja M. Guenther,
University of California, Riverside
Discussant: Barbara Hansen, University of Alabama-Birmingham
Session Organizer: Angela Frederick, University of Texas-El Paso
3411. Meeting. Committee on the Status of Women in Sociology
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Sunset, Lobby Level,
3413. Meeting. 2020-21 New Council Member Orientation
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Marina, Lobby Level,
3415. Professional Development Workshop. Practice of Scientific
Reviewers at the NIH Center for Scientific Review
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 1, Ballroom Level,
Leader: Gabriel B. Fosu, National Institutes of Health
Session Organizer: Gabriel B. Fosu, National Institutes of Health
3417. Section on Race, Gender, and Class. Cultures of
Classification: Race, Gender, and Class
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 3, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Casey Stockstill, University of Denver
Classification and Coercion: Experiences of Transgender Women
in Immigration Detention - Stefan Vogler, Northwestern
University; Rocio Rosales, University of California-Irvine
Fitting the Mold: Impact of “Elite” College Identity on Minority
Evaluations of Fit on Campus - Lynn Gencianeo Chin,
Washington & Lee University
The Racialized and Gendered Deployment of Disability - Rachel
Elizabeth Fish, New York University
Valuations of Diversity: Exploring the Socio-Economic Role
of Marquee Quotas in Creative Industries - Kim de Laat,
University of Toronto; Alanna Stuart, Musician and
Independent Scholar
Session Organizers: Fabien Accominotti, London School of
Economics; Sarah Bowen, North Carolina State University
3419. Book Salons (formerly Author Meets Critics). Precarious
Lives: Job Security and Well-Being in Rich Democracies
(Polity, 2018) by Arne Kalleberg
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 7, Ballroom Level,
Author: Arne L. Kalleberg, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Panelists: Allison Pugh, University of Virginia; Joya Misra, University
of Massachusetts, Amherst; Walter W. Powell, Stanford
Session Organizer: Steven Vallas, Northeastern University
3420. Thematic Sessions. The U.S. Labor Movement in the Trump
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 8, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Kathleen C. Schwarzman, University of Arizona
Teacher Strikes and the New Activism - Mary Ann Clawson,
Wesleyan University
Working for Immigrant Rights in the Trump Era: Xenophobia,
Solidarity, and Active Resistance within the Labor Movement
- Shannon Marie Gleeson, Cornell University, ILR School; Sofya
Aptekar, University of Massachusetts-Boston
Re-regulating Labor Markets: Legislative Victories in the Trump Era
- Stephanie Luce, CUNY
The March to $15: Workplace and Political Mobilizaiton in the Fight
for $15 Campaign - Chris Rhomberg, Fordham University
Session Organizer: Ruth Milkman, CUNY Graduate Center
3422. Meeting. Section on Racial and Ethnic Minorities Business
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Imperial A, Ballroom Level,
3424. Meeting. Program Reviewers and Consultants (PRC)
Training II
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Franciscan A, Ballroom Level,
3425. Meeting. Social Psychology Quarterly Editorial Board
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Franciscan D, Ballroom Level,
3426. Meeting. Section on Alcohol, Drugs, and Tobacco Business
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Yosemite A, Ballroom Level,
3427. Meeting. Section on the Sociology of Sex and Gender
Council Meeting
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Yosemite B, Ballroom Level,
3429. Section on Collective Behavior and Social Movements.
Negative Drivers of Collective Action in the 21st Century
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 1, 4th Floor,
Presider: Maria De Jesus Mora, University of California Merced
Economic Threat, Political Representation, and the Decline of Local
Tea Party Organizations - Patrick Rafail, Tulane University;
John D. McCarthy, Pennsylvania State University
Contested Legitimacy in Ferguson: Nine Hours on Canfield Drive -
Joshua Bloom, University of Pittsburgh
The Rise of Organized Vigilante Movements in Mexico, 2012-2015 -
Dolores Trevizo, Occidental College
Political Opportunities for LGBTQ Movements During New York
City’s Financialization - Michelle Esther O’Brien, New York
Monday, August 10, 2020
Rethinking Moving beyond Deterrence: Political Process, State
Control, and Variation in Insurgent Violence in Israel-Palestine
- Eitan Y. Alimi, The Hebrew University
Discussants: Julisa Amanda McCoy, University of California
Riverside; Alessandro Morosin, University of San Diego
Session Organizers: Ellen R. Reese, University of California-
Riverside; Paul D. Almeida, University of California-Merced
3430. Section on Environmental Sociology. Social Change for
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 3, 4th Floor,
Presider: Rachael Shwom, Rutgers University-New Brunswick
Structure and Dynamics of Social Tipping Processes for
Sustainability - E. Keith Smith, GESIS - Leibniz Institut für
Sozialwissenschaft; Ricarda Winkelmann, Potsdam Institute for
Climate Impact Research; Jonathan Donges, Potsdam Institute
for Climate Impact Research; Manjana Milkoreit, University of
Purdue; Christina Eder, GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social
Sciences; Jobst Heitzig, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact
Research; Alexia Katsanidou, GESIS Leibniz Institute for the
Social Sciences; Marc Wiedermann, Potsdam Institute for
Climate Impact Research; Nico Wunderling, Potsdam Institute
for Climate Impact Research; Timothy M. Lenton, University of
Green in the Wallet: Political Identity, Financial Incentives, and the
Diffusion of Residential Solar Photovoltaics - Fedor A. Dokshin,
University of Toronto; Mircea Gherghina, University of Toronto
Beyond a Meatless Identity: Commercial Activities and a Vegetarian
Movement - Laura J. Miller, Brandeis University
City Climate Action: Civic Capacity and the Greening of the
American City - Christof Brandtner, University of Chicago
Eco-Civic Engagement on Brazil’s Cocoa Coast: Sustainable
Agriculture as Society in Movement - Amy Teller, National
Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
Feeling Our Way to Change: The Role of Emotions in Social
Responses to Climate Change - Debra J. Davidson, University
of Alberta
Session Organizer: Rachael Shwom, Rutgers University-New
3431. Section on Inequality, Poverty, and Mobility. Empirical and
Analytical Approaches to Intersectional Inequalities
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 5, 4th Floor,
Presider: Jordan Conwell, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Who is Vulnerable to Financial Shocks? Financial Fragility at the
Intersection of Race, Gender, and Education - Amanda Bosky,
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Contextualizing the Gradient: Educational Disparities at the
Intersection of Race/Ethnicity, Nativity, and County-Level
Characteristics - Taylor W. Hargrove, University of North
Carolina-Chapel Hill; Lauren M. Gaydosh, Vanderbilt University;
Alexis Dennis, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
The Logic of Intersectionality - Charles C. Ragin, University of
California, Irvine; Peer C. Fiss, University of Southern California
An Intersectional Approach to Examine the Patterning of Industrial
Air Toxics Exposures - Camila Huerta Alvarez, University of
California, Merced; Anna Calasanti, University of New Mexico;
Clare Rosenfeld Evans, University of Oregon; Kerry Ard, Ohio
State University
Measuring Overlapping Systems of Oppression: A Structural
Intersectionality Approach to Population Health - Patricia
Homan, Florida State University; Brittany King
Discussant: Leslie McCall, City University of New York-Graduate Center
Session Organizers: Tyson H. Brown, Duke University; Jordan
Conwell, University of Wisconsin-Madison
3436. Section on Comparative-Historical Sociology. Reflections
on Field Theory and Comparative-Historical Sociology
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 13, 4th Floor,
Presider: Sourabh Singh, Florida State University
Panelists: George Steinmetz, University of Michigan; Chad Alan
Goldberg, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Alfredo Joignant,
Universidad Diego Portales; Sadia Saeed, University of San
The Zero Time of the Political Field: Sociological Comparisons
Between Transitions to Democracy, Constitutional Moments
and Revolution - Alfredo Joignant, Universidad Diego Portales
The New Class, the Field of Social Classes, and Contemporary
Populism - Chad Alan Goldberg, University of Wisconsin-
The Presentation of Self in International Society: Insights from
Bourdieu’s Field Theory - Sadia Saeed, University of San
Field Theory and Imperial Geopolitics - George Steinmetz,
University of Michigan
Discussant: Craig Calhoun, Arizona State University-Tempe
Session Organizers: Sourabh Singh, Florida State University; George
Steinmetz, University of Michigan
3437. Section on Rationality and Society. Developments in
Rational Choice Theory
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 14, 4th Floor,
Presider: Emily Anne Erikson, Yale University
Causes and Consequences of Selective Behaviors: People Should
Not Expect Average Effects of Selective Behaviors - Scott L.
Feld, Purdue University
Cross-National and Temporal Variation in the Intergenerational
Elasticity of Expected Income: A Theoretical Model - Pablo A.
Mitnik, Stanford University
Structural Signatures of Corruption: Patterned Growth of Executive
Roles, Positions and Salaries in Public Universities - Howard T.
Welser, Ohio University; Anna Majercak, Ohio University
Trust as Signal: Theory and Experimental Evidence - Lin Tao, Peking
University, China; Tony Tam, Chinese University of Hong Kong
and Academia Sinica
Discussant: Emily Anne Erikson, Yale University
Session Organizer: Pamela E. Emanuelson, North Dakota State
3438. Family Section. Family and Health
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 15, 4th Floor,
Presider: Lauren M. Gaydosh, Vanderbilt University
All in the Family: The Collateral Consequences of Criminal Justice
Contacts for Parents and Siblings - Courtney E. Boen,
University of Pennsylvania; Hannah Olson, University of
Exploring Vaccine Skepticism Among More Educated Dutch Parents
- Josje Ten Kate, Erasmus University Rotterdam; Willem De
Koster, Erasmus University Rotterdam; Jeroen van der Waal,
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Gendered Care Responses to a Spouse’s Psychological Distress
within Same-Sex and Different-Sex Couples - Mieke Beth
Thomeer, University of Alabama at Birmingham; Amanda
Pollitt, The University of Texas at Austin; Debra Umberson, The
University of Texas at Austin
Time with Caregivers and Stress in Adolescents: A Biosocial
Approach - Kammi Schmeer, The Ohio State University;
Christopher R. Browning, Ohio State University; Jodi L. Ford,
The Ohio State University
Discussant: Kathleen Mullan Harris, University of North Carolina
Session Organizer: Lauren M. Gaydosh, Vanderbilt University
Monday, August 10, 2020
3439. Section on Sociology of Religion. Religion, Politics, and
Civic Engagement
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 17, 4th Floor,
Presider: Rhys H. Williams, Loyola University-Chicago
Between Sacred Gift and Profane Exchange: Brokerage and
Relational Work in Religion-Based Asylum Claims - Jaeeun
Kim, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Finding Faith: Uncovering Multiple Institutional Logics in the
Nonprofit Sector - Robert Wayne Ressler, University of Texas
at Austin; Brad R. Fulton, Indiana University; Pamela M. Paxton,
University of Texas-Austin
Good News for Common Goods?: Multicultural Evangelicalism and
Grassroots Democracy in America - Wes Markofski, Carleton
One Size Does Not Fit All: Race, Immigrant Generation, and
Birthplace on Perceptions of Islamophobic Discrimination -
Laila Noureldin, University of Chicago
Session Organizers: Lisa D. Pearce, University of North Carolina-
Chapel Hill; Andrea Henderson, University of South Carolina;
Grace Yukich, Quinnipiac University
3441. Section on Organizations, Occupations, and Work. Section
on Organizations, Occupations, and Work/Organizational
and Institutional Change
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 23, 4th Floor,
Presider: Alaz Kilicaslan, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
Differential Receptivity to Institutional Change: Organizational
Adoption as Encounters and Enactment - Christof Brandtner,
University of Chicago; Aaron Horvath; Walter W. Powell,
Stanford University
The Government’s Paradoxical Making of Grassroots-Oriented
Corporate Philanthropy in China - Yuhao Zhuang, University of
Reconceiving An Organization For Artificial Intelligence - Bo Hee
Min, Copenhagen Business School
Woundwood: Harassment and Cultural Reorganization in the US
Forest Service - Emily R. Haire, Colorado State University
Can Managers Clarify Criteria in Performance Evaluations to Reduce
Bias? Lessons From a “Small Wins” Intervention - Alison Wynn,
Stanford University; JoAnne Delfino Wehner, University of
Washington; Sofia Kennedy, Stanford University
Session Organizers: Alexandra Kalev, Tel Aviv University; Emilio
J. Castilla, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Leroy
Gonsalves, Harvard University; Lindsey McKay Ibanez,
Washburn University; Kristin Marsh, University of Mary
Washington; Katherine Sobering, University of North Texas; Eli
R. Wilson, University of New Mexico-Albuquerque
3442. Regular Sessions. Social Networks and Health
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 25, 4th Floor,
Presider: Gertrude Robin Gauthier, McGill University
Causal Relationships between Social Networks and Health: A
Comparison of Three Modeling Strategies - Emily Ruppel,
University of California-Berkeley; Stephanie Child, Berkeley
Population Center, University of California, Berkeley; Claude
S. Fischer, University of California-Berkeley; Marian Botchway,
University of Notre Dame
The Moderating Role of Context: Relationships Between Individual
Behaviors and Social Networks - Cheng Wang, Wayne State
University; John R. Hipp, University of California, Irvine; Carter
T. Butts, University of California-Irvine; Cynthia M. Lakon,
University of California Irvine
Infant Health Selection Effects on Workplace Connections: A
Longitudinal Network Analysis of Neighborhoods Over 14
Years - Corina Graif, Pennsylvania State University; Megan
Evans, The Pennsylvania State University; Stephen A.
Matthews, Pennsylvania State University
How Homophily Affects Information Clustering: In the Case of
Epidemic Twitter Networks - Eun Kyong Shin, University of
Tennessee Health Science Center – Oak-Ridge National Lab;
Byunghwee Lee, Department of Physics, Korea Advanced
Institute of Science and Technology; Hawoong Jeong,
Department of Physics, Korea Advanced Institute of Science
and Technology
Network Replication of Inequality in Medical Crowdsourced
Funding - Mark Igra, University of Washington
Session Organizer: Steve McDonald, North Carolina State University
3443. Regular Sessions. Gender and Development in India
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 1, 6th Floor,
Presider: Rita Jalali, American University
Boundaries of Family and Work: Informal Workers in India -
Natascia Boeri, Bloomfield College
Coming of Age in New Tribal India: Youth, Uncertainty and Swagger
amid Agrarian Decline - Vivekananda Nemana, Princeton
Embedded Autonomy: How Migration, Localities and Religion
Shape Female Decision-Making and Movement in Kerala, India
- Anna Lunn, Columbia University; Charlotte Wang, Columbia
University; Peter S. Bearman, Columbia University
Discussant: Chaitanya Lakkimsetti, Texas A&M University-College
Session Organizer: Manisha Desai, University of Connecticut
3444. Regular Sessions. How Place and Social Location Aect
Educational Outcomes
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 2, 6th Floor,
Presider: David Mickey-Pabello, Harvard University
Inequality Begets Inequality: Income Inequality and Socioeconomic
Achievement Gaps - Joseph Workman, University of Missouri-
Kansas City
Network Position and Academic Achievement - Jonathan Horowitz,
Carolina Population Center; Jill Hamm, UNC-Chapel Hill;
Kerrylin Lambert, UNC-Chapel Hill
Well-Placed: The Geography of Opportunity and High School
Effects on College Attendance - Noah Hirschl, University of
Wisconsin-Madison; Christian Michael Smith, University of
Wisconsin - Madison
How Political and Ecological Contexts Shape Community College
Transfer - Huriya Jabbar, The University of Texas at Austin;
Lauren Schudde, The University of Texas at Austin; Catherine
Hartman, Unversity of South Carolina
Discussant: Emily Rauscher, Brown University
Session Organizer: Amy Gill Langenkamp, University of Notre Dame
3445. Regular Sessions. Identity, Ideology, and Media
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 4, 6th Floor,
Presider: Julian Posada, University of Toronto
Neighborhood Context, Race, and U.S. Newspaper Coverage of
Home Invasion Crime - Reginald Anthony Byron, Southwestern
Framing Homelessness Through Neoliberal Narratives: The
Inclusion of Homeless Voices in a Regional Newspaper -
Steven Tuttle, Loyola University Chicago; Talmadge Wright,
Loyola University Chicago
The Cabal Social: A Network Topology of Conspiracy Proliferation
on Twitter - Kyle Nolan Rakowski, Washington State University
Monday, August 10, 2020
Perceived Social Status and Ethnic Stratification -- Evidence from
Journalists in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region - Fen
Jennifer Lin, City University of Hong Kong; Xiaoning Han,
Renmin University of China
Session Organizer: Brandon Bosch, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
3446. Regular Sessions. The Complex Mechanisms of Racial
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 6, 6th Floor,
Presider: Katherine Wullert, Stanford University
Black/Latino/a Scientist or Black/Latino/a and Scientist? Identity
Integration, Threat, and Self-Esteem among Minority STEM
Students - Brennan J. Miller, Kent State University; Kelly
Lorraine Markowski, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Complex Stereotypes: Stereotype Content at the Intersections
of Gender, Sexuality, Age, Race/Ethnicity, and Social Class -
Nicholas Heiserman, University of South Carolina
Prize or Penalty? The Reputational Effect of Diversity Scholarships
in the Labor Market - Jiayi Janet Xu, Princeton University
The Status Generalization Process of Race on Team Assembly -
Jasmón Bailey, University of Maryland
Session Organizer: David Pedulla, Stanford University
3447. Regular Sessions. Social mobility
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 8, 6th Floor,
Presider: Xi Song, University of Pennsylvania
Dual-Pathways of Intergenerational Influence Over Multiple
Generations - Qing Huang, Peking University; Yu Xie, Princeton
The Class-Origin Pay Gap in the US - Daniel Laurison, Swarthmore
College; Sam Friedman, London School of Economics
The Effects of Income Dynamics across Childhood on Later-Life
Health, Cognition, and Mortality - Jessie Himmelstern; Rob
Warren, University of Minnesota; Liying Luo, The Pennsylvania
State University
The Making and Unmaking of Educational Opportunity: Educational
Mobility in 20th Century-Denmark - Kristian Bernt Karlson,
University of Copenhagen; Rasmus Landersø, Rockwool
Foundation Research Unit
Discussant: Xi Song, University of Pennsylvania
Session Organizer: Florencia Torche, Stanford University
3448. Regular Sessions. Poverty and Place
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 10, 6th Floor,
Presider: Beth Redbird, Northwestern University
Different Costs, Different Places: Mapping the Geography of
Poverty with the Self-Sufficiency Standard - Diana M. Pearce,
University of Washington
Does Poverty Reduce Prosociality and Political Engagement? -
Johanna Gereke, Mannheim University; Delia Baldassarri, New
York University; Max Schaub, Social Science Center Berlin (WZB)
Homeless Encampment Sweeps in Silicon Valley: Narratives of
Invisibility and Risk - Jamie Suki Chang, Santa Clara University;
Philip Boo Riley, Santa Clara University; Katherine Lin, Santa
Clara University; Robert Aguirre, Santa Clara University
Race, Poverty, and Place in Suburbia: Implications for the Structure
of Opportunity - Ebony M. Duncan-Shippy, Washington
University In St. Louis
Racial Inequality in Poverty in the U.S., 1993-2016 - Regina S.
Baker, University of Pennsylvania; Zachary Parolin, Columbia
University; Deadric T. Williams, University of Tennessee-
Discussant: Marybeth J. Mattingly, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
Session Organizer: Beth Redbird, Northwestern University
3453. Section on International Migration. Theorizing and
Understanding Immigrant Organizations
Parc55, Cyril Magnin II, Level 4, 2:30-4:10pm
Presider: Ali Chaudhary, Rutgers University-New Brunswick
Immigrant-Serving Organizations and the Racial Politics of
Immigrant Rights - Hana Brown, Wake Forest University;
Jennifer A. Jones, University of Illinois-Chicago
Organizational Uncertainties: Temporary Protection and Syrian
Refugee-Run Healthcare in Turkey - Nihal Kayali, UCLA
Urban Contexts and Immigrant Organizations: Differences in New
York, El Paso, Paris, and Barcelona - Ernesto Castañeda,
American University
Why Immigrant Rights Organizations Embrace Nationalism: A Case
Study of the US Immigrant Rights Movement - Walter Julio
Session Organizer: Ali Chaudhary, Rutgers University-New
3460. Student Forum. Student Forum Open Topic Paper Session:
Parc55, Mission II, Level 4, 2:30-4:10pm
Presider: Marie Plaisime, Howard University
Depression in Later Life: Theoretical Perspectives and Practical
Applications - Amelia Pittman, Miami University
Do Care Receivers’ Gender Predict Levels of Depressive Symptoms
Among African American Caregivers? - Abolade Oladimeji,
Case Western Reserve University
Student Duck Syndrome: Race and Mental Health Among College
Students - Doreen Hsu, University of California, San Diego
Session Organizer: Saugher Nojan, University of California Santa
3461. Section on Sociology of Sexualities. Sexualities and White
Parc55, Mission I, Level 4, 2:30-4:10pm
Presider: Rick Braatz, Southern Illinois University - Carbondale
“Imagining “Real” Homosexuals: Authentic Sexual Subjects and
Empire-Making at Home” - Vrushali Patil, Florida International
Flirting With Non-Existence: Circumvention, Self-Preservation &
Spatial Practices of Privilege Among Dubai’s Expatriate Queer
Male Population - Manoel Carlos Pereira Neto, London School
of Economics; Ryan Centner, London School of Economics
Gay Nazis: Victimhood, Masculinity, and the Private/Public Spheres
- Blu Buchanan
Mobilizing Race: Framing Safety in Boystown - Jacob Stone, DePaul
“Standing Up for Trans Rights”: Racialized Tensions within Chicago
LGBT Protest Cultures - Sarah M. Steele, University of Illinois,
Session Organizer: Rick Braatz, Southern Illinois University -
3462. Regular Sessions. Displacement and Disparities in Urban
Parc55, Stockton, Level 4, 2:30-4:10pm
Presider: Jean Beaman, University of California-Santa Barbara
Avoiding Eviction: How Landlords Attempt to Keep Tenants in their
Homes - John E. Balzarini, Delaware State University; Melody
L. Boyd, SUNY-Brockport
Can the Large-Scale Study of Gentrification Address Culture?
Assessing the Possibilities Using Geodemographic Marketing
Data - Mahesh Somashekhar, University of Illinois at Chicago
Evict or Invest: Local Distinction and Variations of Urban Informality
Governance in Jakarta, Indonesia - Wara Urwasi, Northwestern
Race, Family Structure, and Eviction in Metropolitan America,
Monday, August 10, 2020
2017 - Samantha Friedman, SUNY-Albany; In Choi, University
at Albany, SUNY; Tawnee Crews, University at Albany, SUNY;
Recai Yucel, University at Albany, SUNY
The Utterances of White Gentrifiers Are an Extension of the Settler
Colonial - Miguel Montalva Barba, Salem State University
Discussant: Soo Mee Kim, California State University-Los Angeles
Session Organizer: Ashley Colleen Feely Hutson, Butler University
Monday, 3:10 pm
3422. Section on Racial and Ethnic Minorities Roundtables
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Imperial A, Ballroom Level,
Session Organizers: Shaonta Allen, University of Cincinnati; Olivia
Hu, University of Pennsylvania
Table 1: Religious Practices among Racial & Ethnic Groups
Table Presider: Shaonta Allen, University of Cincinnati
Strategic Religiosity & Identity Construction among Black Christian
Millennials - Shaonta Allen, University of Cincinnati
“Until We Weep”: The Emotional and Spiritual Dimensions of
Bettering Race Relations - Jocelyn Bell, Brown University
Overchurched, Underfed: Initial Findings from an Ongoing
Ethnography of Religiously Affiliated Food Provision - Andrew
Craig McNeely, Texas A&M University
Muslim Religious Accommodations: Do Multicultural Policies Impact
Religiosity Levels Among Muslims, Protestants, and Catholics?
- Ronald Kwon; Kevin John McCaffree, University of North
Table 2: New Approaches in Theorizing Race
Table Presider: Chloe Dunston, The Ohio State University
You Are What You Wear: How Self-Racialization through Dress
Reinforces the Myth that Race is Real - Angela Nurse,
University of San Diego
The Failure of a Perspective: Sociology of Race Relations in the
1980s and 1990s - Reginald Daniel, University of California,
Santa Barbara
Silence of the Many: Cultures of Ignorance and Social Exclusion -
Emily B. Campbell, CUNY Graduate Center
How the Boxes Stack Up: Assessing the Racial Hierarchy Across
Outcomes - Beka Guluma, Stanford University; Aliya
Saperstein, Stanford University
Remaking Colonial Modernity: Beyond the Façade of Colonial
Negotiation and Race in East Asia - Jae Kyun Kim, Davidson
College; Yeon-Hwa Lee, SUNY Binghamton
Table 3: Racialized Outcomes of Policing & Protests
Table Presider: Theresa Rocha Beardall, Virginia Tech
The Racial Divide and Support for NFL Anthem Protests - Jomills
Henry Braddock, University of Miami; Rachel Lautenschlager,
University of Miami; Randon Taylor, University of Miami
Adaptive Brutality, Legislative Coercion, and the Paradox of Citizen
Complaints Against Police Misconduct - Theresa Rocha
Beardall, Virginia Tech
Understanding the Driving Dynamics of Officer-Involved Shootings
of Black Citizens - Anne Nassauer, Freie Universität Berlin
Cultural Racism, Neo-Nationalism, and Global Implications on
Player Protesters’ Labor: White Right-Wing Collegiate Student-
Athletes’ Responses - Kenneth Sean Chaplin, John Carroll
University; Jeffrey D. Montez de Oca, University of Colorado
Colorado Springs
Intersectional Synthesis: A Case Study of the Colectiva Feminista
en Construcción - Fernando Tormos-Aponte, University of
Maryland-Baltimore County
Table 4: Racial & Ethnic Classification/Categorization
Table Presider: Christina Alicia Sue, University of Colorado-Boulder
Viva Florida 500!: Constructing Race in Florida Historical
Storytelling - Camille Petersen, Northeastern University
Judging a Book By its Cover: External Classification of Race and
Homophily in Adolescent Friendship Networks - Paulina
dela Cruz Inara Rodis; Diane H. Felmlee, Pennsylvania State
University; Gary Adler, Pennsylvania State University
Standardization of Racial Statistics and Shifting Intellectual
Grounds of Race in U.S. Multiculturalism - Fuminori
Minamikawa, Ritsumeikan University
The State and Historically Invisible Identities: The Case of Blacks in
Mexico - Christina Alicia Sue, University of Colorado-Boulder
Table 5: Racial and Ethnic Trends in the Labor Market
Table Presider: Chandra Reyna, University of Maryland, College Park
The New Ethnic Entrepreneur: Overcoming Disadvantage in the
Labor Market through Self-Employment - Marlene Orozco
Predictors of Labor Market Incorporation Among U.S Arabs. The
Role of Race and Region of Origin. - Sirine Mechbal, Rutgers
Labor Market Integration Policies and Anti-Immigrant Sentiment in
Europe: Evidence From 21 European Countries - Anna Zamora-
Kapoor, Washington State University; Xavier Escandell, Grinnell
College; Xavier Coller, Universidad Nacional de Educación a
Table 6: Racialized Performances in Educational Spaces
Table Presider: Neli Demireva, Essex University
Stereotype Promise? Heterogeneous Teacher Effects on Asian
American Student Performance - Keitaro Okura, Yale
“I Thought I Wasn’t a Good Teacher [or] a Good Person”:
Investigation of Black Teachers’ Perceptions - Andrea Terrero
Spatial Analysis of High School Dropout: The Role of Race, Poverty,
and Outliers in New York - Jose Eos Trinidad, University of
Racial Social Norms Among Brazilian Students: Networks, Social
Status and Academic Performance - Alysson Portella, Insper;
Charles Kirschbaum, Insper Institute of Education and
Research; Naercio Menezes Filho, Insper
Table 7: Racialized Experiences in Higher Education
Table Presider: Helene Wright, Valparaiso University
Accumulating Summer Loss: Narratives of Low-Income College
Students Over the Summer Break - Esther C. Kim, University of
Southern California
“I Like . . . Red Bone:” Colorism, Rappers, and Black Sorority
Women at a PWI - Whitney Frierson, Vanderbilt University
The Recent Decline in College-Going Among Black Americans -
Juliana De Castro Galvao, CUNY Graduate Center; Samuel
Edward Neylon, CUNY Graduate Center; Christopher Maggio,
City University of New York-Graduate Center; Frederick T.
Tucker; Paul A. Attewell, CUNY, Graduate Center
Table 8: Inter/Multi-Raciality in Educational Spaces
Table Presider: Marcelo A. Bohrt, American University
STEM Achievement and Coursetaking Among Mexican-Origin High
School Students Across Latino/a Destinations - Elizabeth
Ackert, University of California-Santa Barbara; Matthew James
Snidal, Univeristy of Texas at Austin
Ethnic Boundary-Making Among Multiethnic College Students
- David Song, Stanford University; Anthony Lising Antonio,
Stanford University; Ilana Horwitz, Stanford University
Contact Theory and Integration Policy: Interethnic Interaction and
Social Integration in two Danish Desegregated Schools - Sidsel
Vive Jensen, Danish Centre of Applied Social Science
The Persistence of Preference: Sources of Variation in Interracial
Friendship Quality - Karam Hwang, UNC Chapel Hill
Session 3462, continued
Monday, August 10, 2020
Table 9: The Social Construction and Implications of Whiteness
Table Presider: Kathryn Anderson, University of Wisconsin
The Possessive Investment in Honorary Whiteness: How Language
Shapes a Transnational Racial Order - Joong Won Kim, Virginia
Young White Children Are the Minority: The Demography of
Whiteness Decline in the United States - Dudley L. Poston,
Texas A&M University-College Station; Rogelio Saenz,
University of Texas at San Antonio
Redefining the Language of Hate: Analysing Whiteness to
Understand Contemporary Racism - Byron Williams, Victoria
University of Wellington, NZ
Implicit Resentment and the Gun Policy Preferences of White
Americans - Benjamin Dowd-Arrow, Florida State University;
Terrence D. Hill, University of Arizona; Amy M. Burdette,
Florida State University; Daniel Tope, Florida State University;
Jeremy E. Uecker, Baylor University
Table 10: The Race, Place, and Space of Whiteness
Table Presider: Gunercindo Antoneo Espinoza, University of
Minnesota at Twin Cities
Public Confederate Monuments and Racial Variation in Mental
Health - Ryan Talbert, Vanderbilt University
“Sincere Fictions” and the University Greys: The White Racial
Frame and Confederate Soldier Slaveholding - Jeffrey T.
Jackson, University of Mississippi
Amicus Briefs’ Influence on Bakke (1978): A Case Study on an
Intellectual White Space - Gunercindo Antoneo Espinoza,
University of Minnesota at Twin Cities
How the Other Half Lives: The Impact of non-Latino White Ethnic
Identity on Self-Esteem - Jasmine Lanisha Davis, Indiana
Table 11: MENA and Racial Classification
Table Presider: Natalia Cornelia Malancu, University of Geneva
Fear of Statistical Recognition: MENA and the 2020 Census -
Bradley J. Zopf, Carthage College
Who Counts as Muslim? An Inquiry into Categorization Strategies
and Their Implications for Integration Research - Natalia
Cornelia Malancu, University of Geneva; Laura Morales,
Sciences Po; Marco Giugni, University of Geneva; Melanie
Kolbe, IHEID
“We Know Who We Are Not”: Ethnic Boundary Emphasis and
Spillover Effects of Terrorist Attacks. - Daniel Nicholas Ramirez
Smith, Pennsylvania State University; S. Michael Gaddis,
University of California-Los Angeles
Table 12: Race and Mental Health
Table Presider: Jeanne E. Kimpel, Molloy College
Indigenous Cultural Participation and Life Satisfaction: Support
for the Culture-As-Treatment Hypothesis - Meagan Rainock,
Vanderbilt University
Likelihood of Using Mental Health Services Among Asians and
Latinos in the U.S.: An Acculturative Approach - Angelica
Lopez, University of Houston
Racial Microaggressions and College Students’ Troubled Sleep -
Cassidy Blaise Castiglione, Rice University
Somali American Young Adults’ Experiences and Understandings of
Discrimination and Health - Tibrine Dafonseca, Northeastern
University; Alisa K. Lincoln, Northeastern University
Table 13: Race, Health, and Institutions
Table Presider: Ynesse Abdul-Malak, Colgate University
Everyday Biological Essentialism: Race and Recruitment in Bone
Marrow Donation - Kushan Dasgupta, University of California -
Los Angeles
Internalized Oppression and Health in Latin America - Savannah
Larimore, Washington University-St. Louis; Maria Vignau
Loria, University of Washington; Thiago Marques, University of
Racial Disparity in Being Told One is Overweight by a Clinician -
Chuck Galli, Independence Blue Cross
Table 14: Latinos in America
Table Presider: Angie N. Ocampo, University of Pennsylvania
Social Acceptance: Reconceptualizing Latino Immigrant
Incorporation - Angie N. Ocampo, University of Pennsylvania
Managing Racial Expectations with Language: Latinx Parents and
Active Association - Jazmin A. Muro, Regis University
The Correlates of Panethnic Identification: Assessing Similarities
and Differences Among Latinos and Asians in the USA -
Beksahn A. Jang, University of Arizona; Kelsey E. Gonzalez,
The University of Arizona; Liwen Zeng, University of Arizona;
Daniel E. Martinez, University of Arizona
Table 15: Immigrant Incorporation and Integration
Table Presider: Kevin T. Smiley, SUNY-Buffalo
Oppositional or Engaged? The Civic Incorporation of Young British
Muslims: Immigrant and Social Generation Effects - Siobhan
McAndrew, University of Bristol; Therese O’Toole, University of
Urban Europeans’ Viewpoints on Immigrants in their City - Kevin T.
Smiley, SUNY-Buffalo; Yulin Yang, SUNY - Buffalo
Table 16: Examining Inequality: Race, Class, and Work
Table Presider: Yurong Zhang
Racialized Homelessness: Examining the Prevalence and Causes
of Racial Disparities in Homelessness - Matt Zhongyi Fowle,
University of Washington
Within-Group Income Inequality Among Asian American Families -
Yurong Zhang
“Crack-Heads are People Too!” An Ethnography of Class, Race, and
Rebellion - Nicholas Budimir, Muskegon Community College
Racial Construction of Korean-Chinese Domestic and Care Workers
in South Korea - In Seo Son, Korea University
Table 17: Muslims and Racial Discrimination
Table Presider: Shan Mohammed Siddiqui
American Muslim Converts: Racialized by Religious Markers -
Patrick Michael Casey
Perceived Islamophobia and U.S. Muslims’ Attitudes toward
American Society - Shan Mohammed Siddiqui
Polite Responses to Stigma: Ethics of Exemplarity Among French
Muslim Leaders - Margot Dazey
Table 18: Race and Ethnicity in Asian America
Table Presider: Zobayer Ahmmad
Ethnic Diversity in Perceptions of Discrimination Among Ten Asian
American Groups - Hakim Zainiddinov, Bowdoin College
Ethnicity and Acculturation: Asian American Substance Use from
Early Adolescence to Mature Adulthood - Zobayer Ahmmad;
Daniel Eugene Adkins
Ethnic Belonging Among Asian Americans and Arab Americans -
Bonnie Ip
Table 19: Identity and Belonging
Table Presider: H. Brin Xu, University of Maryland, College Park
‘What Kind of Jew I Am?’: Identity Narrative and Cultural Context
in a Life Story - Mary Patrice Erdmans, Case Western Reserve
Eliciting What Matters to Black Men: Desistance as Making Sense of
Self and Collective Belonging - Vanessa Lynn, Marist College
The Holocaust, Israel, and the Everyday Politics of Collective
Memory Mobilization - Joshua Harold, University of Toronto
Making and Transcending Boundaries: The Effect of Rituals on
National Pride in Iran and Turkey - Ramin Jabbarli, University
of Washington
Table 20: Race, Media, & Representation
Table Presider: Minjeong Kim, San Diego State University
Racial Representations Among Voice Actors of Animated Films -
Minjeong Kim, San Diego State University; Rachelle Jeneane
Monday, August 10, 2020
Brunn-Bevel, Fairfield University
Newspaper Accounts of Ethnoracial and Gay Demographics - Carol
Walther, Northern Illinois University
Blackface, Redface, Noface: A (False)Double Consciousness of
Black and Indigenous Peoples in Canada and USA - Ferdouse
Asefi, University of Toronto
Racial Barriers in U.S. Independent Filmmaking - Michael Tuan Tran,
3426. Section on Alcohol, Drugs, and Tobacco Roundtables
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Yosemite A, Ballroom Level,
Session Organizer: Michael Vuolo, Ohio State University
Table 1: Forms of Disadvantages and Substance Use
Table Presider: Xiaozhao Y. Yang
Delinquent Peer Association Explains Why Socioeconomic
Status Disadvantage is Associated with Greater Levels of
Methamphetamine Use - Xiaozhao Y. Yang; Boye Fang, Sun
Yat-sen University; Brian Christopher Kelly, Purdue University
Exploring the Community Impact of Opioid Related Death and
Intergenerational Addiction - Carmela Marie Roybal, University
of New Mexico
Heroin Users’ Role in the Opioid Epidemic - Celia C. Lo, Texas
Woman’s University; Paul DC Bones, Texas Woman’s
University; Tyrone C. Cheng, Kennesaw State University;
Christine Chen, Texas Woman’s University
Trends in AIAN and Non-Hispanic White Opioid Overdose Deaths
in the United States, 1999-2017 - Baksun Sung, Utah State
Table 2: Qualitative Examinations of Substance Use
Table Presider: Emily Schneider, Northern Arizona University
“It’s Impossible Quitting Heroin Use Myself”: A Qualitative Inquiry
of Chinese Drug Users’ Self-Recovery Experiences - Xuemeng
Li, CUNY - The Graduate Center; Liu Liu, Nanjing University
Negotiating Addiction - Sara Rubin, University of California-San
Francisco; Maya Vijayaraghavan, UCSF; Kevin Delucchi, UCSF;
Sheri Weiser, UCSF; Janice Tsoh, UCSF; Elise Riley, UCSF
Practice of Telling Your Own Story Among NA Members in Japan -
Yasusuke Minami, Seijo University; Mitsuhiro Okada
The Role of Social Ties in Facilitating Successful Recovery and
Reentry - Emily Schneider, Northern Arizona University;
Juliette Roddy, Northern Arizona University
Table 3: Structural Conditions and Substance Use
Table Presider: Lindsey Richardson, University of British Columbia
Austerity and the Rise of Drug-Related Deaths in England and
Wales - Jonathan Koltai, Bocconi University; Martin McKee,
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine; David
Stuckler, Bocconi University
The Hidden Cost of the Disease: Fines, Fees, & Costs Assessed on
Persons with Alleged SUD - Meghan M. O’Neil, University of
Michigan; Daniel Strellman, University of Michigan Law School
The Narratives of Educators at Peri-Urban High Schools at Umlazi,
KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa - Oluwatobi Joseph Alabi,
University of Johannesburg; Thandanani Ngidi, University of
The Unintended Impacts of Welfare Policy Change on Patterns of
Violence: Evidence From Experimental Research - Lindsey
Richardson, University of British Columbia; Allison Laing, UBC;
JinCheol Choi, British Columbia Centre on Substance Use
Table 4: Substance Use among Youth and Young Adults
Table Presider: Clifford L. Broman, Michigan State University
Do Marriage and Cohabitation Promote Health and Suppress Health
Risk Behavior Among Young Adults? - Yuko Hara, University of
Examining the Risk and Predictive Factors for Marijuana and
Alcohol Use Among Youth In-Care - Greggory J. Cullen,
University of Guelph; David Michael Walters, University of
Maternal Alcohol Use and Child’s Internalizing and Externalizing
Behavior: What a Can of Beer Can Do? - Youngjin Chae, Yonsei
Race/Ethnic Differences in First-Time Adolescent Drug Use - Taylor
Aquino, UCLA
Self-Medication and Substance Use - Clifford L. Broman, Michigan
State University; Mellissa Kay Wright, Michigan State University;
Michael J. Broman, Wayne State University; Shikha Bista
3427. Meeting. Section on the Sociology of Sex and Gender
Business Meeting
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Yosemite B, Ballroom Level,
Monday, 4:30 pm
3503. Meeting. Orientation for New Section Ocers
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 1, Lobby Level,
3504. Special Sessions. Disappearing Communities in the Census
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 2, Lobby Level,
Presider: Marlese Durr, Wright State University
Who Counts in Census 2020? - John R. Logan, Brown University
The Great Demographic Illusion and the American Future - Richard
D. Alba, CUNY-Graduate Center
Race Shifting in the United States: Implications for the 2020 Census
- Yasmiyn Irizarry, University of Texas at Austin
Discussant: Andrew A. Beveridge, CUNY-Queens College
Session Organizer: Marlese Durr, Wright State University
3505. Special Sessions. White Fragility: Individual and
Institutional Responses to Charges of Racism
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 3, Lobby Level,
Presider: Tomas R. Jimenez, Stanford University
Panelists: Ellen Berrey, University of Toronto; Amanda Evelyn Lewis,
University of Illinois-Chicago; R. L’Heureux Lewis-McCoy, New
York University; Ted Thornhill, Florida Gulf Coast University
Session Organizer: Monica McDermott, Arizona State University
3506. Thematic Sessions. Intersectional Understandings of
Contemporary Parenting and Work
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 4, Lobby Level,
Presider: Caitlyn Collins, Washington University-St. Louis
Panelists: Dawn M. Dow, University of Maryland-College Park;
Patrick Steven Ishizuka, Washington University-St. Louis;
Aliya Hamid Rao, Stanford University; Katherine Weisshaar,
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Session Organizer: Caitlyn Collins, Washington University-St. Louis
3507. Section on Racial and Ethnic Minorities. Cite Black Women:
Black Feminist Thought and Sociology
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 5, Lobby Level,
Presider: Kayla A. Preito-Hodge, University of Massachusetts-
Black Girl Dreaming: Dream-Making Through Systemic Nightmares
- Kenly E. Brown, University of California, Berkeley
Rethinking Use of Force: Police Gender-Based and Sexual Violence
Against Black Women - Shannon Malone Gonzalez, The
University of Texas at Austin
Session 3422, continued
Monday, August 10, 2020
Running While Black: Intersectional Experiences of Black Woman
Running in White Spaces - Tiffany Gayle Chenault, Salem State
The Case of the Stripperneur: A Black Feminist Digital Sociology of
Entrepreneurship Among Exotic Dancers - Melissa Brown
Discussant: Shaneda L. Destine, University of Tennessee Knoxville
Session Organizer: Celeste Curington, North Carolina State
3508. Thematic Sessions. Work, Blackness, and Refusal in the
Afterlife of Slavery
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 6, Lobby Level,
Presider: Franco Barchiesi, Ohio State University
Panelists: Nicholas Brady, Bucknell University / Africana Studies;
Patrice D. Douglass, Duke University / Gender, Sexuality, and
Feminist Studies; Sara-Maria Sorentino, University of Alabama
/ Gender and Race Studies
Session Organizer: Franco Barchiesi, Ohio State University
3509. Thematic Sessions. The Brave New World of Healthcare:
How Providers and Patients Navigate a Changing
Healthcare System
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 7, Lobby Level,
Presider: Elizabeth Chiarello, Saint Louis University
Challenging the Myth of Meritocracy in Medical Training - Tania M.
Jenkins, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
The Changing Locations of Aging and its Impact on Care Work -
LaTonya Trotter, Vanderbilt University
Information Regimes, Professional Practice, and the Persistence of
Old Technology in Health Care - Denise L. Anthony, University
of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Get Big or Go Home: The Pressure to Expand Networks, Grab
Partners, and Compromise on Reproductive and Transgender
Care to Survive - Lori Freedman, UCSF
Session Organizer: Elizabeth Chiarello, Saint Louis University
3510. Section on Disability in Society. Past, Present, and Future:
30 years after the Americans with Disabilities Act
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 8, Lobby Level,
Presider: Michelle Lee Maroto, University of Alberta
Issues of Accessibility in the Judiciary: Perspectives from Judiciary
Personnel* - Mamadi Corra, East Carolina University
Managing Invisible Illnesses At Work: Honest Disclosures and Moral
Dilemmas - Ginny L. Natale, SUNY Stony Brook Medicine
Shifting Hierarchies of Disadvantage: How Race, Gender, and
Disability Status Intersect Within the Labor Market - Jennifer
D. Brooks, Syracuse University
Thoughts on Developing a Disability Imagination for Social
Research - Rebecca Blackwell, University of South Florida
Discussant: David Nicholas Pettinicchio, University of Toronto
Session Organizers: David Nicholas Pettinicchio, University of
Toronto; Michelle Lee Maroto, University of Alberta
3516. Policy and Research Workshop. National Science
Foundation: Beyond Standard Grants: NSF’s Cross-
Disciplinary Programs
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 2, Ballroom Level,
Leaders: Joseph M. Whitmeyer, National Science Foundation; Toby
L. Parcel, North Carolina State University
Session Organizers: Joseph M. Whitmeyer, National Science
Foundation; Toby L. Parcel, North Carolina State University
3517. Section on Race, Gender, and Class. Beyond Race, Gender,
and Class: Centering the North-South Axis in Analyses of
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 3, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Caroline M. Schoepf, Hong Kong Baptist University
Race and Caste: The Story of its Intertwining, its Erasure and its
Re-Connections in the Last 200 Years - Sujata Patel, University
of Hyderabad
The Colonial Appropriation of Women’s Indigenous Knowledge:
The Case of the Sugbuana - Phoebe Zoe Maria Umbay
Sanchez, University of the Philippines Cebu
Governing Through Women: Ethics and Politics of Reconstructing
the Post-Disaster City - Kaira Zoe Alburo Cañete, University of
New South Wales
Life Affirmation and Resistance in the Puerto Rico’s 2019 Summer
Protest Within Neoliberal and Neocolonial Catastrophe - Rosa
O’Connor Acevedo, University of Oregon
Understanding Northern Problems Via Southern Theories -
Bandana Purkayastha, University of Connecticut
Session Organizers: Caroline M. Schoepf, Hong Kong Baptist
University; Matthew Ming-Tak Chew, Hong Kong Baptist
3519. Book Salons (formerly Author Meets Critics). Refuge
beyond Reach: How Rich Democracies Repel Asylum
Seekers (Oxford University Press, 2019) by David Scott
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 7, Ballroom Level,
Author: David Fitzgerald, University of California, San Diego
Panelists: Yasemin Soysal, University of Essex; Irene H.I. Bloemraad,
University of California-Berkeley; Stephanie J. Nawyn,
Michigan State University; Paolo Boccagni, University of Trento
Session Organizer: Cecilia Menjivar, University of California-Los
Moderator: Teresa Menjivar
3520. Section on Medical Sociology. Violence and Health
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 8, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Michael Hughes Esposito, University of Michigan
Intimate Partner Violence, Circulating Glucose, and Non-
Communicable Disease: Adding Insult to Injury? - Abigail
Weitzman, University of Texas; Bridget Goosby, University of
System Avoidance and Social Isolation: Mechanisms Connecting
Criminal Justice Contact and Health Disparities - Richard
Carbonaro, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
The Birth(weight) of a Nation: Racism and US Population Health in
the Trump Era - Carmen Marie Gutierrez, University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill; Nathan T. Dollar, University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill
The Impact of Early Life War Exposure on Late Life Mental Health in
a Vietnamese Population - Miles Owen Kovnick; Yvette Young,
University of Utah; Nhung Tran, University of Utah; Kim M.
Korinek, University of Utah
Session Organizers: Michael Hughes Esposito, University of
Michigan; Hedwig Lee, University of Washington
3521. Section on Sociology of Sex and Gender. Disability, Sex,
and Gender: Exploring Relationships, Identities, and
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 9, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Justine Egner, University of Wisconsin La Crosse
Bi-Squared: The Precarious, Yet Resistant Intersection of Bisexuality
Monday, August 10, 2020
and Bipolar Disorder - Jennie Lambert
From Sexual Oppression to Sexual Empowerment: The Lived
Experience of Sex with Physical Disabilities - Ji-Sun Won,
University at Albany, SUNY
Gender, Disability, and Depressive Symptoms: The Salience of
Food Insecurity - Robyn Lewis Brown, University of Kentucky;
Gabriele Ciciurkaite, Utah State University; Aimee Imlay,
University of Kentucky
Measuring a Glass Barrier in Networking: Gender, Race, and
Position - Eunsung Yoon, University of Arizona
Discussant: Tom Gerschick, Illinois State University
Session Organizers: Justine Egner, University of Wisconsin La
Crosse; Tom Gerschick, Illinois State University
3522. Meeting. Section on Environmental Sociology Business
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Imperial A, Ballroom Level,
3523. Meeting. Family Section Business Meeting
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Imperial B, Ballroom Level,
3524. Meeting. Sociological Methodology Editorial Board
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Franciscan A, Ballroom Level,
3525. Meeting. Section on Comparative-Historical Sociology
Business Meeting
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Franciscan D, Ballroom Level,
3526. Meeting. American Sociological Review Editorial Board
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Yosemite A, Ballroom Level,
3527. Section on Collective Behavior and Social Movements.
Indigenous-Led Social Movements and the Role of
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Yosemite B, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Jeffrey Steven Denis, McMaster University
The Historical, Conceptual and Theoretical Landscape of
Indigenous-Led Movements, Their Alliances, and Allies - Erich
W. Steinman, Pitzer College
Movement at Standing Rock: Indigenous “Unceded” Land to
“Protectors” of Sacred Earth / Water - James V. Fenelon,
California State University-San Bernardino
For the Long Haul: What We Can Learn from Long-Term
Indigenous-Settler Alliances - Lynne Davis, Trent University;
Jeffrey Steven Denis, McMaster University; Chris Hiller,
University of Waterloo - Renison College; Dawn Lavell-
Harvard, Trent University
Legacies of Resistance: A Long-Range Approach to Indigenous
Mobilization in Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador - Karla Mundim,
University of Florida
The Centrality of Difference in Coalition-Building: Palestinian,
Israeli, and International Organizations in the Occupied West
Bank - Michelle I. Gawerc, Loyola University Maryland
Session Organizer: Jeffrey Steven Denis, McMaster University
3529. ASA Retirement Network (previously Opportunities in
Retirement Network). ASA Retirement Network: A Life in
Sociology Series Lecture and Reception
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 1, 4th Floor,
Presider: Jeffrey E. Nash, Missouri State Univesrity
Panelist: Howard S. Becker, Retired
Session Organizer: Karen Gray Edwards, American Sociological
3530. Regular Sessions. Gender
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 3, 4th Floor,
Presider: Chaitanya Lakkimsetti, Texas A&M University-College
Gendered Authority Threats and the Interaction Order - Fauzia
Husain, University of Toronto
The Myopia of Gender vs Religion - Desegregating the Discussion
Around Gender Segregation in Israel - Ruth Carmi, University
of Notre Dame
Discussant: Jyoti Puri, Simmons University
Session Organizer: Chaitanya Lakkimsetti, Texas A&M University-
College Station
3531. Section on Inequality, Poverty, and Mobility. Open Session
for Section on Inequality, Poverty, and Mobility II
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 5, 4th Floor,
Presider: Tim Futing Liao, University of Illinois
Are Neighborhood Effects Explained by Differences in School
Quality? - Geoffrey Thomas Wodtke, University of Chicago;
Ugur Yildirim, University of California, Berkeley; David J.
Harding, University of California-Berkeley; Felix Elwert,
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Mortgages Matter: Nonstandard Employment and Entry into
Homeownership in Post-Socialist Russia and Urban China - Jia
Wang; Theodore P. Gerber, University of Wisconsin-Madison
The Fragmentation of US Labor Market - Ken-Hou Lin, University of
Texas at Austin; Koit Hung, The University of Texas at Austin
The Geography of Delay: Neighborhoods, Institutions and Everyday
Waiting for the Urban Poor - Linsey Nicole Edwards, New York
Discussant: Kristin Perkins, Georgetown University
Session Organizers: Christina Ciocca Eller, Harvard University; Sarah
K. Bruch, University of Delaware; Tim Futing Liao, University of
3536. American Sociological Association. Howery Teaching
Enhancement Fund Presentations
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 13, 4th Floor,
Panelists: Edward L. Kain, Southwestern University; Tracy E. Ore,
St. Cloud State University; Maxine P. Atkinson, North Carolina
State University; Marybeth C. Stalp, University of Northern
Iowa; Yasemin Besen-Cassino, Montclair State University; Peter
Hart-Brinson, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire; Stephanie
Marie Teixeira-Poit, North Carolina A&T State University;
Jeannette Marie Wade, The University of Akron; Tobin N.
Walton, University of Tennessee
Session Organizers: Diego de los Rios, American Sociological
Association; Teresa Ciabattari, American Sociological
Session 3521, continued
Monday, August 10, 2020
3537. Section on Sociological Practice and Public Sociology.
Sociological Impact and Dissemination Beyond the Ivory
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 14, 4th Floor,
Presider: Karen Albright, University of Colorado
Building Bridges on the Road to Social Justice - Trenita Brookshire
Childers, American Institutes for Research
Community-Based Behavioral Health Services Can Help to Achieve
Public Safety and Health Outcomes for Justice-Involved
People - Angela Kranz, Council on Criminal Justice and
Behavioral Health
Process-Based Approaches to Violence Prevention in Dearborn,
Detroit and Ypsilanti, Michigan - Paul Joseph Draus, University
of Michigan-Dearborn; Juliette Roddy, Northern Arizona
Session Organizer: Karen Albright, University of Colorado
3538. Section on Peace, War, and Social Conflict. Peace, War, and
Human Rights
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 15, 4th Floor,
Presider: Rodney D. Coates, Miami University-Ohio
Human Rights Defender or Foreign Agent? Effect of Legislation
Processes on Human Rights Organizations - Ina Filkobski
The Landscape of North Korean Human Rights Organizations:
Structural Network Analysis of a Semi-Organized NKHR
Industry - Elisa Kim, Stanford University
The Matrix of Race and the Truly Determined - Rodney D. Coates,
Miami University-Ohio
The Moral Life of Civilizing Violence - Andrew Roesch-Knapp
White Communities Taking on Segregation and Racism: Disrupting
Norms in the Struggle for Human Rights - Lynne M. Woehrle,
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; Aaron Schutz, UW-
Milwaukee; Jada Morgan Woodley, UW-Milwaukee
Session Organizer: Rodney D. Coates, Miami University-Ohio
3539. Regular Sessions. Violence and Its Consequences
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 17, 4th Floor,
Presider: David Cunningham, Washington University-St. Louis
Organization as a Mediator: Rethinking the Repression-Violence
Nexus in Light of the 2019 Hong Kong Protests - Weijun Yuan
Movements in Movement: Filipino Diaspora Formation Through
Contention - Sharon Quinsaat, Grinnell College
Queer Youth, Drag Queens, and Transsexuals: How Emergence
of Collective Identity Shapes Access to Resources - Angela
Perone, University of Michigan
Collective Violence and Intergenerational Mobility: Hindus and
Muslims in India - Venkata Krishna Nadella, Indian Institute of
In The Aftermath: The Lasting Social and Economic Consequences
of Collective Rescue During Genocide - Nicole Fox, California
State University Sacramento; Hollie Nyseth Brehm, The Ohio
State University; Courtney DeRoche, Ohio State University
Session Organizers: David Cunningham, Washington University-St.
Louis; Sarah Gaby, Washington University-St. Louis
3541. Section on Organizations, Occupations, and Work. The
Role of Organizational Actors in Shaping Diversity and
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 23, 4th Floor,
Presider: Eli R. Wilson, University of New Mexico-Albuquerque
Blinders and Bystanders: Cultural Meaning-Making in White Men’s
Recognition and Reporting of Workplace Bias - Erin A. Cech,
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Will it be #MeToo? The Fear of Sexual Harassment in Occupational
Choices - Emma Tsurkov, Stanford University
The Voice of Conscience in a Hyper-Violent Organization: Remedial
Discursive Work by Women Officers in Israel - Tair Karazi-
Presler, Bar Ilan University
Is Diversity Still Progress? The Process of Diversity
Commodification in Interracial Organizations - Christopher
Munn, Indiana University; Oneya Fennell Okuwobi, The Ohio
State University; Korie L. Edwards, Ohio State University
Gender- and Race-Based Inequalities in Democratic Worker-
Owned Firms: Evidence from a New National Dataset - Sarah
Reibstein, Princeton University; Laura Hanson Schlachter,
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Session Organizers: Alexandra Kalev, Tel Aviv University; Alaz
Kilicaslan, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater; Emilio
J. Castilla, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Leroy
Gonsalves, Harvard University; Lindsey McKay Ibanez,
Washburn University; Kristin Marsh, University of Mary
Washington; Katherine Sobering, University of North Texas
3544. Regular Sessions. Culture, Social Psychology, and
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 2, 6th Floor,
Presider: Brian R. Fitzpatrick, University of Notre Dame
Coming to a Decision: Class, Cultural Frames, and School Choice -
Bailey A. Brown, Columbia University
Diminishing Returns to Psychological Resources in the Attainment
Process? A Study of Educational Plans Across Generations -
Arnaldo Mont’Alvao, Iowa State University; Jeylan T. Mortimer,
University of Minnesota
How Student-Parent Expectations About College and Mobility
Matter for First-Generation Experience and Outcomes - Melissa
Osborne, Western Washington University
Long-Term Correlates of Integrated Schooling: Education, Wealth,
and Social Health in Later Life - John Reynolds, Florida State
University; Dawn Celeste Carr, Florida State University
Discussant: Tim Hallett, Indiana University
Session Organizer: Amy Gill Langenkamp, University of Notre Dame
3545. Regular Sessions. Network Formation and Dissolution
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 4, 6th Floor,
Presider: Steve McDonald, North Carolina State University
Network Ecology: Tie Formation in Context(s) - Malte Doehne,
University of Zürich (UZH); Daniel A. McFarland, Stanford
University; James Moody, Duke University
Intergroup Contact vs. Peer Influence: How Friendships Affect
Intergroup Contact - Ngoc-Thoa Khuu, UC Irvine; David R.
Schaefer, University of California-Irvine; Adriana Umana-
Taylor, Harvard University; Deborah Rivas-Drake, University of
Michigan; Allison Ryan, University of Michigan
How Does Status Homophily Shape Friendship Tie Formation
Across Cultural Contexts? - Chen-Shuo Hong, University of
Massachusetts Amherst
Examining The Competing Sources of Network Homophily in
Longitudinal Friendship Networks - Xinwei Xu, Cornell
Personal Networks in a Politically Polarized Age: Political and
Racial Homophily and Defriending - Anthony Paik, University
of Massachusetts-Amherst; Mark C. Pachucki, University of
Massachusetts-Amherst; Hsin Fei Tu, UMass
Session Organizer: Steve McDonald, North Carolina State University
Monday, August 10, 2020
3546. Regular Sessions. Governing Carceral Space: Managing
Prisons and Incarcerated People
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 6, 6th Floor,
Presider: Korey Tillman, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Beyond Civil Death: Punishment, Power, and Sociopolitical Life in
Prison - David Jonathan Knight, University of Chicago
Civilization & Sovereignty: The Birth of the “Native” Prison - Erin
Braatz, Suffolk University
Control during Confinement: An Investigation of Correctional
Officers as Street-Level Bureaucrats - Bridget Brew, University
of Mary Washington
Gender Bound: Prison Management of Gender-nonconformity, 1941-
2018 - Joss Taylor Greene, Columbia University
Mental Health Disparities in Solitary Confinement - Jessica T. Simes,
Boston University; Bruce Western, Columbia University; Angela
Lee, Harvard University
Discussant: Carla Shedd, CUNY-Graduate Center
Session Organizer: Susila Gurusami, University of Illinois at Chicago
3547. Regular Sessions. New Sources of Inequality
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 8, 6th Floor,
Presider: Shawna Bowden Vican, University of Delaware
Aligning Inequalities: Organizational Sources of Wage Inequality,
1999-2018 - Nathan Wilmers, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology; Clem Aeppli, Harvard Sociology
Bad Jobs in the Public Sector: Unions, Intersectionality, and
the Great Recession - Jasmine Kerrissey, University of
Do Computer Technologies Create New Hope for Gender Pay
Equality? - Tali Kristal, University of Haifa; Efrat Herzberg
Druker, University of Haifa; Adena White, University of Haifa
Places on the Margin: Economic Insecurity and Recovery Across
County Populations - Lora A. Phillips, Arizona State University-
The Wealth Inequality of Nations - Fabian T. Pfeffer, University of
Michigan; Nora Waitkus, University of Bremen
Session Organizer: Eunmi Mun, University of Illinois at Urbana-
3553. Theory Section. Lewis A. Coser Lecture and Salon
Parc55, Cyril Magnin II, Level 4, 4:30-6:10pm
Presider: Simone Polillo, University of Virginia
On Reflexivity - Monika Christine Krause, London School of
Session Organizer: Greta R. Krippner, University of Michigan-Ann
3554. Section on Sociology of Development. Global South
Perspectives on Development
Parc55, Cyril Magnin III, Level 4, 4:30-6:10pm
Presider: Devparna Roy, Nazareth College of Rochester
Development and the Crisis of Reproduction - Farshad Araghi,
Florida Atlantic University
Production and National Development in Fernando Ortiz Cuban
Counterpoint - Enrique S. Pumar, Santa Clara University
Tradition Meets Modern: Bifurcated Governance and Power in an
African Megacity - Brianna Castro, Harvard University
Rentier Developmentalism: How Uneven Market Reform Spoiled
the Pharmaceutical Industry in China, 1984-2018 - Lantian Li,
Northwestern University
Exploring the Frame-Disputes Between Labor and the
Environmental Movements in Kerala, India - Silpa Satheesh,
University of South Florida
Discussant: George K. Danns, University of North Georgia
Session Organizer: Devparna Roy, Nazareth College of Rochester
3561. Section on Sociology of Sexualities. Sexual Pleasure and
Intimacy Work
Parc55, Mission I, Level 4, 4:30-6:10pm
Presider: Rebecca F. Plante, Ithaca College
For the Sake of the Story: The Television Industry’s
Unacknowledged Sex Work - Jane Ward, University of
Genderplay: Sexual Subversion, Bridging Sexuality, and the
Embodied/Emotional Labor Practices of Trans Masculine Sex
Workers - Elliot Noel Chudyk, Boston University
Respectability Politics, Pleasure, and Sex-Toy Stores - Alison S.
Better, CUNY Kingsborough Community College
The Pleasure Advantage: Socioeconomic Status, Well-Being and
the Sexual Satisfaction Gap - Kelsey Quinn Wright, University
of Wisconsin-Madison; Sarah Elizabeth Frank, University of
Discussant: Rebecca F. Plante, Ithaca College
Session Organizer: Jason Orne, Drexel University
3562. Regular Sessions. Violence in the Global South
Parc55, Stockton, Level 4, 4:30-6:10pm
Presider: Mollie Elizabeth Pepper, Northeastern University
Obfuscation as Rule: Shifting Modes of Violence in Pakistani
Balochistan - Mahvish Ahmad, London School of Economics
and Political Science
Defining The Good Victim: An Examination of Judicial Narratives in
Domestic Violence Cases in India - Vasundhara Kaul, Purdue
University; Preethi Krishnan, Western Carolina University
Feminist Progress and Cooptation: Lessons from the Movement
Against Feminicdio - Isabel Araceli Geisler, Northeastern
A Pan-African Analysis of Intimate Partner Violence with a Weapon
- Sarah Garcia, University of Minnesota; Elizabeth Heger Boyle,
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Violence Predicts Physical Health Consequences of Human
Trafficking - Jody Clay-Warner, University of Georgia; Timothy
G. Edgemon, University of Georgia; David Okech, University of
Discussant: Rabab Ibrahim Abdulhadi, SFSU/College Of Ethnic
Session Organizer: Paulina Garcia del Moral, University of Guelph
Monday, 5:10 pm
3522. Section on Environmental Sociology Roundtables
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Imperial A, Ballroom Level,
Session Organizer: Rachael Shwom, Rutgers University-New
Table 1: Climate Change Intersections
Table Presider: Janet A. Lorenzen, Willamette University
Defining the Health Risks of Climate Change As a Social Problem -
Hyung Sam Park
Dewatering South Asian ‘Water Towers’ and the Food Economy:
Answering Climate Change with Climate Justice - Tarique
Niazi, University of Wisconsin
Financial Climates: How the Process of Financialization Changes
the Relationship Between Emissions and GDP Per Capita -
Patrick Trent Greiner, Vanderbilt University; Julius Alexander
McGee, Portland State University; Ethan P. Gibbons, Vanderbilt
Locked into Emissions: How Mass Incarceration Contributes to
Climate Change - Julius Alexander McGee, Portland State
University; Patrick Trent Greiner, Vanderbilt University
“Outside the Building” in Oregon: Maintaining a Broad Coalition in
Support of Climate Legislation - Janet A. Lorenzen, Willamette
Monday, August 10, 2020
Table 2: Coastal Resilience
Table Presider: Feng Hao, University of South Florida Sarasota-
Investigating the Political Ecology of Risk and Resilience in
Louisiana’s Coastal Restoration Process - Jacob Lipsman,
University of Kansas
Resisting Resiliency: Mobilization Against Sea Level Rise
Infrastructure in Post-Hurricane Sandy Manhattan - Malcolm
Araos, NYU
Tangible and Intangible Social Support After Disaster: Mental
Health, Resilience and the BP Oil Spill - Brian Mayer, University
of Arizona; Kelly Bergstrand, University of Texas, Arlington
Coastal Community Residents and Environmental Victimhood:
Perceptions of Uncertainty and Attitudes Towards Climate
Change - Anas Askar, Howard University; Terri M. Adams,
Howard University
Table 3: Corporate Environmentalism
Table Presider: Amber Michelle Salamanca-Blazek, Texas A&M
Measuring Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility: A
New Index Based on the Sustainable Development Goals -
Dasom Lee, Vanderbilt University
Profiting from Denial: An Analysis of Corporate Responses
to Climate Change - Annika Rieger, Boston College; Isak
Ladegaard, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Talking Around Environmental Conflict: Company Discourses
Towards Social Acceptance in Second-Generation Mining
Projects - Amanda McMillan Lequieu, Drexel University; Erik
Kojola, Texas Christian University
The Energy Industry & The Low-Carbon Energy Transition:
Organizational Behavior & Social-Environmental Change -
Amber Michelle Salamanca-Blazek, Texas A&M University
Corporate Social Responsibility Versus Injustice: An Evaluation of
the Business Roundtable and Corporate Power - Stephen J.
Scanlan, Ohio University
Table 4: Crossing Boundaries: Humans, Non-Humans, and Nature
Table Presider: Jordan Fox Besek, SUNY-Buffalo
A People’s Sociology: Environmental Sociology and the Nature
of Nature - Meghan Elizabeth Kallman, University of
Massachusetts-Boston; Stephanie Ann Malin, Colorado State
Plant by Any Other Name… Foundations for Materialist Sociological
Plant Studies - Christina A. Ergas, University of Tennessee;
Richard York, University of Oregon
Sociology of Sustainability into the Anthropocene - Robert MacNeil
Christie, Calfiornia State University, Dominguez Hills
The Rights of Nature: Decolonizing Sociology, Society, and the
State - David Heath Cooper, University of Kansas
W.E.B. Du Bois and Interdisciplinarity: A Comprehensive Picture of
the Scholar’s Aproach to Natural Science - Jordan Fox Besek,
SUNY-Buffalo; Patrick Trent Greiner, Vanderbilt University;
Brett Clark, University of Utah
Table 5: Cross National Perspectives on Environmental Attitudes
and Behavior
Table Presider: Kevin T. Smiley, SUNY-Buffalo
A Systematic Literature Review of Research on Individual
Environmental Attitudes and Behaviors - Markus Hadler,
University of Graz; Audrone Telesiene, Kaunas University of
Technology, Lithuania
Being Green in a Green Capital: Assessing Drivers of Pro-
Environmental Behaviors in Copenhagen - Kevin T. Smiley,
SUNY-Buffalo; Yu-An Chen, University at Buffalo; Wanyun
Shao, University of Alabama
Green Consumption and Consumer Behavior: A Social Stratification
Analysis - Goh Tae Kyeong, Sogang University; Seil Oh, Sogang
University; Lazarus Adua, University of Utah
Joining the Global Environmental Protection Movement: An
Exploration of Public Environmental Concern in the UAE
- Madalla Alibeli, United Arab Emirates University; Satish
Krishnan Nair, United Arab Emirates University
Analyzing Environmental Concern and Pro-environmental Behavior
among Urban Chinese Residents: Evidence from Two National
Public Surveys - Feng Hao, University of South Florida
Table 6: Energy Transitions
Table Presider: Adam Mayer
Corrupting Renewable Energy: A Cross-National Analysis of CO2
Emissions - Andrew Hargrove, Stony Brook University (SUNY);
Jamie M. Sommer, University of South Florida; John M.
Shandra, Stony Brook University
Development Channelization, Partisanship and Populism:
Possibilities for Rural Renewal in the Death Throes of Coal -
Adam Mayer
Reflexivity on the Development of Renewable Energy: Evidence
from 154 countries, 2000 – 2014 - Yun-Chung Ting, National
Taiwan University
“Traditional Oil Drilling Is Fine”: Fracking and Climate Change in
California State Policy - Robert Duffy, Rutgers University
Table 7: Environmental Governance
Table Presider: Selena Margarita Livas, University of California,
A Structural Analysis of The Global Environmental Governance
Network - Selena Margarita Livas, University of California,
Incorporating Growth Machines into Rural-Urban Hydrosocial
Territories: A Comparative-Historical Analysis of Sustainable
Governance - Sarah Blake, Widener University
Soybean Export and Deforestation: An Investigation of EU
Influence - Samia Tasmim, Stony Brook University
The Multi-Dimensionality of Nations’ Responsibilities for Climate
Change Mitigation - Xiaorui Huang, Boston College
The (Non)Coalescence of the State: Decoupling Environmental
Policy in the Chinese Hinterland - Daniel Zipp, UCLA
Table 8: Household Inequality
Table Presider: Anna C. McCreery, Elevate Energy
“Do You Care?” Residents’ Strategies to Politicize Public
Devaluation of Trailer Park Life and Community - Leontina M.
Hormel, University of Idaho; Denessy Rodriguez, University of
Exploring an Energy Justice Issue by Analyzing Household Energy
Use Intensity Across Income Groups - Xiaojing Xu, University
of Tennessee; Chien-fei Chen, University of Tennessee; Lazarus
Adua, University of Utah; Morgan Brigg, University of Oxford
The Impact of Energy Burdens on Self-Rated Health: A Panel
Analysis (1999-2017) - Anna C. McCreery, Elevate Energy;
Jeremiah Bohr, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
The Rising Cost of Household Tap Water: Just Sustainability
in Twelve Massachusetts Communities - Martha Davis,
Northeastern University; Laura Senier, Northeastern University;
Sharon L. Harlan, Northeastern University
Transit Equity in the Unaffordable City: Assessing Gentrification
and Light Rail Transit in Five California Cities - Rachel G.
McKane, Vanderbilt University
Seasonal Variation in Infant Mortality in India - Aashish Gupta,
University of Pennsylvania
Table 9: Livelihoods, Labor and the Environment
Table Presider: Sara Bruene, University of California, Riverside
Changes in the Bay: An Ecological History of Mollusks, Markets,
and Baymen - Kirk S. Lawrence, St. Joseph’s College, NY; John
Monday, August 10, 2020
Peter Antonacci
Climate Change and Smallholder Farms: A Comparative Analysis of
Ethiopian Coffee, Indonesian Palm, and USA Almonds - Sara
Bruene, University of California, Riverside
From Getting One’s “Feet Wet and Hands Dirty” to Educating
Prisoners to Become Naturalists - Hannah Lynn Edwards, Texas
State University; Michelle L. Edwards, Texas State University
Labor and Sustainability: The role of farm labor relations in shaping
Antibiotic Use - Krushna Ranaware, Syracuse University;
Rebecca L. Schewe, Syracuse University
“Lo Que Resiste, Persiste”: Diffusion and Mobilizing Memory for
Environmental Justice in California’s San Joaquin Valley -
Rodrigo Jaen Alatriste-Diaz, Cornell University
Table 10: The Environment in the Media
Table Presider: Thomas Marlow, Brown University
Environmental Problems and Social Change: Using Structural
Topic Modeling on Fine Dust Issues in South Korea - Goh Tae
Kyeong, Sogang University
Framing Climate Change: National and Local Newspaper Coverage
of Climate Change - Tyler Spradlin, Utah State University;
Jennifer E. Givens, Utah State University
Twitter Discourses on Climate Change: Exploring Topics, Influence,
and the Role of Bots - Thomas Marlow, Brown University; J.
Timmons Roberts, Brown University
Table 11: Inequality of Toxic Air Pollution
Table Presider: Ricardo Rubio
An Intersectional Approach to Studying Race/Ethnicity and
Language-Based Environmental Injustices in Children’s
Exposure to Air Pollution - Ricardo Rubio; Sara Elizabeth
Grineski, University of Utah; Timothy William Collins, University
of Utah
Is the South (still) America’s Sacrifice Zone? A Regional Analysis
of Toxic Emissions, 1987-2017 - Tanesha A. Thomas, CUNY
Graduate Center
Of Inorganic Bodies: Housing, Life Expectancy, and Exposure to
PM2.5 - Peter Ore, University of Arizona
Patterns of Distributive Environmental Inequity Under Different
Air Pollution Scenarios for Salt Lake County Public Schools -
Casey Jo Mullen, University of Utah; Sara Elizabeth Grineski,
University of Utah; Timothy William Collins, University of Utah
The Impacts of Toxic Industrial Air Pollution on Trust and Civic
Engagement - Phylicia Xin Yi Lee Brown, Rice University
Table 12: Justice and Our Food Systems
Table Presider: Matt Comi, University of Kansas
Du Bois and Critical Environmental Justice Studies: Fish
Consumption Advisories Through the Veil - Avery Rosenbloom,
Northeastern University; Jordan Fox Besek, SUNY-Buffalo; Erin
E. Robinson, Canisius College
Fruitful Intervention: Urban Arts Practice and the Radical
Imagination - Chandra Russo, Colgate University
Other Agricultures of Scale: Social and Environmental Insights
From Yakima Valley Hop Growers - Matt Comi, University of
Sustainability Transitions in Agri-Food Systems: Insights from South
Korea’s Universal Free Eco-Friendly School Lunch Program -
Jennifer Gaddis, University of Wisconsin-Madison; June Jeon,
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Table 13: Political Economy of Environmental Problems
Table Presider: Joshua C. Cafferty, University of California-Irvine
“Environmental Political Economy and Mega-Ecological Risk:
A Meta-Analysis of Political Economic Perspectives in
Environmental Sociology.” - Timothy Clark, North Carolina
State; Andrew Robert Smolski, North Carolina State University;
Jason Sean Allen, North Carolina State University; John
Hedlund, North Carolina State University; Heather Kay
Sanchez, North Carolina State University
Examining the Intermediate Mechanisms of Ecological
Modernization Across U.S. States - Lazarus Adua, University
of Utah; Brett Clark, University of Utah; Andrew K. Jorgenson,
Boston College
Interrogating the Treadmill of Production in its Original Context:
The Case of the United States, 1917-2014 - Ryan Thombs,
Boston College
Militarization, Race, and Air Toxins: A Critical Environmental
Justice Approach to the Treadmill of Destruction - Camila
Huerta Alvarez, University of California, Merced; Daniel Shtob,
University of Oregon; Nicholas Theis, University of Oregon
The Double Diversion and the Treadmill of Destruction: National
Sacrifice and National Security in Cold War - Michael
Lengefeld, Goucher College; Gregory Hooks, McMaster
University; Chad L. Smith, Texas State University
Why’s the Water Gone?: The Treadmill of Production Through
Global Water Exploitation - Joshua C. Cafferty, University of
Table 14: Negotiating Responses to Environmental Change and
Table Presider: Carrie McLachlin Leslie, University of Oklahoma
Adaptation Labor: Gender, Work, and Climate Change in the
Sundarbans - Raka Sen, University of Pennsylvania
Inheriting the Climate Crisis: The Anomaly of Lower Support for
Environmental Spending from Traditional Families - Carrie
McLachlin Leslie, University of Oklahoma
Navigating the Double Blind Between Dependence & Distrust: How
Environmental Fields Produce Environmental Practice - Allison
Ford, University of Oregon
Who Cares About the Environment? Rethinking Eco-Social
Relationships - Emily Huddart Kennedy, University of British
Table 15: Politics of Conservation
Table Presider: Jonathan Dahlem
“If You Get Your Way, Other People Lose Their Land”: Protection
and Consequence on Nantucket Island - Elise Largesse, Boston
Killing for Life: Species Eradication, Materiality and Meaning in
Ecuador’s Galapagos Islands - Andrew McCumber, University
of California, Santa Barbara
Perceptions and Actualities of Power in Island Marble Butterfly
(Euchloe Ausonides Insulana) Conservation - Jonathan Dahlem
Table 16: Problematizing Solutions
Table Presider: Shaun Arick Golding, Kenyon College
A Political Ecology of Value(s): Qualified NIMBYism in California’s
Responsible Desalination Movement - Brian Francis O’Neill,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Carbon Geoengineering and the Metabolic Rift: Solution or Social
Reproduction? - Diana Stuart, Northern Arizona University;
Ryan Gunderson, Miami University; Brian Petersen, Northern
Arizona University
Seeing NIMBY as a System: The Case for Reflexive Energy
Sociology - Shaun Arick Golding, Kenyon College
3523. Family Section Refereed Roundtables
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Imperial B, Ballroom Level,
Session Organizers: Jennifer S. Barber, Indiana University-
Bloomington; Joan Maya Mazelis, Rutgers University-Camden;
Abigail Jorgensen, University of Notre Dame; Kara Leiko
Takasaki, University of Texas at Austin
Table 1: Intergenerational Caregiving
Table Presider: Fenaba Addo, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Blessing or Burden: Transitions into Eldercare and Caregiver Mental
Session 3522, continued
Monday, August 10, 2020
Health - Jeremy E. Reynolds, Purdue University; Katie James,
University of Southern Mississippi
Child Care in Aging Society: Assessing People’s Attitudes Towards
Socialization of Care in Japan - Megumi Tanabe, Texas A&M
Does Transition to Retirement Increase Grandparental Childcare?
Evidence from Europe - Hans Hämäläinen, University of Turku;
Antti Tanskanen, University of Turku; Mirkka Danielsbacka,
University of Turku; Aïda Solé Auró, Pompeu Fabra University
Financial Assistance to Aging Parents and Mental Well-Being
Among Adult Children - Fenaba Addo, University of
Wisconsin-Madison; Xing Zhang, University of Wisconsin -
How Do Caregiving Responsibilities Affect Women’s Work-Family
Spillovers over the Life Course? - Haoshu Duan, University of
Maryland, College Park
Table 2: Family Relationships
Table Presider: Kei Nomaguchi, Bowling Green State University
Children’s Sexual Orientation and Estrangement from Parent in
Young Adulthood - Beenna Han
Moderators of Fatherhood Program Effectiveness - Young-Il Kim,
George Fox University
“We’re Like Parents and Children”: Triangulated Care Relationships
Between Children and Migrant Domestic Workers - Iris Hoiting,
University of Hong Kong
Spousal Choice and Marital Communication in India - Omkar Joshi,
University of Maryland, College Park
Adolescent Depression: Do the Positive Effects of Social Capital
Extend to Mental Health? - Jared Thorpe, Brigham Young
University; Mikaela Dufur, Brigham Young University-Provo;
Kevin Shafer, Brigham Young University
Table 3: Divorce/Relationship Dissolution
Table Presider: Heeju Sohn, University of California-Los Angeles
A Blessing or A Curse? Intergeneration Coresidence and Risk of
Divorce in China and the U.S. - Ya Su, University of Notre
Dame; Elizabeth Aura McClintock, University of Notre Dame
If You Go Right, I Go Left! Partners’ Political Preferences and Union
Dissolution - Alessandro Di Nallo, Université de Lausanne;
Bruno Arpino, Università di Firenze
The Heterogeneous Effect of Job Loss on Union Dissolution.
Evidence From Germany, Britain and Switzerland - Alessandro
Di Nallo, Université de Lausanne; Daniel Oesch, Université
de Lausanne; Oliver Lipps, Université de Lausanne; Marieke
Voorpostel, FORS
Women’s Repartnering After Divorce - Haoming Song, Brown
Table 4: Families and Education
Table Presider: Jessica McCrory Calarco, Indiana University-
Choosing a Major and a Partner: Field of Study and Union
Formation - Dana Hamplova, Institute of Sociology; Alena
Bicakova, CERGE
Education as Love: The Institutionalization of Formal Schooling
as a Moral Good and Relations within Families - David B.
Monaghan, Shippensburg University
“He Was Able to Rely on Me”: Sibling Support Among Latino First-
Generation College Student Families - Estéfani Marín
Opting Out for Schooling: Why Class Advantaged Black and White
Mothers Come Home - Mahala Dyer Stewart, Hamilton College
Table 5: Gender and Families
Table Presider: Adriana Ponce, University of Michigan
Child Custody: Gendered Division of Parenting Work - Adriana
Ponce, University of Michigan
Does Women’s Autonomy Have Any Roles in Reproductive
Healthcare-Seeking Behavior in Rural Bangladesh? - Kaniz
Fatema, University of Iowa
What is the Effect of Mass Education on Women’s Status? Evidence
from the Global South - Daniela R. Urbina, Princeton University
Women’s Employment, Contextual Changes in Women’s
Employment, and Intimate Partner Violence in India - Upasana
Garnaik, University of Texas at Austin; Abigail Weitzman,
University of Texas
Who Can Afford to Keep Their Last Name? Gender, Economic
Resources, and Marital Name Choice - Kristin Kaye Kelley,
Indiana University-Bloomington
Table 6: Household Division of Labor
Table Presider: Matthew N. Weinshenker, Fordham University
A Tale of Two Sweepers: Parsing Divergent Impacts of Housework
on Marital Satisfaction by Gender - Anna Gabur, University of
Notre Dame
Interracial Unions and Division of Housework in Brazilian
Households - Maria Carolina Mota Pereira Aragao, University of
Texas at Austin
The Accumulative Effect of Career Opportunities on Housework
Gender Gap - Shih-Yi Chao, University of Southampton
Women’s Employment Trajectory and Housework - Makiko Fuwa,
Tokyo Metropolitan University
“Thank U, Next”? Repartnering and the Household Division of
Labor - Ariane Ophir, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Table 7: Parenting
Table Presider: Christel Kesler, Colby College
Breastfeeding, Father Absence, and Social Support: Evidence from
Mexico - Heather B. Edelblute, West Chester University; Claire
E. Altman, University of Missouri
Caring and Raising Children Hygienically: How Do Middle-Class
Parents (Especially Mothers) Manage Cleanliness in Their
Households? - Tsai-Yen Han, Rutgers University
Mom and Dad Know Best?: Understanding the Link Between
Parental Advice and Inequality in College - Tanya Rouleau
Whitworth, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Mom, Can You Help Me With My Resume?: Intensive Parenting and
the Post-College Job Search - Valerie Adrian, Washington
State University
The Case of Naturalist Mothering in Turkey: How Neoliberal
Femininity is Naturalizing Motherhood? - Canan Tanir,
Binghamton University
Table 8: Sexual Behaviors
Table Presider: Michelle Eilers, The University of Texas at Austin
Dissonance and Sex in the Transition to Adulthood: Is There a
Dynamic Relationship for Women? - Michelle Eilers, The
University of Texas at Austin
Explaining the Decline in Young Adult Sexual Activity in the United
State, 2007-2017 - Lei Lei, Rutgers University-New Brunswick;
Scott J. South, University at Albany - SUNY
Family Structure and Family Transitions: The Family Processes
Underlying African American Adolescents’ Risky Sexual
Behavior - Megan Elizabeth Steele, University of Georgia;
Leslie Gordon Simons, University of Georgia; Tara Elizabeth
Sutton, Mississippi State University
Premarital Sex and Marriage Timing - Nicholas H. Wolfinger,
University of Utah
Table 9: Sexual and Gender Identities in Families
Table Presider: Corinne (Rin) Reczek, Ohio State University
Social Change in Attitudes about Same-Sex Relationships Before
and After the Same-Sex Marriage Debate - Ashley Wendell
Kranjac, Chapman University; Robert L. Wagmiller, Temple
Social Support and Children of Transgender Parents - Jaclyn Ann
Tabor, Illinois College
The Bisexual Parent Advantage: Open-Minded and Better Prepared
for Queer Kids - Abbey Berghaus, University of California-
The Enduring Institution of Marriage: Deinstitutionalization and the
Monday, August 10, 2020
Case of Same-Sex Marriage - Greg Wurm, University of Notre
The Nominal Wife: Heterosexual Women’s Experiences and Well-
being in Mixed-Orientation Marriage in China - Langou Lian,
University of California Irvine; Jianmin Shao, Department of
Psychological Science, University of California, Irvine
Table 10: Marriage, Intimate Relationships, and Singleness
Table Presider: Sharon L. Sassler, Cornell University
Explaining Singleness - Corey D. Fields, Georgetown University;
Emily Fitzgibbons Shafer, Portland State University
Family Wealth, Marriage Entry, and Living Arrangements of
Newlyweds in China - Donghui Wang, Princeton University;
Cheng Cheng, Princeton University
“Gender Differences in Marriage, Romantic Involvement, and Desire
for Romantic Involvement Among Older African Americans”
- Dawne M. Mouzon, Rutgers, The State University of New
Jersey; Robert Joseph Taylor, University of Michigan; Linda
Marriage Norms in the United States: A Nationally Stratified
Factorial Survey Experiment - Blaine G. Robbins, New
York University Abu Dhabi; Aimée R. Dechter, University of
Wisconsin - Madison; Sabino Kornrich, Emory University
Opting Out or Left Out? The Gendered Pathways to Singlehood in
South Korea - Paul Yunsik Chang, Harvard University; Jihye Oh,
Yonsei University; Young-Mi Kim, Yonsei University
Table 11: Work and Families
Table Presider: Sarah Damaske, Pennsylvania State University
College-Educated Women’s Career Pathways - Nancy L. Marshall,
Wellesley College
Labor Force Outcomes and Care Work Burdens for Women in
Military Families - Angela Clague, University of California, Los
Angeles; Sara Johnsen, UCLA; Hilary Flowers, UCLA
She Can’t Always Get What She Wants: Aspirations Versus
Actualities for Combining Work and Motherhood - Sarah
Deming, Washington State University
What Do They Mean by Egalitarian? - Maria Ines Martinez Echague
An Analysis of Work-Family Integration through Multi-Relational
Faculty Networks - Megumi Watanabe, Hiroshima University;
Christina Falci, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Table 12: Economics in Families
Table Presider: Ian Lundberg, Princeton University
Families of Taxation and the Taxation of Families: How Countries
Modify Income Inequality Between Family Types - Manuel
Schechtl, Humboldt University Berlin
Spouses’ Work-Family Biographies and Individualized Assets and
Debts Within Married Couples - Theresa Nutz
The Effect of Parental Duration on Mother’s Wages in the United
States - Misun Lim, European University Institute
Economic Returns to Parenthood by Marital Status - Andrew Kim,
University of Kansas
Predictors of Doubling Up by Householder Status - Hope Harvey,
Cornell University; Rachel Dunifon
Table 13: Work-Family Policies
Table Presider: Patricia A. McManus, Indiana University
How is Occupational Authority Related to Full-Time Workers’
Access to and Use of Work-Family Resources? - Kaitlin
Johnson, Indiana University
Preferences for Availability, Lengths of Offerings, and Government
Funding of Paternity Leaves in the U.S. - Chris Knoester, Ohio
State University; Qi Li, The Ohio State University
Union Coverage and Accessibility on Paid Parental Leave: the US
and South Korea comparison - Minyoung An, University of
Who Takes the Benefits?: The Effects of Work-Life Balance Policies
on South Korean Mothers’ Employment - Min Young Song,
University of Warwick
Table 14: Family Structures
Table Presider: Jennifer S. Barber, Indiana University-Bloomington
Family Structure and Children’s Cognitive Development - Kristen
Schultz Lee, University at Buffalo; Julie E. Artis, DePaul
University; Sibo Zhao, Central University of Finance and
Economics; Yaqi Yuan, SUNY at Buffalo
Family Structure and Child’s Academic Achievement in Japan:
Testing the Moderating Effect of Regional Context - Yuko
Nonoyama-Tarumi, Musashi University
How Absent Fathers Talk About Fathering - Christine Simon,
Yale University; Stephane D. Andrade, Yale University; Rene
Almeling, Yale University
The Minimum Wage and Nonresident Fathers’ Provision of Material
Support - Daniel P. Miller, Boston University, School of Social
Work; Margaret M.C. Thomas, Boston University, School of
Social Work; Allison Dwyer Emory, University at Buffalo; Lenna
Nepomnyaschy, Rutgers University School of Social Work;
Maureen Waller, Cornell University
The Relationship of Family Structure Disruption and Stability with
Child Stress: A Cross-national Examination - Sadie Andrews
Slighting, BYU; Elizabeth Koch Sigler, BYU; Tacey M. Shurtliff,
BYU; Mikaela Dufur, Brigham Young University-Provo;
Jonathan A. Jarvis, Brigham Young University-Provo; Shana
Lee Pribesh, Old Dominion University
Table 15: Parental Effects on their Children’s Well-Being
Table Presider: Robert Crosnoe, University of Texas-Austin
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Children’s Mental Health: The
Role of Parenting Stress and Family Resilience - Jalal Uddin,
University of Alabama at Birmingham; Najwa Alharbi, Umm
Al-Qura University, Saudi Arabia; Helal Uddin, Lecturer, East
West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh; Belal Hossain, Oklahoma
State University; Serra Sevde Hatipoglu, University of
Alabama at Birmingham; Leann Long, University of Alabama
at Birmingham; April P. Carson, University of Alabama at
Intergenerational Transmission of Violence among African
American Young Adults: The Role of Relational Schemas and
Self-Esteem - Alyssa Lauren Brown, University of Georgia
Sleep Rules and Sleep Regulation among Children of Incarcerated
Parents - Amelia R. Branigan, University of Maryland, College
Park; Jess M. Meyer, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
The Effects of Family Dinners on Adolescent Wellbeing in an
Overworked Society: A Causal Assessment - Junsol Kim,
Yonsei University; Dohoon Lee, Yonsei University
Table 16: Childbearing
Table Presider: Ashley Larsen Gibby, Brigham Young University
Association of Women’s Occupation with Actual and Desired
Fertility in Bangladesh: A Case of Role Incompatibility - Jalal
Uddin, University of Alabama at Birmingham; Helal Uddin,
Lecturer, East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh; Mostafizur
Rahman, Dhaka University
Family Relations and Civic Engagement: Effects of Marital and
Parental Status on Membership in Voluntary Associations. -
Eun Hye Lee, Indiana University-Bloomington
Fertility Cultures and Childbearing Desire After the Second-Child
Policy: Evidence from Southwest China - Danielle Kane; Ke
Li, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, the City University of
New York; Yongguang Xue, Purdue University
Number of Children and Late-Life Depression: Evidence From
Chinese Family Planning Policy - Yue Qin
Sibship and Inequality Beliefs: Do Siblings Have a Liberalizing or
Conservatizing Effect? - Joseph Merry, Furman University;
Donna Bobbitt-Zeher, The Ohio State University
Session 3523, continued
Monday, August 10, 2020
Table 17: Time Use in Families
Table Presider: Boroka B. Bo, University of California, Berkeley
Gender Differences in the Temporal Ordering of Paid and Unpaid
Daily Activities - Joanna Pepin, University of Texas-Austin;
Rose Malinowski Weingartner, University of Maryland; Sarah
M. Flood, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities; Liana C. Sayer,
University of Maryland-College Park
Gender Differences in Time in Child Care During Unemployment -
Margaret Michele Gough Courtney, University of La Verne
Technology, Age, Social Isolation and Family Time - Jerry A. Jacobs,
University of Pennsylvania; Allison Dunatchik, University of
Table 18: Mentoring Junior Faculty Edition
Table Presider: Joan Maya Mazelis, Rutgers University-Camden
Table 19: Mentoring Graduate Student Edition
Table Presider: Kara Leiko Takasaki, University of Texas at Austin
3525. Comparative-Historical Sociology Refereed Roundtables
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Franciscan D, Ballroom Level,
Session Organizers: Anthony S. Chen, Northwestern University;
Maria Akchurin, Loyola University-Chicago
Table 1: Boundaries of Inclusion and Exclusion: The Imagination
and Institutionalization of Identities
Table Presider: Jennifer Elise Triplett, University of Michigan
Nested Articulation and Recalcitrant Identities: The Revolutionary
Incorporation of Cuban Women, 1959-1969 - Jennifer Elise
Triplett, University of Michigan
Paradigms and the Policymaking Process: The Institutionalization of
Māori Political Inclusion in Aotearoa/New Zealand - Kimberly
Hess, University of Michigan
“She Tells of Charms and ‘Conjure’”: Black Girl Magic, Imagination
and the Remaking of Texas Land - Endia Louise Hayes, Rutgers
The Temporal and Spatial Structure of Medieval Expulsions of Jews
- Kerice Doten-Snitker, University of Washington
Table 2: The Political Development of Law and Policy in the
Twentieth-Century United States
Table Presider: Alexander J. Myers, University of Kansas
Credit and Welfare? The Lost Opportunity to Modernize Housing
Policy During the Great Society - Jessica Schirmer, UC
How Space Shapes Fate: Political and Institutional Determinants of
Access in Los Angeles Eviction Courts - Kyle Nelson, UCLA
“Reasonable Standards”: Legal Ambiguity as Pragmatic Creativity
in Progressive Era Labor Law - Alexander J. Myers, University
of Kansas
Table 3: Studies of Economic Policy - National and International
Change after World War Two
Table Presider: Christoffer Zoeller, UC-Irvine
Institutional Change in China’s Price Reform, 1979-1992 - Chang Liu
Making the Economy in South Korea Through National Income -
Kyunghwan Lee, University of Southern California
State Power and Class Dynamics in Global Economic Governance:
1970s IMF Reform - Christoffer Zoeller, UC-Irvine
Table 4: State-Building, Institutional Change, and Empire
Table Presider: Pavel I. Osinsky, Appalachian State University
Corporate State or State Inc.: Modern State-Building in the Dutch
Republic, Britain, Japan, and China - Yi-wen Yu, Zhejiang
Disaggregating the State, Discerning Class Formation A
Comparative Historical Analysis of Global Land Resettlement
Policy - Perdana Putri Roswaldy, Northwestern University
The Pathways to Empire: Spain and Russia - Pavel I. Osinsky,
Appalachian State University
Table 5: Challenging and Adapting Bourdieu and Benjamin
Arcades in the Tropics: The Long History of Guayaquil’s Soportales
- Robert Preissman Fenton, George Mason University
Development, Take One; Development, Take Two; Humanitarianism
GO! On the Transfer of Knowledge across Fields - Nir Rotem,
University of Minnesota
Mass Clientelism: A Mode of Political Intermediation - Simeon J.
Newman, University of Michigan
Table 6: New Approaches to the Study of Events and Interactions
Table Presider: Yang Zhang, American University
Long Term Event Effects in the Production of Political Talk:
Evidence From Western Europe, 1973–2002 - Sergio Galaz
Garcia, Princeton University
Network in Conversations: Elite Interaction and Political Alignment
in China’s Reform Era - Yang Zhang, American University; Feng
Shi, UNC Chapel Hill
“Such a Rash Act”: Wartime Experiences and Veteran Suicides
After the Great War - Kris Inwood, University of Guelph; Les
Oxley, University of Waikato; Evan Roberts, University of
Minnesota-Twin Cities
Table 7: Social Movements: Origins, Development, and
Table Presider: Eric Larson, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
Cold War Made Developmental States: The Détente Period Savings
Mobilization Movement in Taiwan and South Korea - Joonsik
Kim, National Taiwan University
Development and Divergence of Feminist-Led Reproductive
Control Movements in Germany and the United States, 1907-
1942 - Margaret Ruth Eby, New York University
Diasporizing High-Risk Mobilization: Americans of Israeli Origin
and Enlistment in the Israeli Military - Lior Yohanani, Rutgers
Laboring Sovereignty: Class, Nation, and the Origins of Food
Sovereignty - Eric Larson, University of Massachusetts
Table 8: Epistemic Communities: Historical and Comparative
Table Presider: Damon Mayrl, Colby College
A Story of Two National Research Evaluation Systems: Towards a
Comparative Sociology of Quantification - Mikhail Sokolov,
European University at Saint Petersburg
Canons and Colleges: The Structure of Coherence in a Fragmented
Subdiscipline - Nicholas Hoover Wilson, Stony Brook
University; Damon Mayrl, Colby College
Expanding Holocaust Education: Critical Perspectives on Nazi-Era
Professionals - Michael F. Polgar, Pennsylvania State University
Monday, 5:30 pm
3536. Meeting. Program Reviewers and Consultants Advisory
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 13, 4th Floor,
Monday, August 10, 2020
Monday, 6:30 pm
3622. Section on Medical Sociology, Section on Disability in
Society, and Section on Evolution, Biology, and Society
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Imperial A, Ballroom Level,
3623. Section on Organizations, Occupations, and Work
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Imperial B, Ballroom Level,
3626. Section on Rationality and Society and Section on
Mathematical Sociology Reception
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Yosemite A, Ballroom Level,
3628. Section on International Migration and the Journal on
Ethnic and Racial Studies Reception
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Yosemite C, Ballroom Level,
3651. Section on Sociology of Development, Section on Political
Economy of the World-System and Section on Peace, War,
and Social Conflict Reception
Parc55, Embarcadero, Level 3, 6:30-8:00pm
3652. Section on Collective Behavior and Social Movements
and Section on Altruism, Morality, and Social Solidarity
Parc55, Cyril Magnin I, Level 4, 6:30-8:00pm
3666. Section on Sociology of Consumers and Consumption
Osite, Tabletop Tap House, 6:30-8:00pm
Monday, 7:00 pm
3665. Family Section and Section on Sociology of Population
Osite, Pandora Karaoke & Bar, 7:00-9:00pm
Monday, 7:30 pm
3624. Reception for Scholars with International Research and
Teaching Interests
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Franciscan A, Ballroom Level,
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Tuesday, 7:00 am
4011. Meeting. Council Meeting for Sociology of Emotions
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Sunset, Lobby Level,
4012. Meeting. Section on Sociology of Consumers and
Consumption Council Meeting
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Seacli, Lobby Level,
4022. Meeting. Section on Medical Sociology Council Meeting
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Imperial A, Ballroom Level,
4029. Meeting. Section on Sociology of Body and Embodiment
Council Meeting
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 1, 4th Floor,
Tuesday, 8:30 am
4103. Meeting. Honors Program Wrap-up
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 1, Lobby Level,
4104. Special Sessions. Gender, Capitalism, and the State: New
Directions in the Sociology of Gender
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 2, Lobby Level,
Presiders: Ann Shola Orloff, Northwestern University; Savina
Balasubramanian, Loyola University-Chicago
Panelists: Julia Potter Adams, Yale University; Poulami
Roychowdhury, McGill University; Jordanna Chris Matlon,
American University
Session Organizers: Ann Shola Orloff, Northwestern University;
Savina Balasubramanian, Loyola University-Chicago
4105. Thematic Sessions. Labor and the Road to a Green New
Deal: Ally or Adversary?
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 3, Lobby Level,
Presider: Juliet B. Schor, Boston College
Panelists: Joel Rogers, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Mijin
Chua, Occidental College; Daniel Aldana Cohen, University of
Pennsylvania; Juliet B. Schor, Boston College
Session Organizer: Juliet B. Schor, Boston College
4106. Thematic Sessions. The Politics of Penal Labor: Work,
Punishment, and the Criminal Justice System
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 4, Lobby Level,
Presider: Phil Goodman, University of Toronto
Panelists: Andrea Armstrong, Loyola University New Orleans;
Michael Gibson-Light, University of Denver; Erin E. Hatton,
University at Buffalo; Susila Gurusami, University of Illinois at
Session Organizer: Phil Goodman, University of Toronto
4107. Thematic Sessions. Worker Rights and Right Wing Politics
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 5, Lobby Level,
Presider: Jake Rosenfeld, Washington University-St. Louis
Panelists: Alexander Hertel-Fernandez, Columbia University; Janice
Fine, Rutgers University; Gordon Lafer, University of Oregon;
Ruth Milkman, CUNY Graduate Center
Session Organizer: Jake Rosenfeld, Washington University-St. Louis
4108. Special Sessions. Making Sociology Matter
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 6, Lobby Level,
Presider: Michael Sierra-Arévalo, Rutgers University-Newark
Panelists: Nicole Deterding, Administration for Children & Families,
HHS; Rashawn Ray, University of Maryland-College Park;
Kristen Schilt, University of Chicago; Chase Joynt, University of
Discussant: Anna S. Mueller, Indiana University
Session Organizer: Anna S. Mueller, Indiana University
4109. Thematic Sessions. Mundane Precarious: The Limits of
Human Tracking Under Global Racial Capitalism
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 7, Lobby Level,
Presider: Sharmila Rudrappa, University of Texas at Austin
Panelists: Rhacel Salazar Parrenas, University of Southern
California; Natasha N. Iskander, New York University; Veena
Dubal, UC Hastings College of the Law; Shannon Marie
Gleeson, Cornell University, ILR School
Session Organizer: Elena Shih, Brown University
4110. Section on Racial and Ethnic Minorities. Racial Attitudes,
Racism, and Racial Violence in Trump’s America
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 8, Lobby Level,
Presider: Louise Cainkar, Marquette University
Contesting Trump’s Nativist Rhetoric and Policies: Latinx Youth in
Chicago and Phoenix - Nilda Flores-Gonzalez, Arizona State
University-Tempe; Casandra Danielle Salgado, Arizona State
FAIR Warning: Anti-Immigrant Organizations, the Alt-Right, and
the Direct Line to the White House - Carina A. Bandhauer,
Western Connecticut State University
Interpretation and Response to Cultural Change: A Case Study of
An Immigrant Community in Chicago - Carly Offidani-Bertrand
Latinx Perceptions of Government in the Age of Trump - Julie A.
Dowling, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; G. Cristina
Mora, University of California, Berkeley; Michael Rodríguez-
Muñiz, Northwestern University
Taiwanese Immigrants for Trump? Racialized Assimilation into a
White Society - Chen Liang, University of Texas-Austin
Discussant: Louise Cainkar, Marquette University
Session Organizer: Louise Cainkar, Marquette University
4112. Meeting. 2019-2020 ASA Council Members-at-Large
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Seacli, Lobby Level, 8:30am-
4115. Departmental Management and Leadership Workshop.
What's Your Sociology Minor Done for You Lately?
Promoting Your Minor for Increased Learning and
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 1, Ballroom Level,
Leader: Melinda Jo Messineo, Ball State University
Session Organizer: Jay R. Howard, Butler University
Program Schedule • Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
4116. Policy and Research Workshop. Workshop--Using Linked
Administrative Data to Study Child Welfare
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 2, Ballroom Level,
Leaders: Alexander Roehrkasse, Cornell University; Christopher
Wildeman, Cornell University; Clayton Covington, Cornell
University; Sarah Sernaker, Cornell University; Frank Edwards,
Rutgers University - Newark
Session Organizer: Erin Josephine McCauley, Cornell University
4117. Theory Section. Democracy in Distress
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 3, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Greta R. Krippner, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Law Against the Rule of Law - Ivan Ermakoff, University of
Type Reversion: Political Genetic Codes and the Turn to the Right -
Dylan John Riley, University of California, Berkeley
Harbingers of Distress: The Rise of Politics-for-Its-Own-Sake -
Stephanie L. Mudge, University of California-Davis
Dissensus as a Dilemma of Democracy - Marco Z. Garrido,
University of Chicago
Discussant: Margaret R. Somers, University of Michigan
Session Organizer: Greta R. Krippner, University of Michigan-Ann
4119. Book Salons (formerly Author Meets Critics). Mothering
While Black: Boundaries and Burdens of Middle-Class
Parenthood (University of California Press, 2019) by Dawn
Marie Dow
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 7, Ballroom Level,
Author: Dawn M. Dow, University of Maryland-College Park
Panelists: Karyn Lacy, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor; Annette
Lareau, University of Pennsylvania; Riché J. Barnes, Yale
Session Organizer: Jennifer Randles, California State University-
Moderator: Jennifer Randles, California State University-Fresno
4120. Section on Collective Behavior and Social Movements.
Current Scholarship on Activism and Social Movements
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 8, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Julia Goldman-Hasbun, University of British Columbia
Challenging the Violence/Nonviolence Dichotomy in Social
Movement and Revolution Studies - Sharon Erickson Nepstad,
University of New Mexico-Albuquerque
Explicating the Persistence of Belief: The Case of the Anti-Vaccine
Movement - David A. Snow, University of California-Irvine;
Colin Bernatzky, University of California - Irvine
From Conservation to Climate Change: Explaining the Growth and
Decline of Environmental Organizations - Max Chewinski,
University of British Columbia; Catherine Corrigall-Brown,
University of British Columbia
The Determinants of Collective Action in the Era of American
Resistance - Masoud Movahed, University of Wisconsin-
Madison; Elizabeth Hirsh, University of British Columbia
The Institutionalization of Protest or Softer Police? Decomposing
Changes in Observed Protest Policing Over Time - Thomas
Alan Elliott, University of California, Irvine; Jennifer Earl,
University of Arizona; Thomas V. Maher, Purdue University;
Heidi Reynolds-Stenson, Colorado State University-Pueblo
Session Organizer: Catherine Corrigall-Brown, University of British
4121. Section on Political Economy of the World-System. World
Systems Analysis and the Political Economy of Africa:
Rekindling an old Romance
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 9, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Rachel Sullivan Robinson, American University
A Cross-National Investigation of Disasters, Food Insecurity, and
Women’s HIV in Less-Developed Nations - Mark D. Noble,
Susquehanna University; Kelly Austin, Lehigh University; Laura
McKinney, Tulane University
For a Rodneyan World Systems Analysis: Returning to the Dar es
Salaam School - Kristin Plys, University of Toronto
The Theory and Practice of Rod Bush: Africa, World Systems
and White World Supremacy - Rose Brewer, University of
Discussant: Zhifan Luo, State University of New York--University at
Session Organizers: Tanya Maria Golash-Boza, University of
California-Merced; Jason C. Mueller, University of California,
4122. Section on Medical Sociology Refereed Roundtables
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Imperial A, Ballroom Level,
Session Organizers: Elizabeth Anne Luth, Weill Cornell Medicine;
Lindsay M. Stevens, Princeton University
Table 1: Structure and Health
Table Presider: Fang Gong, Ball State University
Embracing the Organizational Logic? Clinical Pathways in China’s
Public Hospitals - Lei Jin, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Instituting Equity: INGOs, Health Care Access, and Population
Health - Andrew P. Davis, North Carolina State University;
Simone Rambotti, Loyola University-New Orleans; Terrence D.
Hill, University of Arizona
Macro-Level Stressors and Mental Health: A Stress Proliferation
Assessment - Judith A. Richman, University of Illinois at
Chicago; Robyn Lewis Brown, University of Kentucky
Structural Racism and the Development and Maintenance of U.S.
Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities - Alexis Dennis, University
of North Carolina-Chapel Hill; Esther O. Chung, University
of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Evans K. Lodge, University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Rae Anne Martinez, University
of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Rachel E. Wilbur, University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Care Access in the United
States - Fang Gong, Ball State University
Table 2: Aging and End-of-Life
Table Presider: Renee Lynn Beard, College of the Holy Cross
Economized Deaths and Inequality: Racial and Socioeconomic
Differences in Preferred and Actual End-of-Life Outcomes -
Katrina Hauschildt, University of Michigan
Psychiatric Advance Directives as an Ethical Communication Tool:
An Analysis of Definitions - Virginia A. Brown, Dell Medical
School, University of Texas, Austin; Billy Table, Dell Medical
School UT-Austin
Sacred Selves of People with Dementia: Interactional Orders
that Support and Undermine Personhood - Cindy L. Cain,
University of Alabama-Birmingham
The “Rule” of Isolation: Gatekeeping, Emotional Truncation,
and Ignorance as Excellence in Care for the Dying - Lauren
Gebhardt-Kram, The Ohio State University
Veiled Truth-Telling and Displays of Anger: Providers’ Emotional
Strategies During Patient Interactions in Indian Palliative
Care - Shibashis Mukherjee, Indian Institute of Management -
Bangalore; Clayton Thomas, Indiana University
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Table 3: Patient-Physician Interaction
Table Presider: Lillian Walkover, Drexel University
Financial Vulnerability and Worker Wellbeing: Comparing Long-
Term Services and Supports Workers with Other Health
Workers - Ulrike Muench, UC - San Francisco
Hospital Work Conditions Induce Changes in Doctor-Patient
Interaction in Rural and Urban West Bengal, India - Tannistha
Sarkar, University of Calcutta
Physician Dominance in the 21st Century: Examining the Rise of
Non-Physician Autonomy through Prevailing Theoretical
Lenses - Scott Feyereisen, Florida Atlantic University; Neeraj
Puro, Florida Atlantic University; William R. McConnell, Florida
Atlantic University; Clayton Thomas, Indiana University
Racialized Geographies: How Brazilian Community Health Workers
Racialize Bolivian patients in São Paulo, Brazil - Emily S. Pingel,
Emory University
"We Are the Forcefully Displaced Physicians": Meaning of Forced
Migration for Physicians in the 21st Century - Susan E. Bell,
Drexel University; Lillian Walkover, Drexel University
A Prospective Examination of Racial Microaggressions in the
Medical Encounter - Leslie A. Miller; Mitchell Peck, University of
Table 4: Youth and Health
Table Presider: Meredith R. Bergey, Villanova University
Examining Intersections in Diagnostic Disparities for Child and
Adolescent Behavioral Health - Meredith R. Bergey, Villanova
University; Giuseppina Chiri, Brandeis University; Nikki
Freeman, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Thomas
Ives Mackie, School of Public Health, Rutgers University
Organizations Matter in Local Governance: Evidence from Health
Sector Decentralization in Honduras - Bertha Alicia Bermudez
Tapia, University of Colorado, Boulder; Elisabeth Dowling
Root, The Ohio State University; Jane Menken, University of
Colorado, Boulder; Tara Grillos, Purdue University; Krister
Anderson, University of Colorado, Boulder; Alan Zarychta,
University of Chicago
Social Capital and Opioid Misuse Among Adolescents in the
United States: A Cross-Sectional Analysis - Syeda S. Jesmin,
University of North Texas at Dallas; Iftekhar Amin, University of
North Texas at Dallas
The Role of Health Insurance in Mental Health Care for Young
Adults - Jungtaek Lee, Dongguk University; Juyeon Kim,
University of Seoul
“You're Young, You're Healthy”: The Embodied Experience of a
Cancer Diagnosis in Young Adulthood - Kathryn Norton-Smith,
University of Oregon
Table 5: Medical Knowledge and Education
Table Presider: Marilyn Sandra Baffoe-Bonnie, Rutgers University
Sociology 4 Pre-Meds - Janet Hankin, Wayne State University
Systematization Work: The Backstage Repair of Clinical Medical
Ethics - Sorcha A. Brophy, University of Chicago
The Search for Sexual Behavior as a Cause of Prostate Cancer: A
Sociology of Medicine Study - Keith R. Johnson, Independent
Who is the Ideal Standardized Patient? Simulation and Identity
in Health Professions Education - Danielle Giffort, St. Louis
College of Pharmacy; Laura Ellen Hirshfield, University of
Illinois at Chicago; Kelly Underman, Drexel University
Digital Knowledge as a Resource or Risk: Health Information
Consumerism and Adverse Health Outcomes - Gul Seckin,
University of North Texas; Susan Hughes, Ouachita Baptist
University; Cassie E. Hudson, The University of North Texas
Table 6: The Intersection of Sexual Identity and Health
Table Presider: Brandon James Moore, The Ohio State University
Becoming PrEPared: Stigma’s Influence on the Uptake of PrEP
among Gay and Bisexual Men - Brandon James Moore, The
Ohio State University
Cervical Cancer Screening by Sexual Orientation, State, and the
State Party Affiliation in the United States - Josey VanOrsdale,
University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Jennifer Audrey Andersen,
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences NW
Medical Sociology and LGBTQ Health: Past, Present, and Future
Approaches to Studying Gender and Sexuality - Alyssa A.
Lynne, Northwestern University
The More Things Change: Changes in Same-Sex Cohabitors' Health
from 1997-2018 - Russell Leroy Spiker, Vanderbilt University;
Corinne (Rin) Reczek, Ohio State University
Three Gay Generations: The Interplay of Lived Experience and
Collective Memory for Gay Identity Verification - Michael
Patrick Vaughn, Emory University
Table 7: Mental Health
Table Presider: Theresa Beaumier
Medicating Distress: Shifting Public Recommendations for
Psychiatric Medication - Theresa Beaumier
The Role of Mental Illness Disclosure and Concealment on the
Relationship between Public Stigma and Health - Kathleen M.
Brennan, Western Carolina University; Kimberly S. Gorman,
Western Carolina University
The Social Construction of Work-related Mental Illness Due to
Workplace Bullying in Korea - Hanso Ryu
Is Job Insecurity Worse for Mental Health Than Having a Part-Time
Job? - Jungwee Park, Statistics Canada/University of Ottawa
Religion and Spirituality in the Lives of Working Professionals with
Mental Illnesses: An In-Depth Interview Study - Marta Elliott,
University of Nevada, Reno; Jordan C. Reuter, University of
Nevada, Reno
Table 8: Mental Health and Inequality
Table Presider: Alaz Kilicaslan, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
Discrimination, Racial Identity, Self-Esteem and Depression and the
Effects on Self-Rated Health in African Americans - Cerenity
E. Collins, University of Georgia; Man Kit Lei, University of
Forgoing Health Care in Southernmost Texas: Material Hardship and
Perceived Discrimination among Latino/a Border Residents -
Jennifer Tabler, University of Wyoming
Invisible Patients: Effects of Gender and Race on Perceived
Discrimination in Low Income Healthcare Settings - Sara
Snitselaar, Boston University
Race, Ideology of Structural Racism, and Happiness - Kelsey E.
Gonzalez, The University of Arizona
Table 9: The Effects of SES on Health
Table Presider: Joseph Daniel Wolfe, University of Alabama-
Material Hardship and Depression: Findings from a Detroit Area
Panel Study - Brian Xiao, Harvard University
Negative Economic Shocks and Health in the Transition to Middle
Adulthood, 1996 to 2016 - Joseph Daniel Wolfe, University of
Alabama-Birmingham; Elizabeth Helene Baker, University of
Alabama at Birmingham; Jalal Uddin, University of Alabama at
Socioeconomic Status and Mental Health in Canada: A Longitudinal
Analysis - Adam Vanzella-Yang, University of British Columbia;
Gerry Veenstra, University of British Columbia
Subjective Social Status and Major Depression: Applying
the “Future Control” Strategy to Address Unmeasured
Confounding - Max Elliott Coleman, Indiana University
Unpacking the Divergent Stress Mechanisms Behind the SES-
Mental Health Gradient, Among Asian (vs. Non-Asian)
Americans - Yezhen Li, University of Pennsylvania
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Table 10: Healthcare Workers and Experts
Table Presider: Gul Seckin, University of North Texas
Bandaging a Broken Safety Net: The Role of Healthcare Providers
in Patients’ Social Networks - Dani Carrillo, University of
California, San Francisco; Tessa M. Nápoles, University of
California, San Francisco; Jeff Nicklas, University of California,
San Francisco; Kathleen De Leon, University of California, San
Francisco; Laura Gómez-Pathak, University of California, San
Francisco; Emily Ekl, Indiana University; Brea Louise Perry,
Indiana University-Bloomington; Janet K. Shim, University of
California-San Francisco
Credibility Work and Moral Evaluation at the ED - Marius
Wamsiedel, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
Interviewing Clinical Trial Investigators Regarding Dual Role
Conflict in Clinical Trial Inclusion/Exclusion Decision Making -
Amritava Das, Morgridge Institutes for Research
Understanding the Intersectionality of Digital Information, Medical
Encounters and Patient-Reported Outcomes:A Gendered
Approach - Gul Seckin, University of North Texas; Cassie
E. Hudson, The University of North Texas; Susan Hughes,
Ouachita Baptist University; Patricia Campbell, University of
North Texas; Dale Elgert Yeatts, University of North Texas;
Megan Lawson, University of North Texas
Table 11: Reproduction, Parenting, and Medicine
Table Presider: Shannon K. Carter, University of Central Florida
A Qualitative Investigation of Surrogacy as a Panacea for
Infertility in Nigeria - Oluwatobi Joseph Alabi, University of
Guilt and Self-Blame Among Parents Who Believe in a Vaccine-
Autism Link - Catherine Do Tan, Southern Connecticut State
Creating Intersectional Subjects: A Critical Discourse Analysis of
Health Science Breastfeeding Research - Shannon K. Carter,
University of Central Florida; Ashley Yvonne Stone, University
of Central Florida; Lain Graham, University of Central Florida;
Jonathan M. Cox, University of Central Florida
Table 12: Maternal and Child Health Inequalities
Table Presider: Samuel Harrison Fishman, Duke University
Afraid to Seek Care: Fetal Protection Legislation and Prenatal
Healthcare - Chancey Herbolsheimer, Vanderbilt University;
Stephanie Woodham Burge, University of Oklahoma
An Extended Evaluation of the Weathering Hypothesis for
Birthweight - Samuel Harrison Fishman, Duke University
Could It Happen To Me?: Black Women’s Perceptions of Personal
Risk of Maternal Mortality - Karyn Alayna Stewart, DePaul
The Rural-Urban Divide in Tanzania: Residential Context and
Socioeconomic Inequalities in Maternal Health Care Utilization
- Neema Langa, University of Nevada, Las Vegas; Tirth Raj
Bhatta, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
The Weekend Birth Dearth: Reproductive Regimes and Provider
Efficiency versus Evidence-Based Maternity Care - Louise
Marie Roth, University of Arizona
Table 13: Pregnancy, Contraception, and Abortion
Table Presider: Tannuja Rozario, University of Massachusetts,
Diasporic Reproductive Journeys of Indo-Caribbean Women -
Tannuja Rozario, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Incidence of Unintended Pregnancy Among Commercial Sex
Workers in Nigeria - David B. Ugal, Federal University of Lafia
“Let Me Just Stick With What I Know”: Risk Perception and
Women’s Selections of Abortion Clinics - Orlaith Heymann,
University of Cincinnati; Danielle Bessett, University of
Cincinnati; Tamika Corinne Odum, University of Cincinnati-Blue
Ash College; Alison Norris
Men’s Involvement In Contraceptives Use And Quality Of Life Of
Women in Nigeria - Oluwagbemiga Ezekiel Adeyemi, Federal
University; Olaide Aderonke Adedokun, Lagos State University,
Ojo Lagos
Pregnancy, Abortion, and Motherhood: Does Disability Matter? -
Darcy Sullivan, University of Kansas
Table 14: The Policy Context of Health
Table Presider: Stephanie Marie Teixeira-Poit, North Carolina A&T
State University
Diagnosing US Healthcare: Models for Health Policy Education and
Military-Civilian Healthcare Collaboration - Kevin Barry
Creating a Public Health Epidemic: Politicization vs. Medicalization
in the History of Gun Violence Prevention - Jennifer Karla
Leigh, New York University
Functional Limitations and Mental Health Among Older Adults
in China: Exploring Role of Hukou - Jie Miao, University of
Calgary; Alex E. Bierman, University of Calgary
Health Effects of Job Loss Before and After Fornero’s
Unemployment Benefit Reforms in Italy - Jonathan Koltai,
Bocconi University; Francesco Maria Varchetta, Bocconi
University; Martin McKee, London School of Hygiene and
Tropical Medicine; David Stuckler, Bocconi University
Health Inequality in Asset-Based Welfare System: The Case of
Underdeveloped Welfare State - Hyunji Lim, Sogang University
Reframing Public Health Problems: A Qualitative Examination of
Public Health Apps in the United States - Carmen Lamothe,
University of Toronto
Table 15: Social Determinants of Health
Table Presider: Kiwoong Park, University of New Mexico-
Evaluating the SES-Health Gradient: A Cross-National Examination
of Subjective Social Class and Self-Rated Health - Kara
Snawder, Indiana University
Social Determinants of Epilepsy Treatment: The Role of Health
Insurance, Socioeconomic Resources, and Place - Magdalena
Szaflarski, University of Alabama-Birmingham; Joseph Daniel
Wolfe, University of Alabama-Birmingham; Joshua Gabriel S.
Tobias, University of Alabama at Birmingham; Ismail Mohamed,
University of Alabama at Birmingham; Jerzy P. Szaflarski,
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Socioeconomic Status and the Increased Prevalence of Prediabetes
- Heeyoun Shin, University of Kansas
The Wealth-Health Relationship by Race/Ethnicity: Evidence from
a Longitudinal Perspective - Kiwoong Park, University of New
Mexico-Albuquerque; Tse-Chuan Yang, SUNY-Albany
Using Sociological Approaches to Understanding Suicidal
Behaviors in Deprived Urban Communities in the UK -
Catherine Polling, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and
Neuroscience, King's College London; Charlotte Woodhead;
Hannah Harwood, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and
Neuroscience, King's College London, UK; Stephani Hatch,
King's College London
Table 16: Neighborhoods and Health
Table Presider: Boroka B. Bo, University of California, Berkeley
Deserts & Health: Examining Neighborhood-Level Resource
Scarcity and Health in the Urban South - Lacee Anne Satcher,
Vanderbilt University
Health-Based Homophily in Public Housing Developments - Neha
Gondal, Boston University; Brenda Heaton, Boston University
Healthy Ethnic Enclaves or Disadvantaged Segregated
Communities? Generational Status, Ethnicity, and Black
Caribbean Diet Outcomes - Rachel J. Bacon, Pennsylvania
State University
Lay Perceptions of Neighborhood Inequality, Health, and
Attributions of Responsibility for Obesity: A Mixed-Methods
Study - Zulema Valdez, University of California-Merced; Katie
Session 4122, continued
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Lynn Cantwell Butterfield, UC Merced; A. Susana Ramirez, UC
Physical, Mental, and Social Health Across Boston: Individual
and Neighborhood Effects - Russell K. Schutt, University
of Massachusetts Boston; Christina N. Feijoo, University
of Massachusetts Boston; Philip S. Brenner, University of
Table 17: Suicide, Substance Use, and Medicine
Table Presider: Elina Tochilnikova, Arbour Counseling
Criminal or Sick? The Dual History of Opioid Addicts in the U.S. -
Naomi Darom, Northeastern University
Enduring Effects of Early Life Traumas on Adult Suicidal Ideation -
Muhammed Yildiz, Dixie State University
Methadone Maintenance Treatment IS Swapping One Drug for
Another and That’s Why it Works - David Frank, New York
One, Two, Many Medicalizations: Mapping the Continuum - Mairead
Eastin Moloney, University of Kentucky; Harry Barbee, Florida
State University; Thomas R. Konrad, University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill
Sociodemographic and Military Status Differences in Suicide Risk
Factors Among US Military Personnel - Scott D. Landes,
Syracuse University; Janet M. Wilmoth, Syracuse University;
Andrew S. London, Syracuse University; Ann T. Landes,
Syracuse VA Medical Center
Table 18: Health Disparities
Table Presider: Elizabeth Marie Anderson, Indiana University
A Systematic Review of the Use of Race and Ethnicity in U.S.
Population Health Research - Nafeesa Andrabi, University of
North Carolina-Chapel Hill; Robert A. Hummer, University of
North Carolina-Chapel Hill; Andrea Nicole Goodwin, University
of North Carolina-Chapel Hill; Rae Anne Martinez, University
of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Rachel E. Wilbur, University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Natalie Smith, UNC Chapel Hill;
Paul Zivich, UNC Chapel Hill
Financial Constraints on Breast Cancer Risk-Management Decisions
Among Women at Elevated Risk - Rachel Meadows, The Ohio
State University College of Public Health; Tasleem Juana
Padamsee, The Ohio State University
Gender, Work, and Back Pain in India: Quantitative and Qualitative
Evidence - Kanika Sharma, Emory University
More than Just a Headache: Examining the Relationship between
Migraine, Self-Efficacy, and Gender - Caroline Vincenza Brooks,
Indiana University
Understanding Gender and Racial Disparities in HPV Vaccination
Rates - Elizabeth Marie Anderson, Indiana University
Change Your Diet, Cure Your Illness: The Content and
Consequences of Messaging on Healthy Food Blogs - Gabrielle
Grace Gonzales, University of California Santa Barbara
Table 19: Emotions and Health
Table Presider: Christina Kamis, Duke University
America’s Help-Seeking Toolkit for Depression - Emily Ekl, Indiana
Depression and Metabolic Syndrome in the Marital Dyad: Is
Social Participation a Key Mediator? - Christina Kamis, Duke
University; Jessica West, Duke University
Do (Un)met Adolescent Career Expectations Influence Early
Adulthood Depressive Symptoms? An NLSY-79 Longitudinal
Study - Kristen Tzoc, Boston University
Leveraging Biosignals and Surveys to Understand Health Dynamics:
Socializing and Emotional Affect in Real-Time - Amy Zhang;
Bridget Goosby, University of Texas-Austin; Jacob E. Cheadle,
The University of Texas at Austin
Religiosity & Perceptions of Psychotropics: The Importance of
Considering How Religious Beliefs Impact Scientific Ones -
Samantha L. Nousak, Kent State University
4124. Section on Race, Gender, and Class Roundtables
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Franciscan A, Ballroom Level,
Session Organizers: Jennifer Haskin, Arizona State University-
Tempe; Cristen N. Dalessandro, University of Utah; Lynne M.
Woehrle, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; Melissa Ann
MacDonald, American International College; Katie R. Lauve-
Moon, Texas Christian University; Jazmin A. Muro, Regis
Table 1: Education
Table Presider: Meghan A. Burke, Illinois Wesleyan University
Got a TIC for Liberation? Ethnic Studies Teachers and Self-
Implicating Reflexivity as Transformational Intersectional
Capital (TIC) - Florence Emilia Castillo, University of New
Mexico; Magdalena Vazquez Dathe, University of New Mexico;
Nancy López, University of New Mexico-Albuquerque
Hair Discrimination: Race, Gender, and Exclusion in Schools -
Patricia A. Banks, Mount Holyoke College
Success at the Margins: Race, Gender, and Persistence in STEM
- Jeremy J. Brown, New Mexico State University; Stephanie
M. Arnett, New Mexico State University; Sandra M. Way, New
Mexico State University
The Wrong Kind of Emotions for School: Teachers' Emotional
Socialization Practices at Temporary Public Alternative Schools
- Brionca Taylor, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
“Tracks as Emergent Structures”: A Network Analysis of Student
Course-Taking at the University-Level - Paul Martinez,
University of California, Los Angeles
Table 2: Work/Workplace
Table Presider: Marcella Catherine Gemelli, Arizona State University-
Beyond Single-Axis Homophily: An Intersectional Analysis of
Cohort-Based Mentoring and Networking - Cara Margherio,
University of Washington; Coleen Carrigan, California
Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Christine Grant,
North Carolina State University; M. Claire Horner-Devine,
University of Washington; Julie Ivy, North Carolina State
University; Sheri J.Y. Mizumori, University of Washington; Eve
Riskin, University of Washington; Joyce W. Yen, University of
Does Female Political Representation Affect Female Labor Force
Participation? Causal Evidence from Japan, 2000-2015 -
Wenhao Jiang
Gender Ideology and Motherhood Penalty: Exploring Racial
Differences in Mechanisms - Xu Yan, University of Maryland
“It’s Very, Very Tough to be a Minority”: Faculty Women of
Color and Research Collaboration - Joya Misra, University
of Massachusetts, Amherst; Ethel L. Mickey, University
of Massachusetts Amherst; Ember Skye Willow Kanelee,
University of Massachusetts Amherst
The Significance of Class in Earnings Inequality Between Black and
White Men - Chunhui Ren, Delta State University
Table 3: Health
Fathers’ Migration, Son Preference and Nutritional Status of Left-
Behind Children in India - Kriti Vikram, National University of
Fibromyalgia and Femininity: How Race and Class Structure
a Gendered Invisible Illness - Sarah Devoto, University of
California, Santa Barbara
Race, Skin-Lightening, Exogenous Ochronosis, and the
Reclassification of Skin-lightening Cosmetics as Drugs by the
FDA - Colleen Petrena Campbell, Princeton University
Racism as a Fundamental Cause of Racialized Disparities in
Hospital Death - Jennifer McDonnell, Emory University
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Table 4: Inequalities
Increasing Diversity and White Fragility on Campus - Molly J.
Dingel, Unversity of Minnesota Rochester; Gemma Punti, Metro
State University; Starr Sage, Saint Thomas University
Racial Differences in the Returns to Educational Experiences on
Bankruptcy Filings in Midlife - Alicia Duncombe, University of
Texas at Austin
Racial Formation in Sweden - Beiyi Hu, CUNY Graduate Center
The Race that Space Makes: The Power of Place in the Formation
of Social Categorizations - Jennifer Carol LaFleur, Brandeis
Table 5: Environment/Climate/Natural Disasters
Table Presider: Chandra Reyna, University of Maryland, College Park
Driving Social Disadvantage: The Intersectionality of Class, Race,
Gender, and Residential Energy-Efficiency Inequality in the
U.S. - Lazarus Adua, University of Utah
Just Another Obstacle for Me to Get Over”: Understanding Black
Women’s Experiences After Hurricane Harvey - Cassandra
'Nothing Hurts as Much as Injustice': Post-Flood Aid Distribution
in Rural Croatia - Karin Doolan, University of Zadar; Branko
Ančić, Institute for Social Research in Zagreb; Dražen Cepić,
University of Zadar; Drago Župarić-Iljić, University of Zagreb
Social Media Based Demographics Analysis for Understanding
Disaster Response Disparity - Faxi Yuan, University of Florida;
Min Li
Table 6: Families/Intimate Relationships
Table Presider: Vânia Penha-Lopes, Bloomfield College
Child Placement After Parental Incarceration: The Roles of Parental
Race and Gender - Kaelie Crockett; Ashley Larsen Gibby,
Brigham Young University
Daughters’ Responsibilities in Financially Struggling and Stable
White Families: A Comparative Study - Annaliese Grant,
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Examining the State Response to Domestic Violence: An Analysis
of Partner Abuse Intervention - Marie Laperrière, Northwestern
Political Party Moderates Relationships Between Interracial
Friendship and Implicit and Explicit Racial Bias - Kristen
Nelson, UC Berkeley
Structural Inequality, Intimate Partner Violence, and Relationship
Change and Instability in the Dominican Republic - Julia M.
Arroyo, University of Florida; Barbara Zsembik, University of
Table 7: Mental Health and Wellness
Table Presider: Jennifer Haskin, Arizona State University-Tempe
Intersectional Social Identities, Discrimination and Mental Health
Service Use in England - Charlotte Woodhead; Rebecca Rhead;
Zoe Chui, King's College London; Luke Connor, King's College
London; Hannah Harwood, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology
and Neuroscience, King's College London, UK; Shirlee
MacCrimmon, King's College London; Stephani Hatch, King's
College London
The Gender of Wellness - Katherine Mason, Wheaton College
The Self-Derogation of White Women: Black-White Differences
in Self-feelings over the Life-Course - Heili Pals, Texas A&M
University; Warren Waren, Texas A&M University
Table 8: Identities/Subjectivity
Table Presider: Ashley Larsen Gibby, Brigham Young University
A Genetic Point of View: The Effects of Ancestry Testing on Racial
and Ethnic Identities - John Kaiser, University of Kansas
Furry, Charming, and Racist: Transformations and Controversies of
College Mascots in the United States - Angel Alfonso Escamilla
Garcia, Northwestern University
Governing Through Less Governance: Women’s Shelters and the
Creation of the “Shelter-Citizen” - Natalie Julia Adamyk,
University of Toronto
Identity Construction Among Second-Generation Chinese American
Women in a Transnational Context - Qing Li, Jiangxi University
of Finance and Economics
Table 9: Activism/Social Justice
Table Presider: Corinne Endreny Kirchner, Columbia University
Anticipating Change in the History of American Sociology, Search
Through the Surprising Komarovsky-DuBois Connection -
Corinne Endreny Kirchner, Columbia University
"Art Can Hold Conversations That Words Can't": Connectivity in
Contemporary Social Movements in Chicago - Meghan Daniel,
University of Illinois at Chicago
“I’m Not A Walking Ilmihal”: A Case Study of Religious Women’s
Activism in Turkey - Seyma Ozdemir
Representing a Diverse Movement: Domestic Work Activism in
the US With a Case Study of Massachusetts - Anna Rosinska,
University of Massachusetts Lowell
4125. Meeting. Section on Communication, Information
Technologies, and Media Sociology Business Meeting
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Franciscan D, Ballroom Level,
4127. Section on Sociology of Emotions. Cutting Edge Research
on the Sociology of Emotions
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Yosemite B, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Paige Ambord, University of Notre Dame
Mobilizing Anger: Feminist Solidarities in Turkey and Beyond - Nisa
Goksel, Arizona State University-West
Narrative as a Path: Emotions, Storytelling, and the Youth Climate
Movement - Ann Gavin Ward, Brandeis
The Pained Utterance: Queer Latinxs, Social Harm, and the Study of
Pain - David Luis Glisch-Sanchez, University at Buffalo
Working with Refugees: Tales (and Pictures) of Emotional Labour
- Lucia Ruggerone, Robert Gordon University; Iris Altenberger,
University of West of Scotland; Charlie Hackett, Robert Gordon
Session Organizers: Jessica L. Collett, University of California-Los
Angeles; Lisa Slattery Walker, University of North Carolina-
4128. Meeting. Section on Sociology of Consumers and
Consumption Business Meeting
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Yosemite C, Ballroom Level,
4129. Section on Sociology of Body and Embodiment.
Intersectional Bodies Joint Session between Race, Gender,
and Class and Sociology of Body and Embodiment
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 1, 4th Floor,
Presider: Edward Orozco Flores, University of California-Merced
Black Women, Identity Aspirations, and Ethnic Moves - Maxine
Leeds Craig, University of California-Davis; Stephanie Dawn
Sears, University of San Francisco
"Don't Be an Angry Black Woman!": How Singers of Color Navigate
the White Stage of Opera - Ruth Ayesha Casie Chetty,
University of Cincinnati
Felt Inequality: Strategies in Racialized Reproduction - Patrice
Wright, University of Virginia
Sexual Violence and the Challenges of Intersectionality: Cases in
Japan - Vivian Shaw, Harvard University; Kanoko Kamata
Session Organizer: Kendra Leigh Pospisil, Southern Illinois
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
4130. Meeting. Section on Animals and Society Business Meeting
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 3, 4th Floor,
4131. Section on Inequality, Poverty, and Mobility. The Political
Causes of Inequality, Poverty and Mobility
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 5, 4th Floor,
Presider: John D. Stephens, University of North Carolina at Chapel
Pathways Toward Inclusive Income Growth in High-Income
Countries: A Comparative Decomposition - Zachary Parolin,
Columbia University; Janet Gornick, CUNY-Graduate Center
Producing Inequality by Rationing Assistance: Organizing Waitlist
and Selection Procedures in the Housing Choice Voucher
Program - Brian James McCabe, Georgetown University
The Causes and Consequences of Poverty in US States: Examining
Prevalences and Penalties from 1993-2016 - Daniel Adam
Nicholson, Indiana University
The Politics of Financialization and Income Inequailty - Bowei Hu,
UCLA; Thung-Hong Lin, Academia Sinica
Weapons Of The Strong: Elite Resistance and the Neo-Apartheid
City - Benjamin Bradlow, Brown University
Discussant: Evelyne Huber, University of North Carolina at Chapel
Session Organizer: David Brady, University of California, Riverside
4132. Meeting. Managing Editors
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 9, 4th Floor,
4136. Regular Sessions. Biosociology and Biosocial Interaction
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 13, 4th Floor,
Presider: Bridget Goosby, University of Texas-Austin
A Longitudinal Association Between Marital Disagreement on
Gender Role and Inflammation Markers Among Korean Older
Adults - Junsol Kim, Yonsei University; Seohee Lee, Yonsei
University; Yewon Yoo, Yonsei University; Yong-Chan Kim,
Yonsei University; Hyeon Chang Kim, Yonsei University College
of Medicine; Yoosik Youm, Yonsei University, South Korea
Genes, Women, and STEM: The Effects of Biology and Gendered
Environments on Majoring in STEM - Meng-Jung Lin, University
of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Into the Sociome: A Reflection on Combining Biological, Social
and Clinical Data to Understand Human Health - Adam T.
Perzynski, MetroHealth and Case Western Reserve University;
Kristen A. Berg, Case Western Reserve University and The
MetroHealth System; Scott E. Moore, Case Western Reserve
University; Jarrod Dalton, The Cleveland Clinic
Patterns and Drivers of Black-White Disparities in Biological Age
Acceleration in Late Life - Courtney E. Boen, University of
Pennsylvania; Daniel Belsky, Columbia University; Yang Claire
Yang, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill; Kathleen Mullan
Harris, University of North Carolina; Allison Aiello, University of
North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Discussant: Colter Mitchell, University of Michigan
Session Organizer: Bridget Goosby, University of Texas-Austin
4137. Regular Sessions. Global and Historical Perspectives on
Social Movements, Governance and Political Upheaval
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 14, 4th Floor,
After Empire: The Breakup of the Soviet Military System in 1992 and
1993 - Luyang Zhou, Brown University
Oligarchs, Bourgeois, and Bureaucrats in the Chilean Congress,
1828-1894 - Naim Bro, University of Cambridge
Varieties of Populism: Spatial Heterogeneity and Third-Party Voting
in the American West, 1890-1896 - Adam Slez, University of
Session Organizer: Alexandre White, Johns Hopkins University
4138. Regular Sessions. Gender Inequality: Family Processes
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 15, 4th Floor,
Presider: Christin L. Munsch, University of Connecticut
De-Gendering Household Labor: How Egalitarian Couples Make
Sense of Non-Egalitarian Practices - Allison Daminger, Harvard
Informal Caregiving Across the Gendered Life Course for Recent
U.S. Cohorts - Erin Ice, University of Michigan
The Changing Face of Sole-Breadwinner Married Couples in the
U.S., 1995-99 to 2015-19 - Matt Erickson, University of Kansas
Women Are Less Likely Than Men to Comment on (Men’s)
Published Research - Cary Wu; Sylvia A. Fuller, The University
of British Columbia; Rima Wilkes, University of British
Session Organizer: Youngjoo Cha, Indiana University-Bloomington
4141. Regular Sessions. Sexualities I: Racialized Sexualities
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 23, 4th Floor,
Presider: Ghassan Moussawi, University of Illinois at Urbana-
Yellow Fever: Contradictions in Racialized Desirability - Paul
Salamanca, University of California, Berkeley
Racialization as a Matter of Erotic Eminence: Gendered Sexualities
& the Embodied Labors of Exotic Dance - Cristina Khan, Stony
Brook University
Lookin’ For Gay Bar: The Search for Authenticity in Urban, Black,
Queer Space - Morgan Robert Purrier, University of Michigan
Internalized Whiteness Within Gay Asian Bear Communities - Ali
Mushtaq, Chapman University
Discussant: Doug Meyer, The University of Virginia
Session Organizer: Ghassan Moussawi, University of Illinois at
4142. Regular Sessions. Identity Construction, Belonging and
Exclusion in Religious Communities
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 25, 4th Floor,
Presider: Orit Avishai, Fordham University
Classifying Muslims in the US and Europe: Race, Religion, and
Muslim as a Category of Experience - Elisabeth Becker,
University of Virginia; Rachel A. Rinaldo, University of
Colorado-Boulder; Jeffrey Guhin, University of California-Los
Latino Religiosity Unveiled: Tactics of (In)Visibility in a Post-Secular
World - Anahi Viladrich, CUNY-Queens College
The Ideal Woman: Female Evangelical Influencers and Social Media
Stars - Katie Christine Gaddini, University of Cambridge
When Religion Hurts: Structural Sexism and Health in Religious
Congregations - Patricia Homan, Florida State University; Amy
M. Burdette, Florida State University
Does Religion Suppress Gender Differences in Values? A Cross-
National Examination - Landon Schnabel, Indiana University-
Session Organizer: Sarah H. Diefendorf, Scholars Strategy Network
4143. Regular Sessions. Culture and Inequality
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 1, 6th Floor,
Presider: Catherine Kaukinen, University of Central Florida
Is Healthy Eating Too Expensive?: How Low-Income Parents
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Evaluate the Cost of Food - Caitlin Daniel, University of
“It is Not Meant to Be Work”: How Do Workers Become Consumers
in the Gig Economy? - Youngrong Lee, University of Toronto
Cultural Matching in the Academic Workplace - Anna Patricia
Hidalgo, Columbia University
The Paradox of (Il)legibility: The Marginalization and Resistance of
Latina Community-Engaged Artists in Chicago - Michael De
Anda Muñiz, University of Illinois at Chicago
Like Wildfire: Creating Rumor Content in the Face of Disaster -
Rebecca Ewert, University of Chicago
Discussant: Sophie Clare Moullin, Princeton University
Session Organizer: Jessica McCrory Calarco, Indiana University-
4144. Regular Sessions. Sociology of Culture Regular Session
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 2, 6th Floor,
Presider: Fiona Greenland, University of Virginia
Behind the Scenes: Film Curatorship, Arts Organizations, and
the Collective Production of Culture - Tania R. Aparicio, New
School for Social Research
Beyond Classification, Decoding, and Meaning-Making:
Contemporary Artists’ Perspectives on the Reception of Visual
Art - Ann L. Mullen, University of Toronto
Blue Latitudes: Properties of the Color Atlas - Meredith Hall, The
New School for Social Research
Globalizing a Universal Concept: Fine Art Museums in the Arabian
Peninsula - Amy Zhang, George Mason University
Discussant: Hannah Wohl, University of California, Santa Barbara
Session Organizer: Fiona Greenland, University of Virginia
4145. Regular Sessions. Building Community in Insecure Times
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 4, 6th Floor,
Presider: Forrest Stuart, Stanford University
Acquainted Marginality: Social Structure and Inequality in Small
Places - David Showalter, University of California, Berkeley
Permanent Supportive Housing as Social Infrastructure: Social
Ties Among Residents of Single- and Scattered-Site Models -
Matthew D. Marr, Florida International University; Lisa Meuller,
Florida International University; Catherine Velarde-Perez,
Florida International University
Short-Term Rentals’ Perceived Threat to Neighborhoods and
Neighboring: Evidence From Boise, Idaho - Krista E. Paulsen,
Boise State University
The Logistics of Fear: Violence and Collective Forms of Everyday
Life - Ana Villarreal, Boston University
Discussant: Simona Gabriela Gavrila, Stanford University
Session Organizer: Forrest Stuart, Stanford University
4146. Regular Sessions. Fertility
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 6, 6th Floor,
Presider: Fangqi Wen, University of Oxford
Changes in Adolescent Fertility and the Fracking Boom - Andrew
Lowell Owen, Northwestern University
Diverging Destinies: Continuity and Change in the Geographic
Distribution of Age-Race-Birth Weight Patterns from 1991-2017
- Nicholas Mark, NYU
Does Female-Male Disagreement Over Pregnancy Intentions Affect
Contraceptive Use? Assessing Racial-Ethnic Patterns in the US
- Monica Lisette Caudillo, University of Maryland-College Park;
Seung Wan Kim; Jaein Lee, University of Maryland, College
The Heretogenous Effect of Unemployment on Fertility in Sweden
- Alessandro Di Nallo, Université de Lausanne; Siddartha
Arahdya, University of Stockholm
Session Organizer: Julia A. Behrman, Northwestern University
4147. Regular Sessions. Health Policy: Fascinating Research
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 8, 6th Floor,
Presider: Wan-Zi Lu, University of Chicago
How the Community Health Center Program Addresses Poverty,
Inequality, and Stigma - Emily Anne Parker, Cornell University
Reducing Disparities in Access to Aid-in-Dying: Lessons from
a Cross-National Examination of Aid-in-Dying Practices -
Cristina (Cris) Zubizarreta, Boston College; John B. Williamson,
Boston College
Risk, Medicalization, and Obstetric Interventions: Explaining the
Rising Use of Cesarean Deliveries and Induction of Labor -
Andrea Tilstra, University of Colorado - Boulder
Street-Level Bureaucrats and the Implementation of the Smoking
Ban in Cross-Agency Contexts - Céline Mavrot, University of
Bern; Susanne Hadorn, University of Bern
Session Organizer: Stefan Timmermans, UCLA
4148. Regular Sessions. Inequality in Higher Education
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 10, 6th Floor,
Presider: Susan A. Dumais, CUNY-Lehman College
Sexuality Discourses and Sexual Minority Students’ Interpretations
of Campus Climate in the Contemporary US - Koji Ueno,
Florida State University; Taylor Jackson, Florida State
University; Emily Daina Saras, Florida State University; Jessi
Grace, Florida State University; Jason D'Amours, Florida State
University; Amanda Nicole Nix, Florida State University
Disclosure Patterns of Unwanted Sexual Contact Among White and
Racially Minoritized Undergraduate Students - Grace Poon,
Stanford University; Young K. Kim, Azusa Pacific University;
Dan Zapp, EVERFI
Pathways to Early Departure from College: The Interrelated and
Precarious Role of Finances - Nicole Perez, University of Illinois
at Chicago; Susan Farruggia, University of Illinois at Chicago;
Allison Ballweber, University of Illinois at Chicago
Who Speaks and Who Listens: Revisiting the Chilly Climate in
College Classrooms - Jennifer Jiwon Lee, Indiana University;
Janice McCabe, Dartmouth College
Beyond Participation: A Process-Based Understanding of Inequality
in College Extracurricular Involvement - Blake R. Silver, George
Mason University
Session Organizer: Elizabeth M. Lee, Saint Joseph's University
4151. Meeting. Section on International Migration Business
Parc55, Embarcadero, Level 3, 8:30-9:10am
4153. Section on Sociology of Education. Parental Investments in
Parc55, Cyril Magnin II, Level 4, 8:30-10:10am
Presider: Sarah M. Ovink, Virginia Tech
Cultural Reproduction and Cultural Mobility: Mechanism-Based
Elaboration and Decomposition - Anning Hu, Fudan University;
Xiaogang Wu, Hong Kong University of Science and
Disparities in Latina/o Parental Involvement from 1998 to 2010 -
Robert Wayne Ressler, University of Texas at Austin
Do Black Parents Hold Higher Educational Expectations? An
Examination of Parental Aspirations for Sons and Daughters -
Jing Ping, Yale University; Grace Kao, Yale University
Session 4143, continued
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Parental Domain-Specific Cultural Capital and Persistence in
College Majors - Ned Tilbrook, Portland State University; Dara
Shifrer, Portland State University
Parental Help with Homework in Elementary School: Good, Bad
or Complicated? - Katerina Bodovski, Pennsylvania State
University; Ismael Munoz, Penn State; Ruxandra Apostolescu,
Penn State
Discussant: David Enrique Rangel, Brown University
Session Organizer: Rachel Elizabeth Fish, New York University
4154. Section on Sociology of Development. Food and
Agriculture in Development
Parc55, Cyril Magnin III, Level 4, 8:30-10:10am
Presider: Yetkin Borlu, University of Richmond
Agroecology in Argentina: Tackling Climate and Food Injustices -
Isaac Leslie, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Diabetes and Neo-Traditional Resilience: Farming and Alternative
Embodiment in Mopan Maya Communities of Postcolonial
Belize - Michelle Lee Schmidt, Eastern New Mexico University
Farming, Food and Environment: The Importance of Women's
Economic Power in Nigeria, Thailand and Ecuador - Rae Lesser
Blumberg, University of Virginia
Small-Scale Farmers Growing Oil Palm: Mobilizing Local Knowledge
to Confront Global Risks - Angela Serrano Zapata, University
of Wisconsin-Madison
Session Organizer: Yetkin Borlu, University of Richmond
4161. Regular Sessions. In this Age: Rearticulating White Identity
and Supremacy
Parc55, Mission I, Level 4, 8:30-10:10am
Presider: Abby L. Ferber, University of Colorado at Colorado
"I Was Raised Not Discriminating at All": Moral Tropes, Anti-White
Discrimination, and Marginalized Privilege - Madeleine George
Straubel, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Racial-Ethnic Socialization and Identification Among White Youth:
A Person-Centered Approach - Mariya Adnan Khan; Rachel
A. Gordon, University of Illinois-Chicago; Amelia R. Branigan,
University of Maryland, College Park
Seeing Whiteness Like the State: Colliding Logics of Whiteness in
Anti-White Hate Crime Reporting - Jesse Yeh, University of
“Trump is Racist, But I Don’t Really Care”: White Children on
Racism in the Trump-Era - Margaret A. Hagerman, Mississippi
State University
White Political Identities in the U.S: More In-Group Favoritism
or Animus Towards Racial Outgroups? - Carl W. Stempel,
California State University, East Bay; Qais Alemi, Loma Linda
Discussant: Amy D. McDowell, University of Mississippi
Session Organizer: Abby L. Ferber, University of Colorado at
Colorado Springs
Tuesday, 9:10 am
4125. Section on Communication, Information Technologies, and
Media Sociology Refereed Roundtable Session
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Franciscan D, Ballroom Level,
Session Organizers: Anabel Quan-Haase, Western University;
Grant Blank, University of Oxford; Lyn N. Hoang, University of
Western Ontario
Table 1: Technology and Gender Inequality, I
Table Presider: Franchesca R. Rife
#TheCouragetobeUncomfortable: Battling Gender Inequality
through Exclusionary Politics in South Korea - Hyun A. Lee,
George Mason University
Twitter Exploration of Network Structure and Content of
Conversations Responding to Rappers’ Gender Norms
Transgressions - Franchesca R. Rife
Table 2: Digital Technologies and Crime, Privacy, and Security
Table Presider: Kaitlyn Cavacas, Western University
Crime and (Cyber)Guardianship in the Digital Age - Karen G. Weiss,
West Virginia University
In What Ways do Anti-Trafficking Campaigns Affect the Public?
Case Study of Moldova - Ludmila Bogdan
The Only Thing to Fear: Public Attitudes Toward State and
Corporate Privacy Invasions - Long Doan, University of
Maryland-College Park; Brian T. Connor, University of
Maryland-College Park; Marek N. Posard, RAND Corporation;
Robert Gordon Rinderknecht, University of Maryland; Emily
Haskel, RAND Corporation
The Sociology of Resignation: Examining the Digital Privacy
Attitudes and Behaviours of East Yorkers - Kaitlyn Cavacas,
Western University; Molly-Gloria Rachelle Harper, Western
University; Anabel Quan-Haase, Western University; Barry
Wellman, NetLab Network
Table 3: How Technologies Impact Health and Aging
Table Presider: Richard Greg Moye, Winston-Salem State University
Are Smartwatches Actually Used for Exercise? Evidence From
HBCU Students - Richard Greg Moye, Winston-Salem State
University; Tangela G. Towns, Winston-Salem State University;
Daniel Rose, Winston Salem State University; Antonius Skipper,
Winston Salem State University
Digital Skills and Life Satisfaction: The Mediating Effect of 'Life
Technologies' Use - Joohyun Oh, Barun ICT Research Center,
Yonsei University
The Political Economy of Digital Medicine - Mario Siddhartha
Portugal-Ramirez, The University of Massachusetss Boston
Table 4: The Role of Media in Social Movements
Hashtag Activism and the Struggle for Mnemonic Freedom -
Timothy Recuber, Smith College
Movement-Media Relations in the Hybrid Media System - Thomas J.
Billard, University of Southern California
Table 5: Popular Media: Television, Music, and Film
Table Presider: Reid Ralston, Cornell University
Different Shows, Consistent Locations: Popular American Television
and Depictions of Big Cities, 1950-2007 - Brian J. Miller,
Wheaton College
Disconnected, Not Polarized: Four Decades of the Rural-Urban
Interface in Mainstream Country Music - Braden Leap,
Mississippi State University; Courtney Heath, Mississippi State
Gatekeepers and Morality: Film Reviews in the Era of 'MeToo' - Reid
Ralston, Cornell University
Table 6: Digital Technologies as Sources of Value, Surplus-Value,
Capital and Digital Labor
Table Presider: Sanna J. Ali, Stanford University
Algorithm, Big Data and Affective Capitalism: The Surplus-Value of
Code and Flow - Hangwoo Lee, Chungbuk National University
Technological Activists Creation of Critical Accounting Technology
to ReImagine Value in the Future Blockchain World - Sarah
Grace Manski, UC Santa Barbara
The Emotional Labor of Building Community at WeWork - Sanna J.
Ali, Stanford University
Table 7: How Governments and Institutions are using Digital
Technologies: Regulation and Policy
Table Presider: Grant Blank, University of Oxford
Divided by Digital Policy: Lessons From the Oxfordshire Digital
Inclusion Project - Grant Blank, University of Oxford; Kira
Allmann, University of Oxford
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
E-Governance in the Middle East: A Sociological Inquiry - Mohamed
Zayani, Georgetown University
Table 8: The Role of Media in Creating Political Polarization or
Impacting Political Orientation
Table Presider: Ralph Schroeder
Is there a Link between Climate Change Scepticism, Political
Orientation, and Populism? - Ralph Schroeder; Pu Yan
Manufacturing Echo-Systems: Message Amplification and
Reverberation of Key Individuals Within False Twitter Persona
Networks - Ori Swed, Texas Tech University; Jeffrey Baptist,
Texas Tech University
Same Terms, Adverse Opinions: Assessing Competing
Understandings of Democracy in Contemporary Turkey -
Meltem Odabaş, Indiana University; Didem Turkoglu, New York
University Abu Dhabi; Mustafa Yavas, Yale University; Doruk
Tunaoglu, Bogazici University
The Stratification of Media Usage in Finland, 2007–2018: Signs of
Socio-Political Polarization? - Riie Heikkilä, Tampere University;
Semi Purhonen, Tampere University; Adrian Leguina, University
of Loughborough
Table 9: Media and Social Media Communication
Table Presider: Max Stick, McMaster University
Media Framing of Racism and White Supremacy: A Content
Analysis of the “Charlottesville Rally” - Chenghui Zhang,
University of Kentucky
Networking Behavior and Information Search: An Interactive
Experiment with Sociometric Badges - Balint Dioszegi,
Imperial College Business School; Anne ter Wal, Imperial
College Business School; Valentina Tartari, Copenhagen
Business School; Daniella Laureiro-Martinez, ETH Zurich;
Stefano Brusoni, ETH Zurich
“Not Condoning What He Did, But…”: Interpreting Fan Ambivalence
Toward the Kareem Hunt Altercation on Reddit - Max Stick,
McMaster University; Casey Scheibling, McMaster University;
Mark Norman, McMaster University
The Folksonomy of Trolling: A Computational Model for Predicting
Online Community-Defined Deviancy - Nelson Hosley,
University of Arizona
Table 10: Lifestyles, the Everyday, and Digital Media
Table Presider: Rabiu K. B. Asante, University of Ghana
Crossing the Digital and the Real: Food Delivery Workers in Korea -
SuMin Park
Influence of ICT and Globalization on the Life Style of Nigerian
Youths - Otuu Oko Obasi, Federal Polytechnic Nekede, Owerri;
Nnamdi Abba Erondu, Federal Polytechnic Nekede, Owerri
Mobile Handset Design Ownership Among Traders in Ghana:
Fashion or Necessity? - Rabiu K. B. Asante, University of Ghana
Table 11: Technology and Gender Inequality, II
Table Presider: Anabel Quan-Haase, Western University
A Systematic Review of the #MeToo Literature - Anabel Quan-
Haase, Western University; Kaitlynn Mendes, Leicester
University; Darryl A. Pieber, The University of Western Ontario;
Charlotte Nau, Western University; Olivia Lake, Western
University; Dennis Ho, Western University
Cultural Boundaries in Networks of Relevance: Feminist Movements
Across Language Wikipedia(s) - Howard T. Welser, Ohio
University; Md. Mahbub Or Rahman Bhuyan, Ohio University
Do LGBTQ-Related Events Drive Individual Online Disclosure
Decisions? - Irissa Cisternino, Stony Brook University; Jason
Jeffrey Jones, Stony Brook University
4128. Section on Sociology of Body and Embodiment/Section
on Sociology of Consumers and Consumption Mentoring
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Yosemite C, Ballroom Level,
Session Organizers: Susan Markens, CUNY-Lehman College; Richard
E. Ocejo, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY
4151. International Migration Roundtables
Parc55, Embarcadero, Level 3, 9:10-10:10am
Session Organizers: Kevin Escudero, Brown University; Tahseen
Shams, University of Toronto
Table 1: Critical Refugee Studies I
Table Presider: Rawan Arar, University of Washington
Adult Beliefs About the Migration Motives of Unaccompanied
Honduran Youth - Amy Clark, Texas Woman's University;
James Williams, Texas Woman's University
Asylum System in Mexico: Continuity in the Production of the
Illegality of Central American Migrants - Mónica Salmón
Gómez, New School for Social Research
Criminalization and Crisis: Migrant Rights and Civil Society in an
Age of Nationalism - Amy C. Foerster, Pace University
The Global Refugee Story: Narrative as a Form of Immigration
Control - Rawan Arar, University of Washington
Table 2: Critical Refugee Studies II
Table Presider: Jake Watson, Boston University
Defining Social Boundaries through Litigation on Refugees and
Asylum Seekers in South Africa - James (Jay) G. Johnson,
Ethnic Subjects and Legal Status: How Local Regimes of Reception
Shape Refugee Incorporation - Jake Watson, Boston University
Heterogeneous Labor Market Performance of Refugees Resettled
in the United States in the 21st Century - Ferdose Y. Idris,
Princeton University
How Do Asylum Seekers Cope with Destitution in One of the
World’s Costliest Cities: Hong Kong? - Ka Wang Kelvin Lam,
Chinese University of Hong Kong; Hua Zhong, The Chinese
University of Hong Kong
Table 3: Citizenship, Multiculturalism, and Nationalism
Table Presider: Carol L. Schmid, Guilford Technical Community
Beyond Diasporic Constraints: A Neoliberal IT Approach to
Technocratic Citizenship - Pallavi Banerjee, University of
Calgary; Lina Rincón
Multiculturalism, Nationalism, and Social Integration: The Case of
Canada - Ahmad (Aryan) Karimi
What Makes a Citizen? Symbolic Boundaries of Legal and Cultural
Membership in the United States - Muna Adem, Indiana
University; Denise Ambriz, Indiana University-Bloomington
Foreigners and Nationalism - Mariela Villalba Madrid, University of
California, Irvine
National Identification Among Adolescents of Immigrant Origin:
Divergence by Generation, Origin-Group, and Receiving Nation
- Linda Zhao, Harvard University
Table 4: Educational Trajectories and Evolving Demographics
Table Presider: Volha Chykina, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
The Heterogeneous Impact of Demographic Change on
Immigration Policy Attitudes - Christopher Maggio, City
University of New York-Graduate Center
Timing of Departure from the Parental Home: Differences by
Immigrant Generation and Parents’ Region of Origin - Brian
Joseph Gillespie, University of Groningen; Georgiana Bostean,
Chapman University; Stefan Malizia
Educational Expansion for Dreamers: Undocumented Young
Adults' Higher Education Trajectories - Jennifer Catherine
Sloan, The Graduate Center, City University of New York
Session 4125, continued
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Brain Waste: Intersection of Gender and Under-Employment
Among Educated First-Generation Iranian Immigrants in the
United States - Homa Sadri, Hacettepe University; Mohammad
A. Chaichian, Mount Mercy University
Table 5: Health, Wellness, and Migration
Table Presider: Ariela Schachter, Washington University-St. Louis
Acculturation and Allostatic Load Among Asian-Americans
- Aleena George, University of Alabama at Birmingham;
Elizabeth Helene Baker, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Health Convergence or Disadvantage? A Re-Examination of
Immigrant Health Disparity and its Mechanisms - Zhixiang Su;
Leora Lawton, University of California-Berkeley
Migration Status, Social Support and Mental Health: A Systematic
Review - David Cañarte, University of Florida; Raffaele Vacca,
University of Florida; Stephanie J. Ramirez, University of
Offspring’s Migration, Intergenerational Support, and the Emotional
Wellbeing of Non-migrant Elderly in Indonesia - Sneha Kumar,
Cornell University
Table 6: Immigration Lawmaking and Political Activism
Table Presider: Sarah Bruhn, Harvard University
The Effect of 287(g) and Sanctuary Cities in the Social and
Economic Integration of Immigrants - Nadia Y. Flores-Yeffal,
Texas Tech University; Maria Aysa-Lastra, Winthrop University
The Impacts of Sanctuary Protections on ICE Arrests and
Deportations and the Wellbeing of Racialized Immigrants -
Adam Safer, Stony Brook University
The Public Framing of Immigrant-Related Collective Action in New
Immigrant Destinations - Dina G. Okamoto, Indiana University-
Bloomington; Helge Johannes Marahrens, Indiana University,
Who Votes Among Asian Americans? - Haifan Xiao, University of
Oklahoma; Loretta Bass, University of Oklahoma
Represented But Unequal: The Contingent Effect of Legal
Representation in Removal Proceedings - Emily Ryo, University
of Southern California; Ian Peacock, University of California,
Los Angeles
Table 7: Undocumented Immigration
Table Presider: Kevin Escudero, Brown University
Deeper Sacrifice to Save Face: Expectations for Women in
Undocumented and Mixed-status Chinese Immigrant Families -
Jia-Lin Liu, New York University
“Hidden But Exposed”: The Social Production of Migrant Illegality -
Oscar Ruben Cornejo, Northwestern University
Learning a New Land While Learning a New Family - Kimberly
B. Higuera, Stanford University; Tomas R. Jimenez, Stanford
The Costs of Legal Status Debt, Documentation and Development
in Southeast Asia - Maryann Bylander, Lewis and Clark College
Table 8: Refugee Resettlement and Community Formation
Table Presider: Philip Alexander Kretsedemas, University of
Resettling Refugees: Social Rights and Incorporation in San Diego,
CA and Boise, ID - Molly Fee, University of California-Los
Transnational Connections of Refugee Integration Into Host
Country: The Case of Kurds in The U.S. - Sevin Gulfer Sagnic,
University of California San Diego
Transnational Migration of Children & Youth: Examination of
Agency and Oppression at the US-Mexico Border - Yvonne M.
Vissing, Salem State University
Forming Spontaneous Social Ties in Dangerous Terrain: African
Refugee Migration through Latin America - Elizabeth
Nimmons, University of Texas at Austin
Table 9: Gendered Approaches to Migration I
Table Presider: Loretta Bass, University of Oklahoma
Agents of Socialization and Female Migrants’ Employment – The
Influence of Mothers and the Country Context - Magdalena
After "I Do": ‘Marriage Fraud’ Participants’ Social Metamorphoses
Through Dam Cuoi Gia Arrangements - Grace Tran, University
of Toronto
Exit as Care: How Motherhood Mediates Women's Exodus from
Mexico and Central America - Ana Lopez Ricoy, University
of California San Diego; Abigail L. Andrews, University of
California-San Diego; Alejandra Medina, University of California
San Diego
Gender, Family Separation, and Emotional Well-Being Among
Recent Mexican Migrants to the United States - Erika Arenas,
University of California Santa Barbara; Jenjira Yahirun, Bowling
Green State University; Graciela Teruel, EQUIDE / Universidad
Iberoamericana; Luis Rubalcava, CAMBS
Feeding the Canadian Immigrant Family: An Intersectional
Approach to Meal Preparation Among Immigrant Families -
Eugena Kwon, Saint Mary's University; Tracey Lynn Adams,
University of Western Ontario
Table 10: Gendered Approaches to Migration II
Table Presider: Edelina M. Burciaga, University of Colorado-Denver
Male Out-Migration and the Health of Left-Behind Wives in India:
The Roles of Responsibility and Autonomy - Lei Lei, Rutgers
University-New Brunswick; Sonalde Desai, University of
Maryland College Park
Questioning Sites of Borders: Gendered Kinship and the Economics
of Legal Status in South Korea - Sohoon Yi, Kyungpook
National University
The Gendered Role of Racial Discrimination and Friendship in
Immigrant Family Conflict - Melanie Escue, University of South
Florida; Elizabeth Vaquera, The George Washington University;
Elizabeth M. Aranda, University of South Florida
Membership at the Margins: Identifications, Relations, and Dilemma
With Co-Ethnics Among Vietnamese Marriage Migrants in
Taiwan - Hsin-Chieh Chang, Fudan University
Table 11: Immigrant Workers and the Labor Market I
Table Presider: Ruben Hernandez-Leon, University of California-Los
Deindustrialization and Latino Immigrants in the Labor Market:
Examining Patterns of Employment from 1980-2017 - Ilana
Ventura, University of Chicago
Different Worlds: Variations Between First and Second Generation
Remittance Practices - Armand Rene Gutierrez, University of
Callifornia-San Diego
Evaluating the Impact of Discrimination on the Employment
Prospects of Deportees in Mexico. - Rodrigo Dominguez-
Villegas, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
How Do Host- and Home-Country Labour Market Contexts Matter?
Unemployed Immigrant Men’s Life Satisfaction in Europe -
Jing Shen, University of Mannheim; Irena Kogan, University of
The Economics of Lifestyle Migration in Caribbean Costa Rica - Erin
M. Adamson, University of Kansas
Table 12: Immigrant Workers and the Labor Market II
Table Presider: Steven J. Gold, Michigan State University
Return Migration and Knowledge Flows in the Process of Skilled
Migration - Elizabeth Jacobs, University of Pennsylvania
Seed and Emotional: Bidirectional Remittance Cycles - Onoso
Ikphemi Imoagene, New York University Abu Dhabi (NYUAD)
Taming Liminality: Entrepreneurial Bricolage in the Underground
Markets of Three Refugee Camps in Tanzania - Rajiv Krishnan
Kozhikode, Simon Fraser University; Aloysius Newenham-
Kahindi, University of Saskatchewan; Rekha Krishnan, Simon
Fraser University
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Vulnerabilities and Empowerment of the H-2A Visa Migrant
Guestworkers in California's Agricultural Industry - Angie Tran;
Lorenzo Covarrubias, CSU Monterey Bay
Exploring the Creative Israeli Diaspora - Nir Cohen, Bar Ilan
University; Steven J. Gold, Michigan State University
Table 13: Comparative Migration Studies
Table Presider: Christel Kesler, Colby College
Exploring Immobility Aspirations: Why Youth in India, Ethiopia,
Peru and Vietnam Do Not Want to Migrate - Kerilyn Schewel,
University of Amsterdam; Sonja Fransen, University of
"How Whiteness Travels: White Identity in Three Global Cities,
Countries, and Continents" - Jose G. Soto-Marquez, New York
Quo Vadis, Palisades Park? Immigrants' Transformation of a
Koreatown - Halyna Lemekh, St. Francis College
Socioeconomic Status or Context of Reception?The Residential
Segregation of MENA Immigrants in the United States, 2000-
2016 - Sevsem Cicek-Okay, University of Cincinnati
Cross-Nativity Partnering and Political Participation Among the
Immigrant 1.5- and Second-Generation - Hansini Munasinghe,
University of Iowa
Political Dynamics of International Migration: A Neglected
Dimension - Duygu Alpan, Stony Brook University
Table 14: Global Migration I
Table Presider: Patricia A. McManus, Indiana University
Attitudes to Immigrants in Ireland: Trends in Immigration and the
Business Cycle - Philip J. O'Connell, University College Dublin;
Daniel Capistrano, University College Dublin
Closing the Door to Immigration in Eastern Europe - Pamela
Irving Jackson, Rhode Island College; Peter E. Doerschler,
Bloomsburg University
Integration Experiences of Children of Immigrants from Turkey
in Germany: School, Labor Market and Belonging - Dalia
Abdelhady, Lund University; Amy Lutz, Syracuse University
The Importance of Context: Children of Immigrants in the United
Kingdom - Nathan Hoffmann, University of California, Los
Igens-20 Europeans: Immigrant Intergenerational Mobility in the
United States (1940-2017) - Kendal L. Lowrey, Pennsylvania
State University
Table 15: Global Migration II
Table Presider: Veena S. Kulkarni, Arkansas State University-
Collective Memory as a Justification Mechanism: Employers
Perceptions for Migrant Workers in South Korea - Dasom Lee,
University of California San Diego
Guest Worker Program in Japan: Chinese Workers’ Mobility in
Constructing the 2020 Olympic Games’ Infrastructure -
Qiaoyan Li Rosenberg, UCLA
When the Wall is Broken: Rural-to-Urban Migration and Relative
Deprivation in China - Lai Wei, Princeton University
International Division of Domestic Labor: Myanmar Women
Working as Domestic Workers in China - Shanbai Yang
The Role of Migrants’ Willingness and Local Reception in
Integration of International Migrants in China - Zhenxiang
Chen; Xiaoguang Fan
Tuesday, 9:30 am
4122. Meeting. Section on Medical Sociology Business Meeting
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Imperial A, Ballroom Level,
Tuesday, 10:30 am
4203. Regional Spotlight Session. Toward Transformative Justice:
Lessons from the Bay Area
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 1, Lobby Level,
Presider: Nikki Jones, Univ of California, Berkeley
Panelists: DeVone Boggan, Advance Peace; Marlene Sanchez,
Communities United for Restorative Youth Justice (CURYJ);
Angela Irvine, Ceres Policy Research
Session Organizer: Nikki Jones, Univ of California, Berkeley
4204. Special Sessions. Guns: Their Significance for
Understanding Violence
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 2, Lobby Level,
Presider: Alondra Nelson, Institute for Advanced Study
Panelists: Jennifer Carlson, University of Arizona; Jooyoung Kim
Lee, University of Toronto; Desmond Upton Patton, Columbia
University; Harel Shapira, University of Texas-Austin
Session Organizer: Harel Shapira, University of Texas-Austin
4205. Special Sessions. White Supremacy, Capitalism and
Patriarchy in Migration Studies
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 3, Lobby Level,
Presider: Chia Xiong, University of California, Merced
Panelists: Karen Manges Douglas, Sam Houston State University;
Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo, University of Southern California;
Mary Romero, Arizona State University; Vilna Francine Bashi
Treitler, University of California-Santa Barbara
Session Organizers: Chia Xiong, University of California, Merced;
Tanya Maria Golash-Boza, University of California-Merced;
Maria D. Duenas, University of California, Merced
4206. Thematic Sessions. Living on the Poverty Line: Low Wage
Work, Precarity, and the New Economy
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 4, Lobby Level,
Presider: David Nicholas Pettinicchio, University of Toronto
Panelists: Arne L. Kalleberg, University of North Carolina-Chapel
Hill; David Brady, University of California, Riverside; Carrie
L. Shandra, Stony Brook University; Joya Misra, University of
Massachusetts, Amherst
Session Organizers: David Nicholas Pettinicchio, University of
Toronto; Michelle Lee Maroto, University of Alberta
4207. Thematic Sessions. The Gig Economy: Liberatory
technology or dystopian nightmare?
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 5, Lobby Level,
Presider: Juliet B. Schor, Boston College
Panelists: Jason Jackson, MIT; Veena Dubal, UC Hastings College of
the Law; Julia B. Ticona, University of Pennsylvania
Session Organizer: Juliet B. Schor, Boston College
4208. Thematic Sessions. Mechanisms and Discourses of
Exclusion in Hiring
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 6, Lobby Level,
Presider: Koji Rafael Chavez, Indiana University-Bloomington
Panelists: David B. Bills, University of Iowa; Sharon Koppman,
University of California, Irvine; David Pedulla, Stanford
University; Adina Sterling, Stanford University, Graduate
School of Business
Session Organizer: Lauren Rivera, Northwestern University
Session 4151, continued
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
4209. Section on Race, Gender, and Class. At the Site of Memory:
Women of Color Epistemology, Knowledge, and Cultural
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 7, Lobby Level,
Presider: Amy Chin, Brown University
It’s Absolutely Beautiful to Me Now: Consciousness-Raising in The
Natural Hair Thought Community - Taura Taylor, Georgia State
Remembering the Dreams, Forgetting the War: The
Commemoration of Shōjo no tomo Magazine - Ai Yamamoto,
University of British Columbia; John Sonnett, University of
Robots, Zombies, and Vampires: The Dystopian Cartographies of
Academic Diversity - Rocío R. García, Arizona State University;
Susila Gurusami, University of Illinois at Chicago
Sovereign Offerings: Transnational Urban Geopolitics of the San
Francisco “Comfort Women” Public Memorial - Haruki Eda,
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Session Organizer: Amy Chin, Brown University
4210. Section on Medical Sociology. Health and the Workplace
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 8, Lobby Level,
Presider: Sung S. Park, Harvard University
Occupational Requirements of Care Work and Underlying
Inflammation Among Early Career Care Workers - Lilla K.
Pivnick, University of Texas at Austin
Presenteeism, Occupational Environment, and Workers’ Health
- Heeju Shin, The Catholic University of Korea; Bohee Kim,
Catholic University of Korea
Troubling Masculinity: Representations of Depression in Japan in
The Daily Yomiuri from 1991-2001 - Elyssa Mayumi Fogleman,
University of California, Davis
Session Organizer: Wen Fan, Boston College
4214. Meeting. Honors Program Advisory Panel
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Presidio, Lobby Level,
4215. Professional Development Workshop. Unconditionally
Accepted: Achieving Impact as a Social Scientist
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 1, Ballroom Level,
Leaders: Sayil Camacho, Vanderbilt University; Deondra Rose, Duke
University; Nina Smith, North Carolina Central University
Session Organizer: Natalie D. Hengstebeck, AAAS Science &
Technology Policy Fellow at theNational Science Foundation
4216. Policy and Research Workshop. Which IPUMS Product is
Best for Me? Finding the Right Population Data for your
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 2, Ballroom Level,
Leader: David Van Riper, IPUMS
Session Organizer: David Van Riper, IPUMS
4217. Theory Section. Canonization
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 3, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Greta R. Krippner, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Reading the Canon Against the Grain: Applying Said’s Notion of
“Contrapuntal Reading” to the Canon - Zine Magubane, Boston
Provincializing, and Then Expanding, the Canon - Julian Go,
University of Chicago
Can Women Be Remembered? Wikipedia, Scholarly Notability, and
Mechanisms of Disciplinary Canonization - Julia Potter Adams,
Yale University; Hannah Brueckner, New York University Abu
Heritage Without History: Collective Forgetting and the Making
of the Canon - Stefan Bargheer, University of California-Los
Discussant: Michael Burawoy, University of California-Berkeley
Session Organizer: Greta R. Krippner, University of Michigan-Ann
4219. Book Salons (formerly Author Meets Critics). Harassed:
Gender, Bodies and Ethnographic Research (University of
California Press, 2019) by Rebecca Hanson and Patricia
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 7, Ballroom Level,
Authors: Patricia Richards, University of Georgia; Rebecca Annice
Hanson, University of Florida
Panelists: Annie Hikido, Colby College; Brandon Andrew Robinson,
University of California-Riverside; Tianna S. Paschel, University
of California - Berkeley
Session Organizer: Kristen Schilt, University of Chicago
Moderator: Sneha Annavarapu, University of Chicago
4220. Section on Political Economy of the World-System.
Cosmopolitan Localism: Situated Practices Circulating in
World Systems
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 8, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Angela Serrano Zapata, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Challenging the Case that Cities are Pursuing Intra-Regional
Collaboration - Adrianne Showalter Matlock, University of
Nineteenth-Century China’s Process of Incorporation into the
Capitalist World Economy: China’s Capitalist Transition - Sung
Hee Ru, Binghamton University
Overflowing Channels of the Left: Global Accumulation and
Communal Agro-Ecology in Coastal El Salvador - Daniel
Patrick Burridge, University of Pittsburgh
Quantification and Welfare State Development: The Role of
Valuation Disputes in Public Employee Pension Reform -
Mikell Alexandra Hyman, Max Planck Institute for the Study of
Discussant: Kelly Austin, Lehigh University
Session Organizers: Angela Serrano Zapata, University of
Wisconsin-Madison; Kelly Austin, Lehigh University
4221. Meeting. Section on Evolution, Biology, and Society
Business Meeting
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 9, Ballroom Level,
4222. Meeting. Section on Collective Behavior and Social
Movements Business Meeting
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Imperial A, Ballroom Level,
4224. Meeting. Sociology of Education Editorial Board
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Franciscan A, Ballroom Level,
4225. Meeting. Teaching Sociology Editorial Board
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Franciscan D, Ballroom Level,
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
4229. Section on Sociology of Body and Embodiment. New
Directions in the Sociology of Body and Embodiment
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 1, 4th Floor,
Presider: Mary Nell Trautner, University at Buffalo, SUNY
Every Body Matters: Conceptualizing Embodiment - Nadia Y. Kim,
Loyola Marymount University
Grooming Outside the Box: Signifying Nonbinary Gender Through
Hair - Helana Darwin, Stony Brook University
“Oh, Look, Another Fat Harley Quinn”: Navigating Ideals of Beauty
in Cosplay - Erynn Masi de Casanova, University of Cincinnati;
Jeremy Brenner-Levoy, University of Cincinnati
On the Loss of Embodied Capital: Gender Domination and Body
Shame Among Terminally Ill Women - Sarah Quinn, University
of Washington; Lynne Gerber, Harvard Divinity School; Sara
McClelland, University of Michigan
Whose Do Children Bodies Belong To? Parent-Child Relationships
When Dealing With Variations in Sex Development - Gaëlle
Discussant: Natalie Ingraham, California State University-East Bay
Session Organizer: Mary Nell Trautner, University at Buffalo, SUNY
4230. Section on Sociology of Consumers and Consumption.
Consumers and Consumption in Everyday Life
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 3, 4th Floor,
Presider: Laura J. Miller, Brandeis University
Class Laundering: Work, Consumption, and Elite Perks in Nightlife -
Taylor Laemmli, University of Wisconsin-Madison
The Sanctuary of the Spectacle: Megachurches and the Production
of Christian Celebrities and Consumers - Josiah Kidwell,
University of Nevada, Las Vegas; Michael Ian Borer, University
of Nevada-Las Vegas
The Medicalization of Food: Consuming for a Cure? - Lauren
Newmyer, Pennsylvania State University
Whose Privacy? How “User” Obscures Context and Alters Messages
About Digital Privacy - Clara Hanson, University of California,
Los Angeles
Session Organizer: Laura J. Miller, Brandeis University
4231. Section on Communication, Information Technologies,
and Media Sociology. Communication, Information and
Technology: Critical Debates
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 5, 4th Floor,
Armchair Citizens: Narcotizing Dysfunction in the Age of Social
Media - Terence Emmett McDonnell, University of Notre Dame;
Sarah M. Neitz, University of Notre Dame; Marshall A. Taylor,
New Mexico State University
Gaming Tastes: Cultural Hierarchies Amongst Video Game Consoles
and Devices - Ian Larson, University California- Irvine
Mapping Open Source Capitalism: The Firm-Volunteer Project Co-
Production Network and its Media Representation - Mathieu
O'Neil, University of Canberra; Xiaolan Cai, University of
Canberra; Laure Muselli, Telecom Paris; Stefano Zacchiroli,
Institut National de Recherche en Sciences et Technologies du
Privacy and Smart Speakers: A Multi-Dimensional Approach
- Christoph Lutz, BI Norwegian Business School; Gemma
Newlands, BI Norwegian Business School
Session Organizers: James C. Witte, George Mason University;
Wenhong Chen, UT Austin
4236. Section on Animals and Society. Animal Labor
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 13, 4th Floor,
Presider: Corey Lee Wrenn, University of Kent
Care Movements, Climate Change, and Multi-Species Refugees -
Erin M. Evans, San Diego Mesa College
Country Mouse, City Mouse: The Varying Opinions on the Use of
Animals in the Lab - Josey VanOrsdale, University of Nebraska-
Dogs on Film: Status, Subjectivity, and Representation - Nicole R.
Pallotta, Animal Legal Defense Fund
The Socialization of Animal Science Students Through the
Construction of Animal Welfare - Nathan Poirier, Michigan
State University
Session Organizer: Corey Lee Wrenn, University of Kent
4237. Regular Sessions. Families and Kinship: Disrupted and
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 14, 4th Floor,
Presider: Emma Ryan Bosley-Smith, The Ohio State University
He Wasn’t There, but He Was Around: Exploring the Nature of
Absentee Fatherhood through Its Variation - Matthew Alemu,
University of Michigan
Reciprocity and Low-Income Mothers' (In)Ability to Rely on Kin at
the Intersection of Familism and Individualism - Shira Offer,
Bar-Ilan University
Voices From the Margins: Low-Income Fatherhood in the Era
of Neoliberalism - Timothy S. Black, Case Western Reserve
University; Sky Keyes, Independent Writer
Resisting Traditional Scripts and Mobilizing Alternative Ethics of
Care as a Voluntarily Childfree Woman - Kit Myers, Roanoke
Session Organizer: Rosanna Hertz, Wellesley College
4238. Regular Sessions. Gender Inequality: Gender gap in pay
and wealth
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 15, 4th Floor,
Presider: Jennifer L. Hook, University of Southern California
Gender Inequalities in Earnings and Sociable Jobs - Thomas
Lyttelton, Yale University
Have Changing Family Demographics Narrowed the Gender Wage
Gap? - Alexandra Killewald, Harvard University; Nino Jose
Cricco Doldan, Harvard University
Income Development in Different-Sex and Female Same-Sex
Couples Transitioning to Parenthood in Sweden. Longitudinal
Study - Marie Evertsson, Stockholm University
The Gender Wealth Gap in the United States: Explanations and
Trends - Angela Lee, Harvard University
Session Organizer: Youngjoo Cha, Indiana University-Bloomington
4239. Regular Sessions. Power, Inequalities, and Organizations
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 17, 4th Floor,
Presider: Anne Kathrin Kronberg, University of North Carolina-
Externalization of the Law: Lactating Employees and the
Transformation of Supervising Managers - Elizabeth A.
Hoffmann, Purdue University
What About the Managers? Understanding the Disconnect
Between Work Policies and the Actors Using Them - JoAnne
Wehner, Stanford University; Alison Wynn, Stanford University
Legacies of Administration: How Public Bureaucracies Shape Local
Labor Standards Enforcement - Hana Shepherd, Rutgers
University; Janice Fine, Rutgers University
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Why's the Power Out? Organizational Responsiveness to Everyday
Requests, Questions, and Complaints - Simone Zhang,
Princeton University
Women in the Inner Circle: Board Gender Diversity After the
Fracturing of the Corporate Elite - Richard Benton, University
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Session Organizer: Dustin Avent-Holt, Augusta University
4241. Regular Sessions. Sexualities II: Rethinking Sexual Worlds
and Practices
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 23, 4th Floor,
Presider: Sonny M. Nordmarken, University of Houston
Affordances and Risks of Digital Technology in the United States’
Indie Porn Market - Thao Phuong Nguyen
Resisting Vanilla Normativity: The Legitimation Model of Asian
BDSM Sexualities in Translocal Taiwan - Ying-Chao Kao,
Virginia Commonwealth University
Fluid-Bonding and Feelings Condoms: The Social Worlds of Queer
and Trans Safer Sex Practices - Chris A. Barcelos, University of
Wisconsin Madison
An Examination of Feminist Men’s Sexual Behaviors - Max Stick,
McMaster University; Tina Fetner, McMaster University
Discussant: Laurel Westbrook, Grand Valley State University
Session Organizer: Ghassan Moussawi, University of Illinois at
4242. Regular Sessions. Religion, Political Participation, and
Civic Engagement
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 25, 4th Floor,
Creating Subjective Experience with Secularism Conservative /
Islamist Women in Political Space in Turkey - Aysun Güneş
Durmuş, Middle East Technical University
How Religious Schools Influence Young Adult Political Engagement
- David Sikkink, University of Notre Dame
Once a Lutheran, Always a Lutheran? Changing Religious
Involvement and Civic Engagement Among Emerging Adults
- Chaeyoon Lim, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Dingeman
Wiertz, University College London
Rethinking Religion & Political Participation: Voting Among
Nonreligious Americans - Evan Stewart, University of
Rethinking the Legitimacies of Religious Environmental Movements
- Seil Oh, Sogang University
Session Organizer: Sarah H. Diefendorf, Scholars Strategy Network
4243. Regular Sessions. Substance Use, Abuse, Treatment
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 1, 6th Floor,
Presider: Carrie B. Oser, University of Kentucky
Network Contagion and Child Overdose Across US Communities:
Exploring Racial and Ethnic Disparities - Corina Graif,
Pennsylvania State University; Christopher H. Seto, The
Pennsylvania State University; Vasant G. Honavar, Pennsylvania
State University
Opioid Misuse Motivations and Behavior by Parental Status: A
Study of Rural Pennsylvanian Families - Alexander Chapman,
Pennsylvania State University; Ashton M. Verdery, Pennsylvania
State University; Katherine Jennie McLean, Penn State Greater
Allegheny; Shannon M. Monnat, Syracuse University
Stereotyping and the Opioid Epidemic: A Conjoint Analysis - Tagart
Cain Sobotka, Stanford University; Sheridan Stewart
Suburban Alienation: Narratives of Opioid Use in Suburban Social
Landscapes - Miriam W. Boeri, Bentley University; Aukje
Lamonica, Southern Connecticut State University
Variation in Intervention Stigma among Medications for Opioid
Use Disorder - Erin Fanning Madden, University of New
Mexico Health Sciences Center; Sandra H. Sulzer, Utah State
University; Corey Villanueva, University of Texas at San
Antonio; Joshua Guerra, University of Texas at San Antonio
Session Organizer: Carrie B. Oser, University of Kentucky
4244. Regular Sessions. Blacks' Experiences with Violence:
Family, Health, and Policing in America
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 2, 6th Floor,
Presider: Barbara Harris Combs, Clark Atlanta University
African American Mothers’ Reproductive Labor in the “Hidden
America” with High Levels of Violence - Ruby Mendenhall,
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Beyond the Binary: Intraracial Diversity in Family Organization and
Black Adolescents’ Educational Performance - Christina Cross,
Harvard University
“Cops Only See the Brown Skin...”: Afro-Latinx Perceptions of the
#BlackLivesMatter Movement - Elizabeth Hordge-Freeman,
University of South Florida; Angelica Loblack, University of
South Florida
“Refined Slavery:” Routine Racial Violence, Black Mobility Policing,
& Racialized Citizenship in 20th Century Louisiana - Courtney
Echols, University of California, Irvine
Session Organizer: Rashawn Ray, University of Maryland-College
4245. Regular Sessions. Deviance and Social Control
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 4, 6th Floor,
Presider: Philip J. Pettis, Vanderbilt University
China’s Social Credit System in the Age of Big Data - Claire
Seungeun Lee, University of Massachusetts Lowell
Dynamics of Support for Policing Homelessness: Results from
a Survey Experiment - Brett C. Burkhardt, Oregon State
Governing Beyond the Closet: Reconstructing Stigma, Identity,
and Sexual Behavior in a Post-Disciplinary Rehab - Joshua
Aleksanyan, Columbia University
To Make a Predator: The Rise of Sexually Violent Predator Laws
in the United States - Trevor Alexander Hoppe, University of
North Carolina at Greensboro
Session Organizer: Trevor Alexander Hoppe, University of North
Carolina at Greensboro
4246. Section on Organizations, Occupations, and Work. Section
on Organizations, Occupations, and Work/The Intricacies
of the Labor Process and Demographic Inequality at Work
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 6, 6th Floor,
The Competence Trap Against Inclusion: The Case of Faculty
Diversification in American Universities, 1993-2015 - Kwan Woo
Kim, Harvard University
“Working in the Shadows of Society”: Disability Subminimum
Wages and the Reproduction of Inequality - David Nicholas
Pettinicchio, University of Toronto; Michelle Lee Maroto,
University of Alberta
Learning to Labor like a Hard-Working Immigrant - Patricia Sarah
Ward, Boston University; Michel Anteby, Boston University;
Ashley E. Mears, Boston University
What’s a Job Candidate Worth? Intra-Organizational Incentives and
the Importance of Salary History in Pay-Setting - Laura Adler,
Harvard University
Session Organizers: Alexandra Kalev, Tel Aviv University; Emilio
J. Castilla, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Leroy
Gonsalves, Harvard University; Lindsey McKay Ibanez,
Washburn University; Alaz Kilicaslan, University of Wisconsin-
Whitewater; Kristin Marsh, University of Mary Washington;
Katherine Sobering, University of North Texas; Eli R. Wilson,
University of New Mexico-Albuquerque
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
4247. Regular Sessions. Health Policy: The Aftermath of the
Aordable Care Act
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 8, 6th Floor,
Presider: Zachary Webster Griffen, University of California-Los
Aloha Health: Examining the Impact of the ACA on Healthcare
Policy Implementation in Hawaii - Lindy Hern, University of
Hawaii at Hilo
Effect of Medicaid Expansion on Contraceptive Use Among Low-
and High-Income Women - Erin Rebecca Johnson, University
of California, San Francisco
State-Level Medicaid Coverage and Wealth Gaps in Child
Development - Margot Jackson, Brown University; Chinyere O.
Agbai, Brown University; Emily Rauscher, Brown University
The Political Context and Infant Health in the United States -
Florencia Torche, Stanford University; Tamkinat Rauf, Stanford
Whither Universality? Single-Payer Healthcare and the
Transformation of U.S. Policy Debate - Zachary Webster
Griffen, University of California-Los Angeles
Session Organizer: Stefan Timmermans, UCLA
4248. Regular Sessions. Contextualizing Pregnancy and
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 10, 6th Floor,
Presider: April Hovav, University of California, San Diego
Drug Testing Pregnant Substance Users and Medico-Legal Hybrid
Approaches to Managing Dependency - Katharine McCabe,
University of Michigan
“I Would Want to Pay Her”: Ethical Ambiguities in “Altruistic”
Egg Exchanges in Canada - Skye Miner, National Institutes of
Modern Women & Ignorant Others: Stigma Management Amongst
Surrogate Mothers in Mexico - April Hovav, University of
California, San Diego
Reproductive Governance, Inequality, and the Path to Daughter
Abandonment in China - Jenna Cook, Harvard University
The High-Risk Pregnancy in Two Americas - Eleni Skaperdas,
University of California Los Angeles
Session Organizer: Kellie Owens, University of Pennsylvania
4251. Meeting. Section on Sociology of Development Business
Parc55, Embarcadero, Level 3, 10:30-11:10am
4252. Section on International Migration. Critical Migration
Studies and Under-explored Intersectionalities:
Racialization, Global Geopolitics, and Indigenous Peoples’
Parc55, Cyril Magnin I, Level 4, 10:30am-12:10pm
Presider: Hadi Khoshneviss, Rhodes College
Banished Men: The Gender, Geography, and Politics of Mass
Deportation - Abigail L. Andrews, University of California-San
Inferiority By Association: Migration Narratives, Animality, and
Chicana/Ecofeminist Possibilities - Garrett Bunyak, Georgia
Legal Status Fluidity: Theorizing Legal Status Transitions and
How Filipinos Navigate Immigration Pathways - Daniela Pila,
University at Albany
Making Home Amidst Empire: Indigeneity, Immigration and the
Re-Making of Race in Hawai‘i’s Public Housing - Jennifer Rene
Darrah-Okike, University of Hawaii; Nathalie P. Rita, University
of Hawaii; Philip M.E. Garboden, University of Hawaii-Manoa
White Spaces in Brown(ing) Places: Toward the Spatialization of
Critical Immigration Studies - Aaron Arredondo, University of
Missouri; Juan José Bustamante, University of Arkansas
Discussant: Payal Banerjee, Smith College
Session Organizers: Sofya Aptekar, University of Massachusetts-
Boston; Jane H. Yamashiro, Mills College
4253. Section on Sociology of Education. Higher Education:
Access, Experiences, and Outcomes
Parc55, Cyril Magnin II, Level 4, 10:30am-12:10pm
Presider: David Karen, Bryn Mawr College
A Risky Belonging: How Parent Volunteers Stigmatize Community
College in High-School and Reproduce Immigrant Intergroup
Inequalities - Oshin Khachikian, University of California, Irvine
Race, Gender, Higher Education, and Socioeconomic Attainment:
Evidence from Baby Boomers at Mid-Life - Jordan Conwell,
University of Wisconsin-Madison; Natasha Quadlin, Ohio State
Serving the Institution: A Qualitative Analysis of Latino/a Student
at a Hispanic Serving Institution - Marilyn Garcia
The Organization of Advantage: A Multi-level Approach to
Inequalities in Higher Education and Beyond - Christina Ciocca
Eller, Harvard University; Shamus Rahman Khan, Columbia
The Role of College Bound Friends in College Enrollment Decisions
by Race, Ethnicity, and Gender - Steven Elias Alvarado, Cornell
Discussant: Beth Ann Hart, University of California, Davis
Session Organizer: Rachel Elizabeth Fish, New York University
4261. Regular Sessions. Popular Support, Perceptions, and
Political Discourse: Welfare states in cross-national
Parc55, Mission I, Level 4, 10:30am-12:10pm
Presider: Maureen A. Eger, Umeå University
Individuals, Alone. The Liberal Turn in the Nordic Welfare State
Model - Pekka Juhani Sulkunen, University of Helsinki
Conflicting Dynamics of Public Attitudes Toward Austerity:
Evidence from Europe (2010-2011) - Sang Kyung Lee, Cornell
The Welfare State as the Caregiver for the Elderly - Chae Yoon
Chang, Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea
Which Aspects of Welfare States Enhance the Public Good?
Quality Is What Matters - M.D.R. Evans, University of Nevada;
Jonathan Kelley, University of Nevada-Reno
Discussant: Christel Kesler, Colby College
Session Organizer: Maureen A. Eger, Umeå University
Tuesday, 11:10 am
4221. Section on Evolution, Biology, and Society. On Human
Nature: New Approaches in the 21st Century
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 9, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Dawn T. Robinson, University of Georgia
Panelists: Marion Blute, University of Toronto; Jonathan H. Turner,
Univ of California, Santa Barbara and Riverside; Ronald L.
Simons, University of Georgia
Session Organizer: Dawn T. Robinson, University of Georgia
4222. Collective Behavior and Social Movements Refereed
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Imperial A, Ballroom Level,
Session Organizer: E. Colin Ruggero, Community College of
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Table 1: The State, NGOs, and Social Change
Table Presider: Rabab Ibrahim Abdulhadi, SFSU/College Of Ethnic
A Radical State of Mind: When Radical Social-Movements and
States Collide, The Case of 269Life - Noam Keren, University of
Courting the State: Legal Advocacy and the Limits of Rights
Discourse in China - Caterina Fugazzola, University of Chicago
Geopolitical Location, Law, and Civil Society: The Case of
South Korea - Byeong Hyeon So, The Graduate Center, City
University of New York; Sang Dong Tak, John Jay College of
Criminal Justice
NGOs Caught in Limbo: State-NGO Relationship Between State and
Societal Corporatism in China - Yun Tzu Chang
Refugee Resettlement and Political Claims-Making in Post-Partition
Delhi and Bombay - Liza Weinstein, Northeastern University;
Vivek Kumar Mishra, Northeastern University
Table 2: Labor Movements and Organizing
Table Presider: Biko Koenig, Franklin & Marshall College
Bottom-Up Unionization and Workplace Institutional Power in
China - Sio Ieng Hui, Pennsylvania State University
Leveraging Ambiguity: Organizing Low-Wage Workers in the U.S.
Food System - Biko Koenig, Franklin & Marshall College
The Motivational Bases of Labour Action - Caitlin Ella Wind, New
York University; David Calnitsky, University of Western Ontario
Table 3: Technology, the Internet, and Social Movements
Table Presider: John M. Fox, Foothill College
A Diffused Cohesion: Soldiers’ Economic Unrest and Digital
Resistance - Shira Rivnai Bahir, Ben Gurion University of the
Digitally Mediated Mobilization: Women’s March and Collective
Identity Building Online - Minyoung Moon
Social Media as a Gendered Recruitment Tool to High-Risk
Movements in Gender Restrictive Regimes - Marian Azab, UNM
Department of Sociology and Criminology
Surveillance, Technology, and Activism: Evaluating How Motivated
Activists Adopt Communication Tools - Kelsy Kretschmer,
Oregon State University; Glencora Borradaile, Oregon State
University; Alexandria LeClerc, Oregon State University
Who is the Alt-Right? Social Determinants of Online Racist Media
Consumption - Raphaël Charron-Chénier, Arizona State
University; Anna M. Kyler, Arizona State University
Table 4: Political Orientations and Polarization
Contentious Contention: The Connection Between Mass Movements
and Mass Polarization - Steven Lauterwasser, University of
California, Berkeley
Persuasive Action and Ideological Polarization in Congress - Burrel
James Vann, San Diego State University
Table 5: State and Party Politics
Mediating Gun Rights: An Analysis of SMO Economic Investments
into Political Opportunities on Political Successes - Shawn M.
Ratcliff, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Not Just Poor People’s Politics: Class, Party Activism, and Health
Access in Lebanon - Michelle Sawwan
The Economic Freedom Fighters and The Dynamics of Insurgent
Practice in South Africa - Nathanael Grant Joseph, University
of Pittsburgh
Table 6: Coalitions and Collaboration
Table Presider: Andrew Keefe, Harvard University
Radical Brokers: How Ideologically Inflexible Social Movement
Organizations Facilitate Cross-Movement Coalitions - Andrew
Keefe, Harvard University
How Community and Institutions Matter for Perceived Political
Opportunity: Mobilizing Against Racial Profiling Before/After
9/11 - Nicole Arlette Hirsch
Restrictive Framing in a Coalition of SMOs: The Case of South
Korean Candlelight Protest (2016-7) - Minyoung Kim,
University of California, Irvine
Table 7: Temporalities, Generations, and Collective Memory
Table Presider: Anne Saville
Collective Memory Activism and Tactical Resonance: An Analysis
of the Farmworkers Association of Florida’s Activism - Anne
Saville; Alison E. Adams, University of Florida
Fading Memories and Generational Turnover: Shifting White
Support for Black Movements - Davyd Setter
Table 8: Tactics, Repertoires, and Organization
Cultural, Disruptive, and Organizational Sources of Movement
Power - Kenneth (Andy) Andrews, University of North
Carolina-Chapel Hill; David Lee Rigby, UNC Chapel Hill
Inversion as a Form of Collective Action: Boss-Napping and its
Diffusion - Arijit Chatterjee, ESSEC Singapore; Sunasir Dutta,
University of Minnesota; Hayagreeva Rao, Stanford University
Revisiting Repertoire Changes: Events as Political Perceptions,
Dynamics of Competition and Radicalization - I-Lun Shih,
National Tsing Hua University
The Organizational Scenery of the American Consumer Movement
During the Twnetieth Century - Yaniv Ron-El, University of
Table 9: Strategy and Evolution
Table Presider: Jacy Reese Anthis, University of Chicago
Body Positivity & Bourdieu: An Analysis of the Body Positive
Movement's Past, Present, and Future - Virginia Kuulei Berndt,
University of Delaware
From Identity to Action: Strategic Reframing and Problem Solving
Within Moral Markets - Miri Eliyahu, Northwestern University
How Protesters Evolve: Hong Kong’s Anti-Extradition Movement
Learned the Lesson of the Umbrella Movement - Ming-sho Ho,
National Taiwan University
Institutional Change and the Limitations of Consumer Activism -
Jacy Reese Anthis, University of Chicago
Unexpected Evolution: How the Pro-LIfe Movement Began to
'Empower' Women - Abigail Newell, University of North
Carolina-Chapel Hill
Table 10: Motivations and Participation
Table Presider: Jennifer Bea Rogers-Brown, Long Island University
Anomie and the Draw to Social Movements - Milos Brocic,
University of Toronto
Non-Institutional Political Participation in Hong Kong: The Role
of Relative Deprivation, Post-Material Values, and National
Identity - Xi Chen; Fen Lin, City University of Hong Kong;
Muluan Wu, National University of Singapore
The Road Not Taken: Gendered Pathways into LGBTQ Activism in
Israel - Tom Einhorn, The University of British Columbia
What the WUNC? Perceptions of WUNC and Social Movement
Mobilization - Erica Bailey, Columbia Business School; Dan
Wang, Columbia University; Hayagreeva Rao, Stanford
University; Sarah A. Soule, Stanford University
Table 11: Mobilization and Forms of Participation
Challenging Hegemonic Discourse? A Dialogic Approach to AKP
Rule and Istanbul’s Professionals in Gezi Protests - Gamze
I Put on For My City: Exploring Black Millennials’ Definition of
Community, Service, & Activism - Kenya Lanae' Goods, Howard
Quiescence and Quiet Resistance: Making Radiation Legible,
Empowering Youth, and Building Solidarity in Post-Fukushima
Japan - Elicia Mayuri Cousins, Northeastern University
Table 12: Opposition and Countermovements
Table Presider: Eulalie Jean Laschever, DePaul University
Continuing Opposition to Social Movements: The Civil Rights
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Movement Reconsidered - Jack M. Bloom, Indiana University
Opposing Movements and the Politics of Blocking: How Gun Rights
Preserves its Advantage After Mass Shootings - Eulalie Jean
Laschever, DePaul University
Table 13: Corporations, Movements, and Social Change
Table Presider: Fletcher Winston, Mercer University
Private Certification Efforts: Understanding the Dynamics of this
New Mode of Market Regulation - Andrew W. Martin, Ohio
State University; Marc Dixon, Dartmouth College
Quiet Politics: Queer Organizing in Corporate Singapore - Minwoo
Jung, University of Southern California
The Liability of Conservative Business? Political Ideology and
Shareholder Activism for Political Transparency in Corporate
America - Yongjun Zhang, University of Arizona
The Social Movements of the Platform Economy: Understanding
Platform Legitimation Tactics - Luke Y. Yates
Table 14: Spaces, Places, and Territoriality
Creating Socioepistemic Territorialities through Seed Saving in
Colombia - Nathalia Hernandez Vidal
Dispersed Organizing Before the Internet: The Case of The
Disability Rag - Matthew Gabriel Borus, University of Chicago
NIMBY Movements and Proximity as a Form of Legitimacy - Paige
Ambord, University of Notre Dame
Space and Interaction in Civil Society Organizations - Matthew
G. Baggetta, Indiana University; Brad R. Fulton, Indiana
University; Zoe Caplan, Indiana University Bloomington
Table 15: Emotions, Identities, and Social Bonds
Emotion as a Resource in Individual Claims-making - Deana
Rohlinger, Florida State University; Christian Alexander
Vaccaro, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
The Sewol Disaster, the Candlelight Movement, and the Politics of
Life - Hyun Ok Park, York University
“We Want to Remember” Social Movements, Emotions and the
Impacts of the “Comfort Women” Movement - Hyunsik Chun,
University of Iowa; Na-Young Lee, Chung-Ang University; Ion
Bogdan Vasi, University of Iowa
Family Feminism: A Lebanese Example - Rita Stephan, U.S.
Department of State
Table 16: Movement Outcomes and Diffusion
Table Presider: Gilda Zwerman, State University of New York -Old
A Movement or a Moment?: The Impact of #MeToo Among College
Students - Alexandra Monaco
Eventful Spillover: Considering the Outcome of a Culture of
Solidarity - Leslie A. Bunnage, Seton Hall University
Measuring the Diffusion of Social Movements: Exampled by
Protests in the United States, 1960-95 - Tony Huiquan Zhang,
University of Macau; Tianji Cai
Run: A Study on Collective Action - Joey Nathaniel Jennings,
University of Maryland-College Park
Table 17: Frames and Framing
Table Presider: Shaun Wesley Best, Challenged Conquistadors, Inc.
Extended Case Method Study on the Framing Theory of the Truth
Movement - Chaoye Guo
Framing Strategies and Character Work in Letters to and from Dr.
Martin Luther King, Jr. - Melissa Garcia, Indiana University,
Official Framing—Portraying the Implementation of an Unpopular
Policy as Responsive Governance - Yao Li, University of Florida
The Framing Resonance of Civil Rights in Contemporary America
- Fabiana Silva, University of Michigan; Irene H.I. Bloemraad,
University of California-Berkeley; Kim Voss, University of
Table 18: Policing, State Repression, and Mobilization
Table Presider: E. Colin Ruggero, Community College of
Playing Protest: An Online Game for Teaching Social Movements
- Robert Biggert, Assumption College; James Petullo,
Assumption College
Policing Counter-Protest - Lesley J. Wood, York University
Prisons, State Repression, and Social Movement Theorizing: The
Case for Centering Prison Abolition - Anna DalCortivo
Revolution and Losing Control: The Effects of State Action in
the Egyptian Revolution - Han Noel Kleman, University of
Maryland, College Park
Table 19: Environmental Movements and Eco-Catastrophe
Resilience, Resistance, and the Framing of Threat in the Coverage
of DAPL - J. M. Bacon, Grinnell College; Kirsten Rae Vinyeta,
University of Oregon
W(h)ither “Environmentalists”: Disidentification with
Environmentalism Across the Mainstream/Radical Divide - J.
M. Bacon, Grinnell College; Elizabeth Cherry, Manhattanville
Table 20: Violence and Non-Violence
Table Presider: Annulla Linders, University of Cincinnati
The Dynamics of Iraq's Violent Protests: A Study of Collective
Violence Events from 2011 to 2020 - Hemin Khzir Aziz,
University of Cincinnati; Annulla Linders, University of
Violent Transitions in Nonviolent Protests: A Partial Forms of
Contention Theory - C.A. Smith, Cornell University
Warrior Form Disobedience: A Sociological Evaluation of Violence
in Hong Kong Protest - Andrew Junker, Yale-China Association
4251. Section on Sociology of Development Refereed
Parc55, Embarcadero, Level 3, 11:10am-12:10pm
Session Organizer: Fauzia Erfan Ahmed, Miami University, Ohio
Table 1: Agriculture and Energy
Table Presider: Stephen Philip Gasteyer, Michigan State University
Embedded Conventions in Social Innovation. Dissecting
Communities of Renewable Energy in New Aquitaine (France)
- Claudia Colombarolli, University of Bologna; Luca Storti,
University of Torino
Survival Strategies Under Financialization: Debt and Small-Scale
Farming in Turkey - Yetkin Borlu, University of Richmond;
Derya Nizam, Izmir University of Economics, Turkey
An Application of Lukes' Theory to State-Sponsored Dam Projects
in Iran - Elham Hoominfar, Utah State University
Table 2: Developmental State
Table Presider: Aaron W. Tester, University of California-Irvine
Industrialists in Transition: The Plano Cruzado, Industrial Elites, and
the Brazilian Developmental State, 1986-1989 - Lucas Sorzano
Azambuja, Johns Hopkins University
Hidden in Plain Sight: Public Employment and Social Welfare
Across the Federal System - Gregory Hooks, McMaster
University; Linda Lobao, Ohio State University; Mark Partridge,
Ohio State University; Victor Iturra,, Universidad Catolica del
Norte, Antofagasta, Chile
Table 3: Gender and Development
Table Presider: Fauzia Erfan Ahmed, Miami University, Ohio
How Social and Gender Equality Produce Economic Growth:
Analysis of Leontief Input-Output Matrices - Samuel Cohn,
Texas A&M University-College Station; Bryson Thomas
Bassett, Texas A&M University; Jose Israel Morales, Texas A&M
University; Madison Poe, Texas A & M Political Science; Rachel
White, Texas A & M University Sociology; Lexie Ford
Things Aren’t Always What They Seem: Revisiting the Relationship
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Between Women’s Education and Infant Mortality - Kristen
Shorette, Stony Brook University; Rebekah Burroway, Stony
Brook University
Women's Political Representation and Corruption - Manjing Gao,
Women’s Organizations, Ecumenism and Education, and World
Society: A Network Approach - Kerby Goff, Penn State
Representations of Women Belonging to Self Help Groups: The
Case of Kudumbashree - Aditi Dey Sarkar, Indian Institute of
Technology Bombay
Table 4: Globalization and Resistance
Table Presider: Jeffrey T. Jackson, University of Mississippi
Grassroots Mobilization Against Urban Floods in Brazil’s Amazon:
Global Investments and Local Resistance Across Arenas - Vitor
Dias, Indiana University-Bloomington; Pedro Paulo Soares,
Department of Social Work, Federal University of Pará, Brazil;
Eduardo S. Brondizio, Department of Anthropology, Indiana
University-Bloomington; Sandra Helena Cruz, Department of
Social Work, Federal University of Pará, Brazil
Neoliberalism, Extractivism and Dispossesion and Indigenous
Resistance Towards Sustainability in the Philippines - Ligaya
Lindio McGovern, Indiana University Kokomo
Postcolonial Development and Resistance: Everyday State and
Violence in the Making of Late Industrialization India - Nikas
Kindo, Tata Institute of Social Sciences
Selling Globalization: The Misleading Conflation of Globalization
and Immigration, and the Subsequent Conservative Backlash
- Ernesto Castañeda, American University; Amber Shemesh,
American University
Table 5: Health and Human Rights
Table Presider: Joseph A. Harris, Boston University
Plausible Deniability: The Intimate Labor of India’s Women
Community Health Workers - Vrinda Marwah, University of
Texas at Austin
“‘Against’ Hijra Relationships: Differently Marginalized Groups and
the ‘Unintended Effects’ of Human Rights Frameworks” - Liz
Mount, Flagler College
Does Living in a Female Headed Household Increase Access to
Menstrual Hygiene Product? - Rita Jalali, American University
The Human Rights of Widows: Neglected at the UN Commission on
the Status of Women - Susan Hagood Lee, Boston University
Table 6: Market-based Development
Table Presider: Robert MacNeil Christie, Calfiornia State University,
Dominguez Hills
Rhetoric and Reality of ‘Turnover’: Developer Influence Inside
Condominiums - Stefan Rein Treffers, York University
World Culture & Economic Globalization: Mobile Phone Expansion
in the Global South 1995 – 2014 - Aarushi Bhandari, Davidson
Empowerment, Equality, and Colorblindness: How Development
Engineering Students Legitimize Market-Based Development
Practices - Skye Niles, University of Colorado
Table 7: Social and Human Capital
Table Presider: Reeve Vanneman, University of Maryland-College
Does Migration Predict Differences in Trust in Latin America? -
Jonathan Eastwood, Washington and Lee University
Dynamic Models of Inter-Organizational Humanitarian and
Development Aid Collaboration in Jordan - Seungah Lee,
Stanford University
Enhancing Food Security From ‘Own Production’ Among
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Participants
(SNAP) and Non-SNAP Participants - Parijat Ghosh
“If You Fall, Stand Up Again”: The Moral Nature of Financial Literacy
in the Global South - Maryann Bylander, Lewis and Clark
College; Phasy Res, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Investment ‘With a Fierce Sense of Urgency’: The Human Capital
Project as Governance Enterprise - Benjamin M. Hunter,
University of Sussex; Jonathan David Shaffer, Boston
Table 8: World Systems and Populism
Table Presider: Michael Timberlake, University of Utah
Foreign Capital and Economic Growth: Core/Periphery Relations in
the Global FDI Network, 2001-2017 - Rob Clark, University of
Oklahoma; Jeffrey D. Kentor, Wayne State University
Contested Rural Extractive Peripheries in the Capitalist World-
Economy: A Case Study from British Columbia - Paul S.
Ciccantell, Western Michigan University
Ecosystems of Contemporary Right-Wing Populism - Benjamin
Bradlow, Brown University; Tomas Gold, University of Notre
Tuesday, 12:30 pm
4303. Special Sessions. What Sociological Research Can Tell Us
About How to Respond to Harassment: #MeToo: Allies,
Advocates, and Bystanders
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 1, Lobby Level,
Presider: Justine Eatenson Tinkler, University of Georgia
Preventing and Responding to Harassment – Lessons from Targets
and Allies - Amy Blackstone, University of Maine; Heather
McLaughlin, Oklahoma State University; Christopher Uggen,
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
To Don the Cape or Not: Bystanders’ Decisions to Directly or Subtly
Intervene - Sharyn J. Potter, University of New Hampshire
An Experimental Investigation of Bystander Intervention Training:
Assessing Alternatives and Outcomes - Jamillah E. Bowman
Williams, Georgetown University; Elizabeth Tippett, University
of Oregon
Sexual Harassment in the Federal Government: Lessons Learned
About Organizational Tolerance for Abuses of Power - Justine
Eatenson Tinkler, University of Georgia; Jun Zhao, Georgia
State University
Session Organizer: Justine Eatenson Tinkler, University of Georgia
4304. Special Sessions. Innovative Quantitative Approaches to
the Critical Study of Racialization
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 2, Lobby Level,
Presider: Vilma Ortiz, University of California-Los Angeles
Panelists: Tukufu Zuberi, University of Pennsylvania; Alyasah Ali
Sewell, Emory University; Yasmiyn Irizarry, University of Texas
at Austin; Oscar J. Mayorga, University of California, Los
Angeles; Paul Martinez, University of California, Los Angeles
Session Organizers: Vilma Ortiz, University of California-Los
Angeles; Oscar J. Mayorga, University of California, Los
Angeles; Paul Martinez, University of California, Los Angeles
4305. Thematic Sessions. Making Sense of Unequal Exchanges:
The Relational Work Approach to Inequality
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 3, Lobby Level,
Presider: Viviana A. Zelizer, Princeton University
Panelists: Kimberly Kay Hoang, University of Chicago; Gabriel
Rossman, UCLA; Heba Gowayed, Boston University; Nina
Bandelj, University of California-Irvine
Session Organizer: Ashley E. Mears, Boston University
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
4306. Thematic Sessions. The Neoliberal University: Including
Tributes to Scholar-Activist Dan Clawson
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 4, Lobby Level,
Presider: Michael Burawoy, University of California-Berkeley
Panelists: Tressie Cottom, Virginia Commonwealth University;
Ian Robinson, University of Michigan, Lecturers’ Employee
Organization; Martha Ecker, Ramapo College of New Jersey
Session Organizer: Michael Burawoy, University of California-
4307. Thematic Sessions. Work in the New Sexual Economy: Law,
Labor, Rights, and Resistance
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 5, Lobby Level,
Presiders: Kathryn Hausbeck, University of Nevada, Las Vegas;
Barbara G. Brents, University of Nevada-Las Vegas
Panelists: Carol Leigh, Bay Area Sex Worker Advocacy Network
and Sex Worker Film and Arts Festival; Angela Jones, SUNY-
Farmingdale; Elena Shih, Brown University; Kate D’Adamo,
Reframe Health and Justice Consulting
Session Organizers: Barbara G. Brents, University of Nevada-Las
Vegas; Kathryn Hausbeck, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
4308. Section on Organizations, Occupations, and Work.
Section on Organizations, Occupations, and Work/The
Construction of Value in Occupations and Careers
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 6, Lobby Level,
Presider: Kristin Marsh, University of Mary Washington
Hidden Hurdles and Gendered Recognition: Perceptions of
Associates Professors - Mangala Subramaniam, Purdue
Narrating Value: How Peripheral Functions Prove Their Worth
to Organizations - James Mellody, Massachusetts Institute
of Technology; Susan S. Silbey, Massachusetts Institute of
What’s in an Occupation? Investigating Variation and Gender
Segregation Using Job Titles and Task Descriptions - Ananda
Martin-Caughey, New York University
Should I Stay or Should I Go? Assessing the Consequences of Job
Mobility on Hiring - Matissa Hollister, McGill University; Nicole
Genevieve Denier, University of Alberta; Xavier St-Denis, McGill
Lifetime Advantage at the Top? The Norm of Lifetime Employment
and CEO Succession in Japan - Jiwook Jung, University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Eunmi Mun, University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign; Hiroshi Ono, Hitotsubashi University
Business School
Session Organizers: Alexandra Kalev, Tel Aviv University; Emilio
J. Castilla, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Leroy
Gonsalves, Harvard University; Lindsey McKay Ibanez,
Washburn University; Alaz Kilicaslan, University of Wisconsin-
Whitewater; Katherine Sobering, University of North Texas; Eli
R. Wilson, University of New Mexico-Albuquerque
4309. Section on Medical Sociology. 25 Years of Fundamental
Cause Theory: Milestones & Future Directions
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 7, Lobby Level,
Presider: Jeremy Freese, Stanford University
A Retrospective on Fundamental Cause Theory: State of the
Literature, and Goals for the Future - Sean A. P. Clouston,
Stony Brook University
Mobilizing Socioeconomic Resources in Resistance of Medicine: A
Qualitative Examination of Pathways to End-of-Life - Karen
Lutfey Spencer, University of Colorado-Denver
Fundamental Resources, Sometimes Fundamental Risks? A
New Direction for Fundamental Cause Theory - Richard M.
Carpiano, University of California-Riverside; Brian Christopher
Kelly, Purdue University
The Fundamental Causes of Educational Inequality - Michelle
Jackson, Stanford University
Discussant: Bruce G. Link, University of California-Riverside
Session Organizer: Jeremy Freese, Stanford University
4310. Section on Racial and Ethnic Minorities. Studying Race
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 8, Lobby Level,
Presider: Tristan Ivory, University of Missouri
Beyond Race: Xenophobia, Nationalism and Co-Ethnic Racism in
Singapore - Laavanya Kathiravelu, Nanyang Technological
National and Global Black Identities and Movements in Germany -
Daniel Williams, St. Catherine University
Pan-Americanism and Anti-Racism - Howard Winant, University of
California-Santa Barbara
Racializing Refugees: The Racial Logics of Asylum in Brazil -
Katherine Christine Jensen, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Racial Projects and the Making of Foreign Ministries: Postcolonial
Racial State Building in Bolivia - Marcelo A. Bohrt, American
Discussant: Zophia Edwards, Providence College
Session Organizer: Victoria Reyes, University of California-Riverside
4315. Policy and Research Workshop. Panel Study of Income
Dynamics Workshop for New and Prospective Users
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 1, Ballroom Level,
Leader: Paula W. Fomby, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Session Organizer: Paula W. Fomby, University of Michigan-Ann
4316. Professional Development Workshop. Mission Formidable:
Landing Your First Job in Academia
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 2, Ballroom Level,
Leaders: Yasemin Besen-Cassino, Montclair State University;
Richard E. Ocejo, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY;
Jeffrey Chin, Le Moyne College; Jean Beaman, University of
California-Santa Barbara
Session Organizer: Christopher Donoghue, Montclair State
4317. Family Section. Work and Family
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 3, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Rebecca Glauber, University of New Hampshire
Control and the Health Effects of Work-Family Conflict: A
Longitudinal Test of Generalized versus Specific Stress-
Buffering - Philip James Badawy, University of Toronto; Scott
Schieman, University of Toronto, St. George
Effects of Policies and Workplace Culture on Attenuating the
Commitment Penalty Associated with Parental Leave-Taking -
Richard J. Petts, Ball State University; Trenton D. Mize, Purdue
University; Gayle Kaufman, Davidson College
Autonomous Actors: Gender-Unequal Processes and Gender-Equal
Outcomes in Work and Family - Jaclyn S. Wong, University of
South Carolina-Columbia
Stalled Gender Revolution? Assessing Period Change in Couples’
Divisions of Labor - Daniel L. Carlson, University of Utah;
Sharon L. Sassler, Cornell University; Amanda Jayne Miller,
University of Indianapolis
Session Organizer: Rebecca Glauber, University of New Hampshire
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
4319. Meeting. Section on the Sociology of Emotions Business
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 7, Ballroom Level,
4320. Section on Collective Behavior and Social Movements.
Engaged Scholarship for Social Justice: Opportunities and
Challenges in Academic-Activists Co-learning Processes
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 8, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Faranak Miraftab, University Of Illinois, Urbana-
The Knowledges that Solidarity Makes: Reflections on Learning
with Transnational Anti-Eviction Activists - Faranak Miraftab,
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Ken E. Salo,
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign; Efadul Huq,
University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign
Fighting Anti-Homeless Laws Through Participatory Action
Research - Christopher Herring, University of California,
Berkeley; Jennifer Friedenbach, San Francisco Coalition on
Homelessness; Lisa Marie Alatorre, San Francisco Coalition
on Homelessness; TJ Johnston, San Francisco Coalition
on Homelessness; Dilara Yarbrough, San Francisco State
University; Bilal Ali, San Francisco Coalition on Homelessness
Reflections on Feminist Border Crossing for Social Justice -
Manisha Desai, University of Connecticut
Milking Research for Social Change: Immigrant Dairy Farmworkers
in Upstate New York - Gretchen Purser, Syracuse University;
Kathleen Sexsmith, Penn State University; Fabiola Ortiz Valdez,
Syracuse University
Session Organizer: Faranak Miraftab, University Of Illinois, Urbana-
4321. Section on Evolution, Biology, and Society. Darwin’s
Sociological Legacy: Historical and Current Controversies
and Accomplishments
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 9, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Matthew E. Brashears, University of South Carolina-
Human Self-Selection in Societal Evolution: Human Agency as a
Selective Force - Shanyang Zhao, Temple University
Shedding Someone Else's Baggage:Darwinism and the Sins of
Modern History - Douglas A. Marshall, University of South
Discussant: Eric Gladstone
Session Organizer: Matthew E. Brashears, University of South
4324. Section on Animals and Society Roundtable
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Franciscan A, Ballroom Level,
Session Organizer: Corey Lee Wrenn, University of Kent
Table 1: Animal Activism
Table Presider: Corey Lee Wrenn, University of Kent
The Participation of Animal Advocates in the Investigation of a
Non-Human Animal Hoarder - Marion C. Willetts, Illinois State
Too Many Koala Mittens: Responses to Animal Vulnerability in
Disasters - Seven Mattes
Using Animal Portriture to Activate Emotional Affect - Cameron
Thomas Whitley, Western Washington University; Linda
Elizabeth Kalof, Michigan State University
Table 2: Companion Animals & Social Life
Table Presider: Miri Eliyahu, Northwestern University
Building Community Through a Pack Walk - Gloria S. Vaquera, John
Carroll University
"Not Just a Cat": Legitimizing Human-Animal Relationships
Through Pet Sympathy Cards - Miranda Kay Workman,
Canisius College
Variation in Pit Bull Stigma: Applying the Stigma Complex -
Genevieve Minter, University of Nevada Las Vegas
Table 3: Animals & the Environment
Table Presider: Jordan Fox Besek, SUNY-Buffalo
Animals in Environmental Sociology - Linda Elizabeth Kalof,
Michigan State University; Cameron Thomas Whitley, Western
Washington University
Cognitive Influences of Behavior toward Wildlife - Jennifer Rebecca
Kelly, Boston College; Aaron M. McCright, Michigan State
University; Marisa Rinkus, Michigan State University
Felines Embedded in a Hunting Culture: The Case of Costa Rica -
Jennifer Rebecca Kelly, Boston College
Table 4: Human/Nonhuman Intersections
Table Presider: Jill Richardson, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Companion Animals as Family Members: Expanding
Conceptualizations of Chosen Kin among LGBTQ+ People -
Rachel M. Schmitz, Oklahoma State University
Factory Farms, Racism and Labor - Moses Seenarine
Social Class and Companion Animals - Valerie Wilson McCarthy,
The Pet-Human Relationship as a Racialization Tool - Adilia E.E.
James, Endicott College
4325. Meeting. Theory Section Business Meeting
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Franciscan D, Ballroom Level,
4326. Meeting. Section on Political Economy of the World System
Business Meeting
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Yosemite A, Ballroom Level,
4327. Meeting. Section on Race, Gender, and Class Council
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Yosemite B, Ballroom Level,
4328. Meeting. Section on Sociology of Body and Embodiment
Business Meeting
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Yosemite C, Ballroom Level,
4329. Regular Sessions. Social Welfare Programs
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 1, 4th Floor,
Presider: Barbara Hansen, University of Alabama-Birmingham
Decomposing the Decline of Cash Assistance in the United States,
1993 to 2016 - Zachary Parolin, Columbia University
Exit, Voice, and Loyalty in the Family. The Impact of Basic Income
on Families and Gender - Pilar Gonalons-Pons, University of
Pennsylvania; David Calnitsky, University of Western Ontario
Institutionalizing Risk: The Evolution of Family Surveillance in
American Child Welfare - Matty Lichtenstein, University of
California, Berkeley
The Switchboard Bureaucracy in the Contemporary American
Welfare State: Subsidized Child Care as Case Study - Jennifer
Bouek, Brown University
Discussant: Rebecca Joyce Kissane, Lafayette College
Session Organizer: Amie Bostic, University of Texas-Rio Grande
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
4330. Section on Sociology of Consumers and Consumption.
Consumers, Consumption, and Inequality
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 3, 4th Floor,
College Partying as a Social Field: An Ethnography of Symbolic
Domination - Ashley E. Mears, Boston University; Heather
Mooney, Boston University
Early Black Feminists and the Culinary Politics of Responsibility: A
Two-Way Street of Consumption and Meaning-Making - Stacy
J. Williams
Paths to Becoming a Craft Brewer and Craft Beer Consumer in
the United States - Nathaniel Gray Chapman, Arkansas Tech
University; David L. Brunsma, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and
State University
“My Money and My Heart”: Buying a Birkin and Class Boundaries
Online - Jordan Foster, University of Toronto
Session Organizer: Cassi L. Pittman Claytor, Case Western Reserve
4331. Section on Communication, Information Technologies, and
Media Sociology. Media, (Mis)Information, and Democracy
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 5, 4th Floor,
Presider: Joan Donovan, Harvard Kennedy School
Exposure to Conflicting Accounts in News Media Makes Liberals
More Susceptible to Partisan Conspiracy Narratives - Marcus
Mann, Purdue University
Power and Propaganda in the Age of Hybrid Media - Stephen R.
Barnard, St. Lawrence University
The Uses of Conspiracy Theory: Critique, Information Environments,
and Political Beliefs Among Serbian Youth - Emma Brandt,
Northwestern University
Who Produces Online Hate?: An Examination of the Effects of Self-
Control, Social Structure, & Social Learning - Colin Bernatzky,
University of California - Irvine; Matthew Costello, Clemson
University; James E. Hawdon, Virginia Tech University
Discussant: Joan Donovan, Harvard Kennedy School
Session Organizer: Sarah Sobieraj, Tufts University
4332. Meeting. Award Selection Committee Chairs with the
Committee on Awards
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 9, 4th Floor,
4336. Regular Sessions. Work and the Workplace
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 13, 4th Floor,
Presider: Caroline Hanley, College of William and Mary
Ethnic Conflict and Workplace Inequality: Minority Job Dynamics
During Conflict Escalation in Israel, 1995-2015 - Dustin Avent-
Holt, Augusta University; Tali Kristal, University of Haifa;
Ludmilla Garmash, University of Haifa
The Great Separation Top Earners’ Segregation at Work in High
Income Countries - Olivier Godechot, CNRS
Firm Segregation and the Gender Wage Gap: Evidence from New
Employer-Employee Linked Data - Carmen Marie Brick, UC
Berkeley; Kristen S. Harknett, University of California, San
Barriers to Flexible Work Arrangements: New Evidence on the Role
of Work Culture and Structure - Kim de Laat, University of
New Relations of Power and Resistance in the Gig Economy - Alex
James Wood, University of Birmingham; Vili Lehdonvirta,
University of Oxford
Session Organizer: Caroline Hanley, College of William and Mary
4337. Regular Sessions. Families and Kinship: Fractured by
Migration, Emotions and Cultural Divides
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 14, 4th Floor,
Presider: Lauren M. Gaydosh, Vanderbilt University
“Caring for Our Parents at Home in China”: How Adult Children
Negotiate Relationships with Emigrating Siblings - Ken Chih-
Yan Sun, Villanova University; Nazli Kibria, Boston University
Family Complexity and Class Differences in Kin Support Later in
Life - Mariana Amorim, Washington State University
Prodigal Children: How Reformed Deviants Become Mothers’
Favorite Children in Adulthood - Reilly Kincaid, Purdue
University; Marissa Rurka, Purdue University; J. Jill Suitor,
Purdue University; Megan Gilligan, Iowa State University; Karl
Pillemer, Cornell University; Lana Mohebbi, John Marshall Law
School; Nicholas Mundell, Ball State University
Relearning to Parent: Deskilling of Yazidi Refugees as Parents Upon
Arrival in Canada - Pallavi Banerjee, University of Calgary;
Negin Saheb Javaher, University of Calgary
Session Organizer: Rosanna Hertz, Wellesley College
4338. Regular Sessions. Gender, Aspirations, and Hierarchy in the
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 15, 4th Floor,
Presider: Patti A. Giuffre, Texas State University
Breaking the Grass Ceiling: Gender, Labor, and Legitimacy in the
U.S. Cannabis Industry - Katie Kaufman Rogers, University of
Texas at Austin
Vanishing Women: Gender, Presentation, and Belonging in the San
Francisco Bay Area Tech Industry - Sigrid Willa Luhr, University
of California, Berkeley
Learning on the Job Search: How Application Processes Decrease
Women’s Belonging in STEM - Katherine Wullert, Stanford
The Lifecycle of a Stretch Assignment: Flexible Bureaucracy,
Advancement, and Inequality in the New Economy - Megan
Tobias Neely, Stanford University; Shannon Gilmartin, Stanford
University; Caroline Simard, Stanford University; JoAnne
Wehner, Stanford University; Aliya Hamid Rao, Stanford
University; Sofia Kennedy, Stanford University
The Glass Escalator in School Counseling: Gender Differences in
Leadership Experiences - Megan M. Holland, University at
Buffalo SUNY
Session Organizer: Kumiko Nemoto, Kyoto University of Foreign
4339. Regular Sessions. Multiracial Experiences and Identities
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 17, 4th Floor,
Presider: Maheen Haider, Boston College
Both, Either, or Neither: The Classification of Multiracial
Undergraduates and the Specter of Institutional Interests -
Sonia Giebel, Stanford University
How Multiracial Individuals Use “Racial Elevator Speeches” to Field
Inquiries About Race - Monica Heilman, Indiana University
‘Matches’ and ‘Mismatches’ in Parent-Child Indigenous Self-Identity
in Australia - Matthew Curry, The University of Melbourne;
Rennie Lee, Florida International University
Discussant: Maheen Haider, Boston College
Session Organizer: Carolyn A. Liebler, University of Minnesota
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
4341. Regular Sessions. Sexualities III: Rethinking Sexual
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 23, 4th Floor,
Presider: Minwoo Jung, University of Southern California
Constructing Heteronormativity Through Intergroup Interactions in
Urban Gay Bars - Tyler G. Baldor, University of Pennsylvania
Contesting Sexuality in the U.S. Military Through the Debate Over
‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ - Aaron Blasyak, Syracuse University
Race, Same-Sex Marriage, and the Politics of Respectability
Among Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Racial Minorities - Jess Lee,
University of California, Irvine
Transgender Sex Workers in India & The Politics of Queer
Responsibility - Diya Bose, UCLA
Discussant: Arlene J. Stein, Rutgers University-New Brunswick
Session Organizer: Ghassan Moussawi, University of Illinois at
4342. Regular Sessions. Religious Competition, Confinement,
and Change
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 25, 4th Floor,
Presider: Gail Murphy-Geiss, Colorado College
An Uneven Revival: Gendered Ethno-Regional Intersections of
Religiosity in a Transitional Context - Victor Agadjanian,
University of California-Los Angeles
Do Religious Congregations Compete? The Case of Manhattan,
1949–1999 - Casey Philip Homan, University of California,
Escaping Post-Colonial Confinement: Comparative Perceptions of
Two Churches Among Brazilian Americans and Non-Brazilians
in Florida - Rodrigo Serrao Santana de Jesus, University of
South Florida
Sacred Stuff: Civil Religious Discourse of Sacralization in the
American Rifleman 1975-2019 - Jessica Dawson, Army Cyber
Shifting the Ground Under Islam: Protestant Assumptions and
Islamic Religious Practice in Rural Malawi - Ann Swidler,
University of California-Berkeley
Session Organizer: Sarah H. Diefendorf, Scholars Strategy Network
4343. Regular Sessions. Peace and Conflict: Current Trends
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 1, 6th Floor,
Presider: Lisa A. Leitz, Chapman University
Climate Change and Armed Conflict in the Contemporary Middle
East and North Africa: A Multi-Level Analysis - Bashir
Tofangsazi, The Ohio State University
Repertoires of Terror: News Media Classification and Coverage of
Militant Groups, 1970-2013 - Colin J. Beck, Pomona College;
Eric Schoon, Ohio State University
Saving Nation's Face: A Comparative Investigation of Rally-
Round-The-Flag Periods in Four Democratic Countries - Yuval
Feinstein, University of Haifa
Unpacking the Receptor Community: The Social Reintegration of
FARC Ex-combatants - Michael Soto, University of Minnesota
Discussant: Megan E. Brooker, University of Kansas
Session Organizer: Lisa A. Leitz, Chapman University
4344. Regular Sessions. Collective Memory
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 2, 6th Floor,
Presider: Yagmur Karakaya, University of Minnesota
Cognitive Frames, Emotion Work, and Reflexivity: How Individual
Survivors Negotiated with Collective Memories of Typhoon
Morakot - Ming-Cheng M. Lo, University of California-Davis;
Yun Fan, National Taiwan University
Crafting Charismatic Cops: Reputation and Community Policing -
Wayne Clifford Rivera-Cuadrado, Northwestern University
Monumental Problems: Confederate Monuments and Regimes of
Violence Over Time - Katharine Turner, Rice University; Leah
Binkovitz, Rice University; Anthony Alex Priest, Rice University
Role-Playing Racism: Collective Memory and the Limits of
Experiential Learning - Chana Teeger, London School of
Session Organizer: Christina Simko, Williams College
4345. Regular Sessions. Disaster as an On-going Social Process
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 4, 6th Floor,
Presider: Timothy Haney, Mount Royal University
Development, Responsibility, and the Creation of Urban of Hazard
Risk - Timothy Haney, Mount Royal University
The Divergent Residential Pathways of Climate Adaptation:
Resettlement from Flood-Prone Homes in a Major Metropolitan
Area - James R. Elliott, Rice University; Kevin Loughran, Rice
University; Phylicia Xin Yi Lee Brown, Rice University; Allison
Yelvington, Rice University
The Role of Neighborhood Organizations in Disaster Recovery:
Repopulation in New Orleans After Hurricane Katrina -
Frederick Weil, Louisiana State University; Heather Molly
Rackin, Louisiana State University
Weathering the Inequality: Audience Demographics and Message
Passing - Scott Leo Renshaw, University of California-Irvine;
Jeannette Sutton, University of Kentucky; Carter T. Butts,
University of California-Irvine
Session Organizer: Megan Reid, University of Wisconsin - Madison
4346. Regular Sessions. Feminist Theory and Epistemology
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 6, 6th Floor,
Presider: Tal Peretz, Auburn University
A Black Feminist Genealogy: Liberatory Sociological
Epistemologies - Alannah Sheri Caisey, University of Pittsburgh
Gender-Neutral Pronouns: Contesting the Gender System by
Marking and Unmarking Gender in Language - Abigail C.
Saguy, University of California-Los Angeles; Juliet A. Williams,
Music as Critical Theory: Intersectional Re-Imaginings of
Staunchness and Vulnerability - Bonnie-Estelle Trotter-Simons,
Victoria University of Wellington
Using Garbage for Good: A Theoretical Exploration of Utilizing
Anti-Feminist Propaganda for Feminist Snap Inspiration -
Derek Wilson, University of Kansas
Session Organizer: Catherine Connell, Boston University
4347. Regular Sessions. Current issues in American Higher
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 8, 6th Floor,
Presider: Caren Arbeit, RTI International
Factors Affecting College Students’ Community Service and
Attitudes Towards the Urban Community Served - Jungyun
Gill, Stonehill College
Learning to Fail?: How Repeating Remedial Math Courses in
Community College Affects Postsecondary Aspirations -
Margaret Fay, The Graduate Center
Resource Constraint or College Experiences? Understanding the
Relationship Between Student Debt and Bachelor’s Degree
Attainment - Kennan Cepa, University of Pennsylvania
The Duality of Persistence: Academic Enclaves and International
Students’ Aspirations to Stay in the U.S. - Vasundhara Kaul,
Purdue University; Linda Renzulli, Purdue University
What Students Talk About When They Talk About Free Speech -
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Jeffrey L. Kidder, Northern Illinois University; Amy J. Binder,
University of California-San Diego
Session Organizer: Elizabeth M. Lee, Saint Joseph's University
4348. Regular Sessions. Institutional and Cultural Dimensions of
Reproductive Decision-Making
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 10, 6th Floor,
Presider: Rachel Sullivan Robinson, American University
A Viable State?: How Medical Students Talk about their Clinical
Abortion Experiences - Alexandra Kissling, The Ohio State
University; Lauren Gebhardt-Kram, The Ohio State University;
Katherine Rivlin, The Ohio State University
Efficacy as Safety: Dominant Cultural Assumptions and the
Assessment of Contraceptive Risk - Andrea Bertotti Metoyer,
Gonzaga University; Emily S. Mann, University of South
Carolina-Columbia; Skye Miner, National Institutes of Health
Keep ‘Em In: How Physicians Work Around Religious Policies to
Serve Patients Within Catholic Facilities - Lori Freedman, UCSF
Moral Accounts of Abortion in Online Storytelling - Sarah
Combellick, University of California, Davis
“We’re a Little Biased”: Medicine and the Management of Implicit
Bias Through the Case of Contraception - Jamie Manzer,
University of Delaware; Ann V. Bell, University of Delaware
Session Organizer: Kellie Owens, University of Pennsylvania
4352. Section on International Migration. Immigration Laws
Shape Migration Flows
Parc55, Cyril Magnin I, Level 4, 12:30-2:10pm
Presider: Dolores Trevizo, Occidental College
Employers as Subjects of the Immigration State: Fomenting
Employment Insecurity for Temporary Immigrants at Work -
Shannon Marie Gleeson, Cornell University, ILR School; Kate
Griffith, Cornell University
Returning to “¿México Lindo y Querido?”: The Role of Place of
Origin, Destination, and Immigration Enforcement - Jose Luis
Collazo, California State Polytechnic University-Pomona
The Unexpected Spillover Effects of Restrictive Immigration
Policy: Raising or Lowering Latinx Earnings? - Irene Browne,
Emory University; Anne Kathrin Kronberg, University of North
Carolina-Charlotte; Jennifer McDonnell, Emory University
Discussant: Silvia Pedraza, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Session Organizer: Silvia Pedraza, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
4353. Section on Sociology of Education. School Choice and
Parc55, Cyril Magnin II, Level 4, 12:30-2:10pm
Presider: Patrick Denice, Western University
Beyond Black and White: Experimental Evidence on How School
Racial Composition Affects Parents’ Preferences - Greer
Mellon, Columbia University; Bonnie Rogers Siegler, Columbia
Cream Skimming and Pushout of Students Participating in a
Statewide Private School Voucher Program - Mark A. Berends,
University of Notre Dame; Joe Waddington, University of
Kentucky; Ron Zimmer, University of Kentucky
Disempowering Marketplaces: How School Choice Enrollment
Routines Legitimize Educational Inequality - Max Cuddy,
University of Illinois at Chicago; Amanda Evelyn Lewis,
University of Illinois-Chicago; Maria Krysan, University of
Illinois at Chicago
How Educational Choice Reshapes Residential Segregation's
Causes and Consequences: Evidence from Los Angeles County
- Jared N. Schachner, Harvard University
School Choice and Racial Segregation in New York City’s Universal
Pre-K Program - Scott Latham, Princeton University; Alejandro
Schugurensky, Princeton University; Jennifer L. Jennings,
Princeton University
Discussant: Shani Adia Evans, Swarthmore College
Session Organizer: Rachel Elizabeth Fish, New York University
4354. Section on Sociology of Development. Open Panel on
Sociology of Development
Parc55, Cyril Magnin III, Level 4, 12:30-2:10pm
Presider: Samuel Cohn, Texas A&M University-College Station
Pro-Capitalist Violence and Land Dispossession: Armed Actors and
Agrarian Conflicts in Colombia, Mexico, and Honduras - Jasmin
Hristov, University of British Columbia Okanagan
Islands of Integrity and Corruption Reform - Dinsha Mistree,
Stanford; Monica Prasad, Northwestern University
1 Brokering Legitimacy: Official Development Assistance and World
Polity Centrality - Michaela Kathleen Curran, University of
Colonial Legacies in the Developmental State: Towards a Theory
of Institutional Persistence - Hanisah Binte Abdullah Sani,
University of Michigan
Protecting Patients and Producers? The Political Origins of Health-
Oriented Industrial Policy in the Dominican Republic - Andrew
Schrank, Brown University
Discussant: Samuel Cohn, Texas A&M University-College Station
Session Organizer: Samuel Cohn, Texas A&M University-College
4361. Regular Sessions. Work and Inequality Across Dierent
Labor Market Contexts
Parc55, Mission I, Level 4, 12:30-2:10pm
Presider: Maria Aysa-Lastra, Winthrop University
Digital Distinctions and Tacit Targeting: How Labor Market Practices
Reproduce Inequality Today - Amanda K. Damarin, Georgia
State University; Steve McDonald, North Carolina State
The Value of US College Education in Global Labor Markets:
Experimental Evidence from China - Mingyu Chen, Princeton
Earnings Penalties and Overqualification: The Context of Labor
Market Institutions - Kevin McElrath, State University of New
York-Stony Brook
Measuring the Availability of “Good Jobs” in the United States for
Working-Class Men - Janette S. Dill, University of Minnesota;
Robert Donald Francis, Whitworth University
Work as an Option: Effects of Unpredictable and Unstable
Schedules on Earnings and Mobility - Peter J. Fugiel, University
of Chicago
Session Organizer: Jacob C. Day, University of North Carolina at
Tuesday, 1:10 pm
4325. Theory Section Refereed Roundtables
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Franciscan D, Ballroom Level,
Session Organizer: Angelina Grigoryeva, University of Toronto
Table 1: Theorizing Polity and Society-1
Table Presider: Benjamin Abrams, Cambridge University &
University College London
A Social Theory of Corruption - Sudhir Chella Rajan, IIT Madras
The Competition for Kosovo’s Flag and Anthem and the Limits of
Sovereignty - Alissa Boguslaw, Coe College
Toward a Theory of Resistance Movements - Benjamin Abrams,
Cambridge University & University College London
Table 2: Theorizing Polity and Society-2
Table Presider: David R. Dietrich, Texas State University
For a Pragmatist Agonism Conceptualizing the Pluralism in
Session 4347, continued
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Post-Foundational Thought Through Pragmatist Cultural
Repertoires - Veikko Eranti, University OF Helsinki; Taina
Meriluoto, University of Helsinki
God-King Trump: A Weberian Examination of Executive Authority
in the Trump Era - David R. Dietrich, Texas State University
Pacification of Existence: Marcuse and Beyond - Risto K. Heiskala,
Tampere University
Power in the Context of Political Homeostasis - Victor Meyer Lidz,
Drexel University College of Medicine; Helmut Staubmann,
University of Innsbruck
Table 3: Theorizing Violence and Conflict
Table Presider: Liam Downey, University of Colorado-Boulder
Confession, Guilt, and Responsibility: Public Confessions of Turkish
State Actors on State Violence against Kurds - Patrick Baert,
University of Cambridge; Yesim Yildiz, Goldsmiths College,
University of London
Moral Circle Expansion - Jacy Reese Anthis, University of Chicago;
Eze Paez, University of Minho
The Conception of Conflict in Max Webers Thought - Eric
Malczewski, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
The Forms of Action in Violence - Yuki Nakamura, Waseda
Violence and Social Order - Liam Downey, University of Colorado-
Table 4: Toward a Theory of Economic Action
Table Presider: Angelina Grigoryeva, University of Toronto
Theorizing Social Enterprise in a Capitalist Framework - Mirah Alix
Table 5: Theorizing Social Interaction and Self-Presentation
Table Presider: Christos Orfanidis, University of Toronto
Faces, Masks, and the Presentation of Self in Liquid Modernity -
Christos Orfanidis, University of Toronto
Reference and Perception: Towards a Reference Theory Perspective
- Jie Zhang, State University of New York College at Buffalo
Smiling And The Contingency Of Social Interaction - Ran Keren,
Northeastern University
You Should be Scared: Linking Feeling Rules with Temporal
Landscapes Among Us (Tattooers) - Dustin Mabry, University
of California, Davis
Table 6: Revisting Sociology of Classical Theory
Table Presider: Vinay Kumar, State University of New York at
Adding Nancy Chodorow to George Herbert Mead - Norbert F.
Wiley, University of Illinois-Urbana
Philosophical and Religious Foundations of Sorokin's Integralism
- Robert Colbert Rhodes, University of Texas of the Permian
The Dynamics of Reception in the Globalization of Sociological
Knowledge - Vinay Kumar, State University of New York at
The Students Denied: How Classical Theory Courses Impact the
Professional and Personal Trajectories of Developing Scholars
- Sehrazat Gulsum Mart, University of Notre Dame; Lindsay
Who Ever Read Parsons? Theory After the Whig History of Postwar
Sociology - Gabe Ignatow, University of North Texas
Table 7: Theoretical Foundations of Social Justice and Inequality
Table Presider: Bradley Campbell, California State University, Los
Pedagogical Responsibility: A Max Weber and Paulo Freire
Comparison - Justin Beauchamp
Rethinking Racialization as Theory: A Critique of the Concept of
Racialization - Deniz Uyan, Boston College
Social Justice and Sociological Theory - Bradley Campbell,
California State University, Los Angeles
The Ethical Dimension of Critique in Higher Education - Francisco
Durán del Fierro, University College London
Table 8: Novel Theoretical Approaches to Social Life
Table Presider: Dmitry Kurakin, Higher School of Economics
(Moscow, Russia)
Beginnings: A Heretical Social Theoretical Approach - Filipe
Carreira da Silva, University of Lisbon
Era as a Causal Process - Mark Cohen, The Chinese University of
Hong Kong
Mystery, Culture, and Cognition: Towards a Sociological
Understanding of Mystery Within the “Cognitive Turn” Debate
- Dmitry Kurakin, Higher School of Economics (Moscow,
Operationalizing Legitimacy - Eric Schoon, Ohio State University
4326. Political Economy of the World System Roundtables
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Yosemite A, Ballroom Level,
Session Organizers: Lefeng Lin, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University;
Levin Elias Welch, University of California, Riverside; Tanya
Maria Golash-Boza, University of California-Merced
Table 1: Climate Change and Global Environmental Justice
Table Presider: Chengzuo Tang, Duke University
Complex Governance and the Politics of the Agro-Extractive
Palm Oil Commodity Chain - Paul K. Gellert, University of
Freiligrath’s Gift: A Marxian Roadmap for the Climate Crisis - Ryan
J. Fisher
The Body Commodified as Nature: Capitalism and the
Biotechnological Turn - Micah Anthony Pyles
Warning: Climate Disruption - Pat L. Lauderdale, SRI
Table 2: Core/Periphery Relations
Table Presider: Kristin Plys, University of Toronto
Asia to Latin America: The Cold War and Racial Regime
Maintenance - Angela Elena Fillingim, Western Washington
Comparing the Indian and Pacific Oceanic World-Systems -
Christopher Chase-Dunn, University of California-Riverside;
Andrej Grubacic, California Institute of Integral Studies;
Eugene N. Anderson, University of California-Riverside; Teresa
Neal, University of California Riverside
Divergent Politics in Kurdistan: An Historical Comparative Analysis
of Rojava and the Kurdish Regional Government - Spencer
Louis Potiker, University of California, Irvine
Recourse Curse, Petroleum Patriarchy and Women's Status in Post-
Soviet Region - Karina Powell, University of Central Florida
Table 3: Development in Global Economy
Table Presider: Farshad Araghi, Florida Atlantic University
Capital Transfers From the Global North to the Global South, Other
Obstacles to Development - David (Jed) D. Schwartz
Coproduced Social Policy: The Necessity of Governmental
Participation in Social Entrepreneurship - Gordon Shockley,
Arizona State University Downtown Phoenix
Internal Migration in Turkey Between 1945 And 1960 Based on
Uneven and Combined Development - Cetin Ozdemir, UC
Russian Incorporation, Its Discontents, and British Coke Smelting -
Daniel de Deus Cunha, Binghamton University
Cultural Dispossession and Cultural Genocide: Community Activism
in the Oaxacan Earthquake of 2017 - Alessandro Morosin,
University of San Diego
4327. Meeting. Section on Race, Gender, and Class Business
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Yosemite B, Ballroom Level,
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
4328. Section on Sociology of Consumers and Consumption
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Yosemite C, Ballroom Level,
Session Organizers: Kenneth H. Kolb, Furman University; Sonny M.
Nordmarken, University of Houston
Table 1: Reproductive Bodies, Medical Technologies
Table Presider: Megan Henley, Colorado Mesa University
A Reproductive Justice Framework to Improve Care for Young
Women with IUDs - Lauren Harris, University of Pennsylvania;
Ava Skolnik, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia; Aletha Akers,
Children’s Hospital of Phila
Imagining Missing “Kin”: The Quest for Connection in the Context
of Gamete Donation - Diane M. Tober, University of California,
San Francisco
Menstruation in Seventeen: Self-knowledge, Secrecy, and Shame -
Lacey Bobier, University of Michigan
Negotiating the Classed Body in Paid Plasma Donation - Caty
Taborda, University of Minnesota
Racial Projections and the Role of Clinical Judgment in U.S.
Cosmetic Surgery - Alka Menon, Yale University
Table 2: Body and Health
Table Presider: Michelle Pannor Silver, University of Toronto
Seeking Synthesis: Dichotomous Divides Through the Lens of
Eating Disorders in American Women - Rebecca Wolfe, UCSF
The Gendered Framing of Weight Loss Surgery - Leslie Elizabeth
The Weight of Stigma: Weight Status, Bullying, and Well-Being in
Adolescents - Sadie Ridgeway, Washington State University
Weight (In)Congruency, Gender, and Mental Well-Being in
Adolescence and Young Adulthood Using the Health
Congruency Framework - Zachary Adam Cramer, University of
Colorado Boulder
Table 3: Bodies, Interactions, Power
Table Presider: Brittney Miles, University of Cincinnati
Black Girls’ Knowledges and Resistance to School Discipline -
Brittney Miles, University of Cincinnati
Gender and Embodied Experiences of Video Games - Anna
Cameron, University of Virginia
Non-Declarative and Declarative Personal Culture Acquisition at a
Pentecostal Church in Orange County, CA - Spencer Paine
Righteous Sisterhood: Constructing a Feminist Biker Identity
in a Misogynist Subculture - Sarah Hoiland, CUNY Hostos
Community College
“Robocops” in the Making: Re-Framing Police-Citizen Interactions
Through the Lens of Body Cameras - Holly Campeau,
University of Alberta
Table 4: Foodscapes
Table Presider: Merin Oleschuk, University of Toronto
Expanding the Joys of Cooking: How Class Shapes the Emotional
Work of Preparing Family Meals - Merin Oleschuk, University
of Toronto
Food Deserts, Retail Inequality, and the “Healthy Food” Frame -
Kenneth H. Kolb, Furman University
Mapping the Ethnic Foodscape and Collective Memory in
Manhattan’s Koreatown - Jinwon Kim, CUNY New York City
College of Technology
Responsible Research and Innovation for Food Technology: Is
Gender Relevant? - Julia McQuillan, University of Nebraska-
Table 5: Artistic Production and Consumption
Access to Art – The Stratification of Aesthetic Life-Chances in
Europe - Tal Feder, Indiana University
Risk and Crisis Management Through Field Recording and Sectional
Catalogs in the US Recording Industry, 1920-1932 - Shadrick
Andrew Small, UC Berkeley
Seeing Milwaukee Through the Lens of Poetry: A Literary
Ethnography - Antonio Paniagua Guzman, University of
Table 6: Health and Environment
Table Presider: Christine McCown, Virginia Tech University
Health Care Consumption: A Comparison of Traditional and
Alternative Cancer Treatment Centers - Christine McCown,
Virginia Tech University
The Impact of Framing on Environmentally Conscious Decision
Making –Electricity Plan Choices in Germany - Guido Franz
Mehlkop, University of Erfurt; Robert Neumann, Dresden
University of Technology
“Working Hard for What You’ve Got”: Wood-Burning Practices
and Perceptions of Air Quality in Northern Utah - Claudia
Mendez Wright, Utah State University; Kristen Koci, Utah State
Sociology of Body and Embodiment Roundtables
4332. Meeting. Committee on Awards
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 9, 4th Floor,
Tuesday, 2:30 pm
4403. Regional Spotlight Session. Migrant Experiences in Times
of Xenophobic Nationalism and State Violence
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 1, Lobby Level,
Presider: Heidy Sarabia, California State University-Sacramento
Panelists: Beth Baker-Cristales, CSU Los Angeles; Tanya Maria
Golash-Boza, University of California-Merced; Kevin R.
Johnson, University of Caifornia, Davis
Discussant: Cecilia Menjivar, University of California-Los Angeles
Session Organizers: Manuel Barajas, California State University-
Sacramento; Nori Lowe Henk, Azusa Pacific University
4404. Section on Political Economy of the World-System. The
Family and the Market in the Longue Durée
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 2, Lobby Level,
Presider: Farshad Araghi, Florida Atlantic University
‘Marriage-Hunting’: The Symbolic Economy of Marriage in
Neoliberal Japan - Anna Wozny, University of Michigan
Session Organizer: Marion W. Dixon, Point Park University
4405. Thematic Sessions. Mapping the Future of Work:
Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 3, Lobby Level,
Presider: Nancy DiTomaso, Rutgers Business School--Newark and
New Brunswick
Panelists: Nancy DiTomaso, Rutgers Business School--Newark
and New Brunswick; Chris Tilly, University of California Los
Angeles; Steven Vallas, Northeastern University
Session Organizer: Arne L. Kalleberg, University of North Carolina-
Chapel Hill
4406. Thematic Sessions. The Rise and Fall of Unions
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 4, Lobby Level,
Presider: Jake Rosenfeld, Washington University-St. Louis
Panelists: Laura Bucci, St. Joseph’s University; Nathan Wilmers,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Lane Windham,
Georgetown University; Kim Voss, University of California-
Session Organizer: Jake Rosenfeld, Washington University-St. Louis
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
4407. Special Sessions. What Does Post-Democratic Participation
Look Like?
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 5, Lobby Level,
Presider: David S. Meyer, University of California-Irvine
Panelists: Meredith Clark, University of Virginia; Cynthia Miller-
Idriss, American University; Zeynep Tufekci, University of North
Discussant: Kathleen M. Blee, University of Pittsburgh
Session Organizer: Caroline W. Lee, Lafayette College
4408. Section on Race, Gender, and Class. Centering Sexuality in
Race, Gender, and Class
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 6, Lobby Level,
Presider: Shannon Malone Gonzalez, The University of Texas at
“Bring Your Straight Friends”: Black-White Differences in Identity
Threat and Role Distancing in LGBT-Affirming Churches -
Austin C. Lee, University of Pennsylvania
Queers Bash Back: LGBTQ Gun Owners in the United States -
Thatcher Combs, University of Texas at Austin
Multiculturalism and Muslim Immigrants’ Attitudes Towards
Homosexuality - Akira Igarashi, Tohoku University
It’s All about the ‘Bezness’: Race, Gender, and Perceived
Authenticity of Relationships in 90 Day Fiancé - Julia
Meszaros, Texas A&M University-Commerce; Zachary Palmer
Session Organizer: Shantel Gabrieal Buggs, Florida State University
4409. Section on Medical Sociology. Expanding Diversity of
Biosocial Research: Opportunities and Challenges
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Golden Gate 7, Lobby Level,
Presider: Bridget Goosby, University of Texas-Austin
Mediators of Neighborhood Disadvantage on Youth Brain
Development: Social Processes and Physical Exposures -
Arianna Morgan Gard, University of Michigan; Colter Mitchell,
University of Michigan; Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, Teachers College;
Sara S. McLanahan, Princeton University; Christopher Monk,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; Luke Hyde, University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor
Racism and Causal Inference: Identifying the Life Course
Determinants of Racial Disparities in Adult Cardiometabolic
Risk - Nick Graetz, University of Pennsylvania; Courtney E.
Boen, University of Pennsylvania
Sex/Gender in the Brain: Is Neuroplasticity the New
Neurodeterminism? - Franklynn Bartol, University of Toronto
Social Disadvantages and Changes in Methylation in Children and
Adolescents - Colter Mitchell, University of Michigan
Discussant: Bridget Goosby, University of Texas-Austin
Session Organizers: Bridget Goosby, University of Texas-Austin;
Jacob E. Cheadle, The University of Texas at Austin
4415. Policy and Research Workshop. The Sociology of Worker
Ownership: New Data Sets and Research Approaches
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 1, Ballroom Level,
Leaders: Janet Boguslaw, Brandeis University; Adria L. Scharf,
Rutgers University; Laura Hanson Schlachter, University of
Wisconsin-Madison; Sarah Reibstein, Princeton University;
Nancy Wiefek, National Center for Employee Ownership
Session Organizers: Joseph Raphael Blasi, Rutgers University; Joyce
Rothschild, Virginia Tech
4417. Theory Section. Heretical Theories
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 3, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Sarah Quinn, University of Washington
Beneath the Veil: The Du Boisian Flame and the Psychic Life of
Race - Freeden Blume Oeur, Tufts University
Iconoclasm as Heretical Meaning-Making: Bringing Animism Back
into Social Theory - Fiona Greenland, University of Virginia
Kafka's Sociology: On the Relationship Between Power and
Authority - Isaac Ariail Reed, University of Virginia
The Unfinished Project of Human Ecology: The Emotional Dynamic
of an Unsuccessful Theorizing Dyad - Marcin Serafin, Polish
Academy of Sciences
Session Organizer: Sarah Quinn, University of Washington
4419. Section on Sociology of Emotions. Cutting Edge Research
on the Sociology of Emotions II
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 7, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Kayla Danielle Russell Pierce, University of Notre Dame
Beyond the Rape “Victim”-“Survivor” Binary: How Race, Gender,
and Identity Processes Interact to Shape Distress - Kaitlin M.
Boyle, University of South Carolina-Columbia; Kimberly Brooke
Rogers, Dartmouth College
Programming Affect as Memory: Creating Virtual Interaction
Profiles to Confirm Self-Sentiments in Dementia Care - Linda
E. Francis, Cleveland State University; Mary Step, Kent State
University; Moojan Ghafurian, University of Waterloo; Julie
Robillard, University of British Columbia; Jesse Hoey
The Aesthetic Dimensions of Science: Scientists' Experiences
of Awe, Wonder and Beauty in Four Countries - Brandon
Vaidyanathan, Catholic University of America; Peter Varga,
William and Mary
What Generates Differences in Subjective Well-Being Among
European Countries? Exploring Latent Structure of Life
Satisfaction - Naoki Sudo, Gakushuin University
Session Organizers: Lisa Slattery Walker, University of North
Carolina-Charlotte; Jessica L. Collett, University of California-
Los Angeles
4420. Section on Collective Behavior and Social Movements.
Leverage and Disruption: What does the evidence say?
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 8, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Juhi Tyagi, Azim Premji University, India
Demands for Jobs and Police Response: Less Leverage, More
Violence? - Fernanda Raquel Page Poma, Universidad Nacional
de San Martín
Hitting the Bottom Line: The Importance of Material Conflict and
Market Disruption for Social Movement Success - Benjamin
Steinhardt Case, University of Pittsburgh; Tarun Banerjee,
University of Pittsburgh
How Disruption Creates Leverage for Negotiation: The Origins of
Neighborhood Housing Services, Inc. - Daniel G. McClymonds,
University of Pittsburgh
Pitting the Working-Class Against Itself: Strikebreaking and Strike
Outcomes in the Early U.S. Labor Movement - Larry W. Isaac,
Vanderbilt University; Rachel G. McKane, Vanderbilt University;
Anna W. Jacobs, Vanderbilt University
The (In)visibility Dance: Student Protest in Chile and Decision-
Making Process Between Different Forms of Disruption
- Gabriela Gonzalez Vaillant, Universidad de la República;
Michael Schwartz, Stony Brook University
Discussant: Michael Schwartz, Stony Brook University
Session Organizers: Joshua Murray, Vanderbilt University; Gabriela
Gonzalez Vaillant, Universidad de la República
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
4421. Section on Evolution, Biology, and Society. Genes, Brains
and Society: Connecting Our Evolutionary Past to Our
Societal Present
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Continental 9, Ballroom Level,
Presider: Bryce Paul Warren Ritt, University of California Riverside
An Evolutionary Theory of Inequality - Kenneth Hudson, University
of South Alabama
Childhood Family Arrangements and Adult Sibling Relationship
Quality: A Test of an Extended Westermarck Hypothesis - Antti
Olavi Tanskanen, University of Turku; Mirkka Danielsbacka,
University of Turku
Socioeconomic and Genomic Roots of Verbal Ability - Guang Guo,
University of North Carolina
Sociology and Evolutionary Biology: Time to Reconsider the
Connection - Russell K. Schutt, University of Massachusetts
Boston; Jonathan H. Turner, Univ of California, Santa Barbara
and Riverside; Matcheri S. Keshavan MD, Harvard Medical School
Discussant: Joel Aaron Winegar, UCR
Session Organizer: Rengin Bahar Firat, University of California,
4423. Meeting. 2019-2020 ASA Council
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Imperial B, Ballroom Level,
4425. Meeting. Rose Series in Sociology Editorial Board
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Franciscan D, Ballroom Level,
4426. Meeting. Socius Editorial Board
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Yosemite A, Ballroom Level,
4428. Meeting. Contexts Editorial Board
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Yosemite C, Ballroom Level,
4429. Regular Sessions. Jobs, Occupations, and Professions
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 1, 4th Floor,
Presider: Natasha Dione Hagaman-Cummins, University of
California, Merced
Department Climate for Faculty at Liberal Arts Colleges - Catherine
White Berheide, Skidmore College
Idealized Professional Identity Projection: Client Treatment
Practices in Response to Unmet Professional Expectations -
Julia DiBenigno, Yale University
Learning to Discriminate? The Role of Race and Education in
Occupational Prestige Judgments - Lauren Valentino, Duke
Reproducing Inequality in Organizations: Gender, Race, and
Promotion Up the Dual Career Ladder - Christianne Corbett,
Stanford University; Katherine Wullert, Stanford University;
Shannon Gilmartin, Stanford University; Caroline Simard,
Stanford University
The Impossible Expert: How Unemployed Workers Become
Professional Career Coaches - Patrick Sheehan, University of
Texas at Austin
Session Organizer: Sharla N. Alegria, University of Toronto
4430. Section on Sociology of Body and Embodiment. Embodied
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 3, 4th Floor,
Presider: Kelly Underman, Drexel University
Panelist: Kristen Barber, Southern Illinois University-Carbondale
Race, Resistance and Transnational Circuits in Body Labor - Miliann
Kang, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Beauty Pays at Work, But Why? - Ashley E. Mears, Boston
“It’s Kinda Hard Out Here for a Unicorn”: Transmasculine and Non-
binary Escorts, Cissexism, Embodiment, and Transnational
Workplace Inequalities - Angela Jones, SUNY-Farmingdale
Session Organizer: Kelly Underman, Drexel University
4431. Section on Communication, Information Technologies, and
Media Sociology. Digital and Legacy Media: Rethinking
Social Processes
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 5, 4th Floor,
Presider: Laura Robinson, Santa Clara University
Digital Reentry: Uses of and Barriers to ICTs in the Prisoner Reentry
Process - Bianca Christin Reisdorf, University of North Carolina
at Charlotte; Julia DeCook, Loyola University Chicago; Megan
Foster, University of North Carolina at Charlotte; Jennifer
Cobbina, Michigan State University; Ashleigh LaCourse,
Michigan State University
Emerging Media Convergence in the Democratic Republic of
Congo: Precarious Access to Information in Developing
Contexts - Apryl A. Williams, Harvard University; Ben Tkach,
Mississippi State University
Sexting with Friends: Gender, Technology, and the Evolution of
Platonic Bonding Rituals - Morgan Johnstonbaugh, University
of Arizona
Understanding Collective Attention Processes Through Wikipedia
- Nicolas Baya-Laffite, Université de Lausanne; Ogier Maitre,
STSLab, Université de Lausanne; Boris Beaude, STSLab,
Université de Lausanne
Session Organizer: Anabel Quan-Haase, Western University
4436. Regular Sessions. Consumers and Consumerism
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 13, 4th Floor,
Presider: Jennifer Smith Maguire, Sheffield Hallam University
A Category as Cultural Production: The Transformation of Taste in
the U.S. Wine Industry - Ai Hisano, Kyoto University; Nathaniel
Gray Chapman, Arkansas Tech University
Employing Computational Methods to Assess How Craft
Organizations Impact Sentiments toward Mass Producing
Firms - Dajuan Ferrell, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Globalization, Consumption, and Ayahuasca: Investigating
Ayahuasca Retreats in Peru and the United States - Joseph
Brown, UNC-Wilmington
Race and the Ascendance of the Electric Guitar in the United
States, 1955-1982. - Ali Chaudhary, Rutgers University-New
Investigating Consumption and Cultural Changes in Modern China
Through Consumers’ Relationship to the West (1920-2020) -
Jing Huang
Session Organizer: Daniel G. Fridman, University of Texas-Austin
4437. Regular Sessions. Work, Family, and Inequality in the US
and Europe
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 14, 4th Floor,
Presider: Jennifer L. Hook, University of Southern California
Attitudes About Paid Parental Leave in the U.S. - Qi Li, The Ohio
State University; Chris Knoester, Ohio State University; Richard
J. Petts, Ball State University
Gender, Family, and Health Behaviors After a Job Loss - Sarah
Damaske, Pennsylvania State University
National Family Policies and the Occupational Segregation of
Women and Mothers in European Countries, 1999–2016 -
Jennifer L. Hook, University of Southern California; Eunjeong
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Paek, University of Southern California; Meiying Li, University
of Southern California; Cotter Brigid, University of Southern
Bringing it on Themselves: How Gender, Race, and Class Shape
Perceptions of Workers as Discrimination Victims - Lindsey
Trimble O'Connor, California State University-Channel Islands;
Julie A. Kmec, Washington State University
Marriage, Women’s Work Trajectories & Family Income in Three
Countries - Patricia A. McManus, Indiana University
Session Organizer: Caitlyn Collins, Washington University-St. Louis
4438. Regular Sessions. Gender Essentialism, Biases, and
Exclusion in Professions
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 15, 4th Floor,
Presider: Kumiko Nemoto, Kyoto University of Foreign Studies
“My Problem’s Not That I’m Gay; My Problem is that I’m a Woman”
- Catherine Connell, Boston University
Femininity Anchors: Heterosexual Relationships and Pregnancy
as Sites of Harassment for U.S. Service Women - Stephanie
Bonnes, University of Colorado, Boulder
Paying Attention to Tension. Towards a New Understanding of
the Organizational Mechanisms Enabling Sexual Harassment
- Beate Slok-Andersen, Copenhagen Business School; Bontu
Lucie Guschke, PhD Fellow, Copenhagen Business School,
“You Go Girl!”: Essentialism in Success-At-Work Books for Women
- Patti A. Giuffre, Texas State University; Gretchen R. Webber,
Middle Tennessee State University
Dirty Work to Dirty Workplaces: Gender, Class, and Territorial
Stigmatization in Beauty and Retail Work - Sidra Kamran, The
New School
Session Organizer: Kumiko Nemoto, Kyoto University of Foreign
4439. Regular Sessions. Socially Constructed Ideology and
Wealth Building Pathways
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 17, 4th Floor,
Presider: Ruth E. Zambrana, University of Maryland
Black Students’ Suggestions for an “Inclusive” & “Excellent” HPWI
in Southeast Georgia - Alicia L. Brunson, Georgia Southern
“He Was Always Neat and Clean”: Selection Practices for
Integrating Historically-White Schools - Ashleigh Imani
Cartwright, University of Pennsylvania
The Diversity Contract: Constructing Racial Harmony in a Diverse
American Suburb - Kiara Wyndham Douds, New York
Wealth Begins at Home: A Historical Analysis of the GI Bill and
Racial Inequality in Homeownership - Chinyere O. Agbai,
Brown University
Discussant: David G. Embrick, University of Connecticut
Session Organizer: Ruth E. Zambrana, University of Maryland
4441. Regular Sessions. Race and Ethnicity II: Racialization and
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 23, 4th Floor,
Presider: SunAh Marie Laybourn, University of Memphis
Clean White Cotton: Race and the Paradoxes of Purity in Organic
Agriculture in Burkina Faso - Jessie K. Luna, Colorado State
University; Becca Clark-Hargreaves, Colorado State University
The Police Force: Gender, Race, and Use-of-Force Training -
Samantha Jones Simon, University of Texas at Austin
From Homeplace to White Space - Shani Adia Evans, Swarthmore
How Race and Ethnicity Structure Identity Narratives of Jews by
Choice - Emma Beth Lesser, University of Connecticut
Revisiting the Marginal Man: Bridging Immigration Scholarship and
Mixed Race Studies - Alyssa Marie Newman, Harvey Mudd
Session Organizer: Jennifer C. Mueller, Skidmore College
4442. Regular Sessions. Transgender Studies
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 25, 4th Floor,
Presider: Mael Embser-Herbert, Hamline University
Accounting for Gender in Virtual Worlds - Spencer A. Garrison,
University of Michigan
Bathroom Battles: Public Perceptions of Transgender Rights and
the Making of Sex and Gender - Emily Kazyak, University of
Nebraska-Lincoln; Kelsy Burke, University of Nebraska Lincoln;
Rosalind Kichler, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Bathroom Messaging, Fear, and the Politics of Gendered
Vulnerability - Erika Slaymaker, University of Texas
Preclusive Portals: The Spatial Stakes of "Determining Gender" in
Binary-Gendered Restrooms and Locker Rooms - Ali Greey,
University of Toronto
Queering Labor: Fostering More Equitable Intimate Labor in Trans/
Nonbinary Intimate Relationships - Alithia Zamantakis, Georgia
State University
Session Organizer: J. E. Sumerau, University of Tampa
4443. Regular Sessions. Where Research Meets Key Practice and
Policy Decisions at the State and National Levels
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 1, 6th Floor,
Presider: Laura Wentworth, California Education Partners
Can We Legislate to Increase Schedule Predictability? Analyzing
Oregon's Fair Work Week Legislation - Lola Loustaunau,
University of Oregon; Larissa Petrucci, University of Oregon;
Ellen K. Scott, University of Oregon; Lina Stepick, UO Labor
Education & Research Center
Impacts of Targeted Xenophobic Signals On Entries of Non-
Targeted Nationalities Into the US - Jacob Richard Thomas,
University of California-Los Angeles
The Decennial Census: Counting Everyone Once, Only Once, and in
the Right Place - Alexandra Krause, U.S. Census Bureau; Jason
Devine, US Census Bureau; Christine Borman, U.S. Census
Discussant: Emily K. Penner, University of California, Irvine
Session Organizer: Laura Wentworth, California Education Partners
4444. Regular Sessions. Care Work and Caring Labor
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 2, 6th Floor,
Presider: Lauren Gebhardt-Kram, The Ohio State University
“Willing to Do Anything for My Kids”: Diapers, Inventive Mothering,
and Invisible Inequalities of Carework - Jennifer Randles,
California State University-Fresno
Does Care Count for Less? A Longitudinal Analysis of Care Work
Wages in Canada, 1993-2015 - Naomi Lightman, University of
Family Waypoints: Sustainability of Childrearing Routines -
Elizabeth Mary Talbert, Stanford University
Gendered Parenting Expectations in Child Custody Decisions -
Taylor Orth, Stanford University
The Racialized Glass Escalator and Safety Net: Job Quality in
“Meds and Eds” Among Working-Class Men - Janette S. Dill,
University of Minnesota; Melissa Hodges, Villanova University
Session Organizer: Priya Fielding-Singh, Stanford University
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
4445. Regular Sessions. Elite Networks and Elite Viewpoints
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 4, 6th Floor,
Presider: Adrienne Lee Atterberry, Syracuse University
Analysing the Autonomy and Cohesion of US Financial Elites
Through Careers - Felix Bühlmann; Lena Ajdacic, University of
Lausanne; Fabien Foureault, University of Lausanne
Exams or Applications? Elite Taiwanese Students’ Perception and
Navigation of College Admissions Systems - Yi-Lin Chiang,
National Chengchi University
The Power Elite in the Welfare State 2012-2017 – Key Institutional
Orders in Danish Power Networks - Christoph Houman
Ellersgaard, Copenhagen Business School; Anton Grau Larsen,
Department of Organization, Copenhagen Business School
'The Value That We Bring’. Systems of Evaluation and Top Income
Earners’ Perceptions of Inequality - Katharina Hecht, University
of Pennsylvania
When Diversity is Desirable: Neighborhood Preferences of Young
White Elites - Hesu Yoon, Stanford University
Session Organizer: Daniel Laurison, Swarthmore College
4446. Regular Sessions. Ethnography
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 6, 6th Floor,
Presider: Prabhdeep Singh Kehal, Brown University
Village Market: Race & Diaspora in Black Suburbia - Orly Clerge,
University of California Davis
Carceral Dissonance: The Contradiction of Ending Homelessness
Through Policing - Korey Tillman, University of Nevada, Las
"You are a Parasite--the Scum of the Earth: The Criminalization
of Everyday Life" - Ragini Saira Malhotra, University of
Inclusion in Indignity: Seeing the State and Becoming Homeowner-
Citizens in Chile’s Social Housing - Carter M. Koppelman,
Florida Atlantic University
Renovation Nation: Re-imagining Post-Apartheid South Africa
from Inside Township Homes - Annie Hikido, Colby College
Session Organizer: Elena Shih, Brown University
4447. Regular Sessions. Higher Education Transitions:
Application, acceptance, and the first year
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 8, 6th Floor,
Presider: Katherine McClelland, Franklin and Marshall College
Application Essays and the Performance of Merit in US Selective
Admissions - Ben Hidru Gebre-Medhin, Stanford University;
AJ Alvero, Stanford GSE; Anthony Lising Antonio, Stanford
University; Noah Arthurs, Stanford University; Ben Domingue,
Stanford Graduate School of Education; Sonia Giebel, Stanford
Coming Out (or not) on College Applications: Institutional and
Interpersonal Dimensions of Disclosing LGBQ+ Identities -
Nella Van Dyke, University of California-Merced; Natasha Dione
Hagaman-Cummins, University of California, Merced; Hala
Alnagar, University of California, Merced; Irenee R. Beattie,
University of California-Merced
When College Expectations and Reality Mismatch: Examining
Racial Differences in Postsecondary Expectations and College
Choice - Hannah Tessler, Yale University
Exploring and Explaining Racialized Admission Practices at
Selective Colleges Between 1999 and 2019 - Amy Petts,
Class on Campus: Investigating Transitions and Perceptions
of Belonging Among First-Generation, Low-Income, and/
or Working-Class Students - Debbie Warnock, Bennington
College; Eve Mefferd, Bennington College
Session Organizer: Elizabeth M. Lee, Saint Joseph's University
4448. Regular Sessions. The Politics of Childbirth
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Nob Hill 10, 6th Floor,
Presider: Kelly McNamara, Texas A&M
Countervailing Powers in the Labor Room: The Doula-Doctor
Relationship in the United States - Crystal M. Adams
Gendered Violence: Connecting Sexual Assault Trauma and
Coerced Obstetrical Procedures - Theresa Morris, Texas A&M
University-College Station; Joan H. Robinson, Columbia
University; Keridwyn Spiller, Unaffiliated; Amanda Gomez,
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
The Enduring Impact of Birth: Women’s Birth Perceptions,
Postpartum Depressive Symptoms, and Postpartum
Depression Risk - Katherine M. Johnson, Tulane University;
Annie Thai, Tulane University; Sarah Kington, Tulane University
The Paradox of Advanced Maternal Age: Women’s Experiences
with First Births after Age 35 - Emily S. Mann, University of
South Carolina-Columbia; Dana A. Berkowitz, Louisiana State
Women's Labor and Birth Experiences: Why Hospitals Matter -
Kelly McNamara, Texas A&M
Session Organizer: Kellie Owens, University of Pennsylvania
4451. Meeting. Section on Sociology of Education Business
Parc55, Embarcadero, Level 3, 2:30-3:10pm
4452. Section on International Migration. Technologies of
Migration Control
Parc55, Cyril Magnin I, Level 4, 2:30-4:10pm
Presiders: Angelina Godoy; Helen H. Jackson, Department of Law,
Societies & Justice; University of Washington
Citizenship off the Menu: Emigrant Membership and State
Sovereignty in China - Jiaqi Liu, University of California, San
Civil Society as Agents of Migration Control in Canada’s Private
Sponsorship of Refugees Program - Ian Van Haren, McGill
The Noncitizen’s Dilemma: Legal Visibility to Record-Keeping
Institutions in an Era of Mass Deportability - Asad L. Asad,
Stanford University
Session Organizers: Jane Lilly Lopez, Brigham Young University-
Provo; Rawan Arar, University of Washington
4454. Section on Sociology of Development. Populism,
Democracy, and Development
Parc55, Cyril Magnin III, Level 4, 2:30-4:10pm
Presider: Firuzeh Shokooh Shokooh-Valle, Franklin & Marshall
The Age of Reaction: Retrenchment Populism in India and Brazil -
Patrick G. Heller, Brown University
Capital Exports with Chinese Characteristics? Strongmen and Elites
in the Philippines - Alvin Camba, Johns Hopkins University;
Shirley Michelle Lung, The Johns Hopkins University
Varieties of Dependency, Varieties of Illiberalism: The Crisis of
Democracy in East-Central Europe - Gabor Scheiring, Bocconi
State-Dependent Civil Society: The European Union,
Authoritarianism, and Civil Society Capture in Croatia - Laura
J. Heideman, Northern Illinois University
Session Organizer: Jennifer Keahey, Arizona State University-West
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Tuesday, 3:10 pm
4451. Section on Sociology of Education Refereed Roundtables
Parc55, Embarcadero, Level 3, 3:10-4:10pm
Session Organizers: Karen Phelan Kozlowski, University of Southern
Mississippi; Angran Li, Zhejiang University
Table 1: Racialization in School
Table Presider: Callie Cleckner, Indiana University
Another Brick in the Wall: Neo-Nazis in School and Teachers’
Strategies for Handling Racism - Christer Mattsson, University
of Gothenburg; Thomas Johansson, Univeristy of Gothenburg
The Segerstedt institute
Endorsing and Evading the Diversity Imperative: How Middle-Class
White Undergraduates Make Sense of Racial Equity - Callie
Cleckner, Indiana University
“Maybe I’m Disruptive, But I’m Not Disrespectful!”: The Student
View of (Dis)Respect - Heidi L. Schneider, Adams State
Racial Learning and Teacher Leadership in a California High School
- Karen V. Hansen, Brandeis University; Nicholas Charles
Monroe, Brandeis University
White Teacher Engagement with District Racial Discourse - Joy
Esboldt, University of California Berkeley
Table 2: Teaching and Administrative Practice
Table Presider: Brian R. Fitzpatrick, University of Notre Dame
Avoiding the Topic: Teacher Math Anxiety and Opportunities to
Learn Math in General Education, Elementary Classrooms -
Brian R. Fitzpatrick, University of Notre Dame; Serena Salloum,
Ball State University
Teachers' Contribution to Stratification Under Teacher Evaluation
Pressure - Jihyun Kim, Lehigh University; Qinyun Lin,
University of Chicago
The Cost of Efficiency: The High School Counselor Trade-Off - Mary
Kate Blake, Valparaiso University
The “Dog and Pony Show”: How Principals Make Sense of Teacher
Evaluation Policies Through Instantiated Recoupling -
Christopher P. Duncan, DePaul University; Judson G. Everitt,
Loyola University-Chicago
Understanding Preservice Teachers’ Self-Efficacy Through Mixed
Reality Simulation - Stephanie Renee Anckle, UTRGV; Hitomi
Kambara, UTRGV
Table 3: Disability Inequality
Table Presider: Jayanti Johanna Owens, Brown University
Problematizing Perceptions of STEM Potential for Youth with
Cognitive Disabilities - Dara Shifrer, Portland State University;
Daniel Mackin Freeman, Portland State University
Racial-Ethnic Differences in Educational Trajectories for Individuals
With Cognitive Impairments: The Case of Intellectual Disability
- Erin Mary Bisesti, Syracuse University; Scott D. Landes,
Syracuse University
Table 4: Segregation and Integration
Table Presider: Alexandra C. Cooperstock, Cornell University
Crafting Class: The Gentrifying Effect of Language Immersion -
Edward Watson, University of California - Irvine
Rethinking the Role of Ideas in Policy: Explaining the Origins of
School Integration - Fithawee Tzeggai, Univ of California
The Demographics of School District Secession - Alexandra C.
Cooperstock, Cornell University
Table 5: School Discipline
Table Presider: Horace Joseph Duffy, Rice University
Changing Contexts: A Quasi-Experiment Examining Adolescent
Delinquency and the Transition to High School - Brittany
N. Freelin, Pennsylvania State University; Cassie McMillan,
Pennsylvania State University; Diane H. Felmlee, Pennsylvania
State University; D. Wayne Osgood, Pennsylvania State
Cycles of Punishment: The Bidirectional Relationship Between
School Suspensions and Juvenile Justice Contact - Horace
Joseph Duffy, Rice University
Exploring How School Discipline and Special Education Practices
Impact Adolescent Delinquency - David Michael Ramey,
Pennsylvania State University
Table 6: Cultural Capital and Family Socialization
Table Presider: Vanessa Delgado, University of California, Irvine
An Inheritance or Individual Merit? The Determinants of the
Family’s Cultural Capital - Petra Raudenská, Institute of
Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences; Kristýna Bašná,
Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Class Variation in Chinese Immigrant Parents’ Technology
Negotiation with Their Children - Lu Zhou, University of
Decoding the Hidden Curriculum: Latino/a First Generation
College Students’ Influence on Younger Siblings’ Educational
Trajectory - Vanessa Delgado, University of California, Irvine
Does the “Book Effect” on Educational Attainment differ by
Race and Ethnicity? - James Michael Ragsdale, University of
Nevada, Reno
Table 7: Discrimination and Social Reproduction
Table Presider: Christine Min Wotipka, Stanford University
Discrimination All Around: Examining Social and Academic
Consequences of Social Identity Discrimination in Higher
Education - Rachel Maller, The University of Iowa; KaLeigh
K. White, University of Iowa; Sarah K. Bruch, University of
Institutional Racism in Undergraduate STEM Education
Interventions - Emily Daina Saras, Florida State University
School Supports, Community Context, and the Educational
Experiences of LGBTQ Youth - Jennifer Pearson, Wichita State
University; Lindsey Wilkinson, Portland State University
The Effect of LGBT Anti-Discrimination Laws on School Climate
and Outcomes for LGBT High School Students - Xavier Justice
Fields, SRI International; Christine Min Wotipka, Stanford
The Social Reproduction of Science Education Outcomes for
Minority High School Students - Aurel Harrison Diamond,
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Table 8: Teachers, Schools, and Health
Table Presider: Nicole Solanges Malette, University of British
Divided Help?: Disparities in Canadian and American College
Student Mental Health Service-Use - Nicole Solanges Malette,
University of British Columbia
The Causal Effect of Single-Sex Education on the Physical and
Psychological Health of Korean Adolescents - Ekaterina
Baldina, Yonsei University
What’s in a Label? The Long-Term Effects of Student Labels - Tanya
Sanabria, California State University Los Angeles
Table 9: Power of Parents, Programs, and Policies
Table Presider: Daniel Mackin Freeman, Portland State University
A Comparison of Parent-Led Nonprofits in Selective Public High
Schools of Choice - Eleanor Lake Harris, Mount Holyoke
An Investigation of the Impact of High School Fine Arts Course
Accumulation on Mathematics Course Achievement - Daniel
Mackin Freeman, Portland State University; Dara Shifrer,
Portland State University
Gaming the Accountability System through Alternative School
Transfers? Evidence from a Comparative Interrupted Time
Series Analysis - Kenya Lee
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Institutionalizing Elite Sports in Danish Public Schools: Processes
of Contractualization and Accountability - David Karen, Bryn
Mawr College; Lotte Stausgaard Skrubbeltrang, Aalborg
University; Jesper Stilling Olesen, Aarhus University; Jens
Christian Nielsen, Aarhus University
Table 10: School Context
Table Presider: Martha Moreno, New York University
Grade Retention and Academic Self-Concept: A Multilevel Analysis
Towards the Effects of Schools’ Retention Composition - Timo
Van Canegem, Ghent University; Mieke Van Houtte, Ghent
University; Jannick Demanet, Ghent University
Latino Parents’ Perceptions of Charter School Choice as a
Facilitator of Upward Mobility - Julia Colleen Campbell Szabo,
Rice University
Sorting Schools: A Computational Analysis of Charter School
Identities and Stratification - Jaren Randell Haber, University of
California, Berkeley
The Importance of School English Language Learner (ELLs)
Composition for High School ELLs - Hua-Yu Sebastian Cherng,
New York University; Ying Lu, New York University; Martha
Moreno, New York University
Table 11: Determinants of STEM Attitudes and Choices
Table Presider: Ran Liu, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Do Grittier Students Persist in STEM? A Comparison of Three
Institutions - Emma D. Cohen, Indiana University
Math and Science Identity Change and Switching of STEM College
Majors - Yingyi Ma, Syracuse University; Shiyang Xiao,
Syracuse University
The Gendering Effects of National and Family Affluence on Student
STEM Attitudes and Aspirations - Ran Liu, University of
The Implications of Gender, Achievement, and Attitudes in STEM
Major Pathways - Ned Tilbrook, Portland State University;
Sarah Kyte, University of Arizona; Dara Shifrer, Portland State
Why Students Avoid Majoring in STEM in NC? - Martha Cecilia
Bottia, University of North Carolina at Charlotte; Elizabeth
Stearns, University of North Carolina-Charlotte; Roslyn A.
Mickelson, University of North Carolina-Charlotte
Table 12: Gender Inequality
Table Presider: Abby Young, University of Oklahoma
Gender Bias in Academic Recruitment? Experimental Evidence
from the Nordic Region - Arnfinn H. Midtboen, Institute for
Social Research, Oslo; Magnus Carlsson, Linneus University,
Sweden; Henning Finseraas, Norwegian University of Science
and Technology; Gudbjorg Linda Rafnsdottir, The University of
Iceland. Faculty of Social and Human Sciences
How Inclusive are STEM Doctorate Fields? - Yun Kyung Cho,
University of Wisconsin - Madison
The Best Laid Plans of Women and Men: Gender Trends in Graduate
School Expectations - Abby Young, University of Oklahoma
The Women Faculty Factor: Gender Integration in Undergraduate
STEM Education - Emily Daina Saras, Florida State University;
Lara Perez-Felkner, Florida State University; Kristen Erichsen,
Florida State University
Teacher Stereotypes in STEM: Results From a Vignette Study - Ida
Gran Andersen, Aarhus University
Table 13: Is College Worth It?
Table Presider: Susan M. Cunningham, Holy Cross College
Do Lower Tuition Fees Expand Opportunities for Higher Education?
A Study of University Choices in Japan - Wataru Nakazawa,
Rikkyo University
Family Background and Student Loan Repayment After Graduation
- Byeongdon Oh, University of Kansas; ChangHwan Kim,
University of Kansas
Table 14: Selective Post-Secondary Institutions
Table Presider: Nora Gross, University of Pennsylvania
Inequalities in the Search Phase of the College-going Process: How
Class Background Shapes Selective College Plans - Wesley
Jeffrey, University of California, Irvine
‘My School is so Accepting That They Alienate the Mainstream’:
White Fragility at Elite Schools - Nora Gross, University of
Pennsylvania; Ellen Bryer, University of Pennsylvania; Charlotte
Jacobs, University of Pennsylvania
“Scripting” Race Talk: Civilized Diversity Discourse at an Elite
College - Ingrid Nelson, Bowdoin College
Through the Side Door: Explaining Legacy Preference in
Admissions at an Elite U.S. College - Emilio J. Castilla,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Ethan J. Poskanzer
Table 15: Pathways to College
Table Presider: Amanda J. Brockman, Vanderbilt University
College and Capital: Conceptualizing and Testing Key Educational
Concepts in the College Admissions Context - Amanda J.
Brockman, Vanderbilt University
College Going in the Era of High Expectations: Racial/Ethnic
Disparities in College Enrollment, 2006-2015 - Amber Dyan
Villalobos, University of California, Los Angeles
Family Socioeconomic Status and College Attendance: Considering
Individual-Level and School-Level Associations - James
Tompsett, The Ohio State University; Chris Knoester, Ohio
State University
Pathways to College Admission: Student Strategies and Class
Variations in Activating Cultural Knowledge in Taiwan - Ruo-
Fan Liu, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Table 16: Social Patterns, Problems, and Change in Academia
Table Presider: Shaun Wesley Best, Challenged Conquistadors, Inc.
Are the Humanities Dying and, if so, Why? - Dennis Ahlburg, Trinity
University; John Huston, Trinity University; Evan Roberts,
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Brexit and the EU Academic System. A Case Study in Austria -
Helmut Staubmann, University of Innsbruck; Veronika Riedl,
University of Innsbruck
Collusion or Cooperation?: What Begets Joint Research in
Academia - Ho-Dae Chong, Duksung Women's University;
Jong-Kil Kim, Duksung Women's University
Engaged Scholarship as Epistemic Exclusion in Faculty
Recruitment: Computational Classifications - Jessica Gold,
University of California, Davis
Table 17: Advanced Degrees and Social Mobility
Table Presider: Yun Cha, University of Pennsylvania
Are Graduate Degrees the New Meritocratic Equalizer? - Steven
G. Brint, University of California-Riverside; Ali Ogulcan Ilhan,
Ozyegin University
Examining the Academia-Industry Connections of Social Science
PhDs - Brittany Etmanski, University of Waterloo
Intergenerational Reproduction of Advanced Degrees in a Period
of Graduate Education Expansion - Yun Cha, University of
Table 18: Higher Education: Diversity and Institutional Context
Table Presider: Gertrude Robin Gauthier, University of Nebraska-
Cautionary Stories of University Indigenization: Institutional
Dynamics, Accountability Struggles, and Resilient Settler
Colonial Power - Erich W. Steinman, Pitzer College; Scott
Scoggins, Anahuacalmecac Prepatario
How College Makes Liberals (or Conservatives) - Tamkinat Rauf,
Stanford University
“Ivory Tower” or “Tower of Babylon”? The Impact of Multilingualism
on Israeli Higher Education Organizations, 2000-2018 - Ravit
Mizrahi-Shtelman, Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Gili S.
Drori, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Session 4451, continued
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
The Civil Rights Movement, 1963, and the Transformation of
the Diversity Rationale - Anthony S. Chen, Northwestern
University; Lisa Michele Stulberg, New York University
Unsettling Sociology Interrogating White Supremacy, Educating for
Critical Consciousness, and Praxis - Jennifer de Saxe, Victoria
University of Wellington
Table 19: Higher Education: Unequal Outcomes
Table Presider: Sean Waite, University of Western Ontario
Between-Field Wage Differences in Central and Eastern European
Countries: Role of Gender and Cognitive Skills - Petra
Raudenská, Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of
Going Back For Less: Downward Educational Aspirations and Labor
Market Precarity - Corey Pech, Ohio State University; Steven
H. Lopez, Ohio State University; Laurie Ann Michaels, The Ohio
State University
Pro-Integration Policies and the Occupational Expectations of
Immigrant Youth - Volha Chykina, University of Michigan-Ann
The New Bachelors Degree? Postgraduate Earnings and the
Gender Wage Gap in Canada - Anthony Jehn, University of
Western Ontario; Sean Waite, University of Western Ontario
The Post-College Fortunes of Humanities Graduates - Christopher
Maggio, City University of New York-Graduate Center;
Frederick T. Tucker; Paul A. Attewell, CUNY, Graduate Center
Table 20: Higher Education: Challenges and Barriers
Table Presider: Siqi Han, Columbia University
Passive Engagement? Intercultural Experience of East Asian
International Students at Canadian Universities - Xueqing
Zhang, UBC
Paying to Earn Less? The Financial Consequences of College Non-
Completion - Sarah Payne, University of California, Berkeley
Reimagining Student Success: The Student Sensibility and the Real
Lives of Community College Students - Robin G. Isserles, City
University of New York-Borough of Manhattan Community
The Depth of the River: Student Matriculation Decisions and the
Black-White College Completion Gap - Ethan J. Poskanzer;
Emilio J. Castilla, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
There and Gone: How Inequality Shapes College Attrition - Joelle
Spotswood, University of Kansas
Table 21: Education and Stratification Across the Globe
Table Presider: Lakshmi Jayaram, University of South Florida
Income Inequality, Student Learning, and Socioeconomic Status:
A Cross-National Comparative Analysis - Stephanie M. Arnett,
New Mexico State University; David G. Ortiz, New Mexico State
Migration and Horizontal Stratification in Education in Urban China
- Yiyue Huangfu, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Using Machine Learning to Predict Educational Transitions. An
Application to a Cohort of Chilean Students - Pablo Geraldo
Bastias, UCLA; Bernard Koch, University of California, Los
Angeles; Georgina Garcia-Obledo, UCLA Statistics
Gender Gaps in Educational Pathways in the Czech Republic -
Michael Lee Smith, Economics Institute, Czech Academy of
Table 22: Neighborhood and School
Table Presider: Kiara Millay Nerenberg, Johns Hopkins University
“Oh, the Places You’ll Go:” Neighborhood Economic Diversity and
Children’s Educational Outcomes in New York City - Elena
Vesselinov, City University of New York; Amy Lutz, Syracuse
University; Lance Freeman, Columbia University
When Home is Where the School is: Understanding Residential
Attainment of School Quality - Kiara Millay Nerenberg, Johns
Hopkins University
Table 23: Theorizing Sociology of Education
Table Presider: Karlyn Gorski, University of Chicago
Reproduction and Refraction in the Sociology of Education - Karlyn
Gorski, University of Chicago
Program Schedule • Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Wednesday, 8:00 am
5040. Meeting. 2020-2021 ASA Council
Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Union Square 22, 4th Floor,
Ababiy, Jonathan 2152
Abad, Melissa Victoria 1203, 2424
Abascal, Maria 1554
Abbruzzese, Stephanie 1423
Abdelhadi, Eman 1239
Abdelhady, Dalia 4151
Abdelrahim, Randa 2210
Abdi, Cawo Mohamed 1104
Abdulhadi, Rabab Ibrahim 2122, 2217,
2416, 3562, 4222
Abdulhadi, Rahib 2262
Abdul-Malak, Ynesse 2326, 3422
Abelson, Miriam J. 2406
Abji, Salina 1145, 1445
Abolafia, Mitchel Y. 0331
Aboulhassan, Salam 1451
Abrams, Benjamin 4325
Abrutyn, Seth 1562
Abu-Hazeem, Aliyah 3253
Accominotti, Fabien 1120, 1220, 1520,
2110, 2444, 3231, 3417
Acharya, Kruti 2210
Ackerman, Edwin F. 2122
Ackert, Elizabeth 2152, 3422
Acosta, Katie Linette 2419
Adams, Alison E. 4222
Adams, Colin A. 2322
Adams, Crystal M. 4448
Adams, Julia Potter 4104, 4217
Adams, Richard Edward 2442
Adams, Terri M. 3522
Adams, Tracey Lynn 4151
Adamson, Erin M. 4151
Adams-Santos, Dominique M. 2339, 2422
Adamyk, Natalie Julia 4124
Addo, Fenaba 2261, 3523
Adedokun, Olaide Aderonke 4122
Adem, Muna 4151
Adenugba, Adebimpe Adetutu 2322
Adesina, Adewale L. 1424
Adeyemi, Oluwagbemiga Ezekiel 4122
Adkins, Daniel Eugene 3422
Adler, Gary 3422
Adler, Laura E. 1424
Adler, Laura 1237, 1424, 4246
Adnopoz, Jean 1451
Adrian, Valerie 2124, 3523
Adua, Lazarus 1161, 3522, 4124
Adya, Meera 2326
Aeppli, Clem 3547
Agadjanian, Victor 1248, 4342
Agarwala, Rina 1228
Agbai, Chinyere O. 4247, 4439
Agblevor, Emelia Afi 1561
Agee, Chris 1151
Aguirre, Robert 3448
Agyeman, Julian 3203
Aharoni, Sarai 3128
Ahearn, Caitlin 3123
Ahlburg, Dennis 4451
Ahmad, Mahvish 3562
Ahmed, Fauzia Erfan 4251
Ahmed, Sarah 3144
Ahmmad, Zobayer 1552, 3422
Ahn, Yong-Yeol 3131
Ahram, Roey 1215
Aidala, Angela A. 3124
Aiello, Allison 3146, 4136
Aiello, Emilia 3124
Ajdacic, Lena 4445
Ajunwa, Ifeoma Yvonne 1106
Ak, Onurhan 1543
Akalin, Nilufer 1451
Akchurin, Maria 3525
Akee, Randall 2361
Akers, Aletha 4328
Akova, Feyza 1245, 3125
Alabi, Jessica Ayo 2304
Alabi, Oluwatobi Joseph 3426, 4122
Alac, Morana 0061, 2230, 2330
Alang, Sirry 1144
Alarcon, Rafael G. 1539
Alatorre, Lisa Marie 4320
Alatriste-Diaz, Rodrigo Jaen 3522
Alavez, Marco 1451
Alba, Richard D. 3504
Albertini, Marco 1423
Albrecht, Kat 1517, 2420
Albrecht, Kathryn 1123
Albright, Karen 3124, 3237, 3537
Alcaraz, Melissa 2152
Aldana, Linda 1538
Aldana Marquez, Beatriz 1538
Alderson, Arthur S. 1424
Aldrich, Lindsey Louise 3148
Alegria, Sharla N. 2405, 4429
Aleksanyan, Joshua 1123, 4245
Aleksynska, Mariya 3222
Alemagno, Sonia 1423
Alemi, Qais 2122, 4161
Alemu, Matthew 4237
Alemzadeh, Maryam 2229
Alexander, Amy C. 2422
Alfrey, Lauren 1203
Alharbi, Najwa 3523
Ali, Bilal 4320
Ali, Sanna J. 4125
Ali, Syed Hammad 3125
Ali, Zahra 3128
Aliaga Linares, Lissette 2146
Alibeli, Madalla 3522
Alimahomed-Wilson, Jake 1151, 1421
Alimahomed-Wilson, Sabrina 1436, 2422
Alimi, Eitan Y. 3429
Alinor, Malissa 1436, 2161
Alix, Mirah 4325
Allard, Scott W. 1509
Allen, Amira 3148
Allen, Jason Sean 3522
Allen, Marbella 1448, 2447
Allen, Shaonta 3422
Allen, Terry 1127
Allison, Juliann Emmons 1421
Allison, Rachel Catherine 2147
Allmann, Kira 4125
Almasalkhi, Nadia 2262
Almeida, Paul D. 2122, 3429
Almeling, Rene 3523
Almquist, Zack W. 1243
Alnagar, Hala 4447
Alpan, Duygu 4151
Al-Sholi, Ahmad 2122
Alston-Stepnitz, Eli 3136
Altenberger, Iris
Altman, Claire E. 3523
Altomonte, Guillermina 1122
Altunkol Wise, Fatma 2326
Al-Turk, Akram 1122, 2122
Alvarado, Arturo 1123
Alvarado, Steven Elias 4253
Alvaré, Melissa Archer 1537
Alvarez, Alberto 2122
Alvarez, Camila Huerta 3431, 3522
Alvero, A.J. 4447
Alwishah, Karima 3230
Amaral, Ernesto F. L. 2152, 3123
Amaya, Nicole V. 1416
Ambikar, Rucha 2423
Ambord, Paige 4127, 4222
Ambriz, Denise 4151
Amenta, Edwin 2409
Ames, Morgan G. 2421
Amico, Andrea 3230
Amin, Iftekhar 4122
Amorim, Mariana 2261, 4337
An, Minyoung 3523
Anacker, Katrin B. 2322
Anastario, Michael 3143
Ančić, Branko 4124
Anckle, Stephanie Renee 1226, 4451
Andersen, Ditte 1226
Andersen, Ida Gran 4451
Andersen, Jennifer Audrey 4122
Anderson, D. Augustus 3109
Anderson, Elizabeth Marie 1237, 4122
Anderson, eugene N. 4326
Anderson, Kathryn Freeman 1127, 2322
Anderson, Kathryn 1246, 3422
Anderson, Kevin B. 1230
Anderson, Krister 4122
Andersson, Matthew 1247, 2442
Andrabi, Nafeesa 4122
Andrade, Stephane D. 2109, 3523
Andre, Nick 3248
Andrews, Abigail L. 4151, 4252
Andrews, Kenneth (Andy) 4222
Aneesh, Aneesh 2443
Angel, Jacqueline L. 1210, 1423
Angelo, Hillary 2343
Angotti, Nicole 1261, 2248
Annavarapu, Sneha 4219
Anteby, Michel 4246
Anthis, Jacy Reese 4222, 4325
Anthony, Denise L. 3509
Anthony, Jasmine Marie 1445
Antibas, Gabriela 1424
Antonacci, John Peter 3522
Antonio, Anthony Lising 3422, 4447
Anwary, Afroza 1151
Anyadike-Danes, Chima Michael 1151
Index of Participants
Aparicio, Tania R. 4144
Apel, Robert 3138
Apostolescu, Ruxandra 4153
Aptekar, Sofya 2217, 2315, 2445,
3120, 3420, 4252
Aquino, Taylor 3426
Araghi, Farshad 3554, 4326, 4404
Arahdya, Siddartha 4146
Aranda, Elizabeth M. 1262, 4151
Aranda, Maria 1252
Araos, Malcolm 3522
Arar, Rawan 4151, 4452
Arbeit, Caren 1516, 4347
Ard, Kerry 3431
Arditi, David Michael 1544
Arenas, Erika 4151
Argueta, Ricardo 2122
Armenta, Amada 1217, 1430, 1517
Armstrong, Andrea 4106
Arnett, Stephanie M. 4124, 4451
Aronson, Brian 3131
Arpino, Bruno 3523
Arránz Becker, Oliver 1210, 1448
Arredondo, Aaron 2331, 4252
Arroyo, Julia M. 1226, 4124
Arseniev-Koehler, Alina 1122, 1531,
2131, 3146
Arslan, Melike 1520
Arthurs, Noah 4447
Artis, Julie E. 3523
Arvidsson, Martin 1531
Asad, Asad L. 4452
Asahina, Yuki 3123
Asante, Rabiu K. B. 4125
Asaturian, Daria 1424
Asbury, Victoria Shantrell 2145
Ascherio, Marta 1539
Asefi, Ferdouse 3422
Ashwin, Sarah 2144
Asiedu, Christobel 1261, 3144
Askar, Anas 3522
Atkins, Celeste 2243
Atkinson, Maxine P. 3536
Atterberry, Adrienne Lee 1552, 4445
Attewell, Paul A. 3123, 3222,
3422, 4451
Au, Larry 1542
August, Amy Michelle 1462
Austin, Kelly 4121, 4220
Avalos, Miguel Arturo 3143
Avent-Holt, Dustin 1229, 4239, 4336
Averill, Christian 1503
Averitt-Hubbard, Sally A. 2122
Avishai, Orit 3161, 4142
Avrahampour, Yally 1424
Awoniyi, Paul Olugbenga 3123
Awwad, Amani Michael 1422
Axxe, Erick 1110, 1543
Ayala-Hurtado, Elena 1237, 3244
Ayers, Katherine Elizabeth 1252
Ayres, Fabio José 1424
Aysa-Lastra, Maria 4151, 4361
Azab, Marian 4222
Azambuja, Lucas Sorzano 4251
Aziz, Hemin Khzir 4222
Baber, Ashley 1451
Babineau, Kathryn C. 1129
Bachmeier, James Dean 2152
Bacon, J. M. 1426, 4222
Bacon, Rachel J. 4122
Badawy, Philip James 1452, 4317
Badgett, M.V. Lee 2405
Bae, Hanjin 1451
Bae, Youngjoon 2152
Baek, Jiwon 2348
Baer, Alejandro 1538, 2431
Baert, Patrick 1122, 4325
Baffoe-Bonnie, Marilyn Sandra 4122
Baggetta, Matthew G. 4222
Bagnall-Munson, Adrianna 1122
Bagozzi, Benjamin E. 1243
Bailey, Amy Kate 2322
Bailey, Erica 4222
Bailey, Jasmón 3446
Bair, Jennifer L. 1129, 1451
Baker, Elizabeth Helene 1226, 4122, 4151
Baker, Regina S. 3448
Baker, Zeke 3230
Baker-Cristales, Beth 4403
Balasubramanian, Savina 1238, 4104
Baldassarri, Delia 3448
Baldina, Ekaterina 2348, 4451
Baldor, Tyler G. 4341
Baldwin, Julie 3143
Balic, Arnela 3125
Ballakrishnen, Swethaa S. 2220
Ballinas, Jorge 2423
Ballweber, Allison 4148
Baltz, Matthew J. 2409
Baluran, Darwin A. 3123
Balzarini, John E. 3462
Ban, Mihee 3123
Banchik, Anna Veronica 2125
Bandelj, Nina 3148, 4305
Bandhauer, Carina A. 2429, 4110
Banerjee, Madhumita 3123
Banerjee, Pallavi 1239, 2208,
3161, 4151, 4337
Banerjee, Payal 1239, 4252
Banerjee, Tarun 4420
Bank Munoz, Carolina 3407
Banks, Patricia A. 4124
(Bannister) Murray, Sarah 1451
Baptist, Jeffrey 4125
Barahona-López, Kati 1139
Barajas, Manuel 1141, 1441, 4403
Baran, Stephanie 2322
Barbee, Harry 4122
Barber, Jennifer S. 1444, 3523
Barber, Kristen 4430
Barcelos, Chris A. 4241
Barchiesi, Franco 3508
Barcus, Miriam 3222
Bargheer, Stefan 4217
Bariola, Nino 1245, 3222
Barman, Emily A. 1120, 1220,
1520, 2110
Barnard, Alexander Vosick 2320
Barnard, Stephen R. 4331
Barnes, Donna A. 1451
Barnes, Liberty 1209, 2120
Barnes, Riché J. 2319, 4119
Barnes, Tuesday Kimberly 2423
Barnett, William P. 1229
Barr, Ashley Brooke 1210
Barrett, Anne E. 1110, 2322
Barry, Kevin 4122
Bartholomay, Daniel J. 3127
Bartley, Tim 1220, 2144,
2244, 2344, 2444
Bartol, Franklynn 4409
Barton, Bernadette 2422
Barton, Helen S. 3125
Bartosch, Julia 2144
Bartram, Robin 2417
Basaran, Oyman 2122
Basmechi, Farinaz 1451
Bašná, Kristýna 4451
Bass, Bekah 1226
Bass, Loretta 4151
Basseches, Joshua A. 2309
Bassett, Bryson Thomas 4251
Bassi, Emilie Michelle 1510
Bastas, Hara 2208
Bastian, Savannah Claire 1252
Bates, Julia 2410
Battalora, Jacqueline Marie 2307
Battle, Juan J. 2419
Baumle, Amanda Kathleen 2405
Baxter, Amy 3241
Baya-Laffite, Nicolas 4431
Baykurt, Burcu 1429
Bea, Megan Doherty 2322
Beaman, Jean 1104, 3462, 4316
Beard, Renee Lynn 1451, 4122
Bearman, Peter S. 3443
Beattie, Irenee R. 4447
Beauchamp, Justin 4325
Beaude, Boris 4431
Beaumier, Theresa 4122
Beccarini, Irene 2144
Becher, Debbie 2144
Bechky, Beth A. 1109
Beck, Colin J. 4343
Becker, Andrea 2422
Becker, Elisabeth 4142
Becker, Howard S. 3529
Beckett, Katherine 1217
Bedera, Nicole 2326, 3252
Beduk, Selcuk 3123
Behounek, Elaina Kay 2422
Behrman, Julia A. 4146
Beider, Nadia 3125
Bell, Ann V. 4348
Bell, Courtney Alison 3252
Bell, Jocelyn 3422
Bell, Joyce M. 2404
Bell, Susan E. 2321, 4122
Bellair, Paul E. 1226
Belsky, Daniel 3146, 4136
Benard, Stephen 2161, 3241
Index of Participants
Benavot, Aaron 3123
Benediktsson, Michael Owen 1122
Benefo, Kofi D. 2422
Benjamin, Ruha 0518, 1543,
2327, 3229
Ben-Moshe, Liat 2419
Benner, Aprile 3153
Benner, Chris 1206
Bennett, Matthew 1447
Bennett, Pamela R. 2322
Bensus Talavera, Viktor 2322
Bento, Asia Inez 2322
Benton, Richard 1508, 4239
Benvegnu, Carlotta 1151
Benzecry, Claudio Ezequiel 2343
Berdahl, Jennifer Lynne 2147
Berdahl, Terceira A. 1547, 2224
Berends, Mark A. 4353
Berezin, Mabel 3405
Berg, Kristen A. 4136
Berger, Noa 1246
Bergey, Meredith R. 4122
Berghaus, Abbey 3523
Berghman, Michaël 1122
Bergstrand, Kelly 3522
Berheide, Catherine White 1422, 4429
Berkowitz, Dana A. 4448
Berman, Elizabeth Popp 2344
Bermudez Tapia, Bertha Alicia 4122
Bernard, Lise 3222
Bernardi, Laura 2438
Bernatzky, Colin 4120, 4331
Berndt, Virginia Kuulei 4222
Bernhardt, Annette 1206
Bernhardt, Janine 1423
Bernier, Clark 3139
Bernstein, Elizabeth 1119
Berrey, Ellen 3318, 3505
Berry, George 2231
Berry, Kaitlyn M. 2152
Bertotti Metoyer, Andrea 4348
Besbris, Max 2417
Besek, Jordan Fox 3522, 4324
Besen-Cassino, Yasemin 3536, 4316
Besserer Rayas, Andrés Sebastián 1539
Bessett, Danielle 4122
Best, Rachel Kahn 3146
Best, Shaun Wesley 4222, 4451
Better, Alison S. 1422, 2208,
2243, 3561
Beunza, Daniel 0331, 2144
Beveridge, Andrew A. 3504
Bhallamudi, Isha 1451
Bhandari, Aarushi 4251
Bhatta, Tirth Raj 4122
Bhol, Aditya 1228
Bhuyan, Md. Mahbub Or Rahman 4125
Bialas, Ulrike 1110
Bialowolski, Piotr 1447, 1452
Bianchi, Alison J. 3241
Biblarz, Jimmy 3136
Bicakova, Alena 3523
Bidian, Olimpia 2322
Bielamowicz, Rebecca 2322
Bienenstock, Elisa Jayne 2231
Bierman, Alex E. 1230, 2342, 4122
Biggert, Robert 4222
Bilik, Jeffrey 1451
Billard, Thomas J. 4125
Billeaux, Michael 1228
Billingsley, Sunnee 1451, 3123
Bills, David B. 4208
Bills, Tieryn 2322
Bin, Daniel 1128
Binder, Amy J. 4347
Bing, Lindsay 1123
Binkovitz, Leah 4344
Bird, Omar Tariq 2115
Birdsall, Jessamin 3239
Birelma, Alpkan 1451
Birkhead, Colin 3222
Biro, Szilvia 3248
Bisesti, Erin Mary 4451
Bista, Shikha 3426
Bjorklund, Eric 1217
Black, Timothy S. 4237
Blackmon, Dereca 1205
Blackstone, Amy 4303
Blackwell, Rebecca 1262, 3510
Blair-Loy, Mary 1138
Blake, Mary Kate 4451
Blake, Sarah 3522
Blanc, Eric Benjamin 1129
Blanck, Peter 2326
Blank, Grant 4125
Blanton, Natalie 1451
Blasi, Joseph Raphael 4415
Blasyak, Aaron 3252, 4341
Blee, Kathleen M. 4407
Bloemraad, Irene H.I. 2103, 3519, 4222
Bloom, Jack M. 4222
Bloom, Joshua 3429
Bloom, Quinn 1154
Bloome, Deirdre 1448, 3231
Blumberg, Rae Lesser 4154
Blumenthal, Helaine 2216
Blume Oeur, Freeden 1238, 1419, 4417
Blute, Marion 4221
Bo, Boroka B. 2143, 3523, 4122
Bo, Na 1452
Bobbitt-Zeher, Donna 3523
Bobier, Lacey 4328
Boccagni, Paolo 3519
Boch, Anna 2122
Bock, Sean 2122
Bockman, Johanna K. 2410
Bodovski, Katerina 4153
Boeckmann, Irene 2319
Boen, Courtney E. 3438, 4136, 4409
Boeri, Miriam W. 3124, 4243
Boeri, Natascia 3443
Bogdan, Ludmila 3123, 4125
Boggan, DeVone 4203
Boguslaw, Alissa 4325
Boguslaw, Janet 4415
Bohr, Jeremiah 3522
Bohrt, Marcelo A. 3422, 4310
Bok, Jared 3125
Bokanga, Maurice 2117
Boko, Semassa 3143
Bokun, Anna Maria 1562, 2152
Bolano, Danilo 2242
Bolger, Daniel 3222
Bollen, Kenneth A. 3146
Bolton, Chalem 3262
Bolzendahl, Catherine I. 2310, 2422
Bombeck, Eva 1123
Bommaraju, Aalap 1446, 2422
Bonacich, Phillip 2231
Bond, Erik Lawrence 2422
Bones, Paul D.C. 3426
Bonikowski, Bart 2209, 3405
Bonnes, Stephanie 4438
Bonnet, Francois 1123
Borch, Christian 0331, 2344
Borer, Michael Ian 4230
Borlu, Yetkin 4154, 4251
Borman, Christine 4443
Borradaile, Glencora 4222
Borus, Matthew Gabriel 4222
Bosch, Brandon 3445
Bose, Diya 4341
Bosky, Amanda 3153, 3431
Bosley-Smith, Emma Ryan 3129, 4237
Bostean, Georgiana 4151
Bostic, Amie 4329
Botchway, Marian 3442
Bottia, Martha Cecilia 4451
Bouchet, Célia 3224
Boudet, Hilary Schaffer 2338
Bouek, Jennifer 4329
Bourabain, Dounia 2422
Boutcher, Steven A. 2405
Boutilier, Sophia 1545
Boutyline, Andrei G. 1122, 2131
Bowen, Sarah 3417
Bowers, Shannon M.E. 3127
Bowman, Catherine Griebel 3222
Bowman Williams, Jamillah E. 3247, 4303
Boyd, Clinton 3124
Boyd, Melody L. 3462
Boyd, Tom W. 3125
Boydstun, Jamie 1422
Boyett, Kirstie 1123
Boyle, Elizabeth Heger 2431, 3562
Boyle, Kaitlin M. 4419
Boynton, Charles Nathaniel 2322
Bozkurt, Ödül 3222
Braatz, Erin 3546
Braatz, Rick 2139, 3461
Braddock, Jomills Henry 3422
Bradlow, Benjamin 4131, 4251
Brady, David 4131, 4206
Brady, Nicholas 3508
Brahimi, Mohamed Amine 0054, 2336
Brahinsky, Rachel 1103
Brais, Hannah 3123
Branch, Enobong (Anna) 3206
Brand, Jennie E. 1431, 2346, 3123
Brandt, Emma 4331
Brandt, Philipp Soeren 3222
Brandtner, Christof 2144, 3430, 3441
Index of Participants
Branigan, Amelia R. 3523, 4161
Brashears, Matthew E. 4321
Braswell, Taylor Harris 2322
Bratter, Jenifer L. 1448
Brauer, Simon George 3125
Braun, Jerome 2122
Braun, Robert 2448
Braun, Sebastian 1562
Braunstein, Ruth 2246
Brazil, Noli 2462
Brazzell, Melanie 1445, 2447
Breckenridge, R. Saylor 1122
Breen, Casey 2152
Brehm, Hollie Nyseth 3539
Brennan, Elizabeth 3222
Brennan, Kathleen M. 1451, 4122
Brenner, Philip S. 4122
Brenner-Levoy, Jeremy 3252, 4229
Brensinger, Jordan J. 2122, 2444
Brents, Barbara G. 3252, 4307
Breton, Etienne 1541
Brett, Gordon 1452
Brew, Bridget 3546
Brewer, Rose 4121
Brewster, Karin L. 2152
Brick, Carmen Marie 3123, 4336
Bridges, Tristan 2147, 2447
Brigg, Morgan 3522
Brigid, Cotter 4437
Brinkley, Catherine 1146
Brint, Steven G. 4451
Briscoe, Michael D. 2322
Britton, Marcus L. 1547
Bro, Naim 4137
Broadbent, Jeffrey 2309
Broadfield, Kelsey Taylor 1461, 2153, 2253
Brocic, Milos 4222
Brockman, Amanda J. 4451
Brockmann, Hilke 1424
Broman, Clifford L. 3426
Broman, Michael J. 3426
Bromley, Patricia 1223, 2144
Brondizio, Eduardo S. 4251
Bronson, Jennifer 2322
Brooke, Matthew 1445
Brooker, Megan E. 2439, 4343
Brooker, Phillip 2330, 2446
Brooks, Caroline Vincenza 4122
Brooks, Jennifer D. 3510
Brooks, Matthew 2322
Brooks-Gunn, Jeanne 4409
Brophy, Sorcha A. 4122
Brossard, Baptiste 2320
Brothers, Sarah 3131
Browe, Dennis 2125
Brown, Alaysia 2142
Brown, Alyssa Lauren 3523
Brown, Bailey A. 3544
Brown, Eliza 1120
Brown, Hana 3154, 3453
Brown, Jeremy J. 4124
Brown, Joseph 4436
Brown, J. Scott 1423
Brown, Julia 2320
Brown, Karida 2443
Brown, Kenly E. 3507
Brown, Melissa 3507
Brown, Phil 3230
Brown, Phylicia Xin Yi Lee 2338, 3522,
Brown, Robyn Lewis 3521, 4122
Brown, Sarah McGill 3141
Brown, Tyson H. 3146, 3431
Brown, Virginia A. 1151, 4122
Browne, Alyssa 2122
Browne, Irene 2143, 4352
Browning, Christopher R. 3438
Brown-Saracino, Japonica 1116
Brown-Weinstock, Rachel 2322
Bruce, Tricia C. 1122, 1237
Bruch, Sarah K. 3231, 3531, 4451
Brueckner, Hannah 4217
Bruene, Sara 3522
Bruhn, Sarah 4151
Brule, Emeline 1252
Brunn-Bevel, Rachelle Jeneane 3422
Brunsma, David L. 2337, 4330
Brunson, Alicia L. 1422, 4439
Brusoni, Stefano 4125
Bryant, Maria Isabel 2304
Brydolf-Hortwitz, Marco 1217
Bryer, Ellen 4451
Bryson, Bethany 1122
Bucci, Laura 4406
Bucci, Rebecca Ann 3131
Buchanan, Blu 2407, 3461
Buchmann, Claudia 1226
Buchmann, Marlis C. 3222
Buchs, Helen 3222
Buchter, Lisa Danielle 1228
Buckley, Cynthia Jane 1420
Budak, Kemal 1427
Budhiraja, Kriti 1223
Budimir, Nicholas 3422
Bugden, Dylan 2239
Buggs, Shantel Gabrieal 2407, 4408
Buhl, Michael 3123
Bühlmann, Felix 4445
Bui, Bonnie Khanh Ha 1423
Bui, Matthew N. 3229
Bulanda, Jennifer Roebuck 1422, 1423
Bulut, Elif 2152
Bunnage, Leslie A. 4222
Bunyak, Garrett 4252
Burawoy, Michael 1553, 2119,
4217, 4306
Burciaga, Edelina M. 3217, 4151
Burdette, Amy M. 2422, 3422, 4142
Burge, Stephanie Woodham 4122
Burgese, Tyler 2339
Burke, Brigid E. K. 2247
Burke, Kelsy 4442
Burke, Meghan A. 2322, 4124
Burke, Peter J. 1147
Burkhardt, Brett C. 4245
Burns, Alexander 1147
Burns, Andrew Robert 1123
Burns, Deborah 1544
Burns, Thomas J. 3125
Burress, Kaitlynn 1423
Burridge, Daniel Patrick 4220
Burrmann, Ulrike 1562
Burroway, Rebekah 4251
Busari, Dauda Aderemi 2322
Buscariolli, Andre 1137
Buscha, Franz 3123
Bussi, Margherita 2446
Bustamante, Carlos Felipe 1123
Bustamante, Juan José 4252
Butler, Rachel 1123
Butterfield, Katie Lynn Cantwell 4122
Butts, Carter T. 1131, 1148, 1243,
1531, 2231, 3146,
3245, 3442, 4345
Bylander, Maryann 4151, 4251
Byron, Reginald Anthony 2405, 3445
Cabello-Hutt, Tania 2438
Cabin, William Dane 2326
Cabral, Brian 1226
Cabrera, Jessica 2420
Cadigan, Michele L. 1503
Cafferty, Joshua C. 3522
Cai, Tianji 1552, 4222
Cai, Xiaolan 4231
Cain, Cindy L. 4122
Cainkar, Louise 1104, 4110
Cairns, Kate 1409
Caisey, Alannah Sheri 4346
Calarco, Jessica McCrory 1546, 3523,
Calasanti, Anna 3431
Calasanti, Toni 2143, 2438
Calderon, Jose Zapata 2226
Calderón Figueroa, Fernando A. 2117, 2322
Caldwell, Ryan Ashley 2422
Calhoun, Craig 3436
Callahan, Jessica 3244
Calnitsky, David 1553, 4222, 4329
Camacho, Sayil 4215
Camba, Alvin 2138, 4454
Cameron, Anna 4328
Camic, Charles 2236
Campbell, Bradley 4325
Campbell, Colleen Petrena 4124
Campbell, David 1146
Campbell, Emily B. 3422
Campbell, Patricia 4122
Campeau, Holly 4328
Campos, Edgar Jesus 1451
Campos-Castillo, Celeste 2226
Cañarte, David 4151
Candipan, Jennifer 2117, 2322
Canegem, Timo Van 4451
Cañete, Kaira Zoe Alburo 3517
Canizales, Stephanie L. 1427
Cano, Bryan 1451
Cantori, Valentina 3125
Cantu, Phillip 1423
Cao, Hancheng 2125
Index of Participants
Capistrano, Daniel 4151
Caplan, Zoe 4222
Capote, Anthony Joseph 1128
Caprioli, Mauro 2446
Caramanis, Constantine 3145
Carbonaro, Richard 3520
Carbonaro, William J. 3153
Cardador, Teresa 1451
Cardenas, Soraya 2125
Carey, Allison C. 1130, 3410
Carll, Erin 2142
Carlson, Daniel L. 1226, 4317
Carlson, Jennifer 1419, 4204
Carlsson, Magnus 4451
Carmi, Ruth 3530
Carmona, Alondra 1252
Carneiro, Gabriela 1452
Caronna, Carol A. 1422, 2146
Carpenter, Laura M. 2303
Carpiano, Richard M. 4309
Carr, Andrew 1252
Carr, C. Lynn 3125
Carr, Dawn Celeste 2143, 3544
Carr, Deborah 2106, 2327, 3220
Carré, Françoise 1206
Carreira da Silva, Filipe 4325
Carrigan, Coleen 4124
Carrillo, Dani 2103, 4122
Carrillo, Ian Robert 1161, 1228
Carrington, Ben 1519, 2147, 2447
Carroll, Caitlin P. 2422
Carroll, Jaclyn 2147
Carroll, Jamie M. 2348
Carroll, Megan 2439
Carruthers, Bruce G. 1204
Carson, April P. 3523
Carter, Courtney Myrtle 3247
Carter, Shannon K. 4122
Cartwright, Ashleigh Imani 4439
Carveth, Rodney Andrew 3222
Casanova, Erynn Masi de 2205, 4229
Case, Benjamin Steinhardt 4420
Casey, Marcus 1509
Casey, Patrick Michael 3422
Casie Chetty, Ruth Ayesha 4129
Cassard, Marion 1451
Casselman, Ben 2361
Cast, Alicia D. 0025, 1452
Castañeda, Ernesto 3453, 4251
Castaneda Perez, Estefania 1143
Casterline, John B. 1451
Castiglione, Cassidy Blaise 3422
Castilla, Emilio J. 3441, 3541,
4246, 4308, 4451
Castillo, Florence Emilia 4124
Castro, Brianna 3554
Caudillo, Monica Lisette 2261, 4146
Cavacas, Kaitlyn 4125
Cavalli, Nicolo 2122
Cavicchini, Andrea 1122
Ceaser, Donovon Keith 1226
Cech, Erin A. 3541
Cedillo, Rosalio 2423
Centner, Ryan 3121, 3461
Ceobanu, Alin Mihai 2145
Cepa, Kennan 4347
Cepić, Dražen 4124
Cerchiaro, Francesco 3125
Cerda, Malik Fercovic 3123
Cha, Youngjoo 0152, 1138, 1207,
2161, 2206, 4138, 4238
Cha, Yun 4451
Chacko, Soulit 1239
Chae, Sophia 1248
Chae, Youngjin 3426
Chaichian, Mohammad A. 4151
Chakraborty, Debadatta 1521
Chakravarty, Debjani 1422
Chan, Esther 2125, 2226
Chan, Lik Sam 3252
Chan, Stephanie 2423
Chan, Wendy 2326
Chancer, Lynn Sharon 0153
Chang, Andy Scott 1153
Chang, Chae Yoon 4261
Chang, Chun-chih 3128
Chang, Hsin-Chieh 4151
Chang, Jamie Suki 3448
Chang, Min-Chiao 3128
Chang, Paul Yunsik 3523
Chang, Yi-Chun 1452
Chang, Yun Tzu 4222
Chan Tack, Anjanette Marie 1453
Chao, Shih-Yi 3523
Chaplin, Kenneth Sean 3422
Chapman, Alexander 4243
Chapman, Nathaniel Gray 4330, 4436
Charania, Moon 3143
Charles, Maria 2431
Charpentier, Andres 1451
Charrad, Mounira Maya 2362
Charron-Chénier, Raphaël 4222
Chase-Dunn, Christopher 1231, 4326
Chatrath, Leana 1215
Chatterjee, Arijit 4222
Chatterjee, Esha 2444
Chatterjee, Julia Maya 2447
Chatters, Linda 3523
Chattopadhyay, Ishanu 2231
Chaudhary, Ali 3453, 4436
Chavez, Koji Rafael 4208
Cheadle, Jacob E. 2342, 4122, 4409
Cheeseman Day, Jennifer 3109
Chen, Anthony S. 3525, 4451
Chen, Chien-fei 2322, 3522
Chen, Christine 3426
Chen, Feinian 1552
Chen, Feng 1122
Chen, Kenneth Han 1424, 2344
Chen, Mingyu 4361
Chen, Ting-Yen 1552
Chen, Tzung-wen 2125
Chen, Victor Tan 1424
Chen, Wenhong 4231
Chen, Xi 1131
Chen, Xi 4222
Chen, Ying 1447
Chen, Yu-An 3522
Chen, Yvonne 1144
Chen, Zhenxiang 1148, 1423, 4151
Chenault, Tiffany Gayle 3507
Cheng, Cheng 3523
Cheng, Kent Jason 1423
Cheng, Magie 1242
Cheng, Pei-Chen
Cheng, Tony 1123, 2420
Cheng, Tyrone C. 3426
Cheng, Yuhong 2422
Cheong, Amanda Rachel 1223
Chepp, Valerie L. 2423
Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian 4451
Cherry, Elizabeth 4222
Cheung, Pui Yin 1247
Chew, Matthew Ming-Tak 3517
Chewinski, Max 4120
Chiang, Yi-Lin 2422, 4445
Chiarello, Elizabeth 3509
Chi Cantalupo, Nancy 1318
Chien, Yvonne 2139
Child, Curtis D. 3222
Child, Stephanie 3442
Childers, Trenita Brookshire 3537
Childress, Clayton 3408
Chiles, Robert Magneson 3230
Chin, Amy 4209
Chin, Jeffrey 1422, 4316
Chin, Lynn Gencianeo 3417
Chin, Margaret M. 1453
Chinn, Juanita J. 2124, 2224,
2324, 2424
Chintala, Swati 2217
Chiri, Giuseppina 4122
Chiu, Chi-Tsun 1423
Chiu, Gabriel Z. 1153
Cho, Seong-Gwon 1223
Cho, Yun Kyung 4451
Choi, Carolyn 0152
Choi, Eungang (Peter) 1543
Choi, In 3462
Choi, JinCheol 3426
Choi, Susanne Yukping 2345
Chong, Ho-Dae 4451
Chong, Kelly Haesung 3209
Choo, Hae Yeon 0152, 1117
Chorev, Nitsan 3121
Choudary, Wendie Neesa 1451
Chow, Tiffany 1552
Christie, Robert MacNeil 3522, 4251
Christie-Mizell, C. Andre 1423
Christin, Angele 1504, 3404
Christodoulaki, Ioanna 1122
Christy, Kayonne 1252
Chua, Mijin 4105
Chuang May, Tiffany Jordan 2406
Chudyk, Elliot Noel 3561
Chui, Zoe 4124
Chun, Hyunsik 4222
Chun, Jennifer Jihye 1408, 2119, 2306
Chung, Angie Y. 2322
Chung, Esther O. 4122
Chykina, Volha 4151, 4451
Ciabattari, Teresa 0122, 1416, 3536
Index of Participants
Ciaralli, Spencier Rian 1423
Ciccantell, Paul S. 3243, 4251
Cicek-Okay, Sevsem 4151
Ciciurkaite, Gabriele 3521
Cindoglu, Dilek 3161
Cintrón Gutiérrez, Luis Javier 2322
Ciocca Eller, Christina 3231, 3531, 4253
Cisneros Franco, Cynthia Luz 1451, 2152
Cisternino, Irissa 4125
Ciupijus, Zinovijus 1228
Clague, Angela 3523
Clair, Matthew 2443
Clark, Amy 4151
Clark, Brett 3522
Clark, Fernando 3252
Clark, Meredith 4407
Clark, Rob 4251
Clark, Shelley 1451
Clark, Timothy 3522
Clarke, Michael 2446
Clark-Hargreaves, Becca 4441
Clawson, Mary Ann 3420
Clay-Warner, Jody 2161, 3562
Cleckner, Callie 4451
Clerge, Orly 4446
Clinton, Tia 1252
Clouston, Sean A. P. 4309
Clow, Gage 3252
Coates, Derek C. 1130
Coates, Ramona I. 3116
Coates, Rodney D. 1538, 3116, 3538
Cobb, Ryon J. 2436
Cobbina, Jennifer 4431
Cobbs, Sam 2103
Cochran, Susan 1531
Cody, Stephen Smith 1143, 2326
Coe, Martha L. 1122, 2322
Cohan, Jeremy 1228
Cohen, Daniel Aldana 3203, 4105
Cohen, Emma D. 4451
Cohen, Mark 4325
Cohen, Nir 4151
Cohn, D'Vera 2361
Cohn, Samuel 4251, 4354
Cohn-Stacey, Jamie 2210
Coleman, Erin Rose 3123
Coleman, Max Elliott 4122
Coleman, Naniette Helene 2216
Coley, Jonathan Scott 1546, 2407
Collazo, Jose Luis 4352
Coller, Xavier 3422
Collett, Jessica L. 0025, 1254,
1554, 4127, 4419
Collins, Caitlyn 2319, 3506, 4437
Collins, Cerenity E. 4122
Collins, Timothy William 1424, 3522
Collinson, Mark 1148
Colombarolli, Claudia 4251
Combellick, Sarah 4348
Combs, Aidan 3125
Combs, Barbara Harris 1227, 4244
Combs, Thatcher 4408
Comi, Matt 3522
Compton, D'Lane R. 2422
Condron, Dennis J. 2137
Confer, Leanne M. 3148
Connell, Catherine 4346, 4438
Conner, Christopher T. 2339
Connor, Brian T. 4125
Connor, Luke 4124
Conway-Silva, Bethany 1145
Conwell, Jordan 3431, 4253
Cook, Jenna 4248
Cook, Lauren 1123
Cook, Philip 1123
Cook, Tanya N. 2304
Cooke, Lynn Prince 1438
Coomer, Nickie 3224
Cooper, David Heath 3522
Cooper, Evan 2146
Cooper, Marianne 1554
Cooperstock, Alexandra C. 3222, 4451
Copelton, Denise A. 1422
Corbett, Allison W. 1552
Corbett, Christianne 1554, 3246, 4429
Cordero-Guzman, Hector 3108
Cordero Ulate, Allen 2122
Cordes Selbin, Jesse 1130
Cordner, Alissa 1208, 3230
Cordoba, Luz 1223
Corman, David 0329
Cornejo, Oscar Ruben 4151
Cornell, Devin J. 1122, 2131
Cornfield, Daniel B. 3222
Cornman, Jennifer Caryl 1423
Corra, Mamadi 3510
Correll, Shelley J. 1205
Corrigall-Brown, Catherine 4120
Cortes, Kalena 3153
Cortese, Daniel K. 1530
Cosman, Pamela C. 1138
Cossa, Jose 3161
Cossyleon, Jennifer Elena 2417
Costello, Matthew 4331
Coto, Lynnette Priscilla 1151
Cotten, Shelia R. 3145, 3245
Cottom, Tressie 0518, 1407, 4306
Cotton, Cassandra 1451
Couchoux, Oriane 1451
Council, LaToya 3238
Courtney, Margaret Michele Gough 3523
Cousins, Elicia Mayuri 4222
Covarrubias, Lorenzo 4151
Covington, Clayton 4116
Cowan, Sarah K. 1145, 1237, 2261
Cox, Genevieve 3143
Cox, Jonathan M. 3247, 4122
Craciun, Mariana 1542
Craft, Rachel 2423
Cragun, Ryan T. 2436
Craig, Katherine 2226
Craig, Maxine Leeds 4129
Craig-Henderson, Kellina 0329
Cramer, Zachary Adam 2348, 4328
Crane, Joseph Lee 1122
Cranford, Cynthia J. 1228, 1408
Crawford, Brandon Lee 3252
Crawley, Kayla 3253
Crawley, Sara L. 3127
Crawshaw, Trisha Lanae 3217
Crews, Tawnee 3462
Cricco Doldan, Nino Jose 4238
Crockett, Jason Lee 1422, 2423
Crockett, Kaelie 4124
Cronin, Cory 1547
Crosnoe, Robert 2408, 3153, 3523
Cross, Christina 3129, 4244
Crowder, Kyle 2142, 2239
Crowley, Martha 1109
Crubaugh, Bryant 2322
Cruz, Sandra Helena 4251
Cruz, Taylor M. 2321, 3117
Cserpes, Tunde 3222
Cucchiara, Maia B. 3248
Cuddy, Max 3141, 4353
Cueto Piazza, Alejandra 1451
Cullen, Greggory J. 3426
Culton, Kenneth Ray 1151
Cunningham, David 3160, 3539
Cunningham, Jeanine 2239
Cunningham, Susan M. 1422, 4451
Curington, Celeste 3507
Curran, Michaela Kathleen 4354
Curran, Patrick 3146
Curran, Sara R. 1148, 2152
Curry, Matthew 4339
Curtis, Hannah Elizabeth 2422, 3124
Dabbs, Ellory 3125
D’Adamo, Kate 4307
Dafonseca, Tibrine 3422
Dahaghi, Kevin 3138
Dahl, Michael S. 3222
Dahlem, Jonathan 3522
Dahlin, Eric C. 1223
Dai, Fen 1151
Dakhlallah, Diana 1424
Dalberg, Tobias 3153
DalCortivo, Anna 4222
Dalessandro, Cristen N. 1123, 4124
Dalke, Isaac 1123
Dalton, Jarrod 4136
Damarin, Amanda K. 4361
Damaske, Sarah 3523, 4437
Daminger, Allison 4138
D'Amours, Jason 4148
Daniel, Caitlin 4143
Daniel, Meghan 4124
Daniel, Reginald 3422
Daniels, Denise 3222
Daniels, Jessie 1543
Danielsbacka, Mirkka 3523, 4421
Danns, George K. 3554
Danton, Madison Orion 1531
Dao-Shah, Ahn Thang 1203
Daoust, Laurence 1451
Darom, Naomi 4122
Darrah-Okike, Jennifer Rene 4252
Darwin, Helana 4229
Das, Amritava 4122
Index of Participants
Dasgupta, Kushan 3229, 3422
Dashefsky, Arnold 0337
Dathe, Magdalena Vazquez 4124
David, Gary C. 3237
Davidson, Debra J. 1404, 3430
Davidson, Thomas 2122
Davis, Andrew P. 1217, 4122
Davis, Carla P. 1107, 1427
Davis, Jasmine Lanisha 3422
Davis, Jenny L. 1154, 1554, 3145
Davis, Katrinell M. 1106
Davis, Lynne 3527
Davis, Martha 3522
Davis, Peter Byard 3124
Davis, Rose Julianna 1445
Davis-Delano, Laurel R. 1526
Davison, Miles 2238
Dawe, Meghan 1451
Dawson, Jessica 4342
Day, Jacob C. 4361
Day, Melissa D. 1422
Dazey, Margot 3422
Dean, Cydnea 1151, 1231, 1451
Dean, James Joseph 3252
Dearfield, Craig T. 2322
De-Arman, Kindra 1208
Deb, Nikhil 1223
Debergh, Marlyse 2422
DeBruin, Kyndal 1451
Debska, Hanna Olga 2122
DeCarsky, Ryan 1151
De Castro Galvao, Juliana 3123, 3422
de Chastelain, Bryn 3260
Dechter, Aimée R. 3523
Deckard, Faith M. 2342
Decker, James M. 1122
DeCook, Julia 4431
Decoteau, Claire Laurier 2125, 2327, 3121
de Deus Cunha, Daniel 4326
Deener, Andrew 2343
DeFronzo, James V. 2122
Degenshein, Anya 1122
DeGloma, Thomas 1529
de Gravelles, Natalia Anne 1151
de Groot, Jan 3139
Deimling, Gary T. 1423
De Koster, Willem 1122, 3438
de Laat, Kim 3417, 4336
de la Garza Toledo, Enrique 2121
DeLand, Michael 2247
De Lara, Juan D. 1206
de la Torre, Carlos 2209, 3405
de Leon, Cedric 1506, 2219, 3206
De Leon, Kathleen 4122
Delgado, Richard 2404
Delgado, Vanessa 4451
DellaPosta, Daniel 1243
Dellinger, Kirsten A. 3318
de los Rios, Diego 3536
DeLuca, Stefanie Ann 1437
Delucchi, Kevin 3426
Demanet, Jannick 4451
DeMarco, Laura 1437
Demetry, Daphne 3222
Deming, Sarah 3523
Demireva, Neli 3422
Dempsey, Nicholas P. 2322
Denardo, Danielle 1261, 2422
Dencker, John 2305
Denice, Patrick 2238, 4353
Denier, Nicole Genevieve 4308
Denis, Jeffrey Steven 3527
Deniz Rasit, Ezgi 2322
Denker, Katherine 1530
Dennis, Alexis 3431, 4122
Deo, Meera E. 2220
Deragon, Sarah 2203
Dernberger, Brittany N. 3222
DeRoche, Courtney 3539
Derpic, Jorge 2122
Desai, Manisha 3144, 3443, 4320
Desai, Sonalde 4151
de Saxe, Jennifer 2423, 4451
De Simone, Alexis 2205
Desmond, Matthew 1117, 1504
DeSoucey, Michaela 1122, 2410
Destine, Shaneda L. 2262, 3507
Deterding, Nicole 4108
Detterman, Linda M. 2215
Deutsch, Sierra 3130
Dev, Saloni 2326
DeVillier, Nicole 1451, 2322
Devine, Jason 4443
Devoto, Sarah 4124
deWolf, Mark 3222
Dey Sarkar, Aditi 4251
Dhillon, Carla May 2127
Dhingra, Pawan H. 3104
Dhuey, Elizabeth 2124
Dhuman Giron, Stephanie Ann 2331
Diamond, Aurel Harrison 4451
Diamond, John B. 3141
Diamond, Shari Seidman 2326
Diamond-Welch, Bridget K. 1452
Diana, Augusto 2124
Dias, Vitor 4251
Diaz, Christina 1444
Diaz, Madelyn 1252, 1461
Díaz, Nancy Aguillón 1451
DiBenigno, Julia 4429
DiBennardo, Rebecca Ann 1123
DiCicco-Bloom, Benjamin 3224
Dickens, David R. 1241, 2339
Dickinson, Charles A. 2122
Diefendorf, Sarah H. 1127, 4142,
4242, 4342
Diehl, David Kalim 1122
Dietrich, David R. 4325
Dietrich, Hans 3123
Dilks, Lisa M. 1452
Dill, Janette S. 4361, 4444
Di Nallo, Alessandro 3523, 4146
Dingel, Molly J. 4124
Dingwall, Robert 2327
Dinovitzer, Ronit 2420
Dinsmore, Brooke 1537
Dinzey-Flores, Zaire Z. 2204
Dioszegi, Balint 4125
Dioun, Cyrus 1424
DiRago, Nicholas Vincent 2322
DiTomaso, Nancy 4405
Dixon, Marc 4222
Dixon, Marion W. 4404
Doan, Dana R.H. 1536
Doan, Long 1154, 2320, 3117, 3204,
3241, 4125
Dobbin, Frank 2206, 3318
Dobrev, Stanislav D. 3222
Docena, Herbert Rizal Villalon 3205
Dodge, Brian 1452
Dodson, Jualynne E. 0241, 3125
Dodson, Kyle 3123
Doe, Jane 1411
Doehne, Malte 2131, 3545
Doellgast, Virginia 1506, 1507
Doering, Jan 3244
Doern, Rachel 3222
Doerschler, Peter E. 1451, 1527,
3236, 4151
Dokshin, Fedor A. 3430
Dollar, Nathan T. 3520
Domina, Thurston A. 3153
Domingue, Ben 3125, 4447
Domingue, Simone 2127
Dominguez-Rubio, Fernando 2343
Dominguez-Villegas, Rodrigo 4151
Doña Reveco, Cristian Alberto 3154
Dondero, Molly 2152
Dong, Yige 1409
Donges, Jonathan 3430
Donnelly, Kathleen 2137
Donnelly, Rachel 1247, 1423
Donoghue, Christopher 4316
Donovan, Joan 2321, 4331
Doolan, Karin 4124
Dore, Emily 2143
Dormani, Carmela Muzio 1151, 1441
Dorn, Lorah D. 3131
Dorow, Sara K. 1228
Doten-Snitker, Kerice 1151, 3525
Douds, Kiara Wyndham 2261, 2322, 4439
Douglas, Gordon 1103
Douglas, Karen Manges 4205
Douglas, Rachel 2322
Douglass, Patrice D. 3508
Dow, Dawn M. 1409, 3148,
3248, 3506, 4119
Dowd-Arrow, Benjamin 2422, 3422
Dowling, Julie A. 4110
Downey, Douglas B. 2137
Downey, Liam 4325
Doyle, Joshua Franklin 1237
Drago, Alessandro 1451
Draper, Elaine Alma 2308
Draus, Paul Joseph 3537
Dreby, Joanna 3104
Dressel, Joanna 3123
Drews, Wiebke 1424
Drey, Eleanor 3403
Driscoll, Daniel 3130
Dromgold-Sermen, Michelle Sara 3154
Dromi, Shai M. 2336, 3236
Index of Participants
Drori, Gili S. 4451
Drouhot, Lucas Germain 2237, 2345
Drury, Benjamin Mercer 0241, 2423
Dryden, Neil P. 1122
Du, Juan 3130
Du, Shichao 2242, 3125
Du, Yue 3243
Duan, Haoshu 3523
Duan, Wenjie 1552
Dubal, Veena 4109, 4207
Dubash, Soli 1452
Dubinsky, Marla 3124
Ducre, K. Animashaun 2127
Dudley, Jennifer Suzanne-Kempton 2122
Duenas, Maria D. 4205
Duffy, Horace Joseph 4451
Duffy, Robert 3522
Dufur, Mikaela 1226, 1552,
3125, 3523
Duhart, Philippe 3128
Dumais, Susan A. 1537, 4148
Dumont, Lucile 0054
Dunatchik, Allison 3523
Dunbar-Hester, Christina 2421
Duncan, Christopher P. 4451
Duncan-Shippy, Ebony M. 3448
Duncombe, Alicia 2348, 4124
Dunifon, Rachel 2261, 3523
Dunivin, Zackary 1122
Dunston, Chloe 1452, 3422
Duong, Shela 3244
Dupuy, Claire 2446
Duque, Richard 1123, 1223
Durand, Claire 1223
Durán del Fierro, Francisco 4325
Durante, Katherine 2153
Durden, T. Elizabeth 1443, 3123
Durham, Simone Nicole 1446
Durham, Xavier 1143
Durr, Marlese 3109, 3504
Durrant, Joan 2326
Dutta, Sunasir 4222
Dutta Gupta, Tanaya 3123
Dutton, William 2330
Duvander, Ann-Zofie 3123
Duxbury, Scott W. 2245
Dworkin, Shari L. 1105
Dwyer, Rachel E. 1204, 1437
Dwyer Emory, Allison 3523
Dykstra, Pearl A. 1423
Eads, Alicia 1424
Earl, Jennifer 4120
Eastwood, Jonathan 4251
Eaton, Charlie 2344
Eby, Margaret Ruth 3525
Echols, Courtney 4244
Eck, Beth A. 1122
Ecker, Martha 4306
Ecklund, Elaine Howard 2125, 3222
Econie, Alexis 1228
Eda, Haruki 4209
Edelblute, Heather B. 3523
Edelmann, Achim 1145, 1242, 1424
Eder, Christina 3430
Edgell, Penny 1237, 2129
Edgemon, Timothy G. 3562
Edison, Story 1123
Edmonds, David 1137
Edmunds, Chrisse 1423
Edwards, Frank 1217, 3262, 4116
Edwards, Hannah Lynn 3522
Edwards, Karen Gray 1405, 1411,
3409, 3529
Edwards, Korie L. 3541
Edwards, Linsey Nicole 3531
Edwards, Michelle L. 3522
Edwards, Zophia 4310
Eger, Maureen A. 3262, 4261
Egner, Justine 3224, 3521
Eicker, Sharlie 2322
Eidlin, Barry 1421, 1506, 2219
Eiermann, Martin 2322
Eife, Erin 2109, 2326
Eilers, Michelle 3523
Einhorn, Tom 4222
Eisenberg, Anne Frances 2336, 2446
Ekl, Emily 4122
Elbert, Rodolfo Gaston 3407
Elcioglu, Emine Fidan 1527
Elitok, Seçil 1239
Eliyahu, Miri 4222, 4324
Ellersgaard, Christoph Houman 4445
Elliott, James R. 2239, 2338, 4345
Elliott, Marta 4122
Elliott, Michael A. 2410
Elliott, Sinikka 1122
Elliott, Thomas Alan 4120
Elo, Irma T. 2461
Elvira, Marta 3139
Elwert, Felix 3531
Emanuelson, Pamela E. 3137, 3437
Embrick, David G. 4439
Embser-Herbert, Mael 2423, 4442
Eng, Abbey 1423
England, Evan Thomas 1252
England, Paula 2161, 3238
Enos, Jenny J. 2145
Enriquez, Diana 3222
Enriquez, Laura E. 1139, 3104
Entwisle, Barbara 1148
Epplen, Sarah Nell 2146
Epstein, Steven 2327
Epstein-HaLevi, David 3123
Eranti, Veikko 4325
Erdmans, Mary Patrice 3244, 3422
Eren, Dilan 3222
Ergas, Christina A. 3522
Erichsen, Kristen 4451
Erickson, Matt 4138
Erigha, Maryann 3408
Erikson, Emily Anne 3437
Erkenbrack, Matthew 2152
Ermakoff, Ivan 4117
Erondu, Nnamdi Abba 4125
Erpyleva, Svetlana 1510
Erving, Christy LaShaun 1144, 2342
Esboldt, Joy 4451
Escamilla Garcia, Angel Alfonso 4124
Escandell, Xavier 2122, 2145, 3422
Eschmann, Rob 3245
Escudero, Kevin 4151
Escue, Melanie 4151
Espeland, Wendy Nelson 2326
Espinoza, Gunercindo Antoneo 2226, 3422
Espinoza-Kulick, Mario Viveros 3124
Esposito, Michael Hughes 3520
Espy, Hannah 1122
Esqueda, Monica C. 2123
Essig, Liam 1122
Estefan, Michel 1130
Estes, Carroll L. 1423, 2423
Estes, Michelle L. 2326
Estrada, Stephany 1451
Etmanski, Brittany 4451
Evans, Clare Rosenfeld 3431
Evans, Erin M. 4236
Evans, James A. 1122, 1531, 2231
Evans, M.D.R. 3123, 4261
Evans, Megan 2322, 3442
Evans, Shani Adia 4353, 4441
Evans-Winters, Venus 0241
Evcimen, Gamze 4222
Everitt, Judson G. 4451
Everson, David W. 2423
Evertsson, Marie 2319, 4238
Ewert, Rebecca 4143
Ewing, Eve L. 1219
Faglie, Tanya 1538
Fahey, Lynn 2423
Fairchild, Emily 3221
Falci, Christina 3523
Falletta, Lynn M. 1423
Falzon, Danielle 2138, 2309
Fan, Wen 2422, 4210
Fan, Xiaoguang 4151
Fan, Yun 4344
Fang, Boye 3426
Fang, Jun 2343
Farago, Fanni 1451
Farber, Henry 2305
Farber, Rebecca 3252
Fares, Phoenicia Nicole 1154
Farrell, Caitlin 3153
Farrell-Bryan, Dylan 2326
Farruggia, Susan 4148
Farys, Rudolf 1424, 3262
Fatema, Kaniz 3523
Fay, Margaret 4347
Fayard, Anne-Laure 1109
Fayard, Gregory 1548
Feder, Tal 4328
Fee, Molly 4151
Feehan, Dennis 1452
Feijoo, Christina N. 4122
Feinstein, Yuval 4343
Feld, Scott L. 3437
Index of Participants
Feliciano, Cynthia 3209
Felmlee, Diane H. 1122, 3422, 4451
Fenelon, James V. 1121, 3527
Fenton, Robert Preissman 3525
Ferber, Abby L. 2307, 4161
Ferguson, Jason L. 1420
Ferguson, Roderick A. 2419
Ferguson, Susan J. 1530
Fernandes, April D. 1451
Fernandez, Karina 1127
Fernando, Mark 1411
Ferraro, Amanda Catherine 1226
Ferraro, Fabrizio 2144
Ferrell, Dajuan 4436
Ferrera, Julieta 2342
Ferris, Kerry O. 1241
Ferry, Mathieu 3123
Fetner, Tina 4241
Feyereisen, Scott 4122
Fielding-Singh, Priya 4444
Fields, Corey D. 3523
Fields, Xavier Justice 4451
Filkobski, Ina 3538
Fillingim, Angela Elena 4326
Fine, Gary Alan 2236
Fine, Janice 4107, 4239
Finger, Tobias 1452
Fink, Pierre-Christian 0331, 1520
Finnigan, Ryan 2103
Finseraas, Henning 4451
Firat, Rengin Bahar 0025, 4421
Firemoon, Paula 3143
Fischbein, Rebecca 1423
Fischer, Claude S. 3442
Fischer, Nancy L. 3252
Fish, Rachel Elizabeth 3153, 3253, 3417,
4153, 4253, 4353
Fisher, Darleen 0329
Fisher, Ryan J. 4326
Fishman, Samuel Harrison 2152, 4122
Fisk, Susan Rebecca 1138
Fiss, Peer C. 3431
Fitzgerald, David 3108, 3519
Fitzpatrick, Brian R. 3544, 4451
Fitzpatrick, Kevin M. 1146
Fletcher, Jason 2346
Fligstein, Neil 0331, 2344
Flockhart, Tyler Ross 2162
Flood, Sarah M. 3523
Flores, David 1208
Flores, Edward Orozco 4129
Flores, Luis 3136
Flores, René D. 3108
Flores-Gonzalez, Nilda 3104, 4110
Flores-Yeffal, Nadia Y. 4151
Florian, Sandra 1447
Flowers, Hilary 3523
Foerster, Amy C. 2322, 4151
Fogleman, Elyssa Mayumi 4210
Folse, Brandon 2362
Folsom, Jennifer J. 1526
Fomby, Paula W. 1226, 1448,
3248, 4315
Fonarev, Elliot 2220
Forbes, TehQuin 1252, 1461,
2153, 2253
Ford, Allison 3522
Ford, Jessie 1452
Ford, Jodi L. 3438
Ford, Lexie 4251
Fordahl, Clayton Alexander 2336
Forstie, Clare 1530
Foschi, Martha 3241
Foster, Jacob Gates 1529, 1531, 2346
Foster, Jordan 1122, 4330
Foster, Megan 4431
Foster, Thomas Bradley 3222
Fosu, Gabriel B. 3415
Fourcade, Marion 3205
Foureault, Fabien 4445
Fowle, Matt Zhongyi 3422
Fox, Cybelle 3136
Fox, Emily 2303
Fox, John M. 4222
Fox, Kimberly 1423
Fox, Lindsey 1451
Fox, Matthew Peter 1123
Fox, Nicole 3539
Fox-Williams, Brittany Nicole 1537
Foy, Steven Larrimore 2122
Francis, Linda E. 4419
Francis, Robert Donald 4361
Francisco, Sara 1122
Francisco-Menchavez, Valerie A. 1409,
Franetovic, Gonzalo 3123
Frank, Aviva 3252
Frank, David John 1122, 1223
Frank, David 4122
Frank, Kenneth A. 3115
Frank, Reanne 2152
Frank, Sarah Elizabeth 2422, 3561
Fransen, Sonja 4151
Fraser, James Curtis 2322
Frazier, Cleothia 1423, 2342
Frederick, Angela 2210, 3410
Frederico, Krista 3222
Freedman, Estelle B. 1318
Freedman, Lori 3509, 4348
Freedman, Vicki A. 1423
Freelin, Brittany N. 4451
Freeman, Lance 2417, 4451
Freeman, Lindsey A. 1122
Freeman, Nikki 4122
Freese, Jeremy 2346, 4309
Frenette, Alexandre 2217
Frey, Arun 3260
Frezzo, Mark 2337
Fridman, Daniel G. 4436
Friedenbach, Jennifer 4320
Friedman, Sam 3447
Friedman, Samantha 3462
Friedman, Samuel R. 1105
Frierson, Whitney 3422
Frost, Ann 2223
Frost, Jacqui 1237
Fu, Albert S. 1208, 2315, 2423
Fugazzola, Caterina 4222
Fugiel, Peter J. 4361
Fujimura, Joan H. 2221
Fullenkamp, Natalie 2125
Fuller, Clair M. 3127
Fuller, Sylvia A. 1438, 4138
Fullerton, Andrew S. 1546
Fulton, Brad R. 3439, 4222
Furey, Jane 3231
Fuwa, Makiko 3523
Gabbadon, Andrea Terrero 3422
Gabriel, Jacqulyn (Jackie) S. 1228
Gabur, Anna 3523
Gaby, Sarah 3160, 3539
Gaddie, Clara 3125
Gaddini, Katie Christine 4142
Gaddis, Jennifer 3522
Gaddis, S. Michael 1108, 3422
Galaskiewicz, Joseph 1127
Galaz Garcia, Sergio 3525
Gallagher, Charles A. 3247
Gallagher, Mary 1244
Galli, Chiara 2445
Galli, Chuck 3422
Galli Robertson, Anya Mikael 2223
Galvan, Alexandra 1252
Galvez, Sebastian Muñoz-Najar 2125
Gamino, Eric 1123
Gangl, Markus 3222
Gansen, Heidi M. 2408
Gantois, Maïlys 1223
Gao, Manjing 4251
Garbero, John Alexander 3252
Garbes, Laura 1220
Garboden, Philip M.E. 2417, 4252
Garcia, Angela Cora 2326
Garcia, Denia 2322
Garcia, Marc Anthony 1423
Garcia, Marilyn 4253
Garcia, Melissa 1452, 4222
Garcia, Sarah 2152, 3224, 3562
García, Rocío R. 4209
Garcia del Moral, Paulina 3162, 3562
Garcia-Obledo, Georgina 4451
Gard, Arianna Morgan 4409
Gardner, Richard Edward 3245
Garip, Filiz 2237
Garmash, Ludmilla 4336
Garmon, Jeannie 3123
Garnaik, Upasana 2326, 3523
Garrett, Cal Lee 2125
Garrido, Marco Z. 2209, 2317,
3405, 4117
Garrison, Spencer A. 4442
Gasteyer, Stephen Philip 1426, 4251
Gaston, Shytierra 2116
Gauchat, Gordon 1242
Gaughan, Monica M. 3252
Gauthier, Gertrude Robin 4451
Gauthier, Gertrude Robin 3442
Gavrila, Simona Gabriela 2322, 4145
Gawerc, Michelle I. 3527
Index of Participants
Gaydosh, Lauren M. 3431, 3438, 4337
Gebhardt-Kram, Lauren 4122, 4348, 4444
Gebre-Medhin, Ben Hidru 4447
Gecker, Whitney 2322
Geisler, Isabel Araceli 3562
Geist, Claudia 1123
Gelbgiser, Dafna 3123
Geletta, Simon 3123
Gellert, Paul K. 4326
Gemelli, Marcella Catherine 4124
Gemici, Basak 2129
Geng, Jing 2143
Genkin, Michael 1243
George, Aleena 4151
Geraldo Bastias, Pablo 4451
Gerber, Lynne 4229
Gerber, Theodore P. 2122, 3531
Gereke, Johanna 3448
Gerke, Markus 1462
Gerlach, Anna 3222
Gerschick, Tom 3521
Gershenson, Carl E. 1220
Gershon, Ilana 2207
Gerstel, Naomi 3129
Gervis, Alexandra Chase 1429
Ghafurian, Moojan 4419
Ghazanjani, Mehri 3260
Ghaziani, Amin 1505
Gherghina, Mircea 1424, 3430
Ghosh, Apoorva 1446, 2153,
2253, 2362
Ghosh, Parijat 4251
Ghoshal, Raj Andrew 1530, 2423
Gianchandani, Erwin 0329
Gibadullina, Albina 1424
Gibbons, Ethan P. 3522
Gibbs, Benjamin G. 1423, 3248
Gibson, David R. 2247
Gibson, Ryan 1452, 2161
Gibson-Light, Michael 1217, 4106
Giebel, Sonia 4339, 4447
Giffort, Danielle 1422, 2423, 4122
Gilbert, Keon 3204
Gilbert, Marissa Danille 2462
Gill, Jungyun 2122, 4347
Gill, Navjyot 1262
Gill, Timothy M. 2336
Gillespie, Brian Joseph 4151
Gilligan, Megan 1423, 2242, 4337
Gillion, Leah 2238
Gillman, Anne 1146
Gilmartin, Shannon 4338, 4429
Ginsburg, Carren 1148
Girard, Christopher S. 2422
Giritli Nygren, Katarina 3236
Girma, Hewan 3123
Giuffre, Patti A. 4338, 4438
Giugni, Marco 3422
Givens, Jennifer E. 3242, 3522
Gjata, Joris 3222
Gladstone, Eric 4321
Glass, Jennifer L. 3222
Glass, Ronald David 3124
Glassman, Lindsay Wood 2320
Glauber, Rebecca 4317
Glavin, Paul 3222
Gleeson, Shannon Marie 3420, 4109, 4352
Gleit, Rebecca 1530
Glenn, Evelyn Nakano 2310
Glennie, Charlotte 1246
Glisch-Sanchez, David Luis 4127
Go, Julian 4217
Goalwin, Gregory 2148
Godart, Frederic Clement 1424
Godechot, Olivier 3205, 4336
Godoy, Angelina 4452
Goff, Kerby 4251
Goksel, Nisa 4127
Golash-Boza, Tanya Maria 3108, 4121,
4205, 4326, 4403
Gold, Jessica 4451
Gold, Steven J. 4151
Gold, Tomas 1245, 4251
Goldberg, Amir 2122
Goldberg, Chad Alan 0337, 3436
Goldensher, Liora O. 2336
Golding, Shaun Arick 3522
Goldman-Hasbun, Julia 1252, 3246, 4120
Goldman Schuyler, Kathryn 1216, 2424
Goldstein, Adam 2110, 2344
Goldstein, Jesse 1424
Goldstein-Kral, Jess 3252
Gomez, Amanda 4448
Gomez, Charles Jonathan 2125, 2245
Gomez Cervantes, Andrea 2226
Gomez-Olive, F. Xavier 1148, 1261, 2248
Gómez-Pathak, Laura 4122
Gonalons-Pons, Pilar 1409, 4329
Gondal, Neha 2131, 4122
Gong, Fang 4122
Gong, Qiujie 3148
Gonsalves, Leroy 3441, 3541,
4246, 4308
Gonsalves, Tara Marie 1561
Gonzales, Angela Ann 3105
Gonzales, Gabrielle Grace 4122
Gonzales, Roberto G. 3104
Gonzalez, Alessandra L. 3222
Gonzalez, Kelsey E. 1441, 3422, 4122
Gonzalez-Lopez, Gloria 2407
Gonzalez Paz Paredes, Camila 2122
Gonzalez-Sobrino, Bianca 1441
Gonzalez Vaillant, Gabriela 4420
Goode, Jayne 1530
Goodkind, Jessica Rose 2342, 3221
Goodman, Phil 4106
Goodman, Ryan J. 2423
Goodman, Sara 1252
Goods, Kenya Lanae' 4222
Goodson-Miller, Marva 1123
Goodwin, Andrea Nicole 4122
Goodwin, Jamie Lynn 1122, 1536
Goosby, Bridget 2342, 3520,
4122, 4136, 4409
Gorbatai, Andreea Daniela 1424
Gorbenko, Ksenia O. 3124
Gordon, Rachel A. 4161
Gorman, Bridget K. 1526, 2139, 3117
Gorman, Emma 3123
Gorman, Kimberly S. 1451, 4122
Gornick, Janet 4131
Gorski, Karlyn 4451
Gosa, Sara Kimberly 1423
Gosin, Monika 3154
Gougherty, Matthew
Gould, Deborah B. 1545
Gowayed, Heba 4305
Goyette, Kimberly Ann 2322, 3153
Grace, Breanne L. 3154
Grace, Jessi 3252, 4148
Grace, Matthew K. 1144, 2320
Graetz, Nick 4409
Graeve, Olivia A. 1138
Graff, Patrick Arthur 2238
Graham, Lain 4122
Graham, Timothy 3145
Graif, Corina 3442, 4243
Gran, Brian 2337
Granovetter, Mark 2317
Grant, Annaliese 4124
Grant, Christine 4124
Gray, Ian 2125
Gray, Kishonna Leah 3408
Gray, Mary L. 1106, 3404
Grazian, David 2247, 3106
Grdesic, Marko 1424
Greatorex-Voith, Siobhan 1451
Greenberg, David F. 1123
Greenberg, Max A. 1517
Greenberg, Miriam 1116, 2343
Greenbrook, Josephine T. V. 1151, 1223
Greene, Dana M. 3125
Greene, Joss Taylor 3546
Greene, Richard Neil 2342
Greene, Theo 1505, 2139,
2208, 2339, 2439
Greenidge Jr., George 3106
Greenland, Fiona 4144, 4417
Greensmith, Cameron 2120
Greenwood, Joleen Loucks 2423
Greer, Colleen 2423
Greer, Kerry 1422
Greey, Ali 4442
Gregory, Karen 1106
Greiffenhagen, Christian 1137
Greiner, Patrick Trent 3522
Griego, Angel 1424
Griesbach, Kathleen Ann 2444
Griffen, Zachary Webster 4247
Griffith, Kate 4352
Grigorian, Stella 1422
Grigoropoulou, Nikolitsa 2145
Grigoryeva, Angelina 3148, 4325
Grigsby, Jill S. 1422
Grillos, Tara 4122
Grimm, Curt 2122
Grimsley, Edwin 3120
Grindstaff, Laura 1241
Grineski, Sara Elizabeth 1424, 3522
Groggel, Anne 2162, 3162
Groh, Sarah 3252
Gronert, Nona Maria 2422
Index of Participants
Grošelj, Darja 3145
Groshek, Jacob 3245
Gross, Mark 1148
Gross, Nora 1127, 4451
Grossman, Brian R. 2210
Growing Thunder, Ramey 3143
Grubacic, Andrej 4326
Grundy, Saida 2404, 3147
Grusky, David B. 2103
Gruys, Kjerstin 2208, 3127
Grzanka, Patrick Ryan 2303
Gu, Chien-Juh 2246
Gu, Xiaorong 3262
Gualtieri, Gillian 1122
Guay, Emanuel 3124
Guedes, Gilvan 2152
Guenther, Katja M. 3410
Guerra, Joshua 4243
Guhin, Jeffrey 1546, 4142
Guilbeault, Douglas 2231
Guion, Eliza 1123
Gulbis, Angelika Ruta 1151
Güler, Selen 1545
Gull, Bethany 2436
Gullickson, Aaron Olaf 3209
Guluma, Beka 3422
Gunderson, Ryan 3522
Güneş Durmuş, Aysun 4242
Guo, Chaoye 4222
Guo, Guang 4421
Guo, Kunlin 1451
Guo, Wei 1552
Guo, Weirong 1223
Gupta, Aashish 1423, 3522
Guran, Gozde 2444
Gurusami, Susila 3546, 4106, 4209
Guschke, Bontu Lucie 4438
Guseva, Alya 1120
Gusia, Linda 1121
Guterbock, Thomas M. 3160
Gutiereez, Andrew 1151
Gutierrez, Armand Rene 4151
Gutierrez, Carmen Marie 3520
Gutierrez, Cynthia 3403
Gutin, Iliya 3146
Guzman, Joseph A. 3120
Ha, Nuri 2422
Haber, Jaren Randell 2125, 4451
Hackett, Charlie 4127
Hadler, Markus 3522
Hadorn, Susanne 4147
Hadziabdic, Sinisa 2122
Hagaman-Cummins, Natasha Dione 4429,
Hagerman, Margaret A. 3119, 3247, 4161
Hagerty, Darbee 3125
Haggard, Brian Wilson 2122
Hahl, Oliver 3246
Haider, Maheen 1223, 4339
Hailey, Chantal Annise 1219
Haimson, Chloe 1123
Haire, Emily R. 3441
Halasz, Judith R. 2322
Halawa, Mateusz 1220
Halcomb, Laura 1424
Hall, Melissa 3145
Hall, Meredith 4144
Hallett, Tim 1424, 2162, 3544
Halley, Jeffrey A. 1128
Halliday, Terence C. 2326
Halpern, Carolyn 3146
Haltom, Trenton M. 3252
Hämäläinen, Hans 3523
Hamil, Jenifer 1423
Hamilton, Amber M. 3229
Hamilton, Darrick 3206
Hamilton, Erin R. 2152
Hamilton, Greer Ayanna 1151
Hamilton, Lawrence C. 2122
Hamm, Jill 3444
Hammad Mrig, Emily Allia 2125
Hammer, Ricarda 1548, 2410
Hamplova, Dana 3523
Han, Beenna 3523
Han, Chengming 1451
Han, Chong-suk 1451
Han, Joon 1451
Han, Seong Won 2137
Han, Siqi 4451
Han, Tsai-Yen 3523
Han, Xiaoning 3445
Han, Xiaowen 3123
Han, Zhuang 1552
Hancock, Black Hawk 2247
Hand, Laura C. 2422
Handsman, Emily 3153
Haney, Timothy 1510, 4345
Hankin, Janet 4122
Hanley, Caroline 1109, 4336
Hanna, Alex 1415, 2321, 2407
Hannum, Emily Carroll 1148, 1552
Hanselman, Paul 3153
Hansen, Barbara 3410, 4329
Hansen, Karen V. 4451
Hanson, Clara 4230
Hanson, Kenneth 3252
Hanson, Rebecca Annice 4219
Hanson, Sandra L. 3123
Hanssmann, Christoph 3252
Hao, Feng 3522
Hao, Lingxin 2237
Hara, Yuko 3426
Harari, Lexi 1244
Harawa, Sadson 1148
Harbaugh, Robert 2122
Harding, David J. 1219, 3531
Hardy, Melissa 2106
Hargrove, Andrew 3522
Hargrove, Taylor W. 3431
Harkness, Sarah K. 3241
harkness, susan 3123
Harknett, Kristen S. 1509, 4336
Harlan, Sharon L. 3522
Harold, Joshua 3422
Harper, Molly-Gloria Rachelle 1423, 4125
Harrigan, Nicholas 1243
Harrington Meyer, Madonna 3224
Harris, Alexes 1503, 3138
Harris, Angel 3109
Harris, Colette 2152
Harris, David Evan 2216
Harris, Eleanor Lake 4451
Harris, Joseph A. 1105, 1261,
2327, 4251
Harris, Kathleen Mullan 3125, 3146,
3438, 4136
Harris, Kelsey 1229
Harris, Kevan 1553
Harris, Lauren 2261, 4328
Harris, Richard J. 1226
Harrison, Anthony Kwame 1122
Harrison, Jill Lindsey 2127
Hart, Beth Ann 4253
Hart, Chloe Grace 3222
Hart, Sydney 2123
Hart-Brinson, Peter 3536
Hartless, Jaime 2439
Hartman, Catherine 3444
Hartmann, Douglas 1451, 1462, 1515
Hartmann, Heidi I. 2206
Hartter, Joel 2122
Harvey, Hope 3523
Harvey, Peter Francis 2422
Harvey Wingfield, Adia M. 3107, 3318
Harwood, Hannah 4122, 4124
Hasenour, Kiersten 1451
Hashemi, Manata 2148
Haskel, Emily 4125
Haskin, Jennifer 4124
Hasmath, Reza 1552
Hasselhorn, Fabian 1123
Hastings, Orestes Pat 3123, 3248
Hatch, Anthony Ryan 2327
Hatch, Stephani 4122, 4124
Hathi, Payal 1423
Hatipoglu, Serra Sevde 3523
Hatteberg, Sarah Jean 2223
Hatton, Erin E. 2306, 4106
Hatzenbuehler, Mark Louis 1452
Haupert, Tyler 2417
Hausbeck, Kathryn 4307
Hauschildt, Katrina 4122
Haveman, Heather A. 2125
Havewala, Ferzana 1146, 2322
Hawdon, James E. 4331
Hawks, Cynthia Kate 2161
Hax, Heather Anne 1228
Hayes, Endia Louise 3525
Hayes, Jeffrey A. 2206
Hayes, Whitney Ann 1452
Hayford, Sarah R. 1110, 1444, 1541
Haynes, Ada 3124
Haynes Stein, Alana 1146
Haynie, Dana L. 1123
Hays, Jake 2152
Hayward, Dana 1123
Hazboun, Shawn Olson 2338
He, Jiaolong 2237
He, Qian 2122, 2237
Index of Participants
Healy, Anthony E. 2322
Hearne, Brittany Nicole 2342
Heath, Courtney 4125
Heath, Melanie 2220
Heaton, Brenda 4122
Hecht, Katharina 4445
Hedley, Mark 3125
Hedlund, John 3522
Hedstrom, Peter 1531
Heerwig, Jen 2122
Hegazy, Rana 1138
Hegtvedt, Karen A. 2161
Heideman, Laura J. 3128, 4454
Heidemann, Kai A. 2122
Heikkilä, Riie 4125
Heilman, Monica 4339
Heintz-Martin, Valerie 1423
Heinze, Justin 1444
Heiserman, Nicholas 3446
Heiskala, Risto K. 4325
Heitzig, Jobst 3430
Hekmatpour, Peyman 1552, 3125
Heldreth, Lindsay 4325
Helgertz, Jonas 1138, 2152
Heller, Patrick G. 4454
Helmstetter, Craig D.P. 2124
Helmuth, Allison Suppan 2322
Helper, Susan 1507
Hemmings, Benjamin 2320
Henaut, Leonie 3222
Henderson, Andrea 2436, 3239, 3439
Henderson, Madeleine 2422
Hendi, Arun 2461
Hendley, Alexandra (Ali) Olympia 2422
Hengstebeck, Natalie D. 0329, 4215
Henk, Nori Lowe 4403
Henkens, Kene 2106
Henley, Megan 1451, 4328
Henry, Emmanuel 2125
Henry, Joseph Leon 2243
Herbert, Claire W. 1262
Herbolsheimer, Chancey 4122
Herda, Daniel E. 2145
Herling, Jessica 1451
Herman, Max Arthur 2322
Hern, Lindy 4247
Hernandez, Azucena 1252
Hernandez, Carolina 1228
Hernandez, Jessennya 2429
Hernandez, Mario R. 1151, 1451
Hernandez, Priscilla 1128
Hernandez-Leon, Ruben 1122, 4151
Hernandez-Medina, Esther 1223
Hernandez Vidal, Nathalia 2221, 4222
Herrero Saenz, Rebeca 1451
Herring, Christopher 4320
Hertel-Fernandez, Alexander 4107
Hertenstein, Hannah 1151
Hertz, Rosanna 4237, 4337
Herzberg Druker, Efrat 3547
Herzog, Patricia Snell 1122, 1536
Hess, Christian L. 2142
Hess, Julia Meredith 2342
Hess, Kimberly 3525
Hetland, Gabriel 2209
Hewstone, Miles 1447
Heymann, Orlaith 4122
Hidalgo, Anna Patricia 4143
Higuera, Kimberly B. 4151
Hiitola, Johanna 1226, 2345
Hikido, Annie 4219, 4446
Hill, Amelia 2230, 2437
Hill, Brandon J. 3127
Hill, Graham Wilson 2122
Hill, Jasmine 3123
Hill, Terrence D. 2422, 3422, 4122
Hiller, Chris 3527
Himmelstern, Jessie 3447
Hinz, Thomas 1462
Hipp, John R. 3442
Hipp, Lena 1438, 2319
Hiramori, Daiki 3252
Hirsch, Nicole Arlette 4222
Hirschl, Noah 3153, 3231, 3444
Hirschman, Daniel 1120, 1220,
1520, 2110
Hirsh, Elizabeth 4120
Hirshfield, Laura Ellen 4122
Hisano, Ai 4436
Hitlin, Steven 2438
Ho, Dennis 4125
Ho, Jacqueline 2246
Ho, Ming-sho 4222
Hoang, Kimberly Kay 3205, 4305
Hoang, Lyn N. 4125
Hodges, Melissa 4444
Hoelter, Lynette F. 2215
Hoepner, Andreas 2144
Hoey, Elliott 2230, 2437
Hoey, Jesse 4419
Hoffman, Steve G. 2125, 2321
Hoffmann, Elizabeth A. 4239
Hoffmann, Nathan 4151
Hofstra, Bas 2125
Hogan, Jackie Lee 1122
Hoiland, Sarah 2223, 4328
Hoiting, Iris 3523
Holbrow, Hilary J. 3139
Holcomb, Jeanne Anne 2123
Holland, Curtis Carl 3128
Holland, Kathryn 3252
Holland, Megan M. 4338
Holleman, Anna 1423, 3125
Holleman, Hannah A. 1230
Hollingdale, Hazel 1452
Hollister, Matissa 4308
Holmes, Andy Walter 1151
Homan, Casey Philip 4342
Homan, Patricia 2422, 3146,
3431, 4142
Hömke, Paul 2230
Honavar, Vasant G. 4243
Hondagneu-Sotelo, Pierrette 4205
Hong, Chen-Shuo 3545
Hong, Pamela 2122
Hong, Sun-ha 1543
Hong, Yoon Sung 2125
Hook, Jennifer L. 4238, 4437
Hooks, Gregory 3522, 4251
Hoominfar, Elham 4251
Hoppe, Trevor Alexander 4245
Hordge-Freeman, Elizabeth 4244
Hormel, Leontina M. 3522
Horner-Devine, M. Claire 4124
Horowitz, Jonathan 1148, 3444
Horowitz, Veronica L. 1123, 3138
Horton, Hayward Derrick 3120
Horvath, Aaron 3222, 3441
Horwitz, Ilana 3125, 3422
Hosley, Nelson 4125
Hosman, Sarah S. 2322
Hossain, Belal 3523
Hossfeld, Leslie 1116
Hou, Lydia J. 2423
Houle, Brian 1261, 2248
Houle, Jason N. 1423
Hourigan, Kristen L. 2422
Hout, Michael 1145, 3238
Houtte, Mieke Van 4451
Hovav, April 4248
Howard, Jay R. 2323, 4115
Howe, Adam Colin 2138
Howell, Junia 2322
Hoy, Aaron 1248
Hristov, Jasmin 4354
Hsiao, Yuan 3222
Hsieh, Michelle Fei-yu 1223
Hsieh, Ning 1423, 2442, 3117
Hsu, Becky Yang 3239
Hsu, Carolyn L. 1552
Hsu, Doreen 3460
Hsu, Jennifer Y.J. 1552
Hsu, Tze-Li 1423
Hu, Anning 1153, 2122, 4153
Hu, Beiyi 4124
Hu, Bowei 4131
Hu, Jianguo 1252
Hu, Li-Chung 1148
Hu, Olivia 3422
Huang, Hsu 1223
Huang, Jing 4436
Huang, Peng 1148
Huang, Peng 2246
Huang, Qing 3447
Huang, Wenqi 1424
Huang, Wenxuan 2438
Huang, Xiaoqu 1252
Huang, Xiaorui 3522
Huang, Yi 2231
Huangfu, Yiyue 4451
Huante, Alfredo 2142, 2322
Huaqui, Anthony Cesar 3123
Huber, Evelyne 4131
Hudnall, Erin B. 3125
Hudson, Cassie E. 4122
Hudson, Kenneth 4421
Huebner, Daniel R. 1443
Huebner, Lisa 2422
Hughes, Christina 1503
Hughes, Melanie M. 2310
Hughes, Michael 1122
Hughes, Susan 4122
Index of Participants
Huhn, Merilys 2326
Hui, Sio Ieng 4222
Hull, Kathleen E. 1143, 1248
Hümbelin, Oliver 3262
Humble, Lorissa Bryanne Barbara 1151, 1452
Hummer, Robert A. 4122
Hung, Ho-Fung 2119
Hung, Koit 3123, 3531
Hung, Yiling 2125
Hunt, Theresa Ann 1446
Hunter, Benjamin M. 4251
Hunter, Margaret 1107
Hunter, Savannah Marie 3222
Huq, Efadul 4320
Hurst, Allison L. 1128
Hurwitz, Heather McKee 2422
Hurwitz, Joshua M. 3222
Husain, Atiya 1104
Husain, Fauzia 1223, 3530
Husbands Fealing, Kay 3206
Huse, Payton 2422
Huston, John 4451
Hutchison, Ray 1122, 2322
Hutson, Ashley Colleen Feely 3462
Huttenlocher, Tessa Dorothy 3222
Huyser, Kimberly R. 1526, 3105
Hwang, Hokyu 2122
Hwang, Hyunseok 2322
Hwang, In Jeong 3129
Hwang, Jackelyn 2117, 2417
Hwang, Karam 3422
Hyde, Luke 4409
Hyde, Zachary 2322
Hyman, Mikell Alexandra 4220
Hyseni, Fitore 2326
Ibanez, Lindsey McKay 3441, 3541,
4246, 4308
Ibarra, Jonathan M. 1226
Ice, Erin 2248, 4138
Ichou, Mathieu 1447
Idris, Ferdose Y. 4151
Igarashi, Akira 4408
Ige, Abiodun Fiwajoye 1424
Iglesias, Chris 1103
Ignatow, Gabe 4325
Igra, Mark 3442
Ilhan, Ali Ogulcan 4451
Imlay, Aimee 3521
Imoagene, Onoso Ikphemi 4151
Inara Rodis, Paulina dela Cruz 3422
Ince, Jelani 2162
Inglis, Patrick 3123
Ingraham, Natalie 1451, 4229
Inlow, Alana R. 1252, 2322
Inouye, Arlene 3109
Inwood, Kris 3525
Ip, Bonnie 3422
Irizarry, Yasmiyn 3153, 3504, 4304
Irons, Jenny 1215
Irvine, Angela 4203
Irwin, Katherine 2120
Isaac, Larry W. 4420
Ishage, Aika 1252
Ishizuka, Patrick Steven 3506
Iskander, Natasha N. 4109
Islam, Saiful 2122
Isorena, Anna 1539
Ispa-Landa, Simone 2408
Israel de Souza, Stefanie 2446
Isserles, Robin G. 4451
Iturra,, Victor 4251
Iturriaga, Nicole 1538, 3229
Itzigsohn, Jose 2226
Ivory, Tristan 1223, 4310
Ivy, Julie 4124
Iwama, Janice Anne 1123
Iyall Smith, Keri E. 1426, 2337
Izienicki, Hubert 2422
Izumi, Hiroaki 1423
Jabbar, Huriya 3444
Jabbari, Jason F. 1136
Jabbarli, Ramin 3422
Jabola-Carolus, Isaac 1228
Jackson, Brandon A. 1451
Jackson, Elizabeth Jeanette 3410
Jackson, Gregory 2144
Jackson, Helen H. 4452
Jackson, Jason 4207
Jackson, Jeffrey T. 3422, 4251
Jackson, Margot 4247
Jackson, Michelle 4309
Jackson, Pamela Braboy 2442
Jackson, Pamela Irving 1451, 1527,
3236, 4151
Jackson, Shirley A. 2142, 2322
Jackson, Taylor 4148
Jacobs, Anna W. 4420
Jacobs, Charlotte 4451
Jacobs, Elizabeth 4151
Jacobs, Jerry A. 1504, 3523
Jaeger, Andrew Boardman 2309
Jaffe, Kaitlyn 1142
Jaks, Queen 1151
Jalali, Rita 3443, 4251
Jalili, Jaleh 2148, 2322
James, Adilia E.E. 4324
James, Jennifer Elyse 1123, 2125
James, Katie 3523
James, Rina 1451
Jang, Beksahn A. 3422
Jang, Yong Suk 2122
Jang-Trettien, Christine 2417
Janko, Erica 1451, 2217
Jann, Ben 3262
Janschitz, Gerlinde 1127
Jansen, Robert S. 1245, 3405
Janson, Lara 2326
Jarvis, Jonathan A. 1226, 1552, 3523
Javaher, Negin Saheb 4337
Javidan, Pantea 1122
Jayaram, Lakshmi 1110, 4451
Jean, Cassandra 4124
Jean, Sandrine 1228
Jeffrey, Wesley 4451
Jeffries Hein, Robbin M. 2125
Jehn, Anthony 4451
Jenkins, Austin Abernethy Stimpson 2125
Jenkins, J. Craig 2338
Jenkins, Tania M. 3139, 3509
Jenner, Brandy M. 2423
Jenness, Valerie 1417
Jennings, Jennifer L. 2408, 4353
Jennings, Joey Nathaniel 4222
Jensen, Katherine Christine 4310
Jensen, Sarah 1123
Jensen, Sidsel Vive 3422
Jeon, June 0152, 3522
Jeon, Su Yeone 2125
Jeong, Hawoong 3442
Jeong, Myung Eun 2122
Jeong, Seong-Jo 3252
Jeske, Melanie 2125
Jesmin, Syeda S. 4122
Jespersen, Sara Ravn 1451
Ji, Yingchun 1552
Jiang, Song 2346
Jiang, Wenhao 4124
Jijon, Isabel 1223, 1424
Jimenez, Jonathan A. 2120, 3221
Jimenez, Tomas R. 3505, 4151
Jin, Lei 4122
Jirek, Sarah L. 3222
Jo, Hong Jin 1223
Jochman, Joseph Charles 1226
Joffe, Carole E. 3403
Johansson, Thomas 4451
Johfre, Sasha Shen 2143, 2346
Johnsen, Sara 3523
Johnson, Amy Lynne 1530
Johnson, Cathryn 2161
Johnson, Elizabeth A. 1423
Johnson, Erin Rebecca 4247
Johnson, Jacqueline 2146
Johnson, James (Jay) G. 4151
Johnson, Kaitlin 3523
Johnson, Katherine M. 4448
Johnson, Keith R. 4122
Johnson, Kevin R. 4403
Johnson, Lanora 1451
Johnson, Odis D. 1136, 3204
Johnson, Rebecca Ann 1423, 2346
Johnston, Erin F. 2246
Johnston, T.J. 4320
Johnstonbaugh, Morgan 4431
Joignant, Alfredo 3436
Jonason, Amy E. 1122, 1430
Jones, Angela 4307, 4430
Jones, Chelle 2406
Jones, Jason Jeffrey 4125
Jones, Jennifer A. 2104, 3453
Jones, Leslie Kay 1429
Jones, Nicole E. 2142, 3146
Jones, Nikki 3219, 4203
Joosse, Paul 2122, 2336
Jordan, Megan 2122
Jordan-Bloch, Sara 2424
Index of Participants
Jorgensen, Abigail 1151, 2422, 3523
Jorgenson, Andrew K. 1404, 3522
Joseph, Galen 2125
Joseph, Jared 1123
Joseph, Nathanael Grant 4222
Joseph-Goteiner, David C. 3261
Joshi, Omkar 3125, 3523
Joyce, Kelly A. 1228, 2321
Joynt, Chase 4108
Juarez, Marlem 1252
Judd, Nicholas Clark 2122
Judson, Hannah 1210
Julien, Chris 3245
Jung, Gowoon 1548
Jung, Hye-Ryoung 1562
Jung, Jiwook 2244, 2305, 4308
Jung, Minwoo 0152, 3252,
4222, 4341
Jungels, Amanda May 1130
Jungleib, Lillian Taylor 1123, 2437
Junker, Andrew 4222
Junnilainen, Lotta Maria 2322
Juravich, Tom 1228, 2219
Juska, Arunas 1423
Jutel, Annemarie 2221
Kackovic, Monika 3139
Kadanoff, David 1422
Kader, Merve Umay 1451
Kain, Edward L. 1422, 3536
Kaiser, John 4124
Kalaitzake, Manolis 2122
Kalb, Zep 1553
Kalev, Alexandra 2305, 2403,
3222, 3441,
3541, 4246, 4308
Kalish, Ilene 2415
Kalleberg, Arne L. 3419, 4206, 4405
Kallman, Meghan Elizabeth 3222, 3522
Kallunki, Jarmo 1122
Kalof, Linda Elizabeth 4324
Kamano, Saori 3252
Kamata, Kanoko 4129
Kamath, Rajalaxmi 3222
Kambara, Hitomi 4451
Kaminski, Patrick Christian 3131
Kamis, Christina 1423, 4122
Kampler, Benjamin Joseph 2139, 2322
Kamran, Sidra 4438
Kanagavel, Rajee 1243
Kane, Danielle 3523
Kanelee, Ember Skye Willow 4124
Kang, Chungseo 2137
Kang, Miliann 4430
Kang, Minhyoung 1421
Kang, Siqin 1252
Kang, Youbin 1228
Kao, Grace 4153
Kao, Ying-Chao 4241
Kaplan, Amanda 1238
Karakaya, Yagmur 1122, 2129, 4344
Karaoglu, Ezgi 1230
Karatasli, Sahan Savas 1521, 3243
Karazi-Presler, Tair 3541
Karell, Daniel 1545
Karen, David 4253, 4451
Karen, Dawnn 1151
Karen, Rachel 2438
Karides, Marina 2262
Karimi, Ahmad (Aryan) 4151
Karlson, Kristian Bernt 3447
Karpiniski, Zbigniew 3123
Karwacinski, Barbara 2423
Kasimov, Andrey 3245
Kasun, Paul 1128
Kathiravelu, Laavanya 4310
Kato, Yuki 1146, 1246, 1430, 3208
Katsanidou, Alexia 3430
Katz, Nathan 2122
Kauffman-Berry, Andrea 2331
Kaufman, Gayle 4317
Kaukinen, Catherine 4143
Kaul, Vasundhara 1145, 3562, 4347
Kawakami, Atsuko 1423
Kawashima, Tenshi 1451
Kay, Tamara 1228
Kayali, Nihal 3453
Kaye, Kerwin 1123
Kazyak, Emily 4442
Keahey, Jennifer 3230, 4454
Keaton, Emily 1252
Keddo, Nessa 1451
Keefe, Andrew 4222
Keefer, Laurie 3124
Kehal, Prabhdeep Singh 2229, 4446
Keith, Verna M. 1247, 1447, 2253
Kekelia, Elene 1451
Kelkar, Shreeharsh 1543
Kelley, C.G.E. 3123
Kelley, Jessica A. 1210, 1447, 2438
Kelley, Jonathan 4261
Kelley, Jonathan 3123
Kelley, Kristin Kaye 3241, 3523
Kelley, Margaret S. 3162
Kelly, Brian Christopher 3131, 3426, 4309
Kelly, Erin 1438, 3406
Kelly, Jennifer Rebecca 4324
Kelly, Monique Deeann Asandra 1548
Kelly, Paige 2322
Kelso, Michelle 3123
Kendrick, Kobin 2230
Kennedy, Emily Huddart 3522
Kennedy, Ian 2422, 3138
Kennedy, Michael D. 1121, 1420
Kennedy, Sofia 3441, 4338
Kentikelenis, Alexander 2244
Kentor, Jeffrey D. 4251
ker, Alex 2423
Keren, Noam 4222
Keren, Ran 4325
Kern, Anna 2423
Kern, Shawn Andrew 1451
Kerrissey, Jasmine 1506, 2121, 3547
Keshavan MD, Matcheri S. 4421
Kesler, Christel 3523, 4151, 4261
Kessing, Malene Lue 1226
Keyes, Sky 4237
Keynton, Rachel 1136, 2422
Khachikian, Oshin 4253
Khader, Rafia 1536
Khalili, Ahmad 1151
Khaliq, Shanel 1552
Khan, Cristina 4141
Khan, Mariya Adnan 4161
Khan, Mishal 2326
Khan, Shamus Rahman 1415, 4253
Khanna, Katharine 3147
Khessina, Olga M. 3222
Khoshneviss, Hadi 1422, 4252
Khuld, Hamna 1151
Khuu, Ngoc-Thoa 3545
Kibria, Nazli 4337
Kichler, Rosalind 4442
Kidd, Dustin 1241, 1544, 3224
Kidd, Nancy 1411
Kidder, Jeffrey L. 4347
Kidwell, Josiah 4230
Kilanski, Kristine 3222
Kiley, Kevin Robert 2122
Kilicaslan, Alaz 3441, 3541,
4122, 4246, 4308
Killeen, Mary B. 2326
Killewald, Alexandra 4238
Killian, Caitlin 2337
Kim, Allen 1151
Kim, Andrew 3147, 3523
Kim, Bohee 4210
Kim, ChangHwan 1138, 3123,
3147, 3222, 4451
Kim, Elisa 3538
Kim, Esther C. 3422
Kim, Eunjae 1552
Kim, Hyeon Chang 4136
Kim, Hyun Jin 1424
Kim, Ilju 1552
Kim, Jaeeun 0152, 3439
Kim, Jae Kyun 3422
Kim, Jennifer 1544
Kim, Jessica 3222
Kim, JeungHyun 1423
Kim, Jibum 3123
Kim, Ji Eun 1531
Kim, Ji Hye 3246
Kim, Jihyun 4451
Kim, Jinwon 4328
Kim, Jisoo 1231
Kim, Jiwon 1423
Kim, Jiyeon 1451
Kim, Joeun 1451
Kim, Jong-Kil 4451
Kim, Joong Won 3422
Kim, Joonsik 3525
Kim, Junsol 3523, 4136
Kim, Juyeon 4122
Kim, Kwan Woo 4246
Kim, Lanu 2125
Kim, Minjae 3246
Kim, Minjeong 0152, 3422
Kim, Min Ju 1526, 3117
Kim, Minyoung 4222
Index of Participants
Kim, Nadia Y. 4229
Kim, Nathan 2348
Kim, Phil Suk 1552
Kim, Seung Wan 4146
Kim, Soohan 3222
Kim, Soo Mee 2322, 3462
Kim, Soyon 1451
Kim, Veda Hyunjin 1443
Kim, Yangsook 1451
Kim, Yong-Chan 4136
Kim, Young K. 4148
Kim, Young-Choon 3222
Kim, Young-Il 3523
Kim, Young-Mi 0152, 1438, 3523
Kim, Yujin 2422
Kimmel, Isaac 1252
Kimpel, Jeanne E. 2142, 3422
Kimport, Katrina E. 3403
Kincaid, Reilly 4337
Kindel, Alexander 1542
Kindo, Nikas 4251
King, Brittany 3431
King, Kahlil 1151
King, Molly M. 1131
King, Sanna 1123
Kington, Sarah 4448
Kinney, Alexander 2326
Kirby, James B. 1547
Kirchner, Corinne Endreny 4124
Kirk, Gabriela 2109
Kirkland, Anna 2326
Kirschbaum, Charles 1424, 1452, 3422
Kirsh, Barbara 2324, 3142
Kirtchik, Olessia I. 2122
Kissane, Rebecca Joyce 4329
Kissling, Alexandra 4348
Kitchen, Deeb Paul 2423
Kitts, James A. 2231
Kiviat, Barbara 1204
Kivisto, Peter 2236
Klein, Josh R. 1151
Kleman, Han Noel 4222
Kleps, Christopher Nathan 2326
Klett, Joseph 2324
Kliem, Sören 1123, 1451
Kline, Kaitlin Ann 1252
Kline, Zachary Dillon 1531, 3123
Klopack, Eric Thomas 1247
Kmec, Julie A. 4437
Knight, Carly 1508, 2110
Knight, David Jonathan 3546
Knoester, Chris 2147, 3523,
4437, 4451
Knorr Cetina, Karin D. 2162
Kobia, Joy Kagwiria Murunga 2424
Kocak, Ozgecan 1424
Koch, Bernard 1529, 2346, 4451
Koci, Kristen 4328
Kodukula, Geethika 1423
Koenig, Barbara 2125
Koenig, Biko 4222
Kogan, Irena 4151
Kohl, Sebastian 2244
Kohler-Hausmann, Issa B. 3219
Kojola, Erik 3522
Kolb, Kenneth H. 3261, 4328
Kolbe, Melanie 3422
Kolbeck, Simon 1123
Koltai, Jonathan 3426, 4122
Komiya, Tomone 2437
Konrad, Thomas R. 4122
Koo, Jeong-Woo 1223
Koontz, Amanda 2422
Koppelman, Carter M. 4446
Koppman, Sharon 4208
Kordsmeier, Gregory Trainor 0028,
1422, 2316
Koride, Padmavathi 2244
Korinek, Kim M. 3520
Kornrich, Sabino 3523
Korver-Glenn, Elizabeth 2417
Koslov, Liz 3203
Kotanko, Adam 3125
Kotliar, Dan M. 1429
Kovnick, Miles Owen 3520
Kowalski, Brittany M. 1452, 3125
Kowalski, Ken Cai 1230
Kozhikode, Rajiv Krishnan 3125, 4151
Kozimor, Michele Lee 1221
Kozlowski, Karen Phelan 1151, 4451
Kramarczuk Voulgarides, Catherine 3410
Kramer, Karen Z. 1451, 3148
Krane, Kimberly 2424
Kranjac, Ashley Wendell 3523
Kranz, Angela 2324, 3537
Kraus, Ludwig 1226
Krause, Alexandra 2153, 4443
Krause, Monika Christine 1420, 3553
Kreisberg, Anna Nicole 1439
Kreplak, Yael 2330
Kretschmer, Kelsy 2422, 4222
Kretsedemas, Philip Alexander 4151
Kricheli Katz, Tamar 2161
Krieger, Magdalena 4151
Krinsky, John 2322
Krippner, Greta R. 3553, 4117, 4217
Krishnan, Naveen 3161
Krishnan, Preethi 3144, 3562
Krishnan, Rekha 3125, 4151
Kristal, Tali 3547, 4336
Kronberg, Anne Kathrin 3222, 4239, 4352
Kroska, Amy 3241
Krysan, Maria 4353
Kubiak, Anna 2422
Kuche, Coline 1452
Kudlacek, Dominic 1123, 1451
Kudym, Molly 3253
Kugler, Maurice D. 1424
Kuhfeld, Megan 2137
Kuhlemeier, Alena 3123, 3221
Kujur, Archana 3123
Kuk, John Seungmin 2417
Kulkarni, Veena S. 4151
Kumar, Avinash 2309
Kumar, Sneha 4151
Kumar, Vinay 4325
Kundu, Anindya 1452
Kung, Wen-Ling 2125
Kunovich, Robert Michael 2125
Kuo, Rachel 2421
Kuperberg, Arielle 2147
Kurakin, Dmitry 4325
Kurien, Prema Ann 2262
Kuroshima, Satomi 2437
Kurti, Zhandarka 2322
Kurtz, Mariam M. 3242
Kushida, Melanie 1154, 1452
Kutner, Nancy G. 3224
Kwon, Eugena 4151
Kwon, Hye Won 1447
Kwon, Ronald 3422
Kwon, Roy 1451, 2244
Kyler, Anna M. 4222
Kysar-Moon, Ashleigh E. 1226
Kyte, Sarah 4451
LaBranche, Jillian 1538, 2431
LaBriola, Joe 3123, 3248
Lacayo, Celia Olivia 2331
LaCourse, Ashleigh 4431
Lacy, Griffin R. 2143
Lacy, Karyn 4119
Ladegaard, Isak 3522
Laemmli, Taylor 4230
Laestadius, Linnea 2226
Lafer, Gordon 4107
LaFleur, Jennifer Carol 4124
LaFree, Gary 2122
Lagos, Danya Raquel 2422
Laguerre, Michel S. 2322
Lai, Gina 1561
Laing, Allison 3131, 3426
Lake, Olivia 4125
Lakkimsetti, Chaitanya 3443, 3530
Lakon, Cynthia M. 3442
Lal, Prita 3208
Lam, Ka Wang Kelvin 4151
Lambert, Jennie 3521
Lambert, Kerrylin 3444
Lamonica, Aukje 4243
Lamont, Ellen 2406
Lamothe, Carmen 4122
Lampe, Nik 2422
Landers, Anthony 1122
Landersø, Rasmus 3447
Landes, Ann T. 4122
Landes, Scott D. 3128, 4122, 4451
Landivar, Liana Christin 1207, 3222
Lane, Rashon 2125
Langa, Neema 4122
Langenkamp, Amy Gill 1136, 3153,
3444, 3544
Langman, Lauren 0153
LaParo, Kendall 1252
Lapegna, Pablo 1161, 3407
Laperrière, Marie 4124
LaPlant, Eric 1517
Lappe, Martine 2125, 2221
Lara-Garcia, Francisco 2445
Lardier, David 2342
Index of Participants
Lareau, Annette 1136, 4119
Largesse, Elise 3522
Larimore, Savannah 2320, 3422
Larocque, Emmanuelle 2320
Larrieu, Gaëlle 4229
Larsen, Anton Grau 4445
Larsen Gibby, Ashley 3523, 4124
Larson, Eric 3525
Larson, Erik W. 2326
Larson, Ian 4231
Larson, Ryan P. 1123
Laryea, Krystal 1122
LaSaine, Emma-Claire 2122
Laschever, Eulalie Jean 1210, 4222
Lashley, Kisha 1424
Laster Pirtle, Whitney Nicole 0241, 1426,
Latanner, Micah 1452
Latham, Scott 4353
Lauderdale, Pat L. 1426, 4326
Laughlin, Lynda L. 3109
Laureiro-Martinez, Daniella 4125
Laurent-Simpson, Andrea 2162
Laurison, Daniel 3447, 4445
Lausanne, University of 3123
Lautenschlager, Rachel 3422
Lauterwasser, Steven 4222
Lauve-Moon, Katie R. 4124
Lavell-Harvard, Dawn 3527
Law, Tina 2322
Lawrence, Elizabeth 2226
Lawrence, Kirk S. 3522
Lawson, Jeremiah Scott 1424
Lawson, Megan 4122
Lawton, Leora 4151
Laybourn, SunAh Marie 2162, 4441
Le, Andrew N. 1521
Le, C.N. 1453
Leachman, Gwendolyn 2420
Leal, Diego F. 1243, 2131
Leap, Braden 4125
Leblanc, E.J. 1123
LeClerc, Alexandria 4222
LeCount, Ryan Jerome 2423
Lederman, Jacob H. 2322
Lee, Angela 3546, 4238
Lee, Austin C. 4408
Lee, Bo-Hyeong Jane 3125
Lee, Byunghwee 3442
Lee, Byungkyu 0152, 1122, 3131
Lee, Byung Soo 1453
Lee, Caroline W. 4407
Lee, Ching Kwan 2119, 3210
Lee, Christopher 1252
Lee, Claire Seungeun 4245
Lee, Dasom 4151
Lee, Dasom 3522
Lee, Dohoon 2422, 3523
Lee, Elizabeth M. 4148, 4347, 4447
Lee, Eun Hye 1452, 3523
Lee, Francis 3146
Lee, Hangwoo 4125
Lee, Hannah 2142, 2237
Lee, Hedwig 2320, 3146, 3520
Lee, HeeYoung 2125
Lee, Hyun A. 4125
Lee, Jaein 2261, 4146
Lee, Jennifer Jiwon 1136, 4148
Lee, Jess 4341
Lee, Jiwon 3123
Lee, John J. 3123
Lee, Jooyoung Kim 2247, 4204
Lee, Juha 1154
Lee, Jungtaek 4122
Lee, Karen 1123
Lee, Kenya 4451
Lee, KeunBok 1110
Lee, Kristen Schultz 3523
Lee, Kyunghwan 3525
Lee, Matthew T. 1216, 1447
Lee, Na-Young 4222
Lee, Rachael 1252
Lee, Rennie 1239, 4339
Lee, Sanghoon 1451
Lee, Sang Kyung 4261
Lee, Seohee 4136
Lee, Seungah 4251
Lee, Seungwon 2125
Lee, Susan Hagood 4251
Lee, Yean-Ju 3222
Lee, Yeon-Hwa 3422
Lee, Yewon Andrea 1521
Lee, Youngrong 4143
Lee, Yunsub 2245
Lee, Yun-Suk 1552
Leeds, Tyler 1545
Le Gall, Cal 2446
Legerski, Elizabeth Miklya 2422
Leguina, Adrian 4125
Lehdonvirta, Vili 4336
Lehman, Derek R. 1423
Lehoucq, Emilio 3125
Lei, Lei 3523, 4151
Lei, Man Kit 4122
Lei, Ya-Wen 2121
Leigh, Carol 4307
Leigh, Jennifer Karla 4122
Leisyte, Liudvika 2248, 3222
Leitz, Lisa A. 4343
Lelis, Romulo 1238
Lemekh, Halyna 4151
Lena, Jennifer C. 3222
Lengefeld, Michael 3522
Lengermann, Patricia Madoo 2236
Lenton, Timothy M. 3430
Leon, Rocio 1451
Leonard, Samantha 1227
Lepe, Jaqueline 1123
Leppard, Thomas Richard 1423
Lerch, Julia 1223
Lerum, Kari 1119
Leslie, Carrie McLachlin 3125, 3522
Leslie, Isaac 4154
Lesser, Emma Beth 4441
Leupp, Katrina 2242
Levanon, Asaf 2161
Leve, Sarah 1123
Levenson, Zachary 1117
Leverentz, Andrea M. 2462
Levesque, Christopher 2152
Leveto, Jessica A. 2423
Levi, Ron 2337
Levien, Michael 3243
Levine, Andrew 3123
Levine, Jeremy R. 3136
Levitt, Peggy 1548
Levy, Eldad J. 1123
Levy, Karen 1106
Levy, Moran 2125
Lewin, Alisa C. 3128
Lewis, Amanda Evelyn 1437, 1537,
2137, 2408,
3141, 3505, 4353
Lewis, Clara S. 2423
Lewis, Demar Francis 2347
Lewis, Eleanor T. 2124
Lewis, Kaleea Regina 2142
Lewis, Molly 1122
Lewis-McCoy, R. L'Heureux 1219, 3505
Li, Aijia 1252
Li, Angran 1451, 4451
Li, Danying 1447
Li, Jenny 1226
Li, Jui-Chung Allen 1452
Li, Ke 3523
Li, Kelin 1552
Li, Lantian 3554
Li, Meiying 4437
Li, Meiying 3222
Li, Min 4124
Li, Muyang 2422
Li, Qi 3523, 4437
Li, Qing 4124
Li, Rebecca S.K. 1122
Li, Ruiqian (Richie) 2122
Li, Senhao 3245
Li, Siqi 2322
Li, Timmy 2231
Li, Wendy Yuansi 1445
Li, Xiao 3123
Li, Xuemeng 1151, 3426
LI, Xueying 2122
Li, Yao 4222
Li, Yao-Tai 1223
Li, Yezhen 4122
Li, Yunlin 1226
Lian, Langou 2152, 3523
Liang, Chen 4110
Liang, Yingjian 3222
Liang, Zai 2242
Liao, Tim Futing 3231, 3531
Liao, Yen-Chiao 1552
Lichtenstein, Matty 4329
Lichterman, Paul R. 2129
Lidz, Victor Meyer 4325
Liebler, Carolyn A. 2361, 3209, 4339
Liebreich, Hannah 2322
Light, Ryan 1242, 3409
Lightman, Naomi 4444
Lim, Alwyn 1151
Lim, Chaeyoon 4242
Lim, Hyunji 4122
Index of Participants
Lim, Misun 3523
Lim, Youngmi 1552
Limburg, Aubrey 1226
Limon, Nancy 1451
Lin, Fen Jennifer 1252, 2409, 3445
Lin, Fen 4222
Lin, Jan C. 2322, 3106
Lin, Katherine 3448
Lin, Ken-Hou 0331, 1204, 3531
Lin, Le 1223
Lin, Lefeng 1228, 4326
Lin, Meng-Jung 4136
Lin, Qinyun 4451
Lin, Ru-Yu 3230
Lin, Thung-Hong 2138, 3128, 4131
Lin, Zhiyong 1552
Lincoln, Alisa K. 1144, 1244,
2442, 3422
Linden, Philipp 1123
Linder, Katherine Lorena 1451
Linders, Annulla 4222
Lindsay, Sade 1123
Lindwall, Oskar 2330
Link, Bruce G. 1244, 4309
Lipps, Oliver 3523
Lipsitz, George 2204
Lipsman, Jacob 2322, 3522
Liss, Jesse Warhola 3222
Littlejohn, Krystale 3403
Liu, Chang 3525
Liu, Chuncheng 2125
Liu, Haiyi Monica 1552
Liu, Han 1247
Liu, Hui 1423
Liu, Jia-Lin 4151
Liu, Jiaqi 1552, 4452
Liu, Jing 1451
Liu, Jingwen 1451
Liu, John Chung-En 1223, 1424, 3130
Liu, Lisha 3222
Liu, Liu 1151, 3426
Liu, Mao-Mei 2445
Liu, Ran 2422, 4451
Liu, Ruo-Fan 1122, 4451
Liu, Sizhe 1423
Liu, Tingting 1552
Livas, Selena Margarita 3522
Livingstone, Stacey Bryley 2322
Lo, Celia C. 1451, 3426
Lo, Ming-Cheng M. 2129, 4344
Lo, Sin Chi 2345
Lobao, Linda 1161, 4251
Loblack, Angelica 4244
Lockhart, Jeffrey W. 1242, 1415
Lodge, Evans K. 4122
Loflin, Matthew S. 1423
Loft, Lisbeth 2210
Logan, Allison 2261
Logan, John R. 1262, 3504
Lohmeyer, Nora 2144
London, Andrew S. 4122
London, Rebecca 1116, 3124
Long, Leann 3523
Long, Yan 1231, 3261
Longhofer, Wesley 1223
Longo, Gina Marie 3145
Longoria, Bridget Cowan 1451
Lopez, Aldo 1252
Lopez, Angelica 3422
Lopez, Carlos 2124
Lopez, Jane Lilly 1439, 1539, 4452
Lopez, Marcos F. 1223
Lopez, Steven H. 4451
Lopez, Vera 1107
López, Claudia Maria 1223, 1422
López, Nancy 1209, 2429, 4124
Lopez-Aguado, Patrick 2120
Lopez Ricoy, Ana 4151
Lorenzen, Janet A. 1404, 3522
Lospeich, Michael 1151
Loter, Katharina 1210, 1448
Loughran, Kevin 2338, 4345
Louie, Patricia 2461
Loustaunau, Lola 4443
Love, Tony 1154, 1452,
1554, 2161
Lovell, Erik Stephen 3123
Lovera, Mollie A. 3241
Lowe, Travis S. 3222
Lowell, Warren 1151
Lowrey, Kendal L. 4151
Lowry, Deborah 2223
Lu, Todd 1451
Lu, Wan-Zi 1120, 4147
Lu, Yao 1148, 1423
Lu, Ying 4451
Lucas, Torie 2147
Luce, Stephanie 1421, 3420
Ludwig, Bernadette 3260
Luft, Aliza 2448, 3246
Luhr, Sigrid Willa 4338
Luhtakallio, Eeva 1521
Lukk, Martin 1445
Lum, Belinda C. 1228
Luna, Jessie K. 4441
Luna, Zakiya T. 1205, 1446, 1545
Lundberg, Ian 2346, 3523
Lung, Shirley Michelle 4454
Lunn, Anna 3443
Luo, Liying 3447
Luo, Wei Willa 3261
Luo, Xiaoshuang Iris 1461
Luo, Ye 1423
Luo, Zhifan 2422, 4121
Lurie, Mark 1148
Luth, Elizabeth Anne 4122
Lutz, Amy 4151, 4451
Lutz, Christoph 4231
Lynch, Michael 0061, 2330
Lynn, Vanessa 3422
Lynne, Alyssa A. 4122
Lyttelton, Thomas 4238
Ma, Dali 1424
Ma, Fangheyue 1552, 2423
Ma, Yingyi 4451
Mabry, Dustin 4325
Mabud, Rakeen 1507
MacCrimmon, Shirlee 4124
MacDonald, Melissa Ann 4124
Macdonald, Sarah Dunbrook 1130
Macias-Rojas, Patrisia 1439, 1539
Mackenna, Bernardo 3123
Mackie, Thomas Ives 4122
Mackin Freeman, Daniel 4451
Mackinnon, Debra Mairi 2322
Macy, Michael W. 2231
Madden, Erin Fanning 4243
Madero-Cabib, Ignacio 2438
Madhavan, Sangeetha 1451
Maggio, Christopher 3422, 4151, 4451
Maggs, Jennifer L. 3131
Maghbouleh, Neda 1104
Magubane, Zine 2410, 4217
Mahadeo, Rahsaan 1427
Mahdi, Ali Akbar 1151
Maher, Thomas V. 4120
Mahogany, Honey 2203
Mahutga, Matthew C. 1228
Mai, Quan D. 3222
Maich, Katherine 1228, 3407
Maier, George 1424
Maier, Jean Marie 1423
Maietta, Justin 1154
Mair, Michael 2330
Maitre, Ogier 4431
Majercak, Anna 1451, 3437
Makarewicz, Carrie 2322
Makoba, Johnson W. 1424
Makovi, Kinga Reka 1554
Malae, Katelyn Rose 2326, 3147
Malancu, Natalia Cornelia 3125, 3422
Malczewski, Eric 4325
Malette, Nicole Solanges 4451
Malhotra, Ragini Saira 4446
Malin, Stephanie Ann 3522
Malinowski Weingartner, Rose 3523
Malizia, Stefan 4151
Maller, Rachel 4451
Malleson, Tom 1424
Malone Gonzalez, Shannon 3507, 4408
Malsch, Bertrand 1451
Maltz, Saskia 2230
Mamo, Laura 1209, 2327
Manago, Bianca 1154, 1244,
1452, 2161
Manduca, Robert Allen 1228
Mangin, Mailys 1223
Manjunath, An 3222
Mann, Emily S. 2303, 4348, 4448
Mann, Kay 1128
Mann, Marcus 4331
Manriquez, Mariana 1223
Manski, Sarah Grace 4125
Mantilla-Blanco, Paula 2345
Mantovani, Debora 1423
Manwaring, Claire 1223
Manzer, Jamie 4348
Mao, KuoRay 3130
Marahrens, Helge Johannes 1424, 4151
Index of Participants
Marcum, Christopher Steven 2124
Marcussen, Kristen 1244, 2442
Mares, Lourdes 1252
Margherio, Cara 4124
Mariani, Theresa L. 2423
Marín, Estéfani 3523
Mark, Nicholas 4146
Markens, Susan 1142, 2422, 4128
Markides, Kyriakos S. 1423
Markofski, Wes 3439
Markowitz, Linda J. 3125
Markowski, Kelly Lorraine 1154, 3446
Marley, Tennille L. 1526
Marlow, Thomas 3522
Marom, Oded 2122
Maron, Samuel 2322
Maroto, Michelle Lee 3510, 4206, 4246
Marques, Thiago 3422
Marques da Silva, Natalia 3125
Marquez, Alejandro 1545
Marquez-Velarde, Guadalupe 1538
Marr, Matthew D. 3125, 4145
Marsala, Miles 1423, 2223
Marsh, Kris 3123
Marsh, Kristin 2423, 3441,
3541, 4246, 4308
Marshall, Douglas A. 4321
Marshall, John 1507
Marshall, Nancy L. 3523
Marston, Linda L. 1451
Mart, Sehrazat Gulsum 4325
Martel, Peter J. 2116
Marteleto, Leticia 2152
Martin, Andrew W. 4222
Martin, Elizabeth 1437
Martin Aguilar, Julie 1423
Martin-Caughey, Ananda 4308
Martinez, Amy Andrea 2226
Martinez, Caroline Grace 1151
Martinez, Cid G. 1223
Martinez, Daniel E. 1441, 3422
Martinez, Paul 4124, 4304
Martinez, Rae Anne 4122
Martinez-Aranda, Mirian Giovanna 1139
Martinez Echague, Maria Ines 3523
Martinez-Ramos, Gloria P. 1451
Marwah, Vrinda 4251
Mason, Katherine 4124
Mason, Sarah 1206, 2315
Masood, Syeda Quratulain 1546, 2246
Massey, Douglas S. 1447
Massoumi, Narzanin 3160
Masters, Ryan K. 2348, 2461
Materne, Adam 3128
Mathur, Vani 2422
Matlock, Adrianne Showalter 2322, 4220
Matlon, Jordanna Chris 4104
Matsushita, Brett Kenzo 1252
Mattes, Seven 4324
Matthew, Katie E. 1226
Matthews, Morgan Carey 2422, 3160
Matthews, Stephen A. 3442
Mattingly, Kelsey Nilsson 3241
Mattingly, Marybeth J. 3448
Mattison-Leon, Samantha 1451
Mattson, Christopher 1223
Mattson, Greggor 1505, 2339
Mattsson, Christer 4451
Maurer, Katherine 3123
Mavrot, Céline 4147
Mayer, Adam 3522
Mayer, Brian 3222, 3522
Mayes, Elizabeth Carolina 1151
Maynard, Douglas W. 2230
Mayorga, Oscar J. 4304
Mayorga, Sarah 3247
Mayorova, Olga 1138
Mayrl, Damon 3525
Mays, Vickie 1531
Mazelis, Joan Maya 3123, 3523
McAlevey, Jane 3210
McAlpine, Donna D. 1144
McAndrew, Siobhan 3239, 3422
McCabe, Brian James 3123, 4131
McCabe, Janice 4148
McCabe, Katharine 2422, 4248
McCaffree, Kevin John 3422
McCall, Leslie 3431
McCallum, Jamie 1228
McCann, Nicole 2122
McCarthy, John D. 3429
McCarthy, Michael A. 1553
McCarthy, Valerie Wilson 4324
McCaslin, Brianna 3252
McCauley, Erin Josephine 2210, 4116
McClain, Lauren N. 1151, 1422
McClelland, Katherine 1437, 4447
McClelland, Sara 4229
McClintock, Elizabeth Aura 2422, 3523
McClymonds, Daniel G. 4420
McCollum, John Kenyon 2229
McConnell, William R. 1423, 4122
McCormick, Lisa 1122, 2129
McCourt, David Michael 2122
McCown, Christine 4328
McCoy, Julisa Amanda 3238, 3429
McCreery, Anna C. 2338, 3522
McCright, Aaron M. 4324
McCullen, Christie Grace 1561
McCumber, Andrew 1122, 3522
McDermott, Monica 3505
McDevitt, Jack 1123
McDonald, Steve 2245, 3442,
3545, 4361
McDonald-Harker, Caroline Beth 1510
McDonnell, Erin Metz 2317
McDonnell, Jennifer 4124, 4352
McDonnell, Terence Emmett 1529, 4231
McDowell, Amy D. 4161
McElhattan, David 2326
McElrath, Kevin 4361
McFarland, Daniel A. 1242, 2125, 3545
McGail, Alec 1122
McGee, Julius Alexander 3522
McGee, Maura 2322
McGlynn-Wright, Anne 3123
McGovern, Ligaya Lindio 4251
McGrimmon, Tucker 1452
McInerney, Paul-Brian 1424
McInnis, Haley 2125
McIntosh, Keith 1451
McIntyre, Katie 1226
McKane, Rachel G. 3522, 4420
McKay, Dwanna L. 3105
McKay, Steven 1116
McKay, Tara A. 1423, 3161
McKee, Adam 3252
McKee, Martin 3426, 4122
McKeever, James 2304
Mckenzie, Lisa Louise 2122
McKinney, Laura 4121
McKinzie, Ashleigh Elain 2322
McKnight, Ulla Lovisa 1261
MClain, Malcolm 1144
McLanahan, Sara S. 4409
McLaughlin, Heather 2206, 4303
McLaurin, Virginia 1526
McLean, Katherine Jennie 4243
McLeskey, Matthew Howard 1422,
2423, 3123
McManus, Patricia A. 3523, 4151, 4437
McMillan, Cassie 4451
McMillan Lequieu, Amanda 3244, 3522
McMullin-Messier, Pamela 2423
McNamara, Ellyn 2210
McNamara, Kelly 4448
McNeely, Andrew Craig 3422
McNeely, Connie L. 1151
McNeely, Eileen 1447, 1452
McNulty, Thomas L. 1226
McPhail, Brian Long 3125
McQuillan, Julia 4328
McVeigh, Rory M. 3409
McZeal, Corey James 1422
Meadow, Tey 3127
Meadows, Rachel 4122
Meagher, Kelsey 1146
Mears, Ashley E. 3408, 4246,
4305, 4330, 4430
Mechbal, Sirine 3422
Medina, Alejandra 4151
Medley-Rath, Stephanie 1130, 1221, 1422,
2243, 2423
Meehan, Albert J. 2230
Mefferd, Eve 1461, 4447
Mehlkop, Guido Franz 1123, 4328
Mehta, Sharan Kaur 2125, 2226
Meier, Ann 2152
Meiser, Ellen T. 2115, 3222
Melaku, Tsedale Mekete 3147
Melamed, David M. 1147, 3241
Mellody, James 4308
Mellon, Greer 4353
Melzer, Silvia Maja 1438
Mena-Meléndez, Lucrecia 1451
Mendelev, Eliezer 3124
Mendenhall, Ruby 4244
Mendes, Kaitlynn 4125
Mendiola Ross, Angel 2322
Mendoza, Yoselinda 1226
Menezes Filho, Naercio 3422
Menjivar, Cecilia 3154, 3519, 4403
Index of Participants
Menjivar, Teresa 3519
Menken, Jane 4122
Menon, Alka 4328
Mepham, Kieran 2122
Merhout, Friedolin 1452, 1554, 2122
Meriluoto, Taina 3123, 4325
Mernyk, Joe 3246
Merry, Joseph 3523
Messamore, Andrew Ford 2122, 3261
Messineo, Melinda Jo 4115
Meszaros, Julia 4408
Metcalf, Jacob 2421
Metzl, Jonathan M. 1519
Meuller, Lisa 4145
Meyer, David S. 4407
Meyer, Doug 2439, 4141
Meyer, Ilan H. 1417
Meyer, Jess M. 3523
Meyer, John W. 1122, 1223
Meyers, Joan S.M. 1403
Miao, Jie 4122
Miao, Weishan 3252
Michaels, Erin 1510
Michaels, Laurie Ann 2121, 4451
Michalka, Karen Hooge 1122
Michelson, Anna 1122
Michelson, Ethan 1552
Michelson, William 2322
Mickelson, Roslyn A. 4451
Mickey, Ethel L. 1203, 4124
Mickey-Pabello, David 3253, 3444
Midtboen, Arnfinn H. 4451
Mijs, Jonathan Jan Benjamin 3231
Miklin, Sanja 1226
Mikucka, Małgorzata 1448
Miles, Andrew 1122, 1452
Miles, Brittney 4328
Miles, Corey Javon 1544
Milkman, Ruth 2105, 3420, 4107
Milkoreit, Manjana 3430
Miller, Amanda Jayne 4317
Miller, Andrea D. 1422
Miller, Brandon 2326
Miller, Brennan J. 3446
Miller, Brian J. 4125
Miller, Candace Nicole 3120
Miller, Daniel P. 3523
Miller, Laura J. 3430, 4230
Miller, Leslie A. 4122
Miller, Paige 1554, 3237
Miller, Paula K. 3125
Miller, Reuben 3219
Miller, Rick 3248
Miller, Sarah A. 1510
Miller-Idriss, Cynthia 1527, 1546, 4407
Milligan, Melinda 1452, 2322, 3222
Min, Bo Hee 2344, 3441
Min, Pyong Gap 2262
Minami, Yasusuke 3426
Minamikawa, Fuminori 3422
Miner, Skye 4248, 4348
Mingo, Meaghan 1226, 3253
Minter, Genevieve 4324
Miraftab, Faranak 4320
Mirzoyan, Inna 2362, 2423, 3117
Mische, Ann 1245
Mishel, Emma 2405
Mishra, Vivek Kumar 4222
Misra, Joya 2518, 3119,
3419, 4124, 4206
Mistree, Dinsha 4354
Mitchell, Colter 4136, 4409
Mitchell, Ross E. 3224
Mitnik, Pablo A. 3437
Mittleman, Joel 1417, 3253
Mix, Tamara L. 3130
Miyawaki, Michael Hajime 2226
Mize, Trenton D. 4317
Mizen, Sara 1151
Mizrahi-Shtelman, Ravit 4451
Mizruchi, Mark S. 1508
Mizumori, Sheri J.Y. 4124
Moaddel, Mansoor 3239
Modi, Radha 3229
Moen, Phyllis 2106
Mogosanu, Andreea 2420
Mohamed, Ismail 4122
Mohebbi, Lana 4337
Mojola, Sanyu A. 1105, 1261, 2248
Mokhtari, Mitra 1451
Moles, Katia 3216
Molina, Santiago José 1142
Mollborn, Stefanie 1226, 3248
Molldrem, Stephen 2125
Moloney, Mairead Eastin 4122
Molotch, Harvey L. 1262, 2204
Monaco, Alexandra 4222
Monaghan, David B. 3523
Monk, Christopher 4409
Monnat, Shannon M. 4243
Monroe, Nicholas Charles 4451
Monson, Renee A. 2243
Montalva Barba, Miguel 3462
Mont'Alvao, Arnaldo 3544
Montes, Vince 1128
Montez, Jennifer Karas 2461
Montez de Oca, Jeffrey D. 3422
Montgomery, Sidra J. 2324
Montiegel, Kristella 1252, 2437
Moody, James 1242, 2245, 3545
Moody, Myles Daniel 1436, 2308
Mook, Anne 1223
Moon, JaYung 2422
Moon, Minyoung 4222
Mooney, Heather 4330
Moore, Amy L. 3127
Moore, Brandon James 1547, 4122
Moore, Jason W. 1409
Moore, Kelly 1242, 2221
Moore, Mel 1422, 2423
Moore, Mignon R. 1205
Moore, Robyn T. 1252
Moore, Scott E. 4136
Moore, Sian 1151
Moore, Wendy Leo 2404
Mora, G. Cristina 4110
Mora, Maria De Jesus 1141, 3429
Morales, Jose Israel 4251
Morales, Laura 3422
Morales, Luis Emilio 2423
Moreno, Jose G. 2331
Moreno, Martha 4451
Morenoff, Jeffrey 1423
Morgan, David L.
Morgan, Jonathan Howard 2245
Morgan, Marcus 1122, 2122
Morgan, Rebekah 2243
Moronez, Jessica Christine 3238
Morosin, Alessandro 3429, 4326
Morrill, Calvin 2326
Morris, Edward W. 2408
Morris, Kerri 1530
Morris, Theresa 2422, 4448
Morrissey, Mary Beth 2246
Morrissey, Shannon 2322
Morse, Jaimie 1223
Mortimer, Jeylan T. 3544
Mose, Tamara 2205
Moseby, Kevin M. 1209
Moss, Alison R. 2208
Moss, Dana M. 1237
Moss, Emanuel 2421
Moss, Geoffrey 1451
Mossakowski, Krysia 1452
Mosseri, Sarah Elizabeth 1429
Moster, Miriam 1252
Mota Pereira Aragao, Maria Carolina 3523
Moullin, Sophie Clare 3222, 4143
Mount, Liz 4251
Moussawi, Ghassan 3143, 4141,
4241, 4341
Mouzon, Dawne M. 3523
Movahed, Masoud 4120
Moye, Richard Greg 4125
Mu, Zheng 1447
Mudge, Stephanie L. 4117
Mueller, Anna S. 1116, 4108
Mueller, Collin William 1547
Mueller, Jan 3222
Mueller, Jason C. 1223, 2229, 4121
Mueller, Jennifer C. 2347, 4441
Mueller, Michelle 3125
Mueller Gastell, Katariina Wilhelmiina 1424
Muench, Ulrike 4122
Mugiyama, Ryota 1552, 3123
Muirbrook, Kayci 3248
Mukerji, Chandra 1529
Mukherjee, Meghna 3127
Mukherjee, Shibashis 4122
Mukwonda, Keith 1148
Mullen, Ann L. 4144
Mullen, Casey Jo 3522
Muller, Chandra 2348
Muller, Christopher Michael 1217, 2109
Mumtaz, Mehr 1520
Mun, Eunmi 0152, 1438,
1451, 3547, 4308
Munasinghe, Hansini 3147, 4151
Mundell, Nicholas 4337
Mundim, Karla 3527
Muneton, Laura Melissa 1252
Muniz, Paul 3123
Index of Participants
Muñiz, Julissa Ortiz 3141
Muñiz, Michael De Anda 4143
Munn, Christopher 3541
Munoz, Ismael 4153
Munoz, Vanessa Lopes 3248
Munsch, Christin L. 1138, 2120, 4138
Muraco, Anna 1151
Murase, Yoichi 1552
Murga, Aurelia Lorena 3410
Muro, Jazmin A. 3422, 4124
Murphy, Demetrius Miles 3120
Murphy-Geiss, Gail 1252, 4342
Murray, Joshua 1508, 4420
Murray-Close, Marta 3222
Murthy, Dhiraj 3145
Muselli, Laure 4231
Mushtaq, Ali 4141
Musick, Kelly 3123
Mustafa, Mudasir 3123
Mutgan, Selcan 1531
Mutz, Michael 1462, 1562
Myers, Alexander J. 3525
Myers, Justin Sean 1146, 3208
Myers, Kit 4237
Myers, Kyl 1123
Mynatt, Elizabeth 0329
Nadella, Venkata Krishna 3539
Naderi, Pooya Darius 1422
Nagra, Baljit 3247
Naidu, Maheshvari 3123
Naik, Nikhil 2117
Nair, Manjusha S. 1228
Nair, Satish Krishnan 3522
Najarian Souza, Cheryl 3410
Nakajima, Seio 1424
Nakamura, Yuki 4325
Nakazawa, Wataru 4451
Nam, Young Eun 3129
Namkung, Eun Ha 2106
Nanni, Antonio 1131
Nápoles, Tessa M. 4122
Narayan, Devika 1223
Nardin, Sabrina 1451
Narisada, Atsushi 1452
Nash, Jeffrey E. 3142, 3529
Nash, Madeline Margaret 1526
Nassauer, Anne 3422
Natale, Ginny L. 3510
Nau, Charlotte 4125
Nava Ramirez, Susana Georgina 2226, 3130
Nawyn, Stephanie J. 1239, 3519
Nazareno, Jennifer 1228
Ndobo, Andre 3241
Neal, Teresa 4326
Nedzhvetskaya, Nataliya 2110
Neely, Megan Tobias 0331, 1403,
3205, 4338
Negoita, Marian 2424
Neitz, Sarah M. 4231
Nelson, Alondra 4204
Nelson, Amber D. 2423
Nelson, Ingrid 4451
Nelson, Jennifer Lauren 1109
Nelson, Jon Mikael 2338
Nelson, Kristen 4124
Nelson, Kyle 3525
Nelson, Laura K. 1438
Nelson, Robert L. 1451
Neman, Tiffany 2210
Nemana, Vivekananda 3443
Nemoto, Kumiko 1438, 4338, 4438
Nenga, Sandi K. 1226
Nepomnyaschy, Lenna 3523
Nepstad, Sharon Erickson 4120
Nerenberg, Kiara Millay 4451
Nery Fiocchi Rodrigues, Joao Victor 1252
Neuman, W. Lawrence 1552
Neumann, Robert 4328
Neumann, Tayo 2230
Nevin, Andrew David 1123
Newell, Abigail 2122, 4222
Newenham-Kahindi, Aloysius 4151
Newlands, Gemma 4231
Newman, Alyssa Marie 4441
Newman, Simeon J. 3525
Newmyer, Lauren 4230
Newsome, Kirsty J. 1151
Neyer, Gerda 1451
Neylon, Samuel Edward 3422
Ng, Wendy 2253
Ngidi, Thandanani 3426
Ngui, Emmanuel 1547
Nguyen, Hoai-An 1128
Nguyen, Phuong Anh 1536
Nguyen, Thao Phuong 4241
Nguyen-Akbar, Mytoan 3124
Niazi, Tarique 3522
Nica, Andreea 1151
Nicholls, Walter Julio 3453
Nichols, Bethany 3123
Nichols, Clinton 2423
Nichols, Naomi 3124
Nichols, Suzanne 2415
Nicholson, Daniel Adam 4131
Nicklas, Jeff 4122
Nie, Ke 1122
Niebrugge-Brantley, Gillian "Jill"
2236, 2336
Nielsen, Jens Christian 4451
Nielsen, Laura Beth 2420
Nierobisz, Annette M. 2207
Nigmatulina, Kamila 3222
Niles, Skye 4251
Nimmons, Elizabeth 4151
Niño, Michael David 2461
Nishizaka, Aug 2330
Niska, Tuomas 1424
Nix, Amanda Nicole 4148
Niyogi, Sanghamitra 2423
Nizam, Derya 4251
Noble, Mark D. 4121
Noble, Safiya Umoja 1543, 3404
Nobles, Allison 2423
Noh, Minha 1423
Nojan, Saugher 1127, 1252,
1461, 3124, 3460
Nolan, Daniel Andrew 1122
Nomaguchi, Kei 3148, 3523
Nonoyama-Tarumi, Yuko 3523
Nooraddini, Ismail 1451
Nordmarken, Sonny M. 3221, 4241, 4328
Nordmeyer, Kristjane 3252
Norgaard, Kari Marie 1121, 1208
Norman, Jon R. 3124
Norman, Mark 4125
Norquist, Cecilia Y. 1151
Norris, Alison 4122
Norris, Davon Nicholas 1437, 1462, 2322
Norris, Dawn R. 1110
Norris-Turner, Abigail 2422
Northcutt Bohmert, Miriam Joy 2116
Norton-Smith, Kathryn 4122
Noureldin, Laila 3439
Nousak, Samantha L. 4122
Noy, Shiri 1242
Nunez, Vanessa 2226
Nunley, Teron 1217
Nurse, Angela 3422
Nutz, Theresa 3523
Nylin, Anna-Karin 3123
Obasi, Otuu Oko 4125
Obernesser, Laura M. 2423
Obiora, Justice E. 1451
O'Brien, Jodi 2203
O'Brien, Laureen K. 3222
O'Brien, Michelle Esther 3429
O'Brien, Michelle L. 1444, 1541
O'Brien, Timothy L. 1242
OBrien, Rourke Liam 2210
Obukhova, Elena 1120, 1220,
1520, 2110
Ocampo, Angie N. 3422
Ocejo, Richard E. 1430, 2217,
3106, 4128, 4316
Ochoa, Gilda Laura 3217
Ocobock, Abigail 1248
O'Connell, Philip J. 4151
O'Connor, Erin 1424
O'Connor, Jenna L. 1122, 1546
O'Connor, Lindsey Trimble 1138, 4437
O'Connor Acevedo, Rosa 3517
Odabaş, Meltem 3131, 4125
Oddsson, Guðmundur "Gummi" 1128
Odum, Tamika Corinne 4122
Oelberger, Carrie Robson 1229
Oesch, Daniel 3523
Offer, Shira 4237
Offidani-Bertrand, Carly 4110
Ogasawara, Yuko 1552
Oguro, Megumi 1552
Oh, Byeongdon 1138, 4451
Oh, Jihye 3523
Oh, Joohyun 4125
Oh, Sang Teck 3222
Oh, Seil 2422, 3522, 4242
Oh, Sookhee 2322
Ohayon, Jennifer 3230
Index of Participants
Öhberg, Patrik 2422
Ohsfeldt, Michael 1122
Okada, Mitsuhiro 3426
Okamoto, Dina G. 4151
Okech, David 3562
Okum, Troy S. 3125
Okura, Keitaro 3422
Okuwobi, Oneya Fennell 3541
Oladimeji, Abolade 3460
Oleschuk, Merin 4328
Olesen, Jesper Stilling 4451
Olguin, Luis Manuel 1245, 2437
Oliver, Pamela E. 3160
Oliverio, Annamaria 1426
Olivos, Francisco 1552
Olsen, Gregg Matthew 2326
Olsen, Lauren D. 2107
Olson, Hannah 3438
O'Neil, Mathieu 2125, 4231
O'Neil, Meghan M. 2116, 2322, 3426
O'Neill, Brian Francis 3522
O'Neill, Kate Krushinski 3138
Ong, Christina 1552, 3215
Ono, Hiroshi 4308
Ophir, Ariane 3523
Ore, Peter 1444, 3522
Ore, Tracy E. 2208, 3536
Orfanidis, Christos 4325
Orgad, Shani 1207
Oriwol, Doris 1462
Orloff, Ann Shola 2310, 4104
Orne, Jason 1262, 1415, 1505,
2125, 2407, 3561
Orozco, Marlene 3422
Orrange, Robert M. 3222
Ortega, Melenen 1252
Orth, Taylor 4444
Ortiz, David G. 1151, 4451
Ortiz, Kasim 1423
Ortiz, Vilma 3209, 4304
Ortiz Valdez, Fabiola 4320
Osborne, Melissa 3544
Oselin, Sharon S. 1244
Oser, Carrie B. 4243
Osgood, D. Wayne 4451
O'Shea, Moira 1122, 2229
Oshotse, Abraham 1122
Osinsky, Pavel I. 3525
Oslawski-Lopez, Jamie L. 2423
Osmani, Dhurata 3128
Osorio, Fernanda 1451
Østergaard, Jeanette 1226
Osuna, Steven 1141
Oszkay Febres-Cordero, Yotala 2217
Oteh, Chukwuemeka Okpo 3222
Otero, Gerardo 2121
O'Toole, Therese 3422
Overmeyer, Natasha 1424
Ovink, Sarah M. 1437, 4153
Oware, Matthew 2447
Owen, Andrew Lowell 4146
Owens, Geoffrey R. 3109
Owens, Jayanti Johanna 3253, 4451
Owens, Kellie 4248, 4348, 4448
Owens, Timothy J. 2442
Oxley, Les 3525
Ozdemir, Cetin 4326
Ozdemir, Seyma 4124
Ozdemir, Tugce 1537
Ozgode, Onur 2110
Öztürk, Ebru 3236
Pace, Garrett 1223
Pace, Jennifer Ann 1226, 3248
Pacewicz, Josh 2317
Pachankis, John 1452
Pachucki, Mark C. 2152, 3545
Pacouret, Jérôme 0054
Padamsee, Tasleem Juana 4122
Padavic, Irene 1207, 3406
Padilla, Beatriz 2423
Paek, Eunjeong 3222, 4437
Paez, Eze 4325
Page Poma, Fernanda Raquel 4420
Pahk, Sang-hyoun 1122
Paik, Anthony 1236, 1424, 3545
Paine, Emily Allen 3117
Paine, Spencer 4328
Pais, Jeremy 3123
Pait, Heloisa 2423
Pajovic, Vesna 3252
Pak, Sunjin 1451
Pallotta, Nicole R. 4236
Palmer, Jamie Lynn 1223, 2423
Palmer, Zachary 4408
Pals, Heili 2438, 4124
Pan, Yung-Yi Diana 3147
Pande, Amrita 2362
Pandian, Roshan Kumar 3123
Panfil, Vanessa R. 1417
Pang, Irene 1223
Paniagua Guzman, Antonio 4328
Panico, Lidia 1447
Panofsky, Aaron 3229
Pantumsinchai, Penn 2115
Panzarella, Jamie Lynn 3409
Papadantonakis, Max 2217
Papadimitriou, Antigoni 2248
Papadopoulos, Kalliopi 2122
Papadopoulos, Orestis 1228
Parbst, Matthew James 3123
Parcel, Toby L. 3516
Pardo-Guerra, Juan Pablo 2110, 2444
Paredes, Cristian Luis 2122
Paret, Marcel 2306
Park, Barum 0152
Park, Bo Yun 1122, 1245
Park, Hyojun 3123
Park, Hyung Sam 3522
Park, Hyun Ok 4222
Park, Jungwee 4122
Park, Kiwoong 4122
Park, SuMin 4125
Park, Sung S. 4210
Parker, Emily Anne 4147
Parker, Jeffrey Nathaniel 2322
Parker, John Nathaniel 2221
Parolin, Zachary 3448, 4131, 4329
Parrenas, Rhacel Salazar 1119, 4109
Parris, Christie L. 2138
Parrott, Heather Macpherson 1422
Parsons, Ryan James 3123
Partridge, Mark 4251
Parvathy, Neethu S. 3125
Paschel, Tianna S. 4219
Pascoe, C.J. 1127, 1227, 3119
Pasquinelli, Natalie 2422
Pastor, Manuel 3203
Patel, Sujata 3517
Pathak, Swapna 2138
Patil, Vrushali 3143, 3461
Patil-Deshmukh, Anita 2326
Patterson, Evelyn Joy 1426, 3123
Patterson, Matt 2117
Patterson, Sarah Elizabeth 1423, 3129
Paulsen, Krista E. 4145
Pawelczyk, Joanna 2422
Pawson, Mark 3131
Paxton, Pamela M. 3261, 3439
Payne, Sarah 4451
Paz, Adriana 2205
Peabody, Loren 2322
Peacock, Ian 4151
Pearce, Diana M. 3448
Pearce, Jessica 1122, 2423
Pearce, Lisa D. 2436, 3125,
3239, 3439
Pearson, Jennifer 2137, 4451
Pearson, Willie 0329, 1151
Pech, Corey 1462, 4451
Peck, Mitchell 4122
Pedersen, Daphne 1422
Pedraza, Silvia 1552, 4352
Pedulla, David 1108, 3246,
3446, 4208
Peek, Charles 1226
Peker, Efe 3236
Peña-Alves, Stephanie 1122
Peng, Ruijie 3144
Peng, Siyun 2245, 2348
Peng, Stephanie 1539
Peng, Thomas 2122, 3222
Penha-Lopes, Vânia 4124
Penner, Anna 1226
Penner, Emily K. 2238, 4443
Pennetreau, Damien 2446
Penzkofer, Megan 1423
Pepin, Joanna 1227, 3523
Pepper, Mollie Elizabeth 3242, 3562
Peräkylä, Anssi 2230
Pereira Neto, Manoel Carlos 3461
Peretz, Tal 2223, 4346
Perez, Amin 2336
Perez, Marcos Emilio 2121, 3407
Perez, Nicole 1441, 4148
Perez, Reuben 1451
Pérez, Alfred G. 1226
Perez-Felkner, Lara 4451
Pérez Martín, Amalia 2326
Perkins, Kristin 2462, 3531
Index of Participants
Perlstadt, Harry 3142
Pernell, Kim 2244
Perone, Angela 2326, 3539
Perrett, Stuart Malcolm 1145, 1237
Perrin, Andrew J. 1227
Perry, Brea Louise 1237, 2245,
2442, 3131, 4122
Peruniak, Jennifer 1451
Perzynski, Adam T. 4136
Pescosolido, Bernice A. 2327
Peters, Eileen 1438
Petersen, Brian 3522
Petersen, Camille 3422
Peterson, Debra F. 2423
Peterson, Helen Anna 1423
Petrovčič, Andr 3145
Petrucci, Larissa 1129, 4443
Pettinicchio, David Nicholas 1122, 3510,
4206, 4246
Pettis, Philip J. 2139, 4245
Pettit, Becky 1123
Petts, Amy 4447
Petts, Richard J. 4317, 4437
Petullo, James 4222
Pfeffer, Fabian T. 3231, 3547
Pham, Barbara 3252
Pharris, Mark H. K. 1445
Pheiffer, Chantel Ferreira 1148
Phelps, Erin 1423
Phelps, Michelle S. 2109
Philips, Miray Hany Wadie 3125
Phillips, Cheryl 1504
Phillips, Katherine 2403
Phillips, Lora A. 3547
Phillips, Nolan 2117
Pichonnaz, David 1228
Picinini Freitas, Lais 2152
Pieber, Darryl A. 4125
Piehowski, Victoria I. 1123
Pierce, Grey 2139
Pierce, Kayla Danielle Russell 1554, 4419
Pierce, Leslie Elizabeth 4328
Pierce, Phillip 1123
Piggot, Georgia 2138, 2338
Pike, Diane L. 1422, 1530
Pila, Daniela 4252
Pilgrim, Haley 3215
Pilkauskas, Natasha 2261
Pillemer, Karl 4337
Pinedo-Turnovsky, Carolyn 2226
Piñeiro Harnecker, Camila 3407
Piñeyro Nelson, Carlos 2205
Ping, Jing 4153
Pingel, Emily S. 4122
Pinto, Katy M. 1107
Pinzur, David L. 1424
Pittman, Amelia 3460
Pittman, Chavella T. 0241, 1107
Pittman Claytor, Cassi L. 2462, 4330
Pivnick, Lilla K. 4210
Plaisime, Marie 1252, 1461, 3460
Planson, Sonia 1451
Plante, Rebecca F. 2208, 3561
Plassman, Brenda 3146
Plater, Allister Pilar 1122
Plys, Kristin 4121, 4326
Poe, Madison 4251
Poff, Jared M. 1552
Poirier, Nathan 4236
Polgar, Michael F. 1422, 2146, 3525
Polillo, Simone 1120, 1231, 3553
Pollack, Harold 1123
Polletta, Francesca 1237, 3244
Polling, Catherine 4122
Pollitt, Amanda 3438
Pollock, Sarah 2423
Ponce, Adriana 3523
Poole, Alicia 2445
Poon, Grace 4148
Popova, Daria 1424
Portella, Alysson 1452, 3422
Portocarrero, Sandra 2247
Portugal-Ramirez, Mario Siddhartha 4125
Posada, Julian 1252, 3445
Posard, Marek N. 4125
Poskanzer, Ethan J. 4451
Pospisil, Kendra Leigh 4129
Poston, Dudley L. 3422
Potiker, Spencer Louis 4326
Potter, Sharyn J. 4303
Powell, Amber Joy 2109
Powell, Karina 4326
Powell, Kathleen 3138
Powell, Walter W. 3419, 3441
Powers, Jillian 2224
Prasad, Monica 1145, 4354
Preda, Alex 0331
Preito-Hodge, Kayla A. 3138, 3215, 3507
Press, Andrea L. 1407
Preves, Sharon 2423
Pribesh, Shana Lee 3523
Price, Carmel E. 3230
Price, Heather E. 1426
Prickett, Pamela 2436
Priest, Anthony Alex 4344
Prim, Jeremy 3141
Prince, Barbara F. 1422
Prosnitz, Beth 3144
Prost, Jonbita 1451
Protasiuk, Ewa 1451
Pruneda, Evelyn 1451, 3238
Pryor, Jenna 2116
Psick, Zachary Edward 1123
Puckett, Cassidy 1429
Puetz, Kyle 1122
Pugh, Allison 0518, 1407, 3419
Pullum, Amanda 1228
Pumar, Enrique S. 3554
Punti, Gemma 4124
Purhonen, Semi 4125
Puri, Jyoti 1119, 3530
Purkayastha, Bandana 3517
Puro, Neeraj 4122
Purrier, Morgan Robert 4141
Purser, Gretchen 4320
Pyles, Micah Anthony 4326
Qian, Yue 1448, 2422
Qiao, Kunyuan 1229
Qin, Yue 3523
Quadlin, Natasha 1108, 4253
Quan-Haase, Anabel 1423, 4125, 4431
Querin, Federica 1448, 1541
Quesnel-Vallee, Amelie 1423, 2143
Quillian, Lincoln G. 3123
Quinn, Sarah 0331, 4229, 4417
Quinsaat, Sharon 2145, 2345,
2445, 3539
Quirke, Linda 3248
Quiroz, Joselyne 1252
Quisumbing King, Katrina 1445, 1548,
2347, 2448
Rabinowitz, Mikaela 1123
Rackin, Heather Molly 4345
Radhakrishnan, Smitha 3243
Rafail, Patrick 3429
Rafalow, Matt 2424, 3237
Rafnsdottir, Gudbjorg Linda 4451
Ragin, Charles C. 3431
Ragon, Kathleen 1228
Ragsdale, James Michael 4451
Rahman, Mostafizur 3523
Rainey, Anthony 3123
Rainock, Meagan 3422
Raissi, Mahin 2125
Rajagopalan, Ramya Madhavan 2221
Rajan, Sudhir Chella 4325
Rajasekar, Neeraj 3237
Raker, Ethan 2239
Rakowski, Kyle Nolan 3445
Raleigh, Liz 3119
Ralston, Reid 4125
Ramaj, Sagi 3252
Rambotti, Simone 4122
Ramey, David Michael 4451
Ramirez, Adriana P. 2345
Ramirez, Allison 3105
Ramirez, A. Susana 4122
Ramirez, Blanca A. 1139, 2423
Ramirez, Christian 2226
Ramirez, Elvia 1441
Ramirez, Francisco O. 1223
Ramirez, Stephanie J. 4151
Ramirez Smith, Daniel Nicholas 3422
Ramos, Miguel 1447
Ranaware, Krushna 3522
Randles, Jennifer 4119, 4444
Rangel, David Enrique 4153
Rao, Aliya Hamid 2305, 3506, 4338
Rao, Hayagreeva 4222
Raphael, Michael W. 2326
Rasit, Huseyin Arkin 1546
Rastogi, Ankit 2322, 2462
Ratcliff, Shawn M. 4222
Raudenská, Petra 4451
Rauf, Tamkinat 4247, 4451
Rauscher, Emily 1437, 3123,
3444, 4247
Index of Participants
Rautalin, Marjaana 1223
Ravenelle, Alexandrea J. 1318, 1403, 2217
Rawlings, Craig M. 1147
Rawls, Anne Warfield 2230
Ray, Ranita 2120
Ray, Rashawn 1205, 3204,
4108, 4244
Ray, Victor E. 3107, 3229
Raymond, Geoffrey 1137
Raynes, Dakota Kane Tangent 1546
Reason, Max 3146
Reavis, Tangela 1437
Reber, Lisa 1452
Recksiedler, Claudia 1423
Recuber, Timothy 4125
Reczek, Corinne (Rin) 1248, 1423,
3129, 3523, 4122
Redbird, Beth 1526, 3448
Reddy, Diana 1228
Redekopp, Chrystal 1103
Redford, Jeremy 1451
Reed, Isaac Ariail 2317, 4417
Reed, Megan Nicole 1248
Reed, Ron 1208
Reese, Ellen R. 1421, 3238, 3429
Regan, Hannah 1244, 1452
Reibstein, Sarah 3541, 4415
Reich, Adam D. 1109, 1507
Reich, Jennifer A. 1542, 2153
Reichelmann, Ashley Veronica 1452
Reid, Megan 4345
Reifer, Thomas Ehrlich 1223
Reilly, Caroline 1153
Reisdorf, Bianca Christin 3145, 4431
Ren, Chunhui 4124
Ren, Xiang 1242
Rendueles, Cesar 1451
Renshaw, Scott Leo 4345
Renteria, Roger Andrew 3410
Renzulli, Linda 1136, 3409, 4347
Reosti, Anna 2417
Res, Phasy 4251
Ressler, Robert Wayne 3439, 4153
Restifo, Salvatore J. 2122
Restivo, Sal 3142
Restrepo Ochoa, Nicholas 1529
Reuter, Jordan C. 4122
Reyes, Adriana 1423
Reyes, Daisy Isabel Verduzco 2105
Reyes, Victoria 1121, 2119,
2246, 2446, 4310
Reyna, Chandra 3422, 4124
Reynolds, Celene Raymer 3136
Reynolds, Dylan 1451
Reynolds, Jeremy E. 3523
Reynolds, John 3544
Reynolds-Stenson, Heidi 4120
Rezvani Naraghi, Ashkan 2122
Rhead, Rebecca 4124
Rhodes, Alec 3123
Rhodes, Robert Colbert 4325
Rhodes-Bratton, Brennan 2322
Rhomberg, Chris 3420
Rice, Robert 2125
Richards, Patricia 1318, 4219
Richardson, Derek 1451
Richardson, Jill 2338, 4324
Richardson, Lindsey 3426
Richman, Judith A. 1151, 4122
Richter, Lauren 3230
Rickard, Diana 1123
Ricker, Adriann 3143
Rider, Karina 3261
Ridgeway, Cecilia L. 1254, 3406
Ridgeway, Sadie 4328
Riedl, Veronika 4451
Riegelsberger, Aerin 1451
Rieger, Annika 3522
Riessman, Catherine Kohler 3142
Rife, Franchesca R. 4125
Riffle, Brittany 1252
Rigakos, Bessie N. 2422
Rigal, Alexandre 2125
Rigby, David Lee 1122, 4222
Riley, Dylan John 1506, 4117
Riley, Elise 3426
Riley, Philip Boo 3448
Rilinger, Georg 2344
Rinaldo, Rachel A. 1231, 4142
Rincón, Lina 4151
Rinderknecht, Robert Gordon 4125
Rink, Elizabeth 3143
Rinkus, Marisa 4324
Riolo, Maria 2322
Riskin, Eve 4124
Rita, Nathalie P. 4252
Ritt, Bryce Paul Warren 4421
Ritter, Christian 1244
Rittsteiger, Lea 1462
Ritz, Bridget J. 1122, 1237
Rivas-Drake, Deborah 3545
Rivera, Jacob 2462
Rivera, Lauren 3406, 4208
Rivera, Robert 1123
Rivera-Cuadrado, Wayne Clifford 4344
Rivlin, Katherine 4348
Rivnai Bahir, Shira 4222
Rivoal, Haude 1151
Roach, Patricia 1228
Robbins, Blaine G. 3523
Roberto, Elizabeth 2322
Roberts, Ali 3252
Roberts, Anthony 1228, 1451, 2244
Roberts, Christopher Nigel 2337
Roberts, Evan 2423, 3525, 4451
Roberts, J. Timmons 3522
Roberts, Louisa 3125
Roberts, Peter W. 1424
Robertson, Christopher Everett 2109
Robillard, Julie 4419
Robinson, Brandon Andrew 4219
Robinson, Candice C. 1237
Robinson, Connie D. 2423
Robinson, Dawn T. 4221
Robinson, Erin E. 3522
Robinson, Gregg 1228
Robinson, Ian 4306
Robinson, Joan H. 4448
Robinson, Laura 3145, 4431
Robinson, Rachel Sullivan 4121, 4348
Robinson, Victoria 2422
Robnett, Belinda 2310
Rocha Beardall, Theresa 1217
Rocha Beardall, Theresa 3422
Roche, Nadia
Rochford, Elle 1451
Roddy, Juliette 3426, 3537
Rodriguez, Cassaundra 2226
Rodriguez, Denessy 3522
Rodriguez, Liliana V. 1439
Rodriguez, Mauricio Javier 2122
Rodriguez-Lonebear, Desi 1236, 3105
Rodríguez-Muñiz, Michael 2104, 2331, 4110
Rodriguez Pacas, Fatima Guadalupe 1151
Roehrkasse, Alexander 2109, 4116
Roesch-Knapp, Andrew 3538
Rogers, Joel 4105
Rogers, Katie Kaufman 4338
Rogers, Kimberly Brooke 4419
Rogers-Brown, Jennifer Bea 1161, 4222
Rohlinger, Deana 4222
Rojas, Fabio 3108, 3162
Rojo, Florencia 1139
Roksa, Josipa 1136, 1537
Rollins, Oliver E. 3229
Romanos, Eduardo 1451
Romero, Mary 1408, 4205
Romero, Rachel 2146
Rondini, Ashley 2243
Ron-El, Yaniv 4222
Room, Robin 1226
Roose, Henk 2209
Root, Elisabeth Dowling 4122
Rosa, Alessandra 1262
Rosaldo, Manuel Zimbalist 1228, 2306
Rosales, Rocio 3417
Rosche, F. Benjamin 3123
Rose, Daniel 4125
Rose, Deondra 4215
Rose, Mary R. 2326
Rosen, Eva 2417
Rosenberg, Qiaoyan Li 4151
Rosenbloom, Avery 3522
Rosenfeld, Jake 4107, 4406
Rosenfeld, Maya 3128
Rosenkranz, Tim 1122
Rosenstein, Judith E. 2422
Rosentel, Kris 3127
Rose Spaulding, Stephany 2307
Rosinska, Anna 4124
Roso, Joseph 3125
Ross, J. Nalubega 3252
Ross, Sara 2326
Rossi, Giovanni 2230, 2437
Rossi, Michelle 2123
Rossman, Gabriel 4305
Rost-Banik, Colleen 1451
Roswaldy, Perdana Putri 3525
Rote, Sunshine Marie 1210, 1423
Rotem, Nir 3525
Roth, Adam 2245, 2348
Roth, Louise Marie 4122
Index of Participants
Rothschild, Joyce 4415
Rothstein, Jeffrey S. 1129
Rotolo, Michael 1122
Roudbari, Shawhin 3222
Rouhana, Toni 3145
Roumeliotis, Filip 1226
Rowe, Carmen Marie 1246, 2239
Rowe, Kathryn 2422
Rowe, Matthew 3222
Rowell, Katherine R. 0028, 2123,
2223, 2323, 2423
Roxburgh, Susan 2442
Roy, Devparna 3554
Roy, Melissa 2320
Roybal, Carmela Marie 1426, 3426
Roychowdhury, Poulami 4104
Royster, Deirdre 1109
Rozario, Tannuja 4122
Ru, Sung Hee 4220
Ruan, Hangqing 1423
Rubalcava, Luis 4151
Rubin, Ashley T. 1123, 1217,
1517, 2109
Rubin, Sara 3426
Rubio, Ricardo 3522
Rudra, Koustav 3145
Rudrappa, Sharmila 4109
Ruedel, Julia 1562
Ruggero, E. Colin 4222
Ruggerone, Lucia 4127
Ruggles, Steven 2361
Rumbach, Andrew 2322
Ruppel, Emily 2210, 3442
Rurka, Marissa 2242, 4337
Russell, Kelly 3136
Russell, S. Garnett 2345
Russian, Anna E. Acosta 1462, 2161
Russo, Chandra 3522
Ruszczyk, Stephen P. 1451
Rutt, Jennifer N. 2324
Ruvalcaba, Angelica 2226
Ryan, Allison 3545
Rye, Johan Fredrik 3123
Ryle, Robyn 1546
Ryo, Emily 4151
Ryu, Hanso 4122
Saadatmand, Frough 2322
Sa'ar, Amalia 3128
Sabanci, Halil Ibrahim 3139
Sabati, Sheeva 3124
Sabon, Lauren 1123
Sabriseilabi, Soheil 3125
Sacco, Timothy 2125
Sachs, Sarah E. 2321
Sackett, Blair Suzanne 3123
Sadri, Homa 4151
Sadri, Mahmoud 1451
Saeed, Sadia 3436
Saenz, Rogelio 2347, 3422
Safer, Adam 4151
Sage, Starr 4124
Sagnic, Sevin Gulfer 4151
Saguy, Abigail C. 4346
Sahin, Esra 3148
Saichaie, Kem 2123
Said, Atef S. 1223, 1521
Said, Iman 1517
Sainburg, Tim 2346
Saito, Hiro 1151, 2229
Saito, Leland T. 2322
Sajjanhar, Anuradha 2122
Sakamoto, Arthur 1451, 3123
Salamanca, Paul 4141
Salamanca-Blazek, Amber Michelle 3522
Salas Pujols, Jomaira 1441, 3141
Salazar, Amy 1252
Salazar, Esmeralda Sanchez 2226
Salgado, Casandra Danielle 1141, 4110
Salinas, Juan 1141
Salinas, Marisa D. 2429
Sall, Dialika 2436
Sallaz, Jeffrey J. 2444
Salloum, Serena 4451
Salmón Gómez, Mónica 4151
Salo, Ken E. 4320
Salour, Sam 1223
Salter, Nicholas 1151
Sampson, Natalie 3230
Sampson, Robert J. 2117
Samuelsson, Eva 1226
Sanabria, Tanya 4451
Sanchez, Heather Kay 3522
Sanchez, Julian Neo 1231
Sanchez, Marlene 4203
Sanchez, Phoebe Zoe Maria Umbay 3517
Sánchez Loza, Dinorah 1427
Sánchez Mira, Núria 2438
Sanders, Teela 3252
Sandusky, Emily 3123
Sangria, Daniel 3123
Sani, Hanisah Binte Abdullah 4354
Santana, Emilce 1451
Santana, Jessica J. 2125
Santellano, Karina 1226, 2423
Sanyal, Paromita 2244
Saperstein, Aliya 3422
Sarabia, Heidy 1141, 4403
Saras, Emily Daina 4148, 4451
Sargent, Brian James 1120, 1220, 1443,
1520, 2110, 3138
Sargsyan, Anahit 1554
Sarkar, Tannistha 4122
Sarkeesian, Anita 0518
Sarkisian, Natalia 3129
Sarmiento-Hernandez, Mariana 2226
Sassen, Saskia 1420
Sassler, Sharon L. 1248, 1448,
3222, 3523, 4317
Satcher, Lacee Anne 4122
Satgar, Vishwas 1151, 3130
Satheesh, Silpa 2423, 3554
Satoh, Keiichi 2309
Sattar, Fatima 2423
Sattler, Sebastian 1123
Sauder, Michael 1122, 3139
Saunders, R. Kyle 3252
Savage, Scott V. 1147
Savci, Evren 3161
Saville, Anne 1246, 4222
Sawwan, Michelle 4222
Sayer, Liana C. 3523
Scanlan, Stephen J. 3522
Scarborough, William Joslyn 1520
Schaap, Julian 1122
Schachner, Jared N.
Schachter, Ariela 2417, 4151
Schaefer, David R. 0025, 3545
Schafer, Markus H. 2438
Schalet, Amy T. 1515, 2125
Schapiro, Benjamin 3125
Scharf, Adria L. 4415
Schatz, Enid J. 1261, 2248
Schaub, Max 3448
Schechtl, Manuel 3523
Scheibling, Casey 4125
Scheid, Teresa L. 2442
Scheiring, Gabor 4454
Scheitle, Christopher P. 3125
Scherer, Kory 1451
Schewe, Rebecca L. 3522
Schewel, Kerilyn 4151
Schieman, Scott 1230, 1452, 4317
Schilling, Hannah 2217
Schilt, Kristen 4108, 4219
Schirmer, Jessica 3525
Schlachter, Laura Hanson 3541, 4415
Schleifer, Cyrus J. 1552, 3125
Schmeeckle, Maria 1427
Schmeer, Kammi 2152, 3438
Schmid, Carol L. 1223, 4151
Schmidt, Marshall 1452
Schmidt, Michelle Lee 4154
Schmidt, Steven Edward 2417
Schmitz, Rachel M. 4324
Schmutz, Vaughn 2410
Schnabel, Landon 4142
Schneider, Daniel J. 1509, 2103, 2261
Schneider, Emily 1123, 3426
Schneider, Heidi L. 4451
Schneider, John A. 3146
Schneider, Lesley Erin 1517
Schneiderhan, Erik 1445
Schnell, Krista 2422
Schoene, Matthew 2122
Schoepf, Caroline M. 1223, 3517
Schofer, Evan 1223
Schoon, Eric 4325, 4343
Schoonmaker, Sara 1128
Schoots, Jonathan 2122
Schor, Juliet B. 4105, 4207
Schott, Berenike 1451
Schradie, Jen 1553
Schrage, Daniel 1217
Schrage, Daniel 3231
Schram, Brian Richard 3221
Schrank, Andrew 4354
Schroeder, Ralph 2122, 4125
Schroering, Caitlin Hays 1521
Schubert, Tinka Tabea 3124
Index of Participants
Schudde, Lauren 3444
Schuerman, William 2230
Schugurensky, Alejandro 4353
Schultz, Michael 2409
Schulz, Jeremy Markham 2248
Schumann, Debra A. 2152
Schüßler, Elke 2144
Schut, Rebecca Anna 1547
Schutt, Russell K. 4122, 4421
Schutz, Aaron 3538
Schwartz, David (Jed) D. 4326
Schwartz, Eric I. 0331
Schwartz, Michael 1238, 4420
Schwarzenbach, Anina 2122
Schwarzkopf, Stefan 2110
Schwarzman, Kathleen C. 3420
Scipes, Kim 1228
Scoggins, Scott 4451
Scott, Alexander 2226
Scott, Dominique 1151
Scott, Ellen K. 4443
Scott, Jennifer 2226
Scott, Sam Frederick 3123
Scovill, Sam 1451
Seals, Dmitri S. 2248, 2322
Seamster, Louise 1220, 3229
Sears, Stephanie Dawn 4129
Seckin, Gul 4122
Seenarine, Moses 4324
Segal, Mady Wechsler 3142
Segal, Marcia Texler 2308, 3142
Seidman, Gay W. 1116, 1228, 2119
Seltzer, Judith A. 1423
Seltzer, Nathan 2210
Sen, Raka 3522
Sendroiu, Ioana 2326, 2337
Senier, Laura 3522
Senter, Mary Scheuer 1416, 2308
Serafin, Marcin 4417
Serdar, Ayse 3236
Sergi, Anna 1424
Sernaker, Sarah 4116
Serpe, Richard T. 1254
Serrano, Uriel 1226, 3217
Serrano Zapata, Angela 4154, 4220
Serrao Santana de Jesus, Rodrigo 4342
Session, Noni 1103
Seto, Christopher H. 4243
Setter, Davyd 4222
Settersten, Richard A. 1110
Seward, Brad 2124
Sewell, Alyasah Ali 3204, 4304
Sexsmith, Kathleen 4320
Shachter, Simon Yamawaki 1229
Shafer, Emily Fitzgibbons 3523
Shafer, Kevin 1552, 3523
Shaffer, Jonathan David 4251
Shalin, Dmitri 2122
Shamash, Rebecca 1451
Shams, Safi 3222
Shams, Tahseen 4151
Shandra, Carrie L. 3222, 4206
Shandra, John M. 3522
Shank, Daniel B. 1147, 3245
Shao, Di 1453
Shao, Jianmin 3523
Shao, Wanyun 3522
Shapira, Harel 1519, 4204
Shapiro, Andrew 2447
Sharma, Kanika 4122
Sharone, Ofer 2207
Shaw, Elyse 2206
Shaw, Elyse 2308
Shaw, Olivia Paige 1123
Shaw, Vivian 4129
Shearer, Christine 1404
Sheares, Alicia 3120
Shedd, Carla 1419, 3546
Sheehan, Patrick 4429
Shelby, Renee Marie 1543
Shelton, Beth Anne 2422
Shelton, Jason E. 2436
Shelton, Jeff Scott 1451
Shemesh, Amber 4251
Shen, Jing 4151
Shen, Shannon 1423
Shen, Wensong 1148
Shen, Yifan 3123
Sheng, Zhiming 1552
Shepherd, Hana 3141, 4239
Sheppard, Paula 1423
Sherefkin, Nick 2144
Sherman, Jennifer 3238
Sherman, Rachel 1407
Sherwin, Wilson 1553
Sherwood, Yvonne P. 1236
Shestakofsky, Benjamin 1543, 2421
Shevchuk, Andrey 3222
Shi, Feng 3525
Shi, Feng 1531
Shiff, Talia 2220
Shifrer, Dara 2137, 4153, 4451
Shigihara, Amanda Michiko 1451
Shih, Elena 4109, 4307, 4446
Shih, I-Lun 4222
Shim, Bo Seon 1122
Shim, Janet K. 1547, 4122
Shin, Eun Kyong 1552, 3442
Shin, Heeju 4210
Shin, Heeyoun 4122
Shin, Hwajin 3222
Shin, Taekjin 1424
Shinberg, Diane S. 3224
Shklyan, Karina 1539
Shockley, Gordon 4326
Shoffstall, Grant 3125
Shokooh-Valle, Firuzeh Shokooh 4454
Shorette, Kristen 4251
Showalter, David 4145
Shtob, Daniel 3522
Shu, Xiaoling 1541
Shuker, Zeinab F. 3242
Shultziner, Doron 2122
Shura, Isha 1451
Shura, Robin 1423
Shurtliff, Tacey M. 3523
Shuster, Stef M. 2107, 2406
Shwom, Rachael 3130, 3230,
3430, 3522
Siciliano, Michael L. 3222
Sicotte, Diane M. 1228
Siddiqui, Shan Mohammed 3422
Siegler, Bonnie Rogers 4353
Sierra-Arévalo, Michael
Sigler, Elizabeth Koch 3523
Sikkink, David 4242
Silbey, Susan S. 4308
Siliunas, Andreja 1122, 1548
Silva, Fabiana 1108, 4222
Silva, Jennifer M. 3123
Silva, Jennifer Marie 3123
Silveira, Florencia 3123
Silver, Blake R. 4148
Silver, Daniel 2117, 2322
Silver, Michelle Pannor 2143, 3222, 4328
Silverstein, Merril 1423
Silvestro, Daniele 1529
Silvia, Chris 3222
Simard, Caroline 4338, 4429
Simburger, Dylan 2322
Simes, Jessica T. 3546
Simko, Christina 4344
Simms, Angela Marie 2462
Simon, Christine 3523
Simon, Daniel Hunter 2348, 2461
Simon, Laura 1422, 2423
Simon, Robin W. 2342
Simon, Samantha Jones 4441
Simone, AbdouMaliq 2204
Simons, Leslie Gordon 3523
Simons, Ronald L. 1247, 4221
Simpson, Chaniqua 1436
Singh, Jennifer S. 2342
Singh, Sourabh 2122, 2446, 3436
Sirianni, Antonio 2231
Sirois, Catherine 1143
Sisk, Victoria F. 2322
Skaggs, Rachel 1241
Skaperdas, Eleni 4248
Skarpelis, Anna Katharina 1238, 2229, 3121
Skipper, Antonius 4125
Skolnik, Ava 4328
Skotnicki, Tad P. 1122
Skrubbeltrang, Lotte Stausgaard 4451
Skvoretz, John 3123
Slavinski, Ilya 1123
Slaymaker, Erika 4442
Slez, Adam 4137
Slight, Hayden 2446
Slighting, Sadie Andrews 3523
Sloan, Jennifer Catherine 4151
Slok-Andersen, Beate 4438
Small, Mario Luis 2117
Small, Shadrick Andrew 4328
Smiecinska, Nadia 1451
Smiley, Kevin T. 3422, 3522
Smirnova, Michelle Hannah 1142
Smith, Bethany 1423
Smith, Bobby J. 3208
Smith, C.A. 4222
Smith, Chad L. 3522
Smith, Chris M. 1123, 2462, 3204
Index of Participants
Smith, Christi M. 3107
Smith, Christian Michael 3153, 3444
Smith, David A. 2253, 3243
Smith, E. Keith 3430
Smith, Imari Z. 1151
Smith, Jackie 2337, 2431
Smith, James 1423
Smith, Jeffrey A. 2245
Smith, Jesse Max 2436
Smith, Maria 1252
Smith, Michael Lee 4451
Smith, Mikaela 2422
Smith, Natalie 4122
Smith, Nina 4215
Smith, Peter Scharff 1123
Smith, Robert Courtney 1115, 1210, 1539
Smith, Sandra S. 1509
Smith, Sanne 1242
Smith, Sheridan 3117
Smith, Tom W. 2362, 3125
Smith, Troy 3124
Smith, Tyler John 1123
Smith-Doerr, Laurel 2327, 3206
Smith Maguire, Jennifer 1122, 4436
Smithsimon, Gregory 2322
Smolski, Andrew Robert 3522
Snawder, Kara 4122
Snidal, Matthew James 3153, 3422
Snipp, C. Matthew 2361
Snitselaar, Sara 4122
Snow, David A. 4120
So, Byeong Hyeon 4222
Soares, Pedro Paulo 4251
Sobering, Katherine 1403, 1520,
3407, 3441,
3541, 4246, 4308
Sobieraj, Sarah 4331
Sobke, Ashley 2422
Sobotka, Tagart Cain 1452, 3222, 4243
Sohn, Bola 1451
Sohn, Heeju 1541, 3523
Sokolov, Mikhail 3525
Sola, Jorge 1451
Solé Auró, Aïda 3523
Soligo, Marta 1241
Soller, Brian 2242
Solorzano, Lizette 2226, 2423
Somashekhar, Mahesh 3462
Somers, Margaret R. 4117
Sommer, Jamie M. 3522
Son, In Seo 3422
Song, David 3422
Song, Haoming 1552, 3523
Song, Lijun 1562, 2242, 2442
Song, Min Young 3523
Song, Miri 3209
Song, Qi 1228
Song, Qian 1423
Song, Xi 1123, 3447
Sonnett, John 4209
Soper, Rachel 1161, 1246
Sorensen, Jay 1122
Sorenson, Olav 3222
Sorentino, Sara-Maria 3508
Sormani, Philippe 2330
Sosa, Eugenio 2122
Sosnaud, Benjamin 2461
Soto, Michael 3128, 4343
Soto-Marquez, Jose G. 4151
Sotoudeh, Ramina 2122
Soule, Sarah A. 4222
South, Scott J. 3523
Sowers, Elizabeth Alexis 3243
Soysal, Yasemin 3519
Spalter-Roth, Roberta M. 2308, 3142
Spalter-Roth, Roberta 2206
Spang, Edward 1146
Spencer, Dale 3222
Spencer, Karen Lutfey 4309
Speranza, Martina 3252
Spicer, Jason 1228
Spiker, Russell Leroy 2139, 4122
Spiller, Keridwyn 4448
Spillman, Lyn 1120, 1443
Spotswood, Joelle 4451
Spradlin, Tyler 3522
Sprague, Jeb 1223
Springer, Emily 1223
Squires, Gregory D. 1116
Sremac, Nikoleta 2422
Srivastava, Sameer 2122
Stabler, Samuel David 2336
Stabrowski, Filip 2462
Stacey, Clare L. 2107
Stacey, Lawrence Wellman 2422
Stadtfeld, Christoph 2122
Staff, Jeremy 3131
Stalp, Marybeth C. 1422, 3536
Stapleton, Orla 1229
Stapper, Everardus Wilhelmus 2322
Staubmann, Helmut 4325, 4451
St-Denis, Xavier 4308
Stearns, Elizabeth 4451
Stebbins, Rebecca 3146
Steele, Megan Elizabeth 3523
Steele, Sarah M. 3461
Stefancic, Jean 2404
Stefanos, Sarah A. 2423
Stefanovic, Djordje 3260
Steger, Manfred B. 1223
Stein, Arlene J. 4341
Steinberg, Hillary 1226
Steinbugler, Amy C. 3248
Steinman, Erich W. 3527, 4451
Steinmetz, George 3436
Stembridge, Sarah 1154
Stempel, Carl W. 2122, 4161
Step, Mary 4419
Stepan-Norris, Judith 1506, 2219
Stephan, Rita 2124, 4222
Stephens, John D. 4131
Stepick, Lina 4443
Stepnitz, Abigail 2420
Sterling, Adina 1424, 4208
Sternberg, Jeffrey L. 2322
Sterphone, J. 1151, 2122
Stets, Jan E. 0025, 1147,
1154, 1254
Stevens, James Dalton 3224
Stevens, Lindsay M. 4122
Stevens, Mitchell L. 3153
Stewart, Brandon Michael 2346
Stewart, Evan 4242
Stewart, Karyn Alayna 4122
Stewart, Mahala Dyer
3119, 3523
Stewart, Remy 3123
Stewart, Robert Austin 1123
Stewart, Sheridan 2346, 4243
Stick, Max 4125, 4241
Stickney, Lisa 2248
Still, Darla Marie 2131
Stillerman, Joel P. 3123
Stimpson, Matthew 1122
Stivers, Tanya 2230, 2437
Stockstill, Casey 1451, 3417
Stockton, Ryan Baldwin 2122
Stoddart, Mark C.J. 2138
Stoecker, Randy 2347
Stokes, Andrew 2152
Stolte, Allison 1451
Stoltz, Dustin S. 1229
Stombler, Mindy 2208
Stone, Amy L. 1505
Stone, Ashley Yvonne 4122
Stone, Eric 3117
Stone, Jacob 3461
Stone, Pamela 1207, 2147
Storer, Adam 3222
Storrs, Debbie 2307
Storti, Luca 1424, 4251
Stout, Vanessa Theresa 2423
Stover, John A. 2203
Strader, Eiko 3221
Strapko, Noel Jaime 2122
Straub, Adam M. 1546
Straubel, Madeleine George 4161
Strebkov, Denis 3222
Strellman, Daniel 3426
Stritzel, Haley 1226
Strmic-Pawl, Hephzibah Virginia 1422
Strobel, Connor 2422
Strong, Myron T. 1544, 2153, 2304
Stroud, Angela 2447, 3162
Stryker, Robin 1145
Stuart, Alanna 3417
Stuart, Diana 3522
Stuart, Forrest 2443, 4145
Stuart Brundage, Jonah 2409
Stuber, Jenny M. 1430
Stuckler, David 3426, 4122
Stulberg, Lisa Michele 4451
Sturgis, Patrick 3123
Su, Jessica Houston 2261
Su, Phung N. 1239
Su, Ya 3523
Su, Zhixiang 1552, 4151
Suárez, Fátima 1451
Subbaraman, Ramnath 2326
Subramaniam, Mangala 4308
Suchman, Mark C. 2326
Sudibjo, Magdalena 3222
Sudo, Naoki 4419
Index of Participants
Sue, Christina Alicia 3422
Sufrin, Carolyn 1123
Suh, Chan S. 1424
Suh, Hyungjun 2322
Suh, Stephen Cho 0152
Suitor, J. Jill 1423, 2242, 4337
Sukhov, Michael J. 1128
Sulkunen, Pekka Juhani 4261
Sullivan, Christopher M. 3160
Sullivan, Darcy 4122
Sullivan, Esther 2322
Sullivan, Rachael E. 2362
Sulzer, Sandra H. 4243
Sumerau, J. E. 4442
Summers, Brandi Thompson 3120
Sun, Feinuo 1247
Sun, Ken Chih-Yan 4337
Sun, Yizhou 2346
Sun, Yu 2336
Sunderland, Jillian 2447
Sung, Baksun 3426
Sung, Sisi 1451
Sutton, Alexander C. 1122
Sutton, Jeannette 4345
Sutton, Tara Elizabeth 1123, 2439, 3523
Suzuki, Kyoko 1424
Svallfors, Signe 3242
Swarnakar, Pradip 2309
Swartz, David L. 2122
Swed, Ori 3128, 4125
Sweet, Paige L. 1561
Sweet, Stephen A. 1530
Swidler, Ann 4342
Swindle, Jeffrey 1223
Syväterä, Jukka 1223
Szabo, Julia Colleen Campbell 2238, 4451
Szaflarski, Jerzy P. 4122
Szaflarski, Magdalena 4122
Szrot, Lukas 2423
Tabatabai, Ahoo 1122
Tabbutt, Kelly M. 1426
Table, Billy 1151, 4122
Tabler, Jennifer 4122
Tabor, Jaclyn Ann 3523
Taborda, Caty 4328
Tadmon, Daniel 3231
Tae Kyeong, Goh 3522
Taft, Jessica Karen 1419, 1510
Tagkaloglou, Sofia 1252
Tak, Sang Dong 4222
Takasaki, Kara Leiko 3523
Talbert, Elizabeth Mary 4444
Talbert, Ryan 1423, 3422
Talesh, Shauhin Ahmadi 2326, 2420
Talkington, Adam 1452
Talukdar, Shruti 3222
Tam, Corinne Wai Yin 1252
Tam, Tony 3437
Tam, Treva 1461
Tamir, Ori 3128
Tan, Catherine Do 4122
Tan, Kaitlin 3260
Tanabe, Megumi 1451, 3523
Tang, Chengzuo 2122, 4326
Tang, Junchao 2122
Tanir, Canan 3523
Tanskanen, Antti Olavi 4421
Tanskanen, Antti 3523
Tao, Lin 3437
Tartari, Valentina 4125
Tasmim, Samia 3522
Tate, Alexandra 2437
Tavares, Carlos D. 1547
Taylor, Alice 1561
Taylor, Brionca 4124
Taylor, Catherine J. 2161
Taylor, Marshall A. 1527, 4231
Taylor, Miles G. 2143
Taylor, Randon 3422
Taylor, Robert Joseph 3523
Taylor, Taura 4209
Teeger, Chana 4344
Teerawichitchainan, Bussarawan Puk 1423
Teixeira-Poit, Stephanie Marie 2422,
3536, 4122
Telesiene, Audrone 3522
Teller, Amy 2124, 3430
Temko, Ezra Joseph 2122
Ten Kate, Josje 3438
Tenorio, Luis E. 1439
Terriquez, Veronica 1139, 2105
Teruel, Graciela 4151
ter Wal, Anne 4125
Tessler, Hannah 4447
Tessmer, Karlie 3222
Tester, Aaron W. 1223, 4251
Teuber, Ferdinand 2446
Thai, Annie 4448
Thebaud, Sarah 1138, 2161
Theis, Nicholas 1242, 3522
Thomas, Christopher 1123
Thomas, Clayton 4122
Thomas, George M. 1122, 3125
Thomas, India 1561
Thomas, Jacob Richard 2246, 4443
Thomas, Jason 1451
Thomas, Jennifer N.H. 2303
Thomas, Loring 2231
Thomas, Margaret M.C. 3523
Thomas, Shameka Poetry 1451
Thomas, Tanesha A. 3522
Thombs, Ryan 3522
Thomeer, Mieke Beth 1248, 1423, 3438
Thompson, Amber 1451
Thompson, Daniel 3123
Thompson, Gretchen 2424
Thompson, Matthew James 1123
Thompson, Wyatt Rafferty 1424
Thompson-Dyck, Kendra 1127
Thompson-Lastad, Ariana 1547
Thomson, Robert 3222
Thornhill, Ted 3247, 3505
Thorpe, Jared 1226, 1552,
3125, 3523
Thrasher, Steven William 2419
Ticona, Julia B. 1429, 1509, 4207
Tien, Grace 1424
Tierney, Amber Celina 2423
Tilbrook, Ned 4153, 4451
Tillman, Korey 3546, 4446
Tilly, Chris 1206, 4405
Tilstra, Andrea 4147
Timberlake, Michael 4251
Timmermans, Stefan
1519, 2327,
4147, 4247
Tindall, David B. 2138
Ting, Yun-Chung 3522
Tinkler, Justine Eatenson 2161, 4303
Tinsley, Meghan 2410
Tippett, Elizabeth 4303
Tirrell, Christopher 1451
Tkach, Ben 4431
Tober, Diane M. 4328
Tober, Tara Leigh 2447
Tobias, Joshua Gabriel S. 4122
Tobin, Kathleen (KT) 1145, 2122
Tochilnikova, Elina 1151, 4122
Tofangsazi, Bashir 4343
Tolbert, Charles M. 1151
Tollman, Stephen 1148
Toma, Sorana 2445
Tomaskovic-Devey, Donald 2403,
3210, 3406
Tomlinson, Christine 2422
Tompsett, James 4451
Tong, Winnie Q. 2322
Tong, Yuying 1226
Tope, Daniel 3422
Toprak, Vasfiye Betul 2317
Torche, Florencia 3447, 4247
Tormos-Aponte, Fernando 3422
Toro, Harold J. 3123
Torpey, John C. 1424
Torrats-Espinosa, Gerard 3123
Torres, Bridget 1451
Torres, Gabriella 1241
Torres, Stacy 2143
Torres-Echeverry, Nicolas 2122
Torres Stone, Rosalie A. 1547
Törrönen, Jukka 1226
Towns, Tangela G. 4125
Toyonaga, Kohei 3123
Tran, Angie 4151
Tran, Grace 4151
Tran, Michael Tuan 3422
Tran, Nhung 3520
Tran, Van C. 1453
Trautner, Mary Nell 1151, 4229
Travers, Ann 2147
Travis, Adam Silver 2322
Treffers, Stefan Rein 4251
Treiman, Donald J. 1423
Treitler, Vilna Francine Bashi 4205
Trenche, Gregory 2309
Trevizo, Dolores 3429, 4352
Triguero Roura, Mireia 1123
Index of Participants
Trindel, Kelly 2403
Trinidad, Jose Eos 3422
Triplett, Jennifer Elise 3525
Tropp, Linda R. 2125
Trotter, LaTonya 2107, 3509
Trotter-Simons, Bonnie-Estelle 4346
Troy, Lisa 2125
Trudeau, Libby 1122, 2422
Trujillo-Pagan, Nicole Elise 2204, 2347
Tseng, Po-Chia 1261
Tsitsos, William 1122
Tsoh, Janice 3426
Tsukerman, Kara 2322
Tsurkov, Emma 3541
Tsutsui, Kiyoteru 2209
Tsvetkova, Milena 1531
Tu, Hsin Fei 1243, 1424, 3545
Tu, Siqi 1223, 1552
Tu, Wanzhu 1452
Tubi, Omri 2148
Tuch, Steven A. 3123
Tucker, Frederick T. 2422, 3422, 4451
Tufekci, Zeynep 4407
Tugal, Cihan Ziya 2148, 3243
Tunaoglu, Doruk 4125
Turaif, Noor 3245
Turkmen, Gulay 3236
Turkoglu, Didem 1545, 2105, 4125
Turley, Ruth N. Lopez 1504
Turner, Bethaney 2125
Turner, Fred 3404
Turner, Jonathan H. 4221, 4421
Turner, Katharine 4344
Turner, Milanika 1451
Turowetz, Jason 2230
Tuszko, Feliks 1220
Tuttle, Scott 3222
Tuttle, Steven 3445
Tyagi, Juhi 4420
Tyson, Will 1110
Tyulyupo, Alexey 3222
Tzeggai, Fithawee 4451
Tzoc, Kristen 4122
Uchikoshi, Fumiya 1552
Uddin, Helal 3523
Uddin, Jalal 3523, 4122
Uecker, Jeremy E. 3422
Ueno, Koji 4148
Ugal, David B. 4122
Uggen, Christopher 1123, 4303
Umana-Taylor, Adriana 3545
Umansky, Ilana Marice 2137
Umberson, Debra 3220, 3438
Underhill, Megan R. 3148
Underman, Kelly 2107, 4122, 4430
Upadhyay, Srushti 2422
Upenieks, Laura 2242, 2438
Upton Patton, Desmond 4204
Urbina, Daniela R. 3523
Urwasi, Wara 3462
Utama, Rahardhika Arista 2317
Utrata, Jennifer 3129, 3238
Utz, Rebecca L. 1151, 2152
Uyan, Deniz 4325
Vacca, Raffaele 4151
Vaccaro, Christian Alexander 4222
Vacchiano, Mattia 2242
Vähä-Savo, Valtteri 1122, 2345
Vaidyanathan, Brandon 3239, 4419
Vaisey, Stephen 1145
Valdez, Zulema 2429, 4122
Valdivia, Carolina 1139
Vale, Mira 2344
Valentino, Lauren 4429
Vallas, Steven 3210, 3419, 4405
Valle, Melissa M. 1117
Vallee, Manuel 1142
Vallejo Pedraza, Diana Catalina 1520
Valtersson, Emma 2230
Van Cleve, Nicole Gonzalez 3219
Vandenberg, Femke 1122
van der Laan, Mark 1431, 2346
van der Naald, Joseph Reynolds 1421
van der Waal, Jeroen 1122, 3438
VanderWeele, Tyler 1447
van de Wiel, Lucy 2125
Van Dyke, Nella 2105, 4447
van Eijck, Koen 1122
Vang, Houa 1552
Van Gundy, Karen T. 2442
Van Gunten, Tod Stewart 2122, 2244, 2409
Van Haren, Ian 4452
van Hek, Margriet 2137
Van Hook, Jennifer 2152
Van Horn, M. Lee 3123
Van Horn, Struther 1244
Van Ingelgom, Virginie 2446
van Loon, Austin 2122
Vann, Burrel James 4222
Van Natta, Meredith 1539
VanNatta, Michelle 2423
Vanneman, Reeve 4251
VanOrsdale, Josey 4122, 4236
Van Riper, David 4216
Van Rossem, Ronan 2209
Vanzella-Yang, Adam 1452, 4122
Vaquera, Elizabeth 4151
Vaquera, Gloria S. 4324
Varchetta, Francesco Maria 4122
Varga, Peter 4419
Vargas, Nicholas 2104
Vasi, Ion Bogdan 4222
Vasquez-Tokos, Jessica 3209
Vaughan, Monisola 1226
Vaughn, Michael Patrick 1241, 4122
Vazquez-Jacobus, Michelle 2423
Veen, Floris van 1123
Veenstra, Gerry 4122
Vega, Irene I. 2104
Velarde-Perez, Catherine 4145
Velasco, Kristopher 2337, 3261
Velitchkova, Ana 1223, 3242
Venter, Wenonah M. 2322
Vento, Eetu 1223
Ventura, Ilana 4151
Venumuddala, Vinay Reddy 3222
Vera, Hector 2125
Verdery, Ashton M. 4243
Vergara, Angela 2226, 2423
Verhaal, Cameron 3222
Verhaeghe, Pieter-Paul 2422
Vertesi, Janet 2421, 3404
Veselak, Kristina M. 2423
Vesselinov, Elena 4451
Vican, Shawna Bowden 1438, 3547
Vidu, Ana 3124
Vierboom, Yana C. 2461
Vignau Loria, Maria 3422
Vijayakumar, Gowri 2306
Vijayaraghavan, Maya 3426
Vikram, Kriti 1447, 4124
Vilaca, Luiz 2122
Viladrich, Anahi 3154, 4142
Vila-Henninger, Luis Antonio 2446
Vilbig, Karyn 3238
Villalba Madrid, Mariela 4151
Villalobos, Amber Dyan 4451
Villalta, Sara Ivethe 2429
Villanueva, Corey 4243
Villarreal, Ana 4145
Villarreal, Melissa 1451
Villegas, Celso M. 2129
Vinson, Alexandra 1209, 2107
Vinyeta, Kirsten Rae 4222
Viscelli, Steve 1206
Vissing, Yvonne M. 4151
Vitullo, Margaret Weigers 1411, 1515
Vo, Austin 2122
Vo, Tiffanie 1552
Voelkel, Jan Gerrit 3246
Vogel, Mary E. 2326
Vogler, Stefan 3417
Voigt, Torsten H. 3229
Vonk, Laura 3222
Voorpostel, Marieke 3523
Vörös, András 2122
Voss, Isaac 2223
Voss, Kim 1403, 2103,
4222, 4406
Voyer, Andrea M. 1531
Vujacic, Veljko 2448
Vuolo, Michael 1517, 3131, 3426
Vyas, Sangita 1423
Waddington, Joe 4353
Wade, Jeannette Marie 3536
Waggoner, Miranda R. 1142, 1242
Wagmiller, Robert L. 3523
Waite, Sean 3252
Waite, Sean 4451
Waitkus, Nora 3547
Wakefield, Chris 3252
Wakefield, Sara 1123, 1217,
1417, 1517
Index of Participants
Wakeham, Joshua 1123
Wakita, Aya 1451
Walker, Alicia M. 3252
Walker, Lisa Slattery 1147, 1452,
4127, 4419
Walker, Michael Lawrence 3123
Walkover, Lillian 4122
Wallace, Derron 1219
Wallace, Michael E. 1451
Waller, Maureen 3523
Walsh, Darrell Ronaldo 2142
Walters, David Michael 3426
Walters, Kyla 2121
Walther, Carol 3422
Walton, Emily 1447, 2237
Walton, Tobin N. 2422, 3536
Walton, Tyler 1122
Wamsiedel, Marius 4122
Wan, Yifeng 1451
Wang, Charlotte 3443
Wang, Cheng 3442
Wang, Dan 4222
Wang, Di 1143, 2439
Wang, Donghui 3523
Wang, Hansi 2361
Wang, Jia 3531
Wang, Junmin 1153
Wang, Leping 1252, 3123
Wang, Leslie T.C. 1422, 2223
Wang, Liping 2443
Wang, Ming 1122
Wang, Rebecca 1148
Wang, Shiqi Eureka 1223
Wang, Skyler 1561
Wang, Wenjing 1424
Wang, Xiayu 3123
Wang, Xinxian 1252
Wang, Yan 2122
Wang, Yapeng 1136
Wang, Yingyao 2344
Wang, Zhonghao 1247
Warczok, Tomasz 2122
Ward, Ann Gavin 4127
Ward, Anneliese Ruth 1138
Ward, Chandra 2322
Ward, Jane 3561
Ward, Patricia Sarah 4246
Ware, Jonathan David 1451
Waren, Warren 4124
Warikoo, Natasha 1219
Warner, Catherine 1136
Warner, David 2106
Warner, Meghan Olivia 3162
Warnock, Debbie 4447
Warren, Rob 1138, 2152, 3447
Wäsche, Hagen 1462
Washington, Marvin 1424
Watanabe, Megumi 3523
Watkins, James Thomas 2122
Watkins-Hayes, Celeste M. 1105
Watson, Edward 4451
Watson, Jake 4151
Watson, Patrick G. 0061, 2446
Way, Sandra M. 4124
Webber, Gretchen R. 4438
Weber, Klaus 1122, 1231
Weber, Nora Jean 1452
Webster, Edward Charles 1451
Weeks, Nefratiri 3130
Wehner, JoAnne Delfino 3441
Wehner, JoAnne 2424, 4239, 4338
Wei, Lai 4151
Weide, Robert Donald 1123
Weil, Frederick 4345
Weininger, Elliot 1136
Weinshenker, Matthew N. 3523
Weinstein, Liza 1117, 2326, 4222
Weis, Lois 2137
Weiser, Sheri 3426
Weiss, Inbar 1444
Weiss, Julia 1237
Weiss, Karen G. 4125
Weiss, Tim 1231
Weisshaar, Katherine 1108, 3506
Weitzman, Abigail 1444, 3520, 3523
Welch, Ayrlia 1252
Welch, Levin Elias 1426, 4326
Wellman, Barry 1423, 4125
Wells, Kevin 3238
Welser, Howard T. 3437, 4125
Wen, Fangqi 3123, 4146
Wen, Ming 1552
Weng, Jeffrey 2448
Wentworth, Laura 4443
Werth, S. Rose 3138
Weselowski, Katharina 1451
West, Jessica 1423, 4122
West, Penny 1122
Westbrook, Laurel 2406, 4241
Western, Bruce 3219, 3546
Wetts, Rachel 1245
Wetzel, Dominic Vincent 1128
Weziak-Bialowolska, Dorota 1447, 1452
Whalen, Ian M. 3252
Wheaton, Blair 1144
Wherry, Frederick F. 1204, 1415, 2244
White, Adena 3547
White, Alexandre 1223, 4137
White, Janelle 1205
White, Kailey C. 1123
White, KaLeigh K. 4451
White, Michael J. 1148
White, Monica 2127
White, Rachel 4251
Whiteford, Scott C. 2424
Whitehead, Ellen 2423
Whitehead, Kevin A. 1137
Whitford, Josh 1507
Whitham, Monica M. 1147
Whitley, Cameron Thomas 4324
Whitmer, Jennifer 1422
Whitmeyer, Joseph M. 0329, 3516
Whitworth, Keith H. 2223
Whitworth, Tanya Rouleau 2442, 3523
Whooley, Owen 1542
Wiedermann, Marc 3430
Wiefek, Nancy 4415
Wienke, Chris 2139
Wiertz, Dingeman 4242
Wijnberg, Nachoem 3139
Wikle, Jocelyn 2152
Wilbur, Rachel E. 4122
Wilcox, Melissa M. 2203
Wilcoxson, Anna
Wildeman, Christopher 4116
Wilder, Keenan 3222
Wileden, Lydia 1262
Wiley, Kathryn 1151
Wiley, Norbert F. 4325
Wilhelm, Elizabeth 2326
Wilkes, John M. 2125
Wilkes, Rima 4138
Wilkins, Kiana Kristine 1526, 2139, 3117
Wilkinson, Lindsay R. 1423
Wilkinson, Lindsey 2137, 4451
Wilks, Mary-Collier 1223, 1451
Willer, Robb 3246
Willetts, Marion C. 4324
Willging, Cathleen 3221
Williams, Andy 1536
Williams, Apryl A. 4431
Williams, Byron 3422
Williams, Christine L. 2518, 3210, 3318
Williams, Daniel 4310
Williams, Deadric T. 3448
Williams, Eli 2339
Williams, James 1451, 4151
Williams, Joan C. 2403
Williams, Juliet A. 4346
Williams, Michelle Annette 1151, 1451
Williams, Rhys H. 2518, 3236, 3439
Williams, Seth A. 2322
Williams, Stacy J. 4330
Williamson, John B. 4147
Willis, Don Edward 1146
Willmott, Kyle 1526
Wilmers, Nathan 3547, 4406
Wilmoth, Janet M. 1423, 4122
Wilson, Derek 4346
Wilson, Eli R. 3147, 3441,
3541, 4246, 4308
Wilson, Gregory D. 2347
Wilson, James A. 1215
Wilson, Nicholas Hoover 2317, 3525
Wilson-Corzen, Vondora 1530, 2423
Winant, Howard 4310
Wind, Caitlin Ella 4222
Winddance, France 1403
Winder, Terrell James Antonio 1417
Windham, Lane 4406
Windsor, Elroi J. 1422
Winegar, Joel Aaron 4421
Winer, Canton 3252
Winkelmann, Ricarda 3430
Winkler, Erin N. 3119
Winston, Fletcher 1422, 4222
Witesman, Eva 3222
Witte, James C. 1424, 4231
Witteveen, Dirk 1123, 3222
Wixom, Jacob Hartt 1223
Wodtke, Geoffrey Thomas 3531
Woehrle, Lynne M. 3538, 4124
Index of Participants
Wohl, Hannah 1122, 4144
Woldoff, Rachael A. 1430, 3106
Wolf, Andrew 1421
Wolf, Christof 1448
Wolfe, Joseph Daniel 4122
Wolfe, Rebecca 4328
Wolff, Jennifer L. 1423
Wolff, Thomas 1127
Wolfinger, Nicholas H. 3523
Wolford, Gilbert Richard 1451, 3125
Wolfson, Mark 1451
Woll, Alexander 1462
Won, Ji-Sun 3521
Wong, Chi Pan 3123
Wong, Jaclyn S. 4317
Wong, Tom K. 1539
Woo, Hyeyoung 1453, 2422
Wood, Alex James 4336
Wood, Lesley J. 4222
Wood, Michael Lee 1122, 1529
Woodhead, Charlotte 4122, 4124
Woodley, Jada Morgan 3538
Woolston, Joseph 1451
Wooten, Melissa 3107
Wooten, Tom 3123
Workman, Joseph 3444
Workman, Miranda Kay 4324
Worley, Robert Michael 2422
Worley, Vidisha 2422
Worthen, Meredith Gwynne Fair 3252
Wotipka, Christine Min 4451
Wozny, Anna 4404
Wrenn, Corey Lee 4236, 4324
Wright, Claudia Mendez 4328
Wright, Eric R. 3117
Wright, Helene 3120, 3422
Wright, Katherine M. 2320
Wright, Kelsey Quinn 3561
Wright, Mellissa Kay 3426
Wright, Patrice 4129
Wright, Talmadge 3445
Wrigley-Field, Elizabeth 1131, 1423
Wu, Bei 1423
Wu, Cary 3162, 4138
Wu, Muluan 1252, 4222
Wu, Qiong (Miranda) 1451
Wu, Tongyu 2125
Wu, Xiaogang 1153, 4153
Wu, Yangyouyue 1252
Wu, Yuling 2422
Wu, Yuqing 1122
Wulff, Stephen M. 1123
Wullert, Katherine 3446, 4338, 4429
Wunderling, Nico 3430
Wuorinen, Lydia 2420
Wurm, Greg 3523
Wutchiett, David 1223
Wygle, Ruth M. 1423
Wynn, Alison 1203, 3441, 4239
Wynn, Jonathan R. 2217, 2343
Wypler, Jaclyn 1161
Wyrod, Robert 1261
Xi, Yuan 1252
Xiao, Brian 4122
Xiao, Haifan 4151
Xiao, Hong 2422
Xiao, Shiyang 4451
Xiao, Siqi 1448
Xiao, Xiao 1229
Xiaoxi, Bai 1451
Xie, Sizhe 2138
Xie, Wen 3121
Xie, Yu 2237, 3447
Xiong, Chia 1552, 4205
Xu, Bin 1121
Xu, Fang 1122
Xu, H. Brin 3123, 3422
Xu, Jiayi Janet 3446
Xu, Jun 2237
Xu, Ruonan 1552
Xu, Xiaohong 2229
Xu, Xiaojing 3522
Xu, Xinwei 3545
Xue, Yongguang 3523
Yahirun, Jenjira 4151
Yamaguchi, Kazuo 1131
Yamaki, Kiyoshi 2210
Yamamoto, Ai 4209
Yamashiro, Jane H. 1122, 4252
Yamashita, Takashi 1423
Yan, Pu 2125, 4125
Yan, Xu 4124
Yan, yu 1252
Yang, Duanyi 3222
Yang, Kai-Cheng 3131
Yang, Myung Ji 3123
Yang, Philip Q. 1123
Yang, Shanbai 4151
Yang, Shuangshuang 1552
Yang, Song 1123, 2245
Yang, Tse-Chuan 4122
Yang, Wenqi 2326
Yang, Xiaozhao Y. 3426
Yang, Yang Claire 3146, 4136
Yang, Yiqing 1423
Yang, Yulin 3422
Yao, Man 1226
Yap, Janice 1243
Yarbrough, Dilara 4320
Yasin, Kidist Ibrie 1536
Yates, Luke Y. 4222
Yavas, Mustafa 1424, 4125
Yavorsky, Jill 2405
Yazdiha, Hajar 1104
Ye, Jing 1423
Ye, Yiwan 1541
Yeatts, Dale Elgert 4122
Yeh, Catherine Tze Hsuan 1122, 1424, 2122
Yeh, Jarmin 1423, 2423
Yeh, Jesse 2122, 4161
Yelvington, Allison 4345
Yen, Joyce W. 4124
Yen, Shih-Keng 2152, 3123
Yeung, Bernice 1318
Yi, Joseph E. 1223
Yi, Sohoon 4151
Yi Huang, Vivian 3203
Yildirim, Ugur 1452, 3531
Yildiz, Muhammed 4122
Yildiz, Yesim 4325
Yin, Yi 1122, 1242
Yohanani, Lior 3525
Yoo, Yewon 4136
Yoon, Eunsung 3521
Yoon, Hesu 4445
Yoon, Jimin 1542
Yoon, Minji 3222
Yoon, Semee 1424
Yoon, Soorin 2422
Yoon, Soo-Yeon 1552
York, Richard 1208, 1404, 3522
You, Jihae 1424
Youm, Yoosik 2348, 4136
Young, Abby 4451
Young, Alford A. 1419, 2253
Young, Allison 1437
Young, Cristobal 2346
Young, Jacob T.N. 1123
Young, Kara Alexis 1146, 3208
Young, Kathryne M. 1143
Young, Luther 2139
Young, Marisa Christine 1230, 2322
Young, Tiffany Amorette 2322
Young, Yvette 3520
Youssef, Maro 2148
Yu, Ang 2346
Yu, Jiao 1423
Yu, Jiaxuan 1122
Yu, Yi-wen 3525
Yuan, Faxi 4124
Yuan, Weijun 3539
Yuan, Yaqi 3523
Yucel, Recai 3462
Yuen, Nancy Wang 3408
Yukich, Grace 2436, 3239, 3439
Yun, Narae 1552
Zacchiroli, Stefano 4231
Zainiddinov, Hakim 3422
Zajdel, Rachel 1426
Zamantakis, Alithia 4442
Zambrana, Ruth E. 2142, 4439
Zamora, Sylvia 2104, 2226
Zamora-Kapoor, Anna 3422
Zang, Emma 2348
Zapp, Dan 4148
Zaragoza, Laura 1141
Zaras, Dimitrios 1122
Zarychta, Alan 4122
Zarycki, Tomasz 1121
Zaslavsky, Katherine 1544, 3215
Zavala, Michelangelo 3244
Zayani, Mohamed 4125
Index of Participants
Zayim, Ayca 1231, 2244
Zelizer, Viviana A. 4305
Zeng, Liwen 1151, 1552, 3422
Zermeno, Alejandro 1426
Zerubavel, Eviatar 2343
Zhan, Heying Jenny 1151
Zhan, Shaohua 1223
Zhang, Amy 4122
Zhang, Amy 4144
Zhang, Chenghui 4125
Zhang, Chenyao 1451
Zhang, Han 1552
Zhang, Iris 3123
Zhang, Jie 4325
Zhang, Keqing 1423
Zhang, Qingyang 1123
Zhang, Simone 4239
Zhang, Tony Huiquan 4222
Zhang, Wei 1423
Zhang, Xing 3129, 3523
Zhang, Xueqing 4451
Zhang, Yan 1423
Zhang, Yang 2409, 3525
Zhang, Yang 1448
Zhang, Yongjun 1508, 4222
Zhang, Yurong 3422
Zhang, Zhe 2139
Zhao, Jun 4303
Zhao, Linda 4151
Zhao, Mengyang 3222
Zhao, Shanyang 4321
Zhao, Sibo 3523
Zhao, Wei 1153
Zhao, Yan 1451
Zheng, Wenjuan 3222, 3261
ZHI, Pei 2409
Zhong, Hua 4151
Zhou, Amy Yuan 1261
Zhou, Jun 2422
Zhou, Lu 4451
Zhou, Luyang 4137
Zhou, Min 1552
Zhou, Mujun 1129
Zhou, Xiang 2346, 3123
Zhou, Xiaogao 3161
Zhou, Yi 1229
Zhou, Yun 1552
Zhu, Yuanhang 2122
Zhuang, Yuhao 3441
Zhuo, Xiaolin 3245
Zilberstein, Shira 2326
Zimmer, Ron 4353
Zimmerman, Marc 1444
Zinda, John Aloysius 2338, 3130
Zipp, Daniel 3522
Zippel, Kathrin 1438
Zivich, Paul 4122
Zoeller, Christoffer 3525
Zopf, Bradley J. 1451, 3422
Zorro Medina, Ángela 2326
Zou, Haixia 1151
Zsembik, Barbara 1226, 4124
Zuberi, Tukufu 1420, 4304
Zubizarreta, Cristina (Cris) 4147
Zubrzycki, Genevieve 1527
Zuckerman, Ezra W. 3246
Župarić-Iljić, Drago 4124
Zwerman, Gilda 4222
Index of Participants
American Sociological Association - 0424, 0622, 1012, 1111, 1112, 1124,
1213, 1224, 1225, 1406, 1412, 1425, 1442, 1524, 1722, 2113, 2132,
2141, 2211, 2214, 2418, 2432, 2518, 2626, 3004, 3110, 3111, 3126,
3212, 3213, 3214, 3226, 3228, 3411, 3413, 3424, 3425, 3503, 3524,
3526, 3536, 3624, 4103, 4112, 4132, 4214, 4224, 4225, 4332,
4423, 4425, 4426, 4428, 5040
ASA Retirement Network (previously Opportunities in Retirement
Network) - 3142, 3232, 3529
Book Salons (formerly Author Meets Critics) - 1119, 1219, 1419, 1519,
2119, 2219, 2319, 2419, 3119, 3219, 3419, 3519, 4119, 4219
Ideas for Future Research (formerly Informal Discussion
Roundtables) - 1151
Minority Fellowship Program - 0024, 1114, 1236, 1436, 2111, 2722
Open Refereed Roundtables - 1451
Plenary Sessions - 0518, 1318, 3318
Preconferences - 0025, 0028, 0054, 0061, 0122, 0152, 0153, 0241,
0329, 0331, 0337
Presidential Panels - 2327, 3210
Regional Spotlight Sessions - 1103, 1203, 1208, 1403, 1503, 2103,
2203, 3403, 4203, 4403
Regular Sessions
Aging - 2143
Applied Social Research/Evaluation - 4443
Asians and Asian Americans - 2237
Biosociology/Biosocial Interaction - 4136
Blacks and African Americans - 4244
Care Work/Caring Labor - 4444
Children/Youth/Adolescents - 2120
Collective Behavior - 3160, 3539
Collective Memory - 4344
Community - 4145
Comparative Historical Sociology - 4137
Consumers and Consumerism - 4436
Conversation Analysis - 2437
Criminology - 3138
Criticial Theory - 3143
Cultural Studies - 2343
Culture and Identity - 2443
Culture and Inequality - 4143
Culture and Narrative - 3244
Development - 3243
Development and Gender - 3144, 3443
Deviance and Social Control - 4245
Disability and Society - 2210, 3410
Disaster - 4345
Economic Sociology - 2144, 2244, 2344, 2444
Education - 1136, 3444, 3544
Education and Inequality - 1437, 1537, 2137, 3141
Education Policy - 2238
Elites - 4445
Environmental Policy - 2138, 2338
Environmental Sociology - 2239
Ethnic Conflict - 3260
Ethnography - 4446
Ethnomethodology - 1137
Family and Kinship - 4237, 4337
Family and Work - 4437
Feminist Theory and Epistemology - 4346
Fertility - 4146
Food and Agriculture - 1146, 1246
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Studies - 2139, 2339, 2439
Gender - 3530
Gender and Work - 1438, 4338, 4438
Gender Inequality - 1138, 4138, 4238
Globalization - 1231
Group Processes - 1147, 3241
Health and Well-being - 1247, 1447
Health Care and Care Delivery - 1547
Health Policy - 4147, 4247
Higher Education - 4148, 4347, 4447
Historical Sociology - 1443
History of Sociology/Social Thought - 1238
Human Rights - 1538
Immigrant Communities/Families - 1139
Immigration and Gender - 1239
Immigration to the United States - 1439, 1539
Indigenous Peoples/Native Lands Roundtable - 1426
Indigenous Peoples/Native Nations - 1526
Internal Migration - 1148
International Immigration - 2145, 2345, 2445
Internet and Society - 3145, 3245
Jobs, Occupations and Professions - 4429
Knowledge - 1542
Labor/Labor Movements - 2121
Labor Market - 4361
Latinas, Latinos, Latinx - 1141, 1441
Law and Society - 1143
Life Course - 2438
Marriage, Civil Unions, and Cohabitation - 1248, 1448
Masculinities - 2147, 2447
Mathematical Sociology - 1243
Media Sociology - 3445
Medical Sociology - 2320, 3146
Mental Health - 1144, 1244
Methodology, Qualitative - 2246, 2446
Methodology, Quantitative - 2346
Microsociologies - 2247
Middle East and North Africa - 2148
Mixed Methods - 2248
Mortality and Morbidity - 2348
Multi-Racial Experience/Identity - 4339
Nations/Nationalism - 1548, 2448
Organizations - 1229, 4239
Parenthood - 3148, 3248
Peace and Conflict - 4343
Political Culture - 1245
Political Sociology - 1145, 1445
Popular Culture - 1241, 1544
Population Processes - 1444, 1541
Poverty - 3448
Prisons and Prisoners - 3546
Race and Ethnicity - 2347, 4441
Race, Class, and Gender - 3147
Racial and Ethnic Inequality - 2142, 4439
Racism and Anti-racism - 3247
Religion - 4142, 4242, 4342
Reproduction - 4248, 4348, 4448
Rural Sociology - 1161
Science - 1142, 1242
Sexuality - 4141, 4241, 4341
Social Capital - 1562
Social Dimensions of AIDS - 1261
Social Mobility - 3447
Social Movements - 1446, 1545
Social Networks - 2245, 3442, 3545
Social Psychology - 3246, 3446
Social Stratification and Inequality - 3547
Social Theory - 1546
Session Index
Social Welfare Programs - 4329
Sociology of Culture - 4144
Sociology of the Body - 1561
Space and Place - 1262
Sport - 1462
Substance Use, Abuse, Treatment - 4243
Symbolic Interaction - 2162
Teaching Sociology - 2243
Technology - 1543
Transgender Studies - 4442
Transnational Processes - 2362
Transnational Social Movements - 2262
Urban Issues - 2462
Urban Sociology - 3462
Violence - 3162, 3562
Voluntary and Non-Profit Organizations - 3261
Welfare State - 3262, 4261
Whiteness - 4161
Work and the Workplace - 4336
Section on Aging and the Life Course
Section on Aging and the Life Course - 1010, 1523
Age Matters: Explorations of Age Categories in Social Life - 1110
Diversity or Disadvantage? Interrogating How Social Inequality
Shapes Life Course(s) - 1210
Section on Aging and the Life Course Roundtables - 1423
Section on Alcohol, Drugs, and Tobacco
Section on Alcohol, Drugs, and Tobacco - 3426
Section on Alcohol, Drugs, and Tobacco - Open Paper Session - 3131
Section on Alcohol, Drugs, and Tobacco Roundtables - 3426
Section on Altruism, Morality, and Social Solidarity
Section on Altruism, Morality, and Social Solidarity - 1536
Open Session on Altruism, Morality, and Social Solidarity:
Understanding the Good in a World Gone Bad - 1237
Section on Animals and Society
Section on Animals and Society - 4130
Animal Labor - 4236
Section on Animals and Society Round Table - 4324
Section on Asia and Asian America
Section on Asia and Asian America - 1552, 1652
Asian Americans in a Changing American Society - 1453
Section on Asia and Asian America Roundtable Session - 1552
The New Economy and Changes in Asian Societies - 1153
Section on Children and Youth
Section on Children and Youth - 1011, 1226
Children and Youth in a Changing World - 1510
Making Research on Children and Youth Matter: Strategies &
Challenges - 1127
Power, Agency, and Resistance in Youth’s Lives - 1427
Section on Children and Youth Roundtables - 1226
Section on Collective Behavior and Social Movements
Section on Collective Behavior and Social Movements - 3652, 4222,
Collective Behavior and Social Movements Refereed Roundtables -
Current Scholarship on Activism, Contention, Social Movements -
Indigenous-Led Social Movements and the Role of Alliances - 3527
Leverage and Disruption: What does the evidence say? - 4420
Negative Drivers of Collective Action in the 21st Century - 3429
Section on Communication, Information Technologies, and Media
Section on Communication, Information Technologies, and Media
Sociology - 4125
Communication, Information and Technology: Critical Debates - 4231
Digital and Legacy Media: Rethinking Social Processes - 4431
Media, (Mis)Information, and Democracy - 4331
Section on Communication, Information Technologies, and Media
Sociology Refereed Roundtable Session - 4125
Section on Community and Urban Sociology
Community and Urban Sociology Section - 2012, 2322, 2664
Cities and Big Data - 2117
Community and Urban Sociology Section Roundtables – 2322
New Forms of Precarious Urban Labor - 2217
Theorizing the Renters and Rental Housing in the United States -
Work, Community, and City - 1430
Section on Comparative-Historical Sociology
Section on Comparative-Historical Sociology - 3436, 3525
Comparative-Historical Sociology Refereed Roundtables - 3525
Historical and Comparative Perspectives on Law, Politics, and
Institutional Change in the United States - 3136
Populism and Religion: Comparative-Historical Approaches - 3236
The Meaning of Corruption--Historical Transformations and Cultural
Variations - 2317
Section on Crime, Law, and Deviance
Section on Crime, Law, and Deviance - 1123, 1417
Open Session on Crime, Law, and Deviance - 1217, 1517
Section on Crime, Law, and Deviance Roundtable Session - 1123
Section on Disability in Society
Section on Disability in Society - 3224
Past, Present, and Future: 30 years after the Americans with
Disabilities Act - 3510
The Section on Disability and Society Referred Round Tables - 3224
Section on Economic Sociology
Section on Economic Sociology - 1424, 2623
Economic Sociology Section Session - 1120, 1220, 1520, 2110
Section on Economic Sociology Roundtables - 1424
Section on Environmental Sociology
Section on Environmental Sociology - 3522
A Comparative Approach: Environmental Politics in a Time of
Populism, Nationalism and De-Globalization - 3130
Creating Knowledge for Equality and Empowerment - 3230
Section on Environmental Sociology Roundtables - 3522
Social Change for Sustainability - 3430
Section on Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis
Section on Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis - 2030,
Current Research in Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis
- 2230
Engaging Environment in Ethnomethodology and Conversation
Analysis - 2330
Section on Evolution, Biology, and Society
Section on Evolution, Biology, and Society - 4221
Brain, Mind and Society: From Social Neuroscience to Social
Experience and Back Again - 4421
Darwin’s Sociological Legacy: Historical and Current Controversies
and Accomplishments - 4321
Section on Family
Family Section - 3523, 3665
Family and Health - 3438
Family Section Roundtable Sessions - 3523
Gender and Family - 3238
Intergenerational Relationships - 3129
Work and Family - 4317
Session Index
Section on Global and Transnational Sociology
Section on Global and Transnational Sociology - 1223, 1420
Global and Transnational Sociology Beyond English - 1121
Global Crisis and Cultures of Resistance/Transformation - 1521
Open Topics in Global and Transnational Sociology - 2410
Open Topics in Global and Transnational Sociology (60 min) - 1223
Section on History of Sociology
Section on History of Sociology - 2036, 2136, 2236
The History of Sociology in Politics and Politics in Sociology - 2336
Section on Inequality, Poverty, and Mobility
Section on Inequality, Poverty, and Mobility - 3123
Empirical and Analytical Approaches to Intersectional Inequalities -
Section on Inequality, Poverty, and Mobility Roundtables - 3123
The Political Causes of Inequality, Poverty and Mobility - 4131
Two Open Sessions for Section on Inequality, Poverty, and Mobility -
3231, 3531
Section on International Migration
Section on International Migration - 3628, 4151
A New Comprehensive Immigration Reform - 4352
Critical Migration Studies and Under-explored Intersectionalities:
Racialization, Global Geopolitics, and Indigenous Peoples’
Mobilities - 4252
International Migration Roundtables - 4151
Media Framing or Framing the Media? Contemporary Portrayals of
Migrants and Refugees Around the World - 3154
Technologies of Migration Control - 4452
Theorizing and Understanding Immigrant Organizations - 3453
Section on Labor and Labor Movements
Section on Labor and Labor Movements - 1228
Labor’s New Challenges - 1421
New Strategies for Labor - 1129
Section on Labor and Labor Movements Roundtables - 1228
Section on Latina/o Sociology
Section on Latina/o Sociology - 2226
An Invitation to Reflexivity: Critical Race Theory, Intersectionality
and the Future of Latinx Sociology - 2429
Latina/Latino Sociology Roundtables - 2226
Latinxs and the Politics of Ethnoracial Knowledge - 2331
Section on Marxist Sociology
Section on Marxist Sociology - 1128, 1553, 1624
Marxist Sociology - 1230
Section on Marxist Sociology Refereed Roundtable Session - 1128
Section on Mathematical Sociology
Section on Mathematical Sociology - 2131, 2430
Open Topics in Mathematical Sociology - 2231
Section on Medical Sociology
Section on Medical Sociology - 3220, 3622, 4022, 4122, 4309
Expanding Diversity of Biosocial Research: Opportunities &
Challenges - 4409
Health and Health Care among Sexual Minorities - 3117
Health and the Workplace - 4210
Section on Medical Sociology Refereed Roundtables - 4122
Violence and Health - 3520
Section on Methodology
Section on Methodology - 1431
Computational Sociology - 1531
Methodology Section - 1131
Section on Organizations, Occupations, and Work
Section on Organizations, Occupations, and Work - 3222, 3623
Organizations, Occupations, and Work: Refereed Roundtables - 3222
Section on Organizations, Occupations, and Work/Open Topics on
Organizations, Occupations, and Work - 3441, 3541, 4246, 4308
Status and Organizations - 3139
Section on Peace, War, and Social Conflict
Section on Peace, War, and Social Conflict - 3028, 3128
Gender, Conflict, and Peace Making - 3242
Peace, War, and Human Rights - 3538
Peace, War and Social Conflict Roundtables - 3128
Section on Political Economy of the World-System
Section on Political Economy of the World-System - 4326
Cosmopolitan Localism: Situated Practices Circulating in World
Systems - 4220
Political Economy of the World System Roundtables - 4326
The Family and the Market in the Longue Durée - 4404
World Systems Analysis and the Political Economy of Africa - 4121
Section on Political Sociology
Section on Political Sociology - 2122, 2651
Populism in the Global North and South - 2209
Refereed Roundtables - 2122
Sociology of Political Elites - 2409
The Politics of Climate Change - 2309
White Nationalism and the Politics of Immigration - 1527
Section on Race, Gender, and Class
Section on Race, Gender, and Class - 3517, 4327
At the Site of Memory: Women of Color Epistemology, Knowledge,
and Cultural Production - 4209
Centering Sexuality in Race, Gender, and Class - 4408
Cultures of Classification: Race, Gender, and Class - 3417
Section on Race, Gender, and Class Roundtables - 4124
Youth Leadership and Social Change Through an Intersectional Lens
- 3217
Section on Racial and Ethnic Minorities
Section on Racial and Ethnic Minorities - 2666, 3422
Black Community, Entrepreneurship and Resistance at Work - 3120
Cite Black Women: Black Feminist Thought and Sociology - 3507
Race and Technology - 3229
Racial Attitudes, Racism, and Racial Violence in Trump’s America -
Section on Racial and Ethnic Minorities Roundtables - 3422
Studying Race Globally - 4310
Section on Rationality and Society
Section on Rationality and Society - 3137, 3626
Developments in Rational Choice Theory - 3437
Joint Session for Altruism, Morality and Social Solidarity and
Rationality and Society: Rationality, Norms and Social Action -
Section on Science, Knowledge, and Technology
Section on Science, Knowledge, and Technology - 2025, 2125, 2321,
Open Science, Knowledge, and Technology Section Session - 2221
Science, Knowledge, and Technology Roundtables - 2125
Section on Social Psychology
Section on Social Psychology - 1055, 1254, 2161
Open Topics in Social Psychology - 1154, 1554
Section on Social Psychology Refereed Roundtables (Cosponsored
with Section on Sociology of Emotions) - 1452
Section on Sociological Practice and Public Sociology
Section on Sociological Practice and Public Sociology - 3124, 3237
Section on Sociological Practice and Public Sociology Open
Roundtable Session - 3124
Sociological Impact and Dissemination Beyond the Ivory Tower -
Section on Sociology of Body and Embodiment
Section on Sociology of Body and Embodiment - 4029, 4128, 4328,
Intersectional Bodies (Joint Session between Race, Gender, and
Class and Sociology of Body and Embodiment) - 4129
Session Index
New Directions in the Sociology of Body and Embodiment - 4229
Sociology of Body and Embodiment Roundtables (60 minutes) -
Section on Sociology of Consumers and Consumption
Section on Sociology of Consumers and Consumption - 3666, 4012,
4128, 4128
Consumers and Consumption in Everyday Life - 4230
Consumers, Consumption, and Inequality - 4330
Section on Sociology of Consumers and Consumption Roundtables
- 4328
Section on Sociology of Culture
Section on Sociology of Culture - 1227
Culture and Inequality After Technology - 1429
Mind and Matter: Synthesizing Cognition and Materiality - 1529
Populism and Civic Cultures in a Global Context - 2129
Resurrecting the Macro in the Sociology of Culture - 2229
Sociology of Culture Section Roundtables - 1122
Section on Sociology of Development
Section on Sociology of Development - 3651, 4251
Food and Agriculture in Development - 4154
Global South Perspectives on Development - 3554
Open Panel on Sociology of Development - 4354
Populism, Democracy, and Development - 4454
Section on Sociology of Development Refereed Roundtables - 4251
Section on Sociology of Education
Section on Sociology of Education - 4451
Section on Sociology of Education Refereed Roundtables - 4451
Section on the Sociology of Education - 3153, 3253, 4153, 4253, 4353
Section on Sociology of Emotions
Section on Sociology of Emotions - 4011, 4319
Cutting Edge Research on the Sociology of Emotions - 4127, 4419
Section on Sociology of Human Rights
Section on Sociology of Human Rights - 2431
Challenges, Opportunities, and the Future of Human Rights - 2337
Section on Sociology of Law
Section on Sociology of Law - 2326
Finding the Sociology in Punishment and Society - 2109
Global Identities, Laws and Society - 2220
Law and Inequality - 2420
Section of Sociology of Law Refereed Roundtables - 2326
Section on Sociology of Mental Health
Section on Sociology of Mental Health - 2442
Integrative Approaches to Studying Mental Health Disparities - 2342
Social Networks, Social Roles, and Mental Health - 2242
Section on Sociology of Population
Section on Sociology of Population - 2152, 2361
Family Demography - 2261
Health and Mortality - 2461
Sociology of Population Roundtable - 2152
Section on Sociology of Religion
Section on Sociology of Religion - 3125
Open Topic in Sociology of Religion - 2436, 3239, 3439
Section on Sociology of Religion Roundtables - 3125
Section on Sociology of Sex and Gender
Section on Sociology of Sex and Gender - 2208, 2624, 3427
Disability, Sex, and Gender: Exploring Relationships, Identities, and
Bodies - 3521
Diverse Genders: Lived Experiences and Relations with Institutions
- 3221
Intimate Labor: Queer Families, Sex Work, and Intimacy Practices - 3127
Section on the Sociology of Sex and Gender Refereed Roundtables
- 2422
Sociologies of Fragility: Gender, Sexuality, Race and the Politics of
Emotion - 2303
Section on Sociology of Sexualities
Section on Sociology of Sexualities - 3252
Section on Sociology of Sexualities Roundtables - 3252
Sexualities and White Supremacy - 3461
Sexual Pleasure and Intimacy Work - 3561
Transnationalizing Gender and Sexuality Studies: Call for an
Epistemic Shift (Co-sponsored with the Section on Sociology of
Sex and Gender) - 3161
Section on Teaching and Learning in Sociology
Section on Teaching and Learning in Sociology - 1030, 1221, 1422, 1623
Accessible Teaching and Learning in Sociology - 1130
Perfecting Our Pedagogy - 1530
Teaching Strategies that Transform: Addressing Human Rights and
Inequalities Despite Ideological Resistance - 2146
Theory Section
Theory Section - 3553, 4117, 4217, 4325
Globalizing Social Theory - 3121
Heretical Theories - 4417
Theory Section Refereed Roundtables (1 hour) – 4325
Sociology in Practice Settings Symposium - 2124, 2224, 2324, 2424
Special Sessions - 1104, 1105, 1117, 1204, 1205, 1404, 1405, 1411, 1504,
1505, 2104, 2105, 2127, 2204, 2304, 2310, 2404, 2408, 3104,
3105, 3108, 3203, 3204, 3208, 3209, 3404, 3405, 3409, 3504,
3505, 4104, 4108, 4204, 4205, 4303, 4304, 4407
Student Forum
Student Forum - 2153, 2253, 3103, 3211
Student Forum Open Topic Paper Session - 1461, 3460
Student Forum Refereed Roundtable - 1252
Teaching and Learning Symposium - 2123, 2223, 2323, 2423
Thematic Sessions - 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109, 1206, 1207, 1209, 1407,
1408, 1409, 1506, 1507, 1508, 1509, 2106, 2107, 2205, 2206, 2207,
2305, 2306, 2307, 2403, 2405, 2406, 2407, 3106, 3107, 3109,
3205, 3206, 3406, 3407, 3408, 3420, 3506, 3508, 3509, 4105,
4106, 4107, 4109, 4206, 4207, 4208, 4305, 4306, 4307, 4405,
Departmental Management and Leadership Workshop - 1216, 1416,
1516, 4115
Policy and Research Workshop - 1116, 2116, 3516, 4116, 4216, 4315, 4415
Professional Development Workshop - 1115, 1215, 1415, 1515, 2115, 2215,
2308, 2315, 2415, 3115, 3215, 3415, 4215, 4316
Teaching Workshop - 2216, 2316, 2416, 3116, 3216
Session Index
1906-07 Lester F. Ward
1908-09 William G. Sumner
1910-11 Franklin H. Giddings
1912-13 Albion W. Small
1914-15 Edward A. Ross
1916 George E. Vincent
1917 George E. Howard
1918 Charles H. Cooley
1919 Frank W. Blackmar
1920 James Q. Dealey
1921 Edward C. Hayes
1922 James P. Lichtenberger
1923 Ulysses G. Weatherly
1924 Charles A. Ellwood
1925 Robert A. Park
1926 John L. Gillin
1927 William I. Thomas
1928 John M. Gillette
1929 William F. Ogburn
1930 Howard W. Odum
1931 Emory S. Bogardus
1932 Luther L. Bernard
1933 Edward B. Reuter
1934 Ernest W. Burgess
1935 F. Stuart Chapin
1936 Henry P. Fairchild
1937 Ellsworth Faris
1938 Frank H. Hankins
1939 Edwin H. Sutherland
1940 Robert M. MacIver
1941 Stuart A. Queen
1942 Dwight Sanderson
1943 George A. Lundberg
1944 Rupert B. Vance
1945 Kimball Young
1946 Carl C. Taylor
1947 Louis Wirth
1948 E. Franklin Frazier
1949 Talcott Parsons
1950 Leonard S. Cottrell, Jr.
1951 Robert C. Angell
1952 Dorothy Swaine Thomas
1953 Samuel A. Stouer
1954 Florian Znaniecki
1955 Donald Young
1956 Herbert Blumer
1957 Robert K. Merton
1958 Robin M. Williams, Jr.
1959 Kingsley David
1960 Howard Becker
1961 Robert E.L. Faris
1962 Paul F. Lazarsfeld
1963 Everett C. Hughes
1964 George C. Homans
1965 Pitirim Sorokin
1966 Wilbert E. Moore
1967 Charles P. Loomis
1968 Philip M. Hauser
1969 Arnold M. Rose*
1969 Ralph H. Turner
1970 Reinhard Bendix
1971 William H. Sewell
1972 William J. Goode
1973 Mirra Komarovsky
1974 Peter M. Blau
1975 Lewis A. Coser
1976 Alfred McClung Lee
1977 J. Milton Yinger
1978 Amos H. Hawley
1979 Hubert M. Blalock, Jr.
1980 Peter H. Rossi
1981 William Foote Whyte
1982 Erving Goman
1983 Alice S. Rossi
1984 James F. Short, Jr.
1985 Kai T. Erikson
1986 Matilda White Riley
1987 Melvin L. Kohn
1988 Herbert J. Gans
1989 Joan Huber
1990 William Julius Wilson
1991 Stanley Lieberson
1992 James S. Coleman
1993 Seymour Martin Lipset
1994 William A. Gamson
1995 Amitai Etzioni
1996 Maureen T. Hallinan
1997 Neil J. Smelser
1998 Jill Quadagno
1999 Alejandro Portes
2000 Joe R. Feagin
2001 Douglas Massey
2002 Barbara F. Reskin
2003 William T. Bielby
2004 Michael Burawoy
2005 Troy Duster
2006 Cynthia Fuchs Epstein
2007 Frances Fox Piven
2008 Arne L. Kalleberg
2009 Patricia Hill Collins
2010 Evelyn Nakano Glenn
2011 Randall Collins
2012 Erik Olin Wright
2013 Cecilia Ridgeway
2014 Annette Lareau
2015 Paula England
2016 Ruth Milkman
2017 Michèle Lamont
2018 Eduardo Bonilla-Silva
2019 Mary Romero
*died in oce
Past Ocers
1906 1st William G. Sumner
2nd Franklin H. Giddings
1912 1st Edward A. Ross
2nd George E. Vincent
1913 1st Edward A. Ross
2nd George E. Vincent
1914 1st George E. Vincent
2nd George E. Howard
1915 1st George E. Vincent
2nd George E. Howard
1916 1st George E. Howard
2nd Charles H. Cooley
1917 1st Charles H. Cooley
2nd Frank W. Blackmar
1918 1st Frank W. Blackmar
2nd James Q. Dealey
1919 1st James Q. Dealey
2nd Edward C. Hayes
1920 1st Edward C. Hayes
2nd J. P. Lichtenberger
1921 1st J. P. Lichtenberger
2nd Ulysses G. Weatherly
1922 1st Ulysses G. Weatherly
2nd Charles A. Ellwood
1923 1st Charles A. Ellwood\
2nd Robert E. Park
1924 1st Robert E. Park
2nd John L. Gillin
1925 1st John L. Gillin
2nd Walter F. Willcox
1926 1st John M. Gillette
2nd William I. Thomas
1927 1st William F. Ogburn
2nd Emory S. Bogardus
1928 1st Frank H. Hankins
2nd Luther L. Bernard
1929 1st Howard W. Odum
2nd Edwin H. Sutherland
1930 1st Edwin H. Sutherland
2nd Dwight Sanderson
1931 1st Ellsworth Faris
2nd R. D. McKenzie
1932 1st C. J. Galpin
2nd Neva R. Deardor
1933 1st Ernest W. Burgess
2nd Floyd N. House
1934 1st H. P. Fairchild
2nd Stuart A. Queen
1935 1st Arthur J. Todd
2nd Clarence M. Case
1936 1st Dwight Sanderson
2nd J. H. Kolb
1937 1st Charles S. Johnson
2nd Carl C. Taylor
1938 1st Warren S. Thompson
2nd Warner E. Gettys
1939 1st Dorothy Swaine Thomas
2nd Jesse F. Steiner
1940 1st Stuart A. Queen
2nd James H. S. Bossard
1941 1st James H. S. Bossard
2nd Howard Becker
1942 1st Harold A. Phelps
2nd Katherine Jocher
1943 1st Kimball Young
2nd Samuel A. Stouer
1944 1st Read Bain
2nd Carl C. Taylor
1945 1st Carl C. Taylor
2nd Leonard S. Cottrell, Jr.
1946 1st Leonard S. Cottrell, Jr.
2nd E. Franklin Frazier
1947 1st E. Franklin Frazier
2nd Robert C. Angell
1948 1st Robert C. Angell
2nd Herbert Blumer
1949 1st Dorothy Swaine Thomas
2nd Philip M. Hauser
1950 1st Robert K. Merton
2nd Margaret Jarman Hagood
1951 1st Margaret Jarman Hagood
2nd Kingsley Davis
1952 1st Cliord Kirkpatrick
2nd Joyce Hertzler
1953 1st Herbert Blumer
2nd Jessie Bernard
1954 1st Jessie Bernard
2nd Philip M. Hauser
1955 1st Philip M. Hauser
2nd Robin M. Williams, Jr.
1956 1st Robin M. Williams, Jr
2nd Meyer F. Nimko
1957 1st Kingsley Davis
2nd August B. Hollingshead
1958 Robert E. L. Faris
1959 Harry Alpert
1960 Wilbert E. Moore
1961 George C. Homans
1962 William H. Sewell
1963 Leonard Broom
1964 Reinhard Bendix
1965 Robert Bierstedt
1966 Arnold M. Rose
1967 Rudolf Heberle
1968 William J. Goode
1969 Ralph Turner
1970 Gerhard Lenski
1971 Morris Janowitz
1972 Mirra Komarovsky
1973 Raymond W. Mack
1974 Matilda White Riley
1975 Neil J. Smelser
1976 Alex Inkeles
1977 Suzanne Keller
1978 Alice S. Rossi
1979 Charles Y. Glock
1980 Helen MacGill Hughes
1981 Renee C. Fox
1982 Joan Huber
1983 Everett K. Wilson
1984 Edgar F. Borgatta
1985 Morris Rosenberg
1986 Rose Laub Coser
1987 Mayer N. Zald
1988 Richard J. Hill
1989 Glen H. Elder, Jr.
1990 Edna Bonacich
1991 Barbara F. Reskin
1992 Doris Y. Wilkinson
1993 Jill Quadagno
1994 Barrie Thorne
1995 Karen Cook
1996 Myra Marx Ferree
1997 Charles V. Willie
1998 Cora Bagley Marrett
1999 Patricia Roos
2000 Nan Lin
2001 Richard D. Alba
2002 Elijah Anderson
2003 Ivan Szelenyi
2004 Bernice Pescosolido
2005 Caroline Hodges Persell
2006 Lynn Smith-Lovin
2007 Bonnie Thornton Dill
2008 Douglas McAdam
2009 Margaret Andersen
2010 John Logan
2011 David Snow
2012 Edward E. Telles
2013 Jennifer L. Glass
2014 Brian Powell
2015 Cecilia Menjivar
2016 Barbara J. Risman
2017 Kathleen Gerson
2018 Christopher Uggen
2019 Grace Kao
Vice Presidents
Past Ocers
Executive Ocers
1906-09 C.W.A. Veditz
1910-12 Alvan A. Tenney
1913-20 Scott E.W. Bedford
1921-30 Ernest W. Burgess
1931-35 Herbert Blumer
1936-41 Harold A. Phelps
1942-46 Conrad Taeuber
1947-48 Ernest Mowrer
1949 Irene Taeuber
1949-54 John W. Riley
1955-58 Wellman J. Warner
1959-60 Donald Young
1961-65 Talcott Parsons
1966-68 Robin M. Williams, Jr.
1969-71 Peter H. Rossi
1972-74 J. Milton Yinger
1975-77 William H. Form
1978-80 James F. Short, Jr.
1981-83 Herbert L. Costner
1984-86 Theodore Caplow
1987-89 Michael Aiken
1990-92 Beth B. Hess
1993-95 Arlene Kaplan Daniels
1996-98 Teresa A. Sullivan
1999-01 Florence B. Bonner
2002-04 Arne L. Kalleberg
2005-07 Franklin D. Wilson
2008-10 Donald Tomaskovic-Devey
2011-13 Catherine White Berheide
2014-16 Mary Romero
2017-19 David Takeuchi
1949-60 Matilda White Riley
1960-61 Robert Bierstedt
1961-62 Robert O. Carlson
1963-66 Gresham Sykes
1966-70 Edmund H. Volkart
1971-72 N.J. Demerath II
1972-75 Otto N. Larsen
1975-77 Hans O. Mauksch
1977-82 Russell R. Dynes
1982-91 William V. D’Antonio
1991-2002 Felice J. Levine
2002-2016 Sally T. Hillsman
Past Ocers
ASA Annual Meeting
August 7-10, 2021
Chicago, IL