Universal Journal of Educational Research 5(5): 848-861, 2017 http://www.hrpub.org
DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2017.050517
High School Students' Written Argumentation Qualities
with Problem-Based Computer-Aided Material (PBCAM)
Designed about Human Endocrine System
Gülşah Sezen Vekli
, Atilla Çimer
Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Faculty of Education, Bozok University, Turkey
Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Faculty of Education, Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey
Copyright©2017 by authors, all rights reserved. Authors agree that this article remains permanently open access under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International License
Abstract This study investigated development of
students' scientific argumentation levels in the applications
made with Problem-Based Computer-Aided Material
(PBCAM) designed about Human Endocrine System. The
case study method was used: The study group was formed of
43 students in the 11th grade of the science high school in
Rize. Human Endocrine System Argumentation Texts
(HESAT) was used to determine the students’ scientific
argumentation levels made before and after the applications
with PBCAM. Besides, “PBCAM Student Records” were
investigated to determine students’ scientific argumentation
levels on three different problems in relation to Human
Endocrine System during the applications with PBCAM.
Within the scope of the research problem, semi-structured
interviews were made with 10 students among the
participants after the application as well. Students’ scientific
argumentation levels were assessed with a rubric prepared
by one of researchers within the framework of the scientific
discussion model Sampson and Clark [1]. The qualitative
results indicated that: applications made with PBCAM
improved students’ skills for presenting claims, proofs,
reasoning and conceptual quality of the claims in scientific
argumentation. Also, it was seen that "the Observation"
section presented as a source of information in the PBCAM
was effective on improving students' conceptual
understanding. From this point of view, similar applications
can be used also in teaching other biology subjects similar to
endocrine system topic, which does not provide
opportunities to conduct experiments and observations and
which is hard to understand.
Keywords Scientific Argumentation, Problem-Based
Computer-Aided Material, High School Students
1. Introduction
Studies researching the issues where students have
difficulties in biology lessons and the reasons behind such
difficulties reveal that "Human Endocrine System" subject is
among the first subjects which students have difficulties
comprehending [2, 3, 4, 5]. Considering that one of the most
basic goals of the biology program is to make students
acquire basic knowledge regarding their bodies and
environment, the necessity and the importance of learning
the subject of "Human Endocrine System" regulating all the
metabolic events in the human body becomes clear. The
reasons why students had difficulties learning this subject
were specified in the relevant literature as the subject
containing intense and invisible, that is, abstract concepts,
not being able to associate the learning with the daily life
during the learning process and students not having
experiences regarding the subject based on experiments or
When the attainments to be obtained from “Human
Endocrine System” subject in the biology teaching program
are investigated, it is seen that students' skills such as
problem solving, researching, organizing information and
using information and communication technology tools were
mentioned [6]. However, no model guiding material
containing active learning methods to give the skills
mentioned in the program was encountered. Similarly, the
fact that no model application regarding how information
and communication technology tools would be used within
the scope of this program was included to the new program is
also striking.
One of the active learning methods that can be used in the
lessons for giving students the skills envisaged in the
program and revealing the close relationship between the
subject of "human endocrine system" and the daily life is
Problem Based Learning (PBL). Positive results obtained
from the studies, in which PBL was applied and assessed,
also support this idea [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,
18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26].
In the literature, it is possible to encounter studies
revealing the limitations in the application process of
Universal Journal of Educational Research 5(5): 848-861, 2017 849
problem based learning. The disadvantages of the method
can be summarized as follows in the studies reaching results
in line with this idea: 1. More time is required for the
applications of problem based learning [18, 27] 2. Problems
used in problem based learning being not interesting or
motivating for the students [28]. 3. Teachers having
problems in terms of directing the process of problem based
learning [27, 28, 29, 30]. 4. Studies suggesting students
acquired less or incomplete information in problem based
learning [9, 18, 31, 32] and finally 5. Having problems in
terms of assessment in problem based learning [33].
With regard to how these limitations encountered in
problem based learning can be reduced by means of
multimedia developed in a computerized environment,
researchers argue the following: Computers provide
facilities such as ensuring richer concepts in PBL
applications, individualizing applications, feedbacks and
reflections, making it possible to access the desired
information independently of time and space and making
more realistic assessments [9, 18, 32, 33].
This situation pushed researchers to conduct studies
combining problem based learning and computer
environment in recent years [34, 35]. When the learning
level and the studies conducted with problem based learning
environments developed in computer environment are
investigated, it is seen that problem based learning
applications integrated with computer environments reduced
the number of some limitations, which might be encountered
in the traditional problem based learning, and contributed to
the development of problem solving skills of the students [14,
35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41].
Problem solving skill requires the processes of developing
an appropriate solution for the problem and supporting this
solution with data and proof. These processes are ensured by
means of scientific argumentation (Jonassen, 2010).
Scientific discussion is closely related to problem solving
skills and includes problem solving argumentation because it
contains the dimensions of inquiry or supporting and
defending or convincing [42].
It helps students develop their problem-based learning
environments encouraging them to have scientific
argumentation and reveals the qualities of the scientific
argumentation students have in these environments. For
example, in their study, in which, they investigated
structures of the argumentation made by 87 high school
students during the problem solving process, by means of
computer-aided problem-based software, Sandavol and
Millwood [43] recorded and subsequently analyzed all the
actions taken by the students during the problem solving
process regarding two problems about natural selection. As a
result of the study, it was revealed that the students paid
attention to use proof in their argumentation texts to support
their claims but they did not use enough proof supporting
these claims. In addition to that, it was determined that the
students failed to explain how the resources they used in the
argumentation were related to certain claims they made.
Köroğlu [44], on the other hand, investigated the effect of
a problem based simulation environment s/he developed for
heredity topic on the students' academic success and level of
using scientific argumentation elements. Ninety-five eight
grade students participated in the study, which was
conducted using the experimental method. The control group
and three experimental groups, four groups equal in terms of
gender and the results of the reading comprehension test
(IOWA) were determined. The experimental group 1 learned
in a simulation environment supported by guiding questions
based on teaching by argumentation and argumentation
elements while the experimental group 2 learned in a
simulation environment supported by guiding questions
based on argumentation element, the experimental group 3
learned in a simulation environment without support and the
control group learned by means of the traditional method.
Academic success test, scientific argumentation integrative
scoring guide and scientific argumentation analytic scoring
guide were used as data collection tools during the study
conducted in a period of 7 weeks. Academic success test and
argumentation texts were applied on all the groups before
and after the application. As a result of the study, it was
determined that there were no significant differences
between the mean scores of the experimental group 1 and the
experimental group 2 in terms of academic success,
argumentation analytic post-test scores and argumentation
integrative post-test scores and, the mean scores of these two
groups differed significantly from the mean scores of the
experimental group 3 and the control group. This study is
important because it shows that scientific argumentation
elements can be indirectly taught to students by means of
answers given to the questions asked in a computer-aided
learning environment.
Like Köroğlu, Belland, Glazevski and Richardson [45]
also included guiding questions in the problem-based
computer-aided software they developed about human
genome project and they investigated the effect of these
guiding questions on the skills of primary school students for
establishing proof-based arguments. Different types of
guiding questions were included to 'the Connection Log' part
of the software. As a result of the study, to which 86 seventh
grade students participated, it was shown that guiding
questions had a significant effect on the argument
establishment skills of the student groups. The guiding
questions helped students considerably to establish
communication and organize information. It is suggested in
the study that 'the Connection Log' part may help primary
school students in terms of defining the problem better,
researching about the relevant information and establishing
more consistent arguments during the process of establishing
A similar study was conducted by Sampson and Gleim [46]
to improve students' comprehension of biology concepts. For
this purpose the researchers developed a laboratory software
based on scientific argumentation-oriented study. This
software developed for the molecular foundations of
850 High School Students’ Written Argumentation Qualities with Problem-Based Computer-Aided Material (PBCAM)
Designed about Human Endocrine System
heredity allows students to structure their scientific
argumentation by encouraging them to explain the questions
in the study. Researchers specify that
argumentation-oriented teaching software based on research
will contribute to ensure that students assume more
responsibility about their own learning.
In this respect, it is possible to say that the number of
studies regarding the subject is scarce, if any, especially
about the domestic biology education. In addition to that, no
similar study regarding high school biology lessons in our
country was encountered among the resources that were
accessed. From this point of view, a problem-based learning
material encouraging students to have scientific
argumentation is developed and it is thought that the results
to be obtained using this material and the current study
investigating the development of the scientific
argumentation establishing skills of the students will fill the
gap in this area.
A problem-based learning materials about "Human
Endocrine System" integrated with computer environment
was developed in this study and it was aimed to investigate
the development of students' scientific argumentation levels
in the applications made with this material.
2. Method
The purpose of this study was to investigate the scientific
argumentation levels of the students during the applications
made Problem-Based Computer-Aided Material (PBCAM)
developed about Human Endocrine System. For this reason,
this study was conducted with the case study method.
Considering the easy access by the researcher, time and
accommodation conditions, the study was conducted in Rize
province. A preliminary study was made to determine
teachers' and school administrators' attitudes regarding this
study and the physical conditions that the schools have to
conduct this study at a minimum level. As a result of this
study, among three schools with the necessary physical
conditions the science high school in Rize province where
positive attitude was displayed regarding the study was
chosen to conduct the study.
The study group was formed of 43 (22+21) students from
two different classes (class B and class C) in the 11th grade
of the same school. It is obtained essential permissions from
Ministry of National Education via petition. Demographic
characteristics of these students are summarized in Table 1.
Table 1. Demographic characteristics of study group (n=43)
Within the scope of the research problem, semi-structured
interviews were made with 10 students among the
participants. Creswell [47] underlines that the group of the
interviewed individuals should have a homogeneous
structure to be able to reflect the general situation. According
to this opinion, their conceptual understanding was taken as
basis and a total number of 10 students (3 students from the
lower level, 4 students from the middle level and 3 from the
higher level) were selected according to the scores they got
from the Human Endocrine System Conceptual
Understanding Pre-test (HESCUPT). In addition to that, the
voluntariness of the students, who participated in the
interview, was also taken into consideration at this stage.
2.1. Human Endocrine System Argumentation Texts
A survey form named Human Endocrine System
Argumentation Texts (HESAT) was developed to determine
the qualities of the scientific argument made by the students
before and after the applications conducted together with
PBCAM. HESAT is formed of three similar problem
situations appropriate for the content of the problem
situations in the application process. One of the problem
situations is the arranged version of the problem scenario
developed by Gün [48] within the scope of this
postgraduate thesis study. Others were developed by the
researcher. Opinions and suggestions were taken from a
specialist physician working in the Endocrinology and
Metabolism Diseases Department of Trabzon Numune
Hospital during the development stage of the problem
scenarios in HESAT.
The survey form is formed of problem scenarios and the
scientific argumentation based guiding questions regarding
these scenarios.
2.2. Problem-Based Computer-Aided Material Student
"PBCAM Student Records" were investigated to
determine the qualities of the scientific argumentation made
by the students on three different problems they encountered
in relation to Human Endocrine System during the
applications made with PBCAM. The students
inexperienced about problem-based learning needed much
guidance during this process [28, 29, 30, 49]. PBCAM was
developed with the support of guiding questions to direct the
problem solving processes of the students and structure their
scientific argumentation during this process. These questions
were developed by based on the guiding questions in the
thesis study about scientific argumentation conducted by
Köroğlu [44]. Answers given by the students for each
problem situation during the application process are
recorded by the system. The system makes it possible for the
researcher to see the answers given by the students during
the application process whenever s/he desires to do so.
2.3. Interview
Semi-structured interviews were made with the students in
Universal Journal of Educational Research 5(5): 848-861, 2017 851
the study group after the application in order to determine the
students' opinions about PBCAM and applications made
together with this material. This interview study was
conducted according to "the Interview Form" approach of
Patton [50]. There is a directive section in the first part of the
interview form specifying the purpose of the interviews. The
second part includes questions to determine students'
opinions regarding PBCAM and the activities during the
application process.
2.4. Problem-Based Computer-Aided Material (PBCAM)
The model named 3C3R presented by Hung [51] was
taken as basis while developing the problem-based
computer-aided material [52]. The model supports students
in acquiring various mental skills such as reasoning and
problem solving while learning the concepts related to the
lessons during the solving process of the problem presented
as a concept [51, 53]. It also allows the designers
inexperienced about this model of problem-based learning to
develop efficient problems by following a systematic
method. The students need to follow the steps specified
below during the solving process of a problem scenario in
PBCAM (see Figure 1):
1. Investigating problem situation (monitoring/reading)
2. Investigating the task part
3. Making explanations regarding the guiding questions
based on argumentation elements
4. Investigating research menu (observation, laboratory
test results, physical findings, relevant links)
5. Collection of data (proof) and writing them in "Take
Notes" section
6. Making explanations regarding the guiding questions
based on argumentation elements
7. Repeating the steps above when necessary
The links for "Physical Symptoms, laboratory Test
Results, Observation and the Relevant Links" containing
proof elements are under the "Research" menu in the
material. Students can investigate the connections in this
menu, note their reasoning and deductions and reveal the
cause and effect relationships about the problem.
Physical Symptoms: This is the section including the proof
elements about the problem. This section includes guiding
questions encouraging students to reason and the "Take
Notes" link making them take notes the deductions.
Laboratory Test Results: This is the section including the
proof elements about the problem. This section includes
guiding questions encouraging students to reasoning and the
"Take Notes" link making them note their deductions.
Observation: This is the section containing the proof
elements about the problem. This environment is formed of
simulations and animations. With this feature, it can be
considered as the visual source of information allowing
students to observe the duties of endocrine glands and
hormones during the problem solving process. This section
includes guiding questions encouraging students to
reasoning and the "Take Notes" link making them note their
The Relevant Links: This is the section containing the
proof elements about the problem. This section includes pdf
files containing detailed information about Human
Endocrine System subjects. Similar to the other sections, this
section also includes guiding questions encouraging students
to reason and the "Take Notes" link making them note their
Figure 1. A screenshot of Problem-Based Computer-Aided Material
852 High School Students’ Written Argumentation Qualities with Problem-Based Computer-Aided Material (PBCAM)
Designed about Human Endocrine System
Administrator Panel: Answers given by the students for
argumentation-based guiding questions during the process of
problem solving and the notes they took can be seen by the
administrator in this section.
The opinions of experts comprising academicians in the
area of biology teaching, biology teachers and academicians
in the area of education technologies were obtained to assess
the usability of PBCAM. As a result of the assessment, it was
determined that PBCAM was adequate in terms of content,
design and format compatibility [54].
2.5. Implementation Process
The application was made in a period of one and a half
months by one of the researchers. An informative lecture of
one hour was allocated to provide general information
regarding the use, the process and the assessment of PBCAM.
Information guides prepared for the use of PBCAM
containing these subjects were distributed to the students at
the end of the lessons. Theoretical information regarding
secretory glands and endocrine glands subjects, which
should be known before starting to learn Human Endocrine
System, was given to the students as preliminary
Groups were determined for the group works to be done in
the problem solving process at this stage. Heterogeneous
groups were made according to the suggestions of the class
teacher. The groups were formed of 4 or 5 students. Firstly,
the students were asked about a problem situation in video
format which is called as “Is Shrek real?" By means of the
projector in the classroom the students watched it twice and
those asking for the textual form of the problem situation
could read it on the screens of the computers they need. The
students filled individual and group problem scenario
analysis forms, respectively, as a part of the lesson.
The researcher asked guiding questions and tried to
activate the preliminary knowledge of the students about the
problem at this stage. In the next lesson, students
investigated the activities in PBCAM and tried to answer the
guiding questions prepared based on argumentation elements
during this process. In another lesson, students made
research as a group for the research report they needed to
prepare regarding the solution of the problem and started to
write research reports. The students made presentations in
groups in the final lesson allocated for the problem scenario.
A research report prepared by the students as a group is
presented below. The total amount of time allocated to each
group for presentations is 10 minutes. Self-Assessment Form
was distributed to the students to fill it outside the lesson
time and it was collected in the next lesson.
The basic stages followed above were followed in a
similar way for the other problem scenarios for another two
weeks. HESCAPT and argumentation text was applied to the
students one week after the application process. In addition
to that, interviews were made with 10 students
predetermined according to preliminary HESCAPT results.
2.6. Data Analysis
In this study, the quality of the scientific argumentation
that students had during the applications made with PBCAM
were assessed with a rubric prepared within the framework
of the scientific argumentation model Sampson and Clark [1]
presented by taking basis Toulmin's "Scientific
Argumentation Elements" model. Scientific argumentation
model developed by Sampson and Clark [1] is comprised of
explanation (Similar to Toulmin's claim element), proof
(similar to Toulmin’s data element), reasoning (similar to the
combination of Toulmin’s guarantee and support elements)
and the conceptual quality of the claim.
a Explanation (claim) element contains explanations
regarding the answers of the students for the research
questions (argumentation-based guiding questions). At
this stage, an explanation made by the students requires
providing a solution for a problem, expressing a
descriptive relation or presenting a causal mechanism.
b Proof element defines the whole data supporting the
compliance and validity of the explanations made by
the students. Proof can contain various kinds of
information ranging from numeric data to observation
c Reasoning element of the model defines the process of
supporting why the claim is valid by associating it with
reasonable proof.
d Sampson and Clark [1] underline that students'
comprehension about a subject is also important for the
scientific argumentation that students will have
regarding a subject. For this reason, researchers handled
the conceptual quality of the claims presented by the
students as a separate element in this model.
An analytical assessment guide (rubric) was developed
according to the model mentioned above in order to
determine the quality of the scientific argumentation made
by the students during the applications made with PBCAM.
In this assessment guide developed by the researchers,
elements of claim, proof, reasoning and the conceptual
quality of the claim were divided into levels considering the
criteria suggested according to the scientific argumentation
model of Sampson and Clark [1]. These criteria can be
summarized as relevancy, importance, clarity/
understandability, validity and reliability of the scientific
argumentation element and its quantitative sufficiency.
According to this, five levels (0, 2, 4 6 and 8) were formed
for every scientific argumentation element in the assessment
guide (claim, proof, reasoning and the conceptual quality of
their claims).
With the aim of ensuring the reliability of the Scientific
Argumentation Elements Usage Level Assessment Guide
according to the suggestions of LeCompte and Goetz [55]
the strategy of including another researcher to the process
while analyzing the obtained data and confirming the results
that were obtained. Within this context, double-coding
procedure method specified by Miles and Huberman [56]
was used. A PhD candidate, who completed his M.A. thesis
Universal Journal of Educational Research 5(5): 848-861, 2017 853
in Scientific Argumentation Teaching in the area of Science
Teaching, joined the researcher in the analysis process of the
During this process, the other researcher was informed
about using PBCAM and Argumentation Elements Usage
Level Assessment Guide before the analysis in order to
improve the reliability within the framework of Luft's [57]
suggestion. The other researcher could not be included to the
analysis of all the data because there were too many
participants, hence, too much data. Instead of this, the data
set, which will represent approximately 20% of all the data,
could be analyzed with the other researcher. Preliminary
argumentation texts, application texts and the final
argumentation texts of 8 students randomly chosen among
the participants were analyzed independently by both
researchers. At this stage, all the answers given by the
students for each problem were assigned to a level using the
assessment guide containing the usage levels of
argumentation elements and the relevant definitions.
Reliability between the researchers was determined as
0.82 for the claim element while it was determined as 0.76
for the proof element, as 0.73 for the reasoning element and
as 0.91 for the conceptual quality of claim element. Miles
and Huberman [56] stated that a percentage at and above
70% indicated reliable coding. The fact that the agreement
percentage calculated for all the scientific argumentation
elements in this study are above 70% indicates that the
Scientific Argumentation Elements Usage Level Assessment
Guide is consistent and reliable.
Content analysis approach was adopted in the analysis of
the interview data considering it as more appropriate for the
nature of the research problem. Within this context, similar
interview data was compiled within the framework of certain
concepts and themes and organized in a way that is
understandable by the reader. This structure was revealed by
the researcher by subjecting the collected data to an
inductive analysis since there was no conceptual structure to
guide the analysis of the collected data.
Another researcher was included to the process to ensure
the reliability of the data from the interviews that were made
and the results were confirmed. Within this context, a
researcher, who had his doctoral education in the area of
chemistry teaching and who is experienced in content
analysis, joined the original researcher in analyzing part of
the interview data. Interview data of two randomly chosen
students (a dataset that corresponds to 20% of the whole
interview data) was independently subjected to a content
analysis by the two researchers. Themes and sub-themes
obtained by both researchers were compared as a result of
the content analysis and an agreement percentage of 86%
was ensured in this study. This situation indicates that the
coding made during the content analysis was reliable.
Besides, in the findings section, direct quotes were made
from the interview data in order to present the reader how the
themes and sub-themes were obtained more objectively.
3. Findings and Discussion
This section contains findings about the developed
PBCAM and the development that occurred in the scientific
argumentation levels of the students during the applications
made with this material. Within this context, findings
regarding the elements of claim, proof and reasoning used by
the students in the scientific argumentation and the
conceptual quality levels of the claims they made are
presented in the subheadings.
3.1. Findings Regarding the Students' Usage Level of the
Claim Element
The claim element in this study is defined as students’
expressing a definitive relationship, providing a solution for
a problem or presenting a causal mechanism in scientific
argumentation they made individually.
Approximately 97% of the students' claims before the
application are at level 2 and 4 while the levels of the claims
by the students increased to 4 and 6 (84%). Application
process developed students' skills for making claims (see
figure 2). A similar case is observed in the text of the final
argumentation made after the application. It is even seen that
the percentage of the claims made at level 8 during this stage
(12.4%) increased approximately three times compared with
to the ones during the application process. All these values
show that students' skills for making claims were improved
by PBCAM and the applications made together with this
An important point that drew attention during the
application process was that the students wrote the proof
element instead of the claim element. For example, in a
problem situation named "the Unbelievable Suspicion", S47
developed the following claim for the
argumentation-element based guiding question "What can be
Halit Bey's cause of death?": “Parathormona being secreted
less than the normal value range”. However, this is a proof
element which the students can obtain from the Laboratory
Test Results in PBCAM while making researches during
problem solving process and use to support their valid claims.
This example and similar examples were encountered in the
scientific argumentation made by the students before and
during the application process in particular. Similar results
were obtained from the studies by Kuhn and Reiser [58],
Choi, Notebaert, Diaz and Hand [59]. As Aldağ [60] and Bell
and Linn [61] specified, the reasons for this situation may be
the students' lack of preliminary information, superficiality
of the information they have or their tendency to ignore
alternative explanations.
854 High School Students’ Written Argumentation Qualities with Problem-Based Computer-Aided Material (PBCAM)
Designed about Human Endocrine System
Figure 2. The students’ usage level of the claim element
In such environments, where most of the learning
responsibility is undertaken by students, students try to
create solutions for the given problems while structuring
their information at the same time. The students may prefer
to present claims with superficial information instead of
inquiring about and researching cause and effect relation in
depth during the problem solving process. As a matter of fact,
similar results were obtained also from the current study.
Ekinci's [62] study conducted with 3428 students shows that
students mostly employ superficial learning approach while
handling a learning subject. Ramsden [63] specifies that
these approaches of students are closely related to their
previous experiences. Similarly, Cuthbert [64] underlines
that past experiences of the students especially regarding
their learning about the subject and their understanding of
the subject affects the approaches students prefer in a certain
learning environment. At this point, it is seen that students
preferred the superficial learning approach in the lessons
carried out with a focus on transferring the knowledge.
Considering the opinion above, the reason why students tend
to make superficial explanations during the application made
with PBCAM may be because their past learning
experiences were generally based on obtaining information
from outside. The following statement of a student obtained
during an interview supports this opinion.
S7: “…The teachers have been speaking and we have
been receiving, we have been receiving for 11 years… our
minds are getting used to this. As I said, we are dulling our
researching skills. We dulled it for 11 years. It is not so easy
to revive it in a short period of moment. For example, you
came and we slowly started after a period of 2-3 weeks but I
think this is not our full performance yet. We could be better
than this. For example, I think we can be much more
successful if we start to use this system in the middle school.
We will already be doing the things before you tell us to do
so and tell us what we will research for and where we will
research for it, I think we will be more successful in
researches etc. that way."
3.2. Findings Regarding the Students' Usage Level of the
Proof Element
Proof element defines the whole data supporting the
compliance and validity of the explanations made by the
students in this study. It is seen that the students presented
proof to support the ideas they suggested in their scientific
argumentation with the applications made with PBCAM.
When proofs presented by the students in their scientific
argumentation before, during and after the application are
investigated, it is seen that approximately 90% of the proofs
the students presented before the application were at level 2
and 4 while these levels regarding the proofs provided by the
students increased to 4 (52.7%) and 6 (32.6%). Application
process developed students' skills for presenting proof. On
the other hand, a slight decrease was observed in the rates of
the proofs presented at the levels of 4 and 6 in the final
argumentation text after the application while an increase
was observed in the rates of proof presented at level 8
compared with to the ones in preliminary argumentation text
and application process. All these values show that students'
skills for presenting proof were improved by PBCAM and
the applications made together with this material (see figure
Universal Journal of Educational Research 5(5): 848-861, 2017 855
Figure 3. The students’ usage level of the proof element
On the other hand, when the whole process is taken into
consideration in general, it was determined that the students
had difficulties in presenting the proofs they needed to use to
support their claims. This finding is in parallel with the
results of the studies by Kuhn and Reiser [58], Sandavol and
Reiser [65], Keys [66], Yerrick [67], Sandavol and Millwood
[43] and Dawson and Wenvile [68]. Results of another study
made in evolutionary biology support the finding above [69].
It was suggested in the study that the students did not present
enough proof to support their claims regarding the natural
selection concept or they could present a very small number
of proof in this regard. Sandoval and Reiser [65] and Yerrick
[67] explains this situation with the claim that the students,
who are used to learn by regular telling and teaching of a
lesson, have difficulties to develop general strategies or
strategies specific to the areas while using scientific
argumentation elements. Similarly, Aldağ [60] defines the
students' lack of skills for using scientific argumentation
elements as a natural result of not including methods
supporting thinking and discussing skills in their education.
These reasons suggested by Sandoval and Reiser, Yerrick
and Aldağ can be the reasons why the students have
difficulties in presenting a sufficient amount of strong proof
in their scientific argumentation. In addition to that, the
students' tendency to make superficial explanations because
they are bored of making explanations can be considered as
another reason for this situation. The students' opinions
received during the interviews together with the observations
made during the application process support this assumption.
During the application process, students generally tended to
give short answers to the questions. Short answers given are
not recorded to the system because of the character limit of
the answer section of PBCAM questions. It was observed
that the students encountered the warning "Your answer
could not be recorded in the system since it was short" while
answering the questions during the application process,
especially in the first weeks. Also, the following statement of
a student revealed during an interview can be considered as
another indicator of the students' tendency to give short
S9: “I was a little bit bored. There were mostly verbal
questions, the questions to which we would have to make
long explanations to answer. This is why I was a little bit
On the other hand, an issue that drew attention during the
application was that the students often used the information
in the Observation section and the information regarding the
Laboratory Test Results in PDBD as proofs to support their
claims while they rarely used the information in the Physical
Symptoms and the Relevant Links section. The studies by
Fischer, Troendle and Mandl, [70] and Krange and
Ludvigsen [40] revealed that the students were not interested
in electronic textual information and they did not use these
parts a lot. As Yıldırım [71] specified, this situation might be
associated with the fact that the students are more interested
in learning stimulus addressing to more than one sensory
Similarly, information regarding Laboratory Test Results
section was noted in the Take Notes section in the Research
Menu while information regarding other sections was rarely
noted. This situation may result from the students' tendency
to make superficial explanations for the questions in
PBCAM. As it was specified above, students avoided
making verbal explanations during the application process.
A similar situation might be discussed for the research menu
sections containing mostly textual information. It was
observed that the students did not take many notes regarding
these sections requiring them to write long verbal statements.
However, it was seen that they used the information
regarding these sections as proof in the answers for the
questions asked in the system. Another reason why students
did not use "Take Notes" section while researching during
856 High School Students’ Written Argumentation Qualities with Problem-Based Computer-Aided Material (PBCAM)
Designed about Human Endocrine System
the problem solving process may be that they were
inexperienced about researching. The statements made by
some students during the interview also support this opinion.
Another thing that drew attention during the application
was that the students had a tendency to often avoid the proofs
not supporting their claims when they encountered such
proofs. For example, values of some hormones in the
Laboratory Test Results in PBCAM were intentionally given
by the researcher as low or high values very close to the
normal values (reference values). On the other hand, when
the answers given by the students for the
argumentation-based questions were taken into
consideration, it was seen that the students did not use this
information they considered to be not related to their claims
as proof or they did not make any explanations regarding
why these were invalid proofs for them. Chinn and Brewer
[72] also determined in their study that the students gave
similar reactions such as avoiding the proofs when they
encountered proofs that did not support their claims and
completely excluding such proofs from the claim. As
specified by Aldağ [60] and Bell and Linn [61], the reason
for this may be the students' tendency to ignore alternative
explanations other than the claims they made.
It was determined that the students did not use all of the
proof elements in their problem situations to support their
claims in final argumentation text just as in the application
process. The reason for this may be the inexperience of the
students in making scientific argumentation or the students
not being able to fully comprehend the concepts involving
the problem [69]. This study was conducted in over a short
period of four weeks. The researcher making the application
informed the students about scientific argumentation before
the application and provided guidance during the process.
However, the students could not be made to do model
applications in these subjects because the time allocated for
this study was limited. Limitations such as the shortness of
application period and the students’ not making any similar
applications regarding the subject may have been ineffective
in terms of eliminating the students' inexperience in making
scientific argumentation. This assumption is confirmed by
the experimental study by Köroğlu [44] The researcher
determined that although there was no difference in terms of
using other scientific argumentation elements before the
application, there was a significant difference about the level
of using the proof element between the students, on whom
scientific argumentation teaching and applications were
made, and the students on whom such applications were not
3.3. Findings Regarding the Students' Usage Level of the
Reasoning Element
Reasoning element in this study defines the process of
supporting why the claim is valid by associating it with
reasonable proof (Sampson and Clark, 2008). When the level
of reasoning students used in their scientific argumentation
before, during and after the application are investigated, it is
seen that approximately 90% of the reasoning was at level 2
and 4 before the application while these levels by the
students of reasoning were increased to 4 (49.6%) and 6
(18.6%) (68.2%). Application process developed students'
skills for reasoning (see figure 3). On the other hand, a slight
decrease was observed in the rates of the reasoning at the
levels of 4 and 6 regarding the final argumentation text after
the application while an increase was observed in the rates of
reasoning at level 8 compared with to the ones in preliminary
argumentation text and application process. All these values
show that students' skills for reasoning were improved by
PBCAM and the applications made together with this
Figure 4. The students usage level of the reasoning element
Universal Journal of Educational Research 5(5): 848-861, 2017 857
When the process is taken into consideration as a whole, it
is seen that the students generally sufficed with repeating
their claims or they were insufficient in terms of explaining
what kind of relation exists between the claim and the proofs
they suggested. Similar results were obtained from the study
conducted by Sandoval and Reiser [65] with the high school
students studying the subject of evolutionary biology and the
study conducted by Sandoval and Millwood [43] with the
high school students studying the subject of natural selection.
In these studies, the students failed to explain how the proofs
they used in the scientific argumentation were related to the
claims they made. Another study conducted by Jimenez,
Rodriguez and Duschl [73] about genetics suggests that the
insufficiency of proof and the insufficiency of reasoning
were related to each other. In other words, the insufficiency
of the proofs suggested by the students is directly related to
their insufficiency in reasoning. The low level of the
students' usage of the proof element in PBCAM during the
problem solving process in this study also supports this
On the other hand, the fact that the students had a low
level of using reasoning before the application can be
explained with the insufficiency of their preliminary
information. The students construct their information in the
area about the problem while also solving the problem at the
same time during the application process. The students are
expected to structure the information they obtained from
PBCAM by establishing a cause and effect relationship
within the framework of the problem. The fact that the
students could not explain how the proofs they suggested
supported the claims they made can be associated with their
inexperience in terms of using such kind of environments as
also specified by Yerrick [67] and Aldağ [60]. As a natural
result of this situation, the students may get bored when
answering the questions in PBCAM, which render thinking
visible, and tend to avoid the answers to these questions in
detail. As a matter of fact, a previously specified statement
by S9, with whom an interview was made, confirms this
It is possible to say that the students increased their level
of using reasoning after the application. On the other hand, it
is striking that the rate for using reasoning at level 8 was low
during the study. It was seen that the students still tended to
avoid explaining how the proofs they suggested supported
their claims even after they had knowledge about the subject.
According to Aldağ [60], reasoning requires being able to
determine qualities regarding an object or situation, to
classify this object or the situation and associate this object
and situation with another object or situation. According to
the researcher, if the person who learned the information
does not have the relevant skill, such information, even if it is
complete in nature, will be unprocessed and unassociated.
Activities in PBCAM guide the students to associate the
information they obtain during problem solving process by
means of cause-based reasoning. However, considering the
shortness of the application process, naturally the students,
who encountered such an environment for the first time, are
not expected to reason at a high level.
On the other hand, Jimenez, Rodriguez and Duschl [73],
Kuhn and Reiser [58] suggest that the reason why the
students avoid explaining how the proofs they specified
supported their claims was because they could not
completely comprehend the problem subjects in a conceptual
sense. In this study, it was discussed that this reason
suggested by the researchers in question might be one of the
reasons why the students avoided explaining how the proofs
supported their claims. As a matter of fact, a large part of the
responsibility for learning was left to the students in PBCAM
and the applications made in this environment. Therefore,
the students also construct their information regarding the
concepts in the problem on their own during the application
process. It is natural that the understanding of the students
with a superficial learning approach regarding the subject is
also superficial. As a natural result of this situation, the
students may avoid explaining the claims they made in a
logical way.
3.4. Findings Regarding the Conceptual Quality Level of
the Claims Made by the Students
In this study, the conceptual quality element defines
whether or not a claim that was made was accurate,
acceptable and valid from a conceptual point of view [1].
When the conceptual quality level of the claims made by the
students in their scientific argumentation before, during and
after the application are investigated, it is seen that
approximately 97% of the conceptual quality of the claims
the students made was at level 2 and 4 before the application
while these levels were increased to 4 (31%) and 6 (48.1%)
by the students. The students developed the conceptual
qualities of the claims they made during the application
process (see figure 5). On the other hand, while a slight
increase was observed in the conceptual quality levels of the
claims made at levels 4 and 6 in the final argumentation text
prepared after the application, an important increase was
observed at level 8 compared with to preliminary
argumentation text (0%) and the application process (6.2%).
In addition to that, it is striking that the conceptual quality
percentage of the claim that was made at level 2 at the end of
the application (2.9%) decreased slightly compared with to
the time before the application (12.4%) and the application
process (14.8%). All these values show that PBCAM and the
applications made together with this environment improved
the claims made by the students in conceptual terms.
When the process was investigated as a whole, it was
determined that the students stated their claims in a clear and
understandable manner within the framework of a question
or problem even if it was partially valid. Similarly, the
experimental study by Aldağ [60] shows that the claims
made by the students before the application have higher
averages compared to other scientific argumentation
elements. No problems about students' use of the claim
element are mentioned in the literature regarding scientific
858 High School Students’ Written Argumentation Qualities with Problem-Based Computer-Aided Material (PBCAM)
Designed about Human Endocrine System
Figure 5. The conceptual quality levels of the claims made by the students
4. Conclusion and Suggestions
PBCAM and the applications made with this material
improved students’ skills for presenting claims in scientific
argumentation. While students tended to present their claims
with superficial information instead of inquiring about and
researching the cause and effect relationship at the beginning
of the application process, it was determined that they
questioned and researched more towards the end of the
application process, thus they were able to make more valid
and stronger claims. PBCAM contributed to the
development of students' skills for presenting claims in
scientific argumentation because it allowed students to
assume responsibility for their own learning during the
problem solving process and to structure information by
making discoveries on their own.
PBCAM and the applications made with this material
improved students' skills for presenting proofs in scientific
argumentation. It is striking that most of the proofs presented
by the students before the application were inaccurate,
implicit, irrelevant, unimportant, invalid and unreliable or
the proofs that are based on a very small amount of the
problem data. On the other hand, it is seen that the students
started to present accurate, clear, valid and reliable proofs
containing most of the problem data during the application
process. Similarly, it is striking that the students presented a
higher number of stronger proofs to support their claims also
after the application.
PBCAM and the applications made with this material
improved students' skills for reasoning in scientific
argumentation. It was concluded that guiding questions like
"Why do you think so?", "Are your thoughts and the result
you reached after your observations the same?" and "Can
you explain that a little bit more?" asked to students during
the problem solving process directed students into inquiry
and, with this aspect, PBCAM contributed to the
development of the students' reasoning skills. Considering
this result, guiding questions may be included to scientific
argumentation based learning environments to be created in
the future.
PBCAM and the applications made with this material
improved the conceptual quality of the claims made by the
students during scientific argumentation. Effective learning
can be realized in biology teaching by developing learning
environments with a similar approach for other subjects in
the biology program.
Also, it was seen that "the Observation" section presented
as a source of information in the study was effective on
improving students' conceptual understanding. From this
point of view, similar applications can be used also in
teaching other biology subjects similar to endocrine system
topic, which does not provide opportunities to conduct
experiments and observations and which is hard to
Information regarding how the students made research
during the problem solving process, which sources of
information they used more or less etc. was quite effective on
the interpretation of the findings obtained from this study. If
the time students spent in the sections of the research menu
can be recorded with PBCAM, this will not only allow
increasing the validity of the data obtained from the
observations and the interviews but also make it possible to
obtain more detailed information regarding problem solving
performances of the students.
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